#if it sounds like i have taken offence and would like to challenge to a duel of honour at dawn; it is and i do
There is a thing I don't get, why Yuanzhi was so against the idea of Ziyu becoming the sword wielder?
Just because he wanted his brother to be it? Or because of the rumors about Ziyu's mother? I mean, Shangjue was always logical on the reasons why he didn't want Ziyu to be the leader while Yuanzhi seemed to just do what he was told to do.
I read an answer on Reddit where Yuanzhi was described as Shangjue's dog, with no opinions of his own, petty and oblivious. Many people regarded him as the true villain of the show because he caused pain and played tricks for no real reasons. Do you think he is like that? Only smart for poisons?
Me to the Redditor who said that:
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Knuckle and buckle, kids, you're on the Gab Meta Train.
1. Gong Ziyu started out hella unqualified and everyone knows it
Don't come at me and tell me Gong Ziyu was the most worthy candidate to be the Sword Wielder because based on the first character setup, he definitely was not it. He was known to frequent the pleasure house, he stumbles home drunk in broad daylight, he has no involvement in the family's affairs, and he is most definitely more known as a dandy than anyone who is being groomed to take over the helm of the family.
Honestly, off the bat, in real life, would you want someone with a proven track record to lead you and protect you and your interests, or would you want some dude who is better known for hanging out at a brothel than he is actually handling paperwork or has a track record of maturity?
Yuanzhi, who is younger than Ziyu, but already is contributing to the day-to-day running and the development of tech and research for the family.
Which means...?
He has skin in the game about who he wants to lead him in the family. And that's a very valid stance to take. It's more than "oh Gege told me to do this, so I will" because that's such a sad 1 dimension take, and again, to that Redditor:
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Of course, we as the audience know that Ziyu will shape up. He will step up and he will answer the call, so to speak. But Gong Yuanzhi and Gong Shangjue did not. And if you really think about it, they're pretty much 'employees' of the Gong company. They just didn't agree with what top management decided and vocally voiced that opinion.
If you reeeeeallly want to think about it, they were just unionising :)
(gonna put this under a read more coz it got long)
2. Gong Shangjue has instilled a mentality of "Family First"
Relating to the first point.
Shangjue is obviously Yuanzhi's North Star. He is who Yuanzhi is shaping himself to be, and for all we know of his character, of course he would. He's basically the perfect man to aspire to be in a society like theirs.
So, when Shangjue says, "Family is the Most Important", don't you think Yuanzhi is gonna listen? Gong Shangjue is Gong Yuanzhi's most important person. He's family in a way that the rest aren't. Even if he doesn't outright say "I want that position", Yuanzhi would have done anything to help support him and get him there.
And going on the point where Shangjue and Yuanzhi were on Ziyu's case coz of the rumours that his mom was possibly pregnant when she married into the Gong family; I know other users on the MJTY tag have quite possibly discussed this matter (shoutout to @kingsandbastardz @swiftletinthecloud @romchat for their lovely metas and analysis posts ❤️ I consume them with much gratitude and glee), but let me crudely try to wrangle what has been beautifully said into my my own words;
For a family that prides themselves with being very strict about their familial rules, the fact that there is some measure and level of doubt persisting about Ziyu's parentage should have and must disqualify him from the position itself. Ziyu's dad could have easily kiboshed the rumours but he didn't, why?
More than that, the implication given to Shangjue over tea was that the position of Zhiren was always meant to go to him. Rewatch that scene where he last saw his uncle. Tell me differently.
The whole paternity issue is just one facet of a very Ziyu shaped problem. Having a murky paternity will raise issues of succession. Why do you think the nobilities of Europe back then had a court of people, usually people of importance, to be present when a marriage was consummated and a child was born? This is to make sure that there was no doubt that the marriage was legitimate and the line of succession and paternity remains unbroken.
(there were always exceptions to the rule, of course, but you get my drift, right?)
Of course, we got the resolutions to all of these issues; Ziyu was always the bio son of the Zhiren, he probably didn't kibosh the rumours because he never wanted to have his son carry that burden of leading the family when he could tell that his son had always wanted to leave the Valley, and Shangjue never coveted the position in the first place, he just wanted the right person to lead.
3. Yuanzhi has no opinions
Yuanzhi's just a dog to Shangjue? Well, if he's a dog, I wanna be one too Woof Woof.
Yuanzhi has his own motivations and drive. They just so happened to be Gege-shaped. I don't see how that warrants being called someone's dog.
He doesn't have his own opinions? Bro quite literally almost died to prove a point that the porridge was poisoned and Shangguan Qian cannot be trusted. HOW IS THAT NOT HAVING AN OPINION?
Honestly, it's Reddit so I shouldn't be this surprised about the hot takes that happen on there, but damn if some people lack two brain cells to rub together to critically consume the media in front of them.
4. Yuanzhi is a reactionary character
Think about it; how many times throughout the narrative did he cause problems for no apparent reason?
If anything, don't you think that Ziyu & co. are the ones who deliberately do things to antagonise him and Shangjue? It's almost midnight as I am typing this and the old noggin is starting to lag, but let's focus on the blood GPS incident.
Yuanzhi saw that the people in the Yu residence were being a bit suspicious so he goes to snoop (cause + reason = reaction). Jin Fan is best boy, but Yuanzhi did not instigate that fight, he did (with good reason i know i know). (offense + defense = reaction). Ziyu & co. tried to stuff him into the closet (*snerk*) and what does he do? Bites down until he bleeds because he knows Gege will find him if he sniffs him out. And he did. A successful reaction.
In my opinion, he's like gunpowder -- left alone, they'll be fine. When given a spark, will react.
And again with feeling... To the Redditor who spouted such utter shite;
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Class dismissed
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ribbittrobbit · 7 months
this is it, the wuvvy thoughts are here
ok to preface: i think that Rue is a very compelling flawed character, and i have lots of Rue feelings but I have more Wuvvy feelings.
Alright so Wuvvy is Rue's faithful right hand, she has shaped her life around Rue, following them and leaving her own court and giving up a position as a champion. Notably, Wuvvy has always willingly done everything Rue has asked, maybe even done more than that to the point of anticipating their needs, maybe that liberty will lead to her downfall. She repeatedly reassures Rue, of her love and support in pretty much anything and everything. The phrase "you know i love you, right?" is such a beautiful and tragic summary of her character.
Because she reassures them of her love by word and by action - and the rift is caused when Rue commands her. Up until that point Wuvvy was supportive of Rue's interest in Hobb, maybe not thinking too deeply about it, maybe just to validate Rue's feelings and make them feel good. But when she was made to burn the letter, something breaks. She would have done what was asked of her, but to be commanded at the slightest and maybe first hesitation Wuvvy has ever shown? and when Wuvvy's questions aren't even against Rue, she is deeply in favor of Rue chasing their happiness, she only expresses grief when they doubt themselves. That strikes me as deeply grave betrayal, to command a willing person whose only hesitation was fuelled by good intentions. And an argument can be made that maybe Wuvvy harbors jealousy but I think any of it comes after this moment, any doubt comes back to this command.
So she takes a liberty and acts in the name of Rue's honor, challenging Hobb to a duel for the offence of making them cry.
And Rue, Rue who believes in love and romance but is also volatile and confused and full of secrets and fear. Who is a master of weaving words and placating and putting on a show and putting the correct face on for whoever sees them. Rue chases romance, sheds their glamour, and still leans on Wuvvy for support in the midst of this rift: "but you'll stay by my side" and it's a statement, not a question. They remain assured of Wuvvy's support, why wouldn't they be? when they've been frequently reassured of Wuvvy's undying devotion and love. And what does Wuvvy say in return? "It's been very nice to walk beside you" and maybe that's the problem.
And we see the distance grow between them, they start to be out of sync. Rue says their thing about wanting Wuvvy to learn to exist, being worried that she is "bound by obligation and not love" and what does that even mean? what does that sound like to someone who has taken on obligation out of love? What does Rue expect Wuvvy to find by "existing", romance? why would they presume that?
And the final thing is "your contract is done, you are no longer bound by me". Oh to drop that on a person who does not view this as a contract. Imagine Wuvvy having the most important person in her life so solemnly say something that shows such a profound misunderstanding of her person.
Maybe they are both selfish and their relationship is needlesly complicated by unwavering devotion and inequality. In the end we see Rue chasing romance and the idea of love and being volatile and passionate. And Wuvvy loved a person or the idea of them, never making for a real understanding, never forming a true reciprocity.
tldr: a 10/10 tragedy of a person, wuvvy.
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gritsandbrits · 3 months
Adam Learns Feminism (Hazbin x OC Drabble)
Summary: Avaline tries to help great grampy Adam unpack his misogyny. Familial, not a Romance Ship. Adam x Granddaughter!OC.
Avaline slammed a stack of books down on the table in front of Adam.
"The hell are these?" He asked, his voice muffled with food.
"Since you seem to forget what it's like to be human, I thought I'd give you a refresher," replied Avaline perkily.
Adam grabbed the book on top and read the title out loud.
"The Feminine Mystique. What's so mystique about women? I had that shit figured out ages ago!" Boasted the fallen angel.
"Aw yes, cuz women love being called the b word," the blonde human retorted with a roll of her eyes. She remembered the times he'd stop by her mom's workplace and scared off her female coworkers. All except one but they all didn't like her, Adam included.
"Anyways I took it upon myself to teach you how to understand our gender better. So you won't go around calling random strangers names, and respect women's boundaries."
"Please, as someone who lived thousands of years I don't need to relearn stuff I already know," huffed the First Man.
"Besides the ladies love me. You should've seen me back in the day they were crawling all over me and LOVING IT!"
"Says the guy who got divorced twice and has a pick me for a girlfriend," snarked Evan as she walked past them towards the fridge. She ignored Adam's indignant cry and opened up the fridge, only to groan miserably when she didn't find what she was hoping for.
"Hey who ate up the lamb chops!"
She looked at the table and saw bones on Adam's plate.
"Should've ate them when you had the chance," he tsked. As if to rub it in he started to gnaw on the bone with the most meat.
Evan's eyes narrowed. "Fat ass!"
"You make it sound like it belongs to you did it have your name on it?" Adam grinned.
Evan huffed and went arouns fir more food. She grabbed a couple luscious green apples, still arguing with Adam over the ownership of the leftovers.
"Y'all stop," Ava sighed as she took a seat beside Adam. "I'm tryin to help him be more conscious,"
"Good luck with that," said Evan. "The old bastard is so set in his ways, it'll probably take till the final judgement to get him to change his mind."
Adam felt insulted. "Hey are you trying to say I'm unable to change?!"
"I mean you said the same thing about Charlie and look how THAT turned out," Evan replied, gesturing to the Sinner's lackluster appearance.
"I take great offence to your statement!" Adam shot back.
Ava sighed again. No wonder Abel left, she said to herself. "Look it's not going to take all day, we'll start with reading a few chapters each week, then increase as we go along," Ava explained.
"Y'all have fun," she waved goodbye and left the kitchen.
"But grampy you have to learn go be mores respectful to women if you want to have a better chance at keeping them," Ava pointed out.
"Now we can keep arguing and lose progress or..." She left that statement unfinished
"Or?" Adam challenged.
"Or I'm telling Grandma Cass you ate the rest of her pork chops." Ava pointed at the empty plate.
Fear struck Adam in the chest. He hated the old bat. He'd rather marry the gremlin who stabbed him than spend a single minute with the elderly fool.
But since Cass was the mother of his granddaughter Flora, and the only other person willing to house him on Earth, he had no choice but to respect her.
He grumbled, cursing the feminist mystery and uppity teenagers. Great now his afternoon would be taken up by modern day bullshit!
Ava showed him a few chapters and read them out loud. The whole time Adam sitting with his head in his hand bored out of his mind.
The Feminarchy Mystic, whatever it's called, was an beloved book by human standards, and a stale one by his standard. Ava said its significance is why she decided to start with it first.
After an hour Avaline decided it was time to end the session.
"Alright class let's see what we've got." Adam pushed his paper to show her what he had written.
"I'M SORRY WOMAN." scribbled in hasty, near ineligible mess. The rest of the paper were childlike doodles Adam drew of himself, and strangling Lucifer with lilith and eve cheering him from the background
Ava's mouth twisted in an awkward smile. "It's a start."
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originemesis · 3 months
@hellpride is trying his best to keep these humes alive - from xxx
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The shrieks of terror were new. Adam could cut Lucifer at his core with the licks of fear leaving slights against the angels core. He almost did not want allow the frightened man to leave his hold; there would be nowhere safer than by that of a cherubim. Or so...one would assume. Begrudgingly, Lucifer allowed him to uncoil away from the safety of his angelic care. A huff pulling out the last remaining frustration that influenced a forbidden desire; he could not simply hold Adam from self caused mistakes forever. Made in gods image. However, he was also made to be a troublesome foundation for Lucifer's worry. Oh, this guilt! All those harsh words and desire to claim another chance of more delicate touch came right back onto the angel. "I see. That sounds very serious." Eyes up the fluffy nimbus casting a shadow of insult over the first man. With one smooth and swift brush of a wing upwards Lucifer casted the cloud into disbursement. Content with the challenge taken cared of Lucifer tucked each wing downwards in rest. "Feel a bit better?? Hm. Hm." Nods without waiting for confirmation. "Good. Now, if I see you doing that again I'll push every cloud together and follow you both around with it. Doesn't sound very fun, does it?? Exactly!! Don't be foolish like this again. Just stick the normal and safe mistakes. Like tripping and the other lesser offences to your body. Unless I'm here to watch over you." Catches Adams hand in his own secure hold. "You can be as reckless as you please if I'm near. Just-- not when others are watching. You want to make a good impression on the Seraphim. I think." His chatty lesson slowed down to that which was unexplainable. Lucifer wasn't exactly sure of the first man and woman's purpose entirely with concern to the angels plans. Just that he cannot be seen found dead on the ground due to a cloud. Sighs. The humans have such odd standards; better Lucifer not stress a headache trying to understand the unreasonable desire for perfection in the imperfect. May the humans explore that in his tight lipped security. "Keep this in mind, for me??" Adam was not out of the ballpark yet. Lucifer gave a gentle tug of encouragement for Adam to follow him. Really, Lucifer should have left once Adam was secure once more but the angel always lingered where he shouldn't. Keeping some semblance of security Lucifer found the perfect spot. Adam in the light as Lucifer claimed the shadow of a tall tree of great green lush to shelter from prying eyes. "Why are you so upset these days?? Or are you just made to be this empty-headed??" Presses a touch to his forehead. His voice followed by a short lasting laughter.
With how much lower to the ground the angel is, Adam would have been wiggling out into a low enough position to pass any limbo challenge, but thankfully the short stature is not without its uses. Namely- becoming an arm rest for the man to push off of, even if it is essentially a shove in the guardian's face that might cause him a stumbled step back or two and imparts the imprint of an elbow planted upon the others cheek in the rough and tumble blissful unawareness that was humanity's first, but not exactly brightest.
Once on his feet, Adam nodded and flicked his head and hair back with the satisfied air of not only being heard clearly, but wholly agreed with. His hands rested on his hips, the divine seal of creation in the form of a glowing, ethereal leaf sitting between the gesture as a reminder from the artist just who the first was modelled after. With a squeeze, he'd leaned back for a better angle to fling a squint up at the cloud in question. "Ch'yeah...it DOES." And he wouldn't have to wait long for the angel to obliterate the so called 'pretty' cloud. "Whoa- direct hit!" He whistled appreciatively, but winced and crossed his arms afterwards. "I mean- I was so gonna do that. But you know, like. More..." With arms unfurling and stretching to either side like an offered hug, he flexed his fingers in to form fists a few times before he settled on, "-hands on??"
After a few more moments spent examining the capability which was making fists, he took to the other's rapidly advancing platitudes and quickly crossed his arms again, almost dramatic in the way he tossed his gaze upwards and tried to balance on one foot for good measure. "I- GUESS..." Though he wasn't too sure what there was to feel better about. Eve was still going to call the other clouds pretty eventually. When did he ever get to relax?
The grab for his hand upset his one footed wobbling and pulled him down onto two, so he swiveled his attention that way, though it would be after a couple of blinks that he'd prove if there was truly anything going on behind those golden veils. "Hah- your hands are tinier than Eve's, dude. I'm gonna call you Ladyfingers." And he did clap both of his larger ones around Lucifer's hand for an amusing comparison before the other would start to yank him unamused elsewhere.
Once faced with the angel at the tree, the man gave a curious tilt of the head to consider the question, though the claim had him scoffing. "It's not even empty, my dude. Look- I got eyes don't I? Oh wait, you probs can't see'em down there." And with that prehistoric height jab, he'd moved to balance on his knees and attempt a headbutt to close the distance- but merely ended up with his forehead caught by a planted palm. "Huh?" Something warm welled up across his face in streaks of gold not unlike the freckles found in the same vicinity and he flashed a playful canine briefly as if he just discovered why the animals with the horns liked to bonk one another in the head.
"Where have you been anyway?" A shift, and the grin fell to a more inquisitive pursing of lips.
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"They said you left. You don't wanna hang out anymore?"
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
paring(s); Izuru x AFAB!reader
warning(s); cussing, woAHH reader is a prostitute hired by enoshima, reader is AFAB, oral sex (m receiving), humiliation kink whoop, degradation kink double whoop, ah yes dirty talk, degrading names, spit-play,  prositution, multiple orgasms, wall sex, slow and steady wins the race, dumbification, begging, dacryphillia, sadism, kind of like fuck or die???? but not really??????? AND DEAR LORD I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING WITH THIS GOD oii
note; i actually had a dream similar to this— also i lowkey got attached to these characters and now im seriously considering making a series of this???? DHSBJDDBF IDK IT REMINDS ME OF, LIKE AAAA IDK
wc; 4.1k+
Everything was terribly boring. 
It was funny; that had been the only thought Izuru seemed to have in his brain, even as you were on your knees sucking him off like he was your last meal. Glaring down at you, he stifled a disappointed sigh. In all honesty, you weren’t bad; but he knows he could do much better, perhaps even find much better. It was almost a guarantee that he’d get someone else to do the job for him much better. 
Sitting on the throne of a comfortable chair, he had barely broken a sweat, nor had he even moaned a single time. Of course, that would frustrate you; you were squeezing whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth, ‘faking’ moans—or at least that’s what you told yourself you were doing—to send vibrations down his spine, and swallowing all the filthy pre-cum of his cock had released. And the man didn’t even have the gall to at least pretend to like it. 
It irritated you.
Why had he even accepted Enoshima’s offer for you if he hadn’t even been enjoying it? You hadn’t even touched yourself yet, and you were the one completely soaking in your panties—whilst you swore you heard him sigh, and not one of pleasure. Every part of it was humiliating for you.
“This is boring, get off.” You perked your head up, popping your lips off the unsatisfied pink tip, and to your humiliation, you looked up at him with sad, puppy dog eyes; ones that you hadn’t even purposely put on. You felt your heart drop all the way down to your stomach, “Boring…?” Well, that did it. 
Desperation turned into anger, and before you knew it, you had been crawling on this man’s lap, thighs straddling him, and hands digging into his shoulder as you looked down at him with feigned dominance. You gritted your teeth, he hadn’t a single reaction, just a look of genuine curiosity, and the same look of bored annoyance. He didn’t seem to like being suddenly touched, not like you even cared. Boring, huh? You’d prove to this self-entitled fuck, you weren’t as boring as he thought you to be. 
“... What do you think you’re doing?” With his question of genuine intent to know, his dull tone of voice seemed to have affected your interpretation of what he truly meant to say. Despite the condescending and almost offended tone, he truly wanted to know. Someone like you, crawling into his lap as if you hadn’t been face-to-face with possibly the world’s most dangerous human being; brought a small spark of interest in his chest.
Maybe you had some potential, he would think. “Are you trying to prove yourself to me?” With his eyes gleaming with curiosity and anticipation, you leaned back as you felt him lean in. With his nose inches away from yours, you shrunk just a slight but kept your act as strong as you could hold it for.
You gulped, gaze and grip faltering underneath his piercing gaze. Suddenly you felt small again. Your previous surge of dominance seemed to crumble and collapse as he brought his hands up to grope at your hips, reminding you who was really in charge here. He narrowed his eyes as he felt your hesitance and yielding, his large hands that had cupped your ass had practically been supporting all your weight as you backed down in the body and in mind. Damn it. He wondered where your confidence went, it was only just getting fun— but perhaps, all good things come to an end.
Well. He wasn’t going to let you give up that easily.
Suddenly, he let go, causing your ass that had once been held up by his hands, to fall back and knock onto his knees harshly; and you swore you could see a ghost of an expectant smirk on his face. Surprising you further, Izuru uttered 4 words that only seemed to confuse you, yet excite you all the same.
“Go on then. Try.” Your breath hitched, averted eyes now confused and focused them back onto the long-haired male. “W- what?” Izuru’s eyes narrowed at you, and the impatient look he had sent to you almost felt like a reward as you felt yourself growing more sodden. “Try and prove that you aren’t just another hole. That’s why you’re still here, no?” He spoke, and you swore you could hear his voice lower in tone.
He rested his hands on the armrests of his chair, leaning back ever so slightly as he got comfortable; as if he was about to watch a performance made just for him—which hadn’t been far from the truth.
But to your surprise and not his, you obeyed. 
If this was your chance to prove yourself to him— the ultimate hope that everyone seemed to be intimidated by—you’d take it. Of course, you would. 
Despite the growing anxiety in your heart that you’d mess up, you pushed it down and put one brave façade; he would sense your fear if you displayed it too much. 
Your efforts turned futile anyway; you should’ve known he’d sense your hesitance. 
Acknowledging your hesitance you thought hadn’t been too obvious about, Izuru brought it up. “What’s stopping you? Your fear?” Izuru hummed, leaning down to peck at your chest, “Well, that’s understandable; you should be scared.” Followed by the light sound of his lips against your heated shoulder. 
“... Though I assume that’s not what you’re afraid of at this moment.” Assume? More like knew. You were so predictable to him, a flick of your finger could tell him exactly what you’re thinking. With a tender gaze you were surely seeing wrong, he stared up at you expectantly as he waited for your answer. 
“Well?” You gritted your teeth at his sudden gentleness, taking more offence to it than you should have. You didn’t like being treated with kid gloves, not by him at least; for all you know, he kills children. “I’m not scared of anything—” He was huge, of course, you were terrified. ”How do you know I’m not just trying to slow it down, so you’re ready for it?” You challenged, shifting yourself above his tip that still glistened with your saliva from the earlier blow. Izuru looked at you, nearly taken aback. 
It made you feel incompetent. As if he thought you couldn’t do it, as if he thought you couldn’t give him the best night of your life. Of course, you’d be offended. No one likes being underestimated, especially not by him. It just brings you a whole new different feeling of humiliation. 
And he knew that. He just wanted you to hurry up, you know, provoke you a little. Foreplay was… Boring; he’d think with a small smile.
“Surely, you’re not that idio—” He cut himself off with a sharp inhale, lips parting and eyebrow twitching from the way your slick cunt slid over the tip of his dick, sinking in with ease. “I- I’m not what?” You breathed out, a shaky, smug grin contorting on your face as you tried your best to conceal the fact his dick had felt like it had literally been splitting you in two. “Hnnahh— Jesus-” You dropped your head for a second, nails digging deeper into the material of his suit; surprisingly, he didn’t care all that much about the material damage—at the moment, he cared more about the fact you hadn’t even sunk half his dick in yet, and you already looked like you were near-tears.
Maybe care would be an overstatement. 
You bit down on your once-smug smile, jaw going slack as you felt the pleasant curve of his dick, rub against your vaginal walls ever so slightly—following the movements of your own heavy panting. “You shouldn’t be so cocky, S/o.” He didn’t seem to hear the irony hiding in between his almost-mocking words.
You scoffed at his taunting statement, staring him straight in the eye as you walked further into his trap, and sunk down lower—stifling a wince as you felt him sink in you alarmingly deep. How big was he!? Well, you already knew the answer to that question. Your jaw still hurt from earlier. But that stretch had been positively incomparable to the stretch your pussy had currently been experiencing. 
Izuru pursed his lips, silently groaning at the way your walls clamped onto him as if you were already trying to milk him of his cum. You were so tight, he noted in his mind; well he wasn’t going to complain. As a sex worker, he would’ve expected you to be looser, easier to slip in; it seemed one of his predictions had been incorrect. 
In a dry, uncaring tone, he addressed the bead of sweat forming on your forehead from the stretch. “Can you really take it? You look like you’re in pain.” the part that irked you the most had been the small undertone of genuine concern for your being. Yeah, Izuru; the ultimate I-don’t-care-if-you’re-dead, cared if you could take his dick. 
Maybe your heart would’ve been swelling with joy, had it not taken a large hit on your pride. You were a sex worker, not the protagonist of a fucking romance comedy. 
You could feel yourself growing angrier and angrier by the second; a large part of you just wanted to get him off and leave—but there was a larger part of you that… strangely wanted to please this man, prove him wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, the urge was purely sexual. 
Rolling your eyes at his ‘concern’, “Can you just- Nh!” you held your breath before clutching onto his suit a little more desperately than you wanted to as you sunk the rest of him inside you. Embarrassment made its debut in your reddening cheeks as you unwillingly let a few whimpers slip out. “—B- be fucking quiet? For on- Mn! O- once?” He paused before retorting back in that same blunt tone, seemingly unamused by your curses as he had been busy watching your bodily reactions closely, as well as feeling them first hand. “... You’re shivering.” He addressed the tremor of your shoulders, as well as the contractions of your walls against his cock. 
“It- It’s cold.” You lied through your teeth, to which he found annoying; surely, you knew that he would read through that lie, so what was the point of even trying? 
Sighing in annoyance, he bucked his hips, exhaling sharply through his nose as you yelped and collapsed onto him, body going limp as you felt him hit your sweet spot. With a slightly panicked moan, you dug your shined face deeper into the crook of his shoulder, causing him to shiver as he felt the breath of your moan hit his neck. “Hnn-! A- a- already?” Izuru scoffed quietly, “I thought you wanted me to be quiet. Which one is it?” Izuru’s condescending voice kissed your ear, and you felt your own shivers being sent down your spine from his voice alone. 
Putting on an annoyed façade that would soon shatter, you rolled your eyes—something you would probably be doing often tonight. “You’re really annoying, you know th-? Oh-! Oh fuck-!” You moaned, eyes shooting open, revealing your dilated pupils to the wall behind him. With your hands fanned out on his suited back, you arched your back against him, grinding slowly as you hugged him off the back of his chair. 
Mewling quietly, you found yourself trying to stifle your own moans, so you could hear better his own; only to pout as you heard nothing. Your sole purpose and presence with him at this moment had been to please him. You… needed to please him.
And only Atua knows what Junko’ll do to you if she finds out you didn’t satisfy him. 
Sighing in slight frustration, you felt him tense underneath your touch as you locked your lips onto his neck, lips searching and exploring every inch of the sensitive skin of his neck. Izuru’s eyes widened a fraction, only to lid as he felt himself growing bored again. “What are you doing?” You muffled against his neck, “I’m trying to find your erogenous zone—“ a large grin grew on your face as you felt him go rigid and stiff against you—as if he wasn’t already rigid and stiff—as you grazed your teeth on a certain spot on his Adams’s apple, a sign that you hit the jackpot.
“There, huh? I never would’ve guessed…” You spoke through gentle moans caused by Izuru’s natural reaction to fuck up into you harder. He shivered, sure, he was good at everything; but even he didn’t know he had an erogenous zone—or rather, where it was.
And now you had this information. 
You felt your confidence sprout back up again as you felt him melt, slowly but surely into your embrace, and slowly but surely, you tried gaining back control of what had been happening. 
That had been your plan; but as soon as your hands reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, he flinched, nails digging into your hips harshly. “Hands off.” He growled, crimson gaze darkening in irritation from your feather-like tugs. 
Yeah, your plan. 
His scalp was sensitive, and he had made the mistake of reacting so strongly to your touch to it, right in front of you no less. It was a weakness; one you’d surely take advantage of as you fucked this man. Or rather, as he fucked you. Izuru grimaced as he could practically hear the mischievous grin in your voice, “Yeah?” with a warning tone, Izuru tried stopping you, “S/o.” you probably shouldn’t have felt as excited as you did from his warning voice; especially from a guy like him, but there was a part of you that really wanted to know what would happen—what he was warning you about. 
So you made the best mistake of your life; and tugged the already impatient man’s hair. 
Izuru hadn’t given you the time to even inhale a single breath, as he had you pinned to the wall in half a second. Shit, he’s fast. Well, what did you expect? Izuru was definitely more than ordinary—and as you still felt the stretch burning between your legs, you knew that more than anyone. “I- Izuru?” Izuru sighed as you shrunk underneath his hold, forcing him to hold you up by his hips that had been pressed up against you. Your cattiness seemed to disappear the moment he manhandled you to the wall; it was predictable. All bark, no bite. He wondered why he wasted his time with you. 
With your eyes wide and helpless, Izuru remained unamused. “Let’s get this over with.”
Underneath the shell of your body, you could feel your blood boil as the man thrusting into you, had given you that familiar condescending stare of pity. He didn’t seem very pitiful as he watched you writhe and squirm underneath him from his unrelenting pace, though you could still read the emotion clear as day; your eyes glared right back at him—though you could barely see where you had been glaring, as your vision had been blurred from your own tears.
He was planning to push you to your limits, because, maybe when you’re sobbing and begging for him to stop; maybe then, you’d be less boring. 
‘He was the ultimate at everything; of course, he would be good at this too-’ “Fuhh...- fuck!” Your first orgasm of the night washed over your body, shaking uncontrollably as you had been less than prepared for it. You’d often have to fake your orgasms or get yourself off once the person using you was done. So you, whether it was fortunately or unfortunately, weren’t used to cumming so quickly. Previous thoughts of distaste had been long forgotten, as you had now been completely weak; moments away from breaking down and throwing away your dignity to prolong sex with Izuru. 
Sobs spilled out of your mouth as Izuru helped you ride out your high. The man watched you from above, hands hooking underneath your thighs and slamming you against the wall harder than your body had gone slack in your arms. For him, it felt more like he was pleasuring you—but for some reason, he didn’t mind all too much. 
Through tear-stained eyelids, you glared at him, your warm body still trembling from the near-mind-blowing orgasm he granted you. “I- I can take it.” At least, you thought you could. In all honesty, you didn’t care. You wanted it, and furthermore, he hasn’t even cum yet. Your job wasn’t finished. If you had to be fucked until your mind broke for him to cum, you’d do it. You didn’t have a choice—but even if you did, you wouldn’t deny him; you’d have to be insane to. 
“How... persistent…” Izuru murmured quietly to himself, bringing a hand up to tap your chin, causing you to perk your head up and flush at the gentle touch; the way he looked at you made you feel as if you were a mere science project being examined. It may have not been ideal, but being gazed at like nothing but a lowly bug is better than being ignored.  
It was so easy to fuck you into submission, he thought. Grunting, he pulled all the way out, lip twitching at the lewd squelch of your pussy. He almost lost himself in the way your walls fluttered around the tip of his cock once again, before tightening as if you were trying to welcome him back in.
Izuru, with a sharp inhale, roughly slammed back in, hitting all the right places despite the thrust being as quick as a flash of a camera. You gasped for air, you felt as if you had just been punched with his hips—and before you could recover from it, you felt him pull out yet again, only to slam back in, a small exhale huffing out the man’s lips as he kept on doing that same repetition. 
“F- faster— Pl- please!” You choked out as tears welled up in your eyes, his thrusts had been so powerful and forceful, yet so calculated; as if he was aiming for your G-spot every time he thrust in—which he was. He growled under his breath, voice still monotone but more strained than before—it was almost impossible for him.  
“You’re too tight to go fast.” He deadpanned, “if I go any faster, I might break you.” He didn’t really care whether he broke you, but who in their right mind would want to be broken? 
It was almost comedic how quickly you perked up at the mention of being broken. “I- I wanna! Really bad, r- real bad! Please!” You blabbered and begged like an idiot, your dignity long gone. He hissed at the way your pussy gushed with your juices and excitement, struggling yet again to piston himself into you. “Do you only think with your cunt?” Izuru narrowed his eyes down at you, disbelief and disgust gleamed in his red eyes; and it only made you squeeze around him unwillingly.
You shrunk, shaking your head as a babyish pout contorted onto your lips. “N- no, I-” The slow slapping noises of his hips on yours grew in volume, and your eyes widened as you could feel and hear him getting more frantic, hitting you deeper—places you were sure weren’t even supposed to be touched were abused by the crown of his growing cock.
Through a tone that tried its best to be calm and composed, Izuru shakily breathed out. “Open your mouth.” 
“W- Huh?” With slurred speech and crossed eyes, you tried your best to find his red eyes through the tears that blurred your vision. You were so fucked out, you weren’t even sure if he had actually said anything or if it had been your imagination.
“You heard me, don’t play dumb.” You hadn’t been playing dumb; you were dumbed. But Izuru held no patience for your games, and you could definitely feel that in his increasingly painful grip on your ass—he was sure to leave a bruise on your skin. With a confused look in your eye, you hesitantly dropped your jaw for him, whimpering and jolting as you felt something wet spew into your mouth. Before you could whine or even get the chance to complain, Izuru had forcefully knocked you against the wall again, lightly hitting your head as he steadied you against the surface with one hand as he used the other to close your jaw.
You hadn’t even registered the fact you had spit into your mouth as your mind had been too foggy from the intense feeling building up in your stomach once again. “Swallow.” Without so much as a questioning noise as a reaction to what he had done, you obeyed. Swallowing thickly with bleary eyes, you tried your best to keep eye contact with the man who seemed way too calm for the aggressive pace he had been maintaining like a pro.
Not thinking much of it, you dropped your jaw and flattened your tongue down against your chin; it was almost instinctual as you obediently showed him you had swallowed all of it. It seemed to please him, as he traced his thumb absentmindedly over your jawline; it almost felt like a reward, to be touched like that. His gentle hands differed greatly from his pace that fastened within each second that passed the both of you by. 
Your moans grew in volume, and you could feel yourself getting overwhelmed by how fucking good it felt to be fucked by him; moans and groans turned into full-blown hysterical sobbing as you felt your second climax approach. He grunted in frustration as he felt your walls clamp around him once again, convulsing as you gasped for air, his breaths huffing out in small intervals as he tried to get himself to his own high. 
Nothing was said as you threw yourself into him, hugging himself close to you as if he was your lifeline despite your twitching body—you weren’t sure how long you could hold on before you passed out, but you tried your best to stay conscious. He hadn’t cum yet.
It may have frustrated him, but it also frustrated you. Running your hands down his neck to his well-defined jaw, you cradled his skull before attaching your lips onto his neck desperately, practically slobbering over him like a dog as you kissed and sucked at his neck—to which he groaned quietly at. It was a terrible job, you were necking him so sloppily, and he hated himself for grading your performance when really, he should’ve been indulging in it.
The sounds of his hips slapping against yours, combined with your small moans that you tried to muffle against his neck, had overwhelmed his senses and he found himself going blank in the mind for less than half a second. 
It was dangerous, to leave yourself vulnerable like that. 
So without another word, sound, or thrust, he hoisted you up and dropped you against the chair; in which you unravelled like a velvet carpet over the soft, plush furniture. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you didn’t want to part from him, you didn’t want it to stop. There, he continued his assault to your already battered cunt, grunts and sharp sighs spilling out his mouth as he concentrated on getting himself to climax. 
“F- fuck, Izuru— Izuru, you’re splitting me- in t- two!” You sobbed out, arms flying up to wipe your tears away that prevented you from seeing the esthetical man above you. With his hair looking like it was flowing behind him, and the thin layer of sweat shining on his skin, you felt your heart beat a little faster— what?
You hadn’t even been able to register the dread of the realization of your feelings, as, without warning, Izuru creamed inside you. His hips stuttered to a stop, and he leaned himself completely over your body that had folded over the back rest of the chair, nose meeting the crook of your mid-chest. “Hhah...” He panted, clammy hands that had been gripping onto your skin tightly, loosened as he took a second before getting up and off you. 
You scrambled up from your position on the chair, legs and pussy numb as you struggled sitting up.“Wait Izuru—!” You called out for him, catching his attention as he cleaned himself up with a convenient towel Junko had left on the table. 
Zipping up the fly of his pants, he stared at you, waiting for you to continue what you had been planning to say as he flattened the creases of his suit. 
“W- were you...” You gulped, flushing as you recalled what you had done earlier. “Were you satisfied?” Your voice had been meek, afraid of his answer for more than one reason. Junko really would show you despair if she found out you didn’t satisfy him. “... I’ll let her know I was.” You sighed in relief, shoulders going slack as you fell back on the chair. You’d live another day.
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stilemawillow · 3 years
Fake But Not Fragile [Levi | Reader | Modern AU!]
High school. Translation: a dreaded little world where everything depended on the very first impression you made - there were no second chances if you screwed up once. So you wanted everything to be perfect.
"Grab my hand." You stated, not looking to the side at the person you were talking to. There was an exasperated snort before five cold slender fingers wrapped around yours. His palm was sweaty, which made you suppress a smirk as you turned to face him. "Maybe you should also try not to look like you're constipated." The advice, though appropriate, made the male glare at you. In return, you offered him a smile.
"I'm not here to play around, (L/N)." He spat as you stopped in front of the doors to what would be your biggest challenge so far. He might've sounded serious but you saw the little bit of nervousness hiding along the edges of his sharp eyes.
"Incorrect," you sang with another smirk, "you're here to play along and protect me." You corrected cockily, still holding his hand as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It was an all-known fact to both of you that you'd have to get used to it. He scoffed before rolling his eyes at you, but his mouth stayed shut. You took it as a sign of the fact he'd accepted his defeat and a softer smile made its way on top of your lips.
"Relax, I'll handle everything. Plus, you could enjoy yourself a little out there." You joked half-heartedly, squeezing his hand briefly as to encourage him. His eyes hardened as he looked at the doors you soon had to open.
"You know that's the only thing I'm not allowed to do." His statement made your smile falter briefly because yes, you knew it very well.
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"I'm telling you this isn't the way. You do anything only if it's an emergency." You argued with Levi at the back of the room during third period.
"Anything could be an emergency when it comes to you." He countered with a glare, making you snort condescendingly his way. Your fingers pulled at the skirt you wore since it kept crawling up your thighs even in positions where you did nothing but sit on a stupid chair.
"Very funny." You mocked fakely, not a hint of amusement in your voice. "I know what I'm doing." Your expression was hard and your eyes dared him to tell you otherwise.
"Maybe so, but you're certainly not aware of the right way to state it so that nobody else hears." He whispered in return, making your eyes narrow as you leaned closer to him so he could hear your hushed voice a bit better.
"I'm whispering, mind you." This particular set of words was more of a hiss than an actual whisper, but Levi needn't even hear it to battle it with an argument of his own.
"You're not doing it well enough then." He stated quietly yet promptly as you glared at him once more, attempting to shut him up using only the sole power of your gaze.
"The love birds in the back!" The teacher exclaimed annoyedly, making your shoulders stiffen as you faced the front. "This is the third time I've stopped my lesson to lecture you two. Detention after classes." It was a curt verdict that would take no less than an hour - an hour you had a variety of ways to utilize that were better than sitting still in a room full of teenage delinquents.
"Wha---" Your mouth hung open in offence and the raven next to you had to have realised seconds prior to yourself that you were on your way to talking back to a teacher because he took matters into his own hands. Quite literally.
"Hush, (L/N)." His fingers wrapped around yours as he whispered so lowly nobody but you could hear it. "Composure." The word was cold but you found in it the little life preserver your overflowing annoyance needed as to not drown in the sea of impulsiveness your mind held. You breathed in and out once before meeting his gaze. You were a bit calmer.
"Thanks." You whispered and although you weren't sure your vocal cords had actually taken any part in the action you still saw the raven give you a small nod of acknowledgement.
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You and Levi walked into 'the cellar' (as most students called the detention room) without any expectations besides those of your ruined free time after school's end. You took your seats at the back after placing your phones on the desk by the door as everyone else had done before you. You quickly counted the phones left on the wooden surface and then the students in the room.
One phone was missing and you quickly found its owner - a boy two seats away from you. Seeing as the teacher who would keep an eye on you was still absent himself, you stood up and threw Levi your best 'I know what I'm doing' look before walking up to the boy with a warm smile. Prior to tapping his shoulder, you noticed the ravenette sitting next to him was watching you very intently.
"Hey, I'm kinda new here, and I've no idea how long this is gonna last. When can we get out of here?" You spoke once the brunet had turned to face you, the phone in his hands no longer being paid attention to. You glanced at the time on it before looking back into the male's teal orbs.
"It all depends on Dok. He's made detention last thirty to forty minutes but he's also held us here for two hours straight." You made sure not to let the surprise get to your expression. The boy shrugged, his phone's screen turning black when his finger pressed the 'off' button.
"I'm seriously hoping for the former. Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." You reached out a hand and he took it with a kind smile. Maybe, you thought, he wasn't an actual delinquent. Maybe he'd also disrupted the peace in a cranky teacher's class like you and Levi, and he wasn't here for a good enough reason.
"Eren. Nice to meet you, too." He introduced politely before arriving at the point you knew would sooner or later come: "So what are you here for?"
"My boyfriend and I annoyed our teacher I guess. You?" You smiled again, quick to transfer the topic from yourself to him.
"It's my weekly fight. This time Mikasa was protecting me so she's here too." He gestured to the ravenette who had been glaring at you earlier from the near desk and you nodded at her politely, not making the effort to shake her hand since she didn't seem like a person who'd reciprocate it.
"Nice to meet you." Came the kind greeting, accompanied by your eyes glancing in Levi's direction. His gaze told you to get this over with, so you guessed that was what you had to do in the next few seconds.
"Likewise." Mikasa returned curtly, not set on being nice or anything besides plain civil. Then you could hear footsteps echoing down the hallway. The door of the cellar opened before you could look back as Eren hurriedly spoke:
"Dok's here. Better get back to your seat." You made your way back to Levi with quick steps just as the teacher stood in front of the blackboard, smirking deviously at the lot of you. He spoke in a calm manner, announcing the usual rules of detention without specifying when it would end. During the speech, you got a piece of paper from the pocket of your jacket and slid it over to Levi's desk right after scribbling a few words down.
You saw his eyes narrow before he pulled a pen from the pocket of his jeans and wrote on it as well. The little piece of paper was handed back and forth between the two of you a specific number of times before arriving at your desk for the last time. The exchange on the paper looked like this:
i don't know when exactly we're getting out of here
they said it depends on his mood
i don't mind staying
You folded the paper and stuffed it into your pocket, back to listening to Nile Dok's speech, just to become aware of its very last sentence. "All in all, do whatever you want, so long as it doesn't include talking or your phones, and if I hear or see something else you'll be paying the price as a team."
You exchanged glances with Levi and pulled your chair a bit closer to his, seeing as it didn't break any of the rules. You gestured for him to give you his hand and when he did - hesitantly so due to the doubt in his orbs, you started playing with his fingers in the most innocent way ever. You had nothing else to do either way.
You saw Levi eyeing Nile Dok prior to turning his attention back to you. You looked up at him and smiled knowingly, seeing how he immediately scoffed and turned his head to the side in supposed denial of the statement in your eyes. Maybe if you were outside he'd also use his free hand to flick your forehead, but now you were under the protection of the silent detention room.
Wishing to embarrass your partner furthermore, you lifted his hand to your lips and kissed his knuckles gingerly to which he glared at you so hard you almost burst out laughing. You kissed his hand once more, which earned you a small snort and a warning glare. The third time was when Levi's breaking point arrived and a very light pink dusted over his porcelain skin. You grinned and ceased your affectionate attack only to realise that, suddenly, detention didn't seem so bad anymore.
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"I see you've become a regular now. Your little boyfriend isn't here this time, though." That was the phrase which stopped you from exiting the cellar after a month of weekly detention sessions. Most of them were for disrupting the peace during a particular teacher's lessons. Others were for supposedly acting violently. However, none of those attracted too much attention to yourself or Levi. You slid your phone into the pocket of your jacket and turned to face Nile Dok with a small pout.
"Yeah, I guess you could say we're fighting." You returned absentmindedly as the teacher gestured for you to close the door to your right. You did so whilst listening to his follow-up question of ‘what about?’. He brushed his fingers along his jawline and you could hear his beard scratching against the hard surface of his nails. "Well," you bit down on your bottom lip nervously, "can you keep a secret?" You inquired quietly, making the man show you confirmation in the form of one of his most recognisable traits - a wolfish grin that never seemed overly sincere.
"Of course I can." Came the calm answer as you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt and wondered whether to speak or not. He'd said this wouldn't exit the room so you guessed it was the perfect time to speak up - the only downside was that Levi wasn't close enough at the current moment. Or was it an actual downside? After taking it into consideration, you realised it was an advantage in itself.
"Since we moved to this school I've been looking to find myself a guy." The emphasis made the man behind the old desk understand the word's true meaning. There was a nod of acknowledgement on his side as his narrowed eyes traced your features. You looked at the ground and switched feet, fingers becoming more fidgety. "My boyfriend doesn't like it, he says I'm addicted and shit like that, but I know what I'm doing. You won't tell my parents, will you?" You shot him a worried look as your hands pulled down the short skirt you wore.
"I told you I can keep a secret. I'll keep yours." There was a gracious smile on his lips as his eyes briefly strayed from yours to trace your hands' action. You sighed in relief. "And," he started to add, the smile turning into another devious grin, "if you're so desperate, I can even help you."
"Really? Y-You can do that?" You stuttered, suddenly looking very hopeful.
"Of course, darling. We just shouldn't let your boyfriend know." The teacher nodded thoughtfully and you hurried to agree with his one simple rule.
"Sure thing, sir. How much do you need?" You asked afterwards, eyebrows briefly furrowing in worry that you'd need to give more money than you had.
"For a sweet girl like you, I'll make a discount." There was another wolfish grin before he grabbed a stray sheet of paper from the desk and wrote down a certain number on it. Once the sheet was slid over to you, your eyes lit up as the male gave you one last piece of advice. "Get yourself in detention tomorrow and bring it along."
You smiled hopefully and nodded frantically before opening the door and observing the way his eyes fled back to your thighs. Once the door was closed behind your back you huffed in exasperation and the smile fell from your lips. You made your way to the exit and saw Levi's car parked a few feet from the doors. The moment your foot stepped out of the building Levi's eyed pinpointed your figure.
"So?" He opened the car door and raised an eyebrow your way once you'd come close enough. You snorted at how he never seemed to believe in you and your ability to take care of yourself. Also, in contrast with the perverted bastard in the cellar, Levi didn't glance at your skirt once.
"I know what I'm doing, Levi." You promptly closed his door for him before making your way to the other side of the car and plopping down in the front seat. You glanced at the raven next to you, who seemed reluctant to start the car and drive off. "Also remember for tomorrow - we're still fighting." You reminded somberly, making him snort. His grey orbs bore into yours but you didn't buckle and then he faced the front again, grumpier than before.
"We're always fighting either way, (L/N)."
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"All's well when it ends well." You were walking down the street while whistling happily, one of your hands stuffed in your pocket. Levi looked at you doubtfully, almost unable to believe you were this cheerful on a topic that would've usually made a lot of people uncomfortable to even mention. Of course, he knew how you were but he suspected you didn't have an actual idea of your mission's impact on the high school and its teachers and students both.
"Ten people were arrested, (L/N)." The raven-haired police officer cleared out as you half-heartedly rolled your eyes at his bluntness with a smile. The kindly supplied information did nothing to influence your good mood in a negative way. For you that was another job well done and a new, possibly better one, on the way. Going undercover sure seemed to be fun for you, more so when you got to expose the bad guys whilst playing the innocent schoolgirl.
"That's called justice, Levi." You said, a proud smile sitting on your lips, to which your male companion snorted. You were - besides highly indifferent to violence - also a very fervent supporter of the 'let's be righteous' cause, which just meant he had to deal with your just bullshit almost every day. Correction - every day.
"Whatever. Thankfully you didn't have to stay alone with that douche too long." Levi's newly chosen topic was in no way, shape or form better than the previous one, mostly because it pushed your righteous side to the back of your mind and called forth the annoyingly confident one. He realised that a second too late.
"I can protect myself." You huffed, narrowing your eyes at him briefly yet still puffing out your chest like the proud female you obviously were. Thankfully, you had finally gotten to the part where you were dressed in the most mediocre and eye-uncatching clothes you had - a perfect work attire, if anybody were to ask you. No perverts staring at you, no nothing. Just calm and khaki.
"I was the one who had to protect you." Levi argued pointedly, almost making you laugh. Of course, he just had to point that out like every other time you'd gotten in small proximity to this topic. He had to make sure you knew he was the male amongst the two of you (which was, probably unbeknownst to him, a fact you were well aware of) and thus, your one and only knight in shining armour that you could rely on.
"So you didn't let yourself enjoy anything. That was so boring of you." You looked him in the eye and kept walking, sure that he would soon come up with a good comeback that was most probably related to your well-being and overall safety during the mission. Of course, that hadn't been your first undercover mission without him, rather your first one with him.
"If I'd let myself enjoy shit you could've gotten hurt." The raven-haired male stated, making you roll your eyes at him pointedly. Wasn't he just too predictable? Despite that, he was still concerned with you and your condition - whether it be emotional or physical. You had to give him credit for that even though he tried his best to make it sound like it was all business and no feelings as per your work protocol.
"I didn't get hurt, though." You returned but your smirk was a bit too soft at the edges and your eyes were a bit too bright. Levi stared into your orbs before facing the front again and beginning to roll his thumb over your knuckles. It was a subconscious thing you'd caught him doing when he was thinking or holding himself back from doing something. "You know we're about to enter the office in about a minute, right?" You inquired calmly among the sea of strangers you walked through, which would very soon come to change as you neared your workplace. You heard Levi hum before he raised an eyebrow your way, not even mildly curious as to what you had to say.
"So?" He prompted boredly, making you chuckle inwardly. Actually, make that outwardly - the raven faced you briefly as you suppressed laughter in the middle of the street. Then you looked at him and it took you a lot not to start laughing again in the direction of his ever so innocently oblivious expression.
"I probably shouldn't take you on any undercover missions anymore. You grow used to showing affection too easily, to the point you're still holding my hand." You announced mockingly, a soft tone managing to sneak into your voice no matter how hard you struggled to keep it locked in your imagination only. Levi's eyes widened slightly as he became aware of your sentence's trueness in the face of your interlocked fingers.
"Shut it." His glaring eyes left yours, his fingers left yours and his jawline clenched in alleged anger. You grinned and jokingly nudged his shoulder with your finger. It was fun playing with him like this and in some situations, which unfortunately didn't include this one, he became so adorable you wished you could photograph his face for future evidence. Of course, that would get you killed, so you just tried to memorise each such moment to your best ability.
"Come on, Officer Ackerman, you have to start hating me in about thirty seconds." You poked his shoulder again, making him glare in your direction with half-hearted spite. He was annoyed, yes, that much you could see yourself, but deep down you also knew he'd never really hate you. That phrase was just for laughs - mainly your own if you were to be honest, mostly because it always provoked the exact same reaction from him.
"I hate you." His jaw clicked again as his eyebrows furrowed. Upon looking at his deep frown and striking glare one would think the phrase that had gone out of his lips was actually sincere, but you weren't a random person and you knew Levi better than anyone else so you also knew there was not an ounce of candour in those words.
"That's the spirit, darling." A big smile graced your lips as you caught the raven's shoulder and made him briefly stop in the middle of the street. You quickly tip-toed and kissed his cheek, almost like the loyal spouse in every old-fashioned movie. "I'll be going in first."
At that moment Levi could swear he was very much capable of grabbing your wrist and dragging you back to his car, where he would show you a variety of ways to call him besides 'darling'. Thing was, he didn't do it. Mostly because he couldn't allow himself or you to be late to work and be subsequently questioned by your boss. You'd need lame excuses and patience and good acting skills and Levi doubted that, in spite of your brilliant undercover skills, he would be in the condition to provide all of those efficiently.
So he kept his thoughts to himself and when his foot stepped inside the office you two shared with a bunch of other people, the first person he greeted wasn't you.
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"I'm going to miss those short skirts." It was a blatant statement in the middle of a silent part of a boring movie neither of you was paying attention to either way. Both of you were only in because of the cuddling and the popcorn, and Levi's phrase just confirmed that. You turned to face him before kindly suggesting just what he'd supposedly wanted to hear.
"I can start wearing them at work if you want it so much." You stuffed your mouth with popcorn right after as his hands wrapped around you tighter. You readjusted your position in his lap before grabbing another handful of popcorn. You felt in complete peace with yourself because at least you were now sure Levi had been eyeing your thighs at one point as well as all and every other male in that high school had. It made your pride swell to the point you wore a smile for an overall of ten seconds full of silence.
"... no." He said after a thoughtful pause, making your eyebrows furrow. You spun so your shoulder was leaning on his chest and you could observe his face a bit better. His eyes were following the movement on the TV screen ahead but his mind wasn't really focused on it as intently.
"Why? I thought you liked them." You used the moment to stuff his mouth with popcorn and talk as he was chewed on it. His eyes didn't meet yours but you could tell by the furrow of his eyebrow he wasn't thinking happy thoughts. He swallowed and took a second to inhale before speaking.
"That's why you'll be wearing them in front of me only." He explained calmly, making you snort as you tossed a popcorn in your mouth. You cheered yourself on inwardly before looking at him again and raising a mocking eyebrow his way.
"Jealous much?" The smug inquiry came from your smirking lips, making the raven's grip on you tighten warningly. He hated being called out on being jealous but in most cases, he actually was and watching him struggle to deny it believably enough provided you with great entertainment.
"Shut it, (L/N)." He spat, attempting to sound angry. You rolled your eyes and fed him another handful of popcorn to soothe his wounded pride as a male. Another ten minutes of you feeding yourself and him passed before you put the empty bowl of popcorn to the side and turned to face Levi again. His eyes were on the screen but he wasn't fazed in the least.
"Hey." Your soft whisper made his eyes meet your warm gaze. You brushed his bangs out of his face and tucked them behind his ear with what Levi thought was the most beautiful smile you had in store. "You did amazing on the mission, Levi. I couldn't ask for a better bodyguard... or boyfriend." You added after a diminutive pause as your hand cupped his cheek affectionately.
"It better be that way." Though his eyes narrowed at you jokingly you could still see the overwhelming amount of tenderness and affection they held, up to the point he closed them as you kissed his lips in an adamant way of confirming that yes, it was that way. And it would stay that way because even though your relationship's secrecy was quite fragile, the intimacy it contained was anything but fake.
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fific7 · 3 years
Cold Day in Hell - Part 2
Logan Delos x Reader
A/N: This does not completely follow canon, it’s mainly lemon zest 🍋 because the world needs more Logan Delos.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral, between consenting adults* in some chapters. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My GIF)
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Logan went back to his own office after showing her to hers. He sat down in his plush office chair and swivelled slowly from side to side, picking up his pen and tapping it on the desk as he did so. He was thinking. How was he going to approach this?
Unusually for him, Logan wasn’t 100% convinced that she was attracted to him. That was something of a departure for him; the norm was that he would just look at someone and that was it, they were putty in his hands. Not this gal. He thought she might be interested but he could tell that there were walls up there, that was for sure.
Should he ask Juliet? She was dead set against him getting involved with this new lady, but it might be worth listening to one of her lectures if he got some useful ’women’s perspective’ advice at the same time. He got up and strolled the short distance down to her office, knocking and popping his head round the door. Juliet looked up from her screen at him, “Hey, Logan... what can I do for you? I’m right in the middle of something here.”
Irrespective of her comment, Logan went into the office and sat down in the chair opposite her. Sighing, Juliet put her screen lock on and lounged back in her own chair. Knowing him as she did, she could tell just by looking at his face that he was in thinking mode, in fact he wasn’t even looking at her; he was staring at the back of her big computer screen, a sure sign that his mind was off somewhere else. “Logan!” she said firmly, and his eyes snapped to hers, “I’m busy here, darling brother. What’s on your mind?”
As Juliet had been expecting, he said the name of their new secondment. Then he held up a hand, “Now I know you don’t want me to go there, Jules - but I’m serious here. She’s not a one-and-done in my mind.” Juliet snorted, “What then? A two-and-done?!” Logan rolled his eyes, “Ha ha, very funny. No. I’m thinking of something a bit more... established than that.”
Juliet’s eyes widened, “You mean....” her voice took on a mock awestruck tone, “...a relationship, Logan?” He nodded, “Well... yeah. I suppose you could call it that.” She sat forward, eyes boring into his, “No! I just don’t believe you. Look, you’re the guy who’s out on the town every night with a different person. Or occasionally someone you’ve taken out once or twice before. You are just not a monogamous kinda guy! I don’t want you to mess around with this girl!” Logan crossed one leg over the other and made a point of studying his nails, “I know you don’t, but I want to take her out. And I’m gonna take her out, Jules. She can make her own mind up if she doesn’t want anything to do with me from there on.”
Juliet muttered something and Logan leant in a bit, “Whaddya say, sis?” She looked him straight in the eye, “She probably doesn’t want anything to do with you right now, never mind after you’ve taken her out. Your reputation proceeds you, Lo.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d spent a little time arranging the few items you’d brought with you onto your new desk. Your laptop, your favourite pens, a ruler and a stapler. That was it - you liked to travel light. And anything else you needed, you were sure Delos Destinations would be able to supply by the kilo-load. Logan had said to you, before disappearing back to his own office, “I’ll leave you to settle in, and anything you need.... just ask!” There had been the merest hint of a wink accompanying that last comment, but you’d poker-faced it and just said, “Thanks, Logan.... I’ll bear that in mind.”
You so wished that he wasn’t as handsome as he was, as you had to admit that this made it quite difficult to concentrate on your projects. Shaking your head, you pulled up the folder for one of said projects on your laptop and began work on it.
Hopefully Logan would just keep to his own office. Otherwise you weren’t sure how much work you’d actually get done. Your eyes would be too busy drinking in the male masterpiece that was Logan Delos.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan walked dejectedly back to his office. The visit to Juliet for advice had been a complete and utter waste of time. All he’d got was one big rant about keeping far away from his new love interest. Well, he wasn’t about to do what she said, he’d be damned if he would.
Back in his office, he took to swinging from side to side in his chair once more. He really didn’t have a clue how to start his campaign to win her over. Logan just wasn’t used to having to chase down anyone he was interested in, so this was a bit of a new challenge for him. Should he go all out and whisk her off somewhere in one of the private jets? Take her out on the company yacht? Pick her up in a limo and take her to a premiere?
Or should he go low-key, ask her out for a coffee and see how that went down? Build it up from there? He’d picked up his pen once more and as he got more and more frustrated, threw it across the room where it bounced off the door, dropped and skittered across the floor. A couple of seconds later, his secretary knocked and opened the door, “Did you need something, Mr Delos?” “Uhhh.. no, no, it’s fine, Stacy, sorry about that.” She gave him a bit of a look, nodded and closed the door.
He sighed and thought to himself that he’d better get ready for these upcoming investor meetings in Seattle the following week. He sat bolt upright in his chair, smacking his forehead. Of course! Why hadn’t he thought of that sooner!
Three days in Seattle... just the two of them.... perfect!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You heard a small tap and then Juliet’s head appeared round the door. “Welcome!” she smiled, coming into the office and over to you, giving you a big hug. “I’m so pleased you’re here!” You agreed, “Yes, I’m pleased to be here. It’s lovely to see you, Juliet.” “It’s going to be so much easier all round,” she said, before sitting down opposite you, “...it’s going to make a big difference to the status of the projects.” She paused, her eyes - so like Logan’s - gazing into yours, “And.... I don’t mean to sound off-putting, especially on your first day... but I’m guessing you already know that my brother is really quite taken with you?”
You gave a small smile, “Umm... yes I kind of did get that vibe.” She nodded, “You’re a damn good engineer and that’s a big part of the reason you’re here, but this was Logan’s idea and I’ll be straight with you, he’s busy working out how he’s going to get close to you.”
Laughing out loud, “Juliet, no offence to your brother - who’s a very good-looking guy - but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I go out with him. I know he’s a complete player.” She laughed too, “I’m glad you’re already aware of that. I mean, I love my brother to bits but he is just terrible at relationships! He doesn’t mean to be, but he says he doesn’t know if he could ever love anyone, any one person. It’s not really in his DNA.”
You took a breath, thought to yourself, why not? - and asked, “Is his ...uhh... substance abuse a thing of the past now? Well, as much as it can ever be.” Juliet nodded, a pained look on her face, “Yes, thank god. We had a pretty awful time with him for a while, especially after a... a particular situation in Westworld, but he’s clean now and still goes to meetings every so often just to keep himself in line. I really thought we’d lost him a couple of times, so yes, he’s done really well. I’m proud of him.” “You should be,” you agreed, having seen tears welling in her eyes when she’d mentioned losing him. “I’m sorry I brought that up, Juliet, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She smiled, “Hey, it’s fine. You should know what you’re getting into... or rather not getting into!”
You both laughed at that.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
In the meantime, Logan had asked his secretary to book one of the private jets and two hotel suites in downtown Seattle for the dates of the investor meetings. He was almost bouncing around his office, he was so pleased with himself and his new plan.
He thought he heard the sound of laughter coming from her office, and couldn’t stop himself from going right next door to see what was going on. He opened the door after a brief knock on it, and saw his sister sitting with the object of his affections, the two of them still laughing.
Juliet turned round and said with a smile, “Lo! We were just talking about you.” His eyes narrowed suspiciously, “Oh yeah?” She nodded, “Yeah. Are your ears flaming?” Logan scowled at her, “What have you been saying, Jules?” with a quick, anxious look over at the other woman in the room. Juliet stood up and said, “Oh, nothing too bad, Logan,” giving him a wicked little smile and striding out of the room.
Logan watched Juliet go before clearing his throat and turning back just in time to see her hiding a smile. “C’mon,” he said, “...what did she say?” She shook her head, “Honestly, nothing bad. She was just pulling your strings.” Logan just managed to stop himself saying that she would be more than welcome to pull his strings, before sitting down in the chair which Juliet had just vacated. “Okay... well, what I came in to tell you is that we’re going to Seattle next week...” total surprise on her face, “....to some investor meetings,” Logan carried on smoothly. “Oh now, Logan, why on earth would you want me to go to them?” “You’ll be able to update them on a few of those middleware projects you’re working on. You were so much better than that boring asshole they let do most of the presentation. You’ll wow these guys.”
She was still looking at him as if he’d asked her to go to the moon. “It’s all booked,” he said quickly, a tiny bit of confidence leaving his voice, “...so I’ll give you the dates and schedule, okay?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh, he’s booked it already has he? you thought. Sighing, you could feel your shoulders slump a little in defeat as you agreed to go with him. You knew that your boss wouldn’t be very impressed if you didn’t, as apart from helping Delos Destinations get more investment, you’d be floating your own company’s name out in front of them.
“Who else is going?” you asked, and saw a distinct gleam in Logan’s dark eyes as he answered, “Uhh.. just the two of us. Don’t want to overwhelm them with too many speakers.” He slapped his hands down onto his thighs, “Well, I’d better get back, I’ve got a meeting in 5. I’ll get those details to you asap.” He stood up, “See you later,” and left your office.
Okayyy - just the two of you? This trip was shaping up to be something out of a bad romcom.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had mentioned the proposed Seattle trip to Juliet as they were both leaving the office, casually dropping in who was going amongst all the other details. She stopped in the middle of the corridor, looking round to see if anyone else was within earshot before saying in an exasperated tone, “Really, Logan? Are you serious? And I suppose there’s only going to be one room available when you get there?!” Logan held up both hands, “No!! You can check, there are two rooms booked!”
Juliet scowled at him, “Logan, I swear - you better be on your best behaviour. She’s only just arrived, so you piss her off this early in then I’m going to be super pissed too!” Logan did one of his over-exaggerated eye rolls, “Oh for fuck’s sake stop worrying, Jules, I’m not about to piss her off. I’m out to charm her.”
“Oh god help her then,” muttered Juliet as she stalked towards her car.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan took your hand as you stepped out of the chauffeur-driven car at the private airstrip. You’d thought about ignoring his outstretched hand but instead placed yours in his. A smile appeared on his face, “Now, this is how it’s gonna be over the next few days - us holding each other’s hands through the investor meetings.” You rolled your eyes, “Whatever you say, Logan.” “I do say,” he smirked, hand going to the small of your back as you reached the bottom of the steps up to the aircraft and guiding you onto them. You knew that his eyes were glued to your rear as you made your way up the steps, but tried to ignore the feeling. Every so often you’d catch Logan’s eyes on you, looking at you as if you were a prey animal and this made you even more determined to avoid getting involved with him.
But lordy it wasn’t easy, you admitted to yourself as you watched him settle his tall frame into the extremely comfortable seat facing yours. You’d never been on a private jet before, but you were having difficulty paying attention to all its facilities when Logan was looking absolutely edible in an impeccable dark blue suit and light pink shirt, unbuttoned quite low as usual and showing off a little chest hair. Your eyes met his after you’d finished exploring his body, and he was looking so smug you wanted to punch him. Damn! You’d better be more guarded in future when drooling over him.
Now you started showing an interest in the interior of the plane, but every time you caught Logan’s eye he was still smirking at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ha! he laughed to himself, he’d obviously chosen the right suit then. He’d taken particular care when dressing that morning as he’d wanted to look really good for her and it seemed he’d made a good choice, judging by the look on her face when she’d finished eyeing him up and down.
He lounged back in his seat, still gazing at her. He wanted to fuck her so badly! His mind supplied a vision of himself climbing on top of her as she sat there, undoing her top, pushing her skirt up and.... He could feel himself getting hard just from that short clip playing in his head right now.
“Wanna fu-...”, he clamped his jaw shut, before carrying on, “...wanna drink, sweetheart?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were under no illusions as to exactly what was running through Logan’s mind at that moment.
You’d noticed how his eyes had glazed over slightly as he stared at you, his lips parted, and you could literally see his trousers tightening by the second over his groin. The dead giveaway was when he almost asked you if you wanted to fuck instead of what you wanted to drink. You couldn’t stop a smile making its way onto your lips. There was an undeniable thrill that you could turn him on like this ...but No!!! your brain said. This guy’s middle name is ‘Player’ and even his own sister had warned you what a hound-dog he was.
“I’ll have a G&T, please,” you said sweetly, “...and nothing else, thanks.”
Logan looked stunned for a second, then pressed the call button for the attendant.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh shit, Logan thought, she knows exactly what I was thinking. I guess I’m being a little obvious here, I’d better calm it the hell down. He just wasn’t used to playing it cool in the pursuit of someone. Usually he went from 0 to 90 in sixty seconds, and the people he hung out with expected that from him. Not this gorgeous example of womanhood though. He was going to have to majorly change his approach.
But being with her like this - so close, just the two of them - was driving him crazy as it felt really intimate, and while his thoughts were still firmly planted in the sexual receptor of his brain, the longer they were on the plane together the more he realised that he was enjoying just being with her. Which surprised him to be honest, that wasn’t something that normally entered his sphere of relations with other people. She had a very calm demeanour, and it made him feel at ease. Conversation flowed, and he felt like he was getting to know her a lot more.
Initially he’d hinted to his sister that he wanted more than sex from his new love interest to get Juliet off his back, but now it appeared that karma had got him fair and square. It felt like that he did really want something more.
What that was, he wasn’t exactly sure yet.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Checking in to the fancy hotel in downtown Seattle, you noticed the receptionists - male and female - checking out Logan and not being discreet about it. He, meanwhile, was in his element, flirting up a storm with them while handing over his black Delos card to register for the rooms. You shook your head, smiling to yourself. This was exactly what put you off him. You were more than certain that he’d be sharing a bed with one or all of them that night.
He handed you your keycard, and quickly noting your room number you took off like a shot towards the elevators. Logan had been surprised when you’d set off so briskly, and scrambled to grab his bag and suitcase beside the reception desk before following you.
He reached the elevator just as you turned, smiling at him and commenting, “Have fun with your new little friends,” and nodding your head back towards reception.
Hitting the ‘close doors’ button, you were still smiling at him as the doors closed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan scrabbled at the ‘call’ button but not quickly enough to stop the doors closing in his face. Damn it! The other elevator arrived after a couple of moments and he rushed into it, wanting to catch up with her. What had he done wrong? She’d seemed pissed off underneath that smile. And what did she mean by his ‘new little friends’? Then he realised what had ticked her off - he’d been doing his usual flirting with the hired help who of course had been flirting right back.
But it didn’t mean anything to him, it was just his usual m.o., didn’t she realise that? He’d obviously need to introduce her to the Delos way of doing things so there’d be no future misunderstandings.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were just putting your toiletries out in the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. Knowing it would be Logan, you opened the door to find him standing outside still with his suitcase and bag in hand. “Come in,” you invited and he walked quickly inside. You went back to the bathroom and finished laying out your shower gel and shampoo.
He stopped next to your bed and sat on it, waiting until you emerged from the bathroom. You had to admit he looked good on your bed but dismissed the thought and headed over to your suitcase to start unpacking. “I always flirt with the staff,” he said, “...it gets you a better level of service.” “Or just gets you serviced,” you said before you could stop yourself. You heard his deep chuckle as you kept taking items out of your case.
“No, that’s not the aim,” he said, “truly it’s not.” Walking over to the unit underneath the giant flat-screen TV attached to the wall, you began putting the garments away in the drawers then became aware of Logan invading your personal space to look over your shoulder. He was smirking at you and you suddenly realised you were holding a handful of your lingerie. Long fingers stroked one of the silky pairs of panties you were holding and you abruptly shoved them all into the drawer and slammed it shut. “Logan!” you admonished him, but his only reaction was to keep smiling mischievously at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had tried to persuade her to come out on the town with him but she’d decided to stay in the hotel and have an early night. So he’d gone out on his own, heading to a restaurant he’d eaten at before and ordering a steak and some wine. The waitress had been very interested in him, hitting on him shamelessly but he’d politely brushed her off.
There was only one person he wanted in his bed. Not sure how long it’s gonna take me to get her there though, he thought glumly.
What did surprise him was the fact that he was willing to hang on in there until that happened.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Drifting off to sleep, aware of the low sound of the TV in the background, you couldn’t even be bothered to sit up to grab the remote and switch it off. There was a low knock on your door, then a second one - louder - when you didn’t answer the door. Groaning, you got up and went over to it, looking through the peephole to see Logan standing outside.
Sighing, you opened the door and he swept into your room as if he owned it. Then with typical Logan braggadocio he threw himself gracefully onto your bed, propping up some pillows behind him, crossing his ankles and linking his hands behind his head. You rolled your eyes heavenwards and closed the door, making your way towards where he lay. You were damned if he was going to chase you out of your bed. Standing beside it with your hands on your hips, you demanded, “Logan... what do you think you’re doing exactly?” Those dark eyes of his roamed all over you in your short little silk nightdress and he smiled, “I’m lonely.”
“Lonely!” you laughed, “You’re... you’re just... unbelievable!” His smile got wider, “I’m more than willing to prove just how unbelievable I am, but you won’t let me.” “Do you blame me, Logan?” His smile faltered, and he looked away from you, gazing at the TV, “I guess not.” But then those dark chocolate eyes were back on you, “But you could at least give me a chance,” he said with a small but genuine smile.
You felt yourself melt a little, you couldn’t help it. So against your better judgement, you lay down next to him on the bed, under the covers. “Can I get myself a drink?” he asked. “Oh, I see, it’s my mini-bar you’re after, is it? Help yourself.” He got up and headed over to it, laughing and turning back to you, “You know only too well what I want, sweetheart.”
“You can have a whisky, Delos, but that’s all you’re having.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan sighed as he poured the whisky miniature into a glass and made his way back over to the bed. But then he perked up, after all he had made it into her bed - in a manner of speaking - and against all expectations. Now he just had to make sure he didn’t screw it up (again, in a manner of speaking) by hitting on her.
If he got to spend the night in her bed, that would be enough for him - for now.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your eyes slowly opened and you gave a little yawn, wondering what time it was and thinking that today was the first round of investor meetings, when you suddenly realised that you could feel someone’s breath on your ear and that there was an arm slung over your stomach. You were lying on your side and you moved your head slightly to look over your shoulder, but you knew what you’d see before you did.
Logan. His eyes closed, hair tousled, lying on top of the covers but he’d still managed to more or less wrap himself around you. He shifted slightly, giving a little sigh and burrowing his nose even further into the nape of your neck.
Oh hell. This was really not a good plan, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt to be lying here with him. He looked so deliciously handsome while he was asleep. But also vulnerable. You turned away from him and studied the bedroom wall opposite you.
You really did have to watch how you were handling this, or despite your best intentions you were going to end up getting badly hurt.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan awoke from the very horny dream he’d been having, only to remember that he was partly living it in real life. He sensed she was awake - he could tell by her breathing - and he decided to push his luck a bit. He gave a small sigh as if he was still sleeping, and gently rubbed his erection against the back of her leg. He heard a quick intake of breath, and smiled to himself as he felt her trying to squirm away from him but he tightened the arm he’d sneaked over her during the night.
“Logan!” she hissed, “Get that away from me!” He chuckled, “Aw sweetheart, get what away from you?” He further pushed his luck by moving her hair aside and kissing her behind her ear.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You shivered, he’d kissed you somewhere you wished he hadn’t as it made you want to kiss him back so badly. You were very aware of his body pressed up against yours, how good he smelt, how good it felt to be lying there with him almost wrapped around you....
You’d better get him out of this bed before you made a catastrophically bad decision.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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(Not my GIF - credit to owner)
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
@obscurilicious @theshadowkingsqueen
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Period Cravings
BG: Periods can be a pain. Food cravings are usually the easiest to handle. But with Hogwarts under curfew and not willing risk it all for the blood quill what could you do? Looks like someone had go above and beyond to help.
A/N: Why did I decide to write something about food in the middle of the night, it’s like I wanted to make myself crave on purpose!
This is an entry to @blisfvll ‘s 1.5 celebration writing challenge! With the following prompts:
14. “I swear to God I’ll punch you.” “You can’t even reach my shoulder.”
15. “I don’t know if I wanna kill you or kiss you.”
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You don’t normally get period cramps you are very thankful for, but of course when it does come, it hurts like hell. Luckily Madam Pomfrey has a supply of menstrual pain-relieving potions available for those in need. Which you had taken after dinner. Although now sitting in front the common room fire, you had another problem. Cravings. Which magic unlikely could not fix. Oh what you would do for a plate of a hot chocolate lava cake topped with cold vanilla ice cream!  A glance to the clock- 9:55 pm- had killed whatever small hope of getting that sweet treat from the kitchens. It was almost curfew.
The last of the students were arriving back, deflated like always after Umbridge had become High Inquisitor and held Hogwarts with an iron grip.
‘If you keep making that face y/n, your brows are gonna be permanently sewn together.’ Fred remarked.
Which only made you scowled further.
‘Sorry Sorry!’ Fred raised his arms in surrender. ‘I bet you would still look cute even when your face ultimately stays mad.’
Did he just called you cute?- Well no exactly but also could he be? You thought but before your brain could process if his teasing had something behind it, your body reacted first. Next thing you know, you had hit his arm.
‘Ouch woman! You hit hard!’
‘Well these chaser arms do pay off even outside of quidditch.’ You knew Fred only tried to cheer you up. He always does, when he sees you down or anyone for that matter and would crack jokes to brighten the day.
Placing your hand on his arm as to lessen the pain you begin, ‘I’m sorry. You were just trying to make me feel better and I released all this crap onto you.’
‘Heyyy heyy it’s okay.’ Fred said, pulling you for an embrace, ‘Take it out on me all you want, I can take it. Anything for you.’
Breaking away he continues, ‘What’s got you bitter anyway?’ Genuine concern in his eyes.
You looked away. ‘Ahh it’s so stupid- It’s nothing really.’
‘I am Fred fucking Weasley, I do stupid things all the time. Try me.’
‘I want a hot plate of lava cake with ice cream.’
‘Say what now?’ Fred stated, a bit confused.
‘I would die for some lava cake and ice cream right now.’ You stated with a deadpanned face.
‘This craving is driving me insane!’ You explained. ‘Normally I would just sneak out to the kitchens but now with the threat of getting my hand scarred with the blood quill, it is a no go. No way am I risking that just for a period craving. I wouldn’t even wish the blood quill to a bully.’
‘yeah yeh….’ Fred mumbled, lost in his own thought.
Waving a hand in front of his face ‘Freddie are you even lis—’
Fred abruptly stood up. ‘I—I got to go y/n. I forgot something in the—’ Running out of the common room, the rest of his sentence cut off by the closing of the door.
An hour later, right before you were getting ready for bed. Your roommate had come in giggling, ‘Y/n! Good you’re still up. Fred is downstairs waiting for you by the way.’
Waiting for me? What could this boy be up to now??
But you nod anyway. ‘Thanks y/f/n. I’ll be right down.’ You put on your fluffy slippers and make your way down to the common room.
You first caught sight of Fred pacing, making your way closer to the communal study tables you then saw it. ‘WHAT THE-‘you exclaimed.
‘Surprise!’ Fred said with handing presenting the table full of desserts- Chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, hot butterbeer and the showstopper plate of a hot chocolate lava cake topped with cold vanilla ice cream!  
‘As you can see, I have also added a couple more stuff, which I noticed Ginny and Mum eat during you know the time of the month, been told that those help ease the pain and cravings. And Ohh! I also have these…’ Fred handed you more stuff from the chair. ‘Heating pads and a couple of potions from Madam Pomfrey- though she was a bit annoyed and worried that I asked her for them so close to curfew…and’ His cheeks blushed. ‘after all that she calmed down cause she said that I was being the most caring boyfriend and knew that we would make a great couple…’ Fred chuckled nervously.  
Seeing that you haven’t said anything, yet he continued hoping to salvage anything after that boyfriend/girlfriend comment, ‘apparently quite a number of teachers are shipping us together, some even have bets!’ He tried to sound nonchalant but failed. ‘Can you believe?’
Alternating from him, the food on the table and the heating pad and potions in your hand. You brain is going a hundred miles an hour.
On one hand, this is just wow, never had you felt so taken cared of before- and securely this surpasses best friend territory, right? Fred had gone above and beyond. This was some boyfriend material stuff right here. But what if you’re just overthinking and reading too between the lines y/n? What if you just want to see what you want to see.  But your thoughts keep going back to the boyfriend quality worry, the going above and beyond.  And he did mention that relationship comment right? He didn’t seem to take offence at the idea….
On the other hand, your own worry had taken over. What he had done for you was so risky, he could have been caught. If he had he would have suffered and have scars on his hand, all because of you and you could live with that. How could he be so reckless? – Wait why are you even still saying this to yourself…
You broke off your internal monologue. ‘WHAT THE FUCK FRED?!??? YES FREDDIE THIS IS ALL SO SWEET AND I REALLY DO APPRECIATE IT BUT WHAT IF YOU HAD BEEN CAUGHT?? YOU WOULD HAVE SUFFERED AND BE PUNISHED BY THE BLOOD QUILL!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO RECKLESS?!?’ Your anger from worry had slowed now, you looked up to him with soft eyes. ‘You did this all for me. If something bad had happen to you, it would because of me, and I don’t think I could live with that Freddie.’
Fred had always been able to see through you, and to see you so anxious for his safety warms his heart. He tucks the hair that had fallen out during you rant. ‘But you see love, I wasn’t caught. Reckless- Yes. But caught? Nope. Maybe I should try that again….to test my skills.’ He teased.
You glared at him. ‘You. Will. Not. Or else, I swear to God I’ll punch you.’
‘You can’t even reach my shoulder.’ Fred resorted. ‘You know… you are so cute when you’re frustrated.’
‘Ughh!’ Rolling your eyes. ‘I don’t know if I wanna kill you or kiss you.’
‘Rather kiss me more, I hope.’ He smirked. Then got serious., he held your waist. ‘But I wanna do it properly and take you out on a date first.’
You brought your hands up to the nape of his neck and started to play with his hair. ‘Well then let’s us consider this as our first date!’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
(omg I just noticed that tumblr tagged a different account 😳that have a similar username, just a letter off😳 this is why sometimes I don't trust tumblr's automatic tagging system! @blisfvll my bad😅)
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remys-lucky-franc · 3 years
Kissing Promts Request - Remy x MC (QOT)
#40 - A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
Written from MC POV
~1300 words
Again, it’s not totally nsfw, but these kissing prompts are lending themselves to somewhat racier writing than I usually post - so, that was your warning if that’s not your fic preference, folks 💕
The Poppy’s latest heist has just finished: relieving an undeserving London-based oligarch of his extensive art collection. As Nikolai said when we toasted in celebration last night, ‘it’s been a somewhat protracted endeavour, but all really very satisfying and worthwhile’. It’s taken several months to complete and has been a particularly challenging and tiring escapade, so we’ve all decided that some downtime to rest and recharge before the next heist begins would do us some good.
Remy and I decided to head back to France as soon as we could, to the chocolate-box cottage we bought outside the city dubbed by Remy as ‘Château Chevalier’ - our little love nest: where we escape to when we want to spend some time alone - just us - secluded from the world in our perfect domestic bliss. It’s not as large or grand a space as the moniker suggests, but it fits us so wonderfully: a modern open plan kitchen and living area, a beautiful master bedroom and a smaller one where I can paint, a bathroom, and a small private garden lined by hedges that basks in sunshine most of the day. From the first time we set foot inside, I felt at home and could picture us happy here - croissants for breakfast on the terrace, relaxing on the sofa watching movies, tangled together as moonlight spills through the bedroom windows. Our home; our castle.
Remy’s cooking dinner for us, as has become our little routine in our château. He loves to cook and it’s a joy to watch him. Music plays in the background as I perch at the end of the small breakfast bar with an intoxicating glass of red wine that we only ever have here. We chatter and laugh about the heists gone by, his brother’s new romance, our friends and dozens of other topics as they flit through our minds. Remy glides effortlessly around the kitchen and makes even the most complex of tasks look like child’s play. I observe with admiring eyes: everything my husband does, he does it with flair - from the way he rapidly chops ingredients and tosses them into the pan, to how he decants wine directly from the bottle into our food with never a measurement taken. I offer to help and my assistance is swiftly declined,
“Everything is under control, ma cherie”, he assures me, shooting me that bright signature smile that makes my heart skip every time, “Sit. Relax. Enjoy the wine with your Remy.” Normally, I simply nod, sit back and enjoy the show, but tonight I choose to pout and fix my saddest brown eyes on him - the ones I know that he just can’t say ‘no’ to, “Please? Let me help you?”
Remy opens his mouth to object, but quickly closes it again before silently agreeing with a flourish of his hands. He would do anything to make me happy and I love him for that. I bounce down from the bar stool, wine glass still in hand, beaming at him, “Yey! What do you want me to do?” He passes me a knife and asks me to julienne some veg, so I wash my hands and get to work slicing as I sing along the music. Before too long I have a bundle of matchstick vegetables and can feel Remy’s eyes on me. One arm snakes around my waist, a whisk in the other hand. He appraises the quality and quantity of my veg - satisfied, he rewards me with a sweet kiss on my cheek, making me blush before returning to his saucepan.
My first task successfully completed, I lean back against the cabinets, sip my wine and watch as he tosses ingredients into one of the simmering pans on the stove, “What can I do next?”, I ask him. Remy gestures to the pantry and requests some flour for his roux so I place my glass down, steal a kiss and playfully squeeze his behind as I pass him. A sound of feigned offence follows me into the pantry and makes me giggle.
After a little searching I locate the packet of flour on the top shelf and as I stretch overhead to bring it down I realise the bag isn’t tightly closed. A little plume of white powder sprinkles to the floor and I dance to avoid it’s path: I do reasonably well as it only dusts my hands leaving my black clothing unharmed! Biting back a mischievous little chuckle as an idea pops into my head, I head back into the kitchen and hand Remy the flour packet, before booping his button nose with my other flour-covered hand. Taken by surprise, he splutters and tries to wipe it away before pulling me close to him. I try to wriggle out of his grasp, laughing but fearful of a flour-filled revenge - but he grips me firmly and his green eyes are glittering as his lips meet mine. A kiss, like so many of ours, that begins in a grin - joy-filled and gentle.
“I’m sorry-“ I mumble against his mouth, “I couldn’t resist...”
His hands settle on my sides, thumbs skimming over the waistline of my jeans grazing the bare skin of my hip bones. A series of soft kisses nuzzle my lips peppered with the words, “And I. Can’t. Resist you. Cherie.” I smirk, as I run my fingers through his hair, teasing him, “Hmmm. I am pretty irresistible.”
The lighthearted humour between us evaporates and everything slows down as Remy closes the little space remaining between us. My stomach stirs recognising the growing hunger in his eyes as they lock with mine. There’s a tinge of dark, rich Merlot on his warm breath as my lips yield and I melt into his touch. Within seconds our kiss has deepened, tongues tangle and my hands rake over the expanse of his toned back, shoulders and rear - my pulse racing. We gravitate clumsily back toward the cool granite top and I groan as I make contact; the hard lines of Remy’s body crush against mine while deft fingers burn beneath my shirt roaming over my curves. Remy hoists me up to sit on the counter effortlessly and instinctively my limbs wrap around him drawing him ever closer to me - every kiss more frenetic than the last, every subtle shift of his hips electrifying me. Just two thin layers of clothing between me and all that I ache for, with every touch stoking the flame between us and making my head spin.
As addled by lust as my brain is, I’m vaguely aware that the saucepans on the stove bubble away furiously now neglected - and that dinner is probably ruined. If Remy has noticed he is as far past caring as I am. Kisses sear across my collarbone as I feebly mouth, “Remy... The sauce is burning...”
His teeth drag slowly from the hollow of my throat to my ear and he rasps, “So am I, ma rêveuse,” he breaks away from me momentarily to turn off the stove, grinning wickedly, “and only one of us can be saved.” Helping me down from the countertop our lips collide once more and our passion overtakes; discarded clothing, declarations of love and scandalous intentions litter the path to our bedroom. As we sink into the soft mattress together a little voice far in the back of my head briefly considers that we can perhaps try to salvage our dinner later but I know from the look in my Remy’s eyes that very soon I’ll have forgotten my own name, never mind the ability to think about what state our meal is in. I laugh to myself as I decide ‘there’s always pizza’ - and that’s the last thought in my head before my brain short-circuits and I’m losing myself to something infinitely better and more satisfying.
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Hello Stranger
Summary - You were going through a rough patch in your life. As you were drinking away your problems, you met with a green eyed man who acts a little too nice towards you.
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Warning - Mentions of crappy life, swearing, drinking, angst, fluff-ish, plot twist.
Word Count - 2.1k
Square Filled - One Night Stand ( @spndeanbingo ) - it is just mentioned
A/N - This is written for @impala-1979’s Words for Love challenge. My word was Viraag in Hindi. Viraag - The emotional pain of being separated from a loved one.
The divider is by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89
This is also my 5000th post on tumblr. Woah! Also I am back to my angsty self *evil laughs*
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Rolling your eyes, you check your phone for the thousandth time that evening for any message.
“Bitch,” you grumbled, thinking about how your best friend had ditched you, again. You had waited for almost two hours for your friend to show up before you decided to leave the bar at first but then you decided to stick around for a couple of drinks.
Life has been kicking you in the ass lately. Maybe staying home and binging F.R.I.E.N.D.S for the hundredth time suddenly didn't seem like a bad idea considering the girl who you had thought to be your best friend had left you alone in a bar full of drunk and horny dudes.
Staring at the glass of whiskey in front of you, you sighed aloud grabbing the attention of the man on the stool beside you.
“What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?” You looked to your right towards the source of the sound and saw a man staring at you with a creepy little smile on his face. You shuddered at the thought of answering the man.
“Not in the mood. Back off,” you grumbled, downing the glass of whiskey in one go. The sleazy person got up from his seat and stalked his way towards you.
“Fuck off,” you growled, as he placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Back off! That's my wife you're talking to,” A deep voice growled from behind the man, taking you by surprise, “Hey honey. Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to work an extra shift.”
You looked up and a freckle faced, flannel clad man staring at you with his beautiful forest green eyes. Your heart started to beat loudly as the man put a hand around your shoulder.
“Whatever dude,” the drunk grumbled and went off in another direction, probably in search of another person who can keep his bed warm for one night.
“What a creep,” you mumbled, the ominous feeling finally leaving you, “thanks for coming to my rescue.”
“No problem,” he said, removing his hands from your shoulder and taking a seat on the stool beside you, “So can I buy you a drink?” The green eyed man smiled.
“I just told that man to fuck off, what makes you think I will let you touch me?” You said, your eyes narrowing at him, “I am not your wife.”
“I don't do relationships and who said anything about touching? You look like-”
“Shit?” You joked.
“I wasn't gonna say that,” he smirked, “maybe tired was the word.”
“Gee thanks. Life's been tough, boss is an asshat, people who I thought to be my friends turned out to be nothing but snakes,” you said, signalling for a refill, “now, look at me rambling about my fucked up life to a stranger.”
“You need someone to talk to and I'm a good listener,” the man had a soft look on his face, “Name's Dean.”
“Y/N,” you smiled.
“See I am not a stranger anymore,” he chuckled.
“What am I? Four? You say your name and you're suddenly not a stranger, huh? Stranger danger, I hope you know that,” he played along.
“You're something else, you know that?” Dean smirked.
“I know. Heard that a lot. So different that no one sticks around,” you said.
“Then they don't know the real you.”
“Why are you wasting your time?” Dean tilted his head at you, confusion evident on his face, “I already told you I'm not in the mood. I just wanna get drunk tonight.”
“You seriously think that I am acting friendly just because I wanna get in your pants?” You kept quiet sending him a clear message that it was exactly what you were thinking. “You need a friend tonight and not a one night stand.”
“Why? I just told you the reason.”
“Dean, there are other girls in this bar who have been ogling you the whole night and giving me the side eye. Why are you wasting your night with me?” You asked.
“Because I know how it feels to hit rock bottom in your life when all you need is someone to talk to,” Dean said. You nodded slowly at the man’s words.
“What about you Dean? How's life goin’ on for you?” You asked.
“Full of crap.” He gave a dry chuckle.
You took a glass of drink and raised it, Dean mimicking your actions. “Cheers to crappy life.”
“Sometimes I think what if my life was a little different. More adventurous, more exciting,” you wondered.
“Trust me, sweetheart, this life is what you want,” Dean said, taking a sip of his drink.
You didn't realise how much time you had spent talking to the green-eyed man in front of him. You were slowly succumbing to the charm of the man and there was this nagging voice in your head telling you to get away from him as fast as possible but in your heart, you couldn't believe that Dean would have a single bad bone in his body.
“Tell me about yourself.” You asked, hoping you could find out more about him and stop being paranoid.
“My life's pretty sucky like yours, no offence,” he chuckled.
“None taken.” You giggled.
“There are days where I just wanna give up, like today but then I meet this beautiful girl who effectively makes my day better,” Dean said with a cheeky grin on his face.
“And who might be this beautiful girl?”
“She is sitting right in front of me,” he smirked, making your heart flutter in your chest. Maybe Dean was genuinely a good man.
“I am happy I could make your day better because all I did was ramble about my stupid life,” you smiled.
“You have no idea how lucky I am to see you tonight. Did I help you?”
“You did. Thank you for tonight, Dean.” You said, leaning into kissing him on the cheek.
“You thinkin’ of going back home now?” He asked politely.
“I am, considering my friend will never show up and I don't want to waste anymore of your time. You want to….come with me?” You hesitated, a little unsure about taking him to your home but you were quite surprised when he shook his head.
“I already told you that I don't wanna get into your pants. Just holding up my end of the promise,” he smiled, signalling the bartender to let him know you would be leaving, “You sure you're okay to go home alone?”
“I'll call a cab,” you said.
“I can drop you off, I have my Baby parked outside,” he said, waving his hand towards the exit.
“Baby?” You cocked your head.
“My 67 Chevy Impala, she is my Baby,” Dean beamed, puffing his chest out.
“You have a nice taste in cars, Dean,” you smiled, “but you do know this kind of feels like the start of every roadside horror movie?”
“So I got an upgrade from the creep to a psycho killer machine?” He asked, a cocky grin plastered on his face, making you shrug.
“Just sayin’. Who knows maybe you're David freaking Yaegar,” you teased.
“Why don't you get in my car and find out? Maybe it's my time to slice and dice,” Dean grinned, your eyes widening at the reference.
“You have good taste in movies too,” you said, “but let me tell you if you kill me, I will come back to haunt your ass, Mister.”
“I will gladly have a cute ghost like you haunt me my entire life,” Dean chuckled, and guided you towards the exit.
“Damn, she is one sexy car,” you let out a low whistle and saw Dean smirking at you.
“Time to slice and dice. Get inside the car now,” he chuckled.
After an hour, with proper directions, the black Chevy had come to a halt in front of your house. Dean had previously told you that he was in the town for a couple more days at the “Red Motel” with his brother.
“You sure you don't wanna-”
“Nah. I'm a man of my words, Y/N,” he flashed you a smile.
“Okay. Thank you for tonight,” you said, “You're a good man, Dean. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, handsome.”
Dean squeezed his eyes shut, a lump forming in his throat as he heard you call him handsome.
“Don't be a stranger if we cross paths again,” You gave him a quick hug before climbing out of the car.
He gave you a small wave as he revved up the engine. You looked as he turned his car and drove out of your place. You smiled as your mind replayed the moments from the evening. You went inside your house, closing the door behind your back.
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“What?” Dean grumbled as he saw his brother staring at him, the moment he entered the motel room.
“Where the hell were you? I called you so many times,” Sam frowned at his brother who stumbled into the motel room.
“At the bar.”
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, “This is the third time in two weeks that you drove to this town.”
“Forgot the huge vampire nest we hunted?” He said, opening the cap of the beer bottle.
“Was it just about the case? I don't think my memory is failing me but doesn't Y/N live in this same town?” Sam raised his voice, “Did you or did you not go to the bar hoping you would meet her?”
Dean kept quiet.
“You can't do this to yourself Dean. It was your idea - you pushed her away!” It took Dean by surprise as he heard his brother yell at him. It was rare that Sam got this mad, “now you can't just waltz back into her life!”
“Don't ‘Sammy’ me, Dean. You-you did this to her, to us. Instead of dealing with the situation, you ran away from it!” Sam shoved his brother.
“I know! I know because I was the one who told Cas to erase her memories - give her a new life! I know it, Sammy. I know it better than anyone because I was the one who almost got her killed!” The green eyed hunter's voice broke at the end.
“You could have talked to her. She would have done anything to help you. It wasn't you.It was the mark.,” Sam said.
“It was still me,” he whispered, “she was the only one who could have talked me out of it but I didn't want that. This life - it's not for her, man. She deserves to have someone who is not ninety percent crap-”
“No. You don't get to say that. She was family. You shouldn't have made that decision for her,” the younger Winchester scoffed, “She would have stayed unlike you running from the problem because she loved you.”
Dean swallowed, “I loved her too. I still do but at least now she is safe….alive. She now has to deal with stupid bosses and asshole friends instead worrying about monsters, thinking about everyday to be your last.”
“Then let her go, man. Y/N’s not yours anymore. Y/N’s not your wife anymore,” Sam said, patting his brother's shoulder, “She was like a sister to me. I miss her. Everyday. I know you do too. But you gotta let her go.” Sam walked out of the room, tears pricking at his eyes.
Nursing the bottle in his hand, Dean stared at the bland wall in front of him. Closing his eyes shut, he remembered the intoxicating smell of yours entrapping him when you had hugged him, the way you were continuously playing with a loose strand of hair while talking to him. Looking down at his right arm, his left hand reached into his jeans pockets.
“I still love you, sweetheart,” he mumbled.
Twirling the wedding band between his fingers, he scoffed, “Till death do us part.”
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Feedback is appreciated!
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anika-ann · 4 years
Of Jewels and Gems (B.B)
Type: One-shot, Reader-insert               Word count: 1740
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary:  Medieval AU with thief!Bucky and princess!reader.
Based on a prompt: ‘I snuck in the castle to steal the royal crown but I’m stealing you instead au’.
Warnings: briefest violence, mention of anxiety if you squint
A/N: Prompt is a courtesy of  @caplanbuckybarnes​ ‘s challenge! Thank you for gathering so many wonderful ideas! Also, I did not follow  the prompt entirely, but I’m sorta hoping that it’s okay 😇
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Your heels were clapping softly as you wished to blend with the shadows of the castle’s corridors, sweetly lit by many torches, casting a lovely game of shadows on the walls and warming the otherwise cold space. Most importantly though, the space the lit up was empty – and you allowed yourself to inhale and exhale in relief, tension leaving your shoulders at last.
Your sky-blue dress, threaded by silvery white as if to compliment the feast, the celebration of winter solstice, brushed the hard-stony floor with every step, a rustle tender like a breath, remaining elegant even as the door to the royal ballroom closed after you.
You had sought a moment of refuge from the attentive if not downright prying gazes, which never seem to leave your person as if expecting to find a flaw – a living proof of the princess not belonging on the throne, on her rightful place to take in only a few years’ time.
Not one guard dared to follow you; whether the expression on your face was to blame or your status of Crown Princess, you couldn’t find yourself to care, simply grateful to Gods for such blessing. Endlessly grateful for a brief moments of serenity and solitude with nothing but a literal whisper of ‘Thank Gods’ on your lips.
Should you take Gods’ name in vain, Queen’s voice echoed in your mind, they will punish you for your insolence.
And as mother had told you on numerous occasions, they truly did, the punishment appearing in front of your eyes as if from thin air.
With a muffled thud of expensive boots, a dark, strong male figure, clothed in an attire barely suitable for such memorable day, emerged from the shadows four feet from you, almost as if falling from the ceiling.
“Halt!” a strict voice ordered to the stranger instantly, the sound fazing you only for a fleeting moment as realization dawned to you; it was your own voice that had found its way out and echoed in the otherwise abandoned walls. “Show yourself!”
The man indeed halted in his steps, clearly taken aback by your presence, and slowly turned around to face you; only then you took notice of his hands cladded in black gloves, clutching a sack no bigger than his head.
Much to your surprise, a grin swiftly replaced the grimace twisting his unfamiliar face and his bright eyes seemed to light up while his gaze rudely roamed your figure, finally landing on your frowny expression.
“Ah, the princess herself! What an honour!” a deep timber of a voice called out.
Then the stranger attempted and failed to curtsy, giving you an impression of a man mocking you.
A righteous offence taken warmed up your head in an instant; yet, you had been taught to be nothing short of polite, ever, and so you approached the man with kindness and caution as if to battle his rudeness.
“What are you seeking in these corridors, my lord? You should not-“
“My lord!” he echoed, a blend of more mockery and awe colouring his voice in deep marron, his next slurred words giving away his origin – one that could have not be noble, ringing all alarm bells in your mind. ”Whadda polite thin’ ya’re.”
“Excuse me? And who do you believe to be to address me in such manner?!” you snapped back, forgoing all the manners you had been taught and reaching to your bodice for a hidden slot instinctively. “What is it you hide in your sack?”
His eyebrow rose in bewilderment, his smile widening visibly under his thick dark beard – however, you did not miss how his eyes flickered to your side, where your hand had sneaked to take a hold of your dagger.
One single step in your direction, a minute shift in his posture, and your weapon was drawn, blade in the height of his eyes; his pupils enclosed in blue-grey irises swiftly refocused on the sharp object, his hands slowly lowering the sack. Under your attentive gaze, he went to unwrap it.
“Do you not come closer or I shall call the guards!” you warned him, your voice rising in volume to emphasize your point, to show him that your actions and threats were as far from a jest as he could imagine.
“Just showin’ ya’ the sack, Princess, no need to get jumpy,“ the stranger grumbled, eyes never leaving yours as he revealed his secret.
A gasp of pure surprise and horror left your lips, a momentary weakness swaying your strength and causing you to lower the blade only a fraction. Spots danced in your vision upon the revelation.
In an instant, faster than you could ever hope to comprehend, a slightly painful twist of your wrist had you drop your weapon, a rustle of fabric the only warning before your back gently hit the wall with a soft thud, pinned by his body, entirely immobilized.
Before you could attempt a scream, a calloused hand covered your mouth – a dirty, filthy hand, one which had touched the royal crown (!) without permission, without any right--- and as if such insolence wasn’t insulting enough, the man, momentarily touching you as well, clearly attempted to steal it.
Attempted to steal the crown jewels!
Oh Gods-
The clank of your dagger on the stony floor broke the vicious circle of your consternation; however, you couldn’t bear tearing your gaze away from the handsome face as you found it in such close quarters with yours, few inches only. Hard warm body had found its way to press against yours further, hard and yet almost soft, as if holding you down with care.
Perhaps you should have tried and alert the guards even incapacitated--- however, you couldn’t. Your shock at the impertinence of this man was long gone, its rightful place taken by awe at his startling beauty.
Your heart was attempting to beat its way out of your chest, for reasons you seemed to be unable to fully grasp; never you had thought fear was so near to excitement and fascination. You never hoped a man’s body touching yours could feel so wonderful.
“I don’t like bein’ rude, doll.”
Not even the contradiction of such sentence – calling you a doll, which for an explicable reason brought you pleasure, and the exclaim of his aversion to disrespect – could hope to snap you from your trance.
The huff of exasperation against his palm was more of an instinct, half-heartedly meant, as your eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, unable to escape the trap of his gaze.
“So I gotta introduce myself,” the stranger hummed, observing you with equal interest as if he saw you for the first time, as if all of your people didn’t know your face. “They call me Winter.”
Every muscle in your body tensed at the exclaim and yet, you turned nearly limp in his hold as you succumbed to the sudden faintness.
You have heard of that name, clad in a fog of mystery. Winter, the fabled thief, given the name for he was always coming on days of celebrations of the winter solstice; and yet, while all kingdoms remained at highest alert for the fear that he would arrive at their doorstep, he always managed to slip through their fingers, almost as if being a master of mystical arts.
Some didn’t believe in his existence as such at all; however, the losses in royals’ and noble’s belongings were far too real for the man to be a mere legend.
In this moment, Winter – especially since standing right in front of your own eyes – appeared indeed startlingly real.
And as much as such realization was disconcerting, you felt yourself being thoroughly charmed and fascinated.  
Your mind could not but race to solve the mystery – how many gems he had stolen before they began to reflect in his face? Eyes like topazes, threaded with silver lining, precious ruby lips hidden in a rich dark beard covering a jaw worth of royalty. A golden crown would complete the picture and perhaps its glow already twinkled in the thief’s irises.
“I don’t wanna hurt ya’, pretty doll. So, don’t ya’ scream, yeah?” Winter whispered a secret, a plea, and you couldn’t but comply, even if you found yourself missing the warmth and weight of his palm. A smile graced his lips again, your heart replying with a flutter. “I’m gonna walk away and you’re not gonna say a thin’ ‘bout me, yeah?”  
The gems glimmering in his eyes shone brighter as they indulged in observing your face with something resembling attraction as you she battled with yourself, vainly attempting to overcome the spell he put on you, causing you to only nod – rather than acting upon a rational thought and calling for guards to capture the infamous thief.
The most skilled thief you had ever encountered; though you had not met many.
Rough fingers with the softest touch brushed your cheek and you wondered how only was it possible to steal someone’s breath, the air from their lungs; for this was what it felt like, a brief encounter of skin and skin, fleeting, yet eternal as your face appeared to absorb the heat of his touch.
A playful smile, a smirk blending into a tender grin, spread your assailant’s mouth.
“Next time… I’m stealin’ the real crown jewel, Your Highness,” a confident exclaim left his lips before they encountered yours in a hasty peck, pleasant warmth only lasting a moment, yet long enough to ignite fire in your bones. Your eyes nearly fluttered shut in an unexpected bliss.
He had the audacity to wink at you as he took his retreat, claiming both his price and your dagger for a good measure, still smiling, as if the weapon meant a memento to him.
He left you in your stupor, form unmoving besides the swift motions of your chest as you hoped to catch your breath, to calm your fluttering heart and tingling fingertips and most importantly, to regather your wits.
Winter had already taken his leave long ago when you, in your mind, proclaimed him the most skilful thief in seven kingdoms indeed – for he had stolen your breath… and perhaps captured your heart as well.
Of that you were certain when the next day, you could feel your face light up as a brand-new dagger was brought to you by your loyal handmaiden Wanda, along with a note written in charming cursive, without a name signed yet self-explanatory:
Till next time, Jewel mine.
And you felt as if the next-time couldn’t arrive soon enough, your body already aching for your missing heart.
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Of Thieves and Queens of Hearts (sequel, ‘one-shot’)
B.B. masterlist (...yes, it’s that short)
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Thank you for reading!   
And wow, look at that, I wrote something short again; I blame my poor attempts at writing Bucky 😄
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 2 - The Rendezvous
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts. this chapter has 4 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
4. Patrol
“Our dates will be in broad daylight?”
“Yep,” Ladybug replied, popping the P. “Under the disguise of patrols.”
“So we are continuing ‘patrols’,” Chat indicated with air quotes. “I don’t think it’s very wise, my lady. Doesn’t it feel like we are hiding something from them?”
“So, you’re saying Parisians will be fine with us just going out and about on dates—”
“—as long as we ‘update’ them about our relationship status.”
“But we’re in the ‘dating phase’ and not ‘officially together’,” she indicated with air quotes too. “Also, you don’t want to date in the open, so there is no way we can ‘update’ and let them know we’re trying to be an official couple.” She sagged further down.
They were currently lounging on a random rooftop. Despite her best efforts at proposing counteroffers, she just fell short sometimes.
“I’m sorry.”
“Chaton, if you say sorry one more time, I’ll make sure I don’t turn up for our dates, then you’ll really be sorry.”
Chat widened his eyes in fear. No, anything but that, please! “No, no, please! I’m sor— I mean, please don’t.”
Ladybug sometimes also fell short at lifting the atmosphere around them.
“I’m just kidding, Minou.” She affirmed as she realised she might have taken it too far. “I plan on sticking with you for aeons.”
She slowly moved towards him and reached for his hands. “You know that, right?”
He pulled her into an embrace, her whole body lying on top of his. Ladybug rested her head on his shoulders and ran her hands through his hair, scratching behind his ears to reassure him.
“But,” she tried again. “Don’t you think Parisians will appreciate it even more if we appear as always? It’s like we aren’t forgetting about them, you know?”
Perhaps this wasn’t her brightest idea as of late, but she was still pretty insistent on it. She can’t help but feel that the pseudo reason would benefit them in the future.
“I guess,” he replied after a few beats.
“So can we?” Her body oozed excitement as she pulled back. “We’ll go on dates, but if anyone else asks, we’ll just tell them it’s a patrol!”
“As long as we take action when something happens.”
She became all giddy when Chat finally agreed.
“So, what do you have in mind for our ‘patrol’ today?”
Ladybug scanned their surroundings before her eyes landed on where she wanted to go. She grabbed his hand, pointed at the location and beamed at him. “Let's go to the fair over there!”
“Sure,” he smiled contently and agreed without even paying attention to where the fair was. “You’re so cute when you’re excited.”
“Am I now?” Smugness overtook her features.
He blushed, “You’re cute whenever, just especially so when you’re elated.”
“You know what’ll make me even more elated?” She leaned in.
“W-what?” Chat could feel the rhythms in his chest. She’s getting closer, so close that he could feel her warmth coming from her face. He swallowed, eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips, and then back again. Those eyes and lips were calling out to him, and he very much wanted to give in. If he could just move towards her a slight bit, her alluring pink lips would touch his.
Her face was millimetres from his, before she paused and booped his nose. “If you smiled more.”
He froze as she withdrew from him, took hold of his hand and pulled him up. “Come on! Let’s go before the cotton candy sells out!”
And she took off leaving Chat in a daze at her words. He shook out of his trance and followed her before he lost sight of where she went.
After they got their cotton candy, they stayed away from the centre of the fair, strolling at the borders.
“Do you know why I really wanted the cotton candy?”
“Because it’s a must-have when you visit a fair?”
“Well, you’re not wrong, but I get to do this too!” Ladybug tore a portion of her cotton candy and hovered it over Chat’s chin.
“Now you have a pink beard!” She giggled. “I’ve got to say, it does look good on you.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“It’s my favourite colour,” she reddened.
She felt his hands nearing her face and she looked down to see his blue cotton candy over her chin.
“What a coincidence, blue beard suits you too,” he smiled teasingly.
5. Milk
“Let’s sit here!”
They were at Jardin des Plantes and Ladybug had found a good spot that had adequate shade from the afternoon sun.
“You sure? There are plenty of flowers falling, won’t they get into our food?” Chat asked despite preparing to unroll the pink picnic mat.
“It’s fine! Besides, it’s romantic isn’t it?”
Chat chuckled and laid down the picnic mat on the grass before Ladybug put their picnic baskets on it.
As they sat down, Ladybug opened her basket and began taking out plates and wipes before taking out the sandwiches, cakes, and biscuits she had prepared earlier that day.
Chat was about to take out what he had brought when a cherry blossom flower landed on the back of his hand. Not the petals, but a full cherry blossom flower.
He seized it before it fell and placed it on Ladybug’s ear when she set down the containers before him.
She vaguely saw the light pink flower by the side of her eyes and narrowed her eyes at him. “Did you just pick this flower up from the ground and put it in my hair?”
Chat brought his hand to his chest in mock offence. “No, of course not! It landed on my hand.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“I want to see it happen again.”
“My lady, I'm literally bad luck! What just happened won’t happen again for another million years!”
“Well, then it’s really good luck for it to land on your hand, isn’t it?"
He puffed out his chest and nodded.
Ladybug then lifted her gaze to see if she could get any flowers. Chat took out his baton and aimed his camera towards her.
By this time she already had a flower in her hands and she focused her attention on him.
“Come on my lady, you look beautiful!” He showed his screen to her.
“Well, I'm glad we’re on the same page then.” Her arms reached for him and snaked around his neck to bring him in closer. Then, she placed the flower in his hair.
“Let’s take a selfie,” she pushed his hand that was holding the baton up into the air and changed the camera setting.
“Now we both look beautiful now, don't we?” She said cheekily as they viewed the image. They seemed inseparable, Ladybug had both her hands around Chat’s neck and Chat had his arm resting on her shoulder. Bright smiles on their faces, Ladybug was leaning her head on Chat’s, their flowers visible by the side of their faces. They both really love how the picture turned out.
“Remember to send it to me,” and they proceeded to take the rest of the items from their baskets.
When she heard the sound of glasses clinking, she thought Chat had brought wine, which was why she eyed him incredulously when she saw a carton of milk on the picnic mat.
“Are you serious? Who brings milk to picnics?”
“Why not? To each their own!” He defended.
She frowned. “Because!”
He grinned when she gave up. “My lady, did you know I tried to get drunk on milk once?”
Chat snickered when he saw the corners of her mouth twitched.
“Well, I don’t mean literally. But it happened enough times for the bartender to pretend that I was there to get drunk like everyone else was, even though the only thing I’ve ever ordered was milk.” He winked.
“You must really love milk, huh?”
“Can’t fault me for that,” he smirked. “I am a cat after all.”
“I wasn’t, but,” she held out a packet of milk biscuits to him. “What were the chances of us bringing something milk-related?”
He glowed.
6. Clown
Notre Dame is good for many things.
It’s good for France’s economy. The historical sites all around Paris are what attracts tourists from all around the world. Although not the sole reason, Notre Dame certainly contributes to the number of tourists who visit Paris.
Climbing to the top of the towers of Notre Dame offers a magnificent view of Paris. It is taller than all other buildings within its vicinity and on a good and sunny day, the Eiffel Tower can be seen clearly. Truly a sight to behold for anyone who wants the full experience as a visitor of Paris.
One downside to that is that wait lines to get to the top of the towers can take 2 to 3 hours. But not for the superhero duo, who can avoid the waiting time just by climbing up the Cathedral with the superpowers they were gifted.
Which was why they were currently at the top of the North Tower.
Notre Dame was also a great place for makeup sessions. There was nothing to block the sun from shining down on them, which gave excellent lighting for Ladybug to do her magic on Chat’s face.
“I was not expecting this for a Saturday date,” he grinned at her as she applied moisturiser on his face.
“Well, I’ve got to steer away from the norm sometimes.”
Once she was done, Ladybug picked up her makeup pouch from her side. “Is there any makeup you want me to do? Winged eyes, Smoky eyes, Visual-kei?”
“Make me a clown,” he said without missing a beat.
“Sorry, what?”
“You heard what I said. Make me a clown.”
“Wait, you’re serious?” Disbelief painted her face. “But doesn’t that defeat the purpose of makeup?”
“Excuse you, I don't need makeup to beautify me further, I'm pretty handsome myself. Now, make me ugly.”
“Oh you can’t do it, can you?” He quipped.
Fire lit in her eyes. “And what do you know about makeup?”
“Why my lady, I happen to be very good at makeup myself,” he smirked.
“Oh, so we’re turning this into a challenge now?”
“Only if you want it to be,” he replied with a teasing smile.
“Alright. It’ll be one. And since I've already started on your face, I’ll continue. I’ll do the clown makeup you so desire.” She emphasised it by shaking her pouch. “Then we’ll switch. But you can’t look at your own face until you’re done with mine.” She took out a mirror from her pouch. “And we’ll look at ourselves in the mirror at the same time, and whoever laughs will be the winner.”
“Aw man, I can't do the scary clown makeup from IT on your face,” he pouted.
“Course not.”
“Works fine for me.” And he proceeded to close his eyes.
Despite Ladybug’s display of confidence earlier, she's panicking right now. She didn’t know how to work on clown makeup, she doesn't even know what they look like just because she normally avoids them. Her only impression of them was that the faces were white. She's totally clueless as to how the eyes and mouth should appear to be. She really wanted to win, but with her current skill sets, probably not. She’d consider it a win if he so much as to release a small ‘pfft’ from his lips.
“I’m waiting, Buguinette.”
“Have you actually done this before?”
“Of course.” Dammit.
The only thing she could do now was to wing it, and she settled on applying white all over his face, before doing half of his face with her colours and the other half with his own.
She visibly cringed as she took a step back and saw her creation as a whole.
Chat grinned and walked up to her to push her down back to where he was sitting before.
And he began his magic, applying moisturiser before the white all over her face as well. But that’s where the similarities ended. He applied something on her lips first. Then, he drew something on both of her eyes before going to her mouth again. And he repeated this process at least three times before he finished.
Once he was done, Ladybug could hear her own heartbeat in her ears and she took out a mirror from her pouch. They sat side by side and Ladybug faced her mirror downwards.
“Three,” she started.
“Two,” he took over and grinned.
And together. “One!”
She flipped her mirror up and it didn’t even take a second before the both of them tumbled onto the floor, trying to save the mirror. Their laughter filled the air. It was so loud that tourists from the South Tower had to stop and search where the sound was coming from.
Chat was clutching his stomach, howling at the sheer ridiculousness of the makeup she had applied on his face. “Y-you don’t know h-how a c-cl-clown looks like!” And he bellowed further.
Ladybug was still trying to make sure the mirror didn’t fall from her grip, cackling at how she was so off the mark for the makeup she’s done on his face. “S-shut up!”
7. Height Difference
Checking out Marché Bastille was honestly not what they had planned for the day. It wasn’t even on their list of date ideas. But they couldn’t resist the amora that invaded their nostrils as they jumped across the market. They were greeted with vibrant colours and rows and rows of stores as they entered the market and decided to just roam around the market as their date for the day.
“Chaton, do you smell something?”
“Huh? I’m surrounded by the aroma of many things, which exactly are you talking about?”
“Aroma? Not odour?”
“Man it stinks so bad, do you really not smell it?”
“I really don’t.” He saw her face scrunched up. “That bad?”
She looked adorable though.
“Yes! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you can’t smell it at all!” She grasped his hand. “Let’s go before I faint from this.”
Ladybug walked ahead and pulled him forward, but he stood rooted to the ground.
“Chaton?” She turned back.
Chat continued sniffing the air, and when he realised that she was watching him, he bent his knees and inhaled.
He had caught a whiff of camembert.
Ladybug gawked at him as though he had offended generations of her family.
He gave her a teasing smile. “I smell it now, it’s camembert.”
She was still staring at him.
He moved towards her, arms circling her waist before jumping away from the open market to a rooftop nearby.
When they landed, she let go and stomped her feet. “Tell me you did not just do that!”
“I did,” he taunted.
“I can’t believe you!” She marched away from him.
He snorted.
“I get it. You're tall and I’m tiny.”
“Aw Buguinette, you’re a pretty tall lady yourself.”
“No, no I’m not. After you did that to emphasise our height difference, I don’t think I am!” She crossed her arms, puffed her cheeks, and looked away from him.
“I’m sorry my lady, I really couldn’t smell the odour you were complaining about.” He strolled towards her. “And admit it, you secretly like it too.”
“N-no, your long-ass limbs are always in the way.” She’s still not looking at him.
“Oh? In the way of what?” He brought his face to hers.
Ladybug bloomed a brilliant red. “I-In… in the way of…”
”Yes?” His eyes glinted.
“Ki— I mean, hugging!”
He caged her within his arms. “Is that an invitation for a kiss?” He smirked.
Her cheeks were burning. “N-no.”
“Okay,” he let her go.
“W-wait!” She grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her again.
“So you want a kiss?”
Her heartbeat raced upon hearing that. Ladybug didn’t trust her voice, so she simply nodded.
Chat leaned in, and Ladybug closed her eyes. A feathery light kiss brushed against her forehead before the warmth around her vanished. She opened her eyes and found that she was all alone on the rooftop.
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aziraphool · 3 years
I have fic, it's already one ao3 but here ya go anyways
The Ultimate Wingman
Summary: Nico goes to Kayla for help on asking out Will, forming two relationships - platonic or not - within the Apollo cabin
No warnings :D
I wrung my hands as I walked across Camp's grounds. This couldn't go too badly… right? The worst that could happen was that he'd say no - then he'd tell everyone I was gay and they'd all hate me and think I was weird and those that I could actually call friends would abandon me and -!
"Ugh!" I said aloud, kicking the dirt. The girl that I had been looking for, Kayla Knowles, spun around. Her short ginger and green hair whipped her face and the quiver on her back slid to the right.
"Oh, hey Nico," she greeted with a smile once she got over the shock.
"Uh, hi," I mumbled. 
"What is it? You seem… stressed," she commented.
"What? No, I'm not stressed," I lied. Her eyebrows creeped up.
"Oh really? I might not be any Will Solace but -" she stopped. I hoped desperately that the warmness of my cheeks wasn't showing. By the looks of it, however, I was more red than Rachel Dare's hair. She set her bow down and pulled off the quiver. Kayla seemed to be torn between smirking and being as kind as possible.
"I believe you wanted to talk to me?"
Oh, how easy it would be to say 'no' and walk away, my secrets still kept to my chest. But that would accomplish nothing. Besides, it wasn't as bad as telling Will. At least if I talked to Kayla it wasn't completely sure Will would ever find out what a loser I was.
"I - I… yes," I said, staring at the ground.
"Would you call it an… important matter?" She was definitely smirking; I could hear it in her voice. I glared at her red converse. I swear this girl lived in bright colours. "Ooh," She giggled before clearing her throat. "Sorry, I've been spending too much time around Lacy." I didn't know or care who Lacy was, though I assumed she was a daughter of Aphrodite, judging by the behaviour Kayla had leeched off her. I hoped I never had the misfortune to meet Lacy, as even this interaction with Kayla had just about killed me - or maybe it was just the circumstances.
"So," she said, jumping up to sit on the table she had just put her bow on. "What is it that you need me, of all people, for?"
"Well -"
"Sit down first," she interrupted, patting the table space next to her. She moved the bow as if it were made of glass and not a weapon made for killing. I hesitated before climbing up. (And, yes, I had to climb up. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, was too short to get up on a table that even the smallest kid in the Apollo cabin could effortlessly jump onto.) Her bluebelle eyes held the smile that she was repressing. 
"Now we're all cozy -" I shuffled away from her. "Tell me whatcha problem is." I didn't answer straight away. In fact, I didn't answer at all. I just kinda stared over to Camp, occasionally stealing glances to cabin 7. Discreetly, of course, or Kayla might start taking after Lacy again.
Suddenly, she hit my arm. I looked at her, a mixture of surprised and offended.
"There was a mosquito," she shrugged with an innocent smile.
"I hate you," I muttered so quietly I thought she wouldn't hear. But damn these Apollo kids, with their hearing that was too good, even for a demigod.
"That's kind of you,"
"How did you even -?"
"Hear you? Please, dad's the god of music n' stuff, we can't be tone deaf - well, maybe Will is -" she definitely paused just to see my reaction this time. I was disappointed in my inability to control my own blushing. The smirk reappeared on her face. "And he's also the god of prophecy, so I'd like to say that I have a pretty good idea of what's going on around here." I sighed, staring up at the sky. It was fun to imagine Zeus burning up there but I couldn't sink into childhood daydreams right now.
"I know you know -"
"I know I know, too," she said. I glared at her before looking back up.
"So just say it,"
Her smile widened before it disappeared. Shaking her head, she said something completely unexpected,
"This isn't my place to speak. You need to tell me, if you want to,"
I paused, momentarily confused by this sudden change. She smiled a genuine smile, her freckled cheeks faintly pink.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've had a crush on Lou Ellen for, like, ever,"
"Really?" I asked before I could stop myself. She nodded, the amber to green colouring of her hair made it look like traffic lights, her face was also red, making it even more pronounced.
"Well… I guess…" I groaned. "We're going anonymous, here. I have a - I have a crush on one of your half-siblings, right? And I need your help." She grinned. 
"Well, good thing we're both amateurs -"
"How is that a good thing?"
"Shh, di Angelo," she placed a finger to my lips. "It's rude to interrupt a genius at work."
"You're not a genius and you've interrupted me, like, 4 -"
"3," she corrected, then paused, rolling her eyes at herself. "Now it's 4 times."
"Whatever! I just need to find out if Wi - someone in your cabin likes me back!"
"You could just… ask?" she offered.
"No!" I cried, aghast. She racked her brain for another option.
"What d'you like to do, then?" Kayla asked. I looked at her quizzically.
"Raise the dead,"
"Maybe something more… normal," she said. "No offence but an army of skeletons isn't the way to ask someone out."
"You literally never leave your cabin. What do you do in there all day? Stare at the wall?"
"Yeah, basically," I shrugged. She seemed taken aback.
"You have a sword, right? What if you challenge him to a sword fight? You know, then get talking after?"
"That could work… I guess…" I mumbled.
"Then it's settled," she said, grabbing my wrist and jumping off the table.
"What're you - no. No no no no no! You cannot -" my foot caught and I ended up with a face full of grass.
"Good thinking! Will - I mean, my siblings like healing! Did you sprain your ankle?"
"I think so," I replied, tenderly poking the injury. "But the last time I was in the infirmary-"
"Will got really pissed because you left before your three days were up? I know. So now you can make up for it!" she said, dragging me along behind her.
"William!" she screamed through the Apollo cabin door.
"What?" Will opened the door, glowing in the fading sunlight.
"I've got a visitor!" she giggled before practically throwing me inside. "Good chat, Neeks!" Kayla slammed the door, leaving us in the empty cabin.
"Uh, what was all that about?" he asked, still staring at the door as he held his hand out. I hesitated before pulling myself up.
"I sprained my ankle," I replied, my voice an octave higher than usual.
"Oh," Will said and pointed at a bed. I sat on the edge of it, my toes grazing the floor. He walked over, his blond hair bobbing with his bouncy step, which was accompanied with the clapping sound of flip flops. He finished a Red Bull, crushing the can and throwing it over his shoulder, where it flawlessly landed in the bin. How hot can you get? 
He gently pulled off my black sneakers - I hoped my feet didn't smell. He prodded around the ankle and I winced in pain.
"Yeah, sprained, all right," he said. It was too quiet, I could hear his breathing. He pulled out an ice pack and wrapped it around my foot. "So, er, you're free to go, I guess." I nodded and replaced my shoe. I limped to the door before turning around.
"I was wondering if you'd, uh, if you'd like to… meet me in the - what's it called?- in the, um, arena tomorrow?" I stuttered.
"Sure," Will grinned. He couldn't be blushing, it was probably just the light. "What time?"
"Um, you pick," I said, not wanting to feel like a control freak.
"Will 11 do?" he asked.
"Of course," I replied. Truth was, I didn't usually get up until then, so I'd have to remember to set an alarm. Or tell Kayla and she'd come bounding into my room and 3 am for 'preparations'.
"See you there," he said. I nodded and left.
"Did it work? It worked, right?" Kayla practically yelled, jumping out from behind a bush.
"Yeah! It actually worked!" I answered just as loudly, unable to contain my enthusiasm. She gasped.
"What time are you gonna have the sword fight?" 
I cursed in Greek.
"I forgot to mention the swords!"
"Never mind, you have a sprained ankle anyway," she said, then hopped up and down excitedly. "See? I'm the ultimate wingman! You're going on a date!"
"It's not a date!" I corrected her, though I secretly hoped it was.
"Whatever you say, Neeks," she shrugged. I was too happy to tell her not to call me that.
"But what should I wear?" I asked. 
"Hmm," she mused. "Not the same as today… I'll need to see your wardrobe." She marched off to cabin 13, me in tow.
"Do you own anything that's not black?" Kayla grumbled, throwing yet another skull t shirt onto the bed. "Anyone'd think you're going to a funeral every day of the year."
"Uh," I squinted at a shirt. "That one's… dark grey," She held it up and raised an eyebrow. "... very, very dark grey."
"It's black," she sighed. "Anyhow, it'll have to do. At least it doesn't have a skull on."
"Who knows, maybe Will likes skulls and skeletons?" I shrugged. Kayla snorted.
"Tbh, he could probably name every bone in your body,"
"What the Hades does tbh mean?" I questioned and she grinned.
"Sometimes I forget that you're from, like, ages ago. Times like now, though…"
"Just tell me what it means," I growled as a skeletal hand broke the black carpet. 
"Um, it means to be honest," she answered, her voice squeaky.
"Oh… thanks," the hand retreated back into the ground. "Sorry, I guess."
"Don't worry 'bout it," Kayla shrugged. "Just lemme watch the date first."
My face went red. I was so close to summoning another skeleton to drag her into the depths of the Underworld.
I lay in bed, too nervous to sleep. What if it didn't work out? What if he hated me? What if - oh, the horrors - he was straight? I mean, I had nothing against straights. Most of my friends were (supposedly) straight. Still, when you're tryna ask a guy out, him being straight is not ideal. At all. I rolled over and punched my pillow. I needed sleep. I already had eye bags, I didn't need yet another sleepless night to look even more trashy. I could hardly breathe on my stomach but it, at least, served as a distraction. I mused over shadow travelling across the room and back, just so I would pass out. It was unnecessary, though, as I did (eventually) get to sleep.
"Nico," I vaguely registered someone whispering in my ear. "Nico. Nico. Wake up," they inhaled. I just managed to brace myself, realising what they were going to do. "NICO!" Still, I stumbled out of bed and fell to the floor.
"What?" I hissed at Kayla. She grinned, having successfully screamed in my ear.
About a hundred thoughts passed through my mind at once. Through the jumble, I managed one question.
"What's the time?"
"8, which gives 3 hours to go over your strategy," she answered.
"Strategy? I don't need a strategy," I said.
"Yes, you do. Besides, I've been talking everything through with Lacy last night,"
"How did you even meet? She's, like, two years younger than you,"
"Maybe if you actually left your cabin -"
"Point taken,"
"Drink it," Kayla instructed, pushing a glass into my hand.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Poison," she said, rolling her eyes. "Water, dumbass. Now, drink." I downed it and wiped my mouth on my wrist. There were a few moments of silence before Kayla stood up, grabbing me by the wrist.
"C'mon, Ghostie, let's take you to the arena to find lover boy,"
"Wh - what? Aren't we early?"
"Will's always early, it'll be a surprise," she replied. I nodded and followed her out, trying to resist the urge to sprint, adopt a new identity and forget this whole not-date.
I never would have thought I'd end up standing behind a bush with Kayla Knowles whilst Will Solace waited for me, yet here I was.
"Don't mess up the eyeliner," she said. "Or Lacy will kill me." I tried to reply, but no sound came out. She smiled lopsidedly, like she understood anyway.
"You'll do great," she inhaled then patted my head. "Will totally loves you."
"I - I - he -" I stuttered. 
"Trust me," Kayla said, grasping my hand, her bitten nails lightly scratching me. She pulled me into a hug from there. I tensed momentarily before doing the same.
"Thanks," I said into her shoulder. "Maybe I could be the ultimate wingman for your date with Lou Ellen."
"Isn't she with Cecil, though?"
"Eh," I shrugged. "I can… arrange something." She pulled back, laughing.
"Will will be lucky to have you, di Angelo. Now, go get him!" She pushed me out from our hiding space.
Will spin around, a grin forming on his face. His camp tank top exposed his golden shoulders, which glowed in the sunlight. He obviously had had some assistance too, as he was wearing jeans and not beach shorts two sizes too big.
"You're early," he laughed; a short melodic note.
"Then what are you?" I retorted good-naturedly.
"Hmm, fair point. But do you like my shoes?" he pointed at his black crocs. "I thought you'd like the colour."
"Oh, yeah, get me some," I said sarcastically.
"Sure!" Will said, his white teeth shining.
"That was a joke, Solace! A joke! I do not want black crocs!"
"Suit yourself," he shrugged. "Now, do you wanna sit down somewhere?"
"Thought you'd never ask,"
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ti-bae-rius · 4 years
Malec couple’s yoga one shot
“I can’t believe you agreed to this.”
“What? Yoga is a really great training activity. It keeps your muscles strong and toned and is great for flexibility and stamina.”
“Flexibility and stamina? I do like the sound of that.”
The two of them walked along the streets of New York, both in workout gear – though that phrase meant two wildly different things for each. Alec’s runes were glamoured and he wore his training gear – sans the heavy leather fabric shadowhunters donned for battle – which mainly consisted of a pair of loose jogging pants and a t-shirt that (like all Alec’s t-shirts) had seen better days. Magnus, however, had taken this as an opportunity to acquire some truly magnificent new clothes. A tank top reading ‘I’m heavily meditated’ and a pair of tight-fitting joggers, cuffed at the ankle and tailored to hang just right, completed Magnus’s outfit. Alec had to smile. No one else, in the history of workouts, had tailored yoga pants. But then no one else was quite like Magnus.
“We don’t need mats or anything, do we?” Alec asked, as they passed under the archway into Central Park. “The information seemed really vague. Do you think it’ll run over – my mom can only handle Max and Rafe for so long.”
“All this worrying doesn’t seem very zen of you,” Magnus chastised, taking Alec’s hand and swinging it like they did when they were making Max and Rafe ‘fly’ as they walked along the paths. Alec always thought this was somewhat of a big ask from Max, who actually could fly without the aid of Alec’s arms that were usually already somewhat tired from demon-hunting all day. Nevertheless, their squeals of joy made it all worthwhile.
A small throng of people were gathered, couples stretching together and chatting, in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow. Though still busy, it was somewhat less crowded and tourist-populated than the majority of the Park. Alec squinted to look who was there as the two of them walked closer and leaned up to whisper to Magnus, “There’s more gays than I thought there’d be.”
“Oh please, couples yoga is for three sets of people: bohemian lesbians who have squeezed this in between sensual pottery and live drawing where they only draw Cate Blanchett, straights whose marriages are on the rocks and are in desperate need of closeness not derived from brushing past one another on the way to write something on their family planner by the fridge, or gay couples – that’s us – whose marriage is just where it’s supposed to be.”
“And who want a brief moment of respite from their children – one of whom transforms into a bat when annoyed and one who loves annoying his brother?”
“I don’t think that’s quite as universal as you might expect,” Magnus pointed out and Alec laughed.
Thankfully, no one else seemed to have yoga mats. Despite Magnus’s assertions, most of the couples here looked calm and happy to be there. Alec relaxed a little and when a man and woman came over to introduce themselves as the instructors, he leaned casually against Magnus’s side, content to let his husband do the talking. He glanced round, watching the sunlight filter through the leaves of a nearby tree, mottling the grass below it with little pools of soft illumination. This was pretty nice, he thought, a feeling of serenity washing over him. Maybe Magnus was right, maybe Alec did just need to loosen up and relax, try and enjoy these new experiences. Maybe they’d become that couple, the couple that did yoga in the park and had brunch with their kids where they didn’t even drink mimosas or bloody marys because they didn’t need the pick-me-up of socially acceptable mid-morning alcohol. He’d always thought Izzy would be that person.
“Right,” the female instructor said in a voice that commanded the group. Though she’d raised her voice to gather them, she still sounded soft-spoken. “Let’s all find a space and let that space be our own bubble. Today, you and your partner are one being, two halves of one yogi. Together, let your hearts find a space. Be led by your shared heartbeat.”
Magnus and Alec exchanged a look and Magnus raised an eyebrow. Perhaps this was a little…much. Alec gave Magnus a miniscule frown and mouthed “that’s not very zen”. Magnus rolled his eyes but put a hand out and rested it on Alec’s chest, then put the other hand to his own.
“Our collective heartbeat is telling me that we should get out of here,” he said, with the same whimsical timbre to his voice that the instructor had. “It also says that the guac in the refrigerator needs eating tonight.”
Alec gave an inelegant snort and the instructors looked over at them. They didn’t look annoyed – Alec wasn’t sure people who were that at peace could be annoyed – but Alec schooled his expression into neutrality.
“I think just here is fine for our bubble,” he said and Magnus nodded, eyes glittering with amusement.
“I see we have some new energies in our space today,” the male instructor said, his speech with the same gentle lilt as his wife’s. “We welcome you into our family.” Magnus tried very hard not to think of how much this sounded like late-stage Crimson Hand rhetoric. “For our new friends, let me introduce us. This is my wife, Kelly, and I’m Gareth. Family, let’s emit some extra good vibes today to make our new souls feel welcomed and cherished.”
Alec firmly kept his eyes on the instructors instead of giving Magnus the weighted look he wanted to. Okay, this seemed a little full-on, but they’d just got here. They couldn’t judge it yet.
“What we’re going to do is start with a really easy pose that will help to solidify your connection to your partner and maintain your unity throughout our time together today,” breathed Kelly. “Let’s start with a stacked child’s pose. One half of your team transition now from mountain pose down to child’s pose, copying Gareth.”
Alec and Magnus exchanged looks and Alec shrugged, watching Gareth fold himself down onto the floor, facedown, as if having an existential crisis. Alec copied, and immediately felt the grass tickle his nose. From somewhere above him, Kelly continued talking.
“Now for our other halves, gently climb on your partner’s back and settle into the same pose. This is a really easy starting position and will keep us grounded and unified ready for our next step.”
Alec was about to say something when he felt Magnus’s weight settle atop him, pushing him further into the tickly grass. He breathed around the extra weight on his spine and Magnus bent to whisper in Alec’s ear.
“Wanna admit I was right to say we should’ve left?”
“No, this is very soothing,” Alec mumbled, and coughed on the grass that got in his mouth.
“Also, why is this child’s pose? Have Gareth and Kelly ever seen a child? If Max and Rafe were laid on the floor on their faces like this, I’d call an exorcist.”
“Shhh, I’m getting in touch with my inner peace,” Alec mumbled, and spluttered again on the grass in his mouth. “And also with this dirt.”
After a few minutes of relative calm, Gareth’s voice rung out, soft but commanding.
“Let’s all return to mountain pose now, stretching our arms up over our heads to transition to extended mountain.”
When Alec straightened up again, he glanced around, just to make sure he wasn’t being pranked. But no, a dozen other couples were all doing the same as them, lightly holding their hands above their heads, arms outstretched toward the sunny sky of New York. He settled back into it a little and tried to relax, wondering if relaxing was meant to take this much effort.
“Now we’re going to move into couple’s tree pose,” Gareth instructed. “Stand beside your partner and raise the arm closest to them into the air, touching their palm with yours. You can interlock your fingers here for extra emotional support, if you so desire. With your outside leg, rest the flat of your foot against your upper thigh, and bring your outside hands together to press flat against one another in the space between you.”
“Are you interlocking our fingers for emotional support?” Magnus whispered and Alec huffed a laugh.
“I’m doing it for structural support. I’m on some uneven grass and I feel like I’m about to fall over.”
“Consul Lightwood?”
Alec spun so fast that Magnus stumbled sideways, righting himself just in time and shooting Alec a furious look. In fact, the whole group were staring at them, looking as displeased as a group of people who had dedicated themselves to inner peace could look. Which, to be fair, wasn’t that displeased.
“Is there something disrupting your practise today?” Kelly asked, and Alec gave a nervous laugh.
“Just give me one second,” he said, staring off into the treeline where the call had come from.
“The forces outside your bubble are of no consequence during your practise,” Gareth told him, but Alec was already starting to walk over to the trees. Magnus gave a shrug to the instructors and an apologetic glance to the others in the group.
“He’s got a bad knee,” Magnus explained lamely and set off after Alec, jogging to catch up with him as he spoke to two younger shadowhunters. They couldn’t have been more than sixteen and were gaping up at Alec – and now Magnus too – with wide eyes.
“So how about I report back that you guys have been doing some great work on patrol, and you don’t tell anyone about…that,” Alec bartered. The two shadowhunters nodded and hurried off, casting looks over their shoulders as they went, heads bent together as they whispered. Alec looked at Magnus and burst out laughing. “Okay, you were right. We should’ve left before it started.”
“You mean you don’t want to get in touch with our shared heartbeat and become one soul in two bodies?” Magnus asked in mock-offence.
Alec gave him a sly side-eye and took his hand. “I didn’t say that. I’m sure we can work something out. We still have the apartment to ourselves for an hour or two before we have to get the kids.”
“What happened to ‘my mom can’t cope with them for too long’?” Magnus challenged, a devilish glint in his eye.
“She’ll be fine,” Alec assured him.
 “Why are we going to yoga night school?” Magnus asked as they reached the building indicated on Alec’s phone.
“Because it’s the only class I could find in the area when we had someone to watch the kids,” Alec explained. “Don’t worry, I made Simon promise to make them dinner.”
“Well hopefully this one is less traumatic.”
Alec groaned. “Don’t remind me. At least in a building we don’t risk random shadowhunters walking past.”
“Unless they’re in the class too!” Magnus pointed out chirpily and Alec shot him a glare as they went inside.
Much like the last class, people were milling about in couples. Alec gave the crowded hallway a quick scan but couldn’t see anyone they knew – thankfully. Alec relaxed a little. There were about the same number of couples here too, around twelve, and Alec couldn’t tell who the instructors were. Mostly people were talking in soft voices, sipping bottles of water, and leaning affectionately into conversations with their partner. Magnus glanced around.
“What kind of yoga is this?”
“I don’t know, tandem or something,” Alec said. “It was the only one available, but it looks good. The website said something about building trust and closeness or whatever.”
“Clearly imperative for us,” Magnus said dryly. “What with us being so distant and untrusting and all.”
Alec rolled his eyes but smiled.
Before he could respond, a door opened at the end of the hall and a woman emerged in a pair of leggings and a sports bra. She smiled at them and beckoned them all in. As Magnus and Alec passed her in the door, she turned and beamed at them.
“You must be our new sign-ups. I hope you enjoy the class and feel more in touch with yourselves and your bodies when you leave.”
No cult-like mentions of joining a family, or bubbles, or shared heartbeats. Alec heaved a sigh of relief and gave a glance toward Magnus, who was looking around the room. Everyone did seem quite touchy-feely, Magnus thought, but brushed it off. What else should he have expected from couple’s yoga – particularly couple’s yoga with a majority hetero clientele? He and Alec took a seat at the back of the studio, removing their shoes like the others had done and putting them behind their mat, and chatted between themselves until the woman who’d greeted them stepped to the front of the room with her own partner, a tall and well-built surfer-dude type.
“So as most of you know, I’m Carly and this is Dale, and we’ll be your guides tonight. As always, please feel free to take breaks as you need them, communication with your partner is encouraged, and remember to open a conversation after tonight’s class about what you learned about each other and yourself. These classes can really prompt strong feelings, and those should be embraced and discussed in a non-judgemental and loving way.”
“How intense is this class meant to be?” Magnus whispered to Alec, who shrugged, looking a little nervous. Was this for expert yoga-people? Yogists? Yogurts? What kind of relaxation came with a warning?
“While Carly lights the candles and I bring the lights down and close the blinds, feel free to come to rest in any pose that feels comfortable for you. Perhaps that’s child’s pose, a seated position, or maybe even corpse pose,” Dale said, and began readying the room.
“I’m starting to think we might all end up in corpse pose by the end of the night,” Alec hissed quietly, glancing round. “This looks like how most demonic rituals begin.”
“Maybe this is all a trap and Elyaas is just trying to get us to let him see Max again,” Magnus suggested and Alec laughed, looking round at the other couples to see how they were sat. Many were laid side by side, like bodies in mortuary shelves, but a handful of them were laid on their sides, pressed close together as if they were cuddled in bed. Alec raised his eyebrow sceptically and settled for sitting with his legs crossed before him, his back against Magnus who was in the same position.
“I’m getting in first to say we should leave now,” Alec whispered, eyes closed. “Just so if this is as bad as last time, I’ll get to be right.”
Alec felt Magnus’s shoulders move against his as he chuckled, then start a little as Dale spoke again.
“Okay, excellent. Let’s all slowly move to sit opposite our partner, ready to start the session with some synchronized breathing. You can do this in whatever way works for you. You could put a hand on your partner’s chest to feel their inhales and exhales. You could close your eyes and focus on the sound of their breath or maintain eye contact and build a direct channel of communication. You could hold hands. Or you can just meditate, keeping your inhalations and exhalations as one with your partner.”
Alec shuffled round to face Magnus and immediately had to close his eyes. Something about staring into the face of your significant other in a quiet and meditative room made you immediately want to burst out into loud and obnoxious laughter. Instead, he let Magnus’s hand find his in the dark of their closed eyes and tried to match their breaths. Despite himself, Alec relaxed, his shoulders drooping, jaw unclenching. Being a shadowhunter wasn’t a relaxing job, and it was sometimes hard to find time to de-stress. Maybe he’d judged this whole thing too quickly, put off by the last time. Actually, this was pretty nice.
After a while, Carly’s voice came softly through the haze of meditation, instructing them to gently come back to the present. Alec blinked open his eyes and met Magnus’s soft gaze, smiling. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
“Okay, now we’re going to move to our first real position, yab-yum,” Carly said. “You can stay crossed-legged for this, though one of you will have to move a little. One partner will stay seated and the other will climb into their lap, hooking their legs around the other’s back, coming to rest in a lotus position. Dale and I will be transitioning into yab-yum so you can observe us if you get lost.”
Magnus beckoned Alec forward and put his arms around Alec’s waist as the shadowhunter settled onto his husband’s lap, feeling a little uncomfortable doing so in a crowded room. He glanced around to confirm this was right and found everyone else doing the same.
“Relax, we’re married,” Magnus grinned and Alec nodded, laughing to himself. Magnus was right. This was totally innocent; he was just being coy.
“Gently, you can start to rock forwards and backwards,” Dale instructed, resting his hands on Carly’s hips. “Just a slight movement is fine to start. You can time this to your breathing. Breathe in, rock forward. Breathe out, rock back.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow but shrugged, following as instructed. Alec wrinkled his nose. Was it just him or did this feel weirdly…intense? Even personal?
“Are you starting to get seasick?” Magnus teased and Alec shook his head.
“I’m just really confused. What is this meant to do?”
“Help us breathe together I guess. Though, I don’t want to brag, but I’ve been breathing for centuries and I’m pretty excellent at it. I’m currently on my high score of most breaths breathed. I bet I’ve been breathing way longer than all these assholes.”
Alec laughed and tried to relax into the exercise, but he couldn’t help feeling strangely fidgety, like something wasn’t right.
“For a more connective experience,” Dale said. “You can add extra elements, especially if you’re the partner sat on the floor. Try rocking your lower back as well and raising your hips towards your partner’s.”
Alec and Magnus exchanged confused looks, and Alec felt his eyes widen when a few nearby couples began breathing more shallowly, less controlled. Magnus covered his mouth to stifle a laugh at Alec’s scandalised expression.
“Did you know—” Magnus began and Alec shook his head vehemently.
“Is this…” He dropped his voice and mouthed, “sex yoga?”
Magnus gave a loud snort of laughter and Alec shushed him, but the laugh was contagious and the sound came out disjointed and breathless. Instead, Alec put a finger to his lips, and looked up at the ceiling, trying not to meet Magnus’s eyes and start their laughs again. It was going well until Carly gave a breathy sigh and continued.
“This pose represents the mother and father in the act of sexual union, and really appeals to both genders’ need for interpenetration.”
“Well this isn’t going to help us at all then,” Magnus muttered, rolling his eyes.
Alec lost his composure completely and gave a cry of amusement that was smothered too late by Magnus’s hand. Both of them were laughing now, bent forward towards one another with tears in their eyes. Alec could feel the disapproving stares of the other people in the class and tried hard to compose himself, but it was no use. From somewhere above them, someone cleared their throat and the two of them looked up to see Carly stood there, with a face like thunder. And who could blame her, Alec thought. Two total newbies had signed up for her class, been totally blind-sided by what it actually was, and had some kind of hysteric moment in the middle of their session. Before she could say anything, Alec climbed to his feet and pulled Magnus up after him by the hands, still grinning uncontrollably.
“I, ah, don’t think this is our class,” Alec muttered apologetically.
“Yeah, I’m sure it said Bridge club was next door,” Magnus added and Alec had to press his lips together so he didn’t laugh in the poor woman’s face. Alec swept down, grabbed his shoes in one hand and Magnus’s in the other, shoved a pair at his husband, and stumbled gracelessly from the room, weaving between yab-yumming couples, and shutting the door quickly behind them.
As soon as they were out of the building, the two of them exploded into laughter, the sound ringing out on the quiet New York streets. It was already dark, though not even gone seven, and Alec sank down onto a bench to lace up his sneakers, still shaking with amusement. Magnus was bent double, wiping a tear from his eye.
“Tantric, you idiot,” Magnus wheezed. “Tantric yoga, not tandem.”
“I don’t know what that means!” Alec protested, gesturing to the building. “Who does sex yoga at seven on a Thursday evening? It’s a school day tomorrow!”
Magnus cackled and threw his head back, reminding Alec of their very first date, the two of them howling with joy at the awful subway rappers. It was the first time Alec had remembered really letting go, really surrendering to the idea of being happy. There, walking the streets with Magnus back to the apartment that wasn’t yet his home too, Alec hadn’t thought about what anyone else would think, or if someone he knew would see him. All he could think about was those terrible performers, and the way Magnus’s laugh sounded like someone opening the door to the rest of his life, and the whisper of evening air like a great spirit whispering at him that he could finally relax.
 Walking home, hand in hand, Magnus nudged a hip against Alec’s playfully.
“So, it’s super important to start a conversation after tonight’s class about what you learned about each other and yourself,” Magnus said, imitating Dale’s rolling Californian drawl.
“I learned that I should read the description of things properly before I book them for $60 a person,” Alec said.
“$60?” Magnus demanded incredulously. “You paid $120 for us to sit in a dark room with a bunch of horny couples and sit on each other’s laps?”
Alec rested his head on Magnus’s shoulder and laughed into the fabric of his jacket. “I just wanted us to have a good night out away from the kids and spend some time together.”
“I like movies, you know? And dinner, and the theatre, and literally anything where a woman doesn’t say interpenetration to me in a room full of other people.”
“Come on,” Alec urged, grinning. “Let’s at least take something from it. What did you learn?”
“I learned…that you are very, very attractive when you laugh,” Magnus said, leaning down to kiss the top of Alec’s head, feeling his husband nestle further into his shoulder. “How about you?”
“I learned…” Alec laughed shyly and straightened up, squeezing Magnus’s hand. “I learned that sitting on someone’s lap while they laugh is a unique experience that is not entirely without it’s…appeal.”
Magnus glanced at him and quirked an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
Alec shrugged and Magnus spun Alec round by the hand.
“I’m sure that could be arranged,” Magnus said softly and watched devilishly as Alec went fantastically red. “Come on, let’s go. Luckily for you we have a ridiculous life so there’s plenty of things to laugh at to get you all hot and bothered.”
Alec swatted at him and shushed him, looking around the near-empty street.
“We can start with the fact that your husband still turns you into a fumbling mess.”
“You’ll always do that,” Alec reminded him, and shot Magnus a winning smile that sent Magnus into his own state of unravelling. “We could swing by Simon and Izzy’s and get the kids early.”
“Or…” Magnus said, with a familiar look in his eyes and Alec’s mouth quirked in a smile. “I don’t know why you look so smug; I was going to suggest we sat in silence and timed our breaths to each other,” Magnus said and ducked away, chuckling, as Alec went to grab for him.
When Alec inevitably caught him, he wrapped his arms around Magnus, pressing a kiss to his neck. “What is our life?” he sighed, and Magnus tilted his chin down so his lips met Alec’s.
“Perfect,” Magnus answered fondly. “That’s what.”
This is a fun fic - don’t take it too seriously. No not all yoga is like this, not all tantric yoga is about sensuality or sexuality, but some of it is and that’s great too. Just...take it in the spirit it’s meant.
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hes-writer · 4 years
Exclusive Content
this is a master list of all one shots, blurbs, series parts, and unfinished content that i have posted on patreon (so far)! click the title to read the sneak peek (if i’ve posted one)
the one where harry has an eventful day
“Shit! Are you crazy?” Y/N gasped in surprise when the passengers seat was occupied, the door opening and slamming shut all while the car moved at a speed of 15 km/h —cursing her forgetfulness for not clicking the locks shut.
“Keep driving!” The passenger shouted, looking back through the windshield.
the one where y/n’s back hurts and harry draws a bath
“Took too long,” Y/N mumbled as they met in the middle, knuckling tiredly at her eyes. A pout sat on her face as Harry stopped himself from ducking his head and catching her plush lips with his, craving the sweet taste of her and her strawberry lip balm. Her arms wrapped around his snatched waist, halting his breath at the tightness of her embrace and settling for a kiss on her forehead, the scent of her shampoo wafting in his nostrils, knowing that she had taken a shower hours prior. Her back had been aching since then, the pain barely bearable for her stature, causing a crease in between his brows.
the one where harry receives a letter from y/n
Is it really worth it to look back in retrospect about ‘what had been’ when she can think about ‘what could have been’ if both of them realized their faults? Granted, he was more resilient in that sense than her, but he was no better at the time. She made mistakes and it had haunted her to this day, practically killing her with each moment she spent without him by her side.
+ UNWAVERING (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
the one where harry cheats (another version of ‘a cheat’)
"I-I'm in a bit of a rush, baby.” He took a step back, increasing the distance between them. "I have a meeting today. Lots of work to be done," Harry responded his tone suggesting that he didn’t want to talk anymore. Y/N nodded to please him.
"Right. Maybe we can go out tonight to grab some dinner," She suggested, a hopeful glint in her eyes and he almost felt guilty for putting her at the back burner of his mind.  
"I really have to go, baby," Peeking his head around her frame, he spotted the untouched toast and apple juice resting on where he should be. "I'm sorry."
the one where feelings aren’t mutual and hearts are broken
“I don’t want to be scared of what will happen tomorrow or if all we have is right now because we’ll have nothing left but I am,” A sob ripped through his throat, emotions were heightened tenfold because she was so close yet so far and they were still Harry and Y/N but at the same time they weren't. They’ve changed over the span of one night. “All we have is tonight,”
the one where harry and y/n are 7-year olds
Harry gasped in horror, crouching to his knees and getting his knee dirty beside the girl.
"Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay? I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen. I swear I wasn't mad at you, I was just jok- Why are you smiling?" Harry yelped, panic evident in his shrill voice. His hands wandered towards her face, tilting it left to right, up and down, searching for any visible and invisible injuries besides the bump on her forehead.
the one where y/n teaches harry the ‘renegade’ dance
“What are y’doing?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as his large palms ruffled the fluffy towel on his damp curls. The steam from the bathroom escaped to your bedroom where you were panting with effort, your chest heaving so hard that the peaks of your breasts rose with each breath. 
“Uh, what are you doing?” You retorted slowly, hiding your hands behind your back were your fingers gripped your phone. Your thumb dug hard on the volume bottom, frantically trying to decrease the music from the phone speaker. 
the one where harry does the ‘drop the towel’ challenge
“Hey, babe,” He greeted, walking closer to you in a towel that made him feel liberated. You hummed in a silent greeting, giving him a smile before doing a double-take at his appearance. He dropped the towel on the floor, his length hanging proudly between his legs. 
You gasped at the sight, the knife clanging on the marble counter, “Ooh, hi there,”
He smirked cockily, watching your eyes observe his body, tongue subconsciously peeking out between your lips until you snapped your head to the window, “Oh my god! There are people out there, Harry,” You wailed in alarm, bending over to hand him his towel.
DREAM WITH ME (exclusive content as of right now) - this fic will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus
the one where y/n has trouble falling asleep
Harry’s admiration gets interrupted when a sudden jolt took over Y/N’s body. He dropped his mouth open a little in shock, rubbing her back soothingly when she whimpered quietly, “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” She must have had experienced one of those moments when she was falling until her vision drooped to a shaded black. 
the one where love fails
What happens when love fades away? How do you cope with the feelings disappearing slowly like a blot of dark blue paint diluting with every stroke of a ruffled paintbrush? Y/N wondered if there was a chance to fixing what has been lost--what has disappeared as the canvas soaked through in a permeated osmosis. Coating the brush of blue with white paint took several layers to completely cover the mistakes. There had to be an effort in wanting to make the faults and errors completely opaque from the eye; the bleary, watery irises soaked with tears, dampening her lashes in a thick haze as she cried.
ROUTINE (1) (the first part will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus. following parts will be patron-exclusive content)
the one where harry is a camboy
In a blink of an eye, Harry’s toned body was showcased on the screen, allowing him to view what his viewers had the pleasure of seeing. The ‘LIVE’ sign blinked repeatedly.
“Hello,” Harry drawled out purposefully using a deeper tone to set the mood. “How are you today?” His fingers stayed hung over the armchair, griping it slightly when comments started rolling in.
NOTES ON CAMP (1) (2) (3) (exclusive content as of right now) - this fic will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus
Y/N plastered a smile on her face as she shook Belle’s hand. “Sorry but I need to steal Harry away,” Belle tugged on his tattooed arm, fingers clasping around his wrists as he started walking along with her. “See you, Y/N!” Harry greeted, turning around with his arm draped over Belle’s shoulder.
“See you,” She whispered under her breath, looking at his retreating figure towards the cafeteria. Y/N couldn’t help the disappointment she felt, her shoulders slouching at the realization that it was too good to be true. Of course, he had a girlfriend.  A gentleman with chiselled features and a caring personality complimenting her? No way. Still, she wasn’t too sad about it. It wasn’t like they’ve known each other for long. Plus, they were co-workers! It would feel wrong to start a relationship anyway.
the one where y/n is stressed and harry wants her to take a break
“What d’ya mean I don’t get it?” He closed the paperback, making sure to clip in his bookmark to save his spot.
A pregnant pause slithered the room. Her fingers typing against the keys of her laptop ceased as she shot him a glare, “You’re not studying, are you? All you do is write songs, fiddle with a few instruments and sing it in front of people who adore you,”
Harry physically pulled his chest back. He felt like he had been shot. He knew she didn’t mean it though, but it still hurt to hear, “O-oh. I didn't know y-you felt that way,”
She continued, “You don’t know what it’s like having to spend hours researching so you don’t get anything wrong. Sleepless nights to perfect one paragraph that my professor nitpicks to the bone,” Y/N penned a few words on her notebook, not noticing the pout plastered on Harry’s face.
the one where harry wants something else
She pulled away, shaking her head adamantly, “No way! I spent all day cooking and you’re not gonna skip it just to eat my pussy,”
He the corners of his eyes squinted in offence at her description, “Your pussy’s top tier, baby.” Harry ‘tsked’ his tongue, “If yeh didn’t know that already, then I’m doing a horrid job,”
the one bff!harry just wants y/n to call him by his pet name
“Am I, Harry? Seems like you’re putting me at the back burner nowadays,”
He was speechless; had he? Harry didn’t mean to make her feel this way but he wasn’t aware that he was actively blowing her off for Ruby. And why won’t she call him ‘honey’? That was his nickname, wasn’t it? H stood for Harry but it was also the pet name Y/N had given him.
His voice emulated a soft, syrupy tone that lingered in the air whenever he spoke. He was the colour honey itself--golden and yellow like the colour of the sun. Harry was bright in its sense of intelligence and the way he illuminated the whichever room he entered. His kindness catered to everyone’s needs and left pieces of his heart wherever he went.
Harry was honey.
ROOMMATES SERIES (3) (4) (5) (6)
the one where harry and y/n are roommates
updates every 2 weeks!
will not be posted on Tumblr until the series is finished
Y/N gasped at Harry’s proximity, lids snapping open with her hand reaching over to pat along until she found her phone which was blaring with an alarm that she had set. Harry gulped, eyes wide as his mind ran through what the hell just happened.
“What are you doing here? Get out!” She yelled, tugging the sheets higher on her body. 
“I-I was just waking you up so you can make us dinner,” Harry stuttered out, his excuse sounding lame but he patted himself on the shoulder for making it up on the spot. Well, that was his intention in the first place until he got distracted.
“Is this okay?” Her doe irises searched his. Harry raised his head lazily to make eye contact, nodding his head with a bit lip. Y/N clenched her inner thighs together at his already blissed-out state, his pupils slowly becoming larger with arousal. “Friends don’t touch each other this way,” She purposefully drew out her statement, giving Harry an out of the situation if he needed to.
“More than okay,”
the one before ‘under the table’
“Fuckin’ dirty,” He spat, the pads of his thumb tracing circles on her hipbones, not feeling a trace of clothing resting on her hips. “Wearin’ a short dress with no panties,”
Y/N hummed, arms slanting behind her to support her upper body so that she could spread her legs further, making room for Harry’s hand. “Didn’t feel like it,”
“Y’just waiting for me to find out, hmm? You knew I couldn’t resist myself when you look so goddamn pretty,”
the one with fratboy!harry
“Y’alright?” Harry’s husky breath barely made its way to her ears, only then did Y/N feel the hand palming her lower back, another one gripped around her shoulders. Her front flushed against his own, feeling his hard chest on her heaving ones. She peeked one eye open, looking around at her angled stance, then to Harry who wore a concerned look scanning her face. Y/N nodded in response, blinking rapidly, her nipples hardening at a sudden cold breeze beneath the thin fabric of her dress, surely poking him through his shirt. She blushed at the thought and his brief glance over her where they touched, his eyes dilating the tiniest amount.
the one where harry’s a cheating asshole
Harry wormed his way through his delectable voice and his ever-present words that somehow scorched your shield to the ground. Again. He promised never to do it again and your love-sick heart trusted him. Again. 
But your trust wasn’t something that was particularly valuable to him. To Harry, it would always be there, lingering like the stars in the night sky; always present, always gleaming. Harry was very sorry for what he was doing to you. It was ironic, really; he hoped and prayed every day that you wouldn’t find out but his carelessness left everything out in the open.  
the one where y/n has silly thoughts
the one where harry and y/n share the same class 
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wordsablaze · 3 years
13~ masked by my pride
tell me your problems (i’ll chase them away) Internal scars can be difficult to deal with but Eskel vows to heal any that Jaskier is weighed down by if it’s the last thing he does…
A/N: sorry it’s been a month but guess which dorks tried to borrow the braincell from scorpion ??
@random-nerd-3 @betaray-jones @w-s-kibela @in-love-with-writing002 @screaming-flapjacks @havenoffandoms @lasaga666 @mayastormborn @alllthequeenshorses
previous chapter
“You’re Jaskier the bard, aren’t you?” someone asks as soon as they get to Piana.
Jaskier doesn’t miss a beat before he nods, smiling politely. “That would be me, yes, lucky for you. Who’s asking?”
Eskel moves to go stable Scorpion but even as the stranger starts talking, Jaskier squeezes and tugs on Eskel’s hand just enough to stop him from going anywhere. He could easily pull out of the bard’s hold but he finds that he doesn’t want to so he just waits, biting back his smile lest he scares the stranger off.
There is no logical reason - or any other kind of reason, for that matter - as to why he’s become addicted to the feel of the bard’s fingers interlaced with his own and yet, he’s already resigned himself to that fate. And he’s not complaining.
“-nd should I report back a confirmation?” the man asks.
“Of course, it would be rude of me to refuse such a gracious offer,” Jaskier replies smoothly, and Eskel wishes he hadn’t zoned out of the conversation.
It’s not until they’re seated in the corner of a tavern that Jaskier relaxes, leaning into Eskel’s shoulder and slumping in his seat.
“Is something wrong?” Eskel asks, now trying to hold himself as still as possible so he doesn’t jostle Jaskier; he’s used to blending into the background but this feels different, like something precious.
“Of course not,” Jaskier replies immediately and, much to Eskel’s dismay, straightens up and pulls himself to his feet.
Eskel definitely does not sound at all forlorn as he asks, “Where are you going?”
Jaskier cocks his head to the right and holds his lute up with a small smirk. “We’re in a tavern, darling, and I’m a bard. The situation speaks for itself, I think.”
He’s bounding towards the man who looks like he’s in charge before Eskel can point out that he should probably take care of his own stomach before everyone else’s ears, but he’s not sure if that’s specifically a Jaskier thing or a general bard thing so he lets it go for the moment.
Obviously, he regrets it when Jaskier starts singing about Eskel heroically saving the continent from sirens, but he thinks even that’s growing on him already. And either way, watching Jaskier move through a room is a rewarding experience in itself, not that he’s incapable of taking his eyes off the bard, what an absurd situation that would be.
“Sing the other one! With the other witcher!”
Jaskier pauses, having just finished a song about pirates or something, and his eyes flicker to Eskel before he nods, launching into toss a coin with an easy smile. Eskel tries not to dwell on wanting to punch the man who’d requested the song - it has benefited them all, after all - and instead wonders how long it’ll take for Lambert to complain he’s being left out.
The second time Jaskier leans into Eskel’s shoulder is almost equally as precious. “How long before you need to set off again?” he asks as he tucks his lute back into its case.
Eskel frowns, pushing one of the two drinks that’d been set down on their table towards him. “We’ve been travelling all day, Jaskier.”
Jaskier nods but doesn’t move, clearing his throat after taking several large gulps and wincing. “You said you had somewhere to be.”
“There’s no hurry,” Eskel says, and he’s not even lying just to be polite; his path is generally north towards the keep but there’s still far too much time before winter sets in to be hurrying. Besides, he has little motivation for cold treks when he can feel Jaskier’s warm breath brushing against him.
“Well, in that case: fish.”
It takes Eskel a moment to realise that’s not some sort of cursing and instead a reference to food, which Jaskier immediately goes to find, leaving Eskel clutching a lute. It’s quite frankly just ridiculous how many times Jaskier gets away with slipping off somewhere in such a short space of time.
“Smells nice,” Eskel says honestly as Jaskier returns with two plates.
The bard smirks at him. “What, me or the fish?”
That takes Eskel a second to recover from. He shrugs. “Good point, could be either.”
Jaskier elbows him in faux offence as he settles yet again, but neither of them say anything more until their plates are empty. Not even two seconds pass before Jaskier yawns so hard that his eyes water.
Eskel laughs quietly. “We should head to the inn.”
“Oh but that would require moving,” Jaskier complains.
It was probably meant to be a humorous comment but Eskel can’t help frowning, wondering why Jaskier hadn’t asked for another break or something during their journey if he’d been getting so tired, not to mention why he’d decided performing was a good idea if he was ready to fall asleep.
“Stop that or I’ll actually write a ballad about the frowning witcher’s adventures,” Jaskier grumbles, poking his arm.
Eskel’s frown fades naturally as he smiles. “I thought you said the metaphors would be too hard?”
At that, Jaskier sits up and squints at him for a moment. “So you were listening after all, then. Is that a challenge, darling?”
“Maybe when your eyes aren’t drooping,” Eskel suggests, very much hoping Jaskier forgets about the whole conversation by tomorrow.
“My eyes are not drooping!” Jaskier argues, but the fact that he’s slumped against Eskel again doesn’t seem to do him any favours.
Eskel hums. “As you say, bardling.”
Jaskier pulls himself upright to prove his point, his hands on his hips as he raises an eyebrow. “See?”
Grabbing Jaskier’s lute as he stands, Eskel nods. “I see. Shall we head to the inn then?”
Jaskier’s mouth drops open as he glances between their now empty seats and Eskel. “You- Did you just- Did you just trick me into…?”
Eskel snorts, neither denying nor confirming the accusation. Thankfully, the inn isn’t far and they manage to get there with no problems, though that’s possibly because their hands are linked so even if Jaskier had started to wobble, nothing major could have happened anyway.
“We humbly request one of your fine rooms, if you will!” Jaskier beams at the innkeeper, a woman who looks a little sceptical at first but quickly softens as she looks over them properly.
“Just the one?” She asks.
Jaskier nods emphatically. “Just the one! No need to wear out the bedrolls, right?” he asks, more for Eskel’s benefit than the innkeeper’s, really.
“Right... Up the stairs, third door on the right,” the innkeeper says, handing him the key and nodding at Eskel with a hint of a smile, to which he nods back gratefully.
Jaskier pulls him along and yawns loudly as they find their room, finally letting go of his hand and flopping back onto the bed with his arms spread out. He’s only managed another quieter yawn by the time Eskel gets himself out of his armour and somehow, that’s equally as sad as it is endearing.
“Jaskier, you need to take your boots off at least,” Eskel whispers, trying his best not to laugh.
Jaskier looks up at him as if he’s just declared that lutes are outlawed. “Are you sure?”
Praying that he doesn’t take it the wrong way, Eskel sighs and goes to tug Jaskier’s boots off himself. He tenses up initially but when he realises what’s happening, he just laughs and awkwardly shrugs his doublet off to contribute.
“If you wanted to take my clothes off, you could’ve just asked,” he drawls, but then promptly yawns again.
“Unfortunately, I don’t speak yawn,” Eskel replies, and this time he does laugh, nudging Jaskier so they can both settle properly.
Jaskier vaguely kicks at him in response - assaulting only the air, of course - before Eskel feels arms around him. It takes a moment to relax his muscles and by the time he’s comfortable with the idea of Jaskier once again acting as a very strange but far from unpleasant blanket of sorts, said bard has already drifted off. Surprisingly, he finds himself doing the same.
He jolts awake immediately, his grip instinctively tightening on his weapon. Except it’s not a weapon he’s holding, it’s someone’s waist. Jaskier gasps sharply and Eskel all but flings himself out of the bed, leaning heavily on the closest wall as he clenches his fists and breathes slowly.
“Alright so perhaps waking you up with your name isn’t such a good idea,” Jaskier says eventually.
“I’m usually a light sleeper,” Eskel replies, beyond relieved that Jaskier seems to be amused rather than scared - he’s not sure what he’d do if Jaskier were to be scared of him.
Jaskier nods. “Right. Except you weren’t just then. Well, no matter, but if I don’t get to the privy in the next two minutes, we definitely will have a matter.”
Eskel doesn’t realise he’s kind of laughing until their room door swings shut. And even though Jaskier had taken absolutely no offence, he can’t help but feel embarrassed. So much so that he makes sure to slip out of their room just as Jaskier returns, freshening up before heading to the stables instead of opting for breakfast.
“Hey, girl,” he mumbles to Scorpion, who all but huffs impatiently when she finds his hands to be empty. “Sorry, I was in a rush,” he adds.
He opens his mouth to explain but she seems to be having none of it, stomping on his feet hard enough for it to hurt. He’s only just able to sidestep to avoid her doing the same thing twice, cursing under his breath. “You don’t need to break my toes to stop us from leaving,” he mutters angrily.
“You were leaving?”
Oh no.
Eskel turns on the spot even as the air fills with smoke and ash. Not literally of course, but it may as well be with how horribly strong the scent of distress is.
“Jaskier, I was just-” Eskel starts.
Jaskier shakes his head, exhaling slowly. “I don’t want to- Could you just answer the question? Please? Were you leaving?”
“No,” Eskel replies immediately. “No, of course not. I wouldn’t do that. And nor would Scorpion, it seems.”
Warm, fresh bread dilutes the smoky distress in the air and Eskel sighs with relief; apparently Jaskier believes him.
“Is everything okay?” Jaskier asks eventually, as if the answer to that doesn’t depend on his own emotions rather than whatever Eskel is thinking.
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” Eskel says honestly, “I just needed a minute.”
Jaskier nods. “I can give you a whole day, actually. How does meeting back at the inn tonight sound? Yes? Great, see you then!”
For all the good that enhanced senses do, Eskel wishes they came with enhanced processing because he’s getting tired of being too slow to register the bard’s words before it’s almost too late. Almost.
“Jaskier, wait!”
He’s not fast enough to stop Jaskier leaving the stables but thankfully the bard doesn’t disappear down some alley this time and he manages to end up in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. When Jaskier doesn’t say anything, biting his lip, Eskel sighs. “I don’t know what you’re thinking but it’s probably wrong. I simply… felt bad.”
“For what?” Jaskier asks softly, frowning.
Eskel clears his throat. “For this morning.”
Jaskier’s frown deepens. “What happened this morning? Did you break something or-” he gasps, “-did you hurt my lute?”
Eskel shakes his head, thoroughly confused. “Of course not! I- Why would I do that?”
With a shrug, Jaskier pinches the bridge of his nose. “What are you all guilty about then? We’ve not even been awake for an hour yet, what else could you possibly have done?”
“When you woke me up, I- I thought I might’ve hurt you?”
Jaskier blinks. And blinks again. He opens his mouth to say something only to close it again, then laughs. “Seriously? Oh, darling, that was nothing! It felt like getting hugged by an over-enthusiastic child, far from painful and definitely not something to fret your handsome self over!”
Eskel sighs, inwardly cursing himself for somehow having acted strangely enough to be compared to an over-enthusiastic child, and in an attempt to stop himself from genuinely attempting to flee, focuses back on something else that had bothered him.
“What did you mean by being able to give me a day?” he asks.
Jaskier offers him a sheepish smile. “That man yesterday? Well, I may have promised the Alderman I’d play for him again and then uh, forgotten? Turns out he didn’t forget and he’s ever so nicely offering to overlook the fact that it’s been several years if I perform today. Nothing important but it happens to be someone or the other’s name day and I usually attend those alone so…”
Oh. Of course very few people would want a witcher at their name day and even if they did, they wouldn’t want him; it’s not like scaring the children is ever part of the event.
“Well, I would hate to interfere,” he says after a pause.
Jaskier frowns again, seemingly considering something but only nodding in response. “Yes, there’s really no need. I’ll be done with it all by dinner and if you wouldn’t mind staying another night, we can set off tomorrow?”
Eskel smiles. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
“Marvellous! Until then, my dear witcher!” Jaskier smiles brightly and this time, does slip past him, fleetingly squeezing his hand as he goes.
Never has he had such a bewildering conversation before breakfast. He thinks he can maybe understand why Geralt had initially seemed averse to travelling with a bard but no, he still cannot comprehend how all the warmth and kindness wouldn’t be seen as worth any amount of confusion.
He appears to have been blindsided by said warmth and kindness though, because it takes him a stupidly long time to remember that he’s capable of spending the day doing something other than just waiting for Jaskier. Capable and very much required to, in fact.
It seems he’s spending his day with the local drowner then.
i'm beginning to suspect this fic is merely a myriad of clichés hiding in a trenchcoat but we're too far in to question it,,, my utmost appreciation to anyone who's somehow still sticking around <333
thanks for reading! masterlist | witcher sideblog: @itsjaskier | next chapter
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