#i would honestly hate it if I’m making anyone upset or unhappy
pixlokita · 4 months
I feel like ? I gotta remind people it’s ok to unfollow a blog when it upsets you in any way >> like if I ever do that sure, you can let me know if it was anything I did personally I’d appreciate it but if you just don’t enjoy something it’s ok to unfollow ;w; can’t stress enough how important it is to put your mental health first 👌
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
Would this platonic yandere let you leave?
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Explanations below/Click photo for higher res
DBK and PIF simply don’t see any reason to let you leave. If you want something, they can just have a bull mech get it for you. Besides, why would you want to go anywhere? You have your adoring and powerful parents right beside you. There’s no need to leave their side.
Chang’e might seem poorly placed, but she lives on the moon. It’s not that she wants to keep you locked away or isolated, but she genuinely cannot let you go anywhere. Hers is out of necessity, not choice. To be fair, you get to explore the whole moon and can even visit her factories, you aren’t locked in a tiny room or anything.
Wukong, as long as you have some kind of fighting skill, will let you venture into the city of Megapolis. He’ll fly you there on his cloud and “drop you off” before using the 72 Transformations to follow close behind you, ensuring that no dangers draw near. If you catch him, he’ll very unconvincingly write it off. “Stalking you? Pshaaaw! Naw, what gave you that idea? I just came here to, uh, buy some stuff!”
Macaque will tail you from the shadows. There’s not much to say. He’ll drag you into the darkness with him if he senses any danger, and chuckle when you get angry about being followed. Expect something like: “I’m just looking out for you, kid. You should be grateful, really.”
Huntsman takes pride in his fighting, tracking, and hunting skills, and following after you is just a non-lethal combo of the last two. His ego swells with each step he takes, just out of your sight. And if anyone tries to hurt you… those skills will go back to being lethal very quickly.
Peng will watch you from the skies, keeping a close eye out for you, ensuring that you both keep out of trouble and behave appropriately. If the need arises, they’ll swoop down and interfere. Most likely, it’s to ward away a troublemaker. Though, they’ll be very proud if you defend yourself. Their little nestling, growing up too fast.
MK wants to go where you go! If it’s somewhere loud and exciting, all the better! Even if you intend to head somewhere less his style, like a library, he’ll still hook his arm around yours and follow you along. (He’ll enjoy that trip a lot more if you read out loud to him.) Don’t think you can just up and ditch him, either. He’ll use his Gold Vision to pinpoint your location immediately, and race off to join up with you again. From there on, he’ll make sure to keep a tight grip on you, ensuring that you won’t get “lost” again.
Azure Lion fancies himself your defender and guardian, and hates the thought of you being unhappy nearly as much as he hates the thought of you getting hurt. He tries to be reasonable and fair with you, which includes letting you leave whatever serves as your shared dwellings. Only when he’s beside you, of course. He trusts himself to strike down any threat to your well-being, and has the power to follow through on that promise.
Ne Zha has lived through many fights and battles, and understands that danger can come from even the most unsuspecting of places. With this in mind, he’ll accompany you to wherever you wish to go, surveying the surrounding area as he walks with you. And he will be bringing his spear. He’d honestly rather not use it, but he’s playing it safe. Woe to any security guard who tries to separate it from him.
Mei canonically has trackers on all her friends. This is not something she sees as a breach of privacy or overstep of personal boundaries. It’s just something everyone wrote off when they learned about it. So if anyone finds out or you try to tell one of your friends, they’ll probably just shrug it off as “classic Mei” and move on with their day.
Red Son is not a fool, thank you very much! He knows that tailing you everywhere you go will only upset and drive you away (he learned that the hard way), and that he can only tag along so many times before it gets suspicious that he always shows up right when you’re about to do something or go somewhere (learned that the hard way too). So he decides to slap a tracker onto your phone and call it a day, like there’s nothing wrong with that. Since the tracker isn’t discreet at all, you’ll pop it off and throw it away. Expect him to get start getting creative after that. (He just goes to ask Mei for help.)
Syntax is a practical and rational man. He knows that stuffing you away inside will only breed resentment, but that letting you roam freely runs the risk of you escaping from his grasp. Wiring a tracker to the inside of your phone solves both problems. He’ll also hack into the camera so he’ll always be able to see what you’re doing. You’re granted free reign to wander and explore as you please (within the bounds of the city) all while under his careful surveillance.
Pigsy just wants you to be responsible, really. As the de-facto father figure in your life (in his own eyes), he needs you to be honest and forth-coming with him, please. If you just tell him the specifics of your outings, he won’t argue or complain, and it saves you one hell of a lecture. He might try to warn you away from something or someone he personally thinks of as shady or dubious, and if you don’t listen, he’ll tag along personally. If he’s too busy for that, expect him to send MK with you instead. And MK will spill each and every detail when asked, so you’d best not do anything reckless or dangerous.
Sandy is a kind man, even with obsession plaguing his heart. He wants the best for you, with every fiber of his being. The absolute worst this man would ever do is grind a few sleeping pills into your tea. Genuinely, he would go no further. He wouldn’t dream of disrespecting your personal autonomy. He just asks you very sweetly to let him know what you’ll be doing. If you get tired or upset or hungry, call him! He’ll come pick you up! Stay safe and text him when you get there! He’ll always look out for you. No matter what.
Tang isn’t really the sort to brute force his way through life. He’ll gently nudge and pester you into maybe downloading a location-tracing app, even offering to get it for himself as well. “It’s the only thing that can put my fragile heart as ease”, he’ll tell you, dramatically holding a hand to his hand as he sighs. He’ll wear away at your resolve until you finally buckle and download the damn thing. To be fair to you, he’ll also download it and see if he can’t get a few of the others to do the same. It’ll be less suspicious if he phrased it as “we all do dangerous things very frequently, and should be looking out for each other”.
Yellowtusk is a rational and composed man. If you act maturely and responsibly, he’ll lighten up on certain restrictions he has set in place for you. If you’re headed somewhere new he’ll come with you to make sure you don’t get lost, though. Being rational doesn’t make he doesn’t worry, after all.
Tang Sanzang despises the idea of restricting your freedoms, and wouldn’t dare disrespect you by saying that you aren’t capable of caring for yourself. He’ll happily see you off for the day, and then take a few minutes to pray for you and your safety. Be wary, though- if you aren’t back by the end of the day, he’ll gather up his fellow pilgrims and set out to find you. Getting away from him is easy enough. Getting away from the demons that loyally follow him, who are happy to drag you right back to his side? There’s just no chance.
Ao Lie probably sits in front of the door and waits for you to get back haphazardly packs you a bag of supplies to take with you, even if you’ll only be going to a nearby merchant’s store. He’ll be sure to tell you that “It’s only a days worth, you know! So be sure to come back soon, please!” He, much like the monk who rides on his back, genuinely trusts and respects you. He isn’t going to follow you from afar, or browbeat you into bringing him along. He’ll just wait. And wait. And he’ll keep waiting until night falls, at which point he’ll inform Tang Sanzang that he’s going out to look for you, to make sure that you’ll be okay. Once again, all the pilgrims will come to look for you, realizing that he’s actually pretty worried.
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abruisedmuse · 1 year
Idk if you're ever gonna see this but did you ever end up writing the Elucien full fic you wanted to make back in April? The one where he meets and startles her late at night. I just couldn't find the link and I really wanted to read it. No worries if it doesn't exist! Just thought I'd ask :)
*Sorry for any typos. I can’t find my glasses and my vision sucks lmao
Hey Love!
I've been sitting on this ask for about a week unsure how to answer. (I didn’t mean to have it sit that long I was busy with Halloween.)  Even though it's a relatively easy answer I wanna take this opportunity to state why my answer is what it is. I made a post a few months back but I can’t locate it.
Wouldn’t be surprised if I upset some people with this response but I need to get it all out. To be honest and transparent (blame the trauma and anxiety hooray!) I’m going to preface this by saying when I say acotar fandom, mention shippers or character stans I don’t mean all of them. I’ve met some amazing people within this fandom who I love to bits, it’s just better to use broader terms. I don’t mean to offended these are just my personal thoughts and how I feel as an individual. If anyone reading this does get offended well that says more about you than me doesn’t it?
Short answer: it’s in my docs. No I don’t have plans to finish it at the moment.
 And here's why aka the long answer:
I am taking a huge step back from acotar. To put it simply, since acosf especially it hasn’t been a good fandom. There's been so much toxicity and immaturity within it. And Its honestly exhausting to see. No matter what social media you're on people are just...well they're ugly about alot of topics. Whether its ship wars, characters, or the story itself. It's just this circle you know? It's not just the E/riels or the Rhys can do no wrong stans. There's negativity in every corner of this fandom. Yes, all fandoms have this. Were all human and we wanna defend what we enjoy and what characters we like. However with the length people go to in this fandom to attack one another is shocking. People will literally chase someone on social media to drag them because of their opinions. I've seen this type of behavior in Harry Potter, Supernatural, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, a little in Stranger Things etc. Name a fandom I’ve seen it. I’ve never seen it to the magnitude that is Acotar. I mean I got dragged for posting a vote for overlays that I’m buying, people have poked fun of Sjm’s kids, bullying artists on insta, fic writers to the point they don’t want to be active anymore, commenting/reblogging fics with how much they hate the ship, among other things. 
Around the time I began working on this fic there was more E/riel, Gwynriel, Elucien drama. On top of my recent experience with the voting this just added to my unhappiness and cause me to realize that I had fallen out of love with this fandom. I didn't wanna write for it. I didn't wanna make edits or posts for it anymore. Because why? Why dedicate my time and energy for such a hateful fandom? You’d think the toxic fans would be tired. But no. It’s always the fans that wanna be active and enjoy the space that become tired. That’s what I am. Tired. I’m over it. I know I’m not the only one. 
I would really love to finish that fic and perhaps one day once I’ve distanced myself for some time and feel good going back I will. I do know what happens and it gets bad before it gets better. Because your ask was so sweet if you want the breakdown/outline of what happens I’d be happy to answer that. Aside from that consider me on hiatus from the acotar fandom. (You can still send me asks about acotar or anything sjm. but as far as original content it’s gonna be a long time.)
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whoa-its-dani · 2 years
I think I’m doomed to only write one chapter of one fanfic every year, oftentimes in the summer, and then that’s it. It just dies. All of these ideas and plans just... fucked.
When I was a kid/tween, I used to write a lot. Didn’t have internet access so none of it ended up online. Most of it was handwritten. I’d write entire stories in days. It was no problem, just came as easy as rain from a cloud.
I peaked at age 12.
My great-grandmother, the one we lost in the fall of last year, always loved writing. She wanted to be a writer and seemed to be the only person in my family who really supported me writing. Even in her old age, when she could barely remember my name, she knew I was a writer. 
I know I owe nothing to nobody, I get that. But I always kinda hoped to make it as a writer for her. Or at least, write something. But I guess I grew out of it. I know my failing health had/has a lot to do with it, and I’m not trying to like blame myself for having the audacity to be disabled / hindered, but it does hurt. Add onto that the fact that I’m currently unmedicated, untreated, and I suspect even undiagnosed (with some specific things), and you get a nasty concoction.
I can’t do anything, I know I can’t do anything, and it hurts. I try to do things, knowing I can’t, and then get upset when I can’t do anything, even though I know I can’t do anything. Maybe I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but I feel like this is a #Relatable thing with people who have mental issues. You want to do something so badly, but you can’t. You call yourself lazy, you call yourself defeatist, you belittle yourself. And maybe I am lazy and defeatist to some degree, but that doesn’t erase what I’m dealing with.
I don’t know what I’m saying here but like I’m Big Sad™ right now and I hate it. I thought about looking at some of my old writing but most - if not all - of it was destroyed. That sounds a little dramatic but like it was natural damage, from mice and exposure and shit. Some of it was stolen (along with old art) because of what I stored them in, so it’s likely that a lot of it was trashed.
Even when I did write stuff on the computer using notepad, it’s not great. Most of it is My Immortal level cisheterocope shit. Escapist fantasies where my real parents were dead, I had a new family, a clean house, and friends and love interests. I think that’s why I’m so pro-fic and pro-ship. I know what it’s like to only have words on a screen keeping you sane.
I dunno what this post is. I’m tired, in pain, and coming off of caffeine (just had more of it so woo that’s gonna be fun) and I just want to make something. I think I’m trying to use it as I did when I was a kid, an escape. I used to think that my life was awful, and it was, honestly, but things have only gotten worse. I’d give anything to be able to write as quickly and efficiently as I used to. I resent myself for not continuing to write, because I’ve almost lost the skill completely, and I feel largely unhappy with anything I create.
It’s the reason why I’m trying my hand at fanfic. I don’t have to create much, just use the pieces someone else has made. It’s lazy but I just do not have the juice to make a whole new original story. And I kinda hate that. Makes me feel like a cringe thief. Of course, I would never judge anyone else for doing this, but that’s because they’re someone else, and I’m me, so clearly I’m held to different standards.
Why couldn’t I’ve been a snail
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eggdery · 1 year
I had always hated my happiness. That sounds weird, doesn’t it? But, I mean it. I had always hated the way I smiled or how my voice raised excitedly. I hated how spontaneous I was, too. Honestly, that’s what I hate the most about my happiness-spontaneity. Whenever I was truly happy, I was always too gleeful about something to someone, and in the end I always regretted how I acted. Because in the end, I always made someone unhappy. That’s odd, isn’t it? How can my happiness make someone unhappy? In fact, it should be the opposite. 
I was laughing at my boyfriend. He said something sweet and I was just happy to be around him. I missed him. But, he misspoke and he sounded a little funny. I was happy, though, so I laughed. I laughed a little too hard. And I was next to his face as we lay on the bed together. He told me to stop. I didn’t take him seriously so I kept laughing. I was happy. He didn't like it, so he left the bed and went to his desk. I sat up, asking him why he left. He looked upset and kept his head down. He told me I was laughing hysterically at him. I was happy, then I wasn’t. So I stopped smiling and lay on his bed. I pulled his black sheets upon my body, not caring if the heat suffocated me. He stood at his desk. I closed my eyes, feeling guilty. I felt tears well up in my eyes. My happiness is destructive. 
Sometimes when I’m happy, I act too carelessly. I don’t care about what I say or what I do. I am just there, enjoying the moment. I can be annoying when I am happy too. I speak too much or I am too loud. I am too much. I feel like a child being scolded. As a joke, I asked my boyfriend if I could take his nametag off his dorm door. His name was on a little violin and I thought it would be cute if I put it on my dorm door too. I play the violin. I guess I had asked him too much. He said no. He sounded exhausted but I could not pick up on it. As a joke, I tried to peel the tape off his door. He wasn’t looking anyway. He was too busy reading something on his phone. But then he was looking. And he told me to stop before shoving my hand away to restick the corner of tape I had peeled off. He then unlocked his door. I felt bad. I don’t remember what I said but I was sad. So, I sat in his desk chair as he went to his closet to take his shoes off. He told me I asked him too many times about his name tag and every time he said no. I felt like a child. It made me feel so little. He sounded so mad at me.  So I sat in his desk chair, head over my hand on the back of the chair. I was facing away from him. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to cry. It was so silly. He stood next to me but he did not notice my quivering lip. A couple minutes later, after forcing my tears down, he kicked me out of the room. Apparently, he had too much work to do. I went back to my room. I went to bed. I was happy before. 
I don’t think about myself. I don’t think about my feelings often. Growing up, my parents never apologized to me. I think that’s why. They always ignored the tension over some time and then everything was fine again. I ignore my feelings. I can’t stand it when people get mad at me, so I choke my tears down and move on. My friends are the same way. They don’t apologize to me. My boyfriend doesn’t apologize to me. No one likes being sad. But, I would trade my happiness for my sadness. I can’t stand it when people are mad at me. I would rather be sad than be happy because at least I wouldn’t trouble anyone else. When I am truly sad, I don’t speak. I don’t move. I don’t eat. When I am sad, I don’t exist in the way I am supposed to. When I am sad, I don’t bother people. I would rather be sad than happy because at least my sadness isn’t destructive.
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naatsuuki-chr · 2 years
i hate this
I doubt I’ll ever go through with it but decided I should write this in case. I don’t know how much more I can take but I hope venting it out will take the edge off or something rather than drive me to doing something irrational. Everyone gives me different advice but none of it helps. All my friends are sick of me constantly fucking being sad and bringing it up and I wish I could stop but it just comes in waves and they keep getting higher and higher. It’s like if in a water park the wave machine broke and just kept pushing them higher and higher and I’m just a small kid being drowned and pulled in. One friend in particular is fucking sick of me like this and just wants me to take action but I’ve tried and it doesn’t help and I can’t make myself heal faster. Another one of my friends gave good advice but it’s just not helpful in how to cope when I still enjoy them so much. Another friend just doesn’t get it at all and tried to help but for once his comfort doesn’t actuslly help. One friend was probably the best person to talk to about it but it’s all just about how I didn’t fuck it up when I did and I know I did. My parents just want me to let it go and live my life but it’s not that simple and even they are sick of it and just don’t understand it. The person from underscord helped in the moment but their advices help faded as I kept trying it because I can’t make myself believe that I don’t love them even if I need to. Id put it into music but even that I’ve lost motivation for and really can’t force myself to make it to get shit out because then I create shitty music and hurt myself worse by forcing myself. It’s just an endless, meaningless, and painful cycle of waking up crying, showering, going to classes, coming back, crying, doing things so the RAs don’t worry and check on me, coming back, crying again, watching YouTube to try and distract myself, and then cry to sleep. I have nobody left to vent to and I don’t want a fucking therapist or meds because I don’t want to live like that paying to speak to someone and paying for pills for relief. I deleted most of my shit from social media even though I still lurk around it but I want it to be empty with only what I’m proud of if I end up going down. I have to deal with one friend all the time just saying shit like “shut up” and being passive aggressive saying I don’t take anyone’s advice and honestly I’m sick of it and if anything I think that mixed with being heartbroken over someone I still love so much is gonna be my tipping point. Everyone’s support seems so shallow because yeah they care but only for so long and eventually everyone gets sick of me. Everyone either hates me, gets sick of me, or is disappointed by me and it’s just fucking devastating to live knowing that. If I didn’t have parents and family I’d be gone right now and sometimes I wish I didn’t have them so I could just finally be free of all this pain. Luckily I’m so much of a coward that it’s keeping me alive but it’s just tiring. I’m so tired of living in this sick twisted paradox that life is putting me in. I have to live without the person I love so much but I have to constantly yearn for them. I have to want them to be happy but also inside kind of want them to be unhappy with him or for him to fuck up or fall in love with someone else. I want her more than anything in the universe but I can’t have her but I can’t want anyone else. Hearing her new boyfriend’s name makes me so sad but angry but happy he treats them right. I’m so fucking upset that he gets everything I dreamt of and still dream about but now I can’t have even though now I know I would be the best, better than I ever have. All the things I wanted and still want to do like play skylanders with her, play fossil fighters with her, cosplay cool characters we like, do couples costumes and shit, play other fun games together, build minecraft homes together, cuddle and watch movies we like, stare into their pretty eyes and tell them how much I love and adore them, own a snake or a lizard with them, own a sphinx cat, own a bunny, own a purple 1970s dodge challenger, take rides in the 1950 ford, go watch movies at a drive in theater in the ford or my jeep, invite them to my college on a weekend and hold hands as I show them around campus, cuddle in my dorm room, talk for hours about all the things we like, talk about our childhoods, kiss and feel their warm soft hugs, hear their little cute squeaks when they’re tired, rub their back, bring them things when they are on their period or just in pain in general, take care of them when they get sick, make omlettes for breakfast for them and surprise them with it, take them to heids and eat grilled cheese hoping that a train goes by, walking next to Onondaga lake with them, taking them around Ithaca to see the pretty hills and gorges and forests, take them to beaver lake and carve our names into a bench or tree, take them to the state fair, introduce them to the people at tie dye rose I’ve known since I was a kid, poke bunny butts and pet cows with them, own a pretty house in the woods, buy them random things just because I think they’d like it, take them to concerts for artists we like like tøp, underscores, or Jane Remover, play music together and do cool artistic shit on stage, do awesome photoshoots with cool premises like jester idea I had, have a perfect kid and name her Blaire, make cool clothes, take them when the animatronic dinosaur thing was in town, take them to the record store, watch battlebots, call eachother cute nicknames, sing love songs to them at random, watch The Shining or Hot Fuzz together, share pokemon cards, and now it’s all gone and I cant see that with anyone else. I hate this empty feeling of love that isn’t returned anymore especially when I still see my life with them even when I try to see it with someone else. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying my best to just live my life but it’s so hard knowing the one pwrson I love is out there and most painfully has probably forgotten me or doesnt like me or even care Anymore. It hurts to go to bed and dream of them and see their smile only to wake up and realize I lost it. I never had any problems until now and it’s the worst fucking feeling. I wish there was an easy way out but the worst part is nobody would notice or care except my family and even they probably wouldn’t know for a day or two or even more. I just don’t know how much more of this I can take it’s fucking killing me and if I don’t end up killing myself ill just be a mess for the rest of my life. Everyone keeps telling me it isn’t going to last forever but that it will take a long time to heal but I don’t think I can take anymore. I’ve written poems, I’ve talked to people, I’ve written so many songs I cant anymore, and I lost the girl I wanted my life with, there’s nothing left for me if my music can’t make me happy and the person who made me happy is gone I can’t see a purpose on this cruel fucking earth. If I don’t end it I know I’ll just be praying and mourning and loving for the rest of my life hoping I can try again but knowing ill never get that and being cursed by seeing their perfect smile next to me on a pretty winter morning is so fu king painful. It hurts so bad feeling like they don’t even think of me or that they hate me even if it’s not true because it’s how I feel but then immediately that being followed by the exact opposite feeling. I just wanna get so drunk I get alcohol poisoning or something because at least that would be fun until the end but I can’t even drink without it being so shitty and my brain keeps ripping itself apart. No matter how much I try, if I try to convince myself ill never be with them again it drives me to this and if I try to convince myself I will be with them it drives me to this. I’m sick of shaking and crying and being a snotty drooling mess. I lost the prettiest angel and I can’t fucking take it. I keep having a dream that keeps repeating where we make up and cuddle and shit but it hurts so much to wake up and realize that it may never even happen. I’m writing this just in case I lose this battle. It’s not anyone’s fault. If she finds out I would like her to know it isn’t her fault. I just wasn’t strong enough and I want them to live a happy life with him and not throw it out for their shitty ex even if i still adore them. I want everyone to know it isn’t their fault and ultimately if I have decided to do it which I doubt I will, it was my decision and it was the best for me I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I don’t think I can take anymore. I don’t know what I’m going to do so I’ll just put this somewhere in case it’s my last day or i just randomly decide to do something drastic but I doubt it. Ill probably put myself through another year of suffering before I even have the guts to end this miserable fucking life and even then ill still be scared and still love them.
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scrubs - 7.
PAIRING: doctor!sebastian stan x biomedical scientist!reader
A/N: have fun everybody xx
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She was stubborn. She’d always been stubborn from the moment he’d first seen her a few years ago and while he knew so many staff over his very long period at the hospital which had seen him do his own residency, he could not forget the first time he saw her. The first thought that popped into his mind was how cute she was in a clearly oversized lab coat as she followed her supervisor around carrying some stock. He’d offered to help her out yet she merely looked him up and down with a sarcastic smile before telling him she didn’t need his help. The exact same sarcastic smile she was wearing right now. 
Time had barely weighed on her, after all, it hadn’t been that long ago and while her hair had changed, her defiance had remained. There weren’t a lot of people who defied doctors or even nurses, they had this sort of mystical tsar like dominance inside hospital walls yet not only she defied him, but she also had almost always the upper hand. 
     - Why would I do that? - she cocked her head to the side, eyebrow raised up as she taunted him. 
     - Because ... - he stood close to him, way too close for her to feel his breathe on her face. His finger traced the side of her jaw, slowly and with torturous intent before he leaned down to her ear. - You really get keyed up when I’m not inside you, doll.
Y/N’s cheeks heated up but she remained her composure, studying her opononent as if this was a chess match. Her eyes looked up at him, a small smile on her lips before she leaned in to kiss him. He melted into her kiss, pressing her against the wall as it became more intimate and lustful, yet it wasn’t messy. She was merely pressed against that wall, his lips molding with hers as his hands rested on her waist. Her hands rubbed up and down his chest, one of them resting upon the hard on visible from his scrubs. She squeezed his through his scrubs as her kisses leaned down from his lips to his jaw and neck, leaving enough lipstick marks to have people wonder. 
    - I guess I’m gonna be keyed up ... - she stopped the kiss before slipping from under him, her hand resting on the knob. - Knock yourself off, Dr. Stan. 
Sebastian remained speechless as he watched her leave. Oh, oh she was wanting to be chased? He smirked to himself, grabbing his jacket before looking down at his erection. That was going to be a fun lunch break, he thought to himself. He allowed her to remain in his mind through his whole shift yet not on the way it usually remained. He wasn’t annoyed at her, it was something else. Maybe he did have an idea of what to do. 
She on the other hand was busy dealing with her ever rushing thoughts about the doctor. She had a bright smile on her face every once in a while every time she thought about what she’d done. Sure, she knew she’d probably deal with the consequences of it the next time they spoke or when HR found out she kissed him in the middle of the reception hall but that was a future problem. She continued with that little smile even as she grabbed her bag, walking down the stairs down to her car, only to find the same man on her mind sat on the boot.
   - Dr. Stan, you do realise you have to enter the car to actually drive it, correct?
   - You are the most difficult woman I’ve ever met. 
   - I didn’t realise we were still fighting over the obvious. - she fished her purse for her keys. 
   - Let’s go on a date. - he jumped off the car. - Hopefully, you’ll end up in my bed as well. 
   - A date? Doctor Stan, the only thing I want to do is get takeaway from the little Italian restaurant next to my house and watch Netflix.
   - Come on, doll. You gave me blue balls the whole day, least thing you can do is have a bite with me. 
She poundered over the question for a little bit. Surely she wouldn’t want this going around the hospital or she would lose the little credibility she had in those halls yet, at the same time, she did enjoy her time with him no matter how much he attempted to get on her last nerve. She lowered her shoulder, letting out a sigh before holding up her keys in her fingers. 
  - You’re driving. 
  - I can’t drive such a tiny car. - he pointed at her baby blue Fiat 500, the very first car she’d ever bought and the only car she’ll ever have for all she cared. 
   - They say men with big cars are compensating for something. Got anything to hide, Dr. Stan? - she smirked as she opened her passenger door. 
  - You would know, wouldn’t you doll? - he caught the keys from her, pushing the driver’s seat back before closing the door. - Damn, this is a tiny car.
  - You’re a tiny car.
  - Is that all you have? I expected a better come back from you.
  - Like you expected me to make you cum earlier? 
He smiled to himself as he started the car. Sebastian honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d driven with someone by his side, much less a woman whom he wasn’t related to. Her car had such an aura to it, the aura of who she was outside of work. He’d never stopped to wonder who she was off work, what she liked, what she disliked; however, her playlist gave a quick peak into a bit of her tastes, a mix between musical theatre, sad pop music, c;assic music and Britney Spears. It made her rounded, more than the woman she was at the laboratory, more than the supervisor Y/N he was so used to have petty fights with. Everything in the car just yelled out who she was, from the little vanilla scent dangling off the mirror, the lipgloss on the side, a few books in the backseat and the car itself. He thought his car was so dull compared to hers, always so unlived in. 
   - Are we going to sit in silence or ... ?  -  she leaned against the head rest.
   - Oh no, doll. I like not talking to you, you normally end up kissing me out of the blue. I could get used to that. 
   - That happened because you were a dick to me. 
   - That happened because you were jealous. Admit it, you like me. 
She remained silent, looking at him through the corner of her eye with a childish smile. He drove past her favourite Italian, getting her reserved order before deciding to take them to his apartment. Sebastian was sure she wouldn’t want him in her flat, no one had really been there. She was a quiet person outside of her job, no one really knew what she exactly did or what she liked. He wondered what type of person she was outside of work but he could only imagine she had that same spark. That little thing which just made her the person he knew.She was always too big for that little hospital.
  - You passed my street.
  - I know. We’re going to my place. I know you’re a private person. 
  - Oh ... - she bite the inside of her lip, looking out the window. - That’s awfully thoughtful of you.
  - Everything ok? - he asked but she merely nodded, leaning on her own hand yet the answer didn’t satisfy him. - You can talk to me, you know? I’m not all bad. 
  - I didn’t know you were a psychologist. 
  - Do you even have anyone to talk to? - he questioned, more in a joking manner than in a serious manner yet her face dropped. Her eyes darting to look out the window as she forced laughter. - C’mon people talk on dates.
  - I have my parents but they’re not in the country. - she answered, pulling at the edge of her cuffs. - It’s only glamorous to work in a hospital if you’re a white male doctor. 
  - Something happened?
  - Not important. - she changed the topic. - Pay attention to the road before you wreck my car. 
Sebastian wanted to ask her, he really did, yet he doubtted she would open up to him. Maybe for good reason, after all, their relationship had been, somewhat, strictly professional for years. Nevertheless, it still tugged at the back of his mind even as he parked. Sebastian existed the car, carrying whatever it was she had ordered before opening the door for her. 
Maybe it was the fact she had been extremely drunk the last time or that she was much more focused on getting him to fuck her but the view from his penthouse flat was something breath taking. She took small steps towards the balcony, holding out the rail as she looked up the city from the top. Everything looked so small, like her own personal sky full of stars. She could just look at it for hours and forget everything.
   - Do you wanna eat out the packaging or do you want me to plate it? - he spoke to her from the kitchen. - Y/N?
   - Whatever’s better for you. - she looked out her shoulder before returning to look at the city. Sebastian dropped the plates onto the marble countertops, abandoning his task to go and join her. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, as if questioning what he was doing by her side. 
   - What’s bothering you? 
   - Nothing’s bothering me.
   - You haven’t bullied me yet. You’re either really trying to get into my pants which is not hard at all, really just need to ask or you’re upset. Either way, I wanna help.
    - You wouldn’t understand. - she leaned her arms on the railing. 
    - I don’t need to understand, I just wanna be there for you.
    - So you wanna be my therapist? - she dryly chuckled. - I’ve just been hating my job.
    - Everyone hates their job.
    - I was the first in the family to go to university, the smart kid. I always did my best, gave up on a regular growing up because I needed to be the best to merely get the opportunities other people had. I worked hard, graduated top of my class and when I got this job I was so happy. - she shakily sighed. - But now I just hate it. I do everything I can, I do the best and beyond, edit company SOPs and training forms and I’m still treated like scum. I just thought that with a degree I would do what I like but instead I’m stuck in that job, unable to do what I like because it doesn’t pay the bills. I interview all the time and it’s always a no. I’m just unhappy, alone and lonely.
  - You’re not alone. You have that friend ... what’s her name? 
  - Miriam? Try being friends with someone who’s recently engaged.
  - I’m sorry. - he scratched the back of his neck. - I didn’t know you felt that way, Y/N. That’s awful. 
  - Thanks, Dr. Stan. I appreciate it. - she saluted him sarcastically. 
  - You need to let people in. 
  - I’ve already let you in. 
  - Not like that. - he chuckled. - You’re always so uptight. Don’t get me wrong, I love it but other people don’t.
  - I don’t really care if people like me. I’m used to it. 
  - Thank god I like you then. - he kissed her shoulder. - And not just when you’re naked and under me. I like talking to you, baby doll. You should quit that job. 
  - And you’d pay for my tiny flat?
  - No. You’d move here and walk around naked with your glasses talking to me about how dumb I am about microbiology.
  - Is that what turns you on?
  - You’ll be ok. I promise you. - he pulled her close to him. - Besides, if anyone ever treats you like scum, you let me know and I will make their life very hard. I can be a nuissance. 
  - I know. - she leaned her head against his shoulder. - It’s a date now.
taglist: @rebekahdawkins​
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yandere-sins · 3 years
hi!! first of all i am big fan of your blog ✨
i see your request opens so.. can i request a yan kirishima with a pregnant darling (i was looking for you rules but idk if you write for that) if you not, please ignore this.
have a good day!!
Thanks for requesting, glad you enjoy my writing!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
The soft hums were all you could think about while his hands warmed your sore stomach. It was close to the melodies your mother would hum to you as a child, but Kirishima didn’t hit all the notes, butchering the attempts. He went out of his way to get the tunes from your family, yet, he didn’t have any success with them. You sighed, feeling incredibly exhausted and heavy as you sat up some more. The humming stopped briefly, his hands moving aside for you to make yourself comfortable. Saying he was considered was an exaggeration, but he made an effort.
“You’re doing so great for us,” he praised you after pulling you back into a hug, planting butterfly kisses along your temple. All you could do was sigh even more. No inch of your whole being was comfortable, and you were wondering if your baby felt the same.
Your eyes dragged through this hell hole that was your room. There were so many marks on the walls, the floor, the amenities, all from the times you could still stand for more than 5 minutes before getting cramps and collapse from the exhaustion. Triplets. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a baby, let alone triplets.
He was the root of all evil. Ever since he made you believe he loved you, whisking you away to this apartment that was closer to a high-security prison than a home, he had become your worst enemy and, now, the father of your children.
And you? You made him the happiest person in the world.
Pressing his cheek to your head, he let out a content sigh, one hand falling back to your swollen abdomen, circling it gently. “I can’t believe we’re going to be parents soon! It feels like only yesterday where I confessed my love for you under the tree by the school, and now we’re going to have three little babies on the way!”
That much was true. In a way, it did feel like only yesterday since you felt the joy of being loved, but now you dreaded it. Even if you still remembered going through the days spent crying and fighting, in pain or in exhaustion, they all became one big void in your mind, and tomorrow, this day too would be sucked into it. Even if he still loved you, you couldn’t say you had even a little bit of those butterfly feelings left for Kirishima. Now, you just wanted him to disappear from your life. 
Part of you blamed yourself for not being stronger or more clever to escape your predicament. But anyone would tell you how it was his fault, how Kirishima ruined your life in a way you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to recover from. This man, holding you in his arms as gentle as a delicate flower, was nothing but a monster in disguise. A greedy one at that, never getting enough of you.
He may love you - or so he kept assuring you - but it wasn’t a type of love you’d wish to your worst enemies. It was obsessive, possessive, and deluded. A love that turned to fear to anger in a matter of seconds if you two disagreed. Kirishima didn’t fear you hating him, but he feared that you’d leave. That someone else could take you away from his side, so he decided he had to be quicker than anyone else. And because he couldn’t stop loving you in a twisted way, he didn’t listen to your ‘no’ and ‘stop’ and just kept going with what he thought was the best for your relationship.
Until you became pregnant. It should have been a time of joy, but you couldn’t see anything else but madness when he cared for you ever so tenderly. No matter what you did to upset him, he kept smiling, placing his hand on your bump and reminding you cheerfully not to stress yourself. Kirishima came home earlier, cooked dinner, and massaged your feet willingly, even forcefully if you refused. Fighting to make you understand his views ceased. Now it was only you and the babies being safe and healthy. Even if you made him run to the grocery store three times a night, he would always come back with a smile and ask if he can prepare your cravings for you. It was sickening! Absolutely sickening how he took all of these exertions and still managed to be happy to be of service for you. The lovesickness in his eyes was clearer than anything else, and now that you relied on him more, it made him happier and happier. You wondered if he felt remorse for his past actions now, having to see you suffer from the pregnancy and being even more unhappy than you already were. But you doubted it still.
“Us, forever,” he mumbled. Lost in thoughts as you were, he might have mistaken your silence for being asleep. “You, me, the babies. No one can take you away from me now. I’ll be with you until the end. I will do what I have to do to ensure you will be by my side forever.”
Even making me pregnant, you thought.
“Even making you pregnant,” he confirmed as if he had read your thoughts. “You can’t leave me now, can you? You need me just as much as I need you now. I’m so crazy for you, I hope you can understand one day I’d do anything to be with you.”
“That’s not very manly of you,” you muttered, and Kirishima gasped. “You’re awake?!” he asked, surprised, before chuckling, burying his face in your shoulder. “You’re right. That wasn’t very manly.”
With a deep breath, Kirishima collected himself before speaking up again, using his free hand to turn over your head to face him properly. “I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. I can’t wait to finally build a family with you. Don’t ever forget that I adore you. I would do anything for you, okay?”
Honestly, you were too exhausted to fight. You wanted it all to be over, the pregnancy, your kidnapping, and his love most importantly. If this had been a healthy, good relationship you two were having, you’d have been nothing but blessed with such a caring and doting lover, but all you had was this. This monster put on sheep’s clothing to fit into an illusion with you that he wanted. You knew you had to do something. If not for you, a least for the children that would be born into such a hostile life.
But it was too late now, your belly rumbling before you felt a tear in it, eyes widening as you stared at the father of your children. But only a broad, proud smile crept onto his face as he, too, realized what was happening. “Let’s be a family, okay?” he asked, and you had no answer to it.
Only a muffled scream escaped you as the contractions began.
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Xichengclipse 2021 Day 4
It could have been a nice evening off, Jiang Cheng thinks longingly with a sigh when Wei Wuxian’s chatter reaches his ear. A nice, relaxing evening with just him and Lan Xichen but of course it’s not meant to happen.
“They are here to report back from the night hunt,” Lan Xichen apologetically says as he gets up and he doesn’t sound any happier than Jiang Cheng feels. “It will be quick,” he promises and presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s forehead when he passes him.
“Hopefully,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, because he doesn’t get enough time with Lan Xichen as it is, and to have the precious little time he does get interrupted by Wei Wuxian of all people just makes him mad.
He could go out with Lan Xichen as well to yell at Wei Wuxian, but he doesn’t particularly want to see him, and truth be told, he’s not ready for the world to know that he and Lan Xichen are courting.
Betrothed, really.
Jiang Cheng is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Lan Xichen to wake up and realize that Jiang Cheng is really not who he wants to spend the rest of his life with, but so far it hasn’t happened.
So far, Lan Xichen seems honestly delighted every time his gaze falls on to Jiang Cheng and it makes something very warm and very pleased settle in Jiang Cheng’s belly.
Jiang Cheng shakes himself out of his musings when Wei Wuxian’s voice reaches him again.
“Xichen-ge!” he yells excitedly and that’s another broken rule.
Sometimes Jiang Cheng wonders how the Lans can put up with him.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen greets him and his voice is noticeably colder.
So much so that Jiang Cheng sits up, ready to go out and check what is upsetting his fiancé so much.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen goes on and then there’s a very awkward pause.
It makes Jiang Cheng squirm and he’s not even out there.
“You are not welcome here,” Lan Xichen then says and Jiang Cheng frowns.
Is there someone else with them? Surely Lan Xichen did not just say that to his brother or his brother-in-law.
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian whines and it’s so familiar that Jiang Cheng can’t help the little quirk of his mouth.
“No. He is not welcome in the Cloud Recesses and you all know it.”
“Wen Ning didn’t do anything!” Wei Wuxian protests and Jiang Cheng tenses.
Of course it would be Wen Ning, he’s following Wei Wuxian around like a lost little puppy. Jiang Cheng has to remind himself to unclench his hand, otherwise he might break one of Lan Xichen’s favourite tea cups and while he’s at it, he takes a deep breath, too.
He can still hear Wen Ning’s accusatory tone as he reveals the secret of his core to him; as if it’s all Jiang Cheng’s fault. As if anyone asked him about it and he decided to simply take Wei Wuxian’s core.
It still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
“And that is the only reason he’s allowed in the area at all,” Lan Xichen gives back, his voice still cold and hard.
Jiang Cheng isn’t used to hearing him like this.
“But he is not allowed inside the Cloud Recesses. And if you don’t leave, you will be made to leave.”
“Brother,” Lan Wangji tries, but it seems like Lan Xichen isn’t having it.
“No. You know the rules. If he apologizes, I might consider it, but otherwise he has no place here. You’re all disturbing my evening. Hand in the report tomorrow,” Lan Xichen says, which is borderline rude coming from him, and then he’s already back in the Hanshi.
“What’s going on?” Jiang Cheng asks when he sees the unhappy look on Lan Xichen’s face.
“Nothing,” Lan Xichen gives back, as he sits back down, smiling when Jiang Cheng pours him another cup of tea.
“That didn’t sound like nothing,” Jiang Cheng tries again, because Lan Xichen is clearly upset and Jiang Cheng finds that he just wants to make it better somehow.
Lan Xichen works his jaw for a few moments, before he finally sighs and forces himself to relax.
“It’s an ongoing issue,” he eventually admits. “Wen Ning knows he’s not welcome here, and yet Wei Wuxian and Wangji drag him here nearly every other day.”
“What did Wen Ning do?” Jiang Cheng forces himself to ask, wondering how he could have possibly upset Lan Xichen like this, but Lan Xichen shakes his head.
“Let’s not talk about it anymore, tonight was supposed to be a relaxing evening. Thinking about that is not relaxing to me,” he admits and Jiang Cheng is unable to deny him this.
“Okay,” he agrees and reaches for Lan Xichen’s hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “How’s Lan Jingyi doing?” he asks to distract him and when Lan Xichen’s face lights up, he knows he did well.
He hopes to always make Lan Xichen smile like this.
Jiang Cheng is on his way to pick Lan Xichen up at the front entrance—not that he should still need to do that with how frequently Lan Xichen visits these days, but he seems to be enjoying it and who is Jiang Cheng to deny him this—when he hears voices.
It takes Jiang Cheng a moment to realize that one of them is Lan Xichen, because he sounds angry. Angrier than Jiang Cheng has ever heard him before.
“How dare you come here?” Lan Xichen demands to know and Jiang Cheng makes sure to stay out of sight for now, too curious to see what is going on to make Lan Xichen sound like this.
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian says and Jiang Cheng frowns.
Wei Wuxian is not coming by often, but he is in fact welcome at Lotus Pier when he remembers that it still exists.
Jiang Cheng has half a mind stepping in now, because he doesn’t want Lan Xichen to ruin the little bit of civility he rebuild with Wei Wuxian, but when he peers around the corner, he sees that Wen Ning is with Wei Wuxian.
Because of course he is. It seems like these days Wei Wuxian doesn’t go anywhere without Wen Ning, and bitter hatred rushes through Jiang Cheng.
“No,” Lan Xichen says and he doesn’t take his eyes off Wen Ning. “After everything you did, you’re not welcome here. How dare you even set foot into Lotus Pier, thinking you were allowed to.”
“He’s with me,” Wei Wuxian bites out, clearly fed up with Lan Xichen for the moment, but Lan Xichen doesn’t back down.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t know him to be like this, has never really seen him this angry or this decisively taking a stance and he wonders not for the first time just what Wen Ning did to upset him like that.
“Well, then you’re not welcome here either,” Lan Xichen gives back, positioning himself in the entrance to Lotus Pier as if he’s willing to bodily stop Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian from entering it.
“Xichen-ge,” Wei Wuxian says, and there’s a warning undertone to his voice now. “This might have been okay for you to do at the Cloud Recesses seeing as you are the Sect Leader, but this is Lotus Pier and you have no authority here. You have no right to deny either of us entrance.”
“And you really think Wanyin would want him in here?” Lan Xichen shoots back, and Jiang Cheng decides that it’s enough now.
It doesn’t seem like either of them are going to back down, and he doesn’t actually want them to fight.
“Enough,” he says as he steps out of the shadows.
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian immediately whines as he bounds over to tug on Jiang Cheng’s sleeve as if nothing ever happened between them. “Xichen-ge is abusing his powers. He’s making decisions for you, surely you have something to say to that?”
“Yes, in fact I do have something to say to that,” Jiang Cheng gives back and gives Wei Wuxian just enough time to smile winningly before he continues. “Seeing as he’s my betrothed, he has every right to decide who is allowed inside and who isn’t. And I can’t say that I mind his decision much,” Jiang Cheng bites out, and shoves Wei Wuxian’s hands off him in the same moment.
“Your—what now?” Wei Wuxian asks, eyes going wide.
“My betrothed. But you wouldn’t know what that is, seeing as you eloped with Lan Wangji without going through the proper stages,” Jiang Cheng says, and he knows he’s being unnecessarily mean, but having Wen Ning here is putting him on edge and having Wei Wuxian act as if nothing is wrong after what he said to him in the temple makes Jiang Cheng want to curl up and cry, and lashing out is the only thing he knows how to do.
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian whispers, but before he can go on, Lan Xichen is there.
He steps up to Jiang Cheng’s side, putting an arm around him and levelling Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning with a truly scary look.
“You heard him,” Lan Xichen icily says. “You’re not welcome. Leave,” he demands, and when Jiang Cheng turns his head to look at him he sees that Lan Xichen is only looking at Wen Ning.
Jiang Cheng frowns, the old questions of what Wen Ning could have possibly done to make Lan Xichen this mad resurfacing again but he keeps the questions in for now.
“Wei-gongzi, I think it’s best if we did what they say,” Wen Ning suddenly speaks up and Jiang Cheng stiffens at hearing his voice.
It’s softer than it was when he lashed out at Jiang Cheng on the pier but Jiang Cheng still hates it as much as he did then.
Wei Wuxian follows Wen Ning’s tugging on his sleeve eventually but it’s only when they are completely out of sight that Jiang Cheng relaxes.
“I’m sorry,” Lan Xichen whispers and presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s temple. “This was not how we wanted to break it to the world.”
“It’s not,” Jiang Cheng agrees, because he doesn’t lie to Lan Xichen, and they had plans.
But he can’t say that he regrets it.
“Do you maybe want to tell me why you are taking issue like that with Wen Ning?” Jiang Cheng asks as he leads Lan Xichen to his personal quarters and he sees how Lan Xichen frowns.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s not allowed in the Cloud Recesses and he’s not allowed here, either. And I think last time you said something about him apologizing? What did he do?” Jiang Cheng wants to know.
“My heart, youtold me what he did, don’t you remember?” Lan Xichen asks, clearly confused but it doesn’t help to explain anything.
“I told you what?”
“You told me what he said to you as he revealed that the core was Wei Wuxian’s. You told me how he spoke to you.”
This still doesn’t clear anything up, though and Jiang Cheng shakes his head.
“I still don’t get it,” he admits. “You’re acting like he’s your enemy. You don’t make enemies, Xichen, so why is this different?”
Lan Xichen blinks a few times before his face goes soft and he steps close to cradle Jiang Cheng’s face in his hands.
“He hurt you, my heart,” Lan Xichen whispers and Jiang Cheng freezes. “He hurt you and he didn’t even have the decency to apologize. There is no world out there where he wouldn’t be my enemy for that.”
“Oh,” Jiang Cheng breathes out, completely caught off guard, and he hides his face in Lan Xichen’s chest when his eyes start to burn.
“I didn’t know,” he wetly says as Lan Xichen slides his arms around him and holds him tight.
“I know,” he mutters. “I know you’re still waiting for me to walk away, that you’re still waiting for me to break this off,” Lan Xichen says and Jiang Cheng is ashamed to admit that he’s right.
“But you made an enemy for me,” Jiang Cheng whispers and clings harder to Lan Xichen.
“Because you’re the most important to me. I would make an enemy of the whole world if it would hurt you like he did,” Lan Xichen promises and Jiang Cheng loves him so much it threatens to drown him sometimes.
“Please don’t,” he eventually gets out. “You’re scary when you’re mad at someone.”
“Good,” Lan Xichen decides and then pushes Jiang Cheng slightly away. “Everyone should be scared of me and think twice about hurting you,” he says and then kisses the breath right out of Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng can’t say that he minds that much either.
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
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hyetomi · 3 years
Choi Yeonjun
Pairings: gn reader x yeonjun
Genre: best friends to lovers au, fluff
Summary: Choi Yeonjun and Y/N. Like two peas in a pod, they’ve been attached at the hip since they were 8. Now, at 17, it was obvious to anyone with common sense that they were so in love with each other. It was about time one of them confessed. Who would do it first, before any of them slips up?
Notes: the first fic of the letters to txt series !! im quite disappointed with the way this turned out but i worked hard on it and scrapped it so many times already 😭 i didnt know how to end the story so it's an open-ending !! feel free to imagine what yeonjun does! if you want a part 2, do let me know!
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Yeonjun stood in front of his locker, bewildered. He held up the envelope in front of him and examined it. Maybe… it was a mistake? Surely, this didn’t belong to him. The envelope was blank, with no information about the sender, nor the recipient. It made him wonder, what if the envelope was mistakenly slipped into his locker? 
His curiosity, however, got the best of him. He took the envelope, slammed his locker shut, and walked over to an empty classroom next to his locker. He slowly opened the envelope, making sure not to damage it so he could seal it back, in case it did not belong to him. He was surprised to see a letter folded in it and raised an eyebrow at the very beautiful decorations of the paper. He unfolded the letter, only for his jaw to drop and eyes go wide as saucers. The handwriting was so familiar and he definitely knew who it belonged to. Only one person in his mind could write as uniquely as the writer of this letter.
Dear Yeonjun,
(so it did belong to him!)
I’m guessing by now, you’ve figured out who wrote this. Your partner in crime, your soulmate, your only hope to pass Biology, and your best friend. We’ve known each other since 2nd grade and I’ve seen every single phase you’ve gone through and you’ve seen mine. Remember how we met? You accidentally killed my pet ladybug 一 Spots, I think 一 and then cried about it for the whole day because you felt so bad. It was traumatizing for me as a child. I had to comfort the boy who killed my pet. Looking back at it, though, it’s a really funny story. A story worth telling my grandchildren!
(Yes, Yeonjun does remember. It was very embarrassing. He doesn’t think he’s a pretty crier.)
Before you overthink or worry, I’m not going anywhere. I promised you that I’d stay by your side until the end of time and I vowed to myself that I will keep that promise. Anyways, before we get too sappy, I’ll get to the point of this letter.
I like you. 
Yeonjun dropped the letter in shock. What? He scrambled to pick up the letter after regaining his composure. He felt excited and ran his hand through his blue hair, pulling the ends of each strand, making sure that he was not dreaming. He then scanned the line over and over again. I like you. I like you. I like you. I like you. Those 3 words were swarming in his mind. He felt giddy at the fact that you like him back. You! Like! Him! Back! He snapped out of his trance at the sound of the whistleblowing from the field outside the classroom. Realizing what he was doing previously, he immediately skimmed through the letter to find the part where he left off.
Heck, I’m pretty sure like turned into love at some point. I realized my feelings when you were stressed over your dance competition and called me because you were so upset. Why didn’t you call Soobin? Or Beomgyu? When I voiced to you my thoughts, you answered: ‘Because no one can make me as euphoric as you do. You make my unhappy thoughts go away.’ I swear, I could’ve melted on the spot. My heart has never pumped blood that fast, not even Shin’s P.E. class can beat it. Then, you took my hands and we danced together under the dim lights of the dance room. It was 1 in the morning on a school day, but we didn’t have a care in the world. I remember how we laughed so much that night morning. I think I’ve never laughed as much as I did back then.
(He remembers it too. It’s Yeonjun’s favorite memory with you. He remembers your pretty laugh and your pretty eyes and how you held his hands and how he stared at you longingly while you danced. He remembers feeling as if he couldn’t breathe, butterflies swarming his stomach. He remembers how he wanted to say the words ‘I love you’ so bad, but stopped himself. He remembers how he couldn’t get the image of you under the lights of the dance studio no matter how hard he tried.)
I really don’t want to inflate your ego too much, but honestly, you are the best thing that has happened to me. Like mutualism symbiosis, we help each other a lot. As cliche as it is, you make me so happy. The way your eyes would light up whenever I brought you food after your dance practice, or how the first thing you do when you pick me up after class is to hug me… these things never fail to cheer me up. Your smile has always been a cute characteristic of yours and as much as I hate saying this, I love our height difference as it helped you ruffle my hair easily. You’d always put your chin on my head to piss me off, but lately, it’s doing the opposite of that. Ha, loser. You can never beat me.
(Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he lets out a small laugh. Of course, you’d insult him after complimenting him.)
I’m not going to write too much because I feel like this has gone way much longer than I’ve expected. You might be asking: ‘Why didn’t I confess earlier?’ Well, Choi, I don’t know how you’ll react to this. I could’ve always swallowed my embarrassment and confessed to your face days, weeks, or months ago. But I wasn’t always the bravest out of the both of us, was I? I don’t know whether you like me back, or if we’ll still be friends after this, or if I made things awkward between us. However, I’ll take the chances. (If you do reject me, however, please do it nicely.)
Anyways, you’ll know where to find me 一 that is, if you want to. Before you do anything, however, know that I regret nothing. I definitely do not regret writing this (even if I just added onto your cockiness.) 
P.S. Your charger and Literature textbook are with me so you have no choice but to find me.
Yeonjun glanced at the ceiling in bliss after he finished reading your letter. He glanced at the clock. 4 in the afternoon. At this time, you’d usually just finished practicing in the music room. He has to catch you before you leave. Don’t get him wrong, he loves you, but he is NOT walking to your house after a long day of PE class. 
“Better get going,” he mumbled, making sure he tucks in the chair he was previously sitting on. 
He skipped to the music room, eager to find you. (Not before tripping over his own feet and nearly crashing into Soobin 一 seriously, what was he still doing in school?)
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dclsbaby · 3 years
Let You Go - Dominic Calvert-Lewin (One Shot) 🦋
Summary: You leave Dom without warning after his mum expresses her disapproval of you and he tries to get you to come home with him. (Massive thanks to @dee192​ for requesting this, I changed it up a tiny bit but I hope you’ll still like it) 🤍 x
Warnings: painful pain angsty angst
Word Count: 2.1k
“She doesn’t want to see you,” you could hear your friend say. “Please, let me just talk to her, fuck, let me just see her!” Dom begs.
“There’s not much I can do Dom, please you have to understand. Seeing you right now isn’t what she wants, or needs!” your friend replies. “What does she not want? Me? She doesn’t want me anymore?” he asks. “I—I don’t,” your friend sighs, not knowing what to say. “That’s right you can’t answer me, so let me fucking see her,” Dom pleads.
“I need answers! Let me fucking in!” his voice getting louder and louder, your friend unable to contain him for much longer.
You rested your head behind the door, trying to listen in on their conversation. Your emotions were all over the place, you so badly wanted to run up to him, tell him that of course you want him, but your relationship just wasn’t on the cards.
Words of “I’ve seen the likes of you before”, “you will never be enough for him” and “you are just another gold digger trying to rob him of all his money” said by his mother play through your mind over and over. And he doesn’t even know it.
Barely half an hour since that painful conversation, you swiftly packed all your things into two full suitcases and left your shared home to take shelter at your friend’s home.
You wiped the house clean of your things with except for a post-it that says,
I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore.
You deserve someone better.
Please just trust me and let me go.
The paper wasn’t big enough to write an explanation, and you weren’t planning to give him one anyway.
Since then, it’s been two weeks of complete silence from your end.
Now, he’s standing in your friend’s driveway, arguing with her after getting a tip from a friend of his on your whereabouts.
You are desperate to see him, even for a split second. You needed to see him, just once more, to forever remind yourself of the contours of his face you used to trace with your fingertips, the full lips you sorely miss, and the comfort of his arms you so painfully want to be wrapped in. To remind yourself of your one true love, that no other man after him could ever live up to.
Giving into your impulses, you step behind the window to catch a glimpse of him. One peek was all it took for his head to shoot up to where you stood, as if his senses activated the second you were in sight.
You’ve been seen.
You felt your body freeze, before making a run for the stairs to hide yourself from him.
“(Y/N)...” he whispered. “(Y/N)—No, don’t run away from me!” Dom chases after you. Of course, he beats you to it and grabs your arm, making it impossible to reach the top of the stairs. Reminder to never even be bothered to run away from a professional athlete ever again. There’s no point.
“Don’t fucking run away from me for fuck’s sake!” he yells at you. Catching up to you within milliseconds.
“What the fuck do you want, Dom?” pulling your arm out his grasp, your hostility surprising Dom. You take a step, hovering above him. “What the fuck do I want? I want you to fucking come home! I want you to talk to me so we can work this out like fucking adults!”
“I don’t want to fucking talk to you, I made that very clear,” you tell him. “You left without an explanation, (Y/N)! You honestly think that I deserved that? That I deserved to come home to an empty house, to find the love of my life gone, and a stupid piece of paper telling me that you’ve left? Fuck off,” Dom shakes his head in anger.
“You just have to trust me, please, just leave,” you plead. “I am not fucking leaving until you give me answers.”
“Did you cheat on me?” Dom’s voice barely made it out. “Cheat on you? Of course I didn’t, how, how could you even think that?” taken aback at his question. “I don’t know, maybe you’ve been playing a game this whole time,” his voice gets louder with every syllable.
“A game? You think I’m enjoying this? Fine, the fucking truth is, I am split in two, Dom. I left half of my heart with you in that house that I no longer can function. You haven’t seen what I’ve been like over the past couple of weeks, so you don’t get to accuse me of playing a game,” you retaliate.
“You haven’t seen what I’ve been like!” upset at what you said. “You left for no reason! You barely gave me an explanation! I am so in over my head that I’ve been shit at training, shit at games, I’ve had the entire Goodison yell profanities at me when I got taken off, I’ve disappointed everyone because my mind, my heart, and my fucking soul is set on you!” Dom angrily lets out his thoughts.
“So it’s my fault? Great, another thing that I should take blame for,” you chuckle sarcastically, feeling overwhelmed. “Cheers Dom, nice talk, have a great night,” you proceed to walk up the stairs before Dom pulls you back down.
“I’m not fucking done with you,” he says sternly. “We are working this out now,” gesturing to the floor.
“Fine, not here, you’ll wake the entire neighbourhood up,” you continue your way up the stairs and into your friend’s guest bedroom, with Dom trailing behind you. Dom nearly shudders at the sight of the room, unhappy that you’ve made it into a home with everything so tidy, so in place, so cosy. He briefly wonders if you’ll ever come back.
The second the door was shut, you and Dom went back to arguing. And he wasted no time.
“You shut me out for weeks! You packed up your bags and left while I was at training, you don’t pick up my calls, you ignore my texts, you hide out at your friend’s place while we have our own home, you left me with nothing except for that stupid post-it!” he pants. “How the fuck do you think that made me feel? You’ve put our entire relationship in a small piece of fucking paper,” he looks away for a moment. “You couldn’t even say goodbye.”
“Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to you? Did it ever occur to you that if you ever tried to stop me I would’ve stayed and been with you even though I know it wouldn’t work?” you raise your voice.
“How would you fucking know that it wouldn’t work? You barely gave us a chance to work it out, you just left!” his arms flail in frustration. “I don’t even know what we’re meant to work out, why you even left!”
Silence fills the air before Dom shifts closer to you.
“Why did you leave me?” Dom softly asks, barely making eye contact. You let out a deep breath at his question.
“You don’t get it Dom, you just don’t,” you look onto the floor. “What is it that I don’t get? Tell me, please,” Dom begs.
You’ve been cornered and there is no escape.
“Your mother hates me, and there’s nothing I can do about it,” shaking your head. “My mother? What?” Dom pulls back and sits up straight.
“We had a conversation,” you’re finally about to speak your truth. Dom’s head shot up, confused.
“You weren’t home, she came over and sat me down,” you pause, pressing your lips together, bracing yourself for what’s about to come out of your mouth. “Your mum told me that I am a gold digger, that I’m with you for the money and the fame,” you can feel tears pooling in your eyes. “Wh—what?” Dom takes a sharp inhale in shock. “She sees her as her own daughter and I can’t live up to that,” you refer to his ex.
Dom looks up to the ceiling in disbelief. “Your mom told me she knew I couldn’t make a living for myself with the job that I have, and accused me of preying on you to be set for life,” a tear rolled down your eye to which you quickly wiped. “I—” “And she’s right, in a way,” you look up at him, cutting him off. “You bought us a house, you built us a home, you provide me with comfort, you give me security,” you pause for a moment. “You gave me everything, whilst I gave you nothing.”
Dom stays silent knowing there’s more. And he’s right. “But even if you didn’t have all of those things, even if you barely have a penny in your pocket, I’d still be in love with you. If everything we have, if everything you have would be taken away from you right this second, I’d still be in love with you,” you place a hand on his right cheek, and notice that his eyes have turned bloodshot red.
“But I also can’t handle disapproval. If your mother thinks that you’re better off without me, as much as it kills me,” you begin to cry. “I—I have to respect that,” your voice breaking. “I just want you to be happy, even if that means I’d have to let you go.
Dom pulls you into his arms, holding you, embracing you, harder than ever before.
“I don’t care what my mother thinks, I am in love with you and only you,” Dom assures you whilst trying to process what you said. “You have given me more than I could ever offer. You’ve shown me that I am a man who deserves to be loved. You’ve filled me in with so much love my heart could burst at any given time. You’ve given me more reasons to live and give my all in this world. That is more than anything I could give you.”
“You deserve someone else,” your voice breaks. “I deserve you. I have no interest in reliving my past or even have anyone from my past be a part of my life today, because you are my life,” he says, staring into your eyes hoping you believe him.
You look up to him in shock and relief at the same time, if that’s even possible.
“I love you too much,” he says, holding your face in his hands. “I would marry you right fucking now if I could, I would get eloped with you right now and run away from the world. Just the two of us,” Dom tells you. “We don’t need anyone’s blessing. I don’t care for it,” he confesses. “I just want you.”
“We can’t be together Dom, your mum—” “—I don’t care what she thinks. I am grown enough to know what’s meant for me and what isn’t. She was massively out of line and shouldn’t have made such a despicable accusation,” he says, pissed off.
“Don’t say that, she’s your mother,” you try to calm him down. “I get that, but she’s almost cost me the love of my life, and if I lost you I can’t ever forgive her for that,” he whispers. “We’ll go through this together, you have to believe me when I say that I’m not letting anyone get in the way of us,” he tries to convince you. “You should’ve known that I would do anything to protect what we have.”
“I didn’t want to put you in a position where you had to choose,” you say to him. “I understand, but that isn’t your choice to make baby,” Dom says.
“I love you, (Y/N). No one and nothing can get in the way of that, ever, you have to believe me, please,” Dom begs. “I love you,” you say it back.
Dom puts a hand behind your neck, pulling you close before planting a hard kiss on your tear-stained lips. The kiss was desperate, full of longing, desire, and rage all in one.
It was a kiss that almost went too far, but there was something else you both needed to do.
You broke off the kiss and pulled away from him.
“Come home with me? Please?” Dom asks, hoping you’d come back home and never leave again.
“Only if you help me pack,” you tease. Dom’s face brightens up, dimples on either of his cheeks, his nose scrunching in excitement.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says, a peck on the lips after every ‘I love you’.
You both stood up, ready to make a mess out of your friend’s guest bedroom.
Dom places his hands on your hips tugging them closer to his, before leaning into your face. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he pleads.
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Twelve Days of Christmas - Day Six
Prompt: Hot Chocolate.
Pairing: Yandere!Jamil/Reader (Twisted Wonderland).
TW: Kidnapping, Imprisonment, Mentions of Physical Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Mentions of Mind Control, and Implied Non-Consensual Drug Use.
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“I brought you something.”
You knew that. Your room was so quiet, so devoid of life other than yourself, you could hear his footsteps halfway down the nearest hall, his quiet swears as he struggled to unlock the deadbolts on your door with a single hand, all the little, almost unnoticeable tells that were so different from his usual, silent approach. You knew that, and yet, you didn’t look up as he came to a stop in front of you, keeping your eyes fixed on the sheets beneath your crossed legs. You knew better than to look at him, by now. You knew better than to hope you could trust him, by now.
And luckily, he knew better than to expect you to.
Still, there was a sigh, a slight noise of disappointment as he moved something into your line of sight – a ceramic mug, painted a deep red and crafted without a handle, warm to the touch as you took it out of his hand. You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t have to, not when Jamil was more than willing to bridge the gap on your behalf. It was a worrying method, especially from him, the type to prefer a forceful shove over a delicate nudge in the right direction, but you couldn’t help but be thankful for the slight reprieve. “Hot chocolate,” He explained, as he perched himself on the edge of your bed at your side. “Or, the closest thing I could find, at least. I know how much you used to like it while we were in Night Raven, but people try to avoid it here, for obvious reasons.”
Right. Because you weren’t in Night Raven, anymore. Because you’d graduated, and now, you couldn’t even be sure if you were in the same kingdom. Jamil liked to keep you in the dark, about that. He probably thought it’d make it harder for you to run away. You didn’t see the point, honestly.
You’d given up on trying to escape weeks ago. There wasn’t really a point, not when Jamil always made sure the punishment outweighed the risk.
You spared a glance towards the drink, steam still rising off the top, then to his thigh where it pressed against yours. You were tempted to move away, but he usually didn’t take to distance so kindly. “And this is supposed to make me love you?”
There was a shift, a slight deflation. If you didn’t know better, you might’ve thought he was genuinely upset. “I’m open to suggestions, if you have any.” Calloused fingers wrapped around your wrist, his grip not tight, but firm enough to hold you steady when you tried to flinch away. “Try it. I doubt it’ll give you another reason to hate me.”
Even so, you were always willing to try.
It was closer to cinnamon than it was to chocolate, thick but sweet, traces of honey and coconut mixed with spices you couldn’t recognized. You took a generous sip, then another, letting yourself savor the reminder of your home at Ramshackle, of the career and friends and life Jamil’d seen fit to tear you away from. It was something you liked to linger on, in a masochistic, self-destructive sort of way. It was a sore spot, but one you could stand to abuse, one that reminded you not to lean into him as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side with an unearned intimacy. 
A month ago, he would’ve dug his nails into your hip, growling for you to do the same. A few days ago, he would’ve lost his temper the moment you shrunk into yourself, the moment you made it clear how little you cared for him, but right now, he seemed resigned to your reluctance, barely shaking his head If he wanted anything else, you couldn’t tell, but that might’ve been what you liked least about Jamil. You could never tell what he wanted, even on the rare occasion he was willing to tell you. You had a feeling this wasn’t any different, even if he was making an effort to act a little more sympathetic, today.
“I didn’t think this would be permanent,” He admitted, warm breath fanning against the crook of your neck. You tried not to listen, to focus on your drink and the paint chipping on the farthest wall, but there wasn’t much you could do to block him out. He’d always been good at that - making himself the center of your world, even when you tried to divert your attention. “I thought you’d come around, eventually, and it’s not like I wanted to treat you like a prisoner. It’s just, I know you’ve never cared about me, not like I care about you, and… and it got so frustrating.” He was smart enough to stop there, to grit his teeth and choke down a ragged inhale, and for the first time, you thought you could’ve felt bad for him. It was something closer to pity than guilt, but the sensation managed to burn itself out quickly. The locks on your door and the unused chains coiled at the end of your bed made it easier. “I was irritated. I was angry. I felt like I didn’t have another option. I thought you’d come around, but—”
“But, I didn’t,” You finished, and Jamil’s hold on you tightened. “You kidnapped me. You're holding me against my will, and you can’t even say you regret it.”
He didn’t hesitate. If nothing else, you’d give him that. He knew what he wanted, and he was self-aware enough to realize you’d never believe otherwise. “I regret that you’re unhappy,” He said, his voice nearly soft enough to be inaudible. “But I only did what I had to. I’m only doing what I have to. The thought of so many people being able to look at you, out there, the thought of anyone being able to put their hands on you…” He trailed off, but that only seemed to strength his resolve. He didn’t sound as unsure as he had, when he continued. “I wouldn’t be able to stand it. It’s better, this way. For both of us.”
You wanted to yell at him. You wanted to scream. You might’ve, you genuinely, genuinely might’ve, but as soon as you moved to open your mouth, you realized you couldn’t. It was like your body had grown heavier, in the space between one second and another, like he’d found a way replace you blood with liquid mercury. For a moment, a jolt of muted dread flooded into your system at the idea that he could’ve found a way to cast a spell without meeting your eyes, but this felt different from Snake Whisper, it felt worse. His magic would’ve left you suppressed in your own body, forced into a corner of your mind. Like this, you just felt hazy. In control, but unable to do anything with that control. You felt…
You felt weak.
Your form went limp, but Jamil wasn’t kind enough to let you fall. The mug slipped from your hands, its scalding contents spilling over your mattress, but if he noticed, he didn’t seem to care. Distantly, you could hear him laughing, an airy chuckle that only seemed to become more deafening as he pulled you into his lap, your head soon resting against his chest and his fingers in your hair, showing you all the affection he’d been kind enough to hold back, until now. “You’ll see that, with time. I’m the only one who deserves you, the only one who’s ever going to take care of you. You’ll realize that.”
You almost wished he’d been kind enough to hypnotize you. At least then, you wouldn’t have to feel his lips press against the top of you head, his grin only growing sharper as you failed to resist.
“You’ll have to see how much you need me, once you don’t have another choice.”
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Day 7: Wedding
Harry loved having a boyfriend.
There were a lot of reasons that he loved having a boyfriend (and this boyfriend in particular, at that) but one of the most unexpected reasons was because it was convenient to have someone to bring to events.
Harry no longer had to worry about being seated at the awkward single table, no longer had to listen to people tell him that they knew just the right witch/wizard for him. He no longer had to worry about not knowing what to do with himself when everyone else started dancing. And most important, because his boyfriend was Draco Malfoy, Harry no longer had to worry if he was making any hideous faux pas because Draco always quietly and gently guided him to doing the correct thing.
Five years. Nearly five years of this perfection.
He loved Draco Malfoy for many reasons and having a date to go to weddings with was definitely among them.
They'd gone to a lot of weddings together, especially toward the beginning of their relationship. The war had made a lot of their friends decide to get married quickly and the two of them had gone to wedding after wedding in the couple of years following.
It had been a lark. They went to weddings, laughed at the people who cried for no apparent reason, drank entirely too much, and had a lot of fun.
When Ginny and Blaise had announced that they were getting married, Harry had expected that this wedding would be like the others.
He was wrong.
(More below the cut)
It wasn't that Draco was mad (at least he didn't seem to be), it was that he'd been weirdly detached in the weeks leading up to the wedding. He was polite to Harry, but honestly that was as much a red flag as anything.
By the time the day of the wedding rolled around, Harry pretty much constantly had a pool of anxiety churning in his gut.
He watched as Draco fiddled with his dress robes, setting everything just so, and he couldn't stop himself from blurting, "Is everything alright?"
"Of course," Draco said, glancing up and catching his gaze in the mirror. "Why wouldn't it be?"
"I don't know," Harry replied. "That's why I'm asking."
Draco hummed and went back to looking at himself in the mirror.
"It's just you've been a bit quiet."
"Have I?" he asked noncommittally.
"Yes," he replied with a sigh, recognizing the classic Draco Malfoy deflection tactic at play. "If I've done something wrong, I wish you'd just tell me," Harry said, collapsing back onto their bed. "I didn't mean it, whatever it is."
Draco walked over to him and stood between Harry's thighs before gently taking his hands and pulling him up, "You haven't done anything wrong."
"You're sure?" Harry asked as he leaned in and pressed his face against Draco's stomach, wrapping his arms around him.
"Yes," he replied, fingers tenderly carding through Harry's curls.
"I love you," Harry murmured.
"I know," Draco replied, equally soft. "Come on. We're going to be late."
Harry sighed but didn't argue with him, he supposed that whatever it was could wait until after the wedding.
The wedding was lovely. Blaise cried but Ginny didn't; normally this would have caused the two of them to giggle but Draco's lips barely tipped up and Harry didn't want to laugh about it by himself. So he just found himself clearing his throat a bit awkwardly and looking back up at the bride and groom.
The reception was at the Zabini Manor, in the sprawling gardens and Harry took Draco's hand as they wandered through the rose bushes. "You're sure you're okay?"
"I wish you would stop asking me that."
Harry's brow furrowed, "Well I wish you'd stop being weird," he said.
Draco's quicksilver eyes flashed, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Harry replied stubbornly.
"I did. I was giving you the opportunity to change your answer," he replied and strangely Harry felt a bit of relief. Bickering was good. Bickering was familiar.
"I just want to know what is going on with you-"
A group of people walked by and Draco smiled disarmingly at them before grasping Harry's elbow and tugging him away from the main path. He walked them over to a blossoming Cherry Tree and Harry might have enjoyed how beautiful it was and enjoyed the lovely smell if he wasn't so preoccupied with his boyfriend.
Suddenly an entirely unwelcome, unhappy thought popped into his head, "Wait," he said, "Are you..." he trailed off because it physically hurt him to say it. "Are you in love with Blaise?" he asked, lowering his voice and glancing around, just in case anyone had followed them.
"What?" Draco spluttered. "Of all the hare-brained-"
"Or were you?" Harry asked. "Is that why this wedding has been so different? You could have told me-" he said.
"Potter, you're being ridiculous!"
"Am I?" Harry asked. "Look, I wouldn't have been mad. Especially if it had just been because you used to love him. I've loved other people, too. Not the way I love you," he hastened to add, "But it would have been-"
"Shut up," Draco snapped. "For fuck's sake. Just." He huffed a breath, "Shut up."
"Will you tell me what's going on if I do?"
The other man groaned in obvious frustration, "Fine," he said, then repeated, "fine. I'll tell you. I am not, nor have I ever been in love with Blaise."
That was honestly a relief. Harry said nothing he just gave a nod, hoping the other man would continue.
"But we were one another's back up plans."
"Back up plans?" he asked curiously.
Draco nodded and wandered a few steps away, looking at the gnarled roots of the tree. "Yes. If we were still both single by 40 we were going to get married. Better to have someone to come home to than to be alone forever."
Harry, thought this through but couldn't understand why this had been making Draco upset for the past few weeks, "But neither of you are single."
"Well, not now," Draco replied, looking intently at the cherry blossoms to avoid looking at Harry. "But he's just gone and tied himself to someone else, so..." he trailed off.
"Are you planning on breaking up with me?" Harry asked, panic rising in his gut. "Draco, I love you. I'll do anything-"
"What? No. Potter," he said, looking at Harry now, "Harry," he said, reaching out to him. "No. It's the opposite that I'm afraid of."
"You're afraid that I will break up with you?" Harry asked incredulously.
"Of course I am!" Draco all but shouted before visibly trying to compose himself. "Of course I am. You are Harry bloody Potter. You're obviously too good for me."
"What?" Harry yelped but Draco just kept on talking.
"Everyone says so," he said, as if it was anyone else's business, as if Harry gave a rat's arse what other people thought. "And honestly, if you wanted to marry me, you would have done it by now; it's been five years and there's never even been a whiff of a proposal."
"But-" Harry started.
"So, it was just nice to have Blaise as a back up. To know that when you got tired of me at least there would be someone-"
"Okay, stop!" Harry exclaimed. "First, Blaise can fuck right off." Draco's brow furrowed and he opened his mouth but Harry talked over him. "I literally never want to break up with you. I am in this for the long haul and I thought you knew that."
"No, it's my turn," Harry interrupted. "You are the reason that we're not married."
"I know," he assured, nodding, "I'm not the type of person someone marries."
"What? No!" Harry protested. "Godric, no. Draco you told me you hated weddings. You said you hated the entire concept of marriage. You hated the status, and the games, and the politics-"
"I didn't mean that about getting married to you!" he protested.
"Well, how was I supposed to know that?"
"Because there was nothing political about this!" he said. "There's nothing about status, or rank, or politics, or games about our relationship."
Harry stared at him, "Draco, I have wanted to marry you for so long," he said. Draco looked skeptical so Harry said, "Remember that night that we went to the Weasley's, it was our first time there as a couple?" Harry continued, remembering the moment like it was yesterday.,"And you went outside at one point when we were playing games."
"I remember," he interrupted.
He kept talking anyway, taking a step closer to the other man, "And I came outside to find you and you were standing there staring up at the stars with tears in your eyes."
"I remember," he growled.
"Let me finish," Harry said, clasping his hand in his, "and you asked if that was what it was like to have a real family."
"Look, Potter-"
"Let me finish," Harry repeated. "And I told you that I didn't have a clue because the Weasley's are the closest thing I've had to a real family."
"Yes," Draco replied. "And we talked about my mother."
"Yes," Harry agreed, "But that doesn't matter because I knew that instant that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew that I wanted to have a family with you. I knew you were it for me."
"What?" he whispered. "Harry we'd been dating for what? A month at that point?"
"Twenty two days," Harry replied. "And I knew. I've never been one for taking a long time to make decisions. My gut has never really led me astray and I know when something feels right." He tugged Draco a little closer until they were standing mere inches apart, "And nothing has ever felt more right than you."
"Harry," he whispered, "Really?"
"Yeah," he replied, leaning in to peck his lips. "Marry me, Draco Malfoy."
Draco was nodding and throwing himself at Harry, kissing him fiercely and Harry wrapped him up in his arms and kissed him back.
When Harry pulled back, he rested his forehead against Draco's, "I love you."
'I love you, too."
"We should get back before everyone notices we're missing."
The other man nodded but made no move to leave. "And we probably should keep this between us for now. We don't want to steal their spotlight."
"Our little secret for the night," Harry promised. "But then after that everyone will know," he said. "Everyone will know that I am yours and you are mine, no matter what. Until death do us part."
"Until death do us part," Draco whispered back like a promise.
A promise that they both fully intended to keep. No matter what.
Day 6: Proposal | Day 8: Chickens
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
And part b to part six.
Warning:.some spicness, like kissing and stuff.
*Reader's pov*
You were bone tired but pleased with your process. You pushed your hair out your face. Lately you had taken to wearing it down, it was nice not to have to fuss with fixing a bun or the headache that came with it sometimes
You hummed a song as you began collecting the next round of scrolls. You
You heard the door open and your eyes widened, "Hypnos! Here for a second time?"
You waved him in with a smile. He gives a smile in return, "Yeah, I got done early so I decided to stop by to check in."
You noticed there was a tension in his body that you haven't seen before but you decided to hold your tongue for now.
"It's going well. Come on, I got the backroom nearly done. I'll give you a tour."
You motioned to Hypnos to follow you, eager to show off your work. You didn't notice how his eyes stayed on you the whole time.
"So I got the history area set up, and I got it broken down by the time period followed by the area…" you chatted as Hypnos floated behind you. He was mostly quiet except for a quick question here or there.
"And that is it for now." You said, fingers brushing across the wooden shelves.
You looked at Hypnos, candle light was always good to Hypnos. It has taken some time to admit to yourself that You did like the strange handsome look of your husband. Now it was something you couldn't stop thinking about.
"Impressive. Do you enjoy doing this?" He asked.
You tilted your head, not expecting that question. "I do. I like the stories and even the non fiction can help give context to what a story is about."
Hypnos smiled, and damn it, you could feel a blush forming.
"Is this what you would do if you had a choice?"
"I…" You bit your lips, not quite sure what to say. "Maybe. I think I would, but I could be happy doing something else."
"Are you unhappy with your work?" You tried to keep your tone casual. It was already unusual for Hypnos to visit twice in one day and ask questions like these. It was silly but you didn't want to scare him off. Even if he was your husband, he was more like an acquaintance right now.
"That would be putting it mildly." Hypnos shrugged. "Not exactly the type of guy you would want doing paperwork, but that's all I do."
"Why do it then?" You frowned, "I mean being the god of sleep would have to be a full time job on its own."
Hypnos didn't say anything for a few moments, and you feared you may have pushed too much.
"What exactly did your family tell you? About the war, I mean?" Hypnos asked, his voice soft.
You crossed your arms and shifted on your feet. This wasn't what you expected. You still didn't like to think about it. That war had cost so much more problems than it fixed.
"My mother told me some things but not what you did. She did say you were the only reason she didn't lose a war. Which is huge if you know what my mother is like." You locked eyes with Hypnos. You could see the guilt on his face, another thing that surprised you tonight.
"Well, Aphrodite helped some. Even if she didn't realize it." Hypnos matched your gaze.
He grinned a little, and held up two fingers."I…put Zeus to sleep. Twice. I don't think he found out the second time, I was much more careful the second time around."
You gasped at him, "How in the world did you even get close enough to do that?"
This time Hypnos laughed and you tried to ignore the warmth in your body.
"I was a determined and a very stupid child back then. I thought I needed to prove I was worthy of being called a god." Hypnos looked amused at the thought of his younger self. "I saw Zeus had a hard time saying no to a pretty face and gave your mother the idea to trick Zeus by using his own ego against him."
You shook your head with a laugh, "No wonder my mother didn't say much, she probably was mad she didn't think of it first."
"After that, my mother wasn't exactly pleased that I was getting involved with the Olympians so much. She talked Hades into keeping me here until I grew up some. So now I'm here, listing off the dead. I think Mom was trying to show me the cost of that war."
"Oh, it's been so long since that war though. Surely she must have forgiven you by now." You had been a child yourself, just on the cusp of becoming a woman. Those hazy days of youth seem so long ago.
"I suspect if it wasn't for the current war right now, I would probably be out of the house."
A moment of silence then Hypnos floated closer, "Actually, could I confess something? You're probably not going to like me much afterwards though. But I need to tell you."
"Hypnos, I doubt that very much." You watched him stop his floating and stand. You noticed that he could block you from the door, but you felt comfortable enough with Hypnos. And you were sure he wouldn't do anything. Honestly, you weren't sure if you would say no if he did try something.
His face turned serious, "I really hope so."
You frowned at him, "Hypnos, just tell me. I don't like these kinds of games." You couldn't help the nervousness in your voice. If this was some joke…
"I helped your mother for a reason. I… I did it for you." Hypnos said quietly.
You stared, not quite understanding. "But we never even met…"
"No, we have once,Y/N. I don't think you noticed me the other times." Hypnos respond desperately.
You shook your head and took a step backwards, the shelves pressed against your back.
Hypnos grabbed your shoulders, firm but not bruising. He got close enough that you could feel his body heat and you looked away from him. You hated how your heart flip flopped between wanting to push him away and pulling him closer.
"This isn't funny, Hypnos." You snapped at him.
"No, it's not." Hypnos grabbed your chin. "Hey, Y/N look at me. Hey."
You gave in the gentle pressure and allowed Hypnos to pull your face up. You realized you were trembling as you met his light golden eyes.
"You really don't remember me, do you?" He whispered. You shook your head, unable to speak.
"I remember. Each time I saw you. The first time, you didn't see me I think. It was a party, you were dancing with one of your sisters. I was there because I wanted to see what the big deal was about the Olympians."
His thumb brushed your face, a small smile on his. "The second time was when I first tricked Zeus, you were in the hallways and I had to hide so no one would see me. I almost got caught anyway since I couldn't take my eyes away from you."
You couldn't look away, you almost felt like you were in a trance, only able to listen to Hypnos' voice. "The third time… I was in your mother's living room, and I could see you in the garden. I sneaked off so I could get a closer look, and that when I found you trying to listen in. You looked like a painting to me, this beautiful little goddess hidden among flowers. I had to send you off before I could even talk to you."
Your eyes widen, an old memory rushing back.
"The red poppies." You murmured and Hypnos' face lit up.
"She tried to offer me anything. Wealth, boons or strength, anything a young god could want. But… I wanted you. My mother tried to stop it, to save you from my foolishness, but Hera had already swore to the river Styx."
"Hypnos- I - this is too much." You shook your head. You placed your hands on his chest, but you were trembling too much to push him away. Your hand just curled into his tunic, shaking in a mix of anger and stock. And hurt, you thought maybe you could trust him.
"How- I can't even talk to you. My sisters-" you pulled your face away from him. Your voice cracked, "my sisters. My home."
Hypnos used both hands to hold your face as he bent down to look at you. "I know. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I would have thought your family would have told you."
You took a deep breath, "I-i thought you were a friend. I thought you were in the same boat as me. I thought maybe you were helpful in a battle or something and my mother saw a chance for some dumb political move and that Nyx was in on it."
You glared up at him, "I didn't know you traded for me, like -like I was some dumb cattle!" You stepped away from the side, back facing Hypnos; trying to get air into your lungs. You hated the fact the only reason you were able to get away was because Hypnos allowed you.
"First of all, you will not talk about yourself like that." Hypnos' voice went hard but you just scoffed at him, too upset at him.
He got close to you again, tone a little softer "And second, it wasn't like that. I honestly didn't think she would offer her own daughter up. I-"
You whirled around to face him, finger in his face. "You didn't have to take her up on it though!"
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. His face is a mixture of anger and desperation. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held you flushed against him. You raised your hand to his chest to push off but the fire in his eyes stopped you.
"I knew I would never get another chance to have you, Y/N. By blood and darkness,it was my only chance and I took it! I know what the almighty Olympians really think of us. I know I would never get to see you again if I didn't take up on her offer."
Hypnos lean down, almost close enough to kiss. "I would have done anything for you. I still would."
You tighten your hand on his chest, unable to move away, not wanting to move away. "You barely know me, Hypnos. Why? Why me?"
"Because I do know you, in the way that matters. I see how hard you try to please your family, how you get lost in the words of a story."
You shook your head, unable to deal with emotions that were building up in you. But Hypnos just kept talking.
"I know you have a soft spot for everybody, even the outcasts, how smart you are and how you always try to make sure to help anyone who needs it."
"I- Hypnos." You whispered.
He let go of your wrist to wrap his other arm around you. "Y/N, I don't know everything, not yet. But I would like to. Will you let me?" He asked softly, desperately.
You couldn't speak if you wanted to. You cupped his face and pulled his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
Hypnos tighten his hold on you. Gently, he pressed a little more into the kiss. You gasped against his lips and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and just tried to hold on.
You didn't know how long or short the kiss went on when both you and Hypnos both took a breath. He pressed his forehead against yours, his golden eyes on your eyes.
"I'm still mad at you." You murmured, fingers caressing his cheek. He smiled, "If this is how good you are when mad, I can't wait to kiss you when you're happy."
"Oh, for goodness sake." You rolled your eyes, not able to hide your smile. Hypnos pressed a kiss against your cheek and then another one, slowly working his way to your neck.
You tugged him back up to face you before he could continue because if you didn't, you were to make some very foolish decisions.
"Can I kiss you again?" Hypnos asked, his hand cupped the back of your head and you nodded as you pulled him down for another one.
Suddenly the doors bang open, "Hey Y/N! I got past- oh." Zagreus' voice halted. You hid your face in Hypnos' chest, wishing for a pit to open up and swallow you whole.
"Zagreus, buddy. Ever heard of knocking?" Hypnos snarled, "Let me help, it when you use your head and-"
"You know what, I will come back later. Much later." Zagreus slammed the door shut.
Then opened it again.
"Congratulations you two!"
And slammed close again.
"I'm going to kill him." Hypnos murmured into your hair.
"Be nice, he is your best friend." You murmured into his chest.
"But he gotten used to dying." Hypnos brushed a kiss against your head. You sighed and looked up at him, "I said no, Hypnos. You said anything for me."
"I did." Hydnos agreed easily. He dipped his head down to met you in another kiss.
"Anything for you, Y/N."
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Unknown Weasley
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Request: Yes / No  Maybe a Draco Malfoy X Weasley Fem Reader..? Y/N got put into Slytherin (Ginny’s twin) and never really fit the Weasley stereotype. Her family kinda forgot/neglected her and favored Ginny. Then they find out Y/N is dating Draco and they flip and she lashes out at them. A LOT of angst please, tyyyyy 💚🖤 Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Weasley!Reader
Word count: 2317
Warnings: Kind of abuse in a way 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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When I watched my older brother’s go off to Hogwarts I was so jealous. They got to go off and not be stuck at home being forgotten. I was stuck home being overshadowed by my twin sister Ginny. She was the favorite of the family and everyone always forgot that I was even alive. It was horrible. But when the time finally came to go to Hogwarts I was so excited. This was going to be my time to no longer be forgotten. Ginny got called up before me and she was placed in Gryffindor like all of our family. Then I was called up and the hat was placed on my head. 
“Another Weasley, but you’re different from the rest. Where to put you…” It thought for a moment. 
“I know… Slytherin!” It shouted and my eyes widened. I looked at my family and they had the same shocked expression on their faces. I got off the stool and walked over to the Slytherin table with my head hung low. Some people at the table were whispering about me. 
“Isn’t she a Weasley?” 
“Shouldn’t she be put in Gryffindor like the rest of her pathetic family?” 
“What is wrong with her?” I tried my best to ignore them, but I couldn’t. They were right. Great now my family will remember me, but as the disappointment… 
The first year I just kept my head down and didn’t bother with anyone. It didn’t feel that much different than at home. Ginny had obviously told our parents that I was in Slytherin and they were so unhappy they didn’t want me coming home until school was over. When I got home, boy did I get an earful. 
“How the bloody hell could you be a Slytherin!?” My Mother shouted. 
“I didn’t choose to be in Slytherin!” I cried. 
“I bet she did, she’s never been like us.” Ron said and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“Go to your room, no supper for you!” Mother shouted and I ran up the stairs. I got shoved into the attic and that’s been my room ever since. I threw myself onto my bed and cried my eyes out, until I fell asleep. 
That’s how the summer went pretty much. My house would be brought up a few times a week and then I would be sent to my room with no food. I hated it. Everything just got so much worse and there was nothing I could do to fix it… 
When it was time to return to Hogwarts I was shocked that my parents actually made an effort to remember to take me back. I walked onto the train and found an empty compartment. I decided that I would get a head start on studying and so I took out my old books and got to reading one. Everything was fine until the train started moving and someone opened the door to my compartment. 
“What are you doing here?” The voice of Draco Malfoy filled my ears. I looked up to see the platinum blonde boy with silver eyes. 
“Um, sitting and studying?” I answered with furrowed brows. 
“Shouldn’t you be with your pathetic blood-traitor family?” He asked with a sneer and I rolled my eyes. 
“No, they’re not happy with me.” I answered, looking back down to my book. 
“Because you’ve ruined their perfect Gryffindor line?” He asked with a laugh. 
“Yes actually, so unless you’re going to actually sit in here during the ride, I suggest you fuck off.” I answered without looking up from my book. There was silence and I heard the door close. What I wasn’t expecting was Draco sitting next to me. I glanced up and he was staring at me. 
“Can I help you?” I asked. 
“Your family is honestly upset with you because of the house you’re in?” He asked and I nodded with a sigh. 
“Believe it or not this is the most attention I’ve gotten from them.” I said and his eyes wided. 
“Really? I thought they loved all their children.” He said and I shook my head. 
“No, well I don’t know if they don’t love me, but they certainly don’t like me.” I said. 
“I know what that’s like…” He whispered. 
“What?” I asked and he looked up at me. 
“My Father is quite strict with me and honestly it seems like he doesn’t love me sometimes.” He answered. I closed my book and placed my hand on his. 
“I’m sorry Draco, no one deserves that.” I said and to my shock he didn’t pull away. 
“You don’t either.” He said and I smiled. For the first time in my life I felt happy and like I was seen. The whole train ride Draco and I kept talking about what we were interested in, what we were excited about this year, and about possibly going to Hogsmeade together. Draco even bought me a few of my favorite sweets. I was shocked that the person that was so mean to my family and their friends was being so kind to me. But we understood each other. We were each in similar situations and that seemed to be bonding us. 
I thought that when we finally made it to Hogwarts Draco would go back to ignoring me and making fun of me like everyone else does, but to my surprise he didn’t. Draco actually pulled me to sit next to him and introduced me to some of his friends. They were shocked that him of all people was socializing with a Weasley, but he quickly shut them down. Lucky for me my family seemed to be ignoring what I was doing which meant my parents wouldn’t have another reason to be disappointed in me. 
Throughout that year I started falling for Draco and when the trip to Hogsmeade came around Draco had actually asked if we could consider it a date instead. I obviously agreed and it was perfect. Draco was the perfect gentleman and insisted on buying me whatever I pleased. We first went into Dominic Maestro’s Music Shop and looked around. That’s where we each learned our music taste. Then we went to Honeydukes where Draco spoiled me with my favorite candies. Draco wanted to go into Spintwitches Sporting Needs and he got new gloves for Quidditch. 
“Maybe you could come see the game against Gryffindor this Friday?” He asked and I smiled. 
“I’d love to, only if you promise me that we’ll win.” I said with a smirk. 
“Of course love, I’ll make sure to work extra hard for you.” He said and I blushed at the nickname he gave me. 
“You’re cute when you blush.” He whispered and I blushed harder. He grabbed my hand as we exited the shop. 
“Hungry?” He asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice just yet. 
“How about The Three Broomsticks?” He asked.
“As long as we can get Butterbeer.” I said with a smirk.
“Whatever you want love.” He said and pulled me along with him. We each sat down and quickly ordered Butterbeers.
“What do you want, love?” He asked. 
“Hmmm, I think I might order the shepherd’s pie.” I said looking over the menu. 
“You have good taste.” He said with a smirk. 
“Obviously.” I said and flipped my hair with a giggle. He chuckled and moved closer to me. 
“You are so beautiful.” He said and I blushed hard. 
“Would you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?” He asked and I stared at him in shock. 
“Y-You want me to be your girlfriend? But you could have literally any girl in Hogwarts!” I said and he chuckled. 
“And you’re the one I want.” He said and I smiled. Out of all the girls in Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy wants me. 
“Then I would love to.” I said. Draco’s smile widened and he placed his arm around my shoulder. Our Butterbeers arrived and we each ordered. 
The date went perfect and Draco didn’t want to be shy about our new relationship. He wanted everyone to know that I was now his girl, but I was worried about my family. I convinced him to keep it a secret, but he definitely took risks. When we had off periods together he would pull me into an empty hallway and kiss me wherever he could. 
“Draco we’re gonna get caught one day!” I whispered. 
“And today won’t be that day, trust me love.” He said and went back to kissing my neck. I bit my lip to hold back a moan and he smirked against my skin. 
“Y/N? What in Merlin!?” I heard my sister shout and my eyes widened. I pushed Draco off and we both stared at her. 
“Um… I-” I didn’t know what to say. 
“What are you doing to my sister?” She growled at Draco. He looked at me and I was just standing there in shock. 
“If you must know, I’m kissing my girlfriend.” He answered and pulled me closer to him. 
“What?” She growled, this time looking at me. 
“You’re dating this git!” She shouted. 
“He’s not a git!” I said snapping out of my shock. 
“Have you gone mad?” She asked. 
“No, I’m perfectly sane! Just go on and tell the family about it already.” I said and turned my back to her. 
“Unbelievable…” I heard her say under her breath as she walked off. 
“Are you alright, love?” Draco asked and placed his hand on my arm. 
“I’m fine… They were bound to find out anyway…” I said quietly, but I could feel tears pooling in my eyes. 
“Hey, I know you’re hurt.” He said, walking in front of me and lifted my chin up. 
“It’s alright, love, I’ll be here for you always.” He said and pulled me into his chest. 
“I love you Y/N.” He whispered and I clung to him. 
“I love you too Draco.” I said. 
Throughout the rest of the year Draco and I had become public with our relationship. My brothers and sister sent glares my way and refused to even speak one word to me. Draco was always trying to take my mind off it and keep the smile he gave me on my face. But when it was time to go back home Draco tried to convince me to come home with him. I told him I couldn’t and that I needed to face this. So when my parents picked us up it was dead silent. But as soon as we all entered the house my parents turned to me with the worst expression they’ve ever given me. 
“You are dating Draco Malfoy?” My Father asked. 
“Yes.” I answered. 
“Are you mad? His family is evil!” My Mother said. 
“This is unbelievable, our sister is dating the biggest git in the school!” George said. 
“Maybe he spelled her.” Fred said. 
“With the way I found them, she was most definitely not spelled.” Ginny said. 
“Honestly, after everything he’s said and done to us and you still picked to date him?” 
“Stop it!” I shouted and everyone looked at me. 
“Stop talking about him like that! Draco has been nothing but a gentleman to me! He’s been better to me in this short time than any of you have ever been to me! For the first time in my life I don’t feel like I’m not good enough, or like no one can see me! Draco is the first person to actually see me for me and not just another Weasley! He makes me feel special and like I’m not just in the background!” I shouted and all they did was stare at me. I didn’t wait for their response. I stormed out of the house and ran. Draco had gotten me a ticket for the tub in case I needed to come see him. That’s exactly what I did. I ran up to the large door of Malfoy Manor. I knocked on the door and a house-elf answered. 
“How can I help you Miss?” He asked. 
“Is Draco Malfoy here?” I asked as I fiddled with my hands. 
“Yes, let me go get the Master.” He said and let me inside. I stood in the foyer and awkwardly waited for Draco to appear. 
“Y/N?” Draco asked and I looked up at the top of the stairs. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, rushing down. 
“I’m fine, but I had a fight with my family…” I said. He pulled me to him and kissed my head. 
“I’m sorry, love.” He whispered. Tears started falling and I didn’t even know I was holding them back. 
“You can stay here, my Father can have people get your things.” He said. 
“Are you sure they’ll be alright with me staying here?” I asked and he smiled. 
“You’re a Pure-blood so I’m sure they’ll be happy with that.” He answered and I cracked a smile. 
“Come, let me introduce you.” He said and pulled me through his house. 
“Draco, who was at the door?” His Mother asked without looking up from her book. 
“My girlfriend.” He answered and both his parents moved their attention to us. 
“A Weasley?” His Father said. 
“This is Y/N Weasley, her and her family had a fight because she’s in Slytherin and dating me.” He said and they both raised their brows. 
“You were placed in Slytherin?” His Father asked. 
“Yes sir, my family was very unhappy with me.” I answered. 
“You poor dear.” His Mother said. 
“Can she stay with us this summer?” Draco asked. 
“A Weas-”
“Of course dear, but she stays in one of the guests rooms.” His Mother answered, cutting off her husband. 
“Thank you. Come on Y/N, I’ll show you to your room.” Draco said with a smile and pulled me along. Maybe this will also be the first good summer I have. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​  @dracoswhvre​
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mashiraostail · 3 years
I just started my period and my endometriosis makes it an actual living hell, and the only thing getting me through is imaging my favorite bois rubbing my tummy and giving me snacks. So it gave me the idea for this request, Vlad King, Gang Orca and Fatgum with a s/o on their period and just them being rlly soft and gentle
hey everyone! turns out the health problems I mentioned earlier are slightly more serious than I originally thought but this blog and writing is a huge comfort for me so I won’t go away completely but posting is probably gonna be pretty irregular! That being said I also imagine my fave bois around me when I’m having a bad pain day so this was actually sort of helpful to write I hope it helps you too anon! I kept it gender-neutral bc everyone gets periods ofc! (also I always write the reader living in apartments bc I live in one sdfs if that bothers anyone let me know and I’ll try to keep it in mind!)
Sekijiro Kan/ Vlad King: When he enters a basically pitch black and silent apartment Vlad’s a little concerned. You had mentioned not feeling well so he hates the idea that you went out on your own, even to just run a small errand, the idea that you wouldn’t ask him to do that sort of thing when you weren’t feeling good actually makes him a little upset he makes a mental note to talk to you about it when you’re feeling better. The sink still had dishes in it and all the blankets by the couch were unfolded plus the basket of unfolded laundry in the hall, all of it pointed to you feeling under the weather. Though it gives him an idea. He’ll at least change your bedsheets for you while your out, that way when you get back he can usher you to bed and make sure you get nice and comfortable. When he nudges your bedroom door open to do just that he’s greeted by the sight of you. Or the lump that is probably you huddled underneath your covers. “You’ve been here the whole time?” Judging by the way you shuffle into bed at his voice you’ve been awake too. He quickly makes his way over to you and sits on the edge of your mattress, “didn’t you hear me come in? You should have called me over.” He pulls the blanket down a little bit, “and here I thought you went out. I was getting ready to scold you and everything, I had a whole speech in my head.”  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t bother getting up the energy to call you, I figured you’d come in here eventually.” Despite being awake your eyes were shut. Though your face does relax a bit at the feeling of his thumb brushing your temple.  “Can you tell me what's wrong? What doesn’t feel good?” His other fingers curl around the shell of your ear, “can I help at all?”  “It’s just the cramps. They feel worse than usual this time.” You look up at him, “I feel like they’re always worse than last time though..” A knowing look falls onto his features.  He leans down enough to kiss the spot his thumb was brushing a moment ago, “I wish you told me sooner. I would have stopped somewhere on my way in.”  “I didn’t want to be a bother, you have enough to worry about this time of year-”  “You aren’t a bother.” Sekijiro gets up, “I’m sure I can find some stuff around here to help out, can you make it five more minutes?” You nod at that and he sighs, “okay, I only need three.”  True to his word he’s actually back remarkably fast. An armful of various things that he’d known to be helpful to you. A rice bag, a blanket from the living room, a few bottles of water and some pain pills, and a couple of assorted snacks.  “Room for me in there?” He asks over the mountain of supplies. You can’t help but grin at that.  “‘s always room for you.” He seems to perk up at that as he clambers into your bed. He’s wrapping the blanket around your shoulders before settling you between his legs. He hands you a cold bottle of water and some pain relievers. You melt thankfully into his chest as his arms come around your waist. The warmth from the rice-bag envelops your lower stomach.  “I really thought you went out to run errands.” He murmurs, arms coming tight around your shoulders, “I was worried sick. I really had an earful planned for you.”  You laugh a little at that, “I don’t think I could even get out of bed right now if I wanted to, so save it for another time. I’m sure I’ll do something to deserve it once my organs don’t feel like a smoothie.” He warbles at that and hunches over pressing his face into your neck.  “I feel so bad when you get like this. If I could take it all away and feel it for you I promise I would.”  It was sort of hard to be miserable with this guy whining at you.  “I’d never ask you to do that Seki.” You lean back into him, “I already feel a little better, thanks to you.” You feel his lips press into your skin.  “You wouldn’t have to ask I’d just do it-”  “That’s not what I meant!” You squeeze his arm, “but thank you. I do feel better, honestly.” He makes a half-convinced noise at that.  “Hm.” He settles back into the pillows more, one of his legs coils over yours before he murmurs, “want me to rub your stomach?” 
Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca: Kugo’s used to being interrupted by you, he never minded, even if he was too busy to step away from his paperwork entirely he was happy to have your company if you wanted to give it to him. Normally if he stayed shut-in for over an hour and a half you’d find your way to him, ask him if he’d eaten, if he was hungry or if he needed anything, but that’s not what happened this afternoon. He finished most of his work and you hadn’t made even a slight appearance, normally you’d even pop your head in just to say hello. Or if you left for any reason you’d poke in to let him know that too. He hadn’t even heard you rustling around in the other room. Now that he considers all of that he actually finds it sort of concerning. So he gets up to look for you.  It doesn’t take him very long to find you either, you’d laid out on the couch, a blanket haphazardly was thrown around you, and a hot water bottle on your stomach, though by the looks of how long you’d been laying there, it was probably cold now. “You don’t feel well.” Kugo sounds about as unhappy as you feel, “why didn’t you come and get me?” He sits beside you. “What’s wrong? Can I help?”  “My stupid cramps.” You mutter and shuffle closer to him, “it really hurts this time..”  He sighs and lifts an arm to allow you into his side, “It is about that time now, isn’t it? I didn’t even realize it.” He closes his arm around you, “my love, call me next time, alright?” You just nod into his side. He gets the feeling that you’d rather stay wrapped up with him for a bit so he leans back onto the couch and lets you do that for a while before patting between your shoulder blades.  “This water bottle isn’t even warm anymore.” He sighs, “I bet you’ll feel a lot better in bed with a hot water bottle and a good movie.”  “I’m comfy here..” You murmur, though he could feel the tension in your forehead where it pressed into him.  “I’ll carry you.” He gets up before you can protest, taking you along for the ride of course, “do you want to stay with me while I heat this up again, or do you want me to bring you to bed, and you can wait for me there?”  “I wanna stay with you.” You lean into his neck and take a long thankful breath of him. He sighs, though his hand slides into the back of your shirt as you wrap your legs around him.  He lugs you around to heat up the water bottle, get some painkillers, and other various odds and ends before settling you into bed.  “Can I do anything else for you?” He looks sympathetically down at you. “You aren’t gonna leave are you?” You lament, holding the warm bottle against your stomach with on hand and gripping his wrist with the other. He was in fact going to leave, he figured you’d want to go to sleep or to have the bed to yourself, he couldn’t help the space he took up but he wouldn’t blame you for wanting to spread out. “Well I...I was going to go-” He trails off as your face falls, “Though I could...I’d be happy to stay and hold you, if you want me to.” He gets into bed with you after you nod him along and welcomes you into his side. “I’ll hold this here for you, just lean against me...perfect, just like that my dear..” He pulls the blankets up again with his free hand, “you can put on a movie, maybe that will help distract you.”  You shake your head as you lean into him, “I’d rather talk to you.” He nudges against your temple at that, “aren’t you sweet? What do you want to talk about my love?”  His other hand slides into the front of your shirt and his palm pressed comfortingly to your stomach his thumb brushing your sternum. The way you melt into him isn’t lost on him. “I dunno..” You murmur, “whatever you want. How are the kids in the licensing course? You haven’t mentioned them lately.” He lets out a long sigh at that.  “They’re problem children. Like usual. Though they’re promising. The problem children always are.” You laugh a little at that.  “You love kids, I see right through your tough guy act.”  “I suppose that wouldn’t be very hard for you to do.” He concedes, “I do love them, I just want them to get their heads on right. Once they do they’ll see it. Are you hungry?” His nose presses into your hair. “No.” You  murmur, “I’m pretty exhausted.”  “I can imagine being in so much pain would wear you out. Try to fall asleep. I’ll stay here with you.”  Taishiro Toyomitsu/ Fatgum: You hated bothering Tai when you knew he was probably busy or at work or just plain exhausted. But you also hated being alone when you were in so much pain. So when you texted him asking if he was busy and saying you didn’t feel good you were expecting him to call you and offer to stay on the phone with you for a little. You aren’t sure why you underestimate him sometimes. “Hey, sugar?” Though you can’t say you aren’t happy to hear his voice. “You in here?”  “Uh-huh.” You call from the other side of your bedroom door.  “Ya decent?”  You snort at that. “Does it matter?” The door pops open.  “Course it matters. I don’t wanna be crude.” Though his light prodding falls short as he catches sight of you.  “Did my bug go and catch a bug?” He sits beside you, dropping the plastic shopping bag on the ground by your bed, “what’s wrong sugar?” His hand cups the back of your head lightly scratching the crown of your head and pulling you closer to him.  “I have really bad cramps.” You lament, “like really bad.” He doesn’t pull his hand away as you lean back into the pillows.  “I had a feeling it might be that. So I stopped on my way here to pick up a few things.” He assures, “we’ll fix you up in no time, or..at least fix ya up good enough that you can try to sleep these bad feelings off anyway.” He pulls out the things you expect, plugs in an electric heating pad, and hands you a cold drink. He presses a few scattered kisses to your stomach before placing the heating pad on it.  “I hate that you get so much grief from this all the time. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.”  You just sigh and shake your head, “You’re doing more than enough trust me.” He hums knowingly, “oh I see.” He shuffles up into bed with you, “it may not fix all the pain your in...but some good old-fashioned kisses and cuddles might help a bit, huh? If that’s what you wanted all you had to do was ask. Come on over here.” He nestles you comfortably into his side, “and some candy too.” He squeezes you a little, “now they aren’t as sweet as your kisses, but they do make my tummy happy so I bet they’ll help you too.” You welcome the candy as he nudges it against your lips.  “It’s crazy how tough you are sometimes..but...I’m glad you don’t feel like you’ve gotta be like that with me though.” His hand rubs soothing circles between your shoulder blades.  “If it hurts and you need me I always want you to ask okay? I know I always want you around when I’m in pain.” He concedes, “if you need some love to distract you, well then I’m happy to help. Think of it like...me paying you back for all the times I come mopin’ around to you when I’m under the weather. And sugar, you’re so sweet you have me feeling better in no time. Though I’m sorry to say I may not have your magic touch. But even if it helps a little then it’s worth any trouble on my end, but it’s hardly ever any trouble and I mean that. honey.”  Truthfully his affection did wonders at warming you up from the inside out.  “I think you have a magic touch too.” You murmur, eyelids getting heavy at the feeling of his fingers scratching up your spine.  “Think so?” He grins into your forehead which he’d been pressing long slow kisses into, “that makes me really happy. You feel a little better?” “A little sleepy..” You nod and he hums.  “Then maybe no more candy.” He chuckles, “don’t look at me like that, here I’ve got some chips too. But these are my favorite so you have to share.” The gentle squeeze he gives you makes tension roll off you in waves.  “Close your eyes, I’ll take care of everything alright?”
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