#i wanna write his deepest secrets
curiouslyeasy · 10 months
mmmmm a strong desire to write michael holden fanfiction
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borealiszero · 6 months
if you think shen jiu is “a rancid, horrible, radioactive level toxic of a man” fine, whatever, but please use an “anti” or “negativity” tag and not his primary tag. thank you!
As per suggestion I have removed it solely bc it might make people uncomfortable.
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jeondesu · 2 months
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── ✧ ˚. ꒰ pairing ꒱ ˒˓ ot8 x gn!reader ˒˓ established relationship genre: fluff warnings: not many… just some mentions of food & kissing <3
this is an old repost from my deleted blog !
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chan is the most perfect boyfriend you could ask for. he’s the type to never let you lift a finger when he’s around you. whether it be fixing a broken pipe in the house or carrying all of the groceries; it wasn’t a problem for him at all. he may get consumed in his work sometimes but that didn’t mean he spends less quality time with you. he’d call you throughout the day to check up on you and tell you how much he misses you. he’d share what he was working on and update you on small things. always smothering you once he comes home— no seriously, he does not let you breathe. he’d pepper kisses all over your face whilst having you wrapped tightly in his arms. the warmth of his loving embrace made you feel the safest and utmost protected.
lovesss taking you out on fun interactive dates. movies, bowling, mini golf, fruit-picking, and candlelit dinners were a just a few to name. minho enjoyed going to small family owned restaurants, he loved desserts and would order a milkshake with two straws on each side. you’d be playing footsie under the table like little kids, teasing you while staring into each others eyes trying not to burst out laughing. he loves you just as much as he loves his cats and that’s saying a whole lot. he has a picture of you playing with soonie and dori as his lock screen, it was probably the cutest pic he’s ever taken of you. he calls you and his cats a little family >\\< he loves the way they all get along with you and it affirms even more that you really are the one for him.
constantly showers you with dozens upon dozens of compliments. could write a full-fledged novel on simply everything he adores about you. he’ll write sweet notes from time to time and leave them in random areas for you to find. your relationship with him always kept you guessing, he was so full of pleasant surprises. he noticed the littlest details about you and could practically read you like a book. he knew immediately when you were in a slump, it became his personal mission to cheer you up. is super touchy feely with you but does it with the most pure intentions. pressing feathery kisses along your hands and the insides of your palms, then trails further up your arm. he loved seeing how flustered you’d get by it, only wanting to keep doing it more.
treats you as his artistic muse. his deep infatuation with you fed his inspiration with new ideas constantly. his paintings were a reflection of his mind, his most inner thoughts and emotions. almost every painting he’s done was inspired by you in some way, shape, or form. art and photography are one his favorite hobbies so naturally he’s going to always wanna snap pictures of you. whenever you two go on dates he takes pics of you without you knowing, smiling to himself and thinking how lucky he is to have you. he tells you often how much you mean to him, he was a very vocal partner. you didn’t need to ask for reassurance because hyunjin would just give it to you anyway. it was like he could read your mind, he understood you on a intuitive and spiritual level.
he is completely and authentically himself when he’s with you. your relationship is the most easy going thing in his life, he couldn’t imagine life without you. he loves that your humor is the same and you’re both always goofing off. he feels most accomplished if he can make you laugh until your stomachs start hurting. almost everything was a joke to him but the love he had for you was definitely not. he share’s everything with you, his clothes, favorite snacks, deepest secrets, nothing off limits for him. never stops talking about you with the other members, every little thing reminds of him you so he has to announce it. he could be doing something serious and then one of your inside jokes would randomly pop in his head, smiling like an idiot to himself. he was so proud to have you as his lover and best friend.
the most sweet, nurturing, individual in the universe. put a million heart emojis next to your contact name and never fails each time to get a stomach full of butterflies every time he’s with you. hears a song that reminds him of you and instantly sends it; will make monthly playlists for you too. he gets lost in your eyes all the time, can’t help but feel his heart beat out his chest by your ethereal beauty. you could be having an in-depth conversation with him and he’d zone out from just looking at you. he can’t stand being away from you when he’s gone and gets real sad and lonely if he can’t hold you >.< will send you LENGTHY messages of what he loves most about you and how much he wants to be with you. if he can’t physically be there, he’ll do all he can to still feel like he’s right beside you.
thoughtful gestures were his love language. he would notice your shoe is untied as you’re both walking and stop everything he’s doing to fix it for you. will do anything you ask him to at the drop of a hat. does chores and tasks around the house when you aren’t feeling up to it, he never complains about it either which you love. lots and lots of hugs and kisses !! he especially loves hugging you from behind and resting his head within the crevice of your shoulder. he’d kiss your knuckle before dancing with you in the kitchen and acting like an old married couple. the two of you would be slow dancing and lock eyes, your lips would collide as you both sway to the melody of the song. it was soft moments like these that proved seungmin owned all of your love.
very much into showing PDA and lots of it. doesn’t really care about what the other members think when he touches or kisses you in front of them. likes to give you unexpected forehead and neck kisses, intertwining his fingers with yours while doing so. he bought you a necklace with his initial on it as a gift and you never took it off since the day he gave it to you. whenever he’s gone for long periods of times that necklace would get you through it all. he’d also buy matching couples pajamas and plan a night in where you do face masks and watch movies (^o^). late night cuddling was his forte; you’d be all tangled up in bed together and he’d leave short series of pecks to your cheek until you lull asleep in his arms.
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margotw10bis · 6 months
Blank Pages. JJK [m]
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bestfriend!jungkook x reader
Genre: one-shot; smut; romance; non-idol!jk; f2l
Words: 8k
Synopsis: You have a secret: you're a popular writer on Wattpad. The worst thing that could happen is your best friend Jungkook to discover that your erotic novels are about him...
Warning: protected sex; oral sex (f. receiving); writing of sex scenes
JK was pounding into me at an animalistic pace. I couldn't help screaming his name due to the overstimulation of the three precedent orgasms. His grip around my hips tightened as he was reaching his high. A few more dick strokes were provided before I could feel his hot shots of cum inside my pussy.
It didn't take long for the both of us to fall asleep, exhausted by the intense sex ride.
Your cheeks are red when you finish posting the new chapter of your story on your Wattpad account. Vivid images of the imaginary roll in the hay fill your brain — and your panties with wetness. You always feel the same after writing a sex scene starring your best friend: horny and guilty. You can't imagine how Jungkook would react if he knew he was the main character of a popular erotic online novel... You would die of embarrassment, knowing your best friend, whom you are madly in love with, had discovered your deepest sexual fantasies — featuring him. On the other hand, writing those filthy stories is your way to control both your feelings and your desires. Jungkook is your best friend, you can't risk your friendship.
You didn't have any thoughts other than trying to contain your sexual attraction for him when you created your Wattpad account. You had never thought that so many people would read your stories. You can't deny that you feel kind of proud that people love your writings but you also feel horrified that so many strangers are fantasying — and obviously masturbating — on your best friend. You are so glad that you kind of anonymized him by using his nickname JK. You mean, people could think it stands for Jin-Keon, right?
Just as if you needed some reminder that your writing is nothing but fiction, your phone screen brights up to notify a new message from the very same Jungkook.
'Hi, buddy! We're going to the club with the guys, wanna join?'
You hate so much when Jungkook calls you 'buddy'. It's so far away from the nicknames you wish he'd give you. In your stories, JK always uses 'baby', 'babe', sweetheart' and this is what you want... Not a stupid 'buddy' like you were his classmate in sixth grade!
You growl in frustration and answer that you're too tired and you're just going to bed. Your best friend replies that he is disappointed not to see you tonight and you hate how your weak stupid heart melts at that. You are also disappointed not to see him tonight or every single day of your life. You wish you could go home after work and know that Jungkook is waiting for you before heading to bed, together. You know damn well those are silly thoughts and maybe that's why they hurt so much. They are too far away from reality.
As you think.
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You hum, half-asleep as you feel something moving against you. You tighten your arms around the thing next to you to keep it still. However, it moves again to softly caress your hair.
"Y/N, let's go to bed" A whispered voice says
You lowly growl and bury your face deeper into the thing you're hugging. If you weren't in this sleepy state, you could notice that what you have in your arms is actually Jungkook. He doesn't really mind and it's not the first time your movie night ends up with you falling asleep. He'd just let you gradually collapse on him because he knows you always feel cold when you are sleeping. So he is happy to provide some warmth while you're visiting Morpheus' world. He even rested his arm around your shoulders to be a little more comfortable to watch the end of the movie — and enjoying this excuse to hug you.
But now, the film has ended and the couch is not the best place for a full night of slumber. Jungkook sighs when he accepts the fact that you just won't wake up. He tries, as gently as he can, to stand up and lifts you up in his arms. He pushes his bedroom door open with his foot, which causes him to almost loose balance. Finally, his mission is a success when he lands you on his bed without waking you. He smiles softly as he looks at you. He wonders what you are dreaming about right now. Are you having nightmares because of the horror movie? Or are you in a happy place full of your loved ones? He hopes for the latest.
He heads to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and joins you in bed. He knows you don't bother sleeping with him — it's not the first time either. And honestly, if he knew your feelings for him, he could be even more aware of how poorly you care. He makes sure the covers are tightly wrapped around you and scoots closer to hug you. He likes how your smaller body fits in his embrace — it's way better than his usual pillow. He gives you a small peck on the top of your hair and follows you in dreamland.
The sunlight coming through the unwell closed curtains wakes you up. You're surprised not to feel cold as usual in the morning. You want to lift your hand to rub your swollen eyes but you can't: something, or more like someone is completely wrapped around you. Your eyes snap open when you realize it's Jungkook. You turn your head and your heart melts at the sight: his sleepy face is so cute, especially with his pouty lips. You're close enough to clearly see his scar on the cheek as well as the little molds on his nose and under his lower lip. You wish you could taste its softness. You move carefully to free one arm and you caress your best friend's hair as softly as you can to not wake him up. You almost moan when you feel how silky it is underneath your fingertips. God, Jungkook is so perfect that it hurts to look at him.
Your heart beats fast in your chest due to the proximity but it suddenly stops when Jungkook, in his sleepless, presses you closer against his body. And then, you feel it. As clear as day. His morning wood. It stands hard against your lower belly and you gulp. Does your saliva drive straight to your pussy? Because your panties are now soaked. Oh god, Jungkook's cock is pressed against you and you love it. All kind of sinful scenarios take control of your brain and you wish your best friend was a sleepwalker but more like a sleepfucker. Okay, you are clearly deranged...
A normal person would try to bring some space between your two bodies but you do the opposite: you scoot closer, almost grinding on his boner.
Small sleepy growls from Jungkook make you stop moving as you really don't want your best friend to know how much of a sexual freak he is turning you into.
"Good morning, goober" Jungkook says with his sexy raspy voice before kissing your forehead
"Hi" You reply with cheeks as red as a tomato
Fuck, you still feel his dick but Jungkook doesn't seem in a rush of stepping away. Does he not feel it? Or maybe he does and he needs some friction because he fucking holds you tighter. You wish you could feel embarrassed but it's not the main emotion you experience: your horniness takes the most of you. If Jungkook doesn't release you soon, you could jump on him to ride him. Perhaps all the hot sex scenes you have written are messing up with your brain and you can't distance fantasy from reality.
(Un)fortunately, your best friend frees you to stretch. You try your best not to peak at the tent of the sheets caused by his hard-on. Jungkook leaves the bed and stands up in front of you, asking about breakfast with a very distant — according to you — voice. However, you can't focus on any words he is saying because the only thing that gets your attention is his — huge — bulge in his boxing shorts. He clearly doesn't wear any briefs and your mouth waters at the fact there is just one layer of fabric separating you from his cock — and also a whole moral code but you can't care about it right now. On the hand, it's not like Jungkook would stop you but you don't have any idea of it. A sparkle of playfulness brightens his doe eyes as he notices how you are gazing at his dick.
"Are you even listening to me?" Jungkook asks while snapping his fingers right in front of your face
"I-Jungkook, you..." You start but struggle to find the words that won't make you look like a sexual freak
"You, uhm, seem to be awaken" You eventually decide to say
Jungkook looks at you with a faked questioning face and you point at this crotch. Rather than to be embarrassed, your best friend smirks proudly.
"Impressed, right?" He teases you and your cheeks take a new brighter tint of red
"Jungkook!" You scold him but you secretly are impressed by his obvious blessed area — way bigger than you have wrote
Your best friend just laughs with his childlike cheerful chuckle and announces that he'll cook some rice with sausages. You fall back on the bed, sighing in frustration. Jungkook is driving you crazy and you wish you could take off his wry smile by sitting on his pretty face. However, you decide it would be wiser to just sit on a chair and have breakfast with him.
"I could like to go to Songdo Beach today and go on a ride of the Busan AirCruise" You say at one point, your mouth full of food which makes barely impossible for Jungkook to understand you
"Why? You already did it a hundred of times"
"But it's raining today!" You pout "You know I love the atmosphere the rain gives to the skyline"
Your best friend does know it. You have told him countless of times how relaxing you find the sound of the rain on the glass cable car and the pale blue, almost lavender color, the Busan sky gets tinted on rainy days. Jungkook sighs to pretend it's a burden to go with you but you both know he likes it too.
As usual, the queue is not that long. Busan people tend to stay home or to take shelter in the numerous trendy coffees. What a shame people don't appreciate how nice it is to fly upon the near ocean while raindrops surround you. As usual, Jungkook buys the tickets for the two of you. You don't quite understand why he insists every time to pay but you can't deny it is heart-warming. Your best friend knows it's one of the things you love the most in life so he just wants you to enjoy it entirely.
A soft smile paints your lips as you step in the cable car. Slowly elevating you in the sky, you watch the nearby buildings growing away between the big and round drops of water. The sight is blurred yet so poetic. The glass floor allows you to take a peak at the waves and if you look at the ocean side, you can see some huge cargo boats, waiting in Busan bay to deliver their merchandise.
The calm atmosphere, enhanced by the melody of the rain on the glass, soothes you. However, Jungkook couldn't just let you be and he suddenly moves to make the cable car swing. You scream and scold him which only makes him laugh. As usual.
"Let's take a picture" Jungkook says while pulling off his phone from his oversized bomber jacket pocket
Then, he sits next to you and frames to crystalize both your two faces and the skyline in the background on the photo. You and your best friend smile brightly. If someone asks Jungkook right now, he could say that it's one of sunniest days ever because of how radiant you are.
"A last one" Jungkook announces
He clicks on the button to snap the picture at the exact moment he pecks your cheek. The photo clearly notifies how surprised you were, your eyes growing wider and your mouth slightly opened. However, your shy face mixed with your blushed cheeks make you really, really cute in Jungkook's opinion. He can only chuckle as he gazes at the picture with affection eyes. He will definitely make it his new wallpaper.
However, the small peck you have received from your best friend moves you more than it should. Your heart beats so loud in your chest that it seems to echoes down to your toes. You try to calm down and you resonate: it doesn't mean anything for your best friend. It's just a small friendly peck. Fuck, you write some erotic stories in which the characters fuck like beasts, you can't be all shaken up by a stupid kiss on the cheek!
You soothe your crazy heart by focusing on the view of the grey tinted skyline and on the few people defying the rain with their umbrellas. Deep down, you know it's the best memory you will have on the Busan cable car despite the numerous times you went on.
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"What do you think about this one?" Jungkook asks you a few days later while presenting another shirt in a dark blue color
You try hard to put a smile on your face to hide your painful chest. Does your best friend have any idea that helping him choosing an outfit for his date is torture for you? You could wince at the pain if you didn't have to act like normal.
"I think the white one is better" You answer nonetheless "You can't go wrong with it"
Jungkook nods and then finishes you completely: he casually takes off his t-shirt, flashing you with his so perfect buff chest. If it's true that you sometimes gripe when your best friend spends two hours at the gym, you are so thankful of it now. You practically drool when your eyes run through his flexing biceps — the right one delicately wrapped with ink —, his well-defined pecs and his fucking hot abs. You almost faint when your glance ends up its route on his very low pants, making his V-line and the hem of his black underwear visible. His skin seems so soft, your fingertips tickle at the thought of touching it. Fuck, this is better than anything you have ever written. You gulp when you think about all the nasty things you could like to do with Jungkook's torso.
"So, what do you think?"
Jungkook's question snaps you out of your fantasies but you have absolutely no idea of what he is talking about. Suddenly, the thread escaping from your jeans is very much interesting and you just pray that Jungkook hasn't noticed how you were eying him.
"About what?" You timidly ask
"Gogi Yummy, the restaurant I'm taking her to. Do you think it's a good idea?"
Your heart squeezes painfully when you think about Jungkook having a perfect date, doing everything you could like him to do, with someone else. You wish you could be a good best friend and be happy for him but the truth is that you love him too much not to feel hurt when he is going on a date.
"I think it's great" You reply as cheerful as you can be but still not looking to him in an attempt to hide the hurt in your eyes
"What about you?" Your best friend suddenly asks
"What about me?" You repeat his words with confusion, brows furrowed
"When are you going on a date?" He clarifies
You sigh while notifying him that you don't have time to look for a date. The real reason is obviously your feelings for Jungkook, you don't want anyone else but him.
"You know Jimin, right? The last time I saw him, he told me you were cute. Maybe you should give him a chance" Jungkook tells you with an encouraging tone but you only wince, which makes him sigh "Look, if my date goes well, we'll do something together, the four of us. This way, you won't feel pressured. How does it sound?"
Awful. But there is no way you'd confess that, especially when Jungkook is looking at you with his sparkling doe eyes and his so cute bunny smile. So you tell him that it's a great idea and you hope, even more than before, that his date is a disaster so you don't have to go on a double-date during which you won't be the partner of the person you love.
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JK was drawing delicious patterns on my clit with his tongue. I couldn't help tugging on his raven hair, not really knowing if it was to stop him or to urge him to do it harder. My breathe was cut when I felt a long and thick finger sliding into me, automatically making my walls clench around it.
"I'm close"I told JK, which provoked a proud smirk on his face
His only mission on Earth seemed to be providing me great orgasms — and he'd never failed.
"Come on, baby. Make me taste your yummy juices" He teased me, sending me on the edge
He stood up and took off this t-shirt so I could admire his delicate yet strong torso, the definition of perfection. His muscles were making me feel all kinds of butterflies in my stomach — or was it the remains of the orgasm? — and JK knew it well. He knew he was teasing me, and the way he was flexing his muscles proved me right. My mouth watered and my hand caressed the bulge of his six-pack. His tattoos always had an effect on me, making him as intriguing as sexy. A sin I wouldn't care to go to Hell for.
I wished I had time to enjoy it more but I had to go to work — JK's cunnilingus made me late as it made me come.
You save the last chapter and publish it on Wattpad. You stroll through the comments and smile when you read some very supportive ones. Almost every readers are in love with JK — only of they knew that real life Jungkook is one hundred times better. You sigh in content and close your laptop, ready to head to bed but your phone rings, stopping your plans of having a good and relaxing sleep.
'My date went great. Save your Friday night buddy cause we have a date ;)'
Why does your best friend have absolutely no clue of the draggers he is stabbing into your heart? To be fair, he went on this date because he thinks he doesn't stand a chance with you but you obviously don't know that. You growl and turn in your bed, tugging your sheets around you like if you were a burrito. Yes, going on a date with Jungkook is one of your dreams but going on a double-date with Jungkook having another date than you is a nightmare. You spend the night ramming through all the possible ways the date can go, which leads you to cry when scenarios of your best friend kissing a girl in front of you play in your mind.
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You growl while taking your clothes out of the washing machine. You don't what went wrong but it seems like every single pieces of clothing has sized down. Well, you could guess what went wrong: you were deep in thought and clicked on the wrong washing program. You sigh when you see your favorite dress... A slight and ridiculous hope that maybe it's not too bad makes you try it on, which takes you way more efforts than usual. But it only confirms what you thought: the red dress is now so tight that it looks like a second skin. The bottom hem barely covers your underwear and shows some of your ass in the back. And let's not talk about the neckline because it's worse: half of your bra is on display.
Of course, fate is never on your side — because it has been such a nice day so far. You hear your front door opening and it only means one thing: Jungkook is here. He is the only one to have a spare key — which was supposed to be for emergency but turned out to be a way to visit you without warning every time he is in the mood to. You start to panic but you don't have time to cover yourself as your best friend's pretty face appears. You feel embarrassed to show so much skin to Jungkook, even though you often fantasize about him seeing way much more. Shock — and some other expression that you could interpret as lust — paints his features. His eyes run through your very exposed body and your cheeks match the color of your 'dress'.
"Are you going to wear that?" Jungkook asks with a as natural as possible tone while he places his hands in front of his crotch to prevent you from noticing his growing boner
"Are you crazy?!" You defend yourself "I fucked up my laundry, that's all. I have no other choice than to throw away my favorite dress" You sigh in despair
On the other side, Jungkook likes the new style of the dress. It's now his favorite. Fuck, you're hot. You look so naughty. And it's even better when you turn around and some of your asscheeks are visible. He wonders how they would jiggle if he'd spanked you. He knows he shouldn't have this kind of thoughts about you but he can't help it. Your body is so fucking perfect. The peak he had of your big rounded tits, covered by your bra which led appear the shadow of your picky nipple, and the almost peak he had of your panties drive him mad. He does't think you should throw the dress away. You should keep it. For him. For when he fucks you.
Jungkook tries to get rid off those thoughts but his hard-on makes it difficult. When you send him off to change, he gladly accepts and opens your fridge, pretending he is looking for some soda, to let the cold soften his cock. You'll be the death of him.
"What are you doing here?" You asks, making your best friend jolt
Jungkook grabs a random can and turns around to discover you are now wearing your usual light green sweatpants and an oversized t-shit — former his, if he might add. You are really messing with his brain because earlier, with your tiny dress, he could pretend that his attraction was just a normal one of a guy seeing a sexily clothed girl. But now, even with a not so appealing outfit, he still thinks you're beautiful and hot.
You lift one brow when your best friend doesn't answer. Jungkook clears his throat and tries to gather his thoughts. He needs to focus on something other than you, otherwise he risks to cancel all his plans to fuck you against your washing machine.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab some food at PadThailand. It's been a while and I know you like it"
Your heart melts at the fact that Jungkook thought about you before ordering from one of your favorite restaurants. Your smile seems to illuminate the place, so much that your best friend wishes he had sunglasses. You nod with enthusiasm, spurring Jungkook to call the restaurant and book a table.
You've changed, for the third time of the day, into a simple jeans and long sleeves sailor top. You feel proud to match the area of PadThailand, the restaurant being close to one of the small ports of Busan. Delicious scents of fresh cooked fish fill the air, putting you in the mood of eating. You could even change your usual order and try the lemongrass cod fish. You giggle with eagerness, you can't wait to have your stomach full of delicious food.
"You look like you're in a good mood" Jungkook notices, a few meters from the restaurant location
"Of course!" You reply, cheerful "I'm going to one of my favorite restaurants and I'm with my favorite person"
You don't realize how your words made Jungkook stop his track. You continue your way to the door while Jungkook is trying his best to hide his wide bunny grin.
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Friday night. The day of your 'date'.
You did make an effort on your outfit, opting for a cute black denim skirt and silver top. Actually, you were quite surprise when you stepped into the restaurant and discovered that your clothes matched Jungkook's. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought that people around you would mistake you two as a couple. However, the euphoria left soon as your eyes landed on your best friend's date: a gorgeous girl named Minji. It took you everything you have to smile at her and lie while saying 'nice to meet you'.
Thankfully, the awkward silence that was getting set at your table disappears with Jimin's arrival. You can't deny that the brown haired man is handsome. Honestly, if you weren't so head over heels for Jungkook, you could kill to kiss Jimin's pulp lips. You also like the white light cotton t-shirt with longs sleeves Jimin chose to wear: the thin fabric gives a peak of his dark inked patterns. Do you have a tattoo kink? Well, it's definitely Jungkook's fault.
After ordering some drinks and food, you are starting to think that the night is not a complete torture — despite the occasional kisses between Jungkook and Minji. The girl is actually very nice and tries her best to find common tastes between the two of you. It honestly would be way easier if she were a bitch... You can't even hate her!
Jimin, on the other hand, is funny and shares a lot of stories of his last holidays which were a rollercoaster of unpleasant events. You don't have to force yourself to laugh and genuinely find his company pleasant. Yet, you can't imagine having feelings for someone other than Jungkook. You love him like you've never loved before. He swipes away every competition without even trying. He is more handsome, funnier, nicer than anyone else. He knows you more than anyone and he knows how to help you before you can even say you need him. It's like he can read in your mind, what a shame he can't see in your heart that it's full of him...
However, Jungkook begins to regret having set a date for you. Yes, he is Minji's date but it's just an attempt to stop thinking of you. Actually, he thought that if you were with Jimin, it would help him putting an end at his stupid crush. But the dragger in his heart when you smile at Jimin is a clear reminder that it's not just a silly crush... Jimin is having everything Jungkook wants to have with you. He wants to take you at the restaurant, as a date, just the two of you. He genuinely had more fun at PadThailand with you the other day — when he could pretend it was a real date, even if it was just in his head — than now with Minji. But he thinks you'll refuse if he asks you out, you have never acted like Jungkook could be something other than your best friend.
"Hey, Y/N" Minji starts with a cheerfulness that you can imagine innate in her "You said you love reading. You should follow this Wattpad account"
She hands you her phone and you stop breathing when your very username appears on the screen. Your whole body freezes and your blood is redirected in your legs to run away.
"The author is so good! Her writing is amazing" Minji continues
The compliments would please you in other circumstances but right now, it's the worst thing ever.
"And fun fact, the character of JK makes me think of you" She adds as a killer shot for you when she turns to address Jungkook
You feel so ashamed that you just keep your head down, the phone giving you a great excuse for it. You wish you could just curl up and die. Oh my god, what if Jungkook reads it? What if he knows it's about him? He will definitely know JK is supposed to be him! And he will fucking know how you dream about him fucking you in all kind of lustful fantasies! He'll think you're sick and deranged, there is no other way. He'll think you are obsessed with him and will cut all ties with you. Your throat is so tight that you can't even breath properly. You need to escape, far and fast.
You wait ten minutes not to sound suspicious and then fake an emergency, lying that you have received a text from one of your friends. Jimin, so kind by nature, offers you to drop you off but you refuse, even though you do appreciate the gesture. You basically run away and yell a taxi to head home as fast as possible.
Panic takes control of your body, making you shake and breath heavily. You walk back and forth in your bedroom as you wonder how you are going to get rid off this troubled situation. You definitely can't delete your Wattpad account now, it'd look way too suspicious. The only thing that soothe you is that Jungkook doesn't like reading so he won't look at your — erotic — stories. Right?
Why did you have to write those? You are so stupid, fantasizing on your best friend and making the whole world know! You should have kept your sexual dreams in your bed, rather than crystalizing them on white pages.
Your hands cover your burning cheeks before going to the bathroom and splashing some cold water on your face as a ridiculous attempt to wake up from this nightmare.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Two weeks have passed since the double-date. Jungkook and you have hanged out like nothing happened — actually for Jungkook nothing happened. However, even though you really wanted to hide from him out of embarrassment, you couldn't without presenting yourself as the culprit of these stories. Your best friend was his usual self and he didn't even talk about your Wattpad account, which slowly relieved you. Like you said, Jungkook doesn't like reading, he won't do it so you can live your life without thinking about it anymore. You did stop writing though and you felt sad when you've read comments of people missing you and waiting for the next chapter.
What you don't know is that Minji has insisted so much, arguing that the main male lead of your story was just like Jungkook, that your best friend took on himself to browse through your Wattpad account. And he read everything. At first, he was quite amused at the resemblance: more than the JK name, the fictional character has black hair and tattoos just like him. The sex scenes were intense but still a little too soft for Jungkook who likes it real rough — but it's not like you can know it. But then, Jungkook grew suspicious, some scenes being very familiar to him. Like the one of the two main characters going to the beach but can't to swim because they forgot their swimsuits. Or the one when they were cooking together and JK seasoned the meal the narrator took hours to cook with sugar instead of salt. Another example was an argument between the two characters over the film they should watch at the theatre. Jungkook clearly remembered a very similar scene with you that ended up just like the book: him buying his own ticket for Fast&Furious and you throwing your popcorn on him.
A — absolutely ridiculous and impossible — thought came to his mind: were you the author? That couldn't be. You were his best friend, and you've never seemed to be interested in him — despite his endeavours he might add. But then, how could the scenes in this book be so much like the ones you two'd shared? And then, a crazier thought lighted up in his brain: are all the sex scenes you have written one of your desires? Would you like him to fuck you, to finger you, to lick you? Thinking about your pretty face torn by pleasure made him hard in his pants. He went though the hot scenes for a second time, trying to acknowledge what you like. As insane as it might seem, if Jungkook has the chance to, he'll fuck you and he wants to be prepared. Well, that's if you are indeed the author of the book. Which is such a foolish idea that he can't allow himself to grow too excited because the odds are not in Jungkook's favors.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
You are heading to Jungkook's place after receiving a text from him. He asked you if you wanted to watch a movie and you accepted. However, when you enter his apartment — you also have a spare key of your best friend's door —, the usual bowl of popcorn is no where to be seen. Jungkook has a ravishing look with his grey sweatpants and black oversized t-shirt. It's just his common look but it's so good on him.
"Hi" You greet him with a hug "You don't have any popcorn?"
"No, but maybe I have some underbaked cookies that we could eat with ice cream" He replies
You just freeze. Those underbaked cookies with ice cream are something you've written in your story. Did Jungkook read it? It's a catastrophe. You have to act like it's nothing, like you don't know what he means but god, you're such a shitty actress and your best friend knows you better than anyone else.
"Why would I want underbaked cookies?" You ask but your tone is so unsure that it only betrays you
"I don't know" Jungkook starts "Maybe because I'll get to eat you out to be fully satisfied"
Oh god. He. Did. Read. Everything. You wish the ground opened underneath your feet to swallow you whole. You throat is too dry to reply anything and your burning cheeks are screaming 'I'm the author! I'm guilty your Honor!'. You want to run away but you can't, your body refuses to move and you just keep looking down. You are so ashamed that your eyes get watery. Jungkook must hate you to have sexualized him like you did. Worse, you published this sexualized version of your best friend on the Internet and thousand of people have read it.
"Why did you write those stories?" Jungkook asks you
His tone is not harsh but not sweet either. It's just a little softer than neutral and it hurts in your heart.
"I don't know" You whisper with a shaky voice
"Don't lie to me, Y/N" Jungkook cups your face with his hands to force you to look into his so beautiful doe eyes "Tell me, I'm just trying to understand"
You are destabilized not to see any anger or disgust on your best friend's face. You thought he could be furious but he is not. He really seems curious to know. But that would mean you'd have to confess your feelings and you're not ready to hurt.
"It's just things that came to my mind" You half-lie
"So it doesn't mean anything?"
Your mouth opens in surprise at your best friend's question. Or more precisely at his tone. It's like he is hoping for it to mean something. You're taken aback. It's really not the reaction you expected. You remove his hand from your face so you can try to think again. You're lost in all the overwhelming emotions you're experiencing.
"I-" You start but nothing follows
You don't know what to say. Especially when Jungkook is looking at you with such an intense yet loving eye. Like he wants you. All of you. Your mind, your heart and your body. And you'll be happy to give them to him actually.
"Do you love me, Y/N?"
Once again, your eyes widen. You shouldn't be this surprised, it is just a logical question to ask after your interaction. You want to tell him but you're scared. Jungkook is perfect. He is the most handsome man but it's nothing compared to his personality. He is sweet and caring. He is hard-working and never gives up. He is supportive and always willing to help his friends. He is so perfect. Too perfect for you. You have nothing to offer him, he could find someone better just by snapping his fingers. But your best friend stops all those negative and destroying thoughts when he speaks again.
"You don't have to tell me" Jungkook says with a deep voice you've never heard before "I won't either. But I will show you"
With those last, enigmatic words, he cups your face with his tattooed hand. A immediate feeling of warmth rises upon the area he is touching. His thumb caresses your cheek, so delicately that you could think Jungkook is afraid to break you, but it soon drifts away to land on your bottom lip. The thinner and pinkish skin is soft underneath the pad of his finger and he can't wait any longer: he needs to feel the softness with his own mouth.
He kisses you and god, what a perfect kiss. The best one ever. His pulp lips feel like silk. The pressure is the right one: deep enough to draw butterflies in your stomach but not too much to completely overpower you. Jungkook wants to give you the opportunity to stop the kiss if you want to. But you surely don't want to. Quite the opposite: you want more.
Your hands go up to hide in his black hair to keep him close. It's the sign Jungkook waited to deepen the kiss. His hands are now on your back, pressing you closer against his strong body. Everything is just right. You seem to know each other's body like your own. Jungkook said he was going to show you he loved you and he does. The kiss is passionate but so loving at the same time. You have the feeling to fall in love with him all over again.
Without breaking the kiss, he leads you to his bedroom, which is easy since you know well his apartment. Jungkook takes off your shirt and he looks at your breasts long enough for you to grow embarrassed. But then he whispers to himself 'so perfect' and you don't feel unsure anymore. The way Jungkook looks at you makes you feel like the most beautiful woman alive. To be fair, you are for him.
Jungkook cups your tits still covered by your bra and leans down to hide his face in the valley of your boobs. God, he loves them so much. You moan when he starts to kiss the available skin. But it's not enough, for any of you. Your hand sneaks behind your back to undo your bra and finally free your breasts. Jungkook doesn't waste time and grabs one boob before squeezing it in his large and warm palm. His mouth works on your other nipple, licking, sucking and even deliciously biting it.
He invites you to lean on his bed and you're happy to do it. Jungkook grabs the hem of your pants and slides them down with your panties. Your pussy is already glistening with arousal and it's driving him crazy. He can't even control himself when he step closer to eat you out. His tongue is fast and precise on your clit and you can't help the moans from escaping your lips. Your head is thrown back and your fists are clenched around the sheets. Your cunt is soaked by your horniness and Jungkook's saliva, creating a real mess between your legs.
"More" You groan
Jungkook smirks while he enters your tight pussy with two fingers. The stretch is so fucking good that you whimper. His pace doesn't show any mercy but you fucking love it. Maybe it's Jungkook's skills or maybe it's your strong feelings for him but your orgasm is close. Your legs start shaking and you rest them on your best friend's shoulders.
"Your pussy is so good" He says against your wet clit "You've dreamt about that, uh? You little minx"
Your head is spinning because of your horniness. You feel like drowning into pleasure and Jungkook's expert fingers hitting your g-sport repeatedly are pushing you over the edge. Your back arches and your toes curl while you're trying to control your orgasm. It's too good, you don't want Jungkook to stop just now. But then, he talks again:
"I've read how you wanted me to eat your pretty pussy. You're a little slut for me, isn't that right?"
His dirty mouth — both words and acts — makes you cum on his face and fingers. Jungkook's digits are squeezed tightly by your walls and he pushes your limits by pushing on your sweet spot harder. It cuts your breathe and you feel your orgasm lasting and lasting until you can't take the overstimulation anymore. Your legs try to close but they are stopped by Jungkook's head and your hands tug on his hair.
"I'll fuck you good"
Jungkook's promise lights up your body once again. You settle down from your high just in time to watch his strip show. His pecs and abs are so perfect. You wish you could lick them but your body is still in the fog of your orgasm so you just can lift your hand to caress him like you've dreamt of so many time. His skin is warm and soft but his muscles are hard right under. Jungkook closes his eyes to enjoy your touch. He's imagined it many times before you and your delicate fingers on him are delightful. His hard cock twitches in his pants when your hand reaches the hem of his sweatpants. The bulge is clearly visible and your mouth waters.
You push the pieces of fabric down to free is big cock. Oh god, it's bigger than you thought. Some pre-cum is leaking from his tip and you use it to jerk him off. Jungkook growls out of delight and your hand works fast on his length. The sight of your small hand around his cock is fucking hot but Jungkook wants to fuck you. You two will have a lot of time in the future to experience other things.
"I want to fuck you" Jungkook says but it's also a consent question
As much as he wants to, he won't if you tell him no.
"I want it too, Kook"
Your best friend walks to his nightstand after getting off of his pants and underwear. He grabs a condom that he quickly puts on and joins you on the bed. You're gorgeous, all naked, in his bed. Lust is written on your face and he still can't believe you're looking at him. He wants to worship you and he will, but right now, he will fuck you like there is no tomorrow.
You open your legs wider for Jungkook to take place between them. He grabs his hard cock and slides the tip up and down on your folds. Your back arches.
"Please, Kook, I want you" Your whipped voice is driving him crazy
He enters slowly, not wishing to hurt you. The way his dick is stretching you out is insane. Jungkook is big but it's fucking good. He fills you so well. When he sees you relaxing, he starts to move back and forth. Your soaked pussy helps him to enter you without any difficulty. His hands cup your face to kiss you. Your moans are swallowed by Jungkook's mouth and your hands grabs his wrists when he pounds you at a faster pace. Soon, your tits are bouncing with rhythm and your groans get louder.
The grab on your jaws tightens and Jungkook rests his forehead on yours. He fucks you passionately. You wrap your legs around his waist to deepen the poundings. The slight change of angle places his dick directly to your g-spot.
"Here!" You scream and clench around him
"Your pussy is so tight but you still want to be fucked rough" Jungkook smirks "You told everyone but me. I'm so disappointed, baby"
His dick strokes are harsher and deeper, kicking the air of your lungs every time. The sound your clapping skins create is loud and sinful. You're close again and Jungkook can feel it.
"You're sure you don't want to tell me that you love me?" He asks with heavy breathe "Because I'll fuck you better if you do"
It's enough for you. Your walls are squeezing him impossibly tight. Jungkook almost winces but the fucked expression on your face is so worth it.
"I love you, Kook!" You scream when you cum hard on his cock, your vison blurred by the tears of pleasure and love filing your eyes
The euphoric state provoked by your orgasm and your feelings make you loose your mind. You kiss him but a salty taste mixes in your kiss. When Jungkook wipes the corners of your eyes, you realize you're crying. You don't even know why.
"I love you too" Jungkook whispers
A few more hard poundings are provided and Jungkook cums in the condom. You're both panting and Jungkook is almost crushing you but you don't care. His face is hidden in the crook of your neck, kissing your skin tenderly. You hug him tightly when you finally realize that your best friend loves you too.
Your cry shakes your body and Jungkook lifts up his head and his heart squeezes when he sees you.
"Hey, don't cry, baby"
He kisses every single inch of your face: your lips, your cheeks, your nose, your forehead and even your eyes to make your tears disappear.
Jungkook pulls out of you and takes off his condom. He quickly comes back to hug you tight. You truly appreciate how gentle he is. He has always been but now, with the love in his eyes, it's even better. Your whole body feels full of love. You know it's the right moment to share all the things you've kept to yourself for years.
"My head and my heart are full of you" You say "I'm drowning in the ocean of the love I feel for you. I love so much that it hurts, Kook"
"Your words feel so good" Jungkook replies with watery eyes, gently patting your hair "I can't describe as good as you my feelings but one thing I can say is that I love you. I love you, Y/N, and I'll never be tired of telling you or showing you how much I do"
You cry like a baby, undoubtedly the result of your post-sex tiredness and the tsunami of emotions Jungkook's confession provokes. It's the first time tears provoked by your best friend are welcomed.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
"So, what's next?" Jungkook asks the next day during breakfast
Just as the last time you've spent the night at his place, he woke up with a morning wood. Except that, this time, you made love. It was different from yesterday but as good. Maybe even better because you weren't in the over-everything that your love confessions provoked. You took your time, you kissed and kissed again while caressing and feeling each other.
"Maybe I'll need some inspiration for the next date scenes" You tease him
Jungkook giggles while scrunching his cute nose. He knows you so well and yet, this part of you, your writer part, was completely unknown until a few days ago. He also knows that your book is just an excuse to take you on a date. Honestly, he doesn't have to make any excuse to ask you on a date. He wants to do it. He has been wanting for years and now, you're his girlfriend.
"You're sure you don't need inspiration for your sex scenes?" He asks playfully
You smile and scoot closer to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I could use some help" You whisper before kissing him 
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somanystars · 6 days
in the secret good s16 of supernatural tfw 2.0 would go to a grocery store
NOT a conveniance store
a grocery store
-sam would get jack into the cart (jack just teleports in) and then pushes him down the aisles super fast. he loved doing it with dean as a kid and now he gets to do it with jack. they nearly run over dean at one point and dean tells them off for it, calling them a public nuisance ("like you're one to talk" "shut UP sam") and as revenge they wait until dean and cas are standing right next to each other and run at dean like they're jousting. dean falls trying not to get run over, into cas who is ofc an Angelic Tank and doesn't even flinch when he catches dean. cue the most flustered man in existence in front of the knock-off cereal brands bc my god he never learned to emotionally regulate.
-you would think sam and dean would be the ones arguing about healthy vs tasty food. wrong. sam knows his brother is a stubborn ass and just sneaks healthy food into the cart. (he has a system. he also has a farmer's market he runs off to once in a while.) dean and CAS on the other hand are bickering in every. single. aisle about every. single. item. cas is trying to make sure heart disease doesn't kill the man who refused to kill God. dean is trying to exercise his new found free will. this is flirting for them.
-jack finds an employee restocking an aisle and strikes up a conversation with them. this of course leads to him helping restock a whole section of the aisle because "of course i helped them! i wasn't doing anything else!" eventually they end up seated on the floor criss cross applesauce talking about the DEEPEST MOST RANDOM SHIT. anyways jack likes them so much they win the lottery the next day.
-cas wanders into the freezers because it's "refreshing." dean only realizes this when he pulls a a carton of milk out of the fridge and sees cas staring back at him. he ALMOST pulls out his gun.
-obligatory "sam gets hit on by an older woman" thing but he is ENGAGED and flashes his engagement ring (eileen proposed to him because fuck gender roles because i said so. he cried. dean will deny it but he cried when eileen asked him for sam's hand. gd now i wanna write that. fuck.) anyways this does not stop the older woman and sam sighs. cas rescues him.
-cas accidentally leaves the store with his coat loaded with random stuff. dean sighs and concludes that stealing from a chain grocery store is not the worst thing they've ever done.
-cas sees that the last thing of an item dean wanted sitting in an unattended cart and...takes it out. and gets accosted by a person because yeah that's their cart but cas sacrificed heaven and his life and his wings for humanity (read: singular human but still) and thinks he can have the last jar of strawberry jam. dean hears them from 2 aisles over and sighs.
okay now. if this gets to 100 notes ill write+post a full fic to ao3
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i-fart-sometimes · 12 days
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The seashore or the sheetswhore
Diluc needs attention whilst you're distracted by your new book
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TW CW// diluc x fem!reader, mention of the sea, fanfic, smut, dubcon kinda... I guess??, fingering, cunnilingus, fondling chest, diluc is being harsh on you, skull fucking, reading spicy things, temperature play if you squint hard enough, exhibitionism, marriage, diluc calling reader a whore and a slut, reader is a female, overstimulation, bondage but not really...
Definitely 18+ so minor dni
[[I'm not responsible for any minors reading my posts]]
I wrote this months ago but I wanna drop it here since it's baby's first smut writing!! Also I am posting this from a phone so I'm sorry for the layout, I tried my best to not be cringy, I really tried guys
please be kind to me :(
6k+ words (not proof read)
You looked outside of the window of the dawn winery. You can best describe the view as a winter wonderland. With the grape vines and trees covered in cold white dust, flickering fairy lights outside the manor and the crackling sounds of the fireplace next to you. Its atmospheric properties makes you yearn for the warmth of multiple layers of soft and comfortable blankets, a glass of hot cocoa on your bedside table, and cozying on your warm bed whilst you read a nice book that your husband brought to you as a souvenir from his business travel in Snezhnaya.
That book has been on your wishlist for a while now, it's a limited edition version with full sculpted leather hardcover and a beautiful hand painted spine by a Snezhnayan artist. Lisa has convinced you to give it a try since it's one of her favourites, and your husband has been generous enough to have snatched one when he's on a travel to Snezhnaya, which makes you giggle and kicking your feet like a child recieving a birthday present, at last you gave him a bunch of kisses that day.
You relaxed on your comfy bed whilst sipping the hot cocoa that's almost hot enough to burn your tongue, you decided to wait a little longer for it to become a humane temperature for your tongue. You place your favourite mug on top of the night stand and continue to read your romance novel. You read the book and become lost in your own imagination, following the story line about a young fisherman falling in love with the emperor's daughter.
As the story progresses you didn't even notice the fact that your bedroom door opens slightly
Your husband called out your name, but you're still focused on your novel that he gave you
"Y/n answer me"
Your husband peaked from outside the door, he noticed the book that you're reading and he chuckled lightly
"Dearest are you enjoying that book that I bought you? That's really cute dear but please take a break and have dinner with me. I made your favourite casserole and some skewered chicken"
He said as he leaned against the door frame
"Darling, let's eat okay? You can continue the book after dinnertime is over"
He said sternly this time. He is still tired and easily annoyed from the long hours of travel. He just got home from Snezhnaya a few hours ago and he already made you your favourite food by himself, you definitely married the right guy.
But the problem is that you're just getting to the spicy part of the book, when the main character and his love interest decide to explore the harbour after midnight and they end up sharing their deepest secrets and desires by the sea side. They shared a kiss, and it turns into something more, more than a hug, more than a peck on the cheek, more than the "I love you"'s
You are so focused on the story that you didn't even realize that diluc called you four times, you didn't even realize the fact that he's in the room with you right now.
As you're still in the fantasy of your book, you felt a hand on your thighs. You finally snapped into reality.
"D- Diluc, I'm sorry I didn't realize that you're here, I-"
"Keep reading."
Diluc said with a stern tone, making you oblige every word he said
You continue reading the book, the part where the fisherman undresses the girl whilst they kiss softly. As you're still reading, Diluc uncovers the blankets that have been doing a good job keeping you warm for this long.
You yelp as you feel the coldness, even with the help of a fireplace. Diluc gave you an expression that you don't need to know without words. You continued reading.
The young man begins to unbuckled his belt as his bulge swung open, shocking the girl in the process by the large size of it. She has never done anything quite like this before, the man held her hand as he careses her large chest that's still inside of her bra, her skin soft and delicate like a birds feather. This scene reminds you of the first time you did the deed with Diluc, a month after you became miss Ragnvinder. Diluc doesn't have the heart to ask for intimacy the first month of your marriage, he loves you too much to see his delicate and inexperienced darling crying because his girth is too much for her ((which happens a month later because he caved, so what's the point of waiting smh))
You felt your husband's hand caressing you in between your thighs, already discarded the pajama pants that kept you warm. You shiver down your spine, either from the cold air, or the excitement that you're experiencing from your husband, or maybe even both I'm not sure. You don't want your husband to be mad at you, so you continued reading the book in your hand. Trying your best to ignore the wetness of your underwear.
The fisherman caresses the girl's cunt through her soaked panties. Her soft breaths and moans decorate the ambience of the shore, as if singing with the seagull and the sea. You're so deep in the story that you didn't notice the fact that your husband already pushed your panties to the side.
He unexpectedly started licking your bare cunt without any warnings
He looked up giving you an eye contact. Yet again, you always know what that means without him saying a single word. That look always makes you feel like a fool for thinking that you can deny his wishes. You continue reading the book as he's sucking and slurping your cunt.
You turned the page of your book and continue reading as your husband wishes. The man started kissing her glistening cunt softly and gently, ironic that's what I'm experiencing right now. He inserted a finger into her, preparing her for penetration.
You yelp as diluc entered his girthy finger inside you, you can't do this anymore. You can't handle this teasing, you can't handle his fast hand movement. His finger hitting all of the right places at the wrong time, making you lose control of yourself.
Fuck it, fuck this, fuck the book, you can't do this anymore. You need to apologize for ignoring your husband. You let go of the book from your hand. Causing it to fall into the cushiony bed mattress.
Diluc smiles softly as he glances up, seeing that he won, your attention is fully on him and the pleasure that he's causing you. His hand and mouth movement stern as he glances up looking at your lustful face, as if begging him to insert more, more than just a finger. And he obliged, he added another finger inside of your glistening cunt. Causing you to cry out of pleasure.
"Mmm- I'm so- sorry Diluc... ple- please slow down... ummm~ hurts- please..."
Diluc refused to slow down his pace, he continues pumping harder. Much more than what you're capable of. He's going so fast pace but your body can't keep up with his movements. You can't do this much longer, you'll come sooner or later.
"Luc... Please stop-"
He stopped when you told him to. You regret blurting that out nearing your end, he edges you and it's your own fault. So you must take the consequences of your own action. Diluc unbuckled his pants and reveals his ginormous cock. He finally says something
It's impossible. It's impossible to put that in your mouth with your gag reflex. Shoving that up your cunt is already difficult enough, you can imagine it closing your airway. You kneel close to his cock, still crying from the orgasm denial that your hubby gave you.
"For fuck sake it's an easy fucking job. Just fucking do it-"
Diluc says as he rammed his cock with his mouth, ignoring your tears and muffled cries. Your whines sent vibrations onto his cock, making him feel good. You continue to cry harder as your husband grabs your hair and continue slamming it hardly onto his cock. You can't breathe, but you let him continue until he's satisfied with the warmness of your mouth.
"Fuck. A slut like you shouldn't have felt this good."
He continues ramming your head onto his cock. He finally comes in your mouth. Releasing his sperm deep into your throat. He releases your hair as you choke on his semen.
As you continue to choke and cry, Diluc walked out of the room. He comes inside again in a bit, holding a rope on his left hand, closing and locking the door with his right hand.
"You thought I'm done with you?"
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Sorry for the title, I thought that was funny, or it's just how my brain works at 4 in the morning lmao
Part 2? If this post got at least 150 interactions at least, hehe :p
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
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Summary: After a tumultuous relationship and a hard break up, you get trapped in between your co-star and a casual one night stand. But there's nothing you regret about.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x female reader, actress!reader.
Word count: 1,076.
Warnings: implied sex like the morning-after-sex, nudity, some sexy time but no full smut, friends to lovers, language, idk just wrote this quickly.
Notes: AU where Jensen is obviously single, and reader is like 38 in my head don't asky why I like this number, I still have no idea. And I just love, and I mean, loooveeee getting obsessed with hot men over 40, can you tell?
>> disclaimer: i totally respect the private lifes of the actors and celebrities i use for my fanfictions, and of course their personal relationships. this is only fiction written for fun and nothing more.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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Opening your eyes, you stirred on the soft bed and noticed your sorroundings. This wasn't your hotel room. Your bare body hidden under the blank, messy bed sheets reminded you of yesterday's events. You smiled.
The other side of the bed was warm. His body pressing against yours felt perfect, and you wrapped your hand on his own, which was laying on your waist, like if he didn't want to let go of you. Your mind started remembering his touch on your skin, the way he would kiss every inch of your stomach, the trail of kisses he left all over you, and his love bites around your neck and chest. The burning between your thighs and the soreness let you notice it was as good as you imagined it to be, even before it happened.
"Whatcha thinking?" he asked, raspy and soft voice booming in your ears.
"Mmm... Nothing, just how great you felt last night," you teased, turning your head to see his face directly. Bare skin, disheveled hair, and tired but loving eyes met you. God, he was beautiful. He looked so fucked out in the best way possible one could describe it.
Jensen chuckled and kissed your cheek. Still, he never let go his embrace on you. He looked at you vividly for a long time, scanning every feature of your face, like he wanted to save all of you in just an instant. Your brows furrowed for a moment.
"What?" you whispered.
"We didn't fuck this up, did we?"
A sigh left your lips, your hand ran on his hair softly. You knew what he meant. You had a bad relationship and an even worse break up months before you started working together, and Jensen became a great friend as you tried to overcome it. And it was so hard not to fall for him when it felt like you knew each other for decades. He was someone you could trust your deepest secrets, pain and thoughts. A part of you did not want to cry on his shoulder for days once you got comfortable around him, nor letting him know how terrible you felt at the time. But he never judged you. He just was there, listening and offering a helping hand expecting nothing back.
But your feelings changed in the course. As months went by, an amazing, caring and loving friendship bloomed between both of you. Since the project was a long new TV series, you used to spend a huge amount of time together as your characters appeared to be in a slow building relationship. And now, the premiere was done, but the press tour barely started, so that meant you were not getting away from each other in a good time now.
"No," you finally answered. "Of course no."
"I mean, I know what you been through, and I- I don't wanna ruin anything-"
"Jensen, is fine," you cut him off. His eyes locked on yours, concern washed all over his handsome face. "I am fine with this, are you?"
"Absolutely," he said. "I always was. I mean, I liked you for a long time now," he laughed a little, making you smile. One of his hands now carressing your bare thigh, feeling the heat of your skin.
Jensen leaned down and pecked your lips softly, his lips slowly found its way to your neck, kissing and biting the flesh, exactly how he did last night. He groaned, tasting the saltiness, and you let out a soft moan as he flipped you around. You laid on your back, him on top. His tongue tracing your skin, stopping right before your breats. God, you were getting wet again.
Unlucky for you, your phone started ringing, breaking the moment and Jensen, with a disappointed look on his face, gave you the space to run and answer. By the way you were talking, he figured it was your manager, so he hid behind the covers, admiring you from afar. When you ended the phone call, you walked to him. His eyes kept lusting over your naked figure as you looked for your clothes all over the room. He sadly knew you were postponing until you had enough alone time together.
"I keep forgetting we're still on press tour," you kissed his cheek softly once you put on your underwear and grabbed your clothes to get decent to leave. "I'll be going now, sorry."
"It's fine," Jensen smiled, standing up and putting up some pants. He followed you before you crossed the door. "I'll see you later tonight then, how about dinner?" he casually asked, leaning down. "And then we could probably take care of some other things," he whispered in your ear. You bit your lip, eager to know what he had in mind.
"That'll be amazing, surprise me!"
You gave him a playful wink, and taking your purse you left his room with a wide grin on your face. You were so glad you stopped dating trainees to build a relationship with. Jensen was a self-confident, expert man, and you were more than happy to give it a shot.
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wintersoldiersoul · 8 months
Not Alone
Summary: Bucky discovers a secret you've been hiding and is determined to help.
A/N: I kind of rushed writing this because I was feeling shitty and just needed to get my thoughts out. I definitely wanna explore this topic in a deeper way in a different story. If you are struggling, please reach out to someone.
TW: Self-harm, depression, blood, suicidal thoughts. Please do not read if this will trigger you in any way.
Avenger’s team dinner was always fun. Most nights, everyone was so busy that the meal was eaten scattered by everyone throughout the night but you all made it or injured, of course. Your deep desire to never leave your bed again? Not a good excuse. You splashed some cold water on your face and put your glasses on, hoping they would mask your red puffy eyes.
You faked your way through as well as you could. Laughing at the right moments, adding a few sentences here and there. Whatever you had to do to convince them that you were fine. 
The truth was, you weren’t fine and you hadn’t been for a while. Every day, you faced the dark thoughts in your head and you could usually keep them at bay enough to function. But something had switched within the last few months and you couldn’t fight them anymore.
As soon as you could, you excused yourself, desiring the sweet solitude of your bedroom. It was happening again. The emotional pain was becoming too overwhelming to exist as just that.
The first time you self-harmed, you were scared, tentatively holding the blade to your skin and making just a small cut at first. But now, after years of doing it off and on, you were somewhat of an expert. You felt the panic hit you on your way back to your bedroom, signaling that you needed to cut and you needed to do it now. You were usually methodical. Locking the bedroom door, preparing with neosporin and band aids for after so you wouldn’t get blood on the white carpet. But right now, you couldn’t even think of any of that.
You used the blade to make gashes in your skin, throwing your head back in relief as you felt the mental pain in your mind transform into something physical. Your head was so dark. Too dark to keep it all inside. All you had thought about while alone in bed the past few days was how badly you wished you could just end it. You were so tired of waking up every morning and being in so much pain. You were in a trance as you cut, watching the blood pool out of your skin. You were so in your own head that you didn’t hear the knock on the door. You didn’t cry when you did it. Not anymore. For you, self-harm wasn’t some tragic, emotional thing like it’s portrayed in movies. It was just a part of your daily routine, as much as brushing your teeth was.
“Hey Y/N I wanted to ask you-” Bucky stopped abruptly when he saw you. “Y/N what are you doing?” He rushed over to you, extreme fear and concern in his eyes.
You looked up at him, realization crossing your face that he had just discovered your deepest darkest secret. “Bucky, get out!” You yelled.
He looked at the blood dripping from your wrists. He was shocked. And hurt. He hated that you had so much pain inside of yourself that you had to resort to this. The scariest part though, was the true lack of emotion in your eyes. “Y/N, what the hell? What are you doing?” He knelt down on the floor beside you. “Hey, look at me,” he said, his voice growing softer.
Reluctantly, you lifted your head, looking into his blue eyes. And that’s when it really hit you. That Bucky was in your room, watching you hurt and destroy yourself. There was no getting out of this. No way to lie and cover up all of the pain you were in. You couldn’t hold in the sob that was brewing in your throat anymore. At your cry, Bucky wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close as possible to him. “Oh, Y/N…” he whispered as he held you, his own eyes filling with tears. “Talk to me, please. I’m never gonna judge or be angry, okay? Just talk to me.”
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself before speaking. “It’s just… it’s so dark in here, Bucky.” 
“In where, sweetheart?” He looked at you with concern.
You brought your hands to the sides of your head, tapping repeatedly. “In my head. The first thing I think about every day when I open my eyes is how much I want to be dead. I spiral about how life is just the same thing day after day after day and how I’m just trapped in this cycle of pain and I-” you pause as your voice breaks.
Bucky’s heart is beating fast at the admission that you wish you were dead. “Y/N, I need you to be honest with me, okay? Do you think about suicide? Like do you consider it as a real option for you?” 
You nod. “I have a whole plan. I know exactly how I would do it. I just need to find the courage-”
“Stop,” he interrupts. “Killing yourself isn’t brave. You know what is? Having the strength to fight every single day. You may not want to wake up and live but you do. That is what takes courage.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as you listen to his words. You know what he’s saying is exactly what you would say, and believe, to anyone else if they were in your situation. But you just couldn’t apply that logic to your own life. 
“Why don’t I help you get cleaned up and we can talk some more, okay?” He took your hand as you slowly stood up and led you to the bathroom. He sat you down on the sink as he rummaged through the cabinets for everything he needed. You winced as he began to clean the cuts, a fresh sting shooting through your arm. “I’m sorry, I know it hurts,” he said, trying to be as gentle as possible. “Y/N, how long have you been doing this to yourself?”
“I used to do it when I was a teenager. I stopped for a long time. I thought I had it under control, I really did. But then a few months ago it started to get bad again. I just-I couldn’t control it anymore. I needed to feel the pain physically, too.”
Bucky sighed. “You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I’ve never…cut myself or anything but I scratch at my shoulder a lot. Where my metal arm is connected. Now I do it more out of habit but I think I used to do it for that same feeling of something physical. Everything HYDRA did to me was so awful and I just needed an outlet for that pain.”
You looked up at him. “You don’t think I’m crazy?”
He smiled softly as he began to apply band aids on your arms. “Of course not. I think you’re really struggling right now. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m scared as hell for you. I know there’s probably a lot more going on in your head than the little bit that you shared with me and I’m not gonna force you to open up if you don’t want to. But Y/N… I care about you so much. More than you even know.” This admission made your heart flutter. You and Bucky were friends, but you had never been particularly close. Still, it was hard to stop yourself from developing a crush on the guy. “I can’t even imagine what I would do if you ever-” his own voice broke now, thinking about the worst possible scenario. He took a deep breath before continuing. “Please, Y/N. Please get help. I’ll sit with you and look into therapists for hours if you need. But I’m not letting you live in this much pain anymore. You deserve to be happy.”
Those last few words hit you like a punch to the gut. You had lived in a state of pain and self loathing for so long that you didn’t believe that happiness was even in the cards for you anymore.
“Bucky,” you began to protest. You didn’t wanna get help because you genuinely didn’t think you deserved it. 
“Y/N, please. Let me help you. You’re not alone anymore, okay? You don’t have to fight this alone. Just let me in. Please.” He was practically begging you. His eyes were full of so much emotion and you could see how much your pain was affecting him.
You took a deep breath. “Okay,” you whispered, reluctantly agreeing.
He breathed out a sigh of relief. “Good, that's really good. That was the first step, okay? I’m really proud of you.”
The call of sleep weighed down your eyelids as he finished bandaging the cuts. “Why don’t we get you into bed, sweetheart?” He carefully picked you up and carried you to bed. You expected him to say goodnight and leave, but instead he tore back the covers from the other side.
“What are you doing?” You asked. You weren’t bothered by his presence, but you just didn’t understand it. Why would he still wanna be around you?
“I’m not leaving you alone tonight. I’ll sleep on the floor if it would make you more comfortable but there is no chance in hell I’m leaving you by yourself.”
You looked at him in shock. Sure, he had said he cared about you but you didn’t believe he cared enough to stay the whole night. You knew how much Bucky valued his alone time and often the night was the only chance he got to be alone, due to the busy schedule of being an Avenger.
“Bucky, you really don’t have-” 
“Shh, I’m staying, okay? I’ll sleep on the floor, I don’t wanna invade.”
You watched him as he pulled a blanket off the bed to take with him onto the floor. “No, you can sleep in my bed. I don’t mind.” 
He nodded and got in beside you, keeping a respectable distance between your two bodies. You both lay in silence for a couple of minutes, separately thinking about the events of the night. 
“Hey, Buck?” You said eventually. “You can say no if you don’t want to but… would you hold me?”
You felt his body shift closer to yours. “Of course I will.” He wrapped his strong arms around you, tucking your head onto his chest. “I told you, you’re not alone anymore. I’m never gonna let you be alone in this.”
You knew that this was only the beginning. That tomorrow Bucky would force you to look into getting professional help. You knew there would be ups and downs and you were terrified. But at least for tonight, for the first time in so long, you weren’t alone.
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missglaskin · 1 month
Hi I had a question have you ever considered writing for ACOTAR and what do you think about the series and who would be the worst? Yandere to have if you could do a ranking this is not a request. I just wanna know your opinion. I hope you have a good day or night. 😊🥰❤️
I didn’t make a ranking but I did rate them (1 least worst, 10 being pretty bad) hope you don’t mind
Feyre only wants what's best for you, at least that's what she thinks. She feels a great deal of guilt when her mind wanders to dark places. Feyre doesn't like lying or deceiving you, but she always tries to justify herself. She is extremely protective and fiercely loyal, going to great lengths to keep you safe; the end always justifies the means. Everything goes well with Feyre as long you don't struggle against her and just let her take care of you. 6/10
Elain seems harmless at first, lost in her own world, spending hours daydreaming about you rather than approaching you directly. She's shy in approaching you, but her infatuation with you grows steadily and soon enough you start seeing her more often. She does not resort to violence like the others but pretends to be your friend while subtly isolating you from everyone else. You realize a little too late that Elain is scheming to keep you all to herself, not when she gives you that sweet girl. 4/10
Nesta appears cold and distant at first, often trying to push or avoid you altogether. Unaware it’s Nesta’s realization of her intense feelings and maybe it was her way of trying to protect you. But in moments of jealousy or danger, Nesta’s possessiveness becomes glaringly apparent. She does not want to chain you down, but she fiercely wants you all to herself. Desiring to have you solely for her own gaze and touch. You should just trust her and let her make all your decisions on your behalf. 6/10
Mor's danger lies in her manipulative nature and her relentless desire to get what she wants. The second she set her eyes on you; she wanted you. Mor takes the role of your friend, gaining your trust and coaxing you to confide in her. Letting you reveal your deepest secrets and positing herself as your savior to ensure you feel indebted to her. You can never point the finger of blame to Mor, she’s always one step ahead even when you find yourself isolated and powerless to make your own choices. 7/10
Amren is not someone who immediately raises suspicion, but there's an air of uneasiness. Not interacting all that much with her at first. But you'll feel eyes watching your every move yet when you turn to look, nothing is there. She in a way positions herself as an ally, subtly guiding you in the way she wants, all to assert control over you. As time passes, her tendencies begin to surface and she can no longer conceal her possessiveness. Finding yourself isolated and confined to a little place all alone with her. 8/10 
Rhysand is charismatic and not even you are immune to his charms, despite your better judgement. He's so good at pulling the strings, steering situations to his advantage. You could accuse him of an act that you know he has done, but he'll turn it around, making you feel guilty for doubting him. When Rhysand senses you're slipping away from his gasp, he won't hesitate to resort to extreme measures. You're trapped with no allies and no means of escape leaving you no choice but to depend on him. 9/10 
Cassian's intense loyalty and protective nature may seem his best traits, but it's a means of suffocation to you. Cassian is convinced he knows what's best for you, stubbornly insisting on his ways even if you push him away or outright reject him. His impulsivness guides his actions, causing him to raise his voice or grip you too tightly, but Cassian always apologizes afterward, you must forgive him right? Cassian is nice to have if you never resist and simply allow him to do as he pleases. 7/10
Azriel doesn't approach at first, preferring to watch you from a distance, meaning all the time. His shadows are tasked at keeping him informed and ready to protect you from any impending danger. When Azriel involves himself in your life, he becomes the center of it. Bid farewells to your past connections as he demands your full attention, confined under his very control. You may be allowed some freedom if you comply, but resist or fight back, it won't bode well for you. 8/10 
Tamlin is a storm that's looming, ready to engulf you. His protectiveness and possessiveness are like a chain around your neck; suffocating. He's controlling and has a desire to keep you by his side at all times. No matter how much you fight back, Tamlin believes you'll come around eventually, time is all he has. Sometimes, his temper flares and he lashes out, destroying things in his path, and seeing your fear brings him back to his senses where he apologizes profusely, promising it won’t happen again. 9/10 
Eris is intensely jealous and controlling, viewing you as his and his alone. There's a high likelihood he'll keep you trapped, unwilling to let you go. But beneath all his possessiveness, Eris is somewhat desperate. He long for you to just open yourself up to him, to surrender to his touches. With everything he went through, Eris doesn't wish to inflict harm on you. Why must you force him to restrain you, to him it's so simple, why not just give into him, a life where he shows you devoted love and loyalty. 7/10 
Lucien is aware of his tendencies and has tried to avoid you, but keeps finding himself drawn back to you, unable to resist gazing at you from a corner. He's consumed by his obsession, devoting himself to you completely, and Lucien finds himself unable to fight against it. He never wishes to harm or trap you; he has seen the damage it caused. He hopes his charms and time will be enough to win you over, and become so entwined in your life that you can't take him out of it. 5/10 
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
Hi Wasabi! I hope you’re doing good!
Could I perhaps request Sera/reader (GN) dating headcanons? Or anything you wanna write for her? I feel like she gets zero love. 😭🫶🏻
A/N: Hello! So far Sera has been a joy to write for! I’m seriously looking forward to writing more for her!
Character: Sera
Type: Headcanons (Sera x reader, Fluff, Angst)
When Sera initially realized that she had feelings for you, because believe me when I say it takes her a while, she was admittedly hesitant. As stated before Heaven-born angels, especially seraphim, will mate for life, so she wanted to be sure that the both of you were on the same page. It was honestly painful to watch, often being a will-they-won’t-they topic amongst the more gossipy angels. Emily would have to jump in and play matchmaker if it goes on for too long.
She’s admittedly one to beat around the bush, as well. When she flirts, it’s more disguised as compliments and conversation than anything, On the other hand, if you’re the more forward type, you should know that she’s relatively easy to fluster. Sure, she’ll recompose herself, but you can easily tell by the flush on her cheeks if you were.
Being the head seraphim, it’s very important to Sera how she composes herself. She’s an angel that many others look up to, someone in a leadership position. That being said Sera is very reserved when it comes to PDA outside of dates. That isn’t to say that she doesn’t enjoy affection, she just prefers to keep that private.
Sera’s got a pretty busy schedule but she’s still sure to set time aside for the two of you. It’s up to you to help her slow down and relax from time to time. Sure, it can be difficult when it comes to relationships that operate around busy schedules, but so long as the two of you communicate, everything will be okay.
Now admittedly, at the start of the relationship, Sera has a bad habit of keeping something secret if she thinks that it’s too much for you to handle or that something might hurt you. She’ll view it as her burden to bear. You’ll need to reassure her that this is NOT the case. As a couple you need to communicate, and keeping secrets like that isn’t particularly healthy. Eventually, it will get to the point where there are no secrets between the two of you.
I had touched on how Sera would have confided in you about the exterminations, but let’s expand on it. To say that the knowledge of the exterminations put a strain on your relationship would be the understatement of the century. That initial conversation did not go well at all. And the ones that followed weren’t any easier either. The only real saving grace was that 1. It hadn’t even been her idea, it had been Adam’s, and 2. She quite honestly disliked them, the fact that she had signed off on it in the first place was a large source of guilt. But what’s done is done and she can’t take back that decision, not without exposing the exterminations to the rest of heaven.
After that, it took a while to get back to where you had been, but your relationship does eventually recover. From that point on, expect all the stops to be pulled. No more secrets. She’ll lay everything out in the open, confiding in you her deepest fears and regrets.
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bunnyhoney111 · 2 years
hot and bothered.
♡ eddie munson x fem!reader
desc.: you smoke with eddie every night, but tonight’s different when eddie asks to play a game.
warnings: mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, squirting, uhh i mention pubes like a lot because there’s something wrong with me, established friendship, admission of love.
request: ‘hi, i want to request some smut with Eddie Munson. They're friends, just laying in bed together, smoking weed and talking, when he asks the reader to tell him a secret, something no one else knows. So reader confesses she thinks about him when she masturbates, especially about his fingers and rings. I'm literally on my knees for this man.’
a/n: i was high when i got this request and got the sudden urge to write, please reblog and comment or ill pee on your bed and have it looking like eddies (with love). you can tell i started sobering up as the writing gets progressively worse bc i write better high for some reason. reader is 18, duh.
“i’m dying man,” eddie says, closing the door to his room behind him as he trails behind you. you slumped onto his bed, immediately nuzzling into the filthy yet comforting sheets where you’d spent most of your free time. “’s fuckin’ hot.”
“yeah, too bad you pushed your window unit right out into the grass.” you rolled on your side to face him at the door.
“shut up,” he chuckles, going to his dresser and rummaging through the drawer to find his own personal stash of flower. when he turns to you, his shoulders slumped and he let out a breathy laugh upon finding the glass jar and your favorite of his bowls, a beautiful hand-blown one with soft green and deep purples swirled through it resembling fluorite, already ready on his night stand.
“what can i say? you’re predictable.” you fixed yourself against his head board crossing your hands over your chest.
“i would hope after, what, 15 years? of friendship you’d learn my mannerisms. however, i think you’re just a stoner trying to project on me so you cant be ashamed.”
“shut up,” you giggled. he grabbed the grinder from the dresser and plopped himself next to you on the edge if the bed. he plucked a few buds from the jar and began to grind them, “new ‘shipment’ i think you’ll enjoy your mind getting absolutely fucked in a few minutes.”
he packed a nice big bowl to split between the two of you, offering you the first hit and the blue transparent lighter he kept in his pocket at all times.
you took it from his hands swiftly, thumbing the hole and taking a hefty hit. holding the smoke for a few seconds, you let it roll from your lips up to the ceiling. you hit it once more before handing it to eddie.
“thanks for saving me some, sweetheart,” he hits it, a big one just like yours, and smiles as he blows it directly into your face.
your roll your eyes and wait patiently for him to pass it back to you. when he does, he speaks, “how’d your date with whats his name go?”
“mm shit,” you say while blowing the smoke out. “terrible conversation to be honest, he only spoke about sports and some game friday.”
“the homecoming game, you going?” he asked, his eyes droopy and pink as he fidgets with his fingers.
you shook your head, mumbling something offhand about it being packed and sweaty even in the fall air.
“plus, why root for a team of douche bags at a school i’m only a few months from finally escaping.”
“mm yeah, i see.”
there was a comfortable silence as eddie finished the bowl and set it aside. both of you beginning to feel the effects of the high. eddies face was flushed, yours warm to the touch, and you were becoming antsy for entertainment.
“wanna play a game?”
you turned to face him, smiling at his childish antics, but you were interested.
“sure, what did you have in mind?”
he turned his head and smiled, “let’s tell our deepest darkest secrets?”
“okay, you’ve humored me, but you first.”
he thought for a moment, “when i was young, about twelve or thirteen, i used to steal my uncles liquor and replace it with flat diet coke.”
you snorted, remembering one of the times wayne had took a swig of his jack and spewed it saying it must be bad, not even remembering to suspect eddie in his state.
“he’d kill you if he knew,” you giggled again.
“okay, you’re turn little lady. what’s your deepest, darkest, most shameful secret?” he looked at you expectantly, his eyes were piercing but soft and tired looking in the yellow lamp-lighting. his jaw was baby smooth, not a trace of stubble but still looking manly as ever. his cheeks looked doughy and pliant in the soft expression he wore, his face relaxed.
“you’re pretty,” you exhaled, continuing to absent-mindedly observe his features.
“that’s not a secret, sweetheart.” you felt your thighs clench at the nickname, arousal sopping out of you into your underwear. this was some good fuckin’ weed. the room was sweaty and your skin was sticky.
“seriously, tell me your secrets, i’ll guard them with my life.” he placed his hand on his chest dramatically making you smile.
you could blame it on the weed, but your ability to lie had suddenly left your body as you too became pliant to his questioning under the effects of the ‘mind-fuck’ inducing weed and also his pondering gaze.
“at night, when im alone,” you pause, shifting in your seat and looking directly into his eyes. as if you’re anticipating a reaction or indication of something on his face before you even reveal the secret.
“when nobody’s home, and i’m in my room. i think about you,” you pause again to let out a breath but not long enough for him to speak, “i think about you and i touch myself.”
his mouth closes, and he seems surprised, as much as he can in his state of tranquility and euphoria making his eyes close slightly.
“huh,” you expect anything but that to come from his mouth.
“what did you say? like, did i hear you right?” he asks scanning your face now, looking for a hint of a joke, sarcasm, lightheartedness, anything to disprove what he’d thought he heard.
“i- uh, i think about you, like, doing stuff to me. but not always that,” you move your eyes down to his hands rested on his midsection, fiddling with the rings on his long fingers, alluring and thick with blunt fingernails coated with chipped black nail polish.
“sometimes its just your hands, and it’s enough to have me,” another pause as you gulp, “soaked.”
he squeezed his eyes shut, neck rolling back to face forward as he groaned.
“are you fucking with me? cause if you’re fucking with me, i’m like really high right now and i get horny when i’m high and you fucking with me isn’t helping.” his mouth ran and ran til he was out of breath and looking back towards you, now looking back into his eyes.
“i’m not fucking with you, i don’t know what’s in this weed but, fuck, me too eddie. can’t stop thinking about your hands- y’fingers inside me. it’s driving me crazy. seriously is there truth serum in this shit? i should stop talking-“
another loud grunt cuts you off, you’re eyes drop to the throbbing hard-on he had in his jeans. “please don’t stop talking.”
he slides a hand down to grope himself through the denim. his eyes closed again, “i guess it’s my turn.”
“i have a question, actually.” you paused, tracing one of the fresher looking stains, small and near the top of the bed, only washed out maybe a day ago from the looks of it.
“what, exactly are the stains on your bed,” you laughed, breaking some of the palpable tension in the room.
“mostly bong water, maybe piss from when im drunk, but uh-“ he shifts again trying to get some relief from his aching erection.
“some of them, are from nights i spent thinking about my fingers in you, working you til you drop dead on the mattress in sheer pleasure.”
his words ripped a whimper from your throat, where did he get this grammar? then you’d thought maybe he’d gotten his knee weakening vocabulary from his eccentric dnd campaigns, overly wordy and dramatic to set the medieval mood.
“god please, fuck- uh can you,” he paused, almost looking nervous for what he was about to say, “can you show me?”
you choked on your breath, did he mean what you think?
he noticed your shock and immediately went into defensive ramble mode, “i just wanted to see, to see you touch yourself. i wanna see you, up close, i’ve been dreaming about this for years.” he briefly remembers the sleepless nights as a teen, fisting his cock to the thought of your body under him, until he was in tears from cumming over and over and over…
“you’re just so fucking sexy, shit, seeing you in a swimsuit all summer killed me. i just wanna see that pretty pussy, so so bad.” why did he have to look so hot, begging to see you all spread out for him, his ringed hand gripping himself through his jeans.
“shit, okay,” you moved to rest further down on his pillows, shaking hands slowly moving to take off your jeans. your head was so fuzzy, your body warm and slick with sweat from the delicious combination of the high and your arousal. your underwear had an embarrassingly sopping patch on the front.
“fuuuuck, okay that’s hot,” he said, unbuttoning his own jeans. he slipped his hand below the waistband of his boxers, anticipating your next move, watching you closely.
you slid your hand inside and swiped a finger through the arousal before remembering the whole point of this was for him to see. you grip the hem of your underwear, tugging it down to your calves, legs falling open and allowing him a front row seat to the show.
he rested his hand on your inner thigh, splaying his fingers out and further opening your legs. he had a curious look on his face as his rings left cold, branding, dents in your thigh, urging you to continue.
you returned your hand to your throbbing cunt, fingers running through the coarse hair and spreading your puffy lips to show the slick leaking out of you. his fingers gripped harder and his nostrils flared as a heavy sight left him. he licked his lips and with his left hand, began to pump himself in his boxers.
you trailed one finger down to your hole, coating it and bringing it back up to rub small, slow circles on your clit. a whimper tugged at your lips as you finally gave your body what it craved, your eyes training to where he was rubbing himself under his pants.
“i wanna see,” you almost whispered, voice soft and small, filled with fear of rejection.
you pulled your hand from yourself and reached over to grab his wrist, leaving wet finger prints there, making him moan softly. what a perv, you thought, getting excited from just the feeling of your arousal on his forearm.
“yeah, ‘s only fair hm?” he questioned offhandedly, pulling his jeans and boxers down to rest around his thighs, his cock softly springing up and resting on his clothed lower stomach. he was big, but not too big, on the thinner side but long and uncut with unruly curls at the base, climbing up to meet his happy trail.
your mouth was watering watching him grasp it in his left hand and returning his right to your thigh, nodding as a signal for you to continue.
your fingers went back to work, switching between rubbing slow circles on your clit and circling the hole you’d left untouched. the sick sounds of his grunts and slick hand rubbing his dick spurring you to move faster, urging you closer to the cusp of your orgasm.
“fuck, eddie,” you whined out, eyes shutting tight and your head falling back. he moaned softly and you heard him shift, but didn’t open your eyes, chasing the brink of relief.
when you felt his hand push your own away and, with no hesitation, replace it wish his, you could have swore you’d felt your eyes bulge out of your head. you turned your head swiftly to him, his hips desperately fucking into his hand and his other is on you.
his eyes are heavy and looking deeply into yours as his mouth opened again to release a moan, much louder than before.
but that was nothing in comparison to the feeling of his middle finger finally breaching your soaked hole, curling to reach that spot and briefly touching it. your head was spinning, his finger sliding out and slipping right back in, his cold ring resting against the brink of your tight hole, soothing some of the heat as he curled his finger again.
“this is, literally, my wet dream,” he spoke through grunts and sighs. his dick was throbbing in his hand, trying to hold out for you, the head of it painfully red and weeping precum that he messily smeared over his length with each stroke.
you decided to be merciful and return the favor, your hand already dripping from touching yourself, you reach over and grip him at the base. his hand stilling at the tip and pulling away to grip the sheets.
you do an experimental squeeze before stroking all the way to his cloaked tip and then pulling back down to reveal the leaking head. tears are welling in his eyes from the intense pressure of holding back his release. you dip your hands down to fondle his balls, making him curse and cry your name.
he continued to thrust his finger in and out, curling occasionally, before adding a second. the palm of his hand ground down on your clit as you lifted your hips to his rhythm, fucking yourself onto his hand. you could feel yourself getting close, and you knew he could too as he sped his fingers up and began fucking into your fist at a slightly faster pace.
“i’ve been wanting you, ever since i was old enough to know how. one year you went to summer camp and came back in august with tits, thats when i knew it was over for me. i don’t think i’ve been able to sleep without thinking about fucking you into oblivion since.” he was rambling yet again, babbling on to distract himself from the burning in his stomach as it sucked in and became concave, he was extremely close. in fact, he was there, but he was determined to have you cum first.
“you can cum eddie, ‘m so close. just let go,” you encouraged him but he shakes his head earnestly.
“fuck, fuck- no, i can hold off just hurry,” you chuckled but the laugh was cut off with a gasp as he plunged his fingers faster and harder, hitting that spot every time. there were stars in your eyes, head thrown back and you let out an impossibly loud, pitchy moan. you felt a gush between your legs, becoming lightheaded and unintentionally gripping eddie harder.
“shit- ah, i’m gonna-“ hot spurts of his ejaculate hit his shirt-clad chest, and runs down your fingers as you stroke him one last time, milking him for every drop. your hand fell against him, resting on his pubic bone as your fingers absent-mindedly played with the hair.
god, you were fucked out from his fingers alone. he gently pulled them from you, the sound making you cringe but the feeling of emptiness making your walls flutter around nothing. you watched him bring his fingers to his mouth, sucking them obscenely with a quiet grunt.
he leaned over towards you and you flinched away, still reeling from the orgasm wrecking your body. he stopped and looked down, nervous again as if he wasn’t just finger fucking you within an inch of your life.
“sorry, i didn’t mean- well i guess i just thought that i could, i don’t know, maybe kiss you but if that’s too intimate i understand-“ but you cut him off with a giddy laugh, you were clearly still stoned out of your mind as your head swayed side to side and giggles erupted from your throat.
“no, no eddie ‘s alright i promise, just thought you were gonna touch me again and im out of commission,” this time he laughed too, taking note of your shaking legs and the new stain drying into his sheets. he did good, he thought to himself.
“you can kiss me,” you rest your cheek against the pillow and smile at him, eyes finally opening and taking in his form. his hair slicked to his forehead, face flushed, and the pearly cum drying to his shirt.
he leaned back in, slowly, and then dipped his head to kiss your neck. he left small, wet, kisses; trailing from your collarbone to your jaw. he placed a kiss to your forehead, and then finally placed a kiss to your waiting lips. it was soft, almost chaste and void of any sexual intentions, just full of love and desperation for your own love.
you kissed back, bringing a hand to rest on his jaw as he finally pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“i think i’m in love with you,” his voice held no sign of humor as he eagerly anticipated your response.
“i think i’ve always been in love with you, munson,” you kiss his lips one more time before pulling away and fully removing your underwear, using them to carefully clean yourself up and then flinging them to the floor. eddie removed his jeans, pulling his boxers back up and tucking his now soft length away. he pulled the messy shirt over his head, disposing of it in his hamper, and turned to fully face you as he pulled his comforter over your bodies.
you now donned only an old band shirt, and eddie his red and black flannel boxers as you slinked your arm under his and wrapped it around his midsection. he wrapped his over your shoulder and placed a kiss on your temple, whispering soft slurs of ‘i love you’ and other precious sweet nothings.
“so, for the last 15 years of friendship, i’ve been nuzzling into piss, spunk, and bong water?” you asked, causing him to let out a hardy laugh, shaking your body along with his.
“mm, yeah i guess,” he chuckled, then upon shifting his leg and feeling a slight damp spot near the middle of his bed, “add ‘super hot girls squirt’ to the list and you’ve got it down pat.” you shot him a look.
“i squirted?” you asked in disbelief, one round had never had you cumming that hard on your own. eddies skills on the guitar really paid off when it came to fingering, you guessed.
“fuck yeah, and it was the hottest shit i’ve ever seen. never told me you were a squirter,” he sounded proud of himself, his smile gleaming as he looked down at you humorously.
feeling the need to knock him down a peg, you mocked his giddy tone, “you never told me you’ve never seen a razor, or even scissors. jesus eddie, i think my hand’s got rug burn.”
his ears got hot and he covered his face with his hand, “shut up.”
“kidding eds, i think its hot. totally fits the whole rocker thing you’ve got going on up here.” your reached a hand up to coil one of the soft tendrils of hair around your pointer finger.
he removed his hand and smiled down at you again, “you think my pubes are hot, fuckin’ freak.”
he kisses your head again, before leaning over to turn the table lamp off and pulling you even closer to him.
“goodnight, sweetheart.”
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munson-blurbs · 1 month
Hey, I love your writing so much! If you’re taking requests I’d like a short fic about reader mourning the loss of their dog? I just lost my girl Sasha and would like a comfort fic , Eddie or Steve, either is cool with me- phantom
Hi, love 💚 I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, and I hope this fic helps you through the grieving process. I went with Eddie for this one.
TW: death, loss of a pet, grief CW: 690
It feels like it should be raining. 
The sun hangs high in the sky, a gentle breeze blowing every so often. The weather gives no indication of any impending storm, not even a hint of gray in the white clouds. But to you, there’s a darkness that even the brightest light can’t repair. 
There will be no more wagging tail and excited barking to greet you when you come home. The realization cleaves your heart clean in half. 
Tears burn at your eyes and you let them fall, sliding down your cheeks and plopping unceremoniously onto the concrete stoop beneath you. 
You look up and see Eddie standing in front of you, a cellophane-wrapped bouquet of daisies in his grasp. 
The wrapping crinkles under his fingers as he sits beside you. He scoots close enough so you can rest your head on his shoulder. An ugly sob escapes you in a dramatic heave, but he refrains from commenting. In fact, he doesn’t say anything at all. 
You bask in the comforting silence, no expectations to talk or bare your feelings. Eddie presses a kiss to your forehead and sighs. 
“Can I say something?” He asks, and for the first time, you notice that he’s been crying, too. When you nod, he softly says, “She was a really good dog. The best, actually.”
“Mhm.” You don’t dare open your mouth for fear of starting up the waterworks again. 
“I keep thinking about the time I brought over burgers from Benny’s,” he continues, “and I left them on the counter for two seconds, and she tore into them.”
You scoff lightly. “It was more than two seconds.”
“Okay, well, I didn’t time it or anything. But it was fast. Like, lightning speed.” He taps his toe, knee brushing against the flower stems. “These are for you, by the way.”
Taking the daisies from him, you hold them to your nose and inhale. Fresh, new, alive. The juxtaposition has your chin wobbling embarrassingly. “Th-Thanks, Eds.”
Another pause, then: “Y’know, I lost a pet once, too.”
You swivel around, eyebrows pinched together. “I didn’t know Wayne let you have a pet.”
“He didn’t. I had to keep it a secret.”
“How did you manage to keep a dog a secret?” It’s not as though he and his uncle lived in a mansion; the tiniest Chihuahua could be easily spotted in their trailer. 
Eddie grins. “Who said anything about a dog?”
“A cat?”
He shook his head, giving the same response for your guesses of rabbit, lizard, and bird. 
“Do I even wanna know?”
He presses a hand to his heart in feigned offense. “I can’t believe you don’t remember Ant-chovy.”
You burst out laughing despite the weighty grief bogging you down. “Are you seriously comparing the death of my dog to the death of an ant?”
“He was my friend!” Eddie retorts. “And he was murdered right before my very eyes!”
You knock your shoulder into his with a playful shove. “Weren’t you the one who stepped on him?”
He scowls and plucks the bouquet from your hands. “I bring you flowers in your time of need, and you mock me?”
A smile tugs at your lips. “My deepest apologies. And my condolences for the loss of your dear friend, Ant-chovy. Who certainly was not an ant and who you definitely knew for more than five minutes.”
“Thank you.” Eddie gives you back the daisies; this time, he leans his head on your shoulder. “You’re gonna get through this.”
“Feels like I’ll be sad forever.”
He nods. “I know. But you won’t be. And I’m not going anywhere until you tell me to fuck off.”
You take a deep breath. “Is it okay if we talk a little bit about her? Like, share memories of her? Just for a little bit?”
“Course it’s okay.” Eddie smiles, coaxing the emotions from you without even trying. “You wanna go first?”
You do. With each word, the sunshine doesn’t sting quite as harshly; the blue sky seems less out of place. And should the rain start to fall, you will always find shelter in Eddie. 
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genericpuff · 2 months
Idk if my addition will matter.
I've been following Hanza since back when they were making my deepest secret, so I've seen the development of the guy upstairs first hand and how hanza writes it. Even back in the concept stages, it was so blatantly clear that it was supposed to be a thriller/cat mouse vibe where Adam (killer) was horrible and not to be rooted for. They've compared him to irl serial killers and how those guys will often use women as shields to hide their true selves from the public and how that's messed up and bad to do.
They've shown Adam as a horrible irredeemable person and honestly there's little to no nuance with how they handle it, but that makes sense because how else can you handle an audience like what they've gotten without beating them over the head with the facts. How many ways can you outright show your main character despising and wanting to yank their best friend out of the jaws of a murderer before the audience realizes its not foreplay.
I think them going from an actual romance to a fully thriller non romantic story meant that the residual audience expected some kind of messy toxic romance, but Rozy to me has always explicitly read as Queer so idk why people aren't getting the hint.
I get their frustration and it seems like they might be shifting into a potiential issekai romance about a grandad and a middle aged woman who got reincarnated as his grandson's fiance (hard to explain but its hilarious if you want to check it out) without any thriller elements from their recent non comic posts. Whatever they do I hope they can find something to be passionate about again.
your addition VERY MUCH MATTERS actually because I don't read TGU and have very little context to the situation as a whole aside from what I've seen people talking about, which makes me reluctant to speak on it because I don't wanna go spreading misinformation in any regard. So I appreciate you taking the time to lay it all out for me, thank you!!! <3
And yeah, I've seen posts shared in the /r/webtoons sub from other blogs claiming that Hanza was being an awful person for "taking people's money" and "baiting them" into reading a dark romance story when that's very obviously not what it is? Even one excerpt that was literally like-
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And I just... since when is any romance plotline that ISN'T abusive and problematic at its core (such as between a serial killer and a victim) considered "super conservative" and "pure"? It's really baffling to me how people have gone so far in the opposite direction of "purity culture" that they've started arguing on behalf of legitimately harmful and toxic relationships. It's extremely concerning especially when you know the majority of people saying this shit are between the ages of 16-21. IDK what the fuck we're doing anymore when it comes to the romance genre (and TGU isn't even a romance ffs).
Aaaand yeah in relation to where the Hanza topic came up, that's really why I'm moving away from WT as an audience and why I don't consider it a "loss" to not use WT anymore. Once upon a time I wished for Time Gate to be a contracted series, for it to have thousands of readers and be my job. But seeing what's going on with Hanza's work just informs me that I'd be dealing with a lot of the same shit - people expecting Uzuki and Mitsuhiro to be the endgame of the romance when they're literally NOT good for each other, which is the POINT. Like sure, unlike the main duo in TGU, they actually are a couple with a 'relationship' but it's not meant to be healthy and the last thing I need are 15 year olds thinking they're "couple goals". If you ship them in fanfic or w/e the fuck that's fine but please don't get mad at me when they don't wind up being the endgame couple, they're both terrible people and make each other worse when they're around each other (・_・;)
Either way yeah, I don't blame Hanza in the slightest for getting so frustrated with it all that they'd rather just be done with it. It sucks for the more loyal and sane part of their audience that the series is gonna be ripped out from under them like that, but at the end of the day if the creator is being harassed and decide they're done as a result of it... why should they have to keep putting up with bullshit just for a comic? I don't even blame Rachel if she was ending LO by choice due to the noise of the fandom, and unlike Rachel, I don't have anything in the slightest against Hanza or their work LOL But I also don't have the full picture on it all so maybe my opinion will change if I find out more about it. I just don't think any of this shit is worth directly harassing a human being over.
That said, can't get any better than someone who's read their work since before TGU, so again, thank you !
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
You Can Run | Mean!Steddie x Henderson!Reader | 18+ |
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Summary: Steve and Eddie can agree on one thing an that's you. Things heat up when they decide to work together in achieving their goal.
Warnings: stalking, killing, 18+, ghostface, micheal, kidnapping, explicit themes, steddie being a good duo, ghostface calls, Stalker!eddie, Mean!Steve
(( Update note: Because I no longer like writing Y/N for the name thing, I have decided to name my reader Belle, but this still an x reader, but the name Belle is used in place.))
After the rather odd phone call and a quick breath of fresh air it was time for bed. That was enough excitement for one day, already finding school tiring enough. Adding creepy stalkers to the list was not helping. However, when you reached the first step the phone rang once more. Darn - You turned on your heels and pad back into the kitchen snatching the device off its stand. "Hello? Henderson, residence."
"Well, Hello -- Again." Same cadence, still altered, and much more excited than last time, judging by the small hitch in his breath.
You decide to play along into the mystery caller's game, tilting your head as you keep up with the sweet tone. "Ooh , so you do remember me." You coo into the receiver voice thick like honey.
He chuckles, "Mhm." His voice hums. "Couldn't forget a pretty voice like yours." Enjoying the way it left a surge of chills down your spine.
"You remember all the girls you talk to, huh?" Questioning him earns another breathy laugh, making you bite your bottom lip. He surely knew how to work a girl - Goodness.
"No, just the ones I plan on asking out." The stranger replied and you giggled. "What? You don't let guys ask you out?"
"Not recently. Have had my eye on this one guy though." Shamefully admitting your deepest and darkest secrets seemed harmless. He didn't know you or you him. So what was the danger? A little honest flirting and some sweet words wouldn't be that much of a bother.
"Mhm, but he's not so into me I think." He clicks his tongue and you sigh with a slump of your shoulders.
"Wanna tell me his name, sweetheart?" He urges, practically on the edge of his seat, awaiting your answer. Maybe things would take a turn for the better.
"Eddie. He's just such a nice guy and -- and he's helped my brother so much - God - Then there's Steve. I sound like such a whore, b-but I really like them both." You stammer now really unsure of who to choose. One the one hand Eddie was funny, chivalrous, and kind hearted. The total opposite of the sweet, lively, and popular Steve. Two sides on one coin, but couldn't make of whether you wanted heads or tails. It was crazy, laughing at the uncertainty of it all.
"Well, Belle, seems you have a big choice ahead of you." As the words leave him sure of the reaction he'd receive. You fall silent instantly as his name falls from his lips.
"W-Wait - My name - How'd you know my name?" Things had taken a turn for the worse at this point and he chuckles, dark, and unforgiving.
"Because, sweetheart-" He lowers his voice, goosebumps spreading on your arms, as he speaks, "- I've been watching you this whole time. Now, if I was you I'd find a place to hide." You slam the phone down onto the stand and straighten your spine. Eyeing both kitchen entrances' slowly, gulping down the lump of fear that sat in your throat. Lip quivering as you bravely round the counter towards the left doorway. Briefly glancing at the pantry door when a muffled sound, unidentifiable, but loud enough to keep you worried. Keeping your hand rested on the counter as you slowly pad past the door.
The living-room was a quick shot from the kitchen, only having to make it past there in order to reach your front porch. As soon as you walked through that doorway a figure burst from the pantry. You whirl around a scream ripping through your throat, lungs burning from the sheer force of it. Immediately taking off towards the front door as the ghostly stranger chases after you.
"Shit! Shit!" You curse dodging the coffee table, only for him to step on top the surface and jump down on you. Tackling you down to the ground carpet biting into your back, bare legs and arms. You try to crawl away from him, but to no use. Suddenly gaining a brief moment of courage, you rear your leg back and kick him straight between his legs. The stranger falls back groaning in pain the knife clattering to the floor as he recovers from the sheer pain. You push up off the ground despite the weakness crying out from your overworked joints and run to the door.
Fingers working the locks, before flinging the door open. Only to be met face to face with a white mask, blue jumpsuit, and a large butcher knife. You quickly spin on your heels to run the other direction, but are cut off by Ghostface. Backing up into the other figure who quickly grabs ahold of you. One arm wrapped securely around your waist and the other over your chest. His muscles tensed holding you in place as the blade pressed ever so gently against your cheek. Your fingers dig into his arm clawing and pleading to be let go.
"Thank you, she would have gotten away." The ghostly stranger groaned reaching down to retrieve the lost hunting knife and sighed as he straightens back up. Revealing in the quiet sobs the racked through you. His voice - It sounded so familiar.
"W-Who are you?"
"Who am I?" He waves the knife around dramatically dropping his shoulders as you watch every move he makes. "You wanna go first big boy?" Ghostface steps closer to the brooding figure that had you restrained only receiving a grunt in response. "Guess that's a ye-Excuse me -- And viola!" He pulls the mask off and you crane your head back to eye the - not so stranger - as his hazel irises stare back down at your shaking figure.
Your heart shatters as his name passes your lips, "S-Steve..?" There's no mistaken that floppy chestnut-brown hair and those soft lips.
"Surprise!" Ghostface sings with a dramatic wave of his hands.
"Steve, why?" You whine, looking back at a guy you once trusted. Having delved into your most deepest secrets knowing he'd be there to listen and lend a hand. It just doesn't make any sense. Why would such a guy chose to do this and to someone who you'd been nothing short of nice to. Steve was your friend and deepest crush.
"Aww, she's scared." Ghostface coos watching your breath catch in your throat as you turn to look back at him. Steve laughs from behind you, chest vibrating against your back and he sighs.
"I know, it's addicting. I cannot wait to see how she reacts to you, baby." Steve speaks softly from behind you. Ghostface tilts his head watching you carefully, before reaching a gloved hand to pull back his hood, then removing his mask allowing it to clatter to the floor. Your whole body goes week as your eyes fall on those familiar features. Steve hauls you up against him, keeping you from falling down. Dark curls, a cheeky smile, and soft brown eyes.
"Surprise, sweetheart. Not what you expected huh?" His voice is cocky as he swaggers over to you. His hand raises the knife to your other cheek, licking his lips as he eyes you.
"E-Eddie?" Your bravado falters. To close to be a dream seeing as he was standing right there in front of you. His lips quirk into a sly smirk, as he takes in a deep breath, eyes looking you over.
"Say my name again, princess." Eddie demands pressing the curve of the blade deeper.
"E-Eddie plea-"
"Ah." He chides pressing it deeper earning a pitiful sob. "Again." He demands eyes flitting up to spare a glance at Steve. His lips twitching into a smile as you practically shake beneath them.
"Eddie, please stop.. you're scaring m-"
"Good." He growls at you, trailing the tip of the blade down the curve of your jaw, along your neckline, enjoying the way your throat bobs against his knife. Oh, you were a fucking prize. "I've been thinking day and night about you, Belle." He admits eyeing the dips of your breasts, hidden behind your pink tank-top. "Then you went and admitted your little crush - Fuck - I almost jumped on you then."
"Please don't kill me." You plead with Eddie small drops of salty tears drip down your cheeks, eyes glassy with them as you look up at the guitarist. He wasn't the same anymore. Those once bright eyes now filled with something dark.
"We aren't going to kill you, baby." Steve reassures you going to tuck his knife away knowing Eddie still had a grip on his own if you tried anything. You were a bit relieved, but it dropped. Heart dropping down to your stomach as Eddie spoke again face dangerously close to yours.
"We're gonna keep you. Steve." The larger male lifted you off the ground and slung your small figure over his shoulder albeit effortlessly. A cry leaves your lips as your hands come down on his shoulder blades, "She's feisty." Eddie chuckles, watching you struggle, squirm, and fight against Steve as he drags you out the door on his shoulder. One arm tucked over the curve of your knees and the other on the small of her back.
Eddie's pride flies out the window when you open your mouth, "Help me! Somebo-" He clamps his palm over your parted lips and a quiet whimper leaves you, hands clawing at his wrist as his nails dig into the skin of your cheeks.
"Shut the fuck up or I will hurt you, sweetheart." He threatens. "Got it?" You nod and he sighs relieved moving his hand away, only to brush his knuckle over your reddened cheeks. Only able to let out pitiful sobs and soft whimpers, "Good girl. You'll learn soon enough."
"You belong to us now." Steve chimed in as they reach his car, Eddie eagerly flinging open the trunk and he dumps you inside.
"Both of us." He shuts the trunk with a slam and you burst out into a full sob, crying out, but muffled by the layered metal of the BMW. No one heard you nor would help be coming. Eddie and Steve had you in their grasp and they were never going to let you got.
Not now.
Not ever...
@yaspillz @st-ls @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @b-barnes04 @phantomxoxo @wittlewowa @buchanansbaby @rollergirlworld @allithewriter @555stargirl555
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chiyuumiii · 7 months
Miles-1610B Headcanons
Giving you guys some content whilst Labyrinth is still in process !
• Miles would be the typa guy that gets super concerned whenever you're out alone without him, texting you every 10 minutes like a worried mom.
You: Yeah i'm just out with my friends, don't worry!
• At the first months and weeks of your relationship, he isn't as clingy as he doesn't wanna pressure you too much, but when the two of you have been together for a long time, he starts to get a little clingy.
• If you have pets with him he will absolutely cherish and treat the pet like its his child, even purchasing a stroller for it when you walk around malls!
• Buys the two of you matching sneakers, he just thinks they're stylish and cute.
• Words of affection, quality time, and acts of service are his main love languages.
• Sketches you from time to time, if you take a peek at his sketch book, you find doodles of you and beautiful sketched portraits.
• Sometimes when you're not with him, he gets bored and goes to put up a graffiti with you on some places, and at some point, you see the graffiti, taking a picture of it and asking if its him (ofc it is)
• When he first had a crush on you, you could notice he was always a bit nervous to talk to you.
Miles: “Yo...! Um.... You got a pen...?” He says with obvious unease and anxiety.
• Babbles to Ganke Lee about how amazing you are and all your best qualities, sometimes he rambles for so long Ganke is sleeping on his gaming chair.
Miles: “They're so adorable and I love the way they hold me and I love their hands, I love their eyes and I love-”
Ganke: *snoring his ass out*
• If you know he's Spider-Man, sometimes he knocks at your window to your room when he gets the sudden urge to visit you.
• A cool best friend to be with, sometimes he lets you decorate his skateboard and takes you to paint graffiti with him.
• He tells you EVERYTHING, even gossips he overhears.
Miles: “Did you know what Peter did-”
You: “No I did not know what Peter did.”
• You know his deepest darkest secrets, and it was he accidentally painted on a cat while he was out painting graffiti and his dad saw the cat.
Jeff (Miles' dad): “I saw a cat on the road and I was like ‘oh a cat’ and it turned... there was some spray paint on its ass...”
Miles: *chuckles nervously* “wow dad... What an odd discovery...”
• It's always a blast having sleepovers with him, if you're an artist, he challenges you to an art battle, and if you're much of a gamer, he challenges you to with him.
• If you can play an instrument, he requests you to play his favorite songs sometimes, and even posts you on his insta.
Pls wait patiently for labyrinth guys I am having a hard time writing 😭😭😭
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
You know what I’m thinking about rn? That’s been consuming my thoughts for a while? That maybe one day I’ll write a fanfic for when I have the time?
A co-workers to best friends to lovers trope with Az.
I meannnnn just imagine it
Imagine being Azriel’s best and favorite spy
Imagine coming back every weekend for meetings with him and the other spy’s, imagine drinking together and getting to know each other and playing cards together.
Imagine the cocky smirk he sends you, knowing his cards are better than anyone else’s at the table
Imagine smirking right back, shrugging your shoulders with a smug look across your face
Imagine you constantly beating the “unbeatable” spymaster
Imagine him, and everyone else, being shook as you cackle while sliding all the money towards you
Imagine the shared looks between you during meetings
Looks of exasperation when someone gets really talkative and all you wanna do is sleep
Looks of humor when someone says something out of pocket
Looks of confusion as someone says something questionable
Looks of longing that are missed between you
Imagine the mutual teasing that takes place. Imagine the coworker relationship slipping into a best friendship
Imagine you standing outside of River house for 20 minutes on the balcony, staring in and waiting for Az to notice
Imagine he steps away from everyone and slips onto the balcony
Imagine everyone in the inner circle hearing a teasing laugh as he slides the door shut behind him, “Aren’t you supposed to be spymaster shadowsinger? I’ve been out here for 20 minutes”
Imagine him looking at you, his face set with annoyance, but his hazel eyes flashing with something deeper as he snatches you by the waist and winnows you to his office for a debriefing
Imagine opening up during these debriefs to each other.
Imagine him telling you about his life and his deepest darkest secrets during these debriefs.
Imagine you doing the same
Imagine how it does change things between you.
But not in a bad way.
In a way where you constantly are able to read each other. Are able to pick up on what the other is thinking. It shifts you both into sync.
Imagine his shadows absolutely adoring you
Imagine them playing with your hair during meetings
Or curling around your ankles and wrists whenever you stand near Azriel
Imagine Azriel trying to pull them back but ultimately failing
Because the one place he doesn’t have control of his shadows, is around you
Imagine knowing each other for centuries and missing each other. Right person wrong time vibes.
When you met him, he was windswept with Morr
And then when he realized his feelings for you, but you were in a relationship with someone else
And then you break up with your someone, only to find out that Azriel is somewhat infatuated with Elain
What he doesn’t tell you is that he needed to be thinking about someone else other than you.
Because you had consumed his life. Consumed his every thought. He wasn’t able to concentrate, constantly thinking about what you are doing, how you are doing, how whatever situation he was in would make you laugh, or how you would love this little trinket that he found away on a mission.
And maybe he couldn’t deal with it anymore because you were taken. Because you weren’t his.
You weren’t his to constantly be thinking about.
But gods damnit, did he want you to be
Imagine you being incredibly jealous of Elain. Imagine wishing that you were different. That you were softer, that you were quieter and gentle.
Imagine having to walk away from them several times with your heart entirely too heavy. Imagine going downstairs to the kitchen to drink your sorrows away as the twin wraiths coddle you.
Imagine his jealousy when you start to seek out comfort from another male spy. Imagine the heartbreak he feels when you start to pull away. Imagine the pain he feels when he realizes that you no longer seek him out for comfort after a rough mission, instead electing to go see the other male spy.
Imagine him creating a rule of no coworkers relations because of it
Imagine going on missions together all the time
Imagine the protectiveness he feels towards you. Imagine how it’s been the start of a couple of arguments. Because even though he trusts you, the thought of losing you is something that is unbearable.
Imagine him having to give in because you are his best spy, and the person he trusts most with his life and secrets
Imagine him flying you to wherever your mission is at.
Imagine his shivers as you bury your face into his neck and cling to him as he ascends into new heights
Imagine him playfully loosening his grasp mid flight, even though he would never dream or dropping you, which only makes you scream a scolding at him while clinging to him tighter, clenching at his Illyrian leathers and wrapping your legs tightly around his waist
Imagine the mission going terribly wrong, and having to sleep in a cave while he recovers
Imagine you taking care of him, rubbing salve all over his injured wings while his shadows swirl around you both, hiding you from the rest of the world
Imagine it being freezing cold outside. Imagine the fire not being enough to keep you warm.
Imagine him worrying about your shivering despite his near fatal wounds.
Imagine him pulling you into his arms, and resting your head against his chest and he burrows his face into your hair, allowing for your scent tinged with some sweat to soothe him
Imagine wrapping your arms around his waist and listening to his heartbeat the entire night to make sure it doesn’t stop, sleep escaping you despite the hypnotizing lull
Imagine when he wakes up to find you stroking his hand, tracing the lines of the scars that mar them. And he just watches you, silently wondering what your thinking as his heart starts to race. Imagine you feeling the change in the rythmn to his heart.
Imagine you adjusting to look up at him.
Imagine when you meet his beautiful gaze, something snaps within you both.
And suddenly… you don’t need the fire to keep you warm
All you need is him.
Imagine coming back home from the mission. Imagine the buildup as he leaves you to rest in his room as informs Rhys that he’s gonna need some time off to sort some things out.
Imagine everyone in the inner circle being like, “about time”
“We have been betting for decades on when your dumbass realizes she’s the one”
Imagine the dumb grin that lilts his face as he nods his head in goodbye
Imagine him taking you to this little chateau where you spend a month together on your own, exploring the new dynamic of your relationship
Imagine accepting the bond. And the frenzy that comes afterwards. Imagine him being so happy and content so freely for the first time
Imagine his deep belly laughs at your little jokes. Imagine the smile that constantly tugs at his usual stoic face when he catches the slightest glimpse at you. Imagine his shadows being completely enamored by you, constantly reaching out to tug you into their masters embrace.
Imagine the pure joy, happiness, and contentedness that you both share as mates, wanting nothing more than each other.
Yeah anyway… just thinking about him today
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