#i mean they live in a building with disabled people for gods sake
disagigglebilities · 2 months
Not me telling grown ass men they sound like idiots when they go on about how "attitude changes everything" wrt disability. Like uh no. No amount of smiling is gonna make my heart rate stay down. Stfu you dumb fucks
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ethrenisnotthehero · 3 years
@hogwartsmystory is a predator (final)
If you haven’t read the other parts of this callout, I encourage you to start here. As in both previous posts, the normal tags are not included in order to allow this to reach as many people as possible. Potential triggers are listed below, and the main content is hidden to keep sensitive individuals from being unintentionally exposed.
TW: Pedophilia, Abuse, Gaslighting, Sexual Assault, Self Harm, Suicide, NSFW Topics, Faked Illness, Faked Mental Illness, Faked Death, Victim Blaming
Originally, I intended to craft this final part to you, the reader, as an emotional appeal. To be wholly honest, there’s only so much evidence that can be utilized without either forcing Jill to relive unnecessary trauma or exposing deeply intimate or personal parts of her life. Until now, everything I’ve told you and everything I’ve shown you is what was enough to convince me when Jill first reached out to me. If you, the reader, don’t believe the factual information that’s been presented so far, then I don’t think that you will. If you, the reader, believe Jill and her story, then no further evidence is going to magically make her story more true.
However, I don’t have to. Instead, I can let the friends-- the family--that Ren created on his website speak for themselves, and show you with their own testimony just the kind of person he was. Jill wasn’t the only person that Ren hurt. Jill wasn’t even the only person Ren preyed on as a sexual predator. Many people on staff, and many people outside of it, knew Ren and grew to have what they thought was a close relationship with him. People regarded him as someone to look up to, to find comfort in, to aspire after, to lean on; people thought of him as a friend and a hero in his community.
On April 12, 2021, at 9:57 AM Greenwhich Mean Time, the current administrators of Advanced Scribes issued a statement addressing Ren’s actions and his faked death. An additional announcement was made the following day. While the announcements themselves and the replies (including moderator statements) are publicly available, I have saved a print-to-PDF versions on Google for you to browse at your leisure. 
I intentionally waited until the initial panic and outrage died out a little to let the most important statements come to light. Included in the PDF are sentiments that I personally thought were the most important sentiments; edits have been made and pages have been deleted, so you can see the current state of the conversations by visiting them directly. You can find the first discussion at https://advanced-scribes.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=42100#p1454263 and the second discussion at https://advanced-scribes.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=42107#p1454361.
Before you continue reading, please look over the statements and replies. The words of former staff former friends say more than I can ever hope to about Ren and the kind of reality that he stood for. Additionally, Jill herself has added to the conversation (username Rakuen), so you can read a bit from her perspective by looking into these announcements. After you’ve taken a look, continue below and I will sum up my final thoughts on this predator and his legacy.
Advanced Scribes • Our Statement (PDF)
Advanced Scribes • Change (PDF)
The Act of Grooming, Part 3: Entrapment
One of the reasons that predators get away with their crimes for so long is because they trap their victims. When they gain access to and successfully lure in their prey, they then engage in entrapment behavior to separate victims from other people and build reliance. The reason why kids are so prone to predation is because of how vulnerable they are. Young people just want to belong. They just want to have community, security, and affection. When they can’t get those things in their lives, they seek it out and take it where they can get it even when the situation is obviously bad. Kids can’t be held accountable for being smart because they’re kids. Jill was vulnerable. She wanted belonging and support. She fell into Ren’s lures, and he trapped her. He used his affection as a tool to solicit sexual favors and pictures from her, but never shared his face with her. She was always chasing his love, and all the while he was simultaneously preying on other individuals in the community. For God’s sake, this man had a selfie thread where underage girls would send pictures of themselves publicly on the site for him to look at, and he even intentionally disabled the website’s COPPA features.
Before Jill, there was Buttercup. Buttercup was also an admin, and she was also 13 when she met Ren. While Ren was a minor during he and Buttercup’s relationship, his behavior with her was just as predatory and Buttercup attempted to warn Jill via PM before she ended her relationship with him.
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The picture he sent Buttercup wasn’t even him.
The entire time that Ren was convincing Jill that Buttercup was evil, and jealous, and a spiteful, hateful person, he was manipulating her the same way he was manipulating Jill. Ren is a predator who knows what he’s doing; he always has. He draws in his victims and makes everyone hate them so that he’s the only person they have. He makes them so desperate for his approval that they let him screw them over time and time again, and for what? Just to see his face. Think about what you read. He didn’t just do this to Jill and Buttercup. He did this to every person he cheated with or got close enough to get a grip on. Even if he didn’t sexually exploit someone, he emotionally did. An entire community of people suffered through this over and over and over again. Read the statements again. If you only read the live version, read the PDF. 
I also want you to bear in mind that everyone on staff was equally a victim as they were an enabler. It doesn’t erase their responsibility, but their roles in this story or more nuanced than “moderator bad, burn the witch!” Some of Ren’s supporters were as young or younger than Jill when they met him. The two people most notorious for standing at his side right now were both “rewarded” with a relationship with him in the fallout of his faked death.  
At some point, this man looked at his behavior and not only decided that he didn’t need to take responsibility, but that his victims daring to try and claim some kind of ownership over their own story was a personal affront to him. 
Ren is a monster of his own creation. He chose to be that monster again, and again, and again.
What makes his enablers equally to blame is when they became adults and made a conscious choice to ignore what was happening, which brings us to the next topic.
Finally... How Old Was Jill?
Despite everything I’ve said and shared so far, I still get this question in my inbox.
How old was Jill? Did she lie about her age? Is she free of guilt because she was a kid? Did he know how old she was? Was she legal in her country?
I gave you all everything I had. There were some things I just couldn’t confirm because there was no proof either way. However, all of that changed when the announcements were released. I now know exactly how old Jill was when they began dating, exactly how old she was when people knew about their relationship, and even that Ren was public with all of this information. I also know that staff knew everything, and chose to do nothing.
As you can see in the screenshots above of Buttercup’s message, it was sent on Jun 17, 2015. At that time, Jill was 14 years old. By Buttercup’s estimation, they had been dating for around a few months, which is how I was able to discern the previous exact age of 14 years old at the time they began dating.
However, Ren himself refutes that fact in a Valentine’s post for Jill. As pointed out in the “Our Statement” thread, the post that user amnesia. references includes very sexual and disgustingly graphic descriptions of Ren’s activity with her. It also says this:
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As per the timestamp of this particular post (as seen below), Jill was 16 at the time. Ren, a man claiming to be twenty-five years old at the time, was proud to admit that he had been with Jill since she was 13.
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You can view the full PDF of this post to see what else he said here, but please be warned that his descriptions are NSFW and absolutely disgusting. 
Warm Fuzzies Post (PDF)
No adult should talk about a kid like that. In the statements, several staff members admit that they knew that the two were dating when she was 16, and that it grossed them out. But none of them did anything. To amnesia.’s credit, they claim they tried to pursue legal action but found no viable routes. 
From the discussions and statements, we can discern five things:
1. Jill was 13 when she started dating Ren. 2. She did not lie about her age. 3. Ren did not lie about her age. 4. Ren knew how old she was. 5. Staff knew how old she was.
Jill’s feelings and her opinions on staff and their behavior are separate from my own. She does not share my beliefs here, and I need to make it very clear that what I’m saying next is entirely my own opinion.
To everyone who was staff at that time: shame on you. It’s one thing to be a victim yourself and to not understand how or when to stand up for what’s right, especially when you’re young; it’s another to become an adult and to have let something like this permeate your legacy and your community for all this time. From what I understand, none of you are completely innocent in this. Ren wasn’t secret, he was loud and proud and he didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. Everyone who was an adult then and is an adult now shares some responsibility for that. Those of you who mean your apologies, thank you, but those of you who are using this event as a stepping stone to make that website into your own personal playground know who you are. Stop. There’s an entire generation of kids between AS and CS who have lost years of their childhoods to this shit and the only right thing at this point would be to turn the site over to the police so that Ren can answer for his crimes the right way.
To everyone else: protect the people around you. People like Ren don’t think about how other people think or feel. They don’t care who gets hurt or who they trample under their feet. Look around at your community, and ask yourself if those who interact with you know that you are safe. Inevitably, someone is going to get hurt. Are you the kind of person that they can come to when it happens, or are you the kind of person who will turn your head away? 
Be the person that everyone knows they can come to, because, eventually, someone’s going to need you.
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Lap dance pt1
(chapter 2 of this fanfic)
Warnings: mentions of prostitution, disabilities
It was your friend's bachelorette party,
You Were all at a strip club drinking a d laughing.
Wilhelmina dressed in a purple strapless dress and yourself with a nice blue suit, the both of you had a silly hat and a crossing belt that's said 'nalla's last Happy night'. It was getting later and you where all getting more tipsy by the minute.
When the sexy song arrived you knew it was time for her to have fun. As the women on stage stopped dancing and walked towards the Booth you were at, you could see wilhelmina blushing and whispered in her ear
"enjoying the show here babe"
Her breath got stuck in her lungs for a second and you burst out laughing.
You suddenly stopped when you could feel the striper starting a lap dance on you, swaying her lips to the rhithm of the song.
You grew your eyes at wilhelmina and she nodded slightly. You shifted slightly as she started grinding on your thighs and picking up your hands to rest on her hips. She continued to move her body on you and turned around to face you, she was now straddling you and rocking against you with her back arched and her bra slowly exposing her boob.
She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and you mouthed 'thank you' as she moved to do the same to wilhelmina who politely refused. Her face unreadable, you tried to see if she was okay and why she'd refused to participate. The party ended at 3:45 am and you came home later on.
You quickly got undressed and took your undershirt off. You pour yourself a glass of water and made one for wilhelmina too.
"You should drink sweetie, you're gonna get dehydrated", she took the glass but still said nothing to you.
You put on some slow beat music and made your way to the bathroom and took out the pills for tomorrow's probable headache.
"Mina do you want 20 or 40 mg tomorrow ?" She didn't reply so you poked your head out the door.
"Babe?....V?" She laid on the sofa her hand above her head.
"Mina darling are you okay ? Was it too much..? Is your back hurting ? Talk to me babe" her face soften a bit before her brows scrunched up again.
"I'm fine." You reach for her hand and kissed her softly.
"..talk to me love"
"Go to bed. And stop wondering around in your underwear. The neighborhood doesn't have to see you naked."
"Wilhelmina venable what is going on right now. Why are you mad at me ?"
"I am not mad at you"
"Yeah and I'm not gay... Babe we've been over this, you need to tell me what's going on" you sat on your heels next to her and stroked her cheek.
"I love you wilhelmina, you know that right"
"So what's going on babe ?"
She sat up again and looked into your eyes
"Did you like it ?"
"The striper's lap dance"
"Just be honest with me"
"Were you aroused ?"
"...it's a lap dance honey that's the whole point"
"That's not an answer"
"Yes. But why are you making it so bad?"
"So she turned you on ?"
"Yes mina for God sake."
"Did you want to fuck her huh?"
"Don't lie to me y/n"
"I'm not, yes I liked it, yes it turned me on, but that doesn't mean I wanted to fuck her."
"How come?"
"The body doesn't always answer the mind wilhelmina. Your brain doesn't always control your physical reactions. That's why You can be aroused in dramatic situations."
"Since when"
"Since you're a kid mina. There's a reason why small boys laugh when you change their diapers. And why little girls grind on their bikes. And it only increases as you grow up."
"And what does this have to do with that happened at the strip club"
"I thought you were fine with what happened at the club. Mina we talked about this, and I made sure you were okay with it. "
"I was until she started letting your hands touch her."
"Babe...it was just an act. She knows she'll never see me again. And she sees people like us every night."
"You didn't seem to be acting the way your were horny"
"I wasn't 'horny' as you said it mina, but yes, a woman gives me a lap dance in lingerie, im a lesbian wilhelmina, yes I was aroused. But that's not the real problem right ?"
"I...what are you saying"
"There's another reason your upset. I watched you during the dance, you weren't upset I was enjoying it. There is something else" you place your hands on her lap
"..mina, you know I love you, I only want you, you're the only one I need, i only enjoyed because you were watching me"
"Me enjoying the lap dance wasn't the problem wasn't it ?"
"What was it then honey"
"...y... you're going to think it's ridiculous"
"I would never think that about something that's making you this upset"
"..i...I'll...I'll never be able to give you one."
You chuckled slightly shocked at her words.
"See I told you you'd make fun of me"
"No..no...no babe it's just...I wasn't expecting that...I don't understand why it got you so upset, it's not a big deal, i don't need lap dances"
"But you enjoy them"
"But I don't need it, at all. And especially in my sex life."
"...be honest with me, do I make your...sex life boring, are there things you miss because of me?" You cupped her cheek
"Hey...hey...hey no. Babe I'm very satisfied with my sex life. . I'm not missing anything, I get to have sex with you, and I don't care about how, or with what, or in which complicated position. I just want to be in sync with your body, make you cum, hold you close. That's it. That's what gets me off. Not the toys, not the poses, or dances. Just your pleasure, All I want is you"
"...but I'd like to give you a lap dance, or a striptease for you, at the bar I could see your face, and the way you looked at her body. I can't help but want that too."
"Wilhelmina, i look at you like this too, not in the same exact way obviously, cause you're mine, my beautiful and sexy piece of ass."
She laughed and it sent butterflies in your stomach.
"Besides Giving lap dance all day isn't that fun, and it really exhausting"
"How do you even know ?"
"I just do wilhelmina"
"Y/n...? I told you why I was upset, it's your turn."
"...well before I knew you, I worked at a strip club"
"You what ?"
"I used to be a stripper V"
"Why ??!"
"Because I didn't have any money, no friends, no place to stay. It was what put food in my stomach and the end of the day"
"Oh god...babe...how long did you stay like this ?"
"Two years and a half without my apartment and 6 month with it. As soon as I got a roof over my head everything became kind of easier"
"Where'd you stay before that ?"
"Every where, outside in a small street most of the time. If i was lucky I would find an abandoned house to sleep in"
"...oh god...how old were you ?"
"It was when I arrived in the us, so probably 17 and a half ? Yeah, almost 18...it may not have been the greatest period of my life but it was still better than what I lived back in russia. The stripping part wasn't so terrible, my boss was a nice lady, and she took me in even though she didn't have the legal right to, and it saved me from having to...let's Just say she helped me a lot." She kissed your cheek as a reassuring gesture.
"Y/n from having to what ? You're scaring me"
"Well...when she met me, it was because one of the girl I worked with before Introduced her. Wilhelmina i didn't have any other options except selling drugs but that could have gotten me in too much trouble so I sold... something else, the only thing I knew how to do." She stroked your hair to help you continue.
"I guess you could say I was a real bitch huh. "Why would I  ever say that y/n"
"Mina I was a whore. A litteral prostitute, I sold my body to anyone who'd give me a good price. On the streets, roads or forests. It's what got me out of russia, out of france and here today. I build myself on sex work."
"That doesn't define who you are today, it doesn't make you any less legitimate in your current job. And it doesn't even begin to make me love you any less y/n"
"Thank you darling, it means a lot to me"
You held each other tightly, her hands rubbing your back. After a few moments you broke off the embrace took her hand before leading her upstairs, to your room and put her to bed.
"I'm not showered honey" she made a move to stand up but you guided her back down
"It doesn't matter, just take that off and let me cuddle you."
"Alright, sweet dreams y/n"
You fell asleep shortly afterwards, snuggled up, together, your hand in her hair, her breath on your neck, lips grazing your skin.
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commonratmiraculous · 4 years
So... Class Rep AU
In a timeline where Volpina happens in May and many of the months Lila’s been in Achu are just the summer holidays - so her truancy is a little less problematic. The class finds out Lila had wanted to run for Class Rep but missed it because she was away, it’s so close to the beginning of the school year that Mlle. Bustier sees no problem in causing a revote following Chameleon, providing Marinette and Alya agree.
Alya’s on board and Marinette agree’s hesitantly thinking that Lila would find a way to turn it on her if she refuses. And it seems that was Lila’s plan anyway given the short-lived look of surprise she has on her face when Marinette does agree. Marinette’s pretty confident that Lila doesn’t want it.
However, Lila manages to fall on her feet again by somehow convincing Alya to be her Deputy. Marinette’s hurt, but ultimately she knows just how much of the work Alya did do as her Deputy in the last year, and knows that if Lila wins they’ll still fail a bit. Because while Alya did help with some of the planning aspects of their events and did show up to help with fundraisers, all of the meetings and forms and communications to hotels and businesses and venues were Marinette’s doing.
Her problem, however, is that most of the class think Lila has connections and experience. And her class might vote for Lila over Marinette because they genuinely thought that Lila was the better choice. She didn’t quite know how to campaign against that and to add salt to the wound she wouldn’t be able to run at all without a Deputy.
Fortunately, she’s not the only one who knows Lila’s a liar. And Adrien is self aware enough to know that Lila becoming Class Rep would lead to a lot of losses for the class that he doen’t want to see them go through. Plagg’s encouraging, and there’s an angle he can play when it comes to his dad (practice for running the company he doesn’t really want, having to attend these events if he helped plan them, etc) - and he ends up seriously considering asking Marinette if he could be her Deputy.
The first person he talks to about it (Plagg not included) is Nino. Nino is 100% on board for any plan that gets Adrien out of the house but Adrien’s aware enough that Marinette does get I comfortable around him, which could well make matters worse.
Nino promises to talk to Marinette about it, because he knows exactly why she gets uncomfortable but honestly believes he can get her to focus if it means helping out Adrien. While he’s thinking about it though he asks Adrien about the thing with the book.
Honestly, Adrien forgot most of the drama surrounding Ladybug calling Lila out and tells Nino as much. He’d certainly forgotten that Alya had put a video on the Ladyblog. But confirms most of the story, though admits that Marinette never told him she returned the book or that Lila stole it in the first place. To him it makes a bit more sense why his dad would let Marinette’s Hat be featured in his fashion show after that and to Nino it does explain why Marinette dislikes Lila.
He’s starting to dislike Lila somewhat.
So Nino talks to Marinette, apologises to her for overreacting but asks if she thinks she’ll be able to work with Adrien if he was her Deputy with her crush being in the way. He explains Adrien’s reasoning about wanting to be more involved in class activities and Marinette agrees.
That’s one problem solved, and goes to give Adrien a bit of a rundown about the responsibilities of being Class Deputy, admitting how much Alya did and assuring him that they could make the workload flexable around his schedule if his father or Nathalie had any problems with that. But right now they need to figure out a campaign plan because she’s at a complete loss with how to actually compete with Lila’s promises however empty they actually are.
Adrien thinks the speech should contain a reminder not just of all the things that Marinette has done for the class but the reason the class voted her in in the first place. Because making promises is one thing but sometimes compromises have to happen due to budgeting reasons. Like with how she’d gotten cushions for the chairs instead of new chairs entirely because at the end of the day it’s those compromises that actually make the school board listen. Marinette adds that they should mention Heroes Day as a time she was honest to God overwhelmed and how it was Adrien that took the initiative to get things done.
The class already know how well Marinette will do in the position, so Adrien suggests she should focus on the speech and letting the others know any plans she’d already started thinking about when it came to the smaller things they asked for. While Adrien will work on actually countering Lila since it would be harder for her to turn things against him them Marinette.
Adrien doesn’t actually start by telling people he’s running as Marinette’s Deputy until they ask if she’ll even be able to run without Alya. Instead he starts by using what the class ‘knows’ about Lila against her.
He mentions his own experience with celebrities and how they don’t actually like being asked for stuff by people who know them. And while Lila sure does seem to mean well he’s worried that all her attempts to fulfill her promises to the class will do is alienate her from those very same celebrities.
He mentions her charity work and the speeches she helps write for her mother and the way she has to go abroad without much forewarning sometimes. This is great for Lila, not so much for a class that might be left with incomplete plans or having to contact people they don’t know, having contacts and plans fall through because Lila isn’t there. Sure Alya could do it, but the Ladyblog also takes up a lot of Alya’s time and a parge chunk of Paris depends on it running well.
He brings up Lila’s many disabilities that need to be accounted for but how much of the work will cause irritation to her arthritis. Or how much work she’ll have to put into plans she cannot actually participate in. He certainly doesn’t want her to become overwhelmed or even more injured for the sake of the class.
He’s got Nathalie to make sure he’s not overworking himself, and Marinette will be able to relax more with him helping her. Why? Because he’s spent enough time around Nathalie to know how to plan things, how to talk to people on the phone, and how to manage his time. Those are all the same skills Lila has and on top of things it will help Marinette learn to do them too further down the line.
Adrien does things this way because, while Marinette creates connections and builds trust as the class’ Everyday Ladybug, Adrien is Chat Noir. And Chat Noir has the power of destruction, so it only makes sense that he’d go about doing things this way. Plagg’s certainly proud and it’s not like it would’ve been possible if Lila had just been honest.
Lila and Alya are the last to know that Marinette and Adrien are running together - which should’ve been impossible considering the girls all jumped onto Adrienette the second they realised just what was happening. And like in Chameleon, Lila takes Adrien’s decision to work with Marinette as a personal attack on her by Marinette. (Rememer Marinette didn’t actually do anything to Lila between Lila’s threat and Lila declaring ‘war’ - and doesn’t that show just how much agency Lila considers Adrien to actually have?)
There’s a time for questions and while many of the questions aimed towards Lila and Alya have to do with what safeguards they’ll have for if Lila has to go abroad again with her mother so things still get done, or what compromises would she have for if her celebrity contacts can’t do something or end up falling though. Do they have any plans for fundraising, since Marinette’s parents had been providing pasteries for free and Chloé had been funding trips before that, and how unfair it would be to ask either of those to continue.
Neither Lila nor Alya had put that much thought into things like that. Though Lila does her best to assure the class her mother isn’t scheduled to leave Paris again and will be scheduled with pleanty of advance for safeguards to put in place closer to the time based on what’s necessary for that specific situation, reminding the class that she’d still managed to keep in touch while in Achu - though some recall she wasn’t able to keep up the work load. And a similar answer is given regarding celebrities dropping out saying that back-up plans will of course be made when things are presented to the school board so they don’t have to worry. While Alya reminds the class that not all of the fundraisers done for school trips ect were bake sales and that it might mean doing more of those to start in order to negotiate a reduced price with the Dupain-Cheng’s for others.
The class ask Adrien and Marinette about their plans for school trips and work experience placements. Marinette admits that she doesn’t have anything lined up in terms of work experience yet, and mostly because she recognises that the class have very different wants in terms of their future careers. While having somewhere like Le Grande Paris on a resemé is definitely a plus everyone in class is old enough by now to be able to do something more specific without having Mlle. Bustier supervising, and to perhaps do so for longer periods of time. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but the plan is to get to the School Board with enough time that the class not only has months to be able to secure a placement but do so with back-up options that are still promising for those who have last minute cancellations. Assuring everyone that tutors and other teachers usually help with securing a placement, and that she and Adrien will help also.
While Adrien steps forward about a possible tour of his dad’s company so everyone gets an inside look on how a business is run. Because many of the class have interests in the arts, it might not sound all that useful but actually, whether someone gets picked for the lead role in a play may depend on how their social media page is set up. Or how to properly market whether it be a game or art or band, those things aren’t particularly easy to do, and they’re things his dad had struggled with when building Gabriel in the first five to ten years of his career.
Lila asks about whether his dad would actually be willing to do that and if he’ll even let Adrien continue being Marinette’s Deputy since Adrien has a packed schedule. Which sounds rather harsh to some people (read: Nino, Chloé, Max, Alix) but Adrien just waves it away. Stating his father would actually be delighted to hear Adrien’s taking an interest in a position that might help him prepare for a more administrative role in the company one day. And that, actually, the HQ isn’t even managed by his father at the moment: it’s run by someone else who has allowed classes to do group tours for years now, though he admits those schools are usually design schools or those focused on the arts, there’s no reason they’d turn down their class so long as everything’s planned properly.
In the end Marinette and Adrien win: and if the new Deputy started filling out forms to request a teaching aide to help Lila in class - given she can’t write her own notes - then that’s Lila’s problem.
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henshengs · 4 years
Some possible endings for Lan Xichen, ranked:
(cw for suicide, depression)
8. After a bit of healthy alone time in seclusion spent productively reflecting on himself and learning to prioritize his own needs, he reemerges, takes up his old responsibilities as Sect Leader, cultivates to immortality, and eventually heals enough to love again.
I can’t buy this one even a tiny bit. In real life, sure, humans can be remarkably resilient! As a satisfying narrative for a fictional character? Nope. No one in his family knows the meaning of the words “moving on”, and to me Lan Xichen’s character is all about examining how this ideal of cultivator perfection would struggle and fail in a realistic setting. Also, like, mindfulness can be a powerful tool of healing, but only when you have some solid core truths to build upon, and at the end of the story Lan Xichen has nothing; he’s been completely shattered. What he needs at that point is meaningful connection with people he can trust, but that’s exactly what trauma brain can isolate you from.
I also take as part of my personal canon the Banquet extra, where we see LXC three years post Guanyin Temple, and he’s clearly still very disabled by depression.
7. After a long period of horrible depression semi seclusion, he pulls himself together out of duty, takes over as Sect Leader again, and marries and produces an heir for the sake of the sect.
This one seems to be what MXTX has in mind for him, and it makes sense, but god, it’s so unfun. Depressing and not even in an epic tragedy way.
6. He stops properly cultivating in seclusion and eventually dies of a qi deviation in the most passive possible suicide.
This is some good tragedy and I’m into it, though my fave is always scenarios where someone is headed down this path of max tragedy and then something happens to change shit up. I definitely can see the argument that LXC is too responsible/strong to do this, but tbh I dislike those arguments because like.. Grief doesn’t really care how responsible you are; trauma and depression can put anyone at the mercy of their brain chemistry. LXC’s cameo in the Banquet extra was actually personally pretty meaningful to me for that reason, it felt like an impressively realistic depiction of brain fog even in only a couple of lines.
So yeah, this one is dark but sometimes I’m in the mood for that.
5. LXC learns demonic cultivation and resurrects one or both of his sworn brothers.
I can’t buy this one either. He already has a passive nature and post canon has reason to be afraid of his own actions; I can’t see him doing something so actively dangerous and selfish when he could imagine instead that they’ll eventually reach peace and reincarnate. If someone else brought them back I could see him losing his shit and doing plenty of wild crazy things, but I can’t see him taking that action himself. However, this is still a super fun scenario to read about.
4. After a while in seclusion, he Sacrifice Summons either NMJ or JGY.
Hard as it is to admit this one is a little too melodramatic for me, but I appreciate the aesthetic.
3. After spending so long in seclusion that people have started forgetting about him, LXC leaves, goes down the mountain and becomes a wandering cultivator, living simply and helping people on a small level. Depending on what kinda tropes and genre we’re going for, possibly he’s immortal at this point and keeps traveling waiting for his sworn brothers to reincarnate.
I like this one a lot. Narrative resonance with Song Lan’s ending, a chance for LXC to leave Rich People World and grow in wisdom and experience, so when/if he does meet his sworn brothers again, he’ll be better equipped to help them no matter what lives they’re born into. Cataclysmic life change and loss of personal connections while still living and growing and learning.
2. Lan Xichen lives for years in semi-seclusion, a ghost haunting Cloud Recesses. One day a new disciple comes to clean his house, and it’s reincarnated/resurrected JGY incognito.
Good. Shit.
1. Lan Xichen spends about a decade being miserable and out of it, but eventually time heals, a bit. He refuses to take back the Sect Leader position from LWJ, having permanently lost faith in his ability to wield power correctly. But he teaches the juniors, and composes music, and makes friends with his brother in law and his extended family. Then the information reaches him that JGY has reincarnated/resurrected, and Lan Xichen immediately throws everything away and goes apeshit to protect him.
My absolute fave. I need a million fanfics with this premise.
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minnie-marvel · 3 years
When It Rains, It Pours (Thor x Reader) Part 2
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After an intense battle, the avengers have saved New York from being corrupted by Loki’s evil. The time has come to bring him to Asgard to face judgement and proper punishment. You’ve been enlisted by Tony Stark to help create a device that will temporarily disable Loki’s abilities in order to ensure he won’t escape. However, when you go through a test run of the device with the mighty Thor you find that the device malfunctions and instead takes away Thor’s powers instead. How will you help the God of thunder now that he remains powerless against his brother’s ill will. Thor x Reader Part 1 Words: 3,005 A/N: I lived bitch. Bet y’all thought you’d seen the last of me. Jokes on you I still am determined to finish this pic even if it takes the rest of my life!!! That being said, I am aware that it has been a long time since I’ve posted and people might have moved on to different fandoms or just different writers! Feel free to let me know if you’d like to be removed or added to my tag list!! Thanks for reading!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the hell did you do to me?!" You shouted again. You pushed yourself from up the ground so that you sat on your behind instead of being sprawled out across the lab's floor like some kind of fur pelt. You blinked rapidly as you tried to keep yourself from reeling back in pain. Your chest felt like someone had doused it in gasoline and thrown a match on top while your hands felt like someone had crushed them with a hot iron.
"Easy there Rookie, just take it easy alright?" Tony groaned pushing himself to stand.
"What did <I>we</I> do to you?" The god of thunder bellowed from his spot. Unlike the rest of you, he was having a significantly harder time finding his way to his feet. "What did you do to <I>me</I>?!" He shouted pointing an accusing finger at your body.
“I don’t understand!” you finally found your way to a battered steel counter and used its surface to help support you as you rose to your feet. There was a constant tingle in your hands, and when you looked down at them, you felt your heart drop at the sight. Thor’s familiar blue electricity crackled and danced against the back of your hands.
“What… what happened?” Your voice was undoubtedly broken now, the unbearable unease from the unknown finally settling into you.
“Something went wrong,” Thor grunted.
“Something went wrong?” Tony rubbed the back of his head while he turned to the golden-haired god, scowling. “Val Hallen, you were supposed to be the expert on this supernatural shit. What do you mean something went wrong?”
Thor shook his head frowning. “There must have been something wrong with the handcuffs… Yes, that’s the only way. Clearly, the workmanship of the handcuffs was faulty.”
You looked at Tony only to see his jaw go slack in disbelief. “No. No no no, I tested those handcuffs out at least a hundred times before handing them off to you. Those things were foolproof. The only thing that they were missing was the Asgardian runes.” He took a step forward to Thor pointing a finger back at him.
“If something in this project could have possibly been faulty, it had to be because of <I>you</I>.”
You rubbed the temples of your forehead, feeling a headache settling in. What in the world was happening? Even if you wanted answers, no one seemed to be addressing you at all. Thor and Tony were busy bickering back and forth playing a game of who’s to blame while something was wrong with you. Your agitation which started as a simmering steam at the beginning of this encounter was now bubbling approaching a boil.
“Everyone just stop talking for a minute for god’s sake!” You shouted now throwing your hands up in agitation. When your palms flipped outward a surge of energy coursed through your body again, funneling out of your hands in the form of lightning.
Tony’s eyes widened and took a dive bomb towards the left, his body skidding across the floor just barely missing the bolt of lightning. Thor lacking the strength to move, only put his arms out in a frail attempt to defend himself. The lightning aimed towards his body hit his arms directly causing him to fall over on the ground again in agony, his body seizing and switching as electricity attacked his body.
Seeing the god of thunder being rendered helpless by your hands sent a terrifying shock through your body. You stumbled back into the counter as you raised a hand to your mouth before staring at it and slowly lowering it back down to your chest. You held your hands together, hoping that if you kept them clasped within one another it would stop you from hurting others.
“I… my hands they…” You stammered looking down at your palms again, the lightning licked against your fingers again, as if they were waiting for another chance to strike.
“I need answers.” Your voice was desperate as you choked back tears. “Now.”
You hear Tony sigh as he reaches down beside Thor taking him by the tricep and lifting him slowly until he was at an appropriate height. Your boss slung Thor’s arm around his shoulder supporting the god sighing as his eyes met you.
“From what I can see, it looks as though you’ve consumed Thor’s power. I’ve only seen that blue electricity come from him and well… Point Break here looks like he’s been hit by a bus.” He shrugged the arm that held the arm jostling the titan of a man like he was a sack of potatoes.
You stared at Thor who couldn’t even manage to lift his head towards you in acknowledgment as Tony spoke. Your breath started to quicken, each breath taken just seemed as though it weren’t enough.“But how could this happen… Thor is a god and I’m just a mortal I… Is this going to kill me?!”
“That is… well.” Tony paused suddenly looking at you, his eyebrows furrowing together as he contemplated deep within his mind.
“Well, rookie… to be completely honest with you I don’t know.”
You could feel the electricity crackling against your palms again. You couldn’t control it, you couldn’t control anything. Your entire body had been transformed into a ticking time bomb and you had no idea how to prevent it from exploding. What was worse, one of the most intelligent entrepreneurs in technology couldn’t find an answer for you either.
“Worry not mortal.” You heard Thor groan finally managing to support himself slowly with the help of Tony’s arm. “I may be powerless, but I am still a god.” He muttered strands of golden hair falling between his eyes. He took a long deep breath as he straightened his posture up, his gaze still lingering on your burning with a will that undoubtedly could shake the heavens.
“I will save you.”
You saw the man reduced to a helpless body across the floor moments ago, but it was clear that his divine energy came from more than the power of his thunder.
With a hand still propped on Tony’s shoulder for support, he looked around the wreckage of the lab finally taking in the destruction.
“Stark the handcuffs. They did take away my power correct?” He asked looking back towards your trembling body.
Tony sighed but nodded eventually. “It seems to be that way, yeah.”
Thor returned his nod and jerked his neck to both sides suddenly making two loud pops before he took both arms and began to stretch them out slowly by crushing the other between his bicep and forearm.
“Then that’s all that matters.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
You both stared at the god in disbelief. Suddenly he was striding towards you slowly, his physical strength seeming to have already been restored. He stood only a foot away from you now and stood taller than you, still meeting your eyes with stormy blue irises.
“If the handcuffs indeed take away power then they will be sufficient. When we arrive in Asgard, we will find a way to return my powers to me.”
You swallowed a hard lump that had settled in the back of your throat once Thor stepped in front of you. “We?”
Thor nodded slowly. “I cannot keep up the ruse that I still hold my power as my own without you.”
You reeled back in disbelief. “You want me to help you pretend that you still have your powers in Asgard?”
The god of thunder stood his ground. “Yes. If Loki even smelled a lack of power in me he would use anything and everything to destroy me and take over my kingdom again.” he took another step forward towards your body, the space nearly being closed between you.
“I cannot let that happen.”
“If I might cut in for a moment,” Tony interrupted, walking over to you and Thor. he put a hand on your shoulder and snatched it back when he was quickly zapped with a static shock. He looked over at you with feigned annoyance. He knew you didn’t shock him intentionally, but he thought the face would lift the mood. It didn’t.
“My new assistant has only just been introduced to this new world of heroes and aliens and gods and the like. She has no idea what she’s getting into-”
“Neither do I,” Thor replied cutting him off. “But it must be done.”
“Can we just talk about this?” Tony asked exhausted, placing an arm between you two now. Thor finally tore his gaze from you to the billionaire.
“The only person who needs to talk is the mortal,” Thor said simply turning his gaze to you. You were waiting for him to make another stubborn comment to get Tony to get off his back when he suddenly dropped to a knee.
The god slowly took your hand in his looking up at you, eyebrows furrowed in a fierce determination.
“Miss… I am not asking you to help me. I am <i>begging</I> you.”
You tried not to let your jaw drop at his words. A god was begging you? You could feel the electricity building in the hand that Thor took. When you glanced at your connecting hands you saw that the lightning was striking against Thor’s skin. Yet, when you looked back into his eyes you saw the determination never leave his gaze. His lips were pressed into a hard line as he bore the pain of his power from another, but he never once relented.
You visibly deflated slowly. With Thor at your side, maybe you had a chance.
“Well… who am I to deny a god?”
You laughed bitterly as you slipped your hand from his, taking it back into your own holding your hands together to try to keep from hurting anyone else. You looked back at Tony now a bit sheepishly.
“Does this mean I have to put my two weeks in?” You asked.
Tony sighed and shook his head, planting a hand on his hip while rolling his eyes. “Let’s say you’re putting your vacation in early okay? Just don’t make this a permanent relocation. As you probably know I kind of fired the rest of my assistants today.” He gave you a smirk before taking his arm back and pulling his phone out of his pocket tapping away.
“So, when are you two planning on leaving?”
“Before the sun sets today.”
Tony nearly dropped his phone only catching it seconds before it shattered against the floor. “Before the sun sets? As in, three hours from now?”
Thor finally rose to his feet again folding his arms against his chest. “If not earlier. My father will want to contain Loki as soon as possible, and if I do not bring him to Asgard he will retrieve him himself.” The god paused looking between you both cautiously. “I believe you’d prefer me in your hair than my father.”
Tony hummed in thought tapping his phone against his chin. “God of thunder versus God-king… I think I’ll take my chances with Baywatch over here.” He turned to you now pointing the phone at you while he continued.
“I’ll arrange your leave of absence for you. We’ll call this an intensive project on behalf of Stark Industry. Everything will be covered for you before you can say ‘Tony Stark is the best boss ever and sure he got me into a mess but he will be paying me enough to buy two small islands and a private jet to travel to each.’”
You gave a half-hearted smile. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
He gave a loud groan. “Really with the formalities again? I think we’re past the point of being just a boss and employee since I’ve got you in this situation. For the love of… well Thor please just call me Tony.”
You only continued to smile. “Of course...Mister Stark.”
Tony sighed but pulled you into a one-armed hug. “Well, you know what they say about dogs and old tricks. I’ll be patient.” he shrugged. “You two should get ready. If you want to leave for Asgard before sundown you’d better get a move on.”
When you turned to face Thor to ask about the next plan of action you saw him walking towards Mjölnir which was firmly planted in the ground where he laid before when your blast first went off. It seemed as though he were staring at the hammer for an eternity before stretching an arm out, fastening a hand against its leather handle. There was a moment of silence before he closed his eyes and lifted.
You sighed in relief as you saw the legendary hammer lift to Thor’s hammer. So, he was still worthy after all.
Thor nodded, taking in a deep breath, regaining his composure before turning to you. “Well small spark, it's about time we introduce you to my brother?”
“Small spark?” You repeated.
“Well, since you had not told me your real name I thought to give you a nickname to call yourself.”
You introduced yourself and watched as Thor stroked his chin in thought.
“I think small spark suits you better. You do hold my power now, maybe if you prove yourself useful, you can be called Lady of Thunder.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. It seemed as though he were in good enough spirits to still tease you. You would have teased back but you didn’t feel like being smote by a god. Even if Thor didn’t hold dominion over thunder any longer, you were sure he could pack a powerful punch if he wanted to.
“Let’s go see that brother of yours shall we?”
You walked beside the Lord of thunder as automatic doors slid open, revealing an open-cell paneled glass and a slender raven-haired man inside. He was sitting on the floor unnaturally cool until He looked up to see you and Thor entering the room. He looked battered and bruised beyond compare, but his bright green eyes shared that same inextinguishable spark that Thor held.
“Thor.” The raven-haired man said his eyes scanning over to you quickly. “I see you’ve brought a toy.”
“It's time to bring you home brother,” Thor ignored the last comment staring him down.
“We are <i>not</i> brothers.” The trickster god hissed. “And that is not my home.”
“Father wants you to return to Asgard,” Thor stated.
“As his prisoner.” Loki laughed with a roll of his eyes.
When Thor didn’t deny his statement, you saw Loki’s expression twist into an unnatural scowl made up of pure hatred.
“Well, aren’t you going to subdue me? Strike me with lightning and bring me to my knees?” Loki scoffed.
You felt your chest seize up with anxiety. Was that what was supposed to happen? Thor hadn’t told you anything about actually using his power in his presence. If Loki was as intelligent and conniving as Thor had portrayed him to be, he would surely discover your secret in an instant. You looked slowly to Thor who didn’t return your gaze.
He took a step forward towards the cell and you followed close behind him. Oh god, you were really doing this weren’t you? How were you going to possibly pull this off you weren’t prepared-
“Fury,” Thor called flatly before an odd purple gas sprayed out into the cell circling the four inner glass panels. The gas swirled around Loki’s head in an opaque cloud. You saw the Asgardian reach out to the two of you behind the glass before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His knees gave out beneath him before he clattered to the floor with a loud thump.
Thor sighed. “He will undoubtedly ask why I did not show my power.” He warned.
“And what do we do when he does?” You asked, holding your hands close to your chest again.
“We do what Loki does best,” Thor said with a frown. “We lie.”
Minutes after, S.H.I.E.L.D agents swarmed into the case along with Thor and yourself. Thor knelt to his sleeping brother and pursed his lips tight together as he brought a new pair of handcuffs to Loki’s hands. There was a soft click and nothing else. You still stared at Thor ensuring that no shift of power had been missed, and when he sighed with relief, you did too.
“Well, at least one pair worked.” You joked quietly to him.
“Yes,” Thor replied. “The easy part is over.” He said slapping a small band of metal across Loki’s mouth. The band quickly extended and transformed into some type of muzzle. You only quirked an eyebrow at Thor who shrugged.
“I’d rather not have to hear his sharp tongue on the way back to the palace.” he hoisted his brother up and over his shoulder.
“Heimdall!” Thor suddenly shouted before suddenly pulling you into him with his free arm. “I have Loki in my possession. I wish to return to bring him to trial.” He suddenly looked at you cradled against his chest. You were staring at him like a deer in headlights.
“The woman too,” he added after a moment.
“Wait- We’re going now?” You whispered to the god. “What about the plan, what about the handcuffs- Thor how are we going to pull this off??”
He didn’t get to answer immediately as both of your bodies were suddenly consumed by a bright burning light built of a kaleidoscope of color. You instinctively held onto the avenger closing your eyes in fear. In truth, you probably could have protected him better than he could protect you, but your mortal fear was still very present in your body.
When your eyes opened again you were surrounded by gold, a man in shimmering armor wielding a glimmering sword staring you down with amber eyes. Before you was an opal road that glittered rainbow colors every which way.
Thor leaned close to your ear.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRIP Tag List: @avonwrites​ Permanent Tag List: @memyselfandmaddox  @fangirlftshipper @two-eleven-thirty-four @the-fifth-marauder-paws @shieldgirl95 @lostnliterature @lupe-55​ @drinkingteandfangirling​ @sighspidey​ @laurfangirl424​ @iwouldtakeascootertotheankle​ @sharingfanfictionandart @shutupyoumewlingquim @until2am @ellaisbutteredtoast @flaminghottaquito @american-cactus @spideypoolltrash @embrace-themagic @wantyoubackpeter @thumper-darling @multi-parker  @spideys-jj @thedaughterofdawn @iickerr @starktower-is-my-home@lilcook2258 @mxrvel-imxgines-blog @spodermanpete @goldenkillmonger @youtubehelpsmesurvive @strangenerdsstuff @twerkinglucifer @mylovefortomholland @thefallenbibliophilequote @ms-marveleous @lemonusa @elsasshole @theprinceoftheundead @oddlymurderousplant @futzingclint @imarockstar45 @ivyohmy @yafriendlyfangirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @bitchstolemynutellaus
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I recently read The Camp Half-Blood Confidential for the first time and while most of it made me cringe, there was one story in particular that really made me cringe: Space Could Be An Issue.
For those of you who haven’t read it, the premise of Space Could Be An Issue is this: Annabeth is in charge of designing and building the cabins for the children of minor gods/goddesses but it appears that there’s no space for all of them!
What is an architect to do?
Annabeth suggests treehouses or houseboats and both are shot down by Chiron, who says the nature spirits would never allow it. Good thing that there’s no spirit of grass or open field, otherwise they’d never be able to build anywhere, right? Annabeth suggests caves; because why not just dump all those extras in a cave. Chiron shoots her down again; there’s only one cave and it belongs to the Oracle. Damn. Well what about stacking the cabins on top of each other? Parents associated with the sky can be on top and parents associated with the ground can be at the bottom. What? That seems a little bit...classist? No. Of course not. The real reason that won’t work is because demigods can’t cohabitate. You heard it from Chiron! All of your ships are invalid because demigods of different “families” can’t live together in peace.
Never fear! For Annabeth is here to save the day! Her latest idea is for small and low profile tiny houses. Her words, not mine. (I was going to make a sarcastic comment here about how, after fighting a war for equality, it’s a good idea to put the “lesser” demigods in places that are small and low profile...until I realized that Annabeth wasn’t fighting a war for equality, she was fighting for the continued reign of the Gods and therefore inequality because she ultimately privileges from the system no matter how often she cries mommy issues).
Anyway...The tiny houses are two stories; with a living area that sleeps two, a bedroom loft that sleeps two, and a bathroom. So four demigods per tiny house. Somehow there’s storage beneath the beds in the living area, which are the kind that pull out of the couch. Not sure how that works since normally the bed goes in the “storage area” when it’s in couch mode. And there’s a single closet beneath the stairs for more storage. The bathroom is the coolest part of the whole thing but it’s never mentioned if there’s a shower in those bathrooms or just a toilet and sink.
If you put four of these tiny houses together, they’re the size of one major demigod cabin. Isn’t that so funny. How you need four tiny houses for demigods but can’t build a regular sized cabin. Ha! Hilarious!
Which brings up a question. How big are the original twelve cabins anyway? The Hermes Cabin is so over crowded that kids need to sleep on the floor. Poseidon’s Cabin has nothing but six bunk beds (and later a small saltwater fountain) in it. Meanwhile, the Athena Cabin has multiple smart boards, work desks, a library, and a small armory on top of the beds. They’re clearly not all made equal (and that’s not even getting into the fact that the Hermes Cabin is literally falling apart).
Why does the size of the Athena Cabin matter, though? It matters because none of the other cabins are used for anything other than sleeping and chilling when there aren’t activities. The Athena cabin is so disproportionately huge and ironically high tech compared to the other cabins (WHY DOES RICK HATE THE HERMES CABIN?!). Okay, but they’re using it as a school. Why would you use a cabin as a school room?! Because those kids are supposed to be “geniuses?” So they don’t have anywhere in camp to just relax? It’s always work, work, work for the Athena kids, huh?
Where would you put the school? Oh I don’t know. Maybe the Big House, which only ever has two people living in it despite being three stories tall and super wide and easily the biggest building on the property. Ah, the Big House, where the occupants are always outside on the porch and the only interior mentioned is a living space with a ping pong table, Chiron’s office, and the attic used to stash the Oracle and other useless shit no one wants to look at. Why in Hades would you put a school room there? Think of the ping pong table! Relax! It was just an idea.
Hang on, we’ll come back to this. Now I want to bring up the decorating of cabins. The tiny houses also have the ability to be decorated however the occupants want, with only a single touch, which means that maybe the demigods of Nemesis want neon green walls despite Nemesis having nothing to do with neon green. Or the children of Iris are going through a Goth phase and decide all the walls should be black. Why does that matter? Because all of the other cabins are decorated according to godly parent. The demigods who live in the major cabins are extremely limited in what they can do with decorating because of “tradition and respect.” In fact, Percy and Tyson only add two decorations to their cabin: the aforementioned saltwater fountain and hippocampus figures on the ceiling. Which are both related to Poseidon. Despite some of the major cabins having been rebuilt, they were rebuilt to be exactly the same as before.
Which leads us to two points:
1.) The cabins aren’t shrines to the gods. These cabins aren’t sacred temples to the gods. The gods don’t care what happens in them or to them. They don’t care if they’re broken or overcrowded. They don’t care if the kids are fucking in them or if they’re digging tunnels underneath them or putting curses on them. The gods already have statues of themselves everywhere and most of them have a separate place in Camp that could be considered to be “their” place (Hephaestus and the forges, anyone?).
2.) Hera and Artemis’ cabins should both be nixed completely. Hera, as a goddess who will never have demigod children, doesn’t need a cabin on principle. She only has a cabin out of politeness, not necessity. And I can hear your protests already but no, Artemis shouldn’t have a cabin either. Her hunters have magical tents that they live in every other day of the year except for the one day out of the summer that they stop by Camp Half-Blood. That’s two cabins that regularly stand empty - one 100% of the time and one 99% of the time - and take up valuable space for people who actually need it.
Speaking of cabins that are usually empty: Poseidon and Zeus dont have more than one or two kids at a time (despite Zeus being a slut) so their cabins don’t actually need to be as big as the other cabins. Percy mentions that upon arriving at Camp Half-Blood, there are a couple hundred kids. More than half of them “disappear” during the first winter. Some die over the course of the series. Then the camp gets a huge influx of demigods; both the ones that came from Kronos’ army because they were pardoned and the previously unclaimed demigods.
Annabeth suggested stacking cabins on top of each other, which is a stupid idea for so many reasons (only one of which is pointed out to her and I listed another one), but she was actually on to something.
Except instead of making each floor for a different group of Godlings, what if, hear me out now, you bulldoze every single Cabin. (You get a tent! You get a tent! No, just kidding about the tents unless you’re a hunter of Artemis.)
Bulldoze the existing Cabins so that you’re starting from scratch (Annabeth, take some damn notes). Rebuild without Hera and Artemis’ Cabins. You never know when Zeus and Poseidon are going to get horny now that they’re technically allowed to reproduce again, so make their Cabins the same size as all the others (if you must). Rebuild the Cabins so that they’re a smidge narrower and a lot taller. That’s right! Slap two or three floors on top of those suckers! Make! Everyone! Fit! Give! Them! Space! No! More! Sleeping! On! The! Floor!
But what about the disabled - THERE ARE NO DISABLED DEMIGODS. Not even a single one! Everyone can climb stairs! Everyone! All the time!
Well that’s...true (and ableist) but what about Chiron? Shouldn’t he be able to get into the cabins? Chiron already can’t get into the cabins. He couldn’t get into the original twelve, he can’t get into any of the new ones.
Which brings me to the final, and possibly most important point. GIVE THESE KIDS PRIVATE BATHROOMS FOR FUCKS SAKE! If everyone thinks it’s a good idea for the tiny houses to have “personal” bathrooms, then give them to all of the cabins. No more communal showers! No more hazing other campers in the public toilets! No more getting eaten by harpies because you had to pee after curfew!
This way everyone is equal. No one has a better space or more space than anyone else. Everyone gets to decorate how they want. No one is going to die on the way to the bathroom. Because even though the war was ultimately about maintaining the status quo, Percy and Luke both said “no, this isn’t right and too many are suffering because of it and things need to change.” One traded his life for it, the other traded immortality for it.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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mudpuddless · 4 years
Petition to redo the Marvel movies but without the plotholes (Quicksilver could have saved Hawkeye and dodged those bullets easily) and with actual rep (Looking at you, Russo), Including but not not limited to:
Quicksilver surviving AND saving Hawkeye (duh)
Natasha being portrayed like she was in Endgame (read: a human, not a sexy killing machine)
Tony Stark being a bi icon ( don’t get me wrong, he already is)
Trans and/or bi Peter Parker ( It’s what Andrew Garfield would have wanted)
The Science BrosTM consisting of Ironic man, Bruce Badass and the Spiderchild (in capital letters, they deserve that)
Team “Good god Cap is a dumb bitch I love him” (Bucky, Sam, Natasha) 
Steve telling Tony about his parent’s death and they going against Ross together
Bruce Banner being a major character like he deserves
Natasha being in the position to forgive her wrongdoers and having the cliché “be the better man” moment. (Except she's a woman and this is what they made her and even though it isn’t her anymore she can still choose to be this. She destroys them.)
Tony Stark being actually small. Not all men a 6′4 and no man needs to be. ( A paparazzo makes fun of Tony once. Tony gently reminds him that he is a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and the paparazzo is just some poor idiot who spies on celebrities for money. The Paparazzo cries.)
Bruce and Thor being the purest couple around. Did you see them in Thor:Ragnarok? That’s a power couple If I ever saw one.
The Evil HenchmenTM being actual people who didn’t want this to happen dude really you have to believe me. I just want my kids to be able to go to college. 
People Speaking languages other than American English and the rare English accent. Wasn’t Steves mother an Irish Immigrant? Isn’t Natasha Russian? Doesn’t Tony speak Italian because his mother insisted? Also:
Hawkeye is DEAF
He is disabled. He uses Hearing aids and knows ASL.
And i bet so does Natasha
And Tony because he can’t stand not knowing something
Rhodes might not loose his legs in Siberia in this ‘verse but good god if Tony and Natasha or god forbid Steve catch someone being ableist it’s over. 
Have Daredevil appear (even and especially as Matt Murdock, who everyone knows is blind but still graduated summa cum laude and is respected all around.) 
Tony respects him as a lawyer (as well as as Daredevil) and tries to hire him every time they meet. 
It’s a running gag between them. 
Matt refuses, he wants to work pro bono for the people who need him
Tony pays buys the building of Nelson&Murdock and tells them they don’t have to worry about rent anymore
Karen Page Helps Pepper out sometimes and Pepper pays her enough to live of it
Have Clint and Matt team up and make stupid jokes and beat up bad guys
“How do you like the view?”
“It’s breathtaking. And the Birds are singing so beautiful today...”
“absolutely Marvellous.” 
Innocent bystander Peter Parker, very confused:”...?,,??”
Dumpster Buddies Matt and Clint. 
Steve who was born with more disabilities than they bothered to list on his recruitment form. 
How come that never mattered again. 
As if Bucky would bring it up every time he didn’t want Steve to go on a dangerous mission. 
Have Sam be his awesome sarcastic self I mean come on. So, you like cats? His only personality trait isn’t being loyal to Steve. 
Let characters who appear healthy take meds. There are tons of people who have disabilities and sicknesses that impact their lives permanently and constantly and for gods sake let you characters be chronically sick. they could have diabetes or even just Hypothyroidism. Let them be colourblind. 
Tony canonically has PTSD and Anxiety. 
Let characters be POC without reason. 
Let characters be LGBTQ+ without reason. 
Have Tony and Shuri meet 
Shuri meets MJ and Ned 
Shuri joins the Science BrosTM 
Peter renames them Science Squad 
The Hulk just mauling Ross#2 
(That’s Thaddeus Ross. Ross#1 is Everett Ross because Everett is, unlike some people, a decent human being and doesn’t deserve to be titled #2)
Sorry. I saw an edit on YT and was violently and against my will reminded than canon exists and is actually ableist and pretend-LGBT-friendly. 
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stargazing-enby · 5 years
Heyy, what's your favourite thing about Drarry?
Okay, so first of all, this question is HARD. And by hard I mean I spent like a week staring at this ask in my inbox and then realised there was no way I was coming up with a good enough answer without the help of @paoak. In fact, I would have been a fool to try. So, after an hour long session of brainstorming in the library like the obsessed fools we are, and in no particular order…here’s an incomplete list of our favourite things about Drarry:
- The fandom. The fact that it’s active, and thriving, and that it’s not just content creators that participate in it; that there’s so many fans out there making fic recs, giving stratosferic amounts of love to the creators, organising fests… 
The fandom as a whole is also incredibly open-minded. Like…we have other fandoms that we can’t bother to be so active in online because of the amount of judgement and pettiness and antis in them, but Drarry? Ship and let ship, YKINMKBYKIO… With some exceptions, this is practically all we’ve seen in this community, and that’s honestly so refreshing.
We also love the way problems are faced in the fandom; how so many people explore themes such as sexuality, race, neurodivergence and politics (to name a few) in such a sensitive way, and how we as a community don’t stay quiet in the face poor fandom etiquette, such as not tagging sensitive content properly, reposting or anon hate. Like dude…we’ve got each others’ backs. How awesome is that?
- Their dynamic. In Paoak’s words and to put it simply, Drarry is, to the core, a snarky pining son of a bitch x an oblivious cinnamon roll willing to roast him every single time.
And like…yeah, there’s so many ships out there that are enemies to lovers, or that have shared trauma, or that have clashing/opposite personalities, or that meet as kids. But I don’t know that many that combine all of the above. And all of these are represented in so many different ways depending on when the fic is set! Drarry bickering innocently as kids, Drarry discovering their sexualities and feeling all the UST as teens, Drarry figuring out their lives as adults… Canon and everything that comes before and after it leaves us with such a wide range of ages to explore that you don’t see in many other ships.
And that’s not even mentionint how complementary they are. They were literally written to be everything the other is not and, in many aspects, to have the things the other wants the most. They’re made to clash against each other; they have every reason to hate each other, but, when it comes down to it, they come back to the other like metal to a magnet. Which gives so much room for us to imagine them coming together post-canon; growing and changing the other for the better, posing a challenge for the other, and driving each other mad. They just need each other, but the best part is—they do in canon. Their dynamic, the intensity between them—it’s all there in the books, if you just dare see it. But because Drarry itself is not canon, there are…quite literally no restrictions. There’s a different Drarry for every one of us depending on the way we interpret it. Canon is a strong foundation—one where we’re all free to build as many castles as we want.
And even though they’re so unstable, even though they’re always at the edge, there’s…balance, between them. Some people see their dynamic in canon as bullying, but from the perspective of yours dearly, who happens to be a victim of bullying…there’s a big difference between the unbalance that bullying entails and the constant back and forth that goes on between Drarry, and that leaves a different one of them coming on top every time. A back and forth that, by the way, only goes on until it really matters: when lives are at stake—that’s when they risk it all to save the other. Without hesitation.
And that’s where it gets the most interesting. Because at first glance, one could say that Draco is bad and that Harry is good. But if you dig a little bit deeper, they’re both scared, clueless, traumatised kids. They’re both flawed. Think of just the Sectumsempra incident, or how Draco can’t bring himself to kill Dumbledore despite everything that’s at stake. It’s nice to read about perfect characters from time to time, but if you want to explore everything there is to see in the gray area of life, fiction, and morality, Drarry is that ship that just takes your hand and walks you through every other path you may want to explore.
Which takes us to the last point:
- The heavy themes. Combine points one and two together—a fandom that is huge, alive, open-minded and sensitive and a ship that is everything but simple—and you’ll end up with a vast amount of fic that explores the most complex themes, often avoided in media and even within other fandoms, without stepping out of their explosive ship dynamic. And all of it often in the context of YA literature; adult, problematic, serious themes, combined with fun, adventure and magic.
And because god forbid that we did any studying instead of coming up with this hell of an answer, we even made our own (again, incomplete) list of themes that we’ve seen, loved, and learnt from in the Drarry fandom: infidelity, PTSD, grief, mental illnesses, self-discovery at all stages of life, sexuality, neurodivergence, disabilities, post-war politics, abuse, self-harm and suicide themes, denial of feelings, the brutality of war, the harshness of realising you’ve been kept from the real world and the discovery of it, unrequited love and a lack of communication even when there’s sex, consent and dubcon, and last but not least, sexual encounters that range from vanilla to BDSM, but that aren’t just smut for the sake of smut; that teach you about boundaries, and kinks, and safe/sane/consensual, and that act as a way for the characters to express emotions they’re trying to hide, and to connect. For their story to evolve; for them to change together.
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fifi-uchiha · 4 years
Born to Live (4/?)
„An ambush...” Tenten panted, still feeling dizzy and exhausted from the fight. “They were ninja from another village.” Naruto raised a brow, seemed confused about the brunette’s assumption. “What?!” Ino asked angrily and more than alarmed. “Are you all okay? Any injuries I need to heal?”
“No, no, we’re alright,” Sakura waved off with a calming smile and moved her eyes to the four bodies. Her green orbs narrowed when she eyed the blank metal of their headbands because she was aware what that meant. “Why do you think they were ninja from another village?” Naruto asked the obvious question, didn’t see how his friend would think that. “Well…,” Sakura started, looking at her best friend. “Just look at their headbands, Naruto. They’re blank.”
The pinkette pointed at the covered head of one of the dead ninjas. “Ninjas with blank headbands are known for being spies from other villages who travel to other places to gain information… or to cause trouble. Like beginning a fight or assassinate a prey. They didn’t carve any symbol on their headbands to cover their heritage so they can hide where they’re from.” The fox ninja nodded understandingly and heard how Ino slapped her forehead. “Oh fuck!” she exclaimed. “And we overkilled those motherfuckers!” “AAAH! Dammit, you’re right, dattebayo!”
“It’s alright,” Tenten appeased, trying to calm everyone down whereas Kiba nodded. “Yeah. ‘Cause we know who’s behind that sneaky shit.” “We do?” Naruto asked incredulously. “Who was it?” “What do you think? Those Konoha-bastards, who else?”, the brown haired ninja barked. “But why?”, the pinkette leader wondered and earned looks that basically screamed ‘Seriously?’’ “Uhm… because they’re bastards..?” Naruto offered her, as if it were too obvious not no notice. “I’m aware,” the pinkette deadpanned dryly. “I just mean… It’s not like them. After all, Uchiha Sasuke declared war and even set a damn DATE, shannaro! Why would they attack us? Bastards or not, Konoha doesn’t fight dirty.” Sakura really couldn’t think of a plan that Sasuke might followed, as much as she tried. “Why blank headbands though? Everyone knows that Konoha declared war, so why would he cover up an assassination mission? “ she continued. “There’s no reason for them to hide, wouldn’t you agree?” “Maybe they did it so other villagers won’t recognize them and warn us?” Tenten offered who still understood where Sakura was coming from. “I think Kiba’s right, though. Konoha-nins are known for being manipulative and sneaky fighters who like to discover their rivals weak points and disable them before a fight.” Ino nodded, made it obvious that she too shared her theory. “Totally agree. They want to destroy us from the inside.” Her blue eyes lingered on the dead bodies and Ino scoffed smugly, folding her arms before her chest. “Well, they tried, I’ll give them that.” “I guess you’re right,” the pinkette sighed, accepting of the only logical explanation. Of course Konoha would use dirty tricks to weaken Timea and demonstrate their power, of course they would try to kill the most powerful ninjas of her homeland. God, that Uchiha was one hell of a bastard, shannaro! “However, we need to make sure to keep unexpected guests outside Timea. I think we should send Rayo and his team to guard the borders.” “I’ll tell him as soon as I can,” Kiba promised, earning a thankful smile from his comrade. “Thank you, Kiba.” “Okay guys, we should go back and rest, dattebayo” A loud yawn escaped his lips and Naruto stretches his arms, making it more than obvious how tired he was. “Naruto’s right. Come on, tomorrow’s a big day- MPH!” To Sakura’s surprise, Tenten covered the Yamanaka’s mouth with her hand, choking her in the process which looked pretty hilarious to her, however, she raised her brows in astonishment because Tenten was actually a calm person in general. “Well… yeah. We should rest. All of us need to sleep, the shades under our eyes look scary to be honest,”, Kiba smiled before he and Naruto grabbed Sakura and pulled her towards the camp. And Sakura could’ve sworn that she heard Tenten calling Ino a blabbering waterwall… “But I’m hungry, shannaro!” .
Sakura was a passionate , hotheaded fighter through and through, however, there were days were she worked as a medic in Timea-gakure. During those days, she worked with Rin Sensei, Ino and other medics to help injured and ill people who were far more important than training to her. But she still didn’t understand why Naruto and Tenten forced her to spend her time in the hospital even though there weren’t any emergency that needed her special attention. Were they trying to get rid of her? “Whooo, look who I found!” The female leader turned to the sudden male voice and immediately recognized the attractive face of Leo, a good looking, brown haired playboy she knew for years. That guy wasn’t just an exceptional shinobi with impressive strength, he was also capable of handling every single surgery which required perfect precision. He was a master surgeon and saved thousands without breaking a single sweat which made him one of the most valuable members of Timea’s army. “Leo. Good to see you, I really need those chakra results of patient 233-” “I already took care of him and told him he’s free to go, pinky. I stitched him up so good, he even started his training session,”, he interrupted with a big grin on his face. “Oh wow, uhm… wow,” the pinkette stammered impressed, making her way to the next patient with Leo by her side. “I mean, that’s really impressive, Leo. You’re a real pro.” “You know what else is impressive, pinky?”, the latter asked. “That a woman like you doesn’t have good enough taste to spend a few nice hours with a man like me. I can’t be the only one who feels the sexual tension between us.” Oh for God’s sake, not again. “Hey Leo? You like your penis, right?” Hearing those calm words, Leo blinked a few times, looking totally surprised about that question. “Yeah..?” “Would you still like it If I cut it off and stuffed it down your throat?” . . .
“No-” “Yeaaah, that’s what I thought. But that’s exactly what’s going to happen should you ever call me ‘pinky’ again, champ,” she explained matter of factly. “And by the way, I’m not your type,” she waved off, looking unimpressed while she kept walking, earning a dumbfounded look from the brunette. “Sakura. Women ARE my type!” “Forget it.” “Ah, come on! One night with me and you’re world will shake.” “I already told you, I’m not gonna sleep with you,”, was her dry reply, sounding disinterested. “More important, how did you manage all those surgeries? I mean… staying up for three days must be pretty hard even for you.” Sakura tried to change the subject, however, Leo snickered lowly, giving her a devilish grin. “You wanna know what else is hard..?” “Hey! Careful, Romeo. Shut it,” Sakura warned. “Sakura, come on. I find you really hot and you know I can’t concentrate with thoughts like that. Give me one night.” “You know who else is hot? My girlfriend,” the pinkette claimed whereas Leo looked comically surprised. Wait… Did that mean..? “You’re right, Leo. I’m a lesbian. Totally gay,” she confirmed Leo’s thoughts. “And my gay, mannish, rough girlfriend Earl -yes, her name is Earl- really wouldn’t appreciate a man like you coming at me like that. She likes to get out her metal hammer and smash every guys head who approaches me. You know, after she started taking those pills and since she got that new penis and her voice started changing, she seems a little energetic. Such an attractive trait…,” Sakura raved, acting like a girl in love. Leo looked totally shocked, not knowing if his comrade was joking or not. “Now If you excuse me, I gotta go. My patient is waiting.” Before Leo could utter any words, the kunoichi turned around and kept walking, leaving the tall shinobi behind who just stared at her retreating back in astonishment. She shock was written all over his face because that was the last thing Leo could’ve ever expected. He then walked to his next patient, shaking his head disbelievingly. . .
. “Earl..?” ………………………………………………………………………………………..
“Oh my God, Sakura, you’re here. The only person next to Tenten I respect.” Yamanaka Ino was one of the most powerful kunoichis of Timea who possessed healing abilities that every ninja barely could dream of. The blonde joined the army a year ago and helped Sakura with her knowledge about medical nin-jutsu. And right now, the Yamanaka was trying to take care of Shino who suffered from a severe injury. “Goddammit, Shino! How in the world did you manage to ram that nail through your palm, shannaro?!” The nail impaled his Hand completely and to all that, it was stuck in a big piece of wood which looked really painful. “I just wanted to help building a new cottage…,” was Shino’s quite, apologetic explanation whereas Sakura nodded, noting every word down. “It’s okay, Shino. We’ll deal with that...” Fast and with perfect precision, Sakura pushed two specific areas on Shino’s palm which caused his skin to glow in a soft green right before Shino felt no pain anymore which made Ino give Sakura a proud smirk. “Seriously, forehead. Your chakra-blocking is fucking crazy.” “Heh, you’re making me blush, Ino-pig. Thanks,” Sakura replied with her cheeks indeed becoming a little redder. To be honest, the sarcastic, moody, scaring Ino wasn’t known for giving anyone compliments, moreover, the blonde kunoichi only shared her soft side with her female members if her group. And her patients of course. “Hey guys, you won’t believe what just hap- Oh my God, this is disgusting.” Kiba suddenly appeared and he seemed caught off guard after he realized how grotesque Shino’s injury looked. “What the...-” “Oh, don’t worry, it looks worse than it actually is. I just blocked his chakra and numbed his pain and due to the fortunate fact that his bones weren’t pierced in the process-” Sakura stopped when Ino and her witnessed Kiba breathing heavily, his eyes becoming a little too… heavy as dizziness was making him weaker and weaker with each second. “Oh Lord, she’s losing consciousness. Let’s show her the bloody side!” Ino smirked who just loved teasing the shinobi whenever she could which was the reason why she hold Shino’s numb, injured hand and started to wave right in front oh his face. “Well look at that, Tina, that’s his palm nailed to this bloody piece of wood. Look close, it’s bleeding like hell, it SNAPPED like a bitch! Look at it, touch it, LICK THE TIP!” Kiba’s dizziness worsened and not a second later, the poor ninja fainted and fall straight in the floor, not seeing Sakura’s pitiful smile when Ino started laughing at him. “Why are you always so mean to him?”, she jokingly demanded whereas Ino simply shrugged. “She’s gotta learn how to deal with tough situations,”, Ino answered, not showing any remorse as she grabbed her bloody glove and threw it at Kiba’s head. “Don’t you worry about her, she’ll be arlight.” . . . ………………………………………..………………………………………… “Rayo is up to something.” Naruto and Tenten were walking through the market, looking for a birthday gift for Sakura who had no idea that her team was planning to surprise her with a little party. With the war coming nearer with each passing day, the group knew that enjoying their last days in peace and freedom were valuable, not to mention that Sakura would never think about her own birthday in times like this. She was a dedicated leader and didn’t care about anything but building a beautiful village without any dangers from outside. “Rayo? What do you mean?” Tenten asked with a raised brow. “Did you two have a fight again?” “No, not this time,” Naruto grinned sheepishly, knowing that he had to be calmer and more mature. But Rayo made it really hard for him, so she shouldn’t blame him for that. “I don’t know, he’s really weird lately, dattebayo.” “He always is.” “I know. But I just… I don’t know, I’m getting more and more bitch vibes from that. I just don’t trust him, ya know?” Tenten listened to him patiently, waited until he was done and tilted her head to look at him directly. “Naruto, he’s a timea-nin, a shinobi who fought with us against horrible enemies. He’s a bastard, there’s no doubt here, but you shouldn’t think too much about him. What’s the worst he can do? Shout and scream at us?” Naruto scoffed and knew she was right. Maybe he really was reading too much into it. “Come on, tell me what else is bugging you,” she suddenly demanded, earning a surprised look. “You’ve been acting really strange this morning. Is there anything you want to tell me?” Naruto seemed a little off this morning which was uncommon for the fox ninja who’s usually in such a good mood that even a war couldn’t change it. “You dodged Sakura’s question earlier, Naruto, but I’m a little more persistent. Tell me.” “Heh. You ability to read people is getting better and better. Kinda scary,” he joked. Tenten didn’t get distracted and folded her arms before her chest, waiting for Naruto to tell her about his problem without saying much. “I’ll take it as a compliment,” she commented dryly, making him laugh. “It was.” Naruto sighed because he knew that keeping everything bottled up wasn’t actually his piece of cake. It just didn’t suit him, so he gave up and started giving her the answer that he denied his pink haired best friend. “Well, I had a few bad nights, is all”, he started and didn’t see the confusion in her face. “What do you mean? Can’t you sleep properly?” she pressed which caused Naruto to lool dejected. “No. I’m having those weird dreams… about Sakura, dattebayo..-” “Sex dreams?” Immediately, Narutos entire face flamed of shame, his cheeks were a burning red and he looked like he saw a ghost. “ARE YOU CRAZY?” he shrieked, making Tenten close her hurting ear. He definitely knew how to hollow, really. “I do NOT HAVE sex dreams of Sakura, of course! That would be disgusting, dattebayo!” Seriously, they were like brother and sister, Naruto would never dare to see Sakura like… like a woman he could desire!
“Calm down, calm down, it was just a question. Jeez…,” Tenten shrugged off his screams of terror. However, it was kind of interesting to see that even Uzumaki Naruto could feel immense shame and the brunette made sure to remember that next time he would mess with her. “What kind of dreams are haunting you then?” she asked the obvious question which made Naruto look dejected again. “Well… I saw her crying,” ha started thoughtfully. “More than that, she was crying, sobbing as if someone ripped her heart out, Tenten. She didn’t say anything, I just saw her crying her eyes out, she seemed so...-” There weren’t words accurate enough to describe the sadness and the bitterness in Sakura’s eyes, not to mention the countless tears she shed. “And she looked different, dattebayo,” he added a little confused. “What do you mean ‘different’?” “Her hair was much shorter than now. It reached her shoulders and-” “She had short hair when she was 16, Naruto. Maybe-” This time, Naruto interrupted her. “No, that’s not it.” Naruto knew that Sakuta preferred to wear her hair short when she was 16 because it didn’t bother her during training sessions. Apparently, she found it more practical like that, but she let it grow again.
“This Sakura from my dream wasn’t 16. I’d say she was about 23 or 24 years old. But that’s not all,” he said, finding those dreams even more suspect when he talked about them. “Her clothes were also different. In my dreams, Sakura wore a green dress and… I don’t know, Tenten, but it looked like this Sakura came from another… village?” What really bugged him was the fact that seeing this version of Sakura kind of felt.. familiar. “Sakura never wears dresses, Tenten. And the way she cried… It broke my heart, dattebayo...” That picture, that showed Sakura who seemed so bitter, so horribly sad and broken had burnt itself into his brain, clouding his mind like a thick fog. She was sitting on the green grass, her skin far too pale, her dry lips shaking and her orbs red and wet from all those burning tears she had shed. Her sobs were so intense, so loud and broken that it made it impossible for her to say a single word. The young woman seemed alone, broken, as If someone burnt her whole world, taken everything and everyone that was important to her. But he couldn’t do anything to help her, Naruto couldn’t reach out to Sakura.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up,” Tenten comforted him, giving him a soft pat on his back. “Sakura is stressed because of her secret leadership, not to mention that Uchiha Sasuke declared war. It’s a fact that Sakura doesn’t live like the average woman, that might be the reason why she wore a dress in your dreams”, she offered him a simple explanation. “I mean, we all are pretty worked up, Naruto. Try to relax once in a while and don’t pay too much attention to your nightmares. They’re just dreams that have nothing to do with reality.” Naruto took in a deep breath and sighed, finally accepting Tenten’s comfort and gave her a thanking smile. “Thanks, Tenten”, the Uzumaki grinned.
“No need to thank me. I really don’t like you being too serious and sad. Now come on, we have to hurry before Sakura finds out about the birthday party.” Oh. Right, that was happening right now. “Ah, shit, you’re right! Ino’s gonna behead us if we don’t make it in time!” If there was one thin Naruto and Tenten feared from the bottom of their hearts… It was Yamanaka Ino’s temper. .
Soundless and secretly, a brown haired shinobi sneaked through the darkness over the borders in the empty land between Konoha and Timea, a land that belonged no one. However, the shinobi wasn’t running away from the upcoming war for he was about to meet one of the most powerful ninja in the word, without paying a single thought to the horrendous treasure he was about to commit. His eyes flashed angrily over the mere thought of the oh so mighty leader of Timea, which was nothing but a facade of a little, weak woman. A girl. He still couldn’t fathom the mere idea of her being the great leader. The dark haired ninja couldn’t believe that it was Haruno Sakura who made herself the leader and actually acted like one. A weak woman had it in her to betray not only her own army, but also every other village who respected Timea’s new power without giving even the slightest suspicions. Who in the world would’ve ever thought a woman without any special traits or power could create a whole army? He sure didn’t. It was a real challenge to sneak away from the others, however, the traitorous ninja didn’t care at all. No, his goal lay right behind the borders of Konoha-gakure, the village that declared war without giving at least a single reason, much less an explanation. “Behold!” Suddenly, the shinobi was surrounded, facing three ninjas who seemed alarmed and ready to fight and it didn’t take an expert to know that these men belonged to Konoha’s guards. The brown haired ninja showed no fear whatsoever nor was he scared in any way because he was here for a reason, a plan he had in mind. “I am a shinobi from Timea,” he introduced himself and he could saw their narrowing gazes. After all, they were a few days left until war which made it more than understandable that his sudden visit was not appreciated. “What do you want?”, one of the guards hissed, making him roll his eyes. God, that was so annoying. “I have to talk to your hokage,” the shinobi demanded without showing emotion. “There is something I need to tell him. You could say… interesting information.” For a moment they seemed to consider his words but suddenly, the shinobi felt a strong chakra signature. Another ninja appeared, walking towards the new visitor as he watched him with light eyes that were shining in the same color as the moon. Pearl colored eyes were watching him like a hawk, the man seemed to analyze him with obvious distrust. He wore white clothing, his blown hair was long and his skin pale. However, his light eyes were enough for him to know who he was dealing with. Definitely a Hyuuga. Hyuuga Neji. “What would a timea-nin possibly want from us?”, Neji directly asked, analyzing the stranger with narrowed eyes to make sure this wasn’t a hidden ambush. “Or are you the mysterious leader of Timea..?” “You are mistaken. I am not our leader,” the brown haired ninja immediately denied. “I came to talk to Uchiha Sasuke,” he continued, not a bit backing down. “For what reason exactly?”, Neji asked with calm distrust. “If you want to talk about the fight, then I have to disappoint you. Sasuke-sama won’t change is mind, you would just waste valuable time.” “I believe what I have to say to your hokage is of high importance,” he pressed. “There is no reason for you to distrust me for I have left my homeland.” Neji saw no lies nor regrets in his eyes but for some reason he still believed him. “What would your hokage say If I told him that the identity of Timea’s leader is no longer a well hidden secret..?” Hearing those words, Neji widened his eyes, seeming surprised for he was told that no one knew the real name of the all mighty leader of Timea, not even their own army. Could it be a trap? A foul trick to attack Konoha? No, he doubted that. Timea was far too powerful and smart to send a single ninja, that wouldn’t make any sense. That’s why Neji finally nodded, accepting the ninja’s offer. “What is your dame?” Neji demanded with controlled voice whereas the stranger gave him a little smirk. “My name is Rayo...” .
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Alright… I did it. I kicked my butt and I… well… yeah, I tried, okay? I don’t feel good about this, I don’t like my english chapters but I still want to share my stories with my SasuSaku family and… yeah. I know it’s still a little boring and all but TRUST me- Things are gonna be crazy. Typos are all little presents from me to you, so please keep them ^.^ And please, don’t be too harsh, English is my third language and... Yeah. I’m still trying hehe Xoxo Fifi-Uchiha! By the way, here’s the linkt to the whole ff. And you can find the other chapters on my tumblr account, just use the ‘born to live’ tag :D
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Fun Fact (Steve Rogers X Reader)
Okay, this one’s for the lovely @waiting4inspiration​ ‘s #staysafestayhomechallenge, my prompt can be found in bold. This is my second fic ever posted on here, but I hope you enjoy it. :) 
Summary: Fun fact: when you’re dying, your life does flash before your eyes. Well, not all of it of course, just the snippets that actually made it worth living. For you this means four memories that portray different stages of your relationship with Steve Rogers.
Warnings: angst, a little bit of smut, character death
Word count: 3.567
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When you arrived in the middle of the battle that was raging on in Wakanda, Natasha, Okoye and Wanda were struggling to fight Proxima Midnight. You hit her with a ball of blue fire to aid your friends, and she stumbled back hard.
“How dare you?!” she screamed.
Your only response was another ball, but this time it was a bigger one. It caught her with such force and velocity that she flew against a Thresher and got shredded to pieces.
“Steve’s in the forest with Thanos!” Natasha shouted knowingly.
You ran into the woods as fast as possible and the scene playing out in front your eyes was gut-wrenching. Steve had the upper hand, but he was undeniably struggling, and it was a matter of seconds before he’d lose his advance. A blue blast coming from you sent Thanos crashing into a nearby tree.
“Y/N!” Steve uttered your name, but you couldn’t be bothered.
You appeared in front of Thanos in just a fraction of time and disabled him with the fire. You could hear voices all around you, coming from various people – Thanos bellowing, Steve demanding you to stop, Bucky telling him to flee – but you ignored all of them and closed your eyes, feeling the blue fire rise.
Fun fact: when you’re dying, your life does flash before your eyes. Well, not all of it of course, just the snippets that actually made it worth living. For you this meant four memories.
You clearly envisioned the day you met Earth’s most exclusive redheaded spy alongside with the man who awakened feelings in you that you yourself didn’t even know you were capable of experiencing.
It was a humid hot day in July, your short-sleeved yellow uniform and red apron stuck to your body in all the wrong places, making you feel uncomfortable. You took in a sharp breath as your bandaged palms came in contact with the plates you were supposed to deliver to table 3 and put them down in an instant.
“Hey Mike! I am so sorry, but I just don’t think I can wait tables today… how ‘bout I take up all the orders and you bring them out?” you called out to your co-worker.
“What’s in it for me?” he furrowed his brows.
“I’ll buy you coffee.”
“So, it’s a date, right?” a grin formed on his freckled, yet handsome face.
“No, Mike. It’s coffee.”
“So, it’s a coffee date?”
“Nope, only coffee, Mike. No date. I’ll buy you one in the morning and just give it to you when I arrive.”
There was a moment of silence and his grin turned into a small smile.
“You know you’re lucky you’re hot and I’d do anything for you, free coffee or not.” he said picking up the plates and disappeared.
The diner was packed, a loud buzz filled the place as everybody was talking simultaneously. Having spotted a raised hand, you hurried over to get the order. Sure, your palms hurt holding a notepad and a pen, too, but remotely not as much as when you picked up those full plates.
“Welcome to Pop’s Diner, what can I get you?” you recited without even as much as sparing a glance at the consumers.
“A conversation would be nice.”
Your eyes immediately shot to the speaking man and his companion and widened in shock.
“Oh my God! You… you’re…” you felt the heat rise in your cheeks as you tried putting together a coherent sentence and failed.
“It’s okay, don’t be nervous.” the read headed woman smiled kindly. “I’m Agent Natasha Romanoff and this is Captain Steve Rogers. We’re here on behalf of Nick Fury.” she continued on, making you gasp loudly.
“We’d just like to talk, that’s all. Would you mind sitting down for a second?” Rogers chipped in.
You opened your mouth to protest since you were working after all, but promptly decided against it and sat down across them. When Captain America asks you to sit down, you sit down.
“May I… May I inquire what this conversation is in relation to?” you cleared your throat.
“Your palms.” Rogers stated calmly. He flashed you a smile what you assumed was supposed to be reassuring, but all he managed to do was make you even more flustered.  
“My palms…? Wha- what about them?”
“It seems like you had burned them pretty badly.”
“Uhm, yeah. I was cooking and I didn’t realize how hot the pot was until it was too late.”
“Yeah, really.”
Agent Romanoff took out her phone and placed it in front of you on the table. A security camera footage started to play and after a few second there you were, making your way through the diner’s parking lot a day ago. When you got to your car, a man pressed you hard against its side. A short grapple ensued and two minutes in an intense light emerged from your palms, making the stranger fall to the concrete. He was weltering on the ground, touching his own face and you just stood there. Satisfied. After a while you got in your car and drove off. The video stopped.
“Wanna re-think that answer?” she asked.
You didn’t even realize that a couple of tears escaped until they made their way down your face. You wiped them away furiously with the back of your hand. You winced when she called you by your name since you didn’t remember introducing yourself, but you shouldn’t have been surprised – you were convinced that by then S.H.I.E.L.D probably even knew what your favorite color was.
“Look, we have no idea what we witnessed on that tape and that’s one thing we’d like to know-”
“Well then that makes three of us…” you cut in bitterly. “ ’Cause I don’t even know what that was… Just to be clear, I did not want to melt that man’s face off even though he attacked me. I just felt threatened, and when I get angry or feel like I’m in danger, this incredibly cold sensation swipes trough me and just... wants to surface. By the time it reaches my palms it’s so cold, it burns… It burns right through my skin and looks like blue fire.”
Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers exchanged a quick glance and the latter started off to Pop’s office.
“Where’s he going?” you asked in panic.
“He’s handing your boss your resignation.”
“Relax, душенька. I think you’re gonna like your new job better than this. But first, you’ve got a lot to learn.” she smirked in response.
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The second scene playing before your eyes was about the night you and Steve kissed for the very first time.
You won the battle of New York. At a painstakingly high price paid in body-count, but you’ve won it, nevertheless. The city slowly started to revive again and tried getting back to the old routine, but deep down everybody knew that would never happen. The harsh reality that Earth wasn’t the only populated planet and that humans were not the only superior beings in the universe settled in every heart and mind and there was no way of changing that.
Stark of course felt like the victory was something to celebrate so he threw a rather extravagant party in the Stark Tower. You tried to enjoy it, you really did, but you didn’t succeed in doing so. The music struck as too loud and all the drunk people soon became annoying instead of entertaining. Consequently, you grabbed your half-empty glass of whiskey and headed up to the roof top to get a breath of fresh air. The cold gusts of wind felt wonderful against your skin.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, Rogers. I almost threw a blue fire ball in your face.” you said without turning back. He chuckled softly and strolled to your side.
“Sorry, I just had to get away from the crowd. Plus, Stark’s hammered and he insisted on teaching me how to dance. I don’t think I’m ready for that tonight. Or ever will be.”
You didn’t notice how captivated he was when a genuine laughter ripped out of you.
“And here I was, thinking you deliberately followed me up here to finally get me alone.” you looked him in the eyes, smiling.
“You wish, doll.” his expression mirrored yours.
Your heart began racing as his face started to inch closer to yours. Your lips almost touched when a loud noise made you jump apart – courtesy of a very drunk Tony Stark trying to open the exit door with an equally drunk bimbo on his side.
“Whoops…” he said, then went on “… what was I saying? Oh, yes, sweetie, you can totally see Asgard from here. You just have to squint a little, then concentrate real hard and-”
Steve cleared his throat to make your presence known before Tony did something neither of you wanted to see.
“Rogers! Y/N! What are you two doing here? Oh, wait- did he… did he confess to you already?” he asked, looking straight in your eyes.
“Confess what?”
“Stark. Please stop talking. Now.” Steve’s voice was laced with nervousness, but Tony being Tony, did not stop talking.
“That he’s got a thing for you, Darling.” he informed you, then turned to Steve “Ugh, for God’s sake, Rogers, just kiss her already! Because if you won’t, I will!”
“Hey!” the bimbo screamed, clearly offended and went back to the building. A second later when Tony realized what happened he rushed after her shouting he didn’t mean it; he was just trying to motivate a friend. Or maybe he meant it a little, but just a little. Then all the noise died out.
“Soooo… you have a thing for me?” you spoke up after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
“Yes. I do. Although I planned on presenting it to you a bit differently.” he admitted.
“I see. Since it’s confession time, can I tell you something, too?”
“Sure thing, doll.”
You closed the distance between the two of you and stood on your tiptoes.
“I’ve got a thing for you as well, Steve…” you whispered in his ear.
He cupped your face and crashed his lips against yours in response. He did not like booze at all, but if anyone asked what his favorite was, he said whisky, because that’s what he tasted on your tongue that night.
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Another clip of your life you were seeing was about the first time Steve made love to you.
You entered your room after a mission gone a bit sideways, exhausted to an extent that’s impossible to describe and with bruises and cuts covering the majority of your body. Steve stormed in just seconds after and slammed the door shut so hard it almost broke off its hinges. His beautiful face was hardened by anger and those blue eyes that often reminded you of the peaceful sea promised storm.
“What the hell was that?!” he demanded in a raised tone.
You sat down in front of your boudoir table and started peeling of your shredded suite very carefully.
“Answer me!” he shouted when he realized you had no intention of getting into an argument with him.
“Well, Cap, we went on a mission that in the end required some prompt, unplanned decisions on our side and I made them. Mission turned out successful. End of story. Is oral summary sufficient or would you like me to hand it in in written format?”
“Don’t “Cap” me, doll. And the attitude won’t bring you any closer to the end of this conversation…” he warned a little bit calmer, but still with a shaking voice.
“I’m sorry, Steve, I just don’t see what your problem is.”
You finished getting out of the top part and stood up to get done with the bottom, visibly struggling. With a couple of quick steps Steve appeared in front of you and tore it apart. You wore nothing but your underwear.
He then grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eyes.
“My problem is every single bruise on your body that’s not supposed to be there. Every single cut. Every single wound. Just because you learned how to use the blue fire without getting burnt it doesn’t mean you should use it excessively. I saw the effect it had on you today, don’t think I didn’t. For a split second it appeared as if it was consuming you from the inside…”
“Steve, if I hadn’t overdriven myself a little today, some of our greatest agents would’ve died. And I could not take that risk.” you said with gritted teeth. Tears started to sting your eyes, but you held them back.
“Well, I could! You know what risk I cannot take?! Losing you, doll.”
“I’m sorry…” you said in a small voice without a beat. Apologizing was not your genre, but the realization of how much Steve cared for you just dawned upon you. A mix of emotions took over you – you felt immensely loved, but at the same time, you were scared. “I gotta go take a shower. Will be back in no time.”
You slipped out of his grasp and let the tears flow as you closed the bathroom door behind you. Having stripped your underwear, you stepped into the shower and started cleansing yourself. You hoped the hot water would wash away the shame and guilt you felt, not just the dried blood and dirt. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you jumped a little when Steve opened the shower cabin door.
“Oh my God, you scared me!” but he didn’t say a word.
He pushed you against the cold shower wall and kissed you violently, while his hands explored every curve of your body. It took all your willpower to break the kiss.
“Steve, do you really want our first time to be shower sex?” you asked panting.
“It doesn’t matter where we are, doll. I love you and I want you.” he growled, kissing down your neck.
Every fiber in your body ached in protest, but you ignored them. You ran your nails down his back as he put his hands under your thighs and gently lifted you up. A moan escaped you mouth when he entered you and slowly started moving. Steve swore it was the most beautiful sound in the whole goddamn universe. It was not long before the tension started building up in your body and having noticed this, he picked up the pace. You’d never moaned anyone’s name during orgasm before, but Steve was the only exception. He reached his bliss second later.
“On second thought, shower sex was just great for a first time.” you said, and he chuckled. “Where did you, uh, where did you hear about it?”
“Uhm, do you remember the mission like eight months ago when Stark and I got stuck on a desert island for six days?”
“Well, turns out, Stark opens up quite easily about his sensual experiences…”
“Noo. No way!” you laughed as you stepped out of the shower and started drying your hair with a towel.
“Yes way.” Steve followed you and took over the towel to dry your hair. “I also heard about other stuff, but those require a bed.” he smirked suggestively.
“In that case it’s a good thing I happen to own one.” you kissed his lips and wished that day would never end.
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The last memory could not have been any clearer and it was breaking your heart all over again.
It was no question who’s side you were on when the civil war between Tony and Steve broke out… You got used to the life being on the run with Steve, Natasha and Sam in no time, although you still missed the others as well. They were the closest thing to a family you’ve ever had, and the rupture pained you badly at times. When Steve decided to collect the rest to unite in the fight against the greatest threat that ever endangered the universe, you were glad. You never knew how this beginning would mean the end of your relationship.
The first avengers Steve decided to recruit were Wanda and Vision in Europe, and frankly, you got there just in time. There’s a chance that a couple of minutes later there would’ve been no one to recruit… Your heart skipped a beat when you realized who you were up against, but you couldn’t allow yourself to ponder – lives were on the line. You helped Natasha stab Glaive and when Proxima Midnight grabbed your shoulder and turned you in her direction to deliver a punch, her fist froze mid-air.
“Y/N?” she asked uncertainly, but you didn’t answer. Sam flew in and kicked her to Glaive’s side. “Your father will hear about this, I promise.” she threatened before vanishing in blue light.
Everybody was panting, the fight exhausted all of you. Other than that, no sound could be heard.
“What was she talking about, doll?” Steve spoke up finally, asking the question everyone was dying to hear the answer to.
You all boarded the Quinjet, but you and Steve went to a separate cabin to discuss matters first.
He didn’t shout. He didn’t hit you or try to kill you on spot, though you were absolutely certain you would’ve deserved it. He just sat there. Quietly. He didn’t utter a word while you were telling him that you, in fact, were not human. You were a member of a species called ‘Inhuman’, which was the result of mixing Kree genes with human ones, and this is the reason why you possess the blue fire. He didn’t say a thing while you were telling him that as a child, Thanos snatched you and brought you up as his own daughter alongside two other girls, Nebula and Gamora, and turned the three of you into the most feared assassins in the entire galaxy. His mouth stayed shut while you were telling him that coming to Earth was a mission ordered by Thanos to gain intel on what was going on here and you were deemed fit for it as you looked like humans.
“But I stopped delivering information years ago, Steve! Do you know why? Because I fell in love with you! And because I realized the error of my father’s ways! He lied to me throughout my entire life and manipulated me into believing his false ideology! Steve? Please, say something, Steve…”
You were not sure if the word echoed in the room or was it just your own mind.
“I said, leave.” he stood up. There was no sign of fury on his face. Only disappointment. You didn’t move, so he continued.
“You were the very first woman I loved after Peggie, which I thought would be impossible for a long-long time… I loved you, Y/N. You saved me in more than one way, and after the war I wanted to settle down with you. Start a family. But you know this damn well, for fuck’s sake… And now it turns out I never even knew you…”
“But Steve, you knew me, in fact, you know me!” you interrupted with a cracking voice.
“No, doll, I didn’t. And I don’t.”
You ran up to him and cupped his face, but he refused to look at you. Your palms were wet from the tears he shed. He peeled your hands off him slowly.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I could never do that. But I want you to leave. I don’t care who’s side you’ll fight on in this war or if you decide to sit it out, just whatever you do, stay away from me. God, I can’t even look at you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the sobs surfacing from your chest.
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The flashback scenes stopped, and the blue fire was burning more than ever inside of you. Steve had been right all those years ago… if you overdrove yourself, it would consume you from the inside and everything else in your immediate proximity, too. But if this was the only way of defeating your father and saving the universe, so be it. Suddenly, numbness took the place of pain and you subjected to it.
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A high number of people showed up to your funeral organized at Tony’s lake house. Everybody placed a white rose on top of your empty casket and expressed their condolences to Steve, but he wasn’t paying attention at all. He tried to, really hard, but he just couldn’t. Tony was the last person to go there and place his rose.
“You know Rogers, I’ve never been one to sugarcoat things and I’m not gonna lie this time, either.” he said, his words making Steve look him in the eyes. “From what I hear… If you had kept your mouth shut, she’d still be here… At least there’s a high chance for that. But there’s also a high chance that half of the fucking universe wouldn’t. Respect her choice... That’s what I’m trying to do.”
Respect your choice... These three words became Steve’s mantra – the first thing that came to his mind in the morning, and the last at night. They were the glue that kept the pieces of his heart together just enough to function as a human being.
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fatedfuturist · 4 years
things about my interpretation of tony stark. updated june 07, 2020.
here’s my exhaustive explanation for how i am not canon-compliant with the events and characterization of the mcu.
the reason for this is… well, there are several reasons, but i don’t want to stir shit up or just, in general, stomp on anyone else’s love for the mcu. and don’t get me wrong— i do love the mcu! but there are parts i’m critical of for personal reason, as we all have opinions on certain things. bc, yeah, you can love something, or someone, and still be logically critical about it or them.
anyway, here’s where my interpretation differs…
as per stated on my rules: i take inspiration for tony from multiple sources, including the mcu, marvel comics, the television show: avengers assemble, and my own personal headcanons. TONY IS ALSO ASIAN (SPECIFICALLY CHINESE) AMERICAN!!
i will admit that saying this isn’t particularly helpful if people don’t know, specifically, where i differ in terms of my interpretation of our dumbass genius. some of this info is scattered about on my blog, but here, it’s all consolidated into one post.
chen kun is my face claim, and i do use stuff from tony’s story from the mcu as a base. however, there are events and moments from the movies, that i selectively ignore due to personal preference; and then i build on top of my foundation with ideas, themes, and/or events from other sources such as the aforementioned sources listed above.
throwing this all under a read more because, like i said: exhaustive list. very. very. very fucking long. i’m serious– read at your own risk.
howard stark was an extremely abusive and absent father for all of tony’s childhood; tony did actively seek attention and approval from howard because he was rather aware of how famous he was and wanted the acceptance and validation from his dad; there wasn’t much shown in the mcu regarding his relationship with his father, but my inspiration for his father-son relationship comes from the comics;
an example of his verbal abuse: “you don’t want to be a sissy, now do you? stark men are made of iron!” (Iron Man, 1968);
an example of early exposure to alcohol: at age five, howard forced a drink into tony’s hand (which he did drink), stating that it would teach him “to be a man,” and that it’d “put hair on your chest” (Iron Man, 1968);
yes, this means that tony ‘forgiving’ howard in endgame is completely chucked out the window;
tony loses his parents the night of december 16, 1996 (not 12/16/1991), at the age of seventeen;
jarvis, the family butler, was more of a father to tony than howard ever was, and yes, this is why he names his first fully-functioning AI system jarvis;
tony was close with his mother, maria; she was his safehouse, and she taught him to be gentle and loving, and she also taught him the piano, which tony still periodically practices during his own time in private. in an avengers assemble episode, there is a piano in the tower that tony protects twice, which i reckon is because it has connections to his past with maria;
tony ain’t an old grandpa. i don’t see him being older than, like, 35–40 in the present time for my writing (chen kun is 44). this comes from comic and avengers assemble inspiration, which has been fairly ambiguous since they never mention his age. for plotting purposes in the mcu though, yes, he can be like 42–52 if needed.
tony is, by default, single unless otherwise stated. the reason for this is simply because i’m not big on tony / pepper in the mcu, and it’s not because i don’t like pepper (i love her as a character as an individual), but i just saw that the way they were written (so, this, yes, blames the mcu writers) was completely trash; they sort of redeemed it in endgame, but... in general, they had a lot of potential but then some writing choices pretty much ruined the ship for me;
this means that morgan does not exist unless otherwise specified and discussed, though i do enjoy the concert of tony being a dad to his own kid and breaking that cycle of howard’s shitty parenting;
i’m going to be as honest and transparent as i can: i do, for certain, love writing stevetony. they’re my primary ship. not simply in mcu dynamics, but from the comics and avengers assemble. however, like some can attest to, i will never force a ship on anyone. if you express no interest in them romantically? that’s fine. we can write them simply as good friends and comrades. i won’t stop writing or plotting with you if you don’t like them in a romantic dynamic. if you do like it that way? cool. i know it might be intimidating to discuss this given i look like complete trash for them, but i never choose who i will/will not write with based on whether we ship or not;
tony, publicly, hints toward being bisexual and biromantic a lot of the time as he’ll practically flirt with anyone at all times, but he never really openly admits it due to his oh-so ancient internalized homophobia (thank you for that one, howard and societal expectations of the time);
justin hammer is a long time rival in the industry, and often meddles with tony and his work all the time. it’s nothing new. the lack of foundation established in IM2 doesn’t provide much insight into their relationship. long story short (taken from avengers assemble): hammer is a punk bitch who’s jealous and tony is tired of him and will gladly beat his ass any day of the week whenever he drives a tank into his front door (which happens more often than not).
tony is fantastic with children. he loves getting to interact with children because he knows how excited they are to see him and/or iron man (seen in both the mcu and in the comics). this type of attention he’s okay about. if he can inspire children to do good things and be good people and be heroes in their own right, then he’s doing his job;
tony fosters the intelligence and dreams of bright individuals all the time by offering scholarships for high school graduates and post-secondary students, and also provides internship opportunities (equal opportunities regardless of race, sex, gender, religion, disability status, age, etc.)
we only see this occur with peter and harley in the mcu, but there are other kids— like riri williams! tony sees these kids for the bright minds that they have and he wants to help them and keep them safe as he knows these are the brains of the future.
let me run over iron man 3. like i said, i ignore some shit from the movies. tony doesn’t initiate the clean slate protocol, he doesn’t throw the arc reactor into the ocean, and he doesn’t remove the arc reactor from his chest. he will get surgery to get the shrapnel removed because if i were the follow the pain that comes with the comics, tony would literally be always on the verge of death at all times, requiring a chest plate to be recharged constantly to make sure the shrapnel doesn’t get closer– see? that’s a lot and i’m... lazy.
the reason for those choices are simple: clean slate protocol undoes his character progression;
the arc reactor is just a part of him as a person, stands as his heart;
avengers movie nights, (video/board) game nights, and training days exist and you will never be able to pry that out of my hands. tony always shows up fashionably late with coffee and pays for when shit gets broken by thor. team building exercises exist plenty within avengers assemble, including the fact that they share chores and decides who gets to do the next load of laundry from whoever chooses the short stick from the bunch.
tony has had anxiety and depression since he was a child. it just didn’t really flare up and get identified as a real, tangible mess of emotions and thoughts until he’d been kidnapped (and nearly died, at that). it got worse when he failed to address it until after IM3. into the present-day, tony deals with anxiety, depression, and PTSD all the time, but has improved (…sort of) when it comes to handling all of it, and certainly has grown to recognize similar symptoms in the people he cares about;
on another hand, tony has displayed symptoms of ADHD, but it’s not officially diagnosed, and some of these symptoms include, but are not limited to: hyperactivity (staying awake for days on end) and hyperfocus (hyper-focus on work), distractible (easily distracted when he’s not focused on something), rambling (talks a lot and often makes rather intuitive connections due to how busy his brain functions), impulsivity and recklessness (self explanatory), constant need to move around and/or do something (in meetings, he will be moving somehow, whether it’s tapping fingers or feet, or shifting around in his seat);
there are days where he feels inferior due to how human he knows he is (in comparison to most of his team), and other days, he feels as though he’s more machine than he is man. these feelings fluctuate depending on how he’s doing with his mental health, and/or if he hears and/or sees anything about him that points toward either idea;
there is always overwhelming guilt for those he can’t keep safe or people that die; tony doesn’t like to kill anybody (unless it’s robots, because… they’re robots, not human lives); though, if pushed far enough with no other choice, he will throw conventional morality out the window for the sake of protecting all that he believes to be for the good of the world;
tony isn’t jacked. he isn’t captain america fit, but he isn’t particularly thin, either. his body is sort of like a runner’s build (for visuals, refer to valerio schiti’s comic art of tony). i interpret tony’s body as a slight bit slimmer. he exercises, and being in the suit also is its own form of exercise. god forbid we discuss his eating habits, though. and–– he also isn’t short short, but he isn’t tall, either. he sits at 5’10”, which might be a little below the average male, but that’s about it.
speaking of eating habits, simply put: tony can’t cook for shit and that’s it. he’ll try to cook for his significant others’ on the occasion, but he can’t be blamed if he burns everything.
tony isn’t ‘woke’ or perfect, as it’s imperative to remember he grew up as rich and with financial and some social class privilege (since he was rich), despite the abuse and harassment he experienced during his youth. it’s taken him time to recognize this, and he realizes it really doesn’t cost anything to be a better person, which is why he tries to be better when it comes to his tone of voice when discussing certain topics he has no authority to be speaking of, and by taking action with simple manual labour when it comes to chores (so he doesn’t hire other people to do shit for him). he also knows he can’t be a man of ‘all bark and no bite’ when it comes to supporting people and causes, hence why he actively advocates for female and youth empowerment through both words and actions.
in regards to ca:cw events, i would prefer to ignore them. for specific-plotting purposes, this can be dropped, but i prefer the events of avengers assemble when it comes to ‘civil war’. it’s actually really simple:
tony was not honest about his intentions with the team regarding a robot that was initially made for him by howard, which ended up with an ultron reboot that nearly risked loads of civilian lives and the team’s lives;
steve confronted tony about it when they returned back to avengers tower. with tony’s insistence that everything was now fine, steve decided to resign due to tony’s dishonesty and lack of trust in the team;
this splits the team in half, where steve takes— well, they decided to leave since they didn't like tony's lack of honesty— natasha, the hulk, and the falcon to work under SHIELD as the ‘secret avengers,’ and tony, clint, and thor remain as leftover avengers (later with the addition of ant-man and temporarily, spider-man, in some missions);
in the end, they all join back together after learning to appreciate their differences and reconciling under the fact that there wouldn’t be any more secrets that could risk the world, and the team’s safety;
if i am to follow the events of the mcu— between ca:cw and infinity war, he develops nanotech for his armour, which is embedded into his very skin to accommodate for nanobots, which interacts via neural transmissions (visuals here);
tony recognizes that he lost his temper and let his emotions get to him in the moment, which fucked up shit that could’ve been talked through and fixed;
tony is an alcoholic. he recognizes that he always will be, though he’s always working toward sobriety. he certainly relapses every so often when things are rough and he feels as if he has no other options, but he’s aware that relapsing is part of the process of recovery. he has attended AA meetings (alcoholics anonymous), and has been AA sponsors for people in the past;
to skim through the events of infinity war and endgame should these be part of the things you’re curious about (this is getting really long and i’m sure you’re tired of reading this—how have you gotten this far?):
after returning from space, tony took a few months (~ five) to recover from those three months of malnutrition, dehydration, and the wound of thanos’ stab. tony sealed the front of his injury, but he sure as hell wasn’t seen dealing with the back end. during this time, he’s able to regain some muscle mass;
he lives on his own, retreating to the cabin to escape from the responsibilities of being a fallen hero who ultimately failed the people he was supposed to protect.
during the five year gap, he keeps in contact with the other avengers, but very rarely. they’re the only ones who know where he lives;
like i said— tony does not say any of that forgiving bullcrap to howard. victims of abuse don’t have to forgive their abuser, parent or not. let’s just imagine the entire interaction didn’t happen at all;
tony doesn’t die;
he used the infinity stones; but, to maintain consistency with what the mcu established w/ thanos: he sustained significant damage to his right arm, up to the shoulder and neck. it’s gravely scarred. the overall function of that arm also diminished greatly. vision out of his right eye is not as sharp as it once was, either;
a year of recovery and physiotherapy later, tony decides to amputate and go for a prosthetic. he works with shuri and wakandan tech to build an arm;
despite the end of the looming, world-ending thread, tony still battles resurfacing trauma. not every day is happy, but he is working toward recovery. there are days he doesn’t remember chunks of what happened due to the power of the infinity stones; sometimes, he doesn’t even want to remember it, anyway;
tony retires. sort of. for the most part. if the world really needs iron man, he’ll be there;
tony may have handed CEO-ship to pepper, but he still handles a lot of work for stark industries, and that’s what he primarily does post-endgame.
the multiverse and realm-traveling happens a-fucking-lot 
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
We've seen Oscar extend a hand of mercy towards misguided foes such as Hazel in the show, but do you believe he would have the moral strength to risk his life and actively save someone whom he may dislike for personal reasons or would his doubts and reluctance win out over duty in the end?
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Hello again Al. This is actually a pretty great question. One I’ve considered beforeand my Pinehead headcanon is that Oscar is a selfless kind of kid---the kind of hero in themaking with the drive to risk his life for someone regardless of feelings orany emotional attachment he had to said person. Oscar would do it because it’s the right thing. Oscar strikes me as the type to do everything in his power tohelp if he can and this is extended to anyone he meets; friend or foe. If Oscarwas willing to take the chance to attempt to reason with Hazel in spite ofknowing he’s the enemy then I think he would definitely attempt to save someone;again friend or foe, so long as it is within his power. And ironically enough,Oscar is the type of character to be that unapologeticallyselfless. Not only does he have thereincarnation granted by the God of Light but he also has the potential to usemagic. Magic, in Remnant is literally the power of the Gods bestowing its userswith abilities beyond the likes of anything one has seen.
If magic can be used to turn regularhuman beings into animals and empower them with the forces of nature then whatelse can magic do? Instead of developing a god complex, I can see Oscar comingto view himself as a self-sacrificing saviour willing to put his life on theline because in his mind; he is the one person who can make that daringsacrifice and not have any severe repercussions.
Unlike all those huntsmen andhuntresses who died throughout Remnant’s history to decide the fate ofhumanity, Ozpin---Ozma and the other Wizards of Light have the advantage ofreturning. When one of them dies, he returns as another. I can see Oscar willing to die because in his head, his death will mean something. If he’salready going to lose himself to becoming the life of another then shouldn’t heat least ensure that his life---the one he still has control of goes outmeaning something.
It is for this reason why I think should Salemthreaten to attack Atlas with her army of Winged Beringels, Oscar wouldn’thesitate to surrender himself. He’d willingly hand himself over to the enemy ifit meant protecting or ensuring the safety of a kingdom full of innocent lives.One life in exchange for the lives of millions. Oscar would make thatsacrifice. The only folks who might be against that are the people who careabout the boy---the smaller, more honest soul that is Oscar. I’m seriouslylooking forward to seeing how that part of the Atlas Arc plays out and hope itisn’t turned into a disappointing mess since it’s an opportunity to developOscar’s character.
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I actually have two imagined scenariosthat can provide decent examples for Oscar’s noble side. Okay, so hear me outon this one. Once upon a time I was left a question prompt for any theories orideas for a Mombi/Tip interactions in RWBY. For my response, I depicted another bullycharacter reminiscent of CardinWinchester---a genderbent Mombi around Oscar’sage who acted as an antagonist to him during his attendance at Atlas Academy.For the sake of this theory, I will christen this boy Kid Mombi.
For this idea, it plays out similarlylike the events of Jaundice only with Oscar as the focus character. An Oscar-worthyarc of some sort. He attends Atlas. Unintentionally attracts the attention of alocal first year bully named Kid Mombi. Kid makes it his duty to ensure that Oscar’s first timeexperience at huntsmen academy is a living nightmare; harassing him to no endusing the detail about Oscar’s lack of experience as a huntsmen as a crutch tohumiliate him repeatedly. It gets to a point where Oscar becomes frustrated andconsiders quitting Atlas and being a huntsmen altogether. Fortunately he hadclose teammates such as Ruby and Jaune to help him through this tough ordeal.
Ruby offersto be Oscar’s Pyrhha---volunteering to aid him with hiscombat training through private lessons the two will share together. This is afeat I can definitely see Ruby doing for Oscar and she’s the most fittingcharacter to do this since she’s been in Oscar’s shoes before. She knows what it’slike to be the youngest huntsmen in an academy of older more experienced pupilsand have to work hard to prove her worth. Ruby was fortunate to have her familyand friends who believed in her and now she wishes to extend that hand toOscar; if he’d allow her.
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I can see Oscar being firmly against thisidea at first due to his pride. But ultimately, he’d accept Ruby’s help. Thetwo start training together thus providing a good bolster for their budding friendship to blossom further.
On Jaune’s end; he offers Oscar someadvice on how to deal with Kid Mombi, using his experience with Cardin to offerOscar some guidance. This acts as a great bonding moment for Oscar and Jaune tofurther solicit the idea of him ultimately joining JNR to revive JNPR. Isincerely hope that part of V7’s storyline with Oscar is building upon his tieswith the JNR gang; particularly Jaune as he is the leader of the team.
I pray that partof Oscar’s side of things for the next volume is showing him developing therelationships that will be most detrimental to his character growth and story OUTSIDEOF HIS SHARED STORY WITH OZPIN. TheWriters need to invest time into developing Oscar as his own character. It isadmittedly very disappointing that even after a full three-seasoned arc, Oscar still feels lessas his own person and more as a vessel through which the CRWBY Writers canprogress Ozpin’s story. Even when Ozpin is taken out of the story, nothing muchhas been done for Oscar’s character. I find it kind of odd that the narrative triesto paint the consensus that Oscar is his  own person yet the writing has done little to nothingto truly justify that; at least in a way that feels satisfactory to those of us who genuinely want to see this done for Oscar. LikeI said, he needs this.
But to be fair, this is only my opinion and asalways feel free to respectfullydisagree if my words sound too harsh. At thispoint, I feel as if the only way the Writers plan on fleshing out Oscar isthrough his relationships. I’m okay with this if done right and with people whocare about Oscar for Oscar and not his connection to Ozpin. They’ve done wellenough so far with making Ruby someone on Oscar’s side.
Another example is his growing comraderywith the JNR gang, particularly Jaune. I can see the JNR gang becoming Oscar’sfamily team---his brothers and sister in arm and I want this dynamic so badly.More than that, I want Oscar to earn this relationship of his own accord. Iwant to see Oscar prove that he would make a worthy addition to the JNR gang. I’dlove to see more moments of Oscar bonding with each member of JNR. Ren includedbecause as of now he’s the one person that Oscar hasn’t shared a bonding momentwith. 
This is why I like the idea of Ren being the one to suggest to Jaune tohave Oscar join their team. Jaune andNora have more or less had their moments with Oscar. Now all I need is one withRen to complete that trinity.
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I will be most displeased if the CRWBYWriters end up glossing over this development too and just have V7 begin withOscar already being a part of the reformed JNPR without showing how it got tothat. But I digress.
Going back to my example: so in theend, Oscar grows stronger through the help of his friends. It gets to a pointwhere he’s able to use what he learnt from them to protect Kid Mombi during atraining session that goes haywire. In spite of everything he put him through; Oscar saves Kid and in a twist, earns his respect. After this, Kid stops bullying Oscar and instead learns torespect him as a fellow huntsman. That’s one example involving a potential RWBYcharacter.
My next example is based on a theorywhere Oscar winds up unintentionallykilling Tyrion Callows. I know most fansare probably expecting Jaune Arc to be the one to do that but once more, hear me out. This theoryplays into my musing about Ruby andOscar being kidnapped by Tyrion to be taken to Salem only for the Rosebuds to make their daring escape; winding up stranded in the middle ofthe Dark Domain where they are forced to make the trek back to civilization.Granted there was one in such a dark world.
After failing to bring the children toher, Salem mercilessly disowns Tyrion for his failure, practically leaving himleft for dead in the Dark Domain too. This sends Tyrion into a psychoticbreakdown where he vows to hunt down Ruby and Oscar and bring them back to his goddess;dead or alive if he must.
So Tyrion begins his pursuit of thechildren and at some point, he manages to track down Ruby and Oscar. During hisassault, Tyrion poisons Ruby and threatens to take her life in front of Oscarif he didn’t play ‘good lil boy’ and surrender himself to him.
My Pineheadheadcanon is that should there be a standalone Dark Domain Arc involving Ruby and Oscar surviving together, it would provide theperfect setting for Oscar to hone his magical abilities. I still stand by myhunch where part of Oscar’ssemblance will enable him to take back Ozma’s magic from a Maiden; startingwith Cinder Fall.
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In the event that the CRWBY Writersplan on keeping Cinder in the main narrative and not have her killed off inAtlas, I can still see Cinderthreatening Ruby’s life before Oscar with him unlocking his semblance to saveher.
I’ve heard a number of ideas for Oscar’ssemblance from fellow Pineheads and RWBY theorists. But for this squigglemeister, I’m still sticking with his semblancebeing Nullification or Negation. I still feel as if Oscar willpossess the power to render another’s semblance useless; maybe even temporarilydisable it.
I also like this concept for theadditional detail of it having a unique effect on the Maidens. If Ozma possessed the ability to bestow his magicto the Maidens as he did in Isaac’s lifetime as the Hermit then I believe itwould be most fitting if Oscar’s truepower allows him to take that magic back. So inthe event that Cinder shows up, Oscar will relinquish her of her Fall Maidenmagic, rendering her powerless while he in turn regains a portion of hisoriginal magical strength; making him stronger than the average Maiden.
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So resuming my point with the DarkDomain Arc, my hunch is that during this potential storyline, Oscar would beforced to master full control of his magic since it plays an important role inhis and Ruby’s survival in the Dark Lands. While Ruby’s Silver Eyes kept themsafe from the Grimm, my belief is that Oscar’s magic offered them nourishmentand accommodation. Like since magic provides control of elements without theuse of dust, I figured it could be used to perform feats like manifest a rockenclosure for Oscar and Ruby to camp during their travels; create fire out ofthin air to keep them warm during the nights; grow food (or the closest thingto it) out the soil for them to eat.
I know the food part sounds a lilfarfetched. However in the World of Remnant episode on the Four Maidens, therewas a shot of the original Spring Maiden growing a sunflower in the palm of herhand I believe. It’s not even to say that she had a sunflower seed in her handthat she turned into a flower. She literally conjured it out of thin air. So ifmagic can do that then surely Oscar would be able to grow some kind of food tohelp him and Ruby through the trek. Even if it’s something as small as himgrowing a small apple tree out of thin air that him and Ruby could pick from.Oscar and Ruby are the two known beings in the series who share the God of Light’slight within them. Ruby has his eyes which can combat the Grimm and Oscar hasthe gift he gave to humanity centuries ago. That’s bound to count for somethingbut who knows.
Anyways, Tyrion threatens to kill Rubyand in a heated rage, Oscar uses his magic to subdue Tyrion. But to Oscar’sastonishment and Ruby’s; the kind of magic he manifests was one he’d never usedbefore. It was a darker kind of magic---one more akin to Salem’s. I can picture Tyriontaunting Oscar. Mocking him just to further enrage him. And when Oscar’s guardis down, he lunges to finish off the subdued Ruby only for Oscar to use hisdark magic again; putting Tyrion in such a tight death grip that heaccidentally crushes the Faunus; killing him in the process.
Imagine…Oscar using dark magic and his first act isusing it to kill someone out of unbridled rage. I can imagine Oscar being horrified by this. Even though Ruby does her best to comfort him and assure Oscarthat everything was going to be okay, Oscar is left traumatized at what he haddone. While Tyrion was an enemy. 
Someone Oscar tremendously disliked since heplayed a hand in Salem’s scheme to conquer Atlas kingdom; separating him and Rubyfrom their allies who they weren’t sure were still alive or dead. Despite beingthe reason the two rosebuds wound up stranded in the Dark Domain far away fromthe security of their loved ones on their own. In spite of the grief thescorpion Faunus had caused them, Oscar believed he didn’t deserve to die theway he did. By his hands. With his power. Something that was meant to be good. Do good.
It was the first time Oscar had comeclose to being exactly likeSalem and that thought frightened him most ofall.
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So yeah, that’s my answer. Does this answer your question Al? Let me know if it does and as always, thanks for asking fam.
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whatwewrotepodcast · 5 years
Character Profile - Ithuriel
Basic Statistics  
Name: Ithuriel Age: 6 months or eternity, depends how you look at it Nationality: Currently American, formally Divine Socioeconomic Level as a child: N/A Socioeconomic Level as an adult: Low Hometown: Heaven Current Residence: Brooklyn, New York Occupation: Enforcer for Raif Income: N/A Talents/Skills: Proficient with a range of hand guns, good aim, also competent in hand-to-hand fighting, and the use of a spear in both ranged and hand-to-hand combat.   Salary: N/A Birth order: 3rd of 7 Siblings (describe relationship): Technically the other 6 Arc Angels are his brothers and sisters. Previously a good relationship with most of them, though he was closest to Gabriel, Amitiel and Raphael, however his relationship with Gabriel suffered after his fall.   Spouse (describe relationship): N/A Children (describe relationship): N/A Grandparents (describe relationship): N/A Grandchildren (describe relationship): N/A Significant Others (describe relationship): N/A at commencement of TSC Relationship skills: Ithuriel’s relationship skills are not the best. He has a tendency to be prickly and overreactive, and often blows things out of proportion. He can be shy and reserved and hard to get to know. He makes up for these deficits by being a genuinely kind, warm person who never intends to hurt anyone, and generally feels guilty when his actions adversely affect those he cares about.  
More beneath the cut
Physical Characteristics:  Height: 6’2” Weight: 110kg Race: Caucasian   Eye Colour: Golden Hair Colour: Dirty/Dark blonde Glasses or contact lenses? No Skin colour: Fair, but with a bit of a golden hint, tans easily Shape of Face: Sharp, strong jawline, high cheekbones, long, straight nose. Overall impression of hard, clean lines, very little softness.   Distinguishing features: Two large, nasty scars down his back, from shoulders to hips. A pair of stylised Angel wings tattooed on the inside of his left wrist and a tattoo of an ornate spearhead on the inside of his right forearm.   How does he/she dress? Jeans, usually fairly loose cut, blue. Black or grey long-sleeved shirts or t-shirts. Black trench coat, military style boots, a scarf if it’s cold. Always muted tones though, never wears colour, always black/white/grey.   Mannerisms: Often runs his fingers through his hair when he’s troubled. Pinches the bridge of his nose when he’s thinking hard or when things are driving him to frustration.   Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Has a fondness for chocolate, but nothing that really counts as a habit per se.   Health: About as good as can be. More than human. Doesn’t suffer from most human illnesses or diseases, has improved healing from injury and is able to survive with less food, water and rest than the average human.   Hobbies: Currently doesn’t really have hobbies, though he does like to people watch. Favourite Sayings: N/A Speech patterns: Tends towards overly formal language, doesn’t use a lot of contractions, does have a New York accent but it’s towards the more upper class end of the scale, and sometimes veers into a very generic, hard to locate sort of American accent.   Disabilities: N/A   Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Professionally broody chic. Tends towards the shabby side though.   Greatest flaw: His short temper. He had a propensity to explode over minor issues, has a very short fuse, and often says things in fits of anger that he later regrets.   Best quality: A genuine kindness and love for humanity.   Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes  Educational Background: None Intelligence Level: Technically very high – he’s an Angel and so has divine intelligence, but his lack of experience in the world means most of the time that intelligence is of very little use to him as it hasn’t got anything to back it up.   Any Mental Illnesses? Technically no, though it could be argued he has a bit of PTSD about his Fall.   Learning Experiences: Everything is a learning experience for Ith. He’s been living on earth for just over 6 months and so everything, from learning how to safely cross the road to making toast are learning experiences of him.   Character's short-term goals in life: Work off his debt to Raif and be able to live his life free of debt and restrictions.   Character's long-term goals in life: Get back to Heaven.   How does Character see himself/herself? Ithuriel has a pretty complicated relationship with himself. On the one hand, he’s quite proud. He was an arc, and as such had quite a high opinion of himself. He was very powerful, there were few who could tell him what to do or how to do it. He was convinced of his own righteousness. However, since his Fall, his sense of worth took a bit of a hit. He still sees himself as ‘better’ than most humans, more moral, more ethical, but he also fell, and that took some of the wind out of his sails. He is now conflicted about who he is and what his existence means, and where he stands in the world.   How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Ithuriel doesn’t think much of how other people see him, especially at the start of the story. He doesn’t think much about other people’s internal worlds. However, as he develops, he does start to worry that people think of him as a bit stuffy, a bit uncool, and a bit overly righteous.   How self-confident is the character? Initially very, but he lost a lot of faith in himself and his ability to make the right decisions when he Fell.   Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Definitely ruled by emotion – probably one of his greatest flaws is letting his feelings get in the way of making the sensible, logical decision.   What would most embarrass this character? Any reference towards sexuality or sexual activity, especially towards the start of the story.   Emotional Characteristics Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert How does the character deal with anger? Very, very badly. Mostly by letting it explode all over the place. He has a short fuse.   With sadness? He lets himself feel it, but only within himself. He doesn’t tend towards being demonstrative about his emotions.   With conflict? Again, not well. He tends to shout first and think later.   With change? He’s gone through a lot of changes recently and considering the magnitude of them, he coped remarkably well. That said, he did struggle a lot with readjusting to his new role in life.   With loss? By suppressing it until it bursts out of him in explosions of jealousy towards those who have that which he has lost.   What does the character want out of life? At the moment, he’s just trying to do with best with what he has.   What would the character like to change in his/her life? He would go back to Heaven and get his wings back.   What motivates this character? Partially the desire to get back to Heaven, though he rarely admits it to himself. Mostly a deeply in-ground sense of what is right and what is wrong and the desire to correct the wrongs and do the right thing.   What frightens this character? The idea of dying alone, in a strange world, and going to Hell. The thought of becoming corrupted and evil and losing the parts of him he sees as ‘good’.   What makes this character happy? Simple things such as chocolate, watching people who are happy, the feeling that he has made the right decisions, Merry.   Is the character judgmental of others? Oh boy yes. Incredibly judgemental, though often he feels a bit bad about his original impressions once he gets to know people.   Is the character generous or stingy? Generous.   Is the character generally polite or rude? He likes to think he’s polite, but often he can be a bit rude, in part because he doesn’t understand social cues very well and in part because he’s just a bit brusque and too self important to worry about the ‘niceties’.   Spiritual Characteristics Does the character believe in God? God literally created him and he knows Him personally, so yah he does.   What are the character's spiritual beliefs? He doesn’t have beliefs, he has knowledge.   Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Not really, because Ith doesn’t need to ‘believe’ in things. He knows and understands the truth of the world and the Heavens so it’s not a spiritual experience for him, it’s just his reality.   If so, what role does it play? N/A How the Character is Involved in the Story  Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Hero/Romantic interest   Scene where character first appears:  
Ithuriel shifted his weight, pins and needles tingling down his legs. He sighed, a brief allowance of impatience.  He was crouching uncomfortably on the edge of a low building, his gaze fixed on the dark street below. It was nearing dawn and the streets were empty with the early morning hush. A biting breeze was whistling around the edges of the stout brick buildings, its prying fingers reaching under coats, lifting hats, and chilling blood. He turned the collar of his heavy trench coat up against the cold, but didn’t dare shift his position. In the quiet, even the slightest of sounds would carry. He’d been hunched on the exposed rooftop for hours now, and he was damned if he was going to risk startling his quarry for the sake of a moment’s release.    
Relationships with other characters: 1. Merry -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).
Ithuriel initially sees Merry as a bit of a helpless human in need of rescuing, though it doesn’t take long before he begins to see her as more of an important tool to use against Moloch. He’s bemused by her and the often flippant attitude she takes towards life. She’s the first human he’s had prolonged contact with and she forces him to re-evaluate the way in which he perceives humans and accept them as individuals rather than one sort of mass that he can judge all together. As they get to know each other better, Ithuriel starts to respect Merry’s independent nature and her bravery in the face of a world that’s much bigger than anything she ever knew before. This respect soon turns to friendship before developing into something deeper.  
2. Belial: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).
Ithuriel’s relationship with Belial is initially antagonistic. Ithuriel fears becoming what he sees in Belial and as a result tries to push Belial to be better to assuage his own fears of losing himself without hope of return. It quickly becomes important to Ithuriel that Belial choose the right side though this is primarily a reflection of his insecurities. Belial becomes a proxy through which he tries to convince himself that he can still be saved. Over time, this attitude shifts towards a genuine desire to see Belial save himself, and an appreciation for who Belial is as a person.   How character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began: 
Ithuriel’s arc is one of coming to accept his new existence and appreciate the grey areas that make life so interesting. He begins to see the value in people and the ways in which they can be good and worthwhile without having to adhere to a strict sense of morality. By the end, he has come to realise that humanity is worth saving because of the intrinsic value of life, and all the beauty and wonder that humanity has created.  
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novarasalas · 5 years
Second Look Review: Lion’s Pride 1 & 2
Part 1
So, this is it. The final battle for Earth. Everything that’s happened this season has been preparing us for this very moment.
I’m sweating, guys.
This is nonstop action. So many things are happening at once. So many bad things are happening to the protagonists at once.
I’ve heard the showrunners say several times now that this series is a call back to all the mecha shows from the past, and that’s it’s made for the fans of those shows. I’ve heard plenty of people talk about how nostalgic it makes them, and how it reminds them of watching the shows they used to love.
I was too young for the original run of Voltron, though, and I never really had access to other shows like Macross.
So, I understood in principle, but that same feeling didn’t hit me until these two episodes.
And now I'm’ going to talk about myself for a bit.
I can’t even tell you the feeling I was overcome with the first time I watched The Power Rangers. It’s 1993, I’ve been 7 years old for three days, it’s Saturday, and my mind has just been blown. I can’t tell you what it was about the show, but all I knew was that I wanted to be a Power Ranger very, very badly. I can’t, though. But at least I can make believe every Saturday morning.
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Difficulty: I’m a girl. Girls aren’t supposed to like things like that. Martial arts, weapons, fighting? Inappropriate!
So, as my first act of rebellion, I became a wholly dedicated fan to this weirdly , edited-for-american-audiences sentai show.
I still have that guitar riff stuck in my head. It plays for me when I do things that my parents would find...unladylike.
So, from that day on, my love of mecha shows was on. My parents eventually relented, and I treasured the one action figure we could afford. It was the pink ranger, of course.
But I eventually grew out of my Power Rangers phase, and for years that love lay dormant. Sure, there were other shows out there, animated and live action, but I had no way of getting to them.
Then we got cable, which had Cartoon Network. And Cartoon Network had Toonami.
I was 13 years old, staying up past midnight to watch only-lightly-censored anime, and every night my mind was blown.
Gundam Wing was my drug of choice.
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And if my parents hated me watching the Power Rangers, they absolutely despised me watching this.
Despite the protagonists all being 15 years old, Gundam Wing was a mature story. It told of the hells of war, sacrifice, desperation, politics, romance?, and so many other things. It was so very cool.
My parents eventually relented on this, too. I still have the models they bought me.
I was waaaaayyy too into Gundam Wing. I threw myself headlong into the fandom, consuming every fanwork I possibly could. I spent hours going through Geocities web rings trying to find worthwhile fanfiction and fan art (my fave pairing was 1x2, btw.)
Eventually, I came to realize: this show is actually kinda boring. there’s no humor in it. It just...wasn't interesting to me anymore. It was my thing for years, and then suddenly...I was over it.
But it still holds a special place in my heart.
And I told you all of that to tell you this:
The space battles in these episodes remind of of the finale of Gundam Wing.
I felt a good bit of nostalgia, something that doesn't hit me very often. It was nice.
And that nostalgia reminded me of my first rebellion, when I as a girl liked epic space battles and giant combining mechs and nothing was going to take that away from me.
In a way, I still feel like I’m rebelling. And you know what? Being bad still feels so good.
I’m happy to have this show.
- - -
Atlas, known in Greek mythology, held the Earth upon his shoulders. That’s the story these days, anyway. The original myth is that he held up the celestial spheres, in which the stars and planets resided. He’s holding it all up, is what I’m saying.
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It’s very easy to see Shiro in all of this. He’s the leader of Earth’s forces, and is part of the last line of defense against Sendak. That’s a lot of responsibility. And he takes it all upon himself. He doesn’t hesitate to go to Sendak’s ship to disable it.
...could this guy be any more of a hero?
But we can’t forget about the ship Atlas, or it’s crew
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This thing is a beast, and has no right being so powerful. And without the ship, and without the crew to maneuver it into position to block the cannons, the Earth would have been done for. They didn’t do this because Shiro ordered them to.
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Shiro may be the face of the Atlas, but the ship would be nothing without it’s crew.
Back to Shiro now.
This fight he has with Sendak is...just insane. It’s so raw and personal, I almost felt like maybe I should avert my eyes.
But I won’t, for reasons.
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Quick question: How are either of them surviving this fall? They’re on the outside of a ship thats falling through the atmosphere, without helmets, and fighting. It’s a sight to behold, for sure, but it’s a bit much.
I’ll let it go, thought, just like I’ll let go the fact that the falling ship hit terminal velocity and didn’t leave a 100 mile wide crater.
I have to ignore that, because Shiro is defeated. And then this happens:
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Keith first killed the two pirates in the third episode, then Macidus in the sixth. Before that, none of the Paladins had been shown to kill anyone. I’m still sad about it, in a way. But...better Sendak, than Shiro.
This all seems very symbolic. Everyone seems to have their own ideas about what exactly it means.
In part, I would say this is another moment of Keith never giving up on Shiro. It’s not even about repaying his debt to him; you could argue that that debt was paid in full with interest a long time ago.
Keith knows how much Shiro has been hurt. From here on out, he’s going to make sure that no one ever hurts Shiro again.
As for people saying that Shiro should have been to one to kill Sendak….
I think that the less he has to fight, to kill, to call back those days in the arena, the more he can heal from the trauma of being The Champion.
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- - -
So that’s dealt with. Sendak’s dead. Earth is safe.
How’s everyone feeling?
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….ugh...stop that...lol.
Ok, whatever. Let’s go home.
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Mmm..yeah. This may as well happen.
Part 2
This fight is really something.
First off, I couldn’t help but think that this mech looks like Livia sas Junius from Final Fantasy XIV.
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Everything about this fight is terrifying and frustrating. They just won, and for the first time this season, too! And now they’re losing again.
We see now again what was proven in season 6: Voltron was once the most powerful thing in the universe. But time does this funny thing of marching on, and things tend to change along the way.
Speaking of changing…
Shiro experiences stress-induced-mech building.
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This whole process is amazing. The animation, the music, the timing...everything! Paired with the fact that I had no idea this was going to happen, I was blown away.
And we have no idea how or why this is happening. Could it be the Castleship crystal they installed in the ship? Is it the gem powering his arm? Could it be both? We definitely get some centering shots on those two items as the transformation happens.
Before, we’d been told that the comet ore had be the catalyst for Voltron’s indescribable abilities. But the Atlas is made from Earth materials, save for the new crystal.
Is it Shiro himself?
We don’t know what’s really happening with him. From Haggar’s experiments on him, to being trapped within Voltron’s quintessence, to being pulled away from the Black Lion and placed into a new physical form, a lot of magical hoodoo voodoo has been happening to him.
And let’s not forget: Haggar was most likely using him, in someway, to enter Oriande.
So, why did the Atlas transform? Because Shiro. I don’t know why, or how, but it couldn’t have happened with anyone else.
And with this new creation, he’s going to save his friends. Or...he’ll try to.
Now, for as much as I love the concept of the Atlas, I have a bit of a complaint.
So, I’m watching this thing transform, and everything is light and wonder. And then..I saw it:
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Shiro, probably: Fine! I’ll make my own Voltron! With blackjack! And hookers!
Have you ever been watching something and you feel all things at once?
That’s how I felt.
At first, it was like:
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then I was like 
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and then it was back to
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Then I paused the show and did the dishes.
Friends, I hate to say this, but...I don’t like how the Atlas looks. At all.
That transformation sequence had me high on wonder, but when it finished, I crashed back down, hard.
No amount of “ooo she thicc” jokes are gonna save me on this one.
...look at it’s legs!
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And what really gets me is that it threw me off so much, that I kinda checked out for the rest of the episode. That’s why these are the Second Look Reviews; because I was being too ridiculous the first time to appreciate them.
I’ve gotten over it at this point, but I was feeling an all consuming “what the hell did I just witness?” at the time.
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Back to it, though.
Shiro transformed that whole damn ship on his own. He saw his friends in danger and he just...did that.
And it was enough to distract the enemy, but not enough.
Thankfully, Voltron was there to save the day.
And then…
Look, this was stressful. You know they’re going to make it; there’s another season left, for god’s sake! And Voltron, while dramatic and sometimes sad, is a hopeful story.
Our heroes can’t die, not now, not like this.
But they don’t know that.
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The transition to the funeral, with the lions in the background, was a cruel, cruel fakeout. The emotion in Shiro’s voice here really made me think for a second that maybe they’d actual, ya know...done it.
But it’s ok.
Everyones ok.
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And now, there’s the hope.
The entire universe is coming together to help the Paladins rebuild their home. The team has done so much for the universe, and have nearly sacrificed everything doing so (several times at this point).
This is the good ending. It’s happy, it’s uplifting.
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It’s not ending.
In summary:
It’s all intense battles and wild nostalgia. These episodes were beautifully put together, from scripting to animation to voice acting.
But just when things were nice and understandable, we get more questions. Questions that I can only hope we get answers to.
Next up: I’ve got a review summary coming up. I’ll talk about my thoughts on this season, the series as a whole, and discuss a few things about next season.
And I took this screenshot
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it doesn't have anything to do with my review, but I noticed that curl on the side of Lance’s face. It’s cute. I wanted to share.
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I need to get something off my chest and do a little PSA at the same time. I can’t believe there is even a need to say this, but it’s something that comes up frequently at my job and tonight’s incident was a good reminder: If there is an emergency incident in your area i.e. an accident, medical emergency, fire, shooting, etc., PLEASE DO NOT go towards the incident. I know that human curiosity can overcome better judgement, but for the love of little fluffy kittens, AVOID THE INCIDENT AREA if at all possible. If you are in the area at the time of the incident, please vacate the premises as soon and as safely as possible.Please do not argue with emergency personnel when you are asked to leave. This includes listening to Security Officers. The fewer people whose safety we have to worry about during a given incident, the better. 
My priority during an event is first of all for the safety and well being of any victims of said incident, then the safety and well being of the first responders so they can safely and effectively do their jobs.Somewhere in the mix, I need to maintain my own safety and well being. This becomes a very complicated juggling act when I am trying to keep an eye on the completely uninvolved looky-loos who blow past my blockades and refuse to listen to directions because they need to have the perfect snap for their Instagram, or Facebook , or what-the-fuck ever thing is more important than their own safety and the safety of those around them. When orders are ignored, I then have to waste time and energy, as well as divert attention, from the incident in order to make sure that somebody doesn’t end up getting in the way of important emergency response, or end up in a situation where they can get hurt or killed. Please, If you don’t need to be there, don’t be there. Likes and upvotes are not worth your life or the life of someone around you. 
Fun Fact: You can and will be arrested if you are seen to be a threat to emergency personnel or if your actions are determined to be interfering with emergency operations.
All that being said, fires seem to be the biggest draw for crowds. While I understand that our monkey brain tends to go “ooh...fire pretty,” tell the monkey to hush up because fire also hot and VERY dangerous. Fires can be very unpredictable and things can go from just a little smoke to oh-holy-fuck-we’re-all-gonna-die in a pretty spectacular hurry. This is especially true for brush and grass fires. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the inferno that is the US west coast and a large portion of Europe right now. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
You back? Good. See how nuts that all got in a hurry? You know what we don’t need in these situations? People who ignore orders because for some reason they think that emergency responders don’t know what they’re talking about and their Snapchat photo or YouTube video is more important. Placing yourself in a position of danger means that now the firefighter/police officer/EMT/security officer has to stop what they are doing and go save you, thus placing themselves in danger. If that person ends up in trouble, then another responder needs to initiate a rescue. You can see how this can cause a chain reaction of Bad Stuff Happening and People Getting Hurt or Dying Unnecessarily. It can also cause some serious trauma when the situation escalates and emergency personnel have to make the decision to let people die because a rescue attempt is too dangerous. Think about that for a moment.
Side note: I completely understand the drive that people have to get personal effects or check on your home, but at the end of the day, those are just things. Things can be replaced. YOU cannot be replaced. If there is someone trapped in a hazard zone, please notify the appropriate people so that a proper rescue can be initiated.
This is why it is important to have an evacuation plan for both you and your pets.If you or someone in your residence is disabled, having a good evac plan is SUPER important. If anyone has some good tips for this, please chime in. It’s late and I’m achy and tired, so I’m spacing on some of the detailed info here.
 If you can afford one, bank safe deposit boxes are good places to keep important documents like insurance info, passports, birth certificates, emergency cash, etc. If you don’t want to go that route, a small fireproof safety box is a good option (small, portable handgun safes are always good and they run about $90-200 dollars US). Personally, I keep a go bag both in the house and in my truck that has stuff for both me and my dogs.
So, for those wondering, the incident at work involved a fast moving brush fire that came VERY close to the building where I work (thankfully it was after 5pm and most folks had gone home for the day). While the building itself did not need to be evacuated, I needed to keep the parking area nearest the fire and the roadway clear to allow for fire personnel to get in and, y’know, PUT OUT THE FIRE. Somehow, this was a very difficult concept for people to grasp. My main job was traffic control, which...did not go well. I’m still trying to figure out why “Please turn around and vacate the area” was met with hostile reactions such as “Fuck off, cunt,” “Whatever, bitch,” and the two separate attempts by different Dudebros to run me over.
After a while I had a decent crowd that had gathered to watch the fire in an area that I needed to keep clear in case the fire department needed to stage equipment (for those of you wondering, I had no help due to being chronically short-staffed on my shift because budget cuts, blah blah...whatever. Also, police support had been dispatched to the more critical side of the building, which was not the side I was on. Such is my life). Anyway, once again, my attempts to clear the area were met with either being completely ignored until I was forced to approach each person, thus taking my attention away from making sure the firefighter’s area was clear and safe, or incomprehensibly rude responses because people hate being told “No.”
One lady even threatened to put me on YouTube and sue me because I was being “hostile.” Okay, Karen, first off, you are on private property, and second, I only raised my voice at you because you refused to listen the first two times I asked (politely) for you to put your phone away and leave, and my patience was wearing thin. Judging from the haircut, I expected you to demand to speak to my manager, but thank god for the battalion chief who got on his PA system to assist me.
 It should be noted that at this point the fire was rapidly moving towards the gathered crowd and the smoke was getting really bad. This is where I need to remind you that any uniformed personnel is to be listened to, be they Security or police/fire/EMS. I’m not directing you to leave because I think it’s fun, I’m trying to keep everyone safe and make sure the firefighters can do their jobs effectively. That includes you, newspaper photographer who I had to physically remove from the area because the press doesn’t give two shits about anyone but themselves and you were literally standing on a water hose less than 20 feet from a fireman with flames coming towards you for fuck sake!
So, long story short, it took over an hour to get non-essential persons cleared from the area and get things calmed down enough that I could take a very smokey breath.No one was hurt and the fire was extinguished within a few hours. All in all, a stressful day, but definitely not the worst one I’ve ever had. But it did remind me to remind you all of this:
1. Please avoid critical incidents at all costs. If you don’t need to be there, DON’T.
2. If, for whatever reason, you are on scene at a critical incident, if you are not authorized or qualified to help, please stay out of the way.Clear the area as soon as you are able. I greatly prefer live witnesses over dead heroes.
3. PLEASE listen to the directions given to you by emergency personnel. Our priority is to keep everyone safe and get everyone home ALIVE.
4. Have an evacuation plan. Know it. Love it. It is your friend.
Anyway, it’s late, I’m tired, and my throat is killing me from both shouting commands and breathing in smoke and coughing for the past 4 hours. Be safe. Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk.
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