#i knew a few people in their production of legally blonde! as in like. personally.
basilpaste · 6 months
i have a hatchetfield oc who i dont talk about ever but hes the pushover resident stage manager of the starlight theatre. his real legal christian name is 'fable' but everyone calls him able instead. he looks like hes about to pass out at any given time.
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markosmate · 3 years
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Pairing; Marko x Emerson!Reader
Summary; Moving to a different state with your younger brothers and mother just to live with your grandfather was hard enough, but falling in love with a vampire and then watching your brother do the same thing? Much different story.
Warnings; strong language
au://  Welp lovelies I had promised you a Marko series in February that I started writing while I was manic, then after writing a good five/six chapters I fell into a deep dark hole of depression and didn’t write anything but sad, worthless poetry about a boy I’m in love with who doesn’t love me back :) But now it’s May, a spark of inspiration and happiness has suddenly hit me and I’ve come back to this series to finally deliver it to you!! I hope y’all like it cause I literally stress cried over finishing it three different times :,)
I’d also like to point out that any kind of feedback at all is so so appreciated. Most of my inspiration comes from feeding off of people’s reactions to what I write. So if you enjoy it or have any recommendations or comments at all please please don’t be shy to send me an ask or DM or even comment to let me know :( Thank you and enjoy!!
Part 2
I wasn’t exactly mad about moving, there was nothing holding me in Phoenix that I would be particularly sad about leaving behind. The only thing that struck a nerve was that it was dumped out of nowhere on me. Suddenly Mom had divorced Dad, let him keep everything, and made plans with Grandpa for us to move into his place with him. A little prior warning would have been appreciated, but regardless when we were told it didn’t change the fact that everything we knew was changing. Sam wasn’t happy about it at all, leaving his friends, leaving Dad. Michael... well Michael didn’t really have an opinion. In my view, he was just indifferent. He didn’t really care where the hell we were as long as he had a motorcycle, a job, and some hot chicks to swoon over.
But here we were, packed into Mom’s truck and driving through a town that I’d most likely have memorized like the back of my hand in a good few days. As the three in the car argued over which station to keep on, I turned my head and leaned my forehead on the window of the car. I watched the beach as we drove along the road, and admired the waves hitting against the sand.
I was ready to drift off until we got to Grandpa’s house when a short, exited yell left Mom’s lips. “Oh!” She grinned happily as Sam landed on a station familiar to her. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Oh, that’s from my era! Grooving on a Sunday afternoon!” She sung along with the song as Sam threw his head back and groaned in protest. I laughed at her antics, enjoying seeing my Mom acting so carefree and happy. 
“Alright, keep going, keep going.” Mom and Sam agreed with each other at the same time, Mom leaning over to continue skipping through the stations. Finally, the next station was agreed on and my pounding head thanked the universe for the quiet that I hadn’t been able to achieve the entire drive here. “Hey we’re almost there!”
“Ugh,” Sam scrunched his nose up in disgust after taking a deep breath. I leaned forward to wrap my arms around his head-rest and pull my face closer to the open window. The pungent smell hit me, and I recognized it immediately, low tide, but it wasn’t bad - anything to do with the beach was calming to me regardless. “What’s that smell?”
“Ah!” Mom breathed in deeply and turned to share a knowing grin with me, “That’s the ocean air!”
I turned to look at the welcoming sign, taking in the colors and faded lettering. “Smells like someone died.” Sam muttered as Mom tutted at him softly. 
“That’s likely.” I muttered to Michael, nudging his head in the direction of the back of the sign, where in big red spray-painted letters sat the phrase “Murder Capitol of the World.”
“Aw guys, I know the last year hasn’t been easy. But I do think you’re really going to enjoy living in Santa Carla.” Mom tried to remain happy about the situation, but a shared glance with Michael after we both read over the sign revealed there wasn’t much he was excited for.
The rest of the drive only increased my excitement. Hippies galore filled the streets, a large amusement park covered most of the boardwalk, and the rest was filled with small shops and food stands. We stopped for awhile so Mom could give some teenagers rummaging through garbage some money to eat and so Michael could unhinge his bike and ask around for job openings, but before I could even think to step out of the car and get a look around we were already heading into the backroads to get to Grandpa’s house.
Grandpa’s house was farther into the plains than expected, but still only a good fifteen to twenty minute drive away from town. Before Mom could ever fully park the car, I had already jumped out and was looking around the property. Michael pulled his bike up next to Mom’s car, and they all took a good few seconds to look around at all the wood carvings and chimes before turning their vehicles off. I took note of the horses grazing in one of the back fields before walking around the front of the truck and seeing a man laying on his back across the front porch steps.
Sam lead the way towards him before Mom cut in front and marched up the steps to squat beside him. “Dad?” She questioned gently. “Dad?” The three of us leaned closer to get a better look.
“Looks like he’s dead.” Michael remarked.
“Like... really dead.” I quipped in, raising an eyebrow at Mom.
“No, no. He’s just a deep sleeper.” She brushed our comments off.
“If he’s dead can we go back to Phoenix?” Sam remarked, earning a snort from me and a sharp look from Mom. 
Suddenly Grandpa sat up, a cocky smirk apparent on his face. “Playing dead. And from what I hear, doing a damn good job of it.”
Sam rolled his eyes in exasperation before Mom laughed faintly. “Oh, Dad!”
That night, Mom decided that it would be good for the four of us to leave the house after a night of unpacking and explore the boardwalk when it’s at its liveliest. I could admit it looked much more enjoyable now that it was dark and a little chilly, the sweaty people that had been occupying it earlier were now less sweaty and more stoned.
Almost as soon as Mom’s car and Michael’s bike were parked, Mom sent us off on our own so she could spend some time staking out a job in one of the family-owned shops. “Do you think she’ll be able to find one?” Sam questioned as the three of us weaved through crowds, trying to find our way to the beach concert. We could certainly hear it, we were just having a bit of trouble actually getting to it.
“One what? A job?” Michael scoffed as if it was hard to believe, still bitter over the fact there was no legal jobs for him to get hired in.
I laughed, elbowing him softly in the side, knowing that this place was exactly his vibe and in time he would most likely come to love living here. Sam was the only one I was actually worried about. “She’ll probably be able to find one. What, with all these missing people, there’s bound to be tons of job openings.”
“You’re telling me. It’s like there’s hundreds of bullet-boards around every corner with dozens of people missing. This place really is the Murder Capital.” Michael remarked as the concert finally came into our line of sight.
“Don’t say that!” Sam pleaded, shoving Michael’s shoulder with his eyebrows knitted tightly.
Michael just held his hand up in surrender and with one last shrug of his shoulders he turned to me. “You checking out the shops? We’ll find you once we get bored.”
“Sounds like a plan.” I agreed, turning sharply on my heel and blindly making my way back into the crowd. The concert was loud, sweaty, and crowded, and it wasn’t even my style of music - the last thing I wanted to do was spend my first night there. I figured it would be much more productive if I were to check out all the shops and stands running up and down the entire area, maybe find some new pieces of jewelry, or even a possible summer job opportunity.
Many places caught my eye, and I made a mental note to check them out the next time I had free money to spend, as it wouldn’t be wise for me to make an impulse-buy when I’m so close to being completely broke. Instead a small stand in the middle of the walkway drew me to it. A piercing stand. One person working on someone already sitting on the chair. There was a large wall selection of different studs, and many different kinds of disinfectants lined along the counter.
I walked closer to the wall, admiring all the different designs they had. I’d absolutely love to get a helix or orbital piercing, but I knew it wasn’t the wisest to spend money doing something like that at a small stand on a boardwalk in Santa Carla of all places. I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts when a voice spoke up directly behind me.
“It’s a scam, you know.” I jumped, hand flying to my chest, and whipping around to look at the owner. A teenage boy, my age, maybe a little older, with long curly blond hair and a grin that could have probably wooed me into his bed by the end of the night had he not literally just scared the shit out of me.
I laughed breathlessly, shaking my head. “What is?”
“The piercings. If you need one done, I could do it for you. But they use the guns instead of a needle which will definitely infect if you’re planning on doing a cartilage one.” He explained with a tilt of his head as he turned and began making his way towards the restaurants. I took that as an invite to follow, jogging to catch up and walking next to him.
“You know a lot about piercings?” I tried to make small talk, not wanting him to get away just yet.
He nodded with a confident smirk. “I did my own, and my friends. Someone had to learn.” I laughed a little at his mock-annoyed tone and shoved my hands into my pockets to appear to be doing something. He suddenly stopped and turned to me, holding out his hand. “Marko, by the way.”
“Ivory.” I accepted his hand and we both shook, hard and firm.
“You’re new.” He nodded as if finally understanding something that had been going on inside his own head. “I would’ve noticed you before if you’d been here all along.”
We dropped each other’s hand and I gave him a quizzical look. “What do you mean by that?”
He barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Nothing rude, you’re just too gorgeous to go unnoticed around here.” Before I could reply, another voice cut in from a few yards away.
“Marko! Marko, man, we’re supposed to meet David in ten!” I looked over to see another punk-looking dude calling out to Marko with his hands cupped around his mouth.
I laughed and look back towards the curly blond. “See you around?”
He nodded in confirmation, sending me one last crooked smile before turning to jog over to his other friend. I turned as well, making my way back into the crowd and away from the middle lane stands. I didn’t make it very far before the body of my youngest brother crashed into my side. I glanced down at him in bewilderment as we used each other to steady ourselves.
“Sam? Aren’t you supposed to be with Michael?” I laughed as he looked as though he’d just had the weirdest conversation of his life.
“Well, I was. Then he saw some girl at the concert and wandered after her so I went to check out the comic store.” He explained, shrugging before letting his eyes wander around once more in search of Michael. I rolled my eyes, of course Michael left Sam behind to go chase after some girl. It didn’t take long to find him, he was only a little further down the stretch of restaurants. He was more towards the end, walking out of the crowd near where the last building - a bar - sat in place.
We walked up behind him, and as soon as I was at his side I followed his eyes to a girl who was walking behind a small child, hand on his shoulder, and steering him in a certain direction. She was pretty - with big, curly hair and a beautiful smile that curled her lips up as her eyes grazed over all the lights of the carousel one last time for the night. I followed her line of sight, trying to place why Michael was following her instead of just walking up and introducing himself, but I immediately realized what the problem was.
She hoisted herself up onto the back of a motorcycle, accepting the help of the blond driver. He had a spiked mullet, dressed in all black, and when he realized Michael was staring at his girl, a cocky kind of smirk crossed his face. His friends parked next him all revved their engines to a start, and I tore my eyes from the platinum blond to see the others. I didn’t manage to catch a good look at two of them, because my eyes immediately looked onto those of the punk from earlier who’d started a conversation with me over pierced ears.
He was already looking at me, and when he realized my attention immediately locked onto him, a predatory look filled the black circles of his eyes and his lips formed into a boyish smirk directed exactly at me. He lifted his hand in a short wave, laughing along with the friend who called him away from me earlier as he shoved Marko’s shoulder in a teasing way. I lifted my hand in a small acknowledging wave back, but was knocked out of my small trance by Sam, who began teasing Michael.
“Come on, she stiffed ya!” Sam laughed harmlessly, gently punching Michael’s shoulder and turning to probably go and find Mom. I broke my gaze away from Marko immediately, turning to follow after Sam and not bothering to look back at all as I heard the bikes pull out and speed off down the road.
“Too bad she left with Mr. Mullet, she was pretty.” I tried to break the tension with Michael, I really didn’t want him to be upset over the lose of the girl, he still had all of Santa Carla’s teenage population of girls to meet.
He cracked a smile and nudged his shoulder into mine. “She really was.”
Once we made it home for the night, I separated from both my brothers and made my way into my own room. It was the smallest of all of ours, but that’s the main reason why I had chose it. It was cozy, and cute. I liked the way it came out once I had finished decorating it.
I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to those boys on the motorcycles from earlier that night. Marko seemed nice enough, even if I didn’t know whether or not I was brave enough to try to pursue a friendship with his more than intimidating friends. Just as I came to the conclusion that I should just get over myself and approach them, a sharp sting of anxiety wedged itself into my gut and nauseous filled my stomach and rose up in my throat. No. I didn’t need to become friends with those boys, there was something off, something I didn’t need to meddle in.
If I saw them again, I’d avoid eye contact and conversation completely. I was never able to understand my anxiety, but I always listened to it when it struck me.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Ladies With Brains
Requested by anon: Might be a strange request, Could you please write an imagine where reader is dating Patrick Bateman and she has mental illnesses as well so when he says “you could always be skinnier, look better” she admits that she knows that he’s a serial killer and was just waiting for her turn to die, but he can’t bring himself to kill her because he has fallen for her?
Pairing: Patrick Bateman x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, mention of murder, slasher stuff
Words: 1,305
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | Slasher Masterlist
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Though he was good-looking, Patrick was not the most desired of men to be dating. Then again, he wasn’t as much as an asshole as his coworkers. Y/n was a guest; one of said coworkers cousins. She caught his eye rather quickly and peaked his interest to a point he’d never thought existed.
They had some stuff in common too. Right when he met her, he learned of one. Like Patrick, she hated the social gatherings, constantly rubbing her temples and itching to escape the crowded room to some place more quiet and relaxed.
When she finally found her escape, Patrick followed her. He watched as she pulled out a small thing of pills and grabbed her glass of water she’d brought from the other room. Though he wondered what they were for, he moved on to engaging with his prey.
“Hello.” His voice broke the peaceful silence, but Y/n did not move a muscle.
“Oh, hello. Patrick, is it?” When she turned around, Patrick couldn’t help but stare. She was far too beautiful to be stuck in a business party. Patrick admired her beauty, imagining her death a little too happily.
“Yes. You are...”
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” She held out her hand to shake his with a small smile on her face, more than likely fake due to the visible exhaustion running over her entire form. When he didn’t shake it back, she shrugged, “Not a fan of human contact I see? Don’t worry...it’s the same here. My cousin scolded me the last ten times, so now I either put on a smile and shake their hands or stay at his home and babysit for him.”
“Why not stay at your own place?”
“My roommate’s anniversary is today...so she kicked me out for the night. Every anniversary I get kicked out. It’s alright though, I’m used to it now.”
“And?” Patrick scoffed. He ignored everything else she’d said after the part about being kicked out. He spoke as if everything he said was obvious and easy, “You could live on your own.”
Y/n shook her head as the smile dropped from her face. “Patrick, not all of us can afford luxuries such as that. And even if I could, there are some things I just need another person to be around for. Not everyone is like you, not everyone is like my cousin, and not everyone is like me. I’m glad we had this talk, but I’d like to be alone for now.”
“I- uhm...” Patrick wasn’t too used to this rejection. Sure, he’d usually get odd looks, but rejection? “How about this, you and I go to my place and you don’t have to be somewhere you don’t want to be?”
“Patrick. That would be taking me somewhere I don’t want to be.”
The disappointment could be seen on his face. To her, he was disappointed because he wanted to get to know her, but to him, he was disappointed for numerous reasons. None of which, were legal. Nevertheless, he nodded. Seeing his reaction, Y/n continued with what she was going to say.
“However...you could take me on a date. Maybe after a few of those...I’ll be willing to go over to your place. Alright?”
He thought it over before nodding again, “Deal.”
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They went on Patrick’s promised dates. Everything went as plan, smoothly and successfully...well...almost everything. Patrick had a complication that could be the thing that ruined everything he’d worked for. The dates started as a plan for three. Then it turned into one every other week. Their relationship continued to grow.
He caught feelings for Y/n, and her him. Patrick didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t know how to admit it. He didn’t know what would happen if he did admit it. So, as a solution to all his problems, he ignored everything he felt for her.
But then the day came. Y/n was in his living room with him, the two making small talk as per usual. She flipped through a magazine for a bit before scoffing and throwing it down. “These magazines, models, companies; it’s all fake. They’re just trying to get girls to feel insecure enough to buy their products.”
“Well, are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Insecure enough to buy their products?”
She shook her head with a sarcastic laugh, “No. But I admit, I’m feeling the envy they somehow make the models give to the viewers, but, it’s not like I can do anything about it.”
“You could always be skinnier.” He suggested, speaking honestly, face and voice expressionless. “Look better.”
“Patrick. That wasn’t nice.”
Y/n sighed, looking away from him. “If I wanted to look like some plastic Barbie doll, I’d join the women you’ve murdered. Your preference in women seems to match that description.”
Patrick’s head immediately snapped back towards her. “What did you say?”
“Blond, skinny, so on. My question is why you have yet to kill me? Is it ‘cause I’m not as Barbie-looking as you’d like me to be?” She was being serious, genuinely confused, and intrigued, as to why she wasn’t already one of the people in and on the news labeled as missing but in reality very much dead.
He stood up quickly, grabbing the weapon beside him as he rose from the couch. Patrick pointed it at her and furrowed his brows. He told himself to do it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t.
Y/n acted as if there was no weapon pointed at her, as if she had not known Patrick was a murderer, as if nothing was wrong. He wanted to say that he hated that she wasn’t scared of him but he knew he would hate it even more if she was.
“Patrick. If you want to kill me, then kill me.” Even through the horror of their complex situation, Y/n remained calm and soft spoken. Patrick couldn’t decide if he hated or loved it. She was a woman he could get use to, that he agreed with, but her brains drove him crazy. A smart woman was beautiful yet torture all at the same time.
“Get away from me!” He yelled, pained by his own human feelings for her.
All she did was stand up, providing him with a clean shot. He knew he could kill her, but his body refused to do anything that would bring her harm. His mind was filled with more worries than temptation.
“Leave! Get out! Run before I hurt you!” She didn’t budge. “I’ll kill you, you little bitch!”
Patrick groaned in anger as Y/n kept quiet and still. It was like she was silently calling his bluff. Bateman had never felt this before, thus his hesitation had been self-explanatory. Did he hate the feeling? He wasn’t sure. But would the feeling turn negative for him if he rid the world of one person in his life to make him feel as such? Would it disappear? He didn’t want to find out; any person could see the risk was too high.
“You won’t. If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve done it by now.” She didn’t move, and he hated it. He hated her for making him feel this way. He hated himself for feeling it.
He hated himself for showing weakness. He hated himself for dropping the weapon and giving in. “Just...give- give me time. I need to think-”
“We’ll need to talk about this at some point. Just know that I’m not scared. I know you won’t hurt me.” Y/n nodded and began to walk out of his apartment, turning and giving him a final understand look. “Call me when you want to talk. We...we have a lot to talk about.”
Why’d he have to pick the smart one? Patrick cursed himself; they really did have a lot to talk about.
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justforthesakeofitt · 4 years
How You Like That (M) Chaelisa (top rosé bot lisa)
Chapter 1
hi. this story contains many mature and adult themes that can be triggering and are just for fictional use. i don't condone any of this in real life, and this is pure fiction. so, therefore, if you can't handle that, please just leave this. but don't report this story. 
enjoy 🤍
(warning. contains strong language, human trafficing, mentions of degradation, corruption, meansé, topsé, idek but the story in general is dark and mature. so if you can't handle that please don't read!!)
roseanne smirked and swirled her glass around that was filled with her favorite champagne. the armand de brignac brut gold, which cost a mere two thousand two hundred dollars, had made it into the woman her favorite lists, when she tasted it for the first time when she was in France, at the age of nineteen. it made her feel as if she was drinking creamy silk with a lovely flavor, and she was all for that.
her silver hair, with a blueish undertone, was straightened and hung down
her back and over her perky breasts. the tint of her hair matched perfectly with her lamé velvet jacquard mini dress by one of her favorite brands, saint laurent. the dress was a perfect size, as it had been custom adjusted, and hugged her slim waist yet pretty wide hips quite well.
she was seated alone in her comfortable chair, her three bodyguards surrounding her so that she was protected at all costs. being rich had its many perks, but it also came with lots of downsides, such as constantly being exposed to the cruel world that was playing underneath everyone's feet. normal people usually weren't aware of half of the things that were going on behind the scenes of the portrayed world.
the dim and sensual lights that were present in the room, contradicted quite a lot with the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. it seemed as if a night club had meet merged with a dining hall in an expensive mansion, yet they somehow made this entire look and vibe work.
and it was dangerous to know these secrets. behind all the glimmer and glamour of being rich, a lot of dark poison was hiding. and simply being aware of the poison, and knowing about how everything was really being run, was dangerous.
it was dangerous knowing which big companies, who were known for their customer service, actually had ten thousand upon then thousands of illegal so-called 'contract workers' working for them. people in the normal projected world thought that the people working for the minimum wage were being treated as slaves and inhumane, but they never saw the layer of people that were working even lower up than the minimum wage workers. and those were plenty.
billions upon billions of dollars would go down the drain if someone were to reveal that the biggest vegan chain in the world, also owned one of the biggest meat industries. if the companies that were known to fight climate change and induce eco-friendly ways of making products were owned by the same person that was one of the biggest carbon emitters.
if people know, that you know their secrets, your life is at great risk. and since the richest people in the world, all play the same game, you always had to be on your watch. this was no soccer game, where you had a theme behind you. this was like wrestle mania. only the strongest and smartest could survive. and the people that you would think are your friends, are the ones that wouldn't even hesitate to hire an assistant the moment they find a weak spot in you.
"number 603 thirty thousand dollars! going once. going twice. sold to miss kang!"
roseanne chuckled as the blonde girl got pulled off of the stage by her leash that watched attached to her neck. her head hung low and tears were streaming down her face as you could see them shimmer in the dim lights,  which made it all more amusing for the woman.
all of them looked like pathetic little lost puppies, getting pulled one by one to the stage where their new fate would be laid out for them. it all depended on who they ended up with.
her best friend, jennie, had found her own little pet this way and had suggested it to her. after years of being alone, and watching her best friend with the girl, she decided to finally come and see for herself. maybe she'd find something interesting here tonight. 
jennie's pet, who's name was jisoo, was quite a lucky girl. while jennie was quite a mean and tough person on a daily basis, she had developed a soft spot for her pet. it wasn't that she let the girl get away with shit, but she treated her well. better than these girls usually got treated.
jisoo had behaved so well and served her so graciously, that after one and a half year of her possession, jennie had granted her the privilege of being addressed by her name, which was quite rare for the girls that came from here.
not may of the owners ended up granting their pets the status of being called by their actual birth-given name, and rosé wouldn't be one of them either. while jennie was more of a dominant woman who loved for jisoo to worship her and take care of her, roseanne was the sadistic type. 
where jennie received pleasure by letting jisoo worship her feet and have the girl smothered underneath her wet dripping slit, eating her out until her thighs were trembling and she was panting heavily, roseanne wanted the girl to be laying at her feet, whimpers escaping her cracked lips as bruises and cuts were layered on her skin. 
the twenty-seven-year-old woman's eyes gravitated towards the podium once again, before she slightly shifted when she saw the girl that got pulled by the thick leather leash. 
her black lingerie contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, and her black hair had been put into two sideways ponytails with big red bows attached to them. that could only mean one thing.
she was a virgin.
girls with their hair loose were previous prostitutes or whores that they picked up from the streets, giving them the lowest value in the entire lineup.
girls with ponytails were normal girls that they managed to kidnap but weren't virgins anymore. 
but girls with their hair in this innocent style, and cute bows attached to it to give
them an even more pure look, were virgins.
and they sold for the highest prices.
almost everyone wanted a little virgin pet. it was a thrill knowing that all they would associate sex with was their owners. no previous partners or experiences to draw
comparisons from. 
just them.
when roseanne saw the girl's face, her doll-like features with her big doe eyes, and her plump pink lips, she knew that the girl was going to be hers.
"number 209! her price starts at a mere five hundred thousand dollars. who bids higher
than that?"
chaeyoung immediately held up her bidding board that had her slim fingers wrapping around the wooden part, "one million!"
another voice rang through the room, a few seconds later, with an offer of one and a half million dollars. but this girl was going to be hers. no matter the cost.
the bidding went on for a while before her offer rang throughout the room of "twenty-five million dollars." 
the man, that previously was bidding for the same girl, chewed on his bottom lip before shaking his head.
a smirk grazed roseanne her dark blue colored lips, "number 209 twenty-five million dollars! once! going twice! sold to miss park!"
her eyes locked with her newly bought pet, and she mindlessly licked her lips. the girl's eyes were glossy and looked with a terrified gaze at her. 
"yes...--" chaeyoung muttered to herself with s grin, "--be scared, doll. you aren't ready for what I have in store for you."
there were only a few girls left, so she patiently sat through it all, satisfied with her purchase of the evening. non of the girls could top her pet. and for once, she was glad that she had listened to jennie's advice.
after the auction was over, she walked to the back and got handed two briefcases by one of her bodyguards, which she delivered to the woman that was behind all of this.
"you made jessie very happy. i hope the girl will make you happy too."
roseanne hummed and watched as the men were counting the money, before turning her attention back to the woman in front of her, "everything is clean right? no traces. no record and no evidence."
jessie nodded and smacked her bright red lips together, "everything is clean. we tripled checked. the police have already been paid to drop the missing person case, so she has been declared dead. the parents are quite poor too so they won't be able to afford to search for her or take any legal actions. she's dead and has been reborn the moment you bought her."
roseanne smirked and, with a firm handshake, greeted the woman before she made her way into a dark hallway that led to where the girl should be.
she opened the door to a room and saw a black wooden crate, which had been sealed by a lid at the top, sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.
when she saw that it was the correct one, she snapped her fingers, making two of the three men quickly make their way over to the side and lifted up the top.
she once again, almost immediately crossed eyes with her toy, and saw how panicked and vulnerable she seemed. this made her feel only more in control and boosted her ego.
there were soft pleading whimpers coming from the bound girl, but she ignored them completely.
after a few seconds of further inspection, the crate got closed again.
"deliver her in an hour to my address. make sure that she keeps whatever bodily fluid she has inside of her. i don't want her to arrive in filth at my place."
she got helped into her thick fur coat, and flicked her hair back, before putting on a peeked black cap.
the men nodded in understanding and turned their attention on the crate. one of them followed her, also functioning as her driver, while the other two stayed behind.
there were two small holes on the top of the crate in the cover, which made sure that the girl got enough fresh air to stay conscious, but not enough to make her feel great, so the chance of her throwing up or peeing herself was a big possibility.
she just hoped that the girl could hold it in, as she was sure that she wouldn't hesitate to hose the poor thing down immediately. 
she climbed up the stairs before walking outside. 
it was dark, already around the one at night, so the streets were fairly empty. these illegal legal things, were mostly done at night, just to give extra security and privacy.  "ready miss?" her chauffeur asked making her nod, "yes. take me home."
she stared out of the window, the snow slowly cascading down while the streets of Seoul were already covered in a thick layer of the frozen crystals.
it was only november, yet the heavens had sent them snow already. and to be fair, roseanne wasn't complaining. 
she smiled as she started to move up the hills, knowing that she was approaching her lovely home.  
her and her best friend, jennie, were actually neighbors, which was quite fun. this meant that she could show her new purchase off very soon, as all she had to do was go to the mansion next door. even tho it was a five-minute drive.
the moment the car stopped at the entrance of her house, she got out, hugging her black fur coat tighter around her body, before grabbing her purse and made her way inside.
"the room is ready right?" she asked one of her maids, who nodded and bowed slightly, before helping her out of her coat "yes ma'am. it is exactly like you wanted it to be."
she grinned and stretched herself before yawning a bit and walked inside.
"good. now, all we have to do is wait."
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Castaway (l.h)
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Summary: In which Luke is left broken and untethered from a toxic relationship and Michael’s younger sister visits bringing her own light into his darkness.
Warnings: toxic relationship tendencies (fighting, throwing things), panic attack, smut, some swearing and I think that’s all
Word Count: 16.9K
author’s note: I’m so excited to finally share this with you! I started this fic about like 6 months ago and I finally finished it! I hope you enjoy it and feedback is always welcome❤
donate to my ko-fi here :)
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
• • • •
Growing up it was undeniable the infatuation Michael’s younger sister Emmeline (Emmy) had for one of his best friends, Luke Hemmings. She was shy on principle but when Luke was around it increased by tenfold. She stammered a lot and blushed like crazy, which resulted in Michael teasing her about it in secret but never in front of his friends, even though they knew.
Emmy was sweet, innocent and so short compared to the four of them they graced her with the nickname of Pipsqueak, or Pip for short. When the band left to tour for the first time, Emmy missed her brother like crazy. Being so close to Michael for so long and watching him be halfway across the world was hard.
Both of them had grown up without the other, and it took a toll on Michael as well as Emmy because he adored his little sister and facetimed as much as he could or called her on the phone. He’d relay the boys’ greetings to her until all three of them appeared in the shot acting like the goofballs that they were.
Emmy tried to keep her gaze on all of them but she always ended up staring at Luke. More often than not he’d be staring at her as well, his crystal blue eyes zeroed in on her until Calum did something completely ridiculous thus snapping Luke out of his trance. She loved seeing the ghost of his infectious smile appear, and she adored his shyness because she related to it. And then she’d be right back laughing with her brother and his best friends while they did wacky stuff to make her smile.
When the band went on their hiatus, they still didn’t come home so Emmy flew out to them after Michael informed her they’d been writing again. She’d finished school and pursued a job in childcare.
It’s been almost three years since they went in the shadows but Michael promised something was in the works. At the end of the summer she’d be joining them to Bali as well which she was really excited about.
Walking through the terminal she looked around for a sign of her brother’s artfully colored hair over the crowd of average height people and she spotted him.
“Mikey!” she squeals running steadfast to her brother.
“Ems!” he shouts in the same demeanor, his arms open wide and she lunges into them. He lifts her up, her feet dangling in the air as the siblings hug after so long.
“You changed your hair,” they say at the same time when he released her then they laughed.
He went back to his natural blonde and she dyed hers a pretty dark brown.
“I like it, dark suits you,” he comments picking up a strand in between his fingers.
“Thanks,” she smiles then glances around. “Where’s Crystal?”
“Cleaning,” he chuckles, “she wanted the house to be perfect for you when you arrived. I told her it’s just you but she wouldn’t listen.”
Emmy pouts, she hates when people go over the top for her, it’s not necessary and completely not worth the trouble.
“She didn’t—“
“I know,” Michael closes his eyes sighing. “Come on, people are beginning to notice me.”
“My brother the rock star,” Emmy smiles proudly but follows him as he takes her bags. The rest will be delivered to his house, she’s staying with him and Crystal for the summer and traveling to Bali with them and the boys.
“Other rock stars are excited to see you, too,” Michael mentions once they’re buckled in his car.
“I’m excited to see them, too,” Emmy smiles shaking her leg as if to showcase her anticipation. One in particular.
“If Luke seems a bit . . . standoffish, it’s not you. All right?”
“Because of what happened with . . . her?” Emmy makes a face.
Michael puffs his cheeks and blows the air out in exasperation. “Yeah. He’s been staying with Ashton. He’s still trying to bounce back to himself. Don’t say anything.”
“You know I won’t.”
“I know, you’re a good egg,” he reaches over and pinches her cheek, “Pipsqueak.”
Crystal is hugging Emmy before she’s even halfway through the door, Michael shuffling past two of his favorite people to bring in the luggage. Crystal is gushing over Emmy’s hair and telling her about the new sheets she got for her room because ‘you aren’t just a guest so it should be your room.’
“I’m so glad you’re here, the guys are coming over for a little welcome party for you. So if you need to take a nap or shower, please do, okay?”
“Okay, thanks Crys,” Emmy finally gets a few words in. She loves Crystal’s bubbly personality and it makes her a little more extroverted.
After her nap, Emmy heads downstairs and into the kitchen where she hears all the voices. When she enters, Ashton shouts “Pipsqueak!” and she’s bombarded with two tall men hugging and ruffling her hair.
“You haven’t grown at all, Pip,” Calum grins patting her head.
“Shut up,” she grumbles nudging his hand away but she’s laughing along with them. “You guys just have a weird genome make-up.”
“All right fancy pants,” Ashton chuckles. “Want a drink? We’re going out for the best steak in your honor but we need a drink beforehand.”
“Is that so?” she raises her eyebrows but follows them. She notices Luke standing off in the corner, his own mixed drink in his hand. Emmy falters when she sees him.
It’s been about 3 years and he’s grown. In many senses of the word. For one, he’s the tallest of the guys, even slouched over, his hair is a bit longer with hints of curls on the ends and he’s got a nice amount of facial hair. He’s still devastatingly handsome but Emmy can see the toll the breakup has had on him.
His eyes are bloodshot with dark circles underneath them, his cheeks are a little sunken in and his whole body language is screaming ‘despair.’ Emmy’s always been able to read the emotions off of others and it broke her heart to see Luke in this state. It made her uneasy but remembered what her brother said and forced herself not to draw attention to him but she gave him a small smile.
So instead, she pulled her attention back to Calum and Ashton who were fighting over what kind of drink Emmy would want.
“If you guys came home for my legal birthday you’d know I love Malibu and pineapple juice,” she teases.
Calum and Ashton look at each other then nod. “We’re ignoring that jab, Pip,” Ashton says, “but I’ll make that drink.”
From the corner of her eye, Luke’s watching the whole scene before him. She’s not hurt in the slightest from his lack of interaction, she can understand where he’s coming from. When he’s ready, he’ll make his presence known.
After their cocktails are finished they head out to the restaurant. Luke somehow has a hat and sunglasses on as they enter the building. Clearly he doesn’t want his photo taken but the paparazzi are around and will take snapshots of what they want.
Emmy expected this, she prepared herself for the moment when the time came. But prepping your mind and actually experiencing it are two very, very different things. Instinctively, she went to Michael who tucked her under his arm immediately ushering her and Crystal past the photographers.
“I’d say you get used to it, but you really don’t,” Michael sighs.
“It’s fine,” Emmy shakes her head. But inside she was having a slight panic attack. How did they do this day after day? People calling your name and shoving a camera in your face?
Luke removed his hat and sunglasses following the group to the table in the private room upstairs. He hasn’t seen Emmy in a long time, but she’s still cute and tiny as ever. He wanted to say hi, he really did. He wanted to give her a hug and call her by the nickname they created for her, he really did.
But his wounds are still bleeding fresh and he doesn’t want to drop his toxicity on her who has always been her own little ball of light. He listened to the conversation, hummed or did a half smile at all the right parts. But lyrics and piano notes filled his head. He was itching to write but whatever he wrote always came out as garbage.
When dinner was over, they exited the restaurant but the photographers increased with some fans screaming. They all huddled together, with Luke bringing up the caboose and also right behind Emmy. He towered over her, and it’s because of that he noticed she was about to fall when he steadied her back on her feet. Some fans would do anything for a picture.
“Keep walking, Pip,” he told her still holding onto her waist to make sure she didn’t almost fall again.
Her head snapped to the side when the nickname slipped from his lips. She smiles up at him and without even thinking, Luke smiled back. Not a half smile but an actual smile. His long fingers hung lightly on her waist as he ushered her towards the car. He didn’t let go until she was safely in her seat, she flashes him another smile.
For the whole ride back to her brother’s house, Emmy’s skin still burned where Luke’s hands grabbed onto her. She’d thought after all these years, of her growing up, her crush on Luke had disappeared. But then he smiled at her and she was right back to where she started.
Luke has been in sort of a hazy daze since his horrendous break-up, he couldn’t sleep at his home so he crashed at Ashton’s a lot. Ashton kept him in check by watching his alcohol consumption and amount of weed he smoked, making sure it was kept at a minimal rather than a mess he did not want to clean up.
Ashton offered words of advice and encouragement but the youngest brother of his was like a shell, empty and void of color. When he looked at Luke, he paled in comparison to who he truly was. His exuberant color faded as soon as things began to go bad with Lea, they didn’t even get to be bad because it went straight to worse.
When they’d go out on the town it always ended with her stalking off with attitude and Luke would be his sweetest self, trying to figure out what was wrong. Then she’d get mad that he didn’t already know and they’d fight all the way back to his home, making the car ride extremely uncomfortable for the driver.
Then it went from worse to catastrophic at the snap of a finger, and it was at the fingers of Lea. She spit harsh words at him, degrading words, words that told him he was of no value and she finished her tirade with knocking over a potted plant and throwing a vase full of (now dead) flowers against the wall.
She threatened to leave him, and at that point Luke had no idea what the hell to do anymore so he let her. That caused another infamous Lea scene as she threw her things into a suitcase all while cursing his name and their relationship as she did so. Before she left in a tornado of cruelty, she yanked the chain around her neck that held Luke’s favorite ring he gave her and chucked it at him.
It hit his chest lightly, falling intricately and ironically into a figure eight at his feet. The door slammed and she was gone. And Luke was hollow.
It was nearing midnight when Ashton’s phone rang, Calum was over and they exchanged a look of worry when Luke’s face appeared on the screen. They knew it was something bad.
“Luke--?” Ashton answered right away but stopped when he tried to listen to his dear friend utterly breaking down. He could only get out a few choice words: left . . . Lea . . . gone . . . forever . . . necklace . . . fucking crazy . . .
Ashton did his best to soothe him over the phone all while motioning for Cal to call Michael and he picked up his keys.
He told Luke to breathe. He told Luke to count to ten and try breathing again. He told Luke he and Calum and Michael were on their way. He told Luke to hold on.
It was a disaster zone when they arrived. The big ugly potted plant (that Lea insisted on buying) was turned over on the floor, dirt spread everywhere. Broken glass scattered the floor as well, along with water and dead flowers and Luke was in the midst of destruction with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands.
“Shit,” Ashton hissed running to him immediately. Calum called Michael again this time in a panic, his eyes wide at one of his best friends, his brother, coming completely unraveled in Ashton’s arms.
“Luke, Luke, listen to me, you can’t stay on the floor,” Ashton said trying to pry his fingers from his face. “Let’s go outside, yeah? You need fresh air.”
After some more coaxing, Luke finally heaved himself off the floor with the help of Ashton just as Michael came through the door. His eyes widened at what he saw, Ashton nodded to the mess then to them before ushering Luke out in the back. His hold on the younger boy’s shoulders were strong and present, ready and able to catch him if he fell.
Calum and Michael got to work right away cleaning up the mess Lea left behind. Michael picked up the necklace setting it on the countertop. They knew the mess was more than broken glass and spilled dirt, the mess was inside Luke because she worked her way in his psyche. The mess was far from being treated.
Luke had completely forgotten that Emmy would be coming to stay with Michael and Crystal, but he forgets things easily these days. He’s still in a fog but at least he’s not getting drunk and high every night now.
He made sure to watch his intake and stayed clear of weed, which the boys also cleared their stash because Luke was far more important than a momentary buzz. So when he arrived at Michael’s he was confused as to why they hadn’t left yet.
“Emmy’s still napping from her flight,” Crystal explained taking a sip from her pink wine.
As Luke’s face remained a state of confusion, four pairs of eyes stared at him helplessly.
“Remember, Ems is staying with us for the summer?” Michael asks slowly.
Not wanting to look like he was still shattered, Luke acted like he remembered.
“Oh, right I knew that. Forgot she got in today, that’s all,” he shrugged.
The relaxed exhale from them all eased him a bit, but he still felt like an idiot so he poured himself a glass of whatever was in front of him.
He shuffled to the corner, which has become his safe place lately. He’s still present with his company but he doesn’t have to keep talking and he’s thankful they gave him the space he needed. He didn’t really want to go out tonight, he wanted to go back home and sleep.
“Pipsqueak!” Ashton shouts very loudly it almost caused Luke to drop his glass.
When he looked up he saw Ashton and Calum hugging Emmy, he couldn’t see her though, Ash and Cal were like walls blocking his view. When they finally released her, Luke couldn’t help but stare.
The sweet girl he’d known growing up wasn’t present anymore. She was still tiny so her nickname they came up with still fit. Instead of her light blond hair like Michael’s, he was looking at a dark brunette and it really brought out her eyes which were a striking deep blue.
While Ashton chattered about what type of drink she’d like, Luke kept his eyes on them and Emmy kept glancing his way. He sucked in a breath ready to say a hello but she never brought him into the group.
At first he was hurt, was he really not that important for her to acknowledge him? Then when he caught her eye again she gave him a kind smile that was missed by everyone else but him. He exhaled gratefully, that greeting was enough.
When they were leaving the restaurant Luke cursed to himself in his head at the photographers that seemed to multiply, along with some fans. He ended up in the back by Emmy and he towered over her completely. Was she always that small? Luke couldn’t remember.
But his height came in handy sometimes, like now when he noticed her stumble slightly in front of him and before she fell on her face he reached out to prevent it.
“Keep walking, Pip,” the words slipped out of his mouth without missing a beat. She turned to look up at him and smiled which he also returned very easily. Her body was warm as he guided her a bit more quickly to the car.
When he helped her climb in, she shot him another smile but he didn’t reciprocate that one. He’d smiled twice that day, and each time was due to Emmy. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.
On the third day of Emmy being with her brother, she decided to make lemon poppy seed muffins, but with real lemons. Both Michael and Crystal took their respective cars to do whatever they had to do so she couldn’t drive to the store and get fresh lemons. Then she remembered Ashton had a lemon tree in his backyard.
When she texted him asking if she could use some, he told her absolutely but he was out shopping with Cal and told her Luke would be home so she could go right over. Emmy chewed on her bottom lip, she didn’t want to bother Luke but her need to have lemon poppy seed muffins was greater.
It took her nearly twenty minutes to walk to his house but it was a nice day so she didn’t mind too much. With a deep breath she knocked on the door and hit the doorbell. If he didn’t answer in the next twenty seconds, she’d call it quits and head back to her brother’s. When she counted to eight the door opened and revealed Luke still looking a little disheveled like last night.
Dark circles were still present under his eyes, and he just looked exhausted. He was wearing a white t-shirt and faded skinny jeans.
“Uh, hi!” Emmy greets her voice a little high. “Um, I’m making lemon poppy seed muffins but I don’t have a car or lemons and Ashton said I could take some from his tree and he said you were home. So . . .”
She said everything in such a rush Luke stares at her in confusion until her explanation marinates in his brain. She needed lemons.
“Yeah, all right.” He mumbles opening the door wider and lifting his arm up higher. “It’s in the back.”
She pauses for a moment waiting for him to move out of the way, when he doesn’t she ducks under his arm (though she could have easily walked normally because he was that tall) and enters the house. Emmy glances around at her surroundings before seeing a sliding door to the backyard.
The tree was a bit taller than her and it had a lot of lemons much to her excitement. She took care in picking the perfect ones, she needed six, then looked up at Luke as he shuffles in the opening.
“Do you have a plastic bag I can put these in?” she asks.
He nods silently then disappears back in the house. Emmy sighs feeling a little jaded at his silence but she reminds herself to give him space. She went through something similar with her most recent ex. Time does heal all wounds, it’s just annoying when you don’t know how much time exactly it will take.
When Luke returns she smiles a thank you and pours her gathering into the plastic. She loops the handles through her fingers stepping back into the house.
“Did you walk here?” he asks from behind. Emmy spins around to face him, his brows are pulled together.
“Yeah, it’s only a twenty minute walk,” she shrugs continuing her path to the front door.
“Hang on, I’ll drive you. My car’s out front.”
“Oh, no. Luke, you don’t have to—“
He already snatched his keys and brisked past her out the front door.
“All right, then,” she sighs following him. She makes sure to lock the door so no robbers come to Ashton’s house. She slides into Luke’s sleek black car and buckles herself in.
She doesn’t notice Luke smirk at that, it’s a ten minute drive did she really think they’d hit something? He doesn’t say anything and drives to Michael’s house.
He pulls into the driveway not bothering to put it in park.
“Thank you,” she says then stops when she’s halfway out. She looks back at him and asks, “Do you want to help me make them?”
“You’re—what?” he had his automatic response to say ‘you’re welcome’ ready but her question caught him off guard.
“Muffins,” she lifts the bag, “want to help me?”
He stares at her with his mouth open. She wanted him to stay and help make muffins? Why would she want him to help?
Why did he put the car in park and get out following the short girl inside?
She rolls the lemons out of the bag, catching the ones that were a bit more dangerous of rolling off the counter then she began prattling of directions for him to do. Luke had no idea why he listened, he had no idea how to make muffins from scratch. He sighs doing what she says, it’s better than being alone doing nothing.
“The glaze is the best part,” she says while she’s pouring the batter into the colorful muffin cups. “It’ll taste even better since we used real lemon. Did you know poppy seeds come up on urine tests as drugs?” she giggles at her little known fact and Luke smiles at her.
“I eat so many of these that I’d probably look like I’m on a constant high,” she continues as if his smile was enough of a response. Luke appreciates that.
When the pans are full she places them on the racks and Luke catches himself staring at her ass as she bends over, her jean shorts fit her perfectly. He averts his gaze back to the glaze he was mixing.
What the hell was that? Did he really just check out Emmy’s ass?
“Do you want some tea? We can sit outside while we wait for them to be done,” she says already pulling the pitcher from the fridge.
Luke clears his throat, “sure.”
He follows her outside to the patio, the pool water glistening in the LA sun and she sits on one of the chairs around the small bonfire pit. He sits in the one next to her and take a big gulp from his iced tea. It was perfectly sweet.
“I made that this morning, I hope it taste okay,” she says.
“’ts perfect,” he comments running his thumb over the condensation that’s already formed.
They sit in a comfortable silence but he can feel her gaze on him the whole time. Normally he would snap at anyone who would stare but he didn’t feel the need to. He knew she was analyzing him. She’s been that way since she was little but he didn’t want to talk about him or his feelings.
“Hey, Luke?”
“Hm?” he hums still looking at the droplets on his glass.
“You don’t have to now, or ever, but if you ever do want to talk I’m a good listener. I’ve gone through the same thing.”
He looks up at her in surprise, eyebrows raised.
“Just wanted you to know,” she smiles shyly then takes a sip of her tea before looking back at the pool.
They sit in a comfortable silence sipping their iced tea until the alarm on her phone goes off signifying the muffins being done.
“Come on,” she says lightly. To his surprise she grabs his hand in hers towing him inside to the kitchen.
She made it seem like the easiest thing in the world, grabbing his hand and Luke couldn’t deny that he really, really liked it. Despite her being so much smaller than him, her hand fit in his perfectly. To his dismay she let go as soon as she picked up the oven mitts and opened the oven.
He felt the heat engulf the air surrounding them, she sighs happily as she sets the first tray of muffins down.
“They’re perfectly brown,” she gushes, her big blue eyes staring up at him happily before going to get the other pans.
Once all the trays were laid out, she carefully tipped them over letting the muffins tumble out onto the counter. Without her telling him Luke began facing them right side up.
“Careful,” she murmurs without a second thought.
Luke glances at her, it seemed so easy for her to be concerned about him. To have his best interests at heart; first with what she said out by the pool and now telling him not to burn himself on the muffins. Two vastly different things, but still. It filled Luke with a warmth he hasn’t experienced in a long time.
“Okay!” she claps her hands once the mitts are off. “You can put the glaze on.”
“Me?” he asks watching her clean up the pans in the sink, the cool water hisses as it touches the hot pans.
“Yeah, you made the glaze, you can put it on.”
“I don’t want to do it wrong,” he furrows his eyebrows.
“There’s no wrong way to do it,” she giggles grabbing the bowl of lemon glaze and a spoon. “You can drizzle, you can plop as much as you want on it, you can even make . . .” she took the spoon scraping the gooey goodness onto it then dabs two circles and a smile beneath them. “A smiley face. Here.”
She hands him the muffin she decorated and Luke smiled back at the happy muffin.
“He’s cute,” Luke chuckles softly picking up the spoon and getting to work.
They continue to work in silence, him decorating (he made muffins look like the guys and was working particularly hard on one) while she continued to clean the kitchen of their baking mess.
“Finished?” she asks.
“Don’t look yet,” he turns his back blocking her view from his masterpiece.
“What are you doing to that muffin?” she laughs trying to sneak a peek. “Don’t be naughty!”
“I’m not being naughty, Pip,” he chuckles. “It has to be perfect, look at the other ones. Guess which one’s your brother.”
She scans the other muffins then giggles when she notices one with ‘hair’ covering it’s eyeballs. It was actually quite good for only using glaze.
“Okay, finished.” He spins around holding the muffin in his palm.
Emmy steps a little closer peering at the muffin. He seemed to have taken the most time with this one. The eyes are big, the mouth looks pretty and he drizzled the sides so it looked like hair.
“Is that . . . supposed to be me?” she mumbles looking up at him.
His eyes soften when they make eye contact and he bites his bottom lip before nodding. “Yeah. Do you like it?”
She smiles slowly, glancing back at the muffin and the way he’s holding it so it wouldn’t fall on the floor.
“I love it, looks just like me,” she giggles again.
He sets it down on the counter gingerly, leaning his hand on the counter as he leans closer to her. His blond hair falls in front of his eyes.
“Thanks for all of this,” he says gently.
“For making muffins?”
“No, well, yes but for not pushing for answers or explanations or asking how I’m feeling. It’s nice not being looked at like a china doll.”
She stares up at him in shock, that’s the most he’s said to her since she got here a few days ago. She’s noticed how deep his voice is, how sultry it sounds and how it makes her knees weak.
“You’re welcome, Luke,” she rests her hand on top of his. “Believe me when I say that I know exactly what you’re going through. Trust me.”
He frowns at that, how could someone who radiates light and happiness know what it’s like to deal with the aftermath of a toxic relationship and a nuclear break up? How could someone have done that to her?
“You do?”
“Yeah, and it does get better. No one else can fix it but you, and it takes time.”
“Who hurt you? Mike never said—“
“Michael never knew,” she shakes her head. “It all happened while you were touring. I couldn’t bother him with it, there was nothing he could have done anyway. And now it’s over and I’m better and it’s done with,” she shrugs.
“What happened?”
She opens her mouth to reply when the front door bangs open and Michael’s already chattering away.
“I smell food! Delicious food!” he exclaims entering the kitchen.
Luke and Emmy break away from each other instantly, Luke’s hand already feels cold without hers on top of his. Instead he uses it to rub the back of his neck.
“What did you—oh. Luke! What’re you doing here?” Michael smiles excitedly upon seeing his best friend while Emmy giggles at her brother’s antics.
“He helped me make muffins from Ashton’s lemon tree,” she explains.
Michael glances between Luke, the muffins and Emmy, then repeats the action twice more before shaking his head in disbelief.
“Wow, that’s great. Are you sure Ashton said you could use his lemons?” he peers closer at the muffins taking a whiff of the lemony scent.
“Yes, I called him.”
“Why didn’t you go to the store?”
“Hm, maybe because I don’t have a car? Duh.”
“Okay sassy pants,” Michael laughs, “you could have called an Uber.”
“That’s just stupid. I’d pay for the car then I’d have to pay for the lemons and pay again for a ride home? Ashton’s was closer. And free,” she grins triumphantly and Luke smiles.
Her logic was pretty spot on.
Michael stares at Luke for a moment, he hasn’t seen him smile—a genuine smile—in who knows how long. “Fair point. I’ll rent a car for you to drive while you’re here.”
“I can drive her,” Luke suggests with a slight shrug.
Both Clifford’s turn their attention to the quiet blond. Emmy’s eyes are glowing and Michael is staring at him like he’s got two heads and a unicorn horn.
“Really?” she asks.
“Yeah, really? You don’t have to, Luke, you’re not her chauffer,” Michael shakes his head. What the hell is going on with him?
“I don’t mind. It’ll give me something to do, it’s no big deal,” he shrugs again then looks between both siblings. “Really.”
“Thanks Luke,” Emmy smiles.    
Emmy: hey muffin man, want to get some fro-yo? Mike and crys don’t want to L
Luke: it’s like 10 at night, aren’t they closed?
Emmy: all but one ;) I’ll send you the address. Pretty please?!
Luke: all right lol I’ll be there in 5
Emmy: thanks muffin man, you’re the best
 Ashton peeks his head out of his drum room, his headphones hung around his neck. He heard Luke exit his room and jingle his keys.
“Where are you going?” Ashton asks trying not to sound surprised.
“Fro-yo,” Luke says simply.
“By yourself?”
“No, I’m going to pick up Emmy.” He fits his snapback on his head then turns to Ashton as if waiting for him to stop him.
“Oh. Okay. Have fun, mate,” Ashton smiles but inside he’s screaming in excitement. Luke nods his goodbye then leaves through the garage. Ashton immediately calls Calum to tell him the news.
It’s been so long since Luke has wanted to go out and actually do something since what happened with Lea. Yes, it was eleven months ago but he was still hurting. They could all feel it, and now, with Emmy being here for only a week, she’s got him making muffins and going to get fro-yo at ten thirty at night.
Luke couldn’t help but glance at Emmy while he drove down the street, she looked undeniably cute in her pair of black leggings and long sleeved shirt. She took her flip flops off and sat cross legged on her seat because she’s small and she can.
He had a permanent smile on his face listening to her rant and rave about this 24 hour frozen yogurt place called Moon-Glo that she found on Google. She was reading off all the flavors they had for the night and he could already tell which ones she was going to get.
He had the worst desire to reach over, take her hand and kiss her knuckles while he drove. He shook his head trying to clear the thought but ever since they made muffins a few days ago, he’s been thinking of her nonstop.
Thinking of her also made him think of the guy who put her through a bad break up. He wanted to know what happened, how she dealt with it and how that guy could possibly let someone like Emmy go.
“Hey, you over there,” she says.
He feels her finger scratch at his elbow gently to get his attention and he looks over.
“Hm?” he hums.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Um . . .” he heaves a big sigh turning into the parking lot of the yogurt shop. He puts the car in park but keeps it running. “What happened, with your last relationship?”
He chews on the inside of his lip, gripping the steering wheel waiting for a response. When he hears her sigh he risks looking her way. He was expecting her to be angry but her lips were pursed, which he couldn’t help but find adorable even under his heavy question.
“Let’s get our yogurt first.”
“Right,” he mutters shutting off his car.
When they enter the small shop it’s designed to look like the moon. Craters are painted on the floor, walls and the ceiling. Little astronaut men stand on the tables and neon lights are displayed above the yogurt machines, making the flavors appear to glow in the dark.
“This is so cool!” Emmy gasps then takes Luke’s wrist dragging him to the counter that has the little testing cups. Taking a risk, he twists his hand in her grasp so he can grab onto her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. He finds a small victory that she doesn’t yank away. “Let’s try them all.”
They held hands while they sampled the flavors, except the peanut ones, and Luke was over the moon (pun intended). She decided on a black cherry with vanilla, and added fruit and caramel and little gummi bears. She topped it off with a cherry.
Luke went for chocolate and added Oreo crumbles with coconut shavings. He paid for her and he noticed her cheeks turn rosy. He had to stop himself from bending down and kissing them.
“You want to eat in here?” he asks grabbing two spoons, they’re silver with a moon on the end of the handle.
“Let’s go in your car,” she shook her head then turned to the cashier and smiled radiantly. “Thank you, have a good night.”
“Uh, you too.”
Luke nodded to the cashier then held the door open for Emmy. There was a slight breeze as they walked to his car and slid in. He turned it on so that his playlist could be heard softly in the background.
“Mm,” she hums as she take the first few spoonfuls. “This is my new favorite place. Wow. Okay. So you want to know about Mason?”
“Only if you’re comfortable,” he assures spooning his own treat. “That’s his name? Mason?”
“Yep. We broke up two years ago. I didn’t realize how bad of a relationship it was until it was over. He talked to this girl constantly that I never had a good feeling about, he’d make plans without telling me and I’d go along with them. He’d ignore me when we were with his friends. Then he wanted to be on a break because I became too clingy apparently.
“Then he broke up with me over text and the next day he was in a relationship with the girl he was talking to. Then they both harassed me and I was . . . I was in a bad place. I didn’t eat. I wasn’t sleeping. I listened to sad music all the time and I was just . . . not okay. It was hard. I cried constantly and I never interacted with my friends anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Emmy,” Luke says softly. He shifts in his seat to face her properly. “He’s an idiot for letting you go like that. I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
“Thank you, and it’s okay,” she shrugs taking another spoonful. “I don’t know how I did it but somehow I pulled myself out of the hole I let myself fall into. Talking to you guys on Facetime really helped, even though I had to fake it most of the time.”
Luke thinks back to the times they’d walk in on Michael speaking with her on the phone. They’d act like complete idiots but Emmy would laugh all the same.
All that time she was heartbroken? And none of them noticed?
“I should’ve—we should’ve noticed you weren’t yourself. I’m sorry, lovie, we could have helped—“
“You did. Just by being your goofy selves and making fun of Mikey made me feel better. You guys made me laugh when I thought I couldn’t.”
She doesn’t comment on the term of endearment that slipped out and he didn’t bring attention to it either. But God, did it feel good to call her that. It felt so natural.
“Honestly, Luke don’t worry about it. I’m better now, I promise.”
“You handle yourself a lot better than I do,” he grimaces swirling his contents in his bowl. “After what happened with Lea, I drank and smoked every day. From whenever I woke up to whenever I went to sleep. That’s why I’m at Ashton’s house a lot, he’s kept me in check.”
“We all handle our hurts differently,” her finger close around his wrist.
Luke tenses slightly at the unexpected touch then relaxes when she rubs circles into his skin.
“But let’s talk about something happier. How’s your fro-yo?”
“Your sister should have come out earlier,” Ashton tells Michael.
“Like ten months earlier,” Calum agrees drinking from his beer. They’re sat in the living room watching Michael play a video game.
“Honestly, I have no idea what she’s doing but it’s working. Luke seems more like himself than he has in the past year and a half,” Michael says. His thumbs working furiously on the buttons of his controller.
“Do you think they’re just hanging out or doing other . . . things?” Calum asks carefully side eyeing Michael.
Michael pauses the game turning slowly to Calum, his face is expressionless sans the anger in his eyes.
“That’s my little sister, Cal,” he says in a warning voice.
“I know! But she’s not little anymore, and she did have a crush on Luke growing up. They’re both adults spending some time together, y’know, things happen,” he shrugs as if it’s not a big deal.
“Okay, I’ll remember that next time Mali hangs out with Trey,” Michael snaps and Calum’s eyes widen.
“What? Who’s Trey?”
“Guys,” Ashton tries to break up the fight before it happens.
“Just a guy she’s hanging out with, no big deal right? Cause they’re probably sleeping together.”
“That’s my sister!”
“Now you see my point!”
“Guys! Bigger picture, please!” Ashton shouts this time and the other two fall silent. “You should see him at the house whenever Emmy texts or calls him. I swear he’s becoming himself again.”
“What would you do if they are dating?” Calum asks.
“Nothing I could do is there? She’s her own person, he’s my best friend. They can do what they want, but if he breaks her heart I’ll give him hell.”
“I thought I was your best friend,” Calum frowns.
“You’re all my best friends,” Michael sighs, “We’ve been over this a hundred times. Are they dating?”
“Where even are they anyway?” Calum asks looking around.
“Luke said they were going mini golfing and to a movie,” Ashton grins.
“They’re definitely dating,” Calum nods.
The movie they went to see didn’t end until about 1 a.m. they went to a late showing and it was about three hours long. Emmy loved it even though she cried and Luke didn’t hesitate in wiping her tears away from her cheeks.
“Hey, can we go to—“
“Moon Glo?” he smiles looking her way and she squeals in happiness.
“You’re the best,” she claps her hands excitedly and Luke chuckles.
They ordered the same thing as last time and sat talking in his car until Emmy began to yawn. Luke took her empty bowl and threw it out along with his in the garbage on the sidewalk. When he got back she blinked slowly at him.
“Time to take you home, Pip,” he murmurs pulling his seatbelt across himself and starting the car.
“Don’t wanna,” she sighs with a pout.
“You’re sleepy,” he chuckles. “I won’t have you sleep in my car, it’s not that comfortable.”
“Fine,” she sighs.
Emmy does end up falling asleep on the drive back and Luke thinks she looks horribly adorable with her head resting on the middle of the console. Her lips are pursed and her long lashes cast shadows on her round cheeks. He sighs longingly as he pulls into Michael’s driveway and he brushes her hair from her face.
“Hey, we’re home,” he says softly near her ear, “Emmy, wake up.”
She groans but blinks her eyes open slowly.
“Come on, sleepy girl,” he chuckles unlocking her belt. He catches it so it doesn’t strike her face and lets it retract slowly.
She unfurls her legs and Luke scrambles out of the car to open her door. He helps her unlock the front door and she nearly falls taking off her shoes. Which is odd considering she’s wearing flip-flops.
Luke steadies her and asks in a hushed voice, “Which is your room?”
“Up,” she points tiredly.
He smiles leading her to the stairs which could be an issue so he lifts her into his arms and carries her the rest of the way. He figures the room on the left is hers, it shows the skyline of the hills beautifully, and she’s always liked a good view. He lays her down gently on the bed but she clutches his sweatshirt in her fingers.
“Stay,” she demands weakly, her big doe eyes staring at him.
“I’ll be fine, I’m going back to Ash’s place—“
“No. You could hit a raccoon. Come on, just go to sleep,” she sighs shifting in the bed so he has room.
Luke’s heart is pounding in his ears at her request. “You sure?” he breathes.
“Yes. Now get in her Lucas, it’s getting cold.”
He toes off his shoes and removes his socks. Then he tugs his sweatshirt off so he’s in his t-shirt. Normally he sleeps in just his boxers but no way is he going to do that right now. He clears his throat about to climb in when she stops him.
“What are you doing?” she’s sitting up now.
“I’m—you told me to go to sleep,” he stares at her confused.
“Who sleeps in skinny jeans?” she huffs then gets out of bed and picks up an article of clothing. “These are Mike’s basketball shorts. Put those on.”
She chucks them at him and he turns around to peel off his jeans. He sighs at the looser fit of the shorts. When he spins around she’s changed into shorts and a t-shirt of her own. Damn, that’s fast.
“Better?” she asks climbing back into her bed.
“Much. Thank you,” he says then awkwardly gets into bed with her. He makes sure to stay as far from her as he can, he doesn’t want to cross any boundaries. Especially with his best friend’s younger sister.
His chivalry is tossed out the window though because she pulls him to her, his arm falling over her waist and she tickles her fingers up and down his arm.
“Now sleep,” she tells him burrowing further into her pillow.
The sound of her breathing and the light, coaxing touches of her fingers on his skin relaxes him and he closes his eyes. On average he only sleeps maybe four hours every night, so when he will inevitably wake up he’d sneak out before Michael or Crystal realized he was in bed with Emmy.
When he woke up, sunlight was streaming through the curtains. He shifted and inhaled a flowery smell mixed in with coconut; it was nice and he inhaled more. Soft giggles filled his ears and he opened his eyes to see his head nestled in Emmy’s neck.
“You’re tickling me,” she giggles again.
“Sorry,” he mumbles sleepily and he pulls his head back.
She rolls over, a smile already painted on her face. “Morning sunshine.”
“Morning,” he grumbles. His fingers rub circles on her lower back. “What time is it?”
“Almost noon.”
“Fuck. Really?”
“Yeah, you slept a long time,” her finger touch the skin below his eyes delicately. “Your eyes don’t look as dark.”
“Yours are, you’ve got mascara everywhere,” he chuckles.
“Great,” she groans. “I look like a raccoon.”
“A cute raccoon,” he grins biting his lip.
She rolls her eyes. “If you say so. I’m hungry. Let’s go get food.”
“How are you this chipper when you just wake up?” he asks rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“I’ve been awake for an hour,” she snickers then rolls out of his arms and onto the floor.
When Luke opens his bleary eyes from behind his hands, he’s transfixed by Emmy before him. Her sleep shorts rose up a bit and he’s staring straight at the bottom of her ass cheeks. He’s oh so tempted to reach out and squeeze, pulling her back into bed and onto his lap.
“Are you checking me out?”
“No,” he responds too quickly averting his eyes then curses himself. He gets out of bed as well and tousles his hair.
“You’re a terrible liar,” she laughs.
Luke sighs in defeat then follows her downstairs. He hears Michael and Crystal’s voices and he gulps. He readies himself for a punch in the stomach or a clock to his face from Michael. He’s prepared to say they just slept.
“Oh my God. They’re alive!” Michael laughs from the couch, his guitar in hand. Crystal laughs beside him scrolling through her tablet. “Do you guys have a fro-yo hangover?”
“Yes, now we need hangover food. Wanna make us some French toast?” Emmy smiles with her tongue between her teeth, she makes her eyes really big and blinks them super-fast.
Luke would say yes in a heartbeat from her expression alone but Michael doesn’t give in to his sister’s shenanigans as easily.
“Nice try,” he deadpans. “Make them yourself, Pipsqueak.”
She sticks her tongue out then tugs Luke into the kitchen. Luke glances to Michael in alarm as she held his hand but he’s paying them no attention.
“Babe, you should make her breakfast. She’s our guest,” Crystal says.
“She can make her own breakfast!”
“I had to make you breakfast when we were home alone in the summer, Mikey,” Emmy calls gathering the French toast ingredients.
Then there’s a smack from Crystal and they bicker quietly together on the couch. Emmy stares up at Luke triumphantly.
“I love getting him in trouble with her.”
Their group is going out to Viral, their favorite club and Luke just came downstairs in all black with his shirt unbuttoned and two pairs of necklaces. He took a shower beforehand and he’s feeling fresh and ready to party. He’s really anxious to see Emmy.
“Hey man, ready to go?” Ashton asks with Calum behind him.
“Yeah, are the cabs coming to Michael’s?” Luke asks shoving his wallet in his back pocket.
“They’re gonna meet us there,” Calum says.
“Oh,” Luke chews on his bottom lip deflating a little. He won’t get to walk in with Emmy and see her reaction to the place. “All right.”
He’s silent in the car ride to the club, and does a bemused wave to fans that spot them outside the club before they enter. He heads to the bar as soon as they’re in the VIP section, slams down a shot then orders his usual.
Ashton and Calum are looking at him worriedly when he makes it back to their sitting area, he chooses to ignore them much like the girls who are making eyes at him. He knows who they are since he’s seen them naked before but he ignores them as well. None of them hold his interest anymore.
Except one.
He’s halfway done with his first drink, so he gets up to buy another—he’ll finish this one easily on the way—when he spots Michael and Crystal walking towards him hand in hand. Emmy’s not with them, great, she’s probably on a date—
There she is. Emmy shuffles beside her brother, her eyes landing on Luke straightaway. He smiles instinctually and veers to her direction, her smile alone pulls him. His arms slip around her easily as he embraces her in a tight hug. He squeezes her to him causing her to lift from the ground slightly and she laughs in his ear.
Everyone else around them disappears, his focus is only on her and when he sets her down on her feet he takes in her outfit. She’s wearing a pretty red romper with a black belt and ankle boots. She’s mouthwatering.
“You’re drooling,” she teases rubbing her thumb on his dry bottom lip. He knows he’s not but her touch sets his skin ablaze.
“Can you blame me?” he smiles lazily grabbing her hand. “Want something to drink?”
“A mint mojito,” she beams following him to the bar.
“Classy girl,” he smirks then flags down the bartender.
“He didn’t even look at us! Does he know we’re here?” Michael exclaims exasperatedly watching Luke and Emmy at the bar. He and Crystal joined the others sitting around the small round glass table.
“Oh leave him be,” Crystal squeezes her boyfriend’s knee. “I think it’s cute. Did you see how his face lit up when he saw her?”
“He was pretty bent up that we were meeting you here,” Calum says.
“I think he wanted to drive with Emmy,” Ashton adds.
“That’s so cute,” Crystal sighs.
“He’s lucky I know him, I wouldn’t want someone else looking at my sister like he is,” Michael sighs.
“Like what?”
“He’s looking at her like she’s the sun,” Crystal grins watching them.
Luke and Emmy join the rest of the group but make sure to sit close together, Luke’s leg is touching hers and she has her hand resting on his knee as they join in conversation. Luke nurses his second drink, he doesn’t want to be too intoxicated and forget what he and Emmy do together.
She’s taking shots and is on her fourth drink when she and Crystal head to the bathroom. As she passes by Luke, she takes his face in her hand and rubs his cheek affectionately before following Crystal to the bathroom. He watches her go with a permanent smile which quickly fades when he turns to his three best friends. All of their eyebrows are raised and Michael is staring him down.
“Uh, yes?” he asks awkwardly.
“What’s going on between you two?” Ashton giggles.
“What do you mean?”
“You were going to get plastered tonight, and I know because I saw the look in your eye, but as soon as Emmy arrived you’ve barely finished your second drink. Which probably is so watered down you can’t even taste the alcohol anymore,” Ashton explains.
“You’ve been by each other’s side the whole time,” Calum adds sipping his cocktail.
Luke doesn’t know what to say but he looks at Michael. His expression is hard to read, what with the flashing lights and the fact that he’s been drinking as well.
“Does my sister make you happy?” Michael asks.
“Of course she does!” Ashton answers for Luke very loudly. “He hasn’t been this happy in so long, and it’s all because of her, right?”
“Yeah,” Luke admits sheepishly. “I’m sorry Mike. I didn’t plan on this happening but she’s just . . . she’s something else.”
“Tell me Ems, are you and Luke dating?” Crystal asks while they’re leaning against the bathroom sinks.
“What? Why would you say that?”
“He’s spent the night nearly every night since you got here. He’s talking a lot more, he’s smiling a lot more, and you haven’t left his side the whole night.”
“I don’t know what we are, we haven’t talked about it. We haven’t even kissed yet,” Emmy sighs in disappointment.
“I can tell you, the boy is smitten with you,” Crystal winks.
“How can you tell?”
“How can you not? Did you not see the way he smiled at you when we came?” Crystal asks and Emmy blushes in response. “He’s changed a lot since you got here, he seems more like himself ever since Lea . . .”
Emmy is lost in thought as they exit the bathroom as Crystal drags her to the bar to order a shot. Luke notices them standing by the bar, he doesn’t know why but he feels like he should be over there. Even though they’re in the VIP section, creeps are still everywhere.
He’s only half listening to the guys’ conversation because his attention is on Emmy and the way she’s bouncing on her feet to the beat of the music. The way her eyes close when she laughed at something Crystal said. The way a guy grabbed her waist and pulled her against his chest.
Crystal tries to intervene but is shoved away into another guy and Luke rises immediately. He grabs Michael by the scruff of his shirt who yelps in protest.
“It’s Crystal and Emmy,” Luke hisses quickly and he bound down the stairs like lightning.
“Stop touching me!” he hears Emmy protest.
Upon hearing her voice, Luke yanks the guy off her and she stumbles back into the bar. He shoves the guy as far away from Emmy as he can then motions to security to escort him and his friend out who Michael also shoved away. He watches security take them away until he’s sure they’re gone then he feels small hands touch his arm. He turns around to see Emmy biting her lip, her eyes wide in fear and glistening.
“You’re okay,” he says quickly pressing her against him. She allows herself to be crushed against his strong chest, she already feels safe in his arms. He kisses the top of her head, rubbing her arms and back while Mike tries to console a very drunk and very angry Crystal.
“Want me to take you home?” Luke asks lowly in her ear. She nods and he takes his phone out to text the valet to bring his car around.
He looks to Michael who’s already nodding in understanding that Luke will take his sister home. Luke feels Emmy’s hot breath through his shirt as he continues to soothe her until his phone buzzes.
“Okay, come on lovie,” he says grabbing her hand. “I’ve got you.”
Emmy’s silent the whole drive to Michael’s. Luke desperately wants to reach out and hold her hand, but the vibe he’s getting from her tells him not to. He doesn’t want to touch her unless she wants him to, but he needs to make sure she’s all right.
Before he has his car in park, she’s already tripping out of the car and up the walkway. Luke sighs then follows after her up to her bedroom but the door is closed. Memories of this being from another time, with a different girl and it made his heart crack at the all too familiar feeling.
No. She’s not Lea. She’s not mad at you.
He raps his knuckles gently on her door, and calls her name softly.
“You can come in,” her muffled voice says from the other side.
He turns the knob, his eyes scanning the room until he finds her pulling out his clothes he’s kept there when he spends the night. She’s already changed into her pajamas, her make up rubbed off hastily. He stands frozen in the doorway, not entirely sure on how to approach her. If he should approach her at all.
Emmy turns then gives him a funny look.
“Get in here and change,” she sighs heavily.
“You sure you want me to stay the night?” he asks taking a hesitant step closer.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You seem mad at me,” he shrugs, “and after what happened at the club I thought you’d want to be alone.”
Her arms drop and she’s peering at him intently. She meets him halfway tossing his shirt and shorts on the bed, still looking up at him. She hears how deep he’s breathing, his eyes never leaving hers but she can see the doubt in the sky blue irises.
“Luke Hemmings, being alone is the last thing I want,” her voice is just shy of a whisper but he can hear the true emotion in it.
He swallows as she moves closer and closer, her fingers tuck his curls behind his ear. He notices how her lips are parted slightly and the way her eyes dart between his lips and his eyes.
“What do you want?” he asks thickly.
“I . . . I want you to kiss me, Luke,” she whispers.
He exhales his breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and attaches his mouth to hers, his arms snaking around her waist to her lower back. Emmy’s hands clutch onto his biceps as he kisses her with so much want and desire. One of her hands find home in his curls and she tugs gently, his tongue swipes her bottom lip then he slips it between her lips.
Luke shifts them lifting her off the ground and he sits down on the bed, Emmy instantly straddling him and their lips stay locked in a heated kiss of teeth and tongue and heavy breathing.
Emmy rises her hips from his lap and Luke slides his hands over the roundness of her ass. She makes quick work of unbuttoning his black silk shirt, pulling the fabric tucked in his jeans and shoves it off his shoulders.
Luke tosses it to his left, or behind him, he’s not sure because he’s focused on the taste of her lips. They’re slightly minty from her mojitos but also sugary from the lemon drop shots she consumed throughout the evening.
Luke kneaded his fingers in the fullness of her ass and she moaned against his mouth, her hips rocking gently against his. His hands travel north over the top part of her romper, his thumbs grazing the sides of her breasts and she nips at his lip and he takes that opportunity to kiss along her jaw. He’s sucking on her skin as he begins to work on her belt but when she sighs he smells the alcohol on her breath and he stops his actions.
He tears his lips away from her jaw and places his hands on the side of her neck. Her eyes are a little bloodshot and filled with excitement, her pretty lips parted.
“What’s wrong?”
“I should stop before I won’t be able to,” he breathes, his eyes darting between hers.
“Oh,” she deflates on top of him and he can see the instant rejection in her eyes.
“No, no, baby, it’s not because I don’t want to,” he tries to recover quickly and holds onto her tighter. “I want to so bad, but not like this.”
She studies him carefully and can hear truth in his voice and knows he’s right. But it still stings.
“Can we kiss until we fall asleep?” she asks softly playing with his necklaces.
“Hey, look at me,” he murmurs ticking her chin up so her dark blue eyes are looking in his. “That’s not even a question.”
She gets off his lap then and they both go to her bathroom to brush their teeth, making eyes at each other in the mirror. Luke watches her fondly as she washes her face free of her make-up and when she’s dried her face he takes her cheeks in his hands kissing her.
They shuffle back to her bed, Emmy crawls in first and Luke hits the light switch before joining her under the covers. In their excitement of kissing some more, her hand smacks his cheek and his presses on her hair.
“Ow!” they yelp then burst into giggles.
“Where are your lips?” she laughs.
“Trying to find yours,” he responds then feels her top lip. “Gotcha.”
They kiss in whispers and he can’t help but notice her lips have a slight taste to coconut, it must be the chapstick she put on after brushing her teeth. Emmy’s fingers thread through his growing curls while Luke’s are strong on her lower back.
“I really like you, Emmy,” he confesses in one breath when they take a break of kissing. Luke’s fingers trail up and down her bare back underneath her shirt.
It feels good to finally say it out loud. The last week and a half he’s spent with her has been the happiest he’s been in so long. She’s repairing the carved out part of his heart that Lea ruthlessly took from him. She didn’t question him or treat him like a ticking time bomb. Emmy’s thumb traces over Luke’s top lip, his heart is racing waiting for her response.
“I really like you, Luke,” she admits giving him a gentle kiss. “And I really like kissing you.”
“I really like kissing you,” a smile spreads on his face before he kisses her with all he’s got.
“And it’s okay?” she gasps out.
“What’s okay?”
“That I like you and you like me even though I’m Mikey’s little sister?”
Luke draws back, his brows furrowed.
“That’s not an issue, Emmy. Michael and I actually talked about . . . us, kind of. He’s okay with it.”
“Really?! Oh, thank God,” she sighs launching herself on top of Luke peppering kisses all over his face. He’s soon laughing beneath her then tickles her sides in retaliation. Emmy shrieks in laughter at his attack until they’re both panting to catch their breath.
Luke’s standing alone in Roy’s backyard waiting and watching for Emmy. Roy and Calum decided to throw a midsummer beach party and the place was packed. Luke and Ashton showed up together and Emmy spent the day with Michael and Crystal so they’d be coming later.
Ashton left to mingle immediately and Luke scopes out the other partygoers. Some of them he recognizes from his own party days. He nods politely as they greet him but he’d much rather have Emmy by his side. He never wanted to go back to that life he lived for what felt like forever.
He’s scrolling through his phone then smiles again at the text Emmy sent him not too long ago saying she was on her way. Then he hears an all too familiar laugh that sends a cold sweat on the back of his neck.
Luke looks up to see Lea amongst a group of people, her signature high top-bun and white rimmed sunglasses frame her face as she converses. Luke swallows harshly but it only constricts his throat further. His feet are frozen, his heart is racing and there’s a slight ringing in his ears as panic sets in.
His brain is telling him to escape as fast as he can, to find Ashton or to find Emmy who he hopes is here somewhere but the message doesn’t reach his feet. He’s stuck staring at the girl who wrecked him completely, leaving him in the sunken ship she capsized.
Lea slid her sunglasses up her head then spotted Luke who still couldn’t look away. He thinks there’s a word for it, like when you drive by an accident and you can’t look away? His mind is blank as she stares at him, a ghost of her signature smirk appears before she starts walking his way.
He’s frozen in his spot, the ringing in his ears is louder and higher pitched and all he can do is watch the tornado of a woman create her warpath in his direction.
“Hey! There you are.”
Emmy’s voice breaks through Luke’s panic, and the gentle touch of her hands on his back as she hugs him causes him to tear his eyes away from the storm and onto the light that is Emmy. He exhales in relief when he looks into her eyes and she sees the familiar darkness.
“What’s the matter?”
“Hi Lukey-boo,” Lea greets in a sickly sweet voice, it makes his stomach turn. “Babysitting I see?”
Emmy twists around to look at Lea and Luke closes his eyes, he just wanted to keep looking in her eyes.
“You must be Lea,” Emmy greets brightly. She takes Luke’s hand in her own and squeezes it tightly. “I’ve heard so many things about you.”
“Oh thank you,” Lea smiles smugly, twisting her hair with her fingers.
“I didn’t say they were good things,” Emmy responds icily then turns to Luke. “Come on Luke, Mikey’s looking for you.”
Emmy drags Luke away as quick as she can inside the house, he’s shaking slightly and as soon as they’re inside he slips his hand from hers. He finds the nearest wall then starts smacking it as hard as he can, his teeth clenched.
“Hey, hey, Luke. Luke!” Ashton is suddenly behind him, between him and Emmy, with his hands on Luke’s shoulders. He pulls him away from the wall. “What’s going on?”
“Lea was outside,” Emmy explains quietly watching the scene in front of her.
“Shit,” Ashton mutters then pulls Luke with him upstairs.
Emmy smiles apologetically at the people in the kitchen then scampers after Ashton and Luke. When she looked into Luke’s eyes, he was the ghost of himself she’s never seen before. It terrified her, not for her safety, but only concern for Luke. She finds Ashton and Luke in Calum’s room, it’s far away from downstairs and faces the street instead of the backyard.
“You good? We can leave if you want or I’ll make Roy kick her out,” Ashton says.
“Did Calum know she was going to be here?”
“No, he wouldn’t do that, Luke. She must have overheard about the party or something and came here on purpose to mess with you,” Ashton squeezes Luke’s shoulders. His hands are keeping Luke’s head above the waters. “What do you need?”
“Where’s Emmy?”
“Ash…” Emmy says quietly stepping forward.
“She’s right here,” Ashton steps aside, releasing his hold on Luke.
Luke’s ice blue eyes slide to her and he visibly relaxes, his face softening and shoulders falling.
“You good?” Ashton asks, Luke nods stiffly. “I’ll be downstairs. Text me if you need me.”
Ashton pats him on the back then gives Emmy a small smile before exiting the room. He closes the door softly behind him and Luke falls onto the bed with a big sigh. His elbows rest on his knees and he hangs his head. Emmy joins him and places her hand on his neck.
“Hey,” she scratches the back of his neck with her nails. Luke breathes deeply and sits up straight turning to Emmy.
“Hey,” he croaks. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I wasn’t expecting Lea to be here and it’s—it’s been so long I thought I’d be okay and—“
“Luke, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain it to me, okay?” she strokes his cheek with the back of her fingers. “What happened?”
“I couldn’t…” he shakes his head. “I couldn’t move. I saw her and it’s like I was paralyzed. I’m so glad that you showed up when you did, lovie.”
Emmy kisses his forehead, his eyebrow, his cheek and then finally his lips. Her thumbs stroke his cheeks as she looks into his eyes.
“I am too. Do you want to stay or do you want to go somewhere else?”
“I didn’t really want to be here in the first place,” he sighs kissing the inside of her wrist.
“Then let’s go,” she smiles.
He follows her downstairs where Ashton is waiting for them, he perks up at the sight of them.
“What’s goin’ on?” Ashton asks looking between Emmy and Luke.
“We’re blowing this popsicle stand,” Emmy giggles. “Can you tell Mikey we left?”
“Yeah, no problem,” he watches them brisk by then he calls out, “where are you going?”
“An adventure!” Emmy shouts causing Luke to laugh and then they’re gone.
Luke is cruising down the 405 with the windows down and Emmy is singing along to the radio. Every time Luke looks over at her it’s easier for him to breathe and they arrive at the beach just as the sky turns a pretty golden orange.
“Take off your shoes,” Emmy orders already working on her black boots.
Luke toes off his own boots placing his socks inside then setting them down inside the car. He takes her hand leading the way into the hot but soft sand. The warm ocean breeze ruffles his hair and he inhales the salty air.
Their toes touch the water’s edge, Emmy squeals a little at the coolness of it but soon she’s kicking the water up.
“Hey!” he chuckles shielding his face.
“It’s just water,” she teases kicking a spray of it in his direction. Some of the spray hits his cheek.
“Do that again, I dare you,” he threatens but his voice doesn’t ring true of the threat. Emmy does it again. “That’s it, you’re in trouble now.”
“Ahh!” She screams and tries to run from him but his legs are longer and he snatches her up quickly.
He throws her over his shoulder, she’s squealing in laughter as he spins her around making sure to kick up some water.
“Luke!” she laughs patting his back and his butt in an attempt to get him to let her down.
“Say you’re sorry!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Satisfied, he sets her down gently. They both take a deep breath and then Emmy squats down to splash a huge amount of water on his stomach and legs. She’s laughing so hard she falls into the water on her butt, she gasps in surprise.
“Karma baby,” Luke chuckles.
Emmy groans and stands up. Her jean shorts are a shade darker and her top clings to her skin, the ends of her hair is wet and Luke can tell she’s grumpy about the turn of events. She scowls at him which he thinks is the cutest fucking thing he’s ever seen before she leaps up in his arms. He’s taken aback and staggers backwards, the waves push against his balance and then they’re both in the water but Luke makes sure his hold is secure on Emmy.
“OOF!” he grunts at the impact and the wetness he now feels.
“I made my own karma,” Emmy snickers.
Luke squeezes her waist and stares into her eyes, thankful that karma has brought her back into his life. He wants to tell her his thoughts, but his mouth can’t form the words so he crushes his lips to hers in hopes she’ll understand what he can’t say.
They splash around in the water for a bit longer then sit in the sand until the sun starts to set and their clothes are somewhat dry. They decide to head back to Michael’s house. Emmy’s hand is rising and falling out the window as she sings along to Jaden Smith’s PCH blasting through the speakers.
“Gimme all your kisses baby cause this is bliss, gimme all your kisses baby…” she sings tilting her head from side to side in time with the beat of the song and Luke’s never felt so much fondness for a person before.
The house is quiet when Luke and Emmy arrive, Michael’s car is still gone so they must still be at the party. Luke pulls Emmy against him as soon as the door shuts, his lips on hers. Emmy sighs into the kiss linking her arms around his neck.
“Gimme all your kisses baby,” Luke mumbles and she nods enthusiastically.
He lifts her into his arms, her legs wrap around his waist and he heads upstairs to her bedroom. He sits down on her bed tugging her shirt up and off her head and Emmy removes her bra swiftly before tugging at his t-shirt.
Luke’s hands are hot on her skin as his tongue explores her mouth once more. She smells like the beach and her lips are sun kissed with a hint of saltiness from the ocean water. Emmy moans quietly and it causes Luke’s dick twitch in response.
He pulls away and looks at her, her eyes are alert, lips are red and swollen and she’s smiling. Luke drops his gaze to her bare torso and he lets out a huff at the sight of her chest rising and falling heavily. He presses his lips between her breasts, sponging kisses along the mound until he finds her nipple which he tugs between his teeth. His tongue flicks against it and she sighs in his arms at the sensation.
He shifts to the other breast doing the same thing but sucks hard on the skin, it makes an obscene noise and she whimpers. When he releases her breast he sees his teeth marks surrounding her nipple and his pants tighten at the sight. He looks up at her.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he pants then flips her over so she’s on her back. Her legs rise up on the bed but she stops him before he climbs on top of her.
“Wait, wait,” she holds onto his chest with her palm. “Get the door.”
He smiles and obeys shutting it and locks it for good measure even though he’s positive Michael and Crystal won’t be back for hours. When he turns around he sees she’s just in her black panties and he groans.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” he sighs then kneels in front of her. Luke pulls her closer to him, an excited squeal escaping her lips at the movement and he pulls her panties to the side staring at her bare center. His mouth waters at the sight. “So pretty,” he whispers then runs his finger up her slit, his eyes move to hers.
She’s watching him intently, a fire in her eyes that he’s sure matches his. He teases her more by playing with her folds and kisses her inner thighs.
“Luke,” she whines his name and fuck, does he love the sound, “please.”
That plea is all he needs to hear and he attaches his mouth to her warm wet center, she tastes even better than he’s imagined. She whimpers above him, letting her legs fall open wider for him and he swipes his tongue up and down, in circular motions and flicks at her clit which makes her go wild.
She’s moaning so loud he swears he’s never heard a more beautiful sound, he wants to hear her make those noises forever. Emmy bucks her hips in time with his ministrations.
“You close, lovie?” he rasps looking up at her. She arches her back and moans out a ‘yes.’ “Come on my mouth, baby.”
He devours her, keeping his mouth on her and moving his face roughly from side to side as she moans relentlessly. He searches for her hand that is clutching the sheet in a death grip and drags it to his hair. She yanks and pulls with each spasm of her orgasm washing over her but Luke doesn’t stop. He keeps sucking and licking until her movements slow and she lets out a deeply satisfied sigh.
Luke licks his lips then slips her panties off her waist and down her legs. He stuffs it in his back pocket, kissing both sides of her thighs as she comes down from her orgasm. His gaze is locked on her, watching her facial expressions and the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he admits trailing his fingers up and down her leg before hooking it over his shoulder.
“You’re really good at it,” she puffs out and he chuckles.
He lifts her other leg over his shoulder and looks up at her darkly. “Want me to go again, lovie?”
He doesn’t give her time to answer before he slips his middle finger inside curling it as he does. Her mouth opens in a perfect little ‘o’ and she yanks harshly at the root of his curls. She rocks her hips against his finger, a chorus of moans fill the room as he pumps into her faster, harder, and it’s not long until she’s coming beneath him again.
When he removes his finger, he traces a line from her slit, past her bellybutton and around the curves of her breast. Then he scoots back down in between her legs, she whimpers already knowing what he’s planning to do.
“Got one more for me, baby?” he rasps situating himself at her core. Again, he doesn’t give her a chance to answer before he’s diving in, darting his tongue in and out at an antagonizing pace.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she squeals pulling on his hair. Her body shakes. Her legs are trembling.
When he adds his finger again she lets out an animalistic growl that only urges Luke to continue pleasuring her, loving the yank of his hair by her fingers. He hums against her, the vibrations adding even more to her pleasure and her body spasms before clenching as she lets out a scream.
Luke feels her come all over his finger and his mouth, his eyes on her the entire time as her whole body lifted from the bed, as if she were ascending into an astral plane of pure ecstasy. When her body drops back down, her legs going lax, is when he decides to stop. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and swipes his finger on his jeans, he doesn’t care that they’re black and it’ll stain.
Luke crawls over her once more, Evie somehow finds the strength to press her palm against his chest. He notices the space between her cleavage is sheened with sweat.
“Please, no more,” she whispers. Her eyes are hooded as she stares up at him.
“No more,” he shakes his head then rests his forehead on hers. “You did so well, baby. I love hearing your moans.” She yawns then and he rolls off the bed to retrieve some new underwear and her pajamas.
He helps her change into them, her legs are wobbling as she does and they head into the bathroom to wash up. Luke holds onto her hip while they brush their teeth and while she washes her face. He tucks her into bed before he pulls off his jeans and places his t-shirt over his head and climbs in behind her. He chuckles to himself when he realizes how she’s lying, her legs are completely spread, and she’s on her stomach with her arms splayed over the pillow.
She looks like a cute little starfish.
He settles in behind her and rubs her back helping her relax, he knows she loves that. Then he kisses her neck and whispers, ‘goodnight, pretty girl.’
When Emmy woke up the next morning, memories of last night flooded into her mind. Butterflies appeared in her tummy as she woke up a bit more, blinking her eyes open slowly. She rolls over to see Luke already awake and staring at the ceiling, his arms locked behind his head.
“Good morning,” Emmy greets, her voice is strained as she stretches her limbs.
“Morning,” he smiles wistfully at her then continues staring at the ceiling.
Emmy’s eyebrows pull together and she scoots herself on his chest. She pulls on his chin until his pretty blue eyes meet hers.
“What’s on your mind?” she asks.
Luke brings his left arm down from behind his head to settle it on her waist. His fingers slip beneath her shirt to tickle her back and goosebumps rise at his feather light touch on her skin.
“I think I want to go back home.”
“To Aus?”
“N-no . . . my house. Here. In LA,” his Adam’s apple works in his throat.
“Oh,” Emmy squeaks then clears her throat. “Okay. When? Today?”
“Maybe. Yeah. . . I think so. I don’t know,” he closes his eyes breathing deeply through his nose.
“I’ll go with you,” she offers, “unless you want to go alone.”
“No, I want you to come with me, lovie. It’ll help having you there.”
“Okay,” she touches his cheek and his eyes open. She smiles softly. “Hi.”
“Hi pretty girl,” he lifts his head stretching forward to give her a soft kiss.
“Can I try something?” she asks resting her hand on his lower stomach.
“Like what?” He gives her a quizzical look.
“Liiiike what you did for me last night. . .” she slides her hand lower under the sheet and onto his boxers. She rubs her palm over his dick gently and Luke inhales sharply. “. . . but I want to do it for you.”
“You don’t have to Ems,” he licks his lips as she continues to palm him.
He’s getting harder in her hand and he blinks slowly at her soft tugging.
“I want to,” she breathes leaning up to kiss him and she slips her hand underneath his boxers. He’s warm and soft in her hand as she strokes him lazily.
Luke inhales sharply again, his hand squeezes her waist.
“Can I?” she kisses his neck then slides down the length of his body.
“Mhm,” he hums lifting his hips so she can pull his boxers down.
Emmy kisses his tummy softly and continues to give open mouthed kisses on his skin until she kisses the tip of his dick. She continues to mouth him, opening her mouth to let her tongue swirl around his tip.
“Baby,” he sighs and Emmy takes more of him in her mouth.
“Quiet,” she whispers jerking her head to the door behind her. Michael and Crystal are asleep down the hall and she did not want to wake them up like this.
Luke nods and Emmy hollows out her cheeks to take him in her mouth as far as she can go, salivating on him so she can pump him with her hand. Luke’s grunting and groaning softly, watching her every move. He loves the way her head bobs up and down slowly and the way she swirls her tongue up and down his shaft.
He jerks his hips gently with her movements, his fingers comb through her hair and she moves faster. Luke’s panting heavily until he feels his release coming, with a low grunt and no warning, he’s coming in her mouth.
“Babe, babe, Ems,” he gasps trying to get her mouth off him but she swallows all he’s giving her.
Luke throws his head back on the pillows, heart racing, and his body spent. It’s been so long since he’s gotten head, he’s a little embarrassed it didn’t take him long to orgasm to but to have Emmy doing it for him was amazing.
Emmy wipes the corner of her mouth, wincing a little but gives Luke a smile nonetheless.
“Sorry, that’s . . . it’s been a while,” he sighs blinking slowly.
“Did you like it?” her eyes big.
“Yes, baby, I loved it,” he gives her a glazed smile. “C’mere.”
His fingers are in her hair again and they kiss lazily until Michael is banging on the door complaining about how he’s hungry and they’re all going out for breakfast.
Emmy joins Luke at the front door of his house, he’s twirling his keys between his fingers. She grabs hold of his bicep and Luke gives a small grin that looks more like a grimace then inserts the key. He takes Emmy’s hand in his and leads her inside.
Emmy looks around the space, it’s very modern with a lot of sharp edged furniture. Everything is in its own place and very black and white. It’s the furthest thing from Luke and Emmy didn’t like it at all.
“Well, this is it,” he gestures, “What do you think?”
“It’s very. . .” Emmy scans the empty kitchen and bare walls. “Clean.”
Luke snorts walking her down the hall. “It’s very Lea. She chose everything.”
Emmy frowns at that and peeks in the rooms before they stop in a bedroom she assumes is his room. It’s also very modern and monochromatic. The only splash of color is from a potted plant in the corner that is surely fake, no wonder Lea chose it.
Emmy moves to the window to see a nice view of of the hills and a small pool that’s in serious need of some care. When she turns around, Luke is sitting on the bed watching her with a thoughtful expression.
“What’s running through your mind, honey bun?” she asks threading her fingers through his curls.
He smiles at the nickname and grabs hold of her thigh, his thumb rubs circles on her exposed skin below her shorts.
“I want to get rid of everything. Repaint the walls, get new furniture and a new bed,” he grins deviously up at her and pulls her closer.
“I think that’s a marvelous idea,” she smiles.
“Do you want to help me?”
“Really? I don’t want to intrude—“
“You won’t,” he shakes his head, “I want your opinion since . . .”
“Since what?”
“Since I want you to visit and I want you to visit a lot and I want you to like it too.”
Emmy melts into his arms, hugging him tightly. His arms are wrapped around her and he pulls her onto his lap.
“Is that okay?” he asks in her ear.
“It’s more than okay. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard, Luke,” she kisses his shoulder.
“You’re the sweetest thing.”
Luke and Emmy got to work right away on remodeling his house. He donated all of his furniture and hired a cleaning crew for the whole house, and the pool before the painters come.
While the painters were doing their job, Luke and Emmy went furniture shopping. He was a little apprehensive at first, but only because flashbacks of when he and Lea did the same thing she chose everything while Luke followed along silently.
But with Emmy, she made everything fun and lighthearted. She tested each couch cushion, pulling him down with her. It’s like she was goldilocks and Luke felt like he was anything but the big bad wolf like how Lea made him feel.
He decided on a blue couch with gray armchairs for the living room and he chose a king sized bed and a dark red armchair for his bedroom. It would all be delivered by next week which would be crunch time because in two weeks they’d be leaving for Bali.
As they were leaving the furniture store to go decoration shopping, Luke noticed some familiar photographers hanging around across the street. He remembers how Emmy nearly fell the last time she was around the paps and he took hold of her hand.
Was that already two months ago?
Luke keeps glancing at her once he’s driving to the next store and he can’t believe the timeline of him and Emmy.
Growing up, she was always Mikey’s younger sister who wanted to play video games and hang out with them all the time. When their music career began, they lost touch and sight of each other but he thought about her often.
“What’re you thinking so hard about over there?” Emmy pulls him out of his reverie just as they climb out of the car.
“You,” he answers simply holding out his hand for her to take. He doesn’t miss the blush on her cheeks and Luke loves it.
“Oh,” she giggles softly.
The decorating was his favorite thing to shop for because Emmy got so animated about everything she saw. She’d say where it would look best in his house and how it would pair nicely with something else she found in another aisle. Being with Emmy was as easy as breathing and blinking. He didn’t have to think about it, it just . . . felt so right.
Emmy is pointing out bookends that are guitars and Luke steps forward and places his finger under her chin so he can kiss her softly. His lips move against hers slowly, wanting to show her how delicate she is and deserves to be treated with such care.
“What was that for?” she exhales smiling up at him.
“I’m happy you’re here with me, Pip.” Luke’s fingers brush her hair back over her shoulder.
“You haven’t called me that since I got here,” she giggles.
“I know, you’re still my Pipsqueak. I think I’ve got all we need, ready to go back to your brother’s?”
She nods slowly taking his hand and they exit the store. As soon as they step into the hot LA sun, their names are being shouted left and right while a multitude of shutter speeds click a mile a minute. Emmy immediately coils into Luke’s side and he shifts his arm around her shoulders guiding her to the car.
“Is it true you and Lea are talking things through?”
“How does Michael feel about you with his sister?”
“What’s it like dating Luke?”
“Are you moving in together?”
“Do you still love Lea?”
The questions were fired from left and right and each time Lea was mentioned Luke tensed up and it only made him approach the car that much faster. Luke shields Emmy’s body with his own so she could get into the car safely and Luke hurried to his side.
Thankfully, the photographers backed away so Luke could peel out of the parking lot. His hands were shaking against the wheel, he flinches when Emmy grabs hold of his fingers with her own. He lets her place his hand in her lap where she caressed his fingers in a soothing way.
He calmed down immediately.
A week has gone by and Luke’s house is finally complete. He invites Emmy over first so they can be alone before he shows the others. They did this together and he wanted to revel in their job well done.
“Luke, it’s so amazing!” she gushes eyeing the piano he selected.
The space seems more like Luke, it’s open and warm and full of color.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he smiles leaning against his kitchen counter. He watches her peer at the guitar bookends on his shelf on either side of his TV. Her smile is radiant as she approaches him, his arms hold onto her waist loosely.
“Does it feel like home?”
His eyes search hers before he leans down pressing his lips to hers, he pulls her tighter against him. One hand travels to her neck and her hands hold onto the sides of his waist. The kiss becomes needy quickly and filled with so much desire Emmy gasps for breath but Luke moves his lips to her neck.
Emmy sighs, her fingers play with the ends of his curls that are getting longer before she starts to work on his buttons and his hands slide under her shirt. They remove the articles of clothing onto the floor, Luke’s fingers slip under the straps of her bra gliding them down her shoulders.
Luke pulls his mouth away from hers to look at her, her eyes are shining and her chest is rising heavily as she tries to catch her breath. To his surprise, she unfastens her bra and lets it fall to the floor between them. Emmy lifts her arms around his neck connecting their lips once more and Luke hoists her legs around his waist.
Lips still molding together, he peeks through his lids as he makes his way to his bedroom and places her on his bed gently. He moves to his knees on the floor as he pulls her shorts and underwear off, his mouth hot on her skin as he did so. He kisses up her leg, tongue delving between her pussy lips slowly.
Emmy sighs above him and he hums against her before removing his own clothes. Her hands reach for him as he reaches for her and then he’s hovering above her. Their eyes meet and they have a silent conversation as she settles herself beneath him and takes hold of him.
He kisses her as he pushes into her carefully. Moaning and sighing with bodies rolling like waves, they find the perfect rhythm easily. Their fingers slot together next to her head and their kisses become sloppy as their movements quicken.
They breathe each other in and when she clenches around him, Luke moans her name in her ear as she fills his with the chorus of her moans. As she comes notes and lyrics fill his head and he moves faster, grunting with each pull and thrust until he’s coming as well.
When he’s finished, he lifts his head to see she’s already staring at him, soft expression on her face and their fingers unlock. Soft pecks to her lips and all over her face makes her laugh and he caresses her cheek.
“You feel like home,” he tells her. She bites her lip then cuddles into his chest, kissing every inch of him she can.
Bali has been nothing but exceptional for Emmy and she loved having Luke show her around to his favorite spots. During the day they’d do activities like zip lining, visit the Uluwatu Temple and the monkey temple where they each got photos of a little monkey on their shoulders.
Each night they’d have dinner with Michael and everybody else then enjoy a large bonfire on the beach where Luke held Emmy between his legs in the sand. Michael kept a careful eye on them both, more so than when they were back home in LA. He picked up on different things here than back at home.
Like how whenever Luke would look at his sister, he’d have an instant smile on his face and when Emmy would be talking Luke listened very carefully. He always walked with her on the inside of the roads and when they’d join together again if they got split up from sight-seeing, he’d kiss her cheek.
Michael took notice of his sister’s actions as well. While they were looking at the trinket shops, her eyes would be on the token in her hand while her other reached for Luke who would be by her side instantly and she hadn’t even said his name. He noticed the way her face brightened when Luke would greet her with a kiss or simply look at her.
It made Michael happy that his best friend and his sister were so happy together. Especially for Luke, he didn’t seem so broken anymore. It also made Michael realize how grown up his sister is now. She’s no longer the little sister who followed them around wanting to play games and listen to their music.
“You’re quiet, that means you’re thinking something,” Crystal says sitting next to him on the couch out by the pool.
Michael’s eyes are focused on Luke and Emmy across the way in the pool. His sister has her legs in the water while Luke’s arms are resting on her thighs and they’re just talking to each other. Emmy dips her hand in the water then slicks back Luke’s curls, she smiles at something he says.
“I think they’re in love,” Michael finally speaks up, his fingers twiddling together.
“I think so too,” Crystal smiles placing her hand over his just as Emmy squealed in laughter as Luke pulled her into the water with him.
Later that night, before everyone disappeared for bed, Michael pulls Luke aside.
“What’s up?” Luke asks.
Michael gazes at one of his best friends for a moment, Luke’s skin color is tanner from the holiday sun, the dark circles under his eyes are gone completely and his eyes don’t have that hard edge to them anymore. He’s a completely different person from when he was with Lea and he had his little sister to thank.
“Um, I know we sort of talked about this at the club but . . . you’re serious about Ems, aren’t you?” Michael flat out asks.
Luke softens at her name and he nods, his fingers run through his unruly curls. Michael’s noticed he’s let his hair grow out, he seems freer.
“Yeah, I am,” Luke breathes, “she’s really special and important to me, Mike.”
“I can tell,” Michael smiles. “I wanted to tell you how happy I am for the both of you and I’m glad you have each other. It’s great seeing you as yourself again, man.”
“It feels good to be myself again, I have her to thank for it. But, uh, thanks for telling me. I still think you’re going to try and beat me up,” Luke chuckles.
“I have thought about it only because of my natural protective brother instincts,” Michael laughs along, “but you’re not a tiny breadstick anymore.”
They bump fists and then hug each other tightly before splitting off in the direction of their rooms.
When Luke finds Emmy she’s just getting out of the bathroom, her hair wet and she smiles at him when she walks by.
“Couldn’t wait to shower with me?” he teases following her to the bed. She sits cross legged in the center of it.
“It was a quick one just to get the sand off. What did my brother want?”
Luke sits next to her and takes her hands in his that are resting in her lap.
“He told me he’s happy we have each other.”
“Yeah,” Luke’s eyes flicker to hers. “Which is great because there’s something I’ve been wanting to show you. . .”
He pulls out his phone and opens up his voice notes app. Emmy watches him scroll down a few until he presses play and sets his phone on her bare knee.
His singing voice croons through the speaker and the sound of the ocean waves makes it even more special as he sings:
You came and topped them all You shine in the dead of the night And I was the first to fall
Fading away, fading away Wake up to someone with nothing to say I never change, though I'd never change Then you come and change it all
With your love, your love, I'm a better, better man With your love, your love, I'm a better, better man Darling, all of my wrongs, they lead me right to you Wrapped in your arms, I swear I'd….
  When the recording stopped, Emmy stares at Luke with wide eyes as she lets the piano and the lyrics resonate in her mind. He scoots closer to her then brushes his fingers on her cheek, his eyes focused on hers.
“I love you, Emmy,” he breathes without missing a beat.
His voice is soft as petals falling to the floor and Emmy’s heart catapults in her chest. Her lips widen in a smile and she lifts herself onto her knees to give him a big kiss. Luke’s hands hold onto her lower back as he kisses her back then they fall onto the bed together.
“I love you, too Luke,” she says on his lips.
They roll over together, lips and fingers interlocked anchoring each other. Luke’s no longer a castaway adrift at sea from a broken relationship void of love. Now he’s with Emmy, his shining lighthouse who makes him the better man he was always meant to be.
• • • •
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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luna-moon-26-20 · 3 years
Foxhole Force EXTRA SCENE!
(TW for mentions of past drugging. Nothing much though)
Episode 5.5: Is that even legal?
Half way through their morning shift, Andrew walked past him in the hallway that held the locker rooms. He called Neil's attention with a quick look and mumbled the words as he passed him.
"Meet me at the command centre at midnight"
Neil watched his retreating back as he asked. "Why?"
But the blond didn't answer. Neil frowned and pushed his cart forward. Andrew was certainly a cryptic one.
The past week at the youth centre had been a surprisingly quiet one, meaning he hadn't had to run off to save the city in a bright spandex suit, so Coach had made him focus on his training. Was Andrew supposed to give him another lesson? Neil gulped at the thought.
By now he already knew Coach had never tasked Andrew with the fake fighting lesson, that drugging him for his secrets had been all Andrew's idea and he'd just fallen for it like a fool, but at least he could admit that, even if the lesson had been an excuse, he'd picked up some useful pointers on how to fight unmorphed. Neil thought it was too bad he hadn't gotten the chance to try out the moves Andrew had taught him, but then again it was also a good thing he hadn't found himself in a tough situation unmorphed. Maybe if he asked Andrew... Nah, he would never agree. He would have to settle with Renee's lessons, not that they weren't useful, but it would’ve been good to test his new skills on someone else.
Neil shrugged. Maybe Andrew had decided to give him a new lesson all on his own. Why else would he have said to meet him at midnight? He was probably trying to avoid the others getting on his case about it. The rest of the foxes were never too lenient on him to begin with, not that he seemed to care, but ever since the fake training lesson situation they'd been more than hostile with him, specially if they caught them together, something that was a little difficult to avoid given that they had the same job. Neil didn't really understand why everyone else was so protective of him, mainly Allison, Matt and Dan. It's not like getting drugged is the worst thing that's ever happened to him, but he guessed the others didn't know that so... yeah, maybe Andrew wanted to give him another fighting lesson and was just avoiding the inconvenience that was everyone else knowing about it.
So when the time came and midnight rolled around, Neil put on some sweats and a t-shirt telling Matt, who had been nodding off on the couch in front of the tv, that he was going for a run.
If he was going to spend the next hour or so sparring, then running at least gave him an excuse to come back sweaty if anyone happened to see him.
When he reached the floor below, turns out that was not what the blond had in mind at all.
"Going somewhere?" the blond asked, seeing as Neil had jogged down the stairs in an effort to warm up some. Andrew himself was dressed comfortably in a dark pair of sweats and a short sleeved gray t-shirt. If anything, he looked like he could go to sleep in those clothes as soon as they were done doing whatever they were supposed to do. Now that he thought about it, it was the first time he saw the other boy wearing something other than long sleeves. There was a pair of black armbands covering from his wrists to his elbows on either arm, but Neil refrained from asking about them, mainly because Andrew kept looking expectantly at him for an answer.
"Sit down" Andrew ordered and motioned to the main desk of the command centre, the one Dan always used. The blond rolled another chair closer to him.
"This is Dan's computer" Neil stated, hoping for an explanation.
"I am aware" an explanation that he didn't get.
"So what are we doing?"
Andrew pinned him with an assessing look before focusing his attention on the screen. "Looking for your mother in a smarter way"
The sudden mention of his mother had him stunned enough to let slide the jab about his last plan being stupid. Instead of that, he simply accepted Andrew's reply and nodded, taking his eyes off the blond and fixing them on the screen as well.
"How exactly are we doing that?"
"What's your mother's name?" Neil was caught off guard once again and he forced himself to meet the blond's eyes when Andrew stared unimpressed at him again. "You can at least tell me that if I'm going to help you find her"
The redhead gulped. "It's not that. It's... she's had so many names I wouldn't know which one to give you"
Andrew's gaze didn't waver. "Have you had many names?"
Neil took a minute before answering, avoiding Andrew's question completely.
"Try Annaleigh Peterson" but when the blond didn't move, Neil let out a huff. "What? It's not your turn to ask"
"You haven't used yours"
"Which still means it's not your turn to ask"
They stared unflinchingly at each other for a few seconds before Neil sighed, rolled his eyes and turned back to the screen.
"So what are you gonna do?"
To his credit, Andrew went back to business as well. "Cross reference every name you can give me with hospitals or police reports. Dan's network has access to many databases"
As he talked, Andrew typed in the name Annaleigh Peterson and a series of algorithms appeared on screen. The search was officially ongoing.
"Is that even legal?" Neil asked.
"Do you care?" fair enough. Neil shrugged.
"Not really"
As expected, the search turned up empty. The few Annaleigh Peterson's that popped up just didn't match the mental picture he had of his mother.
"Give me another name"
And so Neil did.
"She wouldn't have gone to a hospital"
"Animal clinic?"
"Let's try another name"
It went on like this for some time. Andrew asked a name, typed it in and they watched as every coincidence ended in a disappointing result.
"You see why I went looking for her on the streets? She would never go to a hospital, she'd stay away from the news and she wouldn't have gotten caught by the police"
"You make her sound like a ghost”
Neil sighed and leaned back on the chair. "That's what she taught me to be too"
Neil didn't see him, but he could almost picture the arched eyebrow Andrew most definitely sent his way. Neil thought he was being a bit dramatic too. But hey, it was past midnight and this was sensitive subject for him, so he cut himself some slack.
After another beat, Andrew spoke again. "I'm assuming we haven't tried her real name"
Neil's eyes widened marginally. "God, no. She would never..."
"Are you sure you're not telling me because I might find out who your father is through her?"
"What?" Neil's heart rate spiked at the words. "No, no. She just... she would never use that name. Ever. It's not that I... I mean, I told you I don't want you to—"
"Relax. I won't"
When Andrew went back to the search, Neil let out an inaudible breath and straightened himself on the chair. Andrew had promised he wouldn't ask about his father and though it was too soon to tell, so far the other boy had kept his word. No, Andrew wouldn't ask. Neil had to believe that.
"What are you doing now?" Neil asked, seeing as Andrew began typing again.
"Searching for Jane Does"
Neil stuttered on his next breath. "Why?"
"You've been assuming she's alive. What if she's not?"
"She's not dead"
"How would you know?"
"It's worth a shot" Andrew said with an indifferent shrug, as if he hadn't just come up with the idea of his mother being dead at all. But Neil refused to believe it. He refused to believe that after all this time, after everything he'd done to find her, she would just be dead at the end of the road. Still, he found himself at the edge of his seat, leaning closer to the screen as Andrew went through all the Palmetto Police reports about a Jane Doe.
"Do you recognize any of them?"
Neil was nauseated enough he could only shake his head no.
"Well, this was productive" Andrew said with what Neil assumed was sarcasm but he couldn't be entirely sure. The blond closed every tab on the screen and opened a new one. "Time to try it your way"
"What do you mean?"
"You went door to door hoping to find people who could forge documents. I'm gonna find them through the police records, make a list and then we can see about paying them a visit. Quietly, not with the ruckus you made last time"
Neil's cheeks burnt hot with embarrassment but he stayed silent as Andrew worked on what was probably more illegal hacking. "How do you know how to do that?"
The blond didn't take his eyes off the screen as he answered. "I'm smart"
Neil couldn't really deny that but he decided to snort out of principle.
"There. That's as much as we can do from here tonight" he said after a while and Neil glanced at the time at the bottom of the screen to realize it was already 1:20 a.m.
"Right. We should probably go upstairs. We have work in the morning" Neil got up from the chair and stretched his stiff back until he heard a satisfying pop. "So when are we hitting these places?"
For some reason, Andrew glared at him as if he'd personally offended him with that question. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Andrew probably didn't like him very much and that he was helping him look for his mother out of a sense of obligation more than anything. It was easy to forget because the blond could go from drugging him and wanting to figure him out to ignoring him for days on end in the span of mere days. As always, dealing with Andrew Minyard was an unpredictable affair.
"I'll let you know" he said and Neil shrugged in acknowledgement before heading back upstairs. Andrew didn't inmediately follow but Neil didn't think much about that.
When he reached his apartment at the end of the hall, he crept silently back to his room. He didn't know when he'd go out again to search for his mother but, no matter when, at least there was something he could agree with Andrew on: he needed to go about it more quietly than before. He couldn't let his impatience and desperation get to him again or he risked leaving a trail behind him for his father's people to pick up. If doing that meant following Andrew's lead for a while, then it was a compromise he was willing to make.
He also refused to believe his mother was dead, there was just no way. His mother was strong and she was smart. She would have found a way to survive and she was probably out there looking for him right now. Yes. She must be. He was sure.
Neil sighed and got ready for bed. Whatever happened at least he knew he wasn't alone anymore and that was more than he had three weeks ago when he'd arrived to the city of Palmetto.
A warm hum spread on his chest all the way up to his mind and Neil smiled softly up at the ceiling. The Red Fox agreed with him.
He wasn't alone.
Not anymore.
So this ended up being a bit longer than anticipated but I thought you guys wouldn’t mind so... there.
I’m working on Episode 6 as we speak so hopefully I’ll post a preview soon 😇
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
She's the first one that I see
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Note: Hello hello! 💕 So this is what I wrote for @interwebslandfill’s donation commission for the BlackLivesMatter movement (the list is up right here!) ~ Thank you again for your donation and I hope you’ll enjoy it! 
You breathed in and then out. Dying was tougher than you thought it would be.
You looked back looking for someone. No one. You smiled, because you knew that your death was for greater good and that you could save much more lives than by being by yourself, parkouring in the parking lots and running away from security guards. You had a gift, they said you when they recruited you as a solo artist. You liked to think about you as an artist, a flying dancer grabbing things while in the air and falling down on Earth graciously like a swan to live a peaceful – yet hectic life on your own.
You were running, wind in your hair, and you knew you had to trip and fall and that was the easiest part. The whole situation happening right after was a lot more touchy because you had to land in order to be unnoticed by the camera on your left while you had to leave the place, and that was the plan. You had to be seen one last time falling somewhere, probably in a dumpster, and that was supposedly how you died. In a dumpster. A brilliant idea, but not very practical and from what you had heard about other's deaths yours was a really original – and laughable – one. But honestly, you didn't mind about it, as long as you were able to help them in these tiring times.
You were focused, looking right in front of you as you jumped after the fake tripping situation before falling on the matters that were put right next to it. The camera had caught you, you were sure about it but now, you had to change your clothes and wear this black hoodie on top of your regular bright t-shirt to slide from the camera's attention. As you opened the plastic bag, swishing it, you looked up one last time. This was the city where you grew up, you got these scars – the ones on your knees – on this very ground and you were about to leave it and give your soul to a great cause, and you hoped all of this was worth it. You had to make it happen.
You put the hoodie on, looked right and left before you slid against the large dumpster in order to come out to the light where a car was parked waiting for you. A new beginning. The man opened the car window and had sunglasses on and a smile drawn on his face.
“Hello Eight, I'm glad you made it.”
He drove you to their place, for about seven hours as you looked at the landscapes changing around you. When you entered the car he politely asked you how you felt about this, and more importantly if your ideas haven't changed since the last time he had spoken to you about this great mission. You looked at him and smiled, and he seemed to understand what that meant. He understood you without a word before he began to drive, while some music played in the background.
“What it is like to... Be dead,” you finally asked as he stopped at a traffic light, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel after the first few hours you had spent in the car with him, half-asleep.
“It's like being alive, but with the perks of being dead,” he replied and put his foot down as the light turned green. “The whole fun begins once you're legally dead, which you are not yet. We have to make things up so your people will find out about it quickly and you'll be able to play with us in this playground.”
“Nice,” you mumbled, your fist on your cheek as you held your head against the window. “I truly can't wait to be part of the Ghosts.”
“You already are.”
Whoever decided that this abandoned place in the middle of nowhere was a great lair for an illegal group of superheroes fighting for justice was either a genius or the devil themselves. But apparently it was only One's idea. You opened your eye as you arrived at the place, with the car jumping up and down because of the shitty road he was driving on. The middle of the night and you were there, with your new ones, the new “yours”. Which you couldn't meet right away because of the ungodly hour One drove you in there, and honestly you were also exhausted by all the preparations that you had made for this day to finally come.
One showed you your new home, a trailer in the desert. In the cold night giving you chills, this trailer looked like heaven with hell's warmth. You didn't even ask questions when he left you so you could make yourself comfortable, he mumbled something about tomorrow but you didn't bother to listen to him at that very moment. You just needed a shower and some sleep. Luckily, somebody had thought about you and left some clean clothes on the sofa that was your bed now, along with some products for you to wash yourself. Immediately after your shower, you put the clothes on and threw yourself on the bed, sleeping like a solid rock for hours and hours not thinking about the major change you made in your life.
You finally met them, after the great night you had spent sleeping in your new home. A new home and a new family. When you entered the room, they were already there looking at you opening the door. You breathed in and waved at them, with a shy smile not knowing how to react. You used to work solo, but now you had to adjust to this new way of life.
“Here's our Eight,” One said and got up from his chair. “New parkourist, parkour expert and she's good at it.” The blond man standing next to the brown-haired woman looked at you and crossed his arms with a smirk.
“I'm Five,” the woman you were looking at said. “Nice to meet you.” And then, they all proceeded to present themselves as numbers, as One told you.
“So you're my new teammate,” Four asked and looked right into your eyes. His arms were still crossed over his chest as he was sitting on the table next to Five.
“Clever,” you replied with a smile. “Heard a lot about you.”
“Yeah, me too. One told me you were playing Robin Hood out there, sicker than what I was doing with parkour,” he admitted.
“We have our different paths, I'm not judging, parkour-fam rule.”
“General rule here,” Five added with a warm smile. “We're all coming from different backgrounds, so we know who we were but that doesn't affect who we are.”
“I'm going to cry, so much inspirational shit told there,” One interrupted them and put his hand on Three's shoulder. “Now we have our new birdie we need to turn it into a ghost.”
“On it,” Three replied. “With Two we're almost there sending anonymous messages about someone falling into the dumpster.”
This was probably the beginning of something new, your hometown was far behind you now. You were becoming a Ghost.
This wasn't going as good as planned. Not at all.
You trained with Four for the past seven months, parkouring in the desert together almost hand in hand with the soft breeze at night and under the hot-burning sun. You shared laughs, you heard how melodious his was and how his eyes were shining under the day and night's stars. He didn't soothe you, he enhanced your Robin Hood tendencies with his straight-forwardness and his unpredictable ideas. And you liked being pushed forward like this, out of your comfort zone – often ending up between Five's arms who was applying some pain-killing cream on your ankle as you were complaining about Four and his ideas.
But now, you knew you had no time to complain as you were running next to him on the roof, being chased by armed men behind you, shooting bullets all around. You had to split, you going more on the left and him on the right. You felt the wind in your hair, it wasn't as easy as it was when you played the Robin Hood in your hometown, it was gambling and you offered your life to play. What had crossed your mind when One came to your house in order to recruit you? It wasn't the moment to think about it. You jumped on the right, avoiding a bullet from hitting you, but at the same time you felt your feet slip on the roof. You already felt death. You cursed your ankle – the one Five had to repair a few times during the past seven months – and hoped that the sweet call of death wouldn't be as sour as predicted. At least, you knew that the guys would focus on you, on catching you alive in order to help them gather information about the Ghosts which would give time to Four to escape. And you knew how to resist if you would be caught, but you hoped for death. But a hand caught you after you heard a gunshot – Seven's probably. Your feet were pedaling in the air as you struggled to look who saved, or cursed, your life. You rose your head, and a well-known hooded face was looking at you, concerned and drawing you up to him. Four. I was him.
“Let me go down,” you shouted to him and almost let your hand slip out of his. But he grabbed yours harder.
“Darling just hold on,” he said looking into your eyes. “I'm not letting you go, Eight.”
Another gunshot behind him. You heard people falling on the roof, and hoped that they weren't on your side, that it wasn't Two. But you heard her thick French accent behind Four hurrying him up, and pulling him closer to her, drawing you up at the same time. And, as you reached the roof again and felt the ground beneath your feet you couldn't get his “darling” out of your head.
Five took care of you right after the mission, even in the car, but in your trailer mostly. She told you to be way more careful with your ankle next time because you seemed to overuse it lately. You nodded being a bit off and smiled. She then revealed you, with a little spark in her eye, that someone was waiting outside your trailer to see you. And you knew this look too well to not expect something to happen, Five always had this mischievous spark in her eye when she was about to do something she was excited about for a reason or another, and seeing this spark was rare and followed by some unexpected event. You told her to let the person enter the place as you began to fidget your hands.
It was Four, again. And again, his words began to resonate in your mind, his “darling” and the fear you saw in his eyes earlier when you were about to fall, to die. But he grabbed your hand, to net let you fall down. Maybe to not lose you, who knew. He entered the trailer, looking a bit clumsily at you with a little shy smile before sitting next to you and grabbing your hand, but this time gently stroking it with his thumb.
“How you're feeling,” he asked delicately as if he didn't want to disturb your peace of mind – at least, he thought your mind was peaceful at that very moment.
“Fine, fine,” you repeated blushing from the contact of his hand against yours and this gentle touch. You suddenly felt that it was pretty hot in here, out of nowhere and looked down, your other hand running through your hair a bit anxiously. You were also biting your lower lip.
“Look at me love, please.” You looked up, hardly believing what you had just heard. Your heart began to race, you thought that it would explode in your chest right now. You never thought that this gentleness, and the pet names would make you feel so weak and you blamed your near-death experience for that.
“I have loved you since we began to practice together,” he revealed and you felt the butterflies in your stomach merge with your beating heart, ready to make you explode from the inside. “I mean... It may sound a little bit creepy, and the situation isn't really helping but when I saw you slipping from that roof I thought that my heart would just stop and I had to run to catch you. I knew that I had to save you at that very moment...”
“Four,” you whispered, taken aback a bit.
“I know, this sounds crazy and insane and creepy but I needed to tell you this. I just needed to tell you that you became really important to me, and even if you don't love me the way I do I'll be there for you if you need me, Eight.”
“I think that... I have some feelings for you Four,” you replied shyly and you saw his eyes glistening with joy. “I think it's worth the shot, I owe you my life and even if I didn't it would be worth it, I swear.” You then pressed your lips against his hot cheek and he looked at you again, squeezing your hand.
“I'm Billy.”
You smiled before telling him your name. And from the smile on his face you knew that this would be his sweetest secret, and the most cherished name – as his was to you.
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starbuckie · 4 years
Some Quarantine Lovin’ Chapter Six: When Can I See You Again?
Marvel Highschool!AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words: 3,555 words
A/N: We are almost at the end! Jeez, I can’t believe it. Anyways, I don’t have a lot to say, but the little story about Sam missing his final is definitely based off the time in freshman year of highschool when @transparentfestivaltiger​ came to class late and had to retake her final, which I still bully her about to this day. As always, thank you to my dearest Geena for being my sassy beta, and y’all need to check out her writing(@transparentfestivaltiger). MAKE SURE Y’ALL ARE STAYING SAFE AND SOCIALLY DISTANCING AND WEAR YOUR GODDAMN MASKS PLEASE! enjoy this chapter, loves <3 
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George Barnes’ funeral took place nine days after his death. It was a small affair consisting of just Y/N’s family, a few of Mr. Barnes’ work friends, the Rogers’ family, and, of course, Bucky and Becca. Bucky gave a small speech, one written about his father’s life and what he had accomplished, but he didn’t speak one word about what events had taken place inside of his family’s house. There was nothing else he had to say about his dad, no words of endearment or love. George was buried at Evergreen Cemetery, and as his father was lowered into the ground, Bucky was finally able to let go of the burden he had felt all his life. 
After they finished the ceremony, none of his father’s friends hung around, due to the ongoing quarantine. Steve’s family stayed, saying they had to talk to Y/N’s parents about something. “Hey, guys.” Steve said. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
Bucky sniffled, most of the tears dry on his face and nodded. “Yeah, it has been, pal.”
Y/N stood by his side, baby pink mask covering her face, holding baby Becca. The fifteen-year-old girl couldn’t even imagine how this all felt to the baby. Would she even remember this? She could barely even talk, still letting out little baby gurgles at one year old. As the two boys talked, six feet apart, of course, Y/N wondered what would happen to the Barnes’ siblings. Bucky was only fifteen, he only had a job during the summer, and he needed a legal guardian. He and Becca couldn’t live by themselves yet. Would they go to an orphanage? Or be taken to a family far away? She couldn’t stand that thought. Y/N knew it wasn’t her choice, but she couldn’t help but be a little bit selfish. They needed to be with a family who loved them, who cherished them, and most importantly, that they loved back. “Y/N?”
Bucky’s voice made the girl snap out of her thoughts, and Becca giggled happily and made grabby hands towards her older brother. Y/N envied her innocence. “Hey, Buck,” she said. “Stevie! I haven’t seen you in so long.”
Steve smiled, from what she could tell, under his mask and waved to her. “Yeah, I can’t believe it’s been almost two months. We all need to hang out soon.”
Y/N and Bucky shared looks with each other. Especially because they lived in New York, Y/N’s parents were more conscious than ever of having them going out and hanging around other people. “I can ask my mom and dad, but if we all stay apart I’m sure they’ll agree.” Steve and Bucky nodded together in agreement. “How have you been doing, Steve?”
Sighing, the blonde-haired boy ran a hand through his cropped hair, which had miraculously managed to look the same as the last time she saw him in person. “You know, just been reading and painting a whole lot. Oh, I drew this portrait of Nat! I’ll send it to you.” A few moments after he looked through his phone, Y/N heard her own alert with a message. She readjusted the baby onto her hip, and opening the message, she gasped. Steve had managed to capture Natasha perfectly from a photo she had posted on her Instagram. It was absolutely beautiful, with her red hair looking like a fiery haze and green eyes sparkling. “Jesus, Steve, this is absolutely amazing, it’s so realistic.”
“Let me see, doll.” She handed him the phone and saw his blue eyes widen in awe. “Steve, you really outdid yourself on this one.” His face heated up at the couple’s words. “Aw, you got a little crush, Stevie?” After receiving no response, Bucky pointed at his friend accusingly. “Holy crap, you do!” Steve only managed to nod his head before ducking down in embarrassment.
At this point, Y/N didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t her place to say, but she also didn’t want Steve to get hurt. Natasha had told her and Wanda earlier in the seventh grade that she liked girls, and the two couldn’t be any more proud of their friend. While Wanda did ask Tasha occasionally when she was going to tell the rest of the group, she had a good reason not to. Her parents, while they were kind to her, were closed off to many modern values. Natasha’s mom stayed at home and has taught the red-haired girl that one day she would do the same and take care of her husband and their babies. She felt trapped, and her two best friends completely understood that she wasn’t ready to come out yet. 
“How long have you liked her, Steve?” Y/N asked, genuinely curious. 
“I think it was when I met you two in third grade, around when Bucky first started crushing on you.” Now that was new information to Y/N. Whipping around her head to look at her boyfriend, she squinted her eyes at Bucky, who seemed to be so very interested in the dirt. Deciding that she would tease him about it later, she turned back to Steve. 
“That’s… nice.” Y/N didn’t mean to sound so rude, but it was extremely awkward for her and she didn’t know what else to say. Both of the boys stared at her weirdly for her strange response, and she could feel their eyes burning through her. She felt guilty for not telling Steve before he got hurt, but Natasha needed her, and she was loyal to her. Luckily Steve’s parents had finished talking to the L/N’s so it was time for all three kids to go. “Bye, Stevie, we’ll see you soon, I hope.”
��We can ask the rest of the gang when we work with them. Maybe when we’re out of school and classes are done.” Steve suggested. Bucky took Becca from Y/N’s hold and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend’s waist. 
“I’ll talk to you soon, Steve.” The three said their goodbyes, and with a last wave, Steve walked back to his family. 
“Are you okay, baby?” Y/N asked. Bucky let out a breath and shut his eyes. The last few tears fell and raced down his face, and with that, Bucky knew he would be okay. He had no clue what was to become of him and his sister, but for now, he was safe and had his girlfriend who loved him very, very much. And that was all he needed for now. 
“Yeah,” Bucky let out a small smile, “I really am.” Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and the two stood in silence, watching over the grassy field.
The lawyer called two days after that. Bucky’s dad had left him in the will, seeming as if there was no one else in their family alive to have the belongings except for those in Romania, who probably had no clue the Barnes siblings even existed. Bucky had to sit in a conference Zoom call with Mr. and Mrs. L/N, his father’s lawyer, and for some odd reason, the Rogers’ parents and their lawyer as well. Y/N sat outside the room, ear to the door, trying to hear what they were all saying, but was sent to her room after her mom opened the door and she fell down.
“Fine then, be that way, mom.” She mumbled on her way to the room. Y/N was trying to be productive while waiting for her boyfriend to return, using this free time to finish her homework for the week, though it was only a Monday. They didn’t have finals, but that just added more to the piles upon piles of homework they were already receiving. Apparently the teachers believed the students had so much more free time, they would be able to finish three packets of Physics in one night. Bullshit. 
At some point in the two hours on the call, Becca started to whine so Y/N played with her and watched cartoons on her iPad, while also discovering her interest in “Little Einsteins” on Disney+. “Becca, do you know what song this is?” Of course Becca wouldn't recognize it, but the sweet melody of Mozart reminded the teenager of sitting on the wooden floor of the Barnes’ home as a fourth-grader, and watching in amazement as Bucky’s mother’s fingers drifted across the keys. “Your mama used to play this all the time for me and your big brother when we were younger.” The baby simply just stared at her, bright blue eyes filled with curiosity. Becca didn’t remember her mother, as she had died while giving birth. “She was an amazing person, your mama.” Y/N scooped up the little girl in her arms and cradled her to her chest, regaling stories of Mrs. Barnes. She didn’t even notice until later, but tears had started to trace down her cheeks as she brought back memories. 
Suddenly, the door creaked open and Bucky popped his head inside the room, a quiet, but happy smile on his face. “Was that the time in sixth grade when we made that slip and slide in my backyard and got my ma all soaked?” Y/N nodded and chuckled wetly. Bucky, still grinning, walked over to the bed and caressed his girlfriend’s face with his thumbs. “Why are you crying, baby?”
Placing Becca down gently next to her, she slipped into Bucky’s embrace. His hands massaged her shoulders gently, and she could hear his heart beating softly in his chest. “I’m sorry, James, I’m just thinking about your ma too much. She was an absolutely beautiful person.”
“She really was, doll. I miss her a whole damn lot.” Bucky sighed happily and let his chin rest on her head. “But, I’ve got you here with me now, and I’ve got adults who decided to adopt me and Becca who love us, so I’ve got to say that I’m done dwelling on the past and ready for a very happy future.” At the mention of new parents, Y/N’s heart dropped and she snapped her head up to look at him. He was smiling brightly now, and she could not figure out why. 
“You’re being adopted?” Y/N asked. She honestly couldn’t tell if her voice was shaking or not, but by the way he rubbed her back more soothingly, she assumed she was. “Are they nice?”
Bucky chuckled at the question, and nodded his head. “They’re very nice, Y/N. I know them personally.” Had her parents adopted him? Well, she was happy that he was in a family that loved him to pieces, but that would mean that she was currently dating her step-brother, which was a slightly disturbing thought to her. 
“My parents?” She asked softly.
He shook his head and grinned. “You may now call me James Buchanan Barnes-Rogers.” Y/N’s jaw dropped.
“Are you joking? You and Becca were adopted by Steve’s mom and dad?” Y/N could barely believe it. 
“I kid you not, doll, I am now a Rogers.” With a squeal, she pushed forward and kissed him, forcing him to fall on his back on the bed. After a few moments, they both sat up, tears in their eyes. “Okay, I was kidding about the Rogers thing though, me and Bec are keeping our last names, but Steve and I are now legally brothers.”
“That’s why they were talking to my parents for so long the other day?” Y/N inquired. “How is this going to work in quarantine though? Oh, does Steve know? He’s going to be so excited, the two of you are best friends!”
Chuckling at her excitement and endless questions, he cut her off with a chaste, yet nonetheless sweet kiss. “Sarah and Joseph already had a talk with him before we spoke to the lawyers, so I’m going to call him soon. We’ve decided that I’ll stay here for the rest of the quarantine just to stay safe because you know his dad goes out at night to the firm. But we’re selling the house, and all of the money is going to me and Bec’s college funds. That’s pretty much all I know, I was zoning out for most of it.” 
Rolling her eyes playfully, Y/N teased, ”Of course you were.” They leaned back together, her head resting on his chest as he ran a hand through her hair. “You’re going to be so happy, James.” Bucky closed his eyes and smiled in peaceful bliss, for what seemed like the first time in forever. 
Classes continued that week like normal, as no one else knew about Bucky’s father. That was fine with him, he didn’t need everybody else’s sympathy and there was no need to make it a big deal. It was nearing the end of the year and the exhaustion was continuously catching up to all the students, causing them to fall asleep during their classes and procrastinate on homework. Coffee was inhaled in unhealthy amounts, endless gum wrappers surrounding the wastebasket where Y/N had missed when she and Bucky studied in her room. It was nice to have a regular, scheduled week in contrast to the past one. Well, at least it was normal until Saturday night when two bright headlights shone in through the living room window. Y/N and Bucky weren’t really watching the movie; they had their legs tangled on the couch as they made out, so they didn’t notice Ria’s car pulling into the driveway outside. 
“So this is what I get to come home to?” Ria boomed from the doorway. “Two horny-ass teenagers making out on the couch? That’s just fantastic.” Both Bucky and Y/N shot up from their laying down position and stared at the older L/N sibling with wide eyes and kiss-swollen lips. “Jeez, calm down, you both look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Y/N leaped off the couch with absolutely zero grace, and grabbed her sister in a hug. “Oh shit,” she instantly said, “I probably shouldn’t be doing that.”
Ria laughed at her younger sister and ruffled her hair. “Nah, it’s okay, I tested negative, remember?” Y/N had a faint memory of it and nodded, leaning back into her sister for another hug. “Hey, Buck, how are you doing, kid? I’m sorry about your old man.”
“I’m doing okay, Ria, just trying to make it through the rest of this year.” She pulled him into a tight hug and the last part of his sentence was muffled in her hoodie. “I thought you were staying with your boyfriend, what happened?”
“Well, I found out the bastard had cheated on me a few months ago so I dumped his ass, packed up my things, and drove back here.” Bucky and Y/N hummed at her story, knowing that she bounced back from breakups quickly. Ria had had many, many relationships in her twenty years of being alive, and driving four hours back home in a furious haze was one of the least crazy things she had done in the aftermath of a breakup. 
“Do you wanna watch ‘Legally Blonde’ with us, Ria?” Y/N asked her sister. 
Ria let out a snort and squeezed the two teenagers’ shoulders. “Not if you’re making out like that I don’t. Plus, I gotta check in with mom and dad, I didn’t tell them I was coming. I’ll catch you guys later though.” With that, she picked up her suitcase and left the room. Bucky and Y/N looked at each other and then busted out laughing.
“I don’t care what your sister says, I will make out with you as much as I damn well please.” Bucky said, smirking.
Y/N grinned before bringing Bucky’s face right before hers and licking her lips. “You won’t be hearing any objections from me.” He laughed as she connected their lips again, moving back towards the couch until he was seated, the movie long, long forgotten. 
Quarantine was horrible, but with Bucky and her older sister there with her, it made it much more bearable. Now there were three students staying in the house, all doing classes, which made it slightly frustrating and stressful, but she tried to not let it affect her. In the last few remaining weeks of school, Y/N and Bucky worked hard, making sure they had all their assignments turned in and studying for their “quizzes” (aka finals) that would determine the grade they got for the year. It was nearly impossible to fail this semester, the only good thing that came out of the pandemic, but both of them were good students who still actually did the work. Finally, school finished and summer began. 
It really changed nothing besides the fact that they were now bored even more often. Y/N wanted to do the Chloe Ting challenge as she had seen on YouTube, but after three days she gave up in exhaustion and forced Bucky to do yoga with her instead, which he ended up enjoying a lot. He and Y/N were bummed out that they wouldn’t be able to continue their extracurriculars, baseball and the play, for that year, but hopefully, the pandemic would end in time for their sophomore year. FaceTime calls between the group became longer just like the days, sometimes stretching to seven or eight hours. They spent a month trying to convince their parents to let them hang out, with promises of social distancing and masks. After much pestering, they were all finally allowed to meet up for Steve’s fifteenth birthday. 
Bucky and Y/N walked hand in hand to the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Y/N had gotten Steve a new set of acrylic paints and a set of charcoal pencils, and Bucky had gotten him a baseball signed by the Yankees that he had kept since he met them in a bar with his dad the year before. “Where do you think they are? Sam said he was coming late.” Bucky said.
Y/N snorted. “The dumbass probably slept in like he did the day of his oral Spanish test.” Both of them quietly chuckled at that until they saw the familiar shock of red curly hair gesturing wildly at them. “And there’s Ms. Natasha Romanoff. HEY GUYS!”
Steve, Wanda, and Natasha all turned around to the couple and though they were all wearing masks, Bucky knew they were smiling underneath. Y/N let go of his hand and ran towards her friends at an alarming speed. “I’ve missed you guys so fucking much- oh shit.” Her foot got caught in the grass, sending her tumbling to the ground. “Oomph.” Natasha rolled her eyes, knowing her friend’s clumsy self, and Bucky once again came to her rescue as her knight in shining armor. 
“You okay, baby?” He asked. 
“Never been better.” She quickly pecked his cheek, and connecting their hands again, they walked over to their friends. “Happy birthday, Stevie! You’re officially a grandpa now.” She and Bucky placed their presents on the picnic table and sat in the circle their friends had made, six feet apart obviously. 
“Thanks, Y/N, it’s great to see you and Buck again.” Bucky sat next to Steve, and the two of them made conversation as Y/N turned to Wanda and Natasha. 
“Ugh, you and Bucky are so cute it makes me want to puke.” Natasha jabbed playfully. “You make all us single people feel bad.”
“I can’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult, but I’ll take it either way.” Y/N grinned. “But Nat, I need to tell you something; Steve has a crush on you.” Natasha just sighed. 
“I know he does, so I’m actually planning on telling the whole group tomorrow. Steve’ll be able to get over it, he’s also been texting Peggy Carter in our class.” Wanda nodded her head in agreement.
“I’m really proud of you, Tasha,” Wanda whispered, “We all are.” 
“Thank you, Wands.” The redhead took a deep breath and let it go. “Thank you, both, for being so supportive of me these past two years, but I think I’m ready to come out. I’m not going to let anything stop me from being who I am, or loving who I want to love.”
“We are so, so proud of you, Tasha.” Y/N said. “Damn your parents if they don’t accept you.” Natasha chuckled, a tear falling out of her eye. “I really want to give you a hug right now but I can’t, goddamn it.”
“HEY LOSERS, DID YOU MISS ME?” Sam yelled. A loud groan escaped Bucky, causing chuckles to rise from the rest of the group. “Happy birthday, o wise one, you’re the last one of us to turn fifteen.” He placed his bag on the table and came to sit on the ground.
“How’ve you been, Sam?” Wanda asked. And just like that, they were back. Maybe it was just for a few hours, but at least in that time they could forget what was going on in the real world. Sitting in the grass, eating their lunches, laughs filling the warm summer air, Y/N and Bucky were content with just being there.
@transparentfestivaltiger​ @barnesjamcs​ @kitkatd7​ @adorkably​
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lesbian-fabray · 3 years
lit through the darkness at 1:58 (you told me you loved me) - part 6
Playlist Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Hey! This is the last part of the story! It’s a little on the longer side, but there wasn’t really a good time for a chapter break. I’m really proud of this story, and I’ll be making a post that just has all the parts in one place that’s easy to navigate.
Summary: Toni and Shelby were best friends in high school, and the relationship turned romantic, but it ended poorly. Now, after years of feeling like the Shelby she sees now is not the Shelby she knows, Toni goes to talk to her.
The title comes from “Last Kiss” by Taylor Swift.
Anything italicized takes place in the past. :)
It’s around 4:30 when Toni reaches Shelby’s house for the second time that day. This time, instead of staring at the door like it will come alive and swallow her whole, like she thought it might the first time she was here, she quickly rapped her knuckles on the door. She was full of so much hope that, if she were a spectator of some sort, she may call herself foolish and naïve. But she was no spectator.
She felt like she was seventeen again and being kissed by Shelby for that first time, all full of hope for what may be and worry that it might fall apart.
On top of all of that, however, there was concern for Shelby. The girl potentially just lost everything by telling that truth.
That combination of hope and concern was quickly twisting into guilt and eating at Toni’s insides. She felt selfish and wrong for being so hopeful and for thinking about herself when Shelby was, without a doubt, hurting.
When Shelby opened the door, her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet, She looked small and broken in the dim light of the early morning.
Without thinking, Toni wrapped her arms around her, feeling the blonde shake and sob in her arms. Part of her wanted to tell her it would be okay, but she didn’t even really know what happened, so that could end up being an outright lie. Instead, she just held her and stroked her hair.
When Shelby pulls out of the hug, she just stares at Toni for a while, like she’s frozen in place.
“How about we go inside and talk? Okay, Shelby?”
- - - - - - - - -
Nothing changes.
Shelby continues to keep her distance from Toni and it doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not anymore. Toni is constantly just filled with rage, ready to be ignited the moment someone mentions her blonde best friend. 
But she keeps pretending to Shelby’s face and hopes it will make her come back.
As time goes on, it only gets worse. Toni spends the entirety of her lunch on Valentine’s Day sobbing into Martha’s shoulder because, as much as she hates the holiday, Shelby loves it.
Even more embarrassing than that is when the school does a production of Legally Blonde, in which Shelby plays Elle, and Toni spends the whole time silently crying next to Martha and Rachel because Shelby looks so happy to be performing.
Then, Andrew moves back to town after being gone less that a year, and him and Shelby pick up where they left off. Everyone just kind of watches in bewilderment as they walk the halls like nothing happened in the time they were broken up.
It gets harder for Toni to keep up the appearance of being even remotely okay. She starts lashing out at people and getting panicky when she sees blonde hair, because there’s no way she could handle a spontaneous encounter at this point.
One day, on her way to class, she sees Andrew kiss Shelby and she feels like she can’t breathe. When she finally sits at her desk, she’s shaking and hyperventilating slightly. She’s angry to the point of feeling guilty. She knows she should be happy for her friend, but she can’t be, no matter how hard she tries.
Shelby catches her crying a few times, but doesn’t say anything about it. She just watches with a look of concern in her eyes. That’s what hurts Toni the most, if she’s honest. The fact that Shelby can’t ever bring herself to say something.
She’s spiraling, and she knows that Shelby knows.
- - - - - - - - - 
“Did you want to talk about it, or did you just want comfort?” Toni sets a mug of hot chocolate down in front of Shelby and gently sits down next to her.
Shelby exhales shakily. “I’m... I’m okay with talking about it.”
Toni nods and a brief silence falls between them. “What even happened, Shelby?”
The blonde sniffles and runs a hand through her hair. 
“After you left, I was kind of panicking. I was thinking about everything you said and about my whole life. Like, how everything is empty and conditional and meaningless. So, I just kinda paced and panicked until Andrew got homes, and, uh... when he got home... I broke up with him. I told him the truth, because, even though he was never honest about all those girls he was with,” Toni mutters something about him being a motherfucker and how she never liked him, “he deserved the truth from me, considering we were engaged and all. I told him a l- that I’m gay and he gathered some of his things and left.” She laughs bitterly before continuing. “And I guess he called my parents, because they, uh, showed up, and that went basically exactly how I expected.”
Toni wraps her arms around the now crying girl and, once again, just holds her. “I’m so sorry. Shelby.” Shelby sniffles and pulls her head up from Toni’s chest. “It’s okay. I mean, it isn’t right now, and it probably won’t be for a while, but it will be eventually. And I’m going to get to start actually being me, and I figure that what really matters, y’know?”
Toni just gives her a small smile and a kiss on the forehead.
“I’m so proud of you, Shelbs. You should probably head to bed. You’ve had a long night. I’m going to stay down here on the couch. We can talk more when you wake up.”
- - - - - - - - -
It’s late on a Saturday night when Nora mentions that Shelby is moving away for college.
She drops the information casually while her and Toni are in Fatin’s backyard, at a party neither of them really wanted to attend.
“So what are you going to do when Shelby’s gone next year?”
Toni furrows her eyebrows. She has no clue what Nora’s talking about. And Shelby’s basically gone anyway.
Nora tilts her head to the side and looks at Toni curiously. “Next year, when Shelby goes back to Texas for school? What are you going to do?”
Toni feels her heart drop to her stomach. Yeah, it already feels like Shelby’s gone, but she’s physically here, and if she’s physically here, Toni can see her. Even though it makes her feel like she’s being torn into pieces, seeing the blonde is the thing that makes her get out of bed most days. It’s becoming borderline obsessive on Toni’s part, if she’s being honest. She knows it’s not healthy, but she can’t ever think of anything else. It’s like her brain had been submerged in Shelby. Like the blonde had covered every surface and filled every hole and seeped into the very tissue her brain’s made of.
“Shelby’s moving?”
Nora’s eyes go wide. “Yeah. I thought you knew. I figured she would have told you.”
She can feel herself beginning to panic.
“Yeah, you’d think. I have to go, Nora.”
As she gets up and begins frantically making her way through Fatin’s packed house, in search of Shelby, she feels like she’s locked in a tiny room that’s slowly closing in on her.
No matter where she looks, there’s no sign of the blonde. She stumbles into Fatin and quickly stops the taller girl.
“Fatin, where’s Shelby? I need tp talk to her.” Fatin looks at her quizzically. “Dude, she left like twenty minutes ago.” Toni just nods and heads for the door.
It’s about half an hour later when she finds herself in the Goodkind backyard, throwing rocks at Shelby’s window like some jackass in a romcom.
The window opens and the blonde pops her head out. “Toni? What in the world are you doing? It’s two in the morning!”
Toni’s hands are shaking and her eyes are frantic. “Please let me in, I need to talk to you right now.”
Shelby sighs and closes her window, coming downstairs to let Toni in. 
When they get into Shelby’s room and close the door, Toni cuts to the chase. “You’re moving?” Shelby sighs and fixes her eyes to the ground. “Yes.”
Toni grabs her hands. “Why didn’t you tell me? I had to find out through Nora.” She’s trying to keep her voice calm, but she’s worried it isn’t going to plan. Shelby finally looks into her eyes. “I knew it was going to upset you, so I wanted to leave it for as long as possible. I didn’t want to upset you.” Toni balls her hands up into fists. “So you were just going to wait until you were about to leave to tell me.” Shelby’s eyes return to the ground. “I guess, yeah.”
Toni moves away from Shelby, feeling tears in her eyes. “Jesus Christ, Shelbs.”
“Look, I’m sorry Toni. I was trying not to hurt you again, but that clearly didn’t work.”
Toni sighs. “I get it, it’s just... I’m not ready to fully lose you. I’m not ready to lose you more than I already have. I don’t think I could handle it, Shelb-”
She’s cut off by Shelby crashing her lips into hers. When the blonde pulls away, she makes direct eye contact with Toni. “You will never lose me. I promise.”
It’s the night before Shelby leaves that they see each other in person for the last time for years.
After weeks of Toni crying quietly anytime she thought of her, Shelby comes over to say goodbye.
She hugs Toni tight against her chest. “I will never not love you. I can promise you that. I know I haven’t always kept my promises, but this one? I absolutely will.”
When she pulls out of the hug, Toni just stares at her with wide eyes, asking a silent question. Asking if Shelby means it like Toni hopes she does.
Shelby understands and just gives her a nod. Toni stares back at her, frozen.
The blonde steps back. “Well, this is ‘see you later,’ I suppose.” She turns to walk away and Toni grabs her arm.
“I love you too.”
Shelby smiles fondly and genuinely. “I know.”
She walks back to her car and drives away.
- - - - - - - - -
When Toni wakes up, Shelby is cooking in the kitchen. The blonde turns around and smiles. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
Toni smiles back just as big.
They eat breakfast, just making small talk, but it’s not forced like it was the day before.
Shelby sets down her fork. “We should probably talk about yesterday.” Toni nods. “Yeah, we probably should. How are you feeling about everything?”
The Texan sighs. “Not great. I feel... alone, if I’m honest. I kinda am alone now, I guess. But the fact that I don’t have tp keep pretending and lying and working so damn hard is freeing in a way.”
Toni nods. “I can understand that. I’ve never been through it personally, but, like, that makes sense to me.” 
It feels like it’s not enough, but it seems to put Shelby at ease a little.
She grabs the brunette’s hand. “Thank you for being here, Toni. I know it can’t be easy, considering, y’know, everything.”
“We’ve had our ups and downs for sure. And it’s kinda been years of downs. But there’s no world where I wouldn’t be here for you, Shelbs.”
Shelby smiles a big genuine smile. “I don’t know that I’m ready to jump into anything right now, because everything’s new to me, but I need you to know that I love you, and that, as soon as I’m ready, I’m yours. If you want me.”
Toni smiles back even bigger. “I will always want you, Shelby. I always have.”
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three-self-shippers · 4 years
𝒯𝓇𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 // 𝒜𝒾𝓏𝒶𝒩𝑜𝓍
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: Aizawa x Nox / Daqat, Todoroki x Kait (Mentioned), Bakugou x Steph (Mentioned)
Trigger Warnings: Mention of OC’s past, mention of OC’s religion, attachment, cursing (It’s me duh?), semi-trauma, slow-burn, crying, light-symptoms of depression, OC self-deprecation, beginning mentions of OC’s trauma, fanaticism, and a tiny bit of fluff. 
**This was set after the TodoKait fic so yesh. Bon appetite!
⇐ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs - ɴᴇxᴛ  ⇒
Eyes were heavy with sleep and dry like sand as I opened my lids. A familiar bright room is what I came face with, a lounge of some sorts? I was on a grey couch covered with a yellow puffy sleeping bag that belonged to--
I sat up properly, he forfeited his precious sleeping bag for me? Blinking a few times, I couldn’t help but pull the fluffy material up to my nose and smell it though I expected it to be sweaty and disgusting. 
“Mmm, what is this stupid scent?” A wooden vintage scent folded in my lungs, bringing me to sniff the material more. It was a strange one indeed, old but fresh at the same time. Something I wouldn’t get tired of at least until I realized the fuck I was doing. 
“Shit!” I dropped the sleeping bag off my face as if it was fire. After that, I got from the sofa and noticed my bag on the coffee table. “I fell asleep in the agency, why am I in UA’s teacher’s lounge?” I asked myself loudly , unnoticing the fact someone had come in and unexpectedly providing me an answer. 
“I had to lock my place up, so no one would come in. More importantly, I appreciate the damage reports you did. They included no flaws.” A deep voice made me turn, my hands immediately traveled to try to straighten some parts of my suit which got badly wrinkled due to my sleep. “You slept pretty deep, how did you manage to do that with the music you had been listening to?” Aizawa questioned. 
“I- I’m sorry. I should’ve not bothered you--” “Don’t apologize, I have last period homeroom in--” The bell rang all of a sudden. Despite the fact it wasn’t an annoying siren, rather a firm tune or melody. 
“Now. You can fix yourself some tea and come by 2-A if you feel lonely. Though I doubt that you’d want to talk to kids when you have Midnight and Mic in the teachers’ room.” He assured me before waving off and leaving. 
I’m just glad he didn’t notice me weirdly burying my face in his.. Sleeping bag. I went to the bathroom to sort of fix my makeup, glad I carry my tools and products wherever I go, and it comes in handy a lot of times. 
The corridors looked like loops as I improved my way around with Aizawa’s infamous sleeping bag, acting like I knew where I was going. Yet I admit that I was lost when I passed by the support lab for the third time. I chewed down on my lips, not noticing the fact I might’ve dug a bit off until I tasted rust on my tongue. Honestly, I hate the fact it’s the end of summer because of this. 
“Do you need any he--” “Please.” I cut her off with an awkward smile. While she wrapped things up before leading the way, she introduced herself as Kaitlyn, I recognized her from my past visits here. 
“Here it is, class A..” She shyly pointed at the big door, it’d be my first time actually going to the class with students still in it. “I..” Fidgeting with my fingers, it felt awkward to be asking a student for help especially that I’m like this, supposedly an adult. “Can you come in with me? It’s kind of...Weird?” I tried explaining. 
“Of course!” Kait opened the smaller normal-sized door and barged in as if it was a simple thing to do. I figured we both had a ‘now or never’ kind of concept. Unironically, it backfired when everyone’s heads turned to us by the door as I tried using the yellow sleeping bag as a hiding spot from the pryful and judgmental eyes. 
“That’s Daqat, my sidekick who I told you about just now.” I heard him say as I peeked over, slowly stepping from behind Kait and into the class. “Grant, why are you he--” “I got lost!” I explained to him. “Sorry for cutting you off! But that’s uh-- Basically what happened is..” “No need to explain.” He lazily waved off as I handed him the sleeping bag in a sheepish manner. 
I noticed Kait’s eyes were fixated on a certain student in that class, weren’t it to be Endeavor’s kid? Who were I to not know about that common knowledge? But just as he stared back at her with his turquoise and grey eyes, a small smile plastered on his face as I caught a glimpse of them not-so-secretly giving each other small waves from under the table. 
“..I guess I’d get going now, sorry for interrupting your class, Sensei!” Kait apologetically bowed after snapping from whatever little moment she had before scurrying off again. I bit down on my lip as I mouthed her a thank you while she went. 
Turning back to face Aizawa, I might’ve gotten a glimpse of his guard being left down, though he always seems like a laid-back person who just coincidentally likes the color black. It could be just my overthinking but as if Aizawa was relaxed for a second in the rather bright class. 
“Won’t you say something to my class?” Aizawa clicked his tongue at me, which made me shudder at his stern demanding tone, more at his deep raspy voice than anything else. 
“Y-Yes! I-- Uh….” Facing the students, I recognized them from passing by them before while doing my legal papers, coming and going at Aizawa’s office where’d help me. “I go by Nox or any nickname you’d want. Hope we’d grow close to work together when you all are full-fledged heroes. Nice to meet you all!” I managed to blurt out at them as I bowed respectively.
I let my hair act like a curtain of sorts as I took my proper standing again, I liked how it dimmed out the unnecessary lighting from my eyes. 
That’s until I felt a rough touch on the side of my face as a strand was tucked in, just for me to flinch at the sudden contact and stare back at the noir-colored eyes that had a weird look expressing them. The hair which was tucked in flung back to its original placing as the pink girl squealed from his class. 
“Eek! Aizawa Sensei-- What’d you do? What’d you just do?!” The girl with a pink complexion and black eyes with yellow orbs squirmed at the gesture as I didn’t know how to react other than step away from his radius. 
“Ashido, be quiet. Unless you want a scolding. As in for you,”  The noirette turned to me. “you should be a bit more used to the media and people fawning over by now.” He explained as I got flustered by the comment as it looped in my head with stray thoughts. 
Was he one to fawn over me too? Or else why would I get an offer from the most advanced country from one of the best pro heroes that are known to me especially that I wasn’t good? Or how did he even know that I existed here?
“Y-Yes, sir-- EraserHead Senpai..”  I stuttered at him, not having a clue which respective pronoun I should use for he was still older than me by a couple years. 
“Tch, get a room--”  A spiky-haired blond got a smack from a face I recognized as Stephanie’s. 
After that, it somehow got more natural as I talked to the students, I wasn’t quite a talkative person. And I’d blame that for the nature of my years growing up but that’s a story for another time. 
Now there was a good amount of stuttering and a dash of self-deprecation as I interacted with a certain greenhead known as Midoriya-- Who was asking about my quirk and suchs.
“Class dismissed, know that Daqat’s visits will be more often, perhaps you’d get a chance to spar against her.” By his tone I knew too well it was a time to dread. 
After everyone left, Aizawa led me to pick up his stuff from the office, a place I’ve visited quite a couple times already during my stay so far. “You know, you could’ve just left if you wanted. Didn’t have to stay and wait.” A part of the underground hero wanted to finish his sentence: ‘for me.’ 
Realization settled in as my eyes scanned my shiny suit shoes. “I was too dependent on everyone, living my life alone is really not the thing I was prepared for as I thought I would be. My mind is always fixated whether someone might need a second hand. You’re the only person I know here and the same person I work for, so being around you all the time, ready to help, is part of my job as a sidekick, isn’t it?” 
Trying not to leak too much of why perhaps I was like this, despite the feeling of Aizawa’s eyes being engraved into me. 
“You’re being too attached, it’s probably not good for your own future. Not that I really mind it..” The hero mumbled the last part, to himself though I caught it. Deciding to not address that fact.
“D-Do you need me to do any edits to the reports that I--” “No, I already submitted them to the station. Let’s get something to eat,” He demanded as he picked his keys and binder from the desk before locking the darkened office. “unless you’re not hungry, which I doubt is true.” 
I pressed my lips into a thin line, he’s right, I’ve been feeling as if my stomach has been digesting myself for the past thirty minutes. At the same time I was afraid of what his offering could mean; I’m not really the type to actually get into that world of love out of my fantasies. I don’t necessarily believe it even exists. So this was quite scary to myself, though he is a hero. 
“Are you coming?” His voice called out to me, snapping me from zoning out in the middle of the hallway which was lit by the orange rays of the sun setting down. 
“I-I don’t…?” I’m definitely going to hate what I was going to say. But I can’t just go out with a guy whether he’s my boss or not, hot or not. I’ve still got my traditions engraved into me. “I can’t eat with you, sorry..” 
With that, I walked the other side to the farther set of stairs, opposite of where he was going. I just couldn't do it. All those years I’ve been raised to avoid interacting with people in general and now this happened to be that way with my boss and favorite hero, I don’t want to lose my respect for him. But I also wouldn’t want to burden him with how complicated things were if someone entered my life. 
Holding back my tears until I came around my apartment wasn’t an easy task to do, a few escaped while I speed-walked the pavement sidewalks as I felt the pitying looks from strangers around me. 
Taking off my suit Jacket which is also my costume and piling it on the sofa as I headed straight to my bedroom, plopping onto the bed and screaming my heart out into the pillow as tears continued to stream out, streaking my makeup and ruining the white pillowcases with makeup. 
Nevertheless, I didn’t care, it wasn’t a time to explain my feelings towards him. His students, my parents and even EraserHead himself, they don’t know what I do when I’m not doing work. I’m the weirdest creep and still a traditionalist at that, it’s an odd mix yet that’s exactly why I wouldn’t want to associate with Eraser-- Aizawa at that kind of thing. 
How would I face him tonight at work? I still work the night shifts with him, I can’t just not go and still get paid for it. Yet I also can’t find the words or guts to explain to him I don’t date, that my religion or strict parents wouldn’t let that happen. I can’t just date like any other person would, and the idea of it scares me. I still wonder why the hell would he show that side of himself to me? Why would he like someone who’s fucked up and not even from his own culture? From a place he probably knows nothing about and from a culture no one talks about or is really indulged in?
I don’t really remember when exactly, but by the headache I started getting and the fact my eyes refused to tear up anymore due to their dryness, I assumed it’s been three or so hours on my little breakdown. My pillowcase was, in fact, ruined with black streaks and makeup, so I threw the case in the washing machine alongside my other white laundry before making myself some earl grey, fixing up a sandwich, sitting by my desk and opening my laptop. 
Some writing should make me feel better, it always does. Not being able to be in love in real life doesn’t mean I can’t dream, right? And that’s my little secret, I’ve got a writing blog for almost ten years now, I was a nerd for heroes. Rather, certain hot ones to be specific. Rather, I wrote specifically for EraserHead ever since he graduated from UA. Hence it was weird that I got to work for him this time around. 
The screen lit up with it’s usual differing nature photos before I scanned my fingerprint and was face to face with my own fanart of him. “No one of my family nor friends knows about this.” I mumbled to myself as I opened a tab and typed in my blog URL to be faced with tons of notifications. 
I’ll reply to them later, because I need to get some off my chest first. After writing for about thirty minutes straight, I went through my notifications to catch up with what I missed. There was a poll made by one of the bigger blogs. It was a vote on if I should be nominated as EraserHead’s official writer since I’ve written mainly for him and only him. The votes came out since the post was oldish, since four days ago, and the majority agreed on that. 
I almost knocked myself out of my chair in disbelief, me? Me who’s basically a stalker? I can’t possibly be, could I? Speed-typing a thank-you post to everyone assigning me to that position before queuing up some of my finished short works for the next few days, I shut my laptop as it was almost time for my shift at eleven. I took a brief shower before slipping on a crispy-clean costume suit from the ones I owned, and taking the train to the agency since I left my car there the day before. 
The street lamps were the only thing that showed me the way as I reached the agency, Trying to step quietly as I could into my office to put my things there, yet Aizawa’s voice caught me off guard: “Have you eaten?” 
“Yes, I have. You?” I politely asked back, giving off a disarrayed look I didn’t manage to hide in time. EraserHead didn’t answer though. “I’m going ahead, I expect you to be joining me two blocks right of the agency.” As he left off.
(To be continued~) 
@animeboihoe​ @ayye-ayye​ @thatfanfictionwriter​ @trashys-things​ @stephiecarie​ @simpgameplays​ @bakutae​ @groundzeroagency​ @justanotherlifeff​ @almost-correct-bnha-quotes
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samcedesvegas · 4 years
Morning in Vegas || Samcedes
Who: Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones
What: Sam and Mercedes go out on the town for some much needed fun
Where: Las Vegas, NV
Mercedes was having the strangest dream, she and Sam went out, got married, got drunk and had wild sex all night, when she heard a knocking on the door. Her eyes fluttered open as the knocking continued and she groaned not wanting to get up but knowing it wouldn't stop. She sighed sitting up feeling extremely hung over. She threw her robe on, not registering that she was naked under it and went to the door. "I'm coming...what?" She opened the door to see Nate standing there with a dozen roses.
"Merce please. Take me back, we are perfect for each other. I just needed time to find out who I am and I realize I am nothing without you."
The room was spinning in circles. Sam woke up with his blonde hair all over his head, a pounding headache, and pretty much no recollections of what he did last night. But by the stench of whiskey on his breath he knew it was fun.  He rolled over, only to find Mercedes Jones, his co-star, completely naked next to him. “Holy shit.” He cursed under his breath before silently congratulating himself. It was a guy thing. Not knowing how she might feel about everything, his plan was to quickly shower and leave her to rest. Walking back into the bedroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, his eyes widened at Nate standing in the doorway with a bouquet of roses. “I-I umm, I’m just gonna’ grab my clothes and go.” He stuttered awkwardly.
Mercedes felt her eyes widen as Sam walked into the room from the bathroom, and Nate saw red. He pushed past Mercedes looking at Sam. "What the fuck?!"
Mercedes closed her eyes trying to figure out what was going on herself. "Nate I need you to go "
"Me?! You made me wait a damn year before we even went past second base and here you are with him?"
"Nate please...right now I need you to turn the volume down and go. I don't know what happened between me and Sam but whatever it was, it stopped being your business a long time ago ."
Nate was about to run at Sam but Mercedes stopped in his path. "NATE! JUST GO!"
Once Nate finally agreed to leave Sam was relieved when Mercedes closed the door. He knew karate and Kung fu but he wasn’t sure how far that would take him with a dude twice his size and build. He breathed a sigh of relief as he went to gather his clothes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to screw that up.” His country accent is a bit thicker than normal because of his nerves. Taking a seat on the bed he hid his face in his hands. Mostly trying to remember last night but also to soothe the headache that was pounding in his head. “What the hell did we do last night?”
Mercedes tightened her Robe and shook her head. "Nate shouldn't have come here. We are over, he needs to realize that." She ran her hands through her hair shaking her head. "I don't know...I remember the club and bits and pieces..." She was about to sit on her bed when her phone rang.
"Tina let me call you back."
"Sure thing I just have one question. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!"
Sam could hear the shouting through the phone. He tried his best to remember everything that went on. He was sure of one thing though, they definitely had sex. Only reason to explain them both naked laying in bed together. He remembered the fountain but pretty much everything after that was a blur. He quickly dressed himself as he waited for Mercedes to finish her call.
"Please stop yelling! It's been a crazy morning already." She sighed. 
Tina continued. "Mercedes I took you on as a client because you were the responsible one. But this..."
"What are you talking about?"
"How about the fact that you and Sam got MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"We did what now?"
Whoever this Tina was, she was a very loud person. Loud enough for Sam to hear. "My mother is gonna' kill me" he whispered more so to himself. He went to grab the remote and turn on the tv and there they were on TMZ. A picture of them kissing at the chapel and even a scanned copy of the marriage license. Sam ran his hands though his messy blonde hair before giving Mercedes a what the fuck look.
Tina cleared her throat. "Get home immediately, do not answer any questions, do not say anything."
Mercedes closed her eyes trying to remember the night. Then her eyes open wide. "Tina I swear it was a Joke. We went there as Brooke and Ryder. I have the copy right here." She ran to the side table looking for the license and quickly grabbed it and saw it on the floor. She sat back on the bed staring at it as the phone fell to the ground. "Oh my God."
Tina could still be heard from Mercedes phone on the ground as she stood there looking at what Sam assumed was the same marriage license he'd just seen on the tv. He stepped over to Mercedes. tightening his towel  around his waist so it didn't slip. They definitely needed to talk about all of this.
Mercedes didn't say a word she just stared at the paper in front of her. She could have sworn she wrote out Brooklyn not Mercedes. Her eyes scanned to the groom's name seeing if Sam wrote Ryder but he didn't. "What the hell did we do..."
" Apparently we got married." he tucked his lips in before letting them go with a pop. Before he could say anything else he had an incoming call from the back pocket of his jeans. He retrieved his phone and answered it. "SAMUEL DWIGHT EVANS! I can not believe you did something like this! You're 25 with a budding career and lot's of young female fans. What possessed you to do such a thing? Oh my Barbara...how am I supposed to spin this huh?" Sam sighed out of frustration. "Rachel...relax. Look I'll come straight to you when I get back in town." she was still talking but he hung up on her mid sentence.
Mercedes shook her head. "I'm sorry I blacked out what?" She looked at Sam. "Tell me that this is a dream."
Sam was going to every blog site that he knew of and they were front page on almost all of them. She turned his phone around to face Mercedes. "I don't think so." he shook his head. "Looks like we really...got married."
"Oh Go- I am gonna be sick." She held her stomach fearing the worst. "Wait it's okay, we just...we just get it annulled. Yeah we were drunk and clearly out of our minds. Yeah we just get it annulled and it's like nothing ever happened. " she said talking to herself.
Sam nodded. "Wait what the heck is an annulment?" he genuinely asked as he went to retrieve his clothes from the bedside, returning to the bathroom to quickly get fully dressed.
Mercedes glanced up at Sam realizing that he was talking to her.  "Oh um it's kinda like a divorce but this was more of it being like it never happened. I am sure they can spin it as a prank we just have to get back home." She sighed. "I am sorry this happened Sam, I should have never let my guard down...."
"Ahhh I get it." he nodded now understanding the concept. There was no way they could stay married. They barely even knew each other and Mercedes was only kind of cool with him in the first place. "You have nothing to be sorry about, it was both of us letting loose. LA little too loose I guess." He closed his eyes taking a deep breath  and suddenly last night's activities began to flood his head. It was still blurry but clearly they'd consummated the marriage...a few times last night.
Mercedes sighed standing up and sitting right back down, her body finally feeling the effects of last night. Flashes of her and Sam, on the bed, the wall, in the shower. Her eyes opened wider as she glanced at Sam. "Oh my Lord did we have sex too?"
Sam nodded. "My back was pretty scratched up so I'm going with yes." Sam took a seat next to Mercedes and grabbed her hand in his. "Look we can forget about it if you want to. We'll go back home and get this thing annulled or whatever and go back to normal."
She looked at him, eyes blinking but not really retaining what he was saying. She sighed as he took her hand in his and nodded. The sooner they got rid of this problem the sooner. 
After packing and having help to sneak out of the hotel. They found themselves on the short plane ride home. Within an hour of leaving the hotel they were in the conference room of her Label. Waiting to hear from her management and his.  Waiting to hear how angry they were.
Sam was sort of going through the motions with all of this. He had about a hundred text messages...ninety-nine being from his mother. He didn't bother opening them though. He knew it was full of chastising texts asking how she was supposed to explain this to all of her friends. He sat nervously on the opposite end of his wife. It was weird to think they were actually legally married. He wanted to talk to her and get an idea of how she was feeling. Earlier she was mostly in shock and disbelief. Before he could part his lips Rachel came walking in in her best business attire.
Mercedes glanced up as Sam's manager walked in followed by Tina. Tina took a seat next to Mercedes and sighed. "So I know we both can agree that this was not what we all expected when you left for Vegas. And while we both feel this should have been avoided...still can't believe you of all people did that Merce, but I digress, the Label and Production Company has come up with a way to resolve this."
Sam was all ears because he himself had no idea of how to fix all of this. It had already hit every major blog site and news broadcast. If they admitted it was a drunk mistake they'd look incompetent but if they went along with it, they'd be judged just as harshly. "I'm not used to taking a backseat by any means but I'll let Tina explain everything we came up with." Rachel held out her hands giving Tina the floor
"Thank you." Tina said standing. She knew Mercedes would have some issues with their plan so she wanted space from her. "So the problem is that you two got married while drunk in Vegas."
"It was a joke! We were supposed to be in character." Mercedes argued.
"Maybe so. But if we annul it, you two may seem unreliable and flaky, you may even cost the movie some much needed good press. So we are a team that thinks the only way to save face is for you to remain married."
"Wait what?" Sam turned to Rachel with a confused look on his face. So they were going to force them to stay married for the sake of the movie? Sam was clear this wasn't what Mercedes wanted and he definitely was not ready to be anyone's husband. As Rachel chimed in Sam sort of zoned out watching Mercedes the entire time. He was doing his best to read her mind. "...we've already arranged a little press tour to solidify all of this. Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, and The View." Sam caught the tail end of Rachel's sentence.
Mercedes shook her head as she listened to what they had to say. "No. No it's not happening. I am sorry but you can not expect us to stay married." 
Tina sighed. "It's the mess you got yourself into. Mercedes you have worked your ass off for your career and do you really want one mistake to ruin it? This is the best choice and then after a year you guys can divorce."
"No...no. There has to be another way." Mercedes said softly.(edited)
Sam's ears perked up and he finally mustered up enough confidence to respond to Mercedes. "Maybe it won't be that bad...the movie will be out by then right?" he directed toward Tina and she nodded. "We can have one of those short lived Hollywood romances then eventually everyone will forget about it." Mercedes was clearly adamant and sticking to her guns and Sam couldn't blame her. But maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Am I living in the damn upside down!?!?!?!?!?!" She said standing and running her hands through her hair. "I don't have a choice do I?" She said looking around.
Rachel stood placing a calming hand on Mercedes' shoulder. "I am afraid not. But we will do our best to make this a comfort for you and Sam. You'll honestly thank us in the end. Both of your careers are going to skyrocket because of this. Trust me."(edited)
"My career? DO you think I give a damn about that? I  am more concerned with my family! If my dad doesn't kill Sam, my brother will." She placed her hands on her head. "It's why I haven't even turned my phone back on."
Sam's head shot up at the mention of him being killed. He hadn't even thought about her family. He gulped nervously, running his hands through thick blonde strands of hair. "...killed? Rachel...I didn't sign up to be killed." He'd already had a taste of Mercedes' ex boyfriend this morning. He wasn't sure he could take too much more of the other men in her life.
Tina laughed. "She doesn't really mean to kill. They will just scare you." 
Mercedes sighed looking at Tina. "Is this really the only choice we have?"
Tina nodded and Mercedes looked at Sam and sighed.
"I'm not that bad, I promise." Sam always tried to make jokes that lightened the mood. Even if no one else was in the joking mood. He still wanted to get Mercedes alone so they could talk about this together. After all, they would be the ones who would have to put up this facade. And if they were going to this they both needed to be as comfortable as possible...if that was even possible.
Mercedes sat back shaking her head. This was ridiculous. 
"Tina looked at her. "So now that we are on the same page, what are you all thinking." 
Mercedes didn't say a word, she just sat there thinking about her family and her future.
Sam knew his family would have their opinions...he was too young, his career was just not taking off, blah blah blah. But he didn't care. He stopped caring about what they thought a long time ago. "Well on top of the press run, we'll have you guys go on a series of date nights, something the media can eat up. Then a People Magazine shoot, because people love newlyweds." Rachel was salivating with excitement.
Mercedes listens but has nothing to say. This was all too much. She heard Tina ask if she was listening and she nodded. "Huh? Uh yeah of course. If this is what you think is best then lets do it."
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codewordpumpkin · 4 years
A Very Denny Christmas
Merry Christmas, @heart4hawkeye​ !! I’m so sorry I couldn’t post this sooner! I don’t even know if you’ve ever watched Boston Legal before, but hopefully, you’ll enjoy this little fic nonetheless!!
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“Really, Reddington? Your Blacklister couldn’t wait until after the holidays? It’s Christmas Eve, for god’s sake.”
“I’m sorry, Donald, did you have something better planned? Well, don’t pout or shout just yet. If you’ve been a particularly good boy this year, you may just find a gift from Santa waiting for you at home… or on your doorstep if you’d prefer the illusion of security—I know the FBI loves that.”
Cooper’s brows furrowed as his temples began to throb. “Reddington.”
Red was adept at picking his battles.
“Denny Crane,” he said, as if the name alone was explanation enough.
“The CEO of Flamingo Corp.?” Elizabeth asked.
“The one and only.”
“I still don’t get how he thought that’d be a good name for an arms company,” Aram said from his spot behind his computer.
“Don’t try to get into the head of Denny Crane—it’ll only make yours ache.”
Hands on his hips, Ressler asked, “Is he the next person on the Blacklist?”
“Heavens, no! Denny is a dear associate of mine, and he is to remain untouched by you ham-fisted lot.”
“Get on with it, Red.”
“Relax, Harold. I was, as you so eloquently put it, getting there.” Brushing imaginary lint off his pristine vest, the infuriating man smiled blandly, reveling in the glares burning holes in his suit as he took his sweet time to elaborate. “The man has a memory of a goldfish, hence why he carries around a voice recorder everywhere he goes. That is the key to our next Blacklister.”
“Are you going to tell us who this Blacklister is?”
“All in due time, Samar. All in due time.”
“How are we going to get our hands on this recorder?”
“You mean, your hands. Really, Elizabeth, modesty doesn’t become you.” Before she could snap a retort, he continued, “Denny is hosting a Christmas party this evening. I am invited, as is my plus one, and I have no doubt we’ll have at least one server slipping on banana peels tonight.”
“All right, then,” Cooper exhaled slowly, “brief Agent Keen on her cover, and—”
“Actually, Harold, I was thinking Agent Navabi should accompany me this time.”
That caught everyone’s attention.
“And why is that?”
“Ah, well, I know how much Elizabeth loathes dressing up for these things, so I thought, why not give her a little break—”
“I’ll take a break once we get this over with, Reddington,” Liz said, trying to will down the flush spreading across her cheeks. She hoped the tinge of hurt in her voice had gone undetected.
Cooper turned to Red, an expectant look on his weary face.
“Well, then,” he nodded, clearly displeased, “you’ll need a dress.”
Elizabeth watched with mild amusement as the two men exchanged an enthusiastic bear hug. With sparkling eyes and stretched cheeks, they greeted each other rather boisterously, falling into a chatter as if they had never been apart. She was certain they were speaking English, but for the life of her, couldn’t understand what in the world they were actually saying.
“Well, well, well, well, well, and who might this goddess be?”
The stout, rosy-faced man openly leered at her, scrutinizing her from the toes of her strappy heels to the top of her styled head, then dipping back down to gaze at her modest curves. She, too, took the time to scan his appearance, glancing at his expensive tux only fleetingly before zeroing in on the ridiculous headband that held a conspicuously tall sprig of mistletoe.
“Ah,” Red acted as though he had forgotten her very existence, “Denny, meet Elizabeth. Elizabeth, meet Denny.”
Smiling politely, she reached out her hand—which Denny immediately grasped, stamping a kiss just beneath her knuckles. “I’m sure it’s a pleasure to meet me, Lizzie,” he said so smoothly that, for a second, she thought she had misheard him. She also had to apply considerable force to tug her hand out of his stubborn grip. “Denny Crane.”
She wasn’t sure whether Red’s twitch was a result of Crane calling her Lizzie, or if it was because of his overly friendly touch. Either way, his reaction didn’t bother her. In fact, she could admit to herself, she rather liked it.
“Of course,” she finally responded.
Turning to Red, he said in a stage whisper, “You sly dog, still got the touch, eh? But, say… isn’t she a bit old for you? What say I take—”
“Keep your pants where they are, Denny,” Red cut him off, his smile no longer reaching his eyes. “Did I mention Elizabeth’s a vegan?”
She blinked.
Denny blinked.
“What the hell is that?” his associate asked, genuinely confused. “Listen, there aren’t many kinks I don’t know about, but kids today—”
“It means, she not only doesn’t eat meat,” he continued to lie, “she doesn’t consume any animal products at all.”
Gasping, Denny snapped, “Now why the hell would you do that? What, is she anti-gun, too?”
“Careful, Denny,” he warned gravely, “just the word g-u-n is enough to get her shaking in her heels. Point a water-gun in her face, and she’ll scream bloody murder.”
Where the hell was he going with this?
“A veggie and a communist! Where’d you pick this one up, Red? Los Angeles?” Before Red could respond, he waved a dismissive hand. “Well, whatever. You must keep her around for a reason…” He waggled his brows, then winked as if she wasn’t right there. Straightening his bow, he offered her his hand. “Care for a dance, sweetheart? I’ll show you just how well my body moves… Denny Crane.”
“Sure,” she shot Red a meaningful look, hoping he understood what she was trying to convey, “I’d love to.”
Just before they left for the dance floor, Denny again stage-whispered, “There’s a g-u-n in my pants I’d bet my life she—”
By then, the egotistical, borderline-predator flirt was too far away for him to strangle. Or gut. Or maim.
Trying not to let Raymond’s withering glare distract her from her task, she brought one of her hands up to rest on Denny’s puffed chest. “So, how did you meet Raymond?” she casually asked, doing her best to maintain a respectable distance between them—which was easier said than done, considering he was doing his best to plaster their bodies together. On the bright side, that meant he was too preoccupied to notice her wandering fingers.
“Why talk about that fat cat when we can talk about Denny Crane? Go ahead, ask me anything.” He continued before she could. “Why, yes, I’m very giving in bed. I’ll go down—”
“To the bar,” Red said, appearing from out of nowhere just as Denny was about to grope her ass. “There was a leggy blonde looking for you.”
“Leggy, you say? How many legs are we talking here? You know, my father once said that the best sex—”
“She won’t be waiting all night, Denny. I’d run as fast as I can if I were you.”
Was she imagining the threat laced in his words?
“We’ll have to continue this later, Lizzie.” Dropping her like a hot potato, he licked his lips and turned to dash. Looking over his shoulder, he bid, “Keep her warm for me, Ray.”  
Luckily for him, he was surprisingly fast.
“I got the recorder,” she quietly confirmed to Red, assuming that was the reason he had interrupted her dance with Denny. “I’ll just pass it to Ressler or Samar—”
“The song isn’t over yet, Lizzie,” he said, reclaiming his nickname for her with a glint of… something in his eyes, his voice.
With one hand in hers and the other low on her back, he encouraged her to fall into step with him, their movements easy and natural. But even when the song ended and changed, they didn’t stop, instead slowing further and sinking into the lulling rhythm of the music.
She wasn’t aware of when or how it had happened, but she belatedly realized just how close their faces were. A mere inch forward would allow her to graze her nose against his smooth skin, inhale the clean, unique scent of him. A little closer, and she would be able to taste the champagne on his lips. With a gentle pressure, a slight gasp, she could so easily—
They jumped apart at the sound of a loud crash.
It didn’t take long for them to discern where the commotion was coming from, as there was already a loose crowd forming near the bar—and at the very center of it was none other than Denny Crane.
He was standing across from a scowling man and a tall blonde woman…
Raymond and Elizabeth both had a feeling they knew what had started this mess.
“I didn’t proposition her. I just asked her to have sex with me,” Denny announced, as if that was a perfectly acceptable thing to say.
The man’s face flushed with a worrisome shade of crimson, and to everyone’s horror, revealed that he was seriously armed. Before he could do anything with it, however, a loud bang shocked everyone still.
On his previously unblemished pants, right in the middle of his thigh, was a bright blob of yellow… paint?
“Oops. Wrong one.” Bending down, Denny retrieved a small gun that had been strapped to his ankle. “Denny Crane doesn’t get shot at,” he yelled, aiming at the man’s other thigh and pulling the trigger without hesitation. “Denny Crane shoots!”
Chaos commenced as the two literally engaged in a gun fight. Bullets whizzed, screams erupted, glass shattered. People ran this way and that, tripping over dresses, abandoning stilettos, and doing their best to escape with their flesh in tact.
“I was a sniper in the Navy!… Or was I a helicopter pilot?” Now with a gun in each hand, Denny shot bullet after bullet, shouting as he ducked and spun. “I have an erection. Lock and load, baby! Denny Crane!”
“That’s our cue to leave,” Red said in her ear, practically dragging her by the elbow. On their way out, he released her briefly to stop Ressler from getting involved. Something on the ground caught her eye, and she used the few seconds she had to take it, attempting not to get trampled on in the process. “Lizzie. Now.”
This time, they didn’t stop walking until they were safely encased in the back of his car, Dembe driving them out into the night.
Keeping her stolen object carefully hidden, she turned to Red and smirked. “Well, that was interesting.”
“That’s one way of saying it,” he said, chuckling.
He leaned back, settling into the seat and closing his eyes. Knowing an opportunity when she saw one, she gripped the accessory from beside her hip and placed it on his head, refusing to move away as he jerked and snapped his eyes back open.
She didn’t give him a chance to question her.
She didn’t give herself the chance.
Not wanting to waste another second, she pressed her mouth to his.
The kiss was chaste, but it lingered—long enough for her to notice just how soft his lips were. And although she had always been more of a wine girl, she reveled in the fact that she really could taste the remnants of champagne, the crisp flavor blending with subtle, intoxicating notes that could only be described as him.
Finally, after seconds or minutes—time was irrelevant to her at that moment—she pulled back, still close enough to feel his radiating heat and sense his racing pulse. Just as his thumb had stroked the small of her back, she used hers to brush his lips, his jaw, before reaching up to flick the mistletoe hanging above them.
“Merry Christmas, Red,” she said, just as softly as her smile.
Pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek, slowly gathering his wits, he tentatively reached for her hand and tangled their fingers together. “Merry Christmas, Lizzie.”
Neither of them spoke for the rest of the ride, but both knew that they didn’t need to.
Words could wait.
For now, they had each other.
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Friday Five: Goodbye, Broadway Touring Season
I know I missed doing a Friday Five last week, but last week was officially the end of the Broadway Touring season here in central Florida. When I was a kid, I would always see tours come here and never get to go because tickets were ridiculously expensive. Last year, with so many new shows coming to Florida, I decided to buy myself season tickets. (I did the same for the 2019 season, which starts later this year.) Since the season is over, and since I also saw quite a few local productions this year, I thought I’d tell you my five favorite stage shows I saw in the last 12 months.
Five: Hamilton
A couple of years ago, it seemed that no one could stop talking about Hamilton. I never become obsessed with it the way it seems like the younger generation has, but I did quite enjoy it. It was definitely one of my favorites this season, but it was edged out by stories that I was more excited to see, and even casts that I thought did a better job with their material.
Four: Dear Evan Hansen
One of my friends from work was so jealous that she couldn’t get tickets to Dear Evan Hansen. She’s still jealous that I took my mother to see it instead of her. I honestly didn’t expect to like this show as much as I did. I thought with the subject matter that I might get bogged down in the tragedy of it all. I’d much rather watch something that makes me laugh instead of makes me cry. But the touring cast was phenomenal and I was blown away. I’ll be surprised to see how this show holds up 20 years from now or if the use of technology will be dated to audience the way the answering machines in Rent make people laugh now though.
Three: Legally Blonde, The Musical
Not one of the Broadway touring shows I saw this year, I actually took my mom to a local production of Legally Blonde for her birthday. It’s one of her favorite movies, so I thought she’d enjoy the show. I was really impressed by the locals. It was likely a bit more minimalist in terms of sets, just because a local group can’t afford the same production levels as Broadway, but they did an excellent job. I can’t wait for the inevitable musical movie version to follow up the original movie.
Two: Anastasia
Anastasia was probably the show I was most excited for, and it was one of the very last shows on the schedule. I loved the animated movie growing up, and really, I still do as an adult. The stage version doesn’t have the same fantasy elements of the movie. Instead, it’s more rooted in history than the animated version. It doesn’t get the top spot only because one of my favorite aspects of the animated movie isn’t in it - the personal childhood connection of Dmitri’s family working in the palace and him being responsible for Anastasia’s escape. Other than that, excellent.
One: Come From Away
This was probably the show that I had the most information about going in, which is funny for me to think about. I think because it was inspired by more recent real life events than Hamilton, I was more willing to read up on it? Like Dear Evan Hansen, I was a little apprehensive going in only because of some of the more sensitive subject matter. (It’s set in the days following the September 11 plane crashes in a New Foundland town where American planes were grounded for a week, for those unfamiliar.) I knew that at the crux of the story was the idea that people are basically good and that they come together in the most desperate of times, but there’s still an edge to a show like this that means no matter how uplifting certain stories might be, others will make you cry. It’s by far my favorite show I saw this season - and it had the smallest cast. The touring cast worked their asses off on this show, and I would see it every time it came to town. 
And yes, yes they are all musicals. I love a story set to music. That’s it for this week!
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence: Counterpoint, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 8
Summary:  After being recompleted, Ienzo vows to do everything in his power to atone for the atrocities he committed in the past. But this life hasn't been easy, and he's plagued with memories and nightmares. When Demyx suddenly reappears, the two discover that they have more in common than they thought, though the secrets in their past might tear them apart. Zemyx (Demyx/Ienzo), post kh3
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
Demyx looked pale and unwell, exactly like he’d spent the night awake and worrying. “I’m so sorry,” was the first thing he said.
“You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Of course I did. I forced myself on you--”
Ienzo shook his head. He was feeling weak now, and leaned against the dresser for support. “You’ve done no such thing. “I’ve thought… and I’ve thought… I’ve felt… something physical between us. The hints have been piling up, and this… longing I feel… I can’t categorize. I have to explain myself.” He took a deep breath. He couldn’t meet his eyes. ““When I was a child there were times I would go mute,” he said. “Whenever I felt something strong, or experienced something traumatic, I would shut down. These spells have gotten less common as I’ve gotten older, but when I experience them, it’s impossible to communicate. It still happens now when I’m under exceptional stress, or surprised.
“And you surprised me. I’m sure it was an odd thing to witness.” He was wringing his hands together. “I thought about it all night. Part of me wonders if this is displaced desire, or hormonal impulses on both of our parts. I don’t pretend to understand these things. I never had reason to in the past.  Maybe some would consider this a poor match. But I am tired of denying myself good things.”
Demyx’s eyes widened. “You mean--”
Before Ienzo could lose his nerve, he crossed the remaining few feet between them and kissed him back. They bumped noses and their teeth nearly collided. He had no idea how to do this and was momentarily thrown by the fact that it didn’t come as naturally as he’d thought. Demyx froze a little.
“I know what you mean,” he stuttered. “About this being confusing, and weird, and probably a bad idea, but I… I’m all in, Ienzo.”
He sat down next to him on the bed. His face was flushed, and his whole body was warm with endorphins. Demyx took his hand. “I didn’t know what to expect,” Ienzo said.
“When I kissed you? That was your first?”
“I never had the desire before. Or really, the time. I presume the same isn’t the case for you.”
“...Well. That’s true.”
A few beats of tense silence. Demyx put an arm around him, lightly. “Did you want me to do it again?”
“...I should… I should like that.”
He reached towards him and ran a hand through his hair. This time the kiss felt more like Ienzo thought it would, and he let himself learn. He let his hands rest at Demyx’s waist. There was a thrill in being held like this. The sensation was exactly like not feeling hunger until eating, and his composure was slipping. He traced the shape of Demyx’s face, the shape of bones, let his hands pull through the blonde hair.
Still. Ienzo knew how easy it would be to get overwhelmed, and he could feel he was rapidly approaching that point, pleasure seamlessly giving way to a sort of frazzled overstimulation. He pulled away. “I didn’t think it would feel this way.”
“No. The opposite.” Ienzo could feel the silence coming now. His hands shook. “But I’m starting to feel ov-oversti--” There it went.
“Overstimulated?” Demyx finished for him. “It’s okay if you need space. This is all new to you. We can take it really slow.”
Ienzo moved away a few feet and pulled his knees to his chest.
After a few minutes of breathing, Demyx broke the silence again. “You go quiet?” Ienzo nodded. “That’s okay. We can just chill here.” He swung his feet a little. “Is it okay if I talk?”
He nodded.
“It was really unexpected for me too,” Demyx said. “It just felt so much more real than anything I’ve experienced. Maybe it’s because I have a heart… or part of one, or whatever. I’m just… glad. I’m still barely catching my breath.”
The fact that he’d wanted this too sent another warm wave through Ienzo. Aspects of their research were becoming clear. No wonder people in deep relationships had been so much harder to pull apart. There was a strength in this, one that bolstered the wall of anxiety he was constantly fighting.  And yet, a tenuousness, as well.
After what must’ve been an hour he could feel his voice come back, and cleared his throat.
“Better?” Demyx asked.
“Quite. I’m very… I’m very tired.” He hadn’t slept in the better part of two days, and he could really feel it now.
“Go try to sleep. And it seems like you’ve just gone through a lot. If it makes you feel better, I’m probably going to turn in too. Hard to sleep last night.”
“Yes, I agree.”
Demyx kissed him once more. “I’ll see you later.”
The rest of the day he slept. Effortless.
Over the course of the next two weeks, Ienzo’s life took on a comfortable pattern.
In the mornings, he and Ansem would review the footage of Data Sora. In the afternoons, he would spend time with Demyx, working away at the translations. In the evenings, dinner with everyone. Ienzo looked forward to those afternoons. Truthfully, since the confession not a whole lot had substantially changed about their interactions. They held hands, sometimes. Demyx was more comfortable showing physical affection than Ienzo, giving him the odd kiss on the cheek. Even this much was a lot to get used to. He’d wanted this, and now that he had it it overwhelmed him. At least Ienzo was able to take his time. He wondered if he were even ready to pursue something like this.
“Are you still having nightmares?” Demyx asked him.
“Not as frequently. And yourself?”
“No. Not really. I’ve been kind of distracted lately.”
“By what?”
Demyx raised an eyebrow.
Ienzo nodded. “Right. Forgive me.”
He smiled. “Sometimes you’re immune to flirting, you know that?”
“Perhaps my way of expressing interest is far different than yours.” He smiled.
“You make me read too much into it.”
“Isn’t that the point, as it were?”
“No!” They were spending less and less time working, more and more time talking, he noticed. About anything. He wasn't used to having such room to speak so casually.
Ienzo laughed a little. “It is… strange, being known this way.”
“What do you mean?”
“I feel as if I’m to let you see a part of me that is guarded,” Ienzo said.
“You feel vulnerable,” he said instantly.
That was exactly what this was. To let his defenses down was simultaneously easy and impossible. “Yes. It’s frightening.”
“Very,” Demyx agreed.
“I had thought for so long that being open was a bad thing. Maybe it’s… necessary. Maybe in a way this is what I need.”
“...And now you’re flirting with me.”
“Very astute of you. You’re catching on.” Ienzo kissed him. It a way this felt like playing with fire. He didn’t really know his own limits, so whenever he approached them it was an anxious shock. He didn’t want to break the kiss off, but he had to. They were both breathing hard. “I cannot stop thinking of this,” he admitted. “I thought there might be something wrong with me.”
“What, that you’re a person that has hormones? Congratulations, Ienzo. You’re like most of the human race.”
He didn’t make eye contact when he said, “I’m not used to feeling want.”
Demyx kissed his forehead. Ienzo wanted to pull him close, but the frazzled overstimulation was running over him in waves. His hands were shaking, and he was a little dizzy.
“And you decided you wanted me,” Demyx said gently. “There was a lot of thought behind your decision. That’s pretty gay of you.”
He hadn't heard that word in a long time. Hadn't considered it part of himself or his identity. But it was true, wasn't it? This was more or less the textbook definition. “Don’t make me regret it.”
Time seemed to be passing quickly now. The days were not so dreadfully uniform. It got cooler. The translation work soon became nothing but a guise to spend time together.
One thing was changing; Ienzo and Ansem had finished reviewing all the footage. Ienzo had two notebooks of notes, and that wasn’t even including what they’d gleaned from Jiminy’s journals. Ansem was going to help him start programming situations for their Data Sora to run in. Ienzo’s own programming skills were not terribly advanced, and he really needed the help. Unfortunately, though, he couldn’t really shirk out of the work in the afternoons unless he wanted to tell him why, and Ienzo wasn’t quite ready for that. It wasn’t a fear of acceptance--same-gender relationships had always been legal and celebrated when Ansem ruled Radiant Garden--but rather a fear that Ansem would advise him against it. All that did was prey on Ienzo’s own insecurities.
“I’m going to be spending a few days with Master Ansem,” Ienzo said one of those afternoons. “You might not see much of me.”
“The data?” Demyx asked.
Ienzo nodded. He’d explained, as simply as possible knowing Demyx’s feelings towards Sora, what was going on.  “The more time passes, the more everyone worries that Sora’s drifting farther away. He and I will be doing what we can, and a few of the others will be visiting too.”
“The others?”
“The guardians of light. I’m sure you know all of them.”
“We didn’t exactly… talk all that much.”
Right. Well, he had been in hiding the majority of the time.“Well, you can see this as an opportunity to get to know them, then. It would be good for you to make some connections.”
He looked away, a nervous glint in his eye. “I’ll try. Just like you better take care of yourself.”
“Or what?”
He smirked. “For me to know and you to find out.”
Heat crept under his skin. “I see. Not much of an incentive, then.”  Ienzo rested his hands on Demyx’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head. “I like your hair soft like this. It suits you.” Whatever bottomless supply of hair product he’d had had run out, and he’d pulled the longer top part back. It fit his face better.
“You think so?”
“Yes. A tad more mature.” It made his hair easier to touch, less sticky, but he didn’t need to know that.
He smiled a little at the compliment, but then his eyes darkened. “Do you have to go?”
“I’ll be right here in the castle. We’ll see each other at dinner.” Ienzo rested against him for a moment.
“...Do they know?” Demyx asked.
“Who knows what?”
“Ansem and the others. About us.”
“I… do not know how to bring it up.” Truthfully, thinking about it made him feel something like embarrassment. This was entirely uncharted territory, physically and emotionally. Would they think he couldn't control himself? Or that he was pathetic for throwing himself into the arms of the first person he was somewhat comfortable with? Moreover, this was Demyx. They would surely have a lot of opinions about that.
“Do you think he’ll be mad?”
“Master Ansem? No, I don’t think so. Surprised, no doubt. But he likes you. You did save him, after all. I know you two have not spoken much.” Ienzo couldn’t help but wonder what that conversation must have been like. How had Demyx found Ansem? It must have taken a long time, searching and calling. And Ansem must have been anticipating the reunion with his apprentices. Just the thought of that moment made his skin crawl with regret. “We will cross that bridge when we’re ready,” Ienzo said. “Maybe, for now, try and get to know them better. They haven’t seen you change the way I have.”  He sat down next to him on the bench. He meant to kiss Demyx goodbye, lightly and chastely, but that wasn't what it became. Ienzo felt himself being drawn close. They kissed long and slow and deeply. Ienzo wondered briefly what it might be like to take the kiss a little bit farther, and before he could check the impulse properly, he ran his tongue against Demyx’s lips.
He pulled away, stunned.
Ienzo’s face burned. “I’m sorry--I should have asked-- I have thought of this as an experiment. It… helps.”
“An experiment,” Demyx said slowly. “Yeah. I like that.” And kissed him again. His lips parted slightly. It was awkward, and spitty, and Ienzo had no idea what was supposed to feel good and what wasn’t. Demyx pulled his hands through his hair. Ienzo tried to copy the way he moved and found the result much more pleasant. Yes. Now he could understand why people did this. He felt giddy, positively electric. Demyx pulled away from the kiss and pressed his lips against Ienzo’s jaw and throat and for a moment, or maybe several, it was easy not to think.
Did he deserve to feel this way? As their relationship outgrew the tenuous period and became more permanent, he couldn’t help but consider that this had been taken away from others because of his own cruelty.
There was only one way he could atone.
Ienzo pulled away. “I really must go. He’ll be waiting.”
“Do you have to?”
“Yes. As much as I’d be happier sitting here with you.”
“Making out.”
“Well. Yes.”
Demyx kissed his cheek. “I’m serious about you taking care of yourself.”
“I’m aware. I will try.” He left the room abruptly, willing himself not to look back, treading guilt and lust in equal parts. He retrieved his lab coat and put it on, letting it act as a sort of mask. He was Ienzo, the researcher. He was going to make sense of this.
No matter the cost.
“I’m here, Master. I’m sorry I’m late.”
Ansem was at the computer, plugging away at code. He looked up and smiled. “That’s alright. I’m laying the groundwork for you. You’d most likely have been sitting observing me anyway. How is it, with the project?”
Ienzo felt himself blush. “It… goes,” he said lamely.
“I’ve always wondered what it might be like to have an outsider assist with our work. Sometimes it’s so easy to lose perspective. A third party can see things so much more clearly.”
“Yes, Demyx is actually quite sharp,” Ienzo said. “I feel rather poorly for how we treated him in the Organization. We’re actually developed something of a friendship.” He sat down. Something was the right word for it. Against his will he thought of that kiss, and had to fight hard to keep his expression neutral.
Ansem nodded. “That’s good news. You need friends your own age. I fear, sometimes, that we’ve raised you to be an old soul.”
“Well. Nothing can be changed about that.”
Ansem kept coding. He barely had to look at the screen. “How is it you’ve been feeling?”
Ienzo considered. “Well--as it is--” He wondered if he might lie. He sighed. “Not… well,” he admitted. “My anxiety has been on the rise again. I just feel so much, so constantly. I thought as the weeks passed it would improve, and yet it isn’t. I’ve been having panic attacks with concerning frequency. I feel as though I'm not quite in control of myself."
Ansem’s fingers, on the keyboard, suddenly halted.
“As well as nightmares.” He was aware of the way his speech was changing, becoming more fragmented, more casual, the more time he spent with Demyx.
“You poor boy,” Ansem said. “That’s quite a lot to deal with on its own, and then there’s the matter of your readjustment. Thank you for confiding in me.”
Ienzo glanced at the screen, at the lines and lines of code Ansem had built. “May I ask you something?”
“Anything, Ienzo.”
“You didn’t abandon us truly, did you?”
Ansem was silent. For several long minutes the only sound was the soft whirring of the computer’s fan. “No,” he said at last. “Xehanort and Braig were the ones to banish me to the Realm of Darkness. No doubt the lies they told you were very compromising. For the longest time I fought to get back to you. I knew how you must have been feeling, especially after you lost your parents. Believe me. But the Realm of Darkness is a terrible place.”
Ienzo felt numb. He took shallow breaths, in through the nose out through the mouth, like he’d read.
“You have been so gracious to forgive me, Ienzo.”
“I do not deserve forgiveness,” Ienzo whispered. “I do not… deserve…” He was shaking and tried to keep breathing steadily.
Ansem took both his hands in a gesture that meant to comfort. “Do you sincerely believe that?”
“All those lives that were lost--all the atrocities I’ve committed--”
“You were a child . As the one who adopted you, it was supposed to have been my responsibility to teach you right from wrong, to steer you on the right path. But you were so bright. I exploited you, Ienzo, and that is not your fault. No doubt it was easy for Xehanort and the others to follow that example.”
He could not speak.
“You are a very intelligent, very empathetic young man. You have shown tremendous strength in the face of adversity. You do deserve forgiveness, if that’s what you need to hear, but there is nothing to be forgiven for.”
He blinked.
“I will spend my life trying to atone for what I’ve done to all of you. But you’re so young. You should not have that burden weighing you down.”
His chest ached. Ienzo held the panic at bay by inches. Ansem is right , he tried to tell himself. He is right. It is not my fault. The thoughts felt hollow. Maybe if he repeated them enough they would be true.
Ienzo looked at himself in the mirror.
He did not consider himself a vain person. He had no strong feelings about his appearance in either extreme. It was a body, a body that was mostly healthy, and for that he was thankful.
His (call it what it is, Ienzo) relationship with Demyx was putting everything into a new context. He was feeling certain things for the first time, and it made him aware that his body was worth more than being dreadingly carried around.
That’s me. Not Zexion.
He almost, but not quite, believed it. His sense of self was so fragile, but it was growing stronger. He traced the scars at his throat. He remembered them, and for the first time instead of thinking of that same stranglehold, he thought of what it might feel like if they were kissed. A hot flush of want rose under his skin, the faint pink actually visible in the mirror.
Ienzo was tired of fighting how he felt. For once, it was nice to just let himself feel, and dream. It was almost like breathing. It was so important to learn to do this.
He wanted to be kissed, held--maybe one day he would be deserving of it. He looked at himself and saw potential. He would be good enough for Demyx. He would make sure of it.
He programmed in a fervor. Ansem guided him, helped with the more complex pieces, but for the most part it was Ienzo’s work. To create a digital world was easy. To make its inhabitants behave naturally was harder, and still harder was making a Data Sora. Ienzo worked for an unknown amount of time on the copy of Data Sora, but he did not seem to want to function correctly. He did not behave in the same unique ways that the previous Data Sora had; he was just an unfeeling chunk of programming.
He was aware that he was growing tired, and thirsty and hungry, but those needs seemed to be easy to ignore at the moment. If he could just make one good breakthrough, he would rest.
Eventually, they had company.
Ienzo heard Lea’s voice first, and this was not at all soothing. At first he thought he might be imagining it, but then there were other voices, too.
He stood and crossed over to the other section of the lab. His knees felt shaky.
“Hey, there you are!” Lea was cheerful.
It was surreal, especially considering his very exhaustion, to see them all, whole and human. Ienzo could barely even say hello. Lea approached him, looking sheepish.
“I know we haven’t gotten a chance to talk. But I gotta say I’m sorry.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “For what I did to you. You didn’t deserve it.”
Ienzo thought of what Ansem said about forgiveness. He considered his own atrocities, and how he felt now. He sighed. “Lea, I’ve already forgiven you,” he said. “I’d much rather move on. If it’s all the same.”
“You’re too nice now. Where’s your sass?” He smiled, but it was shy, underplayed. Somehow in all this Lea had gotten a lesson in being humble.
“It’s still here,” Ienzo said. “I assure you.”
Isa approached him. “You’re looking well,” he said.
That was a lie, and Ienzo knew it. “Thank you. So are you. I can’t thank you enough for helping to bring Ansem back. What was it that made you defect?”
“I’d been his puppet for way too long,” Isa said. “And--to put it aptly--Xehanort idea’s of resetting the world, of having a clean slate, never quite sat right. Someone had to do something. It was just lucky that we had two members we could spare, and who were willing.”
“Yeah, where are they?” Lea asked.
“Even is busy with his work as usual. As for Demyx, he’s here in the castle. I’m sure he’ll be by shortly.”
“And everyone’s okay?” Lea asked. “No more gold-eyed monsters?”
“Everyone’s human,” Ienzo assured him.
“Speaking of,” another voice butted in. Ienzo found he was having a little trouble keeping up with the conversation, all the different faces in the room. He must be more tired than he thought. Roxas offered him a smile. “We wanted to say thanks.”
“It was my pleasure,” Ienzo said genuinely. “I am glad to see all of you again, and in good health. You’ve had no trouble with the replicas?”
“No, everything feels fine,” Naminé said. “But it’s kind of strange, getting to be me.”
A dark haired girl nodded. “Yeah, it is. But I like it.” Ienzo had trouble for a moment placing her, but then there were the memories. Xion grinned at him. “Do you remember me, Ienzo?”
“Of course,” he said. “It… truly makes me happy to know you’re doing well.”
“We came along for the ride. Naminé told me about the flowers here, and I wanted to see them.” Xion squeezed her hand, and there was a soft look between the two. Ienzo couldn’t help but wonder if they, too, had struck up some kind of relationship. “But we’re also worried about Sora and Kairi.”
Any semblance of cheerfulness was sucked out of the room. For a long moment nobody spoke. Ienzo took a deep breath. “I am doing my best to puzzle it out. If Sora is alive, or existing in some way, his heart is so unique that the bonds connected to it might hold the answer.” He explained, briefly, his hypothesis. “If I’m able to prove, in simulation, that there’s some way for one of you to contact him, then we can move forward and try it. With this sort of thing, I don’t feel comfortable throwing someone into the great beyond without the data to support it. We’ve lost enough people as it is.”
“But--” Roxas said, but Xion put a hand on his shoulder.
“He’s right, Roxas,” she said. “We have to be careful. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.”
“That’s a good attitude to have,” Ienzo said. “I feel… fairly confident. I just need a little more time. In the meantime, I’m sure you all are welcome here.”
“I wanted to talk to Even,” Xion said. “It’s thanks to him we’re all here, after all.”
“Demyx, too,” Naminé said.
“He was a surprising addition to the plan, but it all worked out for the best,” Isa conceded.
“People do have a tendency to underestimate him,” Ienzo said. “I’m sure he’ll be along once you’re through with Even.”
“I wish you could visit with us more,” Xion said.
Ienzo tried to smile. “There will be time for that, in the future. But I must get back to work. Isa, Lea, do you remember where Even’s lab is? Can you escort them?”
“Sure we can,” Lea said. “And Ienzo? Take it easy, okay?”
More hours passed. He ate a meal, napped for a few minutes. The code seemed to be fighting him, and Ansem agreed that, technically speaking, there was nothing wrong with it. It was Data Sora himself. He didn’t seem to like the changes Ienzo had made to him, physically or otherwise, and would glitch and refused to move.
“Why don’t you take a break,” Ansem suggested. “A few minutes to clear your head. Maybe get some tea? I’ll take a look.”
Ienzo sighed. “Yes. Perhaps.”
He felt a little woozy the long walk back, but shook it off. There was time for rest later. If only he could present some sort of tangible result to the guardians while they were still here. Their faces had been so eager--
To his surprise, he saw Lea and Isa talking to Even, not far from Demyx’s bedroom.
“Is everything alright?” Ienzo asked. His heart beat unpleasantly quickly.
“Demyx fainted again,” Even explained.
“He was hanging out with us, and we were just talking about our lives and pasts and whatnot,” Lea said.
“It is strange he doesn’t have his sitar,” Isa added.
“Well, none of us have our Nobody weapons,” Ienzo said. “It’s a pity, yes, but it’s just our biology.”
Lea gave him a droll look. “Then explain this.” He summoned, with perfect ease, Axel’s chakrams.
Ienzo blinked. “Have you always had them, as Lea?”
“Since I woke up. Came easier than the Keyblade.”
Even and Ienzo exchanged a glance; he was just as puzzled as Ienzo was.
“And if he’s half as connected to his sitar as I am to these babies, --and he is--, he should definitely still have it.” The weapons disappeared.
“We told him as much, and then he blacked out,” Isa explained.
“He and I still only have part of our hearts,” Even said. “It’s made him very brittle.”
“He’s taken the loss very hard,” Ienzo said. “I hope this is a good sign that it’ll return to him.”
“We’ve all handled this situation uniquely. I don’t think there necessarily is a standard,” Even said. “I’ll try to investigate further. I should like to be able to use ice again. It made my experiments so much easier.”
Ienzo tried to figure out why the hall seemed so dark, but then he realized it was nighttime. When had that happened? He touched his forehead.
“Unfortunately, we must go,” Isa said.
“Our ride’s here,” Lea explained.
“I’m glad you came,” Ienzo said.
“So are we. It was nice to see the town nearly as nice as it once was,” Isa said. “But this place doesn’t quite feel like home anymore.”
“No,” he agreed. “Well. Safe travels. I hope you’ll visit when we’re all well.”
“That’d be nice,” Lea said. “Guess we’ll see you around.”
They left. Ienzo was feeling strange, oddly bereft.
“Those two tire me,” Even said, to break the tension. “Lea would not stop apologizing. As if the path to goodness is so simple.” He shook his head. “I admit it was nice to speak with Xion. She’s a lovely girl, very bright and personable. I should like to get to know her. To believe I created her myself, and I don’t understand her mind. It’s fascinating.”
“Yes,” Ienzo said numbly.
“Are you off to get some sleep?”
Ienzo blinked. “In a few moments. I wanted to check on Demyx first.”
“His vitals are stable and he’s merely asleep now. I was just in there.”
Ienzo blushed. “I’m sure you’re right.”
Even nodded, and turned to leave, but then he changed his mind. “On the subject of people I raised… you do know I still care for you, yes?”
Ienzo wondered if he might actually be asleep, and this whole day had been a strange dream. “What made you think of that?”
“Xion’s presence gave me clarity. I have been… cold, to pardon the pun. I have been isolating myself, and that is not healthy. I am wondering what it might be like to be Even again.” He patted Ienzo’s shoulder. “You’re a good boy. You’re too hard on yourself.” And off he went.
Once he was out of sight, Ienzo went inside Demyx’s room.
It was still minimally furnished, with nothing to make the space really his other than the little illumina plant, which added a soft violet glow to the room. A cool breeze blew in through the partially open window. Sure enough, Demyx was fast asleep. Ienzo perched on the bed reached out to stroke his face. At his touch, he stirred. “It’s all right. Go back to sleep.”
Demyx blinked and stretched. “You came.”
“I heard you were ill.”
Demyx looked at him, really looked at him, and must have taken in how terrible he looked, because he said, “You’re tired.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle. Don’t worry about me right now.”
He shook his head. “It’s okay. We were drinking, and I guess I’m not used to it. I’m fine.” The lie sounded unnervingly natural in his mouth.
“You don’t believe that.”
“Well, it’s true.”
“Please don’t lie to me.”
Ienzo could see, in the pale moonlight, that his eyes were watering. “I was with Lea and Isa,” he said falteringly. “They were talking about their human memories, and how it connected to their weapons, and how my sitar should still be a part of it and I…” He was hiccuping now. “I don’t remember, Ienzo. I don’t remember anything.”
“Almost nothing.”
Ienzo’s brows furrowed together in confusion. “I don’t see why that is. If you’re human--or at least getting there--you should have no trouble remembering anything. I…” Considering all that he knew now, this information was troubling, but not surprising. Thoughts surged through his mind and he ached to voice them, to get some clarity, but he could see how much this had shaken Demyx and stayed quiet. Ienzo hugged him and felt him cling back, sobbing anxiously. The sound sent little fingers of pain through his heart. “I’ll help you figure this out,” Ienzo said.
“I’m sorry,” Demyx said.
“Demyx, I’m positive this is not your fault.”
He held Demyx for a while longer, until the sobs quieted and he leaned tiredly against Ienzo. Ienzo longed to keep holding him, to rest together, to tell him everything that had happened that day. But the thought of such a thing also made him anxious. He kissed him on the cheek. “Try to get some rest,” he said. “I’ll come find you tomorrow.”
As exhausted as he was, when he lay down alone in his own bed, he could not sleep a wink.
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dorkyungsoowrites · 6 years
Fatal Ties Ch. 6
Pairings: Baekhyun x You
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff | Mafia AU
Warnings: Mild Violence
Word Count: 4.1k
Description: Baekhyun gets his reward for behaving, and you get a surprise.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | The Ending |
The day started off well. Kyungsoo took personal leave so you didn't have to worry about your fiance trying to strangle him. Baekhyun felt assured upon hearing you'd heal within the week and followed you around silently. After ogling at the interior of your club. He'd expected it to be some grungy warehouse where idiots grind mindlessly on each other to a deafening bass like rodents in heat. Instead he was met with four floors of the excessively wealthy gambling and boozing and smoking. All within the greatest of taste, of course. A bar and casino on the first floor with lush carpets and big chairs meant for the deep pockets of the city. Without all the flash and glitter of Las Vegas where they used it to cover the dirt. The second floor was a show room. It had a stage large enough for big bands to play and a small kitchen to serve food to all the tables around. There was a singer twice a week or else it stayed serving as a normal restaurant. It was all the class and elegance of the old clubs with modern convenience. The third floor was sectioned off for smoking and leisure with its own dedicated bar. There were a few billiard tables and seating areas to match. Then to the side opposite the bar were two large rooms meant for hookah. You had banned cigars and cigarettes for their awful smell and installed vents with fans. People still managed to keep the atmosphere inside cloudy, but most of the customers who use them prefer it that way. Less visibility for their shady deals. Your runners knew those rooms very well. It was the best spot to transfer your products.
When you reached the top floor Baekhyun was surprised to find a whole home. A small kitchen and a living room. Two bedrooms and an office that mimicked the one in your manor minus the bookshelves. All modern and minimalistic. He came into the office with you. Once he thought you were alone he began his questioning, and you turned on the computer. Waiting for it to boot up.
"So every time you mentioned your club you meant, like, a membership club?"
"What an astute observation."
"Then where do you make the drugs?"
"I don't make them. Even if I did you think I'd make them here? Do you think I'm an idiot? It's outsourced."
"To who?"
"If I told you that that would defeat the purpose of it being secret."
"And what's that?"
"The people you have this deal with know," he argued.
"The people who know have a great reason not to disclose any information that could trace back to me."
"To live, is that right?" You smiled and put your hands in your pockets.
"He's learning," you praised.
"But I thought you were one of the city's' top mafia leaders. If you only distribute the drugs, aren't you just a middle man?"
"It's all very clever isn't it?" A new voice cut in. A man in sweatpants, hoodie and bed-head strolled in. The bleach in his hair was fading. Making it appear more sandy than blonde. He came around you and plopped in the desk chair. Smirking like he was about to say something smart. Head tilted as he spoke to Baekhyun. "The people in their warehouses cook up the drugs, we provide means of distribution while not technically having anything to do with it, scam the rich assholes, and we get all the credit. By word of mouth anyway. Legally we have no ties. After all, what could an upstanding business owner have to do with the cartel? It's like we don't even exist." He smiled. "You must be the future hubby. Name's Greased Lightning. I live here." You rolled your eyes.
"No one calls you that. What Jongdae is trying to say," you continued. "Is you don't end up owning a private club and living in a mansion with around the clock security by peddling cocaine to junkies. There's no real profit in selling drugs on the street. If there were, more people would do it. No, that was in the old days when my father started this. Blue collar crime is where the real money lies. Tax evasion, real estate. The drugs are to satisfy the fat, bored, rich cunts that visit. It's influence and credibility. My real talent is in screwing with the books of my business."
"And hiring the best hacker in the world to hide what you do," Jongdae boasted. You smirked and glanced his way. His attention snapped to you. Sitting up to be closer.
"You are very clever. I'd call you a genius, but I'm in the room." He chuckled. Gaze sliding down to your backside. Your voice called him back to the present. Having fun with your usual harmless banter. "I've already warned you once; touch me and you lose whichever hand did it."
"What if it's not my hand?" the man teased.
"Then I'll feed you your own cock."
"A dream come true, really."
"The mafia isn't all about busting heads, Baekhyun. Despite how I make it seem sometimes."
"So how do you manage all of this? It's like five businesses in one building," your intended spoke up. Jongdae turned to the computer and started working on something.
"How does your father manage all of his hotels?"
"With a system of managers like every other hotel."
"Same principal," you shrugged. "I wouldn't get any sleep otherwise." Baekhyun nodded. Brow slightly furrowed as he finished processing everything. Jongdae tapped your leg and pointed at the monitor. Security footage of a twitchy patron rubbing just under his nose. Your smile dropped with your good mood. "Isn't it early to be doing this bullshit?" you muttered with a sigh.
"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked. Curiosity piqued.
"Someone broke the rules~" Jongdae sing-songed ominously. Laughing afterward.
"What rules?"
"Normal club etiquette," you answered. "But the one I take the most serious is using my products on these grounds. It's too risky with all the people that come here and all the ways forensics can trace shit."
"So what'll it be this time?" the hacker asked gleefully. "Disgrace? Fines? Revoking?" You glanced at the footage again. Contemplating your options.
"I was in a good mood until now...but...family?" Jongdae pulled up his member profile and scanned through.
"An estranged sister."
"Close enough. I haven't demonstrated how grievous rule breaking is in quite some time. What do you say to opening him up balls to brains and seeing what he's made of?" Jongdae snorted. Already typing up the termination of his membership.
"Probably just sewer water and a peanut for brains."
"Think you can arrange something tonight?"
"Sure thing." Your eyes caught another name on the list of members. Some son who was the only survivor in a car crash. He wasn't too well liked, but he comes every few days to gamble on the first floor. You see him a lot. He was very respectful and kind. You pointed him out over Jongdae's shoulder.
"Him too."
"Make sure the members know they died. They'll get the message."
"But he hasn't done anything wrong."
"Oh my sweet, sweet Jongdae," you crooned. Patting his head and tussling his already messy hair. "Haven't you learned by now? A person with no motive is a person no one suspects. If your enemies don't know who you're loyal to, or what you want, they can't predict what you'll do next."
"The police will come to question you," Baekhyun realized aloud. You held back a smile. Walking toward him. "Their first instinct will tell them they're connected murders. When they hear you had no motive for the second man they won't suspect you of the rule breakers murder either." Raising a hand, you brushed a lock of hair away from his bandage and pressed the tape down flat again that had begun peeling off. Lingering on his cheek as you lowered your hand. His skin was so soft and smooth. You briefly wondered if he was just as soft everywhere else. You suspected he was. The night before when he was practically bare you didn't notice any obvious scars, and he was always so well groomed you imagined he had more products than you.
"You learn quick for a puppy." Baekhyun's warm brown eyes crinkled at the corners. "Have a seat and keep learning, pup." So he did. He sat in a chair beside you and watched you work the rest of the morning. Filling out paperwork and making phone calls to order inventory and problem solving in-house disputes with managers. Jongdae floated in and out as he worked. Quietly concentrating. Baekhyun mostly behaved. Doing his best to stay out of your way and not talk, but it wasn't long before he grew bored. You were able to placate him by playing music. He would tap his toes on tempo and stand to stretch and pace a little. Get the restless nerves out before sitting down to watch over your shoulder again. When lunch time came you were going to order food, but he begged he go down to the kitchen himself and pick it up so he didn't feel so trapped. You allowed him and ate in your office.
Once all that was done and over you called for Chanyeol and you left the club to go to the tailor. You did promise his mother you'd have matching ties for the wedding. The owner of the shop knew you well and left you to do office work while you picked out what you liked. First was choosing a type. Past the tables of vests and cumberbuns and pants, and the walls that looked as if they were made of different suit parts of all different colors, was a podium. A small circular one with three angled mirrors much taller than any human for trying on items. In the far back of the shop were private fitting rooms, but this podium would do. You directed Baekhyun on it and went to the right. There was a large display case there from your shins to a little over your head. Just next to the check-out desk. It was a 4x15 grid of ties. All different fabrics and patterns to showcase the options available for the tailor to customize.
"Bow tie or regular?" you asked over your shoulder.
"Oh, you're letting me choose?"
"It's your wedding too."
"Well I just figured since you want me out of the way that you'd...do everything...for me..." As his reply had come out of his mouth he realized how dumb it sounded. When you glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow he averted his gaze shamefully. Holding his hands behind himself so you wouldn't see how he nervously fidgeted as much.
"I'm not your mother, and you're not a child." You picked up a plain black tie in both styles and came back to him. Standing beside him so you could hold up each in the mirror for him to see. "Do you know why I showed you how my business works?"
"It's my reward for being good at the meeting last night right? I'm spending more time with you," Baekhyun answered. Watching you in the mirror instead of the tie you held to his collar.
"Partly. If something happens to me someone needs to know how to run this place. There are a few key people who have their hands in with me that know just from experience, but they'd never want to be the boss. They know, and they know when to bail. I suspect you don't. And that's a compliment. You proved you're resilient and clever, and passionate. I need someone who won't give up on this business. I've sacrificed too much for it to get torn down the second I'm gone; with Jongdae and a few others squabbling over who gets the biggest share of money then disappearing and leaving this city to rot. Since I can't make my own heirs I'll need to teach one. I don't know if you'll be a worthy successor, but there are a lot of lessons so we have to start early. Whether I trust you or not. Think of it as a test. And who knows, maybe I'll decide you're too weak and toss you out in the garbage. We'll have to see."
"Regular," Baekhyun told you resolutely. It was almost too easy to control him. Give him one tiny taste of a treat and he heels like a show dog. It would be a piece of cake keeping him in line. He might even grow into a fighting dog one day. You smiled and put away the ties. Searching for a nice cool color on a regular tie. Something solid. Patterns would be too loud; especially against your white tuxedo. The man behind you spoke up again, but quieter this time. Almost afraid. "Does this mean you'll have me...kill people?"
"If it comes to that," you answered. Nonchalant about the whole affair.
"You've...done it...a lot?" You plucked a navy swatch and a teal tie and turned around. Standing beside him.
"I've done what's necessary to protect my business and my people. Does that frighten you, pup?" You looked at his reflection while he looked at you. Thinking. Measuring. You held the options to his chest and shook your head. Too dark and too green. You put them back. Searching the display case again. You still felt his stare on you however. Maybe you were wrong about him, you sighed internally. Maybe he was too delicate after all. If he couldn't make the hard decisions then you were all fucked. He needed to understand that this job would drag him into hell and back. You picked a lighter blue tie and explained as you walked onto the podium with him. "We're all villains in this line of work. You have to be a certain breed of morally deprived to do this job." You wrapped the cloth around his neck. Tucking it under his collar then beginning to tie it. Speaking low and slow. "If I have any soul left it's black as the deepest sin. There's no redemption for all the horrors I've done. You should keep that in mind when you find you're deluding yourself into thinking you like me. I'm not a good person." Before you pulled the tie through the final loop your eyes flickered up to meet his. His expression wasn't wary or afraid like you thought though. Instead his dark brown eyes were hot on yours and you had to keep the surprise from showing on your face. The deep understanding in his gaze--the desire--strangled your heart in your chest.
"There are plenty worse than you." His voice was soft but firm. Telling you the comfort to the words was genuine. That's when you remembered his family. Since his mother married his step-dad he's had to live with monsters and demons. Submit to them. Do their bidding. From his perspective being given away to you like he was another piece of their merchandise must have been a small saving grace. This man has witnessed some of the lowest wrungs humans are capable of reaching. All while staying so soft. Of course he wasn't afraid of you. He was stronger than you might ever know. It was a matter of bringing that forward and honing it for your legacy's benefit. You licked your lips and pulled the fabric. Finishing the knot that makes a tie and tightening it to fit properly.
"I'm just using you for this contract," you shook off. Downplaying all you'd showed and told him about that day. Hand smoothing the tie. You still couldn't be sure he wasn't working for his family like he admitted to the night before. He said he couldn't be their informant. He backed that up with actions, but a man who betrays his family so easily can't be trusted. He needed to believe what you did today was unimportant. There was no need to tell his family what happened if it was unimportant. "You're nothing but a business asset that I can play with however I please in my free time."
"Then use me." Your movements slowed at hearing this. Palm halting on the center of his chest. "Use me like a toy." Suddenly you were acutely aware of how close you were to Baekhyun. Feeling your face warm at the unsaid implications. If he just put his head forward a bit he could kiss you. In another life maybe you would let him. Maybe if you weren't the boss and he wasn't their puppet you would stumble into one of the private changing rooms. Maybe you'd get lost in each other as he fucked you on the floor until you had carpet burn all down your back and stars behind your eyes. Maybe even a tiny part of you wished for that. But he didn't kiss you, and you didn't kiss him. You straightened his collar over the tie, grabbed the knot at the base of his throat, pulled him slowly close enough to see the variations in his irises, and warned him.
"It's easy to break pretty things." You saw the corner of his mouth twitch up in amusement.
"You think I'm pretty?"
"You think I'm blind?" Releasing him to create space, Baekhyun grinned warmly. You put your hands in your pockets. Admiring his final look. Your assumption was correct for color choice. Blue looked striking on him. It made his dark hair stand out more and created an almost glow to his skin. He looked like a prince charming type. Ready to drink beside you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear at your wedding reception. Ready to sell the lie that you were in love.
"I'll do it."
"Do what?"
"Anything you want. Be your heir, your pet puppy, your sham trophy husband, your spy. Hell, I'll be your damn mailman if you want me to. I just want one thing in return."
"Seems overly generous. Must be something big." He reached out and took your chin gently. Making sure you wouldn't look away.
"I'm not your enemy. I don't have hidden agendas to overthrow or kill you. This isn't a game where you find out what I want to 'defeat' me. When we're married I'll be yours...and you'll be mine."
"You'll be mine..." you pondered aloud. His fingers shifted. Ghosting up your cheek. The touch was so tender you had to hold your breath to prevent it from faltering. To stop him from seeing you were affected. That you wanted his hand to stay. "I like that." He nodded.
"And you'll be mine." You hummed and smiled. He mimicked you. A small twinkle of hope in his eyes.
"We'll see about that." Surprisingly he didn't back down, and it wasn't in a way you could've predicted. He let you go. Leaving you colder than before, but his words were promising. Threatening almost. Teasing at something darker in his character. Something that made your knees weaker.
"You will."
"So," you spoke slowly. Brain coming out from a strange fog you hadn't realized was there. Thoughts coming straighter again. "How do you like this tie?" He loosened it so you thought he was going to disagree with your choice. Instead he took it and draped it over your head. Then he turned you around to face the mirrors. Reaching around you to tighten the knot. You weren't wearing the proper shirt for a tie so he did his best. Straightening the end then resting his hands on your shoulders. Sliding down a bit to your biceps and squeezing gently. His breath on your ear.
"It'll be amazing and beautiful. Like you, boss. We'll look divine side by side. The whole world will stop for us." You were tensed. Feeling the edges of a shiver at the nape of your neck and sides. Baekhyun admired you in the mirror. The tape on his bandage peeling off his head again. You had the inexplicable urge to tilt your own and reach back to touch his face. Guide his mouth to your neck. To feel his lips on your skin. He would, if you told him to. He'd completely ravage you until you could barely speak. Unquestionably. Baekhyun would do anything you ordered him to. That was what stayed your hand and kept your neck stiff. Walking off the podium and un-doing the knot while you called for the owner. Baekhyun was too broken in, and at the moment you were still too broken. Hateful at how you were forbidden from sexual activities until you recovered from Kyungsoo's...lapse in clarity.
Once the owner came out and the matching ties were paid for you were back in the car with Chanyeol driving you home. Whatever music he had picked out humming quietly on the stereo. Baekhyun beside you in the back seat. You could tell he was thinking over something carefully. So you waited for him to come forward with it while watching the city skyscrapers disappear. Replaced with winding roads and suburban housing. Grocery stores and gas stations that had fast food places attached. Taking your regular route through construction areas that never seemed to get done and a less than nice neighborhood.
"Will you train me to fight?" There it was. You took your attention off the road where you were watching the potholes you drive by almost every day get bigger and deeper. Looking over at Baekhyun.
"I want to prove I'm loyal to you now. So I should learn how to shoot a gun, right? And fist fighting? Like self defense?"
"You should, but I don't have the time. I'll have one of my guards train you."
"But I want to learn from you. Maybe just, like, joining you for your morning workout?"
"You mean beating you up instead of that sandbag? Your father would never sign if he saw you covered in bruises."
"I can take it," he assured. "Just don't hit anywhere visible like my face. I learn fast anyway. I doubt you'll get that many hits on me."
"You didn't look that tough last night in your underwear," you scoffed.
"I am," Baekhyun argued. "I'm the toughest of my brothers. I can prove it. Teach me."
"The toughest of your brothers but you haven't ever shot a--" You were interrupted by a concussive noise and a dull crack. Baekhyun jumped in his seat. You knew the sound of a gun and immediately became alert. Whipping your head to the side to see your window.
There was a decent crater of white on the top left side where the bulletproof window caught the impact of a bullet. Outer rings of cracks circling the main area where it hit and spread into smaller ones that stretched the whole window. Making it hard to see out of properly. Layers of glass and plastic protecting you. It was lucky. The body of the car wasn't bulletproof. You looked behind you and saw an older car pulling out onto the road from one of the driveways. Most likely stolen from the owners of the home. This wasn't any misfired street scuffle. The gunshot was their queue to engage.
"It's an ambush!" you called out to Chanyeol. Unbuckling so you could twist around, raise a knee onto the seat and pull your gun from its holster in one swift movement. Now fully facing the back.
"Shit!" Chanyeol cursed in frustration and slight panic. The car jerked as he stomped on the gas pedal. Putting distance between you and the other car as best as he could. "Hold on! I'll lose 'em!" An arm reached out from the car tailing you. Another gunshot rang in the air and you heard the metals hollow screech as it connected with the bumper. Chanyeol turned roughly to a side street, and you had to catch yourself from toppling into Baekhyun. You only had a few seconds to think of what to do before they rounded the corner with you. So you looked at Baekhyun. Delicate, soft Baekhyun whose eyes were wider than you'd ever seen staring right back at you. Lips slightly parted, chest heaving with shallow breaths. Frozen in shock.
"Put your legs on the seat and get down," you commanded. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the car turn the corner. The people in this car needed protecting. That's all you could think. Chanyeol and Baekhyun needed to stay safe. Adrenaline rising with your impatience at not being listened to. It was take action or die in these situations. There was no freezing up like a scared animal. So you shoved Baekhyun's shoulder with your free hand. Bunching the fabric with no finesse and pulling hard. Glaring at him with all the fire you could muster. "Get down or I'll put you down!"
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*And* I Have To...What?
We often ask a lot of our performers - and directors, designers, and everyone else of course as well, but this post is performer-focused.
We especially ask a lot of our performers in a summer stock rehearsal setting.
But sometimes we ask for even a little more.
Perhaps you have a special skill that the director would like to include in a show. For example: you play an instrument, you tumble, you’re a gymnast, you can juggle, you can do impersonations…or a thousand other possible talents.
And then there are shows that ask for even more than a little more, and to do it all in 8 days.
And that, my friends, is the zany, fast-paced romp that is Murder For Two at Bristol Valley Theater!
Special Skills
When I first saw Murder For Two Off-Broadway in 2013, I was thrilled at the insane talent level of these two performers onstage in front of me.
I knew very little about the show, except that it was supposed to be extremely funny and constantly surprising - and both of those turned out to be spot on assessments. My delight was then followed by two thoughts:
“A show like this that requires so little will most certainly be done everywhere once licensed!”
And “Wow…maybe not. That show asks soooooo much from its performers that it might be difficult to find people to do it!”
Oddly, I think I was partially correct on both accounts.
As I mentioned to people this past spring that I would be playing Marcus (the detective role) in Murder For Two this summer, theatre people kept saying to me:
“Wow, everyone is doing that show!”
And that makes me chuckle a little.
Now, I will say that since the licensing for this show became available a few years ago, a lot of theaters immediately pounced with a desire to do it. However! We are talking about around a dozen professional theaters that have actually slated to do this show this season.
And it’s a two-person show.
How many theaters did Mamma Mia! this year, or Legally Blonde? I don’t know the numbers, but these were both on the top 10 most produced list for several of the past few years.
But for such a highly specialized type of show like Murder For Two, suddenly around a dozen seems like a large number.
And why is that? What does this show require?
And The Kitchen Sink
I’ve done plenty of shows that have asked for me to include a multitude of skills other than the basics of theatre or musical theatre performance - playing piano, arranging, a cappella singing, composition, puppetry and tap dancing (both learned for specific shows), stylized singing, physical comedy, dance, etc.
But Murder For Two asks its performers for a very specific set of skills.
We begin with the basics:
Acting - I would hope so!
Singing - Not a terribly large amount, but some challenging material (especially lyrically).
Dancing - Not necessarily required by the text, but certainly utilized in this production!
Then more specialized skills:
Stylized Physical Comedy - The show calls for some very specific physical moments between the two actors, some of which are tricky, and all of which rely on very strong physical presence and spot-on comedic timing. Definitely not the most natural style for many actors, myself included.
Multiple Characters - The suspects role calls for the actor to play 10 extremely distinct and varied characters throughout the show. Not only is this difficult to do in general, but both actors then have to keep track of exactly whom is being spoken to and where they are on the stage, which was quite the challenge in the rehearsal process. And even though the detective role does not play more than one character, they do have to impersonate three characters during the show. It can be a crazy time!
Tracking Invisible People - Not a skill I would put on the resume, but it’s necessary nonetheless! Not only do we have the multiple characters to track, the detective role spends much of the show speaking to an invisible character as well. Ever tried convincing an audience that you’re speaking to someone who doesn’t exist? It’s a touch tricky!
Accompaniment - The first of the piano skills! Not all pianists are good accompanists, but this is a definitive requirement for this show. Both performers must be able to play musical theatre music extremely comfortably for this show to take place, and they must be able to accompany themselves as well as the other performer. Not the easiest task.
Stride Piano - This is a very specific type of piano playing that not everyone is aware of, though I’m certain most people have heard it at some point. It’s a style of playing that derives heavily from ragtime and jazz, which was then infused in a great deal of early musical theatre. Basically, it requires the left hand to constantly jump from the bottom of the piano to the middle of the piano and back again, while the right hand plays unrelated melodies and harmonies up top. If you haven’t grown up playing or mastering this style - and I did not - this can take a looooooooot of practice to master for this show.
Piano Duet - One of my favorite parts of both seeing and performing this show is the dueting that occurs between the two performers at various points. Not often do you get to see two pianists playing simultaneously on the same keyboard, but it’s so delightful when it’s done well!
Line Sequencing - This is more for the detective role. Much of the show is the suspects role changing characters and getting laughs, which can be a big challenge for them. The greatest challenge for the detective role, however, is that following those laughs they must move the plot forward in a way that does not usually connect to what was just said. This sort of line and plot sequencing that doesn’t follow a logical pattern was one of my personal biggest challenges in putting this show together so quickly. Lines are sometimes difficult enough to memorize, but when it’s an illogical jump, it’s even harder!
95 Minutes On Stage - Not so much a skill, but still something difficult being asked of the performers. There are only two actors and they are both onstage for almost the entirety of the show’s 95ish fast-paced minutes. It’s excellent fun once you have it down!
So, as you see, it’s only a few things that are required for this show. No problem at all!
And That’s How We Grow
I won’t pretend that this show has not been a challenge to learn - it certainly has been!
But where and when else could I find myself in a position to push my limitations and overcome such specific challenges?
I’m definitely thankful for the opportunity to join the ranks of those performers who have performed Murder For Two and tackled the insanity that is this show. And once it’s set, as it now is, there’s nothing left to do but have a blast! Which is precisely what I intend to do. :-)
I hope to see you there!
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