#i kinda default to holding myself back
project-sonadow · 5 months
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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brandycranby · 5 months
ce characters + their skill at wrapping presents (based on technique, style, and enthusiasm) 🎁✨
crocheting a last minute gift rn hehe
steve: 9.5/10. the military precision comes in clutch when it's time to measure out wrapping paper. if he's not doing the wrapping himself, he's at your elbow with tape strips and scissors when you need them. gift bags? hell no, back in his day, presents were wrapped (ok old man 🙄💕) heh expect steve to come home with half a dozen new tubes of gift wrap because he just can't resist the cuteness (target snoopy paper, beloved 🥺💕)
andy: 7/10. if he did it himself that is 😌 this is a man of experience and few close relatives. the holidays are a quiet uneventful time for him (besides the odd party) and he spends it with you, showering you in gifts and treats for the new year. most of those treats come with complimentary gift wrapping that he'll most definitely take advantage of hehe if not, he's a sparkly gift bag kinda guy
ari: 8/10. he doesn't have much skill at getting those sharp corners on a wrapped box but can he curl a ribbon or what? great color sense, he doesn't look like it but he can tell a french silver from classic silver 😌💕 whatta man whatta man. eight presents though, that's a lot of gift ideas to come up with. defaults to cash and gift cards for some nights, slaps a ribbon on top and adds mesh bag of chocolate coins and calls it a night
johnny: 6/10. look, he's a guy. still, he's a guy with a big sister. sue comes over and they make a night in of it. wrapping paper is everywhere, someone gets hit with a tube, nothing's lit on fire but reed's gift is singed and labeled "to: asshole". it's probably just fruit of the loom boxers. your gift though? he keeps adding stocking stuffers until sue makes him use a wicker basket to hold everything bc "it's chic, johnny, and a paper bag can't hold all of that."
ransom: 5/10 +3 effort points. ONCE HE TRIES?? HE TRIES!!! i mean not for his parents' gifts, he probably amazon shipped those to their house. but he'll pull out the ribbons, the glitter, the tinsel, the special wrapping paper just for you 🥹💕 ransom doesn't really Get It, not until you have a day of present prep with him. cups of hot drinks and a movie on in the back, that sort of warm nostalgia that's so familiar yet distant from what he's known 🥺surprisingly good eye for it
jake: 4/10. oh lord he tries. he tries so damn hard. the living room is a wreck, there's tape everywhere and mismatched wrapping paper. he measures a length of paper too small and worries about cutting another one because you like that paper!! you'd probably cry if he wasted it!! so he takes a discard piece and kinda... band-aids it together... oh baby 😔 also how do you wrap plushies??? (put it in a box, jake, please put it in a box)
curtis: 7/10. solid score because he goes for maximum efficiency and doesn't take a break until every single present is completely hidden in gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbons, bows, and a gift tag. would be a 10 if he was a little more fancy and a little less practical about his present style. but he has the assembly line efficiency and it helps you get everything done in one day so kudos 😊 points off for getting suspicious when you take a long pee break tho
since i've started writing this hc list, i've redone my amigurumi THREE TIMES. why do i do this to myself. i also wrapped last minute gifts like a jake today heh
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not-terezi-pyrope · 3 months
Trans musings: I sometimes pass, but maybe only to the French?
I'm currently riding the train back to the UK after spending the weekend in Paris, and while I've been here, particularly this last day, I seem to have reached a startling threshold re: passing as a girl.
For the record, I still dress pretty androgynously in public and my experience throughout most of the time I've been on hormones, even as my appearance has started to gradually change, it's that I'm read as male by default. I default to male bathrooms still for safety reasons, unless I'm with other trans women, am in an explicitly queer space, or am dressing very femme.
The first hint of something odd going on was last week when a family member told me I was looking unusually pretty, and asked if I was wearing makeup - I was not. I left for my trip, and was pleased to be told during one outing in Paris that a homeless man had apparently gendered me correctly, but wrote it off as one of those sporadic anomalies.
Today though, I have been gendered correctly multiple times by strangers, when holding open a door, while going through customs, and, most significantly/alarmingly, given my anxiety, while trying to use male restrooms.
The first time, a French security guard addressed me as madame and tried to stop me from entering. Stuck for what to do, I kinda locked eyes with him and said, "um, decide!", relying on my voice to convey that I was amab, which it apparently did. The second time, I tried to take preemptive action by deeply humming under my breath as I entered another public bathroom, but a stranger still stopped me and said something inducing the word "hombres", which I could not understand and awkwardly disengaged from my locking myself in a cubicle.
The ridiculousness of these aside, I'm wondering if I'm maybe reaching some sort of male fail threshold. Some people have suggested it might be time I make the switch to using the female restroom by default, which would be exciting. I certainly don't want to face the anxiety of being stopped in public bathrooms from now on. However, there are some factors that have me cautious about assuming I'll be read as more femme;
Casually polling other trans international travellers, it sounds like trans women are more easily read as women in France or Germany than in the UK or US, I guess due to cultural differences with presentation, etc. As I've only noticed this in France (the family member comment being the exception?), that may be the predominant factor over my appearance, and I don't want to cause scandals back in the UK by assuming I'll be ambiguous enough to not have security called on me in the women's WC.
As I don't speak French, I was not talking much during these instances, until I did so deliberately, and as shown my voice will immediately out me. Although I don't generally speak a lot while using public restrooms, if I'm with a friend I might, so I have to keep that in mind.
I'm wearing a pinkish shirt today, and that with my somewhat visible breast bump may be pushing me over the edge. This might not apply in other clothes. However, some of the male fails were with my coat done up, so who knows?
Regardless, I'm going to have to take note of this going forward, and see how more people react. I have friends who say that they are reading me as feminine first in various photos, which is encouraging, but I find that trans supportive people tend to have more leeway on that, even if they're not themselves aware of it. I will also need to start more seriously looking into voice training, because if I am nearing an edge, I can maybe push myself more fully over it with more explicit presentation and a better matching voice - exciting! I just hope that in the interim I don't have to deal with too many unpleasant interactions like bathroom ones today while I find my feet.
(Demonstrationary photo from today beneath the cut)
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apocalypticavolition · 3 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 37: What Might Be
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Everyone has that moment that they've looked back on and wonder, "What if I'd done it differently?" Sometimes we can move on, put what-ifs to rest, but sometimes that question will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Don't let this post be that moment. Don't let future you think to themself, an hour from now, "What if I just hadn't spoiled the whole Wheel of Time series for myself by reading this post? What if I'd enjoyed the books by reading them without spoilers?" Don't click "Keep reading" unless you already know all the spoilers and thus will not forever be wondering.
(And yet... perhaps if you do not choose to spoil yourself, years from now you will look back on this moment and wonder what might have happened if you had.)
This chapter has a Portal Stone icon because we're doing one of the best chapters in the whole damn series.
“We stood it upright,” Alar said, “when we found it many years ago, but we did not move it. It . . . seemed to . . . resist being moved.”
Probably the Stones are all entangled in some sort of higher dimensional quantum process, on one part just to be able to function at all and on another to ensure that no one warps off to an alternate world where it turns out that the Stone was tossed into a volcanic caldera a few years back and thus they instantly die. I wonder if there's wiggle room to allow stuff like Stones falling in one world but not another, or if they're all so tied up that reorienting it in one world caused it to be fixed in all of the others too.
Forgive us for our lack of ceremony in leaving you, but the Wheel waits for no woman.
Since I've given Jordan a bit of guff here and there for enforcing his own gender beliefs on the settings, point here for having Verin use "woman" as the default term. Hashtag HER-story, amirite?
Ingtar’s back stiffened. “I hold back at nothing. Take us to Toman Head or take us to Shayol Ghul. If the Horn of Valere lies at the end, I will follow you.”
Really you might argue that this here was the real moment of redemption for Ingtar and that all the rest is just the formality of seeing it through.
I have never used a Stone; that is why your use is more recent than mine.
"Bitch I'm just covering so no one has to know you're the Dragon Reborn. Do the plot thing already!"
Also I kinda feel that Verin is really stretching the oaths she's pretending to have here.
What would I not give to talk with this girl of yours? Or better, to put my hands on her book. It is generally thought that no copy of Mirrors of the Wheel survived the Breaking whole. Serafelle always tells me there are more books that we believe lost than I could credit waiting to be found.
Honestly, even though rumors are so rarely right in this world, I think popular opinion is correct and none survive. I also find it pretty doubtful that there's that many lost books left to be recovered at this point: three and a half thousand years is a long-ass time, too long for most forms of writing to survive.
Apparently, not every Stone connects to every world, and the Aes Sedai of the Age of Legends believed that there were possible worlds no Stones at all touched.
Among others, any timeline where a Portal Stone was never constructed would by definition remain off of the network. I wonder how they decide what Stones connect to what, though. Was it perhaps based on what ifs related to the nearby areas? What other worlds were missing?
With one finger she outlined a rectangle containing eight carvings that were much alike, a circle and an arrow, but in half the arrow was contained inside the circle, while in the others the point pierced the circle through. The arrows pointed left, right, up and down, and surrounding each circle was a different line of what Rand was sure was script, though in no language he knew, all curving lines that suddenly became jagged hooks, then flowed on again.
I expect that these worlds have extremely non-Euclidean geometries at play, based on how they were used to make the Ways. Likely the arrow has something to do with a physical force, probably gravity.
As my father would have said, it’s time to roll the dice.
Headcanon: Mat is Verin's dad reborn.
“I am Rand al’Thor,” he growled. “I am not the Dragon Reborn. I won’t be a false Dragon.” “You are what you are. Will you choose, or will you stand here until your friend dies?”
As I've said before, the one thing Rand's not allowed to do is stand still: every time he does the pressure only mounts until he has to act. Verin at least offers the kindness of spelling it out for him.
The flame consumed fear and passion and was gone almost before he thought to form it. Gone, leaving only emptiness, and shining saidin, sickening, tantalizing, stomach-turning, seductive. He . . . reached for it . . . and it filled him, made him alive. He did not move a muscle, but he felt as if he were quivering with the rush of the One Power into him.
After all this time, I still can't decide if being a channeler would be really awesome or really awful.
“Father!” Rand screamed. Clawing his belt knife from its sheath, he threw himself over the table to help his father, and screamed again as the first sword ran through his chest.
Though of course the Mirror Worlds take from the Many Worlds Theory, we must remember that they're not actually the same. The Many Worlds Theory is a way of resolving one of the fundamental mysteries of quantum mechanics. When not observed, particles don't have discrete locations but probabilites of being here, there, or even over there. These odds are called a "waveform". When observed, the waveform collapses and the particle is only in one of those places. The thing scientists don't get yet is the mechanic of that collapse nor the reason. Many Worlds Theory says "The collapse is an illusion. All of those possibilities exist somewhere but since we can only exist in one place we can only ever observe one possibility. All worlds continue on, none with more value or reality than any other except in that those who exist in only one must favor where they are."
This is not what the Mirror Worlds are. The Pattern of Ages is a specific framework which dictates one reality (T'A'R) reigns supreme above all the others, and that among these the closest reflection (the Prime Reality) is inherently more valid than the increasingly distorted copies.
In Many Worlds theory, one can discuss the relative probabilties of different timelines. One location for a particle might have had a 2/3rds chance of being the real one while the other two were each only a sixth. Amid the Mirror Worlds, there's no such thing. T'A'R and the Prime reality each have a 100% chance of being true and all other worlds have a 0% chance of happening.
That said, the Wheel does seem to think some Mirror Worlds are more plausible than others, and I think Rand's journey is - at least at first - moving in order of descending plausibility. Him dying immediately when the story began is a very "likely" outcome - to some degree more likely than other potential deaths later in the timeline just because in each of those scenarios Rand had a little more experience to keep him going.
There was a year when neither merchants nor peddlers came, and when they returned the next they brought word that Artur Hawkwing’s armies had come back, or their descendants, at least.
It's bizarrely heartening to think that even the Seanchan invasion will completely miss that the Two Rivers exists.
Also note that this world - where Rand is never found by Fain or Moiraine and never leaves as a result - seems next most likely amid the categories.
Egwene grew frightened when the moods were on him, for strange things sometimes happened when he was at his bleakest—lightning storms she had not heard listening to the wind, wildfires in the forest—but she loved him and cared for him and kept him sane, though some muttered that Rand al’Thor was crazy and dangerous.
I wonder what happened to this Egwene that she accepts the Two Rivers life without complaint while Rand is forever ranting about how life should be. I also do think that the haters should remember that this is the "no inciting incident" default Egwene: a caring person who stays with Rand until the end. The pair grow apart because of outside forces, not because Egwene is fundamentally flawed as a person.
Women came, too, shouldering what weapons they could find, marching alongside the men. Some laughed, saying that they had the strange feeling they had done this before.
This is both nice foreshadowing for how the Two Rivers folk will respond to the real Shadowspawn invasion and another hint of the old blood amid the people. It would not be surprising at all if many of them were truly the last of Manetheren reborn.
Tam tried to console Rand when Egwene took sick and died just a week before their wedding.
The nextmost implausible sort of world: no inciting incident and Rand survives his channeling sickness but Egwene does not. Being a slightly mainer character than she is, it tracks that this is more plausible than a world where he dies young while she stays on track to be Wisdom.
Elayne did not look at him, of course; she married a Tairen prince, though she did not seem happy in it.
I'd be upset too in this position. What a strange world this is, that a gal who should be the first Aes Sedai queen in centuries should end up married to anyone from Tear. What the fuck is going on at the White Tower to lead to this? I would guess that the reason Moiraine didn't find Rand is that Siuan isn't Amyrlin and that whoever is in charge instead has run the place into the ground.
Also, assuming "prince" means "son of a High Lord or Lady", if not "High Lord" directly, I wonder which horrible family Elayne is stuck with.
He knew he was mad, and did not care. A wasting sickness came on him, and he did not care about that, either, and neither did anyone else, for word had come that Artur Hawkwing’s armies had returned to reclaim the land.
1. It seems that this Rand is doomed to never be able to complete his character development without the actual plot happening.
2. What's delayed the Seanchan by years if not a decade? How far back does this timeline's divergence have to be to account for all of this?
Many of the people of Caemlyn had fled already, and many counseled the army to retreat further, but Elayne was Queen, now, and vowed she would not leave Caemlyn. She would not look at his ruined face, scarred by his sickness, but he could not leave her, and so what was left of the Queen’s Guards prepared to defend the Queen while her people ran.
I expect that this was foreshadowing Caemlyn's importance in the Last Battle, an importance that Sanderson didn't fully follow up on. Even in this life, Rand finds himself head of an army by Elayne's side leading a desperate last stand.
I have won again, Lews Therin. Flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker flicker.
There's some great details in the paragraph that precedes this bit, much too much to analyze. It says a great deal about the central nature of Rand to the Pattern that he can have so many bizarre outcomes: I expect no one else in the party had anywhere near so much variety in their lives.
We also get confirmation that Rand is Aiel, which is nice, though it's sad that the closest thing to a reference Aviendha gets in this procession is "women he had never seen before".
Of course, Rand's lovers aren't the important part here. Elayne and Min get mentioned but it is Egwene who receives a similar multi-faceted fate. So often she is a central figure in his life; she can't help but be his opposite even when their lives have gone horribly off-script.
And of course, our iconic line. The Dark One wins again and again, but like I already said: none of these worlds have even a 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 percent chance of happening. None of these victories matter in the slightest.
“Does it surprise you that your life might go differently if you made different choices, or different things happened to you? Though I never thought I—Well. The important thing is, we are here. Though not as we hoped.”
I desperately wish I had the slightest idea what Verin had seen in her procession. Were there worlds where she avoided the Black Ajah altogether, or worlds where she happily threw in with them? Maybe a world where she poisoned Cadsuane, or one where she was in Moiraine's place and threw Lanfear through the twisted red door?
You should not have tried to bring us directly here. I don’t know what went wrong—I don’t suppose I ever will—but from the trees, I would say it is well into late autumn.
Presumably it's the nature of those arrow worlds. I've joked about the Ways being akin to the inside of a black hole and suggested that they had strange geometry and I expect this is proof. They did come instantly but it also took four months by another spacetime's reckoning.
“Rand, I’d never tell anyone about—about you. I wouldn’t betray you. You have to believe that!”
It's true! Mat doesn't do that in this reality and none of the other ones count. But I do think he was tempted at points. Not enough to go through with it (and he had no real opportunity to do so), but still. Now though, that door is permanently closed.
The curly-haired youth dropped his hands from his face with a sigh. Red marks scored his forehead and cheeks where his nails had dug in. His yellow eyes hid his thoughts.
Wolf boy here probably had one hell of a time in the pack. Or perhaps he just got out of that weird timeline where he mistakes Laila for a Trolloc.
Rand backed away when she reached for him. “Don’t be foolish,” she told him. “I don’t want your help,” he said quietly. “Or any Aes Sedai help.” Her lips twitched. “As you wish.”
1. I expect that nearly everyone has now forgotten a good deal of the experience thanks to Verin's help, which ironically helps Rand even though he doesn't want it.
2. Verin must really chafe at the sheer ingratitude of this, considering just how much she's doing for the dumb boy.
3. That's the end of our chapter folks! Next time: Remember Egwene? She still exists!
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Hii <3 Girl I recently found your blog , and it's one of the best things I have found on tumblr !! 🦋🐳
I kinda want some advice on this , I used to really dislike myself , and I had a glow up , and I got really attractive , in between this I don't know where I this self love come from, but now I got stuck at this self love phrase ! " Like I wanna do something but then I love myself , why should I change ."
I am not getting out of my comfort zone , and absolutely am scared of competition, people having expectations . I am seriously so fucking scared of what people think of me , I can't even fucking tell you !!
Idk man !
Hi love! Thank you so much. Your kind words and support mean a lot to me <3
Congratulations on gaining this newfound self-confidence and all of the hard work/consistent effort it must've taken to get to this stage of life (maintenance work included).
Remember these fundamental truths:
Everyone is primarily focused on themselves: People are too focused on themselves, their personal goals/desires, and how they're perceived to really care to watch what you're doing. This is a liberating truth to realize – it gives you free rein to break out of people-pleasing mode and start focusing on doing what makes you most happy/fulfilled.
No one will care as much as you do about your success and wish fulfillment in life: As stated before, everyone else is focused on their own inner worlds, priorities, goals, and everyday responsibilities. You need to be your own greatest advocate. You lose by default if you don't enter the game to begin with. Operate from a headspace of you're going to be your own greatest cheerleader and win no matter what because you believe in yourself. Authentic confidence and self-belief are the two gifts no "competition" could ever take away from you.
Understand that other people's actions are reflections of their own lived experiences, desires, and goals, and are out of your control: This is why it's so important to stop caring about the potential (or perceived) competition and what others think. You only can control your own efforts – to take action, learn, pivot, and grow. The reasons why others criticize (not constructively, I mean) you are often projections of their negative self-talk and suppressed insecurities. Other people's actions are executed in their own best interest. You need to do the same and see your future self as your only competition – she's the only person's goals for whom you hold the most decision-making power and control.
Like everything else, calculated risk-taking is a mental muscle that takes time and patience to build. Throughout your journey, you'll learn proper "form" aka criteria on how to decide when to act and when it is in your best interest to refrain from engaging in a certain "risk-taking" activity (I mean like sending that email, text, posting that photo, etc.) and build resilience to better withstand rejection, criticism, and the noise of other people's opinions.
First, focus on the bigger picture: What do you want out of life and why? What smaller goals would you need to achieve to reach these ultimate aspirations?
Work your way backward to your present situation: What are the next action steps you can take to move closer to your first milestone goal(s)? Choose one calculated risk to take at a time. Send that email that leaves you vulnerable to a potential rejection one day. Make that phone call to reconnect with the person you've been afraid to have that vulnerable conversation with a few days later. Post that Instagram post/story or TikTok video and immediately close the app.
You need to become the leader of your own life or someone else will lead it for you. You're only playing yourself by holding yourself back when sitting on the bench instead of practicing for the big leagues.
Hope this helps xx
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hybbart · 1 year
Do all avians have raptor hands or is it a non avian jimmy only mannerism that everyone who doesn’t know any better assumes is a bird person thing because of how weird it is but it’s just Jimmy being Jimmy
I haven't even decided if Jimmy will have them yet, I'm still not sure if I like it. I feel like his body language has been more delicate and passive than I would like
I think I like it on Pearl, her outfits a bit better for it and it fits her sleepiness. Grian I picture doing a variant with his fingers laced but also just tucking his arms away in any way so they are absorbed into his sweater.
The thing with drawing the avians the way I do is that their avian features, especially their feet with the extra joint, heavily dictates and alters their posture and body language. And I give them sharp, small hands, which you can see how much that does to Jimmy's body language just by comparing the sheriff to his avian design, since the sheriff wears heavy gloves and boots. I'm the problem, I made a design thats designed to come off delicate and cute and now I'm complaining about it being too delicate... it's also his most femme leaning form in general with his outfit and features, its also super casual... but it also fits his tendency to shrink back out of the way when he's not in the spotlight... but I want to convey his aggressiveness and jerkiness better in my pictures, but it's done the opposite...
I'm kinda just rambling to myself at this point, sorry, I'm still trying to figure Jimmy out and how I want to portray him vs my bad habit of defaulting to cutesy body language
As for if it would be common, I think it would be just because I think it flows naturally with their posture and the general instinct to fold in their limbs. They do it with their wings and legs, why not also their arms? I also imagine they reach out and grab/hold things instinctively their hands and talons.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Sumeragi Tenma - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Feature (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Igawa: Great job again today, Tenma-kun. Tomorrow’s schedule will be…
Tenma: The magazine shoot, right? The site’s at a studio I go to all the time, so I can go myself.
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Igawa: Fufu, understood. I will leave it to you then. Before I forget, here are the materials for the commercial shoot planned next week. The proposal, storyboard, and also your co-star… or rather, the profile of your co-“dog”.
Tenma: Co-dog?
Tenma: (Oh, I got it. That’s what he means by co-dog…)
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Tenma: I’m home.
Kumon: *Sob*… this is sooo sad…
Muku: But I’m sure he’s happy…. eugh~….
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Izumi: Yeah, that’s right… *cries*…
Tenma: !?
Yuki: I understand how you feel, but you’re crying way too much.
Tenma: W-what happened…!?
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Kazunari: Ah, Tenten. Welcome home…
Misumi: Welcome back~…
Kazunari: All of us were just watching the movie “I’ll go anywhere with you”.
Kumon: It’s about the friendship between a boy and his dog, but it made me cry my eyes out…! *SNIFF*…!
Tenma: Ah, I see…
Izumi: In any case, the puppy acted really well.
Muku: He really did. He might even be better than me…
Misumi: That little guy’s on TV all the time.
Kazunari: Yeah. I saw him in a drama last month too.
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Yuki: Hold on, if I recall correctly… his name was Albert?
Tenma: ! You mean this guy?
Izumi: Is this… Albert-kun’s profile?
Tenma: He’s actually going to be my costar in an upcoming commercial.
Kazunari: For real!?
Misumi: Wow, really!
Kumon: That’s awesome! Get his autograph for me, Tenma-san!
Tenma: Um, dogs don’t have signatures, you know?
Muku: I wonder if you could get a stamp of his front paw…!?
Yuki: Heh, so you’re going to costar with a famous acting dog?
Tenma: I didn’t know about this acting dog… But if he’s that good, then I doubt we’ll have trouble with the shoot.
Izumi: Hey, the fact you’re working with a famous dog might be good timing.
Tenma: Hm? Why’s that?
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Izumi: It’s your turn for the next supporting cast spin-off, remember?
Tenma: Ah, that thing?
Kazunari: The project where each troupe member is going to stream a spin-off short story of one of their supporting characters, right!
Kumon: I’m super excited to see which character and what kinda story everyone does!
Yuki: Which supporting role everyone gets is going to be decided by a poll by the fans, right?
Izumi: Yep, exactly. We got the results from the poll to decide Tenma-kun’s supporting character yesterday.
Tenma: By that, I’m assuming…
Izumi: Yep, it’s Rio who you played in “WONDER RUSH”!
Misumi: Wow~! It’s about a dog!
Yuki: And it’s weird request for Tenma in dog ears.
Muku: Tenma-kun’s Rio was really cool! Fufu, I can’t wait to watch.
Tenma: I see. I didn’t expect this role. But the timing is good, as you said.
Izumi: Discuss the script with Tsuzuru-kun, okay?
Tenma: Sure thing.
| next
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ghastlybin · 10 months
Lost within myself - Dami
HOWDY HOWDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE (@panda-writes-kpop) I LOVE YOUUUUU THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND AND ALSO A FELLOW CLOWN, we love to see it. As you can tell by the AU,,, lol,,, Inspired by our past convos regarding the hunger games. I wanted to switch it up a little… Kinda. I hope you enjoy and that this didn't turn out bad^^ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶💜💜💜💜
Also added Taehyun because I needed another tribute since reader is a mentor. Also cause I love him and think he fits the concept somehow.
▾Hunger games! AU ▾ Angst but also some fluff?? If you squint▾ Language & Violence ▾ Death implications ▾Tribute! Dami X Mentor! Reader▾ Y’all know the drill, also Dami has plot armor ▾ FT. Twice Tzuyu & TXT Taehyun. ▾ Taehyun has plot armor too ▾ Tzuyu has plot armor by default ▾ Yes, you are Haymitch. /J ▾ Ending is up for interpretation ▾
W.C▾ 2.8K
pic credit to pinterest.
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Everyone feared you.
Whether you wanted them to or not, they feared you. They hated you, even. You killed someone’s child after all. Their sibling, cousin, friend, crush, significant other— Someone who had younger people looking up to them.
You killed a person. People, for that matter.
It was just a game, right?
Games are supposed to be fun. No one was supposed to get hurt in a game.
It wasn’t fun knowing you were taking someone’s life.
It wasn’t fun knowing you were hurting more than one person each time you defended yourself, even if it were you or them.
They had the same goals you did, but only one of you could reach them.
You were the victor in the end.
Another victor with blood on your hands. But hey, you win.
The ride to the Capitol was unbearably long. You remembered how it felt to ride in the train for the first time after the reaping. How you volunteered for your friend that you don’t see much anymore. The last time you felt alive and not like some monster that ruined other people’s lives.
You were the Capitol’s favorite though.
“Don’t mope around. We have guests.” Tzuyu nudged you. You sat up straight, rolling your shoulders back.
Your expression didn’t change, but you weren’t zoned out and staring outside.
“Do you want me to be happy for them?”
Tzuyu smiled at the tributes before giving you a threatening glare.
“Next car. Now.” She said through gritted teeth.
You got up without a word and followed her into the next car.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to come off as rude.” You apologized right away when the door closed.
“You did. They are already scared, the least you can do is smile for them and help them become more comfortable. Would it really kill you to try?” Tzuyu kept her tone low enough to where you could hear but the tributes couldn’t.
“You’re their mentor now! No body ever survives with a pessimistic mentor.”
“No body survives with an optimistic one either.” You retorted. Tzuyu sighed, shaking her head.
“Please, just try. For them? They need your help more than ever. No body asks for this.”
“Careers.” You mumbled, earning another glare.
Tzuyu glanced through the window of the door, seeing the two tributes sitting and actively avoiding each other. You remembered how you were when you were in their shoes.
Avoiding the other tribute, knowing it would come down to you or them in the end. Even though you had long forgotten the name of the other person you were reaped with, it still wrenched your heart to remember there had been another person with you.
“Tzuyu. Only one of them can survive.” You reminded. Tzuyu acknowledged with a frown.
“I will try my best. Can’t believe they are making me raise murderers.” You mumbled the last bit, walking back into the other car with the tributes.
They both looked at you and Tzuyu. You smiled for them, even if it was forced.
“I apologize for being rude. How are you two holding up?” You asked them, trying to sound as sincere as possible. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“Why do you sound like that?” She asked.
“Like a… Servant— You sound very fake.”
“No I don’t.” You defended yourself with a scoff, glancing at the two tributes.
“Yes. Yes, you do.”
“Do I sound fake?” You asked the two tributes. They seemed confused on whether they wanted to nod or shake their heads.
Yubin stood up, avoiding your question all together and held her hand up for you to shake.
“I’m Yubin.”
There was something about her that interested you. It wasn't just how gorgeous she was either.
At the Capitol, you couldn't focus on much. All you could think about was Yubin.
A silly little crush, some might say.
It even went as far as forgetting you were the mentor. Not Tzuyu, who at times had to speak for you after so many tries of getting you to focus.
It was your first year as a mentor, after all. You were still the Capitol’s favorite shell of a person.
“What if the Career’s try to recruit you? What would you do?” Tzuyu asked the tributes. You realized you never got the other tribute’s name.
It was only Yubin. Yubin. Yubin.
It was already too late to ask for the other tribute’s name.
Too awkward.
You put your drink down.
“Don’t get close to anyone. You’ll only feel betrayed.”
Tzuyu cleared her throat, “hate to admit it, but it’s true. There will only be one survivor. If it’s not one of you, it’ll be a career you trusted.”
“Anything you want to say to them before they go into training?” Tzuyu asked, crossing her arms. You smiled at them.
“Good luck.”
Tzuyu lightly slapped your arms. You sighed.
“Work on what you know you’re good at. Don’t bother learning new stuff until you’ve perfected what you know.” You advised more seriously.
“Yubin, you’re smart. If I were you, I’d focus on your familiarity with plants, the terrain, survival skills. The difference between a mound and a mine.”
You looked at the other tribute, who seemed surprised you were actually being a mentor.
“And you… Er…” You admit, you felt bad for never learning his name.
“Taehyun.” Tzuyu whispered to you. You awkwardly smiled.
“Taehyun. You’re good with knives. Focus on that.”
“Ah, so you do know something about me.” Taehyun joked. You crossed your arms.
“You are forgetting something though.” He added. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m good at being invisible.”
You weren't sure if he was just joking to make fun of you for only focusing on Yubin or if he was serious.
“Taehyun, I'm so sorry. I don't usually—”
“I'm serious. I’ve won every game of hide and seek I’ve played.” Taehyun proudly stated.
“Knives and camouflage. Good. Awesome. You two know what to focus on now.” You looked at the two, feeling a sense of pride for getting stuck with the smart tributes and not the reckless ones.
When they left you and Tzuyu waited.
More waiting.
“You did good. Sort of.”
“Sort of?” You questioned, slightly offended. Tzuyu put her hand on your shoulder.
“I’m disappointed that you only remembered one of their names.”
You groaned, sitting down, “do you want me to write Taehyun’s name five hundred times to make sure I remember it next time?”
“That’s not a bad idea.” Tzuyu sat beside you. You threw your head back, staring at the ceiling above you.
“Do you like Yubin?”
“What do you mean?”
Tzuyu narrowed her eyes at you, “you know what I mean. I see the way you look at her when she’s talking or doing anything. I saw the way you froze when she shook your hand. I have never seen you exhibit this kind of behavior before.”
“Is it really out of character to have a crush?” You closed your eyes. Tzuyu smiled a little.
“It’s… How do I put this… Unrequited.”
You opened your eyes again, still staring at the ceiling in such a neck breaking position.
Unrequited seemed to fit. Yubin was a tribute.
She had a one out of twenty-four chance of survival. Even after, a kind-hearted person like Yubin wouldn’t be the same after if she won.
You sure as hell weren’t.
You, Yubin, Taehyun, and Tzuyu sat around the TV waiting for their scores. You pretty much tuned out every other tributes scores from other districts, knowing they’d most likely be average or poor while the careers had the highest.
It was always like that.
You were in the poor range, as hard as it was the believe. A score of three.
So how did you manage to survive?
You were just a person, killing to survive. Dying to live.
“Oh! Pay attention!” Tzuyu excitedly smacked your arm. Yubin chuckled, inching her hand towards yours as Taehyun’s score were first.
You absentmindedly curled your fingers around Yubin’s hand.
“Holy shit.”
“Language.” Tzuyu scolded, although she was impressed. Taehyun even seemed surprised.
“Good job, er… What is your name again?” You joked. Taehyun threw a grape at you.
“Very funny.” Taehyun looked back at the screen as Yubin came up.
You were now consciously aware that Yubin was holding your hand. Whether she intended it or not, she squeezed your hand in anticipation.
“Holy shit.” Tzuyu muttered under her breath.
“Sorry.” She immediately apologized. You grinned, “did I hear you correctly?”
Yubin’s eyes were glued to the TV in shock, wondering how her smarts got that high of a score.
“You got an eleven. Do you know who the last person to get an eleven was?” You asked Yubin, placing your other hand over hers.
“No, was it you?” Yubin asked while her score registered.
“Absolutely… not.” You had a huge smile on your face. “I got a three.”
Yubin scoffed at your response.
“I got a nine.” Taehyun reminded. You gave him a thumbs up.
“I can hack into the system and make it higher—”
“Hey!” Tzuyu slapped your arm. “Don’t say that out loud. Are you trying to get us raided by peacekeepers?”
You cleared your throat and looked at Taehyun again, whispering this time.
“I can hack into the system and make it higher.”
It was the night before the games and your chest felt heavy, knowing your new friends— as well as your budding romance with Yubin— would be coming to an end sooner than you were ready.
You almost forgot that you were raising murderers despite the countless times Tzuyu reminded you.
“Well, I’m headed off to sleep. Goodnight.” Taehyun was the first to leave for the night. Assuming he just wanted to get it all over with.
Tzuyu was next, although she seemed on edge about how tomorrow would turn out.
Then there were two. You and Yubin.
Yubin stood on the balcony, overlooking the Capitol.
“Hey there, eleven.”
Yubin smiled, already knowing who you were without looking back.
“Hey, three.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “okay, well this three still survived.”
Yubin laughed half-heartedly and you could tell something was wrong.
Probably the fact she’ll need to fight for her life in an arena of other tributes doing the same.
“What was it like for you? In your games?”
Your smile faded slowly and the pain you’ve held inside became more prominent. You tried so hard to push the memories away despite them being everywhere.
“Full story or a summary?” You slowly joined her, leaning against the railing of the balcony with her,
“You pick.”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to recall the memories for Yubin’s sake.
“My name wasn’t called during the reaping. My friend was supposed to be there. But she panicked when she had to go up on stage and I volunteered on a whim.”
Yubin listened to everything you said, admiring your bravery.
“So you do care about people.” Yubin slightly smirked. You lightly nudged her.
“Of course I do. I wasn’t good with most skills others possessed. That’s why I got a three. In the arena, I was terrified and even… I don’t know. I wish I could go back and tell myself to not be so reckless.” You frowned.
“You lived because you were reckless. If I live, it’s because I was the opposite.” Yubin rubbed her hands together. You thought about what she said.
Would you have died if you were more cautious?
“I’m not afraid of dying,” Yubin turned to face you. She grabbed your shoulders to force you to face her as well.
“I’m afraid of losing who I am.”
She smiled at you, but it was sympathetic.
“It’s not too late to find yourself. I loved the moments when I could see the real you coming out. I hope you can learn to forgive yourself for something you were forced to do.”
With that sentence leaving you in a state of shock that gutted you, you stood there, silent as the tears welled up in your eyes.
“I know you’re rooting for me. I’m rooting for you too.” Yubin whispered, kissing your cheek before walking away.
You were coming to terms with everything. Your past and what Yubin said to you that night.
You watched the cornucopia on a screen with Tzuyu.
When everyone ran off of their podiums, Taehyun and Yubin ran their separate ways in the chaos.
Yubin was immediately chased by a group of four careers.
The careers sought her out, knowing they would be unable to recruit her before the games. She knew her score was too high as she ran through the forests. You knew her score was too high.
If they didn’t recruit her, they’d have to target her first.
“Don’t get close to anyone. You’ll only feel betrayed.”
Yubin slid down a slope and into a river, screaming before she was submerged under the water.
You watched, some how determined that she would survive.
And she did, quickly getting up and splashing to the other side as the careers watched her from the slope she slid down.
You smiled a genuine smile knowing they hadn’t got her yet.
Yubin hid on higher ground, using her wits to guide her. Luckily, no one found her or even came to that part of the arena.
She had to be careful about the borders too, knowing what to watch out for.
Yubin spent her first night alone, exhausted and watching each picture of the fallen tributes in the sky.
None of whom she’s met before.
As the days went by, Yubin was alone. No sign of other tributes— Other than the fallen ones that appeared in the sky after the cannon shots.
There were four tributes left, including Yubin.
You watched the screen carefully, supplying her with a parachute that contained food so she wouldn’t have to risk running into one of the other tributes.
Yubin watched as the parachute made it’s way to her, catching it. Yubin looked up at the sky, mouthing a desperate ‘thank you.’
That night, only one tribute died.
It was now Yubin, Taehyun, and a career from District 2.
The next day, the cornucopia was announced to be replenished with food, water, weapons— The essentials.
You knew it was the gamemaker’s way of getting the three together. The ones left knew where the cornucopia was and that they may need the supplies.
Yubin knew how to forage for food. She knew how to purify the water.
But it was growing difficult to find food that wouldn’t kill her or poison her.
It was difficult purifying water she didn’t have the tools for.
So Yubin made her way back to the cornucopia.
So did Taehyun and so did the career from District 2.
You and Tzuyu anxiously watched, although glad someone from your district made it this far— Let alone both of them.
That just made it all the more harder to watch.
The three tributes standing stared at each other, eyeing each other’s movements.
Yubin didn’t want to fight. She was probably the only tribute that hadn’t killed anyone.
Taehyun lost every knife he had over the past few days.
The career seemed the most ready to fight than the other two.
The standoff dragged out for an unnecessarily long time.
“Fuck.” You muttered. Tzuyu glanced at you with curiosity.
In an attempt to help out, you sent the one thing you saved as an absolute last resort. Your secret.
Watching the small parachute floating down towards Yubin, Taehyun, and the career didn’t make it any less tense.
“I don't want to die.” Yubin declared, all of her fear and sorrow building up inside of her.
The parachute landed in between them, and on instinct, Yubin stepped backwards. Taehyun glanced at Yubin, taking a step back also as the career stepped closer to the parachute.
“I don’t want to die.” She repeated with tears welling into her eyes.
She was telling the truth in the words she spoke. You’ve seen it all before because you were there once too. You didn’t want to die when you were in the arena. Why else would you have fought that hard?
“I’m not afraid of dying.”
The truth hurts.
“I’m afraid of losing who I am.”
But secrets kill.
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thebaconspider · 11 months
okay i guess people are coming to tumblr from reddit so i figured i'd make my own guide because the other ones piss me off
so first things first
you're going to want to change your pfp/header/blog description off of the defaults. tumblr has a pretty big bot problem so blogs with default pfp/headers are usually a block on sight for most people. you may also want to make a post saying your new from reddit and maybe reblog some things.
thats the most important thing the rest of this is pretty optional
you're going to want to go into settings under the dashboard tab and change some things.
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Endless scrolling: preference thing, i prefer to have it on but you could turn it off if you wanted
Show timestamps on posts, reblogs, and notes.: you're going to want to make sure this is on, posts circulate on tumblr a lot longer than they tend to on other sites. seeing posts from 5+ years ago is a pretty common occurrence.
Shorten long posts: turn this on, you don't want to get color of the sky'd.
Use blog colors when viewing blogs: another preference thing, i personally have it on but there are many reasons you might want to turn it off.
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Best Stuff First: you're going to want to turn this off if you want a chronological dashboard.
Include stuff in your orbit: most people will tell you that you must turn this off but you really don't have to, i turn it on myself from time to time. it just puts stuff the people you follow have liked on your dashboard occasionally.
Include "Based On Your Likes!": another one most people will say you need to turn off but you don't really need to. personally i leave it off because if i want to see stuff based on my likes i just go to my for you page.
Include followed tags post: you can turn this one off if you want, i'm not sure why you would follow a tag if you didn't want to see posts from it occasionally.
Enable colorized tags: a preference thing, you can turn this off if you want.
Snooze Tumblr Live: you probably should turn this on but i got tired of turning it on every week so i just ignore the tumblr live stuff. whatever you do don't use tumblr live it's run by another company and harvests your data.
next your gonna want to go to your blog settings.
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Enable custom theme: i would really recommend turning this on. it lets you do a bunch of crazy stuff with your blogs theme (including just straight up editing the html) and it also gives you back your [blank].tumblr.com url instead of your just using the tumblr.com/[blank] url.
Share posts you like: makes your likes public, i would recommend turning this off.
Share the Tumblrs you're following: makes the blogs you follow public, i would recommend turning this off.
now for some feature of the site
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this is the like button, you press it if you like something. you can only like a post once. some users will bitch at you if you use it, kill them.
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this is the reblog button, you press it if you want something to show up on your blog. you can reblog a post as many times as you want.
you can add tags, text, images (anything you could put in a post) on a reblog but you don't have to.
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this is the reply button, you press it if you want to leave a comment on a post. it's kinda strange and i don't like using it.
tags are cool, you can use them to find things or organize the stuff on your blogs.
some people say the search function doesn't work which just isn't true. sure searching for the content of a post doesn't really work but searching by tag works pretty well in my experience.
to do this type the tag you want into the search bar and then click "Go To #[tag]"
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you can also filter tags if you don't want to see posts with that tag, they'll still show up on your dash they'll just be blurred and you'll need to click on them to see them. it will say which tags it has that are causing it to be filtered.
people also often use tags to leave a little comment on posts or communicate back and forth or hold additional information.
community labels
i don't really see people talking about these, i don't think many people use them, but your probably going to want to set these to either "Show" or "Blur"
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note: if you set a label to "Hide" posts with that label will not show up for you at all
iirc all of these are set to "Hide" by default so remember to change that setting if you want to.
one last thing: the queue
the queue is pretty neat, if you want to reblog something later, but don't have a specific time in mind, you can queue it!
you can change how many things in your queue are posted a day and what times of day they get posted on your queued post page.
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and thats everything i can think of.
apologies if i forgot anything.
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murielsbottombitch · 24 days
the reason I keep questioning my gender is not at all about whether or not I am a man. I am. I know that for a fact. I just feel like I didn't want to give up womanhood for manhood. I don't technically have to, but I can't be called she if I'm not being called he and most people would default to she/her if I said it was okay. I'm not sure if I identify as a woman, I'm currently considering genderfluid because I always feel like a man but then the "I kinda wish I could just hold both" thoughts creep back in. if I'm around someone who genders me as male and then get gendered as female seconds later, I feel good about myself. I can't tell if it's just because my euphoria is so high from being gendered correctly that it cancels out the dysphoria. I don't know what that means for my gender, honestly. maybe tomorrow I'll identify as strictly male and only use he/him, who knows!
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jynxeddraca · 7 months
Bedroom Headcanons BG3
Yeah I'm not even going to defend myself or my brainrot here. Just headcanons for the BG3 universe in the bedroom, or tents as the case may be. Some will be NSFW, others will be tame. Will involve headcanons involving my Tav [link to her headcanons] and her storyline [link] with the group.
Because in-game Wyll mentions having spines in 'places where there should not be spines' and the tieflings all have raised patterns on their skin: some tieflings have raised, spine-like adornments on their dicks. I feel they are not sharp, or particularly hard, but I feel there is a definite fetish centered in-world about it. After Wyll is turned into a tiefling, he becomes deeply concerned about the fact his dick is like that now.
Karlach and Astarion are both massive cuddlers but in different ways.
Karlach is a level 10 clingy cuddler. She wants to be entirely wrapped around whoever she is with: arms, legs, tail, just her entire body. She is also the big spoon.
Astarion defaults to big spoon but also loves being the little spoon. He's not a clingy cuddler, instead he's a 'hold you in his arms until you sleep, watch you sleep, and soothes your furrowed brow if you have a unpleasant dream' kind of cuddler. In game Halsin even remarks about how Astarion's scent lingers the player's character even though at this point they and Astarion have been celibate - ergo, Astarion wants the damn cuddles.
One reason Wyll dislikes his horns is because he can no longer sleep on his side and cuddle as easily pre-horn days.
Lae'zel is not a cuddler, Shadowheart kinda is, but together they do tend to wrap around each other in their sleep. That or they sleep back to back and there really is no in between with them.
Gale loves cuddles and pulls partners against him while he sleeps.
Tav likes cuddling, but finds being on her side uncomfortable. She always either ends up lying face down or flat on her back with her tail wrapped about Astarion's leg.
Gale has more experience having sex on the astral plane (or wherever it is the magical sex thing that he does is) than he does in real life. He likes both, but feels much less secure about one of those.
Lae'zel is a biter/scratcher during sex but definitely believes in aftercare and has moods where she is tender, and gentle, and soft.
Karlach has had at least 1 wet dream about everyone in camp, and a few of people not in camp. Some of them she has enjoyed, some of them she was really concerned with herself afterwards.
Shadowheart likes tying people up and being tied up in turn.
I tend to headcanon Wyll and Karlach become a thing and Wyll is very much an old-fashioned, take it slow kind of lover and Karlach is a bit more aggressive at times. It takes them some time to really find a good middle ground between the two.
I also feel like Lae'zel and Shadowheart get together and I honestly think that both of them enjoy enough spice that they keep a really good supply of health potions and Shadowheart uses healing magic often on them both.
Tav introduces Astarion to taking baths with her that don't involve sex, just them relaxing together. He is incredibly skeptical at first (of both her intentions and that soaking in 'dirty water' being relaxing) but ends up very much enjoying it.
While everyone tends to shuffle about who they pitch tents next to when they move camp, Karlach has been the one to be next to Tav's tent the most when Astarion has visited for a midnight snack, and has heard Tav masturbate at least once after. Lae'zel and Gale both have also overheard Tav - not because she was loud at the time, just because tents are not soundproof and they were just close enough.
Most of the camp has probably heard at least one other member masturbate in the night.
Pretty much everyone has heard Tav failing to keep quiet when Astarion gets his hands on her.
Gale shows everyone the same sound-proofing rune he gives Astarion [from this headcanon post] so there can be at least some privacy in camp when relations happen.
The morning after Shadowheart and Lae'zel slept together and walked out of the same tent, Astarion lost a bet to Karlach. Both Wyll and Gale were entirely blindsided. Halsin's only comment was he wasn't going to heal any injuries they got outside of battles.
One of Gale's bags is a bag of holding that happened to have been on him when he was taken by the Nautiloid, was one that he basically keeps a library's worth of books in. He absolutely has a couple of Kama Sutra-like books in there.
Halsin has heard every single person -who isn't Withers- in camp get intimate or masturbate. No one has heard Halsin though because he doesn't do anything in camp, he goes out to the woods for that.
Withers has not heard anyone because he stays out of earshot of everyone's tent or just entirely vanishes for a while.
Astarion and Tav decide to be celibate following Astarion's confession of his plan to manipulate Tav, but that he does want a relationship, and just doesn't know how to be with someone not involving sex. While Tav definitely spends many nights in his tent still, it's nearly always on his invitation because he enjoys resting near her, and Tav uses them to be intimate with him in other, non-sexual ways. No one realizes they've stopped having sex.
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kichimiangra · 1 year
You mentioned that you might hypothetically write a story for Digimon Ghost Game. What would be the plot of that potential fanfic?
I mean, I probably won't actually write it because me and writing don't always get along.... it's why I have more art than text for Nannersverse at this point. I'm just trying to force myself to write more for the sake of being able to shit out scripts for comics quicker. Nannersverse would have totally ended up a comic if I didn't stop myself! Then it would take so long that it would eventually get set on the backburner as another unfinished comic :<
If I did do a Ghost Game fic it would probably be an attempt at a fictional "Season 2" where I collect all the loose ends or things I personally would want to see expanded on, so the main main plot would be a whole "Gulus can't count, the endbringer is coming and it's only been 2 years" but opening with a few episodic chapters that feel like episodes to establish how the world is now that Digimon are kinda an open thing and not a secret, how people reac to their existance. and what the GG Gangs normal lives have been since then. Maybe Jellymon and Angoramon have hit that point in their development by now that they no longer default to Rookie form, but are permanently Champions to show that even if it's only been 2 years the relationship to their humans have had a substantial effect on their growth? But more importantly because I'm bias as fuck, the early chapter highlights would be on specifically how Hiro and Gammamon's lives are effected by the constant existence of Big brother Gulus popping up unannounced for almost anything, going from who was originally a background character in their lives to a constant element needing getting used to, such as watching Gammamon seemingly hold a two way conversation with himself with only the black eyes being an indicator he isn't going full Gollum. Plus the fun that they are trying to get Gulus to be good but he is VERY resistant to behaving good.
"The Plot" would eventually show up and the episodic chapters would end to focus instead on a serialized narrative of trying to put an end to the end bringer, maybe it kills or captures Quantumon? It wouldn't be a fast arrival, Maybe the Gulus Virus that had been going around the digital world was technically caused by the end bringer (So like, back on Krypton Gulus was just a normal Gammamon before he himself got infected, but instead of 'infection' he 'devoured' the virus, writing it into his own digital code thus birthing his permanent evolution into Gulusgammamon) and with the virus spreading around the digimon in both the digital and human worlds all eyes are on Hiro, Gamma, and Gulus as nobody really trusts Gulus to not be the active cause of this spreading virus, with the only one believing in him being Hiro and Gamma? This way later there can be like... the narrative buddy fight, so to speak. (Though I don't think Hiro would buddy fight :/ He's so passive...)
I'd have to chew on it a bit more to think of what I would do for "The Plot-Plot" but I do know I would want a Huge amount of focus to be on Hiro and his two Gamma's, as what Ghost Game did well was it's smaller personal character moments and also I'm bias as fuck.
About a week after your original ask of "If I wrote a digimon fic what would it be?" and my answer was GG but only if I found there was a story that I wanted to tell with the characters, I remembered that there actually WAS a digimon fic I had considered writing but it was also in a "still chewing on it" point of existence, but I had already answered the ask so cuz psuedo on topic I'll add it here!
A while Back KarnEX did a video discussing the early concept for Digimon Frontier I found myself biting my lip because I liked the original idea, so I had started ideating the vague idea of a digimon fic using the concept. (Although once again my brain is like "But what if.... comic...?")
A report is seen on the tv about 'more' children/teens/whatevs going missing, establishing an ongoing crisis. The Protag is going somewhere or something or whatever maybe a travelling circus or music show or SOMETHING to get a moderate group of kids in a single place and a group of Digimon appear and kidnap protag and the other kids; isekai'ing them to the digital world (though the kids don't know they're not in kansas anymore yet.) end of setup.
Here in the digital world for the first act, it follows a Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked plot: They have been kidnapped by the Digimon who work for a gladitory arena and are being forced to compete for the entertainment and profit of the arena owners (Captialism is the true villain lol). The Arena has Digimon competetors but the arena has found that the more interesting fights come from capturing humans and making them Fuse/Biomerge evolve with a digimon competitor, many of which have ALSO been forced into the arena against their will. From there protag ends up meeting their partner and it becomse kinda like a tournament fighter shounen manga as protag meets other competetors and their own issues trying to survive the arena (characters and storylines like "The Pacifist won't fight but has to learn it's okay sometimes" or the "Dog eat dog competitor" or "The Competitor who is a cinnamon role paired up with a bad or abusive human/digimon partner" etc.) Eventually after the first arena tournament round ends and the second begins; round two requires team fighting and protag manages to create a team of merry misfits and their digimon partners that he befriended/ gained the respect of during round one. They start realizing that they think they can escape the arena via a very specific escape route and try to get back to civilization and call the police on this child-monster-battle-thing. Most of their group get's out, accidentally leaving one of their own behind, maybe there's a forced "Dark Biomerge Digivolution" forced upon the kid or maybe there's a "They left you behind like bad friends!" or maybe there's a "He stayed behind for a reason!" I dunno this character is probably the Ken/Matt/Rika/that one friend who has baggage that digimon likes to have. It's a good character trait I love it.
Now that (most) of the main group has escaped the arena the second act begins where they are effectively let loose out in the digital world, realize that they infact got isekai'd, maybe they have to collect some kind of Macguffins? Maybe the arena is actually run by Satanists summoning the Digital Devil? either way the arena was bad but it was all a front for something worse and the kids need to find a way to stop it, save the other competetors in the arena and go home without the world being destroyed all while some drama plot is being set up with the left behind character. I don't have all the bugs worked out with the second act, I just know it's the big adventure act where they get to explore the whole open digital world while realizing just how close they were to something very very bad happenning to them back at the arena, but also how once you get out of the corruption of the arena this world is beautiful and worth saving.
Act three would be finishing up anything that needs to be done in the overworld, maybe a classic "I have the chance to abandon my friends and go home alone" plot of temptation the the protag gives up and then return to the arena for a final showdown and liberation of the other humans and digimon. Just finishing stuff up y'know.
It's an Idea that could be told with completely original characters but could also be fun to make all the missing kids into known characters from the franchises Anime/Manga/Games/ etc., not in like.... a Xros wars "All the protags are visiting the episode from their own worlds" way but in a "This universe's version of the character" way. Y'know full AU. Also I could put Jerri there and then NOT kill her Leomon.....
Also I had an idea for a mysterious Arena Champion who is a baddass but you learn that they're not in sync in the fusion, the Digimon is repressing their human and steering the whole fusion themselves because they aren't gonna let their human, who is too nice, to get themselves killed so they do what they have to do, repressing the human part of the biomerge in order to take all the hardship themselves. Was gonna consider Koichi from Frontier but I don't think I can do much more than Frontier already did with him and make it interesting. Was gonna consider Ken and Wormmon, having Wormmon repress Ken in the fusion in order to protect him and do the bad stuff himself or vise versa. But then I watched Ghost Game and ngl Hiro with Gamma and Gulus as the champion where Gulus convinced Gamma to help repress and placate Hiro in the fusion so Gulus can fly the plane because he thinks the other two are so soft it'll get them all killed sounds fun and I am biased as fuck.
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editorialsonlife · 8 months
taking the time off from work was a v good call. I also spent 2 days on a leadership course last week and.. oofff. it was rough. None of us were fully prepared for what we walked into there which was probably for the best but it's part one of a three part course and this module is all about leading yourself, and a deep dive into an assessment called Lifestyles Inventory which looks at your default personality settings when you get into conflict or hard situations and then looking at triggers and habits and rewards and it was just a whole deep dive into a lot of stuff with an overwhelm of information and like, it was really really good and I enjoyed it but it was also like, 2 days of group therapy lol and just A. LOT.
And a bit ruthlessly (for me anyway, considering everything else that has been going on mental health wise as of late) you do an assessment of your satisfaction in all the different areas of your life and the moment and yeah, it kinda hurt to put it on paper and see where things are at right now. good, but painful.
off the back of that, and several conversations with v good, life long friends I've made the call to go on antidepressants (and pls know I have zero issue with other people taking them and have actively encouraged people to take them this is my own BS mental programming for myself and the stupid standards to which I hold myself) and like, it feels so much like admitting defeat and giving up. and I know, I KNOW its not that realistically. but fuck does it ever feel it.
and since I've given myself permission to admit just how much things suck right now, and how much they have sucked for a while, its just a lot of feelings and awfulness and there's nothing quite like seeing a 21/27 score for depression and 15/21 for anxiety to be like, oh yep its time to throw something else at this and get on with this. So I'm off to the GP on Thursday to talk about it. He basically wanted to put me on them the first visit I made to him but I didn't want to and I commend him because the discussion was v reasonably, take the time off work, see how you're feeling after that and we'll revisit it then which I really appreciated. so this is just the next step in the plan and we'll go from there. I won't start them for a couple of weeks regardless just because of the holiday stack (currently in Taupo with the girls for a long weekend and then off to sydney in 8 days for a friend's birthday) and then when I'm back from that I have a solid 6 week stretch at home before melbourne with dave to start them and hopefully settle a bit as well.
In the meantime, I woke up at 445 which is just too early, and today is a v flat day, and I need to rally coz we have walks and brunch and hot pool plans and I don't wanna be a downer for everyone so rally I must. home tomorrow, then work on wednesday and a wfh day thursday while I have counselling and GP appointment and then friday in the office as well. it'll be fine.
I have more thoughts about the leadership course but I will share those later coz other people are now up and about.
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makin-cute-simmays · 7 months
about me - simblr edition
(I got tagged!!) Hold on while I go be awkward & dramatic for a moment off stage!!
I was tagged by @simmysunset to do this, so here are my Mods enabled answers!
your 3 traits: music lover, makeup lover, moonchild
your aspiration: Occult Purveyor of Potions or Location. It goes back & forth if I'm honest
in-game world you'd live in: Granite Falls
favorite townie(s): The Goth babies. I will forever Stan Cass & Alex.
most used pack(s): grunge revival, city living, get famous, fitness & laundry day.
favorite decor object (no cc): The modular bookcases. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!
something you want in the game: In CAS - I want a search bar. Let me search for the creator I want in the category I'm already in. Did I click on face paint? Let me search Northern Siberia Winds! You clearly can it *looks at build mode with envy*
I want the ability to backfill a WORKING family tree. How can I be immersive if there is no one there? (Maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's my undiagnosed aspie brain)
More than 5 outfits per type. I there are others out here with more CC than me screaming about how much time they have to spend in CAS to change up the outfits. Default the days to take longer. Yes I can do it all by myself but rn I'm kinda nervous to tweak anything. If they don't want to give us more than 5 outfits per category then let US create and save our own styled looks.
Functional Cars. Functional Apartments. Functional Hotels.
FUCKING FIX DINING OUT!!!!! Stop being lazy asses and making the modding community hold your game on THEIR shoulders. Or at least when you release things that are going to break MAJOR MODS (our poor baking community is strugglin y'all) Maybe, oh IDK ask them if they want an early access to start fiddling with codes.
Give us cool new worlds based on NOT cites in the US. We've had Shang Simla & Champs Les Sim. Can we please have more? Or hell give us 2 bare bones CAW's back. There are builders I would make it rain $$ on if I could get an entire world by them!!
Maybe I should change one of my traits to needy or high maintenance after that list that was literally just stuff off the top of my head. I will see myself out now. Thanks
what colour is your plumbob right now: Yellow because my sleep is dangerously red but I think I fixed my game w/o wiping everything & starting from scratch. Never underestimate a woman & her caffeine to save a shopping habit that happens to cost nada. kthxbyefr!
Oh yea! I need to tag others! @cinamun fer sure! @hopefulsimmer , @bankmybills & @bellagothgf
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polythought · 2 years
I've always tried to be a serial NONmonogamist.
That probably sounds kinda funny. Because I still have multiple relationships in parallel, it's true. But my approach to NEW relationships is serial.
As in: I don't start pursuing new connections unless I am pretty sure I wouldn't be beyond my polysaturation point if I kept seeing everyone I'm already seeing AND anyone new I'm pursuing.
I'm looking for long-term, ongoing relationships, regardless of how often I see the person. So I go into every first date with the baseline assumption that it will go that way, even though of course there's no guarantee it will, which is also okay. Once I know I've got enough partners + prospective partners to consider myself polysaturated, I hold off on going on any more first dates until the sum total of my existing/prospective relationships means I still have room to add someone new. Sometimes, this happens even without a breakup, such as when I figure out that schedules mean a new sweetie and I can only see each other pretty rarely. And sometimes it happens because of a breakup.
But I never want it to happen because my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I've experienced how rotten it feels to realize you've been passed over for a shiny new thing, even when the person you've been seeing wasn't necessarily UNinterested in you. They've just gotten in over their head, and due to the limited number of hours in the day, ended up choosing someone other than you.
This year marks a decade I've been polyamorous, which is wild to think about. Anyway, my approach seemed to work reasonably well for me for, hmm, maybe the first five years or so. I don't really know what shifted since then. And I don't know if it's a shift in my local scene or if it's widespread. I'm interested to hear if others have noticed this, too. The problem I've been running into in more recent years is that more, if not most, people on the nonmongamous dating scene are dating in parallel, not serially.
The approach I see is that people go on dates freely. Over time, they figure out which connections they want to invest in. The other people may be formally told they're no longer a priority, but more likely, they get breadcrumbed. We're all supposed to be chill, keeping things casual by default unless or until two people just so happen to align in wanting more.
This...has caused me problems. I'm the antithesis of a casual dater. Sometimes feelings don't develop for one or both people, and that's okay. Sometimes I would rather be FWB. But I tend to figure that out later, only after getting to know someone with the intent of figuring out whether we're a match for a serious LTR.
Turns out there's a clash between these approaches that has led to me feeling disempowered. What happens is that I take someone at their word early in dating when they say they're interested in seeing me again but they don't name a time, for whatever reason. Because I believe their words, I do not schedule other first dates because I do not want to let a new person down when the previous person comes back around. The feeling I've had is that by saying "yes, let me know when you're free!" to the first person, I then owe it to them to keep enough availability in my schedule to follow through when they come back and name the times they're free.
And to an extent, that's true; that IS how I want to be. And I still offer it. But I've been needing to put a much shorter time limit on that than I have in the past.
Because I've spent weeks, months even, avoiding swiping on dating apps or trying to meet new people while waiting for someone who's put me on hold but never actually comes back around. As a serial dater myself, I want to take someone seriously when they say they're going to get back to me about scheduling. Because if I say something like that, I mean it. And if I realize after saying it that I didn't really mean it (because yes, I've been there too!), I circle back to the person, apologize, and tell them that I've realized I'm not feeling a connection. Unfortunately, I've learned others don't reliably do the same. (Disclaimer: I know that sometimes, direct communication to reject someone can be unsafe. I don't fault people for avoiding it in that situation.)
So that I don't put my dating life on hold anymore for parallel daters, my new approach is more like this: If someone says they'd like to see me again but can't say when (especially if they don't name a time *when* they'll be able to make a plan), I let them know that I'd love to hear from them, and that if my availability still allows when they're ready to schedule, I'd be happy to make a plan.
That "if my availability still allows" bit is the crux of it.
In the past, I would have thought that it was my obligation to people I already knew not to move on when they say their interest is still there. Now, I know that I'm in charge of how long I'm willing to wait. I worried about letting down a new person. Now, I know that I don't have to: I can choose to prioritize the new person I've met, assuming they're reliably scheduling time with me, and I can instead turn down the person who kept me on the back burner.
This doesn't mean I always will need to do that! Maybe the previous person comes back around and I happen to still have space. I'll probably be genuinely happy to schedule with them if so. This isn't about punishing them.
Also, the longer I've known someone with a pattern of seeing them, the more flexible I'm likely to be: Trust builds up over time. I usually like to know during or shortly after a date when my next date will be with someone; clearly, I'm a planner. I used to consider that a non-negotiable, but I've gotten more flexible about that over time. Still, there are limits. Eventually, I've got to know roughly how often I'm going to see someone (through actions, not just words), or I'll end up holding space for them that I could be offering to someone else (and also myself, to build the love life that I want).
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
OOH okay wait, can i get a list of "Would kiss you on the forehead" and "Would get kissed on the forehead" for your goobers? This is vital information to me 👀 (also Licorice has to be "kisses you" i don't make the rules😤)
Well… I guess a cheating answer is that all of them get kissed on the forehead, because smoochin’ their skulls is one of my favorite pastimes, yes indeed!
BUT… because you’re based… I’ll make a proper list too~
Just warning you tho… this is a long as hell post BEJKDKFKG
Kara - Gets Forehead Kisses: The married life has lead to MANY nights where I get to hold him in my arms and kiss his head mindlessly as he falls asleep… so-. But, even then, Kara’s not much of a forehead kisser; he much more prefers to kiss my hands!
Flug - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because Flug prefers to be the one initiating affection, but also because it’s a quick & easy kiss to give when he’s busy!
Sniper - Gives Forehead Kisses: He’s real tall, so it’s kinda the easiest kiss for him to give. It’s also just nice for him to hold me & plant a soft kiss on the noggin sometimes.
Pauling - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s not really like… some deeper reason on why she does it; it’s just one of the kisses she leans towards doing!
Lúcio - Gets Forehead Kisses: It’s a simple game we have; he’ll kiss my cheeks purely because he wants to be cute, and then I kiss him all over his face to get revenge 💖😈💖. I do this for just about everyone, but doing it to Lúcio is real fun just because of how much he giggles 🥰
Stein - Gets Forehead Kisses: This is… a strange one to put down. ‘Cause like, the man is HUGE compared to me?? What do you MEAN I’m the one to kiss his forehead? It’s not like he never kisses my forehead; he often does it when I’m busy and he’s passing by. But I love being able to levitate myself to his height and giving him a kiss back! And I love doing it… a l o t
Licorice - Gives Forehead Kisses: I guess you’re right… you don’t make the rules 🥰🤷‍♀️. Make no mistake, I smother this man in kisses… but he sure has an affinity for holding me close and kissing my forehead with blush painted on his face… only for him to deny that’s he’s blushing at all-
Cherry Blossom - Gives Forehead Kisses: Cherry Blossom is one of the few that enjoys mindlessly smooching their partners more than I do! She just adore kissing my face in general, really 🥺😭
Royal Margarine - Gets Forehead Kisses: He’s in a similar boat as Kara; by default, he prefers giving hand kisses or or peppering kisses up my arm. So, he gets more forehead kisses than he receives by default~
Rengoku - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s no deeper reason for this outside of the fact he’s slightly taller than me; he just happens to give them more!
Hawks - Gets Forehead Kisses: Hawks is more of a cheek kisser than a forehead kisser, not to mention that I always let him cuddle into me and talk about his day when we have a private moment of peace, which is a prime way to attack his forehead 😈
Dororo - Gets Forehead Kisses: I get to pick him up like a little ragdoll, which works greatly in my favor for this, ha!
2-D - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because of his height; it’s a lazy but intimate sort of kiss for him to give, which is PERFECT for him!
Gary Fischer - Gives Forehead Kisses: His height definitely plays a factor into it, but it just seems to be one of his default kisses to give anyway!
Sasha Nein - Gets Forehead Kisses: Another Stein situation. Like, this man is LITERALLY 2 feet taller than me. For most kisses I gotta levitate up to his face anyway… so I might as well spoil him if I’m up there!
Red - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly saying this cause like… his eyes are where his forehead should be, so it’s a lil difficult to kiss him there? But he’s tall enough to give them to me anyway so~!
Wally - Gets Forehead Kisses: Largely because of his height, but he also just enjoys the attention! He’ll always try to return the favor tho, with his own Wally brand of smooch (AKA he tries to put his mouth to my forehead & just makes a comedic “mwah” sound! Which is a canon thing he does! Ya love to hear it!)
Gamma 2 - Gives Forehead Kisses: Oh he ADORES giving these kisses… or, well, he enjoys face kissing in general. It just feels like a superhero move to him, kissing his partner in those cute but intimate ways. And also… once again, his height influences things as well BWKDKFK
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