#SLEP. You’re a sweetheart Slep. Never change.
libertys-lovers · 1 year
OOH okay wait, can i get a list of "Would kiss you on the forehead" and "Would get kissed on the forehead" for your goobers? This is vital information to me 👀 (also Licorice has to be "kisses you" i don't make the rules😤)
Well… I guess a cheating answer is that all of them get kissed on the forehead, because smoochin’ their skulls is one of my favorite pastimes, yes indeed!
BUT… because you’re based… I’ll make a proper list too~
Just warning you tho… this is a long as hell post BEJKDKFKG
Kara - Gets Forehead Kisses: The married life has lead to MANY nights where I get to hold him in my arms and kiss his head mindlessly as he falls asleep… so-. But, even then, Kara’s not much of a forehead kisser; he much more prefers to kiss my hands!
Flug - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because Flug prefers to be the one initiating affection, but also because it’s a quick & easy kiss to give when he’s busy!
Sniper - Gives Forehead Kisses: He’s real tall, so it’s kinda the easiest kiss for him to give. It’s also just nice for him to hold me & plant a soft kiss on the noggin sometimes.
Pauling - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s not really like… some deeper reason on why she does it; it’s just one of the kisses she leans towards doing!
Lúcio - Gets Forehead Kisses: It’s a simple game we have; he’ll kiss my cheeks purely because he wants to be cute, and then I kiss him all over his face to get revenge 💖😈💖. I do this for just about everyone, but doing it to Lúcio is real fun just because of how much he giggles 🥰
Stein - Gets Forehead Kisses: This is… a strange one to put down. ‘Cause like, the man is HUGE compared to me?? What do you MEAN I’m the one to kiss his forehead? It’s not like he never kisses my forehead; he often does it when I’m busy and he’s passing by. But I love being able to levitate myself to his height and giving him a kiss back! And I love doing it… a l o t
Licorice - Gives Forehead Kisses: I guess you’re right… you don’t make the rules 🥰🤷‍♀️. Make no mistake, I smother this man in kisses… but he sure has an affinity for holding me close and kissing my forehead with blush painted on his face… only for him to deny that’s he’s blushing at all-
Cherry Blossom - Gives Forehead Kisses: Cherry Blossom is one of the few that enjoys mindlessly smooching their partners more than I do! She just adore kissing my face in general, really 🥺😭
Royal Margarine - Gets Forehead Kisses: He’s in a similar boat as Kara; by default, he prefers giving hand kisses or or peppering kisses up my arm. So, he gets more forehead kisses than he receives by default~
Rengoku - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s no deeper reason for this outside of the fact he’s slightly taller than me; he just happens to give them more!
Hawks - Gets Forehead Kisses: Hawks is more of a cheek kisser than a forehead kisser, not to mention that I always let him cuddle into me and talk about his day when we have a private moment of peace, which is a prime way to attack his forehead 😈
Dororo - Gets Forehead Kisses: I get to pick him up like a little ragdoll, which works greatly in my favor for this, ha!
2-D - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because of his height; it’s a lazy but intimate sort of kiss for him to give, which is PERFECT for him!
Gary Fischer - Gives Forehead Kisses: His height definitely plays a factor into it, but it just seems to be one of his default kisses to give anyway!
Sasha Nein - Gets Forehead Kisses: Another Stein situation. Like, this man is LITERALLY 2 feet taller than me. For most kisses I gotta levitate up to his face anyway… so I might as well spoil him if I’m up there!
Red - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly saying this cause like… his eyes are where his forehead should be, so it’s a lil difficult to kiss him there? But he’s tall enough to give them to me anyway so~!
Wally - Gets Forehead Kisses: Largely because of his height, but he also just enjoys the attention! He’ll always try to return the favor tho, with his own Wally brand of smooch (AKA he tries to put his mouth to my forehead & just makes a comedic “mwah” sound! Which is a canon thing he does! Ya love to hear it!)
Gamma 2 - Gives Forehead Kisses: Oh he ADORES giving these kisses… or, well, he enjoys face kissing in general. It just feels like a superhero move to him, kissing his partner in those cute but intimate ways. And also… once again, his height influences things as well BWKDKFK
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