#how does it feel to be an angel on this earth lovebird
happi-tree · 7 months
Lovingly looking at you with my brown eyes 💗🤎
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Erm. Hi 😳😳😳 wow has anyone ever told you your eyes are really pretty /p <333
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
Butchlander are answering the Valentine’s 25 asks
* first date: describe your ideal first date.
BB: We meet at a racetrack, I stare at him across the way and drink a beverage with his face on it.
HL: … What? Oh, that. That wasn’t a date.
BB: it was to me.
HL: I prefer visiting his house and having a bitch session.
* first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?
BB: fast, hard and spontaneous
HL: what he said.
* preference: sexuality? what’s your ‘type’?
BB: I like cunts.
HL: I like people who have no fear. So, brave or stupid.
* blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?
BB: Give me head.
HL: Tell me I’m enough.
BB: That’s sad, mate.
HL: Does that mean you’re going to say it to me? *dares to hope*
BB: Nah.
* hand holding: do you like pda?
BB: fuck no
HL: fuck YES
* family: how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?
BB: The Boys are my family and I don’t want to scare little Hughie. Plus I’d be setting a bad example. I’m not telling them.
HL: All my parental figures are gone. Except one. But he’s not going to approve of anyone, so idc.
* doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?
HL: Enthusiastically agreed to scorch the earth with me 🥰
BB: He keeps making all these over the top gestures, but honestly when he made me tea even though he doesn’t drink it.
* love hearts: where were you when you met your crush?
BB: A Vought Christmas party 💀
HL: I said I love that accent but I hated it
BB: do you still?
HL: occasionally. When I can’t make out what you’re saying.
BB: he speaks “perfect American”, of course.
HL: I do! They coached me to enunciate.
* candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?
HL: I have recently discovered the existence of dulce de leche
BB: anything with chopsticks because I love watching his xenophobic ass struggle
* 100th date: would you prefer to stay in or go out this valentine’s?
HL: Stay in, the restaurants are crowded and paps are looking for photo opps.
BB: Nothing to add to that.
* roses: do you like picnic dates?
HL: Have we had one? I thought you British people loved picnics.
BB: He knows so much about the UK 🙄
* giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?
BB: Humor for me, obviously, because this guy dresses like a clown.
HL: Certainly not intelligence, as you can see from this guy’s jokes.
* lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?
BB: My favorite color is black and I don’t think he’s ever worn black in his life, so me.
HL: My favorite color is blue, and I doubt he’s ever worn navy blue in his life. So me.
* cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
HL: Yes, they made me date Maeve for the points. It was awesome.
BB: Nope.
* lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?
HL and BB (in unison): Immediately / Never
HL: What was that?
BB: You heard me.
HL: Well it takes two to keep a secret, but only one person to go public.
* love knots: would you like to forget the person you shared your first kiss with?
BB: Some girl in elementary school. I don’t want to forget, but I don’t remember her name. Jenny?
HL: They made me practice with Vought employees around the time I turned 18. Yes, I’d like to forget.
BB: Uh, wow, me too. Forget what you just said, that is.
* promise ring: who do you see yourself being with in two years?
HL: I’ll either be with him, or he’ll be dead
BB: Care to elaborate?
HL: I’m just saying the most likely outcomes, nothing ominous.
* ballad: best love song?
BB: Wannabe
HL: The one that goes “not gonna write you a love song cause you asked…”
BB: You mean from that Bareilles bird?
HL: Probably. What. Why’re you laughing. Yours is a spice girl song.
BB: Cause you’re actually serious.
* aphrodite: how important are looks?
HL: Important.
BB: Important I guess. 😒
* angel: do you like ‘bad boys’ or sweethearts more?
BB: America’s sweetheart, bad boy behind closed doors and between the sheets.
HL: I am not a bad boy in any setting or capacity. But I’m apparently drawn to date them.
* harp: have you ever written a poem for a crush?
BB: *laughs shaking his head in disbelief at the question*
HL: Why would I? Pearls before swine.
* red: where will you be spending february 14th?
HL: Probably doing superhero duties, rescuing suicidal incels and the like.
BB: Watching him doing his bullshit work on the news.
* love notes: who was your last valentine? where are they now?
HL: My last valentine before him was an invalid. She… ended up dying.
BB: My last one was in 2011. *grim*
* flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?
BB: Sometimes a good old punch in the teeth. Or a spanking to set them straight.
HL: I gave him a dose of Compound V to use and he tried to return it to Vought for retail value cash.
* st. valentine: what are your hopes for love this year?
BB: For him to stop being a cunt.
HL: To have the person I’m dating still be alive at the end of the year.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 12)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Kyoto-Tokyo Goodwill Event
Next Chapter: Home Sweet Home
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
2.8k words for this chapter.
Chapter 12: Goldenrod
You went to check on Noritoshi getting cleaned up in the infirmary. He perked up upon seeing you.
"Ieiri San!" You smiled at the woman who was dressing his wounds.
"Y/n, it's been a while. How are you?" She called out.
"Doing okay here. You let your hair grow out!" You hurried to her side for a quick hug.
She laughed. "The last time we saw each other, I still had short hair?? That must have been years back. You as well, from a little girl that came up to my waist, you're nearly my height now!"
You nodded wistfully at her before turning to Noritoshi, looking over his wounds. "I'm alright, y/n." He said quietly. You gave him a shaky smile, quietly hiding the fact that you were worried when he got knocked around by some of the seniors.
Ieiri smiled at the both of you. "No need to worry, he is fine y/n."
"Ayiieeee, lovebirds get a room!" Satoru popped up from behind you. You flinched hard and on pure instinct, lashed out with your whip. It sprung out, but Satoru easily stopped it with two fingers up. "Women in love are so scary."
"Toru nii, can you not?!" You wanted to skin this man alive. Ieiri just sighed out, cleaning up her tools. "I've done what I can Kamo kun. Try to get more rest for tomorrow." He nodded, "Thank you Ieiri san."
"Wahhh, you got kicked around huh Noritoshi? You look all worn out. Ain't my students amazing?!" Satoru taunted.
CRACK. Satoru teleported a few meters away. The space where he was a few seconds ago was filled with ice and frost.
Your face was hard as stone as you said, "Noritoshi did amazing. He did his best to coordinate with his team members as he fought against 2 of his seniors. Okkotsu kun was just different as a Special Class. But of course you know all about that, Toru."
"Why so defensive Neko Chan? I didn't say your man didn't do well right?" He drawled.
You opened your mouth, eyes furrowed, ready to retort when Noritoshi pulled you to him, gently hushing you as he softly patted your back. "He's riling you up. It's okay, I've learned a lot from today. It's our loss."
You leaned into Noritoshi, "You're too nice to that dumbass."
"Hey! Anyways, I wanted to speak with the both of you. If you're done here let's go." Satoru motioned towards the door with his head.
Both of you turned to him, before looking at each other and nodding.
Satoru led you both to his room. "So, how long has your soulmate bond been active?" He asked as he closed the door.
Noritoshi was surprised, "How did you know about this?"
You nudged him. "He's my family friend, he eventually found out." You lied for the sake of protecting the details of Satoru's six eyes ability.
Satoru removed his blindfold, revealing his crystalline like eyes. "Yup, don't worry your secret is safe with me. I'm surprised but not too surprised that it's the two of you." He sighed out.
You crossed your arms and sat on his bed. "What do you mean?" Noritoshi remained standing.
"Both of you are just so different. And I've known you both since before. I guess it just never crossed my mind that you'd be together.
A soulmate bond is incredibly rare and fragile as you know. And I guess it only fits since both of you are more complementary to each other rather than have similar personalities like twin flames.
I have the soulmate records of some from the Gojo clan if that would help. But Noritoshi, sorry I have to ask you not to share it with your family." He said.
Ahh. The Great 3 clans still hold their secrets. You turned to Noritoshi, worriedly looking for his reaction.
He had this internal war of obedience to his clan elders vs seeing you so close to Satoru and seeing another side of the Gojo and Tsuchimikado clans like this.
"Toshi, if you can't, it's okay, we don't need to read it." You said carefully. "I know how hard it is to keep secrets from family."
Noritoshi mulled it over. Satoru was actually sizing him up. Seeing his family friend get entangled with a great 3 clan's future head… he would be lying if he wasn't worried for you.
“I’m assuming that there might be some details or secrets of the Gojo clan involved in the diary entries, which is why you’re being wary of me. But you have offered to let me read it, which already shows a bit of trust. As a future clan head, I know the significance of keeping good relationships with the other clans and elders. And so, I promise not to tell anyone else of the details in the diary.” Nori said solemnly.
Satoru perked up at that and smiled, “There shouldn’t be a problem then. Here, you both can have a look. Return it to me tomorrow afternoon. I hope it can help with your situation. It must be scary not knowing anyone else to turn to for help with the bond.”
You felt touched by that, “Thank you Satoru.”
That night, you slept over once more in Noritoshi’s room, reading the excerpts.
"A soulbond can be rejected?!" You both stared at the notebook in horror.
"That must be so painful… imagine shutting down your fated pair." You murmured, turning to Noritoshi.
He patted you and nodded. "Hey look at this." He pointed to another passage.
“Wow, they can really telepathically communicate with complete sentences, that’s insane.” You said in awe.
Noritoshi cozied up to your side, playfully nudging his head against yours. “You want that for us too someday angel?”
You turned and bumped your nose against his before kissing him. “Of course, I want to experience everything with you Noritoshi.”
Noritoshi’s heart skipped a beat or two at that. His pulse was irregular for once. What on earth was that feeling? He confusedly looked down at his chest and patted it. He checked his vitals with his technique, but everything was in order.
You worried over him, “Are you not feeling okay? You got hit in the chest earlier right? We can call it a night and rest, you need sleep for tomorrow’s individual battles.”
“Okay then. Let’s quickly skim the diary.” You both caught a few important details, like how strong trust and honesty can strengthen a soulbond.
After spending time with each other and having significant encounters (“What on earth does that mean?” Nori asked. “Maybe like notable events with each other” you supplied.) helps a couple to move forward from one stage of the bond to another.
Something caught Noritoshi's eye. Reverse cursed techniques and some other advanced techniques that usually can only be done on oneself can be applied to the other soulmate.
That made him wonder… if he could manipulate your blood. But he put that thought aside for next time, unwilling for you to be a subject of experiment.
After that you both went to bed. "I'm gonna have such a hard time sleeping alone after spending so much time in bed with you." You whined out.
He chuckled, "Then just stay over as often as you want to. I like sharing the bed with you. It's not like it's cramped for the both of us." He pressed his lips to your forehead as you kissed him on the neck.
His heart squeezed tightly once more. What was wrong with him?! He was used to having it speed up whenever he was around you and attributed it to regular attraction. But this was different. His chest was tight, almost painful, and it was getting harder to breathe.
"Okay then. No take backs." You smiled, before closing your eyes. Noritoshi watched the moonlight illuminate your features for a bit before falling asleep.
The next day, the lots were out. They announced that it would be a duel between 2 students on top of thick, tall, vertical standing logs set in a small lake. First one to push the other off the logs and into the water or out of bounds wins. Momo senpai has a huge advantage with no handicap at this.
To your slight horror, Okkotsu Yuuta was matched against Noritoshi. You visibly paled, but he went up and squeezed your hand before he left for the event. “I’ll be okay.” He promised.
“Oh you will be okay. I’ll make sure of it.” You said determinedly, already planning to step in just in case Rika goes wild on Noritoshi. Your thoughts were cut as Nori poked your forehead.
“I can hear your thoughts. Have a little more faith in me.” He gave a small smile. You nodded dumbly.
You watched the matches. None of them were particularly eye-opening. Until it was time for Okkotsu to fight Noritoshi. You clasped your hands together in prayer, eyes and senses wide open.
“Ready, Start!” Satoru called out.
Noritoshi immediately fired arrows, which honed on Okkotsu even though he tried to dodge. Good technique. Okkotsu had some trouble keeping up with the arrows and Noritoshi quickly moved in to punch him hard.
But Okkotsu was quick on his feet, leaping back diagonally onto another log before slashing at Noritoshi with his Katana. It went on a bit like this. With both men trading blows back and forth. They had decent balance on top of the logs.
Until Noritoshi made a major move, “Blood Manipulation: Slicing Exorcism!” He cut down a huge number of logs in Okkotsu’s area.
Okkotsu barely held on, jumping to another log that was borderline about to collapse. The water was now dangerously filled with the sharp edges of cut wood.
Your eyes brightened, ‘Please win Toshi.’
Noritoshi moved in for the kill, “Red Flowing Scale”, the X mark appeared on his eye as he readied to knock Okkotsu off. Until the dark mass that had been hanging around Okkotsu screamed, making everyone wince. “Yuuutaaa! You’ll get hurt if you fall down now!”
Satoru had explained that Orimoto Rika was the Special Grade curse with overwhelming power. Rika made a half-manifestation, easily smacking Noritoshi away. But she hit him too hard on the head, sending him flying way past the little lake set up.
Everyone gasped and yelled in horror. You saw red.
He was going to hit the ground hard. You stood up, slowing down his body in midair as you blasted your way over to him. You caught him in time.
"Angel?" He looked up to see you, and his heart tightened again. Ah... this might be love.
"Shhh, it's alright Toshi. You've done really well. Don’t speak," You worriedly activated your Reverse Cursed Technique as you floated down to the ground, hugging Noritoshi tighter.
“Thank you for catching me.” He patted your arm weakly. Blood was streaming down his temples. Not a good sign. “Ieiri san!” You cried out, but she was already making her way towards the both of you.
“Winner! Okkotsu Yuuta!”
Your blood boiled, but you knew it was still Okkotsu’s win. ‘He didn’t have to be that harsh on Noritoshi.’ “Age doesn’t matter to Jujutsu sorcerers darling.” Noritoshi coughed out as though he could read your mind. “I said not to talk!” You worriedly scolded him.
Ieiri quickly activated her reverse cursed technique alongside yours. Hers was incredibly refined, easily sealing up Noritoshi’s popped blood vessels. “Infirmary.” She said, putting a brace around his neck just in case of any spinal injuries.
“I’m so sorry, Rika went overboard!” Okkotsu yelled out. He looked really worried and sincere. You shifted uncomfortably; the apology isn’t for you so you backed away. Noritoshi waved him off, “It’s okay. Thank you for the fight, Okkotsu kun.”
A few more apologies and words of thanks were exchanged before Noritoshi was sent to rest in the infirmary. Satoru caught you by the collar, “Stay until the end of the event. Shoko will take care of Noritoshi.”
You glumly nodded. To be honest, Okkotsu was really friendly, easily chatting with all of you. And you all were delighted, laughing hard when Rika beat the living shit out of Todo as he tried to harass Okkotsu for his ideal type. The Tokyo kids weren’t too bad.
“Take care y/n!” Satoru hugged you tight as the Tokyo school students and staff readied to go home. “Thanks again for everything Satoru.” You already returned his diary to him in Noritoshi’s place. He was still resting up in the infirmary.
“Hey…. Have you ever considered transferring to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech?”
“No, why would I? Noritoshi and my family are here.” You were taken aback.
Satoru looked thoughtful, “I could teach you a lot, and honestly I’d love to have you as my student. You’re really strong y/n. Think about it. Later!” and walked off with the rest of them, leaving you at a loss for words.
It’s been a while since you’ve been dating Noritoshi, and everything seemed a bit brighter. Like the sun seemed to be really strong, the flowers smelled so nice, the air currents seemed to bend a little more easily under the command of your technique.
'Is this the effect of our bond?' You wondered to yourself, but then quickly shook away the thoughts to focus on your task.
A few days have passed since the Goodwill event. You would be lying if you said you weren’t inspired by watching Okkotsu and Rika fight. Rika was just a force to be reckoned with.
Learning how to move well in mid-air was a challenge, but it wasn't impossible thanks to your inherited technique. Since you grew up mainly focusing on items around you and the four elements, you were still having some difficulty with some mobility techniques.
But there was something you’ve been itching to do. Aside from working on your cursed technique: reversal, domain expansion, extension techniques, etc., there was another special technique that ran in the family.
You remembered your father’s words: “Lightning is generated in the presence of both hot and cold air. You can manipulate molecules to generate both. But doing it simultaneously is the challenge. The ice shards in the cold air collide with the warm water particles in mid air, causing static electricity to form."
"That way, you separate positive and negative charges in a space. That is how you generate your electricity. Take particular care, because for this to happen, you need to master both your extension technique: Niflheim and technique reversal: Inferno.”
For personal reasons, you didn’t like using Inferno. Because the last time you successfully used it was when you were 6 years old and it caused a disaster. A memory which you’ve buried so far under everything else that you continuously try to forget about it.
But for the sake of the secret art, you will.
“Merging techniques… does any other jujutsushi do this…” You wondered.
You set up several targets of bamboo shoots and wood. “Niflheim.” You froze a target then took a deep breath before trying your reversed technique.
“Cursed Technique Reversal: Inferno.” You put out two hands and linked your thumb and ring finger in each hand together. One hand facing the other from above and below. Then a red light appeared as you encircled and swapped the positions of your hands.
This hand movement activates Inferno as the target immediately explodes from the rapid heat expanding the cooled target. Steam and smoke billowed out. You let out a slow breath. So you can still do it even after all these years.
“Special Art: Goldenrod.” You manipulated Inferno in one palm and Niflheim in the other. Your left hand had your ring and thumb still linked together. While your right hand uses the 4 pointer hand position designed for Niflheim.
At first it just made small explosions of steam. Your hands got really sore from the back and forth temperature control.
This is where it gets tricky. Goldenrod has to be activated within your hands. So you also guard your hands against the drastic temperatures with your cursed energy, as you do when you control fire.
It hasn't worked out so far. Maybe you simply had to condense the molecules. You condensed them further and started seeing small sparks of lightning.
Your eyes widened in joy. You tried activating it once more with more cursed energy, only for a huge bolt of lightning to shoot out from your hands and destroy a large amount of targets. There was a loud crack of thunder.
You didn’t expect the energy to be this high as you were pushed back from the force. The air was knocked out from your lungs as you hit the ground hard.
“I think I need help. Maybe Satoru nii can...” you wondered to yourself. ‘Is it worth bothering him over something like this…’ With a shock, you realized you were actually considering his words to transfer to Tokyo Jujutsu High. “No way.” You laughed it off with uncertainty.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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deancaskiss · 3 years
Chapter Twenty-Two (Tinsel & Tourists)
Word Count: 2,200 (another long chapter ahead (sorry for it being long) - chapter continued under the Read More)
Cas’ POV
Link to ao3 / Link to masterpost
Cas chewed on his lip for a second as he contemplated Dean’s question. What did he want to know? Everything. He wanted to know everything about Dean. But he had time to learn, didn’t he?
Just as he opened his mouth to ask something, Dean spoke up first. “Before- um, before you ask what you want to know, can I just say something?”
Something about Dean’s tone was hesitant, almost soft, and it tugged at Cas’ heart strings. He nodded slowly, not trusting his voice.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry, Cas. I really am. I didn’t want to lie to you. Or to hurt you. Or to see you get hurt. I hope you know that,” Dean said, free hand reaching up to caress Cas’ cheek. “I just wanted to keep you safe. But then I fell for you, hard and fast. I almost told you the whole ‘monsters are real’ speech several times. I just thought…” Dean said, suddenly trailing off.
“Thought what?” Cas asked, squeezing Dean’s hand that was still interlocked with his own.
“That if you knew the truth, knew what I did and who I was…” Dean said, shrugging before finally finding the words, “That you’d decide you didn’t love me the way I loved you.”
Cas felt his stomach lurch, and he quickly moved to bring their joined hands up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Dean’s hand. “Not possible,” he whispered.
And it really wasn’t possible. Even last night, after Cas thought Dean had broken his heart, he still ached for him. In fact, his first words to Libby had been, ‘I told him to leave and not to come back, and I don’t want that, Lib. Why did I say that? I still want him. I-I love him. Oh God. What have I done?’
Dean smiled weakly, thumb brushing along Cas’ jawline softly before he cleared his throat and nodded. “I’m sorry. That’s just… that’s all I wanted you to know. That I’m sorry. For all of it.”
Cas had been so hurt last night, so betrayed. But now, he could see it on Dean’s face; that Dean truly meant every word of his apology. And Cas’ heart believed him. “I forgive you, Dean. I’m not mad at you. Do you understand?”
Dean hesitated for a second, before he nodded. “I- thank you,” Dean said quietly. “Alright, um, what did you want to know?”
“How long have you been hunting?” Cas asked, squeezing Dean’s hand again just to ground himself, and maybe to ground Dean, too.
“My whole life. Dad was a hunter. He raised us to be hunters after my mom was killed when I was four and Sammy was six months old. Something killed her, a demon, and my Dad spent the last twenty years hunting the thing down.”
“What’s- what’s out there?” Cas asked hesitantly. Did he really want to know? Was he better not knowing? Or was knowing the truth the best option?
Dean huffed out a laugh. “Better question is what isn’t out there. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, skinwalkers, Gods, demons, angels-”
“Angels? Angels are real?”
“Mmhmm,” Dean hummed. “That’s the only reason I’m here right now.”
Cas cocked his head, looking at Dean carefully. “What do you mean?”
“You asked last night about me going to Hell…” Dean trailed off.
“How did you- why were you in Hell? Wait, at the tree lighting, you said you almost died. That was a lie, wasn’t it? You actually did die?” Cas asked in shock.
Dean swallowed thickly before nodding. “Yeah, I did. The demon that killed my mom… he essentially had Sam killed a couple years ago,” Dean said, voice low in the air between them. “And it was my job to protect Sam. I was supposed to take care of him. And I wasn’t quick enough to save him,” Dean paused, taking a deep breath. “So I made a deal with a crossroads demon. I sold my soul to bring Sam back to life. But it came at a price. I got a year to live, and then I was killed by hellhounds and sent to Hell,” Dean explained.
“That- that sounds horrific. Why would you-”
Dean laughed humorlessly. “I couldn’t live without Sam. I didn’t want to be alone. I uh- I actually felt the same way last night, when I heard you get attacked and taken. I told Sam that if I lost you… if I lost you, I’d sell my soul to any demon if it meant bringing you back.”
A choked off noise slipped from Cas’ mouth, and he lurched forwards, claiming Dean’s mouth in a chaste kiss. “Dean,” Cas whispered, at a complete loss for words. Dean would have sold his soul for him? Oh God. How could he have ever accused Dean of not loving him? Of faking it? How had he been so blind? It was so obvious Dean loved him as much as he loved Dean.
Cas squeezed Dean’s hand again, trying to offer him some comfort as he leaned their foreheads together for a brief second before he pulled away. “You don’t- you don’t have to talk about it. About any of it,” Cas said quietly when he saw the pain etched into Dean’s face.
“No, I do. You wanted the truth. I owe it to you. I- uh, I went to Hell. Time works differently down there. It was only four months Earth time, but down there, it was forty years. For thirty years, I was tortured, beaten, ripped into, and killed over and over again, until I… until I-” Dean tried to say.
“Shush, Dean it’s okay, it’s okay,” Cas said, leaning forwards and pecking Dean on the lips. “You don’t have to tell me,” he whispered. “Whatever happened, it isn’t changing how I feel about you,” Cas murmured, softly rubbing his nose against Dean’s.
Dean nodded, sucking in a deep breath and shifting his free hand to the back of Cas’ head, where he tangled his fingers into Cas’ hair. “The um- an angel came and pulled me out of Hell. Zachariah. Something about me being needed. That I’m important to their plans. Either way, angels aren’t what you think they are. Just spineless, dickless assholes.”
Cas snorted, somehow finding it funny that Dean was so pessimistic about angels when he was saved by one. “But they saved you. That counts for something, right?”
Dean huffed out a breath. “Until recently, I didn’t feel like it counted for anything. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be saved. But then… then I met you. You’re the first- the only- good thing to happen to me,” Dean whispered.
Cas shifted to rub his nose along Dean’s cheek, pressing his lips to his cheekbone. “The feeling’s mutual.”
They lapsed into silence for a second before Dean spoke up. “What else? Do you want to know, I mean?”
“Everything, Dean. I want to know it all. I just want to know you,” Cas murmured, smiling when Dean let out a chuckle. “That’s a lot, though. And it can wait for another day. There’s um, there’s something I should tell you actually. It seems only fair.”
Humming, Dean squeezed Cas’ hand this time, sending a little shock wave down Cas’ spine.
“I uh- I told you I went to culinary school in Montpelier a while ago. When I was there, I was engaged to a man I met during my first year classes. His name was Travis. I thought- naively thought- that he was the one. Gabriel repeatedly told me he was wrong for me when he came to visit- that he was the worst kind of person- but I refused to listen. I was completely mesmerized by Travis. He was dashing and witty, and way too good for me. Everyone knew him, and I thought I was lucky to have his attention. That the fact he chose me… someone as bright as him choosing someone like me. I thought it was some kind of miracle he chose me when he could have anyone,” Cas winced.
“I worshipped him. Made excuses for him, too. When he was late, or when he blew me off to be somewhere else. He’d miss huge events I was cooking for or bail when I needed him to taste test before being approached by my teachers and mentors. He ditched me on dates and then didn’t show up to our apartment for days at a time. I had so much blind faith in him. Turned out I was too good for him, not the other way around. I found out he was cheating. Not just with one person, either. With ten other men,” Cas said, and the sting burned up his throat again at the memory; of discovering Travis’ reputation and realizing he meant nothing to Travis.
“Cas,” Dean whispered, leaning forward to press their foreheads together. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Cas laughed, a broken and warped sound. “You wanna know the sick part? I wasn’t the only one he proposed to. There were three of us who were “engaged” to him. I thought he loved me, and he used the same ‘restaurant proposal’ shit on the other two guys as well.”
Dean growled low in his throat, ripping himself away and balling his hands into fists. “What the actual fuck? What kind of fucked up person does that?” Dean seethed, before realizing himself and suddenly leaning back into Cas’ space, pressing their foreheads together again softly; a stark contrast to the sudden outburst of anger.
“Cas. You’re beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. You deserve so much more than that. God. You deserve the world, Cas. You’re so… you’re absolutely...” Dean trailed off.
Cas felt his heart leap into his throat, and he nuzzled Dean’s face. “I’m what?” he asked breathlessly.
“You’re-” Dean started to say, but he was cut off as Gabriel’s voice rang out through the air.
“Hey lovebirds, can you quit sticking your tongues down each other’s throats long enough for Cas to get back to work? Customers are stacking up in here and unless you want me to start cooking for all these lovely people?” Gabriel shouted.
“Oh God,” Cas said with a wince. “He burns everything he touches,” he muttered to Dean. “Don’t you dare touch anything, Gabe. I’ll be right there. One minute.”
“Sixty seconds, brother dear. Tick tock, tick tock,” Gabriel called out.
“God, I hate him,” Cas said, rolling his eyes before flickering his gaze back to Dean. “Are you- are you really leaving town?” Even the idea of Dean leaving made Cas feel sick to his stomach, and he defensively gripped Dean’s jacket tighter, as if he could keep him anchored right here with him.
A little smirk slipped across Dean’s lips, and Cas felt his heart kick up against his rib cage. “Was thinking of sticking around through Christmas and asking this insanely gorgeous man to be my date for Christmas. Mostly because this devastatingly handsome man stole my heart, and I wouldn’t mind taking him out and kissing him silly under more mistletoe.”
“Mmm, I might be a little jealous of this mystery man. Although, after last night, I don’t think I ever want to see mistletoe again,” Cas said, images of the druid flashing through his mind.
Dean hummed in agreement. “I wonder if this man will let me kiss him silly without the pretext of mistletoe?” Dean asked with a grin.
“I think he just might,” Cas murmured, leaning forward and ghosting his lips against Dean’s.
“Time’s up, Cas! I’m heading into the kitchen,” Gabriel yelled.
Cas jumped up, giving Dean an apologetic look. “Dumbass actually will walk back into the kitchen. Um- I’ll um-”
“When are you off, handsome?” Dean asked smoothly, standing up and catching Cas’ hand again.
“My shift ends at 6,” Cas said, chewing on his lower lip and squeezing Dean’s fingers.
“Then I’ll be here at 6 to pick you up. Don’t be late,” Dean said, leaning down and pressing a lingering kiss to the corner of Cas’ lips.
Just as Cas tilted his head to properly capture Dean’s mouth, the diner door swung open again and Kelsey stuck her head out. “Hey, Cas. I hate to interrupt, but your brother’s hurling pans around in the kitchen again.”
“That’s my cue,” Cas mumbled against Dean’s mouth.
“I’ll see you tonight,” Dean hummed, hand dipping down to graze over Cas’ ass in a teasing touch.
“It’s a date,” Cas replied as his cheeks flushed red, nudging his nose against Dean’s before stepping out of Dean’s embrace.
Cas slipped inside the diner, heart racing in his chest. He’d just made it to the kitchen door when he turned back around. Dean was still standing there, messy hair and cheeks flushed red. When he caught Cas’ gaze, Dean winked playfully and blew him a kiss.
Cas blushed, throwing a wink back at Dean before he made his way into the kitchen. He spent the rest of his shift thinking about the little kiss Dean blew at him and how the man he’d fallen hopelessly in love with had told him he loves him, too.
Tag List Part 1 Below- (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list!)
Tag List: @cas-deserved-so-much-more @hello-x-sunshine @bibelphegor @likepurplemuses @expectingtofly @neo-neo-neo @shadowywerewolfqueen @a-sweet-indisposition @feraladoration @xojo
@oganizediguana @paintdriesfaster @adsp-destielcockles @destielangst @im-your-huckle-berry @justa-crayon @dea-stiel @superduckbatrebel @destielfactory @miluiel-erynion
@y-yo-a-ti-cas67 @cockleslovesdestiel @toxic-nebula @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @enchantinghairdoherringwombat @proudace @galaxymysteryelephant @aelysianmuse @ramennoodles-dean-cas @you-changedmedean
@gmos-winter-wonderland @deansotherotherblog @trekkie24 @geo-val @dizzypinwheel @hermionevaldez9 @gimmeprozac @iamsherlockedondoctorwho @dickspeightjrs @imbiowaresbitch
@destielle @hopefuldreamers-world @organicpurplepants @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @shut-up-dean @sapphirecobalt-1 @eshaninjer @spnobsessed50 @mishka @holygoddessofvictory
@jayus-fandom-writer @2musiclover2 @rainbowscas @bennedict @cassiecasyl @jensenacklesruinedmylife @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner @chaoticdean @destiel-trash-asf @tlakhtwritesdestiel
@bri-winchester @50shadesofcockles @trasherasswood @spittingpagan @castielstolemyheart @becky-srs @phoenix13 @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @deancasology @top13zepptraxx
@love-neve-dies @good-things-do-happen-dean @tearsofgrace @thedirtytrenchcoat @a-porno-with-the-russian-mafia @on-a-bender @moi-the-bard @one-more-offbeat-anthem @naturallyathief @queen-rowenas
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officialleehadan · 3 years
Third Side Saving
Hello darlings! What a stormy day I'm having. The wind has been snarling across the roof all day!
Today's story was brought to you by Clown! Darling, I hope it's everything you were hoping for! There will definitely be more of this!
Prompt: Higher Being Housemates, with the making and signing of a Contract.
“Do you have a minute? I’ve discovered a rather complicated situation.”
Tracy looked up from her desk to discover Davi lingering in the doorway. The angel was one of the quieter members of their household. Oh, he was around, and if he was around, Mara usually was too because the lovebirds were never far from each other. Today, however, this lovebird was flying solo.
“I would make time for you even if I didn’t have a minute,” she promised him. Her finals were done at last, and now it was the yearly registration song and dance. That, however, was not as time sensitive and could be put aside. “What can I do for you, Birdie?”
“It’s about a human,” he told her and tentatively sat at the table across from her. “The discussion the other night, regarding Contracts, gave me an idea and I want to discuss it with you.”
“Go for it,” Tracy said encouragingly and went for the ever-full coffee pot that she was reasonably sure had been Miracled to always stay hot and perfect. Then again, it could easily be the Cats and their habit of mobbing anything she thought was important to keep her life going smoothly. “Might not be able to answer, but I’ll do my best.”
“The human in question is a friend,” Davi explained as Tracy made her coffee and doctored it from their truly extensive collection of flavorings. “If angels can be considered such with humans. I met him not long after I came to Earth.”
“Got it. So what do you need me for?”
“I don’t, precisely. I need Blake, but he says he needs your permission first,” Davi told her. He fiddled with a pen and steeled himself long enough to meet her eyes. “My friend, his name is Jonas, he’s in a bad position. His wife died two years ago, and his daughter is dying of the same genetic disease. He’s been bankrupted by the health system, and he’s going to lose his job because of the time he has to spend at the hospital.”
“Sounds like time for some Angelic Interference.”
“The Host… we have limitations,” Davi explained to her, suddenly tired and very sad all at once. The weight of his work as a minor Guardian bore down on him. Tracy didn’t need to ask to know that he remembered every soul he tried and failed to save. “I don’t have the power, or the permission, to help him the way he needs. I can’t do anything that big, but…”
“But a Contract with a greater demon could,” Tracy realized abruptly as the pieces came together in her mind. “Blake is limited only by his power and my permission. If your friend signs a Contract, we can make sure he has everything he needs.”
It was an odd shade of simple and brilliant. One that Tracy had never considered before. Of course. Of course the angels had limits. She knew that from Angelika, after all. She would have done far more for her homeless shelter if she could have. Davi was of the Least Order as Angelika had been. His hands were tied to help people the way they needed helping.
But Tracy, with seventeen demons, didn’t answer to anyone.
“Blake, I need you,” she said with a gentle tug on the place where her first, dearest demon was bound to her heart. “Davi, get your friend. Is he already in the know?”
“He caught me molting before I met Mara,” Davi said, somewhat embarrassed. “Like Angelika, I was living in shared housing. I… may have gotten entirely tangled in the shower curtain and ripped it off the wall.”
“Awesome. That cuts down on explanations. Does he trust you enough to take a Contract with a demon?”
“We’re doing Contracts now?”
Blake swept into the room, as dramatic as the Cats and shrouded in his gorgeous magpie wings. Tracy accepted a kiss on the head when he went past her, hunting for the coffee.
“Davi has a friend that Heaven can’t help,” Tracy explained with a nod to Davi, who stepped out onto the balcony and vanished into the sky in a rush of white feathers. “I seem to remember you and Mara getting spectacularlydrunk and redoing the demonic boilerplate Contract to play nice with our household rules. You still have it?”
“Less whatever we’re giving and what we’re taking in return,” Blake said with a baffled shrug. “Wouldn’t be hard to update. Not like either of us are new to taking Contracts.”
Tracy nodded decisively, a plan forming in her head. One that made her smile with genuine, smug pleasure. “Grab it, will you? Davi is getting his friend, and I get the feeling that sooner is better than later with this one.”
Blake gave her a confused wing-shrug, and held out his hand. There was a puff of fire that Tracy thought was mostly for the drama of it, and a scroll appeared in his palm. She took it and read over the tiny, user-hostile font. It wasn’t her first time seeing a Contract. Blake had showed her one long ago, back when they were first figuring out how to make a family of one angel, one demon, and a human. From what she could see, the Contract was as generous as it could possibly be.
“That’s the ‘good person’ Contract,” Blake told her with a sly little grin. “We have a different one for people who need some consequences in a hurry.”
“Perfect. We’ll see what this guy actually needs, but I think we may have found our niche,” Tracy told him and handed the Contract back. It would take some work to figure out all the details, but that was manageable. A rustle of wings announced Davi’s return, this time with a human in tow. Jonas, she presumed. He was a good-looking guy, who was only a little older than her. He was in a rumpled suit that looked about a size too big. Either he had no idea how to buy a suit, or more likely, he had lost a lot of wight recently. Stress, she would bet. “HI there. I’m Tracy.”
“You, uh, nice to meet you,” Jonas said, wind-shaken and uncertain. No surprise there, considering he had an angel at his back, and a demon before him. “Davi… Davi says you might be able to help me?”
“I think maybe we can,” Tracy said, and ushered him to the table. “So, let’s figure out what you need, and we’ll see what we can do. After all, if the Third Side can’t help you, who can?”
Higher Being Housemates:
As it turns out, rent is really high  in Heaven. It’s not great in Hell either. An angel and a demon come to  an agreement that works for them both.
Their human housemate still  hasn’t decided whether or not to help them, or kick them all out of her  house. After all, Grad school is hard enough without the Great War  making it worse.
Bright Red Panties
Black and White Feathers
Demonic Comfort
Demonic Intervention
Unwanted Attention
Magpie Wings
Don’t Fall
Sparklers and Demon Smiles
Holy Words
Holy Tea
Santa Baby
Pledge Promise
Unholy Fuss (Free on Patreon)
Tuxedo Cat (Subscribers Only!)
Shadow Puff (Subscriber Only!)
If This Then That
A Third Side (Subscriber Only)
Sharp Edges
Red Letters
Stand Together (Subscriber Only!)
Fuzzy Interlude
The Fun Side  (Subscriber Only!)
Feathers and Tea
Making Christmas
Santa Satan
All the Pillows
Grey and Red (Subscriber Only!)
Low Tide (Free on Patreon)
From the Heavens (Subscriber Only!)
Silver Shine
Five out of Six Ends are Pointy
Cinnamon Kisses (Free on Patreon!)
Thanks and Giving (Free on Patreon!)
Hounds of Hell (Free on Patreon!)
Potential Alliance (Free on Patreon!)
Wing Blade Runner
Third Side Saving
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Devildom Valentines [HC/drabbles]
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Lucifer: We all know Lucifer likes the finer things in life right? Well, the way he goes about treating you on Valentine’s Day is a reflection of that. When you get to your room in the House of Lamentation to find a gorgeous dress/suit at first you’re really confused? Is Diavolo throwing a party and you somehow forgot all about it? It looks like the kind of thing you wear to his parties. It’s not until you see the note that you realise what’s going on. “I will collect you at 6, wear this. - Lucifer”. He takes you to Ristorante Six, for a fine meal and shared wine. As he drinks, and gets tipsy, he gets softer. Even going so far as to allow you to take a picture of the two of you cuddled up together, your smile wide and cheeks warm from the sweet things he’s been saying to you.
Mammon: He heard you mention Valentine’s Day once a week ago and since then spent half his time asking anyone who might have the slightest idea about human customs hundreds of questions about it. You saw Satan chasing him out of the library and yelling at him to shut up more than once, though they both refused to tell you why. When the day finally rolls around he’s oddly jumpy around you, although he refuses to tell you what’s going on. He finally meets you in your room after dinner, fidgeting awkwardly with his hands behind his back. You frown at him in confusion until he thrusts a somewhat poorly wrapped square at you. You unwrap it carefully, almost bursting into happy tears when you see the framed picture inside. It’s your favourite picture of the two of you, the one that greets you on you DDD lockscreen and never fails to make you smile. Grinning you fling yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and muttering endless ‘thank you’s and ‘i love you’s.
Leviathan: Levi is not confident with anything romantic. He knows stuff in theory, Diavolo knows he’s played enough otome (and eroge) games and read enough shoujo manga to have some of the basics in his head, but he has zero confidence in actually being able to do them in real life. Especially not with someone as attractive as you. Which is why, for Valentine’s Day, rather than do something in real life and risk embarrassing himself, he pulls you into a romantic game with him. There he can take you out for a meal and say all the embarrassing romantic lines he wants to without feeling awkward, he even manages to kiss you on the cheek. It’s unique, as far as Valentines go, but it’s very Levi and very wonderful.
Satan: This guy is something of a traditionalist. He read up on human world customs for Valentine’s Day and spent a long time looking for a suitable card to convey his feelings for you. He gives you the card in the morning, a poem he wrote for you tucked inside. You tear up at the beautiful words, heart racing in your chest. He smiles in return, kissing you softly on the cheek and promising to spend the rest of the day by your side.
Asmodeus: If ever there was a day tailor made for the Avatar of Lust it’s Valentine’s Day. And good lord does he go all out. There are rose petals all over your bed, a bouquet of roses laid out on top of them and a card full of flowery words and innuendo set on the top of it all. There may or may not be some fancy lingerie involved. He spends the day pampering you, covering you in kisses and telling you how much you mean to him.
Beelzebub: You open your door on Valentine’s morning to see a very dejected looking Beel, almost pouting at you. You panic at first, wondering what on earth had upset him so much. Did he have a fight with Belphie? Has something happened? He just frowns at you, holding up an empty box of chocolates before launching into an explanation that he got them for you the day before, special limited edition, but they smelled so good he couldn’t resist. He looks so upset over the whole thing you can’t help but chuckle a little, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek and telling him it’s the thought that counts.
Belphegor: Belphie has been interested in the human world for a long time, he knows the jist of Valentine’s day, though he has to look up some more recent customs (he doesn’t think Lucifer would approve of him bringing ‘lovebirds’ into the House of Lamentation, though he is half tempted to release some just to annoy him). He settles on giving you an amulet, one charmed so that you can talk to him whenever you want, and meet him in dreams. You hold it to your chest protectively as you curl up against him, falling asleep happily in each others arms.
Diavolo: Oh boy, if you think Satan did a lot of research he has nothing on Diavolo. He looked up so many human customs, Barbatos had to stop him from trying to do all of them. In the end he settled for a meal at the castle, decorated with conjured cherry blossoms. He gifts you with a stunning pendant, one that probably costs more than everything you own put together, but you know he won’t humour any of your protests about him giving you a gift of such value. It’s sweet, if a little extravagant. 
Barbatos: He’s so busy during the day tending to Diavolo and other duties within the Devildom that he doesn’t have time to see you. But in the evening you receive a summons to the castle. When you arrive, half worried you might be in trouble, he greets you at the door with a smile and a gentle press of his lips against the back of your hand. He guides you into the kitchen, presenting you with the most beautiful handmade chocolates.you had ever seen, and his sincerest apologies for being so busy. You shake your head, you know he’s busy, and the fact that he made time for you at all means a lot to you.
Simeon: The angel is not usually one for grand extravagant gestures, he shows his love in small ways. This is especially true if you are the type of person who doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention. Valentines with Simeon is a quiet affair, the card he gives you is sweet, complete with a paragraph of his own beautifully written prose containing all his feelings for you. Valentine’s Day with Simeon is a quiet affair, with good food and soft touches and perhaps the odd mischievous tease. You wouldn’t change it for the world.
Solomon: One of the few people in Devildom who knew all about Valentine’s Day beforehand, he has a plan in place well before the day. His gift required a little pre-planning after all. He pulled you away to Purgatory Hall, promising food cooked by Simeon and one of Luke’s desserts (you silently thank all the gods and demons you can think of that he didn’t decide to cook you a romantic dinner). Safely away from the brothers and their interfering he presented you with a single red rose, one he enchanted to never wilt. It stays pride of place on you dresser and makes you smile every morning.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Monster’s Lair - A Baptism of Fire
Vampire!Henry x Belle - multi-chapter
< Chap 11 | Chapter 12 - A Baptism of Fire 
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Disclaimer: Dark adult fairytale, manhunt, blood, gore, death, vampirism, witchcraft, evil fairies, angst
Author’s note: It’s always so bittersweet to finish a long fic. For weeks it has been embedded in my brain, bubbling up on the most impractical moments. Business meetings? Yes. 3AM whilst trying to sleep? Yep. And of course.. once I found a moment to write, the muse was gone and I’d just stare at a blank page for a good hour. Now..after all those struggles..it’s finished. My baby’s finished! *sigh* THE POST-FIC VOID IS CALLING. 😩
Anyways, I’d love to hear from you, dear readers. Give me all your feelings, ideas, tips (and of course fic prompt ideas).❤️I love you and I hope you enjoyed the read!
Word count: 7.801
Reading music: Sowulu - Wulfwiga 
(Link to my Masterlist)
Something was there.
Like she owned a sixth sense, she knew when danger lurked. And lurking it did. But quietly. Far too quietly. Flicking her ears the deer listened in more closely, the cold forest sounds muted by the thick layer of snow that covered the earth and greens. Winter was at its deepest and coldest now, meaning hunger pushed the herd further to the borders of comfort.
Turning her ears again, her eyes unblinking, she watched with large doe eyes into the dawn. Another whisper sounded through the trees. Hard to discern. But there. Something was definitely there.
Her heart started to gallop, but her feet remained stationary. Nothing around her seemed to be out of the ordinary, the world as white and quiet as ever before. Perhaps it had been a bird or critter. And perhaps it was death.
Her ears pricked around her head, but neither eye nor ear could spot anything strange. All she could see were the slow sun rays that had started weaving their way through the pine trees, starting yet another day in winter wonderland.
Though it was no wonderland for her. More like a fuzzy white nightmare. As she stood there she felt a strange daze fall over her, her limbs no longer her own as her heart beat for two. Gnawing nervously on the patch of grass between her lips, she tried to figure out what was happening to her. Was it an evil spirit? An omen?
A twig snapped and fast as lightning her hooves spurred into full sprint, back to the safety of the herd that had also started to scatter, away from the invisible danger. With leaps and jumps she rushed over the icy planes and snow-heavy branches, hoping to outrun whatever was hunting her so silently.
Birds chirped and snow fell, the sudden rumour in the forest having caused a flock of birds to set off. Perfect for the deer, as their flight made a soft powdery curtain fall behind her tail, her trail temporarily hidden from her perpetrator. Her scent, however, was not hidden. Nor was her heartbeat; now loud as a war drum in her furry chest. With her small hooves she landed on yet another icy patch, its menacingly slippery mirror reflecting hell as it lapped at her ankles.
But, by a fickle sliver of luck, she got away again. Her perpetrator had also slipped and with the thunder in her heart she raced on, legs scrambling and eyes wild.
Move, move, move! Run, run, run!
Having now lost track of her herd, she felt that same strange buzz in her veins. Like she was possessed. And the spirit inside her whispered; “Go to the light!”
Full sprint she set off to where the trees cleared out, the hunt leaving no moment to ponder and hesitate. The fairy spirit inside her now took over, her long legs stretching in large leaps, near making her fly as a merry chuckle danced through her twitching ears. Here more sunshine managed to break through the canopy, its rays glowing warm and yellow over powdery snow.
When she reached the final trees, a beastly growl was heard behind her. Her perpetrator was obviously not happy with this new direction. Would he maybe shy away? Break off the chase? Had this fairy saved her?
She had no time to wait and see. And thus with restless hooves she jumped into the open field. A field which wasn’t a field at all. It was a garden. Large terraces were layered over a hill, with on the very top a castle that was long past its glory days. And despite that, it looked like heaven’s gates, the sun casting a warm hue over the mossy stonework, snow glittering on its window sills.
“Go, go, go!” The fairy ushered, spurring on the deer to run on. Higher and higher. Deeper and deeper into the garden. Until finally she reached the gates to this heavenly hell.
“Good!” The fairy cheered. “And now you die!”
‘Hahaha..oh like you would.’ Belle cooed, teasingly rubbing her foot up the Master’s leg, their chairs settled next to each other before the fire. In their laps lay books, but they had long been forgotten as the two bantered on.
‘Do not underestimate my..-’ The Master’s scoffing words halted as he flicked his head away from her, eyes looking up and over Belle’s shoulder.
‘Is the castle falling to ruin yet?’ Belle chuckled, unaware of what the Master had picked up on - it happened on occasion that his attention would fly off like that. His head tilted up to the ceiling as he kept scanning for the source, thereby presenting something Belle had not spotted yet. Beneath his carefully tucked cravatte two angry looking marks appeared. Bite marks. Purple and blue, little veins around them bruised and broken.
‘AI!’ Belle shot up from her chair, book left in the seat as she rushed to push the white cotton further down. ‘You are hurt!’ She exclaimed, the Master’s heaven blue gaze now turning back to her. With a hesitant swallow he nodded, arms reaching out to pull her into his lap, ears continuing to prick and look for more strange sounds.
Belle still didn’t notice much of any foreign presence, her fingers looping around the knot of the cravatte to untighten it. ‘You should have told me.’ She chided softly, fingertips grazing over the edges of the broken skin. ‘Tis nothing.’ The Master brushed off, but Belle’s expression made it clear that she did not believe a word of it.
‘If it were nothing it’d have healed by now.’ She retorted, referring to the Master’s ability to heal at a phenomenally fast rate. ‘Let me at least clean it for you!’ And with that she hopped off his lap, skirts flying out of the library in a flurry. Grumbling the Master followed, eyes taking one last look over his shoulder, finding the library’s contents still slumbering.
What was it he was hearing? Was it his staff pulling a prank? The icy wind outside? He thought he had lived here long enough to know every single one of the sounds in this castle.
Turning his attention back to the long hallway, he followed Belle, eyes not leaving her again as he admired her slender frame. It had taken weeks for her to finally accept and wear the great many gowns his wife had left behind. But here she was. Wearing a particularly enchanting, silverish white dress, her hair put up nicely and lips curled in a rosy smile. She looked like an angel, and he couldn’t help but think of what his wife had been like. But Belle was more. Not only was she here. She was livelier…. Happier.  
Happiness. It was a strange emotion to feel again. Even now the crooked pull of his lips felt awkward, foreign. But the pretty maiden before him didn’t seem to mind, her large brown eyes looking back at him as he trailed a few steps behind her.
‘Are you gonna hunt me down?’ She teased, eyebrow quirking with a challenge before she upped her step, dainty feet speeding down the long hallway. The Master chuckled.
Happiness. It was strange indeed.
‘Oh, you look at that.’ Plumette sighed dreamily, watching as the Master caught the giggling maiden before capturing her in a sweet kiss. The grandmaster clock grumbled something indiscernible, receiving a little gasp from the feather duster as she gave him a scornful look. ‘Say that again.’ She demanded, glaring at the clock that was close to a slumber - least to her amusement.
‘Time..’ He mumbled, before his eyes fully closed.
‘Time.’ She repeated, huffing slightly. “Time this, time that! ‘Tis a tale as old as time’ he says.” Ladieladiela! PFFT!’ She swivelled off to follow the two lovebirds as they hooked their arms around one another.
‘Well. I say it IS time.’
‘Time for what?’ The little teacup joined her from the kitchens, his porcelain body cleaned off and ready for a new serving. The duster eyed him as he panted to keep up, his porcelain foot hopping with great effort to follow her fast feather feet. With a dramatic twirl she halted and turned.
‘Oh..just look at how pitifully you run, dear boy!’ Her long lashes looked down upon him as the poor teacup shyly looked away, embarrassed by his inability to do what any young boy should be able to do. ‘I say, dear boy, that it’s time we get rid of this darn curse, that’s what!’
‘But ..but how?’ He asked desperately. He had long accepted that he would be a failure when it comes to young boys. He couldn’t play, couldn’t run, couldn’t climb trees. All he could do was hop and talk, hop and talk.
‘Well boy! It’s a curse! Curses can be done..and undone!’ And with that she turned back to watch as the Master tenderly folded a rogue hair back behind Belle’s ear, the sight making a small smile tug at Plumette’s pretty duster lips.
Well. That’s how.  
‘We are cursed!’ The butcher rose his fist in the air, making the crowd in the great hall of the Les Comtes roar in agreement. ‘First the drought. The hunger. Then the killing of Ismael’s men in the woods…’ He pointed at the seat where a dark haired lady sat, the Grandmaster’s chair next to her empty. ‘..and the sudden death of our Grandmaster!’ - ‘AYE’ - ‘Tis true.’ The gathered men wholeheartedly agreed. More fists rose in the air, before the room calmed again, the mysterious raven maiden standing up from her seat to walk into the middle of the hall, attracting the men’s attention.
With cool eyes she looked around her, the roars dying down until the hall was quiet as mice. She was a beauty to behold and it had been only weeks since they had taken her on as the grandmaster’s wife. With the sudden demise of their good grandmaster, they were left with this calm apparition of pure divinity, her looks closer to that of an angel than of a woman made of flesh and blood. Slowly her long sleeve rose, a pale hand appearing from the burgundy robe.
‘I grieve!’ She chanted, her chest rising deeply before she turned her eyes towards the butcher, his lips falling open ever so slightly - enchanted. ‘So now. What do you suggest we do, good sir? How shall we avenge my dear husband’s death?’ Her voice played her role of grieving wife perfectly, though her cool eyes sparkled with danger.
The butcher swallowed back a lump and stepped in, eyes searching his fellow men for agreement. ‘I’d say..fair lady..’ He bowed his head slightly. ‘..we must avenge him indeed. But first we must find our lord. Ismael! He shall lead us on, as ever he has done.’
The men didn’t chant quite the agreement he expected, his eyes nervously peering left and right as he heard timid whispers about. Finally one man stepped forward; ‘Say nay, is it not strange, that he is not here? Where is he?! Our Grandmaster?!’
The long sleeved arm rose up again, silencing the roaring whispers. ‘We know not.’ She raised her chin slightly, as if the next news was cause for more grief. ‘He is not in his rooms. His bed is unslept. I fear..’ She lowered her gaze to the floor. ‘..he was taken as well.’
‘Tis like the fires!’ A scrawny man with wild eyes stepped forward. ‘The beast is coming into our homes, stealing our wives..children..and now also our new grandmaster!’ The crowd roared in agreement, but then a woman appeared from behind broad backs, her face scowling and voice straining to silence the crowd. ‘NO! SAY NO LIES!’  The rowdy men halted their loud chants. ‘Me and my children were SAVED, not stolen!’
And with that she gave a menacing look at the scrawny man who huffed in annoyance. Another few voices mingled in and before long the whole hall had erupted in another loud quarrel. Nobody was quite sure who was right, and what had been the Beast’s doing. But they sure were ready to avenge themselves, one way, or the other.
Halting his step for a moment the Master looked back over Belle’s shoulder, the long hallway before them soon to reach the entree hall. With a mindless lick of his bottom lip he pricked his ears, still not quite sure of what he had heard just now. It had most definitely not been his staff. An..animal perhaps?
Belle’s curious eyes looked up at the Master, her lips still curled in a soft, relaxed smile. ‘What is it?’ She asked gently.
‘A..deer..’ The Master frowned. ‘..or something like it.’
It was unusual for deer to get this close to the castle. They knew well that a predator lived here. And one would only go to a predator’s lair if they were young and naive or..hmmm…Or..Or chased..
Like the devil heard the Master’s inward grunt, the front door was barged open, icy winds spewing a whirl of snow into the entry hall.
Without thinking twice the Master lifted Belle in his arms, his long legs making a sprint for the first room to his right, his brain not even thinking of blocking the doorway; they needed to get out of here. Now.
Was it back? Was it back?!
With all the speed he could muster in his legs he ran into one of the windows - which thankfully were on ground floor level, his shoulder turning forward to brace for impact as they ran straight through the thin glossy pane. Belle yelped in terror, her ever-present smile having melted like snow before the sun as a thousand small shards of glistening daggers now brushed past them, licking their skin. It was a near miracle that the cuts left them unharmed, before the Master landed onto the soft snow outside.
With bewildered eyes he started running, away from the castle, his gaze noting that he hadn’t been wrong. There was indeed a deer before him, her swishing tail pointed up as she too ran for her life, long legs bouncing through the powdery white.
A terror clenched in his heart as he made his way down the many garden terraces, his feet knowing blindly where all roots and bushes were hidden in this fine maze of natural traps.
Behind them the loud growls of a beast were heard, also just as he expected. A deer and a beast, right here in his lair. What was going on? Was he about to lose his domain? Right now, in the broad daylight? FUCK.
He wasn’t the only one whose curiosity peaked. Sweet Belle had finally overcome the initial shock of the sudden chase, her large brown eyes daring to look around as the cold wind cut into her expressive eyes. Tears started to well - be it of shock or the icy air - and as she looked over the Master’s shoulder, all she could see were blurs. It was as if death itself was chasing them, a dark menacing cloud jumping out of the busted window, the cold wind licking at its feet.
‘Sshh.’ The Master hushed, twisting his tiring arms so she could no longer see. He wasn’t entirely sure why he was feeling so sluggish, but with Belle twisting like this in his arms, her weight seemed even greater. Just his luck. On the very moment of a great chase his veins pumped lead and his feet weighed like marble. And no matter how hard he tried to speed up, his pace just wouldn’t quicken.
With a light pant escaping his lips he looked at the deer, the animal now slowly losing ground on him as her legs were far less familiar with this terrain. Her glassy eyes stared back at him with a strange gloss. Almost blue in hue. As if possessed. Strange.
What was going on?
Growling deep in his chest the Master hoisted Belle a little bit higher in his heavy arms, teeth gritting as the deer now finally lost on him, his long legs managing to surpass her before they reached the treeline. Everything in his body seemed to object. Where usually a sprint like this costed him a little effort by daytime, right now it felt like he was running in a fever dream. Pushing hard, but barely moving. Perhaps the sun was particularly strong today - their rays hidden by a thick white nothingness. And perhaps it was the deep snow he was plowing through. Or the cold. Or ..Belle.
He had to admit he had started feeling strange these past couple of days. Especially when near her.
Looking down at the fair maiden, shivering and shaking in his arms, he couldn’t even think of asking her to run for herself. No. If really he wouldn’t make it, he’d stop and defend them as best he could. Even if he felt like a bag of bones. Weak and shaking from running just a half a mile.
After what seemed like the longest few minutes in their life, the Master and Belle managed to escape. At least, for now. The Master’s pace immediately dropped to a slow jog, his complexion no longer its usual smooth marble. With a delicate finger Belle traced the heated blush that had crept up his skin, the sensation so foreign as his lips parted in deep exhausted pants. Her cold monster was running hot.
That never happened before, did it now?
Looking back ahead she noticed where they were heading; the Le Comte estate. Which confused her. Why would the Master seek out human interaction, especially now as they were being hunted? Why was he leading them here? Quietly she wrapped her hands more tightly around his vest, the cold biting harshly into their clothes. Perhaps he just wanted to hide out here. Use the presence of humans as a distraction.
But it wasn’t that.
The Master leaped over the small straightshorn bushes and hedges, the garden a pretty geometric pattern of white, before he slowed his pace even more. His long legs stepped onto the main path that led up to the..front door. The front door. He was moving to the front door.
Staring in bewilderment at the Master she wondered if he was as possessed as that weird deer they had seen moments earlier.
‘Master..’ She squeaked, pulling on his vest as he kept heading straight for the door. ‘Master what are you..’
A lacky appeared, opening the door for them, eyes looking down on their slightly disheveled attire and blushing cheeks. He raised his eyebrows, but the Master was quick to respond, lips curling in an apologetic smile. ‘Apologies for being late.’ The Master slowly settled Belle down, her eyes immediately flitting back to the forest - but no movement was seen. ‘I’m afraid the poor lady sprained her ankle and..’ He babbled on, but Belle didn’t listen, her eyes keeping a razor sharp focus on the treeline.
Why had he taken them here? And why were they .. “late”? What did he know, that she didn’t?
‘But of course.’ The lackey smiled, feet stepping back to make way for them to enter, his arm gesturing into the left direction, where the grand hall was situated. ‘They just got started.’ And with that Belle and the Master let out a soft sigh, the heavy front door being closed behind them with a firm shudder.
“O, my offense is rank, it smells to heaven;
It hath the primal eldest curse upon ’t,
A brother’s murder. Pray can I not,
Though inclination be as sharp as will.
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent,
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin
And both neglect.
What if this cursèd hand
Were thicker than itself with brother’s blood?”
The new king spoke after his counselor wished to discuss the matter of his late brother’s sudden demise.
Belle turned in her seat as the Master let out a small cough, eyes wishing to look away from the mouse trap and broom stick, who played rather convincing roles as King Claudius and Polonius. After years of begging, his staff had finally managed to get the Master to sit down and watch, the Hamlet play now being performed in full for the both of them.
With tender fingers Belle brushed over his hand, but his eyes once again evaded hers, his gaze instead turned to their entwined hands.
‘What is it?’ She asked softly, the scene now changing as more characters entered the stage.
‘A good play’s all.’ He curled his lips, but the smile didn’t shine in his eyes.
‘Can we continue m’lady?’ Hamlet asked.
Belle raised her finger, requesting a moment, eyes searching the Master’s frowning appearance.
‘Tis fine.’ He shook his head, eyes finally looking back at Belle. ‘Truly. Do continue.’
A brother’s blood. Only as they now walked through the hallways of the Le Comte estate, did the similarities click in Belle’s brain. She knew he was a Le Comte. But as they passed by a few stately portraits, the features were uncanningly close to his. It was near frightening.
Their arms entangled as they made way to the grand hall, where loud roars and cheers erupted from what appeared to be a large crowd. It made for a perfect, quiet entrance, as all attention was aimed at a pale skinned lady that stood in the middle of the hall, arms raised high in the air. ‘...His bed is unslept. I fear..he was taken as well.’
The crowd started shouting again, before another woman stepped in, her appearance easily recognised by the Master, whose breath choked. The woman he saved from the fire.
‘NO! SAY NO LIES!’ She spoke, breaking through the loud ruckus. ‘Me and my children were SAVED, not stolen!’ She roared, her eyes shooting bloody murder at the man who had stoked the disquiet with such disdain. He huffed as two more men stepped in to pull him back into the crowd.  
‘YOU!!!’ A new voice boomed through the air as people were roughly shoved aside, their loud yips and groans following the path that was cleared through the crowd. An enraged man had worked his way to the centre of the mass of people, dark hair hanging before his face. With a loud groan he straightened his back, broad shoulders squaring as a hand rearranged his hair. It took everyone by surprise to see who this wild man was.
‘Do you not see?!’ Ismael snarled angrily, the whole room gasping as they slowly took note of the terribly disheveled state of their Grandmaster. His eyes were bloodshot and veins were drawn blue on his pale skin. ‘HE’S HERE!’ And with that he pointed at the back of the crowd, straight at Belle and the Master.
Instinctively the Master grasped for Belle’s arm to pull her back, but she was ahead of him, feet stepping forward as she spread her arms wide, shielding him instead.
In seconds the whole room was staring at her..and the unfamiliar man behind her.
‘Leave him be, Ismael.’ She bit, her lower lip trembling as the whispers started again.
‘Is that Belle?’ - ‘Wasn’t she dead?’ - ‘Who’s that?’ - ‘Where’s the monster?’
Belle swallowed harshly as a new, wide path was created by the people, a lane of emptiness stretching out between her and Ismael’s feet.
‘Or what..pretty Belle?’ Ismael tilted his head, hands folding behind his back as he straightened his shoulders, returning to his usual haughty upright. ‘Are you going to run again?’ He taunted.
The Master snapped his eyes at the taunting smile of Ismael, lips wishing to curl up in a snarl, tongue already flaking out to ...to..He licked his lips again, then more specifically his teeth. Tooth after smooth tooth, they were all there. But different. Furrowing his brow he now realised why he had felt so out of breath in the forest. He was..he was..
With slow, measured steps the young Grandmaster started his way to Belle and the Master, chin tilted upwards and red burning eyes telling of the hellfire he had come walking from. He looked like a dead man walking, jaw tight and eyes deep in their sockets. Positively sickly.
As he slowly narrowed the space until there was just a few feet between them, he quirked his head again. The movement felt so unnatural. Almost as if he was possessed. The Master felt a shiver run down his spine, the worst of his nightmares coming true.
History repeats. History repeats. History repeats.
Belle didn’t notice him. Her eyes were instead transfixed on the strange being that Ismael had become. His nose inhaled, as if he had just stepped outside and the flowers were abloom, his lips curling in an empty smile.
It clicked in her head. This was exactly like the Master had been when she had just met him. Strange. Inhuman. Obsessed with smell. He was one too. Ismael was one too. And from the looks of it he had some trouble hunting, his skin as deadly pale as the Master’s had been after the long week without feeding. She had to run. To get away. To…looking around she saw all the people. Gruff bakers, butchers and clergymen, all staring at her with bafflement. They probably still thought she had something to do with the curse. No. She shouldn’t run. Not this time.
‘Looks like I’m not running.’ Belle finally spoke, the words escaping with a pent up little sigh from her chest. The crowds had gone quiet, whispers finally silenced, as none wanted to miss a single word.
‘We should go.’ The Master’s fingers melted around her waist, begging for her attention. But from the way she swatted away his hand, he knew that she was a lost cause. And he understood. Ismael had taken everything from her. From the night at the feast, where he chased her until bloody and broken. To the condemnation of her father, who now lay cold in the ground. And then there was the here and now. He was chasing her again. Wishing to take away what little she possessed.
Her sweet rose.
There was little the Master could do, his limbs heavy and feet nailed to the ground. The whole world seemed slow. Dull. Strange. He had lost it. He must have lost it. And now all he could do was hope that Ismael would make a mistake. Make the people turn against him. He did look sickly after all.
‘Did you take something that was not yours, milord?’ Belle cocked her eyebrow at Ismael, her pretty face a mask of calmth.
For a moment the Grandmaster didn’t seem to respond, death staring in his empty eyes. Or perhaps it was hunger. The Master knew that sensation all too well. He had been there. He had smelled the rich delight of fresh blood, he had heard the loud beating of a hundred hearts around him. To remain calm and composed in such a moment, was near impossible.
And so it was.
The young Grandmaster awoke from his contemplation, lips pulling back in a slip as long fangs were revealed. In a whirl of seconds the whole atmosphere changed and Ismael had chosen his fate. People gasped in shock and feet started to flee in all directions, wishing to get away, whilst others tried to find weapons.
The Master also chose his fate - hoping this would not be the day he’d regain life, only to lose it again so soon. Again he tried to pull Belle away, but she stood her ground, head shaking one solid “no”.
FUCK. Fucking stupid stubborn..stubborn...ARGH! His mind reeled at the sight of his Belle, her eyes feraly staring back in Ismael’s vampiric gaze. It both alarmed and aroused him.
Oh..Why after a long life of unmeasured strength, did the Gods choose for him to be weak as of right now?!
With widened eyes he sprinted off to a fireplace close-by, hands grabbing for a hot poker that lay abandoned in the roaring fire, feet evading the many people who ran to and fro in a messy hurry.
In the meantime Ismael had lunged forward, closing the distance between him and Belle, evil hands grasping at her face and hair, wishing to pull her jaw aside so he could go in for a taste. But Belle was fierce and headstrong. And definitely not afraid. With stomping feet and gritting teeth she fought back, nails digging into whatever facial feature she could reach - hopefully Ismael’s eyes.
And it wasn’t just the people that had started to become restless. Also the room itself seemed to fill with a certain disquiet. Windows trembled, before finally they swung open, long curtains drifting high in the wind. It was something out of a beautiful horror story, the vampire trying to sink his fangs in buttery skin, as long streams of heavy red velvet danced on the icy winds. Like blood. Flowing. Dancing. Licking.
Too busy with the struggle with Belle - and her smell - Ismael had lost sight of the Master as he hurled himself at his fellow vampire. Near ready to strike his fangs into her porcelain skin, a loud cry erupted from his lips instead.
The Master appeared from behind Ismael, the hot poker shoved mercilessly between cold ribs, aiming true. A vampire may be strong. But not invincible. And so as daylight lay dust to Ismael’s skin and blood bubbled on his screaming lips, Ismael let go off his tasty snack, poor Belle dropping in surprise from the dying vampire’s grasp. Anguish shrilled through the air as the monster yelped in pain, the hot iron firing straight through his icy heart. Ending his reign of terror. Ending his attempts at pouring poison on the lives around him.
For a long moment the world seemed to have gone mute. The people gawked at the heap of limbs and bubbling, foaming blood that dripped onto the stone, their young Grandmaster no more. And the wind continued to blow, though now far less menacingly, the heavy velvets drifting aimlessly through the curious crowd.
In a mere few weeks the people had lost not one, but two Grandmasters. And how! The first one drowned in his own bile. And the other? The other was a monster...a monster! And a dead one at that, his crimson lifeblood now seeping slowly onto the floor as slow whispers started to travel through the crowd.
Things started to click for the people as well. Gaps were being filled and questions answered.
Ismael had been the beast! It made sense! As of late he had been acting strange. In fact..vile! He had spoken in strange tongues, spat his wine at guests, gnarled like a wolf and roared like a storm. And before that he had lead his people in the wrong way on multiple occasions, the most vivid memory being that of the night of the fires.
And as the whispers circulated, the saved woman from the fires stepped forward again, hands pushing aside the crowds to get to Belle and the Master.
‘TIS YOU!’ The woman cried, her arms instinctively wrapping around his shocked frame. ‘Tis you. OH may God be with ye good lord.’ She looked up from her tight embrace, eyes watering. ‘You saved us.’ The Master swallowed awkwardly, not sure how to respond. He hadn’t been hugged by a stranger in..well..literally centuries.
‘Twas you who grabbed us from the fire, no?’ The woman then asked, realising she might be mistaken. Slowly the Master nodded, blue eyes looking down at her blushing face. ‘It was..I. Yes.’
‘OH blessed be!’ She exclaimed, her next attempt at hugging failing as a new person entered the little get together.
The fayen woman with the raven hair.
Her piercing blue eyes studied the Master as she pushed aside the last of the men who were standing in her way, her lips falling apart in a gasp of exaggerated surprise.
‘MY SON!’ She exclaimed, confusing the Master even more as he immediately recognised her as Morgana.
She was no woman! She was a witch!
Searching for Belle, he quickly pulled her into his side, her large brown eyes looking between him and Morgana to realise that he knew this strange vixenous woman. Fighting away from his grip yet again she stepped forward, brows furrowing as her finger pointed out at the Master’s “mother”.
‘You are his mother? You?!’ Her eyes lit with fire, and Morgana looked in amazement at the fierce little thing.
‘And who might you be?’ Morgana asked, her head quirking in bemusement.
Belle lowered her finger and balled both hands into fists, tongue flaking over her bottom lip. She had to try her best not to fly into the woman’s hair at once.
‘The one who didn’t abandon him.’ She growled.
Morgana smiled, then looked back at the Master. ‘Tis true then. You have returned from the dead and I embrace you warmly.’ She swiped past belle and hugged the Master, long neck stretching as she reached her lips out to whisper in the shell of his ear. ‘What sweet rose you bring.’
Belle watched in bafflement as the devious devil woman let out a theatrical shrill of joy, fingers tracing over her “son’s” cheek. ‘I lose one son, but welcome back another. What cruel faith this day brings. But oh, how joyous am I to embrace you again. You see..Such tragedies have befallen us…’ Slowly she disentangled her branchlike fingers from the Master’s mane, her attention now aimed back at the crowd.
‘..but no more!’ Her eyes trailed to the heap of limbs that had been Ismael - his mouth foaming with blood. ‘Today the tragedies end. And I say we celebrate!’
It was like time hadn’t passed. Like Belle was again at that party a few months prior, the whole village cheering and dancing because the beast was gone. And yet, everything was different now. Looking to her left it was not her father she saw. It was the Master, his eyes giving her a sympathetic smile as he listened to an endless stream of words that erupted from the woman he had saved from that fire.
And looking to her right, to the hallway where she had ran off the last time, there was again a light trail of blood - though this time it was Ismael’s blood, not hers.
She hadn’t felt like dancing then. And she most definitely didn’t feel like dancing now.
Even as the villagers deemed her and her handsome saviour as trustworthy, welcoming them with pats on the shoulder and small smiles, the atmosphere felt off. Like..something lingered here still. But maybe that was also just her projection. Her not daring to believe that it was over. Done. The happy end. Book closed.
Finally, the woman from the fires was pulled away for a dance, leaving the Master’s arms open for Belle to slide into, their feet not opting to dance, but to stay, her head leaning into his warm chest.
Warm..chest. Wait…
Settling back a little, Belle looked back up at the Master. In all the fuss and stress, she hadn’t noticed what he had noticed. Hesitantly brushing her finger over his cheek she could feel the gentle warmth that spread there. She could smell him. He had a smell about him. Which was both new, and refreshingly nice. The Master’s lips curled in a careful smile, allowing her to study his changed appearance, fingers touching and eyes studying.
And then, finally, her finger moved to the corner of his lip, her eyes searching his for confirmation before she carefully pulled it up. A gasp escaped her rosy lips.
‘It’s done.’ The Master nodded, his smile growing.
‘But..how?’ Belle frowned, the question remaining unanswered as the raven haired lady returned. Her sly act of motherly warmth not yet dropped as she procured a scarlet rose from her long sleeve, the crowd around them now starting a dance circle. People smiled, feet jumped, patterns whirled and the music whipped. But Belle, the Master and Morgana had little eye for them, as the three of them shared looks.
‘I beg you forgive me for our logy meeting, earlier.’ Morgana curtsied. ‘I do speak in honesty when I say you must be the most beautiful of the land. And, I understand wholeheartedly why my son has taken a liking to you.’ Her lips curled in a smile, but jealousy laced her words. Then, with a controlled force, she offered the rose to Belle, the poor girl yelping in surprise and pain. Its jaggedy thorns ripped through her palm, hot blood oozing from the wound.
‘Ai!’ Morgana expressed, not half as surprised as it was probably foul play from the start. With fascinated blues she watched as the Master grasped for Belle’s hand, soft lips kissing and soothing where it ached, the rose falling discarded on the ground.
So it was true. The curse was lifted.
With a wry smile she looked at the rose as it fell to the ground, blood glistening on its petals.
Too bad that..
‘What is this sorcery?’ The Master whispered through gritted teeth, his dark gaze aimed at her, disturbing her thoughts. Morgana chuckled, then shrugged her shoulders. Sorcery? Did he mean the curse she had lain on him? The deer she had sent his way? Or the ..rose?
Just as the thought whirled through the branches of her wicked brain, she watched as Belle started to wobble, her hands grasping for the Master’s chest as dainty legs gave way. Such a loss. Such a pretty girl.
Too pretty.
With a theatrical gasp Morgana watched as the Master caught Belle in his arms, her body hanging limp like a sleeping corpse.
Much better.
With Belle held in a tight embrace and tears brimming in the corners of his eyes, the Master looked back up at Morgana. The question he posed earlier couldn’t have had a better timing, Morgana mused.
‘Tis love.’ Morgana sighed, making the Master cry out in anguish.
Nothing could ever end well, could it? One moment he regained life. Only to lose it again a moment later. Feeling up Belle’s throat her heartbeat was but a whisper, face calm and restful like she was in a deadly sleep.
‘Hahahahaha.’ A sudden burst of laughter erupted from Morgana’s cherry lips, making the Master’s anguish greater. ‘Oh hush..my son.’ She taunted, then sighed. ‘I just required proof, ‘s all.’
The Master blinked in horror at the wicked witch. The whole world seemed to be unwilling to see what a grievous bitch she was. SHE was the monster. And she made her lair wherever and whenever it suited her. With a snap of her claw-like fingers she could enchant any and every man and woman. She did as she pleased. But he wasn’t sure why. Was she truly vile? Or had she good reason?
‘Proof of what?’ He bit through his tears.
‘Hmm..you know..what.’ Morgana gave him a cold stare, the laughter of seconds earlier melted away, making place for her true nature. With a click of her tongue she eyed Belle. So pale. So frail. So cold. ‘So..very pretty.’ She tutted.
It was then he had enough. With a careful bow he laid Belle to the ground, eyes having a hard time to break away from his dying love. ‘You killed her.’ He whimpered.
‘Well. Then bring her back.’ Morgana also lowered to her knees, head tilting in fascination as the Master’s watery pools of misery looked at her.
And the people? They continued to dance. Like enchanted. No. Possessed.
With a long sniff of the nose, the Master retraced his finger over Belle’s cheek, her heartbeat no longer to be found beneath her marble skin.
‘No..’ He trembled. ‘No please. Please Belle.’ Anguish tore through his breaking heart, his next movement rash and unpredicted. With a deadly force he picked and pushed the rose into Morgana’s chest, its sharp thorns cutting like knives into her pale skin.
‘You keep your vileness...mother!’ He spat.
In the initial wave of shock Morgana couldn’t help but laugh, the irony not lost on her before her laughter too died. With awkward sputters of her luscious lips she reached for slurred words, that were hard to hear even if you leaned in real close. ‘Tcan’t be.’ And with that she sank to the ground too, her face melting into one of eternal sleep.
So lost in his pain and tears, the Master did not notice how the people around him were unleashed from their magical chain, the whole world sighing with relief as the witch had been defeated.
No, all the Master could do was cry. His lips whispering wordlessly, he begged for Belle to come back. With rubbing hands he wished to warm her skin, wake her. But curses were evil. Hard to break.
Was she truly dead?
After centuries of agony he found his love, only to lose it by the prick of a fucking ROSE?! ARGH!! NO! No...no…
‘Belle..’ He begged, his hands lifting up her sleeping form, wishing to keep her as close to his shattered heart as he could.
‘Tis a witch!’ A voice cried behind him, making the angry anguish burn up in his chest. But when he looked up, he noticed what he had not noticed earlier. The body of Morgana was now no longer of lady-like form. Twisted and evil, skin wrinkly and warted, she looked as picture book perfect a description of a witch. Cursed by her own trappings, it had caused her demise.
More voices erupted from the disenchanted crowd, people rushing to come to aid, hands pulling away Morgana’s corpse to get to Belle.
Blinking away some of his tears, the Master looked back down at Belle. With a tender brush of love he kissed her cooling lips finally, one last time.
The poisoned rose crumpled and a clock rang.
It was a tale as old as time.
A tune as old as song.
For centuries he had felt the long minutes melt into hours. Into days. Into aggravating months, years, a lifetime. But time reminded him also of how precious it was. Or had been. The lone years had been forgotten so simply when he stood there one day in the forest, only to hear a sweet voice tinkle through the trees. For a moment he did not exist. He was like a bird on the branches. He watched her as she spoke, rosy lips curling in one of those dream-haunting smiles.
That day he finally reinstalled that darn mirror in the hall. Just one mirror. The rest still locked and stocked away. One mirror to remind him that he existed. That he was no ghost. He was real.
That day he looked upon his form for the first time in centuries. Sharp and pale. Fanged and broken.
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Without fail he would listen to her then everyday. He would re-read her words in his lair. He’d even go out and trade with merchants far and wide to retrieve as many copies of her book as he could get his hands on; he would have them all if he could. At some point they stacked up high in his room, alongside the many other books he had read in hope that he would learn more about the female heart...and soul.
His every waking hour - which were many - was invested in learning. Reading. Reclaiming what little hold he had of life. Belle was his anchor, his lifeline. She brought a fickle sliver of hope back in his lonely days. She brought him a soul.
Certain as the sun
Rising in the East
‘Please..’ A finger grazed up his cheek.Two large brown eyes looked up into his tear bleeding eyes and he wondered if he was dreaming, his eyes starting to blink furiously, but the eyes before him remained. What..? OH! OH my! She is awake! With a tremble of his lips he felt his dying heart revived, her lips curling a sleepy smile.
‘Anything Belle.’ He smiled in disbelief. She sniffled, still slightly hazed, before pulling his hand to her thigh, making his cheeks flush in mild embarrassment.
‘Belle..we are..’ He wished to alarm her of their audience, to which some people chuckled, whispers erupting in the crowd. It had always been a weird girl, that Belle.
And then the Master realised what she wanted him to find; his fingers felt the outlines of the book beneath her skirts. Of course. The book. He smiled and reached down her pockets - receiving some silent gasps from the crowd - before retrieving it. The people laughed even louder. Oh! And Belle and her books!! Oh, Belle!
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
‘You want me to read?’ The master chuckled.
‘No.’ She slowly shook her head and smiled. ‘Twas just that I was right.’
Beauty and the Beast
Church bells rang in the morning air, but for once they did not hurt the Master’s ears. In fact, he couldn’t imagine a more welcoming sound at this very moment. With sure strides he walked down the path, the crowding numbers on the square indicating just how packed the chapel had to be. Their faces smiled, and napkins waved in the air, as people wished to bestow gifts and well-wishes. But they would have to save that for later. With a practised, but well-felt smile, their new Grandmaster thanked them, his cheeks glowing with a thrilling buzz.
Before him the large wooden doors to the chapel arose behind side-stepping people, the path to his future cleared as the January sun warmed the back of his tailcoat.
Outside a grumpy old man awaited him, hand folded around his hip as beady eyes peered from beneath thick grey eyebrows. He smelled of wood and grime. ‘Twas about time!’ The man grumbled, tilting his head, gesturing the Master to step inside. ‘Thank you..grandfather time.’ The Master chuckled, offering the man a teasing wink before finally stepping inside.
‘Okay..GO GO GO.’ Lumiere’s wig bounced somewhere at the altar, the small man quick to spur the little orchestra into motion, a soft music warming from their strings and bells.
The Master smiled, halting his steps to allow his ever chaotic staff a moment to get a hold of the situation. They were still not entirely used to their regained human form, but the gladness did beam off their glowing cheeks.
And then, with a grounding breath, the Master prepared himself for the first day of the rest of his life.
It was time, indeed.
‘Are you catching up with that?’ Belle sniffled after their staff left the room. Soft candles casted a soft glow around their shared bedroom, a fire burning in the hearth.
‘What is that..wife?’ His smile grew even wider, making Belle chuckle. Without further ado the Master stripped himself of his shirt, the planes of skin and hair underneath unveiling a new life. Like Adam stood before Eve, he stood before Belle, her appreciative eyes travelling a long way down his muscular physique. A very naked physique. He had changed so little, and yet so dramatically. The shapes were the same. But the touch was different. He was no longer hard and marble, but soft and warm.
Though not soft, mushy soft. He made sure to flex his muscles teasingly as she looked back up his large biceps.
‘Very well..HUSBAND.’ Belle grinned and got up from the bed, her long hair falling in soft brown waves over her night gown. ‘I’m just saying that you haven’t stopped smiling since.-’
‘You.’ The master interjected.
The both of them laughed.
‘Ai.. Henry.’ His name still tasted so new and sweet on her lips as he had only dared to share it so recently. But he could keep no secrets from her. No more. They now shared everything. Heart, mind..soul.
‘Tis so.’ She smiled, breaking through his thoughts with a brush of her gentle fingers, Cupid’s wings fluttering in his heart.  
And with that they kissed sweetly, until death did them part.
The End.
Roll-credits reading music: Le Sextet à Claques - Laryngo-rhino-phraryngite
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General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​  @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly​ @elinesama​
Vampire!Henry Tagsquad: @i-cant-remember-my-old-login @wednesdaybraids @othersideofforty @starstruckkittyangel​ @strangerliaa​ @omgkatinka​  
If you want to be added to or removed from my tag lists, shoot me a message!
Final author’s note: Thanks for reading my loves! Are you feeling the post fic reading buzz/blues? Here’s a few things to keep you entertained: 
Listen to The Monster’s Lair Playlist
Check out my vampy mood blurb that inspired this fic
Read the original version of Beauty and the Beast: Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche
Make Lumière proud and read some Hamlet by ye good ol’ Shakespeare
Read another vampire!Henry long fic: @viking-raider​‘s Fangs Deep
51 notes · View notes
bouwrites · 4 years
Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream: Chapter 8
Tonight I swear I’d sell my soul to be a hero for you.
First, Previous, Next. Ao3.
Story under read-more.
“Marinette?” Jon calls blindly into the apartment as he examines the note in his hands.
“What?” Marinette appears from the hallway. “What’s up?”
“Can you, like, convert this for me?”
Marinette furrows her brow. When Jon hands her the paper and she catches sight of what’s on it, she sighs heavily and rolls her eyes. “I don’t know American measurements. Just use what it says, you baby.” She says. Jon takes a step forward when she taps his shoulder so that she can squeeze past him and approach one of the cabinets. From which she pulls out a scale. Oh. I didn’t know we had that. Right behind the scale is some spoons from a drawer. “The butter is measured on the packaging. These measure mililiters. Everything else, use this like a normal person.”
“The butter is measured by tablespoons, not- oh, wait, no, I see it now.” Jon frowns at the stick of butter in his hands. “This is so much math.”
Marinette snorts and rolls her eyes again. “Americans. What are you making a cake for, anyway?”
“You remember Tamias?”
“From your speech class?”
“Yeah! His birthday’s coming up. David is freaking out over it, so we’re all pitching in to throw him a party.”
“Hernandez? We worked together on a few projects. Massive crush on Tamias. Like, he’s adorable.”
“Oh, the one that got us into that debate about Harry Potter for like three hours.”
Jon snickers. “Yeah, that’s him.”
Jon can feel Marinette’s eyes on him as he gathers everything he needs to make the cake. He would think that having a baker’s daughter watching him bake would be reassuring, but to be perfectly honest? It’s not. It’s kind of terrifying. “Do you know what you’re doing?” Marinette asks.
“I’ve made cake before, Marinette.” Jon rolls his eyes. “And I cook for us half the time. Do you really have so little faith in me?”
Marinette just fixes him with a flat look and asks, “Do you want me to help?”
Jon maintains that he can do it on his own. Still, he wants the cake to be as good as it can be, and Marinette can be considered somewhat of an expert on the subject. And David wants everything to be perfect so he will get on Jon’s case if he finds out a baker’s daughter offered to help and he turned it down. So, Jon sets down the recipe and quietly says, “Yes, please.”
Marinette giggles. It’s an angelic sound Jon really should appreciate more. “Okay, move over.” She quickly grabs one of the bowls and starts throwing ingredients in without measuring a thing. “And for the record, you can do it alone. It’s just going to be better if I help.”
Jon opens his mouth to protest but ends up just groaning. “Yeah, that’s fair. Thanks, Marinette.”
“No problem. I need a distraction, anyway.”
“Oh, really?” Jon asks, picking up the bowl of sugar and butter to cream it together while Marinette flits around him to grab something he missed. They don’t have a stand mixer, mostly because they hardly have space for their coffee maker if they still want to use the countertops, but his muscles are good for something. “Studying?”
Marinette pauses. “Something like that.” She says. “So, when’s this party?”
Jon frowns at her behavior but, ultimately, if she doesn’t want to share, she doesn’t need to. She’ll tell him if it’s any of his business. “Saturday. You want to come? No one would mind.”
Marinette hums for a moment. “No, thank you. I’m just going to get a head start on studying for finals.”
He shrugs. “Probably a good idea. We’ve got real dumb shenanigans planned to set up David and Tamias and you are probably smart for not being there, honestly.”
“Oh, god.” Marinette mutters. “Alya used to pull some of the most convoluted plans to set me up with Adrien before we got together. I don’t even want to imagine what a boy’s version of that is.”
Jon can’t help laughing at the disgusted look on her face. “When David’s involved?” He says. “You really don’t.”
Predictably, David ends up setting the curtains on fire. It’s not his fault, of course, but it happens anyway. Their other friend, Mason (the most reasonable one, including Jon), gets $20 from each of them, though it’s Jon who actually puts the fire out. With a small fire extinguisher that Mason brings. Because he totally calls it.
Truth be told, Jon isn’t exactly close with anyone there. He meets most of them through projects or each other and sort of falls into this group by accident. He spends much more time with Marinette than with other NYU students. Partly because, now, anyway, he doesn’t have to hide around her. He doesn’t have to worry about small feats that normal people aren’t able to do. Too casually moving furniture, or forgetting to put on an oven mitt and not burning himself. And partly because when David does anything outside of his field of expertise, something ends up on fire or otherwise destroyed.
Actually, now that he thinks about it, it’s usually because of his area of expertise.
Today’s explanation boils down to “mood lighting.” Jesse is their lookout while David insists everyone light candles to “set the mood” so he can pull Tamias into the room later and ask him out. Luckily, they don’t get very far. Unfortunately, the reason they don’t get far is because David “I can make a chandelier in five minutes” Hernandez thinks duct tape, a prayer, and a bunch of random things he finds in his bedroom can make a cute chandelier.
It’s more about if he can than if he should. Jon gives Mason the twenty bucks while David is taping his creation to the ceiling fan. In hindsight, he should not have had faith that David would pull off the night without injuring something.
Anyway, the chandelier, surprisingly, works. The problem comes when he puts candles up there and takes a look at it and says, “This was a really dumb waste of time, wasn’t it?” And, to be fair, it is hideous, all wire and tape, so it’s not exactly the mood-setter he hopes for. David reaches up to take it down again, and that’s when everything goes wrong. He slips, lit candles fly everywhere, there’s wax on the floor, a curtain is catching fire, and Jon is already pulling out the fire extinguisher.
On the bright side, Tamias comes in, sees David wincing and holding his head, and rushes to his side to fuss over him. Mason ushers everyone else out of the room, leaving David with Tamias and a wink.
While they wait for the lovebirds to come back out, they make an obstacle course for David’s cat. And David. There’s a lot of tape involved. Jon mostly watches, since he feels weird setting up all this in David’s home, but the others are a lot closer to him and they don’t hesitate a moment. Apparently, this is normal.
Note to self, Jon thinks, never let them in your apartment.
Jon shakes his head. He has drunk before, but he can’t get drunk unless his powers are inhibited somehow, and alcohol tastes terrible, so he doesn’t see the point. It’s not a bad thing. He actually counts it as a blessing because if he could get drunk, he would be ardently against it. He does not want to see anyone with his kind of powers inebriated. That’s just asking for trouble.
Not to mention he’s technically still underaged. Marinette’s old enough, though, this year, as is Mason. No one thinks much about it when everyone’s in college together.
“You figure out your major yet?” Mason asks, making himself comfortable on the couch next to him.
“Nope.” Jon answers.
“Seriously? We pick classes like next week, dude. You going another semester undeclared?”
“Might have to.”
Jesse leans over the back of the sofa to say, “You were on that whole moral ideals thing a while ago. Why not study ethics or something?”
Jon has considered studying ethics, but that has always been just a joke. He can’t imagine himself having fun in ethics. “Because I know an ethics major.” Jon says with a snort.
“Ha! True. You could do, like… geology. Or archeology. I don’t know why; I see you digging.”
“That’s because I grew up on a farm.”
“Oh, right.” Jesse whispers. “Was that racist?”
Jon looks at Jesse for a moment. “…No. It’s not a bad idea, though.” He takes a moment to ponder those options. He would do well in archeology. Finding old things from past civilizations, learning about what they were for and the people that used them… it’s a good idea.
Ethics is too subjective. There are no real answers, so every argument will always end up circling around itself until everyone is infuriated. Especially Jon. Especially with him having been a hero. And maybe he really just doesn’t want to be told that he has to be a hero to be a good person. He’s starting to believe he doesn’t, just a little, thanks to the Girod, and he’s not risking diving into ethics and having that crisis again.
That said, one of Jon’s leading options has always been studying people. Politics or sociology or something in that vein. Archeology, or maybe broader, anthropology, might be exactly what he’s looking for. To study cultures and civilization, to learn about the dominant race on Earth in a way he’ll never understand Kryptonians. It’s a little exciting, when he thinks about it. And it’s funny – the alien studying humans. Jon will get a giggle out of that for a long time. “I could do anthropology.”
Mason hums. “I can see that for you. Cultural anthropology sounds like your jam, to be honest.”
Jon laughs somewhat awkwardly. It’s true, but he honestly didn’t think Mason knows him well enough to tell. Maybe he’s just that transparent. He can buy that. Despite how much he hides about his identity and abilities, he’s not exactly an enigma. He’s certainly no Damian. “You think?”
“Worth looking into.” Mason shrugs. “You’re running out of time, dude.”
“Yeah, good point.” Jon makes a face. “I’ll have to look into it.”
David and Tamias stumble out of Mason and Jesse’s makeshift hallway obstacle course, the former glaring and the latter giggling awkwardly. Everyone watches David expectantly, but they get a curt shake of his head and it’s all they can do to stop themselves from groaning. Maybe next time. At least Tamias is having fun.
The more Jon looks into it, the more appealing the option is. Or maybe it’s just because he needs to sign up for classes and any direction is a godsend.
He likes the idea of anthropology. It’s a grab bag of history, culture, human behavior, even biology if he wants to go in that direction, and to a lesser extent all the myriad specializations that go into the entirety of human history, which is basically all of them. Maybe he can even learn a bit about fashion history and surprise Marinette. Extant garments from history count under the sphere of anthropology, Jon thinks, so it isn’t impossible.
Actually, that’d be pretty interesting. If Marinette has taught me anything about clothes, it’s that they can tell you a lot about the people who wear them. I wonder how much we can learn about a culture just from its clothes.
And I wonder if anything I learn studying this could be applied to Krypton, too. That would be interesting.
Jon talks to Marinette about it, and then Damian, and then his parents, and every one of them is supportive of this direction for him. Granted, all of them boil down to, “If that’s what you want to do,” but still. Aunt Kara gets a big laugh at the idea, and then gets really excited about it, and Jon can’t help but wonder if she’s just supporting him in that odd, exuberant way she does (the way that he’s half-sure she’s only like with him, because she knows it’s a surefire way to make him smile – she’s done that since he was little) or if she gets the idea that he might use the techniques and methods he learns studying humans and turn his gaze back to Krypton. Maybe they can recover even a little of that lost culture that even Aunt Kara can’t hold onto.
Jon’s not against the idea, he just doesn’t want her to get her hopes up. As neat as it would be, Jon still doesn’t know how he would even start, much less whether he wants to. It’s just… an academic interest. Because he’s one of very few people with that option available to him. A path mapped by curiosity, not passion. Maybe that will change if Jon starts down it, but only God knows the future.
But once he talks to the ones he’s closest to, he talks to the boys again, mostly for reassurance, and then he talks to his advisor and all of a sudden things start happening a little too quickly
All at once he’s signing up for classes and running around to turn in forms to their proper places all without time to really think about what he’s doing. Fair enough, he supposes, once he has time to breathe again. He’s been thinking it over for a year and a half, basically. It’s about time something is actually done.
With everything over and done with, Jon sits on the sofa in his living room, leans back to stare at the ceiling, and smiles. He’s not certain he’s making the right choice, he’s not sure that this is definitely, one hundred percent the thing he wants to spend his time doing, but he’s finally taken that first step in a direction. Finally, the crossroads ahead of him has become a path, and even if it’s not the best path for him, it’s still a direction. That’s a lot less scary.
It’s not like he’s locked in place, anyway. He might be a bit locked into his major soon, if how quickly his first year (and this semester) goes by says anything about his college experience, but even then, that doesn’t dictate his career. He still has a lot of options; they’re just not swarming all around him. And it’s such a relief.
He sighs there on the couch and feels lighter than he has in a long time. He has focus, direction, something to work towards beyond some vague ideal of normalcy. He’s finding in his attempt to decipher the Girod some Frankenstein of an ethics system that doesn’t necessitate heroism for its own sake, even if deep in his heart he knows he’s crafting it himself and at least to an extent is working backwards from his conclusion, the one that he needs, that he’s not a bad person. (He’s not sure that’s a bad thing, though.) He’s actually excited about the future! For the sheer number of times he’s thought there might not be one, that’s quite an achievement.
And he can’t do this without Marinette. Through all of his floundering, his philosophical musings, his hesitation, his fear and doubt, she’s always right there. Something close enough to normal to matter. A rock that he can float back down to. She’s his tree on the farm, that sits quietly with him as he watches the stars, that holds him up when he’s scared of falling.
It’s been a long time since Jon has just sat down and felt content. When Marinette joins him and they watch a show on the television, Jon can’t help but think how lovely it would be for this to be his normal. If this feeling, this moment, could last forever, Jon would be happy.
Jon gets an unexpected text from Damian during winter break. It’s odd partly because Damian is the kind of person who calls more often than not, partly because Damian is the kind of person who will show up outside Jon’s window in every other situation, and partly because, to Jon’s knowledge, there’s no cause for Damian to contact him at all.
They’re friends, of course, but it would be a massive lie to say they’re the kind of friends who hit each other up just to talk. Neither of them are really that kind of person. Frankly, Jon is a little surprised that they’re still friends now that he isn’t a hero. Sad as it is, he half-expects them to drift apart quickly without them working together all the time.
But however much a text from Damian throws him off, the content is what takes his legs out from under him. It’s a link to a news article, with no additional context. The article is originally in French, but apparently the batcave translated it already so what Damian sends him is helpfully readable.
And Jon feels a little like something is grabbing his heart. Too-cold hands wrapped around it, constricting it, trying their best to mute its beating.
“Mayura Strikes Again,” the headline reads, “Ladybug Returns.”
Ladybug returns. The words echo in his head easily, finding nothing else to disrupt them. His mind is empty except for that one thought. That, and the sickening feeling he has in his gut. “Marinette…”
He scrolls through the article, dread and horror looming over him, drooling on him, sliding down his spine to send shivers all through him. There are pictures. Mayura, Chat Noir, a couple heroes Jon only knows tangentially – they were around before but stopped fairly early on, Marinette tells him their identities were outed – Queen Bee and Viperion, and there in all her glory, Ladybug. Marinette.
She’s older than the last picture of her. Her hair is longer, though Jon knows she’s thinking of cutting it short. She’s wearier, more tired, strangely enough, despite being out of the fight for over a year. Jon thinks it’s what Damian says is going on with him. He’s safe, so he can process everything. It’s hard, and Jon knows Marinette struggles with it too, but that’s why he can’t… He can’t fathom why she’d do this.
No. He can. He knows better than anyone why. There is no other choice but to fight, or so she thinks. Mayura got her Miraculous back somehow, so the battle, Marinette’s old battle, the one she became Ladybug in the first place to fight, is back on. She’s obligated to fight. To finish her duty. It’s her responsibility, and Marinette is, without a doubt, a responsible person. Jon understands, he just… feels betrayed.
It’s stupid to feel this way. She can do whatever she likes. If she wants to become a hero again, or even if she just feels like there’s no other option, then she can. But Jon thought they were in this life, this choice to leave heroism behind them, together. He thought they were working on this as a team, and he can’t help but feel a little like Marinette has guided him onto the field, handed him the football, and left him to face a whole team of linemen on his own.
Not to mention, as much as he hurts for himself, he hurts for her, too. He knows – he might be the only one who knows – how hard it must be for her to decide to fight again. He wonders what pushes her to this point, if Mayura is really so extreme on her own, and he pities her. Jon has been called back to duty more than a few times since he retired, and not just by Damian. He’s always refused. He always tells them that he can’t help them. Marinette is called back, and she answers. Jon doesn’t know if that’s brave or stupid, but either way he knows how she feels, and because he does, he can’t be angry at her. He feels betrayed, confused, and alone, but not angry. All he feels for her is pity. That she is put in an impossible position. He wishes her the best.
And then he turns his attention back to himself. He wonders what might cause him to don the cape again, and he fights the urge to retch. How can she do this? How can she be strong enough to do this? Jon isn’t. He doesn’t think he is, anyway. Just watching her, watching his normal soar over rooftops and beat down the bad guy, is enough to freeze Jon completely. It’s hard to breathe, to think, impossible to move. The very idea of doing that himself is… ridiculous.
Above everything else, though? Above it all, Jon is disappointed. And scared. Is this how his own retirement will end? Will he soon enough face that one call to action that he just can’t refuse? Is he wrong to resist it? Is he truly a coward, selfish, despicable for trying so hard to avoid it? Would refusing that irrefusable call to action be those things?
Jon tries to remember the Girod. Peace, his devotion to non-violence. Imagination, cleverness in finding the non-violent path even when it isn’t obvious. Hope, maintenance in his belief that things can and will be better. Restraint, to never take things too far when they can be resolved more gently. Purity, his ideals cannot be compromised no matter the situation. Justice… Must Justice be sacrificed for the rest of the virtues? Is it simply not possible to uphold them all?
Where is Justice if Mayura creates these monsters and Ladybug does not fight them? Where is justice if someone on the streets of New York cries out for help, and no one comes? Justice is the most difficult of the virtues for Jon to reconcile, and right now… he doesn’t know what to think.
He hates this. He hates everything about this. He hates the look on Ladybug’s face in the video and pictures, hates how disgusted she looks, hates that he’s one of few people who will understand that the look isn’t for the monster, but for herself. He hates that she’s in Paris fighting a battle she wants no part in while he’s on a farm in Hamilton County waiting for the stars to shine. He hates that there’s nothing he can do to help her, to save her from this impossible position she’s in. He hates that that desire itself is a little too close to heroism, and he especially hates the unreasonable panic and nausea that overcomes him.
How awful this entire situation is. How unfair and terrible the fates are to them both. But above all else, Will Marinette be okay?
The situation with Mayura escalates and resolves quickly. Marinette comes back to New York later than she usually does, but still before classes start. If Jon doesn’t know any better, he’d think she’s just more lax because they’re getting used to how college works.
All through break he agonizes over whether to reach out to her. To offer to contact the Justice League for her (pointless, since it’s Damian who tells him about the situation in the first place), to offer anything he can do to help, but every time he touches his phone he feels paralyzed. He doesn’t know what to say, how to approach this, or, really, anything at all.
He ends up not speaking to her much over the break. She doesn’t call him, either, but he supposes she has bigger things to focus on.
But he refuses to let this be a repeat of last year. He will not let this turn them into strangers in their own home again. He won’t allow this to be what breaks them apart. Jon is still friends with Damian. He still has other hero friends. If Marinette has to be a hero, then fine. Jon won’t let this stop them from being friends. Maybe they can’t be everything they thought, maybe things are different and uncertain and scary, but they can be friends at least.
So, when Marinette finally arrives in New York, Jon sits at their little table and waits. It feels almost like he’s preparing for an intervention, and he’s awkward and uncomfortable in that little wooden chair despite the cushion Marinette made for it.
Marinette walks into the living room, sees him, and shrinks in the hallway. “I take it you saw the news.” She says softly.
“I did.” Jon confirms. “Sorry to spring this on you, but you know we have to talk about it.”
Marinette flinches, but nods. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t… they needed me. I didn’t have a choice.”
“You always have a choice, Marinette.” Jon thinks his voice sounds tired, almost dead, but for the way she recoils he’d think he’s vicious. It sends a little pang through him and he closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to watch. “I’m not angry. I’m just… sad.”
“…That’s worse.” Her voice is barely a whisper, but he hears it.
“Look.” He says. “I’m not letting this be last year all over again. I can’t handle that, I don’t think you can handle that, and neither of our grades can handle that either. So, don’t close off from me, okay? I’m not- I’m not angry. I’m not- I’m feeling a lot of things, but nothing at you. If that makes any sense. I just- I want to know. It’s fine if you’re going to keep being a hero. I promise. I’m still friends with all my old hero partners – I don’t have a problem being friends with a hero. Just don’t lie to me, Marinette.” He hears her suck in a hissing breath. “Are you serious about giving it up or not? Because I thought we were in this together, and… And now everything’s different, and I can’t keep doing this, either. If I’m doing this alone, I need to know. It’s fine if I am. That was the original plan, anyway. So, tell me the truth.”
Marinette doesn’t say anything for a too-long moment. Jon opens his eyes to peek at her when he hears the other chair pull out from the table. Marinette sits properly, folding her hands in her lap, and stares at the table between them. “I don’t want to be a hero. I promise, I was honest. I never wanted to fight again. I honestly thought I wouldn’t have to.”
“But you did.”
“I did. I’m sorry. I didn’t see any other option.”
Jon takes a deep breath. “Marinette… the life that I want, it’s non-violent. I’m trying my best to be as pacifist as I can. You inspired that decision. You told me that violence is violence no matter what it’s for. That heroes who fight can’t truly say they stand for peace. I know you’re not me, and I know your… values and ideals are different than mine, but… in the life that you want, is peace something you value?”
“Of course, it is.”
“Then why would you sacrifice that?” Jon sighs, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I- I’m just confused.”
“No. You’re right.” Marinette sniffs a little, and she’s all tension as she glares at the table. “I was… I felt trapped. Like I had no other option. But I did, and there’s no excuse for fighting. If I’d just looked closer, I could have found a way. I should have.”
“You said before that part of the reason you quit being a hero is because you felt trapped.” Jon says. “I think this might be why. At least partly.”
Marinette ducks her head, grimacing. “You’re probably right. But… I have to be honest with you. I am the guardian of the Miraculous. I don’t want to be, but I am. I left the Miracle Box with Chat Noir when I came here, and because I abandoned my responsibilities, nearly all of the Miraculous were stolen, and Paris had to deal with Mayura again.”
“Do you really blame yourself for that?”
“I do.” Marinette says firmly. “It’s my responsibility to look after the Miraculous, and they got stolen because I abandoned them.”
Jon can see how she comes to that conclusion. He doesn’t exactly agree, but her logic isn’t faulty. “So?”
“So, I can’t neglect my duties anymore. If I’m the guardian, I have to act like it. Otherwise, we’ll end up with another tragedy.”
Jon nods slowly. “So, you’re going to keep being Ladybug.” Marinette curls her lip and nods. “And you’re okay with that?”
Jon takes a deep breath. “Marinette… I don’t know what the right thing to do is. I don’t. But I want to see you happy. I don’t want you sacrificing yourself for ‘duty’ or whatever you’re obligated to do. That’s what heroes do, and being heroes has…” He chuckles helplessly. “Well, we left that behind for a reason.”
Marinette furrows her brow, worries her lip, and then sighs slowly. “You’re right. You asked me if I’m serious about giving up Ladybug. Adrien made me promise to be happy.” She takes another deep breath, preparing herself. A single tear escapes her, alarming Jon as it rolls quickly down her cheek. “This is my answer, then. I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng…”
Tikki appears out of nowhere, screeching her protest. “Marinette, don’t!”
“…hereby relinquish the Miracle Box and nam-”
The moment she starts glowing, and Tikki turns a deadly glare to him, it clicks in Jon’s brain what exactly Marinette is doing. He throws the table aside, accidentally tossing it quite a bit further than he intends, and dives to slap his hand over Marinette’s mouth. “Don’t you dare!” Jon growls.
Marinette, stunned speechless and no longer glowing now that her… ceremony, or whatever, is interrupted, levels a glare at him. She pushes him off of her and snaps, “Why not? I’ll never be happy so long as this stupid guardianship has me trapped in this life. No matter what I do, it’ll always be my job to clean up Miraculous messes, whether I want to or not. The only way to live the life that I want is to pass it on and forget it all.”
“But you’re the best Ladybug ever, Marinette!” Tikki protests. “You can’t just give it all up!”
“I already did!” Marinette says. “I already told you I don’t want to be a hero! I love you, Tikki, but you haven’t been paying attention. I’m sorry, but I’m not Ladybug anymore. I haven’t been since I made the decision to come to New York.”
“Don’t ask me to keep doing something I hate, Tikki. Please.”
“But I-” Tikki flinches when she catches herself, and then finally whispers. “Okay. I just want you to be happy.”
“Thank you.” Marinette turns her gaze to Jon. “I expected Tikki to try, but why did you stop me? Don’t you see? This is the other way. This is how I can live peacefully.”
Jon watches her talk to Tikki with an understated anger simmering just beneath his skin, agitated like the surface of the ocean, rippling across his body like liquid. And when she talks to him, he can’t help how his voice raises just a little. “What did I just say?” He asks. “Don’t sacrifice yourself! Like it or not, your memories make you who you are. I’m not letting you throw away so much of your life just because you can’t see a better option! You’re Marinette Dupain-Cheng! You’ll figure out another option. I’ll make another option for you if that’s what it takes! But don’t you dare sacrifice yourself, again, for your stupid ‘duty’ you hear?!”
Marinette and Tikki both are staring wide-eyed at him. Then, all at once, both of them look ashamed of themselves. “You’re right.” Marinette says quietly. “I’m sorry.”
Jon winces. He hates that temper of his. He hates that he gets angry sometimes when he shouldn’t. But Marinette just… giving up. After so much effort put into creating what they’ve found, and so much potential in the future, to just give up now is… “Sorry I yelled.” He says. “But don’t give up on this. Don’t give up hope. We’ll figure it out.”
Marinette nods. It’s uncertain and hesitant, but she does. “I hope so.”
Tag List: @moonystars14 @pawsitivelymiraculous @magic-miraculous @vixen-uchiha @buticaaba @bigpicklebananatree @lozzybowe  @moonlightstar64 @amayakans @theatreandcomicfreak​  @toodaloo-kangaroo​ @too0bsessedformyowngood​ <3
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vintagevalentinex · 4 years
I had this idea for a Castiel/Reader story in my head, and I’ll probably reblog it on Valentine’s Day, but I couldn’t help but post it now.  Special shout out to @icecream-and-winchesters for letting me pick her brain!  This is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff.
@icecream-and-winchesters @crazykins123 @theerinpage @bovaria @abaddonwithyall @ohfora67impala @bkwrm523 @maraisabellegrey @kittenofdoomage @spnfanficpond @aprofoundbondwithdean @castielspahdehrah  @stephizzle94
Title: Valentine Author: vintagevalentinexx Words: ~2800 Pairing: (Castiel x Reader) Warnings: Major FLUFF.
It was that time of year again.  
Being a hunter always made relationships particularly difficult.  The thought of being single and alone was just another part of “the job.”  The hunter life wasn’t typically one you shared with another person and you were quite content with that.  You had made your peace with it a long time ago.
That is, until those tall buffoons stumbled into your life.
You could remember it clearly.  It was a couple of years ago and you were trying to hustle your way through a couple games of pool to get some quick cash.  You saw them as they entered the bar.  They were tall and built strong.  They looked so sure of themselves as they walked over to the bar, ordering as they scanned the room.  You smiled to yourself, thinking they would make two easy marks for some quick cash, with the added bonus of them being easy on the eyes.
After two games of pool (one won by you, the other won by the one with the green eyes), you were starting to realize that maybe these boys were better than you had pegged them to be. I will not be out hustled.  You flashed them a smile, leaning over the pool table, your grin growing wider when you noticed the one with the green eyes couldn’t stop looking at your cleavage.
“So what are your names anyway?  It would be nice to know the names of the guys whose money I’m going to win…”
The man with the green eyes and the other one who was ridiculously tall shared a look, turning their gaze back to you, smirking.  The taller man spoke first.
“Winchester.  I’m Sam, he’s Dean.”  He jerked his head toward his brother.
You gasped in recognition, throwing your pool stick onto the table.  Rolling your eyes you spoke.  “Hunters.  Damn it, I should have known.  I guess we should just call it even then?”
They broke out into laughter and offered you a drink.
You quickly learned how amazing the Winchesters were, however, for you at least, they paled in comparison to the angel of the Lord with the blue eyes. You had tagged along on a simple salt and burn with the brothers (you quickly learned that nothing was simple when it came to the both of them).  It had turned out to be a full on demon swarm that was nearly overpowering the three of you.  You had been knocked onto your ass, flinching for the impact of a blow when you saw an almost blinding light, having to shield your eyes from the intensity.  When you were finally able to open your eyes, you were met with her most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen.  
The moment was ruined when you could hear Sam and Dean screaming for you, breathing a sigh of relief when their gaze fell upon the blue-eyed stranger.
“Cas!  It’s about damn time you got here!  (Y/N) looks like hell!  Fix her up, would ya?”  Dean grumbled.
Cas.  Cas is his name?  How did he get here?  How did he know to get here?
You looked up at “Cas,” his lips quirking into a ghost of a smile as he knelt down to be eye level with you.
“Hello, (Y/N).”
“……umm, hi….”
“I am Castiel.  I am an angel of the Lord.  You can call me ‘Cas.’  That is the name that Sam and Dean have chosen to call me…”
“…ummm okay.”  You cough, your hand covering your mouth.  As you move your hand away from your mouth, you can see that you’ve coughed up some blood.  You let out a bitter snigger.  “I guess that demon got me better than I thought…”
You made to move up when Cas put a hand on your shoulder, keeping you still.  With his other hand he pressed two fingers to your forehead, all of the pain and the aches soothed away with a single touch.  You felt nothing but warmth as your eyes found the blue ones again, feeling the heat coming to your cheeks as Cas helped you to your feet.
“Thank you, Castiel.”
“It is no trouble, (Y/N).”
“Alright lovebirds, stop making goo goo eyes at each other.  Can we go now?”
Dean continued to groan as you felt your cheeks heat up even more, red from your ears to your neck as you stormed out of the abandoned warehouse, shoving past Sam and Dean, who wore matching smirks.  Cas looked on, concerned and curious.
“Dean, is she well?  Does she perhaps have a fever?”
“Nah, man.  She’s got somethin’ else pretty bad though…”  Dean laughed, sharing a knowing look with Sam.
“Should I follow after her?  Perhaps I didn’t heal her completely.”
“It’s something you can’t heal, buddy.”
As you stomped towards the Impala, you couldn’t get those words out of your mind.  It was no trouble.  You smiled a little to yourself as you slid into the backseat of the car.  You didn’t know it at the time, but those four words would become the most beautiful arrangement of letters you’d ever heard.
Cas became more and more of a facet in your life, always seemingly being there whenever you needed help or company.  His visits with the Winchesters became more frequent and seemingly unnecessary.  Dean was starting to get really confused.
Cas why are you here? I thought you called for me. No, man…
Cas…didn’t you just leave like 15 minutes ago? I thought you could use some assistance. With eating? Yes.
Cas…seriously… I am sorry, Dean…I thought that I heard you faintly praying to me… While I’m sitting on the god damn toilet? In retrospect, that seems to have been a mistake…
Dean shuffled into the library in one of the dead man’s robes, finally drinking coffee.  That was definitely not the way he wanted to be woken up on a Monday morning.  Or at all for that matter.  Cas was getting weirder and weirder and damn it if he wasn’t going to find out why.  He rolled his eyes as he saw Cas sitting in the library with Sam, trying to figure something out in the lore.
“Damn it Cas, what has been your problem lately?  You seem real squirrely…”
“I do not know what you are talking about, Dean…and I also do not understand how I could ever resemble a rodent such as a squirrel…”
Dean rolled his eyes, taking another needed swig of coffee.  It was going to be a long day. “Cas…I’m not even going to start with why that makes no sense but—“
“Morning guys!” You called out. You felt quite chipper this morning.  You were getting some of the best sleep you’ve ever had in probably…ever.  You scanned the room, seeing Sam hard at work already, Dean grumping about like he usually did in the morning, and…oh.
“Good morning Cas!”
“Good morning, (Y/N).  I take it you slept well…”
Dean snaps his head to look at the exchange between the both of you with a smug, shit-eating grin on his face.  I get it now…
Loud yelling brings you out of your daydreaming.  You weren’t really excited for today.  You were hoping that the day would go quickly, and that you wouldn’t see any lovey dovey couples, but you knew that your thoughts were futile.
It was Valentine’s Day.
Normally, this wouldn’t bother you at all, but since the appearance of the blue eyed angel, you couldn’t help but let your thoughts constantly drift to him.  From the moment you met him you knew that he was righteous and brave, but over the weeks and months you began to realize how so inherently good he was.  He was a loyal friend, almost to a fault, and would do anything to make sure the ones he cared about were safe.  And at times that included you.  He had saved you a few times over the months and you were infinitely thankful for him in your life.  When Sam and Dean told you more about how Cas basically sacrificed everything he ever knew and cared about in heaven to protect the people on Earth, it blew you away; his selflessness continuing to amaze you.  He was a good man…er…angel…and you hoped someday that you could have someone in your life that could be even a fraction as good as he was.
You sighed heavily, dragging the Chinese food you picked up while the boys continued their research in the motel room you were sharing for the job you were on.  You quirked an eyebrow as you listened in on the yelling that was occurring on the other side of the door.
“Cas…what the hell is in the cooler?!”
"Well Dean, you told me to give (Y/N) a heart for Valentine’s Day…”
You nearly gapsed.  Cas wanted to give you something for Valentine’s Day?  Maybe he didn’t know what it meant to be someone’s Valentine…
“Cas I swear if there is an actual heart in there…”
“You don’t need to swear; there is a heart in the cooler…I wasn’t sure what kind of heart to get…you didn’t say.  I thought it would be most appropriate to get a human heart because well…(Y/N)’s a human…”
You face palmed, holding back a torrent of giggles and you could nearly feel Dean getting more and more frustrated.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!  Where did you get a freaking human heart, Cas?!  Are you kidding right now!?”
“I thought it was customary—“
“Oh just wait ‘till Sam gets back.  This is great.  Just great, man.”
“Dean, I—“
“Man…seriously…get rid of it.  She’s not gonna want it.”
“Are you positive?”
“Am I—just GET RID OF IT CAS!”
You figured this was probably a good time to announce your presence.  You called through the door.  “Hey guys!  Mind helping me open the door?  My arms are full!”
You heard the flutter of wings and a rush of air as you turned around, Cas standing way too close as your cheeks heated up.  He smiled sheepishly at you as he helped unburden your arms, the door swinging open to reveal a smug looking Dean.  
“You know, Cas…the door works just as fine…”
“Yes…yes Dean.  I will make sure to remember that next time…”
You smiled at him as you all piled back into the motel room.  You ate in an awkward silence, Cas watching both you and Dean eat your food.  The tension in the room was thick.  Dean finally stood up, grunting and rolling his eyes at the entire situation.
“Alright…well since this is such a happening place, I’m going to the bar…there’s probably some woman out there who’s lonely today…”
You scoffed.  “Real nice, Winchester…trying to hook up with lonely woman on Valentine’s Day.”
“Hey…at least I’ll be getting some…unlike you!”
Cas interjected.  “Dean, what do you mean, ‘getting some’?  What are you getting some of?”
Dean shook his head, laughing as he ducked out the door.  “Why don’t you fill him in, (Y/N)?”
The both of you sat there in silence for a few brief moments.  You shift, Cas’s attention on you now at the sudden noise.
“Do you mind if I hop in the shower?  It’s been a long day…you don’t have to leave or anything…I’ll just be in the bathroom…”
“Go right ahead, (Y/N)…though I do not understand why you wouldn’t just walk into the shower…but by all means hop right into it!”  He smiled, trying to ease the tension and awkwardness in the room.  You smiled and shook your head at him.  Bless him, he is trying.
“Alright then, I shouldn’t be too long!”
“It is no trouble, (Y/N).”
You grinned, loving when he uttered those words to you as you headed for the bathroom, letting the steam and the hot water soothe your sore muscles.
You stepped out of the shower, feeling new, as you threw your clothes back on.  You stepped back into the main room.
“Hey Cas, I was—“
But he was gone.
You shrugged, getting ready to break out the beer and turn on Netflix for the night when you noticed that you had a voicemail notification on your phone.  You put your phone to your ear, knowing it could be important, and listen to the message.
“Yes…yes I know this is (Y/N)’s phone, that is why I called it.  Yes, I would like to leave a message.  Why are you still talking to me?  This is not your phone!  (Y/N)!?  (Y/N)?!  If you are there please listen to me!  Go to the place where you bought the Chinese food.  It is of great importance.”
And with that the message ended.  Alarmed that something was wrong you swiped Dean’s keys, thankful that he was walking to the bar that night and sped down the road, breaking all kinds of motor vehicle laws as you raced back to the restaurant, ready to gank any creature that stood in your way.  When you finally parked the car, gun in hand, and ready to go, you noticed something flashy in the alleyway.  You stalked quietly and swiftly, ready to strike when you noticed a simple red dress hanging on a hanger on a fire escape.  It had a note pinned to it.
I apologize for making you think the worst, (Y/N), but I fear that this was the only way to get you here.  Please put this on, I’m nearly positive that it will fit, and I’m absolutely certain that it will look beautiful on you.  Please go to local record store and pick out the album that you told me reminded you of me.
You smiled, shaking your head.  You wanted to be mad, but this was way too sweet.  A scavenger hunt?  What was Cas up to?  Your shrugged into the dress (that did fit perfectly…you weren’t sure to be impressed or creeped out), still clad in your converse as you walked into the record store, remembering how you were telling Cas about the song that made you think of him.  Well, it has wings in it and well, you’re an angel so…
Chewing on your lip you entered the record store, searching up and down the aisles until you finally find what you’re looking for.  You pull the record up from its place and see a note taped to it.
I’m glad you found this.  I was so very touched when you played this song for me.  To know that you think of me when I am not near makes me feel things that I have never felt, (Y/N).  It makes me feel things that I didn’t know that I was even capable of feeling, things that I cannot put into words.  Look under the shelf, and put those on.  Go back to the motel room.
Your face flushes as you read the note, ducking down to find a box of beautiful shoes.  You slip them on as you drive back over to the motel, your heart racing as you make yourself get out of the car.  As you walk to the door, your hand shakily makes its way to the knob, hearing the faint sound of music on the other side.  Twisting the knob and pushing the door open, you are greeted by a trenchcoat-less Castiel, still dressed in his suit.  He stands in the middle of the room nervous, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, twirling a single sunflower between his fingers.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, (Y/N).”
You blushed as bright as your dress, gently closing the door behind you.  You nervously walked closer to him as he offered you the flower.  You smiled down at it.
“Thank you Cas, I love sunflowers.”
“They remind me of you.  They are warm and bright.  They remind me of sunshine.  They remind me of your smile.  Though a flower cannot really do you any justice.”
Stepping closer to him, you bashfully looked away.
“I wish I had something to give you, Cas.”
He stepped forward, pulling you in close to himself as he swayed your bodies to the faint music in the background.
“This is all I could ever ask for, (Y/N).  I am not exactly 100% sure on this human custom, but I do believe I must ask you a question.”
“Sure thing, Cas.  What is it?”
He smiled down at you.  “Will you be my Valentine?”
You grinned, nearly giggling, feeling like a schoolgirl as he continued to sway the both of you to the music.
“It is no trouble, Castiel.”
He shared your grin, dancing with you until the wee hours of the morning, the both of you peppering each other’s faces with sweet, tender kisses.
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fuckyeahjonesy · 4 years
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You were on the way home in a taxi with Ben, cuddling lovely on the backseat, like the cutest lovebirds under the shadow of the blooming trees. You were surrounded by the vibrating lights of London, which were filled with laughter and joy. And each time the car has passed by a kissing couple, the city took a deep breath, and exhaled rain scented magic. It was something inconceivable, invisible, but it reached your heart in a second, and it felt exactly the same way, as you looked at that gorgeous blond guy for the first time. London covered you as a blanket with its magical atmosphere, and took you to your green eyed destiny.
Ben held your hand, stroking it with his thumb softly, and smiled at you with the same excitement as he did on your first date. You smiled back, but at the next second you looked down, as your face has turned completely red. Even if you've been together for a couple of weeks already, he could still make you blush anytime. When he looked at you with those fairy eyes, you always felt like he could stare at the bottom of your heart, discovering all your fears and secrets there.
Scary, isn't it?
And yet, you felt so safe and calm next to him, like he was a warm and cozy house in the middle of a heavy snowstorm. Ben was an old, wise soul, locked in an angel's body, and then sent to Earth to change millions of lives, just when people are holding their very last piece of hope.
But of course, like every human being, sometimes he wasn't that angelic at all. He could be really naughty, playful and teasing. He could turn from a charming swan into a hungry wolf, who desperately needs the taste of your lips and skin all over your body. He could be really passionate, driven by the deepest desire, and as he was a maximalist in everything, he always challenged himself in sex too. He always wanted to make you feel more intense and euphoric, whatever he was doing to you, he had an eye on you all the time, watching curiously the smallest signs of your body, and then going for it even harder. He simply wanted to be the best guy you've ever made love with.
Ben leaned towards your ear, and as you felt his warm breath on your neck, your heart started racing, and your lungs were struggling to get more air. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, licked your mouth, and just imagined as he kisses your neck with his wet lips in the next second, and then -just like your heart does- something else would start slightly pulsing too.
You looked down on your knees again, trying to keep calm and fight with your naughty imagination.
But it seems, you were not the only one thinking of getting much closer to the other half. Ben slowly pulled your hand to his bulge, and since his pants were made of cotton, you've felt pretty much everything. You felt his warmness down there, and under your fingers his bulge was growing, and getting harder for you, ready to destroy you every single way possible, until your body starts shaking, and one last, loud moan leaves your lip.
He fell in love with you over and over again, when he saw you reaching an orgasm. He couldn't get enough of you, when he saw your sweaty breasts moving up and down as your spine tingled by the waves of pleasure, and when he saw the absolute euphoria rushing all over your body, he grabbed your waist and thrusted even harder, until he filled you with the last drop of cum.
-Ben, are you... -you whispered to him furiously, as you looked at the driver stained.
-Shhhh...! -Ben touched your lips with his finger and nodded towards the man.- he stares at the traffic anyway...
He really liked these kind of heart-pulping funs, and he knew very well how to make you like them too. You bit your lip, your heart skipped a beat and your knees started shaking, as you watched him slowly unbuckling his belt...
(To be continued...)
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mockapplejuice · 4 years
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I planned some posts from lovebirds Felix and Anna for Valentine's Day, but my pc decided to go on vacation and came back yesterday… Sorry (┬┬﹏┬┬)
To compensate the delay, there will be an overdose of fluffy text! (❁´◡`❁)
How it happens:
Felix has always believed that being on the captain's tail would make him live new adventures and perhaps have the recognition he always longed for ... What he didn't expect his heart to accelerate at the first smile that the captain gave while he explained the rules of Tossball .
Anna did not expect that Felix would be so necessary in the adventures in which she lived. He started out as her bodyguard and step by step,  the boy was already taking over her thoughts, whether with internal jokes, light shoves or that stubborn lock that insists on falling every time Félix runs his hand through his hair.
Handling Conflict
As much as the two understand each other on many subjects, fights and arguments are often frequent, some do not lead anywhere, others are just games. But when it is serious and occurs within Unreliable, the rest of the crew hides in their cabins. Anna, because of her being proud and arrogant may end up mistreating or despising Félix unintentionally or thinking that “it's not a big deal”, him in turn, accustomed to this type of treatment he received at GroundBreaker ignores, but depending on what was said he will take some time to let Anna approach and apologize.
Relationship Attitude
Both are dedicated to each other, but in their own way. Félix tries his best to be there, help and think of ways to surprise the girl. Anna in turn, having so much to think, do and resolve may not realize all of Felix's effort, and at times it seems that she is not interested in keeping the relationship. However, the boy knows how far this is from the truth, especially when the captain enters Félix’s cabin, lie in bed, hug him and reads some magazines together until they fall asleep.
Showing Affections
Before assuming she liked Félix, Anna filled him with phrases that seemed innocent but that could carry another message...And it was not uncommon to see Félix and Parvati discuss what the captain really meant. That was the maximum she did, she did not intend to go beyond that point because, for her, perhaps, showing her feelings could make Félix assume some kind of forced relationship for fear of losing his place in the crew. Félix often fixed locks in the captain's hair, pushed her lightly, carried his heavy bag or kept some boring jobs, that was the kind of thing he did to get her attention.
Dealing with Jealousy
With the tension that existed between the two, the boy began to realize more of his disadvantages and, for him, anyone could be better or more interesting and so the captain decided to let go ... Even though Anna always reassures him with a compliment that she would never exchange him, Félix feels insecure and prefers to be always on the captain's tail, either to protect her from Raptidons or to let everyone know they are together. Now Anna likes attention and she likes it even more when she feels indispensable. It is simple: give enough attention to her (when she is available / with free time) and you will be safe, hit on the bartender from Stellar Bay (even if you are not in a relationship) and spend two weeks bathing in cold water. Simple isn't it ?!
Do you need someone to help you climb a high wall? Do you need help kiling some vandals? Do you need someone who will hold you tight? Do you need someone to take care of your injuries even though he is not a doctor? That person is Félix Millstone, always ready to protect and know everything that happens. Anna has always been surrounded by people, whether to support her or just to keep her company. Being alone makes her feel insecure, but it is the best way to reflect on some decisions that only she can make.
First to confess heir feelings to the other - Felix
It was a relief for Anna when Félix could not take any more of her game of words and jokes, pulled her into a kiss, in the middle of the GroundBreaker, with his arms wrapped tightly around the captain and without letting any movement escape. Of course, the two did not know where to put their blushed faces later, but nothing that Felix's knowledge of the ship couldn’t help and was on an abandoned landing platform that the two declared themselves.
First to apologize after a fight - Anna
She knows what makes Felix hurt, but sometimes in the heat of the fight she escapes. She is trying to change and this is already a big step, since before she always believed she was the right one in all matters. As much as it “hurts” to apologize, Félix is ​​much more important than her injured ego
The best caregiver when the other is sick - Anna
Coming from a family of pharmacists, graduated as a scientist and in her last days on earth she worked as a doctor, Anna is efficient and knows what she does, and it is a perfect excuse to take a few days off. When the captain becomes ill, Felix stays by her side, but it is Ellie who treats her the best.
Does the cooking -  Anna
Everyone at Unreliable cooks, but Anna knows how to make the best dinner. So this is her fixed job on the ship.
Does the housework - Both
In fact, much of the work is left to SAM. But everyone will wash the dishes or do the laundry.
Does most of the speaking - Both
They both know it's time to stop talking or go to the captain's room when Max knocks on the door telling them to shut up or when ADA reminds Anna of her commitments and how good it would be for the captain to rest.
The overprotective one - Felix
Félix always wants to know how the captain is doing, even if she didn't even open her eyes in the morning. He covers her when uncovered, he offers his sweater when it is cold, takes his heavy bag or explains something. Anna unfortunately needs to protect Felix, the ship, Phineas and probably all of Halcyon. Making it a little distant from more subtle care.
Designated Driver- Anna
Has good penmanship - Anna
Anna had a better scholarship than Félix, she always liked to write and believes in the saying that exists on Earth “A good wife must know how to write like an angel”.
Sensitive to subtle changes in their partner - Félix
The boy knows when the captain is in a bad mood, as well as if something is wrong with anyone on the ship, since for him everyone on the ship is like family and as much as he asks if everything is okay to the other crew members, it is only with Anna is he intimate enough to offer help.
The one who proposes - Félix
After all the events of TOW, saving Hope and destroying The Board, Anna and her crew found themselves involved with Halcyon's new administration and together they worked for a while. Over the months Parvati, the Vicar, Nyoka and Ellie decided to move on, leaving the Unreliable. Anna and Félix continued together, working in a new laboratory created exclusively to revive Hope's colonists and provide life support for those who just woke up. On a day off, Félix invites her to a picnic at Terra 2 like many others they have already done, but this one is special! After finding the ideal place and having fun with some board games, Félix knowing that the old captain loves music boxes, presents her with a new one and to Anna's surprise when she opens the lid, a pair of rings shine!     
The one who dies protecting the other - Both
They just kill and die for each other.
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queensdivas · 4 years
Family Christmas!
Alright Alright! Just got done watching 6 Underground and Jesus so many shorts and fics are coming. But of course after the requests and update on the great mazzello are updated. But doesn’t mean I can’t start the outline!!!
Thank you @not-john-watsons-blog​ for this request cause I thought it was super cute and just in time for the season!!!!! 
If you’d like to request something please do so and if you want to be tagged let me know!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday this year!!!!! 
@leah-halliwell92​ @mexifangorl​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @queenwouldyourathers​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​
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The House of Christmas
By G.K. Chesterton
This world is wild as an old wives' tale,
And strange the plain things are,
The earth is enough and the air is enough
For our wonder and our war;
But our rest is as far as the fire-drake swings
And our peace is put in impossible things
Where clashed and thundered unthinkable wings
Round an incredible star.
To an open house in the evening
Home shall men come,
To an older place than Eden
And a taller town than Rome.
To the end of the way of the wandering star,
To the things that cannot be and that are,
To the place where God was homeless
And all men are at home.
Do I regret our elopement? No. Never in a million years do I regret our elopment in Blyth during his tour up around there. But I regret not being able to sit down to meet the rest of his family besides his mother. According to what I’ve seen in his photo albums. He’s got a bunch of aunts and uncles because his family is known for ummm. A lot misfire is exactly what I think is the right word for it. Now one of his Christmas presents I’ve unveiling tomorrow would be considered a misfire to most but to me I’m extremely excited. 
Our three hour drive was coming to an end as we reached his home just right outside Leicester England for some big Christmas Eve tradition that’s been breaking since he started with Queen. Which was three years ago so not only am I meeting most of his family for the first time, and not being around for three years, we’re kind of screwed! 
I rubbed my eyes a little as I sat up in the car to see John was tapping his hands on the steering wheel at the light. Gosh, it was only a three hour drive yet I felt like I’ve been asleep for about two weeks! 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” John had his cheeky smile on as I looked over at him to then pull down the visor to make sure I didn’t look like absolute shit. We’re good! 
“Sorry I fell asleep. The car was toasty and you know that listening to really jazzy Christmas piano always makes me relax.” Going into my purse to apply a fresh layer of lipstick. 
“Relax Iris. You look absolutely beautiful.” 
“Yeah well I’ve never had to meet a family before with us being married already so you can understand my nervousness!” Growing up in an orphanage then not being adopted can cause a little different mentality. But no sob story! It’s family time! 
“Iris. They’re going to love you no matter because you’re the only women who has stuck by my side longer than most. Like c’mon you already survived a tour schedule like mine so I knew you don’t plan on making a run for the hills.” 
“That you’re aware of Deaks.” Smirking at him as we turned into the driveway of the house to see a bunch more cars were all lined up. Before we even climbed out of the car he leaned over to cup my face to start leaving kisses all over my lips then trying to make his way down my neck. Going to be honest we haven’t done the deed since I found out because I’ve been getting cold feet, not sure why. 
“John I don’t want to smell like sex meeting your mother.” I pried him off me with a little disappointment groan coming from him. He’ll know tonight and hopefully he’ll understand especially after the idea how I’ll be unveiling this idea. I got John pair of baby shoes, and his mother a cute onsie that says “Grandma’s spoiled angel”. Thought it would be appropriate and hopefully if things go well tonight they’ll enjoy the surprise. 
We climbed out of the car as we heard the house was blasting with Christmas music, laughter, and even the sound of popping champagne bottles. What kind of parties does this family enjoy throwing for the holidays? He grabbed the box of gifts as I wrapped my scarf around my neck as we began approaching the house. Before we walked inside I stopped in front of him as I grabbed the box from him, putting it down on the ground then giving him one long kiss. 
“I love you John. I know I’ve been acting a little funny these past few weeks. I promise it’s nothing you done because you couldn’t do anything. Except when you accidently dropped the coffee machine right next to my feet.” 
“For the hundreth time Iris it was a complete accident!” I always remind him that because seeing him so angry just makes me giggle! I cupped his face again for a quick peck as we saw the light coming from the house. 
“HEY! YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS GET IN HERE!” A women screamed as we let go of each other to then begin our journey into the world of what most people say a family hell hole. Never experienced one of these before so get ready Iris, a cultural shock is about to happen. 
We walked inside the house to see everyone condensed into the living room, children running all around the place, and what looked like an old man sleeping soundly on the recliner. How is that even possible. 
The whole room went dead silent as every single person looked directly at John and I with our layers of coats making us look stuffed. I gulped as I began unzipping my coat till a little girl came running down the stairs. 
“UNCLE JOHN!” She screamed as she wrapped herself around his leg. 
“My goodness Aurora you have grown!” He laughed as an elderly women came out of the kitchen in a minnie mouse apron. She starred down John as she came marching out of the kitchen, even the child walked away from John. Is she his mother? I’ve always been told (by Chrissy) that if a mother doesn’t approve of their chosen girlfriend then it’s game over oh my god! 
She stood directly infront of John as we both looked at her in absolute fear from the fact she might pounce at us! I light wrapped hands around his arm just incase I have to use him as a human shield to protect our child. Sorry John I love you but this baby is a whole lot more important and I know you’d do the exact same thing for me. 
“John. You’ve gotten much skinner.” Ya know what no! If I can carry a baby in my body for nine months then I can handle any mother come at me! Okay! Here we go! 
“Mrs. Deacon. I’m Iris. I’ve heard such wonderful things about you.” Coming from behind John to hold my hand up to her ready to shake it. She looked directly into my soul as she manuvered herself infront of me with a facial expression I couldn’t even read. She gripped my hand then placed her other one ontop of it. Is his when the mother pile drives you into the floor!? Oh dear God she’s going to kick my ass!
“It’s very lovely to meet you Iris. Please come and get acquainted with everyone. And please call me mom because Mrs. Deacon makes me feel so old.” She began walking me through the living room to see everyone making room for his mother and I to sit down. Looking back at John as he just stood there with his bag of presents in complete utter shock. 
“So Iris. I’ll try to quickly introduce everyone before I have to back to into the kitchen to make sure dinner isn’t burned to a crisp. Sitting on the reclriner is great grandfather Phillip. To the left of you is who you would consider your cousin Jessabell and her husband Thomas. They’ve got their children running around here somewhere by the names of Ezekiel, Nathaniel, and Esther. And then to your left is great aunt Piper and great uncle Samuel. Now their children are Booker, Sam, Tara, and then their youngest being Natalie. I’d tell you more but I have to get back into the kitchen.” Trying to remember all these names makes me feel drunk I can’t even drink a glass of wine to help me with this whole meet and greet. God is it weird I kind of need John to bring some sort of easiness at the moment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you all.” I squirmed out of my coat for John to grab it and place it behind the couch. He then sat down next to me as I grabbed his hand as he began smiling and greeting the aunts and cousins. 
“Wheres your family Iris?” I believe Aunt Piper asked if I remember correctly. 
“I umm. Never really had a family till I met your nephew..er if that’s the right word.” They leaned forward in their chairs so eager to listen. 
“Let me guess. It was one of those situations where you rebelled from your parents because of them not liking the beatles.” They laughed as my grip around John's hand went a little tighter. I know this stuff still shouldn't bother me but there’s a reason why I don’t enjoy talking about my past because I sadly don’t have one. But at the same time when I do have to meet family and they these kinds of things, I just enjoy coming directly at their necks with this line. 
“Well I wouldn’t know teenage rebellion since I never had parents.” With the biggest smile on my face as they sunk back into their chairs as I believe Aurora brought us two cups of water. She climbed up on top of Johns lap. 
“Are you my new Aunt?” She asked as I gave her a small nod. 
“Yes. I plan on being the coolest Aunt you’ve ever had in your life!” Grabbing her from Johns lap to put her on mine. I bounced her on my legs a little as she was laughing her little head off. 
“Dinner is ready!” His mother yelled from the kitchen as she darted off my lap into the kitchen. Everyone went into the kitchen as I sat on the couch with my thumbs going in small circles. I’m still extremely nervous and the fact that ham is now the main course and me being pregnant is making me nauseous. And trying to hide this from John is just the greatest idea I ever had in my existence! 
“Feeling better?” Nodding as the smell of that ham slithered its way into the living room and around my nose. My stomach twisted in every possible way but I took in a deep breath to try to hold it back. 
“Iris. Is there something you’re not telling 
“Are you two planning on joining us or run off?” I think that was one of his uncles came into the room as we got up from the couch to walk in. 
I sat down next to his mother as everyone began passing around the serving bowls of mashed potatoes, cranberry, ya know the usual Christmas meal. The rolls were placed infront of me as I grabbed one then the ham appeared before me. Oh boy. I bit the inside of my cheeks to grab one thing of meat and passed it along. Just keep it down! Crap I can’t even have wine to help with the whole stomach thing! 
“So John. How’d you find Iris?” The green beans were next as I scooped some onto my plate as John swallowed his roll he had in his mouth. I think they’ll enjoy our little meet and greet story yet I somehow find it a little embarrasing still. 
“I was out with the boys one night with a few of our first performances. She was at the bar with her friends and I noticed her from the stage. When we got done I started talking to her and well.” My cheeks were beginning to turn red from what was going to come next. 
“This guy came up and was trying to tell me that he already had eyes on her from the other side of the bar.. She punched him in the face when he tried to take my seat.” My hnads covered my face as all the eyes landed on me in complete embarrasment. He kept trying to take his seat what was I supposed to do? Just John get pushed around? Dear God. 
“You punched someone?” His great aunt asked as I slowly nodded my head. I promise I don’t believe violence isn’t the answer for everything. But he was literally going to throw John from his seat and I couldn’t just let that happen! 
“Awesome!” I moved my hands away from my face to see everyone nodding and then his uncle clapping at what I did. Phew. 
“So Iris. What do you do for a living?” His mother asked me as I ripped off a piece of my roll. 
“I’m an art teacher at St. Gerard in Basingstoke.” I began diving into the green beans as the rest of the table began chit chatting. 
“You know something Iris. It’s been quite sometime since I’ve seen John so bubbly and happy. Not sure if he’s told you that his father died when he was young, and when it happened he changed. Became a brand new person who was afraid to get too close to people. But now to see him here playing with his cousins, it’s really wonderful to see him smile. Enough about that depressing matter, you’re an art teacher?” I nodded as I leaned forward to watch John laughing with the cousin that I don’t think I’ve put a name to a face. 
“Yes. At first I just wanted to be an artist for most of my life, but found teaching much more fun.” 
“I used to be an artist. Maybe after dinner we can swap some sketches.” She smiled which made my heart feel all warm. 
“I would love that.”
The rest of the dinner was getting to know his family, turns out John wanted to be a race car driver as a kid, had a very large interest in all kinds of flowers, and threw his cat down the stairs to see if it would land on all fours. It worked of course because that cat lived on to hate John for the rest of his life. While they were telling me this, I could tell John was completely embarrased but I still found it absolutely hilarious. 
“Now John was a lovely child of course, but also extremely sassy which he got from his father more than me. I assume you know about his sassiness?” His mother turned to me as I smirked on his face. 
“Of course. Our first date was to see MASH and when the ticket person asked if he needed two tickets. He straight up told him. “Oh my god you can see her? I thought she was just a figmant of my imagination.” Then did that stupid cheeky smile and the guy almost wouldn’t let us in.” John nodded as his mother chuckled a little as I finished the last of my Christmas pudding on my plate. 
“Alright I say it’s time for presents!” 
We sat down in the living room where himself and his mother sat down with me on the couch as everyone grabbed their gifts. They all began putting their gifts in the middle of the room but no name much be attached, consider it a secret santa yet John and I had no idea. That tends to happen when you’re busy with music and being a primary school teacher. None the less were about to be a very busy family. 
The little girl began passing out presents to everyone as she was eager to open hers and even everyone elses. She placed Johns in his lap as he was eager to open his since his curiosity was going absolutely wild. I was given a small box that even got me a little curious as well because truth be told i wasn’t expecting to get anything from anyone. 
“We want you to open yours first Iris.” His mother told me as everyone was starring at me again. I ripped apart the wrapping paper apart to see it was a jewlrey box which kept me in even more suspense. 
“Even though you just became apart of the family with the rest of us, we’re glad you became apart of it. We thought John was going to grow old alone.” It was a beautiful cameo necklace with a dark gold chain, the pendent was a dark blue with a white marble cut out of a woman on it. I was almost brought to tears as no one in my life has ever given me anything like this before. 
“You..you..you’re going to make me cry.” I laughed a little as I got it out of the box to hold it up. 
“John. Should’ve told me you’re family was going to make me cry.” I laughed as he helped me to clip it as I kept looking down at it. 
“Alright let’s keep going! By the way. I’m cousin Booker from Exeter.” He crawled infront of me as he passed John his gift as he recognized the wrapping paper from our little apartment. The rest of the presents were passed out to everyone as John was in complete curiosity of why giving him the present now instead of on Christmas. His mother had the same wrapping paper as well as I sat there waiting for them to open it. 
We finally made it over to John who was eager to open his box. He tore the wrapping paper to shreds immediatly as I kept my smile at bay as much as I could. He’s not expecting this and I know damn well the rest of the lot isn’t as well! Please find the little shoes adorable please find the shoes absolutely adorable!
He opened the box as confusion waved over him as he picked up the little white baby shoes. Looking at me. Back at the shoes. TO me..the shoes..to me..the shoes! C’mon John I know you’re smart! The shoes dropped as the rest of the room waited for him to say it or for it to finally click! 
“We’re..you..we..” It looked as if he was going to pass out right infront of us till he pratically threw himself ontop of me as everyone began freaking out. 
“I’m going to be a dad!” He smiled as I moved the hair out of his face as cousin Booker pratically pild ontop of us. 
“Now do I get to be the cool uncle or what?” Wait what? That..that’s not how that works..at least that’s not how I think it works. Oh well! 
“Wait get off don’t squish the baby!” John barked as we looked over to see grandma holding up the onsie in front of her. 
“It says Grandma’s spoiled Angel!” Mother cried as I managed to get John off me to see her just starring at it. 
“Hope you enjoy being a grandma!” I told her as she put the onsie on her lap to give me a very big hug!  Her only son to have her first grandchild has completely made the fact that him and I didn’t have a true wedding has been completely forgotten! Phew. 
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vaingloriosa · 5 years
Nero x Reader
Words: 1,323
Summary: During your most critical hours, Nero realizes how fleeting life truly is.
Warnings: brief description of wounds
Author’s note: hehe guess who uhhhh go into sumn new?? perhaps? first time writing for devil may cry 5 and i only know of the lore found in that particular game. wanted sumn a lil tender for my man, nero, so my mind came up with this. and YES! i see y’all v fuckers out there! first time writing in a month oh SHIT!! absolutely tender on main. as with most of my fics, this is a gender neutral and racially ambiguous reader
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The moment you felt the claws of the demon slice through the skin of your thigh, you knew you were going to feel that in the morning.
You fall onto the cobblestone ground with an audible thud, rolling away from the battle and onto your side. You take a shaky breath in as your trembling hands hover over the enormous gash. Crimson begins to stain your hands, your blood dripping from your fingertips. If it weren’t for working for Devil May Cry for years, you would’ve passed out by the mere sight, though with age you had overcome your fear.
You feel as if you’ve regressed.
“Hey, hey, hey!” The sound of Nero calling out your name breaks you out of your brain’s defense mechanism to lose consciousness. You feel his arm prop you up on his knee as he kneels down and assess your wound. You wave him, closing your eyes just a little to take in the scent of your boyfriend. Nothing like a mixture of sweat and demon guts in the morning.
“’m fine, baby. J’st a mere scratch but that son of a bitch ripped my favorite jeans.” You pout at the thought of losing one of your sacred pair of pants but you know you’ll live. Nero presses his other arm, his new arm at that, in order to stop the bleeding and you let out a hiss at the touch. He apologizes in a low voice but you only wave him off again as if it were nothing but a sting.
“This is more than just a scratch, babe. How are you feeling? Stay awake with me now,” Nero tells you, his hand that was around your shoulder now on your face. His calloused thumb finds your cheek and tries to get you to open your eyes. They slowly flutter open with his face greeting you, a gentle halo falls along Nero’s hair made by the lighting streaming from the non-existent roof.
By the stars, he may have been an angel.
Your angel.
You let out a laugh before closing your eyes one more time, the faint sounds of Nico’s van in the distance a perfect lullaby.
You don’t recall someone dressing your wound nor how there’s a blanket over your body but by the pensive look on Nero’s face across from you, you could take an educated guess.
Your body protests against any kind of movement yet you slip a hand underneath the blanket towards him to take. Almost immediately does he take a seat right next to you on the floor with your hand in his.
“I’m here,” he hums to you, using his free hand to stroke the top of your head. You sigh as the motion brings comfort despite the dull pain along your thigh. You wince just a bit while you try to shift your position but Nero urges you not to in order to let the wound heal. You huff, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s words.
“You know I can’t physically do that.” You lift yourself up from your laying position in order to sit up, avoiding putting too much pressure on your wounded thigh. All the while, piercing blue eyes train on your body to make sure you don’t slip. You’re not used to such care, always selfishly throwing yourself in harm’s way to do what you feel is right. You take the brute force when need be, always so reckless yet for you, you find it endearing. If anyone should get hurt in order to protect others, you feel like it’s your duty to be in the line of fire. Nero takes the empty seat next to you, his fingers threading into yours.
You look over at him but squint when his grip becomes a bit tighter and his gaze is fixated on the small table of the van. You press a soft kiss on Nero’s shoulder to bring him back to Earth. You know Nero always concerns himself over the well-being of his friends and lovers and you are no exception to his worries. He’s been through hell then back again until he finally finds a sense of normalcy with you. Even if you’re fighting demons side-by-side while Dante is away, you two remind each other that even if the world may be shit, you have each other through thick and thin, no matter what.
“Will you marry me?”
Nero’s question is barely a whisper and your eyes search his face to make sure you heard correctly.
“I know it sounds sudden and I come empty handed but...seeing you in that state back there and you nearly dying in my arms, I knew life is a fleeting thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, to be right by your side when the world goes to shit. Let us grow old together, make new memories, build a home together. I love you...” Before Nero can say your name, you press your lips against his. It’s only a quick kiss because you pull away first and let out a breathy yet excited “yes”. His eyes had been closed but the moment you utter that word, his eyes shoot open with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You wrap your arm not clutching Nero’s hand around his neck and rock him slightly in joy.
“Hold on!”
“What the hell did I miss?”
Nico’s grand entrance makes the two of you jerk at the arrival. She swings the shovel over her shoulder then quirks her head to the side. The two of you look at each other and you can’t help but giggle into the crook of your now fiance’s neck.
“Um, I asked them to marry me.” Nero presses his forehead against yours and you place your left hand on his cheek. Gosh, you could be in his hold forever. You hear the sound of a heavy object dropping to the floor, your eyes widening and quickly move your body to make sure Nico is alright.
She’s more than alright. In fact, she is head over heels as she slaps her thigh and begins dancing in one spot.
“Oh, I just knew you two were made for each other. It feels like only yesterday y’all lovebirds were hooking up at the back of my van...”
The celebration doesn’t stop there. Conveniently so, Nico informs the two of you that awhile ago, she managed to get an officiant license and you look at Nero with a dumbfounded face.
Maybe the universe will be alright for tonight.
No demons, no one else to fight; just you and him.
There’s not much to the “ceremony” other than the three of you sharing an intimate moment together. Afterwards, Nico rises and slaps the jukebox on the side then presses a button. She shoos the two of you outside the van so the two of you could have a “first dance” like a “traditional wedding”.
“Every wedding is special,” you assure Nero then promptly giggle as he helps you down from the steps. You limp slightly but you know your legs definitely needed the stretch. A soft melody pours over from the inside onto the cool, still autumn night. Nero takes your hand in his and bows slightly like a gentleman and you feel as if you couldn’t smile any bigger. A snort escapes your nose, sending your head back to relish at your now husband’s action. He pulls you closer to his chest, you placing one hand on his incredible upper arm. Nero’s careful not to move to much to protect your still healing thigh so he resorts to lightly swaying to and fro.
To and fro.
You close your eyes, taking in the scent of your new beginning. You hum in content with a smile on your lips, in the arms of the man you will love until the end of the world.
Tagging: @hades-ii, @susiephalange // @phalangewrites (aka miss. yue and miss. susie were them supportive bitches on my side MWAH!), @rebelfinn (i know, i know, another whitie like I’VE BEEN known), @sethrine-writes, @pointedly-foolish, @kyarymell, @mysticalkhfan, @cerebralfluid (i know u a v fucker pero hold on!! i am Coming!!)
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Drabbles and Fanfiction
Every once and a while, I will share this list. You can also find this page on my blog. 
Full list of all my works:
Find most, if not more, of these fics on:
fanfiction.net | archive of our own | wattpad
(~AU’s, *Finished, ❤️Author’s Favorites)
Kingdom Hearts
~❤️Rage Awakened ao3 | ff.net- Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
My Kingdom for a Heart ao3 | ff.net - The curse of being one of the Princesses of heart, is that there’s always someone out to get you. As Xemnas looked failure in the face, he reached out in a last ditch effort and destroyed Kairi’s heart. Now her friends must travel the worlds again. Sora, to find a way to recover Kairi’s heart, and Riku, to make amends to those he has wronged. All the while, the darkness grows.
Miraculous Ladybug
One Shots
*❤️amalgam- When an young man is rejected for being ‘incompatible’ he turns into the akuma ‘Amalgam’ able to fuse two people together. And later Adrien and Marinette would debate if it was lucky or unlucky that they got hit. (Also Available in russian)
*sing we all noel- After receiving the worst Christmas present ever from his father, Chat Noir finds himself out on the streets with nowhere to go on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, Ladybug finds him and brings him home.
*speechless- In a world where everyone has a soulmark, the first words their soulmate will say to them, Marinette is born without one. But Adrien Agreste has two. Curious, considering he’s mute.
*❤️tunnels of love- The night started out with an accidental kiss from Adrien Agreste, and ended with her bleeding in the Catacombs of Paris. Ladybug, the wielder of the miraculous of good luck. Yeah right. (Some blood)
*the reveal that wasn’t- first parts My ending to kittybug’s Tumblr Prompt
*what a mess we’re in- Ladybug has a lot on her mind, and when Chat Noir bugs her enough, she tells him she’s going to confess to her Crush, Adrien Agreste. Chat’s reaction is not what she’s expecting.
Long Fics
Longest Night- (ff.net | ao3) - The day started out sucky to begin with. Her crush ousted to the class and Adrien. Lila taking pride in exacting her revenge. But by the time patrol was over, a young man was dead, and Ladybug’s identity was at risk. Lila was the least of her concerns. Good thing Adrien was taking it all like a champ. (Rated M for scenes of torture)
*❤️nine lives- (ff.net) When Adrien Agreste is scheduled to go to a Military School in Germany, Chat Noir must make a critical decision. Does he give up his Miraculous? Or does he give up his life as Adrien? I’ll save you the trouble of guessing, he gives up being Adrien.
*tender words- When Marinette finally gets the guts to confess her feelings for Adrien, some things go so wrong, and other things go so right.
How To Train Your Dragon
One Shots
The Vikings Have Their Tea (ff.net | ao3)
arranged marriage- Takes place at the beginning of HTTYD
❤️breathe- Survival of the fittest
~childhood friends- At the Sandbox
❤️easy fix- In which Hiccup has a bad day
~fashion designer- Astrid needs a fill in
❤️frozen- In Which Astrid takes a Dip and things get frisky (Rated M)
❤️headache- In Which Hiccup hits his head….really hard
❤️heir- In Which Hiccup is Picked (longer version by fatecharms)
illness- In Which Stoick is a dad
~illusionist- Trick gone wrong
~in the walls- In which there’s a poop ghost
~knocking on the wrong door (2) - A chance encounter
❤️messages- Astrid is Frustrated with Hiccup’s obliviousness
~to mirkwood- Hiccup is not a dwarf
~monster falls- Hiccup and Astrid take a dip
❤️mute- In which there’s a quiet stranger
~music video (ImgHS)- He didn’t expect it
❤️operation: lovebirds- In Which the gang makes a plan, and Hiccup gets Drunk
~over- Too many nightmares
~partners in crime- A normal day at work
~pirate- Astrid is the greatest treasure
~prince- He doesn’t want to be a broken King
❤️sorting things out- In Which Astrid gets her ducks in a row
~the dragon and the dame- Beauty and the Beast Au
the pit- In Which Hiccup is rescued
hide and seek- Part 1
lost and found- Part 2
Long fics:
*❤️infernal responsibility- Being the son of the chief takes brains, courage, and a lot of patience. But at his father’s the request for marriage, Hiccup decides he has had enough. When he seeks out a life of ease, he runs into more than what he bargained for.
*❤️roses and lilies- “Astrid, you and I both know you’re much tougher than I am. You’re more brave, and a better fighter…but just for a little while…could we pretend that I’m the one protecting you?” “Oh gods yes!” (Also Available in spanish!)
*~what the water gave me- The sea is a wild and dangerous thing, something that cannot be foretold or predicted. Hiccup discovered this many years ago, in human naiveté. Yet, what was meant as a sacrifice became a new life, one like no one could comprehend. He now finds himself once more in the unknowing hands of those that sentenced him to death. He only prays things will be different this time. Merman!AU
*parasite- Soulsnatcher Dragons are rare but deadly. But, As Hiccup finds out, it’s the eggs you have to watch out for.
*~320 state street- Gobber’s Goods. A Hardware Store that was rumored to have everything you needed. She thought she only needed a job. Turns out, she needed a lot more than that. (A Modern AU no one asked for)
*~❤️the north tower- When Finn Hofferson died, Astrid inherited his castle in Wales…and a whole lot more. Something sinister lurks in the North Tower.
*~❤️boy toy- ao3 - At the age of 21, Princess Astrid lawfully has to pick a husband. But when the perfect groom is nowhere to be found, she requests the toymaker to create one for her. It’s safe to say that everyone in the kingdom is a little concerned. (Pinocchio!AU I guess?)
no, you go first- ao3 - The Chief of Berk was a headstrong viking, stubborn and full of pride, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep his village safe. But for a moment, he puts that aside, and listens to his son. In which Hiccup convinces his dad not to make him go through Dragon Training, and the subsequent changes that follow.
*in due time- ao3 - As another illness sweeps through Berk, Gothi needs another ingredient for her medicine…one that doesn’t exist anymore. Fortunately, she kept that old spell book around for such an occasion. Big Hiccup is sent to five years into the past, and his younger self sent to take his place in the future. But it’s only a few days, what could go wrong?
Trollhunters: Tales from Arcadia
❤️arcadia or bust- In Which Arcadia welcomes back it’s underground citizens.
Teen Titans
~big brother- Don’t turn out the light (Horror)
dear jason- Bruce Writes a letter
just drawing- Bruce thinks about Robin
the prisoner- Starfire is Guilty
of mustard and three foot purple tongues- A collection of Oneshots and Drabbles
Long Fics (*Finished):
*~❤️carol of the bells- High in the dark Bell Tower of Notre Dame, there lives a mysterious bell ringer. Legend tells of the angel who fell from the sky, and the curse she bares. There are few who know her true identity though; her master, the priest, and the acrobat that performs on the streets below. Based loosely on ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ RobxStar and slight BBxRae
*no escape- Three years ago, Starfire escaped an Alien race called the Gordanians, to arrive on Earth. They’re back, and ready to put Starfire back where she belongs, behind reinforced Titanium bars. Robin’s not about to let her go…if only he hadn’t got captured first. How does it feel to be the alien, Robin?
*now you know my pain- When the new Villain, Gender Bender, comes to down, the Titans find themselves in an odd situation. They’ve been turned into the opposite gender against their will! Now in order to change back, they must learn to understand the gender they’ve turned into. Rated T for obvious reasons. A great read if you’ve ever wondered why girls or guys do [blank].
*paint it black- Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City’s crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a relation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? Actually, contains NO OC.
*saving grace- “When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk upright or speak coherent sentences and all you’ll see is my mask and my voice repeating in your head…Weak. Richard Grayson, I am not tough, I am everything that you fear.” Happy Ending! Smudge of RobStar. NO Slash!
Other Fandoms
Final Fantasy XV
❤️requiem for pitioss-“O King. The god’s have heard your cries. Know that we weep with you. The Oracle’s calling has not yet been fulfilled. But…Lunafreya as you know her cannot return the way she was.” Noctis looked up, hopeful. “But she can return!” Canon divergence from Chapter 9. Happy ending. Some spoilers.
Beauty and the Beast
*❤️behold the beast- A Oneshot alternate ending to the Animated Film
*❤️midnight- “When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be broken,” the fairy godmother had warned. A retelling of the story, when Cinderella doesn’t escape the ball in time. Oneshot
*so this is love- What if Jaq and Gus hadn’t made it in time to help Cinderella? A new twist on the ending of the classic Fairytale, and what lies beyond the story. She still gets her happy ending and her Prince, and her step family gets their just deserts.
Sleeping Beauty
*❤️a love song back to me- Maleficent saw the loophole that stared her in the face. Prince Phillip would break the curse in time, for sure. After all, he was betrothed to Aurora. So in an effort for her evil plan to stay in action, Maleficent takes care of the young prince herself. Phillip never imagined having to live off the land like the birds above. Alternate twist on the classic Disney tale.
down feathers- Hitomi’s depressed. She’s been away from Van too long, he comes back to visit her…but what if something went wrong with the transfer? (Not finished. Never will be finished. Mwahaha) Circa 2012
*angel’s wounds- Fanelia’s been victorious in their most recent battle with Basrum. Unfortunately, someone is wounded and just seeks solace in his love that lives so far away. Post Anime.
momma look sharp- With the war between Fanelia and Basrum finally coming to a close, the kingdom is celebrating. The young king, however, is suffering from an experience unlike any he had before. Van finally seeks solace in his wife.
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ketchacabra · 5 years
stand by me
pairing: sam winchester x reader
word count: 1570
warnings: fluff, drinking
written for: @princessofthefandomrealm‘s non-dominant challenge (3hours 23minutes, no editing just posting.)
a/n: this is the first work i’m posting here and im both terrified and excited. i love writing and this fic was so much fun to write. the version of stand by me that inspired this was by the wonderful Jason Manns. 
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Pouring the last drops of wine from the bottle, I smiled and leaned against the table. The bunker is silent except for the usual soft hum of the generators that are hidden deep in the bunker. Deciding that its too quiet, I open my phone and turn on my favourite playlist. As the music plays I dance around the library, wine glass still in hand.
I lose track of time as I dance around, my dress sweeping the floor and the wine warming my soul. Soon enough my glass is empty and I wander through the bunker to find the kitchen and an unopened bottle of wine.
The music follows me through the otherwise silent passages of the bunker. As I reach the library, empty glass in one hand and new bottle in the other. With a now full glass of wine I check my phone and find a string of messages from Sam letting me know they’ll be home soon and how much he misses me. I let myself get lost in the music again as I wait for them to get home. The song fades out and my favourite begins. I sing as I refill my glass, my thoughts wandering to a certain tall hunter who stole my heart.
The bunker door is the least subtle door ever invented and creaks loudly as the boys arrive home. They make their way into the bunker, finding me still singing and dancing with my wine, with Dean trailing behind an eager Sam. I twirl around, carefree and loving the swish of my dress as I turn. Without realising Sam had come closer I collide into him, his arms the only thing stopping me from tumbling over.
I find myself lost in his eyes when I look up to him. He smiles, dimples showing and hair falling around his face, ‘Hi beautiful.’
‘Hi Sam.’ I can’t stop the blush creeping onto my cheeks as he stares at me. He pulls me into a bear hug, and I sink into him, awkwardly holding my wine out so I don’t spill it over us as he pulls me impossibly close.
Dean clears his throat, ‘Its good to see you sweetheart, but I’m not hanging around you two lovebirds.’
I pull away from Sam and he reluctantly lets me go, ‘Dean, I missed you too.’ I set my wine down on the closest table, which earns me a pointed look from Dean. I respond with puppy dog eyes and a pout, ‘Don’t be like that.’
‘Sweetheart, I’ve been stuck in a car with him for hours. All he’s done is talk about seeing you again, I don’t want to keep him from you.’
Sam laughs at Dean and I can’t help but join in, ‘Okay, fine. But I want you up for breakfast, we’re eating as a family. Its been too long since I’ve seen you boys. I stocked up on bacon and I’ll even make pancakes.’
Dean pulls me in for a quick hug, ‘Sure sweetheart.’ Eyeing the two bottles of wine on the table he adds a cheeky, ‘we’ll see if you’re still up for it in the morning.’
Throwing a light punch at Dean’s shoulder I laugh, ‘shut up Dean.’
‘Yeah Dean, shut up.’ Sam echoes.
The three of us laugh and Dean turns and walks off to his room for the night. Just as he’s about to turn down the hall to the bedrooms he calls out, ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do you crazy kids!’
‘Go to bed old man.’ I yell back.
I turn and look at Sam, who’s still smiling. His smile makes me feel like a deer in headlights. He takes a step away from the table he is leaning on, ‘I missed you baby.’
‘I missed you too Sam.’
‘C’mere,’ Sam opens his arms up and I step into them. His arms wrap around me tight and he presses a kiss to the top of my head. ‘What’d you get up to while we we’re gone?’
‘Not much, just cleaned up a bit and went for a couple supply runs. I did some of our laundry too, I had to get rid of my favourite jeans because they were covered in vamp.’ I exaggerate with a shudder and I can feel Sam chuckle. ‘I went and bought some more, I picked you and Dean up a couple things too. I restocked the beer, Dean’s whiskey and treated myself to some wine. What about you guys, how was the hunt?’
‘I see that,’ Sam replies. ‘It was easy, just a salt and burn. That didn’t stop me from missing you though. I’m just glad to be home now. Dean even agreed to take a couple days before we head out again. You tagging along next time?’
‘That’s not too bad. I miss the easy jobs, sometimes fighting angels and demons and gods messes with me. Like give me a vamp any day.’ Sam hums in agreement, his arms still tight around me. ‘I’m glad, I love just being here with you, no monsters just us. Yeah, I will. I don’t like being here alone too long, I just wanted to take a couple days to get this place liveable again.’
Sam doesn’t respond, he just holds me close. Its quiet moments like these that make every bad part of this life (and there are a lot) worth it. I never feel safer than when I’m in Sam’s arms, it’s like nothing can touch me. Neither of us speak, I start to hum along with the music that is still playing in the background.
Sam starts swaying us to the music, a sappy love song is now playing. ‘Y/N?’ He asks, snapping me out of my daze.
‘Yeah?’ I respond dreamily.
‘I asked what song was playing when we got home?’
‘Oh, Stand By Me.’ I say.
‘Turn it back on?’ he asks.
‘Sure.’ I pull away from him to get to my phone. ‘Why, do you know it’s my favourite?’
‘It is?’ He asks, cute confusion in his smile.
‘Yeah, this version anyway. You didn’t know?’ I laugh.
He shook his head, ‘I thought maybe Zepplin like Dean, you’ve always listened to his music.’
‘Oh, I do. It’s not my favourite, although Dean does have a great taste in music.’ Sam shaking his head makes me laugh even more, ‘Seriously, not that I’m complaining but why do you want me to put it on?’
‘When we walked in and I saw you dancing you seemed so carefree and happy,’ He says, a sheepish grin spreading across his features. ‘Y/N, will you dance with me?’
‘Sam Winchester, I’d love to.’
Picking up my phone to turn on the song, I take another sip of my wine. I press play and as the soft sounds of guitar echo through the library Sam takes me back in his arms.
We slowly move with the music, neither of us saying a word, both just content in each other’s embrace. The fuzzy feeling from the wine is slowly ebbing away and being replaced with the butterflies and warmth that being with Sam brings. There’s no feeling like it on this earth and not enough words to describe it, every adjective doesn’t quite fit.
The song is so fitting for this moment with Sam. It’s peaceful, there are no monsters here but even if there were I’d make it through anything with that man by my side. Thanks to the whirlpool of emotions, a single tear slides down my cheek.
I sing the second verse softly against Sam, feeling every word deep in my soul. ‘If the sky we look upon Should tumble and fall Or the mountains should crumble to the sea I won’t cry, I wont cry No, I won’t shed a tear Just as long as you stand by me’
As the final chorus plays and the songs fades away Sam and I remain silent, there’s no need for words.
Sam pulls away from the hug, leaning in for a kiss when he see’s the unshed tears in my eyes. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’
‘Nothing,’ I whisper, unconvincingly. He doesn’t seem to buy it but before he can ask anything else I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him back closer to me. My lips are on his in a second, in that moment I have no words for him and this is the best I can do. He pulls me closer, his arms snaking around my waist. The world falls away, in this moment we’re the only things in the world. There are no sparks or fireworks like it’s told in cliché romance novels, instead a blaze of wild fire set aflame in my soul.
We pull apart, a muddle of laboured breathing and dreamily staring into each other’s eyes. Sam stares at me adoringly and my heart feels like it could burst. That was like no kiss we’d ever shared, and we’ve kissed plenty. From stolen kisses in Baby when Dean was paying for gas, lazy kisses in bed, surprise PDA to divert attention to the passionate kisses when we can’t get enough of each other.
‘I love you so much Sam.’ The words all but fall out of my mouth as I stare into his eyes.
His smile grows, dimples deepening and his eyes doing that adorable little crinkly thing. ‘I love you too Y/N.’
let me know what you think. i love and appreciate any feedback. 
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Fairytale of New York
A/N: This is my entry for mine and Kari’s (@thing-you-do-with-that-thing) 12 Days of Christmas Challege. It's betaed by the lovely @thorne93.
Pairing: Cas x Reader
Prompt: Chirstmas Music
Warnings: Fluff
Wordcount: 815
(I know this gif isnt tecnichally Cas, but... Also.. Its not my gif)
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“So, what's the deal with you and Christmas anyway?” Dean asked from his spot in the library. He was leaned back in his chair with a book in his lap, a beer in his hand and his feet crossed at the ankles on the table.
“I don't know,” you said, shrugging. “While growing up there was always so much stress in our house, but the moment the Christmas music started playing it was like everything just slowed down and all the stress went out the window. Why are you so against it?” you asked, taking a seat across from him.
“I'm not against it, but we don't really have any traditions for it,” Dean answered while he threw the book on the table.
“I'm not gonna force you and Sam to celebrate with me, but I just thought it would be nice with some Christmas music at least.” That was the reason you had come to Dean in the first place, to see if he had any in his music collection.
“Sorry, kid,” he said, taking the last sip of his beer. “Maybe if you turn on the radio?” he suggested.
Cas continued hide around the corner as he listened to the conversation between you and Dean. He didn't have any experience or traditions with Christmas at all, but he knew that it seemed to be important to humans, and more importantly, it seemed to be important to you.
He waited until Dean was alone before he made his presence known, startling Dean as he teleported into his room.
“Damnit, Cas,” Dean scolded. “Don't you know how to knock?”
“Of course I know how to knock,” Cas answered. “Do you have any Christmas music?”
“Why do you want music?” Dean asked, sitting up straight. This was a weird request, even for Cas.
“No reason.”
“Is this for (YN)? It is, isn't it. I knew it,” Dean said triumphantly.
“What did you know?” Cas asked, more than a little confused by Dean's sudden outburst.
“You like her.” Dean got to his feet and walked over to his records, letting his finger slide over the ridges until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out the record and handed it to Cas. “Number four on this. It's as Christmasy as it's gonna get.”
“If I Should Fall From Grace With God?” Cas quizzed as he read the words, a questioning look on his face.
“Just.. Trust me, okay. Now go get your girl,” Dean said, encouraging his friend.
Cas walked back to the library where he knew he would find you, and he made his way to the record player Dean had set up in there.
You watched him curiously, wondering what on earth he was up to now. It was no secret that you had a massive crush on the angel, at least not to Sam and Dean, Cas was luckily blissfully unaware.
It was Christmas Eve babe, In the drunk tank
The music flowed from the speakers and a smile instantly grew on your face as you recognized the song. It might not be the traditional Christmas songs that you used to listen to with your family, but there were still many good memories in this song.
You stood from your chair and took a few steps closer to Cas. “What is this?” you asked, referring to the situation more than the song.
“Dean said it was a Christmas song,” Cas explained. “Do you not like this one? It was the only one he had.”
“I love this one,” you assured with a smile, “but why are you playing it?”
“I heard you talking to Dean earlier and I figured…”
That was all he got out before you had run over to him and crashed your lips to his. Just when you thought you couldn't fall deeper for this man he goes and does something like that. It took him a second to respond to you, but soon his lips molded to yours and a strong arm snaked around your waist. For a moment you allowed yourself to get lost in him, his scent, the taste of him, the feeling of his hair between your fingers, the safety of his touch. Everything that was Cas enveloped you, and for a brief moment the world around you faded and all you could hear was ‘the fairytale of new york’ and all you could feel was Cas.
“Finally.” A voice sounded from somewhere in the distance and you and Cas pulled apart. Sam and Dean were standing just outside the library, both with smiles on their faces.
“Come on, Sammy, let's give these lovebirds some space,” Dean said, nudging his brother.
You looked from the brother and back into Cas’ crystal blue eyes and you couldn't help the giggle that erupted. It was soon silenced thought, as Cas gently captured your lips with his again.
Christmas tags: (CLOSED)
@roxyspearing  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ericaprice2008 @sillesworldofwriting @mina22 @dreamcastiel @obsessivecompulsivespn @viviandarkbloom06 @impalaradio @kissofvenom992 @jayankles @feelmyroarrrr @its-a-pair-o-docs @grace-for-sale @torn-and-frayed @spn-fan-girl-173 @melonberri @clairese1980 @docharleythegeekqueen @mrssamfuckingwinchester @viviandarkbloom06 @ginasmith @mrswhozeewhatsis @waywardasfudge @lifeafterfandoms2 @atc74 @gryffindorofcabin21 @captainemwinchester
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