#he would either 1 think he’s been poisoned
pr-incey · 2 days
For a while—after being exposed to the antiship movement, because goodness knows I didn't care about this when I was younger—I wondered *why* fiction and reality were so different in my head. Why I could happily see things depicted in fiction that would make me sick to my stomach or upset me to tears just from thinking of it happening in real life. I couldn't come up with a reason for this for a while, which caused me distressed and made me worried that I might secretly be a terrible person after all.
But I've done some thinking and I've figured it out. Or, rather, I've returned to the mindset that came so easy to me in the past and probably did to a lot of people before the well was poisoned.
When I see a fictional character, I don't see a person. I don't see a person like *me*, anyway. I see a person within that piece of fiction's universe; a plane of existence that is wholly different from my own. Lines and colour, words on a page, virtual drawings being played sequentially at a speed that simulates movement. Sure, the written passage, 'He had eyes, ears and a mouth' is a representation of what *I* am, and what other people around me are, but it is fundamentally a plane of existence that is *alien* to me.
An alien is something that is decidedly not human. I feel empathy for other humans because I can relate to them. I have no desire to hurt them because I either know what it is like to be hurt in that way, or I can imagine what it would be like. I know the harm it would do to them, which illicits a reaction of disgust and apprehension in me. 'That's terrible,' I think, which simply kills any desire to cause any harm to a real person or do any disgusting actions.
This is why predators are such terrible people. They are fully aware of the harm their actions will cause and then go ahead with them anyway.
But with a fictional character, it's different in these ways:
1. First of all, we have to remember that they AREN'T human and so whatever I feel towards them cannot accurately mirror whatever I feel towards real flesh and blood individuals. They're projections of humanity from OTHER people in whatever medium they choose, but fictional characters are—and I cannot stress this enough—NOT HUMAN. If I pull off the head of a Barbie doll, does that mean I have the desire to behead someone in real life? Does it mean that I MUST have the urge to behead someone in real life, because a barbie doll is a 'representation' of a person? Your answer, I'm hoping, is no. Because Barbie is not human.
2. And because fictional characters are not human, I don't have empathy for them. Not REAL empathy, anyway, the type that stops the desire to cause harm. When I 'violate' a fictional character, it illicits at most only superficial disgust because I know that character will not live with the lasting consequences of my actions. They're a projection, a facsimile.
So that might bring you to another question, 'Even if they're not real, why would you WANT to do that to them, anyway?'
That I can't answer. The human brain is weird. Sometimes, people have dark urges. If a kid tosses their Barbie onto the ground and seems to take pleasure in it falling, can that accurately say they want to push a real person onto the ground? If someone seems to enjoy a violent video game like GTA where they can run people over and shoot them to their heart's content, is that a surefire way to know that they want to do those things to real people? I wouldn't say it is. Would you?
The final thing to remember is that it's not completely black and white. A serial killer might have been 'inspired' by a violent horror story, whereas the actual author of that story is a nice, well-adjusted individual. People with the desire to hurt actual humans might make do with projections, but it does not change the fact that they actually want to HARM people. The fiction didn't make them want to do that. They already did, and probably would have even if they didn't discover said fiction. And horrible people CAN make their own 'projections'.
Generally though I believe it is obvious when someone is just playing with dolls, and when someone is exhibiting an actual desire to hurt somebody.
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E15 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
To start at the beginning:
Episode 1
My character/locations cheat sheet
Suiren - Jinshi's attendant
Lakan - mysterious officer
Lihaku - the military officer who took Maomao out of the Rear Palace
Basan - an officer who works in the palace
Xiaolan - Maomao's servant girl friend
Palace gossip! Lihaku has done a good job handling the fire investigation. But he had help from Jinshi's personal assistant! Didn't Jinshi just buy a beautiful courtesan from Verdigris House?
This shit is worth sitting up for. Master Lakan, who's peaceful nap was interrupted by gossipy military bitches, would like to hear more about Maomao. Should I be worried about this guy's interest in Maomao?
Gaoshun would like Maomao to look into an old case. If you want to close a cold case, then Maomao is certainly the one to ask.
Side note: Gaoshun just offered to take Maomao to a restaurant to eat raw pufferfish. Is Gaoshun going to get a date with Maomao before Jinshi does? Bwahahaha!
So Gaoshun was asked to investigate this case years ago. Which makes me wonder what his position is/was. I thought it was mentioned that he has been with Jinshi since the day he was born, but that can't be right either, or he would have noticed the baby swap. Unless, I mean he is not always around Jinshi, so maybe the swap happened when he was out investigating a case? Also, can people not recognize one baby from another? Or did the swap happen so quickly after the births that people really didn't know what their child looked like. Whatever, the details probably aren't that important.
So after hearing about Jinshi's new servant/concubine who can solve mysteries, Lakan approached Jinshi's man, Gaoshun, to ask for help solving a case. Uh yeah, that dude knows a thing or two about strategy and maneuvering others. Is this guy dangerous?
A similar case has arisen, a bureaucrat has fallen into a coma after eating raw pufferfish.
Maomao: Master Gaoshun. Forgive me, but is it appropriate for you to be discussing this with me? Gaoshun: It won't be an issue. Unlike certain individuals, you understand your position.
What a loaded response from Gaoshun.
He's clearly taking a dig at Jinshi. Gaoshun was frustrated when Jinshi was assigned to care for the Rear Palace, and thinks that using his appearance as a test against the concubines is beneath him. But he also has been witnessing Jinshi spiral further and further away from propriety with Maomao, and can't approve of it. I thought Gaoshun had decided to support Jinshi and Maomao when he intervened to get Jinshi to Verdigris House and rescue Maomao. But, perhaps his motives weren't to support a romantic relationship between the two, rather to bring Maomao back to the palace where she would be under their protection and within their control. The second half of his statement to Maomao, "you understand your position," is also a bit of a reminder or perhaps a warning to her. He's also saying don't try to exceed your station. Gaoshun is delusional if he thinks the situation between Maomao and Jinshi can be maintained as it is.
Gaoshun lays out two similar poisoning cases. Maomao's keen mind is already rolling through the possibilities and she asks for some more information.
Jinshi scares the living shit out of Maomao when he startles her by asking what she was talking about with Gaoshun. I find it interesting that this request came directly through Gaoshun via Lakan, and that Jinshi was not aware of it. Why not inform Jinshi? I had wondered before about Lakan, if he might be some kind of rival of Jinshi's, since he seemed to take such an interest in the gossip about him. That Gaoshun, avoided informing Jinshi about this, makes me think there is something between those two gentleman, that isn't friendly. This scene also shows us that Gaoshun does sometimes operate outside of Jinshi's domain. We saw that in the past he was an investigator, and that now he sometimes does tasks that aren't given by Jinshi. Also, Jinshi is in casual robes, with wet hair. He clearly just got out of the bath. Was Gaoshun trying to have this conversation with Maomao while Jinshi was busy. Was he trying to hide this from Jinshi?
Jinshi: You seemed to be listening quite intently to Master Gaoshun's story.
Jinshi has become a bit possessive where it comes to Maomao. We saw that when he brought her back from Verdigris House, and again when Gaoshun gave Maomao a cloak last episode. Here it is again, with her having an intense conversation with Gaoshun. I wonder what Jinshi's actual thoughts are on his possessive actions. I mean I can see that his emotions for her are making him jealous and he's not bothering to try and hide that, but in his mind, does he think he has a claim on Maomao? He may actually have a legal claim since he did buy out her contract at the brothel, but in what way does he intend to exert that claim? Does Jinshi see Maomao as something he owns? Is his jealousy connected to that? Is he frustrated that he just bought a concubine and she wants nothing to do with him romantically? Or are the feelings of jealousy that we're seeing simply from his attraction to her? Does he simply wish her to return his feelings, and want to keep other guys away from her, so they won't get a chance to pull her attention away from him?
Maomao: People tend to pay attention to stories they actually find interesting. Jinshi: Now hold on. Is that why you frequently cut me off midsentence- Maomao: Oh dear. It's getting late. I suppose I'd better take my leave.
So the ambiguity of the relationship between Maomao and Jinshi has not affected their ability banter. Maomao is still teasing Jinshi, even if the conversation may indicate that Maomao has been avoiding Jinshi. Is she afraid they may have to talk about what it means that she's had her contract purchased and is living in Jinshi's house? Is she afraid her feelings may tip over into something that is even more difficult to hide from? Is she afraid she'll have to confront Jinshi's true identity and all the repercussions that come with it? All of the above? This situation feels so untenable.
Jinshi: Come back here. I'm not done talking with you- Suiren: And I have not finished drying your hair. Hold still
Suiren really controls everything that happens in this house doesn't she? What are this lady's goals? What does she think about Jinshi and Maomao?
Jinshi watches Maomao walk away and rumbles in frustration. He's ever trying to get closer, while Maomao keeps her distance. What will it take to change this?
Gaoshun returns with the details Maomao requested.
Maomao: I knew you would deliver.
There is a real trust and comradery developing between Gaoshun and Maomao. She doesn't have the same reservations she has with Jinshi and she isn't nearly as critical of Gaoshun. Indeed, she routinely views Gaoshun with glowing praise. In many ways he's the ideal man in Maomao's eyes, even if she doesn't see him as a match for her personally. I wonder how she would accept knowing Gaoshun's true identity.
Jinshi is delighted to come upon Maomao and Gaoshun discussing the poisoning mystery. He can't resist teasing Maomao for getting stuck on this case. It's rare that she doesn't figure out the solution right away, which means she probably hasn't had all the clues presented to her yet. Not only is she very good at solving mysteries, she's very perceptive and good at recognizing clues. So far everything she's been presented are clues gathered by other people. I have no doubt she could solve this if she were able to investigate herself.
Suiren: Careful, or you'll ruin your appetite. Jinshi: I'm a grown man. Maomao: Highly debatable from what I've seen.
Okay, I'm going to side with Jinshi on this one. Like, let the man eat if he's hungry. Also, isn't this his house? Why does everyone get to have an opinion on when and what he eats? Or how he behaves. Jinshi already lives in a fishbowl with eyes on him and every action he takes. It would be nice if he could have a little slack in his own home. But that is not his fate. He's destine to be slowly driven insane by endless demands and expectations.
Finally, Maomao will be able to see the kitchen where the poisonous meal was prepared. No doubt she'll be able to solve this now.
Maomao meets up with Basen. And it took me a moment to remember where I heard that name before, but this was the officer Jinshi was sparing with (shirtless!) way back in episode 5. He was kind of a hot-headed fighter, but was humble enough after Jinshi kicked his ass. He's being a dick to Maomao here. Now I just want to see Jinshi beat his ass again. Maomao says she's never seen Basen before but that he looks a bit familiar. What the hell? Like, is he related to someone she knows? You know what, I'm already working on trying to figure out Maomao and Jinshi's parentage, I'm not going to waste thoughts for fricking Basen.
I lied. This is actually going to bother me.
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that he has crazy hair just like Lakan, but Maomao hasn't met him, so how can he look familiar. Fuck it.
So Maomao and Basen take one step into the kitchen and a dude runs up and demands they leave. It's not at all suspicious.
Damn it Basen does look familiar doesn't he? But like who?
Maomao finds the seaweed that is out of season and steals some on her way out. Thievery is becoming a habit for Maomao. She explains that the seaweed was improperly prepared before being shipped to this region, so it was never detoxified. She implies that it may have been intentional and the others know what to do from there.
We see a humous scene of Maomao explaining that the seaweed is toxic and proceeds to eat it. Jinshi is about at horrified as he can be. To be clear, he has the appropriate reaction for when someone consumes something poisonous. Jinshi forces her to take an emetic agent and vomit it back up before she can allow her experiment to begin. Once again we see her disregard her own wellbeing to pursue her study of poisons. It's reckless behavior. I understand that she doesn't have an ethical way to run these experiments, but one doesn't risk their own life or health for the pursuit of knowledge without having a pretty messed up sense of the value of their own life. She could have done this experiment in private and tried to hide it, but instead chose to do it in front of Jinshi and Gaoshun. I wonder if she was curious to see their reactions, or if she was even hoping they would respond this way. That they prevent her from hurting herself is a sign of their care for her. Will she be able to understand that and internalize it? I'm not hopeful.
Oh, that not at all suspicious younger brother was the culprit who bought the foreign seaweed? You don't say. Okay so he felt he wasn't treated well as the younger brother. Is this the same dude from the end of the last episode when someone was whining about being "worthy too?" So the mysterious guy who happened to be around the night Sir Kounen died, was also around to suggest to this murderous little brother, that he import toxic seaweed from the south. What is that serial killer up to? Does he have a larger goal? Is he part of a conspiracy?
Maomao, I think is tidying up Jinshi's bedroom, and is in a terrific mood, dreaming about how to use her caterpillar fungus. She accidentally is overly welcoming to Jinshi, and it is too much like a scene from one of his fondest dreams, so he smashes his face against the wall. These two cannot keep going on like this. Jinshi is desperate to move things forward with Maomao, even if he is holding back for now. And Maomao cannot pretend to be oblivious to his feelings forever.
Jinshi is exhausted. He has a lot of work to do, and Lakan has been making his life harder than usual.
Finally we get more information about Lakan. He's past forty, a high ranking military office, and a weirdo. I'm always looking for long lost parents, and this guy is a prime suspect. And he could work for Maomoa, Jinshi, or Basen. The fact that he's a "weirdo" makes me lean towards Maomao. Also, his strategic mind. Though I suppose that could be descriptive of Maomao or Jinshi, I think it fits Maomao better.
Jinshi says he thinks Lakan has it out for him, because he keeps causing trouble, plus the man has been in his office for the last few days. Probably ever since he heard about Maomao.
Jinshi is opening up and sharing his frustration about something going on in his life, and Maomao decides it's not her problem, so she doesn't need to care.
On the one hand I get it, she's trying to stay out of things that aren't her business. We see that consistently with how she avoids gossip. She may also feel that since she is merely a servant, that her opinions wouldn't be welcome here. But either way, Jinshi has decided to open up and share something, and she just disregards that. Frankly, it's rude.
If a friend wants to share something with you, you should make some effort to listen, it's how you build and nurture relationships. Of course that is likely the heart of the problem here. Maomao is terrified of intimacy, and this is a lot like actually being friends. She can't allow it. At least not with Jinshi.
We have seen Maomao sit and listen to Xiaolan, chatting about all kinds of different things, and I'm trying to remember specific examples but I think she would be willing to listen to the ladies of the Jade Pavilion or Verdigris House. I at least don't remember her ever straight up bailing on a conversation like this. It's really only Jinshi that gets this kind of treatment, and it's because he's the biggest threat.
She could be friends with just about anyone else, but with Jinshi, it's a slippery slope. If she allows a deeper friendship to grow, what's to stop her from continuing to tumble, until she fall completely in love?
Maomao: Enough of that. It's not like it affects me, right?
And for as much as Maomao would love to check out of what Jinshi was saying, in truth she's bothered by it. The skies are cloudy, and Maomao's got a bad feeling about Lakan. She's worried about Jinshi. I wish Maomao had a therapist.
So we finally get a scene between Jinshi and Lakan. And what a scene it is!
Lakan arrives with fake smiles and words with hidden meanings. Jinshi is on guard from the start.
Lakan wants to talk about Verdigris House. He had a connection with a courtesan there who was a master at Go. Lakan lost his chance to buy her when her price went up during a bidding war. The courtesan he's talking about was an interesting one, who sold her skills but not herself, and wore a haughty expression. Jinshi unwillingly relates to Lakan when he describes the joy of being glared at.
Jinshi can't help himself and keeps asking questions even though he is aware that Lakan is luring him deeper into this conversation. Does Jinshi have an interest in this conversation? What Lakan's goals are here, Jinshi doesn't know, and I don't either, but Jinshi and I are both pretty sure it has to do with Maomao.
Lakan did something to the courtesan to lower her value, but doesn't want to reveal his misdeeds without a favor. Lakan asks to meet Maomao, and refers to her as Jinshi's servant rather than his concubine, which is interesting, following the conversation that preceded this ask. There is a mystery that Lakan wants to get to the bottom of, and he wants Maomao to take a look. Jinshi allows it. Maybe trying to find some peace from the endless trouble that Lakan has been causing him, or maybe he is agreeing to something, something mysterious that was being discussed in this conversation, that wasn't said aloud.
So time for a wild theory. I'm wondering if Lakan is Maomao's father and if the courtesan might be Maomao's mother. The thing he did to lower her value may be to impregnate the woman. Was he able to purchase the woman? Did he move her into the annex? Is Lakan a rotten piece of shit, and Maomao's mother faked Maomao's death and asked Luomen to help get her away from Lakan? If so, and Lakan suspects who Maomao may be, then his conversation with Jinshi may be a chance to see what Jinshi knows. Lay out some pieces of the story and see if Jinshi reacts.
And now I wonder, just how much does Jinshi know?! Does he know about Maomao's parentage? Is that why he couldn't help asking more questions? Is that why he agreed to allow Lakan to see Maomao. Is this some kind of tacit agreement, like fine you can see her, but don't tell her any of this shit?
In the final scene the rains have come. Trouble has arrived.
To start from the beginning:
Episode 1
Next Episode:
Episode 16
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levmada · 7 months
how would levi deal with / react to a brain freeze
i think he would look like this
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
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stop fucking flirting with me, you rancid little man
#bg3#thoughts about media#never had this dialogue before. durge exclusive or...??#either way- I'm lying astarion. please keep talking about murder. it does something for me personally.#also LMAO at him “hiding” his vampirism. baby I can SEE your fangs and bite mark. you aren't hiding shit.#imagining him asking corydalis this and corydalis having to explain that decapitating him would be difficult due to his scaly skin.#with the parasite- his abilities are weakened and thus he can actually be poisoned whereas normally he is immune.#he'd admit he's always been curious what it's like to be poisoned lol.#you know. despite only having fully beat the game once- I have nearly 500 hrs in bg3.#I've half finished many campaigns. and now. when I must begin an adventure with no corydalis to return to...#...well it hurts. it is not the same without him...I will forever treasure him and experiencing the story alongside him.#this new character is a durge. aaaanother tiefling because I enjoy them. he isn't Actually the durge lorewise though.#I had my own story already formulated for him. even before I made him in game. I think I still want to keep him a bhaalspawn though.#if not bhaal- he'll be tied to myrkul. since corydalis has existing beef with myrkul.#he's got body type 1 instead of 2 and goodness it is SO strange to Look Up To the gents. like what do you MEAN they are TALL?!#astarion is like a little mouse. he is not supposed to be tall! wyll has transmasculine short king allure. he is not supposed to be tall!#gale can be a LITTLE tall. I guess. but he's such a sopping wet cat of a man. I can hardly imagine him being THAT tall.#none of them are taller than corydalis! bar halsin and karlach of course.
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noroi1000 · 11 months
Sex Pollen
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Paring: Husband Gojo x wife reader
Words: 4k
Warnings: NSFW (rough sex, blowjob, deepthroat, cum eating, marathon sex, dirty talk, size kink, breeding)
Summary: The curse you were fighting didn't attack, it just sprinkled pink pollen on you. It was irritating. You were hot when you got home. But you felt good. Your husband checked on you right away, wanting to take care of you. He was afraid you were hurt or sick. But you wanted him to fuck you. You had to convince him to do it.
@tohsri there's full version (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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You sneezed as the curse she approached sprayed you with pollen that entered your nose.
You felt more like pollen hitting you than something dangerous.
Especially since it didn't hurt you at all.
The pink pollen that was around your face blurred and disappeared, and then you saw that the curse was standing a few meters away.
It looked a bit like a bee.
But you don't know why, it looked really friendly.
No claws or fangs.
It stood on those skinny legs like an ant. Four feet on the floor and the rest up.
It only had six legs.
But it was big. Maybe a little more than you.
Well, you know it. Your husband is almost two meters tall... So you're used to something bigger than you.
Especially when it comes to him.
Wiping your face, you looked at the curse that just stood there.
The pollen that flew into your face came out of a very lascivious-looking rose a bit under the head of the curse.
Why is everything starting to make you think of sex?
But you can't help that the rose on the curse's body looks like a clitoris...
Maybe it's a coincidence...
Or maybe your mind just got lewd...
You ran closer to attack the curse, but your attack missed as you were again hit with pink pollen in the face.
You spat as it entered your mouth.
You were getting warmer from the effort.
This curse didn't attack at all...
This is supposed to be a semi-grade 1 curse? It doesn't even attack!
It's not aggressive.
It just sprays you with that damn pollen that doesn't even smell or anything. Plus, this pollen is not poisonous! It doesn't do anything to you.
This curse just annoys you, blowing this pollen in your face every time you get close.
Either this curse is just meant to annoy people, or it really doesn't do anything.
You've been exposed so many times. And it's still there, and you get the impression that it's looking at you with shining, innocent eyes.
Perhaps this curse really is innocent. If you're still alive, yes.
A normal curse would kill you right away.
You saw a bee with a flower coming towards you, flapping its wings in a strange way.
You got into a fighting stance.
And the bee slowed down, and began to walk more slowly towards you.
When it was a meter away from you, the curse didn't move at all.
And all of a sudden that damn pollen got in your face again!
You waved your hand in front of your face to dispel it.
You looked at the bee, which seemed to be giggling softly.
You waved your hand with cursed energy at the curse, but it evaded.
Then pink pollen sprayed onto your face again. Fourth time same!
It was looking at you like a dog.
Then it came so close that you jumped back, falling on your ass to keep your distance.
But the curse jumped on you.
And lest you attack, she released the same pollen again.
Fifth time in your poor face.
you were coughing.
"What is this?!" You were about to hit the curse, but then the bee released an incredible amount of pollen at you, which made you a little confused.
You kicked it, and you made it slide away from you.
This curse is really getting on your nerves...
You'd rather it try to kill you than get pollen in your face every time!
As you got to your feet, you saw that curse was dancing!
You ran quickly to land a sure blow.
The bee turned and the regimental cloud made you miss again.
Then again and again.
You were already tired.
You didn't hide your face from the pollen just to hit it in the end and go home.
You've had enough of it.
As the curse released a pollen on you, he swung, but it dodged again.
"Stop moving..." You growled with sweat running down your face.
It came to you. You looked at it and saw a huge pink cloud coming out of the rose.
You swung, and the curse did not escape.
"Have fun."
Wait, that curse says?!
Now you hit. Instantly exorcising the curse with one blast of cursed energy.
There was still that damn pollen floating around...
You've already lost count of how many times you've been hit in the face with that annoying thing.
You felt fine and nothing happened to you.
Except for the tiredness you felt. You were hot.
As if you had a fever. But that's only because of how long you've been trying to hit that curse.
The pollen fell right after you left.
And you walked to the assistant's car with heavy breathing.
"Gojo-san, do you need a medic?" Ijichi asked you.
"Call me by my name. I don't want you to confuse me with Satoru." You said as you got in the car and sat lazily in the back seat.
"(y/n)-san, Everything's all right?"
You looked into his eyes as he looked at you.
"I'm just hot... I'm not hurt. I just want to rest..." You mumbled as you rested your head against the headrest.
"I'll take you home right now. But are you sure you don't need a examine?"
"That curse didn't even attack me! It was just such annoying pollen around that made it a bit difficult to breathe. That's all."
"Okay, however, call me if anything happens. I'll come pick you up to take you to Ieiri-san."
"Thanks... If that's the case, I'll do it..."
"How is my wifey~?" You heard your husband's melodious voice as he entered the house.
You knew he'd be back at this hour today.
But you felt good hearing his voice.
Like you're relieved.
You were so hot.
But knowing that he had come made you feel a little better.
Still hot, but better.
You heard his footsteps as he climbed the stairs to come to the room.
You had your head in the pillows.
Your hips were grinding side to side and shaking.
Did you feel like you were getting wet?
Sure, you wanted sex today, but not enough to hear it from downstairs and get wet just from the sound.
Or are you delusional?
Maybe you really have a fever and all you think about is sex?
That voice of his when he says all that lewd stuff...
About his long fingers crawling over your skin, arching inside of you.
About his eyes.
About his lips that kiss you. your body.
Lips that tease you between your legs.
The tongue that licks your nipples.
Tongue that enters your hole so he can taste you.
Your whole husband...
You've been thinking about your husband's entire body...
About everything he is...
"I heard you had a strange mission. Ijichi asked me to check on you right away." he said as he entered the room.
You wanted to tell him: oh yes, Satoru, come to me. Touch me... Grab my clothes and tear it apart. I'm so hot. Touch me. fuck me. Breed me.
You didn't know why those words popped into your mind.
Especially the last one...
But you'd be lying if you said you didn't want it.
Because your thighs tremble slightly when you feel this feeling.
Waiting for him to come up to you and lay his hand on you.
Your thighs tremble when you hear his voice.
You want him to fuck you so much here and now.
Or is it your imagination?
Maybe he hasn't really come home yet?
Suddenly, the bed next to you sagged slightly under another weight.
He may have been wondering why it's so dark in here, since you've covered the windows and also no lights are on. But there was a chance you wanted to sleep.
"How are you darling?" he asked placing his hand on your head.
He hoped you were awake.
You turned your head to look at him.
Your breath trembles at the sight of him next to you in that t-shirt of his that sometimes reveals his arm.
Your legs also trembled involuntarily.
You wanted him to sit between your legs now, not next to you...
"Satoru.... Are you really here?" you asked, extending your hand.
You grabbed the fabric of his pants on his thigh.
He was real...
"I'm here. Why shouldn't I be real? Are you tired?" He asked, laughing at what you said at the beginning.
He rubbed your lower back with his fingers.
It sent very pleasant shivers down your body.
You were so sensitive, weren't you?
Your body reacted even to his presence next to you.
Not to mention his touch.
"Honey, your face is red. Are you okay?" He asked, checking your temperature by placing his hand on your forehead.
"I'm fine..." you said and sat down.
Your hand gripped his thigh tighter.
But he didn't seem to care. You may have just accidentally touched it.
Sometimes he would take accidental touches as your desire to seduce him, and he would immediately drag you to bed.
And now that you were doing it on purpose, he didn't know it...
"Do you need something?"
You grunted looking at him.
Suddenly you grabbed his arm and pulled him down, causing him to lie on his back on the bed. But his feet were still on the floor.
You jumped on top of him, sitting on his stomach.
"I need relief..." you moaned as you kissed his collarbone.
"Toru, please... Give me relief. My body is so hot... I want something inside... I want touch... Please..."
He looks at you from behind the blindfold.
You kissed his cheek before your teeth caught his blindfold, struggling to get it off him as your hands were busy stroking his broad chest.
You circled your hips against his belly.
"Please Toru... A bit of relief..." you moaned into his ear.
Suddenly his hands grabbed your shoulders.
"(y/n), You know I'm always want to, but you're sick. I can't do that when you're not feeling well..."
"I feel great! It would be even better if you fuck me now... Toru... Fuck me raw... Fuck cum in me... Just do it... Now... Please..."
You felt very good.
But it would be even better if you had his cock now.
"Please~ Toru~ I'm so horny for your fat cock... I want to hear your balls hit my ass... Oh god... I want you to destroy my pussy with that big dick..." You moaned as you planted kisses on his chest.
You pushed the fabric aside and crawled under his shirt, kissing his abs. To put your head on his chest later.
You lowered your hips to rub against his crotch.
Your already swollen and thirsty pussy pressed against his crotch.
"Destroy me... Mark me... Toru ~fill me~. Put as much sperm inside me as you have... Fuck all the time... Now Toru... Give me that hard cock... You like our height difference. You like it when my little pussy takes your monster cock. You love to see me smaller than you. How big your hands are compared to mine. I know my lovely husband has a size kink. You can tie me up, fuck me in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Just fuck me."
When he opened his mouth to say something, you placed your fingers on his tongue, collecting saliva.
You came out from under his shirt.
You shoved your fingers in his saliva under your pants and panties, feeling your hot wetness. You ruined your panties so much.
You rubbed your clit with your fingers, feeling his saliva sticking to your skin.
You put your head on his chest. Your hips twitched.
"Please, Toru, Agree. I'll be a good wife~ I'll take your dick so good. Do what you want with my body. Pour cum on me, fuck me in the ass, gag me, strangle me, bend me. Fuck too deep. destroy me. Arrange me however you want..." You moaned.
You placed your hand, wet from your juices, on his chest for support.
Your fingers were dripping with your wetness.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, pretending he wasn't into it.
He wanted to stop.
Because either way, there's something wrong with you.
His little darling wife would never say anything so lascivious.
He wanted to fuck you, as he always did when he came home.
But circumstances were different now, and he had to take care of you first.
Although there was a chance you might have encountered a sex curse...
But that was unlikely!
But it was so...
He needed to know what was wrong with you first.
So he couldn't succumb to your lecherous words. Even though that's all you said, he wanted to do so much to you.
He couldn't succumb to your movements as you rubbed your groin against his crotch.
He saw your pants get wet.
Your eyes were shining and full of lust.
Almost tearful.
Your face even more red and charming.
Body trembling.
So eager for cock...
"Toru..." you begged.
But this time he couldn't give in, and he couldn't start undressing you right away.
"How am I supposed to convince you?" you thought looking at his face.
Kisses, touching him and you always worked.
Plus that dirty talk.
It must have affected him somehow.
You felt something hard against your clit.
You looked down to see how his slightly hardened cock stood out under his pants.
You smiled.
If he wants to cum, he'll fuck you.
"We can't. (y/n). There's something wrong with you. I need to fix this first. How are you feeling?"
"I feel good... So very good... Your dick is better... How do I convince you? Should I fuck with a toy in front of you? Shall I put your soft cock in me? It's all because of this pollen... Aah..."
"Pollen? What pollen? Is something hurting you?"
You quickly got off of him and knelt between his knees on the floor.
"My pussy hurts when you're not inside me." You put your cheek against his cock under the cloth. "How can I convince you that I'm fine? I feel fine. I'm not sick."
"You had a fever—"
"I'm horny..."
You grabbed the waistband of his pants and undid the buckle.
When you saw him move, you moved faster, tossing the buckle aside with a clatter.
Before he could grab your head, you pushed his pants and panties down, grabbing his semi-hard length with your hand and shoved it quickly into your mouth, going straight to the middle. To hear a satisfied purr from him.
"(y-y/n)..." he moaned.
You slid down on his cock, shoving it all the way down your throat. Which you never really did because he was too big. But now, because you're so horny and because he's not completely hard yet, you held him, warming him in your throat.
You started stroking his balls with your hand.
So ready to pour all over you the cum that accumulates there. Heavy and full.
You held him until he was completely hardened.
Your throat hurt from stretching. You had a gag reflex at times, but you managed to hold it back.
Your nose pressed hard against his pubic bone as you swallowed around him.
Saliva dripped from your chin as he sat in front of you on the bed, looking at the lewd image of your face in tears and saliva, as his whole dick disappeared into your little mouth.
He wanted to stop you, but it was so good...
Suddenly, he ran his fingers along your neck, feeling clearly where the end of his cock was.
He was proud of you.
But he was also terrified that his body didn't want to hold you back.
Your little hands continued to massage his balls so nicely, leaving not a single inch of skin untouched.
You go all over his cock, taking it down your throat, massaging his balls, and you're so wet that if it weren't for your pants, you'd be wetting the floor.
Isn't this the moment of his dreams?
His lovely wife is kneeling in front of him with a whole huge cock in her mouth. And comparing your bodies to each other, anyone would say that you are smaller than him.
You have a tight pussy and he has a big dick.
Or maybe you have such a small pussy because the size of his cock is too big? Maybe that's why you're so tight?
One thing is for sure, he will never let anyone check it out.
Because tonight and tonight you really want him to carve your walls into his shape.
His hands reached to his knees as he watched you pull it slowly out of your mouth.
The heat in your throat started to leave him.
As you get out the tip, you coughed a few times.
And he stood at attention in front of your face, ready for further caresses.
You put your mouth on his balls, sucking on one side, then opened your mouth hard to welcome most of the warm skin between your lips.
You put the length of it on your face, looking at him innocently. You even ignored the feeling of your saliva dripping down his shaft onto your face.
Your forehead with a drop of precum flowing out of it.
But you still continued. As you pulled his now saliva-soaked balls out of your mouth, you ran your tongue all the way to the tip, inserting it into your mouth, and you dug in further, letting it sink back into your throat.
His chest was rising and falling heavily.
Then you pulled him out again, and followed the same path with your tongue to his balls.
Then up and down again.
Until you added your hands on its base to give it more sensations.
Maybe that will convince him?
You twirled your hands on him, same with your tongue.
You sucked it and swallowed it. It was so good.
For him and for you.
He didn't protest. Perhaps because you have adopted a course of action that is very difficult for him to reject.
You were insistent in pleasing him.
He was throbbing and twitching impatiently.
So you put it down your throat one last time, gagging on his thickness as the tip slid down the walls of your throat.
But you swallowed him, again playing with his balls to make him purr with pleasure.
Until it finally exploded in your throat.
You thought you would suffocate or vomit from the very sudden filling of your throat with a thick and hot liquid.
However, you calmed down and waited patiently.
He continued to squirt as you pulled him out, and you let him cover your cheeks white.
Maybe that's why he came so much because it was the best deepthroat blowjob he'd ever had.
He lay down on the bed on his back and his cock followed suit, laying on his exposed stomach.
You sat on his chest, and showed him the inside of your mouth painted white.
"Get you a trash can or a towel to spit out?" he asked calmly.
Not always someone wanted to swallow cum.
You put your finger to his lips and suddenly swallowed.
Feeling the thick heat flowing in your esophagus more to the inside of you.
You ran your fingers over your cheeks, then licked the white liquid from your fingers.
You wanted cum so much.
You don't know why, but you wanted to lick his cum off your fingers and you wanted more.
And so it was.
You wanted more of his sperm.
In you and on you.
"T-Toru..." You groaned, grinding your hips against his chest.
His cock was already at attention as he watched you lick his cum with relish.
"Fuck it..." suddenly he grabbed your body and threw you on the bed.
Ripping off his pants and shirt and then the same with you.
He bent you in half and entered your pussy, starting a long journey of destroying you from the inside out. A journey that aims to satisfy you and shape your walls into his shape.
All evening.... Half the night....
And also one whole next day and also half the night...
You wanted so much from him...
Surely that pollen you were talking about was sex pollen...
You would never take so much sex from Him.
Even he was so tired.
He was so sore.
But because it was so great, he didn't want to stop.
The bed was wet with saliva, sweat, tears, your juices and his cum.
But he was lying there. Glad the curtains are closed.
That day and that night will be unforgettable.
Alternating blowjob and fucking your pussy. Once or twice it happened that he fucked your ass...
But then he went back to your pussy anyway.
You suck him dry that night.
Your body was dripping with his cum.
You had the most white fluids in you.
There's no way you're not pregnant.
But it's your fault. You're the one who begged him to fuck you raw and also breed you.
He opened his eyes to see his hard red dick lying on his belly from all the sex you guys had had.
He slept a few hours and his body still wants sex?
Or was it because your tired but still horny body was still stroking his balls and shaft with your fingertips?
"Toru... One more... one more time..." you muttered, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
You were as tired as he was.
How much liquid you spilled in this bed can definitely be counted as liters. If it weren't for the bottles of water, you would have died of desiccation long ago.
"The last time... I think it's really the last time..." You moaned.
He studied your face.
And suddenly he waved his hand at you.
By letting you in.
They slid their legs over his hips and you fingered his length into your stretched and cum dripping hole.
He groaned being so sensitive.
But it was nice anyway. Painfully pleasant.
As soon as he was deep inside you, your strength left you completely.
"T-Toru... Can you move? I don't have the strength..." you muttered.
Fluids about your thighs ran like water down the shower wall.
With a grunt, he flipped both of you over and, laying on top of you, began thrusting into you, only to cum with you in a few minutes moaning.
As your pussy milked out of him what his body had been able to produce in those last hours when he wasn't gushing like a fountain of cum.
You weren't as tired as he was.
So when he fell asleep, you left the house thanking him.
You cleaned yourself, but you didn't force his cum out of you.
What's left, let it stay there.
Because you don't regret wanting him to breed you.
You wanted to let him rest after all this.
Your body wasn't tired because you were in control of this powder. And now that everything you wanted to do with this powder was fulfilled, you were satisfied.
So did Satoru.
You went to his students to teach them that day because Satoru couldn't come today.
When you came home smiling, he woke up.
He greeted while standing naked in the kitchen as he ate cookies.
"There's no way I'm wearing anything. Don't even make me." He said, leaning his bare ass against the kitchen cabinet.
"Why?” You asked blushing at the sight of his naked body with scratches from last day. Marks on his neck that he got from you. Scratches on his back.
Your body was worse.
Handprints, hives all over the body, bites.
You had to wear a scarf!
"My dick is dying. You don't know how vulnerable I am because of what you've been making me do for the last day. Fuck, I can't even put my pants on without feeling like my dick is about to fall off!"
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
So- uh.. Batman started journaling days when he adopted Robin because he had no idea how to handle a kid-let alone a murderous one- and was trying to note down important information like what the child likes and doesn’t, what triggers them etc etc.
He also maintains a separate series detailing their interactions with villains and notes on if the child should be allowed near the villain and vice versa along with rules to implement with children and procedures to follow in case of their meeting.
Damian has five volumes written after him, which still continue to this day. Tim’s had fifty, Stephanie’s had twenty, Jason’s had eighty nine. But Dick? Dick has a hundred and twenty, atleast fourth of those written within his first month as robin. Why?
Exhibit 1
Batman: Ivy, listen to me-
Ivy: NO Batman! They’re destroying ecosystems, hunting endangered species, poisoning the rivers and-
Robin!dick *eyes in shock* : Is this true Batman?
Batman: .. yes
Robin!dick: oh..so why aren’t we helping Miss Evie?
Batman: uh..because she’s breaking the law
Robin!dick *crossing his arms* : But didn’t you say the system is flawed? And how sometimes matters need to be taken into your own hands?
Batman: Hold on-
Robin!dick: Come to think of it, is what we’re doing legal? You steal police information and beat up thugs. If you’re doing it to save lives, so is she!
Ivy *enjoying watching this stubborn child making batman sweat as he tries to argue and eventually agrees to help Ivy in a better way, giving Dick a flower when he leaves*
Bruce knows that Dick would absolutely not mind sabotaging factories or blowing up shit with a supervillain. All he needs is a good reason.
Exhibit 2
Riddler: Aha! Now.. riddle me this-
Robin!dick: .. Why are you so ugly?
Riddler: ..wha-
Robin!dick: And are you lonely because there are better ways to find friends.
Hours of insulting later
Robin!dick; If you’re so smart, tell me this: What animal roars when threatened, laughs when hungry and burrows underneath for the entire year, very dangerous to humans but a herbivore and tiny?
Riddler: * a few hours later, on his knees after complying with every one of batman’s demands, going hysterical and pulling out his hair while rocking back and forth*
Batman *getting increasingly concerned* Robin tell him
Robin!dick: Nope! *walks away*
Riddler spent fifty days in Arkham. The riddle still haunts him to this day. Dick doesn’t know the answer either.
Exhibit 3
Penguin *appears*
Gremlin Dick who’s been waiting to kick the shit out of someone: GOLLY BATMAN LOOK A PIÑATA!
Batman *running after Dick before he murders Penguin*
This is why none of the villains bat an eye at the bat kids antics anymore. And whatever they do, they thank their lucky stars they’re not as bad as the first one was.
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So basically the entire character list of The ballad of songbirds and snakes is the exes from hell
1. Coriolanus Snow
-Mansplain Manipulate Manwhore
-Great hair and fashion sense
-Love bombs you
-Old money
-His (grand)mom hates you because her son can do no wrong so clearly you're the problem
-His favourite hobby is emotional and mental abuse
-Snitches on you when cheating at family board game night (he's deflecting that he's also cheating)
-Emotionally stagnant (narcissist with mommy and daddy issues)
2. Sejanus Plinth
-Loves you to bits, so does his mom (your waistline will never truly recover)
-Indecisive about where to grab dinner always
-New money and it shows in his insecurity
-Supportive asf
-Breaks up with you because he can't be with a non pacifist/vegan
-Daddy issues
-Condemns Shein hauls
-Identity crisis every other week, you'll have to talk him out of a buzz cut, jumping off the ledge or giving all his money to scammers (if you collect all the stamps you'll get a financial compensation from his dad on the wedding day)
3. Lucy Gray Baird
-Her Ex is a dick, will stalk and harass you
-Her family is a bunch of hippies, will make you eat with your hands, on the floor, while singing Kumbaya
-Sings you to sleep, braids your hair
-Almost poisoned you thrice cause she doesn't understand you shouldn't mix cleaning products together
-Old soul
-Thrifts, recycles
-Puts salt in your coffee after arguments
-Ghosts you after your make or break argument
4. Casca Highbottom
-Never asks about your day, his is always worse
-Drug addict in denial
-Weird beef with his old classmate's son (he never lets anything go)
-Dislikes people, which would be fine if you weren't included
-Always on some sardonic shit, probably a business major with a psych minor
-His pills take all the space in the shared bathroom, your makeup will be shoved in the far lowest drawer next to the TP
-His ancient ass coworkers hit on you at symposiums, he's too high off bathroom cocaine to stop them (or gets off, either way you're tired and want home)
5. Dr Gaul
-Devil Incarnate
-You somehow rizzed her up at a function and she's been showing up at your house ever since (you don't how but she has both the address and a key)
-Petting zoo type of owner
-She always smells like chemicals and latex
-Asks you unhinged "Would you rather" questions and refuses to drop it (makes your Would you love me if i were a worm ex cute by a long shot)
-Will perform experiments on you without your knowledge or consent
-Insists her pet snake shares your bed
-Freak in the streets and the sheets (the restraining order won't even go through cause she's in cahoots with half the Government)
-Definitely wanted for war crimes somewhere, the G in Geneva convention stands for Gaul
6. Lucky Flickerman
-A clown.
-His hair and skincare products take over the entire bathroom/vanity
-He can't dress to save his life, but he sure thinks he can
-Golden retriever boyfriend energy
-Steals your concealer, refuses to admit it
-Would you like to see a magic trick? What do you mean this is a serious fight, there's a quarter up your nose
-Impulsive buyer, has 13 snow globes of panem because they were on sale and looked shiny
-Even his pet thinks he's a dumbass
-Cries during movies
7. Tigris
-Yes she do the cooking, yes she do the cleaning
-Insecure about her appearance (critical, will cost you)
-Her family is a bunch of snobs
-Anything she touches turns into gold
-Her cousin can do no wrong, you have to accommodate everything for him or she'll die (and he never even visits, "just in case")
-Her grandmother is a package deal, I hope you like boomer propaganda and info commercials early on Sunday morning
-Empathetic asf
-Puts everyone's needs above hers (and unfortunately yours)
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dark-frosted-heart · 20 days
Book of Memories ~ Chevalier and Licht ~ Part 1
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Among the servants in Rhodolite castle, there’s a debate that has been going on for years.
“Who among the 8 princes is the best swordsman?”
The three princes most often mentioned were the three with the most distinguished. 
The popular Leon, whose natural talent blossomed after overcoming his childhood illness and is now always at the frontlines, 
The seasoned brutal beast Chevalier, a renowned genius whose capable of anything,
And recently, Licht, who uses his extraordinary reflexes to hone his swordsmanship.
Maid (1): But did you know? There was a time when Prince Licht hated swords so much that even the mere sight of one drove him mad.
Maid (2): Really? I can’t imagine that at all. How come? 
Maid (1): Who knows? I don’t know why either, but… One time Prince Chevalier came home carrying a bloody Prince Licht. I heard from the head maid at the time that after that, he got over his hatred toward swords…
The maids who were wiping the windows paused.
In their line of sight was the bloody brutal beast dragging a silver-haired prince by the collar—
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Licht: Couldn’t you have been a little more considerate… My leg hurts.
In a doctor-less infirmary, Licht bandaged the wound on his leg with a blank look.
Chevalier, who had been leaning against the wall and watching in silence, opens his mouth.
Chevalier: I don’t care. Just give me the information. Why else do you think I brought you back from the enemy base where you had collapsed?
Licht: You were on the move too… That company…was a threat to Nokto.
Chevalier: I was the one who instructed the company to make a move.
Licht: …
Chevalier: I’ve had my eyes on them for a while. Publicly, they're a newly established company, but behind the scenes, they're a large criminal organization that smuggles on globally… They’re an eyesore. Before they could use our country as their headquarters, I used Clown to interfere with the company’s public business. I did not think they would take the bait so quickly…
Licht: Don’t use Nokto as a decoy…
Chevalier: And if that’s what he wanted?
Licht: …
Chevalier: It was convenient for me too. If Clown made a move, you would also make a move in secret. It’s a way to get information without much work, isn't it?
Licht: …I’m getting angry.
Chevalier: Of course, what we’re dealing with is just the appetizer—
Chevalier got off the wall, stood before Licht, and kicked his bandaged leg without hesitation.
Licht: Ow…
Chevalier: I can’t believe you were beaten like this.
A scoff fell over Licht’s head as he crouched.
Licht: There was a child at the base… It was before you arrived…I think he got lost while playing. I let him run off because I didn't want him to see blood…
Chevalier: You got shot while distracted.
Licht: It's just a scratch.
Chevalier: And if it was poisoned? If your leg goes numb and is no longer of use, it’s the same as getting shot.
Licht: I can move…
Chevalier: It would appear so.
Licht: …
Chevalier: …Foolish.
Licht: I know. But I didn’t want him to see blood. Because the trauma never goes away.
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Chevalier: Yes…It’s a feeling that only you can understand. I have never experienced trauma.
Licht: Yeah.
Garnet eyes glanced at the sword on the bed.
Licht: It was like living hell… Until you saved me.
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mapiforpresident · 2 months
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Our Little Family
Part 1
Mapi x reader x Alexia
warnings: throwing up, pregnancy
Summary: You and your wives decide to expand your family.
This is the first part in this series and is more of a setup to the next parts. Feel free to request any scenario relating to this universe!!!
You, Alexia, and Mapi had always known that you wanted kids. All three of you looking forward to the day you would become mothers. It was decided early on that you would carry them, well at least the first one, because you always wanted to have that experience of bringing a new life into the world. You had also all agreed upon the method of reciprocal IVF so that you would be able to carry one of your wives’ child. You had let them decide who would be biologically related to your first child and them being them, they decided to have a football competition of whoever could score the most penalties. It ended up being a tie after almost an hour so you made them put a stop to that and sat them down like the adults they were to talk it out. You had suggested it be random so no one knows who is the mom biologically related to your child and they jumped at that idea. They both went through the process of egg retrieval and froze the eggs that wouldn’t be used if/when they decided to have another child. The doctor then did some process where he randomly selected one of the eggs. Your wives were constantly by your side the entire process, going to every appointment, helping you with every shot, and they were there when the pregnancy test came back positive, all three of you letting out tears of joy.
You woke up that morning feeling a little nauseous tucked in between your peacefully sleeping wives. Alexia always got hot while she slept so she was only holding onto you by your hand, still wanting to be close to you. Mapi on the other hand was a very very clingy sleeper. Right now she was practically lying on top of you, head tucked into your neck slightly snoring. Her arm was also splayed out so it was resting on Alexia’s back. Originally at the start of your relationship, Mapi was the one who usually slept in the middle, but Mapi clung onto Alexia during the night one too many times, so you decided you would start sleeping in the middle to keep Alexia from throwing Mapi off the bed in the middle of the night.
You felt the nausea increasing with each passing minute, deciding you needed to get out of bed and to the bathroom quickly. You rolled Mapi over and carefully let go of the really heavy sleeper. You then carefully let go of Ale’s hand knowing she was the lighter sleeper and you didn’t want to wake her up yet. You then got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the light. You sat down on the floor leaning against the bathtub starting to feel like you were going to be sick. As soon as the contents of your stomach had been emptied, you heard movement outside the door.
“Amor, are you ok in there.” You knew it was Alexia.
“No,” You let out weakly, not being able to say anything else. She immediately opened the door and was quick to pull your hair back as you got sick again.
“Oh mi amor, it’s ok, I've got you, you're ok.” She rubbed your back with her other hand as you slowly sat back up leaning into her more. She then grabbed you a cool washcloth that immediately made you feel a lot better.
You guys sat there in silence, her still rubbing your back. After a couple minutes you felt a lot better and stood up to brush your teeth. She stayed right next to you the entire time, but you could tell she was thinking about something.
“You don’t think you're… you know… pregnant do you?” Alexia asked softly, not wanting to get either of your hopes up. You hadn’t really thought about it because you had felt so awful, but it makes sense. You don’t think you had food poisoning and you had no other symptoms.
“Oh.. I don't know, maybe… Do you think it's too early to take a test?” You replied as she pulled you into her arms and felt your forehead for a temperature. 
“It can’t hurt amor.”
“Well then when we go out later, we can stop at the store and get some.”
“Um about that… I may have bought a couple at the store the other day. I walked past them and I thought it couldn’t hurt and you never know. They are the medicine cabinet downstairs.” You laughed once she admitted this. It was such an Alexia thing to do and you found it adorable.
“Ok why don’t you go grab them and I’ll go wake up miss dead to the world over here. I don't want her to miss it when I take them.” Alexia then pecked your forehead as she headed out of the bathroom towards the kitchen to go get the tests. You walked over towards Mapi’s side of the bed preparing to wake her up this early in the morning. You started by gently rubbing your hand up and down her back, to which she only shrugged it off and rolled over. 
“Wake up bebé, I need your help.” You pecked her forehead a couple times as you said this and continued rubbing her back. 
“S’too early,” she grumbled. 
“I’ll play FIFA with you later,” she mumbled something incoherent to this as she opened one eye and groaned looking at the clock. Just then Alexia walked back into the room and saw that Mapi was still asleep.
“Get up Maps, it's important.” Once Mapi still didn’t respond to Alexia’s stern captain voice, Alexia yanked the covers off Mapi and picked her up over her shoulder and carried her to the bathroom. Mapi just tucked her head into the crook of Ale’s neck, still fighting waking up.
“Y/n woke up sick this morning idiota. She is going to take a pregnancy test and we wanted to wake you up so she could be here when she takes it instead of snoring like a grandpa,” Alexia told Mapi as she sat her down on the counter and handed you the bag of pregnancy tests. You decided that three was a good number to take ensuring that there wouldn’t be a false positive or negative. 
“Really,” Mapi said, fully awake now. “You might really be pregnant. Hey wait, I do not snore that loud.”
“Yes you do amor,” you and Alexia said at the same time. You then peed on the three sticks sitting them on the counter next to Mapi face down so you couldn’t stare at them and Alexia set the timer. The three of you stood, while Mapi sat, there hugging not really knowing what to say. The minutes passed by incredibly slowly, but eventually the timer rang out.
“Ready,” Ale said as both you and Mapi nodded. You each picked up a test and turned it over at the same time and held them out. Positive. All three were positive. Happy tears all started streaming down your faces.
“We’re having a baby. We’re going to be moms,” Mapi laughed out happily, pulling you in for a kiss as Alexia kissed yours then Mapi’s foreheads.
Your wives came to every doctor's appointment, were there for every scan, for everything. One thing you found incredibly adorable was that they each carried around a tiny copy of the most recent ultrasound in their wallets. Once you entered the second trimester of your pregnancy you decided to tell the team. You had stopped playing a couple weeks ago due to a ‘torn rotator cuff,’ so the team had no idea. After the team's most recent win, you meet your wives in the locker room ready for the announcement. You decided to use a tiny Barcelona jersey that said ‘newest signing’ on the back. The team was overjoyed and incredibly excited for all three of you. Patri and Pina requested to throw the gender reveal/ baby shower to which Alexia reluctantly agreed knowing it would probably be better than if Alba hosted it. 
The party was lots of fun. Friends and family from all over came. Patri and Pina pulled the party off without a hitch and it was revealed that you were pregnant with a baby boy. All three of you were so excited to welcome your son into the world, although Alexia and Mapi both went a little overboard with the amount of things they bought and how nice they were. They bought the best carseat, stroller and crib they could find and more clothes than was needed for triplets. They also took care of your every need and were there for you through everything, especially when you felt insecure about your weight gain or no longer being able to tie your shoes.They were also there for your expected and unexpected cravings. You went into labor at 39 weeks. Your wives rushed you to the hospital before you welcomed your son to the world.
You were napping in the bedroom when you felt your water break. You called out to Mapi and Alexia trying to get their attention and tell them it's time to go to the hospital but you received no response. You then heard a low moan ring out across the house, realizing why your wives were not answering you. You slowly got out of bed and waddled down the hallway, having to stop once because of a contraction, and as you finally rounded the corner and got a view of the couch your suspicions were confirmed. Alexia and Mapi were in the middle of an intense makeout session that started only recently because they both were still fully clothed, but Mapi was grinding down on Alexia’s thigh. You threw a pillow from the armchair next to you at their heads, both of which snapped to you immediately.
“If you two would stop being horny teenagers for two seconds you would have heard me call out to you that my water just broke and your son wants to make an entrance soon. So Mapi go get the hospital bag please and Alexia if you would please help me out to the car I would greatly appreciate it.”
They both sat there for a second in shock before immediately hopping up. Mapi went to grab the bag that Alexia had packed and repacked several times over the last couple of weeks, making sure nothing was forgotten. Alexia was at your side quickly helping you walk out the door and into the front seat of the car. “Mi pequeño, are you ready to make an entrance into the world? I can’t wait to meet you.” Alexia said after she had gotten in the driver's seat and helped you buckle up. Mapi was in the back seat next to the car seat that was already installed.
They both were amazing throughout the entire labor process. Alexia was a lot more calm and held your hand tightly the entire time being an anchor through all the pain. 
“You got this mi amor, you are doing so amazing, just a couple more pushes,” Alexia said as Mapi was on your other side asking a lot of questions to the doctor about if everything looked ok and how much longer it would be.
When you gave the final push, the three of you heard the most beautiful sound, the sound of your son’s voice. Mapi cut the umbilical cord as Alexia placed your newborn against your chest and he immediately stopped crying. Leaning down, she kissed your forehead and rubbed the hair out of your face. All three of you looked at him in awe. He was so tiny and precious. You knew from that moment on that the three of you would give him the best life you possibly could and love him unconditionally.
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Liked by: alexiaputellas, marialeon, and 276,429 others
yourusername: Welcome to the world Hugo Juame Javier Putellas Leon. I can't wait to watch you grow!!!
Comments Limited
alexiaputellas: You are so loved mi pequeño.
marialeon: I love you mi hijo precioso.
claudiapina: I cant wait to meet you mi pequeño hermano.
patriguijarro: A future barça midfielder.
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thematchlessartist · 1 month
[SPOILERS FOR LIGHT NOVELS] i don't think Kunikida was ever okay
so i was rereading the light novels and... yeah i don't think Kunikida's okay. bear in mind that these were either set before the start of the anime or were set before the end of season 1, so things such as walking alone, cannibalism arc and decay of angels arc had NOT happened yet (stressing this point as much as possible). i've also included roughly when in the BSD timeline the light novels were set and which pages i found the information on.
LN1 (s1e6 and s1e7 - azure messenger arc)
is absolutely terrified of the dark - i'm specifying the dark here instead of ghosts, which he specifically mentions in the anime, because he says he doesn't believe in them. but all the same, he's definitely not (keep telling yourself that, honey) shaking and crying (pages 24 and 25)
even at age twenty is willing to let himself die to save the other hostages - it says in the light novel that he is in fact suffering the effects of the poison gas, and still tries to save them despite Dazai and Sasaki stopping him (page 29)
made sure he still wouldn't have been able to kill Dazai - despite holding Fukuzawa's orders in high regard they would go against his ideals, which is why he never brought the real gun with him (pages 76-78)
the entire ending, pretty much - he had to watch both Sasaki, who he cared about, and Rokuzou, who he raised like his own son, die. he couldn't understand that there was no other way to do things, but since we don't know how his ideal came to be (seriously, Asagiri? nothing at all besides a couple vague suggestions?) we can't exactly push this point much (pages 95-101)
LN3 (set between s1e1 and s1e2 - where the Agency are planning Atsushi's entrance exam)
has what can only be described as a panic attack at the mention of a bomb threat (pages 4 and 5)
starts describing increasingly dark and oddly specific methods of torture to use on Dazai, whilst panicking and trying to attack something that isn't there (pages 16 and 17)
Kunikida and Katai's Brilliant Days (set around s1e6 - first part of azure messenger arc, but by this point Kunikida had not watched Sasaki and Rokuzou die)
sounds terrified at the thought of being called useless (page 5)
anyway that's all i got for now, will update if i think of anything else
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mowu-moment · 2 months
ranking food tokens by how much personally i want to eat them
- Throne of Eldraine -
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i have reason to distrust this meat pie thing, not only because of its wails of anguish but it also seems to have burst a bit in the oven. still not honestly opposed, at least the dishes are clean. 5/10.
how does one unpeel a curly banana? why are there sliced-open fruits on what appears to be a stone in the woods? where is the light coming from? i'm going to be taken by the fae and it's not even gonna taste too good while i'm at it, these things look dirty. but idk i don't mind someone else taking the wheel of my life rn. 2/10.
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again, concerns about the floor food, but at least it looks more like some deliverygirl got eaten by a wolf and dropped her basket than a trap. someone already took a bite, though, maybe i should leave it be. 4/10
i have been invited to the Goblin King's Feast and while i don't fully agree with his choices i will certainly partake. boar looks wonderful apart from the hair. 7/10
- Commander 2020 / Strixhaven Commander -
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i'm pretty sure cattails are poisonous to humans (not to mention the actual poisons in there) so i unfortunately can't oblige gyome's swamp soup. that crusty bread looks pretty nice though. i'll pick this thing apart like high school cafeteria lunch. 3/10.
- Modern Horizons 2 -
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i at least know who cooked this one, and i trust asmor a decent bit, but this is still food for demons, so maybe it's not too good for me. goddamn do i wanna know what it tastes like though. 4/10.
- Unfinity -
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i'm considering these two together. as a filthy american, i am allured by these fat-filled foods, but as a lad with a tiny stomach, i doubt i could eat enough to feel good about not wasting it. astrotorium's about excess, goddamn. the only funfair burger i've had was the best thing i had eaten in months, but it also made me ill the rest of the day. i really do want some infinity fries though, those look like the golden mean between a steak fry and a curly fry. 6/10.
- March of the Machine Commander -
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meanwhile this looks like a texture nightmare. like i respect it, i imagine it's filling and fulfilling, but i don't think i ever could eat more than a bite or two. bread looks a little worse than gyome's but only a little. 5/10.
- Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth -
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my white ass loves a charcuterie board. and i'm not going to be intimidated out of it by not eating enough, since it's all in snack-sized bits already. definitely gonna overindulge this sucker. i'm nervous about some of those spreads though. 9/10.
this looks like i'm in a dream, is it actively cooking? or still hot? i can't identify what's in that pan anyway. i'm leaving it alone out of respect. wouldn't mind a drink though. 2/10.
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this is not food. for humans. 0/10.
- Wilds of Eldraine -
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this is a king's feast i am properly intimidated by. i'm more into it than the Goblin King's, particularly that triple-layer blueberry pie or whatever that is, but i'm going to have to be as polite as possible lest i get a face full of flaming beer. 8/10
i'll probably be eaten before this can eat me, and it barely looks like food, but at least i go down with sugar in the mouth. 1/10.
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ogh. that egg looks divine. the bread looks amazing, there's a full glass, i've got like beans or mermaid tears everywhere. we've even got seasonings back there. the best damn breakfast i'll ever have. 10/10.
i would still probably eat this over nothing. there's onion, at least. i will either be hexed or violently ill, but like i could at least get it down. and maybe the witchmother is testing my strength and she'll reward me after slurping an eyeball. a convenient lie to tell myself. 2/10.
- Doctor Who Commander -
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y'know, four, i think i would like a copyrighted candy. they look sad and british, which is on point. but like it's not actively killing me like half of these. i think anyway. i don't know doctor who. 6/10.
what is this? i have no idea. custard? raw batter? giant dunkaroo? is he dipping fishsticks? it doesn't look like it's done cooking, like do we need to put it in a fryer again? i'd say it's inedible but it's not poison stew so i have to be nice. 4/10.
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get AWAY from me. this is a PERSONAL vendetta. i would rather try to eat spiderwebs. plus he's already eaten half of it. -10/10.
- Fallout Commander -
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i can't be too mean since this is literally apocalypse food. i think i prefer this over poison stew? like i recognize it at least, even if it's foul and moldy. man has to eat something. 3/10
i'm not convinced there's actual soda in here. is this just a perspective shot or is this a giant prop soda? i don't like cola anyway. again, worth it in an apocalypse i suppose. 4/10
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this soda i trust even less. it glows? does this give me magic powers in the fallout world or does it just kill me slowly? i think it'll kill me slowly anyway. i need fluid to survive in apocalypseland but damn i hate for it to come to this. 2/10.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
I've seen a few posts concerning this, so I wanted to add my two cents about Ed consenting to sex but not actually being ready for it.
The claim I see floating around is that Ed is doing this for Stede, because Stede needs the physical and emotional comfort, which I think overlooks Ed's own need for comfort, his faith in his relationship with Stede, and his personal autonomy.
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We see in the torture scene how Ed wants to protect Stede and is unable to, to the point that he says he's going to kill Low for burning Stede with the poker. We see how he tries to warn Stede about the poison attached to committing murder. His arrival at Stede’s door is indeed about offering love and comfort, but not just for Stede. When Ed grabs Stede at the wall, that’s not just comforting Stede—that’s comforting Ed. It’s Ed grabbing him and holding him. Losing Stede always sends Ed into a panic, and he did indeed nearly lose him again.
The undercurrent of the “he’s doing this for Stede” claim is that Ed in some way pities Stede or that he’s being self-sacrificial—that he’s doing what Stede wants, not what he wants. And this in itself would be a violation of consent—Ed only goes to bed with him because Stede want/needs him to, and Ed in some way feels that he deserves it. This both removes Ed’s autonomy and argues that Ed pities Stede in some way—two things that just aren’t supported by their characterizations.
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We never see Ed being condescending with Stede, even when he’s explaining how to be a pirate or how to fight. We never see him humoring Stede about what he wants—including in the treasure hunt, where he complains until Lucius tells him to stop being a dick, and then earnestly enjoys himself the rest of the time. Ed does not lie to Stede about anything; he even goes so far as to confess the attempted murder. It seems grossly unfair to therefore assume that Ed would take a step of such importance in their relationship because “well, Stede needs it.”
Ed’s own autonomy is important as well. He’s been comfortable asking for Stede to slow down. In Season 1, he’s clear about his physical and emotional boundaries and Stede does not cross them. For him to suddenly decide that his autonomy is unimportant when it comes to Stede would, again, be out of character in a way that cannot be explained by the situation. They’ve developed a mutually respectful relationship and Ed himself wouldn’t violate that, any more than Stede would.
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Note that Ed can say he wants to take it slow and then decide he doesn't want that anymore. He's allowed to change his mind, as he appears to, and overlaying an interpretation that he doesn't actually change his mind, when there's no textual evidence, again questions his autonomy and right to make choices. He's not apparently second-guessing the morning after either—not until other issues come up and Ed starts getting scared again.
I’ve talked about the “last night was a mistake” line before so I’m not going to repeat that, but I will again note that there’s zero indication that Ed thinks it was a mistake UNTIL he sees Stede increasingly enjoying his fame—something which neither of them predicted. Ed seems to have found the sex so physically and emotionally satisfying that he finally discards his leathers and talks to Stede about how he wants them avoid near death situations.
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Them not being quite on the same page in what they want professionally is not the same as them not being on the same page emotionally or Ed regretting sex. I've no idea why there should be any assumption that Ed pities Stede or offers up his body in exchange for Stede's comfort. That would violate their relationship and their trust in each other. The desire is mutual, the consent is mutual, the respect is mutual.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 3 months
Kids Anger Part 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ~
Kid X Fem Reader X Killer
The first thing is blinding numbness. Slowly becoming aware of your body, heavy and unmoving. You feel so tired yet you still try to move. Barely twitching a hand before practically flinching in pain. The subtle movement woke up the rest of your nerves as you try desperately to relax rather than tense up. You can feel your face scrunch and surprisingly it’s the only thing that doesn’t hurt, although it is sore and stiff. As the pain settles into your senses and you calm down, you can feel a blanket on top of you, even something stuck to your arm. Your shoulder and back ache the most but you don’t dare move for fear of another wave.
        Finally, you allow your senses to open a little more and you can hear more of what’s happening around you. This felt like a dream, despite all the pain, you felt as though you were floating and sinking, heavy and light, truth be told if you were more aware the feeling would make you dizzy. There was talking happening but you couldn’t process the words, a hurried voice and some footsteps. You tried to turn your head in hopes of listening in but immediately stopped the second pain became too much.
        You instead decide to relax your face, trying to open your impossible heavy eyelids. They felt glued shut as you slowly pried them open. Light quickly assaulted your eyes and quickly snapped them back shut, not prepared for the blinding light. This was frustrating, you couldn’t do anything, every small movement was torture, you couldn’t focus on anything without your head spinning. Despite all that you could feel movement on the bed around you, a light touch to either of your hands something cold that had made you slightly flinch to your chest.
        Despite your best efforts to understand anything it was too much. You couldn’t think about anything, couldn’t move without pain, couldn’t listen in on what was said. The heaviness of your body was calling to you and you couldn’t resist it forever, so just as quickly as you had ‘woken up’, you were forced to go back to sleep.
        Kid paced the floor side to side. Kid sitting by your bedside. The doctor just left the room after checking over your condition. Killer had rushed for him when they saw you twitching a little bit but by the end of it you were still asleep and unmoving, the doctor reassuring the two that you just needed more time to overcome your mind and recover, reminding them to continue talking to you.
The poor doctor in question, who was practically forced to treat you, had slowly become use to the scary captain’s insistence on your condition. He was terrified when some of the pirate’s crew had barged into his office and kidnapped him to see his newest patient, but he was able to convince them to move you to the actual hospital, and despite being intimidated, they were paying him quite handsomely even when he gave vague news of your recovery.
        Remarkably your wounds were starting to close, and the doctor, despite not approving of the methods used, was amazed at how clean and precise the gashes and stitches were. As it would turn out, using whiskey and rum to clean out your bullet wound every day had gotten rid of the infection by the time the doctor was looking you over. He saw the signs of slight blood poisoning but you seemed to have been able to fight it on your own, still though the IV bags you were getting included anti-biotics.
        One of the two were always at your bedside, that is until even the doctor forced them out so they could take care of themselves, another crew member opting to tag in when they were away. It had been 4 day’s since being in an actual hospital and other than an emergency surgery when you got here to double check all the sutures and closing up smaller gashes you seemed to be healing well.
        “Why isn’t she opening her eyes?” Kid paced before going to your side, Killer already sat on one side unmoving, studying your face.
        “She is most likely still in shock. It’s a miracle she’s still alive with what crude methods you used but she’s fighting.”  The doctor place the stethoscope to your chest to check your heart, “She’s breathing much better today. It’s no longer labored,” A nurse in the room was writing the updates down.
        “And when will she wake up?!” Kid practically barked making the doctor flinch. Despite getting use to it, the person in front of him was still a notorious pirate captain.
        “With any luck she’ll wake up any day now. But as I’ve said before her injuries themselves were enough to kill a regular person 5 times over. Her shoulder alone should have put her in her grav-“ The doctor stopped talking when he heard a punch behind him, no doubt to the already ruined wall, “She’s lucky to be alive Mr. Kidd. I cannot promise anything but I believe she’s been trying to wake up this entire time.” The doctor walked over to the nurse looking over the notes and discussed more about some treatments before handing the clipboard back. “If you need anything else, I’ll be right down the hall,” He added before walking out, knowing they’d tear apart the hospital if they couldn’t find him quickly.
        You wake up again, this time though with more determination, you don’t feel as exhausted as you had in the past. Your body, while still painful and sore, no where near as bad as the first time. You’ve slowly been able to make out the words around as time went on. A part of you couldn’t really believe that Kid and Killer were there. It felt more like a dream.
        When you had passed out in the cell you had thought the image of Kid in front of you was a hallucination, and now that you hadn’t opened your eyes it felt like it had gone to auditory. You’d never known your Captain and lover to whisper so softly, nor had you ever thought you somewhat shy lover to encourage you to wake up if not only to beat kid up. If you could you would have chuckled when you heard to words reach your ears.
        You feel a hand in yours and can hear gentle snoring and it takes some energy but you finally open your eyes, expecting to be blinded again you’re stunned more at having to adjust to only the subtle light from the moon coming in the window. You look down at your hand, seeing a sleeping Kid resting his head next to it. His snoring become all the much louder the more you wake up. You glance towards the window, not moving your head much and notice a figure in the corner.
        A small smile falls on your lips as you try to speak, but notice just how weak your voice is. Killer comes closer to you, grabbing a glass of water and helping you drink it slowly, “Don’t speak, you’ve been out for nearly 3 weeks.” He whispers and you nod you head slightly while leaning further back squeezing Kid’s hand unconsciously. “Y/N.” Killer’s voice was serious and strained, and you watched him kneel down while taking his helmet off to look at you straight on, “You scared us. So much.” His voice was soft yet serious as he slowly took your free hand and brought it to his lips, holding it there with a gentle kiss.
        Killers body shook and you couldn’t help but to squeeze his hand in reassurance. “Don’t leave us again,” His voice was weak but it held a determination. The snoring to your right suddenly stopped for a second and you shifted your eyes to Kid. He stayed stilled and after another second or two the snoring resumed with a sharp inhale. You felt a chuckle bubble up into you, but it sent you into a coughing fit.
        Quickly Killer rose to his feet grabbing the water again before rubbing your back. All the noise finally woke Kid up which shocked you as he normally slept like a rock, not even a scream would wake him and he jumps up getting his bearings.
        Finally, his eyes land on yours, your wide-open eyes who were looking back at his. He grabs both your shoulders, patting them, both his real hand and his metal hand patting you until both hands are on either side of your face, moving it side to side in disbelief. Killer reaches over and slaps Kid up the back side of his head.
        “Y/N?” Kid asks and you nod and he lets out the longest sigh, both his hands flexing open for a while before relaxing, “I’m. I’m sorry Y/N.” He stands there like a kicked up puppy, not knowing what to do, looking at the floor and you can’t believe what you’re seeing.
        A laugh is making it’s way up your throat and you can hear Killer sigh, already getting the glass of water again as Kids eyes widen, saying he was going to get the doctor, leaving the room quickly.
        You’d been back on the ship for about a month now and while you still felt aches and pains you were healthy enough to do everything you had done before the incident. Most people had started to treat you the same, although with a bit of caution, a while ago. Killer still worried and watches you from afar constantly but never stops you from doing what you want.
        Kid on the other hand was afraid to touch you. For the longest time neither of your lovers join you in bed, making the already large mattress all the lonelier. With some convincing both had joined you in bed, but the second you moaned out in pain in your sleep Kid immediately left, worried he had hurt you somehow.
        Kid and Killer had gotten into multiple fights ever since, Killer on your side of sharing the bed as you had broken down to him of how lonely you felt, meanwhile Kid on his own side of thinking they’ll accidently hurt you. The night in question, you had a dream of being trapped in the cell again, the memories of being whipped until the Marines in charge were satiated with how much blood was pooled around you. And while Kid treated you gently he kept his distance rarely touching you.
        Your anger finally bubbled over when you were tying a knot and Kid came up behind you, taking the rope from your hands and finishing the knot himself.
        “What the fuck Kid!?” You snapped, and despite the fact that he was worried to hurt you physically, his fighting spirit was well and full.
        “Y/N you’re still weak! You’ll hurt yourself!” He yells back to you, once again towering over you. The rest of the crew seemed to go into auto-pilot, leaving you too to fight as Killer made his way to the deck to watch from afar.        
        “I’m fine Kid. My shoulders fine. My back is fine. I can walk and talk. Everything is Alright! Let me do my fucking job” you snap back, shoving his shoulder a bit.
        He stiffened up a bit, “Y/N, you don’t understand!”
        “I understand plenty Kid! You think I’m some weak little flower that need protecting! I don’t need you tip-toeing around me, I don’t need your guilty pity Kid. At least Killer lets me do things!” You yell at him, something in your heart finally settling since you’ve gotten back on the ship.
        “That’s not it, Y/N.” Kid snaps back, both his hands grabbing your arms, “You were so close to death… You were barely breathing.” Kid stops squeezing your arms.
        You realize what he’s feeling, going through it yourself when he had lost his arm. You grab one of his hand and bring it to your face, “Kid. I’m alive.” You move it to your heart, “It’s still beating. If not for you and Killer I’m sure this would be long gone.” You can hear his breathing hitch at your words. “I. Am alright. I, Am alive,” You bring his hand back up to his face, kissing his palm. “I may be scarred now, but I am here. And I’m not going anywhere.” You can tell Kid has tears brimming his eyes but that he’d never let them fall, “I only wish for you to treat me like me again.”
        After a long silence Kid lets out a sigh. “Like I’d ever let you go Mouse,” He scoffs, moving his hand to your shoulder squeezing it a bit. You glance at Killer who is leaning against a wall “Who the fuck you lookin at when I’m right in front of you Mouse. I don’t care if it’s Killer, if he wants some he can come here,” Kid pushes you a bit before leaning down to kiss you.
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layla4567 · 7 months
I don't trust you
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TVA!Loki x Hunter!Fem!Reader
Summary: You are Hunter A9 and you work alongside Hunter B15. When Loki arrives at the TVA you seem reluctant to trust him but Mobius assures you that he is not as bad as he seems.
Warnings: smut with plot, p in v, biting, unprotect sex, fingering, (reader is not a virgin but she thinks so because they erased her memory), mirror sex kinda, overstimulation i think, enemies to lovers trope, fight, angst (mentions of Loki's past), death (mention of Frigga's death), Loki being a brat, teasing, not proofread
A/N: This takes place in season 1 of course. You can watch this video of a a fight training to see where I got inspiration from
WC: 6k (oops!)
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You walked through the halls of the TVA together with your partner B-15. Both had been informed of an alert, a variant had been admitted to headquarters and was waiting in a room along with Mobius. Your job as a hunter, like many others, consisted of pruning the variants of the timelines to preserve the timeline intact, you were loyal to your job and you did it without mercy. That's why you were surprised that even that variant has not been pruned
"I don't understand why the variant is still here and what do we have to do with all this"-you muttered under your breath, chewing the words with visible annoyance.
"I don't like any of this either, but Mobius will have his reasons"-said b-15 next to you
They continued walking, marching in a military style until they reached the room where Mobius and that guy were. In the middle there was an orange projector and Agent Mobius was sitting in front of a man with short black hair with his arms crossed. Even though he was sitting down, you could tell that he was tall, he had a frown on his face and looked around skeptically. You noticed that he had that collar on his neck where you could control him with the tempad, good, that would make things easier. Mobius, upon noticing the presence of the two of you, stood up and approached you with an outstretched arm, introducing you.
"Loki, they are hunter B-15 and hunter A-9. A-9, B-15, he is Loki Laufeyson"
"That's great, let's see if they can get me out of here."-Loki said with poisonous sarcasm.
You stood straight and firm with your chin raised showing defiance and threat. You had never let any variant, no matter how dangerous it seemed, scare you, fear was for the weak. Always show courage in the face of the enemy, never show fear, that would only make you look like easy prey. Your face and that of your fellow hunter showed displeasure and anger while Loki's showed contempt and little desire to want to be there.
To end the tension that had been installed and that seemed like it could be cut with a knife, Mobius clarified things.
"I know this looks bad, I know. But I have a hunch, I think Loki could help us find the other variant"
B-15 let out a chuckle as he shook his head in disbelief, you just felt your body boil and the frown on your face deepened. This was not how things were done in the TVA, you couldn't break the rules, this would cause a lot of problems.
"Mobius, that variant should be pruned right now and sent into the void!! That's how things work, we're not playing cops and robbers"-you spat with your lips trembling with anger
Mobius looked at the ground in silence, meditating on his words while Loki looked at you with arrogance, which made your blood boil even more. You could barely contain yourself. Who did he think he was? Before a catastrophe could happen, Mobius returned to the attack.
"Please give me this chance, just this one. I have reason to believe that the other variant that is on the loose is a variant of Loki, we know that he is much more cunning and threatening than him but with Loki at our side we can face him"
When Loki heard that he jumped from his seat, offended, pointing a finger at Mobius.
"Hey! How dare you? You have no idea what I'm capable of doing."
Then he approached him defiantly and you took a step forward with your hand about to draw your staff but B-15 stopped you by the arm and Mobius simply pressed a button on his timepad and Loki returned to the place where he was before, falling clumsily to the ground, Snorting angrily, he tossed his hair back and gave Mobius a murderous look.
"A-9 is right, why should we trust him? He doesn't even seem to want to cooperate."
Mobius gave a long sigh before continuing.
"Look, I know you don't trust Loki, but you trust me, right? So I beg you to let me try, just give me a few minutes to try to persuade him. I'll take care of it, he will be in my custody."
You looked at B-15 who gave you an unconvinced look, then you looked at Loki with displeasure and then you looked at Mobius again, he seemed really desperate and he was expecting an affirmative response from you, you felt sorry for him. You closed your eyes taking a deep breath.
"It's okay, if it's that important to you… but at any sign of bad behavior you know I'll prune him."-you said, feeling your staff while Loki raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes of course. I promise it won't cause any problems."
Mobius really seemed happy and relieved to have let him continue trying to reach some fruitful point with that odious variant, you didn't see what was special about it but anyway, you trusted Mobius, you knew he had a good sixth sense to read people and feel compassion. by them. The same couldn't be said about you, you preferred to stick to the rules and follow them. You and your partner left the room, leaving them alone.
"Alright, Loki, what do you think we do a review of your greatest hits?"
Mobius turned on the projector and Loki's bruised face appeared on the screen with several cuts on his forehead and nose, he was lying on the floor of Stark tower. It was the battle of New York, of course. Loki looked away from the screen feeling humiliated while Mobius seemed to enjoy it taking a sip from his can with a smile.
"Why show me this? I already know what happened, I was there."-He said with a hand on his forehead, grumpy.
"I just want to understand why you do what you do."
"You're lying.."
"No, I mean it. I want to know what drives you to act"
"Ah, I see"
Loki rose from his seat, circling like a vulture while placing his hands on his hips, looking at the ceiling with growing impatience.
"This is nothing more than a vile trick, an illusion created by the weak to instill fear, believing they are the owners of the place with great power over time"
"We are"
"No, I make my own decisions, I choose my own destiny, not you."-Loki said putting emphasis on the "I"
"Ok whatever you say, but I think you'll want to see this."
Mobius pressed the button again and a Loki with his horned helmet and a scepter with a bright blue gem on it was projected onto the wall. He spoke with great intimidation and proclaimed that the people should bow before him.
"That's what I mean! I'm so close to claiming what's mine! And it will be because I decided that way and not because this stupid place or whatever this is allowed it-"
Mobius quickly interrupted Loki "Ah, ah, ah, I'm not done yet."
The agent pressed the button again and now the image showed Loki going to a cell in Asgard and his mother Frigga. Surprise and confusion appeared on Loki's face, the images continued to pass and Loki saw his own mother arguing with his other self, he approached slowly and silently towards the screen.
"This is not true, this never happened"
"Not yet, look, the TVA not only knows your entire past, it also knows your future and this is what had to happen if you didn't take the tesseract."
Now the screen showed Frigga immobilized by a dark elf, without warning the elf thrust a sword into Frigga's back, mortally wounding her. Terror spread across Loki's face as he stepped back, trying to process what he had just seen.
"This is a trick…"-he said in a broken whisper
"No, no and no. This is what was supposed to happen, that's how the sacred timeline wanted it."
"It's a lie! You're lying!"-Loki's voice cracked with pain as tears wet his eyes.
"Oh so your mother being dead is a lie too?"
Loki tensed his jaw showing his teeth as he lunged at Mobius who with a quick movement of his hand took the tempad out of his pocket and returned Loki to his place, he fell on his butt.
"Do you really like causing pain? Do you enjoy hurting people? Because it seem like you were made for that"
Loki clenched his teeth to keep from letting the tears escape. Mobius extended his hand helping him up.
"I'm sorry, but that's how things work here."
Before Loki could say anything the doors opened and you appeared with your uniform and your characteristic frown. something bad had happened
"Are you done with the variant?"-You said with a contemptuous tone.
"Not yet, why do you come to interrupt?"
"We need you now, something serious happened"-you said, looking askance at Loki.
"Ugh not again.. Loki I'll be right back, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone"
You and Mobius walked out of the room through the hallways to talk alone while leaving Loki unsupervised. You walked in a hurry with more bad temper than usual while Mobius followed you closely like a dog. When you both made sure that no one could hear you, you turned around abruptly, startling him.
"Mobius we cannot afford more interruptions, something must be done with that variant"
"But why? We were making great progress and-"
"We have lost another unit!" - you exclaimed aggressively.
Mobius suddenly fell down, realizing the seriousness of the matter. You looked down, deciding what to say.
"I know I promised you I would give you a chance but you are compromising my work. We need to prune that variant.."
Mobius put a hand to his mouth thoughtfully. You didn't want to let your friend down, but there were more serious matters to worry about with this Loki guy, and if Mobius didn't let you do what you did best, the entire TVA would explode into chaos and you would lose your job. He was putting you between a rock and a hard place and you had to make the right decision, which is always the most difficult.
"Okay, you're right, I'll see what to do with him in the meantime, show me where the unit's casualties have been. Just let me talk to him first."
You nodded, sighing, but your patience was running out. Mobius sensed that, so he quickly returned to where Loki was. But when he opened the door he saw no one. He quickly looked for his tempad and realized that he didn't have it, of course, he had left it on the table before leaving and Loki took it.
"Son of a.."
Meanwhile, Loki, with the use of the tempad, was able to escape from the room and appeared in the hallways ready to leave that infernal place once and for all. He walked confused, trying to get his bearings and hiding without being seen.
Your eyes wanted to pop out of your sockets while your jaw tensed and you clenched your fists in anger, so hard that you felt the burning sting of your nails digging into your flesh. Mobius tried to reassure you by repeating that Loki couldn't have gone far. You didn't want to hear it, now the variant was out there because of him and that's how you let him know.
"Well in theory if you hadn't interrupted us…"
"Are you kidding me?!"
B-15 hearing the news asked the exact details, you furiously explained how Mobius had let Loki escape, he put his hands in his pockets looking down embarrassed saying it was an accident. The B-15 hunter quickly gathered several hunters and they separated into groups.
"Ok, Mobius you are coming with me and you A-9 are going with-"
"Alone. Understood."-you said activating your cane
"No wait, don't go!"
You were already running when B-15 shouted the order to you. You could do this alone, you didn't need anyone, you would take care of that annoying variant once and for all as you should have done from the beginning. Mobius was too innocent and easily trusted others, but not you. With your pruning stick ready in your hand, gripping it tightly, you marched with long, hurried steps through the halls of the TVA looking for the damned one.
"Where are you you damn bastard..."
You continued walking through the wide hallways of the great place, looking for him everywhere. You turned your head to the side and saw him. Finally. Loki was going to enter the offices. With a predatory and threatening look you ran towards him
"Hey!! Stop there!"
Loki turned around, making his curls fly like black whips. His eyes narrowed and a mischievous smile threatened to appear at the corners, he was studying you. With sure steps he moved away from the door and stood tall with his arms on his hips.
"You've come this far, variant" - you said, spinning the cane between your fingers.
Loki let out an airy laugh.
"Oh, I'm so scared"-he said ironically without stopping looking at you- "By the way, you're the pretty girl who was with the other hunter. What was her name? B-15, right?"
Your piercing gaze was still fixed on him, you didn't want to let your guard down even because of those cheap flattery that were coming out of his mouth. You were not an easy girl given to bending her arm
"Enough talk"
You brandished your staff and moved in to attack. Your arm delivered an accurate blow towards his face with the back of the staff that made Loki turn his face to the side, making his hair fly. You wasted no time and pushed your other arm with your fist going directly to his face but he composed himself and blocked your blow with the back of his arm, you raised your leg to kick him but he ducked and kicked you in the stomach sending you backwards. You fell with your hands resting on the floor, you looked at him just as he sat up slightly, throwing his hair back. Small strands of unruly hair stuck to your forehead and you stood up agitated without giving up yet. With even more fury you grabbed your cane and hit him in the stomach, he grabbed you from behind, immobilizing you with a key on your neck.
"I didn't know you could fight so well, I like that"-Loki gasped, breathing exhausted but with a smile on his face.
You squirmed, grunting, under his arm but he held you firmly.
"Maybe after this you can teach me a move or two."
You decided that you had had enough and you elbowed him hard in the ribs. Loki, growling, released you from his grip and bent over, clutching his stomach, which you took advantage of to raise and put your leg over his nape. Surprised, Loki stood up, you wrapped your other leg over his neck, to which he held them, trying to get you off of him, but you quickly turned your trunk and with the strength of your thighs, you sent him to the ground, pushing him hard. Loki did a somersault and stayed there lying on the floor on his back with a grimace of pain clenching his teeth. You stood up with ease with your cane ready to prune him.
"What do you think of a move like that?"
With two hands you held the cane and a smile filled your lips, you bit and lightly sucked your lower lip with satisfaction, you would finally put an end to all your problems by making him disappear. You got dangerously close to Loki who was leaning on his elbows with a pitiful moan, you raised your arms, raising the staff to collide with Loki when a voice behind you froze you.
"There you are!"
You turned around in surprise and saw Mobius and B-15 along with other hunters running towards you. You lowered the cane towards your waist line, looking at Loki in frustration. You were so close. Mobius came to your side to see the scene, Loki was lying on the floor breathing heavily and your forehead was sweaty and you held the staff in your hands until it hurt.
"Looks like you two had fun."
You rolled your eyes as Mobius helped Loki up. You reluctantly deactivated your cane, missing the opportunity to prune him. Again
"My congratulations to your unit team. You have soldiers who hit hard"-Loki said still in pain but with a lopsided smile.
You looked at him wanting to gut him, did he still have the energy to joke? Mobius giggled until he met your angry face and turned serious.
"Listen Loki, we don't have time, something happened and I need your help, you have to come with me yes or yes. I won't take no for an answer. If not, you already know what will happen if you don't cooperate."-He said pointing at you with his thumb.
Loki looked at you, narrowing his eyes, meditating, he did so for a few long seconds, it seemed like he was trying to enter your soul. Loki understood that if he didn't go with Mobius and you he would find himself on the ground with bruises again, but you sensed that he didn't dislike that idea and you wondered why.
"Fine"-Loki finally said
"Perfect! Come, you have to change your clothes, now you're an agent."
Mobius took Loki away, placing a hand on his back, the variant turned around but his gaze remained on you until they were far enough away for you to leave his field of vision. You and B-15 left the hallways, preparing to go to the place where the last hunters had been. While they walked at a safe pace, Hunter B-15 gave you suspicious glances but you had your eyes fixed on the front.
"Well? How did it go?"
"What do you think?"-you said sharply
"Yeah, it's a shame. On the other hand, Loki seemed very interested in you."
"What the hell are you talking about?"-you asked with a grimace
"Oh please, didn't you notice how he looked at you?"
"With hate?"
"No" -she laughed- "Quite the opposite, I think he likes you."
"Excuse me?"
You said as you stopped in your tracks and turned to face her, she imitated you.
"You're wrong"
"And if I'm not? What do you bet?"-She said with her arms on her hips, looking at you funny.
"Are you seriously going to turn this into a bet? Fine, if you win I'll share my lunch with you for a week but if I win you'll have to give me an extra helping of chocolates from the vending machine."
B-15 was about to extend his hand to seal the deal when you raised a finger.
"For two weeks"
B-15 looked at you reproachfully, thinking whether to accept or not, but then he reached out and pressed his hand against yours.
"It's a deal"
You smiled pleased
You and B-15 were waiting for Loki and Mobius to transport you to the indicated place, your thoughts revolved around Loki and your mission, why was it so difficult to prune him? Had Mobius grown so fond of Loki that he could prevent you from doing your job correctly? You always stood out for being efficient and loyal to the TVA, this was your life, you didn't remember anything else and you liked it that way, or rather you had gotten used to it that way. You couldn't imagine anything better, you couldn't imagine another life outside of that place. You were so focused that you didn't realize that Loki and Mobius were already ready, B-15 elbowed you. When you turned your head to see them you raised an eyebrow, Loki was wearing a uniform of a brown jacket and tie that matched his pants, his neatly buttoned white shirt was tight and adjusted to his body, making his pecs noticeable. You decided that this suit fit him better and accentuated his slender figure unlike his old variant suit which was a bit baggy. Loki came to your side, adjusting the lapels of his jacket, lifting them up and smiling at you, you rolled your eyes.
"Well, we can go now" -and then he whispered to B-15- "Before these two kill each other"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that"-she whispered conspiratorially.
Even though they were whispering, they were right behind you so you turned your head, looking at them angrily, frowning. Before they passed through the portal, Loki offered you to go first with an outstretched hand.
"Ladies first"-he said smiling
"I was going to pass first anyway."-You said unmoved, entering through the portal.
The others followed behind you and soon they arrived at what seemed to be a Renaissance fair. There were several circus tents with pennants hanging from ropes that ran from right to left throughout the place. People dressed in period clothing, men in tunics and women in corseted dresses walked around looking at you intrigued. You entered a tent, there were helmets lying on the grass, the place looked like a massacre with things lying around and bodies lying motionless on the ground. You dropped your temp and saw a red line flashing
"There is nothing here, split up and look for that variant"
You put away your tempad and were about to leave the tent along with the others when Loki, who had stayed behind motionless looking at the ground, caught your attention.
"Wait, don't leave the tent, it's a trap."
Mobius turned around. "How are you so sure?"
Loki walked slowly around the room in a theatrical manner, taking his time to speak to create suspense and gain their attention.
"There is a saying in Asgard…Where there are wolf ears, there are wolf teeth, it means that you should pay attention to your surroundings"
You laughed sarcastically. “Please do you want us to believe that?”
"Wait let him finish talking."-mobius said stopping you with his hand
"You look like the people in my town, so gullible, underestimating others. Luckily I was smarter than them"
"We are running out of time" - You warned Mobius
"Loki what's your point?"-he rushed him
"My point is that this variant is waiting for you outside but I can go out and talk to that other Loki, he fervently believes that together we will overthrow the TVA. I can stop him, but with certain conditions.."
"And what would those conditions be?"-You approached him defiantly.
"Guess that I will be able to return to Earth and fulfill my purpose, and I think I will have to talk to the time keepers, they are in more danger than they imagine."
You put your arms on your hips, breathing deeply in frustration, you couldn't believe how filthy this variant was in front of you. Mobius sat in silence for a few seconds until he finally gave his verdict.
"Bravo Loki, you almost fooled me" -Mobius looked at the others - "He's fooling us, there's no one outside"
Annoyed at having wasted your time, you left the tent with the other hunters, but before leaving, B-15 placed a device similar to an oil lamp on the ground, resetting the timeline as if nothing had happened.
Upon returning to the TVA you and Mobius had to endure a talkative Loki all the way, the previously grumpy and distrustful Loki had disappeared and in his place had left this hyperactive man with the attitude of a 5 year old child who ate a lot of sugar. Mobius, tired, went to take another elevator away from the two of you, leaving you with that unbearable variant that looked behind you with that characteristic mischievous smile of his.
"I hope you're happy, you fed up the only person who tolerates you in this place"-you said entering the elevator
"Oh, you don't like me then?"-He made a pitiful pout.
"Not even a little"-you said without hesitation
"I think that remains to be seen."
His stupid smile makes you sick, you hated his impudence and bragging, thinking he was the smart one in the place, when everyone knew that you and everyone at the TVA were the ones in control. But I also hated to hate him, you didn't know why, but that impertinent attitude he had filled you with adrenaline, made you feel as if you had a challenge to solve, an intriguing challenge. And you loved challenges
"Well, I hope you're done with your little tricks because we won't fall for them anymore."
Loki laughed and walked closer to you, standing in front of you to look at you.
"Aw it's so adorable that you think you're smarter than me, I'm always ten steps ahead."-He said, patting your shoulders and rubbing them, your muscles tensed nervously at this gesture.
"Don't touch me again."-you said, abruptly removing his hands from you.
The two remained silent until they reached some offices where Mobius was waiting for you two. He had gone ahead and was looking for some papers in a file. When he heard your footsteps he got up from the seat.
"Oh here you are, Loki, A-9 I want you to look for variant files, as many as you can find. I'm going to lunch."
Before leaving he addressed Loki especially.
"I hope you have fun, and some advice, search as if your life depended on it"
With that he walked away, leaving the two of you alone. Loki sighed boredly and sat in the seat that Mobius had left, reviewing papers. You sat in front of him doing the same. Loki seemed bored and didn't seem to take things seriously, muttering expletives and feigning surprise when he read something obvious, casually pushing the papers away. Tired of hearing him talk, you told him to shut up
"Shh!, you can shut up? "
Loki frowned and shushed you with a finger on his lips. Annoyed, you got up from the seat and stood next to him.
"Loki, this is serious, why don't you collaborate?
"What else do you want me to do? It's not my fault that you want to bore me to death."
"Stand up"-you barked the order
Loki reluctantly obeyed you, now that he was close to you and standing in front of you you realized how tall he was and you had to lift your chin until your neck hurt a little. You grabbed his arm firmly and led him away from the offices with a frown.
"Hey! where are you taking me?"
"Let's chat for a while"
Without flinching you guided him with a quick step towards the corridors looking for a place where you could talk alone without interruptions, after walking for a while and with Loki chattering like a confused parrot you arrived at the women's bathrooms that were under repairs, you pushed the door with your stood and they both entered.
"Why do we go into the women's bathroom?"
"You wish if you think I'll go into the men's bathroom. This one is cleaner"-you said with mocking laughter
You turned around irritated to look at him.
"Ugh stop talking already!, don't be a coward!. And I will also tell you that you are, a useless person who only thinks about himself and doesn't take things seriously!"
You said as you tapped his chest with your index finger putting emphasis on the words, Loki was going to interrupt you when you called him a coward but he simply sighed with his arms on his hips looking at you intrigued.
"Why do you hate me so much? Why do you insist on pruning me?"
His words hit your face like a bucket of cold water and you were speechless for a few seconds, then your typical frown appeared, wrinkling your forehead.
"I- I don't.. hate you. I'm just doing my job!"you said touching your cane
"Oh right, I had forgotten, my bad"- he said smiling and placing a hand on his chest
"Seriously, Loki, what is happening is serious, we have never lost so many soldiers."- You said tired and worried, no longer wanting to fight.
Loki looked at you thoughtfully and then apologized to which you breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing your body, but when you lowered your guard, Loki approached and quickly took your cane that was on your belt.
"Oh you want it? Then come get it."
You screamed in fury and desperation while Loki smiled triumphantly, spinning the staff in his hands. You lunged at him but Loki dodged you by moving to the side, Loki was faster and more agile than you thought and the worst thing was that he was considerably taller than you so Loki mocked you by raising the staff so you couldn't reach it. You jumped in a pathetic attempt to grab it.
"You'll have to do a lot more than that"- he laughed
In a moment of distraction you kneed him in the groin to which he bent forward, lowering his arm. You were about to grab your cane but he recovered quickly and with a growl pinned your arms.
"Enough"- he warned you
"You started!"- you said baring your teeth and trying to get out of his grasp.
"Enough of hitting me or-"
"Or what?! I'm not afraid of-"
Loki closed the distance and kissed you hard. You opened your eyes in surprise and then wrinkled your brow, you wanted to separate but the more time you spent on his lips the more you wanted to stay like that. You clung to the lapels of his shirt as he leaned closer to you and explored your mouth with his tongue. Your hands traveled to his hair and held onto his locks firmly, you gasped into his mouth from the shock. Loki pulled away from your mouth a little and hummed.
"We should do this more often, even your annoying frown disappeared from your face"- he teased you
You frowned annoying but a smile threatened to appear on your lips, you repressed it
"Oh no, there is"-he smiled mischievously
"I didn't tell you to stop"
You tugged at his lapels and crashed your lips against his again. His hands were on your hips squeezing them and your arms went around his neck. His nose was buried in your cheek at the proximity of his face. You ran your mouth over his lips to memorize them and remember them later, they felt soft and warm and were slightly swollen. Loki gently turned you so that you were facing the mirror and with your back against his chest. He began to place hot, wet kisses on your jaw and neck, you placed a hand in his hair to feel him closer. Loki buried his face and mouth in your skin while you tilted your head to the opposite side to give him more space. The fervent strength and passion that Loki put into his kisses made you moan softly. Suddenly Loki lowered a hand that was on your waist towards your belt, you opened your eyes wide and stopped him by grabbing his wrist firmly, he looked at you in surprise.
"Wait! what are you doing?"- you said with a bit of fear
"Calm down darling, I was just going to unbuckle your belt. I wasn't going to hurt you"
"The thing is.."- you said shyly
"I understand, I will be gentle"- He whispered to you and kissed your cheek delicately.
That calmed you down a little, you were embarrassed to admit that it was your first time, no one had touched you before and much less like Loki did, elegant and soft. Loki took off your belt and put one hand inside your pants, approaching your mons, with one finger he began to massage your clitoris over your underwear. You gasped in surprise and felt like you were going to fall but Loki firmed his grip on your hip. You watched in the mirror as Loki's hand did wonders on your sweet spot, you could barely keep your eyes open from the pleasure. When there was more confidence, Loki slid his fingers inside your underwear and began to pump in and out. You felt your legs shake and you threw your head back trying to stay upright, Loki didn't give you any respite and kissed and bit your neck while he worked his hand down there.
"L-Loki.. ahHhg"- you moan
"Look at you, how pretty you are, so needy for me and begging for me to touch you."
Loki's deep and hoarse voice made your breathing rise, you looked in the mirror. Your chest rose and fell and your face was flushed and sweaty, strands of hair stuck to your forehead and your neck glistened with sweat, Loki next to you and close to your neck looked at you in the reflection with a seductive look drunk with lust. and pleasure. Loki's fingers pumped faster and faster and your thighs began to tremble and your knees flexed a little, you breathed through your mouth.
"Oh my god... Loki-!"
Loki took his hand out of your soaked clit and kissed your hair, you looked at him annoyed and confused to which he smiled.
"Not yet, hold on a little longer for me"
You were going to protest but he lifted you up, grabbing your thighs and sat you on the counter near where the sinks were, a little cry of surprise came out of your mouth. A willing growl came from Loki.
"How delightful.."
You opened your mouth to say something but he silenced you with a hungry kiss, biting your lower lip while his hands traveled to where your protective breastplate was, unbuttoning it and taking it off, throwing it to the ground.
"This annoying uniform won't work for us now"
Loki opened your shirt, leaving your bust exposed and began to kiss and leave marks on it while his hands grabbed your pants and slowly lowered them. Your hands grabbed the back of his neck, panting and closing your eyes. It was the first time you were left speechless, especially in front of a man, but he was different from everyone else. You were thankful that there was no one in the bathroom but the two of you at that moment. Suddenly Loki separated and desire was drawn in his eyes.
"Are you… are you ready?"
You nodded and Loki pulled down your pants and your panties while he unbuttoned his own pants. You nervously saw how his cock stuck out of his boxers like a divine bulge, and when he pulled down his underwear you gasped in surprise. He smiled mischievously at you.
"Don't worry, I promised you I would be gentle."
He positioned himself right in the center of your entrance and asked you again if you were ready, you told him yes, you couldn't wait to feel and taste his warmth. He put the tip inside you and you moaned loudly clinging to the back of his neck, but it was just a scare, actually it didn't hurt you like you thought it would and that intrigued you.
"Did it hurt?"
You denied, surprised. "P-please continue.."
With your consent Loki entered you fully and you gasped loudly, you didn't think his size could fit inside you but it did. His thrusts touched you deep inside and your breathy screams echoed in the bathroom. Loki dug his fingers into your thighs, tensing his arms while you kept your chin resting on his shoulder, trying to keep up the pace and not speed up your breathing. At one point a strong thrust from him hit a sensitive spot inside you and with a whimper you bit his shoulder to which Loki growled.
Your body bounced and collided with the mirror behind you. Loki's grunts and gasps filled your ears and were driving you to your climax, while his cock hardened and your walls tightened around him, hugging him like a warm blanket. You dug your nails into his broad back, feeling like he was about to cum.
"N-norns.. ahg.. you're getting.. tight I can feel you're about to-to cum"
Loki's face tightened with effort while your breathing became faster and faster, your legs felt weak and your thighs trembled, everything was escalating quickly.
"Come on do it, do it for me ngh"
His voice broken by lust was what triggered your fluids to shoot out with a loud and pleasant moan and a tremor throughout your body. Loki threw his head back and came with you. You let your head fall on his chest exhausted and feeling weak. He put his arms around you, hugging you as you took a moment to catch your breath. Then Loki easily lifted you off the counter like a feather and straightened your clothes, you did the same with his. When they were ready, Loki saw that the staff had been left on the ground, he slowly picked it up with your eyes fixed on it, he held it in his hands for a while and then looked at you. There were a few seconds of silence in which only his heartbeat and yours could be heard. With relief you saw how he gave you the cane.
"I think this belongs to you"
You took it and for the first time in a long time you smiled genuinely, but your smile was erased in a second, you had remembered something.
"Oh shit..."
"What's wrong?"
"I owe my lunch to B-15, damn it"
Loki looked at you confused, frowning and you laughed softly.
"Nothing, it doesn't matter. Let's go back before they discover us, Mobius would have already finished eating"
You grabbed his hand and trotted towards the offices making sure not to be seen or heard. Maybe Mobius was right, maybe Loki wasn't as bad as he seemed.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Okay, I think the handling TFP/Aligned Orion Pax was weakened by the background inconsistencies that were supposed to ground his personality and motivations.
And that's why Orion Pax can come off as an asshole, weirdly tone deaf, or very naive, yet deep inside the revolution as a competent head.
It's as if the writers took so many cool things to prop up the guy, but let it compete with "How Orion Pax and Megatronus were Different" and made a mess.
And, depending on your view, it either was half-heartedly addressed or done masterfully.
Saltysaltdog did a really great analysis on Megatron's feelings of betrayal and humiliation of letting Orion Pax so close to everything, and it's found here: click
The biggest gripe I have with the whole thing with the characterization of Orion Pax is twofold: 1) the writers didn't leverage Orion Pax's unique, and let's be honest, precarious position, and 2) didn't expand deeper the fundamental differences that essentially broke Orion Pax and Megatron apart and started that catastrophic civil war.
The setup is there. Megatron and Orion Pax are distorted mirrors of each other. The major differences are driven by what was socially appropriate for them to consider as pathways.
The Cybertron that came to was deep in the grips of a well-established and well-entrenched caste system. In that kind of society, it isn't just money that decrees social mobility. The very hierarchy of the society is driven by cultural and religious norms on the "worthiness" of each group at various set levels. And from that "worth," it not only dictates the rights of the members in a caste but decrees the appropriate behavior and outlets as well as dictates how relationships between members of different castes are maintained.
So Orion Pax is a giant "FUCK YOU" to all of that. His very presence would have pissed off so many parties that isn't funny.
As in, I honestly believe he's alive because his initial seclusion from civilization had given him key skills and behaviors that saved his ass and Alpha Trion's personal care.
Yes. There would have been bullying. Yes. There would be complete resentment and hatred. Yes. There would have been social orstracism from his own colleagues.
Even individuals who are lumped with him as "caste climbers" or just sympathetic/pitying would have stayed away by the dangers of their own reputation being tainted.
"You're nothing but a bauble and an ornament. Merely a prized pet for Alpha Trion. One day, he'll lose interest, and that day, you'll go back to where you belong."
Orion Pax flaunted all the appropriate ways of inclusion to their occupation and way of life. He doesn't have a frame or a specialized ability that's related to information. He has no achievements, no accolades, and doesn't even have a sponsored education from a prestigious university or any useful connections.
Orion Pax is both an outsider and a representative. He needs to be extremely mindful of everything: his words, his tone, his body language, his own work... are all subject to scrutiny.
(And it either shows his sneakiness that he's able to shake off all eyes when he descends down to the gladiatorial game, his ability to lie by omission or obfuscation, or his colleagues relief with him out of sight.)
That very grey area would have left deep impressions on him. It would explain his passiveness, the perceptiveness, the way he speaks, and the careful plans he quietly does by the sides in a need-to-know basis.
Violence can come in many forms. And in a world where your worth is tied to your caste, then Orion Pax should be deeply familiar with the various ways it can be soft, sweet, and utterly insidious. A velvet wrapped steel glove. A dagger from the shadows. A poisonous treat. A deal of bad faith. A betrayl from a kind face.
Remember: Ratchet went through the proper channels and with the appropriate frame to match his function. Of course, he has that shield against so many grievances and injustices as well as many prejudices that color his perceptions. Look at the differences in how he recounts the brotherhood between Megatronus and Orion Pax and the outcome of before the High Council.
Orion is both given privileges that Megatron and his cohort wouldn't have, but it's also a noose around his neck. He is severely handicapped by Alpha Trion's deliberate meddling to keep the reincarnated Thirteen/the Matrix's newest Prime nearby and simultaneously well-informed and in the dark.
Unlike the miner-turned-gladiator, Orion doesn't have that option for bloodsport. His too low-caste for the avenues of security by the high-caste, but too high-caste to partake in the low-caste culture. It's acceptable for them to be physically violent, to be in bloodsport, to solve their grievances with their fists.
It's vastly different to the complete ruination of an individual's life that Orion got thrown into the deep end: reputation, finances, personal and professional relationships, involuntary reformat... The power games of the higher-castes are completely different ball-game.
He's stuck with his own thoughts because there's no way he can voice doubts to Alpha Trion (the mech who gave him such a position, advice, and unrestricted access to the archives) nor to his colleagues (who either hate his guts or would sell the information because information is power and the Hall of Records is a major point of power).
Look at the people he attaches himself to. They're rather straightforward: Megatronus, Ratchet, Jazz, Bumblebee, Arcee...
He's drawn to their ease yet still holds himself in a certain degree of formality because that's how he managed to survive in a snake pit. And that's too deeply ingrained into him at that point. People read that negatively. Megatron once saw that but didn't understand what it truly meant. Megatron saw his willingness to give up so much and his privileges, but he didn't understand the extent of the scars that Orion mentally and emotionally has.
Ratchet would be one of the few that really perceives that. The medic may not fully understands but he keeps trying, and the war eventually breaks down the barriers.
It would make so much sense about his strange notions, why he doesn't allow Megatron explore "his" world, why he keeps everything to himself, why he relatively comfortable with others outside his "caste."
This guy would literally ruminate the entire work day (both legal and subversive) until he fell asleep after rechecking the locks 27365837 times so an assassin or unfortunate "pet" didn't come into his room.
This could explain why he basically highjacked the damn meeting. Orion Pax has unrestricted access to many records. He knows his history. He can read between the lines. His A-game was on, especially in this endeavor.
Was it a well-intentioned plan to draw fire to himself because he had Alpha Trion’s strange degree of protection compared to the others? Was it panic because he knew all the ways to kill a person until death was mercy? Was it Plan 27-b because he thought all the ways it could go wrong? Was it his well-honed instinct demanding him to divert and pacify, but careful with the words (soft and fluttering with hidden danger with what is unsaid) to keep avenues open because to have the Primacy bestowed upon them would be an honor and completely legitimized the movement? Did he see the noose closing around Megatron and couldn't bear witness to have it strangle him, too?!
There's so much going on here. It all hinges on cultural absorption and clashes and the meddling by an ancient fart of an oracle, and it's just so tragically fascinating.
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icykalisartblog · 7 months
BG3 Extremely Rare Wyll Dialogue
I've been obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3 recently, and somehow I'm already on my third run. My favorite Origin/companion is Wyll, so when I saw that in the parsed dialogue for the game there was some sweet dialogue from him that I'd somehow never seen, I wanted to figure out how to trigger it. There are even different versions of the scene depending on who you're playing as! Extremely complicated explanation of the weird way this dialogue is triggered below the cut:
At first I thought this scene was bugged and impossible to get. Based on the code, it's meant to play early in-game, on the same night Lae'zel reminisces about the Tears and Astarion can be seen stargazing, scenes that seem to play when the player rests and they have a lead on a possible cure but hasn't spoken to healer Nettie in the Grove yet, or when they've spoken to Nettie and also have a different lead at the same time. But in my experience, Wyll either 1) never had new dialogue on that night or 2) had a different (also nice) scene in which he asks the player if they've ever heard a banshee's scream. However, u/moving_inplace on the BG3 subreddit said it was possible to get it if you rest immediately after speaking to Nettie, and with that information I was able to trigger it and (I think) figure out the extremely specific and esoteric steps required to get it. Barely anybody is going to do this when playing:
1) Long rest once while you have no party members. You'll get a scene with your player character alone where they mull over the fact that they haven't changed yet. This step is the key.
2) Recruit Wyll while having no lead to a cure, then long rest. You'll get a scene where he comments on how your worms made fast friends.
3) Now, do one of two things: get the lead about Nettie, go to see her, and then after she tries to poison you, rest. You'll get this scene where Wyll asks to remain allies. OR, don't see Nettie just yet, and instead get a new possible lead for a cure. I did this by talking to Sazza. Then long rest. You'll get this scene.
I don't know how any player is likely to get this on their own, because even if the party got injured between any of these steps, surely a player would just short rest instead of long resting???
This scene and a scene where Wyll asks you, "Have you ever heard a banshee's scream?" are mutually exclusive for whatever reason, which seems to be a bug. Based on the code, I think the banshee scene is intended to play one night before this one, but instead, only one of the two can play in a single run. You'll get the banshee scene if you didn't rest once while having no party members but then take all the other steps. Also, in the parsed dialogue for the game, Origin Karlach is supposed to have special dialogue here as well, but I sadly wasn't able to trigger it because Mizora's visit to camp in which she punishes Wyll for sparing Karlach's life seems to prevent it from triggering. It's too bad because it's very sweet:
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