#genuinely. I'm not ace but know people who are and it's disgusting to see that content show up whenever I reblog anything
thatoneluckybee · 8 months
hi if you post your explicit or suggestive selfies to asexuality tags, specifically repulsed tags, you are the epitome of dirt. do NOT go to spaces specifically for people who probably do NOT want to see or consume that content, or who may be upset by said content, if you're only going to post that content. screw you. thanks.
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kalims · 2 years
kiss your best friend | heartslabyul
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kiss your best friend and see how they react!
parts. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
characters. riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce.
includes. gn reader who can be seen as either yuu or another alternative universe.
cw. kissing? mutual pining, crack.
note. those tiktoks where the bsf is straight outta wattpad /j reminder that the event poll will be closed on sunday ust+8
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riddle rosehearts
expectedly turns very red.
just stares at you in the most flabbergasted way possible, looks at your lips then snaps his gaze back to your face again and again.
probably is too stunned to speak but when he swallows the bile in his throat, "what in the world are you doing?!" seriously though. he has so many questions.. why, when, what that he wants you so answer ASAP.
in complete denial that you admit to wanting to do it then apologizing if it took him by suprise.
sensing that you feel dejected by his negative reaction he's quick to assure you, in a mixture of shyness and shame he avoids your gaze. "you can't just go around kissing other people so suddenly! urgh.. atleast let me take you to dinner first.."
trey clover
blinks but looks pleased nonetheless.
well he certainly didn't expect that. in the years you've been side by side he had his suspicions that you felt the same but never acted on it.
spares you this handsome, killer smile as he leans in again. trey's quick to adjust to the indirect confession you just did so since you made the first move he supposes its his turn next.
he does applaud you for your bravery. trey doesn't know if he'd ever have the courage to do so if you didn't. "you're quite bold." he chuckles, thoroughly enjoying the tough exterior you put up despite you probably flustered inside.
"mind if I get another taste?" sir this isn't you tasting out bakery treats—
cater diamond
consider him shocked for once!
legit paused and recoiled back from your kiss, peck(?), whatever suited you best but you can't blame him! he thought it was like the "oh my god they were roommates thing"
wait a minute it feels like be just got slapped by reality. did you actually just kiss him?!
probably remembering he's still gaping at you he flashes you a rare, seemingly genuine smile. "sooo... what are we now?"
"friends with benefits?" you joke.
"oh. not what I had in mind but that's alright with me!"
"cater i was joking."
ace trapolla
visible disgust.
even goes as far as to wipe off the kiss wherever you placed your lips on it.
stares at you with a feigned weirded out look but no matter how far 'faking it till' he makes it goes' he's ultimately unable to hide the red ears from you.
if you try to point it out he'll only respond with vigorous shakes and something along the lines of feeling too good for yourself.
^ in serious denial but still wants more.
"that was disgusting.. I'm gonna be sick." ace blanches then fakes a hurl. "—do it again,"
deuce spade
shocked & flustered^tm (I'm too lazy to put the symbol bye)
slowly backs away and grips his mouth (kinda like tamaki at that once scene LOL) while slowly turning pink. not red because red is riddle's thing and no one can do riddle's thing.
is too shy and his mind is going a thousand million miles an hour <- exaggerated cause it's deuce.
the definition of "WTH OMG AKVSJABAJS" + inner crisis mode activated, I knew he was an idia kinnie somewhere deep there
pledges to you that he will be the man in the relationship, the pants, the— insert weird analogies.
loves u now and idk why he's going so fast. would probably not marry anyone else because boy is DEDICATED now.
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jelsah27 · 1 year
imposter syndrome talked ab just some forewarning
In History Class
MC: *walks into class with a small smile on their face*
Deuce: Good morning, MC. You seem happy today.
Ace: Yeah what's got you all smiley?
MC: Well, Kalim and Jamil were at my dorm the other day. Kalim really wanted to know about foods from my world and Jamil tagged along for obvious reasons. At on point Kalim wanted to look at my room and he found my snap-out-of-it post-it notes on the wall.
Deuce: Snap-out-of-it post-it notes?
MC: Oh, yeah they help remind me that a lot of the problems I think I have aren't really as problematic as I think. Like "Every personality is a creation of experiences that make you you." or "My friends like me because I am me". You see a while ago I figured out that I have a bit of Imposter Syndrome.
Ace: A bit of what?
MC: Well, it's pretty much I feel like I'm not the person everyone thinks I am. I'm not the gifted child everyone remembers or the smart person everyone seems to think I am. That if I can't hurry up and live up to everyone's expectations that they'll figure out I'm not as great a person they think I am and be disappointed and angry that all I am is an empty shell of who they believed I was and leave. Some times it will also come in the form of believing that my friends only want to be around me out of pity or that if I don't like what they like or want to do the same things as them then they will leave, even if they've reassured me they love me. I think the worst thoughts I ever got from it was when I started to believe that my personality was fake and that I didn't know why I was so different than the kid everyone liked. I started to believe that I had faked my personality from different shows, books, or even people to even have one.
MC: Honestly I didn't even realize it was imposter syndrome till someone else pointed it out to me after telling them this. I genuinely had no clue I was so disgusted with myself till I was talking with them about it and they pointed out that none of what I was saying was true, that everybody knew who I was and loved me as I am. I think I cried when they told me that.
Deuce: Prefect... I had no idea...
MC: It's alright, I've been learning to get better at combating it. Anyway, Kalim asked me about it and I basically told him and Jamil what I just told you. He then asked me what I'm doing to overcome it. So I told him about the main things that have helped. Reminding myself constantly that I am not fake or hiding who I am from people I love and who love me. Whenever I feel negative thoughts try to take over, think about one positive thing that I have done or something someone had said they love about me for every dark thought. If it gets to bad though, go to someone I trust and ask them flat out about those thoughts, it helps a lot. And twice a week I make a post-it or journal about one or two small things. Maybe a compliment someone gave me, or a task I completed. So every day or so since they've-
Jamil: *walks into the room* Prefect, here. I must get to class before Kalim catches something on fire I mean gets into trouble. Have a good day.*hands MC a small note and leaves the classroom*
MC: *smiling contently* It say 'Thank you for helping Kalim study yesterday great sevens know he needed it and your smile is unique'
Deuce: *getting out paper* If it helps you, I'll gladly join in.
Little bit of a rant u can skip I hope you enjoyed the post <3 Y'all I'm sorry I didn't mean to trauma dump but I really like the idea. But the story is true and I did cry (and it was in a restaurant) when my sis told me I was wrong and she knew who I really and she loves me. That our friends won't leave because all humans have opinions and we are allowed to clash. And that my personality isn't fake, that everyone's personality is what they've created themselves and that people add and take away from themselves all the time and work on parts of themselves they don't like to become better. That my brain was just being dark when there was many lights around me, waiting to be recognized. If any of y'all read this its just one side of imposter syndrome, there are a few versions and many levels of severity. I genuinely think you are awesome and perfectly imperfect the way you are!
Anywho thanks for reading!
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prince-liest · 3 months
Don't mind me getting on my soapbox for a moment... a lot of this musing is admittedly for the sake of my own processing of this topic, re: aroaceness. Read at your own peril! <3
I'm generally a very "ship and let ship" kind of person, but I think I would definitely append a little caveat of, like, "As long as you're not being actively invalidating and detrimental to others" to that. Which is a delightfully vague statement that can be interpreted practically any way, I know, hahaha.
In the case of this particular post I've just been thinking about how, like... seeing an aroace character like Alastor get written into dozens upon dozens of PWPs (including ones that don't even touch on the subject of his aceness at all) is really not something that I personally find to be hurtful or offensive. It's just smut for the sake of smut, of a character people want to see awful, sexy things done to (or doing). Valid! I vibe with you! More people should just write the PWPs they want to see in the world!
But on the other hand, I've several times seen this very particular type of art (usually it's a comic, but admittedly I haven't been reading very many Hazbin Hotel fics so maybe it's there, too) where Alastor is slotted into the "methinks the lady doth protest too much" trope. As in, he's expressing strong feelings about a character (usually Vox or Lucifer, sometimes Angel Dust) to someone, probably Rosie, and the person he's confiding to is some variant of, "Oh, silly Alastor, you're obviously in love!" And then he denies it, says that the very idea disgusts him, and the character titters to themselves about how he's so naive in the matters of romance or whatever.
And it's, like.
The "strong feelings" in question are almost always frustration/annoyance/disgust, and him being like, "Nnnno, I just hate his person" is treated like a silly and naive misunderstanding of his own feelings because obviously he's in love. Please imagine that Alastor was a female character who was established to be a lesbian. Now examine how that suddenly makes this scene feel.
(Also, Rosie being the go-to for this is a little frustrating when she's the one who, in canon, explicitly says that she wouldn't make that assumption of him.)
There's such a chasm of difference between how I see people wanting to ship Alastor for reasons of "I just want to!" vs folks who engage with him being aroace in ways that are infantilizing and invalidating. There are so many people out there - not just aro/ace people, but anyone who's not exclusively into the standard type of person they should be into at the time society deems they should be into them, which is most queer people and even many cishet folks - that have been told that exact kind of thing in real life. It reads like something out of a compulsory heterosexuality guidebook, and it actively makes it harder to leave the closet or even realize that you're in one at all.
So I guess it just feels frustrating to see it get made into a punchline, especially by folks who are shipping queer ships. I genuinely can't wait until fandom society advances to the point of consistently treating aro/acespec folks as queer instead of Queer Lite (TM), because let me tell you, ime the comphet experience and the amato/allonormativity experience are in fact nigh-identical except for how they're treated within online communities. There's a reason the pan -> gay -> ace pipeline is a thing.
But, hey! We're already doing way better than we were in 2012!
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coraniaid · 15 days
🔥 - Cordelia
Cordelia is a character I generally like without actually thinking about her very much, if that makes sense? Maybe I would care about her more actively if I were more invested in Angel; or maybe knowing what that show will ultimately do to her is what stops me from getting invested in it. Not really sure either way to be honest.
As far as hot takes go ... well, I don't think I really buy into most of the Cordelia fanon I sometimes see on Tumblr. Can't really put why better than I did last year. Like I said in my recent Faith hot take: I don't like the fanon instinct to try to make characters nicer and more sympathetic than they're presented as in canon, especially when they have some kind of canonical redemption arc. You're getting rid of one of the more interesting things about them! Why?
On the other hand, I do like the headcanon (not originally mine - I think I got this from @all-seeing-ifer) that Cordelia is ace, or at least that she's accidently ace-coded. I mean, I certainly don't think it is at all deliberate on the part of the writers, but when you go to look there sure are a lot of scenes in which Cordelia either expresses disinterest in (sometimes even disgust at) the very idea of sex (in Faith, Hope & Trick for example: "not the horny thing -- yuck!") or admits to being confused by the thought that other people might want to have sex (in Innocence, for example, she asks Xander with seeming genuine puzzlement: "does looking at guns really make girls want to have sex? That's scary.").
Oh, and although the show is really not clear on this at all, I think the high school Scooby dynamic is slightly more interesting if Willow and Cordelia were (briefly) friends when they were both much younger. To borrow a term I saw recently, this is more canon compatible than canon compliant -- I don't think anything in canon rules it out, but it's a bit of a stretch to say this something that actually comes from canon.
Certainly Xander and Cordelia knew each other from a very young age (they've known each other for at least twelve years in Season 2, as per The Dark Age). And as Willow and Xander were friends as early as kindergarten (which is confirmed in Grave if not before), I think it's safe to assume Cordelia knew Willow at that age too. In Innocence Willow reminds Xander of the "We Hate Cordelia" club ("of which you are treasurer!"), but we don't know exactly when this was formed (I'm guessing a while ago though, given the childishness of the name). What if said club was something Willow formed only after she and Cordelia stopped being friends? After Cordelia met Harmony, say (who we also know, from Graduation Day, is somebody Willow has known for at least a decade: "she picked on me for ten years") and chose being popular over her previous friendship?
Again, I suspect this isn't intentional but it's a take I rather like, and one that I think makes a bit of internal sense. Willow and Cordelia do actually seem to get on better than you might think in the early seasons -- when there's nobody else around for Cordelia to try to impress by putting Willow down, anyway (among other examples, see their intereactions throughout Prophecy Girl). And while Willow obviously doesn't like, say, Harmony -- in fact she hates her "with a fiery vengeance" according to Graduation Day again -- there was apparently no "we hate Harmony" club. What makes Cordelia different (beyond being a main character when Harmony isn't, which is probably what the writers actually had in mind).
Well, what if Cordelia isn't just one of the many people who bullied Willow in high school: what if she was her friend until she ditched her to be more popular? Wouldn't that sting just a little bit more?
We know that Cordelia is actually pretty smart, even though she tries to play it down ("I have some experience of covering these things up," she tells Xander after he sees her SAT scores in Lovers Walk; and don't forget she'd previously said she was "looking forward" to taking the SATs because she "does well in standardized testing" and was accepted into multiple good schools she just couldn't afford to attend). In fact, Cordelia basically has to be academically successful in high school in order to fulfull her primary role as Buffy's shadow self.
But if Cordelia consciously realised at some point that she should hide how smart she is from her peers in order to be popular, is it that much of a stretch to think she also decided to cut off her existing friendship with Willow, who Principal Snyder describes in Doppelgangland as represenative of "the pinnacle of academic achievement at Sunnydale High"?
Also, in the spirit of this post about parallels between Willow and Cordelia (which I really like), it's interesting to compare Willow's nightmare in Restless -- being back in high school and somehow being Found Out -- with Cordelia's fear in Season 1's Nightmares of being dragged into the chess club (which, at least in the language of television) is easy to read as a metaphor for being exposed as somebody who is secretly brainy and perhaps enjoys stereotypically academic or nerdy things. Just like Willow does, in fact.
Remember what Cordelia tells Buffy all the way back in Welcome To The Hellmouth when they run into Willow: "if you want to fit in here, the first rule is: know your losers". That is: Cordelia tells Buffy, the girl who she serves as a mirror of all season, that if she wants to fit in she'll have to choose not to be friends with Willow (and instead performatively belittle and bully her whenever she has an audience). Is it that much of a leap to suppose that a much younger Cordelia once learned that lesson herself?
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mlmxreader · 2 months
Replies to the post weren't open but I wanted to let you know I read your post about Königsblog and it made so much sense.
Like, I hardly touched the COD tag despite really liking the characters bc the amount of untagged rape content made me so past disgusted with my own body that I was uncomfortable IRL for a few days at a time(also I'm asexual so it was extra unwelcome)
But then I saw your post in passing, took one look at the blog and was able to link the fics that made me feel so horrible just scrolling past
So after looking up their blog and blocking every blog that interacts or recommends them etc, my scrolling experience is much nicer and actually enjoyable in the COD tag, so thank you!
Good evening! yeah, no, my replies have been closed ever since I made a post talking abt schizophrenia (a disorder that I have!) where people thought it'd be funny to mock that & to try and trigger delusional thinking, tbh. however, I am glad that you got in touch!
honestly? as a survivor of both SA & rape, it makes my fucking skin crawl, and it's a large part of why I've left the fandom; seeing it across ao3, tumblr AND twitter was just retraumatising tbh, like, genuinely. and others have shared the same sentiment as well. it's disgusting how anyone can look at abuse and decide to make pornography of it, in all honesty, and it's mostly coming from "new" fans (as in: those who only have interest in tiktok edits of the characters but have never touched the games and won't). however, I'm so, so genuinely sorry to hear that you've had that experience and that you had to see any of that - the fact that you're ace, esp, is just... I'm so very sorry to hear that it's STILL happening tbh.
it's a harrowing experience to have, esp bc platforms WILL NOT take that kind of stuff down, as well as the racism, homophobia, saneism, and general bigotry; it's a really, really, harrowing thing and I am so sorry that you were subjected to that & that you were put through that 🫂
I am however very glad to hear that you've taken the correct steps in ensuring that you don't see it again, but if I may add: you can ALSO filter tags & content, so if you put in the general tags (eg "noncon") and the urls of those you've blocked, it DOES guarantee that you'll never see that! there's also browser extensions, I believe, which also allow it but I don't use desktop that much to confirm it (i mostly only ever use it for writing a lot at a time tbh), so I'd suggest also looking into that as well bc you can never be TOO safe and you can never be TOO cautious!
but even tho I'm no longer in the fandom & I only write for the characters that HAVEN'T been ruined by freaks yet, do know that if you wish to stop by again, you are MORE than welcome to; my blog will always be safe from that kind of grotesque bullshit & I do my best to block & report every single one that I come across as well! I may not be perfect by any means, but I do try to do the right thing and to ensure that I'm as inclusive as and that I do try to keep this blog a safe space <3
I'd also HIGHLY recommend checking out @ladygoth as well; she is FANTASTIC, and her writing is absolutely brilliant! she's an incredibly smart, talented, compassionate and amazing woman and is the ONLY redeemable thing about the cod fandom's existence!
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web-novel-polls · 8 months
Hey geniunely, jiang cheng from mdzs is explicitly homophobic, rather than ace-coded, he doesn't stay single by choice but was blacklisted by matchmakers after he was rude to the women too many times. He also yelled at the gay couple who were paying respects to the people who raised one of them saying 'they were dirtying the place' and in his explicit thought process he's disgusted by them 'two men hugging like that was abnormal' in his perspective, he's also fine with hetero relationships, including his sister's marriage and his own.
Hey, genuinely, this isn't the place. The reason a lot of people submitted Jiang Cheng is because they connected with him as a character or the feelings he has about romance. There's a ton of adaptations of the original novel, including an MDZS Q episode, I believe, where the entire joke about him "getting a wife" was that she didn't exist. While some viewers took that as him not wanting romance at all, I assume you took / would've took that differently.
We can have a conversation about how everyone has interpreted different aspects of the novel & Jiang Cheng himself, but only if you can respect that when I, personally, read the novel, I related to him and his experiences due to my aroace-ness & own personal experiences, not because I think it's okay to be homophobic. Or that I viewed him as homophobic. And I'm working under the assumption that most, if not all, the people who voted for or like him as a character have similar reasons.
I have very clearly stated I do not want to have this conversation on this blog or in an accusatory manner. I have also stated that "Anti-Propaganda" is not allowed multiple times, and if it wasn't clear, I consider this "Anti-Propaganda." By answering this ask, I am forcing the people following this blog to listen to someone talk badly about a character they (probably) like when they have not followed for that reason, which for a lot of people, can be upsetting. It's not my or your responsibility to make sure they know how JC is viewed or even how he was originally meant to be portrayed.
I will only respond to this message since it sounds like you came from someone I had to block for spreading anti-propaganda and may not have realized why it's not allowed here. If you do want to discuss more or send posts, respectfully, you can message my alt @incorrect-web-novels, but again, I do not want to have debates on this blog.
[Please do not start arguing in the notes of this post. I am answering this to prevent future debates. I want anyone who sees this post to assume the best possible faith interpretation for everyone involved. Go submit stuff. Drink water. Hide this post if you have x-kit.]
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rainbownixie · 2 years
In another episode of Robin (yes my name is Robin if you didn't know, but y'all can call me Nixie) spreading the Mike Wheeler aroace agenda: Reasons why I think Mike is greyromantic!
Again, this is going to be a bit summarized because I'm saving more detailed stuff for an actual post I want to do! I'll try to write here the important points, though <3
Btw, here's the first part of this little study!!
(Please keep arophobic comments to yourselves! Aromantic people can still date, it's a complex identity! And yes, I do still ship Byler even if I think Mike is aromantic).
Greyromantic: A common reason someone may identify as greyromantic is that they experience romantic attraction but very infrequently. Some greyromantic individuals may only feel romantic attraction once or twice in their life. Others may experience it more frequently, but still not as frequently as alloromantic individuals.
Just like I said on my post about Mike being asexual, I think he shows little to no interest in dating or falling in love. Especially for romantic cliche stuff. For starters, using the same argument I used for him being ace: Dustin and Lucas show interest in dating. I'm not talking about girls. I'm talking about dating. They are the type of kids who'd fight over the girl (Max, or even that princess from that game in the Arcade) while Mike doesn't give a fuck. He just doesn't care. My guy is just, not only vibing, but rolling his eyes at his allo friends.
Going back to what I said in my Ace post about Stancy: Mike shows so so much disgust when it comes to romantic stuff! And it's not only because Nancy is his sister, it's because he just doesn't see the appeal. He doesn't like it. He doesn't feel it. It's completely normal seeing s1 Mike react like that, especially when he isn't as repressed as he is in s3. He straight up expresses how little he feels connected to romantic love. And don't tell he that "he's just a kid- Kids say stuff like that" because I can confirm that the other two dumbasses love romance. Lucas is a gentleman and Dustin is a hopeless clingy romantic. Since s1. Mike just... Doesn't like it. And that's okay.
In s1 Lucas says something about Mike only liking El because she's the only girl who doesn't feel repulsed by him. And he's... He's completely right! Slay, Lucas. Slay. Because Mike doesn't show romantic interest for El! Like at all! He saw a lost girl as an opportunity to both find Will and feel like a normal kid, and he took it. Because he doesn't really like El romantically. As an aromantic person I can confirm with absolute certainty that Mike pushed himself to like El because everyone talked about crushes and girls and he... Didn't feel it. He felt like an outcast. And so he started to make himself think he liked El! I genuinely think Mike believes, at least in the beggining, that he likes her. He makes himself think that way, because Lucas won't stop saying he does. And Mike thinks "Well, maybe I do like her". When in reality is just the pressure of everyone asking him if he does. So he forces himself to see El romantically.
Nancy asks him if he likes El, and his immediate reaction is disgust. Like- I'm sure y'all will say it's just the way a kid would react, but he did it so quickly that it makes me think he actually meant it. But then he thought about Nancy's words and kissed El, because maybe liking her was the easy path. Been there, done that, tbh.
Season 3 is a rough time for Mike, really. Because he's clearly in love with Will and doesn't even have anything to compare his feelings to because he's never been in love! The only time he thought he was in love was with El, of course. And he doesn't feel that way for her. So the poor boy is confused because he doesn't know how romantic love actually feels, and it's for a BOY. His BEST FRIEND. It's tricky, man.
He confuses platonic love for romantic love, an experience every aromantic has been through. I do not recommend, tbh.
Mike spends all of s3 making out with El and trying to make things work after their fight because he doesn't know how to have a relationship. He only makes out with her because he doesn't know how to talk about feelings. What feelings, really? If he was actually in love with her, he could be all romantic and have serious emotional talks. But he can't. He hides himself behind kisses and make out sessions because he doesn't know how else love works or if he actually even loves El.
The kiss from the s3 finale says it all, I think. He's so, so awkward... He's clearly uncomfortable and when El tells him that she loves him? He just becomes paralyzed. And maybe I'm projecting too much, but I think that's the reaction all of us aromantics have whenever someone says those words to us romantically. The fear of not feeling the same. Of not being able to love that way. Of not being enough. My boy literally has an aromantic realization the moment El kisses him!
When s4 starts, he can't hide behind kisses now because it's all letters. And we don't see anything from his letters, but we do hear what El tells HIM which is all superficial information that has nothing to do with them being in love or missing each other. That probably means he's been doing the same thing, refusing to show emotions because he can't. Because he doesn't love El that way.
Look, I don't need to go too deep here: The whole thing about him not being able to tell her "I love you"? Queer coded af. Both gay and aro. It's literally my whole aromantic experience because you know you care a lot about that person but you don't love them. Not that way. And the mere thought of telling them makes you uncomfortable.
All s4 is what made me realize he was aro. Look at him struggling to tell his girlfriend that he loves her but still fighting for the relationship because he's scared of what would happen if he accepted himself for who he really is! Literally everything about Murray's monologue to Nancy also fits the aromantic agenda.
Okay, so about Will: Being greyro means you can fall in love. Just not as frequently as someone allo. And I'm a firm believer of Mike loving Will and only Will. And not because he's the love of his life or whatever (that too, tho) but because he just can't fall in love again. Mike loves Will and doing romantic stuff with him but wouldn't feel like that for anyone else. Or maybe he would, but again, it's a small possibility.
I can see Will, Lucas, Dustin, etc. Falling in love more times. Experiencing love in a romantic, allo way. Having crushes, too. However, I just can't see Mike doing it. I love polyam ships, but it's hard for me to picture Mike with somebody who isn't Will! And I'm a multishipper so... I just think he's aromantic. Greyro, to be precise.
I don't think I need to say anything else? s4 is enough proof but if you want to know more about aroace Mike just wait until I post my whole character study about it! <3
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He's so pretty and the aroace flag looks so good on him I'm going to faint from gender envy-
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rotten-queer · 1 year
I went through literally my whole childhood looking for boyfriends and sometimes girlfriends cuz I wanted meaningful relationships and romance was something we have to do
Finding out I'm aromantic for the last time, unfortunately after developing relationship trauma and avoidance surrounding romance, it feels so extremely relieving.
It's unfortunate that it had to get to a point where I was traumatized and so uncomfortable that I couldn't ignore it anymore just to stop dating, which I'd wanted for years but it didn't feel like an option for me.
I've been working on learning platonic relationships and building them, with my sisters and my best friend and maybe my dad and who knows who else. As well as little shallow relationships with my favorite customers who make me happy every time I see them
I wish I'd known way sooner. Maybe I wouldn't have gone through what I did. I put a lot of blame on my mom, when I came out as ace she flipped out and said I was too young and haven't tried it yet, which easily set me up for coercion that left me feeling disgusting and losing a friend about it bc she didn't listen to my "No" the first time
Anyway, I have genuinely meaningful relationships now. Not just spicy friendships with a bunch of other things I "have to put up with" to get what I want
[Ex. I thought I had to do all the dating stuff in order to have meaningful relationships and to have the "benefits" I get from FWB now]
I have a best friend that I love and trust, my sisters and I want to rebuild our relationships with each other and I love them so much. I'm working on their trust, at least with the youngest. These are my very important people rn
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1/2 I've been on this earth for more than 20 years, and in all my time knowing about TERFs and RADFEMs, I legit have never understood their point. I see what they're doing, I "get it" but I don't understand. For all their hatred of men, and GNC, trans, NB, aces, bis, gays, whatever, they also seem to hate women, and I don't understand. They don't like women, they think women are disgusting, stupid, helpless, worthless, weak, and the only good woman is a very specific idealised fantasy version of
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I've been on this earth a few days (eros split, they're fine afaik, it basically came out of nowhere, I'm thinking of zorua as a name), however my system used to argue with terfs and has been (very painfully) friends with a few, while anything I say just inherently oversimplifies because no group is a monolith, the ones we had success talking to in-depth is a selection bias itself, and putting complicated thought processes into words always does that, I'd probably say I'm egotistical enough to think I have a grasp on an overall trend. type 1: trans men who have trauma from men who were hetero, and they don't want to become hetero men, so the ideology that reassures them that they're not is an alluring way, simply put, of avoiding that. type 2: older women who just don't understand things or have the tech-savvy ability to research the words they've never heard, but another older woman they have respect and admiration for said terf talking points and showed a completely out of context twitter screenshot, and mean internet words aren't something they've ever seen before so it seems so uniquely cruel. type 3: grew up conservative and never let go of gendered stereptypes, but learnt baby's first feminism and now hates men and anything they perceive as male or masculine, by definitions that they can't admit to themself are rigid and totally informed by their upbringing. the first needs women to be some idealised inherent thing to protect themself, the second has not thought through or researched arguments against those things implied by the catchphrases and half-remembered discussions, meanwhile the third just genuinely believes those things and an attempt to get them to process that feels like a personal attack. generally, they're common types - a lot of people think of te/rfs simply as what happens when you do too much feminism, but it really isn't, and that's a belief they want you to have because the narrative that they're the real, pure feminists serves them. what actually separates te/rfs and sw/erfs from regular feminists is a massive dose of ignorance, fear, and hatred. of course, I'm only talking about genuine te/rfs here, there's also pseudo-te/rfs, the conservatives or na/zis or hate groups who adopt catchphrases, pretty often transparently lacking genuine belief once you know those beliefs (like when you hear somebody talk about a book in school, but they clearly read the wiki and didn't read it), because obviously their claims to be standing up for women are straight falsehood, rather than misinformed genuine belief that they are.
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huge rant, angry feelings, vent, about COVID and masks.
I'm genuinely just so done. I went to get my food and my brother tested positive for covid. He just stood in the kitchen, waiting for my mom or talking to her or something, coughing. When my food was right next to him. No mask.
I literally feel like I have a fever from wet hair or the AC blowing on me. My allergies are so bad I literally woke up almost throwing up from it cause I've been a dummy and been neglecting filling my humidifier cause of the pain I get whenever I have to handle that thing. I am not going to catch COVID because the two people sick in this household refuse to wear masks!!!
I don't care if COVID is just like a bad cold cause of our vaccines. I do not want to get sick because even a mild cold with or without a fever makes me want to unalive myself!!!
So yeah, I'm really pissed and I'm really emotional cause not only am I having a panic attack related to my OCD (where my fear of germs stems from) but I also had my phone crash on me which sent me spiraling into a breakdown.
Even though my food was in a sealed container, I can't even look at it without feeling disgusted. I couldn't eat a bag of goldfish my friend ate from cause of my OCD. Literally nobody in this house respects how my OCD affects me! I can't help my reactions and I can only do so much to avoid these kinds of triggers!
And it doesn't help that cause of hyperempathy or hypochondria or fucking whatever, when I see anyone sick, I start to feel sick myself even if I'm not. Literally just seeing a hot drink makes my throat hurt and yet seeing these two sick people is making my throat hurt.
I hate this household that doesn't respect me. My mom said she'd wear a mask, she didn't. My brother was given a mask, he didn't wear it. And now my mom is back to eating out again (she's pretty much over it) and my parents think it's supposedly fine if I work despite the fact I could have it even if I don't show symptoms. I don't care if "COVID is over" or if we're vaccinated. It's irresponsible to do that! And I know darn well my parents aren't masking when they go out.
There are still people that will get sick. We don't know who we could affect. I get not wearing a mask if you can't (even I struggle to sometimes and have to take breaks cause of my overheating and breathing problems), but no. My parents just choose not to. Cause COVID isn't "serious" anymore so it doesn't matter.
Honestly it should just be normal to wear a mask when sick anyway!
That was my dinner and now the thought of leaving my room makes me feel sick to my stomach.
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wcdonaldo · 1 year
last post reminded me of an offputting experience i had at the con this weekend
so i tried to go to the rave at the local anime con this weekend (note: WILDLY out of character) and got about as far as the line before i ran out of energy as i'd spent the entire day walking at the con and i'm pretty badly out of shape. but regardless i did get to the line and many people there were in some kind of revealing costume and i had a realization that i felt.... not much attraction?
it's insane to me because i know enough about myself to know i'm not ace, and i'm relatively sure?? that i'm a lesbian. but what i felt there was almost more like a sense of envy for the shape they're in? it wasn't a "damn i want you," it was a "damn i want to look like you." and it really made me stop and think about how i feel like i haven't felt attraction of any kind to any real human being i have met in person since i graduated high school
and i think part of that's the isolation i've got going on? my social anxiety keeps me at home, in addition to the fact that i work remote, so i don't actually see anybody to feel attracted to (aside from my roommates, both guys, who i do not feel attracted to in the slightest)
but i also have to wonder how much of it is self-worth issues, i.e. it's difficult to feel attracted to anyone when i don't feel like i could be attractive to anyone (lack of redeeming qualities, physical unattractiveness, general slob, not particularly good at anything but complaining about my emotions under readmores at tumblr.com), and i know that it's gotta be some kind of self-image issue but i genuinely cannot see what anybody would see in me so i feel like i've closed my heart off to that kind of thing in a way
but returning to the topic at hand that last post i reblogged reminded me of this because i had the realization that despite Posting about it on tumblr.com, i haven't met anybody i've thought about kissing in almost a decade, though i'm not sure if that's just because i can't imagine anybody willingly partaking in kissing me
i know the solution for my self-worth-- and the issue of not feeling attracted to anyone -- is ultimately to get out and meet more people so i can come to terms with the idea of not being seen as an object of mild-to-severe disgust, but i'm not really sure where to start, if there's an app or something (zoomer moment), i googled meetups of trans women in the chicagoland area, but a lot of it seemed like chaserbait (though i may be too cynical). ultimately the fantasy and the dream is that i have a friend that drags me to some kind of meetup and pushes me to act and behave in a more extroverted way but that really is just a fantasy
tl;dr last post about kissing girls reminded me of how i felt alienated from myself due to my lack of attraction to any of the women i saw at the convention this last weekend
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So one of the groups that came by tonight was clearly all queer peeps, but there was one EXTREMELY HOT feminine present person in the group who came up to me like "Y'know?? Actually you're pretty damn cute, what's your number?" And keep in mind I look Disgusting and Awful because ✨haunted trail✨ BUT THEY SOUNDED LIKE A GENUINE MONSTERFUCKER FR.
So in our set there's multiple places to get people, so we get people from earlier portions later. And I see them again. So like. I HAVE to know. I go up to the group, they IMMEDIATELY start flirting again and I go
*points at them*
*limp wrist while cocking head to side*
And they go "Oh YES I'm hella gay. Aromantic though, sorry to get your hopes up" and as they walked past I hear "but I'm not ace 👀" AND I??? HELLO??
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Okay this one‘s going to be long and I really apologise for it.
So. I‘m an ace aro who grew up in a immigrant family where things such as sex and romance weren’t really talked about because „we“ wait till marriage. I never really realised i was "missing" something, because of that
Fast forward, I was 14 when I found out about fandoms and comfort characters. My first fandom was Percy Jackson and I remember I had a big crush/squish? On Percy
When I was 17 I found out I was asexual and was okay with it. No real problems, I had my comfort characters (who where 17/18 just like me)
When I was 19 I found out I was aromantic. Now that one was tricky. And I still have issues accepting it because of my family and being seen as a „failure“ just because I don’t want a S.O
My favourite characters were a HUGE comfort and still are. Cause if they don’t have a SO, it’s okay if I don’t have one right?
Now onto my question, cause the background information was important to understand my struggle.
I always grew out of my fav. Characters. Like with Percy Jackson, when I turned 18 I was like, he’s still 16, he doesn’t have the struggles like I have so I got new favs my age.
But the most important thing is: I never liked my faves romantically or sexual. I just loved them and still love them like I do a Family member. So even if I still find comfort in Percy jackson he’s like a brother to me.
I just recently watched encanto and it really hit me (big family, kind of toxic sometimes, all that buzz) and I realised that this Camilo dude was my favourite. (I always had a soft spot for the goofball so it’s no surprise tbh) and I didn’t know his canon age until I googled it. I‘m Honest, I didn’t watch any trailers or anything beforehand so I just assumed he’s some kind of older cousin in his 20s
When I found out he’s 15 I was like, okay, not my usual comfort character because of the age, but well, I still love him like a friend (again, I don’t experience sexual or romantic attraction)
And then I saw many and I say MANY post talking about „these weird ass young adults simping for a literal CHILD and calling him hot and drawing him so weird!! Like wtf if wrong with u???“ ( I def. agree with the hot part and the weird drawings don’t get me wrong! It IS weird!!) but I still feel kind of hurt because I DONT see him in any romantic/ sexual way but I know everyone else will think that i do
And now I genuinely don’t know what to do! Cause now I’m 20 and it’s SO hard to find any characters my age who DONT have a S.O or sex. And this Is a whole new struggle cause with child characters, there rarely is any romantic let alone sexual tension so I prefer to find comfort in them rather than in older people cause they don’t get sexualised you know?
Oh my god I sound like a p*edophile! But I really don’t mean it like that, its just easier to identify with 16/17 year olds cause they don’t have Sex and im Sex repulsed so it just disgusts me
I know I could just read ace/aro books. But first of, I'm in the closet and do not plan on coming out anytime. and second.. it just limits everything. Most of the time the whole struggle of the book is the sexuality of the person. Why can't it hust be a fantasy book without anything? I remeber i read a young adult novel and i was so happy, i was like FUCK YEAH she's 25 I love it! and then BAM! 20 pages of smut. It ruined the whole book and I hate it so much that I feel so disgusted by it. and then again, I read a YA book (16-18) it still feels weird cause i don't really identify with them either? these are literal children and it's just weird.
I'm sorry, I really don't know what I expected myself when i began to write that question, I guess i just wanted to vent.
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jazminetoad · 3 years
The Dream
Circus of the Sea (One Piece AU)
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"You three," [Y/n] called out to a trio who were up in a treehouse. Dirt and leaves were sprinkled on her due to the female's long search in the forest.
Three curious heads peeked out from their hideout, one wore a straw hat on top of his black hair, the blond one had a black top hat sitting on his head, and there was another one with raven locks but had an orange cowboy hat and freckles decorating his face. Two of them glared at the girl below them while the one with the straw hat just curiously stared at her. How did she find their secret base?
"How did you find our treehouse?" the one with a cowboy hat asked, hostility in his voice.
"Out of luck you could say," [Y/n] chuckled as she started to brush off some of the dirt that got on her clothes. "I've been wandering these woods for a few hours now trying to find you all."
"You have?" the straw hat boy squeaked loudly, [Y/n] guessed he must be the youngest.
"Yeah, your caretaker said you would be somewhere around here and won't be back to your house for a long time so I took the initiative to find you. She commented that it was crazy for me to do that, now I see why."
"Well you wasted your time, so get lost!" The cowboy hat shouted.
"Ace, don't be so rude to the girl!" The blond top hat scolded the other.
"We don't want anything to do with people, especially girls!"
"You still shouldn't shout at one!"
"What does it matters?! She's just going to scream and run the moment she realizes we're freaks, just like everyone else-!"
"But you're not freaks!"
All three boys stared at her with wide eyes at what the girl just exclaimed. They were struck with disbelief, surely their ears had told them something false from reality, but the genuine sparkle in the girl's eyes said differently from the doubtful thoughts bouncing in their head.
"You three have amazing abilities! You're extraordinary!"
"Yeah right, you're lying," the boy, [Y/n] now knows as Ace called her words a bluff. 
"No, I would never lie about something fascinating," [Y/n] assured, expression serious yet filled with passion.
"Really?!" the straw hat boy asked, sounding like a child hearing about Santa for the first time. He jumped down, landing in front of the girl.
"Luffy, no!" Ace panicked.
[Y/n] reached out her hand, glancing over to the boy she now knew as Luffy, her eyes asking for permission. The straw hat boy gave her a wide toothy and nodded his head as a green light for the girl. She lightly took a hold of his cheek and pulled it, her irises grew with wonder as she witnesses his cheek stretching before her very eyes. "Wow...!"
"Hey! Back away from him!" Ace now stood beside [Y/n], pointing a makeshift spear at her and glaring daggers at her.
"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure the rumours were true," [Y/n] apologize, letting go of Luffy's cheek and waving her hands.
"So they are, now get lost!"
"Hear me out first."
"Let her talk, Ace," the blond insisted, joining raven's side.
"Fine..." Ace held up the spear and crossed his arms, gesturing for [Y/n] to continue.
"I have a dream, I want to create a place where people like you are accepted and praised for who you are. I want to show the world how amazing you all are and bring smiles to everyone's faces. People shouldn't look at you in disgust but in wonder and joy. I want to make that change, and I want your help to achieve this dream. I know I can't do it alone, so if you could at least think about-"
"I'm in!" Luffy declared without a second thought.
"Wha...- but I didn't- you didn't even- really?" [Y/n] asked pushing her doubt aside, making room for the hope spirling in veins.
"Yeah! It sounds like fun!"
"Now hold it Luffy," Ace interjected. This is what [Y/n] expected.
"Awww, but Ace-" Luffy began to whine but the top hat boy interrupted.
"No, Ace with on this." The blond eyes went back to you. "How do we know this isn't some made-up thing to our hopes up?"
"You don't, all I have is my word to give. I know people will call me crazy and insane but I'm going to make this happen." A soft yet bright smile drew on [Y/n's] face. "I'd be happy if you three will be the first to help me with my idea."
How could they say to no that smile?
And so it begins
A/N: Ace and Sabo will both be having firepower because this is an AU and fiction. Also, this takes place when they're slightly older than the flashbacks (and yes Sabo is still with them).
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 3 years
okay i'm sorry in advance for this vent, but i have a shitton of thoughts about the absolute mountain of vitriol being thrown at jensen, and i want to say thank you so much for putting your neck out there and being so calm and sane about it. i think it's ridiculous that the conversation is basically only on jensen and not on j*red's extremely shitty and offensive and hurtful rant. jensen did the best he could with the stressful, uncomfortable situation he was given. do i think his answer was perfect? no, i don't, but i think it was definitely on a great track, and i have a HUGE issue with what people are saying about this. why does it have to be about sex? i don't personally really hc cas as ace, but i know a lot of people do, and i actually see him as demi, most of the time. attacking jensen and saying the reason why he chose to avoid the topic by saying it was "undefinable" and "didn't include lust" (which. jesus, that was a GENERAL thought, it was the fact that romantic doesn't necessarily mean lustful, and that was a great point to make) was because he "thinks gay men having sex is gross" genuinely fills me with so much discomfort. i'm a bi guy, so i perfectly understand the issue of society portraying gay sex as gross. yes. thank you, i live it every day. but why would a love that is all-encompassing, that goes beyond what we could possibly understand, and doesn't necessarily include lust, be deemed "less-than"? why are people angry about it? jensen's answer wasn't complete, both because he doesn't necessarily understand cas' character as much as misha does, and because of j*red's interruption, but i agreed with him on a lot of points. i find it hurtful that cas' queer love (because it was about love, the conversation was about Love, not whatever other feelings cas may have for dean, which includes lust. again, romance =/= lust.) is downplayed by the fandom. loving beyond comprehension, as an angel, is a positively beautiful thought. loving a man, as a non-binary cosmic entity, so much that it can't be described by human terms, is a beautiful thought. LOVING FOR THE SAKE OF LOVING is a beautiful thought, and sex has no place here. yes i do think "carnal desires" are also present in the relationship. but i don't think it should be entered in the "love equation". queer love, in-and-of-itself, is beautiful. the confession scene wasn't about cas telling dean he wants to fuck him then and there. it was about love. and i find it hurtful to see that erased the second the conversation is solely about the concept of cas' love. then it becomes "suspicious", surely the reason behind talking candidly about a love confession *has* to be because he finds gay sex disgusting, right? it *has* to revolve around sex one way or another, and can't be about the sheer beauty of what the most powerful love in the universe can be like, and how hard a concept that would've been for dean to understand. naaahhhh. i'm demi, so it definitely hurts to see that in some way shape or form, a huge piece of my identity is seen as "not good enough", or even just "not enough" to be real. i'm tired of that. they say that removing lust from the equation infantilizes gay love? well i say, why are yOU infantilizing and downplaying queer acespec identities? there are adults out there, me included, who have been told we're childish, or ridiculous, for not feeling/not feeling a lot of lust. but it's not ridiculous. it's not childish. adult romantic love IS enough, and it IS valid. and in the case of cas, that love, whether or not it's paired with lust, IS special, and it IS incredible, and it IS enough, and it made me so happy to see jensen separate lust and love, and call cas' love beautiful. fuck off with your "okay but castiel has gay sex and jensen must find that disgusting if he doesn't agree". fuck. off. i'm genuinely sad and pissed off. why aren't we talking more about the first part of his answer? before j*red started a shitshow? why aren't we talking about the fact that jensen said dean didn't know *until the end*, implying he DID end up acting it as
though dean understood this was a declaration of love? because that, to me, was crucial. i'm just so tired of being told, directly or indirectly, that loving romantically or platonically isn't loving fully. that's it's not complete. that i, in turn, am not complete. they hc other characters as ace, but get upset when someone doesn't mention sex when talking about another character, proving the fact that they don't actually think a main character can love be fulfilled AND be ace, or demi, or aro. those are identities they slap onto the characters whose sex life they don't want to deal with, either because they don't like them, or find them childish. so yeah. jensen gave an unsurprisingly hazy answer, because this is in public, and he has to protect his career, and jared was there, and the cw, and whatever other bs restrictions were present in the room in spirit and physically, but i was content with it. of course dean and cas having gay sex doesn't make them disgusting, of fucking course not. if you find that idea freeing, then i am so glad you have an outlet to think about their relationship as centered around their sex life. i wholeheartedly disagree, i think there are a thousand other facets to their relationship, but if it makes you happy, then please go ahead. just don't fucking spit at me vicariously through a post about jensen because some people don't think about them the same way. (i'm using "you" but it's not directed at *you* you btw lmao) anyways. rant over i think. i'm sorry for how long it is kjfhjs
I’m sorry that this discourse has been especially difficult for you. 😔 Yours is a perspective I haven’t seen much throughout all of this, so thank you so much for explaining your thoughts in this message.
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