#fox pillow pet
plushieanimals · 2 years
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animal jam pillow pets 💕
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fnaf-news · 5 months
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blood-and-pizza · 6 months
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So, Pillow Pets is coming out with a Foxy plush... I think his eye is a little too big, but maybe that's just me.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: You like foxes
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Jenni watches as you unpack your bag.
It is with great certainty that you line up your toys. She'd tried to get you to cut down on the amount that you brought with you but it'd triggered a meltdown so big that the neighbours complained about the noise.
It was easier to let you bring them all, even if they were all exactly the same as each other.
It wasn't an exaggeration either.
They were the same exact fox toy. The same one over and over again.
You had a few different ones at home but there were about seven or eight of this one, staring at Jenni with blank black eyes.
You pet each of them on the head before getting off the bed. You've been fascinated with the carpet ever since you both got in, randomly stopping what you were doing to aimlessly stroke it with a little crinkle between your brows that shows you don't know why you like it either.
It's another one of those things that Jenni has come to love about you.
It's strange, she knows, to outsiders but it's you down to your very core and she loves that.
You occupy yourself so well, so independent in your playing. Or...independent in the way that you only played by yourself because people tended to not play the way you liked and that usually sent you into a meltdown.
Either way, with you investigating the carpet and your foxes lined up against your pillows, Jenni takes the time to unpack her own things.
It had been a bit of a risk bringing you to the World Cup but with her parents and Rafa both busy, there was nowhere else she could put you but here.
"There foxes here, Mami?" You ask, finally sitting up.
"In Australia?" Jenni asks," I think so, osita."
You hum and get to your feet.
Your obsession with foxes is a little over the top, Jenni can admit but it's not causing anyone any harm so she indulges it. Besides, it just means that she knows exactly what to get you.
You hum again, meandering over to rub your hands over her soft tracksuit bottoms.
Your hand does a big swipe down before going straight up to her hip to do it again.
"Do they feel nice?" Jenni asked with a little laugh and your head bobs up and down in agreement.
You jolt when there's a knock at the door though. You immediately clamp your hands over your ears and Jenni sympathetically smooths down your hair.
"Don't like it, Mami," You say.
"I know."
There's another round of knocks, more impatient than before.
"One second!" Jenni calls as she sets you up at the desk with your pencils and drawing pad.
Jenni pokes her head out of the door. "Hola?"
Irene, Laia, Mariona and Alexia wait there, each of them sporting large smiles.
"Can we come in?"
Jenni spares a look behind her. You seem content again, scrawling over the paper.
"Yeah, alright." She lets the others in. "Osita, we've got company."
"Hi," You say but don't tear your eyes away from the page.
Laia and Mario instantly make themselves comfortable on Jenni's bed while Irene goes to check out the view. Alexia wanders closer to you, crouching by the chair you're sitting in.
"Hola, osita," She says to you," It's nice to see you again. I missed you."
"Okay." You keep drawing.
"Osita," Jenni says," Tell Alexia you missed her too."
Your brows draw together but you do what you're told. "Alexia," You say," Missed you too."
Alexia smiles at you fondly, more than aware of your little quirks as she takes a peak at your drawing. "That's a nice fox," She says.
"Yes," You say," It's a red fox." You flip to the front of the book to show the exact same drawing. You keep flipping the pages to show Alexia the exact same drawing on all of them.
The same red fox on all the pages.
"Red fox," You say, suddenly regurgitating words Jenni's heard countless times before," Vulpes vulpes. Found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Most widely distributed animal naturally apart from people." You keep drawing, dragging your pencil across the page. "Give birth in dens. Babies stay with adults until autumn and then leave."
"You know a lot about foxes," Alexia says.
"Yes," You reply, switching your orange pencil for black.
"Do you have a favourite?"
"Swift fox," You say immediately," Vulpes velox. Small like housecat. Found in America." Somehow, you've opened up a little to Alexia, fully facing her now though your eyes are nowhere near her face. "I like foxes."
"I know," Alexia says. She dips her hand into her pocket. "I couldn't find a big one but here."
It's a keyring with a knitted fox attached to it.
You swipe your hand over the fabric and immediately pull it away, grabbing it by the silver ring instead. You want to pull a face but you know that's not okay.
Mami tells you that all the time so you keep your face blank.
You shuffle off the chair to give the keychain to Mami to look after, wiping the icky feeling off your hand while you're still there.
"Is this from Ale?" She asks and you nod," Did you say thank you?"
You turn back to face Alexia again. "Thank you."
You don't go back to your drawing, you just sit at Mami's feet and trace the pattern of the carpet with your finger.
"Hey, osita," Laia says to you," Are you enjoying Mexico?"
You don't look up from what you're doing. "No," You say," Roja is not in Mexico."
"Fox that me and Mami fed in our garden," You continue, perking up a little bit," She is not in Mexico. We do not have a fox in Mexico."
"Roja wasn't ours," Mami reminds you," She only came back because we kept feeding her."
"Roja had babies," You say like Mami hasn't even said anything," That's why she was fat. Roja had babies and then we left her."
Mami sighs. "We didn't leave Roja. We-"
"Red foxes have between four to five babies," You plough on, sitting upright again and talking at Laia," Born blind and deaf. Mating happens in winter so babies are born in spring, raised in summer and leave in autumn. Babies-"
You cut yourself off as Alexia goes to move and you stand up.
"Why you going?"
"Osita," Mami says," What have I said about being polite?"
You blink at Mami a few times, trying to recall what she told you before. Mami has to give your reminders a lot. She says that you're not good socially but you don't think it's your fault that people are weird and don't make sense.
She understands you and Alexia understood you when you used to live in Spain and that's all that matters.
"Where you going?" You correct and Mami laughs a little in disbelief, though you don't really get why.
Alexia laughs. "Just the toilet, osita. I'll be back soon."
You nod at her, just once. "Okay."
You sit back down by Mami's feet and go back to tracing the carpet.
"Someone missed her tia Ale," Irene teases and that causes you to frown.
Actually, you don't think you did miss Alexia, not in the way Irene clearly thinks you do. Actually, you don't really think about Alexia when you're in Mexico. You don't really think about anyone that much unless you see a picture of them.
Maybe you do miss Alexia though. In the beginning you think you did but that's because she was a big part of your life and then she suddenly wasn't anymore and that's a big adjustment.
You miss Alexia now though, as she goes off to the toilet but you've never been all that consumed by missing people except for Mami and that's never really happened because you're always with her.
Feelings are weird and people are even weirder, you decide and you migrate a bit closer to Mami. You tug on her leg, looking at her with big wide eyes.
She seems to understand you though, throwing your favourite fox patterned blanket to you.
You make a little tent so you don't have to see anyone else.
You can't always interact with people well so you prefer being in your fox tent.
You take a big, deap breath that runs through your whole body before releasing it.
You smile.
You can feel Mami behind you.
You think this World Cup won't be as bad as you thought it would be.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 2 months
Maybe one with bunny!hyrbid!reader and Natasha “adopts” her and just fucks the shit out of her with her strap (or her real cock if you prefer to write that)
Run Rabbit Run
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: fem!bunny!hybrid!reader x owner!Nat
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲: Natasha can’t help but grant her bunny all her little wishes
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, dom!Nat, sub!reader, age gap (legal), ownership, size kink, strap on, artificial cum, slight breeding kink, pillow humping, slight somno, masturbation, crying during it,
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional. I do not own these characters!
𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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What to do with all the money you make as an Avenger? That was a question Natasha had ask herself more times than she could count. Sure currently was her monthly pay check and all the money she made from interviews and social media was rotting away in her bank account, because she was never a fan of making herself gifts nor did she have time for it. But now with Easter just around the corner the Russian decided to not only do something against her overload on money but also against her loneliness.
She wanted a hybrid, not just some brainless pet but something that could actually understand her. The concept of owing a hybrid wasn't new of course it had been around for years, back in the days they actually hunted them from nature but nowadays there was no need after they got a hang of how to domesticate such a creature.
Natasha stepped foot in one of the only places in the whole of New York who sold these rare creatures- Tony had recommended it to her after once more bragging about his large collection. The over friendly employee showed her the different enclosures all while the employee tried to keep it together- after all you didn't see an Avenger daily not even when working for a prestigious company like she did.
Natasha first visited the cat hybrids, cute but too stubborn, then the dogs, too dependent, foxes were too clever for her taste though especially the polar foxes caught her eyes. Bears and any other large animals would be too much work and needed too much space. The right pick was right on her nose she wanted to get herself a bunny.
Standing in front of the enclosure which held you and a few of your companions Natasha and the employee stood, her gaze never leaving your body. You didn't alter much from a normal human, except for the fluffy bunny ears, little tail and over all smaller build you looked like any other girl. You were going to cost her a hefty amount of hard earned money but for your rare breed, Natasha couldn't care less about that in the moment. The way you stat there so carelessly reading some book which laid in her lap, made you different in her eyes more intelligent maybe? She wanted connection and not some braindead doll after all.
"The one in the pink collar… is she still to have?" Natasha asked the employee you gave her a quick nod. "Yes, she hasn't been here for long though the ones like her normally get adopted quite quickly." Nat only hummed in approval she couldn't wait to have you in her home. "I'll have her in a private kennel"
Meeting a potential owner made you nervous of course you had been trained to and prepared on how to act in such a situation, how to appeal to any potential owner - though you secretly hoped for a female buyer. You tried your best to hide your shy nature from the older woman who awaited you but Natasha found it charming how your, compared to your body, large floppy bunny ears hang low but twitched up when she spoke to you in a gentle manner.
Natasha approached the situation with a calm demeanour- she knew about the shy nature of a bunny like you. As soon as you were comfortable enough to approach her she started to pet over your smaller head with careful hands- and you loved it. By the end of your get to know each other you sat on the redhead's lap clinging on to her. But you weren't parted for long Natasha signed all the paperwork the same day and at the start of the next week you were able to move in with her.
She had given you a nice room, with many books, TV and games to entrain yourself with while she would be working. You came with the clothes from the centre, a basic white bluse, white skirt everything in white , like any other hybrid except for your coloured coded collar which adored your neck so the employees had an easier time keeping hybrids a part. Natasha started to take great joy in precisely choosing each outfit for you. Price didn't matter to Natasha, if she found something to be cute she bought it for you and Nat was known for expensive taste. Sooner or later your closet was fuller than hers, filled to the brim with shorts, blouses, floral summer dresses anything which had a playful feel to it.
Natasha was a busy woman though, often being away for days at a time, she normally made up with expensive gifts and extensive cuddling for her little bunny girl. But that hardly was enough to satisfy your need to be close to the older woman, not to mention that you were worried sick about your owner once you had found out that she wasn't a simple business woman but an avenger.
Natasha came home at around 3 AM after a long mission in Europe the jet lag and sleep deprive was killing her, and since she thought you'd already be asleep at such a late hour- and way past your agreed on bed time, she'd just go to sleep already. As soon as she had stripped to her underwear and her face had it the pillows she was dead asleep, little did she know that you weren't.
Next door you were awake, not only that but you were desperate. This had never happened before yet you immediately knew what it was. You had your first heat, and nothing helped, no toy's from the centre, no playing with yourself, no nothing. You had a pillow under your hips probed up at the seams you humped the pillow like your life depended on it.
You mewled as your already sensitive cunt graced over the edge of the pillow. You were close to cuming but you couldn't bring yourself over the edge. That's when you heard Natasha rummaging through the house you're floppy bunny ears twitching up to detect the source of the noise. You waited patiently in your room trying to find some sleep, maybe Natasha could help you out in the morning. But you could feels your juices sticking to the inside of your thighs.
With small steps you made it into Natasha's bed room tears of frustration already building in your eyes threatening to spill over your blushing cheeks. Carefully you climbed into her bed to find her in a deep slumber laying on her back. You sat down on her on her thigh your pussy making contact with her soft skin.
Slowly you started to rhythmically move it against the limp muscles of her thigh small whimpers falling from your throat in between the sobs of frustration paired with the cries of her name and the tears rolling down your cheek it made a whole picture.
Natasha peaceful face scrunched up in confusion of the sensation when she slowly woke from her slumber she was utterly distraught. Her sweet little bunny humping her thigh like a bitch in heat. With careful hands she stopped your hips and you immediately broke out into a new round of sobs and cries.
"Sheesh" she hushed you petting over over your low hanging ears "You're just in heat bunny, it'll be over soon" She assured you when you pressed your face into her neck. "I want it over now!" You cried out "what about the advice the centre gave you?" She tried but feeling you so desperate and need had an affect on her too.
"Doesn't work" You huffed out "I want you to play with me" Nat was startled by the request, was it morally right for her to sleep with you? It was the main point of criticism surrounding owing a hybrid, but what if not the owner but the hybrid wanted it. "Please" you whined and the assassin's strong will broke right there. "Wait here bunny I'll go get something" You nodded and released Natasha from your grace watching her go.
She came back with a noticeable bulge in her sleep shorts, which upon seeing made your thighs clench together. "It's not going to hurt bunny" She assured and got behind you pulling her shorts down to reveal her, to your body size massive, strap on. She pressed the fat tip against your entrance and your hooded eyes flew open in surprise at the shear size of the toy.
"Natty, it's to big" You mewled out your cotton tail twitching "It's not gonna fit" Natasha scoffed shaking her head as if you had just made an outrageous statement. "I'm gonna make it fit bunny" She pushed forward and your bunny hears flew up in surprise of the stretch. You hands dug into the soft pillow underneath your head as you whimpered in a mic of pain and pleasure.
"Natasha!" You cried as she bottomed you out the stretch being much greater than you could've accomplished with your little fingers. "I'm gonna move now bunny" You nodded and felt her starting with a comfortable rhythm which made the pain turn into pleasure.
By your sweet moans she could tell how much you liked it and fastened her pace to finally give you what you wanted. With deep thrusts she stroked your G spot making you see stars as she too enjoyed the feeling of the strap running against her clit. You mewled out some words she couldn’t make out but took at as a sign of approval for her to keep going.
With both of her hands on your hips she forcefully slammed into your tight heat making sure to not actually hurt you. You arched your back one hand sneaking to your neglected bundle of nerves rubbing it in tight circles. “Fuck are you close?” Natasha asked there was a certain tiredness in her voice still. She clenched down harder on the silicone and mewled out “Yes, please”
“Fuck cum with me” with a few more fast thrusts you came first you’re juicing coating the lower stomach of the black widow. She had a surprise for you when you noticed a thick liquid gushing from the strap into your womb as she came. After having cum herself she pulled out to watch in an awe how the white cum was dripping from your stretched out hole.
After having cleaned you up Natasha could finally rest but not without you resigning on her chest of course. Call it what you wanted for Natasha those feelings of affection were real and of no ill intent she just did whatever you wanted to ensure happiness. With that thought and still cum dripping from your hole both you and Natasha fell asleep.
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rosedom · 2 months
Yo yo yo lil bro, I've never written an ask before but here we go! :3
Thinking about tighnari's ears, would he like you to stroke them and pet him while you spoon him? Grooming him to keep them in shape, massaging them when they're sore and kissing them as the highest tier of romance?
Would they be sensitive? Would he like you to lightly grab his hair while you whisper in his large ears how well he's doing as they shiver with pleasure, hips rutting against a pillow, begging for you to thumb at the back of his fluffy lengths?!?!
He's SUCHH a cutie patootie >:3
(can I be 🪱 anon please ~`>°<`~? 🧍)
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"in an open match, 【 🪱 】 has invited TIGHNARI to play . . . lend me a listening ear
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!amab!reader, sub!ftm!tighnari, ear play (?? is that a thing), cuddle-pillow-humping, praise kink & dirty talk, post-coitus teasing and alluded aftercare .
A/N : yo yo yo big bro, tighnari is SUCHHH a cutie patootie: agreed !
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Do foxes purr? Fennec foxes, maybe?
You're not quite sure, but you find you don't particularly care. Foxes, fennec foxes, whatever other fuckin' breed there is—it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter, because, whatever it is, Tighnari is purring.
"Feelin' good?" you ask, rhetorical, leaning down to nip at the very tip of that long ear you're grooming. He's bundled up in your arms, absentmindedly playing with the fingers of the arm you've got underneath him.
"Mm, yeah," he mumbles, lethargic. "Can you get the other one, too?" He entirely disregards the way your teeth catch his furry ear, his only visceral reaction the unconscious twitch and flutter of it, whacking against your nose.
"'Course," you mutter, "but you gotta turn around for me."
He goes, easy, melted like butter in your hold. The change frees his tail from being smushed between you two, and you try to grab for it before his purrs abruptly stop, and he hisses at you. It scares you, a bit, makin' you jump back, but then he's purring again yet reaching back and guiding your hand away from the tangled fur of it. "No, no—" shooing you away yet simultaneously putting you back atop his head. "Not yet."
"Not yet?" you echo, your soft hands right back to the start: rubbing gentle, scratching circles to the tips of his ear. You meander down in soothing strokes, and Tighnari's purring again.
"Noo," he bemoans—a low n' relatively quietly sound, shaken up with his purr—, "'s too sensitive."
The tone of his voice makes you laugh, albeit soft, making sure to keep on stroking his ears. "And these aren't?" You tilt one just-so, aim it towards you, and gently blow into the shell of it.
And Tighnari fucking moans.
It's hard not to say, "Told you so," but it's not nearly as hard as your cock is, chubbed up and resting in the small of his back; not as hard as his cock must be, either, as he starts to rut against the pillow between his thighs in these barely-there grinds. Not teasing him about that (yet), you instead murmur, "I can make you feel good, lil' fox." You take back to stroking the length of it, your thumb and forefinger gently squeezing on each upstroke as Tighnari's chest rumbles in sweet purrs at the attention. "All you have to do is say the word."
He debates it for a moment, mulling over it and your implications as you keep on letting him. Eventually, he mumbles a quiet, "Fine."
"Oh, don't act so disgruntled," you say, huffing against his head. A little tuft of his hair gets displaced by the breath, and you gentle it back into place between his trembling ears. "You're rutting against the pillow, darlin'." You almost want to say my pillow, 'cos you know the bunched up thing bumping against his clothed cunt is yours.
Ultimately, though, you decide to do otherwise—to tease at him for being so needy. "You're not so sly, fox."
"W—whuh—" Nevermind. You're going to tease the fuck out of him; how can't you, for such cute, helpless lil' reactions like that?
"Grinding yourself against my pillow. I sleep on that, 'Nari—" you pause, chuckling, and you finish preening his hair to take hold once more on the base of his ear. You pinch it, softly, a gentle squeeze between his thumb and forefingers before you continue, "—yet here you are, slickening up where I lay each night. Are you tryin'ta claim me, sweet thing? Drench me all over in your scent..."
Tighnari nods his head, these violent, jerky motions that displace your hold—much to his displeasure. He whines at you—even though it's his own damn fault that he lost the pleasure he's so keen on keeping stop his head—, a pathetic lil' thing that makes your cock pulse as it's smushed up against him, the seams of your boxers the only thing keeping you from bare skin-to-skin.
"Wan' you to be mine, wan' ev'rybody to know it—" his words come out garbled, all pleasure-drunk with a heavy tongue to slash about in his mouth.
You coo, switching up the ear you're playing with to lather up the other one in affection, no part of him left untouched, unloved, "Yeah, baby, I'm all yours. Don't worry.
"And you're mine, too, aren't'cha?"
"Yes! 'm yours." It's nothing short of extraordinary, the way such a smart man can devolve into sweet blabbering; he melts like butter with nothing but a few sweet words, kind touches. "'m yours, n' you're mi—oh, please!"
"Go on, my sweet boy," you murmur, letting your other hand drop to his hip. You guide him against your pillow—each grind gentle but just perfectly hard, the seam of his boxers forced up against the swell of his cock. "Take your pleasure."
However, you think of a way to make this even better. You go on to thumb at the waistband of the fabric, dipping just-so into it as you stroke his ear in the same fashion, always keeping your touches synchronous, in tune with one another even on different parts of his body.
And so you ask, "Do you want these off, 'Nari?" Your pillow is already ruined, and his thighs a slicked-up, wet mess; but you know it'd be far better to rut against the seamless yet rougher fabric of your pillowcase. There are no seams to catch against his cock in any way that's painful nor is the fabric too smooth to not give him much needed friction (after all, his boxers are silky, and they're slick as a puddle now).
He moans in reply, all soft and meak as he nods. The movement, anticipated, does not dislodge your hold on his ear.
But... fuck, you're both just so damn comfy, in the perfect position already save for his annoying briefs... Until you get an idea.
"Don't get mad," you whisper, letting go of his ear and taking both hands down to each leg of his briefs, then just... ripping, the fabric splitting down the seams of either leg and letting you take the crotch of it off and aside. The waistband stays, stubborn, but now his cunt is exposed, rutting now against the pillowcase unbidden, and it is perfect.
And to Tighnari's credit, he does not get mad.
He gets more turned on, if anything, hips humpin' even harder as he begs so prettily for relief. "I wanna cum." 
"And you can cum, sweet fox," you coo, reaching back up to his ears and thumbing at the soft backs of them. He's no longer got your hands to guide him, but, without his too-slippery boxers, he's able to hold his own—and hold his own he does, mewlin' and whimperin' to the open air and grinding impossibly harder—harder into the pillow, harder into you, into your cock. "Cum whenever you're ready."
"I—I will," he cries out, hips stuttering at a particularly good angle of your thumbs against the base of each ear—one you hone in on following that pretty, pretty cry—, "if—if you keep doin' that!"
"I will," you echo, "I'll keep doing it, keep making you feel so good. Just keep makin' my pillow all messy, yeah? Cover it all up in your scent so I can sleep in it, smell like you tomorrow, for the rest of my life. Everybody'll know I'm yours—" and Tighnari's cumming at that, body locking up as his cunt clenches, his cock throbs. Your pillow presses up against him in all the right way, and your hands are simply magic, working away as they are at his fluffy ears.
"There you go, there you go," you coo. "Cummin' so pretty for me, so perfect. You're making such a mess, such a good, good boy f'r me."
When his whines start sounding pained—something oversensitive, which he gets quite quickly after he cums—, you release his ears and forcibly slow the grinding of his hips. You hold him gently but firmly as you move him to a stop. (Sure, it probably made him more oversensitive, grinding him against the pillow like that, but you stand by it: a sudden stop of stimulation is far, far more unpleasant in the long run by the gentle let-down you assure you do.
It's as important as aftercare, makin' sure your mate cums right, just like he deserves.)
"Easy, now, that's it."
He mewls, one last time, before he sighs and relaxes into your hold. "Mm," he mumbles. "'s good."
You grin, smushing your face into the top of his head and right between those ears you played with so—so relentlessly. "Good."
"What—what about you?"
You shake your head, slowly, moving his head with you and making him laugh, light but still fucked-out, shakey. "Don't worry about me," you murmur, and—and you're not lying. You've gone and came in your briefs, and it won't be long before it starts seeping through to the bare skin of his back. "Let's go take a bath, yeah? Wash this filthy fur—" you pause, teasing, and stroke your fingers over his hairy mons.
He growls at you, batting away your hands. "Stop, stop," he whines, but the soft purr that begins to build belies his attempt at a threatening growl.
And then, "Start the bath. You're gross."
Tighnari huffs, turning over (all while he keeps your pillow tucked between his overly-wet thighs) to face you. "You came on me."
"I did not!"
He laughs, bumping his nose against yours and purring even louder. "Technically not on me, but you get the gist."
"You're so mean to me when I made you cum all over—"
He smothers you with his hands. "It's time for a bath," he grumbles, pointed. "I'll take the pillow and—" he reaches down and squeezes your soft cock, making you hiss, "—your soiled boxers down to the basin for a wash."
"Fine, fine," your grumble, not with any true bite, as you pat at Tighnari's ass just shy of his tail. "Make sure you use the soap that's easy on your nose, honey; I'll set up bubbles in the bath, too."
He gets up, jumps away from your wandering hands and holds out his own for your boxers. "Gimme."
An eye for an eye, you suppose; you get to play with Tighnari's body—his ears—, he gets to see your softened cock covered in your own mess.
All's fair in the end, huh?
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i got carried away writing the post-coitus . . . my bad. i'm a sucker for gentle teasing after sex<3
8 APR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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kuni-is-daddy · 9 months
Kitty!Scara smelling other cats or people in you, and getting jealous that your spending time with people that aren’t him. So he resorts to making you smell like him by being a lil too touchy and eventually fucking, with him cumming inside of course.
Switch|Catboy! Scara x Female reader.
'Goodboy or brat?'
Word count: 1.45k
Ft: Has sub and dom themes, F/ngering, Scara is 'jealous', Mommy kink, Praising, Reader calls him a goodboy and a brat.
ScaraMasterlist | Subby cat scara | Sub wanderer
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Catboy! Scara would be so surprised at first, usually when you come home he's hopelessly flicking through the channels on tv Until he hears the door click thanks to his keen senses. He'd turn his head quickly at the sound of the door opening and shifted into his purple cat form, Leaving behind a trail of thin smoke and running towards you meowing while You smile and leaned down in your heels to catch him as he purr'd at you. Licking along your neck and longing for your amazing scent.
But wait- sniff sniff, sakura? Catscara! would hiss at the smell and jump back on the floor,light on his paws and confused. In another puff of smoke he transformed back, wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and some shorts.
Cat scara! Quickly going to his cold touch starved ways after hearing you've been with your co-worker "Lani" and her pet "stokey" for tasks and even hanging out together. When you bring him out during a lunch break he's quickly hopping out your bag to run to stokey, 'the sakura animal' (He nicknamed him)' At first you and lani both think the two are going to play together, but your conversation is cut short after hearing Stokey hiss and let out light yelps after he 'fell' in the fountain. Lani yells and runs after him while you search for your own brat- Not even making it far after you look down to see him licking his paw right beside you as if he never left.
Catboy! Scara getting punished, and ohh how he wasnt expecting you to put your foot down. While your at work or out for the day he has to stay home all alone or 'find something better to do or hang out with his fox friend ajax.' He goes in your room while your gone to play with your clothes you 'left' on your neat bed, softly rutting against it only to notice they also smell like sakura blossom :((. He starts whimpering and dryly fists his length to pictures he's saved of you on his phone. But even those pictures get him worked up over your smell. He lays back in your bed against the pillow, fisting himself faster while his tail wrapped around your vacant stockings. "Hnm…Mommy please~ I-i need it, i need you please! mmm i cant- please~" He wanted mommy to punish him, just not like this.
Its 4pm and another boring day at work comes to aclose, Your eyes are drearing with heavy bags from exhaustion and All you can think of is speeding home to be greeted by your Devious yet adorable pet & lover, scaramouche. However, your daze is cut short when you hear a light knock along the side of your car window, You jump up out of shock and fumble for the keys to the car until you hear a familiar voice. "Hey! y/n? You good babes?" It sounded like a women's voice, A oddly high pitch. You side eye'd the window to see a woman in a flashy button up suit and tie, along with a big purse hanging on the side of her shoulders. It was lani, You sighed and scratched your eyes after clicking the button for the window to peak down. She peaked through the mirror while her 'fashionably' dressed black cat purr'd at the sight of you. "Oh.. Lani! Sorry- Im kinda..In a rush right now." lani hummed and pulled out her phone. "No its alright y/n!" You glanced up as her cat began slipping out the bag from her lack of attention. He pounched onto your lap, and moved in circles, quickly getting comfortable on your lap by swaying his tail further. "I- oh my gosh im so sorry y/n! Heh- I dont know whats gotten into him, He's been so restless lately." Lani put her phone in her pocket and retrieved stokey. "No no, Its fine lani. I like cats." you smiled, and lani's eyes lit up. "Wheres your cat? His name was..Rara? or something." She said. You made a straight face and looked back at lani, "Scaramouche, His name is scaramouche lani." "Ohhh scaramouche, Sorry- I always hear you shouting scara! scara! around the cafe so I didnt think his name was that long." She teased.
Of course your always shouting for that cute brat. He's always causing mischivous for your attention. Hopping on tables, Eating your lunch even though he 'claims to dislike sweet foods.' Sometimes even getting you kicked out of cafes. Cats we're always attracted to you and you never knew why. Was it your scent? Your clothes? Even poor little scara didnt understand. Well..He had reasons of his own which made your heart ache even more. His 'mother' as he said, not 'owner.' abandoned him many years ago and left him to wander the streets despairingly finding a place to call home. So, you took catscara! in after finding him hidden under his kasa hat during a rainy day of work and ever since then he's been captivated with you.
You pulled up to your garage and stepped out the car, After a faint click from your keys the car locked and you walked out to the front door. You turned the knob and to your surprise scara was nowhere in sight, He wasnt in the kitchen sleeping on the table with cuddling his little ornament or by the couch. "Scara~? You home baby?" You put your bag down and walked throughout the house, He wasnt in the living room or kitchen..Maybe he did find something to do. You walked into your empty shared room, The door quickly closed behind you. As you turned around scara quickly caught you off guard, Grabbing you and pulling you into a sloppy kiss against the wall. At first your dissmissive about it but once you realize its him, When your cleavage pressed against his chest. He grins and proceeds further since mommy is letting him take the lead. "Mm..Scara~ I see your eager arent you? Did you learn your lesson now? Your gonna be good for mommy?" You teased him again, and trailed your hands down to his half put on boxers. "S-shut up.." He muttered and began licking on your neck, his ears furr'd down a bit.
'Looks like he did really learn his lesson.' You smiled, "At least help me with these first~" You pointed to your clothes and laid down on your bed. scara nodded, unButtoning your blouse and immedately blushing at the sight of your cleavage, hidden by your black bra. He wanted to touch you right then but stopped for your approval. "Its okay~ you've been a good boy so you can touch." With no hesitation he unclipped your straps, He held and rubbed your breast in circles while kissing along your neck. "Ah..~ mmnn.." You bit your lip from his touch, he was so quiet you swore you've never seen him more focused. "Scara~ B-baby ah…" His tail creeped up towards your thigh, softly rubbing at your skin. "Does it feel good?" Scara started sandwich'ing you inbetween him and the bed, pressing his body closer on yours. "Y-yeah~ Your doing so good for me~" he rubbed his thumb along your nipple until he saw you already in a wet daze. Scara removed his hand from your chest and moved down under your skirt as you whined out for him. "F-fuck…Your so wet mommy~ Did you miss me that much?" He rubbed his index finger around your clit.
"Mnh..Mhm…Missed my good boy~" Scara smirked again. "Hm? Your what~?" Suddenly, He inserted 2 fingers, Stretching you from the inside. "Ah~ I missed my good boy..mn..So much~" Scara moved his fingers back and forth, Thrusting into your wet slit. "Yeah- Im your good boy~ So fucking good..Just for you mommy~" With his free hand scara pulled out his length, stroking it as you pressed deeper onto his fingers. "Mn…Inside~ Scara- Hurry~" He pulled his fingers away at your request, Then licked up your juices. "Hurry? Hah- you want me that bad mommy?" "Yes~ Scara~ mmm..make me cum~" He stopped stroking his length and bucked your legs over his shoulders. Slowly, He inserted himself inside your warmth. "Ah- Oh shit mommy~ nh..You feel so good." Scara held onto your waist, Moving in and out of your wet hole with sharp moans. He was so fixated on fucking you his tail couldnt stop swaying back and forth behind him as your nails dug into his skin. "Scara~ Mmm Faster please! ah~ oh god.." Your tongue lolled out a bit at his pace, scaras hips bucked back and forth while your skin slapped together. "Nnh Yes-Ah~ I'll go faster for you mommy! I'm your good boy~ Ah! I'm close- I'm gonna~ y/n!!" Scara dug into your neck again, sticking his tongue out then biting into your shoulder. You moaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure While his warm seed coated your walls.
After calming down from your high, your vision seemed a bit blurry as if all your exhaustion from earlier kicked in. You leaned back in the pillow sighing and wiping the drool off your lip. Through your hazy gaze scara pulled away, purring as he pulled out and licked his own lips. His tail still swayed but more calmly. he noticed your tired form and tried cleaning you up as best as he could. Then pulled a blanket over your body. He disappeared in a form of purple smoke while your vision clouded and was replaced with catscara. His ornament dangling in your face as you drifted to sleep.
//Character tropes🧍//
Lani. Aka 'Dum human'-(Scara calls her that): Too rich to 'work' and have a job yet has to anyway because of her parents. You helped her out on her first day and ever since then she's clinged onto you like 'an annoying bug'. Deeming you as her 'bestie with the bad cat'
Stokey: Lani's glamour'd cat who doesn't like scara after the fountain incident. He wished he had Y/n as a owner rather than lani since she spoils him too much and wants more genuine time with her, despite that he loves when she gives him warm baths and trips to work because he can see you work with Lani.
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1800jjbarnes · 7 months
◇ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖 : 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬/𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐱 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ◇
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The Perfect Gift
【Synopsis】 : Steve couldn't decide what gift to buy you while he was on a mission in paris. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
『W.C』 : 1.11k
-> Genre: Pure Smut. No plot.
Pairing: Avenger!Steve x F.Reader
[Warnings] : Edging. Fingering. Dirty talk. Use of a dildo. Making out. Pet names. Swearing. Neck kisses.
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You don’t know how you ended up in such a predicament. But here you were, sitting on several blankets on the floor with your back against the end of your bed frame with pillows supporting you. Steve had gone on a shopping spree while he was in Paris, and at first, you thought he simply bought you a nice outfit or even some French snacks. But no, this was Steve you were thinking about. The man who secretly has a dark spot. A dirty side and of course he had bought you an array of toys. Especially.. butt plugs.
“I didn’t know which one would suit you, so I bought them all.” That was his excuse for the ten or so plugs lying hiding in a giant bag… among other things. He told you that about an hour ago now. Having set up a little spot for you to lay while he worked on you. He first took some attentiveness in stretching you. Lube was all over the blankets by the time he was done, and you were shaking like a leaf at this point. His fingers switching between your pussy to your ass was making your head spin in the best way and the more he worked on you the more nervous you got with the idea of the new toys. He wouldn’t tell you what else was in the bag other than ‘it’s a surprise’ making your nerves even more on edge.
He sat behind you, letting you lay on your lower back, holding yourself with your elbows. He sat you in front of your large full-length mirror, letting you see exactly what the gems looked like when they were pushed into your puckered hole. First, it was a red gem, ruby, it was cute and simple and he always said red was your colour. But he kept going, pulling the toy out, he pushed another one in. One after the other, and at this point, you didn’t care what the gem colour was. All that mattered was the feeling of it going in and out over and over again. He was edging you without even realizing and it made you all hot and bothered.
"S-Stevie.” at this point he needed him to fuck you before you explode but he just chuckled putting the new on, a purple gem deep inside your ass. He twisted it slowly, pretending to make remarks such as ‘Such a pretty colour’, ‘You should wear purple more often’, ‘It’s got a bright shine than the other gems’ as if he was talking about clothing or some accessory, rather then a butt plug. He pulled it out still satisfied with it. No, there was a perfect one in here, he just needed to find it. Your hazy eyes looked around the room while he dug in the bag, you saw all the plugs lying randomly on the floor, lube dripping off all of them, some most likely smeared with your own juices, given you were practically leaking for Steve to touch you.
“Ahh!” You suddenly look back at yourself in the mirror, seeing he placed a much thicker plug inside this time, but instead of a gem, it was a tail…. a bright red fox tail with a snow-white tip. It sat so beautifully on the floor, making you shiver. His fingers rubbed against the fur, patting it while he groaned. This was the perfect piece. A tail that made you look like what he thought of you as…. Just a sweet little fox in a big bad wolfs trap.
“My pretty little fox…” He whispered in your ear, making you whimper at his words. He picked up another object from the bag, letting you see he got a tentacle dildo. A deep purple one. The one you saw online the other night. You thought you were alone while browsing for sex toys, but Steve must have noticed the cheeky shit. He held the toy in front of you, giving you a good view of it. You bucked your hips, wiggling in anticipation while he spilled some lube on the object. “You want to be fucked by a tentacle baby? Dirty girl.”
“P-please Stevie.” You cried, feeling him rub the dildo up and down lightly pushing the tip of the tentacle against your clit and it started vibrating. “ffffuuucckk!!” You screamed out, trying to back away from the vibration, but Steve's body caged you, his thighs either side of you. He played with the tail with his free hand, stroking the fur while lightly tugging on it. Everything was so sensitive, and you felt like you were going to explode. He slipped the dildo inside your puffy cunt, fucking you harshly with it. Your eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the toy go in and out. In and out…
“Fuck, look at you. You’re enjoying this my little fox. Being fucked stupid on some toys.” His voice rang in your ears. Your head was spinning and your body was jerking in rhythm of his thrusts. You could feel you were close to your high but it felt different. Felt… faster, more intense.
“Steve I-” Before you could say another word, your body shook like crazy. Legs locking, hands gripping tight on Steve's thighs. You squirted all over the blankets, some of it managed to splatter across the mirror, making your lover chuckle in amusement. Once you slowly came down from your high, Steve switched off the toy before discarding it somewhere on the floor. His hand snaked along your wet body, squeezing your tit before gripping your chin, pulling your face upwards so his lips could capture yours.
“Hmm my baby.” he kissed you again “My pretty baby.” he kissed the corner of your mouth, "You enjoying yourself darling?” he licked your neck, sucking your skin. You just humped in response, feeling tired from the orgasm you had just felt. But Steve didn’t give you time to relax in your bliss as he softly pushed you forward, making you fall onto your tummy, keeping your legs bent and ass in the air. Your face was smooshed against the mirror making you keep eye contact with yourself. But Steve had the perfect view. Your ass wiggling in his face with a perfect tail swaying with it.
“You ready for around two…” He tugged harshly on your tail making your eyebrows knit tight together. “I have so many other toys to try on you.”
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖: 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬/𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐱 - 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Hongjoong couldn't decide what gift to buy you while he was travelling. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.11k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Pure Smut
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Idol!Hongjoong x F.Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Edging. Fingering. Dirty talk. Use of a dildo. Making out. Pet names. Swearing. Neck kisses.
Thank you, my darling, @nateezfics, for requesting Hongjoong for this day. I hope you enjoy, baby. ♡♡♡
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You don’t know how you ended up in such a predicament. But here you were, sitting on several blankets on the floor with your back against the end of your bed frame with pillows supporting you. Hongjoong had gone on a shopping spree while he was in Paris, and at first, you thought he simply bought you a nice outfit or even some French snacks. But no, this was Hongjoong you were thinking about. The man who secretly has a dark spot. A dirty side and of course he had bought you an array of toys. Especially.. but plugs.
“I didn’t know which one would suit you, so I bought them all.” that was his excuse for the ten or so plugs lying hiding in a giant bag… among other things. He told you that about an hour ago now. Having set up a little spot for you to lay while he worked on you. He first took some attentiveness in stretching you. Lube was all over the blankets by the time he was done and you were shaking like a leaf at this point. His fingers switching between your pussy to your ass was making your head spin in the best way and the more he worked on you the more nervous you got with the idea of the new toys. He wouldn’t tell you what else was in the bag other than ‘it’s a surprise’ making your nerves even more on edge.
He sat behind you, letting you lay on your lower back, holding yourself with your elbows. He sat you in front of your large full-length mirror, letting you see exactly what the gems looked like when they were pushed into your puckered hole. First, it was a red gem, ruby, it was cute, simple and he always said red was your colour. But he kept going, pulling the toy out he pushed another one in. One after the other and at this point you didn’t care what the gem colour was, all that mattered was the feeling of it going in and out over and over again. He was edging you without even realizing and it made you all hot and bothered.
“J-Joong.” at this point he needed him to fuck you before you explode but he just chuckled putting the new on, a purple gem deep inside your ass. He twisted it slowly, pretending to make remarks such as ‘Such a pretty colour’, ‘You should wear purple more often’, ‘It’s got a bright shine than the other gems’ as if he was talking about clothing or some accessory, rather then a butt plug. He pulled it out still satisfied with it. No, there was a perfect one in here, he just needed to find it. Your hazy eyes looked around the room while he dug in the bag, you saw all the plugs lying randomly on the floor, lube dripping off all of them, some most likely smeared with your own juices, given you were practically leaking for Hongjoong to touch you.
“Ahh!” You suddenly look back at yourself in the mirror, seeing he placed a much thicker plug inside this time, but instead of a gem, it was a tail…. a bright red fox tail with a snow-white tip. It sat so beautifully on the floor making you shiver. His fingers rubbed against the fur, patting it while he groaned. This was the perfect piece. A tail that made you look like what he thought of you as…. Just a sweet little fox in a big bad wolfs trap.
“My pretty little fox…” He whispered in your ear making you whimper at his words. He picked up another object from the bag letting you see he got a tentacle dildo. A deep purple one. The one you saw online the other night. You thought you were alone while browsing for sex toys but Hongjoong must have noticed the cheeky shit. He held the toy in front of you giving you a good view of it. You bucked your hips, wiggling in anticipation while he spilled some lube on the object. “You want to be fucked by a tentacle baby? Dirty girl.”
“P-please Joongie.” You cried, feeling him rub the dildo up and down lightly pushing the tip of the tentacle against your clit and it started vibrating. “ffffuuucckk!!” You screamed out, trying to back away from the vibration but Hongjoong’s body caged you, his thighs either side of you. He played with the tail with his free hand, stroking the fur while lightly tugging on it. Everything was so sensitive and you felt like you were going to explode. He slipt the dildo inside your puffy cunt, fucking you harshly with it. Your eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the toy go in and out. In and out…
“Fuck, look at you. You’re enjoying this my little fox. Being fucked stupid on some toys.” His voice rang in your ears. Your head was spinning and your body was jerking in rhythm of his thrusts. You could feel you were close to your high but it felt different. Felt… faster, more intense.
“Hongjoong I-” Before you could say another word your body shook like crazy. Legs locking, hands gripping tight on Hongjoong’s thighs. You squirted all over the blankets, some of it managed to splatter across the mirror, making your lover chuckle in amusement. Once you slowly came down from your high, Joong switched off the toy before discarding it somewhere on the floor. His hand snaked along your wet body, squeezing your tit before gripping your chin, pulling your face upwards so his lips could capture yours.
“Hmm my baby.” he kissed you again “My pretty baby.” he kissed the corner of your mouth, "You enjoying yourself darling?” he licked your neck, sucking your skin. You just humped in response, feeling tired from the orgasm you had just felt. But Hongjoong didn’t give you time to relax in your bliss as he softly pushed you forward, making you fall onto your tummy, keeping your legs bent and ass in the air. Your face was smooshed against the mirror making you keep eye contact with yourself. But Hongjoong had the perfect view. Your ass wiggling in his face with a perfect tail swaying with it.
“You ready for around two…” He tugged harshly on your tail making your eyebrows knit tight together. “I have so many other toys to try on you.”
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fanfiction4sooya · 9 months
Hi guys! Just quick introduction: I'm Lua, 26 brazilian woman who loves to write. This blog is for kpop girl groups and gg's only. I write for fun and for fun only, so I don't like angst and will probably write it only under request (and I can say no if it makes me uncomfortable bc I'm really bad at it).
I try to be as polite and gentle as a human possibly can, but I can and will set boundaries (and be mean) if I have to. (Some people tend to go crazy since they are anonymous)
Mainly a NSFw blog focused on Sub F!R x Dom Idol and Idol x Idol; but feel free to request Dom Fem!R :) I write imagines, thoughts, MTL, polygamous relationships (3 people only) and honestly a lot of other stuff, just check with me on my ask box and I'll let you know!!
I only write smut for girls with legal age/people I'm comfortable writing for;
If I see spam in my ask box I won't respond and probably will delete it, I definitely do not to want to bring any negative attention towards anyone, nor shame anyone.
I don't write about any disorders at all.
Do NOT call me mommy under any circumstances, I'll be rude to you if you do.
Please be kind to each other! 💖
My favorite groups are:
BP, Dreamcatcher, Itzy (Top 3). Twice (For the n*zi shirt incident I chose to NOT write for Chaeyoung, no hate for her or those who write for her), Red velvet, IVE, Loona, WJSN, New Jeans (But I don't write for them), Le Sserafim, XG, G- Idle, aespa, SNSD and VIVIZ
Soloists: Yena, Bibi, Eunbi, BoA, Sunmi, CL, Chungha, Soojin
Dancers: Bada Lee, NoZe, Lee Jung.
So here are the links for what I write. Fics are blue, imagines are pink, asks and requests are red!
Crazy over you - Jisoo x Fem! Reader
Office game - Handong x Yoohyeon
Happy Su-A day!
Annoyingly you (A! Chaeryeong/ O!Lia)
Hot wife Chaeryeong
BFF's Yeji and Chaeryeong
Power Bottom Chaeryeong
Soft love making with Chaeryeong
Pervy neighbor chaeryeong
Le Sserafim:
Make me yours (Sakura X Yunjin)
Can't save you now (Sakura x Chaewon x Kazuha)
Speak up (Dom Kazuha x F!Sub reader)
Lakers Yunjin fucking you
Sloppy head with Yunjin
Puppy needs (Hybrid Yunjin x F!Reader)
Dog hybrid yunjin claiming you
Fire & Gasoline (A! Jihyo x O! Reader)
Pretty Pet (Sana x F! Reader)
Mornings with you (G!P Momo x F!Reader)
G!P Mina x F! Reader
Jealous Step mommy Sana (G!P)
MILF Sana x Maid F! Reader
Fisting with Step mom! Sana
G!P Doctor Sana x F! Reader
Rewarding Idol!Jihyo
Cockwarming w/ Jihyo
Masc! Jihyo
Possessive G!P Momo
Deep throat w/ G!P Mina
Sana x miyeon
GF Jeongyeon
Brat tamers Jeong and Sana
Sana overstimulating you
Twice as hybrids (g!p)
Jeongyeon bottoming for you
On edge (sana x F! Reader)
Cry for me (Dahyun x F! Reader)
Double Trouble (G!P Yujin x F!Reader x G!P Gaeul)
Rough G!P Yujin x innocent F!Reader
Yujin degrading F!Reader
Nerdy student Yujin
Cockwarming Yujin
G!P Gaeul w/ innocent tutor F!Reader
Birthday Sex w/ Wonyoung
Wonyoung x Bratty F!Reader
Riding hung Gauel
Wolf hybrid Yujin
My dream girl (Wonyoung x Liz) - Fluff
Possessive hybrid wonyoung
A little relief (Shuhua x Miyeon)
Proud to be yours (BP Rosé x Miyeon)
Miyeon x Yuqi
Miyeon with a breeding kink
Somnophilia & Mimin
Thoughts on mafia boss Miyeon
Red Velvet:
Addictive (Wendy x F!Reader)
Possessive mommy Irene
Loyal dog (Sub A! Seulgi x Dom O! Reader)
Cult leaders RV fucking you
Alpha Seulgi helping on your first heat
Dirty thoughts about Irene
Joy + innocence kink
Mommy Karina
The closest to her (G!P Winter x F!R)
Gamer winter neglecting you
Dirty thoughts about ningning
Somnophilia with puppy minjeong
Call her now (Karina x Fem!R)
Let me help (Tiffany x F!Reader)
Fox hybrid yuri
Possessive alpha Tiffany
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Jessica Jung and F! R first time
Tiffany with younger gf
Use me please (Exy x Dayoung)
Pillow princess Harvey
Loona: -
I'll be your sweet dream (Heejin X F!Reader)
Camgirl! yeojin
Thoughts on G!P Kim Lip
Married Reader x Yena
Car sex w/ Yena
Bitter (Eunbi x F! Reader)
Touchy BIBI
Dom coded BoA
Sly fox, dumb bunny (G!P Bada x F!Reader)
Alpha Bada
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Alpha Bada in rut
Bada + daddy kink
Lee Jung:
Hard dom Lee Jung
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Hiii can you do a kitsune childe x kitsune fem reader smut? Like reader is ready for a baby and childe fucks her rough and all excited and ready to have reader full of his pups?
cw. fem!kitsune!reader, kitsune!childe;tartaglia, br33ding k!nk, implied lactation k!nk, biting and marking, small amount of blood, praise k!nk, implied overst!mulat!on, thigh hvmping
a/n. since it wasn't specified to be a thirst or request, i'll turn it into a thirst.
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Childe would be so eager to be the one breeding you. Just the mere thought of you having his lovely litter of pups has him excitedly wagging his tail. The ginger was all over you since the morning, always tugging your sleeve to stay with him inside the bedroom where pillows were basically fluffed up into a pillow fort.
He prepped up everything for the night to make it romantic. He wanted to make sure if you were ready, his hands were massaging your back and caressing your tail to ease you up. Even making its way to your breasts and whispering how'd adorable they'd be full of milk for him and the babies.
Childe would start of gentle, if you were ever in need of comfort he assures you to pet his fluffy ears to ease you up. They're sensitive but they feel good in your hands, practically moaning when you play with them as he enters inside of your pussy. It's basically a win-win for the both of you.
His hands were gripping your ass as he helps you grind your hips into his to get deeper inside of you. Groaning at the way you clenched around his cock tightly before rutting into you. He couldn't help but bite into your shoulder, licking the blood that was coming out from the wound and sucking it into his mouth.
He pulls out and slams himself back in, causing a loud moan from you. God, Childe loves the sounds you make when you're helpless for him, the way you were moaning and drooling for him has him wanting to go rough on you. Childe's grip on your thighs were bruising from how hard he was fucking your brains out. The way his dick was pushing in and pulling out of you was so satisfying to see.
He just couldn't wait to see it overflowing with his seed.
The longer the session was the harder his thrusts got, he was too blinded by the pleasure in his lower region to hear you begging for him to be gentle. Even if he did he knows for a fact that you like it when he's merciless with your body. Each ram of his hips into yours has your ears flattened down and your breasts jiggling from the impact.
It feels so fucking good he didn't want to stop, even if you the both of you were overstimulated and couldn't go on anymore but he was a sly fox with a lot of stamina. Everytime you'd wander around the forest looking for him, he'd be jumping from tree-to-tree to tease you and you'd be out of breath and ends up resulting to him carrying you to a nearby cave.
You noticed his tail standing up straight with a subtle wag, signaling that he was near his orgasm. You whimpered at his praises and words on how he'd promise to have you round and full by the end of the night. His hand was rubbing on your stomach for the emphasis.
Even after the both of you came, he continued grinding his crotch into yours. Childe shushes you when you whined at his sudden movements, assuring you that it'd feel so good and that he's far from being done. You did want your very own kitsune babies, right? You can't back out from your promise now. He hates promise breakers!
When morning rose, he was the first to be awake. Grabbing pillows nearby to comfort your sleeping body and laying on it as he studies your stomach, caressing and giving it kisses when he feels a difference in it.
Just expect your body to feel more sensitive once you wake up to him playing with your cunt and petting your tail as he desperately humped on your thigh.
© notsodivininglover 2023. reposting, plagiarizing, translating or claiming my works are strictly forbiddened.
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aestyl · 11 months
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CW: Sumeru men bottoming for you w/Tighnari - NSFW, MINORS DNI, anal fingering, anal penetration, GN!reader, top!reader, bottom!Tighnari, pet names are used, the reader is called 'Master'
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He bottoms for you
Asking Tighnari if he would bottom for you visibly sparks something in the Forest Watcher you hadn’t expected. His brown-green eyes widen in an instant at the thought, crimson dusting his pale cheeks, and his tail can be heard swishing along the bedspread.
“A-Anything for you..”
Now, if anyone is going to be a good boy for you, it is definitely Tighnari with his eager-to-please attitude. Maybe it’s his puppy nature that has him on his knees for you in an instant, lips parted to let out excited puffs of air.
It isn’t long before the fox is on his back in your shared bed, his body flushed a pretty shade of scarlet and his head tipping back against the pillows. His lips part as your tongue ghosts over his nipple, a thin whine bouncing off the walls of your shared room as he arches his chest up toward your hot mouth.
“Y-Y/N…don’t tease me..”
Tighnari’s nipples are so sensitive that even the gentle pass of your tongue over the hardened bud has him gasping for air, hands fisting in the sheets below. Even an Archon could be brought to their knees at the sound the poor boy lets out as you give an experimental suck. The Forest Watcher’s chest shudders as he draws in a ragged breath, his whimpers high and needy the more attention you pay to them.
By the time you’re finished lavishing his nipples with attention, Tighnari’s cock is aching, the tip flushed and dripping precum onto his stomach. Brown-green eyes are full of want as your hands dip down to trail over his inner thighs and they tremble at your warm touch in anticipation.
“Please touch me already…”
Tighnari’s back arches as your fingers trail up his cock, the pads of your fingers expertly rubbing over the slit and smearing the precum along the sensitive skin. His eyes flutter shut with a gasp as your hand fully encloses his shaft giving him a light squeeze before pumping fluidly, relishing in the moan breezing past his lips.
Sliding your free hand down, you comb your fingers through the soft fur on the Forest Watcher’s tail before wrapping around the base to give a gentle tug. Before either of you have a chance to blink, Tighnari is keening with a sharp jerk of his hips, trying to push his cock toward your hand in an attempt for more friction. Oh, how you loved to toy with his most sensitive parts.
“Hah! Y/N…”
It isn’t long before you have two fingers buried inside his gummy walls, prodding relentlessly at his prostate, and forcing him to cry out with every thrust of your fingers. His body is slightly damp with sweat, tears of pleasure clouding his vision as his thighs begin to tremble under your ministrations. The pads of your fingers feel so good rubbing over that bundle of nerves that Tighnari feels as if his mind is melting as you increase the speed of your hand on his cock.
“M-Master.” He hiccups, hands trying to find purchase on the sheets as the heat in his stomach coils tighter. “’M gonna c-cum!”
“Go on, Puppy, cum for me, it’s alright.” You hum out, head dipping to wrap your lips around the head of his cock, tongue grazing the underside just as the coil in Tighnari’s stomach snaps.
The Forest Watcher lets out a garbled cry of your name, his hands desperately grabbing at your hair in an attempt to ground himself as his cock spurts into your waiting mouth. He tugs the soft strands until his orgasm is over and you finally retreat, giving him a moment to breathe after the intense pleasure.
Sleepy brown-green eyes begin to droop after only a few moments of relaxation showing just how much energy the orgasm took out of the hard-working fox. Settling down next to Tighnari, grab a cool wet washcloth and gently begin to wipe some of the sweat from his overheated skin.
The fox sucks in a little breath at the cold cloth, body leaning into your touch just slightly, eyes finally drifting closed as sleep threatens to overtake him.
“I love you, Y/N.”
A light chuckle escapes your throat as you rub a hand over his bare back, pressing a kiss between his ears with a smile. “I love you too, Nari. Now, let’s get some rest before our patrol in the morning.”
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xflixer7 · 6 months
all of my yellowjacket headcannons (so far)
word count is like a trillion ok i’m not counting all this
she/her transfem! lesbian bottom (try to convince me otherwise)
-definitely has some type of ocd
started playing soccer when she was little
will actually go insane is you steal any of her clothes if you look at her she will actually be drooling with heart eyes
this girl is french and is HORRIBLE at it
plays piano
also knows violin because her parents made her take it doesn’t play is anymore though
lottie isn’t jealous but very protective of you
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-phoebe bridgers
-tv girl
-faye webster
-#1 laufey fan on the world
unironically knows every katy perry song by heart because she used to be her favorite when she was little
her room is huge
likes putting her hair in pigtails
golden retriever girlfriend she’s so sweet to you and loves to spend time and money on you you guys always stay at her house would literally kiss the ground you walk on if you asked her too:((
also the worst cooker you ever met like how did you fuck up toast why is the smoke alarm going off??
favorite color is blue
lottie definitely has a hairstylist she goes too every month to get permed and there really close i can see her telling them about ALL the school drama
lottie wants write story’s when she’s older maybe romance or mystery idk but i can just imagine her having a typewriter and writing you story’s she has wanted to do it since she was a kid and is very passionate about it:((
what i think her favorite shows are:desperate housewives,american horror story,sailer moon
time burton enthusiast
so scared of horror movie like she will start crying
her favorite characters are:
-emily (corpse bride)
-bree (desperate housewives)
-starfire (teen titans)
always goes on and on about how she’s bubblegum and your marceline she LOVES adventure time
her favorite movie is bridge to terabithia
lotties favorite animal is a bunny and she really wants a pet bunny
BEGS you to give her your bra and your confused but you give it too her and she makes a bracelet out of it and wears it practically every day proudly
also think that lottie is a great artist? like sketching and painting wise
SAY IT WITH ME transmasc! (he/they) definitely bi and a bottom why? because i say so
started playing soccer in middle school
LOVES christmas like has an unhealthy obsession with it
northern italian knows the launage pretty well also a great cook
wants to play electric guitar
his favorite (modern!) singers are
-tyler the creator
-alex g
-motley crue
-is so obsessed with mistki don’t even get me started
randomly painted his room black one day when he was bored
usually prefers his hair down
you give him haircuts he doesn’t trust anyone else someone definitely fucked up his hair once and he never went back
he’s stubborn black cat energy but he can be soft sometimes he hates being vulnerable around you
his favorite color is black or gray
just wants to be famous tbh but he wants to be in a band
what i think his favorite shows are:rick and morty,bojack horseman,shameless
LOVES horror movies and reality tv like 90 day fiancé and the kardashions
also likes claymation
his favorite characters are
-ash (fantastic mr fox)
-sidney (i am not ok with this)
-coraline (coraline)
his favorite movie is little miss sunshine
nat’s favorite animal is a panther he saw one in the jungle book when he was little and just thought it looked cool
always headcannoing characters as trans like finn from adventure time or jeff from clarence he’s so cute:((
nat skateboards too definitely not great at it but does it when he’s bored
(she/her) is just a bratty pillow princess lesbian you can’t fool me
-adhd asf
-neurodivergent for sure
started playing soccer because she was bored eighth grade tbh i don’t think she likes it as much as the others but she thinks it’s fun
always takes your hoodies fact
this girl is a vegetarian for sure
jackie is greek which is shocking to everyone
jackie is jealous always period
hey gays ass button ups bro
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-ariana grande her fav
-billie eilish
-harry styles
-lana del ray
pretty mainstream music taste
all pink room it’s very like coquette?
ponytail girl but also enjoys her hair down
is obsessed with you like unhealthy obsession always needs to be around you
favorite color is light pink duh
jackie gets perms so she really doesn’t care who does her hair
wants to be a makeup guiro or just stay at home honestly she hates working
what i think her favorite shows are:euphoria, grays anatomy,glee
i think she likes very drama files shows and will rant about tv show characters and there dynamics and why she think that there like that and etc for HOURS
ughhh jackie is such a girls girl like she is the friend who always has your back and has gum or a tampon for you she is the friend who would check you on your period
her favorite characters are:
-maddy (euphoria)
-regina (mean girls)
-amy (gone girl)
her favorite movie is DEFINITELY jennifer’s body
jackie is a cat lover and has 2 i can see her with a orange and a gray cat and they always fight
DEFINITELY bi (she/her) and i could see her as a switch?
joined soccer with jackie eighth grade
has like thousands of boxers
knows how to play saxophone (she doesn’t even know how she learned she just did) she doesn’t own one though
so jealous but never says anything (this girl cannot communicate to save her life)
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-the cranberries
was so mad when they got popular on tiktok and had to let everyone know they where her fav since day 1 (everyone knew)
-suki waterhouse
-cigarettes after sex
-never got over halsey since 2017
-lady gaga
she honestly doesn’t care how her room looks but it’s never clean
doesn’t do anything with her hair really
writes you notes about how she appreciates you or how much she loves you cause it’s hard for her to tell you how she feels but she loves you so much:((
green is her favorite color
shauna’s hair may seem simple but she’s VERY picky about how it’s cut and is always worried there gonna cut it bad so she gets it cut like twice a year(she always ends up hating it)
she wants to be some sort of doctorate she’s fascinated by the human body so i can see her wanting to be a surgeon
what i think her favorite shows are:good girls, queens gambit,13 reasons why
her favorite characters are:
-velma (chicago)
-cassie (euphoria)
-susanna (girl interrupted)
her favorite movie is chicago (loves musicals)
a simple gal she really likes dogs
she/her lesbian switch
joined soccer in fifth grade
mixed (duh)
used to be in the marching band
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-bruno mars
(screams when i was your man and grenade in her car way too much)
-frank ocean
-post malone
(also screams his songs in the car)
-has a soft spot for shawn mendas has all of his albums
-really enjoys 60’s music so she really likes elvis
her room is pretty big too not huge on decorating
doesn’t care about hair like at all will wear a headband sometimes
a good girlfriend like if your cold she will give you her jacket type she has a temper never jealous either girlfriend material she’s the type you would want your kid to date y’know?
respectful to adults gets good grades and stuff
her favorite color is brown and everyone is like that’s weird and she is trying to convince them like “no guys it’s pretty hear me ou-“
cuts her own hair thinks it’s overpriced and dumb to have someone professionally do it
tai wants to be something important like president or some shit i can see her being a lawyer
what i think her favorite shows are:the umbrella academy,big mouth,skins
tai only watches skins and euphoria type shows because she loves the drama
her favorite characters:
-hermoine (harry potter)
-patrick (perks of being a wallflower)
-nadine (edge of seventeen)
her favorite movie is the 6th harry potter movie she also thinks it’s the most underrated
she likes tigers
she/her and lesbian switch
joined soccer in sixth grade
plays the trumpet but is kinda embarrassed by it
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-nicki manaj
-fiona apple
-tori amos
-girl in red duh
-david bowie
-was ziggy stardust for halloween when she was 8
posters EVERYWHERE can’t convince me her room is not painted red
doesn’t care about hair either puts in a ponytail to keep it out of her face
is a great girlfriend all the same traits as taissa except not the best at school she’s honestly surprised she graduated
favorite color is red
her uncle cuts her hair for like five bucks out of his garage also i definitely think she used to have a bowl cut when she was little
doesn’t really care about money she just wants to be happy wants to own a record store or be a professional soccer player
speaking of records she definitely has a lot of collections like lowkey a hoarder…but her stuff is cool though! like funky pops hat wheels cd’s records etc
what i think her favorite shows are:beavis and butthead, avatar, south park
mostly likes adult animation
her favorite characters are:
-harley (suicide squad)
-ron (harry potter)
-beast boy (teen titans)
her favorite movie is the bee movie or lego batman there cinematic masterpieces
van likes pigeons for not particular reason she just thinks there funny looking
i can see van as a surfer too like her dad definitely is one also i can imagine her being really close with her dad and they have a local family business bakery:((
she/her and idk her position or sexually like i genuinely have no idea
always wanted to be on the team but knew she was bad at sports
german definitely
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-boy genius
-the beatles
-justin bieber
-melanie martenz is her favorite forever
light purple room has justin bieber posters everywhere
lowkey forgets she has hair whenever people comment on it she’s like “oh yeah!”
very obsessive of you and loves you almost too much sometimes you think it’s creepy but than your like “awww she’s so cute”
loves the color yellow
i can see her being a k-pop stan too
(her bias in bts is j-hope)
also is a famous editer on tiktok and no one knows😭her username is like “gxxbflix” or some shit
literally has had one haircut in her life like it never grows?
i see her as a pharmacist
what i think her favorite shows are:walking dead,mlp,monster high
i just think she really enjoys getting into all types of fandoms
has SO many online friends
definitely loves romance anime
plays clarinet
is in band
favorite characters:
-cruella (cruella)
-alice (alice in wonderland)
-edward (edward sciccor hands)
and mistys favorite movie is alice through the looking glass (because it shows the queen of hearts back story and misty loves her)
and misty likes birds duh
those are my headcannons for them i know it’s a lot but i’m obsessed ok send requests if you have any please
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faux-ecrivain · 4 months
Part Two of Anon number 9’s request
———————————————————— Yan Neighbor; would be upset, while you stayed with him, you often kept him out of your nest and prevented him from helping make it. So, anytime you went to that nest, he would try anything to get you away from it and into his lap…or his room. It never worked, but he definitely tried. ———————————————————— Yan Emperor; He encourages your habits and even helps make your nest, although it does take a bit of convincing on his part. But, eventually, you relent and allow him to join you in your nest. Unfortunately, he takes this as an invitation to hold you, and now you’re stuck in his arms. You think his actions are embarrassing, and it makes you feel like he doesn’t respect you. Hence, why you keep kicking him out and no longer allow him in your nest. Of course, he takes advantage of your strange behavior and finds an excuse to keep you at his castle for quite some time. (Until you have to go back to war that is) ———————————————————— Yan Duke; adores you, he likes petting your fluffy ears and snuggling you in your nest. Although, such actions are few and far between, he only ever gets away with it when you’re asleep. He feels a bit bad when he’s petting you, you probably think he’s disrespectful to you. But he isn’t, really, he’s just so fascinated with your appearance, and he finds it a bit amusing that someone like you (meaning fuzzy ears) is a decorated war general. Not because he finds it impossible, but because he can image the astonishment/embarrassment your enemies must have felt upon being cut down by someone such as you. ———————————————————— 1950s Househusband; is frustrated and amused, he’s upset because you’ve abducted all his pretty little throw pillows, and he’s amused because your animalistic protection of your nest is so cute! Although, this cuteness of yours is quickly diminished because you refuse to return his throw pillows, you’re making a mess, and you growl at him if he gets too close. Which of course causes him to scold you sternly, and that straightens you out. But, he doesn’t take all your pillows, just the throw pillows that usually decorate the couch. Once he’s got his pillows back, your cuteness factor is back, and he decides to go easy on you for once. So, you get to spend the rest of the night in a comfy little bed, and he gets all his pretty throw pillows back. ———————————————————— Yan fickle ex-boyfriend; he doesn’t like animals, and he definitely doesn’t like thieves. Hence, when he finds out you stole his pillows, covers and basically anything comfortable to make a stupid nest, he gets upset and tries to get his stuff back. But, it’s a fruitless battle, and you have no intention of letting go of anything in your nest, so anytime he comes near you snarl and growl at him. After a few too many close calls, he relents and begrudgingly decides to just leave you alone. When you get back to normal, expect a confusing conversation that centers around blaming you for everything existing, and then a much more baffling conversation about which covers belong to whom. ———————————————————— Yan Darling; thinks you’re adorable and joins you in your nest, it doesn’t matter how much you fight him, he stays by your side and cuddles you all day. He just adores your fuzzy ears and your furry tail, he finds your fox attributes cute, and he takes numerous pictures of you. Occasionally, he’ll even bring you some comfier pillows and help adjust your nest. At first, you were reluctant to allow him. (He’s delusional, but he loves you) ———————————————————— Yan Fan of Supernatural; is fawning over it, like taking pictures and everything. He thinks that you have to be some sort of supernatural creature, he was disappointed to learn that you were just some strange fox hybrid. Still, you were cute and warm, so at the very least he cuddled you and assisted you with the nest. ———————————————————- (Also, I imagine that Arctic fox reader looks like one of those cat humans but with a fluffier white tail and fluffy white ears.)
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postmodernbeliever · 2 months
sick and twisted- fox mulder x female reader (smutsmutsmutsmut)
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in a sudden bout of sickness, you are staying with fox, who is yearning to take care of you (...in more ways than one.)
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hope you enjoy this incredibly horny thing... wrote this as i worked through raging period hormones <333 (sometimes i still get a little nervous to post these but yknow what. if im thinking it someone else is too probably. so yolo)
my ao3 | word count: 2,906
content tags: soft dom fox mulder, fox mulder the top of every girl's dreams, domestic fluff, fluff and smut, sickfic, sick reader, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering & sex, plus size reader if you squint, past fox was a little plus size if you ALSO SQUINT!!!!, idiots in love, pet names, smut, pain relief, talking you through it bc he's a nice boy, cross-posted on ao3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。
it was twisted, the way fox was turned on by you being sick. it checked every fantasy in his head off the list and you didn't even know.
by the time you got off work last night, you felt the brain fog rolling in, and you came straight to fox’s place instead of your own- and he was more than happy to oblige you. he wanted to set you up in his bed, but you refused, so he made you a little home on his couch, fixed with his good pillows and the blanket you designated as your own months ago. the man had been itching to come home all day. his brain was so out of the loop, in fact, that he handed dana a case report only half completed, with sentences stopping midway through. his partner had to force him out of the office just so he didn’t screw anything else up, but he couldn’t care less, because he was on his way home to his girl. he even went to the store to get you ginger ale and animal crackers, because he knows that’s your favorite remedy. and god, if you weren't everything he’d been dreaming of since he left you last. 
you were splayed out on his couch beneath a blanket, coughing up a storm. your nose was red and irritated from blowing it into so many tissues, lips swollen from all the chapstick and chewing; a glassy, sleepy look glazed over your eyes, and your skin paled everywhere but your cheeks, which were flushed in a pretty little smear across your face. you were in his old academy t-shirt, which left room to breathe- he was a bit bigger back then, lucky for you- and a little pair of boxers that were hiked up your thighs from sitting in them all day. you were the vision he couldn’t have conjured even if he tried. he wished that they could make a calendar of just you, looking like this, for every month until he died. but above all, your voice was the part that truly drove him up the wall. you didn’t think of the raspiness as much more than grating, but to him? gruff, weak, gentle, needy, undeniably brutally irrefutably hot- he had a thesaurus written just to put it to words. every word that fell from your lethargic lips was like music to his ears; he could listen to your stuffy breathing forever.
fox had been taking care of you, despite your protests to leave you be. you didn't want to get him sick, but he didn't care. he insisted on keeping you company and doing mindless work at his living room desk until you felt like getting back into the world. that was another thing. seeing you helpless and dependent on him, needing him to feel better… he loved that. he loved spoiling you, feeding you, treating you like a princess. that's what you were to him. there was so much in his life that was out of his control, that he couldn’t protect, but you were the one constant thing he could keep safe. the one thing he could selfishly keep. there was no chance he was going to give that up so easily, not when you were catering to his urges so wonderfully.
it was getting late, but you'd slept all day, so the exhaustion behind your eyes was keeping you awake. overtired and restless, your head was throbbing, and you couldn't get comfortable. the man heard rustling from the couch and turned in his desk chair, a serene smile on his face. he noticed you shifting awkwardly and came to the rescue.
"what is it, baby?"
you ceased trying to rearrange the contents of the couch and let yourself flop against the pillows, huffing in aggravation. "ugh, nothing. just can't get comfy."
"let me help you," fox urged. he rose from his chair and stalked over, kneeling dutifully at the couch's edge to help you adjust the pillows behind your head and beneath your legs. "better?"
"mhm. thank you."
"of course. how’re you feeling?"
"not good," you pouted, voice thick with strain, "my head is killing me, and my stomach is aching. and my nose and throat, too… i took some medicine not too long ago, but it’s taking forever to kick in… ugh. you know i hate being sick."
that childish pout had his stomach churning. he knew this wasn't about him, and you needed rest, but he also couldn't ignore how enticing you looked, all innocent and sleepy on his couch. how you trailed off between thoughts, working through the sick haze in your head. he leaned over a bit to rest his hands on your lower abdomen, pressing the heels of his palms against your belly softly. you hummed at the touch, and he had to force his eyes not to roll back.
"what can i do to make you feel better?"
"can..." you trailed off. "maybe you could cuddle me?"
"i'd love to."
the man climbed onto the couch without a thought, allowing his body to mold to how yours curved. you felt his strong chest rising and falling against your back, the constancy soothing as he draped his arm over your side, letting his rough hands drift slowly back down to your tummy. fox pressed a few lazy kisses behind your ears, causing the hair on your arms to stand up stiff. his lips were always warm, but with your skin burning up as it was, they felt frigid.
"too cold?"
"mm-mm," you hummed. maybe they were, but you weren’t going to jeopardize him stopping. 
fox was starting to disregard his better judgment as he tucked himself into you, feeling the feverish heat of your back. he was more attuned to the motions you made than his thoughts. the way your hands, so soft, just a touch smaller than his own, laid safely atop his wrists; how when he rubbed slow circles against your aching stomach, you made a little noise that was something heavenly, both hum and sigh; how your left foot ran up and down your right leg, feeling the fuzzy fabric of the blanket wedged between. he was so lost in how good it felt to be wanted that it was crossing over into obsession. he wanted every square inch of you to need his attention. he wanted to touch every spot that felt sick and nurse you back to life- to have it engrained in your head that only he could make it feel better, and no one else. 
so engrossed in his urges, fox kissed a little more, and what started as innocent turned urgent. he sucked softly behind your ear, nipping relentlessly on that sensitive spot you had. you began to pant, feeling the fever chills leave and a different kind of warmth roll over you. you pushed your hips into his hands, trying not to squirm and failing miserably. 
"oh, god," you covered your face with your hands. “fox…”
fox’s low laugh rumbled against your shoulder blades. the man relished in your inability to resist. his fingers began to travel down to your boxers, and he tucked his hand right below the waistband. he put pressure right against your heat and you buried your face as best as possible into the couch cushion, letting out a helpless whine.
"feels good, right, baby?"
"a-ah," you hiccuped.
"m'just gonna touch it, that's all,”
"i can make you feel so much better," he kissed your ear, "make all those aches go away so fast, baby. can i?”
"please," you whispered.
he reached down and dragged his fingers along the fabric separating him from what he wanted, feeling the wetness beneath. his touch was feather-light, and as he gently wriggled his fingers beneath the cotton, you squeezed your eyes shut and scratched softly at the knuckles of his hand still on your waist. you were struggling to do anything other than lie there, but he didn’t need a thing from you anyway. eagerly, you felt his steady fingers brush against your entrance, and his lips parted hungrily at how slick you were.
"god, you're so easy, aren’t you?"
fox dipped two fingers inside you, testing the waters. when your hips rocked back into his, he couldn’t bite back the greedy smile that overtook his face. impatient, he pushed them deeper, feeling the familiar pressure of you squeezing around his hand. you licked your chapped lips, feeling a knot tying itself in your tummy where he worked his fingers inside you. he’d been away a lot recently, so much so that this was a reminder of just how long his fingers truly were. 
"mm, now how’s that, sweetheart?"
"it’s… good," you drawled.
"you like it when i touch you like this, don't you? y’like how my fingers feel?"
you turned your head to look down at where his wrist disappeared beneath your boxers, and you keeled back against the pillow, meeting his broad shoulder. you shuddered in pleasure, and he craned his neck over to lock you in a kiss, feeling possessive like never before. he tasted the minty vicks above your lip and moaned right into your mouth.
"my poor, sick girl… just need me, don't you, baby? oh, you just want me to make it feel better, i know."
you practically melted into the couch as he buried his fingers between your hips. skillfully, he maneuvered you onto your back and crawled up and over so you could lay flat; he anchored his arm right over your head so he could stare down and watch the bliss reach your rosy face, all the while never taking his hand away. once you started breathing heavily and clenching around his fingers, he pulled them out, dragging his slick fingertips across your stomach, leaving shiny streaks behind. when you groaned at the loss, he clicked his tongue.
"no whining, angel. i'm not done. i'm gonna take good care of you."
you watched through spinning vision as he pushed down the couch, crawling low until he could lean over your hips. then, with his big palms stationed between your thighs, he spread you wide, ogling your plush pink folds.
"you're so pretty, baby. my pretty girl."
he pressed a few kisses on the mound just above where you ached, sending shocks up to the tips of your hair. then, he dipped his tongue right inside. he was too needy to start with kitten licks, so instead he swirled around, curling his tongue like a hook, big button nose rubbing against your clit as he breathed you like air. you were officially somewhere new, somewhere out of your own mind; his tongue was so long it could've been one of his god-given fingers, so warm inside you, so deep you couldn't see straight. 
"mmm- god- i love you.”
your toes curled as he moaned all kinds of sweet nothings into you, feeling the soundwaves rolling against your walls. just when his tongue had you going, he moved up to your clit and began sucking so hard you started seeing stars. you clamped your thighs around his head and felt his strong, rough hands grip the chub on them hard, fingertips digging enough to leave moon-shaped bruises. you tugged on his hair, unable to do anything but feel him against you and try not to slip away. but there was no stopping the way you floated in limbo, surrounded by the way he made you feel.
"fuck, baby, look at you," he growled between your hips. "c’mon. let me hear that scratchy little voice of yours."
"oh my god," you moaned, "oh, y-you... i... fox,"
"fuck, that's it. is it good, love, am i good?"
"you're so good! so…s-so good…fuck!" you fought not to trail off, but thinking was hard enough as it is.
“that’s my job, sweetheart.”
he kept himself there, getting off on the way you bucked your hips against his jaw. it didn’t take much longer for the burning in your stomach to grow unbearable, and through trembling little spasms confined by his stronghold on your waist, you unraveled right on his tongue. he came up for air with milky lips after working it out of you for a minute, pressing wet kisses all up your stomach and chest. you felt so dirty as you smiled down at the sheen trail of cum prints in the shape of his pretty lips.
“good girl. did that help?"
"mhm," you heaved, head spinning. “need…”
"what? what is it?"
"i- oh..."
"use your words, princess. words."
"c-can you- you..."
he knew what you wanted. he saw it in the pathetic way you glanced from your hips to his, too worked up to get it out. he chuckled in a way that sent chills up your legs and said, "awh, baby. you want me to fuck you now?"
you bit your lip and bucked your hips in the air. he lodged his leg between your thigh with a smirk and you pressed yourself against it, grinding on the worn fabric of his sweatpants. he felt a wet patch soaking through to his skin, and he twitched in anticipation. you batted your eyelashes and let out a raspy little noise, tugging at the hem of his t-shirt while you moved. and when a sniffle interrupted your humming, it drove him right over the edge.
"fuck. you’re so cute, you little tease.”
he shimmied his sweatpants down in an instant and wasted no time, groaning gutterally as he pushed in and bottomed out. you were hot around him, pulsing like a steady heartbeat.
"fuck, baby. never gets old,” he swooned, pressing a gentle kiss to your chin.  
he began to thrust in and out, hips rolling religiously into the curve of your legs. you clung to his shoulders and tugged him down so he was stuck against your neck, breath hot. he began to fuck you faster, pressing starving kisses to your collarbone, and you arched your back, gasping for a solid breath.
"oh my god!"
"god, you’re so tight," he growled, “been saving it all up for me, huh? missed me bad, i can tell,”
"mm… fox!”
"you like it when i fuck you like this? right on the couch, where anybody could see in that window? say it, baby,”
"i love it," you croaked, gathering the little tufts of overgrown hair at the nape of fox’s neck and tugging them in a last-ditch effort to ground yourself. he tipped his head back into your touch and whined, and you gave a dizzy, darling smile.
"god, i love you. i love you, i love you, i fucking love you," he praised, timing every confession with a thrust of his hips.
all you could manage was a distracted, "m-me... too... ah!"
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he uprighted himself and yanked you by the love handles, dragging you down the couch like a doll. he clawed at your hips, leaving red marks he’d have to soothe later. fox snapped harder and harder, losing control but not caring at all; you let him take you in his hands, surrendering until you couldn't take anymore, and suddenly the knot in your stomach burst. you shivered and writhed all around, whispering his name like a strangled prayer as your hands searched for something to squeeze. he leaned down so you could grab his biceps, and you scratched at them like a cat, a string of lewd things falling from your tired mouth. he came undone as you clenched around him, and his warmth in your tummy was so thick you felt like you could feel it in your throat. 
"so good, baby, jesus christ," fox wheezed. "you sound so pretty when you’re sick. can’t help myself."
you were nearly unresponsive. your head had never spun the way it did now, and your ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton, along with your throat. you couldn't form any words, all you could do was claw at his arms and tremble, face stuck in a permanent state of bliss. 
"feeling any better?" fox pressed little kisses to your chin and neck and eyes, and he traced shapes on your stomach to wake you up. "come on, princess, open your eyes. come back to me.” when you smiled and sighed, letting out an embarrassed giggle, he cooed, "there she is, my pretty girl."
"still feel bad?"
you shook your head sweetly, eyes drooping. "nuh-uh."
his heart swelled and he just wanted to eat you alive, so he did the next best thing. he leaned down and kissed your swollen lips with a softness he abandoned just minutes ago, swiping his tongue against your lips and all over your face. he kissed you with all the maneuvers of love he could muster, and you hummed against his mouth, pulling on his hair to hear those pretty little sounds again.
"you’ve got me so whipped, sweetheart," he purred between kisses, "just wanna take care of you."
"you're so good at it," you blushed.
"i do what i can." 
he kissed and kissed and kissed you into the couch, and all that kissing got heated, and one thing led to another because the two of you simply couldn’t help yourselves. and the next day, he woke up as sick as you. who saw that coming?
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luminoushornyvariable · 7 months
Office, spare bedroom, sex dungeon?
NO!!! I want a room with blackout curtains. Pillows, blankets, mattresses filling the floor with a sea of cuddle qualities. Every utility, a mini fridge with snacks and beverages (and the designated messy girl corner... for spilling, whatever).
You open the door and find yourself in the cannabis fog and cat girl musk, of fox girl lust and mouse girl... uh.,..
okay I guess I want a sex dungeon filled with pets
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