#ex dragon hunter
byeclownguy · 1 year
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dxppercxdxver · 2 years
my innate talent is creating d&d characters that will do nothing but piss off the rest of my intensely catholic party
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dxrknessembr8ced · 7 months
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Did you see the sunrise?
Black shining sadness
Tell me, tell me
Why was it born?
Waiting, waiting
Believe in promise
Even if this body decays....
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c4tto626 · 1 year
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working on a sort of star wars inspired tiny home in sims 4 right now but i maybe got a little carried away with the outdoors lol
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zodoods · 8 months
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keep seeing posts ab tamaki suoh’s influence on baby weeb adrien (ty @anna-scribbles) but I think they’re all weebs here’s what I think they would dress up as for Halloween (adrien: tamaki suoh (ohshc), marinette: sailor moon, alya: gon freecs (hxh), nino: tanjiro (demon slayer))
my head canons under the cut
adrien: I think he would enjoy a lot of “old” animes esp stuff like fruits basket like I think these would hold a lot of nostalgia for him I can definitely see him enjoying animes like horimiya (esp bc of that secret identity element) but like . maybe horror/thrillers as well like i think he would enjoy the promised neverland
marinette: i want to say shoujo like I definitely see her watching shoujo and obviously sailor moon elements in her transformation but I think that’s more of a comfort anime for her? I think Marinette would enjoy shounen works as well especially ones that kind of toe the line (ex. Sk8 the infinity). i think she would really like darling in the Franx as well (robot mechs and romance what is not to like—fits with her mecha strike obsession too)
alya: definitely action packed animes especially long ones I see her enjoying jjk, hunter x hunter, bsd and again definitely anything with a superhero component like bnha but I also see her enjoying action-comedies like spyxfamily
nino: big shounen fan, like definitely watched every ep of Naruto and dragon ball z as a kid and I see him gravitating towards fantasy action like demon slayer and chainsaw man. he definitely watched one piece methinks
SORRY FOR THE WORD VOMIT EHFKEFKHEKHF give me ur head canons Too!!
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inheritance cycle modern au in which all of the dragons are horses which makes eragon the underdog horse girl, saphira the underdog girl horse and brom the disgruntled and disillusioned horse trainer who doesn’t believe in the validity of this sport until he sees the ✨bond✨ eragon has with his horse saphira who is still as blue as she is in canon (don’t ask that‘s just how it works, if you question this, i‘ll track your ip).
and galbatorix is the aggressively eastern european horse girl dad who had some sort of hip injury that brought his eventing career to an abrupt end and now he must vicariously live through his protégé, murtagh, lest he kills himself. and thorn is the very expensive horse galbatorix bought for wish fulfillment purposes and murtagh and thorn are so horribly traumatized by all the stress and pressure of defeating little kids at the pony finals that they ✨bond✨.
oromis and glaedr are their direct opponents and galbatorix nancy kerrigan‘s them (oromis dies like he does canonically because honestly, hunters be like that) so murtagh can get his ribbon. and then there‘s the big final competition and eragon, underdog wonder magic horse girl, goes toe to toe with murtagh, tortured champion to be, and they have this epic horse battle (an 80cm clear round but the atmosphere is very intense) and eragon loses. but then brom delivers this epic speech about idk man like success and passion and whatnot and then he dies which gives eragon the final push to defeat murtagh but OH NO, thorn is HURT from being OVERWORKED and murtagh has an epic horse peril breakdown and tearfully tells galbatorix he‘ll withdraw.
so galbatorix goes „fuck the kid“ and gets shruikan (the very bad very big black warmblood stallion that shows up in every horse girl movie) to best eragon HIMSELF (but not before locking nasuada, the animal rights activist that murtagh has struck up a tentative romance with, in a porta-potty). and then him and eragon compete and it‘s INTENSE (meanwhile, roran and katrina have a sub plot about capturing a flock of runaway ducks that is constantly being cut to during that climactic scene) and shit is looking DISMAL for poor eragon until a vision of brom and also his dead mother, because this is a proper horse girl movie and not some bibi und tina bullshit, and that gives him the strength to defeat galbatorix.
and then he wins and thorn doesn’t die and someone frees nasuada from the porta-potty and she gets to punch galbatorix in the face. and fírnen (who is a horse but also still green) emerges during the post credit scene and meets arya and sets up a cash grabby amazon prime spinoff series and roran and katrina successfully capture the ducks and everyone is happy and there is no more horse peril.
the whole thing takes place in exactly one horse show afternoon. it makes such perfect sense actually you can fit everyone in. nar garzvog‘s at the grill and makes hot dogs. islanzadi does nothing but drink cheap wine and bitch from the sidelines. angela mans the beverage stall and tells everyone who wants to listen (or doesn’t) that toads don’t exist. solembum is the raccoon on her shoulder who violates all fda guidelines by simply existing. orrin is nasuada‘s bitter ex boyfriend who pretended to be vegan for years so she‘d like him only to be dumped for murtagh and his emo swagger in a heartbeat. orik is a shetland pony.
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le-trash-prince · 8 months
I feel like I’ve been able to read so many speculative fiction wlw books in the past few years that I get a little frustrated when ppl complain that wlw relationships are always sidelined in stories. So I’m just gonna make a list of the ones I’ve completed, for posterity. There are so many interesting books out there and all of these deserve more attention.
To reiterate, this is speculative fiction (sci-if/fantasy) where the primary relationship is wlw.
Ash: Chinese and fae influenced retelling of Cinderella (+Huntress, a prequel)
A Restless Truth: historical magical murder mystery set on a Titanic sister-ship. This is the second book in a series but my favorite so far
Burning Roses: European fairy-tale/Chinese legend mashup featuring older ladies
Cinderella is Dead: YA fairy tale dystopia
Crier’s War: human x android enemies to lovers political intrigue
Even Though I Knew the End: supernatural detective noir, super quick and super fun
Gearbreakers: enemies-to-lovers with mecha
In the Vanisher’s Palace: Viet influenced Beauty and the Beast where the Beast is a dragon lady
Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom: middle school age mythological fantasy adventure, I wish I had this growing up
Labyrinth Lost: bruja fantasy underworld adventure
Last to Leave the Room: WFH doppleganger horror + toxic coworkers who hate each other (they really don’t)
Legends and Lattes: Simple and sweet DND inspired cafe AU
Once and Future: King Arthur but in space with ladies. Wish this one had been poly
Roots of Chaos series: high fantasy with dragons and so many queers.
Strictly No Heroics: the struggles of villain henchmen
The Abyss Surrounds us/The Edge of the Abyss: kaiju pirates, enemies to lovers
The Burning Kingdoms Trilogy: desi epic fantasy, enemies to lovers
Spear: Arthurian sapphics
Someone You Can Build a Nest In: shapeshifting monster falls for a monster hunter
The Locked Tomb: wlw necromancers in space. Enemies to ???
The Luminous Dead: spelunking thriller set on another planet—this one is fucky everyone should read it
The Memory Librarian: short stories set in Janelle Monae’s android world
The Mimicking of Known Successes: detective noir set on Jupiter—ex-lovers reunited by circumstance
The Red Scholar’s Wake: space pirates, enemies to lovers, human x spaceship
The Salvation Gambit: con-artists breaking out of a sentient prison-world ship
The Space Between Worlds: inter dimensional corporate exploitation, handler x agent mutual pining, this one is so underappreciated
The Witch and the Vampire: YA vampire x vampire hunter
This is How You Lose the Time War: everyone knows this one
We Set the Dark on Fire: YA Latine political intrigue, school rivals to lovers
If you have any others please add, I’m always looking to grow my reading list
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maybe-a-bi-witch · 6 months
Mia's Fic Recs
One Piece, HotD, JJK,
One Piece
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Just a little longer by @sleepymarimo
One time where Zoro pushes your affections away and another time when he begrudgingly accepts them.
The one that (almost) got away by @loguetowns
it takes him 12 hours to realize
Baby, let the games begin by @irisintheafterglow
Reader is a pirate hunter who used to compete with Zoro, before he joined the Strawhat crew. They reunite after Zoro joined the crew.
Got me spinning like a ballerina by @mydearlybeloathed
zoro doesn't dance, but he has no issue in watching you twirl yourself off your feet. so long as you twirl back to him when your feet get tired.
Ultimatum by @undiscovered-horizon
Zoro hits you with a "fine, I'll be your boyfriend" when you try to break off your casual situationship
Jolly Sailor Bold by @httpwintersoldier
your curse leads you to a certain red-haired pirate that ends up taking you hostage for the rest of your life. And you very much agree with the decision.
Puzzled by @mynewblackdress
Due to your insecurities, you thought Sanji was making fun of you whenever he complimented you until you realized he wasn’t.
Go Fish! (series) by @honnelander
reader and Usopp are playing a card game when Sanji finds them. teasing ensues.
House of the Dragon
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Be Quiet by @youraverageaemondsimp
DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Babysitter!Reader
Duty, Sacrifice by @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Her and Aemond have always loved to play hide and seek, however, the night he returns from Storm's End, their game takes a much more sinister turn.
Catalyst by @oneeyedvisenya
Your job as Dr. Targaryen's lab assistant becomes far more hands on than you expected.
His Love by @valeskafics
When Aemond finds you after you ruin Aegon's coronation, he is in for a surprise.
To have and to hold by @lilibethwrites
Reader goes to Storm's End, and instead of claiming Lucerys's eye, he makes reader his wife.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Nanami Kento
Professor by @fairyhub
The Princess by @classyrbf
sometimes being a princess comes with strict rules and responsibilities so why not have a little fun with the man who was assigned to protect and defend you
Ex Husband Nanami by @classyrbf
Headcannons about ex husband Nanami
everything i was looking for by @awearywritersworld
when nanami became a salaryman, jujutsu wasn't the only thing he left behind. four years later, he's got his job back and he wants you back too.
Natural (series) by @justauthoring
you fit into their little family, perfectly - naturally.
Gojo Sataru
"do you like me?" "nope." by @awearywritersworld
even yuuji realizes that gojo has a crush on you, but you're oblivious as ever
I wanna show you off by @gojonanami
when you accompany your friends to a bar rich men and women frequent, you catch the eye of a certain white-haired rich
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
the cutest couple on the Internet by @osaemu
steamer!au - you flirt with his rival
Toji Fushigoro
stay as long as you need by @awearywritersworld
toji can't stop hanging around his new neighbor, even though she has a boyfriend. oh well, he knows he's better for her anyway.
Geto Suguru
One of your girls by @fairyhub
you can’t help your feelings for your brother’s best friend
Is it over now? ft. Geto by @gojonanami
suguru thinks the only way you'll leave him is if he lies to you about cheating on him - and it is. but turns out, you're not so easy to leave -- for him and his best friend.
Sukuna Ryomen
Men are so quick to blame the gods (series) by @awearywritersworld
your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, leaving you to form an unlikely relationship with the curse occupying his body during the late hours of the night.
Death is no more by @rinhaler
you know you shouldn't be here, right? what would possess you to visit an underground fight club? one of the fighters is kinda cute though...
How you get the girl by @yuujispinkhair
He knows how ironic this is. He is Sukuna, the guy who is known to always wear a smug smirk on his tattoed face and have a snide remark ready at all times. And yet, when you stand in front of him and confess your feelings to him, he is at a total loss for what to do.
The brat and the child that comes with him by @mysicklove
Sukuna might not be the best older brother, but at least Yuuji doesnt seem to mind.
Lullaby for the past by @poe-daydreams
Best friends (older brother) Sukuna by @seeingivy
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Overwatch Masterlist
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Jesse Mccree
Naga Jesse
Scary Movies + Male S/o
Werewolf Jesse
S/o always making him Food for when he returns 
Soft life HC
“Miss Honeys Escape Attempt” BEFORE
Male Dinner worker Teasing Mccree
Curvy S/o trying to lose weigh
“Miss Honey Escape Attempt” AFTER
S/o avoiding Jesse cause he shares the same name as their brother
Stalking a ex-MMA fighter
Animal Tamer S/o threatening Mccree with a Tiger
Attempting to poison Mccree
Stripper S/o
Harpy S/o broke her wing
Cuddly S/o
Tsundere Smol Chubby S/o
S/os got a fat ass
S/o with separation anxiety
Flustered Touch starved S/o
Gender neutral S/o not feeling good about their appearance  
S/o refusing to wear glasses cause they dont want to look at their captor
Sensitive s/o who crys alot
Dealing with S/os stalker
S/o trying to kill themselves with jesses gun when he threatens them
S/o whos good at the Knife game
Happy drunk S/o
Soft headcannons
Threatening jesse with his own gun
Cheering jesse up after a stressful day
Painting his weapon
S/o whos prone to accidents 
S/o screams “dad dont hurt me” when jesse attempts to kidnap them
Overwatch S/o who works with seduction and espionage 
claustrophobic s/o
Asking Jesse out on a date
Mermaid S/o
Confident s/o who gets flustered when they compliment them
Autistic S/o who stimms alot
Genji flirting with Mccrees S/o
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Hanzo Shimada
Finding out S/os Pregnant
Witnessing Genjis Murder
Healer S/o
Punk/Goth S/o
S/o getting a nosebleed from watching Hanzo workout
Too Pure for this world S/o
S/o who can Heal with a kiss
Naga Hanzo
S/o whos Protective of Naga Hanzo
Naga S/o
Someone else taking advantage and leaving S/o to die
Creep trying to look underneath S/os Skirt
‘Stupid’ S/p
Vampire Hanzo with a S/o who faints when bloods taken
S/o with Chaotic Energy
Vampire Hanzo w/ Vampire Hunter S/o
People pleaser S/o ends up hurting themselves
Expressing affection in other ways besides cuddling
Dragon S/o
Finding Drunk S/o in a casino
S/o wearing a Choker with his name on it
Yandere S/o coming up to his door covered in blood
S/o whos fine with Yandere Tendencies 
S/o uncomfortable around her family
S/o begging for Mcdonalds
Dragons HC
Attractive yet Oblivious S/o
Sneaky S/o Surprise hugging him
Comforting S/o after failing a test
S/o terrified from something theyve seen
Sneaky S/o Surprising him, ends up moaning
Stopping from S/os rival sabatoging their Ice Skating Preformance
S/os scared of bugs
S/o caring everyone but themselves 
Expert insulting s/o
S/o threatening to kill the man who stole their dog
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
touch starved hesitant S/o
Naga S/o saying “snakes dont have a gag reflex”
Captive S/o refusing to take medicine for their migraine 
Insomniac S/o having to cuddle hanzo to fall alseep
Goblin S/o
Comforting Hanzo after a bad day
S/o dressing as the opposite gender to trick people
Smol S/o who wants to be crushed by hanzo
S/o getting ready to fight cause they heard genji on the roof
Dragons biting hanzo when he tries to touch S/o
S/o whos pregnant with triplets 
Bodybuilder s/o
After sex cuddles 
S/o who already has a kid
S/o whos hazy with little to no sleep
Homeless S/o who making their living off of street performances 
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Genji Shimada
Scared S/o will get hurt during a mission
Pissed off S/o
Gore + Torture TW
Vampire Genji
Silly S/o who could Surprise gengi
S/o making a book all about their love for him
Crush falling asleep on his lap
Comforting S/o out of their previous relationship
S/os whos dramatic for attention
Sticking a dozen valentines stickers on his metal body
Blind S/o
Yokai S/o
Washed up Mermaid S/o
Curvy Confident S/o 
Getting a weapon maker S/o attention
Cute S/o who attracts bugs and scary animals
Sharpshooter s/o joining overwatch just to spend more time with genji
Unpredictable angry s/o
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Petite S/o
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Clingy S/o
Sick S/o
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Werewolf Reaper
Werewolf + Vampire Hybrid Reaper
House wife S/o
Waitress Crush
Scary movies
Halloween Date
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‘Big Dumbass Energy’ S/o
Werewolf S/o who turns out to transform into a puppy
Medic s/o
Overwatch receptionist S/o
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Advancing towards a Enemy S/o
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Spoiling S/o
Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o
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S/o that works with Moria
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Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o 
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Pro gamer crush taking her #1 spot
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Headcannons (female reader)
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Soldier 76
S/o wearing a lolita dress (male reader)
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Ana Amari
“Isn’t this better―you not fighting me for once?”
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Poly Mchanzo
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
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Jesse Mccree
Spanking S/o and having them wear lingerie 
S/o whos embarrassed cause theyre quick to cum 
Orgasm control & Mirror Kink w/ Male S/o 
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Getting handsy in a store out of jealousy NS FW-ish
Getting hanzo to wear lingerie 
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Loving her muscles NS FW
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lychniis · 9 months
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❝ i know who i am when i'm alone, i'm something else when i see you. you don't understand, you should never know, how easy you are to need. ❞
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the perfumery shall open shortly. please register here [ taglist ], to book an appointment. CLICK HERE TO VIEW UPDATES.
fandoms : genshin impact, honkai star rail
i. WITH THE COMING OF OCTOBER, it's time to set forth kinktober '23! i really appreciate the amount of support i have received from you guys over the past year spent in this blog and i've decided to dip my toes into posting some mature content alongside my usual sfw works!
ii. LET MONSTERS AND HORROR serve our theme, where i hope to entice you with smut ( that has too much plot *shivers in qinxing in the mountain* ), all presented with an array of perfumes to chose from. many thanks to @crystalflygeo for prompt ideas kjhgvbhnj.
iii. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SCHEDULE IS NOT A FIXED DATE. due to my own projects and college hounding me, the fics will be posted at my own time, though i will endeavor to try and keep them within the constraints of october. they might end up far longer than i would have originally intended.
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( note ) : the content linked below is unsuitable for minors. by clicking 'view more', you are verifying yourself as a consenting adult. if you are not of consenting age, then please dni with this post.
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SCENT ONE : ( GARDENIA ) ❝ ARARE LITUS ❞ feat. neuvillette.
people round the port have gone missing in the recent weeks, their bodies found by the beaches, clearly having drowned to their miserable ends. neuvillette questions the motives of the person behind it, till he notices the presence of an inquisitive oceanfolk beneath the waters.
⚠︎ CW : mermaid ! reader, dragon ! neuvillete, mentioned murder, reader being very naïve in terms of how humans work, angst / hurt / comfort, fluff domesticity, give these guys a hug, canon compliant, first time, lingerie, temperature play, gentle sex, mutual masturbation, body worship, overstimulation.
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SCENT TWO : ( PEONY ) ❝ RARA AVIS IN TERRUS ❞ feat. zhongli.
the world was a dangerous place, for one like you. as the hunters draw close, you seek refuge in a dragon's lair, hoping to find a way to live. the dragon in question lingers close and tolerates your presence. you wonder when he'd demand for more. birds, after all, were so easily torn apart by claws and fangs.
⚠︎ CW : bird hybrid ! reader, dragon ! zhongli, monsterfucking, trafficking and hunting, reader had a pretty rough past prior to this, angst / hurt / comfort, fluff, some attempts at world building, canon divergent / au, mating cycles / heat, breeding kink, orgasm denial, size kink, biting / scratching, bondage, sensory deprivation.
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you try to live your life the best you can. you try to be a good person despite the world wearing you down. however, upon stumbling into abcast away angel with liquid madness running through his veins, the loneliness your four walls bring is replaced with something else. meanwhile jing yuan learns of human fragility and how simple it is, for memories to fade away.
⚠︎ CW : canon divergent, angel ! jing yuan, mara plays a part here, talks about mortality and existentialism, reader is terrified and touchstarved, angst and tragedy, bittersweet ending i suppose, sacrifices, face sitting, electrostimulation, strip tease, mirror sex, praise kink, blindfolds, dom / sub.
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you needed to run, run far away lest the monster beneath your bed devours you whole. childe, however, keeps the chase, for he hungers. he was a charming man, that you could agree with; but the demon he hides away scares you and his undying loyalty to the tsaritsa shall be your undoing.
⚠︎ CW : canon compliant, slight foul legacy ! childe, angst and betrayal, bittersweet ending, reader and childe are childhood friends, making a choice, self sacrifice, breath play, masochism, bruises, predator / prey, against a wall, rough sex, dry humping.
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taglist — @silentmoths @crystalflygeo @moraxsthrone @hiraethsdesires @dustofthedailylife @celestewritestoomuch @genshinboys @kaelily @ofoceansandtombsanew
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AINE | 2023. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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teriri-sayes · 10 months
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 176
TL;DR - Info about god's plate. Baek's special eyes can see the essence of people. The world in Cale's plate. Jungwon's message. GoD's message about Zed.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Plate of a God I would like to make a correction. Last chapter I called it "god's vessel", but it would be more correct to call it "god's plate." The plate here refers to the one Cale cracked and dragon Mila fixed. Personally, "vessel" sounds better, but I'll follow EAP's translation of "plate."
Baek was laughing when Cale did not know he even had the plate of a god. There was some explanation how one could get a god's plate:
An ability to create a "world" inside oneself - Because KRS possessed the Record ability that recorded everything he experienced, it created some sort of "world" inside him.
Have the mental strength to withstand the world inside oneself - We know how strong Cale's mental strength and resilience is.
Have the ability to dominate the world - Cale's Dominating Aura ancient power somehow helps in that part.
You ask, why is it called a world? Because it had the following:
Nature - Cale's ancient powers are all nature-related
Abilities from various time and space - Cale got various abilities and power-ups from his time as KRS (Record, Instant, etc) in Earth 1, and as Cale in Nameless 1 and Central Plains. So he got those from various times (time) and worlds (space).
Presence of records - KRS's Record ability recorded everything he experienced, so it created the foundation of a "world" inside him.
Cale and the King's Successor How did Baek know about Cale's plate anyway? Because he was born with special eyes that allowed him to see the essence of a person. That was why he hated humans. Because their essence was ugly.
Baek compared the worlds contained inside the plates of Cale and the king's successor whom he once saw in a festival when he was young.
The world of the King's Successor was full of good and evil emotions, of screams, and of things that a normal human could not bear. In short, it was scary and ugly. Baek was confused why the hunters did not see it, but he kept what he saw to himself.
The world of Cale was beautiful. It might be unbalanced, small, and fragile, but it was like how a world was being built. Nature shined, and numerous records flowed like a river, containing everything.
And thus, our Cale ended up derailing into the path to becoming god instead of the path to becoming a slacker... 🤣🤣🤣
Divine Mirror Messages We finally get an update on Jungwon and GoD. Jungwon's message was like some news headline:
Dramatic Negotiations Concluded! Cale Henituse's Power Balance Can Be Adjusted! ...Read more. - From Jungwon
And GoD's message, hahaha 😂 He reported that he found info about Zed, Alberu's father. Apparently, Zed was listed on the Book of Death something in half a year later, but his place of death kept changing locations, so GoD presumed Zed was being brought place to place. Afterwards, GoD was like, this was confidential info, but I leaked it to you, Cale, since you seem to be having a hard time. I did a good job, right?
Cale: I hate gods. GoD: You up...? Cale: Ah, so annoying. GoD: *talks about Zed* Cale: !!! GoD: I did a good job, right? Fufu. By the way, you're interested in the god position? Cale: *stiffens* Ah, you're seriously annoying. GoD: Sobs. You're so mean.
Seriously, GoD always makes me laugh. Some comments in Ridi even likened him to acting like an ex-boyfriend. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks We got info dump again. Next chapter will probably be about Baek's records about jiangshi production. As for the author's Q&A that was released today, I'll put it up in another post later. There's like 27 questions there, and I'm only at question #7. Expect it in a few hours soon~!
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
The Basement.
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Here you can find all works currently on hold/discontinued due to lack of interaction or because readers simply did not enjoy them. This is not to make anyone feel bad, just for organizing.
⛔️ : On hold. || 🗑: Discontinued || ❓️ : unclear
Devil In Disguise [Mafia Jimin x Hybrid Reader] 🗑
Welcome To The Show: The Game [Jimin x Reader]❓️
All Reaction Content 🗑
Nightlight [Demon!Jimin x Reader] 🗑
Heart Shot [Jikook x Reader] 🗑
Sunset Songs [OT7 x Hybrid Reader] ⛔️
Lovebirds [Hybrid Hoseok x Hybrid Reader] ⛔️
Concept Of Happiness [Human Yoongi x Alien Hoseok x Alien Reader] 🗑
Sunshine Baby [Hoseok x Reader] 🗑
Risk It [Private Detective Jungkook x Reader] 🗑
Aggressor [Bounty Hunter Jungkook x Reader] ⛔️
God's Plan [Demigod Jungkook x Angel Reader] 🗑
By Chance [Soulmate Jungkook x Soulmate Reader] ⛔️
Bloodlust [Vampire Jungkook x Reader] ⛔️
Moon of Claiming [Werewolf Jungkook x Werewolf Reader] ❓️
Lost Boy [Taehyung x Reader, spin-off to Good Girl]🗑
Burn It [Dragon Yoongi x Dragon Reader] ⛔️
Bunny Boy [Yandere!Jungkook x Reader] ⛔️
Crossroads [Ex!Jungkook x Reader] ❓️
Playdates [DDLG, Jungkook x Reader] ⛔️
Final Freedom [Demon!JK x Reader] 🗑
Scratch My Heart [Yoongi x Cat Hybrid!Reader] ⛔️
Oceans [Pirate!JK x Mermaid!Reader] 🗑
Monochrome [Tiger!Jungkook x Munchkin Cat!Reader] ❓️
Hatred [ Jungkook x Reader] ❓️
[NEW] Starry Skies [Alpha!JK x Omega!Reader] ❓️
[NEW] Bad Habits [Jungkook x Reader] ❓️
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dxrknessembr8ced · 8 months
Right before their eyes the large egg have shattered right before eyes as Hsien-Ko has finally emerge from her chrysalid no longer a horrid monstrosity but a more divine being shinning through the darkness in gold. Her eyes are now a gold yellow, she no longer has four arms, nor does she no longer have the monstrous torso nor does she even have the grotesque attributes of body horror all over her body yet her now golden dorsal spikes and bone plated armor all over her body have remained. Her tail no longer has the disfigured disgusting head of her older sister, in it's place is a more golden plated armored tail with a sharp tip at the end of het tail. She slowly stand there bare naked right in front of everyone. Her golden eyes flashed a bright glow as she raised her hand in the air, as her now golden blood emerged from her wrists forming into a solid and all powerful golden blade gripping tightly as she focuses on het targets besides Mei and Tessa. Hsien-Ko is no longer an abomination as she had finally evolved into her final form and her soul has bonded with the soul of a legendary makai knight and dark hunter of the night, Kouga Saeijima.
" ダークストーカーはもちろん... "
{ " Darkstalkers, of course.. " }
{ " ねえ、彼を忘れないでね... " }
{ " Oi don't forget him.. " }
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Snapping her fingers her entire clothes had manifested around her body but even her own clothes are completely majestic as the chinese dress and hat are no longer a blue and pinkish purple but entire black and gold yellow representing that she has accepted who she is but even if she is a monster in the eyes of humanity and her friends she will not give up, she will help humanity and everyone she cared to push forward into a brighter future giving them hope. Once she got dressed a cap have formed behind her as well, and then the makai stone from the sorceress hand floating up from above to the jiangshi and the stone shattered apart.
Upon the stone shattered apart it is revealed to be a ring, but it's no ordinary ring it is the mado ring once belong to Kouga and now? It is in het hands now, as Zaruba have now awaken in a form of a metallic construct in front of her.
" ああ? 起きています? ついに! "
{ " Ahh! I'm awake? Finally! " }
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The metallic construct that is Zaruba have transformed back into a mado ring placed into the jiangshi's ring finger now fully bond with both the soul of a knight and his ring it's time the three focus on killing both the enemies of humanity and the murderers of her mother and family. The horrors shifted their focus on the now golden dark hunter as they fly straight towards her, Hsien-Ko leaped into the air slashing and eliminating the horrors that have deemed a complete threat over humanity just as the mistakes she had made, with the horrors of raccoon city had perished it was time to push the world forward and face a new threat to all life, the ancient darkstalkers that are the horrors.
The jiangshi in the air butchered the horrors of the makai realm to ashes, one by one by the wrath of a dark hunter they fall and now once that's done she jumped back down in front of more horrors, there are now a whole horde coming through focusing still on the jiangshi. The dead girl scratches her sword using her claw setting her golden blade now covered by an emerald flame charging up all her power she delivered one powerful and deadly slash unleashing all that sheer energy powerful enough to wipe out an entire army of horrors which it did.
Through that devastating attack the horrors perished into ashes right before their eyes, finally ending the attack for now. Hsien-Ko set her sword down disappearing into her body turning around towards both her older sister and Tessa with a smile on her face.
" Happy birthday! "
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joonie-berry · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Au
Rule of Wonderland/Twisted Grounds
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So I made this Au like 6 months ago and had no one to speak about it to. If you remember games of the old horror genre then you might have heard about Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose. Two games of the early 2000s that were female protag centered. Well I made and Au kinda centering both games with Twst ~~mainly Haunting Ground~~ called Twisted Grounds/ Rule of Wonderland.
It’s not gonna fully follow the events of those games, but more on their mechanics. Like the panic system of Haunting Grounds, and the companion system of both games using Grim.
It’s more like a what if Twisted Wonderland was like those old early ps2 games. Without further ado here’s the info of each dorm summarized basically
The Crimson Tyrant and Rose Maze
Riddle Rosehearts: Ruler of The Rose Maze. Nullify
Trey Clover: 3rd highest/ strongest Admin of the Rose Maze. Baker. Ruler’s Caretaker
Cater Diamond: 2nd highest/strongest admin of the Rose Maze. Caretaker of the roses, social media influencer
Ace Trappola: Rookie, sleight of hand, illusionist
Deuce Spade: Rookie, ex delinquent
Charm: Rose Headband
Usurper of Wilds and the Lion's Den
Leona Kingscholar: King of the Lion's Den. Drought
Ruggie Bucchi: second in command. Caretaker of the Lion's Den albeit not officially
Jack Howl: Rookie, scout
Charm: Leona's choker
Witch of the Sea and The Lakehouse
Azul Ashengrotto: Watcher of the Lakehouse, Dealmaker
Jade Leech: Second in command, Caretaker
Floyd Leech: Torturer, sadistic scout
Charm: Seashell Necklace
Sorcerer of Sands and The Desert Manor
Kalim Al Aism: Heir of the Desert Manor
Jamil Viper: Second in command, Caretaker, Actual boss. Hypnotist
Charm: Gold Bracelet
Fairest Queen and Poison Palace
Vil Schoenheit: Queen of the Poison Palace; Fairest Poison
Rook Hunt: Second in command, Caretaker, Hunter
Epel Felmier: Rookie, Farmer
Charm: Poison apple earrings
Guard of the Underworld and Death's Mansion.
Idia Shroud: Leader of the underworld, Set Match
Ortho Shroud: Scout, Caretaker
Charm: Idia’s Keychain
King of Thorns and the Dragon Castle.
Malleus Draconia: King of the Dragon castle
Lilia Vanrouge: SiC, Caretaker
Silver Vanrouge: Head Guard
Sebek Zigvolt: Rookie, Guard in training
Charm: Dragon’s ring
Charms are items Yuu gets if they wish to travel back to the previous location without being attacked. It symbolizes their connection to the head of each location.
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hauntthenarrative · 11 months
Haunting the Narrative Character Roster
Thank you for your patience while we sorted the submissions, and thank you to everyone who submitted! Here’s the final character roster for our tournament!!
The roster is currently in alphabetical order by character name for your convenience; we haven't made the brackets yet! Please check out this media list first if you want to know the media without potential spoilers, and keep these things in mind going forward!
Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko)
Alice (Alice Isn’t Dead)
Altan Trengsin (The Poppy War Trilogy by R. F. Kuang)
Andrey Nokolayewich Bolkonsky (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812)
August (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!)
Ava Ferin (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Avator Roku (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ayano Tateyama (Kagerou Project)
Beatrice Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Caleb Wittebane (The Owl House)
Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation)
Cassandra “Andi” Brand (Glass Onion)
Chara/The Fallen Human (Undertale)
Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
December “Dess” Holiday (Deltarune)
Doug Rattmann (Portal)
Dr. Casper Darling (Control)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Godot (Waiting for Godot)
Goto’s Girlfriend (Samurai Flamenco)
Gregory Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Hinawa (Mother 3)
Indou Hikaru (The Summer Hikaru Died)
Iphigenia (The Iliad)
Jackie Taylor (Yellowjackets)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (Batman)
Joe Tazuna (Your Turn to Die)
Jordie Rietveld (Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair/Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona 5: Royal)
Kite (Hunter x Hunter)
Klint van Zieks (The Great Ace Attorney)
Lacie Baskerville (Pandora Hearts)
Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Leelathae/Lilyth (Cursed Princess Club)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Mara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Mari (Omori)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic)
Maric Theirin (Dragon Age)
Martel Yggdrasil (Tales of Symphonia)
Murata Himeko (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Professor Sada/Professor Turo (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)
Rebecca de Winter (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier)
Red-Haired Shanks (One Piece)
Renju Okiura (AI: The Somnium Files)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Rose Thorburn Sr. (Pact: Devils and Details, by J. C. McCrae)
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Shannon Masters (Warrior Nun)
Shen Jiu/Original Shen Qingqiu (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System)
Sliver of Straw (Rain World)
Summer Rose (RWBY)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6)
Ted Kord/Blue Beetle (Booster Gold)
The Oldest Dream (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
The Pale King (Hollow Knight)
The Snail (Zero Escape)
Trisha Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII)
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hematomes · 1 year
Oh it's fine ,I was just really curious about what's up with them ,you don't have to explain if you don't want to :D
I DO WANT TO IM JUST GONNA NEED TO ORGANIZE MY THOUGHTS and struggle with the sources bc i just grabbed bits of lore from other shippers 😭 most of their lore, if im not mistaken, comes from the passerby of wandering cloud relic set. keep in mind im also only referring to the english translation so it could be slightly different in the source material
but basically they were very closely involved with each other in the past. dan heng made matching bracers for both him and blade, as stated in the hand relic:
"A slender yet strong hand once wore the other bracer. That owner, whose sharp spear glinted with a cold light and flourished like shooting stars, once sparred with the unnamed. That owner also once shared company and drinks with the unnamed, the two of them simply gazing at the moon with no words exchanged. However, in the end, it was also this person who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed, turned the beloved into a monstrosity, and pushed all into an abyss of eternal hatred and remorse."
the owner is dan heng, while the unnamed/beloved is theorized to be blade. im insisting on the theorized part because it could be a third-party; some people mentioned jingliu, who was jing yuan's mentor, but it doesn't exactly correlates as she isn't mentioned anywhere else in the set + i think there's a lightcone mentioning that she went mad after losing her sister? don't take my word for it tho. another interesting thing is that these bracers allowed them to communicate telepathically <3
now the "turned the beloved into a monstrosity" is also important, because it's theorized that dan heng turned blade immortal, which is why he's banned from the entire planet. this comes from blade's intent for revenge/"three must pay the price" cutscene, + the head piece lore of the relic set:
"Epiphany struck him like lightning. The curse of immortality still raged on, and the grudge of past misgivings never died out. HE was now the newborn flower on this once-dead branch."
now there's a moment where blade just wanders aimlessly before he's found by the stellaron hunters, and he's still pretty much out of it and closer to a wild beast than an actual person. however, the body piece says this (as he is with the stellaron hunters):
"In hazy memories of the olden days, he finally made up his mind to gift his bosom friend with his hand-made jade flask, only to realize with a shock that the person he longed for was no longer there."
"bosom friend" is theorized to be dan heng, and blade's intent to give him a hand-made gift to be a response to the aforementioned bracers. it's also interesting to note that "bosom friend" is kind of an outdated term for lovers, or at least someone you have deep feelings for
that's all i can say without diving into leaked information (including story spoilers) but. the way i see it, they're former lovers - and dan heng turned blade immortal against his will, perhaps as a desperate attempt to keep him forever by his side.
a deeper look into the theory/timeline: the vidyadhara race is known to "reincarnate" (like bailu says when we meet her), which is why they're truly immortal in a sense, because their cells rejuvenate completely (as opposed to the foxians for ex) and they actually die. so dan heng could have sealed away his actual dragon self in a way. as it stands, he doesn't remember anything - he just saw blade in a nightmare once, and considering what blade says it's understandable that dan heng is pissing himself.
however i don't believe that blade wants to kill him for good, or that dan heng is actually traumatized/suffering from ptsd. it looks more like guilt, that you can't even explain because you're unable to remember what you did. it's a matter of interpretation for now. i also believe that dan heng will in fact have to "die" to have his dragon unsealed, so.
anyway i really love them. blade isn't out there out of pure hatred but he feels hurt and betrayed (by someone so close to him, too!!!), because he's forced to live and probably so, so tired. dan heng isn't just scared and helpless, but also devoured by a guilt he can't exactly explain. they have such a complicated relationship, and chalking it up as abuser x abused is not only reductive but blatantly wrong. i strongly believe that, once unsealed, dan heng could literally fold blade in half with one hand <3
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