#everyone else maybe deciding to wait until midnight to use up the rest
wtfsapien · 10 months
could you please write fluff for any of the mha teachers it and if any black butler characters?
Midnight chaos
I know I disappeared, completely wiped off the face of earth. So now I’m taking my time to finish writing those asks in my inbox rn. Might take some time to finish but I swear all of you will get yours!
Summary: How they would put GN!Reader to sleep after finding out they have been flipping their sleeping schedule around left and right.
Characters: Aizawa Shota (Bnha), Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler), Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler)
Warnings: None, I hope I didn't make them too OOC IM SORRY-
Contains: Fluff, crack
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Aizawa Shota
This man needs to tell me where he got that sleeping bag cause I need it too-
Since he never has a consistent sleep schedule, he knows the importance of having one
One day of coming home earlier than usual and catching you still awake at the wee hours well into the night, he squinted his eyes and just brushed it off because he knows you're an adult and you can chose to do whatever you want with your time.
But after catching you two more times awake in the middle of the night with the excuse of waiting for him even tho he told you not to
Aizawa decided to take matter into his own hands.
It was quite surprising when your world suddenly flipped over, literally when he carried you over his shoulder like a potato sack.
"Wait where are you going-"
"WE are going to spend some quality time"
And that's how you ended up in Aizawa's arms on the couch
No use trying to get out of his arms cause everytime you do he just shushes you and pet your head, telling you to be quiet like you were some child refusing an afternoon nap.
It's only the matter of time where both of you ended up asleep on the couch, dead asleep.
He better not catch you awake late next time
He'll give you that "I'm not mad, just disappointed' look HAHA-
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Sebastian Michaelis
Imagine his surprise when he finds you wandering around the halls like some ghost (even tho he probably sensed you a while ago, he didn't think much as he only thought you were just going to the loo or something-)
The dead fish eyes of yours he was met with certainly told him everything
Tho I'm sure he considered just slapping you into some deep ass slumber, he doesn't as he still considers your well being-
But don't think you're getting away with your excuses
Before you know it, you find yourself on your way back to your bedroom with him
The next thing was him reappearing in your room with some warm milk
You better chug it down or else-
This man devil is not leaving until you have fallen asleep so there's no use in faking it
"I know you're not asleep Y/n."
I dare you to open your eyes, you'll find his face just a few inches away from your own.
But his company soon became a comfort to you as you fell asleep
The next few days will go by him personally supervising you to sleep whether you like it or not. It's good for you after all
"A butler's job is to make sure of everyone's well being." BULLSHIT-
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Ciel Phantomhive
I'm honestly surprised he didn't resort to violence cause how much he wish he could have a comfortable sleep without any thoughts, worries nor nightmares (but maybe he'll do it verbally)
"Do you know how essential sleep is for people?"
That's the cue for his nagging
This boy is surprisingly naggy and chatty to the people he truely cares about?
"If you have the time refusing to rest, then might as well help me out with these papers-"
Que you immediately disappearing from his study
Staring at the empty space where you stood just a moment ago, a small genuine smile making its appearance at the edge of his lips
The workaholic edge lord hopes that was enough to scare you to the bed
If it didn't then he has plenty of ways to shove that sleep schedule back into your life again-
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mattypattypinky · 5 months
🌻 post because I miss him sm rn.
Before the player fell, he was messing with countless different timelines with countless different characters. He'd already read every book, and burnt every book.
When the player falls, he feels like something new has finally happened.
I like to think he sat awake sometimes, waiting for something to happen. A human to fall. Maybe he sat on that old patch of grass staring at the furthest hallway, hoping someone would come through for years. Kind of depressing, but I do love the idea of him waiting for me. I love the idea of being his saving grace. I love the idea that I'm that light he needs. I mean, he's the light I needed for countless years in my life, how could I pass the opportunity to be his up?
God, how I want to hang out with him. The sweet silence of sitting in that dark room with him, perched on the small grass patch. Talking for hours, about random shit that we would be able too... until his mom takes me away to her home for the night to eat some b scotch pie. Maybe snail pie, if I'm lucky. I'd love to try it. Then the next morning, sneaking out again in the ruins to do it all over again with him.
I want him to confide in me. Tell me about his trauma, tell me his fears. I want him to cling to me and cry in my shoulder, tell me how scared you are, I'm here for you as you are to me.
Tell me how you don't understand my mercy. My sweet words of affection and praise, tell me how you don't understand how someone could love a cruel, sick and twisted being like yourself, so that I can reassure you just how important you are. Just how strong, and talented you are, for me to reaffirm how hard you've been trying for years to stay determined and to find something to live for.
Tell me how you miss your ex best friend, so I can hold you close and dwindle about mine as well. So we can sit, and talk for hours about how many fun, or bad memories we've had of them. Tell me what you regret. I'll tell you what I regret.
I want to walk through the waterfalls with him, whispering into the flowers our secrets and wishes. How we both wish for forgiveness, how we both with to feel better about ourselves. Our intertwined self loathing and spiraling emotions. Let us wish upon the crystals above that things will be okay. That we'll never run bored of eachother, let us take a boatride down the river as we admire the world we've come to grow so accustom to.
I want to draw on walls and concrete floors with chalk in ruins, have snowball fights in the snow, people watch through the window of the bar, laugh at drama that some folk are rambling about in the town. I want to go reserve seats just to dine and dash at the resort. I want to make fun of people with him where no one else can hear. Shit talk the people that have irritated me over the years, confide in him in those I regret hurting and leaving, and listen to him tell me the same. I want to read books in the library, and see if he thinks junior jumble, or word searches are harder.
i want to be jealous of him, and I want him to be jealous of me.
I want to listen to him vent about his reincarnation that he had not asked for. I want him to vent to me about the scientist and how he hadn't asked her to bring him back - and me listen to his emotional outbursts without judgement and tell him just how important he is, and how thankful I am that she had decided to take the kings task to try to bring you back, as without that, I would never have had him.
I want to befriend everyone with him, I want to show him it's okay to be vulnerable, I want to be patient with him. I want to show him just what a good relationship can be. I wanna him to tell spooky stories to me at midnight under car bed-covers. I want to post about him online and watch the other people gush about how cute our relationship is. Update my status every 10 seconds, just like the doctor, but it's just to bring up how much I adore him. What he's doing. What we're doing.
I want to rest in bed with him, his coiling vines around me like a cozy hug. I want to reach the surface with him. I want to show him the sun, and show him it will be okay. I want to drive in a bright red car on a highway and watch him mispronounce a hawaii sign. I want to take him to get coffee late at night and laugh when he pours it on himself instead of drinking it.
I want to gift him a red bicycle with a golden basket, and sit him in the basket as we ride around town, wind in my hair, sun on our skin. I want to watch shows with him, and complain and share hot-takes with him late at night. I want to rant to him about my high school drop out experience. I want to share my soul with him, since he doesn't have one. I want to listen to music with him. Show him my playlist I have devoted to him since 2021 proudly for him to judge me and make fun of me playfully. I want him to hurt my heart, I want the ups and downs of a relationship. The arguments, I want the miscommunication so that we can inevitably communicate and feel so much better afterwards. I want to sacrifice time and effort for him. I want him to be clingy. - I want him to love me the way I love him.
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twilight-orchid · 3 years
How The Demon Brothers React After Fighting With Their SO
tw: some angst with resolution at the end, mentions of past arguments, insecurity.
This man is petty as hell.
He doesn’t do the silent treatment, but he acts like you aren’t dating.
If you need to work on something together, you’re a co-worker.
At RAD you’re a classmate.
Around the house you’re just a housemate.
His poker face is immaculate and it will not crack when you’re around.
If someone didn’t know what was happening, they’d probably think you two barely knew each other.
However, you won’t notice, but as soon as you look the other way his eyes are on you.
He’s used to arguing with his brothers and is no stranger to explosive fights that end with he and the other person not being on speaking terms.
But you’re different.
He tries to go on with business as usual, but he can’t think about anything other than how much he misses you.
Yet, he lets it continue because he just can’t put his pride aside and apologize.
If you decide to sleep in your old room it’ll both hurt his feelings and royally piss him off.
He thinks you’re being childish and will be pretty rude about it, but that’s because internally his blood just ran cold.
It adds a degree of seriousness to the argument that he’s uncomfortable with.
Yes he’s mad, but he can’t lose you.
If you still sleep in his bed, he makes sure to scoot over to the very edge so he doesn’t cuddle you in his sleep.
In fact, the first night after the argument he’d probably put a pillow between you just to really punctuate the fact that he’s still upset.
I’d say it could go 4 days to a week tops without you making up.
After a point though, he just can’t function until the issue is resolved. He can’t sleep, he’s falling behind on his work, and he’s just generally not doing well.
You get called to his office one night and find him at his desk surrounded by piles of paper, disheveled and exhausted.
“MC, come sit down. I’d like to talk this through. Please.”
He’s so dramatic.
You dare defy him? The Great Mammon can’t believe this tiny fragile human would have the audacity.
The theatrics are just a front though.
His ‘The Great Mammon’ act is a mask for his insecurity, one he hasn’t had to use with you in awhile.
Even as the words leave his mouth he regrets them.
He’s going to be very uncomfortable with everything until the argument is resolved, but most of all himself.
He’s learned not to take his brothers too seriously when they toss insults his way, but words have a way of morphing to belief over time.
Internally he is going to be super hard on himself. 
Regardless of if the fight was his fault or not, he’s going to kick himself constantly for making yet another mistake.
He’s over the argument pretty fast. The anger quickly melts into anxiety.
Are you going to leave him? Do you hate him? Did he hurt your feelings? 
That being said, he doesn’t know if you’re still mad and he doesn’t know how to ask. 
As a defense mechanism, he defaults to how he treated you when you first arrived in the devildom.
Calls you human, disregards you, stuff like that.
If you decide to sleep in another room, before midnight expect him to be knocking on the door.
“Oi, MC. You awake? I just - I can’t - *sigh* Can we talk about this?”
If you sleep in his bed, he makes a point of sleeping with his back to you.
Less because he’s actually mad and more because he doesn’t want his image of you as he drifts to sleep to be a look of anger.
Though as soon as he passes out he’ll roll over and tuck you into his arms on instinct.
I’d say any after effects of an argument with Mammon would be resolved in a day, maybe two tops.
Arguing activates his trolling the forums mode.
Goes back to calling you a normie and contradicts everything you say.
He’s less mad about the argument and more using the bitterness to cope with how upset he is.
He feels like a break up is less of an if and more of a when.
Why would someone as amazing as you settle for weird otaku like him?
Honestly doesn’t understand why you’re with him in the first place, so when there’s a serious argument he assumes its over.
Tbh don’t know how you and Levi would sleep together being that I doubt two could fit in a tub, but any deviation to your routine sends him into a panic.
It’s his reality check that the situation is serious and he needs to fix it NOW.
He’d have trouble apologizing in person. He can’t think of what to say, he stumbles over his words, and he feels like he’s on the verge of a panic attack.
Instead, expect a long ass text message.
He says how sorry he is, how much he misses and loves you, and legit begs you to forgive him.
If you sleep with him like normal, he’ll probably try to make up after laying there for awhile. His mind is going a million miles an hour and there’s no way he can sleep.
Still really has trouble verbalizing how he feels, so give the poor boy a break and take over the conversation.
He hasn’t had a serious relationship before and he doesn’t know what he should do to make it better.
So the after effects will last however long it takes him to read several mangas, watch some anime, and play a few games to see how the characters get over arguments in the story.
Satan makes sure not to fight with you over minor issues.
He’s worked tirelessly to tame his wrath and he refuses to feed into it over a minor issue.
Thus, if you fight with Satan it’s a major argument and it’s explosive.
The aftermath isn’t much better.
He doesn’t want to risk blowing up again, so he’s frighteningly calm.
He’s an absolute master of the silent treatment.
He won’t say a word to you until he’s certain he’s calmed down enough.
For the first few days he’ll straight up leave a room if you enter.
For a good while the only way you can expect to communicate with him is through his body language and the expression in his eyes.
Satan’s biggest fear is losing control and lashing out at you. 
He couldn’t live with himself if he hurt you and he can’t stand the thought of you being afraid of him. 
He’s a whirlwind of emotions, so he isolates himself until he can figure out how to deal with it.
Not just from you, but from everyone else too. 
Satan will not share a bed with you for at least the first night.
If he got worked up enough to actually fight, it’s gonna take him time to simmer down.
And he’d rather not risk doing or saying something he regrets in the meantime.
Once he’s ready, he’ll approach you when he’s completely calmed down and has thoroughly analyzed the situation.
He’s considered both of your sides, tried to pinpoint what caused the disagreement to turn into a fight, and made a plan of action to prevent it from happening again.
“MC? I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what happened. Would you please talk it through with me?”
He won’t apologize for the argument if he feels like he was right, but he will apologize for letting the disagreement escalate into a fight.
Satan could go weeks without making up if necessary, but he tries to resolve it within a couple of days.
Wants to give you the silent treatment, but is physically incapable.
He can’t stand to have you ignore him.
He’s the type to go back to normal then suddenly remembers you guys had a fight.
“Wait, no! I’m not talking to you! I’m mad at you!”
His biggest downfall is that he’s so stubborn.
If he thinks he was right, he will die on that hill.
There are arguments with his brothers that happened a thousand years ago and he could still tell you exactly why he was right.
But with you, he realizes that doesn’t matter too him nearly as much as it usually does.
If it means going back to normal, he’ll forget who’s right or wrong.
If you sleep in another room, he’s beyond offended.
“What?! Well fine! I don’t want you in my bed anyway!”
Laying in bed alone is a different story though.
He can’t sleep. All he can think about is you. Your face when you sleep next to him, your smell, the feeling of his arms around you.
He 100% cries.
Finally goes and knocks on your door with wet, glossy eyes.
“MC? Can we talk about this? I can’t get my beauty sleep and my tears are wiping off all of my skin care lotion!”
Will throw himself into your arms before you can answer.
If you sleep next to him still, he rolls over and watches you sleep.
It puts him at peace and he decides seeing your sweet, resting face every morning is worth more to him than the argument.
He’ll initiate the conversation the next morning.
I think Asmo could make it a few days if it was a really serious argument, but he will not function well until you make up.
Wants to make up immediately.
He doesn’t like to argue, even less so with you.
Whether he was right or wrong, he blames himself. He’ll take all the blame in the world if it makes you happy.
He’ll go make you your favorite food and bring it to you.
If he thinks you don’t want to talk to him, he’ll leave it outside your door and text you to let you know it’s there.
He’s honestly devastated if you decide to sleep in another room.
You guys migrate to your old room when you want privacy from Belphie, but you almost never sleep separately.
Seeing you grab your pillows and march out of the room nearly stops his heart.
He goes completely numb and silent as he just stares at the space you had just occupied.
Like Levi, he thinks this means the relationship is over and he genuinely does not know what to do with himself.
He can’t even bring himself to eat, he just wants to lie there, lost and trying to grapple with his emotions. 
He’s another one who will absolutely cry, but unlike Asmo he will make sure no one knows it.
If you still sleep in his bed, he’s very nervous about it.
He doesn’t know if it’s okay to touch you, what he can or can’t say, stuff like that.
He just lays there stiff as a board not even able to close his eyes.
Honestly the fight would probably have to be resolved before bed. His anxiety just can’t take it.
I don’t think he’d initiate the apology. Not because he doesn’t want to make up but because his confidence is rock bottom in these situations.
He catastophizes and honestly thinks you hate him.
If you don’t initiate the apology soon, Belphie will. He can feel what his twin won’t say, and he knows Beel won’t approach you about it for fear of making it worse.
Belphie will lock you two in a room if that’s what it takes for you to make up.
The embodiment of if looks could kill.
He won’t talk to you, won’t look at you, basically pretends you aren’t there.
If he must interact with you he’ll roll his eyes and sigh the whole time.
Tries to sleep through any interaction so he doesn’t have to deal with it.
He feels almost betrayed by the fight.
He thought the relationship was stronger than to have such a huge divide, so he’s really insecure about it.
After the first day, the anger has melted away to guilt.
He ‘s not guilty that you fought, but he is guilty about how he treated you after.
Guilt and self-blame have become unwelcome friends at this point. Guilt over Lilith, over his plans to destroy the human world, everything.
But more than anything else, the guilt for the fact that he attacked you weighs on him every day.
He moved past it quickly after, essentially pretending he hadn’t killed you, but that’s because he just couldn’t confront what he’d done. 
He feels like the luckiest demon alive that you forgave him, let alone  opened you heart enough to love him, and now it’s all in tatters.
Another thing to regret.
If you decide to sleep separately, it’ll hit him like a bag of bricks.
“You - what? Where are you going?” 
It’ll take him a second to process what you were doing, but then he’ll roll over and let you leave.
“Fine. Don’t let the door hit you.”
No one will see him for awhile. 
Belphie sleeps all the time anyway, but he just can’t make himself get out of bed.
If you don’t approach him to apologize, Beel will tell you that he’s been nauseous and randomly emotional which must mean his twin is coping very badly. 
Will beg you to go make Belphie happy again. 
If you sleep in his bed still, the argument will be resolved by morning.
He can’t keep himself from embracing you in his sleep, and it’s hard to say you’re mad at someone when you wake up in their loving arms.
It’s hard to pinpoint how long it could last with Belphie. If you don’t apologize first, he won’t let himself be conscious long enough to approach you.
This is both my first hc post as well as my first obey me post so I’m sorry if le boys are ooc. I just got this idea and couldn’t stop thinking about it so here we are.  Especially Belphie, he was hard to me for some reason. Let me know if you guys agree or disagree and if you want to send a request or ask, my box is open! 
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sturchling · 3 years
You know when Lila comes back and Alya hints that they have been in contact by phone. What if Marinette says wow that must have cost a lot. Hope your or her parents didn't get mad. Alya a little worried about the high bill tells her parents whom assure her there bill was normal no international calls had been made.
Here you go! Hope you like it!
Marinette looked on as the class gathered around Lila who had just returned from her 'charity trip to Achu'. She was telling the whole class all about her trip, lying through her teeth as usual. Noticeably though, Alya wasn't with the rest of the group, clamoring for the stories. "Why aren't you over there with the rest of them Alya? Don't you want to get all her stories for your blog?" Alya looked at Marinette. "It's alright, I would rather be here with you! And besides-" Alya smiled at Marinette, "It isn't anything I haven't heard before."
"What do you mean Alya? Have you been calling with Lila while she was gone?" Alya was excited, to excited to keep the secret anymore. "Yeah! We talked every day and she kept me up to date on everything that she was doing! I already got all the details. She just made me promise to not post it until she got back and told everyone else. We probably spent at least an hour talking every day! It was great!" Marinette knew that Lila hadn't been out of the country and had likely been here in the city. But she thought this might be a good opportunity to reveal the liar. She hated that she would have to manipulate Alya, but if it would reveal Lila, and keep Alya from posting more of her lies, than it would be ok.
"Wow, that must have cost a lot of money. Were your parents not mad?" Alya looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?" Marinette looked at Alya with a serious look on her face. "I mean, international calls cost a lot of money. Talking for at least an hour each day, for months must have cost a fortune. My parents would be furious if I racked up those kinds of charges." Alya began to look scared. "They cost more money? Why? Its just a phone call?" Marinette was genuinely confused. Did Alya not know that these calls cost money? "The equipment and cables to connect those calls are more expensive to install and maintain so the calls cost more. Alya did you not tell your parents about these calls?" Alya looked green and stared down at her desk. "No." Marinette shook her head. "Well, if I were you I would tell them before the bill comes. You don't want them to get blindsided by the bill, that will make it worse." Before the two could continue the conversation, Mrs. Bustier walked in and class began.
Alya spent all day stressing. She couldn't stop thinking about what Marinette said. She must have cost her family so much money. She would be in so much trouble. She eventually decided that she would take Marinette's advice and come clean to her parents. She figured that maybe that would make her parents less angry if she came clean. She went home right after school and cleaned the entire apartment, thinking maybe that would help make them less angry. If the apartment was clean, and maybe they could take all the chore money should would have made from doing these chores and put it to the phone bill. Then she heard the door open and her parents come in. With dread in her stomach, she went into the living room.
"Mom, Dad, there is something I need to tell you." With that, Alya told them everything. About how she had been talking with Lila while she had been in Achu and how she didn't know about the international charges. "I am so sorry! I didn't know about the extra charges and I will do anything to make it up to you guys! I just had to tell you before the bill came, I didn't want you to get caught off guard. I am so sorry!" Alya waited for her parents to start yelling. She was waiting to be grounded for a very long time. But the yelling never came. When she looked up, she just saw her parents looking at her confused.
"Alya, what are you talking about? We already got the bill and it was completely normal. There were no international charges. Maybe you made some extra calls and went a little over, but nothing to be this panicked over." Alya was shocked. Could the calls be on the next bill? But that didn't make any sense, they should have been on this bill. "No, but I talked with Lila all the time. They should be on the bill." Alya's parents looked at each other before picking up a letter from the pile on the kitchen table. "Here Alya, look for yourself." She looked at the bill, and it wasn't too high. There weren't any international charges listed. But that didn't make any sense. If Lila had been in Achu, this bill should be through the roof. Then Marinette's claims of Lila being a liar floated through Alya's head. Did Lila lie?
Alya was glad that the bill hadn't been wrecked, but she was confused. She spent the rest of the night trying to figure it out. The only reasonable explanation she could come up with is that Lila had been lying and she wasn't in Achu. With the seed of doubt planted, Alya took to researching every claim Lila had made. Her thought process was that if she could prove just one of Lila's stories to be true, than maybe she could prove that she hadn't been tricked by the liar. But no matter how much she searched, she couldn't find any proof. The only source for any of Lila's stories was the Ladyblog.
By midnight, Alya gave up. It was clear that Lila was a liar this whole time. She sent a quick message in the old class group chat, from before Lila joined the class, so that Lila wouldn't see the message. She told the class everything she had found and how Lila had been lying this whole time. The class was outraged and decided that they couldn't be friends with Lila after all the lies she told, especially because the lies could have hurt them and their futures. And when Marinette chimed in about Lila's threats, the class was completely done with the liar.
The next day, Lila came in and instead of getting the warm welcome she was used to, she was treated to cold glares and silence. She tried to start a conversation, but Alya wasn't having it. "Just stop Lila. We know you are a liar. If you had been in Achu all this time, all those phone calls we had while you were gone would have made my phone bill sky rocket, but it was normal. You were never in Achu, I bet you never left the city! And that isn't your only lie, you have lied about everything. All the celebrities you know, all of your charities, and all of your injuries. Which I told the Mr. Damocles about, just so you know." As though summoned, Mr. Damocles appeared and demanded Lila and Mrs. Bustier come to the office to have a meeting with Mrs. Rossi.
The class never did get the full story of what exactly happened in the office. But they could hear the angry italian yelling coming from the office. Mrs. Rossi soon stomped out of the school, dragging Lila behind her. That was the last any of Mrs. Bustier's class saw of the liar. To think, the liar's kingdom came to the end, all because of a simple phone bill.
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jiminzfilter · 3 years
slow dancing in the night
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→ Pairing. Taehyung x reader
→ Genre. established relationship, fluff, slice of life, model!taehyung, model!reader, taehyung missed you a lot, he is starving (his words not mine), gets a bit hot by the last 40 lines, mentions of oral (f) so I guess this counts as mature content, implied smut, making out (kinda), there is a bit of swearing
→ Summary. what could possibly be better than coming home after a long day of work to someone you love and missed a lot ?
→ Word count. 3.2k (!!!)
→ because I wrote this over a year ago when I still didn't know what I was doing with my writing, I had to go through a deep process of editing and re-writing before posting it. This might not be my best work but it's still a fic that I really really like :,)
→ song rec. slow dancing in the dark, Joji// still with you, Jungkook
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Fridays have always been exhausting days for both you and your boyfriend, especially on runways weeks. As models, you were put under a lot of pressure.
Pressure to be perfect, to smile but never smile too much, to look good, to not fall on stage.
Falling has to be the most tragic thing that can happen to your carreer as a model, the hungry stares of thousands of photographers and reporters ready to share the latest news to the press.
Yeah, it was exhausting.
This week was no exception... or maybe it was since, this time, you were the only one working until late.
It’s four in the morning and you’re already on your way out - kind of running late, oBviOusLy - quietly wishing your boyfriend a good day.
He is not working today.
That lucky bastard.
He gets to enjoy his free day in bed, lazing around, while you work your ass off all day. He mumbles something that you assume is a sort of goodbye. He is still asleep.
You look at him one last time before leaving the room and smile. He looks so peaceful.
You still remember the day you met, by pure luck even though you both call that fate. That was 5 years ago, when you just debuted your career as a model and were not that comfortable around high heels.
Okay no. Let’s be real.
You hated wearing them because you couldn’t walk in heels higher than 5 cm.
It’s still a wonder how you managed to make it in the first place.
Were you wearing flat shoes for the audition ? Damn you really must’ve done an impression on the judges if they made you pass without the heels try-on.
Your first day at the agency was chaotic to say the least. Your manager made you walk around the building, to visit she said. She made you wear heels. HEELS. That devilish person.
But, thank to that, you got to meet Taehyung. Your eyes landed on him as you were visiting the lounge and couldn’t tear them away from his figure. The poor man had to witness you fall down because you weren’t watching your steps anymore.
I mean.
Who could blame you ??
That was Kim frEaking Taehyung
He even came to help you get back on your feet and asked if you were alright, kind of amused.
It’s not everyday you see someone falling down in here, let alone a newbie
Let’s be honest, you were so embarrassed.
First day of work and you’re already failing falling.
That night when you came home, you spent the night wearing heels and prayed really hard you’d never have to face him again. After all, the building was big enough and there were enough workers that you could avoid Taehyung easily
If only
The NeXt day, you were told that you had a couple shooting, with none other that Kim Taehyung.
He would occasionally tease you about your fall and check on you to see if everything was alright. He watched you carefully as you were walking around with heels.
From up close he looked even more handsome.... :)
After this day, you started talking with Taehyung more and more. He introduced you to everyone around the agency. You met outside of work, got to know each other. You both became regally good friends but there was something lingering in the air, in the way you’d look at each other or stood so close to him after a couple glasses of wine that you could breathe his air.
So what was bound to happen happened and you went from friends a to lovers without really noticing it.
He was still your best friend...somehow
Eventually, you took things to the next level and moved in together... maybe a half and a year ago or so ? You’ve never been happier in your life
And, well, you’d actually be happier if you could spend the day with boyfriend instead of running around trying to find god knows which accessories you need for the rehearsal.
8 in the morning is noT a time to be doing cardio.
Especially while wearing heels
Become a model they said, it’ll be fun they said
“Y/n! Come here please I need you to try on this dress before you go!” Your personal stylist calls “I made sure to fix it yesterday so it’d be a perfect fit for the show”
You stop your tracks and go to her “make this quick i have to go get changed before 9 otherwise I’m screwed. Why did they even decide to do the rehearsals so early today ?” You sigh, frustrated, and put on the dress she’s handing you “thank you”
“Okayyy...it looks great. Gold looks amazing on you.” She smoothes the dress and gives an approving nod, visibly satisfied ; “You’ll look perfect for the Grand Finale. Oh god it’s already 8:30 you better go before Mr.Kim throws a fit because you’re late”
You both giggle ; “thank you for fixing the dress Naeun, see you later today. Well, probably tonight. Byeeee”
The rehearsal seems to never end. You’re squeezed in dozens of different outfits, gorgeous for sure but sO tight. Mr. Kim, the one who organised the runway, is such a perfectionist that you have to re-do some things multiple times before he’s satisfied. One time the lighting isn’t right, the other the models are walking too fast, not on beat and so on.
Everyone hates him for that but he always makes the best shows so you just follow.
After multiple tries, the rehearsal finally comes to an end. It’s already 4PM. You barely get time to breathe and go pee before you’re back into the ‘running-around-to-find-my-dress-and-fix-my-makeup-oh-god-i-gotta-be-on-stage’ crazy mess.
Walking on the runway feels amazing, running backstage is terrible.
It’s so hot and small back there you can hardly move around well.
It takes 2 hours for the whole fashion show to be over, one more for pictures outside the catwalk and chat with reporters. Since you’re kind of a famous model now, you get invited to the afterparty and spend few extra hours interacting with some celebrities that attended the show. Other models were invited and you’re happy to see familiar faces amongst them. Jimin, an old colleague and friend of yours, comes your way and compliments you. You chat with him for a while before deciding you’ve had enough for the day and leave the party. A few more people greet you on your way out.
A taxi takes you back to you company, where you left your stuff in the morning. You spend an extra thirty minutes getting rid of your heavy makeup and striping off that gorgeous but awfully tight golden dress you’ve been wearing ever since the end of the runway.
Now, you can FinaLLy go home. yassssss
It’s almost 12am when you leave the agency and climb into yet another taxi. The ride is quiet, background music playing over the car’s radio, and you take some time to look at what you were gifted for your performance : fancy makeup products, accessories, pieces of clothing-but not those from the runway, you sadly never get to keep those. Being kinda famous has its perks :,)
You then decide it’s time to warn Taehyung you’ll arrive soon and send him a few texts. As if he was waiting for them, he instantly replies saying he’ll be waiting for you and proceeds to spam you with heart emojis. Sometimes, it looks like this man just discovered what emojis were and is trying to use them as much as possible. What a child…
It’s way past midnight when you finally step into your duplex and the first thing you notice is that the place is way too quiet.
Maybe Tae went back to sleep, who knows, it’s super late after all…
You remove shoes and jacket and drop your bags in the entrance before going further and you call out quietly “anyone here? Tae, you sleeping?”
There is a faint glow from the tv on your right but the sound has been muted.
“Taehyung ?" You call one last time
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist and you’re pulled into someone’s chest. You gasp, almost scream, but soften up when you feel the warmth on your back
“Hi baby” a deep voice says in your ear, sending chills down your spine “I missed you”
You turn around and are very pleased to see a handsome face and a warm exposed chest your boyfriend smiling at you.
“Mhm, missed you too” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, happy to hear his heartbeat. Taehyung places his head atop of yours and gently strokes your hair. You tighten your grasp around him and hum.
Few seconds later, he lifts your chin up and gently lays a kiss on your lips.
“How are you doing?” He asks, his right hand cupping your cheek. The warmth of it is comforting.
“Exhausted, but you know how it goes” You shrug and he smiles
“Not too tired for dinner ? I could cook something if you want”
“Mhm... let me just go shower and put something else on” You sadly let go of him
“Sure, go ahead” he whispers and you give him a kiss before regretfully tearing yourself away from him.
You walk up the stairs to your bedroom, where you find the bed undone. You smile, Taehyung never really liked making the bed and, very honestly, neither did you. You slump onto the mattress and bury your face into the pillows, inhaling his scent. Lavender. Relaxing. Just like he is.
After a warm shower, you find a t-shirt Taehyung left on a chair in the room and wear it. It’s big enough to reach your thighs and, if you were more energised, you’d probably stay like this. You grab large pants and put them on.
Once again, you smell lavender all around you.
When you’re back in the living area, you see Taehyung busying himself in the kitchen. He hears your steps and his eyes find yours as a smile appears on his face when he notices that you’re wearing his shirt
“My shirt looks better on you than it’d ever do on me” He teases, his gaze longing on your frame.
“maybe I should keep it then” you smile and ask ; ”Do you need any help?”
“no no no no no, you’ve worked enough already. Go and have some rest. I'll call you when everything’s ready okay?”
Too tired to argue on this anyways -and thankful for the given rest-, you go lay down on the couch, your body oriented to let you look at Taehyung.
As he hums and moves to the chill music that was playing in the background, you start to detail his beautiful figure. From the curl of his dark hair (which you knoW are so so soft to the touch) to his beautiful profile and his nose you love so much down to his broad shoulder and then his tanned abs you see from time to time when the opened shirt of his pyjama moves according to his steps.
oH! Let’s not forget his perfect hands gripping at the pan’s handle while he cooks… vegetables? Something like that yeah.
Taehyung is giving his best into what he’s cooking. Vegetables with rice, that’s the only thing he could do quickly.
Quickly as in less than half an hour, unlike his friend Namjoon who’d take this time just to cook the rice.
The music he put earlier is slowly starting to bore him. After washing his hands, he reaches out for his phone and plays a different playlist. It’s one you name yourself when the two of you were still friends (aka not dating yet). “Taetae fm” because you once joked he should have his own broadcasting channel on the radio. He’d always criticise the music playing so why not have his own channel 👀
“You know Y/n, I actually watched the fashion show live this afternoon. I mean, of course you know because I always do that haha. Anyways, you really were the highlight of the runway tonight. And I’m not saying this in a biased point of view. Okay I might be a bit biased as your boyfriend but I swear that it’s true!! You literally shone back there, especially in that gold dress you were wearing and even the audience was impressed by your looks maybe you didn’t see it on stage but some cameras filmed their reactions and everyone was looking at you. Really, you were so gorge-oh” Taehyung looks at you and smile fondly “Of course you’re asleep, baby”
He lets his phone aside and checks the now cooked food before making his way to the couch. There’s a blanket on the sofa, he covers you with it, scared you might get cold. Taehyung put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your chin.
You slowly open your eyes and find yourself face to face with him. You both smile.
“Hi there beautiful” He whispers
“what time is it? Did I sleep until the morning?” You’re scared of having slept through the entire nap without realising
“almost 1:20am, I just finished cooking. I thought you might be cold so I went to cover you with the blanket. You should go enjoy the food while it’s still hot, imma go to the toilet”
You nod as an answer and watch him leave upstairs. Getting up from the warmth of the couch is the hardest part so you keep the soft blanket draped around your shoulders and walk towards the kitchen. You grab two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks that you place on the counter along with glasses and a bottle of water.
You then go take care of the rice and the vegetables, which you mix in the pan. The song playing changes and your favourite nighttime tune starts.
“I don’t want a friend, I want my life in two” you sing along
“Waiting to get there, waiting for you” Taehyung’s voice startles you as he grabs your wrists and pulls your back close to him. You smile as he makes the both of you dance slowly. You put his arms around you so it’s like he’s hugging you from the back. You swing around for a little while, enjoying the close proximity as you both softly hum the song, making your body vibrate against each other, moving in perfect coordination.
“I love you” he whispers in your ear and then kisses it, sending chills down your spine, before lifting one of your arm up to make you turn so that you’re now facing him “did my baby sleep well?” You nod as you place your arms around his waist, paying attention to go under the shirt so you’re touching as much skin as possible.
Taehyung chuckles before asking you in that same, chill-sending, low deep voice ; “Still hungry? Because I’m starving”
If you didn’t just wake up, you would’ve definitely caught that lust in his eyes and also the fact that this wasn’t as innocent as it seemed.
As an answer, your stomach growls pretty loudly, making Taehyung laugh . “I’ll take that as a yes. Sit down, princess. Let me take care of you”
You do as he says, jumping on a stool, detailing all of his moves. You only realise how hungry you actually were when you start eating. Rice with vegetables has never tastes better. You eat everything in less than 5 minutes when you’d usually take your time to finish your plate.
“Damn, that was a well needed dinner! Thank you Tae” you mess a bit with his soft locks
“Imagine me who was waiting for you all evening!! I was hungry too” He pouts.
“Oh come on, I was working today. Cardio in heels isn’t the best way to wake up, let alone spend the whole day standing in tight clothes. When I think you has a day off… pfff. I saw the bed, I’m sure you stayed there all day, you lazyyyyyyyyy ass.”
He mumbles some gibberish and you giggle, knowing that you're right. He looks away, crossing his arms and obviously sulking. You leave your stool and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You leave a few kisses on his cheek and neck
“- Don’t be such a babyy. You know I love you.
- You do?
- of course, you dummy” you bop his nose "Sooo, what do we have for desert?
- You. Uh I mean!! Yoghurt, fruits, cakes, fruits…anything” he clears his throat
“Great! What do you prefer?” You open the fridge
“ I’d very happily eat you out honestly but an apple sounds good”
“Oh sur- wait whaT!?” You snap your head to him, eyes wide open
what did he sayyyyyyyy?????
whaT am I even supposed to say noW oh my goddddd
You close the fridge’s door, suddenly not so yogurt-hungry.
There’s a sudden silence between the two of you, only disturbed by the music still playing in the background.
“Mhm? What is it?” He turns around to face you, asking so innocently “did I say something wrong ?”
This man knows what he is doing for sure. Has he ever been that straightforward before ?
Taehyung stands and closes the distance between your bodies, now towering over you.
He lowers himself slightly to speak in your ear “what is it baby? Mhm?” You feel his smile on your cheek when he lays a kiss on it “what happened to my all proud and fierce y/n who was so confident telling me I was being lazy all day, huh? Tell me” He lays another kiss on your temple
now he’s being a tease
1 A.M. fluffy and bare chested teaser Taehyung
Anyhow, it’s a good turn on.
Being tired and turned on was definitely not a good mix for you. You could feel the heat rising in your body and hear your heart pounding in your ears.
He laughs gently seeing you silently begging for more, brushing your face with his lips, teasing another kiss.
“Tsk tsk, you gotta speak darling, I cannot guess”
You should calm down and go to sleep, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow you should definitely-
“Fuck-“ You sigh and grab his face, sealing your lips together while closing your eyes.
It doesn’t take long for that kiss to turn into a heated make out session.
You grab and pull some of his dark curls while his hands travels under his your shirt.
You break the kiss just a second to catch your breath.
“Have i ever told you you have the perfect body?” Taehyung asks
“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are??” You reply
He laughs, deep raspy laugh.
You’re too tired for this
And because you’re tired, you’re even more horny :D
Taehyung puts his hands behind your thighs and you jump, locking your legs around his waist, hands still in his hair, lips against his while carries you to the bedroom.
He leaves your lips to travel down your jaw and then collarbone. You throw your head back.
Taehyung gently lays you on the mattress of your king sized bed and makes it his personal mission to pleasure you tonight.
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
It's Mikey's birthday, so I thought why not write something for it. Again, this is a future Mikey, it might not be canon but I really don't care. Oh and gn reader.
I'm trying to do more fics for Tokyo Revengers, I do requests but even if I don't get many that doesn't mean that I won't keep trying to write. The next character I'm writing for is Kazutora.
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Warnings: Smut, alcohol. No minors please.
Word Count: 2,967
You knew what was going to happen, not like it was a problem to you at all. It was Mikey's day, and everyone would make a big deal out of it. Of course, they would. Everyone loved Mikey.
Everyone was planning on heading over to Mikey's place, bringing food and stuff for him. Mikey had lost a lot of important people. Everyone made sure his birthdays were always a big deal.
You didn't mind it. Well, at least, you tried to look like it didn't bother you. It was just that you wanted to show Mikey how much he meant to you, so you were planning on getting him all to yourself so you could treat him.
Mikey's friends were your friends. When he needed someone to talk to, and you weren't there, he would always go to them. It was mainly you and Takemichi who drilled that into his head.
These guys, and you, were adults, so there was alcohol. You made sure to drink as small of it as possible. You wanted your mind to remain calm and clear.
It was nice. Everyone talked about the past, laughed about all the memories they remembered.
The mood of the room was great. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was nice seeing Mikey with a genuine smile on his face.
Of course, the more liquor that was drunk, the more personality everyone had. Takemichi would cry at everything, the crying making him sleep under the kotatsu. Mitsuya appeared normal, and Draken was a little quieter. But Mikey hadn't had the same amount that everyone else had. It looked like he wanted to remember this day and have a clear head, just like you.
You and Mikey had been together for a while. Neither of you had moved in together yet. But whenever he needed you, you would always be there to listen to him. Or come over and cuddle together for as long as he liked.
The way his attitude changed whenever you or his friends appeared, you wanted to give him a reason to keep smiling and laughing. You were close to suggesting that the two of you move in with each other.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Kazutora's voice. "I something wrong, (Y/N)?" He asks.
"Hmm? No, I'm fine, just lost in thought, I guess," you reply, smiling at him.
Kazutora says nothing and goes back to the conversation everyone else was having.
You could feel Mikey beside you, his arm snaking around yours, pulling you closer. His chin rests on your shoulder.
"I'm so lucky to have you, (Y/N)," Mikey says quietly.
"Are you drunk?" You ask bluntly.
"Shut up. I haven't had that much,"
"Of course you haven't," you say sarcastically. You knew that Mikey hadn't had that much, but you wanted to be playful, so, of course, you teased him about being around it all.
"Why do you have to treat me this way?" Mikey asks playfully, pouting and looking you in the eye.
"You know I don't mean it," you reply, smiling at him.
Mikey hadn't had much of a childhood, well, at least, not in his teenage years. It surprised you when he bought up his past life, Toman and everything that had happened. Mikey always seemed a little depressed, but it made sense when you found out about everything. You got close to him, became an ear for him whenever he needed to vent and rant. Then Mikey needed you in another way, causing him to admit his feeling mid-conversation. Things went from there, and you've been together seven months now.
The two of you didn't go slow. When you needed each other, you were both there. You would stay at each other's places quite often, too. Mikey's comfort blanket was something you never took away from him, so you let him be and became comfortable with it. Day by day, you became closer, and trust between the two of you grew. To everyone else, it was like he was a teenager again.
The night went on, the two of you never really leaving each other's side. Mikey was never this clingy with you, but tonight he was. Everyone's presence was the gift he loved the most.
Your elbow rested on the table, chin resting in the palm of your hand. Mikey was happy, smiling and laughing. It was something you always loved seeing.
"Aww, the way you're looking at Mikey, it's obvious that you love him," Hina says, worming her way closer to you.
You shrugged like Hina had seen right through you. It wasn't something that had embarrassed you as much as it used to. Everyone could see how much you adored Mikey. The way you would look at each other was apparent to anyone.
"I've seen you look at Takemichi the same way, though, Hina," you teased slightly.
Hina giggles a little at your response. They had been together for so long. You admired them for it.
Takemichi wasn't used to drinking this much. Hina was there to switch his drinks to water now and again. Mitsuya would do the same with everyone else, especially if they're acting a little rowdier.
It was way past midnight, and everyone had had fun. You watched as everyone left, saying goodnight as everyone did so.
The mess at the kotatsu could wait until later. The time spent around everyone had completed drained you and your energy.
You were tired. Standing up, you stretch your arms above your head, yawning as you did.
Your eyes were closed as you yawned, so you hadn't noticed Mikey getting closer to you, eventually his arms wrapped around your waist and lifting you a little off the floor.
"What's this for?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and your feet touched the floor again.
"For putting up with someone like me," Mikey replies.
"Stop right there, you," your hands cup his face, "it's your birthday, no sappy shit,"
Mikey pouts at you. It looked like he didn't like your response.
You pull Mikey's face closer to yours, peppering his lips with kisses. It was such a sweet and caring series of kisses. You wanted him to be happy. There was no way in hell you'd let him be sad, not on today of all days.
Your hands slowly left Mikey's face and, instead, rested on his shoulder or collarbone.
The more kisses you kept planting on his lips, the more heated the room got.
You were going to show him just how much you loved and adored Mikey. It didn't matter how tired you were. You stuck with your plan.
The problem was that when Mikey wanted something, he made sure to get it.
Naturally, a fight ensued between your tongues. The way they glided over each other was enough to make you want to fall to the floor and just let him take you there and then. But you didn't want to give into him. If it were a fight Mikey wanted, then he'd get it.
"M-Mikey," you moan quietly against his mouth.
Mikey's hands gently cup the sides of your neck, holding you still as he pecks your lips a few times before biting down on your lower lip.
You felt like you were on fire. The hands you placed on Mikey's chest moved to his hands, pulling him over to the couch before kissing him quickly, letting go of his hands and roughly shoving him onto it.
Mikey's dark eyes were darker, and his face flushed red by all the kissing you were doing. He knew what you wanted to do, and he had no intention of stopping you right now.
"You didn't wait all day just to do this, did you?" Mikey asks playfully, his hand sifting through his hair as you lower yourself down in between his legs.
"Maybe," you reply, laying the side of your head on his thigh, your hands working on the button and zip of his jeans. You tugged roughly on the top of his jeans and boxers, and his erection soon was freed from its trap.
The cool air hit Mikey's erection, causing him to hiss and groan at the sudden feeling.
"You gonna make me feel good, pretty girl?"
"Is that what you want from me, Mikey?"
His hands reach your face, tilting you up and planting a soft kiss on your lips.
"I'll let you do whatever you want, just for now, at least,"
Mikey's hands move from your face, and he leans his back against the sofa, patiently waiting for you to make a move.
Then you lay your tongue flat against the head of his dick, sliding it up to its tip, the tip of your tongue played with his slit.
Mikey's grip was mainly on his hair, not yours. The last thing he wanted to do was to ram himself into your mouth.
There was something about you domming him that made Mikey shiver with excitement. Even you putting him in his place was enough to get him erect, but that would also make him want to destroy you right there and then.
The eyes that gazed down at you as you reached his base, slowly licking up his length, were dark, darker than usual. There could be dangerous thoughts lingering behind them. You sat there, a sudden shiver running down your spine from the devilish thoughts running through you.
You used your mouth so well on him, sucking on his head once your tongue reached his head again.
All that Mikey could do was sit there, the feeling of your wet, hot mouth sending him insane. It was almost torturous. Why hadn't you taken him all into your mouth yet? It was making him impatient.
The way Mikey bit his lower lip and let out a low groan, you could tell that he was getting impatient, but you didn't care all that much. You were going to take your time. The next time you do something, if Mikey decided to go all out and be as rough as he wanted to, then that was down to you and your actions right now.
Your lips left a string of kisses from his base up to his tip, smiling once your mouth left Mikey's length.
"You're not getting impatient, are you?" You coyly ask, leaning your chin on Mikey's thigh. Your hand roughly tugged on his dick, squeezing it lightly as you pumped your hands up and down on him.
The eyes that were watching your mouth before now watching your hand.
"Please, just stop fucking teasing me already," Mikey begs, his hand gripping onto the couch tightly, knuckles pale. "I need you, so damn much,"
"Since you asked nicely, I suppose I could give you what you want," you say in a teasing tone.
You wasted no time now. Teasing Mikey went out the window.
Once your mouth slowly came down on him, Mikey held his breath, eyes closed tightly. It didn't matter how many times you had sucked him off. Mikey could never get tired of it.
You wanted to take your time, make him feel as good as he made you felt when he took control.
As much as you wanted to edge him, it wasn't right to do that, not today.
Mikey tried as hard as possible not to buck his hips up. You were making him feel so much, but he desperately needed more from you.
You started bobbing your head faster, the tip of his dick hitting the start of your throat.
"Oh, fuck," Mikey groaned quietly, leaning his head back against the couch, his eyes still closed.
You released him for a few seconds to get some air into your lungs, then get back to doing what you were doing.
Once you got used to the pace and speed, you tried your best breathing through your nose. When you knew you could handle it a little, you would halt your movements on him when his head touched the start of your throat. The need to gag hit you when you stilled for too long, your head moving back up, bobbing on him again.
The noises escaping from Mikey's mouth, even if they were low and breathy, were enough motivation for you to keep going.
"(Y/N)," Mikey groans, his eyes open, staring down at you.
He was close. The way he groaned your name was enough of a hint. You kept your pace, not feeling any need to speed up.
Whenever you glanced up at Mikey's face, all you saw was dark lust filling his eyes. It must've been difficult for him to control himself. His hands still gripped the couch tightly. If he felt like it, he could readily grasp your hair and be as rough with you as he wanted. But once you started, the control you had would be difficult to stop. Plus, you looked angelic to him.
A string of curses leaves Mikey's mouth, a few groans of your name, and he came into your mouth. Without any hesitation, you swallowed, not wanting to waste anything.
You were breathless, your face just as flushed and as pink as Mikey's.
Standing up, Mikey's hand rushed to your waist. The heat in the room spurred your actions as your lips once again found his, picking up where you last left off.
Air hardly hit your lungs, and you were right back into him. The hands that were at your waist rushed to removed both your clothes. It was slow at first, but then the passion hit both of you quickly. Your clothes were off in no time at all.
You were close to being pushed down onto the couch, but you quickly stopped him.
"Let me show you how much I love you before you take control, okay?" You ask, trying not to be forceful but loving.
A soft smile lit up Mikey's face. He understood you, let you do your own thing. Those words were signalling that you hadn't finished. Giving yourself to him was kind of like a birthday present.
One knee at a time moved onto the couch. A hand reaches Mikey's shoulders again as you hover your entrance over the tip of his dick. Slowly you sunk onto him, his length fully engulfed by you.
You let out a breathy moan, moving both your hands to the back of Mikey's head, sifting through his hair as you slowly moved up and down on him.
Both of your eyes stared directly into each other, never wanting to lose their focus. Mikey was far too precious to let go of, and you were too damn incredible for him to want to let go of you, his hands worming their way up to your back, resting lightly on your shoulder blades.
Slowly, your speed increased, your hips desperately trying to slam down onto him. Your movements sent both of you into heaven, making you hotter and needier by the second.
Your moans made it more difficult for Mikey to control himself. Right now, you were the most dangerous thing to him, but you were the one thing he needed the most.
"You're so good to me," Mikey groans, his hands sliding down your back, groping your ass.
"I love you so fucking much," you say before pushing your mouth onto his.
"I know you do, beautiful," Mikey groans between kisses, "I love you too. You feel so fucking good,"
You pull away, leaving Mikey breathless. The hands that were on your ass moved to your thighs, grabbing onto your skin tightly. He was so damn desperate to snap his hips up, wanting to look at your face as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
The feeling of his head hitting your g-spot sent you insane, causing you to try to be a little rougher. Your hands were desperate to cling to his hair.
That constant movement against that spot was enough for your orgasm to creep up, your walls contracting around Mikey as you struggled to move.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm close," Mikey groans.
Your eyes were focused on each other again, wanting to watch yourselves as you eventually succumbed to the feeling of your release. Your breathy moans hit Mikey's face as you rushed to your end, hips snapping down onto him.
The feeling of your walls around him made Mikey hiss, his hands trying not to leave scratches on your back.
"Shit," you cry as you came, trying hard not to stop your movements, but it was almost too much. You tried no to be lazy and continued attempting to let Mikey come.
You close your eyes as your hips moved down on him. Mikey bit his lower lip as he came, holding your hips still as he did.
The two of you were tired, not just from what you had just done, but from the little party that had happened.
Both your eye wandered to the scene behind yourselves. It wasn't going to be fun cleaning all this up later.
"Was this supposed to be a gift to me?" Mikey asks playfully, his voice tired.
"Why, wasn't what I got you good enough?" You respond, faking being hurt by him.
He laughs a little at your response. "Do you want to clean this up now or later?"
"I mean, I won't say no if you're insistent,"
"But I don't want to do that now,"
"Then don't. We can do it later,"
"That's if I don't feel like repaying you,"
"Repaying me?" You were playing being clueless, but you knew what Mikey meant. There was hope inside you that he might, at least, have mercy on you and not make it difficult for you to walk for the next few days.
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please don't steal what I write
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I normally do taglists, but I've only done this fic and one other, so no one's on the taglist... yet
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aquaticrunner · 3 years
Modern Academic Rivals to Lovers | Edmund x Reader
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Request by @generalblizzarddreamer : Hey love! I don't know if you're inspired to write Narnia right now but could I have academic rivals to lovers with Edmund Pevensie? Maybe Edmund could be a law student and the reader is a journalism major? Thanks so much if you do it! | Word count: 2.9K
A/N: I did not mean for this to come out so long but I loved the idea and just kinda ran with it. I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it. I’m so sorry it took so long but I’m finally out of school so I’m catching up on all my requests.
I stood up from the small desk I was sitting at in the university library and stretched my arms up above my head. I’d been sitting at this desk for at least two hours and still felt like I hadn’t made much progress on my project. I decided to go searching for some more sources and scanned the section closest to me. A book title on the top shelf caught my eye and I reached my hand up to grab it. Just as my fingers brushed the spine of the book, another hand reached over and swiped it. “Hey!” I shouted, immediately cringing at the loudness of my voice in the quiet library. I looked over at the thief who had taken my book. The guy seemed familiar like maybe we’d had a few classes together. He had dark, curly hair that had grown past his ears and an easy smile that probably made most people melt. 
“Hey yourself.” He said, chuckling as he started to walk away. I bit the side of my cheek in frustration and made the impulsive decision to follow him. “Excuse me, but I need that book.”
He stopped walking and smirked at me. Despite how attractive this boy was, it infuriated me. “Well, so do I.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “I saw it first and there’s only one copy.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “You saw it first? What is this, primary school?”
“Seriously? Just give me the book.”
I could see the smile in his eyes as he just looked at me and said, “No.” Then he turned around and walked away again.
I decided not to follow him this time and walked back to my desk, fuming the whole way there. He was the most arrogant and obnoxious guy I’d ever met and I didn’t even know his name. I tried to focus on my project again but gave up after about 30 minutes. I packed up my stuff and walked back to my dorm. When I made it back, I checked the time on my phone. It was only 8:15. Too early to go to sleep. I scrolled through the contacts on my phone until I saw my best friend’s name. I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear. She answered after the first ring and asked what was up. “Do you wanna go out?”
I woke up the next morning with a slight headache and my mouth dry. I picked up the water bottle that I keep beside my bed but it was empty. I sighed and stood up. I ventured into my small kitchen area and filled up the bottle in the sink. As I drank the water, my mind drifted back to last night. My friend, Valerie, and I had gone to a small club and stayed out till about midnight. I had pretty much gotten over my encounter with that guy at the library. I looked at the clock at the wall and cursed when I realized that it was almost 7:30. I only had 15 minutes to get ready for my morning class. I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and brushed my teeth. I rushed out the door, barely checking to see if I had the right notebook. I walked as fast as I could to the humanities building and breathed a sigh of relief when I made it with 3 minutes to spare. I took a seat in the front row where I always did and smiled at the boy that always sits next to me. I opened my backpack and grabbed my notebook, thankful that it was the right one. I opened the notebook to a blank page and sat a pencil next to it. I was waiting for the professor to walk in when someone else caught my eye. It was the boy from the library! So we do have a class together, I thought. I waited for him to see me but his eyes stayed focused on his path and he sat down in the middle row. I turned my head quickly in case he saw me looking at him. 
The professor walked in a minute later and I tried to refocus my mind on what he was teaching. This class was already boring to me. I knew that research and writing were important, but this class felt almost too basic. As the professor talked my mind drifted to the boy sitting behind me. I wondered if he had noticed me yet, if he was as bored as I was, or if he was paying attention and didn’t notice me at all. 
“Does anyone know the answer?” I was snapped out of my thoughts when the professor addressed the class and averted my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t call on me. “Anyone at all?”
“A research question is focused, complex, and arguable.” My eyes widened when I realized it was the boy from last night.
“Yes that is correct, Mr… ?”
“Pevensie, sir. Edmund Pevensie.”
The professor nodded and went back to lecturing. My eyes stayed glued to the boy, Edmund. His eyes snapped to mine and heat immediately rushed to my cheeks and I turned back to my notebook. Now he’s going to think I’m obsessed with him.
When the professor dismissed class after what felt like forever, I threw my stuff in my bag and rushed out of my seat. I made it out the door and thought I was clear and my path was blocked. “Excuse me.” I said, trying to get past.
“Avoiding someone?” His voice burned into my soul and I jumped back.
“No. I just have somewhere to be.” My eyes drifted up his chest as I leaned up to meet his eyes.
The corner of his mouth ticked up and he narrowed his eyes at me. “Right. I’m Edmund by the way. Figured I should introduce myself after you called me a thief.”
I rolled my eyes. “You are a thief. And I heard your name. Everyone in class did.”
This time, he smiled completely. “So…?”
I looked at him, unsure of what he was wanting. “So what?”
He stared at me blankly as if he was trying to figure out if I really didn’t know or if I was messing with him. “Your name?”
“Oh. It’s Y/N.” I don’t know why it surprised me that he wanted my name. Was he trying to be friends or something?
“Well, it was nice to meet you Y/N.” And with that he turned and walked away. Why is he always doing that?
I rolled my eyes as he left and walked back to my dorm, throwing my bag down in the living room. My roommate, Elle, walked out and raised her eyebrows at me. “Someone’s in a foul mood.”
“I am not!” I shouted defensively. She just looked at me and my shoulders sagged in defeat. “Fine. I met this guy and he’s a total jerk.”
Her eyes lit up immediately. “You met a guy?”
“Seriously? That was not the important part of that sentence.”
She laughed. “Well I can’t remember the last time you said the words “met a guy.”” She said, using air quotes around my words. 
I sighed and walked into my room, looking over my schedule for the day. I had one more class and a club meeting later that day. 
“Hey would you wanna grab lunch before my next class?” I asked her, walking back into the living room.
She shrugged, “Sure. I have nothing better to do.”
We ate in the campus cafeteria and I went to my corporate communication class. Now I was on my way to one of the meeting rooms on campus for a debate club meeting. It was my first time joining a club and I was definitely nervous. 
I walked up the stairs of the building and into the room that was on the announcement. A tall girl greeted me at the door with a large smile. “Hi! Are you here to join the debate team?” Her enthusiasm was almost scary but I smiled back and nodded as she handed me an instruction packet. “Great! Feel free to sit anywhere.” I thanked her and took a seat near the middle. Normally I liked to sit in the front but I was a little too nervous tonight.
I looked around for anyone I might know and noticed a familiar boy with dark, curly hair. You have to be kidding me. Ever since our interaction at the library Edmund seemed to be everywhere I was.
He was busy talking to a group of kids at the back of the room. He caught my eye and waved at me with a smirk on his face. I clenched my jaw and turned back around, facing the front of the room.
The girl who greeted me when I walked in had now moved to stand behind a small podium. She cleared her throat to catch everyone’s attention and I sat up a little straighter in my chair. She spent the next hour describing what the debate club was like, our meeting schedule, and how often we attend competitions. “Now there is a sign-up sheet being passed around. Please write your name and phone number on the sheet.” She handed the clipboard with the sheet on it to the boy on my left and he handed it to me when he was done. I wrote what she instructed and passed it to my right, not paying attention to who was beside me. Once everyone was done she announced that the meeting was over and we would receive a message for our next meeting time. I sighed and stood following the small crowd out the door.
“Hey Y/N!” I looked to see who was calling my name and of course it was Edmund. 
I kept walking, pretending I hadn’t heard him, but he caught up to me almost immediately. “Hey, I didn’t know you were interested in debate.”
I shrugged, “Well you don’t really know that much about me at all.”
He put his hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Ouch. You wound me.”
I smiled condescendingly. “I try.”
“You don’t like me, do you?” He asked.
“I don’t have any feelings toward you.” I said in response.
“Riiight. Is this about the book?” 
I sighed. “No. I don’t care about some stupid book. Look, it's late and I have to go. Bye.”
I walked away from him and headed back to my dorm for the night, trying to concentrate on my project. 
The rest of the week went by quickly with limited interactions between Edmund and me. Finally, it was Friday and I was ready to take a break. However, before I did that I needed to buckle down and finish the project that I had been procrastinating. I packed my stuff up and drove to the library. I spent hours there and by the time I finished, it was dark outside. I packed my stuff up and stopped by the vending machine on my way out. I reached the doors and pushed, but was surprised when they didn’t open. I pushed again and started to get nervous when they still didn’t open. Maybe there’s another exit. I walked away from the doors and searched the perimeter of the library looking for another set of doors. When I didn’t find any, I walked to the center of the library where the help desk was located. “Hello?” I said, hoping someone would answer me.
I heard a voice from behind me, “Please don’t tell me we’re locked in here.” I cringed, knowing who it was going to be before I even turned around.
I slowly turned to face him. “It’s starting to look that way.”
“Do you have your phone?” He asked me.
“No. I leave it in my car when I’m studying. Don’t you have one?” I asked, crossing my arms defensively.
He waved it in front of me, looking annoyed. “It’s dead.”
I wanted to bang my head against a wall. “Great,” I said sarcastically. 
“Maybe we can use the library phone?” He suggested and I nodded, walking around to the other side of the desk.
I picked it up and attempted to dial a number. Instead of hearing the phone ringing, all I heard was constant beeping. I groaned when I read the inscription at the bottom of the phone. 
Edmund leaned over. “What is it?”
“This phone only connects to other phones in the building. No one else is going to be here at this hour.”
“Well, guess we better make ourselves comfortable.” He took a seat on one of the couches and propped his feet up on a nearby table.
I took a deep breath and sat down in a chair across from the couch. 
He stared at me from across the table and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. “Why are you looking at me?” I finally asked.
He shrugged. “I’m trying to figure out why you don’t like me.”
“By staring at me?”
Edmund laughed and I felt the tension in my shoulders ease just a bit.
“So are you going to tell me or not?” He asked me.
I bit my lip nervously. This is going to be a long night. “I never said I didn’t like you.”
“So you’re acting like this because you do like me.”
“So you’re rude to everyone?”
“I am not rude! I don’t dislike you. I just have no interest in talking to you.” I finally said.
“Why not? I’m hilarious.” 
I snorted in response. “I doubt that.”
“You’re judging me based on one interaction. That hardly seems fair.” He said. I looked away, not wanting to admit that he might be right.
“Well it was one rude interaction. First impressions matter.” I said in my defense.
“Okay, well I’m sorry I took the book you wanted. I needed it for a project.”
“So did I.”
He laughed, but it sounded dry. “Whatever.”
I bit my lip, guilt starting to settle in my stomach. Maybe I had judged him too harshly.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have judged you so fast. Maybe we could be friends?” I asked.
He half-smiled and I felt slightly relieved. “We can be friends.”
I smiled at him for what felt like the first time and he smiled back.
“Let’s play twenty questions.” He said, sitting up suddenly.
“Twenty questions. I ask you a question and then you ask me one.” 
I curled my hair around my finger nervously. “I don’t know…”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. You can ask me first.”
I sighed, knowing there was nothing else to do anyway. “Fine. What’s your major?”
Edmund laughed. “Okay, starting off easy. I’m pre-law. What’s yours?”
“Journalism.” He nodded, and I sat for a moment, thinking of my next question. “What’s your family like?”
Edmund smiled and his fondness for them was written clearly all over his face. “I have two sisters and a brother. Lucy and I are the youngest and then Susan and Peter. We’re all really close. I don’t get to see them as often as I like but we text all the time.”
I smiled, surprised at such a genuine response. He cleared his throat and then asked his next question. “What’s your favorite food?”
I laughed and tried to think of a genuine answer. “Pizza. Yours?”
Edmund thought for a moment. “I love anything sweet. Why are you majoring in journalism?”
“Well… I’d like to have an impact on the world. I like discovering the truth and telling real stories. Why do you want to be a lawyer?”
“To defend those who can’t defend themselves, obviously.” He said, jokingly.
I laughed again and thought of my next question. Edmund and I spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. I had seriously misjudged him. He was actually very pleasant to be around. Eventually, we fell asleep and when the librarian woke us up the next morning I was embarrassed to find that Edmund and I had moved together in our sleep. The librarian apologized profusely for not checking before she locked up and then Edmund and I were on our way out of the library.
He walked me to my car and I grabbed his arm before he turned to leave. “Thank you.”
He looked at me curiously. “For what?”
“For making last night a little better. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d been locked in by myself.” In a moment of bravery, I leaned forward and hugged him.
Edmund hugged back and I could feel the warmth radiating off of him and his heart beating in his chest.
I leaned back slowly and Edmund kept his arms around me.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
I nodded and Edmund leaned forward, immediately capturing my lips with his. The kiss was passionate and I could’ve sworn I saw literal sparks. I wasn’t sure how long it lasted but I was sure it wasn’t long enough. He leaned his forehead against mine and I smiled at the closeness.
“Do you want to go out tonight?” He asked me.
“I would love to.”
He kissed me on the cheek then began to walk back to his car. 
“Hey Edmund!” I called. He turned back to face me. “Thanks for stealing my book.” A smile broke out on his gorgeous face and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Anytime.”
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crowdedimagines · 3 years
Familiar Love - Harry Styles
harry and y/n have a hard time staying out of each other’s arms, not that there’s a place they’d rather be Famous!Y/n
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“Well well well.” Harry grins, opening his door wider to his home for me. 
“Why are you acting all surprised? You invited me here.” I get on my toes to steal a fast peck from him as I walk by. I walk into the living room I have grown very familiar with over the years. Harry’s London home never changes, his one taste of consistency.  
“Of course I did, we’re both in London at the same time.” 
“I know.” I roll my eyes, backing up the stairs to his room. He matches my steps evenly, pacing us like predator and prey. I slide my jacket off my shoulder, ditching it for the floor. His eyes never leave mine. If I didn’t know this house so well, I would be on my ass by now. 
“It’s been a while since this has worked out.” He presses a stolen kiss to my cheek, then another and another, “I’ve missed you.” 
“Missed me or a muse?” I bite down lightly on his earlobe, he backs me into his bedroom finally. 
“Always miss you.” 
“That’s right, you are pretty obsessed with me.” I smirk. 
“M’not obsessed with you.” He defends, finally pulling his face away from my neck. 
“Well your discography would beg to differ.” 
“Shh.” He works on the spot he knows would normally occupy my mind enough that I couldn’t banter. The spot just below my ear where my neck and jaw meet. 
“Temporary Fix, Perfect, Change Your Ticket-”
“Alright alright” Harry rolls his eyes, dimples showing up on his cheeks while he fights a smile.
“-and that’s not even counting your solo career” I tease, letting him back me onto his bed. “Only Angel, She-” 
“You’re such an ass sometimes.” He shakes his head, as if in disbelief, but his smile only grows wider. 
“What?” I scoff feigning shock, “You love my ass.” He presses a kiss to my collarbone. 
“Yes, I do. Now shut up so I can love on you for the first time in eight months.” 
-     -     -  
Harry and I were the worst and best things to ever happen to each other. We met when we were too young. My career had just started, I had a singular album to my name and was lucky to open for any band that was on a tour. Harry was a couple years into One Direction by the time we met. 
It was on a red carpet, thankfully not my first, but my first time being on the carpet for an award show that I actually had a nomination for. This was huge for me. My album had done well, but never expected a recognition like this. 
I met Niall before I met Harry. I had bumped into him walking in and he complimented my music, even claiming one of his mates ‘couldn’t get enough of it’. When he said that I wasn’t expecting him to walk me over to meet the rest of the band. Harry had been the ‘mate’ Niall had been referring to. 
I lost that night, to Ariana Grande, who in my own opinion deserved it more than me. That night didn’t feel like a loss though, because I got Harry out of it. We quickly became friends, texting, calling, facetiming any time we got the opportunity. One Direction was touring on a constant cycle, and I had just finished mine. I was in the process of writing my sophomore album, Harry flew me out and I ended up staying for the rest of the tour. 
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that we started dating, the calls and giddy smiles were enough already to clue in everyone around us. I was able to get a glimpse at the world he lived in with his stardom, and soak in every second he wasn’t on stage. It didn’t take long for fans and the public to catch on. A few too many paparazzi pictures at each concert venue to avoid. 
Both of our managements allowed us to openly date, officially coming out to everyone with PDA and everything. It was amazing. I flew back home to Los Angeles to record my second album and before I could blink I was touring it. 
Things got hard for Harry and I at that point, we could never manage to be in the same city, or get time off to visit the other. My name was quickly becoming a household one, and One Direction had yet to ever even stall in popularity. 
It broke us both completely that after three happy years together, we had to call it quits. Neither of us were ready to give up our lives and it was no longer working to never see each other. We both needed to feel loved, and on opposite ends of the planet it wasn’t enough anymore. It was only a few months after our split that One Direction went on hiatus. 
Harry and I remained close. Some would say too close. It started with just being friendly whenever we saw each other at events or things with mutual events. It took one slip up that sent us back into each other’s arms. It was a New Year's party, we agreed to be with each other, because we didn’t have anyone else to kiss at midnight. 
Once you get a taste for someone you never stopped loving, it gets pretty hard to stop. So that’s how it all began. Harry and I decided to see each other, date, love, fuck, anytime we both happened to be in the same city. It didn’t happen as often as you would think. We both still had home across the world, and varying tour schedules. We both had on and off again partners, that then the deal would be off, but neither of our partners were ever in the picture for very long. For years it went on like this. It was heartbreak all over again though, once we knew that someone had to leave. 
-     -     -
“Well, that was fun! It’s been a while, Styles.” I let out a sigh to try and gain back my breath. We practically just ran a marathon. Maybe two. He does the same, a grin plastered to his face. 
“Too long.” He tilts his head to press a kiss to my bare shoulder. 
“Well I do believe a plane works two ways.” I turn on my side to face him, my head resting in my palm. 
“Mmm, I’ve been stuck in the studio. I’ve been working on new stuff.” 
“Ooh, a new album perhaps?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a whole process trying to get all my thoughts out and sorted.” He clears his throat. 
“So why not go to Jamaica like you did for your first? A new environment that you can just throw yourself into it.” I question. 
“I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like that for me. I did that because it was the first time I was doing music without One Direction. This time it’s a little more on me and how I feel.” 
We catch up for nearly an hour before we both feel gross from our previous activity and decide to take a shower. Together obviously. 
“Mum and Gem are coming over for brunch tomorrow.” He states. 
“Hmm?” I turn away from the shower head to face him again. 
“I think they’re going to be here close to 10:00.” 
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” He places a hand on my hip, trapping me between him and the cool tile on the walls. “Never.” 
“So what do you want?” I ask, tilting my head up to fully look at him. To read every expression that crosses his face as the water pours over both of us. 
“I want you to stay. Have brunch with us.” 
“Are you sure?” I ask, pressing a kiss to his peck. 
“Yeah, if you can.”
“My fitting isn’t until 2:00 so that should give me plenty of time.” I smile, “Are you sure they aren’t going to think it’s weird that I’m there?” 
“They won’t think it’s weird. They’ll both be thrilled to see you. I swear everytime I pick up the phone they’re asking me how you’re doing.” 
“That’s funny considering how often that Gemma texts me.” I smile. 
“So you’ll stay for brunch?” 
“Mhm.” I pull him down to my height for a kiss. 
-     -     - 
“Well if it isn’t the one that got away.” Anne teases as she pulls me in for a tight hug. 
“Fuck-” Harry sighs, letting out air as if he took an actual physical hit. 
“Hi, Anne.” I laugh. 
“You just get more and more beautiful every-time I see you.” She holds my face in her hands and she studies me closely. Over the years Anne and I have only grown to be more close, even though I am no longer dating her son she still treats me as family which I can’t help but love her for. 
“Let me give her a hug!” Gemma pushes her way in and pulls me in tight against her chest. 
“Gem!” I grin. 
Harry and Anne walk into the kitchen together with Gemma and I following, arm in arm. I remember this from years ago. The Styles family would like to make brunches together every couple of weeks when they could. 
Obviously if Harry was touring or over in the States they couldn’t, but when they could they make the most of it. Everything is made from scratch, together. Nothing is decided until everyone gets there that morning. 
“How do we feel about waffles?” Gemma asks. 
“And eggs.” Harry adds. 
“And bacon.” Anne adds. 
Everyone turns to me waiting for my request. 
“And fresh fruit.” I smile. 
We all get to work and quickly become a well oiled machine. Them it’s not too surprising due to them doing this over the years, but I have to say I am able to jump in with ease. 
I cut up various fruits arranging them as beautifully as I can. A vibrant display of colors on the platter. 
“Excuse me, love.” He presses a kiss to my temple, a steadying hand at my waist as he reaches for a knife from the island. 
I prepare everyone’s drinks around the table as well considering my task went the quickest. Shortly, everyone joins me and we dig in. Everything tastes immaculate. 
We dive into conversation, the table never getting quiet for a second. Something I love so much about this family. There’s always something to be said.
“Well, I actually should be going it’s one o clock now, and I still need to drive to the other side of town.” I pick up my plate from the table. We’ve all been done eating for a while now, but the conversation kept us at the table. 
“Where are you off to?” Anne asks. 
“She’s got a fitting with Gucci.” Harry grins. 
“Wipe that smug little grin off your face.” I smack his shoulder lightly. 
“Gucci?” Gemma grins even wider than Harry did. 
“I am going to be the new face to the brand.” I smile, feeling pink raise up on my cheeks.
“For the whole company?” Gemma cheers. 
I simply nod as I grab a few other plates off of the table as I go. 
“Can I come with you?” Gemma asks, the two Styles siblings following my into the kitchen. 
“Why didn’t you act like this when I modeled for Gucci?” Harry asks, his jealous side coming out.
“Harry, you got a cologne, but she’s getting the whole company!” She huffs, “Do you know what cool clothes she’s going to be trying one?”
“I’m not getting the company!” I roll my eyes, putting the dishes in the wash. 
“You didn’t answer the question.” Gemma smirks. 
“Yes, Gem.” I laugh, “As long as you can be out the door in five minutes.” 
Gemma leaves the kitchen and goes back to tell Anne, leaving Harry and I alone. 
“You’re coming back here after, right?” He asks, trapping me against the counter. 
“Yeah, of course. I’ll actually be in London for almost the entire campaign. You’re going to be sick of me soon.” I smirk. 
-    -    -
“I am OBSESSED with that yellow jacket you had on!” Gemma sighs dreamily as we enter Harry’s flat several hours later. “It’s to die for!”
“Well, I can see if I can get it for you after the shoot.”
We make our way to the living room where Harry is settled in on the couch with a book. 
“An angel.” She turns to her brother, “Did you know this one is an angel?” 
“You give me too much credit.” I laugh. 
“Thanks for the reminder, Gem.” Harry chuckles. 
“Okay, now I will get out of your hair. I’ve already stolen all afternoon with you. Hopefully see you soon!” She pulls me in for a hug, “Love you.” I let Harry walk her to the door to say their goodbyes. 
Harry comes back after a few minutes and pulls me down in a hug on the couch. He lets out a deep sigh into my neck, pulling my head in even closer. 
“You okay, babe?” I ask, taking note of his obvious mood. 
“Mmm, I was just thinking while you were out.”
“And what were you thinking?” I pull back so I can get a good look at his face. It’s always been an easy way to see how he’s feeling. 
“I was just thinking that we’re both in such a better place than we were all those years ago. I don’t tour every year anymore, and I’m signed with good management that actually lets me make my own decisions.”
“What are you saying?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and studying his face closely. 
“I’m saying that you only tour ever other year, at max. I do the same now. Why can’t we make this work for real again? We’re both more established now and have the right to chose when and where we do things. I know, we make time for each other when we’re in the same city, but there’s nothing saying we can’t be in the same city. I could live in Los Angeles full time. I could live with you. Or we could both go to New York. I don’t care, as long as we can be together.” 
“Harry, you’re sure about this? We haven’t truly been together in a long time. I love spending my time with you, truly, but I don’t want you to uproot your life just for me.” I clarify. He’s saying what I’ve wanted to hear for years, but I just want to make sure we’ve thought things through before I give either of us false hope. 
“It wouldn’t just be for you, it would be for us. I love you so much, I feel like I’m wasting time. It seems like a waste to know exactly who your soulmate is, and not do everything in your power to make it work.” 
“I love you, too.” I press a fast and passionate kiss to his lips, “Although, I do have one thing that I think we should change.”
“Anything.” He answers, his eyes all gooey and lovey making me break out in a grin. I couldn’t keep a straight face over how I’m feeling if it tried. 
“Let me move here.”
“What?” He asks shocked.
“You love London and being close to your family more than anything, I could never ask you to change that.” 
“And I love being close to them too. If today proves anything, you are my family.”
“Let me make the move” I grin. 
“Happily.” Harry’s dimples are on full display. 
“Hey, isn’t that another song you wrote about me?” I tease.
“Oh, shut up.” He rolls his eyes, pushing me back against the couch. 
plz give me some feedback! i thought this was so cute 
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Loose Lips Sink Ships (Soran X Swift!Reader)
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Request: The Next Instalment of the Swift!Reader Universe where everyone finds out that the reader is dating Emily and Lindsey. Basically, 5000 words of the reader getting caught in compromising positions, having deep conversations with her sister and teasing some too invasive fans. 
Other Parts of the Swift!Reader Universe
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Taylor considered herself a very perceptive person, especially when it came to you. From the time you were little, she could read you like a book. She knew to look for the tilt of your head when you were curious, or how you scratched the back of your neck when you were nervous.
But this, she had never seen before. Your thumbs twiddled on your thighs, patting out an erratic pattern that didn’t match any of your favorite songs, and your feet were tapping out a completely different beat. You also kept tucking your chin, completely refusing to make eye contact with her. 
It wasn’t just tonight either. It was for the entire week you had been staying with her in her Manhattan apartment. She didn’t know if she could take another three weeks of you sneaking off to the terrace to make phone calls at midnight. 
She sighed, turning away from the stove to lean over the island, taking a long drag from her wine glass and eyeing you carefully. 
“Alright, what’s going on with you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You blinked up at her with owlish eyes. 
“You’re acting weird,” she added with a shrug, turning to whatever she was making on the stove. 
You took a large gulp of your drink and swallowed hard. You didn’t think you had been that obvious, but then again Taylor knew you better than anyone (well, there were two people who probably knew you as well as she did). Soon enough they would be just as good at getting information out of you as Taylor was. 
“I’m just tired. Pre-season and national team duty are kinda kicking my ass,” You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, praying to god that she would take this excuse. 
She nodded, tapping the spatula on the side of the pot before turning back to you and picking up her glass again. “I’m sure the media pressure isn’t helping that,” 
You shrugged.“Everyone just expects me to be you, and it’s a lot sometimes,” You mumbled, absentmindedly circling your fingers over the rim of your glass. 
Taylor’s eyebrows furrowed. She could tell you weren’t telling her everything, but if this was the route you wanted to take, then she wouldn’t miss a chance to reaffirm you. 
“I know, and I’m sorry for that,” She said softly, reaching across the island to gently grab your hand. 
You finally looked up at your sister, echoing her sad smile, and noting the worried crinkle by her eyes. “It’s not really your fault,” 
She nodded. “I know, but all I can do is tell you how amazing you are as many times as I can,” 
You held her gaze for a few more seconds, her seriousness giving you no reason to doubt her sincerity. 
It didn’t matter what the media, or your family, said about your career. Taylor maintained that you were just as good, simply because you were you. She was your greatest champion and most trusted confidant. 
You nodded, and she squeezed your hand before turning back to the stove. She knew pushing you to talk about what was really bothering you wouldn’t help. You would come to her when you were ready. 
You watched her thoughtfully as she put the final touches on dinner, checking on a tray in the oven and stirring the things on the stove. 
You were comforted by the familiarity of it, but the little voice in the back of your head reminded you that you also enjoyed this position when it was a different blond cooking for you (and the way Lindsey teased her while she cooked). 
The three of you had been together for nearly eight months, and recently you had all decided that maybe it was time to stop hiding. The first step was telling Taylor, but you weren’t really sure how. 
Your heart thumped in your chest at the thought of your two favorite women. Your girlfriends, you reminded yourself. They made you feel so many amazing, and terrifying things you had never felt before. Taylor always sang about those emotions, and you wondered if this was what she was talking about. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked softly, and Taylor paused her stirring on the stove. That was always the cue you used when you wanted to have a serious conversation. When you were nervous about whatever the answer would be. The last time you had asked that you wanted to know if she would be upset if you skipped college in favor of going pro.
Her opinion mattered to you more than anyone else’s. 
“You know you always can,” She said, avoiding looking over her shoulder (towards where she knew you were worrying your lip between your teeth). 
“How did you know you were in love?”  
Taylor paused, a pan halfway out of the oven, at the completely unexpected question. She should have seen this coming, she had seen the way those two looked at you. 
She cleared her throat, straightening and setting the hot pan on some oven mitts on the counter, before turning her full attention to you. She took in how you seemed so hunched in on yourself, your eyes still glued to your glass. 
“Well, She made me feel warm and bubbly like there was a hot spring in my chest. When anything happened, she was the first person I wanted to tell,” 
You blinked up at her, your eyebrows furrowing. “Like you were addicted to her? Like when she smiled, it finally felt like you could breathe?” You rushed out and Taylor let you, giving you to work through your emotions, before she pulled you into a tight hug.
You had a very bad habit of bottling everything up and pretending that you were fine (something she was sure her career choice - and your mother- didn’t necessarily help). 
“Did you feel scared of how much she made you feel?” You leaned into her touch, sighing when she ran her fingers through your hair. 
“In the beginning it did, but then it was freeing when I realized that she would be there to catch me,” Taylor said, kissing the crown of your head. 
You closed your eyes. You didn’t doubt that they would catch you, but the feeling of falling was terrifying. You were in deep and keeping it from your sister was difficult. 
“Dinner looks amazing and I’m starving,” You mumbled, and you felt Taylor sigh. She had gotten a little out of you, but definitely not enough to curve her curiosity. All in good time. 
“Let’s eat,” she said, kissing your hair and standing to make you two plates. She still had 2 weeks to get the rest of the story out of you.
You were in absolute heaven. Trapped in between the two warm bodies of your girlfriends, one set of lips moving with your own and another trailing kisses lightly down your neck.
Emily and Lindsey had spent one of their free days (between Adidas and other sponsor commitments) hanging out with you, and you couldn’t be happier. You spent the day exploring the city and checking off a massive list of stereotypical couple things the city had to offer. It had ended in a very romantic dinner at a little pub on the lower east side, and now some amazing kisses in your room at your sister’s apartment. 
Lindsey’s hands slipped under the front of your shirt, her nail scratching lightly up your tummy and ribs as she pressed herself further into your back. You sighed into Emily’s mouth, tilting your head to both give her a better angle on your mouth and give Lindsey more room in your neck. 
“Hm, we’ve gotta stop. Tay will be back soon,” You mumbled when Emily pulled back and turned you so Lindsey got her turn too. 
You felt Emily sit up behind you to get a good look at the clock. “You said we had till 12, it’s only 11:15,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, even as she kissed your ear and made her way down to the patch of skin on your neck she knew drove you wild. 
You bit your lip. It was one thing to ask your sister for relationship advice, and a complete other for her to walk in on it. 
Lindsey gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you wanna stop?”
Emily paused as they both waited for your answer. It was sweet and comforting how they always made sure you felt safe and that you were enthusiastically consenting to whatever you were doing. 
You shook your head and pouted. “No,” 
Lindsey sent you a very indulgent smile, her thumb gently rubbing over your cheeks. “Then less talking, more kissing,” 
You giggled into the kiss, a shiver running down your spine when Emily continued her ministrations in your neck. 
You hummed into the kiss, very much enjoying how their bodies felt pressed into yours. God, it was like you just couldn’t get enough. It was so easy to lose track of time with them. It wasn’t until a loud slam of the door and your sister calling “Y/n, you here?” That you finally pulled away from the women. 
“Shit! You two have to hide,” You squeaked, practically leaping from the bed. You threw Emily’s pants and Lindsey’s shirt towards the women on the bed, who were moving way too slow for your liking. 
“Where?” Emily asked, tripping as she tried to hastily shove her legs inside her pants, while simultaneously glancing around your room in search of a suitable hiding space. 
“I don’t know! Figure it out,” You said over your shoulder, taking a deep breath to hide your panic before you exited the room. 
You carefully closed the door behind you, she would have zero chance of getting any information out of you). 
“Hey kid, how was your day?” Taylor asked from the couch, looking over her wine glass at you. She opened her arms, and you immediately went to burrow into her.
“The best. I went out exploring,” Your entire face brightened (Taylor wondered if it was because you got to experience the city, or from the person, she was sure you experienced it with - ie the person(s?) who had left the hickey’s all down your neck). 
“Where’d you get that shirt?” She asked after a few minutes, pinching the grey sweatshirt (which conveniently had a number 9 and the USWNT logo on it). 
You blinked down at your outfit, your eyes widening, at your outfit, a pair of Emily’s Thorns shorts and Lindsey’s sweater.
“Oh, Umm,” you stuttered, racing to come up with a response when a bang echoed from your room. 
Taylor’s head snapped in the direction of the sound “What was that?”
“Nothing Tay,” You winced at another loud thump followed by several giggles. 
She raised an eyebrow at you and stood to go investigate for herself. She didn’t mind you bringing a significant other home (especially if they made you this happy) but she didn’t want them hiding from her. 
“Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to go find them for myself?” 
You crossed your arms like a petulant child and pouted. “I also spent the day with Emily and Lindsey,” 
“And?” Taylor asked, slightly confused. She liked the women and she thought you knew she would approve. Hell, she had practically given them the shovel talk already.
You sighed, hunching your shoulders. “They’re hiding in my closet because we were making out when you came home,” 
Taylor giggled at how absolutely pitiful you sounded. She patted your shoulder “Well, I think the closet is a terrible place to hide. How about you get them out here,” 
You nodded and stood to go retrieve the girls, slightly afraid of what Taylor was going to say to them. 
“And y/n,” she said just as you got to your door. 
You paused and turned towards her “Yeah?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m happy that you’re so happy to be dating them,” 
You smiled so wide that your cheeks started to hurt. It felt like a weight was lifted off your chest. No matter what happened going forward, Taylor supported you (even if you were sure she was about to give them one hell of a shovel talk and set up some serious boundaries). 
You nodded and entered your room. Perhaps it was about time that you all came out of the closet. 
You weren’t quite sure how you always got yourself into these situations. Maybe it was that you, Em, and Linds barely got to see each other outside of camp during the season, or maybe it was because the three of you were so sickeningly in love that you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. 
Whatever it was, you, Emily, and Lindsey couldn’t seem to keep your hands to yourself (especially after you came out to your sister). 
Even now, with the no girlfriends rule at camp, you found yourself pinned to the elevator wall by Lindsey’s hips, thoroughly enjoying the way Emily’s tongue was exploring your mouth (shivering slightly when Lindsey hit the sensitive spots on her neck) (with no idea how they thought this position was comfortable for them). 
You were so engrossed in your kissing that you didn’t hear the ding of the elevator, or the doors beginning to slide open. 
“Holy shit guys, at least let the girl breathe,” Kelley’s cackling caused all three of you to jump, and Lindsey to inadvertently knock heads with you. 
“Fuck,” Emily hissed, working her way out from between Lindsey’s arms and your chest. 
“Ow,” You mumbled, rubbing your forehead l, as Lindsey used a thumb to lift your chin so she could look at it. “You alright babe,” She asked softly. 
Kelley laughed louder at the mess that was the three of you trying to untangle yourselves from each other, ignoring Alex’s glare (teasing someone while their cheeks were as red as yours were wasn’t something she felt comfortable with). 
“Shut up Kelley,” Emily grumbled, pulling you off the wall so she could hug you from behind. You leaned back into the woman, taking whatever comfort you could. The three of you knew it was time to tell the team, but you hadn’t expected it to happen like this. 
“How long has this been going on?” Alex asked softly after a few minutes. There was no way the three of you could be so comfortable around each other if this was a new thing. 
“Almost a year,” You said, shyly looking up at Lindsey, who placed a very sweet kiss on your cheek while Emily placed the same on your other. 
“Does Taylor know?” Alex asked at the same time Kelley said “I’m gonna need an exact date,”. 
Alex slapped the back of Kelley’s head. “Not the time Kel,”
“Yeah, Taylor knows and is super cool with it,” Lindsey said softly, squeezing your hand. 
Alex tilted her head, looking to you for confirmation. You nodded. 
“Good, because I didn’t want to have to try and keep it from her,” The forward smirked, and you felt more heat in your cheeks. You all promised you would never mention that incident again. 
“She was terrifying last time we saw her mad,” Kelley grumble, rubbing the back of her head. 
“That was because you let Y/n surf in giant waves on her first time out,” Emily snorted, nuzzling her nose into the space behind your ear. Alex smiled softly at the sight of you so relaxed. 
“Are you three going to tell the team?” She asked. 
“You might have to if you are going to continue playing tonsil tennis in the hallways,” Kelley added, only for Alex to slap the back of her head again. 
“We hadn’t really talked about it yet…” You mumbled. Both of your girlfriends squeezed you (Lindsey getting your gains, while Emily tightened the arms she had wrapped around your middle). 
“Well, could you wait like 3 days? I have 20 bucks on you three taking until the middle of camp to come out,” Kelley asked, scratching the back of her neck. You rolled your eyes. Of course, they would have bets on you, but you weren’t about to bend over backward for it. 
“You knew?” Emily screeched. Kelley cackled nodding wildly. 
“You’re not exactly subtle,” Alex laughed. Anyone with eyes could see that you were head over heels for the women and that they were falling just as hard as you were. 
The internet fucking sucked. You knew that and found it relatively easy to ignore the mass chatter of the online world, but then again you had never been a part of such a disgusting report by some shady internet reporter. 
All you had done was gone to lunch with Shawn Mendes, and someone had snapped a picture. The two of you had become good friends after spending so much time together on the 1989 tour. Now some random reporter was commenting on how you had confirmed your new relationship. It wouldn’t have mattered if you were anyone else, but Taylor’s fandom had blown up the small town reporter’s article. 
Now they wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone. 
“We’re not going to respond to it,” You huffed, crossing your arms adamantly in front of your chest, effectively pushing your plate of pancakes away. You squinted at the vets sitting across from you, completely baffled why they thought you would take any other route. 
Lindsey’s arm around your shoulder righted, while Emily leaned in, almost conspiratorially. “Of course not, but wouldn’t it be fun to send the fans on a little goose chase anyway?” 
Your ears perked at that. Taylor’s fans were always so fun to mess with. They made it so easy, particularly because your sister had trained them to always look for clues (that most of the time exist). 
“And we have been talking about wanting to come out,” Lindsey added softly. 
Your expression soured. You didn’t want to do this as a reaction. You wanted it to happen naturally. 
“I don’t wanna do that in response to some asshole who doesn’t understand boundaries,” You pouted. 
“But what if we did it our way?” Lindsey and Emily both asked at the same time. It was scary how in sync they were most of the time. 
“Like get the team involved, tease the fans. At least show them that you don’t play for Mr. Mendes’ team,” Emily shrugged, trying to act like she didn’t care, but you knew she did. 
You couldn’t help but smirk. You did love to mess with the fans. 
“If you do wanna mess with the fans, I have the perfect picture” Tobin chimed in, giving you that little push you needed. 
Emily raised her eyebrows at the woman, ignoring the glares the rest of the vets were sending her way. “Didn’t see you as a prankster Toby,” 
“It’s artsier than anything else…” Tobin grumbled, flipping her phone to show you the photo she was talking about. 
It was of you, Emily and Lindsey during a morning hike the team had taken. You were laughing, while both of their heads were tucked into your neck. You were the only one clearly identifiable, but it was clear you were smitten with whoever you were with. 
“Ooo, I like that one,” You said, suddenly feeling excited. It was bound to send the fans into a frenzy because you couldn’t see who was making you smile so wide. 
Tobin nodded and began typing out the post, before flipping it for you to read and ok. You giggled at the tag line “only those two knuckleheads could get you to smile this wide before your morning coffee”. 
“Good?” Tobin asked, and you nodded enthusiastically. It was perfect, and coming out this way- with the help of your team- felt amazing. 
“I have one too. You guys are too photogenic,” Christen said, pulling up her phone and begging to scroll through her photos (much like the rest of the team began to do). Were you guys really that obvious? No wonder they had bets going. 
Your teammates were having way too much fun. You shouldn’t have been surprised considering how private the women normally were, it must have been nice to get some time sending the fans on a wild goose chase. You were also surprised at how many photos your teammates had taken of you and your girlfriends. And just how many of those photos were perfect for the little game you were playing with the fans. 
You could identify yourself on all of them, but Emily and Lindsey weren’t clear at all. But it was plain to see that you were very in love with whoever was sitting next to you. 
“Did you see Alex’s picture? It's amazing!” You said, wiggling excitedly between your girlfriends. The three of you had taken a break from the team and decided to cuddle while you watched the fans go insane. (It was honestly one of your favorite places to be). 
“Pshhh, no Pinos is totally the best,” Emily snorted. 
You pouted. She nudged your side and placed a very sweet kiss on your pouty lips. 
Alex’s photo of Emily and Lindsey throwing you into the ocean was totally better than the one of you shoving and chasing your girlfriends with birthday cake-covered hands. 
“No, Kelley’s is totally the top picture in the bunch,” Lindsey smirked, nudging your chin with her nose from your other side. 
You blinked up at her and looked at the photo of one of your favorite goal celebrations. You had literally leaped into Emily and Lindsey’s arms, but you were at least 3 feet higher than Lindsey’s head in that picture. 
You bit your lip. It was a very good picture, one of your favorites actually, but there was one that topped them all for you. “They’re all pretty good, but I think I’ve got the best one,” You said softly, pulling out your phone. 
It didn’t take you long to find the picture in question (it also happened to be your lock screen). You were smiling brightly at the camera, the reputation tour stage (lit for the song Dress) clearly behind you, trapped between Emily and Lindsey kissing each of your cheeks. Your girlfriends looked over your shoulders to catch a glimpse of your phone. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Lindsey asked softly. There was no hiding or pretending in that photo. It was open and honest (and a great picture of a fantastic night). 
“Yeah, it’s like speak now or forever hold your peace,” Emily added, and you could practically hear her eyebrow raising. 
“No, but I don’t wanna hide you two,” You shrugged. It was the balance you sister had worked her entire career to achieve. Hiding away meant that there was no commentary about your relationship from people you had never met (loose lips sank ships after all), but it also meant avoiding the little things that you longed to do in public. 
You weren’t sure if you would ever be ready to face the media, but your desire to be with your girlfriends the way you wanted was just so powerful. 
“You know we’ll wait as long as you need us to,” Lindsey said, using her thumb to tilt your chin and look you in the eyes. 
you nodded, your eyes never leaving her concerned blue ones. “I know but, like-. I wanna be able to hold your hand or kiss you and not have to worry who's watching. I want to be able to take you on dates, and not care about if a camera can see us cuddling. I want to be able to post about how great you looked in a game, or for your birthday. I don’t want to hide,” 
During your rant, Emily had wrapped herself around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder and rubbing her hands flat on your belly (which never failed to calm you down). 
“We know darling, but once this is done, it can’t be undone,” She said softly. 
You threaded your fingers through hers, glancing down to avoid Lindsey’s appraising stare (you never could get anything past them). “I didn’t think you were a Shakespeare fan,” You mumbled. 
“I’m full of surprises,” Emily said, kissing her favorite spot just behind your ear. Lindsey cracked a smile too “we both are”. 
“I know,” You nodded suddenly serious, as you carefully extracted yourself from your girlfriends and began to type up the Instagram post. 
You passed them the phone when you were done, idly twiddling your fingers now that you didn’t have anything in your hands. “I’m gonna do it if you two are alright with it,” 
“We’re fine with whatever you choose, we love you and just want you to be comfortable,” Lindsey and Emily both said, rubbing your back and arm respectively in a comforting motion. 
“I know, and I love you too. Let’s do it,” you said clicking the button and closing your phone. You didn’t need to watch the comments roll in.
It wouldn’t be until the next morning that you would see your sister had also decided to chime in. And you couldn’t keep the smile off your face at her simple caption- love my sister and her girlies. For sure the best squad ever. 
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starlessea · 3 years
Sea Witch (Daryl Dixon/Reader)
Era: S4 
Summary: You sing just like a siren, and it makes Daryl realise why some sailors chose to drown.
Words: 1521
Warnings: Language.
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Daryl was bewitched. He'd tip-toed his way out of the cellblock like a ghost haunting the hallways - careful not to wake anyone. He'd always had trouble sleeping, and found himself sneaking out for a midnight cigarette more often than not. Though, he'd run out of them the week before last, and had only recently managed to find a soggy packet on yesterday's supply run. He'd been waiting for this, and his fingertips traced over the carton in his pocket - feeling antsy to breathe in that first breath of smoke.
Except, he had forgotten all about them when he made his way outside. It was dark, and usually Daryl would find a secluded spot in the courtyard to flick his lighter like it was a sparkler in the night, and let the ends of his cigarettes burn his fingers just so that he could remember the feeling. But tonight was different. 
He thought it must be the witching hour, because the world didn't quite feel like it had when he’d left it. The moon was out, and it cast a hazed glow over the fields, and made Daryl's hands look a lot paler than they were. Yet, the sky was clear enough that he could see the countless stars hanging in it - like peering sets of eyes staring down at him. Daryl wasn't the type of man to spook easily, but something about this night set him on edge.
Then, he heard it. He wasn't entirely sure from where, but he could definitely hear it nonetheless. The man took a few tentative steps, whipping his head around to try and find the source of the noise. He couldn't, but he kept searching in the dark, as if some strange magnetism wouldn't let him leave. Daryl was bewitched - but by what exactly, he did not know.
You stood in the watchtower, overlooking the rolling fields and the forest that concealed any world that may exist beyond the prison. It was like you all lived on an island, lost out at sea. You wished that were the case - and that whoever dared to try and come for you would drown in their manmade boats and leave you all in peace.
Everything had been calm since you'd taken down Woodberry, but you couldn't help but feel it was the calm before the storm. So, you watched. You peered into the dark like you expected to see something there, and counted down the minutes until you could switch your shift and rest your eyes for good. 
On nights like this, you felt an unease creep into your bones. You had no explanation for it, except the fact that everything felt too quiet. You didn't like that very much, so you decided to change it. Humming softly to yourself at first, you let your voice get gradually louder, as it got carried off by the wind like a ship to the current. 
"My heart is pierced by cupid-" you sang, the words coming out sweet and thick.
"I distain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me-"
The breeze had died down, so that your voice rang clearer in the stagnant air, seeming to carry all away to that forest and beyond.
"But my jolly sailor bold." 
Daryl thought he'd gone mad. He paced around the courtyard like a fish bobbing around a lure - except, he couldn't see the lure dangling right in front of him. His cigarette remained unlit between his lips, and was mostly unsmokable from how much he'd chewed it between his teeth. The song was unlike anything he'd ever heard before, and he couldn't let himself return to his cell until he found out who sang it. It was strange; he felt more trapped here, outside, than he had done within the prison.
The moonlight allowed him a good enough view of the area, but he could see no other figures aside from his own shadow. He wondered if he was stuck in the midst of a dangerous game - but he felt himself too far gone to turn back now. The man spat the cigarette out from his mouth and stomped over it with his boot, grumbling under his breath about how much of a waste it was.
He turned on his heels, ready to call it a night - albeit a disappointing one. Then, he heard it again, and Daryl Dixon was no quitter.
"His hair it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal-" you continued, staring out into the abyss like you expected to see a ship break through the misty fog and drop anchor at your gates.
"My happiness attend him wherever he may go."
Then, you saw him. A figure stood below the watchtower, looking up at you like they'd just stumbled upon the new world. You let your words trail off and squinted, trying to get a look at whoever it was.
Daryl stood triumphantly at the base of the tower, having found the source of the siren song. He hadn't expected it to be you - but that was probably intentional. Daryl batted all thoughts of you away like they were oncoming attacks, not letting him alone for more than a minute. He really did feel bewitched by you, by your unassuming smile, or the way you laughed at other people's jokes that weren't his - and how he wished he'd been the one to tell them. He hadn't thought you'd been the one singing, but that was only because he tried to think of everyone else it could be, first.
"Who ya tryna lure in?" Daryl called up at you, and you flinched.
You hadn't expected for the shadow in the dark to be him, but you couldn't say that you minded, either.
"Jesus, Daryl!" You yelled back, resting your hand over your heart. "You scared me."
It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't entirely the truth. You'd seen him before he'd even called out. The only thing that had scared you was realising it was Daryl. The man left you utterly speechless on a good day, and you wondered whether tonight was a good night.
"Nah, ya scared me." He grumbled in response, keeping his voice loud so you could still hear it.
You couldn't make out any of his features from where he stood, but the moonlight illuminated enough that you could see him looking straight up at you - like you were the beacon atop of a lighthouse.
"Thought my time was comin' to an end." He remarked, and you stifled a laugh. "Jus' wanted a cigarette an' I got the sea witch over here singin' some creepy shit."
You felt your cheeks burn, suddenly feeling too tongue-tied for someone who'd spent the night pouring over all the lyrics and melodies you could remember. It was like you'd used up all your words on your songs - leaving you silent for longer than you'd like.
"It's not creepy!" You argued, after a few seconds, but the man already knew.
Daryl wasn't sure why he'd said that, and suddenly wished he could take it back. He glanced up at you, leaning on the railing of the tower as your hair draped over the edge of it. To him, you almost seemed like an apparition - standing there against the ghostly moon like you were made to exist for this night.
"Ya got a pretty voice." He mumbled, wanting you to know what he’d really meant to say.
You bent further over the guard, trying to hear what the man had muttered into the night. 
"What?" You shouted, calling out to him. "I can't hear you from down there."
He remained silent, or maybe you'd just missed what he'd said again. He felt so far away from you, and you wished he'd just come closer.
"Are you going to come up?" You prompted, but felt your heart sink as he quickly shook his head.
"Nah." He replied. "Don' fancy drownin' tonight." 
You raised an eyebrow, not having the slightest clue what he meant. The man didn't give you much time to mope, however, as he called back up to you before he left.
"Maybe tomorrow." He said, and you watched the angel wings of his jacket catch the light as he turned around.
"Okay." You smiled to yourself. "See you around, Sailor!"
And so, Daryl returned back to the cellblock for the night, thumbing over the near-full packet of cigarettes in his pocket. The prison was as quiet as it was when he'd left, and he wasn't sure if any time had even passed since he’d been gone. The man slumped back onto his mattress and felt himself drift off to sleep like a boat adrift over waves, feeling more tired than he’d done in a long time.
Daryl fell asleep to dreams of peering, starlit eyes and a sea witch who stood among them, and you continued to sing until another figure was lured to your watchtower - this time, to take over your shift.
A/N I was listening to this cover of Jolly Sailor Bold whilst writing this. It’s honestly so enchanting-
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
E07 - ❛ Book VII: Revelation ❜ // 45 starters. CW: cussing, death, religion (general, bigotry, trauma). Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! [PARTS: 1 - 2 - 3]
“We’ve got to get out of here.”
“Where are we gonna go?”
“This isn’t the way. This is never the way.”
“Maybe it buys us a few more minutes alive. And it might come down to just a few more minutes. Maybe seconds.”
“Never made much sense to me. We all say there’s a heaven. And it’s waiting for us. Then we claw, fight, beg for a few more minutes at the end.”
“It isn’t about us anymore.”
“Dying for people we haven’t even met. No greater love than that.”
“What’s that for, _____? Please, don’t tell me that’s for us. We’re past all of that now.”
“_____, I want you to listen to me. Because your whole life, I think you’ve needed to hear this. You aren’t a good person.”
“Well… That was uncalled for.”
“God doesn’t love you more than anyone else. You aren’t a hero. And you certainly, certainly aren’t a victim.”
“I wouldn’t lecture, _____. Not until you pull the plank from your own eye, as it were.”
“Why does that upset you so much? Just the idea that God loves everyone just as much as you.”
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be alright, _____. Look at me. You’ll be up and about in no time.”
“Every moment of every hour of every day, a deluge of death, so loud, how could He hear my whispered prayers over that thundering roar of deaths?”
“I didn’t want you to die.”
“It never felt like a sin, that was the thing.”
“I would go with you anywhere in the world.”
“I was never going to do that, _____.”
“We made our choices. We lived our lives.”
“Can you think of a miracle more amazing than that? I mean, curing… Cure blindness, sure. Or part the seas, alright. But a second chance? That’s a real miracle.”
“Let it burn. Let all of it burn.”
“Is that what I’ll become, just an animal who can’t resist?”
“Whatever this is, it don’t change who you are.”
“Why would they do that? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Who will decide who is chosen? And what will happen to the rest?”
“I was wrong. We were wrong. We are wrong. And this needs to stop.”
“They need leadership. Look at them. They’re lost without a leader, without a shepherd. That must be you, _____. It has to be you. It has always been you.”
“I suppose virtue isn’t a virtue if it doesn’t cost you anything.”
“You were always gonna be the last, the hardest, test of my faith. You.”
“They’re all gone, aren’t they?”
“Look at the state of you. Must have had a hell of a time with it, you poor man.”
“I don’t know what’s happening. What’s happening?”
“It’s the end, _____. The end of all things.”
“This is monstrous.”
“All have to be welcome or this isn’t really God’s house!”
“There’s this verse in the Bible, just kind of stuck with me. “He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good.””
“Myself. My self. That’s the problem. That’s the whole problem with the whole thing. That word, ‘self.’”
“How did I forget that? When did I forget that?”
“I thought I’d despair or feel afraid, but I don’t feel any of that. None of it.”
“I remember I am energy. Not memory. Not self. My name, my personality, my choices, all came after me.”
“Life is a dream. It’s a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity.”
“I am everything. I am all.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
“Forgive me.”
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syndxlla · 3 years
Part Fourteen of the More to Love Series
Summary: The wedding is in a week, and you’re suddenly very aware of how little time you have left to figure out what to do. You decide to take matters into your own hands, and formulate a plan. Din invites you to a night of experience, and you admit a simple truth to him.
Word Count: 11.8k words, NO USE OF ‘y/n’
Warnings: SMUT (PiV, a little degradation, praise, creampie, cockwarming, dirty talk), use of alcohol, drunkness, mentions of scars, sexual harassment
Author’s note: HELLOOOO! this is a fun chapter, and i just wanna let y’all know that we are in the endgame now 😭. don’t worry, i still have so many plans for both the princess and din and just the whole world that MTL is set in. thank you for all the support on this story! it never ends and i will forever be thankful for your love!
Part thirteen
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You were a fool for thinking the castle would start to settle down after the ball passed. Alternatively, the planning did not lessen, but instead shifted from masquerade prep to wedding prep. The decorations were taken out, and new samples were brought in. It was made very clear to you that this was really Korkie’s wedding and not your own, because every decision and plan that was made was done without your input.
It had been a few days since Din told you everything, and he truly told you everything. You had plenty of time to reflect on it, and process everything. You worked so hard to gain perspective on it, to try and give your future family the benefit of the doubt, and to understand the full situation. However, you ultimately sided with Din, your heart aching for the situation he was placed in. It had been apparent that he would not have told you any of that if he did not hold immense trust in his heart for you, and the word Ka’rta over grew into your thoughts for all these days. The both of you had agreed to tone things down, deciding it would be a fair middle ground. Less nightly endeavors would keep you two apart, and therefore less suspicious, but it especially made the reunions of passion more sweet.
Your mother was long gone, she left three days ago, and finally you felt that you had the palace to yourself again without Hugo and various other guests breathing down your neck. Your time as Corellian Princess was in it’s endgame now as your imminent marriage to Korkie was just on the horizon, and you still had no idea how to escape from it. Most of your days, you spent making up excuses for missing afternoon tea, and trying extra bites of potential wedding cake flavors in the kitchen. Regardless of what you did, however, Din was always there with you, three paces behind. You were also given the opportunity to dismiss him more often now. The eager infatuation with him has slowly become a steady understanding of feelings, and the two of you were able to fall into a groove without the anxiety of wondering how the other felt, and how long it would be until you reunited. Tradition and duty had lightened up as well, and there were less eyes on how Din was treating you, which gave you the liberty to give him back an ounce of his life.
This was one of the best things to ever happen to Din. You would retire to your room early every night, hoping no one would wonder if you were ill, and because you were away from the eye of Kryze, you could allow Din to leave the castle early. At seven, sometimes even six, he would go home to his son. It made everyone happy, and that is why it was important to happen. This was much preferred over a midnight dismissal. You also noticed a change in Din’s presence after this change was made. He was springier, chuckling more, even sitting down when the two of you were alone. He had finally relaxed around you, and you accredit to the pure fact that he was finally getting more rest.
Those were your favorite parts of the day: when you and Din would find a quiet corner in the library, or maybe an empty sitting room, and he would just tell you about the world. He had been everywhere, you were convinced. He went into detail of cities in Coruscant, explaining how they have extravagant silk markets and countless taverns with exotic drinks. He described the heat of the desert, and how he once had to search for a merchant’s missing camel in return for clean water, a story that led to one of the scars on his back and a very rational fear of the desert at night. His favorite place to tell you about, however, was his home. The Nevarro Frontier clearly had a special place in his heart, and he spoke fondly of it’s tall mountains and tight-knit communities.
“Nothing like the Mandalore you know.” He would sigh. A kingdom that may have been fantastic on the outside, but was riddled with war and political division and heartache on the inside. “Maybe I can take you there someday.”
It was those words that sparked your imagination, and the plan began to formulate.
The real dilemma you had been in all this time was trying to figure out how to live happily with a man you truly loved, but also protect your kingdom, home and family. It was a delicate situation, one with many sighs and frustrated nights. However, after Din explained his battle with Bo to you, it’s resolution was slowly becoming more clear. There had to be a way you could win in this story. You would not give hope on that truth.
When Din mentioned taking you to his home, you realized that there was very little keeping you from up and leaving Mandalore in the night. It would be a scandal, it would probably cause an all-out war, but it was worth a try, or at least a dream.
Now, when you had afternoon conversations with Din in the library, you were studying maps of the world. You familiarize yourself with the terrain of Mandalore, how long it might take to get to the Sundari Front, and drawing out escape routes on the backs. Din assumed you had thrown yourself into cartography so you could grasp his stories and adventures fully, which wasn’t altogether false, but it went deeper than that. You tried to keep it under control, but you were slowly becoming more and more consumed by your studies: a recurring issue in your life.
Din hadn’t realized you were becoming obsessed with the geography of the world until about a week after the ball, when you fell asleep by candlelight at a table in the library, your face smushed into the parchment of a map depicting some old blueprints that he had paid no attention to, and your hair falling over your eyes. It was almost dawn, and he had come back from his time with his son already, distressed to see no one had the courtesy to wake you up and take you to your room. He didn’t really expect much else from Mandalore, however.
Din blows out the candle, and gently picks you up, being extra careful not to wake you, and carries you bridal-style out of the library and to your suite. It was these moments that Din looked forward to the most. When he did not have to put on a face, when he did not have a million rules to follow. When your sleepy head rests into his chest, and he can look upon your face with his own eyes, no helmet to obstruct it.
As Din looked upon your resting face, there was much he realized. He first noticed that scar on your body that he hadn’t seen before, and swiped his thumb over it. He also studied the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, how you were perfectly still, and yet completely full of life and beauty and pure goodness as you slept. Din deeply admired how much you cared, how much you cared about everything. The wellbeing of the staff, the customs of Mandalore, him. You threw yourself into your passions, and you had a deep love for the hobbies and aspects of your life that no one else he knew possessed. You were a dedicated person, and he found both attraction and respect ino that.
Din also realized a fundamental truth at the very moment the sky began to lighten up, your cracked balcony doors letting the curtains blow into the suite dreamily. Din felt at peace. It had been so long since he felt peaceful. Too long. He felt the same type of peace here with you that he would normally feel sleeping under the stars with his son nestled to his side. Or the same feeling of peace that he felt when he held his son for the first time. It was a rare feeling, and it was pure. It was so rare that it was only saved for the people most important to him in his life.
You woke up a few hours later, changed out of the pale yellow gown you fell asleep in. Din had not only put you in your nightgown, but had taken the time to pull your hair so it was out of your face. He was more thoughtful than you could have ever imagined. The Knight sits with his back against your door, helmet tilted up at the ceiling, and you wonder if he slept, and why he was not in bed with you. You had invited him several times, and wished he would fulfill the request.
As soon as you sit up in bed, his head lifts, and he stands at attention.
You yawn before speaking, “Were you resting?” You ask, stretching your arms over your head. He shakes his head in response. “What were you doing?” You ask, your arms coming down to rest on your mattress.
He shrugs, “The birds at first, but then it was footsteps. I didn’t want to get caught waiting for you to wake up.” He sighs.
“Well… I wish you would have listened in bed with me.” You glance over at the empty spot next to you. He doesn’t respond, and you are reminded that in many ways, he is still the silent knight you first met from three weeks ago. Din walks over to you, and you smile as he does.
“Did I wake you last night?” He asks, and you were honestly confused about what he was asking. He sensed the confusion, he was always so good at reading you, “When I carried you from the library here?”
“What?” And then you remembered, your eyes blowing wide. “Shit!” You jump out of bed. “What time is it?”
“Is the rest of the staff awake?” You let your hair down, and slide on the pink satin slippers on the floor of your bed.
“Did you bring the map I was studying?” You look up at his emotionless helmet.
“…No?” To be truthful, he didn’t even take the time to glance at the map you studied, he was far too distracted by you.
“Fuck.” You muttered. Din liked it when you swore.
You thought of nothing, and hurried to the door of your suite, swinging it open and marching down the corridor. Din follows you in confusion, trying to catch up to you and bring you back to your room. You’re weary, and just woke up, so you pay no attention to Soniee who passes you in the hallway with your tea, looking at you in confusion, or the maids who were trying to sweep the floor that you scurried over. Din tried to halt you, but was never one to speak unless spoken to, especially not in public and in the presence of others, and felt unable to stop you and ask what was going on. Everyone turned heads to see the future consort in a panic, and were left with questions. Most of them shrugged and ignored it, a few began the rumors.
You practically ran down the stairs, feeling a little out of breath when you finally made it to the doors of the library. The fact that they were closed was still a good sign, and you swing the heavy door open, entering the library with haste. Your heart drops when you see the last person you wanted to this morning: Prince Korkie.
He turns to see the commotion, his eyes are shocked to not only see you out and about this early in the day, but also in your nightgown. He sputters on a ‘Good Morning’, and you don’t even hear it because you’re too panicked to see that he has the map you were reading last night in his hands. You swear in your mind, and your heart falls out of your feet. Din comes hurrying behind you.
“Princess? What is the meaning of this?” He asks, an eyebrow raised, trying to sound chipper as he greeted his fiance. You swallow thickly. Din bows for the prince, and then bends down to whisper in your ear so Korkie can’t hear it.
“Highness, please come back to your room.”
“What? Why?” You say a little too loudly, and before he can reply, the door is opening again with General Vizsla and a group of knights entering.
“Y-your gown.” Din whispers, and you look down to see that it is very sheer, far too sheer to be in the presence of your fiance… and half of the Mandalorian government. You want to shrink from the embarrassment, and notice that Korkie’s eyes are fixed on your chest. What a creep. You fold your arms over your breasts.
“What map do you have there, Prince Korkie?” You ask, trying not to make it seem too obvious that you were clearly in distress, but shaken up by your exposure and the perverted ness of the prince before you. Din wondered what in the world could be so important about that specific map. He stands behind you to cover your back side.
“What is this commotion?” Vizsla asks, interrupting your conversation.
“Nothing, General.” Korkie clears his throat. He turns to you, “Vizsla and I were just about to discuss the plans we have for… the southern border of Corellia.” Korkie awkwardly smiles. You raise an eyebrow.
“Plans?” You ask.
“Yes, you will hear in time.” Vizsla’s obnoxiously nasally voice busts in again. He was always one to unwelcomely invite himself.
You try not to roll your eyes, “And the map, Your Highness?” You repeat yourself, trying not to sound too demanding. You were still a princess, after all.
Korkie nervously chuckles, eyeing the multiple men in the room and shocked by your ambition. He takes a step forward, rolling the map up in his hands as he advances in you and Din’s direction. Din placed a discreet hand on the small of your back, hoping to reassure you. His touch was barely noticeable, but it was enough.
“Princess,” He says, sort of hushed. “You can call me Korkie in front of other people.” It was clear that he had an expectation to fill, and it would be bad on him if his fiance was still addressing him with a title a week before the wedding.
You scoff, “No, I don’t think I will.”
You hold your hand out for the map in defiance, but the prince doesn't hand it to you. He has a dark look in his eyes, one you have never seen before. Din tries to pull back on your bicep, trying to alleviate the situation, but you stay steadfast. “I will take that map now, Your highness.” You bite through the title, wanting it to cut. Korkie lifts his chin with an authoritative look, putting the rolled up map behind his back.
“Get this woman out of my meeting!” He calls out, and turns away. Your face drops, thinking you had the upper-hand, but realize that is taken away from you as two muscular guards pick you up, pulling you away from Din, and walking you out of the library. Korkie always does this, he’s madly in love with you until he’s not. It makes you remember that all of this is probably a ruse for power. Your heart and spirit drop, and you feel nothing but pure disrespect and rage. Din quickly follows. You try to writhe out of the guard’s grasp, not wanting to give up without a fight, but failing miserably. They were both very strong, probably because they had to compensate for how scrawny the Prince is.
“I can take it from here, gentlemen.” Din says, loudly, louder than you usually hear him speak. “I said I can take her!” Din yells when they don’t respond. Then, you hear the indefinite sound of a punch. These guards were still fully armored, but there was no withstanding the strength and brute force of your Knight when you were endangered. The guard Din had punched lets you go as a reaction, and you use it as an opportunity to take your now free hand and twist the wrist of the other guard off of you. All of the self-defense Din had previously taught you paid off in that moment as he yelled out in pain, not expecting your strength or skill. You were taught by the best, after all.
Now that you were free from the clutches of Korkie’s personal guards, you felt Din grab your hand and pull you. The two of you ran through the corridors, down another flight of stairs, and passed the throne room, making sure not to look back in the direction of the library. You ran parallel to the ballroom, and then finally down a final flight of stairs to the foyer of the castle. Din tugs you into a narrow hall, and down a spiral staircase. It was the way to the staff quarters, you remember from the day you went to the ocean. You were shocked and confused about what happened, and truthfully kind of exhausted. You were relieved when Din finally slowed down, and pulled you into Koska’s sister’s room. It was empty, thank the Stars.
“Close your eyes.”
“Close them!” Din says and it startles you, but you do it. He pulls his helmet off with haste, tossing it to the floor with a clang. Din places both of his strong hands on either side of your face, pulling you towards him and then kisses you with so much force and hunger that you stumble back in surprise, your eyes cracking open for just a split second. You didn’t see much, because his face was so squished into yours. All you caught a glimpse of was his eyelashes for a millisecond, but that was enough. Din is pushing you against the wall, pinning you to it, and kissing you so hard that you have to pull away to get some air. “I don’t think I have ever been as attracted to you as I was when you stood up to that prick.” He chuckles, and you hum back. Din takes a deep breath before speaking up again, “What was on that map?” He asks, out of breath, too.
You sigh, sort of embarrassed, eyes still shut tightly, “It was the tunnel plans of the castle.”
“What, you mean the blueprints?”
“Yes.” Your eyes stay closed.
“The blueprints that are at least three-hundred years old?”
“How did you get your royal hands on those?” Din asks, baffled.
“It doesn’t matter! What does matter is that I made notes on the back of the map!” You blurt, feeling shame, “I wrote the estimated times it would take and which halls to take from my room!” You groan, so badly wanting to open your eyes. You remembered what you said to yourself all those weeks ago, however, reminding yourself that it should be his choice to show you his face and no one else’s. You sigh, “The Prince isn’t stupid! I’m sure he thinks I’m plotting something now!” You hope you don’t sound too panicked, but if you were being honest, you were. Din sighs, clearly frustrated, although you weren’t sure if he was sexually or emotionally… or a little bit of both. “I’m sorry.” You sigh, your hands coming up and searching for his shoulders. “I should not have been so careless.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” You weren’t expecting him to agree with you, he usually doesn’t. He takes a calming breath, “…Are you plotting something?” He asks, his eyes moving between your closed eyelids in search of a non-verbal answer that he’ll never receive.
You don’t want to answer, but know you don’t have a choice. “Yes.” You feel guilty after saying it, although you aren’t sure why. Din exhales deeply this time. “But listen! We could run! I don’t have to stay here! We can fix this! We can get into Coruscant and they’ll never come looking for us, and then we can go to Nevarro, go to your home! We’ll take your son-“
“My son, his name is Rue.”
Rue. It was simple, to the point, just like Din’s. You liked it. “We’ll take Rue! Please, Din, we need to! It will be the only way we will ever be happy!” Your thumbs rub into the thick skin of his neck. You didn’t mean to vomit so much information on him at once, but he didn’t really give you an option.
He exhales deeply, and you know he’s processing everything you just told him. “We can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because!” He yells and it scares you. You drop your hands, your heart rate rising. A lump grows in your throat and you silently curse your emotions for betraying you. You swallow back a tear. He walks away from you and you hear the helmet pick up from off the floor. He puts it back on his head, and you know from practice and instinct when to open your eyes. When you do, he’s sitting on the chest at the end of the bed, his head dropped and hands pressed to the edge of the wood by his sides. You frown, and walk over to him. Din pushes his head into your abdomen, and you hold him there, just existing in not-so-comfortable silence. It’s tense, and not the type of tension that you usually like to experience with I’m.
He’s surprisingly the one to speak up, however. “We can’t… because Bo will hunt me and kill me and Rue and you… she’ll kill everything I love.” His voice cracks at the same time your heart does. Did he actually…
“Not to mention the war between our kingdoms it will start. Corellia can’t support itself in a war. We both know that.” Din sighs, maybe he was telling himself this just as much as he was telling you.
You sigh. He was right and you knew it, but it didn’t keep you from wanting to run away with him any less. “Din…” He looks up at you. “We have to get that map from Korkie.” You say, more stern but still comforting this time. His head tilts in question. You sigh, feeling guilty. “I wrote something else on it.” You look away from him, your eyes trailing. His hand reaches up to grab your chin, pulling your head to look right at him. Your eyebrows furrow. “Directions to your home.” The atmosphere in the room changes. You can feel it. “I know I shouldn’t have, I know it puts Rue in danger, but it gives us all the more reason to get that map back from Korkie as soon as possible.” His hand drops from your chin. You felt terrible.
“Okay, okay. We can check the library again and… if it’s not there we’ll go confront him. We’ll get it tonight.” He nods.
“Are you sure? What if he reads it?” You were surprised how lax he was, but something told you that he was controlling himself from his true emotions.
“As far as I’m concerned, the Prince has no reason to cause me or my family any harm.” He nods.
“Not yet.”
You swallow, your face inches away from the door of the Prince’s bedroom. Din was around the corner of the corridor, both of you knew this was something you would have to do on your own, without his support. You had never been here before, and after ample search in the library for the map all afternoon, there was no other option. It was late, but not inappropriately late. You wore that same dress you wore weeks ago, the soft blue one that was off the shoulder one that adorned your figure elegantly. It was one of the most sophisticated gowns in your closet. More mature than most of the flowy princess ballgowns. It was a diplomatic but still ethereal fashion choice, which you desperately needed after a humiliating encounter this morning. The scar on your shoulder from the endeavor in Keldabe had mostly healed, and only had a pale pink to it. You looked back at Din, who was peering around the corner, for some reassurance. He nodded, and you took a deep breath. Two knocks would be enough. The door swings open, and you are suddenly very aware that you would have to brave this encounter without the support of your trusted Knight. Korkie is who answers the door, and he looks mildly unamused to see you.
“Princess?” He tilts his head.
“Evening, I hope it is not too late?” You suggest, keeping your voice as monotone and unwelcoming as possible. You wanted him to know that you were here for a serious matter.. You noticed he was covering the door with his body, perhaps he was hiding something from you too.
“For my fiance? Never.” You hated being called that, but if it was what it took for him to invite you into the room,you could deal with it. Korkie’s room was large, it was far more spacious than yours. It had a billowing fireplace and sitting area, the ceilings twice the height of your suite’s, and a private library pushed into the northeast corner. You familiarize yourself with your surroundings, and the heir closes the door behind you. You silently scanned the room for the map, you would have to snatch it up without it being suspicious, and you could not explicitly ask for it again. “What do I owe this honor?” He says from behind, charming as usual, although his words did seem a bit slurred. You see that an opened book sat on the seat of a chair in the sitting area. He must have been reading before you interrupted him. You turn around, and lift your chin, trying to look and sound as put together and unsuspecting as possible.
You clear your throat, “I wanted to apologize for this morning.” You nod. It wasn’t true, but you had rehearsed with Din several times the best way to stall time as you looked for the map, and this was the best way of going about. “It was inappropriate behavior, especially in front of the General.” You disagreed with your own words, and felt bad lying, but it came so naturally when done to the Prince.
Korkie sighs, and crosses over the room, looking up at a portrait above the fireplace. Your eyes still searched for your map, but had no clue where it might be. This was your first time here, after all. “Worry not, Highness.” Korkie downs a bit of brandy that was sitting for him. You didn’t like him when he was drunk.
“You’re sure?” You figured that would have made conversation more natural, but he clearly was not in the mood for propriety. He pours another drink, and even pours one for you, offering it. You shake your head and mutter a ‘no thank you’, not really wanting to get drunk tonight. Din wouldn’t touch you if you were drunk. You admired that he respected you that much, but it also deprived you of the one thing worth all the pomp and circumstance. Korkie shrugs and drinks both, and you’re frankly appalled by this conduct.
“Indeed.” He hiccups. “Everyone loves a little show.” He chuckles, and you frown. Was that all your humiliation was to him? A show? “Now, Princess,” He takes a step towards you, and you feel so unprotected. Din would have stepped in by now, you knew that. You didn’t have the same sense of security you usually had when he wasn’t at your side. “Why did you really come here?” He asks, running his hand through his hair.
“Excuse me?” You nervously laugh. How did he figure any of this out? You take steps back that mirror his, trying to keep the same amount of distance between him and you but struggling to when you hit the post of his bed, your back flush against it. Your hands wrap around the wood working, and you look up at him nervously. You felt the same as you didn’t when you were cornered and harassed in the slum of Keldabe. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You clear your throat, trying to solve something, anything. Where could that cursed map be?
“Don’t-“ He says through gritted teeth, he catches himself from lashing out, and collects his composure before speaking again. “Don’t assume I am blind.”
“I would never-“
“Liar!” He spits out and you flinch back. He laughs a few times, it’s that evil, frustrated laugh. It was the type of laugh that people do when they’re trying to calm themselves down, but in turn they simply seem more angry. You were genuinely scared, unsure of what to do in this situation. “What were the directions you wrote on the back of the map?” He asks, and you furrow your brows.
“I don’t know what you mean?” This was partially true. How did he not understand the very neat and clear directions on the back of the blueprints to the secret passages? And in all curiosity, why did he care?
Korkie grunts again. “You are foolish.” He was dangerously close to you, and you wanted to get out of that room as soon as possible. You wanted Din to come protect you, you needed him to. “Are you forgetting who you belong to?” His hand sets on your hip, and you flinch again.
“I belong to no one.” You defy.
“You belong to me.” He grits his jaw again. You closed your eyes out of instinct due to the sheer anger and tension in his tone. His breath smelled of alcohol, and you wished you had the authority to slap him. He laughs his chuckle of malice again, and then before you can blink, he leans in for a kiss. How could he? How could he take advantage of your vulnerable state like this? Your blood boiled, and just in time, you dodge his lips. You swoop under his arm, away from the bedpost and back to the security of a full room you can avoid him in. He looks at you, clearly appalled. You were dizzy, probably from adrenaline. You wished this was surprising, but it was the exact thing you expected The Prince to do. This is when you noticed the map was rolled up and on the floor beside the fireplace. The new perspective of the room is what made you see it. Had he intended to burn it?
“You know,” You say as you take a step towards the map, “You should have another drink.” You offer. “You’re clearly tense,” You stepped between each phrase, “And it would be better for everyone.” Somewhere deep down you wanted to believe that Korkie was only acting this way because he was drunk. But you knew it wasn’t true. You realized that everything inside of you was looking for a redeemable quality in him, a reason to stay perhaps. You wanted to believe he was worth staying for, but you knew that he wasn’t, not when everything you’ve ever wanted was just outside the door.
Before Korkie can take another step towards you, you’re bolting towards the map, snatching it up in your hands and then running towards the door. The adrenaline shoots through your veins, and it only grows when you hear him growl again and his heavy footsteps run after you. You have to physically hold yourself back from squealing in stress, your hand slapping over your mouth. You rip the door open, and try slamming it behind you, but Korkie’s arm is caught in the door, and you smash it. He cries out, and the commotion makes Din run down the hall towards you to check what was going on. Korkie was able to get a hand on the collar of your dress, and he tries to pull you back in, but your strength is enough to get away. You ran to Din, who looked concerned, you could tell by his stance alone. He was tense and his hands balled in fists at his side.
Korkie pulls open the door, holding his arm to his chest, and you look back, your heart racing. You are so relieved when you make it to Din, and you grab his hand, threading your fingers into his and pulling him down the hall in the same fashion he did early that day. Several guards who heard the heir’s yell were running in all directions, but none of them paid any attention to you, thank the stars.
You think you are crying, but you aren’t sure. You felt raw fear being alone with the Prince. You never wanted to be alone with him again, never.
You keep running nonsense in the castle, not really sure where you’re going but wanting to be anywhere other than there. Din is the one to stop you after the mindless escape, pulling you into a branching hallway and against an unsightly window. He grabs both of your arms, and pulls you flush against his chest. He holds you there for a long time, and you both get a chance to catch your breath. You cry into the beskar chestplate, and feel rather foolish for reacting as such. Din was silent, and just held you, his strong arms wrapped around you as tightly as they could be.
“What did he do to you?” He asks, and you sigh out pathetically. Din repeats his question, still calm and gentle, but more urgent.
“I-I was so scared.” You stutter. Din somehow squeezes you tighter after you say this. After you collect yourself a little more, you can speak again, “he was drink-“
“Did he… touch you?”
You weren’t sure why you felt like you were in trouble, but aggressively reminded yourself that Din would never be upset with you, at least not for something like this. “Yes… But not very much, he just touched my hip and leaned in to kiss me.”
“Did he?”
“No!” You say almost defensively, “I got away just in time.” You pull away and look up at him with teary eyes. His hand comes up, and he pulls the glove off. His bar hand caresses your flushed face, swiping a tear off your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry-“
“I don’t know!” You breathe out shakily. “For crying I guess? For letting the map get away? For letting him touch me-“ You try to look away but his fingers catch your chin again, pulling your gaze back onto his helmet.
“Stop that. It’s not your fault. He is disgusting for doing that.” Din nods, and you swallow a sob. “Do you understand?” He asks, and you slowly nod once. “And promise me, that you’ll never ever blame yourself for anything like that ever again, okay?” You nod again. “Promise me!” He wasn’t angry or forceful, just steadfast with his words. He meant what he was saying.
“I promise.” You mutter. After you reply you hear his exhale in his armor. He pulls you against his chest again, and you can feel it move with each breath. You wished you could hear his heartbeat again like you could when you wake up next to him. You’re able to finally relax, and his embrace was the most calming thing you had ever experienced.
“I was worried sick about you.” He says, far more soft spoken than his remarks before. You didn’t verbally reply, but he was able to read how you felt. “I don’t like you being alone with him.”
“Me neither.” You sigh, squeezing your eyes shut and letting the final few tears fall out of your lashes. “All the more reason to leave.” He tenses after you say it, and his arms loosen a bit around your shoulders.
“You really want to?” He asks, you nod against his chest. “You know the possible consequences? This could mean the destruction of Corellia.”
“I know. That’s why it’s so hard. I don’t know what to do. I know what I want, and that is to leave here with you, but I don’t want my own selfishness to risk the lives of thousands who I vowed to protect.” You pull your head away from his chest.
“You… really want to live a life with me?” He asks, almost oblivious to your prior remark. You nod nod, or even say yes, but you just look up at him in all seriousness, hoping it would be enough.
It was.
“You don’t even know what I look like.” His arms drop. Did he think you a fool for that?
“We…” You debate your words, “We can change that.” You close your eyes, hoping that it would mean something to him, and maybe it did, but just as always, he didn’t show it. He just takes his cursed, gloveless hand and tilts your chin up to see him.
“In time we will, but only when it is right.” He nods.
It wasn’t the answer you wanted, but it was enough. It was more than anything he had ever given you before.
“Come on,” Din says gently, “There’s something I want to show you.” He beckons with his head down the hall, and you follow, interlocking your fingers with his again, the map in your other hand. You weren’t really sure how he was able to be so calm and reassuring, especially without showing an ounce of emotion through all of it, but it was a Godsend. You weren’t sure if Din loved you, at least not in the same way you loved him, but you were sure that he cared about you, and he wanted you to be safe and happy. And that was all you needed, for now.
“Had he read the map?” Din asks as you walk down a flight of stairs, descending the various levels of the palace and undoubtedly heading for the staff quarters again.
“I believe so.” You sigh, “Although he seemed confused about it. I think he was a little too drunk to fully comprehend, or he was giving me the benefit of the doubt.” You shrug.
“Well, at least we have it now, right?” Din asks, his head slightly turning back to look at you as he says it, and you give a nervous but relieved smile in response. The two of you loop through halls, and you’re very aware of how much the castle is winding down. Staff have retired for the night, doors were closed, even the usual laughter coming from parlors or the ballroom was silenced. Was it really that late? You didn’t really have much of a perception of time anymore after everything that had just happened.
The one part of the castle that was full of life, however, was the staff quarters. As you got closer, you could hear the usual laughter, and warm, welcoming light poured from the low corridor. Music played, it was loud, and your eyes searched for the spectacle that was just awaiting you.
“You said you wanted to get to know the staff better…”
“I did?” You ask.
“A few nights ago, you were really tired, you might not remember.” He shrugged. You didn’t really care whether or not you really said those things, what stuck out to you, however was that Din remembered that. He was observant enough to remember specific phrases you said, and not any phrases, the ones that were sleepy and probably full of nonsense. You would lie if you said you didn’t gush over that a little.
Din takes you into the staff common room, and it’s all clear. The warm smells, the enticing light, the infectious laughter, it all came from the whole castle staff crammed into this one room. There was food, and everyone laughed and danced to the music that a handful of staff members played. Their instruments were humble, probably retired from the royal orchestra years ago, but you could tell there were fond memories and stories linked with every single one. It was hot, and there were a lot of people crammed into the room. The doors were wide open, and the tables were pushed back against the walls so that the floor could be opened to a large and intricate group dance. It was nothing like the pompous dances that the nobility did at the ball, however. This dance was filled with joy, and mistakes were not only welcomed, but celebrated. Expression was the center of the party, and all types of people were involved. Children who were up far past their bedtime joined in the festivities, dancing and laughing and chasing one another, elderly staff sat at the tables, clapping along to the folk music, and the servants who usually give you sour tea and hot bread had their shoes off, jumping on the stone floor of the common area. Some of the knights and guards had their helmets on like Din usually did, and others did not. You realized it really probably boiled down to personal preference, or duty.
You smiled at the spectacle, and it gave you a deep and undeniable sense of community and love. You quickly learned that the livelihood of the castle did not rest in the parties and rules that an uptight Queen set in place, but the very people who made the castle work smoothly.
The laughter and joy was contagious, and you couldn’t stop yourself from joining the fun. You jump into the dance, not sure of the steps, but picking up your ridiculous skirt and starting anyways. You hoped it wasn’t obvious that you had been crying a half hour before, but no one paid any attention if it was. The women in the circle linked their arms with yours, and you spun in a circle. The one to your right couldn’t have been older than fifteen, and she yelled over the noise how to do the footsteps. You couldn’t really hear her, but looked down at her feet and tried to mimic it. You had the cheesiest smile on your face, and the room spun as you danced. Din crosses over to a wall, leaning against it and crossing his arms, watching you.
After that dance finished, another song started, and the moves were rather different. However, a girl pulled you out of the circle, and tugged on your dress. “It’s too big!” She shouts over the music, “You’ll never make it through the next song!” You nod and then walk over to a table. You stand on top of the table after a few jumbled ‘excuse me’s’. You were sure everyone recognized you, but they didn’t treat you differently for one moment. It was… refreshing. You kicked your shoes off, and several people turned to look at you, some cheered, others laughed. You then bite your bottom lip and pull the strings of the corset you wore, loosening it enough to slip out of your crinoline and ruffled-slip, leaving you in nothing but your undergarment petticoat and the top layer of the gown you were wearing. There was laughter, and you didn’t hear or see Din chuckle. You swayed your hips, and after a playful “huzzah!” from the crowd, a few knights helped you off the table. You immediately return to the dance circle, and you’re able to move much easier. You’re thrown back into the stimulating dance. The woman was right, this was much more physical, jumping and kicking was done and it was far more exciting than any of the proper waltzes you had spent your life dedicating time to.
You step out after two more songs, trying to catch your breath and wiping the sweat off your brow. There was alcohol, just hooch, but a bearded man gave you a big mug and you happily chugged it down. Din was impressed with your ability to consume so much so quickly. The men all cheered and hollered as you downed the drink, also impressed with the skill. You didn’t know you could do it, either.
A game of cards is being played, and you’re roped into that, too. You bet some money (money you didn’t have) and helped a tired, old man who usually worked in the stables play, after a few tough rounds, and struggling to learn the rules as you played, you won the pot for the old man. Three other much younger boys who usually worked at the front gate looked in shock as you pulled the money towards you and the man. He laughed and thanked you for your help.
Some little girls examined your crinoline and corset, a few older women all pinched your cheeks, and a fat man gave you a huge helping of mashed potatoes and greens. You got to overeat shamelessly, and it felt so rewarding after weeks of eating like a bird in fear of being judged by your in-laws. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world to be treated normally. You caught a glimpse of Soniee, who braided a boy’s hair. You even noticed that Koska was there, the center of one of the dance circles, swaying her skirt to the beat with another girl, the two dancing together in a vibrant duet of culture and community. Your feet only began to hurt when you were pulled to dance again, and your cheeks ached from smiling so wide. It was the most alive and accepted you had ever felt in Mandalore.
At one point, you found yourself just a few feet away from Din in the dance. You hold your hands out for him, beckoning him to join. “Dance with me!” You shout out. Before you get an answer, however, you're pulled back into the center of the group. It isn’t for a few more cycles and bars of the song that you’re back out by him. “Please?” You try to be as enticing as possible. He shakes his head, his hand coming up to decline. You raise an eyebrow.
“I don’t dance!” He yells back. You roll your eyes and step out of the group momentarily. You grab both of his hands, your face with the cheesiest smile ever, and pull him onto the floor. He tries to fight back, but ultimately loses.
“Yes you do!” You reply, yelling as loud as possible so he might be able to hear you. “You proved it to me last week!” You say and in perfect time, your arms go up together with the beat of the song. He hadn’t done this dance before, but has watched it enough times to know what’s going on, although he looked rather awkward and foolish doing so. You grab his hand, your hips turning left to right in time, and you look down at your bodies, trying to show him as best as you can.
“I have no idea what’s going on!” Din yells at one point, the two of you now in the heart of the party.
“Me neither!” You laugh, “That’s what’s so wonderful about it!” Then came the part of the dance to clap your hands, the two of you clapping up by your face, and mirroring one another. “Now you’re getting the hang of it!” You nod. He rolls his eyes, and is thankful you can’t see it. It would be horrible for his reputation if anyone knew that he was having even a little fun, especially because it was with you. Din doesn’t usually come to these parties. They happen most Saturday nights, but he runs home to his son. Tonight, however, it was important to him that you got to experience it, especially after everything that happened earlier today.
You both start getting the hang of it, and Din mentally thanks his helmet for hiding the smile on his face. Your feet grapevine, and then you both jump. Everyone hoots and hollers, it’s part of the dance. Suddenly, the both of you are in the middle of the dance circle in the same way that Koska was with her partner a few songs ago, and you’re leading the spiral. You can’t wipe the darkish smile off your face and genuinely can’t believe you got him out here.
“Atta boy, Djarin!” Koska yells from a table, standing up and toasting a Ming of hooch. The music picked up in preparation for the big finish. Din and you spun around one another, your bodies coming flush until your palms press flat, your faces only inches apart. You always thought playing off of one another in a dance was important for the emotion during a waltz, but a fancy three-step had nothing on the emotion and passion put into a dance such as this. Somehow, you could still play off of him, and the performance was one of shared respect and assurance. Despite never having seen his face, you got the Knight, you understood him in a way no one ever did. The song ends, the two of you real close to one another, and out of breath. The entire room roared in joy as they cheered for the both of you, and you looked up at the visor of his helmet.
“I want to kiss you!” He yells, and although his request is very clear, no one can hear it over the volume of the room.
“Then kiss me!” You reply. You didn’t give a damn if every servant of the Mandalorian royal family saw it. He laughs, you feel it, and then he’s pulling his helmet up.
He just reveals his lips, but you look upon them with no shame, admiring the way his Cupid’s bow dipped, and the scruff on his jawline. You smiled wide, and he smiled back. You feel honored to share this moment with him. Everyone around you was so loud, and they were cheering for both you and Din. You couldn’t believe how many of them knew his name as they called it out in encouragement.
Din’s free hand wraps around your waist, and pulls it in tight to him forcefully, you blush at the gesture, and the crowd “ooh’s” flirtily at it. Din Djarin then kisses you. He pulls your body into his soft lips and you sigh into it and it;s too quiet for him to hear but as soon as your lips meet, the crowd of staff disappears. Their cheers blur together, and fade out. Your lips move together passionately, and you do so with no shame. He groans against you, and you can feel it more than you can hear it, and it’s all you ever wanted.
For weeks now you just wanted to share your love with him publicly, and now that you have, you’re aware of how personal your love with him really is.
The crowd fades back in, everyone laughing in support and amusement. Your lips softly party and you grin from ear to ear. Din does too, shameless for once. His teeth are nice and straight. Oh God, you loved his smile.
Oh Stars, you loved him.
“Din!” You yell out. “I love you!” It was time to say it, because it was true. You meant it and as you say it, giggle.
“I love you!” It’s so loud that you’re even sure if he can’t hear it, you can barely hear it yourself. But, in classic Din Djarin fashion, he doesn’t answer. He was never good with words, and was much better at showing you what was on his mind. He kisses you again, just as passionately, but this time it’s a series of short, quick pecks on your lips that get progressively more sloppy. He smiles into each kiss and you feel those magic butterflies again.
The rest of the night is a dreamy blur, Din dances the whole time with you, the music eventually slows, you notice that there are less and less kids in the common room. It winds down, and your feet ache in the best way. An ache that would be associated with happy memories. It was long past midnight when you decided to stop dancing, and a lone fiddler is all who was left in the band, playing a ballad to end the night. There was still soft laughter, and a few stragglers who slowly danced to the music. Din was one of the few who were still playing cards, one of his fellow knights challenging him to a game. Din was always up for a challenge, and both he and the man he played against looked deep in thought. You realized you were finally able to read him through all that beskar, and he was far more reactive than you ever would have known if you weren’t looking for it. Your cheek sits in your palm, and your eyes are heavy, but you watch him fondly from across the room. Koska sits next to you, handing you a cup of water.
“You had fun.” She hums, taking a sip out of her own cup.
You nervously laugh in response, she wasn’t wrong. “I didn’t realize how connected you all were.” You say with a sigh before taking a sip of the water and being so relieved to finally get some hydration after all of the energy you exerted.
“Yeah…” Koska was in her typical undisturbed mood, relaxed and observant. “These are the people of Mandalore.” She sighs, “They are what we really represent. We aren’t all about war and decoration, there’s so much more to us that the world doesn’t see.” You were touched by that remark, because you had seen it too. “The truth that’s hard for all of us to believe is that the rest of the world only respects us to stay on our good side.” Her voice drops a little. She looks at you, her eyes heavy as always. You aren’t sure how to respond, because it was true. Koska takes another sip before changing the subject, “I’ve never seen him dance before.” She nods towards Din. “At least not like that.” She laughs into her cup.
You smile, “I didn’t think he had it in him.” You tease.
“He wouldn’t have if you weren’t there.” Koska shrugs. “He’s like a whole different person around you. It’s refreshing.”
“He told me about everything that happened.” You reply. “With him and Bo.”
“He did? I don’t think he’s really talked to anyone about it.”
“He just told me last week, after the ball.” You nod. “I had no idea… but it all makes sense in the end.” You finish off the last of your water as his card game finishes, the few people watching cheering as Din lays down his cards and wins. The other knight, whose face was also covered by a heavy, beskar helmet slammed his fist down on the table in defeat. Din took the money that was on the bet.
“He’s better because of you.” Koska says, smiling as he wins. “I’ve had to look out for him in a way for a long time, he’s one of my oldest friends.” She speaks of him fondly. “But I feel like he doesn’t need me as much anymore, now that you can keep an eye out for him.” Koska turns to look a t you, but you don’t notice it. “You love him?”
“I do.” You nod. “Well… I think I do.” You sigh, “I don’t really know what love is I suppose, but I believe how I feel about him is the closest thing to it.” You shrug. “And I’m totally fucked because of it.”
“I wouldn’t know.” Koska explains, “I’ve never been in love either.”
“Really?” You ask, mildly shocked in all honesty. Koska nods. “There’s no one special in your life?”
“Well, there’s one girl.” Koska begins, “But my feelings towards her are more of an… obligation, I suppose.”
“I used to worry that’s how Din felt about me.” You admit.
“Oh trust me,” She chuckles once, “It isn’t like that for him at all.” She hums and you sigh in response, you sit in comfortable silence for a moment after that before Koska speaks up again, “What are you gonna do?” She asks.
“I don’t know.” You admit, turning to look at her, “But now that the majority of the castle staff has seen us kiss, I need to think of something.”
“That was pretty stupid, by the way.” Koska rolls her eyes.
You chuckle, “I suppose it was…” Din starts walking back to you, “But I can’t seem to care. I’m sick of hiding from everyone.” Din makes it to the two of you, and you smile as you look up at him.
“It’s not much,” He holds out the money before pocketing it, “But Rue will be happy.” He laughs and holds a hand out for you to take. “How drunk is she?” He asks Koska.
“She’s fine-“
“I only had one drink!” You roll your eyes, knowing that your night with Din will end very quickly if you were drunk. You take his hand and he hoists you up with him.
“Hm… that’s what you said the other night.”
“She’s okay, maybe a little tipsy but nothing keeping her from holding a perfectly normal conversation.” Koska says to Din, knowing full well why he even asked, a smirk plasters on her face.
“Come on.” Din hums, and pulls you down one of the various halls that branch from the common room, but not the one that both of you were familiar with because of your aid from Koska.
Din leads you through the candle-lit halls, and into a small bedroom. It was cramped, and there was barely enough room for the both of you, but it was cozy. He lit an oil lamp, and it illuminated the room just enough. Din slowly pulls off his helmet, and it’s so dim that you can’t really see anything like normal, but you can make out faint features and the light in his eyes. It was enough. He started to take off his armor too, and you patiently waited with your back against the outerwall that the window was in. He sets the chestplate and pauldrons in a neat pile on the foot of the bed, and kicks his boots off. His arm comes up to rub his neck, and he stretches a few times. He pulls the chainmail up over his head, leaving him in the same peasant blouse and trousers that he wore at the beach all those days ago. You would never get used to how trim his waist was, and how broad his shoulders were. He turns around, and has a smile on his face. You wished you could see him in the light. Din runs his hands through his thick curls and then steps towards you. You close the gap and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for an innocent kiss.
“Thank you.” You mutter.
“What for?”
“For bringing me here tonight… for being with me.” You sigh, and look up at him lovingly. He sighs, and kisses you again. Din starts to deepen the kiss, and you moan into his lips. He was a good kisser, that was for sure.
Din wastes no time, he picks you up by the thighs, lifting you on his waist so you’re kissing down into him, and before you know it, he’s kissing your jaw. Din had learned your body, he knew the sweet spot on your jaw, and always knew just how long he could suck on it before it became a hickey. He never crossed that line, he knew when to stop, but how badly you wanted him to mark you up so Korkie could see, you wanted everyone to see who you loved and why. His strong hands bunch up your skirt, and lift it up so your ass could be uncovered. His arms hold you, and he stumbles back until he falls on the bed in the room. You straddle the knight and get comfortable on his lap. You can feel his hard-on growing, and you’ll never get over the confidence boost that gives you. You start to tentatively rub your hips so that you grinned down into him. You get a sting of pleasure through your spine, and you’re already getting wet. Because you were down in the lower level of the palace, and was totally isolated from most people with thick, stone walls, you take advantage of the opportunity to make noise. You moan into Din’s mouth, and he holds his lips apart for you. His breath against your face was enough alone to drive you crazy, and your fingers twist around the strands of curly, brown hair that sit at the nape of his neck.
Din’s thick, calloused fingers find their way between your legs from the back, and he starts to gently run his fingertips through your slick folds. You gasp at the feeling, he was so gentle with every move. He starts to moan as well as your hips grind further into him in search for more friction and pleasure, and the sound of his voice unobstructed by the beskar is your favorite sound in the whole world. Din settles into his seat, and he pulls you forward onto him. This allows your hips to lift up just enough that he can insert a finger through your cunt. He starts pumping his wrist immediately, fingering you. You pulled your lips away from him, and sat up straight. You throw your head back with a moan, and then bring your hands to the tucked in portion of your shirt. You pull it up over your head, and wriggle out of the slip that kept you clothed. You were finally naked, and you took your free hands and squeezed each nipple. Between the feeling of Din’s fingers deep inside of you, his growing-bulge rutting against your clit, and the added pinch of your nipples, you were already in a euphoric bliss that didn’t take long to reach.
“Din-“ you moan his name, which he loved. He’s eager, and isn’t afraid to show it. Din pulls his cock out from his trousers, and he lets you grind against the tip. You keep it from going in, trying to tease him in the same way that he did the morning after the ball. It was really just driving you over the edge, really, and so before you let his swollen tip prod at your slickness anymore, you steady yourself on his broad shoulders, and take a deep breath before sinking down onto him. Both of you moan out when you do, and he throws his head back, exposing a thick cord of muscle in his neck. You bend down to nip at his adam’s apple before suckling into his tan skin, making sure to leave a massive, purple bruise on the middle of his neck. You bottom out as you do this, and the sensation shoots up your body. You liked being on top for the sheer fact that it gave you a different angle. Din’s length was pressing up into you now, and he filled you up delightfully. Your favorite feeling in the world was being stuffed by him like this.
You could feel every inch of him as you lifted your hips up, you were so wet and it was already such a loud, obscene noise. You kept sucking hickeys into him, and your hands moved from his neck down to the hem of his blouse. You grab the sheer fabric, and pull it up over his head so that Din is finally as shirtless as you. His huge hands stay on your ass, squeezing the fat there and using his own strength to lift you up and down on his cock. It’s slow at first, but it allows the both of you to really savor the feeling of one another. You scratch your fingernails down his pecs, scratching at his abdomen, and then finally trailing in between your legs to circle at your clit as the pace picked up. You lean forward to rest your glistening forehead on his bare shoulder, and your bare chests press into one another.
Din begins to thrust his hips up, and before you know it, you’re bounding on his cock. It’s fast and hard and your weight is slamming you down on to him over and over again with no end in sight. It’s painful in a good way, the same type of ache that would have good memories and passion attached to it. You knew your core would be sore tomorrow, but it was worth it as Din’s huge cock runs against your g-spot over and over again inside of you. Your fingers speed up on your clit, and you bite down on Din’s shoulder muscle to keep from being too loud. He’s grunting and growling and is absolutely feral and the noises eliciting off of his kiss-swollen lips are needy yet dominate at the same time. You could get drunk on his breathy-sighs, his voice as dark and husky as always.
“That’s it,” He groans into your ear, you moan in response to his words. You loved when he was vocal because it was so rare that he actually was. “Are you gonna cum on my fucking cock, Princess?” He asks.
“Mhm.” You pathetically moan.
“Fuck-“ he groans, and then shifts his position. Suddenly, the two of you are standing up, and the way his length moves and twitches inside of you as he stands up pulls an involuntary moan from your lips. Din lifts you up with his arms, arching his torso back so that you can lean on him. He then gets right back at the task at hand: chasing your orgasm. It was close, you could feel it, and somehow Din seemed to have more energy and strength in this position. He lifted you up and down on his cock, and your arms found their place wrapped back around his neck, desperately trying to hold yourself up as he absolutely tears into you. He was so big, you keep forgetting how thick he is until his swollen and hard cock is filling you up like you were only made for this exact thing.
He must have gotten tired, you could tell not only by the sheen layer of sweat on his chest, but he pulled you off of himself, and threw you onto the bed. You giggle at the forceful contact, and like being tossed around in bed. It made you feel small, and it really showed his strength. Din pumps his leaking cock a few times, kneeling in front of you and pulling your legs apart. You bite your lip out of lust before he slaps the head of his length on your cunt a few times. The sound is so dirty, and it makes you even wetter.
“Stars, you’re so fucking wet for me.” He bites his lip, slapping his cock harder against you. “Can you hear that? Can you hear how fucking wet that pussy is?” He asks you. Stars, he was good at this.
“Yes… so wet for you.” You sigh, your hand coming down to play with your clit again. Din mutters a ‘that’s right’ before he slides himself through your folds a few times again before pushing into you one more, and he doesn’t hold back. His hands find their way to your hips, and he presses them down into the bed as hard as he can, pinning you in place. He starts to pound into you, and it knocks the wind out of you because of how abrupt and forceful it is. You can’t even really make noise to show how good it was, and instead a few strangled and helpless cries pull from your throat.
“Do you fantasize about my cock when you’re with your fiance? Hm? Does it turn you on knowing that you’re cheating on him?” He asks, and you can finally moan out. He was right, he knew you would say yes.
“Yes!” You say, “I can’t stop thinking about your cock!” You reply, your voice high-pitched and so needy.
“Do you think about me fucking this pussy like a bitch on my cock when you’re in important meetings?” He asks again. There was something about the disrespect that you loved, it only made things better.
“Yes sir!” You cry. Din chuckles and then smacks your ass cheek. His slamming into you so hard that you can’t believe he hasn’t gotten tired yet. You can see how his muscles flex against the moonlight and your core is aching from the knight but it’s all worth it. “I’m gonna cum!” You warm, arching your back in pleasure. Din then spits on your cut, adding to the hot wetness and dirty sounds, and he pulls your fingers away from your clit and replaces them with his.
“Cum with me,” He groans, and almost immediately, you’re cumming on his leaking cock at the same time that he does. He cums so much, and you’re always surprised by it. His load drips down your folds, and he fucks you through it. It’s filthy and you want to keep doing it for the rest of your life. Your arms come up to grasp his biceps, trying to steady yourself on anything. Din moans loud when he cums, and it isn’t until he starts softening inside of you that he quits thrusting. He doesn’t pull out, however, and he stays stuffed inside of you as he catches your breath. You’re fucked-out, your eyes heavy and breasts heaving with each deep breath that tries to calm your heart rate. “I love cumming in you.” He sighs. You already knew that, but you loved how he told you. He goes to pull out, but your thighs squeeze together, holding him in place.
“Stay inside.” You whine. Din tilts his head.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He bends down to kiss your forehead, and then very carefully and slowly turns the two of you so that he is spooning you, his cock still buried inside your dripping and swollen cunt. “You did good, you did so good.” He kisses your neck as he says these, breathing in deep your scent. “S’good… so good.” He catches his breath, and is just as exhausted as you are, if not more. His chest heaves against your back, and his arms pull you against him. You fight against sleep, but ultimately fail, submitting to rest almost immediately after Din pulls the blanket over the both of you. Just before you fall asleep, you hear him mumble something against your neck, although you aren’t sure what it is.
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part fifteen
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lucyhalearchive · 3 years
Without or With You (N.R.)
Hello, everyone! Sorry I was gone, but I was out of the country (and I still am), but I thought I’d write something small for you guys until I get home. 
Warnings: vvv angsty in the beginning, but it turns out lovely in the end. 
Word Count: 1.7k 
Summary: Maybe living with Natasha wasn’t the best idea, but could you really live without her?
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Trying to maintain a relationship with a Russian Spy was hard at first especially when said spy would come into the doors of the shared home with injuries, and though they were small because she was phenomenal at her job, the thought of her getting hurt again, and worse, always made you quite anxious when she left. 
However, that didn’t stop the warm, fuzzy feeling that fluttered in your chest when she would come home looking for you. She would fall into your arms with a tired sigh, and all she wanted to do was to be held or hold you because you reminded her that there was a reason to push forward through the rough days. 
Trying to maintain a relationship with an Avenger was a different story, though. 
For the first few years, Natasha came home more often than her life before. In fact, she came home every day unless she was out of the city, but she still walked through the door with a tired smile on her face and arms unfolded, outstretched for you to walk in between them. You two grew closer than you had ever been, and some days you thought about the possibility of taking your relationship one step further. 
Until she didn’t need you anymore. 
Call it selfish, but when she started spending more “after work” hours at the compound with the rest of her team, you wondered if she would need you when she got hurt or needed someone to comfort her. Of course you were proven wrong when you two spent hours after midnight laughing at ridiculously horrendous movies that were made way before either of your times. Hair messily resting on your heads, popcorn laying on the floor from when you two tried to see if the other could catch it in their mouth, and the gentle brush of skin was all you needed to feel a bit better about the whole ordeal. 
One day, you decided to meet her for your lunch break at a small restaurant near your place near your work. You were excited. Natasha had been gone for almost two months, so you were practically shaking in your seat, the enthusiasm building and building. Minutes passed, yet there was no Natasha to be seen. The waitress continuously visited your table and asked if you were ready to eat, but you shook your head and told her to wait. 
She did show up, but it was at least thirty minutes late. You were starving, and you were growing irritated, but when she texted you that she was around the corner, you didn’t care about the stinging hunger in your stomach. You called the waitress back over to your outside table so she would be ready for your orders, but when you looked over at a commotion coming your way, you noticed Natasha laughing with a group. Your heart sank. You haven’t seen her laugh that hard in awhile because she didn’t even laugh that hard when you two had your special movie night. 
You forced yourself to sit up straighter than before and smile so they would be none the wiser as she sat down. The others seemed to hover awkwardly around the table, but she motioned for them to grab a seat and push a table over to accommodate the extra guests. 
Then she started to stay at the compound overnight. Then for a few extra days. Then for a week. 
When she eventually did return, she acted like you weren’t there watching your comfort movie with loads of food surrounding your area. Like you weren’t quietly sobbing at a certain part of the film. She just grabbed a few miscellaneous items from her side of the room 
“Are you staying here tonight, or are you going back to the compound?” You stood up and dusted off the crumbs that gathered on the divot where you were folded in the couch. Natasha walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few water bottles. 
“I’ll be staying there for a little while longer.” She absentmindedly mentioned, walking over to the door to grab her jacket from the rack. 
“Are you going to come home eventually?”
“I don’t know. There’s going to be a thing this weekend, so I want to be there for that-”
“You can’t just ride over there? I could take you.” You propose, but she shakes her head and twists the handle. 
“It’s mostly going to be just us. You wouldn’t enjoy the crowd anyways. Look, I have to go, so I’ll see you.” She fit in before you could say your goodbye. 
The feeling of dejection and disheartenment flooded your senses to the brim, so you did all you could think to do. 
A few weeks had passed before Natasha realized that she had been away from you for so long. Sure she had Steve, Bucky, Sam, or anyone within the compound walls to talk to, but at a certain point, she realized they could never be you. They could never have what you two had. She started staying in the compound so it would be easier to commute (even if it wasn’t really a commute at that point), but when she would stare at her empty bed, an uneasiness fell upon her. She decided to go back to the shared place. She wanted to see you again. 
Only you weren’t there. 
You weren’t there to greet her like you used to. You weren’t in the kitchen baking some dessert that would be forgotten about within the week. You weren’t in bed reading a book you bought ages ago but forgot to read because you always buy the first book you see when in town. She hurriedly pulled out your drawers, containers, and boxes to see if you were anywhere to be found, but there was nothing. No clothes, no books, no empty or half-full water bottles standing in random places throughout the apartment. 
You were gone. 
All that was left was a single note attached to the metal refrigerator with a spider magnet:
I am so happy you found a group of people who make you feel as though you can be yourself. As if you can stop anything that blocks you from going on in life. I am happy that you found friends who allow you to take a breather from your harsh world. 
I just hope that you are as happy as I was with you because that is a powerful feeling. 
“I just don’t understand what gives you the right to leave.” She shouted into her phone as she paced in the kitchen. You were on the other end being more stubborn than she’s ever known, but she wasn’t letting up.
“You left me first! I understand that you have a job to do, and you have all these new friends, but you couldn’t have come home once?” You try to reason, a stern tone to let her know you weren’t going to let her push you around, but she laughed in disbelief. 
“You know good and well that I wasn’t doing that to abandon you! Just- Just come back home, please.” Natasha didn’t let out a cry, a sob, or even the slightest notion that she was upset, but instead she sounded defeated. At her wit’s end. 
“No, Natasha.” You said while letting out a sigh. The dial tone rang out into the empty apartment as she stood there staring into the floor. This wasn’t like her, to feel this way, to act this way. What was she doing differently? What was she doing wrong?
Despite your decision to leave, you found yourself searching for Natasha in everything you did. You were staying at a friend’s old apartment who was subletting it to you, so you were alone, not like you weren’t used to it by now. It’s been a few months, closer to a year, but you couldn’t shake the looming feeling of her around. Every time you rounded a corner, you hoped that you would run into her. You hoped that when you opened the door, she would be standing there, hand slightly raised as if she was going to knock, but she never did. You could live with or without her, but you did miss having her around. 
Maybe something or someone was looking down on you with the purest eyes because while you were walking in the park bundled up in a warm winter coat, you noticed her sitting on a bench with her head in her hands. She had snow flakes nestling in her hair and eyelashes which only accentuated her natural beauty, and you couldn’t resist walking up to her. 
“Is this seat taken?” You asked, slowly walking up to her, leaving a trail of footprints behind you. She looked up with a lopsided smile, but she shook her head. 
“I don’t know. The snow has been occupying the seat for a while.” You both share a laugh at the awful joke, but she pushes off the snow on the bench for you. You both sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the scenery. You mulled over whether or not you want to bring up the fact that you wanted her back because everything in your life felt full when she was around. Though you knew your mental and emotional walls were stronger than before, and you felt the need to push her away, you know that she was the love of your life. 
“I apologize for running away on you, Natasha-”
“What happened to Nat?” Again, it was quiet. The snowflakes were almost fully-formed snowballs falling from the sky at that point, and you could hear them land on the ground, dissipating into nothing. 
“I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have left you at home alone for no reason. It’s almost like to keep a relationship, I have to be present or something.” You both looked at each other before bursting into a laughing fit. Your head on her shoulder, her hand on your thigh to stop her from doubling over felt like nothing had changed. You suppose it never really did. You unfold your arms and you both fall into a hug that felt as if balance was restored. 
It wasn’t really over with Natasha Romanoff because you were going to try to fall in love with her again. Though, you believe you never fell out of it in the first place.
I hope you guys liked it as usual! I promise to write for someone other than Natasha or Wanda, but I just love them so much. Obviously let me know what you think, and let me know what else you want to see. 
I’m having too much fun writing fics like these where it’s more descriptive than dialogue. 
- Lucy 
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troquantary · 3 years
Edward Cullen: That Boy Ain’t Right
So I was doing a reread of @therealvinelle 's collection of Twilight metas, as one does, and in "Edward, Denial, and a Human Girlfriend" she mentions that she doesn't believe Edward is sane. I thought, "ha, yeah, he's definitely not," and also, "but wait, what does that mean exactly, please say more about that." But since she's already inundated with asks, I've decided to use my own head-muscle and explore this idea. (TL;DR: I start out more or less organized, synthesize some points Vinelle has made across several posts (and have hopefully linked to them all where relevant but please tell me if not), touch a little on narcissism, then take a hard left into the negative effects of being a telepath.)
Just a couple things to note at the outset, though. Theses have been written already (probably) about Edward as an abuser. Edward being insane doesn't negate that at all; he's definitely an asshole and just...a disaster of a human being. (I find it more funny than anything, but YMMV.) I'm also going to try to avoid talking specifically about mental illness and how it relates (or doesn't relate) to abusive behavior -- that's territory I'm not really equipped to discuss, like at all. My starting point is "Edward has a deeply warped perception of reality," not "Edward has X disorder."
So: deeply warped perception of reality. The evidence? Goes behind a cut, because my one character trait is Verbose.
Vinelle provides a great example of it in the post linked above, which I'll just quote because she does words good: "[Edward] keeps acting like his romance with Bella is a romantic tragedy, and all the cast of Twilight are actors on a stage making it as sublime as possible." Edward's the one to pursue Bella, but he does so with the full belief, from the very beginning, that it will never last; Bella will "outgrow" him, go on her human way, and he can spend the rest of eternity brooding magnificently over his too-short romantic bliss. [Insert premature ejaculation joke.] Turning her is never an option, even though Alice, Noted Psychic, says that romancing Bella will either end with her dead (exsanguinated) or dead (vampire).
This framing, where he's a dark anti-hero in love with -- but never tainting! -- the pure maiden and eventually leaving her in a grand, tragic sacrifice to preserve her soul? It's fucking bonkers. Bella isn't a person to him in this scenario. As Vinelle points out, Bella's never really a person to him at all; he falls in love with his own mental construct, cherry-picking from what he observes of her behavior and her responses to his 20 (thousand) Questions to convince himself that she is the ideal woman.
Bella's not the only one who gets the projection/cardboard-cutout treatment. Edward sees everything and everyone through a highly particular, personalized lens. He filters his entire reality, which we all do to an extent, but the thing with Edward is that he starts with his conclusions and then only pays attention to the evidence that supports those conclusions. Often that evidence consists of what he admits in New Moon are only "surface" thoughts -- but recognizing that limitation doesn't keep him from taking those thoughts as representative of what people are. Edward then becomes absolutely convinced by his own "reasoning" and won't be swayed from what he has decided is Objectively True. It's obvious with Bella; it's also painfully obvious with Rosalie. (Vinelle explains this and brings up Edward's raging Madonna/Whore complex in the same post, so refer to that again -- she's right.)
He also catastrophizes. Everything. Bella's just vibing in her room, rereading Wuthering Heights for the 87th time? She's gonna be hit by a meteor, better sneak into her room while she sleeps. Bella's going to the beach with the filthy mundanes their human classmates? She's gonna fall in the ocean. Jasper's cannibal pals are stopping by for a visit, but know not to hunt in the area? DISASTER, DEFCON 1, ALSO FUCK YOU JASPER FOR EVEN EXISTING IN MY AND BELLA'S SPHERE YOU UNSPEAKABLE BURDEN. Edward must believe that Bella is vulnerable and in near-constant peril, to support the reality he has created in which he is the villain turned protector and maybe?? hero??? (!!!) for his beloved. So when the actual, James-shaped danger arrives, he goes berserk, snarling and flipping his shit and generally not helping the situation. His fantasy demands that Bella remain human, so instead of doing the very thing Alice, Noted Psychic, assures him will neutralize the threat (and not just a threat to Bella, either, but to Bella's family and any other human James might decide to include in the "game"), he vetoes it immediately, no discussion. Bella Must Not Turn, and he sticks to those guns despite James nearly reducing her to ground beef, despite leaving Bella catatonic with depression (but human! success!) in New Moon, despite Aro's order and his family's vote and, let's not forget, Bella's clearly and repeatedly stated desire to be a vampire. It's going to happen. But he doesn't accept it until Renesmee busts out of Bella like the Kool-Aid man and the poor girl's heart finally, unequivocally stops.
Sane people don't behave this way. I don't want to slap labels on Edward, but I can't help but note that he comes across as highly narcissistic. He's the only real person in his universe, the lone player among us NPCs. That probably has a lot to do with him being frozen in the mindset and maturity of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I think it's also just...him, on some fundamental level. His failure to connect with others and recognize them as full, independent beings with their own wants and priorities isn't like Bella's failure -- she's badly depressed. Edward is...something else, and I get the sense that his sanity has been steadily deteriorating over time. And a cursory google of narcissistic traits turns up some familiar-looking stuff. He's self-loathing, yes, but also grandiose; he hates himself for the monster he is (and hates most vampires besides Esme and Carlisle for their monstrosity, too) but still feels superior to humans, to the extent that he felt entitled to human blood and resented Carlisle for depriving him of his "proper" diet. He eventually returns to Carlisle, but he's far from content -- the beginning of Midnight Sun finds him in a state of ennui, bored and dismissive of (if not outright disgusted by) everyone around him, that has apparently persisted for years and years. He doesn't play the piano, he doesn't compose, he doesn't enjoy anything...at least until Bella comes along and then he becomes obsessed to a disturbing degree with her and his new, romantic tragedy spin on reality.
[Next-day edit: I’m not sure where else to fit this in, but the way Edward casually contemplates violence against people who have, at best, mildly annoyed him is...chilling. I have a hard time writing off his strategizing how to murder the entire Biology class as a result of bloodlust -- it’s so calculated, nothing like the blackout state of thirst Emmett describes when he encountered his own “singer,” and that is probably the default for when a vampire is extremely thirsty. But even ignoring the Biology class incident, Edward still does things like consider, with disturbing frequency, how he might grievously injure or kill Mike Newton, all because...Edward considers him his romantic rival (despite Bella barely giving the kid the time of day). He thinks about slapping Mike through a wall, which might be an amusing slapstick image, except as a vampire Edward’s actually capable of turning this boy’s skeleton to a fine powder. So it’s, y’know, kind of sick when you think about it.
But even worse than that, when Bella tells Edward about how she flirted with Jacob to get at that sweet, sweet vampire lore, Edward chuckles and then, after dropping Bella home, flippantly observes that now that the treaty’s broken, why not genocide? I’m not even kidding, it’s right there in Midnight Sun; he seriously thinks about the fact that he’d be technically justified now in wiping out the entire tribe because a teenager tried to impress a girl with a spooky story. That is fucked. Remember, Edward was there with Carlisle when the treaty was first established. He knows how remarkable it is that they even came to a truce in the first place, that it was only ever possible because Carlisle is...well, Carlisle, and that it marks a pretty significant moment in supernatural history. He doesn’t care; he doesn’t respect it, or he’d never think something like “Ha ha, if I went and killed them all, I wouldn’t even be wrong. I mean, I won’t do it, but I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be wrong.”
Again: not the thought process or behavior of a sane person. (Or a person that respects life in general -- sorry Carlisle, big L.)]
Finally, whether he's a narcissist or not, I think the fact that Edward has constant, unavoidable access to everyone's thoughts is a powerful contributing factor to his instability. He can tune out the mental noise to an extent, but he can't stop it -- so he comes to rely on it like another sense. This causes issues with disconnect and lack of empathy, of course, but there's another facet to this shit diamond: he's basically experiencing a ceaseless flow of intrusive thoughts. His narration in Midnight Sun suggests that he "hears" the words people think, can "see" what they visualize in their mind's eye, and can sense the emotional "tone" and intensity of their thoughts. Therefore, perceiving Jasper's thirst through his thoughts makes Edward more aware of his own, "doubling" the discomfort. This would be a lot to deal with even from just his immediate coven members, but Edward gets all of this pouring into his head like a firehose on a day-to-day basis because the Cullens live right alongside humans. I know Meyerpires have galaxy brains or whatever, but that's a ton to process.
Besides the compounding effect on his own thirst when he "feels" the thirst of others, Meyer never suggests that Edward has difficulty separating his own thoughts from other people's; even when he was newly turned, he recognized Carlisle's "voice" in his head as Carlisle's. That would create a whole different host of issues around identity, but it looks like Edward's escaped that particular torment. However, I can easily imagine that what he does experience is just shy of unbearable nonetheless, with an eroding effect on his sanity over decades. He can't sleep to escape it; he's on a dishwater diet and probably (like the rest of his family) experiencing a perpetual, low-grade physical discomfort due to his thirst never being fully satisfied; and he's around far more people than is the norm for vampires -- even discounting all the humans, his own coven is unusually large -- meaning more noise.
Honestly, it would be weirder if he were all there, considering.
And even though I feel like I lost a sense of structure around where I started ranting about telepathy, I've written like 1.5k words about Edward fucking Cullen and I think that's enough for one post.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
And know I’m only sending multiple asks because you said you were fine with it earlier, if you’re getting clogged up lemme know straight away and I’ll calm it down.
Okay okay okay, right, so we all know Technoblade, anarchist pig boy, well lemme pitch you this idea.
He gets a hot tip one day about this cruel empire off of the SMP lands and he agrees to go and assassinate the king. He makes it there, waits for the person who messaged him, only for it to be the reader, aka he kings child. They want him to murder her father after they are forcefully married to a neighboring kingdom so that they can take the crown and better the empire. (or if you’d like so they can demolish the monarchy)
Techno agrees uneasily but as time passes and the two plan together (with a lot of escapades and a few moments of daring where they tug him into their room to hide him from the guards) he falls in love with them and decides that he can’t wait until after the wedding because he can’t bear to see them married to anyone else.
So he moves the plan forward, kills both the evil king and the cruel fiancé in the same day and whisks them off back to the SMP after demolishing the monarchy together.
They get introduced to the SMP as a stranger Techno met and fell in love with while on his travels and the reader is content to never bring up their heritage again. The only memory of it being in the way they give Tubbo pointers on leading a people or how Techno has to remind them that they are safe and they don’t need to stand so rigidly.
Just a passing idea lololol. Hope you like,
With ever love-🌻
My God 🌻 your brain is so big and it is absolutely stan 🌻 hours because this idea is so good???? Like??? Thank you so much for sending this to me and allowing the absolute honor of writing it!!!!! Also, this got a lot longer than I meant for it to be…. But I don’t care because it is such a poggers idea. (Because it did take so long this may be the only post for tonight... Not sure yet lol)
(P.S. In this, your mom has passed. I forgot to write it into the story but it’s what it is lol)
TW: Murder, and one mention of suicide
So I imagine that Techno is aware of the kingdom of Oryn, all of the DreamSMP members are. But none of them had ever really been there, they have only heard stories. And not all of them have been very nice stories. But Technoblade has no ties there and so even though he hates the government, he’s not very willing to just go in guns blazing…. Until… 
A letter arrives at his house one day. The letter asks him to come to Oryn and assassinate the King and the soon to be Prince, the one that is marrying the King’s only child. Technoblade would have refused had it not been for the two stacks of gold blocks that came with it, promising more if he chose to accept. Being half Piglin, he needs only to ponder for a moment before making his decision. The letter tells him to meet his contact just on the outskirts of the kingdom at midnight and if he does not show up, the contact will have their answer. It almost calm’s Techno’s nerves that the letter does not force him to agree to the mission, it is simply someone asking for help but is allowing him to say no if he wants. But Techno tells Phil where he’s going and that he will be gone for a few days, packs a bag, and sets out for Oryn. 
He gets there right on time. A figure much smaller than him stands on guard, dressed in a black cloak, waits for him. “Are you my contact?” Techno asks, deciding not to waste time. The figure quickly turns to him and their shoulders ease as the tension leaves them. “I am” the sweetest voice Techno has ever heard responds. It stuns him for a moment but he quickly snaps back out of it. “And who might you be?” The figure’s hand reaches out and carefully pulls their hood off of their head, revealing you. Techno knows who you are instantly, how could he not? “Y/N? You’re the one that is hiring me to kill the King and the Prince? Your father and fiance?” He asks a bit incredulously.  You let out a tired sigh but give him a firm nod. “I am.” “Why?” And so you dive into an explanation of how cruel your father is and just how much more cruel your fiance is. As you’re telling your story, Techno allows his eyes to wonder and he takes in your body and immediately notices that your face is bruised but is being covered in makeup and that your wrist is also bruised and he can only imagine just how bruised the rest of your body is. And before you can even finish, Techno cuts you off, “I’ll do it” you notice his demeanor has completely changed, but you don’t question it. All you care about is that he has agreed to kill your father and your fiance. So with a happy smile you reach your hand out and he takes it and you two shake hands. “Come, I’ll show you to the castle. You’ll have to stay in my room while we work and plan.” Techno doesn’t question you, only gives you a small nod and the two of you go on your way. 
Somehow you manage to sneak this beat of a man into the castle without catching anyone’s attention. “You’re going to have to stay in my room. Forgive me for being improper but I believe my father wouldn’t take kindly to finding his assassin in on of the guest rooms. You murmur as you guide him down a long hallway toward your room. A deep chuckle that fills your whole body with warmth rumbles from his chest. “That is quite alright your highness” “Please, just call me Y/N… My father makes everyone call me that but I hate it. So please, just Y/N.” “Okay then just Y/N.” The two of you are silent until you get to your room. You carefully push open the doors and Techno is blown away at the room. It is probably bigger than his house. But the thing that absolutely how much it just screams you. He’s only known you for maybe 20 minutes but he feels like by looking into your room he’s known you forever. A huge bed sits in the middle of the room draped in the comfiest looking blankets and pillows. Off to one side of the room, a small loveseat sandwiched between two comfy chairs sits in front of a large fireplace with multiple bookshelves with a multitude of books spilling from its holds. Many rows of chests and a few furnaces and smokers sit next to a door that he assumes leads into your very own personal bathroom. Also on that side is a table that is stacked with more books, paper, and pencils. “Please, make yourself at home. Bathroom is over there… Are you hungry? If you are, there is food in that chest over there, the one with the sign labeling it above it.” You offer. Techno gives you a warm smile of thanks before moving over to the chest and opening it finding some of the most rare foods he’s ever seen. So he grabs a little bit of everything, familiar stuff but also stuff he’s never tried before. You don’t mind, why would you? But he eats and then uses the bathroom, letting himself relax for a moment before walking back out to the room. 
Techno finds the lights have been turned off, the only source of light being the fireplace and two candles sitting on either of the nightstands beside the bed. He scans the room, searching for you, expecting you to be on the bed… Instead he finds you on the loveseat with a pillow and a blanket lying down. “What are you doing?” Technoblade asks, rather confused. You sit up slightly and turn to look at him. “Oh! I’m sleeping on the couch. I thought you would be much more comfortable on the bed rather than stuck on this small couch.” His heart flutters for the first time around you, something he will spend a lot of time thinking about later on down the line, but he let’s out a scoff. “You’re right, but I am not going to make the future ruler of this land sleep on an uncomfortable couch while I lavish in their bed… Come, get up. Let me sleep on the couch” You make no move to get up and he lets out a huff before looking over to the bed. He lets out a sigh and he cannot believe what he’s about to offer, but he will be damned if he lets you sleep on the couch for him. “You’re bed is huge… We could just share, if you were comfortable with that.” And your heart begins to thump hard in your chest. Because yes, you definitely thought about the offer, but you just met this man and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable… Then again the two of you are going to be getting rather close over these next few days… This might as well happen right? So you carefully sit up all the way and give the man a nod, “Yeah. That’s alright with me… Is that alright with you?” You ask shyly. A soft smile forms on his face and he lets out a chuckle, “Doll I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t comfortable. Come,” He softly commands, holding out a hand, softly beckoning you forward. Standing up, you shuffle your way over to him and accept his outreached hand. You both do your best to ignore the fire that spreads through your palms, up your arms, and fills your whole body. Techno carefully ushers you over to the bed, letting you pick which side you wanted to sleep on before letting go of your hand, to both of your disappointments, and wandering over to the other side of the bed and carefully crawling in beside you as to not disturb you. He carefully leans over and blows out the candle on his nightstand, you doing the same before the two of you settle down in bed. You two lie there, the only sound coming from the crackling fire. I mean, it’s a little awkward, sleeping in the same bed of a stranger you hired to murder your father and fiancé? But there is a pretty big space between you two and that relaxes you enough to the point where you begin to drift to sleep. So you turn on your side to get more comfy. His gaze moves to you as you sleepily close your eyes and mutter out, “Goodnight Technoblade.” “Goodnight Y/N” 
You know that big space between the two of you that you had before you went to sleep? Yeah, when you wake up in the morning, it’s nonexistent. You wake the next morning completely pressed into someone’s chest. For a moment, terror and panic rise in your veins but settles once you catch sight of a pink strand of hair and you realize what has happened and who is in your bed. Again, it’s a little awkward but you have known kind human touch in a long time so you simply close your eyes and snuggle yourself closer to the piglin hybrid and fall back asleep. 
Techno wakes up as you’re falling asleep. He too at first is very confused and nervous because he’s confused as to where he is and who the hell he’s holding to his chest and who just snuggled into him. But again, the memories of the night before flood his mind and a soft blush falls on his cheeks. He carefully tries to pull himself out of your grip, but you let out the cutest whine and bury your face in his chest. It causes him to stop dead in his tracks. He then decides that if you hated what was happening, you would have pulled away when you woke up or would have let him pull away from you. So he relaxes just a bit more and tightens his arms around you, pulling you even closer before falling back asleep himself. 
The two of you wake up together to a loud bang on your door, the door opening and closing, and then an Irish accent yelling. “Y/N! You lazy bum get up! You were supposed to meet me---- Who the fuck?” You and Techno quickly sit up and there at the end of your bed is your best friend, who also just so happens to be your lady in waiting. “Minx! We’ve talked about this… Knock god damn it” You grumble laying back down in the bed, surprising Techno by pulling him down with you and curling into him again. “I would if you actually answered the door… Who the fuck is this in your bed?” She says again, much quieter this time, but still loudly. Letting out a sigh, you decide that you’re not getting any more sleep. “Technoblade, this is Minx, my annoying best friend, Minx this is Technoblade… I’ve hired him to kill my father and fiancé” you tell your bestie. Her eyes get huge and her mouth gapes at you like a fish. “I know we talked about it, I didn’t know you were serious” “It was either this or killing myself and I think I deserve to live compared to those two cruel bastards.” Minx quickly composes herself and gives you a nod. “Damn right… Well then… I guess we can cancel our plans for the day so you two can begin plotting… I’ll make sure no one comes in.” “Thanks Minx. You’re a really good friend. I love you” “Yeah, yeah… I love you too bitch” And then she leaves. 
Techno has been silent this whole time, just observing. He doesn’t know how the hell Minx was so chill with him here and the fact he was here to kill her king… But once she leaves his attention is back on you. You let out a sigh, stretch, and turn to him with a big smile. “Come on… We should probably get started.” You crawl out of bed and Techno follows you, still a little bewildered. The two of you move in sync around the room as you get ready for the day. You two eat, use the bathroom (separately lol), and just get ready before the two of you meet back at the table. You get right into it. You two begin drawing out a plan. 
The plan: Your wedding was at the end of the week. So you would unfortunately get married to your fiancé but once you two would go off into your separate room after the wedding, Techno would be in there already and would slice his throat. You would make sure your father was nearby before screaming for him and when he ran into the room, Techno would kill him as well before running to the window and escaping. You would then call for the guards, once he was far enough away. But you would be secured in the position as the sole monarch of your land with no more cruel leaders coming your way. It was set… All there was to do now was wait. 
The two of you spend the rest of the week together. You barely ever leave the room and Techno leaves even more rarely. One time you were trying to take him on a walk and so the two of you were standing at the door. He opens the door just as you heard footsteps begin to walk down the hall, causing you to reach out and yank him back into the room, his body turning and his chest crashing into yours. You two stare into each other’s eyes before you realize the position your in and clear your throat before taking a step back to clear your head. But you two spend almost every minute of every day together, other than the times you have to leave to do royal things. But because of this you two get very close. He tells you about his life and you tell him about yours. He tells you about his family and about Phil, he offers to let you meet him one day. You’d like that, you really would. You two spend a lot of time reading together, sharing funny or sad parts in your book. Exchanging and recommending ones you think the other would enjoy. You two grow close but also hold each other at arms length, knowing that once the week was over, Techno would be leaving and you two would rarely see each other again. 
The night before the wedding changes everything though.
This day would be the longest day you two would be away from each other because you’re gone for a lot of the day, finishing the prep for the wedding. So the whole day Techno has been sitting on the couch reading. That’s where he would be when you walked in. Exhausted you would flop down beside him and adjust yourself so that your head was laying in his lap. He would look down at you a little amused, but would move one hand down and would begin running his hand through your hair. You relax into his lap and sigh in contentment. After a few minutes, you get tired of the silence. “Read to me?” You ponder softly. Again, Techno’s eyes leave the page and scan your gentle face. “Of course doll.” His eyes would shift back to the pages he was reading and he would begin to read aloud. His voice soothing as he reads and his hand still petting your head. Your eyes flutter closed as you begin to drift off to sleep. There is a slight pause of silence as Techno turns a page and you’re so sleepy but so warm that you can’t help the words that slip from your lips, “I love you.” And then you’re asleep. Techno freezes though. Did he just hear you right? You said you loved him? Him? The Blood God? Someone you literally hired to come here and kill someone? You love him? His thoughts race as he stares at your beautiful and relaxed face before it all settles on one thought. He loves you too. He loves you so much. There is no way that he would be able to sit through tomorrow. Knowing you, the one he loves, was out there getting married to someone so cruel and horrible, even though he would die shortly after… He wants to be the only one you marry. So with that thought, he changes the plan. He’s not sure how much you’ll like it… But he does it. He carefully sets the book down and moves your head out of his lap, stands up, turns around, picks you up and carefully puts you down on your bed. Techno tucks you in gently before grabbing his sword and quietly leaving the room. 
It’s late at night, no one is in the hallways which is perfect. He makes his way to your father’s room first, remembering exactly where it was from one of your rare walks. Techno quietly slips into the room and over to the king’s bed. He glares at the face of the king before bringing his sword up and sliding the sword across the king’s throat in one swift motion. The king’s eyes shoot open in a panic and meets Techno’s stare. The king opens his mouth to call out to someone, anyone, but he can’t make a single noise. The blood drips from his throat and soon the king’s eyes roll back in his head, and he’s dead. Techno darkly chuckles to himself before leaving the room once more and slips to your fiancé’s room. Again, stalking to the side of his bed and slicing his throat. Once more, the man’s eyes shoot open, the same panic lacing his eyes. “It’s a shame you’ll never get to marry Y/N. They would have been the best thing in your life. Too bad you’re an evil asshole… Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to take care of them and give them all the love in the world” Techno hums darkly before driving his sword into the man’s chest. Again, no sound leaves his mouth as the life leaves his body. Pleased with himself, Techno pulls the sword out of the dead man and makes his way back to your room. 
The door opening and closing wakes you, causing you to panic. It can’t be morning already. You shoot up from your spot on the bed, a little confused as to how you got there and why Techno is not next to you, but your eyes shoot to the door and you find Techno stand there with a bloody sword and you immediately know what has happened. “Oh Techno” you breathe out, shooting off the bed and launching yourself across the room and into his arms, the sword falling from his hand onto the floor, sweeping you up into his arms. “What happened to the plan?” You question him, not upset. After all he did what he was hired to do, he killed the people you so desperately wanted dead. “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t watch the person I love get married to someone else, even if they would only be married for 10 minutes… I want to be the only person you marry Y/N.” He admits melting your heart melting at the confession. “You’re the only person I want to marry too Techno” you admit back, pulling your face away from him. His eyes meet yours before he leans forward and crashes his lips into your in a passionate but sloppy kiss. You don’t mind though, you kiss him back with just as much passion. Too soon Techno breaks away from the kiss, “Come with me” he breathes out, “What?” You respond a little confused, “Come with me. Back to the DreamSMP. You don’t have to be the ruler. You can leave a note, tell them that there is no more monarchy, that they are free now. Come with me. Please. I can’t be with out you.” And who are you to deny him such a request. You nod enthusiastically, “Yes. Yes. I’ll go with you Techno. I can’t be without you either. I love you” “I love you too” the two of you share another passionate kiss. You’re the one to break away. “Okay, okay. I have to write the note. Gather all you can from my chests please.” You two split and quickly do you separate tasks. After you’re done, Techno is still packing so you figure you have enough time. “I’ll be right back my love,” you murmur walking over to him, kissing his cheek, and walking over to the door. Techno, although a little bit of nervous energy is flowing through his veins, he trusts you so he lets you go. 
You quickly sprint down the hallway and slip into your best friend’s room. You quickly walk over to her side and shake her shoulder till she wakes up. “Wot the fuck?” Minx mutters, her eyes peering open to stare at you, “Wot the fuck do you want?” She questions. “Minx. I’m leaving. Now. With Techno. The king… The king is dead, there are roses by the stairs (okay so you didn’t actually say the roses part… moving on). My fiance, well ex-fiance, is dead. Techno and I are leaving for his homeland… I just wanted to tell you goodbye.” Minx stares at you before lurching forward and wrapping you in a huge hug. “Let me know when you’re safe okay? I love you” “I will. I love you too… If you want, when we get there I can send you the coordinates. You could come too.” Minx pulls away from the hug and nods. “Yeah I’d like that… Now get out of here. Before you get caught.” You would lean down and press a kiss to Minx’s forehead, “i love you” “i love you” 
Techno was done packing when you opened the door. “You ready?” You ask him quietly. “Yes… Are you?” “I’ve never been ready for anything in my entire life.” You two share one more kiss before carefully exiting the castle and disappearing in the night. 
The king and the bitch… i mean ex fiance… are discovered dead the next morning. A guard rushes into your room to check on you only to find the note neatly placed on your pillow. It is announced within the next hour that the citizens were now free, that there was no longer a monarch due to the proclamation of the last ruler. Because technically once the king died, you became ruler and then all your proclamations would then have to be followed. People would be confused at first, but then they would celebrate. No longer under the control of a cruel and vicious king as well as you, the sweet child of that monster, was free and happy and were allowing them to be free and happy too? Sounds amazing to them. That day they dance and drink and toast to your honor. 
You and Techno make it back to his house safely and with no issues. The first thing you do is let Minx know you’re safe and sound. The second thing you do is kiss Techno. And the third thing you do is meet Philza. He is very surprised to see Techno coming home with someone, especially since he knew about the mission and knew who you were. But Techno and you explain everything and he immediately gives you the biggest, warmest hug you’ve had in a really really long time…. He hugs you like a father would. “I’m so proud of you for doing what’s right… And welcome to the family” you lose it. You cry into his shoulder and he just holds you and let’s you. You feel so safe and so welcomed and it’s been so long since you’ve had a good father, its been since your mom died which was many years ago. But Philza just lets you cry on him and comforts you as you do so… Once the tears are done, you go back to Techno and the two of you curl up in his bed and sleep for a while, exhausted from the days events. 
You slowly meet the rest of the SMP. Techno didn’t want to stress you or the others out so he introduced you to them little by little. You got along with everyone great, your training as a royal making it easy to get along with so many different people of so many different personalities. One thing you appreciated about Techno was that he never outed your royal status. You wanted to keep your past in the past and he accepted that right away, no questions asked. That being said, you definitely do spend a lot of time around Tubbo. Being around and being forced to lead for a long time like you were, it’s not so easy to quit cold turkey. So you help Tubbo govern L’Manberg, no matter how much Techno hates it. But he hears some of the advice you give and decide that maybe your government isn’t so bad. Nobody, except maybe Dream, puts two and two together. That Oryn lost its rulers and suddenly you’re here with Techno and you’re someone who’s really good at ruling…. It doesn’t matter though, that’s how you want it to stay. 
Techno and you get married rather quickly, nobody questions it though. They’re just happy that the Blood God found someone and has actually kind of calmed down a little bit. It’s a really beautiful ceremony where you got a lot of say in what happened, something that your other wedding didn’t have lol. But the two of you live the rest of your lives together just completely and utterly in love with one another and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 7
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Here it is, the last chapter of Gimme Shelter. It took me a while to write it, I kinda had a hard time to let Kat and Henry go... I'm going to miss them. I hope you like the ending I chose for these two. If so, please let me know by leaving a comment, reblog or like. Feedback is much appreciated. 💜
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~ 4.5 k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more? Chapter 7: An important conversation, a celebration and lots of love.
You can find the previous chapters and my other fics on my masterlist!
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues, smut, sex (p in v), vanilla, unprotected sex, nsfw, 18+, fluff
UNBETA'ED! English is not my mother tongue, so expect bad grammar, wrong spelling, chaotic punctuation and clumsy language. All mistakes are mine…
I got a little help with a certain paragraph, thank you so much @sillyrabbit81 for your advice and your support. Love ya 💕
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill or anyone who's related to him in any way, this is pure fiction and a lot of wishful thinking.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @luclittlepond @eldarwen333 @meowpurrbooks @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @margauxmargaux07 @radaofrivia @m07belzen @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @mary-ann84 @sillyrabbit81 @emelinelovesjc @wheretheriversrunintothesea @lam0ureuxq @kingliam2019
Let the grand finale begin....
"There's no need to be nervous, Kat."
Henry gave her a smile before taking a sip of his coffee.
They were sitting at their gate, waiting to board the plane that was going to fly them to Jersey.
"I know", Kat sighed, shaking her head slowly, "but I still am. I haven't seen your family in years, there will be so many people I don't know…"
"And they will love you. Look, Kitty, today is gonna be relaxed. You'll meet my parents, my brothers and their families and that's it. Just a casual dinner. Tomorrow there will be the celebration and I promise you it's gonna be great. My folks know how to party," he winked at her with a grin, "and on Sunday everyone except for my parents will be gone and we have a whole week to relax and just enjoy the island and our time together. Okay?"
"Okay," she smiled at him and took a bite of the muffin she had bought at one of the airport cafes, "I'll try to relax. Just distract me, tell me something... anything."
"That's the text for Instagram. The open letter to my fans and followers."
"Well, actually there's really something I want to talk to you about", Henry said reluctantly. He grabbed his phone and opened his google docs. "I need your opinion on this." He gave her his mobile.
Kat saw that the display showed a long text. "What's that?"
"I see," Kat chewed on her lip, looking him in the eyes, "and you want me to proofread it?"
"I want to know what you think about it."
"Alright. Let's see."
She stared at the words on the screen with a beating heart. Henry had been working on this statement quite a while now and she knew it would include his plans for the future. They had talked about different scenarios but she didn't know what he'd finally decided to do with his life and his work. She was curious but at the same time she was scared because many of these scenarios meant that he was going to leave St. Ives and her life. She took a deep breath and started to read.
The statement was deep and of unabashed openness. The way Henry described what he had gone through in the past year was very touching and she had to fight back tears several times. Relief flooded her when she read that he was asking his fans to give him a little more time to reorientate and that he intended to remain in the background for a little longer, stating that he was very happy at the sanctuary he had found and that good friends had given him shelter. What left her completely amazed was the last paragraph.
"Kal is going to take over your Instagram?"
Henry grinned sheepishly.
"Yeah. For a while. I think it's a good solution. I'm going to post pictures of him with captions that let people know what I'm doing without giving up my privacy until I'm ready to return and face the public again. It's my way of letting my fans be a part of my life although I'm not really present. I want to share what I'm up to but not the way I used to do it. I want to do more than promotion and I want to be more than a thirst trap, Kitty."
"You're much more than that, Hen", she took his hands in hers, looking at him with a frown, "so much more."
He gave her a grateful smile.
"I know that but many people don't and that's my own fault. The way I've presented myself on social media was very one-sided in the last year and it will be interesting to find out how many of my 17 Mio followers still like me when all they'll get to see in the next weeks is my dog. The ones that remain are the ones that count and in the future I want them to see who I am and what's important to me. I have picked three topics I want to concentrate on. First: conversation and protection of species in cooperation with Durrell. Second: mental health, focusing on problems men often face. I want to found a charitable trust that helps and supports men with mental health issues and that raises awareness of that topic. Thirdly: Fitness, because it's such an important part of my life. I want to show how good moving can make you feel but I also want to show the risks of overdoing it and that even very fit people can still have body issues and how I deal with these issues myself."
"First of all I think the statement you want to post is great. It's so sincere and you open up so much... It's a risk because you expose yourself but I think people will appreciate your honesty and I'm sure many can identify with what you've been through. And your plans sound fantastic, Henry. I know how important these topics are to you and you're going to be a great ambassador for all of this because it's authentic. This is you, people will notice and appreciate that." She couldn't help but give him a spontaneous hug. "God, Henry, I'm so happy for you."
Henry let out a sigh and shrugged, looking at Kat with an expression full of doubt and insecurity.
"What do you think?"
He hugged her back, pulling her into a tight embrace. "That's such a relief, Kat. I was worried it might sound stupid."
"Not a bit! It sounds perfect. But what about work? Do you already know where to go with your job?"
He took a deep breath.
"Yes. I want to return to filming but I want to leave my comfort zone a bit and try to get different kinds of roles. I'll have to talk to my agent and hope that he can find some interesting projects for me. I also thought about going on the stage again. Back to the roots, maybe I will find a theater that is willing to give me a chance. But that's just an idea, I'm open to anything. I just know for sure that I love my job. I want to be an actor and I'm ready to work again."
"And you will work again. I'm sure. Are you going to tell your family about your plans?"
"Sure. It will be a great relief for them to see that I'm back on track."
"Of course. It's a relief for me too."
"I know…"
They were interrupted by the announcement that boarding was about to start and so they got on the plane, heading to Jersey with a pretty good feeling.
36 hours later Kat was still feeling pretty good. The garden party was in full swing and she really enjoyed the jolly atmosphere, the food, the drinks and most of all Henry's company. His family had given her a very warm welcome and so she had a very good time. The garden was beautifully decorated and lit by countless torches, candles and chinese lanterns. A local band was playing cover songs on a little stage and a clown was entertaining the children.
It was almost midnight when Henry turned to her with a smile.
"Time for the big surprise."
"Can't wait. You've been such a mystery-monger lately."
"I know, but you'll soon know why."
"Well, you want to surprise your mum. Isn't that the reason?" Kat was visibly confused and Henry gave her one of his perfectly imperfect winks.
"My mum and...you. Maybe?"
He went away with a grin and left Kat with a beating heart. What kind of surprise could he possibly have for her? On his mother's birthday? She smoothened out her plain black dress with a nervous gesture before she followed Henry with her eyes, her arms resting on the cocktail table right in front of the stage. When he grabbed the microphone, Kat assumed he wanted to hold a speech, maybe telling his family and friends about his future plans but when he turned to the band leader for a whispered exchange she knew there was more to it. Henry nodded at each of the band members and Kat could tell he was nervous by his body language.
"Hello everyone," his deep voice echoed through the speakers, "I'm sorry to interrupt, I know everyone is having a great time and don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with a speech, but I still have prepared a little something. A surprise."
He flashed a bright smile at his mother, ignoring the teasing cheers and whistles coming from his brothers.
"Mum, I racked my brain over a special present for weeks. What would make you happy? What would surprise you? Eventually I had this idea I knew you'd love but that really got me out of my comfort zone. I worked hard on it and I hope you and everybody else will like the result." Henry cleared his throat with a sheepish smile.
"Come on man, spill it." That was Henry's younger brother Charlie and Kat couldn't help but chuckle when his older brother Simon joined in.
"Yeah, Hen, the suspense is killing us."
Henry shook his head, laughing and Marianne Cavill shushed her sons with an amused smile.
"Okay, well... I'm going to sing for you."
"Oh please, spare us. You can't sing." Charlie again, he'd always been a cheeky guy and obviously he hadn't changed a bit. Henry laughed out loud, pointing his finger at Charles.
"Right, brother, that's why I took lessons. I spent many, many hours at our neighbour's who is a vocal coach. Kat is my witness."
All eyes turned on her now and she couldn't give them much more than a shrug, a nod and a smile to confirm his words. She wasn't able to say anything, but her mind was racing. He had been taking singing lessons with Mel, who had been a music teacher and vocal coach before her marriage. The revelation hit her hard and unexpected, flooding her with relief and a hint of shame. She had been so suspicious all this time without a reason. Nothing had been going on between Hen and Mel, nothing inappropriate, nothing intimate. He had been telling the truth.
Henry's voice interrupted her thoughts and she took a deep breath, turning her attention to what was happening on stage.
The band started to play and Kat immediately recognized the song, Green, Green Grass of Home, and when Henry began to sing she was completely captivated by his full, warm and dark voice. He did great up there and it didn't take people long to pull out lighters and smartphones to wave them in the air to the slow rhythm of the song, creating a sea of lights that illuminated the garden.
"Well...I better get started before I chicken out and change my mind." He nodded at the band with a grateful smile.
"We only had the chance to rehearse two times so please be lenient with me. Thanks guys for playing along and allowing me to take over... Anyway, I've prepared three songs. Enjoy."
Kat looked at Mrs Cavill, no, at Marianne -it still felt strange to call her by her first name- and she was beaming, tears of pride and joy sparkling in her eyes. Kat was incredibly happy and proud too, it just felt so good to see Henry perform, completely at ease with himself, confident and charming as ever.
The next song seemed to be some kind of family hymn. After only a few lines of Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline everybody was singing along, even the kids, and Kat joined in, soaking up the jolly atmosphere and the good mood that was so infectious. Henry obviously had a great time too. He was smiling all over his face and it made Kat glad to see him so relaxed and happy. Before he began singing the last song, he spoke softly into the microphone.
"The next one is for everyone who's in love. Grab your loved ones and get on the dancefloor, it's time for slow-dancing", and after a little pause he added, "this one's for you, Kat."
I know that you've been hurt before
He looked her straight in the eyes and his words sent shivers down her spine. She noticed the curious glances people gave her and she knew she was blushing but she did her best to pretend to be cool, calm and collected, taking a sip of her red wine. When the music set in, Kat easily recognized the song. It was a slow version -Henry's version- of a Curtis Stigers song and she already loved it after the first few words. She knew the lyrics by heart and thinking about them awoke the butterflies in her belly.
Happy couples filled the dancefloor looking lovingly at each other, dancing slowly to the music. Henry's full voice was perfect for the song and he kept looking at Kat. Their eyes were locked and to her it felt like no one else was around, like Henry was singing just for her.
But that won't happen anymore, no no
Just give your heart to me
And I'll guard it with my life
I don't know what I'd do
Baby, without you
His words found their way right into her heart and for the first time in 22 years she felt ready to finally let go of the past, to completely trust him again, to believe him and to forgive him.
You're all that matters to me
The ground that you walk
The air that you breathe
Someday you'll discover
I don't want no other, believe me
You're all that matters, baby
All that matters to me
She realized that a teardrop was rolling down her cheek and she wiped it away hastily. Concern was showing in Henry's eyes when he saw that she was crying but the smile she gave him showed him it was a tear of joy and relief flooded him. He couldn't wait to finish the song now, couldn't wait to dance with Kat, to hold her in his arms.
Loud applause followed his performance, accompanied by calls for an encore that he declined politely with a shy smile. Henry made sure to tell the band to continue with some ballads and after receiving some very tight hugs and kisses from his extremely happy and proud mother he finally joined Kat at their table.
"Fancy a dance?" He offered her his hand with a charming smirk.
She nodded and took his hand, following him to the dance floor where he pulled her close. They swayed slowly to "You Are The Sunshine of my life" for a while without saying anything, content with just looking at each other, before Kat broke the silence.
"You were great up there."
"You liked it?"
"I loved it, Hen. You have a wonderful voice. Mel seems to be a good coach." Kat gave him a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, she is. Once she'd realized that I wasn't interested in more than singing lessons she was very professional and pretty strict."
Henry grinned at her, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise and I wanted you to trust me." He shrugged, giving her a tender smile.
"And I didn't. I let you down. I was such an idiot, Henry. I should have believed you, I am so sor…"
"No, Kitty, please... don't apologize, okay?" He looked at her with a frown, seriousness showing in his eyes. "You had every right to be mistrustful, I understand that. Just tell me that you think you will be able to trust me again some day."
"I already do. I…"
They bumped into another couple and it wasn't the first time. The dance floor was crowded and everyone was keen on congratulating Henry on his performance. It felt like every single party guest was watching them.
"Wanna leave?"
"Yes," Kat nodded with a smile.
"It's so peaceful, isn't it?"
"It is. It's beautiful." Kat squeezed Henry's hand before resting her head against his shoulder. They were walking down the beach along the dark shore, that was romantically enlightened by a bright full moon hand, in hand. The sea was calm, just giving off its soothing sounds and a cool breeze that made Kat shiver. Henry took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
"Thanks", Kat said with a smile, "not only for the jacket but for bringing me here and for this wonderful night."
"Did you enjoy the party?"
"Of course, it was so much fun and I loved your performance. Especially the third song."
Henry stopped walking and turned to her, taking both of her hands in his, looking her deep in the eyes.
"Every single word was true, Kat. I meant it. I'd never hurt you again. You're really all that matters to me. I know you find it hard to believe me, but…"
"I believe you," Kat cut in, "I felt it. I feel it now."
Henry stared at her. "You do?"
"Fuck, yes, I do!" Kat threw her head back, laughing out loud, feeling incredibly happy and light-hearted all of the sudden. "And I feel the same, Hen. Exactly the same."
She cupped his face with her hands and did what she had been longing to do for so long. She kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, almost shy and when Henry felt her mouth on his, her soft lips united with his, skin on skin, no tongue, just tenderness and love, he was beyond happy and savoured every single second.
When Kat pulled away reluctantly he rested his forehead against hers taking a deep breath.
"I feel like 17 again", he whispered.
Kat laughed softly at his words. "So do I. It feels great."
The next kiss started off just like the previous one, innocent and sweet, but when Henry pulled Kat close to deepen the kiss all the bottled-up sexual tension and energy, all the suppressed passion and desire of more than 20 years erupted and they started to make out hungrily, starving for love and intimacy. After a while things really heated up and Henry was the one to put the brakes on when Kat started to fumble with his fly.
"If you don't want me to take you right here we better take it to the bedroom, Kitty", Henry sighed, his voice thick with arousal and desire.
"Well, I've never done it on the beach…", Kat smirked, biting her lower lip.
"Seriously? Here?" Henry took a look around checking if the coast was clear.
"I was joking, Hen. I hate having sand in every pore." Kat nudged him with a grin. "Just take me home."
They made it to the cottage in record time and started to undress each other right in the little hallway, kissing and fumbling like teenagers. While Kat was unzipping Henry's trousers, he was unsuccessfully trying to open her bra.
"Front clasp, Hen", Kat explained to him breathlessly.
"Fuck", Henry chuckled, "I swear I'm not gonna be that clueless once I'll have you naked."
"Good," she answered with a lewd smile, stripping off her bra when he'd finally managed to open it, standing in front of him in just her panties.
"God, you're beautiful, Kitty." Henry let his eyes wander all over her body while stepping out of his pants. He took off his socks and now he was facing her naked too, except for his briefs.
"You don't look so bad yourself, pop."
She grabbed him by the hem of his underwear, pulling him close for another kiss. Kat gasped when he lifted her up effortlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist, feeling his hard-on pressing against her wet panties. She moaned into his mouth when he moved his hips, dry humping her teasingly. Henry carried Kat to his bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He stripped off her pants before he did the same with his and when they finally were both naked he climbed on top of her, looking her deep in the eyes, before kissing her again. It was a long, slow kiss and Kat let her fingers run over his back till they reached his butt. She squeezed his ass and pulled him close, sighing with lust when Henry started to kiss her tits and to suck her nipples. She reached between her legs and grabbed his dick that was pretty impressive, giving it a few strokes that made him moan loudly.
"Fuck, Kat...I need you…I need to feel you...now."
She brought the tip of his cock to her entrance, bucking her hips, inviting him in.
"Take me. I'm yours, Henry."
"Are you on birth control?"
"I am, don't worry. Just go for it. Please."
Her words weren't more than a hoarse whisper but Henry heard them crystal clear. He moaned again when he realized that it was finally going to happen. He was about to make love to Kat and it was like a dream come true. A hot, sexy, wet dream and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He penetrated Kat slowly, gently, enjoying the moment that marked the beginning of their first time.
"God, Hen…", Kat moaned softly as he stretched her pussy, kneading his ass and lifting her hips to meet him halfway, "you feel great."
"I love you, Henry," she whispered before she came with a loud moan. She arched her back and Henry felt the shiver that ran through her body and the contraction of her pussy that tightened around his cock. The feelings that flooded him were more than Henry could take and he cried her name out loud when he got off, releasing an enormous amount of cum and the thought of filling her up like this made him thrust into her cunt hard and deep one last time. "Fuck...Kitty." He collapsed on top of her, gasping and panting, holding her tight, pressing a kiss on her lips. Henry looked her in the eyes with a loving smile.
He started to move slowly once he filled her completely, looking her in the eyes. It was impossible to turn back time. He wasn't her first, she wasn't his first but he still intended to make their first time together feel special, he didn't want to fuck her mindless, he wanted to make tender love to her. He thrusted a little faster and deeper now and Kat followed his rhythm, her gaze resting on his face. They shared another sensual kiss, moving in sync for a wonderful long time, prolonging the intimate moment as much as possible, enjoying the sensation of closeness, their bodies and souls connected.
Henry's moans got louder, turning into raspy grunts which was a great turn on for Kat, who was a panting mess. Breathing heavily she was getting closer to cumming with every thrust that hit her cervix, with every stroke, brushing against her g-spot, with his lower body pressing and rubbing against her clit. She watched Henry, who had his head bent back now, eyes half closed, his upper body propped up on his elbows that were placed left and right of her torso. She wrapped her legs around him, making him go even deeper before she grabbed his head and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. They locked eyes and his gaze was full of tenderness, his pupils tinted black and filled with lust.
"I love you too, Kat."
A few minutes later they were lying side by side, holding hands, their faces turned to each other.
"We should have done that 22 years ago."
Henry grinned at Kat, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
"I doubt it would have been so good. Teenage Kat was very self-conscious and a little prude and I guess teenage Henry wasn't a pro at handling this weapon right from the start." Kat touched his dick and gave him a teasing wink that made Henry chuckle.
"Right. We've come a long way. It just feels like we've wasted so much time...all these years."
"We can't change that, Hen", Kat said, "but we can make the most of the time that's still to come. Let's just be happy together from now on. Let's spend as much time together as possible, let's have lots and lots of fucking great sex, let's have fun, let's share our joys and sorrows, let's share our lives."
Two years later.
Kat sat at her desk in her office with a happy smile on her face. Mr. Darcy was sleeping on her lap and she held a letter in her hands. Bringing it close to her nose she took a deep breath, smelling Henry's scent, his tangy, musky cologne. It was a habit they had established in the last years. Whenever Henry and Kat were separated for more than a few days they sent each other love letters. Handwritten in ink, the exclusive, handmade writing paper perfumed with their odours, the lines filled with their love. The letters usually weren't long, most of the time they shared just short poems or simply a few sentences about how their days had been without each other. It was their old fashioned way of showing their affection and of staying in touch in addition to their conversations via phone or facetime.
"A letter from daddy", Kat whispered, stroking her round belly tenderly. Eight weeks to go until they would welcome their first child and a little more than half a year until their wedding. "Let's see what it's saying."
Kat opened the letter carefully and pulled out the thick paper to unfold it.
"My darling Kitty,
Only three days to go until I finally can take you in my arms again. I can't wait to kiss your lips and your belly to greet you and our little bean. I don't have much time, you know how tight my schedule is, but I needed to write down this poem for you. It would make a great wedding vow, don't you think? Just read it and let me know how you feel about it when I'm back.
"Mouthful Of Forevers
I am not the first person you loved. You are not the first person I looked at with a mouthful of forevers. We have both known loss like the sharp edges of a knife. We have both lived with lips more scar tissue than skin.
Our love came unannounced in the middle of the night. Our love came when we’d given up on asking love to come. I think that has to be part of its miracle. This is how we heal.
I will kiss you like forgiveness. You will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms will bandage and we will press promises between us like flowers in a book.
I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat on your skin. I will write novels to the scar of your nose. I will write a dictionary of all the words I have used trying to describe the way it feels to have finally, finally found you.
And I will not be afraid of your scars. I know sometimes it’s still hard to let me see you in all your cracked perfection, but please know: whether it’s the days you burn more brilliant than the sun or the nights you collapse into my lap your body broken into a thousand questions, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I will love you when you are a still day. I will love you when you are a hurricane."
Isn't it perfect for us?
by Clementine von Radics
I love you!
Forever yours,
The End
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