#elijah kamski x fem!reader
Golden Cage
Summary: Money really does not buy happiness…
Pairing: Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Content Warnings: Emotionally Charged PWP 18+!, Elijah Playing Mind Games, Mentions Of Self-Harm, Mentions Of Alcohol, A Brief Moment Of Crying, A Clearly Toxic Relationship, Choking, Degradation/Praise, Unprotected P In V, Elijah Talking Reader Through It, Breeding Kink, No Aftercare Because…Elijah
A/N: This might just be one of the horniest things I've ever written…
Also, you know me, of course I've put together an Elijah Kamski playlist by now!
Tagging those who might be interested: @spookyorchid @blueberrypancakesworld @herprivateisland @queer-crusader
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Half algorithm, half deity
Glitches in the code or gaps in a strange dream
Tell me you guessed my future and it mapped onto your fantasy
Turn me into your mannequin and I'll turn you into my puppet queen
- Ascensionism by Sleep Token
Calm, nearly silent breathing was the only minuscule sound that filled the darkness of the bedroom around you. With your eyes forcefully shut, you tried to fall asleep, had been at it for at least the past 30 minutes but your racing mind always flung back to the dull ache emitting from the palm of your right hand. The fresh memories of clasping too tightly around a delicate glass of champagne completely on purpose until it shattered into sharp smithereens circulated in your thoughts, taking lap after lap, whilst you sought to calm the still raging anger in your chest.
Although the worst part of your desperation-fueled tantrum was over, the leftover flickers of outrage still prevailed. By whatever god out there, you were so sick of it. So sick of being stuck in this mansion with the world very much at your fingertips but no way to get out. No way to leave this designer-architected hellhole to lead a normal life and just be one of millions again, no. That train left the station years ago when you had started out as a simple intern at CyberLife and Elijah Kamski, the prodigy high up above, the demi-god of modernization himself took an interest in you and you greedily grabbed the hand of opportunity not only by its pinky. Back then not even the sky seemed to be the limit but now you found yourself trapped between silken duvet covers and marble-tiled rooms.
“Would you listen to me for a moment?” Elijah’s calm tone from behind pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Uh-huh…” It rolled over your tongue in an exhausted murmur.
“Does it hurt badly?” You felt him scooting closer, his tall frame cupping your backside.
“So so…” You huffed, shrugging your tense shoulders.
“Let me see.” Elijah’s fingertips snaked along your waist down to your hips, tracing your elbow from there on upwards until his palm wrapped itself around your wrist.
In a gentle and slow movement, he pulled your hand closer to his face.
“It’ll be okay.” You tried to dismiss it.
“Eventually.”, Elijah agreed right before you felt his plush lips planting soft pecks along your knuckles, “I’m sorry it came to this in the first place.”
"Are you?" You inquired with a carefully aimed edge to your tone.
"Please, don't be like that now. Of course I'm sorry that you're hurt." Elijah groaned quietly, his thumb stroking over the back of your hand.
His slight annoyance gave you a little kick, because it was exactly what you wanted to coax out of him. A reaction, an acknowledgement of your discomfort, your seemingly endless boredom.
"Yet I also wonder why nothing I offer you ever seems to be enough…", Your senses perked up at his words because you knew what was about to happen and you really needed it to, "Haven’t I given you everything, love? Am I not spoiling you rotten?"
Every little bit of his accusations went straight to your head and you let them in, craved for Elijah to get into your mind like that because it brought you a twisted sense of comfort in the way it belittled your needs.
"You do." You agreed, the slowly building blame gradually covering the biting loneliness stinging in your chest.
"So what more do you want?" Elijah hummed against the shell of your ear, lulled you in further with his warm breath breezing along your neck.
"Your attention. You left the company but you still don't seem to be here…with me.", It trickled from your lips in an honest answer, "You're everywhere all the time but not here."
The latter sentence felt like clawing its way out of your lungs, leaving you raw and sore on the inside for letting slip how much you really needed Elijah to throw you but a morsel of his affection every now and then. With that, you sensed your facade slipping away. The anger and pretentious pride had failed to cover up the puddle of hurt you felt yourself being drenched in and for a split second you pondered whether you really crushed that dainty champagne flute to gather his attention or if that had been you, punishing yourself for still craving his attention.
Whilst trying to take a deep breath, you noticed your chest trembling and your bottom lip quivering dangerously. You were unmistakably about to lose it completely but bit down onto your tongue harshly enough to keep yourself from falling apart at the seams.
"Turn around. Can you do that for me?" He withdrew his hand from your wrist to give you enough space to shuffle around underneath the expensive duvet.
In an haphazardly executed attempt to pull back the burning tears gathering at your lower lash line, you slowly turned around to look straight into an unexpectedly calm expression on Elijah’s face.
Calm or indifferent? It crossed your mind but you banished that thought right back to where it emerged from. Instead, your eyes slowly roamed over his features, from his lips that were slightly curled up into a hardly even there smile to his striking blue eyes and eventually up to the vagrant strands of his darkish blonde hair framing and softly falling into his face.
Looking at Elijah like that damn near killed you from the inside out because it reminded you of the version of him you had fallen in love with years ago. The witty and incredibly sharp CEO that worked alongside his developers instead of secluding himself in an ivory tower of vanity. The man that had even conducted the interview for your apprenticeship himself whilst cradling a cardboard cup of coffee in his hands, the fuzzy sleeves of a blue zipper pulled up to his knuckles, his eyes sparkling at you with endless excitement.
Now, barely anything of that warmth was left. With the years it all went down the drain of multimillion dollar deals over hordes and hordes of androids. Sometimes you felt as if Elijah grew a little colder with every android that sold and a part of you had started hating them for seemingly taking him away from you, eating away at his own humanity piece by piece. You couldn't decide whether or not those thoughts and speculations had anything to them, really, yet you couldn’t stop them from crossing your mind every now and then.
"Some days I wake up wishing to be just another android so you'd tend to me, Eli." The words bubbled out of you in an unbridled gush of emotions, just like the first burning tears spilling over your lash line.
"Come on now, that's nonsense. You're irreplaceable and you know that." Elijah’s brows arched up, closely knit together in a borderline scolding expression, disdain over your utterings washing across his face.
"Do I?", You sniffled, his harsh and cold response cutting right through you, "It's getting quite hard to hold on to that, Elijah, when the only thing you get reminded about on the daily is how utterly invisible you are."
"Stop that right there. You're not invisible to me and now you're just throwing around words." Elijah's eyes narrowed down on you in growing irritation.
"Throwing around words, yeah?", His dismissal came like a ladle full of ethanol to the embers of your rage fit, actively making you spew the most hurtful things that were waiting right at the tip of your tongue, "Do you fuck them?"
"Excuse me?" For a split second it seemed as if Elijah’s jaw was about to drop.
"Do you fuck your robots?" You repeated yourself, a surge of pride for having rendered him dumbfounded for the blink of an eye tugging at your lips before the mere thought of it turned you blind with jealousy.
"No." Elijah stated bluntly, his teeth slightly clenching.
"Oh?", You mocked, pushing it further, "How come?"
"Because none of them…", He sneered, his hand darting upward for it to grab you by the throat in a firm grasp, "None of them could ever be as feisty as you are, love."
You heard your breath hitching and felt Eli's thumb brush over your pulse point as he leaned in, his lips almost touching yours.
"Because I can't feel their pulse picking up or see their pupils widening like yours right now, getting so terribly worked up and flustered over being talked to like that, hm?", You were painfully aware how the heat crept into your face with every word of his, "Because my androids don't need to be put in their place because they wouldn't get so catastrophically mouthy and bratty, now would they?"
"No, no.", He answered his own question with a sly smirk playing around his mouth whilst the clasp of his hand grew tighter until he could feel every quickened pump of your heart right underneath his skin, "They follow a script, a code, they are boring…so unlike you."
Elijah leaned in further, eventually closing down on the tiny bit of space left between your bodies, his lips eagerly pressing onto yours for the first time in days. His proximity, the bare presence of him sent your mind reeling, it soothed the boiling anger in your chest but it wasn't enough, not enough in the slightest to still your aching need for his affection.
A slightly pained mewl of yours got muffled by his tongue snaking into your mouth as your hands practically clawed onto his sides, the brutalized one, with its countless thin cuts, flaring up anew.
"Ouw, does that hurt?" He cooed into your mouth, his free hand shooting towards yours resting on his hip and pressing down harder.
"I'm afraid that's what you get for being naughty, acting up like that. Poor little attention whore." The unmistakably derogatory tone in his voice jolted right amidst your thighs, causing you to clench and throb around nothing.
" 'M sorry…" It fell from your lips in a breathless moan, your words sincere.
You truly felt sorry about being so whiny and bitchy when Elijah gave you everything you could possibly dream of.
"Oh, shut up. I don't want to hear anything from you right now. Not a single fucking thing. You got that?" You nodded and choked back a whine as Eli latched his teeth at your bottom lip, pulling and dragging your head along until he let it slip again.
"There you go, looks like you can listen after all." To reward your silence, he freed your throat from his tight grasp but only to lean himself on his elbow whilst shoving himself on top of you.
On instinct, you spread your legs for him pathetically fast, calves wrapping around his waist in an instant.
"Good girl.", Elijah hummed against your cheek, nearly coaxing a whimper out of you as his other hand slid between your bodies, slender fingers playing over your trembling stomach and eventually down to align himself with your entrance, the tip of his cock prodding against your already oozing cunt, "I'd never fuck an android and you know why? Because they'd never just get oh so hot and desperately wet like you do, love."
His breathing rendered more labored with every inch of him that spearheaded into you, stretching you out to accommodate him properly. With furrowed brows, you bit down on your bottom lip, hiding your flustered face in his shoulder to shut down every possible sound that might come out of your mouth upon feeling Elijah drilling into you.
"Wouldn't waste a thought on it when I can just be balls deep inside your perfect pussy." His hushed voice intoxicated you as he started rocking his hips into your lap at a reckless pace right away, a heavy moan threatening to erupt from your lungs.
God, you wanted to groan and whine out your hammering arousal so badly but shoved it all back down your throat as hard as you possibly could. It almost felt like a sore, dry lump forming right behind your tongue that you couldn't do anything about but to swallow it over and over again.
"Not even I could build something so magnificent as you are." Eli's hot breath stroke over your jawline and everything in you clung onto these words, although, for the blink of an eye, you found yourself wondering if that was just him getting increasingly drunk on your body with each and every hard roll of his waist, not pulling out fully before hammering into you again.
"Maybe I should just knock you up sometime soon, huh?", In a weak attempt to steady yourself, you clawed at his back, fingernails digging into his skin, "Actually creating a life, I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you?"
Instead of words, your body delivered the answer to that. To silence everything that was just on the brink of shooting out of your mouth, your body convulsing and shuddering in a quiet orgasm, you bit down on your bottom lip so hard that you were almost sure to draw blood.
"Fuck, pulling me in so desperately." In a frantic rut, the rhythm of his movements gradually faltering, Elijah pressed his lips to yours again with a nearly bruising force.
"Such a good girl, trying to be obedient and quiet for me." He noted you violating your bottom lip whilst shoving himself into your spasming cunt as far as he could one last time before his own climax took over.
You felt it spurt out of him, filling you up that extra notch and it took every last bit of self-control to not just let your head loll back into the satin-covered pillows and whine out at the sensation.
"Fucking hell…that was so overdue, I give you that." With a low groan, Elijah pulled out of you, moving his body to collapse next to yours.
Letting your abused bottom lip finally slip from between your teeth, you felt the emotional whiplash washing right over the blissful release you experienced just moments before.
"Next time just tell me, no need to squash a glass with that pretty hand of yours."
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prismuffin · 1 year
Elijah Kamski Fluff/SFW Alphabet
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A/n: GN!Reader (can be read as any gender-!!)
Using: A, B, G, I, L, M, P, U, V
warnings?: light swearing!
!-!more under the cut!-!
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Elijah adores your smile and your laugh, he loves the sound of your laughter whenever he makes a corny joke and the way you smile at him whenever you notice his presence it just fills him with adoration.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Elijah loves your hands.
He loves holding them in his whenever he can get the chance. When you’re both on the couch doing your own separate things, he will always find a way to grab your hand just so he can play with your fingers as he reads or responds to the countless emails that flood his inbox.
He loves the way they cup his face in the mornings and how your fingers run through his hair. Sometimes he regrets cutting off his ponytail cause he misses you braiding his hair
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He has no problem giving you gifts, he'll spoil you so fucking much. Though he's not necessarily the type to do it out of the blue ya know? (unless he's been away from you for too long). If you ask him to buy you something then he'll get it for you but if you're not the type to ask then he'll usually only give you gifts for things like birthdays and anniversary's. Only exception is when he knows you've been eyeing something but have been hesitant to buy it- but even then he might just wait until your birthday to give it to you. (if that's too far away tho he'll just surprise you with it one day.)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He's immediately by your side, it doesn't matter what he was doing, all that matters is you right now.
If it's something a bit minor like you accidentally cutting yourself while cooking or getting a razer-cut he'd ask you to sit while telling Chloe to fetch the first aid kit. He'd patch you up himself before planting a loving kiss to the area and asking you to be more careful next time.
If the injury is worse- like a broken/sprained bone he'll make sure you have everything you need while simultaneously staying by your side. Need water? He'll ask Chloe to fetch it. Wanna watch a movie? He's on it. Tired of staying inside all week? He'll have the Chloe's get/find a wheelchair so that he can take you on a walk outside.
If the injury is life-threatening or bad enough to hospitalize you he gets scared. He's once again by your side until you're able to be released from the hospital. He'll get the best doctors and will constantly ask questions about your condition. Once he's able to take you home you're practically on bed rest cause he's doing everything for you. He'll have Chloe set timers of when you should take your pain meds and will just practically fawn over you. One wince slips from your mouth and he's on you asking what hurts and where. Will hold your hand if he can and will have a heartfelt talk about how scared he was for you. After you recover he loves you unconditionally and is very touchy with you but you know he's just glad that you're ok.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He has three main love languages: Quality Time, Words of affirmation, and Gift Giving- and your personality defines which of the three is used the most.
If you like material items (no shade) he'll que in on this and will give you gifts unprompted. He loves seeing your face light up whenever he spoils you so he'll do it often.
If you love having reassurance he'll pick up on it and will constantly remind you how beautiful or handsome you look. He'll probably start every morning with a "hello beautiful" cause he knows you like it and he loves you and loves encouraging you to love you too.
I think quality time is his default for sure. Though with him being so busy all the time he doesn't always get to satisfy that need so he'll switch to gift giving up until he leaves Cyberlife. After retiring he's making up for so much lost time. Loves you being the last thing he sees before he goes to bed and the first thing he sees when he wakes up. Always asks you to join him in whatever he's doing for that day. He's going for a run you wanna join? He think's todays a good day for a dip in the pool would you like to join? Wanna sit together and read in silence? He is so down ugh he just loves being in your presence, you make him so happy and comfortable.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Your first date (even though you stress that it technically wasn't a date)
You were both hanging out in your dorm room back when you were both in college. He was rambling about one of his projects, about how it could change the world if he got the coding right. Sorta zoned out after a second and stopped talking as he realized just how much he was rambling. (Look he's literally a nerd with an emo haircut and I headcanon that he was super awkward in college but he's polite enough to be professional when talking to superiors.) He got super shy and practically clammed up. He thought he was annoying you until you asked him why he stopped talking, asking if something was wrong. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling nervously, saying something along the lines of "you probably don't wanna hear me rambling about this" to which you responded that you didn't mind listening.
Definitely sees that interaction as the first reason he fell in love with you and so that's why it's his favorite :)
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He likes to make a nickname out of your name and then gatekeep it so that no one else can use it. He'll also use ones like "baby" and "love" and "darling" especially darling he abuses the heck out of that one. He'll call you a cutie at times when you're both cuddling or if you're staring at him for too long.
Loves to put 'my' in front of every nickname mentioned above.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He'll give you your space if you're angry at him. He'll ask the Chloe's to check on you every now and then before going to talk to you himself. He'll apologize even if he wasn't in the wrong and will take things slow cause he feels really bad about upsetting you.
If it's not really his fault and it's just work or any other third party he'll offer to get your mind off of it for a while. Wanna take a dip in the pool with him, you both can swim laps or back float to destress. He'll also offer massages, he'd offer Chloe giving you one but if you suggest one from him he has no problem satisfying your needs. He'll make sure you've eaten too- he just hates seeing you upset so he's desperate to see his baby smile at him again.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
BYE he loves to show you off.
Tons of people are so tired of his social media cause it’s all just you.
Especially after he left cyberlife.
With him not having to post about new android updates (which he rarely did anyway) he found having social media was pretty useless. However whenever you finished a new project of yours wether that’s: a new song or album, some new art, a new movie or show you’re in, or new photos from a photo shoot, he’s gonna repost it on his story or quote tweet it with a lengthy caption about how proud he is of you and how everyone should go support your thing cause it’s really good.
If you are famous and have to go to red carpets a lot he loves to spin you around for the photos and make sure to get some paparazzi attention on you because you just look too gorgeous to miss.
Overall, he loves showing off his baby and their achievements.
random ik but I just love Eli-!!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED but you can still send me messages to see if I'm close to opening them again!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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Elijah Kamski x fem!reader - I want your soul
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warning : minors don't interact/read, smut, p in v , mirror sex, some oral (f receiving), bondage, fluff/comfort, obsession
Summary : Elijah Kamski the genius behind the androids and their accessories. He was the genius of the most important man. Who was looking for someone to work with him on something. But did a genius like him really need help or was it something else he wanted, sought and needed to create something that would give him something in the end.
Info : Okay I've finally finished writing it I'm not completely satisfied for one thing because I've had this floating around for months and haven't finished it, I'm going to write an extra one with a few more themes that I hadn't done here. I hope the smut is good and the story is not too ripped out as always it should be as realistic as possible. Have fun reading :)
Ps : @thatsthewrongwallcraig I finally did it I hope you are still in your Elijah obsession have fun reading :)
Detroid had changed since she was born in 2013, it seemed the whole world had changed. Everything had become more modern, more technological and more efficient.
The whole world wasn't just getting closer to the old movies about the future, it had already overtaken them.
It opened up new paths, more possibilities and development was at a level that made them all but immortal. Until the androids came.
Developed by one man, a genius with an IQ of 171, Elijah Kamski. The young genius who developed the androids became a kind of god to some and the devil to others.
The devil for the people whose jobs he had taken away with the androids. He had everything, at least if you could believe the press and the news.
With the invention of thirium and biocomponent technology, he was also the founder of Cyber Life and the richest man on the planet.
He was the incarnate one. The incarnate one who one day launched a public appeal. Not something for a new project since his retirement in 2028 or an assistant or perhaps a successor.
It was rumors that went around the world but especially in Detroid made waves. Until the announcement came from Elijah himself and it was weirder than they had imagined.
Elijah wasn't looking for a successor, he was looking for a maid to inspire his new projects. It was a headline that the magazines ran with and something that caused a boom, suddenly the whole world seemed to be standing in front of the entrance to Cyber-Life's main building.
No one knew what was waiting for them inside, but they all hoped to work for Kamski. It seemed that only one thing mattered to them all. To see Elija Kamski and his money. Because they all knew he would pay well, or so they said.
The kilometer-long queue that stretched out in front had all kinds of people. Everyone who wanted the job would fight for a place. All except for one person, a young woman who was standing in the queue like everyone else.
She wouldn't necessarily walk over dead bodies and would rather take good advice from him that she needed for her studies or a tip for finances because she didn't have any.
To be honest, she was only here to take advantage of this small, minimal opportunity to get the money to pay for her studies and to pay back her parents who had taken on extra debt. A fact that weighed heavily on her heart.
Which is why she could use the money and paying a publisher to turn her script into a book wasn't cheap either and realizing a dream like that would be nice too. But as much as she wanted to, she had to survive the queue first.
I certainly wouldn't be the first to die because of all this standing, she thought, remembering all the people she had seen with tents and chairs. How they came out of the building with their heads hanging or cursing. They had missed their chance.
But she also felt how her feet had been hurting for hours, she had run out of the university as early as she could and yet she was one of the last. But after hours in which the sun would set again in a few hours anyway, it was finally her turn.
Saw how the entrance gradually came closer and closer. She finally had the chance to get to it. Will he notice? the question popped into her head and she became all the more aware of the notebook in her bag.
She didn't know how she should feel about it. Meeting the man who had fascinated her for as long as she could remember.
Meeting the man who was the lover in her book, everything was exactly the same except for the name. Initially in her late teens it was just a model she had used but now. It was more.
More than she perhaps wanted to admit to herself. ,,Miss, it's your turn," a voice snapped her out of her thoughts and her hand slipped into her pocket. Past her notebook and to her wallet and pulled it out.
She thanked the security guard after he had looked at her ID. Before she went into the building with a pounding heart.
She knew it from videos and pictures she had seen in her primary school days. Vague memories went through her mind as she saw an android approaching her.
It seemed as if they wanted to hold back the free spirit and not let people walk around here freely. Like a fake bird in a real cage. ,,Good afternoon, Miss, would you please follow me," he said and she saw the Led flicker briefly from blue to a brief yellow.
He must be announcing me she thought to herself and followed the android with a smile knowing that many others were hostile towards the machines.
Some even went so far as to beat up and kill the androids that didn't fight back. There were unpleasant headlines about severed body parts belonging to several missing androids. Headlines that sent shivers down her spine.
After all, who said that all the androids wouldn't be dead soon? ,,What is it that Mr. Kamski wants from me?" she asked as they walked through the foyer and stood in an elevator. The android stood in front of her and turned his head slightly towards her.
She saw exactly how his eyes avoided hers for a second before he said, ,,A test to see if you are suitable for the job you are looking for," and turned forward again. The quiet hum of the elevator was between them again and her purse had disappeared back into her pocket.
Her heart seemed to compete with her nervousness as the elevator arrived at the top floor of the building. The floor she had never been on before, at least not then.
It seemed almost unbelievable to be back here now. ,,Please, you have to go through this door, good luck," the android said, pointing to what appeared to be a door in the large white hallway with a few modern paintings, plants and bright lights.
,,Thank you," she mumbled and gave the android a small smile before stepping out of the elevator and walking towards the door.
She heard exactly how the android got back in and she was alone in the hallway. She knew she had to go forward. She finally had to go to the door and felt how each step seemed to get heavier and heavier.
But after a few seconds the moment was over and she put her hand on the handle. Opened the door and stepped into the room where she found the man who would give her a job.
The light in the room was dimmer, not so bright that it stung her eyes, it was most like a foggy afternoon with dark clouds hanging in the sky and the threat of thunderstorms. Her eyes fell on the occupied armchair that stood behind a glass table.
The light illuminated the figure slightly and she saw him. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski," she said, surprised that her voice had held and that she hadn't thrown up from nervousness.
She saw how he leaned forward slightly, the dark strands of his hair framing his face. His bright blue eyes watching her closely as if she were the machine to him and the androids were the humans.
As he briefly pointed to the chair she should sit down on, she obeyed his silent command, her slightly trembling fingers pulling the chair back and sitting down. The slight clatter of her bag seemed to be too loud in the room before she turned her gaze forward.
His eyes met hers and she almost forgot to breathe for a moment. He was everything. He seemed like it came from her imagination, the pictures, videos and articles. ,,Do you think an android can get nervous?" his voice suddenly rang out, so engaging that it seemed to drown out her heartbeat.
The question echoed in her head over and over again. ,,N-no I mean yes" she began to stammer and felt the warmth jump to her ears and cheeks.
Oh god pull yourself together! she screamed at herself in her head, swallowing the lump in her throat and digging her fingers into her jeans. ,,Yes... I do think that androids can get nervous. There are... deviants who show emotions, they are human too," she replied and looked up from her lap to the older one again.
Saw how he had tilted his head slightly. His gaze looked as if he was considering whether he should throw her out or do it himself.
,,So you're implying that androids are human? Are you questioning my work?" he asked, smirking as he could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was apparently trying to guess which answer was the right one.
After a few more seconds of silence, he saw in her gaze that she had found her answer. ,,No, I don't question it, I would say that it shows that the relationship between humans and androids is maybe doing something... maybe human," she dared to put up her tese and saw first to her fear how the small smile on his lips disappeared.
His bright eyes looked at her almost incredulously as if she had deeply offended him. I'll never get a job, she thought to herself and was about to reach for her bag when she heard the sound of paper.
,,Come to this address next week and have your tessellation completed Miss," he said and felt him put a card in her hand. She had it. She had the job.
She had finally got it. ,,Thank you! I mean thank you very much Mr. Kamski, I'll come," she said and grabbed her bags before walking out of the room. The big smile on her lips spoke for itself as the android seemed to rejoice with her on her way out.
But in that time, she hadn't even thought about what it meant to be with him. To move in with him, to be with him for more than just minutes or hours. Forever.
Because a mind infused with devotion and emotion overlooks the obvious. Overlooks the gaze of obsession.
The gaze of possession. The gaze of the rich and their greed for everything. Oh, he would do so much more with her than just have her around.
But she did what he said and came to the address on Monday of the next week. His house was out of town, secluded by roads, woods and rocks.
But when she parked her small car in front of the house, armed only with a bag, she realized once again what this meant. I feel like a little kid at Christmas, she thought as she walked up the stairs to his door. It was the season of winter, snow was slowly falling from the sky and looking behind her she saw the landscape slowly turning white.
Her coat kept her warm and the hat on her head kept her ears from freezing. Ringing the bell, she tried to concentrate on the time in front of her, not the cold.
A smile on her lips turned into a surprised look when a blonde woman opened the door for her. ,,Hello, you're Miss Sun right?" she asked the blonde woman who seemed as perfect as only an angel could be.
An android. ,,Yes, I am Mr. Kamski had given me his address for the job," she replied and saw that the blonde woman stepped aside to let her in. ,,Mr. Kamski is expecting you, please take a seat in the living room," she said, a small smile playing around her lips before she gestured towards the room.
The house was too big for one man to live in. But as she walked through the hallways and doors, the dark walls, saw the colorful paintings and the markings, she realized how different they were.
She was nothing compared to him and yet he had chosen her. He had seen something in her, something that set her apart from the others.
But what? What was it? Putting the bag down next to the table, she found herself in the living room. Didn't know whether she should sit down or not. Instead, she stood next to the table and looked around the room.
Only heard muffled footsteps coming towards her, the door opened and he came out. He came out of another part of the house. A black bathrobe on his body, she saw that his hair was still slightly wet, she could see a little of his upper body.
But his gaze, his bright eyes seemed to focus only on her, despite his appearance, he had lost none of his look. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski, your housekeeper said I should come here...I can wait too," she said and was about to reach for her bag when she heard his grin.
A smirk that led to an amused smile. ,,No, I wanted you to be here and that's why you're here. I suppose you found your way here all right?" he asked, but his interest was clear. She sensed that it wasn't about her life. It should be about her.
It was supposed to be about her work and what was going on inside her. ,,Yes, I did, I also revised my thesis again... Mr. Kamski could you tell me what the job is about now?" she asked as she watched him make himself a green protein shake, mixing the powder with the vegetables, the blender surprisingly quiet.
But he remained silent as he calmly made his drink before walking past her, gesturing for her to follow him. Grabbing her handbag, she followed him, not knowing whether she should walk beside him or behind him.
But she opted for the latter, not wanting to push her luck too far. She didn't want to compete with him. But why? Do I even have a chance? she asked herself and almost walked into him when he stopped.
,,Your room is all yours, I know it might be unpleasant but I would ask you to stay here. As far as my work is concerned, quick communication is essential," he said, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her. She watched as she looked around the room a little.
The room was three times the size of her own small room. Cave it could probably even fit her entire apartment in here. Staying here? For how long? the question popped up in her head and she looked at him slightly questioningly.
She saw that he knew what she was getting at and took a sip of his drink. ,,I don't think for a few more weeks...it depends on how good you are...oh and please just call me Elijah," he dismissed her with those words, closing the door behind him and taking her nervousness with him.
Her glance at her bag let her know that she had to go back to her apartment to pick up her things, but that she had still taken her book with her.
The words she had written about him, being in his house, working for him. ,,I really did it," she muttered and proudly began to unpack her things, set up her room and took her things with her. She tried to find Elijah only to run into Chloe who let her know that Elijah was at work.
Letting her know when he needed her to get her things. Which is why she found herself back in her apartment less than an hour later. Had walked back to the exit, past the pictures and cameras, past the Chloes and past his gaze without realizing it.
She didn't see what he was doing, she just knew she had to do something to formulate her thesis. And when she came back, she saw him again eating a salad at the table in the living room, but this time he wasn't wearing a coat.
He was wearing normal jeans, a dark shirt and glasses. ,,I see you're back, I'd like to read your thesis the day after tomorrow. To understand what's going on inside you," he said and gave her a slight smile. She felt her heart beat faster again, she agreed and went back to her room with her things. The smile on her lips was unmistakable.
Just as unmistakable as his approval. She did as he said as she joined him in his office, his workroom full of various technical things. ,,Elijah, I have my thesis," she said as she stepped inside after knocking and the door opened, she saw him working on an android model.
It was a construct of wires, metal and the pump that symbolized the heart, yet human features were recognizable.
He looked up from his work and something like surprise flashed in his gaze as if he was realizing something before he gave her a satisfied look and motioned her to his desk.
She handed him her tese and he grinned as he felt the paper in his hands. ,,Old-fashioned and yet not corruptibly good," he said as he took the paper properly before he began to read it. she remained standing next to him, watching his eyes run over the sentences.
He became more and more lost in her work, absorbing her words and becoming more and more absorbed in them. ,,Perfection, your idea of something non-living... very good, I'm proud. I would like you to design a model of it for me more deep thought" he baht she had turned towards her his hand had placed itself on her shoulder.
She felt his warmth, although she had always thought of him as cold, he was warm. He was welcoming and he made her heart beat faster, leaving her proud as he held her tese before giving her a smile and watching her walk out of the room.
Not knowing what his thoughts turned to as he went back to his latest project. Her thesis would help him. Everything would be perfect.
But she did what he said, worked on her work, didn't question him, wouldn't and shouldn't. Ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. Caught herself listening in the house to see if he was awake to go to the kitchen and make breakfast.
Usually did it with Chloe, who didn't need any sleep. The two of them talked and laughed and she forgot that the blonde was an android.
Forgetting what was happening around her, what was happening out in the world, what had ever happened. Because what she had was here. A job, a friend and a man who admired her and gave her support.
Or did she? Could she describe her life like this? How long had she been with him - days, weeks or even months? How often had she sat with him, revised her work and written down her inner life? What had happened?
,,My dear I will invite you to dinner and would like you to carry this here" she mumbled the words on the small card that lay on the gift wrapping paper that held something with fabric inside.
Unwrapping the gift, she saw the dark fabric of the dress and held it in front of her body. She could feel how expensive it must be, it was perfectly tailored to her body.
It was perfect in every way. As she stood in front of the mirror, she looked at herself in it and for a moment felt like she was on the same level as him. Was with him to the point that she meant something to him.
And she caught herself thinking that the only thing missing was the gold ring on her hand. But had she turned like this or had he made her like this? Did he want to make her like this? Or was everything bigger than he thought in the end? Was she programmed from the beginning to react like this, was it her feelings?
Was it his creation? She didn't let her thoughts get in the way and continued by putting red lipstick on her lips. She took one last look in the mirror before leaving her room. Hearing the clack of her shoes in the hallway, she walked into the dining room, finding no Chloe or any of her friends on her way.
She found only the silence of the house and heard the classical music coming from one of the rooms like a rhythm, the sounds played over and over again as she arrived in the candlelit room. ,,You look beautiful, I'm glad you put it on," he said, giving her the appearance of a choice she didn't have.
After all, what kind of woman would she be if she didn't comply with his request. ,,Thank you for the dress and the invitation," she replied, her gaze dropping for a moment before she saw him step into her field of vision, taking her hand and feeling his warmth as he led her to the table.
,,It's a multi-course meal to thank you for your work," he began, placing the first course of food, a simple soup, before reaching for the bottle of wine and pouring them both a glass.
She saw him sit down opposite her and they both ate in silence. But it wasn't unpleasant, on the contrary, the food, the sound of the cutlery and the music in the background created an atmosphere of comfort.
She couldn't see what was hiding behind his gaze as he concentrated on her. ,,Sorry I haven't had so much time for you in the last few days and weeks," he said, almost too suddenly, as he put down the spoon, his look apologetic but his voice seeming out of place. He was inappropriate.
A man who had spent time under machines could show emotion. ,,It's perfectly all right... I'm very glad we have this," she replied and finished her soup, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
She did as she was told before they got to the end of the meal and she didn't know what to do. She didn't have to because Elijah got up from his seat and walked over to her, offering her his hand before she walked next to him for the first time. His hand was on hers as they both walked towards his office.
His gaze was on her, watching her, looking for anything wrong. ,,I've taken the liberty of creating a new prototype...your notes and work helped" he began and walked over to the machine knowing she was listening to him, knowing she would do anything for him from this point on. He handed her the table with the data and watched as she looked over it, fascination in her eyes for his work.
He knew that she would always admire him, it didn't take much but he had read it. He had read her book and knew that she was truly the right person for his purpose.
That his inner self was right, his genius was right, his obsession was right. She let the shapes and processes on the table before she suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder.
He touched her in all the time she had been with him, he had never fully touched her now only when she had done something well. ,,What did I do well?" she asked, turning to him, the device with the thin screen still in her hand.
She kept still wanting more from him, the bond between them still far too strong. He saw her as his and she saw herself as his wife. It was and would be between them. It was her devotion in her brain for him, and it was his desire for her as his wife. For someone perfect.
,,Everything my love...you have no idea...what you've done to me," he murmured and she felt his other hand on her shoulder as he continued to touch her, praising her for something she couldn't do.
,,Can I do something for my existence?" she asked her inner question out to him, hearing his smirk, smelling the metal, the aftershave, snow and wine. Smelled him. Felt him so close to her and yet she didn't move. Stood still like someone waiting for an order.
Something he liked to have her the way he wanted her. Like an android. ,,You can help what you do... tell me, do you want to be free for a moment?" he asked, his hand moving over her shoulder and down to her hand. He gripped the tray and gave her the freedom to decide for a moment.
She could walk away or she could stay and give it to him. And she did. She gave it to him. ,,Free? But we're free, aren't we?" she asked, not knowing what he meant as he took the tray from her. Leaving the first kiss on her neck before he slowly moved her past the.
The office, like everything else, was just a pretext which she seemed to realize but it made no sense, it didn't matter, there was just the two of them and that should be enough. She hadn't been what she used to be for a long time.
But it didn't matter, it was about him and her, not about what had happened. She felt him leave more kisses on her skin as the doors opened in front of them and she felt the warmth on her cheeks, a natural reaction when she saw his bedroom. Dark walls reddish abstract paintings on the walls.
One might have thought that the pictures hid the portrait of a woman, but what did she know. At most, he saw her in the colors. Because he wanted to. Because understanding told him so. She felt him next to her, his hands gripped hers, her shy gaze found his.
Her uncertain, his almost demanding, the glasses helped him to see her better, even if he didn't need them. He would have her anyway. He slowly placed his hand on her side and pulled her close.
On the contrary, the closer he touched her, the more intimate she became. The more she wanted him. ,,That's it," he said with a murmur, apparently listening to her thoughts before she felt his lips on hers, kissing his warmth over her as she clung to him, almost searching.
He wanted the kiss more knew he was getting it. But she gladly gave herself to him. She felt safe. He had given her a job, given her a dress, given her everything.
Now it was only fair that she gave him something back, wasn't it? It was always like that. She only felt a dull sensation as he moved to her back and unzipped the expensive fabric flowing from her body. She stepped out of her shoes as if automatically, not wanting it to be over like this.
She wanted to please him without realizing that she was doing just that. ,,I've liked you ever since I saw you... like a perfection for me," he said, taking away her fear as he went to the bed, leaving her standing there, almost confused and full of shame.
The warmth on her cheeks increased as she felt flattered and crawled towards him on the bed, knowing that he was watching her, not hiding the fact that he found her attractive.
That he saw exactly how her nipples had hardened slightly from the cold. That his hands lay on the fabric and her shaky exhale. He had her body to himself, had her to himself. ,,Elijah you-me...you are everything," she murmured, knowing it was her mind veiled in lust.
The spirit that longed for Elijah wanted more. Wanted more of his touch. ,,I know that... I know everything, my love," he whispered to her, pulling her into another kiss before he let his hand wander over her breast again. He felt her shudder. ,,Poor girl...all these months without touch or pleasure...without me," he said, watching her.
Watched her through his Chloe's or had to know. Had given him lust without her knowing who his cameras were. She had shown him everything he needed to know. Always in the quiet of the night, he had touched himself to see what she had done.
He pulled her onto his lap, feeling her quick pulse as he kissed her neck, beginning to leave colorful marks on it, her warmth mingling with his as she held onto the cover in the dark bed.#
His hand that was not on her breast moved to her thigh. She felt her hips thrust out towards him, full of devotion, needing him. ,,I'm going to make you feel good look" he whispered to her biting lightly into her lobe hearing her shaky exhale feeling her lust could feel the tingling in her body as his rough fingers slipped under her bra.
Moaning his name, she pressed herself against him, feeling his own arousal against her back, yet he focused on her. Wanted to see her fall apart when he actually touched her.
She opened her half-closed eyes and looked at herself and Elijah out loud in surprise. Her own reflection in the mirror built into the closet. ,,Beautiful forever," he whispered to her and she moaned as she let his fingers wander over her center.
It was different where her fingers weren't even close enough, his seemed so much better. He felt her wetness through the fabric of her underwear, took his hand from her breast and let it wander over her body. Leaving red scratches, small bites, marks and kisses.
Driving her on as he repeatedly focused his attention on the little bundle of nerves. As her voice filled the room, the classical music drowning in it, he was also completely hard but with each of her shaky movements his hardness got some relief.
He rubbed himself lightly against her his breathing was slightly shaky and yet it made no difference. Because he dealt with her. Giving her more of what she wanted while his blue eyes were on her. Her gaze on the mirror. The trembling spread to her legs as she begged him for more.
But he knew he had watched her closely and knew when she was slowly coming to the end. ,,Look at you, darling... everything just for me," he continued to murmur, finally wanting to show her. His finger moved out of her only to add another one, keeping her better than her own, her hips in rhythm with him. His praise took her mind away.
His pace increased, her trembling increased and when he heard her murmur he knew she was nearing climax. ,,El-Elijah please," she said, resting her head on his shoulder, finally wanting to let go, her fingers digging into the dark bed. He gave her body more kisses before he gave her the okay.
He took his hand from her breast and gripped her jaw, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. She fell apart around him with a throaty moan.
He pulled out of her, her heavy-breathing form relaxing to just a sporadic twitch of her legs as she came down from her high. Closing her eyes, he withdrew from her. Licked his hand clean and slowly pushed her away. Watched as she still wasn't completely back, but she didn't have to be. ,,Thank you for your time, my dear," he said, hearing only a murmur, but his gaze went to the mirror.
A flicker caused the android behind it to take away the image of the mirror, the projection disappeared and her image emerged in the form of the android.
,,I have recorded all the data, sir," said the android's voice, turning her gaze away from her human image. ,,Very well, interpret the data I want perfection darling," he said and his hand passed over hers but warmth met cold. The coldness of a machine before it went out. He was left alone with his muse, his darling.
Saw that she was asleep saw that she was unaware. Didn't know what his search for her had driven her to. ,,Sleep well my love," he said and withdrew from her, opening and closing the door. Left her alone.
Until he wanted her again, knowing that she would give him everything. That he had rebuilt her so that when her human shell died, he had her eternally living one. She was his, right down to her soul, she belonged to him and always had.
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 7 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: We’re nearly at the end, if you’ve stayed this long, thank you so much, this being my first fan fiction, these characters mean a lot to me.
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), Elijah Kamski and his greasy man-pony, Hank’s insult towards Perkins (that scene still makes me laugh), 
Word Count: 5.3k
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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You and Hank were standing side-by-side in the snow. It was the closest Connor had ever seen either of you, Hank’s phone was outstretched between you both while you leaned in to hear whoever was on the other side. 
Connor got out of the car and made his way over to you both. Your face was pale as you leaned against the car, disbelief streaking across your features. “Is everything okay?”
Stress levels were high for the both of you, Connor could only assume that whoever had been on the other side of that call hadn’t brought you good news. 
When it was clear you weren’t going to talk, Hank did, “Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants-”
“It was a peaceful protest,” you were glaring at Hank, you seemed more angry than concerned. 
“Well Chris was almost shot! Doesn’t sound very fucking peaceful to me!”
You scoffed and kicked off the car, “They shot first, and the deviants spared them. It sounds like the androids showed more humanity than the fucking humans did.”
“Chris just became a father, you want to be the one to tell his daughter that her daddy died so some robots-“
“That’s the thing, Hank, he didn’t die! They didn’t kill him, they spared him, have you ever taken your head out of your ass long enough to ask yourself if you’re on the right side of this war?” You gave Connor a long look before you started your way to Kamski’s house. 
Hank shook his head and kicked at the snow. “She’s gonna be the death of me.”
“Judging off your diet and exercise habits, I’d say a heart attack is the most likely cause of death.” 
Hank slowly turned towards Connor, murder in his glare, “The fuck, Connor?”
“Are you coming?” You were already at the door, waiting for them both. 
“Yeah, yeah, just having all my life choices judged by a fucking android.”
Connor ignored Hank’s anger, as he’s gotten used to doing and focuses on a strange feeling in his core component. It felt twitchy, wrong. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
It was too late, you’d already rung the doorbell and the door had already been opened. An RT600 was standing there, hair up in a pony and barefoot on the carpet. “Hi,” this was the most polite Connor had seen Hank. “I’m, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department, I’m here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.”
The android's face warmed immediately, “Please, come in.” You entered first, clearly eager to be out of the cold. “I’ll let Elijah know you’re here. But please, make yourself comfortable.” 
You took a look around the room at the art before throwing yourself down in a chair. “He’s so rich he has his own waiting room,” you scoffed and picked at the arm of the chair. Hank sat down in the chair next to yours, arms crossed and waiting. 
You turned slightly so you didn’t have to face him. 
Hank did the same. 
You both were behaving like children. Connor sometimes wished he had more mature humans. “Nice girl,” the comment seemed out of place for someone like the Lieutenant, who despised androids so much. 
“You’re right she’s really pretty,” and she was, but Connor found your features more appealing. He probably should have voiced the second part of his thought out loud because your stress level spiked immediately after his comment. 
“Gavin asked me out,” it was incredibly out of place in the conversation, but you were looking at Hank, not Connor. “Said he wanted to apologize for how much of a dick he had been lately.” Connor found his motivations suspicious, even when you two were arguing Gavin was highly aroused by your presence. 
“So he thinks schmoozing you with some cheap wine and a crappy Italian restaurant is gonna do that?”
You laughed and the previous irritation from your comment left Connor, slightly. What was this strange tight feeling in his chest?
“Jesus, how’d you know?”
“Please, I’ve been at this a lot longer than Reed has. I know all the moves.” 
You fake gagged and covered your ears, “I do not want to know about your ‘moves.’”
“Come on, you don’t want to hear how your old man used to be a lady killer?” There was an awkward stutter in his voice when he said ‘your old man,’ but Hank continued on. 
You were staring at Hank, heart beating faster and your eyes widened. You only allowed a moment to lull in between his sentence and yours. “Awkwardly calling the barista sweetheart, does not count as being a lady killer.” Your and Hank’s laughter filled the room after your comment, both of you smiling more than he had ever seen before. 
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Connor stopped in front of the portrait of Elijah Kamski, his creator. The laughter had stopped a few minutes ago, the tension from outside trailing off with it. You didn’t know why you had gotten so angry at Hank out at the car. 
Maybe you were still a little emotionally frail, after telling Connor everything that had happened between you and Hank, the other night. You hadn’t been able to go back to sleep so he had offered to hold you and tell you a story, apparently he had thousands on file. 
It was nice listening to his voice all night, you didn’t even feel that tired after not getting any sleep. 
“How’s it feel, to be meeting your creator, Connor?”
“Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century. It’ll be interesting to meet him in person.”
The light aura surrounding the three of you left at Hank’s voice, “Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face, I’d have a couple of things I’d wanna tell him.”
You’re not the only one.
Why had, whatever omnipotent presence watched over you, chosen to make you the way they had? Why give you trial after trial of hardship? Was it all to prepare you for moments like when you lost your legs, or Cole? Why even make you go through that in the first place?
Yes, you did come out stronger and more resilient. But you also became colder, lonelier, sadder than you had ever been before. You couldn’t open up to people, you couldn’t love people the right way. 
You’d rather put all your feelings into a machine rather than a human, because that would be easier. An android could never love you, and therefore never disappoint you. Your hopes would never be crushed under Connor’s feet because you had none. 
The girl chose the middle of your emotional crisis to call you back into another room. “Elijah will see you now.”
Two more RT600’s were talking together by the pool. Elijah was still swimming laps, you called out to him in case he hadn’t heard you come in. “Mister Kamski?”
“Just a moment, please.” Of course, rich bastards like him always had to flout their superiority over the lower class. You called us in here, asshole.
The RT600’s watched you carefully as you rounded the pool and waited for him by a set of chairs. Ew, is that a speedo? He took the robe from Chloe and wrapped his hair up in a pony. Double douche points. 
Hank seemed to be thinking the same thing, if his judgmental side-eye was anything to go by. 
Why were you even here?
“I’m Lieutenant Anderson, this is detective Y/L/N, and Connor.”
“What can I do for you, officers?”
“Sir, we’re investigating deviants, thought you might be the best person to ask about them,” Elijah gave you a look that reminded you a little too much of Gavin. 
“We know you left CyberLife years ago but I was hoping you’d be able to tell us something we don't know.” Elijah didn’t seem to be interested in what Hank had to say, he was more curious about Connor. 
“Deviants,” he started, “fascinating, aren’t they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will. Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable. Humanity’s greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall.” Jeehzus, this dude loves the sound of his own voice. “Isn't it ironic?”
Connor finally spoke up, he seemed to be the only one out of the three of you that really held Elijah’s eye.
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His creator was… underwhelming. He didn’t seem much like a genius, more of a narcissist with enough money to feed all of Detroit. He also didn’t seem very concerned with the state of the world right now. 
“If a war breaks out between humans and deviants, millions could die, Mr. Kamski. It’s quite a serious matter.” He didn’t appreciate how flippant Elijah was being. 
“All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics. Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?” It certainly wasn’t good. 
“Listen, I didn’t come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution-”
You cut Hank off, “Peaceful, it still remains a peaceful revolution.”
Hank shoots you a look that keeps you quiet and he continues. “Either you can tell us something that’ll be helpful, or we will be on our way.”
Elijah was looking at you now, “Tell me, detective, do you empathize with the deviants?”
You straightened at his attention and held a defensive look on your features. “They haven’t hurt anyone, so far they’re the only ones being hurt. All I think is that perhaps people are twisting this story into something more evil than it is.”
Connor thought you were thinking with too much emotion, not enough logic. Androids didn’t get to disobey, they had one purpose and they carried it out, that’s all. 
The thought came unbidden and took him by surprise, that didn’t sound like his own thoughts. That seemed like something his programming was forcing onto him. 
Elijah nodded, “Empathy, it’s a tricky thing, give too much and it might hurt you, too little and it hurts others. What about you, Connor? Whose side are you on?”
Whose side was he on?
Connor looked to you, he wanted you safe. 
“I’m on the human’s side, of course.” You were shaking your head beside him. He thought you would be happy, why were you so difficult to read? 
“Well, that’s what you’re programmed to say, but you,” Elijah stepped closer and both you and the Lieutenant leaned in.
What did you humans want from him?
“What do you really want?”
“Im sorry, but I don’t see what you’re getting at,” he was sick of this. Break his programming, follow his orders. No one was being clear with what he was supposed to do and it was messing with his software. 
“Chloe?” The RT600 walked over, “I’m sure you’re familiar with the Turing test. Mere formality, simple questions of algorithms and computing capacity. What interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy. I call it ‘the Kamski test,’ it’s very simple, you’ll see.” He faced the android, his hand trailing over her face and shoulders in a strange caress, and from the way your face was scrunching Connor could tell you felt uncomfortable by the display. 
“Magnificent, isn’t she? One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife. Young and beautiful forever.” He released her face with a slight push and she looked right at Connor, staring deep into his eyes, he straightened his tie.
“Piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being,” Elijah bent down and pulled something out of the drawer between the two chairs. “With a soul,” he turned around hands in the air, and in one was a gun. He walked over to Connor and handed it to him, handle first, “It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor.” He gently pushed Chloe into a kneeling position. He took Connor’s hand in his own and pointed the gun at the center of the androids forehead. 
“Destroy this machine and I’ll tell you all I know. Or spare it, if you feel it’s alive, but you’ll leave here without having learnt anything from me.”
“Okay, I think we’re done here.”
You followed after Hank, “Come on, Connor. Let’s go.” 
Hank waved at Kamski, “Sorry to get you outta your pool,” you both we’re ready to leave, waiting for him. But he was stuck, gun in hand, staring at Chloe. 
“What’s more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. An obedient machine… Or a living being endowed with free will…”
Hank was insistent on leaving, “That’s enough! Connor, we’re leaving.” But you, you were just watching him, staring at him with equal amounts of curiosity and apprehension, waiting to see what he would choose. 
“Pull the trigger.”
“Connor, don’t!”
“I’ll tell you what you want to know.” 
Two conflicting orders, Connor wasn’t sure what to do. He was lost, his LED circling a steady yellow as he battled between the two orders, he looked to you. 
It all stilled, he couldn’t hear Elijah or Hank, he couldn’t feel the gun in his hand. You were just standing there, waiting for him. “It’s your choice, Connor.”
He looked down into Chloe’s eyes, his finger on the trigger, but he stopped. There was something there, she was innocent in all of this, she had no say in what was happening. There was something in her eyes that reminded him too much of you. 
He handed the gun back to Kamski. “Fascinating. CyberLife’s last chance to save humanity… is itself a deviant.”
“I’m…” what? What was he? “I'm not a deviant.” Did he actually want to say that? Or was that just another program he was forced to follow?
“You preferred to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission.” He helped Chloe up to her feet with a care that wasn’t there when he had shoved the gun into Connor’s hand. “You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy. A war is coming, you’ll have to choose your side. Will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators? What could be worse than having to choose between two evils?” 
Hank had wrapped an arm around you and was now wrapping one around Connor’s shoulders. “Let’s get outta here.” 
The three of you were at the door when Kamski spoke again, “By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You never know…”
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He could feel the two of you watching him as he walked back towards the car. “Why didn’t you shoot?” Hank’s question caused him to think back to what he saw in Chloe’s eyes.
“I just saw that girl's eyes… and I couldn’t… that’s all.” Connor wasn’t sure if it was wise to tell you the exact reason he couldn’t, to tell you he saw you inside of her. Saw another version of himself leaving you behind to die on the rooftop. 
But you wouldn’t let up, “You’re always saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission. That was our chance to learn something and you let it go…” You and Hank were sharing another one of your irritating looks. 
“Yeah, I know what I should’ve done, I told you I couldn’t. I’m sorry, okay?”
Hank looked down at him, “Maybe you did the right thing.” You gave Connor a gentle pat on the shoulder as you followed Hank back to the car. Leaving Connor to wonder:
When did he start making his own choices?
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Something blue, in the distance, caught his eye. Connor walked away from the bridge that would lead him to Amanda and instead followed after the bright blue beacon. It was something that could almost mimic a shrine, a device sat in the middle, awaiting an android handprint. When Connor moved closer, the synthetic skin of his hand pulled back. The ground shook in the distance, but nothing else happened. 
He approached Amanda on the ice, it seemed to crack beneath his feet as he went. Logically, he knew he couldn’t fall through, but he was afraid of what the instability of the zen garden meant for him. 
“After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war.” The androids had led a peaceful demonstration in downtown Detroit, one that quickly turned violent when SWAT teams in raid gear had started attacking them. It was the first time androids had fought back. 
You had been raving all this morning about how the news was twisting it around to make them sound like terrorists when all it had been was self defense. 
“The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice but to destroy them.”
“I thought Kamski knew something, I was wrong.” 
“Maybe he did… But you chose not to ask.”
Connor chose not to needlessly take a life. 
But the fact that he chose at all is most likely what has Amanda staring at him so distrustfully. 
“I chose not to play his twisted little game! There was no reason to kill that android!” Kill, when did Connor start thinking that androids could feel death? “Wh- Why did Kamski leave CyberLife? What happened?” His mind went back to the RK200 model, what were they hiding from him?
“It’s an old story, Connor. It doesn’t pertain to your investigation.”
“I’m not a unique model, am I? How many Connors are there?”
“I expect you to find answers, not ask questions.” Her head tilted as she examined him. “Have you experienced anything unusual recently? Any doubts or conflicts? Do you feel anything for these deviants? Or for Lieutenant Anderson? Or perhaps, the detective. She seems to cause a lot of malfunctions in your system. Is she the cause of all this turmoil?”
“I’m beginning to have thoughts… that are not part of my program.” He didn’t care if she knew the truth, he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave her and go find you, because the sudden interest she held for you was concerning. “Maybe… Maybe I’ve been compromised too…” he didn’t wait for her to dismiss him, he left. 
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“You’re off the case. The FBI is taking over.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“But we’re onto something!” Hank approached Fowler, more impassioned than Connor had ever seen him, “We- We just need more time. I’m sure we can-”
“Hank, you don’t get it. This isn’t just another investigation, it’s a fucking civil war!”
Your arms left their crossed position, you’d left the sling behind a few days ago. “So we’re gonna leave the fate of our country, our world, in the hands of some asshole like Perkins?! Fuck that!”
“Y/N, it's out of my hands! You think I don’t understand the enormity of this situation, we’re talking about national security!”
Both you and the Lieutenant were ganging up on him now, it was causing the captain's stress levels to rise as Hank approached. “Fuck that! You can’t just pull the plug now.” It was times like these that the similarities between you and Hank truly showed, perhaps not in looks, but he had clearly had a heavy hand in forming who you are as a person. 
“We’re so close!”
“Hank, you’re always saying you can’t stand androids! Jesus, make up your mind! I thought you’d be happy about this! And Y/N, you know the deal, you finished the case and you’d be transferred, shouldn’t you be happy about that?!”
Hank turned towards you, “Transferred?” It was clear he didn’t know about your plans on leaving. You winced as you looked away from him. 
Your voice was quieter than it had been the entire time you were in the office, “Gavin, would be taking over as your partner. I couldn’t do it anymore, Hank,” you turned towards him, “I just couldn't. It hurt the way you would look at me and not even see me. So, I requested a transfer.” You turned towards Fowler, stress levels at an all time high. “But that shit doesn’t matter anymore! So much has changed, I don’t want the transfer, okay? We’re about to crack this case!”
“For God’s sake, Jefferey, can’t you back me up this one time?”
Fowler shook his head, he seemed as disappointed as the both of you. “There’s nothing I can do. You’re back on homicide. And the android,” you moved defensively in front of Connor, “is to be sent back to CyberLife.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, when I’m cold and in the ground. Fuck that and fuck you.” You stormed out of the office, the door slamming behind you, Connor wanted to follow after you and check on you. But it would be smarter to finish the rest of the meeting. 
Fowler watched you go, a sad sigh leaving him. “I’m sorry Hank, I did everything I could, but it’s over.”
Hank pushed off the desk and followed behind you. Connor nodded a quiet goodbye to the captain.
He approached the desks where you and Hank were already in a heated conversation. “-Gavin! You were gonna abandon me to fucking Gavin?”
“What the fuck do you want from me, Hank? Look, you’ve changed, for the better, during this case. You- I feel like I can see my dad coming back to me, but before… Before, I hated coming to work everyday, knowing you would be waiting there for me. Waiting to hurt me and to blame me. How would you feel seeing the only person you have left blame you for the worst night of your life?” You didn’t let him get a word in edgewise. “I’ll tell you how you’d feel, hopeless and tired. I was tired, Hank, okay? But I don’t want that anymore, I want to stay your partner, Connor’s partner! I’m not letting this go!”
Hank didn’t say anything, he just stared at you for a long while before finally pulling you into a hug. It was awkward, and he seemed unsure where to put his arms. But Connor could see you squeezing him tightly against you, a desperation in your movements as it seemed all the stress you carried on your shoulders melted away. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You shook your head against Hank’s chest, holding onto him a little longer before you both finally stepped back. There was a lightness to the both of you that Connor hadn’t seen before. Hank slumped in his chair and you took a seat on the edge of Connor’s desk, he joined you there. “We’ll be talking about Gavin, later,” there was a nearly audible gulp as you nodded your head in agreement. 
Connor looked towards Fowler’s office. “We can’t just give up. I know we could have solved this case!” You were picking at your hands again in anxiety, it was instinct for Connor to slap your hands apart and intertwine your fingers. 
Hank eyed your joined hands, “We’ll be talking about that, too.” He turned towards Connor, “You’re going back to CyberLife?”
“I have no choice-”
“Connor, they’ll destroy you! I’m not letting you go back!”
He tried to give you a comforting smile, but he was starting to feel a strange pressure on his chest that stopped it from being convincing. “We don’t have a say in the matter, Y/N. I’ll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed…” Your hand grew tighter around his own.
Hank leaned forward in his chair, addressing the both of you. “What if we’re on the wrong side?”
You threw your free hand up in the air, “Now he gets it.”
Hank held up a hand, “Save the attitude. What if we’re fighting against people who just wanna be free?”
Connor understood where Hank was coming from, but this war was bigger than both of them. This was the fate of millions in their hands, this was your fate, in Connor’s hands. “When the deviants rise up, there will be chaos. We could have stopped it. But now it’s too late…” 
“When you refused to kill that android at Kamski’s place… You put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy, Connor.”
Connor shook his head, “No, I saw Y/N,” your gaze turned towards him. “I looked into her eyes and I saw someone I-” You what, loved? You can’t love, you’re an android. “I saw someone to protect.”
You nudged his shoulder with your own, “That’s empathy Connor.”
Hank continued, “Empathy’s a human emotion.”
“I know it hasn’t always been easy… but I want you to know I really appreciated working with you,” he gave you a long look. “Both of you. That’s not just my Social Relations program talking,” you laughed, “I- I really mean that. At least, I think I do.” 
The doors opened and you all turned your heads to see Perkins walk into the station.  “Well, well, here comes Perkins-”
You cut Hank off in anger, “That motherfucker.”
“Sure don’t waste any time at the FBI.”
There was a new determination in Connor, he wasn’t ready to leave you and the Lieutenant. “We can’t give up. I know the answer is in the evidence we collected. If Perkins takes it, it’s all over.” He was getting worked up at the idea of getting one over on the FBI. His hands moving around as he spoke, taking your arm with him, unwilling to let go. 
“There’s no choice! You heard Fowler, we’re off the case.” 
You smiled at Hank, an insidious smile that held nothing but mischief behind it. “Unless… You could help us, Hank. All we need is five minutes. Five minutes to look at the evidence and get out, that’s all.”
“I know the solution is in there!”
“If I don’t solve this case, CyberLIfe will destroy me.” That had the both of you tightening your hands around each other. “Five minutes. It’s all I ask.”
Hank looked between the two of you, anxiety pressing down upon Connor as he waited for a response from the Lieutenant. Finally he let out a long huff, slowly standing from his chair and moving towards both you and Connor. “The key to the basement is in my drawer. Get a move on! I can’t distract them forever.”
You moved forwards quickly grabbing a key out from one of the Lieutenants unorganized drawers. The both of you jumped in surprise at Hank’s next choice words, “Perkins! You fucking cocksucker!” Your head whipped around towards Hank, Connor was dragging you away as you tried to watch Hank beat up the FBI agent. 
“Y/N, we’re on a time limit!”
“Fine! You ruin all my fun! God I really wanted to be the one to beat that slimy motherfucker up.”
You led Connor towards the Archive Room, both of you checking over your shoulders. Just as you were at the door Gavin, of all people, walked in. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he stopped at the sight of your still intertwined hands. “What the fuck is this?” You both ignored him, your hand bringing the key towards the door. “I’m talking to you! Where’re you going?” There was satisfaction in Connor at the sound of the door slamming into Gavin’s face. 
You pulled Connor down the stairs, pulling the key out again as you were faced with a glass partition. Inside a large podium was waiting for you with a password. “Hank’s password, shit, I don’t know.”
Connor moved you aside and pulled up possible options, “What would a hard-boiled eccentric police Lieutenant choose?” Connor and you shared a look, “FUCKINPASSWORD.” Connor rolled his eyes, “Obviously.”
“I should have known, he uses it for everything, he’s got no sense of cyber security.” You released each other to examine each piece of evidence. Connor scanned the androids, the deviant from the rooftop with the hostage could be activated, but he wouldn’t tell him what he needed to know. The one that threw you off the roof could no longer be activated, nor Carlos Ortiz’s, it seemed the only chance he would have would be the one from the broadcasting tower. 
Connor replayed the clip from the interrogation with Carlos Ortiz’s android, The truth is inside. He looked on the wall of evidence. What was it trying to tell me? His eyes landed on the statuette next to the tablet. When he shook it, it sounded hollowed out, and like there was something inside of it. 
Inside there was a map of the Ferndale neighborhood, it was somewhere inside that area. 
He began focusing on the one android that would be useful to him, the security technician from the broadcasting tower. 
Connor instructed you on the parts to bring him while he worked on getting it repaired enough to be reactivated for longer than a minute. When it’s LED finally turned back on Connor began questioning it, unsure how long it would be working for. 
“It’s dark… Where- Where am I?” It’s optical processors must have been damaged when Connor shot it, it was staring at him from unseeing eyes.
“I’m a deviant, like you. I need your help, I want to go to Jericho.” You remained silent as you watched the two interact, going through other pieces of evidence on the wall. 
“I don’t recognize your voice. You’re not one of us. I’ll never tell you where Jericho is!” Connor sighed and reached up to deactivate the android again. 
You waited until he had done so to approach him with the tablet that contained Markus’s voice. “You can change your voice, right? Like you do in interrogations?”
He almost kissed you, maybe some humans were smart. He copied Markus’s voice, your eyes watching him in wonder. He reactivated the android, “You did good.”
“Yes, it’s me. We’re going to Jericho, I just need you to tell me where it is.”
“Of course,” the android offered his arm and Connor immediately took it, searching it’s memories for locations specifically in Ferndale. 
“You’re not Markus!” Connor quickly deactivated the android, he turned towards you ready to share the good news when another voice rang out. 
“I’ve been dreaming about this since the first second I saw you…”
“Pretty pathetic, Gavin, sure you don’t have a crush on him?”
“Shut up, Y/N, don’t think you’re getting out of this by batting your eyelashes like you always do.” You rolled your eyes, but Connor could see your hand discreetly making its way towards your holster. 
“Don’t do it Gavin,” Connor’s hands were raised, hopefully placating Gavin. “I know how to stop the deviants!”
“You’re off the case. And now, it’s gonna be definitive.”
Connor ducked, yanking you down with him just as Gavin took his first shot. He managed to shoot him once before Connor disarmed him. He blocked his punches, striking Gavin in the face and knocking him down to the ground. But he wouldn’t give up, it seemed the only thing Gavin was willing to put effort into was taking Connor down. He slammed him against the podium, but Gavin managed to block his punch and shoved him back to the ground. 
Gavin had just managed to scoop his gun back up, but then he crumpled down onto the ground. You were standing over him, gun in hand, the handle facing Gavin. You’d pistol whipped him. “He was a bad lay and a worse cop. I’ve been wanting to do that for years.” You quickly helped Connor to his feet.
“So… You wanna go to Jericho?”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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clutterclownstories · 2 years
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🎈 Requests Closed! 🎈
What I do write:
- Gay, MLM, NBLNB, or NBLM only
-X Cis Male Reader
-X FTM Male Reader
-X NB / Gender neutral Reader
I WILL NOT write for x fem aligned
-Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrigston
Billy Hargrove
The Hulk
Iron Man
Black Panther
Caption America
Dr Strange
Shang Chi
Eddie Brock
Ant Man
Star Lord
Elijah Kamski
Open to more requests of characters (no nsfw of these characters)
Bruce Wayne (Comics)
Batman (Comics)
Open to more requests of different characters
-Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
-Batman Movie (2022)
The Batman
Bruce Wayne
The Riddler
Literally most characters
Jotaro X Kakyoin (The only character x character I’ll do)
-Demon Slayer
Tengen Uzui
Muichiro Tokito
Sanemi Shinazugaws
Open to more requests!
Simon “Ghost” riley
John Price
John “Soap” Mactavish
Gary “Roach” Sanderson
I can write for tons of characters, so even if someone isn’t on the list feel free to request! I may not know who they are, but I’ll do my best!
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Things I WILL write:
(Aka Open to writing most kinks that I’m comfortable with.)
Comfortable with writing SH recovery, Mentions of past abuse, or past attempts of suicide. I’m also open to writing mentions of Homophobia or Transphobia (like bullying n’ stuff.)
-Poly Relationship
-Specific Requests
-Unspecific Request (Still need character and Gender)
Things I WON’T write:
Non Con
18+ X 18-
Generally messed up stuff.
Racist, Transphobic, and Homophobic shit
Abusive Relationships
Some Character X Character
Non LGBTQ writing (I’m a gay man, so I write Gay stuff 🤷‍♂️)
Yandere characters or readers
Smut of IRL people (actors playing roles are okay)
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When Requesting PLEASE include…
-Name of Character(s)
-Gender (FTM, Cis Male, or NB)
-Type of reader: Disabled, Chubby, Plus sized, Shorter, Taller, POC, Smart, Dumb, Clumsy, etc! (This isn’t required)
-Scenarios! (I prefer this!)
-Maximum of 4 Characters per story, 6 for headcannons.
-If your character if on multiple season of a show (example JJBA) PLEASE specify which season of the character you’d like me to write about.
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Post Times!
I am disabled and have extreme fatigue, so sometimes my posting may come to a halt, but right now, I’m going to try to get out a few stories this week (if I get requests). I am also working on a slightly longer story so that’s exciting!
Byye Byee!!
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staticl0ve · 2 years
Dollhouse - Chap 4 - Connor x Fem!Reader
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Pairings: Connor/Female Reader Rating: Explicit/NSFW 18+ Story (AO3): [ Read on AO3 ] Chapters 5/5 (Tumblr): [ Chap 1 ] [ Chap 2 ] [ Chap 3 * ] [ Chap 4 * ] [ Chap 5 ] Words: 3.7k Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, PnV, mild breeding kink, so mild Summary: Elijah’s in need of a house sitter and what better than asking his step sibling to water the plants and run a few tests. After all, how hard could pressing a few buttons on a tablet be? Alternative AU.
Chap 4 - Beauty and the Machine*
Tonight was a night for celebration, a party to toast the man of the year: Elijah Kamski and his company’s fifth anniversary. Heels clacked over marble flooring as guests of a gala passed through white Grecian pillars. Above the crowds was a domed ceiling with painted scenes and gold moulding, framing an equally impressive sparkling chandelier. Mouthwatering appetizers wafted by in the arms of waitstaff dressed in black and white formal. People clamored around tiny tables covered in delicate, glittery cloth. A string quartet played a whimsical classical song as champagne flutes clinked.
“Cheers!” the party goers all cried out in unison.
You joined them silently, raising your glass to the air and then to your lips. The champagne was a good vintage, the sharp tang fizzing across your tongue. Hidden away from the crowds, you were happily situated on a balcony above the noise. A railing supported most of your weight while you nursed your drink, the best part of tonight. Your beaded gown felt tight, too revealing in places and your heels taller than you’d liked.
You wanted to go home.
Too much of the evening was spent catering to the egos of guests who were enchanted by your presence. All of the more than eager to use you as stepping stone to Elijah.
The attention was endless.
Some tore you apart with their eyes, scrutinizing every inch of your appearance, only to go soft when they realized the woman in Elijah’s arms was his sister. Their smiles were polite, the light never quite reaching their eyes.
“I didn’t know Kamski had a sister!”
“Stepsister,” you corrected them.
It was one guest after the other, some more familiar than they should be. You caught the eye of a pair of older millionaires seeking to expand their family empire.
“Oh, you pretty little thing, you know we’ve got a son…”
Sisyphus wouldn’t survive an evening in your shoes.
“Hey, so hear me out. Me and my buddy have this app…”
“Excuse me, I need to go powder my nose,” you interrupted.
Did anyone still call it that in this decade?
The gentleman you were speaking to blinked and politely dipped his head. “Of course…!”
It was a wonder you managed to sneak up the grand staircase and duck behind a curtain to your hiding spot, too tired and drunk to humor anyone else. The curtain behind you rustled and your nose caught the scent of Elijah’s favorite cologne long before he spoke. He always had an uncanny ability to locate you no matter where you ran off to.
“Are you enjoying the party?” he asked.
“S’fine,” you shrugged.
He leaned over the railing, a set of icy blue eyes scanning the lively party below. Someone had the idea to start a conga line, their laughter and drunken slurring of the words “conga, conga, conga” drowning out the delicate string instruments.
“They won’t bite,” he said while stealing your champagne flute away.
He fixed a playful look at you, adding a small shake of his head. You could hear the inaudible “tut-tut.”
“Go,” he coaxed. “Have some fun, try the conga line. Live a little.”
“I did,” you stubbornly resisted. “I got bored when one guy started talking about his fleet of yachts.”
You tried to snatch your glass back but Elijah was quick, rotating his wrist to catch it in his other arm.
“Just let me know when you want to go home,” you huffed.
He hummed and you followed his gaze to a pair of models down below. One waved and the other winked.
“Don’t wait for me. There’s a car outside whenever you’re ready to go,” he said.
As quickly as he appeared, he vanished behind the curtains, the gentle swishing the only evidence that he even came to see you.
He took your champagne, too.
Reluctantly, you descended the ornate staircase and dodged dancing guests to the find the shortest path to a waitstaff serving alcohol. You tripped on a wet spot, or someone’s dress, either way, the world was suddenly spinning faster than you could keep up with it.
A hand grasped your wrist, tugging you gracefully into a firm chest. A navy suited arm braced your shoulders and you followed the pressed collar of his suit past his white linen shirt and black tie to a…freckled face.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
Hello, Prince Charming.
“Yes…” You think you said it or mouthed it. The floor and ceiling tilted and bent in your vision as you scanned the decorative paintings…the gold trim…the chandelier. You could see yourself lost in the sea of swirling dancers as if you were still standing at the balcony. He spoke again and your focus warped back to his shirt and tie.
“Do you dance?” he inquired with a smile.
You scoffed, suddenly more sober than you were earlier.
“Actually, n—”
It was a mistake to look up, finding yourself lost in a pair of honey brown eyes. There was no malice behind them, just curiosity and a glint of amusement.
“…Ngh—yeah. Sure. Why not?” you answered.
A light tune, Rêverie by Claude Debussy, began. He took a cue from the changing music and led you across the dance floor. One of his hands slipped behind your back while the other held your arm out to guide you in a series of turns. Your hips were attached by a pair of magnets, flowing left, right, forwards, and backwards. His cologne was present and not overwhelming, a light masculine scent with a sharp metallic tinge. A man made of metal or a fake tie clip?
You spun with him, the pace of the song picking up fast enough that you could feel a breeze tickle your neck. When you took a step back, he followed, pushing his leg flush to your hips. There wasn’t a moment where you couldn’t feel him somewhere on your skin, especially when his palm on began inching down from your shoulders. Strong, firm fingers pressed into your skin, mapping out one bump to the next along your spine.
“That’s funny,” he said while dipping you.
You gasped at the unexpected loss of your center of gravity, gripping his arms for balance. He held you like you weighed nothing and brushed his nose over yours, his exhale heating your lips as he laughed.
“W-What’s so funny?” you stammered.
“Have you seen the tree they’ve brought in?”
His head shifted and you turned to find a large cherry tree had made a home in the center of the room. Guests stepped in perfect time to the music, forming a swirling formation right below the falling foliage.
“How did that get here?“ you gasped.
He smiled, all sunshine and dripping with honey. “You should look more closely at it when you have a chance.”
Your face twisted in confusion. This man was crazy and yet…you glanced back at the tree and it looked closer or bigger than than it was before. Dancers parted, revealing a sizable burl in the otherwise perfect bark. The corners of his mouth dipped as warm fingers caressed your cheek.
“When you dream…it’s not always this pleasant, is it?” he asked.
You breathed out his name, even though he had not given it yet.
“No harm will come to you as long as I am here,” he promised while bringing your hand up to his lips for a kiss. “Sleep.”
What were dreams if not a mosaic of memories and the subconscious working together to create mind bending, nonlinear narratives? On nights when you could not rest, were the sheep you counted covered in wool and prancing over your pillow? Or were they powered by electricity, spinning around like figurines in a carousel?
When you woke, it was one of those coming back into your body experiences where you could only feel one limb at a time. First, it was the arm trapped beneath your pillow, then the other which was tangled in someone else’s limbs. Connor’s hand loosely gripped yours against your chest, the synthetic skin warmer than usual and faintly buzzing. A firm chest covered your back, his weight a welcome comfort.
Through android instinct or sheer luck, he sensed something amiss, choosing to greet you by laying kisses down the column of your neck. A leg pressed between yours, the android tangling himself around you like a blanket. He let go of your hand to wrap an arm around your middle as his other threaded into your hair.
“Bad dream?” he asked.
Through the thick and groggy haze of waking up, you noticed it instantly, a change in the endlessly evolving machine. Connor did not seem to tire, always sounding alert and refreshed no matter the circumstance. Today was different, his voice was lower, rough and scratchy like his vocals cords were warming up.
You brought the back of your hand to rub your eyes. “No, at least…I don’t think so. I tend to forget my dreams when I wake up.”
Rolling away from the sunny side of the bed, you snuggled yourself back into his embrace. Your palm pressed flat on his chest. A light vibration from his hardware rumbled like a cat’s purr. Thoughtlessly, you leaned in to peck soft kisses down the notch between his collarbones and to the center of his chest where the buzzing was it’s strongest. His breath hitched when you flicked your tongue in a swirl over the skin. It was nice seeing a machine stutter from such a small act. Everything you did to Connor seemed to bring him some form of easy pleasure. Regardless of his purpose, it still delighted you to know you could provide something in return.
“I think it was a nice dream,” you concluded and rose back up to kiss his lips.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he replied while nuzzling his face to yours. One part of his anatomy was eager enter the conversation, prodding at your stomach in a not so subtle reminder of its existence. You made a noise caught between a laugh and a gasp, your brain still shaking off the fog of dreamland.
He sprung on you regardless, covering your body with his. Your back sunk into the mattress, hair twisting beneath your head. The kiss was hot, wet and sloppy, his lips claiming yours with a thrilling desperation. Your mouths were a stage, your tongues wrestling to and fro. You cheated, nipping his tongue gently, a victory short lived when he pulled away in surprise. The softness was gone, honed by a sharp, never ending hunger brimming over the pupils of his eyes.
“May I have you?” he pleaded in a tone that implied he’d been patiently waiting all night. As if you needed more convincing, his fingers whispered between your thighs, tracing faint lines up your skin to the bundle of nerves below.
Your legs were falling apart before you could get the words out.
“Yes…yes, Connor.”
The bedsheets tugged upwards with him as he rose up to slot his hips between your legs. His knees spread out, pressing against the meat of your thighs, pushing them further apart. You couldn’t hold back a gasp when he bucked his hips, the cold tip of his wet length gliding over your warm folds. Your moan was crushed between his mouth as he ground into you with whimpers of his own.
“S-so…good,” he slurred, already drunk on your warmth.
It was agonizing when he grazed your entrance, only to proceed to slip up past it, the blunt head of his cock teasing your swollen bud repeatedly. He continued moving in slow seesawing motions, the friction pulling a tight knot in your abdomen. A bow would snap if it held the same tension you had in your spine. You were more than ready, on the verge of begging.
Maybe Connor didn’t know that he needed to put it in.
“Connor,” you huffed out, biting your lip to fight a smile. Perhaps, you’d have to show him how the birds and the robot bees worked.
His eyes snapped to meet yours, the brown lost behind the squint of a guilty and self-satisfied smile.
“Preparation is important,” he answered sheepishly, completely ignoring how your hips canted to change the course of his next thrust. How were you expecting to outsmart machine precision? You writhed with a helpless moan.
“You’re so pretty like this,” he whispered, staying completely still above you. “I…I could do this forever.”
The rest of his name was cut off by his lips covering yours as he lined himself up to you, the tip of him nudging gently at your core. He almost entered you when his face pulled away with a gasp. Pink dusted over his cheeks as his hips hovered over yours. Two strong hands cradled your face on the pillow.
“I…I want to see you. When I…when…” he muttered, distracted and overwhelmed already.
You were a little worried actual sex might break him, but if you were being honest with yourself, you were in no better shape. Sweat beaded down your back as you wiggled beneath him to wrap your legs around his narrow waist. Your nails scraped into the back of his neck and while you couldn’t dent or break his skin, he got the message.
Taking the lead, he tilted his hips, easing himself slowly into you. His optics moved in tiny fluttery movements, like a camera tracking a target as he studied your face. It would have been unnerving if it weren’t for the loud, open mouthed moan that erupted from his lips. He was barely in you, the tip of him stretching and holding you open. Even with all of his preparation, it was a slow process. His hips pulled back, coating himself in more of your slick and diving further in a second attempt.
“You’re s-so tight…” he whined as the blue on his head shifted red.
Your hands threaded through his soft hair, kneading until his eyes pinched shut.
“You’re doing so well,” you spoke, pressing a kiss to his pink cheeks as he melted, moaning softly and pushing deeper.
He propped himself up onto his elbows, tilting his head down to watch him disappear inch by inch until your hips fused together. The act alone seemed to have wiped him out as his head fell to your chest.
“I…you…you feel so…s—“ he said through a wall of static, his biocomponents working overtime, clicking and whirring in his chest.
You palmed his cheek, thumb drawing circles on synthetic flesh as bits of it turned white to your touch. “I know…you feel amazing, Connor.”
He was still whining, panting and cycling air while his forehead rested firmly against your sweaty chest. Slowly, he eased out and back in, mouth agape as you let him claim you again and again. Once your calves tightened around his waist, he got a little braver.
One second you were mostly on the mattress and the next, his arms wrapped around your lower back to lift you off the bed. Your knees pressed to your chest and all you could do was place your arms over his shoulders and cling to him. He moved with a calculated intensity, keeping you on the edge with cycles of deep, angled thrusts. You didn’t have to worry about damaging his ears as you cried out loudly from underneath him. He experimented with slower and deeper thrusts, discovering that he could savor the heat of your core, the way you pulsed and molded to him. His eyes fluttered and rolled as he finally found the adjective he’d been struggling find.
“P-perfect,” he gasped. “You feel…perfect.”
He held you open like a man with all the carnal and animalistic intention of breeding a willing female. No matter how human he seemed, Connor never failed to remind you that he didn’t exist on a food chain. Mechanical noises emitted from his voice box, sharp and clear even while his mouth was shut. The flesh tone vanished from his hands, smooth, white plastic digging into your spine. He did not sweat nor did the momentum of his hips falter. He was a machine moving with a purpose.
And you loved it.
“Fuck, Connor!”
You were close and he could sense it. The familiar but still alien sensation of his rubbery padded fingers working it’s way between your legs. A deep, guttural sound ripped out of his mouth—possessive and almost demanding.
“Let me…let me see it. I want to see it,” he breathed harshly.
At some point, his hair had fallen over his eyes, blackened orbs glinting between strands of brown hair with an unwavering, singular focus.
Ah, to be the sole affection, the apple of an android’s eye.
The covers draped over his shoulders like a dark cape, rustling down his back with every harsh thrust. You were overheating, writhing with your eyes shut in a sauna of your own sweat. Connor was having none of it, his voice spoke without interference, clear enough to feel like you could hear it in your head.
“Look at me,” he said slowly and calmly, stretching the three words to convey the depths of his devotion.
You tried, bleary eyed while drawing in short gasps of air. A pressure on your back pushed your chest flush with his. His lower jaw trembled as he silently mouthed words he wasn’t sure he could say.
“I…I want to remember this…in case…I don’t see you again,” he stammered.
With the high functioning part of your mind positively fucked out of the universe, you weren’t sure what prompted you to reply, but you did.
“You w-will….Ah—you will!”
It seemed to mollify him, a sweet smile dimpling his cheeks. He laid a kiss on your lips, his grin still present throughout.
“Then…cum for me. Please.”
You could feel him all around you, a cage of plastic that knew your body better than an old lover. Initially, his presence was as persistent and inconvenient as the falling snow, blanketing you with no end in sight. Long gone was his formality and your doubts about a machine companion. He was an oddity, awkward at times and beguiling when he didn’t mean to be. Connor was the only one of his kind, beckoning…begging, pleading for a companion. From one lonely soul to another, it would be cruel to deny him.
You heard him ask again, a string of pleas from a gasping, blushing face. He had propped himself on an elbow, leaning most of his weight to one side in order to cup the back of your head. Your muscles knotted around him and you think that might be what would break him as his LED bled red once again.
“Yes, let me—” he groaned, driving his hips in more wildly. “Let me feel it.”
With a shudder, your peak came and lingered in a plateau of weightlessness until Connor nuzzled his hips to yours and with a nip at your shoulder, he followed suit. He was an incoherent whimpering mess, hot exhaust burning onto your skin as he twitched and throbbed. There was a horrid mess between your thighs as the android’s hips never really stilled, too busy watching in awe as his release dripped out and plugged back in with a forward thrust.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled, already recovered before you were. You moaned softly, still wound up from earlier. A proud smirk tilted up his lips. “I may have been a little excited. You must be drenched.”
“I wonder who’s fault that is,” you replied dryly with a grin of your own.
You brought your hands to tuck a curl that dangled over his eyes. His brows dipped and a small pinch pushed them together as his smile faded, the gentle intimacy replaced with a bittersweet energy. The blankets had slipped off and the cool air blew over your damp skin. He sat up so your legs could collapse onto the bed and came back to press his chest against yours. A weak moan left your lips as he slid back into you with little resistance, keeping still for the moment. Surprisingly, nothing ached, except for the little strings tugging at your heart.
“Just…one more,” he asked.
Your palm pushed at his chest and his head only tilted at you in confusion. 
“Lie back,” you coaxed.
He wrapped his arms around you and rolled over, somehow managing to not slip out of you. You took your time, slowly grinding your hips down as he shuddered and moaned, letting you use him for your end. He seemed blissed out, head buried in a soft pillow, eyes and mouth half opened. The new angle was somehow deeper and hitting a new sweet spot as you rocked against him.
Without breaking eye contact, you placed a hand beside his head, holding most of your weight on it and with your other hand, stroked his cock as it left your core. You hovered over him, pulling him out to the tip while loosely twisting your wrist, knowing full well he could grip your hips and change the pace. Instead, his hands roamed up your sides, gently kneading your breasts. He rolled and pinched a nipple, smirking slightly when you whimpered and clenched around him. As crowded as it was down there, he managed to wrestle his hand through to stroke your clit.
There was a mischievous glint in his eyes like he knew something you didn’t.
“C-Connor! That’s not f-fair!” you cried out as his fingers buzzed. Your legs wobbled, collapsing back onto him until he was buried to the hilt. His other arm came to stroke your back, or hold you in place, either way, he wasn’t moving from beneath you. His fingers wouldn’t let up, circling your nerves as the intensity of the vibrations grew.
“Oh—f-fuck!” you cried out, fisting the sheets until your knuckles went white.
What you didn’t realize was that his delicate sensors could be tuned to different sensitivity levels, and with your next cry, as another climax washed over you, he could finish from that alone. He looked marginally apologetic when you recovered.
“Was that satisfactory?” he asked sweetly. 
Your nails bit into his thighs and your eyes rolled into another dimension. He probably didn’t mean to sound so cheeky.
“Yes, it was,” you replied. You gently stroked up his legs, thumb catching on all the divots in his body—the dip of his hip bones and the valleys between sculpted muscle. Your head came down to rest on his chest with the side effect of shifting your hips over his. His cock twitched in interest and you wondered if he was related to a certain rabbit branded battery.
“Please,” Connor urged, already in the act of rolling you over onto your back.
“One more and then we shower,” you laughed.
“One more,” he repeated.
One last tumble in the sheets before the day went on and Connor’s destiny would be out of your hands, left to the unknown.
It felt too soon for goodbyes.
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rubimoon45 · 5 months
Pareja: Elijah Kamsky x fem reader
Summary: Verona es contratada por el periódico y la policía para investigar con un detective y un androide los recientes casos de divergentes. Lo que no se esperaba es que tendría que abrir las heridas de su pasado, a raíz de visitar su casa.
Warning: menciones a la muerte, traumas, contenido adulto, desnudo.
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Llevaba esperando acerca de veinte minutos. Veinte largos minutos en los que podría estar acabando la entrevista que su jefe le había mandado antes de salir de la oficina.
Un trabajo que beneficiará a la imagen del periódico si la cosa impactaba. No dudaba que no lo hiciera. Era el rumor de los últimos años. Podría estar en ello, corrigiendo los apartados y lo que faltase... Si no hubiera aceptado la salido de campo hace una semana. Una investigación sobre los Últimos modelos de los androides y sus polémicas, le habían dicho. Poder colaborar codo con codo con la policia
Solo una formalidad para poder investigar más de cerca lo que la sociedad se preguntaba. Al salir de la ciudad habia tenido que enseñar su documentación y permiso de conducir para los guardias de seguridad que aumentaban los controles para la población. Su jefe había tenido que llamar para demostrar su presencia a la entrada del segundo control, uno privado y perteneciente a la casa que tenía delante.
El segundo control habia sido más sencillo. Fuera de la ciudad, se extendía una villa cercana al río Detroit. Una coraza negra rodeada de enormes piedras congeladas por la tempestad del exerior. Una ridiculez que solo los ricos podían permitirse, o la gente poderosa del gobierno para proteger sus mayores secretos; la gente mundana solo alcanzaba a comprarse un apartamento decente con la cocina y salón en la misma sala. Solo con enseñar su pase como periodista y la seguridad le había ordenado continuar. Y ahí estaba ella, sentada en el piloto de su cochemcon la calefacción al máximo mirando nerviosa la hora de quedada.
Se miraba las manos con nerviosismo, consciente de que ella pudiera haber llegado demasiado pronto. imposible, se recordó mirándose al espejo retrovisor. Incluso se había puesto una alarma para la hora de salida. Si hubiera sabido que llegarían tarde, habría llevado algo mas que su bandolera de trabajo y unos chicles dentro, entre cosas inútiles. volvió a mirar por el retrovisor, dos pares de ojos curiosos y llorosos devolviendo el reflejo. No estaba llorando, culpaba al cambio de temperaturas entre el cálido interior y el congelado exterior. Invierno en Detroit; no era raro que nevara como si fuera a romperse el mundo. Pero no era lo mismo vivirlo en el centro con calefacción que pegado a la humedad del río y la presa... A quién se le ocurría irse a vivir a ese lugar, se preguntaba con sarcasmo y rabia. Solo a un ermitaño o un rico que quería permanecer en el anonimato.
A Verona se le acabó la paciencia, tras mirar por sexta vez la hora y lanzar un suspiro que casi empañaba los cristales. Se removió en el asiento, y fue a agarrar el teléfono. De nuevo, la hora de quedada en la pantalla de bloqueo y el amistoso recordatorio de que fuera de su trabajo tenía una vida. Otro suspiro. Y fue entonces cuando vio la luz atravesando la niebla y nieve, el ruido de unas llantas aparcando a su lado. Verona se limitó a colocarse el pelo, comprobando que estaba todo recogido en ese pequeño moño con la otra mitad suelta. Nada más acabar con eso, Verona recogió las cosas del copiloto y abrió la puerta. El vendaval helado la golpeó, revolviendo su ropa y melena, despeinandola, congelando su menudo cuerpo. El coche de policia, no oficial porque no llevaba la placa, sino el del detective, era de una marca clásica con algún acoplamiento moderno. Dos personas salieron de él, una más agilmente que le señaló las diferencias entre un humano y una máquina. Verona se protegió los ojos, pero avanzó de todas formas hacia ellos.
-Llegan tarde -fue lo primero que dijo al tenerlos cerca, lo suficiente como para ser escuchada por encima de la tormenta. Verona vio un gesto en el rostro del hombre adulto y encorvado.
-Hemos tenido un...accidente. Han cortado una carretera y hemos tenido que coger otra.
Verona no dijo nada. Se limitó a mirar al teniente de policía y a peinarse el pelo detrás de las orejas. El androide al lado del teniente la miraba neutral, ajustando de vez en cuando las mangas de su traje. Los tres se acercaron a la enorme casa, a la que se accedía por un puente metálico por encima de un pequeño tramo de río. Siempre le había sorprendido esa clase de construcciones, resistentes a todo tipo de fenómenos y horrible por igual. Moderno, sí, pero no el estilo de construcción clásica al que estaba más que acostumbrada.
-¿Sabe el señor Kamski que hemos venido a su casa o lo vamos a colarnos?
-Si no ha llamado a la policía es que sabe que estamos aquí -apartó la mirada, jugando con un mechón suelto-. Tampoco es como si estuviera en la posición de negarse a hacer declaraciones por los actos de sus hijos.
Se preguntaba si el sistema de vigilancia también era el mejor en el mercado o si simplemente su arrogancia lo hacía sentirse intocable. O ambas. Se ajustó la correa de la mochila sobre el hombro, intentando no parecer demasiado curiosa. Había visto entrevistas suyas de hace años, y las últimas que había dado antes de desligarse de su propia empresa; la empresa más famosa del mundo y que, en palabras suyas, estaba para servir a los humanos. CyberLife. Lo más parecido a una revolución en el siglo XXI como fue en su momento la Revolución Industrial o la Ilustración.
-¿Y cuál es la dichosa entrada? -señaló la montaña cubierta de nieve en el tejado y con dos gruesos portones metálicos iluminados por focos del suelo. Verona y Connor se miraron, pero no dijeron nada-. ¿Ese? Esto no dice nada.
-Ese es el garaje de Elijah -respondió ella, rápido. No supo por qué estaba contestando esas cosas-. Y creo que comunica con un laboratorio personal. Su casa -señaló en dirección contraria, hacia el puente negro y metálico que llevaba directamente a la gruesa construcción modo bunquer- es esa.
Connor se colocó la chaqueta homologada por CyberLife. Su LED respondió por el, iluminandose de azul. Apuntó con las llaves a su coche para apagarlo, aunque dudaba que alguien pudiera robarlo con esa nevada, el frío, y la seguridad que rodeaba los límites del río. El teniente Hank apretó el botón del timbre, el androide Connor a sus espaldas y ella aún examinando la vivienda. Incluso sonaba diferente al resto.
Tuvo que resistir el impulso a poner los ojos en blanco. Había cosas que nunca cambiaban... La puerta se abrió, sin hacer ruido pese a lo que debía de pesar si era lo suficiente gruesa como para almacenar tanto calor ahí dentro. Se sintió sofocada solo por esa corriente. El interior estaba iluminado lo suficiente como para ver desde donde estaba. A su lado, el androide permaneció en el sitio mirado a la otra androide. El primer androide que tantas veces veía en las revistas como el primer éxito de la humanidad contemporánea, delante de ella como un humano más. Verona tuvo que aguantar la respiración. Se veía tan...real, como ella misma. Alta, delgada, con ese vestido azul que tan bien le sentaba, con ese perfecto pelo rubio inmaculado.
Podría haber pasado como una humana cualquiera. Incluso ahí dentro, en esa casa. Si sus rasgos no fueran tan perfectos que se pareciera más la imagen clásica de una diosa que la imperfección humana. Verona lo vio en esa esquina, grabado en su sien como un recordatorio. Lo único que los diferenciaba de ser humanos a simple vista. Esa luz LED azul y parpadeante. Verona apartó la mirada cuando la androide se dio cuenta de lo que hacía. Si le pareció extraño, no dijo nada al respecto; tampoco es como si pudiera, estaba configurada para no rechistar.
Algo que ella sabía muy bien. Demasiado, puede. Sus ojos azules miraban sin emoción en ellos.
-Yo... Eh -la presencia de la mujer debía de haberle perturbado si solo era capaz de decir esas cosas. Lo cierto era que tenía razon-. Soy el teniente Hank Anderson, de la policía de Detroit, y vengo a ver al señor Elijah Kamski.
-En colaboración con el Detroit Today -recordó apresurada.
Como si fuera magia, su expresión se revolvió y una sonrisa encantadora a la vista apareció en su imagen inmaculada.
-Pasen, por favor.
Hank vaciló, pero siguió el camino que la androide señalaba, seguido por ellos dos. La gruesa puerta se cerró. La entrada era amplia y con colores monocromáticos, siguiendo una decoración austera. La decoradora de interiores tendría que haber cobrado su fortuna. No había nada que detonara la personalidad del dueño. Incluso Hanks se dio cuenta cuando se quedó en medio con la boca abierta. Connor se adelantó hacia el gran cuadro al fondo.
-Le diré a Elijah que están aquí. Mientras tanto, ponganse comodos.
Desapareció por otra gran puerta, antes abierta. Verona supo al momento lo que estaba pasando detrás de ella. Se esforzó en pensar en las razones por las que la habían enviado allí y las consecuencias que podría traer.
-Es una...buena chica.
Al paso de unos segundos, Connor respondió.
-Sí, es muy guapa...
Verona se acercó a final de la sala. Donde el enorme cuadro que tocaba hasta el techo y suelo, y de colores azul, negro y blanco.
-En la base de datos públicos dice que una de las últimas entrevistas antes de la desaparición de Elijah Kamski fue hecha por el periódico, muy aclamada por el público y con muchas...alabanzas.
Verona examinó el marco del cuadro. Apenas se veía. Parecía fusionado con pared. La única señal de humanidad en una persona que tantos halagos había recibido con los años y que ahora se escondía del mundo... Connor hablaba de esa entrevista desde las fuentes a las que podía acceder, pero era incapaz de saber, de adivinar, lo que era entrevista significaba en realidad . Lo que ella sabía.
-Elijah Kamski ha ganado tantos premios como hombre del año por su inteligencia y reputación que la gente se olvida de lo que realmente es -dijo. Unos ojos azules, así de fríos, así de distantes incluso en esa imagen reciente, no eran el modelo de imagen que se tenía de su propietario al principio-. No es más que otro hombre más entre billones.
Hanks dijo algo por lo bajo. La experiencia a su lado le había dado la capacidad de saber lo que opinaba dependiendo de los ruidos que hiciera. Frustración.
-La policía investiga por un lado y el periódico investiga por su lado. Noticias frescas para ambos, un...acuerdo es lo que tenemos -comenzó a explicar Hanks, pasándose la mano por la cara-. Por eso el periódico ha insistido tanto en que ella venga, Connor. Y en las últimas veces con la condición de no interponerse.
-Y no lo he hecho -murmuró. Sacó la libreta de su bolso, y buscó lo que necesitaba.
Anotaciones entre tantas que había. Nombres sueltos, lugares, fechas... Cosas que necesitaba tanto en su vida profesional como personal. Todo ahí junto. Anotó rápidamente la fecha de ese día, dónde estaban y en grande el nombre de Elijah. Por supuesto, tendría que omitir detalles a la hora de escribir la noticia, como el lugar en el que vivía y detalles de su vida privada que pudieran ser llevadas a la Corte.
-¿Qué se siente conocer a tu creador, Connor?
El cuadro de Elijah y Amanda era otro detalle personal. Pequeño en comparación con el otro, pero lo más humano que podía dejar ver a las visitas. Él de joven, despues de graduarse a una temprana edad. Junto con Amanda, antes de morir en 2027. Amanda era la profesora de Elijah, quien le enseñó todo lo que sabía, y probablemente su amiga cercana si la recordaba con tanto cariño. Tanto que la programación de sus creaciones eran un recordatorio constante.
Un recuerdo en su honor. Un legado. Aunque ya lo supiera y fuera conocimiento de todo el mundo esa clase de relación alumno-profesora, Verona se tomó la molestia de anotarlo en su pequeña libreta. Por supuesto, no diría nada de esa diferencia en lo que respecta a la noticia preliminar que entregara. A su lado, la puerta se abrió arrastrándose como las puertas japonesas, pero de una madera más sólida. Escuchó el chapoteo y dos voces femeninas charlando. La luz que entraba por el enorme ventanal al final de la nueva sala la cegó. Chloe salía y se hizo a un lado.
-Elijah los recibirá ahora.
Verona se guardó las manos en los bolsillos. La mujer se dio cuenta de ella, la expresión neutra
-Hola, Chloe -se dejó llevar por sus emociones como una niña, aferrada al uno de los pocos recuerdos que había de ese lugar, si es que existian-. ¿Cómo está?
La androide, Chloe, de las primeras creaciones de Elijah Kamski, se limitó a mirar su abrigo. Tal vez con un poco de suerte la hubieran reseteado y no recordara la vez que derramó el café sobre ella. Verona vio la luz parpadear.
-Elijah espera en la piscina -se limitó a decir. Fiel a su creador.
Verona se adelantó en vez de seguir insistiendo.
El movimiento del agua de nuevo, ese chapoteo que resonaba en el eco de la nueva sala disponible. Connor y Hanks ya estaban muy adentro cuando ella los siguió, fijándose en las dos androides iguales a Chloe que charlaban en el borde de la piscina. Una piscina que cubría la mayor parte del suelo, a excepción de la zona ancha con baldosas negras por la que caminaban y el final con dos asientos y una mesita libre. En la esquina a su derecha había una lámpara y un cuadro abstracto; colores impactando unos con otros. Una reconocida obra de la colección privada y regalo de Karl Manfred. Un espacio para recibir a los invitados y para relájese... Una vanidad más en la vida de un billonario con la vida resulta a los treinta y seis; una muestra más de que su personalidad inicial había cambiado con los años.
Connor se movía curioso por la sala, mirando las extrañas obras de arte, seguramente buscando en su base de datos qué eran y significaban. Por otro lado, Hanks miraba en silencio y casi con frustración cómo el dueño de la casa se ponía el albornoz tras salir del agua. Estaba muy cambiado desde su última entrevista, desde la última imagen que había dejado al público. Ahora tenía el pelo más corto, rapado por los lados y por detrás, una pequeña coleta recogiendo lo que quedaba por encima del corte.
-Soy el teniente Anderson. Y este es Connor -señaló al androide con el brazo, que se quedó quieto a sus espaldas. Tras ellos, una pared de piedra natural hasta el techo, Verona la miró bien. Cuando Hanks se dio cuenta de lo que hacía, decidió tomar la delantera-. Y ella la periodista que el Detroit Today ha mandado para trabajar con nosotros. Fue la que hizo su última entrevista, si lo recuerda.
Verona no añadió nada. Miró al frente en busca de alguna reacción por parte del hombre que tenía delante, el mismo que de no haber creado a esas máquinas no estaría viviendo en ese lugar, teniendo esa clase de vida ni metido en el centro de una investigación por divergentes. Él, si la reconoció o quiso añadir algo sobre la entrevista, no pareció demostrarlo. Solo un simple:
-Encantadora. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle, teniente?
-Investigamos a los divergentes. Sé que dejó CyberLife hace unos años, pero esperaba que pudiera decirnos algo que no sepamos.
Elijah se quedó mirando al teniente Hanks en silencio, con las manos cruzadas en el regazo y una mirada casi ausente que podría haber señalado un problema. Una vacilación. Pero ella sabía que no se trataba de nada de eso. Sino que estaba analizando el interrogatorio en su propia casa sobre lo que la gente pensaba que era su culpa. No era imbécil. Sabía lo que pasaba ahí fuera. Veía las noticias, escuchaba a la gente, aunque no lo pareciera.
-Los divergentes -pensó la respuesta antes de añadir:- son fascinantes, ¿no es así? Seres perfectos con una inteligencia infinita. Y, ahora, libre albedrío. Las máquinas son tan superiores a nosotros que era inevitable un enfrentamiento. El logro más importante de la humanidad -sonaba como si se estuviera mofando, si es que no lo estaba haciendo ya-, y que ahora amenaza con destruirla. ¿No es irónico?
Connor fue el primero en hablar.
-La divergencia parece propagarse como una especie de virus. Podría saber algo sobre eso.
Apuntó la pregunta en la libreta rápidamente, no más de parecer un garabato que solo ella podría descifrar. O un androide. No era de extrañar que muchos de los puestos que ocupasen fueran en periodismo.
-Todas las ideas son virus que se propagan como epidemias. ¿No es acaso el deseo de ser libre una idea contagiosa?
También lo apuntó, aunque fuera la pregunta más esquiva del día. Al lado anotó con cuidado un recordatorio a la última entrevista que había hecho, para que cuando estuviera transcribiendo pudiera comparar las últimas declaraciones con aquellas. Algo había, algo que no estaba diciendo. El teniente se dio cuenta.
-No estoy aquí para filosofar. Las máquinas que creó podrían estar planeando una revolución -amenazó gravemente-. O nos da información útil o nos largamos de aquí.
Verona observó el espacio. Lo detalló brevemente quedándose con lo más importante. La creencia de que los ricos se bañaban en sangre, solo un mito. Era por los azulejos.
-¿Y tú qué dices, Connor? ¿De qué bando estás?
-Del humano.
-Sí -se rio, pero sonó tan alejado que fue como escuchar una comedia barata. Verona sintió pena por ese hombre, si es que estaba en una posición para juzgarlo. No era élquien había estado al borde de la muerte-, estás programado para decir eso, pero tú -el eco de su voz, de esa última palabra, vibró por toda la sala. Incluso el chapoteo del agua se detuvo-. ¿Qué es lo que quieres realmente?
La cascada dentro del hogar sonaba a la caída con el agua tranquila, las suaves voces de ambas réplicas de Chloe en el borde charlando sin prestar atención. Hanks cambió el apoyo de su peso de una pierna a otra, escuchando atento. La persona que odiaba a los androides quizás un poco más que ella en su peor momento se sentía amenazado y...asustado por lo que pudiera decir uno en lo que a su programación respetaba.
-Señor Kamski, creo que somos nosotros los que hacemos aquí las preguntas -acabó diciendo, firme y sin apartar la mirada.
La androide se movió cuando la llamaron. Verona se apartó a un lado, más cerca de la piscina. La miró vagamente sin dejar de escuchar la conversación. La última vez que estuvo allí no había visto a las otras dos androides. Tendrían que haber sido una nueva aportación a su decoración interna de la casa. Tal vez incluso hicieran las tareas de otros androides, desde cocinar hasta las tareas del hogar.
-Estoy seguro de que conoces el Test de Turing. Una mera formalidad digo yo. Una simple cuestión es algoritmo y capacidad de cálculo. Lo que me interesa saber es si las máquinas son capaces de tener empatía -lanzó una mirada al aire como si fuera algo sencillo de entender. En un momento, Chloe estaba de frente a la piscina quieta esperando las ordenes-. Yo lo llamo el Test de Kamski, es muy sencillo.
Su atención regresó a Chloe. La hermosa u bella Chloe. Su primera creación y de la que más estaba orgulloso. Nunca habían conseguido saber el por qué de esa apariencia, por qué no de otra más simple... Ella casi podía hacerse una idea.
-Magnífica. Uno de los primeros modelos inteligentes que desarrolló CyberLife. Joven y hermosa por siempre. Una flor que nunca se marchita -la mirada hueca de Chloe podría haber vacilado si fuera una divergente, pero de serlo estaría mirando por ella misma como un humano haría. Verona vio como Elijah Kamski acariciaba la mejilla de Chloe, su primera creación, fascinado por los más pequeños detalles que había añadido al crearla. Chloe permaneció quieta. Inmóvil cómo un muerto. Su LED parpadeante no señalaba ningún...problema interno.
A Verona le hizo cosquillas el interior del antebrazo, ahí donde estaba y estaría marcada para siempre. No bella. No hermosa. No un ser perfecto. Un recordatorio en su vida de que ella no sanaría ni podría ser sustituida. No pudo evitar tocar esa zona, desde la zona del codo hasta la mitad del antebrazo, distraída en ver cómo el agua de la cascada caía.
-¿Qué es realmente? ¿Un pedazo de plástico que imita a un humano? ¿O un ser vivo con alma?
Verona contuvo el aliento. Y no fue la única. La mala sensación que llevaba tanto alertando sus sentidos alzó la bandera pidiendo una retirada inmediata. Ponerse a salvo. Lo que hiciera falta. Y un recuerdo despertando del fondo adormecido de su cerebro... Verona retrocedió todo lo que pudo fijándose en el borde de la piscina. Elijah alzaba una pistola en alto, ambos brazos levantados, expresando
-Porque darle una pistola a un androide que pueda ser defectuoso es una fantástica idea -se escuchó diciendo. Hanks estaba petrificado en el sitio y con la mirada clavada en aquella pistola. ¿Por qué tenía una pistola en su casa, para empezar?
-Como he dicho, una prueba para saber si los androides son capaces de sentir.
Verona miró la figura de Chloe de rodillas, sin mover ni un pelo con la mirada clavada en el agua teñida de rojo. Un escalofrío le llegó hasta la nuca, como una advertencia de lo que podía ocurrir. Casi podía escuchar el ruido de la pistola sonando, Chloe en el suelo con los ojos apagados, la sangre azul manchando el suelo,... No podría ver eso. No.
-Pues póntelo tú en la cabeza. Otra estúpida prueba de las tuyas, ¿no?
-Estúpido sólo es negarse a cumplir una orden, ¿no? Ahora... -dio una zancada, lo necesario para ya estar al lado de Connor y ponerle la pistola en la mano. Verona retrocedió sin apartar la mirada de ella. Otro escalofrío. Las manos le temblaban tanto que tuvo que dejar la libreta sobre la mesilla y mirar al paisaje.
La nieve del cielo. El hielo que congelaba el agua. Los surcos de piedras a los francos de las paredes aprovechando el relieve del terreno fluvial. Intentó calmar su respiración, enfocarse en las voces de la sala, no en el pitido que comenzaba a invadir sus sentidos. En el sentido de alarma que corría por sus huesos y le gritaba que saliera de ahí.
Connor no dijo nada la pistola estuvo en su mano, apuntando a la cabeza de Chloe que no lo miraba y seguía las indicaciones de su creador. Su padre. La persona que le había dado vida y a la primera que había visto. La primera entrevista como androide que había dado, la sorpresa que generó en el mundo que pudiera comportarse y hablar como un humano y fuera tan o más inteligente que su entrevistador. Su maestro.
-Destruye esta máquina y te diré todo lo que sé. O no, si sientes que está vivo, pero te vas a salir aquí sin haber aprendido nada.
-¡Se acabó, Connor, los vamos! -Hanks lanzó una voz que llamó la atención de las otras dos androides. Verona se tomó las manos.
Connor parpadeaba, como si se acabase de dar cuenta de lo que estaba pasando. Su posición. Su todo. En lo que estaba metido ahora, con esa pistola en su mano apuntando a la cabeza de la androide sentada de rodillas en el suelo.
-¿Qué es más importante para ti, Connor? ¿Tu investigación, o la vida de este androide? Decide quién eres. O una máquina obediente... -se acercó a su cabeza para susurrar lo que los demas escucharon a la perfeccion, si es que no lo era otra cosa que un intención...-. O un ser vivo dotado de libre albedrío.
Verona se tapó los oídos negándose a presenciar y escuchar esa escena. Fue como un fogonazo. Un dolor de cabeza que recorrió la parte de atrás de su cabeza hasta el hueso frontal, presionando con tanta fuerza que el dolor le llegaba hasta el pecho. Se quedó inmóvil con Hanks vociferando órdenes a Connor. Otro fogonazo de calor. Las palabras de la doctora resurgiendo en sus oídos, el dolor del brazo, la presión en su pecho,...
No. No podía. Se veía a sí misma en la misma situación. En ese mismo momento. No podía volver a repetir eso. Repetir el momento en el que la agarraron y lanzaron contra aquella ventana cristalina. Con todo el cuerpo plagado de dolor, entumecido en la cama y sin fuerzas. El asqueroso olor a espacio excesivamente limpio que a día de hoy le impedía entrar en un hospital. Chloe en el suelo, incapaz de defenderse porque en su programación estaba ser leal y era imposible revelarse... Sin ser un divergente. Solo de pensarlo, y en vez a esas Chloe hablando sin necesidad de usar el comunicador integrado... Verona intentó respirar para calmarse, inspirar y exhalar. Poco a poco, dejó caer las manos.
-No puedo con esto -negó hacia el teniente, pero pasó la mirada casi al segundo hacia el instigador de aquella estúpida prueba por su estúpida arrogancia-. No puedo contigo, Eli.
El teniente Hanks gruñó algo que no alcanzó a escuchar, dado que ya estaba caminando hacia la salida por su cuenta. Sin nadie. Sin androides. Sin humanos. Solo ella.
0 notes
Wait A Second... (DBH X Fem!Reader)
Characters: Kamski, Gavin, RK800, RK900, Hank X Fem!Reader *PLATONIC
Universe: Detroit Become Human
Warnings: Swearing
Request: So bc kamski and gavin are the same actor, what if y/n is a detective who works w/ gavin + rk900 + is also really close w/ connor; even hank isnt snarky + rude to her (even jokingly). shes just sitting, talking casually w/ the 4 then kamski walks in maybe to see connor + y/n just stops and stares and then looks at gavin and back at kamski and just like "oh god not another one" and walks out and everyone is really confused but now gavin and kamski are staring at eachother bc they see it too now.
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“Speak to the devil and she shall appear.” Gavin commented as you approached and you laughed and bumped his chair before putting your coffee down, and turning to see the other three around the two desks.
“And what exactly were you saying about me? I sure hope it’s good or two certain detectives aren’t getting their favourite donuts on Monday and my favourite androids won’t get to walk my dog and babysit my cat.” You grinned, your comments making Connor pout for a moment and Conan frowned before giving a sharp look to Gavin.
“Nothing but kind words, Y/N, don’t you worry.” Hank chuckled, patting your back as you took your seat at your desk, coming beside Hank. You looked up at Connor and grinned, patting your knee, and Connor simply grinned back and came and sat on your lap like a child.
“I don’t know why you insist of having Connor sit on your lap when he isn’t working.” Conan commented.
“Because you won’t.” You responded, sticking your tongue out at him, and Conan rolled his eyes, though clearly it wasn’t serious. You had tried several times and so far failed in getting the newer model to let you play with him, while Connor more than happily let you hug him and play with him.
“I swear you love the androids more than us.” Gavin commented, trying to reach for your coffee before Conan slapped his hand away, making you laugh.
“Talking of androids, I need mine back, we’ve got work to do.” Hank told you. You awed, giving one last squeeze before letting Connor stand. “Anyway you’ve got your own.” Hank commented as he got up and him and Connor started heading back to their desk.
“Yeah but I have to share… hold on.” Your comment made Hank and Connor turn, and Gavin looked up from his desk and Conan shifted to be closer to your side. Your voice was oddly serious. You were staring at something across the office, and when all four followed your eyes, they saw you were actually staring at someone.
“Oh, it’s Kamski-” Connor started, before being interrupted.
“What the fuck?” You asked, making everyone look back at you. You pointed at Kamski, who had now heard you and was looked back as you looked back confused at your human colleague and partner. “What… the fuck?” You asked again, now looking back at Kamskii.
Connor and Conan saw what you were talking about first, and Connor bit his lip, and Conan even went tense and looked away slightly, almost as an attempt to hide any signs in human. “What?” Hank asked, now coming back as Kamski came closer.
“Officer may I ask why you’re pointing at-”
“Oh no, why is there two of you?” You asked, looking back at Gavin and back again. Hank now copied and realised, and burst out laughing. You still continued to look bewildered.
“Y/N what the fuck are you… talking… about?” Gavin was now staring at Kamski, and realised what you meant, and Kamski realised as well. You rolled your chair out from between them.
“Fuck, I don’t like this.” You said, getting up. “I can handle two of you but… not two Gavin’s, especially if I have to work with them.” You said, patting both Connor and Conan on the back before wandering off, leaving the androids and Hank to look on as your partner and his… look alike, gawked at each other.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS: @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @captain-peanut-at-your-service @likiyoshi-lijie @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lena-stan-xavier @lady-of-lies @sebstanismylife @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980  @kleptomollyiac @cdwmtjb8
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samsaurwrites · 2 years
Just a Machine - (NSFW Connor/RK800 x Reader)
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Just a Machine (Connor x fem!Reader)
Connor always told you that he was just a machine.
This is when he proves it to you.
Tags: Machine Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Character Death, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex
Read here or on AO3.
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“What’s more important to you, Conner?”
Elijah Kamski’s voice floats through your mind, disembodied, distant and disjointed past the thrumming in your ears. The pounding of your heart.
“That’s enough,” you say, try to spit out with as much venom as you can muster, but your voice wavers. You feel yourself shaking. Losing control.
“Your investigation?” he asks, and the little smile playing on his lips, the way he’s toying with Connor, makes your stomach churn. “Or the life of this android?”
You hate the way he says that word. The way he sneers it, like it’s so much less. Like she is so much less. Your glance back at the other two Chloe androids, and they look terrified, clinging to each other, covering their mouths with their hands.
Decide who you are.
Connor’s LED flickers, a constantly cycling amber. His eyebrows twitch, furrowing and unfurrowing, lips pressed into a firm line. But his arm remains steady, gun pointed squarely at Chloe’s forehead.
Kamski grabs his shoulder, voice lilting with sadistic glee. “Pull the trigger—” “Conner—Don’t!”
“—and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
Before you can open your mouth again, before you can raise your hand to stop him—
A splatter of thirum erupts from her forehead, and Chloe goes limp.
The room is spinning, a blur of gray and while and blue. Your ears are ringing, your eyes are burning—what the hell just happened? Everything is collapsing in on itself. You’re trembling, breaking in two.
How long, you wonder, until that gun is pointed at you?
You look back at the other two Chloes. Take in the way one stares straight at you, eyes wide, the way the other has buried her face in the shoulder of the other.
I’m sorry. You want to say, but you can’t find the words, can’t find the air. You feel like you can’t breathe, like all the air has been sucked out of the room and you are suffocating.
You turn to leave. Turn around and flee because you can’t bear to be in that room any longer.
Connor catches up with you just outside the front door. Grabs your wrist and keeps hold of it when you try to wrench it away.
You spin around to face him, scowl at him and pull again. “Let go of me!”
He looks taken aback. Confused. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” you shout, trying again to yank free of him. Rage boils in your chest, indignation and hatred and you feel like you are burning alive. “You shot her, Conner!”
“I shot a machine, Detective” he says. The steady ambivalence, the cool blue of his LED—it baffles you, infuriates you. “I did what I had to do to advance the investigation.”
“You killed her, Conner!” you yell, jabbing a finger into his chest. “You pointed the gun at her fucking skull and killed her!”
“And I would do it again if I had to.”
You laugh—a bitter, choking sound. “You don’t feel a fucking thing, do you? Do you?!” You pull on your wrist again, trying to pry his fingers off. “Let go of me!”
This time, he does, and you stagger backwards.
“You’re just a machine…” you whisper, blinking back tears, backing away from him, cradling your wrist against your chest. The wind whips around you, howling and shrieking.
“Of course I am,” he says, shouts over the wind, and it’s the angriest—the most anything—you’ve ever seen him. “What did you think I was?”
His question throws you off balance. It knocks the wind out of you. And all at once, the tears overflow. The anger, the disgust, the shame and disbelief, it burns in your lungs. “I thought… I-I thought…”
I thought you were different.
“Get it the car,” he says, closer now, voice back to its monotone coldness.
And you do, because there’s little else to do. He drives you home, doesn’t say another word to you, and follows you inside. Follows you into the kitchen where you go straight for the bourbon still out on the kitchen counter, taking solace in the bite and the burn.
Then his hand is wrapping around your own, lowering the bottle before it can do any real good. You glare at him, through teras you convince yourself are from the bourbon. You stare at his eyes, a brown so soft and warm, but so entirely devoid of warmth.
He steps closer, his other arm wrapping around your waist.
You press your palm flat against his chest. “What the hell are you doing?”
He leans close, pressing gentle kisses along the line of your jaw, down the column of your throat.
“Last time I touched you like this,” he says, taking the bottle from your trembling fingers and setting it on the counter behind him. “Your attitude towards me improved significantly,” his breath is hot against your collarbone, his fingers toying with the bottom of your shirt. “I’m simply seeking the same results.”
You let out a shaky exhale, and something inside you shatters.
It hurts—it hurts so fucking bad.
But you let him touch you. You let him tug your shirt over your head and kiss you against the counter. You let him cup your face and run his fingers through your hair. You let him drag his tongue against your own, let him lap up the tears that roll gently down your cheeks.  
You let him lift you, let him carry you to your bedroom and lay you down on the mattress.
You let him peel off the rest of your clothes, let him lick at your center and sink his fingers into your heat. You grind against his hand, his face, keening at the curl of his fingers, the way he laps and sucks at your clit. It doesn’t take long—you want this. You want to lose yourself in the pleasure that surges through your veins like electricity, you want to lose yourself in the build, the burst, the feel of your fingers twisting in his hair.
He climbs over you, grabs your jaw and crushes his lips against yours, tongue delving deep into your mouth as soon as you let him in. He moans then—low and staticky—and then he’s pushing into you, hands hooked underneath your knees, pressing you back, pressing you open.
You let him stretch you open, let him drive the breath from your lungs with each thrust into your center, let him work you closer and closer. His head lulls forward, nose buried in your neck, fingers flexing against the sides of your knees.
He groans, exhaling a whisper of your name, fucking into you harder, faster. He bites down on your shoulder, sinks his teeth into your skin and you let him.
You wrap your legs around his hips, your arms around his torso and cling to him. You cum, walls clenching and fluttering around his cock. Breathless, you beg him to slow down, to be gentle and soft when he finishes inside you.
To let you pretend—just for a moment—that he loves you.
That he feels anything for you at all.
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Thanks for reading!! Consider giving it a ❤️ and a 🔁 if you enjoyed.
You can check out my other writing here.
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redskull199987 · 3 years
Requestlist and Masterlist (Requests closed)
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Hello there. If you made it this far, congratulations:)
This is my Masterlist and also every listed Fandom is open for Requests(X-Reader Oneshots, Headcannons).
You may request whatever you want, but here are some Rules, you should respect or I Will refuse your request:
-No homophobia
-no racism
-no body shaming
-pls don't bring politics into this
-incels and misogynists can fuck off
-No incest
-I don't write AUs
-I will not write smut for underage characters
->I will not age up characters to write smut for them
-I will not write Somnophilia or anything where a character  is not giving consent first
-I will not write anything with daddy/mommy kink, piss kink, foot fetish(no kink shaming but I just don't want to write it)
Just comment here or dm me personally.
You can request male!reader, female!reader, gn!reader
Here you can find my Wallpapers
I also have a Wattpad, if any of you are interested :)
Current requests
Here is the request list/Masterlist :
Marvel :
-Bucky Barnes x male!reader[[TFATWS/MCU]]
-Steve Rogers x male!reader[[MCU]]
-Druig x fem!reader Part 1[[Eternals/MCU]]
-Druig x fem!reader Part 2[[Eternals/MCU]]
-Namor x fem!reader[[Black Panther 2/MCU]]
-Matt Murdock x fem!reader[[Daredevil]]
-Matt Murdock x fem!reader[[Daredevil]]
-Frank Castle x gn!reader [[The Punisher]]
-Hobie Brown x fem!reader [[Spider-Man:ATSV]]
-Miles Morales x fem!reader[[Spider-Man:ATSV]]
Star Wars :
-Poe Dameron x fem!reader
-Ezra Bridger x fem!reder Part I
-Ezra Bridger x fem!reader Part II
-Din Djarin x fem!reader
-Din Djarin x fem!reader
DC :
-Red Hood/Jason Todd x fem!reader[[Titans]]
-Red Hood/Jason Todd x gn!reader [[Titans]]
-Titans x gn!reader [[Titans]]
-Larry Trainor x platonic gn!reader [[Doom Patrol]]
-Bruce Wayne x fem!reader [[The Batman]]
-Bruce Wayne x gn!reader [[The Batman]]
-Batboys x fem!reader[[Comics]]
God of War 4/5:
-nothing yet
Detroit become Human :
-Connor x gn!reader
-Connor x fem!reader
-Elijah Kamski x male!reader
Resident Evil 4/8:
-nothing yet
Baldurs Gate 3
-nothing yet
Riordanverse (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olypus , Magnus Chase, The Trials of Apollo):
-nothing yet
Also Actors/Actresses, Sportsmen and women, singers or YouTubers (if I know them):
-Daniel Ricciardo x gn!reader
-Max Verstappen x fem!reader
-Max Verstappen x male!reader
-Max Verstappen x male!reader
-Charles Leclerc x gn!reader
-Charles Leclerc x male!reader [[F1]]
-Charles Leclerc x male!reader [[F1]]
-Lando Norris x male!reader[[F1]]
-Damien the Mayor x gn!reader[[Markiplier]]
-Actor!Mark x male!reader [[Markiplier]]
-The Colonel x male!reader [[Markiplier]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader [[Ghost]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader Part II [[Ghost]]
-Sodo x fem!Ghoul!reader Part III [[Ghost]]
Shows Masterlist
Anime Masterlist
Movie Masterlist
-Please don't copy or publish on other sides without asking me first or giving credit
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Summary: A moment in time where you could've sworn that nothing ever could go any different between the two of you…
Pairing: Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: - 2.1k
Content Warnings: Fluffy PWP 18+!, Softdom!Elijah, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Oral (F Receiving), Edging, Slight Praise Kink, Begging, Implied Further Smut
A/N: I'm gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure 🥴 The Kamski brain rot has befallen me again! Massive thanks to @blueberrypancakesworld for motivating me in this endeavour 🫶🏻🖤
Follow-Up to Golden Cage but can be read as a standalone just as well.
Tagging: @spookyorchid @blueberrypancakesworld @herprivateisland
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Each day, you'd rise with me
Know that I would gladly be
The Icarus to your certainty
Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Strap the wing to me
Death trap clad happily
With wax melted, I'd meet the sea
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
- Sunlight By Hozier
Around 5 years prior, on an early autumn Saturday morning, the time gradually moved closer to noon…
A quiet groan rolled over your tongue as you lazily opened your eyes just as much as necessary for your gaze to shoot a quick glance towards the alarm clock on the nightstand.
"Huh…" You noted, somewhat amused by the fact that it was nearly noon already.
"Hm?" A still halfway asleep Elijah behind you protested in a low hum as you turned around, tightly wrapped in his embrace.
"Good morning, sleepyhead.", You peppered the crown of his head with a wash of quick pecks, his cheek resting nuzzled against your collarbone, "I might as well start preparing lunch since we successfully slept through breakfast hours."
"Isn't that what the weekend is for?" Eli smiled against your skin, the stubble of his beard tickling gingerly.
For a brief moment, you tried to pull yourself out of his hug but quickly noted that Elijah had no intention of letting you go just yet.
"Nuh-Uh. Absolutely not.", He quipped, holding you down underneath the cozy cotton duvet covers right next to him, "Way too comfortable."
"Fair enough." A soft smile tugged at your lips as you gave in and led your fingertips to trace along his back, following the slight curve of his spine until they reached the nape of his neck.
"Hmhm…", Eli sighed contentedly, "Wanna stay in bed with you all day. No lab, no coding and no report writing today. Ordering in some food, maybe?"
"Please go on, Mr. Kamski, you have my attention.” The smile on your mouth turned into a smirk at his words whilst your fingers played with strands of his silken-straight hair.
“Well…”, It trickled from his lips in a sleepy chuckle, “May I propose a day of mindless leisure to Mrs. Kamski?”
“Hmhm, mindless leisure, you say?”, You clicked your tongue in a moment of play-pretend pondering, “I’m certainly not opposed to the idea.”
"Marvelous!" The halfway snorted-out cackle spilled from your lips faster than you could recognize.
"Marvelous?", You repeated Eli's exclamation, still snickering over it, "Alright, peepaw."
"Excuse me?" Elijah laughed out as well before leaning his head down a little further until his lips touched the curve of your breast to nip at the sensitive skin close to your nipple.
"Hey, don't you distract from that verbal atrocity!" It rolled right over your tongue as something in between a yelp and a choked-back sigh.
"Distraction? Nay, nay! I'm ready and willing to top that!", The words rumbled through Elijah’s chest in a chuckle, "My, my, how absolutely splendid for my lovely lady, my sun and my everything, to leisurely waste this day away with me."
"Oh, Jesus, fuck..", You groaned a little theatrically over the top, covering your face with both of your palms, "Time to switch to decaf because you gotta watch out for your blood pressure, gramps, maybe consider some Viagra, too."
"Ouch!", Eli mocked in return, his soft lips nibbling their path along the areola up to close down around your perked-up nipple.
His teeth, carefully scratching over the sensitive skin, sent urging jolts of rapidly rising arousal to shoot down amidst your thighs, the demanding pulse causing your hips to snap from the mattress in search of stimulation.
“Oh, c'mon, that's not fair.” You let your head loll back into the thick and feathery pillow as the sensation of his tongue swirling soft circles around your nipple fogged your mind, gradually chasing every coherent thought right out of it.
“I know, I know.” Elijah cooed in return, the warmth of his breath breezing over the damp patch of skin he left behind after letting the perked-up nub slide from between his lips again.
“Can't help myself but to get off on watching you go dumb with just the softest of touches, love.” The almost sore rasp in his tone went right through you as his words led you to clench your thighs together.
“You're such a sharp-witted and well-spoken menace at the lab but it all goes down the drain the second I touch you, doesn't it, babe?” You didn't need to see the sly grin on his face to know that it was there as his warm lips wandered back up over your collarbone until halting at your neck, kissing, nibbling and suckling at your flushed skin.
Instead of words, the only thing leaving your slightly trembling lips was a needy whine, a desperate mewl as you arched your back from the mattress, thighs still firmly pressed together to evoke just the tiniest bit of friction.
“Issok, babe, I'm gonna take care of that, don't worry.” Elijah hummed against your throat whilst nimble, slender fingers brushed along your hip bone, ready and eager to dip down between your legs.
“C'mon, want you to spread those beautiful legs for me, yeah? Wanna feel just how wet you are for me already, hm.” The tip of his nose nudged right against your pulse point playfully as you sensed a surge of heat wash over your face, somewhere between embarrassment and plain horny neediness that rendered you pliable to all his gentle demands.
A rush of heavy goosebumps erupted all over your skin as you gave in to the slight pull administered by the palm of his hand resting right at the curve of your thigh.
“There you go.”, Eli murmured in a soft tone, eager fingertips stroking the insides of your leg and creeping ever closer to where you needed him to touch you so desperately, “Good girl.”
“Please… it's too much, Eli, please!” You whimpered with a cracking, trembling voice, fighting yourself to not succumb to the need to simply jolt your hips forward harshly enough for Elijah’s fingers to inevitably touch your aching cunt.
“Uh-oh, need me to take care of that so bad, huh?”, He planted yet another kiss on your neck whilst his hand eventually slipped between your legs, fingertips parting your thoroughly soaked folds and gathering your arousal between them before stroking over your throbbing clit in slow circles, “Bet that feels better now, no?”
“Fuck…please, don't stop.” It rolled over your tongue in a breathless plea whilst your eyes fluttered shut at the sudden wave of electrifying pleasure spreading all throughout your body.
The sheere sensation of his index finger gingerly caressing you in carefully-paced strokes sent your mind reeling immediately as your muscles rendered warmer with every touch.
“I didn't plan on doing so anytime soon. Good god, you're fucking soaked, aren't you?” Elijah’s voice turned to a deep groan as he pressed his own body closer to yours, allowing you to feel just how much he needed to have you right now, too.
Wandering up from your neck, that was now peppered with countless little, purple-ish coloured hickey's, his teeth latched onto your jaw, scratching over your skin in a certain animalistic way that rushed straight down to your lower abdomen again, causing you to moan out into the bedroom which got gradually enlightened with the warm, early-afternoon sun. Not only was the warmth outside the windows rising but the heat spreading between your thighs just as well. It didn't take much for it to feel like eating you straight up, to burn you whole from the inside out and to completely overstimulate your senses. You're almost already sore nerve endings begged for Elijah’s gentle caress to push you past the threshold, to let the tightening coil in your stomach eventually snap but with the ever so tenderly paced flicks of his finger he held you right at the breaking point, kept your body balancing right on the edge until it rendered you stupid.
“Please, I'm so close, pretty please!” The desperate and impatient whine slipped past your lips as the muscles of your thighs started trembling.
“Nuh-Uh… calm yourself.” He shushed, a growing grin playing around his mouth as he withdrew his slick-covered finger from your pulsing clit and instead curled his entire palm to cup your cunt that was clenching and throbbing mercilessly around nothing.
“No, no, please. You said you wouldn't stop, please!” As the feeling of immediate stimulation ebbed away, you sensed frustration rising within your chest and struggled to hold back a downright pathetic sob that wanted to break its way free.
“Oh, babe, I'm not stopping…just pausing a little because I need you to calm down a bit. Don't want you to just cum on my fingers already, no.”, Elijah’s nose stroke along your cheek whilst his lips brushed towards your earlobe, his hot breath against your skin making you shiver, “I'd much rather taste you, love, feel you gushing all over my face.”
Just the mere thought of it and the way those words practically oozed out of his mouth like they weren't pure filth had you nearly choking on your own, already shallow breaths. You were desperate to hold yourself together, at least for a moment, whilst opening your eyes to Elijah shifting downward on the mattress, his mouth leaving a trail of quick kisses until he buried his face in your lap, a deep groan rumbling through his chest as his tongue darted out past his lips to lap at you like a man parched.
You felt the tip of his tongue gliding through your folds at ease, parting them until it softly nudged at your clit. With half-lidded eyes you watched him devour you, your gaze glued to the sight of messy strands of his hair slipping out from his loose ponytail, framing his face in a shade of blonde that appeared to be golden in the warm light beaming in from past the curtains.
“Fuck…” It fell from your tongue as you managed to lean your upper body onto your elbows for a better view because in the very second you moved and shifted, Eli closed his lips around your pulsing clit and started gingerly suckling, nearly forcing you to halt right there and then again.
It took everything in you to not just slump back into the pillows again, instead, you bit down on your bottom lip whilst pulling your thighs closer to your body. Elijah took the hint right away and hoisted your legs onto his shoulders, palms and fingers grasping around your thighs to keep you in place nice and tight whilst his mouth never paused pleasuring you.
He didn't need to apply anything besides the gentle, careful suction paired with tender flicks of the tip of his tongue for you to come close again, for the tension in your lower abdomen to tighten up anew. This time, you just silently begged for him not to pause, not to stop.
There was no doubt that Eli was aware of the way your thighs started trembling again, how you moaned out in steadily raising arousal as you felt the wetness oozing out of you and to your relief, he kept going, his tongue toying with your clit, stroking and nudging it, knowing how to get you off properly.
“ ‘M gonna…” You tried to utter, the words haphazardly passing your lips before one more tender lick of his pushed you past the threshold and sent your nerve endings into overdrive.
It felt like fireworks going off inside of your body with the muscles of your lower abdomen spasming in wave after heavy wave. The orgasmic epitome went straight to your head, eradicating everything for a split second before the pleasantly brutal, nearly numbing rush of hormones took over; serotonin and oxytocin jolting through your body like an electric current which eventually led you to fall back into the pillows underneath.
“There, there…”, Elijah smirked whilst shoving himself up back to you for his glistening lips to hover closely above yours, “How about we order some pizza now and I sit you down on my lap while correcting you on that gnarly comment about Viagra, huh?”
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prismuffin · 2 years
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Masterlist 2
Miles Morales x male!Reader: “You knew it was going to snow, right?” Miles Morales x gn!Reader: Protection / Confession Miles Morales x gn!ninja!Reader: "You're a nin-what?" Miles Morales x male!genius!Reader: Observant Miles Morales x fem!spider-woman!Reader: Coincidence Miles Morales x mute!male!Reader: Grateful
Peter B. Parker x male!detective!Reader: Distraction
Peter Parker (any Spider-Man) x male!spider-mutant!Reader: Love and Affection
mcu!Peter Parker x black!male!witch!Reader: Best One Yet
tasm!Peter Parker x touchy!gn!Reader: Physical tasm!Peter Parker x kryptonian!male!Reader: Jealousy, Jealousy
Scott Lang x male!Reader: "Out of Milk"
Steve Rogers x male!Reader: "Mine."
Steven Grant x trans!male!reader: Long Day Steven grant x asexual(spectrum)!gn!Reader: Normal
Yelena Belova x gn! Reader: “Dont fuck it up.” Yelena Belova x ftm!Reader: "You’re looking quite masculine tonight"
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!Reader: Jacked Dumbasses [Headcanons]
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
yandere!Agent 47 x gn!Reader: Patience // Garden yandere!father!Agent 47 x gn!reader: Escapade
Lucas Grey x gn!Reader: "You..."
Mission: Impossible:
dad!Ethan Hunt x son!Reader: “Talk to Me.” Ethan Hunt x agent!male!Reader: Can't Lose You Ethan Hunt x male!Reader: Someone He Could Trust
FarCry 5:
Jacob Seed x gn!Reader: “Chapstick”
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor (Rk800) x male!engineer!Reader: Overheated
Elijah Kamski Fluff/SFW Alphabet (gn!Reader)
Markus (dbh) x fem!human!Reader: A Helping Hand
Simon (dbh) x human!loving!gn!Reader: You are my sunshine Simon (dbh) x human!gn!Reader: Turning Blue
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher x male!reader who’s into witchcraft; Little Dark Age Sal Fisher x gn!reader; I'm Here
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Josh Sauchak Headcanons !! (gn!Reader)
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader: Simple Mistake
COD: Modern Warfare2:
Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Parra x trans!male!Reader: Deserving (smut included)
John Price x top!male!Reader: "PRICE?!" John Price x Simon 'Ghost' Riley (req drabble): Sleep
John "Soap" MacTavish x Sly!Flirty!Gn!Reader (headcanons)
Poly!GhostSoap x airhead!male!reader: Idiot Boyfriend
Poly!Alerudy treating male!reader like Morticia Addams
The MW2 boys reaction to you calling them pretty boy (gn!Reader)
The MW2 boys reacting to male!Reader dying on the field (alejandro, rodolfo, soap)
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Hunter Sylvester with a Stoner s/o (Headcanons)
Dc Universe:
Barry Allen with a male!forensic psychologist!Reader
Dick Grayson x jealous!male!reader
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x quiet!male!Reader: Discretion
John Constantine x black!male!Reader: Cuddle-Bug
Tim Drake (Robin) x affectionate!male!Reader: Loverboy Tim Drake x gn!crow-like!reader; Catch me if you can
Kid Flash x male!Reader: Joy Ride Kid Flash x male!Reader: Denial Kid flash and flash (seperate) with a rich!male!Reader (Kid Flash) Wally West x gn!alien!Reader: Scent
Superman x male!detective!reader: Intrigued
Young Justice Squad x fem!aroace!reader (soulmate AU); Cursed
Masterlist 2
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Good Boy...Elijah
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Elijah Kamski x wife!reader
warning : +18, smut, oral fem, collar, fake dogs ears (is that a thing?), ,,tighter’ outfits for elijah, praise kink
Summary : After a phone call from Elijah and a meeting place that wasn't the shared property outside of town, the pink neon lights shine down on her as she makes a special discovery at the Eden Club…a new anrdoid model comming from personal experience.
Info : I got the motivational bust of the century after this wonderful POST from @thatsthewrongwallcraig and puppyboy Elijah is now a thing ;) Have fun reading
cover from me (proud of this one ngl)
Detroid, a city of millions full of human and machine inhabitants. A major city in Michigan, a city that became world famous after Elijah Kamski, the inventor of androids, the next life of evolution, the father or god.
He was a man who was initially seen as a nerd with long hair, a thick beard and square glasses, but this was several years ago and he was rarely seen at global events or at the annual Cyberlife Expo when new models and gadgets were presented...and until now he had always caused a surprise at the convention.
But the call on her mobile phone just as she was about to put the coffee to her lips was just such a surprise. Turning her attention from the projections showing her new romance novel, a pleased expression came to her lips.
,,What's new Nerdy?’ she asked, smirking at the nickname she had given him and even if he didn't admit it, his suppressed grin said a lot. ,,I'll send you an address, I've got the new android ready...and please hurry darling it's a bit awkward“ she heard his reply quieter not normally loud and in the background she could hear music but it was too quiet for the radio or an open place like a concert.
Above all, Elijah was not a person who appreciated publicity, so where was he? Just as she was about to ask if he was in the Cyberlife headquarters, he hung up and she saw his location pop up a few seconds later.
Why are you in the city? And then in the district? she asked herself, packing up her things before heading out the door to the dark car a few minutes later. Transferring the instructions and location to the car, it drove off on its own while she wrote him a few more messages, which he didn't even read.
The drive from her studio didn't lead to their shared house, neither to the main quarter, nor to the rich neighbourhood where he occasionally hosted small events...instead it led to her surprise.
It was a surprise to arrive in the late afternoon in front of the open Eden Club, whose bright pink colours barely stood out during the day. Leaving the car parked, she got out a few moments later and made her way across the street towards the establishment.
She knew the club everyone knew the club a discreet place for a lot and a little money a place for an android or the whole place everything was just for the short stay. You brought out models like this several years ago, why a new one? she asked herself, not quite knowing why he had built and developed a new sex android.
The models three years ago with improved extras and even better memory loss were more than good, so what could he have now? Going in through the sliding door past the Andorids in the glass tube-like boxes.
She knew the models she had designed with Elijah, nice looking and someone you'd enjoy spending the night with...or just a few hours with before you had to return to the unpleasant reality.
Ignoring the speakers and dancing androids, she looked around her, vaguely remembering the opening of the club as she stood next to her husband, a smile and champagne as they cut the ribbon and the pinkish colours of the club came on...that night was one she felt the next day and so did he.
,,Miss. Kamski how nice that you are here ehm your husband is in room sixty-nine he has something for you’ she heard a voice she had heard before the owner a sleazy man who knew something about marketing the brothel. ,,Thank you the new android model will be good for you too thank you“ she said faster than necessary and moved towards the room seeing in the reflection of the glass that the man retreated to his office-it was better that way she only liked him to a limited extent.
Looking around one last time, the door opened as she put her hand on it and Elijah granted her access as well. Stepping inside, a bluish pink light seemed to transform the room almost like water. She recognised the music but was surprised to see only a switched-off android model standing in front of the small table that was the least illuminated by the light, on which, as far as she could tell, were two glasses of champagne.
,,Elijah? Are you there?" she asked just loud enough to be heard in the room, which was the most expensive and had a small extra area as far as she could remember, a room with extra toys and clothes. ,,Darling, would you do me a favour and close your eyes, I'd like to try something,’ she heard his voice and realised he must be in the extra room, his voice slightly muffled by the extra door.
At first she hesitated and almost wanted to laugh the situation was almost obstruse the couple from Detroid in a brothel with androids and she should close her eyes. ,,All right... but don't scare me,’ she warned and closed her eyes, seeing in the dark the dim lights that were still switched on, she heard the door open and muffled footsteps on the carpet floor with the silver ornaments.
She almost flinched when she suddenly felt his hand on hers, ,,Don't look at me darling...so nervous?’ he asked and she could just see the sly smile on his lip in her mind's eye.
She was about to say something when she felt the gentle kiss he gave her, something he only did when he wanted to apologise. ,,Apology accepted,’ she told him and felt the gentle squeeze on her hand as he signalled that all this was probably necessary for his latest creation...or so she thought.
His hand gripping hers felt him move hers and she tried to slowly piece together the image in her head as she felt the latex material under her fingers.
A mock shocked ,,Elijah how inappropriate“ he released her hand and she slid her hand over the fabric feeling it was the latex top that was cut for the male androids covering the chest and leaving room for teasing which she promptly tried out. Moving her fingers slowly upwards over the lower part, she felt his nipples underneath, which she ran over with a light pressure.
She took in his amused grin when he didn't do anything and let her do it, eliciting an excited sigh from him as she was almost kissing over the tight fabric. He let a restrained ,,D-Darling’ escape and let her continue for a moment before he almost shakily took her hand again, ,,Don't want to end all the fun just yet,“ he said and this time pulled her into a more intimate kiss, but she didn't feel his hands on her as if he was voluntarily holding back.
As if he was getting at something specific, but what? Slowly withdrawing from the kiss, she let her hand wander further down Elijah didn't seem to mind either.
She seemed to sense his anticipation, which was emphasised by his half-hardness. ,,It's all because of you," he assured her, exhaling almost shakily in anticipation as she stroked his bulge, holding it out for a moment until suddenly her hand was on something soft.
Wondering, she paused and groped slightly in front of her, noticing the texture of hair and something soft...like fur. She opened her eyes and saw Elijah kneeling in front of her, his black hair covered with a pair of dog ears made of black and white fur.
His upper body was crowned by the tight latex top and the tight pants spoke for themselves. But the thing that brought warmth to her cheeks, apart from the cute-looking ears, was the leather collar around his neck.
,,HR500 activate yourself,“ he said and she saw the android open its eyes and the light flickered from yellow to blue and she now saw the special feature. ,,Dog ears and optionally cat ears in various designs, plus a collar and a few extra things,’ he introduced and made an inviting gesture towards the new android.
Letting her hand wander over Elijah's new ears in praise, she walked towards the human-like technology that was waiting for her orders.
She ran her hands curiously over the dog ears in all grey and almost heard a sigh from the android who seemed to have changed. ,,He has different variations from submissive to dominant depending on your preference and all the new compunents are extra sensitive," Elijah explained as he watched his wife take care of the new android.
She pulled on the collar and the man immediately got down on his knees and looked at her expectantly, his cheeks slightly flushed and impressed by the sexual glamour in the machine's eyes.
,,You've outdone yourself again...and I suppose programmed from personal experience,“ she said with a grin and stroked the android's cheek as he cuddled up to her and seemed to beg for more. In the reflection of the wall, she sensed that her husband also wanted the attention he was getting.
,,Very personal experience, fantasies and your own neediness,’ she added and a smile came to her lips as she pulled away slightly from the android and an idea occurred to her. ,,Undress me honey,“ she ordered and saw Elijah about to stand up, but she stopped him with a wave of her hand.
The android nodded, ,,As you wish miss,“ he replied and little by little the clothes were removed from her body until the skilful fingers opened her bra and she told him to stop.
,,A good boy learns to wait, Elijah,“ she surmised and gave the HR500 a rewarding kiss, which he returned, much to the chagrin of her husband, whose hands held on to the floor to keep from touching himself.
Before she let go of the Andoirdne and disappeared into the small extra room. After searching for the object and giving an ,,Eyes closed darling’, she came back into the room, saw that he had heard her and stood in front of him again.
The click was heard as she attached the matching leather leash to the silver hook on the ring that was on the collar. Giving him a little more of the leash she sat down on the bed and slid a little towards the headboard before pulling on the leash.
Elijah looked at her almost joyfully and crawled onto the bed with her. She saw in his blue eyes how he looked at her, like a sculpture, a painting, an invention, a being he cherished since they were together, he always looked at her as if she was the most precious thing on this planet.
The same sexual lustful glamour that was in the android's eyes was also in the eyes of her husband, who only came crawling towards her when she pulled on the leash. ,,Good boy,“ she praised and stroked his soft furry ears before giving him some leash again and letting him make up for the day in one way or another.
He immediately took advantage of this and began to kiss his way up her legs, leaning back with pleasure as the soft cushions held him gently and invitingly and her hand, which was not on the lead, stroked his head and ears every now and then in praise.
,,I'm going to be a very good boy just for you,’ she heard his muffled comment as he stood just between her thighs, his fingers gently moving her legs slightly apart and his fingers roaming over her clothed centre. Her sigh of pleasure let him know he was doing a good job.
Not teasing her, not stalling, not luring her like he normally would in a normal night together. It was almost funny, a man who had brought about the new evolutionary stage rightly had a bit of a god complex and loved to take what he liked but if you looked closer he was to her her sweet Elijah was a man who wanted attention and love with a collar around his neck and cute soft dog ears on his head.
His kisses were cautious as he felt his way around, knowing what each other liked, but she liked his new way. ,,You're doing well...go on,“ she encouraged him, seeing the flash of pleasure on his face before he put his fingers to her underwear and slowly pulled the fabric from her body, letting it fall to the floor.
A tug on the leash, however, made him almost whimper as she didn't let him touch her yet and demanded another kiss.
A kiss in which she ran her hand over his body, taking advantage of the tight fabric and a gasp went round the room as she pinched his nipples lightly, the fabric only allowing a little movement and she saw his knuckles turn slightly white as he held on to the white bed linen. Moving down to his now hard cock she stroked it harder than before and his hips moved slightly trying to get more of the friction.
After a few moments, however, she pulled back and grasped his chin, ,,You're not a rude street dog, are you?“ she admonished and saw him shake his head hastily and quickly cuddle up to her hand, ,,No-no, I'm a good promise,“ he said and after she sought his gaze one last time, she released him and let him continue.
Leaving the leash on, he kissed his way down her body, nuzzling her breast for a moment before caressing the soft skin of her thighs.
Pushing them slightly apart and finally placing his fingers on her centre, she had rarely seen him so restrained, normally she would feel his hands on her hips and he would give her head until he had what he wanted.
A tantalising image of her hand going to his head and gently pressing down, ,,Don't make me wait any longer, will you?“ she said, and he complied immediately. She was already slightly wet and his tongue ran over her little bundle of nerves without any problems, he took it slowly but just enough so that it wasn't hesitant.
They both knew that he knew exactly how to react but in his new role he was the inexperienced poor boy. ,,Mhh that's good, go on,“ she encouraged him and dropped her head back into the kisser as he began to stroke her clitoris, the bundle of nerves next to him being caressed by his fingers. Before he used his other free hand and she felt him slowly insert first one and then two fingers into her.
It was nothing to compare with his dick, but that wasn't the point here, they both knew that. It was his restraint, his obedience, his taking of power to obey her commands and be her servant.
Something he could only rarely do here as she looked without him, her blue eyes dark from the little light, her lips reddish from the kiss and with a slight almost wet sheen from her wetness, her cheeks an almost dark red, he had never looked more beautiful and pathetic.
She stretched out towards him and got more of him, his movements slowly intensifying and accelerating. The sound of her moans and words of praise mingled with the squeaking wet noises that blended with the soft music and she sucked in her lip to make another excited sound as she thought of them being watched indirectly.
As the andrid still stood there watching her for an order, a sign or a gesture. But she liked it, she liked to be watched, to be desired by Elijah and everyone else, it was addictive.
A fact that not only struck her, but Elijah was also too lost in his rhythm, too attached to her body to give her his best while he took everything like a repentant dog rubbing against the bed. He licked and sucked what he could get his mistress to give him while the words of praise that left her lips seemed to be enough.
The moment dragged on, the climax approached and she felt her body tremble slightly, her back arching slightly. ,,Ah El-Elijah-good good boy,“ she moaned, her eyes closed in pleasure, her lips slightly open and her fingers pulling harder on his hair.
It only took a few more moments before her last loud moan went through the room and her body fell straight into the tangled sheets of the bed.
Releasing the leash slowly and convulsively, she pulled Elijah even closer to her, who lingered between her legs for a moment before pulling back with a satisfied sigh. ,,Thank you, darling, for this praising performance,“ she heard him say and felt his hand on her belly as he lay down next to her.
He gently stroked her body and played with a strand of hair as she slowly turned to him and took off his collar and lead. ,,You've been such a good boy," she praised and pulled him into a brief kiss that made him smile, ,,So the new android model is good,” he realised and smiled, which she did. She pulled the blanket over both their bodies and looked at the collar before throwing it in with her things.
,,The android will be a bestseller for everyone and the toys... aren't we just keeping them my good boy?“ she asked and laid her head on his chest and he stroked her and nodded in agreement.
,,Besides, you seem to have enjoyed the attention from our friend,“ he winked and pointed at the android, whereupon she felt the warmth rising on her cheeks and poked him lightly in the side.
,,You were kneeling in front of me with those ears and the collar and leash,“ she protested and flicked at the fur ears he was holding protectively, but she could still see his red cheeks. Before she felt him wrap his arms around her and hug her close, ,,Well, let's do it again,“ he said before pulling her into another kiss.
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forsakenoathkeeper · 3 years
I Am Alive (chapter 10/?)
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Please support me on AO3 & thanks for reading ♥
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The following morning, you were called into the police station to finalize the documents from yesterday's investigation. All they needed was a pen and ink signature.
Connor had been in conversation with another detective when you walked in; so, you decided not to bother him.
On your way out, you spotted Connor seated across from Hank. At first, you thought he was lost in his computer screen; however, he spun around to greet you as you approached, rising to his feet with a smile.
"Do you have eyes in the back of your head?" you teased.
"I do not. I saw the documents register to the case and knew you were finished," he answered, a little robotically. His tone didn't quite match the soft look on his face.
You stepped in a little closer, looking up at him with expecting eyes.
"I-" Connor cleared his throat. "-was unsure if you were alright with public displays of a-"
You reached for his tie, slid your fingers around the smooth velvet right above the clip, and gave a light tug. It forced Connor to bend down, just a little bit, and brought his mouth within range for yours.
You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss with a smile, silencing him. He reciprocated, gently, closing his own eyes. It lasted barely a second and was hardly anything compared to what you had done last night; but, it left your tummy swarming with butterflies.
People could see.
Connor's coworkers could see.
"Ah, geez," Hank grimaced, rising to his feet. "Get a room."
You parted from Connor with a little giggle. When you released Connor's tie, he fixed it promptly, though it had hardly moved at all. It was impossible to miss the adorable, dorky smile he was trying not to wear.
"Damn kids," Hank grumbled as he walked away, coffee cup in hand.
"Are you heading back to work?" Connor asked softly, still standing close.
"Yeah, I better get back there before they have a kitten..." you trailed off when Connor's gaze shifted away from you and looked over your shoulder. The soft look in his eyes vanished, replaced with something cold.
"It's nice to see you again, detective."
You rotated around, following Connor's gaze.
This man's face had once been plastered over every magazine cover for business, wealth, and technology. Anyone who knew even a little bit about androids knew who he was: piercing blue eyes, a strong jawline, dressed impeccably.
Elijah Kamski, the inventor of androids. Two men were standing nearby, dressed as sharply as he was: lawyers, most likely.
"What are you doing here?" Connor asked. His cold tone didn't go unnoticed. It actually startled you a little.
Elijah was Connor's creator, even if he hadn't been working at Cyberlife at the time of Connor's inception. Some hostility was to be expected; but, somehow you doubted it was that simple. It sounded like Connor had history with Elijah.
"I've been asked to answer questions about Charles Reaves," he answered, seemingly uninterested in the whole thing. "I'm not entirely surprised to see you here - comfort zones, and all."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I enjoy being a detective," Connor replied, not bothering to mask his irritation. When Connor spoke was when you realized how close he was standing beside you. You could practically feel his voice modulator rumbling against you.
Something about Elijah really bothered him.
"Of course," Elijah replied. His eyes landed on you. "-and who might you be?"
You gave your name, followed with, "I'm an artificial biomechanical engineer."
"A fancy way of saying you work on androids. Wonderful. I haven't gotten to spend time with someone of a similar profession in a long time," Elijah replied, sounding oddly sincere. You doubted that your professions were anything similar.
You extended your hand, offering it to Elijah out of common courtesy. However, when Elijah reached for you, another hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
Connor's hand.
Your eyes shot up to the android, surprised by his actions. His LED was a strong yellow and his eyes were sharp, almost glaring at the man across from him. Elijah didn't seem at all bothered. In fact, he let out an amused laugh and started to smile.
He pulled his hand back and Connor let go.
"I thought you told me what you wanted wasn't important?" he stated, more so than asked, voice low, ensuring that others in the crowded room wouldn't be able to hear. It was clear that he was challenging Connor.
Your eyes moved back to Elijah, confusion heavy in your glance. His icy blue eyes shifted back to you for a second and then back up to Connor's fierce brown orbs. The implication made you nervous.
"You've changed," Elijah stated, sounding pleased by the discovery.
There was a retort ready to leave Connor's throat. He was interrupted, however.
"If you're done dicking off, Connor, there's work to be done," Fowler called out to him from the steps right outside his office.
Connor looked over his shoulder and gave his superior a curt nod.
"I better go," he said, rotating back around to look down at you.
When your eyes caught Connor's, it was suddenly easy to ignore Elijah, who was still standing there.
"Go catch some baddies," you replied, encouragingly.
Something danced behind Connor's eyes and his LED eased back to blue. You thought he was going to swoop down and steal a kiss; but, he didn't, turning away and walking past Elijah. He glanced at him briefly, a warning as he passed by, before disappearing into the precinct.
"Mr. Kamski we must-" one of Elijah's lawyers tried catching his attention.
Elijah lifted his hand, harmless, but arrogant, and the lawyer immediately stopped talking.
"I was hoping I could talk to you, actually?" he asked you, voice polite, sincere.
"I appreciate the interest, Mr. Kamski. But, I promise I'm not interesting," you replied stoically.
"I disagree," he replied with a quiet laugh. "You are an item with an android. I find that very interesting." It was kind of scary, really, how charming Elijah sounded. He sounded like he really meant it. "Please, humor me for a bit. If there's anything I can do for you in return...?"
You blurted the first thing that came to mind, doubting Elijah would ever consider it. "With the protests - lots of androids are afraid to look for help and supplies are limited as it is with Cyberlife's shutdown."
The corner of Elijah's lip curled slightly. "You want to help them?"
"Yes," you replied firmly. "I want parts for repairs - thirium pump regulators, memory units - things that are hard to get."
"That can be arranged."
"How do I know you're good for it?" you dared to ask.
Elijah laughed quietly, briefly. "I suppose you'll just have to trust me."
You briefly pondered exactly what the hell this man was planning on asking you. He was a millionaire, a super genius who created artificial intelligence and fully operational android skeletons.
You just repaired them. What could he possibly want to talk to you about?
Your thoughts wandered to Markus and Simon, and the many androids that were potentially going without repairs. Even if they couldn't feel pain, they didn't deserve to be broken, to be unable to speak, or hear, or see, or walk.
"Okay," you replied lowly. "I'll humor you."
Elijah nodded with a smile. "It wasn't too cold today. May we?"
He gestured to the hallway that led to the main entrance. You led the way, walking past him and heading for the grounds.
Elijah was right. The weather outside wasn't too bad. The air was crisp and chilly, but not unbearable. You were doing just fine in your jacket. Clouds were looming in the distance; but, they weren't going to make it before you were done.
The courtyard outside the station wasn't particularly impressive, but it was empty, and you and Elijah fit just fine on one of the benches.
For a moment, Elijah's focus was elsewhere. He seemed to be thinking, trying to decide where he wanted to begin. You felt small seated next to him.
Without taking a break or skipping a beat, Elijah asked, "are your desires because of what he is or in spite of it?"
"You want to talk to me about my relationship with Connor?" you blurted, surprised. You met Elijah's gaze uneasily.
He didn't budge. His expression suggested that he didn't see it as strange in the slightest. It wasn't what you were expecting. Then again, Elijah Kamski was one of the leaders of android inception. He was their creator, almost exclusively.
You were sitting with the man who made Connor's life possible.
That thought struck you like a hand across the face.
"I do," Elijah answered.
"I-..." you stuttered.
The obvious answer was on the tip of your tongue. But, was it the truth? You loved the android parts of him: the way his LED shimmered with emotion, the quirks of an android learning to adapt to human society, the unique way he talked, how powerful he was, the beautiful construction of his body, inside and out.
But, you also loved the parts of him that were not dictated by what he was: his kindness, his passion, his curiosity.
"Android or human isn't the point. I'm with Connor because I want to be - because I like who he is, regardless of the what."
"I see," Elijah replied softly. Something in the way he said that suggested he didn't quite believe you.
You frowned at him, but decided against arguing with him. It wouldn't have been entirely in good faith. You knew that your feelings for Connor were physical, too: both the android aspects and the parts that imitated a human.
"Why did you choose to be an engineer - specifically for androids?" Elijah asked. "It's a fairly new profession, for obvious reasons, and you're very young."
Elijah couldn't have been more than 40 years old, if you recalled correctly from the countless essays you had to write in college. He wasn't that much older than you. Yet, somehow, he managed to make you feel like a child.
You doubted the inventor of androids would be alarmed by your answer.
"Because I don't like people," you answered plainly.
If anything, he liked that answer. Through a smile, Elijah replied, "are they not people?"
Once upon a time, you weren't so sure. But, then, you saw their suffering, had been suffocated by the fear in their eyes. You saw them plead and beg for help. You had seen androids, designed with very clear instructions, offer unnecessary kindness that most humans never did.
"They're better," you spat back.
"Logic and reason above feelings?" he asked.
"They do feel," you challenged.
"How can you know for certain?" Elijah tilted is head a little, suspicion in his tone more so than doubt. It sounded like he was trying to plant a seed of distrust. "How do you know that androids are capable of real emotions and not just imitating what they've seen?"
"Humans are capable of the same fucking thing," you snarled. "Pretending to give a shit when they don't. When an android does it, it's programming. When a human does it, it's just fucking normal, right? What difference does it make?"
Elijah's eyes burned brightly, admiring the passion in your voice.
"What are you getting at, anyway?" you added on sharply.
"I made androids to make our lives better: they care for our children, our elderly, grow our food, do dangerous jobs, protect us... and fuck us."
You had read lots of articles about Elijah Kamski, saw many news outlets cover him. He had proclaimed many times that he designed androids to make everyone's lives better. He promised they were not capable of thought beyond their instructions.
"Many debate their intentions. If they can choose beyond their programming," Elijah continued, as if he had read your mind. Or, maybe, you just knew where he was going with this.
"Deviancy," you observed.
You looked away from Elijah, losing the tolerance for the ways his eyes burned into yours.
"Androids are perfect: beautiful, strong, compa-"
"Are you wanting me to tell you that I have a robot kink?"
Elijah huffed out laughter, brief and quiet.
"I won't pretend that Connor's not so beautiful that it fucking hurts," you whispered harshly, feeling ashamed. You dragged a heavy hand through your hair. "But that's not all. He's kind. He wants to protect people: androids and humans. He doesn't see it as their side and our side. He-... He's different. The way he sees the world, I want to see it, too."
"Maybe, then, you see why I'm fascinated by you," Elijah stated, standing up. Your eyes followed him, and you realized he was just casually stretching.
"Why do you find this so strange? Two people who want to be together - what's so weird about that?"
Elijah turned around, hands buried in his coat pockets.
"One was born twenty-something years ago. One was made in a factory a little over a year ago," Elijah answered casually.
"You don't think I've thought about that?" you asked him sharply. "That I haven't fought myself over whether or not this is right?"
Elijah didn't seem bothered by your moral dilemma.
"I'm sure you're well aware that all androids process at a faster rate than humans. They awake capable of comprehending things the average adult can... and then some. Your moral dilemma is pointless. I know they will bring humanity to places we couldn't even imagine..."
"-but you're fascinated with whether or not they can love," you deadpanned.
"I'm fascinated with love between an android and a human," he answered.
There was something unspoken in that observation. You wanted to ask him if he loved his creations, if he cared about their well-being. Elijah had been pretty careful to make no statements during the revolution, oddly enough.
"This couldn't possibly be worth your time, or money, Mr. Kamski," you uttered, suddenly sounding quite tired.
He chuckled sincerely. "Just look at it as... humoring someone who gained everything and... lost everything."
Another statement with something unspoken beneath. Did he mean Cyberlife? Elijah had departed from the company of his volition, if the news was to be believed. Maybe he experienced a moral dilemma. Or, maybe, if Charles Reaves was anything to go by, a difference in opinions.
"Before..." you began, deciding to take a gamble. "-when I first went to school for androids. I just thought they were interesting. Like spending company with humans without all the bullshit. I didn't think... they actually... felt anything."
You paused and let out a heavy sigh. It brought shame to you, admitting this. You thought about Connor, about Markus, about the many androids that came in and out of the clinic on a daily basis.
"My first job, I repaired manufacturing androids. These guys came in with their arms hacked to bits, covered in dents, legs falling off, torsos torn in two, singed and burnt to a crisp. Any job that risked injury, that's what they did."
You dragged a heavy hand through your hair. "Some of them were really afraid they were going to die."
You paused when you failed to suppress a sniffle and hastily wiped your tears on your sleeve. "I realized... I was wrong. I wasn't an engineer; I was a nurse... But, no one else saw them that way. Until-... The deviant uprising and I - I wanted to do something I was proud of for a change."
Elijah turned back around to face you, his expression unreadable. He was quiet, taking in the sight of you, seemingly touched by your empathy.
You wiped your tears away hastily and added on gruffly, "-and then I met Connor and now you're here asking me these fucking questions."
Elijah smiled again, his lip twisted like he didn't want to laugh.
"You're a liar, by the way," you accused, changing the subject.
Elijah didn't look offended, but intrigued.
"You said they can't develop consciousness or desires," you explained, remembering his speech quite well because you had to write about it.
You expected Elijah to say something about your accusation. You doubted he would defend himself, maybe dance around the subject, since that seemed to be his preferred method.
"You would know all about that," he stated, amused.
Before you could reply, Elijah continued. "I know this all seems pointless to you; but, I'm glad I met you. You put me at ease."
You frowned at Elijah's statement. "I don't see how: we did all this talking and nothing came of it."
His expression changed. He looked understanding, maybe even sympathetic.
"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I'm not always direct... The world's more interesting when there's questions needing answers. I wanted to see what became of the RK800; but, I didn't expect you."
You had a feeling you were blushing, being spoken about in this manner.
"His purpose is unique: an android designed to hunt deviants. If his blueprints had never been destroyed, maybe they could have made one incapable of deviancy: would have been the perfect soldier."
You stiffened when you heard Elijah's claim.
Connor was designed to-... what?
You didn't want Elijah to think this was news to you.
"His blueprints?" you uttered.
"Yes. Connor is-" Elijah answered lowly. "-the last of his series."
Talking about Connor like this stirred up unpleasant feelings in your gut.
"He is different from any other android," Elijah explained. When you looked up at him, you could see something akin to sadness in his eyes. "How isolating the world must be when you were made to hunt your own kind."
Connor wasn't alone. He had Hank. He had you-
But, this wasn't about you, or humans for that matter. This was about Connor. You had never seen him spend time with other androids, or with anyone besides Hank. He always drowned himself in his job. Maybe, Connor was lonely, and you had been too busy keeping him to yourself to notice.
"Fuck-" You wiped your eyes again and swallowed a whimper.
"I'm sorry for bringing you to tears," Elijah apologized. He sounded like he meant it. "Making you upset wasn't my intention."
Elijah was quiet for a moment, giving you a chance to calm yourself down.
"I'm afraid I've avoided at least ten phone calls during our conversation..." Elijah pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and eyed it grossly. "If we never meet again, I want you know that I valued this conversation dearly."
"Mr. Kamski," you blurted, before he could turn away. "Before you go, did-... Did you program them afraid to die?"
"No," he answered quietly, not even hesitating. "The will to live... It was an unexpected outcome."
Back at the apartment, Connor came in just after you had finished eating dinner. He greeted you with a kiss and turned away. Part of you didn't want to worry him, especially when he had an android homicide that was likely linked to Charles Reaves. That was another issue entirely; but, you promised yourself that you would be honest with him.
"I have to tell you something," you beckoned to him, grabbing his sleeve to stop him from retreating.
Connor turned back around to face you, eyes focused on yours, concerned.
"I spoke with Kamski after you left. He told me what you were made for."
Something akin to panic danced behind Connor's eyes. It was subtle; but, it was definitely there.
"I'm sorry, Connor. You should have gotten the chance to tell me yourself. I shouldn't have found out that way."
Connor struggled to maintain eye contact with you. His LED was yellow, spinning against his temple. He seemed to be searching his thoughts for what he wanted to say. "I don't know if I would have told you, honestly," he uttered lowly, turning away from you. "It's something I really... really regret."
"We all regrets things, Connor - bad choices we made, mistakes. It's norm-"
When he turned back to you, shame and anger were written over his face. You were a little frightened by that face - a face you hadn't seen Connor make before.
"I called androids 'its'. I - I treated them like machines - like things - my own kind. I destro- murdered - androids for being deviant."
"You were under control, Connor," you argued fiercely. "What choice did you have? You didn't have a choice! You did what you thought you had to do. That wasn't you, Connor."
"It's what I was made to do," he challenged. "It's what I knew how to do. I was good at it. How is that any better?" His tone was as calm as it usually was, but had some bite and venom to it. He was gesturing to himself with his hands, fingers pointed at his own chest.
"I was proud," he continued, volume rising slightly. "Good job, Connor. You stopped the deviants like a good machine!" He was taunting himself now. It hurt you to listen to him mock himself. "You did EXACTLY what you were told to do, without question."
You sniffled, trying to bite back tears.
Connor raked his fingers roughly through his hair before dropping them down to his sides. "I would say... 'I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task' - and I was proud of it. 'You can't kill me - I'm not alive'." Connor had a peculiar way of quoting himself, like he was talking about someone he didn't know.
"I was going to find the source of the deviants and stop them!" he added on, frustration and volume rising. "I held a gun to Markus' face! I contemplated letting Hank DIE for my mission. That's all that mattered - the fucking mission. It's not just regret! I'm a mach-"
"You didn't have a choice!" you practically screamed, silencing him. You felt it, the first tear fall.
Connor's eyes watched that teardrop slide down your cheek and the fire in his eyes extinguished. Realization struck him like he had just been slapped across the face. He was letting everything out on you, letting his regrets pour out and drown you.
"I could never understand what that feels like-" you paused, trying to hold back a sob. "What it was like to be p-put through that, Connor. To not see yourself as a living being - to think that you weren't alive - that your life didn't fucking matt-guh-!"
You choked back a sob, making a guttural noise. Your head lowered into your hands.
You could feel the android looming over you, close, protective, worried; but, when you looked up at him through tear-stained eyes, he seemed almost afraid to touch you, like he wasn't allowed to. Regret was written across his face again; but, this time, it was a different reason.
He had yelled at you when you hadn't done anything wrong-
He was taking it all out on you-
You took that initiative and reached for his hand. As soon as your skin touched, Connor laced your fingers like you were his only lifeline saving him from drowning in the ocean. He looked like he was drowning, like he was lost.
"You were a prisoner in your mind, Connor," you whimpered. "I'm glad that you're deviant," you whispered, trying to stop the tears. "I'm so proud to be yours..."
Connor surrendered, leaning in to let his temple touch yours. His eyes fluttered shut.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled," he rasped.
"I'm not crying because you were yelling," you whispered, leaning into his touch. "The thought of you not caring about yourself - thinking you weren't alive: that hurt me. Connor, I-..."
You wretched your hand free on his so you could wrap your arms around his back and pull him into an embrace. Connor's face slipped from your temple and sunk into your neck. His hands grabbed fistfuls of the back of your shirt and clung to you for dear life.
You pressed your cheek into his hairline and leaned against him. As always, Connor was solid, unrelenting against your force, holding up your weight with ease.
"I am alive," he uttered against your skin, like he was reminding himself of something important. "I am alive," he said again, his voice cracking.
You felt wetness on your skin and knew that he was crying. You squeezed him tighter and tighter, until it started to hurt. You pressed a wet kiss to his temple before resting your cheek against the soft skin there.
No one could tell you this wasn't real.
Flesh and plastic.
Blood and thirium.
Bones and metal.
It didn't change the hurt in his voice or the adoration in his eyes. It didn't change the way he couldn't hold back a smile when he was praised. It didn't change the way his hands held you when you were afraid. It didn't change his inquisitive nature or the care he held for others.
It didn't change-
-that you were madly in love with him.
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iiiyukifyiii · 6 years
The Reason My Laptop Is Broken
Background Information: This is an OC of mine. Well I guess this could be read as Fem!Kamski but idk. I’m not sure if I want to make a full story out of this universe but this came to my head. So the reader is Kamski and will be referred to as Kamski. Connor is married to the reader and lives with her. The reader has an adopted son(Elijah see what I did there ;) that works at the DPD. Nine also works at the DPD with Connor and is partnered with Gavin Reed. And I think that is all you need to know. This is kinda long one shot.
Pairing: Kamski!Reader x Rk800/Connor, Rk900/Nine x Gavin Reed
Warning: Adult content and references. Swearing. Kinda a crack fic but read at your own risk. No proofreading. 
Your Name = (Y/N)
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2 Years After the Revolution April 30, 2040
The smooth and shiny surface of the Cyberlife building gleamed in the morning light. Though Nine had been here before, there was a new energy in the air. A new feeling. Cyberlife no longer produces androids and enslave them with the aftermath of the peaceful revolution, they are heading in a new direction. A direction lead by the now CEO of Cyberlife, (Y/N) Kamski. The creator of androids had been out of the public eye for years but right after the revolution, she steps out of the shadows taking over Cyberlife and working with the now freed androids. Many wonders if she was the one pulling all the strings all along…
Nine shook the thought out of his head and continue with his task…
Speak with Kamski
Earlier this morning Nine received a message from Cyberlife HQ to meet with Kamski. The message did not disclose the reason for this meeting but apparently, it was urgent. Nine, of course, listen to the message. He knew that he didn’t have to but at times he struggles with the whole free will thing. And he regrets it afterward. Walking up to the elevator and he took it to the top floor of the building.
The soft sound of elevator music did nothing to calm his worry. What is the purpose of this meeting? Is there something wrong with his body? Or his software? A soft ding from the elevator breaks his train of thought. Nine walk out of the elevator and walk towards the android receptionist. Though androids are free many choose to find a purpose out of their own free will. However, this model always seems to follow Kamski wherever she goes...
“Hello, how many I help you today?” The blonde android ask
“I have with an appointment with Mrs. Kamski.”
“Of course. Give me a second.”
Her LED flash yellow for a second
“Please follow me.”
Nine follows her pass the sleek black double door behind the desk. That when Nine realized that he never went into the top office before. After all, he was created before Kamski was CEO again. Everything was a sleek and shiny black with accents of white. Everything scream Kamski, expensive and imitating. Nine follows the android to the front of Kamski’s desk. The woman in question is looking down at her paperwork with earphones in. The android he followed in walked up to the desk and wave a hand in front of Kamski’s face.
Kamski looks up and Nine could finally take in her appearance. Nine have seen my photos of (Y/N) Kamski and know what she looks like build in his programming but never seen her in person, unlike his counterpart. Many photos show her as having a very powerful and imitating personality and they are not wrong. Her sharp eyes seem to see through him(even though that is not possible) but also carry a playful gleam. She is no doubt attractive by human standards and carries herself in a confident way. From where he stood he could feel her eyes scanning him.
“Your appointment is here (Y/N)”
“Thank you, Chloe. You can leave.”
After Kamski waves her to leave, the Android name Chloe nod and left the room. He is left alone with his creator.
“Hello, Nine. I guess you want to know why you are.”
“Yes. Is there an issue?”
Kamski smirk “Well it could be considered an issue by definition. But this is more of a heads-up. You are aware that your memories are uploaded to Cyberlife database regularly correct?”
Nine nodded unsure where the conversation is heading “Yes I am aware that my memories are uploaded every 5.3 hours and I make reports daily.”
Kamski let out an airily chuckle “Well I wanted to talk to you about your recent personal activities. You know, the ones you have with Detective Gavin Reed.”
Nine is a first confuse on what she meant until he thought about it. Heat start to bloom in his chest and by the look on Kamski’s face, he guesses he is blushing.
“So here is the story…”
The night before…
The house was mostly empty except for the 3 Chloe that decides to stick around even after the revolution. Something that you found hilarious. Saying “Who the fuck would willingly choose to stay with me?” Of course, this is the same woman that got married and adopted a child. You sip on your cold glass of wine and relax against the couch. Looking back on the eventful past 2 years you can’t help but wonder if this is the future you intend when you first created androids. A smile appeared. Looking back at your laptop you continue your work.
The sound of the doors opening and footsteps came walking in. You turn around to see your two beautiful bois. Connor and Elijah.
Elijah strolled in and took a seat next to you “We’re home. I swear today was so boring and fucking annoying. Gavin wouldn’t shut his trap.”
Connor quickly walks to your side to give you a quick kiss. “We brought you the food you requested”
“Awe thanks, Connor. You are the best”
Elijah rolled his eyes “Eww get a room”
“Hey, my house my rules. If you don’t like it you can move out, Elijah”
“Nope, nevermind.”
Connor set the food on the coffee table and took a seat next to you. These moments where Connor, you, and Elijah are just being together are your favorite. There no injustice, no big problem, no worry. Just family. Smiling at the thought you turn back to your work.
New memory uploaded                                     April 29, 2040/9:30pm Rk900/Nickname: Nine Status: Overheating issue, Unstable                           Open<              Close          
‘Overheating? Maybe I should check that out?’ You don’t normally look into the recorded memories of androids but you were concerned about the overheating issue. With Connor and Elijah sitting at your side you open the file. What you didn’t expect was…
Ahhh~ Nine!~ Y-you’re so fucking good~
Holy Shit!?!?
Your hands flew away from the keyboard. Elijah and Connor look at you with concern. Elijah was the first to look at your screen and he broke out laughing.
“Holy shit is that Gavin!? Holy fucking hell!”
All three of you just sat there in silence and stared at the screen. It was Detective Reed and Nine having sex. WTF. You finally snapped out of your dazed state. “O-okay I’m gonna shut this down.”
You reach to close the laptop but Elijah stopped you. You look at him in shock. “Why the fuck are you stopping me!?”
Elijah pulls out his phone and smirked “This is perfect blackmail material. The guy who gave androids so much crap is fucking one! I knew there was some sexual tension between them, can’t wait to show him.” And he started to save the video
This little shit.
That is fucking hilarious.
N-nine!~ Fuck I’m coming!
Nope. Connor was not having it.
The once working laptop was now broken. Why? Because Connor threw it against the wall. Everything happened so fast you had barely had any time to react. When Connor turn to face you he had an unknown look on his face.
“That problem has been dealt with. Would you like me to get you something to drink?”
Elijah smiled and look at you “Who knew Gavin is a bottom?”
You could hold in your laughter any longer and laugh alongside with Elijah. This was too funny. Your broken laptop remain forgotten on the ground. And when a Chloe came in to check on all the noise, she was very confused.
Present Day…
...so you see now that this could be a problem. Many Cyberlife employees have access to this database. I took the liberty of moving those memories into a secure and private server with only you and the detective can access if you feel adventurous. I can imagine the outrage that would happen if those got out.” Kamski smirk grow with each sentence
‘Ra9. Please have mercy’ “T-thank you for the...information. I will be sure to follow your directions. Is that all you want to tell me?”
Kamski nod “Yes. Nothing else. You are free to leave Nine.”
Nine turns to leave as quickly as he could but Kamski stops him. “You know Nine if you need any toys. Please don’t hesitate to call me!”
Nine ran out of there as quick as he could. The Chloe outside at the desk did not question anything, just a normal Monday occurrence.
Bonus: Later that day at the DPD Elijah walks into the break room with a plan in mind. It was mostly empty and no one was paying attention “Hey Gavin. How was last night?”
Gavin turns to see Elijah giving him a shit-eating grin “What are you talking about? How was what last night, you douchebag?”
“Wow, I surprise you can walk straight Gav. After how hard you got fuck I thought you would be limping.”
‘How. The. Fuck’ “I-I don’t k-know what the fuck you are talking about!” Gavin manages to get out but it didn’t sound convincing at all
Elijah starts to laugh and pull out his phone “ You sure about that?” Kamski glance at the photo “Nice pornstar face. I really love the angle.”
‘Kill me now’ Gavin tried to reach for the phone but Elijah quickly moved out of the way. “Tsk Tsk Tsk. I’m not gonna give it to you that easily.”
“You dickhead give me that!!!!!”
Elijah ran out of the room and hid behind Captain Allen. Gavin walk to the parking lot to cry to himself.
Bonus Bonus: With Connor(Connor being a good brother) Nine walks into the DPD hoping, just praying that the day would get better. Maybe he would solve the case, get caught up with paperwork, or anything that would distract his mind from this morning. He now knew what being embarrassed felt like. He couldn’t even make it to his desk when he met face to face with Connor. ‘Whyyyy?’
“Hello, Nine. Good morning to you.”
“Hello to you, Eight. How can I help you?”
Connor gives him a simple smile and put a hand on his shoulder “I wanted to talk to you. I was made..aware of your relationship with Detective Reed. I just want to let you know that I am here for you and will support you. If you wish to talk about anything I am always here to listen. I know how confusing relationships and emotions are and with my experi- Where are you going?”
Nine ran out of there so quickly as possible. Almost running into Hank.
Hank went and stood by Connor “What the fuck is his problem!?”
“He is worried about his relationship with Detective Reed.”
“Really? Those two?...it is too early for this.”
And this is the story of how Nine became Usain Bolt
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✨Tam's Masterlist✨
This is a strictly 18+ blog! - Minors Do Not Interact! -
Please be aware of the fact that I vastly indulge in writing dark!smut that's stuffed to the brim with various kinks, drug issues and violence at times. Browse this blog with care if any of that upsets you!
I have nothing against a good heap of heartwarming, fuzzy fluff from time to time, but when it comes to fanfiction I like to go crazy, because it's fiction.
With that in mind, I'd also like to point out that I do NOT support any kind of the dark themes, that I'm tackling, in real life just because I write about them. So please, please refrain yourself from coming at me. If my writing is not up your alley that's perfectly fine and I'll suggest you just move on.
- My stories/fanfics will NEVER contain any form of animal cruelty or inappropriate interactions with minors -
On that notion, here's what I won't write about:
- Snuff Porn, Necrophilia, Incest -
If you want to join in on the Taglist feel free to drop me a message or ask!
Messages, asks and prompts are always welcome! But please be considerate and polite! 🖤
Character written for so far:
Animal Kingdom:
Craig Cody
Deran Cody
Berry "Baz" Cody
James Buchanan Barnes/TWS
Loki Laufeyson
The Moon Knight Boys
Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy - The Iceman
Jax Teller - Sons of Anarchy
Sheriff Lee Bodecker - TDATT
Duke Leto Atreides - Dune (2021)
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Jack Thurlow - Jack Goes Home
Kappa - Black Mirror 6
Roman Roy - Succession
Samuel Lafferty - Under The Banner Of Heaven
Elijah Kamski - Detroit: Become Human
Simon Walker - Hollyoaks
Edward "Ned" Low - Black Sails
Animal Kingdom:
Abandoned Until Further Notice
Behind The Fence - Female!OFC x Craig Cody [A lot of smut, Kinky issues, some violence, 18+!] (aka my Animal Kingdom thirst party 😏)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 / Part 3.2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 / Part 7.2 / Part 7.3
Part 8 / Part 8.2
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 / Part 12.2
Part 13
Animal Kingdom Off-Story One-Shots:
One - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
A Little Reward - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
The Two Of You - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Numb - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Please Don't Say That You Love Me - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Forbidden Thoughts - Female!OFC × Craig Cody
In Waves - Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Smoke On The Water- Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Moonlight - Female!OFC x Baz Blackwell / Michael Corvin (totally lost my chill)
Viking - Craig Cody x fem!Reader (Smut 18+, Shower Sex)
Nomis - Night Hunter:
Abandoned Until Further Notice
Cinnamon | A Night Hunter Story - Walter Marshall × Fran Carters (OFC) [ Angst, Fluff, Trauma Talk... you get the overall mood ]
Chapter 1 - Denial
Chapter 2 - Anger
Walter Marshall One-Shots:
The Sweater Thief - Walter Marshall x Reader [ fluffy Walter Marshall HC ]
Drunk Decisions - Walter Marshall x Reader [fluffy Walter Marshall HC]
Stairway To Heaven - Walter Marshall × Reader [loss of a pet, angst, hurt/comfort]
August Walker:
A Little Nap - Daddy!August x Reader [fluff]
One Of Those Days - Daddy!August x Reader [angsty fluff]
Spill The Drink - Daddy!August × Reader [mental illness, comforting daddy talk]
They Won't Know - August Walker × Reader [soft!smut, HC no one ever asked for]
A Love Letter From August x August Walker × Reader [Me sending in a fun ask]
Listen And Obey - Daddy!August x Reader [dirty, dirty smut (18+!), denial, male dom]
Not Enough - Daddy!August x little!Reader [angsty drabble, DDlg themed]
Not Enough Pt. 2 - Daddy!August × little!Reader [a bit angsty, August being August, tho]
Whole Lotta Love - August x Reader [Reader is having a little fun on a mission]
Geralt of Rivia:
The Monster They Wanted Him To Be - feral!Geralt x Reader [implied NonCon, primal hunter/prey, 18+!]
Steve Rogers:
Movie Night - Steve Rogers x Reader [SMUT, Daddy Kink, 18+!]
Movie Night II - Steve Rogers x Reader [More SmUt, More Daddy Kink, 18+!]
Paint It Red - nomad!Steve x Reader [Dark!, 18+!, blood play, self harm issues]
My Bucky List:
He Even Came With Instructions- The Winter Soldier x Dark!Female!Mob!Reader [Dark!Smut, DubCon/NonCon, FemDom]
Sleepless - Bucky Barnes × Reader [Smut, somnophilia, thigh riding, 18+!]
The Thing With Cats And Water - Bratty!Bucky Barnes x Reader [ Smutty Fluff 18+!, a bit of Mommy Kink, implied further smut ]
Lock And Key - sub!Bucky x dom!Reader [BDSM Fluff, 18!+]
Atonement - sub!Bucky x dom!Reader (Smut 18+!, spit kink, implied further smut)
Can't Run, Can't Hide - stalker!Bucky x Reader [gets gradually darker, 18+!]
Sleaze Dog - Rockstar!Bucky × Reader [18!+, alcohol abuse, angst]
Hold Me Close - sub!Bucky × dom!Reader [a lot of angst, non-sexual BDSM, choking]
His Asset:
His Asset- Dark!Winter Soldier x Fem!Reader [very dark smut, 18+!, a fic straight out of hell]
His Asset Part 2 - Dark!Winter Soldier x Fem!Reader [it's getting even darker, 18+!, force-feeding, very dark thoughts]
Moon Knight:
The Vegan In A Steakhouse - sub!Steven Grant × fem!Reader [public smut 18+!, gentle femdom, Steve being the puppy that he is]
Blood In The Sand - Marc Spector x mercenary!fem!Reader [desert porn 18+!, oral, mutual touching]
Te Amo- Jake Lockley × Sex Worker!Fem!Reader [implied smut 18+!, very angsty]
A Night At The Museum - Steven Grant x fem!Reader [teeth-rotting fluff]
Once Upon A December × Marc Spector / Steven Grant × fem!Reader [18+!, major hurt/comfort, angsty af]
Tears Of Love - Steven Grant × fem!Reader [just some comforting fluff]
The Wrath Of Set - Jake Lockley × fem!Reader [pitch black smut, 18+!, knife play]
Sheriff Lee Bodecker:
White Cotton - Daddy!Lee x Little!Reader [DDlg Smut 18+!, Daddy Kink, Oral, Pillow Riding]
Loki Laufeyson:
Fimbulvetr - Loki x Fem!Reader [substance abuse, self harm, 18+!]
Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy
Dirty Thoughts - Mr. Freezy x Reader [Filth, foul language, 18+!]
Sons of Anarchy:
Over And Over - Jax Teller x Reader [angsty, 18+!, pillow talk]
Odi Et Amo - Jacques LeGris x fem!Rader
What We Do In The Shadows Headcanon
WWDITS!Show-Characters x Reader [Just a conversation getting out of hand]
Blood, Sugar and Spice - Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader [A big pile of smut 18+!, period sex, oral, feral Duke Leto]
Stranger Things
Master Of Puppets - bestfriend!Eddie Munson x fem!Reader (Friends To Lovers, Romantic Porn With Plot 18+!)
The Bear
Heard, Chef! - Carmen Berzatto × fem!Reader (jealous smut, 18+!, a bit angsty)
The Cage - Roman Roy x fem!Reader (Puppy Play, Straight Filth, Mommy Kink, 18+!)
Insomnia - Roman Roy x fem!Reader (Soft Smut, Nipple Play, 18+!)
Detroit: Become Human
Golden Cage - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (PWP 18+!, Emotional Abuse, Mind Games)
Sunlight - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (PWP, 18+!, Soft, Oral, Edging)
Ctrl + Shift + L - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Online Stalking, Obsessive Behaviour)
Watch Me, Touch Me - Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Voyeurism, Overstimulation)
Resident Evil: Village:
Call Me When You're Sober - Simon Walker x afab!Reader (Smut, Angst Gallore, 18+!)
fragile, but not like a flower. - Simon Walker x afab!Reader (Dead Dove 18+!, Heavy BDSM play)
Hangover Cure - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Intoxication Kink, Daddy Kink, 18+!)
I Am Machine - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Piercing Play, Angst, Smut, 18+!)
Olive - Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader (Smut 18+!, Blowjob, Dom/Sub, Aftercare)
Black Sails:
The Candlemaker - Edward "Ned" Low x afab!Reader (Dead Dove 18+!)
Rory Culkin Characters:
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