#eating dissorder
mondeadbebe · 2 years
Fasting Sweetspo Motivation
My lovely, you’ve been working and fighting so hard to get where you’re at. Are you hungry? That’s okay, I’ll tell you what to do. Get up slowly. Now as you walk feel how light you are without having eaten. You glide across the floor and leaving no sound or mark behind you. Make yourself your favourite tea. Focus on the progress: the water boiling, the tea brewing how water changes colours. Pick you cup up and glide across the house as the light being that you are. Have a sit, cover with a nice warm blanket, play your comfort show and drink that lovely tea. Feel the warmth slowly washing that hunger away. Remind yourself how far you’ve come in your fast. Lastly, what doesn’t challenge you won’t change you.
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black-sofi · 4 months
в данный отрезок моей жизни я ем исключительно в моменты, когда просыпаюсь с невероятной слабостью, трясущимися руками и тошнотой (скорее всего, желчью), бледная, как сама смерть.
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sexyybitch · 4 months
Kurde cholernie źle się czuje, waga pokazuje 50.3. zjadalm mega dużo, nie będę mogła zrobić fasta jutro bo kuzynka zostaje do jutra do 17. W dodatku dzisiaj jeszcze nazwała mn grubasem. Ale obiecuję że od razu po jej odjeździe jebnę fasta i max 700 kcal do końca roku
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MY DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY POEM : Within one body, many souls reside, A fractured mind, with secrets to hide. Personalities shift and identities blend, A puzzle of memories that never seem to end.
One moment, a child with innocence pure, The next, a warrior, strong and sure. A protector, a victim, a rebel, a clown, Each one fighting to wear the crown.
A world of chaos, confusion, and pain, Lost in a labyrinth of the mind's terrain. A life fractured, shattered, and torn, A constant battle, from dusk till dawn.
But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of hope, A chance to heal and learn to cope. To find a way to unite the fractured soul, And make the pieces whole.
So here's to those with DID, May you find the strength to be free. To embrace each part of who you are, And shine bright like a shooting star.
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Ich hatte nie einen Grund weiter abzunehmen doch jetzt ist ER da. Und natürlich steht er auf dünne Mädels. Wie konnte ich nur denken das irgendjemand so ein fatass wie mich mögen könnte. Also mehr als nur Freundschaftlich.
Ab heute fange ich wieder an Kalorien zu zählen, ja nicht zu viel zu essen und viel zu trinken damit ich ihm irgendwann doch gefalle...
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sadstarvingshit · 2 years
I feel disgusting cuz I'm so fat and I want to lose weight but I don't have the patience for it and I want to sh. I ate over 1600 calories today and ny goal has been 1200 but the entire past week I've been overeating. not as bad as before this week but still, I can't lose weight if I continue eating so much. I'm literally 100 pounds overweight and I feel disgusting. and like 60 pounds of it I already lost and regained cuz I'm a pig. I literally never want to eat again but it's so hard not to. I want tips for weight loss please and I want to talk to someone who's in the same type of boat I am
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loseweightwithme · 1 year
zjedzone: 794
spalone: 605
bilans: 189
(raz wymiotowałam)
Kiepski dzień ://
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ed-lover-x · 2 years
I was in recovery for way too long now. I gained so much weight back. But summer is on it’s way and I have to be fit not fat. I dont want to lose all the muscle i gained tho.
in order to only lose all my access fat and not the muscle I try to only take in protein-rich food like skyr and egg whites.
im doing this diet:
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mondeadbebe · 2 years
My ed is nothing but the bastard child of ana and bed
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head-empty-skinny · 2 years
Guess who is back on their bullshit after hitting a peak highest weight of the last 2 amd a half years of my life. This bitch!
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sexyybitch · 4 months
Dzisiaj był naprawdę bardzo fajny dzień! Wybrałam sobie prezent (paczkę 20 lakierów do paznokci), spróbowałam Oreo Brownie, które było nie za dobre i zrobiłam lekko meczący trening. Jutro muszę ogarnąć w pokoju i upiec ciasto i pierniki.
Zjadłam: 420
Spaliłam: 342
Bilans: 78
Chudej nocy motylki 🦋
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skinnyminny08 · 2 months
Does anyone else feel like food is really inconvenient. Like fuck it’s everywhere and I hate it.
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femcel0 · 9 months
Mentally watching the flames lick at the rapidly blackening edges of the crisp white list of things to live for. The physical manifestation of all my tenderness towards this version of my existence dissolving as quickly as my hope that it all might, if only a bit, get better.
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sk1nny-bl00dnglitt3r · 9 months
Mentalizing that if I accept a person with the whole package, I deserve that they also accept me with everything I have
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