#don't even get me started on the stress added by having a twin brother who can't understand why aaron loves his abusive mother
littleolfandomblog · 1 year
something i think people forget about aaron is that not only is he a d1 athlete for a sport with a massive fan base, but he's also a pre-med student. like i cannot even imagine the amount of pressure on him before the yakuza/mafia got involved. and then the yakuza... omg... this poor guy can't catch a break
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yippieitsarvensart · 9 months
Tweels hc doodles + notes!
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Goodness me, I've not been working on these for very long but here's all of what I've thought of within 2 days of thinking about them!! I basically started writing about them the moment I finished drawing "the fuck you brothers" post (9/24) (and today, 9/26) I totally have been thinking about them more after I wrote all this, so I will be continuing on with my hcs right here, under the cut :3 (keep in mind I have not yet played twst! If I get anything gravely wrong correct me!) (9/28, edit: I downloaded twst y'all...)
Both of the twins are autistic, just being on very different ends of er... intensity? Idk how to word that. I just mean that Floyd is someone who has trouble regulating his emotions and stims a lot. Jade doesn't stim as often, he probably would if he were infodumping about mushrooms/his terrariums or whatever else. I think I mean. That Jade suppressed his autistic tendencies by a lot to seem more like a gentleman, while Floyd doesn't really give much of a shit and probably doesn't even know he's autistic.
on that note they both have ADHD. AuDHD brothers.
Anyways as I way saying abt Floyd stimmies; He stims a LOT. Just, all the damn time. It gets so annoying for a lot of people and everyone knows he can't control it. His clingyness is also stimming, he's very touchy. A lot of stim toys don't actually help him but he does calm down significantly more when he's wearing headphones and listening to loud music. That's what stimulates him the most.
Jade only stims when excited, yeah I mentioned that. But did I mention he also stims a lot when stressed. In front of costumers, if he was stressed he might only fiddle with his fingers behind his back. But as soon as he gets away it's full body stimming time baby. Mans is not okay but he cannot let that mask slip!! (I forgot the word before, but I meant to say in my first dotpoint that jade is better at masking than Floyd!!)
Floyd mcr liker >_< (songs about depression and drugs to think about violence to!) Floyd also likes shit like "41 mins of roblox music" or any spongebob music. skull emoji.
Jade Laufey liker :33 (calm songs to think about violence to!)
Floyd likes dancing around in his room to music. Like really getting into it. Putting one song on loop and doing the same dance moves over and over again. (stimming) (oh my god I'm PROJECTING AGAIN stop....)
Jade likes drawing mushrooms. He's really good at drawing nature and when I say "good" I mean if you looked at it, you'd think it was a picture. Like abnormally good for someone who used to not even have paper available...
I saw this from a moot once on twitter I think, but they both (+ Azul) probably had a hard time adjusting to walking around everywhere instead of swimming when they first came onto land. And I think there was something about holding on to bars on stairs WAYY too tight because they feel so wobbly going up them. Same with like, escalators? and elevators? didn't fucking trust them. And they still don't sometimes... Adding onto this I think that they'd both get really frustrated at first with it. Like genuinely really upset; Floyd dramatically falling to the floor and flailing around on the verge of tears while Jade punches the ground over and over... They obviously got better at land things after a long while but for a bit they were just so. not okay LOL
I think for casual/home clothes they'd both be really into big fluffy jumpers. massive fucking huge fluffy shits. They'd be all over the texture and it would be so so texture /pos drooling emoji
I had a little thing that I thought of where I would give Floyd Heart shaped eye shines PLUS an extra smaller not heart eye shine. And giving Jade a square shaped shine with no extra shines. It just makes so much sense to me. Like I can't explain it very well but if you get it, you get me. Do you get me...
WHICH leads me to say then that when Floyd gets MAD he would have NO eye shines. Do you get me. I totally make sense right/. And Jade getting happy about anything even if it doesn't show on his face it would totally show in his eyes... Which also brings me back to something I wrote in my doodle notes with the pupils being like cats... OUGH I'M GOING INSANE DO I MAKE SENSE
another thing my twt moot said !! Floyd would hate necklaces/rings/other accessories and jewelry! It relates back to my point about Floyd hating the feeling of tight clothes, and things touching his skin too much. I feel like if he had say, a necklace on for like 0.1s he would rip it the fuck off, destroying the necklace in the process
Floyd: :3 (aggressive)
Floyd loving to squeeze people but hurting them is 90% of the time on purpose hurting and 10% accidental hurting and when it IS accidental he gets so upset about it. I like to think Floyd is the more emotional out of the two... just so many emotions in that boy. like he just !! wants to give you love !!! but he's so strong he breaks ur ribs !!!! many of ur ribs!! ur honestly surprised you haven't punctured a lung yet!!!
On that note they BOTH are extremely touch starved. Floyd would fucking LOVE it if someone were to lay down on top of him for hours he would feel so squished!! and warm and nice!! and comfy!
Jade on the other hand, LOVES holding hands. holding ONTO something holding onto someONE.
Jade is a gift giver (love language) I bet you can't guess what Floyd is
His love language is Physical touch. Yeah
Jade getting people way too many gifts when it's a special occasion for them because he thinks they might think it's weird if he gets them a gift on any other day.
Floyd hyperpop liker (just overall really likes loud thrashy music or whatever)
Floyd also really got into those games where you have to beat the shit out of a dummy. He doesn't like ones where you have to TIME a hit to make it work (makes him annoyed bc he can't do it) Games like Pou I think....
While Jade enjoys colour by number or those hue games? just doing it in his free time.
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openly-journaling · 4 months
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Smidge: 2/18/2024
Today wasn't super eventful. In fact, we're having executive dysfunction issues again. We worried this might happen with school but I don't think it's because of school in all honesty. We'll be starting counseling soon, or trying anyway. I hope we find a good counselor. Like really I do.
I think a lot of our issues and current irritation right now comes from the fact that we know we're going in to discuss our trauma for once. Something we've put off and ignored for years. And yeah! We do so great and just fine doing that and shoving it down. But maybe delving into it for once would actually be beneficial.
The very idea of it, of talking about it anyway, is killing us. We drew something last night to cope even though we aren't even remembering it right now. We tried to remember it once and we felt like that was a mistake. It was. A huge mistake. And we haven't touched it since. But it's lingering in the back of our mind currently that we need to talk about it. We want to talk about it.
I'm just not sure if now, during school, is really the best time. But we can take a few deep breaths. We have anxiety and other internal issues we could work through from time to time. I mean, Marshmallow helped sort a lot of things out. And we've had a lot less issues since. I guess the real internal issues now is also the exo trauma. I'm far from ready to talk about mine though.
I know we don't journal often and haven't in awhile. Marshmallow and I were talking though and we think that we should pick it back up again in the case that we do start counseling. Something to talk about and potentially keep our therapist updated on. We can't promise we'll be on top of it as Bobby was, but that's okay.
I think we cut back because we felt like most of our journals were just vents and that every time they weren't vents the days were sort of just the same and dragged on. Hardly a lot of exciting things going on.
I was meditating earlier as well and I was talking to Marshmallow about how I'm going to set up my journal, adding in my picture like Fantasy does. He's my brother. And while we don't know that he's older, he definitely takes on an older brother role. We're twins after all, who knows who was born first? Either way, I do look up to him. I don't always like thinking for myself entirely I suppose.
I should probably go finish up that homework also. It's just two more things we have to do. A journal (not like this, it's different) and a culture project. Nearly all of our Interpersonal Communication's assignments have been late. She's so understanding but we really don't want to keep this up. She might start docking points for it.
It's just.. I looked over the question and I have such a blocking headache (doesn't hurt it just makes me feel like I'm cut off from everything going on around me, like my head is pressed up against a wall and decided the wall is part of us for awhile) that I can barely understand the question. Ugh.
I hope we can get it done by tomorrow. This isn't laziness. I'm not enjoying the time. I'm stressed as fuck. It's nice having Marshmallow here at the front with me though because usually during these mental blocks someone gets front stuck by themselves. He's at least brought me some comfort in all of this.
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medusachoy · 3 years
Toxic nahoya part 2
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Characters : reader (fem) , souya kawata (angry) , nahoya kawata (smiley)
TW : breeding , degradation , filming , spanking , cheating , cursing , crying
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He apologized after what he did , he promised you that he will never do that again so you forgave him or...that's what you made him think you did , you're still mad you couldn't sleep properly for a long time thinking about your revenge plan , you want to break him the same way he broke you or more , you will, you promised yourself that you will.
"Are you done putting on your makeup? We should be at the restaurant before my parents arrive there " he looked at you and sat on the bed
You hummed putting your new perfume , Coco Mademoiselle Chanel , souya's favorite , he mentioned it before during friends meeting that this fragrance attracts him
"Why did you get this brand? " he stood up " you know I like this one on you and it's not even empty yet " he added while holding the roja haute luxe .
"I just wanted to change the scent " you replied with a smile
"I'm ready should we go?" , he nodded
He was blabbering about how you should talk in front of his family and somethings you could care less to , you were just silent looking through the window wishing he would shut his mouth for some minutes
"You know my mom thinks-"
"Nobody cares about what your mom thinks" you cut him off and slammed the car door behind when you arrived at the place
"What is wrong with you today?" He said holding your hand
"Nothing I'm just stressed" you replied and looked at the place when you were both walking
It's a big restaurant , a luxurious one , that's really perfect , easier for your plan
When you both stepped in the place , you were so excited looking for souya .
He was there sitting alone on his phone with some blue curls covering his eyes
"Souya~ my bro" he hit his brother's head and sat in one of the side of the tables making you sit beside the blue haired twin and your boyfriend
He looked at you both and put his phone on the table "oh hello to both of you , mom and dad will be here in few minutes " nahoya only replied with "aha" while playing or texting you don't know , he doesn't matter now
"You haven't changed since the last time I saw you " you saw a small smile on his face
"You got prettier from the last time I saw you" he said making nahoya looking at you both
"Are you trying to flirt with girlfriend?" He put his arm on your shoulders bringing you closer to him
"Honey why you saying that , it was just a compliment " his move made you uncomfortable
"He isn't-"
"Mother, father " souya stood up so both of you and you nahoya did to greet their parents
"Oh you're so pretty just how nahoya described you " you smiled and thanked her wishing it was souya who did not this cheater beside you
"Should we order? I'm hungry already " spoke nahoya putting his hand on his stomach
"Yes it will be good talking while waiting for our food " laughed the father and you swear he looks like nahoya more than souya
The over happy looking face that you can't stand
You were the one to call the waiter, you all ordered what you wanted but when it came to wine you asked the mother about what she preferred
" chateau mouton-rothschild 1945 , it's mine and souya's favorite" another informtion? this also helps your plan
She was asking you endless questions , you literally wanted to shut her the hell up the same way you did to her son in the car
Souya was just looking at her and rubbing his face , he was also done with her unnecessary questions
But she finally closed her mouth when the food came
You were also excited , you haven't eaten expensive food since your last trip
The food was so good especially the Smoked Quail Drizzled with Pomegranate that you ordered
You looked at your glass , nahoya is busy talking to his parents , none of them is looking , it's your chance
You hold your glass looking at souya , he noticed and looked back at you , looking at your lips and the glass , you smiled seductively and spilled some of the wine on your dress
You gasped dramatically making the rest looking at you
"My new dress oh my goodness" you stood up looking at the red spot you just made on your dress
"You should have been careful darling , I will take you to the bathroom, you can fix some"
"No no I will go alone , you need to stay with your mother " you walked away from the table to the bathroom and turned your head smiling at souya
He realized, he hide the glass under the table and spilled some on his pants
"She spelled some on me too" he said pretending to be mad
"Oh go quickly to wash it at least " said nahoya checking the spot
What a dumb brother , thought souya to himself walking towards the bathroom
"A smart move from you" he found you waiting for him , he locked the bathroom door and started to get closer steps to you
"Actually I'm a bit surprised that you came" you said looking at the mirror pretending to check yourself
"And I'm a bit surprised that my brother's chick is seducing me" he started touching your hips and kissing your neck
You closed your eyes enjoying his touch , it's different from his brother, he's touching you softly , his kisses aren't aggressive , proves he is good kisser
"We should hurry up we only got few minutes before they suspect something there" you rubbed your butt on his cock , you felt his erection , it turned you on , you can feel it's big
"Then let's make it quick " he unzipped his pants and pulled up your dress
"Black silk underwear huh? I see you came prepared " he teased you with the tip of his cock on your cunt with your panties on
"Please just put it inside , I can't.." you let out a loud moan when he squished your boobs with both hands
"You're so wet you whore" he slided his whole length inside you making you gasp
It's big and thick , it's filling you , you can feel every vein inside you
"You're so fuckin' warm inside , this is what my brother was enjoying the whole time , he didn't even think about sharing you with me? What an ungrateful bastard" he thrusted fast and hard inside you , moaning loudly because of his length going out and in
"You're a filthy whore with fat ass and pretty cunt...oh I can't forget your big soft tits too , don't worry I will find a way and time to fuck them "
"Please destroy every inch of me , fuck me like the slut I'am " you cried out and started squishing your boobs while he was holding your hips and slapping your ass
You tears run down your cheek from the pleasure you're getting
"I beg you sir , breed me like a whore , put your kid inside me "
"Shut the fuck up and take my cock you talkative slut , kid ? You want me to impregnate a whore like you ? "
He was hitting your soft spot which made you opening your mouth in an "o"
"I need to film this to masturbate on later" he smiled and got his phone from his pocket and started filming your back while fucking you raw
" you like the attention don't you ? A breedable whore like you likes getting filmed with a cock inside her "
He thrusted harder and shouted his cum inside you
"We are a mess" he giggled and fixed his look and washed the spot on his pants
"I liked the fragrance " he put a soft kiss on your neck and left
You fixed your makeup and washed the spot on your dress and took a deep breath looking at yourself in the mirror
You were right
Souya's cock is bigger than nahoya's
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You are my world. you three are my world now - h.h
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hello there! I'm back ! Sorry if it tooks so long, i have a lot of work during these holiday. I hope you like this little request. I didn't have time to be proofread (but a big thank you to@petersasteria who is always there to support me!). Remember that my native language is French, so don't be so mean if i made mistakes!
Feel free to like, share, comment and tell me what you think. Send me a message if you want to be added to the taglist for my next work!
Word count: 2300 Warning: angst, mention of pregnancy, small mention of blood, mention of placental abruption Pairing : harry holland Request: yes!
You didn't expect to be pregnant with twins at your age. The announcement of your pregnancy had also surprised more than one. Despite her support, Nikki Holland had still given the discourse on the importance of safe sex to her son. But Harry had given a more than mature speech in defense of both of you. He was able to prove to his family and to yours that you were ready and that the decision to continue the pregnancy was not rash.
You were now at the half of your eighth month and nothing could stand in the way of your happiness.
Nothing except maybe this.
Nikki had offered to have lunch with her this afternoon. Despite his work as a photographer, no longer having the company of his four children - since three of them left the family cocoon to live their own life as grown-up adults- weighed heavily on her. You accepted with pleasure. Harry, who was editing his third short film, had left you this morning to go to the edit suite, not without checking that you were okay. So, you joined Nikki at the restaurant. You shine in your long floral maternity dress. In the middle of the meal, you felt a violent contraction.
At almost eight months pregnant, it was no surprise that you could feel twins’ movements. You winced a little at the pain and your mother-in-law put a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Are you alright, darling?" she asking, a little bit worried.
"Yeah, yeah. They've just been in great shape for a few days now."
You apologized and went to the bathroom, struggling to cope with the pain of your contractions. When you noticed that your underwear was soaked with blood, your heart rate increased. You suddenly realized that a series of symptoms corresponded to what you had dreaded early in your pregnancy: the nausea that had occurred last night, the violent contractions since this morning and now the blood. Rather alerting signals that suggested a placental abruption. The obstetrician told you that this was a possible risk since you were having a twin pregnancy. You started to cry and panic for several minutes that Nikki ended up knocking on the bathroom door.
"Darling, is everything good in there?" she asked you with her sweet and worried voice.
"Could you come in please" you sobbed.
"Sure, darling. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
She stepped carefully into the disabled cabin that you had used for space reasons. Nikki immediately noticed your state of stress. And you just told her everything in strangled sobs. She put a hand behind your back and gave you a very serious look.
"We have to go to the ER. We're going right away."
"I want Harry"
"Don't worry, I'll call him on the way"
And you haven't wasted a minute. Nikki simply left her phone number and table number at the counter before you got into your car. Dom will retrieve Nikki one's later. Holland family been known from the restaurant, the staff were comprehensive about your leaving without paid the bill. When you arrived at the hospital, the nurses greeted you directly and wasted no time either. You were taken to the operating room without being able to get your boyfriend's support.
Harry arrived within fifteen minutes of receiving the call from his mother. No doubt he would receive a speeding penalty ticket later. He looked like a madman, mortified by worry. He was a bundle of nerves and sarcasm. Her mother was standing by the reception desk, waiting for her. She looked anxious. Tom was there too, trying to contact their father on his phone. When Dom finally picked up, the oldest Holland brother announced the urgency. Harry was shaking with worry.
"What happened mom?"
"I don't really know, baby. We were at the restaurant and the babies kicked. She went to the bathroom and when she didn't come back, I went after her. That's where she asked me to come into the bathroom and you know the rest. I called you straight after that. " Nikki explained, trying to get the stress out of her.
"Oh my god… where is she now?"
"The medical staff took her for surgery. I had to wait here. I couldn't go with her, baby. I’m so sorry."
"Ok ... Ok, I guess I have to wait here. Hope she's okay. God, please make her be alright."
They all made their way to the operating theater hallway for the public to wait for more information. Tom was still on the phone with his father, explaining that it would be better if he stayed at home with Paddy so as not to overcrowd the waiting room. He promised his father that they would all give news as soon as possible. A nurse in a surgical gown entered ten minutes later.
“Who's the father of miss y/l/n's babies?”
“I am. Harry Holland, I’m the father!” he almost screamed and cried at the same time.
“Come with me”
Nikki stood up cautiously and walked over to the nurse. Harry was ready to follow the nurse without giving any further information to his family.
"Excuse me. Can you give us more information on her condition?" Nikki asked
"Sure. We had an emergency caesarean. The babies are fine but there seem to be some complications with the mother. The surgeon is taking care of her."
"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked hastily.
"She's losing a lot of blood but we're doing our best. Now please follow me." She said to curly one.
Harry followed her to the nursery. His heart was pounding in mixed emotions. He was so impatient to meet his babies but at the same time he was worried about you. What if you don't survive from the complications? What was to become of him? Would he be able to live without you? Would he be a good father?
His last question vanished when he saw his two little babies in the incubator. Your twins had arrived about fifteen, almost a month earlier than expected, it was normal that they were in an incubator. Harry was going to have to make sure they put on weight. After filling out a few papers, one of the nurses offered to do some skin-to-skin contact with the twins so that they could get to know the three of them. Harry could not but be impatient with this and once prepared he settled into a seat. He was overcome with emotion, understanding how his parents had felt when Sam and him were born. He completely forgets the time, spending several minutes with his sons, one after the other. Harry knew he would place all his love in the two little beings he had taken turns holding in his arms. He was ready to lift mountains, cross the tides. Part of his mind was on you and he truly hoped he could go through life's trials with you. May your family experience all the times they deserve.
The nurse who had brought him to the nursery go up to him with a half-smile. She was sorry to disturb him during this privileged father-son moment.
"Your ... hm ... miss (y/l/n) is in the recovery room. You can go see her now"
Harry's heart burst with relief. He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding back. The very new father nodded before placing his son in the nurse's arms so that she could put him back in the incubator. He decided to go find his family who had been waiting too long now. When he entered the waiting room, his mother and brother were still seated. Tom had his elbows on his knees, the phone in his hand. He seemed to be talking to someone. When the actor noticed his brother's presence, he spoke to him.
"Hey mate, Sam's here. Wanna talk to him? What's up? Does y/n's alright? And the twins?"
"Too much question. Give me Sam first!"
But the result was exactly the same. Sam asked the same questions as Tom and Harry winced as he tried to answer consensually.
"Hello to you too, brother. The twins are fine. I swear to God Sam, they look like a mini version of us. Two sons by the way ... y/n is fine, she's in the recovery room, I'm going see her right after that. I wanted to talk to mom and Tom first. "
"Glad to know I'm the last to know." Sam informed sarcastically.
"Hey, I was going to call you but I had to, you know ... go meet my sons. Father's job, it seems."
Sam chuckled behind his phone screen as Harry smirked in a mischievous and petty manner. He ended the call with his twin and turned to his mother and Tom. Nikki made her understand that she had heard, she seemed relieved that you were okay.
"Hey, before I go see y/n ... you want to see your grandsons ... and you, your nephew and godson, asshole."
"Harry, language" said Nikki.
"Of course I want to see my godson, stupid"
The two brothers smile at each other. Just because one became a father and the other was a movie star, didn't mean they were going to change their ways. It was also their way, both of them, to decompress events. Nikki sighed in annoyance but kept quiet, too happy to meet, even only through a window, her first grandchildren. After a brief walk in front of the nursery, Harry announced that he was going to find you, leaving his family to admire your twins. They seemed so impatient to meet them in person but knew they were going to have to wait while you woke up.
Harry entered the recovery room and walked over to your bed. You seemed to have already woken up from your artificial sleep. He grabbed your hand to give you the support you needed. A feeling of emptiness was felt in you, your gaze landed on your stomach, flatter than you had seen in recent months. Your eyes widened in panic but the reassuring pressure of Harry's hand drew your attention to him.
"They are fine, my love. They are fine. They are in an incubator in the nursery."
You burst into tears. The emotions being so strong.
"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm sorry ..."
“Hey… hey… you don't have to. You're okay… the twins are okay. And I still love you, I love you more than ever."
"Have you seen them?"
"Yes ... ugly like their father" he joked
You chuckled with a few more tears in your voice. You knew he didn't mean it, but humor was Harry's best way to decompress, and it worked on you too.
"My family is here. You scared the hell out of them. I think Sam was about to order a flight to kick your ass."
You chuckled again. It was so impressive to see the love that reigned in this family. You could never have asked for a better way to build your own family. Harry leaned over to kiss you.
"I love you, y/n. You are my world. you three are my world now"
"I love you more, Harry."
You stayed a few more days before you could get out of the hospital. You had decided to introduce the twins after their own discharge from the hospital. That's why, after almost a month of going back and forth to the nursery, you could finally bring your twins home. So you organized a little visit to Harry's parents.
The sun was shining on London and you squeezed the doorknob of one of the maxi-cozy, Harry carrying your second son as you opened the door to the Holland family home. You were amazed at the ease with which Harry assumed his role as father. He was doing so well that you fell in love with him again.
"Is there anyone here?" He asked
"We're all in the garden, buddy!" Tom said
"You are obviously in the kitchen, dummy"
"For god's sake, Harry. Come into this fucking garden and let us see the twins!"
You let out a frank laugh as you mentally noted that you were going to have to have a conversation with Harry and his brothers about the vocabulary they were using.
You are therefore entering the garden. You noticed right away that Sam had come all the way from Scotland. Harry must have organized this with him too. You smiled, Nikki rushed over to help you with the change bags and you thanked him.
"So where is my godson?" Tom asked in the same way he did at the FFH premiere when he was looking for Jake Gyllenhal.
"Where's mine?" Sam asked too.
You approached Sam, putting the maxycosy on the table to unbuckle the seat belt and take your son in your arms. Harry was doing the same with your second baby.
"I'm happy to introduce you y/s/n"
"And there's y/s/n(2)." Harry added, so proud.
Everyone raved about the twins as you wipe away a tear, happy and proud. You were so moved by the love that reigned. Harry came to kiss you on the forehead, you closed your eyes, appeased by his gesture. The world could only turn better in his company.
"It's family portrait time!" Nikki said, her camera in her hands. "Tom, please get closer to your brother. Sam, stand next to y / n"
You all followed Nikki's instructions, who couldn't be more than happy to capture this important moment, bringing her work and family life together. You all smiled as you and Harry were in the center of the photo, carrying your twins in your arms. And at that moment, you were sure that your life could not be more beautiful than at this moment.
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wickedw3asleys · 3 years
Fred x female reader (mentions of George)
AN: it is 5am i cannot sleep i need help oh my god i am SWEATING, FRED WEASLEY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. he's a dom and i do not accept any kind of criticism. Okay but more seriously, thank you so much for the support for the 1st part! I truly appreciate it and I hope you'll like this one as much as the first one!
WARNINGS: smut smut smut smut and more smut... unprotected sex... and cussing
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A few days had passed after your talk with Fred and George.
And still nothing had happened.
And you never thought you'd be so eager for one of them to reach out to you to fill his needs. But you weren't going to be the one to give in first.
And they knew what they did to you, because the first moment they saw you after the big talk they started teasing the shit out of you, and you were too easy to piss off, way too horny to have patience with them. Could be an accidental brush of George's hand on your thigh; Fred whispering things in your ear that weren't necessarily explicit; or again, George finding any kind of excuse to touch you, even the slightest... And that drove you crazy. And the fact that they exactly what they were doing, only made it worse, them making clear that they wanted you.
And today was the day that your patience was at its limits. So you were going to play it reverse on them, and make them suffer a little bit.
You decided to just play it cool, not to look to hard for them, and just let the big boys come to you, as they liked to call themselves. So when you least expected, you saw them appear with the biggest grins on their faces.
You were hanging out with Hermione and Luna at the library, and once again you were going crazy with your studies. You already have had 2 exams, and you could feel your brain slowly dying from all the information it was absorbing.
So obviously, when the twins saw you in such a frustrated state, they knew once again how to play their cards.
"Oh, darling... You look so stressed...", Fred came behind you, "and those shoulders! You're way too tense..."
He winked at his brother and put his hands on your shoulders, slowly massaging them.
Hermione looked at you with an interrogating gaze, not really sure if she should say something or not, to what you unconsciously shrugged your shoulders.
Fred dominantly put his hand on the back of your neck, applying a slight pressure to the sides of your neck, "Keep still, sweetheart..."
You could feel the blood rushing up to cheeks and to other unholy places on your body.
"What. The. Hell.", Hermione mouthed to you, Luna getting more and more confused about all the situation, since she was way too preoccupied reading her Astronomy book.
"I. DON'T. KNOW.", you mouthed back.
Fred continued to massage and apply pressure on your shoulder and the back of your neck, and you felt like you were going completely mad. And when you saw George glancing at his brother, you knew this was another one of their games; so why not join in?
You sighed, mouthed a quick "sorry" to the two girls and started playing.
"Freddie! Oh my god! You're so good!", you softly moaned, stretching your back and neck. You could catch a confused and nervous look on George's face, who was once again looking at his brother, expecting a reaction from him.
"Mmhhh... you like that?", he whispered down to your ear. Fuck, he was a way too good player.
You turned your face to his, just to be a few inches from his lips. "Yeah, I like it...", you said, trying to sound convincing; when you knew that you were affected by him to your bloody core.
You could feel his breath shake as he straighten up, leaving a satisfied smile on your face.
"And what about you, Georgie?", you asked, looking at him with puppy eyes, "How's my favorite Weasley?"
"I'm fine...", he said, smirking, "Why? You missed me, darling?"
You couldn't see any type of nervousness in him, he never answered wrong, always continuing the game.
Not wanting to leave poor Hermione and Luna alone, you decided after a while to semi ignore the twins, and go back to your conversation with the girls, including the boys in from time to time, and when you could feel Fred being totally distracted, you made your killer move.
"OH! I'm so sorry, Fred!", you said, looking how your ink pot just had fallen on his lap.
"Damn it!"
Everybody had taken a few steps back, not wanting to have ink all over them, and when Hermione got up to go for some tissues, you got on your knees and started wiping Fred's thigh with your robes. Fortunately you knew a spell that would make these stains go away, otherwise you wouldn't have sacrificed yourself like that.
The sight of your on your knees, a hand on his upper thigh and the other one wiping the ink stains that were dangerously close to his dick, almost made him cum in his pants. He had spent too much time without doing anything and you being you didn't made it better. You've always drove him completely mad, and the fact that you've actually accorded to be shared between him and his brother was all he could have ever asked for.
He dominantly grabbed your hand, "Bloody hell, Y/N! Stop!", he groaned between his teeth, making sure no one else but you could hear him.
"What's wrong?", you asked innocently, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Shit", he groaned.
He quickly got up, took his brother by the arm and left the library.
"Oh... Where did they go?", Hermione asked with the tissues in her hand.
"I don't know...", you couldn't help but smile victoriously. You've beaten Fred Weasley at his own game. You've put down one of the two twins. You still had to win against George, and from what you've been observing, he'd be the harder one to play against; fooling everybody with his innocent looks.
"Am I right saying that there was completely an unsolved tension in here for a second?", Luna asks.
"Y/N, what the hell was all this?!", Hermione says, clearly aware of what's happening.
"It's just a game! Nothing harmful! Don't worry", you smile, blushing.
"I don't know what kind of games you're playing with them but when I saw Fred going through that door he looked like he could spit fire...", Hermione points out, "I just hope you know what you're doing..."
"I do, Mione... I've talk to them..."
"What do you mean you've talked to them?", Luna asks, curious.
"Oops...", you say as you start getting up and taking your books with you, earning a gasp and shocked laugh from both of them. You winked at the girls and got out of the library.
There wasn't a lot of students out in the corridors at this time of the evening. It was almost bed time so everybody was either in their common rooms or still at the library, just like Hermione and Luna.
So when you felt a hand on the back of your neck again, you felt relief that no one was there.
"Good night, Freddie...", you smiled, his hand adding pressure.
"I hate you", he says between his teeth.
"Oh... Why is that?", you pout. If he'd thought he was the only one able to play this game, he was damn wrong.
"Don't play innocent here, you knew what you were doing"
"Just how you knew what you were doing to me for the past days. Both you and your brother. Am I wrong?", you tried turning your head, but his grip on your neck didn't let you, "Didn't your mother tell you to not play with your food, Freddie?"
The smirk you had on your face the second you pronounced these words could have killed Fred in an instant. It was the weirdest, yet most erotic, thing a girl have ever said to him, and he felt those words resonate through his whole body, specially under his pants.
"Fuck...", he groaned. He grabbed your arm and started leading you. You didn't knew where but you wanted to follow him so bad right now, nothing could have stopped you. You wanted him and you knew the feeling was reciprocal.
You turned a corner and arrived at the second-floor girl's bathroom. Fred quickly opened the door, making sure no one saw them go in and the second the door closed, his pressed his lips against yours. Almost with anger. He was so eager to kiss you...
Neither of you took the time to completely undress the other, you just stayed there, him pressing his body on yours, devouring your mouth.
Without breaking the kiss, he started leading you to the sinks, where he lifted you and sat you. Your skirt almost lifted to your waist and his hands fiercely groping your thighs.
"How DARE you come snog in MY bathroom?!", a whining voice made you both jump, trying to regain your breath.
"Mimi!", Fred breathed out, "Sorry! W-we..."
"Oh... Hi, Frederick...", Moaning Myrtle slowly approached Fred, not even paying attention to you, "You're looking good tonight...", she says.
"You too, Mimi, but we're kind in the middle of something right now...", he says, awkwardly.
"Oh... I see that...", she says, glaring at you in anger.
"Hi, Myrtle..."
"Come on Myrtle, please... I promise to make Harry come visit you tomorrow, but please, please, let us stay here...", he pleaded. You could hear the desperation in his voice and that only turned you on even more.
Moaning Myrtle was taking his proposal in consideration, and quickly ended up agreeing. "Tell him I want to see him in that grey shirt he always wears, he looks so good in it...", she says before completely disappearing in the darkness of the bathroom.
"Wow... So Moaning Myrtle too, huh?", you teased Fred.
"Yeah, yeah, don't start", he quickly cupped your face with one hand and started kissing you again, this time with more passion, more fire. He was kissing you as his life depended on it, his hands always groping your skin; your thighs, your stomach, your waist... He was like an animal, so eager and needy. And you loved every bit of it.
Fred pulled out from your lips and started going down, kissing your jaw... You neck... Licking it and making sure to leave at least two or three visible marks for him to admire the next day. You moaned when he started kissing that sweet spot of you, just behind your ear, as he started slightly pulling your hair. That combination would be the death of you.
"Fuck, Fred...", you moaned in his ear. He raised his head and took a second to finally admire your messed up state, which only made him want to go rough on you.
He leaned in again and started kissing you while unbuttoning your white shirt, not losing a single second. Just as he kept unbuttoning it, he started kissing your chest until it was completely at sight. He groaned to himself when he saw the black lace bra you were wearing that day.
This time, you were the one to not lose time. The second your blouse was unbuttoned, you started attacking his pants, taking of his belt and lowering it a little so you could play with the elastic of his boxers.
"Wait...", he suddenly stopped.
"What? What are you- FUCK!", you loudly moaned as you saw him going down on his knees before you and taking your clit in his mouth. Your hands directly went to his hair, pulling it gently.
You could have come by the simple sight of what was happening, Fred on his knees eating you out, his hair all messy and his arms strongly around your thighs.
"Oh my-... Yes, just like that", you moaned again, making Fred chuckle against you, sending vibrations through you.
He started placing little kisses and kitten licks all over your pussy, licking every inch of it, making it his.
"If you keep... FUCK! Doing this... I'm going to cum... Oh my god, Fred..."
He chuckled again and stopped his movements to look up at you. Fuck, you were looking so pretty, already all fucked up.
He got up, never breaking eye contact with you. He was literally towering you, you sitting on the small sink, your legs around his waist.
He was going to start kissing you again when you stopped him, putting your soft hand on his clothed chest.
"Wait... My turn...", you seductively said, slowly kneeling.
He instantly knew what you were about to do, so he helped you lowered his pants down a little.
"Bloody hell, you're so big...", you whispered.
"Well, wait are you waiting for?", he said, lifting up your chin.
Your mouth instantly started drooling the moment you took him in your mouth. You slowly lowered your head down his shaft, taking all you could of him in your mouth, and then up again.
You started licking his tip and his sides, trying to get it as wet as you could.
"Y/N... Fuck... You're so good at this...", you felt his body lean against the sink you were previously sitting on, and saw his hand grab the edge of it to gain support. "Keep going please, keep going..."
You did as he pleaded. You slowly started to bob your head up and down his dick, both of you making the most sinful sounds. You could feel him throb in your mouth as your lowered your head more and more, and you loved it.
Suddenly, he grabs you by the hair and lifts you up again, helping you sit on the sink again.
"Legs up for me, will you sweetheart?", he says, caressing your inner thighs.
"If you ask so nicely...", and you lifted your legs to wrap them around his waist.
Fred sucked his thumb and lowered it to your clit, drawing figures eight on it, slowly.
"Mmmhhh...", you moaned, throwing your head back.
"Are you ready?", he asks, his thumb still on your clit.
"Yes", you smiled back at him, locking eyes with him and not breaking contact when he entirely slid into you.
"Merlin, you're so tight...", Fred moaned in the crook of your neck.
You grab him by the shoulders and let him start thrusting in and out of you; first at an awful slow pace, making him bite your neck.
"Come on, darling...", you encouraged him. And with that, as if something lightened up inside him, he straightened himself, towering over you again, and roughly putting one of his hands around your neck and the other one around your thigh. That made him gain stability, so he started thrusting deeper and harder tan before.
"YES! Oh my god... Yes...", you put your forehead against his and closed your eyes shut, lost in the feeling.
"Yeah... Like that...", he says, going even faster, hitting that special spot of yours that made you almost scream. "That's it, darling... Show me where I am..."
You clumsily took his hand and tried to find on your lower abdomen the spot that Fred was hitting so you could show him how deep he was buried in you.
"Oohh, yes... There it is...", he says, feeling his tip brushing against his hand. He applied more pressure to your abdomen, making his dick hit that spot again and again.
"FUCKKKKK! YES!", you screamed, eyes almost rolling back in your head.
"Look at me, sweetheart, look at me...", Fred took your face and started to thrust deeper and harder just to watch your reaction, to which he wasn't disappointed. Your swollen lips, messy hair and the spots he had been leaving along your neck and chest were the most beautiful view ever.
He started massaging your breast through your bra as he once again increased his speed.
All you could do was messily breathe and loudly moan as he trusted in and out of you. He was so big. Stretching you so good. And the fact that he was being so rough yet so gentle with you was insane.
Once again he brought his hand to your clit, slowly massaging it and making you moan even louder.
"Ssshhhh... Sweetheart, do I have to remind you how to be quiet?", he says, his hand against your mouth.
You remembered the moment he first pressed his big hand on your mouth, all the thoughts that were crossing your mind and all the fantasies you've created because of that specific moment, and now all of them where becoming reality.
"Do I reckon you like my hand on you like this, right?", he smiled, thrusting deeper.
Your screams were now muffled by his hand, but he could see your eyes starting to water, which only made him increase the pace.
You were a moaning mess, your nails going to his back, his arms and chest, also leaving your little marks.
"Come on, I want you to see yourself when you cum...", he says before slipping out of you and turning you, now facing the mirror.
He put his hand where it belonged: your neck. And started to kiss you again, looking at you through the mirror's reflection.
With no previous notice, he slammed into you from behind, making your face contort in pleasure.
"Oh my god...", you say, trying to grab the edge of the sink.
He pulled your hair again, leaning your head back on his chest.
"Look at you...", he says, "so fucking... pretty..."
He brought his free hand to your clit again, the new angle making it easier for him to massage it in the correct way.
That made you scream again, feeling your legs fail you.
"I've got you, darling... Come on...", he whispered, tightly holding on to you.
He continued his relentless attack on your pussy and clit, making the pleasure almost unbearable for you.
"F-Fred... I-I'm c-cumming... SHIT!"
He smirked at your reflection and didn't stop his thrusting until he felt your inner walls tightly close again his cock. The feeling of you cumming with him inside you made it impossible for him to hold any longer, so as he was helping you riding your orgasm, he chased his own one, both of you moaning loudly in the other's ears and clinging to each other as your lives depended on it.
He stayed inside you a few more seconds, trying to regain his breath and strength.
"I think that deserves a big high five...", you say, lazily raising your hand.
He weakly moaned, trying to high five you, but terribly failed.
He finally got the strength to pull out of you with a hiss, slowly pulling his dick out and letting a pool of both of your fluids form in the sink.
"Thank you", he breathed out, kissing your forehead.
"No! Thank you!"
"I knew this was a good idea!", he says, proud of him.
"The most brilliant idea you've ever had...", you say, helping him putting his belt back on.
"What are you doing?", he asks.
"That, my friend, is a souvenir...", you laughed, patting the panties you just put in his pocket.
"Oh, you're a nasty one... Very, very nasty...", he smirks.
"You have no idea...", you say, kissing his neck again. "Let's go, before the others start asking too many questions"
"We're definitely doing that again, I hope you know that...", he says, entering the Gryffindor common room.
"Isn't that why we've talked about it, you git?" you laughed.
"Hey, where were you two?", Hermione asks, "We've been waiting for you for almost two hours!"
"Oh, we just quickly went to visit Moaning Myrtle...", you say, eyeing how George was looking at the marks on your neck, "Harry by the way, she wants you there tomorrow with your grey shirt. No discussion!"
You hear Harry groan and throw his head in his hands, "Why? Why did you this to me? Why do you hate me so much!?!"
"Come on, she's not that bad...", you say, sitting next to George.
"How does she even know I have that shirt?!", he starts whining, but soon enough, your attention was turned to George, who was playing with the back of your skirt.
"Looking good...", he whispered, "Who would have thought you're such a dirty player?"
"You have no idea...", you smirked.
He looked at you and chuckled, "You'll show me soon enough...", he said, discretely placing his hand on your inner thigh.
You looked up trying to see if anyone was looking at you, but for your luck, they were too busy hearing Harry whine about Myrtle. And then, you crossed Fred's gaze. He winked at you and raised to you his plastic bottle and drank a sip, that making George chuckle again.
For Goddrick's sake... These two were going to drive you completely mad...
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My Love| Echo (part 6 beejesus...)
Notes: this ones short my bad, also this way shock you. I also have a strong urge to make hondo show up perhaps in the Future
Warnings: sad flashbacks, death and disease mentioned, cannablistic mentions (not eating anyone but like the word), cursing,
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 (you're hah here)
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That wasn't possible.
"What a shame." Maul spoke, turning himself around and walking away the Pyke leader following him.
This was wrong.
"If we came for this it better be important." Hunter spoke snatching the drive, "we leave now,"
"Me and Jacob they'll return you to your ship." The teen spoke up, "but be quick we'll need to leave with the transports."
It was a silent stealthy journey back to the ship, Echo being pushed along the way by Wrecker mostly as he was trying to process what was being told to him.
So...Y/n was dead? No that was possible- they couldn't of killed everyone.
He walked onto the ship the twins wishing them luck as they rushed back off into the darkness. He took a seat on his bunk, removing the head gear and mask, his gaze trapped within the grain of the metal.
"Tech get us out of here." Hunter demanded.
Wrecker watched Echo, his brows furrowed and in conflict.
"Hey. Kid." Wrecker spoke nudging Omega softly, "Good job out there."
"I just stuck to the plan." She smiled.
"Wanna do one more mission?" He asked playfully she nodded happily.
"Go find Lula. I think someone needs her." Wrecker spoke as Omega nodded rushing to find the Tooka doll.
Wrecker walked over to Echo, sitting across from the reg, Echo kept his gaze down.
"I don't, I don't understand." Echo responded, "I- I don't..."
"It's okay-" Wrecker tried to speak.
"But it isnt." Echo seethed.
The sudden jolt told them they had jumped to hyperspace. Echo rubbed over his eyes.
"What was Y/n's family doing associated with the Empire..." Echo spoke, "I...I don't..."
Wrecker frowned, Hunter watching the cockpits doorway, his brother lost and confused, let down and heart broken.
Walking into the cockpit the door closed behind him.
"You'll want to see this Hunter." Tech spoke, "Echo was right."
Hunter took a seat, "Y/n's code name is Rosyln then?"
"In a sense yes, yet It is many things." Tech informed, "It's multiple things, a name, a code name, a secret military operation."
" a what." Hunter demanded answers now.
"On this disk it says Project Rosyln was ment to help in implicating...hunger in a sense.."
"Hunger?" Hunter asked, "Hunger for what?"
"Flesh, sentinel flesh," Tech responded, "They had many failis dead on contacts, until. Rosyln."
"The dead brother of Y/n's Echo mention." Hunter spoke as Tech nodded.
"He survived it, partially, resulting in an outdated inner rim disease known as Cancer." Tech responded, "though it is not sepcified what type, he died young."
"So how does Y/n fit into it?"
"Rosyln was Y/n's younger brother by adoption law on corosaunt, and the Zabrack was not lying when he said The L/n family was ontop the imperals kill list, it was ment for them to go into hiding, to essentially metophorically and phsycially slip into the dark." Tech contuined.
"Okay so the kids?"
"Test subjects." He responded, "farm animals, future death troopers fueled by anger and loss, much more. Hunter, They weren't a family, those people they called there parents? Used them."
"Can we save any of them? Y/n? The older kids? The young ones? Anyone?" Hunter questioned.
"This here is a list of kids of Y/n's family," Tech spoke, plugging into the panel infront of him as the hologram formed, "red are dead, there eay of leaving is by there name. Jay here died of rejection of food, he starved to death. Siora drowned herself in the shower room-"
"Thats enough Tech. Who's alive." Hunter demanded.
"Y/n here is still alive, but that is all." Tech responded opening the file, "but has a number of unstablizing test ran on him, it shows here his diet was starting to change from normal foods to sential flesh, but before they could change him fully he escaped."
Hunter was silent, for a moment as Tech closed the file, going through the others, "This also contains other information, such as helpful codes the imperals are now using, current inflation in imperal troopers, comn chatter and resources-"
"Don't let Echo see this." Hunter spoke.
"Hunter, I. I don't think this is a good idea." Tech told him, "You'e seen what he'll go through already to see him again. Hunter that was a sith he went up on, a Pyke leader."
"He doesn't need another thing to have a mental break down on. What happens if we find Y/n? Dead in a ditch-." Hunter argued, "if we can't fix him- we can't even help Crosshair None the less ourselves!"
"Hunter, he deserves to know." Tech defended, "let's be real here Hunter, we've nevee been there for him, we saved him from one hell to put into another, we can't help him because we don't understand him."
Hunter was silent, he knew Tech was right, "You're right." Hunter told him.
Tech pulled the disk from the panel looking back at Hunter, "Hunter I know this is hard. But this is his family. And I wish for a time in my life, I was wrong."
Hunter stayed silent walking out the cockpit, and down the small hallways, Omega trying to cheer Echo up with Lula and Wrecker with a supportive smile.
Echo looked back, "Tech wants to uh...show you something."
Echo got up without a word walking into the cockpit.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Omega questioned looking up at Hunter.
"Sure he will!" Wrecker tried to stay postive looking back at Hunter who kept his gaze down.
"Not this time Omega." Hunter told her, as she leaned in for a hug, he patting her head as she hug his stomach.
Tech walked out the cockpit, the doors closing behind him, "Echo wishes to take first watch while we rest," Tech informed.
"Where do we go next from here?" Omega spoke looking up at Hunter.
"We'll keep working jobs for Cid, seeing what we can do." Hunter responded, "Tech when Echo is done with that disk, see if anything on there has Crosshair on it."
"I have alredy copied the disk, I will look through it more on my watch after Echo's." Tech responded.
Hunter nodded
"hey kid." Wrecker spoke up, "lets go play a game together."
Omega nodded as Wrecker picked up Omega the two walking away to her room, Hunter mentally thanking Wrecker.
"How'd he react." Hunter responded.
"He hasn't." Tech responded, "I left it plugged in. He has the option. I just don't know if he's used it."
It was true, Echo had the option, the wanting, but he sat in his chair, staring at the disk sitting in the panel.
This was it.
This was the ticket, he could know, move on, grt some type of closure either Y/n was dead or alive. Even if Y/n was dead or alive he let Y/n's biggest secret slip.
'Just...I don't like people to pity his name.' Y/n told Echo, the two standing in all black together and umbrella over head as they walked the cemetery, 'he fought hard, that's all that matters, and there's no reason you should pity someone for when you loose,'
Echo nodded at him, 'I won't tell anybody, I understand to a degree, but if you need to talk, I want to listen,'
Y/n nodded, 'Thanks again for comin along Echo, not the best way to meet my baby brother,''
'I was glad to meet him, either way,'
Echo rubbed the back of his neck, finger's scratching at his nape. Standing up and walking over his hand hovered over the disk, should he pull it out? Should he press that small white button to let every fear he's had consume him?
He pulled the disk out, this was the right choice. Whatever he needed to know. He'd learn from y/n when he'd see him. Rubbing over the disk he slid it in his belts pouch and sat in the piolts seat looking out into the blue swirls. He was doing it again.
Sitting in silence, watching nothing new pass him by. Y/n was alive, if the others believed it or not was there choice, it was there opinion, he knew what he was saying was a fact, and he didn't need no disk to tell him so.
But the question still remained, Why was Y/n involved in crime syndicates and with Sith?"
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The male turned himself around shoulder hair length, strings of white in his hair; stress induced.
"It's done." Lom Pyke spoke, "The kids are out, where is the spice."
"It's on the ship don't you worry." He spoke.
"You've returned the favor after I've said you returned the favor."
"Then we've returned the favor." Lom Pyke argued.
"I did everything you asked!" Lom Pyke argued, "I've stuck my neck out for you more than you can imagine you cannablistic bitch!-"
The pyke leader was cut off, lifted into the air as he gripped at his neck, and brought forward quickly, choking on the lack of air.
"Do you know who I am?" The man questioned quietly.
"L-let-" the pyke tried to speak stratching at his neck for breath, "let me g-go!"
"Oh...you don't?" The man questioned, "I was afraid once...not to long ago, afraid as you are now..."
The sound of choking made him pause adding slight pressure, "p-please!"
"I am no longer afraid...I am..." the man thought, any more and the pyke leader would die, "Well, funny thing is, I don't even know who I am anymore...but I do know, that, you, owe me much more than you think."
The man was dropped to the floor, attempting to catch air, "Perhaps, you wish, once to see who I was, to see how I became this thing you call a cannablistic bitch!"
"Please! No-" He defended, raising his head to look up in plead, "Not again! Not that place!"
A hand was placed on his head, as the Sith lord walked in. Within a matter of seconds the Pyke fell limp, the man pushing him over as he fell and rolled down the small stells of the elevated ledge.
"You're here for a reason Maul?"
"I am indeed, that clone, you told to meet us on Zut, there were clones."
"Entertain me Maul." He spoke, walking down the small steps, the hells of his boots clicking as he made it down the steps.
"Seems you're little buddy Captain dipshit isnt the only clone that's defected. That little Ray shit of your's hacked the imperal files." Maul spoke, his tone as usual, dark, broody, annoying to the mans ears, "Clone force 99, may just be on our side."
The man snatched the datapad from him, "and they have a child with them. How wonderful."
"Status' as of current."
"Like I said that dipshit of yours sursingly has his corners covered. Ray's tracking them as we speak." Maul told.
The man looked through the photo's there he was in all his glory, sure angry but just as remembered.
"Lets hope an ex sith lord, a fucked up group of clones, a cannablistic bitch kill, and some kids can help kill your old ass wrinkly master." The man spoke Maul snatching the data pad back and making his leave.
"Oh. And one know's who you are." Maul responded standing in the door way, "Before I gave them anything, one knew Rosyln is Y/n,"
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emma-what-son · 2 years
I wrote down my thought and observations while watching the Harry Potter reunion special. I hid it in order not to spoil anything for those who haven't watched it yet.
-The first person we see is, of course, Emma... in a bookstore. Really?
-Emma's the first one shown at the trainstation and the first one to enter the hall. Not Daniel! Nope. It's not as if Harry was the main character or anything. I'm guessing Rupert couldn't film any of this since he was in Toronto at the time.
-Aaand here is the now infamous Dramione moment. This opening would've been a lot more magical if I hadn't watched the behind-the-scenes video.
-Where's Daniel???
-Okay he's getting his own intro. Could've been a bit more special than him creeping around Diagon Alley in the dark, but I'll take it. Top marks for adding that bookquote. It never fails to make me emotional whenever I read or hear it.
-Did HBOMax seriously make the mistake of using Emma Robert's toddler pic thinking it's Emma? Bad look HBO.
-Asshdhdjdjjsjs of course Tom mentions Emma when talking about auditioning for the part.
-Yep, they added footage from a Rowling interview from 2019 where she talks about not being able to find the perfect Harry.
-10 minutes in and we've had a walk through memory lane and getting our first clip of the 3 sitting together in the common room.
-Tom, Alfie and Matt get their own little sit down in Gringott's bank. It's fun to get their perspectives also from working on HP since we've already heard about the main trio's experience. It's pretty short though.
-20 minutes in and it feels more like a documentary than a reunion. There's some talking, but there are more behind-the-scenes clips with info that I, for the most part, already know.
-Aaww sweet moment of Dan getting a bit choked up because of Columbus' comment of him being a good actor in reference to the "I'm not going home, not really" scene.
-Yeessss. Give me some Weasley content!
-So cute to see Mark Williams sitting at the table with Bonnie and James and Oliver Phelps. I miss Julie Walters.
-I'm glad Toby Jones was asked to join. I bet that a lot of people don't know that he voiced Dobby.
-Jason Isaacs being his funny and charming self.
- I never knew Richard Harris thought that the phoenix was real hahaha
-Was Gary Oldman just petting Pettigrew in that behind the scenes clip lmao
-Alfonso Cuaron looks gooooood!
-Great moment between Gary and Daniel talking about Alan Rickman.
- I never knew Mike Newill cracked a rib while showing the twins how to wrestle in gof hahaha
-Emma talking about Dan during gof: "we had that older brother, younger sister thing." REeaLly? Mind looking into the camera while saying that? It's like she's avoiding eye contact lol
-I love the Rupert, James and Oliver friendship!
"Emma and I have always loved each other, really." You're not even trying to be subtle anymore Tom.
-Oh god Dramione make it stop
-So the I love him quote was literally taken from the reunion. Looks like Dailymail wasn't sucking anything out of their thumbs.
-Emma stresses at the end that nothing romantic ever, ever, ever, ever happened between them. They just love each other, she says with a sneaky smile and finishing with "that's all I can say about that". She could've just stopped talking with the first sentence tbh. Now she just looks like she's lying.
-Ralph Fiennes!!!
-The Dan and Helena segment is the most fun by far! I don't care if anything, like the letter, was planned. They make it all so natural and sweet!
-So they bring up the fact that Emma didn't want to continue filming. There were a few reasons given. That she was lonely, that the fame thing finally hit home, but no mention about her education.
-Okay, that was short.
-They're acknowledging the actors that have passed. Starting with Richard Harris. Very touching. Tom genuinely getting emotional about Helen McCrory. And they, of course, talk about Alan as well. They also acknowledge some lesser known actors.
-Oh god, not Emma mentioning that hamster again. Dan doesn't remember most of that.
-Emma brings up the dance scene from DH. I'm tuning that out.
-Jason calls Draco a hero. I mean... sure?
-Yes Romione!!! They're talking about the kiss lol
-Some cute clips of tiny Emma, Dan and Rupert. Probably from the first day.
-Sweet moment between Rupert and Emma. You can tell it's genuine. Rupert usually isn't this open with his emotions.
-Nearing the end and getting a bit emotional.
Some things that I noticed:
-No scenes with Daniel and Emma or Daniel and Rupert.
-Very little Ian Hart.
-Most of it was old footage that we've all seen before.
-After watching it: I don't think enough time has passed to warrant a reunion. It would've felt more special after a few more years.
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.6k words
❃ AUTHOR'S NOTES just to remind those who have come this far of this series that this is the last chapter of the series! if you still wanna be tagged on the last chapter, feel free to comment on this post to see the ending of this series. now sit back, or lay down, and enjoy this second to the last chapter of never not !
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"I don't have to be so afraid of goodbye, because goodbye doesn't have to be forever." - Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
FOR THE PAST WEEKS BEFORE TOM WAS LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA, he and Y/N spent it together as what they have promised to each other.  They would also invite Harrison and Erika with them from time to time.
Tom also spent it with his family since he would be away from them too, not just from Y/N.
Tom and Y/N could not stop exchanging with each other a bunch of 'i love you' and holding on to each other. They would have lunch together while in school and dinner at Y/N's home since her dad would cook for them.
There was a day wherein Aiden and Tom spoke to each other and apologized because of the fight they had before. It was also the time that Tom told Aiden that he was leaving for his acting career.
Few days before he was leaving, he had his last day in school. He already talked with his teachers and the principal regarding his acting career and cannot go to school anymore.
At the same time, he also spent it with some of his friends together with Harrison. Y/N gave him time to spend it with them.
And an unexpected moment happened during that day.
"Hey, Tom and Y/N." A very familiar voice called out for them and the couple looked back at that person.
"Camille?" Tom asked and she just gave them a small smile.
"Mind if we talk for a bit?" She asked and both Y/N and Tom looked at each other in confusion.
They arrived outside the school building to talk since Camille asked. They sat down in the bleachers where the view was the lacrosse team playing. Tom will surely miss playing lacrosse with his teammates.
"Look." Camille started and looked at the couple. "I just want to say that I'm sorry for everything. Most especially to you, Y/N." Camille's eyes focused on Y/N who just looked at her back.
"I'm so stupid enough to call you my enemy just because of some boy that I liked." She pointed at Tom. "All these years, we could've stayed best friends until now you know? But because of my jealousy, I ruined it." Camille continued and already felt tears forming in her eyes. Y/N felt her chest tighten and went near Camille. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I mean it now."
Y/N gave an arm around Camille's shoulder and pulled her closer for a hug. Camille was now crying more when Y/N pulled her for a hug. Y/N felt that everything was better now that Camille apologized for her mistakes. "I forgive you now, Camille." She whispered, loud enough for Camille to hear. Y/N looked at Tom who was smiling at what was happening.
"Really?" Camille asked as she pulled away to look at Y/N. Y/N just gave her a reassuring smile as an answer. Camille hugged her once again by surprise which made Y/N giggle and hugged back.
"Thank you, Y/N. I swear, I'll be better for you this time." Camille said while hugging Y/N.
"I take your word on that, Millie," Y/N said and Camille's eyes widen as soon as she heard that nickname that Y/N just called her.
"You called me Millie again," Camille said and smiled. Millie was the nickname that Y/N made for Camille. She would always call her by that name since they were best friends.
"Millie?" Tom asked Y/N.
"It was the nickname I used to call her," Y/N answered and Tom nodded in agreement.
"So Tom," Camille called him. "I heard that you got that role for the new Spider-man."
Tom scratched the back of his neck before answering. "Well yeah, I did. I'm glad I was the one who got it." He answered.
"Does this mean that you'll be leaving?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm leaving next Monday already." Tom answered.
"Would you be okay with that, Y/N?" Camille asked Y/N who just smiled and looked at Tom.
"It's his dream after all. I support him for that." Y/N answered.
Camille looked at Tom and Y/N and just smiled. "You really are a perfect match, you know?"
[ last week of january 2016 . . . ]
Y/N, together with Tom's whole family, Harrison, and Erika, came to the airport to see Tom leave for California.
"Facetime us from time to time, dear." His mother said while giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I will mom, don't worry," Tom said while hugging her.
"Here is a book of mine to keep you up when you feel stressed out." His father said and gave him a book that he wrote. Tom got it and hugged his father.
"Man, I'll miss golfing with you." Harry, his brother, said when he gave his older brother a hug. "And beating you In golf too." He added which made Tom punch his chest lightly.
"You sure you're not coming with me to pursue your photography career?" Tom asked him and Harry shook his head.
"I have to finish school first," Harry said. "I'm still sixteen, bro." He added.
Tom also gave a hug to Harry's twin brother, Sam, and also had a quick chat with him. Seeing this made Y/N feel so happy that she got a boyfriend who was so loving towards his family.
"He'll be a great actor, you know." Y/N heard Harrison's voice talking to her. "I would show you his performance in Billy Elliot soon." He added.
"You should," Y/N answered Harrison who gave her a smile before Tom approached them.
"Man, I'll miss you," Harrison said. "I'll catch up with you there soon though." They gave each other a hug and patted each other's back.
"I know, mate," Tom answered back to Harrison. "Take care of Y/N for me, okay?" He told his best mate and Harrison nodded. Tom also turned to Erika who was there and gave her a hug too.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of her too," Erika said and pulled Tom closer for her to whisper in his ear, "Don't let the ladies swoon over for you when you get there. Got that?" Erika said and pulled Tom back. "Don't worry, I got my eyes only for Y/N." He said to Erika and she just smiled and gave him a high five.
Lastly, Tom turned his attention to Y/N. Save the best for last, he said to himself.
His family and their friends walked back a little to give them some time alone. As soon as Tom had his eyes on her, she couldn't help but cry a little but she also gave a smile. Tom walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Fuck." Tom cursed under his breath. "It's hard to leave because of you, you know? Should I just cancel?" He joked that made Y/N punch him lightly. "I'm kidding, love."
Y/N raised her head up to look at him properly. Tom cupped her cheeks with his hands and leaned his forehead to hers. "Wait for me, okay?" He whispered. He pressed his lips to hers for a while and eventually pulled away.
"I will, Tom. Even if you take years, I'll wait for you." Y/N answered and sobbed. She looked away for a while.
"Look at me, love," Tom said and that made Y/N look up to him again. "I will never not think about you." He said and kissed her forehead that made her smile and held on to his arm.
"And I'll never stop loving you, Tom," Y/N said. "I'll miss you so much,"
"I'll miss you the most," Tom said. He hugged her once again with his head on top of hers for a while before pulling away and gathered all his luggage.  He waved to his family and friend before walking away.
All Y/N could do was watch him leave until she noticed that her hair was tied with the scrunchie that her mother gave to her. Her eyes suddenly widen and had an idea on her mind.
"Tom! Wait!" She called after him and ran towards him before he could go through the gates.
As soon as Tom heard her voice, he stopped walking and looked back to see Y/N running towards him. She suddenly jumped onto him and he caught her and spun her around.
He put her down before saying anything to her, "What's wrong?" He asked her, concerned.
Y/N then untied her hair and handed him the scrunchie. "I just wanted to give this to you. Something that you can keep while you're away. Something that will make you think of me." She said.
"But, isn't this the only thing that you could remember your mom?" He asked her.
"She will always be in my memory, Tom." She answered with a smile and Tom smiled back at her. He held out his hand and Y/N placed the scrunchie around his wrist. They hugged once again and pulled away then Y/N pressed her lips to him. After a few seconds, she finally pulled away and leaned her forehead to his.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N," Tom whispered.
"I love you, Thomas, always."
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires @robertpattinson-th @jackiehollanderr @butterflies-glitter
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i need you. [part 2]
Note: I can’t say “THANK YOU” enough to @mbabystein​ for beta-ing this! I sent it when I was *thought* I was done, and she said, “hang on a sec.” After discussing, I added 1,000+ words to it, and it is SO much better than what I initially wrote! I can’t WAIT to hear what y’all think of this one! ;)
Also! I got this request a few days ago and it fit SO perfect that i HAD to use it for part2!
Request: Hey can I request "I just want you to hold me." with jarah b??!💗
Word Count: 2.8K
(Part 1)
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It's an hour later when their tears stop, and a numb, tingling sensation creeps into their bones. They don't speak for the longest time, each unable to escape the funnel of thoughts ringing too loud in their heads. Sarah is the first to break the silence. Sitting up straighter from where she was slouched against John B's chest. She doesn't look at him as she speaks.
"How mad are you." It's not phrased like a question even though it is.
She feels him swallow and clear his throat. "I'm not mad, Sarah."
Her eyes almost roll, and she's thankful that they're not looking at each other. "What are you then?" Silence. "I know you're feeling something."
His head makes a soft thud as he rests it against the wall he's leaning against. She'd bet a good amount of money that his eyes are closed as well.
"So many things."
She tries to ignore the thumping of her heart, tries to even out the quickening of her breaths. "Please tell me." She whispers. "I need to know what you're thinking."
There's more silence as he forms his thoughts. "I'm scared." He confesses.
She wraps her arms around him, hoping she can make him feel some of the comfort he'd been providing her. "Me too."
"How are you feeling?" His hands run up and down her arms, his unconscious way of comforting her.
"I'm terrified." A kiss is pressed to her hair, and the tenderness of it catches her off guard. The tears come before she even realizes, and she sits up straight, wiping at her eyes. "And I want to stop crying!"
John B smooths her hair back a couple times. "It's okay, you can cry."
"I don't want to cry. I want to talk."
He pulls his knee up to rest his arm it so he can still play with Sarah's hair or rub her back. "So let's talk."
She's quiet for a long time, staring straight ahead. John B stays silent, allowing her the time to think and gather her thoughts but he's still the first to break the silence. "You know if you want to talk about things, you have to actually say the words you're thinking?" He smiles and plays with a piece of hair before tucking it behind her ear. "Don't shut me out, Val. Please. Let me into that pretty head of yours. Let me help you carry some of this." Sarah turns to look at the man sitting on the floor with her, the only thing he wants is to help her. "You can start from anywhere, and we'll work our way through it."
Nodding, she takes a breath and allows him into the hurricane of her thoughts "Okay, well obviously I'm going to get fat--bye-bye bikinis..." She rolls her eyes and John B has to focus on not letting a smile break out on his face; because of course that would be the first thing out of Sarah Cameron's mouth. "...and I'm going to get sick all the time, which is obviously no fun." John B echoes something that sounds like "definitely no fun" and the commentary makes her smile. "Then there's telling everyone, and--fuck--what is everyone going to think." She runs a hand through her hair. "Who even is everyone? I don't exactly have the best parental figures in the world. My dad and my brother are in prison. How am I going to be able to even look at Wheezie." John B nods. "We obviously have to tell JJ, Pope, and Kie, and they're just gonna give us even more shit for being irresponsible."
"I think they may surprise you."
"Really?" She deadpans. "You really think they're going to be excited about this and not give us any shit?"
He sits up straighter. "I don't know about any shit, especially knowing JJ, but he'll just give it to me. I think they'll be nicer than you think."
"They're gonna be weird about it I know it." John B doesn't comment, and she shakes her head to herself. "Can you get me a drink?"
"Of course." He knew better than to push. Especially given the current high-stress environment, he decides changing the topic might be a better route. "When did you find out?" He stands up to stretch before walking over to the mini fridge in the corner to grab a couple waters that he knew would be stashed inside.
She pulls her knees to her chest, and rests her chin on top. Her arms come to hold each other in the pyramid of space her legs make. "This morning."
"Before you called me?" He clarifies, walking back over and handing her a water before moving to sit on her bed.
She nods in agreement as she takes a sip of water, standing up and stretching before moving to sit next to him.
They sit side by side, against the wall that the dorm-standard twin bed was pushed up against, legs extended out, Sarah's head on his shoulder, while John B's arm rest across her thigh. Sarah rubbed his arm, giving him time to process.
"We should probably get you to a doctor," is the first thing to come out.
Her body tightens when she realizes what he might be insinuating. She tries to seem nonchalant, aloof, as she gauges him warily. "Why?"
"I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
"I guess..." The impulse to narrow her eyes at him is intense.
"Well, I'm assuming there's some medicine, or something that you have to take, right?" His eyebrows furrow together, and he looks at where his hand rubs circles into her thigh. "Or something to help you with getting sick all the time?"
Sarah looks up at him as he continues, but she's more comforted knowing that his only concern is her.
"There's tests you have to get too, right? Like--I don't know blood tests or something? I don't really know a lot about this." He looks down at the water bottle he's playing with in his right hand.
"Neither do I." She admits. Sarah Cameron knew how babies were made, obviously, and even had thought about having them with John B one day. One day that was years down the road, not when they were only 19. She didn't even know if John B even wanted kids. Sure, they had talked about it in passing but never with any serious intent. He and JJ were the free spirit, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, don't-make-plans-more-than-a-year-in-advance kind of people. She wasn't expecting him to be excited by the news by any means. Hell, she's not even thrilled with the idea right now. But he's still here, with her. She knows he loves her. Has to keep reminding herself so the fears of "he's going to be so pissed" and "he's going to leave you" stay far away. Having him here helps reinforce it.
His breath hitches, and breaks her train of thought. "I mean, they have to make sure you're okay, right?" His words are coming a bit quicker now. "That you're okay. That you and- and..."
She meets his eyes, and sees nothing but fear and concern there. Her hand rubs against his on her leg. "You can say it, John B, it's okay."
His eyes close, and he clears his throat. "That you... and the baby... are okay." He whispers. His breath jerks again just before she sees the first tear slide down his cheek.
"John B." She has to wonder if this is how he felt this morning, when he was still unaware of the situation. Only knowing that she was hurting. She straddles his legs, gently pulling his shoulders from the wall and into her embrace. "It's okay. We're going to be okay."
"I know." It comes out sharper than he probably intends, but he's quick to cover it up. "Sorry." He pulls back, running a hand over his face. "Anyway, what else did you want to talk about."
"I want to talk about you."
He gives a humorless laugh. "We're not talking about me, Sarah."
"You're a part of this situation, too." She gives him a look that dares him to defy her. "So, yes, we're talking about you."
"I'm not the one going through this."
He's deflecting and she knows it. "Maybe not, but you're involved just as much as I am. This is half of you, too."
"Dammit, Sarah!" His outburst startles both of them. She sits back on her heels, legs still on either side of him. "I'm trying to help you! Trying to--be strong for you because I know how scared you are. I don't care about how I feel--I don't want to talk about me because I'm the one that put you in this situation in the first place! So just--just let me take care of you! Please!"
As painful as it is to watch him break, she knows that this is what he needs. Sarah immediately pulls him into her, again. This time his hands wrap around her back, squeezing lighter than usual. She holds his head to her and plays with the hair at the nape of his neck, taking on the supportive role, and allowing him to be the one to break down for once. "I'm so sorry."
She pulls back enough to place a kiss to the side of his head. "It's not your fault. Vlad, we're going to be okay, I promise. It'll be okay." She's not sure if she's trying to convince herself or him, and she doesn't know who needs to hear it more.
It's as if the tears shed stimulate the need to make the fear known because he's pulling away to put his hand on either side of her face. "Sarah," there are still tears falling, and Sarah thinks there's no way she deserves the man sitting in front of her. "You're already getting sick. You're probably only going to get worse! And you're here, and I'm in the OBX, and I don't know the first thing about any of this! I don't know how to take care of a baby! I know they're expensive, so how the hell am I going to be able to support one when I've never even held one! And now there's one inside of you, and..." the thought seems to remind him of something else, because all of a sudden he's frantic. "And you're going to have to go through labor to get it out--oh god. Oh god--"
"John B." He's going to have a panic attack if she doesn't interrupt his spiraling thought process. "John B, look at me." His hands have moved to his head. She's pulling at them, hoping that looking at her while she speaks will ground him.
"You didn't ask for this, Sarah!" He pulls his hands away, and the anguish in his eyes brings tears to her own.
"You didn't either!" The short laugh that leaves her throat is unexpected even to her. "Babe, I love you, but you are completely freaking out. You make it sound like I just told you I only have 6 months to live."
He doesn't respond, and she feels a tug in her chest.
"What do you need, JB." Her voice is soft as she brushes a thumb under his eye. "What can I do to help you?"
There's a ragged breath, another couple moments of no one speaking. "Can you... I just want you to hold me. Please." Sarah's arms are locked around him in an instant, and the confession brings both of them to tears. Just like earlier, they allow themselves to feel the push and pull of the emotions that come in waves.
"This isn't a death sentence." She breaks the silence thinking maybe he needs the clarification. He said he doesn't know anything, but she hopes he at least knows this much. "I'm pregnant. Not dying." She kisses his shoulder to reiterate. "Yeah, you live in the OBX, but I can take a break from classes--"
"I don't want you to have to do that." He interrupts.
"It wouldn't be forever." She concedes. "And if I didn't want to do that, I could always switch to online. Point is: there's ways around that." She runs her hands through his hair, giving him another grounding technique. "Babies are expensive, yeah, but we've got some of the gold money to hold us over, and that's more than enough to support us and a baby." There's a pause, and he nods, rubbing a hand across his face to wipe his cheeks. The tears have subsided for the most part now, and Sarah's hoping that her words are getting through to him. "And yes, I will have to go through labor. But that's way down the road, and we will be able to talk through all of this so we will know what to expect, and make plans so we're prepared."
His eyes slide closed, and he mentally prepares to be his most vulnerable. "Sarah, I can't lose you."
"And you won't." A kiss to his forehead brings a smile to his lips. "You're not."
His arms wrap around her torso again, holding her like his only lifeline. "I'm just--I guess I'm scared that you're going to be upset with how this is going to change everything... you'll blame me... resent me..."
Sarah presses her forehead to his. Looking in his eyes so he knows she's serious. "That's how I felt this morning. I thought you wouldn't want it... wouldn't want me. I mean it's not like this is something we planned on." He starts to explain himself, most likely in disbelief that she would think that of him, but she cuts him off. "But now you're here. Holding me... and we're talking... and now that I know you're not angry and resentful... I don't know. There's a part of me that might be a little excited." His face softens then, her confession easing the tension that had taken a permanent hold on his body. "Do you think that maybe... maybe at some point down the line you might be excited, too?"
He kisses her then, hard and long, like there's a time limit. "I can be excited." He breathes. "I just can't handle the thought of you suffering, or hurting."
She kisses him this time. "I'm pregnant." She repeats. "I'm not dying. There's going to be some hard things, sure, but there's going to be some really beautiful things, too." He smiles then, and she thinks they might be okay.
"Do you think..." He starts, but then thinks better of it.
"Do I think what?"
He shakes his head and looks a bit embarrassed. "No, it's dumb."
She smiles at the change in their conversation, wondering how they both aren't suffering from emotional whiplash. "No it's not. Please ask me. What do you want to know?"
John B plays with his signature bandana and takes a minute to gather his courage, though it comes at the price of making sure there is no chance of eye contact when he asks. "Do you think... that maybe... I might be able to see the test?"
Whatever it was that she thought her boyfriend was going to ask, it sure as hell wasn't that. She just stares at him while her brain takes a minute to process the request. "You..." When she realizes what he's asking, she immediately jumps up to retrieve the piece of plastic from her desk drawer. "yeah. yeah, of course." She scrambles back on the bed, and sits on the edge of where he now had his legs folded underneath him. She hands over the test, and watches warily.
His hands are on both sides of it as he studies the two lines that shifted their whole lives. "Wow." He breathes, glancing up to see her smiling back at him. "Wow."
"Yeah." She agrees. "It's kind of crazy, huh."
"Crazy..." It's as if he can't stop looking at it. "So there really is a baby inside of you."
She nods, though he can't see it because he's still staring at the test in his hands. "There is. A baby that is half of you and half of me." He looks embarrassed again, and she can't help but wonder what's going through his head. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"Can I..." He doesn't elaborate and doesn't look at her.
Here eyebrows furrow. "Can you what, John B?"
He doesn't answer, but moves to sit beside her, even though they're facing each other. His hand reaches out hesitantly, and her throat tightens with emotions that she refuses to let show. "Can I?"
She closes her eyes to stop the tears from falling, and nods silently. She can sense his presence close to her, and the feather-light pressure of his hand on the stomach forces a whimper to escape her throat. She feels his other hand brush the side of her face, and leans into the touch.
"I love you, Sarah Cameron." is the whisper that leaves his mouth before he presses it to hers.
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lexsssu · 3 years
Shall We Date: Worship Me AU - Uriel (Avatar of Chastity)
What if the MC gets transported to the Celestial Realm instead? What if the angels were the love interests?
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Uriel — “The Flame of God/God is my Light”
Has a penchant for perfection
Give him a task and you bet your ass he’ll come back finished with results so phenomenal you’re sure that if you did it, there’s no way it would turn out this great
Reserved, but not exactly anti-social
It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk about himself whenever people ask about him, but it’s just that he thinks there are a million other things that are worth more to converse about than his exploits or the things he enjoyed
Chastity doesn’t just mean staying pure by abstaining from sexual relations and the lack of temptations one experiences, but being placed in the face of temptation and yet staying true to one’s morals. This is why Uriel doesn’t condemn anyone who decides to engage in such acts, whether within the sanctity of marriage or not, whether it is done because all parties hold sincere feelings for one another or not.
Gone is the ancient time and the rules that once applied then cannot be the same for current times. This is why Uriel has made it his mission to continuously study about humans, to stay up to date with the way they thought and felt so as he can better serve as a guiding beacon to them
When he’s not busy with his regular duties, you would normally find Uriel at the Celestial realm’s library with stacks of reference books on his table. Time is nothing to them, which is why for him it felt as if humans changed too quickly in so little time
An ideology that may have taken decades or centuries to form is but a blink of an eye to them which is why Mr. Perfectionist can’t help but immediately want to be informed in the hopes that it will help him improve himself
If he doesn’t keep adding and updating to his knowledge then how can he even hope to be one of the guiding virtues of humanity with outdated ideals?
Ideals can and will change over time, but his morals are the one thing that Uriel will never change.
His mind and body may be corrupted over time, because eternity is such a long time indeed, but the morals that made him who he is, what HE is will always stay the same
Tbh you can’t tempt this guy with anything
If you do manage to “tempt” him, know that you didn’t actually succeed but he just liked/pitied you enough to go with whatever fuckery you wanted him to commit
That's why he normally agrees with whatever bullshit his twin brother, Gabriel, tries to wrangle him into
Uriel ain't doing it because Gabriel tempted him, but because he loved his twin so much that he's willing to indulge him whenever he wanted to fuck shit up
Gabriel is the one who starts messes and Uriel is the one who just lets him be, because he's a supportive big brother
...Much to most of the other virtues' ever increasing stress
Is an advocate of "actions speak louder than words"
He's a serial head-patter
Will boop your nose when he notices you're a bit too lost in your thoughts
Azrael is normally the victim of his headpats and nose-boops
Since he makes it his job to know all that IS known, he finds some modicum of interest in that of the UNknown
Things like extraterrestrial beings for example. Basically, anything that didn't belong to any of the 3 worlds was within his scope of interest
If you check his YouTube history you'll see it's filled with UFO sightings, conspiracy theories, UMAs, etc.
Probably joined that raid in Area 51 while undercover—
Asks Gabriel to bring him souvenirs and pictures whenever his job takes him to a location near hotspots for UMAs, UFOs, and other strange otherworldly phenomena
Reminds Azrael every now and then to inform him if he ever ferries a soul that had come across any UMA and ask them about their encounter
As the virtue of chastity, it's up to him to teach the little cherubims about the birds and the bees as part of their training to become full-fledged angels
More often than not, his terminology and clinical way of explaining has traumatized most of the little ones…
...much to Raphael's increasing stress
"And then the man will place his pe*** inside the woman's va**** where he would start thrusting continu—"
What's worse is that he even has diagrams for it
So many little cherubims lost their innocence to Uriel-sensei…
He doesn't purposely try to annoy Raphael unlike Gabriel, it's just that his actions and way of going about things aren't the way most people would fo it and what's worse is that he unintentionally traumatizes people
And it's usually up to Raphael to do damage control on all the virtues' behalf
Raphael almost killed him that day he had to give that talk to Luke and his batch
"...What's wrong about telling them what happens between a man and a woman? It's biology and something that's done frequently by humans"
He doesn't see the point of beating around the bush when their purpose was to teach the new recruits about humanity and everything about them, including how they reproduce
Favorite food is pancakes…
...because they look like flying saucers
Uriel enjoys stargazing at night, not just to look at the heavenly bodies but to spot any UFOs if he's lucky enough
He isn't particularly bad at cooking, but he's not great either
Pancakes are what he's most confident in cooking and he makes the best darn ones in all of the celestial realm
If he's the only one left at home and you're sick, don't expect chicken soup and be ready instead for a stack of warm and fluffy pancakes topped with some butter and generous helping of syrup, whipped cream, berries, and etc.
When the day finally comes that he falls in love with someone...the 3 worlds will know true fear—
But legit though, all those millennia of being a single pringle and practicing so much restraint flies out the window when this man finds himself utterly and deeply in love with you
JP VA: Daisuke Ono
ENG VA: Matthew Mercer
He's read so much about the different forms of love and has felt them all except for romantic love so he's a bit rattled at first
Probably coops himself up in his room for a day or two to get his bearings
When he does finally step foot out of his room, there isn't any obvious changes at first but you can't help but feel that there's something different about Uriel
Uriel is now a man on a mission
As perfectly as he executed his tasks for millennia, as fierce as he wielded his flaming sword during the Great War against the rebels, and as ruthless as he was when he faced the truly wicked…
…Uriel will have you
Of course, regardless of how much he wanted you to become his that didn't mean he suddenly turned into some sort of barbaric brute that kidnapped women for sport
He will study you so thoroughly that at times it almost feels like he knows you more than you know yourself
The little mannerisms you make during your everyday life that escape your notice? It's a given that Uriel has seen and already safely filed them away in his mind for future reference
"...She likes pointing with her lips?...Cute…" What he wouldn't give to catch you doing that while he was with you so he could partake of your lips as well—
Once he’s interested in you, only God knows at this point what has to be done for him to even lose a small bit of it
You have essentially become a key figure in Uriel’s world
Uriel always has you at the back of his mind to the point that it could even be called obsessive
However, he’s still the virtue of chastity so you don’t have to worry about him ever forcing himself upon you or anything of that sort
He’s super clingy and sorta weird, but he loves you and the last thing he wanted is for you to become sad because of him or anything else
Though he honestly can’t deny that seeing the myriad of expressions on your face, from happiness to sadness, to surprise, excitement, anger, and etc. was one of his favorite hobbies ever since falling for you
Despite his earnest wish to make you his, Uriel surprisingly takes a long time to even confess
He’s a perfectionist so it’s a given that he’ll take everything into account, including how he’ll make you fall for him first before he even thinks about confessing
Bothers Raphael for some “research material” on how to woo you a.k.a. borrow some romance manga despite Raph’s initial protests
For the sake of his own sanity, Raph begrudgingly lends Uri his stash of romance manga
It’s both hilarious and somewhat disturbing to see how taken he is with something other than work and UMAs
Amused: Michael, Cainabel, Gabriel, Simeon
Scared/Disturbed: Raphael, Luke
Neutral/Confused: Seraphiel, Azrael
Secretly plays the alto saxophone, but doesn’t deem his skill worthy enough for you to hear so he practices when he’s absolutely sure that no one is there to hear him when his skills aren’t yet up to his standards
Lowkey jealous when you hangout with the demon brothers and tries to find ways to distract you from hanging out with them
“ I seem to have seen a creature most extraordinary earlier. I believe it was one of the UMAs detailed in the tome for mysterious dwellers of the nether. Mayhaps you’d like to accompany me on a hunt? ”
His face is as straight-laced as it always is, but if you knew him long enough and looked closer, you’d notice that his ears seemed to have the slightest twinge of redness to them.
Honestly speaking, he tries to be a smooth and cool boi when it comes to you, but this dork seems to lose all his tact when faced with the radiance of your eyes and the intensity of your smile
With how long it takes him to make everything perfect before he woo’s you, time and space itself will cease to exist before he finally deems himself ready
So you have to do the wooing yourself and show him that you love all of him, imperfections and quirkiness included
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Games (soulmate au)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word count: 2,382
Warnings: Making out?
Request: hi! It’s me again, could I request a Fred Weasley soulmate au? The type where their soulmates first word’s to them is tattooed on their body? Please make it fluffy and cute, thank you! :)
A/n: I am so sorry this was late. I had a grad party I forgot about! Also I'm probably going to have the other request out on Wednesday I'm so sorry but I have another grad party 2mmaro and I wont have time to write. Hope you guys like it!
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The words in Fred's ankle had always been, well controversial at his household. His mother sure didn't like them. George thought they were hilarious. Ginny thought they were almost sad, sad that was how him and his soulmate would meet. Ron agreed with George, Percy thought they were ridiculous and his other brothers thoughts were pretty neutral. Fred simply thought they were odd. And as he looked down at the words, he couldn't help but smile, this was going to be one interesting person.
You snickered watching as your seeker checked his hair in the mirror again.
"You know Malfoy maybe if you spent less time putting grease in your hair and more time practicing then we would be winning for a change."
He whipped around glaring at you. "That's not very good team spirit y/l/n." He seethed.
"And since when are Slytherins known for their teamwork?"
He rolled his eyes and snatched his broom from the rack and joined the rest of the team in the horseshoe they had made around their captain.
You glanced around trying not to look as bored as you were. You have heard it a thousand times before; kick Gryffindors ass. Nothing new, except for the fact that your seeker was almost ok and theirs was amazing. Which meant it was basically up to you to score a shit ton of points before the snitch was caught. It was all quite stressful.
As you walked out onto the pitch you heard a mix of boos and cheers, the former as always, over powering the latter. You ignored the crowd and boarded your broom. You flew a couple feet in the air and waited for the whistle. When you took a deep breath and then sped upwards. If everything went right Montague should have the quaffle ready and waiting for you. And he did. You snatched the pass and made your way toward the goals where you could see Wood waiting.
You ducked under a bulger, dodged some girl in a red uniform and made for the large hoops. You reached for the quaffle tucked under your arms and shot it in the far left hoop. It soared through and you whipped around to get back to your position.
The game had been going for hours. It was hot and sunny and you had already ditched your outer layer. Currently you had scored 160 points, you were doing pretty well. All together your team had 210 points while Gryffindor was 50 points behind. Things were looking up.
You were headed towards the hoops once again the quaffle locked securely under your arm. You were about to shoot when out of nowhere something hit you straight in your side.
You dropped the quaffle and tipped off your broom with a scream. You managed to keep your feet wrapped around the handle and was hanging there attempting to reach your arms up. When you finally did, the pounding of your heart on your ears stopped and you could hear shrieking laughter.
You turned to see Fred Weasley pointing and laughing at you.
You flashed a brilliant shade of red before shouting, "If you don't shut up Weasley I'll shove that bat up your ass."
His smile dropped. A look of absolute astonishment replaced his joyful features. He felt his heart stop. You flew away with a scoff and an eye roll, you had no clue what you had just done to that boy.
For the rest of the match Fred could simply not focus. He hardly hit any blunders and most of them were completely off target. George scolded the boy and tried to get his head back in the game but it was helpless. He wanted to say something to you but what? What could he possibly say, "Oh hey what's up, your my soulmate by the way." It was all so stupid.
Gryffindor lost when Draco caught the snitch and Slytherin was celebrating in there locker room as Oliver almost killed Fred in their locker room.
"What the hell!" He yelled at the red head. "You couldn't hit a thing this whole match!"
"Look I'm sorry. I was distracted." Fred apologized.
Oliver didn't seem to care for his apologies at all. "You were doing fine." he sighed, "And then suddenly you knock y/l/n off her broom and you cant hit the broadside of a barn with a bludger."
"Look Wood, I'm sorry." Fred apologized again trying to make it sound sincere although his thoughts were elsewhere.
"What in Merlin's name could have made you so distracted any way Fred?"
Fred paused, the whole team was listening there was no way he was saying anything. "I just umm was?" He raised his eyebrows, hoping that his captain would buy it. Which of course he didn't.
"What eas it Weasley?" Oliver practically growled
Fred cast his gaze downwards trying to aviod eye contact with anyone.
"I swear to Merlin Wweasley if you don't tell me what gave Malfoy a free ride to the snitch I will-"
"She's my soulmate alright!?" Fred yelled his patients wore through.
"Wait, y/l/n is your soulmate?" It was George talking this time. His eyes were wide and mouth slightly agape, he was mimicking the rest of the team.
"Yeah." Fred looked down blushing a bit, he wasn't used to these situations. "But she doesnt know so don't tell her." He added quickly.
"Alright, sorry for laying into Fred." Oliver said.
"Its fine." He waved it off. He then turned to George panick in his eyes.
"How is she my soulmate?" Fred asked his twin desperate for an answer. They were now sitting in the Gryffindor common room eating candy they got from honeydukes.
"I don't know mate, but I wouldn't be too concerned. I mean she's hot." George pointed out, stuffing a chocolate frog in his mouth.
"Yeah but she’s Slytherin." Fred groaned.
"It probably won't be that bad Fred, you are destined to be together."
"How are we destined to be together? I mean we sure as hell aren't best buds." Fred said popping a fizzing whizbee in his mouth.
"So what," George started his voice muffled by chocolate, "You'll get along, just wait till Ron finds out he'll flip."
"Ok then what should I do?" Frdd asked
"You have to talk to her idiot." George pointed out.
"WWhat do I say?" The older twin asked.
The younger just shrugged, "Wwhatever you say will be on her ankle anyway so just try and make it romantic."
"Alright." Fred said still quite unsure on what to do.
You sat in potions trying not to laugh your ass off as Angelina a girl from Gryffindor totally ditched her potion.
You had finished ages ago and were simply waiting to be dismissed. You glanced down at your watch. Five minutes.
You had been anxious to get back to the quidditch pitch. You had to get in some more practice before the next match. You were playing hufflepuff and wanted to stick iit to Cadwallader. You had five gallons on the fact you would score more points then him in the upcoming match and you'd don't lose.
So when Snape finally said you could go you practically slept from your seat in excitement.
You sprinted down the hallways as quickly as you could only run striated into someone. You fell backwards landing hard on your butt and letting out a yelp of pain. You book bag had slid across the floor and hit the opposite wall of the thin hallway.
"Oh Merlin, are you alright?" A voice asAsked and you about passed out. Those were the words on your ankle. You looked up to see a mess of red hair with matching red robes and red cheeks. His eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight as he stuck his hand out for you to grab. You felt the heat rise in your face as well, since when was Fred Weasley so attractive?
"Shit, I said something didn't I." He looked upset, as he pulled you to your feet. You felt your face grow even brighter at contact with his surprisingly soft hands.
"Uh yeah ya did." You practically whispered your y/e/c eyes big as golf balls.
"So then you know?" He asked fidgeting with his robes.
"Know what?" You asked completely bewildered by the things that had happened in the past minute.
"That your my soulmate." He laughed.
"Yeah I guess I know that." You said your mind was going crazy. Fred Weasley was your soulmate? What? I mean sure he's incredibly good looking and funny and smart and great at quidditch but, what?!
"You probably don't even know which twin I am." He laughed a bit although the idea of his soulmate not knowing who he was hurt. "Im-"
"Fred." You finished for him. "I know who you are."
"Really?" Fred asked eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Yeah I do. Wait, how did you know o was your soulmate?"
Fred blushed as your y/e/c eyes gleamed up at him. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair framed your face beautifully and he was suddenly struck with how attractive you are. Your face was dusted pink and it made you look incredible. "Well umm, remember when I knocked you off your broom yesterday?"
"Vividly" you answer eyes narrowed a bit, your arms now crossed.
"Well afterward you said-"
"If you don't shut up Wesley I'll shove that bat up your ass." You finished for him again doing your best to contain the laughter inside you. You failed miserably and burst with giggles. He thought it was the most amazing sound to ever grace his ears.
"Wait wait wait," you managed to squeak out still giggling, "Is that seriously tattooed on your ankle?"
"Yep." And to prove it Fred pulled his sock down and showed you the words printed on to his pale skin
You burst in a wave of fresh laughter, "I'm sure your mom loves that." You said between laughs.
"Glad you find my misfortune so hilarious." Fred said rolling his eyes playfully.
"Oh come on. If it was me with those words on my ankle you would be losing your shit." You pointed out still laughing.
"Your right, I should have said something closer to, 'Look where the fuck your going." As payback." He smirked and you burst into laughter once again.
"You should have!" You were crying with joy at this point, "It would have been one hell of conversation starter!"
Now Fred was laughing too, his smile bright. He looked down at your giggling form and he was once again talking by your beauty. Your eyes shining with tears and gleaming with joy. Your extremely soft looking lips a light pink color were stretched into a wide slightly lopsided smile.
As he stared your laughter died out and you had looked back up at him, you blushed a bit to find his gaze on you, "Like what you see Weasley?" You asked a cocky smirk on your lips.
"In fact I do." He said smirking right back and leaning down a bit to be somewhat level with your eyes.
"Well you aren't exactly ugly." You bit your lip as you did so and Fred about lost it. Keep it cool he reminded himself. So instead he placed his hand over his heart dropped his mouth and blinked a few times feigning hurt.
"That's what I get as a complement?" He asked in fake surprise, "I'm offended."
"Ever the dramatic Weasley." You smirked.
"I am quite a good actor." He said leaning closer to you, you could feel his breath on your cheek and your smirk dropped. He had to know that he was doing right? That wasn't fair.
"Im good at more than acting though." He winked, smirking as you blushed a deep crimson.
You attempted to stay on track, "A-and what else might you be good at? I haven't seen much." It would have been fine if you didn't stutter but damn he was really close to you and smelled like a mix of smoke and chocolate. It was completely infatuating.
"Oh, you'll see plenty." You wanted to smack the smirk off his face. He was playing with you, but you weren't in the mood for games anymore.
"Oh shut up." You whispered face burning. With that you yanked him down to meet you lips. He was clearly taken off guard but kissed back quite quickly once your lips moved against his. He quickly pushed you up against the wall and grabbed your waist. Your hands found their way to his fiery hair, it was surprisingly soft. You felt his tongue glide against your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, granting it access.
When he pulled away your lungs were burning and you gasped for air.
"I hope you know this doesn't change anything on the pitch." You said.
"Of course, I'm just going to have to make sure not to hit your face with any bludgers. Wouldn't want to ruin its beauty, would I?" He winked.
"What every weakness you show I will use to my advantage." You smirked shrugging.
"I like the sound of that." He winked again.
"Keep it up and you will only be able to blink with one eye." You said eyebrows raised.
"Winking won't do that." He pointed out.
"Yeah but me poking one of your eyes out will." You deadpanned.
"Has anyone ever told you your a little scary?" Fred asked as he leaned in again.
"Yep-" you were cut off by his lips.
You pushed Fred off of you to see Malfoy standing a few feet away a disgusted look etched on his face.
"Captain wants you, so get the Weasel’s tongue out of your throat so you can actually talk." He scoffed
"I'll see you later." You whispered to Fred. Before walking towards the platinum blonde. "You call him weasel again and I will cut your tongue off and make you eat it." You flashed the now terrified boy a cheeky smile and walking towards the pitch the young seeker sulking at your heels.
"See ya later Mouthful!" Fred shouted saluting the boy as he walked out the door.
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whole-lotta-hoes · 3 years
Whole Lotta Hoes| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: Zeppelin Is No More
Episode Two: Looking For A Job
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
This will cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and question your sanity. It will include a shit ton of weird shit and things that don't make sense at all. Do not read if you are not ready for any of this, read at your own risk.
John Paul Jones (Main character)
Robert Plant
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
Led Zeppelin is a band apparently. It's just a bunch of horny mother fuckers put together to make songs about sex. John Paul Jones was laying in bed with Robert Plant which he has no idea how that happened. He hoped nothing weird went down between them cause Jimmy Page would be so mad. oh jesus oh god you do not want to make that mother fucker mad. He'll literally turn you into a cheeseball and eat you. John got out of bed only to see that John Bonham was standing in the corner eating swedish fish gummies. He was not going to question it.
"Want some?" Bonzo asked him and he held one in his hand.
"I don't know you what the fuck!?" Jonesy yelled. He went to the baffroom and spotted jimmy trying to swim inside of the toilet. He believed he could do it if he tried hard enough.
"the oil supply demand is sky rocketing these days!" jimmy yelled as he got out of the toilet.
"Bitch do not touch me with your boo boo water," He warned him as he grabbed a toothbrush to use as a weapon. He learned how to make a knife with it in jail.
"Penis guitar playing is totes fun jonesy, you should try it," jimmie added. Oh mother fucker he is a heterosexual lad. Or that is what he said the other day when he ate some of robert's caramel popcorn. man he wondered how he even ended up in that stupid band. who's led and why does he have a zeppelin? you know some guy named their kid zeppelin but he claims that he didn't name him after the band. wait what were we talking about?
The band all decided to head to mcdonalds to eat happy meals. jimmy tickles.
"Guys! oh my god you will not believe it but britney is such a slut! ugh! can't believe she left me for a fish lookin' mother fucker-"
"No one gives a rats ass about your weird horny ass!" jimmy cut him off by yelling at robert. God damn that shithead has a huge ego but a small dick. Jonesy never understood why people liked him so much. He once stole his favorite pair of jojo siwa socks and claimed he never knew he owned any.
"You motherfuckers we're supposed to be going on tour!" Bonzo yelled as he swooped the food off the table.
"suck my asshole bonzo!" jim yelled.
"calm down pagey, he's just a meanie," robert added as he patted his head.
"y'all need to start realizing that no one likes you both!" jonesy snapped.
"shut up you're literally ugly and small and the bassist of led zeppelin and you look like heman with that stupid haircut of yours" Bonzo said as he ate jonesys burgers. damn that hurt.
"You know," jonesy began, "i don't need this job"
"what job?" robeet askes.
"shhhhh let the weirdo speak," jimmy said as he stuck his finger into his mouth.
"without me you will all suck asshole and no one will actually like led zeppelin," he explained.
the three slowly looked at each other and began to laugh their asses off at him.
"You act like you matter so much," robert added.
"shut up cheese cream! you're literally big and ugly and you look like you are 50 years old!" bonzo said as he drank his milk. that was funny. Jonesy felt his blood boil and grabbed his happy meal and stormed out.
It was the day of their shit concert. led zeppelin were backstage preparing to cause a dismother and set things on fire. preferably roberts underwear that pretty much doesn't exist in this case. the band stepped on stage and the crowd went wild.
"hello bananas-" That motherfucker fell forward into the drum set. oopsies. jimmy ran to him to make sure his hoe isn't dead or alive. fucking bon jovi.
"oh shit! robert plant is down!" he yelled. jonesy was absolutely done with them. they are nothing but a bunch of dumb fucks who ruin everything. He took out his laser penis and shot jimmy and robert to death.
"oh Motherfucker has a fucking laser pp! hija de su pinche madre!" jimmy yelled as he split in half. robert died again. bonzo just sat there blown away by the fact that that john paul jones just killed the front man and the guitarist of Led Zeppelin in front of millions of people. he was impressed.
"holy shit man you really-"
nope sorry but jonesy shot him too so he died. damn he could've let him live. meanie. oh wait im writing this so i could've.... ah man im too lazy to go back and fix it. too bad we're going with this plot now. Jonesy stepped off the stage and headed to the back.
"god dammit i hate everyone in this bloody world," he said to himself. he decided to hit the pub that was nearby to enjoy himself.
As he was sitting at the counter drinking something that is an alcoholic beverage. he began to spark ideas of what he could possibly do since led zeppelin died. He thought about starting a whole new band but he remembered that what caused him to kill led zeppelin. that was out of the shopping list for walmart. next was to steal money from the bank so he remains rich but he then realized that he is a famous musician and will get recognized quickly. fuck. he then thought of changing his hair to look less like heman cause that insult hurt.
"aha!" he shouted. He finally thought of something that could get him a shit ton of money. He drank the remaining drink from his cup and ran out of the pub.
he put on a thicc line of eyeliner, red lipstick, a black wig, fish nets leggings, high heeled boots, and earrings. oh man this is going to be hella great. His wife walked in to see what the fuck this small ass mothertrucker was up to this time. oh man i shat my pants.
"sweetie what the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled. Jonesy turned to look at her.
"led zeppelin is no more," he responded. She was so confused and wondered how the fuck she even ended up marrying heman. she had no idea what led zeppelin is no more meant and was hella concerned for his health.
"be back in a few days," he added as he broke his ankle trying to exit the house and rolled down the hill. oops it's not up the hill anymore. guess you could really say he went down hill. i hate myself so much. he walked down the sidewalk and ended up in someone's house. Motherfucker it's jimmy page's house. he stole his nice trousers or whatever those were. my teacher walked by as i wrote that btw. turns out they don't fit him cause jimmy is also a big hoe and jonesy isn't. shit. jimmy is embarrassing asf. that was pointless of him stealing so he stole his underwear. wait he wears those? imma look it up hold on. i didn't find anything about that so im just going to assume that he doesnt.
there was a picture of jimmy when he was with the yardbirbs and golly that is one ugly Motherfucker! he stole and stuffed it into his underwear. he got out of the house full of useless shit that he did not need at all. Then he forgot what he was doing. Jonesy continued walking down the street only to break his other ankle and rolled down the steep pathway. damn he's one dumb hoe bitch.
His laser penis was out of control. he just wanted to have a little me time but instead shot a whole through the wall of the motel be was staying in. god dammit. he removed his pp and switched it out with a normal pp. that's odd. his plan of overthrowing led zeppelin stressed him out. what else do you do when you're stressed? well can't say cause i ain't gotta peener. he got so bored. his days of not being in led zeppelin have been lame and was the worst idea he could even come up with. he didn't know what to do know. he can't just eat your grandma over and over again. he looked at himself through the mirror and oh my god I'm a sexy Motherfucker oh yeah bitch im THE BITCH. he needed to find something that'll keep him entertained for while.
babysitting was a bad idea. he got bitten by a bunch of goblins and gave him rabies. god i hate kids.
"hello motherfucker," jimmy said.
"Nah bitch that was just my twin brother Jamie Patricia Page," He added. "Bitch why are you dressed like a stripper?"
Oh yeah he forgot that was what he was going to do once he killed led zeppelin. he still can but now there's a little bitch with him named james patrick page.
"we should kill robert plant," jimny suggested.
"Bitch i already killed him, you're a little too late you duck whore," he responded.
turns out he didn't actually kill led zeppelin but instead killed their twin brothers.
"You want to overthrow led zeppelin into the trashcan?" Jonesy asked. "Thought that's what you and bert wanted to do...."
"Nah man.... percy is a very stupid penguin and is meanie.... he stole my jojo siwa socks," jimmy explained.
ah damn turns out robert plant is the villain of the story and should be died. he is too powerful. his hair will slice the fuck out of anyone.
"You got a plan?" Jonesy asked.
"i say we steal his pants and burn them and use them as an alternative to oil," he explained. damn science class. then this guy named bonzo showed up and began to beat them with his drum sticks.
"sorry but robert said to beat you both with them!" bonzo yelled back.
jonesy dug through his pants and took out a bunch of swedish fish gummies.
"hey look! fish gummies! come and get it boy!"
"bitch what the fuck I am not some stupid dog for you to be doing that time of shit you small Motherfucker heman lookin hoe short shit," bonzo said.
"GIMME GIMME OH SHIT!" he attacked Jonesy.
jimmy page the god of led zeppelin stood there watching while cheering them on fight fight fight! it got in here so he removed his trousers and threw them at bonzo which ended up knocking him out.
"oh shit! your pants are powerful! we can use it to kill percy!" Jonesy shouted.
"NO! JIMBERT MUST GO CANON!" Jimmy yelled and jumped out the window. all you heard was splash. that motherfucker jumped into the pool and is now wet. that's a disturbing image. Jonesy rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever the fuck he was doing. it all of a sudden got really bright outside. oh the sun came out cause it was cloudy. but wait! Jonesy looked out the window and spotted robert plant heading towards him.
"IM THE GOLDEN GOD-" that motherfucker fell inside of the pool and sizzled. cual pinche golden god ese no mas anda haciendo puros desmadres y estupideces de mario.
that was the end of led zeppelin.
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dolan-sensations · 4 years
SUNLIT SENSATIONS | the first ray of sunlight
how Grayson and Caily met
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As bright and nice as it was in Los Angeles that day was definitely not Grayson's day. His own personal sky covered by dark clouds. He's been sitting in front of his  computer for hours, trying to finish editing the last video he and his twin brother filmed. He was almost done when suddenly and for no reason the power went out, ruining all the process he had made during the past hours. As annoyed as he was he did his best trying to fix it and redoing all his work. At this point his back was sore and his stomach was roaring for some food, lunch time had passed a long time ago but it was still too early to have dinner. An avocado toast, you can't go wrong with that no matter what time it is, so he headed to the kitchen to get the breather he well-deserved. But, once again, it was not Grayson's day.
"Yo, E." "Weren't you going to the grocery store today?" The younger twin raised his voice, making sure his brother could hear him from the living room. "Weren't you doing the groceries today?" 
"Holly shit I forgot."
"Ethan." He spetted, clearly annoyed at his twin brother who not only finished all the avocados but he also forgot about doing the grocery and after a short fight, more like a speech from Grayson, on housework and responsabilities, he was heading to the grocery store to get his much needed avocados.
Did I mention today wasn't Grayson's day? Because after driving for almost 20 minutes to the store he found out there were no avocados left. He left out a sight, frustrated, but he was hungry still so he walked through the isles, trying to find something appetizing but also vegan.
Meanwhile in the milk isle there she was, looking up to the top shelf, where the lactose-free milk was sitting. There was just one problem, she couldn't reach it. She thought about climbing the shelf to get it, but she knew how clumsy she was and she was almost certain the whole shelf would fall down. She also thought about jumping until she could reach it, yeah she would look ridiculous but she would get her milk. And she was about to do it, when someone walked  to the milk isle. 
"Excuse me!" She said, trying to get the attention of the boy that was walking in her direction, too busy with his phone in one hand and holding a cereal box in the other. When she glanced at him she felt like time stopped. The guy was handsome to say the least, a real life Disney prince, or the greek God Apollo in bone and flesh, those were the only two ways that came to her mind to describe the boy, probably her age or so, that was standing in front of her. He looked up from his screen, the frown that's been adorning his face for the past few hours disappearing at the sight of her.
He didn't answer, God he probably even forgot how to speak, he could only look at those dark brown eyes that reminded him of his favorite chocolate from when he was a child. Was she even talking to him? No, there was no way, that was not his day, a literal angel was in front of him, that couldn't be real, no. He only got out of his trance state when he heard her voice once again. "Excuse me, can you help me? I can't reach the lactose-free milk." His eyes were not lying to him, she was in fact real.
 "Oh, yeah, of course." He said, already reaching for the milk, looking at the bottle when he had it in his hand. "Lactose-free milk? I've never heard of that, who even buys that?  Have you tried almond? Oat?" He questioned in a funny tone, not trying to be rude or laught at her, no, that was his poor and failed attempt to flirt with the beautiful woman who asked him for help.
But when he turned to the girl, her sweet expression was long forgotten, her dark brows coming together in a frown. Was he really making fun of her and her taste? Grayson's face just dropped, realizing what he just did. He got stunned by her and he tried to be funny and flirty but clearly he fucked up. It just wasn't his day. "I buy THAT. Thank you." She responded with a cold tone before walking away from him, not giving him any chance to explain himself or apologize.
It's been almost a week since his little incident at the grocery store, yet he couldn't stop thinking about that girl. It's known that he's the twins that falls in love 7 times per day, but this time? No, this time was different. He only  saw her for like two minutes but her face was already tattooed on his brain. He would be lying if he said he didn't drive himself to that same store every single day hoping to see her again. And that's where he was right now, in the parking lot of that same store, sitting in the passenger seat of Ethan's Tesla ready to leave. 
But then he saw it, fuck, he would recognize that hair anywhere. "Dude, what the f-" Ethan questioned the second his younger twin brother stepped out of the car without saying a word, running towards the car of the girl who was about to leave.
"Hey! Wait, please!" She turned around to see the guy who made fun of her, the fucking greek god she met a few days ago and quite frankly she couldn’t get off of her mind was running to her, so she quickly jumped in her car and Grayson lost all hope for a second, but it quickly came back to him when she didn't close the door, she just sat there, looking at him with an impassive look on her face. 
He got a little intimidated by that, her dark eyes piercing his sou. Was it possible for a stare to be that intense? Apparently yes, but he fucked up once and he was not willing to do it again. "I'm so sorry about the other day. I was just stressed and nothing was going my way and then I saw you looking all kinds of pretty and cute and I tried to be funny because you lit my day and made it so much better by just asking me for help but...fuck. I was a jerk, okay? I know it. It wasn't my intention, but I don't know how to act in front of pretty girls and I-" 
His rambling was suddenly cut off by a laugh, a soft one coming from her lips while she tried to hide her face with her hair. Oh my God did he make her blush? "It's okay, I was a little bit of a bitch too. I'm sorry." Yep, he made her blush. And that was exactly what he needed to boost his confidence.
“So...would you like to-" And once again he was cut off, only this time not by the gorgeous girl in front of him, but by his annoying twin brother who was honking at him. Grayson turn to look at him, and she couldn't help but laugh softly again seeing how frustrated the poor guy was getting. She quickly grabbed her phone and handed it to him, catching his attention. "Here, text you from my phone."
 He took the phone in complete shook, SHE was asking for his number and he froze for another few seconds until he heard another honk, and this time he was kinda thankful for it because it brought him back to reality. So he started typing pretty fast, adding himself to her contacts and then sending a text message to himself, giving back her phone to..."Wait, what's your name?" "Caily, but not like Kylie Jenner, with a C and an A"
"Okay, Caily with a C and an A. Okay." He repeated with the stupidest (and cutest if you ask Caily) grind on his face walking towards his brother's car, who was honking at him for the third time. "Oh and I am-" 
"Grayson" She completed his sentence, reading his name out of her phone screen with a smile. He already loved how his name sounded when it came from her lips. He waved her goodbye and got in Ethan's car with the biggest smile on his face, one that not even his brother could erase with his pettiness.
Suddenly Grayson’s personal sky was not grey anymore, since a tiny ray of sunlight was making its way through the dark clouds, the first of so many.
tags: @justordinaryjen, @ethandolxns & @persistence-ofmemories for the inspo ❤️
it's shitty and cheesy af but that's who i am, sorry
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ridiculousravenclaw · 4 years
The life of Elara Ware - chapter 3
So, funny story. I accidentally shut myself out of this account when I forgot my damn password. Then there was this pandemic and being technically a key worker, that was stress. Then I just started writing other stuff. So yeah, I kinda left this behind, which was a shame because I had a lot planned for it. But anyway here's chapter 3 as I wrote it ages ago and who knows, maybe I'll keep going. FYI I could not be bothered to go back and check it so theres almost definitely a spelling mistake or some grammatical errors. Sorry about it.
The next few days at The Burrow passed far too quickly for Elaras liking. It could be hectic at times with so many of them in one house. A fact Mrs Weasley continuously apologised for. But Elara, so used to being alone, loved the business of life at the Weasleys. She had missed George more than she thought she could. They relished in the time they spent together and, when they were sure no one was around to see, stole as many kisses as they could. With so many of them in the house though the later was practically impossible and more than once their embrace had been broken up my someone walking suddenly into the room. Ron couldn't look Elara in the eye for days after he walked in to find a particularly passionate scene. In fairness it was actually his room.
The fullness of the house had at least meant that they could stage 4 a side quidditch matches in the garden with the Weasleys and Harry. Hermione preferred to watch. When they weren't doing that Elara found she enjoyed chatting with Ginny, who to Elaras great surprise was not as girly or shy as she thought she was. Or talking with the eldest 2 Weasley boys; neither of whom she'd met before and had a number of interesting tales about the twins growing up. Then there was Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were a bit of an unlikely trio and Elara was convinced Ron fancied Hermione, but nether the less they were obviously good friends and Elara enjoyed spending time with them. Especially Harry. She'd always really liked Harry Potter, he didn't want the pitty the world gave him, he just wanted a normal life. Elara found she really respected that. The only person in the house Elara found she clashed with was Percy. Though she got the impression that it wasn't just her he had that affect on. For lack of a better word, Percy was a bit of a snob. Thankfully she rarely saw him as he spent most days at work and often chose to stay late most nights.
It was the last day of the holidays and they were all sat in the living room except for Mr Weasley who still wasn't back from work. Elara had parked herself on the furthest seat from her boyfriend and his twin. There was 2 reasons for this. First it meant she didnt have to resist the temptation of his soft lips whilst everyone was here to see. Secondly it made it far easier to feign ignorance to what the pair were currently doing. As they sat huddled together, talking in hushed whispers. She wasnt entirely sure what they were up to but it was almost certainly to do with Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, something Mrs Weasley highly disapproved of. As she sat alone she found her mind wondering and without meaning to found herself going over the dream she'd had the night before. She couldn't explain why but it had been bothering her all day. It wasn't a scary dream or in anyway disturbing. But Elara found herself shaken up by it none the less. Especially as she was almost certain she'd had that exact dream before.
In the dream Elara was walking through the woods at night. The only respite from the dark provided by the moon as its faint light battled through the thick branche above. She's looking for something but what it is or where she should look remains a mystery. Still she keeps going. Undeterred as the trees and undergrowth becomes denser and more wild. Then all of a sudden she sees a shape moving through the shadows. It slides slowly through the trees towards her until it stops in a clearing ahead. Bathing in the moonlight is a great white fox. Larger than any fox had the right to be and more majestic than any she'd seen. Its pure white coat shining brightly as though lighting up from within. Elara feels a pang of familiarity deep in her heart as she looks into its eyes. She doesn't run or scream. She knows she's safe. The white fox is here to help her, like a mother looking out for her cub. Its gaze is mesmerising and Elara could read the message in its eyes. 'follow me. I'll show you where it is'
"hey! daydreamer! wake up!" Elara was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts to find the whole room staring at her. She shakes herself mentally, uncomfortable by the sudden attention on her.
"sorry" she said trying to laugh it off dismissively "miles away"
"whatcha thin huh in abou?" asked Ron mid yawn. Elara sighed
"that out of all Georges siblings I like you the least" she said dryly
"no" she says with a smile, earning a few laughs. Ron a few seconds behind the others before he got the joke.
Suddenly his face changed
"woah!" he said, staring at Elara in amazement.
"what?" Elara said. she suddenly felt a bit self conscious.
"your eyes are different colours!"
"oh" She giggled breathing a sigh of relief. "you've just noticed? really? how long have I known you?"
Everyone was laughing again
"what. have they always been like that?"
"yes!" everyone else said in chorus.
"Since I was a baby Ron. what did you think I did it deliberately? I got bored one day and coloured one in with a sharpie?"
Ron made a face somewhere between confusion and embarrassment.
"what's a sharpie?" Ah, Elara thought. muggle reference, complete miss.
" Well we all know ickle Ronnie kins is a complete idiot at the best of times. "Said George as he crossed the room and squeezed on the armchair next to Elara before pulling her onto his lap.
"what is a sharpie?" he added to her at a whisper. Elara smiled and shook her head dismissively. The rest of the room going back to their individual conversations.
"muggle stuff" she answered
"Ah. well then whatever you do, dont mention it in front of dad. he'll get all excited and interrogate you again." George said as he started rubbing small circles onto her hip with his thumb. Elara couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
"oh stop it hes not that bad. " She said rolling her eyes.
"yes he is, remember when you mentioned the cinema?" Elara laughed. She did remember that. It had taken her the best part of an hour to explain the concept to Mr Weasley.
"Anyway. Don't be so mean to your brother, as I recall it took you months to bloody notice." George looked blank for a moment.
"notice what?" he asked
"my eyes!"
"oh" he remarked, realisation dawning.
"it wasnt months was it? maybe a few weeks" Elara was giggling now, enjoying the slight embarrassment creeping into George's cheeks.
"nope definitely months. it was around Christmas time. remember? you thought I'd done it with magic to be all christmassy. Though how that's a christmassy thing to do I dont know."
"oh. yeah. well... that's only cause I'm not a weird person who stares at pretty girls eyes" George said, mockingly batting his eyelids at her. Elara grinned fondly at him, then leaned forward and left a light peck on his lips.
"Yeah you are."
"a couple of months is good for him" Fred said " George didn't realise we were identical until we were 7" Elara started slightly having not realised Fred had come over. He was sat on the floor next Charlie looking amused.
"in fairness that's not so obvious as I have always been way better looking than you." George retorted quickly.
Both twins sniggered and Elara noted that even their laughter was the same.
"did we mention he's delusional? sure you want him El?" Fred said
"Oh someone sounds jealous to me. Don't worry Fred I'm sure we can find a girl to take pity and go out with you"
Elara could tell this verbal tennis wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
" *cough* testosterone *cough* "
"oh look your fathers coming" Mrs Weasley suddenly announced getting everyones attention. Sure enough the hand on the grand father clock which bore mr Weasleys likeness had moved and now pointed at travelling. Then it moved once more settleing with the other hands on home. At the same time the door opened and Mr Weasleys voice could be heard from the kitchen. Mrs Weasley scuttled out to greet him. With the others distracted by this Elara inexplicably found her mind once again wondering back to her dream and the White Fox. Its magnetic familiar eyes drawing her in.
"you okay?" George said quietly. Wrapping his arms around Elara protectively and pulling her back to the present.
"yeah of course" She said trying to sound as casual as possible. George wasnt convinced. He knew her far too well and having shared it with him that morning knew what she was thinking about.
"It was just a dream you know El. I know it was a bit freaky. But it cant hurt you" he said, squeezing her arm reassuringly. That's just the thing, she thought, it wasn't scary to me. But she smiled at him appreciatively.
"I know"
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iamknicole · 5 years
Bloodline Family Series / Parental Paragraphs
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"Aye, Milo."
Taking his head out of his locker for a moment, Milo looked at his classmate with his brow raised. He was trying to switch his math book for his Spanish one while he waited for his cousins to meet him. They always walked to their third period class together.
"Your mama comin' to the game Friday?"
Milo rolled his eyes as he continued with what he was doing. "She's always at my games, VJ. Everybody knows that."
Milo watched VJ's two friends laugh and whispered behind him. His patience was starting to wear thin. Milo and his cousins never messed with VJ or his friends. Not their type of people.
"So, shit," he shrugged, "That mean your fine ass aunties comin' too then?"
"And so are my uncle's and my dad. You wanna say that shit to them? Cause I'm sure they'd love to hear it."
"Stop being so hostile, man. Just put in a good word for me and my boys. We know they fine asses get real lonely when they men ain't here."
Milo slammed his locker, cradling his Spanish book on his other hand. He glared at the three boys, he could feel his face start to heat up. "And what the hell would they want with y'all?"
"They look like they could use some dick," VJ said grabbing onto his dick. "Especially ya moms. Her face always tore up, ya pops must not know what he doin."
"Get outta here talkin about my mama. Don't get messed up."
VJ and his friends laughed as other students started to notice the tension. "Stop bein like that, Milo. I'm tryna help. Ya moms is just my type too. Small waist, nice titties and a fat ass. Shit, aunties got ass too."
As VJ threw his head back to laugh, Milo dropped his book and swung. His fist connecting with VJ's jaw. The hit knocked VJ off his feet. His friends that were once laughing now stood silently, watching their friend for his next move. None of them expected that from Milo. Just as VJ picked himself up a small crowd started to form around the boys, VJ's friends faded back into it.
"Your soft ass hit me in my fuckin' mouth. Ya ass can't take a joke?" VJ complained holding his jaw.
Milo huffed ignoring the pain in his hand. "Don't talk about my mama or my aunties. I told you that."
"I say whatever the fuck I wanna say. You got lucky that time, next time you better hope you don't miss."
"Whatever, bruh. Keep them out ya mouth."
"How bout this? You tell them to keep my dick outta they mouths then withcha bitch ass."
Milo attacked VJ's face and upper body with repeated blows. VJ was able to get two hits in before Milo tackled him to the ground. Those punches only pissed Milo off even more.
While Milo was beating VJ up, Eli and Koda were coming out of the stairwell. They were held up by their literature teacher. Koda saw the crowd and pointed it out to his cousin.
"Bet it's some hoes fightin'," Eli joked.
Koda laughed as they approached the cirlcle. "Let Auntie hear ya ass say that shit."
They boys bowed their way through the fight. They laughed at their peers who were screaming for someone to break it up and at the ones recording the fight. But when they got to the middle, their smiles were gone. Milo was still on top of VJ, VJ was attempting to fight back but it wasn't working. Milo was beating his ass. Both boys cursed to themselves before pulling Milo off of the boy. As they were pulling Milo back, the assistant principal and the principal came barreling through the tight circle with school security in tow. School security and principal grabbed the cousins up, escorting them to the office while the assistant cleared the other students and checked on VJ. The cousin got thrown inside the principal's office. The security left them with the principal.
"I expect this kind of behavior out of you two," Principal Brown said looking at Koda and Eli. "But you, Mr. Fatu. I'm shocked that you allowed your cousins pull you into this mess."
Eli sucked his teeth and threw his hands up. "I'm real offended that you think that low of me, Mr. Brown. It wasn't even me, I was the peace maker. Koda too."
"Peace maker my foot. You just close your mouth until your parents get here."
"Forreal," Koda stressed. "The fight had started before we even got there. We broke it up, Milo was beatin' VJ ass."
"Watch your mouth, Mr. Reigns. Is that true, Mr. Fatu?" He asked with the phone to his ear.
Milo said nothing, he stared straight ahead. Opening and closing his fists.
"It's true," Eli answered loudly, "I ain't get nan lick in. Cuzzo ain't let us get a two piece, nothin. Straight dogged VJ ass."
"I was talking to that Mr. Fatu. Not you, Eli." Mr. Brown said dialing the first number. "And watch your mouth."
"I just got a question. Why they get 'Mr." and I'm just Eli. That's messed up, Mr. Brown. Thought we were better than that."
All three sets of parents pulled up at the same time. The men allowed their wives to go in front of them. Jimmy and Trinity were pissed, they didn't have time to deal with Eli and his attitude. Kandice and Roman were annoyed, Koda was always following up Eli. They were sure whatever happened could have been avoided. Apryl and Jey were upset that Eli no good ass couldn't stay his ass out of trouble therefore Milo couldn't stay his ass out of trouble. Simba was just happy to be out of the house and able to go to Milo's school. He skipped in between the group of parents. The secretary allowed them into the conference room where the principal had moved the boys. Jimmy and Trinity went straight to Eli, both of them slapping him in the back of his head.
"Yoooo," he sung out holding his had, "Yall wild. That wasn't even me! It was Creed over there."
Kandice twisted Koda's ear. "What did you do?"
"Me? Im the most innocent thing sittin' in here. Mike Tyson over there knocking people out and that one said hoes again. It's them Fatu boys, Mama. I'm an angel."
Roman smacked the back Koda's neck, glaring down at him.
"I'm just sayin', Pop."
"How about you don't say anything?" Roman warned.
Simba climbed into his brother's lap, the parents sat on either side of their children waiting for the principal to tell them what happen.
"Seems that you sons were involved in a fight with another boy. The boy is bruised up pretty bad, there's an ambulance on the way for him."
"Ambulance? What did y'all do?" Trinity asked glaring at her son. "Yall jumped that boy? For what?"
"What? No! We," Eli stressed pointing to himself and Koda, "didn't get nan lick in, Ma. Milo fought that boy."
"Stop lyin," Jimmy spat.
Mr. Brown cleared his throat. "If I may. Eli is telling the truth. I viewed the cameras, it was a one on one fight. Mr. Fatu fought the other boy. Eli and Mr. Reigns here we're trying to break it up. But Eli, you did, in fact, get a hit in. I saw that much. Mr. Reigns did also but it was after Mr. Fatu hit him on accident and Mr. Reigns assumed the other boy hit him though."
"See. Here we go with this Eli stuff. I wanna be 'Mr. Fatu', call fight night over there Milo."
"Shut your ass up, Elijan."
"Yes, Mama." Eli sat back in his chair pouting. Even when he wasn't in trouble, he was in trouble.
"So what you're saying is my son did this," Apryl asked with a smirk. "Can we see this footage? Cause I don't know if I believe that my goofy baby did that. Especially for the boy to need an ambulance."
Mr. Brown went to stand but Eli held his hand up making every adult in the room suck their teeth. "Koda got the video, Auntie. Shorty from first period sent it to him." Eli smirked.
"Why that lil heffa got your number?" Kandice whispered.
"Not the time, Kandi," Roman chastised, "Give me your phone, Koda."
Koda unlocked his phone and went to the message thread before handing the phone over. "Aight. Pops don't scroll left or right and as soon as the video is over look away."
Roman glared at his son as he snatched the phone out of his hands. The twins, Trinity and Apryl got up to get a closer look at the phone. They gasped and cussed to themselves as they watched the beat down Milo gave. Once the video was over, Apryl couldn't help but smile. She was proud. Patting her son on the back when she got back to her seat.
"I'm just still confused. My son is goofy as shit, he don't do stuff like that." Jey argued.
"I mean, he is my kid, Jey. I taught him something. Bedside that goofy shit he got from you."
"Look at his hands, Apryl. His knuckles are bruised and bleeding."
"That's cause he beat his ass, Jey."
Jey waved her off turning his attention back to the principal. "Why were they fighting?"
"Apparently the boy made some unsavory comments about both Mrs. Fatus and Mrs. Reigns. Mr. Fatu attempted to settle the issue verbally but the boy kept talking."
Trinity looked around her brother in law to Milo, a small smile on her face. "I appreciate you standing up for us, Lo. But you didn't have to do all that."
"We're grown, baby. Whatever he said doesn't matter, you know it wasn't true."
"With all due respect, Mama," Koda added. "VJ mouth is reckless. If it's anything like what he said to me and Eli the other day then ion blame Milo for gettin his ass."
"Yeah. Me and Koda got his ass though. He tried Milo cause he thought my boy wasn't bout shit." Eli shrugged. Trinity turned slowly to look at her son. She wanted to tell him to be quiet but she knew all he was trying to do was help.
"What did he say to y'all, Ko?" Roman asked now starting to calm his nerves.
Koda looked at his dad then at his mama and shook his head. "I can't say."
"Tell me, Koda."
"I'd like to, Pops but I can't repeat what he said. There's women in the room," He sighed, "One of which will beat me if I tried."
Every adult in the room then turned their attention to Eli, who sat playing with his fingers oblivious to their watching. Jimmy smacked his chest lightly gaining his attention. "What's up, Dad?"
"Tell us what he said to y'all."
"But there's women and a child in the room," he smirked.
"And your ass don't care any other time. Start talking, Elijan."
"Aight, aight. Don't hit me," he demanded pointing his finger at his mama. She pushed it away and told him to talk. "He asked me and Koda if we thought our Mamas would fuck him, course we said fuck no and he got all pissy. So then he was like Mama, Auntie A and TK got dick sucking lips so I punched his ass in the stomach. He kept talking shit though. He was like 'ima fuck ya mamas and be ya step daddy' or some stupid as shit like that so Koda slapped fire from his ass. He said something else so we caught him after school and beat his ass."
"Koda Makai," Kandice sneered pinching his arm.
"What, Mama? We wasn't letting nobody talk about y'all like that. Fuck we look like? I'm glad Milo beat VJ ass. He need to learn to keep his mouth shut."
"That's enough, Koda," Roman said squeezing his shoulder. Koda sucked his teeth and sat back in his chair.
"He lucky we wasn't there or it would've been worse," Eli added with a nod.
Apryl rubbed the side of Milo's face still wearing her proud smile. Simba laid against his brother's chest, playing with the buttons on Milo's shirt. "I'm proud of you for standing up for us, baby. But maybe next time you hold back a lil bit."
"Apryl," Kandice and Trinity called.
"What? I'm just saying. I'm not condoning fighting but it was for a good reason."
"Stop talkin, A." Apryl rolled her eyes at her husband, she went back to rubbing her baby's face. They didn't have to be proud of him, she was.
The principal stood to leave the room. "I'm gonna go get their paperwork. Mr. Reigns and Mr. Eli will be suspended for eight days per policy. Even though they were helping, it's against policy and they both threw punches." Their parents nodded, they understood. "And Mr. Fatu would be suspended for ten days as well as the other young man. They will not be able to play in the game this Friday, either."
As soon as the door closed behind the principal, Eli started laughing. "Ayyye. He gave me respect. I knew we were cool."
"You shut your ass up," Jimmy chastised. "You just happy you ain't in trouble this time."
"Damn right. We bout to enjoy these days," he laughed holding his hand out to Koda. Koda went to slap his cousin's hand but he could feel both parents staring holes in the sides of his head. "Come on TK and Unc. We ain't do shit this time. We not in trouble."
"Didn't your daddy tell you to hush?" Kandice asked sternly.
"He actually told me to shut my ass up, TK. There's a difference." Eli sassed then put his hands up to block the hits he knew was coming.
"Lo, you good? You hurt?"Jey asked examining his hands.
"No, he not hurt. My baby don't have a scratch on him. That's my baby."
"He's your baby but you ain't realized his ass ain't said shit the whole time we been here, Apryl."
Apryl's smile turned into a frown. She was so happy to hear Milo finally got into a fight and won that she didn't realize he was still upset. "What's wrong, baby?" She asked softly. Milo pushed away from the table, he sat Simba in his Mama's lap before getting up. Jey asked what was wrong but Milo ignored him, making a b line for the door. His father, uncles and cousins trying to stop him as his mama, brother and aunties watched in confusion. They held him back but that didn't stop him from trying to get out the door.
"Where you tryna go, son?" Jey asked now standing in front of Milo. "Where you goin, baby?"
"To get VJ. I wasn't finished."
"You got em, cuz. I'm sure his ass regret all the shit he been sayin." Eli assured patting his back.
The men held Milo back until he stopped fighting them and laid all his weight on his father. Jey held him tightly, whispering a few things to his first born. He kept talking until Milo's breathing became regular again. Apryl watched them starting to feel bad. She had no idea he was that upset. The principal came back in with their papers. He had questions but decided against asking and just gave their papers out letting them know they could leave. Jey held onto his son as they walked through the office in front of the rest of the family. They passed VJ on their way out, all of them shocked at the damage Milo had done. All of them except Simba. Simba wiggled out of his Mama's arms to run over to VJ. He screamed then started attacking the young man. "Don't touch my brodder! My brodder!" Apryl and Trinity pulled him off, trying not to laugh. Kandice got him from them, holding Simba tightly under her arm as he kicked and screamed out the office.
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