#disney trigger warning
basuralindo · 10 months
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These fuckin guys again
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crownedinmarigolds · 11 months
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Saw this and immediately about my baby boy.
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am i dreaming
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To all Ruggie stans, I’m so sorry 🤡 You did not deserve this…
***Warning: suggestive image referenced and toxic person mentioned below the cut!***
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By the way, this is the original post and the artist of the work he stole; please consider checking them out!! (The artist has responded to the stolen artwork with a quote retweet and a comment of their own.)
ADDENDUM: The artwork was stolen and posted on the artist’s birthday too??? They’re going through something this shitty on their special day… 😭 Let’s support them through this stressful time and beyond!!
Is this really the time line I’m living in?????
The post is even funnier (and stupider) because Ruggie, being a hyena beastman from the Sunset Savanna, is a species with dominant females… and Ruggie willingly does a bunch of housework (something Tate looks down on as “a woman’s job”)… and he’s from a country where women are strong and respected… AND THIS IS ALL HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE THE RERUN OF VARGAS CAMP FOR EN?????? Bro, this was NOT the publicity Ruggie needed 😭
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hours in the Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 3. The Same Red
Summary: Having lived for over a year, you really should’ve been more prepared for a vampire attacking you. But then, nothing could have really prepared you for an old friend appearing and saving you. Perhaps there was more to this situation than you had initially realized….
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ sfw/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire, Blood
Word Count: 1381
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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The morning that followed Halloween started rather abruptly, with my phone ringing. It was Epel’s mother, the woman who ran the shop right across the road, where I often helped out when I had the time.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry to call this early, but we’ve been waiting on a delivery since yesterday evening, and it still hasn’t come. We just got a call that there was a wreck involving a delivery truck not far from here this morning, and… Well, I would send Epel, but what with these murders of late and people going missing…..” 
She trailed off, the hesitancy in her voice clear, and I let out a sigh before responding with the question that I didn’t entirely want to ask, “Where’s the accident at?”
“Oh, Y/n! You’re such a dear!” With new vitality to her tone, she proceeded to give me directions, numerous apologies for the trouble, statements of how she owed me, a slew of “thank you’s,” and at least three promises of free apple juice when I next came by the shop.
But I honestly would have been worried if that hadn’t been the case. That was just the way Mrs. Felmier was, and her nature was no doubt the reason that Epel was so polite despite his rough streak.
And I couldn’t blame her for not wanting to send Epel. Her fears were well-founded. There had been a recent uptick in the number of murders and missing persons. 
I didn’t know the reason for the increase in crime. But I suspected that was the same reason Vil had scolded me quite so much last night. Which did imply that vampires were involved. But it was day, so there was little to be concerned about with this incident.
I was relieved, though, when I reached the road Mrs. Felmier had directed me to and saw the familiar delivery truck was not in a smoking heap. In fact, it didn’t even look like it had been involved in an accident. It looked more like it had broken down.
I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets and trudged over, hunching my shoulders against the cold wind.
Frowning, I noted that the hood was raised and the driver’s door was open, but that the driver in question was nowhere to be found. 
I turned a full circle, looking around in confusion, until a slight motion, visible through the windows of the building closest to where the truck was parked, caught my eye. I stared through the windows, recognizing the jacket as that of the one that was worn by the group that did deliveries for the shop, before making up my mind.
I didn’t know why he’d gone inside unless it had been to escape the wind or get better reception on his phone, but at the very least I could ask him if he knew how long he’d be stuck here.
The door to the darkened building swung open with a pleasant jingle, despite the fact that the store appeared to be largely abandoned and cast off in the shadows of the street. 
I stepped in, glancing around to find exactly where the driver was as I began speaking, “Excuse m-” 
I froze, my eyes widening as the delivery truck driver fell to the ground from where he had appeared to be standing in front of the window. 
The body dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, totally lifeless. A woman wiped her mouth, leaving an ugly red smear across her face as she looked my way from over the body. My breath caught as I realized that the same red that was on her face also decorated the man’s neck.
I didn’t bother screaming when she smiled,  and her beauty was clear even as her fangs flashing slightly in the shadows that I now realized were probably the only thing keeping her alive. 
A small, logical part of me acknowledged that screaming would have just dragged some other hapless person into this mess for her to kill, and I even went so far as to silently question how a vampire had gotten herself stranded out during daytime hours.
The more frenzied part of me that followed my instincts had me turning to run as I felt adrenaline shoot through me at high speeds, kicking me into action despite my shock at what I’d found.
But this wasn’t my first time encountering a vampire. If I could just get out and into the sunlight, I would be fine, and then I could figure out some way to keep anyone else from going in there. 
The vampire released some sort of horribly cry behind me before taking off, slamming the door that I’d just tried to exit through shut with a loud bang as I fumbled backwards, my legs working overtime as panic fully seized me. Making my motions sloppy even though I desperately needed to be at my very best if I wanted to survive.
I’d barely even made it two inches before she’d reached where I’d stood, hissing at me like an insane person as she made to grab my shoulder. I pitched myself to the side and hit the ground hard.
I barely even heard her outraged shriek over the sound of breaking glass that filled the air. I rolled to look up at what I’d expected to be my last sight before death, only to find a familiar form slam into the woman with a power I hadn’t realized my friend possessed.
Rook grappled with the woman, her fingers tearing through his coat as if the fabric meant nothing to her. 
He grunted slightly as her hands clawed their way down his arms in a bruising manner, but he persisted in shoving her backwards as he struggled against her inhuman grip and fought to shove a pointy piece of wood downwards and into her chest.
I scrambled backwards, my widened eyes never leaving the scene before me as I dug my way back up to a standing position. 
The vampire shrieked, straining to either bite Rook or free herself, but was apparently incapable of either.
Rook, on the other hand, wore an expression of singular determination as he ignored her crushing grip and the way she snapped at him. Instead, focusing on killing her.
 It wasn’t the behavior of someone inexperienced, nor did he seem surprised at all by the situation at hand.
But then, I suppose I couldn’t entirely talk. While I’d been surprised to see a vampire during daylight hours, seeing one wasn’t actually odd considering my history. Though this was the first time I’d been attacked in quite some time…. 
Apparently, having been under Vil’s protection had inadvertently led to my becoming unprepared for such situations, even despite my past.
I found myself running forward, reaching around my friend to grasp the wooden stake and add my strength to Rook’s. 
I gritted my teeth, doing my best to ignore the shrieks of the woman that somehow drew no attention to the darkened building that now housed the three of us.
It felt like hours had passed in the span of mere seconds, but with a final shove, the wooden stake plunged forward and directly into the woman’s chest and I looked away. Blocking the sight with Rook’s back even though I could clearly hear the sickening squelch.
My throat was tight as I stumbled away from both Rook and the vampire.
I’d seen a lot and done a lot, but helping kill someone, even if that person was a vampire, was easily enough to have my hands trembling and my throat constricting.
The vampire gaped down at the wood that stuck out of her chest before looking directly up at the two of us and turning to ash right before our very eyes. The only thing she left behind was a signet ring that sparkled dully in her dusty remains.
Rook fell against a wall, his chest heaving slightly as his green eyes turned to look my way, and the reality of everything that had just occurred began to sink in.
I’d been attacked by a vampire during the day, and Rook, my longtime friend who had introduced me to my nightly vampire visitor, had just saved my life.
If you would like to read more:
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Thinking. Thinking abt riddle. Thinking abt how if he permanently has white hair onwards its a sign of change, growth, one less resemblence to his mother the woman who put him through so much pain.
Thinking about how he can finally be his own person, and not be defined by any of her rules, thinking about how he'd be devastated to lose his iconic red hair but slowly love it upon realizing its so freeing. That its a symbol of him being different, that he isnt his mother. And he never will be. He is his own person, and he is safe now.
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camscendants · 6 months
You’re Never gonna guess what I drew
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More Harriet.
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
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Horror movie poster for my Halloween fanfic AU~
Seven Realms of Hell: Three teenagers went to go to a halloween party until they had to make a short stop at the old abandoned Ramshackle that soon trapped them into a game that they cannot walk away from.... LINK TO AO3
Inspired to make a halloween twst 80s songs playlist: LINK TO SPOTIFY
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mellometal · 7 months
(I'm going to edit this with added links to resources ASAP. I just don't have all of them saved at the moment. I'm sorry. [Update: I'm gonna just reblog this post with resources. I was trying to edit this post with resources, but the connection was wonky.])
I wanted to make sure I got everything I needed to say in a way that's easy for everyone to understand. I'm gonna be honest, I was genuinely unaware of what has been happening in the world until about a week ago or so due to things going on in my personal life that needed my immediate attention. I've also been struggling a lot, but that's not important right now. Because I was unaware of what was going on in the world currently, I did research to educate myself, watched a lot of videos about it, shared a ton of content about it, am currently in the process of reaching out to representatives all over the United States to get the President to call for a ceasefire, and I've been trying to start the conversation with people I know in real life.
Don't try to use what 1sra3l is doing to Palestine, Gaza, Congo, and Sudan as an excuse to be antisemitic or Islamophobic. Do not try to justify 1sra3l killing innocent people in any way, shape, or form. I don't tolerate people who stand for genocide. Nothing justifies killing innocent people. Tigray, Puerto Rico, Hawai'i, Ukraine, and Northern Ireland are some more oppressed nations, to give some more examples.
Many of the people in Palestine and Gaza have had their homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, and so on destroyed due to 1sra3l bombing them. They're watching their own people die. They're digging through slabs of broken concrete to find their missing loved ones. They're putting the dismembered body parts of their loved ones in bags. They don't have clean drinking water. They don't have electricity. They're getting WORMS from having to drink water that's not suitable for consumption. Food is scarce and very expensive. People are dying from starvation, not having clean drinking water, and the inability to access adequate medical care due to extremely limited resources. Doctors are having to perform life-saving procedures without any type of sanitation, anesthesia, or any type of pain relief to give to the injured. They're performing procedures on the hospital floor and in the streets. They're now having to choose who's worth saving, watch victims die, and then move on to the next. The animals that are still alive are having to resort to eating blown off body parts of DEAD PEOPLE. This is just SOME of the things these people are going through.
There's also war going on in Congo and Sudan. Tigray is still suffering from the genocide on their people, even after the peace agreement in 2022 between Ethiopia and Tigray. Big tech companies are enslaving children in Congo by forcing them to mine for coltan. Millions of Congolese people are being killed. Many Tigrayans are still displaced from their homes, parts of Tigray are still being held captive, and school hasn't started for many children there because so many people are having to resort to living in school buildings or in tents. This is all just the tip of the iceberg and from what I found doing some quick research.
To top that off, President Biden is refusing to ceasefire on Palestine and Gaza. HE'S SENDING MORE MONEY TO 1SRA3L INSTEAD. 1SRA3L, UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW, SHOULDN'T EVEN BE DOING WHAT THEY'RE DOING. THEY'VE BROKEN SO MANY LAWS UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. THE AMOUNT OF LAWS THEY'VE BROKEN UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW IS ACTUALLY SCARY. MULTIPLE PEOPLE IN CONGRESS HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SILENCE ANYONE (specifically they have been trying to silence Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American in Congress) SPEAKING OUT ABOUT THE WAR CRIMES BEING COMMITTED AND FUNDED WITH AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS. Oh, but Biden had all the time in the world recently to visit grieving families here in the United States who have lost loved ones due to the rampant gun problem in this country that STILL isn't being fixed. That's nice. /s By the way, I'm not criticizing him for visiting grieving families. I'm criticizing Biden for funding the genocide of innocent people instead of putting a stop to it. The civilians in Palestine and Gaza didn't do anything to deserve what they're going through right now. That goes for all oppressed nations.
We might end up in World War III, and that's gonna be a HUGE problem for the United States if we get involved instead of staying out of it. We don't have enough troops for when and IF WW3 happens. I'm not kidding. When NORTH KOREA is saying that what Biden’s doing is fucked up, you KNOW that it's bad. I don't want World War III to be a reality. I don't want that to happen. I want to say that WW3 will never happen, BUT I CAN'T. History WILL keep repeating itself.
As far as boycotts go, the list of brands that have ties to 1sra3l is overwhelmingly long and the brands that have no ties to 1sra3l and support Palestine are small in comparison. However, the big three to focus on boycotting are McDonald's, Starbucks, and Disney. They're the companies who contribute the most money to horrific shit like what I mentioned here.
I keep seeing many people leaving disabled people out of the conversation and it's irritating because disabled people exist all across the globe. For disabled people, boycotting many of these things that I haven't even listed here may be more difficult, if not impossible, for them to do for a variety of reasons (mainly medical). Obviously I'm speaking in a general sense. It all depends on the person. Reason why I'm bringing this up is because I saw a few medication brands on the boycott list. I've seen people say to just get the generic brand of their medications, but that might not be an available option for them, depending on their insurance.
I don't eat at McDonald's much anymore (actually haven't eaten there much if at all for years), I don't have a Disney+ subscription, and I rarely get Starbucks anyway...so it's personally not a huge loss. There are better things to watch. There are better places to eat at that are more Pescatarian friendly. There are also better places to get myself a blended coffee made with almond milk and extra fixings if I'm feeling fancy. I know there are people in food deserts, in financial strain, and have accessibility issues. I'm not talking about them.
When and if you can, shop and eat out locally. I'm sure they'd love the business! It also helps boost your town's local economy! If this isn't a viable option for you due to financial difficulties and/or accessibility issues, do what you gotta do that's the most sustainable for you, your family, your animals, and whatnot. Meaning if the only grocery store you have in your area is Walmart or it's the only place that's affordable, you're not evil for getting your groceries there. Because we're all struggling right now, myself included. Also, for anyone that's going to suggest a dollar store or a food bank, not everyone has a dollar store or food bank in their area, or has easy access to either of those things. The one thing I will say is do your best to be mindful of the things you buy.
For all my fellow American followers, Canadian followers, followers in the UK, and Australian followers, call and email your representatives and demand a ceasefire if you haven't already. This is especially for my fellow American followers. Call and email President Biden and Vice President Harris. CALL THE WHITE HOUSE. If you're going to a protest, be safe, be respectful, cover up anything identifiable on you, try to go in a group if you can, and all that good stuff. Sign petitions! Donate if you can.
There's so much shit going on, and I think I've discussed enough of it here. It's gotten way too long. Sorry if I missed anything. I wanted to at least cover the big stuff.
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mittch22 · 1 year
(Suicide, racism, homophobia, just overall nastiness). The following conversation shall appear as screenshots.
So I recently had a rather tragic conversation within the Cars fandom. One that I am utterly disgusted by. I, unfortuantely, can believe that this occurs. It shouldn't. Whoever this is behind the username, I hope they get the help they need. Because they bloody need it.
They have been doing this to so many people for three years, creating a multitude of accounts throughout the process. The first encounter I had with them being iffy was a message that said "Keep ignoring me then." This occured within an hour of their first few messages. (Got my tumblr notifications off. I explained as much). We continued the conversation and, once again when I didn't reply straight away: "keep ignoring me then". So I did. And they got blocked. Im not dealing with any form of guilt tripping to try to get me to message. They tried again. Blocked. Then again. Blocked. All with different accounts. Then I receive this:
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@staff - please deal with this person. This is wrong. Luckily, I am not easily hurt by this. But if the wrong person at the wrong time is told to end their life, they might just do it. What a fucking evil thing to tell someone. Get their sad sad existence off of this website so we can exist in our little fandom in peace.
For anyone who has suffered at the words of this person, I am so so sorry. Stay strong. Ignore them. This shouldn't be happening.
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15 and 16?
It took me awhile to think about how I wanted to answer these because they’re pretty deep questions.
(Content warning: Mentions of violence/torture, though nothing super graphic.)
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Okay, don’t kill me for this one but…as much as I love Hook, even Disney’s Hook has done some TERRIBLE things. We may not see it all play out on-screen, but within minutes of his first appearance, when Hook is contemplating how to get Tiger Lily to give up Peter’s hideout, he mentions some pretty gruesome possibilities—“boiling in oil…keelhauling…marooning!” If you’ve ever been burned by hot cooking oil, you can imagine how bad BOILING in it might be. As for keelhauling…it involved basically tying a person to ropes and dragging them under the bottom of the ship so that they would scrape against any sharp barnacles there, slicing open their skin. A person who was keelhauled might eventually die from blood loss or infection, assuming they didn’t drown first. A marooned person might starve to death or die of thirst if the little spot of sand they were dropped off on didn’t have much in the way of food or fresh water. And Hook is talking about doing these things to A CHILD. Presumably, if he’s considering such things, he has likely done something similar before. And then, of course, we DO actively see him trying to leave Tiger Lily to drown in the first film and tying Peter to an anchor to be sunk to the bottom of the sea in the sequel. Considering all of that, I suspect Hook has done many terrible things in his past and probably got creative with his torture methods. One of the worst I’ve heard of in legend (and one appropriate for someone with a flying nemesis) is the Blood Eagle of Norse mythology. I won’t describe it here because it’s pretty bad. But you can look it up for yourself. I wouldn’t put it past Hook to do something like that in his villain days…
16. Deepest, darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
This one depends on where we are in his story. Pre-redemption arc, I think the biggest thing he wouldn’t admit to himself was likely how much he actually NEEDED Peter to give his life a purpose and meaning. If he had actually ever managed to kill Peter…then what? If it happened before Tink dusted the ship, they might not even be able to leave the island. It would likely be more peaceful but I have a feeling the crew would have gotten extremely restless. And even if they COULD leave the island…after a certain point, they would no longer have a place in society. Pirates on wooden ships don’t belong in Wendy’s world. They’re a relic. A bedtime story. Nothing more. A modern ship of the time could have taken them out easily. He would have been happy for awhile but with no real friends or family aside from Smee and nowhere to go…his life would have still been miserable without Pan and he’d have even less of a reason to get up in the morning.
Post-redemption arc, I think the thing he doesn’t want to voice aloud but which really gets to him is the fact that he still struggles with his “old self.” He’d love to say that villain in him is dead and he’s a totally new man, but it doesn’t entirely work that way. The “old self” is still there, dormant but still lurking in the darkest parts of his heart and mind. And what legitimately scares him the most is the question, “What if the better me is just a fraud? What if the REAL me IS that man and I’m just lying to everyone…including myself…that I can be a better man?”
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ericaportfolio · 28 days
Disney’s The Gremlins Over the Years Chapter 2: Gremlin Gus (Part 1)
Due to the recent events with Epic Mickey Rebrushed, I decided to make posts dedicated to Disney's infamous characters from the canceled WWII movie The Gremlins. The character designs of these guys have changed many times during the concept art process and over the years. If you just discovered this post, here is Chapter 1 in the link below.
Today, this is a collection of our favorite bowler hat fellow, Gremlin Gus. For those discovering this, in summary, Disney was making WWII movies and shorts for the war effort. They were going to adapt Roald Dahl's first book about these guys, and several things like people getting tired of war movies and figuring out how to make the movie, which was canceled. Just like the story, Gremlin Gus's role in the story changed as well. Here's the breakdown of Gremlin Gus over the years. Also, get ready for SPOILERS!
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of War, World War II History, Nuclear Warfare, the Nazis and Hitler, and Death.
Early Concept Art: From the early versions of Gremlin Gus by Bill Justice, Disney animator and engineer, There were versions where he looked ancient, slightly old but fit, or, possible theory, his natural hair color is white, but he aged poorly due to stress. Shout out to ZOLTAR'S FORTUNE on eBay, posting the Photocopies (the last three).
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Cosmopolitan Magazine (1942): The earliest release of "The Gremlin" story was in the December 1942 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. Someone posted the full Article on the site, but I might post another one for each illustration. So stay tuned for that! But for now, here are Gremlin Gus's Designs. In the colored cover of "Introducing the Gremlins," Gremlin Gus has his green skin, a brown helmet, a broken horn, a pair of glasses, his bowler hat between his horns, and missing his mustache. In the original story, the Gremlins once lived in the forest of England, staying out of the way of the humans building towns or fighting each other. That was until the 1940s when World War II started. A bunch of workmen began to cut down the entire wood to build a plane factory to fight against the Nazis. The Gremlins swear revenge by sabotaging the planes without knowing what's happening in the outside world. One day, Pilot Gus of the Royal Air Force (RAF) fights in the Battle of Britain, where he becomes the first human to see a Gremlin. So Pilot Gus and his buddies get harassed by these guys, including their leader, Gremlin Gus. Will the pilots find a way to befriend these little guys before someone gets hurt?
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Concept Art Upgrade: Now, here's starting to look like the Gremlin Gus we know! These would eventually be the final book and promotion designs.
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The (Controversial) Life-Saver Ad (1943): AKA the ad Roald Dahl hated, but Walt Disney thought differently. Here, Gremlin Gus has a green helmet, his bowler hat is missing, and he has pale skin.
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Dell War Heroes (April 1943): This is a sample from a six-page adaptation of the story featured in a Dell War Heroes comic book. The writer and artist are unknown. Here, Gremlin Gus has a green helmet, his bowler hat is now on his horn, had pale skin, and orange gloves. The most significant difference between the Article and this comic is that Gremlin Gus accidentally hurt Pilot Gus, and the plane they were in caught on fire. After a close parachute escape, Pilot Gus confronts Gremlin Gus when he finally learns why the Gremlins were sabotaging the aircraft. With that, Pilot Gus showed sympathy, saying that if the Gremlins started helping the RAF pilots fight and win the war, the Gremlins would get a new home. The same new home in Return of the Gremlins that the Gremlins have to fight to save years later.
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The First Treatment (May 18, 1943): The first version of the movie treatment was 155 pages long. Gremlin Gus is both the leader of the Gremlins and the teacher of the widgets, the children of the Gremlins. While reading a newspaper, he discovers a pilot named Rip Wilson (a renamed version of Pilot Gus), who looks like a young Fred Astaire, hasn't had a situation regarding the Gremlins. Later, Gremlin Gus overhears Rip, saying he doesn't believe in Gremlins. With that, the Gremlins make him sick and get Rip into an accident. However, the Gremlins save Rip because they don't want to kill him. They just wanted to destroy the plane in revenge. Later in the hospital, Gremlin Gus reveals what happened to their woods. This causes Rip to explain what's going on with the war and how much of a threat Hitler is to everyone. At the very same time, the radio that's been on in Rip's room broadcasts a speech of Hitler insulting the Gremlins for destroying their planes. This causes the Gremlins to convert to the Allies' Cause to defeat the Nazis.
Disney's The Gremlins Book (June 1943): Finally, here's the Gremlin Gus we know and love! Here is one of Bill Justice's colored paintings from the book. I highly recommend looking through all the paintings from the book because Bill Justice does justice to these guys! The part where Pilot Gus and Gremlin Gus escape the plane and the deal the Gremlins will get a new home from the comic was added to the book. Though Gremlin Gus doesn't accidentally hurt Pilot Gus. But there's a moment in the book in the original Article where Pilot Gus is sick, and Gremlin Gus tries to tell him not to go and does get hurt. At the end of the book, the reformed Gremlins help Pilot Gus get back into the air.
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Walt Disney Comics and Stories #33 (June 1943): A new group of pilots believed the Gremlins were fairytales in this two-page adaptation. Jokes on them since what they said enraged the Gremlins that they mess with the guys. Gremlin Gus has green skin, a nose, a yellow helmet, and brown gloves.
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The Second Treatment (June 9, 1943): In this 100-page long treatment, instead of being the leader of the Gremlins, Gremlin Gus's and Gremlin Jamface's characters are merged when Gremlin Gus is caught befriending a human pilot. Gremlin Gus is put on trial, where he explains the RAF pilots are the good guys fighting against the Nazis invading their homes. Suddenly, an unexploded German bomb crashes into the court gathering, proving Gremlin Gus correct. In this version, the writers were trying to get away from Gremlins harming the aircraft to make them "sympathetic" and focus on the Gremlin society and why they're destructive. Any material of Hitler in the first treatment is all gone in the second one and was replaced with the bomb. However, there was another version of the story where the Gremlins did have their own version of a Gremlin Hitler that Gremlin Gus and the others had to defeat before joining the Allies before he caused problems for everyone, too.
Donald Vs. The Gremlins (July 1943): This is the crossover we would get years later by Walt Kelly. Gremlin Gus has yellow gloves, a brown belt, and brown shoes.
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Walt Kelly's Comics (July 1943-1944): Walt Kelly would make 8 comics about Gremlin Gus or both Gremlin Gus and two widgets getting in trouble at the airfield for a year. Here, Gremlin Gus has a Green helmet and gloves, a red shirt and boots, blue pants, green skin and nose, and missing his bowler hat.
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Storyboard Short (1943): This is a sample of a 1943 storyboard when the production went from feature film to short film. The story drastically changed when the movie was cut down to an animated short. Instead of living in the woods, they lived in their cloud kingdom, making fun of humans trying to learn how to fly. That was until WWII broke out, and the modern warfare planes began to destroy the Gremlins' home. The Gremlins vow to destroy the aircraft for causing chaos and disrupting their lives. In the short, the story goes back and forth between the human pilots and the Gremlins interviewing their their bosses after an incident where Wellington aircraft caused damage while making an emergency landing. These are my favorite snippets of Gremlin Gus.
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B-17F, 560th Bomb Squadron (1943 - 1946): This Gremlin may not look like Gremlin Gus, but this is one of his famous insignias and patches. The patch would be worn by members of the 388th Bombardment Group (Heavy), 560th Bomb Squadron, Eighth Air Force.
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Some Time Never: A Fable for Supermen (1948): The last book Roald Dahl wrote something about the Gremlins was an adult novel and character names changed to prevent lawsuits (except this one pilot, Stuffy, got to keep his name). In this story version, the gremlins were the world's rulers, but the humans forced them underground. They briefly returned to the surface during the Battle of Britain and began sabotaging the RAF aircraft. They eventually decide to go back underground, believing humanity will destroy themselves, which happens with two more World Wars that are very similar to the Fallout TV Show opening. 
Gremlin Gus's Counterpart in this story is named the Leader. The Leader takes on a bit of a villainous role, having black and lidless eyes that glowed "with a strange hypnotic, almost fanatic lustre", a bowler hat greener than others, and a deep voice. But just like all villains, this one keeps his people underground once again to watch the humans die out so they can take over the world again; they get their comeuppance, but this time, the Leader doomed his people. When they emerged again, nothing was left, and the Gremlins disappeared, too. Despite the book not being that good, it was quite a sad read when I managed to get a copy of this book years ago. The book was never reprinted, so I had to get help from the local library to find a copy. The book was a flop with primarily negative reviews. Still, it did get some praise from the Glasgow Herald and The Saturday Review. It's also historically one of the first books about Nuclear Warfare. Recently, @gremlin-tails made a blog with the whole book posted online for reading. The link to the entire book is down below.
Fun Fact: If you guys remember Snoozeberries from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, they're actually the berries the Gremlins eat in the story.
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Part 2 Coming Soon...
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basuralindo · 9 months
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hey-haven · 2 years
Hey hi Spoilers for Chapter 6 of Twisted Wonderland.
I could write like a whole essay on Idia and Ortho’s parents which is saying a lot cause they literally never make a presence in the entire game, at least not yet. Who knows what will happen. But it’s the fact that they don’t show up, not even in Idia’s flashback, that says a lot about them.
Like what DO we know about them? We know that they’re in charge of a whole business, they’re pretty famous for their work, and they’re loaded. You gotta be if you’re literally in charge of a facility like S.T.Y.X let’s be real. Already that paints a picture of what kind of parents they’d be in a fictional setting. Constantly working, not having time for either of their sons, verrryyy distant. And that sucks, no kid should be neglected by their parents, but it’s honestly a lot worse than we might realize.
In chapter six, we learn that as soon as Idia was born his sole purpose was to become the heir to the family business. His entire childhood was specifically crafted to train him, and the fact that he’s an actual child prodigy only helped with that purpose. But that lead to Idia growing up very isolated with no room to actually choose what to do with his life because it’s already planned out for him. Imagine being like five and knowing that your future is already packed together with a nice bow and you don’t have a choice in the matter at all.
Then the incident happens. The Shrouds’ youngest son dies, the oldest is blaming himself for what happened, and what do we hear from the parents? Nothing, zip, zero.
Idia builds a new Ortho and the first people he shows his creation to are two random scientists who don’t even support Idia’s actions. (Not that I entirely blame them. That’s like another level of denial right there). Do we hear how Idia’s parents feel about it? Nope, nothing.
Like you’d think that something as massive and traumatic as literally loosing a son and the other is grieving in the most unhealthy way that maybe MAYBE you’d at least get some dialogue showing how the parents feel. But we get nothing.
So here’s my theory. Idia is not the Shrouds’ son. Biologically speaking, yes that their son, but they don’t treat him like one. That’s because they didn’t want a kid, they wanted and heir. They wanted a surefire way to keep the business going long after they retire. That’s it, that’s the only reason they had Idia. And god who knows why they had Ortho after. I wouldn’t be surprised if they only had another kid in case something happened to the first one. Clearly the facility isn’t a safe space for children, Ortho was basically a failsafe if something happened to Idia. Or I guess in this case, when something happened to Ortho.
Anyway uhhhh somebody give Idia and Ortho a hug. Neither of them had actual parental figures.
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skulltreefairy · 11 months
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I was determined to try to do artfight with @pupspuppet this year so i made a ref sheet of some characters from my series "Four-eyes" since I felt more comfortable posting it rather than my main stories atm. (not gonna lie tho those lazy feet kill me inside but I didnt wanna burn out on making it perfect or anything before starting on the actual event XD;;) So uh. . . time to attack now!!! Wish me luck!
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I know it's not as fun. but if you ever want to at least see the story of twisted wonderland there are a bunch of really good translators on YouTube that have the whole story plus events. it's not the same obviously, I prefer to play stories myself so when twst wasn't available to me it did take me a little longer to actually get through the videos but!! it was still nice!! it also was much easier than having to make it through the 2 hour prologue myself lmao
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I hate yall
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thestimboardmaker · 1 year
Jack Kelly - Newsies (1992)
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I made this stimboard entirely out of gifs straight off tumblr bc my computer is being weird and not letting me download gifs <3
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