#disabled poet
rosebud-poet · 1 year
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[Black text on a white background that reads:
my gender is whatever makes me easiest to kill,
my gender is breeding stock, kill all men, can’t you just stay unobtrusive and neutral, the question cut apart in debate chambers, my ragged flesh and bones picked for statistics and arguments by vultures in suits who go home to too-young wives, breathing out my same old screams to useless onlookers sitting in rows, you’re disgusted by my blood on the floor but unwilling to shoot down what’s killing me slowly, what are the magic words i need to say to get you to care that i’m dying, 
my gender is polite young woman in a pantsuit long long dead, forward-thinking and modern, isn’t it funny that she lived as a man, she wanted better opportunities, we dug up the body and passed it around the archives and if you look here you’ll see the place where they cut out the most important parts, so sad to see such irreversible damage, so sad she never had children, so sad she was mutilated, but she was such a trailblazer, the first woman to put a bullet in a state senator’s head,
my gender is a bullet in a state senator’s head, shooting down vultures before they break my sibling’s skin, crippled tranny faggot (triple threat) with a score to settle, with a gash down the center of its chest spitting fire through pharmacy phone lines, never fucked someone who wasn’t an enemy of the state, never was your little girl, sticking around till the bitter end and triple dog dare you to come bash me yourself you bloody-beaked coward, come watch me be the monster you all say i am,
my gender is whatever makes me hardest to kill.]
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cowsabungus · 7 days
i read online about a skeleton discovered with disabilities, she was about 20 years old
her teeth were rotten and they believed
the community fed her sweets and dates to keep her happy
a community caring for a disabled life
with such love and care
but im not so sure about it
because my community would sooner see me rot
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vitreous-human · 10 months
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"lover in christ", beckett h., 2023
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stuffydollband · 1 month
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Sonnet for Concussions
I’ve been losing my alr_ady-weak grip
On th_ late failed sta_e of my emotions
Fleei_g the carnage _n a stolen shi_
Onl_ to ca_size int_ t_e ocean
I’_e b_en taking _ drill to _he sea f_oor
Lettin_ the ey__ess creatur_s take t_eir sha_e
_’ve bee_ saying thi__s th_t I’ve sa_d be_ore
Ent___ng roo_s, u__ure ho_ _ got there
Mis___g th_ngs made of ___ holes that __ey leave
So_gs pl__ked _part __ the ne__tiv_ not_s
Sto__es _ li_ed th__ugh bu_ s_ar_ely b__ieve
__unt_ng t_e ha_ls __ _y s_ull _il the_ bl_at
__r __w lo_g c_n I dec___ th_ me__i_g
O_ __ank pa_es a__ un__ru_tu_ed k__n_n_?
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a-queer-crip-writes · 5 months
I still think about my last pregnancy a lot.
They’d be at primary school now
if they had survived to become a person.
It’s funny how I picture the heartbreak
nearly as much as the other stuff.
I pictured shaking with exhaustion
when they were a tiny baby
and having cracked nipples from breastfeeding
and worrying about painkillers in the breast milk.
Later, I pictured trying to carry them up the stairs on my chairlift,
juggling them squirming in one arm as I kept the lever down to move,
that horrible, ever-present terror of dropping them,
that bit of my brain that hates me
supplying the sound of
soft toddler bones cracking on carpeted stairs,
Juggling my crutches with their pushchair on good days;
trying to manage carrying them in my lap
while propelling my wheelchair on bad ones.
Would they have been resentful that I couldn’t
run around with them as much
as I wanted to?
Of days I had to lie in bed shuddering for hours
after I crawled to the toilet
or had to wait for their dad to get home for proper food
because my hands were shaking too much
to be safe with anything not microwaveable?
Would I have simply been Mummy
Or tried out a variety of ungendered terms
until we found one that worked for us?
Would their nonbinary parent
suddenly have become a terrible
embarrassment to them
at some point?
Or would it have been so obvious and
central to their little world that
screaming terfs would have seemed
beyond nonsensical to them?
Now I picture
phone calls from their school
on days when my other half is out on audit
and I can’t get out of bed without vomiting in pain.
Trying to call them a taxi
lying down with my eyes shut and
nothing coming out
but a jumble of unprocessed word salad.
Fighting for accommodations
we technically won last term
and yet nothing seems to have changed.
It would have been horrendously hard,
and I still very much wish it had happened
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Invisible Pain
My cane clicks against the floor, families turn to stare. Head down, eyes ahead, I make my way through the room with Invisible Pain.
I gain a laugh from my sister, an "ew!" from my therapist, a "me too" from my brother. I show off my party tricks, contorting my joints and pulling my skin. I avoid grimacing and laugh through the Invisible Pain.
Physical therapists say "You have no structural issues!" Parents show concern that eventually fades. Doctors say it's all in my head. I should lose weight, change my habits. How can I exercise enough for them? When I’m overtaken by Invisible Pain?
Don't you think it's a bit insensitive to not believe my aches and pains? To say it's normal to have your hips shift, to have your arms swell,to lose feeling in your legs? I guess I will try to ignore the Invisible Pain.
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wormonastringtheory · 7 months
A friend, also the coolest human on earth, (A Black transmasc deafblind spectrum sculpture and textile artist, creative, community/spiritual leader, polyglot, singer, writer, and a director of a mental health organization centering marginalized folks, I only mention all this because I need you to appreciate how epic the person you're gonna be working with is), is seeking a Braille poet for a commission they want done. The commission would only be a line or two long. The commission would pay $200 CAD. People with Canadian bank accounts preferred for convenience sake.
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nyxflorae · 18 days
Algea - A Sonnet
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A poem I wrote about my experience with chronic illness. I hope you enjoy and have a nice day.
[Image ID: The text "Algea — A Sonnet. Ἄλγεα - the personification of pain // grief," over a background with a dark field with trees in the distance. The sonnet is written divided by stanza in several images. It is as follows:
perpetual as luminescent night
it permeates my body and my heart
for sweet relief, I long and yearn and fight
yet desolation rips my life apart.
oh, how I wish I could just convalesce
and spend my days without a single woe
yet, laying in my bed, I evanesce
as I'm rained down upon by bitter snow.
alas, my life I've spend in whitewashed rooms
and out of them, despondent, I emerge
machinery foretelling my own doom
and strangers, wearing labcoats, sing my dirge.
I cry, I beg, I wish on every star
the ephemeral echoes, hear my plea
oh, why am I so flawed? I've come so far
please take away this burning agony.
I fade into the iridescent sky
my shackles gone, I close my eyes and fly.
/End ID.]
rbs and replies very much appreciated<3!
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inkbyday · 5 months
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[unnumbered: mysteries of brooklyn]
— Day
September 2023
[poem text:
When we planted the seedlings in June, I unearthed shards of glass from the dirt—dozens of dusty fragments from its former life. I pictured the still buried pieces suddenly wrapped in roots, tangling with new growth. As I softened the soil with sweat, my partner sheltered small shoots from the sun’s heat.
Yesterday, we stepped outside to find a single shoe standing in the middle of the yard, one lace disappearing between cracks in the pavement as if grown from the concrete itself.
Another mystery of Brooklyn: without fertilizer or stakes to climb our tomatoes managed to stretch seven feet up (and counting). Broad leaves overtook the basil and pepper plants, devoured the neighbors’ fence and every trellis we tried to add. Stubborn green veins towered so tall that when August storms came, they keeled over entirely under the water’s weight and crept across the concrete, displaying all two hundred of their tiny, hard fruits—not yet ripe.
Across the yard, a bed of weeds shot skyward, as untamed as our carefully tended tomatoes.
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joy-haver · 1 year
I hate the incessant drive to put a name to things. To make categories and labels for every thought, feeling, and philosophy.
Must I be a Monist to believe in the inherent oneness of everything,
Or a Dualist to know that from differentiation arises understanding?
Do I need to be cis, trans, or nonbinary to know that many aspects and contradictions arise inside of me?
Need I be painted into the brush of Anarchism to embody anarchy in the great wide life painting?
Why is it so important to you to look at me and say “this is what you are; what you must be”, when no definition or term could ever fully describe a being?
As tho presence in one space could deny existence in the other. Like I can’t be a man in my history, a woman to my lover, a faggot to my enemy, and a Christian to my mother.
I am married and I am dating, I am crippled and I am whole. Sacred. Profane,
so far along and so far left to go.
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fartknocker101 · 14 hours
when you try to find other people with Down syndrome on tumblr but it’s nothing but shitpost accounts clowning on the disability or organizations that posted in 2011:
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mustardintheturlet · 1 month
No Storage Left
Sagan B.
My shoulders hurt
My nerves are on fire
Splice down my spine with a kitchen knife
Make it quick and take it away
May the pain leave with your grip
Toss it in the dirt, throw me in the water and live a better life
Without the aluminum that wont fold
There’s no room in your back seat for a burden this heavy
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vitreous-human · 4 months
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"creature comforts", s. beckett, 2023
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stuffydollband · 1 month
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Sonnet For Spills
Some things just don’t get put back together
Broken glass and spills will live in the floor
Some things will always slip from their tether
Falling and failing and falling some more
And you will get stuck as you’re walking by
With shards and needles and loose screws and damp
Invisible cobwebs will catch your eye
You’ll howl and you’ll hiss, you’ll scream and you’ll stamp
But don’t let accidents make you lose cool
The stains will dry up, the sore foot will pass
Each little lost thing’s an unpolished jewel
In the ecosystem of nylon grass
These things happen. Take a breath. It’s okay
Don’t allow small things to ruin your day
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a-queer-crip-writes · 4 months
There is no need
to rake
the brown corpses of leaves
from your winter grass
or cut away
the pale bleached skeletons
of summer flowers
from your garden
once the pulse of life has fled them.
Beneath those slow-vanishing heaps
and within those bleaching, drying stalks
pollinators dream away
the chill and harsh winds of winter
or pupate
snugly tucked away into new becoming.
And the stuff that *was* life
leaches from those fading piles and natomies
into the sleeping chill
of the winter earth
as they cover it;
and amidst the continuous chemical threads
of the mycelium networks endless communication
germinates a new note in that great slow symphony
ready to burst forth
into the glad new notes
of spring’s green.
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hanslwrites · 1 year
i am the very definition of self-destructive i say, with no shame it's automatic, symptomatic simply, a fact of life unfair and terrible and mine to claim
who was i meant to be if not this i don't regret anything i wouldn't change a thing wouldn't risk all i have for a different person in the making because this made me me
i am the very definition of broken but i am not wrong i view the world from another angle unexpected but sorely needed my time is limited but i'm not ready to be dismissed
i am not brave when i suffer when i merely persist as if it's even a question i am brave when i tell people where to go when i tell people no
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