#cottagecore neil
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New Ultraviolence outtake posted today by Neil Krug.
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effabledisaster · 3 months
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It’s mine they’re mine, and they’re delicious
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damiengravehill · 9 months
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Silas preparing Bod for his first day in school 🥀🦇
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kinzplush · 4 months
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crowley & aziraphale as jellycat bunnies!! 🪽
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grandmawitch · 9 months
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Haven’t painted a tiny house in a while & I can’t stop thinking about Coraline lately 🪡✨
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neptunefairytales · 5 months
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I brought some cute stuff at my local art toy shop/tattoo parlor (yes it's both at the same time!) and the seller always put stickers at random in the bag. I got 3, a Totoro one and those two. And if it's not the most Ineffable thing possible I don't know what is! Seriously? Wine and Cake? The black nail polish and the dove? The southdowns cottage hedge? Come on! (also if anyone know the artist it will be nice)
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catre33 · 5 months
I love annotating paperbacks
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I do feel bad about the ink blots tho
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furrygha · 24 days
My twin boys, River and Rhyder, born prematurely at 25 weeks, need urgent medical support. Rhyder has a double aorta arch, requiring specialized care in Kansas City. I lost my job and cannot return for six weeks due to a C-section. Any assistance towards their medical expenses is deeply appreciated
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damiengravehill · 9 months
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POV: You watch an orphan and a vampire try their best to distract the police 🦇🪦🍂🍁
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shakingwithgayness · 1 year
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This man just Oozes sex appeal. King of the Tumblr Sexymen, Merv Pumpkinhead 🌟
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
matt boyd’s big sister (more kefu oc’s)
matt has known stevie boyd-yi all his life - shes his half sister, after all, but post-canon they get a lot closer.
stevie - who exclusively answers to stevie, never anything else. she’ll actually kill you if you call her stephanie - is five years older than matt. she’s never been super close with their father - her mum died when she was young and their dad was never a hands on father. he didn’t tend to be abusive, just very neglectful. stevie had really happy memories of growing up with matt and randy around. when donald and randy split, causing randy and matt to move away, she was devastated. for many years though, stevie was a regular and welcome visitor at randy’s. after dropping off the radar for a bit, at 16 she appeared on randy’s doorstep and moved in with them. she was unusually cagey about the final straw but randy knows what donald is like. 11 year old matt is just thrilled to have his big sister around.
at 18, stevie gets the opportunity to study applied sports science in edinburgh - somewhere she knew her mum had spent a lot of time. despite feeling sad about leaving randy - who she calls mum more often than not - and matt behind, she leaps at the opportunity. while there, she gets as chance to develop her boxing skills, something randy had begun to teach her and loves every minute of it. she also throws herself into every other sport she can, although she doesn’t think shes mad enough for exy.
in edinburgh, stevie meets wiccan philosophy student who looks like she’s stepped straight out of a fairy tale called morgan. morgan is potentially the definition of hyper-femininity and her whimsical charm has stevie hanging on every single word. morgan knows it as well and is fortunately - for an unusually bashful stevie - incredibly forward, if a little hard for stevie to understand at first - her accent is very thick (something that has stevie practically swooning). they start dating soon after and very quickly move in together.
theres something about morgan’s unfazed calm that balances stevie’s endless energy perfectly. throughout their degrees, they live in each others pockets. after graduating, stevie gets the opportunity to box locally and morgan gets her masters degree. they settle down in a bizarre domestic bliss that stevie never thought she would have. it’s so unlike the way she saw randy and her father interact, although anything involving her father was not the best example of a relationship. or parenting. or just being a human being.
the year matt and his foxes win the championship, stevie receives a call. it’s not unusual, she speaks to randy most weeks. but randy is unusually tentative. stevie just, not unkindly, tells her to spit it out. randy explains shes secured funding for a psu fox style project in the boxing world in new york and could really do with some advice. she knows stevie is happy in edinburgh - shes visited enough times to see that - but she can’t think of anyone else shed want to go into business with. in a bizarre serious of coincidences, morgan has found someone to supervise her phd at columbia university in new york. that solves randy’s issue and within a week, they’ve moved from edinburgh and randy and stevie are scouting locations for randy’s ring.
matt, who stevie has spoken to weekly since leaving, is thrilled to have his sister back. stevie ends up spending a small fortune on plane tickets between nyc and columbia to begin with, excited to be able to see matt so easily. one thing matt didn’t account for was how his friends would react to stevie. shes nearly six foot tall and pure muscle yet more feminine than she thinks she is and very, very beautiful. when the foxes meet her, dan, allison and renee all fall slightly in love with her. neil is just confused because he didn’t realise matt had a sister - he presumed any talk of ‘stevie’ was about a dog. matt is kinda concerned his best friend is so unobservant about somethings and not others.
the sticking point between matt and stevie is how they feel about their dad. matt knows that his dad and sister dont have a relationship - his relationship with their dad is shaky at best but matt keeps up the hope that some day he will apologise for how he’s acted and refuses to cut him out in the way stevie had done. stevie kept vaguely in touch after leaving herself but her final straw was hearing - on the other side of the fucking world - what had happened to matt. she was so fucking angry that it had happened. she doesn’t say anything, though. matt knows they’re not in contact but he doesn’t know how fucking angry stevie still is over it.
it comes to a head, like most things with the foxes, when they’re tipsy and hanging out. stevie and morgan are down in columbia for the weekend with all of the foxes. they’re not at at edens but a quaint little bar they found down the road that they now frequent. someone - in all their wisdom - decides that it’s time to bring up dad’s, a mistake in any fox conversation.
stevie is boarding on drunk when she says “yeah, well, i dont speak to my dad because he has that annoying habit of getting his kids hooked on drugs.” shes aiming for humour but it doesn’t even land.
matt tenses, he has a really complicated range of emotions about this. he knows deep down that his father is responsible but a small part of him always reminded him he was a teenager, not a defenceless kid. he said yes. he shouldn’t have been offered drugs - especially not hard drugs like that - but he said yes.
matt just tersely replies “i’d hardly call it a habit, stevie, it happened once.”
he never calls her stevie, only steve. it’s a childhood habit that stuck. in that moment, it felt wrong.
“twice,” stevie corrects as though it was obvious but then her brain finally catches up. matt doesn’t know.
“what? that piece of shit got us both hooked on drugs, you know?” she really needs to shut up.
“what the fuck are you on about? you’re joking”
“that would be a shit joke”
“you have to be joking, thats not true.”
“tell that to the fucking rehab centre i spent nearly six months in at sixteen.”
“stevie” it’s morgan now. shes calm and gentle, yet firm. shes the voice of reason. she removes stevie from the situation, her insanely long hair tickling stevies arms slightly, and tells matt to meet them tomorrow afternoon once they’ve both sobered up. she gives matt a hug and tells dan - who’s also become a friend to the couple - to look after him.
they meet the next day. matt, dan, stevie and morgan. stevie can’t stop crying. she hadn’t stopped all night. neither her nor morgan really slept. morgan just held stevie and let her feel. she was definitely drunker than she thought and she never intended it to come out that way. matt’s more hung up on the fact she never told him.
“you were too young to begin with,” stevie says, trying not to cry any more, “and then he’d fucking done it again. i felt guilty, matt, i shouldn’t have left. i should have been around when mum had to go away.”
matt nods almost emotionlessly. he’s not agreeing with stevies statement at all - it’s not her fucking fault - but he is digesting it. dans hand is reassuringly on his thigh the whole time. he eventually has one more question. “has he apologised to you?”
stevie chooses her words carefully. she doesn’t want anger to take over here. she needs to be rational and calm. she shakes her head. “i think the fact he did it again just solidifies the fact he doesn’t feel bad. but that doesn’t mean you have to cut him out, matt.”
matt doesn’t full on block his father like stevie had done but any closeness and familiarity has faded. despite the difficulties (and things they unpack together in therapy) stevie and matt become closer than ever.
randy’s ring really takes off - a project for kids like matt and stevie, and all of the foxes - they open up more and more locations. stevie is at randys side the whole time and matt couldn’t be prouder.
but stevies had enough of being a boyd. matt becomes a wilds and stevie decides, before her wedding (which has surprisingly take a while - they waited for morgan to get her phd) that she wants a different name. morgan has no real connection to her family and isn’t fussed about keeping her name. stevie’s keeping yi - the only tangible connection to her mother - but the other part she wants isn’t necessarily hers to take. after a boxing session after hours at the ring with randy, they’re pulling off the gloves and talking about where to go for dinner. stevie stops her for a minute.
“how would you feel,” she says slowly, very unsure of herself, “if i changed my name?”
“go for it, kid, do whatever you want.” randy is entirely bemused as to why stevie is asking for permission.
“i mean my surname. i obviously want to keep the yi but i was wondering about williams? my lovely wife and i could be the yi-williams.”
williams. randy williams. her eyes filled with tears and she tackles her daughter (blood be damned) into a hug.
“baby, that sounds like a brilliant idea”
matt, naturally, loses his shit over this and absolutely fucking loves it. stevie is entirely his sister, no matter what people want to say.
(matt eventually becomes a stay at home dad while dans out there killing it as a coach. their three children grow up around randys ring, with their grandma and doting aunties stevie and morgan)
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ladytrist · 2 years
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Give me more films to add to my list🫶✨
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batemanofficial · 10 months
unfortunate side effect of the release of good omens season two is that im seeing bible verses on my dash presented without even a hint of irony
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kinzplush · 4 months
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“…for the first time ever, a nightingale actually did sing in berkeley square. nobody heard it over the noise of the traffic, but it was there, right enough.” 🕊️💗
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justbeachybailey · 1 year
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and that's all we needed when we hear them...
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katscatnip · 2 years
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tge catboys are getting over trauma :)
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