#but when im writing I pay too much attention to whats playing in my headphone that altogether makes writing impossible
lauriel816 · 4 months
It's totally fine to blast music in your headphone when you are in the mood for doodling and it might even help when you are out of inspiration but when you are on your writing mode that song you've played in loops for the past 3hrs suddenly become the most distracting and annoying thing in the world? I call it terrorism against writers
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staysafedontdie · 8 months
I thought I was free of BG3, but I was not.
(sorry Im not using the real app so it's not letting me edit correctly)
So, I made another Redeemed!Durge playthrough.
While my first one was narratively and cognitively dissonant, story-wise (an unusual looking Githyanki Bard, doing serial murdering in Baldur's Gate? Brushing elbows with powerful people? And no one noticed???) I decided to chalk that up to Bhaal being incredibly cocky. He has the old man voice and is much more tired than my current PC.
My goal with this updated playthrough was two-fold:
Make the ultimate Durge - constantly underestimated, can go anywhere, no one bats an eyelash at their presence.
Get Astarion as the first and only companion and using a specific guide (https://reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/visFK1mKzl - top comment), get the scenes that I initially missed. (Most of the companion scenes are tiered/have priority, I think it's a combination of specific character and approval. Most often Astarion's scenes get overwritten by Shadowheart, Lae'zel, or Gale.)
So, my new character is a Female Half-Elf Bard (Sword Bard OP), with more traditionally Elven features, tanned skin, freckles, and light brown hair with a bit of blonde from sun-bleaching. She looks like the personification of the sun. Someone who's never gone a day without.
But she's also pretty, and forgettable -which is the important part. Other than the shattered dagger throat tattoo, a scar over her lips and the dagger earrings, she's just the girl next door. And since she's slight in build, she's constantly underestimated. It made for quick work to lure people to their doom.
the WORST part is that I've been writing blurbs between playing.
I've written over /16,000/ words. On my phone. Mostly idling in game, headphones on, listening to the ambient music. Or laying in bed. It's not even edited, it's just terrible stream of consciousness stuff.
I call the story collection 'Brief Moments in Time' and one of them involves my Half-Elf, Lysithea, having a core memory unlocked when Astarion is spouting lines at her during the Tiefling Party. Turns out she not only LIKES pick up lines, but also COLLECTS them. They were very useful for luring people to their deaths - like a less sexy version of what Astarion used to do for Cazador.
Here's the little memory flashback I have for her. The ending lines are meant to invoke that moment with the dying Mind Flayer you find at the crash site in Act 1. (Compassion??)
The settings are vague, but the bustling environment must be a local tavern. She’s sipping ale quietly from a table that has a strategic vantage point. The occasional scratching of a quill in a book accompanies her gaze, making sure to take notes on would be targets.
But just over by the bar, she hears a drunken man say a fun pick-up line a little too loudly. Like Astarion she used whatever means she had to lure people away to their doom, and she pays attention to the honeyed words to try and see if they’ll be of some use to her.
“Are you a Gelatinous Cube? Because I feel like this encounter is going to end up with me inside you.”
Past the rage and the darkness that consume her, there’s a small bubble of… joy.
And then she spends the next little bit spouting lines at Astarion, which he rather likes because she calls him beautiful. And it's nice to be on the receiving end of such attention every now and again.
She's also aware the entire time he's using her, but doesn't care. She's got no sense of who she is, beyond a few small things, so she's using him as well for companionship and to help curb the urge and build new memories. After all, they're a lot alike.
...In the future I want to do a Wyll run where I romance Karlach because I heard he goes with her at the end to Avernus anyway and they're so sweet to each other 🥹
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nagipops · 3 years
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, hinata, kiba, shino, neji, rock lee, and tenten
WARNINGS: mentions of food
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definitely has forgotten that he was unmuted multiple times
or his camera was accidentally turned on
you could just see him sprawled on his bed with a bowl of instant ramen on his lap and a blanket wrapped around himself
EARRAPE SLURPS!! rip headphone users.
sometimes he notices that his camera’s turned on and you can see him freak out and scramble to turn it off
but he accidentally unmutes himself too and so you just hear panicked yelling
his device topples to the floor with a loud crash and he screams so loud istg
the next thing you see is naruto’s face hovering over the camera in fear just before his camera turns off and he’s muted again
the teacher is so confused?? naruto should i call an ambulance
but when he’s not eating in class, he’s sleeping in class
too busy sleeping to leave the zoom at the end of class so he’s always the last one left in the meeting besides the teacher
always asks sakura what happened during the zoom and she is FED UP
enters the waiting room 15 minutes before class is actually supposed to begin
spends the next 15 minutes rearranging her work area, making sure she’s prepared for the day
sits properly at her desk with her hair smoothed down and her face positioned perfectly in frame
if no one else has their camera on, she’s the only one with it on
seriously, she ALWAYS HAS IT ON
and she never leaves the screen somehow
diligently takes notes, uses the “raise hand” feature every two minutes to ask a question
sometimes it can get a bit annoying, even for the teacher
but she almost always gets perfect marks
acts like in angel in class, but after class... no promises, naruto!
this man can barely stay awake during missions, so during a zoom? HECK NAH
shikamaru is literally me,, half asleep during lessons but somehow gets amazing grades
everyone’s either pissed at or envious of him (especially naruto)
obviously does not have his camera on
and rarely ever unmutes
uses the chat feature to answer the teacher’s questions but this man is basically asleep so its so incoherent
“shikamaru, what is a hyperbole?”
in chat: “a hyeprbole is a exsaggerayed phras,e”
teacher definitely thinks he’s cheating on tests
either a) daydreaming about boys or b) checking herself out in the zoom camera OR c) secretly fuming at sakura’s know-it-all behavior
the two girls definitely compete to see who can raise their virtual hand first
"ahem, ahem- sensei? could i answer this question?"
her voice gets all sickly sweet and sakura HATES IT
the two of them totally got caught insulting each other in the private chat
100% the type of student to rewrite her notes after classes with various markers and colored pens and pretty fonts and patterns and whatnot
loves doodling flowers in her notebook during boring lessons!
another strong contender for the Loudest Student award!
not on purpose though, he just forgets that space bar = unmute, and plays some jumping game in another tab (like the no internet dino game!)
also,, rip headphone users
c r o n c h munch munch munch
are you kidding this man's chews are loud enough in person, but with a HEADSET?! hoo boy.
has conked out several times during class
just imagine the name Choji Akimichi with a profile picture of a bag of chips light up with the green box around it with a thunk
the teacher and class is so confused
but then you hear mumbles of "barbeque... chips... barbeque..."
and you realize that the man fell asleep onto his keyboard
he sleeps through the rest of class
shy bb has never ONCE turned on her camera
the only time she's ever unmuted was to say "here" during attendance on the first day of school
if the teacher ever takes attendance again, she just uses the raise hand feature
what if naruto-kun thinks my voice is ugly? what if i accidentally turn on my camera? what if the teacher thinks i'm not paying attention? what if-
poor baby is too busy worrying about showing herself on zoom to actually pay attention
actually gets good grades though and her classmates wonder if she’s even there
her zoom pfp is definitely just a purple google “H”
has the CUTEST zoom pfp hands down
it’s a selfie of him grinning cheerily with baby akamaru
100% has his camera on the whole time to show off his pup
he loves seeing everyone’s faces on screen melt and aww at the lil big doggo
sometimes akamaru just walks in front of the camera and blocks kiba from view and you just see a massive wall of white fur on screen LMAO
even though kiba’s muted, you can see him and akamaru bickering about who knows what
or even play fighting,, these two get into full on BRAWLS during class
just imagine akamaru shoves kiba into his desk and his camera crashes to the ground overturned so you see the ceiling and the occasional dog tail wagging in the corner
seriously, can the teacher ever catch a break with this class?
the answer is no.
his zoom pfp is just a tick.
a singular tick
totally answers questions in chat with proper capitalization and punctuation
shikamaru’s improper answers tick him off
“A hyperbole is an expression that is greatly exaggerated. They are used in order to create emphasis.”
has never unmuted in his life either
he’s so unfazed by everything that goes down in class that it’s funny
if anything the slightest bit RELATED to bugs comes up during class, in 0.00238 seconds this man has an entire essay about them posted in chat, almost like he had it copied and READY to paste
everyone's definitely shocked that there’s actually a human listening behind a tick profile picture
a very diligent note taker
seriously, this man writes like a printer; perfectly even handwriting that looks like a font, a million words per minute
everyone asks him for his notes after the zoom because they’re so neat (especially naruto, to neji’s dismay)
he gets excellent grades since he’s so organized and focused
just wishes the zoom would be over so he can work alone in peace
really hates unmuting so he often gives one-word answers in the chat
“Yes” “47” “Present” “Goodbye”
has used a zoom reaction ONCE in his life and he has never wanted to crawl into a hole and perish more
it was a complete accident,, mans was just trying to open the chat to type in his answer, but in a cruel twist of fate he clicked on the 😂 reaction
and he just sat there for ten excruciating seconds in complete and utter shock and shame for ten excruciating seconds as he prayed for it to disappear
tenten would never let him live that down
Zoom Reaction Enthusiast
😂😮👍🎉❤️ 24/7
naruto accidentally unmutes himself? 😮
choji falls asleep on his keyboard? 😂
neji answers something correctly? 👍
tenten received the highest score in class? 🎉
akamaru appears on screen? ❤️
unmutes whenever he needs to, but he thinks the little emoticons are so silly and cute
otherwise, he is EXTRA FOCUSED and EXTREMELY DETERMINED to learn all of the things
he’s the first to unmute whenever the teacher asks if the class can see the screen share, hear them correctly, etc.
never takes his eyes off the screen!! he could be missing out on important information
I FEEL LIKE,, i feel like he would totally keep his camera off when he’s muted but whenever he unmutes he would also turn his camera on
so when he says a quick “yes!” his camera turns on but before his camera can adjust properly to the light he mutes and turns his camera back off so his face is just super dark for a split second LMAOOO
tell me im wrong
exasperated by this entire class
thinks her and neji are the only sane ones in the class and it’s true
wants to tell sakura and ino to stop competing and just focus on learning, since they’re the only other girls in the class besides hinata
plus she’s just fed up with all the lazy boys
takes great pride in passing every assignment, test, or exam with flying colors
teachers pet, but the quieter type who stays after every zoom and sends lots of emails regarding assignments and grades and whatnot (unlike sakura and ino who rub it in the teacher’s face)
doesn’t like helping other people besides neji, girl’s got a soft spot for him since they have a mutual respect for each other
but if you’re a handsome prince, maybe she’ll help you out!
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
can i pls rq hcs of bakugou with a s/o with tics? they come with my adhd and i have either happy tics which happen when im excited or i enjoy something, or negative tics when im overstimulated/overwhelmed by something. this morning at 3 am i had a really bad attack because my body was shaking but i couldnt move to release tension. my most common negative tic is where i hit/ punch myself and i alwaus end up hurting after an attack. i need comfort smh :')
Oh god I relate to this, I didn’t know it was an adhd thing too though! When I’m excited, my fingers are always wiggling, but if im like, really uncomfortable or theres Too Much of something I end up pinching my arms and thighs TvT
Trying to sleep is like, the worst though right? Just laying there is Boring and it feels like my insides are crawling with TV static.
Anyways enough of my rambling, back to the show! I’m gonna use some of my tic habits in this too so just be warned lol
-So I’m expanding a little on my old post about bnha x adhd!reader
-So Baku already knows you have ADHD, and he’s somewhat accustomed to it. There’s a lot to it that he hasn’t seen yet, or that you don’t show him because you’re shy (or haven’t gotten around to).
-He notices the little things about you once you start dating, the fine details of your adhd. You’ve always had them, but as his SO he’s paying more attention to you and your habits.
-He still doesn’t get why you have tics sometimes, but that’s just because he doesn’t have adhd. The leg bobbing and pen clicking can get on his nerves sometimes, but he’s learned to keep an eye on you to watch out for when you’re getting restless.
-Usually if he sees you’re starting to get wound up, he’ll order a break from whatever you guys are doing to go for a short walk, either outside or around the dorms. Just something to get you moving, and to give you a small change in scenery. Different sets of stimuli, y’know?
-He’s done a little bit of research on what adhd is, but most of what he’s learned has come from you, so his knowledge is really catered to your specific needs.
-Lowkey thinks some of your excited tics are cute. The way your fingers wiggle when something has caught your attention, or the way you squirm in your seat when you’re excited for something. Even they way you write things in the air when you’re trying to keep track of your thoughts.
-They’re things that are very you, and he thinks all of you is cute. But he’d never say that out loud....or at least not in public. If you’re alone and he’s prompted, he’ll mumble out a quiet compliment and then turn pink in the cheeks. Try not to tease him too much, even if it’s easy. Give him a hug or something instead and thank him, or give him a quiet moment of affection. It’ll help him open up and get a bit more comfortable with relationship stuff.
-The first time he sees one of your negative tics, he doesn’t actually see it happen.
-What I mean is, he sees a bruise on your cheek, and being the concerned boyfriend he is, he wonders (abrasively) where you got it. It looks pretty fresh, but he doesn’t remember you getting hit in the face during training.
-If you’re like me, then you’ll probably try to play it off as an accident. Like ‘oh I slipped in the shower’ or ‘I got stuck and accidentally smacked myself’. He’ll give you the benefit of the doubt the first time, maybe even the second time, but he’s definitely clued in to how his simple question flustered you.
-By the third time he finds bruises on you, he’s actually starting to get worried. A little piece of him wonders if someone’s treating you badly, another student if you’re in the dorms. That’s when he’d pull you aside and ask you about it seriously. If it’s something you’re keen on hiding, he at least has the tact not to blurt it out in front of everyone.
-It’s kind of stressful telling him about your tics, like ‘you know how sometimes when I’m happy that my fingers do the Thing?’ and he’s like ‘yeah’ and you’re like ‘well it goes both ways. When something’s too much or I’m overwhelmed, the tics still happen.’
-He’s like ???? so you’ll have to explain further, how if you’re overstimulated, it can be physically painful and can send you into a panic attack. Like plugging fifty cords into one socket, something’s gonna break, the power’s gonna shut off, or a fire’s gonna start.
-It clicks for him that the bruises on your body are from your own hands. He definitely wants to scold you, or ask why, but he sees how you’re starting to close off a little and get overwhelmed now, so instead he pulls you into a hug.
-He’ll want to try and figure out something else to get the energy out of you, something less harmful. Even if it’s potentially embarrassing for either of you, it’s better than hurting yourself.
-It doesn’t really work like that Baku, but he’s trying. 
-He assures you that there’s no shame in something you have no control over, and also that he’s not ashamed of you. He’s always gonna stick up for you and fight off assholes who talk shit.
-But he does his best convince you to tell him when you’re feeling overwhelmed, so he can be there for you however you need him. Whether it’s getting you out of a place with too much stimuli, or squishing you real tight to calm your nervous system down. He’ll even offer you his arm to pluck at, instead of using your own skin.
-Which, again, isn’t really how it works, but it’s the thought that counts. (Explain to him that the plucking and punching isn’t just for the release of energy, but also to change the sensations your body is experiencing).
-He starts carrying a couple of fidget toys in his pockets for you, in case you forget yours, as well as a little teeny tub of clay for you to squish and shove your fingers into when you start getting the urge to claw and scratch.
-If sound is a big issue for you (it is for me oof) then he’s gonna invest in a really nice pair of noise cancelling headphones for you. As a boyfriend gift, from him to you. It’s probably stupid expensive, but it’s his way of saying ‘I want you to be okay and be able to cope’.
-All in all, he tries his best to notice when you’re starting to get riled up, and he’ll try to get you out of the situation or help you cope. But if you’re already in a bad way, then he’s not going to judge you for it, and he’ll help you treat any bruises or scratches you’ve obtained. And if you want to talk about it, he’s good to listen, but if you don’t, then he’s good to cuddle on your bed and let you play with his hair.
-TL;DR he tries his best and loves you a lot.
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urwaifux · 3 years
Okay so I’ve never requested before and I’m kinda scared but would you be able to write a like angst to fluff, where the reader had a really bad day regarding their parents or something (totally not relatable 🤔), and then kenma lets the reader sit on his lap while he plays games and asks them about what happened. And then maybe the reader falls asleep.
Oh my crap that was long, apologies! I hope you have a wonderful day ☺️
OMG IM SO EXCITED FOR MY FIRST REQUEST!! You did it great sweetie I don’t really know if this is good or not but you can be the judge of that <3 Hope you enjoy it !! :)
It felt like it took you forever to arrive at kenma’s house, desperately holding tears back from falling as you entered the place your boyfriend owned. You slowly put your bag on the floor, taking off your shoes and placing them neatly on the doormat right next to Kenma’s everyday shoes.
Everything feels like shit at this moment and all you want to do is cuddle with your boyfriend and forget what’s really happening inside your own home but is it real home at this point? Countless arguments about your future and so much more on your appearance.
Always trying to please them clearly isn’t going anywhere so why bother at this point.
You should have moved in with Kenma the moment he had asked you too.
You walked to the gaming room knowing he’d be there like always, though you did shoot him a text you’d be heading over soon a while back.
The door creaked open and in came you, a pouting mess. Tears brimming in your eyes and lips trembling. 
With no questions asked, Kenma opened his arms and let you sit yourself on him comfortably in the spinning desk chair. Caging you in his arms he continued playing, wanting you to open up to him instead of bothering you by asking.
“Today was really frustrating…”
“Yeah.. My mom keeps asking me to be an accountant and my dad is arguing because he wants me to be a doctor and then my mom had the decency to mention me gaining weight when all I've been doing is stressing on finding a job. Which caused me to lose weight then increase it but she just wants to be petty i guess. I don't know what else to do, they're driving me nuts” All this was said muffled into kenma’s chest, your hands tracing shapes in the back of his neck.
You talked a bunch while Kenma played, yet his headphones were off, fully paying attention to what you were saying. 
“I love you Y/n…”
“I love you more Ken” You finally let out a small giggle while kenma kissed the side of your head.
“Want to play Minecraft?”
“Of course!”
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jinderellas-castle · 3 years
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓮~ (𝓟. 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓷) 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1
Tis my first fanfic, it's based of off Jimin's song Filter because I cannot get enough of that song omfg I love it so much. Au where Jimin is a fashion designer and owner of his own label because why tf not~
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“Mr. Park, about these new designs-”
“Please schedule a meeting for it later, I’m going out today with an old friend.”
“Yes sir.”
Jimin made his way out of his office, grabbing his jacket and keys as he walked out the building. It was only recently that his clothing label had blown up and became popular. A sudden change of supply and demand had caused Jimin’s long work hours and tested his dedication. But, with the help of his faithful employees and friends, he was able to set his company on the right track.
Last night he had gotten a call from his old friend Jungkook. They hadn’t seen each other in months and Jimin was more than happy to go grab a coffee with him. As Jimin drove off to the coffee shop he had visited on more than one occasion he thought about Jungkook. What was he doing in his life? Did he have a girlfriend, or even maybe a wife? His thoughts were cut off as he parked and got out and walked to the entrance. There Jungkook was, on his phone standing next to the door, turning his head when he saw the familiar blond walking towards him.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?” Jungkook was quick to give Jimin a bone shattering hug. Jimin had to tap on his shoulder to get Jungkook to let him go.
“Jesus you’re so strong, you could’ve fucking cracked my spine.”
“Pff sorry,” Jungkook laughed before heading in the small shop, it smelt of coffee beans and vanilla. The two friends were quick to grab a table by the window.
“So, what have you been up to?” Jimin asked while he took his hat off, running a hand through his messy hair. He grabbed one of the small menus and began to look through them.
“Nothing much, to be honest...well actually I auditioned for a couple music companies but I haven’t heard back yet- but hey I see you’ve been doing good.” Jimin blushed slightly at Jungkook’s comment, hiding behind his menu and pretending to be very invested in the assortment of muffins the small shop had to offer.
“Yeah thanks, it’s been a long journey but it was worth it.” It was silent after that for a little bit, both boys looking for what they wanted to eat and drink.
And then there was you.
Jimin just happened to look towards the door when he heard the little jingle. You walked in with your headphones in and head down, looking at your phone. You went straight to the back so he assumed that you worked here.
“Hyung- order your food,” when you disappeared behind a door Jimin was brought back to reality. There was some lady standing in front of their table, pen in hand patiently waiting for Jimin to say something.
“Oh- um, sorry. I’ll have a strawberry muffin and an iced americano, thank you.” The waiter left without a word, going through the same door you had. So she does work here. Jimin hoped you would come out soon, he wanted to see you again with no particular reason as to why. Even after the waitress came back with their order, Jimin paid no mind, side eyeing the door, waiting for you.
“Dude are you okay? You’ve been looking at the door for like the past five minutes. Do you need to use the bathroom or something-”
“No that’s not it I-just- there was this girl and she went through that door, I’m waiting for her to come back out.”
“Ooohhh, who is she?”
“I literally have no clue.”
“Just go back there and look for her!”
“No why the hell would I-” someone somewhere had dropped something, the sound of glass shattering caught everyone’s attention, looking around the source. Surely enough, there in one of the booth’s there was a little boy looking down at the plate he just dropped. The mother immediately apologized for the mess and bent down to clean it up, but some waiter stopped her, telling her someone else would clean it up.
“Hey someone send Y/n out to come clean this up.” Jimin, who all but forgot about the incident went back to eating his muffin, feeling a small bit of pity for whoever was going to have to clean that mess up.
“I swear to fucking god I’m going to slap that little gremlin I hate kids I should have the little shit clean it himself.” You said, angrily holding a mop and a trashbag with you.
Jimin and Jungkook’s eyes grew wide as he heard what the waitress that passed them just said. Turning around in his seat to see who said that, he saw you, on the ground with an obviously fake smile, assuring the mother that it was okay. Jimin got out of his seat, which didn’t seem to bother Jungkook much, considering he was sitting there glued to his phone, and walked over to you, planning to offer some help.
“Hey, do you need help with that?” Jimin asked, smiling ever so slightly, he was obviously trying to charm you, but to his dismay it was not that easy.
“Nah I got it, thanks though.” You said without looking up at the man who had boots with a little too much heel. Once you realized the guy was not moving you looked up, ready to tell the dude to fuck off in the nicest way possible. But of course, it’s almost impossible to resist the Jimin effect.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” Jimin asked again, this time with a small smirk.
“Yes I am perfectly capable of cleaning a mess up.” You said smiling a little before going back to picking up the pieces of glass. Despite your comment, Jimin still knelt down next to you and started picking up the glass.
“So, what’s your name?” Jimin asked, without looking at you. Despite his playboy reputation, he was actually quite shy.
“My name’s Y/n, and I believe you are Park Jimin, famous fashion designer and model.” Jimin honestly couldn’t hold back the surprised look on his face. Of course he knew he was famous, he knows that people know him. But for some reason, the fact that you know him gives him butterflies.
“What if I told you I wasn’t him?” Jimin decided to play with you a little bit, he was hoping he would be able to flirt with you and get your number.
“Then I’d say you look exactly like him and you should get a DNA test to make sure he isn’t your long lost twin.”
“Lucky for you, I am Jimin.”
“Oh wow I’m so lucky can I have your autograph,” You said sarcastically, picking up the rest of the glass and standing up. Jimin was quick to stand up next to you, he was a little taller than you but you suspected it was his heels.
“So about that autograph you asked for?” Jimin asked, laughing a bit as he held out his hand, as if waiting for you to give him a paper and pen. You rolled your eyes before handing him your notepad and pen. He smiled bright while writing on it before handing it back, after returning the notepad he walked back to his table where Jungkook was watching both of you with wide eyes without another word. Looking at the notepad you expected just his signature, but there was more.
Text me sometime (xxx-xxx-xxxx) - Park Jimin ;)
“JIMIN WHAT WAS THAT?!” Jungkook explained, eyes open wide and jaw dropped at what he just witnessed. This dude really just left his friend alone at their table to go flirt with some random girl.
“It was nothing mind your damn business,” Jimin said jokingly, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He was excited, the adrenaline was rushing and he really really hoped you wouldn’t reject him. “She seemed interested in me right?”
“Pfff, how am I supposed to know? I’m assuming you gave her your number so you’ll find out eventually.”
“Yeah you’re right,” Jimin said, looking around the shop for you but it seemed like you already went back into the kitchen. “C’mon let’s go. It was really good seeing you Jungkook, come visit me sometime.” With that they paid the bill, or more so Jimin made Jungkook pay the bill, and went separate ways. Right as he sat in his car, he got a message. Before grabbing his phone he assumed it was Jungkook and was about to scold him for texting while driving. But it was from an unfamiliar number.
[Message from (xxx-xxx-xxxx): Hey mr fancy park jimin i hope u know im going to sell your autograph on ebay :)]
y e e t I am a s i m p for this man
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
my tears richochet - 707
Angsty for the first two thirds but then just rlly cute and fluffy at the end. Im kinda changing the timeline of seven’s route but whatever I’m so excited to write this! ALSO: no spoilers for seven’s real name. Woohoo!
Summary: Seven finds out you left the apartment when you’re supposed to be under lockdown. You finally give in and tell him how upset you are with the way he’s treating you. You refuse to let him push you away. He tries to make it up to you.
It hurt to sit in the same room with him. Every time you tried to talk to him he ignored you, even though you were sure he heard you half the time. Where was the funny, upbeat, albeit flirty Seven you had liked so much over the messenger?
You needed to clear your mind. You got up from your spot and walked over to where he was sitting on the floor, typing away at his laptop, headphones on. “Seven,” you called, hoping to get his attention. He didn’t seem to notice. You stepped a little closer to his laptop so he could see your feet. “Seven. I’m going to go out. I’ll be right back.”
You had hoped he heard you, but you weren’t really sure. You wouldn’t be out for long; you just wanted to try and get him some Honey Buddha Chips. You knew it helped him focus and honestly you worried he wasn’t eating enough. You pulled your jacket off the chair in the kitchen and left the apartment.
The sky was overcast, reflecting your mood. You wanted to stay positive, but he wouldn’t even talk to you. You took a shaky breath, walking into the store in search for the golden chip. Of course, they were sold out. How did he get this stuff? You walked through the store two more times to make sure, but of course, your suspicions were confirmed. They were all out.
Sighing, you walked back to the apartment, your phone ringing as you made your way through the doors. It was Seven. “Ah, maybe he’ll say a few words to me now,” you joked, surprised to see him call given the silent treatment he had been giving you.
You picked up. “Seven?”
“Where are you? Where did you go on your own?” He sounded kind of frantic. It sounded like he was pacing. “You were so quiet I thought you were asleep... I had to check the security feed on the hallway to see that you left.”
You were silent. You thought he had heard you.
“That was 7 minutes ago. I didn’t realize that you’d left for 7 minutes... what if something happened in that time?” He was raising his voice now. You didn’t like it.
“You didn’t answer me... and you seemed really focused...” you responded quietly, feeling bad for having worried him.
He didn’t seem to notice your tone, as he continued to yell: “If you felt that frustrated staying inside, you should have just taken off my headphones and made me listen to you!” As if that would have worked. Every time you tried to talk to him he shut you down immediately.
After a brief pause, his voice softened. “Are you mad that I was ignoring you?” He sighed. “You do realize how dangerous the situation is right now, right? How could you leave on your own even when you know a hacker is after this place? Some strange person could have been waiting outside to kidnap you.” He was back to pacing, as you could tell from the way he huffed as he talked, his tone growing agitated again. “Where are you?”
You pressed the button to the elevator a few times, as though that would hurry it up. “I’m waiting for the elevator downstairs. It’s taking some time to come down,” you explained, keeping your voice level.
“I should have put a GPS tracking device on your clothes,” he seemed to be talking quietly to himself more than to you. “Oh... I brought a couple here. Give me your jacket when you get back so that I can attach it.”
This felt like a major violation of your privacy, but with everything going on it actually would make you feel safer. You nodded even though he couldn’t see the movement. “Why in the world did you leave?” He asked.
“I was going to get Honey Buddha chips for you... but I couldn’t find them at the store.” The elevator dinged, finally making it to the ground floor. You got in and pressed the 14.
“You don’t have to care about me,” he said, but his tone was quite fond, as though he was happy you thought of him. “I told you to leave me alone just to work... why didn’t you listen to me?”
Then he started going on and on about how he made sandwiches for himself but you could eat one if you wanted. You really were hardly paying attention, more focused on all the mixed signals he was giving out. You focused on the number on the elevator rising steadily, until finally it hit 14 with a ding.
“Oh... I just heard the elevator. You’re on it, right?” He sounded excited. You murmured back an “mhm” to confirm his suspicions. “I’ll be waiting in front of the door. I can’t focus until I see you... hurry.”
He hung up. You felt kind of silly hurrying to the door, especially after he made you so upset earlier, but here you were, speed walking to the apartment door. You didn’t even have to unlock it, as he opened it immediately upon hearing your footsteps getting closer.
The second you were through the doorway he was pulling you into a hug, kicking the door shut with his foot. You were stiff. It was weird. You just... didn’t know how to feel at this point.
He pulled back, putting his hands on your shoulders. “You can’t do that to me again. You almost gave me a heart attack! If something happened to you...” he looked away, “you know how everyone would have felt? How I would have felt!”
You sighed heavily. “Honestly... no. I don’t,” you whispered, eyes trained on the ground.
“I would have been...” he seemed to be searching for words, “so mad at you!” His voice raising slightly.
“You’re already always so mad at me,” you retorted. It was supposed to be a joke but you told it humorlessly, the words leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. “I just-“ you wanted to explain yourself, “you seem awfully mad at me for ignoring you and leaving you when you did the same to me.”
“From the safety of your home!” He defended, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I’m living with a bomb, Seven! A hacker is threatening to break in at any moment and kill me or kidnap me or who knows what! There is no ‘safety of my home’.” Your voice raised. He flinched at that one.
“I’m sorry.” He was extremely quiet. Were his eyes watering? He pushed up his glasses so you could no longer tell. “I’m really trying my best.”
“I know,” your voice dropped to a whisper. You turned away from him, getting set up to make some tea; anything so you didn’t have to look at him right now. You were crying, tears ricocheting down your face. If he liked you so much, why was he hurting you? And you could see it was hurting him too. Why was he sabotaging both of you? You couldn’t figure out who the real Seven was anymore.
You hadn’t heard him walk away. You could only fill up the kettle with water for so long, but you really didn’t want to face him. You didn’t realize you dropped the overflowing pot until the sound resonated across the kitchen, Seven coming over to you and putting a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at him and saw the concern flash across his features. You buried your face into his chest, letting the sound of your sobs be drowned out by his jacket.
It was his turn to stiffen this time, but it didn’t last for long. You heard him turn off the sink, then he had his arms around you, one stroking the back of your hair. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just...” he sniffled. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Look at how dangerous it is for you right now. With me? It would be so much worse. I can’t let that happen. Do you know how scared I was when you left to get chips?”
You laughed, only half your heart in it. “I know, but...” your breath hitched in your throat as you thought of the words you wanted to get out, “you’ve just been so mean.” And you were sobbing again.
“I know... I know. And it’s been killing me. I don’t want to see you sad, but I need you to take this seriously. We can’t do this.”
“Yes we can,” you bawled. “Who says we can’t?”
“I can’t... my job. One slip-up and they won’t go after me, they’ll go after you. I can’t do that. I’m too big of a target.”
“I don’t care.”
“Well you should care.”
You moved your head to glance up at him. “We can keep it a secret. I won’t tell anyone if that’s what it takes. I just want to be with you... I need to be with you Seven.”
He carefully wiped a tear off your cheek, a sad smile on his face. “We’ve known each other for what? Only eight days? You need to be with me that much?”
“Yes,” you answered, shrugging. You were planning to go into a whole speech about how he’s made you feel like nobody else. How much you liked his humor and wit and starry attitude. How you liked him even when he was quiet and distant, although you’d like him a lot more in those moments if he was considerate of you too. You were drawn to him. You couldn’t help it. How were you supposed to put that into words?
“I need to be with you that much too,” he whispered, using his hand on the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss. It was much more searing than you expected your first kiss to be, but given the circumstances it fit quite well. He kissed you until your head was dizzy, then pulled away, placing a peck on your lips as though he couldn’t stay away.
“Seven, I-“
“Okay. You want to figure it out? Let’s figure it out. No more hostility, no more ignoring you. And I don’t want to keep it a secret. I want everyone to know that I’m with you and you’re with me,” he smiled, his fingers absentmindedly playing with a strand of your hair.
“More than fine by me,” you grinned, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“You’ll be in danger. But I’ll do everything to keep you safe. I promise.”
“I’ll even let you put that GPS in my jacket,” you teased, moving your hand up to cup his cheek. “If that’s what it takes. I’m not worried though. I’ve got the Defender of Justice on my side.”
He blushed so hard his ears turned red and hot. You couldn’t suppress your laughter. “Oh I’m gonna get you for that. You’re not allowed to make fun of the Defender of Justice and get away with it.”
“No!” You squealed, ducking under his arm and running toward your room. He caught up to you too quickly, picking you up and placing you on the couch, tickling your sides. You couldn’t hold back your laughter, tears falling down your cheeks but for a very different reason this time around.
“Feeling better?” he asked, hanging over you. You nodded, a bright smile on your face. “Good.” He helped sit you up. “Sit with me while I do some more work?” He asked, eyes twinkling at the proposal.
You nodded excitedly, positioning yourself so that he could place his arms around you and still comfortably use his keyboard. Finally, you were able to fall asleep happily.
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shemetan · 4 years
rapper hc part 1
hi guys!!! so i’ve had this idea in my head forever and just didn’t have anyone to share it with but i told hedy about it yesterday and she scammed me into creating tumblr acc and sharing it here lol but when i went to write it down i  realized that i have a lot more to share so it’s gonna be just the 1st part for now, which was the only thing i had in my mind originally but now i’m working on expanding it.
i have a lot of ideas from the songs and this is no exception. this time the inspiration was NF - an amazing rapper and song writer. his songs uncover so much trauma and the things he raps and sings about are so real for a lot of us that you can’t help relating to them. NF’s real name is Nathan which also played part in this idea. lyrics of the songs are what the hc is based on so please listen to the songs i mention and pay attention to the lyrics.
ok i don’t wanna waste more of your time bc the hc is big as it is so without further ado let’s dive into it. p.s. it’s the first time i do a thing like that so im sorry in advance for any inconsistencies or the general drama:)))
TW!! (everything is just mentioned, nothing too graphic) physical abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, alcohol, drinking, drug addiction, overdose, death from overdose, kidnapping, torture (beating, skin burning, cuts – all of it not descriptive), violence, breaking one’s own bones, putting bastards to prison. also NF’s lyrics got a lot of triggers and cover very serious issues so if you decide to listen to some more of his music be careful with that. some of the things mentioned in the songs i’ve used here: depression, grave digging, guns, blood (in a non-violent way).
neil’s story: he grew up in an abusive family. his father was drinking a lot and abused him physically and verbally saying that he was nothing and nobody and would not amount to anything in his life. he despised neil’s love for music and laughed at him. he also hit him more when he noticed anything related to neil’s passion (neil humming some melody or listening to music in his headphones or trying to create smth). his mother tried to protect him but she couldn’t do much bc of her drug addiction. she overdosed during his last year in hs and surprisingly left him some money. when Nathan found out about that he was enraged and beat the shit out of neil so he would give him that money. to run away from his father neil goes to university to study his passion – music. he’s always had some kind of knack for creating music and rapping and now he could explore it more and not be afraid of nathan. he tries to overcome his trauma and even makes some friends (the foxes).
during the freshman year andrew and neil spend a lot of time together. they find the reflections of their hurt in each other and they find understanding. they share some of their past and their traumas; their view of the world and their dreams. andrew feels like he is falling because he’s never met anyone like neil. slowly there are soft touches and furtive glances but neither is ready yet to cross that line.
neil seemingly gets better even though there are a lot of hard moments on the way. however at the end of his freshman year nathan finds him and he and his cronies kidnap and beat neil up for Mary’s money keeping him in the basement for several days. this money is all neil’s got to survive and build his life so he doesn’t say anything and thinks of the ways to run. im not good with making up torture techniques and nathan is not so imaginative here but they still leave neil with scars on his face, his torso and hands (mostly burns from cigarettes, iron, cuts from glass bottles). by the end of the third day neil is physically and morally exhausted so he gives up and transfers all the money to them (he’s got a little of it left on his other acc) and they drunk on their win leave him in the basement. he breaks his fingers to get out of the handcuffs and gets out through the small basement window and runs outside. not long after that he collapses from all the exhaustion and blood loss and someone notices him. they call the cops and the ambulance. after that nathan and his cronies are put into prison and neil is left with almost no money. he leaves the state and a year later with a lot of effort, practicing and self-advertising he successfully signs with a music label under the name N/A.
andrew’s story: tilda didn’t give him up but was a shitty mother (obv) with drug addiction. andrew and aaron’s parents were divorced and their father didn’t live with them but tried to be there when he could. andrew started creating music as an outlet bc tilda’s boyfriends were physically abusing him and he tried to protect aaron from that. he and aaron were close bc they only had each other but andrew still didn’t share his trauma with aaron trying to protect him from that hell. of course he was only a child and couldn’t always take aaron’s place in beating but most of it lay on him. while at hs they became a band with the help of nicky and performed with their songs were they could and tried to self-advertise and wymack (he’s the head of the music dep at uni and also one of the profs) noticed them and offered them partial scholarships. they had some money left after tilda’s overdose (they lived for some time with their father after her death) so they went to get actual education on music production (at this point I don’t care how plausible it sounds, just don’t think too much about it ok lol)
the story:
ok so nathaniel once went to uni with the foxes (is there such a major as music production and singing or smth?) but at the end of his freshman year he disappeared. he was not very sociable so no one really cared where’d he go except for the foxes with whom he became somewhat friends. 1-2 years later he pops up as a new young and very talented rapper named N/A and he’s got burn scars all over his face and hands which he doesn’t hide so very intriguing right??? nobody knows much about him and that his name stands for Neil Abram so they take it literally as ‘no data available’ or smth (hedy also proposed “not applicable”!). foxes are like WTF we know that guy!! and wymack is also like isn’t that nathaniel??
Andrew’s become a huge fan of neil’s music. only renee knows that andrew’s been listening to neil’s songs non stop bc he can relate so hard to them and they just hit him right where it hurts. at the end of their last year they have like a huge final concert or smth and wymack organizes it to be held in one of the palmetto clubs. at the same time neil is coming back to Palmetto bc he is nostalgic of the time he spent in the uni with the foxes and he wants to escape his real life for a moment. he wants to visit the city and reminisce and he believes that none of the foxes really remembers him bc he was a nobody. I know the plot is getting ridiculous but bear with me
so it’s the evening of the gig and the students perform their music (songs, instrumentals, as solos/duets/bands etc). andrew majorly produces rap songs at this point and he performs in duet with renee with their song (NF’s “Can you hold me”). everyone is like shit it was so good but then andrew performs his solo song (NF’s “How could you leave us”). aaron is standing there and is a fucking mess bc he never knew andrew was that affected by their past and their mother’s death bc he never showed it and didn’t ever want to talk about his issues. (be warned this is a heart-wrenching song and it fits fucking perfectly). after that andrew almost runs outside for a smoke, trying to light a cigarette with his shaking fingers and thats when he sees a strange all covered up figure in a black hoodie entering the club but also cautiously looking over their shoulder like they don’t want to be caught. andrew ever the protective one follows him but loses in the crowd of the low lit club. 10 mins later there is quiet and the figure goes on stage – obv its neil. “Intro III” starts playing.
andrew is in awe and he’s never heard this song before so it must be new. he also never saw neil perform live so he cant really move bc the performance is so powerful and magnetic. *neils sitting on one of the disconnected amplifiers in the dark and the music starts building up. At 2:00 of the song after the words “I mean, what are you, outta your mind? 'Cause both of us will be, come on, let's go outside!” he pulls off his hood, his movements are fierce and aggressive and he’s almost screaming in the mic. at words “You had me scared for a second, I thought we were diggin' my grave” theres his fathers smile, vicious, crazy and cruel – thats how he remembered it spending 3 days in that basement. (fyi in the song NF’s talking to his fear and they go back and forth).* 
andrew is mesmerized, the foxes are in shock, the whole crowd does not understand who that is but they watch with open mouths. the song ends and the crowd goes wild. that’s when neil starts talking.
“hello palmetto. this is a great concert you got and some of you guys are fucking talented. my name is neil and I used to go to PSU a long time ago so you prolly don’t know me but professor wymack out there let me come here on this stage and sing a couple of my songs for you. one of them is my old song, and another is new but they both tell my story and I hope you like’em”. 
people cheer and applaud and after a moment another song starts playing. its the one andrew knows (it’s Paralyzed). the atmosphere gets way calmer but everyone is just as hypnotized. during the chorus neil is standing under the dim lights, head turned up facing the ceiling, eyes closed, his scars are illuminated. he looks almost peaceful but there’s pain and apathy showing on his face and in his posture. the song ends and neil leaves the stage. andrew cant make his legs move but he has to meet neil (he just realized that neil’s shared his name with them and it wasn’t “nathaniel” and andrew’s got so many questions).
he forces himself to move and almost runs backstage. neil is already leaving but andrew stops him by grabbing him by his arm. they stand there looking at each other, andrew panting, his body shaking a little, neil wide-eyed.
“Andrew…” he whispers obviously surprised by seeing Andrew here.
“Nath- Neil.” suddenly Andrew cant ask a single question. he’s got so many that it feels like a waste of time to ask them one by one. Neil looks down at where Andrew is still grabbing his arm and Andrew lets go off him like its burnt him. “You are here” he lets out on the exhale like he still can’t believe it.
Neil averts his eyes and puts the hood of his sweater on his head so that the shadows obscure half of his face. “Yeah” he replies and after a few seconds follows with hesitant “How are you?” It is a stupid question, Andrew thinks but he answers nonetheless with simple fine. Neil holds his head low, and Andrew can’t help but wonder if Neil doesn’t wanna look him in the eyes after his disappearance so many years ago or if he simply doesn’t want to see Andrew’s face. Both options hurt him but he doesn’t have the heart to ask.
the end of part 1. come yell at me on twt or here hihi
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alright--okay · 4 years
you ever been to a basement show? pt. 4
tsukishima kei x reader
summary: Tsukishima sees you everywhere, and for a big school thats weird. And it’s not like he’s gonna do anything, that’d be even weirder, but one day in your shared lecture he sees you wearing a shirt with some small band’s name. A band he know. And well, now he has to know who you are.
word count: ~2.7 k
a/n: the first five chapters are already on ao3 so imma post them here real quick, hope anyone reading enjoys!
read on ao3!
pt. 4 Go Home. Play Music. Feel Better. - Michael Cera Palin
“Ohoho, look who decided to show up,” you said to Tsukishima as he moved to sit beside you in the lecture hall.
Tsukishima gave you an exasperated look, “class didn’t even start yet. Also please don’t take on those idiots’ mannerisms.”
“Why not? I think it’s fun. And completely unrelated, but want to come to the store with me after class? Bokuto recommended me this hair gel and I’ve always wanted to try-”
“Please stop,” Tsukishima turned to face the front of the class as you broke out into quiet giggles.
“Seriously though, I didn’t get to eat breakfast this morning so I’m gonna get something at that cafe near our apartments if you want to join.”
This wasn’t a date. Tsukishima knew this. That didn’t stop his heart from beating a tad bit faster or the apples of his cheeks growing rosier.
Tsukishima shifted his arm to one of the uncomfortable arm rests of the seat, leaning his head against his hand to hopefully help cover any of the heat on his cheeks, “yeah, I’m down.”
“Cool,” from the corner of his eye, Tsukishima saw you give your own small smile as you turned to focus on the professor about to start the lecture.
This wasn’t a date.
Class dragged on, but soon enough you and Tsukishima were making the short journey to the cafe.
“Did you finish the paper for that class?” Tsukishima asked.
“What paper?”
“The one he assigned last week? Due on Wednesday? The one on that civilization-”
“Wait, no, no, no. That paper’s due on the 18th.”
“y/n…” Tsukshima slowed his pace to look you in your eyes, “Wednesday is the 18th.”
You let a quiet “fuck” slip from your mouth as you faced forward, moving quickly to the cafe now only a few shops away, “then no, I haven’t even started it.”
“Yeah that seemed pretty obvious,” Tsukishima said with a smirk.
“He never mentioned it again! I can’t keep track of everything!”
“Yeah, not even the date apparently,” Tsukishima snickered, opening the door for the two of you.
“Alright, listen!” Tsukishima’s laugh only grew louder, “I thought this class was gonna be fun and easy, and now I have to write a paper in like two days. Disgusting,” your attentioned moved to the menu hanging above the register.
“It’s short, you’re being dramatic.”
“Fuck you,” Tsukishima let out a startled laugh while you moved forward to give your order and pay then stood off to the side waiting for Tsukishima to do the same.
Tsukishima silently pointed to a table off in the corner that was free, “what is your major anyway?” he said as the two of you settled down into the seats.
You told him your major with a small shrug, “Nothing too special, but I liked it in high school so I figured I’d just keep up with it. Are you actually archeology or are you also just in this class for the hell of it?”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “Yes, I’m an archeology major, but this class doesn’t count for much since it's pretty entry level.”
“So what you’re saying is that you’re good at this stuff?”
“I’m not writing your paper.” “I wouldn’t ask that!” you said with a frown, “I was wondering if you could at least help me though. Read it over, give me some advice, make sure it’ll give me a decent grade, stuff like that. Come on, I’ll make you cookies.”
Tsukishima paused for a moment, “What about a strawberry shortcake?”
“I mean I’ll have to go to the store…” Tsukishima continued to stare at you, “but fine! Yes, I’ll make you a strawberry shortcake, you bastard.” You mumbled the last part under your breath as you got up to get yours and Tsukishima’s orders.
Making a cake would be a small price to pay for a good grade in a class you honestly didn’t care about. Spending time with Tsukishima didn’t hurt either.
“Get as much of it done as you can tonight, I’m done with class pretty early tomorrow so we can work on it together at my place whenever you’re free,” Tsukishima gave you the short rundown as you place the food on the table.
“Why don’t we do it at my place? You have like three roommates. I have Yachi.”
“Good point, text me tomorrow when you’re good,” Tsukishima said with a small nod.
It was a little past one on tuesday when you decided to text Tsukishima.
To Tsukishima archeology:
hey im walking home now so feel free to come over whenever
From Tsukishima archeology:
alright ill be there soon
You slid your phone back into your pocket, trying to turn your focus on the music flowing through your headphones and not on the lanky blonde that would be spending the rest of the day in your apartment.
You saw Tsukishima at least three times a week and most of that time was spent alone with each other in class or recitation, but this was… different. You were going to be actually alone with the guy. No distractions from a professor or a friend or a cafe worker calling out names. And okay Tsukishima was mildly attractive… Okay he was attractive but you wouldn’t let that come between you and the new friend you made in the snarky asshole.
It's not like anything would happen anyway. Tsukishima definitely didn’t like you like that, and no amount of daydreaming him confessing to you would make it come true (even if it was a very nice daydream).
It wasn’t long before you made it up to your apartment. Yachi had a late class today so you weren’t expecting her back until tonight, hopefully after Tsukishima had already left. It wasn’t that you didn’t want Yachi to know… but Yachi had already been making assumptions and Tsukishima coming over to “do work” alone in your room would do nothing but feed her imagination (even if it was the truth).
In the middle of eating a quick snack, Tsukishima sent you a text saying he was at your building.
You scrambled down the staircase of your building to meet Tsukishima who was waiting (somewhat) patiently on the stoop of your building.
“Finally,” he muttered as you widened the door for him to pass.
“You gave me no warning! Should’ve left you out here longer.”
“Should I just leave then? Seems like you don’t want me here so I’ll just-”
You put your hands on Tsukishima’s back, pushing him further into the building, “Nope, you’re helping me. You already agreed, no backing out.”
Tsukishima let out a dramatic sigh, now trailing behind you, “Did you at least start it?”
“Yes, in fact, I did. Almost done too, just need one more paragraph to push me over the word minimum.”
“What am I supposed to do in the meantime? I thought I was just gonna read it over?” Tsukishima asked as you let him into your and Yachi’s apartment, leading him to your small kitchen table.
“I dunno, dude; do other homework, work on your own paper, pick an album to listen to,” you gestured lazily towards your bedroom door, “all my vinyl is in the crates to the right.”
You could tell Tsukishima tried very hard to hide his excitement, “well, I already submitted my paper,” he ‘casually’ slid his backpack off his shoulders and made his way to the door you just pointed out.
You followed him over, showing him the milk crates you were talking about, your record player sitting on the dresser nearby.
“If you're gonna be sitting here, I’ll work at my desk,” you gathered your laptop and the notebook you had used to organize your paper, settling at the small desk, “if you need any help let me know.”
Tsukishima gave you a small smile and proceeded to get down on the floor to sit cross legged, flipping through the crate closest to him.
The two of you continued in silence for a while until Tsukishima gave a light poke to your shoulder, a recognizable album in his hand.
“I’ve never actually used a record player, so can you…” he trailed off, pushing the album towards you.
You tried to contain your amusement. Tsukishima clearly did not want to be asking you this, but you were glad he took this route instead of trying it and scratching up your records.
“Yeah sure, good pick by the way,” you got up from your desk chair and took the album, sliding the sleeve out to get to the vinyl itself, this one in particular being a bright blue as opposed to the typical black.
You ran him through how to handle the records and how to work your particular player so he would be able to flip and change the records whenever, and soon enough the beginning of Just Friends’ album Nothing but Love began to play.
You smiled again, making your way back to your desk to finish up your paper while Tsukishima went back to sitting on your floor, alternating between listening to the music and playing on his phone.
By the time the album came to an end you placed your laptop in Tsukishima’s lap, “be gentle,” you said, moving to grab an album at random and replace the one coming to an end.
“I’m not gonna promise anything,” he replied, adjusting his glasses to begin reading your paper.
You wandered off to the kitchen for a glass of water, not wanting to be in the room while Tsukishima was judging your writing.
“It’s not that bad!” Tsukishima called from your room, you walked over to lean in the door frame, “I marked some stuff you should reword and you should probably include that thing he mentioned a while ago…” Tsukishima continued to talk about your paper, flipping through notes to bring up examples and point out which parts he found errors in.
“But not bad?” you questioned again with a small smile, taking your laptop back.
“Not great, but not bad,” he said getting up to get his own stuff from the kitchen.
“I’ll take it!” you took it as a win when you heard Tsukishima’s laughter from the other room.
It was well into the evening by now, Tsukishima had helped fully finalize your paper a while ago but the two of you continued to talk and do work in your room. At this point you knew Yachi was going to be here soon. You would have to kick Tsukishima out now if you didn’t want her to notice just how long the boy had spent here and that just seemed rude and unnecessary (plus you didn’t really want Tsukishima to go just yet).
“Did you want to just stay for dinner? Yachi said she's picking something up, so if you want anything speak now.”
Tsukishima paused shortly at your question, “where’s she stopping?”
You relayed your and Tsukishima’s order to Yachi hoping she’d get home soon so you could have a proper meal.
You and Tsukishima were back to the floor, sifting through albums and talking over the music in the background.
“I wish you had A Flourish and a Spoil,” Tsukishima said, examining the art of one particular album.
“By The Districts?” Tsukishima’s eyes darted over to you, making you laugh, “I have that one, just probably got misplaced if it’s not with the D’s,” you took a minute to think back to the last time you had listened to the album, trying to place where it currently was.
You hauled yourself up and went to your dresser. Beside your record player was a short stack of albums you had been listening to the other day but were too lazy at the time to properly put away. Sure enough, the dark album art peaked from the pile.
You took the whole stack over to your crates, passing the album to Tsukishima’s waiting hands.
“We’re listening to this next,” Tsukishima said, eyes roaming the back of the album, examining all the details.
“We can definitely do that,” you replied, sorting the albums, “but Yachi’s gonna be here soon so you good with waiting a little bit?”
He gave you a small nod and the two of you resumed your quiet activities with the current record coming to an end. It wasn’t long after you heard the apartment’s door open with Yachi making her presence known.
The three of you sat around the small kitchen table, eating your food and talking about your days. You tried to ignore all of Yachi’s “subtle” looks in favor of asking about the class she just got out of.
“I hate that it lets out so late!” Yachi complained, dropping her head to the table, “I’m so tired and the walk home gets scary in the dark.”
“You can always ask me or Yamaguchi to walk with you,” Tsukishima said, looking up from his food, “if you’re really anxious we really wouldn’t mind, it’s a short walk.”
“Tsukki!” Yachi let out a cry, tears gathering in her eyes, “don’t listen to them, you’re so sweet, I love you.”
“Wait, listen to who-” Yachi interrupted his questions by giving his stiff posture a hug, “what are people saying about me?”
Yachi continued her hug, Tsukishima slowly raising a hand to pat her back, “nothing, nothing, it doesn’t matter anyway.”
You laughed at Tsukishima’s confused and irked expression, clearly not knowing how to interpret Yachi’s words.
Yachi removed herself from Tsukishima, “well, I am exhausted, goodnight,” Yachi said, giving you both a smile.
“Goodnight, Yachi, see you tomorrow,” you said, Tsukishima giving his own goodnight before turning to look you in the eye.
“It’s time,” he said, quickly cleaning up your plates and then heading to your room.
You laughed as you trailed behind him. He was already setting up the vinyl so you settled on your bed, letting your back fall into the comforter sitting atop your mattress.
The opening beats of the first song gently filled your room, quiet enough to not disturb Yachi but loud enough that the thumping drums still hit in your chest. Tsukishima turned around and you patted the spot beside you. He seemed to hesitate for a second before making his way over, letting his body lay beside your own.
“I used to listen to this album all the time in high school,” Tsukishima said to the ceiling. You turned your head to look at his side profile, “I think at the time it was just cause I liked how it sounded,” he paused for a particular chorus to pass, “but now I actually listen to it.”
You turned your head back to the ceiling, “I get that. A lot of albums have changed meaning for me over the years. This always felt like a new beginning though.”
Tsukishima hummed beside you. You let the music fill the room, you and Tsukishima each focusing on the lyrics of each song and how one connected to another.
Side A came to its gentle end, so you got up to slowly flip it, not wanting to break the calm atmosphere your room held at the moment. You took your spot beside Tsukishima again, trying not to disturb him.
“God, this album slaps,” Tsukishima mumbled under his breath at the crescendo of the song, making you break out into a laugh. Tsukishima surprisingly let out a chuckle of his own, “what? You know it's true.”
“I know, I know,” you let your giggles peter out, “I feel like you have to save that for Young Blood though.”
“It can be applied in a variety of places, don’t go around constricting me.”
“Fair enough,” you smiled at him, scooting your legs further on the bed to get more comfortable.
Young Blood, as good of a song as it was, was eight minutes long and by the final words of it, you could feel yourself drifting. It started with just resting your eyes, but soon your body was trying to catch up on the lack of sleep.
As your mind was shutting down, you heard a soft snore beside you. I’ll deal with this tomorrow, you thought to yourself before succumbing to the warmth of your room and the body beside you, letting the final song of the album lull you to sleep.
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shuwuwua · 5 years
college apartment neighbor!dino
“Apartment neighbor au with Dino? Where you’re college students trying to survive.”
in which it’s a struggle, but some people are worth struggling with [friendship]
word count: 1.3k 
you figure this year will be worse than last year 
since you’re not living in a dorm anymore and thus no longer have residential events that you’re coerced into attending, your avg # of social interactions are most likely going to reduced to... zero to few
look, it takes a lot of energy to leave the confines of your room to walk to your friend’s apartment four blocks down the street
or worse, going somewhere so far you have to take the bus
yeah, #firstworldproblems and all aside, people have said sophomore year is a struggle. 
you barely see anyone
you’re having your mid-college crisis about what to major in i.e. spend the rest of your life in (spoiler: in ten years it won’t matter if you don’t want it to)
and also no one cares about you anymore because you’re not a freshman
so if you mess up, that’s on you, bub
what a lonely, brutal world
that’s how you think your year will go, cooped up in your apartment, grinding for class, maybe an occasional interaction with your roommates
but the universe decides differently
you meet him when you’re moving in
he appears seemingly out of no where as you are slumped over your 5th cardboard box, contemplating whether or not to flop onto the cardboard throne you have been building in front of your door
“hey!! uh, are you ok ??” 
“huh? yeah im just melting : ))”
“so are the rest of us, but we can melt together! do you need some help?”
“oh no, i don’t want to bother you...”
“technically, i’m the one who bothered you,” he says, already walking down the stairs. “which one is your car?”
that’s how your first interaction with chan lee, your cheerful new neighbor and fellow sophomore, plays out
you figure you’ll never see him again 
just because you’re neighbors with someone doesn’t mean you’ll see them 
heck, freshman year you barely saw the people who lived in the room next to you
but as you wait for a lecture to start on the first day of school, someone plops into the seat next to you 
“hi, neighbor!” chan starts. “we’re classmates too, huh? i’m glad you’re here because i don’t actually have any friends in this class. well, aside from you of course.”
you blink a little to process how quickly he speaks. he has a little too much more energy than you can deal with in the morning. 
as he takes out his school supplies, he turns back to you after your lack of response. “we are friends, right?”
are you? you’ve only spoken once, really. but he looks at you with such wide eyes and a bright smile that you can’t say no. 
“yeah, sure.” his smile widens and class finally starts.
you see him three times a week for class, always sitting in the same spot. as you begin losing your motivation to get up early enough to make it to class before all the seats fill, he begins saving your seat for you. 
it’s rather nice being in class with him, actually. whenever you’re in class with your friends you tend to end up not listening and just looking through your phone instead. but chan is such a diligent student, always paying attention and writing fervently, that you’d feel embarrassed if you weren’t also paying attention.
few weeks into the semester, midterm season is upon you 
there’s a knock knock knock on your front door
“hey! do you want to come over and study for the midterm? i have snacks,” chan greets you.
you’d been planning to lock yourself in and grind
that is, study on the couch and inevitably space out and probably fall asleep
maybe some accountability would be good. plus... no one says no to food. “okay.”
so now you get to see the inside of his apartment for the first time. his apartment is looks like what it is: an apartment that houses three male college students. the table in the living room has various items cluttering it: open notebooks, headphones, a pack of chewing gum, a gym bag laying open next to it, a hoodie strewn across the back of the couch 
his room is an unsurprising contrast to the living room, pretty clean an orderly, just how chan seems
but if you were to look more closely, a lot of the mess was just shoved into the crevices
however, you did not look
although chan manages to look like he has his life together or something, he’s actually kind of confused about the class material
you’re both just taking it because of general education requirements
and biology really isn’t chan’s forte
you’re no genius at it either, but you’re able to explain some things to him 
putting your heads together, you two manage to get through quite a lot
studying with chan that day seemed to pay off, because you did well on the midterm!
status update: you and chan are now neighbors, classmates, and study buddies. and friends, you suppose. 
you guys study together pretty regularly, sometimes at your place, sometimes at his 
the mess you failed to notice the first time in chan’s room begins seeping out more and more 
the study sessions become slightly less productive as you two end up just talking about other things 
the later the hour, the more vast the topic
one chilly october night, you’re lying on the floor next to your textbooks and notebooks, paying absolutely no mind to them 
rain falls quietly outside chan’s window 
“yeah, to be honest i don’t even know what i’m doing,” you say to the ceiling
“same, i don’t understand this unit at all”
“no i mean... well, that too, but i just.” you pause and purse your lips as you collect your thoughts. “why am i even taking this class?”
“it’s an ‘easy’ gen ed class?” chan offers
“that’s true. i’ve just been thinking about what classes i’ve been taking lately to see if any of them strike me as particularly interesting. the stress of picking a major is slowly but surely setting in. i’m just afraid i’ll hate what i’m studying, i guess.” you’re not really sure why you’re just unloading this all on chan. maybe because it’s 1:47 in the morning and your better judgement has clocked out. 
chan can’t quite relate because he knew he was majoring in dance all along, but he gives you a sympathetic smile that feigns empathy pretty well. “well, even if you end up hating your major, what’s the worst that would happen?”
“um... that i wasted 4 years of my life, education, and tuition money?”
“i don’t think it’d be a waste. i think some realizations just come at certain times, even if you don’t think it’s the most convenient timing. you have to try to even know you dislike something, right?”
you blink at the ceiling before facing him. “i guess you’re right.”
“i know i’m right,” he says with confidence you kind of envy, “so don’t worry. whatever you choose will be right, in one way or another.”
you haven’t really know chan that long, but it hasn’t been a short time either. 3+ times per week over two and a half months is a lot of time if you use it right. yet you’re looking at chan as if you just saw him correctly for the first time. 
you always knew he was straightforward and sure of himself, but today he was extending it to you. his share of confidence was something you needed recently, since it’s not really something easily found in your regular environment. 
you smile at him. “thanks, chan.”
“it’s nothing. what are friends for?”
... yeah. chan is your friend. against all odds and expectations you had coming into the school year, chan and his contagious cheerful outlook budged their way into your life 
you welcome it gladly.
chan turns off his desk lamp. “let’s go outside!”
“what? don’t we need to study this?”
“clearly it’s not going to happen. i want some nuggets from mcdonalds.”
“bet let’s go”
a/n: i planned for this to come out differently (more active struggling and procrastinating) but dang, chan just really insisted on being written as the extremely capable and hardworking bean we all know he is
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wheelthefridge · 5 years
in honor of last night having been my last ever shift dishwashing at the same restaurant i’ve been at for the past four years here’s an absurdly long list of random chaotic moments that literally no one asked for that i’ve been compiling since day one:
bj, with a half full gallon of orange juice: this expired two months ago. *pours down drain* that was a long time ago
sam: YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!! *carries on normally with no explanation* bj: smack that! that too! smack those vegetables! punch that burger in the nose! chop that bun! bob: no, flick the bun. you have to flick it. 
*bad and boujee playing* bj: walks into kitchen, singing bj: you better know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run bj: walks out of kitchen, still singing
me: hey can you put the wet floor sign out for me dylan: sure dylan: *slips while putting the sign out* me:
sam: get this- i haven’t smoked pot in like three days and my brain is ready to roll! yeah!
joe: ha! oldest trick in the book i just started writing 
dude @bar: ten percent of people are over 6'1" other dude: what about 6'2"  dude 1: what? no. ten percent of people are OVER 6'1" - so that includes 6'2" dude 2: idk I know a lot of tall guys. taller than me dude 1: what? i’m saying- just- ten percent of everyone in the whole world- you know how many people there are in the world? 7 billion– dude 2: i thought it was six billion  dude 1: no, 7 billion- ten percent of 7 billion—
joe, digging through the trash: i’m just gonna peruse through here,, aaaaannnd….. nope not here me: what’re u looking for Joe: …..a book
didi: is eating a pistachio  katherine: is that sour cream
sam: some dirty whorebag wants two pickles 
joe: sam she am. that’s right. dr seuss wrote a book about her 
katherine: oh my goddd this song is always on i’m so tired of it joe: is it? i don’t think i’ve heard it before carolyn: eh it’s all just one long brazilian song to me
katherine: look at my straw i put it in the pencil sharpener 
sam: i’m on crack cocaine. you heard it here
sam, aggressively putting silverware in the tray: just the way the cookie crumbles me: yeah? sam, fake crying: yes
adele: if you’re ready- sam: what if I’m not bob: too bad. she only cares if she’s ready
something: *breaks* sam: time for the mop. and by mop i mean… this thing *holds up dustpan*
mike: you should go on junior master chef…. and only make fries 
sam, quietly as she speedwalks by me: panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic
sam, beginning of the night: my goal is to make at least forty bucks tonight. hopefully sixty sam, later that night: i’ve made five dollars
sam, pouring a drink into the trash right next to the sink: you know, im not sure why i poured that in the trash. i’ve had a very off day
katherine, after accidentally spraying salsa on herself: i just sprayed salsa all over myself bj: i feel like that too sometimes. i love salsa so much
sam: can you imagine if i did like hardcore drugs how messed up i would be- i’m messed up soberly
someone: what’re you supposed to feed twenty kids  kerry: pizza bj: vodka 
sam: will you let bob know there’s gonna be seven in the snug bj: seven in the snug? that’s my band name. we’re really good
edson: *spins cover on counter and stares at it for solid thirty seconds before putting his finger down to stop it* edson: good. 
sam: what should i draw bj: you should draw casey, hanging from a cliff, with a pterodactyl flying towards them who is on fire, but, seems optimistic about it 
bj: life is too short for low fat cheese. remember that. 
sam, beginning of night, in a really good mood: guess what i’m drunk and high right now  sam, later that night: i was just pouring a beer and i dropped it. like my hand just let go of it sam, end of night: i’m never doing this again 
joe: you know who didn’t clock out yet?? i have two thumbs! joe: ……wait joe: you know who has two thumbs and hasn’t clocked out yet?? this guy!! me: there ya go buddy
bob: i’ve slept fifteen hours in the past four days me: that’s not good bob: yeah
edson: look edson: *holds out hand with top spinning in his palm* *giggles*
sam: i cannot wait for this day to be over  me: it’s barely started  sam: i took a shot before i got here. i have more in my car
bob: hi sam sam: hi bob  didi: hi sam sam: fuck off
joe: her? oh yeah her name is sarah whitaker  katherine: oh i think i know her joe: that’s funny because i just made that up. i’m willing to bet money that she’s nineteen tho me: why joe: bc i overheard her say that she’s nineteen
joe: i’m gonna send you a video but you can’t watch it now it’s needs full attention with headphones and the lights off 
bj: if you lose your hand, don’t replace it with a fork. that would be a bad choice. i know it’s probably the cheapest option, right up there with stick, but just spend the money. 
bj, on a different day: i think if you were to get your hands cut off, getting them replaced with plates would be a very bad idea. you can dig. and you can toss. but that’s about it. no playing the saxophone.  
colby: *doesn’t show up to work* bj: maybe i should leave him a message of just me crying 
katherine: i think an old man just asked me to live with him
sam: wait *pulls celery strings out of her mouth* that just came out of my throat
bob: i’m such a grump tonight. i’m in a good mood i’m just so grumpy.  bob: maybe i’m not in a good mood…
bj, after sending christa downstairs to get liquor for the bar: i put a live cobra down there too so… if she comes back with it dead in her hands…. she’s a champ. and that’s that. 
bj: i had a dog today did you have a dog? me: no bj: oh. well. 
dylan, holding phone camera at joe: hey joe can you pull ur shirt down joe, pulling the collar of his shirt halfway down his chest: yeah like this? dylan, taking picture: yeah thanks 
bj: HI-YAH carley: you’re a ninja!! bj: yes. don’t be alarmed. i only use my powers for good. 
bj, with one bottle in each hand, pouring water in the sink, mimicking cow milking motions: it’s like a cow. mooooooeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhgggg aaaaaauuuuuueuejhshhsii. that’s what cows sound like right?
bj: we have a dog, and we’re getting chickens. i’m not really sure why were getting chickens. do i consider myself a farmer? not really. 
bj: we should make a youtube channel of just me saying really random things to you and you not responding to me whatsoever me: mhmm
nancy: I’m sleeping
sam: *pours drink out on counter next to sink* sam: wHAT the FuCK was that!? why did i do that?? i’ve lost it! i’ve hit rock bottom!!
sam: *bends over* ughhhhhhhhhhhhh *straightens up* ok i’m fine
bj: yum! that’s how i rate the soup. two yums up!! *laughs for like a full minute*
sam: i got my motorcycle license over the weekend and now all everyone’s saying to me is “no don’t get a motorcycle they’re so dangerous” like shut the fuck up if i die i die it’s my choice 
bj: i think if i were to be turned into some kind of commercial type of food, if i got turned into a nugget, i think i’d be indignant. i’ve lived my whole life and now i’m a nugget??? “oh i was a great roasted-“ i was a nugget. i was eaten with fries out of a box with a small soda. 
bj: hello everybody. i have arrived. please remain calm.  bob: *screams*
radio: the fastest lawn mower in the world goes up to 150 miles per hour! bob: …….why??
sam: i just meowed in scotty’s face and he was completely unfazed by it. like a full on Meow. 
bob: lemme just touch these live wires with my wet hands  bj: bob has gone offline
katherine: i totally forgot to put their order in for i don’t even know how long me: ……..i’m sure it’ll be fine katherine: i mean, nothing matters, right? right. nothing matters. 
bj: hey did you guys hear that kate: yeah what was that bj: oh i was just yelling……….. about the soup kate: me: katherine: bj: i’ll try to keep it down next time
bob: you sleep a lot when you’re old. it’s just practice for death. getting ready for The Big Sleep. let’s see how do i wanna go out? on my back?? nah not for me. on my front babey! 
didi: hi sam sam: SHUT UP didi, quieter: okay…… sam: i love you  didi: no bj: so you’re a grownup now. that’s means you have to do grown up things, like, pay for dinner and stuff? me: uh huh bj: it’s all downhill from here 
bj: pon pon the van poco. right? me: mhmm bj: probably. i mean. i’m no doctor, but
random woman @ bar: we are the matrix. We. Are. The Matrix. 
bj, to the tune of frosty the snowman: clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk look at all this stuff. clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk making casey’s job tough! pretty good right?? i just made it up 
bj: *walks into kitchen* YES! that’s all i have to say. that’s it. BOBS killing it. DIDIS killing it. casey MURDERED it. you’re welcome. *walks out of kitchen* bj: today is the second day in a row my dog has eaten my lunch. yesterday and then today. it’s my own fault really bob: well you know what they say about men who like floppy french fries. *doesn’t elaborate*
sam: there’s a toy baby in my section. like just a toy baby taking up a seat in my section. what do i do like do i move the bitch? do i leave her there??
bob, talking to himself: if you get sick tomorrow, just remember. it’s your own fault for eating food off the floor. 
bob, to katherine: no, you don’t have to mop the carpet
bj: cheeeesy. 
laura: if i get through tonight without a heart attack it’ll be incredible. if i do have a heart attack tho just let me go
caldo: *unintelligible yelling* SELLING my BODY for SEX *more unintelligible yelling*
bob: my fathers brother sent all his kids to australia. i guess he figured at least one of them would make it
caldo: i don’t trust people who go out to eat tuna fish
bob: can you make some more guacamole soon we’re running low laura: pulls five (5) avocados from her pockets 
bob: he looks like jesus. well. he looks like what white people think jesus looked like
sam: yeah. Please. eat some more mother Fucking crackers. 
bj: i feel like i gave birth to the eggplant stacks tonight. and honestly? if my child looked like that? i’d be proud. proud to have an eggplant child
bj: alright everybody let’s get the fuf out of here!! i said fuf not f- it’s safe. f u f starts and ends with soft letters no one gets hurt. any word that starts with a soft letter and ends with a hard letter is bad news… i feel like every time i come in here i annoy you guys. casey’s one dumbass comment away from killing me. “hey so what are your thoughts on grass?” “that’s it” *mimics shooting a gun*
ilia: -and the dogs gonna get diabetes- katherine, indignantly: i cleaned it really well!
mickey: i’ll tell you one thing. crack is good. 
sam: some lady just rolled up to the bar, no bra, nipples beamin through the shirt- LETS GET IT!!!!
caldo: *speed walks into kitchen and shotguns a beer over the trash* ok i’m back. i should not have smoked this morning
dom: little kid just picked up a knife and went “oh cool i can stab someone” me, katherine, and sam in unison: good dom: yeah the dad took it away 
sam: my friend was like “why is your go to dance move just to snap” and i was like “i don’t know, i’m white” *shrugs*
bj: someone just asked me if i’m having fun. am i having fun? i don’t know if i’m having fun. there are certainly other things i’d rather be doing right now, but i don’t know if i can definitively say that i’m Not having fun. 
bj: some jobs require Only a ladle bj, thirty seconds later, after walking away and coming back: sometimes, also a funnel
bj, @ laura who’s eating cornbread: you cornbread eating chef!!!  laura: bj: laura: bj: i’m just saying facts in a weird way. you know like you’re in trouble. 
sam: *war cry* *spits out gum* *walks away*
bj: what kind of smoothie? Soup Smoothie!!
katherine: so this woman ordered some hot water so i gave it to her and her husband says you know what that’s for right and i’m like ….to drink? and he says nope! and doesn’t explain so i’m just like ………..okay! and walk away bc i don’t even want to know 
bj: there’s no shame in it! A Grown Man Can Bathe In Yogurt!!!
bj, leaning down very close to to-go box: i love you
bob: anyone want a drink? brian: whatever’s your strongest bob: milk it is
guy at bar: sUE HIM?!?!??? oh i’d sue him yeah
sam: who orders something extra cold?? like, you need to Die now thanks. 
sam: do you dare me to drink this buffalo sauce me: yes laura, walking by: snort it
sam: one more day. just one more day laura: of what sam: waking up
bob: *is trying to explain easter to jewish laura* laura: wait so he died… then he came back to life?? then he died Again??? bob: he died. then he came back just to tell people he was alive. then he said SEE YA and ascended to heaven
sam: i HATE margaritas. i don’t know why i just made myself one. 
bob: wow. i have this overpowering urge to just go home. 
bj, putting back a slotted spoon: this is a bad choice for dressing. a bad choice. 
me: *catches a plate about to fall* bj: woah! smooth moves!! spider-man? maybe. 
danny: so you know how at my other job everyone calls me daddy?
sam: *dumps out two full wine glasses* i fucked up. tell no one. 
me: remember when we used to be able to leave early? bob: no. i think we imagined it. 
danny: i didn’t realize we served DICK here -a few min later- danny: sorry i just got out of work and i’m all fired up
sam: my moms drunk and she won’t go home
bob: hey wasn’t that slang for mari- bj: cocaine. 
bj: *kicks kitchen door open* YEE-HAW!!!!
danny: sorry casey  me: what for  danny: for having to deal with me me: yeah *shrugs* danny: they should pay you more me: yeah
didi: i kill you ilia: do it now didi: no ilia: do it i wanna die
danny, about a burger: we’ve got ourselves a squirter!!
sam: is that a chicken patty  sydney: it’s my dog
sam, on my last night with her: lets get casey TRASHED tonight
sam: are you gonna go dancing in new york didi: yes laura: whore it up
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springomelas · 6 years
GOT7′s reaction to listening to a song they made about you, for the first time.
 .A/N: I tried to make this all on point, so these are all songs that the members actually made, mostly just lryics. Enjoy! requests are open. <3 
!Disclaimer!: None of the gifs belong to me credit to their rightful owners. 
Mark Tuan (Let Me)
Tumblr media
  “I see you reflected in today’s sunlight                                                                  You are crazily radiant                                                                                    You plant the sun in my heart                                                                      Let’s you and I be together today” 
     Mark and the boys had been working hard trying to make the best music they could, he had been working so much you hadn’t had some time together in a while. You were excited seeing as the album was coming out soon and you would get to hear all the new music Mark the rest of GOT7 had made, even through Mark may be even more busier then usual because of all the promotions, fanmeets, and lots of other things that came with promotions.
You had been having a usual night till Mark showed up at your place and decided to suprise you, since, of course he had missed you too. You guys sat down happy and then he decided to let you listen to one song after you had begged for about thirty mintues. He pulled out his laptop and quickly typed in his password and the name of the file.
“You want headphones, babe?” He asked looking over at you with stary eyes.
“oh...No, it’s okay.” you said flashing a smile.
“okay” he said with a cute smile and then pressing the play button. You moved your gaze from him to his laptop while he watched you. He kept watching you as you listened, he loves to watch your innocent smile everytime you heard a new song by his group or him. After the song was finished you looked back into his loving and warm eyes that were already starring at you.
“I love it, who made it?” You asked excited from the bright upbeat lryics.
“I did, do you actually like it?” He asked rubbing the back of his neck with a shy smile.
“I love it, it’s so good, I can jam to it.” You said with a big smile.
“I couldn’t think of what to write, and then you texted me if I wanted to come over and watch a movie, and then it hit me.”
“What hit you?” You said while running your hand through his hair and looking at how soft and smooth it went through.
“How much I love you.” He said with a smile that broke lose. This isn’t the first time he’s told you he loves you, but he still said it with a shy boyish smile.
Im Jaebum (Teenager)
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“Wonder why I’m like this when I’m with you I’m constantly excited           Things in front of my eyes looks new                                                             You brighten even to the deep part of my heart                                           Yeah baby you driving me crazy”
           With GOT7 having a comeback, that means Jaebum is very busy with practice and producing. You decided if Jaebum didn’t have time to see you, you would have to go to him. Knowing it would be even longer until you saw him again because promoting is worse then when he prepares for the comeback. You made sure you looked really good. You had made him a little lunch box, knowing he probably hasn’t eaten much cause he’s either busy or too tired. You made sure you had everything and then left your place. 
     Once you made it to the JYP buliding you made your way to the door and went in to the desk to get a pass, they only time you didn’t need one is when you’re a idol or trainee. The woman remembered you quickly and gave you a pass. Since this is a new buliding you had to ask what floor was what and she gladly gave you the information, which you thanked her for and then went on your way. After you had finally made it to the floor you kinda had to look around until you found a door labled ‘GOT7′. You knocked on the door and it was pulled open by Jackson.
“OH, Y/N YOU’RE HERE, IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER.” He said taking you into a big hug.
“I’ve missed you too Jackson, it has been so long, you need to come over soon.” 
“For sure.” He said letting go of you. “Y/N is here” he called out to the group. They all started to come  up to giving you hugs and greeting you with smiles. Last to come was Jaebum. All the boys seemed to exit the room to give you guys so time.
“Awwwww, my baby, I missed you.” He said hugging you very tight, taking the air from you. 
“I brought you food.” You let out and his grip on you loosened once he heard the wheeze of words you had tried to speak.
“Come sit, while I eat you can have a speical sneak peek at a song I made.” He said pullling you by your hand to a couch.
“Yes! I was hoping you would let me.” You said with a light laugh. You pulled out the lunch box you had made for him while he typed on his phone pulling up the song. He handed you his phone and you handed him his lunch box. He started to eat while watching you as you listened to his song. 
      You liked the beat and overall feel of the song, the lryics made it even better, if that was possible. Even after it was over you wanted to relisten to it.
¨What did you think of it?¨ He asked after he had swallowed the food he had in his mouth.
¨Absoultely love it,  I know you make amazing music, but like damn, this fire, expect it to be blasting at place everytime you come over.
¨Well babe, you are gonna have to wait till itś released.¨ He said his eyes filled with love while he ruffled yout nicely done hair.
Jackson Wang (Dawn Of Us)
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 "Keep that addicting smile that you have                                                    You're my own, no doubt for sure."
     Jackson had invited you over in the mist of his busy schedule, he said you could probably only be over for about a hour before he had to leave, you could stay and wait for him to come home, but that would take hours and plus you also have things you need to do. You knocked on the door of his apartment and the door instantly open with him standing infront of you with a tried smile.
"How's it going bubs?" You asked going in for a big hug, with a even bigger grin. He accepted the hug quickly with his own toothy smile.
"Busy, but fun, how about you?" He said breathing in your scent while you spoke.
"It was kinda sad and boring without you, but I'm very happy right now." You said tighting your hold on him. 
"Come on in, my dear." He said with the smile you had been desperately missing.
"Wow what a gentleman." You said with a slight smirk while also stepping into his apartment andgoing straight to his couch. "You really have the most comfortable couch ever." You let out cuddling into the couch and waiting for him to join you, and he did after he laughed at you and got a bottle of water from his frigde.
"How many times have I said I'll give it to you, I'll even pay for it to be moved and everything." He said falling onto the couch with you. It is true he had said he'd give it to you if you wanted.
"Then there would be no reason to come over ever again." You said with a small chuckle as well as him.
"I guess Iĺl have to keep it forever."
"I guess so...." You said with a lop-sided grin.
"So you wanna listen to my new song? I'll let you listen, if you want, you can even tell me what you think about it." He said taking hold of your hand and smoothing over it with his thumb.
"Woah, I get to hang out with you and hear your new song, whata blessing, I must have saved the country in my last life." He laughed at you and began to pull out his phone so he could show you.
"Be honest, I won get hurt or anything." He said with a encougreing smile.
      As the song begun you paid attention to the best, lryics and his voice. The more it played the more you fell in love with it. When it came to a end you had a wide grin while you looked at him.
"You made this, and I date you, so I can say I date a actual legend." You said and caused him to laugh a loud and happy laugh.
"So you like it?" He asked once he had calmed down.
"Nope." You said and as soon as his dropped and he quickly put on a fake smile to mask his real emotions, you decided you wouldn't tease him. So with a light laugh you elbowed him and spoke again. "I loved it Jackson, one of my favortie songs ever, by far." You said and he instantly looked up with a real, and bright smile.
"You scared me for a second there Y/N."
"You really thought I wouldn't like it?" You asked shocked slightly.
"I mean yeah, I really care about your opinion" He confessed looking down with a shy smile.
"Well, Jackson, I love the song and you."
"And I love you Y/N, this song was made about you, if you couldn't tell." He said while resting his head on your shoulder basking in the time he has right now with you.
Park Jinyoung (paradise)
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[Jinyoung and BamBam did these lryics but I couldn´t find many songs for Jinyoung that fit this theme, so I went with this one (: ]
“So dangerous, you can see my heart, it’s see-through                                   So beautiful, you’re stealing my line of vision                                                  So dangerous, you’re driving me crazy baby                                                Even your smallest gestures, I’m done”
       When Jinyoung randomly sent you a file and said to facetime him before watching it, you were kinda shocked. He never really is the type to do supirses, let alone one so out of the blus and not even telling you, you had a supirse coming your way. You instantly facetimed him wanted badly to see what he had sent you.
“That was fast, you must be excited to see what I sent.” He said with a laugh that made his eyes crinkle and your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah well you’re not much of a supirse person, so when you do one and don’t even tell you doing one it makes me more exicted.” You said with a pout.
“Okay, let’s do this quick I have to go soon, I’m in the middle of a photoshoot.” He explained with a wide smile. You quickly went to your email on your computer and opened it to the email with the attachment.
“Give me a good reaction.” He said with a thumbs up.
“Will do.” you responed and clicked the file as it began to play.
     You soon realized it’s a song, and it has to be from the new album because youe never heard it before. Everything about the song drew you in and you wanted to listen to it on repeat until you could recite it by memory.
“From your reaction I’m gonna assume you liked it.” He said with a light chuckle, and you looked over into your camera.
“I loved it, did you make it?” You asked waiting for a reply.
“Yep, and guess who inspried it?” He said with a small smirk.
“Me!!!!” You exclaimed while he just smiled and nodded at you. Seeing you this happy as well, it made all the hard work he put in worth it.
Choi Youngjae (Hesitate)
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“When given the chance I wander around you  Like a habit, when I see you  It makes me smile.  What should I do?  My heart is going ahead of itself on the thought of you,  My head is flustered today too.”
     Youngjae always made sure that you two could at least talk once a day, but since they were having a comeback he was even more busy, so that means you would even be lucky to get a phone call. What shocked you most was when he called you over at three in the morning because he finally had some time. Even through you were basically dead and very, very tried you hopped up and basically ran to his place.
“Sorry for calling you over so late, or rather, early.” He said with a happy laugh and his arms open wide for you.
“It’s okay, at least I get some time with you.” You said going into his ams. He hugged you tight and made sure you could breath comterably.
“Come on” He said grabbing your hand and leading you to his room. You instantly ran and laid on his bed. You loved how comterable and soft it is, and most important it smiles s much like him.
“I missed you, honey.” He said with a sigh running after you onto his own bed.
“How’s the album going?” You asked while he cuddled into you making your heart speed up and make you feel all warm and giddy.
“You wanna listen to a track I made?” He asked already knowing you and the meanings behind your questions.
“You firgured me out.” You said with a  small chuckle. He got out of the bed and grabbed his laptop and carried it back to you. He logged in and then found the file. With the click of his finger the song was playing and filling your ears with delight. It gave you that Youngjae feel that you loved and made the over all song even better. Once it was finished you turned to him with a huge smile.
“Wow, prehaps one of the best songs I’ve ever heard.” After the sentance left your lips his smile grew three times more wide.
“Wah, that’s amazing, I’m so happy you like it.¨
“Anything you make I will love.¨ He laughed and closed his computer and tossed it to the bottom of the bed before he attacked you with a huge hug and a kiss attack on your face which had you giggling and at your happeist.
BamBam (The Reason)
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“Only your smile can move me  The reason my day starts out great  Your appeals make me smile  No matter where I go it makes me feel that I’m with you”
      BamBam is normally goofy and funny guy so when he just shows up at your door with flowers and a goofy smile, you couldn’t be mad that he just showed up out of the blue.
“I brought you flowers.” He said holding them out to you after you had let him in.
“I can see....” You said with a smile and reaching out to take them. “They smell amazing, it seems like you bought these at a actual flower shop.” You said then turned to go the kitchen to find a nice vase. “So what brings you by, my love?” 
“I missed you and I haven’t really had time to see you.” He explained and you could feel him close behind you as you were unwrapping the flowers to put them in the nice vas you had found.
“Ah.” You let out “Is the comeback going good?” And finally he had wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“It’s going prefect, I even made a song for the album.” 
“Can I take a listen?¨ You asked and turned around wrapping your arms around him and cuddling into him.
“Sure, you wanna listen right now?” He asked with a bright smile. You pulled back with a wide smile still having your arms around him.
“Yes, please.” You said and he gave you a quick kiss on your lips before giving a response.
“Anything for you my dear.” He said and pulled your arms with him to your living room and sitting right on the couch. He held your hand the whole time while he typed on his phone. After a few more seconds he gve his phone over for you and you pressed the play button. The song instantly started and you were already in love with the beat when the lryics started. You bopped your head throughout the song which caused him to laugh.
“That is a amazing song, how did you make it?”
“Well I thought of a special someone and it just came to me.”
“This song is about me?” You asked shocked 
“Well yes of course, who else would make me write cheesy things?” He said with a light laugh.
Kim Yugyeom (No One Else)
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“Girl I want to fill my eyes with you                                                               So that I won’t forget this moment                                                               Like always I only remember you.”
      You couldn’t believe when Yugeom blew you off to sleep. Of course you wanted him happy and healthly, but this was the fourth date in two weeks he told you last mintue he couldn’t come. You undertsood the comeback and him being tried from all the work, but you were now mad at him. You had told many people you couldn’t hang out because you had a date, or even your family had invited you over to spend some time, like watch a moive and eat, but still you had to tell them you had a date with Yugeom. You love him, you just wish that if he wasn’t gonna come he would tell you beforehand, or if he knew he didn’t have time, he shoulc have told you instead of agreeing.
“Kin Yugeom, are you serious? This is the fourth time, you have to be kidding me, right?” You said into your phone getting more upset and disappointed.
“I really wish I was Y/N, but I was told last mintue I had to go, and when I mentioned the date they told me I would be back on time, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”
“Where are you?” You asked but it was more like a command.
“I’m on my way back to Seoul, but I won’t be back till past one in the morning.” You sighed at the news and held your head in one of your hands.
“Alright, whatever. Don’t call me, I need some time to chill or else I’m gonna snap and say some stupid stuff.”
“Babe-” He was cut off after you had pressed the ‘end call’ button. You sucked up the angry sad tears that wanted to ecaspe. For the rest of the night you took a shower, cleaned and laid in bed watching movies till you fell asleep.
     It was about three days and Yugyeom hadn’t called at all or even sent a text which worried you slightly. He always made sure he at least sent a text to let you know how he was doing or what he was working on. Once the day was over and you sat on your couch looking at phone wondering if he was upset at you or sad, or maybe if you should just send him a text. You sat starring at your phone for about 15 mintues when it dinged and you instatly grabbed it and logged in. It was Yugyeom, finally. All he sent was a link to spotify. you clicked on it and the song started to play while you just listened. Every lyric was filled with his never ending love for you, and you could tell. Everytime you heard his voice you smiled wider, you already knew he was the one who wrote it just from the words that were being sang and rapped. After the song was finished you called Yugyeom tears in your eyes and going down your cheeks, you truly felt bad for how you had treated him, and that you were being petty and waiting for him to call or text you, instead of doing it yourself.
“I’m sorry, baby” You said as soon as the line picked up.
“Wait, Y/N, are you crying?” He asked, his seeming a little panicked.
“Yeah” You said with a snifle. “I just feel so bad for being all petty and not calling or texting you.” You let out while also letting out some tears from your eyes.
“Awwwwww, Honey, it’s fine, really, I was blowing you off after I had made promises, so really it was my falut, don’t feel bad.” His words were simple yet comforting and made you feel a little better. “If your still crying by the time I come over, I’ll be forced to tackle you.” You laughed and wupped away tears.
“You’re coming over?”
“Yup, right now.” Panic spred through you as you realized your apartment is a mess and you look like a mess as well.
“Oh, okay, I gotta go through.”
“Are you gonna attemp to clean up before I come over, and change and stuff?” He asked with a laugh.
“You know too much.”
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
jaehyun x reader
librarian! au
genre: fluff
words: 1.7k
warnings: realistic portrayals of college life lol
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ive said before that im being self indulgent with posts
but this is really it
im really out here writing this
lets get into this mess
so youre studying right
and you yourself do not have a laptop of your own
bc welcome to being a broke college kid im calling myself out
so you decide that youre gonna go to the library on campus bc sis,, cash in on the tuition money ok
so you go and youre like wow hahahaha i dont have a library card better sign up for one
so you go to the desk and theres no one there
just your luck really
you decide to wander around a little to see if theres anyone who can help you
and low and behold you stumble across someone
this young man knelt down by a shelf with a book rack next to him just humming softly and organizing books
and you catch his attention by clearing your throat slightly
he looks up and his eyes are big over the rims of his wire framed glasses that are clinging to the tip of his round button nose
and his hair is a little mussed from being bent down
but holy hell
youve read enough novels to know that this must be exactly what the characters are talking about when they say things like ‘love at first sight’
“sorry” he says as he standcs and brushes himself off “can i help you with anything?”
starstruck really
you manage to stutter out something about needing to register for a library card and he smiles so kindly it makes u want to melt
“sure!’ he says, motioning for you to follow him back up to the desk
is this what a trance feels like???
he asks you a few basic questions, like your name, your age, and what building your dorm is in so he can put it all on your new nifty library card
and then he turns around this lil webcam on top of his computer and asks you to stand in front of it and smile
and you do, awkwardly
and as hes looking down at the computer counting “3, 2, 1” he has this smile on his face like hes trying to hide it
and if that didnt make ur heart jump you dont know what ever would holy
so he prints off your card as youre still trying to recover from being in the presence of an angel
and he hands it to you and smiles
“library hours are 8 am to 12 am every day, but on the weekends i’m the one that closes. which means if you ever need some extra time to finish that essay you pushed off,,, i wont tell anyone”
and not lot a hot wink
but a cute?? wink??? if thats possible
like you have a secret with him now and its safe
you wonder absently as you stare down at the black and white picture of yourself on the back of your new card if he tells everyone about him closing on the weekends
and if he doesnt does that make you special???/
you smile and thank him again, maybe a little more confidently than before and head for the door
you realise as youre halfway out that you came here to study on the computers but you really need some time to sit down and process the fact that you just say an actual angel
you can do your math homework on your phone for one more night if it means you can turn down your body heat from screaming blushing mess to slightly embarrassed rosy cheeks
the next time you get a chance to run by the library on campus, it just so happens to be sunday
you catch yourself wondering if dream boy meant friday and saturday or saturday and sunday when he said weekends
thats not important right now
what is important is that you have actual business to do in the library today
and that business is to pick up hamlet for your english class
you check in and someone else is at the front desk
you try not to let yourself feel disappointed
i mean you met him once for christs sake
the guy at the front is equally as attractive as dream boy from the previous week, but a little more relaxed to talk to since he isnt giving you any flirty subtones
the kid is all business really
he tells you that his name is doyoung if you need anything else
you ask how he got the job there, out of curiousity
because really, both of the librarians youve encountered seem pretty young for the standard librarian stereotype
doyoung explains that its a work-study job, so nearly all the people that work there are students at the university and work in between classes or on their off days to make some extra cash or pay off some tuition
and you can get behind that!!
so doyoung is cool and you decide you can go to him to ask questions instead
because while dream boy is a dream boy with pretty cheekbones and nice lips and a smooth voice and a good sense of style and a great height without insoles and looks great with glasses and has the most captivating eyes
hes a lil distracting lol
anyway you find yourself in the shakespearean section
and you grab a hamlet off the shelf and head back up to the front to have doyoung check the book out to you
and as hes handing you the book back you get a classroom notification saying that, despite common belief, the book rental wasnt due by tomorrow, but the whole book reading is due by tomorrow
you wonder how the fuck professors get away with shit like this and then you remember that you didnt bother to read the syllabus so you cant really get too mad at anyone but yourself
so you find a table that looks like it has the comfiest chairs and cozy up for a long evening of reading and annotating
(depending on who you are you either love or hate hamlet, either way it is exhausting to annotate anything from that man so bear with me ok)
five hours later and ⅔ of the annotations later it is 11:56pm
and you havent noticed
you hadnt noticed much of anything happening in the real world after you popped in a headphone and started reading about guards seeing a ghost
that is until someone plops down in the seat in front of you and asks
“so what are you studying”
and you look up, a little delayed because youre finishing a notation
only to find that its dream boy
and your brain blanks for a sec bc wow every time you see him its kinda like?? ouch???? my heart bro
so you just kind of shake your head and mutter some “im not really sure anymore”
and theres some truth to that!! first there were ghosts and now theres dead girlfriends dads and dead girlfriends and talking about a skull in a graveyard
that play is really a wild ride brother
and dream boy sits there and laughs, wholesomely
you could die happy
“yeah i get that” he says, rubbing the back of his neck
theres a pause that carries on a bit too long
“wanna hear a dumb joke?” he asks suddenly
you smile then, partially out of exhaustion and partially because wow?? cutie
“sure” you say
“okay. what do you call a nervous javelin thrower?”
you pause for a sec bc wtf
“dunno. what do you call them?”
he flashes this cute fucking grin that you know is supposed to be slick but just comes off as wholesome and says
and you shouldve seen that coming wow
and its so dumb that you actually??? giggle????? and that turns into a laugh??
youre probably just exhausted from annotations but maybe that was actually funny
and his smile softens like hes made progress on something
“y/n, right? i dont think i ever actually introduced myself. i’m jaehyun”
he smiles and reaches across the tabe and you take his hand
its warm and strong and you try not to think about it too hard
“well, y/n, library loses here in another two minutes or so.”
he sees the look on your face fall
“but never fear!” he leans forward and lowers his voice
you hold your breath
“i told ya you could stay, didnt i?”
his smile is closed lipped and cute and genuine
before you can say anything hes up and ushering the last few people out of the library, telling them good night and good luck with their classes tomorrow
youre kind of caught in a brain dead daze after finally being pulled from your studying to watching this cute librarian named jaehyun bustle around and lock doors and turn off lights
and when he finally gets back to you he clicks on the lamp on the table youre working at and sets a cup of coffee in front of you
he mustve made it as you were falling asleep with your eyes open
you thank him copiously before asking
“i thought you let everyone stay after hours when you closed”
he looks up over the rim of his mug with a surprised look in his eyes
he shakes his head as swallows the clearly too hot coffee
“not at all. most of the time i kick them out and study by myself.”
he blushes like its a confession and it makes you feel,,,, something
but you dont want to press
so you just reach out and offer your other headphone to him because if you dont know what to say then you can both enjoy some good study music
so he pulls out his homework for the night and the two of you sit there and study
you sip off your coffee occasionally and both of you nod your heads to the music playing in your ears
he hums along to the ones he knows and a thought skips across your mind
you could get used to this
(theres a 100000% chance there will be a part two to this)
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tammyhybrid21 · 6 years
The world a Symphony of Sensation
Okay, I’ll start this off with the simple statement that I have honestly no idea whether I have this or not, because it might just be... well I am sensing things all the time anyway, or just... honestly I think some of this is just... well that’s for everyone right?
So... I am really not sure how much I can talk about it... but that sub-heading up there. A Symphony of Sensation... that’s how I experience the world. For real.
I mean, it’s kind of hard to explain because a lot of the time, it’s... kind of like someone left the background music on in a way. Could I explain what sense that is? No, not really, could be sight, smell, taste, or even touch, or hell emotional input... but I’m pretty sure emotions translate into physical sensations.
People can feel prickly or scratchy sometimes, false or plastic, painted on smiles, or overly bubbly. So you know. I don’t think that’s right. But there is the background music, separate from the music I hear when it’s playing in my headphones or on the radio or even when I’m singing.
Voices in writing, a chorus and a story is a harmony. An animation I can watch over and over and-
Isn’t that strange? I read a story and it plays out like a movie in my mind, a full animated movie with voices and music and everything, but when I try to do actual visualization exercises all I can get is a word picture... literally words, I can translate an image to words and words to images, but can’t properly visualize it on its own...
But yeah...
Names have feelings, and it’s weird because yeah I might say it doesn’t sound “normal” enough, but what does that mean. Well I mean normal as in basic, as in kind of rough, but not unpleasant, kind of your average sense, something mundane... Or for example a few of my OCs, I named them because it felt like a certain colour, or had a certain sensation that went with it that was just yes! This is the right name!
Also why a few of my characters don’t yet have names, while others get them near instantly.
Such as Rico, or Smoke, or hell even Hooky who’s name has changed, a lot. But you know what, that’s because the name has to match, it has to feel right. And I can’t just absorb headcanons unless it fits into that harmony. It has to flow and roll with everything else, like a symphony of sensation. Is it a certain sound, a certain feeling? Has to work right.
Rico is a bubbly boy, a high note and a jaunty tune, fittingly curious, and it works. Feels like a good name, there’s a reason I particularly lean to Witty(@im-fairly-whitty)’s Ruy and her interpretation of that one crossing agent; Helena, they both feel right, have that harmony that flows and fits with the rest of the world and who they are.
Also, on the other hand, why I can’t handle Villain-AU, because Héctor’s harmony is off, it’s wrong like a band that knows the notes but everyone is playing the wrong instrument and trying their best. Broken pieces, a little too sharp.
Also, on associated senses...
Taste and Scent
Scent and Taste
One translates directly to the other and that might be why I hate coffee so much. Because it’s kind of... an oxymoron? I mean, here’s the thing. Both of those senses directly translate to one another, when I smell something I also taste it, and when I taste something it immediately has a scent that goes with it.
Which for some things is obvious, cigarette smoke all around is just bletch, chocolate is sweet, and has this kind of powdery smell I’ll be honest... And then there’s coffee, which confounds me.
I love the smell of coffee, love that toasty smell, the slight tint of a bitter twist, and the taste that goes along with it, settles and dances in your mouth... But then I taste it and it’s immediately flipped on it’s head, bitter and gross, and with this kind of acrid after burn smell, and it’s like ??? why do you betray me like this? How dare...
So I think, that honestly, leave me to make it, don’t make me drink it. The smell and associated taste there are good, but the taste and associated smell are bad.
But you know... all this might just be autism things...
I hear the world in a harmony. Constantly with some background music. I read stories and get full on animations, and sensations. Names have feelings to them, songs, or snaps of music. Emotions have feelings, and it prickles over my skin, hypes me up energy wise. Tastes and scents trade off with one another and what I taste has a smell and vice versa.
But mostly... It’s music and feelings.
Everything, has a bit of music to it. Everything, or a feeling, and I’ve talked on colours before... Because still, that’s not even touching how colours sound to me. Red is loud, green as well, although green is the softer of the two, and red a lot fiercer and pay attention to me! Yellow, blue, all of them have snaps of sounds, and it’s why I can reflexively get huffy about even my own character designs.
If the colour is out of harmony with the name, and character, then it won’t fit... Go back try again...
Again, it’s funny I can’t visualize, but can build a word picture. So it’s good I get harmony and voices from words, a feeling and a sensation. Sometimes a story is a warm blanket I just want to wrap myself up in, other times it’s like broken glass, or a hard rock that I don’t want to touch, boring like paper, or who knows...
I really, really don’t know how to describe how I experience things...
Because it’s all I like the way this story feels and sounds but explaining it all is like uhhh?
I dunno.
What do you want me to say okay? I hear things a lot, I feel things a lot, and it’s hard to explain how it works. A story can really pull on me, and headcanons need to have a harmony or I will literally pull away because that’s discordant and I hate it.
So what’s my life, a track of background music, and a bunch of touch sensations. Which is alright I guess. I mean, I’ve sometimes said of a character they feel like they’re a blue person, or a red one, or yellow.
Okay, for a slight simplification of all this, this is basically what triggers what(vaguely in order of what’s strongest as well:
Words - touch and music
Names - touch, colour and music/voices
Taste - smell(and vice-versa)
General Sensory Input(?) - background music, touch and taste
Emotions - touch
Music - touch and taste
Colour - sound and touch
Voices - emotions and touch
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sexxxlovemusic-blog · 6 years
I really dont understand what is going through my head, because it's seriously nothing.... at all!! yet I feel like I want to cry all the time. And I come home to your arms and it all goes away. I'm going to start these stupid pills again, maybe if they make me sick my mind will understand that I'm okay and dont need them or something so I can stop having this constant war in my head. Fuck I have such a headache.... and all I want is the day to be over so I can fall asleep in your arms, even though I just woke up not to long ago.....
I just want it all to be over in my head. I wish help was more affordable. I could probably really use someone to talk to so I can get over everything from my past. I just want to be completely happy. I want my mind to just stop putting me in a dark place even though nothing is currently wrong. Everything is amazing right now, I live on my own with my one and only true love, I have a family and a job and a couple friends I can count on but dont see often enough... Yet i guess i just dont feel good enough to be a part of it all.. my mind makes me feel like a waste of space or waste of time.....
The other day I got a flower from my man, as I look at it now I feel happier and I know for a fact I am loved. And.... like I said.... everything is fine! So, why does my head hurt and not feel fine? I want it to go away!!!! I want to lift this darkness off my shoulders and just watch it disappear forever. Hmmm... maybe I've got like..... a personality disorder or some shit like that. My mind seriously takes me out of anything and just sticks me in a hole of bad and horrible things. And I can be perfectly fine the next day. And just keep jumping in and out of this hole multiple times through the week........ And I feel like I'd bother anyone if I say another word about not being happy when I truly have nothing to complain about....
So here is my rant of nothingness. Meh.... I know I reminisce about the past a little to much, yeah I miss my past friends and wish I could go back for some things to keep..... like my mom for sure is the biggest one.... And there is a big reason why these "friends" aren't in my life anymore and I just need to move on... I know that's not a healthy thing to do and I just need to keep looking at my future and stop turning back...... But my future scares me, I dont know where I'm going to end up, or how bad im going to mess up, if im going to end up with a cute family of my own, or if my kids are going to hate me, or if im even going to have kids........
Will I end up alone and be grumpy like my dad? Or will I end up traveling the world like I dream of doing and have the brightest of days? Or will life get the best of me at a young age like my mom....... It's so scary to think about.
I hate not knowing... And living in the moment is kinda a drag for me, doing the same thing every day, work, sleep, eat, clean, have sex once in a while, the most amazing sex I've ever had. Haha! But, yeah, idk, mostly the same things every day. Maybe I should get into drawing again. Or writing even... even though i am not good at them in any way shape or form. Haha. There's a reason why i almost failed every class i took ever. I want to see something new, go somewhere i haven't been.
Maybe this vacation next week, instead of going somewhere that'll make me sad, maybe we can go to something new. Granted, this place that makes me sad, it also has some of the best memories, it's my childhood, it's my family, its.......not there anymore.......
And now I'm crying...... oh how I wish it was still there..... How I wish my family reunions were still there, how I wish my man could meet all the people who are now gone forever....... The people who I truly loved most, the ones my dad got alone with, my dad doesn't like who's left as much as the ones who are gone.... I'm not close with the family that I have now. I'm the outcast and I know at least a couple who might be judging me for my decisions.... And all the people that are gone were the outcasts too...... my mom, the gay uncle who gave us the best times at the park, my.... great aunt?? I cant remember, but she was so sweet and lovable and cute and always took care of me when I fell as a kid, when she was gone, the house was gone thanks to her nasty daughter...... Then there's all the others who taught me how to play golf which is the closest thing I now have with my dad...... I'm pretty sure every single one is gone now......
I haven't seen any of them in I think over 10 years now..... sigh....... I wish I could go back and just see them all once more and give them all the biggest hug, I was just a kid back then and never got to tell them all goodbye....... I wish I could walk through our house again, play slapjack in the living room and watch the old VHS movies I'd bring every year...... I wish we could go looking for arrowheads again, and pet the horses or play horseshoes even..... listen to the heavy rains in the trailer. Or be huddled up close to everyone in the house as it hailed..... Listen to my grandpas stories again and pay better attention to them, I was the stupid child who always had headphones in while in the car so I didn't listen........or I wish I could play poker with him and my cousins again... I need to go visit him and grandma soon...... He can hardly talk or walk anymore so his stories are all with him now..... God damn.......
......There's just so much, my family was big and I took it for granted, I thought I'd have so much more time, and now it's not so much and it's going to be separated even more...... I just feel like I didn't get enough time with anyone...... I didn't get as many hugs as I wanted. And I know they are gone and there is nothing I can do.... but I wish there was...... just for a split moment even...... its just to hard for me not to think about them all...... I miss it all so much..... They need to come back.....
So hey..... that's where my head is..... I can probably keep going but this post is already long enough...... I am totally fine in the moment, but my past and my future have me in a turmoil in my mind.... there is to much I wish I could have back.... And to be with them again requires death, which I'm not quite ready for.....
I am pretty, I am strong, and everything is fine in the moment.... for the most part.. I'm gonna go cry for a while before work, then I'll pretend like I'm okay and put that fake smile on my face for the hours I am there. Then who knows..... Come home and cry some more in your arms. Or maybe I'll be okay, we shall see I guess...
I'm sorry this is such a long post. But I just needed to post something. And.... well.... this is it..... Thanks....
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deadmomjokes · 7 years
My autistic sister’s musings on her autism
I just really wanted y’all to read this. She has always had a way with writing, and this is an amazing description of one aspect of how autism works.
“I have been doing a lot of introspection recently, mainly about what it really means for me that I have autism. I have begun reading a lot of books by Temple Grandin, as well as paying more attention to many things I used to not notice.
“For example, one of the aspects of autism that I never really acknowledged as pertaining to myself is the general oversensitivity to sensations (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell). I always knew that things like parties, basketball games, and similar loud, enclosed functions were beyond me. Too loud, too much input, that kind of thing. But I never acknowledged it in any other circumstances, like normal, everyday life.
“I have been performing a few mild experiments, mainly dealing with sounds. Essentially, I put on my headphones, and then turn on some rock music (my recent Fav is Disturbed), and then focus on what my brain is processing, entirely.
“Right now, as I type this, I am listening to Disturbed, at a pretty loud level, but I can still hear my baby brother cooing, burbling, and fussing across the room (about 15 feet away); I also hear the TV playing Sesame Street, though the volume is rather low, all things considered; I hear the thumping of the cats on the porch, 25 feet away, through a wall and a closed door; I hear my step mom’s chair crackle like it does when she rocks my brother, 10 feet away. And all of these sounds process into my brain equally, no matter that the music on my headphones is more proximal or is overall louder in my ears than everything else - I still hear everything else. Equally.
“At this same time, I feel the heat from under my laptop on my left thigh. I feel the breeze from the ceiling fan on my legs, feet, arms, and head. I feel Indy's (her service dog’s) warmth beside me to my right, under the blankets, on the couch.
“I taste the grape juice I drank about 7 minutes ago.
“I smell the couch - it could use a little freshening.
“And I see my laptop screen. But behind that, even though I do not focus on it, I can see the two-headed monster on Sesame Street talking about sharing. I can see my sister rolling around the floor as she watches the monster. I can see my step mom kind of tapping her foot out of my peripheral vision as she nurses my brother. All of these images enter my brain, as individual pieces, and each has an equivalent amount of attention.
“And this is rather terrifying.
“Yet, because I see, smell, taste, feel, and hear all of these things (and similar things) every second of my life, it seems like my brain has had to develop a highly-functional processing ability. While I do have all of these sensations coming in 24-7, I can still accomplish things.
“I can still write pages upon pages of content everyday for my freelance writing job. I can still plan garden and homestead projects, and eventually, get started on them and accomplish them. I can still work with the student I assist, both in class and outside of class via IM and email. I can still work on the problems associated with my grandmother's health and care, and help her daily. I can read for pleasure and personal enjoyment.
“If this is what it means to be autistic, then I am in awe of myself and others like me.
“We can change the world. Our multitasking skills and coping mechanisms are something to be feared; with them, we can do more than you could ever dream.
“I complete the equivalent of 6 jobs, every day. I "work", in one aspect or another, every waking hour of my day. I have accomplished more in the last year than in the entire rest of my life combined.
“Because I am autistic. Because my brain works differently than yours. Because I am evolved.
“I am the next stage in human evolution. “I am a mutant. “Fear my power. “With it, I will change the world.”
This does not negate the problems that autistic people have to deal with on a daily basis, but my sister has found great comfort, self-esteem, and pride in many aspects of her autism, and I hope her words can help do the same for other autistic people out there. Y’all are truly amazing and deserve everything good in the world.
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