#but apparently I was ‘sleeping all day’ according to my mom
hamliet · 3 days
what do you think of hamlet and juilet as characters? what is their purpose and role in the story?
Oh boy, two of my favorites! In case my usename wasn't a tell haha. Here's something I wrote in the past.
Apparently they both have "whiney teen" reputations now? They're both not. At all.  
Juliet is a teenage girl who has grown up in a war zone and comes alive with love. She, like Romeo, chooses to focus on love when they've only known bloodshed. Like, they are brave kids, not whiney cowards. 
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I've written a lot on her; she's one of my favorite characters in all of literature. She's a deliberate deconstruction of the idealized woman of the literary day, the character who changes the most in the play, and her faithfulness and loyalty are stated over and over again, including in the play's closing lines, to be her defining characteristics. That she's reduced to a flighty, insecure needs-a-man, hysterical image is textually wrong. Juliet is That Girl. 
Also, unlike every other Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo and especially Juliet die as the best versions of themselves, not as a parody of what they started out as like, say, Othello or Hamlet...
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Ah, Hamlet. I love him for how tragic his arc is--to go from someone who is trying his best in horrible circumstances to still be a good person and honor those he loves to being someone who has unwittingly helped destroy everyone he loves, and become the murderer he desperately didn't want to be.
Hamlet is a college-aged kid who comes back over break to find his dad is dead and his mom married his uncle. Idk about you but I think that'd give anyone a complex. Not to mention his source of comforts all turn on him (except Horatio); two of his school friends spy on him, and his girlfriend is ordered by her dad to play it cool instead of, you know, be there for him. He wouldn't have needed a ghost to end up in a mental health crisis contemplating "to be or not to be."
Despite it all, he still wants to slow down and think. He doesn't want to do the wrong thing. Problem is he delays too long--because he does not want to be a murderer--and when he does act, it's sloppy and he murders the father of the girl he loves by mistake.  
But lest you think I'm throwing anyone under the bus, I'm not... well, besides Claudius, Polonius who is a bad dad, and Rozencrantz and Guildenstern who were bad friends. Hamlet's mom and girlfriend though? 
Gertrude's decision to marry Claudius--while Shakespeare never gets into her interior world, there are a few possibilities and they mostly looks terrible and contradictory. The Ghost accuses Gertrude of adultery before his murder thanks to the hasty elopement, but never accuses her of murder and even tells Hamlet to "leave her to Heaven." If Gertrude really was cheating, then she willingly marries someone she has to know is a murderer (unless she's beyond dumb).
Or, let's think pragmatically according to the day. If Gertrude had not married Claudius instantly (most probably she seduced him), how long do we think she and Hamlet would stay alive? Because Hamlet's existence is a threat to Claudius's reign even by Denmark's elective monarchy of the day (plus he was abroad when the murder happens). By marrying Claudius Gertrude may be literally trying to save herself and her son--only issue is, no one sees it like that, and how to explain that to her son, who's been raised in a patriarchal society? 
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Ophelia doesn't have much choice, either. Women's sexuality being considered "property" of a man is very much at play as a motif in the play, and given the implications (pretty strong, I'd say) that Hamlet and Ophelia were indeed sleeping together, their hands were pretty tied. Ophelia pulling back (essentially ghosting him, heh) confuses him especially when he's at his most vulnerable, and then he hits her where she's most vulnerable: all his insults to her are sexually charged, essentially accusing her of not being a virgin, when in reality she probably isn't because of him. And that's before he kills her father by mistake. Once Hamlet murders Polonius, Ophelia also has to deal with the fact that she's probably never getting married to anyone, ever. No wonder she also goes insane.
Hamlet laments that Denmark is all corrupted at the start of the play, and the royal court of Elsinore most of all. Which it is, and unfortunately he cannot escape this corruption.
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enigma-the-anomaly · 1 year
I hate when there is anger inside my body. I am very small and my feelings are very big :(
#it really just does not matter what I do huh#it’s spring break. I was up at 9:30 and happened to stay in bed for a bit and take my time showering and stuff#you know? cuz I’m on break? And can do whatever the Hell i want?#but apparently I was ‘sleeping all day’ according to my mom#and then she reminded me to wash my hair the next time I shower. which is code for ‘your hair looks like shit’#it’s like that one bit from friends where they’re having a funeral for the geller’s grandmother#and Monica’s mom is like “can you imagine being criticized for every little thing you do?#it’s amazing that I grew up to be the life-affirming person I am”#the joke being that she criticizes everything Monica does and is constantly trying to “fix” her#always criticizing her outfit and hair and life choices#like. that’s exactly my mother. and guess what? I fucking hate her!#and—this is a horrible thing to say I know—sometimes I wish she would just hit me#because violence and bruises are easier to spot than the covert belittling and the slow chipping away at my self esteem#all while under the guise of helping me#as if she isn’t insulting me and treating me like a mini clone of her or a goddamn toy to entertain her#she never wanted me she wanted a dress up doll#she doesn’t want nano she never wanted nano she wants a perfect girl who marries a perfect guy#and has perfect grandbabies#she’s tried to strip me of my boricua heritage in unassuming little ways#she’s tried to strip me of my desires and interests and emotions#she’s tried to ignore my trauma and logic away my mental illness#she has tried to destroy every part of me everything that makes me what I am#and she is the victim. the one with the woefully annoying stupid disobedient daughter#because i have resisted her attempts to mold me into something that I’m not#vent#im just so tired of trying to be the person she wants me to be and never being good enough#I’m tired of feeling trapped#I’m tired of feeling like an awful person#I’m so sick of her
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authormars · 3 months
Demons and Sleeping
So, obviously we know demons sleep from various texts in the og game (I have no idea about NB, I literally just got OG a week ago. This was totally not prompted by a Mammon text I received)
But according to my canon (which is overly complicated because apparently I enjoy making life hard for my ADHD girlfriend who doesn't remember half the stuff I text her) not all demons have to sleep.
For example, Barbatos. Yes, he can sleep. Yes, he can get exhausted. But the hours of rest he has to get per week is close to 0 because of what kind of demon he is.
Sloth demons always need at least 12 hours a day, normally more like 16-17. Gluttony demons have a tendency more toward 9-11 hours a day. Lust demons can go without sleep for a day, but they generally average 8-10. Wrath demons don't need a whole lot, most only really needing maybe 6 hours a night (which is why I have the headcanon Satan spends half the night reading)
Envy demons don't really have a consensus, but most normally depression sleep for 7-9 hours. Greed demons are like lust where they can go a bit without sleeping, but generally need 7-8 hours. Pride demons, however, are fucking weird.
Pride demons can go without sleep for 3 days and be fine. Their general need for sleep per week is maybe 10 hours. Maybe 14. Which is why I have the headcanon Lucifer legitimately doesn't get tired the first night he pulls an all-nighter. The subsequent days after... Are a different story.
Royal demons are also weird. Due to the Royal Family (Diavolo's family) encompassing all sins, he doesn't really have a set need for sleep. Depending on how he's feeling, he could need 16 hours or he could need 4. Which obviously frustrates his pride demon boyfriend who's trying to do work and his time demon butler/mom who just wants to not deal with his shenanigans during the night
And not just sleeping hours. It's also how they sleep. Demons have to keep their human forms with magic, which is why lower demons don't have a human form. So when demons are asleep, they generally revert into a human-demon shape, not unlike their demon forms. They still look human, but their tails, wings, and/or horns will be out.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Please ask me things. I love Dialuci. Remember to drink water today <3
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inkblot22 · 3 months
Can You Keep A Little Secret?
JFC this took me longer than usual I'm so sorry anon. I sort of explained it before, but I didn't exactly use your prompt, based on ineptitude on my part. After I finish reading Oshi no Ko, I might try again! Line divider by @/cafekitsune.
This fic is aimed towards sort of everyone, but the reader possesses afab features (they don't come into play until later, this chapter has no mention of them.) You'll understand what I mean by it being for everyone if you read the first paragraph or so. It has to do with suspending your belief/ employing your imagination.
TW for: lots of confusion, semi-shy reader, creep behavior, mention of death, mention of lobotomy/grippy sock jail, reincarnation. These warnings will get worse, and this takes place when all characters are 18+.
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Waking up was never your favorite part of the day, but that feeling increases tenfold when you wake up in someone else’s body. You know for sure you didn’t look like this last week, and the name on your ID is similar to your own, but you don’t recognize the face in the mirror. Whoever you’re inhabiting has a few similar features to your own, but your skin was never this dewy, your eyes never so… hollow and strange. 
When you looked up your name, you found out that you, or your body, at least, had died in your sleep. When you looked up the name on that ID, you found out that you’re the child of some big business man and a prolific model, and you apparently dabble in acting. Your dad isn’t your dad, but he calls you every night to make sure you’re settling into your “new” apartment. Your mom isn’t your mom, but she has popped by once or twice to ask you how you’ve been and make you really good food. She mentioned last night that your acting instructor was worried, since you hadn’t attended your Thursday classes, and also that your agent has been trying to contact you. You didn’t know you had an agent.
When you called your agent, who was literally just titled “Agent” in your new phone, she sounded relieved then irritated, chiding you for living the high life too fast. She said you weren’t popular or loved enough to go on week-long benders, and then she mentioned that she had a job for you and she’d see you on Thursday. According to this phone that isn’t yours, Thursday was tomorrow. 
You made a night of getting prepared- slathering on the fancy face masks, trying on various outfits, scrolling through the pictures on the phone of your new body in the past, painting your really gorgeous nails- and then you went to sleep and woke up to a phone call from your new dad. 
“Hi, sweetheart!”
“Uh… hi, Dad…” You mumbled. You didn’t know him from Adam, but there was no point in being rude to him.
He pauses, and then he speaks slowly, “Did you hear from your agent, honey?”
“Yeah- yeah I did, uh, I have acting class in a little, and she said she has a job for me.”
“Oh, I’m glad to hear it! You know you can always visit me if something is wrong, okay? Just call me or Devin and he’ll come get you as soon as possible.”
You don’t know who Devin is, but you don’t point it out, “Of course. Thank you, dad.”
There was another pause. This one stretches out for a while and then he mumbles, “Okay… love you, sweetpea.”
“Uh… love you too. I’ll call you when I get back home?”
“Sure thing. Bye bye.”
The call ends with a click and you hop in the shower, trying to scrub away the confusion. You pair the lotion with a body spray that makes you smell like a summer afternoon in an apple orchard, and then you dress yourself in a soft off the shoulder sweater dress with a pair of tights with little sequins and gems sewn onto the sheer black material. You pull your hair back, tied at the nape of your neck, and roll on some lip gloss. You grab your bag, which isn’t your bag, and stroll out, walking down the street to get to the talent agency.
The receptionist looks at you in some measure of shock and greets you kindly. You smile and wave. He looks even more confused as you clomp into the stairwell. Once you get to the third floor, mildly out of breath, you hurry to room 3-5 and silently slide into the back.
You’re not sure why you’re acting so covert, as the class hasn’t even started. A woman with dark hair strolls in and flinches when she sees you sitting there, your new name tumbling from her lips with confusion.
“Hello.” You hope that she’s the instructor, “How are you?”
She looks at you like you grew two heads and forces a smile, “Oh, I’m well, dear. Give me a moment to look outside.”
She clicks to the window in her heels and opens the blinds looking around wildly before she turns back to you.
“Well, nothing’s on fire and there’s a distinct lack of flying pigs, so I guess you’re finally serious about getting better at acting?” 
“Uh… I…?” You don’t know how to respond, “I didn’t realize I’d been late so often.”
“Late? Half the time you didn’t even show up. The only person worse than you is-”
The door behind you opens. You clench your hands to stop the shaking you just realized you were struggling with, and turn slightly in your seat to see a willowy young man, tousled lavender hair being haphazardly smoothed by his slender hands.
The instructor snorts, “Speak of the devil. Hello, Mr. Felmier.”
He smiles, but it’s a bit too calculated. When he speaks, his voice is soft, almost artificial, “Ah ha… Good morning, Angie.”
Angie, evidently, rolls her eyes and takes a seat at the front of the room, crossing her long legs, and tilts her head skeptically, “Sure. If a satellite doesn’t crash in this room and kill us all in the middle of class, I’ll be shocked.”
“Mr. Felmier” walks over and smiles at you. It seems even more strained than before, and keeps eye contact with you as he points to the chair next to you, his voice high and sweet, “Mind if I sit here?”
“Oh, of course not. I don’t own that chair, haha!” You joke. 
His face twitches, some micro expression that you’re just observant enough to notice, but not to see, and he takes a seat. Angie gets up and leaves and you look out the window. You can feel eyes on you, and when you turn to look at him, his face is impassive save for a slight narrowing of his eyes. You look down at yourself and pat your cheeks, suddenly nervous.
“Oh, no, is there something on me?” You ask.
He doesn’t immediately respond, his eyes blinking so fast that if he hadn’t done it twice you would have never seen the movement, and then he gives you that sweet, plastic smile, “Oh, no. Your makeup is different than usual. It looks nice. Pretty.”
“I- I’m only wearing lipgloss, so I guess that’s why. Thank you.”
He nods slowly, and tilts his head, still smiling as though he’s trained to do so, “After we’re done here, did you want to go get brunch together?”
You’re about to say no. You don’t remember him, because this is not your life you’re living, but if you did know him, you’d decline anyway. Something feels funny about him. You don’t really have to decline, though, since you have to go down to floor 2 and see your agent afterwards anyway, “Oh, uh, I’m so sorry. I have to do something after.”
“I can wait.”
“I don’t want to put you out. Maybe another time?”
His eyebrows pinch together ever so slightly and his smile doesn’t strain, but it feels wrong as he leans his elbow on the back of his chair to better face you, “Did you hear the news from Mirelle?”
“What news?” You don’t know who Mirelle is.
“Oh, you’re meeting with her afterwards, aren’t you?” He smooths the hair along your temple so it is slicked behind your ear, “Are you wearing that perfume I got you? You said you hated it.”
Okay, so whoevers body this was definitely knew this man, and now you don’t even know his full name. Judging from the way he’s speaking to you, you were friends at least. Your lashes flutter and you look away from him.
“I- I’m sorry. It smells very nice.” You don’t know how you’re supposed to be acting. The irony of waiting for an acting class while not knowing what your role here happens to be is not lost on you.
Felmier sits up like you insulted him and his voice is quiet, so quiet and tense that you don’t think you’re supposed to hear him, “Interesting.” 
You glance at him again, “What?”
“I didn’t say anything. You like that bagel place down the street, don’t you? After you see Mirelle, meet me in the lobby. I think we should have a chat.” Although he is smiling, his voice doesn’t leave any room for argument as he turns back to the front. 
You stand up, leaving your purse in your seat, and walk to the window, looking out of it for a moment until Angie strolls back in. She clicks her tongue and you walk back to your seat.
“It’s just you two? Now I’m really expecting a freak accident. Well, let’s get started.”
Acting class was… interesting. Since it was just the three of you, Angie had you read lines from a script and act out some kind of argument. She seemed pleased with your performance, but Felmier kept stumbling over his lines and making the wrong expression. He seemed tense by the time the two hour long session was over. You didn’t want to follow that thread, and besides, you had somewhere to be. You went down the stairs again and bumped into a woman with silver hair, who looked at you just as confused as everyone else had been, and smiled sweetly, genuinely.
“Hey, you. You’re a bit early.” She says.
“Uh, yeah. I guess so? I don’t know.” You guessed this was supposed to be Mirelle, your agent, maybe. 
“It’s a good change, babe. Why don’t you come into my office?” She doesn’t really ask, since she’s already leading you over.
She takes a seat behind her desk and you take a seat in front of her, and she taps away at her computer for a moment before she says something.
“You remember Epel? Epel Felmier?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
“Oh? You ‘guess so’? Not that the two of you are constantly arguing, or anything.” She smirks, glancing away from her monitor to look at you, “Regardless, I’ve got something that will help with your little PR nightmare last month. What were you thinking?”
“Uh, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes narrow a fraction, but whatever she was thinking is ignored, “You and Epel are gonna be collaborating on an upcoming short film. Hopefully the two of you don’t get into another screaming match.”
“Um. Yeah. Hopefully.” All this new information and these new people are making your head spin. You don’t want to start panicking- you did enough of that last week- but you’re already exhausted. You wonder if there’s a back entrance to this building so you can just sneak out and don’t have to talk to Epel again. You don’t think you can mentally handle him talking to you over a cup of coffee.
Your agent, Mirelle, is looking at you expectantly, like she just said something. Your heart jumps into your throat, then sinks to your gut and you clear your throat quietly, shifting in your chair.
She laughs airily, “Oh, you didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?”
You shake your head, and she laughs again.
“I just said that production starts Monday. Try not to do anything crazy. This project is monumentally important for your public image.”
“Okay. Sorry for causing so much trouble in the past.” You mutter, standing up.
She shrugs with a happy little grin, “Oh, you’re young. Maybe you’ll grow out of it.”
You just nod. How are you supposed to even respond to that? If you get mad, you’ll probably get hysterical, and if you get hysterical, that is a one way ticket to a stay in grippy sock jail or a lobotomy. Rich people are different, and even though you’re living in some rich person’s body, you did not live this life for longer than a week. 
You purposely walk to the other staircase. Most buildings have two for fire safety. Your eyes water as you pause on the stairs and you sigh before you start descending them. 
Just as you get to the exit, your hand on the door, you hear a voice behind you, “Hey.”
It scares you out of your skin. You jump and spin and squawk, only to meet the wicked smile of Epel. It doesn’t reach his round blue eyes. He tilts his head from side to side, slowly, as if appraising you, and then he starts walking towards you and you push back against the door, opening it ever so slightly. He stops his motion and looks a tad surprised.
Then his eyes narrow, “Come back in.”
His voice sounds different, rougher. You don’t really want to, but it’s hot outside and you figure from all the odd looks and reactions you’ve gotten, running would be too erratic for this poor person’s life you’ve taken over. 
When you close the door and remain leaned against it, Epel’s face relaxes. You didn’t even realize he was making any sort of tense expression. He glances at the spandrel, the area beneath the stairs, and sighs.
“You hit your head last week? That why you were missin’?” Yeah, he’s speaking entirely differently. He has a sort of charming country twang to his voice, an underlying roughness that makes him seem even more boyish than before.
“‘Huh?’” He mocks, looking back at you. He looks like he might cry, but his eyes are angry, “That all you got to say? For years you’ve told me that I don’t mean shit, and now you’re actin’ like you don’t even know me.”
He is right. You don’t know him at all. Even though you’re still in the cool building, you begin to sweat. You don’t know what to say to this without going through the experiences you’ve had in the past week, so you decide you don’t have to, especially since it seems like he may get aggressive if you say the wrong thing.
You lean hard against the aptly named panic bar, turn on your heel once outside, and take off running. It dawns on you a little late that he might be following, or, seven forbid, that he knows where you live, so you take a different route as dictated by your GPS and call your new father as soon as you get in the building.
It’s the middle of the work day, so he obviously doesn’t pick up. You unlock the apartment door and pant breathlessly, leaving a hasty voicemail, “O-oh, great seven- ugh- okay, hi, Dad. I told you I’d call you when I get home, so that’s what I’m doing. Hope I didn’t disrupt a meeting or whatever. Call me back, bye.”
You flop face down on the bed and groan, rolling onto your back as the ringtone that you would never choose goes off. In bold white letters on the screen, it says “Bumpkin Boy” with no other indication of who it might be. You pick up.
The voice on the other end sounds heated, a quiet mocking lilt to it, “Bet you went home, huh?”
Your blood runs cold and your very ability to speak is ripped from your lips.
“S’okay. You don’t have to talk. I could pay you a little visit, see what it’s like to live like a nepo baby for a day, but I think…” He pauses, and when he next speaks you hear the smile in his voice, “I think I’ll just wait for Monday, since you owe me a coffee date, don’t you?”
He hangs up after that. You stand up and double-check that you’ve locked the door before you hide in your closet and try not to start hyperventilating. You can’t even beat yourself up for this one. These circumstances are entirely out of your control.
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ironicallypissedoff · 11 months
Icorect PJO/HOO quotes from this website :https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator
Thalia: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Nico: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Percy: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Percy: Pros and cons of dating me. Percy: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Percy: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Grover: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Nico: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
Annabeth in TLT
Annabeth: *trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark*
Annabeth: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?"
Associate: Well, I-
Annabeth: How about "You banged my mom?"
Associate: No...
Annabeth: You know what, I'll just get a blank one.
Annabeth: *writes* You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Leo: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Nico: You can't wake up if you never get to sleep.
Piper, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Hazel: War is heck!
Jason: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Frank: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Will: Can we go to a haunted house?
Nico: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Will: Wh-what?
Nico: Goodnight, Will.
Percy: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Annabeth: What baby?
Percy, crying a bit: Me.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Annabeth: *easily beats everyone because they know how to play*
Piper: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Leo: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Jason: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Frank: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Percy: They named a board game after cheese?
*when the Squad drops food*
Annabeth: Eh, oh well.
Nico: FUCK!
Jason: *just gets more food*
Percy: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Leo: *eats the food off the ground*
Leo: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Hazel and Frank's convo?
Piper: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Percy: I'm in the washing machine.
Nico: I'm in the closet.
Jason: We accept you Nico. <3
Nico: No I'm literally in the closet.
Jason: Love is love. <3
Frank: Are you trying to give me a frickin’ aneurysm?
Percy: Pretty sure we all are.
Hazel: I wasn't.
Leo: I was.
Jason: I was trying to stop them, for your consideration.
Nico: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Annabeth: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Percy: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Annabeth: ...
Annabeth: You mean ring bearER, right?
Percy: ...
Annabeth: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Nico: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Will: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Nico: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Will: Is it working?
Mallory: Nothing in life is free.
Sam: Love is free.
T.J: Knowledge is free.
Alex: Friendship is free.
Halfborn: Self-respect is free.
Magnus: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
The Squad: ...
T.J: Magnus, that's illegal-
Alex: No, let them finish!
sooooooo yep. Hope you enjoyed
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doctorcanon · 5 months
I cant sleep so modern!linked universe hc time.
- Rusl buys Twilight a dna/ancestry thing for his 20th birthday.
- having been adopted into the Ordon family since the age of 15, the gift doesn't go over well at first.
-However after some deep conversations, Rusl explains that he promised Twilight birth parents that he'd do this if anything happened to them.
- Still Twilight procrastinates and after some cajoling from midna, finally does it a year later for his 21st birthday.
- at his party, a small family dinner at the Ordon home with Zelda, Illia and Midna in attendance, he lays the envelope on the table and says "before I open this, I want you all to know that what ever I find in here that you are all my family and I love you all."
- the first thing in the envelope is his genetic information, some basic stuff he already knows, some stuff he doesn't and somethings Zelda remarks he should see a doctor about. Apparently he's actually 65% Karariko as Renado predicted.
- the second thing is copies of his mother and father's Service Papers. Both served in the military; one as a murse and other as an officer. Both died of burns and smoke inhalation after rescuing several of their fellow tenants when the apartment above theirs caught fire.
- the third thing is a list of public records. His father was originally from Hateno and an only child save for a half brother who died a few years later. His mother, from kakariko, had two much younger siblings. Sheik and Link.
- while there are some records of a custody battle Shiek and Link were separated in the system after the death of their mother. There is an obituary written by Twilights mother with a picture of her and her three children. There's no further information about Link or Sheik.
- Until one last little page slips out, A wedding announcement from 10 years ago. Announcing the joyful union of Malon Lon and Link Kokiri. He's seen this before.
- in fact, Twilight sees this exact newspaper clipping framed in his old boss's office. He visits at least twice a month. He even jokes with him the it was the only proof the guy could actually smile.
- The Lon Lon Family owns their aptly named Lon Lon ranch but he reports to Malon's husband directly when it came to the horses. Especially Epona. He just saw the man last week, for crying out loud!
- He has an uncle. And he's already known the man for 5 years now. They thought it was just a funny coincidence that they had the same name.
- Illia says its fate. Zelda assures him that this can't be an accident. Midna presses his cell phone into his hands. Rusl tells him that its his decision and that they'll respect whatever that may be.
- He calls first, of course. He only works at the ranch on weekends these days anyway. It would be weird to just show up to his shift and just go "hey, do you know im your nephew?"
- he asks if Mr Kokiri would like to talk some time under the guise of needing some advice. Under all the grump and sarcasm, Kokiri really is a saint and easily says yes, asking if Twilight is okay since he sounds stressed.
- the next day, Twilight stumbles into his boss's office with all the papers in his hands.
- "if you need advice about school, you've come to the wrong place, kid."
"No...uh sir this ain't about school. Yet. But uh...do you recognize this picture?"
- he sets down the obituary with its photo of his mother, grandmother, Sheik and Link somewhere in Karariko. Kokiri studies it but otherwise seems clueless. "No, sorry, I dont."
- "Well according to these papers," Twilight sets them on the desk and spreads them out so he can see. "This is my mom. And this is you. Her brother. I think...I think you're my uncle."
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AITA for refusing to be my bestfriend's son's godmother?
CW : sexual assault
If there is one thing that is well-known in my school is that me and my bestfriend are two-peas-in-a-pod, sisters in everything but blood, twin flames, platonic soulmates. We had been friends since the start of middle school and we share a lot of similarities and interests. We really get along so well and I had always been happy and content just to have her beside me. I thought nothing would ever come between. That is, until he came into our lives in freshman year of high school.
Honestly, he wasn't that bad at first, he was actually amazing. Our duo became a trio and we had an amazing rest of our high school years. They were some of the best memories I have and to this day, in freshly out of university, it only brings me pain. Everything changed when my best friend noticed that this guy's attention to me was a little... too much to be considered platonic. And I admit that I had enjoyed the attention. She- my bestfriend- one day found out that this guy and I have started hooking up and she didn't like it. She never actually told me the reason why but I just remember her eye-ing us intensely whenever we sit next to each other. For some reason, she started copying me. My way of dressing, my mannerisms, flirting with the guy and all. I wasn't upset with that, not even jealous, I just teased her of being my fan. Then it happened.
Apparently, my bestfriend dressing and acting like me was something this guy took as a sign that she also wanted to hook up with him so he made a move. They slept together. She didn't consent to it. And to my utter shock, she blamed the guy AND ME. She said that since she was mimicking me in terms of fashion and mannerism, it was technically my fault that this guy forced her to sleep with him. I was so shock when this happened because I never told her nor forced her to mimic me. I never told the guy to force her because she resembled me at that moment. Yes, I was sad and angry of the guy because of what he did but I don't think it's fair to call me his accomplice! I never wanted that to happen to her of all people.
She stopped talking to me after that. Didn't let me explain, nothing. We reached sophomore year of university, she exchanged schools, blocked me in every social media account and according to our mutual friend, every time she suggests unblocking me and letting me explain my side, she would straight up say "Hell no!" and say that she didn't wanna talk to the person who aided the loss of her dignity. Through the last 2 years of my university, I held onto the hope that she'll talk to me again because I missed her and I really wanted my soul sister back.
Now here's the kicker.
She contacted me yesterday. Not for closure, no, for an invite to be her newborn son's godmother. I was ecstatic at first because that means she will start talking to me again, right? My joy ended when I found out that the boy's father WAS THE SAME GUY. Somewhere in the 2 years she kept on refusing to talk to me, she talked to this guy again, they got together, she got pregnant, and now they're also planning a wedding. Now I don't blame the kid, of course not, but what made me decline was how could she have talked and bonded to the person who DID steal her dignity yet refuse to talk to me WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT? Me, her bestfriend of so many years...
And now the news of me declining her invitation to be her son's godmother got out and people- our friends, her and his family, even my own mom!- are calling me cruel and cold-hearted for refusing the honor to be a child's godparent. They said that since my bestfriend was able to put what happened behind her then I should to as well. That she didn't contact me because she needed space ( she needed space from me and apparently not to the one that caused it, god- ). I don't know. In any other situation, I would've gladly be her son's godmother but the pain of that realization that she stayed away from me yet let that man near is still so fresh that I couldn't bring it to myself to be anywhere near or even have any connection to them...
Am I really the asshole for refusing?
What are these acronyms?
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girasollake · 2 years
i love you in every universe | p.p.
pairing: tom!peter parker x fem!reader
requested by: @oyasumimosura 
summary: the reader is wanda’s sister, she was in love with peter before she forgot all about him. what happens when strange comes to her for help? what happens when she gets thrown into another universe where she meets peter’s variant who knows her while she doesn’t know anyone named peter parker
warnings: fight scenes, mentions of blood and wounds, curse words, sad ending, spoilers for nwh and mom, mentions of loss and death, basically it can make you cry at the end xx
type: angst, some fluff
a/n: hi! this is my first requested fic! i hope that you guys will like it and that the person who requested it is gonna be happy with how it turned out! xx
words: 5.3k
After the airport battle she couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was consuming her thoughts every night when she was struggling to sleep. She couldn’t get the image of his stupid red suit, his captivating smile and brown fluffy locks out of her mind. Her sister Wanda teased her about this silly crush whenever she had the chance to do so. When the problems with The Socovia Accords got swept under a rug, (Y/n) was finally able to move into a space shared with people closest to her. She missed Nat the most because she was like a guide to her, she taught her how to be more mindful of her powers, how to remain calm during missions and most importantly how to fight. (Y/n) didn’t necessarily understand why she was the one who got most of the help from the Avengers, after all her sister was the one who had problems with control. When she settled in, Tony enrolled her to a science school. She wasn’t keen on going there, but everyone insisted that being around people her age would be best for her. It was at this moment, when she saw this cheesy smile again, that she realised this wasn’t such a bad idea. She quickly became friends with Peter and every time she would zone out during class, she found herself staring at him. Quickly coming back to her senses her eyes would try to focus on the book in front of her.
“He must have some flaws” (Y/n) would think to herself while she was analysing the way he looked. Much to her disappointment, he was perfect. At least to her. What a shame he would never find out.
“I need your help.” Peter appeared above her head when she was doing her math homework on the bench near their school.
“With what exactly? If you want me to do your chemistry homework again because you were swinging all night, then no. You know we all have our own respons..”
“NO, no. I need your help… with someone.”
“Someone? What kind of help? Peter did you kill someone?” (Y/n) whispered and stood up quickly from her seat.
“No, god. There is um.. this girl that I like and I need your help with asking her to homecoming.”
(Y/n) felt a sharp pain in her chest. She suspected that he liked someone and part of her hoped that it would be her, but he never looked at her that way. It was Liz who was lucky enough to steal all his glances. (Y/n) knew it was wrong but once during lunch she read his mind and after that, the part of her who had some hope for a relationship with Peter got down to a size of a coffee bean. What did Liz have that she didn’t? Right, she was pretty, funny, popular. But (Y/n) had all those qualities and superpowers too! Who wouldn’t want to have a girlfriend who is a superhero? Well apparently if you are a superhero yourself, you wouldn’t.
“Yeah sure! Tell me what plans you have in mind.”
She tried so hard to sound happy for him, to encourage him and to support him. Later that day, when she finally went through the door in her bedroom she collapsed on the bed and cried herself to sleep. All of the Avengers had told her months before that she and Peter would make a beautiful couple. She was wondering if maybe, just maybe they were lying to make her feel better?
Years flew by and now she didn’t know who Peter was. She didn’t remember the nights when she cried because he was out of her reach, the mornings when she would imagine him lying next to her, the daydreams she had when she was at school. She didn’t know why her heart sped up when she saw this young man entering her favourite donut shop. She was in the corner quietly eating her dessert when their eyes met. Something suddenly appeared inside her mind, a blurry, hardly visible image. She tried her best to focus on what she thought was a memory but ineffectively. (Y/n) saw this mysterious man at the donut shop a few times and she would always feel a shiver down her spine when he was near. She couldn’t explain it, she tried meditating to calm her mind so that maybe she would remember some memories but after some time she convinced herself that it’s nothing. That this man is a stranger for her and she’s just making things up.
After some time (Y/n) started wondering where is her sister. After Visions death Wanda changed, (Y/n) was struggling to keep in touch with her and after some time they fell apart. She didn’t know if Wanda was okay, she didn’t even know if she was alive. (Y/n) went on with her life, but her mind was sometimes occupied with her sister or the man from the donut shop.
She was walking near a river, looking down at the ducks playing in the water. Her mind was anywhere but there. She took a seat on an old bench and looked up into the sky.
“Am I interrupting?” she heard behind her.
Quickly turning around (Y/n) saw one of the people she haven’t seen for a long time.
“Stephen? What are you doing here?”
“It’s about your sister, we need your help to stop her. You have to come with me and I’ll explain everything when we get to the sanctum.”
“I literally haven’t spoken to her in months and you show up out of nowhere telling me to stop her? Where were you when she needed our help? She was so heartbroken because of Vision and I lost all the contact I had with her. I don’t even know what you would need me for anyway, aren’t y’all like powerful wizards or sorcerers or some shit along those lines?”
“Please, (Y/n) come with me. We can’t talk about this here. I need you to trust me.”
Silence fell between the two and (Y/n)’s thoughts were spinning inside her head. “Where was she all this time? Why should we stop her? Why me?” She thought to herself.
She nodded her head and went into the orange portal behind Stephen. The man followed her and showed her to a room where they could have a seat. He explained what Wanda did at Westview and that she has been corrupted by the book called The Dark Hold. To be honest (Y/n) wasn’t even that amused with the town spell. Her sister was always capable of doing something like this, especially after such a heartbreak, and it really wasn’t a surprise.
“Soo.. basically you want me to protect this girl whose power is jumping through the multiverse? What does my sister have to do with that?”
“She wants to kill America and take her powers so that she can reunite with her children.”
“The children that are fake?” she squinted her eyes.
(Y/n) was trying to get the story straight, she understood everything but the fact that her sister wanted to kill this girl. This was so unlike her, all of this felt like a fever dream.
“It’s time.” she turned her head to see Wong standing inside a portal which lead to Kamar Taj.
(Y/n) looked at Stephen who whispered a quiet “please”. She sighed and followed both men. Everyone at the fortress was prepared for something to come their way. Suddenly big dark clouds covered the sky above them and inside them (Y/n) saw a red flash of light. Wanda flew out of the clouds and all the students tried their best to hold up the protective magical shield. Stephen flew up to her to negotiate but when she attacked, (Y/n) knew that it hadn’t gone well. She joined the small army and helped with holding up the shield. Out of nowhere a man ran away and the shield broke down. (Y/n) flew up to meet her sister, she thought that she only changed on the inside but to her surprise she was just as unrecognizable outside. Her fingers were black as if she had dipped them in tar.
“Why are you doing this Wanda?!” (Y/n) screamed loudly so that the woman in front of her could hear it.
Wanda looked at her with worry and surprise written on her face but she didn’t say a word back.
“I was trying to keep in touch, you know? I tried being a good sister and help you! Why didn’t you let me in? I could have been your shoulder to cry on and to help you stand back up but you chose to abandon me! And now instead of being with me you look for your kids who aren’t even real!” she continued.
That was her last straw, after hearing for the thousand time her children are fake Wanda shot a red blast at her sister. (Y/n) easily avoided it and she felt anger coursing through her veins. She charged at her sister with all the power she had. There was no room to talk anymore, (Y/n) felt as if she lost the only person closest to her. After some time of throwing the blasts and shielding herself she got weaker. She tried her best to defeat her, to do what Stephen had come to her for, but she couldn’t. Wanda threw the last blast straight into (Y/n)’s stomach and sent her flying to the ground. She was slightly knocked out but she felt someone grab her and take her inside the temple. She heard faint voices and her vision was blurred. She came back to her senses when they were hiding inside and Wanda attacked them yet again. The witch got a hold of America which caused her to accidentally open a portal. (Y/n) tried to help Stephen and with the last energy she had in her she sent Wanda flying backwards into a wall, she jumped into the portal after Stephen and America quickly grabbing the wizards cloak. The portal threw them out on some kind of building. Everything in this world was breath-taking and green, (Y/n) could stare at the buildings constantly but she felt a sudden urge to puke.
“Yeah, there it is.” Said America slightly smirking.
(Y/n) used her sleeve to wipe her mouth and looked around again.
“So this is like a different version of New York?” She asked turning to the girl.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what it is.” She replied smiling.
They came down from the building and onto the street. America explained to them that each universe has different rules and you never know anything. They were trying to find the other Stephen from this universe and if they were lucky, the other (Y/n). After some time they had stepped into the memory lane and after seeing memories of Stephen and America, (Y/n) had decided she wanted to see hers. She stepped on the tile and a scene played out in front of her.
“No give me that! That’s my piece!” An unfamiliar voiced yelled.
“I got it first, shove off and take a different one!” It was her own voice but she couldn’t make out who was the person she was talking to, his face was blurry.
“You literally stole it from me, I had it in my hand! Give. It. Back.”
“Can you move? You’re blocking my view and I want to put this together. We have like 30 minutes left to finish this.” The girl desperately tried to push the boy away.
“(Y/n) this is the most important piece of Lego Death Star! You don’t understand!”
“Okay and? Doesn’t change the fact that I want to be the one to place it there!”
“Give it back!” The man jumped on top of her pining her down, they were play fighting and suddenly they stopped. Their faces were so close and she was in a trance looking into his eyes. The memory still didn’t show his face but from the sound of his voice (Y/n) could tell he got slightly flustered.
“Sorry you can have it.” He sat next to her and she poked his cheek with her finger.
The memory stopped playing and (Y/n) was genuinely confused.
“This thing is broken.” She stated. “It’s probably a memory from this universe’s version of me, that didn’t make any sense.”
Her friends looked at her thinking if they should tell her it was her memory, not the other (Y/n)’s. They didn’t have much time to think because she quickly went ahead of them yelling that they have to hurry up. They were looking for the Sanctum to talk to the other Stephen. Unfortunately, instead of him they found a statue. A statue put there in his honour, because the other Stephen died while fighting Thanos.
“Fuck, we’re screwed.” (Y/n) whispered and tried to walk away from there but Mordo appeared at the door frame.
“My brother!” He yelled greeting Stephen. The girls were looking at the scene confused, especially (Y/n). “I knew this day would come! Come on everyone, let me invite you inside, we have a lot to talk about!”
They cautiously followed him upstairs. This sanctum wasn’t much different from their own, most things and rooms were in the same place. They took a seat next to a tiny coffee table. (Y/n) desperately needed that seat, she wasn’t in the best condition.
“Here, have some tea.” Mordo placed a tea pot and some cups in front of them. “Tell me everything about your universe, Stephen”
Everyone took their cup and filled it up with the warm liquid. (Y/n) smelled the delicious tea and put her lips on the porcelain. Before she took a sip she felt a strange pain in her head. Huh, that’s new. She thought and using her magic she created the illusion that she drank it all so Mordo wouldn’t suspect anything. She placed the cup on the table and listened to their conversation.
“Excuse me for a moment, I have to use the bathroom.” She stood up and turned to their host. “Is it the second door in that corridor?”
“That’s right.” He replied smiling and she went towards the room.
She used the toilet and while she was washing her hands she heard a strange noise coming from the other room. (Y/n) put her ear to the door to hear better.
“I’m sorry Stephen but you are a threat to this universe.” She quietly gasped hearing those words.
She started panicking, there was no way she would go out there right now. Even though she should help her friends, she didn’t want to risk getting caught.
“I knew there was something in that fucking tea!” she whispered to herself, her eyes drifting towards the window in the room. “I hate this.”
She opened it quietly and started climbing through it.
“Get the girl. She’s in the bathroom.” Said the man behind the door.
“Fuck, fuck, shit.” She was struggling, like a lot.
She used all her strength and slid through the window before they could open the door. Fortunately, the bathroom was located on the side of the building which meant that she fell into a small alley. Coughing and in pain she stood up and ran. She needed to get out of this place and find someone that could be of help. Next thing she knew, she bumped into someone.
“(Y/n)?” she looked at the man saying her name.
“Oh my god! The guy from the donut shop!” she smiled. “I didn’t expect to find YOU in this universe, I mean on this street! Holy shit I…wait. How do you know my name?”
“It’s me. It’s Peter. Peter Parker.” He held out his hand for her to grab and pulled her upwards.
“Peter who? I’m sorry but I don’t know anyone named like that.” She looked at him and slightly tilted her head.
This was weird. The way he looked at her was weird. Was her version from this universe someone dear to him? For her he was just “the guy from the donut shop”, she never got to introduce herself to him and she definitely didn’t know anyone named Peter.
“Listen…Peter. Can you help me? I’m kind of running away from people who I presume want me dead.”
Was he like in a trance or something? His eyes were glued to her, his gaze moving from her feet to her face quickly and his mouth slightly agape. She waved her hand in front of his face.
“Oh shoot, yeah, sorry. We can go to.. to my place if you’d like.” He smiled.
“How do I know you’re not working for them?” She raised an eyebrow. “Well, I guess you’re lucky you look like a trustworthy person, I’ll take the risk.”
“Okay, sure.” He grinned. “Um… follow me.” He looked around and grabbed her hand to take her to his flat.
She fell down onto his couch, her body needed to rest, she was tired from all the fighting and running. Peter hurried to get some supplies and patch up her wounds, he also brought her some water and fruits. She hesitantly picked up the food and inspected it. Slowly placing a grape on her tongue she waited to see if her body would give her some sort of sign. When nothing happened she ate it and started swallowing the rest of what he gave her. She was hungry, thirsty, scared, angry and sad. The boy kneeled in front of her and asked if she had any visible wounds. She took off her jacket and showed him some deep wounds and scrapes on her arms, that’s when she also noticed some blood on the side of her shirt. Pulling up the material she noticed two bruises and a scratch, that’s where the blood must’ve came from. She hissed when Peter started disinfecting her wounds.
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be quick” he whispered.
She only nodded her head and shut her eyes in pain. When he touched her arm to keep it in place she flinched. Not because he grabbed it too hard, but because his touch was so hot against her skin, she never felt anything like this before. He looked into her eyes quickly, readjusted his hand and went back to continue taking care of her.
“So I guess you’re not the (Y/n) I know.” He said. “Are you a ghost or… are you from a different universe?
“A different universe.” And after a moment she hesitantly asked him a question. “So you know me?” His eyes drifting up to meet her gaze. “I mean in this universe.”
He was quiet and she didn’t like that. Did he have something to hide? Or maybe he was a bad guy after all and she fell into a trap?
“Yeah…, you…” he went quiet again.
She didn’t pressure him into saying anything, she wasn’t a patient person but she gave him time to think. She felt that this was a difficult topic for him to talk about.
“You died. Fighting Thanos.” She blinked a couple times.
“Oh…” she sighed leaning against the sofa. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel…”
“No! No! I’m fine, really.” He gave her a small reassuring smile. “It’s just that…It’s been a long time since I…talked about it.”
“Were we… close?” she asked, curious about his behaviour. “You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Peter got up to throw away the cotton balls covered in her blood. Her gaze following his every movement. His muscles slightly visible underneath his shirt, his hair messed up, his hands…
“You were my girlfriend.” He said, pulling her out of her thoughts. “I mean she… she was.”
“God, I’m so sorry for your loss.” She sat up straighter. “In my universe I never had the chance to introduce myself to you. I saw you at this donut shop, often looking like a lost puppy, but never got the time and courage to talk to you. And to be honest after I got to meet you in this universe I’m not even surprised that this version of me fell in love with you.” She smiled at him, soft blush creeping up on her cheeks.
He replied with a smile. Silence fell between them and (Y/n) was the one to break it.
“I better get going. Thank you for…patching me up, Peter.” She didn’t want to break any boundaries but she felt like he needed a hug.
She put her hands around his waist, cheek pressing into his chest. Surprised Peter returned the gesture. Little did she know, he tried his best not to cry at that moment, he missed his (Y/n) so much.
“I’ll go with you.” She broke out of the hug and looked at him.
“What? No. It’s dangerous Peter, you can’t. I can’t risk it, I won’t risk it. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you, not after you were so nice to me.”
“It’s not dangerous, not for me. I’m…” That’s when he hesitated.
This (Y/n) didn’t know Peter Parker from her universe. He didn’t want to reveal his identity because what if her Peter wouldn’t want that? Maybe he will tell her eventually when they’ll get together in the future, if they’ll get together.
“…I’m…I know some fighting moves! And I’m good at science! Please, I promise you I’ll be useful.”
“Hm..okay, fine. But if you get injured I’ll kill you myself. Got it?”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “Do you want to tell me who is after you and why?”
“Well.. it’s kind of a long story. All of this started with my sister who went crazy.” She took a deep breath. “I have to find my friends. This guy, Mordo, he took them somewhere and I have no fucking idea where.”
“I know him. Maybe he took them to The Illuminati?”
“The Illumi-what-i?” she laughed. “Who the fuck came up with that name?” her giggles filled up the room.
Peter didn’t say anything, he just smiled and watched how beautiful was this different version of the love of his life. Memories were filling up his thoughts, memories of his own (Y/n). His eyes drifted between her lips and eyes, her wide smile was so gorgeous to him.
“Oh you weren’t joking.” She glanced at him and he shook his head. “Well then, let’s go find them. Whatever they are called.”
Smiling he followed her out the door. An hour later they found themselves inside the facility where The Illuminati resided. Walking through the corridors they tried to not get caught by the robot guards who had built-in cameras. (Y/n)’s eyes were scanning the rooms in hopes to find America or Stephen. In the corner of her eye she saw two big transparent cages, one with America inside, the other one empty.
“Come on, this way.” She whispered to him.
She saw some scientists next to the girl. An idea popped into her head and with her magic she dressed herself and Peter into lab coats. (Y/n) winked at Peter and he heard her voice inside his head.
It’s time for you to use your science skills and role-play.
He quickly came up with some shitty story that they are both wannabe scientists and are here for internships. While he was telling his story to those people, (Y/n) came up to America’s cage and put her finger on her lips, so that the girl would be quiet. She asked her in her mind if she knows where Stephen is. America replied that they took him somewhere and that’s all she knows. She also asked who is the guy (Y/n) brought with her. She turned around to look at him and then replied “He’s a friend, don’t worry about it. How do we get you out?” Then she found out that the cages are made from a material really hard to break.
“Shit.” (Y/n) said to herself.
“I think they believed me. I’m kind of surprised because I was sweating like pig.” Peter came up to her and whispered into her ear.
She giggled and turned around. Wait? Was that? Is that Christine? Shit. When the woman saw her, she excused herself from her lab partners and walked over to Peter and (Y/n).
“I don’t know what do you think you’re doing. You were supposed to be in that cage as well.” She said through greeted teeth.
“Christine please, my sister wants to kill this girl and I can’t let that happen. I know you think we are a threat but you have to trust me and release her. I know it’s a lot to ask for but please, you’re our only hope right now.” (Y/n) pleaded.
She actually didn’t have to wait long for Christine to have a change of heart because a second later an alarm started beeping throughout the whole building. The robots started running towards what probably was the intruder.
“Wanda.” (Y/n) quickly turned her head to Christine. “Stephen said something about possessing the body of her alternate self and this must be her, please you have to release America!”
The woman run towards the computer and started writing and clicking on it but something was blocking her from opening the cage.
“Stay here and help her, I’m going to hold her off.” Said (Y/n) when she turned to face Peter.
“No way, you’re already hurt. I’ll hold her off, you help her open the cage.”
“What the fuck! That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard, I don’t know anything about the computers and lock systems!”
“Too bad.” He said as he ran towards the smoke.
“No! Peter!” panicking, she went over to America. “Punch it!”
“Punch the fucking cage! I know you can break it!”
And she did, thankfully. (Y/n) helped her get out of the cage and pushed her along with Christine towards the other, safer exit.
“Go, I’ll catch up with you.” She yelled while going the other way.
She was scared it was too late for her to stop Wanda, to save Peter. She ran through the thick smoke and when she got out, she saw dead bodies on the floor, she also saw blood, a lot of it. Her eyes searching for Peter, instead she saw her sister pulling down a statue, it fell on a woman. She didn’t know who she was but she was for sure dead right now. She noticed someone struggling to get up on her left. Peter. Wanda was walking towards him, lifting him up with her powers. (Y/n) was terrified. Not him. She threw a big power blast at her sister just like she had done before in their world. Wanda was powerful and her sister knew she didn’t have much time. She ran quickly towards Peter and pulling him upwards started to go away from this crime scene. She was trying to support him with her body the best she could.
“You really thought I would let you die on me like that?” she said, taking deep breaths between the words.
“Didn’t you say you would kill me yourself if I got injured?”
Well, at least his humour was intact. His body not so much. She went into some kind of room to shelter away from her sister.
“This, what you did. It was really stupid, you could’ve died.” She whispered while putting him on the ground and locking the door.
“I know, but I’d prefer my death than yours, not again.” He lowered his head. “I just thought that maybe you got here and met me because I…I just thought that this could be my chance to help you, I didn’t get to help you last time.”
“Okay, I understand but helping me doesn’t mean dying! You’ve already helped me enough Peter, I wouldn’t even be here without you. I wouldn’t find my friends on my own. Not in an unknown universe at least.” She gave him a small smile and sat down next to him.
He placed his head on her shoulder and sighed.
“You should get that checked out.” The girl said pointing at his twisted leg.
“No shit.” They both laughed and looked at each other.
“I’m really glad I met you, you know? And if my universe’s version of you is just like that, I’d love to meet him.”
“Yeah, I don’t know him but give it a try. He might actually be a really cool guy.” The corner of his mouth lifted up.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
They were sitting in a comfortable silence. She thought she should go and help her friends but she was too weak, she used her energy on that blast to get her sister off of Peter. And she was glad she used it for that, at least she saved him. (Y/n) hoped that he would find happiness after she goes back to her universe, this man deserved it like no one else.
“I don’t want to push any boundaries but can you do me a favour?” he asked quietly.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Can I… can I kiss you?” (Y/n) didn’t expect him to say that. “It’s just that, I miss her so much. I miss her voice, her touch, her lips, her body, her soft hair, her laugh, the way she smiled at me whenever I did something stupid.” Tears were filling up his eyes. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but I just wanted to feel her lips one last time.”
(Y/n) felt so sorry for him. She couldn’t imagine what this feeling must be like. He lost the love of his life and when they finally reunited, it’s not even her. And soon she was also going to leave him. (Y/n) placed her palm on his cheek and turned his face to her. She slowly got closer and then connected their lips. To her it was just another kiss, to him it was something much more valuable than just a silly kiss, he finally remembered what it felt like. She pulled away from him and smiled softly, her thumb caressing his cheek.
“Thank you.” He whispered and she immediately hugged him.
She had been waiting with him in that room for some time wondering if her friends made it out, if they won. As a response, a big portal in a shape of a star appeared in front of them.
“Hi! We are here to collect an alien.” Said America, her words directed towards (Y/n).
“Since you’re alive I guess you won.” She said getting up and smiling, America nodded. Then (Y/n) remembered she has to say goodbye to Peter. “Give me a second, Chavez.”
She kneeled next to Peter and looked into his eyes, they were red from crying.
“Don’t worry about me, someone will collect me and take me to the hospital.” He said.
“I know, that’s not what… I’m worried about.” He didn’t reply so she continued. “I want you to promise me you won’t let your past consume you, you won’t hold onto it so much. I know you loved the other me, she loved you too, but you have to let her go Peter. I don’t know the whole story but if I were in her shoes, I’d tell you to enjoy your life, to find someone who will love you as much as she did. I really do hope you’ll find happiness, not in someone else, in yourself.” She hugged him, tears also forming in her eyes.
“I’ll try my best, thank you for being here and making my wish come true.” He whispered into her ear.
She kissed his forehead and got up. While walking towards the portal she turned around.
“Goodbye Peter Parker.”
“Goodbye (Y/n) Maximoff” he replied smiling softly.
The portal closed and she sighed deeply. She had to find her Peter.
taglist: @fuckmylifedudee @superswaggycooch (couldn’t tag) @imleavingtonightt @r93339 (also couldn’t tag) @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack 
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runa-falls · 2 years
chapter one: one look and you’re hypnotized
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Pairing: ari levinson x reader 
Rating: fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I’m excited to introduce my new series ‘angel eyes’ featuring ari levinson. i’ve been focusing on moon knight a lot and wanted to change things ups so once i heard angel eyes by abba i knew i had to write this! i hope you enjoy it ;)
series masterlist
main masterlist
Your parents are excited to show you around the little town they settled in while you were busily studying at your local college. They moved to a small beach town a few months back, but you haven’t been able to visit and see their new house because your job back home won’t give you a break. 
Thankfully, they’ve granted you time off in the summer. You plan to take this time to relax on the beach and use your photography hobby to do some freelance work. You need something to keep you busy before you drive yourself up the walls, and making a little money on the side never hurt anyone.
You arrived a couple of days ago, staying back from any excursions they went on to recover from jetlag. You have been enjoying catnaps on the hammock they set up on their back porch and taking late-night walks on the beach when you can’t sleep.
Now, you feel your body reorienting yourself to the time zone and can finally join them out for dinner. They decide that your visit is a good excuse to go to a beachside bar that their neighbors have been recommending since they moved here. 
Apparently, (according to your mom,) it has a lot of great reviews from its ocean-side views, good food, and casual atmosphere. You would think your parents get enough ‘beach-side’ views from their own house which is only a few steps from the sand, but they can’t get enough of the rolling waves and breezy weather.
It’s a wonder how your parents haven’t visited the bar before since it’s only a five-minute walk on the beach from their place. When you arrive, there is a man-made path that leads to the back entrance of the restaurant.
You can see an external bar and seating area closed in by a small fence around the perimeter for those wanting to sit outside. It’s all illuminated by beautiful hanging lights and warmly lit lanterns.
You already hear chatter and faint music as you walk closer. You notice how crowded the main dining area outside is. Almost every table is taken, except for a few scattered throughout the venue that can only seat couples.
You see a disappointed look in your mom’s eyes as she stands up on her toes trying to look over the crowd for any vacant tables. 
You sigh, deciding it is best if they get a couple’s table with an ocean view while you get your food at the bar, like the other single diners.
Their anniversary is tomorrow, and even though they came here to experience the outdoor restaurant with you, you wanted them to enjoy a meal without having to squeeze into a tiny table. You also feel guilty about holding them back for the last few days. 
“Hey, Mom, if you and Dad want to get that table over there I’m fine sitting at the bar. It’s your anniversary eve, you deserve it.” She looks at you with a huge grin on her face, thinking of what a sweet child she has. 
“Oh, Y/N, what did we do to deserve you?” She gives you a big smooch on your cheek, leaving a faint pink mark as evidence. “Get whatever you want, and treat yourself to some dessert too, okay?” You nod, quickly rubbing at your cheek. Well, she gave in fast, you think. Didn’t even try to fight me on it.
A waitress shows them to their table and you walk in the opposite direction to the bar. It was a lot louder in this area, everyone has someone to talk to. You squeeze yourself into a spot between two couples, their backs facing you, making you feel even more alone. 
It surprised you to find that there is only one bartender serving this huge crowd of people. You try to get his attention, but he’s a blur as he quickly walks around the bar, from one person to the next.
You try to keep yourself busy by looking at the menu. You rethink you order, then go back to your original choice before rethinking it again. There are only so many entrees that pique your interest before you start counting how many combinations of sides and mains there can be.  
He finally pauses in front of you for a second, head dipping low to read an order that was scribbled on a post-it note. His lips silently move as he mouths the words he reads, trying to memorize everything before moving on to the next thing. 
His long hair falls in front of his face from the way he’s angled, but before it could bother him, he pushes it back with a large hand. He looks up after striking out a few things on the list to make sure that he’s not missing any calls from customers. His eyes stop their scanning and lock with yours. Where did you come from? He was sure that he’d notice a lone girl dressed in a tiny sundress sitting at his bar. 
Air is sucked out of the room when you look at this man. He stands tall, boasting broad shoulders that stretch his blue long-sleeved shirt against his skin. His sleeves are pushed up around his biceps, displaying his strong tanned forearms to the audience of customers. You could see whisps of hair that don his chest from the few buttons he decided to leave undone.
A full beard perfectly frames the full lips that peek from underneath it. Despite your obvious stare, he glides his tongue over his bottom lip, actively inviting the attention. But what hits you the deepest is his cerulean eyes that are shamelessly peering back at you. You feel hypnotized by their intensity of them. A blush flows down your body as they observe the features of your face, then neck, then chest.
“What can I get you?” His low voice breaks the moment, somehow speaking over the sound of the busy restaurant. You look away before he sees how your whole body is engulfed in heat from his stare, pretending like you’re looking at the menu. 
“The, uh, house burger, and a tequila sunrise, please.” You drop the menu right under your eyes and he tips his head in a nod. You slowly place it in his hand and he purposely slides his palm against the back of yours before taking it from you. You flinch, putting your arm to your side, not expecting the warmth of his skin on yours. He walks away like nothing happened, inputs your order on the computer, and pulls out a glass to prepare your drink. 
He didn’t even ask for your ID you realize. He didn’t spark a conversation with you like he did everyone else either. Maybe he wanted to interact with you as little as possible, you thought, watching him as he focused on the task at hand. 
He makes the drink with expertise, looking back at you as he mixes it up in a cocktail shaker. You give him a shy smile, embarrassed that he caught you looking. He finishes it off by garnishing it with a thin slice of orange that’s been twisted on a tiny umbrella. He slides the sweating glass towards you, slinging a towel over his shoulder.
“Thank you…” You said, your voice a lot smaller than you intended.
“Of course.” He looks like he’s going to say more before he’s called away by someone wanting a refill.
You watch him as he goes back to the rhythm of moving from person to person, offering customers a charming smile, picking up empty glasses, and near-empty plates as he goes. His smile perfectly complements his bright ocean eyes, you decide, even if it isn’t a real smile. 
He turns around and looks directly back at you, almost like he can feel your stare while he’s working. An older woman is talking to him, and he nods at her words like he’s listening but he continues to make little glances your way while holding a small smile on his face. He knows exactly what’s he doing, holding your attention but never making a move to talk to you. You sigh at the realization that he’s probably not interested in anything but your attention. 
You don’t look up until your food is placed in front of you. You expected to meet blue eyes, but it turns out a different bartender finally joined him. You eat your burger in silence, scrolling through your phone to distract you from watching the man of the hour flash smiles at everyone. 
Your meal filled you up so you decide to skip dessert and ask the new bartender for the check. That was ten minutes ago. You’ve been waiting for the check as the seats around you slowly began to empty. You spot the other bartender coming back from the indoor part of the restaurant and wave your hand at him, trying to get his attention. He looks surprised when he sees you, thinking you had left already. 
“Is there a problem?” He was genuinely confused, wondering if you had a complaint.
“I just haven’t gotten the check yet…” His eyes furrow before he turns looking around for something.
“I’m sorry about that, my colleague said he would take care of you…” He finally spots him talking to some customers closer to the beach.
“Oh, there he is! I’ll have it for you in a second, thank you for your patience.” You give him an understanding smile, watching as he power walks towards the bearded man.
He points to you as they talk for a minute, sending both of their gazes in your direction. You look away, not wanting them to know you are watching. Before long, you hear him walk back to you 
“Here you go.” He places the check in front of you, taking a pen out of his front pocket and dropping it next to it. 
“Thanks.” You open it up and see a little piece of notebook paper that sports torn edges all around it. Scrawled hastily in the middle of the note is a message: Couldn’t help but notice you over there… and right under it his number. Your eyes finally land on his name at the very bottom: Ari. 
Even after you rejoined your parents to take a night walk before turning in for the night, you couldn’t get that note out of your head. The message burned the inside of your bra, right over your heart as your feet sank in the sun-warmed sand under you. You would’ve folded it up to put in your pocket, but you’re wearing a dress so you didn’t have the option. Ari. What a nice name, it suits him well. 
You dreamily think of him as you sit on your bed, the note in hand as you prepare to go to sleep. Your thoughts are keeping you up, deciding whether to text him now or make him wait. Then wondering if he really meant for you to get this, or if it was an honest mistake. You put the note as negative thoughts fog your brain. You conclude that the best choice is to do nothing. It’s not like you’ll ever see him again…
But it seems like the universe has other plans for you.
The next day, you drag out your beach essentials late in the morning to relax on the sand before it gets too hot. Your favorite beach activity is pulling out one of your comfort romance novels and fantasizing about being approached by a handsome stranger.
 It’s almost like you manifested the moment. 
You did not expect to see the burly bartender from the night before approaching you with a large surfboard under his arm. He’s wearing a full wet suit that’s zipped halfway down showing off his pecks and even from here, you can see water travel down his neck inviting you to look under the suit. His hair is slicked back, still damp from his water activities. 
After a few seconds of you blatantly staring at admiring the man, you come back to your senses. You quickly use your hand to feel around your towel, looking for something to use as a distraction. You swiftly scoop up your worn novel and open it up against your face, trying to hide from a confrontation. Your attempts are unsuccessful when he spots the familiar locket resting on your chest.
He was originally appreciating the way your swimsuit looked on you, hugging your soft body in a way he wished his arms could. As he tried to get a look of your face, he couldn’t help but notice the necklace peeking out from under the book. 
Your pure wide eyes were the first things that drew him in last night. He made sure to memorize every part of you from your head to your waist, the bar blocking the view of the rest. As his eyes dripped down your body, they curiously landed on the cracked oval pendant that hung between your collarbones. The uniqueness of the locket made it easier to recognize you, even as you covered yourself with a racy-looking book cover. 
You continue to pretend to read, minding your business hoping he’d just walk by. After a substantial amount of time, you close the book and sneak a glance to see if he left, but instead he’s standing right in front of you with an amused expression dancing on his perfect face. 
“Enjoying the book?” He nods over at the novel that’s now gripped in your hand. You’re mortified. He just watched as you pretended to intensely read a smut-filled romance novel! “Looks exciting…” He chuckles under his breath as he watches you shove the book under your thighs in embarrassment. 
“Uh… No, I wasn’t really reading it, I was just…”
“Avoiding me?” He finishes for you. You freeze at his words, he caught you. “Y’never got around to text me…I assumed you didn’t see the note I left you.” 
“The note?” You try to act as if you forgot about it, even when your whole night was spent worrying about it.
“Oh, right…I-I must’ve dropped it somewhere on the way out, sorry.” Your eyes avoid him as you talk, a symptom of your bad lying and nervous energy. Even though he can tell you aren’t sharing the whole truth, he nods along with your story, accepting your excuse. He’s just going to have to try a little harder.
“That’s alright,” He shrugs it off, walking closer to you before squatting down to your level. Being so close, you can smell his coconut sunscreen and the salt water that’s starting to dry off of his skin. You straighten up as he leans closer. “I can just give you my number right now.”
“Yeah, just hand me your phone.” You turn to your bag and shuffle around the items until your fingers grasp around the rectangular device. You unlock it and wordlessly hand it to him.
When he gives it back, you see that he’s already sent a message to himself, and made his contact name, “Ari (the *cuter* bartender)” in reference to last night. 
“I made the first move in case you’d forget again.” He winks at you. You sheepishly slip the phone back into your bag, turning away as your face flushes at his directness, taking your time to zip it up. 
“So what should I call you, Angel?” He holds a smirk on his face, clearly aware of the way he affects you. After all of the moments you’ve interacted–okay it’s only been the second time, but each moment feels like a thousand years–you realize that he doesn’t even know your name. Feeling a little giddy from the casual way he coined the pet name when referring to you, you responded without thinking. 
“Angel is fine.” You don’t know where it comes from, but from the look on his face, he looks inclined to agree. His eyes sparkle with playfulness pleased that you’re finally responding to his suggestive chatter. 
“Sounds good to me.” He grins, pushing himself off the sand to stand back up. You expect him to walk away and text you sometime in the evening, but instead, he asks you out, “Would you like to grab some lunch with me, Angel?” He offers you a hand to help you up, but you don’t take it. Instead, the wincing expression you’re holding tells him you're about to reject his offer. 
“I would, but I have an appointment in an hour and a half to get to.” Your voice is sincere and full of regret. Your mom's friend's daughter wants her pictures ‘professionally’ taken in front of the water for her Instagram, and even though it's not a serious meeting, you can’t just cancel last minute for a lunch date with the man of your dreams. It would be unprofessional. 
"Well, how about dinner, tonight? I can take you to my favorite pizza place? It’s really good, real Italians and everything." He tries to entice you with the idea of a perfect pie. You act like you’re thinking about it just to tease him, looking up and tapping your chin. He watches you with intense anticipation almost making you giggle at the sight. You never thought you’d have a man like him hanging by your every word.
“Sure, tonight works”
“Ok, great, text me your address later and I’ll pick you up.” You nod in acknowledgment, watching him grab his surfboard, brushing off some sand that sticks to it. 
“See you later, Angel.” 
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xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
Shits gone wack guys we are currently dealing with a lost child???
Little boy showed up at our door in just an adults dressing gown and adult sliders, doesnt speak anymore than basic words like dog and sit and mostly makes sounds
Police are here and now they are at the place we think is his home, but i can hear him screaming and my mom whos over there says hes having a meltdown
Weird ass situation
Hope they dont just pass the child to the family, shits shady that he looks older than my little brother and he can barely speak, hes trying to get into peoples homes.
Update while writing: kids in that home now, apparently he tried to go back with my mom. I dont trust that family now even though i have never met them and im honestly a bit pissed the police just let them take him. The kid was fucking screaming terrified there meanwhile he had been mostly happy while sitting with us (complete strangers remind you) at ours while we waited for police.
The families excuse was that he “slipped out while they were sleeping” mate he got here at like 11pm and according to my mom the rest of the big ass family were all still dressed in their day clothes. and why the fuck would the child just randomly wander off to the neighbours house in barely anything and be absolutely terrified to go back home?? The kids also apparently severely autistic, which just raises even more flags because i know how terrible families can treat disabled kids.
Anyway shits weird, even the police came and said they were going to keep an eye on it because it raised some flags. if i find out theres child abuse happening at that house then im going there and getting a criminal record and a life sentence. I dont like children, sure i will be nice to any when i see them and i care for my nieces and nephews, but i will never voluntarily want to be around any child. But even though i don’t like children, i cant stand shit like that happening to them, especially disabled kids. Idk im feeling kinda anxious and pissed about it, i just don’t trust the care that kids been left in.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● summer of 86 pt 5 ● e.munson
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idiots in love to the nth degree, lots of internal angst, robin and barb are gay and we're all here for it -you're going to see a lot more from them soon, trust-, affectionate touching / petnames, mentions of alcohol/smoking/w**d, swearing, eventual filth, reader suffers from gifted kid burnout but is.. also a workaholic apparently, mentions of the annoying and oh so judgmental small town mindset, internalized confusion / fear due to sexual pref -being gay in the 80's isn't fun and when I write Barb and Robin in a more romantic way, this will be reflected, marital conflicts ( tommy and carol , other 'couples' mentioned ) and tons of other stuff..
reader/you are a female with female parts. you/reader are the oldest Byers. you/reader have a very specific personality / clothing style and/or nicknames and petnames. this is yet another self indulgent thing and i'm not sorry at all.
word count
1701 exactly. for any context needed part 4 <- is here.
"Hot date, right?" He's only half teasing, trying to fight off a surge of jealousy at the thought. You laugh and shrug. "Job interview count, Eddie?"
"Another one? Jesus H.Christ, woman, do you ever sleep?" he's laughing but he's looking at you in concern.
taglist + shoutouts
-- taglist is here <- click on that to be added to my taglist, (other fandoms incl.) and if you're here for Gareth/Steve/other guys content and you don't want to be tagged in my Eddie things let me know, pls?
@allelitesmut i love you sm, your tags always make my day and it means the world to me that you like reading the stuff I post. <3
@eddiemunsonspantschain - babe ily sm and I don't know what I'd dI o without knowing you, you're awesome. hope you're having a great day, feel free to ignore.
@tbmunson bestie.. babe.. babesss. i love you so much and idk what i'd do if i'd never met you, you are amazing and you always inspire me.
other links
masterlist ● eddie's masterlist ● about + rules
"Hey guys, give me a second." you stop outside the record store and turn to look back at Barb and Robin. They share a look and burst out laughing. You pout, flip them off and wander into the store. Eddie is rearranging a clearance bin with his headphones in, as you approach him you can hear Metallica playing faintly.
You tap his shoulder and he jumps, whirling around with a glare in doe eyes that seems to soften as soon as he realizes it's you. He chuckles, eyes roaming slowly as he takes in the heels, the stockings, the way your skirt fits just a little too well… all of it. 
"Hot date, right?" He's only half teasing, trying to fight off a surge of jealousy at the thought. You laugh and shrug. "Job interview count, Eddie?"
"Another one? Jesus H.Christ, woman, do you ever sleep?" he's laughing but he's looking at you in concern. You shrug. "It's a legal secretary gig.. for Albright? Here in town?"
Eddie chuckles. "Figured you'd go back to Boston."
"There's nothing there for me. I uh..got homesick." you admit and he'll die before admitting it but he's glad you're not leaving, even if he never acts on the way he feels because he knows it'll never happen.
"According t' my mom this one is gonna pay. Like.. big time. Yeah, Albright got several big cases back to back and she's swamped with paperwork but she has zero time." You give an evil laugh, "means I get to do a lot of organization."
Eddie snorts because he can't help it, the fact that you're giddy about organizing a ton of files which is completely his opposite, should be more than enough further proof that you and him won't ever work.
He pouts a little. "Aw, this mean I won't see you at my gigs?"
"No? Why would I stop coming? Angel really needs the help." You're laughing and stepping closer, Eddie steps closer to you too, a hand just barely grazes your hip and you can feel the way your breath catches over just a simple accidental touch. "Besides," you add, tilting your head slightly to look up at him, " Maybe I enjoy the scenery."
Eddie rubs his chin. A smile that spreads lazily across his lips and draws your gaze down to them. "The scenery, huh?"
"Mhm." you've got a hand against the front of his Hellfire shirt and the scent of him surrounds you, it taunts you and ultimately, before you can stop yourself, you've stepped closer. Much closer.
Robin is laughing and Barb is tapping her wrist. You use your grip on the front of his shirt to pull yourself up closer and you give his hair a little fluff. And you're biting your lip again and he fixated, breath hanging in his throat. You laugh softly as soon as you remember the envelope your little brother Will gave to you to give to him and you find it, pressing it into his hand.
"What's this?"
"All I know is that Will wanted me to give it to you."
"Ooh. It looks fancy."
You laugh softly, hand catching in wild and thick locks, "My little brother doesn't do anything half-assed." and after a few seconds, you pout. "I need to get going. I'll see you tonight?"
Eddie chuckles as he smiles and nods. "You know where I'll be."
As you walk out, Eddie has to lean against a wall and take several deep breaths to pull himself together. And he fans himself, chuckling quietly. "Go get 'em, sweetheart."
Nearby, Gareth Emerson bursts into laughter. "Holy shit.. is this Eddie Munson speechless for once?"
Eddie flips him off as his cheeks darken. "Shut up, Emerson."
"Not gonna happen. I still say you're wrong this time and she wants you. The tension just now, dude" he fans himself and laughs again, "enough to smother anyone else present."
"Look.. I'm not saying I don't want her. I am saying she's 'grown', Emerson. She's got her shit together. In what world is a girl like that ever gonna settle or be happy with a guy like me, huh?"
"Ya never know, Munson."
The heels are killing your feet. You're excited because you just landed the job and while it isn't being a lawyer, it is still adjacent to the field you chose so long ago. 
You're still on the high from it when you happen to catch sight of Eddie's new motorcycle parked outside of the laundromat across the street. Your mom realizes you haven't heard a thing she's asked so she follows your gaze and smiles to herself as soon as she picks up on the way your eyes linger and roam over the tall boy.
"___, are you okay?"
You zone back in right around the time your brother Jonathan throws a piece of French fry at your nose. And naturally, he's teasing you, he's quick to tell your mom that things between you and Eddie are "intense", to quote him directly.
"Are not!"
"I dunno, it looks pretty intense to me." your mom is teasing you and you pout. "I like him. He seems sweet, I mean from what I've seen when I see him around town."
You laugh softly and nod, agreeing. "He's different than the other jerks."
"She admitted it!" Will and Jane laugh when they say it the whole time.
Once they're gone to the arcade to meet their friends and Jonathan's left to meet Nance, this leaves you alone with your mom.
"Hey mom?"
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Like.. do you think it's possible to look at a person and just know theyre.. nevermind. This is crazy. Insane."
"No, tell me. I'm your mom. You can talk to me about anything."
"Do you think it's possible that you can look at a person and you know you're going to love them?"
"Yeah. I did.. with Hopper. And I almost let my own fear mess it up, more than once.. don't make my mistake, sweetie."
"I'm scared."
"Yeah, I know that feeling. Just go with it..whatever it is you're feeling, I mean."
You nod. Laugh softly. "Easier said than done."
Your mom laughs and nods. "I know what you mean."
There are even more people at the show tonight and Eddie is thrilled. He's also nervous as hell. 
You make your way into the bar and as you're hopping over to hurry and start mixing drinks, you lock eyes. You give him a thumbs up and he gives you that lopsided charmers grin. 
"I see what you mean, Gareth. Dude goes silent when she's around." Jeff chuckles as he says it and Eddie grumbles, flipping his friend the bird. "Fucking do not!"
"You do!"
"Do not!"
As the band begins to warm up, you smile to yourself. "Amazing as always, handsome." you mumble to yourself as you wipe down the bar.
And unbeknownst to you, Wayne happens to be sitting a few seats away. Close enough that he's heard you. He chuckles to himself. 
Both of you are so clueless it's not funny.
The show has just ended. Eddie is loading his setup into the back of Jeff's dad's truck when Wayne surprises him by wandering out into the back. 
"Hell of a show tonight, kid."
Eddie laughs. "You saw it?"
Wayne shrugs. "Sometimes I come to watch." and he drags a hand over his head, smirks at his nephew, "I wasn't the only one watching."
"Oh you weren't, huh?"
Wayne catches sight of you walking out with some of the other girls, you're sandwiched between the two girls laughing and talking. Wayne catches sight of the way Eddie is staring and he speaks up. "She was watching too, kid."
"Yeah, she kinda had to. She tends bar,man."
"She clocked out at 10, kid. Angel only needs her from 7 t' 9."
Eddie gapes. Then he laughs. "She probably stayed to talk to the other girls."
Wayne shrugs. "I dunno about that kid."
"Trust me. That's all it is, it has t'be."
You've spotted Eddie in the alley out back of the bar. You tell Tanya and Sheila goodbye and you turn back, slipping up behind him. "Boo." You're laughing as he turns around, a mocked 'scared' look on his face as you shrug. 
"Always trying to scare me, woman." Eddie shakes his head. You laugh softly. Step up into him and toy with the front of his denim vest as you stare up at him. His eyes catch on the purple streak of hair and before he can stop himself, he's reached out for it, passing it through his fingers as he chuckles quietly. "Whens that..uh, the secretary gig start?"
"Tomorrow. I'm kinda torn between nervous and excited."
And he doesn't say it but he's excited too. Because until today, he'd been assuming you were only back for the summer. That when fall came around, you'd be leaving for Boston again. Now that he knows you're not, if he were more optimistic, he'd make a move.
He's tempted to go for it, the only thing that stops him is you're not the kind of girl who is just gonna settle for him, you've got all this stuff ahead of you and he knows this and refuses to get in the way of it.
He's excited also because he can look at you and tell that this job is something you really want.
And he's happy for you. Proud of you because you seem fearless and nothing seems to stop you from going after what you want. If he didn't love that about you it might actually make him a little jealous.
"Don't overdo it, alright? Even Supergirl needs rest, doll."
"I'll keep that in mind, Eddie. I'll see you later. I need to get home. You were amazing up there tonight, as always." you give his hair one last little fluff until the next time you see him and reluctantly, you step away, walking over to your moms car.
Your mom is right.. and it's getting to a point where you can't fight the direction you're being pulled. The problem is…what should your next move be?
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It's the Graduation Day... On Wheels!!!
We never got the see anyone from the Roler Crew graduate from Blake, not even Luna herself graduated. why? We may never know, but its a good thing we writers can do something about it.
FYI, today is the graduation day in the Finland and this is to celebrate that
“Morning Luna!” Monica greeted Luna as she walked down the stairs to the mansion’s kitchen. “You’re up early.”
“I couldn’t sleep, because I was thinking about Roda Fest.” Luna hopped down on the table and grabbed a croissant that was on the plate in front of her. “Is Tino here?”
“He is driving Senorita Ambar today,” Miguel told Luna as he walked into the kitchen, “He’s doing that the whole morning.”
“But how will I get to the school then?!” Luna jumped on her feet in a panic. 
“Luna, you don’t have school,” Monica turned away from the stove and looked at Luna. “Your last day was yesterday. Today is the graduation day, that’s why Senora Ambar went there.”
“Yes, that’s what I meant,” Luna continued, “I need to go to the graduation.”
“You aren’t graduating Luna.”
“I know that. We agreed with the team that we’d all go support Delfi, Jazmin, Gastón and… Matteo.” Luna explained, trying not to stumble on Matteo’s name. Whatever was happening between them, he deserved support on this day as well. “But if Tino is really gone, how will I get there then? I can’t let them down.”
“I can drive you there,” Miguel put his computer down, “But you could have told us sooner. You would have been able to catch the ride with Senorita.”
“Yeah…” Luna mumbled. Maybe it was better that she didn’t share a car with Ambar at the moment, “I forgot. I need to set an alarm on my phone or something. But why are we just standing around? Let’s go!!”
“Luna, are you planning to go like that?” Monica stopped Luna before she was able to dash out of the door, “The Graduation at Blake is a highly formal event.”
“Yeah, whats wrong with it?” Luna stared at her mom.
“You’re wearing pajamas.”
“Oh.” Luna looked down and stared at her pink pajama bottoms that had unicorns on them. Mom was right. “Right.”
“We’d come too, But Senora Sharon has assigned us lot of work today. It would have been great to see how the graduating works before next year.”
Where was the auditorium again? Luna had been studying at Blake for two years now, but she still got lost in the place. 
“Luna!” She turned around to see Nina waving to her from a front of some big wooden door. 
“Nina! Hey!” Luna dashed to her and hugged her, “I thought I was going to the wrong direction for a second.”
“You actually were,” Nina laughed, gesturing to the auditorium door, “Don’t you remember when we had that history presentation here?”
“Not really,” Luna shook her head. She honestly didn’t. Must have been dreaming of some skating choreo or something during it, because if Nina remembered it, it must have happened. “What happened to your glasses?
Nina was wearing pink and white summer dress with matching sandals and jewelry.
“I got contacts,” Nina explained, “Figured I might try them out. I told you about this.”
“You did?” Luna stared, “I apparently don’t remember anything on this morning. Aren’t we going in?” 
“Sure,” Nina nodded, and they walked through the doors. The auditorium was big… but there weren’t that many people in there yet, “But we are quite early. I was surprised to see you here.”
“I got my schedules mixed up,” Luna explained, “Where is everyone?”
“Like I said, we’re quite early,” Nina explained, “I came with Gastón, and they had to be an hour early. I am sure others will be arriving shortly.”
Nina was right, after maybe fifteen minutes the auditorium was so much more crowded. Soon enough Jim and Yam showed up and were already taking selfies that, according to them, were going to be sent to Ramiro with a greeting that they hoped that he didn’t fall over while walking on the stage. They also said something about ketchup and eggs that horrified Nina, but Luna didn’t get it.
“So where are we sitting?” Luna asked while eyeing the back rows of seats in the auditorium. “Simon texted me to reserve him a seat.”
“I’m not sure,” Nina turned towards Luna, “Anywhere is probably fine. Gastón’s parents reserved a seat for me at the front with them, so I should probably go over there now. See you after the ceremony.”
Almost as soon as Nina had disappeared, Simon appeared next to Luna with Nico and extremely sick looking Pedro.
“Hi guys!” Luna hugged Simon, “What’s with Pedro?” 
“Apparently this is the first time he’ll be meeting Delfi’s parents,” Simon whispered to Luna, “So he’s a bit nervous, because they are some sort of high-end doctors.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” Actually, Luna barely knew anything about anyone’s parents, outside of Simon and Nina. “But don’t worry!” Luna turned to Pedro, “It’s gonna go awesome!”
“Where’s Nina?” Simon asked as they sat down. 
“Uhm, she went somewhere,” Luna scanned the crowd that had formed front of the stage, “There she is!”
“Who is she talking to?” Simon asked as he squinted his eyes while looking at the direction Luna pointed towards. 
“I don’t know…” Luna squinted in the same direction as well. Nina was with a couple, one that Luna had never seen, they were about her parents' age, maybe a little younger. The woman—who was really beautiful, Luna had to note—had her hand on Nina’s shoulder, “...those must be Gastón’s parents.”
That had to be it. When Luna looked again, she was sure of it. The man actually looked really much like Gastón, and biological children often looked like their parents… right? Simon looked like Diego a lot, with his hair coming from Carla like all Alvarez children. 
“Those are Gastón’s parents?” Simon raised an eyebrow, “Really fancy-looking people. Didn’t know he was rich.”
“Me neither,” Luna shook her head in response. It should have been obvious, but she still somehow unconsciously always ignored that most of their friends were probably quite rich. It just never came up in the casual conversation. 
Luna directed her eyes back to Nina and noticed that during the time she had been looking at Simon, two other people—another couple, Luna guessed—had appeared next to her and Gastón’s parents. A woman who was blonde and quite short, again about her parents age and a man who looked maybe little bit older. Something about the man looked familiar to Luna, she couldn’t put her finger on it… until she realized what it was. It was the hair, the small curls were almost identical to Matteo’s, minus the greys obviously. That was Matteo’s father, so the woman was Matteo’s mother. Luna realized that she had never heard Matteo mention his mom out loud…
But who else could it had been? Surely Gastón’s and Matteo’s parents knew each other. 
“So how does this work?” Simon leaned closer to Luna at the back row where they were sitting, as the headmaster, Mr. Ramirez walked onto the stage. “In mine we just got a piece of paper that I never read and went to the beach.”
“I don’t know,” Luna shook her head. She and Nina had looked up some graduation videos because Luna had been curious. Apparently, Blake was going to be quite different to what they had seen from American videos. No one was going to be wearing silly hats that looked like squares and weird ropes. Those had looked like that students were on their way to a costume party. “I guess we’ll just have to watch.”
“Welcome everyone to the graduation of the class of 2017 at Blake South College. This is our 53rd graduating class on our school's rich history where we hope to shape young minds for many years to come!”
Luna tried to stay alert as the headmaster talked… but it was so boring. Something, something, school’s rich history, blaa blaa blaa, alumnies accomplishments and something about expecting great things. She probably had dosed off for a second since, she jolted awake before falling off the seat. 
“Whats happening?”
“I have no idea,” Simon shook his head. “He just stopped talking about some sort of A-level score system… I don’t know.”
“So, without any longer of a speech…”
“That already was long.” Simon whispered, “How do you go to this school?”
“Well, I didn’t have an option.”
“Here are our 25 graduates of the class of 2017.”
“Only 25?” Simon turned toward Luna again, “Whos’ coming first? Is this in alphabetical order?”
“Probably…” Luna looked toward the stage. 
“Delfina Alzamenti.”
Yep, it seemed to be in alphabetical order. Luna and Simon watched Delfi walk to the stage wearing a pink dress and accepting a piece of paper from the headmaster. 
Luna found it very odd that no one was cheering. Shouldn’t they be cheering? Apparently not… Blake was boring.
“Matteo Balsano.” Matteo walked onto the stage after a few people had come after Delfi. “Honors in history and social studies.”
Luna kept looking at Matteo. He was wearing the same suit as in the Roller Jam. You’d think that Chico Fresa would have multiples… and maybe he did, but he had just decided to wear that one. That Roller Jam felt like ages ago now, another time, but things were better this way.
“Jazmin Carbajal.”
After Jazmin, there were at least seven people who Luna did not recognize. She had never been familiar with other students at Blake outside her team… She didn’t know why she never had.
“Gastón Perida. The second highest GPA of the graduating class, the Highest GPA of the Male student. Honors in physical and chemical science, advanced mathematics and literature.”
That was a lot of honors. Not that Luna really knew what “honors” actually were, but they sounded important. 
Ramiro came after Gastón. After that, bunch of people came that Luna didn’t recognize.
After someone called Samale, left the stage Luna perked up. If she had understood the order correctly, Ambar should be next.
At that moment Luna experienced a surge conflicting emotion. She had noticed that Senora Sharon was not here, so Ambar had no one to support her… and she had done lot of underhanded things… but everyone deserved some support. Right? 
Luna pulled her phone out of her bag and opened the camera… she could show this to her parents, since they couldn’t have come.
“Ambar Smith,” The headmaster announced her, and Ambar walked onto the stage. She was wearing a white dress with black detailing. “The highest GPA of the graduating class.”
As Luna recorded Ambar walking and accepting the paper, Luna got stuck wondering why she didn’t have any honors. The headmaster had said that she was the top student, wouldn’t Ambar have the most honors. Gastón had been the second to the top student and had had multiple honors… How did this work?
Luna glanced at Simon who wasn’t looking directly at the stage while Ambar was on there.
Nina clapped with everyone as the last student walked off the stage. Even with 25 students, the walking part had taken forever. She really had to admit that Blake had gone out of their way to make it as boring as possible. 
At least the most boring part was over now, at least according to the schedule that Gastón had told her about after the rehearsal on the previous day. 
“Now we have the honor to hear from one of our graduates.” Mr. Ramirez announced before leaving the stage once more as Gastón walked back up there. 
Nina suddenly felt herself becoming a little bit nervous. She had helped him with the speech and knew it inside out. 
“So, I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to let me talk?” Gastón started, “But here we are. You can’t stop me… not to scare teachers or anything.”
“Okay, now a serious topic. We all started here in 2014 and probably thought that we were never getting out. But through all the classes, final projects, that standardized test you made us do every year—I’ve seen students cry for less—getting reprimanded about lingering on the hallways, missing class if you were five minutes late and wearing those awfully uncomfortable uniforms, we still made it to this day. We’re free now, some like to say to fly, but I just personally like to keep my feet on the ground and walk towards my next goal. I guess you never forget where you came from.”
“Most of us were born in 1999, when the world was changing, and we were racing off to start the 21st century. World is pretty different now from when we were born, not that we remember the time before computers and electronic devices. Most of us will be out of college in the 2020s which hopefully will be the time for world peace helped by innovations, innovations that we are going to be part of creating.”
“I guess this is the time to thank you for everything. This school, which looks like a medieval castle from the outside, how this has not yet been used as a film set is beyond me, for providing a place for us to expand our minds. For all of our teachers for believing in us when we seemed like the most hopeless bunch in the world.”
“Four years here has taught us so much, not just about integrals or what happened during the first world war. We learned about life—” Gastón shifted his eyes to focus on Nina, looking her straight into her eyes, “—ways to find new meaning to it, what we can want from our future. I don’t mean just academics here. We’re all going into “real world” now, trying to be adults, but that doesn’t mean that we need to give up the things we love or the people who had been here along our journey this far. I know we are all going to miss the navy and emerald plaid.”
That last part, before the mention of plaid, was new. Gastón had added it in there. 
The headmaster said a view words after the applause and the audience was ushered out of the auditorium. 
The graduates started filing out of the door after about five minutes. Why they needed to wait, beyond anyone. 
Nina saw Gastón walk out of the door with Matteo, but they quickly separated as Matteo was dragged away by his parents. 
She tried to discreetly to step little bit further away from Isla and Marco so she could hang back and let them greet Gastón first. 
But Gastón seemed to have other plans, because he made his way directly to her and she was swept off her feet in an instance as he kissed her. 
“I’m proud of you,” Nina said after Gastón had put her back down. She was hyper aware that his parents were standing right next to them, and witnessed the whole thing, but she didn’t care about it right now. “You did it.”
“Did you like the speech?” Gastón asked as he brushed a lock of hair that had fallen on her face.
“You changed it.”
“Might have added some lats minute things. But how did it go?”
“You were amazing,” Nina ran her hands on his arms, “But, I should probably set you free because other people surely want your attention. I can’t claim you completely.”
“I mean you could if you wanted to.” Gastón briefly kissed her forehead before turning towards his parents. 
“You were great. Congratulations!” Luna hugged Ramiro who had joined, her, Simon, Pedro, Nico, Jim and Yam at the Blake’s Hall. 
“Yeah, you walked in a straight line,” Jim punched Ramiro on the arm, “Quite an accomplishment.”
“Hahh,” Ramiro snarked to her back, “You’re just jealous because you still have to go to school.”
“Either way,” Yam rolled her eyes, “We have ketchup and eggs on the ready.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“You’re right, we wouldn’t. Doesn’t mean we didn’t think about it.”
As Ramiro kept arguing with Jim and Yam, Luna noticed Ambar walking toward the hallway door.
“Ambar, wait!” On an impulse, Luna ran until she caught up to her, “Uhm, I wanted to say, congratulations. Senora Sharon must be proud of you.”
“Of course, she is,” a cool smile formed on Ambar’s face, “I have the highest GPA.”
“Mom and Dad wanted to come here but didn’t have time.”
“Okay,” Ambar stared at Luna, “I’m in a hurry.”
“Oh, I have this for you,” Luna started digging around in her bag. Last night she had cut these fabric flowers that she had intended to give to everyone as gifts.
“Thanks,” Ambar looked a bit confused, but took the flower and then without saying another word, walked out of the door.  
Nina, Gastón and Matteo had joined the group as Luna walked back up to the others. 
“You made this school sound much more exciting than it actually is,” Ramiro was saying to Gastón as Luna squeezed between Nina and Simon. “It really was a great speech.”
“Well, I had some help—” Gastón ran his hand on Nina’s arm, “—from the best writer I know.”
“Although,” Yam started speaking, “I would never say that I will ever miss the plaid.”
“Why did you give the speech anyway?” Jim questioned, “Isn’t that the top student’s job?”
“It is,” Gastón nodded, “But at this case, it would have been Ambar… and no one is forced to do it, surprisingly. So, if the top student doesn’t want to do it, it goes to the one with the second highest GPA.”
“Can I talk to you for a second?” Luna dragged Nina away from the group for a moment. “Why didn’t you tell me that you know his parents?”
“What?” Nina looked confused for a second, before her expression changed, “Oh, you mean Alexander and Sofia?”
“You know their names? You never told me!”
“I don’t know them,” Nina laughed slightly, “They were just talking to Isla and Marco.”
“Gastón’s parents. Isla and Marco Perida.”
“Oh, right,” Luna tried to process everything, “But how do you know Matteo’s parents’ names then?”
“I’ve met them before,” Nina explained, “Briefly. We ran into them with Gastón, during last fall at some point at his. They were having coffee or something with Isla and Marco. I surely told you about that.”
“No, you didn’t tell me,” Luna shook her head, “I have a bad memory, but I surely would have remembered that.”
“I didn’t?” Nina furrowed her brow, “I can’t believe it. It was probably during that Perception mess with your past or when Gastón was applying to Oxford or something, so it slipped my mind.”
Sofia and Alexander Balsano? Luna thought to herself as they joined the others. 
“There you are,” Gastón wrapped his arm back around Nina, “We should get going.”
“Going where?” Luna questioned.
“Our parents are taking us to eat,” Gastón gestured to himself and Matteo, “Thrust me, it's going to be boring but what can you do.”
“I’ll call you later.” Nina said to Luna before they walked away.  
“Hey!” Luna turned around and instantly bumped into something… It was Matteo. “Watch where you are going.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Matteo smirked while Luna crossed her arms, “I saw that you gave Ambar a flower.”
“Uh, yeah, I did that,” Luna nodded, “She deserves support too.”
“Even after she destroyed the rink?” Matteo raised an eyebrow at Luna, “Where’s my flower?”
“Don’t get delusional, Chico Fresa.” Luna huffed. She did have a flower for Matteo as well, but if he kept acting this way, he didn’t deserve it. 
“Matteo, come on!” Gastón was yelling to Matteo from the door, “Your dad will throw a fit if we’re late.”
“Gotta go,” Matteo spun around, “See you at practice Chica Delivery.”
Luna watched Matteo join Gastón and Nina at the door, and they walked out. So was Nina going to have brunch with Matteo and his family, because Gastón and his family we’re going to be there as well? Luna felt a small sting of jealousy. If things had gone differently, she’d be joining them too… but her and Matteo were over, so she shouldn’t wallow in that. 
“Pedro!” Luna turned back to others, as Delfi appeared on Pedro’s side, “Here you are! Let’s go!”
“Go where?” Pedro asked, bit startled.
“My place.” Delfi tucked on Pedro’s arm, “The food is being delivered as we speak, and we got cake.”
“Oh.” Pedro’s eyes were very wide from surprise or fear, Luna couldn’t determine which one. Simon and Nico seemed to be enjoying the show. 
“I told you all of this yesterday,” Delfi rolled her eyes, “Let’s go.”
“How are we getting there?”
“By using our feet. My place is really close by.” Delfi scoffed and started dragging Pedro away.
“Good luck!” Simon yelled after him,
“Have fun with your in-laws!” Nico continued.
“Are you coming to Roller today?” Simon asked Luna after they had finished laughing. 
“Yeah, I just need to change.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Simon gestured to the neon yellow dress Luna was wearing.
“I can’t believe that you forgot,” Delfi dragged Pedro along the street, “I guess I should thank you for showing up as it is.”
“I didn’t forget,” Pedro defended himself, “I guess I am just nervous.”
“Nervous for what?” Delfi asked as she opened a gate to a very well-kept garden. “Come on. Everyone is waiting for us.”
“You’re finally here!” Woman with dark brown bob cut greeted Delfi and Pedro as they walked in. 
“Sorry about that,” Delfi threw her bag onto an armchair in the lobby. Pedro tried not to stare at the surroundings too much. The house wasn’t that modern, but still integrally designed and put together, and big, very big. The ceiling was so high. “Where’s Dad?”
“Right here,” a man with slightly greyish hair from around the corner. 
“So, Mom, Dad. This is Pedro, my boyfriend.” Delfi linked her arm with Pedro’s, “Pedro, these are my parents. Dr. Serena and Dr. Daniel Alzamenti.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Mr. Alzamenti… or was it Dr.? Pedro for sure didn’t know how to address them, so he just kept his mouth shut and shook Delfi’s father’s hand. 
“We have heard so much about you,” Delfi’s mother continued, “You worked over at that rink?”
“Yes… I work at Roller.” Pedro nodded. 
“He also skates,” Delfi piped up.
“I don’t really,” Pedro scratched behind his neck, “I am not very good at it.”
“Always good to know your limits,” Mrs. Alzamenti smiled, “I always tell Delfi, that she can skate as dangerously as she wants, as long as she doesn’t end up in the ER. I spent all my time there as it is, so I do not want to see her there.”
Pedro tried to hide the confusion from his face. He had fallen off the wagon, but Delfi’s mother continued.
“I’m the head of trauma at Swiss Medical. I see people who push their limits to the max every day, and it isn’t pretty.”
“Extreme sport injuries are spinal and brain injuries leading to permanent nerve damage almost 5.5 percent of the time.” Delfi’s father added.
“Dad, lest not talk statistics today,” Delfi rolled her eyes, and whispered to Pedro, “He’s a neurosurgeon… Do not mention scoliosis at his presence.”
“No way!” All the sudden a head of a fourteen-year-old boy popped up from the stairs, and he ran the stairs down with just couple of jumps, “The boyfriend was actually real?”
“I thought I told you that you had no right to comment on the subject,” Delfi took a deep breath and rolled her eyes, “Pedro, this is Aaron, my little brother.”
“Hi.” Pedro gave a wave to the boy.
“You aren’t boring right?” Aaron asked bluntly.
“And how about you go back to your videogame?” Delfi snarked. 
The door opened suddenly, and Jazmin walked in with a woman who had red hair, probably her mother. 
“I have pictures for the next ten years now,” The woman said to Delfi’s mother. “Samuel couldn’t get out of that work trip… his partners really just don’t understand fathers who actually love their children.”
“Meet Clarion Carbajal,” Delfi gestured towards the woman, “Jazmin’s mother. Clarion, this is Pedro, my boyfriend.”
“So, this is the boyfriend?” Pedro felt Clarion eye her thoroughly, “I thought Jazmin once told me that you were after that Perida boy.”
Pedro could definitely see where Jazmin got her bluntness from.
“That is very old, and ended up being a train wreck,” Delfi shook her head violently, “Let’s not talk about it.”
“The speech he gave was really good.”
“It was,” Delfi agreed, “co-written by his girlfriend. No one utter another word about it… Especially you Aaron!” She shouted towards the upstairs.
“You still have a year left?”
“Yeah, I do,” Nina answered the question Sofia had directed toward her. “I don’t have any concrete plans for after that, yet.”
“Well, you’re not in a rush,” Gastón ran his hand, which he had been resting on the back of her chair, on her arm, “But I know we can all look forward to what you say in your speech.”
“I’m not gonna give a speech.”
“Well, Gastón tell us, you’re going to Oxford after all?” Alexander started speaking. 
“I did go back and forth—” Gastón pulled his arm off the back of the chair, “—but in the end, why not? It’s going to be an experience.”
Nina felt him place his hand on her knee under the table and she went to lace her fingers with his.
“You have a major picked out?”
“Yeah, energy technology engineering, for start anyway,” Gastón explained, “Interchanging is apparently quite easy if you do it inside the faculty. Gonna try it out and see.”
“How are you going to fare when he goes?” Sofia asked Gastón’s parents. 
“I guess we’ll have to make do, somehow,” Marco started speaking, “We know that Gastón has all capabilities of making it there. Doesn’t mean that we won’t miss him.”
“You two were the ones who wanted me to go,” Gastón rolled his eyes, “So you don’t really get to complain here.”
“We’re your parents, we’re allowed certain double standards,” Isla looked at Gastón, “I’ll get to know how my mother felt when we dropped the bomb on her that we were moving to Buenos Aires. She had a heart attack.” She looked down on her phone for a second, “Oh, Mía and Elise, both sent you congratulations. I sent them couple of pictures.”
“Well, tell then thanks.”
“And your grandmother would really appreciate if you called her.”
“Sure, I’ll do that in the evening,” Gastón turned towards Matteo as the adults kept talking, “You know you could open your mouth once in a while too, so we wouldn’t be only talking about me here.”
“Oh noh, this has worked for me way too well this far,” Matteo leaned back on his chair, “I’m gonna keep this up till dessert if possible. I’m sorry but you are just way too interesting than me right now.”
“—there’s a lot of jobs in England…”
“I don’t think I want to work there full time,” Gastón piped up, “I’ll just go to school, and then come back.” Nina felt him squeeze her hand under the table. “There are a lot of companies here that I can work for.”
“If the cards are in your favor, you could end up working for Castillo.”’
“Sofia, don’t give him ideas.” Isla shook her head. 
“Isla, I never understand what your problem with him is?”
“You don’t live a block away from that house. With everything that was going on there. I still think we should have taken it more seriously when he got targeted for fraud. That man is strange, and I don’t just mean the number of weddings he has had in the past years.”
“What are they talking about?” Nina leaned over to Gastón.
“It’s a long story,” he whispered to her back, “One of our block neighbors… Mom and Dad always told me and Matteo not to get involved with anything happening there.”
“Castillo Corporation is a highly renowned company, all over the world.” Alexander noted, “We had heard about it before we ever moved here.”
“Obviously, that is true. He is an innovator,” Marco nodded, “There is no question about that, but there definitely are questions. There must be a reason why the daughter is a singer and doesn’t want anything to do with the company. If she doesn’t get involved soon, I won’t be surprised to see the company on the market in 30 years. I see that a lot, stock exchange, shares distributed in a too-wide margin, bankruptcy, and thousands of people unemployed. Even the biggest businesses can fall if ownership business if not taken care of when the founder is gone.”
“The daughter who ran away from that engagement party?” Sofia questioned. 
“We never should have gone to that,” Isla sighed, “Just like that celebration couple years later. I never understood was it a wedding or not.”
“That was Pricilla Ferro, right? Strange woman… Who was the woman with the engagement party then?”
“Jade LaFontaine, I never really knew her, she has been much more junior on the field, but I think she’s now married to Nicholas Cortes. The poor girl appears to have gotten some help. Then there was the whole Di Pietro fiasco that resulted in that fraud case.”
“What ever happened to her? They were about to be married.”
“How much longer do we need to sit here?” Matteo hushed to Gastón. 
“You know it is always like this when they get together,” Gastón whispered back, “I stopped paying attention as soon as they started.”
As soon as Ramiro had opened the door, splash of ketchup was thrown into his face. 
“Oh yes we would.” Jim and Yam were grinning at him while juggling eggs with their hands, “We would do this, and so much more.”
“Well, then I have no other choice but beg…” Ramiro started to back away—
—and pulled a bottle of ketchup from a table next to the door and started attacking Jim and Yam. “...that you run faster than you talk smack.”
So, apparently, the ketchup and egg thing is an Argentinian tradition that @weirdthoughtsandideas brought to my attention Shout out to Sara for coming up with a couple of the ideas. On another note, I did not timeline-check this, so there could and probably is at least some continuity errors with the last eps in S2. So I can't exactly pinpoint, between what eps this is actually happening, but after the last time we see them at Blake.
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sketchbook-magic · 10 months
I woke up to something I never thought I'd ever get in trouble for. I woke up in my kitchen with a bottle of water in my hands and I was obviously very confused and asked my mom if I had slept walked and she started shrieking obscenities at me because apparently she had been trying to get me to drive while I was asleep because my dad needs to get his car out of the only repair shop in town because he ran out of gas the other day and my mom's mad at me because while she was trying to force my sleeping body to drive I kept going off to do other things and acting erratic. She knows for a fact that I do sleep walk and I do hallucinate if I'm woken up in the wrong way and so I asked her how she woke me up and she said my dad kept lightly slapping my foot. Clearly not enough to wake me. And I'm also on a very heavy antibiotic right now that makes me drowsy to the point I've only been awake for a collective 12 hours the past five days due to a UTI spreading to my kidneys so I'm sick, high, and sleep walking but it's somehow my fault that I didn't drive for the past hour and been driving my mom to insanity. Thank the gods I didn't drive and just chucked my keys halfway across the house while trying to convince my mom the government put something in my fish sticks! According to my parents they kept shoving my car keys into my hand for the past hour and kept trying to corral me to my car knowing fully well I wasn't well enough to drive but gods forbid they ask my sister to help them because they decided three years ago that all their shit is my sole responsibility as the dumb, ugly, and unsuccessful child. I honestly don't know what to say. Why did they think attempting to force me to drive while clearly asleep was a good idea and why is it my fault I was sleep walking?!
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Lace & Leather [a Damian Priest story] 24 Breaking the news
Katja POV
"Okay...how do I look?" asked Damian as he came out of the bathroom in my apartment.
He must have been changing for the third time now. I don't think I've ever seen him so nervous and fidgety. Actually, I didn't think anything could faze this tall, cool man so quickly, but apparently meeting my parents was a big deal.
"You look great. You always do. And you looked great before, too. You have no reason to be nervous. I'm with you all the way, and if there's even one stupid, inappropriate comment from my mom, we're going home," I replied.
A few days have passed since our little crisis and the completely rushed marriage proposal. Fortunately, we had managed to talk about everything calmly so that nothing seemed to stand between us. We were doing well. I really thought I had messed things up between us, but Damian kept repeating that wasn't the case and that I had no reason to freak out. Even though I was really close to freaking out after Hunter's call.
"She's not going to be happy about our news. Especially not after what you said to her last time," he sighed as he sat down next to me on the bed.
We sat there as D took my hand while we watched Hazel lay on her blanket babbling to herself and kicking her arms and legs. I'm sure it wasn't long before she would roll over onto her tummy herself.
"I know, but this has nothing to do with her. And please don't forget that we don't mention that I was fired. That detail they don't necessarily need to know." I said as I looked up at him.
"But... Won't they find out about it anyway? Through social-media or something?" asked Damian.
"I don't think so. Neither of them use social-media. I'll tell them eventually, but definitely not today. What we have to tell them is enough for one day." I replied.
"True. And it sure won't help them like me one bit." he muttered.
"D, please.... it doesn't matter what they think. I don't need their approval. This is my life. And I have to do what's best for me. And as fate would have it, you are what I want. Family comes first. That's Hazel and you. I'm not going to live my whole life according to what my parents want. If I did that, I never would have started wrestling, we never would have met, and this little girl never would have been born." I explained to him as I snuggled up to him.
"Katja! Hello my darling! Damian... it's good to see you. And my little Hazel. How is our angel?" mom greeted us.
I could tell she was trying hard to be nice. Hopefully it stayed that way.
"Hi Mom, Hi Dad. She's fine and so are we." I said as I stifled an eye roll.
"It's good to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Fay." replied Damian, who was holding Hazel, politely.
"Damian, I want to apologize. It was not my intention to behave so dismissively. I promise that I will try harder in the future. Katja has surely told you about our little argument. I am really embarrassed to have judged prematurely. I hope we can make a new beginning," Mom said.
I was really surprised that she took me seriously and apologized to Damian. Part of me had expected that she would not. Stubborn as she was, that had been a possibility. But maybe Dad had said something to her, too.
"I'd really appreciate that, Mrs. Fay," Damian said.
"Please call me Carla." she replied, holding out her hand to him. They shook hands as Dad now spoke up as well.
"Are you going to stand in the doorway all night? Come on in!" he said laughing.
"Damian, nice to meet you. I'm Jim." he added as we walked toward him.
"Likewise, sir." replied D, smiling.
I think that was the moment when his tension eased a little. We sat down at the table and talked. Again and again I saw Mom watching me and Damian and Hazel. And I could swear I saw her smiling softly. Even though she would probably never admit it.
The meal and the rest of the evening passed without any incidents. Hazel was sleeping peacefully in Damian's arms. But it was time to go home so she could sleep in her crib. However, I had not yet addressed the sensitive subject. I was afraid that it would destroy everything we had built up so far. But I had to tell them.
"Mom... Dad.... There's something else I need to tell you." I began hesitantly.
Damian put a hand on my leg for support. I put my hand on his and looked at him for a moment. It was now or never.
"What's wrong?" asked Dad.
"Well.... It's about what I'm going to do when I start working again. Hunter has offered me to work at the Performance Center as a trainer and make occasional appearances at NXT. This way I can take Hazel with me without having to travel with her all the time. However, that means I will be moving to Orlando," I explained to them.
"Orlando as in Florida?" Mom asked quietly.
"Yes. I know you don't like it when we're so far away, but that's a great offer. But we'll visit as often as we can and you can come to us." I replied.
"That's... a lot." said Mom in amazement.
"That's not all..." I continued.
"What else is there?" Dad wanted to know.
"Well we think it's best for Hazel and me to move in with Damian. We'll look for a house together in Orlando or surrounding areas. It will make it easier for us as a family." I said.
I looked over at my mom and saw her struggling with tears. Obviously, she didn't know what to say.
"Excuse me." she finally said as she got up from the table and went into the kitchen. I was already about to follow her when Dad said something.
"Give her a break, Kat. She needs time. I promise you she understands. We knew it would happen one day. Don't worry about us. But promise me you'll always call us and send us pictures of Hazel, okay?" replied Dad.
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hsr-texts · 11 months
Vacation Log: Zamboanga City
Hey guys! After such a long vacation, I am finally home with proper wifi to use and I can tell you all about my wonderful trip to Zamboanga City! Long post ahead
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First Day
It actually wasn't too eventful when we got there because my brother and I were so tired from the trip there and ended up napping for 5 hours since I didn't sleep at ALL the night before. The flight was at 5:40am so we had to get there at 3am and I couldn't sleep at all. 😅
After that my mom went to coordinate with the office of tourism to get us our stops for the next few days.
We had dinner at the hotel. My meal was Korean Chicken with garlic rice and a strawberry milkshake.
The meal itself was quite nice and I enjoyed that they added these chip things into the garlic rice. They warned me that the chicken might be spicy but as I ate it, I was wondering whether I just had a high spice tolerance or if it just isn't spicy at all.
Either way, we went to bed after that.
Second Day
For the second day, we had breakfast at the buffet. I got a ham and cheese omelette, rice, beef stew, and some bread with butter and strawberry jam
Once breakfast was finished, mom coordinated some trips again because we needed a ride.
Since my mom booked a trip SUPER FUCKING EARLY we had to buy food from the mall since there's no way we'd have enough time to eat breakfast with that sort of schedule.
On the way to the mall, my mom got an idea to get a ride from the taxi driver for a city tour on that day so instead we sorta went all over the city to check out all the notable locations.
The driver was really nice too, great guy.
The city tour was so FUN!!
Our first stop was this really fancy Church and I took a bunch of pics, trying to pretend I was a professional photographer codjodbskx
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Then I got to go to Fort Del Pilar
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There was a museum inside!! I learned so much about my country's history before colonisation!!!! It was one of my favorite experiences that day
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Among our stops was a trip to a butterfly garden, it wasn't very noteworthy though since it was kinda small and didn't have that many different butterflies 😅
But after that we got to go to the Yakan Weaving Village where I got three beaded bracelets and three earring sets :D
I think my mom also got some fabric from them
And not too get all sappy about this but I felt... happy when I bought the bracelets and earrings. It felt like I was connecting with and supporting my own culture. Growing up, I felt alienated to most of my peers because I struggled speaking Tagalog. Most people thought I was a foreigner in my own country even though I've lived here my whole life. I tried to get in touch with my roots by researching our history and culture but... I didn't feel like it was enough. I get insecure whenever my mom points out that I have an American accent whenever I try to speak Tagalog, which discourages me.
But that trip to immerse myself in my own culture felt so lovely to me. I was able to learn all sorts of new things! I found out that the process of weaving took 4 days to create and that the Yakans were modernising the craft a little. It gave me hope that such practices won't die out any time soon and that our traditions could live on for very long.
So that was day two, a great tour of the city while learning all sorts of new stuff about Mindanao culture. Apparently they also speak Chavacano according to the nice driver who told us some interesting stuff about living in Mindanao.
After the tour, we bid the driver goodbye and had dinner at a Japanese restaurant.
Third Day
Yeah we had to wake up early and left the hotel at 6am to go island hopping at the Once Islas. We rode on a boat to see 11 of the islands.
At one point we wanted to take pictures near some rock formations and something absolutely insane happened during this
So let's paint a picture first:
Imagine like this very rocky environment and I'm having difficulty traversing the land due to exhaustion. I see my brother getting his picture taken because he wanted a new profile picture for his facebook page so he poses like he's watching the sea with a contemplative expression. My mom is facing towards him with her back against the rocky wall.
I decide to rest a little so I was about to place my hand on the rock but I suddenly notice something long and bright green on the spot where I would rest my hand. My eyes adjust and realise...
It's a fucking snake staring at me.
It was about the size of my forearm and had such large black eyes. Honestly it was cute at first, especially since it was just sitting there.
I stepped back and calmly tried to tell my mom, "Mommy, don't panic. There's a snake beside you."
She turned around, saw the wild snake, then screamed.
But then started recording the snake??? 😭😭😭
Yeah so the tour guide brought us away from the snake but for some reason we just went further into the rock formation area instead of just leaving. We took a few pictures there and then returned to the beach.
When we went back to the area where the snake was, it was gone.
After that we went to the last island to swim at the ocean then finished the island hopping there.
On the way to Merloquet Falls, I decided to play HSR and won my 5050 at my second pull! I was so so happy I got Blade.
Then we got to Merloquet Falls. The way there was really long, like there was a shit ton of stairs.
Though, a dog kept following us all the way. It kinda freaked my brother out since he's a germaphobe.
Yeah so we got there and there was another dog apparently and at this point my brother was pretty upset because he didn't want to swim in a "germ-filled" place
Meanwhile I was ecstatic because holy shit the falls were BEAUTIFUL
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We were just gonna hang around there but then I got bored since there was no signal or wifi there so I went for a swim in the river near the falls. It was really fun. There was no sand (I hate sand) and the water was perfectly cold!
After we were done we had to go back through the stairs and it was hell for my legs. I was so exhausted I think I almost passed out by the time I got to the van.
My brother told me not to keep the aircon up so high because I could get sick from the cold but I didn't listen
Spoiler alert: I should've listened, got sick as soon as I got back to the hotel and couldn't last dinner before I got back to bed and fell asleep
Fourth Day
Woke up early that day again but was at least able to get some breakfast at the buffet. We went to Pink Beach and at first I was like "That doesn't look very pink" but then I got closer to see it up close and turns out there were little red pieces of coral fragments mixed into the white sand, which made it look rather pink.
So yeah we swam for a moment but mom told us we'd be getting a tour of the lagoon so at first I was a little miffed about being interrupted from my swim session but got over it.
We got a tour of the mangroves as well and I was really impressed by how clear the water was. I could see all the seagrass under the boat and the air smelled so clean.
I listened to the tour guide talk about the place and how the seagrass filters the water which is why it was so clear. He also explained how caviar sorta hurts the ecosystem due to how its made so he showed us the alternative to caviar, which was these sea grapes.
Then he asked us if we wanted to hold a jellyfish and that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so obviously I accepted. Feeling the jellyfish was so fun, it was red and soft and slimy. It fit perfectly in my palm.
So after that we swam a little bit, had some lunch, then went back to the hotel to shower.
After the shower, we rushed straight to the mall to go see Barbie and Oppenheimer.
Barbie was awesome and is now my favorite movie ever next to like- Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
I didn't feel too keen on watching Oppenheimer because it genuinely just doesn't seem that interesting to me but I was willing to sit through it since my mom and brother were looking forward to it.
We were going through the movie but then there were scenes of nudity and definitely not safe for children scenes. My brother is like 16 so he was allowed into the theatre after my mom showed his ID but he got disturbed by the nudity scenes and left.
I thought it was fine and kept watching it for my mom's sake even if my brother left but then she also decided to leave since she didn't want to leave my brother alone.
So yeah we didn't get to finish Oppenheimer.
After that we had dinner at KFC and decided to go shopping. I got a new jacket and a nice portable charger.
Then we went home.
And that's pretty much the end of the vacation since we left the next day.
More on the snake
so apparently we looked up what type of species the snake was extremely dangerous??
my mom keeps saying I saved her life but honestly I'm still horrified because I was a second away from accidentally touching that thing.
If I was too late in noticing then I would've been in a world of trouble 😭😭😭
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ohtobeleah · 7 months
Okay so about the whole paranormal experiences thing: my experiences were comforting but kinda freak me out still.
I always get a feeling in my stomach before someone dies. The first time I can remember this happening was when I was seven. My Grandma got sick and died within the span of a week, but I had a horrible stomach ache the day before she was complaining about not feeling well. The evening that she passed, I was lying on the couch in tears from how bad my stomach hurt. The next day it was gone. I had the same feeling for a few days before my Papa, dog, and an elderly woman I was very close with passed away, none as severe as when my Grandma died, I just had this feeling in the pit of my stomach for a few days to a few hours beforehand.
The night after my Papa died I had a dream where he told me goodbye
After my Papa died I went through a really hard time mentally, my anxiety was through the roof. To the point I was having panic attacks in the bathroom almost daily at school. Whenever they would happen though, I would always smell my Papa or my Granny (who I never met but I just knew it was her) or whenever I would close my eyes, I would see my Grandma putting on lipstick (something she was very famous for, she never went anywhere unless she was wearing lipstick). My mom also had a dream where her sister said goodbye after she passed.
When my brother was around 13-ish and I was 3 he went on a overnight trip with our Paster at the time. They were staying at this resort sort of thing where you can rent a cabin out and then they have all of these things you can do. Well, they were heading back to the cabin to go to sleep and they ran into this man who was high or drunk and it was this huge muscular dude, like seven preteens/teenagers and maybe three adults, my brother got pretty freaked out because they guy was yelling and stuff. everything was fine, cops came and arested the guy and he was band from the resort but my brother was pretty shook up. But get this, according to my Mom I couldn't sleep the entire night and I was telling her "Bubba scared". Safe to say I freaked her out, she called my brother and although he was perfectly safe and told me so through the phone, I still couldn't sleep the entire night. Odviously I have no memory of this but that is what my Mom and brother say happened.
I don't mind this being posted, btw.
This is wild, I don’t know if id be able to handle being able to physically feel pain. It would freak me out too much
According to my mum I used to sit on the first step of our pool and speak to my great grandmother and my grandmother who had both died.
Apparently I spoke to my grandma a lot! My dads mum who passed away in a car accident when he was 12. I was five at the time and they swear they hadn’t spoken to me about her yet.
Kids see ghosts. I’m telling you. But I haven’t had any experiences with her since. Which is kinda sad. Id like to!
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