#best comparison that i think a lot of the people will get is how deku would get super analytic whenever discussing quirks
3mmetotter · 10 months
Bakugou and Midoriya's Relationship Pre-main-cannon Analysis
Ok so I keep reading posts where people seem to think Bakugou has hard-core bullied Izuku for 10 straight years and Im here to squash that. So a kinda analysis of their relationship though the years based off what we know and all major shifts that I think happen based off cannon. As well as some inferred just based off how kids act at certain ages.
Relationship Timeline Guestimation:
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This is my best guess on a timeline towards each other.
I would say the biggest guess in this is when the passive bullying actually started. Im guessing end of elementary and start of junior high just based off how kids usually are at that age (friendships shift, preteens try to be cool, purberty starts, ect.)
The biggest theme to their whole relationship is miscommunication so I labeled the timeline based off what an outside POV might label their relationship.
Activity regular friends without Katsuki being a massive jerk. Before quirks and then Katsuki gets a big head ect. Most of that is covered extensively in flashbacks in the manga so Im gona gloss over this era.
There's not a lot thats been shown directly at this time beyond what we've been shown in the manga (ie Izuku being nicknamed deku). So slightly inferred just based off their personalities and overall age.
Theyre actively friends but Katsuki gets worst and worst through the years and more distant. Though they actually have interations. Plus both these boys are so stubborn that I think theyed stay friendsish through elementary.
So we know they interacted and were around each other:
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They were both friends at this point or at least like playmates and I think would continue through a lot of elementary especially early elementary.
Cause its not like Katsuki was popular with most people unsurprisingly:
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Even if Katsuki really didnt want it, I think Izuku was one of the only friends that actively showed he cared about him. Even if he really didn't want it.
But with Katsukis insecurities and his kinda warped view of Izuku their friendship was pretty off and on again. Basically at this point in their relationship they both think the other is a slightly jerky friend but still actively care for each other. They get on each others nerves but still consider the other a friend. Also cause theyre in elementary, kids usually just play with whoever is closest and available. Since they lived in the same neiborhood and both have no sibling they would probably be first available for each other, inspite of feelings or insecurities.
Eventually though Katsukis insecurities would win out. (Which to note those really only ever come up when comparisons can come into play or when Katsuki could be precieved as needing help). And Katsuki has the same self awareness emotionally as a cat whos head is stuck in a bag. So he projects those insecurities hard onto Izuku, instead of actual self reflection.
To sum up elementary:
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Early Middle School
Turning point from my guess is when Izuku tries to stand up to Katsuki and I think this is where they officially end any friendship and the bullying towards Izuku officially starts. I interpret this scene as either later elementary school or early middle school based off the lankyness of everybody:
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So middle of middle school and note that Izuku isnt as actively freaked out by Katsuki approaching. So Katsuki after whenever he beat-up Izuku essentially reaffirm to himself that Izuku cant be a threat, and that he is still the best. Thus calm Katsuki at the start of Middle School. Still a jerk whenever he sees Izuku but doesnt seem to feel the need to actually seek him out. Mostly just dismissive belittling.
Plus no full on Baku-rage directed at Izuku:
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Of course as anything hero related starts to come up and Izuku ends up doing his normal thing. Katsuki, like always, gets triggered cause Izuku hits every insecuritie he has.
Turning point happens when Katsuki feels threatened by Izuku again:
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Thus Baku-rage is officially engaged! And series starts!
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pikahlua · 2 years
I was reading your theories and I saw you said Shig and Bkg are much closer to being two sides of the same coin than if you try to fit Deku in there. I'm confused because Hori makes it perfectly clear that Shigaraki and Deku are the two opposite sides (villain and hero) who are extremely similar. Both wanted to be heroes, same idol, heroic spirit, no quirk, saved by mentor and given power, etc. Their stories are complete parallels on opposite sides. They even have a ying yang cover too
The phrase "two sides of the same coin" means "two things that seem separate but are actually facets of the same thing." The phrase Jeanist uses in Japanese basically means "you can't have one without the other."
This isn't about two characters just having a lot of parallels. You point out all the parallels Shigaraki has with Izuku, but Shigaraki also has just as many parallels with Katsuki and Shouto. It’s especially not about two characters being diametric opposites either.
This is about how similar Tomura and Katsuki are at their core. (Note that I’m talking about Tomura, not Tenko. We get origin chapters for both of them for a reason.)
In the story, Izuku starts out as a caring individual who doesn’t consider himself at all. Katsuki starts out as a self-centered, arrogant child still learning empathy. Tomura starts out as an egomaniacal manchild who expects everything to go his way.
Izuku admires All Might. Katsuki wants to surpass All Might. Tomura wants to surpass All For One.
Izuku wants to save people. Katsuki wants to be the best hero. Tomura wants to be the greatest villain.
Izuku fights with his feet. Katsuki and Tomura fight with their (notably destructive) hands.
Izuku goes off on his own and isolates himself over time. Katsuki develops teamwork and trust among his peers and becomes a great leader. Tomura uses the desires of people to turn them into his allies...and becomes a great leader in doing so.
Izuku takes a long time to realize that he never really tried to understand the villains’ motivations when doing so could have made things turn out differently. Katsuki understands the ugly emotions of others because he can relate to them (think the supplemental training course and the cultural festival). Tomura understands the ugly emotions of rejects in society that get labeled “villains” and accepts them into his fold.
The fact of the matter is, the crux of Katsuki’s and Tomura’s character arcs are about rejecting the labels and crushing the expectations society thrusts upon them.
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And Tomura even recognizes some elements of a kindred spirit in Katsuki enough to reach out to him as an ally.
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The panel with Jeanist above is meant to put a picture frame on Katsuki with regards to the “two sides of the same coin” theme. And as shown, the point of comparison is meant to be Tomura.
They both are symptoms of the same rot of hero society, but the difference is in how they approach the problem. Tomura places the blame on society and seeks to destroy society itself. Katsuki places the blame on the rot in society; he tears down those weaknesses within to build things back up again stronger. You can see it in the high standards he holds himself and everyone else to. Both approaches result in societal change, but in very different ways.
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kandiyaki · 5 months
hi tumblr. i should be doing homework but im gonna write about fortnite battle royale (specifically build mode)'s kinda odd game design instead. last night, i played a few rounds with 2 friends who were both new to builds. one who had never played fortnite before, and the other who was a somewhat seasoned no-builds player. at first, i was surprised how quickly both of them acclimated to building, but then i realized why - i was there to tell them the basics. "rebind to qzxc", "look for the climbing boards", "make cover as soon as you're shot at". they were building walls for defense by game 3. i think the reason that so many people are adamant that fortnite's build modes suck ass isn't because building sucks ass. quite the opposite, actually - a shooter game where you can instantly make your own cover and have near-infinite platforming abilities is a super fun premise! i've already ruined my credibility, so i might as well make a comparison to my hero academia. one of my favorite scenes in that show is when deku realizes that he's been treating one for all like a "special move", rather than an extension of his own body - always putting a ton of thought and power into every strike. that kind of use is what new players will tend towards when they first try building - make a ramp to go up a hill, a wall to block yourself, and a floor to cross a gap. there are situations when you build, and situations when you use your weapon. i think a lot more people would prefer build mode if there was a bit of tutorialization. before jumping into build mode for the first time, give the new player a quick rundown on defensive building and height advantage. show them that weapons and building are best used in parallel, complementing each other. show them that it can be a lot faster to build a ramp up a mountain rather than going around. get them used to the central mechanic of the game. also, change the default building keybinds. q to swap between build and weapon just pushes the separation mindset, to say nothing about how clunky it feels. nothing will be worse than the old default bindings being f1-f4, though.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
Who's your favorite Tokyo Revengers character? Mines is Baji, Hanma and Kazutora!
I’m happy to finally gush about my favorite Tokyo Revengers character! I actually already made an updated top 10 favorite characters list so this would be a piece of cake!
Also I see that based on your favorites, you’re into the seemingly wild characters who actually have a lot of baggage and layers to them! Fantastic taste! ;)
My top 10 favorites are:
Takemichi: Imma go off on this boi because he is one of my favorite shounen protagonists! Okay, I feel like I said this for a lot of shounen protagonists, but I feel like Takemichi hits a bit different. He’s like a combination of, coincidentally, my favorite shounen protagonists, Deku and Asta. He’s emotional like Deku, but also determined like Asta. But I think what makes him stand out more is how flawed and human he appears. Like he doesn’t initially have nerves of steel. There were many moments where he wanted to give up and run away, moments where he felt fear, and even moments where he felt like he had to do things alone. Thankfully, he was always reminded of what he was fighting for and that he was never alone. Takemichi just seems more like a dynamic in comparison to other protagonists. I think having him mess up and struggle repeatedly throughout the story is more interesting compared to a character who always refuses to back down and give up, no shade towards those types of characters. Takemichi is just so relatable and sympathetic. Home boi went through so much trauma for so many people. A true king.
Draken: Best side character. He has a good head over his shoulder and just seems so much cooler in comparison to other characters. What I like most about Draken is how he is the conscience of the gang. I have such a soft spot for this boi. He seems tough, but is actually very caring! Truly top tier!
Mikey: I’m a huge fan of how complex Mikey’s character became. He has so much baggage and layers that I’m honestly impressed with how the mangaka is handling him with so much care! An absolute rollercoaster ride and I’m loving it!
Chifuyu: THE OG. THE DUDE. BEST BOY. Chifuyu went through a lot and yet he remained strong and loyal. His mental and emotional strength should not go unnoticed! His will and dedication is amazing.
Mitsuya: We stan a gemini king. Mistuya was a pleasant surprise! At first I thought he was just a chill dude until we get to know his backstory and relationship with Hakkai and Draken! The more he appears in the manga, the cooler he gets! Love how he acts like an older brother figure for others! Also a fashion designer and artist?! He’s so perfect! 
Kakucho: OH MAN. Kakucho is so loveable and showcases probably the most morals among the gang of antagonists. He really stands out imo!
Hakkai: I love this big baby. He’s so dorky and cute not gonna lie. A very shy boy, but he’ll FIGHT! Love his development in the manga! I just wanna pinch his cheeks!
Inui: A VERY GOOD BOY. I love how he was initially an enemy, but became a loyal supporter of Takemichi! His relationship with Koko was very spicy and I overall think he’s very charming!
Koko: He’s such a complicated boi, but he’s also so interesting! I find his relationship with Inui to be a highlight and I just love how self aware but also self-destructive this guy is. 
Kisaki: He is such an engaging antagonist! He’s so calculating and manipulative! He really said “work smarter, not harder”! He’s so unpredictable which is why he’s so fun to watch! I think his motivation is both spicy and ridiculous (in a good way)-! If you know, you know! 
Honorable mentions: Hina, Naoto, Angry, Baji
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delku · 6 months
rambling below cut
this example isnt directed at anything in particular, just something i see a disproportionate amount of:
do i think aizawa being a dick is strictly necessary for mha as a story to work? no. but it is important to his character, and it makes the story more interesting than a nice guy would (considering deku's classmates are, for the most part, at least amicable to him).
is revising aizawa's attitude the best way to go about changing it? absolutely not. i'd try to make an apt comparison for why this is a problem, but people probably do whatever i'd suggest already, so the point is moot.
is revealing ofa a good compromise? not really - just as all might didn't reveal ofa to ua's staff, deku shouldn't have to reveal ofa to be treated justly. however, deku doesn't have the leverage all might does, so there's a problem here: how do you get aizawa to side with deku while keeping the secret?
this is why a lot of fix-its fail. they answer at least one of these questions with an enthusiastic "yes!" and don't really consider why they don't happen in the story.
and to be honest, i don't think aizawa being oppositional to deku is a "problem" that needs to be "fixed". however, it would be nice if he was able to focus a little bit more on helping deku overcome his shortcomings than just telling him "stop hurting yourself, dipshit." it might be more engaging to write a series of short stories about deku learning how to regulate ofa with aizawa's (begrudging) help instead of turning aizawa into a brooding niceguy.
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gamergirlshelby · 3 years
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"Can we talk about the BNHA OC Comeback timeline? I've been dying to talk about my theories for the BNHA OC Comeback timeline all day!"
-Me to anyone willing to listen.
Here are the ramblings of me, someone who has no restraint when it comes to coming up with crazy theories about their interests, rambling about their theories on how the BNHA OC Comeback timeline could work.
Note: this is all speculation, and if the people in charge of the AU deem it to not be canon it is not. This was just something I did for fun because I wanted to do some writing. That is why I said could happen and not should happen, because this is all just fun speculation, and none of the other fandoms I am a part of have been able to scratch that itch for me lately.
Also, I will be talking about spoilers for a majority of the anime, but mostly stuff revealed in seasons 3-5, with a little bit of stuff from seasons 1 and 2, since those are the seasons with a lot of the important details that I will be attempting to write work arounds for. I will also be using the Wiki's names for story arcs (a list of which can be found here) when referring to specific plot events.
My ramblings about my theories are under the read more:
Also, to start this off, this speculation was pretty much brought upon by this post from the official BNHA OC Comeback blog, but what is important here is the tags.
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I think the idea of Class 1-A and Class 1-B being third years would be a good starting point for what I want to be diving into.
First point should be a little obvious but in this timeline, Deku still inherits One for All from All Might. This is mainly because if he didn't, if someone where to write or draw an interaction between this version of class 1-A with, lets say class 1-X for this example, Deku would likely not be there, due to not having a quirk, causing the question of "who is the 20th student in class 1-A?" One for All would likely be passed down to someone else (most likely Mirio because Nighteye was going to recommend him to All Might in the first place, and if Deku is not going to inherit it, I doubt there would be anything in the way of Mirio getting One for All)
Second point I want to point out is the battle between All Might and All for One that had happened before the events of the show. I think All Might will still suffer from his injuries from the fight, and continue being the symbol of peace, even if it is killing him. BUT I think it would be best if All for One gets defeated and gets put into hiding, not initiating any of his plans or finding Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura never getting taken in by One for All would also cause the League of Villains to never form (at least not in the way we are familiar with) so we.
Third Point is, although this is speculation, and I do not know where Nomus come from, I do think, even without the league of villains, there would be some sort of lab somewhere where Nomus are being created, likely as one of the last things All for One was able to set into motion before going into hiding in the AU. (I mostly went with this because I think Nomus as a concept are really cool, and I think it would be great to have some sort of generic enemy for the 1-X and 1-Y students to have to face without the need of creating a new organization)
Fourth Point is because All for One is in hiding, so All for One can not force All Might to reveal his "injured form" (I dunno what else to call it), but I do think when All Might and Sato get engaged, he will maybe (and this is a big maybe) reveal it to the public on his own, as more of a "I'm retiring and settling down now" then a "You must keep fighting because I can not" thing, causing crime to not sky rocket, but still rise because there is no more symbol of peace, since there is still the possibility (at least in the publics mind) that All Might could come out of retirement and go back to saving people.
Alright now I begin with some of the actual stuff that actively happened in the show that Class 1-A and Class 1-B had experienced.
Alright so everything at the beginning of the anime is the same, going up until the USJ arc. This is because, as stated previously, there is no League of Villains to attack the USJ. The only thing I can think of that could possibly stay the same is the All Might vs Nomu fight, because I think Nomus as a concept are cool and that was an awesome fight. The only way for the fight to happen though is that the Nomu is let loose somewhere else, like a highly populated area, because it makes no sense for it to be at USJ without the League.
Next is the sports festival, and this would also go the same. But after that is probably the most interesting arc I leave mostly unchanged, being the Hero Killer Arc. This is because, even without a League of Villain's, there would still be people following Stain's ideologies after he is detained, so I think maybe there could be some sort of small unorganized group of people following Stain's beliefs that there are no more "true" heroes. The group of stain followers would likely be the characters that had joined the League of Villains after the Hero Killer Arc (like Dabi, Himiko Toga, and Twice). It is also unchanged in the sense that the students are interning with Pro Heroes, and that Nomus are running around, being a cool concept (can you tell I like Nomus? I just think they are neat.).
Next is the Final exams Arc, which would go unchanged, but the next arc, the Forrest Camp Training arc, would also not have a League attack (because there is no league), and Class 1-A and Class 1-B have a normal experience at the training camp, causing there to be no Hideout Raid arc, because there is no hideout to raid.
Next, the Provisional License Exams are the same results, so no change here, except Camie Utsushimi would be there instead of Toga's impersonation of her, and still ending up to need to take the Remedial Course.
After that is the Shie Hassaikai Arc and then Remedial Course Arc. The Shie Hassaikai Arc would actually largely go unchanged because it is mainly just another internship for the Hero Course students, with the only change to the arc being the League involvement being removed, even though this would leave some plot holes, which I will fill by saying the small unorganized Stain followers would take the place of the league (since Toga and Twice are apart of the Stain followers group, so they would still end up working for them, filling the same rolls they had in the original Arc). Also Overhaul doesn't lose his arms because there would be no reason for him to get them ripped off (because there is no League of Villains). ALSO this means Eri would be canon to the BNHA OC Comeback, which I wanted to mention since from my knowledge she is a fan favorite. After that, the Remedial Course would go unchanged.
I'm also going to say that Mirio will have already gotten his quirk back during the main events of the AU, since Nighteye had predicted that he would get it back before Nighteye had died. How he gets it back will likely go unanswered, since I have not read ahead to the most recent chapter of the manga, only watching the anime, so we should leave the answer to how he got it back to be unclear just in case he gets it back in a spoiler-y way.
Then, lastly as of right now, the rest of the arcs would go unchanged up untill the latest arc where Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo are interning with Endeavor, excluding the parts of the arc going into the Meta Liberation War, which can not properly go through thanks to their being no League of Villains, but especially because there is no Tomura.
Alright now we get to the stuff some of you are here for, being the new info and timeline stuff that occurs during the year Class 1-X and 1-Y are first years. First off, Class 1-A and Class 1-B would now be third years, which was a concept brought up in the original post that cause my brain to go into theory mode.
I would also like to pose the idea of a new "Big Three", replacing Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado (and also the nameless "Big Three" from when 1-A/1-B had been second years in this AU) since 1-A and 1-B are now all third years. This new "Big Three" would be made up of Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya, seeing as out of Class 1-A and Class 1-B, those three have shown to be the most consistent heavy hitters (and also being the most relevant to the original plot).
Aside from that, Class 1-A and 1-B would not be doing that much in the AU aside from the new "Big Three" occasionally helping out the first year Hero Course students with their studies.
Anyway if you read this far I really appreciate it. I have some more ramblings about stuff in the tags, but its more side stuff that doesn't really effect this AU within another AU.
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loversdelusions · 2 years
I’ve read all your work and delusion hun and I just gotta say your incredible, the way you write the characters , the theme the setting is amazing ! If you ever publish a book , tell us and I’ll be the first to buy . ( also I’m wondering about Vigilante! Deku have you got any HCs on him or was he based on a au , same question with villian waifu Deku ,I’m really interested in them , I would love to hear your thoughts on them ! Also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water ❤️) 🌸anon
Aw, omg it makes me so happy! Literally, you made my heart squeeze with happiness. I really hope to continue writing stuff you'd enjoy, cause it all I ever wanted.
Getting to know people who read my stuff makes me feel like people are around me, like what I'm doing isn't a waste.
You really have no idea just how much this means to me. Thank you so much, 🌸anon!
P.S. Why does water taste so weird to me
[Slight Manga Spoilers Ahead!]
Vigilante Deku is an interesting character to me and I use the recent events in the manga to base him. Cause Deku kinda went off and did the vigilante thing anyways- I imagine he didn't make it to UA and the whole One For All thing didn't happen.
I think he is completely dependent on his intelligence and tools to do his job. He didn't just start doing the Hero thing, he had a job and collected savings to buy his tools, and even made some of his own, though that largely ended in disaster.
He works with the underground heroes along with his vigilante works. He is actually a great resource for heroes even underneath the fake name. Izuku kept analysis notebooks since he was a kid, and now, he keeps them for information to give to heroes as well as analysing villains and selling weaknesses and strategies to the underground so he can take them down.
It was simply the next logical step, right? From gathering and selling information to fighting face to face with villains, proving Quirks do nothing in comparison to determination and perseverance. He's very proud of himself, seeing what people used to identify as a disability now used as his greatest strength.
It was a nice little fuck you for everyone who underestimated him.
Vigilante Izuku is on the run. All the time, it's a difficult life to lead. So you will probably have to follow him around too. He's sweet too, though. He makes up for it by being an amazing partner though, he tries to make the best of things because he understands that his life is a lot of work. He's always a bit paranoid that you'll get sick of him, sick of his lifestyle. So he overcorrects a lot, he also understands just how difficult it is to see someone you love coming home with injuries that may be life-threatening at times.
All in all, he really tries his best.
Villain Waifu Deku from all my research came from a webcomic created by @kimbapchan. When I first got the ask, I looked into their blog and then thought of how a villain spouse would be, especially when their hero partner doesn't know about their present.
He is a bit of a chaotic man, so he doesn't always cover his tracks properly. Though his ongoing hero obsession is a great cover-up. Find a weird pocket that has a gash that seems familiar to you? Well--um he's trying to recreate that villain's suit which you gashed so expertly, he's your biggest fan!
That's what it is, of course.
Though he's a great homemaker! The house is spotless at all times and food is always ready for you when you get home. Your clothes get washed and are pressed well when you need to go to work. Of course, there are bloodstains, and you get injured! You must not remember, you're not home a lot of the time.
He's quite the manipulator. You're not gonna know anything is wrong because he is sniffling, the glint in his eyes, the quivering lip and side look, the little notes of how you're not home, you're not noticing enough about what he does for you, and yes, he knows your work is important but he is also your husband, you should know! You should notice! He does so much!
Then he'll throw in his hail mary. He loves you, he doesn't want to fight, he just wants to nuzzle in your comfort and hold you in his arms...It definitely escalates. He loves you so much after all.
Then it's back to the way it always is.
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
Has no one said deku and his dad toshinori for the ask game yet 😞
Midoriya Izuku
favorite thing about them: his sheer fucking drive, man. this boy decides what he wants to accomplish and just accomplishes it. that’s fucking insane. thinking about Dagobah beach blows my mind every time.
least favorite thing about them: holy FUCK dude please learn how to care for your own mental health. there is more to health than physical. PLEASE learn this buddy.
favorite line: “Up till now, I’ve come across all types. They’ve refused to back down... so fighting was the only way to stop them. But... I never understood what made them turn out that way. If I had, maybe things would’ve worked out differently. Or, who knows? Maybe I still would’ve had to fight them anyway. Shigaraki killed so many people. He’s hurt people near and dear to me. And yet!! One For All is a power meant for saving, not killing. All Might taught me that.” from chapter 305.
brOTP: Midoriya & Uraraka
OTP: Midoriya/Bakugou, which if you follow me you already knew <3
nOTP: Midoriya/Chisaki. saw some overdeku art on pinterest today. why. what the fuck.
random headcanon: he was the ER kid as a tiny baby as well... breaking his bones in high school is just the upgraded version of needing stitches because he crashed his bike at age six. and needing stitches because he fell out of a tree at age eight. and needing a boot because he sprained his ankle trying to hop a fence “like a cool hero, mom!” at age ten. Problem Child <3
unpopular opinion: All Might telling him he couldn’t be a hero would NOT have made him turn to the villain’s side. I reread that scene before I started writing my fic, and not only does All Might outline all his reasons for saying “no” before he actually says no, but the horror on Izuku’s face says that he got the message. once he’s down from the building we even get a scene with introspection where Izuku resolves himself to living a normal life, and we all know how strong the boy’s resolve is! He deadass probably would have wound up as CEO of some company.
song i associate with them: Zero by Imagine Dragons
favorite picture of them:
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Yagi Toshinori (All Might)
favorite thing about them: he said "hey the world needs someone to provide hope" and then just went and BECAME that someone. not only is this an INCREDIBLE feat, it's just really admirable that he looked at the shit circumstances around him, and instead of (just) getting depressed about it, he decided he could fix it. he came up with an impossible, fairytale solution, and then just... made it come true. that's fucking ridiculous.
least favorite thing about them: Toshi I am begging you. please learn some self care. please I'm begging. Toshi. Toshi. this isn't what ur mom would have wanted.
favorite line: “So even now, I’m fighting to live! You changed my outlook!! I’m still alive! I’ll use this very hand... to shape my own fate!!” from chapter 131.
brOTP: Yagi & Aizawa. I think their friendship is nice and also Horikoshi's commentary on it is fucking hilarious.
OTP: NONE, jokes on you! I believe in AROMANTIC ALL MIGHT!!!
nOTP: Yagi/Aizawa. I've seen some cute art but. HOOO BOY the AGE GAP no THANK you SIRS.
random headcanon: he was ALWAYS the tallest kid in class. he drank lots of milk but the Tall was always just genetics. his grade school friends were jealous.
unpopular opinion: he may not be the best teacher but he is trying his best! the man literally is depressed and also has never taught before. he has no model to go off of other than Gran Torino who’s teaching method starts and ends at violence! in comparison to that All Might is actually very good!
song i associate with them: Get Along by Kenny Chesney
favorite picture of them:
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peak Dork Dad energy like, sir.
this ask was SO HARD to pic ONE fav line and pic for each of them! I just love them too much! But these are what I settled on for now <3
Thank you for submitting these characters!
Ask game: send me a character!
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everytimeiread · 3 years
Izuku and Iruma Comparisons...
And why they aren't my thing.
Fair warning, this is no hating on either character but I do express my frustration on people calling the characters basically the same. Also there probably will be spoilers for Mairimashita! Iruma-kun. If you do it for fun and don't mean anything by it keep doing it! This is just to express my own frustration since I love both characters so much.
I really don't like it when people call Iruma 'blue deku' since it really disregards both characters. But mostly Iruma. Iruma has progressed a lot from where he started and reducing him to 'blue deku' really gets under my skin. Sure there are parallels on the personal arc they are going through/gone through but their own journeys are different on a personal level.
Especially in the beginning, Iruma and Izuku have different motives. Izuku has a dream that he wants to achieve as people look down on him, while Iruma is literally just surviving. Both have valid trauma in their own ways- but have very different goals. Bnha is about Izuku becoming the hero he's always wanted to be and while m!ik is technically about Iruma becoming the demon king- it's more about Iruma becoming a person. Sure, they both suddenly get an important parental figure in their life but they give the main characters different things. All Might gives Izuku a quirk and a mentor who believes in him. Sullivan gives Iruma the unconditional love of family that Iruma never had before. Sullivan literally bought Iruma from his parents for Iruma to become his grandson. That was the only requirement. Not 'help me do this' or 'pay for that' or any other extra step to gain love Iruma has had to do his entire life. The mentors are helping different parts of Iruma and Izuku's personal growth. They both care about their wards but one is much more family only oriented (love you Sullivan).
One of the many things I love so much about m!ik is how it deals with many things people see as 'bad'. The main concept being greed. All demon's have greed and thus have their own ambition. It's seen as normal and basically necessary for all demon's. Iruma was the definition of a doormat when he first came into the demon world. However the mentality of the demon's made him ask a question he was never able to ask himself until then 'what do I want to do?'. Greed was helping Iruma become more than just a tool to help others- it was helping him start to get dreams for himself.
I think the main reason it annoys me that Izuku and Iruma are seen as basically the same is that just because they have a positive attitude and like helping others all their other character growth/ personality traits are tossed out the window. Izuku can be really fierce when emotional while even when Iruma is extremely upset he doesn't get nearly as agitated. Feral Izuku exists while feral Iruma does not. Izuku openly shows the desperation on his face. Iruma doesn't (definitely a trauma thing but still). Iruma has privately acknowledged his trauma has hurt him because he now has people he relies on. Izuku has not (yes I'm mentioning Bakugou none of their arcs have been dealt with healthily), though that is probably because he still needs to have more people to properly rely on *points to my bnha teacher abuse post*.
My point is that both Iruma's and Izuku's character arcs are going different places. It feels insulting to compare Izuku working hard to overcome many dangerous situations to become the best hero and save everyone to Iruma slowly learning what family means and learning how to be a person. I was so proud when he pouted about being called ugly after being called cute so much he never would have done that in the beginning of the manga.
Sorry for the long rant- I love both of them so much but Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun has become my favorite manga as of now so I wanted to get it all off my chest. Read the manga it's great!!! I highly recommend it to people who like found family, fun fantasy, and great character growth/relationships.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I kinda wonder, what could bakugou do (hori write bakugou to do) to make him less popular with the "anti" crowd. Like He was a horrid child no doubt and people who try to put blame on Deku or lessen the terrible shit bakugou did aren't great. But as we don't rly see it, we have to assume bakugous behaviour wasn't stopped, we only ever saw his mum "punishing" him when he was being rude after getting kiddnapped. Nothing will excuse what bakugou did, but he has stopped? He's overall a harsh person but he's not harrassing and bullying people anymore, specifically not deku, he's trying to attone for what he did to deku and has now apologised for it. His behaviour was never viewed as justified or good in the series, he's a scary figure in middle school, we're not meant to like his behaviour, so the series itself hasn't justified his actions.
As someone who relate to both bakugou and deku more than I'd like to admit (never told someone to jump tho, that's fucked lol) so I can 100% understand not liking or even hating bakugou but as someone who's not 15 anymore, looking back I also made a lot of really shitty decisions and like bakugou have tried to make up for it, and like deku I was 'friends' with people who hurt me.
Is there anything he can do for the "antis" to just dislike him rather that be "anti"?
(I'm very sorry if you've talked about this somewhere, you can just tell me to look for it if you have, I'll continue to look for your posts on the subject)
Hey there, anon! I think I’ve spoken about this only tangentially and/or in my main Bakugo meta, which is too big for anyone sane to read. So yeah, let’s chat here!
For me personally—and that’s all I can ever do: speak personally. I think it’s important to keep in mind that there is no single solution to please the “anti” crowd. Each fan will be looking for something slightly different in Bakugo’s character, much of which might contradict what a “stan” is currently enjoying. Given how charged a character he is, I'm not sure it's possible to get the entire fandom to like him—what I’m looking for hinges on having a different reading of the story than you seem to. Meaning, I think the series does justify his behavior. Not in any overt, super obvious way like having all the characters go, “Wow, Bakugo! I sure do love how you threaten people all the time. That’s super cool and heroic!” Things are rarely that straightforward. Rather, it’s in a more subtle, but consistent manner that paints a rather conclusive picture across hundreds of chapters.
Simply put, Bakugo is continually rewarded for his actions. Or, if not outright rewarded, his actions are ignored in a way that implies silent acceptance. Characters may not always like what he does... but they're willing to let it slide because Bakugo's heroism was always treated as a given, not something he had to earn and prove.
With the ever necessary disclaimer that I’m not fully caught up yet, here’s a list of some of the things that stood out to me in the first half of the series:
Bakugo’s bullying made him the most popular kid in school.
Bakugo’s bullying was ignored by/outright supported by the teachers.
Bakugo’s bullying did not hinder him from getting into U.A., one of the most prestigious hero schools around.
Despite acting horribly throughout his time at U.A. too, this behavior was continually ignored by the teachers and other authority figures around him.
Bakugo’s struggle to realize that other people aren’t “trash” doesn’t hurt his achievements in any way. He still gets top scores, still wins the tournament, etc.
Bakugo’s behavior gets him special attention from All Might, the greatest hero and Bakugo’s personal idol.
His behavior doesn’t make others dislike him in any manner that’s taken seriously. Everybody is still willing to not just put up with Bakugo, but—in time—start treating his behavior as a quirk (no pun intended lol) that they’re secretly fond of, rather than something he should legitimately be striving to change. Kirishima is the most overt example of this.
This is compounded by his behavior constantly being framed as humorous. Much like with Mineta’s perverted actions, characters might superficially go, “No, that’s bad!” but the story never demands any significant development because then we’d lose the “joke” of Bakugo screaming in rage at the slightest inconvenience, threatening to murder someone over nothing, constantly belittling everyone around him in a “funny” manner, etc. When fans talk about development of a manga character as archetypal and extreme as Bakugo, most don’t really want to see significant change to his base personality. Because then that would result in someone who doesn’t look like the “real” Bakugo: someone nicer, more even-tempered, more mature, etc. But for those of us who were never drawn to that personality in the first place, the continued acceptance of his rude, egotistical, and violent behavior is discomforting. The easiest comparison I can draw is between this and Bakugo’s mother slapping him. That slap is meant to be another “joke”—we see it constantly in shonen anime, something "humorous" you shouldn’t take too seriously because haha, it's just an overprotective mother—but many fans do take it seriously, using it as the basis for a whole “Bakugo was abused and this explains his behavior” reading. Well, I take the “joke” of Bakugo’s threats and insults seriously, especially in a story that starts with something like telling Izuku to jump off the roof. In the same way that many fans want others to treat Bakugo’s mother as a serious topic that has had a negative influence on his development, I want the series to take Bakugo’s everyday actions seriously as a negative influence on… well, everyone around him. But it doesn’t. His base personality is grudgingly adored.
The above two points are seen most overtly in Izuku, who never wavers in his respect for Bakugo despite how Bakugo treats him. Not just prior to U.A., but during their training too. Izuku, as the protagonist, is the emotional heart of this tale, so when he talks about how inspiring Bakugo is, it encourages the reader to see his behavior as inspiring too. Rather than, as said, something that needs to change. Izuku's continued friendship with Bakugo, his adoration of him, and his acceptance of the way he's treated has severely warped how the entire story sees Bakugo's actions. After all, if #pure Izuku can see the good in Bakugo, why can't everyone else? He must not be that bad after all.
I could get into detailed analyses of all the above—like how Bakugo was the one comforted after attacking Izuku outside the dorms at night and how the messed up relationship he has with Izuku is upheld as something to nurture; how the remedial courses he had to take were made to be rather silly, thereby undermining their supposed importance to his development; how Bakugo’s kidnapping had nothing to do with his flaws, but much of the fandom uses it as a way to dismiss any appropriate consequences because, “Hasn’t he suffered enough?” etc.—but in the interest of keeping this within a readable length, I’ll leave it at that. The point is that Bakugo has always been privileged when it comes to his behavior, resulting in others either outright praising it, ignoring it, or demanding that he change a miniscule bit, which always keeps him far below the standards of both his peers and the expectations of a hero. Everyone in 1-A must learn to be even better than the good people they already are... Bakugo needs to learn that other people aren't dirt at the bottom of his shoes. It's never been a particularly impressive development when pit against the rest of the class. All of which can make something like an apology feel pretty hollow. Yes, he’s apologized and I say with all seriousness that that’s great! But how does that apology stack up against 300+ chapters of content? As Bakugo’s words highlight, he's been a really awful person up "until now": he was consumed by Izuku being “miles ahead of [him],” he “looked down on [him]” because he didn’t have a quirk, he “didn’t want to recognize that,” he “hated that,” “grew distant,” “tried to beat you down,” “opposed you and tried to show my superiority over you,” and ends it all with, “it probably doesn’t mean anything telling you all this” before finally getting to the “I’m sorry.” This is basically a laundry list of how horrible a person Bakugo has been for the entire series, with an acknowledgement that this apology is coming really, really late. This is the moment where I could START to like Bakugo, depending on how he acts form here on out, but that pivotal moment arrived after six years of content and in the final arc of the story. It’s too late. Bakugo needed this kind of self-reflection and positive action 250+ chapters ago so he could (hopefully) grow into a better person across the story, not at the story's end. What we got instead is 322 chapters of him being a really horrible person, but the story going out of its way to excuse or even praise that behavior the majority of the time.
As a quick comparison to end on, I think what Bakugo needed was what Soo Jin got in True Beauty. You don’t need to have seen the drama to follow along. The tl;dr is that she has a lot of the core qualities of Bakugo: an all-consuming drive to win that was created due to abusive parents with high expectations, resulting in her bullying a peer to a pretty horrific extent. The difference between them is how the story frames their actions. When Soo Jin becomes the bully she loses everything. Rather than succeeding academically, her grades plummet, making it clear that this anxiety and self-doubt (things the fandom keeps insisting Bakugo is struggling with, but that rarely ever show up in the text) is actually impacting her day-to-day life. Her best friend drops her because she’s not going to support her choices. The boy she likes rejects her. She’s eventually forced to start over somewhere new - which importantly separates her from the girl she was bullying - and get some distance from her parents, resulting in the growth needed to become a healthier, happier, good person again. So when Soo Jin apologizes to the girl she hurt, it feels earned. The story continually recognized how horrific her actions were and put her into a place where she either had to change, or continue losing at everything else that was important to her. Bakugo? Bakugo doesn’t lose. Oh, he claims he does because he’s comparing himself to Izuku constantly, but that’s just him thinking in extremes. He still wins academically. Still wins many battles. Still wins at having friends. Still wins by maintaining the prestige of being a U.A. student. Still wins by getting All Might’s attention. Still wins by receiving Izuku’s respect and an agreement to maintain this rivalry that Bakugo is so obsessed with. Bakugo comes out well 99% of the time, he just thinks he's "lost" because he can't stand not being the absolute best.
For me, the story needed to have Bakugo face consequences for his behavior, not receive rewards and/or have others ignore it, and that revelation/apology needed to come way, way sooner. For me the issue is not a specific action that Horikoshi can have Bakugo do in the next chapter and them bam, I like him now. The problem is Bakugo’s entire concept, how he’s received by the entire cast, and his run across this entire series. "Entire" is the key word there. Which is why the “But he’s apologized. What more do you antis want?” reactions don’t sit well. What we wanted is a better written redemption arc across those 300+ chapters, not a single scene that’s meant to have us forget all the other problems inherent in the story. At this point it’s a far more complicated situation than, “Bakugo just needs to do X, Y, and Z and then we’re golden.” At the end of the day, Horikoshi failed to make me like him as a person and I’m pretty sure he isn’t going to change Bakugo enough to make him likable to me. Bakugo was never the sort of character I’d be inclined towards without a serious, nuanced redemption arc, but sadly, a core, crucial part of that redemption arc took six years to arrive. At this point there’s no way to change the problems in Bakugo’s writing for that huge chunk of the series and not enough time left in the series, it seems, to do the work we should have seen across the entire run. Honestly, idk if the Bakugo we'll get going forward is someone I can just dislike as opposed to being really uncomfortable with, but my money is on there being too little story left and too much investment in upholding Bakugo's base personality for that to happen. I could absolutely be proven wrong! But I think the problems are structural and needed to be better dealt with from page one, not hastily patched over in the final hour.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I hope 1-A washes their hands of Izuku. Why should they try to understand him when he thinks so little of them? Why are 1-A being compared to Hawks, a murderer of all people? Just because they are trying to help and get through to a 'friend' that doesn't even deserve it?
Anon….wtf are you reading
I would immediately write you off as a troll if it weren’t for the fact that I know some people do think this lol
Look—the comparison to Hawks has nothing to do with his extrajudicial murder. It has to do with his half assed attempt at helping Twice. I say half assed because, while I’m absolutely sure some part of Hawks did want to see Twice recover and be rehabilitated, there was a bigger part of Hawks that just wanted Twice to do what Hawks wanted. He didn’t listen to what Twice wanted.
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Hawks’s idea of helping Twice isn’t what Twice’s idea of help was. Twice wanted to make sure the rest of the League was okay. Hawks didn’t care. And Hawks didn’t take Twice’s rejection of his help too well.
Class A, while their sentiments are genuine, they’re not listening to Midoriya. Well, they’re not asking him what he wants. Rather—they’re not trying to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. It’s not their fault per say—he hasn’t outright said that he wants to save a villain, but they’re still imposing what they want onto Midoriya without consulting him.
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The thing is—going back to UA is pointless. It doesn’t move Midoriya closer to his target or his goal.
The other thing is—Midoriya IS shouldering a lot right now. Unlike the other heroes—he doesn’t just want to stop Shigaraki, he wants to save him. And he hasn’t been able to express that to anybody (except AM) and he’s probably stressed thinking about how many people will work against him when he says that’s what he wants to do.
That’s why Shouto and Ochacko are the PERFECT ONES to intervene right now. That’s why I HOPE TO GOD that Midoriya says it out loud and they reach him by saying it out loud themselves. Shouto of all people would absolutely understand Midoriya’s struggle with wanting to save a villain. He’s the perfect one to interject here. The rest of the kids aren’t.
He doesn’t look down on them?? Don’t confuse him with Bakugo. He’s not thinking of them as “extras”. He’s always admired his classmates’ strengths and thought very highly of them. Buddy, idk what your beef is.
The whole point of this chapter was to show that giving help that’s not asked for is the best way to try to help—but it’s also not enough.
You have to UNDERSTAND why your help is needed.
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And like…why doesn’t he deserve help? I’m very confused by that statement but to each their own.
If you don’t like Deku that’s perfectly fine but at least use what’s canon to explain why you know?
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makeste · 4 years
is it too late now to say sorry
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anon I agree with almost all of this for the most part, but if you don’t mind I would like to come to Kacchan’s defense here a little bit. while he absolutely does need to apologize to Izuku, there are reasons why he hasn’t done so yet which boil down to a lot more than simply “he’s still a dick.”
anyway, so for my next trick, I will take the thesis statement of “Kacchan is afraid to apologize to Deku for both selfish and unselfish reasons, and Deku doesn’t realize how much he needs to hear the apology because he pays no attention to his own needs”, and somehow transform that into a 3500 word rant lol.
first of all, I’ve said this before, but on the topic of whether or not Katsuki actually needs to apologize to Deku at all, my answer is an emphatic “yes.” is it necessary in order for him to earn Deku’s forgiveness? no. in fact I’m pretty sure Deku has already forgiven him. because that kid doesn’t have a petty bone in his body (not that wanting an apology from your friend who basically turned on you and made your life miserable for ten years and told you to go kill yourself is in any way petty at all), and because he has staunchly held on to what he could of their relationship throughout that entire time, hoping that one day they could somehow be friends again. Kacchan never stopped being “Kacchan” to him. Deku never stopped caring about him. and that goes beyond him simply being a good person; there’s also just an attachment there, for lack of a better word, that he is simply unwilling to give up. their friendship is that important to him. Kacchan is that important to him.
but just because Katsuki is almost guaranteed forgiveness from Izuku doesn’t mean the apology isn’t still owed. putting aside that it’s really the least he could do, I think an apology is also necessary in order for their friendship to ever move past the level it’s currently stuck at, for one simple reason: Izuku doesn’t actually know that Katsuki cares.
more specifically, he doesn’t know that Katsuki actually cares about him. because Katsuki, for various reasons which I’ll get to momentarily, has done such a spectacular job of hiding this fact that he even fooled a lot of us for a very long time. before chapter 284 came along, there was hardly any evidence at all that Katsuki actually cared about Izuku as a person beyond just the requisite, bare minimum level of “well I don’t actually want you to die or anything, because I’m not a complete shithead.”
because he hides it. and he hides it on purpose, which is a mind-blowing revelation I’m still only just starting to wrap my head around. it’s an act. all of his continued hostility toward Izuku since the Endeavor internship arc -- and possibly going even further back than that; possibly going all the way back to their second Ground Beta fight -- has been an act. here he is, continuing to bitch at him at every turn and basically doing everything he can to remind Izuku that They Are Rivals And Nothing More, and he has played that role so perfectly that hardly anyone suspected what was actually going on.
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he cares about Izuku. not just subconsciously on a level where he’s in denial about it, but to a fully conscious and aware degree. he’s dedicated himself to helping Izuku as his way of trying to make amends. that’s a decision he consciously made, something he’s given a lot of thought to. he worries about Izuku. he worries about his selflessness and his recklessness and that one day he’ll take it too far and it will go terribly wrong. he worries about One For All and All For One, and about the legacy his friend has inherited that’s so much bigger than him, and which he knows Izuku won’t hesitate to sacrifice himself for if it ever comes to that. he worries. he cares.
and Izuku does not know this. and he deserves to know this. and that’s why the apology is so important. not because it’s a magic sentence that will miraculously restore the ten years of friendship and trust that was lost between them, or heal the ten years of pain and misery that Izuku went through alone and friendless, because nothing can ever restore or heal that. as a gesture, an apology is nice, but it’s also fairly useless, at least on its own. it’s meaningless without action to support it, and rather pales in significance when held up against the LITERAL DECADE of misery that it’s trying to make up for.
but the reason it’s still so, so important in spite of all this is because Izuku doesn’t know that Katsuki cares about him. he doesn’t know that their friendship isn’t just one-sided. he does know that Katsuki is a good person, and that he has a good core beneath his prickly exterior. and he’s more adept than most people at seeing past Katsuki’s outer shell of bullshit and understanding what lies beneath. but he has a blind spot, and that blind spot is himself.
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he hasn’t made the connection between “Kacchan is a good person who cares about other people and is trying to do the right thing” to “Kacchan cares about me.” because Kacchan has been diligent in making sure that every time Izuku does start to make that connection, that he shoots it back down and disproves it as vehemently as he can.
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which, just to be clear, is actually a huge load of bull, as we now know. huh.
but anyway. the point is that Katsuki is still hiding this part of himself from Izuku. the fact that he actually cares. the fact that their friendship is reciprocated on a level that goes beyond just rivalry and shared secrets and a mutual admiration for All Might. Izuku doesn’t know yet how much Katsuki cares about him, and he deserves to know.
and that’s why the apology is important. not because the words themselves are important, but because he deserves to know that Katsuki is sorry. he deserves to know that Katsuki cares about him. he deserves to know that he’s valued, that Katsuki sees him as someone who has value. he deserves that. and that, more than anything else, is why the apology is needed, and why it’s important for him to actually hear those words. because Katsuki was spot on when he said that Izuku doesn’t see himself in the way that he should, and I think he needs this to help him understand a little better just how much value he actually has.
so that’s part one of my rant! and now we move on to part two, which can basically be summarized as “okay but then WHY has Katsuki not just FUCKING APOLOGIZED TO HIM ALREADY.” because yeah, though. at the end of the day, this is all on him. and he does care, and he is sorry. so then what is still holding him back??
and that... is complicated. and it basically boils down to four things.
1. it’s insufficient.
ten years. all the way back to when they were four years old and Izuku first learned that he didn’t have a quirk. ten years of Katsuki bullying him and distancing himself from him. ten years of pain and isolation and unhappiness that Izuku absolutely did not deserve.
and yes, it ultimately stemmed from a misunderstanding, but that doesn’t make it right in the least. there’s absolutely no justification for it. Katsuki knew that it was wrong and he acted like that nonetheless. and anyone who says that Izuku in any way brought it on himself, that it’s in any way his fault or that he invited it on himself by not leaving Katsuki alone -- you can miss me with that, tbh. he was a child and he was lonely and confused and didn’t understand why his best friend had suddenly turned his back on him. this was the most vulnerable period in his life, and the person who should have had his back ended up being the person who made it even worse for him instead. and even after Izuku grew out of the so-called stalking and actually did mind his own business, and just admired Katsuki from a distance -- that still wasn’t enough to appease Katsuki either. even just the mere mention of Izuku wanting to go to U.A. was enough to set him off worse than ever before. that was absolutely not Izuku’s fault in any way, and I’m positive that even Katsuki himself would agree. Katsuki was terrible. I can’t emphasize enough just how terrible he was.
so yeah. ten years of that. and now Katsuki finally realizes just how awful it was. and he’s sorry! and he regrets it, a lot, and he wants to atone for it.
but now here’s problem number one: when you put it up in comparison to ALL OF THAT, an apology just feels overwhelmingly inadequate. almost laughably so. and Katsuki may be a bit emotionally dense (although perhaps less so than we always thought), but he’s sharp enough to realize this much, at least. it’s almost pathetic to simply try saying “I’m sorry” after all of that, and expect it to mean anything at all. it’s not enough. it’s so much not enough that I imagine he must almost feel helpless just imagining it. the weight of everything he’s done is so much, and an apology isn’t enough to undo any of it. it’s not even close.
Katsuki isn’t someone who backs down from things easily, but the sheer scale of the mistakes he’s trying to grapple with now is enough to give just about anyone pause. how do you even begin to address something like that? how can you even begin to make up for it? and Katsuki isn’t stupid, and I have to imagine that everything he saw during that first week of interning with Endeavor only cemented this for him. an apology simply isn’t enough. not for something like this.
2. it’s unfamiliar.
reason number two! and this one is a bit selfish on his part, yeah. but Katsuki is still just a kid too. and his falling out with Izuku didn’t only have a negative impact on Izuku; it hurt Katsuki as well. he lost that friendship too. he thought Izuku was looking down on him, and I’m certain that hurt him a lot more than he ever let on. if you trust someone and care about them only to have them turn on you like that (even though he got it wrong and it was ultimately all just in his head) -- that hurts. it’s not a coincidence that he became closed off and mean afterwards, and that even now he’s resistant to letting other people get close to him. for all that it was more or less self-inflicted, it still had a huge impact.
but now he’s learned that Izuku was never looking down on him at all and that he had it wrong this whole time. and as a result, he’s gotten this chance now to try and rebuild the childhood friendship that he almost destroyed. and make no mistake, this is something he wants too. it’s not just Izuku who’s grateful to have this chance to have normal interactions with the other again. this is something both of them value, and Katsuki doesn’t want to ruin it this time.
so he’s picking up where he left off! only the thing is, this involves him reverting to a blueprint that hasn’t been updated since the two of them were four years old, lol. “normal” for them is him being a bossy little snot, and Izuku happily shrugging it off with all of his limitless nerdy enthusiasm as they go about their various misadventures together. it’s a script that hasn’t changed since they were children, and one they’re both still more than content to use, but it is an outdated script nonetheless. Katsuki is playing the role that Izuku expects him to play. and it’s not like he’s being dishonest or anything like that, because that’s still him; he’s still his same old short-tempered, argumentative self, and it’s not like his personality has done a complete 180 or anything like that.
but at the same time, there’s a calmer side to him now which he is deliberately keeping hidden from Izuku because it’s off-script for them. it’s unfamiliar ground. with Izuku, he’s always been this Kacchan:
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and again, it’s not like he isn’t actually that person, especially when it comes to his old rival. but at the same time, there’s another side to him that he rarely if ever lets Izuku in particular see. Izuku never sees the quiet Kacchan who avoids other people’s eyes while he fiddles with his water bottle and calmly asks questions about the OFA successors. Izuku never sees the insightful Kacchan who opens up about his own regrets and weaknesses. there’s a level of emotional intimacy, for lack of a better term, that Katsuki has been unwilling to let them cross into. and if I had to guess why, my guess would be that it’s because Katsuki is afraid that changing up the formula now will lead to unfamiliar territory which may or may not end up completely upending their relationship just as it’s starting to grow into something actually solid again.
which brings me to reason #3!
3. he’s afraid.
Katsuki already experienced what it was like to fall out with Izuku. and again, for all that he was the cause of it, and that Izuku had it much, much worse, that doesn’t change the fact that it was a pretty terrible experience for him as well.
and look, we know Katsuki is afraid of losing Izuku. that’s confirmed canon now. he actually admitted that he was worried about Izuku, and that Izuku’s tendency to recklessly disregard his own wellbeing unsettled him and made him want to keep his distance. and he sacrificed himself to save Izuku’s life!! and did it automatically, unthinkingly, because the decision-making on his part was so fast it didn’t even register. that’s how much he cares. enough that his desire to protect Izuku now ranks higher than his own self-preservation.
and when something is that important to you, you will fight not to lose it. and Katsuki does not want to lose this. Izuku is important to him. by extension that means their friendship is important to him. and he wants to preserve that.
and the thing is, the apology is an obstacle to that. and he knows it. he knows he has to face it at some point, because he can’t atone without it. he has to take responsibility for what he did. he can’t keep running away from it forever.
but he also knows the potential consequences. he knows that apologies don’t always end in reconciliation. he knows falling-outs don’t always have a happy ending. he knows that forgiveness isn’t automatic, and that years of pain don’t just disappear just like that. and he recently got to see firsthand one possible way how it might all turn out.
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he knows Izuku doesn’t have to forgive him. he knows Izuku might not forgive him. and he knows that he probably doesn’t deserve Izuku’s forgiveness, and that ultimately he does not have a say in the matter one way or the other. it’s Izuku’s choice, at the end of the day, and whatever he chooses Katsuki is going to have to accept it.
but you can know all of that, and accept the fact that you’re going to have to take responsibility, and yet still be afraid to face it. and yes, maybe it’s selfish of him to feel that way. but that selfishness is also human. it’s human to fear rejection, and it’s human to go through the various stages of trying to postpone having to face that. Katsuki is a brave kid, but he is just a kid, still. and this is going to be very hard for him to do. that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still have to be done. but I feel for him and I have a lot of empathy for the situation he’s currently in.
and there is also one last reason why I think he’s putting it off as well, and it just so happens that this reason actually isn’t selfish at all.
4. he doesn’t want false forgiveness.
and this one is ironically kind of at odds with reason #3! Katsuki fears the possibility of Izuku not forgiving him... but at the same time, I think that strangely enough, there’s also a part of him that fears being forgiven, just like that. easily and gladly and unconditionally, with the trademark selflessness that defines so many of Izuku’s other decisions.
“he just... deep down, he doesn’t take himself into account, y’know?”
Izuku rarely if ever takes himself into consideration, and Katsuki knows this. he’s selfless to a fault, and Katsuki knows this. and so if Katsuki were to come up to him and apologize, there’s the possibility that yes, Izuku might decide not forgive him. he might in fact be all “nah, you know what, fuck you,” as would certainly be within his rights.
but this is a very remote possibility, and we all know it. and Katsuki knows it too, I think. because that’s not who Izuku is. he puts other people’s welfare above his own, every time. and so if Katsuki were to break down and tell Izuku that he was sorry, and if he were to ask him for forgiveness, nine times out of ten that is something that Izuku grants instantly. this is the same kid who put his own life at risk to try and save Katsuki less than an hour after Katsuki told him to dive off a roof. Izuku’s instinct is to protect and save. and so if he sees that Katsuki is hurting; if he sees that Katsuki feels guilty for what he’s done and that it’s eating away at him in much the same way as when he was blaming himself for Kamino -- he is going to do what he always does. he is going to try and save him.
and he would do that even if it meant shoving down his own pain. he absolutely would. he would prioritize Katsuki’s feelings over his own. and if he did still feel any lingering resentment at how cruelly he was treated, he would still put it aside if need be. and he would forgive him.
in other words, the risk exists that Izuku might grant Katsuki forgiveness that he doesn’t actually feel. if Katsuki is granted Izuku’s forgiveness, he doesn’t have any way to actually tell for sure if it’s real. there would be that element of doubt there, that question of whether or not it’s really sincere. and something like that could ultimately poison their relationship, if things were allowed to play out that way. it would prevent them from being fully able to trust each other. ultimately, it might lead to them drifting apart again, and something like that might ultimately be even more painful than Izuku rejecting Katsuki’s apology outright. and there’s also an argument to be made that Izuku doesn’t deserve to be put on the spot like that, and forced to make that decision one way or the other when he might not be ready to yet. so there’s that to consider as well.
so yeah. four reasons why Katsuki has not apologized to Izuku yet. and they are good reasons, in my book. complicated reasons, too. but none of that changes the fact that at the end of the day this is still something he has to do. his current way of trying to atone through action is great, don’t get me wrong! and it’s necessary too for sure, because like I said, the apology just on its own is never going to be enough. he needs to commit to doing the right thing, and trying his best to make it right between them from here on out. and saving his life is certainly a decent start! but you still gotta say the words too eventually bro.
but there is just a ton of stuff at play here and I find it all fascinating tbh. they are just so, so bad at communicating with each other. and the thing is, they both actually want the same thing! but they want it so badly that ironically it’s almost holding them back right now, because they don’t want to put it at risk. but ultimately this is a leap of faith that Katsuki in particular is going to have to take sooner rather than later in order to finally restore that last bit of trust between the two of them.
so yeah. just two stupid teenage boys who fail at emotions, and who are probably overdue for another of their famous Get It All Out In The Open stupid shounen therapy battles lmao. round 3, featuring Deku’s new robot arms vs Katsuki and his shiny new “like father like son” All Might torso scar. sob.
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transhawks · 4 years
Drawn to Battle
How the hero Miruko is a Blood Knight (Part 1)
The new vigilantes (which I again remind everyone is canon) gives some really interesting Miruko characterization that also really kind of fits a pattern, but one most fanon depictions of her ignore? 
She’s always been super quick to fight first, ask questions later, but the darker aspects of this were kind pushed aside as “yes! spunky hot girl! She’s kind of like Katsuki.” 
And yet I always felt this comparison was a bit.. lacking. Katsuki likes to fight, yes, and his conception of heroism has to do with victory, but there’s not there sheer need for violence for the thrill of it. And until the last vigilantes chapter we had scant characterization for Miruko that hinted it might be that for her, but nothing concrete.
That’s changed. The fact she’s being introduced in Vigilantes at the same time we see a flashback of Rappa, years ago, is pretty spot on to what now seems to be crucial to her personality. 
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This is Miruko as a high school student in a trip to Osaka. She’s wearing a touristy type of hat, but it’s her. Her friends in high school apparently call her ‘Ruko’.
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Anyway, notice the way she specifically says ‘scent’. It’s portrayed as animalistic, almost, her love of fighting. Which is line with how Horikoshi often makes her seem in the main manga.
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In this scene Miruko, by scent, has tracked down an underground illegal fight ring simply by her quirk. Mind you, she’s still a hero student on a trip. She might have a provisional license but this is definitely something the 1A kids would have been scolded for. 
Miruko’s excitement, though, centers around the possibility of fighting. It’s fun to her, and she recognizes that through actual blood and sweat. Let’s look at the main manga for a moment; she was relieved, happy even that she could crush the noumus. That it was okay to kill since she didn’t have to hold back like she did for normal villains.
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Team Up gave us a very clear repeat of this: Miruko’s praising Katsuki’s violent approach (and Deku and Ochako of course are a little perplexed by this), and her gung-ho attitude to fighting first, not asking questions. In line with her thinking that teaming up is cowardly, and that she stated her intent has always been to ‘beating up villains who scheme’, one wonders what her motivation is to be a hero.
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We’ve come across lots of different heroes motivated by many different things. Some out of a need for glory and a feel that they are the best (Endeavor), some out of wanting to be a symbol to a broken society (Toshinori), some out of a need for fame (Uwabami, even Mt. Lady). We’re told glory and money are often the motivations in a conversation between Hawks and the Hunter Commission.
So, what is Miruko’s?
Let’s get back to Vigilantes. The most recent chapter as of writing this has a flashback to several years in the storyline, and given Rumi is around twenty six or twenty seven in the manga, and is also of the birth month group where she would have likely been the youngest in her class, it’s safe to say this was likely ten years ago as of the current manga storyline.
Rumi is shown on a school trip to Osaka with her classmates from a hero school in Hiroshima. 
At the same time we see Knuckleduster, still a hero and undercover, going head to head with Rappa in an illegal underground quirk ring. Rappa as everyone will recall was all about fighting. That’s his motivation; the fight itself. He wants to go head to head, he’s all about fist to fist and even gets a little put out about Knuckleduster using a knife.
He is what we call a Blood Knight character:
Fighting is everything to the Blood Knight. He lives for it. It's not winning or losing, morality, the motives of his allies, or even the glory that drives this guy so much as it is the opportunity for a good fight. (Tv tropes)
Why does this matter? Characters are rarely introduced without some sort of narrative in mind. Vigilantes is a prequel manga that has given us the backstories of heroes before (Aizawa, Mic, and Midnight’s, or All Might’s being the main examples, or even Ingenium Sr.) so it’s clearly Miruko’s turn. And setting in a minor detail in canon (remember Rappa talks about illegal quirk fighting rings to Fat Gum) means that there needs to be a connection.
It’s too early to tell since Vigilantes has just started this arc with Miruko, but I think what’s happening is that we’re going to see just what Miruko stands for. And there’s a likelihood that she’s being pitted against Rappa (narratively for now) because she is very much like Rappa.
We’ve been told constantly that heroes and villains are part of the same coin. So, what is the difference between Miruko’s need to fight and Rappa’s? What’s the difference between two people who seem to live for the thrill of fighting first and foremost, with no need for allies and such? Maybe it’s just that Miruko got labeled a hero and Rappa a villain. 
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quirkwizard · 3 years
Do you think firearms in MHA rank anywhere decently high in how effective they are? For me, most guns are probably kinda "hold the line" at best. We see Tamaki tank a quirk erasing bullet, and while sure, it was just a needle, it still travelled quick enough to actually blow him off balance. If that was a regular person, it would have gone right into him, right? Same with Mirio's incident, or how Deku shrugs off bullets in the first movie with his feet, and he was only using 5%What do you think?
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Before I get into my own thoughts on the topic, I think that I need to discuss your own pieces of evidence. Ignoring the movie, as that is a non-canon piece of material this is not reliable source, there are some flaws in using Quirk Destroying Bullets as examples. The big one being that Quirk Destroying Bullets are not designed like actual bullets. The purpose of a Quirk Destroying Bullet is to deliver the drug into the system of a Quirk user. It's designed with a needle and a sizable container. The point of a bullet is to drill into a person, doing a lot of damage in the process, which can't be done with the needle design, at least not to the same extent. For that matter, it's unlikely that any gun firing that kind of ammunition would have the same kind of force behind it. That's why it staggered Tamaki, not knocked him down, without doing any serious damage. Even if you want to discount that, we see a similar example with Mr. Compress, who is a "regular person", or at least a person with no physical augmentation Quirk. That same bullet shot Mr. Compress and it didn't do him any harm. It's didn't even seem to phase him, though that could be attributed to the seemingly weaker gun that was being used.
All that being said, I still think that an actual bullet can be rather dangerous. Besides Quirks that use guns, such as Lady Nagant's "Rifle" that was enough to threaten a much more battle ready Izuku, we have seen several examples of bullets hurting and threatening Quirk users. My favorite example was in that hilarious scene when Snipe shot Tomura, where the bullets seriously injured him and Kurogiri needed to protect him. Another is with Mustard, whose threat of a gun was enough to stave off Kendo in spite having a Quirk that augments her body. Even if it was only her hands, those should be strong enough to block a bullet. So they are certainly dangerous enough to threaten another Quirk user. However, I don't think they would be as dangerous as they are to us regular humans. In the world of MHA, the various characters seem to have a much greater durability in comparison. I mean we've seen some frankly insane feats of survival from so many characters, even ones without physical augmentations. Just look at all the stuff that Gran Torino has survived, like the fight with All For One and physically empowered Tomura, and that guy's old enough to be someone's grandpa. So while a bullet can hurt and kill people in this world, it may not have the same kind of impact as it does to people in our world.
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todomitoukei · 3 years
Hey wanna ask u something I saw a post in twitter saying that Bakugou is very rude in japanese and they can't really write how rude he is in english cuz english translation isn't rich as the Japanese ANYWAY, since Bakugou is rude is Dabi a rude character too? And who's the most rudest character in BnHA? Man i hope it's Dabi kskdkkkds 😔😂 I just feel it suits him to be rude :')
That’s a great question! Also sort of difficult to explain? There are a lot of nuances to the Japanese languages that don’t exist in English, so be aware: there is some information ahead.
Let me preface this, though, by saying that I normally read My Hero in English. I sometimes read certain parts in Japanese, specifically when I try to figure out what the character said exactly rather than just trusting in the English translation. So I can’t give you a perfect answer as to who the rudest character is since I’m not familiar enough with everyone’s speech patterns. (I think I’ve mostly looked at what Dabi and Shouto have said in Japanese), but I did browse a little more through some Japanese chapters to compare a couple of characters.
For this post, I am going to mainly compare Bakugou and Dabi.
And before we talk about swearing in Japanese, I don’t remember if this is just a one time occasion or if this happens more often throughout the story, but for example, in chapter 292 when Shouto basically asks Dabi whether he has lost his mind, the official English translation made him say: “Are you freakin’ insane?!” - sorry, but if you’re gonna add a swear word, why this watered-down version? This is a story filled with dark topics, brutal fights, and on-screen killing, and yet you won’t let a teenager say fuck? W h y ?
Anyway, the reason people say it doesn’t translate well is that swear words aren’t a big thing in Japanese. There are a couple of swear words, and we’ll look at those, yet overall those words aren’t swear words by definition, but rather become swear words based on context and tone.
Because the Japanese language is all about different levels of politeness, whether certain words are rude or not depends on the context and whom you are speaking to.
That being said, let’s take a look at the different ways characters can sound rude:
This is a really good post that talks about swearing in Japanese and lists some of the words that can be used similar to swear words.
One of the words featured on that list is 「 てめェ」 (temee). This word gets used by several characters throughout the story, usually to address an opponent. Here’s an example of Dabi using it in chapter 292 whilst referring to Best Jeanist:
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If you look this word up in the dictionary you’ll get the following definitions: you (used by young males; vulgar; derogatory)/ you son of a bitch/ you bastard. Technically, this word means you, but the nuance boils down to the speaker looking down on the person they’re talking to.
There is also the word 「死ね」 (shine). This is the imperative form (command form) of 「死ぬ、しぬ」(shinu) - to die. I don’t think I have to explain why it’s considered rude to tell someone to die. Anyway, this one is commonly used by Bakugou (like when he has to throw the ball during class).
Another big swear word is「くそ」(kuso), meaning damn, shit. In My Hero, this is often said as「クソナード」(kuso naado) - “damn nerd” by Bakugou. Another nickname Bakugou uses is the one he has for Shouto,「半分野郎」(hanbun yarou) - “Half bastard”
Speaking of 「野郎」you know who else uses that word? Dabi.
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Dabi says:「なんだ空っぽのコスプレ野郎じゃねえか。」(nanda karappo no kosupure yarou janee ka.) 
I think the English translation says something along the lines of “Oh, so you’re not just a hollow cosplayer” But that loses a lot of the nuance.
「なんだ ; nanda 」-> depends on context, but can be translated as “What the hell?”
「空っぽ ; karappo」-> hollow
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「スプレ ; kosupure 」-> cosplay
「野郎 ; yarou 」-> bastard
「じゃねえ ; janee 」-> rude form of 「じゃない」 (janai) which is already the casual way to negate the word it proceeds
「か ; ka 」-> question marker
As you can see, this sentence includes several colloquial/rude ways of speaking. The full sentence would be “What the hell? You’re not a hollow bastard cosplayer?” - yarou can also just be translated as “guy” but even then it’s a rougher word, so that’s why bastard emphasizes that better, I think.
So it’s definitely fair to say both Dabi and Bakugou are ruder than other people, mainly shown by the way they address people. 
Bakugou even uses 「野郎」on the hero Slidin’ Go:「語彙力この野郎」(goiryoku kono yarou) “Extend your vocabulary, you bastard”
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Also, here’s a panel that features Bakugou saying several rude words at once! Sometimes, he uses a lot. Featured here are the aforementioned 「くそ」(kuso) and 「 てめー」 (temee), as well as 「ばか」* (baka) - “idiot” - *note that in the manga kuso and baka are written in katakana,「クソ、バカ」 respectively, instead of hiragana to emphasize them similar to the function of italics.
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Polite Speech
Again, there are different levels of politeness in the Japanese language, and one of the quickest ways to determine the level is by looking at the verb ending. There is a plain form (also known as dictionary form), as well as a polite form. The latter is also known as “masu”-form since you change the ending of the verb into masu.
There are a few instances where Shouto uses the polite form while talking to someone, like here with Rock Lock:「頼みます」(tanomimasu) “to entrust to”
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and here, when he is thanking All Might「ありがとうございました」 (arigatou gozaimashita). This is a common phrase, but it’s usually shortened to just arigatou.
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Now take Bakugou again, who doesn’t use the polite form when talking to Pro Heroes he has never talked to before and instead calls them bastard. Definitely ruder!
Another instance of a character using polite speech is Dabi throughout his broadcast, like here where he says「生まれました」 (umaremashita) “have been born”
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There are also several personal pronouns in Japanese. The standard being「私」(watashi), which is mainly used by women, but can also be used by men, specifically in formal or public spaces to remain more neutral. This pronoun is for example used by All Might. 
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The story itself is called 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」(Boku no Hīrō Akademia), boku meaning I and is usually used by boys/young men. Grown men might also use it as a sign of modesty since the word originates from the terms 「下僕」(geboku) meaning manservant, and「公僕」(kouboku) meaning public servant. As the story title hints, this is the pronoun Deku uses to refer to himself.
Another personal pronoun is 「俺」(ore). This one is more commonly used around peers. Because it sounds a little self-asserting, it can be rude when used in formal settings or when speaking to strangers or old people. This is a pronoun used by the majority of the male characters, including Dabi, Shigaraki, Shouto, and Bakugou.
Which language a character uses is part of their characterization, hence a more humble character like Deku uses boku, whereas more dominating/self-confident characters like Dabi, Shouto, or Bakugou use ore.
What’s more, a good way to learn about the different politeness levels is to look at chapter 290, where we switch between Dabi’s broadcast, and Dabi on the battlefield talking to Endeavor and Shouto.
Aside from using the polite form of speaking in his broadcast rather than the casual form, he also uses boku in his broadcast, and ore on the battlefield:
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Again, when boku is used by grown men (aka Dabi) it’s a humble way of speaking. Pairing that with him using the polite form of speaking makes him sound especially well-mannered, a huge contrast to his usual rough character.
Sentence Ending Particles
Another way to influence the way what you’re saying sounds is the way you end your sentences. There are several particles you can use (sort of like “right?”, “isn’t it?” etc.). Again, there are certain choices here to make you sound “cooler” or “manlier” - so not explicitly rude, but it just adds to the already existing roughness certain characters use when speaking.
One of these particles is「さ」(sa) which is a casual/rougher form of 「よ」(yo), mainly used by men, and can be added to the end of a sentence for emphasis. Here’s an example of Dabi using sa while speaking to Skeptic in chapter 291.
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Also, note that temee gets used again here. As mentioned before, temee can just mean you, but in a derogatory way. The official translation says “Thanks to you and your camera for that prime footage. No reason not to use what we got, right?” - so aside from English not having a derogatory you, the “right?” is at least a good translation for sa.
「ぜ」is another particle like that, but it’s only used in casual conversations or when speaking to someone of lower social status. So when Dabi uses this here -
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as he invites Endeavor to dance with him in hell, it’s obviously a rude, mocking way to end the sentence since technically Endeavor is above him in social status (since he is his father and also a Pro Hero).
To sum it up, there are a lot of characters who generally speak rougher and less respectfully than the average character does, but what makes Dabi and Bakugou particularly stand out is the way they address people, often using derogatory words, added with some other ways to sound rougher/ruder no matter whom they are speaking to.
In comparison to Shouto, who has shown to at least sometimes speak in a polite form, Bakugou doesn’t seem to use that form at all. The problem with comparing this to Dabi in order to figure out which of them is the rudest is that we don’t really see Dabi in formal situations. Him being a villain automatically means he doesn’t exactly get into situations, where he would speak to a higher up. Sure, Shigaraki is more-or-less his boss, but they’re more on even grounds than in a formal employee-employer scenario.
The one time he does speak formally is during his broadcast. This shows that he can speak formally when he wants to - but he usually doesn’t. Again, though, as a villain, it’s difficult to compare him to those on the hero side. That is also the reason why some might consider Bakugou to be especially rude since he is on the hero side and with that, expected to speak nicer to people.
While Dabi’s speaking mannerisms match that of a bad guy, Bakugou speaking similar to him despite being a hero-to-be makes him sound more aggressive. Bakugou is basically the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover”.
With that, it would make more sense to compare a character like Dabi to another villain, of course. While characters like Shigaraki overall also speak similar to Dabi, again, it’s more about the words he uses for people, especially when he is close with them.
So I think it’s fair to say that Bakugou and Dabi are, at the very least, some of the rudest-speaking characters in the story. The reason the translations can’t quite capture this is due to certain aspects of Japanese (like the different levels of formality shown through conjugation, certain particles, and certain words) not existing in English. While English also has rougher ways of speaking, there aren’t as many nuances, especially if you want to make characters stand out more in comparison to other characters with similar rough mannerisms.
Anyway, I hope this somewhat answered your question! Like I said, it’s difficult to explain that in one post, especially considering the amount of characters in the story, as well as certain aspects - like Bakugou being on the hero side and Dabi being on the villain side - making it more difficult to sum it up, so hopefully this at least explained a little bit.
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class1akids · 3 years
ive always been confused about something though. as absolutely horrible katsuki's behaviour was in chapter 1, is the core of his words ever really disproved by the series?
his delivery is atrocious and vile but like he's not wrong. a strong quirk will give you a huge advantage (and of course it depends on the person, someone like kaminari has a very strong quirk but didn't start out dedicated in improving it so he was wasting his potential, while someone like mirio has a very high risk high reward quirk that he made op solely due to to his perseverance. quirks can be used in creative ways. but they do need to have some sort of potential. look at ojiro, whose quirk is basically just an extra limb. it's cool and all, but when people around him can move faster than cars and float people to space and cause the earth to shatter from their heartbeat, it's pretty clear it won't let him keep up all that well) going on potential alone. it's not like katsuki relied solely on talent either, considering he studies hard enough to be a top three student in the best high school in japan and had at least some prior experience with fighting, + very fine control of his quirk. katsuki's mentality of talent + hard work = victory, is by itself, a very grounded and realistic worldview. in katsuki's eyes, izuku not only lacked a talent (re:quirk) but he wasn't working hard either. he was basically living in delusion. he wasn't even doing any type of physical training at all, despite knowing UA had a practical exam (he wasn't even giving himself a chance to pass that one).
(this strikes me as strange because you'd think someone logical like izuku would realise that he needed to train his body alongside his mind if he wanted a chance. maybe it circles back to the fact that izuku didn't just care about saving people, he cared about saving people in one very specific all might like way, and if he wasn't gonna have that very specific way, there was no use in doing anything at all. and that circles back to one of the biggest flaws of hero society i.e. that you can only be a hero in one very specific all might like way and anything lesser is worthless)
Self-sacrifice is a part of being a hero, but self sacrifice without power to back it up is just recklessness. And while Izuku's other middle school classmates are laughing at him, Katsuki takes him and only him very seriously and actively discourages him (in the worst way possible damnit katsuki i want to beat your ass so bad) from doing something he sees as reckless and delusional.
what i'm trying to say here is that, while izuku's powerlessness and delusion never ever made getting bullied his fault nor made him deserving of any of it, the fact that he was powerless and delusional is just that, a fact. it's the truth.
and then he didn't just get a simple flashy quirk, he got the flashiest of flashy quirks. so what's the message we are sending here with that particular, that you can live your dreams only if you get lucky enough and through a chain of coincidences the fairy comes to bestow upon you the exact magical talent you needed? that the world is unfair but if you become one of the blessed ones you can make it?
izuku's underdog status was converted to chosen one very early on in the series, but i do have trouble understanding what the overall lesson of his arc and the show is supposed to be, aside from power is what you make it.
I sympathize with a lot of the sentiments you expressed, and I also do feel like the messages in Deku’s arc are pretty confusing. 
I think overall the story seems to have this idea that ideals without power to back it up are not much, but power without ideals can spin out of control.
But at the same time, it also seems to suggest that an everyday person could have been a hero to someone like Tenko by simply reaching out with kindness, and that was the type of heroism that quirkless Izuku represented (but nobody, including himself didn’t hold in high enough regard, except All Might). 
The unfairness idea I think mimics the world. Deku being born powerless compared to Bakugou was unfair. Deku getting a power the frogleaps over everyone and makes people like Ojirou seem completely useless in comparison also seems unfair. But at the end of the day, the unfairness derives from the system that measures heroes my case resolution rate, and thus devalues heroes who “only” manage to save one person vs thousands, which comes down to measuring human life as a commodity. I think the point in Eri’s and Tenko’s arcs is to show that each life in its own way is an immeasurable potential. 
I think as long as the story concludes in a way that shows that the powerless, the students with weaker quirks, pedestrian heroes all have their valuable place, can all make an impact, it can still be satisfying. 
But what feels disingenuous to me at this point is for the narrative to still use Deku as the ultimate representative of the “powerless”. Because he’s not. We left that stage behind in Chapter 2 and his journey feels more like a “be careful what you wish for” and how a rosy dream can turn into a very dark burden. 
There have been many things I disliked about Deku’s arc lately - the multiple quirks, this last pivot to “he’s been the only possible choice ever because quirkless is the ultimate superpower”, etc. - because I feel like how the narrative tries to keep elevate him into some kind of ultimate savior messiah - which reinforces the first message about heroes being made from the meeting of ideals and power - while neglecting the second message about the importance and impact of everyday heroes. 
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