#because sometimes it just feels like you have to dive into an ocean of hate for these guys before you find people who are Normal about them
personal-for-leaf · 1 year
Whada hell, I'll make a new pinned post for this blog. Why not.
Heya, I'm Leaf. I'm an adult living in Sweden, I'm aro/ace and agender, and I go by they/them. I'm also Autistic and have ADD (innatentive ADHD)
This here is just a personal blog where I post about my hyperfixations and my opinions. Nothing is organized in tags. If I reblog a post that has a common phobia I try to tag with either "tw (thing)" or "(thing) tw". I am very bad at this though, if you have serious triggers then I urge you to think about whether you can follow me or not.
If you're looking for my art then check out @theleafcuter.
I draw my own original characters, most of which are either demons, cervitaurs (deer centaurs) or other fantasy creatures. Very rarely do I make fanart, but it happens.
Politically speaking, I'm leftist, and I think I feel the most confident calling myself a socialist. Big fan of Xanderhal and Vaush, I agree with about 90% of their takes, and what little I do disagree on is not enough for me to "denounce" them or whatever.
Generally I believe in letting people live their lives, and that a good society would provide people with water, food, medicine, and shelter free of charge (and still have a UBI for luxuries).
I don't think humanity is inherently lazy, I actually think it's the opposite. If people are happy, healthy, and fed, they will seek out something to do. I also think humanity is inherently kind and cooperative. We wouldn't have gotten this far if we weren't.
Gender and sexuality (and even sex) are fluid, complicated, and ever expanding. Call yourself whatever you want, I'm going to take it at face value. If you lie, then that's on you.
I don't think The Revolution (cough atheist rapture cough) is going to be the answer to all of our problems. Go and fucking vote alright? Democratic parties are ass but they're better to vote on than if you refuse to over a feeling of moral superiority - and they're certainly better than letting facists take over because you thought the lesser evil was somehow worse.
I'm not going to take people seriously if they think revolution is the be-all end-all of leftist action. Come talk to me when you've figured out how I'm supposed to get my medicine in a world where the entire medical field stopped working.
Now, here's a list of things I'm into and will reblog, in no particular order:
Psychonauts (1 & 2)
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
Undertale/Deltarune (will tag spoilers as "Deltarune spoilers")
The Owl House
Fionna & Cake (will tag spoilers as "fionna and cake spoilers")
The Life series SMPs (third life, last life, double life, etc)
Hermitcraft SMP
Fantasy Life 3DS/Fantasy Life i (once that comes out)
my own opinions/political leanings
funny memes
swedish memes
Follow me and if you're as unhinged about reblogging as me (autistic) we might become mutuals lmao
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nexusnyx · 1 year
the sargeant's tattoos | b.b.
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SUMMARY: It's a lazy morning in bed, and your boyfriend has new tattoos, which means inspection. Bucky lets you do your thing, as always.
🏷️ Established relationship, fluff, body worship. WC: [2.2k].| 📑 This work is part of a series called Coming In Hot, but it can be read as a stand alone. This is specially for the nonnie that missed it. Mwah.
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"Can you get back up here?" You giggle. "I wanna see the new one. You said it's healed. Lemme see, Sargeant."
Bucky's got a thing for your legs, he tells you all the time, but the amount of time he's willing to spend sometimes kneeling on the floor just because your bed is basically on the floor is ridiculous sometimes.
He looks up at you, rubbing his scruff on your calf and smiling with the same indecency in his eyes he had when he first walked in and saw you sprawling across the bed with a book in your hands and only your newest sundress—pure want, mixed with devious thoughts and even more devilish intent.
"I like it down here," Bucky answers. He puts on a cute pout, and you grab him by his hair. The soft and now longer strands are perfect for pulling, and you smile with your jaw hanging open at the fact that this bastard hisses with a smile on his face at the strength you use. "Ow. So you get to trace my tattoos for as long as you'd like—ow, woman, god, you're hot when you're needy little this," Bucky's laughter tastes somehow even better when he presses it against your mouth. "But. If I spend half an hour sucking bruises on your legs, I can't? I don't like that. Doesn't sound that fair to me."
You're successful in pulling him back in bed with you.
"I just miss you," you whine. You kiss him back when Bucky dives for several small pecks, holding his head there, as close to you as possible. "And your tattoos are up there with my favorite art pieces. You know that. You also gave me full permission to ogle them for as much as you want, so..." you shrug your shoulders.
Bucky scrunches his nose, then lets all of his weight drop on you.
Your body lets out an 'oof' sound when he does that, but you wrap your legs around his waist even though you can barely breathe.
In a mocking tone of military order, Bucky says. "Tell me I can go back to my duty of honor after you're done with your starin'."
"No!" Bucky's heavy, and if he makes you laugh this is over before it starts. "You said we're gonna go watch a movie, Buck."
"Don't whine at me, darlin'. Tell me I can do it or else I'll just crush you to death," he insists, wiggling his body for good measure.
Your boyfriend left the military many years ago — thank everything that's real — and his only exercises involve a lot more aerobics than you'd like to think of at any given time, but he's also a mechanic.
One who loves what he does, who's always doing the most himself. You've seen him lift things in that car shop you were sure were a part of the decor, and it shows.
"If you stay on top of me like that for one more minute I'm gonna lick your face, Barnes."
The threat almost sounds real, but Bucky knows how to recognize weakness in your voice when he hears it better than anyone.
He leans closer to your face. "Tell me," he whispers, inches away from your lips.
"Fine. You can go back to whatever you want between my legs," you exhale heavily. Oh, what a cruel hand you'd been dealt with. "Now off. On the bed, face down." You wiggle your eyebrows.
A deal's a deal, so Bucky gets off.
Smiling because he's won what he wants, too, but all that matters right now is finally getting the time to look.
When he arrived earlier at your place, you'd been so lost in the ocean of sadness, longing, and desperate need to see him, be near him, kiss him, taste him feel him rub on him gasp his name have him writhing and begging for you, begging for him right back, Bucky BuckyBucky—there was time for nothing else.
Barely a hello.
His working clothes were still somewhere close to your front door, with grease on them and a button missing, most likely.
You hated residency.
Hated being away from him, the boys — your boys — and hated even more that the limited time you had was often wasted doing stupid, grown-up shit.
You missed and loved Bucky Barnes each more every day, ever since the day he welcomed you into his shop and fixed your Baby, and being away from him felt like torture at times.
Specially when he got a new tattoo.
Bucky laid with his stomach on the mattress, wiggled his hips a few times to get comfortable, and placed a pillow under his head.
"Go ahead," he muttered, resting his cheek on your silk pillowcase and casting his blue eyes on you.
You climbed on top of him this time, sitting on his ass.
"Pain level?" You ask.
The first of many questions, as he well knows.
"Mmm. A solid five. The parts closest to the ribs were the worst," he answers.
Your fingertips start tracing the lines of the tattoo that so far you had only seen through pictures.
There was not an ounce of a lie in your previous statements to Bucky:
All his tattoos were art.
This new one was no exception.
"Time?" You ask.
"Seven hours with a few breaks here and there," Bucky answers.
You whistle. "That's impressive, Sargeant."
He chuckles. "It's not that painful," he states.
"So you say," you tease him.
Bucky's still daydreaming about the day you'll allow him to pay for a tattoo on you, and the day is yet to arrive.
The art he puts on him makes him look like art as well.
It was the first thing you said back when at the beginning of the relationship you had a chance to truly look at his tattoos. To lay on his chest and analyze them from up-close without feeling like you were invading the privacy of what they meant.
Each tattoo Bucky had held personal meaning to him — unlike his best friend, Steve, who had a bunch of random (and beautiful) shit permanently drawn on many parts of his body — and it took no genius to figure out Bucky would rather chomp his own feet off than talk about it with anyone.
You knew from stories of the boys that Bucky had the habit of giving people the bluntest answers he'd given on the times they all traveled to the beach and the rare occasions when someone saw him shirtless and asked about his very sick tattoos.
How could you blame those people?
On his right side, drawn across his ribs, there was a raven taking flight. A very realistic one about the size of an adult man's hands spread wide open.
"That's my dad's favorite bird. He liked the poem by Poe—very on the nose, I know. But I like it, too. It's funny this is the first one you ask about 'cause... this was the first one I got."
Unlike with others, Bucky had no problem talking to you.
He told you about the raven, about Saturn on his chest, and the story his mother told him when he was a kid about how she had a guardian angel who picked up rocks and asteroids straight from the planet of Saturn only on the special occasion of her birthday, and how his mother started to give him her special "Saturn stone" to him whenever he felt anxious.
"She said it wouldn't give me superpowers, but that it had superpowers and I had to trust it would just be whatever I need to face off the challenge I was anxious about, and... it worked." That explanation had been so beautiful you told him it made you want to get Saturn's rings tattooed on you, and that had made Bucky laugh. "It's a nice magic thing to believe in. You know... back in the desert, sometimes... I would just pick up any stone, close my eyes, and pretend it was a Saturn ring. Carry it around in my pocket like a lucky charm."
Before the newest addition, Saturn had been your favorite of all his pieces.
Bucky also had tattooed on his left chest a hyper-real android thing that made it look like he was part robot on the inside.
"This one was just after I learned how to accept this," he'd told you, wiggling his prosthetic arm. "Learning how to feel okay with the new me and all that yadda."
Then, there was the constellation.
Wrapping around the left-wing on the back of his left shoulder there was the constellation of Cassiopeia.
"It was... this was Kim's favorite." The sound of Bucky's lost battalion member might be closed, but the scar of losing a loved one was forever. "Stars and stuff like that was the first thing that got him talking back then. You know how he was intimidated by Stevie and I..." You recalled seeing the fondness and the obvious infatuation still visible in Bucky's eyes when talking about Kim, and all it made was bring you this wave of sadness of knowing you'd never be able to meet someone who made Bucky feel so happy. "It was the first thing we really talked about. And we could talk about it for hours."
After you two started dating, Bucky got a new one a few months after on the back of his right shoulder in the same conceptual style as this newest piece.
It was a quote from Wuthering Heights.
Be with me always. Take any form—Drive me mad!
The quote stood between an anatomically correct heart and a book.
Seconds before showing you, Bucky had stood on your bedroom door playing with his fingers and hair, trying to figure out what to say. Then, he had just closed his mouth, took off his shirt and come to sit next to you in bed in complete silence.
When you read the quote, all you could see was your Instagram post.
He had sat and waited for you to find your own words, and it took you a while.
"It's gorgeous."
Bucky had looked at you, smiling so softly it hurt. "An ode to love."
"Is it?"
"It is. It turns out... that there is such thing as a love you'd want forever."
That day was one of your favorites. Ever.
Today, though, you stand there sitting on your favorite seat with your fingers tracing the new conceptual art on his back.
There were a lot of things, but the main connection was time, and in the other lines, you recognized little things that each traced back to one of the boys from his group. To Steve, Sam, Peter, Gabe, Morita—even Kim was there if you paid close attention to details.
It was gorgeous.
Then, you noticed that the dismantled machine on one of the edges of the tattoo was a 1959 Cadillac.
Your Cadillac.
"Ah. She found it," he says with a laugh, talking to himself. With a look up, you see Bucky twisting his neck a little just to look at you. "You like it?"
Like it?
To be included in his vision of... what? Family? Love? All the things that time brought to him and mattered?
Your answer is to close the distance between your bodies and press your lips on his. Bucky sighs softly, kissing you back and trying to hold onto his smile.
"I love you so much," you whisper to him. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. To fulfill that, you focus on kissing him some more. "I love how the art on you makes you even sexier. It should be fucking illegal, to be honest, but it's the best eye candy ever so I do not care."
"I'm eye candy?" Bucky asks, laughing again.
You nod. "You know you are." And... there it is. The blush on his cheeks as he shakes his head, trying to play coy or argue with you when he knows it's useless. Caressing his face, you sing the praises your lips are used to. "Beautiful, pretty, gorgeous Sargeant," they're as familiar as the taste of his mouth by now, and how much he seems to drink them in is all that you ever want to see at the end of the day.
Bucky blinks heavily, smiling so hard his cheeks must be hurting.
Then, he opens those hypnotizing blue orbs and leans in to sensually touch his lips on yours.
"And she wonders why I love to spend time between these legs," he hums in feign disapproval.
There's a sharp slap on the side of your thigh, and you yelp.
Bucky's smile turns devious.
"You've done your ogling. Time to stick to your word, darlin'."
He's right.
This time, it's you who sighs before lying down. "Yes, Sarge."
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doofus-and-dragons · 10 months
This will more than likely be the last one of these I have. So, for the last time, here is my live reaction to the final season of TMA. These will be in no particular order because ice been listening to it over the span of a couple of weeks. I only listen to it at work.
TMA S5 Spoilers ahead
The cabin episode made me so sad. The eyepocolypse had even taken away their domestic bliss
I really don't remember the trenches that well. It's not a fear of mine, so it didn't shake me or stick well enough. Still good tho
The sickness episode sent me right back to senior year of highschool. I had to take a minute KXNSKXN
At first I thought the worms was about Jane again but I was very wrong. It was a very interesting take!
Curiosity made me incredibly sad. I feel bad for Eric, Micheal, and Sarah(? Trinity? I don't remember. She was set on fire by a desolation avatar I think)
Also: Gertrude x Agnes perhaps???? Or at least solemn pinning? Maybe I just think it's slightly tragic to make it so and sometimes angst is good yknow?
Roots was ok, but the only part that stuck out to me was the jealous Martin scene. I listened to it like 3 times. I kept rewinding it just to list to it.
Fire Escape was SO good! It gave me a kind of manic energy as I listened to the descriptions of the fire.
Martin in the Lonely again made me cry. That's it.
"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" "Yes actually." "Oh...so is there anyway this doesn't end in me dead?"
The Basira and Daisy stuff actually did make me feel bad for Basira. Like, it's the apocalypse and she's having a whole ass crisis.
I wonder how he faked his death... man is talented and smart, I'll give him that
Skipping ahead to Martin's domain. Loved that. My boy isn't strictly human and I love that he can't deny that fact anymore.
Martin: Something something "one of you"
Jon, being a smug theater kid bastard boy: "One of us."
Like I heard that and I imagined him smirking ominously and gesturing with both his hands
He sounded so pleased that his boyfriend, as miniscule a role it had or that martin had, was like him, and I love that for him
I'm so glad Melanie and Georgie are happy. Though, the cult does weird me out (cults give me the heebie jeebies. It was a very nice touch!)
They deserve nice things.
Also, my favorite of the Cult members was Anil's character. I can't remember his name right off the top of my head, but he was wonderful. Anil did amazing with that little cameo/role
The scene where's he's arguing with Martin reminds me of that Jojo meme with jotoro and dio, but instead of stands they have their poetry clutched tight in their fists
"I dont need a poet." No, Jon, because you already have one. His name is Martin
Of course Jon gets trapped in the ocean when he doesn't have big string martin to row him out of it XD
Annabelle Cane is wonderful, I'm so glad Jon didn't kill her. She's so chummy with Martin up until she has to be a dramatic villain and I love that for her!
The ladder episode made me grin like a maniac manly because I would be the Martin in that situation. I love the feeling of falling/floating, but I hate actually getting myself to fall. I physically can't do it. I can barely dive into the lake from my papaw's boat
Martin, there are thousands of fanfics that dive into you two getting together without the trauma. Don't even.
Hey, real elias! That's where him being a stoner comes from! Because he is one! Nice.
I love og Elias, and I would protect him with my life I don't care.
Oh wait it was just Magnus dreaming
I almost cried when Martin was yelling at Jon. The boys are fighting
They're somewhere else being happy and domestic now you can't change my mind
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silmforrookies · 1 year
Chapter III. Of the Beginning of Days, or the Valar Are Making Me Feel
Well, fellas, congratulations! We are now officialy done with Ainulindalë & Valaquenta and are diving right into the main course, Quenta Silmarillion - or the History of Silmarils. Prepare your swords, napkins, and whatever else should you need on your endeavour.
It's an old song! It's an old song from way back when; it's an old song, but we're gonna sing it again! It's a sad song; it's a sad tale, it's a tragedy! It's a sad song, but we sing it anyway... (©Hadestown)
The first chapter of the Quenta Silmarillion is called "Of the Beginning of Days". In short:
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Sigh. Alright. Let's see what we could have and what Melkor made us loose.
The chapter starts with what we already learned: that Melkor and Valar were at war, and that the Valar were losing drastically. Melkor was dominating Arda, and most of its land were under his power; of course, the Valar couldn't shape the world as intended in those anti-creative circumstances and were slowly starting to despair. However...
In a small hole in the wast fabric in the Universe, just under Eru's throne, lived Tulkas. And Tulkas looked down at the Little Kingdom of Arda, and saw Melkor, and said: "Nice little dominion of darkness you have over there. Would be a shame if something... happened to it"
(Quenta Silmarillion, Tulkas, sometime before the Age of Lamps, probably)
Tulkas spared a glance towards Arda, saw that things were not looking great for his buddy Manwë, and decided to single-handedly turn the tide of the war. What a fella. What a pal. What a chad. Seriously, get yourself a friend like Tulkas, you won't regret it.
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Anyways, the second Tulkas stepped into Arda, Melkor had no choice but to turn and run. Tulkas' laughter was like a wind that cleared everything dark from its way, and his face didn't promise nothing but a good old ass-whooping. Melkor was so scared of Tulkas he didn't just run away - he abandoned Arda completely. All hail Tulkas. All hail my man.
So, Tulkas was busy searching for Melkor (I expected a good fight, man, come on), Melkor was busy sulking in the Outer Darkness (space?) and being number one Tulkas hater, and Valar were just happy that they finally, finally were able to create, unbothered by any abomination of anger, hate and envy. They happily accepted Tulkas into their ranks and got right to work.
Of course, they had to deal with the hell of a mess left after Melkor. They fixed lands and oceans, moved mountains, stabilized volcanoes and so on. Then, Yavanna could finally bring to life her most sacred project: plants. Well, not then exactly - plants need light to grow, after all; so the Valar came together and created two lights, two magnificent Lamps - Illuin and Ormal. They placed Illuin in the North of Middle-Earth, and Ormal - on the South; they were the work of Aulë and Varda, blessed by Manwë, and loved by all. And when the light of the two Lamps filled Arda, seeds that Yavanna planted started sprouting. Multiple mosses, grasses, bushes, trees - it all came to life, and the most beautiful they were in the middle of Arda, where the light of two Lamps mingled - and the Valar decided to live there. That time is called the Spring of Arda.
Those were happy times, and the Valar finally thought they could rest. Their home was an isle in the middle of a Great Lake, named Almaren; and Manwë called all the Valar and all of their servants to a grand feast, to celebrate their work and their victory. Tulkas wedded Nessa, Oromë's sister; and she danced before the Valar, and they were merry, and they all lived happily ever after...
... is what would I say if it wasn't for our good old friend, Melkor, Moringotto, the Dark Foe of the World. Who was sulking in the Outer Darkness. Or so we thought.
In reality, Melkor was busy recruiting spies and gathering intel, because Melkor can't simply let people be happy - he's just silly like that. It came to his knowledge that Ainur were planning a grand feast, and that Tulkas and Aulë would be tired as hell (because they, unlike someone, were busy helping others) - and he decided that there would be no better day to attack and to destroy the Valar once and for all.
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So he started preparing for a new war - and his first step was to build an indestructible underground fortress, Utumno. His presence was so vile that Arda started marring - the plants started vaning, swamps - appearing, animals in the forests became ugly dangerous abominations who were out for blood. And the Valar, looking at this, knew that Melkor was back, and that they should brace for an attack.
Melkor striked faster than they could manage to do so. He destroyed the Lamps, and the places where they stood turned into oceans, and underground fire came forward, devouring Arda - that great was their fall.
Melkor fled - he achieved a victory, but was still too much of a coward to face Tulkas or Manwë; so he ran away and hid deep in Utumno, confident in its durability.
Valar were too busy preventing multiple major apocalypses to chase him or to vage a full-scale war; the balance of lands and waters was ruined, plants were dead, and the Lights - gone. Their home in Almaren was destroyed; everything they worked so hard on was wiped away by Melkor's sick whim, and they, yet again, had to start over.
They traveled to Aman, the most western land of Middle-Earth. Since Melkor was back to Arda, and they couldn't defeat him, they decided to fortify their positions; they surrounded Aman with Pelóri, Mountains of Aman, the greatest mountains in all world. Its highest peak, Taniquetil, is where Manwë and Varda reside. Behind Pelori, the Valar founded Valinor - their secure kingdom. It was a collection of most fair and beautiful things in Arda, its most wonderful place; so they built their palaces there, and founded a first city - Valimar, the City of Thousands Bells.
Near Valimar, there was a hill called Ezellogar; and one day, Yavanna came there, and sang. She was sitting there for a long time, singing and singing about plants, about her creations; and Nienna was crying, silently watering the ground with her tears, and the other Valar were listening.
Then, two sprouts came to being.
It is told that no sound was heard during that time - only Yavanna's song. Those two sprouts, fuelled by her voice and will, started growing - higher and higher, mightier and mightier; until they became two Trees, the greatest Trees ever created - Laurelin and Telperion.
Telperion's leaves were dark green, and they were glowing with silver, and from them the silver dew was ever falling; Laurelin's were bright, glimmering with gold, and her branches ended with golden flowers, glowing with yellow flame and spilling yellow rain, and they produced light and warmth. Those were the great Trees of Valinor, Yavanna's most magnificent creation, catalysts of Arda's history - in life and death.
Each Tree would glow for seven hours, and each would start glowing an hour before the other would start fading; so twice a day the Lights would mingle. A day in Valinor was twelve hours long.
Alright! Back to Earth. Let me remind you, Melkor is still roaming Arda, and Valar aren't fans of Melkor roaming Arda, though they can't do much about it.
Aulë's palaces were in the middle of Valinor, and he started creating metals, minerals, etc. He is called the friend of Noldor, for he was the one who taught them crafts.
Manwë, however, dwells on Taniquetil, and his thoughts are always with Middle-Earth. He established the first news agency - he gets his own newspaper in form of spirits who look like birds and travel back and forth, from Valinor to Middle-Earth. His favourites are Vanyar: he loves their poems.
Ulmo ditched Valinor and lives in the ocean, where he governs the waters. He thinks of his own music, great and terrible, and it echoes theough the whole world. His faves are Teleri, though he's also the only one to regularly check on those who live in Middle-Earth, as we learned already.
Is it just me, or...
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... AS I WAS SAYING, the next one is Yavanna, who left most of her work in Middle-Earth, and who would visit it sometimes to heal the wounds Melkor did; every time she would return, she would claim they needed to finally defeat him, until the Children of Ilùvatar come. With her, Middle-Earth was often visited by Oromë; he would hunt the dark servants of Melkor, and they would scatter from him, but come together once he would leave.
This was the state of Arda as it awaited Elves and Men. None of the Ainur knew when will they arrive, for Eru kept it secret. Similarly, only he knew the difference between them.
Elves were to be fair and wise, skilled in all arts and crafts, immortal and untouched by age or illness; their fates, however, would be forever bound to Arda, similar to Ainur, and if they die, they would heal in the Halls of Mandos and live again. Sorry, elves. No escaping the narrative for you.
Men, however, had the opposite gift - Death. Their days in Arda were limited, and their souls would long to go away from the Circles of the World. They were short-lived, but it was them who would finish the world the Ainur started, and it was them who would sing in the Second Song of the Ainur.
The tragedy of it all was, death was meant as blessing; as libertation, as a way to new possibilities; Melkor, however, in his hatred made humans fear it, and made it associated with him instead of Eru. This is why some claim Men are Melkor's servants, though he hated humans greatly.
However, let's leave the Children of Ilùvatar for another occasion. Let's relax in the Bliss of Days, and lets not think of all the upcoming tragedies.
taglist: @none-ofthisnonsense
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Tales From The Front Log: Endless Ocean Luminous
This was a $30-$40 game labelled as a $60 one. It’s fun but after a day or two you’ll find yourself quickly bored. Yikes. I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about this one. I’m not angry at it, but I’m just going to lay it all out as it is.
Endless Ocean suffers from what I consider to be the worst thing that can happen to a game. It’s just… not much to talk about. It’s largely nothing. Good games will be remembered. Bad games will also be remembered. Maybe not made again, but we still talk about trite like Superman 64.
Nothing games? No one talks about. Which is sad because I love games like this, but I don’t see this as a franchise Nintendo will continue to make because no one from the casual sphere will be asking for it after this. (And despite what many folks believe, you need casuals to buy games like this from companies like Nintendo to convince the corpos that they are still worth making).
Let’s talk about this ocean diving game and where it went wrong.
Firstly the story-mode. Hate it. The story itself is very… okay. Nothing special but serviceable. My big problem is the progression. It’s locked behind doing TONS of exploring instead of just letting players enjoy the story at the pace they want to enjoy it! (Probably because players would finish it in a matter of hours and put it down forever because it would have little left to offer. The replay value is nonexistent and there is no incentive to play longer.)
Additionally the only person who ever speaks is your AI computer companion and I could not care less about anything that thing says. It’s dull and lazy. All the divers just flail around. You’re telling me we can have special magic fish which I can suck the light out of to save magic coral, but no communicators so the divers can actually speak to each other? Okay💨.
I’m being harsh here. But when I see a $60 price tag with Nintendo’s name attached I expect more than this. And while I am going to get into the stuff I like it’s hard to ignore to mediocre nature of the game.
For example this game is just… empty. It feels weirdly lifeless despite being heavily populated by fish. Probably because they don’t feel like they’re really there sometimes. You can swim right through nearly all the models. The maps are huge but I actually think this is a disservice because they largely don’t do anything interesting with them. There aren’t many different biomes to visit randomly, you can’t interact with anything other than treasures that just give you nearly meaningless currency. It’s just diet New Pokemon Snap. And Pokemon Snap arguably does the job much better despite being on rails.
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And the more I think about it… the more I realize that it really does have a LARGE amount of similarities with New Pokemon Snap in terms of story and function. Even down to the luminescent giant creatures! I would almost say if you want the Endless Ocean: Luminous experience of wandering around looking at stuff you should just go play that. The environments are prettier, Pokemon react to your presence, Pokemon react to each other, you interact with environment, you get items, and you get tons of unique biomes. Or just play the original Endless Ocean games because they’re way better.
In Endless Ocean: Luminous you’re just kinda dropped off in a big blue pool. The water even looks kinda hazy when you’re in it. There’s no weather, no sunsets, no beautiful ocean moonlit nights. Just… big blue planes of nothing. And there are fun places to explore sometimes. Like ruins, old ships, some caves, and the depths. This is in the minority though.
In majority there’s big flat sand planes of fucking blue nothing. With rocks. And you’ll spend more time there than you will anywhere else. Especially in multiplayer.
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That’s all you really do in Endless Ocean: Luminous. You wander around and look at shit. Which I like games like this in theory. Outer Wilds and Paradise Killer are also “look around” games. But they also have compelling narratives and gimmicks to keep players hooked. And I’m not arguing it’s not fun to poke around in Endless Ocean: Luminous. I did have a fun time swimming around. I’m just also saying you’ll get bored quick.
This extends to the multiplayer. Which boils down to who can wander around and look at everything the fastest. That’s it. You’re given emotes but players rarely interact with each other and are given basically no incentive to. I guess you can join the mode to feel less lonely. It’ll get you through the story mode quicker than working on your own.
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I just… additionally one of the big selling points was you could be with up to 30 people in a room but this isn’t quite true. It’s up to 10 random people. The other TWENTY you need to have friends or join a stream. And practically NO ONE was streaming this on Twitch ON LAUNCH. The amount was painfully low for a Nintendo IP. I wasn’t expecting Mario numbers but it was kinda pathetic. 🤷‍♀️ I was genuinely disappointed. The large amount of players in one room sounded fun.
But at the same time 10 players on one map can actually be too much at times and leave little for players to do as you witch hunt for the one fish that hasn’t been scanned. A weird conundrum.
So… what did I like about this game??? I did mention I would talk about stuff I liked.
The variety of fish was good. I like that all the fish got factoid excerpts that could be read aloud. Though I’m irked I can’t play the verbal explanation and look around at the same time. While the game is very basic it’s still fun to poke around and look at stuff! There is interesting stuff to look at. I appreciate the fantasy elements.
I like the idea of the fish bosses you have to lure out. Though I wish luring them out required learning about the fish and using something special for that fish to get them to reveal themselves. They want it to be a big grand event but it’s really not.
The fish models actually look really good and detailed. If you know your ocean life you can properly identify the fish for what they are. As someone who loves ocean life this actually matters to me quite a bit. Weirdly enough I’m disappointed the plant/coral life was lacking. It would’ve been a good way to add to the catalogue. Might just be a me thing but ocean plants are as equally interesting as the fish.
I appreciate that there’s no combat. As I don’t have a strong spine for ocean horror. (I have to play Subnautica with creature aggression turned completely off.).
Fish companions. Great choice. Being able to unlock bigger fish friends over time and respecting their dive capacity was also a great choice. My favorite ended up being the starfish since they could just attach to your tank. Too cute. (Though… we needed urchins in the game too. Just saying…)
Actually. This leads me to another real niche nitpick. We can have fantasy fish but the all the plants outside of the World Coral are BLAND normal ass plants??!?
*Flips table*
MORE PLANTS and CORAL GOD DAMMIT. I WANT TO LOOK AT PRETTY PLANTS WITH MY PRETTY FISH. It’s not a lot to ask! I want Subnautica level plant decoration even if it’s on a budget. Barbie Ocean Discovery has more COLOR in the background for Christ’s sake.
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*Ahem*. Sorry. Ocean stuff is a hyper fixation, but I promise I’m not actually mad. Ha ha. Can you imagine?
The customizable avatar and emotes is… cute. Really. I swear. But you likely won’t last long enough to unlock anything truly complex before moving on.
The idea of events is cute, but don’t mean much. It’s largely just increased rates for rare creatures to appear. Eh.
In short Endless Ocean: Luminous is a fairly empty game with a LOT of padding for $60. You can tell they wanted a cozy game that players would play for longer than a few days, but you likely won’t. I’m not going to argue it’s valueless to pick up. I’m just going to say that you deserve to not buy it at the price Nintendo wanted us to buy it at.
Buy it on sale and just accept it for what it is.
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Summary: Spencer is going home. The two of you share a heartfelt farewell. Is this really goodbye? Pairing: Mermaid!Spencer Reid x Reader Word count: 4.9k Category: Angst, hurt/comfort Rating: T Warnings: Pseudo-breakups and bittersweet goodbyes A/N: boundless is a story about love but it's also a story about loss. about the fear of losing others, and the fear of losing ourselves. about knowing others on an intimate level—to the point where words are neither necessary nor enough—you just know each other. it's about the complexity of relationships and the uncertainty of everything. because sometimes the most important things or people in our lives are like the ocean: beautiful and out of reach. and that's okay. because no matter what happens, and even if it's not the way you pictured it, you are not alone. no one deserves to go through anything alone. thank you all so much for reading.
read it on ao3 | series masterlist
[previous chapter]
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It was dark when you woke up. The kind of dark where you couldn’t see your hand in front of you. At least, not until your eyes adjusted to the lack of light. As you waited for your vision to clear, you thought about how you didn’t know what it was like to live in the sea, but you imagined it would feel like this. Dark, until it wasn’t anymore.
Perhaps it would feel a little like floating, wading. That moment when you dive into the deep end of a pool after you’ve breached the surface but before you’ve reached the bottom. In some kind of limbo where sinking is the easiest thing in the world. Except the bottom is endless, the pressure suffocating, and it can be hard to just look up and catch a glimpse of the sun hitting the waves above. Captured, in those moments, between the dark and the light. That’s what it felt like waking up in the middle of the night to go see Spencer.
In any other circumstances, you’d be thrilled, overjoyed, to have someone like him in your life. But even in the midst of his sea-song laugh and shared looks and touches, you couldn’t shake the dread in the pit of your stomach. The inevitability that finally came to a head today.
Spencer was going home.
Not for good—you knew that. But it wouldn’t ever be the same. You wouldn’t ever be the same. Holding onto what you and Spencer both wanted was like trying to hold onto sand. Not impossible, but it slowly slips through your fingers all the same. That almost made the ache simultaneously better and worse.
You sat up as your eyes settled on your surroundings. You grabbed your phone to shut off the quiet alarm that had been going off for the better half of a minute and glanced at the clock on the screen. 3:45 AM. It was time.
Shimmying out of bed and into something more fitting for bringing a mermaid out to the beach at three o’clock in the morning, you tamped down your emotions. Relentlessly trying to calm the waves. You briefly thought back to your talk with Tara mere hours ago, hoping that you weren’t waking her up now.
“Tomorrow, huh?” Tara had asked as you emerged from the bathroom. Water dripped down your legs, forming little circles around your feet.
“Yeah. Kind of middle of the night, actually, so not too long from now.” You fiddled with the towel around your shoulders, picking at a loose thread. Tara thinned her lips.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
You exhaled. “Me, too.” The silence between you two grew. You weren’t mad at Tara, you just knew she wouldn’t be able to understand the depth of your feelings, the cycling of your thoughts. She’d never had to return her mermaid boyfriend to the ocean. And in other circumstances, you might have laughed at the ridiculousness of that sentence.
“You might hate me, but I did buy a wagon recently. Might come in handy,” Tara shrugged, noncommittal. You furrowed your brows.
“A wagon?”
“Well, someone broke our wheelbarrow trying to get her boyfriend to move in with her,” she countered, cheeky. You couldn’t resist the snort of laughter that came out of you.
“God,” you shook your head. “I wish it were that simple.” You blinked back any telltale signs of sadness, determined to get through this night—you would get through this—when Tara laid a hand on your arm.
“Good luck.”
“Thank you,” you whispered as Tara walked away, back into her room. You rolled back your shoulders, determined to get a few hours of rest before what laid ahead. “I’ll need it.”
Now, shy of the crack of dawn, you were back at the closed bathroom door, steadying your breath. You rested the handle of the wheelbarrow on the ground, careful not to make any loud noises. Though you were sure this whole process would eventually wake Tara up regardless. But you knew she wouldn’t come out and disturb you. This felt like a private moment. You gripped the doorknob—preparing yourself for the final time you were ever going to open the door to see Spencer in the tub—and gently pushed it open.
“Hey,” you greeted as coffee-colored eyes peered up at you over the surface of the water, in that way that never ceased to make you giggle. Even now, you felt your mouth turn upwards of its own volition.
“Hey yourself,” he replied, pushing himself to rest his arms on the edge of the tub, his chin on his arms. You took a seat next to him and left the door open behind you. Just a crack. Maybe because there was a part of you that knew that if you closed that door, you’d never want to open it again. You’d want to stay here, forever, you and Spencer lounging in the water and reading each other Shakespeare until the end of time, when you would both grow old and pruny. But his graying pallor grounded you in reality. You gripped his forearm, smiled sadly.
“You’re going home, Spence.” You tried your best to keep a positive lilt to your voice. Tried to not make it sound like the world was crashing down around you like waves in a storm. You weren’t sure if you were successful.
Spencer swished his tail in the water, the sound drowning out your racing thoughts just for a moment. He sat there, contemplating, a watery grin on his face. He looked up at you, unwilling or unable to address the situation, you weren’t sure. “I like it when you call me Spence.”
“I know,” you sighed, ran you fingers through wet locks and down his scalp. He leaned into the motion.
“I…” Spencer bit his lip as he eased himself into his next sentence, “I wish I could take you with me,” he whispered. You thought of sinking down into the dark depths below. Floating, falling.
“I know.” Spencer eyed the exit, glimpsing the handle of the wagon just beyond the doorway.
“Would it make you feel better if I said there was something Shakespearean about the inevitability of all of this?” He asked as looked up at you through his lashes. Pointedly ignoring what he just saw. The reality of it all. You exhaled, ruffled his wet hair.  There was no more time to get lost between the pages of books, oceans of literature. You both needed to go back to your lives. Because this—whatever it was—couldn’t be everything. You weren’t Romeo and Juliet. Except maybe, in some more mundanely tragic way, you were.
“Only if you tell me about it next Sunday,” you told him. He licked his lips.
“Next Sunday,” he affirmed, putting his full weight behind the words. As though those two little words could hold you together like tape and glue. And maybe you needed that right now. Maybe you needed a little tape and glue.
Not that you’d ever admit it to Tara, but the wagon was definitely easier. It had taken some problem solving, but eventually you got Spencer into the wagon and the two of you had set off to the shoreline. You paved the way, dragging him through the sand behind you. Part of you wished you could see Spencer, hold his gaze for as long as you possibly could before the eventual separation, but there was another part of you that couldn’t bear it. If you were being honest with yourself, you’d probably go through a thousand hurricanes to try to wipe that sad look off his face. But you didn’t deserve to go through something like that. Spencer knew it, too, which is why it had to happen like this. Now. As much as you could fantasize about the happily ever after, there was something Shakespearean about the inevitability of it all. The pleading you wanted to do with whatever cruel fate was out there, asking some force of nature for a way this could work. If the moon had the power to pull the tides out to sea, would it be so kind as to let Spencer stay in your arms for a little while longer? But maybe this just wasn’t meant to be. Or maybe it was. Just not in the way you wanted.
“The usual spot should work, right?” You asked without turning around. As though this were some Greek myth and looking at Spencer would only make him disappear.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “That should work.”
And with that, you tugged along the wagon the final few minutes until you were up against the rocks, waded out a few feet into the water. You hoisted yourself up onto the cool surface and took a deep breath before turning to help Spencer into the water. Your eyes locked as your hands met, the air quickly siphoning out of your lungs. What was it about Spencer that made you feel like a fish out of water?
You let him use you for leverage as he maneuvered himself out of the wagon and into the shallow end. You gently helped move his tail, the touch sending a shiver through him. Your stomach flipped at the sight. Spencer situated himself in the water and leaned his forearms against a rock just below yours, almost level. You leaned forward to compensate. Not even a foot of distance between the two of you, and you couldn’t bring yourself to back away. Instead, you took his hands in yours, and sat like that, palms clasped, as the sky began to lighten to that familiar greyish-blue. You weren’t sure how much time had passed when he finally spoke.
“Y/N, you have changed me in ways I can’t describe. Irreversible ways. Ways that would have some of the more close-minded folks back home losing it.” You ran your fingers over his knuckles, savoring the feel. You considered his words carefully as you chose yours.
“You’ve changed me too, you know,” you said. Because it was true. A wave crested against the rocks to your left, a grand punctuation to the statement. It all felt terribly dramatic, but maybe that’s just how it felt to feel this way towards someone. Like all the world’s a stage.
“In a good way, I hope?” He bit his lip, and you huffed a laugh. Nodded.
“Yeah. In a good way,” you affirmed. “Of course, in a good way.”
“Good,” he replied. Spencer flipped your hands over and brushed the pads of his fingers over your palm once more, igniting sparks in their path. “I’d never want to do anything that would change you for the worse. You matter to me, you know,” he whispered, chewing on his lip once more. His eyes met yours, determined and sad. Your breath hitched at the intensity of his gaze, and you forced yourself to exhale. Swallowed.
“I know, Spence.” You gripped his hand tightly. “I know.”
 “I love you.”
The words hit you like a wave. You were kind of hoping he wouldn’t say it. Maybe because part of you had hoped you could just go back to the way things were, even though deep down you knew that could never happen. But saying those words…that felt permanent. Like you couldn’t take those back. Spencer couldn’t take them back. Not that he would. You knew Spencer well enough at this point to know the care and intent he puts behind his words. You knew him like you knew your favorite book. Words cemented in your brain, stories that lingered. You could identify him from the shapes his mouth makes when he speaks, from the tone that he takes before you two say goodbye every week. You’d know him across oceans. You knew him. And that’s how you knew he loved you. But even with all of this knowledge, you never could’ve predicted how hearing those words spoken aloud would make you feel.
See, sometimes, you’d look at Spencer, and feel this sense of longing. And sometimes you’d think you were filled with so much longing, that it couldn’t possibly fit in your body. You’d fall apart in this heaping mess of wanting and yearning. But somehow, you kept it together. Even now, as that feeling intensified tenfold at the sound of those little words. Waking you up like a polar bear plunge at the crack of dawn. Drowning you in the joy of peanut butter sandwiches shared with someone special. Somehow, you managed to grab Spencer’s hand, squeeze it tight, and say…
“I love you, too.”
Spencer laughed, his beautiful sea-song laugh, and you joined in, unsure whether it was joyous or despondent or somewhere in between. Uniquely bittersweet.
“I’ve never been this happy and sad all at once,” you voiced. Spencer placed a finger under your chin, tilting up your face.
“Hey.” He looked at you, determined. “Next Sunday.”
“Next Sunday,” you echoed, and he nodded, retracting his hand. His tongue darted out between his lips; the nervous habit dampened by the tears cascading down to the corners of his mouth. He let out of watery laugh.
“It—it tastes like home,” he said, slightly alarmed. You cocked your head, hummed, questioning. Spencer’s eyes darted between yours, searching.
“I’ve never cried on land before. I—” Spencer licked his lips once more, finding the words. “Why does sadness taste like home? Why is sorrow this horribly familiar?”
You felt a tear of your own roll down your cheek before you quickly wiped it away. “I wish I knew,” you told him. Another tear of your own escaped, and you let it run its course. You couldn’t stop what was happening. You shouldn’t. After all, you’d already tried. And all that did was serve as a reminder that mermaids don’t belong in bathtubs.
All that time in the aftermath of the storm—maybe even before the storm—it was an unspoken thing. Whispered in on a cool ocean breeze. This was never going to work. Because it couldn’t. Not in the way you both needed it to. He was a creature of the sea, and you were the person who went ahead and fell in love with him. Except he fell in love with you, too. Romeo and Juliet never felt more cruelly poetic.
Someone always wants more than the other can give. Luke’s warning wasn’t totally accurate. What could you call it when you both wanted the same things, but they were cruelly out of reach? You could give him the world’s largest bathtub, but he would never be safe on the shore. Spencer could give you the entire ocean in all its endless beauty, but you’d never feel at home in the sea. You couldn’t overcome this last barrier without sacrificing a bit of yourselves. You wouldn’t want that for him, not really. And he would never ask you to do it, either. You couldn’t force it. So, you would take what you could get, whatever that was.
“Next Sunday?” Spencer asked, hopeful. You nodded, blinking back tears.
“Next Sunday.” Truthfully, you didn’t know how you’d be able to bear seeing him knowing what you know now.
Spencer grazed his hand against your cheek, knuckles soft against your skin. Water dripped from his fingertips, leaving your cheeks even more damp than they already were. You looked up at him—his deep honey-brown eyes, long lashes, pink lips. Watched, enthralled, when a flash of tongue poked out as he licked them. He shifted, rotated his hand so that it cupped your jaw. All the air suddenly sucked out of your lungs. Like a fish out of water. Yet you knew it wasn’t air you were lacking.
You leaned down, slowly, until your forehead came to rest against his. Damp curls pressed against the top of your head. You kept your eyes open, flicking down to glance at his tail drifting in and out of the water. You looked back up to find Spencer staring at you, something desperate in his gaze. As though he was the ocean itself and you were the shore, and nothing could stop him from reaching you.
Air whooshed in your ears as a wave broke around you, misting your face lightly. It was then that Spencer kissed you.
His lips were warm, contrasting the cool ocean breeze, the chill of the rocks. His hand gripped the line of your jaw as you kissed him back fervently. The tiny ocean beneath your ribs kicking up a storm. You snuck away to glance at him, the desperation in his gaze, the quirk of his mouth. You couldn’t help but smile as the two of you came back together, cresting and falling with each press of lips. Cyclical.
Your fingers slid along his cheek, under his chin, holding him close to you as you breathed him in. He tasted like saltwater and coffee and something else you couldn’t put into words. But words didn’t really matter right now. What mattered was Spencer swiping his tongue against your bottom lip in a way that made you groan.
As you opened yourself up to him, his hands tightened against you, grasping at your shoulders. That same quiet frenzy you felt as you held onto him. Sand slipping through your fingers.
Spencer broke away first, the need for air trumping his desire to be kissing you. You heard another wave crash in the distance, everything around you having suddenly increased in volume now that you weren’t absorbed in Spencer. You framed his face with your hands, leaned your forehead against his.
“I’ll see you in a few days,” you said.
“Not if I see you first,” he replied, cheeky. You kissed the grin off his face, partly because you could, partly because you wanted him to stay for just a moment longer.
Spencer leaned back, traced your cheekbone with his thumb, and gently kissed the invisible line he had just drawn. Then, with a sad smile, he dipped back under the waves, blue-green fins drifting up and over the current before disappearing into the deep.
You stood up and watched as the ripples caused by the motion spread out across the surface. Overlapping and intertwining until the eventual natural sway of the waves overtook it. The silence was overbearing. Yet even with Spencer so far away, you still felt it. The rhythm. A kind of interconnectedness no words could name, no dictionary could define. The ocean was a cruel and heartless place, but it was also one of wonder.
You were about to turn away when you heard a splash to your left. Suddenly, a familiar mop of wet brown curls emerged into view. Spencer leaned forward against the rocks, sending your heart fluttering through your chest. He flashed you a crooked smile. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you laughed in disbelief. You ran back towards the water, leaning down to meet him. And as the waves arched up to meet the shore, you and Spencer collided once again. Arms tight, shifting from two almost-lovers into something undefinable. Because while you couldn’t be together in the way you longed for, not even the entire stretch of the sea could keep you apart for long.
“I told you I’d see you first,” he said, smile audible. You huffed a laugh. Your clothes were clinging uncomfortably to you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not when it came to Spencer. Not now when he was holding you in a way that felt secure, familiar. You both had come a long way since that hug you shared in your bathroom the first night of the storm. You pulled away to get a good look at him, droplets of water descending down the curve of his nose, the curls in his hair. You ran your hands up and down his shoulders as you followed a droplet running down to his lip, unable to tear your gaze away. When you looked back up, Spencer’s eyes flicked up to meet your stare. Then, back down. And without a moment’s hesitation, his lips were back on yours. As you gave into the kiss, you secretly hoped that there would be more of this in your future. Even if this was kind of goodbye. You couldn’t be certain of anything, but neither could Spencer. That was maybe the only thing you couldbe certain of.
“Okay, now I really do have to go,” he said as he broke the kiss, a grin plastered on his face. You felt your cheeks heat as you attempted to present yourself as less breathless than you really were. Spencer’s grin only widened as he watched this happen. You couldn’t fool him. He knew you.
“Okay,” you nodded.
“Okay,” he affirmed, kissing you once more, quick, but still meaningful enough to create a tsunami in your chest.
And then he was gone—for real this time—along with all the words you could not say.
But you weren’t sad. Or…you weren’t as sad as you thought you would be. You couldn’t exactly say you were happy, either, after all. No. You were somewhere in between. And you’d stay there for a while. In the in between. It wasn’t where you wanted to be but trying to control what was going on in your heart was as fruitless as trying to control the ocean itself. So, you sauntered across the rocks, picked up the handle to the now-empty wagon, and made your way back toward the house. You licked your lips as you felt the dampness travel down your face.
Penelope and Tara were in the living room when you walked through the door, leaving the wagon at the entrance. You overheard Penelope ask what was wrong as you sulked down the hallway, heading towards the solitary bubble of your bedroom.
“Oh, she and this guy she’d been seeing broke up. She’s taking it pretty hard,” Tara whispered.
“Aw, poor bub,” Penelope replied, sincere.
You sniffed, almost wanting to laugh at Tara’s wording. You still couldn’t truly define what you and Spencer had, if you were seeing each other or if it was something else entirely, but Tara aptly described the situation. Because, yeah, you were taking it pretty hard.
As you made your way down the hallway, you stopped in front of the bathroom, heart stuttering in your chest. You pushed open the door, stomach sinking at how small and cold and empty the room felt now that Spencer was gone. You sunk down to the floor in front of the tub, leaned back against it and closed your eyes. You took deep breaths as a substitute for the tears that threatened to spill. It wasn’t as though he was gone for good. You’d see him again. Things just wouldn’t be the same. Maybe they would be better, maybe worse. You just couldn’t know, and you kind of accepted that. But part of you still yearned for that blissful ignorance you’d once shared with him. Peanut butter sandwiches and a close kinship. No grand romantic feelings declared to complicate things.
As you scanned the bathroom, a flash of blue-green caught your eye. You bent down, peering underneath the barren clawfoot tub. A solitary book laid discarded underneath, just barely in sight. You picked up the tattered copy, only stopping once you glimpsed the cover.
Romeo & Juliet.
You chuckled, tearful. Sadness and happiness and everything in between bubbled up beneath your ribs at the sight. Carefully, you flipped through the water-soaked pages, annotations in two different handwritings littering the margins. You smiled, bittersweet, at the smudged ink. Eventually, you got to the last pages. You were about to put the book away when you saw more writing on the final blank page. It was Spencer’s endearingly shaky penmanship. Like a ship called to sea, you settled further back against the edge of the tub and gripped the book tight, feeling everything you’d been holding back spill over as you read Spencer’s final written words to you.
Tara interrupted your thoughts with a knock on the door, resting against the frame. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, let out a watery laugh. “No, not really.” You let the book rest in your lap, a finger bookmarking the page. “You’re up early. Penelope, too.”
She shut the door behind her, bent down to sit beside you. You were selfishly glad you had Tara. You hoped Spencer would be able to confide in someone where he was, too. This wasn’t something anyone should have to face alone.
“I thought you’d need a friend, and Penelope is one of those freaky morning people,” Tara explained as she got comfortable on the ground. She sighed. “I’m sorry,” she comforted you as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, bringing you into her chest. You snaked an arm around her waist, clutching the paper in your hand.  “How’d it go?”
“I’m in love with him,” you admitted, letting the words spill out. “And he’s in love with me. But now he’s gone. And I don’t even know if we were really together, you know? We never talked about it. It was like a non-breakup.”
She nodded, silent for a beat. “You’ll see him again, though, yeah?”
“He came back not even a minute after he left, actually,” you laughed. “Next Sunday. I’ll be seeing him next Sunday.” You repeated it to yourself like a mantra. Tara smiled.
“See? He’s not gone. At least not for good.”
“I know. It just hurts. Knowing that this—whatever it is—is real, but we can’t quite have it.”
Tara crossed her legs as she ran her hand up and down your arm. “I wish things were different for you two. I’ve never seen you so happy before he came around,” she admitted. You sighed.
“He makes me happy. He still does. I’m just more sad than happy right now, I think.” You sniffed, and Tara pulled you in closer to her. You leaned your head against her shoulder, and she rested her head against yours.
“I wish I could make it better,” she offered. “Do you want me to make you some hot chocolate?” You snorted at the suggestion.
“It’s August. And it’s like a hundred degrees outside,” you countered with logic. Tara shrugged, slightly shifting you with the motion.
“I refuse to place seasonal limitations on enjoying hot chocolate.”
You chuckled. “Okay. I’ll have some. In a minute, though. Just…stay here for a little while longer?” You glanced up at her, vulnerable. She hummed, gave you another squeeze.
“Anything you need.”
You exhaled shakily, burrowing into her embrace, grateful for the luxury to fall apart. You thought back to last night, when you were almost mad at her lack of understanding. Now, you couldn’t imagine not having her to lean on. “Penelope won’t be upset that I’m hoarding her girlfriend?”
“Have you met the woman? If I hadn’t come up here, she’d break this door down herself and lovingly smother you. I figured you could use some time before getting smothered.”
You barked a laugh before turning to face Tara again. “She’s a good one.”
“I know,” she agreed. You sat up, bringing your hands together to fidget.
“And I appreciate it. I appreciate you,” you told her. It was silent for a beat before Tara said anything.
“Wow, you are taking this hard.”
“Shut up,” you nudged her shoulder with your own. “Shouldn’t you be saying I told you so?”
“Hey,” she moved her hand down to grab yours. “No. Absolutely not, you hear me? As much as I love being right, never at this kind of cost. You’re important to me, you know.”
“Wow, I should go through devastating non-breakups more often,” you joked. Tara chuckled.
“Now who needs to shut up?” You smiled, filled with a gratitude that made the sadness ache just a little less. You both sat in silence for a while, Tara clasping your hand in hers, your heads resting together once more.
“I’m not okay,” you spoke suddenly. She hummed.
“I know.”
“But I will be.” You looked up at her, attempting to be hopeful. She smiled at you, small.
“I know.”
After several minutes of sitting on the bathroom floor in silence—well, save for some sniffling on your part—Tara pulled you up so the two of you set out to get some hot chocolate. You stopped in front of the door, though, and motioned for Tara to give you a minute. She nodded and silently slipped out of the room, leaving you alone in the too-small bathroom. It really felt so much larger with Spencer in here to keep you company.
You made your way back to the empty tub, picking up the copy of Romeo and Juliet you’d left just below it. You smoothed out the wrinkled edges of the note Spencer had left you, dropped it onto the small table that lay just to your right, reading it again. And then reading it once more for good measure. Then, you stood up straight, rolled back your shoulders, and turned to leave. You shut off the lights and exited the room, closing the door on this chapter, but leaving it open just a crack. Because this story wasn’t finished. There’d be more to come, you were sure of it. What that entailed, you weren’t sure, but you knew that no matter what happened, you would be okay.
Now, in the darkened bathroom, the book remained open, its message facing the empty room:
Y/N, my love for you is boundless. And like the waves of the sea repeatedly crashing into the shore, kissing the sand over and over again, I will always come back to you.
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femmenature · 1 year
come back, please
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Ellie dislikes the ocean, even though they are similar in many ways. Fierce, as strong as no one or nothing. Everyone talks about their strength but no one can describe it unless you try it yourself. And even if you get beaten up so badly you want to go back, no matter what. To dive in and stay, as if nothing had happened. Because even if you don't want to, she gives you a peace of mind that only she can give you. Also when you finally get out of there, it gives you an overwhelming cold that only makes you think about going back. When you get into the ocean it drags you in so that you don't get out, I don't want to get out either. At this point I'm talking about Ellie. We have broken our relationship so many times I can't count them but I can't part with her. Every time we come back from a risky expedition we look at each other and know that we are nothing without a "we".
"What are you thinking?" she whispered as she tucked the blanket around her shoulders.
"I was just thinking about how similar you are to the ocean."
"Really? You know we're not the best of friends" she laughed as she closed her eyes for a moment.
"Maybe you're afraid of it because you're the same."
"Is that a bad thing?" she looked at me with puppy eyes.
"I love the ocean. I love you. It can't be a bad thing. I just feel trapped sometimes."
"I make you feel trapped? Because you just keep coming back to me. I don't force you."
"I know Ellie. I'm always coming back. You don't trap me, you just always look at me in that way that makes me come back no matter what. And it makes me mad. Because we can wish each other dead in a tsunami of words but when the tide calms down it starts to pull me back in without me even realizing it. Or maybe I do notice, I just don't want to admit it."
"You know you are the most important thing to me. You only need to look at me to know it. I don't look at anyone this way, I can't and I don't want to. And if I have to argue all my life with you looking at that angry face I'll gladly do it, because the most hateful thing you have as long as it's yours, to me, is the most beautiful thing I could ever appreciate in my life. I don't mind having to break up a thousand times as long as in the end we are together, as always. I love you, I love your crazy comparisons you make about me and the ocean. I love your witticisms and the laughs you get out of me every day with them. I love everything about you, you know that?" she asked me as she caressed my cheek with an inexplicable love that only she could provoke.
"I don't know how you do it. But at times I feel like we're not in an apocalypse. Not even on planet earth. I just feel like it's you and me, nowhere specific. Just you, that's enough." She came up to me with her sparkling eyes and kissed every corner of my face until she reached my lips to whisper to me how I am the most beautiful picture anyone has ever painted.
Every day I wonder if this redhead knows what she makes me feel.
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Sorry, I'm not the best in English.
i -
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torchickentacos · 1 year
i love seeing your long tags they make me so happy. and YOU SHOULD DO THE ALBUMS THING. IF NOBODY ELSE GOT YOU I GOT YOU. GIVE DREW HIS REPUTATION ERA
THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH!!! I'm so glad people like my tags, sometimes I worry I'm too long-winded, or that I get too off-topic, so it's nice hearing that people like my train of thoughts! ALSO THE ALBUM THING!!!!! I WILL!!! IN FACT I SHALL DO IT RIGHT HERE! under the cut! talking abt taylor swift songs and lyrics and blorbos, if that's not your vibe feel free to scroll <3 /genuine, not sarcastic or shady or anything!!! I'll just see you around later, blondie isn't for everyone! So, pokeani specific characters as taylor swift eras/albums! Long. Like, really long even for me, this is just a pure infodump. Reblogs/comments with further discussion ENCOURAGED!!!!! I love talking to you guys lol, feel free to open this to your own favorite artists too. Kind of a random selection of characters.
OKAY LET'S GO!!! First off, I think that Dawn has always had a 1989 vibe to me. 1989 is sonically one of my lesser favorites honestly, but I think it's intriguing because it's this super poppy, mainstream hit after hit album but it's also just so deeply... unsure, in some ways. You've got shake it off and blank space, pop hits but also hits that are very acutely self-deprecating in the way that they try to come off as unbothered. It's parody but at her own expense, making fun of her own image and portrayal. Dawn is very bright and cheery but is also this very self-unsure, nervous individual in my interpretation of her and I think that parallels nicely. We open with welcome to new york, which makes me think of Dawn's contest debut! Dawn was very intentional in becoming a coordinator, rather than May who kind of stumbled into it. "Everybody here wanted something more" just makes me think of her ambition. So: Dawn, 1989. Big debut into her profession (pop debut, contests), very self-aware but tries to brush it off, but still a very bright and fun person.
Gary: does monologue song count LMAO. Joking, I think Red. Upbeat and loud and self-assured at first (22, I knew you were trouble), but you dive down deep and see that the seemingly shallow pool is actually a huge ocean of a character/album that will stand long beyond its time and cement itself as a fan favorite. I think Holy Ground really fits him, though I cannot for the life of me explain why. However, the cockiness /affectionate of I Bet You Think About Me fits him SO WELL!!! Also. "I'll be summer sun for you, forever".
Misty: Debut. Classic, the OG, might burn your house down, unhinged teenage girl energy. Hates that STUPID OLD PICKUP TRUCK YOU NEVER LET HER DRIVE. She's energetic, loud, and a trailblazer for all the albums and pokegirls to come. Starting off with a BANG and a banjo. Not much else to say, just pure iconic energy (but with a soft side!!! secretly a HUGE romantic).
Drew: Okay, a weird one. I almost went Evermore (introspective to almost a fault, way too in his own head, a dreamer in his own way and a timeless romantic) but ultimately I think my interpretation of Drew is just SO reputation. Cold on the outside, but the most romantic, soft interior once you get to know him. Drew also is a famous coordinator and has his own fan club (in canon, consisting of moms who have merch of him for... some reason, which. shoutout to the discord friends that have dubbed it the milf club- or was that my fault???? that might have been a taylorism [me taylor lol, not swift taylor]) BUT ANYWAYS Rep explores themes of finding love in crowed places which I tend to lean into in contestshipping fics and ideas, themes of avoiding fame and finding that balance of letting people in versus shutting them out. Also, you either love him or hate him, I've noticed, much like reputation. He comes off a bit offputting at first and people tend to write him off as annoying before they get to know him (cough, first tracks of rep are not at all indicative of rep as a whole BUT FUCKING SLAP ONCE YOU GET THE VIBES!) Also because I will defend both of them until death.
May: I was stuck between a LOT for my favorite girlie. I know you have her as lover which is SO PERFECT but i think anime may specifically feels very fearless/speak now. I went with Fearless, but it could go either way with a brief shoutout to Red who almost made it. Fearless is kind of in her own little world, lost in thought, a dreamer who is still figuring it all out. But like May, Fearless has some spunk, too! I think specifically Tell Me Why reminds me a LOT of May and Harley's rivalry. "You took a swing, I took it hard, and down here from the ground I see who you are". Minus the romantic part of it, it reminds me SO SO SO much of Harley's supportive act and then turning on her, back and forth. Fearless is naive, and so is May. "And I know that you see what you're doing to me- tell me why!" I think ultimately though, Fearless is finding her way. Fearless is in new territory, making her own path as a dreamer and an optimist. Also, just entirely nostalgic. I saw Fearless in concert as a kid and May has always been my favorite, just very nostalgic for me for both of them.
Iris: Speak Now! Spunky. A little outta pocket. Would probably call you out for marrying a shitty person in the middle of your own damn wedding. Purple. I still don't have an amazing grasp on Iris, but Speak Now is THAT BITCH who SPEAKS HER MIND whether it's THE TIME FOR IT OR NOT and I think that feels very Iris to me in the best way. Iris is not afraid, she's here to be heard, but she's also just. soft. baby. friend.
Paul: Okay, weird one here. Paul has... issues. Problems. I think that in an ideal world we get a paul redemption and he was written a bit differently, and I think that Paul could have his Midnights era, very retrospective and kind of looking at things that went wrong in the past and figuring out how to move on from that. Not an album or Taylor, technically, but Renegade by Big Red Machine ft. TS fits, I think. "Are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? Let all your damage damage me? Carry your baggage up my street?" The ultimate song of 'hey, maybe deal with your issues please so I can make you the blorbo I want you to be'. /joking but also not really. Quite literally, "is it insensitive of me to say, get your shit together so I can love you?"
Tracey: Folklore. Soft, gentle, would comfort me while I'm crying at 2 am, would bake cookies with me. Simple as that. "When I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite". I stand by Folklore and Evermore being the albums for people who think they don't like Taylor Swift btw, random side note. I think also, Tracey has this bright imagery with his art, and so does Folklore. Folklore is a very imagery-driven album in its lyrics. It's evocative- I think the biggest examples of this are Invisible String, Illicit Affairs, and Hoax. I'll just close my eyes to those songs and let my mind wander off... which, admittedly, also happens during some orange islands/johto episodes and most of the diancie movie, but you know what I mean lol. They're still a GREAT vibe.
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yellingart · 2 years
Introing characters???
I thought it'd be nice to start the blog to introduce some of the characters that are featured the most in my art since they're -more than likely- gonna be usual guests around here- We're gonna go by parts, introing the few characters I use the most often, in depth, because I love to talk about them and you can't stop me so first in line! Jack! This lil man has my whole heart and you will see him portraid in almost every piece I make-
(Keep reading at the bottom for more facts about him??)
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Jack was created for the first time in 2020 for a roleplay server, he's very important to me as through him I met some amazing amazing people and restored my confidence in my art and my will and desire to create. He did that all on his own. And I love him for that.
Now telling a bit about him, he's 5'3, has a ton of energy and the focus hability of a plastic back in a hurriacane, gets bored super easy and usually struggles to read and write. He has a very special way to view and understand the world, as he has 0 accademic knowledge, but he has such a strong street knowledge and instinct for things. Because of this he usually tends to just believe some things, faith is something really important even if he's not usually christian, he usually has his own beliefs that help him make sense of the world around him.
He's very superstitious as well, and 100% believes in ghost stories. One of my favorite beliefs of him is that he believes the ocean doesn't have a bottom, it just keeps going down till you enter some sort of void empty space and that's where the sea monsters are born and live. Based of the simplest fact: You can't see the bottom if it's deep enough. And you know you too feel like something is lurking below you when you back float in the open ocean, you know you do.
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Regardless, he loves the ocean, and water in general, he really feels at peace in the ocean, and he enjoys fishing among other things, and swimming around. He's quite good at keeping his breath in while diving too!
One of the keys of his character is that he's... just himself, trying his best, all the damn time. He cares so deeply about the world around him and those he considers his family and won't doubt a second before jumping to fight for them. He is very brave but his courage comes from the trust he has in people around him, he's so aware that he alone is worth nothing. Fighting he won't hold back an inch because he trust with his whole damn heart that if he goes down there will be someone having his back that will pick him up.
This can certainly lead him to kind of not measure risk in the best way, and often overestimate his own hability to handle it but there's something in the thrill of the fight and risking it all that really appeal to him. Because if he doesn't try fully, and they lose. If he doesn't give it all, and someone dies. If he doesn't take the chance, and later on they struggle. Then how can he be sure that that wouldn't have happened if he hadn't hold back.
So he tests his own limits a lot which usually leads him to get injured quite a lot. Which leads to the next fact about him: He absolutely, absolutely HATES being at the doctor, while he has a quite high pain tolerance, if he has to sit there and receive stitches or some other form of treatment that implies it will hurt and he knows he can't do nothing but sit there and go through it then he's an absolute BABY about it and will whine and flinch the second the doctor touches him.
He's an awful patience to have, because he also doesn't have the patience to actually like be mindful about healing and will usually get unsufferably bored and try to force himself to get up and do things when he should be resting and in general he's a person that needs a lot of stimulus through his day so he's a quite awful patient to have if he needs to rest or like be bedridden for a bit, absolutely awful.
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Some other hobbies he has are often dancing and anything related to horses. He's sometimes into acting (most times musical theater which is the only times he shows that he actually can sing a little because usually he's too shy to even try unless someone else is singing along with him) and he cares deeply about things.
His main fears toggle around not being good enough and ending up alone and losing people he cares for but he also has some silly fears like the fact that he absolutely hates octopuses, they creep him out, the sight of them moving makes him want to throw up, he absolutely cannot touch them without feeling nauseous.
Some other miscelaneous facts: He's left handed His birthday is in August 7th, he's a Leo He can't cook for shit but he has such a big sweet tooth for anything sweet, cake and baked goods. He drinks like an animal. He's also quite susceptible to fall into addictions too, as in, genetically propense to, sadly. He feels very intense as well, so that can lead him to get stuck in kinda toxic relationships sometimes. But he has an endgame partner, Jasper Buckley, owned by @miscreant-seas, and they love eachother in such a strong way, they're so head over heels for eachother, they're very cute. Here they are together:
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And I believe that would be about it about him. I could ramble about this man forever, but this is good for an introduction I think.
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journalofsorts2 · 1 year
i've accumulated enough posts in my sad folder that it's time for another dump of quotes i got from tiktoks that made me want to bawl my eyes out.
"sometimes if i don't speak on something i feel like the words start eating me from the inside out. but, most times, i find death the easy way out. would i rather deal with being uncomfortable and vocal or finding comfort in death? both sound unpleasant"
"Never, never tell them. Try and remember that. Never tell anyone anything ever. Never tell anyone anything again."
"i killed a plant once because i gave it too much water. lord, i worry that love is violence."
"I did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. I did not like to be touched because I craved it too much. I wanted to be held very tight so I would not break."
"The truth is I stopped talking to you, not because I don't like you anymore but because I thought I was annoying you. And I'm just waiting for you to say that you miss me because I miss you everyday, every hour, every minute, every second and it hurts"
"If a girl is only as good as her mother, then what?"
"Do you still believe that myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered."
"i hate everything i do cause i learned it from you"
"God said: GOD MADE YOU. GOD DOES NOT CARE IF YOU ARE "GUILTY" OR NOT. I said: I CARE IF I AM GUILTY! I CARE IF I AM GUILTY!. . . God was silent. Everything was SILENT. I lay back down in the snow"
"i'll take care of you. It's rotten work. Not to me. Not if it's you" (i fucking love this quote sm)
"My mother did not mean to hate me, she did not even know she hated me, and yet I was hated. And I carried that hate with me through life with more pride than it perhaps deserved. A bruise of honor."
"If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness."
"mothers and daughters existing as wretched mirrors of each other: i am all you could have been and you are all i might be."
"But the thing I will never admit to anyone who's met me is how desperately I want to be loved, I don't think I could say it. How I want someone to hold my wrists and kiss my palms and smile at me, and want me, I want to be wanted and i don't know how long poetry or songs will substitute for being wanted."
"I wanted you to see a mess and still find me worthy of love, to tell me that you could still love me anyway."
"I need a father, I need a mother, I need some older, wiser being to cry to. I talk to God but the sky is empty."
"I wept and wept. I had come to believe that if I really wanted something badly enough, the very act of my wanting it was an assurance that I would not get it."
"Like any unloved thing, I don't know if I'm real when I'm not being touched."
"show me your thorns and i'll show you hands ready to bleed."
"Mother Eat me and give birth to me again This time around I'll make you proud"
"all my life, i have done nothing grand, so this time, i want to find, the highest building, the tallest spire, and dive down, towards the ocean of writhing streets, wouldn't that be, a grand way to go?"
"constantly obsessing over my appearance and not in a "i'm in love with myself" way but a "i am so self aware of the way that i look at all times and i can't stop thinking about how others perceive me and i constantly feel so gross that i don't even wanna see how i look most of the time and will avoid reflective surfaces" type of way"
"The desire to be sicker to prove that you are sick, itself is indicative of sickness. A well person doesn't desire to be sick."
"'god knows all of your ugliness,' my mother says, 'and loves you despite.' 'is that supposed to make me feel loved?' i reply. 'i am still ugly. he is still god.'"
"sometimes i wish i broke my leg, or got in a car crash, or got diagnosed with some serious illness. not because i think i deserve it, no. but because i just want someone, anyone, to notice me. notice that i'm just not okay."
"pumpkin pie, some apple cider. it doesn't get much better than this. it's not gonna get any better than this."
"How do I explain to someone that just by existing, I am subjecting myself to irreparable damage."
that's it, that's all i got for today. i feel like these say a lot about me that i cried to them, but i don't like that, i don't like being readable.
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“I think it's nice that we share the same sky." Aftersun — Charlotte Wells
I didn't feel it at first but when it sinks to me, it hit hard. The movie was shot brilliantly and its simplicity brings the most poignant emotions. We all try to be good for people we love when they are around us and hide what's truly going on in our heads. But people who truly love us, will notice. They always will. And its not their fault that even with their presence we are still drowned by the waves of our minds. But even then, we try to swim and keep our heads up above water. It's a lot of work. Sometimes you'll think that diving down deep into the ocean is easier than fighting the waves. Being part of it. Letting ourselves drown. I guess there are lucky ones who were lucky enough to have that floating device to keep them afloat, some may not. It's not that the our limbs is failing, sometimes, we are just too tired to wade through. We let the waves leads us down under. And it will become harder to breathe until you forgot how to breathe. It's a tragedy, and it is no one's fault.
Coming from someone who almost forgot to swim from down under. I am just glad I have my head above water now.
This film is truly a masterpiece. It makes you feel things. Not the best ones, but its gets you compelled and poignant. It is amazing.
Just a day today. Sometimes it gets so draggy sometimes it's too fast. I get afraid that I will always be in the same place and not moving forward.
And I hate it, when you are defined by your mistakes forever. Even when you try to redeem yourself. It feels like the awful past is stamp on my forehead for everyone to see, and that's what they all know about you. Even if you've worn the best and nicest dress, even if you have a bright smile on your face. It's just sad and frustrating. Because what are those trying times and struggles you have gone through to get far from what you did wrong for, when just one flash of reminder of the past it gets all coming down for you like an avalanche.
I talk to much, right? On occasions. Luh
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detkhamani · 2 years
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Task #9--New Q&A
Are you confrontational? I have been and can be, but I pick my battles.
If you were given a chance to explore the oceans, go to outer space or visit 50 different countries, which one you choose and why? 50 different countries, but only if I got to pick them. As for the why? Because it’d be great to get to see more of the planet.
What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner? Not care since 1) my relationship with my partner’s not about them and 2) they’re not really in my life and haven’t been for a long time.
Is there an activity that calms you? A place or a thing that makes you feel at ease?  What is it/where is it? Boxing or cooking.
What song makes you unconditionally happy? “Roses” by OutKast, mostly because the music video’s funny.
What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do? Be less guarded sometimes.
Why did your last relationship end? My ex cheated.
What have you done when you hurt someone, whether you felt justified or not? It depends. Sometimes, nothing--usually that, or double-down in what I said/did if I felt justified. Sometimes I apologize, if I know I’m in the wrong.
Think about the people you love the most in your life, what do you do for them? Whatever I can do to provide the best for them, and be my best for them.
What’s a favorite memory you have of the last year? Luna giving me and us another chance.
Out of the negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy and hate, which one would you say affects you the most & why? Anger. It sits heaviest with me out of those emotions for a few different reasons but I do what I can not to let it completely hinder me from day to day.
Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, which one is your biggest strength & why? Initiative. It’s just how I’ve operated for a long time to step up, handle what needs to be handled and get things figured out.
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devilofsf-cisco · 2 years
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Task #9--New Q&A
Are you confrontational? Mostly where serious situations involving loved ones are concerned. Otherwise, not really.
If you were given a chance to explore the oceans, go to outer space or visit 50 different countries, which one you choose and why? “Or” though. I’d do all 3 if I could because all of them sound like fun.
What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner? Still letting her try to sort that out for herself while I continue living my best life with my amazing love.
Is there an activity that calms you? A place or a thing that makes you feel at ease?  What is it/where is it? I learned that crossword puzzles & word searches put my mind as ease. Sparring sometimes does that as well, oddly enough.
What song makes you unconditionally happy? “Cool” by The Time. A long but fun/funny song with a great beat.
What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do? Get Chris Grimaldi to admit he’s secretly a massive Marvel fan.
Why did your last relationship end? Well, I wasn’t interested in settling down at the time and according to her, I couldn’t take anything seriously.
What have you done when you hurt someone, whether you felt justified or not? It all depends on why I hurt them but I don’t usually go out of my way to hurt someone (unless we’re practicing in a gym or dojo, then, well... #sorrynotsorry, usually haha). If I’ve hurt somebody though, I will go to them if I can and apologize.
Think about the people you love the most in your life, what do you do for them? Typically, I give them as much of my time as I possibly can. What we do with that time varies. I like to try and make things memorable when with my loved ones though.
What’s a favorite memory you have of the last year? Going on Ship-Wrecked since it led me to the love of my life.
Out of the negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy and hate, which one would you say affects you the most & why? Whew, good question. Let’s go with anger. I’m not a genuinely jealous or hateful person and greed’s just never really been a thing for me. But I’ve been angry as hell. I was angry about my cancer and how much it affected me at one point. And I was angry about it for a long time. I learned to let it go eventually, mostly.
Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, which one is your biggest strength & why? Easily enthusiasm. Trying out new things and getting to do unusual things, especially things that get my adrenaline going tends to drive me.
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
In Need of a Breath
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4007
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Zemo, Feelings, Another PTSD Flashback
A/N: So…Part 4 is going to have a couple parts to it. Maybe even three. I didn’t even make it half way through the episode on this one, mainly because I really wanted to fit in the Reader’s backstory and I wanted her and Sam to have a heart-to-heart again. I’m suuuuper tired, so I probably won’t be posting the next part for another few hours (it’s 5 am right now and I haven’t slept), BUT it’s my day off work and I won’t be doing anything I planned because my grandmother had a stroke a couple days ago so plans have changed and I’m staying in to help her, meaning I’ll mostly be writing all day. 
This Part is kind of a mix between off-screen and shot-by-shots, but it’s mostly off screen/what’s going on inside Reader’s head.
I’m really excited about future parts and the characters that are being introduced! I will say that after these parts, I will be doing one shots of previous MCU movies with the Reader, due to the information that is being given about the Reader now. You kind of see more of how she was affected/how she affected the previous MCU movies and what she was doing during that time.
Like always, this hasn’t been beta’d, again it’s SUPER early in the morning, and I’m really tired, so please excuse any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy this part! Stay tuned for more to come later today!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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“You know…I’m really starting to regret saying yes to this.” You huffed out, craning your neck and squinting your eyes against the sun as you stare at the facility in front of you, hating the skin-crawling feeling of being back.
“Would you relax? Whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous, and I don’t wanna be nervous about this.” Sam shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“Do either of you have a better plan?” Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms.
Gnawing on your lips, you finally take the lead and breathe out, “alright. Let’s go then.” You could feel the hesitance from your - what were they? Partners? Coworkers? Teammates? - the fellas before they started after you.
There was a sick twist in your gut as you entered the building, going through the lobby and security.
You had been there.
You had been there when Zemo impersonated Bucky. You had been there when Zemo unleashed the Winter Soldier at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building in Berlin. You had been there during the battle at the airport. You had been there when Zemo turned Tony and Steve against each other in Siberia. You had been there when Zemo tore the Avengers from the inside out. Your family. The only family you’d ever known.
But you’d always been good about pushing your personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission. It’s what you’d been born to do. All you ever knew.
“Hey. Doll. You hear me?”
“Hmm. What?” You looked up from the ground to look into those enchanting blue oceans Bucky had for eyes, staring worriedly down at you, eyebrows pinched and forehead creased.
“I’m going in alone.” You frowned, opening your mouth to argue, but he shook his head. “Sam already agreed-”
“I didn’t necessarily agree-”
“You’re an Avenger, sweetheart.” Bucky tilted his head, speaking softly, those eyes of his worried. Worried for you. It made your stomach flip. “And you were there in Siberia, and that almost makes it worse. Especially considering you went after him. Just…just let me do this, okay?”
You cracked your knuckles nervously as you thought. It was a terrible idea. But it was an idea. And it was all they had. “Okay.” You finally relented, shrugging as your hands hit your thighs and slid up to your hips. “But don’t do anything stupid.”
“Steve took all that with him.”
Knowing about their little inside joke, you scoffed. “Sure he did. Go before I change my mind.”
You watched him walk down the hallway, hands fidgeting with excess nerves. “I think you’re the only one he actually seeks approval from.”
“Good thing I’m so lenient then, huh?” You joked, turning to Sam with a strained smile. Your smile slipped at the curious expression on Sam’s face, his eyes darting to each of your features. “What?”
“Are you doing okay?”
You groaned, throwing your head back. You thought you got out of talking about your feelings back in Baltimore. “Oh my God, Sam-”
“I’m serious. You…you just don’t seem like yourself.”
You shook your head, looking down the hall to where Bucky disappeared before turning back to him. It was weird to have a self that people recognized. Your whole life you’d been searching for it and when you finally found it…everything went to shit. “Honestly, Sammy, the only time I’ve ever felt like myself was with the team. Zemo took that away from me and now we’re here, practically begging him for help.”
Sam hummed, leaning against the wall. “Have you thought of taking a break?”
“A break.” At your bewildered look, he rolled his eyes. “Cher, this time last year most of us were dead. This time a few months ago you found out about Wanda. This time last week you were out looking for her. Maybe you should just stop and take a breather.”
Shoving your hands in your pocket and looking at the floor, you couldn’t help but snort at his advice. “I haven’t taken a breather since I was eighteen.”
He clicked his tongue. “That’s my point. FBI academy as soon as you graduated. SHIELD recruit by 21, undercover operations leader by 24? Slow down. You’re in your thirties. Next thing you know, you’re gonna be ninety something, lying on your deathbed, wishing you had stopped to smell the roses.”
“If I live to be ninety, shoot me.” He chuckled in amusement. “I’m so fucking serious, Sam. I will not be put in an old folks home to play Bingo and be pushed around in a wheelchair. It ain’t happening.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” There was that infectious smile, which you unconsciously grinned back at. “Y/N…I’m serious. You’ve been in and out of missions since you were a teenager. What’s the shortest undercover operation you’ve done?”
“I dunno.”
He gave you an unimpressed look. “Yeah you do.”
Licking your lips, you turned away and shrugged. “A couple months. Seven weeks and three days, to be precise. September to October in 2012.”
“And the longest?”
“August 2007 to May 2009. Twenty one months.” 
Letting out a puff of air through his nose, Sam pushed himself off the wall and caught your chin between his fingers to make you look at him. “That’s nearly two years under cover. And I’m sure you went right back under after-”
“I was sitting at a desk for four months doing paperwork on it.” You defended yourself.
He shook his head, brows knitting together, lips drawn down. “You say that as if four months is enough time.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Sammy. I’m out. I’ve been out since Ultron and Sokovia. I haven’t been under in almost a decade-”
“A decade half the world was dead for half of-”
“I wasn’t!”
“I never said you were.” Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. You were always amazed at his ability to keep his emotions in check. To stay cool under pressure. Sometimes you forgot how experienced he was with dealing with other people’s trauma. It was no wonder why Steve thought he’d be good for Bucky. “Listen. All I’m saying is once this is done…don’t go diving back into searching for Wanda. Don’t go running to the kid every time he calls - and I know you’ve been doing that-”
“It’s just been homework and stuff-”
“Y/N.” You stopped, biting your lip at the stern look he gave you. “Go home. Order take out. Binge watch TV. Go for a jog through the park. Actually meet your neighbors. Go grocery shopping. Just…live. If only for a couple weeks. Don’t worry about anyone else. Don’t pick up the phone, don’t drop everything because someone needs you. You need you.”
“I-I…” You shook your head, looking at him, sincerely apologetic. “I can’t. I wish I could. But I can’t. I’ve never had one normal day in my life. I’ve never had someone to care for, never had someone to care for me. I can’t let people I’ve come to…I can’t let them think I don’t care. I don’t even know where I’d go.”
“Whaddya mean?”
You winced, not thrilled for his reaction to your next statement. “I, uh, I sold my apartment in D.C.”
He gaped at you in complete disbelief. “You got it in December!”
“I know, I know. I liked it. I really did, but…I dunno. Nomadic life has always suited me better. It’s what I grew up with.”
He took a breath, making you cringe again. You don’t think you’ve ever legitimately gotten on his nerves like this before. “Have you ever thought that, instead of going with the flow and jumping place to place, putting down roots might actually help?” He cut you off before you could say anything, holding up a finger to stop you from talking. “I can’t imagine going from foster home to foster home like you did. I can’t imagine not having a home for as long as you can remember. Louisiana’s my home. Always has, always will be. But I understand your life has been anything but stable. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why you need some stability.”
You clenched your jaw, crossing your arms. “The Avengers were my stability. Steve was my stability.”
“Because you loved him.”
“I’m not doing this with you again.” You turned to walk down to the lobby to wait for Bucky there, but Sam caught your arm.
“You were in love with him! It’s okay! You two were super close! No one would blame you! Why won’t you just admit it? I’m trying to understand! Why won’t you-”
You tugged your arm away, finally snapping at him. “Because he could never be mine, Wilson! Is that what you wanna hear?!” Sam took a step back at your exclamation. You closed your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat and pushing down the tears. “He could preach all he wanted about moving forwards, Sammy, but we all knew he was stuck in the past. He visited the museum every Thursday because her interview showed in his exhibit on Thursdays. He carried around that broken compass because her picture was in it.” You looked back up at him sadly, shrugging. “And I get it; it’s hard to move past your first love. I get it because…that’s what he was to me.”
There was a silence that blanketed the hallway, before he spoke up hesitantly. “What about Bucky?”
“I thought - I thought I was projecting my feelings for Steve onto him because I knew Steve couldn’t ever…”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You thought? What do you think now?”
You cleared your throat. “I’m still figuring that one out.”
“If you ever need to talk, I’ll be here.”
You chuckled, nodding slightly towards him. “Back atcha. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you not being yourself lately, either.”
“It’s…a tough topic.”
You nodded in understanding. “Just know that I’ll support every decision you make as long as you think it’s the right one. Because I trust you. Steve trusted you. It’s all we can do to try to do what’s right. That’s what makes you a good man, Sammy. He gave you that shield for a reason, and if you think what you did was right…I’ll stand by it.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, calming down in each other’s presences and taking comfort knowing you’d be there for each other through thick and thin. “Thank you, cher.”
“Of course, Sammy. Now let’s go see what’s taking the old grump so long.”
He laughed at that, nodding in agreement, taking your offered hand and squeezing it as you made your way down the hall.
Bucky eyed you as you spluttered, coughing on the water you were drinking. “Please don’t choke, doll.”
“Break him out of jail?!” You repeated his words and blinked at him, absolutely baffled by his plan. “Oh my God.” You groaned as Bucky and Sam started arguing, moving your flashlight around the room. “Where the hell are we?” There was no response as they kept going back and forth.
“Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds! Especially yours! No offense.”
“Heelllloooo!” You tried again. “Where the hell are we?!”
Bucky turned on the lights, giving Sam a look. “Offense.” Glancing at you he quirked an eyebrow. “Stop worrying your pretty lil’ head, sweetheart. You trust me, dontcha?” Your breath hitched at his words. You quickly recovered, huffing and pouting - although you’d deny ever pouting - and crossing your arms. You stood between the guys like that, eyes darting to whoever was speaking, waiting for them to stop so you could actually think.
“Look. Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
You and Sam exchanged glances. “What did you do?”
“I…didn’t do…anything.” Bucky shrugged.
“How is it that you, one of the most deadliest assassins basically ever, are one of the worst liars I know.” You tilted your head at him, an eyebrow quirking up in confusion.
“Shush it you. Just, okay. The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element.”
The more you listened to Bucky’s “hypothetical”, the stronger the gut feeling telling you this was a terrible terrible idea got. You brought your hands up to your head, eyes wide as he spoke.
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this. This is unnatural.”
You couldn’t help but agree with Sam’s words, your head falling back and your eyes closing. “Sweet Jesus. Listen, God, I know we don’t talk much these days, but please, please don’t let this not be a hypothetical. I’m fucking begging you.”
A noise to your right made your head snap over. “Oh hell to the fucking no!” You shook your head as Zemo himself walked in, wearing a prison guards uniform. “Uh-uh! No way! Bucky, this was not part of the plan!”
“What did you do?!”
“We need him!”
“You’re going back to prison.”
“If I may-”
All three of you faced him, simultaneously shouting, “no!”
You held your face in your hands as your head dropped, shaking back and forth, your eyes squeezing shut, tuning them out for just a minute to think. Bucky had a point. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that, and the Avengers were technically disbanded, which was Zemo’s whole objective in the first place, but…God. You were good at compartmentalizing, but not that much. You were willing to put your feelings aside for the mission so Bucky could talk to him. Not for you to work with him. But he had connections, you knew he did, and he had information…
“Doll?” You looked up, Bucky anxiously licking his lips as he met your gaze. “I need you to say something.”
You looked to Sam, who shrugged, gesturing to Zemo. “What do you think?”
What did you think? What did you think?! You thought that it was the worst idea in the history of ideas and you should turn back and find another way! But…you knew this was the fastest, probably most reliable way to get information that you needed.
Dammit, since when were you the deciding factor?
You sucked in a breath, looking over Sam’s shoulder at Zemo, who lifted his hand in greeting. You raised your eyes to the ceiling, pointing your finger accusingly. “This is why we stopped talking.” Gaze dropping to the still waiting fellas, you gnawed on your lip, before hissing out, “ffffine…” Running a hand through your hair, you threw your hands up as you shrugged. “Fine. Okay. Fine.”
“Okay.” Sam nodded, taking charge again.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Except, that was a lie. You could. You’d seen weirder. You’d experienced the impossible. Lived through the unbelievable. This…this was completely imaginable.
Which is why, with a lot of hesitation and very little confidence in this plan, you followed Zemo through the auto shop you were in until you reached a large room with a ton of different old cars.
Bucky’s hand found yours as Zemo explained what the plan was, rather vaguely, in your opinion, but at least he was explaining. Point for him. Not that it would make up for the level of distrust you held for him, but it was something.
You looked up at him, giving him a puzzling frown. He usually only grabbed your hand in front of other people when he was feeling anxious. Which, yeah, he had a right to be anxious right now, but it wasn’t the right kind. The type of anxiety caused by large crowds and loud noises, ones that startled him and threw him into a defensive mode.
But the look on his face made you squeeze his hand in reassurance. He was pouting, staring at you although he did something wrong - a puppy that tore up a pillow - and all you wanted to do was give him a hug.
“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled as the four of you headed out with Zemo in the lead.
“No I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. 
“Bucky, I’m not mad.”
“Listen, if I had a better idea I wouldn’t-”
You brought your linked hands up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his gloved knuckles. “I’m not mad.” You repeated more firmly. “It’s just…a lot for me, right now.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, Buck, I-I just…” You thought about your and Sam’s earlier conversation and suddenly understood what he meant. “I need to breathe for a second.”
His features twisted into ones of uncertainty, eyes squinting as you stepped outside. “Do you…do you wanna leave?”
You shook your head, tugging his arm to stop him and grabbing the sunglasses on his collar, slipping them over his eyes. “No. I just need some time to think. Hopefully the plane ride to wherever the hell we’re going will give me that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, James. I’m sure.”
He lowered the glasses on his nose to scan you over the frames, before nodding and sliding them back up. “Okay. You ready for this, then?”
“No.” You breathed, turning back to where Zemo and Sam were still walking. “Let’s do this.”
Climbing onto the private jet, you raised an eyebrow at Sam, who shrugged, giving you a bemused expression. A Baron…huh…who knew? You feel like you should’ve, yet there you were.
You sat besides Bucky, across from Zemo, crossing your legs and leaning back while staring at him through narrowed eyes.
His butler seemed nice, which made you even more suspicious. You obviously didn’t know as much about Zemo as you wanted to. It was a habit you picked up after years of undercover work; once the mission was complete, that was that. There was no looking back on it. No sitting on it. It was over and you moved onto the next one. It was a bad habit in cases like this.
The moment you spotted the notebook over Zemo’s book you knew something was going to happen, yet you still flinched when Bucky lunged at him, grabbing his throat. You leaned back in your seat again, steadying your now racing heartbeat. You decided you were too tense, trying to relax your muscles as Bucky sat back down in his seat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam seemed so proud of himself that something he recommended was written in Steve’s little book and it made you smile.
You remembered that; Steve and you were supposed to meet up for coffee after his run, but Fury called him in so you rescheduled it for when he got back. He asked you about Marvin Gaye. For your opinion. You told him to check it out and make his own.
You remembered asking him about that little notebook of his, and he just shrugged you off telling you about his list. He would read items off to you, but he never let you read the book yourself. You never found out why, and you supposed you never would now. The thought made an ache behind your ribs that you’d come to familiarize yourself with appear.
You smiled a little more as Zemo and Sam told Bucky how awesome Marvin Gaye was. “C’mon, baby. Back me up.”
Chuckling, you looked at Bucky. “They’re not wrong. But,” you quickly added before Bucky could whine at you, facing Sam again. “Neither is Buck. I mean, c’mon. You can’t find music like the 40’s anymore. Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Fred Astaire. Ol’ Blue Eyes himself.”
“Thank you.” Bucky grinned at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
“Okay, okay. But, I mean, c’mon! Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I like Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.”
Your face fell as Zemo started talking about Steve and icons and Red Skull, your mind once again slipping away from reality.
“Kids love you.” You giggled as you finally made it out of his exhibit. You’d wanted to show it to him since he moved to D.C., and you’d finally got an opportunity after coming back from being undercover for ten weeks. “You’re their hero, you know.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just trying to do what’s right.”
You nudged him, scoffing at his answer. “You’re too humble. You’re a national icon, you know.”
Steve shrugged, looking around the museum at the planes surrounding them. “I never wanted to be.”
“Why not? Everyone loves you.”
“I’m sure not everyone loves me.” He rolled his eyes. “And…I just wanted to help. To fight. Protect my country and the people I cared about. I-I didn’t ask for…all that.” He waved behind his shoulder where his exhibit was getting smaller with each step they took away. “People were dying. Bullies were winning.”
You shook your head, spinning and walking backwards besides him to face him. “Sure, but you did that. And you became someone people could look up to in the process.”
He narrowed his eyes at you before asking, “why do you do what you do?”
“...because I’m good at it?”
“Honey.” He gave you a look. “Answer the question.”
You hummed in thought. “Because I couldn’t stand by, knowing there would be orphaned kids if I didn’t help any way I could.”
“Alright. Why do you do it in the dark?”
“Whaddya mean?”
He shrugged. “Why don’t you come out and take credit for all the lives you’ve saved?”
“Because that’s not why I do it. I don’t want that attention. I just want to know I’ve helped people. I’ve kept them safe.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I just wanted to beat the bully. I never wanted to be a dancing monkey, too.” You looked at him in a new light then, understanding where he was coming from. “Watch out, honey!” He grabbed you and pulled you aside before you could crash into a wall, arms wrapped firmly around your waist. He gave you that charming smile of his. “Wouldn’t want you hurting that pretty lil’ head of yours, now would we?”
You snapped back into the conversation, moving your eyes from the window to Bucky, who tilted his head, eyebrows pinched and eyes narrowed. “Sorry. So, Madripoor. That’s a fun place.”
You ignored the side eyed glances Bucky and Sam exchanged, Sam turning to you curiously. “You’ve been?”
“Once. Back in 2010 for a few months”
Zemo raised his eyebrows. “You’re lucky to have gotten out.”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “Lucky, maybe. Skills were a part of it, too, though.”
“Good.” Zemo nodded. “Because we’re going undercover…and if we blow it. We’re dead.”
You breathed out, shaking your memory away and getting your head back into the game. Because like the man you were severely wary of in front of you said, if you blew this, you were dead. And, sure, you didn’t want to live until ninety, but you weren’t even half way there yet. So dammit if you were going to die soon.
“Hey.” You looked over at Bucky’s murmur, his head tilting as he grabbed your hand and pulled you from your seat closer to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Are you okay? You know you’re going to have to be-”
“I know.” He nodded. You watched his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “I’ll be fine. Just…tell me right now if you need to step out for this one.”
You gave him a smile that you knew he didn’t buy, just by the slight narrowing of his eye, his lips pressing together. “No. No, I’m good for this. If you think I’m gonna let you two idiots go into Madripoor with him - alone - oil that cyborg brain of yours, because there’s no way.”
He squeezed your hand, eyes still filled with uncertainty. “Are you sure?”
“If there’s even a slight possibility that I can protect you, then yeah. I’m sure, Buckaroo.”
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iselsis · 3 years
Writing Tip!
An easy way to tell if you’re showing instead of telling is how much you’re using is/was. My English professor explained this to me a few semesters ago, and while he just wanted varied sentence structure in my papers, it also works very well for creative writing. 
This isn’t to say that is and was are bad verbs, but rather that they are very basic and do not express anything beyond the fact that something exists. Sometimes, that’s all you need to know in a sentence, but often, the writer can make the story or the characters more engaging by explaining who someone is, what something is, where something is, when something is, why something is, or how something or someone is more powerfully by using one of a few tactics.
The first method is to use strong verbs. “Strong verbs” is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but a strong verb is simply a verb that explains what action is happening as clearly as possibly. For instance, when one “jumps” off the diving board, the reader doesn’t know how the person jumped, but the reader will be able to more clearly see the action if you write “she dove” or “he cannonballed” or “she belly-flopped.” Be aware of who is reading your writing and who the narrator is. In general, if your target demographic probably doesn’t know the word or if your narrator wouldn’t know the word, use a simpler, less precise verb and use adverbs to make it specific.
Another way is to show why the narrator was saying “it is/she was/there is” in the first place. Think of the is/was statement as the disease. You want your reader to guess the disease, so you start describing symptoms. For instance, “She is mourning her husband.” vs. “She stared at the empty seat at the table, unfazed by her mother’s repeated attempts to get her attention.” This way is more rambly than just swapping boring verbs for strong verbs, but it is a good way to show the narrator’s experience in life, the narrator’s biases, the narrator’s emotional state, etc. 
One other way is to make the object of the sentence the subject instead. This just means that whatever “is/was” is now what the sentence is about. This is a simple fix in cases when the object is doing something in the sentence. Instead of “There was a ball rolling past her feet.” write “A ball rolled past her feet.”
Let me illustrate:
How you can use varied word choice to show who is being talked about:
Bland: Jason’s dad was standing in front of Jason. 
Engaging: His dad loomed over him.
By using a stronger verb, the more hostile loomed, the reader gets a better idea of who Jason’s dad is and how Jason feels about him.
How you can use varied word choice to show who is talking:
Bland: Macy was sitting at the edge of her seat.
Engaging: Macy balanced very carefully at the very edge of the seat so her feet could touch the floor, because Macy was a very big girl now.
The POV character is a young girl at an age where she wants to be perceived as older than the height of chair legs and the lack of height of her own legs will let her be. She also refers unironically to herself as a big girl in her own thoughts, something grownups generally do not do. By expanding on the reason for the action instead of the action itself and with careful word choice, you can set the tone of the character and of the story.
How you can use varied word choice to show what something is:
Bland: That is a tree branch blowing against the window.
Still bland but better: A tree branch blew against the window.
Engaging: The branch smacked against the window. 
This is an example of taking the object (the thing in the sentence that the verb is happening to) in this case “branch” and make it the subject. In the still bland but better version of the sentence, the fact that the tree branch is blowing against the window is obvious, but that doesn’t tell us anything about how the narrator feels about what the tree branch is doing. That tells us what, but it does not tell us what the character feels about this thing. Smacked is a more violent, sudden, startling verb that communicates suddenness, surprise, and unease.
How you can use varied word choice to show where something is:
Bland: The phone was on the far side of the nightstand. 
Engaging: She flopped an arm blindly across the nightstand, but her fingers hit empty air just shy of the faint glow of her phone.
The engaging version of this sentence tells you more about the character’s mental state, fatigued, while also communicating where the phone is. Also, using a more descriptive word like flopped gives the reader a clearer mental image of what is physically happening in the scene.
How you can use varied word choice to show when something is set:
Bland: It was the early two thousands.
Engaging: Jana looked around the room and saw many a teenage male heinie, but not a belt among them.
Noting fashion trends, like sagging pants or hoop skirts, can reinforce the time period that you’re writing in and how the narrator fits or does not fit into that time period.
How you can use varied word choice to show when (what time) something is:
Bland: It was seven P.M. on a summer night.
Engaging: He watched the sun dip below the far reaches of the ocean as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
The engaging version of this sentence uses a few details to show about what time and when in the year this sentence takes place: it is sunset, so the exact time isn’t stated, but the rough time is implied; the ocean does exist at times of the year when humans aren’t on it as much (and here I though the entire state of Hawaii disappeared between September and April) but most readers will associate the beach with summer; and if the reader didn’t get the clue about the traditionally seasonal location, it is hot enough to make the main character sweat. 
How you can use varied word choice to show why the narrator believes something:
Bland: Kai is a good friend.
Engaging: Kai held her hair away from her face as she threw up into the toilet bowl for the fourth time that night.
Anyone can say anything about anyone else, but the best way to get a reader to like a character, an idea, or a thing is to show them why they should like that thing. Instead of making bland moral claims like “Love is stronger than hate.” tell me how the Samaritan stopped to save the Jew, or how the enemies put aside their differences to protect what they care about. Instead of saying “He was scared of his dad.” show me the beer cans and the slurred speech, show me the belt falling and the voice yelling. Show the reader why.
How you can use varied word choice to show how something is:
Bland: The woman was looking at him.
Engaging: The woman ogled him.
Strong verbs again! Use strong verbs that are emotionally charged when you’re talking about emotionally charged situations! Being ogled is an uncomfortable sensation for the person being ogled, and it also shows disrespect on the part of the person ogling. 
Keep in mind that these are guidelines! Sometimes is is the best word for the job, and don’t stress if you have a lot of is/was in your stories. Just because they’re bland doesn’t mean that sometimes you need bland verbs to communicate what you want to communicate. Still, you don’t want vagueness to be your crutch, either. Practice showing instead of telling when showing is more important, but have fun with it! Besides, you can always edit whatever you hate or are unsure of now sometime later. 
Don’t sweat! Go write awesome papers and stories!
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doflamingosstrings · 3 years
This is one of my more popular fics on Ao3 so I decided to post to here as well! I was extremely down bad when I wrote this so that’s why it’s so long, but enjoy!
-Luffy x F Reader
-WordCount: ~5,000
It began after a night of partying and drinking with the crew.
You had all come back from quite the adventure, and with your success, you all decided to celebrate.
You sat on the deck of the sunny, looking over your shoulder at the sea.
It seemed to sparkle against the moonlight as the water contoured and splashed throughout the sea, and against the ship.
The endless ocean seemed to keep you in a trance, as the waves rose and dipped in the decidedly everlasting distance.
Your hand gripped the cup that was on the ground and lifted it up to your lips.
A refreshing taste had hit your pallet and a sigh had left your lips.
You closed your eyes, and a moment later you felt a presence.
Your eyes didn’t open as you felt no violent intent, maybe the individual was just passing by.
You waited for a few moments, the same presence still upon you, but it had gotten closer as the moments passed.
You decided to open an eye, and you were instantly met with your captain’s face inches from yours.
Your eyes widened slightly, a smile starting to appear on your face, but you kept your feelings under control.
You don't know exactly when it started, but you had formed some kind of a crush on your captain.
There was just something about his endless energy and heartfelt smiles that had you wrapped around his finger.
You decided not to let these feelings show, Luffy never felt like the type to have romantic feelings anyways, but at this moment, hiding your feelings may be harder than you thought.
Your heart fluttered as you looked over his features, his face closer than you had expected. You noted the scar on his cheek, his soft eyelashes, and his jet black hair that had found itself in his face.
“Luffy?” you asked as he smiled blankly at you. “What’s up, you need something?” you asked as you set your drink down on the deck.
“Nah, Sanji noticed you weren't around so I went to look for you!” he said happily. Luffy was sitting in front of you now, sitting up tall with his legs crossed. No one was around on the part of the deck you were beside you and now Luffy.
“You sure you don’t wanna hang out with the others or anything, I'm not doing much over here.” You said, leaning back on the railing on the edge of the boat.
“Yup! I missed you Y/n!” Luffy said, leaning closer to you, ever so slightly. The smallest tinge of pink had appeared on your cheeks at his words. You should have expected this kind of forwardness from your captain, but you couldn't help but feel happy about his words.
“So, how are you feeling now? I know that last fight must have taken a lot out of you.” You asked, not being able to meet his gaze entirely.
Luffy moved to your left, now sitting right next to you.
“It did kinda tire me out, but I’m good now! Especially because of all the meat Sanji made for me!” he said. And looked up into the sky. You looked back at his face, his gaze seemed hopeful yet, timid in a way. Like he was unsure of something, which was unusual for your outgoing captain.
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off by Luffy’s words instead.
“I feel way better now that I’m around you though,” he said, and this time, you couldn't hide your blush. Luffy's eyes had met yours, and he noticed your face.
Luffy moved closer to you, his face now dangerously close to yours.
“You look cute like that y’now!” he said and put a hand on top of yours, only causing your blush to become more apparent.
You didn't know what to say, the unrequited crush that you had gained sometime along your journey, had it been noticed? Does he feel the same way, or was he just trying to tease you?
The questions swimming in your head were answered as a pair of lips met yours.
You felt your heart flutter, it was beating out of your chest. The object of your fantasies was right here, his lips connected to yours, and what fantasies they were.
You felt a heat swell between your legs as you moved to deepen the kiss between the two of you.
You felt a bite against your lip as you opened your mouth ever so slightly, Luffy taking this opportunity to invade the inside of your mouth. You felt a hand on your side as you were pulled closer to your captain, the kiss only deepening more.
You were now effectively sitting in your captain’s lap, one hand sliding under your shirt the other on your cheek.
Your lips parted from each other, but only for a moment, diving against each other a second later.
You couldn't deny the excitement you had felt imagining a scenario like this, and now, it was actually happening.
Your lips had left your captains again, a moan escaping your mouth as he decided to bite at your neck.
“Fuck Luffy..” you said in a whispery tone as your captain continued to lick down the side of your neck, nipping and biting at the soft flesh.
You felt him smile against your skin, he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
You had made it very clear to your crew that your neck was sort of a weak spot for you. After a multitude of hugs and playful touches, the sounds that would come from you every time a foreign pressure would find itself against your neck was nothing less than erotic.
You would often be teased for this, but this kind of touch was something else.
You didn't know if you could keep your voice down as Luffy brought his other hand up, caressing your nape. His touch soft, his hands calloused.
You felt another bite, then a kiss and you had stuttered out what had been words, might've been a moan. “Fuuck.” You said as you felt him suck against your skin, You hated how sensitive you were, it made you so easy to figure out.
You felt Luffy’s tongue lick down to your collarbone, continuing to bite and leave marks against your tender skin.
You felt a hand on your breast and you let out another breathy moan. In seconds, your shirt and bra had come off, leaving you in nothing, your skin feeling refreshed against the cool air.
“Straight forward aren't we captain?” You asked, playing it off as if your panties were not absolutely soaked at this point.
“I can't help it Y/n,” Your captain said, a smirk plastered on his face as he took your nipple into his mouth, biting it slightly. Another moan had left your lips as you pushed yourself against him, grinding your clothed wetness on his leg. “You're just so tasty.”
Luffy's other hand had come up to caress your other breast, kneading it slightly as his mouth left your nipple with a lewd popping sound.
“Luffy..” you whined as you placed your hands on his shoulders. You weren’t the patient type when it came to sex, you knew what you wanted and you wanted it now.
Luffy laughed slightly at the whine, clearly amused by your eagerness. He placed one more kiss against your breast as you were flipped over, your ass in the air, now facing Luffy, as you faced the wide-open deck of the sunny.
Your pants were off in an instant, thrown to the side along with your shirt and bra. You couldn't help but blush as you felt two fingers rub against your panties, and just as you thought, they were shamelessly soaked. “Fuck y/n..” you heard Luffy say as you felt pressure against the only piece of cloth you had left.
You had bit your lip to keep from moaning any louder as a tongue had found its way against your panties, licking the wetness that had seeped through your clothing.
Luffy licked and pressed his tongue against you, seemingly trying to taste as much of you as possible.
Your hips grinded against Luffy’s mouth as another moan escaped your lips. “Oh god-” you shuddered as you felt pressure against your clothed clit, you bit your arm to try and not bring attention to your situation.
The others were still awake, inside the sunny. You knew just how loud you could be when it came to sex. You then thought for a moment, your mouth releasing its pressure against your arm. You bit your lip slightly, the thought of being discovered was far too enticing. Thoughts of the muscular swordsman or the gorgeous navigator taking your moans as an invitation to fuck on another occasion were entirely distracting.
Your thoughts were cut short as you felt your panties tugged down your thighs and off your body. Your wetness was dripping down your thighs now, it was embarrassing being this turned on.
You felt Luffy lick a stripe up your thigh, licking the juices that had begun to drip down, leaving hickeys and bite marks on the way.
“Luffy you-AH!” You had begun to say as you felt your captain's mouth against your bare pussy. He was now licking and sucking more aggressively than before. You felt his tongue move between your lips, slurping up what was dripping out. The noises coming from your captain's mouth were incredibly lewd. You felt a hand on the cheek of your ass, spreading you more open as if you weren't begging to be eaten out.
His tongue slipped up and down, your juices collecting in his mouth only for him to swallow and do the same thing again. You felt his mouth suck against your clit, catching you off guard as another loud-ass moan left your mouth.
You wanted to say something, tell Luffy ‘more’ or ‘good’ but at the rate, he's going you weren't sure if you were going to be able to form an actual sentence. You wanted to tell him how good it felt but your trembling legs and your never-ending wetness were more than enough confirmation that Luffy was doing a damn good job.
You felt him flatted his tongue against you, once again licking at your dripping pussy, slurping up every drop of you.
You felt his tongue probe the entrance of your pussy, the wet appendage slipping inside not a moment later.
“GOd-'' was all you could manage as you were being tongue fucked by your captain. “Thank god for his devil fruit powers.” was all you could think as his tongue pressed against the sweet bundle of nerves deep inside of you. You squirmed at the feeling, you desperately grabbed at nothing as your eyes began to roll back, not expecting him to reach that deep inside you.
You felt his tongue touch every crevice of your insides, it was reaching so far back, moving so aggressively as if you tasted better than even the cooks' food.
Moans were constantly leaving your lips, your volume now unimportant as Luffy’s tongue slipped out of you to lick his lips, swallow, then dive back into your depths.
You weren't sure how much more of this you could take, it's as if he was eating you out for his own sake, not yours.
“Luffy, oh fuck.” you managed to groan out as your legs began to tremble slightly. You once again began to grab at nothing, clenching your fists together as you tightened against your captain's tongue.
“Luffy, I’m gonna come, fuck..” You said, your voice absolutely filled with lust, the only thing on your mind being your orgasm that was fast approaching.
“Mmhmm,” Luffy moaned out as he heard your words. His pace quickened after a moment, as of he wasn’t tongue fucking you aggressively enough. He slid his tongue deeper and quicker inside of you, his fingers now on your clit, rubbing it sweetly, the pace not at all matching the aggressive thrusts of his tongue.
“Fuck, Fuck!” You borderline yelled, as your orgasm approached you. Another few thrusts of Luffy’s tongue and you were gone. You clenched against the appendage, feeling it angle itself up and down, trying to collect every drop of cum that you had just released as you rode out your high.
“Luff-” you had begun to say as you felt his tongue leave your insides. He swallowed after a moment, licking his lips at the taste. He gave your pussy another lick, making sure all your wetness had made its way into his mouth.
Your pussy was dripping with spit and cum. You were shamelessly wet, your captain’s spit slipping out of you, and down your legs. You didn't know what to say, you had not been able to cum like that in far too long, and you refused to end it here.
You turned your head back, looking at your captain, his face now covered in your juices.
“How'd you learn to do that so well..” You asked weakly, you didn’t think you’d ever gotten head that good.
“What do ya mean?” Luffy asked, raising an eyebrow. “I just wanted to taste more of that pussy, you taste really good you know!” Luffy said entirely seriously.
Once again, a blush had found its way to your face. “Damn that’s so hot..” you mumbled to yourself, burying your face in your arms as you slowly lowered your backside now that you weren't being used like an ice cream machine. Luffy had different plans though.
You felt hands on your hips, pulling your ass back up into the air. You looked back at him, a lustful smile on his face.
“Tired already? I've only had a taste,” Luffy said, licking his lips. You were about to reply with a witty remark but were shut up by two fingers invading your entrance. “Mmm~” You moaned out as your eyes rolled back into your head, it seems your words would be limited as long as your captain kept surprising you like this.
“There's something I wanna check,” Luffy said, grabbing your thigh with one hand and fingering you with the other. “O..k.” you managed to get out as you felt Luffy’s fingers fuck you deep. His movements were, strange, their goal didn't seem to be teasing or getting you off, more like, he was looking for something.
Luffy's expression seemed determined and curious, seemingly trying to prove something. You were confused as to what at first before you felt him rub directly and aggressively against your g spot.
“OH, my fucking god-” You yelped as you felt his fingers press adamantly against that specific place. Luffy smiled at your reaction.
Luffy's fingers were no longer focused on thrusting in and out, but now they were circling your g spot adamantly.
Luffy took his hand off your thigh and moved it to your waist. He stretched his arm around your waist, holding you tightly and securely. He shifted his position, his other arm now having more room to do its thing. You weren't sure why he had suddenly changed your position, even if it was only slightly, but then your questions were once again swiftly answered.
Luffy thrust his fingers into you sharply and deeper than he had before, the tips of his fingers curled up specifically to touch the different feeling section of your pussy. You gasped extraordinarily loudly, trying your best to fuck yourself back on his fingers.
“Oh god Luffy, harder!” you said, your hips moving desperately against his fingers, Luffy still rubbing against that specific bundle of nerves deep inside you.
The sounds of squishing filled the deck beautifully. The incredibly lewd noise only made you wetter, making it easier for Luffy to slip another finger in, which he did.
Your thighs were dripping wet at this point, as you were desperate to cum once again as you begged and pleaded for Luffy to keep doing what he was doing.
“Please Luffy.” “don’t stop.” “Right there! Right there!” “fuck!” was all you could manage out as he fully obliged you.
His fingers furiously rubbing the spot inside you that made you go so crazy all of a sudden.
He rubbed fierce circles against that specific spot, making you plead and moan for him to continue, you were so close. “Cum..I’m gonna cum, Fuck-” you said impatiently, and not a moment later, you came all over Luffy’s fingers.
He continued to thrust his fingers inside, letting you ride out your high for the second time tonight.
You clenched against his fingers as you came harder than you had previously, your body giving out on itself as you did.
Luffy's arm held you safely up so you wouldn't fall onto the deck. He turned you around, giving you a smirk as he licked his fingers sloppily. “Fuck that’s hot..” you thought for the third time today as you pulled yourself closer to Luffy.
“I’ve never came that hard in my life, you knew exactly what to do huh?” you asked with a laugh and Luffy just raised an eyebrow at you, again.
“Not really I just wanted to know what that weird feeling spot inside you was,” he said and you stare blankly at him. “You gotta be kidding me..” you thought as you laughed.
“I was just wondering if it would make a difference if I rubbed against that spot real hard, it seems like I was right!.” he said with a snicker, proud of himself for giving you such a powerful orgasm.
You smiled slightly, you knew Luffy could do anything to you and you’d happily take it. You placed your hand on Luffy’s chest, your other hand sliding off his unbuttoned shirt.
“Why should you be fully clothed when I’m totally naked?” You asked, once again sliding your dripping heat on Luffy’s thigh, spit and cum making his leg glistened wetly.
This time, Luffy was the one with a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You grinned at your accomplishment as you took off your captain's shirt, throwing it similarly to how he did your clothes.
You smiled at your achievement, sliding down his body, a hand on his chest, another on the extremely noticeable bulge in your captain's pants. You slid your tongue down Luffy's chest, stopping once you got to his stomach, and seeing his muscular frame.
You placed a kiss right above the seam of his pants, a soft moan being heard from above.
You couldn't help but feel cocky at your newfound position, it was your turn now to make Luffy moan.
You slid down his pants slightly, both of your hands placed on the seam, pulling it down to reveal an erect cock. It bounced slightly as it was pulled out, and you couldn't help but start to salivate at the sight. You looked up at your captain, a hand on the base of his cock, you placed your cheek against the side of it, licking your lips as you gazed into Luffy’s lidded eyes. You smirked and gave his tip a lick, then a kiss.
Your hand starts to move up and down Luffy’s length slowly, keeping your eye contact with him. You felt the lust in his eyes, he was clearly holding back earlier, allowing you to cum twice before he had even paid attention to himself. You purred at the thought, now was the time to show him your thanks.
You took the tip of him into your mouth, sucking ever so slightly as you tasted the precum that was already dripping from him. You took him deeper, inch by inch, slowly bobbing your head up and down on his length.
You felt a hand in your hair after a moment, and as you looked up, you saw a different expression from the usual carefree pirate. He was lustful, entirely and desperately, and it was all your doing. You smiled slightly as you took him deeper, the tip of his dick touching the back of your throat.
Luffy was bigger than you expected, though you were sure he could make himself bigger if he really wanted to.
You were glad for your former experience with blowjobs, or you would have certainly have been gagging by now.
“Shit..” you heard Luffy moan out as the grip in your hair became tighter. You felt a wave of pleasure wash over you at the feeling of Luffy tugging your head down ever so slightly.
You moaned, the vibrations making Luffy’s dick twitch inside of your mouth.
You slid your tongue against him, licking and sucking the tip with every thrust, up and down.
Then suddenly, you lifted your head up, eyes meeting your captains. Luffy looked back at you, you felt his dick twitch under your grip.
“Fuck my mouth, captain,” you said, noticing the hesitance of your captain. “Don't worry, i can take it,” you said proudly, and not a second later, your mouth was back onto his dick.
“God, you are irresistible.” Luffy groaned out as the grip in your hair grew much together than before, the tinge of painful strain being drowned out by the sensation of your captain's dick constantly hitting the back of your throat.
He slammed your head against his cock, tears welling up in the side of your eyes as you weren't expecting him to be so rough with you so quickly, but you weren't complaining.
Luffy had clearly been close for a while now, judging by down desperately and erratically he was using your mouth.
Spit dribbled out of your mouth, the sloppy pounding making your spit fling and drip down your chin.
You felt yourself become wetter and wetter at the thought of Luffy pounding into you the same way he was using your mouth right now. You moaned at the thought, a long drawn out “Mhmm..” causing Luffy to quicken his pace.
“I'm gonna cum..y/n..” Luffy said, his pace even more erratic than it was. You moaned, as a way of telling him to continue and he obliged.
Your head was pushed and pulled, his dick rubbing inside you as your tongue dragged and licked what it could.
“Fuck, fuck.” you heard Luffy say as he held your head down onto his dick tightly, his dick far deeper inside your mouth than you had thought possible.
You felt a warm liquid start to invade your mouth and you swallowed around his dick as he thrust into you a few more times to ride out his high.
You felt his cum slide down your throat and you hummed slightly as he pulled his dick out, panting slightly as he let go of your head, the sweet tinge of pain being lost.
You caressed your neck, thinking you might be sore the next few days. You looked at Luffy, licking the cum that dripped onto your lip.
“Yum,” you said playfully as you stared at your captain.
You stared at him, still lustful and concerned that the night would be cut short, but you then noticed his cock was still hard, twitching in front of you.
“You think you can go for another round?” you asked as you crawled on Luffy’s lap. You were still dripping wet, your insides throbbing at the thought of being absolutely fucked. You slid your pussy against the tip of Luffy’s dick, teasing him ever so slightly before you felt yourself slam down onto him. Luffy’s hands were on your hips, fucking you as you sat on his lap.
The thoughts you had were gone, you're only concerned with the pleasure you felt inside of you.
Shit Luffy,” you yelped, bouncing on top of him as he helped you steady. Your hands were on his shoulders, your moans becoming louder than before, some moans being borderline screams after a few harder thrusts.
You took Luffy’s lips against your, kissing sloppily and deeply, your tongues dancing together lustfully.
You bit your lip, about to say something witty, but you were cut off by a voice in the distance.
You froze, looking over your shoulder, you didn't see anything but the voice seemed to be calling out to you.
“Y/n Dear! Where'd you go?” You heard the cook call out, and a blush instantly formed in your face. Though the thought of being caught in the act wasn't a turn-off at all, you weren't sure how Sanji would react to Luffy being balls deep inside you out in the open.
“I made a drink for you!” he called out and you could practically hear the hearts in his eyes.
“Oh and Luffy if you're out here you can have on too I guess,” Sanji said, his tone much less excited.
You couldn't quite see him from where you two were, luckily there were boxes of supplies you had yet to put back from your shopping spree in the way, blocking the view.
You looked back at Luffy, a blush covering your face and neck, but Luffy had a smirk on his face. Your eyes widened as you knew exactly what he was thinking.
“Luffy you-” you whispered but were shut up by Luffy’s movement.
In almost an instant, you were flipped over, ass in the air once again but this time, instead of fingers invading your insides, it was Luffy’s dick.
You instantly covered your mouth with your hands, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt the intense sensation of being fucked. It had been far too long since you’d had a good fuck which only make you that more sensitive.
“Damn your tight..” Luffy whispered as he tightened his grip on your hips and began to slam into you. The noises that were being made only made your blush grow deeper. All you could do was tighten against his cock and muffle your moans as best as you could.
One thrust after another, you were breaking apart. Saliva was dripping all over your hands as your attempts to quiet yourself began to break apart.
“So..deep..” you mumbled quietly as you bit your finger, almost causing yourself to bleed.
Your vision was blurry with tears, you hadn't had pleasure like this in a while.
“Y/n! Where are you, sweetie! Come back, I miss you!” you heard Sanji shout flirtily. You opened your mouth to say something, but Luffy decided to thrust into you incredibly deep and all that came out was a pathetic whimper.
You mouthed the words, ‘Oh. my. God.’ to no one in particular as the sloppy, wet noises only became more noticeable.
Luffy held your hips tight, pounding into you hard, almost like he wanted you to make sounds and be found out by the cook.
The only things that left your mouth were breathy moans and desperate whines as you felt your orgasm start to creep up for the third time tonight. Your legs were shaking and Luffy knew you were close.
You heard footsteps and bit your arm desperately. You heard the steps go up and down the deck, then silence.
“Tch, bet Luffy made her play some dumb game with her,” he said as you heard him turn around. Your heart was beating incredibly fast, but as his footsteps faded it became slightly more regular.
You turned around to see the man who was buried inside of you and all you could see over your tear-filled eyes was a smirk. You opened your mouth but were cut off for the eighth time this evening.
“When you're done, come back inside, or the food will go to waste,” Sanji shouted and all you could do was moan.
Seemed like Sanji knew you two were doing something out here, but not exactly what which was somewhat comforting. You weren't sure if the loud wet slapping sounds gave him an idea of what you two were up to but it didn't seem like he did.
You breathed out, not realizing you were holding your breath as you felt another deep thrust. Hard, deep, and fast. Your pussy couldn’t take this kind of loving abuse for much longer.
You clenched around him and finally let your voice out, moaning far louder than you intended.
“Oh fuck Luffy, you’re gonna make me cum again,” you said breathily, your pussy just about as wet as it could be as the deep thrusts of your captain egged on your release.
“Me too, Y/n,” he said breathily as his thrusts began to quicked. You tightened around him and bit your lip. “Yes, Yes, Right There!” you yelled as you came on his dick. His thrusts continued through your third orgasm and a few moments later, you felt the warm release of your captain as well.
He stayed inside of you for a few seconds after two, the more thrusts then he pulled out, cum dripping out of your pussy and onto the deck of the sunny.
You finally collapsed on the hardwood deck as you panted, feeling completely satisfied.
“You're ..so..” you started to say. “Good..” you managed to get out as you felt arms wrap around you. Luffy leaned you against him, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You cuddled up into him and all you could do was smile at what happened.
You laughed and kissed him back.
“Let's do this again huh..?” you asked and closed your eyes, your head leaning against his chest.
“Only if you say you love me,” Luffy said and your smile only grew wider.
“How could I not love you, captain?” you asked playfully as you two recovered from the night's events.
“Damn, that was hot.” the swordsman said as he looked out of the crows nest and onto the deck, seeing the scene that had unfolded under him.
Zoro stroked his dick, his thumb pressing the tip of it as precum started to seep out.
“What I wouldn't do for a night with her..” he said to himself, a hand brushing through his green hair, another adamantly stroking his cock. He smirked at himself, thinking of what he was going to do to you as soon as he had you alone.
There’s a part 2 on my Ao3 if you’re interested lol- ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/30691979 )
Anyways- I do requests so feel free to suggest some fic ideas!
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