#anyway yeah their blood is explosive.......makes fights interesting....
piebutt · 8 months
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misc bg3 doodles .....i cant hear 'bhaalspawn' without hearing 'balls'
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decamarks · 1 year
i bought ultrakill forever ago but never got around to playing it. what is the deal why has it spawned such a dedicated fanbase. you seem like you'd know....
IT'S JUST REALLY GODDAMN FUN!!! that's the short answer and honestly the best answer. it's really ridiculously fun. like probably one of the most fun games to ever exist.
there is a ridiculous amount of care and skill and soul packed into every design choice; it culminates in some of the most immaculately ecstatic and visceral gameplay i've ever experienced. it cannot be understated how brilliant this game's design is. the only way to really understand why it excels is to just play it!
if you'd like an anecdote to represent the overall ultrakill experience, here's mine: when i played the demo for the first time, after maybe 5 minutes i became so physically nauseous that i had to stop. and in that time i immediately went to get the full game. it's DELIGHTFUL. (see also: jerma's playthrough where he starts screaming "humans aren't supposed to be doing this" during a boss fight.)
but even aside from pure gameplay, there really is a lot to love… there's a certain self-aware sincerity to everything. it's unabashed on purpose, and in the best ways possible. despite its obviously absurd violence, don't at all mistake ultrakill for something cynical or misanthropic—there's a lot of depth and heart dancing beneath the surface, a lot of it in places i didn't expect to see it, and so much that i didn't expect to appreciate nearly as much as i do.
[okay this got too long. the rest is going DOWN HERE ↓]
like okay, obviously the music is just. insane. the goddamn midi metal/breakcore genre fusion is THE most hilarious and unfathomably genius stylistic choice that could have been made. and it's not even just that!! there's ambient & drone & harsh noise influence all across the ost, which just enchants and delights me. i DEFINITELY didn't expect it, but i love it. (the fact that there's like, a level named after a sunn o))) song, and that the latest update contains a godawful joke about trout mask replica might tell you exactly what kind of game ultrakill is, or it might tell you literally nothing.)
the writing and worldbuilding can be rich and compassionate in ways i really didn't expect, too... it's so evident that it's a work of passion, with really sincere and often sweet philosophies sprinkled throughout all the bloodshed and grotesque silliness—and often within them. it makes me smile! also gabriel is a really good character. people go apeshit over that guy. for good reason. he's just REALLY good.
if you're just interested in understanding its amassed fanbase, yeah ultrakill's is pretty ridiculous and dedicated. and it's extremely deserved! the game is fun & the characters are fun. being in early access, it's kinda built on ongoing feedback, so it makes sense people are invested. the devs really seem to embrace the fanbase wholeheartedly, which helps a lot too. that is also why, kind of inexplicably, ultrakill is kind of a gay & horny game. please note that i do not say these things flippantly or lacking deliberation; there's an extremely good essay to be written about gayness across ultrakill & its communities. like aside from the general hilarity of a game having official buttplug support, the fact that the dev team hired an artist specifically because he drew a lot of incredibly beautiful/obscene depictions of gabriel DOES say a lot. this, of course, makes ultrakill 100x better.
anyway that's the basics. i could definitely write THOUSANDS of words about this game and that's honestly... not what i expected when i booted it up the first time LOL. it really just happened to appeal to a lot of things i sincerely adore, in an unexpectedly sincere way—all while being a STUPIDLY good game.
TL;DR: it's a fun robot video game where you shoot things. and there's blood and explosions. it's good you should play it
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masterwords · 2 years
running toward nothing (part eight)
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Summary: Hotch is injured in an explosion while on overseas assignment, putting Derek in a difficult position both with the team and with Spencer who has spent the last few months inadvertently falling in love with him. (Set around 07x01 - It Takes a Village but canon divergent by a lot.)
Warnings: drug use/addiction, violence, food, lies, a lot of sex talk (sfw so far)
Words: 3k
Pairings: Hotch/Morgan established
Notes: This is for @tobias-hankel’ s Spencer Whump Challenge. My assigned prompts to do my evil with were Derek Morgan & Betrayal. We're coming up to it now, guys. And yeah, we're talking about s-e-x here a lot, and in the next chapter we will be getting pretty frisky again...I think at this point that's not very surprising right? But we're nearly there.
Read on AO3: Running Toward Nothing
They don't fight. They just don't.
That was the funny thing about them. Funny because if anyone watched them at work for any length of time, they'd think there were bound to be some knock down drag out brawls. In fact, at one point, Emily expressed her disappointment in how very little they did of any interest at all. “You're both so...boring...” she'd said, rolling her eyes. She'd expected that out of Hotch, sure, but not Derek too.
Sure, there were little bouts of bickering and some days it was almost constant, but that's par for the course. They simply don't have any reason to fight. On most things they see eye to eye or have built up enough patience (or tolerance) to let go of what might otherwise spark a fight.
Except now. Right now, Derek was pretty sure a fight was warranted. Maybe even necessary. Words weren't going to cut it this time. And when Hotch refused, left him hanging somewhere in fucking limbo...forgiven but still unbearably sad...he had to leave. Hotch may not want to fight but something was boiling just under Derek's skin and if it wasn't let out soon he might cause irreparable damage.
The problem was, when he got like this, he could usually just hook his hands behind Hotch's thighs and toss him onto the bed and they'd solve all of the world's problems with their pants off. And that was explicitly off the table, which is why he was in this whole mess in the first place wasn't it?
So he walked. And then he ran. Down the empty roads and flashing traffic lights pounding out miles and miles beneath his worn old tennis shoes. Normally running helped, it gave him just enough, but this situation was spiraling out of control and his fists were balled so tight at his sides he thought they might never unclench. Running wasn't going to cut it. (He knew why that was...)
The gym down the street from Quantico was open. Or, rather, its lights were on. The overnighters. Derek knew who he'd find there and he figured he could get through a few hours of meaningless conversation for the relief that the punching bags might afford him. Or better, if any of them were particularly squirrelly. Doctors, tweakers, police officers...the night crew, they called themselves. The guys who needed to let off steam and didn't exactly subscribe to that 9 to 5 life. Like Fight Club but with slightly less blood.
The stink of the gym washed over him and it was almost instant, he could feel the electricity crackling over his skin. This was where he needed to be, if he couldn't be in their bed anyway. He would rather Hotch bend him over, dig his hands into his hips so hard he left imprints and bruises...
“Yo, Morgan!” It was Denny, probably a tweaker but Derek didn't mind him much. Good guy, kept to himself mostly but tough as nails. “Wanna piece of me?”
“Nah,” Derek replied with a grin, approaching the other man with his hand extended in a warm greeting. First a shake, then a fist bump. “I want the whole damn thing.” He didn't feel like smiling, but it was a fake it til you make it sort of night. What he really wanted to do was hit something until his knuckles bled, or be hit until he saw stars. Either way, he had a lot of aggression to work out and Denny was clearly looking for the same high.
They never set out to hurt eachother, but a little blood on the floor was par for the course with the night crew, and the owners didn't mind it as long as they kept their cool and cleaned up their messes. Derek mopped up his own blood, his broken lip still dripping bright red eagerly down his chin. His shirt was a mess, but he felt great. His lip would probably do better if he could wipe the damn smile off of his face. He still wanted to hit the sack with Hotch as bad as ever, but he didn't need it as badly now. It'd just be nice. Really, really nice.
Over to Quantico and up to Hotch's office was his next move, not ready to head home just yet. It wasn't that he couldn't be there now, he was just beat. Bone tired.
He knew a couch that was free, and it was late enough he thought maybe he could get in a few hours before being discovered and having to field any number of questions he didn't want to answer. The weight of the key in his hand, unlocking an office that had been shut for so long and wasn't apt to be opened again for months...walking by this door used to give him a tightness in his chest, now it just felt dead. It smelled so familiar, but not at all like Hotch anymore. There was no guarantee it ever would again. If Hotch couldn't pass fitness for duty tests...well they'd cross that bridge later, it was too distant to really bother thinking about. He could barely walk; they weren't considering anything more than day to day mobility. (He felt sad for a moment, just a pang, until he reminded himself that his home smelled like Hotch now and the sheets and pillows in his bed and that helped.)
Derek rifled around in the desk drawers for a snack, a pouch of saltines or a fun size candy bar leftover from Halloween. Hotch always bought too much candy for trick-or-treaters and stored the excess here so they could all help themselves to an afternoon pick me up if they needed. They knew which ones to take and which to leave. Hotch liked the simple chocolate bars, no gimmicks. Hated the Milky Ways and all of the caramel gooey stuff, didn't like anything that stuck to his teeth. He was funny about that, and though he'd never complain if anyone took the ones he liked, they all left them. At this time of year, it was down to just the bars he liked and the stuff no one wanted...smarties and licorice, mostly.
He hated licorice, but he took out a pouch and ate it anyway, careful of his painful lip. Barely tasted it, really. He just needed something to stop his hands from shaking...a few hours getting the shit beat out of him had done a number on his blood sugar, so he ate two more tiny fun size packages of Twizzlers before deciding that was enough. It reminded him of buying pouches of off-brand licorice at the corner store with his sisters and sucking down apple juice through them like they were straws. Childish delights.
The couch accepted his plea for sleep eagerly, curling up on its thin fabric and searching out his favorite spot. Right between the springs that dug into your hips. If you tried to sleep without searching out those springs you'd definitely regret it when you tried to sit up and couldn't bend your spine.
He woke to the sound of his phone ringing. More than one missed call, but this one broke through. Dawn was barely creeping and spreading through the sky, seeping in through the windows. He'd intended to be home by now, dammit.
“Where are you?”
Derek knew that was what Hotch said, but it sounded more like one fuzzy thick sound. No formalities, those probably died in the empty hours between missed calls. Now it was just something akin to hushed panic swirled with immense relief.
“Needed to clear my head. I told Sean I was leaving.”
Hotch hummed and Derek could hear the worry pricking his breath. “He didn't know where...I was worried...” He actually said it. Carefully chosen words that shattered Derek's barely awake calm. He closed his eyes and pictured Hotch sleepy-eyed on his cane hobbling through the house looking for him with pillow creases on his cheeks and sleep matted hair. It made his chest ache.
“I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to...I'll be home soon.” Baby felt wrong, sounded wrong. He wished he could take it back. It hung there between them long after the call was disconnected, and somehow he found a store of energy so deep he was able to run home. Slow, perhaps, but sucking that chilly morning air into his lungs woke him up.
Hotch knew it would sound silly to just about anyone, but he could smell his office on Derek. There was something distinct about the dusty couch and the smell of his books and his paper. He practically lived there, it was familiar and it was a smell he missed deeply. Derek wrapped him in a hug, buried his face in Hotch's neck, and let out a long shaky sigh.
“I'm so sorry, Aaron,” he whispered. “I didn't mean to worry you.”
His shirt was covered in dried blood and his lip was split down the middle. Hotch didn't need to ask him where he'd been or what he'd been doing, and he certainly didn't need to ask why.
Spencer appearing at the door to pick Jack up for school was ill-timed, at least for him. The first time he'd seen Derek since they got off of the jet and he walked in to see them hugging in the kitchen. Fucking great, he thought bitterly. There had been just enough time over the last few hours to think maybe Derek would tell Hotch everything that happened and then Derek would be his. Because how could Hotch forgive that? It was silly, childish even, but he really couldn't fathom Hotch just being okay with it. So, seeing the hug, maybe Derek hadn't said anything, except Hotch didn't even look at him. No, maybe it's that he wouldn't look at him. So, he knows.
“Mornin'!” he chirped, because they were all going to play this fun game of nothing is wrong and nothing happened as everything stacked up to insurmountable heights. They all but invited him into the game with their complicit little hug, ignoring his presence entirely. Come join in the pretend parade.
The empty Vicodin bottle pressed against his thigh as he waved his way through the house toward Jack's room, making a brief stop at the bathroom on the way. He had to return it; he'd promised Emily. She didn't need to know the story he'd concocted, or how he did it, and hopefully she would never even bring it up but just in case...he wouldn't be lying this time.
Locking the door behind him, he stared at his face in the mirror and wondered if anyone had even noticed the dark circles under his eyes. He didn't fool himself into thinking it was the drugs, not yet. He'd only taken 3 of the damn pills but man he wanted more, he'd forgotten the way they not only killed the pain but made him simply stop caring so much. About everything. Except he wasn't sleeping, that pill bottle screamed at him like something right out of a Poe story. It might not have been throbbing beneath the floorboards but close enough.
Searching, he found a small drawer and slipped the empty bottle inside next to a few of Jack's things and some washcloths. Bath crayons and Vicodin secrets. Perfect. Hiding in plain sight. It could easily have been overlooked, and if it was empty? Well, Hotch had memory problems now right? He was hiding it well, but Spencer could see that he was doing a lot more hiding and masking than healing in that regard. He just talked less and made less eye contact, which was sort of a miracle because he already did them so rarely. But that bloody eye was fascinating to look at, still not fully healed, and Spencer found himself searching it out. But with Hotch's memory problems and Sean being...well, he'd always been sketchy, he had plenty of opportunity to cover his tracks.
Years ago he never would have considered that this might be where he'd wind up, but since the whole Emily situation he held lying in a slightly different regard. Lying to Derek hurt him a little, but Hotch had no regard for his feelings when it came to lies told and he was just...returning the favor, right?
He stared at the medicine cabinet and slowly clicked it open, just to see the inventory for himself. He'd thought about it many times since Jack so innocently handed him that bottle of sweet relief...and, it had helped, he hadn't had more than a dull throb since Jack put that bottle in his hands, really. Here and there, but knowing this existed was just about enough to keep it at bay. That top shelf was...well it screamed at him. He picked a bottle of hydros from the corner, looked at how full it was and the date the prescription was filled and smiled to himself...Hotch wasn't using these.(Or the oxy beside them, but he didn't touch them...not yet.) It was clear. There were others beside it, also full, but he didn't need to get greedy now...just two. Right onto his tongue, right down the hatch.
And then two more, because he thought maybe two weren't enough to walk back out by that kitchen again. Watching Derek wrapped around Hotch made him sick enough that he took two more for his pocket, for later. Pain and suffering, he named them. His fingers twitched eagerly.
He looked light as he walked Jack out the door a few minutes later, laughing and conspiring with the kid after saying their goodbyes. Like nothing had even happened. Like he wasn't feeling the warmth of his slow creeping high already spreading through him. It certainly made seeing Derek and Hotch together a lot easier to swallow.
And speaking of swallow, he knew pain and suffering were sitting in his pocket waiting for him. Later.
Derek glanced at the clock and decided he had plenty of time before he needed to leave for work, and he was starving. A full breakfast was on the agenda. And maybe an entire pot of coffee, he was dragging.
Hotch only picked at his plate (and didn't go for any coffee, he wasn't drinking much of it lately), between the pain and the pills his appetite was almost non-existent. He'd lost a lot of weight and it was still melting off. It smelled good though. It wasn't that he didn't want to eat, and he did try because Derek's breakfasts were second to none. He couldn't cook dinner for shit, but breakfast was his love language. They sat with their plates in silence, not exactly awkward silence but a volatile one. Derek could feel the crackle of a fight...it could go there this time. The way Spencer had just walked through, smiled, grabbed Hotch's kid without even so much as an apology or acknowledgment of what happened might be enough to set him off.
“Why?” Hotch asked quietly, breaking the silence. Derek sighed deep and long when he realized that it wasn't a fight Hotch was after, just a reason. Because he was searching for an answer that aimed directly at him. Derek could point his finger for something he did, and Hotch would apologize. He could take the low road to an easy win here. Taking advantage of Hotch's massive guilt complex was always on the table, but he wouldn't stoop so low even if he could rationalize a way that it did come back to Hotch at least sharing the blame.
“I was dreaming about you because I miss you...it's been months, Aaron. But that's not...it isn't why. There is no why. It was just a mistake.”
There were tears falling into Hotch's mostly untouched scrambled eggs and Derek knew he couldn't mitigate this damage. Making Hotch cry was about the lowest thing he could do. He didn't need to blame him, just gut him with the truth.
“I know. I...” Hotch had already found a way to blame himself, that much was clear, and Derek only served to confirm it for him. He'd played right into the trap laid. There were a number of reasons he'd put off even bringing up their scorched sex life, from being afraid of it being painful to being worried about what Derek would think about the new wreckage he kept sealed beneath sweatshirts. What a silly notion, though, Derek never had worried about the scarred landscape of Hotch's skin. All that worry, he knew now, had led Derek right into someone else's arms.
“We could...” he looked at Derek, eyes filled with tears and widened hopefully. Derek didn't mind the blood, he barely noticed it in his eye anymore, it was just Hotch and he looked so sweet leaning forward like he had a secret he wanted to tell. He cleared the emotion from his throat. “Try. We could try. If you want.”
Derek stopped chewing his bite of egg, his cheek still puffy and frozen in place. He couldn't believe his ears. “Really?” His mouth was full, and it made Hotch chuckle a little. He looked like a chipmunk, all wide eyes and puffy cheeked surprise. Derek was astonished...that was maybe the first time he'd heard Hotch laugh in weeks.
This breakfast was turning out to be interesting.
“Yeah.” Hotch was acutely aware that his proposal wasn't exactly sexy. It was clinical, but effective. Probably not much of a turn on, him sitting there with a spoonful of egg hovering just above his plate, primed and ready for a bite, and offering something he hadn't even mentioned in months. Right now, Spencer was still between them, the last person Derek had touched like that, and until he was moved out of the way Hotch couldn't put more of himself out there so this offer was about as much as he could muster but at least it was genuine. “I miss you too.”
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Find The Words [ 12 ]
hello and how are you?
Ending the day on a wonderfully high note with yet another Draft from the Hoard of the same variety of Tag Game! I think I do enjoy these the most since there is not a lot of outside decision making or position setting. But anyways!
Thank you to the wonderful @blind-the-winds for tagging us! You can find their response right here! :D
Our Words: best | blot | begin | blink | bored.
Open Tag For All Who See And Want To Join! Your Words: exclude | food | patient | minimum | budge
Content Warnings: Violence, Blood Please Keep Yourselves Safe.
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Best | The Villain's Hero
It isn’t in his best interest. The fight is still fresh in his mind, the wound with the word she had spat at him still bleeding over his insides. But the show of her body getting ripped apart by the Traitor is more than he can stand. He presses himself against the bars, trying to catch the attention. Blood is pooling, and even with the amazing feat of healing she always displays, worry twists his stomach and eats through his throat.
Blot(ted) | Random Fantasy XV
It must have cost a fortune though whoever had bought it blotted the tag out. “Hey Noct?” “Yeah?” “Just for like, reference. How much is this baby?” “Free.” “Noct.”
Begin(s) | A Magician And A Curse
Elios purses their lips, grips the sword hilt harder as they watch the Witch shamble through the clearing. It stops, its head rising slightly as whispering begins. Elios frowns slightly. “What is-“ Something rams into them, sending them into another bush as an explosion resounds. Elios slides, grunts as they blink, Rune hunched over them and focused on the clearing. “This is bad.”
Blink(s) | A Knight's Honor
“Lady Elizabeth, please return to your Family. I am of no concern, but I cannot allow a Lady of the Swallow Family to follow my whims of curiosity.” She blinks with the words, but before he can try to continue to convince her, that familiar pout comes. It holds all of her stubbornness in it, and he almost sighs as she puts it into her voice and reply as well. “I do believe I can decide my path myself, thank you very much.”
Bored | Random Fantasy XV
Cor sighed, adjusted his grip on Prompto as he gave them a bored look. “You guys failed. Just letting you know. We will try the exercise again another time. In the meanwhile,” He instantly shifted his hold on Prompto, bringing the blonde to sit on his shoulder, Prompto screeching as he clung to his head. “COR, PUT ME DOWN! NOCT, SAVE ME!” “We will help Prompto with his fear.”
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
(Welcome to another warm-up writing piece. cw for mild body horror)
The mall food court doubled rather nicely as a battle-dome.
It fit the bill: a flat and circular arena, crowned two-stories up by a hemisphere of glass windows which lapsed iridescent in the maelstrom of ecto-fire.
Spectator chairs sat empty, hastily shoved back and knocked over by the Amity Park mall patrons who knew to leg it at the first sound of explosions and the first sign of the atmosphere tipping dark. Admittedly, the patron evacuation took longer than Danny anticipated, and he backed himself into a corner playing defense for the 50 some-odd people who, worn-out on the every-day mundanity of ghost alarms, took their time gathering belongings, or shutting off burners, or working in a few last bites of a burger.
So with the crowd gone and the stage their own, Danny found himself pressed back against a vat of french fry oil, hands braced against the handle of a broom he held out horizontally, which the ghost gripped with equal measure and shoved her full weight against.
“Oh, why not take a little dip, Ghost Boy? I hear the water’s nice.”
“No thanks,” Danny answered, shoving harder. “I never was much of a hot tub guy. You on the other hand—”
Danny set a foot forward and pivoted, body fueling the torque as he spun the broom, and tore the ghost with him, a pirouette to swap their spots and jam the ghost back-pressed to the fryer.
“—you seem like you’d like it hot.”
The ghost barked a laugh, jaw stretching lower and loose than Danny was comfortable with.
“Ha! You sure? Not very heroic of you to deep fry this girl I’m possessing.”
Danny faltered. His grip slipped. His blood chilled to ice as the information clicked in place – as he recognized the sensation of a ghost talking through someone. This wasn’t the ghost’s own form. This was some girl. How had he not felt—
A blast took him by the ribs. Danny doubled over, immediately kicked back. A foot found contact with his face, driving him down, until the girl’s wet and slippery fingers pinned him down by the wrists.
Danny strained. He could pivot his wrist a fraction of an inch left or right, but he could not break the hold.
“Get off me!”
And a voice answered from behind him.
“I can help with that.”
Danny craned his neck. Upside down, vantage point from the floor, he registered Sam’s combat boots slam into focus. She bent to one knee, a bazooka locked on the other. It charged, whined, and erupted with an explosion of green light.
The ghost shrieked. It took only an instant of resistance before the ghost tore cleanly from the girl possessed.
“Now if you don’t mind me—” Tucker, by the voice. Danny heard the whine of a Fenton Thermos heating up. “—I’d officially like to change my order from fries to soup.”
The beam burst forth, and the writhing, shrieking, yelping form of the exorcised ghost clawed and scratched in Danny’s direction before the thermos consumed her in full.
“Really? ‘Fries to soup’? Even Danny can do better than that.”
“Hey,” Danny answered.
“I was thinking on my feet, Sam. I didn’t hear any witty quips from you.”
The conversation fell away from Danny’s focus as the full human weight of the possessed girl dropped down on him. Gently, Danny gripped her by the shoulder, lifting her as he pushed himself into a sitting position.
“Your parents’ anti-possession gear is getting good. I don’t think I’ve seen an exorcism work that quickly.” Sam’s voice, now at his side. Danny glanced over, finding her kneeling beside him. “Is she hurt?”
Danny gave the girl a once-over. She was pale, cold, lips seeping blue. A mottled, blackish bruise spread across her temple, partially hidden beneath loose red bangs.
“I don’t… totally know. I didn’t land any hits on her, thankfully. But who knows what that ghost might have done. We should call an ambulance.”
“On it,” Tucker, from behind.
“Do you… do you think the bazooka might have hurt her?” Sam asked.
Danny shook his head. “Mom and Dad have blasted each other with that thing a hundred times. Dad got himself possessed by the box ghost for a trial run. It doesn’t hurt people. …Maybe she just needs a minute.”
“Lay her down, maybe?”
“Good idea.”
Danny eased forward, careful in his movements. Something about his grip slipped, sliding loose and rolling forward, and she fell unceremoniously from his arms, shoulder knocking ground as she lay there partially turned on her side.
“Sorry! I didn’t—something slipped!”
“Well don’t leave her like—” Sam gripped a hand to the girl’s shoulder, weight behind her wrist to roll the girl fully onto her back. Sam’s hand froze, and then yanked away.
“What?” Danny asked.
“That didn’t feel right.” Sam only stared down, her hand hovering, twitching in increments. “Way too cold… and loose.”
“Danny, look at her hands. What’s wrong with her hands?”
Danny looked. The skin stretched and wrapped the bones of her fingers as if rotated partway around. Her fingernails sat off-center, twisted around and bunched up like a glove. Sam’s hand came back into view, and she clamped it to the girl’s wrist.
“It’s like jelly. Danny it’s like jelly. Why is she this cold? Danny, I don’t think she’s—”
Something new caught Danny’s eye, a purple discoloration peeking out from the bottom ruffles of the girl’s shirt. His hands seemed to move on their own as he reached down, and pinched the bottom of her shirt, and pulled it back.
Black bruising consumed her torso, caving deep and bloating, pruning around the trails of heavy stitching that ran along the tracks of surgical cuts carving through her abdomen.
Danny yanked his hand away as if burned.
“Danny, she’s not breathing.”
The rest of Danny’s thoughts drowned in the swelling wail of the approaching ambulance siren.
Outside the Fenton Portal, green lighting doused the only part of Danny’s form not hidden in shadow, and danced with the fire of his glowing green eyes. Danny uncapped the thermos in his hand, and he trailed his thumb along the eject switch.
A new consuming green light belted forth, lasting only a moment until it vanished with a twin-braided ghost in its wake. The ghost blinked, smoothing over her hair and pulling the ends of her braids over her shoulders.
“Oh, it’s the Ghost Boy again. I thought you’d just throw me back in the Ghost Zone. Are you interested in a round 2?”
“No, not interested,” Danny answered, tone colder than ice.
“Yeesh, you’re quite sour. No more puns?”
“Why were you possessing that girl?”
“Why were you possessing her?”
The ghost blinked, green portal light mixing murkily with her purple eyes. “No particular reason. It was just a joyride.”
“A joyr—she was dead.”
Another blink. “Yeah I know. She was sitting in the morgue. She was in like a car crash or something and they already took all her organs. They didn’t need her. And I was gonna give her back, but you had to go and make it a whole thing.” The girl swooped forward, eyes wide and roving over Danny. “You seem mad. Wanna call a truce?” She stuck a hand forward. “I’m Melissa, by the way.”
Danny jolted, eyes flashing brighter. “No, you’re not. That girl was Melissa.”
“Oh for real?” Melissa let out a chuckle. “Crazy coincidence. I like don’t even know that many Melissas. Anyway truce?”
“No.” Danny ran his fingers through his hair. “You were possessing the body of a dead girl and you made me fight her! Don’t you see how that’s—that’s so—how fucked up—that you’d even—”
“Well I mean, I didn’t make you fight me. You made that happen. I was minding my business.”
“Doing what?”
“Shopping. Why else would I take a body for a joyride? I stole some cute clothes to wear. Stole some food to eat. Oh! That outfit I was wearing when we were fighting? Yeah I picked that out. She was in like a hospital gown when I found her. Super cute improvement right?”
An ectoblast sounded and connected with the wall behind Melissa, missing her a foot to the right. Danny’s hand glowed, and his eyes focused with a razor sharpness.
“Stop talking like that, okay? It’s pissing me off. I need you to tell me you know this was fucked up.”
Melissa put a finger to her chin. “I mean I guess stealing is kinda wrong. They were all like, big box corporate stores don’t worry.”
“The. Dead. Body.”
And Melissa fell silent a moment, violet eyes probing deep into Danny’s before widening. “Oh. Oh you’re like for-real mad about that. Like actually. I thought you were like, making an ironic joke.”
“Why the hell would I be joking about this??”
Melissa cocked her head to the side. “Well because you’re doing it too, duh. Like, duh.”
A huff of air cut against Danny’s teeth, an involuntary noise, incredulous, a guffaw he didn’t consciously make. The jelly sensation of decomposing flesh was back under his fingers. “I am not—would never—I’ve never even seen a dead body before this thing with you and I’d never in a million years even think for even a fucking second that I’d want to possess a dead body. What’s wrong with you?!”
Melissa bobbed a little in the air, ends of her braids trailing over the straps of her ephemeral sundress. “See this is why I really can’t tell if you’re joking or not. What are you talking about? You’re doing it right now.” She clasped her hands behind her back. “The black-haired boy whose corpse you’re possessing. Why are you allowed to do it?”
Danny froze. He laughed, heavy, with an uncomfortable force. “Myself, you mean? I’m not possessing myself. I am myself. I’m a half-ghost.”
Melissa met his laugh. “Oh what? No way like, that’s your own corpse? How’d you even get back to it in time? That’s crazy lucky like you must have died right near a portal or something.”
An involuntary shiver traced down Danny’s spine.
“…I’m not dead.” His eyes shifted around, and Danny dropped to the floor. He set a hand against the wall, throwing on the lights to the Fenton basement. Rings swept around his form, green iridescent eyes sweeping blue, white hair seeping black. “Look. Literally look at me. I’m not dead.”
And Melissa swooped closer. She set a finger to her bottom lip and hovered a foot in front of Danny, drinking him in. She swept to the side, like a swimmer in the water, sweeping around him in a full arc. She edged closer and pinched her fingers against the exposed skin on Danny’s arm. He flinched.
“Oh wow there’s like, not even any decay or anything. Your human brain even feels like it’s working it’s all like, electro-magnety. How long were you dead before you got back to your body?”
“I didn’t die.”
“Then what did happen?”
“I got shocked by the Fenton Portal, okay? It was just a lab accident and it gave me powers.”
“Oh. Oh.” Melissa’s eyes shot wide. “Oh you didn’t die near a portal… You died in a portal. You didn’t even have to get back to find your body at all. You must have appeared like practically on top of your own body. That’s crazy lucky. That’s so lucky. Your body was like, probably only dead a microsecond before you hopped back in. No wonder it’s so well-preserved.”
Danny swatted her away. “You’re not listening to me.”
“You’re not listening to me.” Melissa floated backwards. “What do you think is more likely? A bajillion ecto-volts somehow gave you superpowers that exactly mirror everything a regular dead ghost can do? …Or you died, and became a regular old ghost, and did what any regular old ghost can do, which is possess a freshly-dead dead body?”
“…I’m half-ghost,” Danny answered, human heart pounding in his chest. “I know what I am.”
Melissa bobbed back, feet pointed backwards until the soles of her feet skimmed the matrix of the portal. “I see you’ve made up your mind. That’s alright. But it was still pretty mean of you to accuse me like a big hypocrite like that.”
“I’ll destroy you if you ever try that again.”
“Oh I’ll try asking permission next time okay? Promise.” Melissa’s feet sank into the surface of the portal. “But, before I go, I’ve just got one more question to leave you with.”
“Why should a lethal accident do anything other than kill you?”
“Maybe you’ll have an answer for me next time I see you. Byeee!”
A spark of white erupted from the portal, consuming, absorbing, and fizzling out as Melissa’s form vanished into the ether beyond.
“Hey! Yo! Danny, come check this out!”
Danny rounded the stairs, unsocked feet creaking the floorboards with each step. Danny yawned, and blinked, and rubbed at his bruised eyes with the sleeve of his pajama top.
“Still asleep? That’s fine! You don’t have to do anything. Just come over here and look at what your old pop’s been up to.”
Danny entered the living room, where Jack sat hunched on the couch surrounded by an arsenal of power tools, rags, oil, soldering equipment, and scrap metal. From beside him he hefted a bazooka into view.
“This is the Fentonzooka 3.2.17. Amped up and equipped with all the latest in ghost-busting and human-saving technology.”
Danny blinked. “3.2.17?”
“Yep. This baby’s got 17 bug patches, tweaks, and internal improvements since the 3.2.0. The 3.2.0 was the advent of the snack compartment in the side. Look!” Jack spun a dial, revealing a chamber half-filled with pistachios.
Danny only stared.
Jack hefted the bazooka onto his shoulder. “Even better, Mads and I finally got rid of the last little sting humans feel when it’s fired. It’s now completely 100% harmless to humans. It feels like the breeze from a standing fan when it hits ya.” Jack turned, and he aimed the barrel at Danny. “Wanna try it out?”
Danny stood, and Danny stared, and Danny said nothing.
What might happen when it hit him?
Would it hit like the gentle breeze of a fan? Wash over him like air conditioning? Tingle cool and pleasant against his human fingers, human face, human skin?
Would it do something else?
Why should a lethal accident do anything other than kill you?
Jack eased the bazooka a bit off center, pulling his eyes away from the sight. He stared directly at Danny. “Danny?”
“Do you want to try it out?”
Danny stood.
Danny stared.
Danny wondered if he’d have an answer for Melissa the next time he saw her.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The bunnies’ other jobs!
From my bunny cafe au
((I am so peeved :((( I had this all written out!! And I deleted it by accident!! Darnnnnn!!!))
Anon asked “You mentioned that some of the bunnies have day jobs so do they all have jobs outside the cafe or just a few?” (Something along these lines…again…I deleted it by accident 😔)
After his father got bored with the wine industry, he passed the whole company off to Diluc on his 18th birthday in order to shift his focus to mining. Diluc found himself swamped with all kinds of business decisions while just barely being an adult. He expanded the company and hired some very trustworthy people to handle things for him so he could finish college
When the business was given to him, Diluc and Kaeya had an explosive fight over it. Kaeya felt like he deserved to have some say in what happens to the business, he’s still a part of the family! But Diluc refused to let him in on any decisions so Kaeya packed his bags and left (not before cussing him out in front of their father, staff and business partners). He was just in a silly, goofy mood. They’re fine now, not on the best terms but they do chat and meet up for lunch on occasion.
He is filthy rich, he couldn’t spend all of his all of his money if he tried, so he doesn’t really need the job at the cafe! Kaeya got him the job because he knew his brother was stuck in a weird, antisocial funk and needed some fun in his life
Diluc loves this job, he has a great time, but it isn’t his main job. His priority will always be the family business!! If he has to quit his job at the cafe, he would in a heartbeat
Kaeya was going to go into the police academy but was scouted out by a modeling agency. They had seen him at Ragnvindr company events and thought ‘well damn’ so they gave him a pretty generous deal
Kaeya makes a good living off of modeling, the tips and paycheck from the cafe. He rakes in cash pretty quickly just cause he knows how to get it. That, and his dad sends him checks every other month as well. Kaeya thinks of it as ‘I’m sorry’ money. He isn’t wrong
He doesn’t travel much for modeling, which he doesn’t mind, so he kinda just hangs around the city with a lot of free time on his hands between photo shoots. That’s why he got this job at the cafe! It gives him something to do and it’s fun as hell ;)
Bedo is one busy bunny. He finished college early and is getting his masters degree online. He works most days at the cafe and on the weekends, he tutors other college students in bio/chem/science related subjects
(He was actually Xiao’s tutor back when he was failing chemistry!! Xiao is very thankful for Albedo’s help!!)
His dream is to become a biochemist, he’s always been interested in cells and what makes up living beings. So having a career in that field would make him the happiest man alive
His mother and sister live outside the city in a more rural area so he spends a lot of time FaceTiming the two of them! Klee is always so excited to hear about Albedo’s experiments or the people he’s met while working in such a bustling, fun city :)
Zhongli is a simple man! He’s a bunny waiter and an artist
He creates intricate pieces based on folklore from different cultures, focusing mostly on dragons. His favorite medium is paint, he loves painting on glass and layering the panes in order to create a 3D piece
He sells his works to galleries, shops and anyone who wants them! As long as they appreciate the story behind the artwork. Sadly…He undersells his work. He could def be making more money but he just does not desire money or material goods the way others may
So he got his job at the cafe in order to help out his dear friend Ningguang, not for money, he only planned on working there for a month or two until she got more bunnies but…he ended up really loving the people he works with :’) he looks forward to working with them now and texts/calls them outside of work to meet up for lunch or bowling (such an old man thing to do omfg)
Dain was a bouncer at another bar before leaving to come to Celestia’s! He’s good friends with Beidou, they belong to the same motorcycle club so when she was talking to him about the lack of security at the cafe/bar, he stepped in to help out
Little did he know…he’d actually become a bunny…And like it
This is his full time job now, he doesn’t have another for the time being. While he is a bunny at the cafe, he still keeps an eye out for any threats to his coworkers and has access to the offices upstairs (Ningguang’s office and the security office)
When he isn’t waiting tables, he’s upstairs in a tank top and sweatpants keeping an eye on the security cameras and talking to the other security guards through their ear pieces
Ajax is a student who doesn’t really have much time on his hands
He mows lawns in the summer and he’s quit his job as a cashier to come work at the cafe! He mostly works night shifts his cause he’s still going to school aaaaaand he’s on his college’s swim team! He’s about to graduate so he works close with his coach to help train the others on the team
He doesn’t really want his family knowing that he skips around in a skimpy bunny outfit and fucking customers most nights but I mean…They’re bound to find out if they see him in pictures people post
Xiao is an art student!! He wants to be a tattoo artist :)
He’s already got one sleeve of tattoos, it’s unfinished but you can’t really tell just by looking. When he isn’t at the cafe, he’s either in class or shadowing Ganyu, his best friend and tattoo artist. Their art styles greatly differ, she focuses her craft on cutesy, colored tattoos, but she is skilled. And Xiao looks up to her
Xiao admires Zhongli too, they met at the cafe and when Zhongli found out Xiao wants to be a tattoo artist he told him that once he’s licensed, he wants to get a tattoo from him :’)
Baizhu is a (mostly) full time pharmacist, hence why he isn’t usually at the cafe
He also has a niece, Qiqi, who he babysits often. He loves her very much so he has no problem watching her! Baizhu will even bring her to the pharmacy with him when he’s swamped with work. In the break room, he has a play kitchen, coloring books and a bunch of puzzles to keep Qiqi occupied while he works :)
When he’s not at work, he’s at home resting. He has chronic pain flare ups in his back and shoulders that can make life miserable :( he has plenty of good days that outweigh the bad! And as a pharmacist, he has access to any medicine he needs to make his life easier!
Alain’s an oral surgeon who’s a little bit….too into his job
He isn’t phased by blood or gore so he’s easily able to conduct procedures that would make other squeamish. He’ll pull teeth, put in dental implants, remove rotten tissue, any of that without even flinching
Outside of that, he works at the cafe. He wears a mask in order to avoid being recognized even though at his job as a surgeon, he’s usually wearing a medical mask anyways. It’s just a precaution
This has nothing to do with his career but he used to be a tap dancer and actor so he’d join in on local theatre shows! He helped build sets when he wasn’t rehearsing. He doesn’t have time for that anymore (which kinda makes him sadddd) but he has all kinds of theatre playlists on his phone and in his car that he’ll sing along to
Scara’s job at the cafe is his main job! His side job is something you may not expect from such a grump
He works at an animal shelter! In fact, he brings cats home to train so they have an increased chance of being adopted. Someone is more likely to adopt a potty trained, socialized cat than a feral cat who doesn’t know what a litter box is. So Scara brings them to his apartment for some one-on-one socializing, training and cuddling
One time he offhandedly mentioned working at an animal shelter while he was working at the cafe and sure enough, three separate customers from the cafe came by to adopt!!! Only one actually took an animal home but he was still surprised that those people had listened to him and cared enough to come by
Scara is a jerk most of the time but when he’s at home…by himself…With a lil kitten sleeping in his lap while he plays games on his PC…Yeah, he softens up a bit
So as you can see, we have a very diverse group working at the cafe! They’ve all learned a lot from each other, come to appreciate each other’s friendship and come to help each other out when one of their coworkers is in need or upset.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Jason doesn't show up in DC's animated series (though the does "spiritually" show up as Tim Drake in Season 2 of Batman the Animated Series).
Jason has a strong presence in the video games, though. So what is your opinion on Jason's characterization for Arkham Knight? He is a DLC for the Injustice games as well. Judy be warned that I did watch some clips of Arkham Knight and the torture was too gruesome for me.
Hey there friend, thank you for the ask!
I had to do some research on Red Hood’s appearances in the Injustice games because I was never really in touch with that story. Here is what I knew about it, there are two games for PC, one of them is Injustice and the other is Injustice 2, the games also have the comic books that give context/background to the lore of the game.
I used to play Injustice: Gods Among Us on mobile phone, and I had Jason as a playable character there, I also found out way too late that “Nightwing” wasn’t really Dick Grayson, it was Damian because he took on the mantle after he and the rock killed Dick in the comic (forever mad at that ridiculous death and the kinda scary art that comic had).
I looked for information about Red Hood’s backstory in wikis and all that because I refuse to read an alternate universe book written by Tom Taylor, there are things that I am just not willing to do.
All in all, I think that this Jason was in surface level, the same as his canon comic counterpart up until the time of his resurrection. Given that the world was at war and the League of Assassins wasn’t working openly, he and the others had to live in the shadows, he seems to have been trained proficiently by both Batman and the LoA so he is a very hardcore opponent. There are some bits of his story with Damian and a place called Gorilla City that I do not understand because I haven’t read the comics but I am fine without it.
The thing is that this Jason is pretty cool, he sticks to his morals and fights for what he believes is right, he doesn’t look like the kinda guy that takes sides in this war which is probably the best idea. Both Batman and Superman seem to be on the wrong side of history with they ideals.
What I did see and I loved eternally was the ending to Red Hood’s story, I will link the video here! But I will also copy and paste all that he says there because I think it’s really important and where I was able to see more of his characterization.
"That. Felt. Good. Titanium composite hollow point bullets with a C4 kicker. Fastest, most explosive ammo in the world. I made them myself. With the invasion over, Bruce and Superman started fighting again. I wasn't down with either of them. On the one hand, the Regime's right. Scumbag murderers and rapists deserve to die. But on the other hand, I'm no fan of government authority. Especially the dictatorial variety.
So, while the world's finest fight each other, I fight for the people. The weak. The innocent. Anyone who can't protect themselves. When they cry out for a saviour, I'll answer. As for the criminals that threaten them? They need to know that their actions have consequences. That the Red Hood is coming for them.”
This is excellent, I absolutely love this, this Jason knows his morals and doesn’t bow down to anyone and in the end, he is truly a hero to the people that need heroes the most.
Him saying that he believes that some criminals have to die but that he can’t really join Superman’s side because he cannot associate with it because he isn’t a fan of dictatorial ideas, I love this man.
I feel like this is a fair characterization for Jason, I believe that if something along the lines of what happens in Injustice happens in current continuity then Jason wouldn’t join any sides, he wouldn’t be neutral per se but he will fight for his own ideals. And his ideals in most universes are protecting people and I think that’s great. I love to see a world where Jason is seen as more intelligent and put together than the Batman.
Something that I find quite funny and interesting from this game is the dialogues that characters have with each other when they fight, I found this video compilation where you can see all the dialogues between Red Hood vs Robin (Damian Wayne), they are so fun and I love the animations too.
Oh, ArkhamVerse Jason, my beloved.
He is, to me, the epitome of this meme.
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I have actually watched the whole game playthrough, several times, and Jason had a DLC as the Red Hood for that game (Nightwing has one too and I will talk about it later because I love this version of him). And, yes, the torture scene is very gruesome, it was incredibly sad and it made me feel bad. But I also think that they made it that way so it could support the kind of storytelling they were going for.
The reality is that this Jason suffered his whole life, and was constantly introduced to lifestyles that he never wanted to be part of. The world around this Jason wasn’t kind at all to him and there is a long list of people who did him wrong.
Although ArkhamVerse Jason didn’t die, like his comic counterpart did, he suffered the most. And his suffering really drove him to be the best version of an unhinged Jason Todd. But it’s clear, his brutality and murder intent isn’t laced with his Red Hood persona or at least not on the same level as it is with his Arkham Knight persona.
This Jason’s characterization works to perfection, but it only works that way because he was well developed within the game lore and the comics. This Jason was extremely well trained, he is probably the smartest version of Jason, his mind and his level of preparedness are unparalleled when it comes to other Jason Todd variants (a little MCU Loki talk right there).
I would go as far as to say that this Jason would be an excellent match to peak Dick Grayson from before New 52 in comics. Those two would clash so immensely, but man, it would be one hell of an intellectual and physical fight. Two Kings doing what they do best.
Anyway, for now take my word for how well characterized Jason is in the ArkhamVerse, I will make a post were I deep dive more on his character both in game and comics. There is so much to say about him, he is truly interesting and very complex.
Now, I will be a little cheeky and I will use this ask as an opportunity to talk about my man, ArkhamVerse Nightwing aka Pretty Boy.
I love him so much! In the game when you get to meet him (I will link the video here! it’s five minutes long, and worth the watch) you get to see both Nightwing’s and Dick’s personalities. Nightwing is fun and relaxed, he is a little bit cocky and doesn’t let Batman be a pain in his ass, he is truly a beast. Although he is never seen without the mask in a moment when he is alone with Bruce you can really see Dick’s personality shine through. He obviously has had issues with Bruce in the past but there is also this palpable respect coming from both of them to the other. Bruce wants to protect Dick but he acts like a jerk instead of telling him what is on his mind. Dick wants to help Bruce at all costs, he refuses to leave Gotham until they solve something that he was already working on before Bruce needed his help.
There is also this sort of goodbye scene between the two (I will link it here!) that is extremely sad because Dick doesn’t believe Bruce when he tells him that he is proud of him. Dick cuts him off just when Bruce was trying to open up and I think that scene speaks volumes about how rough their relationship was. Dick never finds out that Bruce was “dying” after being infected with the Joker’s blood/gas, so it’s very bittersweet.
There is also the Nightwing DLC, where we get to see Dick being the best of the best, he is so skilled and funny and smart. It is amazing how much this game made me love their Nightwing even though he doesn’t appear much, his dynamic with Penguin is just perfect, Dick literally makes Penguin’s life very difficult. All of the people working with Penguin kinda fear Dick a little bit, some of them are even impressed by his skills.
Oh and, when Nightwing gets captured at some point in the game, Penguin’s men are saying something along the lines of “I was sure Batman will come in” “how come?” “what’s tied up downstairs and getting the crap beat out of it?” “Oh yeah, Nightwing” and that is so true, if I were Batman, I will also risk my life for Nightwing.
I just love Nightwing, he makes me so happy! He is the best here!
Anyway, enough of me loving Nightwing uncontrollably, I will make a separate post where I only talk about ArkhamVerse Jason so, yeah, be ready for that one because I love that Jason too, he is hot.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
She Might be a Forward, but You’re a Keeper (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
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Request: Emily x reader where r doesn’t have the best reputation and is sorta known for being a troublemaker but once Emily comes into the picture everything changes. Livin’ The Dream by Morgan Wallen is what made this pop into head.
Author’s Note: Firstly, Firerfly and i thank the one voter so much for voting for this fic. Secondly this almost didn’t happen because my dumbass deleted from the doc just seconds after we had finished it. Thank you to @literaryhedgehog​ for saving it. 
“You have to do it Sonnett,” Lindsey said sternly, taking a sip of her drink and ignoring Emily’s puppy eyes. She wasn’t going to feel bad about this. It was only fair, since she was the one who got them caught. 
“Yeah,” Rose added, crossing her arms. “consider it your punishment for not following through on our prank on Pino.” Meghan had been pissed, and the lecture they had gotten did not seem to fit the crime, especially since they had been stopped. All they wanted to do was start an itsy bitsy prank war. Where was the harm in that?
“Oh come on.” Emily whined, glancing back and forth between the two girls and the woman standing on the other side of the room. “She would have murdered me if I let you put blue dye in her shampoo,” Emily said, her bottom lip trembling. 
“And now Y/n might kill you so we’re even,” Lindsey shrugged, fighting a smile. Whatever way this ended, it would be entertaining for her. 
Some might think that that it was a gross overstatement, but it wasn’t. You had a reputation. A terrifying history of explosions on the pitch, and a complete lack of approachability off of it. You didn’t give a shit what anyone thought, Alex and Kelley being the only exception, but you had known them forever so it didn’t count. 
You didn’t have many friends (contrary to what the public though), but you were viciously loyal to the people you actually let get close to you. 
The youngins had been warned that you did whatever (and whoever) you wanted and they should steer clear. You wouldn’t mess with them as long as they didn’t mess with you. 
The problem was that the blond defender was smitten from the first moment she saw you this season. When she had first joined the team you had just been another veteran and the excitement of joining the national team had overshadowed everything else. But then you transferred to Washington during Club season and she started noticing you everywhere.  Partially because you were everywhere- weaving around the field and her vision, at team events and now here at camp, and… she might have been caughts staring once or twice. Maybe Emily had tripped over her own feet a few times because she accidentally got distracted by the sight of you pouring water over your head after a hot practice, who's to say. Either way,  her two meddling best friends knew about her little crush and had decided to use it as blackmail. 
“I hate you guys,”  Emily said, downing half her drink for liquid courage. 
Lindsey rolled her eyes and shoved the defenders shoulder. “No you don’t,” 
“You better get your ass over there before she starts flirting with another girl,” Rose said with a disinterested wave of her hand, motioning towards the dejected Brunette walking away from you. There was a parade of women all night, and it seemed none of them were having any luck. 
Your eyes followed the woman as she left, but your face didn’t betray any emotions, appearing completely uncaring to anyone who happened to glance in your direction. 
Emily nodded. It was now or never she supposed. 
You took an uninterested sip of you beer, swirling your finger around the glass when you set it back down on the bar. You had never exactly found team bar nights fun. It felt like thousands of people would come up and talk to you (and call you by name) and expect you to instantly be their friend. 
You didn’t need anymore friends. 
You took another sip of your flat beer, making a mental note to chastise Alex later for her terrible bar choice, and stared listlessly at the football (American style) game on the tv. 
“Hey, wanna hear a joke about paper?” You turned slowly to look at the speaker. You squinted at the blond defender, tilting your head to the side, not letting your surprise that a youngin actually had the balls to talk to you off the pitch show on your face. 
She scratched the back of her head grinning impishly at you. “Never mind, it’s tearable.”
You raised your eyebrow at the woman, you lips ticking up slightly at her adorable fidgeting. 
That seemed to give her confidence, as she set her drink down and slid into the unaccompanied stool next to you. 
“Why didn’t the vampire attack Taylor Swift? She had bad blood.” 
You suppressed your snort at the terrible joke, hiding it behind a sip of your bad beer. 
“It’s more fun if you actually let me respond before you hit me with the punchline,” You smirked, thoroughly entertained by the pink starting to bloom on the defenders cheeks. 
“Oh, my bad.” Emily said, making an embarrassed face. “Sorry, I often tell dad jokes- most of the time he laughs!’
This time you did snort, the smile you were holding back finally cracking across your lips. 
“Just most of the time? Sounds to me like you need to get a better one,”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” Emily said, a wicked gleam in her eye. A terrible joke competition was right up her alley.
“Not at all. I could never compete with someone with your… particular skill set. You should be a magician because you just make girls disappear,” You wiggled your fingers, mimicking a magical motion. 
“Ouch,” Emily said, holding back giggles. 
“You could let me ice that burn as consolation,” You shrugged, also holding in a giggle. 
“Nah, I just need to wait a little for it to warm back up. You know what the hottest time of day is?”
“No, what?”
“Two- flirty!”
You cackled loudly, nearly throwing your head back. 
“Is the Ice Queen actually smiling?” Kelley asked, sliding into the booth beside Alex, passing a disgustingly fruity drink to her girlfriend. 
“It appears so,” Alex nodded, pushing the stupid mini unbrella out of her way to take a sip. 
Her eyes followed your laughing form, taking in how your eyes lit up, and the way you leaned closer to the blond defender. It wasn’t your typically cocky posture when you talked to girls, you seemed much more unguarded. 
“Who knew Junior had it in her. I never thought she’d work up the courage,” Kelley smirked over the edge of her drink. Emily’s crush on you wasn’t a secret (to the two of them at least), but they never dreamed Emily would actually make a move. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/n look at anyone like that.” Alex started thoughtfully. “Well maybe-”
“We don’t speak her name Alex,” Kelley interrupted with a glare. They didn’t talk about your previous relationship. It had nearly ruined you completely. 
Rose and Lindsey joined Alex and Kelley where they were standing, all four trying to hide the fact that they were staring at you and Emily together. 
“You enjoying the show too?” Rose said, shaking her head slightly as she watched. What the heck could you two be talking about? For a few seconds she saw you talk animatedly then - in unison with Emily - double over in laughter. 
“You know something about this that we don’t?” Alex asked, glancing at the two younger players. 
Rose and Lindsey exchanged a look. “Sonnett’s only over there because we made her,” Lindey said. 
“Told her we’d rat her out to Vlatko for the snack incident last camp,” Rose shrugged. Revenge was best served with blackmail. 
“I didn’t know she had a soft side,” Lindsey said after a few minutes. 
“Only a few people actually get to see it,” Kelley shrugged. You were guarded but not heartless. It just took a special touch to break that cast iron shell. 
“Okay, okay. So I know a guy who's great at soccer but is super untidy.”
“You do?” You asked, biting your lip. You weren’t sure why you were suddenly nervous. 
“Yeah, he’s just a Messi guy!” Emily said, already laughing on the last word. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I think these are just getting worse,” 
“Oh come on, you were the one who told the one about a frog liking hoppy beer,” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “I think that one was objectively worse.”
“Whatever you say cutie pie,” you said, leaning forward on your hand. You weren’t usually this interested in conversation. You were more of an… in and out kinda girl. But there was something about Emily that intrigued you. That pulled you in and made you want to know more about her than just her bedroom preferences. 
“Pie sounds so good right now,” Emily said sighing deeply. “I don’t even have a joke to go with that, I just like pie. Although I think I read one at some point for Pi day, I could google it…” 
“I don’t know any jokes either, but I do know a place pretty close to here if you wanted to ditch these losers,” You offered, picking idly at your napkin. 
“Losers? I didn’t know the men’s team was here!” Emily smirked. You didn’t know if she was blowing you off, or just completely missed what you were implying. 
“See that one was actually a good one. Those idiots wouldn’t know how to score if they were shooting at the broadside of a barn,” You shook your head. Half of the women’s team midfield had better finishing stats than all the men’s forwards. They were terrible. 
“Oh come on. They’re not that bad. At least 9% of them are keepers,” Emily laughed. “Well that’s their position anyway. But yes, I would love to go get some pie with you. Just don’t tell Dawn I broke my diet.” 
“No promises Princess,” You said standing, and holding out your hand to the woman. You kissed the back of her hand when she laced her fingers with yours, earning yourself another giggle. 
It made your heart flutter, and you just wanted more. 
“You sure you’re okay missing the end of the party?” Emily said hopefully, scanning as if to make sure no one would waylay you on your way out the door. The last thing she wanted was to get stopped by one of your parade of brunettes. 
“Better than okay. The word happiness might start with an H, but mine starts with U.” 
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 7
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 6: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/655814128564355072/sword-and-shield-6
Warnings: not really much, some mentions of fights etc.
Notes: Well, after this chapter y’all... I think. You know. Where this about to go...
7: Tumbling
Tipoca greeted you the way it always did: a bustle of commotion as soon as you stepped foot off of the ship. You’d dressed in the standard gear that the Kaminoans had given you: a modified pair of blacks that essentially fit you like a jumpsuit.
Following Hunter, you and the rest of the team let him lead the way down the halls. Clones moved through the hallways as well, some of them giving you looks but the majority just ignoring you. By the time Hunter had opened the door to the Bad Batch’s usual barracks, you’d begun to brace yourself for the usual checkups and procedures you knew would follow.
“Hey Shiv, looks like they’ve moved your stuff in already,” Wrecker said, bounding into the room and over to his bunk.
You went over to the singular trunk that had been set in the middle of the floor, labeled with your designation number Unit 526934. Opening the trunk, you found your extra few changes of clothes and the random odds and ends that you’d left behind. Most of your favored possessions you’d either left with the 501st or taken with you onto the ship already, so the little you’d left in your quarters on Tipoca held little to no value.
Digging through the trunk, you grabbed the one item you’d hoped they hadn’t forgot, relieved it was still there. You let out a breath as you closed the trunk and turned to the table. Turning over the small holoprojector, you placed it down on the table and flicked it on, watching the images flicker into view. You smiled as you flipped through the couple of pictures of you with the 501st when you’d first been taken to Tipoca.
Pictures of you, soaking wet from the rain, laughing with the 501st. Fives, splashing you as Kix chased after you both with a towel. Your smile faded a little as you came across a picture of Echo, his grinning face fixed on you and Fives as he watched you both slip on puddles and slick durasteel.
Flicking it off, you stuck it into your bag and looked around. Apparently you were required to stay with the Bad Batch now, not that you’d protest.
“Uh, Shiv— looks like they didn’t bother to put another bunk in here.” Hunter turned to you.
You shrugged. “That’s okay. I can go on the floor or something.”
“You could share with me.” Tech adjusted his goggles. “Mine can extend a little further.”
You turned to glance at his bunk. “Oh... are you sure?”
“Awww, no fair Tech! I wanna sleep with Shiv!” Wrecker leaped up from his bunk, promptly cracking his skull against the top of it and letting out a yelp.
You could have sworn your entire face flushed at the double entendre of the words, but you tried to swallow and push it away. “Um- if you’re alright with it....”
Tech’s face looked a little colored. “If you want.”
You gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you, Tech. You sure I won’t make you uncomfortable? I tend to gravitate toward heat... I’ve been told I’m a little cold-blooded.”
He opened his mouth to reply when Crosshair snorted. “Really Shiv, do you think any of us would complain about that?” he asked, sending you a dark smirk from the other side of the room.
You swallowed thickly as Wrecker laughed and Tech sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Hunter chuckled.
“Well, it’s not as if you haven’t all fondled me already,” you said smartly, turning on your heel to go back to your trunk.
A dead silence filled the room for a moment as you bent over the trunk and started rummaging again, trying to search for the pair of night clothes you’d left behind last time. They’d been comfortable, and you didn’t want to give them up.
Then Wrecker burst into hearty laughter again. He walked up to you, grabbing you and hoisting you up as you squeaked a startled protest. “That’s the way, Shiv! Give it to him!” He swung you around as you squealed, grabbing onto his shoulders.
“Wrecker— Maker, wait—“ you tried to say through laughs, the world spinning.
He playfully tossed you down onto his own bunk as you shrieked, hair falling into your face. Grinning, he bent over you and handed you something.
“I want you to meet Lula,” he presented with a flourish. “Made ‘er myself!”
You brushed hair out of your eyes and took the little stuffed bunny, smiling at the stitched-on smile. Leaning forward, you had to bury your face into the plush tummy and breathe in Wrecker’s unmistakable scent. It smelled like the sizzle after a rain of blaster fire, the plume of smoke from an explosion barely wafting through the air, all underscored by a hint of sweat and a warm, thick scent that you just knew was wholly him.
“Lula is really warm, and soft,” you said softly, fingers squeezing the arms as you smiled up at Wrecker.
He hovered over you, face lighting up as you approved. “You like it? It’s coming apart a little, though. I gotta get ‘er fixed.”
You looked back down at it curiously, then turned it over. A seam had started to unravel at the back. “Oh— I can fix that, if you have the materials,” you offered, tugging carefully at the thread to see how loose it had gotten. Frowning, you tied a knot in the thread to keep it from further unraveling.
“You can?” Wrecker leaped up, managing to avoid hitting his head that time, and went to go rummage in all the miscellaneous parts.
“Here, Wrecker,” Hunter said, tossing him something from the other side of the room.
Wrecker caught it, squinting down at it. “Oh goody, it’s the thread.” Then he resumed looking for what you hoped would be a needle.
“Do you need anything, Shiv?” Hunter asked, turning to you briefly from his bunk.
You shook your head, scooting to the edge of Wrecker’s bunk and carefully holding Lula. “No, thank you. My trunk is here, and I guess I’m sharing with Tech, so... I should be good. Besides,” you sighed, rolling your eyes, “the Kaminoans will give me whatever they see fit anyway.”
“Oh, right.” Hunter walked over to you, handing you a datapad. “You’re being called into the medbay at 1800 Standard. I assume for a checkup.”
You glanced at it, then nodded and scrunched your nose. “Yeah, it’s going to be a long one,” you sighed, shoulders slumping. “Especially since that stupid stunt I pulled on that first mission.” You absently reached up and rubbed your arm, feeling the phantom pain of melting flesh tearing away.
Hunter glanced at your arm with a frown. “I thought it healed?”
“It did,” you said, “but now they’re going to poke and prod at it for a while to figure out the cellular regeneration most likely. Plus, they never have figured out why bacta patches tend to do more harm than good on me.”
He nodded. “Fair enough.” He walked back to his bunk just as Wrecker returned triumphantly.
“Found ‘em, Shiv!” He presented them, sitting back down next to you.
You set Lula down in your lap in order to take the materials, threading the needle with the thick, dark thread. Trying the knot, you turned Lula to the nearest light source and carefully inserted the needle.
“How’d you learn to sew, Shiv?” Wrecker asked, watching you start to mend the split seam.
You tucked in a bit of the stuffing. “Slave days.” You shrugged slightly, focused on getting the seam pushed together properly so it wouldn’t unravel as easily. “Gotta sit still and look like a useful and pretty ornament, y’know. Whims of the rich and whatever.”
“I still don’t understand,” Hunter spoke up, a growl in his voice. “Why would a Separatist choose to make you an ornamental slave instead of a weapon partner?”
You took a moment to tie the knots and snap the thread, then started re-threading the needle to do another tight layer. You finally answered with a sigh. “Bragging rights. Besides, I wasn’t a person to them. I was just a biological weapon, nothing more. What’s the point in treating me like an independent being? It’s one of the biggest reasons I found family in the Clones.”
The thoughtful silence told you that your point had hit home, and you started the second layer carefully. “I’m going to do another layer just so that it won’t tear as easily next time, Wrecker,” you explained, watching the needle push through the fabric and the stitches crisscross over each other.
“Oh, yeah! Thanks, Shiv.” Wrecker nodded, still apparently finding the process interesting.
You hummed, double-knotting the last stitch and snapping the thread again. Turning, you handed him the newly-mended Lula.
He cheered, taking her back excitedly and beginning to babble about it.
You had to watch him with a smile even as you pushed the needle through the spool of thread. Wrecker’s innocent joy in the simple things had always drawn you, the way he let himself be unapologetically enthusiastic about what he cared about. You had to fondly smile as you watched him toss Lula about and razz Crosshair.
Standing after a moment, you went and put the needle and thread back on the table and resumed your interrupted search in your trunk. Thankfully, you’d found the sleepwear and set it on top. Standing, you ran a hand through your hair and glanced at the wall chrono. It read 1730, so you grimaced and grabbed your ankle monitor.
“I have to go to the medbay,” you called over your shoulder, hopping as you slapped the monitor on your ankle. “I should be back around 2100, hopefully before.”
“Good luck, Shiv,” Hunter said with a nod.
You threw them a wave as you rushed out the door, headed for the medbay. They usually wanted you to be early so you could take a quick sonic shower and change into the proper clothes. As you’d expected, you found a droid waiting for you as soon as you entered.
“Greetings, Unit 526934,” the droid bleeped. “Please make your way to the showers. You’ll find clothes waiting for you when you’re done.”
You nodded, biting back a sigh as you made your way over to the shower cubicles. Getting clean, you clambered out of the shower and changed into the loose-fitting robes that they’d provided. Picking at the hem of the shirt, you walked out into the attached room.
The droid waited by an examination table. “Please lie here.”
Without a word, you climbed onto the table and laid down, staring up at the ceiling. The monochrome color swirled in front of you, making you grimace and close your eyes against the brightness. A few minutes later, the doors opened just as the wall chrono chimed. You didn’t even bother opening your eyes.
“Hello, Unit 526934. Welcome back.” The smooth tones of the female Kaminoan washed over your ears. She started to move through the room, her silent footsteps only marked by the rattling of tools. “I trust your missions have been successful.”
“Depends on your definition, but sure,” you said flatly.
“You seem distressed,” she noted.
“Tired,” you corrected. It wasn’t a lie. You were definitely tired of these checkups, the way they always insisted on poking and prodding at you, picking you apart, shoving things into your bones and veins. Taking things from you. You hated it. But this, as you knew, was the price you’d chosen to pay.
To stay with the Bad Batch? You’d be the most cooperative patient they’d ever seen.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like a tranquilizer while we do this checkup?” She offered.
“No thanks.” You kept your eyes closed, not protesting when her long fingers rested against your wrist.
The rest of the preparations took place silently as you forced every other thought out of your mind. You’d have to make sure you weren’t projecting too much so you didn’t bother the others. Sometimes, the way the Kaminoans experimented left you with an aching jaw as you grit your teeth against the pain.
Hooked up to an IV for a blood sampling and a medley of other liquids that they regularly drained into you, you felt the table jolt as you were pushed to the other side of the room. You opened your eyes, staring blankly above at the top of the machine that now hovered over you. It hummed to life, a soft light glowing at the edges of the smooth metal.
“According to your most recent report, you received a substantial injury on a mission,” the Kaminoan remarked smoothly. “Did you sustain any damage?”
“No,” you answered blankly, voice expressionless. “It healed over in two days. I had to cover it.”
The machine beeped, the droid puttering around the room coming over to check your IV. The blood sample had been taken, so it unhooked that line and instead gave you a small injection. Your arm numbed almost immediately, and you closed your eyes in resigned exhaustion.
“It looks like your scans show that you’ve completely regenerated sixty percent of the tissue in your arm recently,” the Kaminoan reported. “I will have to take samples to test. Did the injury reach your bone?”
“Did you sustain any broken bones?”
The Kaminoan tapped at the screen controlling the machine, readjusting the table so your head was mostly covered by it. You closed your eyes again, ignoring the other metallic clinks of instruments being prepared.
The Kaminoan returned. “It seems as though the removal of the inhibitor chips has continued to prove successful. Your brain functions have seemed to recover well,” she remarked clinically. “In time, you may have regained enough stability to consider a new one.”
You sourly hoped not.
The Kaminoan pulled the table back out, then settled you against the wall. The droid kept the fluids steadily dripping into your veins, and you felt the cold start to creep its way into your bones. Despairingly, you hoped that Tech wouldn’t mind if you ended up clinging to him like a leech by the time morning rolled around. It always came as a side-effect of the fluids. Though you knew that they boosted a lot of your internal functions, it still demanded a price.
“I will start taking samples.”
You grit your teeth, jaw ticking as you felt the cold needle press against your arm. It pushed, entering your skin without a sting thanks to the numbing agent, but you knew it wouldn’t last the deeper it went. And it continued to push. The pain started welling, and while you were used to pain, there was something about the cold metal point burrowing further down that always took you off guard.
The needle hit bone.
It took every ounce of willpower you had to shove back the scream that tore through your chest, welling in your throat. Ruthlessly, you shoved the pain away from the Bonds and down deep into yourself, willing yourself to stay quiet.
Your eyes nearly rolled back up into your skull with sheer relief when the needle pulled back out. The deep-tissue sample was usually the worst part. You could feel the light sheen of sweat that had broken out on your body start to cool even further, adding to the way your temperature dropped.
The ankle monitor beeped, warning about your plummeting temperature, and the droid instantly began to dial the fluid drip back. The Kaminoan nurse swiftly pulled a heat lamp down over the table, letting the artificial heat wash over you. Your muscles had started to tense with the cold, your eyes still stubbornly screwed shut against the pain.
“Your temperature should start rising soon,” the Kaminoan tried to soothe, adjusting the heat lamp.
Darkness plucked at the edges of your consciousness, and you blacked out.
Exhausted and still cold, you limped back into the Bad Batch’s quarters with the ankle monitor still on and a medbay blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
“Shiv?” Hunter sounded incredulous.
You looked up and waved them off. “This is normal, don’t worry about it,” you sighed, going to your trunk.
“What do you mean, normal? None of us have every come back from medbay looking worse than when we went in,” he demanded.
“Lemme get changed and I’ll explain,” you promised, grabbing your night clothes and heading for the bathroom. Changing into the comfortable pair of shorts and tank top, you wrapped the blanket around your shoulders again and shuffled back out into the room.
Tech was already sitting on his bed, so you went to go sit next to him, pulling the blanket to cover your feet. With a groan, you reached up to rub at your eye.
“Are you alright, Shiv?” Tech turned to you with concern, eyebrows furrowing.
“No, I’m freezing cold,” you said miserably.
“What did they do to you?” Hunter asked again with a frown.
You sighed, leaning into Tech’s shoulder. “Normal procedure for me is going in and getting a blood check, physical, and brain scan. I also have to get a bag of fluids that’s made to boost some of my biological functions, kind of like how you’re modified to be enhanced. It helps with my physical upkeep, but the side-effect is brutal. I’m going to freeze like an icicle for the rest of the night,” you grumbled. “And since I had to regenerate sixty percent of the tissue in my arm, they took a deep tissue sample.”
“A what?” Wrecker asked, tilting his head from his bunk. He held Lula up, craning his neck toward you quizzically.
“A deep tissue sample is when an injection has to be made in order to obtain cells from a section of a patient’s body,” Tech answered for you. “Oftentimes I’ve heard it can be very painful when it reaches bone.”
“They’ve got that right,” you said, eyes drooping closed with a heavy sigh. “They even had to turn on the heat lamp this time to get my temp back up. Oh, Tech,” you added as an afterthought, “I hope my ankle monitor won’t bother you. I have to keep it on tonight to monitor my vital functions. Like I said, the fluids tend to drain me of any and all heat.”
“It’s not a problem, Shiv,” Tech reassured. “If it goes off, what should I be prepared to do?”
“The only reason it’ll probably go off is if my body temp drops too low,” you sighed. “If I can’t, tap the monitor for me and it’ll manually send a burst of heat to regulate me.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright? You said the process was painful.” Hunter checked.
You shrugged. “Nothing I’m not used to,” you said. “If anything, I hope I don’t bother Tech. I’m going to become an ice-cold leech.”
“I suppose it’s a good thing I volunteered, then,” Tech said dryly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I’ll have to take advantage of whatever chances I get.”
You let out a laugh despite yourself. “Be careful what you wish for. You might regret it in the morning.”
“Nah, if Tech doesn’t want ya I’ll take ya, Shiv!” Wrecker grinned. “Lula and I can make room.”
“Thanks, Wrecker.” You smiled, feeling the sleepiness descend. Yawning, you leaned your head against Tech’s shoulder.
The cold dragged you into sleep.
“Shiv. Shiv, it’s time to get up.”
You let out a groan, pulled out of blessed sleep. You didn’t want to move. You felt perfectly, comfortably warm, and something heavy was draped across your waist. Instead, you whined petulantly and buried your head into the source of warmth you were so tightly pressed against.
A sharp inhale of breath hissed against your ear, but you were already falling back asleep-
“Shiv.” Someone’s mouth had pressed against your ear. “We have to get ready for the conditioning in an hour.”
Slowly, the words bled into your sluggish mind. Conditioning... an hour. Tipoca. Kaminoa. Right. Training exercises. An hour-?
With a yelp, you jolted awake and found yourself flailing. Your entire body went off the edge of the bed, slamming against the unforgiving floor. Grimacing, you reached up to rub the spot where your hip had landed.
“Ow, ow— don’t scare me like that, Maker—“ You opened your eyes to see Tech peering over the edge of the bunk at you.
“You alright, Shiv? Sorry I didn’t catch you, you startled me,” he said.
You stared up at him for a minute, your brain starting to put pieces together. You’d... probably been pressed against him. And that weight: his arm on your waist. The soft murmur and his kiss to your ear. You flushed.
“Oh, Tech— I’m sorry, I told you I’d probably end up being a leech,” you groaned.
“I wasn’t complaining, Shiv,” Tech said, swinging himself to a sitting up position.
You sat up, still rubbing at your sore hip. “Well there’s another bruise,” you muttered. “Thank you, Tech. I feel back to normal, I think.” You stood gingerly, patting at yourself. Your body temperature felt pretty normal, a bit chilly from waking up but nothing unusual.
“As much as I’d like to continue seeing you walk around in that, I think you might want to get ready for the conditioning,” Hunter remarked, walking past.
You blinked, then flushed as you remembered the shorts and tank top. Shaking your head, you grabbed your outfit from your trunk and went to go change.
By the time everyone was geared up and ready to go, you were starting to feel a little less sore from the needles. While the numbing agent had worked, it sill left a bit of an ache deep in your arm where it had hit bone. You walked down the hall following Hunter and absently rubbed your arm.
“Is your arm still hurting?” Crosshair asked sharply.
You started a bit. “Oh... I mean, it’s more of an ache. The needle hit my bone, so it feels weird,” you said, shaking your head. “It’ll go away.”
You arrived at the training deck on time. Taking in a deep breath, you tried to mentally prepare yourself. You didn’t know exactly what they’d throw at you this time around. You had to be prepared.
The Kaminoans watched from the observation deck above as you walked in, the doors sliding shut with a hiss behind you. The Prime Minister was there as well, to no one’s surprise.
Force 99, please prepare yourselves for a standard simulation. Unit 526934, please prepare to engage yourself as a non-lethal training weapon only.
You simply turned to Hunter, waiting for directions. He nodded to everyone as they started pulling their helmets on. “You guys know the drill. We’re used to Shiv by now. Just act like you would any other mission. Shiv.” He turned to you, holding out his hand. “Permission to Transfer.”
You sucked in a breath and grasped his hand. “Transfer Granted.” As soon as you’d Shifted, you didn’t even bother projecting an astral form as the simulation began. You’d already defaulted to Hunter’s preferred modifications, though you carefully made sure that your fire was stun-only.
The combat droids started to swarm, causing Hunter to duck and weave through the barriers and start firing. A pattern soon presented itself, and you picked up on it as soon as Hunter did.
“Tech!” Hunter yelled, tossing you.
You guided the weapon into Tech’s outstretched hand, instantly splitting into two. You whispered across the Bond. Pattern of four, flanking both sides and driving a wedge down the middle.
Tech nodded as he continued to fire and make his way closer to Hunter. “So it’s trying to funnel us toward the center and get us trapped,” he deduced.
“Wrecker, clear a path down the middle, Tech and I will cover you!” Hunter shouted.
“Wrecker, catch!” Tech called.
Wrecker whooped and caught you easily, charging straight into the middle of the arena. You formed yourself into a stun grenade launcher, and he eagerly fired a few into the swarm. Manually charging in as Hunter and Tech picked off the ones that got too close, Wrecker used you to both shoot as well as physically bat away some of the droids.
From a vantage point, Crosshair had already started sniping down the towers and picking off droids that threatened any of his other teammates.
Droids started swarming you and Wrecker even more, and you were pressed to focus on both keeping a second eye out for him as well as making sure your shots were still stun-only instead of live fire. They swarmed towards the center, and you quietly murmured across the Bonds.
Wrecker laughed heartily, elated by the action and the promise Hunter’s conveyed plan presented. “Let’s do it!” He roared, swinging you in a circle and firing gleefully. “Come and get it!”
It only took another moment before Hunter yelled “Now!”
Wrecker barely hesitated, pushing himself off the ground in a mighty leap to the side. He fired unerringly toward the mass of droids, a stun-grenade arcing through the air. A bolt from Crosshair hit the grenade dead-center, and it went off in a mighty pulse as you dragged Wrecker down to the ground to avoid the shockwave of the blast.
All the droids hovering in the air instantly dropped, sparking.
Slowly, Wrecker looked up. A moment of silence, then a bell chimed from above.
Simulation complete. Prepare for phase 2.
Wrecker scrambled to his feet. “What? Phase 2? What’s that?”
Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech quickly came up.
You materialized over Wrecker’s shoulder. “Phase 2 is my fault,” you said quickly. “It’s meant to be a test of how well I can switch between all of you as need be. There’s going to be most likely a set of obstacles of some sort that will lean on your individual strengths and see how well and quickly I can adapt.”
Hunter nodded. “Everyone keep as close as possible and support Shiv. Keep sharp and listen to the Bonds and each other.”
Everyone nodded and scattered to nearby barriers. For the time being, you stayed with Wrecker.
As soon as you caught sight of a droid staring to rise from a panel in the floor, you sent a pulse over the Bond. Wrecker barely paused before turning and chucking you clear across three barriers.
Hunter caught you as you Shifted into his modified blaster. “Any ideas, Shiv?” he asked tightly.
It’s a heavy fire unit, You guessed by its build. I don’t know what mods it might have, but I think treating it like an armored assassin droid would be best.
He nodded, then leapt over the barrier and started to run towards the droid. He weaved and dodged the bolts, and you Shifted into an energy shield to help block any stray blasts. Hunter dropped and skidded across the floor as you Shifted back into a blaster. Leaping up, he shoved the blaster into the crack between the two chinks of chest armor and fired.
Dodging out of the way, Hunter instantly turned and kicked at the droid’s legs. You Shifted into a vibro-shiv, and he slashed instantly at the droid’s back plate. The droid fell to its knees, and Hunter sank the shiv into its head plate, carving it open. You Shifted into a blaster again, and he fired instantly into the now-open head.
The droid crumpled, and Hunter whirled around to look for the source of the faint buzzing he’d heard. As soon as he caught sight of the tiny, round droid speeding around the edges of the room, he whipped his arm back.
“Cross!” He shouted in warning.
You Shifted midair, guiding yourself into Crosshair’s hands, already complete as his preferred modified sniper rifle. He smirked, then sprinted over to one of the towers in the room. You positioned your astral form in the usual place to his left. He climbed the tower, taking up a spot and propping you up on the railing.
Peering through your sight, Crosshair let out a quiet breath. You took the moment of complete silence in his head to gather yourself, preparing for his next order. His warning came a split second before the shot itself, but you were prepared. His shot hit the tiny droid almost dead-on, and a moment later you’d deflected a last ditch-effort shot made by the now-useless droid.
Crosshair turned his head to catch sight of the tower’s control panel flickering on. “Tech,” he hollered down, dropping you.
Tech looked up, catching both blasters you’d Shifted into flawlessly. Crawling around his barrier, he started into a dead-sprint toward the nearest tower. He lifted you as you Shifted into another shield, holding you above his head just in case. You took a single shot thanks to his weaving and dodging, so you were ready when he reached the tower.
He instantly propped you up and began slicing into the tower’s controls. It took him all of a minute while you braced yourself. You kept Shifting sizes of the shield depending on the shots aimed toward you. If you concentrated on a shot, it was much easier to conserve energy, maybe even absorb it and use it to refuel yourself. But the larger the shield, the more the shots would take out of you.
It didn’t take long for Tech to finish slicing and recoding the tower. Its turret rotated and started firing at the others until they were all down.
Tech grabbed you, letting you Shift back into his twin blasters. He sent you the schematics for a set of weapons, then shouted “Wrecker!” You automatically became an IWS as Wrecker caught you, but you studied the schematics Tech had given you with interest. A pair of armored gloves?
You started to copy the weapon, figuring why not? Wrecker looked down in surprise as you covered his hands, forming into the heavy gloves.
“Whoa, what are these?” Wrecker’s eyes lit up with interest as he turned his hands over.
Why don’t we find out? You asked with a smile. So far, this had been the most successful Phase 2 you’d ever experienced, and while you could feel the stress, it didn’t debilitate you like it had before.
Wrecker looked up just in time to see the center floor panel open up to reveal a giant droid ambling forwards. He grinned, then slammed his fists together in front of himself. The gloves started sparking, and you quickly made them stun instead of live energy.
With a whoop, Wrecker leapt forwards toward the heavy-duty droid. His first punch with the gloves made the droid shudder, sparking; but after a moment, it recovered itself and pressed forward again. You kept half a mind on Wrecker and continued studying the schematics of the gloves, refining the gloves and streamlining it as you familiarized yourself with it.
“Hey Shiv,” Wrecker grunted, still punching away at the droid, “what else do these do?”
You absently flicked on a button, and faintly heard Wrecker whoop as energy coils started threading between the gloves. Wrecker knocked the droid’s legs out from under it and started to wrap the energy coils around its head and neck joints. Still, you only half paid attention as you continued to study the schematics. They had aspects that made you wonder if Tech had been modifying it himself. There were mods that clearly hadn’t been made for a standardized weapon.
“Gimme a last good punch, Shiv!” Wrecker hollered.
You looked up from the schematics, shifting your attention, and powered up the gloves to as high of a safe extent as you could. Wrecker let out a shout and slammed his full weight into the chest of the droid. The entire chest plate caved in, and you winced as the stun energy rippled though the entire rest of the droid, reducing it to a heap of smoking parts.
Wrecker stood, nodding in satisfaction and smacking the gloves together. “These are awesome!” He cheered, shaking his fists in the air. “Hey Shiv, can we use these more often?”
You materialized over his shoulder, staring at them yourself. “I haven’t figured out all of it yet, so it might take me some time to make it better. But yes, if you’d like,” you agreed.
He turned his head to you in surprise. “You haven’t?” he asked as the rest of the team approached, the finish bell ringing.
You shook your head. “Tech gave me the schematics before he passed me to you.”
“You mean you made it functional on the fly?” Hunter asked, surprised.
You nodded. “Yes. I’ve studied weapons for most of my life, so it’s not as difficult anymore. But this schematic has modifications that weren’t meant for this weapon originally, so I’ll have to further study it to make it as practical as possible without compromising the rest of the weapon’s functions and overall integrity.”
Tech adjusted his goggles. “I didn’t expect you to try it right away. It was a weapon I’d found base schematics for on a mission. I thought I’d try to make some mods to accommodate Wrecker’s particular preferences. I figured I’d share what I had with you for the time being, since you’re now our partner and weapon.”
You disengaged, staggering a little as you dropped to the ground. Catching yourself, you shook your head from the giddiness that bled over from Wrecker.
“I like it,” Wrecker said with an adamant nod.
You smiled dizzily. “G-good.”
Hunter caught your arm. “You good?” His eyebrows furrowed for a moment.
“I’m fine, just-“ you squinted, balancing yourself. Taking a breath, you re-centered and shook your head. “I’m a little... that was the best I think I’ve ever done for a Phase 2,” you admitted breathlessly.
“You did great.” Hunter gave you an encouraging nod.
“I believe that was also one of the quickest battle sims we’ve managed to complete,” Tech noted, scrolling on his wrist unit. “We took a total of eight minutes and fifteen seconds for the first one. During Phase 2, Shiv Shifted weapons a total of 12 times in the span of twelve minutes and twenty seconds.”
Battle Simulations Complete. Performance Satisfactory. Prepare for mission assignment within forty-eight chrons.
You flushed as your stomach let out a loud growl. You hadn’t really eaten since lunch the day before, and you were now feeling it.
Wrecker laughed. “Let’s go get food!” He clapped your shoulder and started toward the doors.
Tech fell into step beside you as you all walked towards the now-open doors. “You did very well,” he offered. “I saved the footage in case you wanted to review it.”
You gave him an appreciative smile. “I’d love that, thanks, Tech. I’m glad I did well.” You let out a sigh of pure relief. “It was really stressful.”
As soon as the Bad Batch walked into the canteen, you mentally braced yourself for snide comments. It was always the same no matter who you were with, and worse if you were alone. Still, you hoped that the others wouldn’t be too effected by it.
Grabbing a tray, you felt your shoulders hunch a little. You just... wished others would simply ignore you. Their comments didn’t even matter, but it always felt so awkward. And sometimes, you’d found, ignoring them only earned you more trouble. Putting the bland food on your tray, you wished for a moment that you could just cook something yourself on the ship.
You followed behind Wrecker’s bulk as he confidently made his way to an empty table. Feeling a presence behind you, you glanced back with wide eyes to see Crosshair following behind you.
“Sit on my side of the table, Shiv,” Cross said coolly. “Wrecker always starts something in the canteen when others make comments.”
Though you didn’t really mind either way, you nodded and slid into the spot next to Crosshair on the bench. Hunter slid in on your other side, while Tech and Wrecker sat across from the three of you.
You just silently tucked into your food, grateful for the nutrition at the very least. Wrinkling your nose at the dubious soup, you decided to dunk your bread into it instead to avoid the taste as much as possible.
“The soup never is good,” Hunter said with a roll of his eyes as he copied you.
You nodded with a soft hum, spooning the other food into your mouth.
A group of troopers passed by your table, chuckling and nudging each other. “Well if the outcasts don’t find each other,” one of them sneered in your direction.
Another snorted. “Yeah, looks like the Sad Batch found the flimsi-opener.”
You were fully prepared to ignore it all when Wrecker leapt up from his seat.
“Leave Shiv alone,” Wrecker fairly growled, glaring at the group of troopers.
Choking on a spoonful, you pounded at your chest at the unexpected rush of heat that traveled down your body at the sound of Wrecker’s voice dropping that low and raking down your spine. It was the sound of his voice as much as the abrupt defense that took you off guard, and the way your body reacted to it completely unbalanced you. You could feel color burst in your cheeks as you stared wide-eyed up at Wrecker still glaring balefully at the troopers.
“Sit down, Wrecker,” Hunter said, waving his hand. “They don’t know what they’re talking about anyway.”
Wrecker huffed. “They don’t deserve to talk to Shiv like that,” he complained.
You shook your head wordlessly, trying desperately to shove the memory of Wrecker’s face contorted in a feral snarl, his growl rolling through your mind. You weren’t even sure why it had effected you so heavily, but... You shifted a little in your seat, realizing with despair that Hunter would probably be able to smell your reaction at this rate.
“You okay, Shiv?” Wrecker turned to you, back to his normal husk as he frowned.
You coughed, shaking your head and then nodding. Swallowing thickly, you pressed your thighs together and desperately tried to refocus on your food.
Beside you, Crosshair let out a low, knowing chuckle. His hand under the table briefly brushed up your leg, and you let out a squeak, instantly clapping your hand over your mouth.
“You look flushed, Shiv, are you alright?” Tech frowned, observing your face.
“No- ye- no-“ you choked out, pointedly trying to look down at your tray. Biting your lip hard, you picked up your spoon again. Why was everything suddenly so... sensitive?
“If they say anything again, I’m throwing this table,” Wrecker said darkly, glaring around the canteen.
You couldn’t take anymore. You needed out. Standing abruptly, you grabbed your tray. “Excuse me, I’ll- I’ll be in the room-“ You fled, choking on your own words. Fairly throwing the tray at the return, you started running down the hallway and out of the canteen.
You barely made it to the barracks before your knees gave out. Leaning against the table, you sucked in a burning breath and closed your eyes, shivering. You didn’t even know why, but something about the way Wrecker had instantly stood to his full 6 foot 6 inches and growled at the person who had insulted you just... did something. It was like someone had flipped a dusty switch in your mind and broken a dam in the process.
Sucking in a breath, you grabbed your sleep clothes and went to go change in the fresher. You needed out of your blacks as soon as possible. The heat that spread through your whole body was the polar opposite of what you’d felt the night before.
Still, even after you’d changed into the tank top and shorts, your body still felt like it was on fire. The heat puddled in your lower belly, making you press your hand against it. Your skin felt so hypersensitive, the comfortable clothes rasping against you in a way that made you squeeze your eyes shut.
Grabbing a datapad, you shakily tried to scroll to the report of your last medbay visit hooked to the ankle monitor you’d shed that morning. Scrolling through it, you pulled up the list of the fluids you’d been injected with. A particular side effect listed on one of them made you let out a broken groan and sink down onto the nearest bunk.
The door flew open. “Shiv?”
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Zombie apocalypse with dsmp (dream smp) members
Just got the idea and yeah enjoy
c!awesam dude in imposter in " realife" better said adding some things to Minecraft, think of it as modpacks
In here are : c!Awesamdude , c!foolishg , c!dream ,
Warnings : blood , weapons , injuries , murder ,
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Shotguns or any other guns weren't effective against the infected of the virus at all but it was effective chopping of their heads , interrupting nerves going to the infected brain and wich was controlling everything , the virus was going for the nerve system and the only way was like mentioned before cutting it's control off. But wich wasn't easy due to its good control of the never system the change of getting bitten was higher and you and Sam couldn't afford getting bitten . A friend of your who was bitten cutter of the bitten part . Their arm. stopping the infection , wich was the only way but the chance of surviving it aren't high due to the high blood pressure the virus gives the body . You looked over at Sam who was looking at his axe sharpening it the wrong way unsharpening it but he seemed calmed . He stopped and dropped the stone looking at his hand blood was dripping down a "oh shit " escaped your mouth before you heard the grunting and moan screaming behind you. those fucks were able to find you so quickly? How ? If their noses are that good surviving is going to be even harder but no time left Sam grabbed you in bridal style picked up few weapons and sprinted away leaving the food behind . "Sam th-" "shhh its okay I know how to hunt" and he continued sprinting until Sam stopped and sat you down "we should be far enough " he said out of breath and sat down next to you " Sam you didn't need to car-" you were interrupted " but i wanted to " he said "bu-" "no but" "but why did you do that ?" You said it really quickly so he didn't had the time interrupting you and he understood everything "i idk i just didn't want you to be in danger and die , i need you . Alive" he confessed an awww escaped your mouth and an blush creeped behind his mask making you giggle "it's not funny , you're important " he said volume rising slightly , "naww someone likes someone " his blush darkened "com'on shut up " "make me" he threw his mask away and crashed his lips onto yours catching you off guard . He separated you both for few second " i love you" "love you too Sammy" you said before he trapped you in a hug
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Foolish was working on one of his new building Projekts in His human form when he heard grunting ,groaning and heavy breathing coming closer he turned around and was met with a horse of zombie but not the normal type those were faster and seemed to be smarter some held things that can be used as weapons but before observing more one of them attacked him but he was able to dogde and sprinted to where you were after reaching your home he broke in the door and panted "everything okay foolish ?" You asked and he shook his head no . " a horde of Zombies came to me and they were coming from the direction where .....the others are . " His face looked terrified and sad " they can't be dead we need to check on them" you said and he nodded grabbing your hand "close your eyes " he said and with a loud bang you stood infront of the prison wich was half destroyed . Sam was fighting some of the infected his chestplate broke as he took another hit . You and foolish ran to him , stabbed the zombies and burned them killed the virus controlling their muscles and nerves. one of them tried attacking you from behind but foolish quickly killed it "those things are really clever " Sam said while taking a healing potion . "If you both would have come a minute later i would end up like the others who stayed here" he said and took his extra iron chest plate out of his inventory and then looked at foolish the down at your hand chuckling , then you felt pressure on you hand and looked down .foolish was holding your hand "naww you both are so cute"Sam said and behind and your partner blushed that's when you noticed . He didn't wore his mask and emerald green eyes were looking into yours . But the sweet moment was interrupted by an explosion and a Wilbur walking out of the smoke " you guys are the only alive things around here " he said and stood next to Sam TNT still in his hand "we need to find a safe shelter is there anything that isn't detroyed? " Foolish asked while looking around eyeing the ruins of the once intact buildings " i don't think so but we can build one " wilbur said while showing a stack of obsidian "where did you get these ?" You asked because it wasn't natural for a Wilbur to have interest in blast resistant blocks like obsidian " idk found them in a chest and yeah thought would be good taking them with me " he said while shrugging with his shoulders " hm anyways we should start going I'm sure more things are infected and on Their way to us " foolish sounded worried and frightened but there wasn't time to think. The group headed towards east maybe we are safe there you thought and grabbed foolish hand making him smile and look down to you
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" dream please slow down " you were out of breath since 2 hours you've been running behind your boyfriend who wanted to get as far as possible away from the plague or "zombie apocalypse" how he called it . He didn't even took one break from running and you wondered , how can he have that much stamina ? Finally he stopped and you were able to stop too and fell to the ground , before hitting it his arms catched you and he let out an laughter before sitting down with you . " Maybe we should take a break " he said and pulled you in his lap and layed his head onto your shoulder "yeah I need definitely a break " you said and took off his mask . It didn't surprise him since you're always taking it off because it's " more comfortable" cuddling without it but he knows that you bust do it because you love his face . "Dream?" "Yes babe?" You sat up looked into his eyes and said nothing "you horny again ?" He joked and you shook your head " no but do you think the virus will be over soon?" " I hope so babe" he answered " but we need to get as far away as possible i don't want you to die like the others " he said his voice changed into a sad tone . You were there for him the whole time and never left his side he wouldn't be able to live without you he looked at you who was now playing with his mask he smiled , took his mask , Placed it on your face and stood up before picking you up " ik you can't run that's why I'm going to carry you to a safe place " clay started running again and you watched the sky through his mask . Suddenly dream stopped sat you down and shipped his axe " don't look behind you " he growled and sprinted away slashing and breaking of bones was heard and it suddenly stopped , a bumb was heard . you turned around seeing your dreamie on the ground trying to hold away one of the zombies . Suddenly anger formed and the want to kill them .You quickly sprinted towards them but tripped as one zombie suddenly came out of an bush attacking you but there was no time that can be wasted you quickly stapled it slashed its head of blood spilling onto dreams mask . You then ran towards the other zombie jumping at it and tossing it away from him sitting on it you pinned it's arm to the ground like Jesus arms were nailed the the wood and stabbed the hell out of it blood spilling everywhere and a shocked dream but he somehow thought of it as cute and sexy like you're jealous that the zombie was in top of him and not you . The thought pulled an chuckle from him " stop laughing or you're next " you threatened out of fun and walked to him helping him up " are you hurt?" You both asked the same time and laughted "yeah I am and you ?" " No I'm okay " " good ngl it was a bit sexy that you were jealous that the zombie was in top of me and not you " he said and you punched his shoulder playfully " i wasn't jealous !" "You were of else this mask wouldn't be completely red " he said and pointed at it " i was worried " " still looks like jealous to me " he joked and grabbed your hand " but it doesn't matter I still love you " and smiled
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Yooooo first dsmp Post hope ya'll like it , maybe I'll post more like this and make dsmp my main fandom i write for???
Ask box open
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
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i’m reposting bc it’s not showing up in the tags and I’m mad about it lmao!! hope you like it!!
check out my 800 followers event!
warnings: cursing because uh. this is bakugou katsuki. and this is so long. i put so much more effort into this than into any of the others i can’t do anything if i’m in love with him i’m sorry
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Katsuki definitely did not think he would fall in love with an extra like you. In fact, he did not think he would fall in love at all.
Yet he did. Like an idiot.
You were friends with fucking Deku, of course, and almost as annoying as him. He always saw you around with him and the Half-and-Half Bastard and he promised himself he would never give you more than a glare because you simply did not deserve to be in his thoughts, and he succeeded at that
at first.
You decided to live rent-free in his mind after the Sports Festival. That was the first time he actually payed attention to you and it was safe to say he was slightly impressed
He was sure you would’ve ended up on the final battles if you hadn’t had to fight Icyhot before you got there
even then, you gave the idiot a run for his money and Katsuki was surprised with how long you held your own, getting a bunch of good hits and losing only because Todoroki was, well, Todoroki.
He respected you a bit after that
but he did not respect the way you were always plaguing his thoughts and dreams like a fucking virus of sorts
It was irritating as fuck and he wanted to kill someone over it.
Whenever he saw you his heart sped up to ten miles per minute and it made him see red with anger. He wasn’t sure what made you so important, anyway. Yes, you were powerful and somewhat pretty but still an idiot and Deku’s friend so how good could you actually be? Certainly not much
Still, there he was, thinking about you like a fucking stupid dumbass
He hated it, despised it, it made his blood boil. This was probably caused by some secondary quirk bullshit you had that no one knew about and he was tired of losing his damn time over it.
And you were always talking to him. For some god awful reason your seat was close to his and so you would ask about his day and about what he had for lunch and about his studies and a bunch of ridiculous shit he didn’t give a fuck about
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N, I don’t wanna talk to a fucking extra like you.”
“Why so grumpy, Explosion Boy?”
he obviously didn’t.
It was weirdly comforting to have someone interested in his life, if he was honest about it.
But not much. It’s not like he liked you or appreciated you in anyway, of course not. That would be absolute bullshit and he was not willing to deal with it.
Getting kidnapped by the League of Villains was one of the worst things to ever happen to him.
Even though he fought his way through survival and didn’t get hurt or anything, it was still pretty terrible and, well, with everything that happened with All Might later... It’s safe to say it didn’t leave him feeling exactly good about himself
Besides, damn Deku was the one to help him escape and it pissed him off.
Specially because you were there too and how much of an idiot did you have to be to get caught up in something like that?
Did you want to die or something? Fucking extra. It made him so mad.
And worried, too, because what if you had gotten hurt? What if something bad had happened and he couldn’t help? Not that he cared, of course, but the thought of you being anything but healthy and fine made his heart jump uncomfortably in his chest and he didn’t like it one bit.
After that, you suddenly decided you wanted to be his friend or some bullshit, and it was the most annoying thing he had ever had to go through.
Talking to him randomly during class wasn’t fucking enough for you? Did you really have to walk with him to the dorms and invite him to have lunch with you? God, you were really insufferable.
But he found himself appreciating your company, sometimes. It was nice to have someone by his side like that, even if he couldn’t stand you
And maybe the fluttering of his heart whenever you smiled wasn’t all that bad.
You suddenly became a part of the Bakusquad after inviting him to have lunch with you multiple times and being rejected all of them until Mina started inviting YOU to have lunch with THEM instead and he wasn’t sure how to react to it
Kaminari was always fucking babbling with you about something and it got on his nerves
It was still better than seeing you running around with fucking Deku though. Deku did not deserve your friendship.
Sometimes, when you are too invested in conversation with someone else during lunch, he can’t help but steal glances at you and bite back a smile.
You’re cute when you’re excited.
He slowly stops complaining about you walking him to his dorm
You keep playfully saying you do it in case someone tries to kidnap him on the way and he screams at you for it everytime, but something tells you he goes easy on you for some reason.
There’s this one time when you call Kirishima “cheap ass red rock candy”
You’re only joking around and Kirishima knows this, so he only rolls his eyes and lightly punches your shoulder
but, for the first time ever, Katsuki laughs. He tries to hold it back like he does with every smile you bring to his lips, but he can’t, and the way your eyes sparkle at the sound sends his stomach in a frenzy
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before,” you tell him quietly while you walk towards the dorms later that day, curiously avoiding his glare as you blush. He furrows his brows. It’s not like you to do that, but his heart does sommersaults in his chest at your bashfulness and he hates it.
“So fucking what?” his voice is aggressive, but there’s a hint of warmth rising to his face.
“It’s a nice sound,” you smile ever so softly and he stops breathing for a moment, “you should laugh more.”
“Whatever,” he mutters, hiding away his own red cheeks from your questioning eyes and walking a bit faster.
After that, he tries less to bite back his laughter. It’s almost subconscious and no one comments on it, but Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero exchange knowing looks while you excitedly tell him about the last movie you watched and he grunts in acknowledgement, his full attention on you even as he avoids your eyes and stares at his lunch.
There’s this one time when you go to his room because you can’t sleep and it makes him so angry because he was already absolutely knocked out
yet he can see how much you’re fidgeting and something about the fact you came to him of all people causes his stomach to flutter, so he lets you in and listens while you tell him you’ve been having nightmares lately.
That’s the first time you ever sleep in his room, but neither of you acknowledge the way you’re holding each other when you wake up
It becomes kind of a tradition for you to go see him when you can’t sleep. He always complains about it and tells you to grow the fuck up, but lets you in anyway.
He likes to hold you while you sleep. It calms down his erratic heart and it’s nice, he figures. It’s nice to have someone to wait for, specially if that someone is you.
Katsuki tries not to think too much about what the feelings he gets when he’s next to you mean. After all, you’re still some annoying extra he couldn’t care less about, right?
It happens one cold night in the dorms’s common room.
You are just hanging out with him and the Bakusquad, watching some movie about something Katsuki doesn’t care about. He’s just looking through his social medias and ignoring all conversation going around him
You’re seated on the other couch, next to Sero, and he knows there’s a spot just on your other side, and a part of him longs to occupy it and be next to you, but he knows that’s stupid, so he stays put, even when you suddenly glance at him and smile when you notice how his eyes were already on you
He rolls his eyes and scowls, feeling his face heat up, but keeps quiet.
Then fucking Deku comes around and sits beside you. He’s obviously upset about something and Katsuki wants to kick his ass for simply being in close proximity to you
Yes, he knows you’re his friend too, but still. Deku can get fucked.
Deciding just being next to you isn’t enough, Izuku leans his head on your shoulder.
Katsuki sees fucking red. He’s ready to get up and punch his nose, but that was before you lifted your hand to play with the boy’s green hair, quietly asking him if everything was alright before you engaged in a whisper-filled conversation.
If looks could kill, Deku would’ve been dead in a second.
Kirishima is the first to notice how absolutely rageful he is.
“Hey, Bakubro, are you okay?”
“Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair.”
He follows Katsuki’s glare and widens his eyes at the sight of you and Midoriya, smirking.
“Are you worried, Bakubro? Don’t worry, they’re just friends! She only has eyes for you!”
“I’m pretty sure I told you to shut up, didn’t I?”
“Come on, Bakubro! Your crush is definitely not in love with Midoriya, okay?”
“I don’t have a fucking crush, Shitty Hair!”
all eyes turn to his fuming figure after he screams. Izuku takes his head away from your shoulder, brows furrowing in confusion. You stare at Katsuki with concern, silently asking yourself what could have brought him to this outburst.
He groans in anger before standing up and leaving the room, unable to stay around you and fucking Deku any longer.
Mina sends you a look and you’re on your feet, telling Izuku you would be right back and running after the angry blond.
He was sitting on the stairs just outside the dorms, trying to control his own fury. You sit next to him and he scowls.
“What happened back there, Katsuki?” you question softly and his first name on your lips has him on the verge of an emotional breakdown. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he groans, looking at the ground as so to avoid your sharp eyes, “I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Did I fucking stutter?”
You smile lightly at his manners, moving your head so you could watch him more attentively.
“Well, I heard you talk about having a crush. What about that, huh?”
He blushes immediately, scowling even harder and turning away from you so you can’t see his face, “I said I don’t have a crush, you idiot.”
You hum in acknowledgement, “that’s too bad.”
Katsuki moves his neck so fast it almost gives him whiplash, and he blushes harder when he notices how close to him you are.
“What do you fucking mean by that?”
“I wouldn’t mind you having a crush if it was on me.”
He melts on the spot, heartbeat speeding so much he can barely feel it beating.
You two stare at each other and he absolutely loves the cheeky grin on your face.
You look so pretty when you smile.
He kisses you before he can overthink it, chest fluttering at the feeling of your smile against his lips. He ends up smiling too, just a bit.
Katsuki definitely did not think he would fall in love with an extra like you. In fact, he did not think he would fall in love at all.
Yet he did, and he could begrudgingly admit it wasn’t actually that bad.
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nightshadedawn · 3 years
Writing prompts!!
Select one of the prompts and a ship and I'll write 300 words for it! I'll keep this open for a week!
Prompts are broken up into categories and further numbered within those categories to help everyone quickly find prompts, so please either give me the category and number of prompt or the prompt itself.
"Fuck you." "You know what, [name], I've been trying but you haven't been cooperating." "What."
"I don't hate you." "You bought an entire fucking island to avoid me so we wouldn't be roommates our second year of college." "It obviously didn't work out well because we still ended up in Art History together."
"I'm fucked, I'm screwed. I'm gonna faaaaiillll."
"Well, fuck me and leave me to bleed."
"You're crazy." "Yeah, I'm fucking insane!"
"I have fucking questions!"
"You sir- are fucking hilarious."
"I love you but you're a fucking idiot."
"Love- fuck off."
"I'm cute as all fuck, but I'm an asshole if you piss me off."
"Insomnia's a real fucker, you know?"
"Fuck it- just- breathe! Breathe, damnit!"
"You and your bisexual ass can get the fuck out of here."
"Let's fuck the world over, 'cause that's all we're good for."
"Fuck it. We're not done yet."
"Occasionally I tell people to go fuck themselves just to mess with their puny lives."
"I didn't want anyone else. Fuck it, I just wanted YOU."
"You're a fucking bisexual disaster. Don't at me, brah."
"I'm just a sad, mostly human being that doesn't know what they're doing with their life." "Only mostly?" "Granny honestly got it on so who knows what the fuck Mom is."
"I don't mind if you call me a freak, just don't say it to my face. That's really rather rude." "You're a fucking idiot." "Yes, I've been told."
"I'm DONE! I'm done acting happy, I'm done pretending to be okay, I'm DONE playing this game. I am so. Fucking. DONE. With shits like you! Don't ever come near me again."
"The only reason I kept fighting was because of the people I cared about! And you took them all away from me! I'm not done fighting yet! I'm not done fucking fighting until your body is rotting in the fucking ground!"
"Giving a fuck what other people think about you is like giving them control of your life."
"Please don't pretend to give a fuck about me. I know better now."
"They said I can't." "Well, fuck 'em." "What?" "You're not weak. It's your life. Fuck 'em. Do what you want."
"I trust you about as far as I can throw you. Which is to say I don't. I can't. I'm weak as all fuck."
"I'm as cute as a cucumber. Wait, fuck, that's a kiwi."
"When you're a sarcastic piece of shit but people keep falling in love with you anyway."
"My sister is a huge piece of shit." "Awe, that's not nice. What'd the shit ever do to you?"
"Shit aside, this isn't the worst plan put into motion."
"Literally no one cares about that shit."
"I'm not a bitch, I'm an asshole. Guys still want to screw me even if all I spew is shit."
"Congratulations! You're in deep shit."
"You've shown great aptitude for bullshitting."
"Shit... I don't... I don't know why I'm crying... Just please don't leave me alone..." "Never."
"I'm one of those people that people regularly tell me not to do stupid shit and I do it anyway."
"I've lived my life watching through windows. I'm ready to go break shit now."
"I promise, I'm okay."
"You expect me to believe that bullshit!?"
"I'm just getting a little tired of having to deal with this shit!"
"Hey, I'm kinda feeling like shit tonight. You think you could... come cuddle me?"
"I don't see myself as someone who breaks promises, spills secrets, or tells lies. I'm not a great person like that statement would suggest. I just don't talk to people enough, and when I do, I don't give enough of a shit to care."
"'Cause sometimes, people are just assholes no one else cares about."
"It was an accident! I didn't mean to-" "Now why don't I believe you?" "Because I'm an arrogant prick and an asshole." "At least you're aware of your short comings."
"No, I'm not getting high off lemonade. What are you drinking, bitch?"
"If you're not sucking cock for the fun of it, I don't know what you're doing with your life."
"Ten out of ten. Would bang again." "Please stop." "Love you, babe."
"I haven't quite forgiven you for that." "No, I don't expect you did."
"The most unforgettable stories are also the most unbelievable, don't you know?"
"I don't need you to hold me like it's okay to forget. I need you to hold me like it's okay to remember, to hold on, and then to let go."
"Sometimes people forget... I'm not normal."
"The world is a wonderful, beautiful, amazing place. That's why it doesn't matter if in thirty years, no one remembers us."
"I want you to remember what it felt like to fight against me."
"Do you remember what it was like when we were young and alright?"
"Do you remember what I promised? That we'd always be together. I don't break promises. Not to anyone, but never to you. As long as you'll have me, I'll be right here. So please, let me stay."
"I want you to remember this feeling; it will follow you all your life."
"Why don't you remember ANYTHING I said!?"
"Don't you ever wish we could ever be something different? Like, I don't know. Something less hellish?" "I don't know. Sometimes I welcome the pain."
"I just get so restless, and I can't stop moving, and when I have to sit down and focus... it's really hard because I just want to be up. It's genuinely painful when it strikes in the middle of class or something."
"Pain is what made me human."
"You don't understand all the pain we went through to get where we are now."
"I will break, I will burn, but I will not let you hurt me."
"Listen to me and this broken heart of mine."
"It's not your fault you've been hurt before."
"I don't enjoy hurting people." "Could'a fooled me."
"Does it hurt?" "Always."
“It’s not me you have to worry about killing you if you hurt our daughter, it’s my wife.” “Oh, honey, you know me so well.”
"I knew from the beginning I'd never be able to hurt you."
"I shouldn't care. Caring only hurts."
"Sometimes when people get hurt, they shut themselves away. They push away people and the things that hurt them. But I think it's more interesting when they fight back. Revenge is a bitter tale, but it's a more interesting story told."
"I don't want to fall in love. Falling means you get hurt. I want to grow. I want to grow to love someone, see them at their smallest and grow into their mightiest. I want to grow to love, because when something grows, it never stops growing."
"My head feels heavy and my heart just hurts."
"Don't stress the small stuff. It only makes your brain hurt."
"In the end, we were made of blood that could be spilt and bones that could be broken."
"'Broken,' he'd promised. And 'broken' he'd become."
"I have been scared of many things. Surprisingly, my death has never been one of them."
"They're both very strong willed, bull headed, "death to all those who defy me" kind of people."
"Even the bravest close their eyes when facing Death."
"Death seems like the best option right now." "No. No, it does not."
"Touch my phone and you accept Death as your new best friend."
"You tend to just find death everywhere you go. Isn't that a problem?"
"Death is not a good look on you, honey."
"I've got about a hundred years worth of death on my hands and isn't that great?"
"Death comes to all those who wait for it."
"Murder, death, and mayhem are my favorite things to write about."
"You are an angel of death by association. This is your duty."
"I hope you've got some kind of special armor under that dress, 'cause with the way you're surrounded, if you don't, you're gonna die."
"We're gonna die." "That's the plan."
"How many times must she die before you're satisfied?!"
"This time, I'm not letting you die for me."
"Someone's gonna die tonight, but it ain't gonna be me."
"Fine. I'll let you die. I'll just have to bring you back to life."
"But why'd you have to die?"
"If I die, it's officially Your Fault."
"Welp. time to die again,"
"No! No! You don't get to die! You don't get to die and leave me alone!"
"Don't ask me that! Don't do that!" "Why?" "Because everyone knows that when you talk about the future right before a big battle, you're gonna die!"
"When it comes down to it, I want you to make sure I die."
"How did you save them?" "Easy- I died."
"I would live and die for you, but I'd never kill."
"We are not gods. But I shall die like one anyway."
"There was a time when I swear I was just waiting to die."
"I'd rather destroy myself than let her die for me."
"The truth is- I'm just tired of watching you die."
"I've died so many times, and I'm still falling for you."
"I am so done with children." "You have nine." "And I would die for each and every one of them."
"It's a miracle in itself that you haven't died yet."
"The explosion killed thousands. How are you alive?"
"You bother me." "I can't imagine why." "Surely it has nothing to do with the fact you've killed hundreds of people including my family. That couldn't possibly be it."
"I trust you, but the question is, do you trust me?" "I trust you not to get yourself killed." "I think you might be asking a little too much."
"How are you going to tell your sister you killed her best friend?" "I'm not." "That's no way to start a relationship."
"You are legit trying to kill me." "Oh darling, if I really wanted to kill you, I wouldn't be trying. You'd be dead already."
"I'm pretty sure I killed someone. But then again, I could be wrong."
"I'm going to kill someone." "Oh dear god, please be me."
"Ohhhhh, my sister's gonna kill me for this one."
"One time my sister tried to tell me I wasn't right. Valid, I wasn't. But I still tried to kill her anyway."
"Do what you will. But don't come crying to me if it kills you."
"Oh god, just kill me now." "As you wish."
"The next time somebody tries to kill, me, I'm gonna scream." "I should hope so?"
"This child threatened to kill me." "She threatened to burn the entire city to the ground. I don't see what your point is."
"We are all dead and it’s your fault!"
"Oh look. The sun is shining, nobody is dead- today's gonna be a good day."
"I swore I wouldn't do it again. But here I am. Wishing all of them dead."
"I guess being dead wasn't good enough for you. You wanted to erase me from history too."
"Who even knows if we'll be alive tomorrow?"
"What story did they tell you?" "That'd I'd never make it out alive."
"And if I refuse?" "Well, *chuckle* don't suppose you'll get out of this alive."
"You just need to survive."
"The world is a cruel, unfair place. But it's the one we live in, so we gotta do what we can to survive."
"You've done your best to destroy me, but I survived all along."
"I survive because there is nothing else I could do."
"The world didn't want me. But I survived anyway."
"I think I'm more surprised that you're telling me this than the fact that you survived it."
"We exist in this time and place. This isn't the end."
"You hide it in the corners of your mind like it doesn't exist."
"Once upon a time, there was a girl. A regular, ordinary type of girl. The kind of girl... that no longer exists."
"In any other world, we would not exist."
"Hell exists in ways you don't expect it to."
"I exist in your eyes, but not in your life."
"You weren't supposed to exist."
"I suppose that magic exists. In some way or another."
"Time is inconsequential. Unreal. It doesn't exist. All that exists is the here and now."
"The world only exists the way we want it to."
"The world need not know you exist. More importantly, the world need not know you exist as you do."
"Who's dying this time?"
"I've existed long enough to know this is a very bad idea."
"We only sort of exis
"There's something beautiful in the way you look at the world like nothing else exists."
"We exist to be tempered into impossible weapons."
"I am aware of worlds and things that should not exist."
"The difference you have to learn about the past and future is that the future gives us a reason to keep living... the past only exists to hold us back."
"You are the bane of my existence." "I'm the bane of existence in general."
"How many times have I thought about dying? Too many."
My entire life you've made me cry. All you're doing now is making me cry again.
"My room's a mess. Kinda like my life. But nobody's complaining about that."
"My life was wonderful. But it was better without you in it."
When life gives ya lemons, we find someone who has vodka and makes martinis.
"She's living her life in monochrome."
"There are some things in life that just get you down. And then there's her."
"I've been wrong all my life. This is just another instance, isn't it?
"Home is not a place. It's a feeling. Feeling of contentment, life, respect, safety. That is home."
"I live off of two things: spite and validation. I live to spite those who say I can't, but I need validation from those who say I can."
"Please don't live for tomorrow. Live for today."
"My favorite kind of people are the ones who live for themselves, and not for anyone else."
I knew we'd live forever.
"There's not enough time on Earth to see everything. We could go back a billion years and live every moment up to now, and even then we wouldn't see everything." "Nah. But with you, I'd like to try. I feel like I could do anything with you by my side."
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abnormal-normality · 4 years
@writerwinged sorry for the tag but I wrote a mini thing for your au here n I thought I’d share?? ig?? it’s also posted in my oneshots fic so uh,, yeah?
Gods do not have feelings. Especially not old gods.
Feelings are a foreign thing to a god, and the feeling of regret is no different.
When Wilbur Soot finds a boy shivering in the cold, he smiles, because he has found a new plaything.
He brings the kid home, the kid with blond hair and blue eyes and a laughter so bright and sweet it's charming. He introduces him to Technoblade and Philza, and they take to him easily as well.
It's rare for gods to share a toy to play with, but the Kid is amusing and oh so naive, and he is a firefly around their joined home, so they keep him. Like a pet, like a toy, like a plaything.
When Wilbur Soot finds out a young god is trying to start his own country, he goes to cause chaos, because that's what he does, and he takes the Kid with him.
The Kid's been getting too comfortable, anyways. He needs to prove himself.
And oh, prove himself he does. He and Wilbur Soot's allies all bleed and bruise for the small chance to get freedom for their little 'nation', and they do. Sure, there's a betrayal, and the Kid does nearly die, but what's chaos without negativity?
(He does not try to save the Kid when he bleeds and nearly dies. And yet the Kid still looks up to him. How pitiful.)
Things stagnate from there, and as the god of chaos, Wilbur Soot desires it. So he holds an election, to have some fun once again.
Wilbur Soot holds an election, and of course no one will doubt his power, his charisma, everything he has done for this country. He has led this country to victory with the Kid by his side and allies behind him, obviously they'll put him up again.
But then Quackity decides to make his own party and add George — an enemy who fought them in the war for freedom — and Fundy and Niki form their own party, and they clearly don't trust him now, not when they've gone and done what he has never wanted them to do.
Strike one.
And then Schlatt joins in. Schlatt, the man who he has broken so beautifully and chaotically, challenges him. And the worst part is, he wins.
Wilbur Soot and the Kid are thrown out of the very nation they have fought for, and his power is torn away from his hands by brute force and lawfully so.
Strike two.
Technoblade comes at their call, driven by lust for bloodshed and betrayal. Wilbur Soot gets explosives from the young god and placed them under his former nation, connecting them to a single button. The news of a festival being held comes to them, and Wilbur Soot smiles a madman's smile.
Strike three.
The festival comes. The Kid's best friend takes the stage and makes a speech. No one but the two gods and the Kid know about the explosives. Which is why nobody has time to react when Wilbur Soot pushes the button and sets off the redstone.
Manburg falls in ashes and explosions. Wilbur Soot laughs as he kills Schlatt, a mad grin on his face and the shadow of a madman below him.
(He thought he could fight against a god of chaos? He thought he could win against a madman and a god with far more power than he will ever have? Oh, poor, poor Schlatt. Always so forgetful, and now he pays the price of his memory loss.)
The Kid's best friend falls, too, being the closest to the explosives. And here is where Technoblade drops, swinging his sword with a mad glint in his eyes.
Only, it's not the Kid's best friend. Only, it's the Kid, and he's staring at them with betrayal and pain and light is fading from his eyes. Scars and burns litter his arms, and he doesn't look like he will survive.
(In a land made of ice and coldness, Philza's chest hurts, pain and agony blooming in his chest. But that's absurd. Gods have no feelings.)
Gods do not have feelings. That is one thing that's been known since the beginning of everything. They are cruel, and when they take an interest in someone it is not for affection, but instead just as a way to pass time, to have fun, before getting rid of the toy just like a child gets rid of theirs.
So then, why does Technoblade feel pain as he watches the Kid die by his own sword?
So then, why does Wilbur Soot feel pain as he watches the Kid cough up blood and lose the light from his eyes, not taking a single step to help him?
So then, why does Philza's head snap up to stare at the sky, a feeling of wrongness and pain spreading through his body?
Gods do not have feelings. Especially not old gods.
But attachment and fondness cares not for who or what you are, nor does it care about pasts or futures. Tommy Innit has wiggled his way into the graces of the gods, and he pays for it. They all do.
(Bright blue eyes turn stormy and dark and dull and lifeless. It is not by choice.)
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edie-k · 3 years
Here‘s my drabble for the HPRomione Discord fanfic tag. Thanks to @zurisenchantedquill for tagging me. My prompt was fireworks - literal and figurative.
My head - let’s write spicy figurative fireworks! You’ve wanted to stretch those muscles!
My heart - uh…. we’re going to write a fight.
I am tagging @bluegreenandpurple next. Your prompt is revenge
Title: Tense
Rating: PG-13 (Ron and I can’t go too long without using the f word)
Pairing: Romione
Disclaimer: Not my characters
Quick head canon note: I believe that Ron isn’t completely aware of his actions when under veela influence.
Takes place the summer before HBP.
Ron stepped out of the house and rubbed his face wearily.
Everything was so fucking tense right now.
He had certainly gotten used to a high level of tension in the year since Voldemort had returned and it was obviously warranted. But today, there was a completely new kind of tension and it made no sense.
The week had started off well. Hermione had arrived four days ago. Ginny, of course, had to insert herself in their business constantly but the first night, Hermione had suggested the two of them take a walk around the edge of the property after dinner and they’d repeated it every night. With the shop opening, Fred and George had been scarcely around to subject him to their normal torment. And Bill had written to say that he’d be arriving today to stay for the summer and it was always great to have his older brother around.
But that was where the trouble started.
Bill hadn’t arrived alone. He hadn’t mentioned that his girlfriend, Fleur Delacour, would be in tow. Ron had no issue with Fleur except it was considered polite to give a fucking warning when you bring a veela around so a bloke can have a chance to try to not make a fool of himself.
And then, with Fleur standing next to him with a beatific smile on her face, Bill announced she wasn’t his girlfriend - she was his fiancée.
Ron had always assumed his mum would go mad with excitement at the first of her children to marry and the fact that it was her golden boy should have made it even more unbearable. Instead Bill’s announcement was met with confusion by he and the twins (while he caught all the grief from his sister, Fred and George certainly weren’t immune to veela charms), a nervous smile from his dad, and stony silence from his mum and Ginny.
Fleur’s smile dropped and Bill frowned.
“Well,” said Dad, standing up and breaking the silence. “Certainly something to celebrate!” He pulled his eldest son into a hug before repeating the action with Fleur.
Ron felt his mind clear a bit and shook his head. “Uh, yeah. Congratulations,” he said, stepping forward to pat his brother on the back and grin. The twins seemed to come back to themselves as well and enthusiastically shook Bill’s hand.
“And, uh,” Ron turned to Fleur. “Welcome to the family.” He tried to make his voice warm and mature but he was sure he sounded like a total git. To make matters worse, he awkwardly raised his arms but didn’t actually move to touch her. Ron was sure he looked like an idiot.
Fleur, however, seemed to appreciate his gesture. She gave him a small smile and quietly said “Thank you.” She then pushed herself up on her toes and kissed his cheek.
His brain was starting to feel a touch fuzzy until he suddenly heard a tongue cluck behind him. He whirled around - Mum and Ginny were now both glaring at Dad for some reason. Hermione however, was looking at Fleur with absolute disdain. He shot a quizzical look at her but she pointedly ignored him.
Dad was staring back at Mum and Ginny. “This is something to celebrate,” he repeated in an unusually stern tone.
“Of course,” replied Mum tersely. Ron watched his mum inhale sharply and force a smile onto her face. “Oh, my boy is getting married!” She pushed Fred aside to embrace Bill and her words almost sounded genuine.
At his father’s insistence, they had a full feast for dinner. Dad had even popped out and returned with three bottles of champagne. He had poured Ron, Hermione, and Ginny each a generous glass as Mum looked on disapprovingly. But despite Dad’s best efforts, the meal had been uncomfortable. Delicious but uncomfortable. And Hermione had skipped pudding and excused herself from the table, breaking what he already considered their after dinner tradition. Ron hadn’t seen her since. He’d gone to the sitting room to play a couple of games of chess with Bill but as darkness was setting, he felt the need to escape the uneasiness that existed in the room and a pull to see Hermione.
As he glanced around the garden, he spotted her on the far end, sitting on the bench with a book.
“Hey,” he greeted, approaching her slowly.
Hermione glanced up from the tome and grunted in acknowledgement. Ron bristled at her reaction.
“You stood me up,” he said, struggling to keep his tone light. He was still unsure as to what had brought on this mood.
“You seemed busy,” she responded curtly.
He shrugged. “I wanted cake. And Bill was asking about the Quidditch Cup match.”
Hermione snorted and closed her book before setting it next to her. “Oh, it was Bill you were sharing your heroics with.”
“Yes,” he said, confused. “They weren’t exactly heroics either.”
“Right. And Bill is the one you found so interesting. Not his fiancée, whose lap you practically crawled into.”
Ron ignored that comment. He thought he was doing quite an admirable job of treating Fleur normally. “Do you have a problem with Fleur?” he asked.
“Do I have a problem with Fleur,” she repeated, a bit shrilly.
“Er, yeah? It just seems like you do.”
“She’s being awful! Snide comments about absolutely everything.”
“She’s to be my sister in law! And Mum and Ginny are being awful to her! I just think we all should make an effort.”
“Yes, that’s you. The welcoming committee,” she rolled her eyes.
“Again, she’s going to be part of the family,” he insisted.
“It doesn’t bother you that it’s happening so quickly? You’re always so suspicious of new people. They just met.”
“It’s been a year. And I reckon I trust Bill,” he said, shrugging.
“I know he’s your brother and you think a lot of him but he’s just a person like the rest of you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The whole lot of you. Falling all over yourselves because a beautiful woman enters the room or looks at you or kisses your cheek,” Hermione sneered.
“Hang on,” Ron stopped, his blood suddenly running cold. “Are you jealous of Fleur?”
“What?” Hermione squeaked, looking a bit panicked.
“Are you - do you have a thing for my brother?”
“What?!” Hermione shrieked.
“Well, you seem to have a thing for people that are way too old for you. Lockhart, Krum, and now…”
“Are you being serious?”
“It’s the only thing that makes sense. You must be jealous of Fleur over Bill.”
Hermione let out a humorless laugh. “I’m not jealous of Fleur because of Bill.”
Ron froze. He replayed her answer in his mind. He wasn’t at his sharpest due to the after effects of veela powers and champagne but he was sure that she hadn’t denied that she was jealous; it just didn’t have to do with Bill. Did that mean… what did that mean?
“What does that mean?” he asked her. Their eyes locked and Hermione bit her lip nervously.
Wheeeeee - BANG!
Ron turned sharply and looked up to the sky to see three pink rockets bursting overhead.
“There’s your proper celebration, Dad!” shouted Fred gleefully. George whooped and pumped a fist in the air.
While Ron and Hermione had argued, Fred and George apparently tapped into their firework stock, which was bringing the rest of the family outside.
“Boys! Be careful! Ginny!” Mum yelled, as his sister squeezed by and ran toward the twins. She tutted and followed Ginny, his dad close behind. An orange Catherine wheel appeared above their moving forms.
Bill and Fleur, holding hands paused at the door and looked up.
“They are lovely although the display in Marseille for Bastille Day simply cannot be outdone,” Fleur declared. “The city is not without its problems but -” Bill laughed and pulled her along, trailing after his parents.
Ron glanced back at Hermione, who was scowling. “Is that true?”
“Is what true?”
“You’ve been to Marseille with your parents, right? Cause your mum’s a fan of that one poet from there. Are the fireworks there better?”
She looked at him and for a moment, she seemed speechless, which made no sense. It wasn’t a particularly challenging question. “Uh, yes, I have been there but not for Bastille Day. I wouldn’t have seen any wizarding fireworks anyway of course but I have a hard time believing that anyone can outdo your brothers.”
BOOM! Sparks in the form of a large green fire breathing dragon lit up the sky.
“Fred and George are quite unbeatable when it comes to explosions,” Ron agreed.
Hermione smiled at him and moved her book back onto her lap, gesturing for him to sit. Ron didn’t quite understand what he did to change her attitude but he thought it best not to push. He plopped down next to her and his bare calf brushed up against hers, sending a shiver up his spine. She didn’t move her leg away.
They sat side by side, Hermione watching the fireworks, Ron watching Hermione.
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
The Din Djarin Biker AU that nobody needs
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@reluctantlyresponsibleadult​, this is for you, babe.
Bendura is one of four small moons orbiting a gas giant nestled in the far corner of the galaxy. It’s a desert - water is scarce, and resources are finite, as nobody wants to spend the credits required on fuel just to trade with these backwater biker rats. 
The Clubs rule the moon.
Bikes are a way of life on Bendura. They aren’t exactly low maintenance, but tech is scarce, and they’re relatively easy to service, if you know what you’re doing.
Resources like water, food, shelter, spice - these are heavily guarded by the Clubs. 
There are two Clubs to watch for on Bendura. To the west, the Fugitives. To the east, the Damned. The barren desert that sprawls through the center of the moon is called the Warzone, and you’ve got to be either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid to enter the ‘zone.
Din Djarin is a Fugitive. Of course, he goes by Mando - identities are heavily protected on Bendura, and if you’re associated with a Club, you can guarantee that there’s a hit out for you. So, Din goes by Mando. He’s been with the Fugitives since he was little more than a kid, and now, he’s their muscle, their enforcer, and he’s got a hell of a reputation as an assassin. Mando keeps his face covered at all times. Rumor out east is, if you ever get close enough to see the color of Mando’s eyes, you won’t live to tell the tale.
Deep down, though, Din wonders about the things he has to do for the Fugitives. Sometimes it bothers him, all the blood and killing, and for what? Seems to him that there’s plenty of water to go around if folks would just share. It’s spice that’s the problem. 
But try telling that to a spicer.
So Din grits his teeth and does his job. He’s a lifer, he’s in deep. There’s no way out for him. You don’t just quit the Clubs, not after what he’s done.
Mando rides an old, beat up Sportster that he inherited from his folks. It’s iconic, but it needs a lot of work to keep running, and the guys like to give him shit for it. Mando is constantly working on this bike because it’s constantly breaking down beneath him, but he loves it.  
One day, after a particularly gnarly job at the edge of the ‘zone, Mando meets you on the road. You stop and help him fix up his bike, which would annoy him and also kind of intrigue him.  You introduce yourself as Beta. You’re traveling alone and you’re headed through the western border, out east, straight into the heart of the ‘zone. You seem component, but you’re small and kind of pretty from what Din can tell, and the ‘zone is no place for a nomad, especially a lady. So Din decides to tag along with you under the guise of needing to complete some business, just because he doesn't want you to run into any trouble. There’s always trouble in the ‘zone.
In the interest of self preservation, Din opts against using his biker name. “Mando” has a hell of a reputation on the moon, and for some reason, Din can’t stand the thought of seeing the spark dim in your eyes when you learn his true identity. There’s blood on his hands, and you’d be right to be afraid of him. 
So he introduces himself as Din, a nomad, keeping his colors wound up tightly in his pack. It’s suicide to wear colors in the ‘zone, anyway.
It’s several days of travel, and just your presence alone is forcing Din to confront some deep-seated beliefs - sexism, the moral gray area that he has to ignore to do his job, his loyalty to the Club, also, falling for this random, very mysterious girl who knows her way around a bike just as well as she seems to know her way around the ‘zone... 
You’re driving Din crazy.
Anyway, Din escorts you through the ‘zone. It’s barren and empty. Depressing. Things happen. Din’s oil pan is busted and he’s leaking oil everywhere, but Din is a little leery of stopping somewhere this close to rival territory. You force him to follow you to this old beat up mobile home in the middle of the desert, and y’all find this old ass biker dude named Slim. Who, in my head, is not slim. Go figure.
Slim seems to know you. “Beta!” he greets with a toothless grin, and the two of you have this very cryptic conversation in front of Din that basically amounts to, “yeah, girl, you can have whatever the fuck you want here, and your friend, too.” Din gets his bike fixed up free of charge, new oil and all.
You stop at a bar for the evening and things get pretty tense with a pack of nomads. Din gets all hot and bothered and jealous. You tell him you can take care of yourself, but you’re secretly flattered by his attention. The nomads start following you, and you and Din take them out in true enforcer fashion. This is a whole ass scene in my head, guys, with explosions and lots of sexy ‘look how good we are at killing’ type of flirting.
The closer you get to enemy territory, the more antsy Din gets. Like what the fuck are you thinking, going into the Damned’s turf? You aren’t scared but you should be. Hell, Din is scared and he knows he can take care of himself. What business could you possibly have out here anyway? You’ve been pretty tight lipped about that.
A small scene under the stars. Din has yet to take his bandana off, but you notice that his eyes are a deep, dark brown. Like rich, fertile earth, the type that’s rarely seen in the desert. He tells you a story about his parents, and you think his voice is beautiful, all raspy and deep and sand-coated. You wonder what his body is like beneath all that leather, how it would feel to shed him of his armor and press your cheek into his chest, feel the vibration of his voice as he speaks, the heat of his skin against your own.
You finally make it through the ‘zone, and Din realizes that you are headed straight into Damned territory. He flips shit on you.
He’s worried.  
You have a big fight, and Din can’t quite understand why you’re so insistent on sending him away, telling him you don't need him now, that you’d never needed him, that he should head back west where he belongs. You storm away, and he follows you at a distance, heartbroken, confused, terrified, wishing he’d have kissed you on those smart-ass lips just once, wondering how you’d taste on his tongue, sick to his stomach at the idea of you alone in the most dangerous area of the moon.
So Din follows you. He follows you right up to the Damned’s clubhouse. 
He doesn’t realize where he’s headed until he’s there. You unwrap your leathers from your sissy bar as a bunch of well armed men greet you with smiles and backslaps. Din’s heart sinks in his chest as he sees the colors you’re wearing. “PRESIDENT” the bottom rocker of your leather screams.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The guys have spotted him now, are making advances, threatening with their guns, and Din realizes just how deeply he’s fucked up. He’s escorted the rival Club’s president across the ‘zone, had acted as her body guard and protector for a week. Even if he could escape here - and there’s no way in hell - Din can never go home, not after this.
His life is literally over. 
You call of the guys with a sharp whistle. "He’s with me,” you say to them, and they relax immediately. They don’t seem to recognize Din, and it’s a very good thing. 
You walk over to Din, killing his bike, and pull him to his feet. “Come on, Mando,” you hiss his biker name in his ear, and Din freezes, dread sending a sharp shiver down his spine. “We need to talk.”
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bnhaven · 4 years
A Potential ‘Hidden Quirk’ Idea
To begin: I am so sorry. Truly. I swore I’d be a writer of fluff, and yet here we are...again...whoops.
Anyways, let’s get on with it! 
So, if there’s one thing we love about our innocent cinnamon roll of a boy, aka Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, it’s that he’s willing to go beyond (plus ultra style) in order to save the day, even going so far as to break his bones to the point of disfiguration. Adrenaline helps him fight through the pain, and even then I’ve heard a lot of people talk about his insanely high pain tolerance.
Like, ridiculously high. I mean, the Overhaul fight??? Where Izuku just destroys himself so that Eri doesn’t Rewind him out of existence? Wild. It’s like, unimaginable. Even with the decade of bullying to get used to pain, it’s almost unreal for the green bean to be able to push through so much naturally.
Which is where I say: what if it wasn’t natural?
Look, some Quirks are probably hidden ones. Ones that you can’t immediately see, ones that aren’t emitter types. Quirks that just affect the wielder, not anyone else. Like Nedzu’s High Spec, for example. But what’s another Quirk that no one would be able to see?
One that negates pain. 
Now, I don’t think that Izuku would have always had this Quirk. I think it’s one that needed the right conditions to form. Like, let’s say...a really hard punch, something with an almost explosive force.
Lucky for Izuku, he has a classmate with a very painful Quirk, and a penchant for using it on those he deems weaker or lesser. Thus, when the bullying started, Izuku’s Quirk finally kicked in after one hit went too far.
The Issue: Nobody realizes that Izuku got his Quirk. Not even Izuku realizes it. Why? Well, Izuku thinks it’s just a high pain tolerance. He still feels Bakugou striking him, he just...doesn’t feel much else. He knows that he feels pressure, so he must have just gotten used to Bakugou’s hits. (And with all of the burn scars that Izuku is gaining, he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s lost some nerve endings due to the damage.)
And Izuku would definitely have burn scars in this AU (I’m not really sure if canon gives him said scars, I’ve done more reading for this fandom than watching, oops.) But no matter what happens in canon, this Izuku would have burn scars for one reason: Since Izuku doesn’t feel pain, he doesn’t cry out. Since he doesn’t cry out, Bakugou thinks his explosions aren’t strong enough to hurt...so the boy uses stronger blasts in an attempt to prove his ‘point’. (There is definitely an inferiority complex going on here, where Bakugou subconsciously worries that his Quirk is weak if ‘Quirkless Deku can stand there and take one of my hits without a single flinch’.) He pushes himself harder, lets more force into every controlled blast, etc.
So Izuku has no clue that he has a Quirk, Bakugou uses crazy amounts of explosions on the boy, neither realizing just how much damage is happening because Izuku can’t feel any pain.
Canon continues. The Sludge Villain stuff goes as usual, and All Might chooses Izuku as his successor just like always. The training montage from hell might actually be more self-destructive, not only because Izuku feels the need to catch up but also because he doesn’t feel so exhausted/sore. (Along with pain, the boy also doesn’t really feel when his muscles and body are sore, so he doesn’t realize he needs to take a breather.) But that isn’t the focus, so let’s move on!
The Entrance Exam occurs, and wow that really should have clued someone in. Because Izuku breaks his limbs for Uraraka and when he hits the ground, instead of dragging himself away he tries to stand up. He actually manages to find a 3-pointer, and breaks two more of his fingers by flicking in its direction, destroying it with a gust of air before he collapses to the ground.
But wow, everyone is just like ‘this boy is wild’ before completely forgetting about how they heard his bones crunching with every step. 
Continue on. 
Quirk Apprehension Test? Izuku doesn’t really get why Aizawa is complaining about how he shatters himself. Like, he doesn’t need to stop just because his arm is apparently broken. It’s fine, he can still use it. Still, he settles on breaking a single finger because he can’t risk expulsion, and he definitely doesn’t have the courage to talk back to a teacher. 
Hero v. Villain Fight? Izuku doesn’t even collapse after the final blast, instead walking off without batting an eyelash. Iida ends up corralling him to Recovery Girl’s room, because first Izuku protested having to leave without getting to watch the other teams, then he got distracted by the school and nearly got lost.
USJ? Izuku goes a little more feral, fun times.
Sports Festival? Oh honey you know things are going to get wild here. Broken bones left and right, yeehaw it’s shatter city baby!
Izuku ends up with even less self-preservation with every passing problem, basically. Since the boy can’t feel pain, he assumes that any injury that he does get isn’t that bad. After all, wouldn’t he be crying and, you know, hurting if it was bad? Izuku knows what pain feels like, and this isn’t it!!
It’s only the realization that breaking bones so often could end his career early that causes Izuku to try new approaches to the whole Quirk-using situation. Even then, the boy has no sense of when to stop, and as such pushes himself to the point of passing out from either exhaustion or blood loss multiple times.
-One such time was after getting impaled. The boy didn’t realize he had a broken pole halfway through his back until Kaminari screamed and passed out from seeing Izuku bleeding, a giant rod jabbing out of him. Izuku tried to shrug it off.
Sometime around the impalation incident, people begin to notice that Izuku has a freaky high pain tolerance. 
But nobody really connects the dots until Bakugou goes too far in training.
The bad news: his opponent loses a limb.
The good news: It is Shouji, and it’s one of the regrowable ones.
The bad news: the following dialogue occurs after school…
Bakugou: What the fuck? But that’s barely anything!
Aizawa: Bakugou. That explosion had enough force to sever your classmate’s hand off of his limb due to how you directed it. You should know to limit yourself by now.
Bakugou: But I was! That one is so weak that even Deku can walk away without flinching! 
Aizawa: There is no way that Midoriya would be able to move on without needing medical attention after a hit that bad.
Bakugou: He has.
Aizawa: ...I beg your pardon?
Bakugou: Deku fucking has! How do you think I learned my limits, huh? Deku has taken a hit like that directly to the chest and didn’t even flinch! I know how weak I am!
Needless to say, Aizawa proceeds to lose his absolute shit. He makes Izuku stay after class the next day, and questions him about whether or not Bakugou has ever used his Quirk on him. 
Izuku, a boy who is unafraid of breaking three limbs to save a girl from a giant robot, but who is terrified of teachers most of the time, cracks without too much pressure. He admits that Bakugou has used his Quirk on Izuku for years, but ‘It wasn’t bad, sensei! They were like love taps, I never even felt a thing!’
And Aizawa knows something is wrong with this, something isn’t adding up because if Shouji lost a limb to Bakugou’s hit, Izuku has to be lying...or there’s another factor in this equation.
Aizawa dismisses Izuku, and spends the night trying to figure it out.
And then he does.
The next day, he makes Bakugou and Izuku stay in the classroom during lunch. He questions them on their past. Bakugou complains about how ‘weak’ he’s always been, Izuku brushes past the concern without much thought because it never hurt, and sure there were markings but-
Aizawa: Markings?
The scars are revealed. Well, the ones on his upper body.
This is when Bakugou begins to realize that he’s fucked up.
During training, Aizawa pulls Bakugou and Izuku off to work with him separately. He
brings out machines that test how much force a blow gives off, and has Bakugou throw his ‘weak’ explosions at them.
As it turns out, Izuku should have been in crippling pain from everything Bakugou did. And then Aizawa drops the ‘I think you have a pain-related Quirk’ on Izuku, and yeah.
I didn’t really plan an end, sorry. I just think it’d be interesting, you know?
On the bright side, at least Izuku isn’t constantly in pain!!! He just got his body a whole lot more damaged than he would have, and has maybe half of the self-preservation that his canon counterpart possesses.
Finally, for an extra bit: Izuku only feels pain when Aizawa erases his Quirk. It’s not pleasant. (And, to make him even more oblivious, Izuku believes that the pain is because his Quirk is being ‘severed’ in its connection, not that this is lingering pain that comes from having bones shattered over and over without hesitation.)
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