#anyway gonna clean the mirror and window and call it a day
robinsnest2111 · 2 years
Just one more task to do today.............
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for lottie; poly Pockets, cut for length.
His Pocket just curls up tighter in his hands and stifles another sob. Bart groans in frustration and takes him back to the bedroom, finds his pillow–which is in the closet, now, for some reason?–and then sticks him back on the bed and under his pillow again. The pillow seems like an improvement on the washcloth, at least. 
. . . his Pocket still doesn’t seem willing to give up the washcloth, though. 
“You’re really picky, huh,” he observes, poking at his pillow. His Pocket just makes an unhappy sound and burrows in deeper under it, washcloth and all. Bart isn’t even sure that washcloth is clean. Like, who knows? He hasn’t done laundry in like a thousand years, or at least a couple days, so it could be super gross or whatever! 
He doesn’t know why his Pocket’s so upset, but he doesn’t like it. It feels . . . weird, or whatever. Bart didn’t ask for a slow Pocket, but he guesses his Pocket didn’t ask for a speedster either. Or maybe he did? Pockets are confusing. 
It’s weird. 
Bart really didn’t want a soulmate, honestly. Like, the chances of getting one that could keep up or wouldn’t think he was weird were never all that good, considering, so . . . so . . . 
So he thinks he’s mad, a little, that his Pocket can’t keep up. Because for a little bit there, he’d thought maybe his Pocket could. That he’d be fast enough and maybe, like . . . get it, a little. 
Nobody else gets it, really. Wally’s such a jerk most of the time, and everyone else is so slow, and . . . 
Max gets it sometimes, he thinks. Maybe. But Max also gets frustrated with him when he’s just doing stuff that seems normal and makes sense to him, and that’s frustrating, and . . . 
If Bart had to get a soulmate, why couldn’t it have been one with superspeed? Somebody like–Jenni, maybe. He misses Jenni. Misses somebody else being fast enough. 
Misses somebody who can just . . . keep up. 
He would’ve . . . that would’ve been okay, maybe. Like. For a soulmate, anyway. 
Maybe, anyway. 
If Bart had gotten to pick a soulmate, he just . . . he would’ve picked somebody who could keep up. That’s all. 
“Why are your powers weird?” he asks, poking his pillow. “Are you, like, still messed up from being dead or something? Do you need more sun? I could get you more sun.” 
That’s probably only gonna be helpful if the actual Superman gets it, but . . . well, maybe it’d help a little, at least. Or like, whatever. 
He doesn’t really know, he guesses. So maybe it’d be worth a try. 
Bart zips to the window and pulls up his blinds as high as they’ll go, and pushes the curtains as wide as they’ll go, and then squints questioningly at the light that’s coming in. It’s kinda sunny out, at least, but it’s not as sunny as it could be, so . . . hmmmmm. 
“Maybe we should go someplace tropical,” he muses. “You’ll get faster if you get more sun, right? Probably? Like, it might fix your powers or whatever.” 
His Pocket sniffs, and also stays under the pillow and washcloth. Bart considers the merits of putting in a skylight. He could learn how to do that, probably. Like, if he wanted to. 
He wishes Jenni were here. Jenni can keep up. Jenni’s fast too. 
Heck, he’d settle for Wally right now, if he didn’t know the guy would just be annoying about it. 
He hopes Max is done with his calls soon. This is getting really frustrating. 
Really frustrating. 
“You at least like the sun, right?” Bart asks, fiddling with the blinds a little more. His Pocket sniffs again. Bart frowns in frustration at the blinds and just snatches the duct tape from the kitchen to tape them up off the window altogether. “Like, you at least do that? Even if you don’t like Superman stuff?” 
“Bart,” his Pocket mumbles unhappily, and Bart blows his hair out of his eyes with a sigh, then tapes back the curtains too for good measure. Maybe he can set up some mirrors or something, focus the sunlight towards the bed a little better? 
Yeah, that’s a good idea, he decides, and bolts off to grab every mirror in the house. He’s not allowed to go anywhere, but there’s the hallway mirror and Helen’s vanity mirror and a whole attic full of stuff, and prying off the bathroom mirrors helps too, so–
It takes a couple seconds to set up all the mirrors, but he does manage to get as much light reflecting towards the bed as possible. So that's a start, he figures.
“Better?” he asks. “Until we can actually go somewhere tropical, I mean. Or the desert, maybe. Maybe the desert would be better. But tropical has, like, more fruit and water and maybe some beach chairs.” 
“Bart?” his Pocket says, then chitters something uncertain-sounding in Pocket-talk. He finally peeks out from under the pillow again, looking red-eyed, and then goes still and stares at the mirrors, and then the window. 
“More sun,” Bart explains, gesturing at them. “Right?” 
His Pocket keeps staring at the mirrors and window for a moment, then sits up, lets the washcloth and pillow fall off him, and zips over to Bart again. 
“Ack!” Bart sputters as the other hits him in the face and–oh, wait, he’s like . . . clinging to him, kinda? Not hitting him hitting, just–this might be a hug? Is this a hug? On his face? 
. . . really weird. 
. . . . . . how long is his Pocket gonna do this, exactly? 
“Maybe I should name you after somebody,” Bart reflects distractedly, sort of awkwardly . . . patting his Pocket’s back, he guesses. Well, at least he seems less upset now. He thinks? Maybe? “Or after whatever random island or desert fixes your powers. Like, once we get them fixed. I dunno. Does it really matter that much to you?”
“Imp,” his Pocket mumbles tightly, then lets go of his face and faceplants into his hair instead, and now . . . well, now Bart just has a Pocket in his hair, he guesses. 
Okay then. 
Less upset is probably better, at least. Even though Bart just directed all the sun towards the bed and his Pocket immediately moved off the bed. 
Well, whatever, Bart thinks, and sighs again. 
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cronchrokk · 8 months
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Dogtown tests everyone
“I-I’m sorry, Jude. I never meant for you to get caught up in this…,” Vikk apologized as she did her best to look Judy in the face. Her last job went off the rails and had landed them both in the hell scape that everyone in Night City avoided, that was unless, you MEANT to go there.
“Do you at least have a plan to get us out?” Judy asked angrily. She knew merkk work was dangerous, but Vikk had always assured her she made sure things didn’t go awry, but today was full of surprises.
“I uh… not as of yet, but I’m working on one. We’re getting out of here.”
Judy threw up her hands, her face full of contempt and anger, “Of course you don’t! You just throw something together, hope that it works and expect me to just go along with it cuz ‘oh I’m just a dumb porn maker, what do I know about planning or executing a plan that needs to be perfect!!’ You always wing it, and one of these days it’s gonna get you killed, Vikk!!”
Vikk was speechless. She wanted to retort, wanted to fight back the harsh jabs Judy laid against her, but she couldn’t. She knew anything she might say may only anger Judy further, which was the last thing either of them needed right now. She didn’t get a large enough window to say anything anyway.
“Need space.” Judy said as she folded her arms and stomped off towards the other end of the abandoned apartment she and Vikk were using as their hideout. Vikk heard a door slam and hung her head. She suppressed the urge to cry out. But she felt the tears welling up in her eyes. They’d fall soon enough. She fell to the floor, her lip quavering. She felt the tears running now. She pressed her gloved hands to her face, but that wouldn’t stop them.
“You’re right Jude,” Vikk thought. “It’s my fault. This whole thing, it should never have happened, never should have involved you…” she sniffed. She could feel her eye shadow running down her face in large blakk rivers. “But you’re wrong if you think I’m gonna let that stop me from getting us out.”
She pushed herself to her feet, went to the bathroom and cleaned her face up. Dogtown was already bad enough, it didn’t need to see her like that. A look of resolute determination spread across her face as she looked in the mirror. She nodded silently, turned and went to the entrance. She grabbed her shades as she left the apartment. Placing them on her face, she made the call she knew she had to make.
“Well well. V, my most capable partner. What can I help you with today?”
“Got an urgent need, Hands…”
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red-tintedglasses · 2 years
"Jimmy, Keep Gunning, it's All in Your Mind!"
Jimmy tosses his phone to the other side of the truck. Now that that's out of the way, he can get to business. "Thank god, /finally/ you're focusing!" Gregg takes a hard turn. Not that he needs to, but Jimmy deserves it for dragging them out here! "Who the hell was that anyway? You gave so much information away!"
Jimmy hums. “Just someone I met at this cafe.” He tends to his leg.
"What? When? You just met them and your telling them all about this godforsaken car chase? What, did they drug you or something?" Gregg looks over their shoulder and sees Jimmy trying to hold his bullet wound shut with his hands. With a sigh, he tosses a towel to Jimmy. "I /swear/, Jimmy, you're cleaning this up after!"
"Darling, I drug myself plenty without any outside help!” He laughs and grabs the towel and wraps it around his leg. “Thank you for saving me from those pigs.”
"I had to, its my job. Unfortunately. But seriously! You can't go off spilling Crow info to anybody who calls! Who were they? A cop? A private investigator? The FBI?" They swerve into an offroad and the windshield is soon splattered in dirt and rocks. They turn the windshield wipers on and check the rearview mirror. The cop car stumbles and bounces over the unpaved road. •Aw, look at their plastic shitwagon! Can't even cross a widdle ditch!•
“I never did ask who they were anyway, all I know is they had the /worst/ style! They didn't even try all that hard, it was sad!"
"They were wearing /brown/, Gregg! This drab, cheap, brown sweater!"
"We have better things t-"
"They're underdressed for /everything/! How can somebody live like that?"
"Okay- okay, shut up! God, why do I even ask? Just keep shooting! Next time you see them, /don't/ give the more ways to contact you!" •And after I lose these fucking cops, I have to go back to Madeline, who's on the other side of the fucking town!• He sped up, foot pressing the pedal to the floor.
“Aww, Greggy, what’s up your ass today?” He jokes. "/You/! I was gonna stay home today! But /noo/! You had to pull another one of your over-dramatic stunts again, ans get shot. Now your compromising the Crows, all for 'someone you met at this cafe!'"
Jimmy gasps (in a dramatic manner) and clasps his hand over his heart (dramatically, may I add). “I am /not/ dramatic! And besides, I wasn’t planning on getting shot!" He crosses his arms. "And that 'someone' is very nice! Their name is Cyrus!”
"Okay, well, you barely know 'Cyrus'! You're so sloppy all of the time! Next thing I know, you may as well wear a massive target on your back that says 'Shoot me! I'm a fucking idiot!' And nice people do /not/ exist, this 'Cyrus' character's probably going to traffick you or something!" Gregg turns to give him a pointed glare. "/Again!/" Gregg pops their head out the window. "And god dammit!" Jimmy looks back at him. "They're still following us! Are you out of ammo or something!? Shoot!"
Jimmy quickly re-loads the gun and slams it through the back window. Before Gregg can protest, he shoots a couple blind shots at the car. “You know, darling, that target idea isn’t so bad!” he crouches to hide from the cops, “But /really/, don’t worry about Cyrus! There's no way they could be a harm to the Crows!”
"Thats what they say about everybody. God!" He takes a hand off the wheel to grab a discarded Sharpie and scrawl 'DUMB IDIOT PLEASE SHOOT NO CYRUS ALLOWED' on a receipt. Gregg tosses the paper behind him. "There, you little shit!"
Jimmy takes the paper and his eyes light up “Eheheh, Gregg, thank you~”
"Dammit, Jim, don't thank me-" Gregg slaps the steering wheel, inadvertently scrawling Sharpie ink over himself at the same time. "God- /fuck/!"
Jimmy flings his torso out of the car, legs firmly pressed against the door inside. Giggling, he brandishes the receipt in his hands, the official ban of shooting Jimmy that shall surely save the day!
"Oh my god! Jimmy, what the fuck, they'll shoot you!" Gregg yells. Jimmy doesn't even look back as he starts waving the receipt around. One of the detectives looks offended. The other looks flummoxed. "Jimmy, you’re useless! Just fucking shoot, we cant lead them to Madeline!"
“Oh come on, you're no fun!” Jimmy einks at the cops and lets the receipt fly away in the wind. He climbs back in the car. “It’s not like they would have shot me again!”
"Yes, most likely because it's been /whole minutes/ and you're still bleeding! All over my new carpet! Those fucking pigs probably feel bad for you, you know that! God, you really /do/ deserve that sign on your back."
“I know what to do, I'm not an idiot! I'm just choosing to ignore that way and do it my /clearly/ better way!” He leans out the car to fire a couple shots. "And why would those fucking pigs in a pen feel bad about me?" He continues. "I've been their worst problem for almost a year now!”
"Havent you been fucking around with /just/ one, though-? Okay, look, fix yourself up or I'm coming back there! And I'll use straight fucking vodka instead of actual disinfectant to clean, so fucking heal yourself!"
Jimmy huffs. "/Greggy/, it's kind of hard to treat a wound when you keep yelling at me to shoot, shoot, shoot, bang, bang, gun all the time!” He kneels before the window to shoot, shoot, shoot, bang, bang, gun at the cops.
"Oh yeah, you're doing /such/ a great job of getting rid of those goddamn pigs!" He sighs. "Fine. Don't fucking shoot a single bullet until that wound's fixed, okay?"
Jimmy rolls his eyes. "/Fine/." He lets the gun  drop out the window and lets his knees buckle onto the. ground
"Oh, goddamn-!" Gregg opens the glovebox and pulls out his own gun. He leans out the window and fires several shots. One hits the tire wheel, and the cop car falls back significantly. Gregg grins and leans back into the car and looks back at Jimmy. "See, that's how you-!" Gregg looks ahead and swerves away just in time to avoid the concrete wall of a small, empty overpass. He drifts and screeches to a halt right under it. Nimmy grabs on to the handlebars for dear life as everything in the back of the trunk thunks against his side of the wall. They catch their breath, then, “/Wow/! You couldn’t have done a better job, Gregg! That was /so/ /great/!"
"I flattened one of their tires!" Gregg snaps. "That's more than /you/ did!" Gregg maneuvers the car to face the way they had just come. Police sirens echo, drawing closer. "Aight, Jimmy. I need you to sit in the passenger seat and aim your gun out the window. Be ready to shoot." 
The cop car comes into view.
Gregg revs the car engine.
Jimmy, with a mostly-mended leg, hops over the centre console into the passenger seat. He readies the gun to shoot. “These cops never give up, do they, darling?” No response. Jimmy turns his head just in time to see Gregg flooring the gas pedal. The car screeches forward and careens towards the cop car.
“Gregg, jesus christ, what the fuck are you doing!?”
"Get ready to shoot. Your window is going to be a clear path." The two cars near.
Jimmy swallows down a protest and gets ready to shoot.
The two cars get closer.
And closer. 
And closer. The two cops look terrified, now clearly visible. Just feet away, Gregg swerves the car violently so that Jimmy's side is closest to the car. 
The gun clatters onto the car floor, dropped.
Jimmy glances dowm for a brief second, and whem he looks back up, he realizes the coos are staring at him, turned back in their seats. He blows them a kiss and practically pirouettes back into his seat.
"Oh my god." Jimmy turns to look at Gregg.
Gregg presses harder against the gas pedal. "Oh my god...!" His eyes blaze. "Oh my god! Jimmy you goddamn motherfucking asshole piece of idiot shit! Fucking die! Fucking burn in hell!" He slams the steering wheel so hard with his fist the car actually vibrates a bit. "Goddamn it! I hate you! You fucming shithead!"
Jimmy sits stock-still in shock. Bis moutu hinges uo and down, trying to get a word in sideways. Finally, there's a pause in Gregg's slew of insults as the man catches his breath. “Wow. Gregg, did i miss or something?"
Gregg doesnt find it funny. But his heart is pounding, he has run out of things to call Jimmy, and adrenaline is still coursing through his veins. So he laughs, doubling over on the steering wheel, the clearly frazzled laughter sounding closer to cryinf than a jovial chuckle. And he keeps laughing, only half an eye on the road.
Jimmy reaches out his hand to touch Gregg's back but he pulls it away. •That's probably not a good idea.•
No response.
Jimmy's eyes alight with a brilliant plan. Digging into the deep voids of his inner jacket pockets, he grabs a glob of worms on a string. He throws them over Gregg like confetti. "Ta-da!"
Gregg's laughter halts to a start. Partially because one of the worms fell into his mouth. And also because Jimmy's plan did, in fact, work. He sits up straight. He shakes off the worms on strings. He is humiliated, shamed, horrified! for doing something as horrible as... l-l-laughing!!! "Sorry." He says, with as little emotion as possible.
“Aww," Jimmy pouts, "I was hoping I finally drove youover the edge!” Jimmy laughs and he picks the gun off the floor. “So, Gregg…" he puts his feet up on the dashboard. "How's your day been?” Jimmy asks.
"Oh, it was great!" Gregg falls back into his usual snark. "Until /you/ fucking decided to put on your giant clown shoes and get shot!" He picks up one of the worms and flicks it onto Jimmy's lap. "Now dont bleed out. We're on the way to Madeline's."
Jimmy huffs. "Well, in my defense, darling, my car breaking down was not apart of the plan!” He picks up the worm and pets it on the head before putting it back in his jacket. He can get the test later, when Gregg has to bail him out yet again. “And, I mean, seriously Gregg! How would I have known they were going to shoot me on the highway!” "Well, what were you doing out there anyways? And your next plan with your car breaking down was to, what? Walk? Hell, one cop managed to catch up to you!" Gregg snaps. Jimmy looks down. "And /yes/ I saw your overdramatic chase scene. You must be as bad of a runner as you are a shooter!"
"Yeah? I've got more points than any other Crow, darling, so /clearly/ your math is wrong!" Jimmy retorts.
"Whatever that number is, I'm surprised you have /any/. Now shut up before I have an aneurysm."
Chapter 6/?
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inherstars · 18 days
Whatever the Fuck This Is
Previous chapter here. Damn I would rather be writing than working today, but UGH BILLS.
Maggie pulled herself together as best she could while she had the time: fixed her hair in the dresser mirror, found an old pearl-buttoned cardigan of his mother’s that salvaged the broadcloth shift.  She hadn’t been allowed make-up since leaving home, but pinched her cheeks to give them roses, and finally felt a little more human.  As well, a lot embarrassed.
Levi busily fixed the cuffs of his shirt when she emerged from her room.  He cleaned up like a new penny, curly hair combed neatly back, skin smelling faintly of a skin bracer he never seemed moved to use in the mornings.
“I’m not used to being anyone’s reason for after shave,” she mused.  His felt his ears darken, one hand teasing his hair down to hide it.
“Find that hard to believe.”
“Well,” she patted her stomach.  “For a few months, anyway.”
Levi turned his face down to hide a quick, crooked grin, then gestured her to the door.
“I’m gonna bring the truck around, so you don’t have to walk all the way down the drive.”
“Or so your men won’t see me?” she ventured, though without accusation.  More softly she added, “I’m… I haven’t said so yet, but I’m really sorry about this morning.”
“No sense in being sorry,” he dismissed, and propped open the screen so she could precede him.  “I lost a ewe, and you saved me a lamb.  I’ll make you a deal and let you know when I start to mind other folks’ opinions on things.  I’m sure there’s already plenty good ones circulating about me.”
It was a long, quiet drive into Lander, but Maggie didn’t mind the silence.  They rolled the windows down to let out some of the truck’s sun-baked heat, the pungent waft of sagebrush rolling in off the prairie.  Maggie was only ever in town once: a supervised field trip where the expectant mothers were allowed a few precious hours to pick up toiletries.  As Levi coasted Main Street for a metered spot, she sat forward in her seat, scanning the shopfronts for the five-and-dime where one girl tried to pick up a pack of Lucky Strikes; the phone booth where another made a pleading phone call home.
“Worried you’ll see someone you know?” he guessed, catching a look at her as he parked.
“I sure hope not.”  She paused, then shrugged. “But if I do, well. Fuck ‘em, I guess.”
“That’s the spirit.”
Mindful of just how much walking Maggie could tolerate, Levi kept his errands short and sweet: a trip to the hardware store for lumber to be delivered to the ranch; a new chambray shirt and a pair of mud boots; a soup bone for Fred.  She window-shopped idly while he finished up, lingering in front of a ladies boutique to admire the new spring fashions.  Life would be so much easier when she everything she wore didn’t have an empire waist.
“Did you want to try something on,” he invited, joining her at the display window, their reflections mirrored side-by-side.
“I don’t have the money to do more than look,” Maggie reminded him with a laugh.  “And even if I did, I have no idea when I’ll next be able to fit into anything smaller than a circus tent.”
His fingers tucked into his front pockets, considering alternatives.
“The, uh… the dresses you have now.  Did you… bring those from home, or--?”
“The nuns gave them to us,” she explained.  She curled a hand into the bend of his arm, urging him to put some distance between them and the dress shop.  “We got three to keep in these little cubby-style closets, and on the third day we’d have to take everything down to the laundry.  We rotated laundry duty and kitchen duty every other week.”
“Damn.  Were you any better at laundry--OW!”
She took pinching fingers back from his ribs, letting him rub them sorely, chuckling, before she corrected, “We weren’t exactly cooking to impress.  Think school cafeteria food.  Except no salt on the table, no coffee in the morning--”
“No coffee?”  He blew air through his lips. “I’d have taken my chances on the highway, too.”
His steps grew heavier, slower, eyes casting the shops back and forth until he spied the one he’d been looking for.  Levi steered her more surely toward a windowfront decorated in sweet, soft pastels, the glass painted with stacks of colored baby blocks.
“Aw, hang on. This is the one.”
“What is this?  Oh--Levi--no no no--”
“Yes--come on.  This is what I wanted to show you--”
“I told you, I don’t have any--”
“I know. I know. I remember.  But… I do.”
She sighed, stressed.  “I can’t ask you to--”
He stopped her at the door, cupping her elbow as he faced her.
“You’re not asking.  I’m… I’d like to.  For you and the baby.” He cleared his throat, averting his eyes a moment, then offered plainly, “Look.  My folks left everything to me.  Who am I going to leave my vast empire to, hm?  Fred?  He’d just use it to buy more sheep.”  
Maggie laughed, covering her mouth, and again he gave that fleet, satisfied grin, briefly turning his chin down to hide it.
“Let’s just look, alright?  No pressure.  Maybe you’ll hate everything they got, and that’s fine.”  He nodded further down the street, to the dime-silver gleam of a diner on the corner.  A hidden bell jingled as he opened the shop door.  “Then we’ll go get something to eat.”
Continued here
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extrasweetcoffee · 11 months
Just got the Heartslabyul manga. I'm pogged~ Gonna ramble about it. (spoilers under the cut)
The manga is doing a stellar job of endearing me to this version of Grim. Like I love this gremlin cat already whereas in the game I was eh about Grim until chapter 4 (and arguably still on the fence about him)
I think the manga trims the fat of the prologue nicely. It’s so refreshing to not have to go through the chandelier and the ghost fight this time around.
Though at the same time they skipped great bits like Deuce throwing Ace and Grim working with MC at Ramshackle.
Ruining the Great Seven statues is treated with greater severity here; worthy of expulsion rather than the window washing in game. On one hand I'm thinking that's overkill when they have magic to clean it anyway whereas you can't easily replace a valuable magestone. But then again everyone stopped to mourn the statues when they were knocked over on Halloween so maybe it's not too out there of a punishment(?) This is an abridged version of the prologue so I guess my expectations are more generous. Catch me on another day and I'll probably think something different.
It’s super cute how Ace and Deuce are already acquainted and on their BS in this retelling. "stop following me >:(" "I'm going to class, idiot >:(" It's great.
They kept the Juice joke, I'm happy.
Riddle plays a bigger part, most certainly because this is about Heartslabyul, but damn he’s serving.
That shoujo as hell shot where Riddle gets tackled to the floor lmaoooo I wouldn't be surprised if people started shipping Riddle and Yuken.
There’s a few funny faces here I’m dying lol look at that scuffed Trey.
Kalim didn’t get burned in this one. Good for him. :D
The way Azul is drawn, he looks like a wine-drinking aunt. I mean, he always does, but the vibes are a lot stronger.
Boy's def got a longer face than his in-game appearance. He looks older in a sense.
Look at Kalim eagerly watching the events awwww.
It’s neat to see how the mirror hall is supposed to look. I'd always thought it was just a big round room, but here its layout is similar to a church. Makes sense because of the coffin motif.
Idia wearing his robes even in his room is a nice touch (calling back to his ceremonial robes vignette)
Yuken is hella huge holy shit. I heard he was built but seeing it in person is something else lol
IDT they mentioned Malleus by name at all like the game prologue did (and Lilia didn’t appear either). So you see the panels of him earlier in the book and like oooh whos' that???
Overall the housewardens presence at the ceremony is less pronounced. Vil and Idia only said like one line each lol I kinda forgot they were there. I guess that's the trade-off for having Cater and Trey being introduced this early.
Crowley: "You're the protagonist." Yuken: "I got kendo, dawg. No I ain't".
Yuken is such a based protagonist I love him. Just happily rooms with ghosts and accept the janitor job like it’s nothing.
I like how they gave that one dude his own character card in the beginning as if it was going to mean anything. Nice subversion lol
I wonder how confusing it would be to find this manga on a bookshelf or online with no prior knowledge of TWST, looking it up and learning it’s a whole ass gacha game that’s currently on its 7th chapter (chapter 6 for the localized versions) and there’s a bunch of side stories and stuff. Because the book doesn’t say anything like “adapted from the game of the same title” or something.
Ok, they kinda do, but it’s in the blurb by the storyboard artist.
Deuce is great, I don't remember if he took this much initiative in the game (then again, it's been a year since I went through the prologue).
Ace is also less of a lil' shit in this version. He's pretty chill all things considered.
Yuken’s just carrying Deuce like a bag of flour lol
Holy shit Riddle’s here. CANON DIVERSION MY BELOVED. Oh and Trey and Cater are there too lol
YOU FUCKERS MISSED GLEE CLUB PRACTICE. You're gonna lose at nationals.
Dawg, who's the narc that told Riddle about the hedgehog sneezing? Like bro could've said nothing and saved everyone the headache.
Cater and Trey look hella good in this panel at least.
Hell yeah model sheets.
Yana Toboso drew Yuken’s character sheet. That's neat.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Like You’d Get Your Knuckles Bloody For Me
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Requested by @natashasera : Arvin always thought you wouldn’t hurt a fly but has to clean you up one day after you get into a fight
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“Hold on a minute, Arvin. My friend is coming.” Lenora said as she climbed into her brothers car.
“Friend? What friend?”
“It’s just Y/n.”
“I never heard that name before.” Arvin frowned.
“She’s a new friend. And you don’t I don’t make a lot of em so you better be nice to her.” Lenora warned.
“I will.” Arvin held up his hands in defense.
“There she is. Act normal.” Lenora ordered as you came out of the school.
“I said I would.” Arvin rolled his eyes and looked out the window to see who Lenora was looking at. When he saw you walking towards his car, he did a double take.
“That’s your friend?”
“Yeah. Why?” Lenora asked as Arvin got out of the car. “Where are you going?“
Arvin practically ran around the car, tripping over his feet as he went. He opened the back door for you just as you reached the car.
“Let me get that for you, sweetheart.” He smiled and stepped to the side.
“Oh. Thank you.“ You smiled in surprise.
“I’m Arvin.” He said and held out his hand.
“I’m Y/n. Hope you don’t mind an extra passenger in your car.” You replied as you shook his hand.
“Don’t mind at all. Bout time my backseats saw a little action.”
“Oh?“ You raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Arvin said quickly. “Lenora just always sits in the front seat.”
“I figured.” You chuckled and got into the car. Arvin shut his eyes in embarrassment before climbing back into the drivers seat.
“I told you be normal.” Lenora whispered harshly.
“I am!” He whispered back.
“No you’re not!”
“Lenora, did you catch what Mrs. Harper said about the arithmetic homework? I couldn’t hear her.” You asked from the backseat.
“She said she just have to do questions one through ten.” Lenora answered as Arvin began to drive away.
“Okay. Wanna do em together?” Lenora asked as she turned around in her seat.
“Yeah. Let’s do em together.”
“Why don’t you do five and Y/n do five and then you just copy each other’s answers?” Arvin suggested.
“We can’t do that.” You laughed like it was ridiculous to even suggest.
“Why not?” Arvin wondered.
“Because thats cheating.”
Arvin looked at you in the rearview mirror to see if you were being serious and smiled when he saw that you were. He was always a bad student and found it endearing that you were a good one.
“It’s hardly cheating.” Arvin shrugged. “You’re still doing half the questions. And you were gonna do em together anyway.”
“Arvin.” Lenora hissed and hit his arm.
“What? I’m just saying.”
“Stop it.” She whispered and flicked her eyes towards you in the backseat. She thought Arvin was embarrassing her, but you were actually enjoying the conversation.
“For your information, Arvin, I do not cheat. Not even hardly.” You said as you playfully smiled at him in the rearview mirror.
“Wow. You must be a goody two shoes then, huh?” Arvin asked you.
“Arvin.” Lenora said warningly.
“So what if I am?” You asked as you looked at him through your eyelashes.
“Nothings wrong with that.” Arvin shrugged. “Just can’t say the same for myself.”
“Arvin got in a lot of fights at school.” Lenora spoke up to change the subject.
“Did you?” You laughed in surprise.
“Only when something was worth fighting for.” Arvin smirked at you in the mirror.
“Did you always win?” You asked him.
“I won the ones that mattered.”
“Interesting.” You said as you held eye contact with each other in the mirror. Lenora looked back and forth between the two of you and gagged a little.
“We’re here. Let’s go, Y/n.” She said as Arvin pulled up to the house. Lenora immediately got out of the car and opened your door for you before Arvin got a chance.
“Thanks for the ride, Arvin.” You called as Lenora pulled you by the hand towards her house.
“Anytime.” He shouted back. He went in the house shortly after the two of you did but Lenora had already taken you to her room. He went on with his day and did his chores around the house but he could not stop thinking about you. He knew it was wrong to have feelings for his sisters friend, but you were making it hard not to. He was thinking of how to get to know you better when he heard a scream from Lenora’s room. He immediately ran to her room and burst through the door.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asked his sister.
“There’s a rat!” Lenora screamed.
“A rat?” Arvin asked just as the creature ran across the room.
“AHHH!” Lenora screamed again. “Arvin, kill it.”
“Where did it go?” He asked as he grabbed a broom from the corner of the room. Arvin noticed you slip out the bedroom door but before he could ask where you were going, Lenora screamed again.
“It’s In the corner. Get it!” Lenora cried.
“Wait!” You said as he ran back into the room. Arvin took a step back as you knelt down in front of the mouse.
“Come here.” You said in a sweet voice as you waved a small leaf in front of the mouse. The mouse sniffed the air before scurried towards you. You gently scooped it up in your hands and stood up.
“How did you do that?“ Arvin asked in disbelief.
“It’s not a rat. Just a field mouse. They only come inside when they eat all the plants outside. I can take him back to my house and release him there. There’s lots of plants for him to eat on my lawn.” You explained. Arvin watched you with soft eyes as you stroked the mouses head with your finger.
“Wow. You’re really smart, darling.” Arvin said as he walked over to you.
“Thanks. I just love animals. Wouldn’t want to see him get hurt.” You smiled as you opened your hands a little so you could show him the mouse. Arvin was too busy admiring you to look down at the mouse. He knew he had only just met you, but he was already smitten.
That Sunday, Arvin was dragging his feet as the rest of his family got ready for church. He never liked going, but he went to make Lenora happy.
“Come on, Arvin. We’re gonna be late.” Lenora urged as he parked in the church parking lot. He rolled his eyes a little as he got out of the car and followed his sister inside. Just as he zoned out, he saw you walking towards him. He quickly sat up and smoothed his hair as you sat beside him.
“Hi darling.” He whispered. “I didn’t know you go to this Parrish.”
“I don’t.” You whispered back.
“Oh really? Stalking me then, darling?”
“I’m just teasing.” You smiled. “I run the church day care on Sundays. I’m usually in the back reading to the young kids during mass.”
“Wow. Aren’t you a little saint?” He smirked and turned in his seat to get a better look at you.
“Better to be a saint then a sinner.” You shrugged, making his smile grow.
“Maybe so.”
“I better get back to the kids. Good to see you, Arvin.” You patted his knee and went to stand up.
“Darling, wait.” He gently caught you by the wrist.
“Can I come see the daycare?” He asked as fellow churchgoers gave you annoyed looks.
“Really? You want to?”
“Sure I do. I don’t need to sit through the homily. I know the ending.” He said as he nodded towards a Bible. You laughed at his joke before nodding your head.
“Come on. I’ll show you.” You took his hand and brought him back to the daycare. Arvin blushed at you holding his hand and followed you out to a building behind the church.
“Hi kids. I’m back and I brought a visitor.” You said when you opened the door. All the kids rushed to you as Arvin hung back.
“Look what I drew Miss Y/n!” A little boy said as he showed you his drawing.
“You drew this? This looks like you got it out of a museum.” You gasped as you wrapped your arm around the bot. Arvin was delighted to see that you were just as good with kids as you were with animals.
“Thank you.” The boy smiled shyly. You let go of the boy and hung the drawing up on the wall.
“You’re good with kids.” Arvin remarked as he joined your side.
“Thanks.” You smiled at him. “I try to be. I love looking after ‘em.”
“Spider!” One of the kids screamed before Arvin could respond. All the kids started screaming and the room erupted into chaos. You gave Arvin an apologetic smile before going over to the kids.
“I got it.” You assured them. You picked up a cup of colored pencils and dumped it out before showing the kids the cup. You put the cup over the spider before sliding a piece of paper under the cup. The kids watched with fascination as you brought the cup over to the window. Arvin opened the window for you, earning another smile. You put the cup outside the window and let the spider out on a bush.
“There you go, Mr. Spider.” You said before shutting the window. “Gather around, kids. Come look at the spider.”
All the kids ran to the window to get a look at the spider. Their fear melted into excitement as they looked at the creature.
“See? You don’t have to be scared. All God’s creatures serve a purpose. Even the small ones matter.” You told them, always taking the opportunity to teach a lesson. You caught Arvin staring at you fondly and waved him over.
“Did you want to see?” You asked and pointed to the spider.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m looking.” Arvin replied, never taking his eyes off of you.
The following week, Arvin was driving home from work when he spotted you through his window. You were holding yourself and walking home, your body language suggesting that you were far from okay. He slowed down so that he could drive along the side of you and rolled his window down.
“Darling? Is that you?” He shouted out the window. You looked over to see who the voice belonged to and gulped when you realized it was Arvin.
“No.” You replied before walking faster. Arvin sped up to match your pace before calling out to you again.
“I know it’s you. Come here.”
“I’m okay. Just keep driving.” You said as you turned your face so he couldn’t see you.
“I’m not leaving ‘till you come here and talk to me.” He replied. You stopped walking and sighed a little before walking over to his car. When you got closer, Arvin finally saw why you were upset. Your nose was bleeding and he could see a bruise forming around your eye. Your messed up hair and busted knuckles only further proved Arvins forming theory that you had gotten in a fight.
“What happened to you?” He asked as he put his car into park and quickly got out. He immediately ran to you and cupped your face to see the extent of your injuries.
“Nothing.” You said and gave him a weak, bloody smile.
“You’re bleeding. Something must have happened.” He sighed as his eyes filled his concern.
“I fell.”
“Into what? A wood chipper?” Arvin asked, making your shoulders shake with laughter.
“Good. Glad to see you smiling again.” Arvin smiled as he smoothed your hair down. “Now can you get in the car please?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“I am worried. And you’re not fine. So get in.” Arvin said. You sighed a little before complying. Arvin opened the door for you and helped you in. Once you were both seated, Arvin went into his glove box and pulled out a handkerchief.
“Here. For you nose.” He said as he held it out to you.
“Thanks.” You smiled sheepishly and held the handkerchief up to your bleeding nose.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Arvin kept his eyes on you as he drove away.
“No.” You said quietly.
“Where are we going?” You asked after a beat of silence.
“Back to my house. Gotta get you cleaned up.”
“Really, Arvin, I’m fine. You can just drop me off at home.”
“Is anyone in your family home?”
“No. My parents are at work.”
“Well then can I at least stay with you? Don’t think you should be alone right now.” Arvin said as he looked over at you.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly. “You can stay.”
“Okay.” He returned the smile. “Just tell me where to go.”
You reached over and gave Arvins knee an appreciative squeeze to thank him for taking care of him. He listened to you as you directed him to your house and soon enough, he pulled into your driveway. Arvin parked and got out of the car to open the door for you.
“Thank you.” You gave him a weak smile as you got out of the car. Arvin kept a hand on your back as he helped you into your house.
“Where’s your bathroom?” He asked once you were inside.
“Down the hallway on the left.”
“Okay. Come with me.” Arvin said as he gently took you by the hand. He walked with you to your bathroom and opened the door for you once again.
“Sit.” He said as he nodded to the counter. He found your first aid kit beneath the sit as you jumped up on your counter. He got out a Cotten ball and soaked it in hydrogen peroxide. He gently took your chin between his fingers and tilted your chin up.
“Hush now. Your lip is bleeding.” He said as he dabbed them Cotten ball on your lip.
“You really don’t have to do this.”
“I said hush.” He repeated, making you crack a smile. He finished cleaning your lip and moved on to the cut above your eye.
“I can take care of myself. Honest. You should go home.” You told him as he carefully dabbed some Neosporin on your cut.
“I’m good right here.” He said as he opened up a bandaid.
“You don’t have to-“
“Hush.” He related as he tilted your face up again. He put the bandaid on your cut and smiled proudly at his work.
“You gonna tell me how this happened?” He asked as he cleaned the dried blood that had settled beneath your nose.
“Why not?”
“Don’t want you telling Lenora, that’s why.“
“Why? Thought you two were best friends.”
“We are. That’s why I don’t want her to know I was fighting.”
“You can tell me though, darling. I can keep a secret.”
“I don’t wanna tell you.” You said quietly as Arvin poured hydrogen peroxide on another Cotten ball.
“Why?” He wondered as he took your hand. “You know I’ve been in plenty of fights myself. I’m not one to judge.”
“Still.” You gave him an apologetic smile as he cleaned your bloody knuckles for you.
“Can I at least know who did this to you?” He asked as he got some gauze out of the first aid kit.
“Why? Are you gonna do something to them?” You teased. “Lenora told me what you did to those rascals that pick on her. Heard you left em with a couple broken noses.
“You heard right.” Arvin smirked. “And I’d do the same to whoever did this to you.”
“You can’t. It was just some dumb girls in my class.” You said as Arvin wrapped your hand with the bandage.
“Why did they do this to you?” He asked you. You gave him an embarrassed look before looking away.
“What?” He wondered.
“I started the fight.” You admitted as a smile tugged at your lips.
“Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Why’d you fight em?”
“Cant tell you that.” You shrugged, liking that he was so intrigued.
“You can tell me, doll.” He whined. “I won’t judge. Promise.”
“Promise?” You raised an eyebrow and held out your pinky.
“Promise.” He smiled and linked his pinky through yours.
“They were making fun of Lenora.” You admitted. “They’re always making fun of Lenora. One of the girls pushed her so I pushed the girl back and told Lenora to run.”
“And then you….” Arvin trailed off so you could finish your story.
“And then I beat those bitches up.” You shrugged, making Arvin burst out laughing.
“Darling.” He said through his laughter.
“Somebody had to it.” You insisted. “They’ve been cruising for a bruising all year.”
“You did this for my sister?” Arvin asked as he held up your bandaged hand.
“Some things are worth fighting for.” You replied, using his words from the day you met. Arvin smiled softly before bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
“And here I was thinking you wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“I would if the fly was being mean to you sister.” You said simply.
“Well I appreciate you doing that, doll.” He said as he held your gaze. “Means a lot to me.”
“Well your sister means a lot to me. She’s the greatest friend I ever had. I wish those other girls could see how great she is. Not that they’re gonna be able to see anything for a while. Left em with some lovely black eyes.” You smirked as Arvin held your hand against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding and pretended not to notice.
“I bet.” Arvin chuckled. “How do your knuckles feel?”
“Pretty sore.”
“I know. Trust me, I’ve busted mine a hundred times. It’ll get better.” Arvin said as he showed you his permanently red knuckles. You took his hand and looked at his knuckles while gently running your thumb over them. He blushed under your touch while you wondered just how many fights he had been in.
“Thanks for patching me up, Arvin.” You said as you looked up at home without ever dropping his hand.
“Thanks for defending my sister.” He said with a smile. You flexed your hand a little as you checked out the bandaging.
“You know, they feel better already.” You told Arvin as he leaned on the counter, an arm on either side of you.
“Yeah? How does your lip feel?” Arvin asked as he tilted your chin up with his pinky.
“Still hurts.” You said as your eyes flickered between his lips and his soft brown eyes. Arvin gulped a little before closing the gap between you and kissing you softly. He could taste blood in his mouth but he didn’t care, choosing to deepen the kiss instead.
“How about now?” Arvin asked when he pulled away.
“A little better.” You smiled as you pulled him by the shirt down into another kiss. It lasted longer this time as Arvin cupped your face with his rough hands.
“And now?” He whispered against your lips.
“It actually really hurts now. I think you opened the cut.” You touched and touched your fingertips to your bleeding lip.
“Yeah. Let me get that.” He grimaced and dabbed the blood away with a clean Cotten ball.
“Why don’t we wait a couple days until my lip heals and then try that again?” You suggested as Arvin tucked some of your hair behind your ear.
“Sounds good to me, doll.” Arvin smiled. “Some things are worth the wait.”
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yamagucji · 3 years
Embarrassing moments
warnings. just for shits n giggles, 14+ readers preferably, mentions of vomit, poop, choking, etc.
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HINATA was extremely constipated and needed to use the bathroom quick. but there’s a long line to the mens bathroom (what’s the occasion anyway??) and he’s standing all the way at the back. poor hinata felt a fart coming so he just couldn’t... hold it in. mans SHARTED. shitted and farted at the same time. it stunk so bad that the guys in front of him said, “damn, you need the toilet more than me,” and let him cut in line.
USHIJIMA and tendou stopped to pet this dog during their walk. tendou’s conversing with the owner while toshi’s petting the dog. dog likes it, it’s all good. until... it got bored and decided that toshi’s butt smelled good. dog just wouldn’t stop sniffing his ass. “please, stop smelling me,” toshi says with desperation, which now catches the others’ attention. the owner has to pry their dog away from toshi’s ass cheeks, please. the awkward tension kinda dies down until tendou utters, “so, what’s your secret? what product are you using?”
YAMAGUCHI drank water in the middle of silent class reading. this boy started choking— and i mean choking on his water. you can hear his muffled coughs in the distance and when you turn around to look at him, his face is all red and his cheeks are puffy. none of his classmates say anything but you can practically feel second-hand embarrassment oozing around. the assistant teacher even has the audacity to say, “drink some water.”
KENMA’s calling this one his last try. he sticks his remaining coins into the slot and tries to get the brand new nintendo box thats in the machine. mf has been going at this for over twenty minutes now. his pouch is empty and there’s a crowd of kids waiting for him. no miracle happens in his last try (shit got stuck!!) so he has to move away only to watch in horror— as the kid after him manages to get it. you’re gonna have to hold kenma down before he hunts that kid with every bit of his soul.
DAICHI had a fat one coming in, that’s for sure. thought it was a free real estate just because everyone else in the camp seemed asleep. so he let that monster fart come out (even partly stuck out his thigh for better airway). whole team was awake in a matter of seconds. nishinoya’s jumped off his sleeping bag and asking everyone if they heard that “loud bang.” tanaka’s over here sniffing around because he knows that no one has got some kind of bomb that stinks.
SAKUSA’s not gonna admit to this one. but one time he opened a bathroom stall (it was unlocked) only to find that it was occupied. there are no words to accurately describe just how horried the sight was. sitting on the toilet was a man taking a shit, with his dick on full boner mode, staring back at sakusa. they only made eye contact for just 2 seconds but sakusa’s seen enough. he’s heard enough too, when said stranger asked him, “you wanna join me?”
ASAHI projectile vomited at the theaters. you should’ve known it was a bad idea to take him out to dinner before going to watch a scary movie. man had no courage to tell you he had an upset stomach nor tell you he’s not a fan of horror. it’s twenty minutes into the movie and he’s poking your arm— but you don’t notice because you’re too engrossed. another twenty minutes, and a jumpscare comes on. man beside you vomits like there’s no tomorrow. ya’ll spend the rest of the movie secretly trying to clean his throw-up.
TENDOU was watching anime in his dorm peacefully. until... the whole shiratorizawa team opened the door just in time for the show to switch up to an inappropriate scene. out of all the times they could’ve walked in, they really had to come when 2d clown man was moaning and fighting a kid? tendou scrambled to close his laptop but now he’s just staring back at his teammates; silent, except for the fact that his show is still playing and you can still hearing moaning in the background.
TSUKISHIMA turned his house upside down and still couldn’t find his glasses, nor his extra pair. he was about to leave bare eyed until his mom caught him and forced him to wear his sports glasses. yeah, the one with the whole strap and everything. mans looked like a fool coming to school with it on. people who didn’t know it was his sports glasses mistook it for swimming goggles. he’s so utterly humiliated now, he can’t even bite back when hinata or kageyama says something.
GOSHIKI... i don’t even know what to tell you. who let this kid go further into the lake by himself? it’s all fun and games for everyone until you hear an ear-defeaning shriek by your one and only goshiki. he’s yelling out, “help me! please! help!!” the lifeguards start kicking in and everyone’s trying to make way. is he drowning? is there something there? no for god’s sake. you find out he just made it 5 ft deep and happened to swim over a bunch of seaweed. never take him swimming again.
ATSUMU decided to check himself out using someone’s car window. he’s fixing his hair, picking at his teeth, and even checking to see if he has any boogers. all of a sudden the window rolls down and there’s a senior citizen staring back at him. “boy do you think my car is your mirror?” the man says in a gruffy voice. atsumu’s knees nearly buckle from how scary this man is and how embarrassed he is of all the four minutes he probably spent with this stranger.
SACHIRO’s job as a vet sometimes makes him do really questionable shit (from an outsider perspective). once he had to ejaculate someone’s dog in front of their owner. uh huh... jack them off, for the sole purpose of examining the dog’s semen. he’s never felt such a wave of regret wash through his body during that whole procedure. it didn’t help when the owner was looking at him mortified, nor the fact that it took such a long time.
OIKAWA does this thing were he shows up unexpectedly behind iwaizumi and slaps his ass. everytime he does it iwa always hits him back (but not the ass). today he learnt his lesson when he mistook a stranger for iwa and slapped the guys ass from the moon and back. when i tell you just how quick all the blood drained from oikawa’s body when the man turned around— you can hear a bag of chips fall at the other end of the aisle and it’s the iwa, who had to witness that whole ass-slap event.
ARAN is gonna knock the shit of the miya twins one day, he swears to god. they sent him a mysterious video during his morning walk, where he stopped at a busy street. it starts off quiet, so he goes to turn the volume up full blast. damn video suddenly started blaring ‘lick my pussy and my-’ please... he’s shaking. passerby’s are looking at him with distaste. aran’s now flushed from embarrassment and running towards the miya house. you can guess what happens next.
BOKUTO walked into the wrong house. spent a whole ten minutes rummaging around the kitchen because his friend said to “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be on my way.” little did this man know that there’s a whole family upstairs waiting for the cops to arrive because they think it’s a robbery. poor bokuto, dragged out of the house by some cops but had no idea what was going on. man was literally just vibing— thinking he was in his friends house.
OSAMU swore this size pants still fit him (hint: it doesn’t). he’s walking through the snack section of the store, lightly limping because damn his dick can’t breath. his truth is tested when he goes to pick something off the lowest shelf and his pants literally go, ‘let er rip.’ fabric tore, and what’s worse is that he was wearing onigiri undies. osamu goes to check if there’s anyone else in the aisle and there is— a group of underclassmen girls from his high school.
KUROO tried to make his chemistry presentation more interesting by putting in jokes. he thought they were funny; kenma even huffed a breath. kuroo’s at his third joke by now and literally no one has laughed. not a single one. except for kuroo himself, who’s awkwardly laughing in a dead-silent room. man was embarrassed. other people are getting second-hand embarrassment by the way they avoided eye contact with him. he vented to kenma later only for kenma to say, “it wasn’t funny. it was just stupid.” poor kuroo.
SUNA accidentally connected his bluetooth to the bus. you know, the one that drives all of inarizaki to their games. wanna guess what the fuck he might’ve been listening to? it’s porn. he’s watching porn in broad daylight. suna doesn’t realize what the issue is until he goes to turn up the volume and notices that the sound is off. he take his airpods off and that’s when he hears pure moaning sounds blaring inside the bus. everyone’s laughing— except for kita and their coach who’s still outside. mf calls himself lucky for that.
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noctumbra · 3 years
peaches: nine [part one]
summary ─ “holy shit,” bucky breathed as he took in the sight before him. “happy fucking birthday to me, indeed.” 
pairing ─ dadsbestfriend!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, age difference (reader is 21, bucky is 39 40), secret relationship, birthday sex, vaginal sex, lingerie, kissing, pet names, dirty talk, d/s undertones, fluff, oral sex
a/n ─ for our buck’s birthday, i present you a peaches one-shot lol it’s been so long since i wrote them, i missed them sm <33 thank you nonnie for the idea 😌 there you go, part one, 3.9k words lmao hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! thank youuu <333 
(the lingerie is veery similar to this one, by the way. minus the lace beneath the bra part and the string in the middle [attached to the neck] ++ this is the plug)
peaches masterlist
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Bucky wasn’t fond of his birthday this year. He was turning 40 and wasn’t exactly happy about it. Every day leading up to his fortieth birthday, he watched himself in his mirror, watched the grays and whites in his beard and hair multiplying and becoming more visible.
Although she said that she loved how they made him look even sexier, Bucky couldn’t help but feel a bit old. The age gap between them wasn’t an issue, they had discussed it before, but he just couldn’t help himself. Now that he was now 40, he felt self-conscious. He was old while she was young ─ 21, to be exact─ and he had grays in his hair and beard and lines on his face─
“Fuck this,” Bucky grumbled to himself as he frowned at his reflection on the mirror. He knew Steve and Sam were planning something for his birthday, they were never slick about it. He also knew his other friends would be there, too, and maybe his sister. He didn’t want to celebrate his birthday this year, but he had no excuse to use.
“Fuck this, Jesus Christ,” he grunted this time. Bucky walked towards his closet and picked out his usual dark jeans, dark gray henley and a black t-shirt to wear beneath. Just as he put on his jeans and pulled his t-shirt on, he heard a bang coming from his living room. He frowned at first, but then chuckled when he heard her voice: “I’m fine!” Bucky shook his head with a smile on his lips. She was the only thing that was going to make his birthday party tolerable, he knew it.
A minute later, she appeared at his bedroom door with his favorite smile on her face. “Sir!” She exclaimed, making him chuckle. “Today is your birthday! How is it feel to be old?” His mood deflating a little, he shrugged.
“I don’t know,” he said, “My back ache decided to take the day off. Ask me again when it comes back.” She laughed. Crossing the threshold, she threw herself on his arms.
“Happy birthday,” she whispered, her hot breath licking his neck and sending shivers down his spine. “I’m glad you’re getting old healthily.” Bucky snorted. “I don’t know what I’m saying, ignore me, please,” she murmured, a whine hidden behind her words.
“’s alright,” Bucky murmured back. “Thank you, peaches.” Giggling silently, she pulled back and looked at him. Bucky swore that none of the women that he used to be with made him feel this way just by looking at him the way she did: All cared about and loved. A smile took over her face, and she lifted herself on her tiptoes. Her soft lips found his gently. His eyes closing, Bucky held her close to him and let her kiss him.
She moaned into the kiss, arms wrapping around his neck while a hand dove inside his hair. Bucky walked blindly towards the nearest flat surface, which was the wall next to his closet, and caged her between his body and the surface. Pulling back for a breath, Bucky moved his lips down to her neck. He kissed her there so gently all the time because it was her sensitive spot: Always got her gasping and whining, and today was no different. He heard her gasp and swallow a whine when she felt his lips on her neck.
A pull on his hair, Bucky lifted his head and captured her lips again. He swallowed all the moans, whimpers and gasps she let out. She felt so good in his arms, in his space, Bucky wanted to keep her forever and not being judged about it.
“Okay, I take it back,” she breathed when Bucky pulled back. “You’re not a old man, okay.” Bucky smirked.
“Oh, baby,” he said. “A kiss is nothing. You should see what I can do with the rest of my body.” She shuddered in his arms, and Bucky tightened his hold on her body.
“I’m aware of the capabilities that your ‘old man’ body has,” she grumbled. Bucky chuckled and lowered her on the ground. She fixed her clothes and hair, trying not to look like she just made out. When she was done, she lifted her head and kissed Bucky on the cheek. “Happy birthday, again,” she whispered. Bucky smiled. She kissed him on the lips one last time and pulled back. “I gotta go. I sneaked out, I was supposed to be helping Papa.” Bucky nodded.
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll see you tonight.” He frowned when she suddenly looked bashful.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tonight.” She smiled and fled. Bucky continued to frown after her, not understanding what just happened.
If Bucky had to be honest, Sam and Steve didn’t go overboard with his birthday party. It was low-key; there was Sam, Steve, Peggy, Sharon, Clint, Thor and her. Rebecca was supposed to be attending, too, but she had a last minute thing about work. She called him in the morning, and they already scheduled a breakfast date/belated birthday party for Saturday. It was nice. The cake had a small card saying ‘happy b-day gramps’, and there was exactly forty candles which Bucky knew it was Sam’s doing. He rolled his eyes playfully. It didn’t sting that much; he knew his friends were just playing with him because almost all of them were around the same age.
Bucky sighed quietly, breathing in the late night’s crisp air deeply, he closed his eyes for a second. He was happy. He had his family he called two days a week, his friends who were bunch of dumbasses but he loved them anyway.
He also had Y/N.
God, Bucky thought, recalling the memory they had about having a future and a family together. He wanted to tell Sam and Steve, but he was truly afraid of their reaction. At the end, they trusted him with their daughter, they thought she saw him as an uncle not as a lover. When their relationship came out, it was going to be a shitshow, Bucky was sure of it. She was worth every trouble, though.
“Hey,” Bucky jumped lightly when he heard her. He beamed and his lips split into a smile.
“Hi,” Bucky said, silently inviting her to be close to him. She inched closer, almost snuggling up at him.
“How did you find your party so far?” She asked, nudging him a bit. Bucky shrugged. He liked it. It was fun and didn’t actually feel like a birthday party; it was more like a comeback together party.
“It was nice,” he ended up saying. “I had fun.” She hummed. “The candles were a nice touch,” he added and got a small laugh out of her.
“Yeah, they were my idea,” she admitted. “Papa loved it, though.” Bucky chuckled.
“Shoulda known,” he murmured. She smiled and snuggled against his arm. It took almost all of his will power to not pull her into his arms and cuddle her right here. He knew he couldn’t do it, not when all of his friends were around let alone her parents.
“Can I come by your place tonight?” She asked. “I wanna give you my gift.” Bucky nodded absently.
“You didn’t have to buy me anything, honey, you know that right?” Bucky said, his voice gentle and low. She nodded and shrugged at the same time. “You can also give me your gift now, too, if you want.” She ducked her head down.
“It’s not that kind of gift, Sir,” she whispered, causing Bucky’s eyes widen. “I prefer to give it to you when we are alone.” Bucky licked his lips, swallowing audibly.
“Alright,” he muttered. “How about 1AM?”
“That’s fine,” she agreed. She kissed his cheek before pulling back, Bucky immediately missed her warmth next to him. “I’ll see you then, Sir,” she said. Bucky nodded.
He felt like he was in for something and he couldn’t wait to figure out what it was.
Bucky returned home quarter to midnight, claiming that he was tired and stuffed full with sugar and its energy was finally wearing off. The others agreed; it was still a week-day at the end and most of his friends were working still.
He took a shower, trying to calm down and kill some time until 1AM. He was eager to see her, to have her company and enjoy it freely. It was hard enough to stop himself kissing her the way he wanted to after he blew his candles off, so some alone would do them good, Bucky knew it.
The more his will power was being tested, the more he thought about coming out clean to Sam and Steve. He didn’t want to hide their relationship. He wanted to take her out on dates without the fear of getting seen by some people Sam or Steve might know. He wanted to hold her hand, cuddle her on the couch or kiss her wherever and whenever he wanted to. He needed to discuss this with her first, though.
Mind full of ideas about how to tell them, Bucky stepped out of the shower and moved onto his kitchen after putting on only his sweatpants (no boxers, either, because they were gonna come off anyway). It was just half past midnight, and he had half an hour to spend by himself until she came. Bucky sighed as he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He just stood in his dark kitchen, saved from the street lights sizzling inside through the window above the sink, sipping his water in silence.
He must have zoned out because he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the shy knock on his door. Setting down his glass, Bucky ran towards the door and opened it.
“Hi,” she breathed, quickly stepping inside and letting Bucky close the door behind her. She had casual clothes on, sweatpants and an oversize sweatshirt, but she took his breath away anyway.
“Hi, baby,” Bucky whispered and watched her getting shy delightfully. When he stepped closer to kiss her, she stepped back.
“Um,” she started, “I-I prefer─ with your gift, uh.” Stammering over her words, she played with her fingers. “Give me five minutes, and then come to the bedroom okay?” Bucky opened his mouth protest, but she was quick to shut him up. “Please, Sir?” Exhaling defeatedly, Bucky nodded.
“Alright,” he said, and she disappeared. The curiosity was eating him alive, but he wasn’t about to go and ruin this thing for her. If she wanted to give him a private gift, then she was going to give it to him on her own terms.
Walking back to his kitchen, Bucky fiddled with his half-full glass, playing with the water and sipping it sometimes.
He never knew that five minutes could feel like five centuries.
After his time was up, Bucky walked towards his bedroom, his heart beating faster with each step. The door was ajar. The major lights were off, but she chose to turn on the ones on the sides of his bed, they were dimmed. It gave the room a warmer vibe. His curtains were drawn, and Bucky could pick out the clothes she was wearing when she stepped inside his house. He moved his eyes on his bed, feeling his lungs stopped working, Bucky froze. 
She was in the middle of his bed, sitting on knees. She had red lingerie set on her; the lace design bra was hugging her breasts nicely, the garter belt was around her waist and was attached to the thigh stockings and the matching underwear was carrying the same lace design with the bra. She looked so damn beautiful, Bucky didn’t know how to function.
“Holy shit,” he breathed as he took in the sight before him. “Happy fucking birthday to me, indeed.” She ducked her head down, shy and feeling a little bit self-conscious about her body. Bucky wasn’t going to have that. Not when she looked like a fucking goddess before him. He leaned forward, not getting on the bed, and grabbed her chin gently. Lifting it up, he found her eyes and looked right into them. “You look so beautiful,” he whispered. “I cannot believe you chose me, and you’re givin’ yourself to me as a gift.” She smiled. It was her shy and adorable one, Bucky loved it. “Peaches,” Bucky whispered once more. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack one day.” She chuckled.
“You promised me not to die on me until I’m right behind you, Barnes,” she whispered back, smiling widely. Bucky let out a soft chuckle and fully leaned into kiss her.
The second their lips touched, both of them moaned in relief. It wasn’t the first kiss they had shared that day, but this one was full of promises and things to come in the next few hours. So, Bucky half-climbed on the bed, cradled her face in his hands and kissed her the way he wanted to since the beginning of his party.
Her lips were so soft against his, caressing his slightly chapped ones so nicely, Bucky felt his heart flutter. She vaguely tasted like peaches, and Bucky pulled back just a tad to huff a laugh.
“You taste like peaches,” he whispered. She giggled.
“Yeah, I restocked my lip balm,” she answered and pulled him back into the kiss. Bucky groaned this time. Fully climbing on the bed, leaning over to make her lay on her back, Bucky settled between her legs. The kiss they were sharing went from soft to passionate quickly. Bucky’s hands were traveling all over her body as he tilted his face from side to side so that he could deepen the kiss as he wished.
“God, honey,” Bucky groaned as he lowered his lips to her neck. Kissing and sucking the soft skin there, Bucky rubbed his stubble all over her collarbones. He was about to move south, put his lips on her stomach and maybe give her an appropriate kiss on some place he knew so well, but she pushed him back.  
“My gift, remember?” She said when she saw the confused look on his face. “Lingerie was just a side gift.” Bucky raised his brows as he pulled back a bit more to give her space. She smiled and flipped on her stomach. Her knees drawn up, hands flat on the sides of her head and her face plastered on his pillow, she wiggled her ass.
Her underwear was fucking backless.
“Motherfuck─” Bucky hissed. “What the fuck. Oh my God, peaches, what─” His hands were moving before he could process, grabbing two handful of flesh, Bucky squeezed them. She whimpered. Bucky pulled back one hand and brought it back harshly, slapping her soft flesh, making it burn.
“Oh, fuck,” she whispered as she bit her lip.
“What the fuck─ is this─” Bucky’s eyes zeroed in on the plug nestled between her cheeks. It had a heart shaped base, red jewel adorning it. It looked so pretty, Bucky wanted to leave it just like that, but he also wanted to play with so damn bad. “Sweetheart. Are you sure?”
“Mmhm,” she hummed. “Wan’ you to do it, please, Sir?” She looked at him over her shoulder.
“Ah, fuck,” Bucky whispered to himself. She always begged him so pretty, never left a chance to say ‘no’, and this time wasn’t different. “Alright, baby,” Bucky said. His fingers pressing on the plug, pushing it a bit deeper. She moaned. She lifted her ass even more up in the air, and Bucky felt like he was dreaming.
Even if he was, this was the best dream he ever had, he was fucking sure of it.
Grumbling meaningless things to himself, Bucky grabbed the base of the cute plug. He could see how wet her pussy was, could see it glistening and wetting her inner thighs, and he honestly didn’t know if he wanted her pussy or her ass first.
“How long can you stay?” He asked, voice low. She sighed happily.
“’til seven,” she answered. She was half-slurring. Bucky hummed, knowing that he had a long time ahead of him to play with her properly, he got off the bed to take off his sweatpants. Sliding a finger under the garter belt, Bucky pulled and released it, making it slap her skin. Bucky watched her ass jiggle deliciously as she gasped lightly. He pressed kisses all the way up to her spine and reached into his drawer to pull out condoms. “Mm, no,” she said, “Got an IUD.”
“I’m loving you even more every second,” Bucky said as he dropped the condom back into the drawer, pulling an amused chuckle out of her. Instead of condoms, Bucky pulled out his lube and put it someplace easy to reach. “I’m gonna tell you what I’m gonna do to you, alright, baby?” She nodded. Placing a kiss on her nape, Bucky took a hold of her hair, pulling it a little.
“First,” he started, “I’m gonna kiss anywhere I want.” Doing as he said; he kissed her neck, her jaw, shoulder blades, spine and her sides. Then, he moved up to kiss her on the lips filthily. This kiss was all about spit and passion and owning, she fucking loved it.
“Then, I’m gonna get you naked,” he whispered. His fingers were quick to find the clip of her bra and undoing it. Sliding the straps of her shoulders slowly, Bucky helped take the bra off. “But I’m gonna keep these,” he said, slapping her ass with one hand while the other one cupped her pussy from the front. She moaned loudly. “The backside of this underwear…” Bucky murmured. “The way your ass looks so damn beautiful in it…” Bucky moved down to bite her ass cheek lightly, making her yelp. “I’m gonna fuck you in it, peaches.”
Dragging one finger all the way from her clit to her plug, Bucky hummed. “I’mma fuck this little thing, first,” he said, inserting two of his fingers into your pussy. “It looks too wet and cute for me to not touch it, y’know,” he added. “But I was thinking maybe I would…” He trailed off as he leaned forward and just licked a fat line up to her plug. She shuddered under his tongue.
“Anything,” she sobbed into his pillow. “Anything you want, Sir, take it!” Chuckling darkly, Bucky did exactly that.
He trailed his tongue up and down, collecting all of her juices that were licking out constantly, licking her inner thighs clean, Bucky pushed his tongue inside of her. She whimpered and wiggled. Bucky was quick to give her a slap on her ass; a warning for her to stay still. She meekly apologized and stopped moving. Bucky slurped, his tongue dove deeper and curved just right. She groaned long and loud, Bucky was so glad that he wasn’t living at an apartment or something.
He pulled back. He was way too impatient for eating her out properly. Grabbing a hold of his cock, he dragged it up and down for a couple times. When he was sure that his dick was covered with her wetness, he slowly inched inside of her.
She gasped, her breath getting stuck on her throat as she fisted the sheets and arched her back. As Bucky slid deeper into her, he felt like was he could explode anytime. She was so tight, so wet and so warm around him, it was like sinking deep into silk sheets in a warm night… It felt so damn good.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Bucky moaned. “You’re tighter than a virgin, I fucking swear,” he grumbled as he leaned forward to cage her body under his. When his hips were flush against her, he stopped for a second. He didn’t want to come too early, but he had been Horny as hell ever since he saw that little plug nestled in its place.
This one was going to be a quick, take-the-edge-off kind of one.
“I’m not gonna last,” Bucky whispered and felt her nod. She was close already, Bucky could feel her walls fluttering around him. His eyes rolled backwards a little when he started to move his hips. Her tight as fuck heat was wrapped around him so damn nicely, Bucky was a little surprised that he hadn’t come as soon as he entered her.
His slow pace didn’t take too long to turn into a desperate, fast and hard one. His hips were slapping against hers, their sweaty skin making obscene sounds echoing in his bedroom. He was so close, so horny, that it really didn’t take him too long to feel his balls tighten. Bucky buried a groan into her neck. His hips were moving on a punishing pace. His hard cock was driving in and out of her pussy with obscene squelching sounds. All those sounds and her moaning and whimpering beneath him were getting to his head real fast. Bucky gasped.
“Sir─” She choked on a breath and gasped just like him. “’m so fuckin’ close, Sir, please!” Her legs were shaking, her chest was heaving and Bucky could feel the flutter of her walls increasing and becoming more intense with each thrust of his.
“God, honey, me too,” he moaned. His pace was halting, he knew he was about to come. Groaning, Bucky slipped his fingers on her front and found her clit. She screamed. “Shit!” Bucky cursed as she came unexpectedly. Her knees buckled with the intensity of her orgasm and she collapsed on the bed with Bucky’s cock still hard and still inside of her. Bucky cursed again, taking a hold of her knees, he spread her legs to her sides. They were quivering in his hands, and he knew she was sensitive, but he was right fucking there. Lying fully on top her, Bucky started to move his hips again. It was a filthy and only focused on chasing his orgasm kind of pace, this time.
“Oh, fuck, Sir!” She exclaimed, eyes widening. Bucky was in deep. He was in so deep, her walls were so tight─
“Shit,” Bucky cursed. “Fuck, oh, God, ah, fuuck─!” The delirious movements of his hips stopped. His balls tightened, cock twitched in her and he came. Eyes rolling backwards, Bucky groaned loud and long. His taut muscles going lax, his hot breath licking her over-heated body and her tightness was still hugging his poor cock so nicely.
“God, Bucky, what the fuck,” she panted. Bucky hummed. He rubbed his stubble-covered jaw on her shoulder affectionately. Easing off of her, Bucky dropped himself next to her and pulled her into his arms to cuddle. “My legs won’t stop quiver.”
Bucky snorted. “You’re welcome,” he grumbled. She rolled her eyes but stayed quiet, burrowing herself deeper into her lover’s arms. Their eyes were closing, they were tired and much needed orgasm had loosened up their tensed muscles. “Round two in an hour,” Bucky slurred. “Gonna play with you.”
She just hummed and closed her eyes.
A little energy nap would do them good, she knew it.
[part two will be up soon!]
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
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hotel room | sakusa kiyoomi 
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keywords: sakusa showing you his hotel room, “i love you more” fights, video calling him
word count: 915 
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“you look comfy” 
you lazily smile at your phone, tugging your blanket higher up on your face to hide how wide your smile is. “i am” 
from the phone, you can see sakusa sit up from his bed and search for his shoes. “where are they?” he mutters. he places his phone on the nightstand to give you a full view of him looking for his shoes. except you can only see up to his neck because of how tall he is. “oh there they are.” 
sakusa walks across the floor and comes right back, picking his phone up and smiling at you. “so, i-” 
“it’s not the same without you here” you blurt out. 
sakusa looks away for a moment, but even through the tiny screen, you can see his cheeks darkening. judging from how wet his curls look, he must’ve already taken a shower. 
“i’ll be back home in three days,” sakusa says, staring intently at your eyes. “wait three more days, y/n” he says it like he’s reassuring himself more than you. 
“how’s volleyball been? i’ll be watching ya tomorrow :)” 
sakusa shyly smiles and palms his face. “it’s been the same. got more serves in than atsumu >:) wish you can be in the crowd though ....” 
your face drops as you fumble with your phone, not wanting it to fall. “i wish i can be there too ... omi’” 
“hm?” he hums, turning away to close his window curtains, giving you a nice view of his shoulders ... 
“can you give me a tour of your hotel room? :)” 
...? “alright.” 
sakusa stands up and turns his camera the other way. “here’s the bed ... you’ve already seen it. it’s actually quite comfortable but because of how many damn pillows the hotel set up, my feet dangles off at the ends” 
you giggle at the thought. 
“and over here, is the bathroom.” he pans the camera around so you can get a full view of the bright bathroom lights, clean mirror, and bowl-shapes sink.
“it’s so pretty ...” you breathe, staring in awe.
“the bathroom?”
“yeah it looks so clean and pretty...and very rich”
sakusa gives you a ? look. how can a bathroom be pretty? but whatever you say, he can’t disagree with.
“here’s the door to my room...” sakusa awkwardly gestures to his front door, eyes looking everywhere but at his phone. 
“‘omi you’re making this really awkward,” you laugh, snuggling against your bed sheets. 
“i’ve never done a room tour before,” he softly defends. “you’re the only one who’s so interested in my room. here, i���ll show you what i brought.” 
sakusa makes his way across the hotel room and unzips his black backpack. for a moment, all you can see is the ceiling. 
“here are all of my toothpastes i brought,” he says, laying all five tubes on his bed neatly. sakusa digs another hand inside and pulls out his hairbrush. “and here’s my hairbrush...” he attempts to brush his hair but his hair becomes stuck mid-way. you watch him in amusement as he groans at the tug-a-war game he’s playing with his curls. 
embarrassed, sakusa coughs and diverts his eyes away from you. “a-anyways, i also brought my own pillow.” he brings his white, plain pillow into camera view. “you know i can’t sleep without it.” 
you do know. sakusa has a hard time sleeping on things that isn’t his special pillow. his pillow is sacred to him; can’t stay overnight without it. what you also know is that he doesn’t have a hard time sleeping on your belly 
“anything new with you?” sakusa asks, interrupting your chain of thoughts. 
“not much ... but it’s been quite stressful.” 
“... not too stressful, right?” 
“well, it’s manageable ... but still really overwhelming,” you sigh, giving him a weak smile to reassure that you’re fine. 
“if it gets too stressful, maybe you can talk to me about it?” 
“yeah, i will :’)” 
“mm” sakusa climbs into his bed, wearing those striped black pajamas that matches with yours. he lifts his covers up and buries himself under. 
“we’re matching :)” you say, pointing to your pajama shirt. 
“mm” he grumbles in response. 
“i love you” 
“i love you too,” he mumbles, eyelids slowly closing. 
“i love you more”
“i love you most,” he replies with a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“i love you mostest >:)” 
“that’s not a word.” 
“’omi, you’re missing the point >:(” 
he rolls his eyes. “i love you mostestestest ... ‘est’ x infinity” 
you try to come up with a response but fails when you see the satisfactory smirk; the smirk that always sends butterflies all over. 
“i love you as much as you love me but plus 1 more,” you snap back, proud of yourself for thinking of one. 
“...i love you as much as you love me except plus 2 more...” 
“...i love you as much as you love me except plus 10^10 more >:)” 
“....babe, this is gonna go on forever,” he says, propping his elbows up and looks down at his phone. his curls are messily spread across his head. “can we continue this ‘i love you more’ chain after getting some sleep?” 
you lazily nod. “i’ll win you just like how i did last time :) goodnight~” 
“mm, goodnight to you too. i love you” 
“i love you more-” 
“don’t.” he smiles, throwing his head back as a deep laugh rumbles through his body. “watch me serve more serve aces than miya tomorrow~” 
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807 notes · View notes
xpeachesncream · 3 years
bands | thirteen
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.9k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, slight degradation, trouble stirring behind the scenes if you squint, yeonjun and soobin (txt) make an appearance but also as reg 18 yr olds lol
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme​ @min-nicoleee​ @eggbutnotyolk​ @ra-mun-e @miinoongi​ @jimidol​ @ppeachyttae​ @thebeebi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @kooafraid​ @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ @cypheruby​ @cyb3rbab3​ @masterlists101​ @awhnamjoon​ @redhedhoseok​ @wooya1224​ @taeismydeath @jikookiekosmos​ @un2-verse​ @aynsx​ @wearenot7withu​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"BTS' Jeon Jungkook rumored to be dating stripper from nightclub!"
"Jungkook is no longer single, ladies!"
"Jeon Jungkook is dating a stripper? Why the hell is he doing that?"
"Who the hell does she think she is? I bet she's not even pretty."
"Jungkook fell for a stripper? Out of all people? Damn, and I thought he was better than that."
Jungkook has been tired, the rumors constantly being spread day in and day out. But, it still didn't mean he was gonna say shit to prove himself to people out there. He didn't need to give anybody answers. Hell, this was strictly between you and him and that's how he wants to keep it.
Fuck every single one of you who didn't wanna be behind him and support him. Don't even think about calling yourself a fan of his if that's your mindset.
He could truly care less. He was happy and he felt ten times better than he has in a really long time. It's unfortunate how people love to stay narrow minded. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that it was so unfair for you - how they stuck to that stripper image, rather than really getting to know you beneath the surface.
But it's not like anyone else deserved to know the real you, not after all this shit. And he was gonna keep it that way, and protect you.
"Hey, don't listen to any of that shit, okay?" Jungkook says as he meets you in your car in the BigHit building garage. "None of that matters to me."
"I know, but Kook." You look at him. "Your career, BigHit literally might not even want me here and-and—"
"Then I'll make sure they understand it's not an issue, because it's really fucking not." He says, getting irritated only at the thought of the company giving him issues over you. He watches as you slightly frown, causing him to sigh and soften his own facial expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get worked up like that. It's just annoying how people are narrow-minded. This has absolutely nothing to do with you." You give him a small smile. "Come on, I'll walk you." You silently nod and hop out of your car. You follow beside him, your stomach in knots having to meet with their performance director. This meant you'd also most likely run into the rest of Bangtan.
In which happens to turn true pretty quickly.
"Jungkookie!" Hoseok says loudly down the hallway as he approaches the both of you. He does nothing besides smile, curiosity definitely filling his eyes.
"This is Y/N. Y/N, Hoseok hyung." He holds out his hand for you to shake, his head tilting ever so slightly because you know he's familiar with your face. He's just trying to remember from where. Or, he has recognized you, but he's trying his hardest not to say anything.
Cause they have seen all of you, especially in that fishnet bodysuit.
"Hi! Nice to meet you! You can call me Hobi for short. Are you meeting with someone?" You nod.
"Yeah." Is all you can reply with as you shyly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Nice, goodluck!"
"Is everyone else here?" Jungkook asks, making Hobi nod.
"Yeah, but they're still running through some stuff in the dance studio. I just ran off to take a break."
"Okay." Jungkook looks at you. "Follow me, he's in one of the private studio rooms." You both part ways from Hoseok, the need to clutch onto Jungkook's arm immensely strong right now. You hold yourself off though, because even with passing a few female staff members, you catch them looking at you oddly with the way you're walking side by side with Jungkook.
Nope. Don't even think about it, Y/N. It doesn't matter.
Jungkook knocks softly on a door, the middle of it being made up of entirely frosted glass so it's difficult to see inside. Their performance director opens the door swiftly and welcomes you in with a warm smile, stepping aside to let you in.
"I've got it from here, Jungkookie. Thank you." Jungkook nods but tries to peek through the door to get one last glimpse of your face before he shuts it fully. "How are you doing, Y/N?" He sits in front of you, leaning onto his knees with his hands fully clasped together.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good, tired." He chuckles. "Thanks for taking my call earlier and for meeting at such short notice on a weekend. I had a couple of things come up and didn't want to push things off until later." You smile.
"It's no problem."
"Jungkook tells me a lot about you."
"Does he now?" You chuckle and tilt your head to the side.
"Says you're a really good person. Super hardworking. Told me a little bit about your situation with your brother."
"Mmyeah, it's a little complicated."
"It's alright, no need to get into the details." He smiles before letting out a small sigh. "It's incredibly rare for me to hear Jungkook speak like that. In general. He's usually very closed off, doesn't like to let people in much. He really respects you, you know? Cares about you a whole lot." You slightly blush.
"I'm still getting used to it." He chuckled.
"Look, I know you've been worrying because of where you've been and all that, but I want to reassure you that none of it matters. I don't like to focus on all that. You're here as you, not her." He says, putting another pronoun to your stripper persona.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." He nods. There's a small pause before he begins to speak again.
"I could really use some help around here if you're still interested? The boys are becoming a lot for me to handle."
"Ah-uh, yeah! Of course I am." You found yourself stuttering at the sudden offer. Was this fucking real?! "But, you are aware of where me and Jungkook are at, right?" You ask, trying to be completely transparent and honest about their relationship. He nods and waves his hand out.
"As long as you keep it professional here, right?" You nod.
"Come, let me show you around really quickly and have you formally meet the boys." You swallowed the lump in your throat. Fucking great. He definitely didn't know they've all seen your titties and pussy out during Yoongi's birthday, and now here you were - about to meet them again in this environment. Hobi was awkward enough even though he tried not to be.
Surprisingly, Jungkook wasn't waiting outside in the hallway like you thought he would be, but the tour commences and the PD is taking you around pretty quickly. You feel even more awkward and somewhat alone [even though you weren't] without Jungkook nearby, but you chug along and say your hello's to the people you're introduced to. He finally brings you into the dance studio, where there's loud ass music blasting, Jungkook, the boys and some backup dancers in front of the mirrors fooling around.
"Aye boys, come here real quick." You and Jimin lock eyes and your body suddenly gets tense. The room feels 10x hotter than it already is, especially when he slowly walks over and clenches his jaw. He is literally seeping with hate right now, maybe actually disgust, and he doesn't even try to hide it. Most of them for sure recognize you, but they seem to brush it off and give you a big wave/smile anyway.
"Last, that's Jimin - Jimin, Y/N." You give Jimin a fake smile, and the only thing his ass can reciprocate is the smallest, tight-lipped smile you have ever seen. You've never even seen your mom do that when she got mad or upset with you.
"Hi." Is all you can say.
"Sup." He looks at you before turning on his heel and walking away.
"Ooookay?" Namjoon furrows his brows as he watches Jimin walk away so rudely. "The hell was that about?"
"I knew that was Kookie's girlfriend! Maybe Jiminie remembers seeing her titties and shit too, needs to walk away before he gets his ass beat by him." Yoongi says lowly behind Namjoon.
"Yeah, like you're any better." Namjoon says, looking at Yoongi weirdly.
"I mean, we did see her practically naked." Jin says, chiming into the discussion.
"I touched her." Yoongi's mouth slightly hangs down. "I touched her."
"Go ahead, say it louder so Kookie can hear you." Jin nods sarcastically. "Go, say it!"
"No, stop." Yoongi's cheeks turn red while shaking his head and laughing. "He'll literally launch me out the window with one hand."
"You asked for her to sit on your lap too, bro!"
"I was joking, and it's not like she did it anyway!"
"Whatever, I'm keeping my birthday deep in my memory storage."
"Clean slate for her so it should be for you too, my guy." Namjoon says as he has enough of their conversation.
You look at Jungkook who is silently standing there, looking like a big dork with a huge smile on his face and his thumbs up. You give him the tiniest nod before proceeding to follow the PD out.
"So?!" Jungkook dashes to meet you in their waiting room area, where an abnormally large picture of Jimin posing oddly hung up.
"He said he'll send me all the info and papers and stuff!" You respond excitedly as Kook hugs you and quickly swings you around.
"See, I knew it would work out!" He puts you down. "Are you gonna tell Kai?" You shook your head.
"Not today at least, it's his birthday and I don't wanna take away from that. It's his day." Jungkook smiles at you.
"Text me when you've picked him up? I should be home by then."
"Okay." You blush and back away, making Jungkook look at you with confusion. "I have to keep it professional here, duh."
"Ah I see." He chuckles. "That won't last very long."
"Jungkook." You whine.
"There's a lot of private rooms here and—"
"I'm not listening, sorry. I think Kai is suddenly calling me." You cover your ears as you begin to walk away, giving him one last smile before leaving him to the rest of rehearsals and whatever else they're doing. He laughs to himself as he waves you off, excited to get through the day so he can just spend time with you and Kai.
As the hours go on and it's about time for you to pick Kai up, you quickly stop by the store because you're a procrastinator and didn't buy Kai's birthday gift any earlier. You felt bad you weren't able to find the shoes he wanted, but you at least snagged the video game he had been talking about for a couple of days now. Before walking into the arcade, you made sure to write your birthday card and slip some more money into it before shoving it in your bag to give to him later.
"Your pretty sister is here." Yeonjun grabs Kai by the shoulder as he finishes up a game.
"Yeah, and you're too young for her."
"Age is nothing but a number. It's only like.. 6 years apart."
"Besides, she's taken, dude. Sorry." Kai snorts as he watches Yeonjun's smile fade. "You would have never had the chance."
"You're mean."
"I'm mean, or you just have really high, unrealistic expectations?" The rest of their friends laugh as they follow Kai over to you.
"Hey!" You smile at all his friends.
"Hiiiiii Y/N." They all say in unison, some waving in awe, while the others shyly dug their hands into their pockets. "Birthday boy, you all good to go? Got some good Loco Moco waiting for you."
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Happy birthday again, Kai! Get online later!" Soobin yells out.
"Yeah, yeah." He says, waving them off as he follows you out to your car.
"You guys run through the entire arcade?" Kai laughs.
"Pretty much." He sinks into his seat, legs damn near touching the glove compartment with how long he is. "I'm honestly so excited for Loco Moco. It's been years!"
"It has not been that long." You laughed.
"You're right, it's been months." Kai looks out the window. "Wait, you're passing the road to get to our go-to shop though?"
"Cause I found a better place."
"How is there a better place when that one was already supreme?!"
"Hey, trust me on this okay?" You laugh. Kai starts telling you about his day and how so many people he knew from school had been messaging him happy birthday. He truly looked his happiest today and it was all you could ask for. Though at the same time, your heart slightly sank at the fact that he'd be going off to uni soon and staying at the dorms. He was just growing up way too fast, and you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him now before he was too occupied being a college boy.
You slipped yourself past Jungkook's security, parking in the one guest spot they have in the garage that's closest to the elevator. Kai doesn't really question it and hops out anyway, his hands in his pockets as he follows you into the elevator and onto Jungkook's floor.
"You ready, kid?"
"Is this some like, Michelin Star Loco Moco restaurant?"
"Ah, I guess you could say that." You knocked on the door, hearing music playing in the background. Jungkook opens the door and Kai's eyes widen.
"Oh shit, that's Jungkook?" Kook laughs and steps aside to let you both in. "Sis why—what—how come you didn't tell me we were seeing your boyfriend? I look like a mess!" He says lowly.
"You don't!"
"Hey Kai! Happy Birthday!" Jungkook says smiling, making Kai actually blush. He's cheeks are tinted with a rosy color and he suddenly gets all shy.
"Your brother's tall." Jungkook looks at him up and down.
"Looking at an 18 year old 6 footer."
"Must be nice."
"Go sit." Kai silently nods as he sits awkwardly on Kook's couch, while you go and check in on him in the kitchen.
"Is he always that shy?"
"No. Just with you, apparently. He's not even that shy around girls." You chuckle as he places a quick kiss on your head. "Need my help?" You still ask even though the plates are neatly prepared already.
"Not really." He smiles down at you. "You hungry though?"
"Starving, actually." Your eyes light up at the plates. "Ouuuuuu, yum."
"Honestly, I think this batch might be better than my first."
"Still honored to be your guinea pig." You carry a plate over to Jungkook's coffee table in the living room.
"Oh shit, that looks amazing." Kai says, slipping himself down from the couch to the floor so he could get a good whiff of the plate. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook hands you the remote before walking into his room. "Pick something."
"Here, birthday boy. Help me choose."
"Let's watch Soul on Disney+." At this point, Jungkook comes out of his room with a wrapped present, his eyes locked on the TV.
"Ooh, I keep seeing this everywhere! Niceeeee." Jungkook says, smiling with Kai nodding and already digging into his plate. "By the way, this is for you." You shoot him a look as he sits on the floor by you, watching as Kai unwraps the present. Kai's eyes light up as he sees a shoebox underneath the wrapping, quickly flipping the lid open to reveal those blue Air Jordans he wanted.
"Kook?!" You say lowly, making him smile at you and gently pinch your side.
"Holy shit!" He holds out a shoe, only for him to immediately shake his head and close the box again. "Jungkook, I can't take this." Kai says.
"No, it's your birthday."
"Yeah, but isn't this expensive? You've already done so much for me and my sister, I-I don't want to—"
"Kai, it's cool. If it's one thing you can do to repay me, it's to take my present." You literally want to cry at how sweet Jungkook is being with your brother. He had been good to you, no doubt, but this was one thing you didn't expect from him at all. Quite frankly, you had forgotten you mentioned the shoes to him. The fact that he actually remembered and kept his word.
"Okay." Kai says, gently setting the box down aside before looking at Jungkook with a small smile on his face. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. Like, even with the food and everything. It means a lot to me."
"You're welcome." You give him a soft smile before digging into your food while Soul was already off to a start. Kai and Jungkook devour their food together, with you following shortly behind as Jungkook brings over a small ice cream cake from his fridge for Kai to blow his candles on. After the boys had helped themselves to a good serving of the cake, they started getting hyper and pulled up Smash Bros on Kook's Nintendo Switch [as if Kai hadn't played enough games today]. It started to get intense; the boys jumping and yelling everywhere, bouncing off of the walls, with you getting pulled into the competition every now and then. Even though you knew you'd lost over and over again, you happily joined in anyway, seeing how excited your brother was - plus, it was always a bonus to hear Jungkook's loudly obnoxious, nerdy laugh.
"I WIN!"
"Hey, hey, hey. I let you win because it's your birthday." Jungkook said, making Kai laugh as he crashed to the floor.
"Sure." Kai huffed and puffed. "Crap, I'm tired. What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. We should start heading out, bubba." You patted Kai's chest gently.
"What? No, it's late. Why don't you two just stay here?" You suddenly remembered you've had Kai's shit in your trunk since you dropped him off at Yeonjun's this morning. You didn't have any change of clothes, but that could easily be fixed with Jungkook's closet.
"Only if the queen wants, she's driving."
"It's late, baby." Jungkook says to you softly. "No way I'm letting you two head out there."
"Okay." You give him a small smile before handing your keys. "Can you do me a favor?" He chuckles.
"What is it?"
"Kai's duffle bag is in my trunk." He nods and takes your keys.
"I got it. Kai, you can take the guest room or my office room." Jungkook says with his 3-bedroom apartment having ass. "I have my computer in my office room though, and a pull out bed. I don't know how comfy you'll be."
"It's cool, I'll just take your guest room. I always bring my laptop and switch whenever I sleep at my sister's." Kai says getting up. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook says, toothlessly smiling at the both of you, completely endeared at how alike you two were - even down to the fact that you both said thank you for every little thing. If this was a result of Kai being close to you and having you as pretty much his mother figure, then Jungkook wouldn't know what to do with his feelings. He felt butterflies every time he thought about how cute and sweet you were, and he was always excited to be around you.
Jungkook does a quick jog to your car, grabbing Kai's Nike duffle from your trunk before jogging back to the elevator and back to his apartment. He walks in to see Kai helping you clean up the remaining dishes in the sink, tidying the rest of the things in his kitchen.
"Thank you." Jungkook says himself, a little unfamiliar with saying such a thing to be completely honest.
"You're welcome." You say softly, wiping your hands on his hand towel. "Off to bed, or are you gonna go online with your friends?"
"I'll see what they're up to, but I'm pretty beat. Today was fun." Kai smiles at the both of you. "I really appreciate it." You ruffle his hair a bit before gently pushing him towards his bedroom for the night.
"Bathroom's right over there, help yourself to anything you need."
"Don't stay up too late."
"Only if you aren't too loud." You gasp while Jungkook laughs out loud.
"Hey, I'm just being honest. Please remember that I'm right in this room."
"Oh my god, go to bed." You shove him inside the room and shut his door. "Don't even say a word." You look at Jungkook shyly as you hurriedly brush past him to get into his room - even though Jungkook is literally right behind you with those long ass legs of his, making every stride so much easier for him to catch up to you.
"What's your outfit of choice tonight, pretty lady?" He shuts his door behind him as you start to make your way into his closet.
"Hm, I'll just wear this plain black--" You unfold it. "Balenciaga? Okay, I definitely can't just wear this to sleep."
"Why not?"
"Because this is like, name brand and everything."
"So?" He shrugs. "Just wear it, babygirl. It's not gonna make much of a difference, you're wearing it either way." You do a slight pout before you start to slip out of your clothes to get into his shirt. You make his way to his bathroom to take a little tinkle when you notice another toothbrush sitting next to his. A pink toothbrush, next to his blue one.
"Why do you have two toothbrushes?" You wash your hands as he comes in to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.
"That's yours." Your eyes light up at his statement.
"I figured since you'd be over more, it'd be easier for you." He furrows his brows lightly. "Unless.. you didn't want--" You press a kiss against his lips, his hands resting on your arms to keep you close.
"No, I did want that. Thank you."
"Of course, baby." He pecks your forehead.
"By the way, way to make me look like such a bad sister!" You say as you start getting your toothbrush ready.
"Why? The shoes?"
"The shoes, the Loco Moco, the games, the ice cream cake." You laughed. "I literally got him a video game and some money."
"I mean, he is turning 18. I wanted to help make it as memorable as possible."
"I appreciate you a lot. Really."
"I appreciate you too." Your eyes widen as you brush your teeth.
"Waaaaow, say thaht wun mohr tiyme." You say, pulling a Jungkook while brushing your teeth.
"Eye apprushiate yoh toh." You giggle. The both of you finish getting ready for bed before slipping into his warm sheets. Jungkook never goes to sleep early, however, he makes sure all the lights are off and that the show he's watching isn't too loud. You have no idea what's going on in his show, but you lay on his chest to watch for a little bit until you feel yourself getting a little more sleepy. He's holding you close, his hand brushing through your hair softly, causing tingles to ripple through your body.
"Yes, baby?"
"You make me happy." You say sleepily as you hung him tighter. He smiles down at you, your eyes now shut close as you slowly start to drift into a deep sleep. He presses a light kiss against your head, fingers still in your hair.
"You make me happy too, sweetheart."
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outerbanks-fandom · 3 years
Too Much - JJ Maybank
Description: there's comes a time when people want to much from you and you can’t handle it. 
Warnings: slight sexual content, convincing reader to do things she didn’t really wanna do, sad, slight description of reader that might not apply to you, this is a female reader x JJ I’m so sorry if this doesn’t apply to you. 
Word count: 1,039
Edited?: spelling yes idk about the rest so technically no
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Part 1
Pulling into the chateau while John B and Sarah was presumed dead was the worst part of my day. Not only because they weren’t there but because I had to be faced with whatever mess of JJ I had to clean up today. I would never complain about it though because I knew he was hurting and I'd do anything to help him heal. 
He was here alone most nights when I worked. During the day Pope and Kiera kept him company, but nights were always worse for him anyways. The couple hours he was by himself he would let his thoughts take over. With no distraction he drank and smoked the pain away. Which caused one of two things to happen when you finally show up, he either yells at me for shit I didn’t do or he’d fuck me for his own personal pleasure. I just let him though, I loved John B also but John B was JJ’s best friend. They were the brothers to each other. 
So whatever JJ needed to do to make himself feel better I wasn’t gonna stop him from doing that. But tonight, tonight I couldn’t handle his loud screams at me or the bruising grip he’d have on me. I just needed my JJ back, I needed a good hug  and I know I won’t be getting that. Especially since I saw the empty beer bottles on the porch steps. Just to stall the inevitable I cleaned up the bottles and sat on one of the chairs outside. I just needed a minute to mentally prepare myself. 
I sighed before heading into the chateau. The door slamming behind me is what broke JJ’s gaze. He was standing in the kitchen, beer in hand just staring. A seductive smirk was on his lips, “hey baby, I haven’t seen your sexy ass all day.” 
“Hey J, works been crazy, but I'm here now” I very clearly had an exhausted frown on my face, but JJ could care less. He made his way to me and placed his hands on my waist. I know what tonight holds but I don’t know how to tell him no. “J, come on let’s go lay down or something” he didn’t let up though. :Come on baby, I really miss this pretty mouth” one hand reached for my face as his thumb rubbed my bottom lip. “JJ, come on we can just hang out or something. Your drunk” the anger rose in JJ’s demeanor but I can tell he’s still trying to convince me. 
“Y/n come on, just 10 minutes tops. I really need you” I gave in and nodded. All i have to do is give him head. Then maybe we can just go to bed. He’s trying to distract himself I know that. It’s the least I can do for him. I tried convincing myself that this was okay and that I wanted to do this but I just wanted to cuddle him for once. 
He kissed me quickly and I dropped to my knees. Okay Y/n just get this over with he’ll pass out, and you can sleep\on his chest again and pretend he wanted you in his arms. I hesitantly undid his shorts and pulled his underwear down with them. His hands went to my hair and directed my head onto him. As he directed my head up and down on him, the realization hit me. This is all I am to him, he’s using me as a distraction instead of something to help heal him. Tears ran down my face and I couldn’t tell if it was because he picked up his pace and was choking me or if the fact this is all I am to him. 
He groaned when I hummed around him hoping this will end faster. After a while though it was too much to handle, with my emotions going crazy I just needed a second. I pushed back on his thighs but he didn’t let up. So I pulled my head out of his grip as hard as I could and he finally caught the hint. “Y/n what the fu-” I didn’t stick around for his scream. “Sorry J, I can’t do this. I’m trying to be here for you and what you need, but I can’t be that tonight.” He was pulling up his pants now. “Before you speak I'm gonna say what I gotta say, I love you J, and I know that life sucks right now and I know that there's nothing I can do to bring John B back but that doesn't mean you can use me. I just wanted a hug from my boyfriend. I needed you tonight and you pushed me aside for your personal pleasure. I wanted to be here for you no matter what but I feel used and really gross right now so I’m gonna head home. I’ll have Pope check up on you.” 
It’s been a couple days since I talked to JJ but I've been checking up on him through Pope. School actually starts today and I know I have first hour with him, I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him. I might be overreacting but I really felt trapped. I know JJ and he wouldn’t intently hurt me, but drunk, high and broken JJ was a different story. 
He’s tried calling me and even came banging on my window but my whole body wouldn’t give. It was like I was paralyzed as he hit my window repeatedly and even a few sobs. It broke me to listen to him cry, but I couldn’t find it in me to fix him anymore. At least for right now. 
I made myself look like I was okay, full face of makeup, my clothes consisting of a white pleated skirt, an open Hawaiian shirt with a black body suit under it, and black & white adidas superstars. My hair was in its naturally curly state with some product in it to define my curls more. 
Taking one final look in the mirror I took a picture and posted it on my story ‘last first day...<3′ 
It’s time to face JJ Maybank and the pogues minus 2...
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azriel (acotar) x reader
warnings: mentions of blood, depression
word count: 1809
Sunlight filtered through the curtains of your room and the sound of birds humming filled the room. Groggily, you opened your eyes, surveying the scene. The left side of your bed was cold and empty. Azriel must have had to head up to Windhaven earlier this morning.
Glancing to the window, you saw it was half way open. Azriel’s small gestures never failed to make you smile. He knew you loved the smell of the breeze and the fresh air. It was refreshing. A moment of peace.But recently, it got harder and harder to smile. You put on a front to alleviate suspicion. The last thing you wanted was the inner circle being worried about your problems while they were dealing with other threats.
Swinging your legs over the bed, you felt the cool breeze against them. You made your way to the bathroom, getting ready for the day. You splashed cold water onto your face to try and wake yourself up. You looked in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back. Your disgust and hatred surfaced as your grip tightened on the edge of the bathroom counter. Why were you feeling this way? You wished you could go back to normal, to the happy carefree person you were months ago. That person was nowhere to be seen and you were stuck like this, stuck in your head and your thoughts.
Azriel must have sensed something was bothering you because he brushed your mind through the bond, sending a questioning thought . You quickly played it off sending your false happiness down the bond. When you usually had your thoughts, you made sure to cut the bond off, but not for too long because Azriel would get worried otherwise.
You kept these thoughts to yourself and didn’t let anyone see them. You felt guilty for feeling like this. You should be happy, not sad. You shouldn’t loathe yourself, you had people who loved you. But your self doubt and hatred never left you alone and you didn’t want to share this burden with Az, who has already been through so much. So you kept it bottled up and to yourself, only ever letting them surface in the dark when there was nobody but you and your demons.
The swift knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts. You shoved the feelings down and plastered on a smile.
“Come in! The door is unlocked”
“Hey y/n! I just wanted to let you know that Rhys and Feyre planned a dinner party at the House of Wind tonight!” Mor said
“Oh? That sounds quite last minute” you chuckled
“Yeah, something about diplomacy and putting on a strong front? I wasn’t paying too much attention. Anyway, I need a new dress for the occasion and was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the Rainbow later?”
“That sounds so lovely, but I have to run a few errands,” you lied. Your energy had seemed to have left you and you were barely keeping your front up. “You’re gonna look gorgeous in whichever dress you get” you quickly added, giving her a tight lipped smile.
Mor could sense that you weren’t yourself. “Are you feeling ok y/n? You sound a bit- off?”
“Oh yeah of course! I’m just a bit tired. I think I’m going to head down and grab a cup of coffee. You know I love my coffee.” you gave her a slight chuckle.
“Well, if you’re heading down, I’ll just come with you. I need to head out and pick up a few more things for the party anyway.”
You gave her another smile, closing the door to your room as you followed her down the stairs
Today was one of your bad days. Nothing you did could get your mind off the thoughts that haunted you. Normally, you were able to distract yourself, at least for a few hours, but today you could not evade them. They were the predator and you were their prey.
The inner circle was still in Windhaven. They were probably dealing with Devlon’s excuses as to why the females weren’t training. You knew they would be getting back soon though, since the party was soon.
Making your way back into the kitchen, you pulled out a kettle and filled it with water. Putting it on the stove and letting it boil, you grabbed a tall mug and some of your favorite tea powder. The kettle whistled and you poured the water into your mug. The first sip was comforting, the warmth spreading through your body. You closed your eyes and sighed, basking in the few moments of peace you had.
The wind whistled and you heard a series of thumps on the balcony. Opening your eyes, you saw that Azriel and the others had returned. Anger was painted over his face, but it vanished as soon as he saw you. He made his way over to you, giving you a quick peck on the lips. You breathed in his scent, the wind and the pine giving you a sense of comfort.
“So how did your check up with Devlon go?” you asked
Cassian let out a loud huff before anyone could respond
“Not well, I take it?”
“He keeps giving more chores to the females to keep them out of the training ring. I wanted to break his hand right there.” Azriel answered
“Oh Az, don’t worry, next time Devlon pulls shit like that, I give you and Cassian free reign to do whatever you want with him.” Rhys grinned out
“Oh mother I like the sound of that. God knows he needs to be put in his place.” Cassian sighed
“Devlon aside, are you guys ready for the party?” Feyre asked
“Fuck yeah, I’m in desperate need of booze” Cassian yelled out, causing all of you to laugh
“It sounds like fun, but I haven’t been feeling too well, so I think i’ll just stay home tonight.” you murmured
Azriel immediately put his attention on you. “Are you ok love? Do I need to call Madja?”.
“No no, don’t worry about me, I think I just need a little rest. You go to the party and have fun though. For me.” You knew that was the only way you would get him to go.
He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
“Az, darling, i’ll be fine”
He relented. “Fine. But if I sense anything is off, I’m coming home immediately.”
The other left to the House of Wind and you were finally left alone again. You wrapped yourself up in a blanket and lied down on your bed, drifting off.
A few hours later you woke up. Groaning, you made your way over to the bathroom. Gripping the counter, you stared at yourself in the mirror. You felt angry and disgusted. Your hand curled into a fist and before you could process what you were doing, the mirror shattered. You could feel the cuts on your hand, but the pain was the last thing on your mind.
Dropping your front, your thoughts and feelings flooded back into you. You felt the numbness washing over you as your feelings hounded you, ripping into you. You were so tired. You didn’t want to feel like this anymore. Why did you deserve anything?
Your self deprecating thoughts kept slamming into you.
You weren’t pretty enough. Azriel deserved better. He was only with you out of pity. He didn’t really love you. How could he ever love someone like you.
Finally the dam broke and your tears started flowing. Backing up to the wall, you slowly slid down, hugging your body, your sobs never ending.
What you hadn’t realized was for a split second, your hold on the bond had faltered, and all your emotions and pain had slammed into Azriel. He almost lost his footing, clutching his heart and holding onto Cassian to keep him from falling over.
“Az? Azriel, what's wrong?” Cassian shouted
“I-, I need to go home. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just need to check on y/n.”
Cassian didn’t have time to say anything else before Azriel disappeared into the shadows.
“Y/n? Y/n! Darling, where are you?” Azriel shouted as he got home
Rushing into your shared room, he heard your sobs and made his way to the bathroom. His heart clenched when he saw you. He immediately crouched down next to you, gently picking up your body and leaning it against his.
“A- Az?” You hiccuped out, tears blurring your vision “Wha- What are you doing here? I thought I closed the bond”. Another sob left your body.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered into your hair, afraid you might break if his voice was any louder. “I could’ve helped you through this.”. One of his hands was wrapped around your bloodied one and the other one was gently rubbing your back.
“Why?” You spoke so softly that Azriel thought he imagined it.
“You deserve-” You took a deep breath to try and slow your tears, “You deserve so much more than me. Someone better than me. I’m nothing- I’m worthless. I’m not pretty enough or graceful enough. You should be with someone like Elain or Gwyn. Someone who is worthy of you. Someone who deserves your love”.
“That’s not your choice to make darling. I get to choose who I love, and I love you”
“I’m not worthy of your love” you whispered. “You shouldn’t be with someone like me. You shouldn’t have to deal with all my problems and insecurities. You should be with someone who doesn’t hate everything about themselves. You already deal with so much, you shouldn’t have this burden on you too.”. Tears burned the back of your throat.
“I’m no stranger to self-deprecation” Azriel laughed soundlessly “You’ve helped me through so many low points, it’s only fair i help you through yours. It’s what mates do. It what i’ll do, because I love you.”
“You shouldn’t” you cracked out
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” he whispered into your hair, pulling you closer to his chest. “Don’t shut me out. Please.”
At the sound of those words, you opened the bond and let Azriel see everything. You bore your soul to him and laid everything bare. You sobbed harder into his chest as he held you, sitting in the silence.
After you started feeling a bit better, Azriel lifted you up and placed you on the counter so he could clean your hand and wrap it in gauze. He quickly got changed and led the two of you to your bed.
“Did- Did you mean it?” you whispered out,
“Every word my love. Every single word.”
Pulling you close, he whispered sweet nothings till you drifted off.
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
Friends Don't Lie Ch. 1
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Pairing: Jungwon x reader
Warnings for this chapter: underage drinking and smoking, mention of porn
Chapter word count: 2k
Based on: Stranger Things
“Can we play please?” Sunoo pleads, tugging at Sunghoon's sleeve.
“No, you’re not a baby.” he rolls his eyes.
“Who said d and d was for babies?” Sunoo scoffs and plops onto the couch.
“Everyone,” Jay says while trying on one of Jungwon’s jackets. “Even Niki doesn’t play anymore.”
Sunoo groans. “You guys are boring.”
“I’ll play with you.” Jake ruffles his hair.
“We need at least four people.” he whines.
“You guys play, we’re gonna go to the drive-in.” Niki says.
“And do what? Makeout with people and get gonorrhea?”
“That’s not how STDs work, dumbass.” Jay laughs.
“Whatever,” Sunoo rolls his eyes again.
“It’ll be fun man, just come with us.” Jungwon grabs at his arm. “Plus you like scary movies.”
“It’s Videorome, isn’t that movie about porn?” Sunoo frowns.
“Just come,” Jungwon begs. “I’m gonna be the only one without a chick, you have to keep me company.”
“I’m just gonna go home, Heeseung hyung will be mad if I stay out.” Sunoo stands up and slings his backpack over his shoulder.
“You gonna bike home?” Jake asks while spritzing cologne on his neck.
“Yeah, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Sunoo says while making his way up the basement stairs.
“See you.”
“Bye Ddeonu.” Jay teases.
Sunoo walks by Mrs. Yang who’s cleaning up the kitchen.
“Bye Mrs. Yang, thank you for dinner, it was delicious.” he smiles at her.
“Of course Sunoo-shi, are you going home now? I thought you boys were going to the drive in?”
He shrugs. “Yeah but I figured I should go home so that my hyung doesn’t worry.”
She smiles and pats his head. “Such a sweet boy, tell him I said hi alright?”
He nods and heads out the door.
It’s pitch black out and the air feels dry.
Sunoo mounts his bike and starts to peddle home, but something moving in the corner of his eye catches his attention.
Jungwon feels bad. He hates feeling this way. It’s eating at his conscience.
“Why are you guys so mean to Sunoo?” Jungwon says while steering his Camaro.
“What are you talking about?” Jay lights a cigarette and Jungwon slaps it out of his hand.
“Don’t smoke in here, my mom will kill me.” he scolds.
Jay rolls his eyes and throws it out the window.
“It’s just our way of showing affection.” Sunghoon says with Niki sitting on his lap. The car doesn’t have nearly enough seats to fit all of them, but they make it work.
“You need help if you think that’s what affection is.” Jungwon grumbles.
Jake shakes his shoulder. “Loosen up Jungwon, he knows we love him.”
“I hope.” he replies.
Jungwon always wishes he could be nicer to Sunoo. Everytime he sees him he thinks, I should compliment Sunoo or tell him that I appreciate him. But he never does and he hates himself for it.
Jungwon parks in their usual spot.
“I’m gonna go try to con us some beers.” Jay says before hopping out the car.
“Don’t get arrested.” Sunghoon jokes.
Jake rolls down the window to chat with the girls next to them.
Jungwon slumps into his seat. Something feels wrong. They go to the drive in all the time, but something feels off. Everything feels, sounds, and smells the same. But there’s a tinge of pain in Jungwon’s heart. Maybe Jay’s cigs are starting to get to me, he thinks, but he knows that he’s lying to himself.
“Can you just go to her car?” Sunghoon groans. “We exist too you know?”
“Fine,” Jake opens to car door and merrily makes his way to her Ford.
Jay comes jogging up to the car with two cans of beer in each hand. “I am incredible.”
“Indeed you are.” Sunghoon reaches out for one. Niki does too but Jay pulls his hand away.
“No way man.” Jay chuckles and Niki groans.
“I’m literally taller than you.”
“And I weigh more,” Jay says. “No beer until you’re seventeen.”
Jay hands Jungwon a can and he reluctantly cracks it open. He never liked beer but he figured he needed it today.
He lets the bitter substance go down his throat. He holds his breath before swallowing so that he can’t taste it.
Jungwon watches the movie in a daze. The alcohol has gone to his head and everything feels calmer despite the gore being displayed on the screen.
“Shit, it’s eleven thirty.” Jake says. “I’ll drive us home, you’re all too drunk.”
“I can drive.” Jungwon insists.
“No you can’t.” Jake pulls him up by the arms and guides him to the backseat.
Jungwon rests his head on his hand as Jake drops everyone off.
“Alright get up Won, we’re here.” Jake parks the Camaro in the driveway.
“I’m tired.” Jungwon whines and gets up sluggishly.
“You’re such a lightweight.” Jake chuckles and helps him to the door. “Get to your room before your parents see you.”
“Roger that.” Jungwon mumbles and tries to sober up before heading through the door.
The stairs moan underneath his feet as he quietly climbs them. He can hear Jooyoung chatting on the phone as he walks to his room.
He changes into pajamas and heads to the bathroom. His cheeks are pink and his eyes are half open.
“Damn, I am a lightweight.” he says while observing his face in the mirror.
He splashes water on his face and rakes his hands through his hair.
The bathroom light flickers. He furrows his brow.
“I thought dad fixed that last week.”
He washes up quietly and knocks on Jooyoung’s door.
“What?” she calls out.
He creaks the door open. “Don’t be on the phone for too long noona, mom will get mad.”
She rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t need to know, don’t be a snitch.”
“I never am.” he sighs and closes the door.
He climbs into bed and turns to look at the photo on his nightstand. It’s him and the gang at seventh grade graduation.
Jay is smiling big and towering over the rest of them. He was always the tallest among them and Jungwon was dead jealous.
Jake’s arm is slung around Jungwon and Jungwon’s arm is around little Sunoo. Sunoo’s smile is bright and cute. His suit jacket is too big for him, he probably borrowed it from Heeseung.
Jungwon still remembers the day he and Sunoo met. It was the first day of kindergarten. Sunoo was alone on the swing set, staring at his feet. Jungwon had a few friends that he met in preschool but he wondered what the harm was to have one more. He asked Sunoo if he wanted to be friends. It was the best decision he ever made.
“Breakfast!” Jungwon’s mom calls out as he pulls on a striped polo.
He skips down the stairs and sits down at the dining table.
“Have you seen Sunoo? Heeseung called this morning.” Mrs. Yang says while handing him a plate of waffles, bacon, and eggs.
“No, I thought he biked home.” Jungwon cocks a brow while pouring syrup over all of his food.
“That’s disgusting.” Jooyoung remarks while taking a seat next to him.
“Your face is disgusting.” he jeers.
“Well make sure he’s at school today okay? Heeseung sounded really worried.” Mrs. Yang sits down next to her husband.
“Does he think he got kidnapped or something? As if anyone would want him.” Jooyoung snickers.
“Fuck off, that’s not funny.” Jungwon says.
“Language.” Mr. Yang says sternly.
“She’s being an ass.” Jungwon rolls his eyes.
“What did you just call me?” Jooyoung’s head snaps towards him.
“Whatever.” he dismisses her.
She shoves his shoulder. “No, say it again.”
“Stop it! Both of you!” Mrs. Yang yells. “Can we not have one peaceful breakfast?”
“I can, I don’t know about her though.” Jungwon grumbles.
“I’ll kill you.” Jooyoung grits her teeth.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Jungwon replies.
Sunoo’s not at school.
“Do you think he’s sick or something?” Jake wonders.
“That doesn’t make sense though, his mom said he never came home last night.” Jungwon chews on his pencil.
“Maybe he went to someone’s house.” Jay suggests and Jungwon gives him a look.
“Who’s house would he have gone to? We’re his only friends.”
Jay shrugs. “Maybe he has a secret lover.” Sunghoon chuckles.
“Why aren’t you guys taking this seriously? Something could have happened.” Jungwon crosses his arms.
“I’m sure he’s fine. Nothing bad ever happens in this shit town anyway.” Jake says right as Mr. Jones walks into the classroom.
Jungwons heart drops further and further into his stomach as the day goes on with no sign of Sunoo.
The boys are playing basketball during p.e when Principal Coleman and a policeman walk into the gym.
“I wonder who’s weed they found.” Jay jokes but his smile diminishes as the two men approach them.
“Gentlemen we need to speak to you,” Principal Coleman says, “outside that is.”
They all give each other nervous looks but follow suit. Jungwon can feel eyes on his back as he makes his way out of the door.
“Do you know what route Sunoo takes to get home?” the chief says. He towers over them and his biceps look the same width as Jungwon's thighs.
“Yeah, he takes Mirkwood.” Jungwon replies quickly.
“Don’t fucking call it that anymore.” Jay rolls his eyes.
“What the hell is Mirkwood?” the man says and crosses his arms. “Stop messing around, this is serious.”
“It’s where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.” Jake says.
“Why do you call it Mirkwood?” the cop says, unimpressed.
“It’s from The Hobbit.” Jungwon says and Jay shoves his shoulder.
“What? I’m just telling the truth.” Jungwon exclaims.
“So what happened to Sunoo?” Sunghoon says plainly. “Where is he?”
“We’re not sure, he’s probably at his Dad’s-”
“Why would he go there, his dad’s a cock.” Jay argues.
“His dad sucks.” Sunghoon says under his breath.
“Enough, let me do my job alright?” the cop says, exasperated.
“We can help look for him, we know all the places he likes to go.” Jungwon says with hopeful eyes and Niki nods.
“Yeah, we can help.” Jake says.
“No,” the cop shakes his head. “After school you are all to go home, and if I see any of you searching around, I’ll have you in shackles. Is that clear?”
“We have to.”
“What if we get caught?”
“Then we run.” Jay says while packing a backpack of supplies.
“You think we can out run him?” Jungwon gets up and pulls a jacket on.
“Of course we can, that dude was huge.” Niki says while chugging down a Coke.
“Don’t drink that,” Sunghoon tsks. “You’ll have to pee.”
“I’ll just piss in the woods.” Niki rebuttals.
The sun had set an hour ago and the stars were twinkling bright.
“Where are you boys going?” Mrs. Yang asks while watching tv on the couch.
“Party.” Jungwon says quickly.
“With backpacks?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Uhm, yeah.” Jungwon nods and she giggles.
“You’re not a good liar Jungwon-ah. Have fun, don’t be stupid out there.” she says and they happily head out the door.
Jungwon drives to Mirkwood with his headlights off. He couldn’t risk getting caught, that cop scared the shit of him.
“There’s a barricade.” Jake says quietly.
“Yeah,” Sunghoon says while getting out of the car, pulling his flashlight out of his backpack. “Shit, it’s raining.” Jay wipes a raindrop off of his cheek.
Jungwon takes his flashlight out and pulls his hood over his head.
They hop over the blockade and venture into the dense woods.
It’s pouring at this point and their hoods are only making things worse.
They can’t even hear their footsteps over the sound of crashing rain.
“What are we supposed to be looking for?” Jake asks.
“Anything, his bike, his jacket, him.” Jay says.
Jungwon was starting to regret this decision. They’ve been walking for what seemed like hours with no clue of Sunoo.
“Maybe we should turn back,” Jungwon says. “This isn’t working.”
“No,” Jay says. “We need to keep looking, cops miss shit all the time.”
“Hold on hold on,” Jake stops in his tracks.
“What?” everyone asks.
“Shut up, do you hear that?” he says and they all try to open their ears. There’s rustling coming from ahead. Something is coming towards them.
“Fuck.” Jungwon whispers and grabs onto Jay's arm.
They all lift their flashlights to find a human in nothing but an oversized yellow shirt, breathing heavily and squinting from the lights blinding their eyes.
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lord-explosion-baku · 3 years
Trident Tale part 2
Mermaid!Shinsou x reader x Kirishima x reader
Warnings: adult themes (minors DNI)
Author’s note: sorry to those of you who have asked me to put on the tag list! I don’t do tag lists! But if you don’t want to lose this story, you can always bookmark it on AO3.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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Original image by @maewoahoah
Moving to an island where everyone is big on the surf scene and other oceanic happenings might not have been the brightest idea for someone so afraid of anything that has to do with water, but you make do by spending your days looking after the Bed & Breakfast, trying not to burn the house down when you fry a few eggs, and obsessively scrolling through Eijirou Kirishima’s social media page. He’ll never notice you, and you think you’re fine with that, until a mysterious force washes into Ms. Shuzenji’s pool after a particularly nasty storm.
Hitoshi Shinsou is a pain in the ass from the get-go, but you put up with him, fins and all, when he promises he can help unite you with your soulmate. The catch? The fish is hellbent on taking back what was stolen from him, and he won’t lift a gracious finger until he gets what he came for.
You’re helpless to lend him a hand, so long as you stay dry. Unless, of course, he has other plans.
You know how the saying goes: you rub his fins, he’ll rub yours.
The thing about being hungry is that you can sometimes convince yourself that you’re full. You can sip water, swallow your breath, pop a few mints in—hell, you could even pretend to eat. However, even if you might trick your brain, your stomach will still be empty.
By the time you finally get some real goddamn food in your stomach, it will be aching from being teased.
It feels like this is exactly what Hitoshi Shinsou has done to you. Teased you. He’d mentioned being one of Ryūjin, which you can only assume is something religious or magic. You know he’s a fish, and that he makes people’s skin glow when he touches them, and apparently his lips or his saliva can heal wounds. But he’s not yet given you any real goddamn food.
The jerk has been swimming circles around the pool, commenting on how disgusting it is being stuck with all the trash, and complaining about your poor hospitality, but has not yet told you what the hell he’s doing here.
It’s not like you ever asked for some creature to crash into Ms. Shuzenji’s pool. Maybe some people would be ecstatic over finding an actual merperson, but life isn’t all about singing songs and talking to seagulls. He’s definitely not an Ariel, unless he is in fact looking for a prince. With all his sass, you think he’s much more of an Ursula than a Disney princess. If he is a sea-witch, he refuses to tell you.
It won’t matter much by the time Denki gets here anyways. You had been honest when you said you wouldn’t put it against him to call some news station when he sees Hitoshi. You figure that after some science lab’s helicopters carried your intruder away to run tests on him, the fish-man will be out of your hair and a thing of the past.
Despite the cynicism crawling through your head, the thought actually makes a guilty pit form in the bottom of your stomach. A life is a life, afterall.
“At least tell me why you tried to…to…” Your mouth flattens when you recall Hitoshi leaning into you, his lips a whisper away from yours.
“To?” Hitoshi asks while he observes the wayward bra that blew into the pool with notable repulsion.
“To kiss me!” You bark out, ears warm.
“Oh, that?” He purses his lips, spinning the bra around in the water. Then, he’s contemplative for a moment, as if he’s thinking of an excuse that won’t make you angry. Or will. He seems to get a kick out of frustrating you.
“I suppose I should’ve considered that it’s not a social norm for humans to greet other humans with their lips,” he says with a cocky, probably lying smirk. “My bad.”
“You expect me to believe that mermaids kiss each other to say hello?”
“Not a mermaid.” The fish is all teeth as he regards you. “I’m one of Ryūjin. And I’d like to think that you’d believe anything I tell you, since you seem to know nothing about my people.”
“Because you won’t tell me anything about your people,” you mutter right before the house bell rings. Your heart jumps with a spike of panic. You haven’t thought about what you’re going to say to Denki yet. You begin thinking about science labs again, and that knot in your stomach tightens.
“Okay,” you say in a warning tone, “I’m gonna let Denki in now…”
“He’s gonna see you…”
“That’s the plan.” Hitoshi lifts a brow. “You’re not worried for me, are you?”
“I just think you should be more worried about yourself,” you say. “Humans aren’t…” There’s a pensive pause when you try to search for the right word. “Humans aren’t good.”
“Would you say that you’re a good human?” He asks.
What a question. You’d like to believe that you are, but you can’t kid yourself. Never one to be very self-sacrificing, you utter your next words with confidence. “Nope.”
“And yet, you haven’t done anything malicious towards me. Nothing, besides that half-assed attempt to kick me away from you, anyways.”
Rolling your eyes to keep your couldn’t-care-less facade up, you left the smirking merman to wade around in the murky pool. There’s not another second to think about what you could possibly say to Denki about your surprise guest, because when you enter the house, you see his face peeking through the side window next to the front door. You could see a drink holder and a Tiki Burger bag in his hand. His smile is bright, while yours is grim.
He pouts, seeing through forced body language, and proceeds to make a funny face. You let out a half-sigh, half-laugh. You might not be a good person, but Denki is. He’s an idiot, but you don’t think he’d ever do anything to harm another creature, mythical or not. This could even be fun to him. Exciting. Something extraordinary happened, and you’d been too scared to react to it appropriately, but Denki would be different.
Your changing emotions grow palpable when you finally reach for the handle.
“Heard you had some thingies that needed twisting,” Denki says as you open the door. He’s wearing his company’s shirt, a brown thing with the PoolPros logo on it, though it’s cut raggedly short to show off his midriff. He’s been particularly confident ever since he’d gotten his navel pierced, and happily showed off the topaz stone that Kirishima had given him. It hangs right above his buckle. It forces onlookers to look at his abs…or maybe his groin. He says it’s lucky, and you haven’t argued with him about it. You would probably call something Kirishima gave you lucky too.
In a flash, you’re grabbing him by his shirt collar and guiding him in and against one of the hall mirrors.
“Something’s happened.” The words immediately spill out, even while you still do not know what you’re going to say. You hope that if the right things tumble out of your mouth, Denki will get the picture.
“Uh…” Denki’s cheeks are red hot, reacting to your close proximity. “Was it a spike in your libido?”
“No, shut up!” You smack his chest and glance down the hall towards the back door. The pool isn’t in your line of vision, but just knowing what lurks there gets your blood pumping. “This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to keep an open mind.”
He bobs his brows. “For you? Always.”
After an exhale, you gather your composure, and tell Denki everything with as much eloquence as you can muster.
“There’s something living in the pool!” You bark out, erratic. “It’s big and it has zero impulse control and it’s rude! It talks! When it touches me, my skin glows. Then it tried to kiss me, Kaminari! And it’s rude!” You add that in again, because you cannot stress it enough. Hitoshi Shinsou is as unrefined as a piece of driftwood, and he had the audacity to make comments on behalf of your decorum. “It won’t tell me what it’s doing here, either. I offered to get it back into the ocean, but it said it wanted something else, but it won’t tell me what, and I don’t know what to do!”
Denki blinks rapidly, like his eyelashes are repelling every word you toss at him. There’s a beat, he swallows, then his lips tilt up into a knowing grin.
“Alright,” he says, “I see you.”
“You do?” Maybe you had to give Denki a little more credit. That hadn’t been your best description of a nightmare scenario.
“Sure do, little lady. This is some kinda belated birthday prank, huh? Thought you could slide one past me when I was least expecting it! I was thinking that maybe you just forgot about it, but now you’ve got something up your sleeve, don’t ya! Well cutie, I might be dumb, but I’m not stupid!”
Striding into the house, Denki places the shakes and burger bag onto Shuzenji’s kitchen counter. Shoulders deflating, you follow him while he fishes a few fries out of the bag. If he doesn’t get it now, he will soon enough.
“What could it be?” He ponders, tossing a fry into his mouth. He nods towards one of the cups and mumbles about a shake for you, then towards the back door. “Couldn’t be a party—it’s too early for a party. And you don’t talk to many people…”
Ignoring the slight burn, you front Denki, and extend your hand out to his. His eyes widen for a moment, he wipes his hand on his pants, and takes yours.
“I need your help, Denki. Seriously.”
“Yeah,” he says, a touch more reformative. “Okay.”  
What should’ve been some grand reveal, however, turned out to be anything but.
The pool being clean is the first thing you notice, as absurd as that is. It’s now half-filled, with only sprinkles of algae leftover by some miraculous clean-up. There’s no more silver fish swimming around, and all the trash that had previously taken sanctuary in the pool now lays on a mountainous pile with the bra sitting at its peak. Your guest is no longer in the pool—the very clean pool.
Denki chuckles and says, “well, this doesn’t look bad at all. By how hysterical you were on the phone, I was expecting something much worse. Oh! Hello!”
Your jaw drops as Denki waves at Hitoshi—a very comfortable-looking Hitoshi who lounges on one of the reclining pool chairs, head turned back like he’s sun bathing, one leg crossed over the goddamn other. Legs. Attached to feet—feet that definitely were not there when you’d met him.
Tricky, magic fish-man.
“Oh,” Hitoshi says, carefully considering Denki. “We have company?”
The ‘we’ in his statement doesn’t sit right with you anymore than his appearance does. He stands, and both you and Denki gasp when you see his new outfit in its entirety. It’s all royal blue, fine silks, and sheer fabric that only covers the places that would make Denki blush. Puffy, yet flowing sleeves connect to his now two golden cuffs. A heavy gold necklace hangs around him, and he’s got a light sash thrown around mostly his bare chest. A golden, v-shaped belt holds his deep blue harem pants up.
They are the gaudiest goddamn pajamas you’ve ever seen.
Hitoshi moves like water to face Denki, then firmly grasps him by the forearm, yanking the boy forward so that their lips are mere inches away from each other. Noting that there’s no glowing from their contact, you watch as Hitoshi’s indigo eyes slide from Denki’s lips, to you, and shows off a dubious glint.
“Whoops,” Hitoshi murmurs basically into Denki’s mouth. “I almost forgot that you don’t greet people like this here.” He takes a step away and smirks. “Forgive me. I’m Hitoshi Shinsou. You must be the pool guy.”
“Um, yeah. ‘M Denki Kaminari.” Denki laughs nervously. His cheeks burn red, and he keeps shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Grabbing onto your hand tightly, he starts back towards the house, towing you along, saying, “excuse us, we just have to—uh. Talk.”
In a tick, you’re whisked right back inside, in the land of private conversations.
“It didn’t look like that before, Denki. I swear to god.” You’re insisting as soon as the door is closed.
“It?!” Denki balks, his cheeks turning even more red. “Do you mean the pool or that hunk of a man hanging around your backyard?!”
“Both, I guess, but I wouldn’t call it a man! It had a giant purple tail before you showed up!!”
“That’s very rude, y’know.” Denki peers back at Hitoshi who’s lackadaisically cleaning his fingertips. “What are their pronouns?”
You imagine Hitoshi surrounded by others like him, all either screaming or clicking to communicate with each other in an inhuman language. “I don’t think pronouns matter wherever it’s from!”
“Hmm.” Denki slides the door open and pops his head out. “‘Scuse me, Hitoshi, what are your pronouns?”
Without missing a beat, Hitoshi answers him. “As in titles? You can call me Shinsou, but if you’re so inclined, I’ll allow you to call me lord.”
“Lord, of course.” More nervous laughter as Denki closes the door. “Lord. That’s a kink thing, right? It’s gotta be!”
“It’s not!” You bark, but Denki doesn’t hear you. Instead, he rushes towards one of the hall mirrors and begins fussing over his hair.
“I honestly can’t believe you did this. I mean, you, of all people. You’re braver than I gave you credit for. Coulda given me a heads up, though. I would’ve worn somethin’ nice. Or not come at all. I do feel like I’m intruding.” Denki’s eyes light up. “Unless this is for my birthday and you’re…you want me to join you?”
“You’ve lost me.” You're too busy trying to figure out what you can do to convince Denki that Hitoshi is a mermaid. You’ve considered pushing him back into the pool, but you don’t know if that would change him back to his sea-man state, or just make you look like a jackass.
“This is so weird. I haven’t seen that guy on the island before, and believe me, I know everybody. It must’ve cost a pretty penny to get him here. On top of everything else-“ He clears his throat- “how much is this costing you? Does Shuzenji know what you get up to while she’s away?”
It hits you like a freight train. “Oh, Kaminari…No…”
“The jig is up!” Denki stomps his foot defiantly and points towards the door. “You’re paying that man for sex!”
“God no!” The very idea that you’ve paid Hitoshi to be here, to touch you, flusters the hell out of you. If anything, you’d pay for him to leave. “You’d honestly think I’d hire a prostitute?!”
“Escort is the term they are using nowadays, and no, I wouldn’t think you’d hire an escort until now!” Denki scoffs, then moves his hand through his hair, exasperated. “The thing is, babe, you don’t need to. You’re cute and fun! If you got out every once in a while…”
“Fish!” You yell, cutting him off, because you’re not about to have another conversation about your hermit lifestyle. “He’s a fish, Denki! I didn’t fuck a fish! Nor am I planning to!”
Denki blinks at you. Not like before—not like he’s reflecting your words. This blink is more like a blink one would offer someone who’d been having an otherwise normal conversation, until they started talking about the earth being flat, or homosexuals burning in a lake of fire.
I’m not crazy, you think and will Denki to believe. I’ll prove it.
Before you can give Denki a play-by-play of what happened—properly this time, and not just your rambled recall—the door slides open, and Hitoshi steps in.
“May I enter?” The regal-looking man asks.
At the exact same moment you say, “no,” Denki says, “of course.”
“I was just hoping to find something to eat.” Hitoshi stops in the kitchen, arms crossed and expectant.
“You haven’t fed your hooker?” Denki whispers and it blows your mind that he can say hooker and you can’t say prostitute. “You can have half my burger!”
“Burger,” Hitoshi repeats the unfamiliar word, and looks around, probably wondering what it could be. Denki takes the hint and proceeds to fish his meal out of the bag. Overly familiar with Shuzenji’s kitchen, he finds a knife to cut the sandwich in two, then hands one half to Hitoshi.
Hitoshi frowns.
“I’m sorry, are you a vegetarian?” Denki asks, and you can tell he’s being overly hospitable in a house that is not his. When Hitoshi doesn’t answer him, but doesn’t stop frowning, Denki asks, “do you not eat meat?”
“This is meat?” Asks Hitoshi, shaking the burger in the air. Some mayonnaise-covered lettuce falls to the kitchen floor.
“I have to clean that!” You yip and wet a paper towel. When you’re on your knees, Hitoshi gives you a smirk of indifference.
“What, do you not have hamburgers where you’re from?” Denki asks, and when Hitoshi refuses to answer him again, he says, “the meat is the patty. It’s beef.”
“Beef.” Hitoshi begins dissecting the thing, throwing the bun halves, pickles, tomato, and lettuce all on the floor. You continue to curse at him while he sniffs at the patty. “What animal is this?”
“Beef is cow, dude.” Denki sounds more skeptical now, which you’d be grateful for if you weren’t already on your hands and knees, scrubbing ketchup out of the tile. “Man, throwing food on the floor is rude no matter where you’re from. Babe, you shouldn’t have to clean that up.”
“If I don’t, who will?” You ask, sardonic.
“There’s not really a floor where I’m from,” Hitoshi says once he swallows his first bite. He places the patty back onto the burger wrap, and steps away from his mess. “At least, there’s no floor when it’s meal time. We just let shells and bones float around until they go down to where they’ll eventually break down and decay.”
Denki asks, “where did you say you were from?”
“He’s a fish, Denki.”
“I didn’t.” Hitoshi gets down on his knees with a wetted paper towel of his own. He swipes at the places you’ve missed, then looks at you. “Tell me, would a not-good person clean up a mess that isn't their own?”
“It’s kind of my job,” you retort and stand so Hitoshi can finish cleaning. Instead, he stands with you.
“And what is his job?” Hitoshi nods towards Denki who looks more and more fretful by the second. “I assume he’s here to provide services. If you’re paying him, shouldn’t he be the one to clean for you? Prepare meals for you? Bend to your whims?”
Denki says, “I’ve got a couple jobs, but I’m not a housekeeper, no.”
“No?” Hitoshi gives out a terse laugh and hands the towel off to Denki. “Clean.”
Denki looks to you for an explanation. You’re about to chew Hitoshi out, when he again says, “clean,” but this time, there’s something attached to his voice. Something that is nothing, but also more. It sends goosebumps up your arms and compels Denki to fall to the floor and obey the command.
“Yes, my lord.” When Denki finishes cleaning and throws the rest of the mess in the bin, he looks at Hitoshi, eyes glossy, waiting.
“Fetch me some water,” says Hitoshi, and after another yes, my lord, Denki begins searching for a glass.
“Quit it!” You shout and very nearly grab on to Hitoshi’s arm, stopping only when you remember the glow and the prickles that accompany his touch. Decidedly, you hurry after Denki and grab the glass from his hands and snap your fingers in front of his face.
Denki blinks, and this time it’s not because he doesn’t hear you, and it’s not because you’re spouting crazy nonsense. He blinks, and it’s a revelation.
“Hypnosis!” Denki says the word like eureka! and you want to shake him, because he should be angrier than he seems.
“I’m surprised you understand or even remember that much,” Hitoshi drawls. “You’re more in-tune than you’d like people to believe.”
And I’m Mother Teresa, you think bitterly. The fish is contemptuous as hell, but he doesn’t read people well. To him, you’re good and apparently Denki’s a genius.
“How did you do that?” Denki asks with growing excitement. “When I was a kid, I was really into magic, but could never get any of the tricks right. You didn’t use any triggering noises or images or anything.”
“There is a bit of magic about you,” Hitoshi says like he’s thinking out loud. “Not enough to pull something like what I just did off unless you have the proper tide jewel. But you do have enough power to utilize a tide jewel.”
“Don’t do that again,” you warn, and pour water from the sink into the glass. There’s purified water in the fridge, but Hitoshi hasn’t earned it. “To Kaminari or to me. The difference between a house guest and a home-invader is who does and does not use hypnosis on other guests.”
“I wasn’t aware that hypnosis is a common occurrence in your residence.” Hitoshi reaches for the glass, but you hold it away from him. Casting out a withering look, he says, “I wouldn’t be able to hypnotize him again, even if I wanted to. Not for a while, anyways. Not without my tide jewel.”
“What’s a tide jewel?” Denki asks. “Is that, like, sea glass?”
Eyes flicking from the glass of water, to Denki, then to you, Hitoshi says, “he knows how to ask a question.”
The questions that you ask get ignored! But instead of saying that, you continue to withhold the water, and say, “then answer him.”
Mildly peeved, Hitoshi turns his attention back to Denki. “You say you have a couple of jobs. What would they be?”
“That’s not answering his question,” you mutter.
“I’ll decide whether I should answer him in a moment. Denki, if you will.”
“Oh, well…” The sheepish Denki brings his hand to the back of his neck, blushing slightly. “I’ve got the PoolPros gig, and sometimes I pick shifts up at The Salty Barrel. I sort of got an affinity for making drinks…and cooking…and fixing things, so they like to keep me around.”
Unamused, Hitoshi pries. “Anything else?”
“Sometimes I pick up odd jobs. Fishing and delivery. I guess I’m pretty dependable because of the boat.”
This catches Hitoshi’s attention. “You have a boat?”
“Sure, yeah. It’s nothin’ too special yet. I’ve been working on it, and it’s coming along, but it’s not ready for what it’s truly intended for.”
“Which would be?”
Denki looks at you and winks, making your ears warm. You know exactly why he got the boat.
“Romantic rendezvous.”
“I see,” Hitoshi says pensively. Then, his eyes go sharp when he notices you fiddling with the ties on your shorts. “Are you two mates?”
Denki lifts a conspiratorial brow towards you, before throwing his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his body. “Sure, yeah—we’re mates!”
You push away from him, and bite, “not those kinds of mates.”
Although nobody disagrees with you, you sense Denki sulking.
“Ah,” Shinsou muses. “You haven’t yet fought for her hand?”
Before you can groan at the idea, Denki laughs quietly, but his laughter quickly grows uproariously as he considers the idea. Soon, he’s gripping his stomach to stop himself from doubling over. You glare at his feet.
“As if there’s another guy to fight for her,” Denki bellows, wiping a tear away from his eye. “Maybe if she ever went out, but for now, the only person I gotta fight for her hand, is her!”
“Oh, I understand,” Shinsou says, eyes on you. “A battle to assert domination.”
Denki hoots loudly at the idea. “Looks like I’m screwed!”
To your growing agitation and embarrassment, Denki continues to laugh. It’s as if you’re not constantly shooting him down. You’re not pitiful. Not helpless. And you think you’d have some game if you put your heart into it. You just have a type, and the pool guy just doesn’t fit the bill, whether he’s handy or not.
There’s no humor to be found in Hitoshi’s eyes, though. He’s glaring at you, like before, only now he’s looking at you more like you’re a piece of meat—like he’s some kind of predator and you’re his newfound prey. You inadvertently step closer to Denki, as if he could be used as some sort of defense shield, then elbow him in the ribs, pretending that you’re not at all intimidated by this fish-turned-man.
“Nobody’s fighting anybody,” you say, keeping eye-contact with Hitoshi. You’ve been told before that the fact that you’re never the first to look away is a little off-putting. Hoping to have the same uncomfortable effect on your guest, you don’t even blink when you say, “I just have my eyes on someone special.”
At the same time Denki stops his laughing, Hitoshi narrows his eyes—not out of malice, but what seems to be curiosity. That’s as far as you’ll go with revealing any more personal information. You might not be physically spoken for, yet, but at least you’re emotionally unavailable. You vaguely wonder if those kinds of ideals are acknowledged by sea people.
“Yeah, Kiri,” Denki says with a roll of his eyes. So much for keeping things personal. “He’s not interested in dating anyone, though. In fact, he’s pretty much married to the ocean.”
“At least there aren’t other girls,” you say, and with a quick glance at Denki, you add, “or boys.”
Denki exaggerates a woeful, hand-over-forehead pose and cries, “at least we have each other!” Then, he places his hand back around your shoulders. Again, you scoot away from him, and this time, you catch Hitoshi’s lips quirk up, just a bit.
“Alright,” Hitoshi says. “I’ve decided.”
“Decided what?” You ask.
“That the two of you are going to help me.”
The fish-man moves to flatten the burger wrap down on the counter like a map, and proceeds to decimate the other half of Denki’s burger. Denki says, “oh that’s fine…I wasn’t that hungry anyways.”
“Help you with what!” You bark, practically starving for details. Despite Hitoshi and all that he’s done, your interest is piqued, and you feel as though you’re finally going to get to the meat of his situation.
Lining a few fries on the paper wrap, Hitoshi finally says, “a few of my worldly possessions have been stolen from me. They’ve been missing for quite a long time now, and I now plan to take them back. Four of the six items happen to be tide jewels. I figure those will be the easiest to locate and extract.”
Denki snaps his finger. “Tide jewels! That’s what we were talking about! What are those?
Dabbing his pinky into some mustard, Hitoshi says, “artistry…” He dips his ring finger into the ketchup and says, “reign…” he tears a piece of lettuce in half and says, “tide…” and finally, he rips some of the patty and says, “soul.”
“Artistry, reign, tide, soul,” Denki repeats, peeking over Hitoshi’s shoulder. “You don’t happen to be a musician, do you? A magician musician!”
“I’m a connoisseur, but not a practitioner.” Hitoshi breathes. “And you’re too close to me.”
“Well, you’re certainly not an artist,” Denki huffs, taking a few steps back. You move in to see what Denki saw.
On the wrap, the French fries have been warped to look like some sort of three-pronged fork. On the left prong, there’s a dab of ketchup, in the center, mustard, and the right has a piece of lettuce sitting on it. Connecting the three prongs is the bit of hamburger meat Hitoshi had ripped.
“Is this supposed to be a fork or a trident?” You ask, then kick yourself, because it’s obviously a trident. Duh. Mermaids. “Is that one of the things that have been stolen? A trident?”
Hitoshi says, “yes. All four of the tide jewels connect to the trident. With them, the trident could very well be one of the most powerful blessed objects on this planet. If it falls into the wrong hands, the results could be catastrophic.”
“Now, hang on,” Denki begins, brows curved into a frown. “What?”
“So good at questions,” you murmur.
“Each tide jewel has its own magical property. The names speak for themselves, but since the two of you are a little slow on the uptake, I’ll explain.” Hitoshi points at each different spot on his fries-trident, explaining what each point represents.
“The yellow jewel is for artistry and skill. Whoever wields it, whether in its natural form or attached to another object, will learn trades quickly, can craft almost anything at a master’s level, and they’ll have a more creative way of thinking.”
“The red jewel is for reign and rule. Whoever wields this can command any audience. Wars have been fought, kingdoms taken, and women stolen by the power of this gem. It’s almost the most violent of the four, but it can also be used to keep peace.”
“The blue jewel is for the tide. They used to be two jewels, one for tide-ebbing, the other for tide-flowing, but they’ve been molded together after another theft mishap. With the power of this jewel, one would be able to control not only the water of the sea, but water itself. This gem can create storms you couldn’t dream of. This is possibly the most dangerous stone if placed into the wrong hands.”
“Sir, that’s a piece of lettuce,” Denki says.
“Your burger didn’t have anything blue,” Hitoshi growls, “nor did it have anything purple, which brings me to the last jewel. This would be the soul jewel. It aids people with wishes, can offer good dreams, and can allow the wielder to see people’s auras, or souls. This jewel has stopped many malevolent unions in the past.”
Finally, Hitoshi turns back to you and Denki. There’s nothing content about his expression now. If anything, he looks grave.
“The fact that the trident is not in my possession has already had a cataclysmic influence on the world you know now. I need it, and the jewels, or else there may be dire consequences.”
Throat dry, palms sweaty, you swallow thickly, and allow yourself a moment to process all that he’s saying. It may be idiotic, but you believe him. Maybe if you hadn’t seen him in the water earlier, things would be different. You’d be more skeptical. But since you’ve already seen one impossible thing today—two if you're counting the fact that Hitoshi grew legs and magically poofed himself an outfit—you don’t think he’s lying.
However, Denki did not see him in the water. Which is why he’s the first to speak.
“Right,” he says, looking down on you. “Sorry, babe, but the marvel universe did it first with Thanos and his gauntlet. If this is supposed to be a scavenger hunt of some kind, can we skip the game, hints and all, and get to the dinner? I expect there’ll be candles and such for nighttime, so maybe you and I can hang out at the beach, sans the mean magician?” Denki looks at Hitoshi. “No offense, buddy. You could join us if you cheer up a bit. I’d never say no to a threesome with two equally attractive people.”
The water in the glass you’re holding begins to shake. It shakes, and then it moves, and then it lifts up into the air, snaking around like a gelatinous worm, and slowly makes its away to Hitoshi’s mouth. Never before have you seen anyone swallow menacingly, and this has changed it.
“I am not your buddy,” Hitoshi hisses between his teeth, “and this is not a game.”
“He just…” Denki begins stuttering. This isn’t something he can chock up to something as mundane as a magic trick. This is pure magic, and you feel less like a giant dork for how you reacted to Hitoshi showing himself to you, with how distraught Denki seems to be.
“I told you,” you say under your breath, “he’s a fish!”
“I am Hitoshi Shinsou. I am one of Ryūjin, and you will not desecrate my name or my people by belittling me or my power.” It hadn’t occurred to you until now that he’s not only speaking to Denki, but to both of you. The thought makes you shift with unease as Hitoshi’s eyes slide from your friend to you. “Not without consequences. I’ve been burdened with this purpose, and the two of you can choose to help me and reap the rewards that follow, or you can return to your miserable lives, loligagging and ogling the things you know you want, but are too lazy to obtain.”
At this moment, Hitoshi Shinsou seems ancient to you. Trepidation crawls up your spine, chilling you to the bone. You regret most of what you’ve said to him, even the things you’d thought he deserved. You have an inkling that if Hitoshi really wanted to harm you, or Denki, he would. Easily.
“Okay, well-“ Denki, again speaks first, thank god. “You didn’t say there would be rewards.”
Maybe don’t thank god yet. But before you can apologize on Denki’s behalf, the air that you hadn’t realized had got heavier, thicker even, lifts, and Hitoshi eases up, lackadaisical smirk back on track.
“You both wish for something,” he says. “If you help me retrieve what’s rightfully mine, I will graciously return the favor by granting your wishes.”
“We do?” Denki asks. It’s wild to you how easily he could jump back into conversation like this, although, when you look closely at him, you can see that he’s trembling faintly. “What do I want?”
“You wish for a boat,” Hitoshi says, “so I will give you a boat.”
“I have a boat.”
“I’ll give you a better boat.” Hitoshi seems to be enjoying himself now, even going so far as to lean on the table, picturing exactly what he’s describing. “A captivating boat that both women and men find irresistible. It will sail smoother and faster than the other vessels out on sea. You will never want or need for an upgrade for it will never wear or tear.”
“A super boat,” Denki muses, beguiled by the idea. It’s your turn to be skeptical now, because you haven’t wished for anything. At least, not aloud for Hitoshi to hear.
“Then, what do I get?” You ask, arms crossed. You can admit that you’re interested in what he might have to say.
“Oh darlin’, that’s easy,” Hitoshi purrs, and moves from the counter over to you. Slowly, like he’s savoring your anticipation. Lifting a finger to your arm, he slides it across your skin, watching as both the glow and the tingles return. You have to hold your breath to yourself from sighing.
“You want to be loved,” he says, “adored even. And not just by anybody. You want to be with your soulmate, isn’t that right. That may be why you came to this island to begin with.”
There’s no way he could’ve known that you’re new to the island. Nobody said anything about it. But he’s not wrong. Though you can’t say he’s right either. You came to the island in hopes to find…yourself. And though you haven’t yet found yourself, you sure as hell found Kirishima. And soulmate has a nice right to it.
“So if we help you find these gems—“
“—tide jewels,” he intervenes.
“Tide jewels-“ you roll your eyes- “then you will give Denki a super boat, and you will unite me with a soulmate?”
“Exactly,” Hitoshi confirms. “Easy peesy, isn’t it?”
“How do we know you’ll uphold your end of the bargain?” Denki asks, finally out of his super boat daydreams.
“I said you were good with questions.” Hitoshi smirks. “You don’t know. You can’t know. But you can either do this with me, and probably get a super boat and a soulmate out of it, or you can not, and get nothing.”
Denki side-eyes you, and you him. You hold each other’s gazes for a brief moment, and you already know how this would play out if you refuse. Denki would convince you to do it. You don’t do anything, he says with his eyes. Might as well hang around and see how this plays out.
“Fine.” Even though your good conscience screams at you to do otherwise, you let up. “We’ll help you.”
“Excellent.” Hitoshi beams, or at least, he beams in a way only someone who was just threatening two other people can beam. “Then we should start our search today. We’ll probably need to go into town and see if there are any supernatural occurrences or old folktales to check out.”
Going out to town is the last thing you’d planned on doing today. Or maybe the second to last thing you planned on doing. You have to ask, because if you don’t, you’ll go batsy.
“We won’t be getting wet, will we?”
Hitoshi scoffs, which isn’t an answer. Maybe you really don’t ask the right questions because when Denki asks, “you said there were six things you need to retrieve. What’s the sixth thing?” Hitoshi winks at you, and grins. And when he grins, your stomach aches.
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the-aggro-crag-car · 3 years
Not sure if this one has been done, but I’ve seen some posts about Lake not knowing how to comfort very well, but what about Jesse comforting Lake after waking up from train related nightmares? Mirrors, flecs, etc
(so this isn't a nightmare exactly but it's Comfort of a similar variety)
Being back home was... an adjustment. His mom had made a joke about him and Lake having separation anxiety on one of his first days back, after having to take Jesse to the doctor and leaving Lake at the house.
It pretty quickly became something they didn't really joke about.
They'd been getting better though! It was just hard when the last time you were separated for an extended amount of time it was by force, with one having no idea if he could ever get back or whether his best friend was alive or dead, and the other being nearly murdered multiple times and told no matter what they did they'd be trapped forever.
Still, better. Better enough that everyone figured it would be good for him to try going back to school again. Lake wasn't interested in joining him, not yet at least. The school year was almost over and it would be hard to get everything in order in time for it to be worth it. The only reason he was even going back so late was because his parents thought it would be good for him to have some return to normalcy.
And yeah, there was something kind of nice about being back.
He still ended up running home as fast as he could as soon as the final bell rang. He told himself it was fine. He was worrying about nothing. They were both safe and out of the train and the flecks were gone now. It was fine.
It was fine.
It was-
too quiet when he opened the door.
"Lake?" he called, dropping his backpack to the floor as he stepped inside. There wasn't any response, and Jesse could feel the worry turn to knots in his guts. It should just be Lake home. His parents were at work, and Nate got out earlier than Jesse so he stayed at a friend's house until his mom could pick him up later.
"Lake? You there?" he tried again, starting upstairs. Maybe they were just asleep. It was probably boring being home alone all day, and it wasn't like they couldn't use the rest. The door to his bedroom was open though, and both his bed and the cot were empty.
He could feel the panic starting to set in now. This had been a bad idea. Everyone said it would be fine, there was nothing to worry about anymore, but something was wrong and Lake wasn't here and-
Jesse paused when the spot caught his eye. He'd just glazed over it at first as he started rushing down the hall to try and check the other rooms and see if maybe they were still somewhere in the house, but on the second pass it stood out. A messy blotch of black, clumsily coating the doorknob to the bathroom.
Spray paint.
"Lake?" he tried again, and he could hear his voice shaking now. Knocking on the door, there wasn't an answer. Trying the knob, it was unlocked. Still wet too. "Lake, I'm coming in," he warned, before slowly opening the door, giving them time to protest.
There wasn't any response though, and it took a moment for Jesse to process the sight in front of him. There was paint everywhere, concentrated around the mirror but also entirely blocking out the window, dripping down the sink from where the handles and faucet was coated, and running down from the shower head as well. Smeared handprints and footsteps of black painted a frantic scene, but in the end they weren't hard to follow back to the source.
Lake's voice sounded choked as they spoke, curled up in the back of the tub. Paint smudged up their arms, but if there was any on their clothes it was hard to tell, the color blending in.
Heading into the bathroom fully, Jesse shut the door behind him. The empty can of spray paint was discarded in the tub by their side, and he pushed it away with his foot to sit down next to them.
"What happened?" he asked, still feeling a little terrified despite the relief of seeing Lake here and seemingly unharmed. If they were blocking out reflective surfaces again maybe- maybe they weren't safe. Maybe the flecks could get through to this world somehow.
"I dunno," Lake mumbled, not looking up but leaning over to press against Jesse's side. Black paint smeared on the new shirt his mom had gotten him for his first day back, but he couldn't much care. "I thought I was back on the train. Freaked out. Spray painted the bathroom. Sorry."
"It's okay. It's- we knew it'd be hard," he tried, because they did. Things were getting easier but Jesse had been a nervous wreck since about lunch. He couldn't imagine how much worse it was for Lake, being here alone.
"Your parents are gonna be pissed," they said, and Jesse winced a little as he took in the destruction. The worst was probably the window, but none of it was... great.
"They'll understand," he still insisted, and he was pretty sure they would. He could hear them whispering sometimes, a lot of stuff about signs of trauma and PTSD and researching different therapies.
Glancing down at the can, he picked it up and inspected it.
"I thought you said your spray paint got destroyed on the train?" he asked, aware he was changing the subject.
"It did," they said simply. When they lifted their head up slightly, they looked nervous. "Remember when your mom took us to the store last week?" they asked.
"Yeah? I didn't see you buy any paint though."
"Stole it," Lake muttered, not looking him in the eyes. "I- I know I don't need it. But I just... saw it, and not having it was terrifying, and everyone's too distracted by the metal to notice anything else anyway so I just grabbed it," they explained.
"Oh," Jesse said, and it made sense. "Maybe I could take half days the rest of the week," he added, and immediately Lake was frowning.
"You don't have to. I can- I'll figure it out. I'm out of paint anyway, it won't happen again," they argued, but Jesse quickly shook his head.
"I wasn't exactly doing great either," he admitted, and he could see the worry on Lake's face now. He'd go into it with them, the panic that kept eating away at him, the doubt creeping into his mind at the sudden shock of normalcy, whispers in his mind trying to insist everything about the train was fake, that he was crazy, that his best friend didn't exist. The whispers from the other students certainly didn't help anything either.
But not right now. For now he sighed, putting the can of spray paint down, the palm of his hand now blotched and stained black.
"We can work up to more. There's no rush," he assured them, and reluctantly Lake nodded. Then they turned to look out at the bathroom again, a grimace falling over their face.
"Wanna see how much we can clean before your family gets back?" they asked, and Jesse nodded quickly at that.
"That's probably a good idea," he said, pushing himself back to his feet before helping Lake up to theirs.
The bathroom was still a disaster by the time his parents got home, but it was doing better.
It was slow going, but things were getting better.
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