#and they knew what they were doing when they picked the vampire concept I know everyone is eating that up
Well i think i might be becoming an enhypen stan which is just great
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klausysworld · 11 months
Hi I was wondering if you could make a Klaus Mikaelson Love one shot where the reader is Carolines twin sister and also Klauses mate but Klaus don't want her to get hurt by his enemies so he spends his time on Caroline and the reader is a vampire so she can feel the mate bond and doesn't understand why he hates her so much to ignore their mate bond so she goes into depression and doesn't eat or drink blood she doesn't leave her room and she is in pain all she wants is Klaus but she thinks that Klaus doesn't want her and Caroline starts worrying about her so she gets Bonnie to do a spell to see what's wrong with herand they figure its because of Klaus rejecting her.
ends in smut only if you want to it doesn't have to!!!
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Resisting the truth
The concept of soulmates wasn’t something Klaus believed in. A ridiculous theory really.
And when people claimed to have had them he took pleasure in killing one just to watch the other crumble at the sight.
Even when Rebekah insisted that Marcel was hers, he wouldn’t let them be together. It was a stupid idea and he wouldn’t condone it.
He didn’t believe it in any respect.
So when he felt that odd pull, well he didn’t know how to respond.
Looking at her, he didn’t understand. She wad his type yes but from what he could tell she was only a vampire, she couldn’t have been a witch. So he didn’t know where the pull was coming from.
Even in Alarics body he could feel it. At first he thought the teachers body was attached to her but then he bumped into her in his own form and the attraction was even stronger.
Klaus didn’t like new things and didn’t like feeling things but he also knew if he killed her now then the bloody Salvatores would retaliate and most likely would grab their precious doppelgänger and run. So he left her be but kept a close eye on her.
Following her when he got the chance and learning things about her while trying to find out what kind of trick she was playing on him. She was meant to have been used for the sacrifice, first Caroline replaced her and then Jenna.
And then once he left Mystic Falls with his good friend Stefan, for whatever reason, all he could thing about was her.
Countless dreams haunted him and the urge to draw her face was driving him close to insanity. To begin with he thought perhaps killing her was the best option and then Stefan had to go find Klaus’ stash of sketches of his dear friend Y/n’s face and decided to tell Klaus all about her.
And somehow, hearing about her made him feel less crazy. He found himself asking pointless questions and listening to stories from Stefan. Until of course one of them realised that they were talking about her a little too much and they both awkwardly avoided the topic.
Having her walk straight into him yet again at senior prank night only made his thoughts worse. He loathed how his body reacted so quickly to her, just one inhale of her freshly washed hair and his dick was pressing up against his jeans. His hand grabbed both her arm and the doppelgänger’s before dragging them both back to the main hall. He proceeded with his plan as normal with minimal glances to the girl although he could feel her eyes on him the entire time.
He was entirely unaware she could feel the bond just as well. But she was less cautious about it, she was a teenager and experiencing new feelings. Ones she didn’t understand but she wasn’t a paranoid control freak so she leaned toward the feeling rather than away.
In fact she even followed him occasionally. When she had nothing better to do and wasn’t needed by the group, she tried to dig into his persona. But he was a difficult man to pick apart and she often just went back home when she got bored.
Sometimes she tried to talk to him, or just smile at him but he wasn’t the easiest to communicate with unless he was running the conversation. And she often felt like she was just annoying him so she tried to leave him alone but something just kept leading her back to him and she found it easier to go with it than resist it.
He found her a bit of a nuisance but at least she was a pretty one. And the more she was around him the more he warmed to her. The more beautiful he found her and the dirtier his dreams got.
Eventually he couldn’t handle the amount of time he was spending fucking his own hand and made his way to a witch formation. Only to be faced with the impossible truth.
And then he saw her in a different light. She had both a target on her own back and his back. So he did the one thing he knew how to do really well, push her away.
And god did he push hard. Ignored everything she did or said, avoided her like the plague.
He assumed she had a silly little crush on him and nothing more but he didn’t know she was taking the rejection of the bond so harshly.
Being a vampire it was massively increased and quite frankly it was soul destroying.
He didn’t see the way her skin was greying;the emptying of her eyes. He wasn’t there to see how her mother had to cradle her in bed like she were a small child again. The look in Caroline’s eyes as she tried to get her sister to be excited for their birthday.
What was even more cruel was Klaus coming over to her house to heal Caroline without even checking on her. Giving her twin sister a birthday present but not her? He never spoke to Caroline before, how could they possibly have formed a better friendship than them?
Had she entirely misread everything? Had he not smiled at her with that same look in his eye? Had he not initiated flirtatious interactions and inched closer to her?
She didn’t feel the hunger she used to feel for blood, almost as though it weren’t appetising at all any more. Repulsive even.
Caroline worried beyond relief as she witnessed her sister fading right before her. Stefan and Damon couldn’t get her to eat, Elena and Bonnie couldn’t entertain enough to get her out of bed, nothing was working.
Not until Bonnie offered to do a spell, with Liz’s reluctant permission she performed it to find what was wrong. And the answer both shocked the group and sort of made sense. They had all noticed at some point the strange need they had for each other. But through Damons research in the past when he believed Katherine was his soulmate, he knew what the ultimate result of a rejected mate could be. And as much as he hated Klaus, y/n was like a little sister to him and if she needed him for a little bit then he would push back his revenge for a moment. Plus it would put him in Elena’s good books and Liz’s.
So he let Caroline go and beg Klaus to save her sister.
Klaus wasn’t sure how to respond when Caroline came in with a white oak stake held to his chest while she yelled every offensive word she could at him. He had her by the throat quickly, throwing her off and to a wall but she was straight back at him. Screaming at him asking how he could have done this.
And after a very long back and forth argument, he realised what he was doing to the Forbes girl. But he wasn’t exactly sure how to react.
He knew he was no good for her, he would only be the cause of her death but apparently he would be that anyway. Which he found to be ridiculous but whatever.
But the second Elena let it slip to Rebekah that her brother had a soulmate, she had him by the hair dragging him to the Forbes residence and forcing him inside. Caroline and Liz left the house and Locke them in, despite Klaus being able to break it down.
While in there he couldn’t help but feel the forceful tug towards her room. Her heartbeat was so weak and her scent was fading. He tried to resist the pull like he had forced himself to for so long but hearing her pain filled whimpers as she shifted onto her side had his leg bouncing. Her dry coughs and groans had his teeth biting at the skin around his fingers and finally when she gave a cry out for her sister he got up to go and see her.
His heart hurt seeing her halfway desiccated and he reluctantly came to sit at the edge of the bed. Her eyes were heavy as she peeked up at him, her brows furrowing before a sadness filled her
“Are you here to kill me now?” She rasped and he frowned
“No my dear, no I won’t be killing you” he whispered, he felt bad now that hr had considered doing so in the past but better knowing that he no longer desired to.
“Why not?” She asked confused “you don’t want a soulmate…” she trailed but neither of them said anything because they both knew she was right, he never had wanted a soulmate.
She nodded weakly, sighed softly and relaxed back against the bed. He hesitantly shifted further into the bed, gently pulling her a little closer so her head lay on his lap.
Slowly he brought his fingers to her hair, just gently stroking her as he silently went over his options, wondering what was truly best for each of them in this scenario.
Would she really be better of with him as a soulmate?
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Forget-me-not - Eddie Munson x Reader
Forget-me-not (Myosotis) - Meaning: Don't forget me, remembrance
Summary: Reader visits Eddie's grave. Little does she know what awaits her there.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 958
Warnings: Drug use (reader smokes weed), ANGST (with a happy-ish ending), dead!Eddie, Reader was part of ST4 events, cemetery setting, Vampire!Eddie, blood
Day 17 is another angsty one but I think it ends on a positive note. I love Eddie, and I fully believe the Cas storyline is what we'll see in season 5 cuz there's no freakin way I will just forget about this sweet metalhead, you hear me Duffers??
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are SUPER appreciated! ❤️
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You held your breath for as long as you could, feeling the smoke invade your lungs before sputtering it loose. The smoke filled the inside of your shitty beater car. You knew you’d reek of it for the rest of the day but you didn’t care. 
You hadn’t cared about much for the last few months. Not since Eddie died. 
Taking another hit, you glanced over at your passenger seat. A bundle of fresh cut flowers — white daisies, the flowers Eddie had brought you on your first date because he heard they were your favorite. A pang of sadness hit you right in the gut, like a punch and you blew out the smoke, feeling the calming effect of the weed. 
You’d only been here a few times since the funeral. It was difficult to bring yourself here, to stand where his uncle had buried an empty coffin and pretend Eddie was down there instead of stuck in the hellish landscape that was the Upside-Down. 
God, everything was so fucked up. 
The whole town was convinced he was a bloodthirsty maniac who deserved what he got. Only you, Wayne, and Hellfire club knew him for what he’d been. A sweet, brave, incredible guy who lived in his imagination because reality was difficult. 
He’d called you ‘princess’ and ‘love’ and drove you to and from school every day in his van, holding your hand the whole way there. He planted kisses on your cheeks when you passed in the halls and wrote you little love notes that he snuck between the pages of your notebook or textbooks so you’d find them later. 
He’d been so gentle when he took your virginity (after having listened to your long-winded feminist rant about how virginity was a “bullshit patriarchal concept”). Every touch and sigh and moan etched on your memory forever. Afterward, he cleaned you up and wrapped you in his lanky arms and told you he loved you for the first time, his big doe eyes shining in the dim light of his room. 
You’d been so incredibly, irrevocably in love with him. And he was gone. 
If you didn’t get out of the car now, you never would, so you stubbed out your blunt and grabbed the flowers and got out. The cemetery was quiet, despite being next to a busy highway. It was early evening, the sun hanging low in the sky and casting everything in an orange glow. Walking through the rows and rows of headstones until you found the familiar name. 
‘Edward Munson’
‘Now at Peace’
Except that wasn’t the truth. His body was rotting in another dimension, probably torn to shreds and completely unrecognizable by now. 
“Hey, love,” you said to the chunk of granite. “I brought daisies.” You crouched, laying the bouquet in front of the headstone before plucking out a few longer blades of grass that threatened to obscure his name. 
You sat down in front of it, not really sure what to do. Talk to him? Cry? Another long feminist rant about how you hated the idea of marriage but how you would’ve married him in a heartbeat? 
Because you would’ve. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” you said, absentmindedly picking at the grass around you. “I should’ve gone with you and Dustin. I could have dragged you back so at least you’d be here and not there. If I’d been there, you’d be home. Or maybe you…” you trailed off with a long sigh. “It’s no use living in the past, is it? Except that’s where you are, it’s the only place you are right now and I can’t — how do I keep going on without you? I just want to hear you laugh again, Eddie. Feel your arms around me one more time…” 
Tears spilled down your cheeks. The gaping wound in your chest reopened and you doubled over, letting yourself sob. You cried until the sun disappeared, at some point laying down on your side in the fetal position. 
At some point you must’ve fallen asleep, because you woke up sometime later to a brush against your cheek. Your eyes fluttered open and you shivered in the chilly night air as you sat up, looking around. You had the strange feeling you weren’t alone. 
The sound of leaves rustling behind you made you turn, and you choked on your gasp. 
Sitting on top of his own headstone, looking a little worse for wear but still beautiful, was Eddie. His clothes were torn, but free of blood. His curls were frizzing out under his bandana, and his rings glinted in the moonlight. 
He looked up at you from under his brow and smiled wickedly, “Hello, princess.” 
You scrambled toward him, a fresh wave of tears falling down your cheeks. Eddie met you in the middle, kneeling in front of his headstone and welcoming you into his embrace which you dove into, clutching his leather jacket and burying your face in his neck. 
“Shh, princess, I’m here,” he muttered soothingly. Placing kisses from your cheek down to your neck, you barely registered a pinching pain from his teeth. He groaned. “Ohh, you taste so good. Missed you so much, so sweet for me…”
You sniffled and pulled back from him to look him in the eyes — his big brown eyes that you swore you could drown in — but your gaze was drawn down to his chin, covered in something that made it dark. With a shaking hand, you reached up and traced his lower lip, gathering some of the substance. 
You looked back at Eddie, who was still holding you and gazing down at you like he always had. Full of love, hope, all-encompassing joy. 
And then he smiled, revealing two long, razor-sharp fangs.
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ghostfacesvalentine · 8 months
HALLOWEEN DAY 8: Graveyard date - Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Spooky theme, graveyard date, smut, all kinds of nasty stuff idk. Squirting/fingering/non-protective sex/tiny bit of dd/lg
Type: One shot 
Request: N/A
Word Count: 2,493
Prompt: Loki decides to take the reader on a graveyard date, what can I say, he has a flair for the dramatic, probably one of the hottest most goth smut/romance writings I’ve ever written so far. Enjoy I know I did
Notes: No I didn't proofread, when do I do that. This is just vampiric smut; quickly turned into nsfw I am sorrie what was I thinking 
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This night was so elegant, you never expected anything less from your beloved Loki. You were incredibly enamored with him and his romanticisms, he seemed to always exceed expectations. 
Loki had taken it upon himself to give you the most beautiful vampire-esque kind of nights for Halloween. He set you both up at a graveyard that oversaw a small forest, prone to fog during these late times of the night. He had dressed himself in a black suit, fitting to his figure with a tailcoat that added the flair to his look. Though you couldn’t make sight of it clearly, earlier you noticed he matched his suit with the blood red button up beneath. 
You matched him with an elegant black velvet dress that hugged your waist, big sleeves that draped as you moved your hand around, but lined to make out your figure. The makeup helped complete the look, with a sultry deep red and black eye and a velvet burgundy finish. 
There were no complaints when he was the one to plan date night and he seemed to constantly outdo himself as the dates progressed. 
After an elegant picnic at the far end of the cemetery field, you were both now propped up against the biggest tree in the area. Bold and soothing you from any would-be sunlight.
The night was behaved itself, the moon beamed upon you two, sharing the beauty with the stars that brimmed against the dark skies, both occasionally covered by the scattered clouds that would wave by as the night descended.
Your eyes traveled down the dim grass, watching the fog swim through the ends of the clean shaven field when you felt Loki lean in closer to you. Before you could react, his lips pressed against the side of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Turning your head over to him, a faint blush seemed to appear across your cheeks, nothing uncommon when it came to Loki. You felt your stomach swirl around in anticipation when his lips pressed another kiss along your neck, then another, until he pulled away, keeping his eyes on you for a response. 
A sly chuckle splayed across his face as he noticed your pout, even in the darkness. 
“Come here sweetness.” His voice soothed over your ears like rich honey, you did as he instructed, following his open arms, he shifted you to sit onto his lap, leaning back against the oversized tree.
 You squirmed at his touch, already frantic with eagerness to have him all over you. Loki, of course, was well aware of the effect he was having on you. His hands, twice the size of yours caressed along the backside of your dress, as he leaned in to press his lips against yours. 
Following his movements, you allowed him to dictate the intensity of the kisses and now, he seemed to use it to his advantage. Pressing his lips against yours with more passion, then easing from them, leaving you with an ache for more. You knew this was the best part for Loki, aside from watching you unravel underneath him. The concept of your devotion and ability to remain under his control, no matter how much you wanted him to pick up the pace.
His right hand traveled rapidly alongside your body, grabbing a hold of your hair, by the roots of it, pulling your head away to fight against his grip. You felt his smirk as his lips hovered just barely against yours. A soft moan escaped your lips as Loki tugged through your locks, then pressing his lips against your needy ones again. 
This time he took the liberty to beacon your lips for an entrance with his tongue, to which you didn’t hesitate to oblige. Your body almost went limp when his left hand pulled your lower side towards him, another uncalled moan escaped your lips as you felt Loki roll his hips from under you. His stiffness rubbed against your aching clothed folds as he continued to assult your lips. 
Your eyes fell closed as Loki left your lips and trailed down to the side of your face, then the curve of your jawline, down to your neck and left merciless marks. Loki couldn’t help his scoffs of joy when you’d continue to squirm, unable to stay still as he continued the wet opened mouth kisses alongside your neck. Sucking particularly hard at the sweet spot that made you whine louder than the rest.
While he moved your hair over to the saliva stained side of your neck to the other, his hands then worked their way to unzip your dress, motioning you to drop your hands and let the top side of the dress fall down with it. You wouldn’t dare disobey, not when it felt this good and you were already so worked up. 
A small gasp fell from your lips when his mouth fell lower and lower, his hands then cupped your breasts, squeezing them then tugging them up and down, only for a moment until his lips fell down to it.
Your head fell back as you helped Loki pull you closer to him, your own fingers tangling between the ends of his hair as he tugged at the skin, kissing and leaving bruises from between his lips. 
Moans of pleasure kept vacating your lips, which was all fuel for him as he continued. His right hand then wrapping around your lower waist, hips bucking up against you for a split second before he pulled you forward, allowing your ass to rest on the inside of his forearm. 
This new position allowed him to have your boobs smother his face, keeping you distracted by his continued attention to them, you almost didn’t notice his free hand sneaking underneath your dress, pushing your underwear aside and plunging his ring finger into you, then letting you fall back onto his lap, face to face with you.
Your eyebrows knit together as you felt the intrusion, then pumping in and out of you. “Loki-” You whimpered out as he continued his rhythm, Your lips pathetically attempting to kiss his as he fucked you with his finger.
Something about having you half dressed, in a place that wasn’t yours all while he pleasured you, really really made him lust for you. Loki looked incredibly sinful with a messy hairstyle, evidence of your fingers running through it and a half buttoned shirt with some lipstick stains, curtesy of you. Still, it was the same Loki, only dressed as if he belonged in the Victorian era.
Going back to “still the same Loki” it was. He still treated your lustful encounter as if it was a mission he had, to make you scream louder than last time, no matter where you were.
It wasn’t long before Loki added another finger, his middle finger, which allowed more depth. Your mouth fell open to pathetic whimpers as your eyes stayed on Loki’s. This was his favorite thing, watching you beg to him with your eyes.
“You okay there princess?” Loki grunted through his own struggles of maintaining a steady breathing cycle, just from watching you become a mess on top of him. 
“Yes daddy.” You whimpered out as Loki kept plunging his fingers into you deeper than the last thrust.
When your walls began to twitch, Loki then removed his hands, causing you to nearly cry in frustration. Before you could utter a complaint, Loki tugged you to sit against his chest, looking off onto the hill that you were both on. The gates kept you from exploring the wild trees and unexplored land that seemed to add to the spooky factor of this affair. 
The fog continued to smother around you two as Loki’s hand then found you again, your legs squirmed in all directions as you felt more sensitive in this position.
“Think you can squirt for me again? I’ve been kind of yearning for that sweet liquid all over my hands again.” Loki sinfully requested. He was nothing of shy to ask of you what he desired, often looking for your eyes when he did so. Perhaps it was common in Asgard, but nothing down here on earth.
Your cheeks burned as you heard Loki's soft voice whisper such obscenities. “No, Loki please-”
If you were being honest, you were kind of embarrassed of squirting, you never have before.
Loki, of course, was the first time you ever did and you were both scared and embarrassed, no matter how much Loki tried to convince you otherwise. He didn’t seem to leave you alone after that, always trying to get your body to do the same again. It was obscenely tasteful for the god.
“Please princess, don’t make me beg, I’m not even in you yet and you’ve already made such a mess.” 
He teased as his hands pulled away for only a second to show you the way they glistened in the moonlight due to your arousal. “Loki-” You whimpered as you fell back in defeat when Loki plunged his fingers back into you, overstimulating your body into another overwhelming orgasm.
You felt the slick wetness spew out of you and into Loki’s hands, a dark chuckle came from Loki’s lips when he felt your body contract and squirt out into his hands. Your legs clenched along with your stomach, a squeal escaped your lips as you closed your eyes at the effort.
“What a good fucking girl.” Loki hissed as you attempted to come down from your high. 
“I’m sorry-” You whimpered out when you could come back to enough of your senses. Though Loki never punished you for the messes you’d make, there was a manner in which he ravished in how you’d come undone, knowing it was all his doing, but if there was anything he hated- it was when you’d apologize.
“Don’t be sorry, you know how much I love toying with you.” You felt him shift in his position, but you weren’t able to move much, not immediately at least, falling onto his arms you had your eyes half open, watching as the fog continued to flow through the spaces of the land, outlining both of your bodies that set against the giant tree that overlooked the hill.
“The only thing I’m not too fond of is the fucking precum that pools up in my pants” He complained to you with such a hot vulgarity that seemed to only keep you pooling between your legs. You looked to him with a plea, whether you knew it or not, your eyes had a manner in which they begged for him. 
Loki allowed you to take a few seconds, before he pulled you up away from his lap for only a moment, thinking he was instructing you to stand, you attempted to, almost falling to the side before he helped you sit back down. Suddenly another warm intrusion teased along your folds, this time bigger. The warmth of Loki’s member then slid into you. 
Another filthy moan trickled out of your lips at the familiar entre. Knowing you had little to no strength, Loki pressed his hands against the sides of your ass, helping you ride him up and down attempting to conjure up a rhythm in which he bulged into your warm insides.
Given your position, your legs were closed, allowing your folds to squeeze him more than any other position. You listened to Loki’s groans like they were prayers along with his worship.
“You feel so good princess. You ride me so well.” Loki would repeat into the side of your face, causing your mind to spin and surrender into his viscous lust.
Wet and weak kisses would fall along your exposed glistening skin. “Good girl, you feel so tight and perfect.” He’d mumble in between grunts. 
You felt like you were melting, falling apart, you weren’t sure. All you could feel was Loki, just as you always loved. His steady thrusting built up a rhythm that only made your folds squeeze tighter. Your lids fell shut, unable to utter any words other than pathetic whimpers that were all music to Loki’s ears. 
“Good girl, just like that, keep going-” He hissed into your ears as you surrendered your body to the god. Weakly falling back against him, you felt the warm breath onto your neck, knowing it came from a devilish smirk. Loki had you exactly  how he wanted you. Weak and willing. 
There was no way you could keep yourself together anymore, you had lost count of how many times you were orgasming. “L-loki” You panted out as you felt yourself almost about to fall over, tired out from the continuous movement.
It felt as if Loki could plunge himself into you for hours, there was a small conscious part of you that did wonder how much he was able to hold out for you. Your eyes shyly looked for his, to which he met instantly.
Though the night was at it’s darkest, the moonlight was able to help you decipher his now enlarged pupils, staring into you as he ravaged you. Your helpless face only encouraged him to keep bouncing you on his lap while you squealed.
Your face fell forward, along with your hands, attempting to stabilize yourself, you held yourself with Loki’s shoulders. His hands continued to mercilessly bounce you as his eyebrows now formed a frown, a big indicator of how he was close to coming undone himself. To label you as speechless was an understatement, you were entirely his and he knew it. 
Feeling his cock twitch within your insides, your legs couldn’t hold still, squirming around as Loki’s hands continued to firmly grip your waist. Finally, he let you fall onto his lap, filling you entirely. Tears of lust began to fall out of your eyes as you stared up to him, though you were used to his size, this angle always seemed to bring him further into you each time.
A faint “Oh” Fell from his lips, you watched his mouth form it, your favorite expression of his besides his hopelessly in love one. You leaned up to try and kiss him, but his hands kept that firm grip on you, letting his cum fill you entirely. You were stumbling over your words, feeling your eyelids heavy as he continued to claim you.
Loki’s face descended to meet yours, his lips clashed onto yours desperately. You were already breathless as is, but he always found a way to intoxicate you.
You both clutched onto each other, breathing out heavy sighs, trying to regulate your breathing. Loki’s hand ran through your hair, soothing you in your newfound state. 
“I love you” Loki reminded you as you curled into his chest, still exposed. You sleepily replied “I love you too.” Feeling his hands lean down to cover you with the blanket that was bunched up beside you both. 
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
'Humans are dispensable.' (Maybe VD?)
A/N: Probably set sometime during season 1.
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“Humans are dispensable.” Damon said with a wave of his hand in a perfectly Damon manner. His words were tinted with a characteristic, couldn’t-care-less amusement as Stefan stood in the middle of the room, his fists clenching by his sides.
“She isn’t you, Damon,” Stefan said, the edge in his voice barely concealed by his slow, pronounced words. “She doesn’t pick the ones she loves for a good time. She doesn’t take them at face value. She doesn’t decide based entirely on whether they’re dead or alive.” 
“I do not do that!”
Stefan sighed. He shook his head and turned towards the stairs, his eyes softening when he noticed you sat at the top step. You’d rushed to your room after you’d returned from the hospital, but he would have been stupid to think you wouldn’t be lying awake on your bed, all senses attuned to the conversation occurring between your brothers downstairs. It was for that reason most of all that Stefan wished Damon could just listen for once with the same attentiveness and understanding he’d once possessed as a human. Apparently, their decades away from each other had given him no kindness in the way of emotions.
“Look, Damon,” Stefan ground out, “just leave it, alright? She doesn’t need this from anyone, let alone from you.” He stepped closer, his expression turning earnest as he lowered his voice, as though that would stop you from hearing. “Don’t mess around with her,” he whispered harshly, “you might be able to withstand that but she’s not. This wasn’t a random human she met on her walk home. His name was Scotty, and before you arrived here, they’d been together—together, Damon—for a year.”
Damon frowned, twisting his mouth in contemplation. “So...not dispensable?”
As Stefan had been gearing up to respond, yell something like “this isn’t funny” in his his face until he grasped the concept of compassion, he heard you race down the stairs. In a second, you were standing between them, your face, red and wet from crying, glaring fiercely up at the elder of the two.
“The only dispensable one here is you, Damon," you said.
Damon tossed both hands up, eyes growing wide. “Hey. Kiddo. Look…if I said something—“
“Said something? Damon, your entire being is worth apologising for.” Your voice shook with concealed fury. Damon spared a glance at Stefan, maybe a plea for help, but Stefan crossed his arms and stepped back, a clear ‘do it yourself’ motion. He had made his bed, and he needed to sit right in the middle of it and, for once, deal with the consequences of his words.
“Dispensable?” you continued. “Fuck you. Fuck you. He is the most indispensable person, human or vampire, that I know.” Your mouth fell open slightly and you took a deep, unneeded breath in before you corrected yoursel. “Knew.”
Damon blinked for a moment, his senses returning to him as he took in the look on your face and the totally, non-joking tremor to your words. He had a faulty habit of not treating serious things seriously, and vice versa. He crossed his arms and welcomed a sincere glint to his eyes. “You really liked this boy, didn’t you?” he speculated, an assertion, really, that had Stefan rolling his eyes and rubbing a hand against the back of his neck, so desperately wanting to say something but just as desperately willing this conversation to happen between his siblings alone.
You breathed an unamused laugh. “You can’t arrive here out of the blue and assume you know everything about me,” you said, then spun on your heel, throwing your head in your hands as you walked towards the couch and sat down. “I’m not the same as I was when you left,” you spoke quieter after a moment, her face hidden in your hands. “I…I loved…”
Stefan lowered his arms and moved to sit beside you. “Y/N…”
“Do you know what makes it worse?” you burst out, lifting your face from your hands to stare open-mouthed at the opposite wall. Damon stayed away for now, knowing he wasn’t the brother you currently needed. “It wasn’t even me that got him killed. Because that’s what I thought would happen, you know? I’m contagious, you’re contagious, we’re all contagious. Being a vampire is a transmissible disease. Any human we get close to ends up hurt or dead. And I…I expected that. I waited for that.” You bit hard at your inner cheek and filled your lungs with a deep and redundant breath, keeping your eyes from getting glassy with the tears you could feel coming. “But Scotty once said I was worth it. Worth his, a human’s, love. And I didn’t kill him! Nothing about me is why he’s dead!” You visibly deflated, not noticing as Stefan’s hand came to rest between your shoulder blades and Damon edged closer, eventually reaching the armchair across from you and sitting quietly down. There was something there now, Stefan could tell, and he felt relief flood him, knowing that they were, for at least the next ten minutes, the adults in the situation.
“I sensed the cancer before he got diagnosed, you know,” you said, and Damon knew you could only be talking to him. From what he remembered, Scotty Meredith had been diagnosed with terminal leukaemia a month or so before Damon had even returned to Mystic Falls, and today, three months later, it’d gotten him. Stefan had stayed beside you every step of the way, like the good brother he’d been since the day he’d turned you. Meanwhile, Damon had been...elsewhere.
Yes, you were speaking to him, and he pricked his ears this time and listened with the fullest intent of acting upon it.
“I tried to get to him to turn, because that’s the kinda desperate mindset I was in before you got here,” you continued, finally flicking your eyes up to meet Damon’s. “But he didn’t want to. And now he’s dead. So no, Damon, humans are not dispensable, and certainly not Scotty. Because he was the most necessary thing in my existence. I needed him—I need him. I want him. I really, really just want him here, but it’s not possible, ‘cause he’s dead, and I’m just...eternal—and it’s not fair—” Your eyes squeezed shut as words turned stiff on your tongue. Stefan wrapped his arm around you, shifting closer to you on the couch and pulling you into his side. You fell against him, turning your face into his shoulder and breaking into sobs both brothers could tell you’d been keeping at bay since you’d felt Scotty let go.
“Hey, hey,” Stefan spoke quietly into your hair, soothing you as much as he could. He glanced at Damon over your head, the both of you exchanging silent conversation with your eyes.
Damon sighed and straightened in his chair. “Scotty sounds...impressive.” That was all he could think of saying, but Stefan didn’t look to disagree, probably grateful Damon was even trying. “Sounds like I would’ve liked him.”
There was a silence in which Damon attempted to pass on another message to Stefan with his eyes, wondering whether he needed to say more or if he should just be patient, but Stefan ignored him, focused entirely on the sobbing girl in his arms. It was an odd thing, something that caused a swirl of jealousy to rear its ugly head in Damon’s gut when he remembered that he’d once been that person for you. 
You moved your head, residual sniffles muffled against Stefan’s shoulder. “I honestly think you would have gotten on well,” you said then, reaching up to wipe at your nose. “You’d both be capable of putting up with the other’s shit.”
Damon smiled in what could only be a feeling of victory. “Great minds, huh?”
You sat up, brushing hair from your face, and turned to face Damon. “No human is dispensable,” you repeated. “Everyone’s got their place in the world. I did love him. We were real.”
He nodded. “I know.”
“I miss him.”
“I know.”
“And you’re an absolute asshole.”
Damon laughed, bumping an eyebrow. “I know that too, yeah. Come here, you.” It was an instinctive order, something he’d repeated hundreds of times in their human years, and he’d said it on an impulse, opening his arms and falling back against his chair. You faltered, remaining where you were, and he grimaced, sitting back up and dropping his arms. He looked at Stefan. Stefan urged him with his eyes, pressing his lips together in a tight line.
“Y/N, kiddo...” Damon leaned forward, lacing his fingers on his knees. “I’m sorry. For everything I said, and probably will say. It won’t be on purpose. Just...takes a while for me to understand.”
You nodded. “I know,” you said, and you did. Damon could be especially considerate when he took the time to understand, he simply needed to get back into so-called family life. He’d been away for too long.
You leant your head against Stefan for one more moment before standing. Damon sat back again, opening his arms, and you couldn’t help but sniffle and laugh, reaching up to wipe at your eyes just as Damon grasped your forearm and pulled you onto his lap. You drew your knees towards you and curled up against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. This new comfort, something you’d needed just as much as the hugs from Stefan, caused a fresh wave of emotion to rush over you, and you turned your face into him as you had Stefan. Damon glanced at Stefan, who shook his head.
If there was one thing a vampire could still find a struggle, it was their baby sister’s tears.
“We got you, Y/N,” Damon whispered. “Always.”
TVD Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
Min Yoongi x Reader: The Eternal Prince
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A/n: The whole concept was brought from my head, I was originally gonna make this a vampire story, but I didn't. I am so glad I could take part in this writers colab with so many other talented writers. Find the Masterlist here.
Summary: Everyone heard of the Prince who got curse to be a beast for being too proud of his beauty, ever heard of the Prince who got cursed to have a frozen heart because he was cold? But, only one thing can thaw the ice in his heart, love. And only one person can give it to him, Y/n, will he be able to save her this time round? This time round, will his heart thaw?
Wc: 10.2k
He jolted up from his sleep, sitting up taking deep breaths, his whole body covered in beads of sweat. The voice still faint in his head, like every other night. Having the same recurring nightmare isn't easy specially if that last a century long. But this night was different, this dream was different from the previous other nights.
Truth is, every night he saw it, the same nightmare, over and over again, of how he lost her. However, a few times before he'd have this different dream, one similar to that one he had today, walking through a dense forest, hearing his name being called among the fogs as he tried his best to keep following it. The voice, he knows it so well, he keeps trying to catch it but it keeps slipping away.
"Fuck" he cursed to himself, this ominous feeling, he knew all too well what's about to happen and he hopes he's ready for it.
So he calls him, his most trusted person.
"Hello Boss?"
"It's on" he says, the one one the other side of the call knowing very well as to what's going on and what he needs to do next.
"Y/n" you heard a voice call you.
"Y/n.." you heard it again.
"Wake up!" You heard and then suddenly you felt a gush of cold. What the fuck?, You thought, and jolted up in a sitting position, only to find your best friend standing infront of your bed with a smirk on his face and an empty tumbler in his hand as you saw hin run away the moment he saw you wake up.
"PARK JIMIN!!!!!!!!" you shouted
"Bitch stop complaining I helped you, now you won't have to take a shower!" He shouted as you chased him around your shared apartment. Finally giving up you sat down on a chair as Jimin came to stand infront of you and say "Seriously? 19 years and you still can't catch me. Why do you even try" he says almost mocking you "Anyways don't you have an interview today?"
You nodded "Yeah, I was quite nervous, I could not sleep all night"
"I know, I heard you playing music when I woke up for water in the middle of the night" he said.
"Then why did you wake me like that!" You asked throwing him a punch but missing
"Cause it's fun" he said "Now get up, I called you early enough so you can ponder over what to wear and how to style up for a good 45 mins." And with that he walked to the kitchen.
You knew Park Jimin, since when you both were in diapers, his parents and yours being neighbours all their life. His father Park Chanyeol was a very good friend of your father. Going through school and then college together, he's always been your constant. Be it a failed test or a bad break up, he was always there for you to pick up the pieces, and so were you for him.
You took a shower and quickly looked up picking what to wear, taking a good ten minutes to decide and finally showing it to Jimin and getting his approval.
"Were those beige shoes you bought last month, they'll go great with them, but if your gonna wear that ug scarf, might as well wear crocs" he suggested. Yes, your bestfriend had the best fashion sense and a huge sass, yes he's gay af. As if on que you saw Jackson walk out of his bedroom,Jimin placed three plates on the counter and filled each with beacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice.
"Thanks babe" Jackson said as he kissed him on his cheek and saud "Good morning Y/n, ready for the interview"
"I don't know, it's MYG's, I really want to get this one" you said.
"You will, don't worry okay" Jimin said stuffing some eggs in his mouth "You'll rock the interview"
After getting a hug and all the bests from your bestfriend and his boyfriend you walk out of hour house and drove your car to the address they gave you for the interview.
MYG's one of the most well known and huge company, rather a business empire run by hereditary business tycoon Kim Namjoon. They literally have subsidiary companies in everything and you don't even know how they got hold of your profile, but this was a huge opportunity for you since you graduated 2 years ago. Being a PR for the mother company would be a great deal and that's the post you were offered if you were to pass this interview.
You parked your car and entered the building. Wah, you sighed, everything looked so modern and stylish. You walked up to the receptionist and asked "Hello, I'm here for an interview"
"May I know your name?" She asked
"Y/n L/n" you said
"Ah sure, please go down the corridor on the right and take the elevator to the 12th floor, you'll be guided from there" she said with a bright smile.
You smiled and mumbled a thank you and she threw an All the best and you went through the way she told you. As soon as the elevator dinged and the door opened to the 12th floor, you found a very handsome man who welcomed you as you left the elevator.
"Ms. L/n I presume?" He asked and you nodded "I'm Kim Taehyung, HR manager and brother of CEO Kim. Come this way" he said leading you through a specific door and inside you found two other men sitting. One you recognised as CEO Kim but the other. The man with porcelain skin and the most beautiful face you have ever seen, he looked vaguely familiar but you can't really remember from where. You found his eyes on you, that kinda made you feel intimidated, his piercing gaze seemed to bore into your soul and read even your deepest secrets and desires. However, for some reason he resembles a cat.
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"Do you have a copy of your resume?" Kim Taehyung asked.
"Yes" you said and looked into you bag and took out your file. Only to find that your copy of resume wasn't in it.
"I'm so sorry I-" you paused, you were sure you put everything inside yesterday night before you went to sleep.
"Not even into the job and already careless?" The guy with porcelain skin asked
"I'm so sorry, sir" you said bowing
"It's alright Ms. L/n, mistakes happen" CEO Kim said and opened a laptop "We have all the soft copies here"
Soon, they started to ask you questions about your life and you kept answering them correctly. Then they started asking situational questions and the two Kims actually seemed to be getting impressed by your answers. However, the Cat guy seemed to have it out for you. Every time you gave an answer he kept countering with more questions, trying his best to find loopholes in the answers. However, in the end CEO Kim said "Ok that's all. I think we got everything we needed. You can wait downstairs, we'll get back to you"
As you left you looked at the Cat guy who almost sent a glare your way before he joined in the hushed discussion that had already started in hushed tones.
You waited for around 20 minutes in the lobby, when you found Mr. Kim walking towards you with an envelope and an adorable boxy smile. He stepped up in front of you and said "Congratulations"
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Thank you Mr. Kim" you said taking the envelope.
"Oh. Just Taehyung is fine" he said "If you have any questions you can come to me"
"Can I ask one now?" You asked
"Um... Who was the third guy there in the interview, the one with the porcelain skin?" You asked
"Oh that's Director Min, you'll be working under him" he said
"Wah, doesn't seem like he liked me" you said scratching your head.
"Oh, don't worry, he doesn't like many people, out front. But if you get to know him, you'll know he's a softy" he said with a smile, and you tried your best to smile back.
You punched in the code eagerly, and found the two on the couch.
"You're back!?" Jimin asked
"Guess who works for MYG~" you sung
"No way!" Jimin cursed and looked shocked but rushed to hug you "Congratulations" even though you noticed how he got shocked but didn't care too much at that moment.
You were excited for your first day and were sure you'd do your best.
And hence the day came, you got ready and made double sure that everything was in your bag, that was when you found that your ID card wasn't in it. You rushed to your room to find it on the dresser, strange, you were sure you put it in the bag but hurriedly you put it on and rushed to your car.
You were ready in your seat well before time, right when the shift starts a pretty woman walked up to you and introduced herself as Kim Jennie.
"You're the CEO's sibling?" You blurted out
"Yes" she said with a bright smile and went on to explain your duties and you had to report to Director Min directly. As if on cue you watched him walk in and everybody including you greeted him.
"You, newbie" he pointed at you, "In my office, now" he said in a cold tone, and rushed to his cabin. You followed him.
"I don't like waiting or late reports" he said the moment you entered.
"Yes sir" you said.
"You run into an issue, mess up, get stuck, have any doubts, you come to me? Clear?" He said sternly
"Like crystal sir" you said
"I'm mailing you 4 files, sort them out before lunch, you may leave" he said. You immediately turned and left. Once out of the door you released a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"He really said that?!" Taehyung said laughing so hard he almost fell off the chair.
"Oh he can be scary" Jungkook who had the seat beside you and was now having lunch with you and Taehyung said. You got to know that Taehyung and Jungkook were childhood friends. Suddenly, you heard your name being called and turned to find Jennie.
"Mr. Min is calling for you, urgently" she said.
"And this is just day 1" Jungkook muttered.
You went back and into his cabin and asked "You called sir?"
"Yes, I thought I told you to be careful with the report, there was an error in the 3rd file" he said turning his laptop screen towards you.
"That's not possible I triple checked it" you said
"Well you checked wrong. This better not happen again. Go" he said.
(time skip brought to you by Suga's gummy smile)
"It's been six months? Already?" Jennie said
"This needs to be celebrated!" Jungkook suggested.
Yes, it has been six months since you started working at MYG. Director Min had worked you through and through every working hour of these 6 months. You learnt that he is a cold human and was actually friends with nobody to a level where nobody knew his first name. However, your two colleagues Jennie and Jungkook and superior plus friend Taehyung help you survive the days. Hence, the four of you decided to grab some drinks after work.
"Cheers to reports" you said
"And Director Min screaming at you" Jennie added with a wierd giggle. It was the fifth round and damn was this girl a mess, though you'd lie if you'd say you don't feel tingly yourself, you're beyond tipsy and hence, you giggle back,
"Man he hates me" you say "But you know its strange how he's able to find flaws even when I know there were none" you say pouting "but he's so cute" you said lying your head down on the table.
"Cute? Director Min? Cute? Omo. You've wasted your brain" Jungkook said also giggling
"I can't remember where I have seen him though, I'm quite sure I have seen him. Where?" You said very lightly "Why does my heart hurt when I try to remember where" in whispers to only yourself
"It'll come soon" you heard Taehyung mumble.
"Okay! I think we should leave, we still have work tomorrow, remember?" You said and watched as the rest of them gathered their things. And walked out with them, you put Jennie and Taehyung in a cab and Jungkook to climb into one, where you parted ways. The night was nice and your apartment was nearby so you decided to walk the rest of the way. You were glad you did though, the wind felt so nice against your face, it was refreshing.
That was until you found two sketchy guys eyeing you from the other side of the sidewalk. You tried to seem unfazed and walk, a few cars were passing through the street, but none went at a speed where they'd notice the sidewalk. You sent a prayer that you'd be safe when you heard one call.
"What's woman like you doing alone at night?" One of them said walking to you. Both were dressed in black.
You kept walking.
"Hey where are you going doll?" The other asked
"Why don't we have some fun?" 1st one said and grabbed your hand.
"Let. Me. Go" you said in gritted theeth
"ooh! A fiesty one" the second said
"What would you do if I do not?" The one grabbing your wrist said, you could swear you saw his eyes glowing green for a fraction of a moment. You felt your feet freeze where they were even your tongue felt heavy. Did you drink something?
"Cat got your tongue?" The second one said, inching closer.
"I think the lady said to unhand her" you heard a cold voice, but damn was that voice familiar.
And he was swift, he simply grabbed the man's hand and the guy started screaming, the other ran away as the first one cowered in from of him. Until he let go and the man ran for the hills.
"Are you all right?" He asked
"Yes sir" you said rubbing your wrist.
"Come let me drop you" Yoongi said and you just followed him.
"I stay near by" you mumbled
"And your point?" He asked. You just shook your head and climbed into the passenger seat.
He suddenly came very close to you, you heart almost skipped a beat and you were about to say something when he pulled the seat belt and attached it to the side. So he was attaching the seat belt? Why did your heart go wild for a moment? Is it the alcohol? Must be the alcohol, you decided. Your eyes went to the mirror and it stayed stunned at the back seat. Theres a box and a very familiar box but like always you can't remember where you've seen it. You looked at Yoongi but decided to stay quiet.
When you reached home, Yoongi literally walked you to your door. You punched in the password and walked in and locked. Yoongi took a long breath and walked away.
"Didn't I tell you to be careful when you opted to befriend her" Yoongi spoke through the phone.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten drunk" was heard from the other side.
"Thank God, I was passing by Taehyung, do you realise what could have happened? I can't do the same thing again!" Yoongi said his voice almost sounded.
"I know. You just found her" Taehyung said.
"You rode with your boss?!" Jimin said.
"Why didn't you call us to get you from the bar?" Jackson asked
"I figured you guys must be tired and it was really close so I wanted to walk" you said sheepishly.
"Thank God, you're safe. Come lets eat, the breakfast is getting cold" Jimin said sighing.
The day was uneventful, you never brought up that incident, but strangely everytime you looked at Mr. Min you felt some type of way and that box he had, why does it seem familiar to you? It looks quite old now that you notice it sitting on his cabin couch.
"What are you looking at?" The cold voice asked.
"No nothing" you said and tried to scurry away but on your way to the door you felt dizzy and lost your balance.
"Careful" Mr. Min said and rushed to your aid.
[A/n: (y/n) is your nick name]
"(y/n) are you okay?" Mr. Min exclaimed his stoic face in vissible panic.
"Wha-what did you call me?" You asked
"Y/n. Y/n" he said as he helped you up and moved to the couch. And you looked into his eyes, and a name left your lips. You've never heard of it before, you don't know who it is. But you knew now its him.
Yoongi's eyes went in shock as you broke into a fits of coughing, you lungs were on fire and you felt like you throat was filling up with water. Like someone was pushing you underwater. You felt the cabin fade away and the scenery changing.
Your body fell limp on Yoongi's arms that were trembling. He waited 120 years without you, and now that you're here. You're in danger again.
You couldn't breathe, the water was rushing inside your systems, but you couldn't pull yourself up, the force on your neck was too much. But suddenly they pulled you and almost threw you aside.
"Hey are you okay?" A voice said. No its not from any of them.
You couldn't speak so you shook your head a no. You rubbed your eyes and finally looked up to find a pretty boy with golden locks. Your eyes widened in realisation and you bowed.
"No, no, please don't bow. It's okay. I'm sorry about my cousins" he said, referring to the guys that were bullying you previously.
"Please don't apologise, it's okay" you said.
"But I feel bad" he said, suddenly you see him set down, a long "something" wrapped in a cloth, that you were noticing now, in the ground and sat down in front of it. He untied the ribbons to reveal an instrument, a guqin.
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"I'll play something for you" he said with a gummy smile. You sat up straight.
"This should also make you feel better" he said as you nodded. Soon the air filled with the sweet sound of the strings. The music soothed your nerves and brain, as you closed your eyes.
You opened your eyes to see a meadow and the very known blonde boy, but now a bit grown up sat.
"You called me so urgently what happened?" You asked looking at his beautiful face, with the eye path on his right eye.
"I completed the song" he said
"Who could think the great heir of the Min Dynasty, makes love songs for his lover" you said as you caressed his cheek. You sat down comfortably facing him. As he started plucking at the chords.
(this is what he played)
You kept listening to the melody, almost getting lost in them. Yoongi was never good with words. So he used music and right now, this music told you everything. His love and longing for you. His want, and how he feels a pull towards you. He made you a song.
"It's so beautiful. What did you name it?" You asked. "I haven't" he said with the gummy smile.
Years pass, as the two of you grow closer and dearer. Yoongi got marriage proposals from far away lands but he never gave in. "The Queen summoned me today" you told Yoongi as you combed through his hair, it was his order that nobody but you are supposed to touch his hair since he started growing it. You combed through his golden locks as he motioned you to continue "Please meet with the Princess of Ilbon" you told him.
As he sat back down you restarted your work on his hair, him watching you through the mirror, to others he was the cold Prince Min Yoongi, but to you he was just Yoongi, your Yoongi. There was a knock and you opened to see the broad shouldered friend and employee of Yoongi. "Sire, your mother wants to see you, she seems unwell" said Kim Seokjin. The Kims have been serving the Mins since the start of the Min dynasty, but the relationship between Seokjin and Yoongi was more like friends than Master and Servant. "Is she finding herself ill again?" Yoongi asked. "Well, that's what she told me, not like she looked the part if you asked me" Seokjin said, while bowing his head to greet you as you did the same.
"What?! Y/n? You know I won't" he said, "Why?" You asked. Yes, you did, even though you knew the answer, he just gave you a look "Yoongi, you can't hold onto that, we were kids, It's okay. Do what's good for the kingdom" you said. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT A FOREIGNER WOULD BE GOOD FOR THE KINGDOM?!" he asked, you flinched at his tone, he instantly felt bad for shouting at you. "Your mother said You're his friend, make him understand what's good for him and the kingdom, so here I am" you said. "I am the future ruler, I decide what's good for me and my kingdom, I will soon be on the throne and I will change the royalty for matrimony rule, abolish it once and for all" he said, and stood up, his hair cascading his face now, as he turned around those feline looking eyes now set on you, you'd lie if you'd say they don't set a sort of fire inside you "You. Are. Not. My. Friend" he said as he took a step with every word while you were mesmerized in your place. He walked close, almost too close, your hands now on his chest "If I marry someone what would you do? Marry someone else too?" He asked. You felt his arms snake around your waist and with one tug now you stood against him chest to chest "Would you let him touch you the way I DO? Would you let another man get this close to you?" His eyes were sharp, and he looked like he could see through you down to your soul, it was intimidating yet comforting in a strange way. "Words, (y/n)" he said, you blushed at the name he gave you, only he ever called you that. "I could never" you whispered, "Neither could I and I wouldn't let that happen. Do you trust me?" He asked as you nodded "Then wait for me" he said, brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face "I will make you mine and I will be yours" he said and pulled you closer with adoration in his eyes.
Yoongi soon became king, after his mom declared that she was 'too ill' to continue to shoulder the kingdom. After some months of his reign, Yoongi declared his decision to abolish the Royalty for Matrimony rule, you saw him less than you used to and sometimes you didn't see him for weeks, but you still had him in your heart. You'd still see him in the mornings to do his hair on the days he was in the castle. Then, after his long travels when he came back and you massaged his scalp and helped him wash his hair and take care of it. Sometimes you had these lazy evenings when he would order to not disturb him for the rest of the night. You'd sit and stare at him as he would play his guqin. It was a sight to watch Yoongi with his flowy blond hair in a low ponytail, sitting patiently playing the instrument he loved the most for the person he loved the most. The same man who is called fearsome and heartless by so many around him. One would say so if they saw him in business. How after some gruesome debates and a few dates of discussion he did it, he got the ministers on board and made his mother acknowledge the abolition of the Royalty for Matrimony rule.
Every nobleman and minister were eager to set someone from their family up with Yoongi. Meanwhile Yoongi was unwilling to even see anybody else, he raised your station in the household, he was told nobody was to order you around except him, the other housekeepers even though were jealous never stepped out of line. You had told him not to suddenly jump into deciding to marry you else the court will say he bent rules for his advantage. It was around this time she came into your life. That day, you were just passing by the fields carrying fresh flowers for the King's bed chambers. As you passed by the training field you could feel eyes on you and you looked to find no other than the feline-like eyes of the king himself on you, following every move of yours. Seokjin noticed that from afar and smiled to himself, his poor friend and sire just couldn't keep to himself when it came to you. You enter the castle to see the prettiest woman enter the castle doors with two maids. "Hello? Can I help you?" You had asked, "I'm here to meet the king and give him my greetings, from the House of the Parks" she said "I'm Park Jihyo" she said. You bowed to her and said "Follow me this way madam, the king will be informed of your arrival" you said.
You sent off some maids to inform Yoongi and took Jihyo to the sitting lounge. You looked at her, she was so pretty, and charismatic there was something strange about her though, you couldn't put your finger on what, you knew by the name that she's the eldest of the Park household, then again the Parks were always secretive, you knew most of the noble men were scared of her father Park Jinyoung but, you never knew why.
Yoongi soon came in, his hair a bit damp with sweat, his long sword in his hand, he walked into the room, and handed you his sword, his eyes lingering on you for sometime before greeting Park Jihyo. She brought a letter from her father, that Yoongi read and then said "Sure, you are welcome to stay in the castle as long as you need" he said and motioned Seokjin to perform accordingly, Jihyo was about to say something but Yoongi had said "So I'll leave you in Seokjin's care" and walked off motioning you to follow.
When you entered his room he closed and locked the door, "Did she give you off vibes?" He asked and you nodded and said "Don't all the Parks do?" You say. "Seokjin keeps telling me these rumours of the eldest of the family having what powers" he says "She'll be staying for a few weeks and her father requested if I sheltered her in the castle he'll be rest assured. You stay aware of her okay?” he walked to you and held you by your shoulders. "I'll be fine" you assured him, "I know, my queen" he said kissing your cheek, instantly heating your face up. "(y/n)" Yoongi proceeded to say in your ears as he wrapped his arms around your waist and you did the same around his torso. He brought his face painfully close to yours "Don't you have kingly duties to tend to? Sire?" You asked. "Fuck them, they can wait" he said and attached his lips to yours, the kiss wasn't hurried or hungry it was lovely and passionate. Yoongi wasn't one for much skinship but it were these rare moments that you enjoyed the most when he couldn't seem to get enough of your touch. His tongue brushed against your lower lip as you granted him entrance. Your hands intertwined behind his neck as you pulled him closer. His hands did the same, due to lack of contact with your skin but that had to do right now cause the two of you could hear the knocks from the door.
Slowly, you remembered all, all the rejected and disregarded advances Jihyo made on Yoongi. Her coy eyes towards him that you always were somehow afraid of, but Yoongi paid no heed. Until that night, the night of his birthday, the night he decided he will announce his relationship with you to the court and his decision to marry you. The small gala with the closest people of the King and the royal family was going well, Yoongi was supposed to say all that before the feast however as the guests moved to the dining hall, Jihyo who was missing for the rest of the evening was seen. Strange, you had thought she must have gone home after the rejection she faced the previous day when she professed her love to Yoongi.
You noticed something shining in her hand and saw the way she was marching forward toward Yoongi, without thinking twice at the final moment you launched yourself between Jihyo and Yoongi shielding him from the dagger, it entered you gut and you felt the sheer pain in your stomach "NO! IT WAS MY seth-salm for YOONGI! YOU IDIOT" Jihyo screamed and stomped as you felt the dagger suck on your life. You held onto the ivory dagger with intricate design to pull it out, it felt like it was burning your insides.
"Y-y-y/n?! Y/N! (y/n)! NO NO NO NO NO" Yoongi rushed to hold you onto his lap, as tears stung his eyes. Seokjin immediately siezed Jihyo at the edge of his blade.
"So it's her? For whom you rejected me in cold blood?! So what if she took your curse for you! " She immediately held unto the blade Seokjin was pointed at her and cut her hand and dripped blood from it and said "I Park Jihyo curse you with the frozen heart. You will live on and watch her die again and again" she said.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU AND YOUR TWISTED MIND!? Y/N!" Yoongi screamed. Just like that Jihyo had vanished among the crowd as Seokjin took one glance toward Yoongi with you on his lap. He commanded the guards to be alert and called for the healer.
"(y/n), (y/n), please please stay awake, you will be alright" he told you. "Yoo-Yoongi" you said and placed your already cold hand on his cheek "I'm too tired Yoongi, I'm so sorry. Live on, be good, maybe in our next life we-we will..." You couldn't complete it. Your lymph body cold and lifeless was lying on his lap, his clothes and hands red with your blood.
The scene shifted, this was a century later. You remembered this day, when you first saw Yoongi again. You were immediately drawn to that traveller, the glaces he gave you. How he looked at you like someone who hasn't seen someone dear in ages when you first talked to him to take his order at your father's inn. The traveler had something long wrapped in cloth tied to his back, you remember watching him play this long looking string instrument one night by the window.
It all came to you, how he had saved you from some ferals at night one time, how he had rushed to check if you were hurt. And then the rush of adrenaline and the memories. You remembered how you had remembered your previous life. Tears had welled into your eyes as you had hugged him when you woke up. You remembered how he and his companion Kim Jongin had explained to you whatever they had found out in their journey.
"Seth- salm the curse of 3 lives, you get three lives and if you don't find what you were set into the curse for your soul will disintegrate. Here, Park Jihyo had set in 'falling in love' as the curse. She cursed me with a frozen heart and only true love can thaw that, for me to be able to get old. Which I wanna do with you this time" he said holding your hand.
The universe gave you a second chance, you felt, even with all these twisted curses though. You knew this man and you knew you loved him, even though love doesn't come that easily. And you did, the two of you fell in love again, you had kissed a couple of times too but the curse never seemed to break. But, you spent more time together, he barely left your side, he played his guqin for you. You remember, getting a custom made box for it so that he doesn't have to wrap it and tie it and could simply carry the Guqin with him. You had personally drawn the designs on it then got your trusty cousin Jung Hoseok to carve it for you.
It felt like something was missing in the whole equation so, Yoongi had to travel and find the answers with Jongin. He left his brother Kim Seungmin as he said that there were "dangers". Indeed having Seungmin was a help he helped around in the inn and fended off this hooded old woman that came up and pestered you from time to time.
One night you remember waiting outside the inn, for the arrival of your lover. When you notice that old woman again, Seungmin was about to shoo her off when an overgrown man hit him in the back and he dropped in pain. Then the old woman revealed her face, whom you expected to be old was actually a disguise. That face, you knew that face too well. By the time Yoongi had arrived he found you, your family lying lifeless only Seungmin was left who informed them what happened.
Yoongi was driven by rage and despair again after centuries he tried it, he tried to slit his throat but no matter how deep the cut, it healed up. He couldn't bleed to death, get sick or die. He was stuck in life, in a life without you. He was irresponsible and he lost you again. What is he gonna do without you. How is he gonna live, he could try to find Jihyo but it's been useless, he never found her, even after all these decades of searching. It was futile to search for her if she didn't want to be found.
"Live on, be good" always echoed in his head
Back to present day
Your eyes fluttered open, you were in a luxurious looking room, you saw Yoongi sitting at the far end of the bed reading an ancient looking book. You recognised the cover, it was yours, you had a habit of writing poetry in your second life, he still had it?
"You still have it I see" was what you said, and he looked at you with mixed feelings of love and concern bubbling inside of him "I still have everything you ever gave me" he replied. "I can see", you say eyeing the long box that you had been finding familiar. You look around and spot the hanging charm you had made for Yoongi for his birthday in your first life, you had given it to him the morning of the day you died. That hair pin you gave him on your 3 years anniversary in your second life.
"How do you feel?" He asked, slowly walking closer to you, but the previous look in his eyes shifted away.
"I feel like I was run by a bulldozer" you said, touching the bridge of your nose. You looked at him, his hair now pitch black, you liked the original blonde more though, you wish you could remember how running your hand through them felt like. You tried to reach out for his hair but he flinched, you felt stupid now. "Listen you're in this situation because of me, I'll do my best to break your curse or at least keep you safe in this life. Outside that you're not entitled to anything Y/n" his answer was cold, making you feel chilly to the bone. Why?
The Yoongi in your memories was so warm towards you then what's wrong with him now. You didn't notice when he left the room and Director Kim Namjoon had entered. "Do you need to call someone?” he asked. "Huh?" You were puzzled for a moment, you tried to gather back your thoughts and said "Yes, my friend Jimin, he would be worried sick. I need to go home" you said. "Why? You're safer here" he stated, which was true but you haven't really ever faced anything there. "I'm safe in my home too, I think I've overstayed my welcome" you said as you stood up, finding your shoes and wearing them, you put your hand out and said "My things?"you asked, and he signalled you towards the couch.
"Good night, Y/n" he said as you left the car. All this was too much information. What are you supposed to do? Maybe look through the internet or find some books? Gosh how did your life take this turn? If you didn't succeed this time your soul would disintegrate, would it hurt? Would you cease to exist?
You checked your phone to find 3 missed calls from your mom, 2 from dad and 5 from Jimin, and like a 15 texts from the same 3 and Jennie, gosh this guy is more worried than your parents. You texted him that you'd be home soon and looked beside you at Kim Namjoon's side view as he drove. The words rung in your head 'The Kims have been serving the Mins since the Min dynasty's beginning' so that means the Kim siblings are actually Yoongi's employees, and MYG, Min Yoongi. "Don't think too much" you heard Namjoon say, "He's just hurt, he's afraid to lose you and be the only one left behind, again" he said. And you realised why he was cold to you, he didn't want to get attached again. "The woman Park Jihyo, what is she?" You asked. "She and her family were something like satanists, there have been rumours for a long time that she sacrificed the heart of her father to gain immortality" he said. "Is that true?" You asked, remembering her face that was ected into your mind. "Well, she IS still alive" Namjoon said with a shrug. "Did you find out why the curse didn't break the last time?" You asked, only for Namjoon to shake his head "We never found that out, well Mr. Min said that your....ahem... Acts of love weren't enough but we have no clue what more is there to it. The only person who could have known her father was soon killed after you died, the first time."
"So you live with 2 men?" Namjoon asked curiously, strange. "Technically, I live with Jimin, and Jackson is his boyfriend who has his own place but stays at ours like a homeless brut. Jimin and I have been friends since we were children" you told him about your friendship. He smiled and said "It's good to have a dependable friend" With this he pulled in front of your building's gate.
You returned home to a worried Jimin and told him you were just drenched in work. You looked up the things you learnt on the internet. The 'Min dynasty', 'their rulers', you found out how King Min Yoongi had stepped down after the death of his lover and passed the throne to his cousin leading to the fall of the Mins eventually. 'Park Jihyo' nothing found. 'The castle' that is still supposed to be there but nobody can enter as it's in a privately protected area guarded by wild dogs. 'Curses', 'Act of love' 'Breaking curses'. You literally made notes, you tried to find out more about the later topics even though most of the information you found could only be considered for a grain of salt.
The next few days were usual, you went to the office and returned home. Yoongi was as cold as ever, he rarely even looked at you if it wasn't for any need, let alone talk to you. He didn't even find mistakes in your reports like before.
"Where were you?" Jackson asked from the couch as you entered the apartment. "Where's Jimin?" You asked. "He left hours ago, something about someone needing help, his mom?" He said. Jimin's mom? You didn't remember her much for some reason, she was rarely around, she worked abroad was what you knew, he hardly spoke about her. 'Is she back in town?' you thought and were about to ask but your phone rang, you were sure to see Jimin but were shocked to see the name flashing.
Why would he call you at this hour, you nodded towards Jackson and walked towards your room, "Hello, Jungkook?" You spoke. "Hey, Y/n, are you home yet?" He asked. "Yeah I just came in, why?" You asked. "I needed you to process 2 emails, they were urgent so I thought I'd call you up" he said. "Send them over and I'll process them" you said, and he hung up the call. You were contemplating if you should wash up first or check your laptop, when you heard the doorbell go off. It's probably Jimin you thought, but why would he ring the bell?, "Jackson? Is it Jimin?" You walked to your door only to find Jackson on the ground, collapsed and the door wide open. "WHO IS IT?" you asked as you grabbed your phone, and slowly walked towards Jackson, you could see him breathing so he was probably just knocked out.
Suddenly, you felt a heavy hit at the back of your head. You slipped and fell forward, "Aww I'm so sorry Y/n-ie." You heard a familiar voice.
"Ju- Juh-Jung-Jungkook?" You asked, your felt darkness creep into your vision and mind. Is this how you die? Again?
"Sleep Y/nie, sleep~" was the last thing you heard.
"What do you mean she didn't come in?!" Yoongi asked, banging his laptop shut.
"I called her emergency number which is her roommate, who said that she left home for office today, just like every other day" Jennie said. "Get the security to check the building and send Taehyung to check the route she takes from home" Namjoon said as he glanced at your table through the glass in Yoongi's cabin.
"Where is Jungkook?" He asked. "He is on leave, he went back to his hometown" Jennie said and He nodded in rememberance. Soon Taehyung came rushing in and was given his information, he was about to rush out when he asked "What is her roommate's name?" He asked.
"Park Jimin" she said, and the eyes of the three men went wide, as they looked at each other. That was when the bells in her mind rang. "Could he be?" She asked. "It's a possibility" Taehyung said. They rushed to their parts and Yoongi kept calling you and Namjoon tried to catch a connection to your cell phone through that. It was impossible until you or someone at least picked the call up.
Taehyung reached your apartment address and he rang the bell, It had been fifteen minutes and he had rang the bell 7 times and there wasn't any response so he tried the next best thing, he twisted the door knob to find it open, he was shocked, he rushed in to find man lying right infront of the door. Taehyung checked his vitals and found him to be asleep, he swept the whole apartment but there was no sign of anyone else or even breaking and entering. He tried to shake the man awake but he couldn't, he was probably under a spell. "Damn", he cursed and called up Namjoon to let him know. "Nobody, just this dude lying and sleeping on the ground, seems to be under a spell", to which Namjoon said "It must be the Jackson guy", then Taehyung revealed the next part of the news "and I found Y/n's phone on her nightstand it was attached to the charger" he said.
"Shit! She's been missing since last night!" Namjoon summoned him back. "What do we do?" He looked at Yoongi beat up. "I think she took her" Yoongi said sitting down. "No! No! Oh God! I'm gonna lose her forever" he mourned, his eyes were glassy "I didn't even tell her that I loved her!". "Hyung! Take a hold of yourself, last time you felt this ache in your heart and a dread, do you feel it?" Namjoon asked. "No. How do you know this?" Yoongi asked. "I read Granpa Jongin's journals. Think, where she could take her. I think she's still alive, I am certain" he told the elder man.
"The castle!" Yoongi's eyes went wide "or the Park estate, I know it's still there in Ilsan" he said confused.
"We'll have to split up then, you take Taehyung and four men to the castle. I'll go with four more to the estate. I can't connect with my bug there it's fishy. I'll call Bang now" Namjoon said and Yoongi nodded. He hoped what Namjoon said was right. One of Bang's men was driving and Yoongi instructed the men to not look into the eyes of anybody they met in there directly. As they inched closer to the location, Yoongi could feel the heavy energy. Thank God for Bang's driver who covered the 6 hours drive in 3.
Your eyes opened when your body came in contact with a rough and cold surface. Your head felt groggy and heavy. You felt pain on the back of your head, you tried to reach up but realised your hands were tied and you struggled and slowly opened your eyes. You saw two figures in front of you and tried to focus, your brain went blank when you realised who they were.
"J-J-J-Jimin? Ju-Jungkook? Why?" You said and coughed, your throat felt parched.
"For someone with such history, you do trust that easily" Jungkook said "And you're a stubborn one. How did you even manage to warm up to the prince after all those harsh words you took in at each of my sabotages" and all the incidents washed into your mind every time Yoongi scolded you for mistakes in various things, now you know how. But, Jimin? You looked at him, he was supposed to be your best friend.
"Do you remember my full name Y/n? PARK Jimin. Do you know my mother's name? PARK Jihyo" he said and your eyes went wide "Yeah my father was just a pawn, a commoner my mother married, but luck was in our favor look where you took birth. Giving me a chance to finally make my mother proud and make her acknowledge me! Something none of my past siblings could do!" He added
Tears stung your eyes, as you see a female figure walk in "Aigo, Jimina, pick her up from the cold ground. Is this how I taught you to treat your friends?" She asked, feigning surprise. She still looked the same as you had seen her in your last life. She held your face in between her fingers "You should have stayed away you maid. Look where all these brought you. You should have just let me make him realise and regret for rejecting me and humiliating me in cold blood" she said
"Are you crazy? Holding on to a rejection which is literally centuries old?" You asked. "Who are you to judge my reasons?!" She growled. "And yes Yoongi never humiliated you, it was all you for jumping at him." You said. You felt a sting on your face, and your head tilting in response. The cheek stung so bad, you wanted to pull the bitch's hair out but your hands were tied, literally. Your eyes sting with tears and at the corner of your eye you see a fleeting sense of guilt in Jimin's eyes, or maybe you imagined it.
Jihyo scoffed "You think Min Yoongi loves, YOU? No, he loves Y/n, his first and only love. He just sees a reflection of her in you. He doesn't love you. He feels responsible for you. He was the one who couldn't stop me after all, he's the one who couldn't save you, time and again" she said. "Now tell me little Y/n, do you know where the dagger is?".
You just shook your head, throat too parched to form words. And another sting, she planted another slap on your cheek, "Did you forget how I killed you in your last life? How I cut through your muscles and rendered your movement and slowly drained your life out? Tell me where the dagger is! I know he showed it to you in your past life. Think!" She glared at you and you saw her hazel eyes flash green, at this point you felt scared of what else she was capable of, but you have no idea what dagger she was talking about. Not like you would tell her even if you did. No matter what Yoongi told you or did to you, you would never betray him like that. You felt exhausted, you haven't had something to eat or drink and you also felt dizzy.
"Let her be! She's only human, she'll talk" Jihyo said and walked out, Jungkook and Jimin behind her as the latter shut the gate, taking one last glance at you. You shut your eyes.
You didn't know how long you were out, but your eyes fluttered open when you felt soft taps on your cheek. You were shocked to see Jimin who immediately shushed you by putting his finger on your lips. He brought a straw to your mouth and motioned you to drink. When he saw hesitation in your eyes, his heart clenched, but he told you "its water, just water, I promise". And you took a sip, it was like life came back to you.
"Jimin, why are you doing this?" You asked "I wont ask you to untie me or anything really. Just tell me why?" You asked.
"I want her to acknowledge me Y/n. Please tell me whatever you know about the dagger" he said caressing your cheek, you felt a strange comfort after his touch. "I am the most powerful creation of my mother and I want to make her proud. But, I would never let her hurt you. She promised me she won't kill you no matter what. Just tell us, or atleast tell me" he said.
"I. Don't. Know. Acknowledgment from your mother? By killing someone? By taking someone else's life? You do understand she wants to kill Yoongi for something he didn't even do centuries back!" You said trying to bring some sense unto him but it seemed like you were talking to a wall.
"Min Yoongi, will die. Whether you like it or not. I will prove my strength to mom and she'd love me. Even if you never speak to me after this. I am sorry Y/n, I am" he said and with that he left again. You tried to think what you could do, if you could move but to no avail, you were in this position since god knows when and where. Besides, Jungkook tied your legs too tight, they were numb.
[Warning: violence and mention of blood]
Suddenly you heard commotion, and Jungkook and Jihyo piled into the room followed by Jimin. Jihyo swiftly went behind you and grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up on your knees and pointed a dagger at your throat. "Looks like your king is here". Soon you saw the door burst open and a man flew in as Yoongi hit another with the hilt of his long sword.
"Unhand her now" Yoongi said, pointing his sword at Jihyo. "OH Yoongi, Yoongi, I don't think you're in a situation to bargain" Jihyo said. As she pressed a dagger to your throat, the coldness of the metal sending shivers down your spine. Memories of the past two times are fresh in your mind, "Do it" you said, "Just do it".
"What?" Even Jihyo was shocked. "I'm sick of you chasing me around through my lives like a rat. I don't care just let him go and do whatever the fuck you want" you said.
"SHUT UP!" Yoongi shouted. "I don't care what you think, you are getting out of here at whatever cost" he added. But, Jihyo pressed harder on your neck drawing a little blood. "NO" Yoongi shouted and tried to walk close but Jungkook stopped him.
"Fine then, lets have a deal" Jimin spoke out.
"What? You traitor?" Yoongi taunted him. "tsk. We'll let her go if you hand over the dagger and let our Jungkookie tie you up" Jimin said and you instantly shouted "No!" You said and tried to free yourself, but Jihyo tightens the hold of the dagger on your throat.
"Fine. Let her go" Yoongi said. "No! Yoongi!" You said. "Y/n, live. Live your life fully, for once" he said as he dropped his sword and kneeled down and pulled out that dagger the one with an ivory handle, that cursed and killed you in your first life. So this was the dagger that Jihyo has been asking you, even in your previous life. "Yoongi!" You shouted to knock some sense into him. "Dont worry, it's not like I can get hurt" he assured you with his gummy smile as he let Jungkook tie him. But something told you there was a catch. No way things would be this simple.
"Fool" Jihyo said and dropped you to the ground, thank god your hands were tied in front of you or you would have face planted. "You know Yoongi" Jihyo said picking up the dagger "This dagger, holds the key to your life and mine. The moment I tried to kill YOU and Y/n your ONE TRUE LOVE jumped in the middle of all that. This can kill you, I first thought of killing her and leaving you just like that, as fun as that would be it would be an eye sore, I'd rather kill you first then torment her for the rest of her life." She said with a glare
"Oh you're a petty bitch" you finally spat "And you are the pettiest there are. You think you'll win this? There's no winning here, you're just a loser bitch who can't take rejection and use daddy's powers as a rebound for the lack of a shitty personality and soul" everyone went silent, even Yoongi who has only ever seen you be sweet to everyone all your lives but everyone has a breaking point. Jihyo walked over to you and you felt a worse sting, "AHHH" you screamed.
"Mom!" even Jimin screamed. "DON'T TOUCH HER, do whatever you want but let her go" Yoongi said.
"You know Yoongi, there was once when I would have done anything to hear those words. But, now I am happy too, cause anything means this" she said and she took the dagger and stabbed Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi's eyes went wide but his mouth remained shut. "Nooooo! Noooo! Yoongi! You're bleeding! Oh my god" you shouted. "Y/n! Shhhh! (Y/n) shhhhh. It's okay, close your eyes" he tries to calm you, even in this situation. A sinister laugh was heard from Jihyo as she pulled the knife out, causing more blood to spill. Your eyes stung with tears as more spill out. You tried to crawl to him but felt someone hold you. "Don't" Jimin said. "Let me go! You traitor! I trusted you with my life! I loved you! You were the closest one to me after my parents and THIS is what you do! Let me go!" You said and broke down. "Any last words?" Jihyo asked. "Let her live" he said looking at her and then looked at you and said "Live on and be good" he said and closed his eyes and a hand closed yours. And then you felt the ties of your hands and feet lose. You opened your eyes to see more blood on Yoongi and the dagger. She stabbed him in the stomach.
No sound escaped you only tears. "Y-y-yoongi! N-n-no!" You said and held his trembling hands. "Y/n, just this once, let me die for you. I won't have to see you die anymore. Live happily and grow old for once, for me. I love you (y/n), so so much. I'm sorry I kept pushing you away." Even Jimin and Jungkook who were now beside him were silent. They would lie to say they didn't feel bad but Jihyo would kill Jungkook if he didn't comply and Jimin thought this would finally make his mother happy. You pressed your lips to his both trembling and you kissed his cheek. How are you supposed to let go? You just found him, you sobbed holding his hand tighter. Yoongi didn't know how to calm you he just felt this sting and warmth in his belly. His eyes were droopy, he was barely conscious "It feels good to finally bleed, I would have never made it without you. I love you, my love" he said and his eyes closed.
"Aww. So sad. Dont cry (y/n) cause soon you'll join him" Jihyo said and you closed your eyes, you'll join him, it'll be over, finally. "No mom! You promised it will be over if Yoongi dies!" Jimin said. "It will be when so does she" Jihyo said laughing again. She took a step towards you but Jimin rushed in front of you and shielded you "You promised!" He said.
"Jimin move!" She warned, your eyes went wide at Jimin's actions, what does he want to prove by guarding you now?! You thought. "No mom" he shouted, even Jungkook was confused as to what he should do standing silently as the scene unfolds. "Then I'll kill you with her" she said and hauled the knife ar him but your body reacted and you caught it before it could touch him. "Y/n! Let that blade go, it can harm you" he said. "Let the dagger go" Jihyo said through gritted teeth and Jimin too tried to pull it and suddenly a piercing scream was heard and there stood Jungkook, your and Jimin's hand free of the dagger which is now in Jungkook's hand pierced into Jihyo. She screamed again as Jungkook left the hilt of the dagger. "WHAT DID YOU DO YOU RAT?!" she shouted but her voice came out broken , her hair was turning white and her skin started to wrinkle "I think the age and deeds are finally catching up to her" Jimin said "We have to hurry" he suddenly said. "What?" You and Jungkook asked at once "Yoongi, is still alive, the nearest hospital is 30 mins towards the next town, he'll make it, I'll hold off the blood flow" he said, as in walked Taehyung. "Y/n?!" Yoongi hyung!" He shouted.
"Tae! we don't have time we need to rush him to the hospital!" You said and Taehyung immediately as Jihyo's wales were now whimpers. "Please bury her in the estate" Jimin said and Jungkook picked Yoongi's body as the three of you walked off.
When his eyes opened, the first thing he saw was you sleeping while holding his hands. He checked him self and his stomach and shoulder, what's going on? He thought and his movements shook you up. "YOONGI!" you stood up and hugged him. He felt at home right there.
"What's happening?" He asked "How long was I out?" He asked.
"It's been 3 days, you lost a lot of blood. You, we, broke the curse, you sacrificed yourself for me, that's the greatest act of love. Jimin said that the place where the curse took place was the place where it could be broken and that's why we failed in our previous life". "What do you mean Jimin said? Why would that traitor say that?" He asked. "My love there's a lot that happened but lets keep it for later" you said. He nodded and suddenly pulled you into him, holding you in place, taking your lips into his, as he sucked on it. He missed you god knows that, he wanted to do this the moment he laid his eyes on you but back then he thought he could stay away from you but keep an eye on you to keep you out of trouble. But, now, you were his and he was yours finally he thought, pulling you closer to him leaving no space. He would never let you go.
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ravenya003 · 5 months
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Harvest, S01E02
Here we go, the second half of Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s two-part premiere episode, picking up right where the cliff-hanger left off...
Despite having Buffy pinned down in a crypt, Luke is fended off by the cross around her neck. I knew it would come in handy at some point. She rushes outside and saves Willow and Xander, but the vampires manage to drag Jesse away.
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Sorry Jesse, but you’re the only character in this scene not to feature in the opening credits, and you know what that means. (Whedon actually wanted to get Eric Balfour included in these credits, just to make his death more of a shock, but there are all sorts of legal issues concerning who gets to be in such things and who doesn’t).
Back at the library, Giles has accepted the presence of Xander and Willow in the Slayer’s inner circle remarkably well, and is filling them in on the show’s mythos. Whedon has commented in the past how surprised he was to get away with the line: “contrary to popular mythology, [this world] did not begin as a paradise,” which is obviously a direct refutation to what the Good Book says, and Giles goes on to describe it as a place where demons roamed the earth – at least until the rise of humans.
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We actually learn very little about how/why they left, only that the last demon (or Old One) to leave this reality fed off a human and mixed their blood together, resulting in the first vampire: a human body infected by a demon’s soul.
Again, we don’t exactly learn why the demon did this, though that explanation very much tracks with how vampirism works throughout the course of the entire show. When a person is turned, their body remains but their personality (through their lack of a soul/possession by a demon) is drastically different.
Now vampires drink the blood of humans, occasionally creating more of their kind, waiting for the Old Ones to return.
Okay, I’m going to be a complete nerd about all this, so bear with me. I love trying to parse through rudimentary world-building and pulling questions/possible fanfic scenarios out of it.
If the Earth originally belonged to demons, only to be overcome by humans, does that mean that a war between them took place at some stage? Every decent fantasy story needs a Great Offscreen War in its distant past, right? Think the Battle for the Dawn, the Butlerian Jihad, the War of Power, the War of Wrath, the Great Hyperspace War...
Maybe something similar happened in the Buffyverse: a war for supremacy between demons and humans. Was it the reason the Slayer was created, which (as we find out much later) occurred very early in humanity’s history. Did she have something to do with the demons leaving this reality for a hell dimension, or to wherever they are now?
And who was this unidentified demon that made the very first vampire? And why? It’s not hard to imagine it was intended as a final “fuck you” to humanity if we assume that the demons were forcibly banished from this dimension... but perhaps even as a contingency plan considering this particular band of vampires are trying to bring the Old Ones back by opening the Hellmouth.
In the seven years of this show, none of this ever gets elaborated on. They even move away from the concept that demons are attempting to return to this earthly plane – the Mayor was trying to ascend into a demon, and Glory was trying to get back to her hell dimension by whatever means necessary, though I suppose any attempts (of which there were several) to open the Hellmouth came with the objective of unleashing demons back into the world.
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Poor Jesse; he’s completely bewildered by whatever the heck’s going on, even after he’s been “upgraded to bait.” I did, however, appreciate the intelligence of the Master when he points out that the Slayer will come to rescue her friend. No Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, here. This guy is smart enough to understand that heroes are the ones who help other people.
It turns out the Master is trapped in an underground church (more on this later) and I had to chuckle when he mentions his “ascension” out of it. The writers obviously enjoyed that word, as it essentially becomes the Arc Word of season three.
The issue of the existence of a police force within a show that incorporates supernatural elements is raised and just as quickly discarded when Willow suggests calling them, only for Giles to point out that no one will believe their story. Moving on. (That said, I’ll have a LOT to say about how the police – what little we see of them – are portrayed in later episodes/seasons, why they’re such a hassle to deal with in these types of shows, and how they’re connected to the failure of the Initiative as a concept. Stay tuned).
In trying to figure out where Jesse may have been taken, Willow shows off her hacking skills by bringing up a map of Sunnydale’s sewage system – completely illegally of course, making this our first glimpse of Willow demonstrating some hidden depths behind that nerdy exterior.
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Then we get a fun deconstruction of Behind the Black. This is a trope in which a character doesn’t notice something obvious because it’s not visible to the camera. It’s usually used when villains need to sneak up on our hero, or for comic effect when a character talks about someone even through they’re standing right there.  
In this case, the average viewer will be forgiven for thinking that Luke sneaking up on Buffy at the end of the last episode was a case of Behind the Black. She didn’t notice him until he grabbed her neck because it’s just more dramatic that way. It’s such a prevalent trick that most probably wouldn't have even questioned it.
But as it turns out, it wasn’t just a standard use of this trope, but a plot-point. Buffy thinks about how she was facing the mausoleum door and realizes that Luke came up behind her – which means that the vampires must have doubled-back with Jesse and gone through a secret passage located in the building. Nicely played, Whedon.
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Xander wants to go with Buffy and when she shoots him down he commends: “I’m less than a man.” Urgh. I realize that Xander coming to terms with his perceived emasculation in the face of Buffy’s strength is a significant part of his character arc, but in this case it was enough for him to just be disappointed that he can’t help his friend. Make Jesse his motivation, not a desire to protect his manhood.
In my last review I observed that the writers got lucky when they only shot scenes of Angel at night (having not yet decided that he was a vampire), a comment I may have to retract considering he’s clearly standing in sunlight in this next scene. Muted sunlight, but sunlight nonetheless.
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And his personality is still so weird. David Boreanaz is playing Angel as that “smarmy know-it-all smartass” character type, not the wounded, broody soul who was so moved by Buffy’s plight that he decided to join the good fight after a single glimpse of her through a window. He actually reminds me of Whistler here. 
Buffy says to Angel: “I’ve got a friend down there – or a potential friend. Do you know what it’s like to have a friend?” He’s stumped by this question. Oh Angel, just you wait...
Ah, the Absurdly Spacious Sewer, another classic of the genre.
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Back at school in the computer lab, Willow does research for Giles while Cordelia struggles with the assignment. And look – it’s Harmony! At this early stage she’s depicted as a complete airhead (okay, I suppose that never truly changes) and a sycophantic member of Cordelia’s girl-posse (a dynamic that does change – quite profoundly). 
Fun fact: if we count this premiere as a single episode (they did originally air together on the same night) then David Boreanaz and Mercedes McNab are the only two actors to appear in the very first episode of Buffy and the very last episode of Angel.
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This scene is mostly filler, were it not for the aforementioned introduction of Harmony, and that fact that Willow stands up for Buffy in the face of Cordelia’s malicious gossip. Already she’s starting to grow a backbone and not just scurry away.
Buffy and Xander finds Jesse, and one of them (I forget who) utters that most beloved line of all screenwriters: “we’ve gotta get outta here.” We already know it’s a trap, so it’s no big surprise when vampires start to emerge from the shadows to cut off their escape route – but to this day it’s a considerable gut-punch when Jesse reveals his new vampiric state.
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They fend him off with a crucifix and manage to escape through a manhole to the surface. I love the scene when Xander tries to pull Buffy away from the vampire that’s grabbed her ankle, only for the sunlight to burn its skin and drive it back underground.
More filler when the Master hears of Buffy’s escape and pokes out a minion’s eye.
Giles and Willow compare notes, and Willow has come up with some pertinent information: in 1937 there were a rash of murders in Sunnydale that match the profile of vampiric activity, only for them to cease when an earthquake hit the town. When Buffy and Xander return, Giles hypothesizes that sixty years ago the Master tried to open a mystical portal that the Spanish called “Boca del Infierno,” the Mouth of Hell. Or more colloquially, the Hellmouth. His goal: to bring about the apocalypse.
Yay, more mythos! I just love made-up supernatural history.
But I have more questions, because CLEARLY this isn’t the whole story. Obviously, the Master failed in his attempt to open the Hellmouth, because now he’s trapped in a buried church behind a mystical barrier after an earthquake prevented him from going through with his plan. So there’s no way that earthquake was a coincidental natural occurrence. And that invisible barrier is magical, dammit! That means someone had to have put it there.
Surely the Watchers Council would have had records if a Slayer had been involved in all this, so if it wasn’t her, who was behind the Master’s entrapment back in 1937? Honestly, I don’t think Whedon ever had it mapped out; at this stage the point was simply to set up the mechanics and get on with the story at hand. That’s fair enough, but it’s still interesting to ponder these gaps in the history.
Giles has also figured out how the Master plans to escape his prison: by making one of his disciples the Vessel, which will allow him to draw enough strength from the blood that his servant drinks to break through the magic that keeps him trapped underground. We’ve already seen the first stage of this ritual take place: Luke drinks from the Master’s wrist and gets a three-pointed star rendered in blood on his forehead.
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Xander realizes that the most obvious locale for the second stage of the ritual to take place is the Bronze, filled with all those fresh young bodies, and the gang heads out as a team for the first time. However, Buffy takes a short detour home to grab some supplies, and Joyce confronts her with the fact Principal Flutie called her to say she’d missed some classes.
Joyce tries her hand at discipline but the moment she’s out of the room Buffy promptly grabs her bag of weapons and slips out the bedroom window. This is kind of cute actually, since Buffy having to sneak out of the house without her mother knowing is a reasonably big part of these early episodes, but not a factor at all in the later ones. (Also, the episode never returns to this development – as far as we know, Joyce never realizes that Buffy left the house).
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Vampire!Jesse approaches Cordelia at the Bronze, and she’s immediately struck by his more assertive persona. This is a fascinating first glimpse at the allure of vampires: as a human, Jesse was a complete loser, now all he has to do is stare at Cordelia and she turns to deferential pudding.
Yeah, you can feel the nasty subtext of Whedon’s “nice guys finish last” mentality at work here (especially since Jesse gets Cordelia to dance with him by telling her to shut up) but it’s also consistent with how vampires will be portrayed in episodes to come. In many ways, they serve as an unsubtle allegory for sexual predators: attractive and magnetic on the surface, only to reveal their monstrous true faces when they attack.
I love the slow-motion approach of the vampires to the Bronze, especially with Darla merrily skipping as she leads the way.
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Just in case Buffy wasn’t able to notice the symbol etched on Luke’s forehead that identifies him as the Vessel, he helps out by taking the stage and making a speech in which he will not shut up about this fact. Warm bodies are brought to him and he starts to drink, though just before he bites into Cordelia, Buffy makes her presence known.
The rest of the team help the civilians escape, and then it’s Buffy versus Luke, Xander versus Jesse, and Giles versus Darla – at least until Willow comes along and throws the vial of holy water that Buffy gave her into her face. Darla rushes off – screaming in pain, but with the opportunity to return another night.
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The same can’t be said for Jesse, who is mocking Xander on his inability to kill him, only to be pushed into Xander’s stake and dusted by a panic-stricken girl rushing to escape the building. It’s a deliberately anti-climactic, killed-in-mid-sentence death that sets the tone for how characters (even the beloved ones) are going to be dispatched across the course of this show. Get used to it.
Buffy distracts Luke by making him believe it’s sunrise and breaking a window behind him, then stakes him as he tries to figure out what’s going on. The other vampires gather round only to flee at this zoom-in:
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Oh yeah.
Outside, Angel watches the vampires run for it, and says “she did it – I’ll be damned,” the most serendipitous line since Uncle Owen said “that’s what worries me” to Beru’s “he’s too much like his father” in the first Star Wars movie, well before anyone working on the production knew that Vader would turn out to be Luke’s father. (In this case, the writers had not yet realized that Angel was a vampire himself, and therefore already literally “damned”).
Giles takes off his glasses and cleans them for the first time, and the following day Buffy is bemused to hear Cordelia pass off the situation as gang warfare, while her friend declares: “I wish I’d been there.” Xander expresses his disbelief at how people have rationalized everything, and the phrase "Sunnydale Syndrome" is born – at least in the fandom. I don’t think it’s ever uttered on the show.
Giles is excited about what they might face next (again, I’m mildly astonished that he puts up no protest at all that Willow and Xander are involved in this) and the trio walk off, jabbering nonsense to each other.
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The last line is Giles muttering: “the Earth is doomed” and my mind flashforwards to the reiteration of this scene in the show’s very final episode. I take a deep breath. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us, but it’s going to be these three friends who’ll be standing there at the finish line.
Miscellaneous Observations:
Jesse is a perfect example of a Forgotten Fallen Friend, even though he should have been a huge part of the show going forward. And I don’t mean in the sense he should have been spared (though I can also envision an arc in which Xander spends the entirety of the season gearing himself up to killing his former friend) but that he could have been touchstone on the brutal nature of death in this show; a reminder that no one is safe, whatever their proximity to the Core Four.
He should have been the ongoing source of Xander’s hatred for vampires; a sobering reminder that Buffy can’t save everyone; someone who was mentioned frequently as the “first one down.” Did this kid have parents? Was there a funeral? Everything is swept under the rug instead of mined for maximum angst potential.
Apparently there were plans to have Eric Balfour return in season seven as an aspect that the First took in "Conversations with Dead People", though as cool as that could have been, it also had the potential to be completely baffling since – as stated – no one ever speaks about this guy after his death.
And at this point it occurs to me that Buffy essentially comes along and takes Jesse’s place in that particular triad of friends.
For a hot second I considered the possibility that the demon who created the first vampire was meant to be the Master, but no – supplementary material makes it very clear he was once a human called Heinrich Joseph Nest who was turned into a vampire six hundred years ago. And that’s all the background we ever get on him. Makes you wonder who turned him into a vampire all those centuries ago, especially when you consider that he’s the “grandsire” of Darla, Angel, Drusilla and Spike – the four most famous vampires in this entire franchise.
Whedon is quite clever in giving the Master two separate goals, which allows him to be defeated in this episode, while still keeping him around as the season’s Big Bad. The Harvest is designed to free him from the underground church, but the opening of the Hellmouth is something else entirely, and won’t be attempted until the final episode. Nicely done.
Towards the end, we get the vague implication that killing a Slayer is considered a great trophy for vampires, and that her blood is particularly powerful. These hints will certainly become more explicit plot-points later on in the show.
A quick theory on how crucifixes work on this show: they’re regularly used to ward off vampires, even when used by people who aren’t affiliated with Christianity. In fact, the concept of Christ and Christianity is never explored – or even discussed – in any detail at any point during the show’s run.
This is unsurprising given Joss Whedon’s lack of faith, and I can only assume he simply felt obliged to keep that specific bit of vampire lore in. I’ve always supposed that in this context the crucifixes work a bit like metaphysical negatively-charged magnets in how they can deflect vamps. They symbolize the fact that many people believe Christ died and came back to life by the grace of God as a living, breathing human being. Vampires on the other hand, die and come back to life as members of the undead; soulless and filled with demon blood. The same process, but fundamentally different. As such, a crucifix repels them because they symbolize the complete inversion of what they went through.
Or something, I don’t know.
Best Shot: This wide shot of Buffy and Xander on the ground, having just escaped the sewer system:
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Best Line: Giles telling Xander: “Jesse is dead. You have to remember that if you see him. You’re not looking at your friend, you’re looking at the thing that killed him.”
Most Random Scene: This surfer dude who pops up out of nowhere and the fact that Cordelia seems friendly with him:
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Best Subversion: Even if you had Jesse pegged for death, you probably didn’t see his accidentally-get-pushed-into-Xander’s-stake real death coming.
Death Toll: Jesse as a human, and then Jesse as a vampire. The bouncer at the Bronze, and another clubber. Two vampires at the Bronze. Luke.
Grand Total: Four civilians, five villains.
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thebibi · 2 years
i LOVE all your avh and helward takes!!! also if u want... elaborate on gentleman thief vh? bc that concept is Hilarious, do you think he continued regularly robbing people as a professor w jack? and how do you think jack got involved in the criminal aspect?
Oh thank you!
I think, considering how skilled the professor is with breaking into houses, he might have been a thief. I say gentlemen thief because I imagine van Helsing was a cool and young jewelry thief who never used violence. Perhaps, his open mindedness made him seek out stealing as a thrill, but after a while it made good money too.
I think it also helped him get interested in medical school, I can imagine him discovering other doctors participate in grave robbing and wanting to know more about the human body. Like perhaps he transitioned from stealing jewelry and money to stealing for doctors, and before you know it one of his clients is funding his education!
I also wonder if in this conquest, he discovered some supernatural elements? I don't want to say he knew of vampires per say, but maybe he encountered strange medical cases that didn't add up with contemporary science, like people being buried alive, or ghost sighting, or something like that.
I can see this discovery being a traumatic event for van Helsing, so he takes it as a sign that he has to give up most of his thieving. This is where van Helsing attempts to reinvent himself as a totally honorable man. He's a doctor now, his appetite for knowledge is insatiable, he throws himself into studying all sorts of things and gains a lot of respect from the academic community! I also think this is around the time he starts to to take his faith more seriously.
However, I think..later at one point, maybe due to his son dying and his wife slipping away, I think van Helsing started to go back to his older habits of crime. This time though, he's the favorite amongst his students, he's teaching them tricks of the trade that he feels will help them become better doctors. Like breaking and entering to save a patient that no one has heard of in a few days, or pranking insufferable doctors who were prejudiced against their patients and let them die. And of course, performing illegal autopsies to determine the cause of death. At this point he is perhaps, lashing out at the injustices he's seen, in his own kooky way.
And lastly, yeah I think Jack Seward was one of those students who readily accepted van Helsing's criminal teachings! I also totally prescribe to @cattuladaily 's headcanon that the gangrene sucking incident happened when they were cutting up an illegally obtained cadaver, which is why it held such a lasting impression on him. Its funny, but Jack could have been a totally mediocre student, but the sucking of blood is what cemented him as van Helsing's favorite. Incredible.
I feel like with Jack, coming from a much stricter society, challenged van Helsing with his extremely rational mindset. And I think van Helsing responded in kind with committing crimes to prove Jack wrong and widen his world views. I think that's why Jack ultimately has to be with him at the scene of the crime, and that kind of evolved into him helping the professor and learning how to pick locks.
Anyway, that's how I see my timeline for van Helsing's backstory....hope this makes sense! Thank you so much for the ask!
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glitch-pep · 7 months
Under the cut is a post talking about the designs I made for this Halloween post right here.
Alright I'll explain the thought process behind these, in order in which I designed them in.
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1.) Charlie
For Charlie I was torn between two ideas, cowboy or pirate. Due to my bias for cowboys I was leaning more towards that but eventually a certain someone, you know who you are, I ain't gonna tag you >:D reconvinced me to go for the pirate idea due to the thief part and then I realized that an eye patch would cover her right eye so I was sold. Designing her costume was pretty easy to be honest, I just kept adding stuff to make her look cool. Also, I had to make a Hawkshaw reference, I couldn't possibly resist once I thought of it. I'll probably draw her as a cowboy eventually though. Also, I let her have sharp teeth in the final drawing, as a treat.
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2.) Cursed Treasure
Due to the lyrics I came up with I needed to give Charlie some sorta cursed treasure, so I thought a cursed golden Barnaboo statue would look cute and do the trick. The eyes and bow are meant to be gemstones and I made the face looks off so that the cursed part is a bit obvious.
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3.) Milo
I actually sketched Charlie's and Milo's designs and finished them in the same day. Milo's was a quick one, I knew immediately that he had to be a vampire cuz he would definitely be something that's somewhat elegant. The hair looked a bit weird to me so I put the sunglasses there to cover it up a bit, and honestly he's pulling it all off better than what I expected. Also his teeth are perfectly goofy enough as to where I can't take him 100% seriously, which is how it should be.
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4.) Parasol
The parasol was an afterthought after I had already finished Milo's design. It's inspired by the parasols that Draculaura and Poppy Pointer have. Although I screwed it up by making the handle black instead of white in the final drawing, I was going to fix it but when I started doing that I realized that there's already a lot of white in his design so I kept the black handle.
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5.) Mina
For Mina I had to go for the obvious option, a witch, mostly due to lore reasons. It's canon that Mina insists on being a witch every year for Halloween because she told the culdesac kids that "Witches show their true form on Halloween." and she has to keep up that story, although her mom doesn't want her to have the same outfit each year, so she makes a different witch outfit each time. It's a pretty regular outfit with a witch hat slapped on top, but for Mina it perfectly does the trick.
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6.) Molly and Mr. T. Bear
It was all fun and games until I started to design Molly's costume. The first idea I had for Molly was for her to be the Tooth fairy. Perfect idea, right? It's somewhat sleep related, Mr. T. Bear can be a tooth and it'll look cute. That's what I told myself. After 3 days of furiously looking through the web trying to find some sorta inspiration or color pallete I actually like, I gave up on the idea. I hated all of the concepts I made to the point where I got tired of the idea. Thing is... I didn't know what other costume to give her. The only ideas I could come up with were: a bed bug, sleeping beauty and Molly and Mr. T. Bear as each other. I didn't like any of those enough, so, in a moment of desperation I asked my friend for help. She told me that she noticed a pattern between the costumes I picked, that all of them were some sorta villans. Vampire, pirate, witch... she was right... I didn't do that on purpose. If she hadn't told me I would've never noticed it... Anyways, she basically suggested that Molly could maybe be a wolf. I was like oh she could be a werewolf because of the full moon and she's a moon you get the gist. And then, later on, when I was looking through the web I came across a drawing of the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood dressed as the grandma. That's when it clicked in my head. Molly as the wolf and Mr. T. Bear as Little Red Riding Hood. I was sold and I ended up liking the designs and finishing them on first try. The friend mentioned here wanted to get credited this way, since she doesn't have any socials.
And that's about it! As much as I dreaded the process because it took me ages, I do think the effort paid off. I'll definitely draw these again! :>
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indecisivepsyche · 10 months
The Last Voyage of the Demeter as an Adaptation
Okay, a few days later, but I'm still bursting with thoughts about The Last Voyage of the Demeter. Let's go! I'll go ahead and say that this is going to contain spoilers for Dracula up to October 4th, so don't read this if this is your first go around with Dracula Daily.
This is going to be a bit long, but if you don't have much time and are curious about my major two bones to pick with the film, just skip to the bottom. I'll put a heading. I'm also putting this under a read more due to the number of thoughts I have.
One thing before that: I'd be curious to see how many words from the Captain's Log were taken verbatim from the book. Some of the sentences certainly seemed familiar, but there were also clear differences.
I don't need to address the addition of Clemens, Toby, and Anna, do I? The movie used Clemens and Anna to offer different perspectives and convey information the normal crew members wouldn't know. Toby helped ramp up emotional investment and fear. I guess you could suggest that the voyage would have played out almost as it did in the books if these characters weren't present. Eh, kind of, since they changed how vampires work.
Let me start by discussing Dracula himself. I knew going in that this movie was going to position him more as an aggressive movie monster than a stealthy, steady deliverer of dread. He certainly acted that way with his brutal attacks and monstrous form, but there is something about his portrayal that I appreciated. He had moments where it was clear that he had 'human' intelligence (God I wish I understood those first words he uttered to that poor guy on the rigging). As an extension, it seems to be a very valid interpretation that he was straight-up fucking with the crew, playing with his food. No need for the pleasantries he must've exchanged with Jonathan, no need for negotiations like with the villagers/Romani. Time to play with his food! Him using the knocking to frighten and attract the crewman one night was particularly effective.
I actually do question if he was acting with that first attack with him crawling out from under the stairs. Was the movie implying that this Dracula is greatly weakened by just a short time without blood? He was quite quick and powerful when he finally struck, though, so it might have been him seeing what kind of reaction he could get.
Can't say too much about his design since I'm not well versed on horror monsters, but I thought it was effective. Reminded me of The Descent. One thing I liked about his form is that his eyes did seem to be informed by the description of them burning.
A minor gripe I have about Dracula is that they didn't quite play around with his powers as much as they could have. It seemed to me that when the dog saw his shadow that it was taking on the shape of a wolf, but that could have been me deluding myself. I do really wish that they had taken at least one opportunity to show him either turning into or forming out of mist.
Why didn't they have someone stab him only to be met by air like what happened to the First Mate in the book? The reason is probably budget, but it would have helped explain how he got into the cabin with Toby when the hole in the door wasn't large enough for him to fit through. That was an effectively suspenseful and horrific scene, but I imagine it left the layperson with questions.
Let me take this opportunity to pivot to the thralls/fledgling vampires. They were interesting! A bit like the Bloofer Lady but a lot more mindless. They provided the writer with opportunities to pull from later in the book. I liked the use of blood transfusions, the concept that in addition to keeping the recipient alive, it was also helping to water down a sort of vampirism infection.
It also played with the connection Mina formed with Dracula after he fed on her! Anna started talking about what she was experiencing through Dracula and I almost thought some of her descriptions were word-for-word Mina's account of Drac's boat trip.
This brings me to the thralls/vampires being set on fire by the sun. I honestly just decided to shrug and accept this. That's a fatal weakness prominent in pop culture and tied to Dracula since Nosferatu. It's easier to wrap your head around than him just being weakened by it. They also used it to great effect with two horrifying scenes (poor Captain) and one emotional one at the end. It's fine.
You know what's not fine?
The Bones I Have to Pick
Hey. Hey movie team. Look at this passage from Dracula:
"The man was simply fastened by his hands, tied one over the other, to a spoke of the wheel. Between the inner hand and the wood was a crucifix, the set of beads on which it was fastened being around both wrists and wheel, and all kept fast by the binding cords. The poor fellow may have been seated at one time, but the flapping and buffeting of the sails had worked through the rudder of the wheel and dragged him to and fro, so that the cords with which he was tied had cut the flesh to the bone."
You're telling me that you have an R-rated film and you're not going to take the opportunity to portray the fate of the Captain in all its gristly detail??? The Captain was one voyage from retirement, the audience knew he was going to die. You could have opened the film by showing us that one shocked coastguard seeing him! Or saving that visual for the end of the log's events and instead showing his form in shadow swinging "horribly to and fro" at the wheel!
It's not just the loss of the horrific imagery that I'm unhappy about. It's also the fact that they removed one of Dracula's weaknesses and robbed the Captain of his desperate, tragic victory against Dracula in one fell swoop. So what's up with the crucifix having no effect? It really seemed like they were building up to it having a role, like Dracula halting his attack on Toby shortly after we see the crucifix dangling close to his leg and the weight given to Anna giving that crucifix to the Captain.
They gave a form of triumph instead to Clemens in his survival and Anna in her decision to die (instead of being controlled by Dracula? I forgot the fine details of their final conversation, sorry). However, I really don't think the small triumphs needed to be mutually exclusive. Have the Captain lash himself to the wheel, Dracula be unable to attack him, the others not be able to take advantage of this because they don't have their own symbols of faith on hand, the Captain repeat his resolution that he must not leave his ship, and include dialogue from the coastguard about the wild behavior of the ship before it crashed. Even with the plot element of trying to sink the ship, I don't think they needed to do the Captain dirty like they did.
My other major bone to pick with the film is its final scene. I got so excited at the slow set-up with the anticipated appearance of the cane, the return of the taunting knocking, the fact that Dracula was faced away and slowly turning to face Clemens... And then I was absolutely disappointed when I saw the same monstrous face I had become used to over the course of the movie.
Show me Javier Botet with long black hair and a mustache, looking human but still piercing you with burning eyes! We recognize the cane! Anna had the line about Dracula being able to appear human! We know it's him from the distinctive knocking and the reaction of Clemens! But no, maybe they think we wouldn't be able to figure it out and now we're left with major questions about how Dracula was able to exist in the pub looking like that.
One minor nitpick to wrap things up: Dracula never made use of that small bridge in the hold, did he? All those lingering shots in the hold made me expect someone would be up there eventually.
If you read all my thoughts, I appreciate you! I'd also be happy to listen to your own opinions about the film, so feel free to share them in a reblog. If you read this without having seen the movie, I would actually recommend it! It's fun! Makes me want to start working my way through Dracula adaptations again.
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poognthebrainbois · 3 months
🍄 🍐 and or 💬?
(All 3, let's go!)
🍄 - How did you get your system name?
Okay so technically a friend of ours thought of it.
We've since extrapolated meaning from it that I will now share with you all.
For a little context: we grew up with musical theatre. We were majoring in it at university. And singing has always been important in our life. So in a general sense, we knew it had to be something surrounding that. Anyway,
I can't find it but we wrote a whole thing once about how
the concept of a songbook is a collection of a performer's go-to songs for auditions and such, and how some they may know much better than others, but they're all meaningful in some way to the performer, and each song helps showcase a different aspect of that person's abilities, and shows what they value and the versatility of the person. A performer will often take out old songs that no longer fit or serve them, and add new songs that they've only recently learned, but every song was once a part of the book. And I feel the same way about our system. We're all songs in the Songbook, and some of us are very new, and some of us have seen our worst and best moments. But we're all part of the same book, and we're all important for our own reasons.
That, and we've actually met and/or gotten to know a lot of headmates through singing.
While we were at school, we used to lock ourself in a practice room in the music building and do karaoke by ourself.
Specific songs had meaning/hit hard for some headmates, who would either have picked the song for that purpose, or have come to front during the song without even realizing. It's such a surreal experience.
🍐 - Are there any nonhuman headmates (in the system)?
Yes! Several! That number actually used to be much higher.
We've got a couple vampires, a couple werewolves, a couple introjects of dnd/LARP characters that are very unique (mostly elves but also some more obscure races). Uuummm... We have various magic users? Not sure if that counts... Some fae-adjacent people. A couple pure animals (A cat, a wolf, and a bird), a demon, a couple Time Lords, aaaaand whatever the hell Yakko Warner is.
💬 - Free space! Talk about anything!
A number of us/our headmates have personal Spotify playlists and/or Pinterest boards. And I would absolutely love to link them for you if you want.
Also! We made a Google Slide Presentation about each of the headmates our friends were likely to meet!
Each headmate has 4 slides.
An Introductory Slide, containing basic information like name/pronouns as well as a little blurb about who they are/what they're like, and other info like system role, indicators when fronting, and likes and dislikes (sometimes containing positive/negative triggers).
A "faceclaim" Slide (we don't usually use the word faceclaim), which is covered in mostly Picrews or personal art of the headmate, to get a sense of what they look like.
An Aesthetics Slide, compiling a lot of stuff from their Pinterest board if they have one. Outfits and aesthetics indicative of their color pallete, Pinterest quotes, things of that nature.
Aaand a Miscellaneous Slide! Most of these are just a bunch of tumblr posts that "fit the vibe". Also other various memes, or pics dreamed "not sophisticated enough" for the Aesthetics Slide.
Another key feature of these slides is that everyone's slides are their favorite color, and the Introductory Slide is typed out in a font that either matches their vibes or is similar to their handwriting.
An example (that's probably outdated) can be seen in this post (cw aro discourse).
As always, feel free to ask whatever questions you want!!! Fill that inbox!!!
Thanks for asking/reading! :)
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bansept · 1 year
The Child of God
Part 6
I had some free time today, so I thought about adding this new chapter! A little heads-up: Bruno is his adult self in this story. It would be impossible for Dio, even in this AU, to allow a child to look after his son. Nope nope. I usually like to keep the ages and the overall characters as canon as possible, but we have an exception for this story.
I hope you guys will like this!
Bruno was a strange, kind human.
Of course, kindness wasn't something Giorno had grown used to back when he was still with his parents, they would never be kind, never look after him, never smile at him. The evil woman wouldn't care about him, and the evil man would beat him for any reason. Now that he was living with his real father, he understood the concept of kindness, but only applied it when necessary. His father had servants, meaning he was above them. Why was it necessary to be kind to them? Giorno had looked up to his father the moment he met him, although he had been scared. His father kept him close, and he knew it was because he was his only family, therefore he could be loving, and sometimes kind and joking, but only because Giorno was his son. It didn't feel right to be good or kind to a stranger.
Yet, Bruno was soft, generous, and attentive to the boy the moment he entered the room. It felt bizarre.
Dio had returned to his side of the villa, hiding from the sun. He had given Bruno a piercing look before going, and Giorno knew the human in front of him would immediately get impaled if anything were to happen to him. Bruno had bowed to the vampire again, turning away to place his hands on the back of a chair. Giorno kept staring at him from his spot on the sofa, waiting to see what the man would do. The black-haired man scanned the place carefully, his eyes quickly returning to the seated boy.
"How old are you, Giorno?" He asked, his blue eyes kind. Again.
"I just turned 5." Giorno answered shortly before he climbed off the sofa, walking calmly to the library to pick up the book he and Father had started reading together.
Bruno looked shocked to see the little blond boy carry a huge encyclopedia around, placing it on the sofa and climbing back on to open it expertly, opening the heavy book and going back to reading without looking up at his tutor. Average children didn't quite know how to read at 5, especially complicated words in old books like the one Giorno was holding. He cleared his throat gently, walking up to the child.
"I see you enjoy books." Giorno didn't answer. "I am guessing you take after your father. He seems like a man of great culture." At this, Giorno raised his head again, squinting at the man.
"Do you?" Bruno chuckled, earning him another, harder, squint from the child.
"I used to. But now I prefer to see the things I've read in books in the real world."
Giorno stopped squinting to glance at the exquisite drawing of animals in the book, then back at Bruno.
"You know, those particular insects you're looking at can be found right outside?" Bruno said with a teasing voice. Giorno smiled for a moment, before staring at the man.
"Show me!"
"I will, once you say it politely."
Giorno's excitement cooled down when seeing the man had closed his arms on his chest, prepared to wait a long time. Was it necessary for him to be polite even to his tutor? He remembered the way his father was still polite to the servants, how it showed he was indeed better than them, but also had great manners. The blonde boy nodded at Bruno.
"Please, show me where to find the insects."
Bruno smiled widely, standing back up and holding out a hand to Giorno to help him down. The boy didn't take his hand, handling the height of the sofa with ease, and hurriedly placed the book back in its designed place in the library, trotting back to the standing man. The two walked to the gardens that were illuminated by the late morning sun. Thankfully, the weather was kind and warm for April, allowing the trees and flowers to slowly burgeon, the grass waking up from its winter state. Giorno wasn't cold for now, his little dark pants and long-sleeved t-shirt covered him enough for Bruno not to worry.
For the next hour, Bruno showed Giorno the different few things he knew about insects and animals: where did they live, why they hibernated, why did they look like that, and why some were bigger than others. Giorno faked his disinterest for a minute only, incapable of resisting sitting on the ground to try to pick up some of the few insects that were still out, including snails, that he mischievously placed on Bruno's hand when he wasn't looking. The gasp of disgusts he got out of him was quite funny.
"Those ants... There's the Queen, who's very big, and then the soldiers, and the workers!"
"Yes, they all work for the Queen. She's their leader."
"Oh, so it's like Father." Giorno looked up with a smile. Bruno raised his eyebrows in thought.
"I... Guess we could say that."
By the time the day was over, Bruno had understood and noted that Giorno was a very intelligent boy, curious of the world around him. He was calm and didn't throw tantrums, as if they were above him. Giorno didn't seem to care about hurting feelings or sugar-coating his words, often asking the man why his vest was the way it was, why did he have tattoos, why was he so annoyingly kind, and so on. He was 5, so Bruno didn't take his words too seriously.
Giorno was by the fire in the evening, waiting with patience for his father to enter the room, which wouldn't take very long by now. Bruno was taking care of his own meal, having been instructed the boy would eat with his father only, and so the young man was free to go to his own room and spend the evening the way he wanted.
Dio opened the door silently, and Giorno stood immediately, running up to him with the biggest smile on his face.
"Father!" He exclaimed, Dio staring down at him and rubbing his hair gently.
The tall, bulky vampire didn't utter a word to the child, simply pushing him lightly to the table, indicating him to go eat. It was already too late for the boy to stay up. Giorno understood and graciously sat down, a servant already garnishing his plate with various vegetables and some meat. Dio sat by his side, his eyes focusing on the little human, nodding at him to start eating. It seemed Giorno was in a good mood.
"I saw a lot of the animals from the encyclopedia today! Lots of insects! They were right outside, in the gardens." The child spoke excitedly, yet still careful to not speak with his mouth full.
"Good." Dio simply said. If it wasn't for his son's love for animal life, he would have ignored the words stumbling out of his mouth. And after all, he was still very young. "Eat now, Giorno. We will talk about your day later."
Giorno's smile faded a little, disappointed to not be able to discuss more with his father, but he quickly shook his head. Father was right. It was night, and he'd be able to spend some time with him after supper. He returned to his plate with enthusiasm, eagerly waiting for the moment he'd see his father smile just for him.
Dio stood up soon after, asking his son to get ready for bed. He'd have some business to attend to before joining him. Leaving the room to his servants, the vampire silently walked up to Bruno Buccierati's room, situated in the sunniest part of the villa, now bathed in the blue light of the night. The man was unpacking his light suitcase, humming to himself, unaware of the presence of his host and master. Dio sat down on the simple chair in the room, the wooden frame creaking from the massive weight put on it. Bruno immediately turned around, his stand appearing behind him.
Dio smiled maliciously, his orange eyes shining in the night.
"Tell me, Buccierrati, how did this day go?" His tone was smooth, almost friendly.
"Master Dio... Your son is a very clever boy. I believe he will make you very proud of him." Bruno answered with a smile, trying to stop his skin from crawling from the supernatural chills emanating from the man in front of him.
Dio's smile crumbled. He glared at the young man.
"Of that, I was certain the moment he was born." He stood up, towering over the human with ease. "Giorno will do great things. For that, he must be strong. Starting tomorrow, you will do what it takes for him to increase his strength, mental and physical."
"Master, he is just a boy..."
Before Bruno could finish his sentence, Dio was already lifting him up to the ceiling by his neck, choking him with ease. The human called his stand, only to find it impossible to move as if time had stopped.
"My son will not be weak because of you. Starting tomorrow, he will train his body, train his mind, and when he will be ready, he will receive his Stand." The blonde man, if he was still a man and not a god, clearly spoke. Sweat was dripping on Bruno's forehead. "His youth is none of your concern. You swore to serve me if I helped you with this Passione gang of yours. One mistake from you, one misstep, and you will experience a fate worse than death."
The man was turning pale from the lack of oxygen, his face drenched, his vision troubled. Dio let him go, his body falling on the ground like a sack of potatoes. His breathing returned after a few tries, only to realize he was alone again. He didn't dare feel relieved.
Funny thing tho, I looked it up on the Internet, and Queen ants have drone ants, which are made for mating. We could be saying Dio has lots of drones too, since this man fucked everything with a vagina. Also Dio being bad was very nice to write hehe
Part 5 // Part 7
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
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Clary tells Alec and Isabelle about what she witnessed in the library. She also conveniently forgot the rings so they can’t go back to the Seelie Court, so instead of that the writing makes space for Alec’s personal journey to make poor decisions and underline what a terrible premise his relationship to Magnus really has.
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The focus here is on romantic relationships. She, Clary, would never mistake Jace who she loves as he, Alec, would never mistake Magnus for anyone else. In a sense, they are more comparable because obviously if Clary, who has known Jace lesser time, wouldn’t mistake Jace, neither would Alec nor Isabelle. It wouldn’t make sense that Clary would compare herself to Jace’s family, to equate their levels of familiarity to each other, but I still personally don’t like that the aspect of romance is what brings Clary the credibility, not that of course she would recognize Jace, in relationship with him or not. I don’t know, just another nitpick.
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Not necessarily. Also, how familiar are the Shadowhunters with terms belonging to mundane psychology? Because in TDA, they only familiarize themselves with such concepts, but overall it comes off as pick and choose, not that there is any consistency or logic behind the extent of their knowledge.
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Clary is surprised that Alec would not risk Jace’s life just because Alec generally likes rules. Really, that is worth surprise?
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Another nitpick, but it comes off as strange that Clary would directly quote what the Seelie Queen said, exact words of faerie speak, in order to reiterate what was said just some pages ago. It doesn’t come off as natural instead of just reiterating the core message of those words.
→ She said he probably wouldn’t be the same when we found him again.
Couple lines below it is told that those words are basically burnt in Clary’s memory, and I am not against her remembering them because the Nephilim have apparently incredible memory for any quotes Clare wants to incorporate into her writing. Also, conversely:
→ “She knew, remember?” Clary said. When you find him again, he may well not be quite as you left him. The Seelie Queens voice...
Because everyone was there to hear the queen say it, so Clary only needs to prod their memory a bit. Anyway.
Clary, Simon, Isabelle, and Alec agree to meet at Magnus’ place the next day because Alec lied about Magnus having work to do, because Alec himself wants to meet up with Camille. Alec is willing to halt their search for Jace because his obsession overwrites that, and I am not sure the narrative even recognizes this.
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→ What he was doing was a mistake
→ Needing to know more about what? What Camille baited Alec about living forever? Clare’s stance has been that Alec only ever went to Camille because he wanted to learn more about Magnus, but it yet, at least, to be shown in the writing.
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This happened in rather recently. Readers don’t need to be reminded where exactly it was.
→ This was where the letter the vampire subjugate had handed him had directed him to go.
I also forgot to point out this in that specific scene in chapter 3:
The figure glided toward him. He could tell nothing about it—no age or gender or species. The voice that came from beneath the hood was crackling and low.
Why does it matter when you already specified “nothing” which includes all those things as well? Only here it is revealed it was a vampire subjugate, which seems it is a new addition since Walker and Archer were both killed in City of Fallen Angels.
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I didn’t remember this passage existed and was absolutely delighted it does, but at the same time it reinforces the issues Magnus and Alec’s relationship has. Magnus’ refusal to open up to Alec and by doing that giving Alec some comfort of not being trivial and actually a meaningful person in Magnus’s life.  Because at this point Magnus has just told it and done nothing to show it, which is why I sometimes don’t get all the vitriol Alec gets and Magnus is spared from, as if these issues never stemmed from Magnus himself.
Alec has no one to turn to. He can’t go to Magnus because it escalates into a fight (bravo, Alec). He apparently can’t go to Isabelle either. Jace is gone, and not like Alec and Jace in TMI have that kind of relationship where Alec’s issues take any of Jace’s brain space. Alec has no close friends, and I don’t think any words could ease Alec’s worry because he isn’t shown anything that he could grasp onto to trust his place in Magnus’ life.
Again, just my two cents.
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→ She had a book open on her lap—La Place de l’Étoile by Patrick Modiano. The Place of the Star.
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→ Alec’s breath quickened.
→ The approach to the issue of mortality is also strange because Alec as a Shadowhunter should already be extremely familiar with death and dying, especially young, so it’s weird that he finds aging and subsequently dying of old age so terrifying. Why? Because his life is quickly over and he meant little to Magnus? Why is Alec’s self-worth tied to his relationship to Magnus? Why, why, why anything really at this point.
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→ Fuck Jace. Not everything Alec has trained and earned in skill needs to be tied to Jace. But Jace continues to be the focal point to everything even when he is not present. In City of Glass, there was also a passage reminiscent of this:
The demon, startled, began to turn, its yellow eyes like flaming jewels; Alec had time only to reflect that if he were Jace, he would have had something clever to say before he snatched the seraph blade from his belt and ran it through the demon. With a dusty shriek the demon vanished, the violence of its exit from this dimension splattering Alec with a fine rain of ash.           “Alec?” Magnus was staring at him. He had dispatched the remaining Iblis demons, and the square was empty but for the two of them. “Did you just—did you just save my life?”            Alec knew he ought to say something like, Of course, because I’m a Shadowhunter and that’s what we do, or That’s my job. Jace would have said something like that. Jace always knew the right thing to say.
Jace, Jace, Jace. Only if f Alec ever occupied as much of Jace’s narration.
So Alec and Camille fight. Alec apparently came to whoop her ass.
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This is inappropriate on so many levels. Alec is only eighteen, and Camille is a jealous multi-centenarian, and I frankly find it disgusting that this is the approach Clare took. Looks, age, beauty, sex, because there is nothing else to get back at against these hollow characters. No here you are, betraying someone you claim to love or you came to me because you knew you couldn’t go to him or you came here because he could not give what you want. Something observational other than the sex life of a teenage boy??????????
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I never understood why would this bait work? This should’ve been the end of discussion, because if I die, he has to die as well so he can never ever date anyone else again. Man, you’re dead at some point, what do you care what other people do with their lives? Some people are actually like this but these kind of thoughts are generally regarded negatively, so once again, I don’t get Clare’s approach with Alec’s character.
Maybe you shouldn’t spent your time and life with a person you don’t feel values you as much as you value them. Just maybe.
Cut to Clary who tries to draw runes and asks Jocelyn about how she got the protection ritual done to Clary because Clary was born in secret.
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→ Clary doesn’t care who the Silent Brother was but cares who the warlock woman because it alludes to Tessa who, at this point, wasn’t revealed as a warlock yet in The Infernal Devices.
→ Convenient interruption because the man making the dinner can’t handle the water boiling over.
Cut to Jordan and Maia.
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Only if Jordan was as “mindful” in the previous book.
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→ Fuck Jordan’s hazel eyes.
→ This is brand new information?! This is the fifth book. This sort of info about the werewolves should be known at this point, not introduced almost at the end of the series. Imagine actually developing your fantasy world properly before beginning the series, because I can’t imagine Clary has been on and on about Luke’s blue eyes and Luke-blue eyes and never even thought to mention the gold rings around his pupils?? Or that he had them but were then explained when Clary came to know he was a werewolf. Seriously.
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Again, why the heck does Jordan or Maia care about Jace and Shadowhunter business? What is it to them other than everyone’s world revolving around Jace?
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→ I will never understand randomly throwing anyone’s surnames into the talk when you’ve talked about them using just by their first name.
→ Even Jordan and Maia are to have a discussions about Jace because why wouldn’t they? They have no relation to him, they are not friends, but they find time to talk about him instead of anything relevant to either of their lives. Also time to complement Jace’s looks. You know Jace is attractive when characters randomly mention it.
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Jordan’s Hazel Eyes are quickly becoming a competitor to Jace’s Golden Eyes.
Jordan and Maia kiss again, but Maia backs out.
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How does one read this and think, man, I hope they eventually get together despite the fact that Maia is extremely conflicted and uncomfortable with Jordan.
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atherix · 1 year
Be prepared for the most u filtered brain vomit because i havent discussed anything with anyone
Im bashing my head into a brick wall
Ahem im totally normal about them
Blondie is there, traumatizes cub and just dips wuthout saying anything. I cant decide if i should be happy or upset she didnt say anything, she just left without being weird and creepy with cub
Like sir you come across another fae and ypu just leave, no banter what so ever, you just up and dissapear
FALSE YES PLEASE, i know nothing about false, but the bat and the bombs and i feel like there was some false lore i didnt pick up on because i know shit about her and her character
Cub knowing how shadows work and how territorial clamming works better than mumbo is the funniest shit tonme and i love it
Also cub immediatly knowing something was up and then mumbo being all of us explaining how gods arent fucking immortal and hes been one fprm3GOD DAMN DAYS WHERE HIS FATHER WAS ONE FOR FUCKING YEARS GOD DAMMIT. Sorry im very passionate with this concept
And cub just knowing to leave because shits gonna go down and he doesnt want to be there for either them arguing and being pissy with eachother for the rest of the night. Or them bickering and then just end up making out or some shit, idk man seems like something theyd do
FAE KING, LIKE HOW HALF A PERSOB CAN GO FOR DAYS ABOUT MUMBOS DEAD KIDS ILL GO FUCKING MONTHS TALKING BOUT THIS DUDE, hensees cub as another son because he was like a son to him . Cub was there when scar left and so cub was probably the most he had left of scar and so he keeps him around
alright ima stop and go collect thoughts with the children, loved the update have a splended night. You amazing person, and getmsome sleep and water
Hehehe this is DELIGHTFUL
I love Fae lore hehehehehe <3 More Fae lore coming up, too 👀
I'm not normal about them and I am not gonna hide it <3
Makes you wonder what she's thinking huh 👀 She just dips without taking advantage of Cub and Mumbo being weak......... hmhmhm mmmm
I LOVE FALSE. 10 outta 10 could kick my ass and nigh on unkillable and I love her 😌 Hehehe women hitting bombs around with baseball bats, my weakness
Look, my mans Mumbo here barely knew he could control his shadows beyond shadow walking places and it took him a good 100k words to realize he had a Coven and was now a Vampire Lord, give him a break <3 (it's everything to me, too LMAO. Cub, who just happens to be related to the Death Pantheon just because Death favors the Illagers the Vex are contracted with, knowing more about the Vampire's magic than the Vampire himself hgfkk)
YESSSSSSS Mumbo immediately realizing HEY GRIAN THERE IS A FLAW WITH YOUR LOGIC hjkfdjksjk look, I am so glad because I am too. Just because you became a god, sir, does not make you a walking deus ex machina 😔
Cub like ✌ "im out" bc he don't want no part of that LMAO
HJGDJHGDKJFJK I LOVE THE FAE KING SO MUCH just ask Belle I have gone on entire tangents about him <3 Also thank Belle because they managed to threaten talk me out of a certain plotline LMAO Yesss Cub is like another son to him. Bonus son as it were. And you're right, Cub was there when Scar was not 😔
YEAH COURTS. Which I feel like I still haven't fully explained but that's neither here nor there 😌
Thank you so much <3 your words are much appreciated :D I had fun writing it <3 I did sleep and I have plenty of water thanku <3
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
☔ and 🌪?
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Okay, so back when I was really into the show Bones, I was very much not pleased with how the Gormagon plot ended. Zach didn't make any sense as the apprentice, but I do know the plot was impacted heavily by the writer's strike so it was what it was. But I had an idea for a xOver with Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a fix fic that would pick up where the third season of Bones ended and was post series for BtVS.
When Zach is arrested, the new Watchers Council sends Andrew to investigate because Gormagon wasn't just a regular serial killer. He was a warlock too and so his apprentice must have been as well. Except Andrew quickly realizes three things. 1.) Zach isn't a warlock and in fact doesn't even know magic is real. 2.) Zach does, however, reek of dark magic and from what Andrew can tell it's likely affected his memories, indicating that while Zach thinks he's the apprentice... he isn't. And 3.) the magic on Zach is very, very familiar to Andrew. Because that magic is his brother's.
With Andrew realizing that the real apprentice of Gormagon is Tucker, he suspects that the Gormagon may not have actually been a warlock after all - it was all Tucker using a non-magical serial killer to hide something worse going on and using Zach as an unwitting spy. Willow is less certain, but she acknowledges that Andrew knows his brother better. Willow and Kennedy arrange to have Zach released and Willow works with Zach to restore his real memories - confirming that Tucker is the real apprentice.
Meanwhile, Bones' team and Agent Booth are read into magic being real as part of a team up with the Watcher's Council to capture Tucker. They're skeptical at first, but eventually convinced. Takes more to convince Brennan than the rest and Angela actually already knew (to no one's surprise) but they all come around. They're relieved to find out that Zach isn't actually a serial killer's apprentice, but it's unnerving to find out what magic did make him do and believe he did.
Since Andrew can identify Tucker's magic the best, he's the one in charge of reversing the effects of Tucker's magic on Zach. The two wind up getting pretty close and eventually there'd have been a Zach/Andrew ship going on.
Willow and Kennedy would have been on point tracking down Tucker, reinvestigating the various Gormagon crimes. Tucker became the man's apprentice around the same time he started messing with Zach's mind. Tucker likely sought Zach out in order to use him to keep an eye on the investigation. He wanted to use Zach for more, but Zach fought back because he wouldn't hurt anyone and especially wouldn't kill anyone. Which is why he ended up hurting himself instead.
Tucker would have started killing again after Zach was cleared and eventually there'd have been a confrontation where he'd attempt to use Zach against Andrew and it winds up backfiring on Tucker quite badly. He's either caught and stripped of his powers (or has his powers locked or something like that) by Willow... or his magic backfires on him to the point where it kills him.
I actually do have a few scenes of this written somewhere, but I stopped being interested in Bones after a while. I think if I were to ever rekindle my interest in the show I'd revisit this plot, though. I like the idea of Andrew confronting his brother and seeing in Tucker where the road Andrew was on with Warren and Johnathan (and briefly the First) might have led him if he hadn't decided to take the opportunity the Scoobies offered him and become a better person. And Zach deserved a much better outcome than he received.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
It takes nine months before the coma finally comes to an end.  Eobard is sure there's a metaphor to be found in there about rebirth and rising in the face of adversity, but he sees it more like those video game characters who sleep in at the start of the game and then are rarely allowed to stay at an Inn by the player for the rest of the game.  Barry's going to be having a hard time sleeping this next year because Eobard's going to be putting him through a carefully collated 'boss rush' over the course of the next year.
... was he using that term correctly?  Barry might not sleep well over the course of the next year, but he'd still be allowed to rest and recover between meta fights, so maybe it wasn't...
Eobard was clearly spending far too much time with Cisco Ramon.  He didn't used to know anything about video games and now he knows that a boss rush dungeon is a thing.  What is he doing with his life?
From Timeless Nonsense a fic I will eventually polish up enough to finally start posting. The whole thing is basically a crack fic where Barry wakes up from his coma well aware who Eobard really is and actually trying to help Eobard out... because Barry realizes that what Eobard wants isn't really what he needs. And with the future of the Speed Force at stake - the far, far, far, far future, admittedly - Barry needs Eobard on his side. Whatever it takes.
It'll be Eobarry - which fits with the crack theme - and the fact that their relationship is somewhat unhealthy (understatement, I know) for Barry is part of what pushes Eobard to actually try to improve himself. So it's a silly crack story... but also crack taken seriously? Admittedly, I haven't gotten far because I'm more interested in my Eobard vs Eobard series. Herobard is more compelling to me than redeeming Eowells right now.
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linagram · 11 months
hi!!! i have some milgram ocs of my own and im also very inspired by what u do(writing entire mv descriptions sounds. kinda hard) but i was wondering something!!
how do you decide on covers for the prisioners? like.... lyrics wise how you see that characger in that song that stuff sorry i cant word it well
(u r very cool for what u do btw!!! cant wait to see the t2 vds)
!!! thank you so much i'm so so happy to hear that you like what i do!! 🥺🥺
and about the covers, when i try to find the songs that fit my ocs, i usually ask myself these questions:
is there a song that i can already associate them with? basically, sometimes you just look at your oc and go "OH I KNOW WHICH SONG I WANT TO GIVE YOU". like maybe it just fits them so well, you know that it would be perfect for them for one reason or another. i'll use kei as an example: like i just knew that vampire would be a perfect song for him. or riku and his ghost rule cover! this one doesn't always work though 😔
what would this character want to say to the audience? this one is harder to explain. so most of the time deco*27 covers don't actually have anything to do with the prisoners' crimes, backstories, sometimes even personalities. like they're usually assigned based on vibes or the seiyuu's voice, i think? i like to overthink things, however, so i usually assign them covers based on what they would want to say to their listeners. let's take kei as an example again. i could give him a song with a deeper meaning, but it just wouldn't be kei, at least not his t1 version. t1!kei wouldn't want to talk about his crime or his problems or anything like that! he would want to show his fun and flirty personality instead! (however, vampire actually does give a hint to his crime and what he's really like, it's like kei keeps proudly calling himself a vampire until he suddenly sings the "you're also a vampire" line)
so, if you already have a story in mind, i would suggest trying to slowly reveal different parts of your character's personality, backstory, crime, etc with their covers! this is also one of the reasons why i didn't go with the songs that i thought were perfect for some of my ocs, for example, i knew what non-deco*27 songs i want to give to shun and riku, but those songs would reveal way too much about their crimes and that would be too much information for season 1.
and if you feel like you can't find a song that describes their crime/backstory that well, that's totally fine! you can just go with the vibes then, which brings me to the third question.
would this cover sound good? if you already have voice headcanons for your ocs, that makes answering this question much easier, haha. sometimes you just have to listen to the song and imagine your oc singing it. do you think their voice fits this song? do you think they would do a good job if they sang it? it actually helps a lot! and if you think the instrumental doesn't fit their aesthetic or personality, the official covers also have different instrumentals, so you can just imagine them singing a different version of that song!
would this be a fun idea? don't forget to have fun when you try to find a fitting song for your oc! it doesn't always have to be a perfect song, you can just be self-indulgent and choose your favorite song, for example! or you can just pick it if you think the concept sounds cool.
also finding a good deco*27 song for your oc can actually be very hard, especially because almost all of his songs are about relationships and if your oc's crime/backstory doesn't have anything to do with that or they're just not interested in romance, friendships, etc.. yeah, it can be difficult. so i suggest trying to interpret the original song in a different way! for example, naomi isn't really that interested in romance and friendships and her crime doesn't have anything to do with that, which made finding a song for her very hard and for her t2 deco*27 cover, i picked a song that ~theoretically~ could describe her situation well.. except it's obviously a song about a romantic relationship. but i just knew that it would sound good as her cover and i really wanted her to get that song, so uh. i went "l-let's just pretend she's singing about hating that kid and her parents instead of. like. her ex or something" LIKE IT SOUNDS WEIRD I AGREE but sometimes you just really have to come up with a new meaning for those songs. (think like, amane getting animal. if we keep the original meaning, her getting that song doesn't make any sense, but if we think of it as her rebelling or something like that, it really could work) non-deco*27 covers are easier, since you can just go with any vocaloid song you find fitting!
and if you want them to cover the milgram songs. uh. good luck with that because as someone who has already picked my ocs' t3 deco*27 and non-deco*27 covers, i'm just sitting here like "maybe i should just.. wait until we get more songs" DNDJKDKDKD because it does get more difficult as the story goes on, i really am running out of songs to give them now. but hey, maybe it will be easier for you!
anyway, yeah, remember to have fun while imagining your ocs covering those songs <3!
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