#Have not picked a bias yet bc they’re all coming for my throat
Well i think i might be becoming an enhypen stan which is just great
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atzbabyy · 4 years
Struggles of a Blessing | KYS ~ Nari
genre: fluff, angst
summary: in which, after nari’s birth, you and yeosang take time to reflect on the whole process
age: Nari = 4 months
warnings: conceivement struggles, vomit, labour, long ass story
14th September, 2023
“She’s down,” Yeosang whispered, coming next to you and kissing your head.
You smiled, laying on the sofa and allowing Yeosang to lay beside you, arm over your stomach, drawing shapes on your waist lazily with his finger.
Yeosang sighed, kissing your head, “it’s been so long since we were just like this.”
“Hmm?” you hummed, slightly confused, “what do you mean?”
“Since it was just us, together, quietly, completely content,” Yeosang said, content sigh escaping his lips along with his sentence.
You nodded, thinking back, “I guess it has.”
9th May, 2020
“Come on, come on,” you held your breath, looking up to the sky as you sat on the bathroom floor, “please?”
Your timer went off and you smiled, getting up quickly to turn it off before looking to the small white stick; negative.
You sighed, rolling your eyes as you walked out to see your husband stood there with hopeful eyes.
You shook your head, “nope, not yet.”
Yeosang nodded, pulling you into a hug and kissing your head, “it’s alright, we can keep trying, right?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, squeezing his hand, “we just have to stay positive.”
15th December, 2020
“What does it say?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N? Wait! If it’s good save it for a Christmas present!”
You sighed, opening the bathroom door and shaking your head, “no, Sangie. It’s negative.”
Yeosang’s shoulders deflated, his whole demeanour shrinking slightly, “you’re not joking, are you?”
You shook your head, walking into your husbands arms, “it’s okay, it’s okay. We’ll keep trying.”
“Y/N we’ve tried everything,” Yeosang said, his voice hitching in his throat as he buried his face in your hair.
“I know,” you said, rubbing his back as tears formed in your own eyes, “I know we have. But we have time.”
15th November, 2021
“So our results show that Miss Y/N isn’t producing eggs at the rate that most women do,” the doctor said, “which would explain the lack of conception.”
You nodded, “is there anything we can do?”
“If you desire, we can put you on medication, such as clorifene, to speed up your egg release. Otherwise, there are obvious routes such as IVF, or even adoption,” the doctor explained, “I’m sorry.”
You smiled, squeezing Yeosang’s hand, “thank you, Doctor.”
The walk out the hospital was silent, both you and Yeosang too scared to say anything. The ride back to your house was silent as well, only the radio playing quietly in the background.
It was silent until the moment you walked into the house, Yeosang putting the keys on the side gently as the two of you took off your shoes.
Suddenly, Yeosang grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears beginning to fall from your eyes and onto Yeosang’s shirt.
Your husband sighed, clutching you tighter, “it’s okay. We’ll keep trying, okay? We could even take the medication if nothing happens. Come on, shh.”
18th February, 2022
“No, Yeosang, I’m so tired,” you sighed as Yeosang grabbed your waist and you felt his hard-on against your thigh.
“Seriously?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N we said we’d keep trying.”
“Yeah, and we’ve tried every single day for the past two weeks, Yeosang!” you exclaimed, “I’m tired! I’m just so, so tired! Not just of this, of everything! I’m physically, mentally and emotionally just exhausted, Yeosang.”
Yeosang sighed, watching as you sat up, practically tearing your hair out, “I’m sorry.”
You looked back to your husband as he laid in bed, rubbing your back soothingly. The red birth mark on the side of his face was evident in the morning sun and you smiled slightly, leaning over and kissing it.
“I love you,” you whispered, kissing his cheek.
Yeosang smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear, “I love you too. And this will work. We’ll have a child.”
21st August, 2022
“So?” Yeosang called, a slight sigh in his voice, “Y/N? It’s okay if it’s not, look we’ve already called the doctor to ask about the medication, please just come out—”
“Yeosang,” you said, appearing out the bathroom, tears already streaming down your face.
“I know,” Yeosang sighed, “I know, it was the seafood, wasn’t it?”
You shook your head, laughing slightly, “Yeosang, I—I’m pregnant.”
“It says positive,” you sobbed, as Yeosang fell to his knees.
“Quick! Quick, take another one!” Yeosang exclaimed, “I can’t take it if it gives us false hope.”
“Look,” you sobbed, showing him the three pregnancy tests you’d done, all displaying the word ‘positive’.
“Oh my god,” Yeosang said, beginning to sob, “oh my god.”
You smiled, wiping away your tears as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing kisses to your stomach.
“Our baby,” he mumbled, “finally, we have our baby.”
18th November, 2022
“You alright, Y/N?” Hongjoong asked.
You shook your head, putting your plate down quickly and running to the toilet, throwing up everything you’d eaten, probably for the last two days.
Yeosang sighed, “do you want me to—”
Yunho chuckled, “she’s very headstrong.”
Yeosang sighed, getting another slice of pizza, “this has been happening every day, I just think she’s used to it.”
“Like this though? Everytime she eats?” Seonghwa asked.
Yeosang nodded, “but the baby’s always hungry, so it’s kind of a vicious cycle.”
The boys all looked a bit sad as their wives just all grimaced.
“But they’re healthy right?” Mingi asked, “the baby, I mean.”
Yeosang nodded, sighing slightly, “yeah. Everything’s just... not as easy as we thought it would be.”
Hongjoong’s wife snorted, “wait till they’re actually here.”
26th February, 2023
“Yo!” Wooyoung shouted, walking into the house, “yo, where’s my best friend?”
Yeosang chuckled, taking off his shoes, “she’s on bed rest.”
“Bed rest?” Wooyoung repeated, eyes wide.
Yeosang nodded, sighing slightly as he went to the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m home! With Wooyoung!” he called.
“Shit,” you said quickly (and what you thought was quietly) before footsteps could be heard across the upstairs.
“Kang Y/N!” Wooyoung shouted, “have you been up while you’re supposed to be on bed rest?!”
Yeosang rolled his eyes, nodding for Wooyoung to follow him as he ran up the stairs, seeing you get back into bed.
“It’s so boring!” you exclaimed, making Wooyoung laugh as he jumped into the bed beside you.
“Is baby not well then?” he asked.
You shrugged, “they’re just taking precautions.”
Wooyoung nodded, “your child is being very stubborn about coming into this world.”
“You’re telling me,” Yeosang sighed, sitting at the end of the bed.
You sat up slightly, rubbing your back, “but they’re coming whether they like it or not.”
“Good to know Y/N hasn’t changed a bit,” Wooyoung laughed, cuddling up to you.
You hit his arm, “ya, what’s that supposed to mean?”
Yeosang laughed, rolling his eyes as he watched you two play fight. His two best friends (though one may have a tiny bit more bias).
4th May, 2023
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,” Hongjoong counted, “Mingi, too wide, you need to stay more in the middle.”
Mingi nodded, shuffling in a bit.
Hongjoong sighed, seeing all the member’s exhausted faces, sweat dripping down their faces.
“Alright, let’s take a short break,” Hongjoong said, getting a towel to wipe his own sweat, chucking a few others at the boys.
“Yeosang, your phone’s blowing up,” Jongho said, looking at the notifications on his hyung’s phone, “you might wanna get this, they’re all from Y/N.”
Yeosang’s eyes widened slightly as he jogged across the room, checking his messages first.
Y/N🤮🧡 - can we get take-out tonight ??? i want chinese (delivered 17:44)
Y/N🤮🧡 - just to let you know (bc i know you love me loads and want to know whats going on with me every second of the day) i have some pretty serious cramps (delivered 17:45)
Y/N🤮🧡 - yeah ngl these are serious (delivered 17:59)
Y/N🤮🧡 - hi just occured to me that i might be in labour (delivered 18:07)
Y/N🤮🧡 - just came off the phone with the doctor, i am in labour (delivered 18:09)
Y/N🤮🧡 - kang yeosang pick up your phone right now (delivered 18:12)
“Everything alright?” Wooyoung asked.
“No, my wife’s a fucking idiot,” Yeosang said, eyebrows furrowed as he called you back, “hello? Yeah, what the fuck?”
“Yeosang I need none of that I am in a lot of pain,” you said, taking deep breaths.
“Wha-What’s going on? Are we gonna go to the hospital?” Yeosang asked.
You sighed, “no, the doctor said I should wait until my contractions are every 5 minutes.”
“Oh,” Yeosang said, “and what are they now?”
“Like, 10?” you guessed, “I don’t know, I haven’t timed it.”
“Well time it please!” Yeosang exclaimed, “do you want me to come home?”
“Yeah, can we get chinese?” you asked.
“Y/N, you’re in labour,” Yeosang said.
“Yeah and I am very hungry,” you said.
“Order the food now, I ate with the boys,” Yeosang said, “call me if anything else happens, okay?”
“Okay, love you,” you said, hanging up quickly.
“What’s going on?” Hongjoong asked.
“Y/N’s in labour,” Yeosang said, “she said she doesn’t want me home but...”
“Go home, Yeosang,” Seonghwa said.
“Should I?”
The boys all nodded and Yeosang smiled.
“I’ll call you when we go to the hospital!” Yeosang called, quickly gathering up all his stuff, “oh my god. Oh my god it’s happening.”
4th May, 2023 (still) (now 22:54)
“Y/N please,” Yeosang sighed.
“No,” you said, shaking your head, “nope. Not happening.”
“Y/N, they’re like, 5 minute 45 seconds we can go! We, actually, need to go!” your husband exclaimed.
“Yeosang, I can’t,” you said, shaking your head.
“What do you mean you can’t?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N. You’ve taken a bath, you’ve eaten, you’ve cleaned the nursery, you’re water has broken and your contractions are 5 minutes apart. You can and you need to.”
“Right now?” you asked.
“Right now,” he said, nodding, “and we’ll get to the hospital and they’ll deliver our baby and we’ll have our baby!”
“We need to go,” you said.
“Thank you,” Yeosang said, sighing slightly as he picked up your hospital bag and the keys, holding your waist and slowly guiding you out the house.
5th May, 2023
“Yeosang?” you asked, gasping in pain, “can I have your hand?”
Yeosang nodded as you took his hand in yours, squeezing tightly as the other hand squeezed the bed sheets.
“Just breath, Y/N,” the nurse said, “keep breathing.”
“Can we go yet?!” you exclaimed, panting as the contraction got more intense.
“Do you want us to measure again?” the nurse asked.
The nurse nodded, walking over and measuring your dialation as you squeezed tighter and tighter onto Yeosang’s hand.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, quite aware of how tight your grip was.
Yeosang shook his head, a polite smile on his face.
“Nearly there! 6cm,” the nurse said.
“6?!” you exclaimed, “I’ve been in labour for 10 hours and I am 6cm?!”
“It’s quite normal,” the nurse said, “don’t worry.”
You sighed as your contraction passed and you collapsed against the bed.
Yeosang smiled, brushing some of the sweat off your head, “you okay?”
“What do you think?” you asked, making Yeosang laugh slightly, “obviously not.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, kissing you gently.
You shook your head, entertwining your fingers with his, “don’t be. This’ll be worth it.”
Yeosang nodded, “of course it will. All to have our baby.”
5th of May, 2023 (still) (now 13:19)
“Okay, Y/N, 10cm,” the nurse said, “you can start pushing now.”
“I can?!” you exclaimed, “oh my god, oh my god, Yeosang, where’s Yeosang?!”
“I’m here, I’m here,” he said, arriving at your side, “it’s alright. I’m right here.”
“Okay, do you want to start pushing, Y/N?” the midwife asked, the nurses all walking around busily.
“Come on,” Yeosang smiled, “it’s alright. Want to hold my hand?”
You nodded, taking his hand tightly into yours.
“In the count of 3, yeah?” the doctor said, “1, 2, 3.”
You began pushing, your body already feeling tired from all the pain you’d been feeling for the last 20 hours.
“Come on, if you keep pushing soon you’ll meet your baby,” the midwife said.
“Do we know what the gender is?” the nurse asked as you began pushing again.
Yeosang shook his head, stroking your head comfortingly, “no. It’s going to be a surprise.”
“I don’t feel well,” you sobbed as Yeosang wiped away your tears.
“Do you want some gas? Or are you gonna be sick, honey?” the nurse asked.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” you said, panting.
The nurse got a sick bucket and held it by your head as Yeosang stroked your hair back away from your face.
“It’s alright, completely normal,” the nurse said.
“We ready to start pushing again?” the midwife asked.
You shook your head.
“Come on, then you can hold your baby!” the midwife encouraged.
“Once more?” Yeosang offered, “you can do it.”
You took a deep breath, beginning to push once again. After a few minutes of pushing they called more doctors into the room.
“Yeosang, what– what’s going on?” you asked sleepily.
Yeosang shook his head, “I don’t know. But it’ll be okay.”
“Okay, Y/N, we’re going to have to take you to the surgery room to do an emergency c-section, okay?” the nurse said, “we’re gonna have to do two more injections, okay?”
You nodded slightly as Yeosang helped you sit up, the nurses lifting up your hospital gown and injecting two needles into your back, Yeosang helping you to lay back down.
“I want Yeosang there,” you said, not letting go of your husband’s arm.
“I’ll be there,” he nodded, “it’s okay. I will.”
6th May, 2023
“Oh my god,” Yeosang breathed, the midwife holding the small baby in his arms.
“Would you like to do skinship while we finish off the surgery?” the nurse asked.
Yeosang looked to you and you nodded, “go, do it.”
Yeosang smiled, nodding eagerly as he and the nurse left the room, Yeosang taking off his shirt and letting the nurse lay his daughter on his chest.
“So by hearing your heart beat, it will help your baby to feel closer to both parents as she is obviously already aware of how her mum feels,” the nurse explained, “having your shirt off allows for her to her your heartbeat clearly.”
Yeosang nodded, looking in awe at the tiny baby on his chest.
“Any ideas of names?” the nurse asked.
“Um, we like flowery names,” Yeosang nodded, “like Changmi or Nari.”
The nurse nodded, “river lily.”
“Oh yeah,” Yeosang nodded, smiling, “Kang Nari. Our river lily.”
“You might wanna check with the Mrs first,” the nurse chuckled.
Yeosang smiled, running a finger down Nari’s back, “I’m sure she’ll like it.”
14th September, 2023
“I love you,” Yeosang hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “you’ve been through a lot.”
You smiled, looking back and kissing his lips, “we both have.”
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