#and i can't wait till we get further in!
Too shy to tell you
miguel o’hara x fem!reader
Miguel hides your heals in hopes of making you forget you ever owned a pair...he confesses about his theft during a hot and heavy night of sex.
Warnings: This might be interpreted as possessive or an unhealthy bond. Though its supposed to be just a very shy and respectful Miguel who let's loose during sex.:]
Authors note: I am not a writer!! This is my first time righting fanfic.. like.. ever!!! So don't attack me. Though honest, constructive criticism is something that I would love to hear. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes. Also, I don't know how to put proper description..... enjoy!!!!
"Miggy?" I call out to my boyfriend who's currently towering over the coffee machine, waiting for it to brew.
"Yes, my love?" He responds with a look over his shoulder.
"Have you seen my black pointed heals? I can't seem to find them."
"No. Have you checked by the door?" He was lying.
He was lying. He was lying, and he didn't feel bad about it. The truth was he had stuffed them in the highest cupboard of the laundry room. He knew you couldn't reach it. He liked it that way. He couldn't let you open it since he had stuffed at least 4 pairs of heals in there.
"No miggy, they aren't here." You say after checking everywhere by the front door.
"Idk what to say, baby... we have to leave soon. Just throw on a different pair and I'll buy you some new ones later."
He was a liar... and he was damn good at it... until he wasn't.
It was 2am. This insanity started hours ago, but Miguel's stamina wouldn't let down. Your soft moans could fuel him till sun rise, and he would love to do this forever. But unlike him, you have limits. Limits to your ability to stay strong, or at least keep yourself up right. But he doesn't really care. Your begs for a break won't succeed with a constantly starving man like him.
"One more round, please baby... please. I need you." His desperate begs caress your tear stained cheeks as he whispers them softly, leaning over you and filling you with sloppy thrust.
"Miguel- please.. It's too much.." You whine as you try to pull away, gripping desperately onto the sheets.
"Last one.... I promise..." he lies.
He said the same thing the last 4 rounds. If he could have it his way he'd continue. But he knew you couldn't keep going for much longer, so he used this opportunity to tell you what he couldn't bring himself to say otherwise.
"I lied..." he confesses. Watching your tits bounce with every rough trust, keeping himself busy while you tried to form a reply. It took you a while, but you managed to let out a soft hum, waiting for him to explain himself further.
"I took them. Your heels.. I fucking hate those things.." he thrust get faster as he says it. Hoping to make your brain foggy enough to not remember his confessions in the morning.
"I like your height, so why do you wear those weird things?" His heart felt lighter as he told you.
"I like that your height forces you to get on your tippy toes every time you want a kiss from me.. and even then, I have to bend over to reach you.... I like that you rely on me to reach those high shelves. Every time you ask me, you grow as red as a rose...."
You can feel his movements speed up. You can barely hear him... your mind fuzzy from pleasure. Lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin felt like white noise at this point. The dim shadow of his frame covering you completely.
"You're so small under me.. your body falls any way I bend it..." At his point, he was just speaking the first thing to cross his mind.
You didn't hear him, and he knew it. Seconds later, you feel his weight shift, the mattress by your head sinking under his heavy hand as he leaned in and whispered.
"Please don't take that away from me."
His words were demanding. He felt exactly what he said. Even though your eyes were shut tight, you knew his eyes were locked on you. His breath heavy, as if he just confessed a dirty secret. He kinda did...
"Promise me.... Promise me you won't wear them and I'll help you cum."
As tired as you were. You wanted it. You needed it. You needed him. So you give in.
"F-fine... I promise."
"You promise what?" He smirked hearing your whiney voice.
"I promise I won't wear the heels!!"
The pleasure he got from you saying that was immense. He shifted his weight once more as he changed your position like a marionette doll. Spreading your legs apart. His hands wrapped around your thighs, and his claws dug into your skin. The stinging pain of it was a wake-up call, causing you to gasp for air.
This position caused him to go deeper. The sticky mess from your previous rounds was being pushed out of your aching hole. The sound of his hips hitting your ass grew louder with every precise thrust. They got louder and louder until they stopped. Your thighs had clenched closed as you hit that high you were chasing. And you took him with you. Tightening around his pulsing cock in a way that made him fill you to the brim once more.
He watched your body shake. Your hips jerking forward. He would usually take that as his sign to keep going, but your fucked out face was telling him you couldn't take another thrust.
"You did great my love..... my little angel~" He cooed gentle praises as he rubbed your claw marked thighs.
"I'll buy you the cutest flats."
A thing he didn't know.. is that you lied, too. His secret cupboard was emptied, and your heal collection was restored... and yes.. he pouted in silence.
The end
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
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Hobie meets your cats for the first time.
Pairing: Hobie Brown x f!Reader / Spider-Punk x f!Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Tags: Smut Implied, Kissing, established relationship, no use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader.
Synopsis: your cats interrupt your alone time with Hobie.
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/published on other platforms*
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Your keys jingle in your hands as you try and find the right key to your flat, you would've found it earlier, if it weren't for Hobie hugging you from behind while kissing your neck distractingly. 
"Hobie, can you wait till we get inside?" You crane your neck to look at him. You sigh in pleasure.
"Mmph?" He answers while his lips are still on your skin. 
"I can't find my keys, you're distracting me" you try not to move your neck to the left to give him more access to your skin, you bite your tongue instead to focus on choosing the right key. 
Hobie stops kissing you for a moment to grab your key ring from your fumbling hands. "Let me try" 
You miss the press of his lips on your skin when he pulls away, still reeling from the feeling, you forgot to roll your eyes at Hobie. This is his first time at your place. How would he know which key?
Of course the door opens after only two tries. Hobie smirks at you teasingly. 
You finally roll your eyes, snatching your keys from Hobie swiftly. 
The second you're inside, Hobie attacks your neck once again, pushing you towards a wall, he cages you in his arms as he pushes the door closed with his foot. 
He kisses the underside of your chin, forcing you to look at your beige ceiling. He nips and licks at your skin passionately. Grabbing the back of his neck to guide him towards your lips, you kiss him, while your free hand grabs one of his belt loops to pull him towards you, closing in the small gap between you. Heat emanates from the both of you. 
A small mewl stops you both in your tracks, you both look to the side breathlessly, stuck in the same position, Hobie raises his brow.
"Oi, bruv, d'you mind? We're having a moment here" He gestures to you. 
"Meoww" the orange tabby cat pushes her empty bowl in front of her. The sound of the bowl moving across your wooden floors acts like a dinner bell, two more cats appear from somewhere.
"Ah, shit, it's way past their feeding time" you look at Hobie apologetically. 
"I don't mind" he pecks your lips, as if to say: we'll continue this later.
"I'm really sorry," You rub his kiss bitten lips with your thumb to swipe some sheen off them "I'll make it up to you later, I promise" 
You turn your back from Hobie still holding his hand, you slowly let go when you went further in your home. 
Once you're in your kitchen preparing their food, Hobie crouches down in front of the orange tubby.
"Cockblocker" he scoffs while Hobie holds out his hand for the cat to smell. The cat tentatively sniffs at his outstretched hand. Once she's satisfied, she bumps her head on his hand. She looks at the other cats then back to Hobie.
The other two follow her lead and they both sniff at him, one of them, a cream colored shorthair, moves towards Hobie's legs, she begins to circle around him while she rubs her face on his leg. 
The last cat, black as the night, stares at Hobie with his bright green eyes, his eyes turn to slits as if to say - you're good to stay, but I'm watching you.
You finally head back to Hobie, Gasping at the scene in front of you. 
"Oh. My. God." You squeal, quickly grab your phone to snap a picture of the adorable moment. 
Hobie looks up at you "guess they like me" he gives you a lopsided smile, the previous emotion slowly dissipates around you both.
"This is a miracle, they usually don't like new people" 
Hobie stands up to his full height, careful not to step on the cats. "They've probably smelled me off you before" 
Heat rises on your cheeks with his implication, you cross your arms to not give away the effect he has on you. He saunters towards you, the cats run off towards their food. 
"Do you have catnip on you?" You eye him suspiciously. 
Hobie chuckles deeply "Nah, cats just have a natural affinity towards me" he grabs your face lovingly, "you wanna frisk me, to make sure?" He gives you his signature smirk. 
You let out a breath you've been holding. He comes closer to you until he's mere inches away,
"Fuckin' hell! What is that?" 
He lets you go, running towards your cat tree. Your excitement deflates. 
"It's their cat tree, the employee at the pet store called it a cat condo" you huff at another interruption. 
"A condo? Love, that's a full on mansion right there" he gestures toward the expansive structure, numerous branches, platforms and cubbies hang on it. 
"Too much?" You wince, terrified he might get turned off by it. 
"For them? Nah, I'm sure it's worth every penny" he looks at it, curious to see if he can DIY a few more floors to add to it.
"You wanna meet them formally?" He turns back around, he sees you carrying the orange tubby, her full stomach protruding.
"Yes," Hobie says a little too fast. 
You bounce the orange blob, "her name's Crumpet! She's the oldest one," you whisper the next part "I adopted her five years ago" 
"Why are you whispering?" 
"Because she doesn't know she's adopted" you whisper back. 
Hobie looks at you fondly, "dork" he softly says as he holds Crumpet's paw, "your mum's a dork" he looks at Crumpet with a smile. 
"Myeow" she answers back 
"I think that means she knows" you chuckle at your own joke.
"You're my dork" Hobie leans towards you for a kiss, he finds you adorable, he thinks you deserve a kiss just for that. 
Before he could though, he felt movement around his leg. He looks down to see your other cat, the cream colored one. 
"Oh," you clear your throat, trying to push down your excitement again. "That one is Teacup, When I got her she was so tiny she could fit inside a teacup" 
Hobie chuckles at the name "Tea and Crumpets, then?"
You nod, "Yep, and that one," you point with your head since your hands are occupied, at the black void sitting on top of your kitchen counter, looking directly at Hobie. "Is Crowley!" 
Upon hearing his name, Crowley drops down gracefully, he rubs his face on your leg, purring loudly. 
"He's a bit overprotective, ain't he?" Hobie looks at Crowley. Crowley glared at Hobie when he spoke. 
"Well, he is the man of the house" you shrug, as you sit down on your sofa. 
The second your back hit the soft plush of the sofa, your other two cats ran towards you, Crowley curls around himself on your lap while Teacup sits next to you looking at Hobie, like she's waiting for him.
You notice Hobie still standing, inviting him to sit next to you by patting the space closest to you. 
"Nyeow" Teacup whines towards Hobie.
"Can't say no to that" Hobie heads towards the space next to you, lifting up Teacup by her arms so he could sit closer to you. He places Teacup on his lap, she curls around herself immediately, purring loudly.
"It's a bit concerning how much she likes you" you softly say, craning your neck to look at Hobie lovingly petting Teacup. 
Hobie puts his non-petting arm around your shoulders moving you closer to him. "She has good taste, just like her mum" he leans towards your lips, slowly closing the gap. 
"Do you really like them? They're not too much?" You whisper against his lips before they meet.
"How could anyone not like 'em? They're perfect, even Crowley" 
You laugh at his jab, "Didn't peg you as a cat person" 
Hobie rubs your cheek endearingly "haven't I told you I'm a cat guy?" 
Hobie guides your face towards his again, when you suddenly gasp. 
"I forgot! I need to give you something" you drop Crumpet on his shoulder, while Crowley moves towards the sofa's armrest. "Be right back" pecking his lips.
"I've got it!" You emerge from the sides holding something. Sitting back down you give the small patch to Hobie. 
Hobie looks at the menacing aura emanating from the arm rest. He sees Crowley perched elegantly, his emerald eyes staring directly at Hobie. While Crumpet sways her tail across Hobie's chest, still perched on his shoulders.
Hobie stares back at Crowley, teasingly smirking at the cat.
"I think he's planning my murder" Hobie points out. 
"Aww he's a sweetheart, you'll win him eventually" you say while petting the void next to you, Crowley sits unmoving still staring daggers at Hobie. 
"Right, what's this?" Hobie looks at the piece of cloth in his hand. 
"It's a patch! I made it for you, y'know to add to your jacket" you ramble on to hide your sudden shyness. 
The patch has a stitched cartoon version of Crowley holding a knife in his mouth, the bottom of the design reads- 'piss off' 
"You made this?" He feels the stitches with his thumb. 
You bite your lip while nodding "you like it? I saw that you have a cat patch already, so I made you another one, she seemed lonely" 
"It's fuckin' gorgeous, lovey" He grabs your face in excitement, he kisses every inch of your face with a loud smooch in-between. 
Before he could finally kiss your lips, he heard a hiss from behind you. 
"Crowley!" You look behind you. "Don't be mean!" 
"Nope" Hobie grabs you by the back of your legs, He lifts you up with ease. You gasp while instinctively wrapping your legs around his hips. 
"What are you doing?" You laugh at his shenanigans. 
"You're my human shield" he says while he peeks at Crowley over your shoulder. 
"He's harmless" you giggle, as if on cue, Crowley raises his hips with a hiss, readying to pounce. 
"Okay, maybe not" you wrap your arms around Hobie's neck while he jumps towards your ceiling. He sticks to it by his hands and feet, while you use him as your personal hammock. 
"He can't reach us up here, right?" He asks you. 
You peek over his shoulder to see Crowley trying to reach you by jumping, while Teacup meows upward, Crumpet sleeps on the couch unbothered. 
You hide behind Hobie, cuddling his torso, the height giving you vertigo. 
"Don't worry, I've got you" he pats your behind before sticking his hand back on the ceiling. "Let me kiss you better" 
You lean up to look at his face, smirking in victory. "Was this a ruse to get me alone?" 
"Know me so well" he chuckles against your lips. You cup his face to stabilize yourself against his body. 
Kissing him back, you hear Crowley's mewls for you to come down.
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A/n: Thank you for reading! Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated! ❤️
*picture above is from pinterest*
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anadiasmount · 2 months
lockeroom loving - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: after the recent win, jude can't help but take you against the place where he desired most since moving to his club. one place that will forever be now tainted of you and him.
wc: 2k | masterlist | jude's masterlist
psa🗣️: i wrote this so fast so excuse any grammar and punctuation! i also used this since someone requested! he just looked so good with that leather jacket, and my thoughts were thinking 🤭🤭. this blurb does contain smut so minors dni!! warnings and themes include: (blowjob, and unprotected sex, public/ private setting) 🔞 like always enjoy!! this one is very much 🫦🫦
“what’s up with you today hmm?” jude smirks, kissing your cheek, feeling you arms wrap around his middle as you continued to nibble and peck his neck. “can’t i admire my handsome boyfriend? who has 30 g/a after todays game?” you say cheekily.
jude laughs and carries you to the locker room. “no no no jude! not here it probably smells! please jude!” you say between laughs as he sits you where his locker is. your eyes roam over the letters that spell out his last name, squirming when he kisses your neck down to your collarbone. “that’s cute,” you point at the picture of you and him during christmas, also of his family and other friends.
“gonna keep talking or let me do what you’ve been begging me for since the morning,” jude said, your thighs clenching together as his hands sneakily ran along your waist to unbutton your jeans, teasing you by slowly unzipping your zipper. “in here? it’s to risky, jude,” you breathe heavily, jude wanting to remark as you threw your head back.
jude sat on the bench, you still standing, hands resting on his leather jacket. he spread his legs, seeing his prominent bulge poke through the black sweatpants he was wearing, you coming between. “y/n, y/n, y/n…” jude taunted, his large palms rubbing your clothed ass, making lose balance. “what am i going to do with you…” he drove your teasing further.
jude took his fingers and slowly pushed your jeans down, tongue poking through his lips when he saw you wearing the white lace underwear. “i don’t think we should do this h-here jude…” you tried to reason but we’re cut off by him slapping your ass, gasping out a moan as jude rubbed the area with his hand to soothe the pain.
“i have a feeling if we wait till we get home, the whole car ride you’re going to pull one of your stunts. no one is coming in believe me…” jude brought you closer to him, kissing the skin on your tummy. your nails scratched the back of his head, bringing yourself to your knees where jude loses focus, untucking your bottom lip and tracing your lips with his thumb. you felt bold, sucking the tip of his thumb where jude chuckled cockily.
“what does my good girl want?” he tsked, watching as you removed your jacket. “what does my boyfriend want? i reckon he wants to feel my lips here?” your smaller hand traced the bulge, all the way up to his abs, now hand on his jaw, watching as jude almost twitched. his cock felt hard, he needed to relieve the tension and pressure before he came in his pants.
you leaned up, kissing his lips messily hearing as he breathed louder and groaned, tongues dancing, lips smacking. your teeth biting his bottom lip watching it pull back and go back to place, jude staring at you intensely now with plump lips, sighing heavily. you crouched down again, looking up with innocent eyes catching the side smile jude gave you.
you untied the strings of his sweatpants, looking at the doors to ensure no one was coming. as much as you enjoyed the thrill and excitement of being fucked by jude in the locker rooms, it was so risky, so perilous. jude bucked his hips up, helping you as you drew down his pants and boxers.
jude's cock twitched in your hold, looking up one more time as your tongue licked his wet tip dangerously slow. jude grunted and threw his head back, closing his eyes as his chest repeatedly moved up and down. you kissed the aching tip so gently and feathery, down the base of his cock, where your tongue traced the vein upwards he had that popped out.
"s-s-shit," jude stuttered, looking down when you finally took him between your lips, your cheeks sucked in as you worked from the tip down his shaft. your throat slowly relaxed as you took him deeper, now breathing through your nose as spurts of spit made the whole length messy. easily accessible for your hands to work the place you couldn't fully reach.
"doing so good for me, just like that angel, taking me so well against these pretty painted lips..." his words made you whimper, clenching around nothing as you looked up once again. "you can do it angel, just a little more, you can fit it all in your mouth," he breathed out, as you pulled back and nodded, stroking your hand messily on his cock. so messy and wet, lips and jaw hurting from how big he was. but you didn't want to stop, you felt the need to make him cum.
jude groaned again, itching to push you down even further when your lips made contact at the base, his thighs shaking and almost squeezing you. jude almost cumming on the spot when your tongue licked the underside of him, as he looked down at you. so focused, so pretty, so pure. he would never admit it, but having and taking you here in the locker room was one of his dreams...
"breathe... there you go... just breathe, you got this, i know my pretty girl got it..." jude said when you gagged and choked on his dick, moaning in pleasure when you retracted again, squeezing his balls to further quicken his high as you control your breathing. "you're so good at this baby, so close to cumming for you angel," jude said making you smirk as you kissed his tip again.
he could feel his orgasm through the back of his head, his head cloudy and images of you down on your knees for him, hissing when you sucked around his cock again. with one final push, jude trembled, moaning and groaning as he came into your mouth, hearing as you hummed pleasurably.
you swallowed every last bit, the whole scene playing out pornographic which flew your mind into a frenzy. you loved having him wrapped around your finger at your mercy, especially like this. his rapid breathing, playful smile, closed and hooded eyes. you wiped your hands on the clean towel nearby.
he kissed you again, bringing you to his lap where his hands stroked your thighs smoothly, down to your ass again, giving it a squeeze in appreciation. you laughed, as jude placed a wet trail of kisses down your jaw and neck. "luckiest man alive... can't believe you are real and all mine..." he whispered, making your body heat up at his words.
"all yours jude."
"get on your hands and knees for me... look into the pretty mirror behind me," jude demanded, voice deep and groggy, patting your ass gently, holding back the laugh at how quickly you listened. his hands roamed your back, still wearing his "bellingham #5" jersey. "gonna fuck you with my shirt on," he placed two kisses on each ass cheek, moving your lacy underwear to the side, your wet folds seeking through.
jude rubbed two fingers along your walls, putting them into his mouth and humming in delight, "so sweet like candy." he gently hit his cock on your skin, watching how you pulsed around nothing. tapping his tip on your clit, then dragging it all the way up to your soaking entrance.
you wanted to roll your hips back, but knowing jude, he would make you wait and tease you till you couldn't take it anymore, crying out as you begged. jude guided and edged himself into you, his girth stretching your walls as he snugs his cock deeper and deeper, inch by inch.
you held back a moan, head hanging low when he retracted and trusted back into you. jude cursed loudly, grabbing both your hips as he slowly found a comfortable pace thrusting into you. a hand reached forward, bringing your head to look at him through the mirror. "i want you to be loud, wanna hear how good i'm making you feel..." jude requested.
jude grunted, your desperate moans echoing in the room as he took you from behind. balls slapping against your clit, which increased your high more. your hands gripping the walls of his locker as you looked behind you, jude still wearing that damn black leather jacket.
since you had seen the pictures, it was all you could think of. he looked straight out of a movie, so prevailing and squared. "fuck, fuck," you hissed as his tip kissed the perfect spot inside you, hands and legs wobbly, as jude squeezed your boob. "jude please, i'm so close, so c-c-close," you warned, eyes squeezing shut at the familiar burn and coil formed in your tummy. he was so deep, that you felt every ridge of him everywhere inside you.
"i know baby, i know, can feel you wrapping so perfectly tight around me. just, fuck, just wait a little longer, a little longer for me, i'm right there with you," jude struggled to say, feeling as you clenched around him as a warning. "so proud of you, this is what you wanted right?" jude taunted seeing as you nodded rapidly, your legs practically shaking with pleasure.
"tried to test me in the morning, and before i left, what if i left you here hanging left and dry?" he pulled back, hearing as you screamed out a no. "no please, jude please," you cried pushing your hips back to feel him. "turn for me, and lay on the bench," you obliged immediately.
“your eyes are so pretty…. love watching them roll back… when i hit this spot…” jude sunk and buried his cock back into you, making your back arch and moan out at the feeling. “i love you so much… you have no idea how fucking good you feel wrapped around my cock darling… so tight…” jude praised. "i l-love you too," you say out of breath, clenching your jaw as your teeth itched with your orgasm seconds away.
jude could feel you from the back of his hands, saying your name like a devoted prayer, his lips connecting with yours as he dragged his hips and pushed his final thrust into you, making the both of you cum, as the wave inside you burst. you each trembled in pleasure, legs wrapping around him to keep him in place as he cummed into you, the familiar warm and full sensation as he came returning again.
you guys laughed, your hands going under his leather jacket and shirt to scratch and roam his back, as he kissed your chin sweetly. he kissed all the way down the valley of your breaths, watching the sticky strings pull back as he did, his white seed falling down from your entrance. you lay there completely warn out, trying to catch your breath, as you continued to process what happened.
"still with me?" jude asked, wanting to be as gentle as possible since you got sensitive after sex. he knew it might not be the correct place, but still wanted you to have and treat you with the most aftercare he could offer you. "yeah, i'm here," you reassured, feeling how he grabbed a clean towel and cleaned you up, laying a kiss on your knee.
"promise you once we get home, i'll give you a bath, the hottest one just how you like. but first I'm gonna treat you to some food, want to make sure my pretty girlfriend eats something... how does that sound?" jude showered you with love, helping you put your clothes on, and cleaning the area where it all went down.
"sounds perfect."
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uyuuma · 8 days
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satoru gojo x fem!reader ღ MDNI.
❥ summary. your boyfriend, satoru gojo, is driving you home from a long day out. you decide to repay him for the fun date, while he's fuckin' driving. (damn girl, can't wait till you get home first?)
❥ warnings. nsfw, female anatomy, praise kink, using pet names, oral (male receiving), deepthroating, hairpulling, this is all while he drives btw, etc.
❥ a/n. mb guys ik it's been a few months but i'm having horrible writers block. i have a bunch of drafts atm. wrote this cos i may or may not have done this irl >:) also this is bc im still coping with ch 261 in jjk
❥ wc. 3k
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"Are you sleepy, baby?" A voice asked softly, ripping you from the dream-like state you were under. You blinked rapidly, little droplets forming on the corners of your sleepy eyes. A quiet yawn escaped your lips as you stretched in your plush seat. You turn your head to look over at Gojo, as he lovingly glances at your sleepy form in his passenger seat. Your lashes drooped as your mind slowly regained consciousness, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up from your groggy condition. Gojo let out a chuckle as his eyes stayed glued to the road ahead. "Sorry baby, didn't mean to wake you from your precious slumber." he apologized, his faint smile being illuminated from the bright red lights on the dashboard. "S'okay baby, didn't mean to fall asleep anyway." you muttered, another yawn threatening to escape your throat. You looked ahead at the road, it was a straight freeway that stretched out for miles on end. It was already dark out, hardly any lighting besides the bright headlights of his car. It was slightly mesmerizing to you, seeing the surrounding environment race by in a blur. You could tell you were still quite a ways from home, you were in a very rural area. No cars, buildings, or signs of civilization have passed by since you woke up. "Poor baby, we had such a long day together. You should nap some more, it'll be a while till we get home, 'kay?" Gojo rested his large hand on your thigh, giving it a light, reassuring squeeze. He moved his hand so that he could cup your cheek, trying to further coax you into going back to sleep. You giggled, shrugging your left shoulder so that you could lean into his palm. "I'm fine, Satoru... I'm not that sleepy." You kissed his hand and leaned back into the chair, peering out the windshield to see the sparkling stars in the night sky. As he withdrew his hand to change gears, you moved yours to fiddle with the radio. Gojo always gives you aux because you are his pretty princess that he loves to spoil. He didn't mind whatever songs you chose to play, even if your playlists were an incoherent mess. You tapped on the screen, skipping a couple of songs before landing on the one you wanted.
You grinned, satisfied with the choice. Gojo also seemed pleased by your choice as he gently bobbed his head to the beat. He shifted gears again then rested his hand on your thigh once more. A gesture which was normally so innocent and comforting had your head spinning. You weren't sure what had suddenly caused you to feel so worked up, but it certainly caused you to become more alert. You bounced your other leg in anticipation, sorting through your options. You want Gojo now. In fact, you were down bad for him all day, but since you two were enjoying the day together you brushed it off. But now it's different, now you have privacy. Now you were cooped up in his Dodge Challenger, home still miles away. Come to think of it, his car was definitely one of his prized possessions as he always took amazing care of it. The interior was always so clean, the matte black seats and dashboard almost disappeared into the night. It smelled faintly of his cologne and the 'black ice' tree car freshener that hung from his rearview mirror. The masculine blend of scents added to the growing arousal pooling in your tummy, as if his car was full of pheromones. But even if it wasn't the way he cared for his car or the hypnotic aroma that danced around your senses, just the way he drove enchanted you. He drove with such confidence, only needing one hand on the wheel. The way his veins would pop out of his pale hand when he would switch gears. His long legs shifted somewhat to hit the gas or clutch. It was as if your boyfriend mastered the art of driving. It was the true reason you made him drive most of the time, Gojo believing it to be because you weren't as confident in driving. Nope, the true reason was that you were too enamored with being his little passenger princess to ever dare getting into the driver's seat again. Realizing that you were full on ogling Gojo as he drove, you shifted your observant eyes to take in his handsome face. He was focused on the road, his right hand now holding the wheel. His left arm rested against the car door, propping up his tired head on his fist. His body language was fatigued and you understood that he too, was drowsy. Your lips tugged into a frown, growing empathy and guilt in your body. You wanted to find a way to keep your boyfriend awake, while also repaying him for spoiling you all day.
That was when your gaze settled on his crotch, a little idea popping into your head. You knew exactly how to spoil him back and you weren't waiting till you guys got home to do it.
"Satoru..." you muttered, a lilt to your soft voice. You rest your hand on his thigh this time, fingers stroking the rough wrinkles in his dark jeans.
"Yes, princess?" He asked curiously, his thigh twitching from your little touches.
"Want to repay you for today." you hummed, your head leaning onto the edge of your seat. You batted your lashes at him innocently, not sure if he could see from the dark interior.
Per his immaculate eyesight however, he saw how you put on an innocent act. He cocked his head in confusion, a small laugh leaving his lips. "Baby, you don't owe me anything. Don't be silly." he assured you.
You pout, puffing your cheeks out in annoyance. Of course he wouldn't let you pay back monetarily... however that's not what you meant.
"Not like that..." you mewled. You guided your hand down to his crotch, fingers caressing the fabric that separated you from his cock. You smirked, feeling how his dick stirred underneath his jeans. Seems like he wanted you too.
He sucked air in through his teeth, a sharp hiss escaping his lips. "Naughty girl..." he muttered, his gaze remained fixed to the freeway.
"I'll happily take you as payment then." He chuckled, moving his left hand to grip onto the steering wheel. His now free hand met yours as he pressed your palm harder against his length. He groaned, letting himself enjoy your touch for a little longer. Once he grew impatient he began to unbuckle his belt with right hand, left hand still steering the wheel. He undid his belt and moved the strap of his seatbelt so that it was resting against his abs. He followed suit with unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. The sounds of the clanking belt buckle and zipper sent shivers down your spine and a familiar warmth to your cunt.
He skillfully hooked his thumb into the waistband and bucked his hips up to lower his jeans. He pulled his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock. It was half hard but even in its softer state it was big.
In an instant your hand gathered his length, giving it a few pumps to get him to 100%. He let out a low groan, his grip tightening on the steering wheel's leather.
You lazily slid your palm along his cock, enjoying the feeling of him growing inside of your grip. You knew you were efficient at your job when his cock became too much for just one hand to hold. His blushing tip started to gush with precum. He twitched in your grasp as you wiped the sticky fluid with your thumb.
Your mind became so dizzy and cloudy, watching how his abs flexed and body shuddered from any small movement you made. You admired the fluffy white happy trail that lead down his pelvis. It all was too much for you to handle any longer.
You could feel your slutty little mouth salivate, hungry to finally shove him into any hole you could fit him into.
To be completely fair, it was a difficult task to fit him anywhere. His dick was just so long. You always bruised the back of your throat whenever you sucked him off, but it's so worth it.
You finally shuffled in your chair, moving your hips so that the seatbelt that constricted your lap was now beneath your shins. You sat up, the only thing keeping you safely tied to your seat was the chest strap.
Gojo's ears perked, hearing how your movements caused the belt to zip in extension to your body. The chest strap slid down your upper body and nestled itself between your stomach and pelvis.
You were lucky that the center console was low, it gave you perfect access to his lap. You leaned over it, your head lowering over his throbbing cockhead. He let out a sigh in relief as your lips finally touched his aching cock. You teased him a bit, giving his leaky tip a few kisses before sticking your tongue out. Your tongue licked a fat strip up his warm shaft, earning you a muffled groan from Gojo. You grinned, looking down at how your spit glistened on his skin as if admiring your work.
Gojo grunted, feeling how the cold air pricked at the saliva you left behind. He felt himself lose his patience, his grip on the wheel tightening. His right hand felt around, trying to keep his gaze attached to the street. Once he felt your hair, he lovingly stroked your head, a small chuckle leaving his throat.
"Princess... you're testing my patience." He croons in a gentle, yet warning manner. His fingers intertwined with your hair so that he could give it a tug.
You gasped, feeling the slight sting in your scalp from his commanding yank on your locks. Averting your gaze from his lap to look up at him, you could make out his strong features even in the darkness. His sharp jawline and the way his mouth contorted in a cocky grin made your mind run wild. You decide to comply with his warning, knowing your delicate throat wasn't prepared to take his relentless pace yet.
You roll out your tongue and open wide, slowly taking his length into your mouth. His breath hitched feeling how your tongue glided against his skin, how you hollowed out your cheeks and clenched around him so heavenly.
"Good fucking girl..." he sighed, dragging out the syllables in bliss. His fingers slipped from your hair, so that he could gently rest it atop your crown. His hand only ever left your head when he had to switch gears.
You immersed yourself into the act, bobbing your head up and down to build a delicious rhythm that you knew Gojo couldn't resist. You could hear his breathing became labored, even with your eyes closed you could imagine how his built chest heaved underneath that tight black shirt.
Gojo's attempts to concentrate on his driving and the road ahead became extremely challenging as he felt his girlfriend's throat swallow him up so well. He desperately wanted to throw his head back, for his long white lashes to flutter shut as he let you take over. However, it wasn't exactly an option at this point in time so he controlled his urges for the time being.
You were fully occupied with dragging your tongue tantalizingly against his length, not caring about how much saliva had started to pool on his pelvis. It felt so lewd to swallow him up while he drove you home, knowing how much restraint he had to use to make sure he didn't run the car off the road. The thrill and danger of it all made you moan messily into his slick skin, inhibitions already out the window.
Feeling your mouth reverberate as you moaned, sent his eyes to dart to the back of his head. Although, it was momentary as he remembered he was supposed to be driving. He forced his body to keep the involuntary movements to a minimum, trying to hone all of his energy into heavy breathing and moans.
Gojo was normally never this vocal, but right now he was pouring all of his bliss into sounds. His grunts only fueled your resolve to take him deeper and deeper... until...
'GLUK!' You choked as his tip prodded past the back of your tongue. Your lungs burned as you held back a cough, mentally cursing yourself for forgetting how lengthy your boyfriend is. You went to remove him from your mouth to gasp for air when your neck felt resistance, stopping you in your tracks. "Mmph!" A muffled cry escaped your mouth as Gojo held your head in place.
"Shhhshhh... doin' so well for me baby. C'mon, practice breathing through your nose like I showed you." Your white-haired boyfriend preened, his hand unwavering as he held down your head.
You were definitely going to give him shit for this when you got home, but in this instance you were cock drunk enough to let this slide. In fact, your body gave into his touch almost immediately, your neck no longer fought against his push. You could feel his cock reach the deepest parts of your throat, a place that you had always struggled to let him into.
Your lungs ached and burned from a lack of oxygen, so you took note of his words as started to breathe through your nose. As you blew air out your nose, it tickled the white hairs that decorated Gojo's pelvis.
Gojo was so proud of how well you were taking his dick down your throat, he could feel his orgasm building quickly. His knuckles were turning white from the incredible grip that he held on the steering wheel. If you could see it, you would undoubtedly drool from the sight of his veins popping out along his knuckles.
He could no longer help how his hips thrusted lightly into your face or how his foot dangerously pushed down on the gas pedal harder and harder. Just the way you were struggling to take him made his head spin in ecstasy. His eyes darted between the road and your pretty little head going down on him, biting down on his lip as he felt himself near the edge.
Before he knew it, he checked the speedometer and his eyes widened in shock.
"Oh shit!" He whisper-shouted, his hand flying out of your hair and onto the shifter. He let off the gas, hit the clutch, and switched gears as he slowed down the car in a huff.
"Fuck princess... makin' me go a hundred here." He chuckled, slight panic still left in his voice. The panic very soon melted away as you sucked in your cheeks and moved your head at a mind-numbing pace.
"Christ..." He huffed as your throat molded to the slight curve of his cock, your muffled moans and hums made him swear he could see god at this very moment. You became so absorbed in his praises that you didn't feel at all panicked that he almost went 120 mph while your face was nestled in his lap. In fact, that only excited you further.
"Fuck baby... m'almost there!" He whimpered, not daring to change the pressure on the gas pedal any further. He held down your head, cock twitching as he prepared to fill you with his load.
You groaned, feeling how he definitely bruised the back of your throat with that last push, your nose pressing into his skin as he gave one last buck.
"Fuck, m'cumming so hard!" Gojo grunted as his muscles tensed up. You suddenly felt the warm sensation of his hot seed spurting down your throat. You swallowed to the best of your ability, the thick fluid causing your esophagus to feel dry. Gojo let out a few more groans and grunts, before his hand let go of your head.
Your head shot up, gasping for air as you recovered from the brutal throat-fucking you just received. Your hands gently held your neck as you came down from your own high.
Gojo's breathing was still heavy as he composed himself behind the wheel. He chuckled, pulling his pants back up since the warmth of your mouth was lost. He glanced down at you every-so-often to make sure you were recovering okay.
"You did such a good job, baby." Gojo praised, his hand coming down to stroke your hair again.
"Throat is sore 'cause of you." You rasped, a slight scowl on your face as you came to your senses. Although you were pouting, you still made sure to help him zip up his pants and buckle his belt.
"I know, I know... I may have gone overboard a bit." He nervously laughed, his fingers pinching your cheek to tease you.
You sat up, hissing from the pain in your ribs from bending over the center console for so long. You must've been too wrapped up in the act to realize how uncomfortable the position was.
You readjusted yourself in his matte black seat, properly buckling yourself to the chair as to not violate the law (as if you weren't doing so a few minutes ago). You fixed up your hair and swallowed thickly, your throat definitely needed some water eventually.
"You were such a good girl f'me though. How about we get you an ice cold slushy and some cough drops to soothe your hard-working throat?" Gojo recommended, his hand resting on your thigh once more.
Your face instantly went from a pout to an excited grin. "Yes, please! Can I pick which gas station, though?" You asked, fingers already tapping the gps to find the closest preferred rest stop.
"Of course, anything for my princess." Gojo responded, being unable to hide the sappy tone in his voice.
Gojo did however hide a smirk though, knowing he was definitely inspired to do more lewd activities in his car again.
This was only the beginning for him and his beloved passenger princess.
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qtkoshi · 1 year
Maybe gn!Reader and Hobie adopt a kitten and the other three (Pavitr, Gwen, and Miles) come to see the kitten? Maybe a orange kitten gn!Reader wanted to name Spunk or Spike while Hobie gave them a spike collar? Would be cute lol
i luv ur brain anon
"you got....a kitten?"
- ok ok idk if this is what u meant, but u can feel free to run this with the bubblegum reader + hobie bc i think it fits alright :-) - also get a little deep with describing relationship,, but it’s necessary for the plot ! (...) - also!!! tysm for the requests; i am very excited to get into them, but will prob wait till tmrw to release bc it is my birthday today <3 much love to you all
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──★ ˙ ̟ to the stars !
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general headcannons
alright first of all: hobie with a kitten? i’m in tears. 
i love the hc that hobie has a soft spot for cats and the fact that y’all got one together? bye.
this cat is gonna be SPOILED in attention i tell u rn
hobie isn’t as obvious ab it as u, but the amount of times u see him chilling with the cat just perched on his shoulder?? (why are u taking the baby swinging across the city hobie; wait a min now–)
how u got him
imagine this: ur walking past an alley and hear this small little meow; after further investigation you find this tuft of orange fur crying outside the dumpster and
now u gotta take it in what r u talking about!!
bringing him home immediately ; hobie's spidey senses prob picked up the cat's presence before you got in the door.
'baby what's that.' 'c'mon spiderman we got saving to do'
man can't even argue with you
hobie not naming the cat himself bc he doesn’t wanna enforce socio-constructed labels on an unsuspecting creature that can’t consent
u can tho.
and while you very much want to, you tell hobie you gotta think on it for a bit – it has to fit just right!! (tbh he rlly doesn’t mind the cat being nameless, but he’s kinda whipped and will kinda go with what u want if it helps give that pretty lil smile to him again)
spider-squad finding out ab him
the besties r wrapping up something with a fight and hobie’s all k gotta leave and check on the cat and the rest are like ????? 
pav absolutely floored bc how dare did u not mention this sooner hobie
'so you lot wanna come see him?' (inter-dimensional travel ensues) – also never gonna complain ab coming to hobie’s house they all think his place is dope
i’m sure we all know orange cats are fucking crazy and that does not exclude the little gremlin jumping off the walls of your flat rn
hobie ofc is smirking bc his son the cat is a little agent of chaos and he couldn’t be more proud 
you, on the other hand, are just a little tired trying to get the fucker to stay still for a second so u can put on the damn flea medicine
everybody loves him are u kidding (miles a little hesitant tho, he still has beef with the last spiderman-variant cat he met :/ ) 
“so whats its name?” miles was watching with wary eyes as the little ball of fur darted around. with a heavy (and definitely not dramatic) sigh, you walk over to the group “still haven’t picked. we just found him yesterday.”
luv the idea of hobie looking at u anytime ur in the room (stay with me now) — can’t help it u just grab all his attention, maybe stop being so lovely idk
speaking of your relationship: he has spent years battering against everything life throws at him that having your love in the palm of his hands? something to protect not in the way he does as a hero, but in the way to cherish as a person?? give the man a break, he deserves to admire you whenever he can.
anyways hobie’s looking at you before going ‘oh yea’, just grunts and pulls out this little collar with little spikes and their matching and oh my that is so cute
says he found it in some garbage, most def made the collar with some scraps like he did his own (gotta keep it cool yk)
you giddy and putting the collar on the little heathen and just all ‘omg wait a min’
promptly lifting the cat up and “THIS IS SPIKE.”
cue golf claps from the squad with some ooo’s and aah’s
more gen headcannons
remember when hobie and the cat were swinging around the city? yea he's taking that mf everywhere. puts him in his pocket like a little surprise
hobie loves to play fight with the cat
spike is the perfect mix; got hobie’s energy and your brightness it’s a win-win
i could write more but i'll stop here for now 🕸️
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f1fnatic · 4 months
THE ROOKIES ⤿ o. piastri 81
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→ ( in which. . . ) you are a rookie and play for the us women's national soccer team. during the world cup after your team gets knocked out, you run into a certain australian f1 driver who is supporting the host team.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) written/irl, smau
→ ( face claim. . . ) naomi girma + pictures from pinterest/instagram
→ ( pairing. . . ) oscar piastri x uswnt!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cursing, might be a multi-part series, not sure yet :) also fully aware that the 2023 f1 season was actively happening at the same time as the women's world cup, but for the sake of this fic, let's believe that oscar had to allow mclaren's reserve drive (for unspecified reasons).
→ ( author's note. . . ) i enjoyed making this fic SM. it was interesting to mess with a written and smau, i hope it flows well and isn't super confusing. hope you enjoy! see end for more
→ ( masterlist )
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liked by alexmorgan13, trinity_rodman, uswnt, carson.pickett and 21,834 others
tagged: uswnt
y/n_l/n number 4 checking in ✅
view 749 comments
uswnt ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 liked by y/n_l/n
trinity_rodman LFGGGG
y/n_l/n 🙌🏿‼️
user18 greatest defender EVER
sophsssmith incoming women's world cup champ
y/n_l/n loading...🔃
user6 no cause why is she sooo pretty
user17 #GOAT 🐐
alexmorgan13 YEAHHHH Y/NNNN liked by y/n_l/n
user33 oh she ate..
user22 4 + 4
yourmom So proud of you, honey ❤️
y/n_l/n thank you mama 🥹💞
mrapinoe Get it rookie! liked by y/n_l/n
lavellerose ⚽🌟 liked by y/n_l/n
yourbsf the best to ever do it 💖
y/n_l/n stop it ily
user20 fresh kits 😮‍💨 liked by y/n_l/n
user81 she knows she's good
📍auckland, new zealand
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liked by usmt, y/n_l/n, savdemelo, alyssanaeher, and 597,309 others
tagged: y/n_l/n
uswnt Defender Y/N L/N, and the rest of the USWNT, arriving to New Zealand in style 🔥🔥
view 15,823 comments
usmt Good luck ladies! liked by uswnt
user66 god dayum
user19 barking
y/n_l/n team stylist >> liked by uswnt
savdemelo Yeah we rocked it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
user67 god y/n 😍
malpugh what a cutie pie y/n_l/n
y/n_l/n oh stop it mal 🤭
sophsssmith ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
user9 she is so breathtaking
mrapinoe 🔥 liked by uswnt and y/n_l/n
cmpulisic Sheeshhh liked by uswnt
user22 they suck bro
user5 k just say u are an incel
user91 what a loser
lavellerose Pulling up in style liked by uswnt
user39 crying she is so prettyyy
user21 it is so unfair
user51 she can rock literally ANYTHING
📍melbourne, victoria, autralia
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liked by y/n_l/n, alexmorgan13, mrapinoe, usmt, and 710,893 others
uswnt Thank you for your support. Till next time.
view 14,841 comments
y/n_l/n so proud of this team 💟 liked by uswnt
mrapinoe Couldn't have asked for a better final season. liked by uswnt
alexmorgan13 ⚽💌 liked by uswnt
sophsssmith thank you 💖 liked by uswnt
lavellerose Wouldn't do it with anyone else liked by uswnt
malpugh ❤️❤️ liked by uswnt
alyssanaeher What a run liked by uswnt
trinity_rodman love you all, can't wait till next year liked by uswnt
savdemelo ❣️ liked by uswnt
usmt Amazing job, ladies. liked by uswnt
emilysonnet 💓 liked by uswnt
*comments on this post have been limited*
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─ 19 august, 2023 ↴
your team had just lost to sweden in penalty kicks. the amount of overwhelming pride you had felt was unmeasurable. nothing could describe how you felt for your team making it into the quarter finals. yes, you were sad that you couldn't advance further, but none the less, you were grateful for the chance to play at the highest level.
so, there you were, sitting in the stands of the bronze medal game. the match was intense. the matildas were putting up a great fight against sweden for third place. so far, sweden was up 1-0. you wanted the matildas to beat the yellow and blue-clad team since they were the ones that knocked you and your team out.
a few minutes passed before halftime arrived. you decided that it would be a good idea to go get a snack, and maybe some coffee. standing up, you swing your bag across your body and walk to the nearest concession stand. after getting your things, a coffee and some pretzel bites, you turn to head back to your seat. only, instead of being met with open space, your body collides with another, effectively spilling your coffee and dropping your pretzels on the stadium floor. the coffee slightly burns your skin as it seeps into your (new) white blouse. an annoyed sigh escapes from your lips before a voice speaks up.
"shit, oh my god- i am so sorry. are you okay?" it asks. you pick your head up, tearing your eyes away from the giant brown stain painted on your shirt. chocolate colored eyes lock onto yours. a breath hitches in your throat. the man in front of you was gorgeous. he was smiling nervously, hands reaching to gesture to your shirt. "can i get you some napkins?"
there is an awkward pause before you answer. "oh, um, yeah sure, that would be great." you smile. he leaves you for a second before returning and handing you a bundle of napkins. you gently blotch the damp stain.
"i really am sorry. i didn't see you. i should've been paying attention to where i was going." the man says, awkwardly giggling at the end of his sentence.
"it's okay, truly. i can always get another drink, can't say the same for my shirt though." you end. you finish with drying your shirt - albeit, the best you could, before you see that the man in front of you is wearing a matildas jersey. "what a game, huh?"
"oh, yeah. the girls are doing a wonderful job but sweden is just doing better," he answers. "who are you rooting for?"
"the matildas. it would be against my better judgement to root for sweden." you say. you watch his face for a second until recognition washes over his features.
"oh my god, you play for the us! you are amazing! i can't believe this is only your rookie season, i thought you had been playing for years when i saw your first game." you can't help but blush at his compliment. a smile molds onto your lips.
"thank you, that means a lot. i appreciate it," you giggle, "i never caught your name, you mind telling me?"
"oscar." he responds. he sticks out a hand in front of you. you grab it and shake. another smile displays on his features. it reminded you of a quokka, in fact, he reminded you of a quokka.
"well, oscah," you say, teasing him for his annunciation, "you don't happen to be busy do you?"
📍women's world cup
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liked by trinity_rodman, sophsssmith, yourmom, oscarpiastri, and 40,329 others
tagged: uswnt, oscarpiastri, and savdemelo
y/n_l/n thank you all.
thank you to the national team for entrusting me with the opportunity to play in the women's world cup. if you were to tell 4 year old me that when she was 20, she'd be playing in the world cup, she would be absolutely ECSTATIC.
i would also like to thank my mom and dad for pushing me to play my best no matter what and to be a goldfish. aka, forget the bad things and remember the good.
also, thank you to the fans. seeing little girls holding signs with my name and number gives me reason to keep going. ladies, you can do anything you set your mind to. don't let anyone say you can't.
lastly, i would like to thank oscar for making me spill my coffee on myself. and for being a pretty alright tour guide. (jk, you were really great)
view 1,730 comments
user17 you showed up and showed out!
y/n_l/n love you ❤️‍🔥
user46 can't believe she is only a rookie
user70 IKR. like... she is literally on par with a lot of the senior players
oscarpiastri i still feel really bad about the coffee...
y/n_l/n osc, please, it's okay
user66 osc? OSC?!
yourmom So insanely proud of you sweetheart. Can't wait for the future ❤️
y/n_l/n i love you so much ma 🥹
user54 RAHHHHH USA USA 🦅🦅🦅🦅 liked by y/n_l/n
uswnt ROTY liked by y/n_l/n
user55 kay who is oscar piastri and why is he such a cutie pie
savdemelo perry misses his aunt
y/n_l/n and duck misses hers!
sophsssmith blessed to be your teammate 💓 liked by y/n_l/n
user19 WHO IS HEEEeeEEe
user28 oscar piastri is an australian-rookie f1 driver! he races for the team mclaren :)
oscarpiastri i can buy you a new shirt!!!
mrapinoe The next gen 😌 liked by y/n_l/n
user10 but they were talking about someone on the matildas not uswnt 🤐🤐
trinity_rodman 🌟🌟 liked by y/n_l/n
lavellerose Honored to be your teammate y/n! liked by y/n_l/n
alexmorgan13 Couldn't have gotten how far we did without you ❣️
y/n_l/n stop it alex i'm gonna cry ❤️‍🩹
user29 oh he's cute
📍womens world cup
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liked by landonorris, f1, mclaren, logansargeant and 831,563 others
tagged: y/n_l/n
oscarpiastri the best way to meet someone is to bump into them and make them spill their fresh (very hot) coffee on their shirt
view 47,267 comments
user67 honestly such a romantic way to meet someone
user21 oscar cannot catch a break from americans
user49 its like he's drawn to them..
user18 hope u had a nice break! liked by oscarpiastri
logansargeant woohoo another american!
y/n_l/n 🦅🦅🦅
oscarpiastri remind me to never introduce you two.
logansargeant 😞
user22 she's so oretty omggggg liked by oscarpiastri
y/n_l/n that person must have been feeling nice!
oscarpiastri yeah they were
landonorris oscar has a cruUussShHhh
oscarpiastri shut up lando
user7 who is she?
user31 y/n l/n is an american soccer player!
user7 might have to start watchinf soccer now yeesshhh
y/n_l/n you were a pretty okay tour guide
oscarpiastri take that back.
y/n_l/n mmm no
oscarpiastri duck says hi
y/n_l/n YOU DID NOT.
mclaren Why are there two koalas in the fourth picture?
logansargeant who's that cutie pie in slide 5? liked by oscarpiastri
user81 the rookies
user4 i can already tell they are going to date
user21 brutha they just met 🙏🏻
user93 people when boy-girl friendships
landonorris is that why your tongue was purple?
oscarpiastri dude 😀
user51 WHAT?
user64 he is SUCH a gossip girl
user15 i am SO totally normal ab this
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first oscar fic in the books. i loved writing this one. while doing so, i called myself single in so many different ways. i plan on making a part 2, maybe a part 3 (not sure) so stay tuned! also, if you would like to be on the taglist, comment!!! requests and feedback are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well (only if you want :P)
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strawberrymochin · 1 month
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Lullaby-: Megumi caught cold so you sing a lullaby to help him fall asleep. (Jealous gojo)
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As much as you love the smell of freshly wet soil during rainy season; the sound of water droplets pouring down from the dusky clouds, kissing the earth; the croaking of the frogs— megumi hates it.
Due to the weather changing season and unfortunate circumstances, last day he came back from school, totally drenched in rainwater. Not to mention, his drenched hair, reminded you of his striking resemblance to his late father—toji fushiguro.
You have only seen him once, when shoko introduced his photo to you as the zenin guy born without any cursed energy; who killed riko amanai. And who almost killed your— nvm. You don't even wanna recall those days. It hurts too much.
Thankfully, gojo was out for a mission along with ijichi and he wasn't about to return till tomorrow morning. He would probably shout out loud, clinging up to you, asserting his precious megumi being possessed by toji.
As for now you've tucked him to bed, beside Tsumiki, after feeding him chicken and bok choy soup especially including ginger with mushrooms cuz that's how he likes it. It will help unblocking his sinuses, getting rid of his cold faster.
You exit the kids room, switching off the lights.
You were almost done with dishes, scrubbing off the rice bowl of tsumiki, humming a tune, close to your heart, which you have no idea where you picked up from, unaware of a tall shady figure approaching you.
All of a sudden you felt two arms sneaking around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Wh—" your squeak was cut off shortly, by a hand pressed to your mouth, "shh! baby...wouldn't want the kids to wake up." Satoru' velvet voice coaxed you to calm down. His warm breath fanned near your neck, as he slowly trailed kisses over there.
"You were supposed to come back tomo—" a gasped as gojo bit on the shell of your ear, "finished the mission fast," he said, "so I can spend the night with you", nibbling on your ear.
He pushes his pelvis forward, so it touches your lower back, slowly grinding on you as his hands roam on your body, trying to memorize every curve, remembering the bliss of having you close to him.
You figured out he teleported inside the apartment as the door was locked and gojo doesn't carries house keys with him since he would loose it somewhere.
"Satoru i haven't finished doing the dishes" you say as he presses kisses on you shoulder blade.
"We can finish that later. I need you." He says, removing the bowl from your hand, opening the tap to wash your hand. "Need you so bad." You could feel his voice longing with desire as he turns you around hastily.
You find your hands wrapped around his neck, his lips locked on yours, tongue slipping in. Every ounce of oxygen disappeared from your lungs as you were making out with him.
Your eyes widened as you push satoru away hard, whipping your head to the side to see the door knob twisting.
Megumi comes out rubbing his nose looking for you.
"Megumi you need something?" You ask, trying to cool down your racing heart.
"I can't sleep." He walks up to you, dragging his blanket, practically mopping the floor.
"If you can't sleep then go to bed and count sheeps." Megumi gets startled at the voice, which he recognise as his sensei's.
"Why are you here?"
"Cuz it's my house."
"Weren't you supposed to come tomorrow? Why are you early?" The kid expresses his disappointment.
"And weren't you supposed to be asleep now? Why are you up disturbing my mome—" your sharp glare ceases gojo's further words.
"Then, how 'bout i sing a lullaby to you? It will help you fall asleep. Kk." You say, turning your head to Megumi, guiding him to your bedroom.
"Wait—so he's sleeping with us?" Gojo questions stopping you midway.
"Yeah. And yeah please finish the dishes before you join us. Let's go 'gumi." You vanish into your bedroom along with Megumi.
"Such a cock-block" he whispers, leaning on the counter, rolling up his sleeves before getting started with the dishes, beefing about him. " He gets to cuddle with my y/n more than I do. Damn it."
[ A few moments later ]
Gojo enters, as your soft humming echoes through the room.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
The moonlight catcher reflected several lights, twinkling around the room as you layed there along with Megumi, patting him to sleep.
How I wonder what you are!
He couldn't help but wonder; wonder what you are; how did he get so lucky? To have you behind his back.
Up above the world so high,
He needs you like one needs oxygen to breathe; he would search for you in every birth like river searches for sea. His eyes would be yearning, dying for one look of yours since you are the only world he has ever known.
Like a diamond in the sky.
You may have no idea, but the only star in his sky, whose shine would even fade diamonds is you.
Megumi's asleep. You sit up straight, looking at gojo, leaning at the door frame. You tilted your head, smiling apologetically.
Gojo sighs playfully, straighting up himself, walking past the bedroom door. A few secs later he brings in a sleeping tsumiki, cradled in his arms, laying her beside Megumi, tucking them into warm blankets as gojo joins in.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 4 months
Girls night
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Paring: Shinobu x Fem!reader
Synopsis: Date night with a lot of sexual tension
Content: Sapphic relationship, Dom shinobu/sub reader, drinking (no ones drunk), finger fucking, ✂️✂️✂️, reader is described to have boobs (Big or medium sized however you wanna think of it kekeke), SMUT👹, public sex.
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: Shinobu leaks being shown to me during my Ovulation week??? I swear I need this woman to slut me out.
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"Shinobu!!!" You whisper scream at Shinobu, flustered by her words. Shinobu swirls her wine around in your glass and takes her eyes off to look at your flustered expression, "You're acting like anyone will hear me. I did get a private dining room for us in this restaurant, you know," Shinobu teases, letting out a giggle.
"Besides, I am telling the truth. Your boobs sit perfectly in that dress. I love it when you wear western clothing when we go out." Shinobu said. Her eyes glued onto your tits as she licked her bottom lip and bites it softly, already eager to taste them. You couldn't deny it. You wanted Shinobu, too. You wanted her now, but the thought of anyone catching you two in the act made you nervous, yet excited in your own sick way.
Speaking of anyone, your waiter excuses himself, letting him know he's coming in and pushes the mesh away to enter to refill your wine glasses. "Is there anything else you need?" He asked, and then, Shinobu spoke. "There is. I'd like for no further interruptions until I call for a waiter myself," She said. Given her title as a hashira, she has that authority, even in public places like this.
The waiter nods and takes his leave to tell anyone else not to come into your private dining room. There was a moment of silence as you and Shinobu stared at each other across from the table. It's almost as if you both were waiting for one to crack, but luckily, it wasn't you. When Shinobu wants you, her lust will put all pride aside just to have you.
Shinobu stood up and walked over to your side of the table. She sat next to you and gestured for you to come sit on her lap, which you do. Your hands place on her arms as you staddle her lap, and without hesitation, her hands made their way to your tits. "I know I watched you get ready, but no bra? Did you really want to get me excited like this and play with your pretty nipples?" Shinobu grins as her thumbs brush across your nipples.
"Haah-" Your mouth opened to let out a soft moan, but you quickly suppress it by biting your bottom lip. "Come on now. Answer my question, pretty girl." Shinobu's thumbs continued to brush over your nipples. Your nipples harden and make an outline on your dress, only exciting Shinobu more. "I-it wasn't intended at first. I just- hmhm~" you moan as you felt her fingers rub on your sensitive nipples.
*just what?" Shinobu whispered against your skin. Her lips kiss your boob before sinking her teeth in gently, looking up at you with narrowed eyes filled with such lust as she watches every reaction you make from her touch. You back arches, gasping from her bite, and you finally speak. "I-i was hoping I'd excite you enough to take this at home~" you whimper softly, feeling the air hit your bare tits once Shinobu pushed the fabric of your dress open more to expose them to her face.
"And excite me you did~" Shinobu chuckled, sliding her hand between your thighs to rub at your clit and taking your nipple between your lips. "But I can't wait till we get home. I need you now y/n" Shinobu's breaths become heavier, sucking and licking your nipple through her words and then, switching over to the other nipple.
"Shinobu~ oh gosh~" your head tilts back, turning a bit to look at the mash door, hoping no one comes in but Shinobu's arm wrap around your waist and pushes you down to the floor with her on top. "Don't worry. No one is coming in. Just focus on me making you feel good~" Her delicate hand cupped your cheek, shifting your gaze away from the door to her.
"Don't stop Shinobu~" you begged. Your hands lift up your dress and you slide your panties down, just past your inner thighs before Shinobu takes them off herself. You brought the back of your habd to your mouth, moaning as you feel hee slender fingers rub your clit and wet folds. "So wet already. I can't wait to rub my pussy on this wet one~" Shinobu sinked two fingers in your wet pussy as her lips went back to your tit, almost trying to take it whole in her mouth.
Your eyes shut as you feel Shinobu's fingers thrust inside you. Her finger curling with each thrust inside to tease your spot. "I know you like my stap better, but you're okay with being stuffed like this, right? Or do you need more fingers for your needy pussy to clench down on" Shinobu slipped her fingers out for a moment to slap your clit, then slowly thrust three of her fingers inside you.
Your back arches and your thighs shut around her hand. Once her fingers made it in with ease, she thrust them in slow before picking up the pace and fucking her fingers in you. Your whimpers grew Louder. You felt like the room got hotter with the rush of pleasure throughout your body, you wanted to tell Shinobu you were about to cum but she pressed her lips on yours.
"Shhh, shh baby. That's it. Just cum for me, mhm~" she said through her kisses, swallowing your cute moans to keep your voice down. Shinobu watches a tear roll down from your shut eyes and feels your hips buck in her hand as you cum on her fingers. You long whimper and shakey breaths mixed in with her soft moans as she felt your wet, gummy walls thob with her fingers inside.
Shinobu pulled her lips away, making you both gasp. Shinobu took her kimono off and then pulled her panties down to come on top of you, swing her leg aross, lining her pussy up with yours. "Hurry Shinobu~ I wanna cum again~" you say through a soft whimper as your hands grab onto her hips. "I love when you beg~" Shinobu said, holding down her moan once her clit presses down on yours.
"So-" she thrust her hips, "fucking-" another thrust, "much- ooh gosh, y/n~" Shinobu moans close to your lips as her hips thrust, grinding her pussy down on yours. "Just like that~" you whispered as your hand move from her hips to one grabbing Shinobu's ass and the other grabbing her thigh as if your were applying more pressure to the pleasure of your clit with her's.
"Yeah, like that?" Shinobu kept thrusting, bringing her lips down your your jiggling tits and places wet kisses on them, leaving her lipstick marks on your skin. "You're so wet, baby~ haa~ you're driving me crazy. I'm getting so close~" Shinobu's brows knit together as her mouth hangs open with held back moans but loud enough for you to hear.
The blush on her cheeks almost turned you on more as you and Shinobu both desperately grind your clits together, feeling your clits throb and then pulling each other into a sloppy heated kiss.
You moan into each other, tasting each others tounges as you swirl it around each other. You start to feel your lipstick being Smired off with Shinobu's during the intense and rough kiss, but you could care less in this moment. In fact, her lipstick already looked so pretty on your tits so having it messed up on your mouth, along with hers, made it even better for you both.
"M'cumming- Oh my God, I'm cumming y/n- o-oh fuck~!" Shinobu whimperd, quickly hugging your body close to hers tightly as she let out a loud moan on your shoulder. Your leg wrapped around Shinobu's waist as you held onto her too, moaning on her shoulder as you cum, feeling each others wetness. Shinobu catches her breath before letting you go and sits up, looking down at you catching your breath as well.
"Wanna do it again?" She smirked. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
"Let's pay the check and leave~"
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reiluvr · 3 months
small drabble of suguru realizing some thoughts he didn't know he had
i think this is fluff. pretty sure
someone please give me a good au im dying to write an au for the jjk boys
one day ill write something thats actually a story and not just a 10 minute ramble.
Geto Suguru has never once seriously thought about harming Gojo Satoru. Except maybe for now. He's aware of how his clipped nails dig into his palm, his bangs hovering over his eyes as he stares at the floor. His ears perk up and he resists the urge to summon a curse when he hears your small giggles after Satoru makes another one of his obnoxious jokes. He takes a deep breathe, lifting his head. He almost wishes he hadn't when his eyes land on how you lean against Satoru, his arm inching around your waist as you laugh. Suguru grips the edge of the bench he's on, a small voice deep in the back of his mind reminding him to keep his strength in check lest he splinter the wood.
Suguru loves you. You love him back. He knows this. Yet, he can't help it as his mind wanders. It's almost painful how hard he winces when his thoughts dive somewhere they've never been before. Was he...jealous of Satoru? Of course not! Satoru is his best friend. He's glad his best friend is the stronges- Oh. Suguru is jealous. His mind swirls as a sudden chill washes over him. Why does Gojo get everything he wants? It's all so easy for him, he can do anything he wants. Please, if there's a god out there, don't let him take her too. Before he can spiral even further, he's startled out of his silence when a weight falls onto his lap. He blinks, staring at your face as you smile back at him. Your voice seems small, or maybe he just isn't hearing well, his eyes trained on yours.
Suguru? We've been calling you for ages? Hmm, are you sick?
He shakes his head, clearing his mind as he mumbles.
M'fine. Sorry, what were you saying, sweet girl?
He doesn't even bother fighting the smile that pulls his lips at the way you avoid eye contact as he practically purrs the pet name.
Satoru and I were wondering if you wanna come with us to the store down at the corner of that weird CD shop. I know you were hoping to get the new album you always talk about, ah, I can't remember the name. Whatever, you can get it while Satoru and I pick out some party decorations at the store. Shoko said Haibara's birthday is around the corner. Oh! And also, we should probably get a-
Suguru is barely even processing your words, eyes hazy as he smiles and nods along to whatever you're saying. You're only brought out of your rambling when you hear Satoru gagging.
We going or no? I don't have time to stand around watching you two be all lovey.
You roll your eyes, hopping off of Suguru as you place your hand in his, pulling him off the bench as you drag him with you.
Sorry that no one wants you, Toru &lt;3
WHAT!? Everyone wants me! You know what, just wait till we're in the city, I'll get the number of the first girl we see!
As if! I bet she'll call the cops.
Suguru chuckles, shaking his head. He loves you. And he trusts you love him back. That's good enough for him. He tries his best to forget the unwanted thoughts in his mind as he lets you two drag him to the city.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Headache II (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Summary: Finally waking up from your forced nap, you have a discussion with the rest of the team. Warnings: Swearing and general tomfoolery Previous Part
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You can hear two, maybe three voices in the same room as you. From what you've gathered, you're in some kind of hotel room, and have been asleep for at least an hour. Peaking open one eye, you see a man with silver highlights in his hair, and the same woman that kidnapped you. An idea sparks in your mind.
They had been facing you for the 5 minutes you've been awake, but after painstakingly waiting 2 more minutes and almost falling back asleep, they turn away from you. You have no idea when they're gonna turn back, so you quickly walk up behind them. The man turns first.
"I think we could convince her to stay- What the fuck!" at his girly scream, Wanda turns and punches you in the nose. Doubled down clutching your nose and laughing your ass off, you point at the man, "You scream like a girl!" Before you could fall back down in laughter, Wanda picks you up by your shirt collar and pushes you against the bedroom door.
"Is it impossible for you to just. Be. Normal." she grits out.
"Yup. More importantly though, you are so strong." You reach out to touch her bicep, but she slaps your hand away.
"I can't wait till you're out of here, fucker."
"Yeah yeah. I get it, you love me." You say while flashing her a big goofy smile.
She rolls her eyes and opens the door, dragging you out to god knows where. Looking around the place, mainly for new prank setups, you notice the same silver haired man following you and Wanda. She turns a corner, and a huge living room reveals itself, with even more, probably rapey, people.
You turn to Wanda, "So is this like a weird university where your lessons are focused on kidnapping and trafficking." She looks down at you, opening her mouth to respond when a man interrupts. "Finally up?" He asks while standing up from the sofa he was sitting on, three more people standing up after him. You make eye contact with an intimidating redhead. "Tony, when you listed out her crimes, I expected her to be a 13 year old boy not..." She looks you up and down, "A 19 year old girl."
"Are you discriminating? Can girls not be assholes too?" You ask, faking an offended look.
Wanda interrupts, "She has superspeed or something, makes it easier for her to be a douchebag."
You puff up your chest in pride, "Yeah, it does."
"Alright." Wanda rolls her eyes and pulls you further into the room.
The man who you now know as Tony starts talking, "So, speedster," Both you and the silver-haired man respond, making you raise an eyebrow at him, "You have two options: Join us, or let us escort you to prison." Your eyes widen, "What the hell! What do you mean join you; I don't even know who you are or where I am," They all give confused looks to each other, "For all I know, you guys are gonna make me help you traffic innocent young girls such as myself." Wanda huffs out a laugh at the last part. After securing you to the couch (standing behind you and holding your shoulders down) Wanda looks down at you in question, "You've never heard of the Avengers?"
You attempt to turn only for her to keep you in your place, "I have more important things to worry about than a group of rapists."
"Okay seriously, why does she keep calling us that?" Tony looks to Wanda for answers, only getting a shrug in response.
"Well," A dirty blonde man approaches you, "The Avengers are-"
"Oh my God! I know you!" You start bouncing up and down, while Wanda attempts to hold you in place, "You're Captain America!"
Steve scratches the back of his neck, laughing bashfully. Tony chimes in angrily, "You're telling me you know this fossil but not the Avengers? Or even me!" You raise an eyebrow and turn to Wanda, "Did I trigger him?" Wanda rolls her eyes for the millionth time today, but this time she had a little smile appear on her face. You opt not to bring it up and move on.
"Oh wait, are you the guys that beat that alien?" You ask, "That alien was my brother!" A massive god-like man makes himself known. "I mean he wasn't from this planet was he," You attempt to joke, receiving exasperated sighs and eye rolls. The Norse God pulls you up by your shirt collar, "Jeez! Okay I won't make anymore jokes," He reluctantly puts you down when the unnamed redhead grabs his shoulder, "Tough crowd." You murmur.
Tony claps his hands, "Anyways, you have until tomorrow to make your choice. If you do decide to join, we'll provide details then. Otherwise you're going to prison, which, in all honesty, sounds like it might do you some good," You flip him off, "Hey!-"
Steve interrupts, "Where will she be staying?" Tony pauses in thought for a moment, then turns to Wanda with a wicked smile, "With her."
Objections start flying out of you and Wanda, and maybe some insults from you. Tony sighs, "Enough! Wanda you're the only one that can subdue her before she can even start running, and you," He points a finger directly in your face, "Don't have a choice."
You stare at his finger. Then bite down on it.
"What the- Wanda get her out of here!" Tony yells while clutching his finger.
While getting dragged up to what you assume to be the witch's room, you turn to shout, "It wasn't even that bad, pussy!" Wanda slaps the back of your head in warning.
She reaches the door before you stop moving. "Wait, I have one request." You turn to her and ask, in the most serious face you could muster. She actually stops, thinking that this may be important.
"Can I please get my stuff from my dorm? I have homework-" She groans and pushes you further into the room. You hear the door lock while you're exploring. You forgo telling her you could probably pick the lock. "You can make yourself comfortable on the floor," She says while putting away the key.
"What! You have a sofa right there!"
"Think of this as a punishment."
"Aren't you supposed to be convincing me to join your Powerpuff squad?"
"I don't have to do anything. Also, for being so ungrateful right now, you're not getting a blanket either."
You open your mouth to argue but the glare she sends you shuts you up, opting to just quietly fumfer out insults while attempting to get comfortable on the floor.
Wanda exits the bathroom after finishing up her night-time routine, and finds you dead asleep like you weren't lying on a hardwood floor. She gets closer and notices your lips turning blue. She probably should've turned off the air conditioning, in hindsight.
Walking to her bed, she pauses. Groaning, she turns back around and walks to her closet, finding a spare blanket and putting it over you before stomping back to her bed.
She can't wait for you to get your own room.
Next Part
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ddoxhan · 11 months
that summer
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draw me in your world, as you let yourself into mine let me be your safe haven, for I love when you shine
word count : 4.8k words
genre : fluff with a tinge of angst; your typical summer love story but haerin does not feel the same way you do for her?; runner! haerin x literature student! fem!reader; you are an overthinker and sometimes just wish you stop thinking
t/w : none :)
a/n : this is the longest i've ever written for a oneshot and honestly, i didn't want to split it up cause i wanted yall to feel the whole thing at one go. enjoy !
"haerin-ah, wait up!"
"you're just slow! we're gonna be late if we don't hurry!"
you swore you needed to wake up earlier to avoid having to rush to school, especially when haerin waits for you every day to walk together. at this point, the two of you had been running to class for three days in a row now, not walk. to your surprise, the girl has never complained or grumbled about how you would make her almost miss the bell. but then again, she's always been like that. haerin was never someone who wouid let out her anger on you or anyone in general. you've never seen her get angry, concluding that she just doesn't know how to.
the said girl turned her head around while not faltering in her rushed steps, making sure you're keeping up with her speed. but the thing is, she's the school's top runner and you barely pass your required tests for physical education. haerin knows, which was why she opted to drag you along by your hand. the sudden grab left you slightly taken aback. well, slight is an understatement, you were very taken aback. especially when you have the most obvious crush on her.
you've always had a crush on haerin ever since you were 12. it just happened so when she saved you from some bullies, aka silly boys, running away from them as you two rest at the neighbourhood playground after. she sat you on the swing while you cried in both fear and relief. but all the fear washed away when she flashed you a smile that you never forgot till this day. the way her eyes curved up and her snaggletooth showed with that big smile of hers, that's when you fell for her.
as you busied yourself in your own world, you once again arrived at the school gate right before they closed it off, with some students sighing at how they missed it by a split second behind it. a slow realization hit that you've ran to your limit, you tried taking deep breaths but it might have made it worse. sometimes you wished you were more athletic, for these kind of situations, and also to spend more time with haerin if you were in the track and field team.
"hey, try breathing with both your nose and mouth, it can help."
the girl in front of you looks unfazed, as if she just went for a relaxing morning jog. which isn't entirely wrong as you don't live too far from school. you stand up straight again, doing what she told you to. it actually did help but as she glanced at her watch, you understood what it meant.
"go on, don't be late for class because of me."
"it's fine, there's still some time. I'll go with you."
although you were very sure classes starts in 3 minutes, you didn't argue further as it just meant you get to spend more time although it's just minutes. when the two of you were put into different classes, the time spent together reduced drastically plus haerin's training after class on some days. it was just lunch and maybe weekends if she didn't have extra training. but you felt bad for wanting her to spend her only free day with you, so you try to refrain from jumping onto her bed during some weekends.
why is it so hard to just spend some time with her?
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lunch came. and that meant you get to see haerin again after the last time before classes started. at this point, you were just too infatuated with her that you were experiencing some sort of separation anxiety that you can't seem to quite explain. there's nothing you can do about it, you were just that in love with her.
but you did not guess for her to walk along to the cafeteria with him. him who? him, woonhak, the heartthrob who happens to be almost as good as haerin in the track and field team. everyone who sees them walking down the corridor would literally stop to look at how good they look together. it's to the point that they gush over the possible relationship they should have.
you were one of the people who'd look too, but you were always left slightly upset and heartbroken whenever you heard such comments. for sure, woonhak didn't do anything other than walk with her because he likes to ask and learn from haerin when it comes to running. there was no one to blame for your feelings except yourself. and at times, you just wished you could just like someone else cause the pain gets unbearable.
"hey froggie! how was class?"
it might sound like you're being selfish, but you wished haerin only ever smiles at you like that. that smile, the very same one you fell for and also the one that makes your heart clench a little. not to mention the nickname, it makes you feel as if she sees you nothing more than just a friend.
"the same. mr park is giving out work, again. I'm not surprised anyways."
"how about you?"
you swore you saw how her eyes sparkled a little when she started telling you about hers. but you don't feel that much good inside after.
"oh! you know woonhak right? him and I got chosen to be interviewed for a promotional video for the school."
"oh, him..."
"sorry, did you say something?"
"ah, yeah I know him."
"yup him, we agreed to meet on sunday to prepare ahead of the interview. I'm sorry if you wanted to come over."
"no don't be, it's fine. I can just work on mr park's project on sunday."
"but still, it feels weird that I won't be around."
"oh come on, it's literally just a few hours! and before you know it, you'll be back and I can come over if you want."
"this is why you're my best friend, I can always count on you."
well, that hurt a lot. you didn't know if it was intentional or just coincidental as she manages to throw your urge to confess out of the window every time it surfaces. all you could hope was that she didn't take notice of your feelings, or else you swear you'd never be able to face her again. the very last thing you need is for this friendship with her to shatter to the ground like glass. but you knew, the moment you fell for her, you were already walking on thin ice.
"what do they have for lunch today?"
"kimchi fried rice, today has your favourite strawberry milk."
picking up yours, you shaked it to tempt her to quickly go get hers and come have her food with you. and so she did.
whenever it came to her favourite food, she always looks like a cute little kitten who's hungry all the time. and when she spots them, she'd rush to get it and sit with you with an adorable smile plastered on her face as she eats or drinks away. you wish you were able to be someone who makes her that happy too, but along with those thoughts were the heavy consequences of your confession.
whatever you two have built throughout these many years will just shatter like glass, into fragile pieces that will not be able to be pieced together again. even if it could be pieced together again, nothing can stay the same.
for now, you'll keep it to yourself. nothing has shifted between you and haerin, so you shouldn't too.
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you have no idea what the hell you're doing right now. what kind of situation is this, you don't know.
"you told me we were gonna work on that project. as far as I know, this is not part of the project."
"I know, but just, we'll work on it after. for now, I just need you to accompany me."
"bro, this feels so illegal to be spying on someone."
"I'm just making sure that boy isn't doing anything to haerin."
"you know they're like the most shipped couple in school right? and woonhak's a really nice person."
"you never know."
all dani could do was roll her eyes at how dumb you look, she looks, with this so called disguise that barely covered their identity. she told you the shades were not it when it's practically indoors, and how it literally makes them stand out even more. at times like this, she questions herself why she's friends with you, and why she's willing to be in this with you. overall you were a great person, just not when you get too overprotective of the girl you love.
"if you're just gonna snoop around, you might as well just confess."
the moment you heard the word 'confess', the coffee you were drinking through your mouth came out through your nose. dani didn't know whether to laugh or help you wipe the table cause that was the reenactment of that 'the incredibles' meme of violet. maybe this was why she was friends with you.
"w-what do you mean?"
"you're too obvious to not notice each and every time you zoom out of class to have lunch with haerin. and zoom out again when the bell rings so you can head over to the gym hall to watch her practice."
"bro why didn't you tell me?!"
"tell you what? that you're like an idiot in love but the person you love doesn't seem to feel the same way?"
"I am not an idiot! but I definitely am in love..."
the mood suddenly shifted to somewhat gloomy as those words left your mouth. admitting that you had feelings for haerin to someone else for the first time didn't feel much extravagant than you thought. it wasn't that what you felt wasn't real or overwhelming, they very much were. but the thought of her not reciprocating them, broke you a little on the inside.
you've always imagined being by her side throughout university till the day you'd grow old and get a small house in the countryside. if it were the best friend context, things would have been fine. but you want to be there for her as someone she loves, too. as cheesy as it sounds, just the two of you against the world and no one can stop you.
reality begged to differ when you see how happy she is now as she picks up some clothes from the racks in a store. with woonhak smiling down at her. you couldn't deny that they look good together, way to good that it was believable if haerin told you they started dating after this date. the more you saw the two of them together, the more it was harder to imagine you being the one who would be making her happy.
although you've known her for so long, you weren't one to express your feelings through words. 'actions speak louder than words' was the motto you've lived with all this time. but this love thing takes more than that. being a literature student did not help with that vast range of vocabulary cause there was no point of preparing a confession. it has to come from the heart, and that's what makes it so hard.
"they left by the way."
your head whipped to the direction of the store they were in, and the last spot you saw them at was indeed empty.
"let's go then! you better saw where they are heading."
not even allowing dani to finish her chocolate drink, you dragged her along to chase after the two. they were definitely fast, very fitting to be in the track and field team. and dani did not sign up for this.
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in the end, dani had to drag you out of that mall before you ended up actually stalking those two poor souls. you were definitely not pleased with that decision but you two had a project to attend to, so you placed whatever that's disturbing to the back of your head. although it was sort of futile.
"well, at least we got half of this done, sorta."
"we can meet again tomorrow after school to finish it up if you want."
the australian squinted her eyes at you, as if trying to question your intention. she had the right to after what you pulled off today.
"for real, this time. I kinda want to get this over with and watch haerin practice."
"you better keep your promise."
giving a salute, all dani could do was chuckle at your attempt to lighten the mood with your antics. how can she not love someone like you when all you do was make everyone around you smile?
"hey, do you think it's possible that haerin would have feelings for me? even the slightest bit?"
"I don't see why not. you're a nice kid."
"the definition of nice is different for everyone, and so it is for me."
the older took a seat next to you on the bed, putting down her books on your study desk. when the topic about your feelings for haerin surface each time, you can't help but let your real self seep out a little, the happy-go-lucky facade faltering.
"you know, you don't have to be nice to be liked by anyone."
"but that doesn't mean I can be bad either."
"you know I don't mean it that way. it's just that, whether the person is nice or not, if you like them, you just do."
"that's true..."
it was feeling a little weird to talk about this with someone, but you were glad that it was dani. she was like an older sister figure that you could rely on whenever you needed her.
"you love haerin. and do you love her because she's nice? or because it's her?"
as you registered her words in your brain, you couldn't help but feel hopeful all over again, even after seeing those two at the mall today. maybe, they really are just friends. maybe, haerin does like you a little. maybe, you should confess.
you were so lost in your own thoughts that you couldn't feel the presence next to you, slowly clasping your hands. dani looked at you really endearingly, as if you were the person she cherished the most in the world.
"whatever you do, I'd be here to support, okay?"
giving her a reassuring nod and grin, dani's heart swelled at how your mood was lifted again. all she wants to see was you smile, regardless of who's behind it.
the shout from across your bedroom door grabbed your attention as your eyes darted towards it. as it swung open, the very person you two were talking about barged through to throw you into a hug. along with dani cause haerin knows her too.
"unnie! what are you doing here? the project?"
"hmm, we were just tidying up cause it's getting late."
the older slipped out from the embrace to finish packing her stuff to leave those two to their own world. maybe one day, she'd be able to find someone she loves too.
"bye unnie!"
"dani, I'll let you know what time tomorrow."
"yup sure, just ping me when you're done."
as dani left when she saw your thumbs up, you're tackled into another hug. you were wondering why she was being extra clingy after that date with woonhak. did woonhak confess to her? was she being shy about it? is she gonna tell you something? you were overthinking a lot of things and it wasn't a good sign cause that just means you're going to start doubting every single action haerin takes.
"I missed you."
you wish you would just disintegrate into dust at this very moment. everything that has happened today had already put your brain and feelings into overdrive. and for her to say this, made your heart feel heavier than ever. you didn't know why, it just didn't feel all that good although you did miss her too. but the words just can't seem to fall from your lips.
all you could do was look away and nod. because if you were to look at her, you think you are going to cry and confuse her even further.
"I should go shower first, it's been a long day."
"then we can cuddle!"
haerin slipped away from the embrace into your bathroom. with her belongings scattered around your room, it makes you feel even dizzier from all these crashing feelings. it's as if you are itching to confess to her or else you'd combust for real. that was why you could only keep your mouth shut, or everything would be over.
for now again, you try your best to act normal in front of her. for your own sake, for her sake, and to keep this friendship the way it has been this whole time.
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everything went on like normal. you and dani wrapped up that damn project mr park gave, having lunch with haerin every day, spending your time watching her practice, hanging out every weekend. but as haerin's competition was approaching, she spends more time at the gym hall, even during weekends at times. you can't blame her when she's the top in her team.
this competition was utmost important for her as many big companies scout at this particular one. meaning that if she does well, she may have a chance of signing with one. but that means that she would have to move to the city if that does happen.
you were afraid to lose her. sure, you two would still be friends even if she was miles away. so that's exactly what you're afraid of, staying friends. you knew you had no guts to confess to her anytime soon. if haerin leaves, you will still be here. you can't imagine how it will be without her, because you've spent your entire life with her by your side.
even today, you're in your room as haerin is training more as days are left till the competition. divided between confessing or not, you wrote down all the things you want to get for her on your laptop. the tomato frog that she loves so much, a printed sweater with a cat, a couple bracelet that she had her eye on last month. you remembered everything like you knew the back of your hand. it wasn't intentional, but you just did. not to mention that you had quite bad memory that you took a week to remember your seatmate's name.
you were going to do it. you were going to confess. it took you years to finally make that decision and you want it to be perfect. what did it mean by perfect, you don't know. it was your first time, but you just wanted it to be from the bottom of your heart. regardless of whether haerin would reciprocate the feelings, you came to an agreement with yourself that it was fine if she didn't. she was going to move away when she wins that competition so it would just mean that you two stay friends. friends who are apart from each other.
although it may take time to heal, it was going to be fine. not everything in life can go smoothly, and you were willing to take the risk. it was unfair for both you and her. you couldn't pretend any longer that you saw her as a friend, when the way you treat her is definitely more than one. and she deserves to know what you feel for her, with no secrets kept between the two of you.
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screams and shouts from both sides of your ears were definitely gonna leave them ringing for some time. of course you weren't going to miss haerin's big day. you were beyond proud that she made it to the finals after beating her opponents in the semifinals. quarters were a piece of cake since she was a whole second ahead of everyone.
it was no doubt when she held the fastest record for 100m among the schools here. the agents definitely had their eyes on her the entire time, it just depends on who she chooses.
you didn't really like going out for events like these but she was an exception. although you weren't screaming your lungs out for her, you caressed that ring on your finger very dearly. the ring haerin got you when you two got into the same high school, calling it "the lucky ring". whenever there were big happenings, you'd wear it, feeling that she was with you through them. this time, you wore it so she could feel that you were with her.
the determination on haerin's face didn't go unnoticed even if you were nowhere close to the tracks. and when she flashed that smile at you before the whistle went off, you cried softly into your hands.
you love her so much. so much that this was going to be the last time you two were going to be friends. friends who grew up together, playing with puddles at the playground. finding restaurants to visit together. laughing at stupid videos in bed. taking pictures and videos of each other when one is sleeping. all those days were going to be a memory. a sweet memory for you to look back at after this day.
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reporters swarmed the winner of the competition, blocking the pathway for the others who could only sigh at their defeat. some were lucky with outstanding performance.
"could you tell us what's your future plans after this?"
"will you be signing with Krux? we saw their agent approach you personally."
"is it possible to know who kim woonhak is to you?"
"i'm sorry everyone but haerin will be heading off first, any questions will be answered by me."
the coach pushed haerin into the locker room before locking everyone outside with him. she let out the breath even she didn't know she was holding.
"so, who is kim woonhak to you?"
the noise was starting to die down outside as the reporters were led to a different room for interview. the silence was growing deafening as those words echoed across the empty room.
"you're my friend."
"damn, I really didn't have a chance, did I?"
"you know that very well. plus, there's a whole line waiting to date you so why waste your time on me?"
haerin couldn't bother, as she had something better to do and someone better to be with.
"sunbae, you do know I don't like you anymore right? not after you turned down my confession the other day."
"I was just making sure. I've seen too many of you playboys in action."
"oh come on, I'm not a playboy!"
woonhak was someone who was very responsive to teases, and haerin takes every chance she gets to tease the hell out of him. if anything, he was like a brother to her and she was like a sister to him. in fact, both of them decided to sign with the same company since they were offered. it was always good to have someone on your side in the sports world.
"I know, I was just messing with you. now get out, coach probably needs you."
"why me when the winner is right here chilling?"
"because you're gonna answer on my behalf."
the scene that was unfolding could easily be misunderstood if walked in at the wrong timing. and someone did just that. but what haerin didn't expect was that you walked in on them, seemingly laughing and smacking each other, like a couple. well, it did look like that to you at least.
you felt like you were interrupting something, so you dashed out of there as quick as you could. your eyes were stinging as the humid wind cut through your tears that were threatening to fall. although haerin was deemed the winner today, you were zooming past people faster than she could, as if in denial that you lost even before getting a chance to tell her.
it was getting more and more suffocating as the people around you were overwhelming. although you could breathe better when you reached the tracks, taking in the view of the vast field, it was too much that you had to hit your chest to let out some suppressed cries.
just as you felt slightly better, you felt a pair of arms swinging across your sides from behind, trapping you with them. you didn't even need to see who it is, as their scent invaded your senses, carrying familiarity with it.
"haerin-ah, congratulations! I'm so proud of you."
you turned around to bring her into a hug, but also hiding the fact you were crying because things were to change today.
"thank you, I wouldn't have done it without you."
"no, don't say that. you.. did it because you trained very hard for this. and you'll be achieving your dreams."
"you did do something for me, you were there for me. I saw you at the bleachers and that made me more determined to win."
"why are you crying, froggie? don't cry, we'll still see each other."
haerin cupped your face with her hands to wipe the tears off of your face. but that just hit the nail on the coffin, meaning that she would sign and leave for the city. which was now or never.
the endearing look in her face as she looks at you was more than enough to let you know she would be here for you no matter what. even as just a friend. although it was starting to rain, you knew you had to do it now. the words were getting stuck in your throat as it started to get dry. but, you were going to do it still.
"I love you."
the confusion on her face hurt you more than it should. you should know that she does not feel the same way you did for her. you should know that she was probably already dating woonhak after what you saw earlier. you should know-
"I love you too."
it was the first time you have ever seen that smile on her face. a grin so wide, it's like she's the happiest girl in the world. the most crescent eyes you've seen on her, as if she's staring at the girl she loves.
wait. she said she loves you too.
the sunshower was drenching the two of you but you couldn't give a damn about it. she said she loves you. she reciprocated your feelings. but you were having a very hard time trying to wrap your head around it.
"I love you too, you silly."
her laughter tickled your ears as you stood there frozen. your dumb reaction had her swaying you around with her in the rain as the sun was blinding through the droplets. just as she stopped to look at you again, you still had that bewildered face.
"I thought you were dating woonhak..."
"me? and that idiot? babe, you gotta be kidding me."
the sudden endearment had your cheeks flare up as you bury your head in her shoulder, in attempt to cover your face. but your ears were shooting bright red too, earning an earthy laughter from haerin, you could feel it through the embrace.
"so that means we're dating right?"
she looked at you with a shocked face before peppering kisses all over your cheeks.
"yes, of course froggie. unless you wanna get married."
the attempt at humor cracked both of you up, but you knew that was something you see happening in the future. but for now, everything was perfect. you were perfect, and haerin's urge to kiss you was too strong at that moment.
"can I kiss you?"
all you could do was nod and as her lips touched yours, that's when things were sinking in for you. your hands slowly draped over her neck as you pulled her closer to feel the longing for her warmth grow stronger. the sunshower painted over you and her, but you couldn't care less about what's around you when the most important person is in front of you. it was true that today was the last day you two were friends, but blossomed into a new beginning as each other's love.
as you pulled back to breathe, you two had your eyes closed, foreheads touching. although no words were exchanged, you knew, many more summers were to be spent with the love of your life.
it was the summer rain, the summer rain when haerin fell for you as you held her hand and ran in the rain back home.
that summer you fell for her too.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
Could you write some more Paul with his pregnant imprint? Maybe how touchy he becomes when they're in the early stages of pregnancy? Tysmm
i love him🥺🤍
"paul," you giggled, curling into his side as he pulled you close to him, gently resting his hand atop your abdomen.
he pressed his lips to the crown of your head, "how much longer till i can see the bump?" he murmured against your hair, running his other hand up and down your back as he waited for your response.
since you'd found out you were pregnant, paul couldn't get enough of you. he was so excited to see how your body changed with pregnancy and couldn't stop thinking about how pretty you'd look with his baby growing in you.
"you gotta wait another month or so," you explained, peeking up at him and pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "'s probably not gonna show until the end of my first trimester." you added, offering him a small smile.
he nodded, pulling you into his lap which had you bursting into another fit of giggles, "can't wait to see it," he explained as he hooked one of his arms under the crook of your legs and the other around your back, holding you close to him.
you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips as you giggled, "you'll be able to see him soon enough," you cooed, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder.
"him?" paul asked incredulously, looking down at you which had you laughing again and shaking your head.
"i think it's a boy," you mused, smiling up at him when he sucked in a deep breath, seeming to think about it for a moment before exhaling.
"maybe." he said softly, pressing another soft kiss to the crown of your head, "when do we find that out?" he asked in between kisses as he peppered your cheeks with kisses that had you giggling again.
you thought about it for a moment, mentally doing the math in your head, "maybe another month or so? should be right around then." you explained and he smiled, seeming to think that he could handle waiting that long.
paul was notorious for being one of the most impatient people you knew so the whole concept of waiting nine months for you to give birth was something he had a hard time wrapping his head around.
"i s'pose i can wait that long," he grumbled teasingly, both of you letting out breathy laughs at his impatience, "you wanna get ready for bed?" he asked softly after a moment, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
you nodded, giggling as he scooped you up in his arms to carry you into the bedroom. he was quick to help you get changed into one of his t-shirts, making quite a fuss over the prospect of you wearing pants to bed, insisting that it was easier for him to rest his hand on your belly if you didn't have any pants on.
you rolled your eyes but agreed, laughing as he pulled you into his chest, allowing you a moment to curl up into his side, "doin' such a good job carryin' my baby," he mused as he ran his free hand under your t-shirt to rest against your belly, gently rubbing circles against the soft skin with his thumb.
"our baby," you corrected, rolling your eyes as you let out a soft laugh.
he huffed but conceded, nodding, "doin' such a good job carryin' our baby," he teased, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek as you giggled and curled further into his chest.
"much better," you mused, pressing a quick kiss to his shoulder before settling in his arms so the two of you could get some sleep.
616 notes · View notes
When I think about it, I think we start to see a shift in Ed's perception of Stede's self-confidence as early as s1e7, and that's when he starts to make a real effort to reassure Stede when he can.
It is very, very easy to understand how Ed missed how devastatingly low Stede's self-esteem is at first; I still don't think he fully gets it. Stede could be the poster boy for a "fake-it-till-you-make-it" mentality; he carries himself with a lot of unearned confidence and enthusiasm. He also doesn't fucking talk about his feelings unless he HAS to. It's no wonder Ed misses just how much reassurance Stede needs.
But we can start pinpointing him starting to suss it out a bit! In s1e5, he clearly hadn't realized: Ed not only interrupted Stede when he was trying to talk at the party, he contributed to how the other guests were laughing at him. I don't think Ed was intentionally trying to be mean; he acts much more like they're playing characters at the party than Stede does, and he doesn't know how deep Stede's insecurities go, but it was still a bit of a dick move.
But then, in s1e7, when Lucius tells Ed how hard Stede is trying to impress him, it seems like something clicks. Ed goes out of his way to validate Stede's ideas, and though he comes on a bit too strong ("see, now I feel like you're just patronizing me." "I am.") it's a great step in the right direction.
There's a slide back in s1e8, when Ed ignores Jack interrupting Stede and doesn't really do anything to shut it down when Jack insults him. It's meant to add to how Jack is encouraging Ed to behave in callous and inconsiderate ways to push Stede away. But an episode later, when Ed can tell Stede needs reassurance, he's on it. He tells Stede his fake heads idea "wasn't bad" to hype him up a bit, and fondly tells Stede to shut up when Stede says he only has stupid ideas. It's a good move.
In s2, we can see this develop even more. In s2e5, Ed is happy to give Stede some pointers on his captain voice (and not even exclusively for horny reasons), and compliments his performance. In s2e6 he specifically waits until Frenchie and Jim leave to tell Stede that they're just trying to Calypso him, making sure Stede won't feel like he's being embarassed in front of his crew.
And now, as of the s2 finale, Ed is really starting to fully get it. When Stede tries to bring up his own accomplishments when Ed and Zheng Yi Sao are talking about how cool their fight was, Ed instantly picks up on it being time to reassure his boyfriend, quickly letting Stede know that he saw Stede being cool, it was incredible, and adding on a cute pet name to make sure Stede knows he's being genuine and affectionate. Even if Stede wasn't really super cool in that fight, Ed knows Stede wants to feel included and like his contributions had value, and he immediately rises to the task.
These guys just get each other so well and they do such a good job of hyping each other up. I can't wait to see this develop even further.
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blerb-f1 · 1 day
"and Found" - Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader # part two!
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this is a part two! Part one is here!
Check out my masterlist!
-xoxo, blerb
“So anyway Charles, about the passport issue”
“We contacted the government and it's going to get here soon. One Issue remains until then. We can't let you out on the streets till we have it. No documents, no license, no drive”
“You are kidding me.” Charles whined, crossing his arms and smacking them onto the table.
“Even Italy has laws. Even for you. I'm sorry, Andrea will drive you where you need to go. Otherwise I might recommend trying cycling? Valtteri seems very happy since he started actively cycling.”
“Like hell I'll get on a bike in Italy - they're going to run me over before I leave this place!”
Had it really come to this? Did Charles Leclerc, Formula One race winner and Ferrari driver been demoted to bicycle?
With his head hanging low, the demotivated driver stepped outside. In his right hand was the key to his new bicycle, attached to a children’s keychain. Just lovely. The two wheeled vehicle was already waiting outside, a garnet red with Ferrari slogan on top. Weren’t these the free company handouts a few years ago? Or something handed out in a company wide lottery? Charles could remember Sebastian behind happy at the idea of others biking. It truly coudn’t get more embarrassing, could it? ‘When even was the last time i rode a bike?’, he wondered. Swinging his legs over it and giving it a push to get going provided him a wobbly pace. Taking circles around the parking lot helped becoming steady again, yet no joy could be discovered anywhere. Charles stopped the bike, leaning back and eyes passing over the building. In the distance, a person was approaching. As they got closer, he noticed it was Y/N. She was dressed in a pretty white dress, neckline dipping lower to a golden belt. She must have bought it in Italy, he just coudn’t imagine your average stern german lady wearing something similar. 
As she came to a stop in front of him, her expression showed a rude grin.
“Seems you’re without a drive, Driver”
“Yeah, I know. You’ve already made all the jokes.”
She nodded, as if fully aware of the emotions he was feeling.
“You know, Ferrari were so kind to give me these-”, she said, lifting her hand. Jingling in the air was a set of black car keys with the familiar prancing horse on top. “If you want, I could drive you somewhere. Would be less embarrassing than cycling”
In a really annoying fashion, she pulled the word ‘could’ as long as a chewing gum. Just sheer annoyance.
Charles thought about it. He truly did not want to be victimized by her driving again, but going further distances in climate control and not facing the Italian sun sounded stunning about now. With it soon being afternoon, the heat started becoming unbearable.
“Alright, I give in. What do you get in return though?”
“I want to visit Monaco.”
“Monaco? That’s 5 hours by car. Taking a plane would be faster.”
She just grinned again. “I probably won’t get the chance to drive a Ferrari again, right? So I want to make use of it. And with you by my side-” she poked her pointer finger against his chest. “I bet I will get stuff for free! And since you live there, you know the good spots to go to.”
“You are a cheapass, you know”
“I’m a train attendant, not a cheapass. Monaco is expensive.”
Charles pushed the bike against a wall, leaning it to the side. No one would steal a bike here, right? He wondered, walking alongside her.
“Aren’t you worried about being seen with me? I’m a celebrity, i hope you keep that in mind”
She just shook her head. “Nah, I’m not worried in any way, shape or form. Life would be exciting if gossip would be busy with me.”
“Exiting? It’s getting clear to me that you have no clue of what it’s like!" Charles got angry at her statement. She really knew nothing.
“Obviously, I don’t. But you seem like a nice dude. If people make rumors about us, I want to see them try. There’s nothing in my life they could ruin.”
Charles came to a stop. “Nothing in your life? What do you mean?”
Y/N just looked down. “That house is my parents. Mine now, I guess. Both died of old age a few years ago, had me quite late. My job is nothing I've specifically dreamed of ever. I just took it because I could work alongside my parental-care duties. So currently, I wouldn't mind having stupid fun. I mean, they might write some mean stuff about me. But they can’t get worse than 40 year old, hair dyed red, coworkers”
Shit, maybe he shouldn't have asked that. Pretty personal question, was she hurt?
“Don’t worry too much Charles. I’m fine. You don’t seem to be like that , though.”
She could see it on him, huh? “Yeah, I'm not. My dad…he passed away before he could see me win Monaco. I desperately wanted him too. Same as my best friend and god father…And now? I won the Monaco GP but instead of visiting them, i ended up somewhere in Germany.”
“I bet they’re happy for you, up in whatever flavor of heaven you believe in. If they’re family, they’re definitely watching. We could visit your living relatives though if that would make you feel better.”
He nodded. Great idea. “We could visit my mom and little Brother. They still live in our apartment in Monaco. My big bro already moved out a while ago, i did as well. I think that would feel good.”
“Well what are you waiting for then? Get going.”
“Can i drive?”
He made a ‘hmpf’ sound and fake-pouted. “I bet I’d drive better than you!”
Shortly afterwards, they both found themselves seated in the expensive Vehicle. Y/N was busy adjusting the settings to her liking while Charles was fumbling around with the Spotify playlist. Just as he was leaning forward to input something, the driver pressed down the gas pedal. Hard. 
Charles was almost launched forward but the seat belt pulled him back with just his phone flying around . “God, you scared me!” he exclaimed, holding his hands on his beating heart.
Y/N just grinned, showing him her teeth.”I like scaring you, it’s fun”.
Charles just gave her an exasperated expression. “Why do you particularly enjoy scaring me so much?”
“You react so loudly, that’s fun. My colleagues are all old, tired people. Most you’d get is an eyebrow lift.”
That way, the drive continued. Charles and Y/N were vibing to the white girl music he had picked (Sorry Sebastian, no Senorita) while Y/N put in some weird German music. Charles was quite confused when he heard what sounded like children's music.
“What the fuck are we listening to right now?” he asked her.
She was vibing meanwhile, joke dancing while speeding. “True hit song! It slams when you’re drunk! "That's Bodo mit dem Bagger!”
“I’m not drunk Y/N so why are we listening to drunk people's music? Also, I don't speak German. Could you translate?”
“Drunk people's music is always good! You rich folk don’t know what simple pleasures are.” She huffed. “The title is just…Uh..Give me a second.”
Charles leaned his arm on the window, staring outside. “Considering you work with travelers i’d think your English would be better.”
“That’s rude, sir. I’m quite good if compared by my colleagues”
“Seb was faster.”
Y/N just sighed. “Isn’t this also your second language? Don’t be an ass. Also, Vettel had to speak English more often than I do, you knucklehead. I don’t get English speaking passengers that often.”
After a short moment of thinking, she came to her answer. “The title is Bodo with the Excavator. It’s about a guy excavating stuff but excavating is also a pun for hitting on girls. So that’s it. You ruined the fun now that I had to explain it.”
After that discourse, the car became devoid of conversation until Charles and Y/N reached Monaco. While trying to drive safely, Y/N was busy staring outside. Taking in all the sights she could from her driver’s position. Charles meanwhile directed her to the attached parking space, the guard at the front being confused at the sight yet not asking about it. ‘Professionals’, Y/N thought to herself.
As they stood in front of his mom’s apartment, Charles finally realized what he had done. He had invited a girl home. Worse thing being, Y/N was the first girl he ever invited home…Pascale would have a heart attack, wouldn’t she? He quickly took her to the side.
“Y/N” he stated with a soft, quiet voice. “I uh…”
“What, uh? Come on, tell me.”
“You’re the first girl I'm bringing home.”
She was surprised. Definitely didn’t expect that one. “Ever?”
“Oh god, how do we tell that to your mom?”
“No use, I know her too well. Whatever we tell her won’t matter.”
“I could just wait outside if you want me to? Not trying to make your life harder here.”
“Nonono!” He exclaimed, widening his eyes.
“That wouldn't be in the spirit of hospitality of me.”
“Well then..”
She turned around, pressing the doorbell.
Charles quickly turned around. “No! AHH; I wasn't prepared!”
“Why are you so nervous, if at all i should be the one t-”
Before she could finish her sentence, the door opened. Pascale looked curious, her face turning joyfull upon seeing her son. She quickly brought him into a tight hug, pressing her chin against his shoulder.
“I-I was so scared when we didn’t hear from you!”
“and I thought I had lost you! You can’t do that to me!”
“Mom-” his voice sounded more desperate now.
“But I’m so glad to see you healthy Charlie!”
She separated from him, looking her son up and down before her view skipped over to the companion at his side. 
“Who’s this lovely young Lady, if i might ask?”
Charles wanted to fully rectify but he could already see the thoughts in her brain running further ahead than they might ever be able to catch up with. Shit.
“I’m Y/N L/N”, she stated, stretching out her hand to Pascale. “I found Charles dead asleep on my train and later helped him home. Nice to meet you!”
Pascale looked Y/N now up and down. With this serious mom scanner, Charles knew her next face would tell him everything he needed to know about her. His mother was thinking, her brain computer on all cylinders before clicking the print button: smiling face,serious.png. She liked Y/N. Oh no.
“I’m so happy that you found him, Miss. L/N -  what would i have done without you!”
Pascale grabbed Charles by his ear, pulling him close. “Once he got into Formula 1 Monaco became way too small to contain him. Sometimes I wonder when he’ll run off to never be seen again.”
“Just Y/N is enough, I’m Miss L/N at work.” Her whole body shook as if remembering it. “Now i’m happy to see Monaco - seeing you both reunited i find this to be the perfect opportunity to leave so-”
“Nonsense! I can’t let you leave so soon. Seeing Charles' expression I bet you drove. Before going anywhere, you better wait a moment to allow him to he let off steam. Afterwards you two can go out and look at the city!”
‘You two? Oh no, she really thinks we’re a couple, doesn’t she?’ Charles realised. 
His mother was quick to push the two inside, heading off to brew coffee. Shortly after, three pretty mugs and delicacies were placed in front of the two of them. Y/N slowly leaned back, happily enjoying the hot liquid while Pascale kept questioning holes into Charles. She sneakily stole his piece of cake while he kept wildly throwing his arms around in gestures. Is that what interacting with Italians did to a man?
Then, Pascale directed her attention to Y/N. “I’d love to get to know you better but I have to work the whole day and tomorrow as well. If you want to, you could visit my salon tomorrow and we could chat while I do your hair. I bet you want to take the opportunity and see the city today.”
She gave Y/N a hearty smile.
“Are you saying Y/N needs a haircut, Maman?” he asked, sounding jokingly offended.
“No, not at all! I just want to get to know her, Charlie..”
Cute. Pascale really was cute. 
“Also, if you want to, we could dye your hair. As long as that's fine with your work dress code - i bet you would look lovely with some colors!”
‘Such a cute woman. I wouldn't mind her being my mother in law… Wait, no- I don’t want to be in a relationship right now. No-uh.’
‘Maman seems to like her as well - haven’t seen her this happy in a while.. I’ve also been enjoying myself around her.. No, I can't catch feelings here. I gotta focus.’
If you'd like to be tagged in future fics, hit me up!
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Request: Velvet, Eleanor, and Magilou with a shy S/O who is trying to hide the hickeys their girl friend gave them.
(Tales of Berseria) Velvet, Eleanor, and Magilou's S/O trying to hide their hickeys
Gotta say for all three of them, ow.
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Velvet's S/O struggles to look at her directly, one hand gently rubbing their neck.
Velvet has a smug grin as she crosses her arms.
(Velvet) "I think that looks good on you, personally."
(S/O) "I-It's really obvious where they are!"
(Velvet) "I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of a hickey. Besides showing you're mine anyway-"
Honestly, she doesn't really care what anyone thought about the marks. And seeing S/O get this flustered over them was pretty amusing.
But there was one problem with her carefree attitude about it.
(Laphicet) "S/O? What happened to your neck?"
(S/O) "O-Oh! Well, t-that's!-"
(Eizen) "Why are you that flustered about-...Oh."
Eizen sighs, making Eleanor walk over to the group and realize what happened.
(Eleanor) "Oh my-VELVET!"
She gives Eleanor a glance, raising an eyebrow.
(Velvet) "What?"
(Eleanor) "It's...just so indecent! Why did you-"
(Laphicet) "Did Velvet do something to S/O?"
(Eizen) "No boy, don't ask questions about it. You'll learn when you're older."
(Laphicet) "...Huh?"
S/O had their face buried in their hands, making Laphicet even more confused.
Eleanor crossed her arms and looked extremely disgusted.
(Eleanor) "I cannot believe you two would-"
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(Velvet) "S/O, go wash those marks off your neck. And Laphicet, it was from bug bites."
(Laphicet) "What kind of bug would...?-"
(Eizen) "One you shouldn't ask about. Here, let's ask Rokurou about it, and leave the ladies at...this."
Eizen quickly rushed away Laphicet from S/O, Velvet, and Eleanor.
(S/O) "I want to die..."
(Eleanor) "Well...at least wear a scarf!"
(Velvet) sigh "Pride still intact, S/O?"
(S/O) "No..."
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Eleanor may have...gotten carried away in the moment.
Truthfully, if she had hickeys on herself, she would absolutely panic.
So to see that she had caused very noticeable ones on S/O's neck and shoulders.
(Eleanor) "...Oh my-..."
Eleanor and S/O struggle to look each other in the eye, both blushing a scarlet red.
(Eleanor) "I am so sorry...L-Let me find you something to cover it up! Or at least some makeup!"
Despite her best efforts, it is extremely noticeable.
(Rokurou) "Hey, S/O? Think ya got something on your neck."
(S/O) "D-D-Do I?!"
(Rokurou) "Yeah, looks like bite ma-...Oh."
Velvet turns around to both Eleanor and S/O, noticing both their expressions.
(Velvet) "Should've just let that lie, Rokurou."
(Rokurou) "Yeeaaaah, didn't realize till it was too late. But hey, didn't think you had it in ya, Eleanor!"
Eleanor facepalmed and swore under her breath, making S/O stare at the ground even harder.
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(Velvet) "It's becoming our business when we can hear you two clear as day."
(S/O & Eleanor) "WHAT?!"
(Rokurou) "They're already dead, Velvet. No need to drive the dagger further."
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Magilou did that shit on purpose.
Sure, there were other ways of saying that S/O and Magilou were a couple.
But those ways are a lot less interesting and hot.
And Magilou bit hard.
(S/O) "M-Magilou, I'm covered in bites!"
(Magilou) "That you are. And?"
(Magilou) "Sure ya can! Here, let's go show the others right now!"
Magilou does not help with S/O's flustered reactions at all, in fact she made it worse.
The first people to see them was Velvet and Eleanor.
(Eleanor) "Good morn-..."
Eleanor's voice was caught in her throat as her eyes widened, looking at S/O's neck.
(Velvet) "...I'm even more glad I had my room far away from you two."
(Magilou) "Come now, you should be rejoicing at the healthy love blossoming between your two companions!"
Both Eleanor and Velvet's glance turned to S/O, who was on the floor, arms in their knees, and face in hands.
Accompanied by a noise that either sounded like a whine of agony, muffled screaming, or a mixture of both.
Then, the two looked back to Magilou.
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(Eleanor) "Ugh, too much information."
(Velvet) "Doubt she really cares about that."
(Magilou) "I don't!~"
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homesickn · 1 year
Loki x reader — sick!fic, established relantionship.
No warnings, just fluff and comfort.
Loki takes care of you when you're sick and makes sure you feel better. He's really soft.
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“I feel disgusting,” you say. The words coming out slurred as you struggled to breathe with your congested nose.
“Darling?” Loki asks, concerned. “Can I do anything to help?”
You don't want him to see you like this, in fact, you've been trying to ignore your sickness for a long time. 
You feel useless, you don't want to exist, the only acceptable thing to your mind is the thought of going to sleep, the aching pressure around your eyes begs to be closed. You're almost crying from shame.
“Darling,” Loki reaches around you, embracing his arms around your figure, even as you protest, he lifts you up in his arms. “You can't work like this. I know you're sick.” He watches your puffy face, all due to your crying and sneezing.
“No, I'm not, I'm okay,” your voice rough as you lie, fighting not to cough with your pained throat. “I'm not sick, I can do things just fine.” 
He still keeps you there, now making sure your face rests against his shoulder as he takes you to the kitchen, already preparing some tea for you two.
“Have you taken some medicine?” He asks and you keep your face hidden, ignoring the question. “You didn't?
“Don't be mad…” You begin.
“Why would I be mad, darling? Why would you not take your meds?”
“I don't wanna be sick, and I didn't know which ones to take, I took a pill but it didn't have any effect so I thought I'd just wait some more.” You're scared you'll sound pathetic to that, but Loki only rubs your back gently. 
Loki could sense the effort it took for you to talk, he keeps a concerned look on you as you only rest further to his chest. 
This is better, he thinks. She's accepting my help. My love.
Loki had a secret under his sleeve that could work, he could apply his healing magic to your tea — the magic his mother would give to both him and Thor when they got sick, on their younger days, the spell she taught him.
He remembers those days with nostalgic care, he keeps them in the depths of his heart for when his mind needs some kind memories, these parts are specially occupied with you, now. He misses his mother, but he can express the love he received in a new way.
You're shivering under his hands, so he conjures your fluffy, heavy blanket for you, covering you till your neck. 
He makes a mental reminder to prepare a warm bath as it's early in the evening, it'd help you feel better, and then he'd make sure you wear some warm clothes so you don't get any fevers.
“Love?” He asks you, your eyes are fighting to stay open but they're moist with tears from the cold. 
“Can't breathe,” you whine a bit in pain, closing your eyes and trying to rest but feeling the strong pang in your head.
“I'll make it feel better, love. I'm here,” He tells you, giving you a kiss. He was glad your temperature was normal as he felt it against his skin.
You cringe as his lips touch yours. “Don't kiss me… I'm gross,” your voice goes whinier than you wish for again, which he finds adorable.
“You can't pass me anything, my love. I'm a frost giant, I wouldn't get sick with mortal germs.” He gives you a kiss again.
“But I'm still gross though.”
“I could never find you anything close to gross, when I see you like this, I only wish to nurture you back to health, and make sure you're safe and loved, just as you deserve.” You try to hide your smile against his chest now, he can feel it, and it makes him beam with pride at making you feel a little better. “I hate to see you unwell.”
The tea is ready, he turns your body a little in his arms so you're facing the teapot as he makes two cups for both of you.
He makes sure you see the green sparkles leaving his hands as he puts your tea.
“I hope I'm making this right,” he blushes. “It's the spell our mother would pour on our teas when we were children, Thor thought it was disgusting.”
“Very good, really,” you joke around, smiling at him. “One of the few opinions I have, and little Thor thought it was disgusting.”
Loki gives you a tight lipped smile, but still smiles with his eyes too. He shakes his head.
“I think the magic is flavorless, the problem was just that Thor never really liked tea, and we just discovered a long time after,” he smiles at you. “So, my love, as I know you like this tea, I make sure everything is safe and good to your tastes.” He chuckles and you feel his chest move with the sound.
So you stay there, in his arms, watching his magic with a certain wonder, you'd never tire from this, he always loves the way you look at his magic, the way you look at him. It was never about the magic powers he carries, but the way you're the only person to look at him while he does it and appreciate him, just him, you like it when he does anything, you're the only one to look at him with this clear admiration your eyes always hold for him.
He quietly begins to hum a song for your ears, carrying you to the couch.
You move to take the tea and drink it. 
Loki touches your temple, he makes his fingers blue and —consequently, a little colder, just enough for your body to accept, reaching your forehead and keeping it there as you sip your tea.
He notices you're going quieter, just appreciating his acts, not really forcing yourself to speak anymore. He's glad, it makes him happy to see your body sliding slightly closer to him with each sip, probably almost too sleepy to notice. 
He conjures you the correct medicine, and you take it. With him kissing your forehead as you do so, like a little reward.
“I'd never shame you for being sick, you know,” He says, breaking the silence of the room. “I never want to see you feeling like you can't tell me again, even as your body starts to feel weak, even if the symptoms are just starting, tell me.”
“I will. I'm sorry.”
“I'm not mad,” he reinforces, quickly booping your nose, gently smiling at you. You stay quiet, he accepts that.
“How about a bath now?” The tea was warm like a balm to your throat.
You don't respond but complain with sounds of disapproval at having to move from the comfort of the couch, from under the cozy blanket.
“You'll feel better,” he comforts you, caressing your skin as he speaks in a low tone so as not to hurt your head. “I promise, just trust me.” 
He wraps his strong arms around your legs to push your entire body close to his, gluing you to him as he calmly princess-carries you to the bathroom. Patiently taking the time to hold you as he magically —to be quicker— makes the water warm enough for you and your tired body.
He helps you through the bath, bringing some things to make the bath time more relaxing like different soaps and a pink bath bomb.
“Bath bomb?” You laugh a little, glad the stinging in your head stopped a bit. You point to the product he held.
“It's fun, and I'm not used to these midgardian bath entertainments.” He gives you a kind smile and allows the comfort to surround you two as you take the bath together. 
He carefully washes your hair for you, massaging your scalp, hoping to show all his love through his fingertips and gentle caresses.
He moves down to your shoulders, your neck, pressing a bit harder in certain spots, then he slides down to your back with tender care. You hold your breath, and leave some moans of delight as your aching body feels the blessed touch.
“Are you feeling better, love?” He asks, you hum to agree, not wanting to ruin the moment. He muffles a laugh and keeps his loving touches.
Loki runs his hands across the other parts of your body with extra patience and passion, ignoring how sexual it could seem, he knows you're not wishing for it now. He still keeps a longer time washing you, and pressing his hands on your breasts, your chest, your stomach. Brushing among your thighs, anywhere he could show his love and feel your skin close to his.
He kisses your jawline, and moves your head a little to kiss you. The whole time was filled with loving little kisses, some all across your face, some on your lips as he couldn't have enough of your mouth, or enough of you.
The bath makes you feel clean and relaxed, you're allowing yourself to finally succumb to the peaceful affection he's showing you. It's almost overwhelming, you never thought you could have something like this, neither did he.
When the bath's over, Loki exits first to grab a fluffy, dry towel to wrap your body on. You got up and he immediately wrapped you in so you wouldn't face the brutal chilly air of getting out of the bath.
He takes you to the bedroom, your clothes are already on the bed. You tremble to think of removing the towel and facing the cold, but Loki makes sure that doesn't happen.
He puts you on a cozy green sweater, kissing your clothed chest as he's finished. Matching the sweater, he puts on you some warm pajama pants, then proceeds to kiss your stomach. 
He puts your socks on you, and gives a kiss to each of your ankles, almost reverently. Looking up at you with wonder, rubbing your legs. You almost weep at the sight, feeling overly emotional. 
After he's sure you're warm, he lets you decide on what to do next. You just want to sleep.
He turns off the lights of the house, and dims the one by the bedside table. He reaches for his book, this is one he's been reading without you, he thinks it's a bit too uninteresting to be shared, but now it might fit perfectly for the purpose of getting you to sleep.
You two created a habit of sharing your stories together, you love to sit around while he just reads for you. And whenever you read a story you really like, you get extra giddy to tell him every single detail about it, he loves it when you do so.
He knows how much you love his voice, and in moments like this, in which you need less loud noises, you can't help but pay even more attention to how soft his voice is as he speaks. You could listen to it for days, and thankfully, you can really listen to it all day, for days, he's yours.
He cozies you two under the sheets, the only light being the one by his side, so he can read to you, he makes sure it doesn't bother your eyes.
He holds your body on top of his, keeping a light hold not to pressure your skin, allowing you to rest your head on his neck, unbothered by the little sniffles of the remains of your sickness. He'll make sure to check some more spells later —unharming to humans, to be certain you get even better health soon after you drift off to sleep.
“I love you,” you say. He stiffens a little because it comes unexpectedly, then he relaxes. After all this time, Loki's still unused to these words.
He still gets surprised.
His expression softens and he can only hope you feel all the love radiating off of him.
“I love you, darling. Now rest, you'll feel better as soon as you wake up.” 
He begins reading to you from where he stopped, taking pauses a few times to explain some details to you, quietly. You pay attention to the sound of his voice, and his chest moving under you with each word he speaks, until you drift off to a comfortable night of sleep.
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This is my apology for not having posted anything this week because I, once again, got sick, so I wrote this! Oh to have a Loki taking care of me.
I hope it can bring some comfort to you all!
Taglist: @mischief2sarawr @dangertoozmanykids101 (I don't know if it's ok to tag in a sick!fic but it's ok if you don't feel comfortable with it ♡)
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