#and ahsoka is one despite everything she herself says
Baby Ahsoka and that clone she held the hand off :ˋ)
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They are still on that misty planet and he is letting her practice her force healing :D they’re friends now btw and while most of his injuries healed his arm sometimes gives him trouble and Ahsoka tries to help :)
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
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Ok here's my thing with "The Wrong Jedi" arc, and I'm saying this as someone who actually really likes Ahsoka in TCW.
People use this arc to shit on the Jedi (particularly the Council) so much, but like...Ahsoka was literally doing everything she could to make herself look guilty and give them no other choice but to suspect her.
Like, let's put this in perspective, shall we?
One of the people in your (really fucking large) family--someone you know of, but whom most of the family isn't really close to--gets accused of murdering someone and being a part of a terrorist group--and apparently there's video evidence, although even that doesn't really make it clear what happened.
You, of course, start trying to do everything you can to get said cousin out of jail since--even though you're not close to them--you don't think they would do something like that, and the evidence isn't concrete.
But, while you're trying to help them get released, you find out that your cousin has escaped from the county jail, several police officers are dead from knife wounds, and the only evidence is a knife that specifically belongs to your cousin as well as a couple other things that implicate them.
Your cousin goes on the run, then teams up with a known murderer and terrorist, and hurts even more police officers while on the run until finally they're caught once again.
Now you are left with a choice: you can either continue trying to defend your cousin, or you allow the police to take them into custody to face a trial.
Right now a lot of people hate your family, to the point that they're sending death threats and mail bombs and screaming obscenities outside your ancestral home.
It's already putting everyone else in your family, including literal children and babies, in danger and if you continue defend your cousin--despite all of the evidence that points to them being guilty--they could be put in even more danger and the government funding that your family lives off of could be taken away, since you would be defending a suspected terrorist.
So, in that situation, what would you honestly do?
You would do the smart, and reasonable, thing and stop defending your cousin so the police could take them into custody.
The Council tried to help Ahsoka, but she kept doing things to make herself look guilty and--in doing so--put them in a hard position where they couldn't defend her anymore without causing harm to the rest of the Order.
And would you really, truly, honestly defend someone when all of the evidence points to them being guilty? Of course not!
If you want to blame someone for what happened in that arc, blame Barriss for framing Ahsoka in the first place or Tarkin for being such a dick, but shut the fuck up about the Jedi.
They were put in a shitty position and made the best choices they could in a bad situation.
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tis-the-marmot · 1 month
Just some of my thoughts on The Bad Batch finale or, well, The Bad Batch in general under the cut
You know, I can still vividly picture my old self back in 2020, awaiting Ahsoka's return when Season 7 of The Clone Wars had just been released. Then I began watching, and The Bad Batch made their very first appearance. I was like "who the hell are these soldiers, I couldn't care less about their arc. where's Ahsoka. Oh is she coming later? Fine, I guess I can put up with these clones for a few more episodes."
And as I kept watching I could feel myself gradually warming up to them. "Hm. I guess they're not so bad after all. The sniper is kinda cool. And they all have their interesting little dynamics with each other. Echo's back yippiee!! And he's joining the Bad Batch, good for him, good for him."
Still, that wasn't enough to shake my initial indifference, and I quickly went back to wanting them gone. "Okay seriously you guys have stolen too much screentime, I'm ready to see Ahsoka kick Maul's ass now, so byeee"
Who. Would've. Known. Who would've thought I was talking about the same clone squad that would reduce me to a crying mess four years later.
Would 2020 Marmot believe present-day Marmot if I told her that snarky sniper would become one of her favourite Star Wars characters? Would she nod along with uncertainty if I advised her not to get too attached to that guy with the goggles, only for her to grow fond of him anyway?
Would she laugh in my face if I counted all the occasions she would've rewatched those four TCW episodes in the future - the same ones she couldn't wait to get over with the first time - just to recall the simpler days of Clone Force 99?
How would she react if I described her excitement when they first announced that The Bad Batch was going to have its own show, and her absurd feeling of emptiness now that everything's over after three seasons?
I really wish I could delve into a deeper analysis of the last episode and comment on everything that happened, I'd really love to. But I just can't. Not while I'm still trying to process the fact that this series has officially ended.
And what a bittersweet ending to an equally bittersweet story. I've always recognised The Bad Batch for what it is, with all of its strengths and flaws, and I admit there are some narrative choices I still don't fully agree with. But despite everything this show means the world to me. The characters mean the world to me. I've seen Omega grow, change her brothers for the better and let herself be changed by them as well. I've seen how the presence, or rather the absence of certain Bad Batch members affected and shaped the rest of the squad. I laughed with them, cried with them, got frustrated alongside them and sometimes WITH them too. I will forever treasure every single moment I spent with the Bad Batch in mind, from the anticipation and the cryptic tweets the day before every airing, to reading all the different theories and admiring the fanart right after finishing the episode of the week.
Saying goodbye is unbelievably difficult, but I'm so, so grateful for the experience. The Bad Batch will always hold a special place in my heart. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in creating this wonderful show, and to the fellow fans who shared this unforgettable journey with me from beginning to end. ❤️🖤
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brujitaadinbo · 4 months
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They say that mothers have a highly developed sixth sense for everything and let me tell you that I fervently believe it. I just checked this after watching Ahsoka with my mom, she has no experience in SW, she never watched Rebels and it was her first time watching the series, just like when she watched The Mandalorian, she deduced a lot of things just by watching.
I can only tell you that I always base myself on the facts and what has been seen on TV.
Sabine definitely feels something more for Ezra and it is not simply a "sisterhood" I love that both here and in The Mandalorian they show you the characters in their worst moments, in depression, in their duels and in some way they also show you that sometimes what they want or need the least is what actually helps them, or it's what they want or need.
Bo Katan did not want to see Din again and technically managed to save his life, give him back his planet, build a beautiful relationship (because it is, canon or not, they combine very well and hate will not change my mind) And above all, return some glory to the Mandalorian people.
Sabine lost her family and doesn't want to know anything, she lives her grief and a very particular one, she distances herself from everyone and takes refuge in Ezra's home, she takes care of his things and unites hers in that hiding place. Grief can be experienced in many ways but let's be honest, when you lose a family member, especially a brother, it is hard and very difficult but unfortunately life has to go on, it is very different from when a mother loses her child or when someone you lose your loved one.
Sabine shows it in every moment, it hurts her not to know what happened to Ezra, she is immobile, the pain does not allow her to move forward. My mom, seeing this, asked me, who is Ezra? Why she miss him so much? I replied, you have to keep watching, I won't tell you anything. But in particular we both agreed that when Ahsoka showed hope to see him again, with the map, Sabine came back to life. He regained the shine on his face.
We also agreed and you can see that Ahsoka had that feeling all the time, that knowing, that Sabine had an irrational need to see Ezra again. That's why he says it more than three times. Until the moment he says, Can I count on you? Somehow he doubts and senses that Sabine did not destroy that map.
That's why Baylan convinces her to go together to Peridia, for his "lost friend" despite all odds. That's why Thrawn also tells him so. "that foolishness of finding your lost friend" and she answers "you would never understand" because Sabine has always been defensive about the feelings she unconsciously shows towards Ezra and does not recognize them even when she is exposed. That's why she hide them and I'm sorry, but I do have a brotherhood with someone, very close, I don't care what they think, I show my affection because we are brothers. I explain?
It doesn't make sense unless they're setting up something big later.
The best thing is the moment of Sabine and Ezra's reunion, the hug that "according to them" doesn't prove anything, but the sighs I could hear, well, why hide what you feel? My mother told me "They hug each other very affectionately, it doesn't seem like their friend, it seems like it's the boy they like"
Also when Ahsoka already finding these two, she tells Sabine "Looks like your bet paid off" In the end Sabine feels good because she found Ezra in some way or another, that irrational foolishness calms down and even her use of force is shown magically… coincidence???
I don't believe it. and to conclude...
Sabine prefers that Ezra go home, the whole situation becomes complicated and at least she knows that he is alive and well, her heart is calm. Now he knows that he should be with Ahsoka, she is his teacher in a way, she gave him back the hope of finding Ezra, of seeing him again. He has to be with Ahoska because thanks to her she was able to see him again.
To affirm that Ezra and Sabine only see each other as brothers is to deny the facts and deny what was experienced in Rebels, the development of the relationship of these characters and above all to deny that Sabine prefers Ezra to the galaxy.
I'm sorry but I will also send this ship and not abandon the DinBo, only time will tell us who was right or at least what will happen to all of them.
this is the way....
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nateofgreat · 4 months
I've got to say, Ahsoka's cultivated the most excuses for anything she does over the course of her story. And by excuses, I don't mean valid and logical explanations, just the fandom picking up on the way the meta justifies everything she does and doing the same thing in turn.
-Ahsoka acts rude throughout the Clone Wars.
"She's so young and inexperienced. She doesn't know any better!" :(
-Forty-something Ahsoka acting the same way.
"She's been through so much!" :(
-Ahsoka makes herself look super guilty and thus draws the Jedi Council's suspicion during the Wrong Jedi Arc?
"What else was she supposed to do? NOBODY (Except Anakin and the Council initially) trusted her!!!" >:(
-Ahsoka loses all personality and becomes as a dull as rock.
"The Jedi Order BETRAYED HER! How can we expect that to have not wiped out her personality for thirty years?" :(
-Ahsoka forgives Anakin for slaughtering the Jedi, becoming a tyrannical Sith Lord, and trying to kill her. While refusing to forgive the Jedi and implying they deserved their genocide?
"She's completely right! The Jedi didn't trust her one time! So they had it coming!" >:(
-Ahsoka abandons the Rebellion to go off and do her own thing, something that's never specified?
"She had good reason to ditch the Rebellion unlike those stinky old Jedi!" >:(
-Ahsoka encounters and survives every threat in her lifetime? Be it Grievous, Ventress, Cad Bane (I'll give her this one), Sidious, Vader, Maul, Baylan, and even knocking Anakin and Obi-Wan around in the Mortis arc. Either by extraordinary luck or literal magical intervention in the form of the World-Between-Worlds?
"She was trained by the Chosen One! And she's really good for her age." :D
-Ahsoka kills an Inquisitor in one move after lazing around on a farm for years, letting her skills get rusty. After having only received about three years of battle training?
"Awesome!" :D
-Ahsoka holds a spark of the Goddess of Light's power within herself and is followed around by her pet bird despite constantly acting out of passion, fear, rage, etc?
"She's the purest of all Jedi and what they should really be!" :D
At this point, Ahsoka could appear in a pillar of light in the middle of Return of the Jedi and scream; "I AM YOUR GODDESS NOW!" kill Sidious, and rearrange the cosmos into her image and people would find an excuse for it.
Obviously, I'm not referring to normal fans of the character and I honestly don't blame the superfans either. This is just how Dave Filoni's written her and its rubbed off on the fandom.
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isagrimorie · 9 months
I think one of the underrated lines in episode 3 of Ahsoka is:
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"I don't need Sabine to be a Jedi. I need her to be herself."
I really love this moment because Ahsoka is passing on Jedi teachings but Ahsoka doesn't want Sabine to be anything but herself Also the thing is Ahsoka kind of falls into the trap of wanting to teach Sabine her way until the moment Huyang makes her realize she was controlling Sabine too much.
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"The way you're both acting there won't be a later!"
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Yes, most of the time, Huyang does exasperate her but there's a reason why Ahsoka keeps Huyang around.
Despite everything, Huyang is stubborn and not in awe of Ahsoka to tell her when she's being bullheaded. It's why Hera is also a good sounding board for Ahsoka. She knows how to handle hardheaded Jedi. (Or Former Jedi).
Ahsoka doesn't want Sabine to be anything but who she is, a Mandalorian with Force knowledge, it was Sabine who brought up being a Jedi in episode 1.
Ahsoka almost never volunteers to say anything about being a Jedi, but other people bring it up when Hera brings up that Baylan and Shin have similar abilities as she does Ahsoka mentions that there are only a few people who can wield the Force.
Huyang without fail mentions the Jedi, and she never really does offer that she's a Jedi. She only smiles when Hera calls her a Jedi. The show calls her a Former Jedi Knight.
Also, I have no issues with the title since this was something Filoni has used before:
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Also, yes Ahsoka left the order before she was formally knighted but honestly, after everything she's done for the Order and after I consider Ahsoka a Knight even though she stresses the word: FORMER more than the Jedi Knight part.
Also, if Kanan can be Knighted by Force Ghosts and Luke can declare himself a Jedi Master, I think Ahsoka can call herself whatever she wants.
Ahsoka's in a unique place where she's a surviving member of an Order she left behind but still had strong ties to no matter how ambivalent she feels about the Jedi Order.
Anyway, TLDR, Ahsoka just wants Sabine to be her best self, and to do that Ahsoka also realizes she has to get out of Sabine's way and has to learn to work with someone else again.
I do hope in the next episode or following we get an answer as to why Sabine wants to be a Jedi or trained in the ways of the Jedi, and why Ahsoka agreed.
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cethlyarlo · 8 months
In Tandem on Opposite Tides
Summary: Sabine and Shin find themselves bound by the Force soon after Sabine discovers her own abilities.
Word count: 1,555
Warnings: none
Chapter: 1/2 (more to come)
*Spoilers for Ahsoka, Episode 8
Sabine's first night on Peridea was dark and overcast. The patchy cloud cover hid most of the stars, yet the moon was visible enough to cast satin bands of light across the nearly barren landscape. She would know because she couldn't rest. Her bones still vibrated from the events of the day prior, mind still alight with residual adrenaline and the strangeness that came with how open everything felt now that she'd figured out how to access the Force.
So many things had changed in such a short amount of time and she was still trying to wrap her head around it. At the end of the day though, she was still stranded on a planet in a galaxy so far away they needed an ancient, long-forgotten map to find it. She was just thankful for having Ahsoka and Huyang by her side along with the small caravan of Noti that allowed them to tag along in their seemingly endless travels.
At least Ezra got to go home. She'd completed her goal; her mission, and she knew he wouldn't leave her behind on the same planet he'd been stranded on for nearly a decade, if not more. Time felt strange and Sabine found herself struggling to remember how long it had truly been since she'd seen the person who'd been like a brother to her for so long. Eventually, she had stopped counting the days, but the urgency to find him lived on.
Regardless, she knew he'd come, but she didn't know how long it'd be before he did. She took comfort in knowing he didn't need a map to find them, though.
Feeling restless, Sabine wandered around the perimeter of their darkened camp, all lights and lanterns having long since been extinguished. The silvery moon hung brightly in the foreign sky, occasionally eclipsed by a rapidly moving cloud. She wondered if a storm was on its way. The air above was turbulent and churning while the air below was still and calm; a gentle breeze kissing her cheeks every now and then.
Despite the darkness and solitude, Sabine didn't feel alone. She could feel every life that inhabited the camp, Ahsoka's glowing brighter than the rest due to her attunement with the Force. It was such a strange feeling. While she welcomed the change, a very small part of her found it uncomfortable and strange, but she knew that discomfort would fade with training and practice. 
A smirk formed on her lips when she remembered what the dark apprentice, Shin, her name might've been, had told her: you have no power.
Well, now she did have power. She just didn't know how to control it as well as she'd hoped. Then again, it had still been less than a day since discovering how to access it, so who could blame her? 
She sighed when her thoughts turned to the young woman whose blade had pierced her side and destroyed her right kidney, and her hand reached to rub at the scar. She wondered what Shin was doing; if she'd been able to leave with Thrawn and the rest. If she hadn't made it back to the star destroyer, she would possibly be a threat Sabine and Ahsoka would need to look out for.
Then again, during their last encounter, there was something so broken and lost about her; sentiments so different from the other times they'd dueled. Despite not having discovered how to access the Force in full, Sabine could still pick up on the young woman's emotions, and they felt of pain, anger, and an intense loneliness that hadn't been there before; abandonment.
Sabine couldn't help but wonder what became of her. If Ahsoka had given her the chance, she would have chased Shin down so they could talk. She recognized the shift within the dark apprentice that had altered her outlook and disposition at least for the moment, and Sabine knew she would use that as leverage.
What she would say exactly, she had no idea. She didn't know who Shin was or what she was capable of, and yet something pulled at her chest when they were near each other. Something wanted them to be close and that inkling had been the source of her encouragement to follow after the young woman. She didn't know if Shin felt it too or if it was just a figment of delusion brought about by the lack of sleep she'd gained in the last several days. Either way, thoughts of the fair-haired mercenary seemed to burrow themselves deep into her mind.
Sabine paused in her wandering to look up at the moon, a cloud passing out from under it to once again brighten the terrain enough to allow shadows to dance in the liquid pewter hue that blanketed the world around her. The patches of foreign constellations glittered above and she frowned at the growing tightness in her chest that pushed her to reach out with her newfound ability to use the Force.
Unsure of what she was doing, Sabine allowed herself to indulge in what she thought could be the Force's guidance, trusting it just as Ahsoka had told her to. She quickly moved from her circuit around the camp's perimeter, a sudden itch in her limbs carrying her further from safety as she approached a massive boulder several hundred feet away.
That's when she felt it: a very careful tendril of… something that reached for her. It appeared in her mind's eye like threads of shimmering diaphanous silk, and the moment she went to reach for them, they vanished. Confused, Sabine turned to look back towards the direction of their camp, and relaxed when she realized she could still feel Ahsoka's life-signature glowing brightly in its midst despite the distance between them. The tug in her chest remained and she reached up to rub at it again, her palm pressing flat to the cloth of her gray flight suit, armor long since discarded in hopes of being able to sleep.
With a sigh, she glanced around for a place to sit, and settled upon a rather large stone that jutted from the ground like something trying to break free of its bindings. Clambering up its gently sloped sides, Sabine made herself comfortable where the angle of the rock began to plateau, folding her legs in a posture of meditation. The tightness seemed to wane and she used the opportunity to breathe deeply, doing her best to mimic the tactics she'd seen Ahsoka use, hoping they would help her find… balance? Inner peace? Calmness?
If she was honest with herself, Sabine didn't know what the goal of her mediation should be. Everyone was different and everyone had different ways of connecting to the Force, therefore making meditation different for everyone… right?
She winced when the coil of tension built in her chest again, and she took it as a sign to focus and follow the path it was trying to show her. Closing her eyes, she worked to calm her breathing enough to find the patience to uncoil the knot that seemed to be living within her. She reached for the bands of power that tickled her fingertips and got to work.
The thin, glimmering threads soon reappeared as a mental image, this time with more substance as they shifted between a pale silvery blue to a rich gold and back. The feeling of looking in from the outside was strange and it let Sabine know that seeing the threads themselves were not of her own making, but rather a projection of something more. As they developed and solidified further, she reached for them again, this time with more patience and a much gentler hand than before, now knowing how fragile they were to touch. 
Hands tightening around her kneecaps, Sabine focused on controlling every bit of the situation without becoming too inflexible, and the moment she reached for those glistening threads again, they vanished…
Out of the many that had danced in her mind, only one remained, and it was wrapped around her fingers, coiling itself tighter as though cementing itself as a part of her being. It stung slightly, the twisting patterns it made around her hand noticeable as it pressed into her skin. She tried to pull away from it, but the thread only clung on with more conviction. Soon it had crawled up her wrist and arm, reaching for her shoulder and neck. In the darkened distance within her mind, the thread reached on and on, seemingly possessing an endless supply of material to encase her with. Panic soon enveloped her and she struggled against it, doing all she could to get it off, but to no avail. 
"Ahsoka!" She cried in desperation as she tried to rip the coils of silver from her arms, squirming in place as she worked. "Ahsoka, please!" 
Sabine felt her legs move, and suddenly she was weightless, the shimmering thread following her as she fell from the edge of the stone she had been sitting on. Her body instinctually braced for the impact, but her mind was caught between worlds and she didn't feel it when her limbs flattened against the rocky ground below. Her vision cleared and before she knew it, she was gazing up at the night sky once again.
Hey! I've got this up on AO3 (same username), but I wanted to post it here too. This'll be a multi-chapter work and more is coming soon!!!
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The Bond Between Us ~ 78
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,325ish
Summary: You have a long overdue run in with an old friend, creating two new friends while you’re at it.
Notes: Hope you enjoy this! I was excited to bring Ahsoka back into the story, even if it’s just for two chapters. (And I know the poll isn’t closed yet, but there’s a pretty clear winner so far.)
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“Aunt Y/N! Aunt Y/N!” A four-year-old Ben exclaimed as he ran up to you. You were in a clearing near the house, meditating.
“Hello, Ben,” you smiled at him. 
“Dad’s going to let me fly the Falcon!”
“Oh, is he now?” You laughed as you glanced up at Han, who was trailing behind the boy. “Have you told your mother about this?”
“She’s working.”
“How convenient.” You rose a brow at Han.
Han rose his hands in innocence. “It’s not that bad, alright?” Han tried to tell you. “Chewie is coming with us and he’ll basically be on Chewie’s lap the whole time.”
“And how long will you be gone?”
“Most likely a few hours. Not too long. I don’t even know why I’m looking for your permission, I’m the kid's father.”
“Because you know that I will react similarly to Leia.”
“Will you come with us Aunt Y/N?” Ben asked, looking up at you with big, hopeful eyes.
You were going to say yes when you suddenly felt a shift in the Force. It was a familiar one, one you believed was gone.
“I’m sorry my sweet Ben,” you said as you knelt down to be more at eye level with him. “Unfortunately, I have my own things to attend to today.” You didn’t miss Han’s curious expression. “Maybe another day.” You leaned forward and kissed his head. “Stay safe, and keep an eye on your father.”
“I will!” He was running off toward the Falcon before anything else could be said.
Han walked closer to you. “What’s going on?” He asked. “What do you need to do?”
“I… don’t know yet… But I’m going to follow the Force, see where it leads.”
“You haven’t done anything adventurous in a while. You need help?”
“I’ll be fine.” You looked past Han at Ben who was excitedly telling Chewie something. “Just don’t do anything stupid with the kid with you.”
“Me? Do something stupid?” Han scoffed. “Never.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
Following the Force, you flew by yourself to the planet of Corvus. You paused, hovering above the planet as you seeked the guidance of the Force as to where to go. After a few moments, you headed for the city of Corvus. You landed outside of the city, a good distance away. You noticed how the trees in the forest outside the city were barren and fog laced around them. There were red blasters going off at the edge of the city. 
With a lightsaber in each hand, you slowly made your way to the edge of the forest to see what was happening. You hid behind a larger tree and peeked around it. The moment you saw those two white lightsaber blades, you gasped. You watched as the warrior took out the guards, using the fog and lack of bright light to their advantage.
“Show yourself,” a woman on the wall of the city demanded after all the guards had been taken care of. “Jedi.” 
You felt like crying when you saw Ahsoka reveal herself. All this time, she had been alive.
“I’ve been expecting you,” the woman continued.
“Then you know what I want,” Ahsoka replied.
“You will learn nothing from me.”
“I won’t give you that choice.”
The woman motioned for two guards to bring up a prisoner beside her. “How many lives is the knowledge I possess worth to you? One? Ten? How about a hundred? The lives of these citizens mean nothing to me. Now, because of you, these people will suffer.”
“They already suffer under your rule. Surrender, or face the consequences.” Ahsoka pointed one of her white blades at the woman. “You have one day to decide.” Then Ahsoka turned off her lightsabers and disappeared into the forest.
You were so proud of Ahsoka. That, despite everything she’s been through, she was still fighting. You made your way back into the deeper part of the forest. Sensing that someone was about to strike you from behind, you ignited both of the sabers and moved them behind you. The white sabers clashed against your yellow and blue ones.
“Y/N?” Ahsoka gasped.
“Hello, Ahsoka,” you smiled.
Before either of you really thought about it, the lightsabers were deactivated and on the ground as your arms went around each other. You held each other tightly, tears threatening to spill from both of you. Ahsoka was the one to pull back first.
“How are you here?” She asked.
“The Force,” you responded. “I could feel you, after all these years, and I followed your signature… I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“Somedays, me either.” She reached down and picked up the sabers, her eyes holding steady on one of them. “This one is Obi-Wan’s.”
“Yes.” You took your sabers from her and clipped them on your belt. “It helps to have it close… especially since I can’t have him as close as I would like anymore.”
She gave you a knowing smile. “I suspect we have a lot to discuss.”
“You have no idea.”
The two of you spent the night around a small fire, telling each other what life has been like since you last saw each other. Neither of you has had an easy life, both while in the Jedi Order and outside of it. Ahsoka explained what she was doing on Corvus, searching for information on Grand Admiral Thrawn. 
“I wish I could help you on your quest,” you told her. “Unfortunately, I promised to watch out for my family.”
“I could never ask you to leave them like that,” Ahsoka said with a shake of her head.
“But, that doesn’t mean I can’t help you with this task. It might be fun, kinda like old times.”
“Like old times,” she smiled. 
The two of you were working on a plan when you suddenly sensed another Force user. Your head snapped up as you looked around.
“Do you sense that?” You asked Ahsoka.
“A little,” she responded.
“Come on.”
You led Ahsoka through the woods, following the Force. You stopped before a clearing, seeing a Mandalorian and a green creature that reminded you of Yoda.
“You hear that?” You heard the Mandalorian ask. “Don’t worry.” He set the creature on a nearby rock. “Sit right here. Let me see what’s out there.” He looked around with a scope and sighed. “False alarm.”
You and Ahsoka nodded to each other before you both activated your sabers and jumped out at the Mandalorian. The two of you hit the Mandalorian but you quickly learned that his armor was made of pure Beskar, impenetrable by lightsabers. The Mandalorian used a flame thrower to burn Ahsoka’s cloak while tying you up with a rope shooting from his wrist. You jumped over him and a tree branch, freeing yourself. Ahsoka and you had him surrounded.
“Ahsoka Tano!” The Mandalorian shouted. “Bo-Katan sent me. We need to talk.”
Ahsoka saw the little creature on the rock behind the Mandalorian as she deactivated her lightsabers. “I hope it’s about him,” she said.
You turned off your lightsabers as you felt the child enter your mind. You headed toward him, Ahsoka doing the same thing. Kneeling in front of him, you offered him your hand, which he took it.
“Who are you?” The Mandalorian asked you.
You sighed. Keeping your Skywalker name a secret was still important. The risk of the Galaxy finding out the truth about Vader and Anakin was too great. Would you use Kenobi? You did marry him and had every right to use it. It felt more like a real last name than the false one you had used for years.
“I’m Y/N Kenobi,” you responded, still focused on the child.
“They didn’t tell me there were two Jedi out here,” the Mandalorian stated.
“They didn’t know.”
Night fell and you found yourselves surrounding a small fire in the woods again. You and Ahsoka were on the side, sitting in front of the child. The three of you were communicating in the Force while the Mandalorian paced on the other side. You learned that his name was Grogu and that he was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Grogu cooed as the three of you continued to speak. Finally, with a smile you picked him up and the three of you headed over to the Mandalorian.
“Is he speaking?” The Mandalorian questioned. “Do you understand him?”
“In a way,” Ahsoka responded. “Grogu, Y/N, and I can feel each other’s thoughts.”
“Yes,” you answered. “That’s his name.”
“Grogu.” The Mandalorian tried, earning the child’s attention.
“He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” explained Ahsoka. “Many Masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars, when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden. Someone took him from the Temple. Then his memory becomes… dark.”
“He seemed lost,” you added, understanding the feeling. “Alone… I’ve only known two other beings like this. Jedi Masters Yoda and Yaddle… can he still wield the Force?”
“You mean his powers?” Questioned the Mandalorian.
“The Force is what gives him his powers,” Ahsoka said. “It is an energy field created by all living things. To wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline.”
“I’ve seen him do things I can’t explain. My task was to bring him to a Jedi.”
“The Jedi Order fell a long time ago,” you stated, a bit too harshly.
“So did the Empire, yet it still hunts him. He needs your help.”
You held Grogu as he began to fall asleep. “Let him sleep. We will test him in the morning.”
Ahsoka led you, the Mandalorian, and Grogu to a different clearing with various sizes of rocks.
“Let’s see what knowledge is lurking inside that little mind,” Ahsoka said, booping Grogu’s nose.
The Mandalorian set Grogu down as Ahsoka picked up a small stone. She stood in front of Grogu and sent it to him using the Force. Grogu caught it with a coo.
Ahsoka held her palm out. “Now, return the stone to me, Grogu,” she said. He made no move to do so.
“He doesn’t understand,” the Mandalorian said.
“He does,” you replied. “He’s just scared.”
“It’s okay,” Ahsoka encouraged. “The stone, Grogu.” He waited a second before throwing the stone to the ground. Ahsoka sighed as she walked up to him. She took his little hand and used the Force to feel his emotions. “I sense much fear in you.”
“He’s hidden his abilities to survive over the years,” you said. “It’s going to take time for him to realize he can use them without fear.”
Ahsoka stood up straight. “Let’s try something else. Come over here.”
“He’s stubborn,” the Mandalorian said when Grogu didn’t move.
“Not him. You. I want to see if he’ll listen to you.”
The Mandalorian moved to stand beside Ahsoka. “That would be a first.”
“I like firsts. Good or bad, they’re always memorable.” You smirked at the saying. “Now, hold the stone out in the palm of your hand. Tell him to lift it up.”
The Mandalorian did as directed. “Alright, kid. Lift the stone.”
“Grogu,” you corrected as Ahsoka moved to stand next to you.
“Grogu. Come on, take the stone.” Grogu looked down. “You see? I told you, he’s stubborn.”
“Try to connect with him,” you advised.
The Mandalorian breathed deeply before pulling a small round thing from his belt. “Grogu… do you want this?” He held it up as he crouched down. “Well, go ahead.” Grogu reached an arm out. “That’s right, take it. Come on. You can have it. Come on.” Grogu used the Force to pull the small metal ball to his own hand. “Good job! Good job, kid.” The Mandalorian stood up to go to Grogu as you and Ahsoka shared a look. “You see that? That’s right. I knew you could do it. Very good.”
“He’s formed a strong attachment to you,” Ahsoka stated. “I cannot train him.”
“What? Why not? You’ve seen what he can do.”
“His attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger.”
“All the more reason to train him.”
“No,” you responded, knowingly. “All the more reason not to.”
“We’ve seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight,” Ahsoka added, speaking of Anakin. “To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path. Better to let his abilities fade.”
You hated how you felt like this was hypocritical, yet what needed to be done. Anakin wasn’t the only one with attachments in the Order, you were attached to him and Obi-Wan. You wanted to say that you didn’t have fears and anger that led to the dark side, but what happened after Obi-Wan’s death proved that you weren’t free from that.
“I have delayed too long,” Ahsoka continued. “I must get back to the village.”
“The Magistrate sent me to kill you,” the Mandalorian said. “I didn’t agree to anything. And I’ll help you with your problem if you see to it that Grogu is properly trained.”
You and Ahsoka shared a look. You knew of one other Jedi who was looking for students, looking to reestablish the Order that caused both you and Ahsoka pain.
“I know someone who might train Grogu,” you told the man. “But first we finish this.”
“She has a small army of guards armed with A350 blaster rifles, two HK-87 assassin droids, and a hired gunfighter,” the Mandalorian explained as you headed for the village. “He reads ex-military to me. Combined, not even your laser swords would be able to protect you from all that firepower.”
“Don’t underestimate Y/N,” Ahsoka warned with a slight smirk.
“True,” you agreed.
“Don’t underestimate the Magistrate either.”
“Who is she?” The Mandalorian asked. “She offered me a staff of pure beskar to kill you.”
“Morgan Elsbeth. During the Clone Wars, her people were massacred. She survived and let her anger full an industry which helped build the Imperial Starfleet. She plundered worlds, destroying them in the process.”
“Yeah, it looks like she’s still in business.”
“When you were in the city, did you see any prisoners?”
“I saw three villagers strung up just outside the inner gate.”
“We must find a way to free them.”
“A Mandalorian and two Jedi? They’ll never see it coming.”
The guards on the wall of the city weren’t prepared for what was going to happen. Ahsoka jumped up the wall first, easily attacking those on the wall. Once Ahsoka had rid the wall of the guards, you jumped up and between the huts. You being there needed to be a surprise.
“Your bounty hunter failed,” Ahsoka said as she stood in front of the Magistrate who was surrounded by guards. She threw a piece of the Mandalorian’s armor on the ground. “Tell me what I want to know. Where is your master?”
“Kill her,” the Magistrate ordered.
“Love to,” the man beside her responded, almost immediately firing at Ahsoka. 
Ahsoka activated her sabers and began blocking oncoming shots. You flipped out of the shadows with your lightsabers activated to help.
“There’s two of them!” A guard shouted.
You and Ahsoka separated, going opposite ways to get the guards to split up. It worked almost too easy. You both took care of the guards before taking places on top of the inner gate. The Mandalorian was standing on the ground, facing the hired gun. You gave Ahsoka a nod before she jumped down, into the inner gate where the Magistrate was hiding.
“So, you threw in with the Jedi,” said the hired gun.
“Looks that way,” the Mandalorian responded.
You stood at the gate, watching over the two sides. You knew that Ahsoka wanted to handle this part alone, it was her quest. The grunts and sound of lightsabers clashing against beskar signaled that the fight was on.
“Who do you think’s gonna win?” The hired gun asked, taking a few steps toward the Mandalorian. “Could be your side… could be my side.” He continued taking small steps toward your new ally. “I got no quarrel with you, Mandalorian.”
“That’s far enough,” the Mandalorian stated, his hand going to hover over the blaster on his leg.
“You and I, we’re a lot alike. Willing to lay our lives down for the right cause. Which this is not.”
The sound of the beskar rod falling to the ground echoed through the air. You looked back to see that Ahsoka had won. Then turned back to see that the Mandalorian had shot the hired gun man. You jumped down to stand beside him.
“You know, I visited Mandalore once,” you said. “My… my husband loved Mandalore. His first love was Satine Kryze… I’m sorry about Mandalore. About everything that happened to it… I really am.”
The Mandalorian didn’t respond, choosing to look at a man coming out of one of the huts. 
The two nodded at each other before the man shouted, “Behind you!”
You were faster than the Mandalorian. Before his gun was in his hand, you had activated your yellow saber and tossed it behind you, slicing the droid on the roof in half. Your saber came back to your hand easily and the man in front of you looked at you.
“I know who you are,” he said. “Jedi General Y/N L/N.” 
“Please, it’s just Y/N now,” you told the man.
“Thank you, for helping us.”
You gave him a smile before waking away. You would never get used to how people knew you due to the wars you fought in, and you never hoped to.
As the city began to celebrate their freedom, you, Ahsoka, and the Mandalorian walked out. The three of you stopped outside of the main gate.
“I believe this was your payment,” Ahsoka said, holding the beskar rod.
“No,” the Mandalorian shook his head, “I can’t accept. I didn’t finish the job.”
“No. But this belongs with a Mandalorian.”
Hesitantly, the Mandalorian took it.
“Where is Grogu?” You asked.
“Back at the ship,” he answered. “Wait here, I’ll go get him.” 
You watched as he walked off, feeling the emotions swirling within him. “They have a father-son attachment,” you noted. “That bond is… it can be dangerous if he’s trained.”
“Yes,” Ahsoka agreed. “Who do you think will train him?”
“I think that Luke will. But the two need to find each other. I am not bringing Grogu to Luke. If it is meant to be, the Force will find a way.”
Due to the time that the Mandalorian was taking, you and Ahsoka ended up showing up at his ship.
“You’re like a father to him,” Ahsoka stated as the Mandalorian walked down the ramp.
“Because of that, we will not train him,” you said.
“There is one possibility. Go to the planet Tython. You will find the ancient ruins of a temple that has strong connection to the Force. Place Grogu on the seeing stone at the top of the mountain.”
“Then what?” The Mandalorian wondered.
“Then Grogu may choose his path,” you answered. “If he reaches out through the Force, there’s a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him.”
“There aren’t many Jedi left,” warned Ahsoka.
“Thank you,” said the Mandalorian.
“May the Force be with you.”
You and Ahsoka watched as the Mandalorian and Grogu went back into the ship. Grogu waved his small hand at the two of you, causing you both to smile. You stood there until they had flown away, then you turned to Ahsoka.
“I’m afraid it’s time for me to leave,” you said. “But, I have a feeling our paths will cross again.”
“As do I,” she responded. She brought you in for a hug. “Please stay safe.”
“As long as you promise to do the same.”
next chapter >
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Ahsoka "Far Far Away" Liveblog
*vibrating out of my seat*
Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
I gotta do this one early, no way I can stay unspoilered for long.
EDIT: Welp, with everything going on in realspace for me right now, I wound up not being able to watch this for a while. Still mostly unspoilered.
Let's go.
Oooh whale calls in the intro here.
Oooooooooooh hyperspace POV from the purrgil and it's shiiiiiiiinnyyyyyyyyy.
But it makes sense that hyperspace looks different for purrgil, they're creatures that can access it naturally.
Ahsoka fondly remembering Huyang's stories, aww.
Ahsoka like: "Hmm... Sabine may have traded the safety of the galaxy for a boy. Disturbing." I MEAN SHE'S NOT A JEDI, AHSOKA, KIND OF HARD TO MAKE THE JEDI CHOICE WHEN YOU'VE BARELY BEEN PROPERLY INSTRUCTED.
I meant to talk about this in a separate post but I'll go ahead and do it here. I see the Anakin/Padme parallels, but I'm going to argue that it's not the same situation.
Let's leave aside the fact that she couldn't actually destroy the map with her dinky little blaster, as demonstrated by Baylan needing sustained contact with a lightsaber to cleave it in half, and the fact that Sabine is not a Jedi (despite her meager training in it) and simply can't Fall like Anakin can, the deal offered by the Dark Side character isn't the same.
Palpatine's thing was "Serve me and betray your friends and family and kill anyone who stands in my way for me. Do everything I say and I will help you save your wife." He demanded full and utter loyalty in exchange for a false promise--he didn't have the power to stop Padme from dying. Anakin hated himself for it but threw himself into it completely due to his massive mental Sunk Cost Fallacy, so yes, he doomed the galaxy because of his attachment. He personally went and slaughtered the Jedi for Palpatine, including children, and spent twenty four years crushing rebellions and being a menace.
Sabine on the other hand... handed back a map that pointed THATAWAY and allowed herself to be taken prisoner, surrendering in the hopes that she could go retrieve Ezra from his marooned state. Yes, trusting Baylan at his word could have gone very badly. Yes this carries the risk of Thrawn being able to come back and menace the galaxy. But do you think for one second Sabine was just going to let that happen, after she got what she wanted and found Ezra?
Obviously they're going to team up to stop him now. They're going to fight back to try and correct Sabine's mistake. This is less Anakin's choice in Palpatine's office and more Luke running off to Bespin--the wrong choice that brought about severe and messy consequences, but that the heroes worked through and managed to turn around.
Yes, Sabine made the attachment choice. Was it the right choice, the smart choice, the Jedi choice? No. But it was the necessary choice for the story. It was the choice that meant Ezra could come home, like he wanted. It was the choice that unsealed the Sealed Evil In A Can, yes, but also the choice that possibly lets them put that evil down for good.
Siding with Palpatine absolutely doomed the galaxy. But surrendering to Baylan only might doom the galaxy.
Sabine had to take that chance.
Anyway... Ahsoka acknowledging that she should have been better about teaching Sabine Jedi mentality.
"Perhaps, for Sabine, it was the only choice." See, Huyang agrees with me.
She didn't know what else she had to pass on besides combat skills, and some basic, "Be open." That's why she needed the Force Vision. She needed Anakin to tell her she was more, she could be more, teach more, than just what he taught her.
Sabine just kind of chilling in her cell lol. Her snark is a much needed return to form.
She's starting to think Baylan's going back on his word, I bet. So now is when she breaks herself out right?
Morgan is unamused by Baylan's promise lol.
So I guess that's how intergalactic travel looks in hyperspace. Cool.
Ancient Dathomiri homeworld, cool, cool. This was a bit of Legends canon I think, the first Dathomirians came from outside the galaxy. Apparently this info was in the Jedi archives. Not surprising Cal didn't know it though, he was practically a baby during the Clone Wars, certainly not old enough to tell Merrin.
People seem to think Merrin should have known? But it was so long ago it should just be legends now.
Anyway, I like this, this is cool.
That's really creepy.
Ngl, every time Shin looks at Sabine I get the heebies.
Big ol' weird Force culture statues, nice.
Giving off Bene Gesserit vibes here.
Ahhh, we knew it! It was the ancient Nightsisters calling to Morgan, not Thrawn specifically.
Not to brag, but I called that something Force-related was behind the siren song Morgan was hearing.
Aaaaaaaaand that would be the extent of Sabine's interactions with Shin and Baylan and Morgan this episode won't it? Lolol.
Love the creepy dark fortress.
Starting to think maybe Baylan was in on the plot to maybe get access to this place?
Oh is Shin going to get some actual character, finally?
Baylan echoing less charitable views of the cycle of conflict in Star Wars. This speech sounds like it could have been lifted directly from the most rancid Anti-Jedi YouTuber videos. Or Kreia. Screw that bitch.
I can't help but feel like making this the villain's motivation was a deliberate choice lol. Okay Filoni. You get some rights for now.
And there's Sabine wising up to her own actions? Maybe?
*narrows eyes* She better not be able to open that door.
Oh good it's just a ship arriving.
Ho ho ho the Chimaera ain't looking so hot. Clearly been patchwork repaired, rusty. NICE.
Suggestions of it at least.
Oh man the gutteral sounds. These troopers are like orcs practically with how they sound.
Typing starting to get slowed down, must be coming to the bullet point limit, hang on, let me line break so I can type more quickly.
That's better. (This is still asinine, BTW.)
This whole sequence is super creepy.
Lars Mikkelson be killing it.
Emptying out the catacombs? Ohh ho what is this now?
Thrawn recognizes who Baylan is.
Aaaaand is VERY interested in the fact that Sabine's there.
Oh man, I'm really feeling how this should have been animated, Lars's face is throwing me a little. I mean it's a perfectly fine face, just trying to reconcile the voice coming from it.
Sabine still on about, "Where's Ezra?" And Thrawn is like, "Yeah, you down bad for him girl."
Thrawn being so polite and cordial and honorable, allowing Sabine to go after Ezra, probably figuring there's no way she can stop him.
"You really doomed the galaxy for a BOY didn't you?" says Thrawn, in essence, and I lol.
Sabine is so stubbornly Mandalorian about all of this lol.
Rat doggo. Okay. Weird looking booger.
Looks like it could be a Loth-Wolf ancestor, maybe.
Well you were supremely blunt, Enoch.
That guarded hope in her smile, aaaaaaahhh.
(PS Ezra got to be a thorn in Thrawn's side as both of them deserved. :D)
I kinda feel like we shouldn't rely so much on beskar as super power special metal, it's okay to let her get a little hurt here.
Also would be nice if the lightsabers could be a little stabby.
Is this a rating issue, can't get too violent for the show's rating?
Okay! Do we get to see what we're loading into the Chimaera now?
...Looooooooooooks a little disturbingly like coffins.
He is deliberately sabotaging her chances.
Nice GFFA galaxy map. :)
Morgan: "Shouldn't we sent more guys to support Baylan?" Thrawn: (looooooooong pause) "During this exile our numbers have dwindled."
Lol and Thrawn doesn't wanna deal with Baylan and Shin either, he's had enough of Jedi bullshit.
"You abandoned me!" OUCH. That feels like it's some personal feelings coming out.
Natasha nailing Sabine here.
Lol what is this? Crab people?
It's ugly cute.
Rat doggo perks up like the other crab people are a full on buffet lolololol.
Gosh, she really is Ezra's soulmate isn't she?
Love all the substance we're getting out of Baylan here.
Also totally knew that Shin was a feral Forcie Baylan just found.
Aaaaand people are going to take Baylan's line here as some kind of confirmation that there's an extragalactic threat that Thrawn is trying to prep the galaxy for THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS IN CONTEXT HE IS MERELY CONFIRMING THE UNIMAGINABLE POWER HE SEEKS IS PROBABLY HERE.
Lol, Baylan copping to the notion that Thrawn doesn't trust him and not trusting him or his lackeys back ha ha ha.
This sequence with the crab people is... not gonna lie, a smidge similar to one of my Sabezra Week fics. I kinda dig that.
"I knew I could count on you."
Not digging the beard lol. Shave that off Ezra.
And again, c'mon tumblr this is stupid.
Some people have quibbled about the bantering but honestly the bantering is very Them, though I would have appreciated it AFTER the hug.
They are gonna hug yes?
She has to keep touching him to make sure he's real I AM UNWELL.
Oh boy there gonna be ANGST when Sabine has to tell Ezra how she found him. Looking forward to that.
"Sabine... thanks for coming. I can't wait to go home." AWWWWWWW.
Lol Lars letting just a liiiiiiiitle bit of unease into his expression there.
And of course wanting to know all about Ahsoka to prepare himself.
And telling them to shoot on sight for purrgil lololol do we have bad memories?
Thrawn enlisting the proto-Nightsisters for something else, cool
I might compile more thoughts later, there were some issues I had with the slow pace and a couple acting things. Not from Eman or Natasha of course, they were great.
Watch for incoming posts. I am going to be FEASTING.
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Midichlorian count and universal Force aptitude are not mutually exclusive!
Midichlorian count and universal Force aptitude are not mutually exclusive!
I think that the current canon material in SW clearly shows that nature and nurture have equal part to play in if and HOW someone manipulates the force.
One of the best examples is young Leia in Obi-Wan. Genetic daughter of the chosen one who was most known for being a powerful Jedi (well, until...), but she was raised by Republic loyalists who worked with the Jedi, and wanted her to be mindful of everything around her. She spent her years running off into the forest and being kind to others. And also being rude (versatile queen)
Perhaps Leia's most well known trait is her snippy attitude, which manifested when she was very young as giving targeted comments when she saw fit to establish herself as smart and formidable. we then see her in Rebels threatening someone's job to throw suspicion off the Ghost crew. as early as 4/5/??? years old, she seems, at least to me, to be using Jedi telepathy. Especially since this is shown in the same scene as the "lower life forms" debate, she's making connections with everyone around her through the force, which is how she is sensing their intentions.
Does her upbringing and personality play a key role in how and why she uses her abilities? YES! ABSOLUTELY!
Is the fact she picked it up so easily inherited from Anakin, who got clocked by other Jedi in less than a day with zero training? PROBABLY!
Sabine would not the first time within the currently canon timeline that we see someone use the Force without being genetically predisposed. In Rogue One, Chirrut senses blaster bolts and people's intentions to dodge like Ahsoka can, and it's been a while since I've seen it but isn't he implied to sense others' living Force to see where they are? And yet he never uses telekinesis or receives a kyber crystal.
On the other hand, maybe both Chirrut and Sabine ARE Force sensitive, but just as Chirrut uses only his senses rather than manipulating the Force, just as Leia does the same before training, Sabine can't sense or use it because she was brought up with different values despite having potentially been born Force sensitive! Both when Kanan trains her on the Darsaber and when Ahsoka debates training Sabine as Jedi, Hera points out that she is Mandalorian, saying that's why she clashes with her trainers.
Even Luke had similar difficulties in the beginning, despite having obviously been born with his abilities based on the hitting-a-womp-rat comment in A New Hope. In fact, a variation of the same excersize is used to open Luke and Sabine to their senses though Sabine briefly employs a dark side technique
Huyang then says Sabine shows little aptitude for the Force, but he also encourages her to train with Ahsoka, even though she focuses on the former comment. If this comment WAS about natural talent versus ability to learn, it should prove that BOTH are true in canon! One can be born able to move things out see into your mind, but anyone else can still find the Force because they are connected to it.
Huyang then says Sabine shows little aptitude for the Force, but he also encourages her to train with Ahsoka, even though she focuses on the former comment. If this comment WAS about natural talent versus ability to learn, it should prove that BOTH are true in canon! One can be born able to move things out see into your mind, but anyone else can still find the Force because they are connected to it.
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knightprincess · 11 months
Wake Up (Arc Trooper Jesse x Medic Reader)
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Warning: Set during Order 66 (TCW season 7) Pairing: (Jesse/Fem reader) Pronouns: She/Her Description: Love can be the most powerful thing in the universe .... and the most devastating. At kar'taylir darasuum cuyir at kadala Words: 2.3k
A thick layer of dread blanketed everything. The Tribunal had fallen into silence. Despite the victory on Mandalore, there was no celebration of success. There was no chatter between brothers, or excitement about returning to Coruscant, not even the droids aboard dared make a sound. Instead, there was only the foreboding sense of doom. 
Ahsoka had returned to the bridge with Rex. Both watched as the cruiser launched into Hyperspace, as the many colors settled into the swirling of blue and white. A heavy conversation between friends taking place, both agreeing the only good to come from the war was the clones, the loyal soldiers of the republic, and friends. The two shared a moment of kindness as if both could sense the war reaching its conclusion. As if both could feel the impending devastation. 
At the same time (Y/N) walked silently with Jesse through the many halls. The loyal Arc Trooper had become determined to distract her, attempting to ease the feeling of failure she felt, over the deaths of so many troopers. Despite her best efforts, she hadn't been able to save them all, least of all the ones caught by Maul. After some time the durasteel walls had all begun to blend together, to the point (Y/N) believed the two were walking in circles. Every now and again, she would look over to her companion. Sometimes Jesse would already be looking back at her, offering her a cheeky wink. Other times he was staring ahead, his honey eyes not focusing on anything in particular, as his mind becomes lost in thought. 
"Something wrong?" asked (Y/N), taking hold of Jesse's hand in a gentle grip, if only to guide him back to the present. For a few short seconds, Jesse looked at the civvi medic before him with confusion. A shadow of a grin appeared on his lips as he looked down at their hands, linked together. Taking notice of how small her hand was in his, and how soft it was compared to his own rough one. 
"The nightmares" whispered Jesse, as if his words were a secret only meant for her to hear. "Ever since I was captured by Maul, it's felt like my nightmares are gaining more power, it's like unexplainable anxiety has gotten ahold of me but I can't shake it away. Every time I think I've gotten away from it, it takes hold again" quietly voiced Jesse, his honey eyes shimmering with hope she'd understand the fear, and hope she wouldn't think any less of him. 
He'd been about to say something else when his attention turned to the static voice emanating from his helmet, his golden eyes glimmering with almost fear. Slowly Jesse lifted his helmet to put it on, his features appearing more serious as he did so, although he never spoke a single word. Instead, his body language changed the moment the words truly reached him, where he'd once been partially relaxed, he was now stiff, almost robotic, and cold. Even with his helmet hiding his face, (Y/N) knew something was different, she could tell the warm glow his eyes had, had been distinguished. 
"Get to a shuttle, and leave" ordered Jesse, with staggered breaths, as if he was fighting against something. His voice was hard, cold but also laced with pain. For a moment he held a hand to the left side of his helmet, hovering over the temple as if he was nursing a sudden and serve headache. Then without another word, he ran off toward the bridge, leaving (Y/N) both confused and concerned. Even more so when the sound of blaster fire rang out from the direction Jesse had run off to. At first (Y/N) had convinced herself Maul had escaped, but soon realized otherwise upon a trooper running past her muttering about the traitor Ahsoka Tano. 
"Trip" called (Y/N), catching the attention of the passing trooper, his helmet decorated in honor of Ahsoka. Trip stood before her as if she was his commanding general, although he didn't speak a word, instead waiting for her to regain the confidence to ask her obvious question. "What's going on?" squeaked the Civvi medic, as her attention fleetingly turned to the passing troopers, all of them seemed on a mission of some kind, determined to see their given task through to the end. 
"Special orders from the Emperor, ma'am" robotically answered Trip, before running off to catch up with the group he'd been with before. (Y/N) couldn't help the shiver to rattle down her spine. Just as her confusion grew. The emperor? Who was that? What was going on? Why was everyone suddenly acting so weirdly? Why was Ahsoka suddenly branded a traitor? So many questions ran through (Y/N)'s thoughts, to the point she hadn't even realized she'd begun to move toward the docking bay, subconsciously doing as Jesse had ordered. 
Just as she began to regain her own movement, she felt someone grab hold of her arm. Snapping her head around quickly to see Jesse's emotionless helmet. Not a word escaped him, as he began to walk at a quick pace towards the docking bay, pulling her along. He'd stop every now and again and order passing troopers to do something, but never let go of her. It was only when Jesse pulled her down a quiet corridor, did (Y/N) receive the final piece of the puzzle. In the form of Jesse muttering four words, as if he was trying to tell her what was going on without directly going against the programming. 
"Good soldiers follow order" voiced Jesse, he never turned to face her, only tightening his grip when he felt her struggle against him. 
"Fives" whispered (Y/N), remembering the friend she lost, remembering the conspiracy that surrounded him and Tup. How Fives had been so determined to prove something. "The inhibitor chip" shakingly commented the civvi medic, feeling the dread and fear grip at her stomach. Even more so when she remembered how all of it ended. How Tup had died so unexpectedly and Fives had been accused of attempting to assassinate the chancellor, all of it had been explained away as a virus. But (Y/N) hadn't believed it. Even less so when Kix suddenly disappeared. 
*~* Ahsoka & Rex *~* 
"We need to find (Y/N)" spoke Rex, looking around the small medbay, finding it unnerving that the friendly medic wasn't stowed away inside as she normally was. A lump of fear formed in his throat, as reality dawned on him. If (Y/N) wasn't in her medbay, then she was somewhere on the ship, wandering around and likely in danger. It was a coin toss on who posed more of a threat to the medic, the troopers who had befriended her, Jesse who loved her, or Maul, who was now on the loose and causing chaos and doing who knows what. 
"She was with Jesse" announced Ahsoka, her eyes widening. Jesse had been on the bridge as the chaos had begun to unfold. After she'd gotten away and Rex had given out orders, neither of them had seen him. "He wouldn't hurt (Y/N) Rex. But I agree, we have to find her" added the former Jedi Commander, feeling the lump of dread form in her throat. Even she couldn't believe her own words, less so when she knew Rex wouldn't hurt her before the inhibitor chip triggered, despite their strong bond through friendship, he hadn't been able to fight the effects of the chip for long. Although long enough to direct her towards Fives. 
"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you either but I also couldn't stop the chip from taking control" asserted the great Captain, as the two prepared to fight, both knew their objectives. They had to find a way off the ship and somehow find (Y/N) amongst the chaos. Neither wanted to think of the worst-case scenario, the one where (Y/N) too had been branded a traitor and executed or she'd been caught in the crossfire when the troopers aboard attempted to execute Maul. Instead, both chose to look on the bright side, both hoping (Y/N) had already gotten off the ship somehow, or at least had stayed hidden. Although neither could deny their gut feeling. Jesse had already gone back for her. 
"She won't leave Jesse behind" uttered Rex, already suspecting getting (Y/N) to leave without Jesse was going to be an impossible task. Even more so when it was guaranteed she'd already worked out what was happening. (Y/N) was stubborn, to say the least, but passionate. Even General Skywalker had found out the hard way, it was impossible to get her to change her mind once it was made up. 
Their situation turned dire the moment they felt the cruiser be ripped from hyperspace, both suspecting Maul had done something to sabotage the ship or if it wasn't Maul then it was (Y/N) doing what she could distract the troopers, likely to aid those who needed it. Upon learning the hyperdrive had been completely destroyed and the cruiser had become trapped in a moon's gravitational pull, the mission to get off the ship became a race against time. A race that only got harder the moment the bay doors opened to reveal the majority of the troopers aboard waiting for them. Jesse leading them, on the boxes near the shuttle was (Y/N) guarded by several troopers. 
"You're a good soldier, Rex, and so are all those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them" calmly spoke Ahsoka, her words gentle as if intended on soothing Rex's breaking heart. The two left the control center minutes later with a plan in mind, although they knew their plan had flaws in it. Jesse was the second in command, currently under the effects of the inhibitor chip and order 66, and, he was no fool. 
The droids did as instructed, quietly making their way over to where (Y/N) was, one accessing the scomp data port, whereas R7, shocked the troopers guarding (Y/N). The civvi medic picked up one of the blasters and set it to stun, already determined she was going to help Ahsoka and now Rex escape the ship before it inevitably crashed. The moment the fight started and the lifts dropped to the maintenance deck, (Y/N) wasted little time in stunning the troopers closest to her position, preventing some of them from shooting Rex from behind. Despite her lack of training, (Y/N) jumped into action when Ahsoka tried to stop Maul from getting away in the shuttle. Stunning as many troopers as possible. 
"Protect Soka, I'll help the droids" yelled (Y/N), as she ran to defend the droids, ensuring they could do their assigned tasks a little longer. She fired as many stun bolts as she could, refusing to hurt the troopers she'd come to call friends, even more so when she knew they weren't in control. It wasn't long before (Y/N) lost track of Rex and Ahsoka, although she took notice of the circular hole cut into the floor. Her attention soon turned back to the troopers heading in her direction, firing at as many as possible before they got to the droids. The pair of astromechs managed to raise the lifts again before being destroyed. (Y/N) herself taking a blaster bolt to the shoulder before losing her balance to the sudden quake to rip through the imploding cruiser. 
Jesse had spotted her upon regaining his footing after being thrown off the maintenance lift, stalking her as if he was a predator hunting its prey. He'd lost one of his blasters during the chaos, the other one was on her, ready to fire without warning. Another explosion from the engines forced the ship to lose its stabilizers, throwing everyone to the port side. The force of it alone throwing both (Y/N) and Jesse into one of the partisan walls, forcing Jesse to lose his last blaster. 
"Wake up Jesse. This isn't you" called (Y/N), reaching for his helmet, only to be thrown from the safety position when something exploded close by. She would have fallen to her death, had Jesse not grabbed onto her wrist. (Y/N) wasn't sure if it was from instinct or if he'd come to his sense as he pulled her back to the durasteel wall both had been thrown against. 
"I told you to leave" whispered Jesse, pulling her close to him although refusing to allow her to remove his helmet. Refusing to allow her to see his tears. "Why did you stay?" asked the Arc Trooper, wrapping his arms around her, both knew their end was fast approaching, the only question being which would get them first. The crash, the ship imploding or the fires quickly approaching their position. Maybe the smoke would get them if they were lucky. 
"I promised I wouldn't leave you again" quietly responded (Y/N), placing her head against Jesse's shoulder, accepting her inevitable death willingly. "At Kar'taylir Darasuum Cuyir At Kadala" she gently whispered, closing her eyes upon noticing how close the peaceful wings of death were. 
"At Kar'taylir Darasuum Cuyir At Kadala" softly responded Jesse, holding (Y/N) a little tighter as he leaned his helmeted cheek against the top of her head. At least thankful he knew where she was when the end come. Just getting to hold his cyare one last time was enough for him to accept death. Even more so when he could do so free of the inhibitor chip's control. His only regret being he couldn't apologize to Rex and Ahsoka.  "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum" whispered Jesse, as the cruise crashed into the surface of the moon before everything was swallowed by a fireball and suffocating smoke. 
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jedi-enthusiast · 4 months
Yk one thing I barely see talked abt is the fact that Mace Windu's lineage and thus legacy is one of the longest Order 66 surviving ones in Star Wars WHO STAYED TRUE TO THE JEDI ORDER'S PRINCIPLES.
Like damn, Mace rly managed to establish a liniage of highly competent and compasionate Jedi. The Shatterpoint Lineage either outlasted or survived for nearly as long as the Disaster Liniage who pretty obviously stopped truly representing Jedi with Obi-Wan (only rly returninh to the true jedi way with Luke if ya see him as part of that lineage)
Like- who do we have in the Shatterpoint lineage ?
-Master of the Jedi Order , died trying to save the galaxy from the Sith
-Former council member, died saving her padawan from her brainwashed men
-Rebel Jedi training a student despite everything that went down , died saving his padawan & loved ones from a giant explosion
And who do we have in the Disaster Lineage :
-Guy with questionable methods who did his best
-OBI-WAN who rly doesn't need any explanation (who's also the last true Jedi with expection of Luke (if you counf him) to come out of this lineage)
-a genocial manbaby with an alergy for any sort of moral code or basic logic
-a pick me shitting on her own adoptive family, who isn't even a Jedi if we are being honest (sry Ahsoka, but your character to assasinated to a point where I just can't anymore)
And honestly ? It says a LOT that Mace Windu's lineage stands as pretty much last bastion of a true Jedi Lineage from the old Order.
Agreed 100%
And ngl I find it so funny that people constantly praise the Shatterpoint lineage- (Depa, Kanan, Ezra) -and then shit on Mace like, my dude, WHO DO YOU THINK TAUGHT DEPA AND PASSED ON THOSE VALUES TO HER AND THEREFORE HIS LINEAGE???
But no, Mace's lineage is by far the best imo---I love Obi-Wan and Luke and Yoda, but they get negative points for having not one but TWO genocidal fascists in the lineage- (Dooku and Anakin) -and then someone who thinks the Jedi brought on their own genocide- (Ahsoka) -and then someone who decided that the fate of the galaxy was less important than her feelings and probably kickstarted another war- (Sabine, apparently, since Felony shoe-horned her into the lineage).
Meanwhile the Shatterpoint lineage has the head of the Order who almost won the Clone Wars and stopped the Empire from being created, who only failed because he was betrayed- (Mace) -then an amazing and empathetic general who was literally so selfless that she sacrificed herself to save her padawan- (Depa) -then someone who fought against the Empire, successfully overcame his own issues to both train a padawan and then forgive those who he thought willingly murdered his family, and then sacrificed himself to save his family and give the Rebellion a leg up on the Empire for the Battle of Lothal- (Kanan) -and finally someone who let go of all his grief, rejected the Dark Side SEVERAL TIMES, and then sentenced himself to a life in exile to protect the galaxy from a genocidal fascist- (Ezra).
Like...there's really no competition here.
In the Imperial Era, Mace was probably sitting back as a Force-ghost, watching the Disaster lineage fuck up the galaxy and then have to fix it all over again, smugly staring down Obi-Wan and Yoda like-
Mace, smugly: Hm, did you know that today Kanan taught Ezra how to connect with animals? I'm so proud of them.
Obi-Wan, watching Anakin commit even more mass murder and Ahsoka blame the Jedi for Anakin's actions: Must be nice.
Yoda, staring down Dooku, who literally tried to take over the whole galaxy with a fascist regime: Yes. Nice, it must be.
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clonesimpextra · 1 year
The Way of Things
Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker (kind of) Rating: Everyone Word Count: 1.2K Summary: Ahsoka says goodbye to Rex, one last time. A/N: Ahsoka and Rex's friendship is so important to me. I'm sorry. I cried writing this. Still not over it.
When Ahsoka said goodbye to Rex for the last time, she didn’t do it with words.
She couldn’t.
It wasn’t enough.
Sitting next to her oldest friend, his hand — once so strong, now weathered and spotted with age — grasped firmly in hers, Ahsoka found herself instead thinking about what it meant to really let someone go.
Rex was waiting for her to give him that. She could feel it in the strained warmth of the Force around him. He needed, one last time, to know she would be OK. A small part of her hated that, but she understood. If their roles were reversed, it would be no different. Not after everything. Not after all this time.
That was the way of things, with them.
They’d survived two wars. Together, then apart, then together again. Ahsoka didn’t know life without Rex existing somewhere, even if it was just in her periphery. How did a person say goodbye to that?
It was selfish, she knew, to want him to stay. It had been selfish back then, at the end of the war, and it still was now, at the end of it all.
Not the end, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. She pushed it away when she recognized the tone.
Anakin came to her, sometimes, in moments of grief, worry, uncertainty. Tried to guide her and help her and sometimes she let him.
But not right now. Not with Rex.
All of the very worst things she and Rex had been through were the results of Anakin’s actions. The Order that Anakin was partially responsible for had taken Rex’s brothers just as much as it had taken Ahsoka’s Jedi family. He had taken Rex’s agency every bit as much as he had taken Ahsoka’s livelihood.
He had killed parts of them, little by little, until they’d been forced to build something new with the decay he’d left behind. And though Ahsoka had grown to accept her past and her present and Anakin’s place in both, she wasn’t sure if Rex ever had.
They’d talked about it, over the years. When Ahsoka returned from Malachor she’d told him everything — re-breaking her heart as she broke his anew. His anger and worry had rolled off him in waves of sadness, but there had been something else in their depths that Ahsoka was all too familiar with.
She’d worked on that with him, pushing away the nagging voice that said they could have done something, that they should have known. That maybe, one day, they’d turn out just like him. 
Slowly, over time, she felt it recede from him. But it always came back. So they’d sit, and they’d talk, and they’d figure it out. Together.
That was the way of things, with them.
Them. Not Anakin.
Throughout her life, Ahsoka had given her old master, her brother, so much of herself, of her mind. But she couldn’t give him this moment, this final moment with her friend. It wasn’t Anakin’s to claim, even if all he wanted to do was help. 
So she pushed him away and focused back on the man in front of her.
Rex had held many labels throughout his lifetime. A soldier, a captain, a commander, a rebel, a person.
Her friend.
Many of the things Ahsoka knew, she’d learned from Rex. How to throw a punch without breaking your knuckles. How to pick out the rations that would taste marginally better than the others. How to keep moving forward when everything you knew was falling back. How to do the right thing, even when it would be easier not to.
Anakin might have taught Ahsoka how to survive, but Rex had taught her how to keep living.
It was a lesson that had stayed with her, despite everything. To question if it would continue to do so would be to question Rex’s importance in her life. She couldn’t let go of that, even if she tried.
So maybe what Anakin had said, the thought she’d pushed away, had been right. This wasn’t the end, not really.
Every living thing was made of the Living Force, including Rex. When he passed — Ahsoka closed her eyes at the thought, started over in her head. When he passed, everything that made him Rex would leave his body and become one with the Cosmic Force. A transformation from here to there, but still to somewhere. There was no end. There just was.
And so Rex would continue to be. Not here, not with her, but in everything around her.
In the flickering lights of long dead planets she’d stare up at in the dark. In the light breeze of air against her skin. In her memories. In the comfort deep in her soul when she thought of how lucky she was to have had a life-long friend whose trust and kindness and unwavering loyalty had saved her in her darkest moments.
The clones might have been created to be used and forgotten, but Ahsoka was sure that was another of Palpatine’s failures. She remembered every clone she’d ever met. And she would carry Rex with her for the rest of her life. Even when she could no longer hear his laugh, see his smile, feel his pride in the future they’d helped create from the ashes of a past they’d barely survived.
Rex had existed in this galaxy, in her galaxy, and nothing, not even death, could change that. His passing — Ahsoka kept her eyes open this time, focused on her friend’s face — was not an end. Nor was it a beginning. It was merely a continuation of a story much larger than themselves, the lines already written never to be erased, but chosen whether to be forgotten.
And Ahsoka wouldn’t forget.
Because the act of letting go wasn’t something that defined her actuality. It was just something that defined her acceptance. She could let go without letting go, she understood that now. But she still wouldn’t do it with words.
That wasn’t the way of things, with them. It never had been.
With nothing in her mind but the desire to see her friend finally at peace, Ahsoka held tight to Rex’s hand and let go of her grip on his soul. 
She leaned forward, rested a palm against his cheek and placed a kiss on his forehead, soaking in the last of his warmth before it was gone. As she pulled back, Ahsoka pushed a thought into Rex’s mind so he’d know that he, too, could let go. That she would be OK.
You are one with the Force, and the Force is with you. Thank you, my friend.
When she felt the last of Rex leave his body, she watched a tear mark a trail down his cheek. She wasn’t sure if it was from him or from her, and she wondered if it mattered.
It matters, a voice whispered in her mind, and it sounded like a memory.
This was the new way of things, for them.
Ahsoka took a deep breath and welcomed it.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
The Foundling Chapter Two
Tag List: @iprobneedabeard
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: As things start to change for Satine, Bo must make a hasty decision.
Satine let her hands fall over the tools the Armorer had in her forge. The hammers, the tongs. She was supposed to be getting ready for the aay'han a period of mourning and funeral for her mother, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.
Things were so different here, and Satine wondered if her father had ever felt the same.
"Ad'ika? You must get ready now." The Armorer spoke from the doorway. Satine turned to look at her, and saw Paz standing next to her.
"Come." Paz orders. "The Armorer will lead you in, as she; among others have agreed to take care of your well being."
Satine watches as he leaves and looks up at the Armorer. "I'm going to mess everything up."
"You will not." The Armorer replies stoically. "Because I will be there with you."
Satine walks over and takes her hand in hers. She looks up at her expectantly. "I'm scared." She admits, ashamed.
"Then you have more sense then half the tribe." The Armorer tells her and starts to lead her through the caves. "Do you remember what I taught you?"
"Mostly." Satine replies, and she can see, as they reach the entrance to the cave, that her mother is wrapped in white clothes on a pyre, and the tribe; along with the Nite Owls are standing vigil.
The Armorer led Satine over to the pyre and stood next to her, keeping both hands on her shoulders. "Ready?"
"Yes." Satine felt a lump in her throat.
"The aay'han is a period of mourning. We did not know Satine's mother long, yet we accepted both into the clan. We accepted Satine as a foundling when her mother passed, and now we help her as she mourns the loss of her mother."
"This is the way." Paz says from nearby, and the tribe echoes his statement.
"As it our custom, Satine will say the rites." The Armorer looks down at Satine and nods.
"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum." Satine chokes out the words, struggling a bit. The Armorer squeezes her shoulders as she adds, "Adalia."
I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.
"Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la." The Tribe answers, Paz being the loudest of all. Not gone, merely marching far away
The Armorer nods as a torch is handed to her, and Bo steps closer to Satine as she starts to cry. Protective almost. Despite her earlier feelings of betrayal.
"Together?" The Armorer asks softly. And Satune nods up at her. They grip the torch together and throw it at the pyre where it takes-
Satine grips the Armorers hand tightly as the flames dance. She knows Bo is right behind her, and Ahsoka stands close by with Din. It's comforting to have them here. But Satine still weeps for her mother, and she turns her head to bury in it the Armorers side.
The Armorer puts a hand on the back of Satine's head and lets her cry as Bo watches, daring anyone to say anything. She knows they won't. But she knows what it's like to lose her mother. Regardless of how she feels about the child.
She moves over to her and gently pries her away from the Armorer, kneeling down to look her in the eyes. "Stand tall. Even when you cry." Bo tells Satine. She stands up as Satine swallows hard, looking a little confused.
Bo points to her chin and lifts her head slightly. She doesn't know why she's doing this, helping the child. But she really can't fault her for being born.
Satine nods and raises her head slightly. She's still crying but feels a bit braver. And she's stays like that until her mother is gone.
The next few weeks are full of activity. If Satine isn't learning the creed and how to forge with the Armorer, which is a slow process at best, she's training with Ahsoka. Learning about the force and how to fight with it. Sometimes, Satine trains with Grogu. She's likes him. They can communicate through the force, just thinking to one another. It feels like their own secret language sometimes.
Bo doesn't help her with much, Satine realises. She watches her from a distance, but isn't mean when they come across each other. She knows Bo doesn't know what to make of her and that's confusing. But she likes it when Bo sends Axe and Koska, two of her Nite Owls to help her and give her extra snacks.
She shares with Grogu of course.
Today, she gets to join in the fighting circles. Ahsoka suggested it would be a good way to gain her footing. And now, as she stood there, Satine wondered if maybe they were getting things far ahead.
"She challenges." Ahsoka says to the referee.
He looks at Satine.
"The nature of the challenge?"
"Hand to hand." Ahsoka replies. The referee nods and calls over a boy nearby.
"The first to yield loses. Proceed." The referee says.
"Trust your instincts." Ahsoka steps back. "You can do this, Satine." She watches as the child sighs and steps into the fighting circle.
"Are you ready?"
Satine looks at the Referee, and nods firmly. "I am."
Satine turned in time to feel the first hit on her face and stumbled back. She raised her hands to block the next, and stumbled away, trying to get her bearings.
"Awe go easy on the kid!"
"Yeah. She's like a newborn rancor."
Satine swallowed hard and looked at the other kid who winked at her. They hadn't taken the creed and didn't have a helmet in yet.
Were they enjoying this? Satine wondered. She frowned and looked over their shoulder in time to see Bo and the Armorer watching from the entrance of the cave until she got hit again hard enough to make her ears ring.
Satine shook her head as she dropped, and tried to push herself to her knees.
"There's no shame in yielding, kid!" Someone yelled.
Satine let out a sharp breath and stood back up. She slowed her breathing, trying to figure out where they would aim next. She shifted her feet, and when the next swing came
Satine knew
She ducked and threw a punch in the other child's side, and they stumbled forward as Satine stepped back like they had done with her. When they faced her again and swung Satine hit them hard in the face and they fell back onto their behind, giving Satine enough time to jump on them and pin them to the ground.
"Do you yeild!" Satine yelled, and the other kid nodded.
"Yes! Kandosii!"
Satine wiped her mouth and got off the kid. Held out a hand to help them up.
"I'm Markus." Markus looked a year younger than Satine but was bigger in height. He had dusty red hair and freckles. He smiled as he let Satine help him up and nodded as the other Mandalorians clapped. "Good fight."
Satine nodded and let him go as he walked away. She looked at Ahsoka for approval and saw her grinning at her.
"Well done, little one." Ahsoka praised.
"Let me look at your face."
Satine jumped a bit, turning to see the Armorer standing behind her, and nodded shyly as she led her away. "You fought well." The Armorer told her, sitting her down on a rock. "You need to work on your footwork."
Satine winched as the Armorer brushed her cut and bruised cheek with bacta and noticed Bo ylhad followed and was standing nearby.
"You did well." Bo says, and she looks hard at Satine. "You can do better next time." She adds, and walks away.
Satine looks at the Armorer, who pauses for a moment, and then finishes cleaning Satine's cheek. "I told you she didn't like me."
"Then we will find out why together." The Armorer stands and Satine follows closely as they walk back inside. "Bo."
Bo sighs and stops, looking at them. "She needs to learn how to fight better." She glances at Satine. "Otherwise, you'll have worse than a bruise on your cheek."
Satine frowns. "I just trusted my instincts like Ahsoka told me to." She explains.
"You need to trust more than your instincts if you expect to become Mandalorian." Bo replies.
Satine doesn't say anything, and the Armorer reaches down to squeeze her shoulder.
"Bo just doesn't want you to get hurt, Ad'ika. She's been fighting since before the Clone Wars." The Armorer says softly. Satine nods, and she understands. She just wished Bo wouldn't be so stern about it.
"Look, kid, I just want you to be prepared. You have to use all your skills to survive." Bo adds. She sighs and kneels down. "Fighting is part of how we live. It's in our culture, our creed."
Satine nodded. "Okay." And then, "So could you help me too?"
Bo hesitates and looks over The Armorers shoulder to see Ahsoka standing there, watching the interaction carefully. "You have a teacher, kid. I'd just get in the way." She gives her a small smile, and taps her gently on the head. "Try not to give Ahsoka too much trouble okay?" She teases, before she turns and leaves.
Satine looks back at Ahsoka, and then the Armorer. "I'm going back outside." She tells them disappointed. "Excuse me." She says softly and moves past them back into the sunshine.
Ahsoka looked at the Armorer.
"We need to talk about Satine."
She walked into the forge, and the Armorer followed.
By the time the sun had started to set, Satine had gone through two more fights and training with darts. But she was still restless. She wandered down the shore of the lake and looked at the sunset.
She liked it here. Despite the dangers. Despite not feeling like she fit in all the time. And she liked the tribe and the Nite Owls too.
She wanted to make it.
Satine looked up as something clouded the setting sun and barely had time to yell as she was lifted off her feet -
And she was gone.
"Mand'alor come quick!"
Bo rushed outside at the frantic yelling. Most of the tribe had come inside, but she hadn't seen Satine. She thought she was with the Armorer, but as she rushed past her wife she couldn't see her and she turned towards the entrance of the cave as they called for her again.
"You have to help!" One of the Mandalorians shouted. "It's only just happened-"
"What's happened?" Bo demanded angrily.
"That Griffin took her." Another Mandalorian shouted.
"Took who?!" Bo snapped back.
"What?" Bo grabs the Mandalorian by the front of the armor. "Why weren't you watching her?!" She yells at them. Her heart seized, and it takes Bo a minute to register that it's fear she's feeling.
"I don't... she wandered off when we weren't looking." They stammer, and Bo shoves them to the ground.
"I'm going after them. Where is its lair?"
"On the other side of the mountain." The Mandalorian says as Din and Paz come running out.
"What's happened?"
"The Griffin took Satine." Bo says as the Armorer and Ahsoka come running up next. They look around for Satine, and Bo gives them a desperate look. "Stay here. I'm going to rescue her." She puts on her helmet.
"Bo be careful." Ahsoka tells her, and Bo gives her a grim nod.
"I'll bring her back." She turns and starts walking quickly toward her ship.
"I'm going." Din says, and Paz follows. Bo doesn't argue as they board the ship and sets off full throttle as the others watch below.
The Armorer looks at Ahsoka. Feels her heart twist. Ahsoka puts a hand on her arm. Squeezes.
"We're no use out here." Ahsoka says gently. "Bo will save her."
The Armorer looks at the departing ship. "I pray you are right."
As the ship faded into darkness, Satine found herself deposited in a cave. The Griffin forcing her further inside as she scrambled to get her footing.
She turns as the Griffin screams at her, and a few more come out of hiding. Babies. Satine realises with fright.
"No. Please don't eat me." Satine says loudly. She puts out her hands and prays to the force that they will stop.
Please. I'm a friend.
She waits for the inevitable. Never seeing the light of day again. Instead, the a baby Griffin nudges her hand, and she breathes out sharply.
The larger Griffin that took her, Satine thinks. Must be there, mother. She sits down, blocking the entrance to the cave, and watches carefully.
"I guess you're not so mean." Satine tells the creature. She reaches out and scratches her ears as the babies, which are the size of Satine, gather around her. "But my family will be worried that you took me."
The Griffin nudges her head against Satine's hand.
"I guess I can stay a while. You know, my family found me." Satine tries to explain. "I was lost, my mother died. And they took me in."
The Griffin coos.
"It was nice of them. I don't understand everything about being Mandalorian. But I like feeling safe." Satine sighs. "Can you maybe not kidnap me again though?"
The Griffin nods, like it understands her.
"Thank you." Satine smiles. And she leans against its side as it's babies, although she's not sure that's the right word curl up around her to keep her warm.
By the time morning arrives, Satine gently removes herself from the pile, and the mother Griffin wakes with her. She moves to the cave and peers out into the sunlight as Satine follows, and hears distant voices.
"I think I have to go now." Satine explains.
The Griffin tilts her head and flaps her wings.
"I can come back and visit, I think?" Satine adds. "Thank you for letting me go."
The Griffin tilts her head as a fearful cry of Satine comes from the left. She turns and raises her hands as Bo levels her blasters at them and jumps in front of the Griffin as it rears up.
"Stop it!" Satine holds out her hands. "It's okay!" She looks at Bo desperately and notices Din and Paz.
"Satine, it will kill you." Paz says.
"Come here slowly." Din adds.
Satine looks between them and reaches up to bring the Griffins head close to hers. She presses its her forehead against the griffins, a thank you; as she steps back and it retreats to the cave.
Din and Paz exchange a look behind Bo, wondering what the heck they just witnessed and whether or not they should tell the Armorer.
Bo puts away her blasters as Satine approaches and grabs her tightly. "What were you thinking? You could've been killed!" Bo raises her voice at her, and Satine feels the worry in the force.
"I'm sorry." Satine apologised softly. She throws her arms around Bo and feels herself being lifted up. "I won't do it again."
"You're grounded." Bo says, holding her tight. "Thank the force you're okay. I was so worried." And Bo realises, she was. She might be upset for not being told she had kin, but she couldn't stand it, no matter how firm she came across, if something happened to Satine.
Satine swallows hard. She doesn't care that she's grounded. She was grateful that Bo was here. She buries her face in her shoulder pauldron.
"Can we go home?"
Bo nods. "Yeah."
"Are you mad at me? I know you don't really like -" Satine doesn't finish her sentence, overwhelmed. But she wants Bo to know she can sense how upset she is around her.
"It's not that I don't like you, Satine." Bo looks at Din and Paz, and they walk ahead, back towards the ship. "But you just remind me of my sister, and it scares me."
"That's why you don't like to be around me?" Satine asks softly.
"That's why it hurts me to be around you. But we can work on that, okay?" Bo answers, and Satine nods, hugging her tighter.
Bo swallows hard. "Come on. Ahsoka and the Armorer are both worried, too." She adds, "They aren't mad okay?"
Satine nods again, greatful to be going home.
"Yeah, kid?"
"I'm glad you rescued me." Satine says, thanking her. "I'm glad you don't hate me."
Bo swallows hard, a lump forming in her throat and puts a gloved hand on the back of Satine's head. "Rest Satine. We'll be home soon."
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marvelstars · 10 months
Ahsoka Show
So the first two episodes are out and I really enjoyed them, they are mostly what I expected from Filoni, he´s translating well his narrative style from cartoons to live action.
That said my favorite characters so far appart from Ahsoka herself have been Sabine and Baylan, all the characters get a good treatment, I really liked Hera serving as a bridge between Sabine and Ahsoka and listening to both of them. I also loved Baylan mystery and his relationship with his own apprentice, I get the sense his story as an adversary is going to be the main one here before we get to the Thrawn of it all.
Baylan doesn´t consider himself a Jedi anymore but he´s definitely teaching his apprentice some Jedi traditions, he doesnt seem fallen into the darkside but he definitely became dissapointed in the Jedi Order and their ways, he´s a real mercenary and also he totally knows exactly what happened to Anakin and probably expects to be able to serve as a Darth Vader like figure for the new Empire, just for Thrawn instead of the Emperor.
Power may be one of his reasons but given there´s a theory around saying Thrawn supporters within the Empire are opposing those who are already trying to bring back the Emperor, my guess is that he also wants to be part of the Empire, just one that isn´t neccesarily ran by the Sith Order and Palpatine which would give him a lot of nuance.
Sabine makes me remember one of the more interesting tropes from most animes, which I guess Filoni is taking a clue from, about characters with no natural habilities, those who are no prodigies and get a lot of hate over it, who instead suffer a lot to do half what other characters do easily, that they become a sheer force of nature given their sheer effort/training and will, not natural or hereditary talent. The series is too short to give us the whole journey but I am seeing some of that with Sabine who is force sensitive enough to be trained, just not enough to move objects or other things or maybe her force talent translate into articulating art. Her feelings of passive -agressiveness with Ahsoka are on point given their past but she really wants to get Ahsoka respect and trust back and is willing to work for it.
PD: Now I am just waiting confirmation for Han Solo to also be like Sabine because honestly, he would not have survived half the things that happened to him in the original trilogy if he wasn´t slighty force sensitive. XD
Now Ahsoka is great, I really liked her, liked the fact she wasn´t perfect she doesn´t know how to comunicate with Sabine, she expects too much out of someone she apparently abandoned at some point, she lost her battle with the inquisitor(Who I am still hoping for confirmation that he is in fact Galen Marek, Vader´s apprentice, Vader´s vs Anakin´s apprentices going to battle just ryhmes ) but more than that Ahsoka is still hurting over Anakin and isn´t that interesting? after Malachor I totally would have accepted her to be resentful, wanting to focus on Ezra rescue and forgot everything about Anakin being her former master, in fact that seemed to be her way of thinking in the Mandalorian, when she refused to train Grogu because he made her remember Anakin too much.
But then there´s how she calls Luke "MASTER SKYWALKER" while she considers herself as someone who didn´t got to complete her Jedi training, despite the fact she has decades of traning over Luke and actually lived in the old Jedi temple, so my guess is that she isn´t calling him a Master just because of his force hability, she is calling him a master Jedi because Luke, not her, was able to bring back Anakin back from the darkside, something even master Yoda thought was completely impossible and how happy that must make her but how much this has to hurt that she´s on equal ways being warm and passive agressive with Luke and his new Jedi Order, on the one hand she visits the new school, smiles at Luke and at Grogu but doesn´t stay, she sends Grogu to Luke to be trained but tells her Jedi Droid the Order is over. It´s so subtle but there the feelings she must strongly be suppresing over Luke and his relationship with his father, her former master.
She has an enormous respect for Luke but also her hurt feelings and resentment mean she´s avoiding him because she absolutely knows he doesn´t deserve them, him who grew up without his father and only managed to truly be with him for a few minutes while Ahsoka had years of interactions with Anakin but those feelings are still there anyway.
And this brings me to her being so nostalgic over Anakin again, I have no doubt Luke told her the truth, not the official one the New Republic is using, he told her Anakin defeated the Emperor out of love for him, because Luke bet his life in his father goodness, because he let go of what the Old Jedi called "their life" his lightsaber, on the bet that his father would save him because he knew there was good in him, because he knew his father loved him, he told Ahsoka just like he did with Leia and while this fact makes Ahsoka happy it also makes her feel so sad, so guilty, she doens´t regret leaving Anakin or the Jedi Order, as she told Hera, that still was the right decision for her at the time but she regrets her leaving may have lead to Anakin becoming even more isolated and probably was the reason why he fell to the darkside, that and the fact that when Anakin was so eager to talk to her again, she was too busy dealing with Mandalore to truly talk with him about them. She knows it isn´t her fault but she can´t help but ask herself, why wasn´t I able to bring you back Anakin? I also loved you.
So my guess is that this story is going to be Ahsoka confronting Anakin again, post ROTJ which is bassically my dream come true but also she´s going to confront her master "other" apprentice who may or not may have some very interesting unfinished bussines and feelings over Vader and how he died if he is indeed the canon version of Starkiller.
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skygirlstars · 9 months
1, 2, 31, 43, 46, and 48 For the Jedi Ask and Leia for all because Jedi Leia is BA 💙
yesss Jedi Leia is awesome!! fun fact this is actually my first ask ever (despite the fact that I've been on tumblr for years) so I'm very excited. thank you for all the great questions!! this got long fast, whoops?
Jedi Ask Game by @jedimasterbailey
1. How did they find their kyber crystal?
I really struggled with this question! all the kyber crystal lore is so fascinating and I want to do it justice, you know? my favorite scenario might be Leia just stumbling across her crystal seemingly by chance. in short, it's more likely her crystal found her than she found it. when we see the younglings finding their crystals in The Clone Wars, they all have to overcome some aspect of themself standing in their way. for Leia, I think that aspect would be her determination and independence. those are some of her best qualities, but too much of a good thing is still a bad thing.
once she and Luke decide it's time for her to build her own saber, she'll probably try really hard to find her crystal, doing everything she can, but she's just not having any luck. she won't ask for Luke's help or find some files about crystal locations because she wants to do it herself and prove her own capability. she goes at it logically, but she's not meditating or trying to use the Force to help her because she's stubborn as hell. she's basically at the point of giving up, so she puts it in the back of her mind while she goes off on some other mission. but in the middle of said mission, her crystal finally calls to her. (bonus points if it's in the middle of a high stakes chase cause that would be funny.) it's on some random planet she never would have thought to look and she wasn't even trying to find it in that moment.
she only finds the crystal when she stops trying to have total control over the situation. she wants to be independent, but she has to learn to make that independence coexist with sometimes letting go of her own convictions and logic and allowing the Force to guide her. there's no situation in which she can have complete agency over everything, which is the lesson she has to learn to find her crystal. but I don’t know, that’s just one idea.
2. Why did they build their lightsaber hilt the way they did?
Leia's hilt definitely resembles Obi-Wan's, which I don't doubt was intentional. one thing I love about the Obi-Wan series is the relationship between him and Leia; it's so sweet. he's not only an important person to her, but other than Luke, he's basically the only Force-user with whom she's had a positive relationship, so it makes sense that she would want to model her saber after his. hers is still unique though -- it's very polished and elegant (just like her). the color of the non-silvery metal seems to look different in every photo, but I choose to believe it's rose gold because that's just so extra in the best way possible. she's very stylish, so her lightsaber should be too, right?
31. A Jedi they look up to the most?
I already talked about him a little bit, but probably Obi-Wan. I mean, her options are pretty limited, assuming she doesn't have access to much knowledge about pre-Order 66 Jedi. a bit of a tangent, but I find it kind of funny that the Jedi Buddy™ of her parents (both bio and adoptive, actually) she knows best is Obi-Wan, because she is so much more like Ahsoka. but she probably looks up to Obi-Wan not in spite of their differences, but because of them. I imagine she admires his patience and ability to see the good in everyone, both things she (understandably) struggles with. however, they share a lot of virtues too -- compassion, strength, and a never-ending supply of sarcasm and snark -- so he likely serves as a source for inspiration in that sense as well. Leia admires Luke for similar reasons, but I'm not sure I'd say she looks up to him, since sometimes he can be a little clueless (and I say that with the utmost affection), so Obi-Wan is definitely more of a role model for her.
43. If they could talk to any deceased Jedi who would it be and why?
for all the reasons I've already discussed, she would probably want to talk to Obi-Wan. she'd spend a few minutes yelling at him, of course, and I can't say I blame her. but since I've already talked about Obi-Wan a lot, I'll suggest another.
Leia deserves to have a nice talk with a fellow Jedi girlboss, and it was hard to pick one, but I'll go with Aayla Secura. I think they would get along well. they're both very compassionate and always aim to do the right thing. they're pragmatic and strategic but also extremely loyal and caring toward the people they care about, but not to the point of it being possessive or unhealthy. Leia could probably learn more from a Jedi less similar to her, but like... she's been through it. let her just chill and have some girl talk with Aayla, especially since she essentially has no Jedi "peers," since even her brother/bestie serves as her teacher (at least in the Jedi department). it's great that people like Obi-Wan and Luke are different from her, so they can all learn from each other, but I also like the idea of her having someone she can see more eye-to-eye with. plus Aayla is just awesome and very underappreciated.
46. Your favorite headcanon about them.
okay I have several. the first is I love the theory that Leia has psychometry as a Force ability. for one thing, it's a super cool ability, but it's also a clever in-universe explanation for how Leia has memories of Padmé. of course, it could have just been some kind of Force vision, but I think psychometry would be more interesting. it also fits in well with Leia's other characteristics like her intuition, how easily she can read other people, and how she quickly forms strong emotional connections.
second, Beru would adore her and they would get along so well.
and then the last is that she's sapphic, probably bi. that's it that's the headcanon. no one can change my mind (I may or may not just be projecting). shoutout to the rarepair Sabine/Leia shippers, they get me. I'm always on that wlw Leia agenda.
48. A crack headcanon about them.
I have multiple for this one too sorry. she will vehemently deny it, but she loves a good rom-com. I'm thinking very much Nora Ephron vibes, as well as a lot of the late 90s/early 2000s classics (10 Things I Hate About You, 13 Going on 30, etc)
this one is definitely crack because I don't think she'd ever be so out of touch with reality... but she literally grew up as royalty, so it's funny to imagine her having rich kid tendencies. come on, just think about her saying that one Arrested Development line: "it's one banana, Luke, what could it cost? ten credits?" that would be hilarious.
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and lastly, she and Leida Mothma have met but they hate each other's guts. Mon Mothma and Bail Organa are homies so their daughters should be too, right? nah. they grew up in basically the same circumstances, they're only about a year apart in age, their names are only different by a single letter, but they could not be more different. at 15, Leia is already her wonderful justice-seeking, politically active, rebellious, independent self. meanwhile Leida is going down the tradwife rabbithole on Reddit.
thanks again for the ask and for making the ask game! :) it was very fun!! if anyone wants to suggest another question feel free to drop it in my asks <3
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