mxssingmemories · 10 months
julian's masterlist !
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Chris Evans
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ It'll Be Okay
You just started a new job and have started getting bad migraines. Chris just wants to be there for his daughter.
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. It's a big decision, but she knows she's got Chris and Sebastian in her corner.
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Sebastian Stan
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. it's a big decision, but she knows she's got Sebastian and Chris in her corner.
❁ Back to School
It's back to school time for Y/N, how much chaos can this possibly cause in the Stan household?
❁ Paparazzi Sucks
On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff <3
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Tom Holland
❁ Best Friend Ever
You found out some news about yourself and you really want to tell your best friend Tom. You're really worried about how he'll react, but he comes through like the amazing person he is.
❁ Not A Girl
Y/N is trans male, and after a fight with his mom, he goes straight to the person who knows him the best-Tom. They've been best friends for years, and Tom's happy to help his favorite person however he can.
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Tony Stark
❁ Burgers
You're sick, and you scare the shit out of your dad. Fluff and burgers ensue.
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Jensen Ackles
❁ Go Fish, Bitch
When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
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Harry Styles
❁ That Just Happened
You've known Harry since you've been in high school-little does he know that you see him as a father figure. After a really rough day, you accidentally call him dad. Love ensues.
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I Write For:
M A R V E L:
>Tony Stark
>Bruce Banner
>Black Widow
>Pepper Potts
>Steve Rogers
>Peter Parker
>Tom Holland
>Chris Evans
>Sebastian Stan
>Chris Hemsworth
>Anthony Mackie
S U P E R N A T U R A L:
>Dean Winchester
>Sam Winchester
>Jensen Ackles
>Jared Padalecki
>Misha Collins
M A R A U D E R S:
>James Potter
>Lily Evans
>Sirius Black
>Remus Lupin
>Peter Pettigrew
>Jake Peralta
>Ray Holt
>Terry Jeffords
***I am only on the first season!! I'm not familar with the characters, but I'm really loving the idea of writing for some of em :)
>Spencer Reid
>Aaron Hotchner
>Derek Morgan
Please keep in mind that I am currently only writing platonic fics! I'm writing teen!reader, daughter!reader, best friend!reader, or sister!reader. I am comfortable writing pretty much anything, so please feel free to send in a request.
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Request Status: Open!
major thank you to @aadapaadakaunpaada who helped me figure this whole thing out :)
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
i keep having these thoughts of Seb being suspended in a way that his legs are wide spread, looking at the ceiling and then Chris fucks his ass like that while mackie fucks his mouth and Seb is just there to please both of them and to look pretty while doing it :3 and by pretty i mean totally out of it cause ✨sub space✨
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I don't know what to really add to this because, just, y-e-s.
I can see this so well. 😮‍💨 I can hear this so well--
Seb would be trying to make all these little noises, moans and desperate whines, because it feels so good to be used but he can't get them out, not around Mackie's cock filling his throat. Not that he'd want him to pull out for the world. Not Anthony or Chris.
In fact, if either of them do pull out, he might cry. He's so spacey and hazy, floating in subspace, that if he doesn't get what he needs... he won't be able to stand it. It'd be a meltdown, sobbing with big fat tears. He wants to be filled. He needs to be filled! Used. He needs to be used for their pleasure. His mouth. His ass. Yes. Yes.
The whole time they're thrusting into him--one then the other, never leaving him empty--Sebastian is loving it. He's swallowing when he can, and he's clenching down, and he's shivering. He's more alive than he's ever been at the same time that he's floating above his own body, watching this happen to him, elated and so, so turned on. This is happening to him! This is happening to him!
And it's better than any fantasy he's fingered himself desperately to, muffling his own moans into his pillows, shoving said pillows into his mouth, needing so badly to be filled. Imagining it. Now he's living it. And it's glorious.
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jamesbvchananbarnes · 3 years
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Sebastian Stan & Anthony Mackie — "i want someone to look at me the way sebastian stan and anthony mackie look at each other"
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Little Coworker (Request)
MCU cast members x gn!child!co-star!reader
Genre: fluff
Request Description: Please may you do a headcanon where the readers a new actress in the mcu movies and plays as Bucky’s daughter and when the director’s introduce her Chris E, Chris P, Sebastian S, Tom Hidd & Robert D are super proud because she’s worked on numerous movies with them before and they’re super protective of her. (About age 8) and the other cast members are super surprised of how talented she is but she’s also super shy and modest please? 😊
Warnings: language
(A/N): im doing another request babyyyyy, i really wanna narrow down the amount of requests i have D;
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Right, so
You always knew you wanted to be an actor
And your parents were somehow super supportive right out of the gate
So you’d been in several movies before
And then you were cast as part of the Avengers: Endgame cast as Tony Stark’s child
(shhhhh lets just pretend here)
The directors brought you onto set one day to introduce you
and you were ecstatic!
because you immediately recognized Chris
The goofy one
You had been in a movie together very recently
And the moment he saw you he was like
“holy mother of jesus!”
And guess what you hugged
And then you rode on his shoulders (very fun)
As you were soaring through the sky atop Chris Pratt’s shoulders you run into Robert and Chris (the other one, Evans)
And they both gasped
Then looked at each other bc
“why are YOU gasping?” 
And there was a moment of epiphany as it dawned on them that they had ALL been in movies with you before
Chris Evans was mad because HE wanted to be the one giving you a shoulder ride
because you laugh and he thinks your laugh is very cute and its by far the number one thing he misses from filming with you
Robert and Chris P immediately falls into conversation about how you’re so talented considering your age
and then, from across the room 
you see Tom Hiddleston
and he doesn’t gasp but rather gives you a look, a look that makes you giggle
now, he had been in a movie with you and sebastian when you were six
so he calls sebastian over (from where he and anthony mackie were undoubtedly doing something they were not allowed to)
and sebastian sees you and hes like “oh!”
and then theres another moment of realization when they come over and start talking to you
and all the actors are like “wtf how does this kid have more jobs than me?”
anyway whenever you are on set, you are never walking
always on someones shoulders
ugh we stan tom and you having tea parties every day
Tom thinks it’s so funny that you talk about the news
“I heard it’s gonna be raining this friday.. How disappointing” - you, an eight year old
sebastian immediately loops you into him and anthony’s shit
and you’re always the one opposing
“we can’t do that, that’s against the rules!”
but you always end up doing it because they promise you candy
your parents are not pleased
but anyway you get a lot of candy
this is gonna sound weird but Chris E and RDJ really love watching you try to read the signs on set when you think you’re alone
because there are a lot of big words
you’re just looking up at these random signs going
“r- r- re- restrict- restricted area”
i mean COME ON
and chris is the one introducing you to everyone
which makes you very shy
but everyone
and i mean EVERYONE
is impressed with your acting skills
Scarlett, Elizabeth and Danai are always complimenting you when you’re done with a scene
“that was so good!”
so you warm up to them fairly quickly
you can tell that the guys you’ve worked with have told others how impressed they are with you
because people like mark ruffalo, benedict cumberbatch, brie larson and chadwick boseman are coming up to you and going like
“i heard you’re really good!” 
to which you shyly nod, because
bitch please, you know you’re great
but you gotta stay humble
which, in truth, is hard when everyone around you loves you so much 
you can hardly walk from one end of set to the other without someone picking you up, spinning you around and yelling “wee!” and then putting you down again
which you’ve just come to accept
but its bc it truly is so refreshing and uplifting to have such a young, talented and sweet actor on set
and they just wanna let you know how much they appreciate you
and are proud of you
because they are
so proud of their little coworker :D
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun​ @deephideoutmilkshake​ @tamayakii​
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Birthday?- One Shot
(Marvel cast x teen reader)
Heeey, may I request a teen x marvel cast? Where her parents forgot her birthday dinner [her parents don't care about her at all, but she had high hopes that maybe they would change] so the next day when everyone ask her how the dinner, what presents she has, etc.. She end up crying for the parent neglect(?
A/N: this is my first shot at angst so i’m so sorry if it’s terrible!
Words: 976
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You were extremely nervous. You were going back to your parent’s house for the weekend to pick up some stuff and stay the night. It was your birthday so there was hopefully a birthday dinner planned. You honestly didn’t want to go but you didn’t want to catch a taxi back to the set at 9 pm at night either.
Your parents never really cared about you. You were the youngest of the family and the disappointment. All of your older siblings had done things such as; win their soccer matches, come first in maths competitions, or win science fairs. None of those things were your expertise. You were better at things such as drama or arts.
It was natural that your parents’ hatred towards you clouded their judgement in everything. Making it so that they thought whatever they did was right for you.
When you told them that you wanted to do acting as a career, all they said was ‘that’s great’ or ‘interesting’. It wasn’t until your first movie with Marvel, that they started to neglect you; completely pushing you away. Sure, they had hated you and treated you horribly before but never like this. It hurt.
You never told any of your co-stars about your parents. You were pretty sure they wouldn’t care much.
You took a deep breath, knocking on the door to your parents’ house. You were scared shitless but also excited. I mean, it was your birthday for crying out loud!
The door opened.
Your older sister was at the door. You smiled at her nervously.
“Mum! Dad! She’s here!” Your sister called out.
She moved away from the door, probably going to go get your parents. She left the door open for you.
You stepped into the house, looking around. You closed the door behind you. Slowly making your way over to the kitchen, (where you assumed your parents would be) you noticed that a few things were different from the last time you visited.
You walked into the kitchen and living room, only to see your parents and siblings around the dinner table, eating.
You shuffled nervously.
“Hey.” You said.
“What are you doing here?” Your father asked.
You were slightly taken aback with the question.
“I’m here to pick up a few things.” You told him.
“That’s it?” Your father said.
“And because it’s my birthday?” Your answer had come out as more of a question than reply.
Everyone stopped eating. All eyes were on you.
“Birthday?” Your mum asked, laughing, “I don’t remember anything about some birthday. Do you sweetie?” Your mum asked your siblings.
“Nope,” They both answered.
“I- I must’ve gotten the date wrong. I’m sorry.” You quickly apologised, not knowing what to do.
You felt your mouth go dry and palms sweat.
“No dear, I remember now. You didn’t come here just to collect stuff,” Your mum said coldly, “you came seeing if we had anything planned for you. We don’t.”
You felt your heart beat faster, out of fear.
“You greedy, selfish little shit!” Your dad glared at you, his eyes boring into your soul.
You heard your siblings snicker. Feeling tears prick at your eyes, you turned around and ran to the front door. You fumbled for the handle and ran out as fast as you could.
When you had gotten back to the set, it was still quite early. You immediately made your way to your trailer, not wanting to deal with anything else. You were surprised that you had managed to not cry.
You kept your head down as you passed a group of people. You wanted to get to your trailer as soon as possible to avoid questions.
“(Y/N)!” You heard your name get called out.
You turned around to see Chris E waving you over.
Should you go?
If you didn’t then they would think something was wrong .
You made your way over to the group. The group consisted of- Chris E, Anthony Mackie, RDJ and finally Sebastian.
“You’re back early.” Sebastian said.
“Oh, um it was just a quick visit.” You said quickly. Maybe too quick.
“Hey (Y/NN) you okay? You seem a bit off.” Robert asked you.
“I’m fine.” You say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“You’re not fine.” Anthony said, looking at you.
“Tell us what’s wrong.” Chris looked at you worried.
“Guys i’m fine.” You tried to walk away.
“(Y/N), you aren’t fine. Now tell us what’s wrong so we can help.” Sebastian put a hand on your back.
With that simple gesture, you immediately burst into tears.
Sebastian immediately brought you into his chest and rubbed your back, trying to comfort you.
“My parents.” You managed to say through tears.
“What did they do?” Robert asked softly.
You pulled away from Sebastian and sniffled, wiping away tears.
“Th- they forgot my birthday like every other year a- and I really thought it would be different this time.”
“Oh, (Y/NN).” Chris’ heart ached. Seeing you like this made him feel so angry at your parents. How dare they neglect such a sweet child.
“They started to say horrible things so I just left.”
Anthony frowned. He was trying to think of something to cheer you up.
“How about we have a movie night?” He suggested, “We‘ll have it in your trailer.”
“You guys don’t have to do that!” You quickly said, looking at them all.
“We want you to have a good birthday so we do have to do this.” Sebastian said.
“Alrighty then! Everybody to (Y/N)’s trailer!” Chris yelled excitedly.
And so that night, you all had a movie night to make up for what your parents had said and done. By the end of the night you felt much better and thanked all the guys.
You were lucky to have a Marvel family.
@ssebstann @lozzypoz321 @hera-the-writer @emmasdrowned @stillmanicc @peachyprincessss
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eulalielatibule · 3 years
N and Y for Sam Wilson! please!
Thanks honey!!
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?) 
Hmm, I can see Sam being into delay and denial! Pinning you down and just edging you and calling you his little slut in your ear 🥵🥵 I can also see him liking being denied, probably for not very long though or he starts getting bratty lmao. As for food and bathroom usage, that's not my thing so I'm not sure! 🤷🏻‍♀️
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?) 
Listen. L i s t e n. Ever since Anthony Mackie referred to himself as Daddy and kinda admitted to liking it? Yeah, Sam likes that shit too. He'd like hearing you just say his name too, probably say shit like "yeah, say my name honey, real loud so the neighborhood heard us, such a good girl." As for names he calls his partner, all those cute southern names. Sugar, sweetness, honey, babe. Maybe peach or peaches 🥺 I can also see him calling you his sunshine!!
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the-littlefangirl · 3 years
TFATWS episode 2 rewatch commentary
We should've guessed John Walker was going to be an asshole the moment it was revealed he played football in high school
That remix of star spangled man is my villain origin story JEEEEEEESUS i want to punch something
They literally mass produced a Walker action figure in two weeks what the fuck
"Your new Captain America" GAAAAAAAAAAh * angry noises *
"For those who aren't familiar with John's resume" thank you GMA lady
My face during that whole speech: wtf and indignation intensify
Bucky's face: yep same.
Imagine being Sam and everywhere you go you're seeing your one (1) mistake spit in your face overandoverandover again that's g r e a t
Tbh that sambucky reunion was anticlimatic as fuck but i actually liked that, it was like WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN they can’t look at each other for 5 seconds before they need to start bickering
"You think it didn't break my heart" SAM SWEETIE
The way I know this clip by heart help me. It's still hilarious but it's even better now that I know that they literally just met and they're already bickering can you PLEASE stop you children
T H E  B I G  T H R E E
Spoiler it was a thing
Love how nonchalant Joaquín is about this entire situation lmao
"You sure about that"
*Fakes smiles* yeah, * screams *
Congrats at least you didn't rip your arm off this time that's what I call progress
is he… is he wearing high wasted skinny (jeans) combat pants?
Redwing i'm sorry for what's about to happen :(
"Look at you all stealthy" PLEASE
"it's white wolf, actually" n e r d
SAM MATERIALIZING OUT OF THIN AIR SAFHAJSFHA this is the second time that happened it’s so funny
L e t  m  e   s e e
“So they're strong. W h a t e v e r”
SFHJDASKFA we're superheroes ma'am vibes
3 supersoldiers what could possibly go wrong
"I always wanted to do that" *gets punched in the face* you deserved that
YEAH BABEE look at those wings
Why do the knockoff duo have a special handshake jesus fucking christ i hate them
Sam is having a very shitty day
So are we going to ignore that Bucky did t h e  t h i n g with the shield? Ok? Ok.
You can't tell me he wasn't thinking of just grabbing it like a toy and not returning it in the middle of the fight sfj
*whispers* t h e e arm thing
*Stares at the wall* I CAN'T WITH THAT SEQUENCE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO MEJSFHJASFAH PLEASE they didn't have to go that far with the grunting noises PLEASE
John Walker getting his ass served is something that can be so personal<3
Also, I like that they've now established that he CAN lose a fight, which makes me wonder if he's also going to use his political influence as leverage against sam and bucky once he goes berserk
"It's one of the big three" "Aliens, androids or wizards" "pretty sure" lmao yeah I don't think that's the vindication Sam was looking for
"Look, I've done the work, okay" SHUT THE FUUUUUUCK UP
"You ever jump on top of a grenade" bucky finding out about it in the middle of a briefing during the war fic trope intensifies
"It's a reinforced helmet" well you're fucking losing the point there then you naive clown
Captain "Kind of the government" America??? NOPE NOPE GOODBYE N O P E NOOOOOOOOOOOPE
"Usually said by the people with the resources" daaamn
“I'm Battlestar. John's partner" A clown that’s what you are
"It'd be a whole lot easier if I had Cap's wingmen on my side" FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUU
"It's always that last line" yeP
Erin Kellyman is??? So pretty???
"The GRC care more about the people who came back than the ones who never left" love how they keep putting those random bits since otherwise their position sounds??? Extremely reasonable?? BUT THEY ARE V I O L E N T  R E V O L U T I O N E R S fuck off
"Let's take the shield, Sam" oh you BET he's been spiraling thinking about 3224 strategies on how to steal the shield during that flight
Sharon name drop:)
The whole Baltimore sequence * chef's kiss *
Friendly reminder that Isaiah Bradley won a fight against the Winter Soldier. Proceed.
"I'm not a killer anymore" bucky sweetie
"You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be" OOOOF
Carl Lumbly's acting f u c k
"How could nobody bring him up" SAM SWEETIE
I'm going to go ballistic now excuse me:))
This whole scene is so well written jesus fucking christ
Have you praised Anthony Mackie's performance today?
Twitter is this clear enough for you?????
Tbh i'm actually surprised marvel allow them to go there even if the situation didn't escalate.
They put the tiiiiniest handcuffs on bucky lmfao
How many more "bucky"s from Walker's mouth until someone punches him?
"He's too valuable of an asset to have tied up" YEAH BEEP BEEP ALARMS GOING OFF RIGHT THE FUCK NOW UHM THOSE WERE SOME… WORD CHOICES… THAT WERE USED… fuck you Walker
"It's something I use with couples" oh coME ON
SFHAJSDFH this is ridiculous i love it
Malcolm Spellman: * agressively takes notes on Stackie's interviews *
Sambucky: *chaotic leg positioning*
I love that the staring contest thing is the conclusion of the bucky staring joke lmao
this is literally not about you bucky
"Maybe this is something you or Steve will never understand. But can you accept that I did what I thought was right?" YEAH!!!! 
Why is everyone, on the show and outside of it too, acting as if Sam made that decision of out the blue and didn't think about it for six months straight, and look what happened! He got fucking played! He's feeling enough remorse as it is jfc
"Thanks Doc for making it weird I feel much better" LMFAO
Oh you KNOW that the shoulder clap is going to come back unironically and it's going to be soft as fuck
"I feel better" "I feel awful" props for the honesty boys!
"It wouldn't make sense to work with you" more like you're the fucking government's lap dog and we wouldn't touch that with a twelve feet long pole. Let's fucking go Sam let's fucking go
10/10 building of Walker actually being a fucking asSHOLE
The Power Broker name drop!
Yes Bucky SHOULD beat the SHIT out of Zemo. As a treat.
Oh I love that last bird eye's shot at the end of the scene
Overall thoughts: This episode was MUCH MUCH better on second viewing. I do think it’s a little bit too fast paced so a lot of things keep happening and there’s not enough time to process them in between?? Again the best moments are the quiet ones like the flight back and the Baltimore scene, but mad props to everyone from jumping between comedy and drama so fucking well. Even though there are, in tone, some very opposite atmospheres in the episode it never feels chaotic, and the situations that happen are very well connected and don’t feel disjointed at all.
The highlight of the episode was definitely the two different ways Sam and Bucky are (avoiding) grieving over Steve, and how his legacy hangs between them at all times. It makes so much sense for Bucky to take the entire situation so personally because Steve was the One thing he knew he could trust, while Sam is trying to see the bigger picture and not just what Steve demanded of him.
Hope that makes sense!
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whimsicalrogers · 4 years
Hey :) your edits are absolutely amazing, thank you so much for sharing them! Could I perhaps request some black and white Anthony Mackie/Sam Wilson icons?
Y E S!!!!! 💖
I’ll try to have them up today or tomorrow @glitter-cake20
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soldierallen · 5 years
Married. 11
(Ya'll gonna beat my ass and I'm really sorry a lot has been going on please forgive me- also I don't know why the link says my name sorry about it.)
Featuring: Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Chase Crawford, Morena Baccarin.
Part 10:
Henry had a secret, a big one. He knew some day she would find out but he didn't think twice that it would happen this early in their relationship.
I stare at these people as they talk my mind drifts every so often, once and a while a hand will squeeze my thigh and give me a look of calm, it's Henry.
God what would I do without Henry as I stare blankly at this all goody two shoed family in front of me who has no clue I did cocaine once on a guys back at a party, or that I've slept with so many people I'm lucky I didn't catch anything, all they know is that I'm their daugther who moved to the city to pursue her dream in journalism.
Henry knows, Henry knows everything he always did, However that question always pops into my dumb fucking brain... what about sebastian? Does he still think about me like I think about him? those thoughts flood my mind constantly what if I chose sebastian.. he will never not cross my mind and I hate it. I said I'm not in love with sebastian and I meant it.... right?
I hated doubting Henry but for some reason it just didn't feel right, he didn't feel right to me maybe I picked the wrong man again.
Henry slipped his hand underneath my dress inching closer to my underwear band which got my attention "well I think it's time me and Henry head home lot's of w-work to be done" his warm hand slipped closer and closer until she stood up he laughed to himself, he watched her saying goodbye to her family Henry shook the hands of her father her uncle and worthless brother
Her shity brother pulled her in for a hug with a whisper in her ear "you're kidding right? I know you don't love this guy be real for once in your life" he pulled away and she gave him a dirty look, he smiled devilishly walking away
she closed the door behind her as she pulled her suitcase out of the house as soon as that door closed she let out a nice grunt in frustration making Henry laugh kissing her lips so lightly his hand on her back he pulled away
"Henry we're having Christmas at your house this year" she smiled at him as he took both of their bags into the car it was snowing of course "you know I've always wanted to decorate and build a Christmas tree" he closed the trunk "why haven't you done it before?" She got into the passenger seat "Seemed stupid to do it alone" .
they were off back to the big city
it was almost 10pm
"Okay don't be mad at me but you are jobless so I opened that letter for you.." Henry said she was surprised that he even found it, "and?" She awaited for his reply as he stopped at a red light, "darling" she nodded her head "I knew it, I knew I wasn't going to get that stupid job" she looked out the window upset, "I'm sorry" he said lowly his hand on her thigh she just looked at it, unamused.
"I know whatever you set your mind to you will do amazing at it" he tried to cheer her up but she was stubborn, her stubbornness always overlooked everything else. He looked at her from the side of his eye as the light turned green, he hated seeing her sad he tried to loosen up however his side eyed stare was intense he wanted to know what she was thinking.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He smiled as he lit a cigarette next to her, she pushed back all her hair from her face
"seb that guy I've been -" she didn't want to say the word so he handed her a penny that was in his back pocket "fucking?" She nodded "yeah that, I like him but I'm kinda scared to - go for it you know?"
"I know what you mean, take a RISK darling if it goes south we'll deal with it" he stood up from the ledge of the fountain "I thought you QUIT?" she yelled "this is my reward for the last year of no smoking I needed one, thing's are rough this fine afternoon." She rolled her eyes and he walked away
She fell asleep in the car he every so often looked at her sleeping peacefully, When a text popped up onto his phone as he parked.
call me I have bad news. Chris E.
His heart picked up pace as he read it feeling his nerves settle in, he pressed call under Chris's contact
"What's going on" Henry pulled his keys out of the ignition opening his car door going to the trunk of his car
"Henry the kid, he's almost born and you haven't even mentioned it to y/n? Henry for God sakes this file goes in January you have to tell her" did I mention Chris is a lawyer?
"Chris she's all bent out of shape theres no fucking way I could tell her she's literally in shambles! I cannot spring this on her and I don't even know if the kid is mines alright." Henry said, however Henry knew deep down it was his kid he just wasn't prepared for it, Henry had kept this secret for months without letting y/n know he knew he would get an ear beating if she knew and now y/n's his girlfriend it just got worse.
Morena was an ex girlfriend of Henry's they met in college and never really lost connection until two years ago, and when she came back they started things up again and she broke his heart, this continued for months because the two would have sex frequently they just couldn't let each other go. Until a few months ago when morena had came out to tell Henry she was pregnant and Henry was the father, he couldn't face that not right now.. January is the due date and time is running out
"You have to tell her! You can't keep this secret the only reason I know is because she filed a lawsuit against you" he said warning Henry
"Well I can't have her find out right now" he pulled the suitcases from out of the trunk walking up the cobblestones into his home
"Henry's if it yours, you have to take responsibility you know that" Chris said as he sat at his desk looking at the file of morena's in front of his face as he clicked a pen a few times, it was Henry's he knew something in the back of his mind however he would never say that to him, Henry's not ready for that.
"I'll tell her after Christmas alright stop yanking my tail" he looked at y/n asleep still in the car as he went back to the cars trunk
"Do you want to lose her?" Chris said
"Of course not I finally got her" he said getting the last bag out of the trunk into his house, a huff came out on the other line
"Tell her now, don't wait anymore"
"I'll call you tomorrow" Henry said and they hung up, he scratched his head rubbing his face, and finally he crouched down his elbows on his knees and his mind racing like crazy he bowed his head putting his hands over the back of his neck
"Shit shit, how am gonna do this? I can't keep this from her" he whispered to himself he tried calming his breathing as he stood up "I'm so fucked"
he shook it off proceeding back to the car to get the women into the bedroom, he opened her door her body slumped & covered, her warm skin against his cold hands her head falling loosely into the nuk of shoulder he smiled down at her, I'm gonna lose her, she's not ready for this- hell I'm not ready for this.
He was distraught as he laid her in the bed removing her shoes socks taking his jacket off of her covering her with a blanket, he went into the bedroom's linked bathroom and brushed his teeth as he looked at himself in the mirror his eyes felt heavy he wanted nothing more than to sleep next to her, he was scared to the thought of losing her to a women he didn't love to a child he didn't want not with morena anyways.
He put his toothbrush back into it's holder washing his face, he grabbed a towel wiping his face in the mirror he hated feeling so much guilt. He laid down next to her his thumb caressing the back of her hand "I'm so sorry" he felt like he failed her - it's like he's living a double life a life he doesn't even know she's gonna leave me he thought maybe she'll finally be with who she wanted this entire time.
The loud noises of machines ringing and people yelling cigar smoke in people's noses, a casino that's where he is, he threw dice he played slot machines, he did it all, but something was missing - her.
The void of not having her around was killing him slowly,
"Altantic city what the hell are we doing here?" She looked at the big green sign passing her above their heads, sebastian cracked a smile his sunglasses on
"Your shitty ex boyfriend is an asshole we need to have some fun" she looked at him with a funny look on her face "what" he asked "you're a fucking idiot" she laughed
"What again?" He said loudly this time "why is this going to make me feel better, two single twenty one year olds going to Atlantic city huh doesn't sound too exciting when were BROKE" she yelled he laughed hysterically "stan what the hell are you on" she asked
"LIVE A LITTLE FEEL SOMETHING" he said she nodded her head in disapproval "doll it's going to be fun trust me"
that night sebastian won over 1,000 dollars and they split it she loved him for that, almost fresh out of college with almost no money getting handed 500 dollars is a big deal.
he lost his best friend in the span of two weeks it was over Henry had won, but he knew Henry's secret, Henry was going to be a father and everyone knew, as sebastian played poker he folded leaving mid game. He knew it was stupid to even be here but he thought he could fill the void with gambling with drinking anything to get her off his mind, he finally knew how she felt when he said he didn't want her it felt like a punch to gut he wandered on the streets looking for anything to keep him off of her which was impossible
She told me she loved me and I blew it, i left her alone when she tried to help me i screamed in her face and told her horrible things.
Henry and sebastian were both feeling guilty at the same time for two very different things but both relating back to her.. how could we disappoint our best friend like this.. treat her like that, she deserved more than a bunch of liars as best friends She deserved more than a bunch of guilty assholes as best friends, she deserved more - I'll get her more. He thought he got into his car and drove to only place he knew that would give her more.
"Elena?" Sebastian yelled loudly at the second floor window, it was quiet on their side of town, the window started to open "BlackRock?" She referred to his place of work "yeah is chase home?" "Yeah BlackRock but why?" She yelled back "you know that favor he owes me? well I need it now." she nodded her head and got chase "sebastian stan what do I owe the pleasure?" Chase said with a laugh it was 2am why was he here?
"Can we talk?" Chase nodded going to buzz him in, sebastian got himself prepared for what was about to happen.
It was the next day, she'd woken up a little earlier only to her to realize she awake at an ungodly hour for nothing, no work so why was she awake she made coffee and sat on the chair, God I could never do this stay at home mom shit this sucks - yeah working was hard but keeping busy is needed. She was quiet and lived alone most of her life to be honest she only did somethings in her past because of Sebastian, he was a risk taker while she was timidity.
"Henry I need a job" she felt his presence behind her she whipped around quickly, he smiled tying the belt on his robe a little tighter as he sat on the stool across from the island that stood in the middle of them
"I need to get a newspaper - wait do newspapers still exist" she said putting her cup in the sink and getting another one for Henry "yes sweetheart they still exist" he said lovingly as he looked at his phone "well I need one so I'm going to get dressed and get one!" She made Henry coffee and he kissed her over the counter
"Maybe I'll find something cute while I'm out" she winked, he felt butterflies in his stomach when she did that or was it just nerves about telling her he might be a father very soon..
she kissed him so sweetly he grabbed her butt very lightly getting a small chuckle from the girl, she got into the cab putting her bags in Henry watched her his mind running wild how was he going to tell her, she drove off and she put all her stuff away in her house the wall next to her thumped and a women calling out her neighbors name yelled, she really wasn't in the mood to listen to people having sex so she took off into that diner she usual goes to "June's" she ordered a coffee & a donut she wasn't hungry she just needed to order food to sit there on the spiny stool her laptop in front of her "elena GUESS WHAT newspapers exist!"
"You're an idiot! Hey darling hows life treatin' ya!" Elena said with a smile, elena was the women who she became very close to when she moved on this side of town "what do you think about men elena" she nodded "men ain't shit but my chase he's one of the good ones" she patted y/n's shoulder "I'd like to meet him one day"
"Oh you'll like him very philosophical like you" she laughed at even saying that word, "what's he do?" She asked "my chasey is a writer like you he writes for the newspaper" she wiped down the counter, it was mostly quiet a few people in booths it was early.
"Chase?" She typed his name in Google, "Crawford" she could've swore she heard a record scratch in her brain, "like THE Chase Crawford that writes for the New York Daily News" she nodded "why have you never told me that before" "you've never asked about my personal life sweetheart" her Brooklyn accented appeared heavily this time around I wondered why it still stuck after all these years when she hasn't lived there.
"So like - could I meet him one day?" She was beyond excited, he was a fantastic writer who knew absolutely everyone in the city because of interviews sources, and they usually worked for him he was more in touch with his business than y/n ever knew knowing Downey for so long she thought everyone could've been like that so she never got her hopes up
"Chase owes some guy that works at BlackRock a favor and he's overlooking some stuff for him so he won't be around until tomorrow night" she took out her notepad watching two guys walk in, "oh mr mackie! what brings you to this part of town" she spinned around on her chair greeting her best friend they hugged and his coworker I guess sat at their table whilst she caught up with Anthony
"So are we job hunting little lady?" Anthony asked "yes I need help!" She whined "I work with Chris I can't help you out in this field actually the four of us can't even help you out in this field!" He laughed and so did she, "I just want to start working again! It's so exhausting not doing ANYTHING!" she seemed stupid to complain
"Hey if you ever need a job in finance or law hit us up" he smiled hugging her "you were no help mackie" "I'm sorry" he shrugged going to his coworker.
After a while she came home, she saw a bouquet of sunflowers on her table. There was a note "I just miss you okay. Things are getting better slowly but surely." - Seb
"Why does he do such nice things for me" she was overwhelmed with love in her heart, why is he always there when I need him can he just go away.
she pulled out her phone "Sunflowers? Huh cheesy. you should've gone for something better like tulips oh or not get me flowers at all and actually visit me! I miss you too" She texted sebastian, he was in a meeting and his phone dinged all eyes on him "sorry" he silenced his phone but pulled it out of his pocket to see the text, he smiled and put back his phone, she puts a smile on his face how could he never realize how important she was to him, why did he do her so dirty? He thought he was in love. People do anything for love right?,
it was later that night
Someone knocked on the door, it was Henry "let's head out" he said
"Where are we going" she asked
"We have to talk about something important" she was scared to say the least, she wasn't understanding what was going on..
"Okay let me grab a jacket" she got her keys and her jacket and headed out they talked a lot he avoided for a while to not tell her but here it comes
"Sit" he gestured
"Okay where is this going?" She asked
"I have something to tell you and it's really hard for me-"
"Henry get to the point it's cold" they sat next to each other as their breath smoked and hands felt wet from how cold it was outside this afternoon..
"Henry just calm down it's okay whatever it is - I love you" she tried to reassure him, her nose turning a slight pink Henry's too but it wasn't because of the cold it was because of the heat circulating through his face he was just filled with nerves
"I want you to move in with me." He let out words that wasn't suppose to come out, his brain said other words not to say the words "I might be a father" He just dug himself a deeper hole.
"Henry -" she was in shock, but a good shock he was moving rapidly their relationship just kept going to places quick
"So?" He said his eyes looked so innocent his posture was soft and he was less stressed than before.
"Yes" they hugged tightly he lifted her off the ground slightly she loved when he did that "I can't believe you would ask me that!" She hit his shoulder "I want you more than ever"
"How did the research go?" sebastian asked sitting next to chase on his couch
"fantastic why have I never heard about her before??" He asked "shes been underneath Downey's belt since a few years she was the CD for two years and he dropped her" he drank from a glass almost gone of whiskey, sebastian drank a lot he quit for so long and then so much crap happened to him he picked the habit up again.
"I want her to work for the company, she knows what shes doing she's a great writer and a fantastic creative director can you call her"
"Call her..?" He asked.
"Yes call her like on a cell phone you press the buttons" sebastian gave him a death glare chase laughed hitting his shoulder in a joking matter
"Fine if you don't want to call text her be nonchalant about it, ask her if shes interested in a job interview", so that's what sebastian did and he texted her waiting for a reply on the other hand, y/n and henry had just got done making love for the third time in their relationship it was magic, but she was distracted through some of it seeing a text pop up from sebastian when they finished Henry said he was going in the shower and as soon as he closed that door she grabbed her phone
"Hey? You alright, I know you're going through a lot I'll be over to your place like i said tomorrow"
"You there?"
"Hey what do you think about a job interview I told my friend about your work and he's really interested in you."
"Hey seb, oh that sounds cool could you do that for me? That would be amazing I'll talk to you later luv ya"
"Who are you texting" he heard the text taps, as he walked through the door....does she dare even say his name - "Chris- he was asking about being a reporter or something I don't know" she deleted the texts and put her phone down.
"I'l see you tomorrow love you bye"
She felt as if she was betraying him but sebastian was her best friend it seems stupid to distance myself from him right? Also he has a job interview for me? This could be good for me!
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
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holland-stan-posts · 6 years
I got your back - Sebastian Stan
Summary: you host the panel where you interview Sebastian, Tom and Anthony...what can go wrong? Maybe people being mean at you.
Warning: this have content of bad words, false accusing, I really hated the guy I made here. Apologies for the strong language.
A/N: this was requested ! Hope you like it! Requested by: @certa-dies-lethi-est-cunctis hii :) can i maybe get a fic where the reader and Sebastian stan have been together for a few months and day before some panel interview with Seb, Ant and Tom Holland (the reader hosts the panel) Tom exposes them as a couple - sorry it took us so long I was having some troubles, hope you like it 😊
M a s t e r l i s t
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*pics credits to whoever is the owner*
The crowd was wild today, you looked through the curtains and smiled, another Con to attend as the host of the panel.
However, this time, you think this is special because you're going to interview your boyfriend Sebastian Stan for the first time.
"Hey love" you heard behind you.
"Hey, there you are. I was already wondering where you went. The interview is going to start soon" you smiled and he just kissed your forehead carefully.
"Wouldn't miss an interview with a nice lady, would I?" He asked.
"It depends who's the girl interviewing you Mr. Stan" you walked slowly and dragged your hands on his chest going up to his neck.
As always, he placed his hands on your ass, holding you closer.
"I've Heard the girl is pretty and really smart. But don't tell my girl I've said that, she will be jealous" he kissed you quickly as you both parted ways because footsteps were heard next to you both.
"Oh here it is! The Great Sebastian Stan!" Anthony Mackie yelled walking towards you both.
"Hey Anthony, I'm so glad you could join us today" you talked and he sent you a smile, firstly not knowing who are you but when he saw Sebastian's protectively hands on your waist all clicked.
"Oh! Are you hosting today? I'm so excited!" He said with a mischievous smile and walking away.
You sighed already expecting what will be come.
"Yeah, I should be careful around them. Heard that Holland is here too" he said looking at you.
You let a low gasp leave your lips, you were used to Anthony's teases each time, but Holland? The guy was a little thing who loves to tease everyone, and every time you were on set with Sebastian he was often joking around and this time won't be different.
But there's a huge difference. No one besides closest friends and family actually knows you both are dating. You still planning to keep that in secret.
"Please tell Holland to keep his mouth shut" you begged
"Don't worry about Tom, I talked with him already. Everything will be fine. Now, shall we?" He said holding a hand out leading you to the scenery. But letting you go before made the curtains.
"Hello everybody, thanks for joining us today!" You greeted happily as the crowd went crazy. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N and I'm hosting tonight's panel. Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland and Anthony Mackie will join us too so, Better get your questions ready because I am sure is going to be a fun evening" you smiled once again.
You kept talking until one guy in the backstage tell you that it was time to bring the special guests.
"So please cheer up for these three guys here!" You clapped as they entered the scenery.
Anthony immediately sat in the couch next to you, leaving Tom in the middle and Sebastian in the other point of the couch.
As them three began to talk, you laughed at every word that left Mackie's mouth. Tom giving some comment time to time as well, Sebastian, however, wasn't chatting as usual, just nodding and smiling when he has to.
The questions from the fans began and was really good and smooth until you heard that a question was for you.
"So, we know you'd have a small role in one of Marvel's movie. Who'd you fuck to?" The man laughed.
"I'm sorry what? What you're actually implying here?" You asked totally red-faced.
"What you've heard little bunny. We all know you're not really a great interviewer per se, and that's how maybe how you get the role" he again said.
"Hey hey! You don't need to be rude here pal" Anthony reacted quickly before you can even answer.
"I'm not talking to you, besides I don't even know who are you" he laughed
"Then why are you here?" Tom asked, furrowing his brows
"Just to show facts. Seems like here everyone is oblivious to the fact that now you have to fuck with someone to get a role in these big productions. Is disgusting" he said again.
Things became heated up really quick and you saw how Sebastian was containing himself to said something he'd regret later.
"First of all, I didn't fuck with anyone to get the role, I auditioned for a smaller one, years ago, and it is not my fault they remembered me and give me one bigger. You need to shut up and leave this place right before we call the security" you answered and he does what he was told.
In fact, you had auditioned for the role years ago, when the first marvel movie began, they called you a few years later but you were still grateful.
Sebastian was totally shock of your calm reaction, he didn't open his mouth because Tom was telling him to call down, he knows how bad would this end if he had opened his mouth.
"Another question?" Tom said like nothing happened.
A girl stand up with his friend and started to ramble about how great was his acting and so on.
"But we shall agree with the guy that left. You're not even an actress Y/N. How did you do it?" The Girl asked.
"Oh c'mon!" Sebastian takes the Mic and started to talk, looking really tired of that shit "Why do you all care so much? She did a perfect job auditioning for a role, she didn't need to 'fuck' anyone to get it, please start to respect them. They are not robots, you can't come here and ask those kind of things, you can't expect them to smile and answer. You all need to behave sometimes" he sighed after that, you looked at him gratefully and he just wink at your direction.
Both of them just shrugged their shoulders and said a low "You weren't our favourite anyways" and you looked at them "That wasn't what were you saying when you stand for the pic with him almost crying" you said completely calm.
Anthony took the Mic and quickly made them go back to their seats and give one chance of questions but clarifying that none of them will answer if they were offensive towards members of the panel.
The event went calm and even funny after that incident, with lots of jokes and laughs.
You and Sebastian were looking at each other so lovingly that Tom caught that look and comment a short "The love bubble here is so strong that made my heart ache" only for you four to heard, but apparently someone in the front line heard it and now people were smiling or cheering at you both.
"Damn this kid can't stay quiet for so long" Sebastian laughed and then sent you a little kiss which made you blush.
Later that night you were covering yourself in a comfy loose gown getting to the room where Sebastian was already in and scrolling down on his phone.
"That was intense" you said.
"It was, I'm really proud of you. The way you respond that guy was amazing. Well done sweetheart" he said smiling.
"Let's not forget how you got my back out there too" you were already hugging him.
"My pleasure. I'm gonna have your back as long as you let me to" he kissed your lips slowly.
"Then I choose you always for having me. As I have yours. Love you Sebastian" you hugged him stronger.
"Love you too baby" he said, turning the lamp off so you both can rest after the long day.
Permanent taglist: @my-english-tc
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tohodrinky · 6 years
my unorganized thoughts about infinity war
spoiler-y ones under the cut
hope you got your feel01(k) ready, cause you’re about to make an emotional investment
it’s also funny tho. i loved it.
no one feels cheated out of the story line. the russos did such a good job splitting up the characters and the story line without making it feel like randos were just popping up for their 30 seconds of screen time.
show up on time. tell the people sitting next to you to show up on time. we ain’t wasting any of this run time on exposition. WE’VE SPENT TEN YEARS ON EXPOSITION WE’RE READY TO GO
everyone looks GREAT. this movie is just full of beautiful people. even the damn raccoon looks good 
go on a weekend or when you know there will be a crowd. this movie is an experience and you’ll want to go through it with other people.
my audience’s favorite characters:
Captain America
the entire country of Wakanda
unfortunately, anthony mackie is in this movie. don’t let that stop you from seeing it
i can’t think of anything else to say without spoiling the movie for people. just go see it and feel free to agree/yell/argue/cry with me. IDK I JUST HAVE FEELINGS AND NEED TO GET THEM OUT
everyone is broken and hurt and i am not okay
i know it’s cliche and trite to like loki but I LIKE LOKI. HE WAS TRYING TO DO BETTER AND THE RUSSOS JUST CHOKE HIS ASS? AND HEIMDALL TOO? i was legit ready to be done after this part of the movie because Thor 3 cemented my love for the asgardians and this fucking movie just snatched them all away
you know how tony stark was just shat on throughout the entirety of civil war? well, fate took some laxatives and is ready to let loose even more
thor kept calling rocket a rabbit and it was so endearing
cap showed up to save the day and grown men in my theater cried tears of joy. it was amazing 
tony stark is really just trying to save everyone and he fails
they tried to make thanos sympathetic and i think it worked. he’s doing the same shit adrian veidt did in watchmen. killing millions to save billions. i don’t agree with his reasons or his actions, but giving him some kind of motivation for them beyond “for the evilz” made him much more interesting 
wakanda opens up to the world and this is the first fucking thing they have to deal with. it’s some bullshit and okoye knows it
t’challa and m’baku are still my babes. they’re also bros now. the movie pretended to kill off t’challa, but black panther 2 has already been announced so ...
m’baku has a line that’s basically “so this is the end of wakanda” and i was like “no, sweetie, please don’t hurt me like this.”
bucky is so tiredddddd of all this. just let the man farm
oh, tony gets near-fatally stabbed too because why the fuck not?
scarlet witch murders her boyfriend and is still boring af
thor is the real hero of this movie and don’t you forget it
seriously, he zaps down in the middle of the battle and just starts taking fuckers out. i almost converted right there
spidey starts crying in tony stark’s arms at the end right before he F A D E S and i think i did too
there are SO MANY other character moments i know i’m forgetting but it’s a damn near three-hour movie and i’ve only seen it once. just assume i loved everything
except sam wilson and black widow. i don’t give a shit about either one of them. luckily for me, neither do the writers!
BUT i don’t hate dr. strange anymore, so progress!
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theseourbodiesrp · 7 years
guys guYS gUYS G U Y S S S S S S S S 
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camploah · 7 years
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In the wake of its February release, writer-director Jordan Peele’s debut film, Get Out, has done what few others in recent memory have — it’s a genre film that became a surprising box office success and cultural lightening rod, while centering on an exploration of racism and black identity. By its very nature, it shouldn’t be surprising that Get Out has inspired fraught conversations that have real-world implications. But there is one topic that has proved to be the most intense when discussing the film.
In a Hot97 interview last month, Samuel L. Jackson reflected on how different Get Out would be had the lead role been played by an American actor. Daniel Kaluuya, a black actor from London of Ugandan descent, stars as Chris, a photographer who travels with his white girlfriend to meet her liberal-minded parents in upstate New York*. Horror quickly ensues. In his interview, Jackson said, “I tend to wonder what that movie would have been with an American brother who really feels that. Daniel grew up in a country where they’ve been interracial dating for 100 years. What would a brother from America have made of that role?” Jackson acknowledged that Hollywood provides black actors more opportunities than the British film and television industry does. “It’s all good. Everybody needs work,” he added. Even when he later softened his criticism, it didn’t matter. The damage was done. Soon enough, Jackson’s comments spurned impassioned responses from casting directors and British actors like John Boyega, David Harewood, and Kaluuya himself, as well as kickstarting a round of wars among the members of black Twitter. The criticism against Jackson’s comments were united in arguing that what he said was ultimately divisive, given the racism black actors throughout the diaspora experience in crafting their careers.
Jackson’s critique touched a nerve, reigniting an old argument about the need for authenticity within black stories, and the value of black American actors in the face of the widespread, misguided belief that their British colleagues are more well-trained. The conversation around the merit of British actors over American ones is not novel, and it typically transcends racial distinctions. This tense dynamic has existed for decades, a classic example being the chatter around Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe during the 1957 film A Prince and a Showgirl. He was a British acting titan revered for his stage and screen work. She was a blonde bombshell who at the time had only recently become enamored of method acting, an American discipline that many mid-century homegrown actors like Paul Newman and Gena Rowlands trained in and is usually curiously absent in conversations of this sort. In recent memory, this conversation was sparked in 2015 around the release of Ava DuVernay’s Martin Luther King Jr. biopic, Selma, whose leads were British, with pieces like this one from BuzzFeed News, declaring “the rise of the black British actor in America.” I think it would be impossible to ask that all distinctly black American roles be played by black American actors. It’s also arguably a limiting way to think of art, always equating it to identity to such an extreme degree. But the rebuttals to Jackson’s comments haven’t actually engaged with what Jackson was saying. Take, for example, Kaluuya’s response in an interview with GQ: “That’s my whole life, being seen as ‘other.’ Not fitting in in Uganda, not Britain, not America. They just highlight whatever feature they want. […] I really respect African-American people. I just want to tell black stories.” He concluded by saying, “I resent that I have to prove that I’m black.” While Jackson frames the matter rather inelegantly, to put it mildly, nowhere in the interview does he question Kaluuya’s blackness. What Jackson was doing was pointing out that the black experience throughout the diaspora isn’t an interchangeable one like some filmmakers may like to believe.
As the black-American experience is proving to be seen as creatively and financially fertile territory in film and TV, you have to wonder why, if these stories are seen as vital, actual black American actors aren’t necessarily viewed as their ideal storytellers?
Generally, the answer to this question, and to arguments against comments like Jackson’s, fall into two camps: 1) That acting by its very nature is the art of evoking the lives of others, so black-American actors aren’t essential to these roles; and 2) British actors get these opportunities due to being better trained in a rigorous theater tradition that leaves them more artistically capable, whether it’s Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave, Idris Elba in The Wire, or the leads of Selma. On the latter point, a 2015 Entertainment Weekly piece argued, “[P]erhaps the biggest factor leading to the perception that American actors are falling behind is that the path to Hollywood fame in this country doesn’t necessarily go through the Actors Studio or Juilliard or the Yale School of Drama. Though Hollywood has its share of Jessica Chastains and Mark Ruffalos, well-trained professionals who studied at revered dramatic institutions, the difference might lie in the other cases, in which actors get a break in Hollywood with limited training or acting background.” The most damning statement about this ongoing feud comes at the very end of the essay, “the British are coming … because Hollywood needs them.”
That filmmakers repeat this argument is more troubling. During the promotion for Selma in 2015, writer-director Ava DuVernay, who is considered one of the most talented and politically aware directors working, explained to BuzzFeed News why she likes working with black Britishactors: “I think there’s something about the stage, because they have that stage preparation. Their work is really steeped in theater. Our system of creating actors is a lot more commercial … there’s a depth in the character building that’s really wonderful.” That same year, Spike Lee told Slate, “Their training is very proper, whereas some of these other brothers and sisters, you know, they come in here, and they don’t got that training. The training and craft, it’s the same thing and I see it when people come in to audition and stuff, they don’t got it together.” Lee and DuVernay’s beliefs suggest that there is something inherently missing when it comes to the American talent pool. That their quotes are somewhat insulting to actors stateside is one thing, but they’re also simply untrue. If you take a look at established and fledgling black American actors working today, you’ll find that many are highly trained: Denzel Washington went to Fordham and the American Conservatory Theater. Viola Davis, Tracie Thoms, Nelsan Ellis, Rutina Wesley (who stars in DuVernay’s Queen Sugar), and Anthony Mackie all went to Julliard. Mahershala Ali, who won Best Supporting Actor for his marvelous turn in Moonlight, earned a masters degree from New York University’s acting program. (He joked after his win to reporters on Oscar night, “I’m just so fortunate that Idris [Elba] and David Oyelowo left me a job. It was very, very kind of them.”) Ali’s Moonlight co-star Ashton Sanders was studying acting at DePaul University before dropping out to pursue his career full-time. This is a small sampling, but you get the idea.
André Holland, who’s had mesmerizing turns in Moonlight and The Knick and received his masters in acting at NYU, spoke about the bias against black American actors in a 2015 discussion with Interview magazine. “There are so many brilliant, trained actors of color in America. If you just think about it, every year in the spring Julliard and NYU and Yale and hundreds of schools across the country graduate classes of trained actors, and in those classes are actors of color. So to say that there aren’t enough actors of color is factually inaccurate. But more than it being inaccurate, it’s also really divisive and damaging and frankly disrespectful to the actors who are out here working. […] It really sometimes feels like a slap in the face to hear these British actors say that,” Holland said.
When I spoke to Prema Cruz, a black American actress who most recently had a brilliant guest spot on The Good Fight and went to Yale University for acting, she echoed Holland’s view. “There are people graduating from my program — black men and women — and they’re killing it. They aren’t Hollywood stars. If we’re talking about stars that’s a whole different thing,” Cruz said. What Cruz is alluding to is that there isn’t so much a dearth in black American actors who go through rigorous training so as much they aren’t given the opportunity to lead films and series with enough regularity that filmmakers and audiences would notice them. She also spoke of the “fetishized obsession” that is attached to British actors regardless of race, which itself has an undercurrent of classism. “There’s this misconception that [British, theater-trained actors] are more elite or more sophisticated than American actors,” she continued. This is something British actress Kate Winslet touched on in a 2015 interview: “When you are an English actor and you go into another country. They automatically assume you are fully trained … Which I’ve played on, believe me.”
The language that directors like Spike Lee use insinuates that stage preparation is both essential to great acting and that American actors demonstrate a lack of this. And while there are plenty of classically trained American actors, this obsession with theatrical training is in and of itself misguided. To make that argument ignores the differences between film and stage acting as well as the lineage of actors who haven’t had such training, but have given amazing performances that in turn shaped the medium itself — from classic Hollywood stars like Joan Crawford, who in many ways wrote the playbook on what it means to be a screen actor, to modern powerhouses like Elisabeth Moss. One of my favorite performances last year was Trevante Rhodes as the eldest version of Chiron in Barry Jenkins’s Academy Award–winning film Moonlight. His turn was brimming with sincerity and intensity. It is also the work of an actor not trained on the stage. Film history is richer for such performances.
One crucial aspect missing from this conversation are the inherent class politics of who has the resources and access to make such training possible. Many black actors in the early days of Hollywood had to find training elsewhere due to the deeply entrenched, racist attitudes that barred black performers from gaining access to it. As Cruz said toward the end of our interview, “Black actors have had to carve their own path.” Her statement can be applied to everything from black American actors who had to work the Chitlin’ Circuit from the 19th century onward to classic Hollywood denizens like Canada Lee to modern icons like Gina Torres. In their own way, each of these references reflects a truth all black artists must learn: to see yourself in places the rest of the industry could never imagine you being.
While the first issue Jackson raised relates to opportunity, the second comes down to craft: How might being a black American actor inform a black American role? This conversation keeps popping up in part because there has been a much-needed rise within the last few years in stories detailing the intricate history of the black American experience — some of which are explicitly about America’s own turbulent racial history — including Selma, 12 Years a Slave, Hidden Figures, Black-ish, and Queen Sugar. It’s important to note that while the leads in Selma and 12 Years a Slave are British, many of these examples employed black American actors in leading and supporting roles. That includes Gina Prince-Bythewood’s Shots Fired, a new TV series that subverts the expectations that come with police brutality stories by making the police officer black and the victim who dies a young white man. It forces us to confront some nasty questions about how racism flourishes in America and the black community’s relationship with the police, particularly within a southern milieu. That the executive producer, Prince-Bythewood, many of its directors like Millicent Shelton and Kasi Lemmons, and its star, Sanaa Lathan, are black Americans doesn’t mean the show is necessarily any better than if British artists were involved. But in showing the particulars of an experience that is not universal, there is a perspective they undoubtedly bring to the table. Black people throughout the diaspora, whether you’re from South Side Chicago or London or Nigeria, experience racism. But to say that this racism exists at the same tenor and manifests in the same ways flattens the diversity within the black experience itself. As Jackson said in his Hot97 interview, “Some things are universal but everything ain’t.”
There are a few things that underlie the belief that, because acting requires imagination and transformation, direct experience isn’t a necessity. And that thanks to some shared history and the common experience of racism, black actors no matter their origin are interchangeable (of course, American actors like Will Smith have been criticized for taking on African roles, like his work in Concussion, which had him adopt a shoddy Nigerian accent). As Richard Brody curiously expressed in The New Yorker, “In the case of Kaluuya, the gap between the experience of being a black person in Great Britain and the United States is perhaps not as wide as Jackson assumes.”
Some British actors take it even further, arguing that they have just the right amount of commonalities and distance to bring to life American stories in ways American actors may be too mired in direct experiences to do as poignantly. Carmen Ejogo, who played Coretta Scott King in Selma, told BuzzFeed News, “I’ve been trying to convince myself that being British has had no bearing on any of this, but actually I think that’s where it served me well. I’m not as entrenched in the history so immediately. […] I didn’t know who Coretta was until I played her the first time. And I think I have permission — that’s the definition of the artist, in my opinion — to be a little deviant. It wasn’t as daunting as it might have been for an American actress. An African-American actress … that might have been a bit more of a challenge.” In a BBC America interview, Oyelowo argued that having British actors spearhead Selma may have been a wise decision since they don’t have the so-called baggage American actors have when it comes to such a towering historical figure like Dr. Martin Luther Jr. “There’s something to be said for the fact that we are able to come at these films clean,” Oyelowo noted. And actor David Harewood, who played Martin Luther King Jr. onstage in The Mountaintop, argued in a piece for The Guardian, responding to Jackson’s criticism, that “[British actors are able] to unshackle ourselves from the burden of racial realities – and simply play what’s on the page.” Oyelowo, Harewood, and Ejogo’s comments are troubling in how they frame black Americans’ abilities to speak to their own history, as if we all have the same perspective on the civil-rights leaders whose stories were drilled into us in school, in church, in the living rooms of our homes. The relationship to this history doesn’t mean black Americans lack nuance or an understanding of the jagged edges these people had in their lifetime. Furthermore, the black experience, even in America, is not a universal one, although it is bound together by a bloody historical lineage. As Cruz said in our interview, “Being American is a very specific thing. Being a black American is even more specific. What’s even more specific than that is being a Southern black American. It isn’t a matter of just shifting your vowels and consonants and now I have a Southern accent. […] It’s a culture you come from, the mentality, the food you eat, the racial tension you’re constantly faced with. It’s slavery. What it does to your spirit and mentality. That seeps into your DNA, into your bones, into the way you see the world.”
Growing up as a black woman of Dominican heritage between Miami and New Orleans, I grew up learning very early the weight of slavery because I could see its aftermath on the faces of my own family. When you grow up passing by plantations in which it is safe to assume that someone from your own family line was brutalized, it undoubtedly shapes how you conceive of your blackness, racism, and the legacy of America itself. It’s this history that informs my work as a writer and my life as a woman today. To pretend the presence or absence of such experiences couldn’t enrich an actor’s work is to believe the fallacy that the black experience is a monolith.
I don’t fault black British actors for coming to America for work. It’s simple pragmatism. Many have spoken about why British actors move Stateside in order to find artistic fulfillment. As K. Austin Collins wrote in an essay for the Ringer, “Hollywood being the center of the West’s film industry, there are simply more opportunities for black actors of every stripe. That explains why black Brits come here. It doesn’t explain the perceived advantage they seem to have when going up for American parts.” I’m also happy to see more black talent doing well in Hollywood. That this argument rears its head so often demonstrates the paltry opportunities for all black actors, forcing them to look at their peers with wary cynicism. But criticizing black American actors and treating the black experience as if it is universal is not a way to combat this. If anything, this tactic reaffirms class biases and mistruths that deprive black American talent from having a voice in the way their history is refracted in film.
*An earlier version of the piece noted that Get Out takes place in the South. In fact, it takes place in upstate New York.
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amongthcwreck-a · 7 years
Knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. Tag this with the people you enjoy role playing with but want to get to know better !!
tagged by: @hcrlegacy​
tagging: n/a
B A S I C S :
name: liz
age: 24
prefered pronouns: she / her
sexuality: heterosexual
zodiac sign: n/a
taken or single: single
three facts:
danny rand is my best friend
i love chocolate chip cookies?
E X P E R I E N C E :
how long (months/years?): years? upon years? okay I’m gonna say when I actually started just writing as a character. it’d be like 15 years? like they were dumb things but they were still things. 
how’d you start: i did this in the olden days. i would use pen and paper. and my sisters and i would pass the paper around
platforms you’ve used: tumblr, kik, discord, skype. (i used to do twitter but no dice)
worst experience: pestering. stalkers. it’s happened. it’s weird. 
best experience: this blog pm. i’ve had a lot of fun on here and i’ve been here for like over a year and yes
M U S E  P R E F E R E N C E S :
female or male: i prefer to write male characters but i love rping with both
original or canon: both. although I tend to just write canon. i had an oc but she never really picked up off the guard. so I stuck to canon again. 
favorite face: idk. joseph morgan? anthony mackie? ofc my fc, bob morley. bby
least favorite face: any fac is cool
multi or single: singles for me
W R I T I N G  P R E F E R E N C E S :
fluff, angst or smut: so lemme write
plots or memes: B O T H
long or short replies: anything as long as i get to write
best time to write: A N Y T I M E
are you like your muse: nope, not really
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I was tag by @ourmagicclem, thank kitty ❤
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 19
b - biggest fear: tiny spaces
c - current time: 9.53 pm
d - drink you last had: green tea
e - every day starts with: a hot shower while I’m singing (really bad) some songs
f - favorite song: Shut up and Dance by Walk The Moon, for now ...
g - ghosts, are they real: I don’t know? I wish they were
h - hometown: Paris, France
i - in love with: Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie (thank you Marvel ...) but also Lily James, Emma Watson and Emma Stone 
j - jealous of: I’m not jealous in fact ... Is that strange?
k - killed someone: @ourmagicclem with my fanfiction and I’m not even sorry for that
l - last time you cried: two days ago, when I fell in my stairs and hurt my knee
m - middle name: Lydie (This is the name of my grandmother on my father's side)
n - number of siblings: I am an only child
o - one wish: I wish cancer was curable
p - person you last called/texted: my father
q - questions you’re always asked: “What are we gonna do with you?” -my parents twice a hour
r - reasons to smile: books, my cats, fanfiction, movies, classical dance, music, painting, my friends and so much more (like the little dance I do every morning in my bed before I get up)
s - song last sang: Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille
t - time you woke up: too early
u - underwear color: black
v - vacation destination: One of my goals in life is to go to Canada
w - worst habit: I have I embarrass myself very easily
x - x-rays you’ve had: a lot for my teeth, one when I fell on the head when I was eight and one for a leg
y - your favorite food: chocolate (and raspberries/apples)
z - zodiac sign: Virgo
I tag @amel-2405
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spidrmanz · 7 years
Ask/Tag Games !
Tagged by @darthvadeer thank u sm!!!!
A- Age: 16
B- Biggest fear: spiders
C- Current time: 8:26 pm
D- Drink you last had: water
E- Every day starts with: waking up? idk?
F- Fave song: umm idk i dont have one!
G- Ghosts, are they real? yeaaa i think
I- In love w: bucky barnes
K- Killed someone: um no omg
L-Last time you cried: couple weeks ago maybe?
M- Middle name: Nicole
N- Number of sibling: 2
O- One wish: be an actress plspls
P- Person you last called/texted: @jeangreywind
Q- Question you are always asked: “are you mixed?”
R- Reasons to smile: my fam, my friends, steve rogers
S- Song last sang: lmao Live While We’re Young
T- Time you woke up: 7am
U- Underwear color: black
V- Vacation destination: realistically Disney but I’ve always wanted to go to Italy
W- Worst habit: i pick at my lips
X-Rays you’ve had: none
Y- Your favorite food: mac and cheese !!!!
Z- Zodiac sign: gemini
Imma tag @jeangreywind @theimperialpilot  @skywalkos and @cassivnandcrs
Rules: tag people you’d like to know better
Thank you @kylcrcns for tagging me!!
Gender: female
Star Sign: gemini
Height: 5’1 i think
Sexual Orientation: bi af
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Animal: tigers! or lions, can’t choose
Average hours of sleep: 6? 7?
Cat or dog person: dogggggg
Favorite fictional character: bucky barnes or peter parker or obi wan
Number of blankets: 3
Favorite singer/band: One Direction lmao
Dream trip: Italy w my cousin
Dream job: acting
When was this blog made: 2013 i think (i didn’t use it for a long time)
Number of followers: 2somethin
What made you decide to create this blog? I wanted a tumblr blog bc i saw all those text posts on instagram then it changed to a 5sos/1d/shit blog now its fandom
Tagging: @soldatsass @chjrrutimwe @eveenstar and @thatonejedi
Tagged by @marauderslilys ! thank u !
rules: List 10 actresses and/or actors (or a mix of both) you would kiss and then tag (10) blogs.
chris evans
sebastian stan
elizabeth olsen
ewan mcgregor
hayden christensen
dylan o’brien
anthony mackie
jensen ackles
riz ahmed
diego luna
tom felton  Tagging: anybody who wants to do this!
ps if i tag u u definitely dont have to do it!
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