#also my arm is weird and if I stay in the same position for an extended period of time I get muscle spasms that hurt like a bitch
hidtired · 16 hours
Unfortunate Timing [Part 3]
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: You found out your pregnant early into your relationship with Daryl Dixon. To make matters worse? The apocalypse happens a few days later! (not fully canon)
5.4k words
Warnings (Pregnancy, gore, sexually themes, violence, fluff, walking dead stuff, ect.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 etc.
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It was clear Daryl was near a breaking point. With the unsafe camp and your near death experience mixed with his missing brother you couldn't blame him. You knew he didn't have a healthy way of processing emotions. So he was on a war path this morning. You knew the only way he dealt with big emotions was through angry. He of course never directed it at you. In fact while you had laid next to him in the morning he was proud that you handled yourself. He was contemplating most of the time staring off to the top of the tent. You thought he was still stressing himself in that already anxious head of his. But after he told you he was proud you saw that maybe he was just enjoying the fact you were in his arms and not dead.
It was when you all decided to go to the CDC and you were sitting in Daryl's truck that you said something that made him feel the true weight of his responsibility. "I'll follow you." He looked over to you before turning his attention to the caravan in front of him. He was confused but you went on, "Any choice and decision. I'll stand with you unquestioned, my life and are child's is under your protection." His heart slowly dropped into the pit of his stomach.
Worry and a sense of responsibility he's never had before felt crushing. But another feeling he didn't expect sat within him. To be wanted and trusted in such a way burned his heart into a fire. He was determined. He was already willing to give his life for you and his... his kid. It was something he didn't question. You inhaled deeply before speaking again,
"Don't you dare think that gives you permission to go and die on me... I can't do this without you."
He slowly slid one of his hands off the wheel and into your own. He brushed his thumb back and forth, "As long as m' still breathin' so will you." You smiled at the implication, moving your other hand to rest on the hand he had on you. He wants to stay alive to make sure you'll both be ok. You nodded in thought, "Then you agree that your life also rests under my protection?" He turned to you with a lifted brow, his face giving a 'really' expression. He didn't like the thought of you risking your life for him but, he guess he understands you don't like the fact he would do the same. Being cared for was something he never got, until you. He watched as your hand move to rest on your stomach. Now that is something both of you would protect together. He bites his lip knowing you started this conversation to make him realize this wasn’t all on him. His eyes move to the road watching the RV roll to a stop.
The honking sound telling them the RV must have died just like Dale said it would. It had but also Jim just couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve never been around someone who’s been bitten before. So to see how it was killing him was gut wrenching. He seemed at peace with it. Sitting in the wind under a tree. You and quickly stated a ‘rest as well’ before excusing your way back to Daryl’s truck. You were bound to get emotional over it and didn’t want to be a wreck in front of everyone. You had reached the door of the truck, tears streaming down your face. Something felt like this would be something that often happened… losing people.
You manage to pull yourself together before Daryl got back to the truck. The ride on the road made you drift asleep. You were in a weird position crumpled into the door with an arm thrown over your head. Daryl found it funny but not before questioning how you could possibly find it comfortable. He knows you are always tired nowadays and he worry's its due to a lack of nutrition. But he lets you sleep only waking you a few miles away from the CDC. You stretch from your odd position. A crack releasing from your neck with a sigh of relief. You rub your eyes looking around. Daryl almost spoke quietly close to a whisper, “We are close, wanted ta’ make sure you were fully awake in case we have to run.”
You hum still stretching a hand moving to your breast. They have been irritating you recently. One of the many wonders of pregnancy. Daryl had caught you with a displeased look on your face. He gave you a questioning look with a smirk, “They look bigger…” You look to him with shock and then back down. He childishly snickered as you swatted at him. You tilt your head while still looking down, “Are they really?” He gave a mischievous smirk causing you to roll your eyes. You had not thought that maybe you would have to get a bigger bra. Not that you could just go buy one anymore. The playful mood in the car would soon turn sour at the arrival of the CDC. Empty, bodys lay scattered and not a soul to be seen.
Standing at the closed doors hoping for the safety it once thought it provided. It almost seemed fleeting until Rick noticed a camera move. Daryl was hearing none of it. He was mad at the decision made and him going alone with it. Your safety now compromised because he didn’t make the right call. Even just after your admission to trusting him he felt like a dumbass. He pulled you to him and felt one of your arms pull around him. The grip you held onto him telling him of your fear. Just before he could try and pull you away to safety, back to the truck, a bright light came pouring out of the newly open door.
One lone man sat in the whole building. You thought it was strange and somewhat eerie. But he did offer assistance so he couldn’t be that bad. A few of the group ran back to collect some things. Daryl gave you that look of, ‘please don’t’ so you understood he would get your things. The price of entry was a blood test. This doctor wanting to make sure none were infected. Which was fair but god did you not like getting blood drawn. Shots you are fine with but having your blood taking from your body disgusted you for some odd reason. Blood itself was not the issue. The thought of having your blood taken still rolled into your mind, a thing that made your heart race. You went after Daryl but he stood next to you waiting for you to finish. The man you now know as Dr Jenner started the process. You caught his eyes flick to your stomach.
He seemed to maybe suspect something but you were at that stage in pregnancy where someone might not speak on it, just in case you weren’t pregnant they didn’t want to call you fat. When he placed the needle in your arm you quickly moved your eyes anywhere else. Heart racing with discomfort. Your eyes focusing on Daryl which he didn’t like the plain fear he could see on your face. You seemed to ease out after it was over, but trying to stand your vision spin. Daryl managed to keep your balance for you. It wasn’t until Jacqui almost collapsed that the doctor learned that you all were a little undernourished. So now here you all are going down an elevator at the promise of food.
It was cramped going down farther than you thought. Daryl getting you out of your thoughts by pressing you back into him. I’m sure he saw your body rigid. But he didn’t really, he moved you into him subconsciously. Eyein the new person trying to determine whether he was a threat or not. The gun slung around him not really helping in his case, “Doctors always packing heat like that?” His awkward response eased him no less. You however at the mention of spaghetti threw caution to the wind. Following the group in a small hallway Daryl right behind you. He saw your happy bouncing at the promise of a carb filled meal. Most of your complaints to him in your pregnancy was the cravings driving you mad. Saying something along the lines of ‘when undead situation is handled your getting me any food I ask for no matter the time!’ Another thing to get you excited was the doctor mention a hot shower.
You smiled at him giddily practically dragging him off to a room. He dropped both of there bags by the door and just watched you be happy. You popped in the bathroom while struggling to kick off your pants in a hurry. Daryl chuckled, ‘Slow down would ya, thought you wanted to eat.’ He could hear you ruffle with your clothes still. Your voice echoed in the bathroom out to where he sat himself down, “There still time while their making it!” He leaned back smiling to himself at your antics. The light through the door got dimmer causing him to look up. You stood in your underwear and bra, hands behind your back trying to unclip it. You gave him a look he hasn’t seen for a while, “Well you just going to sit there or join me?”
He was stunned for a second. He leaned forward looking dumbfounded for some reason. You tilted your head to the side slowly turning back to start the shower. He was stood now hesitating for a second before slowly approaching, maybe it was the fact you both haven’t done anything for a while, mostly due to lack of privacy and him always off around the camp. Perhaps the stress still swarming around him from this place. Despite that he wasn't going to give up this opportunity so he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind himself. He saw you finally manage to get free of all your clothes. He started to unbutton his shirt when he saw you looking in the mirror at your belly. The first you are probably seeing it in a reflection. Your eyes swirling with thought but soon landed on him with a smile.
You then elected yourself to help him with getting his closes off because he was to slow. You replaced his hands with yours and started undoing the remaining buttons. He smiled down at you, "I don't know, last time we showered together we broke your curtain." He got you to laugh at the memory and you gave your own snarky remark, "Well, if you slip this time try not to take me down with you again." He cringed remembering how he landed with you on top of him. Merle had made a comment about the huge bruise he had on is back, how 'you must have gotten your ass kicked!’ He just ignored him not wanting to say he fell while having shower sex. Releasing the thought he then realized you said 'again'. As be pushed his shirt off while you started on his jeans he gave you a smirk you yourself hadn't seen in a while, "Again huh?"
You smile bashfully back to him, "I'm a hormonal mess, and I can't say that you having been looking extra hot as of late." He scoffed thinking you were kidding. But then you looked up at him seriously causing him to mumble and small... "oh." He smiled raising his hand to move your hair off your shoulder. He pushed it away from your face while you undid the clasp to his jeans. Your hair was noticeably longer since the beginning of this shit show. Finally freeing him of his clothes you bounced back over to the shower. He rolls his eyes and follows you knowing you ran to be under the water before him.
He watched as water ran down you and it sparked a sudden calm from him. To see you doing something that used to be so normal felt crushing. He walks up behind you wrapping his arm around your waist. He knows he hasn’t been exactly himself lately but here he is holding the soon to be mother of his child. He just hopes that you know that even if he has never said it out loud, he loves you. You knew it perfectly well while enjoying the warm water of the shower and him leaning into you. You had thought maybe you both would take this chance to clean yourselves in a shower for the first time in months but his hands were telling you something else.
He was leant forward kissing you down your neck. Causing you to sigh and lean back tilting your head to the side. His hands moving across your body causing you to giggle. You turned around looping your arms around his neck and seeing him smirking down at you. Months of not having a proper shower only to not use the time for one to actually clean yourself. Instead it was spent with a man seemingly remembering how much he wanted to touch you. Back at the camp he was unwilling to throw you around to teach you self defense. It wasn’t until you were pushed back to the wall of the shower in a flurry of harsh kisses did he seem to freeze. He was a gentle lover but could have times where he got excited and went a little rougher then normal. Which you never had any complaints with but in this moment of pause he was a little unwilling to do what he would have. For example again, your shower curtain. Ya not really a great thing for when your prego.
He was pleased with himself by the end of there shower. Like all the bruting was because he was sexually frustrated. Maybe you should have made an effort sooner if you knew he would be walking away with such a pep in his step. Granted you remember why you haven’t done much because if you thought you were tired before, then you were sure to look like you were in a daze. Maybe that look another factor to Daryl walking around so prideful. You would be lying if you haven’t been wanting to jump him for the last month. So maybe you were a little sedated. You wrap your hair up into a towel after getting everything but pants on. You sat there thinking while just holding them about to go on. Lost in space at something Daryl grunted into your ear a few moments ago. The thought sparking a nice warm fuzzy feeling.
‘M’ baby is the one you got in yeah. M’ girl with my baby~’
Daryl watched you sit there with one pant leg in while you stared at a spot in the carpet with your mouth slightly open. Thoughts clear as day, “You done drooling over there? Or you want’n to see if foods done?” Your mouth snapped closed as you took a moment to process what he had just said. Then you proceeded to jump into your pants while jumping to the door. To think he had made you forget about the food inflated his ego he got going. He followed you taking the towel out of your hair and opening the door while you shuffled forward looking down to clasp your pant button.
This was not only a big meal but big morale boost. Stepping into the kitchen to take a seat at the table you waste no time digging into the spaghetti before you. A blessing for a craving you’ve had. One point alcohol was being passed around the doctor took clear notice of you not drinking any or being offered any. You were too busy trying to convince Daryl to just drink already. All those times at the bar he always used the excuse of having to drive home. So you’ve never seen him drunk because and I quote, “I’m a mean drunk… don’t wanna do that to ya.” But you incurred him to let loose because this was probably the only time he would be able to for a long time,
“Come on hun! Drink because I can’t!”
He had definitely eased since the shower so he finally caved and excepted this opportunity. He still didn’t want to get to drunk but he wouldn’t mind being a little tipsy. The fun antics going on in the room was swiftly crushed by Shane. You sat uncomfortably as Shane pushed Dr. Jenner for answers, “So when are you gonna tell us what the Hell happened here, Doc?” His random aggressive outburst caused the room to fill with awkward silence. Rick cutting in saying what everyone else thought, “Come on man, not now.” Shane snapped to Rick, “It’s why we’re here right! This was your call. I want to know why we came here to just one man, why?” Shane’s words to Rick sending red flags in your mind. Then the depressing story of what happened at the CDC dragged the once happy mood back to reality. Felt by all if Glenn stating, “Your such a mood killer dude.’ to Shane didn’t say it all.
It was eased back into a happier state with a pouting Shane in his corner of shame. You payed no mind to it anymore. Daryl was acting more like himself while getting himself and Glenn drunk. Daryl was having to much fun getting Glenn to drink that he himself had way more then he was wanting. It was fun to watch him stumble while he tried to stand. Your laughing getting his attention causing him to point a finger at you, “I don’t wanna hear it from you “miss tipsy”.” The nickname making you giggle. After a while he leaned over the back of your chair as you talked to Dale. He didn’t even put his arms around you just laid them out over your shoulders. He wanted to go, a nonverbal action you have learned he did. So you excused yourself wishing everyone a goodnight. Daryl had an arm over your shoulder while you walked down the hall. “You drunk off your ass?” He sighed leaning into you more, “More than I would have liked to be.” He sure walked like he was.
“Let’s get ready for bed then.”
The room you had claimed had a small couch and cot. Daryl had already started to wrestle with his shirt before you had the door open. Now shirtless he sat down and leaned back slumped. You snicker to yourself while going to take your damp hair up out of your face. He sat there watching you before saying, “Your so pretty.” He was still slumped with his head tilted to the side looking at you. You walked over to him and he held is hands out for you to come sit on his lap. But you grabbed his hands and looked down at him, “Come lay down with me.” You pulled at his arms before he got up and trapped you against him. He shuffled back until flopping on the bed with you. You were lying on your side with him behind you. His hands moving under your shirt onto your baby belly. He curled into you from behind tucking his head down into your neck. You heard him mumbling but couldn’t understand him. But you caught a bit of it to put in context.
“-lucky. I made my pretty girl a mama.”
You smile at his drunk rambling. Reaching to his hands to your stomach and lightly drifting your nails up and down his arms. So much for being a ‘mean drunk’. Then he started on another tangent but this time lifting his face for you to hear him “An I only thought love was something that you would either kill for or die for. But for you? I’d live for. You’re something to live for.” His hands move across your stomach and he whispered, “You both.” Your heart raced at this, you would classify that as a confession. He has never said verbally ‘I love you’ but this in so many words was just that. He damn near was about to make you cry. But instead you shuffled back into him feeling that he was so relaxed he might have fallen asleep already in your silence. That didn’t stop you from whispering back to him.
“I’ll live for you too.”
That morning started with a hungover and grumpy Daryl. You were also grumpy. Daryl had thrown up earlier that morning and that got you to throw up. Now your stomach felt like a loop of acid reflux. You elected to stay in bed because you also were experiencing vertigo, so maybe Daryl wasn’t the only reason you threw up. You may have gone to make sure he was ok but the spinning feeling and noises he was making set you off. Daryl was off to the kitchen to get you a plate of breakfast. When he came back to the room he laughed telling you how fucked up Glenn looked, “He is swearing off alcohol, so may have over did it with him.” You smile at him while you sit in bed eating the food he brought back.
He then paused before he started biting his nails, “Hope I didn’t cause you trouble while drunk…” You chuckle shaking your head still chewing. Swallowing you looked up to where he now leaned on the wall, “Oh please, ‘mean drunk’ my ass! You were just being a sweetie!” Now you were teasing him about it, “After all I’m so pretty remember?” He looked relieved but also grunted before move for the door, “Doc gonna show us something. I’ll tell you about it when I get back.” You hummed in agreement going back to eating. Sitting up you felt like you were on a boat, so dealing with whatever Jenner was going to nerd out about wasn’t worth getting up for. Before Daryl went out the door he called out from behind him, “Be right back, ‘pretty girl’.”
Now even 20 minutes later did Daryl walk back in with a broken look. He sat down on the bed near you and stared at the wall. You would wait for him to gather his thoughts. Something bad happened, or he learned something he didn’t want to either way it didn’t look good. He moved to sit with you on the bed against the wall. He slowly put a hand on your stomach, “Everything’s gone.” You link your fingers with his and lean onto his shoulder. He went on, “It’s lookin like these dead assholes aren’t going anywhere.” You clench your teeth at the thought. You understood what he was saying. If the world was to ever be fixed, it wouldn’t happen in a long time. So your fantasy of a hospital could be kissed goodbye. You had a foolish hope that eased the fear for your child… and yourself. Childbirth before technology had a high fatality rate, for mom and baby.
So your brain was on overdrive after the rug was pulled out from you. Daryl had leant his head on top of yours which got a small sniff out of you. His arm now going to pull you into his side. You struggled with not bursting into tears while asking him something, “We’ll be ok, right?” He turned to you wiping away a tear that slipped out, “We got this.” He explained to you more what he found out. Like the scan of how the infection killed the host then took over the body. Relieving a fear that these people were conscious while doing this. They weren’t people so that made it easier to justify killing them. You both sat there talking until the air flow seemed to still. Daryl perked up feeling uneasy. Then people started to gather into the halls also noticing the lack of air flow.
Daryl had stood behind you in the door way but when Dr. Jenner walked by ignoring peoples questions, Daryl pushed past you slinging words his way in worry now. You followed behind the growing group of worried people. Stepping into a very open panel room with a red clock on the wall. The group stood in the middle when Jenner finally started to explain, “The system is dropping all the nonessential uses of power. It’s designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule.” You look over to the clock that was counting down.
A wave of uneasiness fell over you. You move closer to Daryl while he started yelling to the Doctor, “Air seems pretty ‘essential’ to me!” He took notice of your closer proximity and how you looked around cautiously. Jenner pauses at the steps that lead up to the work stations in the big room. Everyone has followed and is grouped around. Everyone turned to Jenner for answers. "It was the French." Andrea clicked her tounge at him, "What?" Jenner sighed sitting down in a chair at a computer, "They were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution." Jacqui now voicing her confusion, "What happened?" Jenner turned to her, "The same thing that’s happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuel.  I mean, how stupid is that?" Shane was about to start but was cut off by Rick, "To Hell with it, Shane. I don’t even care. Lori, grab our things. Everybody, get your stuff. We’re getting out of here now!" But before anyone could move a alarm started. Carl said with a nervous tone, "What is that?" A voice spoke through the speakers,
‘30 minutes to decontamination.’
You were now grabbing Daryl's arm in fear causing Daryl to speak up, "Doc what's going on here!" Jenner scans his badge and enters code into a security pad. Rick yelled turning to everyone, "Get your stuff and lets go! Go!" Then the doors all started to closed. Glenn yelled in anger, "No. Did he just lock us in!? He locked us in!" The kids started to cry in panic to there moms. Daryl makes a run at Jenner, "You son of a bitch!" Rick grab Daryl while yelling for Shane to help him. You sat there in shock with a hand over your mouth. Daryl continued to yell while being restrained, "You locked us in here!" T-Dog now joining in to stop Daryl, "No, stop! Don’t!" When Daryl was pushed back he made his was back to you and pulled you into him at the sight of your eyes becoming glassy. Rick now spoke to Jenner, "Open the doors." Jenner sat there calm, "There’s no point. Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed." Dale now taking the chance to speak, "Then just open the damn things." Jenner just shook his head.
You saw Rick stare at the clock that was now 28 minutes. You watched as he slowly turned to Jenner, "What happens after 28 minutes...?" Jenner sat up straighter, “In the event of a catastrophic power failure... in a terrorist attack, for example... H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out.” Rick shuffled from foot to foot in concern, “H.I.T.s?” Jenner sighed putting his hands on his hips, “Vi define.” A robotic voice of a women filled the room through speakers, “H.I.T.s - high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consists of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5,000 and 6,000 degrees and is used when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired.”
Everyone was stunned. Jenner speaking immediately after Vi, “It sets the air on fire. No pain. An end to sorrow, grief... Regret. Everything.” He said it like this somehow made everything better?! You felt Daryl squeeze you and you held him back. This crazy prick was going to kill you all! You felt the deep vibration in Daryl's chest as he roughly spoke, "Open the door." T-dog used the axe he had to start hitting the door, Daryl went to try and open the door to. Jenner just look defeated, "You should’ve left well enough alone it would have been so much easier." Lori now spoke up while holding her panicked son, "Easier for who." You felt that sinking feeling again. Jenner's voice fading out in the back at you felt blood rush your ears. 'All of you. You know what’s out there. A short brutal life and an agonizing death.' Memories of your aunt killed, being near the edge of the water and almost getting killed by two walkers. You moved your hand to your stomach. You had just talked to Daryl about the future. Asking if now in the changed world could you be enough for this child. Sound of Daryl's voice bring you back from thought, "BUT YOUR HEAD ANI'T!"
He was pulled back before being able to hit Dr. Jenner with the axe in his hand. Jenner once again not fazed and he turned to you, "What do you not get by everything is GONE! There is no world for that baby of yours." Daryl again tried to get to him but was held back by four people. You looked down with tears in your eyes, but also anger burned in you. Taking two steps closer to him you quickly punched him in the face. Everyone gasped in surprise but you continued by grabbing him by his lab coat collar. "That is not your choice to make for me!" Rick had gently grabbed you by the shoulder pushing you back. Rick now with hands on his hips spoke calmly to Jenner, "She's right. You’re lying about no hope. If that were true, you’d have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn’t. You chose the hard path. Why?" He huffed, "It doesn't matter."
"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?"
Jenner looked down in thought, "Not because I wanted to. I made a promise." He looks back up and points to the screen, "To her. My wife." Lori glanced to the screen, "Test subject 19 was your wife?" Jenner slowly nods, "She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?" Something felt like it was shifting. The clock was now ticking closer to its end. You had pushed everyone off Daryl while Rick spoke. You replaced everyone's hands on him by wrapping your arms around his middle, leaning into his chest. "I told you topside’s locked down. I can’t open those." Jenner walks back to the security pad and unlocks the door. Daryl went straight to action grabbing your hand and pushing you to the exit, "Move it! Move it!" You heard others feet behind you. Making your way down the hall you swiftly grabbed all your bags. In the lobby there was another problem of getting out again. T-dog and Daryl tried breaking the window with axes but it was bullet proof. Some how Carol had a grenade she found off Rick. Taking cover the window exploded, finally freeing you of this ticking time bomb.
Everyone rushed out killing the walkers who took interest in the noise. You made it to Daryl's truck with Daryl opening the door for you while jumping in himself. He leaned over you seconds later a wave of heat rushed over you. The explosion was loud and shook the truck. Once Daryl rose off you, you looked up to the now demolished building. You and Daryl then looking back to each other, tears filled your eyes while staring into his. You sobbed in relief, adrenalin slowly leaving your body causing you to shake. Daryl moved to hold you while breathing a sigh of relief himself, "See? We're ok." You sniffle while Daryl start moving to drive away from this walker magnet of a building.
This was now officially the end of the world.
Part 4
Feedback welcome and requests open! (Next chapter is so much angst mahaha)
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@ghostboneswrites2 @avabh12 @marcysbear @twistedprincess-92 @felicity1994
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wren-kitchens · 9 months
my school: we want to make school a place where you feel safe :)
also my school: you are not allowed to get a drink during class during the hottest week of the year. you are also not allowed to get a drink as you are going to your next lesson. you are not allowed to use the toilet during lesson because it is too disruptive, but you are allowed to access the one (1) toilet that is unlocked at your 15 minute break and 45 minute lunch. this is a school of 2200+ students. if you have a medical issue, you are given a pass that lets you go to the toilet during lesson, but only one of 3 toilets is unlocked. we will not tell you which one this is, and also it changes every period, because it is less disruptive to have to climb two flights of stairs and back down again than it is to just let you pee. also we changed the rules so now school starts 10 minutes earlier than you have experienced these past 4 years, and you will get lunch detention if you are seconds late. if your phone is in your pocket it will be confiscated because according to the UN, they are evil. also this is the most important year of your life and if you fail any of these tests you will be doomed to live on the streets forever.
#I went back to school two weeks ago and I am not fucking enjoying myself#until recently I assumed I was feeling so shit at school because it was very emotionally stressful to me which is accurate#but also it’s because i don’t drink anything for 6 hours straight because I prefer the negative effects of dehydration more than having to#pee for like 3 hours#also my arm is weird and if I stay in the same position for an extended period of time I get muscle spasms that hurt like a bitch#I had forgotten about this until school started again because guess what i’ve been doing all week#this isn’t even mentioning the bullying or how awful the corridors and the dinner queues are#jesus christ#on thursdays I just don’t eat because I can’t leave early from pe (I have a specific pass so I can avoid the corridors because. 2200+ s#tudents) and so I don’t make it to where we get dinner from in time to beat the queue#which is. so fun /sar#the phone rules are so weird#they used to be if you were on your phone during lesson then it’d be confiscated which. fair enough#but now it’s if your phone is visible at all if you’re inside the school building#even when school is over or if it’s break/lunch#not to mention that the second time your phone gets confiscated (in the whole year) it gets locked in a safe and your parents have to come#into school to get it#also if it makes any noise at all it gets confiscated#I will add that the majority of the school walks home on their own or gets the bus on their own#so having no way to contact anyone is#really fucking bad#there’s no exceptions to this rule and no ‘excuses’#there’s a few teachers who are nice and will just give you a warning or give your phone back at the end of class#but those are scarce#yeah I feel like shit because i’ve been dehydrated for the past two weeks#I talked to my doctor last year and she said dehydration among students was a huge problem because ofc they can’t go to the toilet so#like me they just don’t drink anything#isn’t that a fun fact#anyway#vent
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spicyspiders · 2 months
search and destroy
Francis Mosses x male reader smut
1.7k words
This is role reversal where the reader is a milkman and Francis is the doorman. I wouldn’t say this is as dark as the fic with him I just posted is, but it’s still pretty dark. Francis uses his position of power/authority to preform a cavity search on the reader.
“Come with me, sir,” the man says from behind the window before a metal shutter falls, making you jump at the suddenness.
A door near the window opens, giving you a full view of the man. He looks bored and tired all at once, which you can’t really blame him for. You got bored too, delivering bottles of milk all day. Speaking of, it made you roll your eyes to be interrupted from your job, you had work to do.
You follow the man to a door that matches the one you just walked through. Instead of the hallway like the previous door had opened to, this one instead opened to a medical examination room. Why the fuck was this back here, you wondered.
“Lean forward with your hands against the wall,” the man said. At your look of unease, he gestured to the empty counter, “you can set that down right there.”
“Is this necessary?” You asked as you set the carrier down. The bottles were already sweating with condensation. You didn’t have time for this.
“Yes sir. I am just trying to make sure I can properly verify you,” the man says. You feel the heat of his body behind yours first before his hands are on your body, patting you down.
You had never been pat down before, and sure as hell didn’t expect to be while on the clock. It felt invasive, while also oddly intimate at the same time.
“May I take this off?” He asks, his hands on the sides of your hat. After you give a stiff nod, he pulls the hat off with much more care than you expected of him. “I will also need you to take this off.”
You gasp when you fill his hands on your hips, “I don’t think that’s necessary,” you respond, swatting his hands away before you turn to lean on the wall. You wished it would somehow open and swallow you up and take you away from this weird fucking situation.
“Sir,” the man says, looking like he’s using everything he has to keep from rolling his tired eyes. “I’m just trying to do my job,” he says calmly. “It will only take a few moments.”
Your eyes nervously look away to keep from having to make eye contact. Francis his name tag reads. When you’ve mustered up the courage to look back into his eyes, the man still standing there patiently, you nod.
“Once you’ve taken your pants and underwear off, sir, bend over the front of the examination table.”
Your heart hammers in your chest as you slowly pull the bottom half of your clothing off, your shoes going first. You don’t make eye contact with the man again as you place your clothing into his open arms.
The only thing you can do is do what the man asks and lean over the bed, trying your best to not crinkle the loud paper. Your mouth stays shut, even after you hear what sounds like the man rifling through your pockets.
You jump when a gloved hand comes into contact with your hip. You’re too in your own head to even register the way that the man says your name like he’s trying to calm a spooked animal. “Relax,” Francis commands softly, “this will go much smoother if you’re relaxed.”
You are able to register when he speaks next, “good boy,” he says, hating how the praise makes you feel better, if only a little.
Once again, you jump when one of his gloved fingers circles your hole, “my apologies for the temperature,” Francis says. The finger pushes in slowly, and as it does, your teeth sink into your bottom lip to keep from letting out the noise that you already feel growing in your throat.
“You’d be surprised where people hide things to try and sneak them in,” Francis says, letting out a humorless chuckle.
“You’ve had to do this before?” You ask, finding your voice before he presses his finger into that spot of pleasure you’re afraid he’ll find. You already feel embarrassed enough, you didn’t want to add getting a boner to that.
“It’s what I’ve heard from others,” he says as his finger goes deeper, “I was told to use any means necessary to complete my job correctly.”
So he’s never done this before? You wanted to ask before your fear becomes a reality as his slick finger finds the bundle of nerves that has pleasure shooting straight for your soft cock. You didn’t know what Francis was thinking he would find, but it seemed he found what he was hoping to find.
Your forehead, slick with sweat from nervousness falls to the bed as you try and do whatever you can to stifle the sounds that fall from your lips. However, Francis makes them tough to hide as he focuses in on the spot.
“No need to feel embarrassed,” he says, “another thing that I’ve heard is feeling pleasure is not unheard of during a cavity search.” His finger presses into the spot before the pad rubs over it, again and again. “In fact, it’s quite normal.”
Before you can bite too hard into your lips and pierce the skin, you let up and let the moans fall free from your mouth.
“I assume it does feel good?” Francis asks, dragging his fingers of his other hand down your taint until he can run his gloved fingers down your half-hard cock, “if this is anything to go by.”
“Yes,” you whisper, lifting your head to rest it on your arm. You spread your legs further for the man, and the noise of approval he makes goes straight to your cock.
“May I add another?” Francis asks, pulling his finger free.
”Yes,” you repeat.
With two of his fingers pressing deep into your body, you’re much more vocal than when you just had the one. You whine against the burn from the stretch of his two fingers, a pain that Francis alleviates when his fingers find your prostate again.
“Better?” He asks, not sounding bored, much to your surprise. “Would you like more?”
”I don’t know,” you sob as his fingers alternate between pressing against your prostate, and spreading to scissor you open.
“C’mon,” Francis chuckles darkly, “I know you can take it.”
”Please,” you whine, your hard cock aches between your legs. You didn’t even know what you were begging for. Was it for Francis to make you cum and get rid of the ache? Was it for him to stop and let you walk out on shaky legs to finish the rest of your deliveries?
”Shh, I know exactly what you need.” He whispers into your ear after he’s leaned down. What comes after the sound of his voice is the sound of a zipper coming undone.
You go tense at the feel of the blunt head of Francis’ cock at your hole. The sound of the man slicking his cock up hits your ears before it abruptly ends and his hands are wrapping tightly around your hips. Just from the feel of the head, you didn’t think just two of his fingers would be enough, but you still waited with bated breath.
You both groaned when Francis pushed in, just as slow as he did with his first finger. He doesn’t stop until his hips come into contact with your ass and his cock has carved its place inside your body.
“You walk around in that uniform,” Francis breathes into your ear before he’s pulling his cock free until the wet, spongy head is kissing your hole, “how could I not bring you back here,” he says before thrusting back inside.
The pain of the stretch from his cock is nearly too much, but the pleasure that overtakes that feeling when his cock hits your prostate makes it all worth it. It only takes a few thrusts for the pain to be a thing of the past, the only thing you’re left to focus on is the pleasure the man behind you is giving to you.
Though, giving would probably be the wrong word. You think the word hammering would be the better word as the slap of skin-on-skin echoes throughout the space.
Francis’ balls plap against your ass as yours draw up tight as your edge approaches. The only warning you can give is a jumble of noises, but alongside those noises is the flutter of your hole around Francis’ cock, which you assume is enough to warn the man before you clamp down on his cock as your orgasm rushes through your body.
From behind you, Francis moans from the stimulation to his cock. One of his hands releases the tight grip on your hips to go down to your cock to tug at your cock to get more of your cum out.
You collapse down onto the examination table, the paper wrinkled below your body. Your hips came into contact with the mess you made from your cock, making you glad that you wouldn’t have to clean the room afterwards. It made you wonder who would, and if they would come in before or after the smell of sex was gone from the room.
The hard cock pounding in and out of your hole came to a halt moments after yours had gone soft. It gave a valiant twitch as the man behind you moaned, knowing that his cock was pumping you full. In fact, it didn’t take long after Francis pulled out for his seed to start leaking from your hole.
There’s no way you were going to be able to look at your uniform without thinking of what you’ve just done. Hell, you’re going to have to burn the one you currently have and then request another one, but even then, the sight of it will be a reminder.
You hear the sound of Francis’ zipper, and then the sound of his shoes on the floor. The sound gets closer minutes later before you feel a wet, warm cloth between your legs.
“Easy,” he murmurs at the soft sounds you let out when the cloth runs over your sensitive hole and soft cock, “I’ve got you,” he says, one of his hands going back to your hips to hold you in place as he wipes you clean.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” You ask as you raise yourself up after the man steps away again.
“Yes sir. Thank you for your cooperation, you may now get dressed.”
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generalsmemories · 5 months
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Unwanted reunion
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompts: “catching the other one crying shortly after an argument and immediately feeling an overwhelming wave of guilt crash onto you.” + "it's okay, we can fix this..." + “playing with their hair until they fall asleep”|| 1k event
✧ contents: hurt/comfort, angst, established relationship, implied character death
✧ a/n: if u wonder how in the world i came up with the scenario below. i genuinely don't know either it's a mystery to even me. CREATIVE LIBERTY WINS AGAIN THE PROMPTS WERE LITERALLY INSPO AND NOT WRITTEN DIRECTLY INTO THE SCENARIO. also implied that this took place after the battle with phantylia so keep that in mind.
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Jing Yuan's can feel a familiar heaviness weigh on his body as well as the feeling of someone wrapping a roll of gauze on his arm. However opening his eyes proved to be a challenge in itself and it's only with great struggle that he can manage to force them slightly open to the bright light.
The first thing he notices is the familiar ceiling of your shared home. A bit weird since whenever he did get injured he would immediately be rushed towards a private room by the Seat of Divine Foresight - which was the safest place for him to stay. Perhaps you had gotten your will again to take care of him - seeing as you're a high ranking healer yourself and quite a stubborn soul.
But his eyes still widen a tiny bit when he sees you sitting by the edge of the bed, one hand gripping his gauzed wound while your other hand is busy trying to find something to keep your hard work in place. You're humming a soft tune again, he never knows what sort of melody you're humming, only that it had become a habit for you after the amount of years you had spent by his side bandaging his battle wounds. Something about helping your mood and staying positive.
"Your recklessness knows no bounds, Jing Yuan." the sternness of your voice snaps him out of the daze he's in, immediately rising up from the bed only to groan in pain when the wounds that you had just wrapped up react to his body folding, "... And still don't know when to rest - even when I'm in the middle of treating you."
"...How much time has passed?" he asks, voice hoarse after having slept for who knows how long. You only hum, setting the bandages aside - the gesture causing Jing Yuan to follow your hand movements which makes him notice the bloodied bandages inside the trash by your legs.
"A couple of days, I was just finishing changing your bandages when you finally woke up. Here, some water." you inform, raising a glass towards his lips, patiently waiting for him to move closer.
You only start to speak again after he's taken several gulps, placing the cup of water back on the nightstand beside his bed. "Why are you so willing to throw your life away?" you ask after a moment of silence, helping Jing Yuan rest against the headboard, eyes never leaving his own that don't dare to even look into your own.
"It's my duty-"
"Your duty is to make sure as many of the Cloud Knights survive a battle. Not gamble your life on a piece that you weren't sure had the capabilities to help."
Jing Yuan bites his tongue at your immediate rebuttal, you were right after all. "The Master Diviner was right there by you. A troop was enough to guard the entrance, you didn't need to leave the master diviner with them to go on this-"
"... Can't you be happy for once whenever we meet like this?" he asks quietly, effectively stopped you from saying anything more. His gaze is cast downwards whenever he mutters the same question to you whilst shrinking a bit after asking. There's no sign of the proud general in your presence - in front of you is just Jing Yuan asking a supposedly harmless question.
Perhaps that's the reason why you can never shove him away immediately.
"... You know what my answer is."
Jing Yuan was no crier. In fact, you think he stopped crying or showing any visible sign of discomfort or uneasiness the day he got the title as General. You're pretty sure you can count the amount of times you've seen Jing Yuan cry on one hand.
Perhaps his ability to hide his own needs and wants so often day by day for the past centuries makes your dismissal of his simple wishes that more gut-wrenching for you. You try to ignore the overwhelming guilt that washes over you every time you have to say the same thing to him.
"... You have a lot of things that you want to get done on the Luofu, Jing Yuan." you murmur softly, extending a hand to run your fingers through his locks, breaking apart any knots that may have formed in his sleep.
"You know we can meet again, but now is not the time - especially now," you gently remind with a sombre smile, your hand moving from his hair to rest against his chin to make him face you.
"It's gonna be alright, okay?" he scoffs at your reassurance, finally coming to terms with your conditions once again like always, wrapping his arms around your waist to fall down back on the bed with you on top.
"Remember the last time you said those words to me?" he says, almost sounding offended at your choice of words to which you only smile against his skin in guilt.
"It was the first time I saw you cry so hard," you try to joke, pressing your hands against the mattress to push yourself off of Jing Yuan, choosing to hover above him instead.
"... I'm sorry," you decide to say in the end after a moment of silence, once again threading your fingers through his hair - an act you knew used to calm him before. At this moment though, you're not so sure.
"Why? Shouldn't I be sorry?" he asks in return, a small yawn leaving his lips as his eyes struggle to stay open. You smile bitterly as you shake your head, still threading your fingers through his hair.
"No, none of it was your fault - what happened back then was out of your control. But this time it isn't. I can wait for a long time, Jing Yuan. I know you're aware of that so don't try to rush anything to meet me again." you tell him, leaning down to press your lips against his forehead.
"So it's time to wake up, dear. Luofu is waiting for you."
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cosmal · 1 year
reader falling asleep against remus?? maybe they aren’t dating yet but are oblivious idiots in love with each other and he freaks out !!
summary you fall asleep on remus at a party.
content remus lupin x fem!reader, she/her
"Mate, you've gotta be the worst pillow ever. Relax a bit," Sirius says to Remus who's gone stiff underneath you.
"I should wake her up, right? Like, it was an accident. She's gonna think I'm weird for not waking her up," Remus panics, trying to stay as still as possible.
"Hey, woah," Sirius puts his hands out to calm his friend like he's a spooked animal, "She wouldn't have fallen asleep on you if she didn't trust you, right?"
He takes a breath and looks down at you. He remembers how much he stupidly likes you and relaxes a bit. "Right," he says under his breath.
"Good," Sirius sighs.
He's not entirely sure how you've done it. It's loud at this party and the two seater isn't the most comfortable place to be. He then thinks about how if it were him in your position, he'd do the exact same thing. He trusts you enough to fall alseep on, despite the circumstances. He's sure his are different to yours, though.
He let's you get comfortable where you've got your cheek smooshed against his shoulder and hopes his sweater isn't too scratchy. Your lips are parted in the slightest and your nose keeps twitching. He remembers how tired you'd told him you were and hopes this moment of rest is enough to help until you have to go home.
He really wanted to talk to you tonight, maybe, if he'd found enough courage, he would've asked you on a date. But he's just as content with letting you use him to sleep comfortably. He envies it really, because he could also use a power nap.
He tries his best to keep you alseep, a hand around your shoulder to keep you shielded from rowdy partygoers but knows it's inevitable that you'll wake. The room starts to fill more as the sun falls behind the horizon and he feels you start to stir.
You lift yourself from his side and blink yourself awake. You look around the room confused, the cutest pout on your lips, before you catch Remus to your side. Then, you startle.
"Oh my god," you say, and hold your hands to your cheeks, "Remus, I'm so sorry!" You start to come into yourself and can't stop smiling. You duck your face into your shoulder and try to act unaffected, though you fail.
"It's okay," he says, and because while you were asleep, he'd swelled with courage, he wraps an arm back around your shoulders and encourages you back into his side. He's not forceful with it but you snuggle back into him like it's second nature and he melts. "I kind of liked it."
"Oh," you say under your breath, but because you're so close he can hear you. He treasures this position dearly, because most of the time you're too shy to speak as loudly as you should.
"You're cute when you sleep," he says, pushing it really, he expects to run out of confidence soon. "It's too loud in here, but I think you were snoring."
You groan and cover your face with your hands, bubbling with embarrassed giggles. "Stop it," you say, flustered and airy, "Was I really?"
"No, I'm kidding, sweetheart," he laughs, nudging your shoulder with his own, "It's okay, you were fine."
"Good," you say, looking at him through the parts in your fingers. "At least I didn't drool, I do that at home sometimes." You take your hands from your face but you still seemed flustered.
"Really?" he laughs.
He doesn't stop himself from saying, "Well, I'll have to see that one day." He doesn't regret it when you start to roar with laughter.
"Are you inviting yourself back to my bed, Lupin?" you ask through pretty giggles.
"Is that okay?"
You tuck your head back into his side and try to hold back your laughter. He thinks you're trying to hide your flustered face. "Of course, it is."
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astraaa3 · 4 months
Hello ! You can request Valentino X Reader. where Valentino adores the reader's breasts.
Thanks in advance and good luck.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this one, I'll admit. My Hazbin Hotel brainrot is just getting worse. *giggles in: I am going to hell for my degeneracy*. ANYWAY, here is the request. Don't forget to keep them coming~
I kept the reader gn since I believe all chests need to be appreciated, from girl tiddies, to man tiddies, to enby tiddies, etc. In whatever size they come in.
Feedback is much appreciated and welcomed. <33
Valentino x Gn!Reader Headcanons (+small prompt)
Given Valentino's line of work the sight of tits, ass, and/or any other explicit body part doesn't particularly excite him.
That said, he didn't particularly find anything interesting about your chest at first either
It was a few months into your relationship when he realized how much he adored your chest
One night, after the two of you were done with your 'nightly activities' he dropped his head onto your chest while he was still inside of you with your legs wrapped around his waist
You waited for him to move, but to your surprise he fell asleep his head on your chest
Since that day he took every opportunity he could grab your chest or lay his head on it
And well, Valentino being Valentino, the opportunity was whenever he saw you.
It didn't matter if you were working or if you were chatting with someone
You didn't even dare to complain since he threatened to kill the last person who 'kept' him from fondling your chest
It was even more embarrassing when this happened in front of the other Vees
Velvette found this quirk of your relationship with Valentino to be particularly annoying and unsightly; it also increased the number of time she called Valentino a piss baby
All in all, while your relationship did have ups and (a lot of) downs due to Valentino's possessive and short temper, the one thing that remained constant was the cuddling at the end of a long day, his head pressed against your chest as you hugged him (seeing him so vulnerable and open almost made you forget how afraid you were of him when he got furious at something random that you did)
Small prompt:
You were laying on the couch, your head supported by the armrest and your legs strewn out in whatever weird position you found comfortable at that moment. You were scrolling to Voxstragram while some random show was playing on the TV, serving as white noise.
Your moment of peace didn't last long however as you could hear from the hallway that Valentino was coming, aaand he was yelling on the phone. You sighed rolling your eyes at your significant other's short temper. Your shoulders jump up startled as Valentino slams the door open throwing his phone into the wall before quickly walking over to you and doing the same thing with your phone. You look at him incredulous and slightly indignant, as he huffs sitting down on the couch. He lights a cigarette rambling about whatever stupid shit one of his actors did as he grabs you by the arm pulling you into his lap. He buries his head into your chest out of frustration, his shoulder relaxing soon after, as he makes content clicking noises (which you found completely adorable; to be fair, you found everything about his moth anatomy and habits to be adorable, even if you would never tell him that out of fear of him throwing a tantrum over being called that out of all things).
You sighed laying your head on top of Valentino's closing your eyes as you half listen to the TV still playing in the background. "My knees are gonna be sore from staying like... Just another day with Valentino." you think smiling softly as you fall asleep in the less than comfortable position.
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mvybanks · 1 year
JJ x reader please where the takes some drug and she never normally smokes. She’s at the bonfire and runs into jj crying as she feels paranoid that she’s doing to die and everything feels weird and he takes care of her taking her to the chateau
the one where jj takes care of you
a/n: hope you like it!
warnings: use of drugs
my masterlist
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music, laughter, weed and alcohol. everything feels heightened. the beach is spinning, the stars are moving above your head and you swear you can hear the sound of your heart, beating out of your chest.
you’ve tried weed before but this isn’t the same, it feels ten times stronger. you can feel everything in your body and it’s starting to scare you. the only person who has ever rolled a j for you was your best friend and now that you’ve accepted one from someone else you can see why he’s always advised you to be careful.
although the drug and alcohol mixed in your system are clouding your mind, you know you have to look for him, your safe place. you turn around and hope to find him, but you can barely keep yourself standing upright and you start panicking, tears streaming down your face as you walk aimlessly.
finally, you see a mop of blond hair walking towards you and you run straight into his hard chest. jj’s arms are immediately wrapped around your shaking body as he tries to calm you down.
“hey, hey, pretty girl. what’s going on?” worry is obvious in his voice as he smooths your hair out of your face to look at you.
“i don’t feel good. i - i think i’m gonna die, j. i can hear my heart, i can feel my blood, i swear!”
jj looks down at you and now he’s officially terrified of what has happened to you.
“did you take some drugs? did you take a drink from someone?”
“i - i smoked some weed, i don’t know who gave it to me but it feels weird, j, i don’t know what’s happening,” your hands are shaking and you start panicking again, so he takes your hands in his and kisses your forehead.
“it’s okay. i’ve got you, okay? you’re gonna be fine, pretty girl. let me take you back to the chateau, you should rest.”
you only nod, his sweet voice laced with so much love makes you relax against him and you can finally breathe again. he walks with you to your friend’s house, which is also where jj sleeps most of the time, and brings you into the room that he’s claimed as his own.
he gently lays you on his bed, “wait here for a second,” he whispers.
when he comes back you’re half asleep and he’s got a water bottle in one hand and a wet towel in the other. jj takes your shoes off and wraps his arms around your torso to force you into a sitting position as you whine at the sudden movement.
“ ‘m sorry, love. you gotta drink some water,” he brings the bottle up to your lips and you do as he says.
when you’re done drinking, you let your head fall back, closing your eyes at the feeling of the cold wall behind your head. jj starts rubbing the towel on your head and then down on your sweat-coated neck and you hum in appreciation.
“you feeling better?” he whispers leaving a sweet kiss on your naked shoulder.
you two have always been very intimate with each other and you love these little moments with him, where he shows you how he truly feels about you and you let him because you feel the same. right now you wish to remember this the next morning, to remember the way he’s taking care of you and looking at you, as if you were the only person in the world for him.
“yeah, thank you.”
“of course, pretty girl,” he lifts the cover of the bed up and lays it on you as you scoot down to completely rest on the bed again.
he kisses your forehead and goes to turn the lights off when your small and sleepy voice stops him.
“can you stay?”
jj swears he’s the one that can hear his heart beating right now, “whatever you want.”
he takes his boots and then his shirt off, he lies next to you and you let your heat rest on his chest automatically, breathing his perfume in as it calms you down.
“goodnight, j.”
he runs his fingers through your hair while his other arm is wrapped tightly around your body, glad that you’re safe and sound in his arms now.
“goodnight, pretty girl.”
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
You Know What? Fuck It. Jealous & Clingy Vox Headcanons
"Angel quit?"
Come on. Yall saw how happy he was at the possibility that Angel quit. How can I not make my silly little- sometimes fucked up bcuz look at them- headcanons?!
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-Vox and Val aren't dating, but Vox would very much like for them to be an item, but either doesn't know how to voice it or just thinks what they have right now is fine. That doesn't mean that he won't get a little (a lot)! jealous when Val flirts with other people. But since they're on the same power level, he can't really do anything about it, so he just becomes quiter and does other things. Check his phone, wait it out, be a petty little bitch in the corner, etc, etc
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-When Val is done flirting with them and him and Vox are alone again, Vox has one of two reactions; be extra physical or affectionate or be a petty little bitch. It really depends on his mood. When he becomes extra affectionate, he'll cuddle up to Val or make out with him or they'll probably just fuck honestly. When he's being a petty little bitch, he'll sit there like a toddler and mope, sometimes ignoring Val. Val thinks both of this behavior is adorable either way, and sometimes flirts with people in front of Vox just to get a reaction out of him (read this person's comic to know what I mean, I love it sm)
-He's a needy, touch-starved bottom. Ya'll saw the way Vox pulled Val into a position where his arms would be wrapped around him at the beginning of their dance (and Vox arching his back-), right? Y'know how after Val kisses someone he leaves his weird red spit behind? That appeared on Vox's mouth when Vox started singing Stayed Gone. Like, "Hey babe, can you give me a good luck kiss before I sing a disstrack for my ex?". He wants/needs physical affection so much and so bad
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-I now also headcanon that he's embarrassed to ask for it in a romantic way, so he only does it 'accidently' or to fit the situation (like how he pulled Val in that position in the dance)
-Valentino has merch of himself and Vox bought some of it
-Yes, he stalks Val. That's actually canon
- Vox has so many cameras pointed at Val. Val is aware of this and sometimes performs for the camera in various ways. He honestly doesn't care surprisingly, since Vox isn't really gonna do anything with the footage other than be a voyeuristic little freak
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(Tysm @that-oneforkmod for pointing this out. Ik he's being creepy, but I laughed way too hard at where the cameras are pointing and how down bad my guy is)
- Despite Vox's clinginess, Val can also be incredibly clingy and it can get on Vox's nerves. He'll get pissy when Vox won't hold him or give him attention and Vox will be annoyed, but when Val stops being prissy, Vox will then give him affection. (Litterally just "not talk to me I angy" "Ok"*leaves* "wait no, come back")
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f1goat · 8 months
his teammate + lando norris x part seven
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
“Maybe we should get inside now? I can’t warm you up forever,” Lando says jokingly. You know he’s right, but you don’t want to leave your comfortabel position against him. He presses a soft kiss against your forehead. That’s the other reason you don’t want to go back inside. You can’t be this close with him if everyone is around. But still, you can’t stay here either for the rest of the night.
“I still want to introduce you to my friend,” Lando tells you.
“I think I already met him,” you reply with a small smile, “if your friend is Max.”
“How?” Lando asks you confused.
You let out a soft laugh and tell Lando about your meeting with Max from earlier tonight. 
“Okay, but I still want to introduce you properly,” Lando says, “So come on.”
Without further discussion Lando takes you back inside the club with him. He grabs your hand and leads you to the people while he searches for his friend. You think about everything that is happening and just happened. It’s a lot to progress. When you’re sober tomorrow you really need to think about all of this. 
It doesn’t take Lando long to find his friend. Together with him you’re standing in front of Max. The boy is smiling at Lando and you. 
“Fixed it?” Max asks while looking at you. You show him a small nod. 
Max, Lando and you continue to talk for a while. You’re quick to find out that Max is a nice guy. He seems to have the same humor as Lando, but is a bit more well mannered. They tell you about how they have been friends for a very long time and even lived together for a while. Max jokes about Lando who was a terrible housemate - he was never there and if he was he made a mess. You laugh with them. This is nice. Lando informs you about the girlfriend Max has, Max is quick to suggest a double date. Before you realize it, Lando already accepted the offer.
Does that mean you’re officially dating Lando?
Lando and you really need to talk about a lot of things.
Do you want to date Lando? It doesn’t surprise you that your heart is already screaming ‘yes’.
You continue to have fun with Max and Lando. The conversations are nice. Max jokes about Lando a lot, something you also like. It’s easy to connect with Max. Lando puts his arm around your waist to pull you a bit closer to himself. 
“Ah there you are!”
It’s your brother who interrupts your conversation with Max and Lando. You suddenly feel stressed. Slowly you take a few steps away from Lando, hoping your brother doesn’t notice how close you were to his teammate earlier. 
“I want to introduce you to someone,” your brother says excitedly, “I think you’ll really like him.”
Fuck. This happens sometimes. Max is drunk and gets the idea that he needs to meddle into your love life. Which often results in an attempt to match you with someone. Most of the time, someone you really don’t like. So far there has been multiple RedBull employees, but also a few drivers from when Max was still in F3. You wonder who it is this time. 
“Oh that’s unnecessary,” you tell him, “I just met Max - Lando his friend.”
“No, no,” your brother is quick to react, “You’ll really like him! Come on.”
He grabs you by your arm and drags you with him. You can only send Lando an apologetic look. He shows you a small smile back, something you’re glad about. Still you feel a bit unease. You wonder who Max is taking you to. It’s always your perfect match according to Max, but they are always weird. 
In the mean time Lando lets out a soft sigh. His friend sends him a worried look. Lando doesn’t say anything at first. He thinks about everything that just happened. You told him that you also feel something between yourself and him. He kissed you, or better said you kissed him first. He was already talking about double dates, he didn’t even need to think about it. Lando knows perfectly well what he wants. It’s you. He wants you. 
“Is Max going to match her to some random dude?” Max asks Lando after a bit, “Man it’s weird to use my own name like that,” he adds with a soft laugh. 
“I don’t know,” Lando shrugs. 
“She’s nice,” Max changes the conversation, “I understand you want to better yourself for her.” 
“You like her?” Lando asks interested to his friend.
“Yeah,” Max replies, “I think she’s great for you.”
Lando smiles. It means a lot to him that his friend likes you as well. Certainly when that said friend is Max. He’s glad Max sees it as well. 
“But you really have to fill me in,” Max continues, “First you get all worked up and tell me you have to get some fresh air, then I walk into Y/N who tells me she lied to you and needs to find you. And then you walk back together and act like a couple. How does that work?”
“She lied because it makes her nervous. Y/N has no idea how her brother will react and she’s told me she doesn’t like my attitude sometimes and all those girls,” Lando explains, “but she did say she felt something between us as well. I tried to tell her I’m trying to better myself, but after I said one or two sentences she kissed me.”
“She kissed you?” Max asks.
Lando nods, “She made the first step.”
“That’s great! Although I do think you two really have a lot to talk about tomorrow,” Max states, “I mean how will you go on from this?”
“I don’t know,” Lando shrugs, “I think that’s up to her. I want everything I can get from her.”
“Pierre, this is my sister Y/N,” Max introduces you to his former teammate, “Y/N this is Pierre, he drives for Alpine but was my teammate once.”
You give Pierre your hand to introduce yourself again, but Pierre is quick to pull you in for a hug. He is quick to start talking to you. Max is even quick to disappear again. Great. Pierre talks about himself, he tells you about how he’s a great driver and that he’s waiting for his seat back at RedBull. “Next to Max of course,” he is quick to add, “because I really don’t understand what someone like Lando does at a top team like RedBull.”
You sigh. This is going to be a long night. Pierre puts his arm around your waist to make you dance a bit with him. You cringe at his movements. Together with him you dance for a bit. You look at your watch, if you do this for ten more minutes maybe then you can get back to Lando? You can just tell your brother that you don’t like Pierre. Like you always tell him after his match making attempts. Pierre pulls you closer to himself. You are quick to move a bit away from him again. 
In the mean time Pierre keeps talking about himself. He doesn’t even ask one question about you. You can safely say he isn’t interested in your personality, he probably is just interested because of your looks. Annoying. 
“You know,” Pierre starts another story, “I really don’t know why your brother is even trying to befriend Norris. He seems like the worst.”
This must be your luck right? How do you respond to this without letting Pierre notice there’s something going on between Lando and you?
“He’s quite nice,” you state carefully, “and he and Max learn a lot from each other.”
“What’s Norris learning Max? How he can crash?” Pierre jokes. You can’t hold back an annoyed sigh. Pierre drops the subject and continues to dance with you.
Lando can’t stop watching Pierre and you. This must be his luck. Finally he knows that you’re interested in him as well, only for your brother to play matchmaker a few seconds later. Max tries to distract him from Pierre and you, but he can’t succeed. Lando lets out a frustrated groan, he wants you for himself and now Pierre is dancing with you. He sees how Pierre keeps getting you closer to himself. It frustrates him even more. Would it be a bad thing to get you away from there? Maybe he can make up some excuse? 
Lando doesn’t know that you’re having the same thoughts. How much longer do you need to do this before you can get back to Lando? What excuse can you use? You can’t figure it out yet. Your drunk brother keeps looking at you and Pierre with a smile. Does he really not realize that you two are a terrible match? 
“What if I tell her I need to speak to her about Max?” Lando suggests to his friend, “or I can say that I need her help with something.”
“That are the worst excuses possible,” his friend tells him. 
“But I can’t look at this,” Lando sighs, “I already didn’t like Pierre and now this.”
A slower more sensual song starts to play. Pierre puts his arms around your waist and spins you around. It doesn’t take long before you realize why. You don’t move yourself, you don’t want to play along with his idea. 
Lando notices it as well. He sees how Pierre is getting way too close to you. A possessive feeling takes him over. He doesn’t even recognize this side of himself. He’s pretty sure that he’s experiencing a lot of jealousy right now. He needs you to get away from Pierre. 
Maybe it’s time to make up some excuse. Pierre is grinding himself against your ass. You move away from him. This is something you don’t want. “I’m going to the toilet,” you mutter when Pierre sends you a confused look. Without waiting for his response you walk away from him. Maybe if you first go to the toilets, then you can get back in without Pierre noticing you. You can say later that you’ve lost him. That sounds like a good plan. 
Lando sees how you’re walking away from Pierre. He’s quick to mutter something to Max about wanting to talk to you, before he starts to follow you. Without giving it a second thought Lando follows you in the ladies bathroom. 
“Y/N,” he quickly says with a loud tone before you can disappear into one of the toilet stalls. 
You turn around surprised when you hear your name. “Lan?” You ask surprised when you notice him. He’s quick to walk over towards you. You smile. Lando pulls you with him into one of the small toilet stalls. Before you can make any kind of remark about it, he presses his lips against yours. You react quickly. It doesn’t take long before the two of you are properly making out in the toilet stall. 
Lando can’t help himself and starts to touch a bit more of your body. His hands find their way towards your ass. Slowly he touches you. When he feels a vibration against his mouth, he realizes that his movements made you moan. It makes him continue. He kneads your ass slowly with one hand, his other hand he uses to pull you as close towards himself as he can manage. 
You let your hands rave through Lando his curls. Softly you pull onto one of his curls. He deepens the kiss as response. You love the feeling of him touching you, but you’re quick to realize you need - and want - more then this. 
Slowly you move your hands down. When you reach Lando his pants, you touch his bulge softly. You use a bit more pressure then, slowly you palm Lando his bulge. It doesn’t take long for him to get harder. You notice directly. You continue your movements but increase your speed a bit. 
Lando removes his lips from yours to let out a moan. He presses his lips against your neck afterwards. You feel him press multiple kisses against your neck. He’s fast to find your sweet spot. Softly he sucks on a bit of your skin, marking you as his own. When he removes his mouth from the spot, he can’t help but feel proud of the mark on your skin. Maybe Pierre will now understand that you’re not for him to claim. You’re already claimed by someone else. By him. 
“Touch me,” you whisper to Lando. The words are coming out of your mouth before you can think about them. Lando smirks when he hears you. He feels proud of the needy tone your voice has because of him. He gives you what you want. His hands move across your body. He touches your breasts first. Firmly he kneads them through your bra. You grab one of his hands and move it under your bra. You need to feel Lando his skin on your own. 
Lando is quick to follow up your movements with his other hand. He uses one of his hands to knead your breasts, while he softly pinches your nipple with his other. In the mean time his lips have found your neck again. After a bit he decides to move further. He’s glad about the dress your wearing. Slowly he pulls it up a bit, just enough for him to see your string and your ass.
“Fuck,” he mutters without thinking about it. “You look so good babygirl,” he continues.
You don’t reply verbally to him. You grind yourself against Lando. He realizes you want more from him. He presses his hand against your string. Slowly palming the place you want him the most. He puts on a bit more pressure. He can feel your wetness already. It’s making him even harder. 
“More,” you beg.
Lando slides your string aside. He slowly uses one finger to slide through your folds.
“So wet already princess,” he groans, “Is that all for me?”
He starts to touch different spots around and on your pussy. You try to wait patiently for him to touch your clit or to insert a finger. You let out a soft groan when it starts to take too long for you. Lando smirks when he notices. He slides his finger through your folds again, but this time he ends a bit higher. He’s almost touching your clit by now, but still not yet. 
“Lan,” you softly beg.
“Yes princess?” He asks.
“More please,” you continue to beg.
Lando wastes no more time and puts his finger onto your clit. He starts to draw circles on it slowly. You let out a moan from his movements. This is for him a sign to increase his pace. He uses his other hand to knead your breast again. He switches between kneading your breast and pinching your nipple a couple times. In the mean time he flicks his finger onto your clit. You let out a moan. It’s unfair how he’s doing things like this to you. It’s insane how good it feels. 
You’re no stranger to handjobs, but you have never experienced them like this. Lando is without a doubt the best one. 
“Lan,” you moan softly, “I’m close.”
Lando stops his movements when he hears your words. Before you can say anything he presses a soft kiss on your lips. 
“I don’t want you to have your first orgasm by me in this place,” he states, “so tell your brother and Pierre some excuse about that you’re leaving this place. We’re going to my hotel room.”
You let out an annoyed whimper. Lando smirks when he notices.
“I’ll do a lot more to you there babygirl,” he tells you. 
It’s a good thing that Max is incredibly drunk right now. You sure he doesn’t even think about your stupid excuse. You told him you’ve booked a taxi back to the hotel, since you’re not feeling well. You’re glad that you have your own room, so Max can’t check anything later tonight. Max doesn’t realize the words you’re saying, but he does wave you a goodbye. You’re lucky that Pierre seems to be gone, or you don’t see him at least. 
You’re quick to get towards Lando again. He slides his arm around your shoulders and takes you with him towards the cab he already called.
On the way back towards the hotel, the two of you can’t resist touching each other. You’re sitting closely towards Lando, who has his hand laying on your thigh. He slowly draws circles onto your thigh, it makes you go crazy. You want his hand somewhere else. Fuck. 
The elevator in the hotel isn’t anything better. Lando has you pressed up against the wall when the both of you move upstairs. His hands are everywhere, expect for the places you need them the most. 
You realize that he’s doing this on purpose. He’s making you as horny as he can manage and he’s already succeeding way too well. 
When you’re finally in his hotel room, you don’t waste any time anymore. You’re quick to press yourself against Lando and to unbutton his blouse in the mean time. You need him with you, but preferably naked. In the mean time Lando finds the zipper of your dress, he’s quick to unzip it. You let out a soft whimper when the cold air touches your skin. 
Lando lifts you up, causing your dress to fall onto the ground. Neither of you pay attention to that. Lando takes you with him towards his bed. Softly he drops you onto it. He notices that the bra you’re wearing is matching with your string. He hoovers over you. Slowly he presses kisses all over your body. He removes your bra to let his lips find your breasts. He kneads one of them, when he slowly sucks on your other nipple. You can’t withhold a loud moan. 
He doesn’t waste time and trails his kisses more towards the place you really need him. After a few soft kisses onto you stomach and legs, you feel Lando his mouth presses against your pubic mouth. He slowly sucks on a bit of your skin, marking you once again. He moves lower after that, but instead of giving his attention to your pussy he presses kisses against your inner thighs. 
“I need you Lan,” you tell him softly.
Lando listens to your desperate words. Without a warning he presses his lips onto your clit. Softly he sucks it inside his mouth. You let out another moan. His fingers slide through your wet folds. You notice how he lets one of his fingers linger around your entrance. He removes his mouth for a small second from your clit, the sucking is quickly replaced with small and fast licks. He let his finger enter you after that. 
His finger is going in and out of you at a fast pace. His tongue is making you crazy as well. You feel your orgasm reaching quickly. 
“I want to cum on your cock,” you tell Lando. He looks up surprised, but is quick to listen to your words. He undoes himself from his pants and briefs. Before he can do anything else, you take his cock into your hands. Fuck he’s big. Big and pretty. You change your position so you can reach his cock with your mouth. You lick away a bit of precum. 
“Such a good girl,” Lando tells you. You feel yourself getting even more worked up because of his words. You take his cock into your mouth, the part you can’t fit in you fit into your palm. You move your head up and down while you suck as good as you can. Lando is quick to let out a loud moan. You use your hand to stroke the part of his cock you couldn’t fit in. You continue your movements for a couple of minutes, before Lando pulls back. 
He softly presses you back on the matras, making sure you’re lying down comfortably. Then he hoovers above you again. He lets his cock slide between your wet folds. When it softly touches your clit, you almost cum on instance. Lando doesn’t waste more time and pushes himself inside of you. 
Your first reaction is a loud moan. Then you start to moan his name. “Fuck Lan,” you whimper when he increases his pace. “I’m going to cum,” you continue. Lando increases his pace even more, “Me too princess,” he tells you. 
You feel your orgasm getting closer again. It won’t take you long anymore. Your stomach tightens and your legs are shaking. When Lando puts his finger onto your clit and draws a few figures onto it, you let everything go. You let out another loud moan when you feel the familiar waves crashing over you. Lando is quick to follow you into orgasming when he feels the way your pussy keeps tightening around his cock. 
“Fucking hell princess,” he moans before his cum enters you as well.
“I think I need to call a cab,” you state a while later. You’re still laying in the bed with Lando. He is playing with your hair. 
“I think you need to stay here,” Lando remarks. 
“Do you want me to?” You ask him.
Lando nods. “Yeah, you can sleep here babygirl.”
You show him a small smile and get even closer to him onto the bed. Lando presses you against himself while continuing to play with your hair. 
taglist ; @whore8io & @chonkybonky & @love4lando & @eviethetheatrefreak
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Oh but hear me out, frank and a daughter of Aphrodite. The children of the mars and Aphrodite, of war and love. What ares and Aphrodite wish they were. Make poor baby frank feel so loved and appreciated completely unconditionally
⋆⭒˚.⋆ frank zhang x daughter of venus! reader hcs
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content: frank zhang x daughter of venus! reader hcs warning: not any that i can think of!! author's note: i know i know you said aphrodite, but we keepin it roman here fr fr hope you don't mind!! also I KNOW IT'S THE SAME PIC AGAIN BUT IDK WHY MY BRAIN DIDN'T EVEN CONSIDER DAUGTHER OF VENUS SHIT AND THAT PIC IS JUST SO PERFECT THAT I CANNOT FIND IT IN ME TO CARE-
how you managed to stay soft through all that camp jupiter put you through, frank had no idea but he loved it
you were badass in a fight but the moment training was over, you were using someone's breast plate as a mirror to fix your hair and lipgloss
that's actually how you met frank
reyna called the end of practice and you turned to the closest person and inspected yourself in their armor, reaching up and dabbing at your lip gloss with your ring finger while pushing away fly aways with your other hand
frank refused to move, standing still as statue while you did this
you realized what you were doing, popping but up into a stand position and offering frank a honey-sweet smile
"oh, sorry! thanks for letting me use you as a mirror," you mused, the attractiveness of the guy not lost on you
cutest mirror ive ever seen, you thought and mentally giggled at
"a- any time," replied frank, sort of lost in a daze as he took you in
"im gonna hold you to that," you joked, winking before someone called your name
you were scampering away, throwing a glance and wave over your shoulder at the boy before leaving the arena
frank waved back but far too late, still caught up in just how pretty you were
from that moment on, frank had a plan
what can i say? son of war?? he's gotta know how to strategize sometimes
his big master plan?? seek you out and ask you on a date
i know i know, it sounds kinda a crazy but you gotta trust the process here guys
frank's just a wild, crazy guy i dunno what to tell you
but everyone wanted him to do this as fast as possible
bc they were sick of his yapping about you
"did you see y/n's block today? yeah...she's so cool...and pretty...and-"
"frank...we know. shut up, please."
"did you see y/n's hair today? she definitely was trying something new. should- should i tell her i like it?? is that weird or-"
"frank, she put it in a ponytail. she didn't revolutionize hair-"
his bunkmates are encouraging him to ask you out, simply because if they hear one more thing about you, they're gonna kill frank
little do they know, you guys dating makes it worse
there is no escape from a boyfriend who loves his girlfriend and loves to talk about her
first date? just walking around new rome with coffee
you judge frank for his straight black coffee as you take a sip of your rainbow swirl, whip-cream-crapped-in-a-cup, with spinkles monstrosity that is like three stories high and has cookies stuffed in it...somewhere
frank just takes the teasing, hiding his blush behind his cup
at some point, you grabbed frank's wrist and dragged him towards something, excitedly rambling about whatever it was
and...you just never left go??? your hand slipped from his wrist to his hand and it just...it clicked and it fell into place and it felt right
and now both of you are blushing for the rest of the date but also refusing to let go
big big big fan of walking on the side of the sidewalk with the cars??? ya know what i mean???
like will literally stop the two of you, walk around you to the side with the cars, and then allow you to keep walking
every time he does it, all you can think is that he would rather die to keep you safe
and then you wrapping your arm around his and squeezing into his side with this mushy-gushy smile
he's your number one fan (stalker but in the sweetest way)
oh did you mention one singular time that you hated a certain kind of lip gloss??
oh yeah, no the store that sells that one looking like a pin cushion of arrows is completely unrelated don't even worry about it
will find out your favorite animal and wait until the second or third date to just slip into conversation that he could turn into it, shrugging like its no big deal
it is, in fact, a big deal
your squealing all excitedly before asking quietly if he'd be willing to do it
bro pretends to think it over like he was gonna say no
look at his lovesick ass and tell me he's not gonna do it
please, don't lie to me rn
within seconds, he's flying around as a bird, or he's flopping around in a fountain as a fish, or he's rubbing into your side as a dog or whatever else
and you're cheering, reaching out to pet his fur or his feathers or his scales
and he's grateful that animals can't blush or stutter out words
will write you love letters and actually sends them in the mail
he pays POSTAGE for the mailman to walk down the street
that mailman always gets so pissed, grumbling about stupid boys in love and slamming the mailbox shut
that's how you know frank sent you something, which leads to you jumping out of bed and running to the mailbox, excitedly ripping it open and stealing the letter before returning to your bunk
and it's always just the sweetest things anyone has ever said another anyone else
rivals shakespeare and jane austen and all those bitches
and it's for your eyes only
you repay frank with romantic gestures
"what are these?" he asked as you presented him with new arrows
"oh, you were complaining about the weight being off so i whittled them down!" you beamed a smile at your awestruck boyfriend
"y/n, there's like fifty of these-"
you polish his arm, remove the feathers and dog hair from his clothes, press kisses to his cheek at every opportunity
you just gotta make sure your boy knows he's loved
and boy does he know when youre around
tbh, i just know frank was always sort of worried love wouldn't find him
what if he's too much like his father?? too rough?? too war-stricken?? too damaged??
what if he's not enough like his mom?
what if-
then you came, showing up without so much as a 'hello' and began wiping away at these thoughts
you showed him that frank zhang is worth of love, esspecially your love
the son of war and the daughter of love together in the softest way
history is a circle fr fr
they just like their mommy and daddy but so much better
to surmise, just a boy who's in love with love's daughter and a girl who's in love with the softest son of war
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morganski-19 · 4 months
The One with Sleeping
Steve wakes up with someone’s arm wrapped around his stomach. Which is odd considering he didn’t have anyone over last night. And he’s on his couch with beer bottles on the coffee table and what looks like two crushed ends of a joint in the ash tray.
But he’s too groggy to figure it all out, and it’s probably just Robin anyway, so he leans his head back down and starts to fall back asleep. Until the other person stirs and sits up rapidly, causing him to fall off of his couch.
“What the fuck,” he grunts, slowly getting up from the ground. At least he’s awake now. “Why did you throw me off the couch Rob-.” Steve stops as he sees who’s on the couch. “You’re not Robin.”
Jonathan stares at Steve with a mix of concern and fear. “No, I’m not.”
“Why were you sleeping on my couch?”
“Why were we cuddling?” Jonathan asks, acting as if it was the more pressing question of the two.
Steve collects himself off the ground. “I don’t know. I tend to sleep cuddle people.”
“You sleep cuddle people. That’s a thing?” Jonathan sits up, running a hand through his tangled hair.
“Yeah. Ask Robin, she has a lot of stories about it.” Steve fixes his shirt, it having twisted weird when he fell off the couch. “Thanks for throwing me off the couch by the way.”
Jonathan makes a sheepish face. “Sorry. You scared me when I woke up.”
Steve sits down next to him. “It’s fine. So, why were you sleeping on my couch.”
“I don’t know,” Jonathan scratches at his chin. “I remember coming over last night for some drinks, and then we got high. We must have just dozed off.”
“Together, on the couch,” Steve reasons.
“You don’t think we, you know. Did anything, right?” Jonathan asks cautiously.
Steve laughs. “No, no we’re good. Even cross faded me knows not to flirt with my friends.”
“Does sober you know not to do that?” Jonathan deadpans. Having witnessed Steve play flirt with Eddie multiple times.
Steve clears his throat, avoiding answering that. “The point is, I wouldn’t have tried anything. Not with you, so we probably just fell asleep and somehow ended up in this position.”
“What do you mean not with me?”
“Oh my god,” Steve rolls his eyes. “Now you’re offended? You don’t even like me like that.”
Jonathan scoffs. “And neither do you.”
“Exactly, which is why I wouldn’t have tried anything.”
“But if it was Eddie, would you have tried something.”
“I’m not answering that.” Steve gets up to clear away the old bottles, carrying them over to the recycling can. “If it was Argyle, would you have?” he finally counters.
Jonathan’s face breaks out in a flush that he tries to hide with a cough. “Can we agree not to mention this is anyone?” he changes the subject. “Say I just stayed over and slept on your couch, alone.”
Steve shrugs. “I guess. What, you ashamed that we cuddled on my couch or something?” Jonathan looks away. “Oh my god, you are. How fucking dare you?”
“What do you mean? This isn’t exactly normal for the two of us.” Jonathan stands.
“Sure. But you wanting to hide it means you’re ashamed. Are you ashamed that you slept with me.”
Jonathan gives him a blank expression. “Please don’t call it that.”
“I am calling it that, because it was true. The two of us, slept on the same couch, together, also while cuddling a little bit. It happens, it was an accident. We use it as a funny story and move on.”
“Or we don’t mention it at all.”
Steve crosses his arms. “Alright, under one condition. You admit that was the best sleep you’ve gotten in a while.”
Jonathan huffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. Chronic insomniac Jonathan, falling asleep for what looks to be about, oh I don’t know,” Steve looks at the clock on the oven. “Six or so hours, undisturbed. That had to have been a good night’s sleep.”
Jonathan scrunches up his face before giving in. “Fine, ok.”
Steve laughs in victory.
“It was the best night I’ve gotten in a while, you’re right.”
“For me too, actually.”
“Wait. Wasn’t Robin here last night?” Jonathan remembers.
Steve’s eyes widen. “Yeah, she was. Where is she?” He lightly taps on her door before opening it, finding an empty, unmade bed. “Shit, she’s gone.”
“So, she saw us,” Jonathan accepts defeat. “Great. Where do we think she is?”
There is suddenly a loud burst of laughter from across the hall. “Oh no,” Steve groans.
“We’re never going to live this down, are we?” Jonathan asks with a wince.
“Nope,” Steve says defeated. “We go in together?” He turns to Jonathan.
Jonathan nods. “Only way to do it at this point.”
Steve heads across the hall to Nancy and Eddie’s apartment. He nods at Jonathan before opening the door to ruckus laughter.
“There are the sleepy heads,” Robin teases on the couch. Waving her phone in the air. “Hope we didn’t wake you up,” she fake pouts.
Eddie comes out of his room with a picture in his hand, holding it close to his chest when he realized Steve and Jonathan are there. “Oh, hey guys,” he says with a knowing smile.
Nancy starts laughing. “How’d you guys sleep?” she asks innocently.
Argyle sits on the armchair with crossed arms. “Terribly, I hope.”
“I thought this would happen,” Jonathan whispers while pinching the bridge of his nose. “We slept as good as two people sharing a couch do.”
“You admitted it so fast,” Robin barks. Cackling.
“You all already know,” Steve defends. “Also, what the hell is in your hands?”
Eddie tries to cover the picture with his hands. “Nothing.”
Steve walks toward Eddie. “So, I can see it then?”
Eddie runs to the other side of the room, Steve chasing after him. They do a whole back and forth at the kitchen table, Eddie almost running into the counter when he gets away. Steve fails to catch up with him as Eddie does another lap.
Jonathan moves out of the way before he gets run into, walking over to a still upset Argyle. “It really wasn’t that great,” he lies.
“Don’t lie to me,” Argyle says, avoiding Jonathan’s gaze.
Eddie runs into his bedroom, unable to lock the door before Steve gets it open, following him in. There’s a crash, causing Nancy to perk up with concern. But when yelling and sounds of wrestling continue, she sits back on the couch, sipping her coffee.
“Fine, it was the best sleep I’ve had for a few weeks. But it doesn’t mean anything, it was an accident I promise.”
“Are you weirded out by this,” Robin whispers to Nancy.
She just shrugs. “Not really.”
“It was really an accident?” Argyle asks.
“Yes, I really didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
Argyle finally looks at him, his face softening. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
“No,” Eddie yells from the bedroom. “Don’t rip it.” Followed by a “Ha, got it,” from Steve. He walks out victoriously with the picture.
“Neither of you are bleeding, right?” Nancy confirms, not really caring anymore. Steve shakes his head.
Eddie comes out of the room, leaning on his doorway, panting. “Please don’t tear it up. It was my last piece of picture paper.”
“Out of all of us, why is it you that has a printer?” Robin asks. Eddie just shrugs.
“What is it?” Jonathan asks, wincing.
Steve walks over to show him. “What you think. Why did you print it out anyway?”
“To put on the wall of many shames,” Eddie says, pointing to the wall covered in pictures of the group scattered along the back wall. Some with pictures drawn on their faces and other various situations they’ve gotten themselves into.
Steve looks at Jonathan, who just shrugs. With a roll of his eyes, Steve walks over and tapes it to the wall.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low, @thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow, @mentallyundone, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
Heartslabyul boys with a pregnant S/O
Synopsis: I'm dealing with terrible baby ferver so I need to get this out of my system. Headcanons to how the boys react to your pregnancy all thorough the months. Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond Tags: SFW, fluff, domestic fluff Notes: AFAB gender neutral reader, cw pregnancy and birth
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⁀➷ Riddle Rosehearts – poor man hasn't had one single good night's rest ever since the pregnancy test came positive. Riddle is over the moon with the news, of course, but stressed just as much; he knows there's a lot going on with your body and a growing baby can seriously wear you off, so he's always checking up on you, and the doctor's appointments turned into a routine. He's worried and delighted all the same, making sure you're comfortable and your needs are always met. He's pampering you rotten and doesn't even mind your mood swings; he learned to be a lot more patient and permissive from them. Regarding weird pregnancy cravings - no, he won't allow you to eat screws with ketchup, but will provide you with a nutritious meal, mapping your weird requests and directing them in healthy and safe foods.
And though he looks stiff and on alert constantly, he immediately relaxes when he lays by your side, head resting on your chest while his arm gently hugs your belly in a protective way. It's also really cute to watch the way he gasps in surprise and his face go alight with sincere affection when the baby kicks, reacting to his words.
Riddle likes to plan beforehand, so he can avoid facing unpleasant surprises, knowing how to act and be dependable like the responsible father he is supposed to be. He hates to be reminded about his neglected childhood, about how his father would barely make appearances during important events of his life and the way his mother was a strict tyrant who only controled him his whole life. He wants to be better, someone much different from both his parental figures - he wants to be perfect, loving, someone who can make you feel safe and comfortable, taking everything to the smallest detail. So when you lift your eyes to face him, he feels a sense of dread as your features slowly changes from relaxed to one of horror. "Riddle... I think my water broke," those words freezes him on the spot, and he's more terrified than you. Shake his nerves off so he can drive you to the hospital, please, or else he's the one giving birth on the spot. Don't worry though, he'll not leave your side for one single moment once you reach the delivery room, massaging your hand and cooing softly against your ear to try and make the process less terrifying.
⁀➷ Trey Clover – he's a lot more busy ever since you gave the good news. Trey has been working a lot more at his parents bakery and even making side jobs to ensure your growing family's comfort; though mama and papa Clover have both been deeply delighted and eager to extend their help in whatever aspect you may need, Trey is determined to be a providing, responsible father. Of course, he will not stop you from working if you wish to, but will talk you in staying home by the last trimesters, and he looks so worried it's convincing enough. He always comes home late at night, exhausted and worn off, but you're always greeted with the sweetest smile of satisfaction and affection when he comes to lay by your side, wrapping you on his arms and planting loving kisses on your face as he's lulled by your voice talking about how was your day.
He's always sending you messages or calling you to know how you're doing between breaks, and always tries to accompany you during doctor's appointment. If for some reason - like being called to work - he can't be present, he'll ask his mother to go to the appointments with you, just to be sure. He hates that most times he will be too busy to do everything by your side, but will find comfort on the fact that everything will pay off at the end. He is a little disappointed to know that you won't be allowed to eat his sweets, but makes adaptations of your favourite desserts - no sugar with fresh and natural ingredients. Maybe they aren't as tasty as before, but somehow it still feels sweets and are enough to sate your cravings. And no matter how weird they are, Trey will be happy to indulge them, as long as you don't request for something dangerous.
Similar to Riddle, Trey is thinking ahead of time. He has reserved two bags with hospital essentials, one for the baby and one for you, just to be ready when time comes. And when you go into labour, he's quick to react and drive you safely to the hospital, staying by your side until everything calms down, cheering on you and providing comfort the whole time.
⁀➷ Cater Diamond – he was... surprised to know about your pregnancy. He wasn't actively looking forward to be a parent, but he quickly warmed to the idea just from looking at how happy you looked. Also, that meant cute baby pics and another excuse to pull you on his arms to take cheesy photos together. Cater keeps on the easy-going, confident demeanor around you to keep you at ease, but he's swirling with anxiety and doubts inside his mind; his idea regarding parenting isn't one of the best, being manipulated all his live by his sisters and even mother, not to mention that his father's absence for the sake of his own job took a toll on any practical exp he could have on the matter. But he still tries, and he tries hard; suddenly, his Magicam feed is flooding with maternity-dedicated influencers and he's diligent enough to write down the most useful and important tips.
He's also looking for fun, cute pregnancy trends to pull you into, something to take your minds off the scary aspects of it all. He tries to act all mysterious on his stories and new posts, giving out hints and it surprisingly explodes in likes and comments - everybody is on their toes for the day Cater finally announces the pregnancy, and when he makes it public, he's documenting everything, first bump, the ultrassounds, the development of the baby. Will send you memes about pregnancy and useful articles to read together. Also, you won't even need to voice out your needs, Cater's senses are heightened over the roof now and he's tending to them before you can even sigh. Need a hug? Already wrapping his arms around you. Want something hearty to eat? He's calling the best restaurant in town to deliver your comfort food.
Going to appointments with him is always fun; that's when he shows off his concerned side the more, questioning everything the doctor says, discussing articles he had previously read and asking about every little aspect to it. And when your due date comes, he's surprisingly quick to pack everything up like it was nothing, but don't expect him to drive you to the hospital. His arms and legs are melting the moment he sits down. While in labour, he will try his best to make his presence on the delivery room, letting you hold his hand and scream at his ears, but the moment he sees blood, he's fainting. Nope, can't take it at all, he 's just too anxious about it.
⁀➷ Ace Trappola – he's speechless about the news and it takes some time to finally dawn on him he's about to be a dad. Ace is a mix of curiosity, eagerness and reluctance; the aspect of raising a family of his own excites him, but is also scary. He's not particularly experienced with children and this is a whole new world for him, something he needs to learn from a blind spot - and damn, he struggles to keep an interest on pregnancy matters. Everything is too confusing or too hard for him, so he's quick to lose interest. Please, make things easy and fun for him so he can collect some good sense on his head. Ace seeks guidance from his father and older brother though, and at least they are a good influence on him; he learns about the delicate aspect of pregnancy and how he can help make things go less hard on you, so enjoy the next nine months - you'll see a new side of Ace, acting all gentlemanly and serious, at least most of the time.
Yes, he's still the mischievous, funny-loving Ace who will joke about something eventually, teasing you about how you can't bend down to get things on the floor, or how you're going nuts from craving weird ass foods, all the while fetching you anything you can't reach or cooking you a nice meal. He's got a reputation to uphold, you know? So don't you dare tell Deuce or Cater how much of a pleasing puppy he has become just to see you all happy and comfy! He'll never ever admit it, much less oblige to your requests in public, but the minute you have stepped foot inside... one "Ace" is all it takes and he's right by your side in one breath, no matter how far from you he is.
By your due date, Ace is a wrecking mess of nerves. He's lost, though he can't keep still; he runs around the house to fetch everything you might need, but he's always going around, just to make sure nothing is left behind. In front of the nurses, he acts all smug and cool, trying to hide how anxious he actually is as you're directed to the delivery room, but his hands betray him, trembling and sweating. If you want him on the room so you can hold his hands, please don't point out how teary eyed he is. ⁀➷ Deuce Spade – HAPPIEST BOY EVER!!!!!! Deuce lifts you off your feet and twirls you around, peppering your face with kisses the moment you reveal your pregnancy. Deuce is too embarrased to admit it, but truth is that he dreams about the day you two can grow a family together ever since your relationship got serious, and now that his dream has come true he can't contain his happiness! "MAMA! MAMA, I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" Deuce is tearing up at the phone as he shares the wonderful news with his mother, and you can hear mama Spade squealing from the other side. Honestly, it's hard to pick out who's the more excited - you, Deuce, or mama Spade. As soon as she hears about the news, she's coming over with a basket of gifts - food, knitted baby socks and even some cream and beauty products she used on her pregnancy, congratulating you and Deuce on a big, tight hug. She's so proud of her babies and is gleamming from the prospect of finally being a grandmother - she can't wait to spoil your child rotten enjoy the glee of raising a child all over again, but only with the fun parts, of course. Mama Spade spends a lot of time around you two, teaching the basics and soothing your nerves. All the while, Deuce is clingier than ever, attentive and much more responsible; ever since the announcement of your pregnancy, he looks more regulated, calm and relaxed, or at least he is when it doesn't affect you.
He did threaten to throw hands with some guys staring at you while walking on the square, and also started a ruckus when you two were left on a waiting line on the supermarket for more than twenty minutes, but besides that... you have never seen him so chill. Just like Ace, Deuce is a pleasing puppy; you just need to mumble his name and he'll be right by your side, ready to get you anything. He rubs your shoulder, feet, hands, everything to make you feel less sore, giving you pillows to lean against and warm blankets, and reserves bigger, fresher portions of food for you. He's the kind of guy to wake up at 3 a.m. to drive you to mcdonals with a smile on his face or just comfort you from a nightmare. When you tell him you're going into labour, Deuce hurries up to the hospital, shouting at everyone to take you as priority, and that's when his delinquent boy spirit shines, scaring all the nurses to take you to the delivery room above all the other patients. He's over the moon as you grip onto his hand like your life depends on it, cheering you through your pushes and groans, and whispering how proud he is of you, and you can be sure he'll be balling his eyes out once he gets to hold the baby.
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7ndipity · 11 months
Falling for a friend: Maknae line
Maknae line x Reader
Summary: How they would handle and confess to having romantic feelings for a friend
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking,
A/N: As promised, here's the maknae line lists! I'll also link Hyung line here in case you haven't read those. Hope you like them!
Requests are open
Tbh, Jimin was the hardest member for me figure out, because the only word that came to mind was 'confusion'.
Like, it would be a near 180 from Namjoon's scenario. No one knows wtf is actually going on with you two, except maybe him. And even he's all over the place about it.
(Literally half your friend group thought you were already dating? Help?!)
It's not even like he intentionally meant to confuse you(or at least, not completely), but he's such a naturally massive flirt that sometimes it's hard to tell where you stand with him.
Honestly feels kinda guilty when he realizes his feelings aren't purely platonic, cause he's not sure if you feel the same, so he kinda starts testing the waters, like Hobi, to see how you respond, but starts to worry if he's manipulating the situation to fit his wants.
Big on casual affection, both giving and receiving, but he's kinda sly about it. Says shit like "oh, your nails/rings/etc look so cool!" so he can grab your hand to examine them and then just... doesn't let go?
Flops his head in your lap and is just like 🥺"Pet my hair?"(he's basically like having an overly affectionate cat)
But heaven forbid you get too close or flirt with somebody else, because he will get salty af and sulk.
Finally confesses one night when he comes over to hang out after a particularly long day. As had become typical routine, the two of you were sat side by side on the floor at your coffee table, eating takeout and watching TV.
At ease for the first time all day, he could feel the fatigue begining to catch up with him, letting his head droop to rest on your shoulder. Without missing a beat, you offered him another bite of food, which he accepted with a muffled "thank you."
The two of you stayed like this til the end of your show, him looking up at you sleepily, a small smile teasing at the corners of his mouth as he watched you, his heart giving a little twist.
"I love you."
You looked down at him in surprise, his expression leaving no room for misunderstanding.
"I love you too." You replied.
"Yeah." You smiled.
"Good." He shifts around so that he can wrap his arms around you more comfortably, pressing a kiss to your cheek before settling against you again.
Feeling his breaths begin to even out against your neck, you feel yourself being lulled to sleep, sinking further into his hold.
The two of you wake up later in the same position with sore necks, but you couldn't care less.
Honestly? Unbothered(lying)
Don't misunderstand, it's not that he doesn't care about those feelings, it's more that he doesn't mind them, if that makes sense? Like, of course he's in love with you, who wouldn't be?
Pendulum swings between cocky and shy with you.
Easily impressed by you doing anything. He hears you sing and he's like🥺. Doesn't matter if you sound like an angel or a cat trapped in trash can, he's so down hard for you and applauding either way.
Thrives on skinship with you, giving out hugs for anything. You passed an exam/got a promotion? Hugs. You bought his favorite snacks? Hugs. You breathe? HUGS!
Doesn't hide his feelings for you, but doesn't act on them either.
Like, y'all have sleepovers and he'll joke like "And there was only one bed!" But then nothing ever happens.
Kinda likes the weird limbo state you're in, until he thinks someone else is also into you and he turns into a sulky baby, ranting about it to one of his hyungs. "What are you so worried about, I thought you guys were already a thing?" "No, it's not like that." "Then what is it?" And he just doesn't have a good answer for that.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth." You say, scraping more batter out of the bowl sat between the two on your tiny kitchen table as you played the game that had become a habit for you.
"When did you realize you were falling for me?" He asks with a cheeky grin.
"You can't change answers now!" He laughed.
"Says who?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were on the official rule committee for truth or dare."
"If you don't answer, I win."
"You always win." You grumbled, making him grin, thinking that was the end of it.
"My birthday."
He looked back up at you surprise, not having expected to actually get an answer. "What?"
"It was right after I had moved here, and I didn't really know anyone yet, except you." You said, fiddling with your spoon.
"I remember." He said, watching you closely.
"But you showed up with balloons and a cake, saying you couldn't let me be alone." You shrugged. "I don't know, it made me feel... special."
You were now very aware of his eyes on you, making you nervous you'd said too much. "Nevermind, it's dumb-"
Before you could finish, he had caught your face in his hands and kissed you.
As I think I've mentioned before, I think he gets small crushes pretty easily, to the point that when he notices the shift in his feelings for you, he doesn't really acknowledge it at first, figuring it'll go away in week or two, no biggie.
But then it doesn't.
And then he panics a lil bit. Ghosts you for like three days, then goes back to normal without any explanation, and you're just like "???okay???"
He decides he's just gonna play it cool, but he is not nearly as subtle as he thinks he is.
You're each other's comfort person, so you're together constantly which means even a tiny shift in his habits or behavior stands out.
Although it's not hard to notice how much clingier he's become(and jealous of FUCKING EVERYONE), so it's not difficult to put two and two together.
Would probably have realized you like him too, if he weren't so busy trying to act slick and come up with excuses to hang out all the time.
Y'all play flirt constantly too, which blurrs the lines between 'friend' and 'definitely not friend' even more, but sometimes you manage to catch him off guard.
One night when you're hanging out together, and he's a couple drinks in and lets his guard down. And you complement him on how good he looks or smth, and he just smirks.
"You want me so bad." He says in a low voice, trying to tease you,
And it's then as you're sitting there watch him, you decide fuck it, and just put it out there.
"Yeah, I do."
Nearly giving himself whiplash from how fast he spins around, he turns to stare at you wide eyed. "Wait, what?!"
"You said-." His eyes are so big now, you can almost see the wheels turning as he tries to make sense of what just happened. "You like me?"
"Yeah." You shrug, trying to play it off. "Is that okay?"
He nods slowly, a smile beginning to creep across his features. "I like you too."
You're both suddenly aware of how close you're both now sitting.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, already starting to lean in, before jumping back abruptly.
"Wait, ugh, my breath stinks like beer, lemme go brush my teeth!" He says, practically vaulting over the sofa and running for the bathroom, leaving you sitting there, unable to bite back the laugh that slips out because he's just so... him.
But that's why you love him.
Taglist: @fandems
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tosuckmyweenis · 1 year
Just wanted to share a thought but infinite darkness older Leon is 100% the kind of man to buy his girl those vibrating panties as a “romantic” gift and also take full advantage of the fact that he has the remote for it and abuse his power
That is all
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Anytime!! Anywhere!!! Absolutely!!
I tried to write a full fic, but I had a few ideas and couldn't decide; the worms aren't worming yet, so enjoy these bits and bobs for now Anon 💕
It's in a slightly weird formatting, but I hope it doesn't bother too much. I'm kind of on the fence about these because i read them over too much but fuck it we ball.
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In public while doing mundane tasks?!
The only day Leon is home is, of course, the day you chose to get all your errands done; he only tags along once he convinces you that today would be the perfect day to test out that little gift he got you, wagging the remote in one hand and the black lace in the other. After all, he sounded so convincing, and with that smirk plastered on his perfect face, you weren't going to say no.
Starting off with just the lowest setting on the way to the first store with the reassurance that he'd be on his best behaviour.
Staying close behind you, staring shamelessly at your ass while you're pushing the cart in some grocery store, making your way through the isles trying to grab the box of cereal you needed off the top shelf, he refuses to help.
Waiting until you're on your tippy toes before cranking the power up to max. He loves how your body jerks in shock at the sudden intensity and clamping your hand over your mouth and the inside of your cheek to stop a moan from slipping out. Then, he takes the opportunity to press himself against you to grab the item before leaning down and whispering into your ear. 
"Careful, Sweetheart, You wouldn't want to cause a scene, would you?" Finally lowering it once he tosses the box in the cart, continuing to do the same thing for every item you reach for over and over, never letting you cum though
"Why should I risk letting other people see your pretty face? It's meant for my eyes alone. Although, you'd probably like that, wouldn't you?"
Finally, getting everything you need and checking out, loading everything into the back of the jeep. 
He'd just hand you a bag, and when you bend over to put it away, smack your ass, and when you turn to yell at him, he's just leaning on the side, holding the remote and turning it up with a shit-eating grin. 
"Leon, please," shamelessly begging him at this point, your legs finally giving out.
"Sorry, what was that? Please, what?" 
"Please let me cum, s'too much; I need to" 
"Since you asked so nicely, I'll give you what you want." 
Deciding to go early in the morning before rush hour was the smartest decision you made that day.
At home while you do chores?!
Doing chores was at the bottom of your list of things you wanted to do today, but things needed to get done, and you refused to ask Leon for help; the poor man works enough as it is and deserves to relax a little.
You were grumbling about it until he brought up a little positive reinforcement, which is how you ended up with a death grip on the edge of the kitchen sink.
You lost count of just how many times you came so far, panting like you just ran a mile, legs trembling, barely able to hold weight anymore.
Staring at the back of his head while watching a movie, his arm lazily tossed over the back of the couch, his thumb mindlessly moving the controls around in no particular rhythm, periodically stopping to give you a break before resuming.
"I don't hear any dishes being washed."
Rinse and repeat until you're just a crying, overstimulated mess.
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daze4all · 7 months
Sparring turns Spicy~ Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade x Reader 
Wrestling Match with Dragon Yandere! Dan Heng: Don't awaken the dragon oops you did....
Mind Games & Lessons with Manipulator!Jing Yuan " It''ll only take 70 years or so~" Jing Yuan says lazily eyes glinting in challenge.
3. All Out Battle with Beserker!Blade: A swordfight or bring a gun to sword fight but Immortal! Blade will win once it's close quarters but maybe a trap to delay him a bit is all you need....
Wrestler! Yandere! Dragon! Dan Heng somehow this turned spicy.... 
- I could see Dan Heng & Reader wrestling on the training floor in close combat fist-fight ditching weapons cuz Reader and Dan Heng get too competitive in the train training room 
-Dan Heng pins you down maybe using his tail in his dragon form
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Starts traditional regulated spar like fighting in a game but devolves to a Belabog style wrestling match when both lose their weapons
Reader/Stelle Throwing Dan Heng's spear into the wall so it sticks and Dan Heng doing the same to her spear and bat lol 
Cuz I can see feral rabid raccoon! stelle mc! tackling Dan Heng to the ground getting way too competitive after losing their weapon. 
Yandere! Dragon! Dan Heng 
 Dragon Dan Heng comes out full force with some survival instinct with his marbles as there are no more weapons. 
Reader/Stelle snatching Dan Heng's marbles/weapon to throw them off the train going lol "What are you gonna fight me with now Dan Heng. I win! " XP sticking out their tongue out to be cheeky
Dragon! Dan Heng growls back " Fight with now fists, horns, fang and tail thats what" the cool dragon yong from Belabog gone angry dragon imbibitor lunae here to stay all glowy and feral. 
Spiciness in a Spar 
Thus commencing a heated tumble in the train's training room. That may turn spicy from close contact of chests, tail, limbs, and legs. 
Dragon! Dan Heng Probably, pinning the reader down with his weight & his tail snaked around their legs pressing down...
Dragon! Dan Heng regaining his controlling authoritative tone to "Yield now". 
Dragon! Dan Heng fangs at Stelle/readers neck ready to bite but not aware of what he doing as some long buried instinct to dominate and show superiority. 
End of Spiciness 
Only for March Welt and Himeko to burst in to stop him. After hearing the commotion and witnessing the ruined training room. 
Perhaps with a spray gun or hose in hand to cool him off cuz that's what you use for dogs in a rut lol. 
Dan Heng would regain his cool and apologize and be embarrassed as hell that his instincts took over from being riled up that his authority was challenged.  
 Afterward, Reader/MC & Dan Heng are both awkward and embarrassed and keep thier distance until they cannot hold back anymore and cross a line~
 or prank each other to get out of that weird funk to stay friends.
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Sparring with Yandere!Jing yuan- Mental Mind Game and traps
2. Mind Games & Lessons with Manipulator!Jing Yuan
"Certainly you can stay say 70 years"- Jing Yuan hums contemplating not taking into account his lifespan so much long than yours.
"Thats half my lifetime General!" - Reader
"I'm honored you'll willing to stay that long to play game of go with me."" he chuckles hand propped underneath his head like a lazy big cat.
"Uhhh no I never agreed to that, just a spar general" - Reader -_-
"We'll just have to fix that then" he rumbles eyes flashing gold.
With Jing Yuan it's a battle of the minds and moves. 
"Take your time, and consider your position" he'd warn playfully like his idle. 
A long drawn out battle where he'll set traps, teases you and corrects your sword stances. 
Jing Yuan is the type that will take the calm caring teacher role but also the type to tease his student to do thier best. 
  Expect weapon combat lessons, teasing and touchs . 
Spicy! Sword Stance Teacher !Jing Yuan
Teacher! Jing Yuan shifting your footwork with a nudges of his foot, or probes at you waist and arms guiding you into better position
Jing Yuan showing you a better form by teasing you when he places a leg between yours to force you to widen your stance . 
Teacher! Jing Yuan getting way too close for fleeting second with sly smile before pulling away with a "Thats right. Good job, the stance is correct now" 
Spicy! Jing Yuan whispering in the shell of your ear saying "That sword stance isn't quite right, how about I show you" and correcting with lingering touches at your waist or wrist. 
Spear Teacher! Jing Yuan
Or perhaps reader wants to use the spear like Jing Yuan. So he dares you to try lifting his own spear/ gaundo. 
But his Gaundo too heavy and he offers to help and lifts his guandao but lifting you with it. As your hands are still holding onto the spear to not fall before wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you with it.
"Haha! hardly any heavier" he'd remark as you are too flustered to let go of his spear. You may squirm to get out of his grip as reader is embarrased he showed you up so easily and are stuck in his arms. 
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3. Swordfight or Gun fight with Beserker! Blade
-So a fight with blade be all out, probably a confrontation since he is a stellaron hunter and you. some unlucky guard. 
- Or ally and fellow stellaron hunter having learned laser guns from kafka or silver wolf 
- Imagine: Exchanging blades with Blade
- Reader would last longer in a gunfight. Who brings guns to swordfight ? this bitchass reader does
- Immortal! Blade will win once it's close quarters and being immortal he'll outlast you and any traps you set. But maybe trap to delay him a bit is all you need, but once he breaks free he is going after you with a grudge, so not reccommended. 
- Alternatively try a gunfight having 
Not like you'll win cuz as soon as you get close to stab him. Surprise he is immortal ! 
"Unleash the Mara" Fighter Blade seems the type to get riled up and carried away by his mara during his fight. Eyes blazing ,sword ready.
Beserker! Blade stepping closer to you regardless of the wounds inflicted during the fight letting your weapon push further intp him as he reaches out for you while bleeding "you you should be dead!" you say scared and shocked that this man is still standing. 
Expect bruises cut, scrapes, and maybe bites a bit?
Okay maybe if blade loses his weapon cuz teeth are humans natural weapon but i digress. (Is it like how vampire/zombie infect via mara by biting or just biting fetish talking lol. Mara!Zombie! Blade is another thought lol)
Berserker! Blade: Seem like the type to surprise you from behind with a backstab....
Try out Traps? 
So I guess the other option is to tie him up, but once he gets out you know he is coming for you with the fire of mara in his eyes. 
"Its only matter or time until I get you in my grasp" 
 Imagine: You trap him with a riddle or word scramble he has to solve
Somehow i think this would slow him down alot since he has moments where the mara scramble his brain, so he is super annoyed and it takes him awhile. 
"Pay the price for tying me up and wasting my immortal life on puzzle" he deadpans 
Beserker! Blade he's just not a mind game guy and straight to the chase due to his beserker mode.
Beserker! Blade is the type to destroy any trap than solve it due to a lack of patience. 
Random Thoughts on Bladesmith! Blade 
Bladesmith! Blade takes good care of weapons. He hugs his for example.
Berserker! Blade has favorite weapons that he names & Hugs as his soft side.
Imagine: he nicknames you after his blades. lol sweet sorta?
Beserker! Blade he will be pissed if you somehow break your blade but would try to fix it. 
Bladesmith! Blade's anger is cold. He would stand there all intimidating until to apologized not to him but to your blade for breaking it and promise to take care of it better. 
Bladesmith! Blade strikes me as the handyman type who would fix the plumbing if that had that on a stelleron ship . 
Or a toilet lol.
Bladesmith! Blade Deals with the shit on the stelleron ship literally and figuratively. As the one sane rational person on ship maybe not counting the beserker mara mode.
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subtly-a-selkie · 1 year
but like imagine hiro with an s/o who loves to collect random stuff or like picks up rocks and gives them to hiro and is like “here this rock reminded me of you” ODMSJSHHA
i absolutely adore this ask! it might just be because i do the same thing but i’m really excited to write it. I’m so so so sorry for the delay, i had surgery in july and have been recovering since then, plus the Anniversary was last month. (yes that's a long time but please cut me some slack I have been doing my best) anyways i hope you like it! because its been so long since i started it, i wrote it a little differently than usual. it's like a little collection of moments.
also! not only do I now have an ao3, but i also have a taglist! both are linked in my navigation.
Word count: A little over 1k :)
Warnings: Big Hero Six: The Series lore thrown in (Bessie is a meteorite bear, yes it is as weird as it sounds). We are going to pretend I payed for my own matcha ice cream and know how much it was. San Fransokyo cable cars are officially Not That Expensive because I said so. i apparently really like the word intertwine
"I'm back!" You exclaim, sitting down on Hiro's bed to look at him. He was still in the same position as when you had left, staring blankly at his computer screen, he had been trying to fix something on Baymax's suit and you could tell by his slumped posture he hadn't succeeded yet. He brightens up at your voice, and rolls his chair around to face you.
"How was your adventure into the woods?" He asks, pressing the save button on his document.
"Your phrasing makes it sound like there was a seventy percent chance that I would have dropped dead as soon as I heard a bird that isn't a pigeon."
"There's moose, mosquitos, and Bessie in those woods Y/N. I'd say eighty."
"Bessie likes me Hiro. Because I appreciate nature while you would rather wither away staring at a screen."
"Bessie doesn't like anyone. She's a bear."
"A bear that likes me." You retort, laughing at his expression. "Oh! I got you something!" You rummage in your bag and pull out a rock. "Its shaped like Mochi!" 
"So a round rock." Hiro says and you gasp, cupping your hands around Mochi's ears, who had taken up residence on your lap almost as soon as you had sat down on the bed.
"Don't listen to him Mochi you are perfectly cat shaped." You coo at the cat who meows smugly in response.
Hiro takes the rock from where it lay on the bed, you had abandoned it in favor of the real Mochi, turning it over in his hands. You're right, he admits to himself, it does look uncannily like Mochi, even having discoloration where he has his patches. He moves his gaze to you and smiles, setting rock Mochi down on his desk. 
"You know that ice cream place you've been wanting to go to? The one with matcha ice cream?" 
You lift your head from your fussing over Mochi at his voice and smile back at him. "Yeah?"
He responds by standing up and pulling a ten dollar bill out of his pant pocket, then intertwining your fingers and pulling you up off the bed. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
"Hi." You say intertwining your arms around Hiro's shoulders. He's sitting in his chair playing video games with Fred, and you're leaning against the back of the chair.
"Hi." He replies, as you rest your head where his neck meets his shoulder. You stay like that for a bit until his character dies and he disconnects the call, much to Freds chagrin if the whining from Hiro's speakers is anything to go by. He then spins his chair around so you are face to face.
"Hi." He repeats watching as your face brightens in remembrance.
"Oh! I have something for you." You pull a dark feather out of your pocket, smoothing it out before handing it to him. "It reminded me of you." 
"A feather reminded you of me?" He says  as he turns over in his hands.
"Yeah! It's the exact color of your hair."
"I don't think my hair is this pretty in the light though." He's twisting the feather through a sun beam, watching as the hidden iridescent colors are showcased. He turns suddenly, and places it with the Mochi rock, a patterned paper crane, and a few other items.
He turns back to you and opens his arms, you accept the offer for a hug almost immediately, resting your head back on where his neck meets his shoulder.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Your hands rake through the smooth quartz, and you turn a couple over in your hand before moving on to a different plastic box of crystals. You stop when you've chosen one and risk a glance over at Hiro. He is looking at the things you had handed him, the things that you picked out for yourself, this particular crystal is for him though, and you have to somehow pay for it without him noticing. Curling your hand into a fist to hide it, you tug on Hiro's jacket.
"I've found everything I need." You say smiling at him, he nods and leads the way to the cashier, placing your things on the counter, and reaching for his wallet. 
"You paid for the food, I can pay for my things." He pauses.
"You sure?" 
"Yeah." You wait until he's looking at what they have set up next to the counter to add the crystal to your other things, making eye contact with the cashier and then flicking your eyes over to your boyfriend. She seems to have caught your message, and wraps the crystal in tissue paper, along with a couple of the more delicate items.
"Would you like a bag?" She asks
"Yes please." You take the bag from her and intertwine your fingers with Hiro's, leading the both of you out of the shop and onto the streets of San Fransokyo.
"Where should we go next?" He asks you, bringing you closer to him by tugging on your hand, then lifting your joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of yours. 
"Hm." Your eyes scan the street you and Hiro are on, and your eyes light up at a banner that showcases the aquariums deep sea exhibit. You gasp, and turn to look at Hiro.
"You want to go the the aquarium?" He asks before you can say anything, and you nod enthusiastically. Luckily there's a cable car stop just up ahead, and you both sit on the bench as you wait. Hiro takes a drink of his water and you dig around in your bag to find his gift.
"I have something for you." You say. Hiro finishes zipping up his backpack and turns to look at  you. You hand him the wrapped crystal and he unwraps it, turning the smooth rock over in his palm, and reading the little card that came with it.
"Did you get this at the shop we were just at?" He asks, a slight laugh to his tone.
"Yes." You grin at him and more of a laugh makes its way into his voice.
"I love it." He slips it into one of his backpack pockets and intertwines your fingers once more, resting his head on yours.
People tagged <3
@oyasumimosura your hiro fic is on my list but here's something in the meantime
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