#Still figuring out the tagging system bear with me
I have always been a whore for fangs and blood and the Moon and Wolf Symbolism...
but now I have a NAME for it
So as the official Moon and Wolf Symbolism fangirl that I am i'll now post + reblog everything Wolf Cult under the new tags for like, a week.
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aslongaswelast · 1 month
april round up!
it's may, so here are some things i saw in april! titles in bold are my favourites/definite recommendations
perfect days (2024) is technically a film i saw for the first time in march but i saw it again recently and i adore this movie. very quiet, very meditative, didn't hurt that i was super stressed that day and it calmed me right down. plot-wise it's about hirayama, a toilet cleaner in tokyo, and the different people he meets over the course of about ten days. can't recommend this enough if you like that kind of movie.
dune: part two (2024) is. well it's dune it's good i saw it two and a half times in theatres just to have the experience.
on the waterfront (1954) is really really good! saw it in its uk cinema rerelease. it's about corruption within unions in 50s new york, featuring marlon brando being really really good. definitely loved this one
diabolik, chi sei? (2023) took me THREE tries to watch and it WAS worth it. they made this movie for me specifically.
wicked little letters (2023) is also just a delightful time. based on the somewhat true story of a post-WW1 english town in which a woman starts receiving rude letters in the mail, causing scandal, turns into a kind of whodunnit as different characters try to figure out who's sending the letters. not perfect but very fun
and finally robot dreams (2023) has the oscar nomination for a reason!!! beautiful beautiful film with a story that isn't quite what you think it's gonna be. i was smiling for almost all of this film's runtime, it's got some of the most joyful sequences i've ever seen on screen, AND it's got 0 dialogue but still hits the emotional beats. watch robot dreams
shout outs also to crouching tiger, hidden dragon and the social network which i also saw this month!! enjoyed them both very much
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alchemistgoose · 2 years
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messy diluc from last month!! :)
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artstatues · 20 days
Yield, darling? - k.a × reader
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wc : 817
pairings : kai azer x fem! reader, from powerless.
synopsis : you and kai grew up together, trained together, and now you guys were what people called best friends, until one particular training session.
a/n : this is my first x reader and my first time professionally writing a kiss so god bear with me but yeah and its been 2 hours so idek man
requested tag : @thisiskaylin, @urbanflorals, @reminiscentreader, @moondust-on-the-hijabi, @lxvebelle.
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Malakai Azer was your best friend. He’s been your best friend since you were 12. Since you were old enough for your dad, the general, to take you to the castle. He’d take you there on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. You loved and cherished every visit. You met the Princes of Ilya on your 4th visit, as the king saw how well you behaved. Well, of course you behaved, the only thing you did at the castle all day was walk around, explore more and more. By now you’ve memorized the entire layout of the castle. All 4 floors, you know how to get out, get in, noticed or unnoticed. But during those visits, you also began to train with the princes. At first, you preferred training with Kitt, since he was older than you, so was Kai, but you always felt like Kitt knew better, fought better. You were so wrong. He was a good fighter, yes, but the thing was, he’d always let you win. It wouldn’t be called training if he kept letting you win, so you tried training with Kai. You assumed he didn’t know much, since he trained with dummies and figures but oh boy were you horribly wrong. He terribly beat you up. Bruises everywhere, leaving your mother to scold you. You’ve barely talked to him before, but he eventually grew warmer, and didn’t absolutely beat you up all the time. Sometimes, you even switched mediums to using swords instead of hand to hand combat.
“Darling, enough, you’re going to ruin my gorgeous face.” Kai teased before sidestepping to avoid your stab of an attack. “Oh it’s not so gorgeous right now Kai,” You smirked before ducking to protect yourself from his blow, immediately taking advantage of his position to get behind him and pressed your dagger to his neck. “Yield?” Your smirk from earlier had returned. You’ve never been this close together before. Yes the both of you trained endlessly, but it never got this close. Well excluding the one time Kai had you pinned against a tree, knife to your throat. Even that wasn’t as close. You were pretty sure that he could feel your chest heaving. “Not so easily darling,” He smiled before making use of the fact that you were breathless, and the grip on your dagger was sloppy, since you were in fact, breathless. He flipped you over, your back landing harshly on the ground. Oh yeah, something’s definitely wrong in your skeletal system now. You audibly groaned, your face scrunched up in pain. Your dagger did do its job, though, it lightly tore Kai’s skin, resulting in a harsh hiss leaving his kissable lips. He wiped off some of the blood before you got up. Kai held his dagger, backing you up to a tree. Your back hit the tree, you winced because you were really done with this shit. “Kai I can’t-” You finally spoke up, but because of that, he strode to you in one long step, weapon hitting your throat. “Yield then, darling.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear. You could feel his smirk through your skin, but at the same time something tingled in your stomach, you were sure that your face was flush red now. You tried looking down to hide it only for Kai to tilt your head back up with his dagger. “Don’t hide away now, darling.” He still had that stupid smirk on his handsome face. His hand, equipped with the dagger, fell to his side. The tip of his dagger met your hand, trying to convince you to drop the weapon, and you did, because by his body language, you could tell that the atmosphere had changed. “Kai-” You whispered. He dropped his own weapon with a soft thud, or a clatter, you couldn’t even tell at this point, your mind hazy at him, the smell of his cologne, his body being this close to you. He leaned closer, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. All this training likely made your braid loose. “May I?” He asked, his eyes darkening. You could feel your knees weaken and your face getting hotter. You gave him a subtle nod and with that, it felt like you just entered the gateways of heaven, literally. His hands were on you, they were everywhere, one on your neck, the other pinning your hips to the tree. His lips were soft, so soft- delicate- gentle, tender- but also hungry, impatient- You ran out of words to describe it, but it sure as hell was the best thing you’ve experienced. Kai pulled away, “Plagues, darling, you really are something-” He gasped before kissing you again. You were breathless at this point, but even so, you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away. Kai did, eventually, “So, darling, what do you say? Yield?” He smirked, his tone laced with husk.
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
PT2 Faithful Whispers
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Part 1 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your best friend.?
Summery: Ellie was supposed to be a friend, are the feelings that are corrupting you worth it? Why did you kiss her, why even risk it. Now you’re going to lose her.
Warnings -> A lot of Homophobia / arraigned marriage/ angst / Controlling parents / d slur is mentioned! / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
Tag list: @a-little-bit-of-everybody @bready101 @lenaloveslesbians
WC: 3.8k
(Not proofread)
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My mouth tastes like iron and everything is numb, it went from pure lust to rage and anger in a matter of seconds. I just keep thinking, “Could I have prevented it?”. Should I have pushed her back as soon as our lips met, tell her this is wrong, everything that my parents would have strongly preferred. Am I the one who fucked up in the end…? It’s not like it matters anyway, I can still hear the muffled yells coming from downstairs, he's arguing with my mom, she's against the boarding school idea, she believes I was corrupted or something, she fully believes they can fix me, no correction system needed. My dad on the other hand wants me gone, he can’t even bear to look me in my eyes. I’m like some foreign alien that just snuck inside our house and took its place as me, I know for a fact as of now he wishes he could just find the “Real me”.
(30 minutes previously) 
As I heard the door swing open I quickly pushed Ellie back, wiping my lips, my eyes now meeting with her father. Shit. I step back looking at him wondering if he even saw us. He quickly talks, his voice strained, filled with anger “What were you guys doing?” Ellie looks at me, her eyes already filled with tears, all I wanted to really do was just hug her, he quickly yells “I SAID WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING!” I just shake my head and spit out “Nothing!” My voice is filled with nervousness and it feels like I just embarrassed myself. “I should have known, you guys were always too close, having sleepovers and sleeping in the same bed!” Ellie just spits out wiping her own tears “There’s nothing going on dad! We’re friends!” Then his attention fully shifts to me, he steps closer to the point where I need to step back in order to not make any contact. It’s like something just shifts, like he figured the “truth”.
“All those sleepovers, were you guys-” I almost immediately shut down what he was about to say, my voice now more stable. “No!” And as I finish my sentence he grabs my collar which makes tears instantly form in my eyes. “You ruined her. Ellie wasn’t like this before you.” I hated that argument, we met at six, nothing was even there, none of those feelings were even formed until almost 9 years later. It was bullshit, and for some stupid reason I spit that out “Thats fucking bullshit!”. I covered my mouth right after finishing the sentence, I just dug my own grave and that realization was becoming apparent. His grip on my collar tighten and he gets uncomfortably close to my face “You’re a fucking dyke, and you had to drag Ellie into that.” I can see Ellie step forward, her head peeking over his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face as her eyes get puffy and red “Dad let her go! Please” I can’t help but feel like I ruined Ellies life, I was the one who leaned in and kissed her and now- now we're both going to be sent away.
Unlucky for me Ellie's dad doesn't even pay attention to anything she's saying all his attention is fully focused on me “You’ll never see her again.” The way he says it sticks to the back of mind, because I know it's true, the chances of me and Ellie ever even being friends again is most likely over. So now I start crying. It feels like I just lost everything in less than an hour. Ellie grabs him and attempts to pull him back, but as soon as she even lays a finger on her he turns around slapping her with no hesitation. 
Ellies nose starts bleeding and her cheek glows red, and once his attention isn't on me and his grip is loose I run over to Ellie as she cuffs her nose. I quickly rolled up my sleeve to wipe the blood from her nose. I talk stuttering over every word “fuck- are- Ellie are yo- are you okay?” I’m now starting to hyperventilate on the brink of a panic attack but Ellie just nods fast. Ellie’s dad immediately rushes over to us, and no not to help Ellie, he rushes over to grab me by the back of my shirt to pull me away from Ellie. “LEAVE” He yells at me, but this time I don’t budge, Ellie is still fucking bleeding and all his attention is still focused on me, he won’t even look at Ellie.
I push him back literally just trying to make sure Ellie is okay but before I even can, she spits out “Just leave..” her voice is quivering and cracking, I can tell she just doesn’t want me to get hurt. So I finally stepped back. I can tell just by the way she's looking at me this is goodbye, at least for a while..
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I get home and just by the way my parents are watching me I can tell Ellie's parents called them, I assumed they would, at the end of the day as soon as we got caught kissing I knew everything was fucked. “You and Ellie, you’re fucking sneaking around dating” My dad says stepping closer to me, my energy just completely gone and I sigh tiredly not being able to take this outdated homophobic shit. “Me and Ellie are frie-” My mom talks fast, not even allowing me to finish my sentence “YOU WERE KISSING HER, YOU. SNUCK. OUT.” She yells at me standing beside my dad, I can’t even defend myself. What do I even say “We were hugging!” I can’t do anything in this situation. My dad talks again “Pack your bags, we’re leaving in the morning” as my dad finishes my sentence I start tearing up once again. “Where am I even going!?” I yell at them, my respect is now gone, there’s zero point if I'm being sent away. Instead of answering my dad holds out his hand, his palm laying flat. “Phone” I look at him “What?” he now yells “PHONE” I pull it out of my pocket throwing it in his hand before going up the stairs quickly before slamming the door shut. 
I open my closet finding the box with all the stuff I don't want my parents EVER finding, pods, weed, vapes, etc. The one thing that was genuinely the most important thing was my pink Ipod touch mini from when I was 8. I always had it in case I got grounded and wanted to talk to friends, the good thing was I knew Ellie had one too, a blue one she got to match me, so for that reason as soon as I unlock it, I disregard everything else and just start texting her.
4:17 - Ellie, are you good??
4:18 - Pls answer 
4:19 - Parents r arguing, i think i'm gonna go to a boarding school
4:19 - I’m being sent away
4:20 - What?! 
4:20 - Where??
4:20 - idfk they won't even tell me
4:21 - im so fucking sorry
4:21 - why are you even sorry??
4:22 - because i started the whole thing
4:22 - If i didn’t kiss u we would be fine rn
4:23 - dont fucking talk like that
4:23 - if u didn’t kiss me then i would have been overthinking everything rn
4:24 - well we’d still be able to hang out
4:24 - well we can figure it out? 
4:26 - Ellie I don't even know where the boarding school is
4:26 - chances r no service, and i wont be able to bring my phone theyre definitely gonna search my suitcase 
4:26 - then we’ll send fucking letters idfk
4:27 - send letters w no address? 
4:27 - js stop??
4:27 - we’ll figure something out dude???
4:29 - Ellie..
4:29 - stop
4:29 - dont fucking add “…”
4:29 were gna be fine?
4:30 - u know love you
4:30 - i know that 
4:30 - i dont wanna lose u
4:31 - It’ll be alright, we’ll meet each other again and it will be fine
4:32 - promise. 
4:32 - I love you 
Once you see that final message the gravity of the situation becomes way more tense, the last time you saw Ellie she was bleeding from her nose crying . You start packing your bags wiping tears trying to silently cry, not wanting your parents to come in. You caused this whole situation, you knew you did. If you never called her that word, you would have never snuck out, you wouldn't have kissed her, her dad wouldn’t have caught you, and chances are everything would be “perfect” at least to a degree..all you could do is stare around your room now just realizing how half of your room was covered in her
And not pictures, just resonances are her, pictures she drew of you, stuffed animals she bought, clothes you stole that still have her scent on it, everything around you had Ellie in it, she made you who you are. And as you look around your room, your eyes land on that polaroid picture. The picture was of you two, the sunset in the back and you’re just both smiling shoulder to shoulder. 
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(Summer, 15 years old) 
The wind was blowing on your skin as your hair flew all around the back of your neck, Ellie was in front of you riding on her bike “Come on we're gonna miss it'' She yells trying to usher you to bike faster “The sun won’t set that fast relax!” You groan trying to push faster. “I don’t care! We’re going to miss it so push fucking faster!” She pushes faster than you so you now have to try and match her pace. “Holy shit! Can you slow down” She shakes her head and just goes faster until you guys finally make it. It’s actually really beautiful, the sun setting reflecting off the water as the pink sky illuminates all their surroundings. “Shit..” You sigh fully out of breath and Ellie just smiles at you barely watching the sunset, then you finally turn to look at her “I did not bike all the way here for you to stare at me Ellie” Her whole face turns red and she looks away “I’m not even looking at you, I just think you look gross when you’re all sweaty” The words were
slightly harsh but you try to laugh it off “Ha ha, when did you become such a comedian!” Ellie looks back at you “Oh fuck off” You smile and walk closer to the water “Wait- what are you doing??” she says looking at you quickly running up beside you  “Well you said I look sweaty so i'm going to go into the water?” Ellie sorta nods at the response “Well we don’t have bathing suits” You smile at the response “Okay?” You say taking off your shirt leaving you in just a bra. Ellie quickly turns around not looking at you. “I-uh, people” Ellie says and you just shrug “No one comes here like ever, it’s backroads?” You take off your jeans throwing them on the sand and shortly after Ellie then does the same as you not turning around since it’s awkward. “Are you looking?” Ellie asks nervously unbuttoning her own jeans “Oh yeah, hardcore staring actually!” You joke not even batting an eye towards her.
Ellie walks into the water immediately saying “Holy shit! Dude its so fucking cold!!” You laugh and impulsively splash her, getting her whole face wet. “Fuck you!” Ellie laughs jumping forward in the water taking you down with her getting you and her both fully soaked “Stop!” You laugh trying to tackle her in the water when you grab her shoulders and you both just stop trying to fight, only focusing on each other. It’s filled with silence, not awkward silence though, just the sound of the waves splashing against the shore and the breathing coming from both of your mouths..neither of you even broken eye contact..
You move your hand on her face moving a loose strand of hair out of Ellie's eyes, her whole face turns red just by the touch of you plus the intense eye contact doesn’t help. Ellie slightly leans in, not enough for it to be deemed weird but enough so now your faces are closer. You basically naturally do the same, so now at this point you're just mere inches from each other's lips. The moment comes to a short end though when a loud honking comes from the street causing you to both flinch back. The honk leads you to talk to fill the now awkward silence “We should head back, suns basically down” You smile backing away from Ellie moving your hands off her shoulder, Ellie just nods not speaking. You didn’t know it but Ellie felt like a complete idiot that day, she just simply wished she leaned in closing the gap between your lips..
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You just fully start crying all over the polaroid, the memories flood back and you start to wonder why you guys didn’t just kiss. Let alone act like it happened, even though you guys didn’t talk about that moment you both had a mutual understanding that it would be weird to talk about it again? There was no point. You were always so dumb with your feelings, that's why it took so unbelievably long to finally start to accept that maybe you don’t think of Ellie as just some friend. Your mind is rightfully scattered and you start to think things like “If we kissed then would everything be different right now?” “Would we be together?”. You quickly shut down those thoughts, it’s not what matters right now, you don’t have a time machine and you can’t go back, plus right now you’re way too focused on the fact you have to somehow keep in contact with Ellie you guys talked almost everyday and now there’s a chance that there might be a forever absence of her presence..what are you even supposed to do?
Pack up the 10 years of friendship. Find a guy to marry just to get your parents approval, it’s not fair that way. You can’t just lose her..So found your mind was wondering the whole night thinking
of ways you could be together until you ultimately fell asleep, praying to wake up in an alternate universe where Ellie is holding you, a world where it’s just you and her. 
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You wake up feeling groggy and out of place, the sun shining on you through the sheer curtains hitting right on your left eyeball. You groan and sit up not even having a minute of peace before your mom comes into your room, not even knocking. “Get dressed, the taxi is going to be here in 20 minutes” You look at her, reality finally setting again. “Where am I going..?” You try again, looking at her when she finally answers “Boarding school in Europe.” Your heart immediately sinks..”Europe?” Your voice shakes, you make eye contact with her, you want your mom to see how this is hurting you, the tears settling in your eyes. “It’s furthest away from here, so yes.” She looks at you, not an ounce of pity in her voice, she doesn’t care what you think, and there's nothing you can say to change her mind. 
“All this because I kissed Ellie..?” It’s the first time you’re actually saying it out loud and you hate yourself because it feels so wrong, and it's not because you don’t like Ellie, or you completely regret kissing her, it’s because of the look your mom gave you after you finished the sentence. It’s a look that has disgust and utter disappointment lingering all throughout it. It made you feel like you're some monster, who just wished death upon her or something. She replied her voice is still filled with disappointment. “There’s something wrong with you, and these people will fix you sweetie, I promise.” She takes a step forward and rubs your cheek yet you don’t hesitate to push her hand off. “Nothing is wrong with me!” Your mom steps back and looks at you trying to talk to you softly but realistically it was just some condescending tone that tried to convince you that you were in the wrong “Hun, Ellie and you, you guys are both sick, and it’s okay, once you both get help you’re going to understand where all of us are coming from.” You feel like you’re going to explode “Sick” she’s acting like this is some cold that will blow over and a fucking week.
“Can you get out.” You say no longer making eye contact with her, you can't bear to at this point. “What?” She says almost confused, probably thinking “I didn’t even do anything wrong”. So you talk again this time standing up “Well I need to get changed, so can you get out” You say looking at her. She just nods while walking out. You quickly get dressed and grab your suitcase, it hurts to know you won’t see this room for at least a year. 
As you're walking downstairs your dad doesn't even look at you, he just holds open the door and grabs your suitcase, throwing it into the taxi. You look at both of your parents, your mom gives you a hug but you're pity so you obviously don’t hug back. Your dad will not even look at you, it’s like you’re a fucking disappointment in his eyes..
And as you get into your car and drive away, it can’t help but hurt leaving your childhood house, neighborhood, friends, but most importantly Ellie. All the memories would fade and be replaced with new ones. It all sucked, and what was worse was that you didn’t know it now but it would be 3 years till you went back. 
I was sixteen then and now I'm nineteen. As soon as I saw “Welcome to Westborough” it almost felt eerie, my smile just instantly faded . “You okay?” My fiancé chuckles holding my hand. I quickly nod “Yeah of course” I give a simple smile. James. It was all my parents' idea. When you were 17 your parents came up with the golden Idea to get married. It would get you not so focused on her. So that's when that's where he came in. It was my moms friend's son. You’ve met him a few times. He was always nice but marrying him?! Marrying him felt so out of place. You didn’t even know him..so you just kept on denying him and it came to the point where my parents ended up forcing you, they said if you didn’t they would cut all contact, they would start telling your family the real reason why you went to Europe and you would end up losing everyone. So you agreed and at 18 he proposed and you two have been living in Europe for the time being. You felt like you just couldn’t go back to Westborough, too much has happened. 
So when the ones who forced you out of Westborough wanted you to come back to have your wedding you were silently fuming. “Soo you’re going to show me your childhood home?” James asks, smiling lightly, kissing your neck. You just sorta smile “Guess so?” You say looking out the window as you guys pull up to your house with your parents already standing on the porch. You don't even want to get out, you know Ellie most definitely has her own life and it’s probably a low chance she still even lives here but everything about being back seems so scary. 
You get out of the taxi and James goes to get your guy’s luggage as you walk up hugging your mom. You look at your dad and sorta smile, your guy's relationship has never been the same since the situation. You still believe he thinks of you as a completely different person. James walks up and shakes his hand “Hey son!” Your dad smiles at James. You walk into the house and James follows you “Where’s your room?” He smiles looking at you “Just upstairs i'll show you” He follows you upstairs walking in as he puts down your suitcase.  
You look around yourself noticing they haven’t touched anything, it looks like your parents didn’t even go into your room once. James walks over to your desk noticing the polaroid flat on your desk, you turn over to look at him and he softly says “Who’s this?” You walk up to him looking at the polaroid of you and Ellie on the beach and you shrug. “Just an old friend” He looks at her “Were you two close?” You sorta hate yourself for what you're about to say “No not really, just friends for a few months.” You only say this simply because you don’t wanna say why you never told him about a friendship that lasted 10 years, it would be too much for him..and you.. 
It shortly faded into the night, James and your dad went out to bond or something? You don’t even really know they just said that they’re heading out for a little. You look at your watch rubbing your eyes while yawning  “10:47pm” you mumble under your breath standing up..As you walk outside of your room you hear the tv going off from the first floor so you quietly go downstairs to see your mom passed out on the couch.
It sucks because you feel like you should hate her. Your whole life has constantly been controlled by your parents, they sent you away at 16 because you were “sick”. You just try to remind yourself her parents probably made her like this, so you grab a blanket and put it on your mom. You sigh walking to the front door and start putting on your jacket, you just need to walk. So that's what you do for the next 10 minutes until you make it into town, stuff has stayed the exact same, which works out in your favor because you know where the closet bar is! You open the door and there's only like 5 people in now 6 including you..And as you look over at the front bar you notice the bartender isn’t even there, you sorta just groan but reluctantly walk over and sit down. You're just looking down at the bar table when you hear the kitchen door open and a girl says “Sorry to keep you wait-” You wonder why she stopped so you decide to look up.
The girl is no other than Ellie..
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A/N -> ts took so long for actually no reason 😭
again there will probably be another part since it ends on a cliffhanger, just lmk if u wanna be in the tag list and i’ll add u!!
I will also probably be making another story, i have a rough draft for it right now but i don’t rlly no what to do with the plot, that story will again also most likely have more then one part!
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This is so touching!
I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this. But then I was like, I've already made them wait long enough, and what's the harm of posting two things in one day?
Felt it'd be nice to have Part 6 be a little less plot-driven. You'll see what I mean
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
QPR, Part 6
“[Hero], come on!” the villain called, from where they laid sprawled on the couch. “You said it wouldn’t take that long!”
“Hold on just a sec.” The hero’s voice floated from the kitchen. “They’ll be done soon.”
The villain scowled and flopped back on the pillows. “You never see Do-yun making Ha-rin wait around forever.”
“That’s because tv shows have this magical trick called the jump cut.” There was the sound of an oven door closing. “We'll just let them bake, and then they’ll be so good you won’t even remember the wait.”
The villain groaned.
Then they heard the sound of running water, and burst up, rushing into the kitchen. “Are you doing my dishes?!”
The hero jerked their head up like they’d been caught vandalizing. “I was just going to do a few while we waited.”
“Okay, one, you do not need to do my chores on k-drama night. And two, how long is the baking going to take?!”
The hero glanced to their phone on the counter. “’Bout fifty more minutes.”
The villain gaped. “That’s most of an episode!”
“Well I didn’t want us to have to pause the show during a big scene. This way we can – Jesus your hands are freezing!”
The villain had come up behind the hero to hug them, pressing their hands on the hero’s stomach.
“Come watch tv dear,” they said into the hero’s shoulder. “I’m cold without you.”
The hero shook their head, but also cracked a small grin. “You’re evil.”
The villain matched their expression and pressed their hands more. “Of course I am. It’s the only way I can get you to cuddle me.”
In the end, the brownies were, in fact, good enough to make the villain forget why they were annoyed in the first place.
“Oh my god,” the hero said.
The villain fidgeted. “Do you like it?”
“Like it?” The hero looked up. “[Villain], it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
The hero was holding a small fluffy teddy bear, its fur the black, grey, white, and purple of the asexual flag.
The villain beamed. “Really?”
The hero nodded gleefully. “He needs a name.”
“I think the tag says its name is ‘Fuzzy’ or something. You could – ”
“Ferdinand,” the hero decided, assessing the stuffed animal. “Ferdinand Bearnsby. The next Prince of Denmark.”
The villain wrapped the hero in a hug. “I’m so glad you like it.”
“So is [Villain], like, a law-abiding citizen now?” the hero’s friend asked.
“Uh, sort of?” The hero gazed around at the restaurant’s outdoor seating area. “They still break minor laws, but I think they’ve really toned it down to stress me out less.”
“Hey, that’s great.”
The hero swirled their iced tea with their straw. “Yeah, I guess.”
The friend quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t agree?”
The hero sighed. “Okay, so don’t ever tell [Villain] this, but I think their ‘devil may care’ attitude is maybe, kinda . . . a little bit cool?”
The friend grinned. “Oh really?”
In return, the hero’s smile was sheepish. “It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I secretly wish that they’d behave more like their old villainous self sometimes.”
“Hm, well I suppose that – ”
Something enormous crashed into the street, making all the dishes clatter. The hero and their friend both whipped their heads around to see the cause of the noise.
“Oh hi [Hero]!” The fifty-foot tall mech waved at the two of them. “Fancy meeting you here. How did you know it was me?”
“[Villain], why are you in a giant robot?!”
“Isn’t it cool?” The villain spun around, their heavy feet cracking the pavement and the machine's hinges screeching with every movement. “I finally figured out how to get the power system working.”
“This is illegal.”
The villain laughed. “Ah okay, I see the issue. But, fear not my darling, for I have” – they pulled out a sheet of paper that looked miniscule in their enormous metal hands – “a permit!”
Soon after, the mech continued walking down the street, while the hero followed them, shouting at the top of their lungs.
The friend watched them go, and then chuckled. Those two maniacs were perfect for each other.
A-spec stories taglist:
@feline17ff , @piept , @doublericenobeans , @vioqueenofmushrooms , @pigeonwhumps , @thelazywitchphotographer , @taramacgay
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sonickinhelp · 5 months
Happy New Year! Updates and housekeeping
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Everyone who is still here, thank you for your support through the radio silence as this blog has been going through all the difficulty we've all come to expect from the 2020s.
I am still the only active mod. I didn't actually realize how long it had been since anyone else posted -- two years now. I have finally lost contact with Mods Silver and Whisper and their system. Don't worry, I know they're okay, and I'm glad they've gotten comfortable living openly and authentically as a system and are doing what makes them happy.
The main blog they used to create this blog has been abandoned for two years, and even back then it was clear that they were abandoning it permanently. So even though their account is still an admin on this blog, they don't actually have access to it anymore. At some point they deleted the discord server. I'm not sure when that was.
Besides them, there are still three other admins on this blog. I'm pretty sure none of them are ever going to post here again.
So, I'm doing something I didn't want to do, because I kept hoping that I wasn't really the last one left here. I'm going to consider myself as the primary owner of this blog from here on out and do a reboot. If former admins (especially Silver) come back and get upset at me for this, I'm truly sorry. I just can't bear to see this blog gasp and die like this anymore.
What this reboot entails
Immediately after posting this, I'm going to start fiddling with the blog layout. I'm not as good with tumblr themes as the one who set the blog up, and I don't want to break anything, so I'm probably not going to mess with it much. But I'm going to clean out all the old outdated information. I might also delete a nav page or two that don't make sense to have anymore.
I'm going to clean out the askbox and trigger-tag list. I hate to do it, but it's time to start fresh. If you have a request that hasn't been done and you still want it, send it in again. If you have a trigger you still need tagged, send it in again. (The old trigger-tag list was stored on the discord, so I don't have access to it anymore anyway.)
I'm going to rewrite the rules, FAQ, and pinned post. There's a good chance I won't change them much, but I just want to make sure they're accurate to the limitations and boundaries that exist now, and that's gonna be different from when the blog was created.
And, most importantly, I'm going to take on some new mods. I'll have to figure out a way for us to communicate besides a discord server (I'm over the 100-server limit and I don't have money for Nitro anymore) but this was never a blog I could effectively manage completely on my own. I want to have a team again, so everyone can have their requests done in days instead of months.
Thank you all again for your support. I'm glad that, despite everything, this blog is still here.
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four-white-trees · 5 months
Sunday Six: Happy New Year!
I have been working hard at editing ghost boys and being possessed by the spirit of Kuwana, so today I'm sharing a snippet of a secret project I've been hatching with @mike----wazowski for a little while. Let me introduce to you Daigo's fishing village boyfriend I occasionally reference: Kaisei Murata! Tagging everyone: @overdevelopedglasses @woundedheartwithin @fragilitease @passthroughtime @ohayouasagohan @skysquid22
This takes place in the fishing village we've seen from the IW promo, so I'm sure everything will get obliterated when the game comes out, but whatever. I hope you enjoy the OC :3
Daigo walked down the dock, lantern in hand to navigate the pre-dawn darkness. Heavy mist hung in the air, soaking everything exposed to it. The dock was slippery, so Daigo walked carefully, rope in hand. 
He was, shamefully, hungover. He hadn’t been hungover in so long, and this felt like he’d been hit by a truck. And he actually had been hit by a truck once, so he knew that was an accurate comparison. He wasn’t young anymore, and he knew he couldn’t afford to drink back into his vice, yet it seemed like he had lost all control over it. 
It made him feel horrid. Worthless. Like everything he’d worked toward in his life amounted to nothing, because he had nothing but a killer headache and a nauseous stomach. 
He approached the dingy moored at the end of the dock, and the light of his lantern illuminated the form of a man laying inside. Daigo tensed, but noticed his eyes were open. He recognized the big black coat he wore. “Kaisei-san?” 
He let out a long, slow exhale. “Who told you my name?” Then he held up a finger. “Don’t answer that. I’m sure I know.” 
Pinching the bridge of his nose against a wave of pain, Daigo said, “I need to take this boat.” 
“Figured that’s why you’re here,” Kaisei said, making no movement. “Be nice to see some stars once in a while.” 
Daigo glanced up at the black overcast sky. “There were plenty of stars in the summer,” he said.
“Too bad summer’s over.” Kaisei finally sat up, scratching at his scalp. His hair fell over his face, tangled and wet. He stood in the boat, looking more stable against the sway of the water than he did on land. Daigo offered a hand to help him up on the dock, but Kaisei ignored it and climbed onto the dock himself. 
Despite his wishes, Daigo’s irritation was rising. He lowered himself into the dingy, taking a moment to get his bearings in the rocking boat. 
“You alone?” Kaisei asked. 
“I am,” Daigo answered. Majima had managed to get out of bed that morning, so he and Saejima had already set off. Daigo had stayed behind for a while to try to shake his hangover, but he was unsuccessful. 
“That’s real stupid,” Kaisei said. 
Daigo ground his jaw and tended to his tasks until he heard Kaisei’s retreating footsteps. He didn’t want to snap at the other man, so he ignored him. He still felt bad about it. 
The waters were choppy that morning, and a particularly vigorous wave rocked the dingy quite suddenly. Daigo planted his feet, but the boat was slippery with the mist. He overcorrected, his head swimming with the leftover alcohol in his system, and before Daigo realized it, he hit the water. 
The shock of the freezing water paralyzed him. He tried to kick his feet, beat his arms, tried to swim, but his body simply wouldn’t listen. At the same time, he wanted to gasp, and he fought against the instinct, instead breathing out hard through his nose to prevent water going into his lungs. 
Arms encircled his waist, and Daigo felt himself be pulled. The water was too dark and the salt stung his eyes, so he couldn’t see who had jumped into the sea after him. But he surfaced, gasping, breathing in the salty air and blinking against the water in his eyes. 
“Ya can’t fucking swim?” he heard in his ear, the voice strained but familiar. He held onto Daigo with one arm, the other cutting through the water, his powerful legs propelling the both of them. 
Daigo couldn’t answer; he was coughing. Kaisei brought them to the shore, pulling Daigo out of the water and onto the rocky beach. He left Daigo there in a heap, and Daigo took in a few long, careful breaths before sitting up. 
The air chilled him, and Daigo realized he was freezing. The water of the sea had been frigid, and now he was covered in wet, freezing clothing. 
Kaisei returned, dragging his coat behind him. He sat down next to Daigo and pulled a small glass bottle from one of his coat’s pockets. The sun had begun to rise, lightening the sky to a bleak gray. Daigo looked at Kaisei sans coat as he pulled the stopper out of the bottle and took a long drink of the dark liquor inside. 
He was a stocky man, heavier on bottom than top, but his arms still looked quite muscular. His black t-shirt clung to his chest and belly, leaving rather little to the imagination. He passed the glass bottle to Daigo, who, not one to risk offending someone who just saved him, took a deep swig. 
Daigo nearly spat it out. It was rum, and bad rum at that. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was sugar water mixed with grain alcohol. Still, he swallowed the liquid and handed the bottle back to Kaisei who took another deep swig. 
“I can swim,” Daigo said after a few moments of silence. “I’ve just never been in water that cold before.” 
Kaisei nodded. “You should undress, city boy,” he said quietly. He met Daigo’s surprised look. “Your lips are about to turn blue. I’ll let you borrow my jacket.” 
“What about you?” 
Kaisei scoffed. “I was born here. I can handle a bit of cold.” He took another drink. “You got fifteen seconds before I change my mind and go home.” 
Despite everything in him telling him this was a bad idea, Daigo complied. He stripped down to his underwear and undershirt–he wasn’t going to expose himself in front of Kaisei–and pulled the big coat on. It was a little tight in the shoulders and belly, but the warmth of the wool against his skin was welcome. He gradually ceased shaking. 
“Thank you, Kaisei-san” Daigo said. Kaisei shrugged, scratched at his scalp absently. “Seriously. I owe you.” 
“Whatever,” he muttered, getting to his feet. “Just give my jacket back next time you see me. It’s my only one.” 
“And when will that be?” Daigo asked. 
Kaisei shrugged, gazing out at the sea. “That’s up to you.” Then he turned and made his way along the shoreline, leaving Daigo to pick himself up and return to his lodging for dry clothes.
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milfgyuu · 2 years
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The Yo-Nut Slasher Pairing: Wen Junhui x Fem!Reader Tags: 2.3k, Humor, Spooky Stuff Prompt: “Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?” Requested Anonymously Summary: Ur favorite Yo-Nut employees are back for a Halloween special. (From the ‘What’s My Age Again?’ AU)
Warnings: Language.
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Halloween is always a busy night for the Yo-Nuts staff, including the late shift because what’s better than going home and digging into all that candy?
Apparently going out for frozen yogurt and donuts at one o’clock in the morning. 
That’s what.
You and Jun whirl around each other behind the counter serving costumed vampires, werewolves, zombies, cheerleaders, celebrities, slasher villains, and tv show characters galore.
Seriously, you’ve seen like twelve Eddie Munsons from Stranger things in the past hour alone. 
The toppings are running slim and there is only one bin of gummy bears left but thankfully closing time quickly approaches and people start filtering out around two thirty in the morning. You attempt to clean as you go but you’re shot from how busy it’s been. Jun is much the same as he half-heartedly cleans the counter, knocking sprinkles onto the floor he’ll have to sweep up later. 
He’s still holding strong to that promise of cleaning the floors and bathrooms for all eternity. 
“That’s it,” Jun sighs in relief, locking the doors and turning off all the neons in the windows. He flips the ‘Closed’ sign a little hastier than usual. “Hell night is over.”
You snort, turning down the lights. “It’s almost three am. The witching hour hasn’t even begun.”
Jun finishes cleaning the last of the tables and see’s you carefully closing out the computer system, pulling the cash drawer to take back to the office to count. 
He can’t resist the urge - you’re just so vulnerable and unsuspecting. He sneaks up behind you and presses his fingers into your ribs, delighting in the terrified squawk you let out.
He’s lucky not a single penny spills from the drawer in your hands.
“If you tell anyone about the sound I just made, I’ll kill you,” you growl before turning around and glaring up at him, “And then I’ll dump your ass and you can be a lonely single loser for all of eternity.”
Jun grins. “You’re so hot when you threaten me.”
Damn him and his ability to make you laugh. 
You retreat to the office and Jun cleans the floors and bathrooms - though it might be a little half-assed and a problem for day shift. The only thing left to do is shut down the serving station but he glances at it and instead decides to check on you and make sure you weren’t trying to bash in the poor old printer as he’d caught you attempting a few weeks back.
Printing the evening financials was decidedly the worst part of your job. 
Thankfully, by the time he arrives, you’re already neatly stacking reports and stapling them together. The machinery still fully intact. Jun knows he’s not allowed to be all lovey dovey with you at work because you hate the PDA but no one is around so he leans over you to kiss the top of your head, smiling when he hears your soft hum of approval. 
Something catches his eye in the large monitor that displays the footage from the security cameras and at first, he writes it off as his imagination but another flicker of motion has his brows furrowed as he leans over you. You complain about being smooshed beneath his frame but he clicks on one of the outside cameras, centering the footage and making it larger. 
“Someone is hanging around by the dumpsters.”
You huff. “Yeah, probably a fat raccoon.”
“No, I’m serious.” His tone is far more firm than usual and you take a look at the screen. “That’s a person. They’re just…pacing back and forth.”
There’s a lump in your throat and you struggle to swallow it down.
“Maybe they’re drunk,” you hurry to rationalize why there would be a large, dark figure lurking behind your building, “There’s tons of Halloween parties and pub crawls going on.”
Jun grimaces, “...I don’t like it.”
You lay your hand over his and look up at him. “I’ll write a note for day shift and we can just leave the trash inside by the back door. My car is close to the front doors so let’s just finish what we need and go, okay?”
Jun glances back at the camera where the figure continues to pace back and forth, no sign of deviation from it’s short, repetitive path. “Yeah, okay. Let’s get out of here.”
Even though you know you’re safe inside you don’t let go of Jun’s hand as you walk around ensuring everything is indeed locked up. Jun hits the lights as you go, blanketing everything in darkness until only a few service lights and the moonlight shining through the dining room windows illuminate your steps. 
You make it just around the corner and behind the counter when Jun suddenly wraps his around around you from behind, one hand over your mouth, and he drops you both to the ground behind the serving station. Your eyes are wide in panic and Jun hushes you softly, his lips close to your ear. 
“Don’t scream! Please don’t scream,” he repeats until you release the death grip on his wrist and try to slow your breathing. “Someone is outside trying to look into the windows.”
“M-maybe it’s just some idiot who doesn’t realize we’re closed.”
There’s a horrific sound that hits your ears and you both cringe. The sound of something sharp scratching glass. 
You jolt in fear and accidentally knock Jun’s head against a metal cabinet. He groans but you quickly scramble out of his lap and plaster yourself next to him, curling your knees tight to your chest. You smack his thigh, telling him to do the same thing because his long legs stick out so far his shoes would be visible to whoever the hell is outside. He tucks them in and rubs the back of his head, instinctively ducking as there is a taunting knocking sound. 
“This is not fucking happening,” you mutter to your self, “We’re not getting murdered in Yo-Nuts.”
Jun snorts and you cut him a glare. “What?” he whispers, “The headline would be a little bit funny.”
“I’m. Not. Laughing.”
He shuts right up and the silence is followed by tapping but it’s sharp, almost metallic. It makes your teeth hurt. Jun looks over at you trembling in fear and he tries to make you feel better. 
“What if it’s like the hash-slinging slasher?” he attempts, “Right? Because he was actually just some guy with a spatula who wanted to apply for a job and he wasn’t scary at all!”
Your nails dig into your knees to keep from losing it and you look over at him, tilt your head, and grit your teeth. Jun shrinks. 
“Except that was a SpongeBob episode and this is real life!” you hiss, “And we don’t fucking use spatulas here!”
So, that didn’t work. 
“Oh my god,” you squeeze the bridge of your nose, “Ok. We just need to think.”
The tapping is drowned out by a loud crunching sound and when you peer over at Jun, he’s managed to somehow reach back behind and above your heads to grab a mixed handful of crushed peanuts and chocolate chips out of the serving bins. He shovels it into his mouth and you shake your head at him. 
“Ok, alright, we need to call the cops,” you mumble to yourself patting down both your apron and pants pockets, “Shit, where is my phone?”
More crunching but slightly varied. Likely another topping option. 
Around a mouthful, Jun asks, “Did you leave it in the office?”
Yes. Yes, you did. It had almost fallen out of your pocket so you set it on the desk and then you got distracted by the creeper outside and you just wanting to get the hell out of here. 
You hold out a hand toward your boyfriend and then close your fist around four multi colored sour gummy worms. With a hushed groan, you whip your head toward him, vision catching on the pink gummy worm hanging out the corner of his mouth. 
His eyes widen curiously as you aggressively throw them away, the faint sound of them splattering somewhere in the kitchen again forgotten when the knocking and scratching picks up again. “Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?!”
Jun gawks at you incredulously. “Babe! You know I eat when I’m nervous!”
You will every ounce of patience into your body. You love him. You really do. You don’t want to sacrifice him to the shadow man outside. Even though you could probably out run him. Or trip him. He’s got weaker ankles. 
Ugh. Who are you kidding? You’d miss him too much. 
Calmly and evenly, you try again, holding out your hand. “Jun, I need your phone.”
“I don’t have it.”
“What do you mean you don’t have it? You always have it!”
He smiles awkwardly. “I left it at home because we were gonna be together all day anyways so I thought I uh…wouldn’t need it.”
You narrow your eyes and then gasp. “Oh my god! You’re downloading that stupid upgrade for your league game, aren’t you?!”
Jun sighs. “Well…yeah, but only because it takes like six hours and again,” he emphasizes with his brows and a wave of his hand over your body, “Love of my life. Right here. By my side. All day. Who else do I need to call?”
“I don’t know…maybe the police?! In case of an emergency! Like this!”
Jun nods. ”Right…yeah. Lesson learned there.”
You realize you need to get back to the office for the business phone but even if you crawl all the way there, you’d be visible for a brief portion of it. Tears spring to your eyes in both frustration and fear. You bury your face in your hands and Jun loops his arm around your shoulders. “Hey,” he says softly, “We’re going to be okay. I promise.”
You lean into his embrace. All the frustration and anger peeling away to the reveal the very raw terror beneath. “I’m sorry for being so mean, Junhui,” you sniffle, pressing harder against his chest, “I’m so fucking scared right now.”
“I know,” he wraps his arms tighter, “I know. Me too.”
“I love you.”
“Now you’re scaring me.”
A little reluctantly amused nose exhale is all he gets in response. 
With Jun’s encouragement and warm touch that never wavers, he convinces you to make a run to the back office where the phone is located, and he locks the door from the inside. You make a frantic call out to emergency services and are forced to sit tight wait for them to arrive - both too nervous to do much more than share the single desk chair and huddle together anyway. 
The cops find nothing aside from some scratches near the doors but the entire property was clear by the time you emerge from the building. Jun triple checks the alarm and quadruples his efforts on the locks. They determine it was probably just some kids playing a prank or like you had originally assumed, a drunkard out of his mind but probably harmless. 
It isn’t until a week later, lazing about in Jun’s bed as you flicked through channels late at night that you got an actual answer to who was outside that night.
Your boss believed your story and hadn’t batted an eye about closing the shop early for the next two weeks - giving you and Jun much needed time off. It was spent much like this, in the apartment with you sitting up against the pillows and Jun laying on his stomach between your legs, long arms wrapped around your waist as he sleeps with his head on your thigh or stomach. You didn’t much care to sleep alone and Jun didn’t argue when you unofficially moved in for the time being.
The reporter’s voice on the news channel catches your attention.
“After multiple reports of local night shift workers being terrorized by an unknown ‘Shadow Man’ police have finally brought charges against a suspect they caught lurking near a downtown pub.”
“Babe,” you pat Jun’s bare back repeatedly, “Wake up and look at the tv!”
He lifts his heads and smacks his lips. There’s probably drool on you where his mouth has been but you ignore it. Jun turns his head at an awkward angle and blinks. “No dummy just roll over!”
He musters the energy and then very ungracefully rolls onto his back to rest his head and shoulders against your front. You wrap your arms around him and rub his chest, coaxing him back to the land of the living. “They caught the guy!”
Jun hums. “What guy?”
‘....surveillance paid off when officers caught the thirty-seven year old convicted felon pacing in the alley way behind the pub’s back door the staff typically uses to take trash to the dumpsters. He’s been taken into custody though the full extent of charges being brought against him are still unknown.’
Jun’s heartbeat thuds hard & fast beneath your palm.
‘All reports mention taunting scratching, tapping, and knocking against glass and exterior doors and four of the six businesses were able to provide security footage showing an identical shadowy figure pacing in the same pattern near the rear exits and dumpsters. Although his motive is currently unknown, all reports came from vulnerable night shift employees who experienced this horror just minutes…’
Jun slips the remote from your fingers and switches something else on. Something more upbeat. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to look for a new job?”
You blink at him. “You want to leave Yo-Nuts?”
Jun snickers. He’ll never be over the company name. It’s the reason he applied. 
“No,” he sighs, looking up at you as he shakes his head, “Not really. It’s easy and they overpay us. Plus...we get to work together.”
You smile, tipping your chin down to kiss his forehead. 
“I don’t want to leave either.”
Jun shrugs, settling into his new comfy position and he holds your hands. “Then it’s settled. We’re staying. Take that, you Hash-Slinging Slasher wannabe.”
“Yeah…that guy definitely wasn’t applying for a job.”
Thanks for reading!
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Halloween 2022 | SVT M.List | Main M.List
→ Please do NOT copy, repost, or translate, any of my works here on tumblr or on any other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, Milfgyuu, 2019. ©️
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
can I have a refresher on the plot of the just him and me au? I got super brainrotty over it when y'all first made it but then i forgot my tumblr password for like ages
hello hello again anon! don't worry talking about jmah is like my bread and butter i can do it literally all day every day it's SO bad this AU changed my brain chemistry forever i stg 😭
here's a link to my tag on the AU, and if you go to @theminecraftbox kat also has her tag linked for you to look through a lot of JMAH rambling XD. For a general outline on the concept and timeline, JMAH (or just me and him AU) is a concept that starts with c!Sam, freshly killed at the end of the Daedalus arc, getting tp-ed back into his old body right as c!Tommy is about to enter for his first prison visit on January 21st, 2021. He comes to terms with what's going on pretty fast and decides that this time around, he's going to take things more seriously. This time, he's going to do it right.
That leads into the JMAH prison arc, which--true to the name of the AU--consists of just j!Sam and j!Dream for as long as j!Sam can manage it. Here's a quick rundown of major events:
January 21st, 2021 - j!Sam first gets tp-ed into the prison again. He prevents Tommy from actually ever visiting Dream, marching him out of the prison and immediately banning visitors to Pandora's Vault entirely. He goes back to the cell, freaks out at a very confused j!Dream, confiscating most of the items in the cell (taking the clock, blowing up the chest and lectern and cauldron to collect them), j!Dream's potatoes, and his mask. j!Dream fights when j!Sam tries to take his mask--it doesn't go very well. He gets pretty badly beaten and j!Sam himself doesn't come out unscathed either.
January 22nd, 2021 - j!Sam modifies the cell entirely--adds a lot more dispensers along the back, adding the crying obsidian, and most importantly adding a row of glass with a piston door to keep j!Dream locked in the back of the cell with only about two or three blocks of space from the glass to the back wall. A return system very similar to the one in c!Ponk's cell is installed. j!Dream is reeling and injured and kinda in shock about what the hell is going on with Sam, what - and as j!Sam starts putting harming potions in the dispensers above his head, he starts to realize that. Oh. He might be a little bit fucked.
January 24th, 2021 - j!Quackity tries propositioning j!Sam for Las Nevadas. j!Sam emphatically refuses, makes some weird implications about j!Quackity wanting to torture j!Dream (??? what ??? like not that the thought didn't cross his mind but what the FUCK??) and is ultimately pretty cagey and aggressive in ways that pretty thoroughly sour j!Quackity to the guy, especially when he learns about the weirdness that happened with j!Tommy's prison visit. The two of them start hanging out more, and in the process start theorizing that maybe j!Sam is in with the enemy--maybe j!Dream has played them all. (Around this time, j!Sam also seals up the Egg Room. Okay, problem boxed fixed, not his problem now!)
~March, 2021 - Lacking any updates from inside the prison, j!Ranboo sets off the TNT in a last ditch attempt to try and communicate with the man inside. j!Dream is heartened by the reminder that he's not been forgotten, but also faces Consequences for this. He's slowly coming to terms with j!Sam's deal and trying to figure out what the hell he's going to have to do to survive it and get out of here. On the other hand, the TNT freaks out j!Sam badly--even now, even after everything he's done, j!Dream is still hiding things from him. Still getting things past him. It's a pretty rough day for them both.
~ May 2021 - j!Quackity and j!Tommy's efforts to break into the prison to figure out what the hell is going on finally bears fruit in a convoluted, definitely-should-not-work-in-the-slightest-by-any-stretch-of-the-imagination kind of plan that. Miraculously. Somehow. Does manage to work, through a combination of j!Sam being a little too careless and distracted and hey like after you try different things like a hundred different times maybe you'll come up with something a little less bound to fail on step one and sheer, plain, dumb luck - they manage to break in while dragging Ghostbur with them, wanting information on what's going on (and j!Quackity, of course, looking for information on the revive book.) Once they get to the cell, all hell breaks loose - in the chaos, as j!Sam makes harming rain down from the dispensers to try and gain control, j!Dream ends up reviving j!Wilbur before j!Sam arrives in the cell. j!Sam maims and kills j!Quackity, taking two fingers and a life, and then once again throws j!Tommy out of the prison. IT's the first major deviance from the old timeline, and it is. a Huge blow to j!Sam, who has otherwise been convincing himself that everything has been running smoothly thus far. It's a awful cocktail of some of the moments from the old timeline where he felt the most out of control (taking Ponk's arm, watching Tommy die, being unable to stop Dream from reviving Wilbur, Quackity's visits) and it shakes him up badly. His relationships have been slowly burning as this timeline has proceeded - despite managing to not torture and maim j!Ponk this time around (woo great job for that one j!Sam) they had a very messy + very public breakup, j!Tommy's complaining hasn't really done his reputations any favors, cutting off the rest of the Badlands and not keeping j!Bad and j!Ant as guards hasn't helped their relationships at all, and he's also just . Been holing himself in the prison. This incident gets pretty publicized and only ends up making his reputation worse - and j!Sam ends up spending even more time within the prison.
~ November, 2021 - Tired of j!Sam's bullshit, j!Quackity's planning goes from 'trying to figure out what's going on' to full on Butcher Army, time to plan a coup. Enlisting j!Techno for the cause (hey, they've got to have a shared grudge against j!Sam, right?) he starts planning a takeover of the prison. He's going to take out j!Sam, trap him, j!Dream, and j!Techno inside the prison, and get the keycards for himself. Time for him to be top dog, whatever. His plan goes off pretty well...except for how j!Techno had a stasis pearl and manages to leave before he gets to him. Whoops. Still, he's got j!Dream and j!Sam and an axe he's been grinding for months--time to get the keycard and get the Revive Book and get his fucking revenge for good.
~ end of November, 2021 - j!Techno returns not too long after gathering some supplies necessary to break in and break out of the prison again, the weak points being. Much, much more shoddily patched together, given that they were fixed by j!Quackity. At this point, j!Quackity has been visiting the cell daily for about two weeks, mostly focusing on j!Sam because he's really fucking angry about the whole "oh yeah i maimed and killed you lol" thing and because...honestly j!Dream isn't even as fun or as satisfying, mans has a pretty high pain tolerance and isn't nearly as scared of him as he is of disappointing his Warden >:/. j!Techno arrives, j!Quackity books it the hell out of there, and he's left with j!Sam and j!Dream in the prison. He's here to break j!Dream out, obviously...but what to do with Sam? Dream tells him he'll handle it.
about a week later - j!Dream returns. j!Sam had told Quackity about the time travel, j!Dream wants the keycards (and with the threat of j!Quackity coming back, j!Sam is definitely pretty willing to give them over, relatively speaking) and...j!Dream wants answers. JMAH Daedalus goes on for a stretch of time that I don't think we firmly decided on before j!Dream kills j!Sam with an axe to the heart, and...j!Sam is left back at where he started. One life down and wondering how it all went so wrong.
Of course, these are just most of the main ~events~ in the timeline and honestly, these don't really touch on how things develop within the prison at all. That's covered more in other posts about JMAH--which, definitely check em out if you're interested :D Or ask more questions, of course. I'm always down to brainrot about themb.
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silkchiffon · 2 years
some of my simmosa headcanons:
amy does the aster flores thing where she has a look for whenever she wants to be kissed.
jonah has letterboxd. he also runs an account for amy (named “my girlfriend amy” which appropriately gets changed to “my wife amy” once they get married) that blows up because she has funny things to say about films but no patience to document them. meanwhile his account has the patron tier, over a thousand films logged, and cleverly articulated reviews with meticulous ratings but only 9 followers.
amy wore the ring that jonah stole to get her measurements a lot while she was in california. mostly as a reminder of the mistake she’ll inevitably understand that she made but also because it’s strangely comfortable to have on.
jonah started a podcast right after the breakup. he stopped recording episodes after accidentally letting marcus move in with him and i’ve got no idea what it would be about but i think he would set up the stupidly costly mic that he bought online in front of amy’s plants and pretend they were his audience.
amy gets super into video games again over the pandemic. in between binge watching shows and attending corporate meetings, she becomes a real acnh woman, much to the dismay of emma. when she and jonah get back together, she forces him to play lovers in a dangerous spacetime. they kill it at that game in spite of whatever argument might ensue.
a list of some shows i think jonah has watched: succession, severance, the west wing, the wire, lost, black mirror, charmed.
the recall room stayed even after they converted cloud 9 into a fulfillment center since no one else knew about it, so amy and jonah still sneak in there sometimes for the fun of it. when they visit dina and the others for the first time, they disappear after ten minutes and everybody thinks they either got lost or crushed by some packages. (let’s be honest, they’re having another town hall moment.)
couples costumes they would do: elizabeth and philip jennings, climate change (she’s a polar bear and he’s a melting ice cap), romeo and juliet (specifically from the baz luhrmann movie obviously, though this is based off an original script of the pilot that has a nod to the fish tank scene, even though it was actually between jonah and dina but that is not important.)
so they’ve both always absolutely been bi to me. it’s an unspoken thing at work for jonah, so amy is the first person he actually tells, voices aloud that this is who he is a person, and that’s what she’s signing up for when they finally start dating. and it gets gears turning in her head. this is a lot of projection on my end but i think amy looks back at the women she filed away as formative role models in her head and wonders whether there was something more there. remembers how she always thought someone like missy jones looked so gorgeous but thought that had more to do with being blinded by her talent. jonah helps amy figure out her feelings for women once he finds out she thought staring at them all the time was a normal thing to do.
they have the same taste in people. i have a whole episode made up in my mind about them figuring this out and the discovery spiraling to the point that they have everybody in the break room naming truly anyone to see if they both have a crush on the person or not. they have multiple whiteboards with the most complicated system ranking countless celebrities and the whole thing ends when jonah asks amy if she actually finds him attractive but she successfully avoids giving him an answer by making out with him. she does btw but she would never tell him because it would go to his head immediately and he would never let her live it down.
amy wearing name tags with different names every single day is her way of playing around with gender but nobody is ready for that conversation yet.
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puck-the-devil · 7 months
Let me introduce myself~
Hello and welcome! My name is Puck. But as the saying goes, 'if you speak of the devil, he will come', so if you'd rather not summon me by accident, call me Robin Goodfellow.
I've been around a long time; enough to have been labeled as a fairy (most commonly and the term I tend to stick to), sprite, jester, hobgoblin, satyr, fallen angel, demon, devil, and any number of other things since I'm pretty well-known in human folklore.
Most of you who know me from more recent times may remember my role in William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Those of you familiar with even more recent pop culture may recognize me from a number of other places such as shows (like Disney's Gargoyles) or books (like The Sisters Grimm).
Or maybe you've never even heard of me at all. That's perfectly fine! I'm just pleased that you're visiting. It gets pretty lonely for a bored immortal like myself in constant search of entertainment and interesting company.
For that reason, I will interact with pretty much any and all canons, AUs, OCs, and multiverses. So feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer! Or, of course, simply feel free to speak your mind. Maybe even make a wish or two~ As a warning, I do tend to enjoy causing a little mischief when I'm especially bored. This can involve shapeshifting into others to impersonate them and the use of magic spells that may or may not end up working as intended. It's generally just all in good fun and harmless, though, and I'm usually willing to clean up whatever messes I make, so don't fret.
Well...so long as you don't somehow manage to get on my bad side. A fairy's spite is not something to be taken lightly, but I've got a sunny disposition and a decent sense of humor, so actually angering me takes some effort. I'm pretty easygoing and friendly in general, so don't be afraid to reach out. I'm sure we'll get along fine! ((OOC: I am very rarely out of character on this account, but just as an FYI, this writer/roleplayer is 21+. For the most part, I imagine the majority of my posts and interactions will be safe for general audiences. If more mature topics end up being discussed in posts, I will do my best to tag them accordingly, but I'm still trying to figure out a system for tags, so please bear with me. I'll probably update this post as I think of more things to add later. Thanks for stopping by!))
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lixenn · 13 hours
On keeping you guys informed
I have changed Dave's birthday from 07.02 to 02.07 on his character profile (keeping in mind that I write the date like this DD.MM.YYYY because I'm German lol). Since both @einsatzzz and @dreamieparadise came to the conclusion that Dave is a July baby because we write dates differently I decided to change his birthday (of course Dave is the one causing chaos for his creator, what did I expect it's fucking Dave).
I even came with a reason for the February birthday. Dave claims the 2nd of Februaray as his birthday to further distance himself of his past, trying to keep his former life shrouded in mystery (even if he knows that Mammon is probably aware of the lie).
On other news
I have overworked my pinned post once again and linked some more stuff (mostly snippets and my khr killer whale crossover) so that my ramblings are easier to find. I've also added some tags. I'm still trying to figure out a tagging system outside my housekeeping au stuff so please bear with me on that front.
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stronginawayjbb · 2 years
Christmas With the Starks
Hi everyone!! I have a very early Christmas fic. No shame. Soon to be cross posted on AO3. Enjoy! 💕
Pairing: Tony Stark x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags: fluff, slight angst
Summary: Christmas with Tony Stark is a little different than a normal family. Despite the holiday, heroes don't get a break from saving the world.
Taglist: @mostly-marvel-musings ❤️
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It was Christmas eve. Usually, you weren’t a fan of the holiday season. It reminded you too much of the past you had tried so hard to leave behind. However, this year, you were content. It was your first Christmas with your new husband, billionaire Tony Stark. Yes, you were the lovely Mrs. Stark, and you were all too happy to change your name. Sure, it wasn't your first Christmas together, but the first one as a married couple. The two of you had decided to spend the holiday at the Malibu mansion, not wanting to deal with the snow and bitter cold of New York. Being in New York at Christmas also reminded Tony of his parents’ deaths. He figured being in sunny Malibu with you would be better. New traditions could start, and it could just be the newlyweds.
He still considered it to be your honeymoon, despite being married nearly two weeks ago. He was so busy finding every place he could fuck you that he’d ignored all of Steve’s calls, telling JARVIS to decline every call and take a message. Soon, the voicemail was overflowing with a concerned captain, but Tony remained unfazed.
The two of you were cuddled up on the couch together, sipping piña coladas and watching some forgotten show. You both were wrapped up in conversation, talking about memories from the past couple of months.
"I'm so glad Natasha was my maid of honor. I couldn't have imagined having anyone else beside me for our wedding."
"I still can't get over how beautiful you looked. That dress fit you just right. Your pearl necklace looked incredible with it. I am a pretty amazing gift giver, if I do say so myself," Tony teased. You felt a pang in your chest as you laughed. You had gotten Tony a Christmas present but you weren't sure if he'd like it. You wanted your first holiday as a married couple to be perfect. However, it seemed as though all of that was falling apart.
"Sir, a call from Agent Coulson is coming through."
"Tony, you know I can bypass your system."
"Shit, I know. What do you want, Coulson?"
"There's been a Ten Rings attack."
You looked at your husband worriedly. You had a sudden realization that this was what Captain Rogers had been calling about. The threat was here, and Tony knew it was time to spring into action. He looked at you, mouthing "it's okay" to you. It always made you nervous when he went on a mission involving the Ten Rings, considering they'd nearly killed him more than once.
"JARVIS, get Mark 22 ready, it's time for battle."
"We knew Iron Man would be ready. Thank you, Mr. Stark. I will debrief you when you return."
Agent Coulson gave Tony some more specifics that you tuned out. It was Christmas Eve, couldn't the world stop committing crime for two days? You just wanted a nice holiday with your husband.
The phone call ended, and you looked to a hurried Tony who was suiting up.
"Please be safe, baby."
He put his armored hand to your cheek, kissing you before he dropped his mask.
"I will be back shortly, honey. I promise."
He walked out to the balcony, taking off to fly to God knows where. He'd made promises before. Most of the time, he wasn’t able to keep them. Promises like “I promise we can get a kitten from the shelter” or “I promise I’ll take you to Build-A-Bear.” Sometimes it was even “I promise I’ll come to bed tonight” and “I promise I’ll drink water and eat something today.” The former set didn’t matter to you that much, but the latter set always worried you. Ever since being held hostage in Afghanistan, Tony hadn’t been the same. He'd never let on to anything, but you knew he wasn’t quite right. Having him out fighting the Ten Rings made you more nervous than any other mission he’d been on. What if they captured him again? What if this time, they actually killed him? Would you ever get his wedding ring back or be able to say goodbye?
Before you knew it, you were turning on a news station and pacing the floor. Lights wrapped around the tree and draped over the mantle twinkled in the window’s reflection. The sun had just set over the ocean, and seeing the dark blue expanse made your heart ache. You knew Tony was worlds away, and all you could do was pray he was safe. The news had nothing interesting on, but soon enough, the familiar red and gold was flashing across your screen. He was somewhere in Monaco, it seemed. Last time he was there, he encountered Ivan Vanko, and he’d nearly lost his life while racing. If Pepper hadn’t come to his rescue with his suit in a briefcase, he definitely wouldn’t be here right now.
Seeing Iron Man in Monaco caused you to panic.
“JARVIS, can I get an update on tony’s suit please?”
“It seems his suit is at 50% power and rapidly draining with no end to the mission in sight. I am putting a significant amount of effort into keeping him from going into cardiac arrest from palladium poisoning.”
“J, call Tony, please.”
You could hear the call attempting to go through, and then the line went dead.
“JARVIS! get tony on the phone!”
“I’m sorry, miss. He's declined your call.”
“What the fuck, Tones?” you cursed out loud to the walls and the still-wrapped presents under the tree, knowing nothing was going to get him to accept your call during a mission. He had to call you. You hoped it was soon. If he was going to die, you at least wanted--
“Honey?” the familiar hurried tone came over the house. Tony's calls were programmed to auto accept.
“Baby, hi. how’s it going?” You breathed a sigh of relief and steeled your nerves for bad news.
“Well, the bad guys are taken care of, but I have to get from Monaco to Malibu on 10% power, which isn’t just stretching it, it’s hoping for a miracle. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I love you, sweetheart.”
Before you could say “I love you” back, the phone had gone silent. Tears welled up in your eyes. Not knowing if your husband would even make it home made your chest ache. You needed him home, in your arms. Your first Christmas together was falling apart already. You didn’t care if he got you an expired, moldy fruitcake he ransacked from a dumpster for Christmas. You just wished he would come back to you.
8p.m. soon turned into 3a.m., and there was still no sign of Iron Man. You began to panic. What if Tony didn’t come home this time? What if he was dead on the side of the road right now? a million thoughts raced through your head, not one of them comforting. All of the sudden, the soft glow of the Christmas lights seemed too cheery. It reminded you of the brown eyed man you loved that still wasn’t home.
You didn’t like to consider yourself a military wife, but since Stark Industries and the Avengers were all intertwined with the government and military, you kind of were. You were glad Tony had never been gone for more than a month at a time. You couldn’t imagine how awful it felt to be away from your spouse for six months or more. Being away from Tony for two days had you feeling lonely. This particular mission, though...one hour felt like a week. He had been gone entirely too long. You had JARVIS turn on a playlist to calm you down. “Love in Slow Motion" by Ed Sheeran came on. You remembered the first time you played it for Tony. You two were on a picnic in Central Park with the beautiful spring sun shining down on you both. He looked at you like you hung the very stars he soared among, and in that moment he vowed to never take you for granted. It was the song you danced to on the boat the afternoon he proposed at Lake Tahoe. All the good memories associated with the tune washed over you like a tidal wave of nostalgia.
It's been a while since we've been alone
To turn off the world and the telephone
Need to tell you you're beautiful, 'cause it's been a while, and I apologize
I just get caught up in the rat race I'm runnin'
Chasin' a moment, I'm hoping is comin'
If I stopped and took a look around
It's in front of my eyes, eyes
Baby let's slow down time
Maybe just press rewind
Darling, that dress reminds
Me of the first time
“And I wanna love tonight, one on one by the candlelight. Over and over, we spend our lives living fast forward, but not tonight. Love in slow motion.”
The familiar tenor voice came from behind you. You whipped around to discover your favorite man on the planet. Your husband, Tony Stark. His voice was just barely above a whisper, the same one he used when he needed to calm you down from a panic attack. You ran into his open arms, and he looked nearly the same as when he'd left.
"You're home," you breathed out, all your worries vanishing in his arms.
"I promised. I'll always come home."
You pushed yourself back, not wanting to leave his embrace but needing to look at his injuries. As suspected, he had a few cuts on his face. One on his cheekbone, one on his eyebrow, one on his chin. The blood had dried up but they still needed tending to. You took his hand, dragging him to the medical cabinet that was kept fully stocked at all times in every area of the mansion.
"Babe do we have to do this every time? I'm fine. Everything is dry, I promise." Tony loved to argue about you fixing up his battle injuries but you knew even the smallest cut could cause an infection, especially because it's hard telling what he was exposed to wherever his mission was.
"Yes, because for the thousandth time, it's important to keep all wounds clean, dry, and sterile so the chance of infection is decreased. You knew this would happen when you married a nurse-turned-Stark CEO."
He'd never admit to it, but he was grateful for it. He had noticed he was sick less since you started taking care of him, and it probably had something to do with actually keeping wounds covered and clean. JARVIS would tell him there's a correlation, but Tony was never too keen on actually believing it. He did enjoy the extra attention, though.
You cleaned off each wound with hydrogen peroxide, then wiped it off with an alcohol swab. He winced every time but you knew he was just being dramatic, as always. After each cut had been properly bandaged, you were holding him on the couch. He leaned against your chest, and your fingers were mindlessly carding through his tangled curls. Your mind wandered to something JARVIS had said earlier, something about...palladium poisoning? Cardiac arrest? You worked to keep your breathing steady so you wouldn’t disturb a very peaceful looking Tony. You hated to interrupt his thoughts but this was important. You had to know.
“Yes, love?”
You took a deep breath, not wanting to freak him out.
“Earlier, when I asked JARVIS for a status update on your suit, he said something about--” you were cut off by sobs. Tony was so young, you didn’t want to lose him. He still had caramel highlights in his hair from this past summer, no grey in sight. He had to grow old with you.
Tony shot up, immediately knowing what you were going on about.
“Palladium poisoning,” he whispered, sitting criss-cross between your legs. he pulled you into his lap, holding you to his chest.
“Honey, I didn’t want to worry you, so I was working on finding a replacement. I found an element that dad discovered in the 70s, but I needed to figure out how to implement it into my arc reactor. I wanna call it ‘badassium’ but I can’t get that patented. I have it mostly figured out, but I do need some help changing it out," he explained. You felt his breathing become more shallow, waiting on your response. He kept you close with one hand, the other going to wipe away your tears and tuck your hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry, baby. I knew I shouldn't have kept that from you but you were so excited about the wedding and this and us – I didn't wanna ruin that by telling you I was kind of dying."
His doctor had determined that surgery would be too risky right now. He needed to get his diet under control and cut back his caffeine so his body could heal properly. Removing shrapnel is no small feat.
“Then what the fuck are we waiting for? I can’t lose you, Tones. Not yet.”
He nodded and kissed you softly. "So I take that as you'll be my assistant?" he asked with a little chuckle.
You rolled your eyes and dragged him down to his lab, immediately spotting the new arc reactor sitting on one of his work benches.
“Okay, tell me what I need to do.” He gave you a signature Stark eye roll as you washed your hands and put on a pair of gloves.
“It's not that bad, sweetheart. This can wait a couple days.”
“Nope. JARVIS said your suit was draining power because he was trying to keep you from going into cardiac arrest. We’re not waiting anymore, Mr. Stark.”
“Alright, fine,” he sighed in defeat. His shirt came off and he attached himself to an EKG as a formality. Tony sat down in a raised chair and leaned back, exposing his chest and arc reactor. He held the new reactor in one hand and pulled out the old one with the other.
“Now, we've only got a few minutes, so what I need you to do is stick your hand down in the hole and grab the copper wire. it's just like Operation, don't let the metal touch the sides.”
“I don't think I'm qualified to do this,” you answered, hesitant.
“Nope, you're the most qualified and competent person for the job,” he assured. You stuck your hand down in his chest, feeling some kind of discharge in the cavity. Through all the squishy...whatever, you finally felt the wire.
“Okay, the wire should be loosely wrapped around the magnet. I need you to undo it and leave the magnet in,” he instructs next. You nod and work with your fingers as best you can without looking. You hated the gloves because you couldn't feel as well, but it would have to do. Eventually you got it and gently pulled out the wire. He gave you a smile as he plugged in his new arc reactor to the base plate. He drew in a breath through his teeth and screwed his eyes shut for a moment, then seemed to be okay.
"Babe are you alright?" you ask softly.
He looks up at you with loving eyes, a little smile on his face. “Pretty sure that shrapnel thought it had a chance for a second but we got it.”
Your eyes softened as you took off your gloves and threw them away, "Don't scare me like that ever again."
"Point taken. Thank you, sweetheart." He looked out his lab windows to see the sky looking a deep orange shade. Sunrise. "And seeing as it's officially Christmas now...wanna go open presents?"
"Oh, darling, you didn't need to get me anything. You're quite the present enough."
He looked at you with a funny look on his face. "Well, considering the fact that you got me a present, I figured it only fair to get you something."
You smiled on the outside, but on the inside, you were nervous. You had gotten something made, and then made something yourself. You weren't sure if he'd like either of the items. They weren't expensive, but they were heartfelt.
As you two settled in on the couch upstairs, presents in front of you, funny nicknames on all the tags, tony took your hand. "Honey, I just wanted to tell you I love you. Thank you for putting up with all my shit. I know you worry but I promise I will always come back."
You smiled softly. "I love you too, tones." You handed him the smaller of the gifts, wrapped beautifully and topped with a tiny gold bow. "Open it."
He tore the wrapping off to reveal a small white box, which he opened to reveal a silver toned ring, engraved all around with something. He looked at it confused, and you got nervous, so you explained.
"It's my thumbprint. I had it sized to your middle finger so you could wear it by your wedding ring. There's an engraving on the inside, too."
He held it up to the light, revealing the "til Valhalla" written on the inside.
"In Norse mythology, Valhalla is the hall where all the heroes and warriors go after passing in battle. It's supposedly beautiful. It's where I hope you go when you're 500 years old, because you're not allowed to die until I die. You'll have me with you til Valhalla, angel."
Tony had tears in his eyes.
"Honey, I… don't even know where to begin. This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me. You mean the absolute world to me and I love you so much." He leaned into hug you, resting his forehead against yours and kissing your nose softly. You smiled, whispering against his lips, "I have one more, love."
You handed him the slightly bigger one. He unwrapped it, trying not to cry again. You had painted him an abstract version of his arc reactor, circling it with "proof that tony stark has a heart."
"Good God these gifts are perfect, I love you I love you I love you."
"I'm glad you think so, babe."
"Okay, my turn." He handed you a semi small box. You could tell someone else had wrapped it because tony had the wrapping skills of a two year old, but that would be an insult to toddlers.
You carefully unwrapped it, not knowing what he could have possibly given you that you don't already have. On the front, in his chicken scratch handwriting, were the words "coupon book."
It was your turn to be confused, and Tony was carefully studying your reaction. You opened it up, flipping through the pages. It was cute shit, not actual coupons. Things like "good for 1 trip to Build a Bear to pick out whatever you want" and "good for 1 kitten adoption." There was even a "good for getting me out of the lab whenever you want" coupon, and it looked like it had unlimited uses and no expiration date.
"Tony, this is so precious. I love it. thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much, Tones." you cupped his face, kissing him. Before you knew it, he was picking you up bridal style, carrying you to your bedroom.
"Now, if there are no objections, I'd like to go to bed."
"That sounds good to me, babe," you chuckled, placing your head in the crook of his neck. "Best Christmas ever."
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andlatitude · 1 year
Hey! I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I could never figure out how to say what I wanted to. I've come to the conclusion that I probably never will, fully, so I'm gonna take a stab at it— it's long, please bear with me.
I don't usually follow blogs like yours; most of the art you post is of OCs or fandoms I'm not a part of and I generally find it hard to be invested in original non-concept art (I really enjoy world-building concepts, but individual characters are harder for me). OC art tends to be snippets, bits and pieces; the random points of a developing character which makes them difficult for me to connect with even when I like the concept or design because they are often smatterings on a page that maybe even the artist doesn't fully comprehend yet.
Your art always connects.
Something about your way with expressions and body movement weaves so much intent into your work; every character conveys so much emotion and personality that I'm immediately drawn in. I can't accurately describe with words how much your art moves me, I don't know how. It sounds so silly, but the best I've come up with is that your characters look really People. They look alive in a way that I haven't quite experienced in art since the 101 Dalmatians era of Disney sketch animation, where the linework always made it feel like the characters were moving even when they were standing still; like they could breathe.
I look at your artwork and I feel the characters in my chest. You did a piece not long ago of two of your OCs sharing a microphone and I felt the awe; that feeling of the world melting away except the other person onstage— that feeling like maybe they are singing the song just for you.
Your art captures the casual intimacy of people just being; scenes like painting nails and other normal, quiet moments that only show when someone feels safe, comfortable. Your work makes 'nothing' moments have weight; there is an artist I discovered recently, Francine Van Hove, who specializes in these types of scenes and some of your work reminds me of hers.
Of all your works though, my favorite is the truth-or-dare comic and it's sequel. The smug satisfaction of calling a bluff, the casual scoff of dismissal of the dare, the confusion then realization, the weight of anticipation— the build-up, the inevitable conclusion. Whenever I see you pop on my Dash I go look through your recent work then hunt through your OC tag for those comics. It doesn't matter how many times I see them, I get hit with the same level of emotion every time.
Whenever I see your work it speaks to me; it makes me think that this is what art is supposed to feel like. I felt like you should know.
God help me if you ever draw a character from one of my favorite shows.
Hopefully this gets through okay; I've been on Tumblr since like 2012 and I still don't really trust the Ask system not to toss messages into the void haha. I hope this message finds you well and that you have a great day.
-Milli :)
Hello!! I really hope it’s okay that I post this. I want to keep it. This means a lot to me, I think it’s way more praise than I feel like I deserve as someone who just draws silly self indulgent stuff for fun. However over the years, the most important thing to me with those drawings has always been conveying emotion. For me it all comes from a place of wanting to express myself and how I feel rather than wanting to “be good at art”.
A message like this telling me that everything I’ve been pouring into my stuff all these years has come across to someone I’ve never met is huge, and incredible, and I don’t even know what to say. I’m really passionate about having that “life” in what I draw, it is what drives me to keep creating, and doing so is such a huge part of who I am. Thank you so much for noticing and for telling me this and for caring about it.
I think those little human moments are the most beautiful, I’m glad I could begin to do a few of them justice. Stuff I make speaking to someone else in any way is the biggest compliment I can get.
Thank you again, I hope your day is wonderful!
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becauseplot · 11 months
Hi hi hi :D
My header was gettin crowded so I figured I might as well just make an intro post lmao.
My name is Curly! You can call me Curly, or becauseplot, or bp, or bitchass---anything along those lines will do <3
I use he/she/they pronouns (in no particular order, go nuts) and I am not a minor!
Below the cut: interests, style of posting, tags list/system, ao3, and more! (Important bits are bolded!)
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The things I'm Normal:tm: about
QSMP remains a background interest of mine but it's still beloved. Faves are qphilza (rly just ANY philza rp characters) and qcellbit. I also love DSMP, TotK, and BotW. Sometimes I'll jumpscare you with a Sherlock Holmes post just because. (Holmes and Watson have my whole heart. They <3)
I'm also in the middle of watching Ordem Paranormal! I've watched AOP, OSNF, and am making my way through OPD. Liz my beloved.
I am nothing if not long-winded (if you couldn't already tell from the length of this lmaooooo)
I like+reblog+tag pretty much EVERYTHING. So sorry if I clutter your notifs, I just have the inexplicable urge to add Every Post to my Hoard.
I talk a lot in tags. Like, a LOT. Also, my posts have a tendency to ramble. I have thoughts and internet access and that is a very ill-advised combination <3
I do swear a lot!!! Always know that if I'm swearing I am never genuinely mad/upset I do it for the funnies and the funnies only.
#organized (not really)
I do have a tagging system but it's kinda!! Wonky!!! I'll organize it one of these days I swear. For the most part, if you want stuff (qsmp-related) I've saved on...
a specific character: "q![character]" (yes even the npcs like the eggs)
duos: "[______] duo" (or their ~special~ duo name, ex "codebreakers", "crimeboys", etc)
shipping content: the ship name lmao
clips: "qsmp clips for the soul"
funny/neat in-game/webcam screenshots: "qsmp reaction images"
I also save stuff about major arcs and special events under specific tags, so keep an eye out for these too:
"qsmp festa junina"
"qsmp spiderbit wedding"
"qsmp election event" (stuff to do with the whole election arc)
"qsmp dinner event" (the election dinner with the imposter eggs)
"egg-napping part 3" (posts to do with the egg disappearances, mainly the first few days and the black concrete)
"happy all the time" (happy pills arc)
"a dose of reality" (the end/aftermath of the happy pills arc)
"q viva mexico" (mexican independence day event)
"qsmp dia de muertos"
"qsmp purgatory"
"qsmp purg finale" (or 11/18, what we thought was a finale)
"purg 2 electric boogaloo" / "qpurgatory 2" (AWWW SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN)
"@v@" (qforever possession stuff)
qsmp prison event
q2024 opening (YOOO HAPPY NEW YEAR)
A couple other tags!
"qmongus" (qsmp amongus lobby)
"qoutlast" (qsmp plays outlast trials)
"qtwitter” (twitter posts, usually does NOT include event updates tho)
“qsmp event updates” (HERE are the event updates!)
"twitchcon paris" (mostly stuff about qsmp cc's meeting up)
"qsmp brazil meetup"
"qsmp vegas meetup"/"twitchcon vegas"
"qsmp french alps meetup"
“streamer awards 2024”
"fruit mountain tournament" (cellbit's fruit mountain tournament!)
"qpositivity" (positive posts praising qsmp, for when the discourse and neg gets to be too much <3 )
Another random tag I have: "the dynamic of all time" - Posts that give me vibes of a character/relationship dynamic but nothing specific enough to tag it as a given character. I just think they're neat :]
I've watched O Segredo na Floresta! Most of my posts about it are tagged under “curlyosnf”
Bear in mind you might get a wall of text in response. You have been warned.
I remember my ao3 login sometimes
My ao3 is BecausePlot! I haven't been super active recently, but if you're interested in some of my stuff, here's a list of my 10 favorite works atm, from most to least recent <3
Relative (QSMP x Ordem au) (au is tagged: "TWLITFAU")
The Calm (Spiderbit fluff)
Miss Me? (f!Cell shows up at f!Felps' apartment)
Waking Up On The Wrong Side of the Bed (c!Phil in QSMP)
Insanity (q!Cellbit character study)
An.G.E.L.S. (OSMP x Antarctic Empire, Military au)
Danse Macabre (Parentsduo <3)
But You're Not Yourself (c!Phil and c!Techno raising c!Wilbur)
A Helping Hand (Phil gets adopted by a flock of crows)
Take My Hand (Retelling of the handcuff scene from BBC Sherlock: Reichenbach Fall)
Leaving a comment on the fic itself or in my askbox is the best way for me to talk to you and say thank you for reading! Let me appreciate you ya nerd!!
Other Schtuff
My pfp is from GranadaTV's Sherlock Holmes adaptation (with Jeremy Brett), specifically the episode The Greek Interpreter.
My banner is by wolfythewitch (from the Creature animatic I think?? I honestly don't remember lmao.)
My favorite color is green (if you couldn't tell), my favorite animal is horse, my favorite flower is dandelion, my favorite imagery to play with in writing is space/universe/atoms/stars/etc, I'm studying mechanical engineering and physics, I do shitty drawings on super rare occasions, and, last but not least,
If you are a dick about anything you will simply be blocked.
Peace and love on planet earth <3
If you have any questions, send an ask! I hope you enjoy your stay :D
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