#So he liked me first and just kept flirting till I fell too
kakusu-shipping · 7 months
we share SO many f/o's but it's been a while since I've seen a person with Guzma on their list! hi!!!!! I love him too :)))
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You 🤝 Me 🤝 My Boyfriend 🤝 That one Anon
Guzma (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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worldswithoutendings · 5 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] Pt. 5
Pairing: Michael Langdon x female! reader
warning: finally kissing, bad omens concert (if that's not your vibe, you can pick whatever band you want)
words: 2858
summary: working at Kineros is so much fun, second date with Michael. actual flirting?
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AN: I'm so so sorry it took so long, I'm in the midst of my finals and it's killing me. so I wrote an extra-long chapter. enjoy <3
“This is a joke, right? That’s not the Rosalie from Cooperative?” you can’t help but ask him after he has brushed his teeth for what feels like 10 minutes “No, not a joke, do you still smell her?” he asks as he wipes his mouth with a napkin and you come closer to his and cautiously smell “no, but I did order room perfume because it, unfortunately, stays in the hall” you lean against the doorpost of the bathroom and Michael sighs “I had to drag her to a hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist, cosmetologist, whatever you name it to make her look so.. decent at cooperative, I was so ashamed that night” he makes a sour face as if it was the worst night of his life “but I have to keep her around unfortunately. For a ritual. But she kept on believing we were getting married so I stuck with that to her. She won’t live long anyway” “How long till the ritual?” “It’s this Friday actually” Michael seemed relieved “I have to offer her to my father. It’s the last, final ritual to be.. free. My mouth hurts” “Yeah well, you did brush your teeth for 10 minutes so, no wonder your mouth hurts” you laugh and he glares playfully at you “thank god I don’t have to worry about you” “For what?” “I think I can kiss you easily for 10 minutes, I’d rather kiss you than that foul thing” “Okay, that foul thing has a name Michael, and you’re done with her on Friday. Just don’t.. think too much of it okay? Be happy you don’t have to fuck her in a ritual” “No thank hell, I have to offer a virgin so I had promised to marry her on Friday and then we could.. fu- I can’t say that when I think of her it makes my stomach churn” he becomes paler and you can’t help it but put a hand on his cheek “you’ll be fine, Michael” you smile at him and he takes a look at you “you do know you’re in the men’s bathroom, right?” he winks and you audibly gasp “oh no! what will become of me?!” you act out musically making Michael laugh as he pushes you closer against him “thank hell for you” he whispers against your lips making you turn to stone. Is he? Will he? No, right? Softly your lips brush against each other “Already so much softer” “Please don’t compare her to me” you blurt out and he shakes his head “She comes nowhere near you, on any level”
The week flew by like It was nothing. You enjoyed working at Kineros because it was easy. Rosalie also never came back again after she came on your first day. Michael had told you that he’d rather speak with her on the phone than in person, which is understandable. You also can’t help but glance over to his office once in a while, because his office is on your left, and most of the time he had his door open unless there was a business meeting. Most of the time he would lean against his desk, his sleeve rolled up as he was busy reading emails you had forwarded him. You couldn’t help but stare at the icy gaze he held on his computer, how sharp his jawline was, and how often he would bite the inside of his lip. Once you even almost fell back because you were leaning so much. Earning a concerned look from Michael when he heard you gasp “I’m fine!’ you say and he shakes his head with a smile.
Friday came along and Michael had to leave Kineros early for the ritual, thank hell you didn’t have to come with him because it would be too gore-y “We can meet up tonight? After the ritual, I can tell you in every colorful detail what happened” he says as he leans against your desk right next to you “we can meet up tonight, yes” you say as you push your chair from the desk to look at him, you were wearing a mini a-line black skirt with a black button up and black boots to mimic Michaels style. Michaels's eyes go from your boots to where your skirt begins and he scrapes his throat, loosening his tie “Are you wearing this tonight?” “not sure yet, why?” “Just, keep it on” he nods and stands up “I’ll see you tonight!” “good luck!” you wave at him as you continue with the emails “So, devil's little helper hm?” Mutt says behind you “So?” “That’s how you got the job, didn’t you? You must’ve sucked him off real good with that look on his face” You frown at his remark “What’s that supposed to mean?” “that.. girl, is not allowed one foot in this building. But with you, he flirts so easily like you fuck him every night. you probably do don’t you? Why don’t you try us for once?” Mutt says as he points at himself and Jeff “No thanks, I’m already concerned for the girls who are willing to get paid to get fucked by you two. When I look at you it feels like I’m looking at my grandmothers' wallpaper” you say as you finish the last two emails of the day. Mutt huffs and curses at you as you close your laptop.
Cleaning your desk to leave you see that Michael still had his light on in his office. You walk over to turn it off only to see that his laptop is also still on, this man. Walking towards his desk to shut his laptop off you can’t help but see that he has an entire schedule for you
Friday: meet y/n after work
Sunday: visit y/n
Wednesday: take y/n out to dinner after work
“silly man” you smirk to yourself as you close his laptop as well, better to take it home with me and give it to him tonight. He may need it. Turning off the light in his office as you make your way home.
Anxiety was creeping its way into your body about the ritual that was happening right now. Mostly hoped it wouldn’t hurt Michael too much, as you know that rituals for him could be painful from time to time, especially if his father wasn’t appreciative of the gift. Nervously you walked around your house, having done everything you could do already, put some clothes in the washing machine, fill the dishwasher, clean the kitchen
“What are you nervous about?” you hear Michael echo through your living room as he transmutes and you gasp happily “It worked!?” “yes” he smiles and you fling your arms around him, mostly because you’re happy that now Michael doesn’t have to think about Rosalie anymore. But also it meant you were a step closer to each other, if you have to believe Satan. Michael puts his arms around you as he inhales your scent “Oh I brought your laptop with me in case you needed it throughout the weekend” “You’re an angel” he mumbles against your hair. Only realizing now that you hugged Michael you try to let go of him only to feel his arms around your waist tighten “Just, just one minute longer please” he sounds desperate in your ear. After exactly one minute he loosens his arms around you “What sort of ritual was it exactly?” you can’t help but ask, “It’s ehm, the final offering, from me to him, I’m free from him, I can make my own decisions now” but the deal? “the deal still stands. Because that is between you and him” ´But you, you can decline, now, right?” you ask hesitantly and Michael nods shortly. You bite your lip as you try to withhold yourself from lashing out “doesn’t mean I will though” his voice becomes softer “we just, have to go through a lot more, and longer, offerings and rituals” “so I have to see it like you’re finally an adult? Because you’re free” “Yeah you can see it sorta like that” Michael says as he nods “I can live with that” You smile and Michael finally smiles back at you.
Uncertain of the way you felt, he understands that it’s a lot, especially since you’ve been begging for love since you were 15 years of age, and truthfully. Michael was scared, beyond scared. For the first time he also feels like someone has an actual interest in him, at least, you tried to get to know him, and didn’t directly fall on your knees because he is the antichrist. He had to fight for this and so would you. There are moments where Michael feels he could marry you directly, right then and there, but there are moments where he wishes he could walk away like the rituals and the deal never happened. But Michael also knows that his father has a very short temper and wanted him to already be married long before his last ritual, Michael was more surprised that because of you he took his time. He had tried once already, when you were 17, to meet you, but you were under such a big amount of stress because your mother had just passed away he couldn’t bring it to just. Jump in front of you and explain that he would be the love of your life. He sat there during the funeral, watching your form from the far back of the hall, seeing how everyone took pity on you, losing both your parents in such a short time. He wanted to be nothing but a support system, but you, you closed yourself off to the world.
“what are you thinking about?” Michaels's thoughts get broken by your soft voice “Nothing, just. The future. Ehm, yes, we should celebrate!” he holds tight onto your hands and you start to laugh at his excitement. You love how you sometimes can still see the kid deep within him, trying to break free, which also makes you sad when you realize that he never experienced a childhood, or puberty like you did “We can go to a concert? See which one isn’t sold out yet?” you blurt out and Michael furrows his brows “what’s that?” “Come,” you say as you grab your coat.
Looking at the agenda of the concert hall you bite your lip to guess what Michael would like when it comes to music “Definitely not Coldplay, at least, not right now, maybe Slipknot? Is that too.. metal for the devil?” you think out loud “what is this Bad Omens band” Michael points at the bands that will be playing tonight “oh they’re great! But they’re sold out so-“ “-so? We can just go inside” he shrugs “Michael we can’t there are no tickets an-“Of course he transmutes you mid-sentence “-ymore, Michael this is illegal” You hiss at him as you slap his shoulder, acting hurt he rolls his eyes “when will it start” you walk into the crowded hall, happy that he transmuted you to a deserted hall ‘in 10 minutes or so? See how busy it is” you giggle as you look back at Michael, who looks a bit frightened not knowing what to expect.
The closer you get to the band coming on stage the more crowded the room gets. You feel Michael’s body heat come closer to you and you feel more eyes falling on the both of you, hushed voices carry through the room like everybody knows who Michael is. But they’re probably all eye fucking him “As long as it stays at eye fucking I’m fine with it” you whisper to yourself while Michael wraps a protective arm over your middle “Is someone jealous?” he whispers in your ear and you can’t help but side-eye him making him laugh in your ear. The room becomes dark as the intro for the band starts to play.
Thankfully Michael enjoyed the concert just like you did. Holding each other's hand as you walked out of the concert hall “That was a really good band” he sighs and you nod “Yeah they’re really good!” you start to slowly shake because of how thin your coat is and the temperature change from a really hot concert hall to the cold evening wind. Michael sees a bench “Come” he says as he almost drags you to it. He sits down and as you want to sit down next to him he tusks “You’re getting cold come on” he lets go of your hand only to grab you by your middle to place you on his lap. You can’t help but blush by the sudden bold move from Michael and you get jealous when you feel his warm body heat consume you.
Fixing your hair as you try to avoid melting against him while he looks at you with endearing eyes “I liked that song they played, the one with the long title, what was it again?” you feel his hands almost burn on your middle as he tries to make small talk with you “oh, ehm, love is the death of peace and mind? I like that one as well” you blush, playing with his sleeve of his button up “where is the girl with the bold temper? Did she go on vacation?” Michael laughs as he notices how shy you have become all of a sudden “No! Nope, she is still here” you point at your brain “I just, never, experienced this, this whole thing, situation” you exclaim with your hands and Michael nods while he comes closer. You can’t help but stare at the freshly painted black nails you had done yesterday until you feel his soft lips on your forehead “Nope, no fever” he says playfully for someone who is the devil he has soft lips “Are you sure?” you ask him and he kisses you again “no” you shake your head while you sigh.
Michael, being the gentleman that he is, transmuted you back home, in front of your door with his laptop case in his hand “I enjoyed tonight, a lot” he winks and you nod “Yeah me too, we should do this more often” “oh we definitely will” he says as he closes the gap between you two and you smile your best smile at him making him melt “so I will see you Sunday?’ you ask him to break the comfortable silence “yes, you will see me Sunday” he says sultry as he comes closer to your lips. This time you’re the one to make the move to kiss him for the first time. His lips are incredibly soft against yours, knowing it’s just one, official kiss you lean back only to see Michael stand still in the same stance “Are you okay?” you whisper laughingly “Are you mocking me? Come here” he groans as he kisses you again, longer and deeper this time. You hold him by the collar of his coat as he pushes you against your door.
Michael had transmuted after saying goodbye and ending the kiss you both had for the first time. You open the door with shaking hands “Oh my god oh my god. I need to call Julie” you say after you close the door. While you take your shoes off you put her on speaker
“yes?” she groans “Oh did I wake you, sleeping beauty?” “no, you didn’t, I’m sick” “Ah do you have a bug?” “probably food poisoning, that idiot called my fiancé, cooked yesterday, why are you calling so late?” Julie says groggily and you let out a sigh “I thought you wouldn’t let him cook again, the last time he also gave you food poisoning remember?” “yeah well he said he practiced” She cuts you off and you smirk “Why I’m calling you is” you sing as you throw yourself on the couch “Oh no please don’t tell me you’re pregnant from that bot” you laugh out loud by her statement “we kissed.” “you kissed? I didn’t know robots had fe-“ “-Julie he is not a robot, okay, we went to the Bad Omens concert and afterwards he brought me home and ehm, we, we kissed” “That’s so cute! Wait, a bad omens concert?! Does he enjoy rock?” “yeah he does actually” “I would see him for some classical music type of shit” Julie sighs and you smile “No, he’s actually really growing on me Julie” “Yeah I can hear that you’re smiling through the phone it’s creepy” “hmm well I’m sorry you have food poisoning but if you keep this up I will not take care of you” you hear Julie trash through the phone about how badly she wants your vegetable porridge tomorrow and you always take care of her when she’s sick “I’m just joking Julie, I’ll see you tomorrow. Take some Tylenol and you’ll be off to Wonderland in no time okay? Sleep tight” “Hmm whatever,” Julie says playfully as she hangs up
Right when you want to go to bed you hear your phone buzz
- Sleep tight
You too Michael
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 3 - Trembling lips.
Evan: *In the following days I tried to take a bit of distance to Andy, but without things getting too awkward, living under the same roof and all. I tried to pretend I didn't notice when he casually brushed a hand over one of my hands, or when he rubbed his foot against mine under the dinner table. And I did my very best to pretend it wasn't a big deal when he cuddled up next to me on the couch to watch movies, although it was a big deal. I felt nervous, awkward, anxious. Worried he might kiss me again. The first kiss still lingering on my lips, and now a few days later, I would still from time to time reach up to touch my lips, as if I would check if the kiss was still there. The fact that he loved to cuddle up with me and watch movies just made everything worse. It was a thing I normally didn't find strange, he was my best friend, and I liked comforting him when he after a therapy session would come to me with puffy red and teary eyes, asking me if we could please watch a movie. He would cuddle up against me, wrapping my arms around him and tell me how this would make him feel safe. Sometimes he would cry in my arms till he fell asleep, while I pretended to watch the movie, sometimes we would have a movie marathon snuggling up with chips, beers and pizza. And I would enjoy having him close, cause that way I could keep an eye on him, and make sure he was safe. Andy has a suicidal past. He almost succeeded killing himself at least 3 times. So I'm always worried he might crash again, and we all might end up losing him for good. Now, when he snuggled up next to me, I would turn stiff in my whole body, and get lost in a sea of 'what if he kissed me again?'. And it was one of these awkward cuddle nights where he turned around and looked at me with a goofy grin on his face, my heart skipped a few beats if I have to be honest.*
Andy: Chuckled hoarse Evan… I don't bite. Relax. I'm not going to kiss you again until you ask me to.
Evan: *I froze. I had no idea what to say or what to do with myself, I just froze.*
Andy: *Shook his head* Listen, I don't want a stupid kiss to ruin our friendship. We have always been able to cuddle up like this, and now suddenly you are stiff as a board. It's not relaxing laying next to a log. Just pull yourself together man, it meant nothing as always. You're straight. Blah blah. He rolled his eyes and chuckled hoarser than before look, all I'm saying is I'm not gonna do it again, at least not until you ask me to…. cause you will. *He smiled cheekily and to my luck turned around and laid back down, just before my cheeks turned bright red. What did he mean? I scuffed to myself and laughed nervously at the fact that he now assumed I would want more. I mean really? I tried to knock his words out of my head, it was just Andy being crazy as always. Doing reckless things. The kiss didn't mean anything, and life would just go on as before. Right? I tried to follow the movie, but my mind kept drifting off, kept getting stuck on Andy's words… Andy's hoarse laughter… Andy's cheeky grin…. oh for fuck sake! Now you are touching your lips again!!!*
*The following days it got harder and harder, Andy seemed to have forgotten most of his words. He tried to find any occasion to flirt with me. Or to be more specific, he did all the flirting, I was busy trying to pretend I didn't notice or bury my head in a news paper when he made me blush. I don't even read news papers! He noticed, although I kept telling myself he didn't. And as a result he only flirted more. He also tried to find more ways to touch me. Like "accidentally" brushing my arm while reaching for something, or accidentally bumping into me in the hallway. A place I tried to avoid as much as possible anyway. In fact I tried to avoid as many dark corners on the ranch as possible, not only the hallway where it had all started. I tried to not be too much alone with him, it was hard, I also wanted to be there for my friend, help him through this difficult time in his life, but it also left me with questions I knew only he could answer. You see, Andy used to be straight. Or at least he thought he was. He was so deep in denial he used to fuck pretty much anyone with a vagina. Well that was until about 2 years ago, when he under a game of truth and dare, was dared to kiss a guy. According to Andy that guy woke something in him, and shortly after he involved himself in a homosexual relationship, and started a journey of discovering that he had always been gay. So of course now, I started wondering if this was all happening to me now? Was I going through the same as Andy did? Would I turn out to be gay as well? Don't get me wrong now, my best friend is GAY, and I love him dearly. I never took a single step away from him when he came out, so I'm surely not homophobic. I have friends of all sexualities, and it has never been a big deal to me. At all. I just experienced what Andy went through, and honestly, I don't know if I would have the same strength and courage. So naturally, I got scared. I decided not to think more about the kiss, and completely shut it out, pretend it never happened. But if I tell you not to think of the color blue, what would you think of? -Exactly! All I could think about was that kiss. His lips. His tongue. His taste. His hot breath. I started feeling more drawn to him, caught myself starring at him. I stopped avoiding him, and started wanting to spend more and more time with him. So I slowly let a few of my guards down, started cuddling more again, although it was still hard, but this time, it was hard to feel his naked chest against my palms. What was happening to me?*
*On the 22nd after a major freak out, about the exact same thing, Andy's naked chest against my sweaty palms. I decided I needed to unload my brain a bit, aka seeking help from my friend Daniel, my friend Daniel who carries strong medical marijuana due to his ADHD condition. Lucky me he was never shy on sharing. So after passing his room late evening on the 22nd of December, I crawled up in bed, put some dimmed music on, dimmed the light, laid back and started puffing the joint. When I was about half way, and already had enough, someone knocked my door. I didn't bother to answer, I actually assumed it would be Daniel, checking in to see if the joint was kicking in. But when the door silently got opened, Andy stepped in, lighting up in his face as he spotted the joint dangling from my lips.*
Andy: 'Hey man! I didn't know you were having a party up here, can I join?' *He jumped up in the bed before I could even get to squeeze out a single word and grabbed the joint from my lips* Nice! Did you get this from Daniel?
Evan: *I nodded and felt the joint buzz through my system, sending a big smirk to my face, which I couldn't dry off no matter how much I tried. Oh for fuck sake, I was laying there smiling like a kid in Disneyland! Making a complete fool of myself.*
Andy: *He kept smoking the join quite a while, before he turned his head to look at me, speaking in a lowered yet teasing voice.*Are we still pretending there isn't a huge elephant in the room?
Evan: *I felt my heart skip a beat.*
Andy: Sighed deeply then rolled over on his side, killed the joint in the ashtray on the night stand next to him, then turned to look at me look, I told you, I'm not gonna try anything again, unless you tell me to.
Evan:* I observed him, funny thing about Andy is that he doesn't even look gay. Hold on now, don't hate me, I know that's some pretty stereotypical nonsense to say, I know gays comes in all "shapes and sizes." I'm just... pointing out he isn't anything like the gays we grew up with on tv. You know, high pitched Madonna loving feminine guys… the ones that became a picture of how all gay men is. Stereotypes. As I said. I know gays comes in all the colors of the rainbow, and I respect all of them. It's just always very easy to offend people, so let me point out once and for all. I have nothing against anybody, as long as you are a kind and compassionate person. Point is, Andy is just a regular guy who loves working on his car, or fixing up his Harley, which he btw build from scratch. He is always more or less scruffy looking, either his electric blue mohawk is out of place, his jeans ripped or filled with oil stains, or his tshirt is wrinkled. His face is filled with piercings, he is very muscular without being over the top, think Channing Tatum… They actually even look a bit alike, he has a tattoo on the back of his right hand, his body is filled with scars he has gotten from different things, and he used to be the biggest "skirt chaser" I have ever known.*
Andy: What are you starring at? chuckled cheeky
Evan: *I snapped right out of it.*'Uhm… nothing… I was just thinking'
Andy: Smiled softly about what?
Evan: That you don't look gay?
Andy: Laughed loudly what? Tell me, how does a gay guy look?
Evan: I hit his arm gently and couldn't help myself from laughing as well You know what I mean, idiot!
Andy: Chuckled warmly and laid down on his back Yeah? So where are you going with this?
Evan: Chuckled softly I don't know? It was just an observation?
Andy: He kept quiet for a while, and just as I was about to say something to break the awkward silence he gently grabbed my hand, without moving the rest of his body And you have very soft hands…
Evan: Nothing came out of my mouth, besides a tiny little squeak
Andy: …. its just an observation. *He kept holding my hand, his hand was soft too. Warm. And although my body was screaming for me to jump out of that bed, something felt comforting about laying like this, with him.* Evan: *Now I'm a thinker, and I always spend way too much time stuck inside my own head, brooding, wondering and contemplating life. Some might say I over think, which is exactly what happened next, and as a result I once again freaked out. I felt dizzy, overwhelmed, lost, nervous. My legs once again felt like jelly, but not only my legs this time, in fact my whole body started feeling numb, well numb besides the buzzing feeling under my skin that seemed to only grow stronger and stronger. Even my lips started buzzing.*
Andy: Cleared his throat after a few minutes of silence are you okay?
Evan: *I turned my head and looked into his light green concerned eyes.*
Andy: Slowly let go of my hand I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Evan: *I turned my head to face the ceiling again, all I could think about was his eyes and lips. I tried closing my eyes, focusing on something else. The song I had been desperately trying to finish the past few weeks, world policy, dental check up, but nothing seemed to work, all I could think about was his eyes and lips. Was I gay? Was I having feelings for my best friend? Or was it just being stuck here at the ranch in the middle of nowhere, with no single women around? I had to admit I had been pretty horny for a while. Ending a relationship that had barely even started, had left me torn and irritated. I had thought that next time I found some one, it would be my time to settle down. All of these frustrations had lead into sexual frustration, so maybe that's all this was? Sexual frustration? I tasted the words a bit in my head, then it dawned on me again, how the kiss had made me weak in my knees, my legs had literally buckled under me. I had only tried something like that while being in love. Which was a rare thing for me. And never had I actually ended up on the floor. Man those lips were soft… so soft…. warm…. wet…. and the taste… the taste of Andy's lips…. Andy's lips….*
Andy: Cleared his throat Should I leave? I mean I'm far too stoned to walk, but… I could crawl? Chuckled cheekily
Evan: *I don't know what came over me? Maybe it was the fact that he worried, maybe it was his attempt at joking, maybe it was the thought of his lips, or the joint, or his damn sexy cheeky chuckle, but a huge wave of warmth rushed over me, and all I could whisper was* 'Kiss me….'
Andy: Was quiet a few seconds, a few seconds that felt like an eternity, then he slowly rolled over on his stomach, in a way so he ended up laying on top of me are you sure? I don't want things to get more complicated…
Evan: My lips was the only part of my body I could feel, they were buzzing so intensely it felt like they were sleeping. But they were wide awake, begging for his to meet them again. So I nodded my head
Andy: Smiled softly I need to hear you say it again, just to be sure you mean it he softly caressed my cheek with his right thumb
Evan: My heart was pounding so hard it was the only thing I could hear, it was echoing through my skull like a drum. I sank a lump in my throat and felt my lips quiver as the words came out, hoarse and hesitating please… kiss me?
Andy: He tilted his head and observed my face for a while, as if he was trying to read my doubt
Evan: I felt my cheeks blush and just as I felt I was going to explode from embarrassment, I saw him lower his head towards me.
Andy: His lips was as close as last time, I could feel his hot breath as he whispered try to relax this time, it will be better for you, I promise. I know what I'm doing Evan, and I know you wont regret it…
Evan: *I didn't hesitate, I knew he was right, I had already had a taste of what he had to offer me, so I closed my eyes and welcomed his lips as they reached mine. Soft, warm, wet, and oh so tasty. I instantly felt a strong rush in my stomach, I felt dizzy, nervous, but I also felt his mouth slowly opening. Thinking to myself, its now or never, I have to dive in. I knew I wouldn't have the courage to ask again. So as I felt his tongue poke mine, I slowly poked back. I heard him moan in satisfaction, I felt our tongues twirl around each others. And to my own surprise it sent another rush through my stomach. I wanted more. I moaned softly as he gently nibbled my bottom lip with his teeth, and as his kisses got more passionate so did mine. It felt good, so good, not awkward at all. I dug my fingers into his back as if I was trying to draw him closer, he got the gesture and wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me deeper. And then I felt it again, the longing in his kisses, as if he had been waiting for a long time to be able to kiss me, but what surprised me was the longing I felt in my own kisses as I continued to kiss him back. I don't know how long time we were kissing, all I know is I lost myself completely in it. So when I suddenly felt something hard rub against my jeans, it took me a while to fully react.*
Evan: I pulled away from him fast Andy!… I…
Andy: Looked at me puzzled I thought you wa… he frowned a bit and looked down himself oh…
Evan: *I tried to slide myself out from under him without him noticing it… yeah right, I'm not exactly Houdini… and I'm almost the same size as Andy, so I really can't say I could be too stealth, had I only been half his size, but luck was never on my side.*
Andy: *Took a deep breath and rolled off me, quickly sitting up in bed, grabbing my cigarettes on the night stand and lit himself one, blowing out a big cloud of smoke* I'm sorry *he smiled at me apologizing as I tried to hide most of me under my blanket* Awkward boner huh? *He chuckled silently*
Evan: I started searching the room with my eyes for a place to simply disappear. Maybe I could hide in the closet? On a second thought though. I frowned at myself. Not funny Evan, not funny at all!
Andy: I didn't mean for that to happen, I hope you know that? I certainly didn't expect for anything to happen…. he took another drag from the cig, and suddenly looked sad, almost disappointed I'm sorry, I'm such a fuck up. I swear Ill leave you alone now. *He quickly got up, and walked towards the door with his head bowed, and once again, I don't know what came over me, maybe the guilt of making him feel so bad? As I observed him walk away he looked like a scolded puppy. The words just rushed out my mouth.*
Evan: Please stay!
Andy: He turned around slowly and looked at me even more puzzled than before.
Evan: Cleared my throat nervously I mean… we could watch a movie till we fall asleep?
Andy: He looked at me with flickering eyes, probably questioning if I had lost my mind
Evan: *I felt the awkward silence creep over the room, making me feel even more uncomfortable than the awkward boner had made me feel. Truthfully, I didn't want him to leave. So I padded my hand on the bed just next to me as a silent invite. Although I wanted him there, I couldn't get myself to say it out loud out of fear of sounding like a mouse.*
Andy: He smiled softly, shook his head and returned to the bed where he handed the rest of the cig to me. I observed him while he took off his shirt and pants, and thanked a God I don't believe, in when I saw he for once were wearing boxers, not that I had never seen him naked before, Andy used to be quite the party boy, and he has flashed the entire universe more times than anyone else has, but to be clear, I think it would have tipped me over, had he been naked under those jeans. As he turned to look at me, he pointed at the still standing awkward boner I'm sorry, I can't control it, so I understand if you kick me out at any point. But I promise you I wont try anything. I respect you.
Evan: *I believed him, no doubt. He had been through enough bad things when it came to sex, I knew he wouldn't try anything if he said he wouldn't, so I nodded.*
Andy: Smiled relieved What movie do you wanna watch?
Evan: I pulled my shoulders slightly I don't know… you pick.
Andy: He smiled like a little child. I learned several years ago, that he loves being the one to pick. *About 30 minutes later he was sound asleep, cuddled up in my arms. And I was stuck with a movie, which title I can't even remember, truth to be told, I didn't pay much attention, most of the movie I just kept caressing my lips, as if I was caressing his kisses. I didn't sleep most of the night, I just kept laying there, listening to his breath, suddenly afraid to move, afraid I would wake him up. He looked so peaceful. I had never seen him so peaceful before. All his worries had washed off his face, and I loved the glow he had on his cheeks. So I kept caressing my lips in the dark, listening to his soft breathing. Listening to his heartbeat.*
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threepointseven · 2 years
hii (◍•ᴗ•◍) I love your posts and I'd like to request a gn!reader that's seen as a pretty/handsome and admirablely intelligent person (like Kokomi with strategy wise) but they have a short temper, and they get jealous because a woman? Or a guy has been flirting with their partner.
I wanted this for Albedo, Venti, Scaramouche. You can add more characters you have ideas for too (´∀`)
Intelligent S/O who has a short temper and gets jealous easily
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Type- HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= venti x gn! Reader, scaramouche x gn!reader, albedo x gn!reader
Note🍀= ilysm thank u for requestinf 🤬🤬🤬🤬👉💐💕
Part 2: Since their s/o is smart and popular theyre the ones that get jealous since they keep getting asked out
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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- when he first met you, you were somewhat of a special guest as jean then given to albedo because she was sure you would be of help.
- And she was right, over the hours you were over albedo got how many things done! Through albedo’s eyes you were mature and extremely intelligent, you got things done fast and you always gave your input. Your intelligence is one of the reasons he fell inlove with you
- On top of that you were beautiful, even the slightest sight of your skin made people swoon, the way you walk the way you talk, it was all just so mesmerizing
- Even the great stoic albedo got caught in a haze staring at your hair moving with dragonspine’s air
- There was also a small quirk to you when you first met, everytime one of the experiments went wrong you silently raged and usually had to go out of the area to scream and whine in anger to yourself, and for some reason the alchemist found it quite cute for someone as smart as you to have such a hard time controlling their anger
- Fast forward to when your dating your still that smart little thing thats always up for mind games, except Albedo hasnt caught on that you have slight anger issues-
- Youve been trying to stop yourself from being so angry, but you also get jealous extremely easily and it makes your blood boil as a client of Albedo’s touches his chest softly and whispers in his ears.
- The string of calmness in you snaps as you stomp over to Albedo and slaps away the womans hand as she was reaching out for his cheeks.
“Thats my fucking boyfriend, i suggest you stop flirting with him or touching him. Your a client not a woman hes gonna have a one night stand with.”
- Albedo’s seen you angry but he cant help but blush in shock from your sudden jealousy
- As the client leaves the room you sigh and pout
“Albedo! How can you just be okay with someone touching you so sensually-!”
“Ah, i didnt exactly think anything of it till you did that..”
- If you show any more worry of someone stealing albedo away from you no need to worry, he’ll try his very best to reassure you that he’s all yours
- mondstat never wouldve known that the famous Y/N thats known for solving countless mysteries, helping during some of the hardest times in different nations and is also incredibly beautiful would date the stuck up alcoholic that spends 90% of his time at angels share.
- You met at windrise and you were there for a break after the knights of favonius caught wind of your arrival and practically begged for your help.
- Venti stared at you and was caught in a haze, staring at your exhausted eyes that somehow still looked magical and looking at your soft hair, you were surprised to see him staring and from the looks of it he was a bit tipsy
“Ah-! Have i disturbed you in some way? Apologies, i’ll go n-“
“Ehe, no no you didnt bother me at all, you just look quite exquisite for someone who was absolutely bombarded by questions from the knights”
He flirted with you and nudged your shoulder while smirking, everyone in mondstat knew you were here.
- overtime you simply kept meeting and you both ended up falling inlove, you told him you had anger issues but to be honest he found it more funny than a bother.
- You’re now in a relationship with venti and its been 7 months, he knows you get angry but he’s never exactly seen you jealous since you hide it so well, but there was this one night when you were celebrating yet another problem solved by you in angels share and you noticed a seemingly drunk man hitting on venti, sending flirty little touches and stating overly sexual pickuplines. It was a pain to see venti too drunk to even respond, this was your thank you party not theirs.
“Sir, could you kindly fuck off from my boyfriend and how about never flirt with him ever again? I know it must be so hard to keep your paws off someone’s significant other but i suggest you try before i punch you into the next timeline.”
- your words along with the threatening smile you wore scared the man into stepping away from your boyfriend and running out of the tavern, you swear youve never seen venti so smug.
- After the whole fiasco he pokes on your jealousy while you grit your teeth and frown the whole time
“Ahhh~~ your so smart yet so jealous~ what a combo-! I should get you jealous more often i barely get to see you like that since your always working or somethi-“
- omg, you have a short temper too? Yall are such a dangerous power couple
- You were formally invited by the tsaritsa to the fatui as a strategy commander and honestly scaramouche was impressed, never showed it though. He would watch you mesmerized as you worked on infiltration plans and ordered the underlings in such a mature way.
- Your looks were no different from your skills, your eyes showed sophistication and every curve of your body somehow interested the harbinger. What he didnt expect to see was you whining and screaming in your office, you were banging your head against the wall while emotions ran through you and he found it quite interesting that someone who looks as sagacious as you was so angry.
- So now here you are, youve been dating Scaramouche for almost a year and you two know eachother inside out, your still a strategy commander who has to go into another room to scream your anger into the wall and he’s still an unbearably arrogant harbinger.
- you watch as you stare at the woman making moves on the great balladeer at a ball specifically for organizations similar to the fatui. You watch as the woman in that bejeweled black dress takes his hand in hers and invites him to dance. You can see your boyfriends eyes twitching as her voice goes through his ears, it definitely looks like a pain-
- You cant hold that envy any longer and you walk up to the pair and pull the silently raging scaramouche out of her arms
“Sorry miss, but id like to be the one dancing with my boyfriend, definitely not the woman who’s infamous for being a spoiled brat according to your entire community.”
- you pull scaramouches laughing, smug face and you pout.
“Tch- your really jealous?”
- you whine and frown as he teases your jealous figure
“Well i wouldnt he surprised- this is quite amusing~ Imagine if your underlings saw their oh so great strategy commander getting jealous-“
- Shut this stupid twink up pls 🧏‍♀️
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Requests open and reblogs are super appreciated!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Just Peachy.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood, overall very fluffy and cute
Requested: nope
Summary: in which Y/N gets hurt and Ransom is the perfect fiancé.
Author's Note: hiya peeps! ok im gonna say it,,, im a hoe for soft!ransom idc idc. enjoy!
"If anything happens while I'm at work, if you get hurt, don't hesitate to call me, alright? I'll be home in 15 minutes. Just call." Wise words by Ransom Drysdale, her fiancé.
Was she going to do that? Nope! Y/N grumbled from her position on the ground; she was walking down the stairs when she had tripped and fallen, ending up in a heap on the floor with one ankle definitely broken and a cut on her temple. Slowly, as the pain got too much to bear, she started crawling to the best of her abilities towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
As she neared the bathroom her hopes went up, until she saw the cupboard above the sink on top of which the first aid kit was kept. "Who fucking keeps it so high up?" she cursed under her breath as she grabbed the sink, slowly standing up, praying the sink wouldn't break under her as she applied her full body weight on the poor thing. She was successful.
Now putting her entire weight on her good foot, she reached up and, severely underestimating the weight of the kit, yanked it up, causing the heavy box to come crashing down on her. "Damn it, fucking son of a—" she cursed loudly as the box knocked her off her already weak feet. She fell on her back with a grunt and the heavy box landed on her chest, forcing her to exhale a breath. "Fuck."
Y/N forgot to hear a painful crunch.
She started lifting her hands to push the kit away when a sharp pain shot through her left wrist, causing her to wince. "Oh, great, another broken limb? Just what I needed. Great. Fucking peachy," she muttered and shoved the box away with her right hand, moving to sit up. She tried to crawl out of the bathroom but this time, with only one hand to support her, the task was perilous.
Ransom tapped his fingers on his desk at work in the tune of his favorite song, frowning at the blank open document in front of him. He was working on his second book, but today, inspiration was nowhere to be found. No ideas were coming to his head on how to proceed with the next chapter. I wonder what Y/N is doing, he thought and smiled softly at the thought of his fiancée.
Ransom and Y/N met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. He was being his usual, bitter self in the gardens outside the lavish mansion (yes, a mansion) when Y/N had approached him first. "Hi there, I'm Y/N. I noticed you were being too quiet and you slipped out, and wondered if you wanted to talk to someone?"
He wanted to push her away for talking to him like that, especially since he left the house for a reason, but instead he just smiled at her. A genuine smile. "I'd like that a lot." And so, they talked. Ransom was proud to announce that he had first fallen for her nature, her personality and her demeanor instead of her looks, which was what made their relationship special.
At least for Ransom, given the type of man he used to be.
Y/N was extremely gorgeous in his eyes. That was simply an added bonus. By the end of the party, both of them had walked into the house again and Ransom had put on quite a show about asking her out to dinner, which she readily agreed to. She knew what kind of a man he was; spoiled, full of himself and had a big attitude problem but that one talk with him changed her perception of Ransom Drysdale.
He was truly nice to the people he cared about, one of them being her. They talked for a short while and he was nothing short of polite, sweet and funny at times. He flirted endlessly since that was part of his personality but she didn't mind, she liked it, even. Ever since that day, they were inseparable and now, 4 years later, engaged.
"Fuck shit, fuck shit, fuck shit…" Y/N chanted as she slowly crawled to the living room, the pain in her body increasing by the minute. Finally putting her pride aside, she grabbed her phone off the couch and called Ransom, falling to the floor with deep breaths. Ransom's eyes snapped away from his laptop and landed on his phone when it started ringing.
Grinning, he picked up the call when Y/N's smiling face came into view. The moment she spoke, though, his grin dropped. "Hugh…" Y/N choked out, eyes filling with tears when the pain finally caught up to her. "Y/N? Bubba, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, immediately leaping to his feet. He shut the laptop, grabbed his coat and stormed out of his office, towards his car. Work be damned.
"It's— it's nothing. I'm sorry for calling, I know you're busy—" He nearly scoffed. "Babe, listen to me. You're more important. I'm coming home, I just left the office. Speak to me, bub, tell me," he insisted as he drove like a madman towards his house. "Just got hurt a little bit," Y/N mumbled and Ransom's heart broke. "Darling, I'll take care of it when I get home."
Thankfully, 15 minutes later, he reached home. Ransom hurriedly parked his car and threw open the front door, freezing when he saw his fiancée lying near the couch on the floor, the phone still in her hand as her eyes snapped away from the ceiling towards him. "Ransom," she stuttered and he walked towards her, kneeling next to her. His thumb swiped the blood on her temple.
God, did he want to punch her on her stupid, beautiful face for telling him she was just a little hurt. "Bub, what's this?" He picked her up and placed her on the couch, moving to take her hand but it fell limp… in a weird angle. His eyes widened. "Is your wrist broken?" he whispered and Y/N nodded, turning away from him. "And you had the fucking audacity to tell me it was nothing?!" he screamed.
She kept silent as he checked the rest of her body, finding out that her ankle was broken as well, the skin around it swollen black and blue. "You're a fucking dumbass, you know that?" he muttered as he called a doctor, sitting on the floor next to the couch. "I didn't want to disturb you." She was wheezing and he turned to her, only to see her clutching at her chest with a pained expression on her face.
"Hurts." He sat up and ripped the t-shirt off her, eyes darkening when they landed on the bruise forming on her chest and between the valley of her breasts. "What the fuck happened when I was gone?" he hissed as he covered her up again. "I… I fell down the stairs first and broke my ankle," she began, fidgeting. "Well you should've called me then!" he insisted, exasperated.
"I didn't want to be a burden," she admitted in a small voice and Ransom's resolve broke. He teared up a bit and pressed his lips to hers, shaking his head. "You're not a burden, Y/N. I told you, if you're hurt at home, call me. I meant it. Even if it's a paper cut, call. Even if it's a skinned knee, call. I'm always here for you, and I always will be here." Y/N sniffled under him.
"Ransom…" He gently sat her up and sat next to her, only to pull her on his lap as he held her close. "Don't you dare think you're a burden ever again. I signed up for this. A burden is something you're not willing to carry. This? I'm willing to carry this to the end of the world," he whispered, squeezing her body as tightly as he could without crushing her. "I love you, Ran."
I love you, too.
"I know, sweetcheeks." And he grinned when her head shot up and she promptly slapped him on the cheek. "You're so full of yourself, Drysdale," she huffed. "You still love me," he hummed as she snuggled into his arms. "Fortunately for you, unfortunately for me, yeah, yes I do," she sighed.
Soon, the doctor arrived, patched her up and said the worst thing she had ever heard in her life.
"Bedrest for 2 weeks till the ankle heals."
And seeing Ransom's shit-eating grin had caused her to glare so viciously at him that even he had cowered. "Babe, doctor's orders, can't help it." After the doctor left, they were now laying side by side on their bed, staring at each other. "I can't just sit here with nothing to do!" she whined, snuggling closer to him. He put an arm around her, sighing.
"Well, face the reality, kitten. You're staying here and that's an order."
"Funny you think you can boss me around, sweetheart."
"I know I can't but this time, I will. I'll strap you down to the bed, mark my words," Ransom said with a roll of his eyes. "Kinky," Y/N snickered and Ransom kissed her nose with a smirk. "You are not getting up, Mrs Drysdale," he whispered and she pouted, jutting her lower lip out as far as she could along with giving him puppy eyes. "Please, Ran?" Ransom laughed.
"No." She groaned loudly. "Ugh, fine! I'll just get up when you go to work," she spoke smugly and Ransom turned to her, eyes wide. "Oh no you don't." He leaped up from the bed, making her whine. "Where are you going?! I need cuddles, Ran, I'm hurt!" she insisted and he got back into bed, taking out his phone. "I'm making calls to work. I'm gonna work from home now."
"You don't have to do that!" she insisted vehemently but Ransom refused to hear it. "I have to! To make sure your cute, dumb little ass stays in bed like the doctor said," he huffed. After one phone call, he sighed in relief and relaxed against the bed. "Pays to be a Thrombey, ya know," he chuckled, ruffling Y/N's hair as she snuggled into his side.
She was a mess. Her left hand was in cast, and so was her right ankle. After the doctor left she had taken off her t-shirt, leaving her in her sports bra, the wound on her chest a deep purple with flecks of red. There was also a bandaid on her temple for the small cut. "I figured." It was quiet for some time. "You never finished the story, babe. How did you get so hurt?"
"Well, first the stairs incident, I told you. After that, I was going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit but it was too heavy. I didn't know that so when I lifted it, it fell on me. I broke my wrist from hitting it on the floor too hard and the first aid kit fell on my chest," she huffed, "The pain was too much so I called you." Ransom frowned. "You should've called earlier."
"I know. Sorry."
"It's okay, baby, I'm here now," Ransom smiled, giving her a loving kiss on the top of her head. "I'm getting tired," she yawned as the adrenaline started wearing off. "Sleep." Ransom adjusted himself so he was now half-lying on the bed, back resting against the headrest as he gathered Y/N in his arms. She fell asleep a few minutes later.
Y/N touched his side of the bed, only to be met with cold sheets instead of his warm body. She blinked the sleep away and sat up, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. Running a hand through her messy hair, she stood up and limped towards the stairs. 2 weeks had passed and as the doctor said, her bedrest was over.
Her ankle had healed but not fully, while the wrist was still in a cast. The wound on her chest was also feeling loads better. She walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen area only to see Ransom cooking breakfast. "Ran," she whined and he turned around. "Y/N! Get your ass in bed, why are you here?"
"It got lonely." She wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing a soft kiss to his bare back. "Alright, fine." He spun around and grabbed her waist, lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter. "Sit here." Y/N smiled lazily as she placed her head on his shoulder, watching him cook. He was making eggs. Omelettes.
"How did you sleep?" he questioned when the silence stretched on. "I slept well. The ankle doesn't hurt as much, nor the wound on my chest. But the wrist…" She sighed and Ransom looked at her with a sad smile, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "It'll get better, I promise. I'm not going to stop taking care of you."
"I'd like that very much," she replied shyly and he grinned. It was true, Ransom had truly taken care of her well. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed everyday for 2 weeks, he worked in their room and they had cuddled more in the two weeks than they had in their entire relationship. Y/N was super happy with their arrangement.
Of course, sometimes Ransom would be too busy, leaving her alone in the room while he worked downstairs or had a meeting with someone. But then he'd make it up to her by offering more snuggles and kisses. "My best girl," he murmured, placing the omelette he was making on a plate. He then carried the plate to the dining room, leaving her on the kitchen counter.
He returned just as fast, gathering her in his arms and pressing a kiss to her temple as he carried her to the dining table as well. "You're strong," she teased and he huffed. "I better be, or all that working out will be for nothing." She laughed and he placed her down on a chair. "Eat well, I'll be back." With another kiss dropped to her head, he went back to the kitchen area.
Y/N wondered how she became so lucky to have him as her fiancé. Yeah, sure, Ransom wasn't a very nice person in general but to her, he was the best. The man who once called his aunt unsavory things punched someone in the face when they had the audacity to call her the same things. "You better watch your fucking mouth or I'm gonna break all your teeth."
It hadn't affected her much anyway but seeing Ransom's reaction had sent a pleasant tingle down her spine. He was ready to do anything for her. And she had to admit, lately, he was being very soft. She had noticed the changes in him around a year ago; he'd become… domestic, almost. It was fun to see him like that.
His family, well, they were less than pleased when Ransom had first introduced her to them. They thought she wasn't good enough for him and had even tried to break them down. But that had only made them stronger. Ransom was in love with her and nothing his family said was going to change that. "Y/N?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at Ransom. "Yeah?" He laughed and sat in front of her with his own plate of food. "You were lost in thoughts; the food's getting cold, honey." She cursed softly and laughed along, finally finishing her food.
How had she gotten so lucky?
A/N: Thanks for reading! Show some love, likes and reblogs will be appreciated <3
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loousir · 3 years
Matching Styles {Damien Bloodmarch}
Damien Bloodmarch x Male Reader
Game: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Warnings: Casual boyf flirting, changing the readers outfit, I honestly still really like this one
Originally posted on February 28, 2021
Damien and I were sitting on his couch, cuddling close to eachother and the fire on this rather chilly afternoon. I was thinking about how things have been lately when I closed my eyes and leaned into him more. I smiled as he rest his head on my chest and his hand that wasn't around my waist on my thigh.
"(Y/n)?" I hummed at Damiens words to let him know I was listening. "Could we go up to my room for a moment." I looked up to him before sitting up a bit. "Is there a specific reason?" I asked as he stood and took my hand, standing me up as well. "Well yes, but I can't say til we get there." I tilted my head slightly as he took me up the stairs to his "quarters", not once letting go of my hand.
We walked in and he closed the door behind the both of us. "This will be a little bit strange but I must ask you to close your eyes and let me... Uhm... C-change you..." My brows furrowed as I looked to his shy eyes. "Oh-kay..."
I closed my eyes and blushed as he walked around me. He fumbled around with what sounded like clothes before approaching me again. His hands were gentle as he raised my arms and slipped off my shirt. "Do you mind if I... Re-remove your uhm... Trousers as well?" I put my arms down and nodded. "You'll have to eventually I'd assume..." I blushed brightly as he tossed away my shirt.
His fingers gently brushed against my abdomen, making me blush more if possible. He carefully unbuttoned and unzipped them, pulling them down. His long hair gently brushed against my leg giving me goosebumps. I stepped out of my pants and he tossed those to the side as well. I blushed more and covered my chest from the cold air.
"I'll put the bottoms on first then the top." Damien said as he walked behind me. I heard the pants shift, the button and zipper clacking together softly as he picked them up. He had me step into them and pulled them up to about my mid thigh before asking me to pull them up till they're comfortable. I did and he zipped and buttoned them for me, adjusting a few things before moving behind me again.
The fabric felt soft but when I shifted they felt like leather pants. They weren't tight by any means but they were well fitting, almost as if they weren't even there. He stood behind me and asked for me to slip on what I could only assume was a button up. I put it on and adjusted the wrists and shoulders to be more comfortable. The wrists had the same fabric cuffs as his typical white button up.
He slowly buttoned the shirt together, making me smirk a bit. "Savoring the view for a moment longer my dear?" My eyes were still closed when he didnt respond. I felt him come closer and rest his head on my shoulder. "It's a sight I don't often see." He mumbled before pulling away again. I smiled as he adjusted the other extra fabric around my chest and messed with the collar a bit before going behind me once more.
"All you need to do is ask and you can see it more often." I teased and I knew it made him blush since he stepped away from me and spoke.
"It will be just this and shoes then I'll tell you when to look. Also could you tuck in the shirt please?" He said making me act almost instantly. "I'll need a little help making sure its right." I said doing my best to make it even everywhere. He came back over to me and helped finish tucking in the sides but hesitated on the back and front. "Damien?" He hums. "You know it's alright if you touch me..." I paused.
"A-are you sure?" He asked quietly. I blushed and nodded. "If you dont want to then that's fine-" "No I... Just didnt know your boundaries about those... Areas." His hands gently tucked in the back of the shirt first, making sure it laid looked flat while also slightly squeezing what I have which I leaned into. He carefully removed his hands and moved to the front side and a bit more cautiously tucked it in.
Once finished, he moved back behind me again and helped me put on what I could only assume was a coat. It was heavy and hit the back of my knees once on properly. He walked around to the front and buttoned two buttons, holding the coat together before fixing the collar and resting his hands on my shoulders. "I'm going to back you up to the bed so I can put on the shoes."
I laughed slightly and smiled. "Alright." He gently pushed on my shoulders, making me back up slowly. Of course, when I hit the bed I lost my balance and fell backwards. Making me grip onto Damien and take us both down. He was between my legs while I held his hips, both of us pressed against eachother. I blushed again and kept my eyes closed as he helped me sit back up.
"Sorry." "I apologize."
We both spoke at the same time making me laugh which made him laugh. "We were equally at fault there." I said resting my head on his rib area. He gently ran a hand through my hair, making me lean into him a bit more before pulling away. "Okay okay, let's put the shoes on so that I can see you again."
He pulled away and kneeled down, signaled by the soft thumps on the floor. Damien put my right on first, telling me they were boots rather than shoes. He zipped and buttoned up the inside and messed with something before doing the same with the other foot. Damien stood up, grabbed my hands, pulled me up, and walked me across the room. He stood me so I was facing a specific direction and fixed the ruffles around my wrists before backing away.
"Ok, you can look now."
My eyes unintentionally fluttered when they opened and I was both shocked and happy to see what he had put on me. The shirt was just like his and the pants were a nice, slightly shiny black fabric. "Pants are a bit more modern dont you think?" I asked looking over to him. His eyes were staring downwards before they looked up to me. "Just a tad yes. I have another pair more accurate just incase I didnt like how they look but..."
"I like how they look too." I said looking back at the mirror and down to my shoes. They were a nice slightly shiny black as well with gold accent buttons. The coat was long and the main color was a deep maroon red with black accents. The inside was black as well and the buttons were the same gold as the shoes. I turned myself to Damien and walked over to him.
I pulled him into a tight hug and a very passionate kiss. He returned both gestures and a few moments passed before I pulled my lips away from his to speak. "I love it. And I love you." His face held a blush as he looked into my eyes. "I'm glad you do. And I love you too." He leaned up for another kiss to which I gladly returned.
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haemilkis · 3 years
grocery shopping date
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Pairing: husband!haechanxreader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1172 words (im sorry—it was supposed to be a drabble adjskl)
Warnings: none
Summary: You and your husband Haechan decided to go grocery shopping together and stumbled upon someone that made you want to ask whether you were ready to build a family.
It was a Sunday morning and both you and your husband Haechan were beat from last night’s impromptu karaoke session that went on till 4am since your husband just can’t stop serenading you his favourite Micheal Jacksons’ songs. It was definitely sweet of him to share his Spotify playlist(S) with you back when you were still his girlfriend. But not when you’re now his wife and would have to listen to his anthem Smooth Criminal at least thrice a day — but you also fell in love with him because of that. He really proposed to you to be his girlfriend through his Spotify playlist! 
As of right now, you’re just too madly in love with this man to deny anything from him. “hey, morning”, he muffles his words under the blanket and slowly stretches his arms around your waist. “so, what are you doing today?”, you said as you positioned your face in front of him and tugged the blanket he used to hide his face in. Haechan was smiling through the blanket as he playfully peeps at you through the blanket and stared at you face for a bit before answering you, “maybe we should go grocery shopping together today, what do you think, hm?”, you smiled playfully and nodded through the blanket that was once on Haechan’s head. You both knew that it was still a tad bit early to go now so you just cuddled together for another 10 mins or so you thought—it was actually an hour later when you both got up and got ready to go to the nearby supermarket to buy your groceries. 
As soon as you and your husband arrived at the supermarket it was packed with people and you were already thinking whether you should just go home—but you husband was adamant to still pick up the necessary items like milk, bread and chocoballs (Maltesers to be exact, his absolute favourite). So you just went in the automated glass door entrance of the Groceria whilst Haechan grabbed the trolley. Once you found the perishable food aisle you asked your husband if he wanted some more tofu and kimchi since he loved to cook kimchijiggae at least twice a week. “of course! yes yes” he cheered to you and with a smile he winked and you were a bit flustered because you can never get used to your husband’s love language (flirting with you 24/7 at the most random times). “alrighty haechan i get you now turn down a notch... there are people staring at us” haechan smirked and strolled the trolley to the bread section that was a few steps away.
Unbeknown to you, suddenly you felt someone tugging your maxi dress from behind. You were about to scream your husband’s name aloud because you were already internally screaming for a split second. You quickly turned around to see a very small figure with a height just above your knees tugging your dress tightly. The tiny baby girl had long hair in a ponytail and eyes were wet with tears. “Are you okay sweetheart? Where are your parents? Are you alright? don’t cry, okay let’s find mummy and daddy”, you bombarded her with questions since you were feeling flustered as the small figure’s crying didn’t stop.
Haechan saw you and was about to approach you but stopped his tracks as he saw your maternal side when you started to hug the child’s small figure to calm her. He felt weird. Not the bad kind of weird — rather, something in him was infatuated by the sight of you and him having a child together. To have his very own small family. He was lost in his own thoughts but quickly brought back to reality as the mother of the child in your hands scurried through the crowd to reach her crying baby girl. “I'm so sorry! Eun Hae tends to run off on her own sometimes whenever she gets a little too giddy but would also then cry when she loses her way to me” the mother rambles and sighs at the end as she tells you about her daughter. By this time your husband was beside you and also trying to entertain the small girl to ease her cries whilst the mother was explaining to you. Shortly after, the mother then thanked you again and left the both of you again now walking towards the freshly baked bread section of the Groceria.
You noticed that haechan was stealing looks at you. “um, is there something on my face?”, you quickly brushed your face with your fingers. He smiled  “no, you don’t” and briefly chuckled. Both of you went back to shopping for the groceries together speedily since the supermarket was now very packed. The queues were long and you both kept things minimal and bought only the absolute necessities ( yes, Maltesers included) and went to the self checkout counter to make your payment.
As soon as you were in the car and loaded the shopping bags in, haechan was still stealing looks at you. “Ok haechan tell me...what is on your mind?” You just knew that at this point he wasn’t trying to get your attention to flirt with you or any of his mischievous acts since he had “I have something to tell you” written all over his face. Haechan quickly adjusted his body to face you from the driver’s seat. “Okay so actually just now when you were calming the little girl from crying... i was— well I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now... do you think we should... you know... have our own little family?”, he said as he looked into your eyes earnestly. “I saw how you looked at the little girl and how you calmed her down...I just know that you will be able to be the best mother for our children” he continued. You, on the other hand, were feeling relieved and over the moon when your husband finally asked you this. You’ve always felt unsure on how to bring up this topic with him to discuss because it was always either you were both too busy with work or just unsure how to word it to you husband—mostly due to the latter.
You positioned yourself upright as you face your husband in the car with just the white noise of the wind blasting through the car’s air-conditioning chambers. “I- thank you haechan. Thank you and yes! yes I would love too”, you mumbled to him as you looked back at him at the verge of tears streaming down your peach tint cheeks.
You both hugged each other and savoured the moment into the embrace. “okay but let's go home first okay? or else your maltesers’ going to melt”, you said with a chuckle.
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
But there's still only one bed!?
Word count: 1165
Genre: Not actually sure :3
Request: No
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I was looking up a random city generator and it took me to Stockholm 😭
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The week was painfully long. The first two nights had gone okay. Natasha had mostly kept to her side of the bed, occasionally a foot would stray over the pillow wall (on purpose) and you would grab her calf and push it back over. On the third night, when Natasha's foot and lower leg came over the pillow fort, you hesitated and that horrified you. You'd heard of Stockholm syndrome - of course you had but you had never thought it would happen to you.
No no no. You were wrong. You were just very tired and so your reflexes weren't as fast. That's what you told yourself when you pushed her leg back over, a little more gently than the nights before, letting your fingers linger just a fraction of a second longer. Damn you so had Stockholm syndrome.
Within the past couple days, you had realised that the stick wasn't that far up Natasha's ass and she didn't actually think she was the greatest thing in God's green earth. It didn't stop you from calling her princess because it was funny to see her go a little more red than she was before. You always believed it was because she was mad, but perhaps it wasn't. Not that it mattered, as long as you got a reaction you didn't care why. As much as it pained you to admit, the two of you worked extremely well which is surprising considering the shit-show that happened in Zagreb. It was almost as if the two of you were falling into a comfortable, safe, routine.
The third night, you didn't build the pillow wall quite so high, claiming you didn't want to be like Trump and that Natasha ignored the wall anyway so what was the point in using so many when you could have more for your head. You weren't convinced yourself and there was absolutely no way Natasha was convinced but she nodded her head in agreement anyway.
By the forth night, there was a single line of pillows between you and Natasha. On the fifth morning, you awoke tangled with the assassin. Your breathing stilled instantly as you tried desperately to get out from underneath her, opting to believe the pounding heart was horror at the situation. You knew she hadn't been sleeping well - you were a relatively light sleeper and this was the most at peace Natasha had seemed the entire time you had known her. All these facts didn't mean you didn't shove her off you though. You unceremoniously fell off the bed, legs tangled with not only Natasha's, but the bedsheets too.
"Aww poor baby" Natasha's head popped up from the bed, holding back a laugh as she looked down at you. "Did you fall out the bed?" She gave you a fake pout before getting up damn gracefully (which was annoyingly frustrating). "Come on Y/n. We have places to be, bad guys to take down."
"Why the hell are we still walking? Surely it would be fine for us to get a car now." You tripped over a root you weren't looking for "Fuck me."
Natasha mumbled something before turning to you "Aww did someone fall out on the wrong side of the bed?"
You glared at her "I wouldn't have fallen out if you had kept to your side. I had no damn bed to sleep on so of course I fell out." You stood up, brushing yourself off before storming past Natasha.
You didn't like these new feelings bubbling up in your chest and you sure as hell were going to ignore them till they went away. You both made it to the café that your targets were supposed to be for some meeting or other and blended in. Nothing particularly interesting was happening except for the waitress who occasionally flirted with you.
"How come you hate me so much?" Natasha asked you through your earpiece, hiding her mouth with a newspaper.
"Why are you such a bitch?" You muttered into your cup.
"Nuh uh. I asked first. So Y/l/n, why do you hate me so much?"
"Ughhh it's not that I hate you per se... just that the Avengers rub me the wrong way." Your target was getting up and - shit- walking over to you.
"Zdravstvuy dorogoy" (hello darling) he purred out. Perhaps if he was a lot younger you could have gone for that but he was old and overweight so it was a big no.
"Privet" (hello)
"Get out of there Y/n" Natasha whispered into your earpiece.
"Chto takogo krasivogo, kak ty, zanimayesh'sya sam po sebe?" (What's a pretty thing like you doing on your own)
You saw an opportunity and took it. "Mozhet ya zhdu, chto kto-to vrode tebya pridet pozdorovat'sya" (Maybe I'm waiting for someone like you to come say hi) You twirled a piece of hair around your finger and bit your lip, ignoring what Natasha said.
Ivan, the target, received a text "Izvini, krasavitsa, vozmozhno, sud'ba pozvolit nam snova vstretit'sya" (Sorry beautiful, perhaps destiny will allow us to meet again)
Ivan left a piece of paper on your table and payed for your drink.
You both waited for Ivan to leave completely and then left separately, meeting back in the woods.
"What the hell was that? I told you to get out of there." Natasha turned on you as soon as you arrived.
"I couldn't exactly get up and walk away from him as soon as he started talking! That would have been suspicious."
"You didn't have to flirt with him though." Natasha began walking back to the house.
""Umm yeah? Yeah I did? Or did you forget the whole reason we're here Natasha? Fury said any means necessary and it's not like flirting is the furthest I've gone for a mission. I'm sure it's the same for you." You stomped after her, not letting the conversation go.
"Flirting was not part of the plan! Hell, it's a no contact mission. All we need to do is grab some documents and that's it."
"Well now we've got a way in." You waved a piece of paper in Natasha's face - it was an invitation to a party Ivan was throwing at his house "Besides, we have two more days and we have nothing other than a few useless pictures."
"You know this is obviously a trap right?" Natasha rolled her eyes as she read the writing. "There is no way he would invite someone like you."
"And why not? Surprisingly Natasha, people find me attractive. Some could even say very attractive. You know what, fuck you Natasha. I got us an in so you shouldn't be on my damn back about it all."
You had somehow managed to get back to the house while bickering. You opened the door and kicked off your shoes. "I'm tired and I have paperwork to do. Excuse me." You brushed past her and settled yourself in the small workspace.
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taro-im · 3 years
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link to Kita’s
When you fall out of your crush for them but they start falling for you
Atsumu Miya:
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You and Atsumu were best friends, both of you always got along and teasing each other, the thing is that you have a crush on your best friend Atsumu Miya…
One day you decided to go see Atsumu practice, you were sitting by the bleachers admiring your cute and annoying crush Atsumu till suddenly you heard your name being called “so how’s you and y/n?” Osamu said loud “Ah we doin fine why?” Atsumu said irritated “did someone say my name?” You said teasingly walking towards both brothers and they said hello to you and went back to the conversation “So Both ya been friends for a long time…. Do ya got any feelings for her romantically?” Osamu said with a smirk, you blushed at the thought of it trying to hide your expression, heart pounding on what he was going to say “What are you guys talking about?” Suna said getting into the conversation “we talking about him and y/n” Samu said with a smirk, Suna nodded his head and listened
“So do ya both like each other more than friends?” Osamu said patting his brothers back “ye-“ you said confident but getting cut off by Atsumu “No I don’t she’s not ma type, and never will be” Atsumu said booming, your heart painfully throbbed at what he said, your embarrassed you couldn’t look anyone in the eyes… both Suna and Osamu quiet from what he just said “what I’m jus tellin ya the truth?! Right y/n?” He said laughing “yeah, but have you ever considered me more than your best friend?” You said getting quieter by every word, heart stinging “Gross why would I ever think that, I’ve known you for so long that your basically like an annoying siblin” he said laughing his ass off, while your on the verge of tears and Osamu and Suna could tell “so Atsumu what would you do if I told you I liked you?” You said trying to end things now “I would flat out reject ya” he said not laughing anymore “ah I see” you said faking your best laugh “ya see we’re best friends and will always be just that” Atsumu said pulling you in by the waist but you pulled his arm away, now he’s confused “well I gotta go guys got a doctors appointment” you said getting out of the gym hot tears streaming down your face
At least you now know you don’t have a chance with Atsumu Miya… at least you can secretly get over him now
After that day Atsumu noticed you became more distant from him than usual he didn’t take what he said close to heart because what he said he thought it was true both of you will always just be friends nothing more nothing less, You didn’t take food from him, you didn’t make your little inside jokes with him anymore, and you didn’t pretend flirt anymore, you didn’t physically touch him anymore, because that’s not what friends do but Atsumu was so confused on why you were acting strange, but it’s okay your feelings for him were slightly gone now and both of you are back to normal now
But the thing is gradually Atsumu fell for you… he actually had feelings for you after you slowly lost feelings for him, he noticed every little detail about you and every time he was with you his heart would be pounding, but he was too afraid to tell you, and you were afraid to tell him, both of you secretly didn’t have a one sided crush for each other…. He kept his feelings hidden till graduation
The group and you went to a little party, Atsumu decided to walk you home that night, Atsumu and you decided to stop at a little convenience store to get some ice cream, now here’s both of you sitting outside the store talking “ah I can’t believe we graduated Tsumu” you said with a little laugh that made his heart throb “yeah can’t believe it y/n” he said sitting closer to you, forgetting you put your head on his shoulder which made him blush
“Hey y/n?” The blond boy said “yeah what is it Tsumu?” You said getting off of his shoulder “do ya like anyone?” He said avoiding eye contact “mmm not really- well sort of, haha it’s complicated” you said trying to avoid the question, Atsumu’s heart kind of hurt when you said that “Well do you?” You said even though you know it’s going to hurt hearing him say it “yeah I do” he said face tinted red, you not knowing he’s talking about you still for no reason your heart hurts “oh- well I gotta go” you said trying to go but he grabbed your wrist “wait I didn’t finish talkin yet y/n” he said looking you in the eyes “why are you talking about your crush to me It had nothing to do with me” you said annoyed “my crush is ya y/n!” He said in the heat of the moment both of you looking at each other in the eyes
It was quiet for a minute but you decided to talk “what about me not being your type and me just being a annoying sibling to you… didn’t you say we would always just be friends?” You said rambling still shocked “so ya don’t like me?” Atsumu said for the first time his big ego gone “ye-yeah I do well I did- well I still do” you said trying to put it into words “what do ya mean when you say you use to” he said confused “well I had a really big crush on you in first year, and I was going to confess to you but the day before that…well you remember” you said explaining him everything “I didn’t mean to… ya know how I get like when I’m around ma brother” he said looking at you in the eyes “but still Atsumu what you said really hurt me and hearing you say this now jus-“ you said getting cut off by the blonde “will ya forgive me y/n?….” He said “yeah that was a long time ago” you said face red, Atsumu went closer towards you, holding your waist admiring your facial features with his calloused fingers, he shouldn’t of said that to you maybe you both would of been a couple a long time ago but he can make it up… “y/n will ya be my girlfriend?” He said with determined glistening eyes “yeah Atsumu…” you said not being able to look at him “finally your mine” he said hugging you tightly “I love you y/n” he whispered “I love myself to” you said giggling “of course ya do” he said with a teasing smirk
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vocalyunho · 3 years
fire within.
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pairing — San x reader (f).
genre — fluff, smut (first time).
word count — 3k
warnings & tags — established relationship, reader is a virgin, San isn’t, a lot of making out, some parts are hella cheesy (sorry), San has a vertical labret piercing and a habit of holding reader’s neck while kissing, grinding, San gets hard just by kissing uwu, handjob (not really), spanking (?), sub! reader, soft dom! San, brief mention of blood, explicit protected sex (positions: missionary & face off), you have every right to criticise me for failing to put an actual plot in this, i deserve it.
synopsis — y/n had never imagined she’d lose her virginity on a snowy night, right next to the fireplace.
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The snow had covered the city like a white silky veil. It was freezing cold, the degrees certainly being under zero and the streets were all empty. In contrast to the real temperature, seeing such view made y/n feel so warm inside...or maybe it was the fireplace that burnt for a couple hours now, that made her feel this warmth. 
It was the first time, since the moment she rented this apartment, that she actually felt good for it being on such a high floor. The view of the snow-covered city looked like a picture taken by a talented photographer and not by her own two eyes. 
San was outstretched on the bed next to the big window, limbs covering more than half of the double mattress, and his head was tilted to the side to look at the darkness outside that got dissipated by thick snowflakes that had started falling again. 
San and y/n don’t live together but he got snowbound in her apartment since last night when the heavy snow-falling started. Everything has been immobile since then, no one can ride their cars and the public transportation has stopped too, that’s why San didn’t leave but, to be honest, he didn’t complain and neither did y/n.
The oversized hoodie he was wearing covered his body till his thighs, hiding the black boxers and making him look more comfortable than ever. y/n was lying on her stomach next to him, her head was resting on his outstretched arm, and she was looking outside just like he did. 
Suddenly, she propped herself on her elbows to take a look at the street, and when San felt the movement beside him, he turned to face her. She stretched her neck and squinted her eyes.
“what is it?”, San asked.
“someone’s walking down there”, she stated and he only let out a snort at her comment.
“and what if they do?”
“they’re gonna catch a cold if they stay outside for long”
She stated, as if it was a fact, and San let out a louder laugh this time, finding both funny and heart-warming how much y/n worried about a random stranger’s health. He stayed looking at her as she stared at the person who was probably just taking a healing walk on the snow, until a gentle hand got wrapped around her neck. He moved it upwards, on her jaw, and ran his index finger across her lower lip “some people like the snow, you know”.
“says you...who begged me to light the fireplace so you can stay in your underwear”, she rolled her eyes. 
San gasped, acting offended by the talk back, and y/n snickered. He held himself up on his elbows, meeting her face.
“come on, i’m waiting for a good one”
She commented cheekily but as much as San tried to think of a good comeback, the sight of her mocking smile got the best of him. The metal bar on his lower lip got between his teeth in an attempt to hold back any urges he had to kiss her... but the corners of his mouth curled up when she cocked a brow at him and a second later, his lips were on hers. y/n was more than glad he couldn’t think of anything good to talk back with because she really needed this softness against her.
She kissed him back gently and if it wasn’t for her trying to part, San wouldn’t have placed his hand around her throat again. She couldn’t lie, she lost her mind every time he did that and that’s exactly what happened now too. He kept her in place before lying down and bringing her with him. y/n simply held herself up on her elbows before bringing one hand up to the pink hair and tangling it in between the locks. They kissed slowly, San’s hand remaining around her throat and occasionally moving her head the way he wanted, and when he slightly added pressure on his hold, her eyes fluttered the most pleasurable way possible.
“so?”, y/n finally broke the kiss. San let go of her and ran a hand through his hair, sliding back the hot pink locks on his forehead, before speaking up.
“i’m kinda slow, i need more time to think”
“if you kiss me again, I might think of something”, he said, his expression taking a skeptical turn and making a dimple appear on his cheek.
“your flirting skills are so bad, how did i even fall for you?”, y/n tsk-ed.
“you actually fell for my piercing, not me”
“you...did not lie”
“that’s why i’m putting it to good use”
San puckered up his lips, displaying the -so attractive- piercing and y/n only meant to peck it but, a moment later, she was found on top of him with a single push on her side. She didn’t hesitate to straddle his waist comfortably and once he deepened the kiss, the cute make out took a completely different turn.
His arms traveled southern until he groped her ass and squeezed it nonchalantly. As much as this surprised her, double the amount she liked it because he’s never touched her like that. San kneaded the soft flesh, occasionally pulling it so much that it stung, but she didn’t mind it, she actually liked that more. 
Her tongue dominated his and the more she guided him, the more bothered San was getting until she felt it. 
“are you hard just by kissing?”, she asked not, actually, breaking the kiss.
“that’s cute” 
Since she, now, was aware of it, San didn’t hesitate to guide her hips against his crotch. He grinded her on him and y/n could feel nothing but his hard on even above the warm hoodie.
Her hands moved downwards and to the hem of the oversized clothing San was wearing and with slow hands she gripped it, subconsciously using it as support, and started grinding her crotch against his without San’s help. 
He moaned against her lips and y/n decided, at that moment, that his moans were turning her on more than any other sound he’s ever made while making out.
As if he wanted her to know that he liked where this was going, San slipped his hands under the shorts she had on and squeezed her now bare ass in his hands, definitely leaving his nail marks on it. She let her first moan out at that, only for San to let a low ‘fuck’ fan her lips. Her mouth found his neck and as San played with the soft flesh, she left wet kisses on him, occasionally biting down when she needed to hold back a moan. 
At some point, San’s left hand pushed her hips up making them both lose the friction they had created. y/n whined but didn’t separate from his neck. He pushed his hoodie up, till his belly button, and the boxers down, enough to let his hard on out and with a slow hand he grabbed it. With her knees pushing on the mattress, y/n held herself above his body. San pumped himself for a moment before pressing two fingers against her clothed core, making her widen her eyes and bring her head up to face him. 
She hadn’t noticed what was going on down there, until his fingers left the sensitive area between her legs and went to his dick. That’s when she glanced between their bodies, only to see San’s hand wrapped around his length, moving up and down gently. 
She had never seen his lower half naked before, let alone his dick being hard. Her lips fell agape and she raised her body to get a better view. She thought it twice before deciding to reach for it and San took his own hand away. He couldn’t believe the effect a single touch had on him, it felt like he needed instant release when he felt her hand on his tip. 
It was rather cute seeing her experimenting with her touches, finding out how an erection feels like. She wrapped her hand around the upper part and it was more than obvious how small it looked around him. She squeezed it a little and San’s breath got caught in his throat. 
“San-”, she caressed the soft skin on the tip “i have some condoms on the nightstand”, she said and moved to sit between his legs.
San didn’t expect to hear that but he definitely loved the way it sounded.
“want me to make you feel good, baby?”
y/n nodded and he sat up. He took her cheeks in his hands and pecked her before switching their positions, making her lay down on her back.
As soon as she was against the warm mattress, the eagerness took over her and so she reached for the shorts and slid them off along with her underwear, fast. She tagged on San’s hoodie, making him take it off and, now, the only remaining piece of clothing between their bodies was her sweater which was taken off too with a single nod from San.
Being bare under him was new but not that uncomfortable. Maybe the reason why she didn’t feel bad was because he glanced on her nude form and licked his lips or because he remained hard. Deep down though, she knew she didn’t feel uncomfortable because she was sure about him.
He licked two fingers and as if y/n knew, she pushed her legs open displaying where she needed San to make her feel good. 
“i didn’t think you’d be so straightforward on your first time baby but i’m loving it”
He pressed the digits on her clit and her knees, immediately, trembled but he kept dragging them down, over her folds until he stopped on the most glistening area. 
“you’re so wet”
...and the moment he said that, y/n momentarily pictured him slipping in and out of her with zero effort. She sighed and closed her eyes all the while her legs trapped San’s hand between them. 
He pushed them open fast and placed his right knee on one of them, to keep it from closing.
“don’t do that again”, a slap landed on her clit. y/n gasped, the feeling was so new and so overwhelming already...if that felt so good, how was she supposed to act once he was inside her? 
Her fingers found her breast and started playing with her nipple, making the stimulation even sweeter and San...he wanted to push her hand away but the scene brought him thoughts he had never had before...the idea of her moaning for him, the idea of her feeling good because of him and, especially, the brief thought of her touching herself to the thought of him, like he had before, got him insane.
“I need you, San-”, she suddenly whined, breaking his train of thought.
“gotta make sure you’re ready, baby”
“i am...pplease”
His next ministration got her eyes rolling back and they hadn’t even done anything proper yet. San held her legs down and brought his face against her core. He gave a quick suck on her clit, humming as he did so, and left her bothered to get the so needed condom.
The cold metal against her pussy had her in shambles. Her body had given up already and when San was back between her legs, the sudden realisation that she was about to lose her virginity hit her like a truck. She was so worked up though and so in need to have him, that her mind was only filled with nothing but the upcoming pleasure.
His body was above her when he positioned himself on her entrance and y/n stuck her knees on the mattress as much as possible when she felt him dragging his tip along the folds. She sighed once again and tried to relax her muscles and San was met with a squeal when he pushed his tip in. 
y/n panicked. The pain was more than what she had expected and the feeling way too uncomfortable but San held her down. 
“it’s okay”, he whispered and kept pushing ever so slowly. Her walls were way too tight around him, it almost felt like she sucked him in but held his sounds back just for now.
“only for a bit”
He glanced down when he was halfway in and withdrew even slower, momentarily noticing a minimum amount of blood around his condom. 
“we just broke your hymen, angel”, he looked at her.
y/n’s eyes were on his but it felt like she didn’t hear a word. Thus, San pushed in and pulled out again and again and again just as slow as the first time and it must had been the fifth or sixth thrust when she, finally, moaned.
“that’s right baby, it feels good now right?”
He kept being careful, thrusting only halfway in until her arms went around his neck and on his hair. She kept him close and wiggled her hips once he was inside her and San hissed.
“you got confident so fast?”, he groaned and y/n pouted.
He felt his body relaxing, now that she seemed to enjoy it “are you sure?”
“i want all of you”
He granted her wish with a single thrust and he loved her reaction more than he’s ever loved anything. Agape lips, raised brows, hands pulling on his locks, that’s what he needed to let himself free. He thrusted faster and y/n lost her mind. 
She sucked him in like she needed him the most. She felt him in places foreign to her and she couldn’t control her sounds anymore, even if she tried.
The snow was falling in bigger snowflakes now but they hadn’t noticed, and the degrees outside decreased even more, contrasting the hotness of the inside of the apartment which had reached a different extent. 
y/n was wetter than before and the momentary fantasy she had a while ago, was slowly coming into life. San was snapping his hips against hers with little, if not zero, effort and the sounds her pussy produced got her flustered. The ardor she felt, though, for more didn’t give her the time to feel embarrassed. 
“ohmygodd-”, she writhed spreading her legs without much thought now “harder”.
Her nails pulled his hair violently when he snapped his hips faster and as if it wasn’t even her first time having a dick inside her, she took it well. 
Suddenly, San wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her on his lap as he sat on his heels on the bed. 
She went dizzy but when she felt what was happening her needy cries were back, louder and more pathetic. San bounced her on his dick. She held on him for dear life, he groaned against her lips non-stop both from the pleasure and the effort and his hold on her back was too tight but she couldn’t notice as her mind was everywhere but her head... and as their breaths resounded in the small apartment and the fire kept burning on the fireside, the two fucked for the first time as if it wasn’t the first time. 
If someone was to walk into this exact apartment, the first thing they’d see once inside is a young couple making love with the whole dark, yet white-covered, city as their background. The lights on, almost, all apartments on the neighboring buildings were on...their owners doing all sorts of things, from watching tv to working on their laptops, as the weather outside their cozy homes was getting colder and colder. The owner of this one just lost her virginity to the person she wanted the most and she did it on her favourite weather just next to the warmth of the fireplace.
y/n captured San’s lips in a messy kiss, spit and moans being its main contents. She took his piercing between her teeth but he didn’t let her stay to that. A moan filled her mouth before his lips got the best of hers, the metallic sound of the labret hitting their teeth was loud but so was the slapping of her ass against his thighs. Her insides felt like exploding from the way she was repeatedly getting penetrated and San felt almost the same, the only difference being that he felt like exploding from the pressure she offered him.
She suddenly felt an immense amount of pleasure building up and taking over her entire upper body “g-god yesyesyes”, she cried in every bounce.
“-gonna cum, baby”
San mumbled breathless but y/n was too lost in the overwhelming senses of her first orgasm to even respond to him. She stilled, cries getting the best of her, and as he thrusted a couple more times, her silky release covered the entirety of his condom. 
San’s quick spurts got stopped by the thin silicon around him and, as he came, needy moans left him, moans that got mixed with low curses and his tired head resting on her shoulder. 
They breathed loudly, chests heaving and bodies sticking from the sweat. He felt so good inside her, almost as if he belonged there but after some moments, the feeling of her own silk staying inside her felt weird. 
However, y/n cupped San’s jaw and lifted his head from her shoulder. She took the time to observe the, now wet, hair and the drowsy eyes and she didn’t fail to feel his arms holding her back tighter, yet more lovingly now.
“I can assure you I didn’t fall just for your piercing”.
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Research and Dating (No They Aren’t Connected)
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“So, if you could kidnap me really publicly that would be great.”
“I kinda forgot about this research essay due tomorrow? And like, my prof knows I’m a hero- I even brought my laptop so I can write it in your cell. Is the wifi password still the same?”
It’s Thursday at 8 P.M. and your essay is due in 4 hours. It wasn’t that you had procrastinated it’s because-nope, ya, you procrastinated. Now you were freaking out about it when the glorious idea came to you. 
There were, of course, perks of being frenemies with Loki. You have visited his his base of operations before, his ‘evil lair’, been thrown into one of his cells and ‘suffered’ until he got bored of the Avengers searching for you like chickens with their heads cut off and made theatrics by showing up to them with you in his hands and ‘failing’ to keep you away from the Avengers saving you. 
In all actuality, you had sat in a golden cell but Loki had sat right outside the cell with a chair and read while eating an apple. You couldn’t read the title of the book so you asked him what it was about and Loki had been a little hesitant but fell into your pure curiosity and explained what he had been reading. You’re sure he liked your curious mind as you started asking more questions and challenged the ideas the book gave. It lead to a long discussion of morals, and death, and at one point whether apples or pears were better. It was fun is what you’re trying to say. 
That’s how your friendship blossomed.
So, you call up Loki, yes he has a cell phone, and ask him without explanation at first, “So could you, like, kidnap me but publicly?” 
You can hear the cogs turning in Loki’s head at your request. “Why?” He asks in a smooth voice, betraying no emotion.
“I kinda forgot about this research essay due tonight? And, like, my professor knows I’m a hero. I’ll even bring my laptop so I can write in your cell, the wifi password is still the same right?” You ask Loki. 
Loki sighs over the phone, you can imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose with closed eyes. 
“Yes. Fine. Be at Madison Square Garden in 15 minutes.” The god says and hangs up. 
You smile and pump a fist at your best friend’s save. 
You’re at Madison Square Garden in record time and Loki makes his entrance a show. 
You’re sitting down outside the stadium when Loki materializes from green clouds of magic that open a portal then float into the air as if they’re a sign that’s flashing the words ‘Loki is here!’ in the night sky of NYC. When he sees you he rolls his eyes but people start paying attention so you play along with his ruse.
“Loki! What mischief do you plan to get up to today? It doesn’t matter, I need to bring you in!” You yell at him, almost laughing at how stupid this all seems, and push civilians back behind you. 
Loki chuckles darkly, “You. You are my mischief today, your poor Avengers will never find you. You will become my slave.” Loki says with a voice that is dark but his eyes light up with amusement.
By now hundreds of people have stopped their night to watch you and Loki, phones out and recording everything. 
You smile sardonically at Loki, “Not if I-”
Loki grabs you and pulls you and teleports. When you’re at his base you sigh and pat him on the arm as he pulls from you. 
“Thanks, I owe you big time Lokes.” 
Loki frowns at the nick name you chose. “Please refrain from calling me that or I shall teleport you to your professor and have you face the repercussions of procrastination.” Loki threatens. 
You chuckle, roll your eyes, and head to the cell. It’s just in case someone actually does pop in to ‘save’ you. 
When you’ve settled in the cell Loki raises the golden barriers and magics a chair near to settle with you.
“What do they have you writing about now?” Loki asks. 
You had asked him for help writing other essays because Loki has an eloquent way of speaking. You felt it made you sound smarter and because you spent consistent time with the god you had fallen into talking like him sometimes.
“It’s for my disability class, the sociology class?” You ask Loki if he remembers you telling him about it, at his nod you smile, “Ya, so basically we’re to argue whether we feel prostitution should be legal or not in America considering how much it helps the disabled.” 
You laugh at Loki’s frown. 
“Which side do you argue for?” Loki asks with a small squint as if trying to determine the side before you tell him. 
“I believe it should be legal but have restrictions and rules. If in the wrong hands it could be really bad but at the same time if it’s in good hands it could be really good. It’s a risk but we won’t know how well it’ll work if we never try, you know?” You say with a pondering look. Loki purses his lips but nods at you. 
Loki magics a book into his hands and lets you start writing away. The whole thing is very comforting to you. Sound wise, you can hear Loki let out puffs of breath when he finds something amusing in his book, Then, there’s the rhythmic tapping of your keyboard as you write. Other than that you just enjoy being with the god, even if you aren’t interacting with each other. 
You’ve been harboring a crush on him for awhile but have always kept it hidden. You value his friendship too much to do anything that could jeopardize it. Not to mention, Loki hadn’t shown anything on if he likes you or not. He occasionally flirts with you in battle but that’s about it. So, you feel you know he isn’t attracted to you like that. 
“Loki what’s another word for great?” You mutter.
“Glorious, grand, impressive?” The god supplies you with choices. 
You hum but don’t say anything and continue typing. After you finish your paragraph you look at Loki who glances at you. 
Loki smirks at his book, “Anything for you, darling.” Loki says in a low voice while reading his book. 
See, the nick names had started early on. At first they had confused you but when you had been in battle and helping Tony, Loki had called Tony ‘sweetheart’ so you reasoned Loki just had a thing for nicknames. That doesn’t stop the jolt in your stomach when he does call you sweet names like that though. 
You shake yourself out of your reverie and continue writing. You’re like one, maybe two, paragraphs from being done. You try your best to elongate time to hang out with Loki more but when you finish your essay you don’t have any other excuse. 
That’s why, when you finish and close your laptop with a small ‘click’ and Loki stands and asks if you would like to spend time at his apartment, you’re shocked. 
You stand looking at Loki with wide eyes. 
Loki takes this as an answer and coughs a little, bringing a hand up to rub at his face, he’s trying to hide his embarrassment. 
“I am sorry, I crossed a boundary, it won’t happen again.” 
“No!” You yell, nearly dropping your laptop as you reach towards Loki. You scramble to hold it to your chest again and look at him, shyly pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“I would love to. I was shocked, I always figured I’d be the first to ask.”
Loki looks at you a little doubtfully but sees the truth in your answer and smirks. Instead of replying he waves a hand and the barriers disappear then he holds his hand out to you. You gladly take it and suddenly you’re both standing in a tidy apartment. 
It’s very modern and looks costly. The furniture is all contemporary and different shades of white, brown, and gray, with the occasional splash of emerald green in throw blankets and decorative pillows. You don’t really notice but Loki still holds your hand. 
Loki pulls you by his hand towards his kitchen and puts a kettle of water on on the heating stove top.
“Tea? Or are you more of a coffee person?” Loki asks you with a glance as he pulls out his tea. You finally realize Loki has yet to let go of your hand but you’re not going to complain.
“I love both, but tea will be good for now.” You say lightly, glancing down at your clasped hands when Loki isn’t looking. A small blush heats up your cheeks and you let a stupid smile cross your lips.
You and Loki settle against his bar, still holding hands, while you wait for the water to heat in the kettle. 
“I never had the chance to ask but why are you studying psychology and sociology? I figured a superhero’s salary would be quite enough to live comfortably? Don’t tell me they under pay you.” Loki asks, his tone laced with a threat when he says the last part.
You chuckle. “No, it pays well enough, enough to pay my way through school. I want to help people though, that’s what makes me truly happy. So, naturally, psychology and sociology were natural choices because they help me understand people, the way they think, how they tick, so I can better help them.” You explain.
You look up at Loki who looks at you with an unreadable emotion on his face. Loki then brings a hand up, tucks a rogue lock behind your ear and keeps his hand there. “You are too precious for this world.” He whispers as he looks at you. You feel you cheeks heat up and can’t keep eye contact with Loki. 
Loki clears his throat and drops his hand from your face, looking away from you as well. However, he doesn’t stop holding your hand. You feel your hand become clammy from nerves and hope this doesn’t gross out Loki. At the thought your hand twitches in his and Loki merely squeezes your hand. 
“What other hobbies do you favor, seeing as they obviously kept you preoccupied enough to procrastinate your paper?” Loki asks. 
You smile at the ground because you realize Loki is trying to better know you. 
You look up at Loki again, who is already looking at you. “Well, surprisingly enough research and reading are my main hobbies.” 
“I love learning so I read up on whatever subject pulls at my attention at the moment.” 
“And what draws at your attention right now?” Loki asks curious.
You flush and look at the ground, kicking it softly with the toe of your shoe. You mutter the answer.
Loki chuckles, brings his free hand up to tilt your face till you look at him. “Say that one more time, where I can hear it darling.”
“Norse mythology.” You say softly, embarrassed. 
Loki’s eyebrows lift in shock. The look on his face showing that he did not expect that answer at all.
Thankfully the kettle begins whistling and causes the moment to be broken and forgotten. 
Loki makes a cup of tea for the both of you and you both move to his living room, seated on his couch. You’re both sitting close enough to touch at the legs but don’t hold hands anymore. You set your mug on the coffee table in front of you, too hot to hold. Loki however basks in the heat of his cup, his hands wrapped around the mug as if he has just come in from a blizzard.
“I have plenty of texts you may borrow if you want to learn about the true mythology.” Loki offers, looking at you calculatingly.
You had hoped Loki would drop the subject seeing as your research was drawn from your want to learn more about Loki than actual Norse mythology. 
Whatever, shoot your shot, right?
“I’d much rather hear your tales than anyone else’s.” You say, your hands picking at your jeans with nerves. 
Loki hums with a small smile as he takes a sip of his tea. “Of course, darling. There is no better way to learn than from the source of such tales.” Loki says smugly. 
You feel a smile break over your lips as you look at Loki who basks in his arrogance.
“I better watch out, stroking your ego,” You say, Loki raising a brow at your mischievous smirk, “Otherwise you might start sounding like Thor.” You say to knock Loki down a peg. Loki scoffs with a roll of his eyes but you don’t miss the twitch of his lips.
“Do not compare me to my oaf of a brother.” Loki says, finally setting his mug of tea down, resting his hands in his lap. You also don’t miss the twitch of his hands, as if they want to reach out towards you. 
There are too many signs that Loki obviously likes you, it’s almost overwhelming, but you keep yourself pulled together before you ask him the question.
“You know, I’m just kind of going out on a limb here, but uh...You ever plan to ask me out, take me on some romantic dinner or something or do I need to give more incentive?” You say, the confidence in your voice a facade because inside you’re freaking out. 
Loki keeps a blank face as you look at him. Then, he lets a smirk break out over his lips, glances at his tea but his eyes come back to yours. 
“Is that such a good idea? Considering you are still my enemy?” Loki asks.
You grab your tea so you have something to do with your hands, sipping from the earthy, spicy liquid. You let yourself think, letting his question roll off your shoulders and shrug. “I could care less what the Avengers think but we can keep our relationship hidden if that would keep you happy?” 
Loki purses his lips, his eyes squinting at you. “They would cage you, would they not? If they knew you were fraternizing with the enemy?”
“Yes, but I have no doubt you’d let them keep me for long.” You smile at Loki who huffs out laughter. 
“You truly want me?” Loki asks. You don’t fail to hear the insecurity in his tone. 
You set your tea down, grab both of Loki’s hands in yours and look at him, baring all your emotions on your face. “More than you will ever know.” 
Loki squeezes your hands with a soft tilt of his lips.
“Then I suppose it is inevitable. Shall we partake in a date tomorrow night, say seven?” 
You smile at Loki. “I would love to, Lokes.” 
Loki rolls his eyes at the nickname but you know he doesn’t mind it, much. 
Needless to say, you were granted an extension of time to turn in your essay while also scoring a date with your crush.
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darthslaydr · 3 years
Teach me how to love you
Summary- Dean is possessive and jealous. A guy's hands-on y'n makes him lose his mind. He gets physical but doesn't know how to show his affection, he asks her to teach him how to love her.
Pairing- Dean Winchester x Reader
Characters- Dean, Sam, Y'N, Iris
Word count- 1.7k
Warning- SMUT, possessive, jealous, physical, low-key toxic Dean, training.
Suggestions are open loves!
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The Winchester ritual consists of going to the bar to wash off any sorrow, it was almost like therapy. The bar was almost jammed pack, you always had a good time because you practically grew up in bars. You always wore the same jeans and flannel going to the hunts, but it is always so hot in the bars, everyone’s bodies just sticking together, it was really hard to be wearing something like jeans, so you always carried shorts and wore a tank top underneath the flannel.
I was riding the backseat of the Impala, truth was I am bullied by the boys, so they do not let me ride shotgun. Sam was passed out in the front and Dean had his eyes on the road. We all stayed in silence till Dean played “Cherry Pie”. That damn song always did something to me. Gave me every inch of confidence and god complex
“ We are almost there,” Dean said, looking at you in the rearview mirror.
I just nodded and looked away. I could still feel his eyes on me. I slowly started unbuttoning my flannel, that damn song. I took of the flannel, showing my tank top, which had Harley Davidson on it. I started unbuttoning my pants and my eyes met Dean’s in the rearview mirror. He shied away and moved his eyes on the road. I changed into short shorts and during the whole changing process his eyes kept flickering off and on from me.
We entered in front of the pub. I knew I was good-looking, I shut down every insecurity, I hate being vulnerable. We walked into the club, Sam went to look for a table and Dean and I went to the bar, finally. You ordered the same as Dean, strong drinks as always. Dean went to some chick, as always, and this time Sam also got one, finally. I was left alone at the bar and a certain handsome guy seated himself beside me. He had ocean blue eyes and the sweetest way of talk. God, he is handsome. I started feeling incredibly hot when his hands touched my thigh, slowly caressing it. That moment was interrupted by Sam.
“Hey, Y/N, sorry for disturbing you but Iris and I are going back to the motel, and we are taking the car. If you want to come now, then you can but the motel is like 10 mins away from here.” He had a girl in his arm and he was visibly drunk. I chuckled and told him I can walk. He smiled and walked away.
The handsome sitting in front of you, Dave, had his hand fixed on the upper part of my thigh.
“Maybe we can get out of here too?” He whispered in my ear
I looked around to find Dean, he was too drunk to walk alone. I could not leave him.
“How about we take this behind the Pub?” I asked
Of course, he said yes.
I chugged the sixth drink and was pretty drunk. He grabbed my hand and helped me stand. He then put his hand on my lower back and soon grabbed my ass. I looked behind and saw Dean looking at me while a girl kissed his neck. I mouthed that I will be back and he did nothing. I ignored it and walked out with Dave, he pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck, grabbed my hand above my head and started unzipped my shorts. People were still going in and out of the bar, and publically having sex was not exactly my cup of tea.
“No not yet,” I said
He just nodded and continued kissing. It soon just became a hot makeout sesh. With different turns, I was pinned against the wall and then he was. While hovering over him, a strong pair of arms pulled me back and held me against someone’s chest.
“Beat it.” A low growl said behind me
I turned around to find a similar face, Dean. He was pissed and I could smell the alcohol on him. Dave did not even ask twice and just ran away. I pushed Dean off and started walking away from him towards the motel.
“Y/N wait,” Dean said while running behind me.
“I am too drunk for this hold on.” He said behind me.
“Dean, I know you are. That is why” I took in a deep breath. “We will talk tomorrow.”
The walk back was quiet and I could feel he was sorry. We soon reached the motel and we could hear Sam in the room.
“You can wait in my room,” I asked Dean, but he started walking away before I could say anything else.
“I am just going to go to the convenient store, it is 2 mins away.” He said and moved away.
I went into my room and changed my clothes and made coffee, two cups of coffee because Dean did not know that the convenience store was closed. I knew he would be back.
I hear a faint knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and it was as expected, Dean.
As soon as I opened the door, he kissed me. It was wanting, passionate and almost like the world was coming to an end. He pushed me against the door and shut the door with the help of my body. He closed to my neck and I didn’t impose. He raised me and my legs crossed across his waist, he tore my tank top in half and started making his way down to my breasts, my hands getting tangled in his hair. I removed the shreds of the clothes hanging from my shoulders. He carried me and laid me on my bed. He took off his shirt and I removed my shorts. He got ahold of my panty and removed it in a second and tied my hands to the bed rest with my panty and he worked on removing my bra. He moved down tracing every inch of my body till he reached my thighs and started teasing all the sweet spots. His hands soon dug into my thigh and his mouth was exactly where it needed to be. I screamed out loud, he feels so different, feels so pure. God. My back ached and my arms screamed to be let free and roamed freely in his hair. He soon came in front of my face and without any indication, he put himself, the full length, in me. He grabbed my throat and I begged for him even more. He came next to my ear and said, “You are mine, and you better say it.” Those words could not be comprehended, but with every thrust, I got closer and with the last thrust remaining for me to come, he pulled away and looked at me, “You better say it.”
As he said it his hickey’s from that night glaring through. I raised my head up as far as I could and whispered, “ You say it first.” In that second he thrust so far deep, that I saw stars. I came, he came and maybe that was us agreeing to each other? He moved out of me and wore his pants and started moving out of the room.
“Hey, untie me,” I screamed at him.
He moved back towards me and said that “this is what you get for asking me to say that”, and kissed my forehead. Dick.
Thank god I am a hunter, I will not only be able to get my hands untied and kill that Winchester. I wore a shirt and a different pair of panties and fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later realizing the training I have with the elder Winchester. Well, that will be interesting.
“Good morning, Samuel.”
He kissed my head and said, “That is not my name.”
I entered the room and I met the handsome figure of Dean, my mind went into the last night sex and got butterflies instantly.
“I have some things to do, and by some things I mean a meet Iris on a date,” Sam said
This piqued the interest in the room.
“Don’t say anything.” He continued.
“You are working out with Dean alone.” Sam looked at me and said.
My heart sank and the butterflies doubled. This will be an interesting day.
We entered the barren land a little behind the motel. We didn’t say anything, we just started working with knife control. This was our daily routine. Dean was quieter than usual, his eyes were hungrier than ever. I take out my knife and charged at him, he grabbed my hand and flipped me around, showing the knife into my neck. While his other hand twisted mine behind my back.
“Dean you are hurting me.” I managed to choke up.
He threw the knife away but didn’t lose the grip on my wrists, I was on my tippy toes to almost meet his height. His hand grabbing my wrist near my throat loosened up and got ahold of my throat. He pushed my head back and met his eyes to mine. He got his lips close to my lips to mine and whispered, “tell me you are mine.” I was filled with anger and managed to push him away.
“What do you want Dean?” I moved towards him
“Huh? What do you want?” I continued as I pushed him away, with every word I said.
“ You try to make me call you mine, but you flirt and fuck every girl. Have you seen me do that? I have pined for you, liked you and you gave me nothing. You are always so jealous and possessive. I am tired, Dean.”
“I don’t know how to love. I never did.” He said
He cupped my face and looked me into my eyes, “teach me how to love you.” He said as he said softly.
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duxpuella · 3 years
Headcanons of Neil P. being in love with (gn!) reader
<Attention: Modern AU where Neil lives, and Welton’s a boys & girls school. Warnings: Fluff; Cheesy flirting; > Note: Y/n - your name/ Y/Ln - your last name/ Y/fn - your friend’s;
Also, here’s my Neil playlist, hope you enjoy it!
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The first time this boy laid his eyes on you was at a party;
This boy was talking to Todd in a corner and watching Charlie and Knox singing "Killer Queen" by Queen out loud while dancing together very badly, i must say;
Him and Todd making fun of their friends while talking;
Then the song was over and a tune he had never heard before started to play, you were talking to a friend next him and just went "OH MY GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG, COME ON LETS DANCE.";
He went silent for solid 4 minutes and looked at you like...
"Neil. NEIL. nEIL!" "uh-" "Are you okay?" "yeah, sorry, go on i'm listening." he wasn't;
you were singing out loud and dancing wildly;
and even if he was laughing at Charlie and Knox for doing the exact same thing 2min ago, he still thought that you were the most lovely thing he had ever saw;
by the end of the song he went talk to you, he just left Todd talking alone and walk too you giving his hand for you to shake;
Todd went after him;
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"Hi, I'm Neil.... This is Todd. You are...?" "I'm (Y/n)." you said smiling along while shaking his hand and Todd was just looking at him like "you smooth mf";
"(Y/n), pretty name." He wasn't smirking but oh well, it felt like it and you blushed very hard;
You guys kept talking for the rest of the night while your friend and Todd observed everything making their own comments;
They ended up getting along very well, and so did you and Neil;
By the end of the night, both of had exchanged phone numbers;
And guess what? both of you actually had Mr. Keating's class together (along with Todd and your friend);
You told him that you also was a editor at the school's newspaper (wich led him to beg Charlie to tell him every single thing he knew about you);
So, 4th period on monday was your shared class, he searched for you all over the room;
You were on the 1rst desk of his line, he had trouble to keep looking at you and almost fell on his chair a couple times;
Mr.Keating realised it and couldn't stop giving subtle hints at you...
"Dear (Y/Ln), have you changed your hair?" "Not really Sir..." you answered with a quite puzzled expression. "It seems that a certain someone can't take their eyes out of you, I believed it was due a new haircut but, oh well, young love it is.";
And he smirked while Neil's cheek had a dusty pink spread all over it. You watched Keating walk in the corridor and softly tap Neil's shoulder;
It wasn't till later tha same day that you texted Neil, "hey! it's (Y/n), what was that on mr.k's class today?" "oh, hey! it was nothing actually, he was just picking on me, sorry to drag you with me lol" "suuuure";
He invited you and your friend to sit with his friends because "Todd is totally head over heels for them but he won't take action so, you know" "Really? OH MY GOD YES, they are SO oblivious! I've been telling this to them for a while now but they just won't listen to me!";
Both of you were too concentrated on yourselves to realize that all of the poets were having way too much fun with all of this;
Basically they all just had planned this dinner, Todd ended up introducing your friend to them earlier that day while you were studying and they start talking about you and Neil;
Charlie and Knox connected the dots about the Mr.Keating's class events and came up with the plan;
They watched Neil's clumsiness over you and decided to go to their dorms earlier;
Todd was the last one, he was going to be followed by you until Neil grabbed your hand gently and pulled you closer to him. You stared at him in confusion "Let's give them some privacy, shall we?" he said with a mischievous smile while watching them to walk towards Todd and Neil's dorm room;
You blushed very deeply, but that didn't stopped you from answering "Let's go to my dorm room them, when (Y/fn) arrives you go." "Absolutely!";
When already in your dorm room, he observes every single thing in your room, trying to memorize every detail until his eyes lay down on a vinyl player;
He goes to the shelf and brush the tips of his fingers on the covers, feeling the hard covers and paying attention to the colors "Are you looking for something specific?" you wake him out of his thoughts, "Yeah, uh... the one you danced on the party? Do you have it? On vinyl, I mean..." "Yeah! I do, actually." you answered smiling and he could swear his heart just skipped a beat;
You pull out the vinyl from the shelf and set it on the player, placing the needle on the track as he watch your hands with a sweet smile;
After the song has started, he offers a hand "Shall we?" "Absolutely Sir.";
You both dance along the song, freely and passionately, inside your own world and too distracted to realise a certain duo watching from the door frame, Todd and (Y/fn) highfive discreetly and wait until both of you finish the song;
"Come on lovebirds, it's curfew already!" (Y/fn) says smiling mischievously to you;
On the way back to his room, Neil shouts at Todd "And there I was, thinking I was a good matchmaker!" laughing at himself;
"Oh, you are, but we both know that those weren't your only intentions loverboy." "Oh, shut it Todd!" and they both went laughing through the corridors laughing and messing each other's hair's;
When at their dorm, the whole other poets were spread at the floor waiting for Neil to tell them everything that happened since they left the dinner room;
By the end of the night, Neil texted you "Good night, dove. Sleep well :)" and you just melted with the silly yet sweet nickname. "Good night, nightingale ;)" "Nightingale? Original, I like it lol";
Hope you like it! I take requests by ask! (info on requests);
Also, you’ll find more of my writing here.
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For @artemis1orion Who requested Can I request a James Potter x reader where they’re kinda enemies since the reader was on slytherin. But whenever the reader gets a chance, she/they jokingly flirt with the marauders except james cuz she can’t actually flirt w ppl they actually like. Till like one day, James confronted the reader abt it cuz he also likes her? 
James Potter x Reader
You wolf whistled from across the great hall, causing a plethora of heads to turn your way, including the boys whom attention you wanted. Your eyes met with Potter’s first and you grinned devilishly at him as he glared. The next boy you looked at was Remus, he was no fun though, he never flirted back with you, then Peter, sure flirting with him was a laugh, but not exactly what you were looking for at the moment. Finally, they landed on Black and you grinned wider, blowing a kiss across the room which he jokingly caught and tossed over his shoulder.
“What do you want Y/L/N?” He called out to you. Most students went back to their eating, but some kept their eyes on you, curious about the encounter.
“Nothing, you’re looking fit!” You yelled back, causing your friend next to you to groan in frustration.
“Y/N, leave it.” They demanded but you were just getting started. Black made a face before grinning, winking at you as he took a seat at the Gryffindor table with his mates. Potter simply continued to glare at you. Tosser. Cute tosser, your brain corrected, and hell, you couldn’t argue with that logic. 
“You look pretty fit too, for a slimy snake!” You grinned cheekily at him wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. 
“Come over here, Black, I’ll show you just how slimy I can be!” He laughed at that shaking his head and giving you a choice finger which you returned happily. You dropped it, letting the boys eat as you went back to your own meal. 
“I don’t know why you do that.” Your friend muttered, “They’re Gryffndors, it’s gross.” You grinned and shrugged. 
“It’s fun! And they’re cute, what harm can it do.” Your friend shook their head and went back to their meal, choosing to just ignore you, but that didn’t dampen your mood. 
  A few days later you were leaving potions and nearly bumped into Remus’s back when he suddenly stopped walking. 
“As much as I’d like to bang you, I mean bang into you, I’d also love it if you kept walking.” You commented, Lupin looked over his shoulder at you and flushed before turning and shoving James through the classroom doorway.
“Go!” He demanded, Potter looked over his shoulder at Remus with a grin, and then past Remus at you and his smile immediately dropped, replacing it with a glare. 
“Come on sweetcheeks,” You gave Remus a toothy grin, “Get that cute butt moving,” His blush only deepened, pleading with James with his eyes to get out of the bloody way. Potter moved and Remus jumped out of your way, you reached up and patted his cheek as you went.
“Such a sweetie you are, Third floor broom cupboard later, see you there.”
“No you won’t!” He managed to squeak out, but you merely laughed, sauntering off down the corridor. 
“Want me to hex them?” You heard Potter ask, so you shot him a glare over your shoulder as you walked.
“I’d like to see you try!” James grumbled angrily to himself and Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Come on mate, it’s not biggie. You know they’re just taking the piss.” Remus assured him, but James wasn’t pacified. 
“They’re a bitch.” He stated, arms crossing over his chest, and Remus looked at him knowingly. 
“Why don’t they ever flirt with you mate, they do it with everyone else.” Sirius asked, tossing an arm around his friends shoulder as they walked down the corridor in the opposite direction of you. 
“I don’t know, but I’m glad they don’t.” He muttered and Sirius and Remus shared a look over their friend's heads, Sirius raising a single eyebrow. 
  “Petey,” You smiled sweetly at the boy, leaning on his desk as he sat next to James in potions, “Could I borrow a quill please?” You made puppy dog eyes at the boy and smiled sweetly, watching happily as he turned beat red. 
“I don’t-” He cut himself off and you leaned further onto his desk, ignoring James’ glares. Peter searched through his bag before looking at you with wide eyes, not used to anyone openly flirting with him how you did. 
“I don’t have an extra,” He admitted and you shrugged, plucking the one from his hands, twirling it between your fingers.
“I’ll just take this one then, love.” He went even redder and nodded his head vigorously.
“Okay!” He squeaked out.
“Y/N, give him back his quill.” Potter demanded, and you laughed. 
“Nope.” You responded, popping your ‘p’. James stood up attempting to snatch the quill from your hand but you danced away from him with a wide smile.
“James it’s fine,” Peter tried to interrupt, but Potter was fed up. Finally, you had been trying to get him to this point for months now. 
“Do something about it, Prongs,” You spat the nickname you often heard his friends using at him like it was a vile insult. He flushed, lurching at you, grabbing your wrist and holding it as he snatched the quill from your hands, handing it back to Peter.
“Now kindly,” He glared at you, “Piss off!” You laughed and rolled your eyes before turning to the table behind them where Remus and Sirius watched the exchange with amused expressions. 
“Boys,” You winked at them, blowing a kiss. 
“Y/N,” They replied. 
“Go away!” Potter shouted, causing a few Gryffindors to snicker, but that didn’t bother you, so you went back to your own desk, sitting down and pulling out a quill to Potter’s horror. He wanted to rip your head off. 
A few weeks later, you sat alone in the library working on an assignment for charms, head resting in one of your hands while the other one twirled your quill. You stared at your parchment, wondering if you concentrated hard enough if the essay would write itself. However, so far, you had little luck. 
Suddenly someone plopped down in front of you and you glanced up, surprised to see James Potter sitting in the previously empty seat. You raised an eyebrow, looking around.
“Where are your goons?” You asked and he went from looking mildly uncomfortable to glaring at you.
“They’re not my goons.” You shrugged, looking back down at your parchment again, feeling your cheeks heating up slightly. 
“Whatever you say,” You murmured, sticking the end of your quill into your mouth as you tried to concentrate. Potter didn’t move, so you looked up at him again, “Yes?” You asked, Potter looked as uncomfortable as you felt, shifting awkwardly in his chair, glancing around like he was worried someone might spot him talking to you.
“Do you like Sirius?” He asked suddenly and you scoffed, taking your head.
“What about Remus?” You looked at him, blinking a few times before shaking your head. Where was he going with this?
“No,” James nodded his head, playing with his hands that were resting on the table. 
“Peter?” He continued and you barked out a loud laugh, earning a glare from a few Ravenclaws sitting a few tables away. Potter shushed you and you flushed slightly, grinning as you shook your head.
“Definitely not.” You assured, rolling your eyes. “Why the interrogation?” You asked and he shrugged his shoulders looking away from you. When he finally looked back you were still staring at him and he flushed slightly, balling his fists up.
“So why do you flirt with them?” He asked, “And not-” He cut himself off, unclenching his fists and laying his hands flat on the table, “Why?” You considered the question with rosy cheeks. 
“I dunno, Potter, it’s fun?” You offered as an answer but it came out as a question. 
“It’s not fun to flirt with me?” 
“Why do you care? You hate me.” 
“I do not.” You looked at him funny.
“Coulda fooled me.” You stated and he looked down at his hands. You were quiet for a moment, waiting for him to get up and leave. But he didn’t. “Why do you care?” You repeated, James looked at you and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I don’t.”
“Okay,” He repeated.
“Fine,” He was getting annoyed and you smirked slightly, causing him to let out a small laugh. 
“You’re infuriating.” He decided and your smirk turned into a wide grin.
“Thanks, love.” The word fell out of your mouth before you could think better of it and you both blushed furiously. 
“Do you like me?” He asked suddenly and you dropped your quill in shock.
“What?” James held your gaze but you could tell he wanted to look away.
“I said, do you like me?” He puffed his chest out slightly and ran a hand through his messy black curls. You looked at him, trying to decide if you wanted to lie or not. 
“I don’t... not like you.” You offered. He nodded his head, tongue poking out to lick over his lips, and you watched the movement, afraid if you moved the moment would be broken and he would be gone. 
“Right. Right. Well, I don’t, erm, not like you either.” He responded and you looked at him with wide eyes. 
“So?” He repeated, as you both sat there, cheeks red. 
“What... What now?” You asked and James shrugged slightly, looking helpless. He ran his fingers through his hair again and you wanted to reach out and touch his soft curls. 
“Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?” The question came out rushed and all at once. It took you a minute to process it, and for a moment he thought you weren’t going to answer before finally you nodded your head. 
“Alright.” James’ face broke into a grin and he nodded his head, standing up from the table. 
“Brilliant. I will see you then.” 
“We have class together tomorrow.” 
“Right,” He nodded, standing in front of you, “Then I’ll see you then.” He waved and turned to walk away before stopping and coming back to you, you raised an eyebrow when he pointed a finger at you, eyes shining slightly in a way he had never looked at you before. “Stop flirting with my mates.” He stated and you smirked, laughing. 
“Alright, deal.” 
“Good, see you tomorrow, Y/N.” 
“See ya James.”
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Stupid Sorry || Kim Sunwoo
Pairing: Sunwoo x fem reader
Genre: angst, lovers to exes
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: cheating, Sunwoo is an asshole, tiny tiny bit mention of alcohol??
a/n: sunwoo baby i'm so sorry, ily okay? xjwodowndw i got a little too engaged in this one and it may or may not has been based on some personal experiences,,,
masterlist ♡
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You should've listened when everyone told you that high school sweethearts not always are meant to last, or that you were too young and naïve to enter a relationship during that time. But you chose to ignore all of it, following what your heart wanted. You were too infatuated with Sunwoo to say 'no' when he asked you out for the first time, fidgeting with his own fingers and trying hard to maintain eye contact with you.
You were part of the same group of friends, even though you didn't talk much to each other back then. But you found yourself head over heels for him since day one. Sunwoo was absolutely handsome and a kind person, his sweet voice echoing in your ears every time he laughed. It was impossible not to fall for him.
And that's how you two ended up dating throughout the years of high school.
Everything was perfect in the beginning; you were always together in between classes and during breaks of his soccer training, sharing small displays of affection and little pecks on the lips. You had lovely dates at cafes, movie theaters and parks whenever it was possible. You felt so happy with him, and he seemed so happy with you too.
All your friends used to gush over how you and Sunwoo were such a cute couple, even daring to say you guys were relationship goals. Everything just felt so right with him, just a simple look into his eyes and it was enough for you to feel just as loved as he was by you.
One year into the relationship already and it was like you were living in a fairytale. But then it happened.
Sunwoo was napping in your bed while you finished a book you were reading; you had come home after your last exam for the semester and Sunwoo promised he'd treat you to some ice cream since you hadn't had much time for each other in the past two weeks. But he said he needed to rest just a little, due to the past late-night trainings with his team. You agreed and offered him your bed.
It wasn't long till his phone started vibrating on your desk, to which you brushed it off at first. But it didn't stop, and then you thought that maybe it could be something important. You grabbed his phone and a female name appeared in the notifications, there were several messages attached to it. Your heart sank. It was the same name as the girl he swore that wasn't his ex but only an old crush of his, and that they didn't even talk anymore.
"Did he lie?" Was all you could think. You couldn't seem to understand if nor even why he would lie about this, you were very open with each other and there wouldn't be a problem for him to tell you about his past lovers, or who they were.
With his phone still on your hand, you glanced at his sleeping figure and back to the screen, wondering if it was okay to take advantage of the fact that you knew each other's passwords. You didn't want to look through his stuff, it was his privacy, you felt bad in doing that but something inside you was screaming to do it. You could already feel the guilt creeping up. His phone vibrated again and it was the last straw for you.
You unlocked the screen and opened the texts, your eyes running through them. She was saying things like "I miss you"; "When are we going to see each other again?"; "It's been such a long time"; and even some suggestive pictures from her. The worst part was that your boyfriend was responding to the girl, flirting back, saying he missed her too.
You didn't even realize when you fell to the floor on your knees, hands shaking almost dropping the cellphone. Putting the item aside, the shock consuming your body, you sat there in the middle of your room, hugging your knees close to your chest while tears were starting to blur your vision, and you let them out. Crying so much but trying hard not to sob loudly so Sunwoo wouldn't wake up. Heart miles per hour and mind a total mess. For how long has this been happening?
It was hurting so bad, like a thousand knives cutting through your chest. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know what to think. Should you break up and end everything after confronting him? And how should you do it? What should you ask exactly? Even though it was painful, part of you didn't want to break up. You knew it was ridiculous to not want to do that, to not want to put yourself in the first place, but you didn't want to be alone. Sunwoo was the first guy who showed any interest in you and you felt like the only girl in the world. And not to mention, you didn't want to have to tell your parents and friends the reason why you two broke up. What would your parents say about it? And your friends? Your family liked Sunwoo so much, he was already part of it, and both you and Sunwoo had mutual friends. You didn't want to go through it.
The young boy eventually woke up to you pacing around with heavy steps, he looked at you confused and called out your name, making you jump startled. You rubbed your eyes wiping the remaining tears and faced him, waiting for him to say anything while you thought of what to say, heart beating fast again. He let out a "Baby, what's wrong?", and you felt sick at the nickname. Tossing the phone on his lap you asked who was that girl and "What the fuck does that mean?", chocked voice trying to sound firm.
Sunwoo immediately approached you dropping to his knees and holding your waist, his teary eyes looking up at you while he mumbled a lot of apologies, saying he didn't know why he was doing that and begging you not to leave him. You could only stare back at the wall in front of you, a blank and expressionless face. He hugged you even tighter burying his crying face in your belly. You wanted to scream, to yell at his face. You wanted to be swallowed by a hole in the ground and just disappear. But you couldn't even move, just listening to his lame excuses and stupid "I'm sorry"s, his voice sounding far away.
After demanding him to go and leave you alone, you let your body fall on the softness of your mattress, where he was just a few minutes earlier and his scent was still there on your pillow, which made your heart hurt even more. You hugged your pillow and cried your eyes out, until your head started to ache and you fell asleep.
On the next day you met Sunwoo and he swore he didn't do anything with the girl, it was just texts, and yes that was his ex. Didn't matter how you looked into it, it still counted as cheating for you. But you decided to give him another chance anyway, because as you stated to yourself, you didn't want to be alone. However, the time that followed wasn't easy, at least not for you. You still felt bittersweet towards all that situation and your stomach almost churned every time he touched you or looked into your eyes saying he loved you. But it was nothing like that to Sunwoo, he never mentioned the occurred and acted as if nothing had happened.
Everything was seemingly back to normal and you were living in your fairytale once again. You could ignore that fact easier now, even though there were still times where you'd catch yourself wondering if you lacked in anything for Sunwoo. He knew very well how insecure you were, how you were afraid of him finding someone better and prettier. You always thought he deserved better and questioned what had he seen in you, and he'd say he loved you to the moon and back, that you were oh so beautiful and you were his only one. You also knew some of his own insecurities, but you just couldn't care less about other guys when you had Sunwoo.
But even though he was aware of your fears, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, it happened again.
You thought of spending the soccer training's break with your boyfriend since your class got dismissed earlier. And there he was, sitting on the side bench with one of his teammates, their backs facing you as you approached them. It seemed like they were arguing and something the other guy said made you stop in your tracks.
"Okay, but if you tell my girlfriend about me, I'm telling Y/N you kissed my sister at my party last week. I don't think she'll like that."
Your world collapsed for the second time; you could almost hear the sound of your own barely mended heart shattering again. Not wanting to believe it. You already knew that feeling but it felt way more painful in the second time.
You were still frozen when Sunwoo looked back and saw you standing there, his eyes widening. You only scoffed at him and turned to get out of there before he could even move towards you. But he was faster and reached you, grabbing your wrist to make you face him.
He stared into your eyes for what felt like a whole hour until you snapped and yelled at him to get away from you. You didn't notice the tears rolling down your cheeks as you angrily stared back at him. The boy started weeping trying to hold your hands as he kept on babbling about being drunk at the party and saying he was sorry. "Another stupid sorry", you thought. It was comic how he believed that shedding some tears and mumbling halfhearted apologies were enough to make everything alright.
That night you cried yourself to sleep once more, ignoring all his texts and calls from the moment you stepped into your house. The hurt was so much that even your body experienced physical pain.
You spent the entire following week pretending you were too sick to get out of bed, but the truth was that you didn't want to face Sunwoo and any of your friends. Every day felt like a torture, you woke up with swollen eyes and a massive headache due to crying so much, crying over someone who didn't deserve your tears, let alone any piece of your attention. And you knew that. But you still were too pathetic to let go.
If it was hurting that much, if you knew you should just walk away, then why were you still holding onto it? It wasn't even the first time. Why even bother to stay in an already broken relationship like that? Only because you didn't want to be alone? To feel lonely? To be ashamed by the other's reactions? Especially now that you'd given him another chance before and were planning on giving one more?
Unfortunately, you couldn't deny that you loved Sunwoo. But God was it painful to love him. You didn't know if you could blindly trust him like before, but you were too deep in love with him to care. Even if it hurt.
After a whole week avoiding any and every source of contact with him, you finally sat down to listen, although you shouldn't, already cursing yourself for being in this situation again.
Sunwoo told the same lame excuses, one more time saying he didn't know what he was doing, blaming the alcohol, and that the kiss meant nothing because he still loved you. To be honest you barely even listened, just wishing to go back and pretend you had a beautiful relationship where he was very loyal and honest to you.
And so you did.
You went back to your classes next morning swearing you had a really bad flu the past week and no one seemed to doubt it. Great. You and Sunwoo were acting like lovebirds again and everything looked fine.
This time you were feeling kind of numb and didn't cry every night, but obviously this didn't mean your heart wasn't broken. You wondered how he could be so insecure like you, saying he was also afraid of some more interesting guy getting your attention but still, he was the one who cheated. Twice. Or at least you thought it was twice.
Honestly the time that passed from the second heartbreak was quite okay, Sunwoo did everything you wanted to do, treating you well and telling you sweet things. But it didn't last long.  
It was scary the fact that he never felt distant for you to suspect anything, not even in the two other times and not even now. He could manage this character so well, acting all nice and sweet but doing you dirty behind your back. Apparently, he wasn't that transparent and easy to read as you were, you couldn't see through him. He was like a foggy mirror. Not even a glass window, but a mirror, only reflecting your own image because you just couldn't see his true self. And you realized it a bit too late.
This was what you were thinking right now, seeing Sunwoo seated on a bench in the park both of you used to go to have your favorite ice cream. Under the moonlight, ready to kiss this girl, face too close, hand on her chin just like the way he always did to you. You didn't know your heart could break even more.
This time you were even seeing him shamelessly cheating on you, and you wished you didn't because it hurt so damn much. But in a way you felt thankful you were aware of this trashy behavior of his, or else you wouldn't give much credit when a random guy you've never seen messaged you in your social media saying he believed his girlfriend, which happened to be Sunwoo's classmate, was cheating on him with your boyfriend. And you wanted to see it for yourself even more after the guy told he checked the girl's phone location, went to the park and actually saw them.
"Are you done making a fool of me?"
He pulled away quickly from the girl and got up, looking at you with those fake pleading eyes saying the typical "That's not what you think it is", but you knew it was. You stared at him coldly, chewing on your bottom lip to suppress your tears. The girl quietly got up mumbling something you didn't care to listen and left.
Sunwoo took a step closer and that was when you finally broke into tears, filled with anger and sadness. You pointed a finger at him asking how could he do such a thing. Running your fingers through your hair in frustration, you took a deep breath, tired of dealing with his bullshit.
"Let's break up."
"What? But we're fine." You scoffed at this; he must had been kidding.
"No, Sunwoo, we're not fine. I'm not fine. It's enough, I'm tired." He tried to hold your hand but you pulled it. "Do you even care about how you hurt me? Have you ever been honest with me for once?"
"Oh, you want me to be honest? Fine, I'll be honest with you." He furrowed his brows. "You know that first month we started dating? I cheated on you twice. Why? Because I didn't know if what he had was going to last."
And then it hit you like a truck, more than you've ever imagined. A pain that could dilacerate you. Sure neither of you knew whether or not it'd work out, but the scene of Sunwoo shyly asking you out replayed in your head. And then on your first date he confessed he'd already been in love with you for quite some time, and you felt so happy. If he was that in love, wasn't he supposed to at least give his best and try to make the relationship work?
You looked at him in disbelief. So this was his true self? He wasn't even sorry, never had been.
Glaring into his boba eyes for the last time, your entire relationship flashed in your mind. The shared sweet kisses, shy smiles and lovingly glances, the small dates and slow dances in the quiet of his room. Everything now destroyed.
"Don't ever talk to me again." You gulped feeling a lump in your throat, not having any more strength to argue with him.  
You turned your back and began to walk away, tears falling from your eyes again.
Sunwoo didn't say his stupid sorry this time.
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
How HQ Boys React to Someone Flirting With Their S/O
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Character(s) included: Atsumu & Osamu
Requested by: My sibling who doesn't read my work lmao.
Warning(s): Cursing, Forcefully pinned to a wall [Atsumu], Hand forcefully around your waist [Atsumu]
Song of the day: Where Do I Go? by Lizzy McAlpine
A/N: Ah okay here is the new prompt. To kick it off we have "Grey hair both twins" requested by my sibling. Anyways this will be a Multipart series so request who you will want next! Thank you all for the love on my last series so hopefully you will like this one too. This one can be a bit heavy, being that this "flirting" can be very forceful as shown in the warnings. Please keep this in mind before you decided to "read more". If you wanna chat don't be scared, I like to think I am quite the kind person. ALSO- Please check out my cool moot @taeyamayang [i hope it is okay if I tag you..]
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
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Atsumu was always invited to parties and rarely went but today was different, today was celebration of their newest victory. So it would be weird not to bring his lover right..? Of course it would. Sadly you weren’t much of a social person. You looked amazing but Atsumu knew how much you hated compliments like that, it made you feel like that’s all you were good for. Like that was the only reason people stuck around. Which was why Atsumu normally complemented your intelligence, or amazing sense of imagination, or your strong sense of wrongdoing but not only that but so much more. He made you feel so loved in his arms. So maybe this once everything would go okay. It wasn’t like you could say no to going to such a big advent. It was important for Atsumu so it was important for you too.
When the night came up more anxiety hit, you weren’t one to party or anything so this was not something you were used to. You grabbed one of your more ‘fancy’ pieces of  clothing. The last time you wore it was years ago. It was a beautiful outfit so much that Atsumu claims when he saw it on you he fell in love. He just had to talk to you. He had heard so much about how you were so free and he loved that. He loved people who just rolled with it. Which was exactly what type of person you were. You were deep in love.
Atsumu walked out in this dark blue suit. God he looked so fucking hot. He had his hair styled back, he had a white shirt underneath the blue jacket. He was wearing a matching tie. “How is ma angel feeling?” he chuckled softly, meeting you in the mirror wrapping his arms around your waist burying his face in your neck. “ya smell so good.. yer perfume is so sweet.. I could eat you up,” he chuckled softly, his words muffled as kissing your neck as he held you.
“Baby that tickles,” you laughed softly, holding on to his arms. God, you felt safe in his arms. “I am good, how are you? You look amazing, hopefully nobody tries to steal you from me.” You laughed though to be honest you weren’t joking. He was all over the internet. He was the man of everyone’s dreams. Tall, handsome, funny, cute, strong, he was free and so much more.
“I am doing great, baby.. ah you know that wouldn’t happen, love,” he kissed you again. “Come baby let's go out to the front they are waiting,” he took your hand as you guys walked out to the front and was met with a limousine, “You guys are too extra,”  he muttered as he opened the door. There was Bokuto, Sakusa, Hinata, their partners and a few of their friends. “Where is the rest of the team?” He chuckled softly as he sat down gesturing to you to sit next to him which you did.
“Because we had to wait for you, they left already,” Sakusa muttered, sounding a bit pissed but his partner gently nuzzled him and he seemed to calm down in their arms.
“Ah I am sorry to all of you this was all my fault I took a bit longer then I should,” You smiled softly as they reassured you it was okay. As you arrived at the party the paparazzi was already waiting for the rest of the team to come out. The door opened and immediately the cameras started clicking which made you nervous. Atsumu’s warm arm wrapped around you as he kissed your head.
“Come on angel.. let's go have some fun then we can go home and cuddle,” he smiled softly as you shook your head. “I love you,” he whispered softly as he led you out. Cameras surrounding the others as they came out with their partners. You nuzzled into his side a bit more, gently he tightened his grip on you as you walked inside the large building. Loud noises surrounded you as he led you to the rest of the team. “Hey guys! This is ma angel!” he called out as they smiled a bit. A few laughs were heard. God he really was good at embarrassing you but to be honest you have only been dating like 3 months. You were at every game but still he acted like no one ever noticed you.
After an hour or so he offered to get everyone drinks, which everyone accepted and next thing you know Atsumu, Bokuto, Sakusa and Hinata were off grabbing the drinks while everyone else kinda stayed in a huddle. The music was too loud so you kinda moved to a corner waiting for him to return. Well in that moment someone decided to take their shot with you. Making their way over, you already noticed a few things. They seemed confident, a bit too confident. Flaunting to their friends about how some way they were going to get you. Some way he was going to make you fall in love at first sight. News flash.. you didn’t. Quite the opposite you wanted to leave as soon as you saw them approaching. “Hey Hun~ are you alone?” he questioned. Of course not. No one in their right mind would go to a party like this by themselves. Instead of answering you kept quiet. Which made them pursue you farther. “Awe don’t worry it is nothing to be embarrassed about~ I will keep you company.” They chuckled softly. Taking a step closer you were clearly uncomfortable.
“I am not alone.. I am with my boyfriend..” you muttered softly, your eyes glued to the ground, scared to even look up. You weren’t too good with things like this where they would push and push, to the point where you were forced to except. To the point where you would give your information just to be fucking left alone. You just wanted Atsumu to come back soon.
“Come on, give me some sugar. Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know about us, eh? It will be our little secret. I can tell you're smart. So why not just hand over the phone number and maybe we can hang out soon? That sounds nice right..?” Their voice was annoying, it wasn’t calm or sweet like Atsumu’s. It was demanding and rough. He didn’t care what you wanted. He didn’t.. he was going to push till you gave it out. You just had to hold on a bit longer and maybe Atsumu would be able to save you from this terrible, awkward moment. You just had to wait a bit more.. just a bit longer. Before you could say anything his hand was already around your waist
“Please get off me,” you pushed him off. Which seemed not to be the right move because next thing you know you were forcefully pinned to a wall, his arms tightly around your waist.
Next thing you know he is off you and then shouting. “Who the fuck do you think you are touching ma angel?” There he was, Atsumu. Finally.. It felt like it took ages but now he was here. He punched the guy in the face and you immediately rushed to his side to try and calm him down. He gently wrapped his arms around you. There it was. That warm feeling only he could give you. That safe feeling. He wasn’t forcing you to hug him or anything. You felt safe in his arms. You held him close. “ya okay angel.. I am sorry I took so long,” he muttered as he gently kissed your head. “He didn’t hurt ya did he? I will kill him, don't worry, just tell me,” he whispered in your ear. The guy was still recovering from the hit.
“I am okay.. thanks to you,” you whispered softly as you held on tight. To be honest you were a bit scared, not that Atsumu was going to hurt you but that you couldn’t tell if Atsumu was kidding when he said that he would kill that guy. He sounded dead serious but you really wanted to think of it as a joke. All you wanted to do was walk away right now. You wanted to go back to the group and pretend none of that happend. But of course that could happen. Of course that couldn’t because someone really wanted to piss off Atsumu.
“You know it sucks that cutie is left with you, I mean you only punch someone when they aren’t looking at you.. are you that worried? It is funny, now come on cutie do you really wanna be with this guy? I have a bunch of money.. that's why you're with him right?” Of course not. You really loved him. But right now you could tell he was pissed and you didn’t know what to do to calm him down. He let go of you and next thing you know he wasn’t in your arms anymore but on the floor punching the guy, making a mess out of him. You wanted it to stop. It only took a minute max before Bokuto and a few other people were pulling Atsumu off what was left of the guy. He was covered in his own blood now. Atsumu just looked annoyed, he wanted to kill the guy, or that's what it seemed like, it really seemed like he wanted him dead right now.
“Atsumu what the fuck are were thinking you could have gotten pulled from the next match for that shit!” Sakusa scolded, “I understand that you are pissed at him but that shit isn’t what you pull! Look at him!” he pointed to the guy. “When were you going to stop if we didn’t pull you off huh?” He seemed upset. You on the other hand were still in shock.
Atsumu made his way over to you and stood in front of you unsure what to say to you. So you took the lead, “fuck Atsumu,” you muttered as you clung to him his arms wrapping around you next. “What in gods name were you thinking, Sakusa is right, you could very much be fucking kicked from the next few games.” You muttered softly in his chest.
“I wanted to make sure he would keep his mouth shut about you. He had no right talking about you as if you are just an object. He had no right touching you. So I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I touched him without him asking and frankly I don’t regret it. I would do it all over again and I wouldn’t mind being suspended from the game if that means you would be okay and that he wouldn’t be touching you ever again.” He muttered back. “I really love you and it pissed me off. I am sorry if you are disappointed with me but there is a fine line with me, and he crossed it. He pushed me to the edge, I wasn’t going to do much more than that one punch if he just shut his pretty little mouth. But of course he had to bring up the fact that yer be a better fit with him.. I couldn’t let that pass by. I just couldn’t lose you.. please forgive me angel..” he muttered. Clearly he was a bit drunk as his words slurred a bit. He seemed all over the place but it was okay. “I really just wanted to protect ya..” he chuckled a bit. He didn’t seem to regret doing it but maybe he seemed a bit upset because he worried you were upset with him, which you really weren't. To be honest it was quite the opposite. You were so happy he did that, otherwise you would probably still be in that ‘guys’ arms.
“‘Tsumu thank you.. if it wasn’t for you I don’t know what I would be doing without you right now. You really saved me back there and not only that but you really make me lose my mind when I am around you. You really are the love of my life. So no, I am not disappointed or any of that shit, if anything I am worried about will happen to you now that you did that, I really don’t want you to get in trouble because you decided to help me get out of my mess… I am sorry that you were dragged into this baby.” you muttered as you kissed his head.  You weren’t lying when you said you were worried.
“Don’t worry about me angel, I will be okay. Okay? Don’t feel bad it was ma idea to attack the guy, none of that was yer fault. It is everything but your fault you wouldn’t have had to come if I hadn’t begged you too. If I didn’t go get the drinks and leave you by yourself you would have had to deal with him.. if he listened to you when you said no then everything would have been okay and everything would have gone much smoother. If he hadn’t made that remark he would not be in the state he is in. So angel none of what has happened was yer fault. Believe me okay, I really love you and I don’t want yer worrying about this. I will handle everything and keep you updated..”
You shook your head softly as you held him close, “I love you too babe.. I love you so fucking much.. thank you..” you whispered. You were a bit cold, and it must have been noticeable because Atsumu took off his jacket and placed it on you. “thanks..” you closed your eyes for a moment taking in his embrace.
In the end in a not so surprising amount of events Atsumu was benched for a little bit of time, for some reason he still claims it was worth it even though his teammates don’t. Which he almost threw a fit over, because they didn’t think that , ‘protecting his angel was worth not playing a few games’, though in reality they just meant that there were other ways that he could have gone about it but he decided to take the most violent approach. Which didn’t seem to work out in his favor. In the end the guy tried to press charges but after a bit decided to drop it. Nobody knows why but they think it had something to do with the lawyer or something. You and Atsumu were happy and that all that mattered. He was always there to protect you. He would never let that happen again. At night he held you closer than ever after that happened. He made sure you felt comfortable as he had one leg on top of you as the rest of his body was wrapped around yours. Which was surprisingly comfortable.
You just had one thing bugging you so you decided to address it. “Atsumu.. remember when that guy said that I was only with you because of your money.. I really hope you understand that he couldn’t be more wrong. I love you for so many things like your freeness, your ability to change, the way you can be so protective and loving at the same. Not only that but the stupid little things you do. Like the way you make stupid little jokes to lighten the mood. The way you call me when you are out and about just to make sure I am happy and am feeling okay, and if I am not how you make this cute little fucking dates to make me feel better. The way you remember small parts of a story that I tell you and will mention it at random times without even thinking.. The way even if something is not of your interest you take your time to learn it with me and listen to everything I tell you.. God you make me lose my mind but I really love you.. I really do..” you whispered breaking down into tears as he held you close.
“Angel.. it is okay.. you're always there for me. You make me feel special and you make me feel loved and for the first time in a while I find myself thinking I have finally one upped my brother. I have finally found someone who loves me for me and I really really love you. So don’t cry okay..? I never believed that guy. I know you love me and I hope you know I love more than just your body okay.. I love you so much so don’t ever.. ever think I don’t.” he held you to his chest. You gently shook your head. He was so good at making you happy. God he was just so fucking amazing. You really loved him and he really loved you too.
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Osamu always seemed to be favored, so naturally a lot of people asked him on dates, not only that but a lot of people did go on dates with him. But now you were dating him things slowed down. He stopped going on dates and naturally asked people to stop showing up when he was out with you. Well one thing for sure you are big now. You were Osamu’s lover. So of course people wanted you too now. You were everything everyone wanted, tied with the fact you were with Osamu and that just made you want more. This was a lot and to be honest you would have loved this before you met Osamu but now you kind of hoped all of that would stop. News flash it didn’t. Of course it didn’t, to be frank your opinion really matter to them, all that mattered was you were good looking enough to be with Osamu.
Your relationship was built on love and that’s all that mattered. You two really did love and trust each other. It was what your relationship was built on. It was what all relationships were built on. Your personalities went hand and hand. You loved going out and dancing. You loved midnight slurpees and driving on the freeway to nowhere, all windows down. You had to have the sunroof open and blasting music, singing on the top of your lungs. You loved the feeling. Osamu loved watching you feel so free, having so much fun with that amazing smile on your face. Who wouldn’t love that? You dragged Osamu to do cute things that nobody else would get. You loved dressing up, either in tight fitting clothing or loose fitted ones. It didn’t matter. You just loved the feeling. You felt invincible when you did that. You felt so free and you didn’t care if people judged you. Your opinion was the only one that mattered. You thought you looked amazing and that’s all that mattered to you. You loved dancing in the rain. Osamu didn’t mind at all. He loved to be with you and he was open to new things no matter how ridiculous it was. You guys jumped off a fucking plane one time together. Of course with a parachute but god you guys trusted each other that much.
This was the man you wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He was everything you ever wanted.. and now you had him as your partner and god that made you so happy. You were so happy. Your two year anniversary was soon and you knew you had to do something big. You got the whole day ready, you started off with just a movie. It was a romance movie, and you planned to ease into it. You didn’t wanna do anything too much. Something where you two could just be near each other. It might have sounded stupid, but that was all you really needed to be happy at the moment. You just felt so free when he was near you. You felt so fucking happy with him, and it was so hard to explain.
Then you had dinner together, you decided it would be best to have something more fancy. You wanted to show all your appreciation for all he had done for you. He stuck by your sides at your lowest moments and you didn’t know what else to say but thank you. You wanted to show how much you loved him, and to be frank, you weren’t too good at showing your affection. Everyone told you that. You knew it was true. You knew from your last relationships. You wanted this one to be different.. you couldn’t let him leave you, you couldn’t live without him now that you were dating him you felt safe, but never really comfortable. Too afraid to lose him, too afraid to fully let loose around him. You didn’t wanna scare him off. You really wanted to make this last.
Lastly, a nice walk.. right now they had a Christmas tree show. They were decorated.. Little did he know you actually had a tree in the show. It was in a park area and people just gotta have hot coco and relax and walk and see the trees. You decorated one just of you two and such. You tried your best to make it look nice but in the end you were just overwhelmed and wanting to give up. Atsumu reassured he would love it, and he was lucky to even have you so there was nothing to worry about anymore. Osamu loved you and that wouldn’t change over just some stupid tree. You have been good to him.. right?
When you met with him he was all dressed up. You two decided to wear matching scarfs and you were excited to see he went through with it. It was a warm dark burgundy color. With that he had a brown large coat and just classical dark brown shoes on. You were wearing A white turtleneck, a regular sized brown coat, black boots, and the signature burgundy scarf. Osamu looked so good in it, you two were matching more then you too though you would but you were quite glad. You slowly walked over, it took a moment before Osamu gestured for you to take his hand which you happily did, You never took the lead for that stuff. You always waited for him to ‘let you’ take his hand. Which might be stupid but it has been two years now and would it be weird to start now..? You didn’t wanna push your luck. You didn’t wanna ruin anything right now. Not when you were so happy.. Not when everything felt so nice. Not when everything seemed to be going good. You just had to hold on a bit longer. Just a bit longer.. maybe a bit would be forever but as long as everything stayed like this then you would be more than happy to continue as you did.
You guys arrived at the movie a bit later, You guys got one of the best seats in the whole theater but not only that but you also had the best person next to you in the entire world. Osamu. For most of the movie you guys exchanged loving glances and such. Your hands were cold as you interlocked with his. His fingertips were warm to the touch and not only that but holding his hand made you so happy. This date made you so happy. Just hanging out with him made you so happy. Sometimes it felt as if you couldn’t breathe and maybe that was a bad thing.. but god that tight pain in your chest made you feel so happy. You started to crave that feeling.
“The movie was great, baby.. Thanks for taking me to it.” He chuckled a bit, kissing your cheek as you two got up and started walking to dinner.
“Mhm of course love.. thanks for coming with me..” You muttered you were not too good with feelings so maybe this wasn’t the right thing to say at the moment but you didn’t mind.
“Ya of course, I am glad that you came out with me.” He whispered his grip tightening a bit as you walked with him. “I love you so much hun..” He muttered and in response you just smiled and shook your head. Osamu wasn’t one to throw around the word love. You learned that when you mentioned something about someone's appearance and saying you loved it. It started this stupid argument about how strong the world love meant. Osamu never liked it when you mentioned someone else and in the same sentence said the word love. He felt as if that word was and should only be used with people who are close to your heart, not just some random classmate or waiter. At first you didn’t understand but then Atsumu explained that Osamu’s last relationship ended because of cheating. He used to use the word love with everything but now only for you, and you alone.
After a few minutes you finally said something about it, “I love you too my darling..” you whispered in his ear as you held the door open for him. You moved to the side letting him go in first. You smiled a bit as you got moved next to him,  waiting for your turn to be seated. You luckily made a reservation, the place was packed with people, but of course it was. It always was, so now with Christmas coming up you weren’t surprised people were trying to get anything close to then. Soon enough you were seated and all you could focus on was Osamu, and his small beautiful smile. His perfectly calm face. His sweet tone. All that made you so happy. It always made you so happy. He glanced up from the menu chuckling a bit as he spoke, “Hun.. are you going to look at the food or me the whole time? I don’t want you going hungry,” he smiled a bit.
“Oh.. sorry,” you felt the warmth of the blood rush to your cheeks and tips of your ears. You didn’t think he had noticed, and since he did it was more embarrassing than you thought it was going to be. You glanced at the menu, you smiled a bit as you found what you wanted. Looking back up your eyes met with his and you immediately looked back down. “For someone who told me to look at the menu instead of the person of you then I would think you would do the same,” You smiled softly looking back up to find his ears and cheeks having hints of pink.
“Well I have picked out my food have you, hun?” He smiled a bit as he looked up to you. You and him always got the same thing, though you both pretended to act like that wouldn’t happen, you both pretended that you were interested in other options. Maybe because it felt really repetitive or something but it was what you liked.
“Mhm the same as always.. Are you getting what you usually do..?” You asked and in response he just shook his head. You order soon after. Once the food came, it was the same as always. The flavor coating all over your mouth. You were quite happy with the taste. You always ordered a cream sauce risotto, with mushrooms and shrimp. Osamu ordered squid ink pasta with a cream sauce and shrimp as well. The food was always so good so you were glad it was the same today. After you got dessert. Osamu whispered something to the waiter as they walked away. A few minutes later they came back with a lemon sorbet. Next thing you know Osamu smiled a bit and pulled out a small box flipping in open. There were two initials carved into it. They were matching promise rings.
“Y/n, I love you so much. You were always there for me and I want to thank you. I know we are both still young but I want to make sure you will stay mine. So y/n can you make a promise that when the time comes we will marry..?” He asked softly. You were tearing up a bit as you shook your head and then the ring slipped on. God it was perfect. But now you were worried your gift wasn’t good enough being that Osamu bought you a ring and you just decorated a tree. Osamu and you finished dinner by getting up. Now just one more place to go. The Christmas tree show. You walked with him slowly, not wanting him to be so disappointed faster. When you arrived at the park Osamu ran to the bathroom for a second. To be honest he had been nervous the whole time so now he just wanted to freshen up a bit.
As you waited for him a male approached you. “Hey love.. you here alone?” he chuckled a bit. A bitter smile plastered on his face.
“No, I am actually here with my boyfriend. I am just waiting for him at the moment,” You tried to give a smile back, though you didn’t like the nickname love, It made you feel as if he and you were in a relationship, though you haven’t met this man once.
“Ah  what a shame that he is making such a pretty face wait..” He muttered, “how about you and me get a hot chocolate? Hm?” He chuckled a bit more. Though it seemed extremely forced, unnatural.
“No I just wanna wait for him, but thank you for the offer,” He was taller than you, maybe Osamu’s height. Close to that. You didn’t feel comfortable, you felt anything but comfortable right now you just wanted to leave. You didn’t wanna be near this guy one more minute, but at the same time you wanted to wait for Osamu to come out of the bathroom so he didn’t think you left him. So In the end you just waited for him.
“Ah well could I just get your number sweetheart..?” He chuckled a bit, throwing those nicknames that made you want to throw up that made you want to cry out for help. But when you said no he just kept pushing. Then that warm arm around your waist. Osamu's warm arm.
“Oh hey,” He knew what was happening but he knew that you were more loyal than anyone else he had ever met, he knew that you didn’t feel comfortable, “sorry for making you wait hon, we can go see the Festival now okay?” He lucky got you out of there, “I am sorry about that hun did he do anything to you,” He asked, walking down the trail slowly.
“No he didn’t do anything, don't worry, thank you for helping me get out of there, I really appreciate it,” you muttered softly. Soon enough you had arrived at the tree, his face turned from stunned to a weird emotion that you couldn’t quite read. Which was quite new you normally could understand what he was trying to say and now this just made you ten times more worried then you should have been.
“You did this..?” He muttered softly, turning to you as you shook his head, “Ah I see, I really like it. That photo is when we first met. I was so nervous.. Did I tell you that? I saw you just sitting there and I thought I was late. That one is from the first time you met my brother, oh god he even annoyed me with the amount of questions he asked you. That one was from our first slushy night, after your bitch of a friend dumped you to hang out with the cooler kids though I swear you were the coolest person in the world. Oh at that one is when we were about to go skydiving together, god I was so terrified did I tell you that? You acted so excited so I tried to pull off a cool face but once we were doing it god it was so fun. This is so beautiful. Thank you baby.. This is the best gift in the entire world.” He whispered tears falling from his cheeks as he pulled you to a hug. “God I love you baby..” You felt all the worry and doubt melt off of your shoulders. You were so glad he liked it. You were so glad he remembered these memories. These were some of the best memories of your life but you knew more were going to come.
“I love you so much too baby. I was so worried you weren’t going to like it. God thank god. You do so much for me and I couldn’t wish for anything more than this. You are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I feel so free with you, I feel so happy with you, I feel like myself with you.. I get nervous to hold your hand. Every time you smile I just fall in love again. Everything you do makes me feel so free and happy, and I don’t want this feeling to ever end so thank you so much for everything you ever did for me. Those slushy nights are the best nights of my life, any time when I am with you I feel like nothing can hold me back. Nothing can harm me. You make me feel like royalty.. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but thank you for staying with me. I love you so much.” You muttered softly. Next thing you know you were pulled into a kiss. His warm lips pressed on yours, both of your salty tears mixing with each other. Little i love you're falling from both of your lips. This is how it was supposed to go. You and him, forever. You were soulmates, you knew you guys had to be.
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