#Path of Love
warm-poetry · 8 months
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My photography, please leave credit. :)
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xueling2008 · 1 year
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We are on the path of love
going in search of you
evening, afternoon and night just miss you,
writes to you every moment and pleads with God.
Love happens once in life people just to make things up.
I love you more than my life, I miss you every moment.
This life is for a while,
There are two hearts in this love, I name this love as yours.
You say we are good that’s why every moment becomes special people forget love after falling in love but I remember you every moment...
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grahamstoney · 13 years
Cults are Fun, Easy and Popular
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/spirituality/cults-fun-easy-popular
Cults are Fun, Easy and Popular
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I’m fascinated by the phenomenon of cults, and our inherent vulnerability to the influence of charismatic leaders. The topic also touches on another personal interest, the human desire and ability we have to embrace supernatural and unsubstantiated beliefs.
My personal definition of the term cult is:
A derogatory term for any religious or philosophically-based minority group whose core beliefs and values you don’t personally agree with.
Yes, I know it’s a little different from the wiktionary definition, but I want to emphasise that cultness is in the eye of the beholder. It’s a derogatory term, rarely used by the members of the cult in question, although they may use it freely referring to other cults; just not their own. When you’re in a cult, you don’t see that it’s a cult. So when someone else uses the word cult, what they really mean is that they don’t like the other group and don’t agree with their beliefs or values. And they probably aren’t that happy about the whole mind-control thing, indoctrination processes, people devoting their lives to lost causes or cult leaders getting rich and/or famous at the expense of their members. I get that.
So why do people join cults, and why do they stay?
Successful cults seem to have these attributes:
A charismatic leader
A belief system that offers hope
A strong sense of community
Disincentives for leaving
Despite the emphasis our society places on rational thinking, we are emotional creatures deep down. We make all our decisions based on how we expect the outcome will make us feel, then we create rational justifications for why we’ve made a good choice. People join cults because it makes them feel good; at least initially. Once they’re there, they may stay because they think they will feel bad if they leave. Which is probably true. I felt pretty bad when [intlink id=”530″ type=”post”]I gave up Christianity[/intlink]; and then there’s the whole deprogramming and admitting you got it wrong thing. The fear of feeling bad if you leave is quite well-founded.
Take as an example Harold Camping from Family Radio. It would be easy to write people like him off people as nutcases, but he’s hardly an isolated incident. This guy has made millions from his prophetic pronouncements of doom and it doesn’t matter that he said the world would end on May 21, 2011 and yet it clearly didn’t. He just makes a new pronouncement that reinterprets this apparent failure as if everything is still going to plan for the real end of the world, on October 21 when:
“…we can be sure that the whole world, with the exception of those who are presently saved (the elect), are under the judgment of God, and will be annihilated together with the whole physical world on October 21, 2011”.
As a retired engineer, he gets rich and feels powerful like never before spouting this kind of crap. People listen to him. They pay attention to his every word. Engineers don’t normally get that kind of respect. I’m a retired engineer too, so I can relate. I want people to listen to me too. But is the world really going to be annihilated later this month?
Yeah, right. I’ll stick my neck out and prophesy that absolutely nothing out of the ordinary will happen on October 21, and come October 22 or so we’ll have a new pronouncement from Mr Camping claiming that the world actually did end but we just didn’t notice. Along with a new end date. Of course if you keep prophesying disaster long enough, eventually you’ll land a date where some natural disaster actually happens by sheer coincidence and ignorant people will think you foretold it, because matching coincidences is how our brains work. The interesting thing about failed prophecy is that some followers actually strengthen their faith and allegiance to the cult leader in an attempt to avoid their uncomfortable feelings of having obviously backed the wrong horse.
People inside cults are always the last to acknowledge that it’s a cult. Scientology is a classic example. I have to be careful what I say, because Scientoligists are litigious and have no sense of humour. I bet they try to prove me wrong with a lawsuit, forcing me to explain the concept of irony to them. Anyway, their religion is the perfect example of how people are willing to follow a leader without questioning or researching the basis of his teachings. All it takes is a quick trip to your local library or Google search to discover that Scientology’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was a science-fiction writer. So he creates a religion using the latest teachings of the human potential movement mixed with some loopy alien schtick, and amasses mega-rich followers. He makes a fortune and a few hundred lawsuits later, his cult is well established. Clearly what Scientology teaches works to some degree; the Dianetics audit process sounds like cross between hypnosis, Rogerian and Narrative therapy. But you can learn everything you need to know about healing the emotional baggage from your past down at the local library without buying expensive Scientology training packages.
Mormonism is another great and relatively recent example than reeks of being made-up. The story of Joseph Smith acquiring the Book of Mormon has holes in it you could drive a Mach truck through; yet millions believe it without question. Another fun thing about cults is the way they point fingers at each other, without noticing the flaws in their own belief system.
People’s Temple leader Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre is a frightening reminder that our vulnerability to cult leaders can end horribly. The Branch Davidians and the Waco seige is another. Need I mention Charles Manson or Heaven’s Gate?… Hey, who did they leave behind to keep the website running? It would be easy to write these off as isolated incidents only affecting very vulnerable people, but they keep happening. A lot of it comes down to the hypnotic effect that charismatic leaders can have on any of us. Adolf Hitler managed to hypnotise millions of ordinary Germans into supporting unspeakable violence against marginalised people. Unless we acknowledge our personal vulnerability to this kind of influence, we remain vulnerable too.
I’ve been interested in personal development for a long time, searching for some kind of cure for the low self-esteem and anxiety that seemed to cut right to my core. One of the most powerful courses I’ve done is The Landmark Forum, which often attracts the cult label. Landmark’s teaching is based on taking full responsibility for your life, creating amazing possibilities for yourself, inspiring other people and then using peer pressure to keep you accountable for making it happen. It’s pretty amazing stuff, and I still use some of the distinctions I learned there from time-to-time: Am I a spectator, or am I in the game? Am I being responsible here? Am I blaming others and running a racket on them? I’m currently doing their Living Passionately Seminar to get a sense of purpose and to live my life with ease and grace. It’s only week 1 but I’m starting to feel more excited about life already. And I can relax now because I even just did this weeks homework!
As my first Landmark seminar leader said: “It’d be a weird cult that keeps telling you to get in touch with the people in your lives”. One of the most powerful things I learned at Landmark was to stop being defensive. When people start slapping derogatory labels like “cult” on your latest thing, don’t get all reactive; just ask what they mean by that and look where else in their life cynicism, resignation and fear might be hurting them.
But some of the people I meet at Landmark act like robots; always busy applying distinctions and thinking thinking thinking. Totally out of touch with their emotions. Not really in the present, as [intlink id=”355″ type=”post”]Eckhart Tolle[/intlink] would say. Ultimately, the idea is to internalise the concepts and be responsible, be powerful, be present; not to think about it all the time. Depending on how you use them, the same tools that can make you more present and deepen your communication with others can also make you less present because you’re thinking about the tools all the time. That leaves you more detached from your emotions, and hence your personal power.
Another amazingly powerful course I’ve done is called Path of Love. Their process is awesome for dealing with troubling emotions like guilt, fear, and shame. I’ve done it twice, and I highly recommend it. The process is heavily based on the teachings of Osho, previously known as the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He had an amazing ability to mix Eastern and Western philosophy and teach it in a hypnotic manner that made many of his followers fall in love with him. His teaching contains much practical wisdom: he invented dynamic meditation, because he recognised that the Western mind was too busy to just sit and that we needed to move our bodies in order to break the constant cycle of nervous thinking. His advocacy of open sexual relationships also appealed to the generation who just missed out on the whole 60’s free love thing. And he was funny. Everyone loves that.
Yet Osho’s foray into setting up an ashram in the U.S. showed that all was not well and something had gone amiss, at least for some Sannyasins. Back when I was in high school, the Orange People scandal broke when his sidekick Ma Sheela ran off with buckets of the faithful’s cash. You could blame her, but what on earth were said faithful thinking; didn’t they notice their guru’s penchance for expensive Mercedes’ on his daily drive-bys? Why did they keep giving him money? When interviewed by Australian current affairs program 60 Minutes, Ma Sheela’s response to the scandal was: “What can I say. Tough titties”. This legendary answer got a picture of her giving us all the bird plastered across the front page of the daily newspaper, and thence across the folder for my Year 12 Economics notes. I had no idea that 20 years later I’d come full-circle and find myself at a course inspired by the teachings of the very guru she betrayed. I don’t care about Year 12 Economics now, but I sure wish I’d kept the folder. Yet despite the scandal, I find the process the Bagwan inspired tremendously powerful.
At one of the emotional healing bootcamps on the life coach training course I did run by Beyond Success, Paul Blackburn jokingly described the community surrounding his successful personal development company as “It’s a cult, but it’s a good cult!”. He probably also said we shouldn’t quote him on that; I can’t remember. Well at least he has a sense of humour about it.
Most recently, I’ve begun to start my day with a series of Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork that I learned from the Art Of Living foundation, in an attempt to deal with the stress and anxiety that I experience from chronic fatigue syndrome. I wouldn’t say I enjoy it, but I do feel better afterwards and it seems to be helping. Art Of Living appears to be dedicated to noble goals like world peace through inner transformation, yet even it has its detractors. There’s a charismatic leader, a belief system mixing Hindu & Buddhist ideas, a strong sense of community, and disincentives for leaving; like only being allowed to do the full Sudarshan Kriya in groups with other followers led by an officially sanctioned teacher.
Seems like just about any organisation can be considered a cult. Some people even wonder if public speaking and leadership training organisation Toastmasters is a cult.
Nowadays, I like to joke about the cults I join. Not take it all so seriously. Almost any group you hang out with has cult-like followers avoiding dealing with feelings like loneliness and powerlessness. Even the volleyball crowd I used to mix with had a coach with some followers who played and trained with religious zeal. Every major religion has teachings to help followers avoid anxieties like our primal fear of death, and religions share many of the cult attributes I mentioned earlier: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc etc all have a charismatic leader, belief systems, communities and disincentives if you up and leave. But they’re too mainstream to be considered cults by most people since they’re not small minority groups.
I’ve decided to start my own cult. I’ll be a witty, engaging, entertaining and charismatic cult leader. A cut above the rest. My followers will love me, and they’ll know how to show it. Women will throw themselves at me, and men will throw their money as I dispense indispensable wisdom. I found this great video to help get me started:
Ultimately the thing that really interests me about cults is how the leaders became so persuasive that people were willing to follow them no matter what. I’ve just read The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Persuasion for some tips, and it said that when our willingness and ability to think is low, people are easily persuaded by ideas that are fun, easy and popular. That must be what it is.
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 9 months
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Quotes by Sylvia Plath, The Journals of Sylvia Plath
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palefrogs · 3 months
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RPG Elves by Dungeon Meshi's Ryoko Kui
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pantopia · 5 months
I recently watched two famous experts on the functioning of the mind in conversation. One is developing a comprehensive theory of relationships based on data we have from behavioral biology. The other listens carefully. One knows what the other is able to understand without the gravy train and lots of words. It's the bit that's billable. Human nature. Sooner or later everyone is faced with the effects and consequences of human nature. Here Robert Sapolsky, American neuroendocrinologist, professor of biology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Stanford University, researcher and author, begins to describe to Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychology professor, clinical psychologist, YouTuber and author of three books, a relationship game like a behavioral game. No one other than the two of them knows what's really going on between them, no one else witnesses the reality of the relationship between the two. You can, Sapolsky says, start a game with cooperation or you can stab the other person. It proves that if the rounds continue you will eventually stab each other, so the perfectly reasonable one either stabs the other directly or refuses to play games with the other...
The common man cannot maintain cooperation without deception, ramming or dependence. At best we can say that one teaches the other his weaknesses. But when all the lessons are completed for one, what remains?
Look for it, study it, find it!
The thesis here is that there is no real cooperation until both have completed the lessons of self-knowledge. Especially, after those around them have taken all their lessons and they themselves survive any 'interception'. After the illusions and delusions that manifest in love are dispelled.
Why can't love manifest before? Except excitement and disappointment. Addiction and compulsion. Because love is the self-revolution of self-knowledge. The quantum leap of human evolution. Via dolorosa, crucifixion and resurrection.
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flintpunks-mind · 1 year
A co-worker of mine was standing outside with me during a break from customers to share a cigarette with me, and told me about how he had lost his brother that he was close with some years ago. He told me about how they used to be in a band together with some friends, and how ever since he'd died, he hadn't played any music because he'd been too scared and anxious. I told him about how I'd lost my brother to suicide some years ago.
I went home and pulled out an old tiny wooden box my brother had given me before he'd died. I'd been using it to store guitar picks I'd collected over the years, including one guitar pick that used to be his. I haven't played the guitar since he'd died, my hands are too small to play some of the chords, so I play bass and piano instead.
I went to work the next day and gifted my brothers old guitar pick to my co-worker. I told him that it'd been sitting in a box for ten years unused, and would probably sit there for longer if I kept it there. Told him that I thought he deserved to have it, because I bet he could put it to better use than I ever would. Told him I didn't feel like it was coincidence that me and him would cross paths with each other in our lives, and that it seemed suiting that we had these similar experiences but split in two halves. That somehow, I felt like he was meant to have the guitar pick. I told him that I knew he'd not played guitar since his brother died, but that if he ever decided to play again one of these days, maybe he'd be able to honor both of our brothers by using that guitar pick.
He almost cried. He thanked me. Then he went home that night and for the first time in years he played the guitar.
I don't know what the meaning of life is or what my purpose is, but I do believe that love and human connection is one of the most important things in life. It's finding ways to tell strangers you love them and share experiences with others. I think it's all just about love.
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conscious-alchemy · 1 year
Exploring the Divine Love and Wisdom of Meher Baba
Today, I want to take a moment to dive into the life and teachings of the remarkable spiritual master, Meher Baba. 🌟
Meher Baba, also known as the "Silent Master," graced this Earth from 1894 to 1969, leaving behind a profound legacy that continues to inspire and transform lives. He hailed from India and devoted his life to spreading the message of love, unity, and spiritual awakening.
One of the striking aspects of Meher Baba's teachings is his emphasis on the power of love. He propagated the notion that love is not merely an emotion but the very essence of our existence. Through unconditional love and compassion, he believed that we can transcend barriers, dissolve egoic limitations, and experience true oneness with the Divine.
Meher Baba's spiritual journey was marked by a unique phase called the "New Life." During this period, he embraced a life of complete detachment and silence, communicating solely through an alphabet board or through gestures. This silence was not just physical but held profound symbolic meaning, representing the eternal silence of the Divine, beyond words and concepts.
His teachings encompassed diverse aspects, including spirituality, meditation, selfless service, and the importance of inner transformation. He emphasized the necessity of realizing one's own divinity and the potential for spiritual evolution inherent within each individual.
Meher Baba's teachings also touched upon the concept of the Avatar—an incarnation of God in human form. He declared himself as the Avatar of the age, a spiritual guide sent by the Divine to awaken humanity and bring about spiritual evolution. His presence on Earth was seen as a divine gift, a beacon of hope and love in a world often consumed by chaos and confusion.
As we explore the teachings and life of Meher Baba, let us open our hearts and minds to the profound wisdom he shared. Let us seek to integrate love, compassion, and selflessness into our own lives, spreading these virtues to create a more harmonious and interconnected world.
Join me on this journey of discovery as we delve deeper into the extraordinary legacy of Meher Baba. Let's explore his timeless teachings, share personal insights, and reflect on the transformative power of love and spirituality. Together, we can walk the path of love and find solace in the embrace of the Divine.
Stay tuned for more posts, quotes, and stories that will inspire and illuminate our spiritual journeys. Remember, the path to spiritual awakening is paved with love, and with Meher Baba as our guiding light, we embark on an adventure of the heart and soul.
Love and blessings to you all! ❤️✨
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zosanbrainrot · 2 months
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part 2 of Zoro in WCI
01 02
I tried to write something to sum up my thoughts on this, but then it got longer and longer and tbh I'm itching to write a fic set in this AU djjdkf I think I could develop on their inner feelings more than in the comic form
Before posting the first part I didn't realize people had such strong opinions on how this would play out lmaooo
imo, of course Zoro wants to fight Sanji, not with actual intent to harm (they threaten each other on the daily, come on), but because that's how they are together, how they communicate. He respects Luffy's decisions and their goal here, which is to learn what's really going on with Sanji, but he's gonna be pissy about it all he wants. They both have so many intense and conflicted feelings about this and neither has any idea how to resolve them. So they fight.
ofc yall are free to headcanon this interaction any other way you want <333
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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An unbothered queen has entered, and subsequently left.
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histhoughtslately · 2 months
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Listen up! You already have this superpower. Stop letting people’s shitty perceptions be your kryptonite! You are way too strong and intelligent for their obvious tactics! 💫
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couchcouchcouchcouch · 3 months
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pimsri · 5 months
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beaulesbian · 4 months
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zoro, when the path ends with a wall: i can cut a door? luffy, knowing it would create more chaos: ok, do it!
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juniper-clan · 8 days
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MOON 20: Hier Kommt Die Sonne!
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