#Megan interacting with you always feels like a warm hug
TFA Megatron, can be Cybertronian or Human reader. Gender neutral. Mentions of Megatron’s trauma :(
Dedicated to @cheerful-sixears
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not in public, usually, but sometimes he’ll smother you in PDA when a few choice mechs that he's comfortable with are around. In private, his affection is more intimate. Tracing his servos over your frame, gently petting you, giving you soft kisses and murmuring how much he means to you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Gossip girl. He sharpens his claws while you sharpen yours/do your nails. He’s an expert on the perfect eyeliner and lipstick- at least, the Cybertronian equivalent.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It goes as well as robot cuddles can. He’ll sit you in his lap casually, especially on his throne. Those are his favorite cuddles- showing off that you are his.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nah. That’s what he has minions for. But on the occasion you convince him to do something… he looks very cute in a frilly apron. He tries his best with cooking but don't be surprised if something goes wrong.
E = Ending Energy (How much energy do they put in the relationship?)
Megan is attentive to you when he’s in a good headspace. He takes you on dates, gets you lavish gifts, makes sure you always have special energon/your favorite foods. He matches your love languages as best he can.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As with other things, he needs time to warm up to it. But once he's ready, he is extremely loyal to you- he can't see himself with anyone else after this. You are conjunx endura and he will be dedicated to you for eternity.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, sometimes he forgets his own strength. He apologizes gently if he accidentally hurts you.
Emotionally, he tries his best. He’s used to being gruff, a loner, self-sufficient. He tends to forget himself in his work but if you come to him in need, he will drop everything to comfort and spend time with you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Gentle but loving. His arms envelope your form, making you feel loved and protected. He likes picking you up, if you’re smaller than him, and hugging you like that. He also likes sleepy hugs and cuddles.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a little bit for him to make peace with the relationship. Don't say “I love you” first- let him say it first. He needs time to acclimate before he feels comfortable with it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Megatron isn't outwardly jealous. He doesn't want to limit you or your interactions. But his trauma gives him a deep-seated sense of insecurity. He does need reassurance from time to time, and will be glad to give you any reassurance you need.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gentle and soft, just like his hugs- telling you that you are loved and appreciated. He’ll kiss you anywhere; on the lips, forehead, cheeks, neck, hands, chest, tummy. When getting spicy, he gets a bit more firm, slipping his glossa in more than regular kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very awkward if they’re not his or the Cassettes. It’s best to have them stay away, just in case.
(Bonus: My OC Orbit is his sparkling. Megatron is attentive to him and ensures his baby boy is taken care of, even when he gets into mischief.)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s often gone already in the mornings, off to do work as the Decepticon leader. But sometimes he’ll indulge you and sleep in, cuddling you until it’s time to get up. He has a specific morning routine that helps him get ready for the day, so that’s always a must.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Evenings are often spent winding down, spending time together in any way you’d like. He makes sure you’re fed and taken care of before you recharge.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Very, very slow. He needs a long time to open up about his trauma. He holds a lot of guilt, too. If you are open with him, it helps him learn to open up, too.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Eh… it depends. His energy levels and how much he’s already dealt with that day are big factors. But he’ll always be patient with you- you get a pass on a lot of things that the others don’t.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
When he’s on an off day, he is forgetful. But he does make sure to note important things. When he’s on a good day, he picks up everything you may share or note.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When he realized how deeply he’s in love with you. Perhaps it was while cuddling, when he just finally felt everything was *okay* in the universe. He couldn't help but press a kiss to your forehead and admire your sleeping form.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective to hell and back. Megatron has too much trauma. He’s lost too many people. He refuses to lose you, too.
As for him, he’s used to taking care of himself. It’s okay if you let him take control. But he will be greatly appreciative if you are protective of him, too.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Maximum effort. He wants you to know how loved you are. He will make sure to note your favorite things for dates and anniversaries. He’ll grumble about going to any parties with you- he is an introvert- but he always does his best.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Megs tends to lose himself in his work and may accidentally ignore you. Just get his attention, tell him you need him, and he’ll drop everything for you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Megatron is gorgeous and he knows it… but on his off days, his self esteem takes a huge dip. But when he’s feeling good, he knows how beautiful and ethereal he is. He doesn't flaunt it like Starscream, however his very presence exudes his confidence.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would never admit it aloud, but yes. He needs you more than he realizes.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
His love language is quality time. He doesn't need lavish gifts or fancy words, he just wants your complete attention. He’ll make sure you can both plan to have time alone to got on a date, talk, or even just exist with each other in peace.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Don’t be a slob. He takes pride in his clean ship (don't look at his personal office).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He has trouble recharging sometimes- nightmares plague him often. But with you next to him, he sleeps better and has better dreams.
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zeoia · 3 years
I am a warm and loving person. I always have been and always will be.
Growing up, I had to be responsible very early on. I had no choice but to be mature for my age. After all, my mother wasn't there, and we needed a mom. My father was clueless, emotionally detached as an alpha male type. Currently he's not as bad as he used to be, as he finally acknowledges that when I cry, it's not to make him angry. I am crying because I am hurting. And when I am hurting I need comfort.
It used to be about his comfort. He hated seeing the tears. He'd tell us don't you dare start crying. I bottled up emotions. I withheld feelings at home. But they kept coming out during school. I'd isolate myself to cry.
One time I had an extreme outburst to the point of getting violent. I felt unheard. I'd been unheard for so long. People weren't understanding.
I had to separate from my biological mom as a child because she was incapable of taking care of us. This created a sense of longing. There was a hole in my heart and I kept wanting to fill it up somehow.
My father remarried when I was going to middle school. I told him I was fine with it. But honestly I didn't know any better. I was nine, going on ten. How was I supposed to know that I was just saying okay because that's just what I felt dad wanted to hear.
The marriage lasted throughout middle school and fell apart during high school. My stepmom was a scary person. Especially with her son around. She became very controlling. We weren't allowed in her chairs. Not allowed to watch her television. Weren't allowed to eat her foods. She made a mental note of the amount she had left. And anytime something went wrong, despite her son being the one who had always been the one to get into trouble, somehow, my brother and I were shouldering the blame for stuff we didn't do.
We were far from perfect little babies, but the worst we did was stay up past bedtime playing video games. He was a habitual liar. A thief. He was frequently breaking into houses, including our own. The first time I remember interacting with police was because of him. He broke into a girl's house. I was so nervous and I felt small. Because I was. I was so very small.
The divorce process was messy. She wanted to take our house away. Our home. The place that my brother was building bonds in. He frequently went outside spending time with neighbors. Unlike her son, we were still kids. By this time he was approaching adulthood. We couldn't be subjected to that.
We did manage to keep the house somehow. But... Maybe it would have been better to have lost it. To have moved downtown. So my father would stop acting like it was our fault that we stayed out here.
You see, my father has this habit of saying how he wanted to move downtown, closer to where everything is, but would tell us that "you guys wanted to stay here with your friends" in a mocking way. As if a teenager and a preteen know any better. Of course we wouldn't know of what opportunities existed for us downtown. We didn't live our lives in the future. We lived our lives in the moment. Looking at the future just wasn't a thing.
And the only future I COULD think of was the inevitable end. The inescapable fate that every living being shares. Because I wanted it. I wanted it to hurry up and take me so I could stop feeling sadness. the shameful feelings that would make other people uncomfortable.
I had been tired of moving. Tired of leaving people. My childhood involved way more goodbyes than I could deal with. And I continued to be desperate to fill that hole my mother left.
In this home, we finally had a permanent place. Some sort of stability. I didn't want to let go of anything. I couldn't let go of anything. After all, every time my mother visited us, I kept having to let go. I had to let go of the person who was willing to let me cry. I had to let go of the person who frequently told me I love you. this isn't to say that my father was unloving. I still remember every day when we still lived in the apartments, my brother and I would be home alone and we'd hear the door unlocking. And we'd make a mad dash to the door to jump into his arms to be hugged by him.
But this came to an end eventually. Growing up was awkward, and it made me withdraw more. My father expected me to be more ladylike. Despite telling me stuff like "do your best" I often felt like I was failing, even if I wasn't actually failing. Things were hard for me in school. On top of the stress of the divorce, my grades were getting worse. The transition from middle school to high school was uncomfortable. I told myself I was done with goodbyes, so why did I have to say goodbye to my best friends again?
I still remember people I considered my best friends, all the way from third grade. Donna. Jessica. Tina. Martha. Karen. Rae. Megan.
Graduating high school I didn't want to let go. I was tired of letting go. Despite my frequently feeling slightly out of place, I clung to Rae and Megan. We worked the same jobs for years. And then when Rae left for college, it was just me and Megan. Two weird kids with little ability to actually make new friends.
Megan and I did everything together. I went to her house frequently. We even went to the same community college. But as an adult things were getting different. She was very interested in dating, and I was getting more into self discovery. Online, I was making friends with people who liked the things I liked. I got involved with fandoms. She was too, actually.
But our interests didn't always overlap. But in my desperation to keep doing things with my only real life friend, I forced myself to enjoy the things she did. I didn't care for super heroes. Didn't care for being a "Potthead" as they called themselves. I don't know if that's still the term. She liked a lot of things that were very white, euro-centric. I liked things that were. Well they felt different. I liked webcomics and other things I found online, rather than mainstream media. Sometimes I tried to convince her to do something that I liked to do, but she wasn't really having it. If anything she just had a preference for insulting it and making me feel bad for liking things that really weren't her taste.
Honestly I don't remember what started the build up of animosity. I remember that I lost my grandmother on my dad's side and I felt terrible because I never got to really know her. My depression was absolutely awful then and I couldn't bring myself to go to work often. I remember one day when we were looking at our paychecks and she gave me this condescending "well maybe if you didn't call out so much." And I told her "hey how would you feel if your grandfather died? What would you have done huh?" And she got mad at me for making her even think about it. Me, actively in mourning about the death of a loved one, and she's the one mad because I dared to ask her to put herself in my shoes.
The rift was growing so much bigger. But we both still wanted to hold on because we both had nobody. I... Honestly couldn't tell you what it was that was the final nail in the coffin. Maybe it was all the guilt tripping she did. She told me that she was tired of having to go everywhere with me and that it cost money to drive me from place to place, ignoring the fact that I was always going the same place with her. Work. School. We planned it out so it was convenient. And I often bought things for her. I paid for food, gave her gas money, and I even sometimes would splurge on something she had her eye on. Like. A figure or a toy. She had bills and I didn't, so I had the spending money for it. Because I had to make sure that I wasn't going to say goodbye again.
But we did. It was messy. She called me a petty bitch. I don't even remember everything. I just know that I was alone again. Secluded. Isolated. I had nobody. Nine years of friendship and the void was bigger now.
I was desperate to keep finding people. I kept surrounding myself with groups. Getting deeply involved in fandoms in an attempt to connect with people. I leaned heavily on people emotionally, especially if they got closer to me and interacted with me more. People who did anything for me, I would cling to immediately. I wanted to do everything with people who spent time with me. I became addicted to attention.
And that addiction is why I'm in this mess today. It's true that I have managed to surround myself with genuine people who love me, but sometimes something bad lurks about. Especially in a place full of mentally ill people.
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dreamingabouttaron · 4 years
The Assistant Part 30
It had been a long cold wet winters day, you were currently wrapped up tightly under the bed covers reading a book, in an attempt to keep yourself warm before you drifted off into a deep sleep. Taron had just finished up some last minute emails before he joined you up in the bedroom. You watched him, as you peered over the edge of your book, as he waltzes around the bedroom effortlessly getting changed for bed. He hadn’t said a word since he stepped in the room.
Truth be told he had been quiet for most of the evening, not making too much conversation only small talk here and there. At first, you didn’t think much of it; you knew he was busy with work so he had lots on him mind. Yet now, as he gracefully got ready for bed, you could tell he was all in his head about something.
You closed your book, placing it in your lap as Taron pulled back the bed covers and carefully climbing into bed next to you. Once he was settled in, you shifted your body so that you were facing him. You could see the wrinkles appear on his forehead, you could see he had a lot going through his mind. Taron leant his head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat. The rhythmic beats sending relaxing signals to his mind and body. After a while he leaned up on his elbow to look at you. He stared at your lips as to silently asking for permission. You gave him a small nod and smiled at him. He leaned down to kiss you and hummed in content feeling your lips against his. After needing air, he pulled away with a sly smile. He looked at you with a beautiful smile on his face the only issue was it didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“Are you okay? You seem quiet.” You say gently, trying to test the waters.
“Yeah… yeah. I’m… fine.” He stuttered, no matter how good his acting was, you knew him and he wasn’t convincing you.
“Okay, spill it.”
“Spill what?” he asked innocently as he could.
“You have been quiet all evening. I thought maybe it was because you had so much work to do but even now I can tell something is wrong.”
“It’s nothing, beautiful.” He places his hand over yours to try and convince you too let it go, however you just looked at him and raised your eyebrow as if to say ‘really’. Staring him down until he cracked.
“Okay, okay it’s something. I have something to ask you.”
“Okay, now I’m worried.” You reply starting to feel restless at his words.
He clutches you hand a little harder, “No it’s nothing to worry about, it also no pressure.”
“Okay.” You drag out the word a little waiting for him to continue, getting more nervous at the second.
“You know I love you right?” You nod straight away, of course, you knew.
“Remember you can say no.” You nod again in understanding. “I was wondering if maybe you’d… only if you want to of course… Be my date to the Golden Globes? I want the world to know I’m taken, that you are mine and I’m yours.”
You were stunned, out of all the things there were going through your mind it’s safe to say that wasn’t one of them. You’d be lying if you didn’t want the same thing, let the world know how much you loved this man who was laying in front of you.
“Wow.” Was all you could manage to say.
“I mean you don’t have to be my date. We could go separately and meet there. I just want you to be there with me. O-or, you know if you aren’t ready yet, I-I completely understand, there’s no pressure at all.” You could see the anxiety take over him; he always did start to ramble when he got a bit nervous.
You push the covers off the both of you carefully placing your book on your bedside table. Turning to Taron before he could say another word, you throw one of your legs over his thigh so you were sitting comfortably in his lap. He instantly runs his hands up your legs, over your hips round to just above your ass, pulling you closer to him. You see his anxiety starting to fade away just a little. Placing both of your hand on either side of his head, tipping his head up to look at you before running your hand through his hair to the nape of his neck pulling it a little causing him to groan.
“Taron. Of course, I want to be the girl that’s there by your side. Just tell me how and when. I want to be there for you and it’s about time you let me.” You pause for a second letting out a chuckle trying to lighten the mood a little and get him to relax. It doesn’t work you feel his entire body tense underneath you. “I would love nothing more than to be your date Mr Egerton.” You tell him. Instantly a smile forms beneath your hand so you move its way. You feel his body relax again.
“Really?” He asked. His voice is so quiet you barely hear him. You nod, causing his smile to grow even more. His hand grips the base of your neck pulling you him as his places his lips over yours kissing you, once, twice, three times, before saying, “You know for a second there I thought you were going to say no.” He places another quick kiss to your lips before his hand returns to your lower back. “For once I am looking forward to one of these things. Mainly because you’ll be standing next to me looking all beautiful, letting the world know that you’re mine and I’m yours.” Taron muttered against your lips.
“You’re such an idiot you know that, right?” You chuckle.
“Uh-huh, but I’m your idiot.”
“Yes.” You run your hands through his hair. “Yes, you are.”
You let your head fall forward onto his chest with a huff, extracting your hands so that you could wrap your arms around his slender waist. You breathed him in slowly, closing your eyes as you did your best to leech every bit of calming and concerned energy he radiated.
His large hands rubbed soothing circles over your back, working out some of the tension that you had been carrying with you all day. He dropped his head to leave a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“I love you Megan.”
“I feel like I’m going fall over my feet in these shoes and break a bone right in front of everyone,” You looked down at your feet and back up at Taron who looked at you with amusement, he could tell you were getting yourself worked up and stressed.
Taron moves closer to you and snakes both his arms around your waist, “Well, I think you look beautiful. Broken bones or not.” You feel your cheeks grow rosey at his words. “I can’t wait to show you off. The future Mrs Egerton,” He says as he looks down at the silver ring on your finger before bringing it up to his lips to kiss lightly.
“And, what makes you think she’s going to take your name?” You heard Tina call from the corner of the room as she walks over to check her son out. You try to keep a straight face but a smile starts tugging at your lips. Taron leans forward and places a gentle kiss on your lips before he pulls his mum into a warm hug.
You watch as Mari and Rosie come rushing into the room all dressed up. Your heart melted as you watched Taron interact with his sisters. This really was going to be an evening to remember. Everything felt so special.
As you arrived at the red carpet. The cameras were blinding. Absolutely blinding. Like nothing you had ever experienced before. “I think I might be blind after this, how do you stand these lights?” You whisper to Taron as you walk down the red carpet, stopping every so often to pose. It felt awfully unnatural to you, and you felt like maybe the photographers would have preferred if you weren’t there. You partly wished you had walked straight in with the rest of the family, but Taron wanted you there, next to him. You couldn’t help but notice the warm proud smile he had plastered on his face as he held you close.
As you near the entry of the enormous auditorium the two of you stopped just once more. The flashes seem to be coming from every direction. People called Taron’s name loudly, all wanting his picture before the event. And that’s when Taron did something that made everyone roar with excitement. He leant in towards you and gives you a soft kiss on the lips. He hovered over your lips for a few seconds, nearly as if he wanted every photographer to have time to take a photo of you two. Taron wanted everyone to know that he was yours and you were his.
You sat next to Taron in a large ballroom, surrounded by hundreds of people as they announced the nominees for one of the final awards of the night. Every time he shifted, he sparkled, blinding and beautiful. The room filled with cheers as Taron’s name was announced. Your heart was pumping out of your chest, Taron had won. Taron had won a bloody Golden Globe. The whole table was cheering and celebrating. You could see the surprise in his eyes that were wide and filling up with tears, happy ones. He hadn’t thought he would win, he had told you that several times after finding out he was nominated. But you had assured him and nobody stood a chance this year, not after his heartfelt performance in Rocketman. Taron stumbled to his feet and dragged you up with him. He gave you such a hug you thought he’d never let you go. “I love you so much.” You whispered in his ear before you pulled away. You were so proud of him. You look up at him with starry eyes and nudged him forward towards the stage.
Taron was nearly out of breath when he got up on stage. His mouth was in a wide grin, his eyes crinkled. “Wow, I really wish I had written something…” He looks out in the crowd, looking for your face but you’re far away and he can’t locate you. “I am so honoured to be nominated alongside a bunch of legitimate icons….” One of his hands is holding up the golden miniature stature and the other hand is over his heart. Your heart felt like it was going to burst as you watch the man you loved more than anything in the world up there on that stage accepting this award.
He looked so happy, there were only a few times you’d seen the joy that was now displayed on his face. One of those times was when you said yes to his marriage proposal a few months back.
He continued, “I’d also like to thank my fiancé. The love of my life. I love you. Also, my mother is in here somewhere! This one’s for you mam!” Tears start to form in your eyes as you scan the room in search of Tina and the rest of the family. You couldn’t imagine the pride that Tina must be feeling as she watches her son up there.
When the award ceremony was over, it was time for the much talked about after party. Taron was walking close beside you, one  hand on the small of your back whilst the other held tightly onto Tina’s hand. You walked hand in hand with Mari and Rosie, keeping them close. You looked at the family around you and your heart exploded. You couldn’t believe your luck.
The beginning of your relationship had been rocky. You had experienced your fair share of ups and downs. But from the first moment Taron met you, he was transfixed. Absolutely head over heels. It didn't take too long before you fell madly in love with him. Taron had said it hundreds of times that that was his greatest achievement, making you fall in love with him. You always blushed like mad when he said it. But it was true. You both couldn’t be happier. He was your rock, your world and this was just the beginning.
Tag list - 
@primaba11erina @hitmeonmytspot @fuseburner @autumnslovex @huathmoon94 @y0ungandfuckingdumb @tiffleen
So, several months and 70,707 words later. We have finished. I can not thank everyone enough. I didn’t think I would write 15 chapters let alone 30! I can’t believe it has come to an end. Thank you for all your love and support, you have no idea how much it means to me. 
I am going to open my requests, if you would like me to write anything I would love to hear it! 
All the best xx
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thisonesforfanfic · 4 years
Light in the dark (1/?)
Buky x Reader
Author’s Note: This first part is more of an introdutcion to the character. It might just be boring. Also I have no idea on the warnings I should make, please let me know and I will edit it in <3
Summary: You are working as a nurse on an american camp in Italy. Waiting for your brother to come back from a failed mission, you meet Captain America after a failed show he did on the site. 
Word Count: 2.3k
P.S. I was inspired by @webslingingspiderling​, thinking of a prequel to one of their series. I might be going on a differeent direction later, though 
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You were desperate to find him, to see him again meant everything to you at that point. Your brother had left for an infiltration mission and no one in the camp had heard anything in days, it didn't take a genius to conclude it meant bad news, you wouldn't allow yourself to lose hope, though. While taking care of some of the wounded that managed to get back, you overheard some of them saying a huge part of the batallion was taken, and were being held captive.
This was meant to be a pleasent surprise, you had asked to be transfered to where Y/B/N's unit was, so you could be with him since you were both serving the country in your own way. He was a great soldier, no doubt, your parents had raised warriors, but you were definitely the best nurse there was with the American troops in Europe.
"Who would have thought" Y/B/N said proudly while putting his hands on your sholder "the kids of an immigrant going off to war to save the country that saved him" It was the first tour for both of you, you were terrified to be separated from him, sad you were not tasked with the enfermary at his battalion
Keeping your head down so Y/B/N couln't see the tears coming "Dad would be very proud of you br-"
"Proud of us!" He quickly cut you off, while putting a stran of your hair behind your ear, then raising your chin to look in your eyes " I might be running of with a gun in my hand, but you are the one that will be keeping us in one piece after all" he cuckles "but in all seriousness, I count on you to patch my ass up"
"Well you better not need it!" you stated, starting to get angry just at the thought of seeing him wounded "I might be good at it, but if you ever need to lay on my hospital beds I will make sure you regret it"
He laughed at your threats, "You know I'll always make it back to you in one piece Y/N"
He'd better.
Pulling you out of your memories, you heard quite a comotion outside of the medical quarters, you stepped outside to see the soldiers rallying around the stage.
"Go watch it!" Megan, one of the few people you would call a friend, whispered to you "You need some distraction right now, you look awful, plus, from all the posters, that captain guy looks like quite the eyecandy" You laughed at her comment, Megan was always trying to pin you up with some handsome soldier, ever since she got married to some airforce big shot she was trying to find you someone on a rank.
You understood her point of view, to her you were alone, not counting on your brother to help you out from now on, she wanted you to be protected, but you didn't want to think about it, and you knew you could fend for yourself if need be.
"Alright mrs. Nurse" you said with a laugh, you liked calling people mr. and mrs. as a sign of respect, even if you knew them on a name basis, especially when it made people a little uneasy. Megan hated it when you called her that way, so you laughed as she stuck her tongue out "I'm going, cover for me, will you?"
"Of couse my mrs. Y/L/N" as she practically pushed you out the door.
The whole thing was terrible. That is, he was a good looking guy, and the soldiers loved the girls dancing, but damn, that show was meant to be played anywhere else but here. When Captain America ended his speech, you could see he wanted to burry his face on the ground, the soldiers were mocking him, soon enough they were throwing stuff and calling for the girls to get back onstage.
"Bunch of animals" you whispered to yourself, rolling your eyes as you walked to the back of the poorly established stage, wanting to see if the man was OK after those soldiers' behavior 'it might have been bad, but the man's just doing what he was told' you thought. You quickly spotted the soldier sitting on the steps next to a couple of empty racks.
"Are you alright Mr. Captain?" you approached slowly, trying to make him feel a little better but he barely moved, he was focused on the notebook he had on his hands.
"I'm fine maam, thanks", you could feel in his voice and posture he was pretty sad about the whole thing, but still trying to be as kind and polite as possible. You spotted the circus monkey he had drew, with the same costume he was wearing.
Poor man
"I don't want to be invasive," you continued, wishing to make the man feel better "- but you did probably just present yourself to the thoughest crowd at their thoughest moment this week, so don't be so hard on yourself" you offered the kindest smile you could as you took a seat by his side.
"I was stupid to not have thought that awful speech wouldn't worked here", the soldier finally picked his head up and looked at you "But why would you say this is their thoughest moment miss...?" He was eager to better understand his situation, while still being as polite as he could
"Y/L/N, mr. Captain, but please, call me Y/N".  
"In that case, drop the mr... Call me Steve" he said while offering his hand out.
"Well Mr. Steve" you shook his hand while wearing a grin on your face, making him smile briefly "unfortunately, those guys just lost a lot of companions, they are maybe a quarter of the whole squad that was sent out a couple of days ago" now your voice was starting to shake with the terrible thoughts of what could have happened to Y/B/N.
"I should've thought..." He whispered to himself as you sniffed the tears away
Strugling to put the smile back on you continued "Well, if it makes you feel a little less pessimist, some of the guys I took care of on the medic ward said a great portion of those men are being held captive at a Hydra base.... Although I'm starting to think I will never see Y/B/N ever again" the smile faded with every word that went of your moutht, you couldn't even pretend to be optimist at that moment, your world was falling apart
"Hey miss Y/N, please don't be sad, you'll see your love again" he said, while putting his arms around you trying to console you. You let out a small chuckle with the comment, lifting your head up from your hands to say he was actually your brother. he hugged you thighter, offering a shoulder for you to cry on, but you just let him hold you for a while, it felt nice to have someone, possibly a friend, that understood your pain at that moment.
"This was meant to be a pleasent surprise, you know" you started to tell him as you pulled away from his warm and comforting hug. "These are meant to be my last couple of weeks in service before going back home for a while... You see, since I'm an immigrant nurse, people would hardly ever let me know the location of his battalion, under the belief I could be a spy, so we have barely written eachother" you paused to take a breath before the tears took control of you." When I finally discovered where he was and stated, I asked to be transfered here, to see him, since I don't have a clue when he's going home, and a letter would have taken way too much time. But he- he wasn't here" a few tears streamed down your face before you wiped them away "To my misfortune, his name is on the missing or presumed dead of the 107th"
You saw the Captain's eyes widening "the 107th you said?" He had worry, fear and pain mixed on his glance. You could see the million thoughts racing through your mind, as if you had just shot him in the stomach.
"Yes, Steve" An unfamiliar voice came from behind.
A beautiful brunnette was standing right above the steps you sat on. Despite the confusion in his eyes, you could see she made him feel more comfotable just by being there. You immediatly stood up to leave, but your body wouldn't move another inch. You could tell, judging by her face and uniform she knew at least something about the soldiers.
Quickly galncing at her name stiched on the uniform, you asked "Mrs. Carter, I do not mean to be indelicate, but do you know anything about them?" Your eyes were filling with hope and your heart was beating so fast you could swear both of them could hear it.
"I am sorry my dear, but I am not allow to talk to you about it, you should go tend to the wounded now" She sounded very harsh, but you didn't think much of it, most of your interactions outside of the medic ward ended that way
"yes, of course. Goodbye mrs. Carter, mr. Captain" so you nodded and started heading your way, trying to keep the tears from falling
"Her brother is in it Peggy, she's just worried" Steve said as he watched you go wiping your tears "Bucky is on the list as well, isn't he?" turning to Peggy, he had pain, anger, sadness and confusion all mixed up on his eyes, hoping the woman had answers to any of his doubts.
"Unfortunately, I do not know much, but I know who might" She motioned for him to get up as she walked towards the commander's tent
The enfermary was awfully quiet, there were not many soldiers for you to help. Most of the injured you tended to had been either estabilized and sent home, or were good enough to get up in a day or two. The few that were still there at the moment were, much like you, waiting for a miracle. No other missions were conducted ever since the disaster that took Y/B/N, so you had little to do there, especially at night. All you could do was look over at those who were sleeping or usually too high on medications to make any sound.
You sat on the edge of a french sargent's bed, changing the blood soaked bandages he had on where his right leg sould be, when you heard footsteps coming closer to you. It was definetly Megan, she would usually come in the middle of the night to check on you, she even transferred with you to Italy because she worried about you not getting any rest, Megan was like the mom you once had.
"Hey Megan, go back to bed, everything's fine", you said, not taking your eyes away from the wounds,
Probably woken up by his screams, those pillows were the worst to muffle the sounds of pain.
"Y/N..." you recognize the soothing voice, still concentrated in your actions you responded.
"I was not expecting to find you coming in mr. Captain, did the british lady already break that heart?" You said in a playful tone.
"Steve, please" He chuckled at your comment, but said nothing else, waiting for you to finish what you were doing.
"Give me a second, I am almost done" He took a seat on the bed opposite to the one you were. Gently covering the wound and closing the bandage, you looked to the sargent with a warm smile "C'est fini". You got to the sink and washed your hands before walking over to Steve, you noticed he was wearing gear, which could only mean one thing, really.
"So, what are you about to do?" you askes while drying your hands on your apron, shaking your head in disbelief. You knew exactly what Steve was up to, you just didn't know how.
"I'm saving them... Peggy has called in a favour and I will be dropped off close enough to their camp"
"You can't be serious, all by yourself? "That plan was nonsense, you both knew it, but you also knew there was barely any other option.
"I don't think I have much of a choice, there might be as much as 400 lives there, and no one else is willing to sacrifice" He was firm with his words, no one was changing his mind at this point. You never thought someone would be crazy or brave enough to do something like that.
"Well in that case...I should to give you something" you pulled your skirt up to take the knife strapped on your leg, but the poor lighting in the room made the captain feel extremely uncomfortable, not understanding what you were doing. "Relax" you chuckled as his cheeks got visibly red, then placing the weapon on both of your hands and offering it out
"Take this, my brother gave it to me for good luck" He was impressed by the bone carved handle and was hesitant to even touch it
"Please" you insisted "I will be right here for you to give it back once you're done, I know it will help you bring them back, it's not a gun, but it is still pretty pointy" you raised your eyebrows, practically waving it at him
Steve took a deep breath "Alright, I'll take it" he walked towards you "for good luck!" You couldn't help but smile at the man you wished to see again very soon. You gave him a peck on the cheek
"Now go, miss Carter is probably going to be jealous of you spending so much time with another girl" You saw his face almost catch fire at the sound of your words. "Good luck Steve, you better come back in one piece and with that knife on your hand"
You smiled as he walked out of the tent, looking back at you for a quick salute, making you laugh a little before going back to checking vitals as your mind drifted to memories.
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am-imagines · 5 years
And the Favorite is...- USWNT Imagine.
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I got this ask:  Hey I read your fic with R being Krashlyn's kid and it was pretty good. Can you do another one? Where R always shows up in someone's insta story like dancing with Sonnet, scaring someone with Kelly, going out for breakfast with Press or playing some kind of games with Tobin? Like how she interacts with her crazy and overprotective aunts. And I ran with it. I hope you like it, dear anon!
You can find the first part here.
I am totally biased, I hope you don’t mind.
The Olympics inauguration is only a couple of days away. It’s the time when nerves grow before disappearing at the ceremony, but your time is filled with so much activity that you don’t even have time to be nervous.
Your team is great and practice is always fun although you can’t wait for the first game. The excitement grows, the pressure builds, and you’re actually ready for your first Olympics.
In order to keep you distracted, your parents have found a thousand games for you to try. Your family isn’t exactly conventional, and those games are far from being board ones. You have to experience a new city in the company of the USWNT while getting information, playing pranks or doing certain things with them to win the game.
You don’t mind it one bit. You love all your crazy aunts. Hanging out with them is a fun way to discover the magic of a new country. They don’t keep you from getting lost. They just get lost with you. Thank God technology is a thing and the GPS has saved your life.
“Here’s another one!” Ash exclaims. “Who gives the best hugs?”
Currently, you’re sitting in bed between your parents while they livestream. Their fans are happy to see how you interact with them, and they don’t miss the chance to ask you stuff about them and the Krashlyn adventures in Tokyo.
“Ma,” you say pointing at Ali. “Her hugs are warm and soft. But mom’s are great too; rib-wrecking and yet can’t say no to them.”
A chuckle escapes your lips when both of them hug you at the same time. Ash kinda proves your point; making you grunt when she squeezes a little too tight. The smile never leaves your lips; much less when they decide to kiss your cheeks at the same time.
It’s embarrassing, but you do nothing to stop them.
Finally, they settle down and you shake your head in amusement.
They’re supposed to be the parents.
“Oh! I gotta go,” you announce mostly to the camera. “Pinoe must be waiting for me. Please, don’t embarrass yourselves or me more than you’ve done.”
“Can’t promise that, kiddo.“
Maybe it would be easier to leave if your parents didn’t cling to you like koalas while remind you to take care and call them if you need anything. You struggle for another minute before they finally relent. Then, they go back to their livestream while you put on your shoes.
“Here’s another one!” You hear Ash through the door, but don’t stay long enough to discover what is the next question.
Pinoe is waiting for you, and you find her with ease thanks to the pink hair.
Sonny and the others like to tease her about it, but you like her style. Not everyone can rock it like she does, but you’re gonna try to challenge the odds with a crazy hair color as well. Not pink, but probably just as outstanding. Blue, purple, orange, silver...you haven’t decided yet.
However, this day is all about make-overs, courtesy of Megan Rapinoe.
“Sorry I’m late,” you say when you make it to her side,
“I thought those two would keep you forever.”
She shows you her phone where you can see your parents throwing their teammates’ names around to answer God knows what question. You don’t have enough time to figure it out before Pinoe puts her phone in her pocket and offers you a pair of shades.
People assume she isn’t the most affectionate person; usually more compossed than the rest of the USWNT, but that’s not the case. Maybe she’s not as open with physical displays, but she expresses herself in other ways. Spending time around the city always means she spoils you like crazy. And no, that’s not the reason you love spending time with her.
Ash loves her for a reason, and you can see exactly why.
Being around Pinoe means not thinking about the Olympics for a bit, even when you can’t understand a single neon sign around you.  It’s all about fashion in ways other than clothes. Your hair ends up in a crazy color that looks amazing on you. It won’t be that visible under the helmet while you play, but you feel empowered by it.
Then, Pinoe gets you the perfect clears for your first game in a couple of days. You can’t wait to show them off, so both of you take a picture in front of the mirror in true Pinoe style.
A few hours later, when you’re back on your room, the pic comes up on your Instagram with a simple comment: #FavoriteAunt.
It makes you chuckle, but you like the post anyway.
“Y/n, Y/n! Come here. Hurry!”
You comply without thinking when Kelley motions for you to hide next to a trash can. She’s already recording, and that can only mean one thing.
“Who’s our victim?”
She’s about to prank someone and you’re always up for it. Mischief is clear on your eyes when you look at her behind the camera.
“Allie is about to come up.”
Of course. It had to be Allie of all people.
You’ve scared her over a hundred times, but it’s always fun to make her jump. Thinking about it, camp wouldn’t be the same without Kelley scaring the ever-loving socks off Allie Long, or any other poor soul she has as a target.
“You want to do it?” She asks although she knows the answer already.
“Hell yeah!”
“Language, kid!” She admonishes just for the show while beaming at you.
It takes barely ten seconds for Allie to walk down the corridor. She’s focused on her phone; giving you the perfect opportunity to strike.
You wait just for another second; letting her get closer before jumping and screaming as loud as you can. She screams back at you in total panic; her phone almost thrown at your face in a defensive reflex. It’s a good thing you have her a new phone case that actually protects her phone or it would be down for the count by now.
Kelley is laughing like crazy behind you, and so are you.
That doesn’t stop you from retrieving the launched phone, handing it over to Allie and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Love you,” you say smugly.
“You’re lucky I love you too or I would get you back for this,” she answers while pulling you in for a hug. “Now you, O’Hara, are a different story.”
“You don’t love me?” She asks Allie with that big mocking grin. “I’m the favorite aunt!”
“No, you’re not.” The blonde argues. “I’m the favorite.”
Kelley is still recording, and you’re sure she won’t be able to post all of that at once.
But you don’t know what started the whole favorite aunt debate and by now, you’re afraid to ask. So, while they’re still arguing over it, you make a silent escape.
However, when you see the whole thing posted all over social media later, you can’t help but like it and post a heart emoji directed at both of them. They don’t ask about it directly, so you don’t give an answer either.
The fans are going crazy when the entire soccer National Team jumps into the conversation. Everyone wants to know your answer, but you like to see them fight over that. It’s never too serious, so there’s no shame in enjoying the show.
You don’t make further comments, and all they can do is settle for the night.
It’s a good thing because you have a game to win the next day.
Your first victory is exhilarating, but your celebration is quite reserved. You’re on there to win just a game, and although it’s a great feeling to do so, you’re aiming for the gold.
Your nerves were gone as soon as you stepped up to the plate for your first at-bat. Your parents were right about it, and having the entire USWNT cheering for you brought the best out of the entire softball team. The greatest team is there for you; the next generation of golden athletes, and you’re ready to play the part.
After celebrating with ice cold Gatorade, you hang out on your parents’ room.
Playing Smash Bros on your switch with some of your teammates seems like the perfect way to unwind. After a few rounds, you opt to play Mario Kart instead, and you know exactly who would love to join the party.
Tobin calls you after accepting the invite. It’s not that she has a lot to say but because you love hearing her ramble and fight the game when things don’t go her way.
You send a blue shell after her and laugh when she groans in defeat. You don’t have to be in the same room to have a great time with Tobin. She’s amazing.
“You want to have dinner with Chris and me?”
“You getting me ice cream?”
“Fried ice cream if you hurry up.”
“On my way!”
You’d feel bad about ditching your parents, but they have plans with the rest of the team. They’d love it if you’d join them, but there’s no guarantee to make it back before curfew if you go with them. So, after letting them know you’re joining Press and Tobes for dinner, you’re on your merry way.
Dinner is spectacular and Christen smiles the entire time.
It’s not a surprise that the entire world is in love with her. She lets you try from her plate and shares your excitement over dessert while Tobin snaps a thousand pictures of the moment. It’s the perfect way to end the day; with an extra selfie where the three of you smile at the camera.
That’s the picture you post to thank them for an amazing night.
The Olympics advance and you try to follow as many events as you can while still being focused on your discipline.
It seems like forever before the USWNT faces their first match.
Your coach gives you permission to go to the match, and the world is ready to see if you’re wearing the jersey of your favorite aunt. You’re not sure why there’s so much expectation considering your parents are also part of the team. In your mind, wearing one of their jerseys is the way to go. And you make your way into the stands wearing the Krieger one.
You wear Ash’s number with your team, and well...you’re Harris too. So, you decided to switch for once. Watching Ali beam makes you happy, and you cheer them on with all your heart. The shouting never stops until your throat is sore and they come on top with their first victory. The atmosphere in the stadium is crazy, and you love every second of it.
It’s hard to tell what happened after that, but you make it to the Olympic Village on JJ’s arms. She’s stronger than anyone could imagine, and it’s shocking when she throws you over to A.D. as if you weighed nothing.
Speaking of strong women…
Every few feet you are in the arms of someone different until you make your way to Naeher. You can see the hint of a smirk on her lips and that makes you smile.
“Thanks for the save,” you say. “Pun totally intended. You were amazing out there.”
A nod is your answer before someone is calling for your attention.
“So,” Mal starts and you know the question before it leaves her lips. “Who’s the favorite aunt?”
“Not you, sorry.” You reply playfully while sticking your tongue out to her. “You’re too young, Rose and T. are the same. You’re more like my cousins.”
Everyone thinks of you as the kids even if you’re not an official part of the team. You’re okay with that, even when they’re overprotective most of the time.
“How did this whole thing start?”
“Livestream,” all of them reply at the same time.
The roll of your eyes is a given. Of course a fan question caused havoc among the USWNT. This has been fun, but they can keep going for ages, and it’s time to stop.
“If it started like that, then maybe it should end with another livestream.”
A deep silence settles over the entire team, and you realize that your inner thoughts were said out loud. It’s too late to backtrack because Kelley, Pinoe and Ash exchange a look before storming out.
“Mom, wait!” You call after Ash, but they’re already gone. “Oh no.”
Alyssa puts you down in case you want to follow them. There’s no real point. You won’t be able to convince them of not doing the livestream right at that moment. Instead, you allow Sonny to guide you through the corridors until you make it to your room.
To no one’s surprise, they already have half the things ready.
With a huff, you take your place in the middle of your bed while every single aunt takes a place wherever they can. Sam ends up on the floor next to Rose. Ali pats your shoulder and takes a seat in the other bed so you can deal with this madness.
Once everyone is seated, Kelley starts the broadcast with: “You know what we’re here for.”
“First of all,” you interrupt before she can say more. “I don’t know who you are, or where are you from, but for the person asking that, you have no idea of the utter chaos you provoked.”
With a glare to the camera, you return your attention to Kelley who only laughs at your words. She’s so damn crazy, and that’s one of the many reasons you love her.
“Come on, Y/n! You’re killing us.” Pinoe says from the corner. “Who’s the favorite aunt?”
“And the favorite aunt is...”
You pause for dramatic effect while you scan the room trying to find her. Then, the moment prolongs because you can’t find her between all the familiar faces.
“Wait, where is she?”
Everyone turns; counting heads and thinking about who is missing. Confusion grows until the door opens and the missing piece enters with a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, I’m late.”
“I knew it!” Kelley exclaims with a triumphant air fistbump.
“Of course you did. I told you before,” Alex says in the most nonchalant tone she can muster. “Y/n said it at her birthday party, remember? You got there late because your plane was delayed, but everyone else was there.”
“I thought it was just because she got you cake!” Sonny exclaims.
“The cake was just a bonus.”
“Why are you late anyway?” JJ asks Alex while the blonde holds you and refuses to let anyone else close to you.
“Well, I went for a blue one.”
“Swap?” You asks excitedly and Alex nods.
You can’t move when JJ holds you so tightly, but that’s okay. Alex takes the empty space between your legs while she puts her jersey over you. Blue is the kit you like the most, and Alex made sure to sign it for you.
In all honesty, you love them all.
They’re your family, weird as they are.
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aleapoffaithfiction · 5 years
"You learned to run from what you feel, and that's why you have nightmares. To deny is to invite madness. To accept is to control." ― Megan Chance
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“See, Jesus was crucified, just for me.”
While leaning over to the side, I slyly slid another piece of my usual Mentos Pure Fresh “Fresh Mint” flavored gum into my mouth and sighed in relief at the immediate jolt of energy I felt as my teeth broke its round shape apart and the flavoring hit my taste buds. I had to sneak it, because like the child she often thinks that I am, but mother would have held out her gloved hand and viciously eyed me until I defeatedly spit it. According to her, it’s not ladylike to chew gum and especially in church, but I’m going to chew it regardless and I doubt God is concerned with that minuscule vice in my life.
“Give me a piece.” Celeste leaned over and whispered in my ear as she held her hand out and I dropped the bottle into her lap. She didn’t have as much of a chance of being caught as I did because I was sitting in the middle of both she and mommy.
We’re members of Emmanuel Baptist Church over on Lafayette Avenue. It’s right on the corner of St. James Place in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn and is under the leadership of Reverend Anthony L. Trufant and his wife Muriel. We’ve been fellows of this church for as long as I can remember and my mother is a good friend of the family; as was my father when he was living. There was even a point in time when I had somewhat of a friendship with their daughters but it was short lived because in my younger years I had far less of a tolerance for people who I cannot relate to. Celeste and I were baptized in this church, daddy’s memorial was here, and Celeste wed her now husband Preston here two years ago. Though I dreaded it, we used to come here every Sunday bright and early so that I wouldn’t miss Sunday school. I was in the youth group for a while but eventually bailed out on having to attend it because I heavily got into sports.
Every holiday season, I was forced to participate in the Christmas Nativity play, where I would play Mary no matter how much I wanted to be one of the Three Wise Men. I met the first guy I would have a crush on here, though it lasted all of a week. I was even apart of the choir for a short run and I’m not even sure why, because I’m no vocal powerhouse. I’m not even a vocal power shed if you let me tell it. Despite my lessening attendance over these last couple of years, I still consider this place to be my church home and it is where I will come back to until further notice.
“Sing it.” I glanced over at my mother as she raised a hand in response to Lucinda Moore’s voice. After days of calling and convincing me to come to Saturday night’s service simply for this concert, I finally agreed for the sake of appeasing her and I can’t say that I’m mad at it. Lucinda can sing from the depths of her gut and never fails to take a praise moment to its highest peak. She’s been in between singing and preaching for about an hour now with a sermon that calls for us all to “meet God all the way” because half-way isn’t going to cut it for anything that we do in life.
“Look at Mr. Weston.” As Lucinda continued to belt her way through “The Old Rugged Cross”, my eyes followed the direction of Celeste’s head and I instantly snickered at the sight of the older man ogling over my mother and her glimmering chocolate skin. Mr. Weston’s been trying his hardest to take my mother’s hand in marriage and yet she won’t even give him enough attention for him to take her out on a Saturday night date. I don’t think it’s her internal yearning for daddy that causes it.
Mr. Weston doesn’t even have finesse within his aging bones to woo her into sitting next to him during Sunday service. Then again, it might be the trifling aspects of who he is. When he received the phone call that his wife had been rushed to the hospital after having a sudden heart attack, he’d been out with his mistress and had the audacity to drive over to the hospital with the mistress still in the car with him. Mrs. Weston passed away that day, but every damn body sat up in here side eying the hell out of him as he wailed over her during the funeral. If it’s up to me, he’ll never date my mother because of all of that nonsense.
Mrs. Williams is the one who wants him. Or is it Mrs. Davis? Maybe Mrs. Wright? I lost count after the third husband. And then there’s her sister Denise who is about the most judgmental person I know. The woman has something to say about everyone’s kids except her own, especially her daughter Tiffany, who has made it her business and life’s mission to snag a baller. She may have secured a couple of hotel stays for some middle of the night fun, but a ring? Not even a Ring Pop. Church is where you’ll find the most hypocrisy but I suppose it makes perfect sense why that is.
“We should grab a bite to eat at The Food Sermon after this.” I’m all for healthy eating but there are just certain dishes that I’m not having in a healthy manner and Caribbean food is that. I’ll be damned if I eat pan seared jerked tofu as a jerk chicken substitute. Celeste and Preston are suddenly super obsessive with their newly started vegan lifestyle and I’m not joining them. It’ll probably be temporary anyway. He’s only doing it because she wants him to.
“Or we can go to Glady’s. Mommy won’t agree with you about that one, because she prefers Glady’s too.”
“Fine, brat.”
“I’ll be that.” I could have chosen somewhere that wouldn’t be in consideration of her new diet if I really wanted to be a brat, but I didn’t. Glady’s has vegetable dishes that should work out for the both of them.
I knew it was coming. If her hands weren’t covered with gloves, she might have pinched my arm. I’m always sat in the middle just so she can keep an eye on me because I’m known to find ways to distract myself in church if my mind isn’t completely focused on the sermon or choir. The Lord knows me well. I doubt he have as much of an issue with it as my mother does.
While buttoning the front of my Alexander Wang loose fitting blazer, I couldn’t help but to regret opting out of putting on the wool trench coat that I had laying across the backseat of the car. The nearly end of October air is a lot chillier than I thought it would be. Despite not being someone who enjoys extremely warm or cold weather, I always look forward to the fall because it’s when fashion is at its peak. There’s nothing like a sickening jacket with nice pop of autumn coloring in it, all entirely black look that is sleek, or heavy denim. Oh, and a thigh high heeled boot? Don’t even get me started. Tonight’s dress is a long-sleeved calf length Lowe piece with deep tan, red-orange, and white stripes cascading down it’s form. What really sold me on it is the black lace accents. It’s church friendly and yet if I were going on a lunch outing with Taylor, I’d be just as fine in it.
“Sarai.” Quinton’s hand immediately grazed my shoulder as our eyes met and though I smiled, it was in no way as big as the one gracing his caramel face. Quinton and I went to school together and yet never had any interactions until his father died in the same war that mine did, nearly a year apart. I suppose us dealing with the same level of grief is what served as the foundation of the friendship that we formed. We simply didn’t harbor it as life went on. We barely speak nowadays but I’m sure he’ll say that it’s my doing.
“Quinton. How are you?” We shared an appropriate hug and the fume of his strong cologne instantly made me draw back. It’s not pleasant.
“I’m well. How are you? I see you doing big things.”
“I’m the same. And I’m doing big things? Is that so Mr. Councilman?” He was elected a year ago and is over the Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights, and Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhoods. I definitely consider him to be a man of the people, because he could have run for a position within areas like Williamsburg, Dumbo, and Fulton Ferry and won. He’s that well celebrated within these streets.
“I’m not on ESPN though.”
“That’s nothing in comparison to the news coverage about you, the mentoring that I’m hearing you’re receiving from President Obama so that you can run for the Senate, and maybe even the Presidency later on down the line? I think you just want me to brag on you a bit.”
“I won’t stand here and pretend like I’m not flattered.” We shared a laugh that attracted the attention of a few others. I could see my mother eyes lighting up from the corners of my eyes. She’s barely paying attention to what Denise is saying to her.
“You know we’re all proud of you.”
“But you’ve yet to be proud of enough of me to allow me to take you out to dinner. You know we have history.”
That history he speaks of is not our friendship. The summer before we went off to college, we pity fucked one another after having had a conversation about our daddies that left the both of us emotionally drained. Though he wasn’t a virgin, he might as well had been because it was far more of an awkward encounter than it was anything else.
I won’t hold anything about that hot summer evening against him though. No seventeen-year-old boy has the stamina of a stallion and the skills of a veteran porn star within the bedroom. Quinton barely knew who he was personally, so how could he have known who he was as a pleaser? The same could be said for myself.
It was me who decided that we should go on as if it never happened. Hell, it still feels like it never happened. While Quinton is a nice-looking man, I’ve yet to have even the slightest interest in him beyond our occasional run ins.
“Here you go. It’s a timing issue more than anything.” See? I’m a hypocrite too. First, premarital sex. Second? I’m lying right here in the house of God. No matter what the circumstances are, a person will make time for who or whatever it is that they want.
“It can’t always be timing right? We should plan it out so that we won’t run into scheduling issues. I know you’re up there in Bristol a lot and your schedule can be just as crazy when you’re not and you know I’m quite busy myself but I’m willing to make the time for you Sarai.”
Whenever he asks me out, I find myself pondering if we share anything in common beyond what we already know or what we’ll speak about while sitting across from one another at some upscale restaurant of his choosing and I always draw a blank. From there, I snicker at the thought of whispered words about Brooklyn’s fiscal year preliminary budget or development with the deeper urban areas being his dirty talk or pillow talk within the bedroom. That aside, I’m not interested in being his First Lady. I don’t want to play that role, because that’s exactly what it is. Politics is full of actors with empty promises. I’m not saying that Quinton cannot be genuine, but even those type of politicians are just as good of liars as the crooked ones.
“You have my number. Call me. We’ll figure it out.”
“I will. Just make sure you pick up.” That was a cheap jab, but I’ll take it. Out of all of the women within this church who are vying for a chance to be Mrs. Quinton Jeremy Marshall, he constantly comes my way. Maybe that’s something? I don’t know. Only time will tell, but right now, it’s not saying much because I don’t feel anything.
“I will.”
“Hopefully I’ll be able to convince you that we’re a good match before some NBA guy does.” And there it is; the assumptions about what goes on in my life pertaining to athletes beyond work obligations.
“I don’t date athletes.”
“I’m not saying that you do, but there’s no denying that they’re interested in dating you. Unfortunately, I don’t catch the show often, but sometimes I do catch a couple of those one on one interviews you conduct on YouTube and they usually feel like one big lust fest. Doesn’t that make you uncomfortable?”
“I don’t notice it. Also, I feel like people overexaggerate things. These days, you can’t sit a male or female of no relation in the same room without people creating sexual scenarios. That just shows you how screwed up people’s mentalities are.” And that includes you Quinton. I’m not sure if it’s jealousy or indifferent written all over his face, but it’s something. And this is yet another reason why we cannot date. He’s the worst version of an alpha male because there are plenty of sexist undertones within the way he thinks and what he says. He’d expect me to diminish enough of myself in order for him to feel like the man when he’s parading me around some fundraiser or while I’m standing in his shadow as if he gives some speech.
“Or maybe you’re downplaying things. I watched Odell Beckham Jr. stare at you like you’re some type of rare species. I know what those type of looks are about. I am a man after all.” Are you?
“Maybe I am a rare species. We’re not all cut from the same cloth, right Quinton?”
“Maybe so.”
“I’ll see you around though. My stomach is growling and my folks are waiting for me.”
“Don’t forget what I said”
“About timing? I won’t. As I said, give me a call. We’ll figure something out.” And with that, I left him to stare at me as I walked towards the back of the church.
I didn’t feel compelled to hug him again because it would have been lingering on his end and easily would have attracted more attention than I would’ve liked. Despite there being a number of women around here who would love to be claimed by him, oddly, there are people who advocate for us. Even Reverend Trufant snuck in a joke about being willing to officiate our nuptials when the time is right. I’d rather not give Quinton or anyone else any false hope tonight or any other.
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Rather than taking three cars, I drove everyone from mommy’s house over to the church. While it may have sounded pointless to them, I insisted that we go back and get Preston’s car so that I’ll be able to drive back to Edgewater right after dinner. I’m tired, cold, and I’m not staying out here tonight. She may have convinced me to come to service but spending the night at either one of their houses can quickly turn into a night of aggravation. I’m so used to living on my own that personality clashes happen as soon as my element is interrupted.
“That Quinton sure is fine.” I knew it was coming. It’d been on the tip of her tongue the entire time she sat in the passenger seat of my car, but I purposefully drowned her out with a couple of classics from Richard Smallwood. I knew she’d quickly began to sing along and forget about hounding me about him, but I should have known she’d only briefly put the thought aside. I can’t even enjoy this peppered shrimp and side of plantains now. Within a couple of minutes, the know it all will add in her warped opinion.
“Isn’t he?” How can she agree with her husband sitting right there alongside her?
“Is he still running for the Senate?” Preston directed that question to me as if I should know. I’ve only heard the rumors and it makes sense. I’m sure councilmen is only a stepping stone for a long running career in politics.
“I’m sure he will at some point.”
“And he’s looking for this one here to be his Michelle Obama and yet she’s running from it.”
“I’m not running from anything. I’m simply not interested. Michelle Obama is amazing and I admire the hell out of her, but not to the point of wanting to mirror her life. I doubt she’d want that for me either. This is a woman who has advocated for women to work hard to be exactly who it is that they want to be.” Michelle was never caught up into the dated traditionalisms of a woman needing a husband in order to look proper in society. She was already a lawyer when she met her now husband.
“And yet here she is, pushing away the one man who actually wants her enough to continue pursuing her.” If I were some tacky reality show chick, I would have made a scene in this restaurant but I won’t for the sake of my reputation.
“The one man who wants me?” I had to made sure I heard her correctly.
“That’s not how I meant it and you know it. You barely put yourself into situations to find someone.”
“I’m not looking.”
“And that’s the problem right there.” As soon as my mother interjected, I dropped my fork into the plate and rested against the back of the seat.
“For who? You?”
“She lives in a house about three times the size of mine and yet she’s in it alone.”
“I live in a house three times the size of yours because it’s what I worked for. I didn’t have to find a man to give it to me. I wanted it and went and got it. It’s not my fault that you can’t relate.”
Initially, I didn’t want to take any shots at her because I respect her lifestyle. She has a career, but it’s no secret that Preston is the breadwinner in their marriage and it works for them. They’re settled, happy, and are beginning to work on trying to have a baby. I rarely if ever label myself with the feminist title, but if I did, I wouldn’t be the type to frown down on women who want to be in the boardroom closing deals or at home raising their children and keeping the house put together. For as long as it is a choice, there is no judgement from me. But Celeste? She takes me there.
“Well lucky for me, I have a man who loves me enough to want to give me amazing things and the best part of it is we enjoy it together. I don’t live in a house three times smaller than yours alone. I don’t go to bed alone. I don’t travel alone. I don’t celebrate my birthdays alone. I don’t have to do everything for myself, whether I’m tired or not, because I live my life without anyone else in it. I have a life partner here with me. Where’s yours? Or did you have hopes that dad would always be the man in your life?”
And this is why whenever people ask me if we’re close, I laugh it off and shrug. I don’t know what we are. After the tragedy within our lives, we continued to grow further apart from the once closeness that we used to have. Even with her gravitating towards mom, we didn’t clash as much then as we do now. Our clashes are typically started by her. It’s the manner in which she seems to pick apart who I am that instantly rubs me the wrong way. It’s not even constructive criticism. It’s simply her being a bitch.
“Your dependency on men has always been at the forefront of your life. If it wasn’t Preston, it would have been someone else. And if it wasn’t that someone else, it would have been another person. I don’t ever remember any point in my life when you were single. So, I’m not impressed. Ya’ll can have this shit, honestly.” I dropped my napkin into the barely halfway eaten plate and immediately stood to my feet. I’d already paid for everyone’s meal as a treat, so I didn’t have to wait for some server to come over with the checkbook.
“Sarai, sit down.”
“I’d rather go and I am. Enjoy yourselves.”
“And this is why I call you a brat. Whenever someone says something that you don’t like or calls you out on your shit, you run.”
“Sarai!” Not even my mother’s stern summoning could influence me to turn around as I walked out in the night. My car served as my solace and the sounds of a Musiq Soulchild Essentials playlist from Apple Music was my soundtrack for my drive home. A blessing of no traffic at any point allowed my arrival time to be just a couple of minutes under an hour.
Let me ask you something. You really think I can come back from this injury? It’s not even a matter of getting back on my feet again because I’m sure that’s possible, but will I be the same player I once was? I’ve been thinking about it and the more I do, the more I really don’t know.
I hadn’t even gotten out of the car when his message came through and as I sat in my seat reading it, I immediately scoffed because I know that is nothing more than his own sulking with a couple of droplets of Scott’s ridiculously biased and purposefully controversial take about some players never being who they once were within their respective sports after surgeries that don’t exactly fix what may be permanent damage.
You’re going to be even better than you were before. We all know that everyone gets a thrill out of a good comeback story but this is more than that for you. You have something to prove to yourself more than anyone or anything else. Your determined spirit will carry you through this and next year, we’re all going to celebrate what you worked so hard for more than we’ve ever celebrated you before. You got this and you know you do. It’s what we’re all a fan of when we speak of Odell Beckham Jr; your keen awareness of who you are and what you’re capable of.
And just like that, I was starting the car. I hadn’t even gone inside to get out of the pumps that are now starting to cause my toes to ache.
Have someone open the door for me. I should be there in about twenty.
It took five minutes over the twenty I estimated because I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a hot chocolate. I wasn’t cold anymore because the heat in the car had already warmed me up, but I had a taste for it. I even grabbed Beckham a cup.
“Why are you the one answering the door?” I rang the doorbell about two minutes ago. No wonder it took so long for anyone to come and get it. As he leaned against the crutches, Khan and Blackjack were standing alongside him in a protective stance as Mowgli lingered around in the background.
“Nobody’s here but me.”
“I find that hard to believe. You’re never home alone.”
“You’ll be surprised how much I actually am home alone.” As he crutched himself backwards, the dogs moved alongside him in unison to allow me entry into the home. I think they’re starting to get used to me and I’m not sure if it’s a bad or a good thing. I’ve found myself bonding with Eris, who is technically the lady of the house.
“I got you a hot chocolate from Dunkin.”
“Thank you.”
“Uhm.” I noticed we weren’t going downstairs as I trailed behind him. Instead, he made his way into the living room and flopped down on the couch. He’d been playing video games before I arrived.
“Why are you so dressed up?”
“I’m coming from Saturday service.”
“Church?” His eyes widened and he couldn’t mask the few chuckles that followed. What’s so hard to believe about that?
“Why is that so shocking to you?”
“It’s not shocking, but I just can’t picture you going to church on a Saturday night. Maybe Sunday service, but Saturday night? No one under forty is going to a Saturday night service.” Alright. He got me there.
“I went with my mother, sister, and brother-in-law.”
“What’s your sister’s name?”
“Celeste.” I tossed my jacket on the arm of the couch right after placing the Styrofoam cup filled with hot chocolate on the glass coffee table.
“Lace? You sure you just went to church? Lace is more date night.” The lace is in places that most wouldn’t consider sexy. There is no cleavage on display; not even a bit of thigh. I would have been scolded endlessly had I done that.
“Why does lace have to be for a date night? Lace is universal. I used to wear white lace gloves to church when I was about five.”
“You’re certainly not five now.” Our eyes met and I took yet another sip of the warm sweetened drink. Suddenly, I wish it was a frozen hot chocolate.
“Someone did try to take me on a date though.” I’m not sure why I’m sharing this, but we’ve developed enough of a connection to the point where we share a lot of random and sometimes private information with one another.
“Who?” He hadn’t taken the game off of pause yet; didn’t reach for the hot chocolate either.
“Remember the friend who I mentioned to you? The one whose father died in the same war that mine did? Him. His name is Quinton.”
“I figured he was more than a friend when you mentioned him.”
“Why?” We were kids at the time. I didn’t emphasize much more than that.
“I don’t know. I just felt it.”
“Well, believe me when I tell you that we’re just friends. I’m not interested. There was a point in time when we crossed a boundary but nothing more came out of it.”
“Okay.” I was surprised that he didn’t question me about the boundary but then again, he’s just as intuitive as I am most times. He knows what boundary that was.
“He’s a councilman in Brooklyn now. He’s going to run for a seat in the Senate soon enough. Politics are his thing. He’s been trying to take me out for a while. For whatever reason, he thinks we’re a good fit for one another.”
“And you don’t?” As he stretched out his lengthy fingers, I could hear the sounds of a few of them cracking.
“No. I don’t think we relate much. We gel well as distant friends more than anything else. He’s looking for a wife. I don’t want to be that.”
“His wife or anyone’s wife?”
“I don’t know. Marriage isn’t something that I’ve made a part of my plans when I mapped them out. It’s not something that I’ve ruled out, but I’m not necessarily yearning for it either. It’s more of an it is what it is situation for me. You?”
“Initially, it was a big ass no. I wasn’t pressed for it. I watched my pop marry someone and I knew he didn’t want to get married. Ultimately, it didn’t work out for him. Now, I’m not against it. Whenever that day comes, it’ll come. I just want to do it one time when it does come. When I get down on one knee, I have to absolutely know that this is it and this person is going to be the one I’m growing towards wrinkles and diapers with. That shit has to work out.”
I’m sure everyone who stands at an alter and vows their life to someone feels exactly the same way he does. It’s supposed to be final; that moment to seal the deal between your soul and someone else’s. It’s tricky though. That honeymoon bliss eventually turns into tests of tolerance and plenty of trials and tribulations. In being around my parents, I was exposed to many of their friends’ marriages. Sure, they were in love, but I’m not sure if a few of them were genuinely happy.
“That’s fair.”
“So, this Quinton guy, he’s never getting a chance to prove himself? Not even one date?”
“Probably not.”
“What about me?” I didn’t expect it to go that route, but I know it’s been lingering on his mind since we began to bond with one another.
“Everything about us will never make sense and we both know this. Even what we’re doing right now wouldn’t go without question. I’m not supposed to be here or anywhere near you.” He sighed, not in defeat, but in disappointment at the words that I’d chosen as a response.
“How is that?”
“Because it’s a conflict of interest. Did you think that I was speaking in jest when I said that the night, we all hung out after your game? Having a personal relationship with you will easily have me viewed as someone who has a bias towards you and all that you do. I already catch hell for what I said about you, so can you imagine what would happen if TMZ happened to catch up the two us leaving some restaurant or nightclub together? Do you understand what would happen if you were to post or say anything about me on social media beyond whatever it is that I say about you in a professional setting? I would not only be ripped to shreds, but I’d be fired. Why do you think I kept stressing you and the guys about not post anything whenever I was visiting you at the hospital? Why do you think I was sneaking in, so bundled up?” The pictures and videos that are on his phone and everyone else’s are for personal memories. I don’t mind that. I figured they’d be something to put a smile on his face whenever he needs one, just as they do for me.
“Does it say in your contact that you will be fired for any of this?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t against the ethical code and conduct of the company? I would be forced to resign. Not only that, but do you realize how hard it is to be taken seriously as a female sports journalist? If you let the public tell it, I’m screwing every single athlete that I’m standing within five feet of. I’m not supposed to know about sports. You know how many ‘get in the kitchen’ comments I get? Hell, the NFL fans are the harshest. They tell me that I don’t know shit and I belong on my back for a living.”
“Because they’re fucking ignorant.”
“And yet it’s my reality. I’m not trying to nag you about this because I know what I signed up for and I can handle it, but how do I handle standing in front of the president of ESPN and him telling me to write my resignation letter before they’re forced to publicly embarrass me by firing me?”
“Within all that you said, you know you’re also saying that we can’t be friends and yet here you are, sitting here with me. I didn’t tell you to come here tonight. You came on your own.”
“Because I figured you were a bit upset. It’s the vibe I’d gotten in the text messages.”
“That’s the excuse you’re going with? You could have kept texting me. You came because you care and because you wanted to.”
“I do care about you. I just have to wonder how much do you care about me if you’re okay with me jeopardizing everything that I have and everything that I am for you and only you.” Instantly, he turned his head in my direction and narrowed his eyes.
“Me and only me? So, I’m in this alone?”
“In what?” I had to stand up. Not only had the tension in the room thickened, but my legs refused to remain settled. I kept bouncing them in an anxiousness that I couldn’t comprehend.
“Sarai. Seriously? And I’m not asking you to jeopardize your career.”
“Then what are you asking me to do?”
“I don’t…” His ran his hands threw his blonde curls and tightly closed his eyes. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t worry about it. I was only dropping by to check on you. I’m going to go.”
He frowned as I grabbed my jacket from the arm the chair and threw it over my shoulders. The quicker I leave, the better off we’ll both be in terms of riding ourselves of the steam. I’m tired anyway.
“It’s fine. I’ll give you a call to see how you’re doing soon.”
“You don’t have to go. That’s not what any of that was supposed to cause.”
“But I do. I need to go.”
Once my clutch bag was secured under my arm, I grabbed my keys off of the table.
“Be safe in here. Stay off of your foot.”
I was out of his door before we could exchange another set of words with one another and quite frankly, I’m not sure when I’ll ever walk through it again. I don’t have much, despite whatever people may see or believe. There are plenty of question marks next to a lot of the emotional aspects of life’s necessities but I do have my sanity and everything that I worked damn hard for. If that’s suddenly snatched away from me, then what’s left? A mother who doesn’t know much about me beyond what she assumes or wishes I were and an older sister who doesn’t take me seriously? Much like Beckham, I’m chasing a legacy and I have a lot more to do to make it eternally standing.
One date. We’ll do it somewhere around our old stomping grounds; it’ll feel nostalgic. Next week. I’ll get back to you with the day. Here’s your time.
If I have to choose right now, that’s the choice that makes the most sense.
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paintedface · 6 years
hopeless romantics
summary: prompt #7 for @denialanderror ‘s writing challenge: “are you trying to turn me on right now? Or are you really just that oblivious?”
pairing: bucky x reader
word count: 1568 words
warnings: fluff, bucky being way too hot
notes: a lot of my fics are so damn similar urgh, but oh well, here’s another fluffy one, for my boo bee’s writing challenge. also i’m torn apart from infinity war, so here’s some fluff instead (infinity war made my friend start loving sebastian). i’m not sure about how bilingualism works, so i’m sorry if I get some things wrong!
Permanent Tags are OPEN | masterlist 
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“Hey Buck.” You smile at your friend as you come into the common room kitchen. You sit yourself on the barstool, putting one leg over the other.
“Morning, doll. How’d you sleep?” He gives you a grin, setting a cup of hot coffee in front of you. Done just the way you like it.
You hum, cupping the mug in your hands as you take a sip. “Not bad. Still tired though.” You say, before letting out a yawn to further prove your point.
He chuckles as he pulls his long, tangled hair into a messy high bun, tying it with the hairband around his wrist. “You don’t look like it.”
You fix him with a playful glare, unfolding your legs. “Have you seen these eyebags? They’re bigger than your goddamn biceps.”
“Ooh, you like my biceps?” Bucky’s grin widens and you roll your eyes, cheeks warming.
“I did not say that, don’t twist my words, you asshole.” You point an accusing finger at him and he picks up his own cup, masking his smirk with a gulp of his coffee.
“If you say so, printsessa (princess).” He winks and you quickly flee the room before he can tease you more. Because damn, that interaction alone made your heart race and you’re sure that if you stayed there, you’d be fumbling for words.
“Well, well, looks like we’re the only ones that haven’t gone out tonight.” A voice says behind you, and you jump violently, turning around on the couch.
“Bucky, you scared me!” You wail, crossing your arms and turning to lie back on the couch.
He grins rakishly, sitting down and pulling your legs into his lap. “Sorry, sweetheart.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all and you give him a withering look.
“But did everyone else actually just go out to that club?”
“Yep, they sure did.” He takes the remote and goes straight onto Netflix.
You roll your eyes, leaning back onto your cushion. “Steve can’t even get drunk.”
“You should see him on the dance floor, kukla (doll).” Bucky smirks and you feel yourself shiver slightly at the name he gives you. You’ve learnt a little bit of Russian because you’ve always loved the language, but hearing Bucky speak it with a natural tone is so much more beautiful.
You bite your lip when he turns to select a movie, humming as he runs his thumbs over your calves, almost absent-mindedly. Like he has no idea what he’s doing to you. It raises goosebumps on your bare legs, and you resist the urge to squirm in his lap.
Fucking hell.
You end up watching Mulan, mostly because it’s a movie that Bucky hasn’t seen, plus it’s Disney. You can never go wrong with Disney.
By the time the introduction has started, Bucky’s pulled you into his side, your legs still dangling off his lap but you’re snuggled into him. He brushes his lips over your hair occasionally, humming all the wrong notes to the songs that play, sending you into fits of giggles.
“Ne smeytes’ nad moim peniyem, vozlyublennaya (don’t laugh at my singing, sweetheart).” He growls and you have to remember to breathe, because Russian in itself is just a language but why the hell does Bucky have to make it sound so damn hot. It’s doing a lot of things to you right now.
“I’m not making fun of you! I’m appreciating your efforts.” You tilt your head up to grin at him and he smiles back, shaking his head fondly.
“You’re a bad liar, printsessa (princess).” He reaches back to let his hair out of his bun, letting his hair loose around his shoulders.
These nicknames are really getting out of hand, and you’re getting more hot and bothered by the damn second. He’s being goddamn inconsiderate. Tentatively, you rest your head on his shoulder, his hair tickling your cheek lightly as he leans down to kiss your cheek.
You continue watching the movie, Bucky continuing to exclaim and babble in Russian. It happens all the time during movie night but tonight since it’s just you two, he’s a lot louder. And evidently, you forgot how much just him speaking, affects you. God, you wish you didn’t have a giant, crippling crush on your best friend.
“Ona prosto porezala svoi volosy mechom (she just cut her hair with a sword)! Y/N! How did she do that!” He gasped and you inhale sharply, disguised through the music. If he doesn’t stop, you’ll probably die, and that wouldn’t be ideal.
“I dunno Buck, she’s pretty badass.” You manage to say, shrugging as you shift yourself on the couch.
“Not as much as you are, krasivaya (beautiful).”
That’s the last straw.
“Are you trying to turn me on right now? Or are you really just that oblivious?!” You exclaim, pushing his chest, without force, but he falls back against the armrest as you realise what you just said.
Hurriedly, you try to backpedal because there is no way in hell that you’ll let your crush on Bucky ruin your friendship despite how wound up he’s gotten you tonight.
“I-I didn’t mean to say that! I was just pent up and-“
A smirk begins to grow on his face as he looks at you through his lashes. Is he intentionally…?
“Pent up about what, Y/N?” He props his arm up on the armrest, holding the back of his head in his hand.
“Nothing! N-nothing at all!” You stutter and he laughs softly.
“Kak ya uzhe skazal, ty plokhoy lzhets (like I said, you’re a bad liar).” Bucky shifts off the armrest, to take your hand, pulling you closer towards him.
“I heard you say it, Y/N. And you can’t go back now that I know.” He hisses, before digging his fingers into your side, making you squeak as he begins to tickle you.
“Stop, Bucky, stop!” You shriek, gasping for breath between your giggles as he grins rakishly, hands skittering down to your thighs to tickle you there too.
You try to wriggle out of his grasp, but he locks you into a hug, lips ghosting over your ear.
“C’mon, kotenok (kitten)…” He murmurs and you bury your head into his shoulder as you muffle your laughs, his fingers still tickling you relentlessly. He never lets up for one second, and you can’t fucking handle it-
“Fine! I have the biggest goddamn crush on you!” You yell, managing to pull away from him and almost falling off the couch.
Suddenly, the movie fades into background noise, and it’s silent. Your heart is the only thing you can hear, pounding in your ears as you watch Bucky’s mouth part slightly. His eyes are wide as you make to stand up shakily. You need to get the fuck away because you can’t stand to hear him let you down gently.
“I-I need to go.” You whisper, but before you can turn away, Bucky stands up. He loops his metal arm around your waist and pulls you flush against his chest. Opening your mouth to ask what on earth he’s doing, he leans down to capture your lips in a deep, but gentle kiss, rendering you unable to speak.
He grins against your mouth at your wide eyes, before pressing forward, his right hand moving to rest against your cheek, his thumb sweeping across your cheekbone. Oh god, this is actually happening. You’ve often thought it’s stupid how much people can describe a kiss but shit, you could go on forever.
Tentatively, hands shaking slightly, you curl your fingers into his t-shirt to pull him closer. Bucky lets out a breathless chuckle, before shifting his right hand to card through your hair. His touch sends tingles across your skin, and you tighten your grip on him even as you part for air.
“I have the biggest goddamn crush on you too, Y/N.” He murmurs, the corner of his mouth still quirked up.
“You do?”
“You think I would’ve kissed you if I didn’t?” Bucky asks, eyes searching yours intently.
“I…just never thought you’d like me like that.” You mumble and he sighs, sitting down and pulling you down to sit on his lap. His hands are wandering a little, running from your hair to down your back, as he dwells on what to say next.
“I’ve liked you for quite a long time, kukla (kitten), but I’ve never found the nerve to say it. So I just flirted with you, like, a lot.” Your cheeks heat up and he smiles at your expression.  
“And I guess it worked, which is strange because fuck, you’re so amazing, and I didn’t think you’d like me.” He breathes, hands moving down your sides to rest at your hips.
You’re acutely aware of the movie still playing in the background, but you don’t pay it any attention, instead, looping your arms around Bucky’s neck as he rests his head on your chest.
“By the way, I don’t just like you cause you sound hot.” You reiterate and he laughs, pulling away a little to gaze at you adoringly.
“Mm, ya tak ne dumal (I didn’t think so).” He grins and you glare at him, shoving his shoulders lightly as he chuckles again.
“Stop being such an ass.” You sigh in resignation, but you can’t help the smile that stretches across your face when he drags you back down for another tender kiss.
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Circuits of the Heart
Title: Chapter 5: The Blue One
Warnings: Slight swearing, innuendo cause had to, and slight violence by sparing.
A/N: Hi so as you've probably seen I update at super weird and random times. That is because with school I have to stay up late editing and writing. That means this back to back thing might not always happen. Also my main computer is my school one which blocks Tumblr. When I get access to my mom's laptop I'll add links to the chapters and masterlist. Until then look in the tags or search it!
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 Chapter 8
With the announcement of the mission I started to train with Black Canary one on one. The gala only a few days away meant I needed practice with my new weapon. Wayne Tech had created a weapon special for my powers. When inactivated it just looked like a small baton, the kind someone would use in a race, but when I touched it the nanotech inside reformed to be whatever I wanted. The two main weapons they had me train with was a bo staff and a katana. I was told the katana was for more serious battle and was prohibited against regular humans; lethal wounds was not our style.
“Alright, try that move again but with putting more weight on your right leg. I know it hurts but babying it won’t help it get better” Black Canary coached as I ran through the drills she had created. While my training was supposed to be one on one, I had gained an audience. Everyone had showed up to see how I was doing and what I could do.
“Woo go Circuit kick that air’s butt!” Cheered Wally but was immediately shushed by everyone surrounding him “I was just cheering her on.”
“When you’re done you should download those moves and commands to help create a place for your training to go.” Black Canary still coached from the sidelines.
“While I find this helpful, I now know how to properly use and control my weapon, would it not be more beneficial to fight someone. The best computer cannot predict the unpredictable patterns of a human.” I asked still moving my bo staff through the air, twirling and striking my imaginary opponent.
“We don’t expect you to be in a fight while at the gala, this is just more precautionary.” At that I gave her a look. “But it can’t hurt to get real world experience. Nightwing you use escrima sticks which can be used in a similar way to her bo staff. Circuit we’ll start with you facing someone who fights like you.”
I looked over at Nightwing and noticed the dark look he was sporting. After I had yelled at him our interactions have not been the same. After the first day of his ignoring me I went and talked about it with Zatanna. I had asked her if he would hate me forever or if I again had stepped too far over the line during the argument. Anger was new and strange but the feeling caused by him ignoring me was worse, it felt cold and it felt empty.
She laughed. “Hun, I told you he doesn’t hate you, in fact I think he was impressed when you stood up to him. He’s just worried and reacting very badly to it.” She started to walk away but after a few steps she turned around, “The ignoring part might be more from what you said during your rant than the actual anger; you basically said you liked him. That shook him, he doesn’t know what to do with that.” She left me in shock and a sharp heat filling my cheeks.
My thoughts returned to the situation at hand. This would be the first time during the three days since I woke up that he would be forced to be near me. Even though he would be trying to hit me, it still warmed my heart at the thought.
“Quit dragging your feet Nightwing, get over yourself and step up here.” Canary yelled.
He just grumbled and walked over quicker. He got into his stance, this time holding the sticks her regularly used in battle. I could feel their electricity from here.
“Okay, no electric shocks Nightwing, and Circuit no katana. Begin.”
We circled each other assessing the weaknesses and strengths that would help us win the fight. If Nightwing was smart he’d go hard at my right side due to the weakened state it is in. He also still had the strength, weight and height over me, but with his main weapon being imbued with tech meant a simple touch would make them mine.
I attacked first this time, I lifted my leg as had been instructed and pushed all of my weight forward, my leg planting back down, striking in a downward slash at Nightwing’s shoulder. His escrima stick came up and blocked the blow and pushed the staff away leaving my right side open. His hit landed on my ribs and made me stumble back, continuing with his assault he made a jab for my throat with the butt of his weapon. I twirled the staff to knock the attacks momentum away from me. I turned my body and kicked him in the stomach. He retreated a few steps and started again. As he made his strike on my I decided to block it with my forearm, when it landed I wrapped my hand around it.
Though the escrima stick had little in ways of advanced technology, it had metal and wiring I could take advantage of. I asked the wires and motherboard to short circuit for me and when his stick started smoking I knew they had listened.
With Nightwing distracted by his smoldering escrima stick I sweeped out his legs and put the butt of my bo staff at his throat. I had won this round.
“Very good Circuit you used his weapons against him, smart” Black Canary praised me with a smile.
My chest was heaving and I had sweat running down my back. The fight had taken considerable effort on my part and from the way Nightwing was laying on the ground it had for him as well. I leaned over him and offered my hand.
“Do you still believe that I cannot do well in this mission?” I asked.
He stood up and dusted himself off, not looking me in the eyes. “You seem to be able to handle yourself well.” His voice was gruff and after a quick glance at me he stomped off.
“Don’t worry about him I think you just bruised his ego, men like to win.” Artemis came up and patted me on the back as she commented on Nightwings aggravating behavior.
“Being a dude is definitely the reason he stomped off but for a completely different reason.” Wally came up beside me as well. A smirk making his eyes twinkle with mischief.
“Wally what are you going on about?” Artemis glared at him.
“Circuit just kicked his ass and even from the sidelines that was hot; I can only imagine how he feels.”  His eyebrows wiggled up and down in a way that was quite suggestive.
“I do not think his temperature would be a reason to exit in the manner he did.” I stated because Wally was being ridiculous, again.
“How can I put this in a way you’ll understand? You have done something very attractive and Nightwing wishes he could ‘mate’ with you, but since he can’t he went to fix it himself.” Artemis slapped his shoulder in disgust.  I felt a heat rush to every part of me and my stomach did a flip.
“Gross Wally, keep walking and keep your thoughts to yourself.” Artemis dragged me away but I was not really paying attention. All my processor could focus on was the fact that maybe I would not have minded partaking in some mating rituals if Nightwing had asked.
“Hold still. I still need to pin this part.” Megan mumbled with a mouth full of bobby pins.
The gala is tonight and I am told that it is a black tie affair. I had not known that meant sitting in a chair for two hours as Megan and Zatanna poked and prodded me. They slathered makeup on my face that distinctly smelled like orchids. When I saw Megan pull out a metal rod that, even from a foot away I could feel heat coming off of it, I begged to be released. I started to stand but Zatanna roughly shoved me back into my seat. There was no getting out of this.
By the end my hair was curled into waves before it was pinned up behind my head in an elegant updo. Delicate tendrils came down and framed my face.  I had a natural dewy look, though it was a big lie as I had over 15 different products on my face alone.
Next I had to choose a dress. The girls had laid out the few options Mount Justice offered. There was one option that had a dark scarlet bodice of crushed velvet and a full skirt of tulle. The next was a black dress. It had see through lace shoulders and silk that hugged the curves before it gently sloped outwards. The last dress was a dark blue two piece. The top was covered in lace with a solid blue underneath. After an inch gap came the skirt; the same lace covered the top layer and tulle filled out the rest of the full skirt.
“My personal favorite is the red dress” Artemis pitched in.
“Stop fantasizing about Wally and really focus. I think we all know the best dress she should wear” Zatanna responded with a sly look in our direction.
“The blue one.” We all said in unison.
I walked into the hangar prepared to leave in the jet that would take us to gotham. The teamed had gathered to see me and Wally off. Apparently Artemis, Zatanna, Megan and I were to make a grand entrance because we were the last to enter. The murmurs of conversation that had been happening ceased when we entered the room. All of the heads in the room turned our direction.  
“What is wrong? Did I put the dress on incorrectly?” I looked down at the dress smoothing the invisible wrinkles. I looked over at Nightwing to see his reaction. His mouth hung open slightly as he looked me up and down. I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear suddenly bashful.
Wally cleared his throat. “Um, no. You-you look amazing.”
Zatanna walked over and elbowed Nightwing in the gut causing him to grunt and turn to face her. “Yeah Nighty what do you think? Doesn’t that color just look great on her?” Nightwing shuffled his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. After his first look he refuses to glance in my direction.
“Yeah, she looks breathtaking. Circuit can I, um, talk to you for a second?” He made a jerking motion with his head. I quickly followed him to the secluded corner he wished to take me.
“Hey don’t go making out now! She’s my date tonight.” A muffled ow could be heard right after Wally’s comment. I could only assume someone gave physical retribution to his crudeness.
“If you are going to try and stop me from proceeding I will exit immediately.” I whispered with a glare. I could not understand why he is so adamant that I did not go on this mission. For most this would be pretty simple, but he seemed to think I was walking into a lion’s den.
“No, no I’ve learned that I can’t stop you. You’re strong and capable but it’s still dangerous and you getting hurt it...You just can’t, okay? Promise me you’ll be careful” He whispered urgently his eyes full of concern. My anger sizzled out as his soft and panicked voice washed over me.
“While it is entirely possible that I will be injured, I will try to avoid that.” I smiled at my answer hoping it eased his worries. He sighed and shook his head.
“I guess for you that’s as close to a promise I’ll get.” With that he gathered me into a hug and pressed his face into my neck. This was unlike the hug Megan had given me; her’s was full of friendship and joy. This one felt like a whispered pledge that I didn’t know the words to yet.
“Hey, let go of my date we’ve got places to be and you’re holding us up.” Again Wally’s yelling cut in during our moment. I would need to have a talking to him about that. Nightwing and I slowly parted and his eyes said he wasn’t ready to let go but knew he had to.
“I’ll be in your comms the whole time. Just call if you need anything.”
Wally and I landed at the airstrip and made our departure in a fancy limousine. The inside held seats for twenty with still enough room for a mini bar. Our driver asked for directions and then pulled out never looking back at us.
The ride was short and uninteresting. We went over the plans again making sure we had everything in place. Nightwing had been right he was in our ears adding notes to our plan as if we did not already know them. After twenty minutes we arrived at our destination.
I stared in awe at the giant mansion; it had every light on and it shone as bright as a star. Guests were arriving in the hundreds. The women's jewelry and clothing looked expensive enough that I’m sure the whole of Mount Justice did not cost as much. The men held their chins high so all they could do was look down their noses at others; practice makes perfect I guess.
I held my arm out for Wally to take and then nodded in the direction of the house.
“Into the lion’s den then?”
@lilylovelyxo @jadedhillon @gingerrosecosplay
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greysfanpage388 · 7 years
On The Brink - part 2
Hey there guys- here it is finally, part 2 of ‘On The Brink.’, the post season 13 finale collaboration between myself and the lovely @ferryboatsscrubcaps
So sorry for the long wait, we were both being kept busy with work and other stuff going on in life. I am also juggling writing ‘Amnesia’.
But here is the chapter, enjoy and do let us know what you think! :)
The link to chapter 1 is below- do check it out if you haven’t ;)
Owen’s eyes widened as he put two and two together.
Was he really interpreting it right? Was Amelia really hinting to him that she was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness?
He didn’t want to get his hopes up though, so he decided to confirm it with her first.
‘ Amelia, are you pregnant?’ he asked, an expectant tone in his voice. He was afraid to hear her answer though, for fear of being disappointed again.
‘ Yes, 4 months now.’ she answered meekly as she wiped her face dry after rinsing her mouth. ‘ And yes, it’s yours in case you’re wondering.’
Owen’s heart leapt for joy, but he remained calm for Amelia’s sake, not wanting to scare her off.
This was the moment he had always dreamt of, being a father. But now that the moment had come, he didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the circumstance in which he had imagined to find out the news. He had always imagined that his wife would give him a pleasant surprise, by presenting him with a wrapped up gift, and he would open it to reveal a positive pregnancy test. He would then embrace his wife gleefully and they both would shed tears of joy at having created a new life together out of their love for each other. Unfortunately, the circumstances in which he found out about this pregnancy were less than ideal. He and Amelia hadn’t been together for a few months since she had run away from him. Furthermore, with Megan now being found alive and returning to them, it was already a lot to handle without throwing a baby into the mix. What bad timing for such wonderful news.
‘ Is everything ok?’ he asked softly. He wanted to hug her tight, tell her that he loved her, kiss her forehead, rub her belly and tell her that everything is going to be alright, but there were so many things unspoken between them. He settled for giving her hand a comforting squeeze instead.
She nodded, blinking back the tears starting to form in her eyes. She had been more hormonal than usual and cried a lot more easily lately. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones.
‘ Arizona performed the detailed scan on me last week and everything was fine. Our baby is developing normally and she didn’t detect any abnormalities.’ she answered.
She didn’t tell him how she didn’t sleep the entire night before the scan, as she played in her head the possibility of the baby being anencephalic and wondered what would she do if the baby turned out to be anencephalic. She decided to keep secret from him how she cried in tremendous relief when Arizona told her that the baby was healthy and had a head. She didn’t let him know how she hid her pregnancy for a few months prior to the scan because she wanted to make sure the baby was fine and developing normally before she told anyone. She didn’t tell him how she spent all those lonely nights staring up at the ceiling and praying to the powers above to let this baby be healthy, because she couldn’t handle having another anencephalic baby.
‘ That’s great, I’m glad that everything is going on well.’ Owen nodded earnestly.  Part of him wanted to jump for joy and delight at the news , but another part of him knew that he had to give her some space as things between them were not really as they were before.
‘ Yeah, ‘ Amelia nodded in reply, giving him a small smile.
There were so many things running through Owen’s mind at that moment. He wanted to ask how she felt when she found out, why didn’t she tell him earlier, how had the pregnancy been treating her so far.
Instead, all that came out of his mouth was a simple request.
‘ Can I feel our baby?’
Amelia nodded as tears suddenly filled her eyes again.
‘ Yes, of course you can.’ she answered in a shaky voice.
Owen carefully closed the gap between them and slowly lifted up Amelia’s oversized shirt. He let out a soft gasp as he saw it- the small but prominent bulge on her belly. After a few months of not being in close contact with her, the change was obvious. It was too good and too surreal to be true- this was his own child, his and Amelia’s child which they had both created.
In awe, he slowly reached out his right hand to touch the bulge where their baby was safety buried inside.
As his hand made contact with her abdomen, Amelia felt herself being enveloped by a warm sensation. How she missed his touch!
He pulled her closer as he slowly and gently rubbed her belly.
‘ Hey bean.’ he whispered. ‘ It’s me, your daddy. I just found out about you and I love you so much already. I can’t wait to meet you.’
Amelia felt tears roll down her cheeks at Owen’s words. She internally chided herself for being so emotional lately.
Owen finally looked up at her, and seeing her tears, pulled her into a hug, feeling the small baby bump pressed against him.
‘It’s ok, we’re going to be fine.’ he whispered into her ear as he stroked her hair and felt her tears rolling down onto his shirt.
He released the hug and cupped her face in his hands.
‘ Amelia, we’re having a baby!’’ he proclaimed, with a wide smile on his face.
A dimpled smile slowly formed on Amelia’s face. She initially wasn’t sure what to feel about this pregnancy, especially since they both weren’t in a good place with regards to their marriage. However, Owen’s excitement was contagious, and coupled with the fact that the latest scan showed their baby to be healthy and developing normally, she allowed herself to feel the joy too.
She knew there were still some unresolved issues between them. She had yet to explain to him why she ran away ,and she had yet to tell him about her unicorn baby.
But right now, at this very moment, she allowed herself to celebrate the fact that they were going to be parents.
Their brief moment of joy and celebration was interrupted when Owen’s phone rang.
‘ Hello?’ he answered, his face still beaming with delight as he paused and listened to the person on the other end of the line.
‘ Oh, that’s great!’ he answered as a wide smile formed on his face. ‘We’ll be right there.’
Amelia looked at him questioningly as he hung up.
‘ The nurse in charge of Megan called.’ Owen answered her unspoken question. ‘ She said that Megan is awake.’
‘Let’s go!’ Amelia exclaimed, reaching to throw on the nearest sweatshirt and slipping on her tennis shoes. ‘
Owen nearly sprinted down the hallway towards Megan’s room, but slowed near the door, being careful not to spook her.
Amelia remained back by the door as Owen slowly walked closer to Megan’s bed. She was facing the wall, turned away from Owen, but cautiously turned her head to see who was there. Owen expected some sort of inflated reaction upon her seeing him for the first time in years, even just a smile would’ve sufficed, but instead, her expression didn’t even change. She turned her head back towards the pewter colored wall. Owen’s face fell.
“You still look the same, Eeyore.” Megan muttered, her voice empty and distant. Owen scoffed.
“Megan,” Owen said awkwardly as he wiped a hand over his face. “It’s- it’s good to see you.” The pure shock in his voice was quite evident. Though he had seen her everyday in the hospital since she arrived, this was different because now she was awake. He heard her familiar voice and a wave of all sorts of emotions swept over him.
“ Right back at ya.” She said, not moving an inch.
“ I missed you. I can’t believe,” Owen sighed as he traced his hairline with his hand. “I can’t believe you’re here.” ‘”
There was a long pause. Amelia watched the exchange attentively from the door. Megan hadn’t noticed her yet, which was probably a good thing. Amelia had decided to keep her distance, since Megan didn’t even know she existed. She would slowly introduce herself to Megan and go from there.
“Yeah, everyone thought I was dead. They stopped looking.” Megan said, her voice still extremely cold with absolutely no emotion.
“Megan, I’m so sorry. But after all that time passed, and no sign of the chopper, it just seemed like….”Owen explained, trailing off.
“Yeah, I get it. It was easier to stop looking and claim we were all mysteriously dead and gone, than keep searching. I would’ve given up too.” She shifted a little in the bed and cleared her throat. “
“Megan, I-” Owen started, but Megan interrupted, “Stop, Owen.” She turned her head quickly to look at him. “I don’t blame you. I’m alive. You’re alive. That’s all that matters, okay? Enough with the stupid apologies and details.” She stared into his eyes for a moment and saw the mix of emotions on his face. She felt bad for him, and almost wanted to get up and give him the tightest hug ever. But she couldn’t; she wasn’t there yet. It was going to take a while to warm up to the idea of emotionally and physically interacting with her closest friends and family. She wasn’t exactly coddled for the past few years.
Amelia watched as Owen’s shoulders fell at Megan’s words. She could practically see the excitement and hope leave him and be replaced with confusion and hurt. She watched as he swallowed hard and squared his shoulders.
“Alright, well, I’ll come back later.”  He said, turning towards the door and walking out with heavy footsteps. Amelia gently laid a hand on his shoulder and followed his lead down the hallway, back out to the car.
He got in the driver’s seat after opening the passenger door for his wife. He put the keys in the ignition, but sat there unmoving, like he just couldn’t start the car yet. They sat in silence for a few moments, as Amelia knew that was what he needed. Finally, he broke the silence. “I’m not sure what to do.” He sighed heavily.
“I know, O. It’s hard. Neither of you know what to do.” Amelia replied softly.
Owen looked over at her, feeling grateful that she was there to support him. Megan’s reaction really hit him hard, but Amelia being there by his side softened the blow a bit.
“Thank you, Amelia. For being here.” Their eyes locked on each others for a moment, before his trailed down her torso towards her tiny bump. Even though she was wearing a sweatshirt, he thought, she still looked as gorgeous as the day he first met her and as when she walked down the aisle. “And thank you, little bean,” Owen said, smiling, towards the baby bump, “For bringing so much happiness into my life already. I love you both.” Amelia smiled, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together, finally getting the loving touch she’s been longing for for months. This was a good thing. He was a good thing.
The couple shared small talk on the car ride home about the baby, possible nursery arrangements, and how they would tell their friends and family. Amelia was really enjoying this, sharing this joy with the love of her life. But the reservations were still there. No matter how many ultrasounds and blood tests she had done, or how many times Arizona reassured her that the baby was completely healthy, Amelia always had a nagging feeling in her telling her there was something wrong. After what she went through with her first child, she couldn’t allow herself to completely believe that her baby was healthy. She didn’t want Owen to notice her reservations, though.
“So what do you think, boy or girl?” Owen asked.
Amelia hesitated.
“It really doesn’t matter, though. I’ll be over the moon either way,” Owen practically swooned.
The baby wasn’t even here yet and he was already acting so adorable.
“Doesn’t matter to me, either. As long as it’s healthy, I’ll be happy,” Amelia said, trying to force a smile. She couldn’t stand that she was letting these stupid doubts and worries creep into her head. Owen could tell something was up, but didn’t want to push her too much.
He put the car in park as he rolled into its usual spot in their driveway. “Me too, Melia.” He smiled at her before getting out of the car to open the passenger door for her. As they entered their house, smelling the hint of cinnamon from their burners, Amelia sighed and sat down her purse on the barstools. She went to the fridge and pulled open the door, observing its contents for a minute before choosing a bottle of water and shutting the door. Owen lingered by the bar counter, sensing her off mood and feeling it out before he pushed for details.
“I’m really tired, O. I’m just going to head to bed, okay?” Amelia said with little emotion in her voice.
“Amelia, it’s eight o'clock.” Owen said, glancing out the big windows in their foyer and chuckling a little.
“Well… I’m just going to go read a little. I have some journals to catch up on. Some cool things have been going on at Mayo in their neuro research department.” Amelia said a little more excitedly, obviously trying to put on a front for Owen. She turned away and walked towards the grand staircase.
“Amelia….. you okay?” Owen asked, cocking his head a little and looking at her with sympathetic eyes. The classic Owen look.
She nodded and smiled, uttering a “mhm.”
She tried to go back up the stairs, but he interrupted again, “Okay, if you’re fine, then…” he sighed, “Goodnight.”
Amelia looked back to see him drop his head and run his hand over his forehead, furrowing his brows. She thought about going up the stairs and retreating to those medical journals. But instead she just stood there. She wanted to be able to share her concerns with him, but she just didn’t know what to say. And she knew it would lead to that argument. The one that’s been lingering between them since the moment she left home that day, since their argument in the stairwell, since she told him they were expecting. She swallowed hard, and looked up as she breathed out deeply. She walked back down the bottom few stairs and over towards where he was standing.
“I feel like I need to tell you-” Amelia hesitated, “I need to tell you how I’m feeling. How I’ve been feeling. I need to tell you…. just everything, O. But I don’t know how and I don’t want it to lead to a big fight. I want us to be happy - to be US again. And to do that we need to share everything with each other.” She blurted out.
This truly shocked Owen. His wife wasn’t one to willingly share her feelings - ever. He looked up at her as she spoke and listened intently. He was ready to have this talk. He wanted to hear her concerns, emotions and thoughts and be able to guide her through them. To tackle them - together. That’s what marriage was about.
‘Well, ok, I’m all ears.’ said Owen earnestly.  After his wife withdrawing from him the past few months, he was glad that she was finally willing to open up to him.
Amelia swallowed and took a deep breath before she began. This was the inevitable moment that she had been trying to avoid-  revealing the truth to her husband, barring her entire soul to him, telling him her deepest and darkest secrets.
‘Well, first of all, I’m so sorry for running away from you,’ she admitted in a small voice. She did indeed feel remorse for escaping from him. He had been so loving, kind and caring towards her and she ran away from him in return.
He remained quiet but nodded, silently urging her to continue.
‘I was just…...I was frightened, O. I went away because I needed some space and time, I needed time to breathe.’
‘I know, you told me that I was suffocating you.’ Owen replied, a bitter tone in his voice.
‘ No Owen, just listen to me, please. I haven’t finished my story!’ Amelia said exasperatedly.
‘Ok, go on.’ Owen conceded, folding his arms in front of his chest.  He was still furious about Amelia yelling at him about suffocating her shortly before she ran away. But he deserved an explanation from her and he was now finally getting one.
‘Do you know that I was actually so excited when I first thought that I was pregnant? In my excitement, I even went and blurted out to friends and colleagues that I thought I might be pregnant. April, Maggie and Meredith knew.  I even asked them about the best way to tell you. Then Meredith had to ruin it by saying that with Ellis she didn’t have to tell Derek as he was already dead. It was then I realized that the last time I had a baby, I didn’t have to tell the father because he was already dead. And it brought back all those memories about my first pregnancy.’ she said, her voice shaking.
‘Your first pregnancy?’ Owen asked curiously. He remembered her mentioning about her baby living for 43 minutes while they were in the hospital chapel after Samuel’s death. He didn’t probe her further about it then, as they were merely colleagues and didn’t know each other well back then.
Amelia nodded in reply.
‘Remember I told you about Ryan- my boyfriend back then who died of drug overdose?’ she asked softly, tears pooling in her eyes at the mention of Ryan’s name.
Owen nodded. Yes, he remembered it vividly.
She took a deep breath before continuing.
‘Well, it’s his.’
It tugged at Owen’s heart to hear her admission.  She had lost a fiance and a baby in a short period of time, it must have been so heartbreaking for her.
‘I’m so sorry.’ he whispered, for lack of better words.
‘When I first found out I was pregnant with his baby, I was in denial at first, but eventually, once I accepted the fact, I was rather excited.’ she admitted.  ‘ I was excited about being able to carry a piece of him in me. So when Addison revealed that the baby had no brain…..my heart just shattered. It was the most devastating news I had ever received.’
She shook her head at the memory, as a stray tear rolled down her cheek.
‘You had an anencephalic baby?’ Owen asked softly, feeling so sorry for her, but not knowing the best way to react. He wanted to hug and comfort her, but there were so many unresolved issues between them and he wanted her to tell him the entire story first.
‘I did.’ she replied. ‘He was the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. I held him in my arms for 43 minutes before he developed respiratory distress and had to be taken away from me. When Addison and Jake took him away,  It was like a piece of me was being taken away, and it left a hole in my heart. I called him my unicorn baby, because he was miraculous. I was given the option to abort him earlier on,  but I decided to carry him to term so that he could donate his organs. In the end, after his birth, he donated his organs and saved lots of lives during his short time on earth.’
‘I’m so sorry to hear that, Amelia. That’s a very honorable thing to do.’ Owen whispered, as he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze as a gesture of support. He had newfound respect for her. Not every woman would willingly carry their anencephalic baby to term just so that they could donate their baby’s organs. It was such a noble thing to do.
Amelia shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks.
‘Don’t feel sorry for me.’ she answered. ‘I’m sure he’s happy up there wherever he is, and smiling down at us.’
‘I’m sure of that too.’ Owen replied softly, giving her a small smile.
This gave Amelia the courage she needed to open up about her true feelings and emotions to him.   ‘ When I first found out that I was pregnant, I had a major freak out. I hid myself in the bathroom for a whole hour, until Maggie had to knock on the door to ask if everything was alright. I was hyperventilating and I couldn’t breathe. The possibility that this baby might be born anencephalic as well suffocated me, Owen. I just couldn’t handle another brainless baby.’ She sniffled, shaking her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘I felt so alone then, and I didn’t know what to do. I finally confided in Maggie and Meredith and begged them to keep it a secret. They suggested me to go for antenatal booking with Arizona, so that’s what I did. She was amazing. I’ve been to 3 visits so far, and each time I would have anxiety and palpitations waiting for my turn . There was always this nagging question at the back of my mind about what would I do if this baby has an abnormality.  I wasn’t ready to face that possibility. So you can only imagine my relief when Arizona informed me that this baby is developing normally and has a brain during the latest scan last week.’ she added, exhaling deeply.
Now that she had told Owen all her underlying worries and issues about having a baby, she felt a huge burden being lifted off her chest. She really hoped that he would understand.
A tense silence filled the air as Owen tried to process Amelia’s words.
Now, he finally understood why she was so afraid of getting pregnant again. The loss of her first baby must have really taken an emotional toll on her. Still, part of him was hurt that she decided to run away and hide all her anxieties and past issues from him instead of opening to him about it and letting him help her. It showed that she didn’t trust him enough to tell him about her insecurities and let him support her through it all.
‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’ Owen asked softly, trying his best not to sound condescending. He was just curious to know why did she make that decision of running away and hiding the news from him when he had been nothing but supportive of her all this while.
‘Because I wanted to make sure that this baby is ok first.’ Amelia answered. ‘I wanted to wait until the detailed scan confirmed that everything is fine with the baby before I told you.  I was afraid that if I told you earlier and this baby turned out to be abnormal,  you would blame me and leave me. But after the scan last week, I didn’t know how to go about telling you given the current circumstances between us.‘ she added, gesturing between them.
‘Leave you? Why would I leave you, Amelia?! Did you honestly think that?’ Owen was seriously taken aback by Amelia’s confession, a hurt tone apparent in his voice. Did she not trust him?
Amelia studied Owen’s face, realizing from the tone of his voice and his facial expression that he meant every word he said.
‘It was the main reason I went away actually.’ she admitted.  ‘ I was afraid that you would leave me if our baby has any abnormality.’
Owen shook his head sadly.
‘I didn’t know you had so little faith in me,’ he said in a disappointed tone.
‘I have faith in you, O. I just got scared and ran like I always do. I didn’t want to face the possibility of having another anencephalic baby,  and losing another baby and you in the process.’ Amelia admitted.
‘You know that I love you so much and I would never leave you no matter how our baby turns out to be!’ Owen emphasized earnestly.
Amelia felt a sudden pang of guilt at Owen’s words. He had been nothing but supportive, kind and caring towards her, and yet she didn’t trust him with her insecurities and secrets.
‘I know you love me so much,’ she said softly. ‘I’m so sorry. I guess it’s an irrational move on my part, I acted out of my instinct. I should’ve talked things out with you instead of running.’
‘Melia, marriage is about being there for each other and supporting each other no matter what happens. When I said I’ll be by your side no matter what comes our way, I really mean it. So stop running. Open up to me. Relationship is about communication. I cannot understand how you’re feeling unless you tell me exactly what’s in your mind and what’s bothering you. Only then can I help you,’ said Owen, taking both her hands in his as their eyes met.
‘Ok, I will.’ Amelia nodded as she gave him a grateful smile. She wondered what had she done to deserve such a wonderful man in her life.
Owen let go of one of her hands to reach to her stomach. He softly grazed his hand over the cute little bump. “This is my child. Our child. And we’re going to have such a great life together - the three of us. And I can’t wait.” He leaned down and placed a kiss right on the top of his wife’s baby bump.
“Me either, Owen.” She smiled at him and looked into his eyes longingly, prompting him to lean in and draw her in for a long, soft kiss.
They both pulled back abruptly when a loud ring pierced the silence of the cozy living room.
Owen reached for the phone, which was perched on the kitchen bar counter. “Hello?” His eyebrows furrowed a little as Amelia watched him. “Oh, yeah hi… What? Really?” Owen ran a hand over his face and sighed. “Okay, we’ll be there soon. Thanks.”
Amelia looked at Owen with a questioning expression until he explained. “That was the hospital. Megan had some kind of… attack. PTSD, maybe? They don’t know, they sedated her, but they want me to come in and see what I can do to help.” Owen said before grabbing his keys off the counter and escorting his tired wife out the door.
When they arrived at the hospital, Megan’s doctor met Owen and Amelia in the lobby and escorted them to her room while filling them in. ‘She has been sedated, but she’s starting to come around, so if you,’ the doctor said, stopping to turn towards Owen, ‘could just go in and see if you can talk to her.. I think that would do some good.’
‘She’s probably not going to want to talk to me,’ Owen said firmly.
‘ Maybe not, but when she wakes up she’s either going to be very confused and emotional, or she’s going to launch right back into attack mode. If that happens, you’re probably the first one to be able to calm her down.’ the doctor explained as Owen nodded in agreeance.
‘Alright, I’ll go in.’ he conceded.
He grabbed Amelia’s hand and gave it a single squeeze before opening the door and walking into Megan’s room.
Inside, Megan groggily rolled over in the bed, now turned to face towards Owen and the door where Amelia and the doctor were prepared to watch whatever exchange occurred.
‘She was yelling and screaming just now and just wouldn’t stop. I don’t know what exactly triggered the episode.’ the nurse in charge of Megan told Amelia softly as they watched Owen slowly walk towards Megan’s bed.
‘ Megan.’ Owen whispered, his voice full of emotion as he slowly walked towards her bed.
Megan just stared at him with stony cold eyes. Her years in captivity had dulled their sparkle. Her entire face was red and it looked like she had been screaming and crying.
‘ Megan’ he whispered again as  he took his place by her bedside.  ‘ How are you feeling?’
She just stared right through him, with a blank expression, which scared him and made his heart sink. It was obvious that she was hurting, and he wished he could do something to help her.
‘ Megan.’ he repeated.  ‘ It’s ok. You’re safe now in America. You’re no longer in the battlefield.’
Amelia stood at a respectful distance from Megan’s bed, watching the interaction between the Hunt siblings with interest. Megan’s doctor and nurse meanwhile had excused themselves out of the room.
There was still no response from Megan.
‘ I know that whatever is going through your mind now is torturing. I know you can’t block off all the things that have happened over there. I know, because I’ve experienced it before too. But just know that I’m here for you.’ he added as Megan remained stoic.
‘ Please look at me.’ Owen now pleaded. ‘I love you so much, please just say something. Yell, scream, punch me, whatever, just do something instead of ignoring me.’
Megan remained stoic and still, as a tense environment filled the room.
Owen cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched in reflex at the contact and violently shrugged his hand away.
‘Get away from me.’ she growled in a low voice.
Owen backed away slowly from her bedside, heartbroken but understanding that she needed space at the moment. He was suffering from PTSD too and he knew how it felt like.
‘Ok, I’ll give you some space. But just know that I’m here for you.’  he said softly.
‘ You’re lying!! You’re lying to me!!  Don’t you dare pretend that you care for me!’ she screamed at the top of her voice, her face red with anger. ‘ Because I know you don’t!!’
Owen felt his heart sink to the bottom of his chest at his sister’s accusation.
‘ You don’t care!! You all don’t!!’ she screamed again as she waved her hands violently in the air. ‘ I hate you all!!! Get the hell away from me!!!’
Amelia gestured to Owen to leave Megan’s bedside as she pressed the nurse’s call button.
‘ I think we better leave.’ she suggested softly as she gently guided a crestfallen looking Owen out of the room.
A few nurses and army officers entered the room to calm a still screaming Megan down.
Owen and Amelia sat in silence in the hospital waiting room, both busy entertaining their own thoughts.
‘She hates me’ Owen whispered, shaking his head, a defeated look on his face.  ‘ She hates me.’he repeated again.
‘ She doesn’t hate you, O.’ Amelia reassured, stroking his arm comfortingly. ‘ She was just rescued after 10 years of captivity, she must have gone through a lot of emotional and physical trauma. She needs time to readjust back to normal life. Maybe everything is a shock to her.’
‘I know that. But it still does feel like she really hates me.’ Owen admitted sadly. ‘ You saw what happened just now. She looked at me with full of spite in her eyes. And I feel like I deserve her hate. I was the one who let her get on the helicopter. Had she not gotten on the helicopter, this would not have happened. I’ve failed my own sister, Amelia..’
‘ Owen, stop saying that. Stop blaming yourself.’Amelia said gently but firmly, as she took his hand in hers and looked at him in the eye. ‘It’s not your fault, and you know it. Had you known what was going to happen, you would not have let her get on the helicopter.’
‘ I just feel so heartbroken to see my sister, my little sister in such a condition.’ said Owen in a melancholic tone. ‘I feel so helpless, my role as an elder brother is to protect her, and yet I failed to do so. And now there’s nothing much I can do to help her. I feel so hopeless.’
‘I know that you feel hopeless now. There’s nothing much you can do except to be there for her and support her.’ said Amelia. ‘She would need your support now more than ever. She might not say so, but she needs you, Owen. She has a long road to recovery ahead of her and you can be there for her every step of the way.’
‘I didn’t expect it to be this hard.’ Owen shook his head.
‘It is hard, I know.’ Amelia admitted. ‘ It is going to be a long and tough journey ahead for you both. But I’ll be there to give you both support and encouragement. I have booked the best psychiatrist in the country to fly over here to see you both.’
Owen looked at Amelia, feeling really grateful for her support. Their eyes met and unspoken words were exchanged. His eyes showed angst and despair and hers showed sympathy and compassion.
Amelia slowly pulled Owen in for a warm hug and he surrendered to the hug, feeling the comfort of her heart beating against his chest. The warmth of Amelia’s touch made him believe that maybe, just maybe, like everything else, he could get through this with her and their baby by his side.
Hey guys- here it is, the end of chapter 2.  Do let us know what you think, we would really love to hear from you!! Comments, reviews, reblogs, messages are very much appreciated!!
p.s The next chapter might not be up that soon as @ferryboatsscrubcaps is on a one week vacation.
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Grey's Anatomy: Danger Zone (14x05)
An episode about the Hunt siblings. This was delightful and actually made me tear up a few times.
We learn the full story of what happened to Megan leading up to her kidnapping. And while for the most part I really enjoyed the story, there were aspects of it that made me dislike certain characters. I knew that Riggs had cheated on Megan, but the idea that he proposed with another woman's necklace? Ew! And the fact that Megan apparently cheated on Nathan first sort of undercuts the story of redemption we're going for, right? And Owen is overprotective, we all know that, but getting in the way of his sister's career is a really despicable thing to do. All of these bad things are overshadowed by the lovely moments we have in this episode, but I'll admit I felt like some of this behavior was crossing some serious lines!
Most of the episode is taken up with Owen and Megan road-tripping from Seattle to LA, where Megan is going to live with Nathan and Farouk. Scenes of them driving together are cut with flashbacks to the events overseas. We see Megan and Nathan get engaged and then learn that each was cheating on the other, we see Megan miss out on an important career opportunity and suspect that Owen is the cause, we see Megan helping a woman who turns out to be one of the bad guys, while the actual hero is accused, while unconscious, of terrorism.
The flashback scenes were good. I really like the camaraderie established between Owen, Teddy, Megan, and Nathan. They make a good team. But the meat of the episode was watching Owen and Megan work through their issues on the long drive to California. (Small nitpick - the show seems to imply that they made the drive in one day without stopping to sleep. Seattle to LA is not a one day trip, okay?) But these scenes were great. We see the siblings smile and laugh, and also scream and cry. Megan reveals that she cheated on Nathan, and Owen realizes that Nathan is actually a good guy - all these years, and he never said a word about it. In the end, this plot thread is about Owen learning to let Megan be her own person. She needs to move to the warm and sunny beach. She wants to start over with Nathan and Farouk. And Owen finds a way to make peace with that before the episode is over.
Nathan and Farouk, meanwhile, are already settling in to their new California home, trying to make it ready for Megan's arrival. Farouk is honestly the cutest little kid. I cannot even handle it. And watching Nathan interact with him made me so happy. Farouk is baffled by the luxury of his new life, and is having a hard time adjusting to some of the changes, but he's a sweet kid, and Nathan helps him out by telling him that he's a little scared of starting over as well. Megan's arrival sees the three of them starting off on their new grand family adventure.
The last shots of Megan were one of the things that made me cry. Earlier, she told Owen that she always promised herself that if she escaped, she'd find a beach so she could be on the water, and she'd treasure that freedom. We see her standing in the water, laughing and crying, and then Nathan and Farouk are there, and the three of them play together on the beach. Undeniably cheesy, but just so cathartic.
The other moment that made me cry was when Nathan texts Meredith. He simply says "thank you" and Meredith replies with her own text that also just says "thank you." It's their way of saying goodbye to one another, and it encapsulates something beautiful about their relationship. Being together was so important to both of them. It helped them in ways they desperately needed. But Nathan belongs with Megan, and he has Meredith to thank for making that happen.
I'm sad Nathan is leaving the show. I'm actually pretty bummed that we didn't get a final scene between Nathan and Owen. But this is actually the best way for this character to depart. He gets peace and happiness, along with new challenges - starting over in a new city, suddenly being thrust into the role of a father... it's all pretty big stuff, and I'm excited for Nathan to get a chance to move forward with his life.
Speaking of moving forward, this episode is mainly focused on the Hunt siblings, but we do get a rather dramatic plot point right there at the end... Owen and Amelia break up. It's a gentle, quiet moment, that comes from one of Owen's epiphanies on his road trip with Megan. He's too loyal to ideas. He has this image for what his life is supposed to be, and that makes him hold on too tight. He knows that he can't stay with Amelia just because he feels responsible, or because he wants things to be different. He needs to let go and find what can make him happy, and he wants happiness for her, too. In a mimicry of ceremony, the two take off their wedding rings and hand them to each other, and then share a hug.
I was never really convinced by Amelia and Owen's relationship, and silly tumor nonsense aside, I think this is probably what's best for the two characters. I was surprised that we got to this point so quickly, but I think it works really well. It was touching to see them come to this moment together, and wish each other the best.
Grey's Anatomy often makes a really strong showing when it chooses to zero in on a smaller group of characters. I like that we never saw the hospital, and that with the exception of brief moments from Meredith and that ending with Amelia, we focused just on the army gang this week. I think it made for a very successful installment.
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the-vinedresser · 6 years
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YA GIRL FINISHED HER FIRST SEMESTER OF SENIOR YEAR WOOOO 1. Kind of barely made it out alive, but in the end I’m honestly really proud of myself. I studied really hard for my last final and was actually able to concentrate and curb anxiety and it was amazing.
2. My friend is so funny. After our midterm we were both so happy because it was so easy and he was like, “Well, Megan, it was nice taking this class with you…” LOL and proceeded to give me a bro hug HAHA you know, the one where you high five with one hand and half hug with the other. So funny so adorable I loved it. His consistent presence just simply helped me get over whatever hump I was going through, even if it was super fleeting and temporary, those moments of happiness and silliness were still real and I appreciate it a lot.
3. After I worked on the American Constitution final with a couple friends and man oh man. That had to be the worst final I’ve ever taken. The amount of work was just EXCRUCIATING. Holy. We worked on it for the full limited time which was 5 and a half hours. No breaks. No food. We were so frustrated but we all eventually pooled answers and ran to the library to print them out and hand them in.
4. Got some food with E and it was pretty nice because I love to listen and she loves to talk so it was a good match. HAHA Also nice to talk to someone who is majoring in the same liberal arts subject as you. We got to talk about books and work and all of that.
5. On my way home I got some citron soju. I really wanted Jack Daniels honey whiskey because a friend bought it one time freshman year and it was amazing but the guy said it was $27 so NOPE. Did I drink it by myself? Yes. Did I post it on social media and delete it? Yes. Because people will always think of it as sad, but I just love alcohol ok. LOL I just like unwinding and chilling while watching cooking shows and playing animal crossing on my phone.
6. But lately, I’ve been thinking of experimenting and partaking in a fully sober month. No cigarettes or alcohol. Just to see if it makes my mind sharper and my overall mood better.
7. Took the train home. Bro picked me up. Conversation is awkward as always. I used to think it was because we’re so different, but maybe it’s because we’re so alike that there’s a disconnect. We’re both especially secretive when it comes to our deep thoughts and struggles and we both feel quite intensely. We’re both just kind of intense in general. LOL So when we don’t have that light and vulnerable person to warm us up, like our other brother, it’s just kind of like AHH who initiates what first. And what I also noticed is that we love strangers. We love interacting with them and giving them respect and being open to them right off the bat. But with that, we sometimes don’t cultivate the deepest relationships.
8. That being said, I actually left my cellphone at the train station bench. My mom tracked the phone and it said it was at a McDonalds in Carmel, New York. My mom and my brother started freaking out, convinced that someone stole it and the person who stole it is a no-lifer who works at McDonalds. Eventually they called my bro’s number after we texted my phone and we went to pick it up. But ok firstly, when my brother was driving us home from the train station there was a massive accident and we were stuck in traffic for a really long time. Then, after we get home and he finds out my phone was potentially stolen, he starts calling my phone like crazy AND THEN starts calling the McDonalds at least 5 times. So then he drives me to the McDonalds to pick it up and everything and literally expects no recognition. I say thank you and he doesn’t even respond. He just goes back to normal like nothing happened and honestly we might not have the most invigorating conversations but his acts of kindness and care that he puts into my well-being is more than enough.
9. Oh so yesterday after I drank soju I listened to music and smoked and it was 2am but almost 40 percent of the lights were still on in other apartments and I felt so comforted by that because almost every roommate I’ve had sleeps at midnight the latest. I’m just like THANK YOU I’m not crazy after all. Nighttime is the best time. In the daytime I’m literally in a state of disgust because the streets are so congested and people are hella stressed and impatient. It’s also just too bright and it hurts my eyes. Anyways, the sound of silence was a first that night and all I heard was the wind. The fresh air and being surrounded by plants is so nice.
10. But I’m glad I’m moving out of Stuytown. LOL because it makes me kind of hayfeverish. Like all the buildings and rooms are the exact same, all you see are older rich people with their annoying ass kids (some are cute but most are argh) and I just don’t feel at peace with it for some other arbitrary reasons. I like the rustic feel and the uniqueness of an apartment complex. It really emphasizes that people and life experiences are different. I also just felt like judgment? I know it sounds silly because no one gives a fuck about me but it just seems like the people around me are more inclined to judge versus if I lived in the lower part of the East Village, ya know? People are younger and more open-minded.
11. There’s something about Connecticut that recharges my batteries like no other. I already feel SO inspired. The creative juices are just oozing out of me. I’m just daydreaming, making food, and thinking of the next creative process. It’s so nice. I feel a life-change coming on. I feel like I really have to start putting myself on a regimen. Healthier foods and meditation, as well as journaling. Like actual journaling in a physical notebook? We’ll see, I’m still thinking about it. Also, if you couldn’t tell, my thoughts and ideas are usually very noncommittal. I probably won’t follow through on most of the things I say. LOL
12. I’m taking life too seriously. Since when did I take life so seriously? I am reaching to find a life purpose/moral/goal to focus and hone in on so I can be stable in what I want and be less prone to bending myself into different shapes so I can receive approval from people. I choose to live a life of truth! I don’t want to buy into whatever the dreamy world is selling. Do I want money and glory? I mean, of course but do I want happiness more? Absolutely. So I really want to be intentional in trying to do more things that solely bring me happiness. Because if I don’t, it’s a cycle of worry and heaviness that I now know I have complete control over. GET AWAY FROM ME NEGATIVE PEOPLE. I DON’T GOT TIME FOR THAT.
13. I think being at home brings time the most joy because, again, I am extremely sensitive to my environments and I honestly had an epiphany just now, but… MY FAMILY IS SO NICE. I think they are honestly the nicest people I’ve ever met. They’re truly gems. They feel and care and do so much for other people and they get so much joy out of doing so, even if it takes so much work, time, and effort. That’s so noble and wholesome and I respect that so much. Although my other brother’s motives can be quite questionable and sketchy sometimes, I accept all of him. LOL honestly I have faith in the both of us to mature wonderfully and be as level-headed as the rest of our family because all we like to do is pride ourselves and pick fights. lolol
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greysfanpage388 · 7 years
Safe Haven
Hey guys- this oneshot is a continuation of 13x23, about Omelia staying at Meredith’s with the Shepherd kids while the chaos ensues in Grey Sloan Memorial after the fire. According to Debbie Allen, apparently there would be 2 storylines going on at the same time in the season finale. I’m assuming that the storylines are the fire and Omelia at Meredith’s. Here, I’m going to explore how Amelia would be there to support Owen, while babysitting the Shepherd kids.
This is also based on a prompt sent to @omeliafics
Prompt : Can someone write something about a prediction of what happens after the last Omelia scene we saw ( Owen sleeping) and what happens when Megan comes and stuff?
P.s  This is written before the season finale airs.
Thank you so much @jia911 for helping me to proofread this  :)
The door closed behind Meredith, leaving Amelia alone in the sitting room with Owen still peacefully sleeping on her lap.
He had poured out his heart and soul to her earlier on, as he admitted to how guilty he felt for giving up on finding Megan and moving on with his life while she was being held captive and most probably tortured. He let out all his anguish and regret as he sobbed in her arms while she held him in a warm, comforting embrace. After all the times he had been there for her, including holding her as she sobbed in the elevator a week ago, she knew it was her turn to support him. So she held him tight and rocked him in her arms, the gesture which she knew would bring him comfort. Gradually, his sobs ceased as his hold on her loosened and his eyes closed.
She slowly rested his head on her lap as she stroked his hair softly, like she would do to the Shepherd kids to calm them down. Looking down at Owen’s sleeping figure, Amelia felt a guilt pang. She ran away and left him with a mere note, letting him believe that he was responsible, when in fact all he had been was kind, caring and loving towards her. His eyebrows were still furrowed in his sleep, inadvertently showing the burdens he had been carrying alone all this while. She now realized that when they had been staying apart - she still had her sisters to talk to, and her nieces and nephew to cheer her up. Owen, on the other hand, had no one at all. He had been keeping all his emotions, his anger, loneliness and sadness pent up inside, and they all exploded when he received news about Megan.
Now that she was responsible for his current emotional state, the most she could do to make it up to him was to be there for him, to be his rock and his support.
She remained in the same position for a few moments, stroking his hair, afraid that if she moved, she would wake him up. She wanted him to get as much rest as possible.
‘ Auntie Amy!’ Zola had placed her school bag in her bedroom and was now standing in front of Amelia, holding Bailey’s hand.
Amelia placed a finger over her mouth, as a silent signal for the girl to keep quiet.
‘ Sshhh…..he’s sleeping’ she whispered, gesturing at Owen’s sleeping figure.
‘ What is uncle Owen doing here, aunt Amy?’ Zola lowered her voice down to a whisper. ‘ Why is he sleeping here? Is he tired?’
‘ Yes, he’s tired and he needs some rest.’ Amelia whispered back.
‘ Ok , let him rest first.’ said Zola considerately.
She then cocked her head to one side and looked at her aunt questioningly.
‘ But doesn’t he need to eat, aunt Amy?’ she asked. ‘ Is he joining us for dinner?’
‘ Yes, he is, Zozo. But let him sleep first.’ Amelia answered. ‘ He’s tired.’
She then slowly lifted Owen’s head from her lap and placed a pillow underneath his head . He stirred but didn’t wake up.
‘ Why is he tired?’ Zola asked, demanding more answers.
‘ Because he had a long day at work, Zozo.’ Amelia answered patiently.
‘ Oh ok, in that case, let him sleep.’ said Zola, finally satisfied with Amelia’s answer.
‘ Hey Zola - wanna go play with your brother while I make dinner?’ she asked the little girl as she bent down to give her a pat on the shoulder.
‘ I wanna help.’ said Zola stubbornly. ‘ Let me help you make dinner, auntie Amy.’
‘ It’s ok Zola- you don’t need to. Just go play with your brother.’ said Amelia, giving the little girl a wide smile.
‘ Ok auntie Amy. Come on Bailey, lets go and play doctor.’ said Zola as she took her brother by the hand and led him to their bedroom upstairs.
Amelia was about to prepare some salad when she heard a cry being emitted from the baby monitor, indicating that Ellis was awake.
Rushing to the children’s bedroom to pick Ellis up from her crib, she returned back to the kitchen to resume her chore with Ellis bouncing on her hip.
The little girl had stopped crying and was now giving her a wide grin.
‘ Oh- you just want to be held, don’t you?’ Amelia asked in the voice she reserved only for babies and toddlers.
‘ Mia’. the little girl said as she touched Amelia’s cheeks with her plump hand.  Since the almost 2 year old had started speaking, Amelia was known to her as ‘Mia’.
‘ You’re such a big girl now, aren’t you?’ Amelia said as she ruffled Ellis’s wavy hair affectionately.
‘ Mia’. the toddler repeated, as she played with Amelia’s hair. Lately, since Meredith had been working longer hours in the hospital, Amelia had been taking care of the Shepherd siblings when she wasn’t on duty. This caused them to be more attached to her. Ellis in particular, would always lift up her hands whenever she saw Amelia, demanding to be carried.
‘ Alright Ellie- I’ll put you down on the chair ok? I need to prepare dinner for you and your siblings.’ Amelia said as she gently placed the toddler on her high chair beside the kitchen table and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.
‘ You know- I feel so sorry for uncle Owen and wish there’s more I can do to help him.’ said Amelia, talking to Ellis but not expecting a reply. ‘ I can’t imagine how it’s like to find out that your sibling has been tortured all these years. I miss your dad too. You really look like him you know? He never got to know about you. You would’ve had him wrapped around your little finger.’
Ellis gave her a sweet smile in reply and she tapped the little girl’s nose affectionately emitting a giggle from her.
She didn’t notice Owen standing at the hallway watching her interact with her niece. Owen had woken up after a short slumber and had gone looking for Amelia upon noticing that she wasn’t sitting on the couch anymore. The scene in front of him made him forget about his current troubled thoughts. Observing how affectionate she was towards Ellis and how attached the little girl was to her warmed his heart. Her words touched him too. For a moment, he imagined Amelia in the kitchen talking to one of their children. He quickly shook the thought off his mind.
‘ Uncle Owen!’ Zola, who had just came down the stairs with Bailey after being bored of playing, exclaimed excitedly upon seeing him.
‘ Uncle Owen!’ Bailey echoed as he ran up to Owen and hugged his leg.
From the kitchen counter, Amelia looked up and saw both Zola and Bailey clinging onto Owen’s leg. For a moment, she let herself imagine what it would be like with their own children clinging onto his leg.
She shook the thought off her mind as she smiled at him. He looked more refreshed, but still downcast. He wasn’t lifting the kids up and twirling them around like he usually did.
She put down the knife she was using, wiped her hands on her apron and made her way towards Owen.
‘ Hey, you feeling better now?’ she asked softly.
Ignoring the fact that both Zola and Bailey were still clinging onto his leg, she cupped his head in her hands, forcing him to look at her as their eyes met.
Zola giggled happily as she looked up at both of them. Her uncle Owen and aunt Amelia loved each other, she was sure of that.
Owen shook his head, a forlorn expression on his face . ‘ No, but I’ll manage.’ he answered.
‘ Hey Zola, Bailey, why don’t you both go watch some TV?’ Amelia suggested to the two kids who ran to the living room and started fighting over the remote, leaving the two adults standing face to face in the kitchen.
‘ Well, think about it this way, you’ll get to see her again.’ Amelia reassured Owen as she rubbed his arm comfortingly.
‘ Yes, but she won’t be the same person anymore.’ he frowned.
‘ I’ll make sure that you both get the best PTSD specialist.’ said Amelia firmly but gently.
Before Owen could reply, Zola called out from the living room.
‘ Auntie Amy! Uncle Owen! Look- there’s a fire!’ she pointed to the TV screen.
Owen and Amelia walked towards the TV, Amelia carrying Ellis on her hip.
The TV screen was showing breaking news about fire breaking out in a hospital and firefighters trying to contain the fire.
Amelia gasped as the news broadcaster mentioned the name of the hospital - Grey Sloan Memorial.
‘ Oh my God.’ she muttered as she saw the footage of firefighters putting out fire from the left wing of the hospital building. She took a sideway glance at Owen. His face was grim and his jaws were clenched, which was a danger sign that he was going to have an outburst.
Just then, her phone rang. She placed Ellis in a playpen at the side of the living room before answering. It was from Meredith.
‘ Meredith- are you ok? I just saw the news…’ Amelia asked, her heart pounding.
‘ I’m ok, I just arrived at the hospital.’ Meredith’s voice sounded hurried. ‘ Listen Amelia could you help me to take care of my kids overnight? I need to pull an overnight shift, they need an extra general surgeon here….there was an explosion and fire originating from the 3rd floor.’ Amelia could hear chaos and firetruck sirens wailing in the background.
‘ Ok sure.’ Amelia answered. She was about to ask whether they needed an extra neurosurgeon but decided against it. Owen and the kids needed her too.
‘ Thanks so much.’ Meredith sounded relieved.
‘ Is everyone else ok?’ Amelia asked, concerned.
‘Gosh, I don’t know Amelia- everything is in chaos. The firefighters are putting out the fire and patients on the left wing are being evacuated and transferred to Seattle Presybetarian.’’ Meredith’s voice was drowned out by the sound of sirens wailing.‘ Listen- I’ve gotta go- I see Chief Bailey beckoning to me. I see Jackson, April and Maggie too.’ said Meredith before hanging up.
As soon as Amelia hung up, a pair of eyes were staring up at her.
‘ Auntie Amy, is my mommy ok?’ Zola asked, a terrified expression on her face. She had lost her father, she couldn’t afford to lose her mother as well. ‘ Is the fire at the hospital where you and mommy work?’
‘ Yes it is , Zola, but your mommy is fine. She just called me just now. Don’t worry ok?’ Amelia answered as she gave the girl a hug. Zola nodded in relief.
Amelia looked at Owen. He hadn’t moved from his position on the couch. He was sitting there dazed, staring at the TV which was now showing other news.
‘ Owen.’ she called him softly.
‘ I need to go to the hospital now.’ Owen muttered under his breath. ‘ April is alone in the ER with the residents.’
‘ Owen, there’s nothing you can do. They’re transferring the patients in the left wing to Seattle Presybetarian.’ said Amelia as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. The truth be told, she was worried about him. He was not in the right state of mind to be helping out in the hospital and treating patients. She wanted him to have some space to process the news about his sister first and not having to worry about what was happening in the hospital at the moment.
‘ I need to go to the hospital, now.’ Owen said in a dangerously low tone, his jaw clenched.
‘ Owen- April can manage it. You need to rest at home.’ said Amelia firmly but gently. ‘ The other doctors have got this. You need to process the news about Megan first. Don’t worry about the hospital just yet.’
‘ I need to go.’ Owen repeated, louder this time, as he stood up from the couch.
Amelia gently pulled him back down on the couch.
‘ Owen, it’s ok. Just sit down and relax.’ she said in a soothing voice. ‘ Take a few deep breaths.’
Owen finally conceded and leaned back on the couch, sighing in defeat. He knew it was no use arguing with Amelia. She could be so hard-headed at times.
‘ Then you should go.’ he suggested. ‘ I’m sure they need an extra neurosurgeon.’
Amelia shook her head. No, she wasn’t going to leave him alone with her nieces and nephew. Although he was usually very caring and loving towards them and they adored him, he wasn’t in the right condition to be taking care of them alone today.
‘ Owen, I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here with you and the kids.’ said Amelia firmly.
Owen covered his head with his hands. He had never felt so hopeless before. He hated the feeling of being helpless, of not being in control. He just found out that his sister had been held captive and most probably tortured for 10 years, and now Grey Sloan Memorial- his workplace and his second home for so many years, was on fire. He didn’t even know whether his colleagues who were in the hospital now were safe.
‘ Owen.’ Amelia was now sitting beside him and rubbing soothing circles on his back.
‘ Just leave me alone.’ said Owen a little harsher than he intended, causing Ellis to be startled and start crying. Amelia immediately stood up, strode over to pick the little girl up from her playpen and returned to sit beside Owen, careful to keep a distance between them.
‘ No, I’m not leaving you alone.’ Amelia replied, rocking Ellis on her lap.
‘ Is uncle Owen ok?’ a small voice asked.
Zola and Bailey were both standing in front of Owen and looking at him with concerned looks on their faces.
‘ Uncle Owen.’ Bailey called, stroking his hand.
‘ Uncle Owen, don’t be sad please.’ said Zola as she gave him a hug.
‘ Zola , no.’ Amelia mouthed. The last thing she needed was for Owen to suddenly lash out at her niece. She had seen his behavior during a PTSD attack and understood it, but the Shepherd kids were too young to understand.
To Amelia’s horror, Bailey joined in the hug. Zola frowned as Owen didn’t reciprocate the hug.
‘ Zola, Bailey, uncle Owen isn’t feeling so good and needs some rest. Can you go upstairs to your room? I’ll call you down when dinner is ready.’ Amelia tried to diffuse the tense situation. The children obeyed and trudged up the stairs as Zola gave Owen one last concerned look.
‘ I have to prepare dinner.’ Amelia announced as she lifted Ellis up on her hip and gave Owen a pat on the shoulder.
Dinner time was filled with chatter from Zola and Bailey who were too young to understand the implications the fire had on the hospital. Amelia chatted with them, trying to create a normal atmosphere during the meal for their sakes. Owen remained silent the entire meal and Amelia kept on stealing glances at him.
After dinner, Owen excused himself and went to the living room to sit on the couch. He sat still, staring at the blank TV screen.
Amelia meanwhile proceeded to ensure all 3 Shepherd children were bathed, dressed in their pyjamas and put to bed. After she kissed them goodnight, she went back down to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
She then called Maggie for an update about the hospital, as Meredith wasn’t answering her phone.
‘ Maggie- how is the situation in the hospital? Is everyone ok? Have the patients been evacuated?’ Amelia asked concerned.
‘ Amelia.’ Maggie’s voice sounded serious on the other side of the phone. ‘ I was about to call you. Edwards is in critical condition in the ICU. Apparently she was at the site of the explosion. I don’t know exactly what happened. She was with a little girl and a dangerous patient during the time of the explosion.’
‘ Oh my God.’ Amelia whispered in shock as she leaned against the kitchen counter. Stephanie was her favorite resident and her favorite mentee, and she couldn’t imagine doing rounds or performing surgery without her. This news really hit her hard.
‘ Is she going to be ok?’ she asked in a small voice, feeling like a concerned family member.
‘ I don’t know- right now Jackson , April and Bailey are working hard to save her. I’ll update you ok?’ said Maggie.
‘ Ok, thanks Maggie.’ said Amelia in a shaky voice as she hung up. Looking down at her hands, she realized they were shaking too.
Peering into the living room, she could see Owen still sitting still on the couch.
She decided she was going to leave him out of the latest news. He certainly wasn’t in the right state of mind to be processing all this at the moment. It would be too overwhelming for him.
‘ Owen, talk to me.’ said Amelia softly as she walked into the living room and took a seat next to him. ‘ Tell me how you’re feeling right now.’ she added as she placed a comforting arm around him.
‘ How am I feeling right now? What do you think Amelia?’ Owen asked in a harsh tone. ‘ I just found out that my sister has been kept in captivity in a freaking basement for 10 years, suffering while I blissfully went on with my life. And now the hospital is on fire and there’s nothing I can do about it. There’s nothing I can do about both issues. So tell me, how do you think I’m feeling?! Huh?’ he added angrily.
‘ I know Owen, I know it’s all too much to process right now. And I know the feeling of being helpless very well. It’s not your fault, Owen. You didn’t know that Megan was still alive. She made the final decision to go on the helicopter herself. And you didn’t start the hospital fire. You can’t do anything right now to stop the fire, let the firefighters handle it. And let our colleagues who are in the hospital now handle it. Right now, you need to focus on YOU. ‘ said Amelia as she scooted closer to him and wrapped him in a comforting embrace, unfazed by his sudden outburst.
‘ Leave me alone, Amelia. I’m such a mess.’ Owen mumbled. ‘ You don’t want to see me in this condition.’
‘ No, Owen, I told you I’m not going to leave you.’ Amelia replied firmly.
‘ Leave me alone, Amelia.’ Owen repeated in a harsher tone, but making no attempt to free himself from her embrace. ‘ Please.’
‘ No.’ Amelia replied stubbornly. Instead, she tightened her embrace on him. ‘I’m never going to leave you alone anymore. I’ll be here for you always.’
Feeling the warmth of Amelia’s embrace and the comfort of her words, Owen allowed himself to break down again in her arms. He sobbed and sobbed continuously. He sobbed for his sister Megan who had been held captive in a basement and had never experienced sunlight for 10 whole years while he himself had gone on to get married twice and established a stable career. He sobbed for Grey Sloan Memorial, the hospital where he worked for so many years and his colleagues whose lives were in danger. He sobbed for April Kepner who had to hold the ER fort on her own. But most of all, he sobbed due to the feeling of helplessness he felt at not being able to do anything about the current circumstances.
Hugging him tight, Amelia rocked him back and forth in a comforting gesture.
They sat in the position for several moments until Owen’s sobs gradually ceased. Amelia slowly released her hold on him and cupped his face so that their eyes met. His eyes were filled with sorrow, anger, hurt and regret.
‘ I let her get on the helicopter.’ Owen muttered. ‘ Had I prevented her from getting on it- she wouldn’t have spent the last 10 years suffering….. ‘
‘ Owen, it’s not your fault.’ Amelia emphasized, tracing the rough contours of his cheek. ‘ Had you known- you would’ve stopped it. But you wouldn’t have known that the helicopter would go down. And you didn’t know that she’s still alive. There’s nothing you could have done. But it’s not too late. She’s still alive. Think about it. She’s still alive and she’s returning back to you.’
‘ She won’t be the same person anymore.’ Owen shook his head sadly. ‘ She is too damaged.’
‘ Like I said, I’ll get the best counselling services for her. And for you. For both of you.’ Amelia said softly but firmly. ‘ I’ll try to talk to her too. Let me help.’
‘ She’s my sister, she’s my little sister and I failed to protect her.’ Owen continued, shaking his head in despair. ‘I’m her older brother, and older brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters.’
For a moment, Amelia was reminded of Derek. As egoistic and self absorbed as he was, he had always been the protective older brother when they were growing up. He always had her best interests at heart and he was her best friend during her rebellious childhood and teenage years. Now he was gone and she missed him so much.
She shook the thought of Derek off her mind and shifted her focus back to Owen. He was hurting and needed her.
‘ I’m sure you’re a great brother to her, Owen. She knows that. She knows that you love her, even if you don’t always show it.’
‘ How do you know that, Amelia?’ Owen asked, looking at her with sad eyes.
‘ Because I had an elder brother too, and younger sisters know these things.’ she answered softly.
Owen felt a guilt pang sweep over him. He had been so absorbed in his own anguish about his little sister’s suffering that he had forgotten that Amelia herself had lost a sibling. Derek was gone forever and never coming back to Amelia, whereas Megan was still alive and returning to him. And yet here Amelia was, comforting him.
‘ Amelia, I’m so sorry.’ he whispered.
‘ Shhh…..it’s ok- you’ve been so supportive to me all this while and now it’s time for me to reciprocate.’ said Amelia as she held his hands in hers and rubbed gentle circles on the palms of his hands.
‘ What should I do when she arrives? I mean, what am I supposed to say to her?’ Owen asked.
‘ Just be the caring and amazing big brother you’ve always been to her. Just be there for her.’ Amelia answered earnestly as she continued holding his hands in hers and looked at him.
Owen nodded wordlessly. Amelia’s words and gestures had brought comfort to him.
‘ Thank you Amelia.’ he whispered.
‘ There’s no need to thank me.’ she replied. ‘ This is just me being there for you, like you’ve been there for me all this while.’
Finally a small smile formed on Owen’s face. Megan was still alive, it wasn’t too late for him to make it up to her and be there for her.
Amelia smiled back, happy that Owen finally seemed to feel better.
‘ Listen - why don’t you go upstairs to take a shower and get some rest. I ermm….I have a few of your shirts in my wadrobe here.’ Amelia suggested. She had actually brought a few of Owen’s shirts over to Meredith’s and worn them to sleep sometimes. Smelling his scent on the shirts made her miss him terribly.
Owen nodded, too worn out both physically and emotionally to protest . He was too tired to even ask why she brought his shirts over to Meredith’s.
Amelia watched as he trudged slowly up the stairs.
As soon as she heard the bedroom door close upstairs, Amelia picked up her phone to call Maggie again.
‘ Amelia - the fire has been put out finally.’ Maggie informed. ‘ Only the 2nd and 3rd floor of the left wing was destroyed. All the patients in the left wing have been evacuated and transferred to Seattle Presybeterian.’
‘ Ok good. How’s Edwards? How’s everyone else?’ she asked.
‘ Edwards is still in the ICU. Luckily the ICU was spared from the fire. Her vitals are stable now, but she has severe third degree burns. Jackson is working on her right now.’ Maggie answered. ‘ The little girl with her also has third degree burns and is in the PICU. Arizona is working on her. The patient with them- he didn’t make it. He had criminal charges against him.’
‘ Oh.’ Amelia whispered. ‘ Thank God Edwards is stable now. I want to visit her, but I have to take care of Owen at the moment. I’ll go to see her tomorrow.’
‘ Her family is here. It’s ok Amelia.’ said Maggie in a comforting voice. ‘ She is stable now, she’ll be fine. What’s wrong with Owen?’
‘ It’s about his sister- they found her alive. It’s a long story- I’ll tell you when everything has settled down.’ Amelia answered.
‘ Wow ok.’ said Maggie.
‘ Is the ER still functional? Because Owen’s sister is going to be transferred here from Germany tomorrow.’ Amelia asked.
‘ Yes, the ER is spared. It’s on the opposite side of the building from the explosion.’ Maggie replied.
‘ Ok good.’ Amelia said relieved.
She heard Maggie speaking to someone in the background.
‘ Meredith wants to know whether the kids have been fed and put to bed.’ Maggie conveyed. ‘ She misplaced her phone somewhere.’
‘ Tell her that I’ve got everything covered and not to worry.’ Amelia answered. ‘ Thanks Maggie.’
After sitting alone on the couch for a few moments and reflecting on the events of the past day, Amelia decided to call it a night. She checked on the children and found Zola and Bailey fast asleep on their beds and Ellis peacefully asleep in her crib. Adjusting their blankets, she slowly closed the door behind her.
As she entered her bedroom, Owen was already curled up fast asleep on the right side of the bed. He had always slept on the right side of the bed back home. It made her realize that he might still be sleeping on the same side of the bed every night, even without her sleeping beside him. She felt guilty about it.
As she stepped out of the shower 20 minutes later, Owen was still fast asleep on his side of the bed. After putting on her nightgown, she slowly snuck under the covers on her side of the bed, careful not to wake him up.
She slowly scooted closer to him. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she really missed him sleeping on the other side of the bed. She missed curling up against him and waking up to his warm embrace.
As if on instinct, Owen wrapped an arm around her, still not opening his eyes. She cuddled closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his touch.
She laid in his embrace, staring up at the ceiling. Yes, Megan Hunt might have been held captive and possibly tortured for 10 years. Yes, the hospital she worked in caught on fire. Yes, her favorite resident and mentee Stephanie Edwards was in the ICU. But Megan was still alive and would be returning back to Owen. The fire has been put out with only damage to the 2nd and 3rd floor in the left wing of the hospital. And Stephanie Edwards would survive and pull through like she always does, being the tough person she was.
As for her, she was going to be the rock for Owen and work to restore her marriage with Owen. She was going to be there to support both Hunt siblings once Megan arrived in Seattle.
Everything would be fine, she assured herself. She knew that everything would be fine in the end.
Alright guys - this is it, my version of what I predict will happen in the season finale. I hope you liked it! Please do let me know what you think- reblogs, comments, messages and reviews are very welcome. :)  And yes, I can’t wait for the season finale! It looks so intense!!!
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