#Ignore the fact that I messed up both their height difference and also which side Ragatha's assymetrical features are
commandernachos · 7 months
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Day in the Life of a Single Dad with a 2 Yr Old
This was requested by this anon.
AN: let me know if you guys like fluff fics & i'll try to write them as frequent as my smut & sicfics. also couldn't come up with a better title so... yeah the title is a lil iffy.
Things to help you understand this story better:
(Harry is a single parent/Harry is 25/Harry is a healthy eater/Loves his daughter so much)
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Harry is peacefully sleeping in his bed alone. Covers to his chin, curled up on his side. That is until his beautiful two year old daughter comes barging in there to wake her daddy up. He shouldn't be asleep she thinks. It's too late. In reality its only 7 am on a Saturday, but to an early riser like her, he should be awake and playing with her. Or making her breakfast.
Her little feet pad over to her daddy's side of the bed. She can barley reach him due to the height of his bed, but manages to stretch her little arms up and taps on Harrys face. "Daddy, wake up." she speaks in her little British accent. Harry slowly opens his eyes and immediately squeezes them shut because of the sunlight coming from the window blinding him. "Daddy!!" his daughter says a little louder.
If his daughter was any older, Harry might tell her to wait a few minutes or go back to bed because it's too early, but he knows she's only 2. So he forces his eyes open again and reaches down to hook his hands in her tiny arm pits to lift her on the bed. "Why are you awake so early babe." he asks in a gravely voice, while placing her on his bare chest.
"I hungry." her tiny voice replies.
"Mhmm what would you like?" Harry mumbles sleepily.
"Sweets." she says innocently.
"I don't think so love. We don't eat sweets for breakfast. It will give you a tummy ache. What about a healthy fruit salad. We have some Watermelon and Strawberries in the fridge." he replies to his daughter who's straddling his chest.
"NO, I WANT SWEETS! I WANT SWEETS!" she yells back with angry tears threatening to escape.
"D/n, we do not yell!" her father speaks firmly. "We can't have sweets but we can have something other than a fruit salad if you want. Lets go down and see what we have." With a tight grip on his upset daughter, Harry gets out of bed and makes his way down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen.
This wasn't something new to him. Ever since his daughter turned 2 in August, she's been acting up a lot more than previously. You could say it was the terrible twos everyone talks about. Harry tries his hardest to teach her the proper ways to behave but it's been proven to be a lot more difficult than anticipated. Especially hard when he's busy all the time and isn't with her 24/7 like stay-at-home mums are or stay-at-home dads were. He's a musician. Not a so called musician that gets excited to book a Friday night at the local pub. No, Harry is a international pop star.
When he ended up getting a one-night stand pregnant, he told them they could do what they wanted as far keeping the baby or not. Harry has always been one to agree that its a women's choice. But his one-night stand wanted to have the baby. Honestly, you'd think Harry would get angry that she decided to keep it, but he wasn't. Maybe it wasn't the ideal situation to have a baby from a one-night stand that he had on tour, but he being the loving Harry everyone seems to know and love, of course tried to look at it as a positive thing. But when his daughter was born, his one-night stand got her minute of fame by saying she had Harry Styles baby and left. Abandoned her own blood. Harry had to get full custody of his daughter and ever since then she's been living with her daddy.
It was really hard the first few months of her life. A baby needs their mothers comfort and warmth and she had none of that. She never got the opportunity to breast feed or feel the love of her mother, and Harry feels sick just thinking about it. So Harry put his career on hold for a few months to take care of his daughter and show her that someone cares for her. He never wanted her to feel unloved. It was his biggest fear. That's why every day since the day she was born, he tells her how much he loves her. Shows her how much he loves her.
He did all her nightly feedings with warmed up formula in bottles. He changed her diapers at all hours of the day. He gave her baths every day to make sure she smelled nice and clean. And when she turned 1 years old and was getting more active, he took her to the studio with him and let her play her toys.
Just because Harry is a single parent doesn't mean he doesn't have help or support. He has a lot of help when it comes to taking care of his daughter. His sister Gemma babysits all the time for him when he's got something very important to do at the studio where he'd prefer if his daughter wasn't there. Harry's mum watches his daughter frequently when he has a interview he needs to attend. Even some of Harry's friends watch or take care of her when needed. Especially some of his ex bandmates that have kids of their own now. Harry's daughter has playdates with Bear, Liam's son about once a month. They're about the same age and their dads are friends so it works out great. His daughter has even played with Freddie, Louis's son. Not as much because Freddie lives in America but when he comes to England to spend time with his father they hang out. Freddie and Harry's daughter are quite similar. They were both created due to a one-night stand. The only difference is Freddie's mum wanted him. Didn't abandon him. So he has a relationship with both parents. Needless to say, besides all the things a mother can give to their child, his daughter has a good life. People love her, and once again that's all Harry could ask for. People and himself to love his daughter.
After fighting with his daughter about what to eat for breakfast, she finally settles for some Strawberry pancakes as long as they have chocolate syrup on top. Harry gives in and allows a little chocolate for her to have with breakfast. She sits in her high chair munching on the pancakes while Harry cleans the mess from cooking. Like washing the pan and wiping the stove off. When he's finished cleaning, he notices his daughter has stopped eating and is just making a mess with her food at this point.
Walking up to her high chair, Harry bends down and lifts her sticky body up and says, "Alright, time to give you a bath little one."
"No bath daddy! Me no want a bath!" she yells and attempts to kick her fathers legs but Harry grabs ahold of them in his big hand and stops her movements which makes her small body more angry. She screams very loud in his ear and pounds her baby fist in his shoulders, expressing her anger. Harry really wants to get upset. But what he's read in parenting books is that if you ignore their behavior and act like you don't see their tantrums, it will make it better and they'll give up on trying so hard to show their anger.  Because most toddlers have tantrums to try and get attention from their parent(s). By ignoring it, you're not feeding into it.
"I'm sorry but you have chocolate all over you love. Need to get you clean because I need to take you to the studio for a few hours with me today. How does that sound?" trying to make bath time and going to the studio sound fun.
After fighting with Darcy to get in the bath, Harry finally got her in the tub. He struggled to wash her curly hair due to the fact she wouldn't sit still, even after he gave her a rubber ducky to play with. Once he's washed her hair and chocolate covered body, Harry picks her up and wraps her in a big fluffy towel, then takes her to her room to get changed. He manages to get a pull up on her, (still trying to potty train), and puts a lovely red track suit on her with some Gucci shoes. Then he carries her in front of the bathroom mirror to brush her hair.
"Be good for daddy and let me brush your hair." Harry tells his daughter in a gentle manner.
As soon as he passes the brush in her hair, his daughter screams, "Owww, it hurts daddy!"
10 minutes later, Harry has brushed her locks and put her hair into some cute pigtails. With his 2 year old crying in the process. He's pretty good at doing hair because he used to have longer hair himself. Then he picks her up off the counter and places her on the ground, walking her to his bedroom.
"Can you lay in my bed while I get ready? I'll put on your favorite show." he questions calmly.
"Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig!" is daughter chants.
"Alright, alright." He picks up his baby girl and sets her in the middle of his bed. Then he grabs the remote to turn his wall mounted tv on. He scrolls on Netflix and finds Peppa Pig to keep her occupied. Then goes to his bathroom to get dressed and ready to head to the studio.
When he exits his bathroom fully dressed and ready to leave, he finds a sleeping toddler on his bed, snuggled into his pillow. Her perfectly outlined lips slightly parted. Harry can't help but smile. He loves his baby girl with his entirety and seeing her peaceful like this makes him so happy. He turns the tv off and carefully picks her up into his arms and heads down the stairs to his car in the garage. But not before stopping by her room to pick up her mini backpack that holds extra pullups and a sippy cup full of juice, with some of her toys as well. Her tiny face is stuffed into her daddy's neck and Harry can feel light puffs of air hitting his skin. He puts his daughter in her car seat and buckles her up properly. Then gets in himself to drive to the studio.
About 5 minutes away from the studio, Darcy wakes up from her late morning nap and whines out, "Me wanna go home and play with you!"
"I'm sorry but I have to work for a little bit. I'll play with you when we get home later. How does that sound Hmm?" She was not satisfied with her fathers answer and starts wailing. Hot salty tears run down her little cheeks and she makes exaggerated sounds to emphasize her crying. She kicks at the seat in front of her and balls her fist up as if she's going to hit something but unfortunately to her, she can't reach a single thing due to her seat belt. Once again, Harry just ignores her cries of anger and turns the radio on loud to block it out.
By the time they arrive at the studio, Harry's daughter has calmed down. She's still upset but at least she isn't crying and that's progress in Harry's eyes. He parks his car in a secluded area to hide from potential paparazzi and unbuckles her. Then shields her face form potential cameras and make their way into the music studio. Harry has to record some audio for his newest album so that's why he needed to come in today. They enter the studio where the rest of his solo band is. He prefers to record the instruments live instead of manufactured drums and guitars.
At some point when he was getting ready in his home bathroom, Harry had called his assistant and told her he needed to bring his daughter in to the studio with him so she could watch her while he's busy. She agreed but being Harry Styles assistant, it wasn't really an option. Not that Harry would force her but she's an assistant for a reason. To do jobs Harry assigns her. In this case babysit his toddler while he records a song. He doesn't have anyone else today and unfortunately can't leave her at home with a mummy like many other fathers can. He's just happy his job allows his daughter to be somewhat a part of it. Not in the spotlight because he keeps his daughters identity a secret from the public for her protection, but as far as her going to the studio with him or when she gets older, she can come on tour with him.
Harry's assistant takes his toddler and her mini backpack full of her essentials. They hang out in the open area, out of the way from his band and he himself so he can get what he needs to get done so they can wrap everything up for the album. Harry's daughter actually loves his assistant. They have grown quite close over the 2 years of her life. But because she's going through her terrible twos, the toddler didn't want to behave for anyone today.
About an hour into Harry's work, he's interrupted with a frantic assistant that has a screaming toddler in her arms. "I'm sorry Harry but she's been crying for about 30 minutes and I've done everything I know to do to get her to calm down." Harry isn't upset his assistant came to him for help with his baby. That's not the type of guy he is.
Harry takes off his headphones and walks over to them. He picks his little girl up into his tattooed arms and questions, "Love, why are you upset for? If you keep crying, you'll end up with a tummy ache."
She just hugs around her fathers neck with her little arms and says, "Want you daddy." Those words almost breaks his heart. Harry doesn't know where this sudden want for him has came from.
"You can have me all you want when I'm finished working, alright. I'll be done shortly." He struggles to pass her back over to his assistant, but finally manages. "Maybe she's hungry. I'll give you a few pounds to take her through drive thru at McDonalds. Would you like McDonalds d/n?" She just nods her pigtailed head. He would suggest for them to go inside, but the public knows what his assistant looks like so they'd know that was his daughter. The daughter that has her identity secret for now. His assistant takes the toddler to the McDonalds drive thru and orders her some chicken nuggets. Even through Harrys pescatarian, he still allows his daughter to eat meats. Then Harry goes back to work in the studio.
Around 2 in the afternoon, Harry and the two year old make it back home. The rest of the evening was a little hectic with a few tantrums here and there. Harry cooked them a nice meal for dinner at about 6 and played dolls with her in the short period of time she wasn't upset. Then comes the dreaded bedtime.
Harry changes her into some pjs and helps her brush her teeth. Then when he went to put her in bed, she started crying for the 100th time today. "Me sleep with you daddy." she cries out. There's a part of him that wants to say yes and cave in, but the parent part of him is saying no. She needs to learn to be a big girl. Harry really doesn't understand why she wants to sleep with him all the sudden. She normally has no problem sleeping by herself.
"No baby. You need to be a big girl and sleep in your bed sweetheart. I'm right next door if you need me though okay." His daughter clings to his body and cries fat tears. Harry decides to stay in her room until she falls asleep. So that's what he does. When she subsumes to sleep, he lays her down in her bed and pulls the covers up over her frail body. Then exits her room quietly.
Harry changes into some comfier clothes himself and goes down stairs to get himself a glass of wine. Then he sits on the sofa and turns a series on to watch before bed. Times like now is when  he wishes he had a wife. He'd even take a girlfriend. Just someone to hold him late at night and cuddle with him. Even have some type of intimacy. Ever since he found out about his daughter, Harrys game of sleeping around stopped. He didn't want to keep sleeping with random girls when he was becoming a dad. He was raised better than that. So needless to say he was lonely. In every way possible. Mentally, and physically.
Whilst in the middle of the show he's watching, Harry is brought back to reality when he hears a blood-curdling scream from up the stairs. He rushes to set his wine down on the coffee table and runs to his daughters room. When he walks in there, his heart sinks. The toddler is crying so hard she's gasping for air. It's a different cry that he's seen through-out the day. Unlike her terrible twos tantrums, this cry sounds like she's scared. Harry runs to her and picks her up. "Hey what's wrong my love? Tell daddy what's wrong." he asks of his child, soothing her to his chest.
As her tears slow down in the comfort of her daddy's arms, she mumbles, "You left me." Once again Harrys confused because she never acts like this.
Harry walks out her bedroom and goes to sit with her on the sofa downstairs. Then he turns her around on his lap to look at her face more clearly. "Baby, you need to tell daddy why you got scared or why you want me all the sudden."
The little 2 year old takes a deep breath and speaks in her little accent, "On Peppa Pig, they...they said kids like me are supposed to have a mummy AND a daddy. They said daddies can't love their babies like mummy's can. Me was scared you don't love me anymore." Her voice cracked saying the last bit with fresh tears running down her face and Harry has glossy eyes looking down at his distressed but beautiful mini twin. That's right. They look almost exactly alike. He thanks God every day for that because he doesn't want to look at his daughter and be reminded of a one-night stand that's a piece of shit of a mother.
"Look at me d/n. I love you so so so much. I will NEVER stop loving you." at this point he has to take a deep breath so compose his emotions, "And not all kids have mummies. There are a lot of kids who just have a daddy or some just have a mummy. But it doesn't mean I love you any less. Okay?! Don't listen to what they said in Peppa Pig. They were wrong." Finishing his speech, Harry pulls her tiny body forward and hugs her to his warm chest. He has silent tears running down his face. Both hands spread over her boney back. He thinks tonight is appropriate enough to allow her to sleep with him. She needs comfort. "Would you still like to sleep with me?" he asks in a whisper.
"Pleaseee." she responds while crying. Harry stands form the couch, turning the television off and abandoning his barley touched wine glass, and goes to his bedroom. The turns the overhead light off and walks over to the bed. Peeling the covers back, Harry and his daughter, whose on his chest, slide under the warm blankets together. Now she has just about stopped crying. Just little whimpers leaving her body, along with a few hiccups. Harry reaches over to turn the lamp off, leaving the room completely dark. He shushes his baby until her eyes slowly close and she falls asleep with her face burred in his neck and arms around his neck. Her short legs lay limp over his stomach.
Harry has a difficult time falling asleep that night. He feels sorry for his baby girl because he worries that movies and shows with two parents will make her sad and left out because she doesn't have a mummy. He just prays she will see all she'll ever need is her daddy to protect her and love her for the rest of eternity.
MASTERLIST & My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Dream A Little Dream Of Me: Norman x Reader
-also, is it just me or do thick eyebrows look really cute??? Norman has pretty thick brows compared everyone else and I think they're cute 
WARNINGS: Kissing lol
Summary: You finally see Norman again.
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Life had to be the scariest thing you'd ever faced. It threw the bad, the good, the everything your way until you could barely stand. Until you were left broken and mangled and shattered. Life was scary. It was cruel. Yet somehow, today was different.
You thought it was a dream. After all, how could it be reality when the boy in front of you died a year and some months ago? He had been shipped out, left for dead because it was a part of his stupid escape plan.
So how was it he stood before you? Breathing? Smiling? Living?
The office door closed behind you with a soft click. It bathed the room in silence, as if for a moment, the world decided to give you a second to breathe. A second to take in the wonderous sight before you.
The boy's name stuck in your throat. He had changed, not only in height, but stature and appearance. Norman was older, and he grew up to be more handsome than any runway model could ever be.
"(Y/n)," he gently said. "I'm glad you're well."
That was all it took. One sentence and you tackled him in the tightest hug your trembling arms could muster. "Norman...!" To have his arms around you, to hear the beating of his heart--it was a relief. A miracle sent by the gods. "You’re so stupid!"
No, he was more than stupid. He had to be the dumbest boy alive to think that it was okay to sacrifice himself for the sake of your family. You all were supposed to escape together just like Emma said. No one was supposed to be left behind, yet Norman--bless his heart--acted on his own.
You hugged him as if he would disappear if you let go. "We were all supposed to leave together. But you--I thought you--shipped out--and then--!" You chocked on your words. What more could you say anyway?
You buried your face in the crook of his neck. The muffled sob that ripped through your throat was more than Norman could handle. His knees went weak and you both slowly sunk to the floor in a heap. 
"I'm here." he gently said. "I'm not going anywhere (Y/n)."
Despite the steadiness in Norman's voice, his shoulders hitched, and he sniffled. "I'm here." he repeated. "I-I'm here." It sounded like he were reassuring himself that he wouldn't leave you so soon, as if he were scared too. Not for the way you sobbed and sobbed, but for the ache in his heart that seemed to beat in sync with yours.
Slowly, your sobs turned to quiet sniffles, which then silenced into nothing but tiny hiccups. You basked in Norman's warm embrace. He didn't hold you too tightly, as if he were afraid it would shatter you to pieces. Instead, he pulled you close to his side and leaned on his desk behind.
You rested your head on his chest, taking the time to memorise his scent. Parchment, the woods, and old books. You liked that, it was comforting to know he still smelled the same. On the other hand, his voice wasn’t as smooth or rounded as it once was. It was icy. No one seemed to notice that tiny sharpness that hit the end of each note he spoke. You wondered what could've made his kind heart harden.
Sure, Norman was still the same Norman you remembered, but something about the way he acted seemed off. He was clingy, much more than he ever was. Maybe he just missed you? No, that couldn't be right. Norman acted as if he were running out of time. He held you close and gently, as if these would be the last moments you'd see each other again. As if there wouldn't be a tomorrow.
You slowly pulled away to get a good look at Norman's face. His chin was slightly pointier, his cheeks less chubby and full. His lips twitched upwards into a comforting smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes because he looked so overwhelmingly tired. Your poor boy probably worked day and night to keep the hideout on its feet. It must be hard on him, you thought. Especially since he was revered as a god.
Norman's brows raised. "What's wrong?"
You took his thin hands in your own and gave them a good squeeze. "It's nothing. What about you?"
Ah yes, small talk. The perfect way to avoid any question thrown your way. Norman knew you well, sometimes even more than himself. When you asked simple questions such as these, that meant your mind laid elsewhere in a land he could never reach. Norman took that as a hint to drop the subject.
For now.
He wondered what invisible weight laid on your shoulders. Was it something as heavy as his? Perhaps your weight was worse and it ate away at you. Norman wished he could take that weight away and relieve you of that pain. He'd carry it all if he could, and it didn't matter to him if he'd die trying. This was you he was thinking about. He'd do anything for you.
"I've been okay," Norman vaguely responded. "But I have been busy, so I find it difficult to sleep sometimes.”
Norman liked to be honest, but you knew it was because that helped him figure out what was wrong with you. It was a game of tag. In this case being 'it' meant figuring out each others' worries through a back-and-forth match.
"You haven't been sleeping enough?" Your voice came out rather quiet as you traced invisible circles over the back of his hands. "Is that because you have so much work? Or do you refuse to get help?" Norman sat in a still silence and you sighed.
Of course. 
This was your Norman after all. He always shouldered a burden too big for his shoulders to carry. It was always something so heavy, so terribly hard to balance by himself. If that burden grew any bigger, it would collapse, and that would be his downfall. But you wouldn't let that happen to your Norman. No, no, no. You'd take that burden from him, steal it if you had to, and be his crutch.
"What have you been doing here?" you quickly added. "As 'William Minerva', I mean?"
Norman looked unbearably uncomfortable. That little frown tugging at the edge of his lips was a tell-tale sign. “I’ve been getting a lot done." he carefully said. "In fact, I’ve figured out a way to end this. Once and for all.” 
Norman began by explaining the first phase of his plan. The first phase had long been in motion. It started with the indiscriminate burning of cattle facilities, then the gathering of information, and continued on to pave the way for all the other phases you didn’t care to hear about.
The first few steps weren't too bad, but the final act in Norman's plan made your skin crawl. You half-wished you hadn’t asked him anything to begin with. Maybe it would have spared your appetite. Your grip on his thin hands loosened and loosened until your hands rested on your lap.
Norman wasn't so little anymore. He had grown up just a bit, but not in the way you wished to see. How could he think of something so cold-hearted and cruel? The extermination of all demons in Neverland was an act of genocide. If you re-called correctly, it was also considered a war crime.
Norman was smarter than that. He understood the consequence he'd have to face if that were the path he walked right? He understood that there were still other options right? Maybe you heard him wrong.
You had to have heard him wrong. Norman wasn't ruthless like that. He was a ball of sunshine that made you smile whenever you were together.
"I see..." You tightly smiled. "So that's your plan on freeing everyone?" Norman nodded with a seriousness that took you back to the time he left everything to you and Ray and Emma. 
You weren't mistaken then. Norman truly meant everything he said.
"Yes, that is my plan. It's been taking me a little longer than expected to set it in motion. I've decided to officially start tomorrow."
Your breath hitched. "Don't you think that's a bit hasty? What if...what if something goes wrong?" Norman smiled. It was hollow and wry and everything that he wasn't. "Don't worry. Fortunately, I've always been pretty good at getting what I want." You didn't return the smile, and you didn't want to say why.
Norman was quick to catch on. But of course he would catch on so quickly, this was Norman. Your Norman.
"Do you have a problem with my plan?" he inquired. You shook your head. "No, it's...it's not that." Yes, it was that. Your plan is dangerous even if it is good, you thought. Innocent lives wouldn't be spared, and that would spell an unfair fate for the demons who ate to survive.
You wanted to tell Norman why his plan was wrong, and why he didn't have to be so unforgiving about it. But then what? Why would he listen when you didn't have any better ideas? He seemed to have his mind set anyway, so no half-baked ideas would make a difference. And besides, he was the smartest person you knew. Maybe that was the only way out of the terrible fate all you cattle children faced.
"If you're okay with my plan," Norman said, "then what's bothering you (Y/n)?"
"It's still a lot for me to take in," you admitted with a plastic smile. "I guess I'm just shocked that you're, well, here." Norman smiled, this time with a genuine warmth. "I understand." He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I'll see you at dinner."
Your cheeks burned. How bold of him. "Y-yeah, I'll see you at dinner." Norman let out a cute little chuckle that made your heart beat a little louder than it was supposed to. You hauled yourself off the floor and made your way to the door. Norman followed.
You flashed him a nervous smile, one that mixed in with your muddled worry and anxiousness. You glanced at his bright eyes. For a moment, they seemed to dim like the setting sun. It reminded you of Mama. When no one looked at her, she didn’t smile. She always looked so sad when she sat by herself, and maybe that was because she was. 
Your fingers brushed against the doorknob. “Hm?”
"I want nothing more than to protect you and our family. I know you don't fully agree with me," his expression darkened. "But this is the way--the only way we can save everyone without spilling a single drop of blood."
For a moment, you forgot who you were speaking to. This wasn't the same boy you begged to run away with before he got shipped out. This wasn't the same boy who gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and sweetly complimented you. This boy--did you truly still know him? Was he still the Norman you grew up with and fell head-over-heels for?
You blinked and that dark look washed itself off his face. He strode up to you and placed a hand on your cheek--just like the day he was supposed to be harvested. Norman’s eyes were soft, softer than any blanket, and his lips pursed into a gentle frown. With his thumb, he wiped a stray tear away. 
Why were you crying?
"Norman..." You couldn’t find the right words. There were none that could explain the suffering you endured in silence. You worried, not only for Norman, but your family and all those other people in the world you didn’t know about. Norman’s plan--oh how stupid it was--had it changed him? Had it forced him to guard his heart to keep a still mind? 
You wondered what he endured while you went on your crazy adventures. At least you had your family, and Yuugo, Lucas, and all your friends. But Norman? He didn’t have anyone but himself. He carried the whole world. Alone. Had he been scared? Worried? Angry that no one came for him? Your heart clenched at the thought. 
"Smile,” Norman said. “It’s okay, I promise. I'm here." He gathered you in his arms and you didn’t have the heart to protest. “How?” you whispered. “How were you able to do all this on your own?” Norman helplessly shrugged. “You could say I have connections, either that or I’m just lucky.”
“What will you do after this is all over?”
Norman went still again, as if he couldn’t answer your question. You heaved in a shaky breath. If Norman wasn’t going to give you a straight answer, then you’d squeeze it out of him. “Did anything else happen to you? I’m sure there’s a catch, isn’t there?” 
It was like someone flipped a switch. One moment, you were a mess of tears, sorrow, and anguish. Now, something menacing laid in your voice. It was almost threatening, as if you were indirectly telling Norman to dare avoid the question. “I don’t want you dying trying to be everything at once,” you said. “Here you’re revered as a god, and if I know you, then it’s plain that you set yourself up like that. Don’t tell me you plan to die on us again.”
He stiffened.
“I know you Norman, don’t forget that. And because I love you, I don’t want to see you destroy yourself. I admit, I don’t know why you act like you’re going to leave again, but I’ll do everything in my power to stop you.” You pulled away and took his hands in yours. A small smile of reassurance made its way up your lips, but Norman didn’t return it. 
No, he couldn’t. And despite all he did, he couldn’t lie straight to your face. Not like this.
Dinner cheered you up. The smiles and laughter that your family shared with Norman made you feel just a little bit better. But how long would it last? And how long would those smiles stay present? All the questions swarming in your mind made you feel sick to your stomach. There was too much to think about, and too little time to answer them.
You forced down the last of your food with a sigh and brought the plate to its respectful place. Everyone was too busy chatting and catching up to notice, but that was fine. It was better that way. 
You made your way to a secluded walkway. It was in one of the calmer areas of the hideout that overlooked the lower levels. It was quiet, save for the distant chatter of Hayato and his friends. He let out a bright laugh that echoed through the vacant walkways. What a shame it would be to hear that disappear.
“So this is where you went.” 
“I told you she’d be here.”
You whipped around in alarm. “Ray, Emma!” 
Ray sharply looked you up and down. He raised a brow and you squirmed under his gaze. He gently bumped shoulders with you. “What’s wrong with you?” 
You absentmindedly shrugged. “Nothing.” 
“That’s what someone who’s not okay would say.” Emma noted. She settled by your side on the railing and flashed a bright smile. “You were so quiet at dinner today.” 
You shook your head. Que another absentminded shrug and plastic smile. “I guess I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay.” 
Ray sighed. “Everyone but you?” He leaned against the railing next to you. “Did you and Norman talk at all?”
You froze. ‘Yes’, was what you wanted to say, but no sound came out. The image of Norman’s matured face, the way his his soft lips hit your own, and his stupidly tall build crossed your mind. 
Emma let out a gasp and slapped a hand over her mouth. “Ah!” she cried. “You’re all red!” You covered your hands with your face, ignoring Ray’s curious stare.
“What did you two talk about in his office anyway? Or should I say, do?” The glint in Ray’s eyes had subtext you didn’t want to recite out loud. “Rayyyyy,” you grumbled, “shut up.” He sent you a teasing grin as Emma frowned in confusion. “I don’t get it.” 
“You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“Yeah, it’s grown up stuff.”
You ignored the warmth spreading to your cheeks and elbowed Ray. “Don’t say it like ‘that’! Now you make it sound like something else!” 
He daringly raised a brow. “Like what?” You ran a hand over your scorching face. It was a miracle you weren’t on fire. “No, no, I’m not answering you!” 
You shared a good laugh and a comfortable silence began to settle, blanketing your shoulders in a lightness that you hadn’t felt in a while. 
Emma softly smiled. “I’m glad we found you.” she admitted. “You looked really sad all by yourself out here.” Ray nodded with a small snort. “Yeah, talk about depressing. But seriously though, did something..?”
Of course these two would see through your façade. Of course they’d understand something was wrong. They were your family, and they didn’t deserve your silence. Your smile shattered. “I don’t know if Norman told you about his plan yet, but it’s...it’s bad. Sure, the demons have done some terrible things to us, but that doesn’t mean all of them are guilty. I want to stop him, but I don’t know how.” 
Emma nodded in agreement. “He told us earlier and I don’t like it either.” she firmly said. “Ray and I talked it over and we have a plan, but it’s risky. Like, really risky. It has to do with the Seven Walls and...” 
You held on to every word Emma and Ray spoke. Risky was your middle name. Well, not actually, but it was something that became your friend. You and your family looked death in the face too many times to count. What would be another?
By the end of it, you were sure this new plan would change Norman’s mind, or at least convince him to give up the whole ‘genocide’ thing. It was decided by Ray that tomorrow, you’d all talk to Norman. Things seemed to be looking up. No, they had to be.
The halls were empty and you were alone. How was it you got lost in the first place? You made sure to have every twist and turn memorised, so why did you end up in the wrong corridor twice? Ray would surely tease you for getting lost. What an absolute--
You slammed into someone’s chest. A yelp escaped your throat as the person in question lost his footing. He sucked in a sharp breath and went tumbling straight into you. Your back hit the ground as the boy threw out his arms on either side of your head to brace himself. You didn’t need a name to know who you had tumbled into. Light hair, soft eyes, fancy waistcoat and suit. 
He hovered over you with wide eyes. His lips were inches from yours and he was just so, so close. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Your heartbeat was so gosh dang loud. Could he hear it? Could he see the way your face burned red? 
Why wasn’t he moving? Why weren’t you moving? Why was it so hard to look him in the eyes? A nervous smile broke out across Norman’s lips. He pushed himself off of you and offered out a hand. You gingerly took it.
“Sorry.” Norman said, helping you to your feet. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you okay?” Your gaze darted from his lips to his dazzling eyes and then to his cheeks dusted in red. Your heart wouldn’t stop slamming against your chest. It kept going, and going until you felt like you were about to burst. 
“Sh-shouldn’t I be asking you that?” you retorted. “I’m not the one who--you know...gets sick all the time.” You weren’t sure why you said it like that, or why that made Norman smile so cutely, but he was smiling. That made your heart flutter. You glanced around the corridor a few times, and somehow, you kept finding focus on his lips. 
What was wrong with you?
Norman caught on fast--like he always did. “Oh I see,” he said with a low chuckle. You swallowed. His voice really did deepen (but you kind of liked it). For a moment, you thought he caught onto your staring, but instead of commenting on it, he intertwined his hand with yours and led you through the winding halls. 
“Don’t tell Ray I got lost.” you muttered. Norman laughed and it was like the sound of happiness itself. “I won’t.” 
The halls all looked the exact same: cream coloured paint, nature-like decorations, and numbered wooden doors. You forgot what number your room was, so that was probably why you got lost. Norman took a sharp left where you recalled should be a right instead. “Wait isn’t it that way?”
“I have something to give you, so we’re going to make a quick detour.” Norman’s cheeks dusted pink and he looked the slightest bit nervous. “What is it you want to show me?” He flashed you a contagious smile. “It’s a surprise.” 
“What kind of surprise?”
“I can’t tell you,” he said with a chuckle, “that’s why it’s called a surprise.”
When you got to his office, you were nervous. Surprises were fun, yes, but in a world where nearly getting eaten by wild demons fell into the category of ‘surprise’, you learned not to like them very much.
Norman closed the door behind you and it softly clicked shut. Okay, you thought. So he was locking the door and making his way over to his desk. Okay, that’s fine. Norman shuffled through a cabinet, that nervous look still on his face. Okay, okay, nothing wrong here. He gently shut the drawer, and as he walked out from behind his desk, you took note of the small little box he fiddled with. 
Okay. Okay. Box. Nervous. Locked door. Did he not want anyone to interrupt whatever he was about to do? 
Norman heaved in a deep breath. A really, really, really deep breath. “(Y/n), I have never met anyone else like you. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met, and you’re beautiful and kind.” He sunk to one knee and opened the little box. “Will you marry me?”
You jolted awake with a start. 
“Sorry,” Norman said. He scribbled a few words down in his notebook. “Did I wake you?” 
Ah, that’s right. After you talked with Emma and Ray, you all met up with Norman and hung out for a bit. But when had you gotten to his office? Much less, fallen asleep? You rubbed your eyes with a shake of your head. Judging by the tired look on Norman’s face, it was way past bedtime.
The heavy cloak around your shoulders offered a welcoming warmth. It smelled like books. It smelled like parchment and ink. It smelled like Norman and it was comforting. 
He glanced up from his notebook and curiously met your gaze. “What are you smiling at?” The dream popped up in your mind and your smile grew. “I had a good dream.” 
“What was it about?” he inquired without looking up.
The scratch of the pencil froze and he met your gaze. “You had a dream about me?” Your cheeks flushed. “Yeah, and you proposed.” Norman’s back went rigid and he turned as red as an apple. “I-I pro--proposed to you?” he stammered. You snickered, a smug smile tugging on your lips. “It was really sweet. And if you’re wondering, I said yes. I was going to kiss you, but then I woke up.” You stood up with a sigh. “It was disappointing, but that’s okay.” 
You let out a small laugh and neatly folded Norman’s cloak. You left it on the couch and made your way across the room. “That’s a nice notebook.” you said. “What’re you writing about?”
Norman stilled and closed the book with a smile. “It’s nothing special.” He put the pencil down ever so quietly and stood. “Do you seek my affections?” he inquired. You settled on the wall. “Don’t you have work to do?” Norman looked down at you. His fringe brushed across his eyelashes, and he loosened his tie. Slowly.
Your heart steadily drummed against your chest. “What are you doing?” The false innocence in your voice caused Norman to chuckle lowly. He caressed your cheek with a feather-light touch. “Well, you did say you were disappointed right? Why don’t I make it up to you?” 
He rested an arm on the wall with a sly smirk. Your lips connected and it made your stomach flip-flop. The kiss was slow, it was sweet. You found yourself pulling him closer, running your hands through his hair and yanking him over. "Norman?" He met your gaze with half-lidded eyes. "Yes (N/n)?"
"Where did you learn how to do that?"
He smirked and it was hot. The fact that he kept his arm braced against the wall didn’t help either. "Why?" he lowly inquired. "Do you like it?" Your breath caught in your throat and you found yourself wanting more. 
Knock, knock!
Norman didn't look too happy about that. He ran a hand over your cheek and gently tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, that half-lidded look of his melting into warmth and love. He made his way to the door, tightening his tie and smoothing out his hair with a quick touch.
"Hello--?" Norman fell short mid-sentence. As soon as your gaze locked with the person on the other side, you understood why. Ray stood in the threshold, just as red-faced as you and Norman, with a sheepish look on his face. “I’ll come back later.” he muttered. 
Oh great. Had he been eavesdropping? You glanced at Norman and he glanced at you, then Ray, and back to you. Ray sucked his teeth and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Don’t have too much fun.” he said, a smirk twitching onto his lips.
You made your way to the threshold with a groan. “Rayyyy!” 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry.” he coolly replied. “Do whatever, I didn’t see anything.”
NOTE: I spent a WHOLE WEEK writing this. Please reblog so I know you guys like it :)
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happyandticklish · 3 years
A Matter Of Spirits
Notes: Does anyone actually want a Dorian Gray fic? Probably not. Am I going to write one anyway? Abso-fucking-lutely. I do have a fic request that I’m editing right now, so that’s also coming soon. Based off the book, not any of the film adaptations. 
Summary: When Dorian refuses to sit for a painting, Basil turns to Henry for assistance. 
“Dorian. Please.”
The other continued to slump in his seat, staring off into the distance in that irritating, brooding fashion of his. This had been going on for a while now, no matter how Basil attempted to persuade the other. Dorian was in a mood which meant he would not sit for the painter and he most certainly wouldn’t smile. Normally, Basil was patient with Dorian’s swinging fancies, leading him to great heights of euphoria one moment and the depths of despair in the next, but today was different.
The painting wasn’t for himself this time. A client had offered a great price for it, a sum that left the struggling artist dazzled. Normally, he didn’t sell portraits of Dorian—they were his secret joy, a beauty he could admire without the prying eyes of others. But that much could not be ignored, and so Basil had decided to make an exception, just this once.
Unfortunately, it appeared his plans were going to be ruined if Dorian continued to act like this. Basil’s brow pinched in annoyance and exhaustion as Dorian fell back against the couch, one arm thrown over his face, the very picture of agony.
“It’s just one painting,” Basil tried again, trying to force his voice to take on an appealing tone. “One painting and then you can go about your tantrum.”
“It isn’t a tantrum,” came Dorian’s muffled protest. “How can you expect me to pose when I’m miserable?”
“I hardly think the situation calls for one to be miserable—”
“My favorite pair!” Dorian interrupted, sitting up suddenly to glare stricken at the other. He pointed to his pants, which now spotted a rather unfortunate blue ink splot. “Ruined. It’ll probably never come out, and even if it does, there will be a stain, and then where will I be? How am I to go on with stained trousers?”
Basil resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It was true that the paint might not come out, but Dorian was not one who could be accused of having a low supply of nice apparel. He had dozens of other pairs, all fairly similar in style. There was no need to get so worked up about the accident. Nevertheless, Basil knew if he put it like that his painting would never come about.
“What’s all this about?”
The pair turned to find Lord Henry strolling idly into the room, one hand poised elegantly on his cane. He was always elegant, no matter what the setting. Basil would have been impressed by it if he didn’t find it so irritating. Henry glanced between Dorian, distraught on the couch, Basil, standing next to an empty canvas, and finally at the empty chair in the middle of the room where Dorian would under normal circumstances be posing. He raised an eyebrow.
“Henry,” Basil said, a note of relief to his voice at the presence of his friend. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I let myself in. Dorian, whatever is the matter? You look as though poor old Basil here has just made an attempt on your life.”
Dorian sniffed, tilting his chin up petulantly. “He has, at least to me. Look at this!” He pointed to the stain, as though that itself should have been cause for outrage from the other.
Henry blinked, before nodding slowly. “I see. He has… stained your pants? To what end?”
“It was an accident,” Basil explained, crossing his arms. “I was showing Dorian some of the new colors I had got brought in recently, and a bit got on him, that’s all. He’s overreacting.”
“Ruined,” Dorian repeated with a lack of anything else to say in his defense.
Henry balanced his cane on the edge of the sofa, coming to take a seat beside the other. He examined the stain carefully, making sure to glance at it from all angles. Basil and Dorian watched him, both waiting to hear whose side he would take. Finally, he leaned back, clapping his hands together definitively. “Why, Dorian, you have nothing to worry about! It’s only a little stain, and hardly noticeable at that. A quick wash ought to fix it.”
Dorian fixed him with a suspicious glance, but it was difficult to doubt Henry, and finally a bit of hope came into his eyes. “Really?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Henry assured him. “Now, come, you’re being ridiculous. Sit for Basil. He only wants a portrait, nothing more. Surely you can accomplish that?”
Dorian looked as though he were on the edge of giving in, but finally he turned his face aside stubbornly. “I can’t. The mood is ruined. I can’t pose when my spirits are so low. I’ll look dreadful.”
Basil threw his hands up in frustration, ready to give up altogether and try again tomorrow, though he knew it would heavily delay the process. Henry, however, was not deterred. “A matter of low spirits, you say?”
There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and all at once Basil realized his plan, recognizing the look from years of being around the other. Dorian had not yet experienced Henry’s fullproof method for cheering one up, and so he simply frowned in puzzlement, reluctantly glancing back at the other.
“What is it?” he asked apprehensively. “Why do you look like that? Henry, what—hey!”
Dorian’s next words were overtaken by a surprised giggle as Henry’s hands found their way suddenly to his sides. He squirmed back against the couch, weakly attempting to bat the other away. “W-Wahait, noho!”
“I’m simply raising your spirits, nothing more,” Henry replied calmly, expertly maneuvering against the clothing protecting the other and finding each and every spot that had Dorian desperate to get away. “After all, you’re laughing, aren’t you?”
Dorian was, quite a lot at that, and the sound was breathtaking as Basil listened and watched the scene unfold. His laughter had always been uproarious, a carefree, wild sound that brought to mind the joy of childhood; Dorian had never been one to hide away his emotions, always feeling and existing in his truest self. But now that same laughter took on a more frantic cadence, breaking off into fits of giggles and every once in a while a sudden shriek when Henry hit a good spot. It was unreasonably endearing, and Basil felt a blush fighting its way onto his features. He knew he should look away or help—though whether he was to help Dorian or Henry he couldn’t say—but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight.
Dorian was a mess of limbs, his outfit thoroughly rumpled by this point, something that he would have cared about if he wasn’t so focused on the way Henry’s fingers skillfully climbed his ribs. “P-Plehehehease, Ihihihi’ll dihihie!”
“I’m certain you shall be fine, there’s no need for dramatics,” Henry dismissed, working around Dorian’s attempts to shove him off. “Besides, to die of laughter would be a worthy death in my opinion.”
Basil scoffed at the vague poetry, stepping in and placing a hand on Henry’s shoulder. “Don’t you think he’s had enough?”
“That is up to Dorian himself,” Henry replied, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous delight.  “Well? What do you say, my friend? Are you significantly cheered up yet?”
In truth, Dorian could already feel his poor mood dissipating, but despite this he continued to persist. “Of course not,” he huffed, grabbing at Henry’s wrists finally and holding them firmly. “This is ridiculous, I am not still a child. I have no time for such silly behavior.”
“And yet you were certainly acting like one earlier,” Basil commented without thinking, and Dorian shot him a betrayed look.
“Basil is right,” Henry agreed. “Which is why he’ll be assisting me. I can’t have you squirming around so much, you’ll only get in the way. Basil, his arms please.”
Basil snapped his head up, having not expected to get brought into this. “Well, I don’t think—”
“Basil is far too soft-hearted for this torture,” Dorian interrupted before he could finish. “He is not so bold or ruthless as you.”
The comment worked better than anything Henry could have said to convince him, and in the next moment Basil was on the couch behind him, slipping his hands under the other’s arms and securing them in a tight grip. “Henry, proceed.”
Dorian’s eyes went wide as he realized his predicament, and he surged against the hold to no avail. “Wait, hold on, there’s no need—ahAHA!”
His words broke off into wild cackling as Henry continued his attack, wiggling his fingers with quick, deft gestures under his arms. “Feeling anymore cooperative now?” Henry teased, raising an eyebrow.
“Thihihihis ihihis cruhuhuel!” Dorian protested, his actions growing more desperate as the vulnerable spot was continuously pursued. Yet no matter how he thrashed, there was no escape. “Bahahahasil!”
“Yes Dorian?” Basil asked, growing more confident in his actions as he listened to the sweet giggles, and the delighted expression that Dorian was doing a poor job at hiding. “Going to me for help will do you no good, not after all you’ve put me through this afternoon. I’m afraid you’re simply going to have to face the consequences of your actions.”
“Mehehehean!” Dorian kicked his legs out uselessly, throwing his head back into Basil’s chest. He jerked suddenly when Henry’s fingers began to travel, pinching up and down his ribs. His laughter pitched several octaves, and his hands flapped about, attempting to grab hold of anything that would help him out. “AhAHAHA, HEHEHENRY!”
“Dorian, please, calm yourself,” Henry said, shaking his head. “You are causing quite the ruckus, what if the neighbors hear?”
Dorian could hardly reply, too lost in his own laughter. Each tweak or prod of his ribs had him spasming, his layers doing little to protect him. The spot appeared to be unbearably ticklish, worse even than the cruel scribbling under his arms. Dorian was no stranger to his own sensitivity, a fact which had been brought to his attention in stark clarity when he was a child, but he hadn’t been tickled in many years and he was unprepared for just how intense it could be.
Finally, he managed to form enough coherency to spew a stream of giggly protests. “I-Ihihihihi dehehehehemand thahahahat—ehehehe, aha—thahahahat yohohou stahahahap ahahahahat ohohonce! Ihihihi wihihihill—ah! Heh, nahaha, nohoho! I wihihihill gehehehet m-my, mihihi—stahahap ihihihit, nahahahat thehehere!”
“You’re not making any sense, I’m afraid,” Henry informed him sympathetically. “Really, I have spoken with you about the benefits of proper articulation before, there’s no need to stammer so. Basil, can you understand a word of what he’s saying?”
“I can’t say I do,” Basil replied, and suddenly his own fingers had been added into the mix, scribbling over the edges of his armpits from where he held him tight. Dorian shrieked, unprepared for the double assault, and burst into a round of cursing as his laughter advanced to an even more frantic pitch. “I suppose we’ll just have to keep encouraging him until he remembers the proper form of speech.”
Red had begun to creep across Dorian’s features as well, a testament to the teasing that was slowly working to unravel with along with the tickling. With that, his stubbornness finally caved. “Ohohohokay, OHOHohohohokay, I-I’ll sihihihihit!”
Henry and Basil exchanged a pleased glance and collectively sat back, releasing Dorian to wrap his arms around himself in a giggly pile between them. After he had regained his breath somewhat, Dorian managed a half-hearted glare in Henry’s direction. “That was wholly uncalled for.”
“Are your spirits not cheered?” Henry pointed out. “You cannot convince me you weren’t enjoying yourself. You’ve never been one to give in so easily to something you weren’t willing to engage in.”
Dorian blushed, sitting up straight and adjusting his jacket with a cough. “That is ridiculous, Henry, utterly ridiculous. I did nothing of the sort. And to think I thought you were a man of intelligence.”
Henry raised a wry brow, shrugging his shoulders. “If that is what you must tell yourself, I will let you believe it for now. Don’t fool yourself into thinking I won’t discover the truth on a later occasion, however.”
Dorian’s stomach flipped not unpleasantly at the idea, but he merely scoffed, springing from the sofa and bounding over to the sitting chair. “Well, if I’m going to sit, I’m going to need a change of outfit at once. Look at me, I look positively tousled, like I’ve been out in a storm!”
Basil watched him as he continued to waltz about the room, making endless comments about dress and hair, but with a far more agreeable air than before. “Thank you,” he whispered gratefully to Lord Henry, who startled at the sound, tearing his gaze away from Dorian where it had previously been taken.
“Yes, of course old friend, always happy to help. Although you might be careful he doesn’t discover your weakness as well.”
He reached over and tweaked Basil’s side playfully. Basil yelped, having not expected the sudden attack, and batted away his hand quickly. He flushed, glaring at him. “Quiet down with that, will you? For your information, that is not information that will be getting out anytime soon.”
“Basil! I can hardly paint this portrait by myself now can I?”
Basil’s attention immediately snapped back to the other, and he rose to his feet, offering an obliging smile as he made his way over. “No, you cannot. You would make a miserable artist.”
The two continued to talk and bicker contentedly as Basil helped him fix his hair which had gotten tangled in the earlier tussle. Henry watched them with a knowing smile, certain they would figure themselves out. Perhaps not that day, but eventually. After all, they must do it in their own time.
Henry slipped out quietly while they talked, allowing them to have the day to themselves. 
Maybe one day, he thought with a gentle smile. 
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solalunar-eclipse · 3 years
Sonic Boom - S3E1
Episode title: Friendship 101
Word count: about 3000 words
Author’s Note: I’m trying a rather new format for this fic, since it’s based on a TV show with various songs and camera angles. If you have any comments about whether it works well or not, please let me know!
(Also, the theme song choice is all thanks to khinesthetic, who used it here and inspired me to put it in this fic.)
[cue Mr. Blue Sky by ELO (0:00-3:45)]
[The show opens on a zoomed-out view of Hedgehog Village from above. Stone walls separate the village from the wilderness outside. There are large spaces at several points throughout the structure for entry and exit. A large patch of grass with benches scattered about sits at one end of the village, and a marketplace made up of wood-and-cloth stalls runs along one of the walls. Houses are grouped in seemingly random clusters throughout the town, and the (in)famous Meh Burger stand sits all on its own, with picnic tables spread across its wooden flooring. As the music progresses, the camera begins to zoom in on the village- then on one of the streets in particular- and rotates down to eye level to face…]
Sonic the Hedgehog walked through the streets of Hedgehog Village with a bounce in his step, occasionally dancing to the music playing through his earbuds. As he wandered throughout the town, he passed the usual people running their stores, arguing over botched orders at Meh Burger, and, at one point, Aqua the Rabbit absolutely freaking out over the loss of a single follower on Angstagram (the latest social media network for moody teens).
He did a 360-degree spin before winking and pointing finger guns at Amy Rose when he spotted her haggling with the local grocery store owner. She paused briefly to wave at him with a smile. “Hi, Sonic!” she called, completely ignoring the irritated fennec in the process.
Then, the music froze and changed to something extremely ominous as she turned around to face the shopkeeper once more. A dangerous gleam appeared in her eyes as she pulled out her signature hammer. “Now then, about those prices you’ve been setting lately…”
The song cut back in as the view switched back to Sonic, who was now moving away from the scene at a slightly faster pace.
Really, though, he was more than happy to see his other friends not long after. Knuckles and Sticks were currently busy rummaging through the town’s garbage together, excitedly chatting about the latest piece of interesting junk they’d found, while Tails was fixing someone’s broken rain gutter (and attempting to ‘improve’ it in the process, which meant that it could now measure the amount and intensity of rainfall in a storm- a very useful, though unfortunately unwanted improvement).
Surprisingly enough, as he continued on his way through Hedgehog Village, he managed to get people from a few different places to wave back at him when he said hello. Although perhaps it wasn’t quite so surprising when one considered that this was one of the most cliched opening sequences that could possibly happen in any movie or TV show. Ever.
And of course, the only logical outcome of this scene led to everyone beginning to stop their usual activities and gather in one of the few open spaces in the town, clearly prepared to break into a fantastic musical dance number straight out of Broadway. Incredibly, this was one of the few moments in which everyone in the village seemed to be able to get along…
...until Eggman’s latest giant robot slammed feet-first into the ground, sending everyone off-kilter and scrambling for cover. Shrieks of panic rose in place of the music as the villagers fled the scene to hide in their houses. The dramatic entrance didn’t just ruin the mood, it absolutely crushed it with the sheer force of its impact.
And that was, obviously, when the show really began.
[cue In Your Face by Shockwave Sound (0:00-1:04)] 
[Each of the five members of Team Sonic appears on a black screen with their name spelled out in their signature colors (blue, yellow, red, pink, and green) and does a couple of cool fighting moves, followed by snippets of scenes featuring them from previous episodes of the show for about eight seconds each. All five of them then appear together in their usual fighting stances, emphasizing their status as a team.
The Eggman logo then appears in an ominous, glowing red, backlighting the doctor himself and all his creations- before the lights flick on to reveal him alone in his evil lair with a green screen behind him, at which point he shrieks and covers the camera with a hand. Then, neon blue electronic lines begin to appear across the screen and the camera spirals to follow them, selecting one particular line to trace. Not long after, said line ends at a circle which, with a flash, turns into the words ‘Sonic Boom’. Beneath the title, it says ‘Ancient Secrets’ in neon blue.]
[Then the music ends, at which point the episode title- “Friendship 101”- appears for a few seconds in the same color before the show itself returns.]
Sonic scrambled to his feet and zipped over to Tails, pulling him up from where he’d fallen after the robot’s overdramatic arrival. Amy managed to do the same with both Knuckles and Sticks simultaneously, which let Sonic stare for a moment, startled, and then promptly resolve to remember not to get on her bad side anytime soon.
Soon enough, the team had scrambled into their usual positions, ready to fight. Amy and Sticks kicked the battle off by handling the various smaller robots that threatened to get too close to their team, never faltering (and in fact seeming a bit gleeful in the badger’s case) despite the sheer number of enemies. Knuckles, meanwhile, launched Sonic bodily into the air for Tails to catch, before picking up a boulder about the size of a house and lobbing it directly at the robot’s chest.
“Hey! Easy with the boulders- QuakeBot took a lot of effort to make, you know!” Eggman shrieked from above, hovering in the relative safety of his Eggmobile. 
(Relative, in this case, was of course in comparison to mixing absurdly volatile chemicals in a lab, bothering Shadow at any and/or all hours of the day, or being on Tails’s bad side when the fox had a glue gun. The doctor still remembered that situation all too well, and currently ranked it as far more terrifying than merely being punted into the stratosphere by kids under half his height and about a third his age.)
Sonic paused to stare at Eggman from where he was currently dangling in the air. A smirk began to spread slowly across his face. “…what did you just call it?”
“You heard me the first time!” the doctor roared, now incredibly embarrassed. “I named it that since it makes the ground shake when it moves, like an earthquake??”
General laughter came from the heroes assembled on the ground and in the sky.
“Argh! Nobody appreciates my genius around here! Now, QuakeBot, stop standing around and start attacking!”
“I suggested TerraBot, since it still has to do with earth and is a play on the word ‘terror’, but nobody ever listens to my ideas, now do they?” Orbot muttered irritably to himself, tucked inside the Eggmobile.
“I listen to all your ideas!” Cubot offered encouragingly.
Orbot’s mouth shifted into a small smile. “Thanks, Cubot.”
Meanwhile, Sonic had been pulled into a spin by Tails, who whirled the hedgehog around before letting him shoot downwards toward the robot in a spin dash- only for him to get caught and sent flying into the nearest house.
He shook off the surprise quickly (and apparently sustained absolutely zero damage despite having literally crashed through a house, because superpowered teenagers), darting back over to the group. “Well, uh, guess it’s time for Plan B then!”
Crickets chirped in the ensuing silence. Even the robot had stopped moving to hear what he had to say.
“And the plan is…?” Amy prompted.
Sonic folded his arms with a huff. “I dunno, I thought you guys would have one!?”
The pink hedgehog rolled her eyes at that. 
Tails piped up. “I have an idea! Sonic, you’re going to need to be curled up for this, okay?”
The hero promptly did just that, before emitting a muffled “mmhmm?” from inside his layers of quills.
“Alright then, Amy, I need you to hit Sonic with your hammer right at the side of this house.”
Sonic’s blood ran cold. “Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second can we maybe rethink thiaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHH!”
He ricocheted all over the palace like a pinball, slamming into several key points of the robot thanks to Tails’s rapid calculations. However, the robot was sadly unaffected by his screaming at a pitch that came dangerously close to shattering glass.
The robot was easily disabled and the attack overall quickly repelled after that. Thankfully, it took Sonic only a moment to recover from his impromptu stint as an out-of-control projectile and get back to fighting with the others…complete with a “Let’s do that AGAIN!” moment, which was met with a resounding no from both Amy and Tails. 
Their ears were both still rather sore from last time, after all.
After Eggman was punted all the way back to his island by a well-placed kick from Sticks, though, the crew was about to head over to Meh Burger for a post-battle meal when they discovered that they had an entirely different problem to take care of. The villagers, who were beginning to come out of hiding after the attack, were furious upon seeing the damage dealt to their homes and stores.
“How could you let this happen?” one shouted.
Before long, the villagers found themselves a more specific target when the owner of the house that Sonic had smashed into pointed her finger directly in his face. “This mess is awful!” she cried. “And it’s all his fault!”
Within seconds, a mob of people had descended upon the overtaxed teen.
“I’ve never known a hero so irresponsible.” one fumed.
“How dare you!” the fennec from earlier roared.
The elderly wolf of the village shook her cane at him. “Shame on you!”
Sonic could feel himself beginning to tense up as the villagers turned their ire on him. Whether or not he’d admit it to anyone, he needed two main things in order to be his usual heroic, cheerful self: open space and positive reinforcement. Right now, he was getting exactly the opposite of both of those.
And he was not feeling good about it.
He looked briefly over to his friends for help, but Sticks had already vanished, Knuckles and Tails looked more nervous than anything, and Amy was already walking towards him with that look in her eye…
“Sonic, next time you do need to work on making sure the robot doesn’t catch you, you know-”
A streak of blue shot out of the village, leaving nothing but a scorched trail of grass and the snap of a sonic boom behind.
Sonic didn’t slow down until he reached the mountains- which technically wasn’t very far from the town at all, so he ran quite a bit more after that until he ended up in the middle of the jungle. Then, he sat down with his back to a tree and his arms around his knees, feeling very unheroic and overall pretty lame.
The blue hedgehog frowned at the dirt. Honestly, some days it really did feel like nobody seemed to like him. The only person who ever even suggested he was important on a regular basis was Tails, and Sonic didn’t blame him at all for not jumping into the middle of that crowd. Tails was only thirteen to his seventeen and a half years old- not exactly an age when he should be expected to go toe-to-toe with a crowd of angry adults.
Still, though. When being a hero got him all risk (no matter how low) and no reward...it was difficult for him to keep hold of that core feeling of “I can make the world a better place to live in!”, which, despite all his other claims, was truly at the center of what had motivated him to start fighting against Eggman so long ago…
[The scene morphs in a manner which shows the lighting shifting so that the sun is overhead. A sound effect of birds chirping plays over the scene change. This implies that it’s been several hours since he first fled the village.]
Sonic was still lost in thought when the snap of a twig in the bushes made him jump to his feet in surprise. The surrounding vegetation rustled ominously for a moment...only to reveal the four members of his team in front of him. He watched them all cautiously, his expression tense. More than anything, he looked ready to run at a moment’s notice- something which only served to make his friends(?) seem a little more distressed. “Uh…hey, guys?” he began tentatively.
“Sonic, I…” Amy began forcefully, before stopping herself. At first, it looked like she was about to scold him again, but then suddenly her face fell. “Listen, Sonic, we’ve all been talking a lot about what happened back at the village…and there’s something I want to say.” She gave a slightly tired sigh. 
“I know we usually like to make jokes and witty commentary, but...sometimes, the world’s just a difficult place to be in.” she said. “...so we really do need to talk about serious stuff occasionally, even though I know it’s tough for you to even mention how you’re feeling. Unless, you know, it’s ‘great!’ or ‘cool!’ or something like that.”
Sonic cringed at the mere idea, looking more and more like he thought running away was the preferable option here.
“So what I wanted to say was that in a world where there are too many people trying to beat you down...what I was trying to do was tell you how to be more tolerant, because I thought that would help. I figured you can’t change how other people are going to be, just yourself, so I hoped that might make things better.
“But...I’m not actually a licensed therapist- yet, anyway. So I might have been wrong on how I went about that. Maybe...instead of telling you off for not being able to stop all those people...in the future I’ll pull out my hammer and tell them to knock it off already. Does that sound better to you?” she asked.
The blue hedgehog froze. “Ames…I...” he croaked, trying his best not to think about why exactly it felt like his throat was so tight all of a sudden.
Sticks folded her arms. “I like that plan! Those people are way too crazy sometimes…and you guys know I have a verrrrry high tolerance for crazy.”
“We can make the villagers quit bugging you together, just like how we fight Eggman!” Knuckles added encouragingly. “It’s always better that way, isn’t it?”
There was still one person who hadn’t spoken yet, though.
Suddenly, Tails crashed full-force into Sonic, squeezing him in a hug that for once he didn’t pretend to hate. “You know I’ve always, always, always got your back, right, Sonic? No matter what?” he asked, looking up at his older brother. “Even if I don’t always know how to do it right.”
The blue hedgehog simply nodded, not trusting his voice to help him maintain his ‘cool guy’ status.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel up to talking about it now, though.” the fox added understandingly, stepping back but still leaving a hand on his arm. 
“But!” Knuckles added. “We won’t tell anyone if you ever decide you do need to get some stress off your chest every once in a while!” He smacked his own chest with a fist for emphasis.
“Nobody needs to know.” Sticks growled, the camera suddenly showing a dramatic angle of her face as the lighting dropped noticeably.
��Uh…that’s kinda dark.” Sonic said, holding up a finger with a bit of a confused frown, which let the lighting and camera angle zip back to normal.
“Anyway!” The pink hedgehog clapped her hands together, turning to face the group as a whole. “What do you guys think about heading over to my house and watching some movies? I’ll even…” She sighed, her whole body slumping. “…make some messy, simple, unprofessional chili dogs. In my state-of-the art kitchen. I know Sonic probably could use a pick-me-up right now, after all.”
“Thanks, Ames! You’re the best!” the hedgehog in question said cheerfully, the promise of good food and great companionship boosting his mood significantly.
Then, his posture shifted once again into something a little more vulnerable. “And thanks to all you guys. For, y’know, everything.”
“Of course!” Amy chirped.
Tails smiled at him. “No problem, Sonic.”
Sticks folded her arms. “That’s what a team’s for, ain’t it?”
“Of course it is!” Knuckles said, in that rather confusing manner where nobody was actually sure if he understood anything about what had just happened.
The echidna actually walked over to Sonic after that particular declaration, though, placing a hand on his shoulder as his face became uncharacteristically serious for a second. “Really, Sonic, we can all help you out, alright? Nobody gets to yell at our leader without getting yelled at back!” he declared, punching a fist into his other hand.
The hedgehog blinked twice before looking up at his friend. “You…just called me the leader?”
“Well, duh! That’s why everyone calls it Team Sonic, right?” Knuckles asked with a smile, letting an awkward (but genuine) grin spread across Sonic’s face.
Within seconds, the hero found himself squeezed in a big hug from all sides by his friends- and then actually lifted off the floor through a joint effort from Knuckles and Amy. 
“Guys- come on! I can’t even move here!” he cried out, his legs flailing so quickly they made a vibrating noise in the air. “Guyyyyssss….” he whined, though nobody seemed to care much about his halfhearted complaints (judging by the happy expressions on their faces).
Then, the episode began to end, as evidenced by an iris out transition. The slowly shrinking circle paused for a moment on Sonic’s current expression, highlighting it against the otherwise black screen. He now sported a sheepish, if slightly pleased smile, complete with a faint pink blush on his face from all the positive attention. 
Clearly Sonic liked being, well, liked far more than he let on.
Then, the circle snapped closed with a pop, and the credits began to roll.
[Voice Actors: 
Roger Craig Smith
Colleen Villard
Travis Willingham
Cindy Robinson
Nika Futterman
Mike Pollock
Kirk Thornton
Wally Wingert
Bill Freiberger
Original creation by:
Evan Baily
Donna Friedman Meir 
Sandrine Nguyen
Bill Freiberger
Takashi Iizuka
Solalunar “Sol” Eclipse
Thank you for watching reading.]
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Trust Me
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by @adela-topaz-caelon: So, I love Juice, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a Juice x Female reader, in which the reader is Opie's younger sister, and helps the club in her own way. She's bubbly, but very ferocious when needs be, and the scenario I have in mind is they've always been attracted to each other, and good friends. When Potter first tries to coerce Juice, she knows something's up, works the truth out of him and goes on this mission for Juice that results in a fluffy coming together
Warnings: language, light angst, Juice being a soft and slightly sad boy
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I’m here for all these requests about helping Juice dig himself out of the hole he put himself in during this series haha. Love that for him. Also, this was the most I’ve ever written for Opie as a character and it was actually very enjoyable haha. Hope y’all like this! xo
SOA Taglist: @mijop @garbinge @masterlistforimagines (As always, let me know if you'd like to be tagged!)
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You walked across the lot at T-M, scanning the garages for your brother, waiting to see him towering over everyone. He was nowhere to be found, though. With a quiet sigh, you walked up to the garage and waved to get someone’s, anyone’s attention who could give you an answer as to where he was.
Juice had spotted you the second you stepped down out of your car. He jogged over to you, a smile on his face as he met you on the pavement. His grin was one that was impossible not to return. He was wiping grease from the palms of his hands onto his pants so he could hug you without leaving any stains on you.
“Y/N, hey,” he wrapped you in a brief embrace, “All good?”
You stepped back and nodded, “All good. Just looking for Ope? Said he was gonna need help with a couple things tonight and to meet him here.”
Juice nodded, “Think he’s in the clubhouse.”
“Great! Thank you. I’ll see you in a bit,” you flashed him a smile before turning and walking across the lot to the clubhouse.
Juice was left there, unable to do anything besides watch you walk away. He couldn’t help but to be mesmerized by the way you walked, so lightly but with just enough authority to let people know that you weren’t someone to be messed with. Your smile was just inviting enough to let people know that you were kind, but not so disarming that you were setting yourself up to be taken advantage of. If growing up with Opie had taught you anything, it was how to carry yourself.
“You’re askin’ for trouble, brother,” Jax materialized behind him with a chuckle.
“What?” Juice tried to feign ignorance.
“Opie will stomp you out like the bug you are if you ever try to get too close to her.”
Juice shook his head, “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure,” he chuckled and clapped him on the back, “Whatever you say.”
Despite the fact that Jax had just called him out, he still couldn’t make himself walk back to the garage until you had disappeared into the clubhouse, the door shutting behind you. Juice let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. With a shake of his head, he walked back to the truck that he had been working on, his brain now running at a mile a minute with so many different thoughts of you.
Juice had fallen a little in love with you the first time he’d seen you. He hadn’t been in Charming all that long, and was just starting to slip into the role of prospect. He was in the clubhouse, stacking cases of beer behind the bar when you came striding in. It felt like the wind had gotten knocked out of his lungs as he looked you over—he was certain that you had made a wrong turn somewhere. There was no way that a girl like you purposely landed yourself in a place like the Samcro clubhouse.
You’d walked up to the bar, given him a smile that made him weak in the knees, and asked if he had seen your brother.
“Wh-who’s your brother?” he stammered out nervously, now jittery not just from the fact that he thought you were beautiful, but also from the fact that you were the sister of one of the men in the MC.
You laughed as you sat down on the stool directly across from him, “Ah, so you’re the new guy,” you looked him up and down before finally answering his question, “Opie.”
His eyes went wide, “Opie?”
You chuckled, “I know—I got the all the looks and he got all the height. Unfortunate division of genes.”
“Thought I heard trouble,” Opie’s voice cut through the clubhouse before the conversation between you and Juice could continue any further.
You laughed as he walked up behind you, resting his hands down on your shoulders and pulling you back into him, you head resting back against the leather of his kutte. Opie had dismissed Juice, granting himself some privacy to be able to talk to his sister without any interruptions. However as Juice left the clubhouse that day, he knew that you were someone he wasn’t going to be forgetting about any time soon.
The two of you had become friends rather quickly after that. You loved all of the guys in the MC—they were your brothers as much as they were Opie’s. But you couldn’t deny that there was something different about Juice. He had a type of light and kindness emanating from him that you just didn’t see in Charming very often, let alone in the club. Your brother had kept a close, scrutinizing eye on you when the two of you first started spending time together, but as time went on he conceded that maybe it was a good friendship for the both of you. You were level-headed enough to keep Juice reined in, and he kept you from taking yourself too seriously. It took some time, but Opie eventually stopped feeling like he had to constantly be looking over your shoulder whenever you were around Juice.
That first day felt like it was lifetimes ago now, though. You made your way back to the dorms once you didn’t see Opie sitting in the main area of the bar. The door to his room was closed, so you gave it a couple knocks and waited for your cue to enter. A few moments later, Opie pulled the door open and offered up a tired smile as he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“You look like shit,” you said with a laugh as you sat down on his bed.
“Good to see you too,” he chuckled and shook his head, trying to smooth out his extremely disheveled hair.
“Everything alright?”
“Need to ask you for a favor.”
You nodded, assuming that that was where this conversation was going to be heading, “Whatever you need.”
“Got some club business to handle. Most of us are gonna be outta town for a few days. Was wondering if you would be willing to stay here and help keep things running smoothly?”
You shrugged, nodding, “Yea, of course. Who’s gonna have the kids?”
You nodded, a little surprised that your mother was still willing to take the kids when Opie had club business. You weren’t going to get into that discussion with him, though, “Who else is staying behind?”
“It’s just gonna be you, Chucky, and Juice. Gemma’s got family shit going on so we could really use you here at T-M. Mechanics will still be on deck and everything, but I’d feel better knowing we had someone else here who was Samcro.”
You loved that you got to be part of the inner circle of everything happening with the club. You didn’t get to know everything, but you got to know more than most. The fact that Opie trusted you meant the world to you. There was something exciting about the fact that every now and then he talked about you like you were part of the club.
“I got you,” you said with a nod, “But I’m crashing here. I don’t trust what might be on the sheets in anyone else’s dorms.”
He laughed, “Smart,” he ran his hands over his face, “Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it.”
“You guys heading out tonight?”
“Couple hours,” he sighed, “Sorry for the short notice.”
You shrugged, “No big deal. We always figure it out,” you stood up and gave him a hug, “I’m gonna go pack some shit to bring here with me for the next few days. I’ll try to be back before you guys head out.”
“Alright. Love you.”
“Love you back,” you called to him as you walked out of his dorm.
Later that afternoon, once all of the guys had peeled out of the compound, you realized just how quiet things were at T-M when they weren’t all around causing trouble. It was peaceful but it also felt a little empty. The chaos is what made it feel like home.
You walked into the clubhouse and saw Juice sitting at the bar, typing furiously away at his laptop. You smiled as you sauntered onto the other side of the bar, grabbing one beer for yourself and one for him, popping the caps off on the edge of the bar. You set his next to his laptop and you saw the smile creep across his face even though he didn’t take his eyes off of the screen in front of him.
“Just you and me for the next few days, Juice,” you said with a smirk.
That got his eyes to flick up to you for a moment. He smiled, a nervous laugh slipping out past his lips, “Looks like it.”
“Don’t look so nervous,” you chuckled, “You know I don’t bite.”
It hit Juice that this was the first time that the two of you were going to be left to your own devices for an extended period of time. The idea of it was exciting and terrifying for him all at once. For years he’d admired you and kept it to himself so he wouldn’t catch any of Opie’s wrath. But he had never been able to shake the feeling that maybe, possibly, you felt the same way about him. He was never bold enough to ask, but there was always a feeling in his gut that his feelings weren’t one-sided. There had never been the chance to even try to discuss it, there were always so many other people around, namely your brother and your father. Neither of those men were people that Juice felt like pissing off.
“You crashing here?” he asked.
You nodded as you sipped on your beer, “Yea. Taking Ope’s room. You?”
He nodded, “Always do when the guys leave town. Someone’s gotta stay here and make sure the bad guys don’t get in,” there was a childish grin on his face.
You laughed, “The bad guys just rolled out of town a few minutes ago.”
The two of you existed peacefully with each other as the afternoon bled over into the evening. You were camped out on the picnic table outside the clubhouse, a drink in one hand and a book in the other. You were laying on your back on top of the table, book perched carefully on your chest as you absorbed another page of the story.
You heard Juice’s phone going off, followed quickly by the sound of him answering it. You wanted to eavesdrop, but he was just a little too far away to be able to make out what he was saying. You sat up on the table, swinging your legs so that your feet landed on the bench. You stretched and waited for Juice to step outside.
He came out a couple minutes later, shrugging a hoodie on over his kutte. You saw the confused look on his face and just as you were about to ask him where he was going, he turned and looked at you, “Be back in a bit. Got some shit I gotta handle.”
“Everything okay?”
He nodded, “Yea. Just lock the gate behind me, don’t want you here by yourself unprotected.”
You agreed, fighting the urge to ask all of the questions that were bubbling up in your mind. You watched as he pulled his helmet on and hopped onto his bike. He looked at you and offered up a half-hearted smile before peeling out of the compound. With a heavy sigh, you did as he asked, shutting and locking the gates behind him once he had left.
Your original plan had been to head to bed, but you knew that you weren’t going to be able to fall asleep without knowing that he was back safe and sound in the clubhouse. A million different scenarios were running through your mind as you made your way back to Opie’s dorm. You tried to tune out your own brain as you changed into an old hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. You figured you would just hang out in the clubhouse and wait for Juice to get back—there wasn’t much else to do otherwise especially now that you were locked onto the compound.
Not too long after Juice had left, you got a check-in text from Opie. You didn’t mention that Juice had left you on your own. It was either one of two scenarios: it was club business and Opie knew about it, or it was personal business and Opie didn’t need to know about it. You reassured him that all was quiet.
Juice had been gone for a couple hours and you were starting to get worried. You wanted to reach out, send a text or give him a call, but you refrained. If he needed your help he knew how to reach you. You were sprawled on the couch in the clubhouse, eyes resting shut but still incredibly awake.
You heard the clubhouse door open. You slowly sat up and looked over at Juice, who was clearly trying to step quietly because he thought that you had been asleep. Embarrassment flashed across his features for a moment when he saw you looking at him attempting to tip-toe on the creaky hardwood floors. He looked so much more exhausted than when he had left.
“You okay? Was starting to get a little worried.”
He nodded, “Fine. Just some personal shit going on.”
He had never been a good liar. But you knew that it wasn’t the time to press the issue, “Alright. I’m here if you wanna talk, you know. Every now and then I even have good advice.”
He forced a smile, “Thank you.”
He disappeared back towards the dorms and left you alone in the open expanse of the bar. You sighed, leaning your head back against the arm of the couch. Running your hands down over your face, you let out a quiet groan. You got up off the couch and shut off all the lights in the main area of the bar. It was one of the only times you’d ever seen it empty, clean, and quiet. You headed back towards the dorms.
Stopping just outside Juice’s door, you took a deep breath in to pluck up some courage. You tapped your knuckles lightly on his door that was slightly ajar. You heard some shuffling around before his voice called out for you to come in.
You walked in to see him in a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Your breath got caught in your throat, and for a moment you forgot that you were popping in to check on him. You shook your head to dispel the thoughts. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, feet planted firmly on the floor. He wouldn’t look up at you and it made your heart sink inside your chest.
“You sure you’re alright? If you want some company I—”
“I’m fine,” he cut you off, something he’d never done before, “Goodnight, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You tried to hide how much it had stung to have him be that short with you. Your voice was soft, “Goodnight.”
You laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. You hated that Juice being short with you had such a negative effect on you, but he’d never been that way with you. The club had been through some serious ups and downs, and even when things felt like they were crumbling, he was always kind and soft with you. It concerned you as much as anything else.
It was reaching into the small hours of the morning and you still hadn’t been able to fall asleep. You huffed, swinging your legs off the bed and standing up. You flipped the hood of your sweatshirt up and made your way out into the clubhouse, hoping that maybe a shot or two of something strong would help put you to sleep. You were fumbling around in the dark when you heard the click of a gun behind you.
“It’s me,” you knew it was Juice, so you didn’t bother to turn around.
“Jesus Christ,” he clicked the safety back on his gun and let his hands drop to his sides, “Why are you up so early?”
“Late,” you corrected, “Never fell asleep.”
“Seriously,” you grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a swig, cringing as the liquor burned down your throat.
“Whoa, whoa,” Juice walked over and took the bottle from you, “I don’t think that’s the answer to the problem.”
You looked at him, still seeing worry etched into his features, the light in his eyes just a little duller than usual, “What’s going on with you?”
He glanced over at you as he put the bottle away, “What?”
“You heard me. What happened tonight?”
“Is that why you haven’t been able to sleep?”
It felt childish to say, but you did anyway, “You’ve never snapped at me like that.”
He sighed, running his hand along his fauxhawk as he did. He forced himself to look over at you. He couldn’t lie to you but he didn’t want to tell you the truth either. There was too much on the line for both of you.
“It’s nothing that you need to get roped into,” he answered honestly.
“I’m not just Opie’s sister, you know,” you waited for him to look you in the eyes, “I’m your friend. I’m…I’m someone who cares about you. You can talk to me—I’m not just gonna go running to my fucking brother.”
“I know,” his response was immediate, “I know you won’t. It’s not that. It’s just, fuck,” he shook his head, “The whole thing is a mess.”
“C’mon,” you waved for him to walk with you back towards the dorms, “sit and talk with me.”
The two of you found yourselves sat on Juice’s bed. You were both sitting cross-legged, facing each other. Juice twisted his hands nervously in his lap as he started to tell you about everything that had been happening with him and Roosevelt and Potter. He told you about what they had said to him at the meeting that night, about the position that they were putting him in.
“I can’t go to the club with this.”
“Why not?” you knew the situation wasn’t ideal, but there was no one that the club hated more than the feds. If anything, they would be more than willing to help take them down or at the very least run them out of Charming.
“I can’t risk losing this,” he gestured around him to the dorm and clubhouse around him, “It’s the only home, the only family that I’ve got,” he paused, eyes searching your face for a moment, “And I can’t lose you either.”
A wave of warmth washed over you at the sentiment. You reached forward and placed your hands on top of his, “Juice, like it or not, you’re never going to be able to get rid of me. You’re stuck with me now.”
He chuckled, trying to make it seem like his emotions weren’t about to get the better of him, “Promise?”
“Promise,” you nodded towards his nightstand where his laptop was resting, “Grab that for me.”
He did as you asked, but couldn’t hide his confusion as he handed it over to you. You smiled at the expression on his face as you began to start typing away on his keyboard. In that moment he realized he’d never seen you use a computer—you’d never had a reason to around him. He watched in awe as your fingers flew across the keyboard.
You were lying on your stomach on his bed, laptop propped up on his pillow. Juice was lying down beside you, close enough for you to feel the heat radiating off of his body and soaking into yours. You tried not to focus on that as you continued to click through windows and move things around on his desktop.
“Do I get to ask what you’re doing?”
You chuckled, “I’m doing a little information recon,” you glanced over at him with a smile, “You’re not the only one with tech know-how around here, Juicy. I just never wanted to steal your thunder in front of the guys.”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “How kind of you. What’re you looking for, anyway?”
“Dirt,” you replied simply.
“On Potter?” when you nodded in response, he couldn’t hide the doubt that was warping his features, “You’re not going to be able to find anything on him. There’s no way his shit isn’t locked in a vault somewhere behind twenty million walls of encryptions.”
You shook your head, “Oh ye of little faith. No one is clean,” you sighed, “Especially not the fucking feds.”
Juice laughed, “Now you’re sounding like a patch.”
You chuckled, “Might as well be.”
Your typing faltered when you felt his hand slide underneath the warm fabric of your hoodie. His palm rested gently in the center of your back, and he didn’t make any comment about it. You fought to keep your composure, but the warmth seeping into your skin from his was making it difficult.
He rested his chin onto your shoulder and you felt like you were about to combust. He spoke up, his tone gentle, “Thank you.”
“Yea,” you fought to keep your tone even, “of course. You know I’ve always got your back.”
“And I’m sorry. About earlier, I mean. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that—I know you just wanted to help.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” he slid his hand so that his arm was wrapped around you and pulled you close to him, prying your attention away from his computer, “I was just hit with all these thoughts of losing everything that I have here. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
You reveled in the feelings of his arms being wrapped around you. Gently, hesitantly, you reached out and traced your fingers down the side of his face. He let his eyes flutter shut as he leaned into your touch and you could feel your heart swelling inside your chest. There was a softness to him that you hoped he would never lose.
“We’re going to figure this out,” you leaned in and pressed your forehead to his, “Do you trust me?”
He took a deep breath and nodded as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Yea, I do.”
“Juice?” you asked after a few moments of silence.
He pulled away from you just enough so that he could look into your eyes, “Yea?”
“Can I stay here with you tonight?”
His heart was beating fast enough that he could’ve sworn that you could hear it, “Y-yea. Of course.”
You smiled as you shut the laptop and placed it back onto his bedside table. You shimmied yourself underneath the covers and waited for him to do the same. It was going to be a long few days of trying to get as many answers put together before everyone got back, but those were problems for the morning. For now, you focused on the feeling of Juice’s heartbeat against your cheek as you snuggled into him. His hand caressed your back and you let out a quiet hum of contentment. You felt him smile against your forehead before he placed a gentle kiss there.
“Goodnight,” he said softly.
You finally felt your exhaustion starting to kick in, “Goodnight.”
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jarofstyles · 4 years
SK8ER BOI III - Heelflip
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A/N: AHHH this part is full of ups and downs and even a cliff hanger 😈 buckle up folks. Also, remember this gif for a certain part of this story... you’ll know which one 😉 - n + d
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pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warning: smut, cheating, angst!!
word count: 7.6k
Staying the night over at Harry’s was really nice. Y/N had woken up to him snoring, all cuddled up against her chest. She giggled to herself because she assumed he didn’t do this with many girls. She carded through his hair and kissed his head gently until he decided to wake up, watching him get a little embarrassed, but not too much. Harry had cooked her breakfast and everything and when Y/N showed up at home on Saturday morning her parents were gone. Y/N admittedly thought about Harry all weekend, she’d been sending him astronomy memes and tiktoks that involved cats. She’d also sent a few memes regarding sexual things but... that was cause she thought they were funny. She stayed up all night texting him and she didn’t realize how late it was, but when her alarm went off, she grabbed the first things she could think of. A black shirt and leggings, threw her hair into a bun and denim jacket so she wouldn’t get cold. She didn’t even realize till after she’d left that it was Harry’s shirt.
The first thing that came to Harry’s mind at the sight, was what she had said a few days prior. Seeing her stand at her locker with a few friends, in leggings... he knew she wasn’t wearing anything under those. And upon closer inspection... His shirt. She was wearing his shirt. On top of leggings and no panties, she was wearing his shirt and he felt nearly feral. She shot him a smile when he approached and he struggled to return it. 
“Hey— can I talk to you for a second? It’s about the project.” Harry asked, ignoring her friends. His eyes were dark and he felt buzzing. Fuck, he was going to lose it. 
“Yeah, sure.” Y/N smiled at him and told her friends she’d see them at lunch. Harry definitely wasn’t talking to her about the project, why did he want to talk to her? She followed Harry wherever he was going. Apparently it was the janitor's closet. Y/N squeaked, looking at him with wide eyes though, it was really dark in here. 
Harry covered her mouth to conceal the squeak, “Are you wearing any?”
Was she wearing any— oh. 
“nuh uh” She let out a muffled noise, shaking her head no. Y/N knew that her answer probably meant he was about to attack and by the way his lips fell onto hers with hunger she knew for a fact that he wanted to do something about it. She didn’t think she could get so turned on so quickly. 
“H—Harry, please I gotta go meet up with Timmy..” Y/N mumbled against his lips, “later.. at yours.” Y/N hated to deny him, but it was important that she see Timothée and see what the fuck was up.
“You do? That’s too bad.” Harry smirked, sliding his hand down the front of her pants. Immediately he was met with a warm cunt, fingers pressing up against it to make her moan. He wasn’t going to make her cum. No— he was going to make her frustrated and want to cum so bad she could cry. Then go see her boyfriend. “Gonna go see frenchie and all you’re gonna think about is my hand on your pussy.” He cooed, rubbing at it while he kissed at her neck. He knew she was breathing hard and obviously hadn’t expected this. “Have some fucking nerve... no panties and my shirt?” He growled. “That’s so naughty. I told you what would happen.” He snickered. “Had to check myself.” He licked up her neck to bite down gently. He couldn’t leave a mark yet.
Y/N had to bite back her moans, knowing full well that if someone walked past the closet and found them she’d be screwed. Her breathing was shaky as can be, body reacting positively to his hands against her. She was already a mess for him and he definitely could tell, it was so hot, she swore she’d lose her mind like this. 
“Already do that..” Y/N breathed when he suggested that she thinks about him when she’s with her boyfriend. Of course she does! How could she not when he was filling his shoes so well and making her feel like the hottest girl on earth. Constantly giving her sexual favors and never asking for them in return, it just pleaded him to do this? Fuck. She let out another squeak as he kissed at her neck, grabbing at the back of his head for stability because she felt like she was going to implode. “Daddy, please...” Y/N whimpered, “I’m sorry—“
“Sorry? Are you sure?” Harry murmured, fingers working faster on her pussy. “So sorry for what? Making me hard? Making me think about it all day?” He was obsessed with her cunt and ass and he wanted to bend her over in here. If she wasn’t a virgin, he may have. “And here you are. So wet and throbbing against my fingers. Gonna go see your boyfriend with a wet pussy and my kisses all over you? Gonna be thinking about how I rubbed you good?” He liked that idea. That no one else was giving her that pleasure but him. “You’re beginning to make a mess on my fingers. S’a good thing that you’re coming to my place after school. Maybe then I’ll let you cum.” She was close, clenching and throbbing but he took his hand away. Her whimper of confusion made him smirk, bringing his hand to his face to clean it off. One finger was pressed between her lips. “Suck. Clean off your mess.”
The look of disappointment on her face was hidden by the darkness of the room but her whimper made it clear that she was certainly not happy about this. Y/N felt her cunt throbbing as he pulled away, all leaky and sticky just aching to be touched. She was so close too, and he just—
Before she could even speak his fingers were in her mouth and she sucked on them as if maybe it would change his mind, as if maybe he’d keep going, but once she was done he pulled them away and Y/N was left flustered and horny and to think that she still had to go the rest of the day without getting to cum? Torture. 
He slipped out of the closet with ease and she assumed he was checking to see if anyone was around, he pulled her out behind him and she swallowed thickly. Y/N just wanted to lean up and kiss him right then and there but she couldn’t, instead she was met with Timmy’s voice calling over to her. 
“Hi angel.” Timothée cooed, wrapping an arm around her waist loosely. It was clear he was eyeing up Harry. “Been looking for you everywhere.” Timothée was more so sticking around to talk to Harry, be around Harry. Anything to do with Harry even if his girlfriend was right there.
Harry licked over his lip, smirking slightly. He was a lot smaller than him in both bulk and height. He wasn’t sure why he was eying him up like that, but Y/N was flushed. Harry wasn’t sure why the look felt so weird but he was thinking maybe he was playing the role of protective boyfriend. But something about his eyes made him feel something else. 
“Sorry mate. We were talking about what we were going to work on after school. The project and all that.” Harry shrugged his shoulders. “Anatomy. Getting to know all the body parts and whatever.” He knew he was playing with Fire but Y/N was horny and her eyes were looking at him wide. “Got a slideshow to do. You know how it is.” He moved his fingers over his lip and sucked at it a bit at the sides of them, raising his brows at her.
Y/N’s jaw nearly dropped at the audacity Harry had. He really was sucking on his fingers that was just on her cunt right in front of her boyfriend. This was truly Y/N’s biggest nightmare but for some reason she was the last person being focused on. Y/N rubbed at Timothée’s side a bit, trying to get his attention. 
“Let’s go, yeah?” She asked softly, “I’ll see you later, Harry.” Y/N cooed desperately trying to make it seem like they weren’t doing anything conspicuous or strange. Timmy was far too focused on himself to suspect anything. She had walked him over to the garden but outside after they’d gotten their lunch, needing to put some food in her mouth so she wasn’t thinking about Harry. She’d started off with some small talk but then she decided to ask, she needed to know. 
“Know you’re busy with the campaign and all... and I get it, it’s important to you. But we don’t hang out anymore and... if it’s about how I’ve been acting, if you feel pressured to do stuff, I’m sorry.. we don’t have to, just gotta tell me what’s going on yeah? Care about you..”
“There’s nothing going on.” Timothée said simply. Even though it wasn’t the truth. Y/N wouldn’t understand. The fact that he was a huge homosexual and he was struggling with it. The fact he wanted Harry to wreck him in the same way he thought maybe Y/N wanted him to. He worried. He didn’t want to have sex with her. He was more concerned about his campaign and trying to deal with the sexuality thing by himself. “I’m just busy, Y/N. I’m not ready for next level stuff and it’s not your fault. I just have so much going on. The campaign is my priority cause I want to win for this year.” He was worried about spending time with Y/N alone. It was different with her now because she wanted more than just a kiss on the cheek. “I care about you too. It’s not personal. I just want to make sure I win. We can hang out more when I win. I’m sorry if you’re hurt by it and I don’t want to make you upset at all but it’s taking up all my time.”
Y/N let out a small sigh, understanding where he was coming from. He wasn’t trying to hurt her, of course, but she still wanted to know. There had to be something. “I understand, it’s okay... really.” She said softly and offered him a smile, taking his hand. “I can help you if you need me to. Just miss being around you.” The two of them were really close friends when they started dating, they’d always been attached at the hip and liked to do all the same things and liked the same bands and stuff. He always let her dress him up and do his makeup and whatever she wanted really, but she never thought of it as being something to question him about. Maybe he really liked doing that? Regardless, that wasn’t a problem with her, she just wanted the truth from her best friend. “Just wanted to make sure you were okay... you can talk to me about anything, you know? Anything. I meant that Timmy.” She didn’t want to just out him, she wanted him to feel comfortable enough to tell her.
“Y/N... I’m fine.” He grunted. He didn’t like that it felt like she knew something. That it seemed like perhaps she knew too much. He was worried that Y/N would be aware of something he wasn’t ready to have anyone know yet. “You’ve been really pushy and needy lately. I’m sorry I’m not around but it’s frustrating to have to worry about you and my campaign. It isn’t fair to me. You act like there’s something wrong but there isn't anything besides that.” He huffed. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings but it was apparent that she wasn’t getting the hint to leave it alone. “You’ve never been this clingy and I’ve been trying to put our signals that it isn’t a good time right now for us to be together all the time. I have things to do and I’m always tip toeing around it. You always wanna be close and stuff when we’re out with friends and I need some space.”
Y/N swallowed thickly, suddenly going quiet. He really meant that? Was she being too much? She felt like she was giving him optimum time to do his work, they never hung out. She just wanted to see him. The bare minimum. She could just sit while he did whatever he needed to do, but no. That was clingy in his book. 
“Well if you wanted a break from me you could have just said that instead of throwing the blame into your campaign.” Y/N spoke firmly, “never asked to be with you all the time, just wanted to talk to you for five minutes or something— I don’t think I’m asking for much—” 
Timothée huffed. He really wasn’t listening. Even when she was being gentle and supportive, simply asking for him to listen and acknowledge her feelings. 
“Sorry, i'll give you some space.” Y/N spat, picking up her stuff and leaving him sitting out there by herself while she went to go cry in the bathroom. Was she really asking for that much? Was she that unbearable that he needed space away from her?
‘can you come take me home?’
Harry was surprised to see her text. It made his stomach feel weird, immediately excusing himself from class. 
‘Yeah, sure can. Where are u @?’
He felt worried. Especially when he found her with red swollen eyes at the front doors, knuckling at her eyes. His stomach dropped. What the fuck had happened? 
“Hey....” Harry gently grabbed her hand and led her out to the car. Once safely behind the cover of the opposite side of the car. “What’s wrong, bunny? You’re so sad?” He lifted a hand to rub away a stray tear. “Don’t like seein’ sad tears.”
Y/N hated that this was becoming a habit, but Harry was her only friend that would understand. Her other friends all loved Timmy, they all thought he could do no wrong, surely they were all jealous of her and would call her crazy for wanting to break up with him or crushing their fantasy. Y/N also didn’t want to spread rumors, so keeping this between her and Harry was safe for everyone. She looked up at him with glossy eyes and swallowed thickly.
“We got in a fight...” Y/N mumbled, feeling her bottom lip tremble again. “I—I was trying to talk to him about like... what’s been going on and stuff and trying to be supportive about it and he just— he said I was being too clingy and pushy and that it was unfair for me to be asking and I’m not even asking for much! Just wanted to show him I was being supportive... so he could tell me if he felt comfortable enough but he just got mad.” She was rushing through her words, sniffling and trying to get her breathing back in order. “Just want him to talk to me! Want to figure it out so I don’t feel like a shitty friend to either of you!”
“Hey... you’re okay, Y/N. Take a breath.” Harry whispered. “You’re good. That’s a real shitty thing of him to say to you when you’re trying so hard to be there for him.” His anger towards Timmy turner never seemed to extinguish. “Regardless of what he’s going through, he didn’t need to take it out on you. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He rubbed her arm. Y/N wasn’t clingy. Maybe when high but, he liked that personally. “You haven’t seen or hung out with him for a bit. If I understand correctly, it’s been a long while since you've even truly talked to him. That isn’t a problem for you, babe. That’s on him.” He smoothed a tear away from her cheek. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less though. It sucks. He’s being a dick.” He obviously was upset about it, his jaw clenched. He wanted to make her feel better. “How about we go get some ice cream? Whatever toppings you want.”
Y/N leaned into Harry’s hand, closing her eyes as she felt herself start to relax. He always knew what to say and just how to calm her down. He was a very good friend. He had been there for her through all of this Timothée shit and was continuously making an effort to make her feel better. She looked at him with wide eyes, wondering if that was a serious inquiry, but it was. Y/N climbed into the car and watched as he drove them down away from the school and somewhere. It seemed to be the skate park, but she assumed that there was ice cream nearby. 
“So you come here a lot?” She asked curiously as they hopped out of the car. She’d left her denim jacket in the car so she was just in her vans, leggings and his T—shirt. Y/N looked like she fit in at the skatepark, especially with him, but she was still nervous about being out of her element.
“I do.” Harry smiled. “The lake isn’t far from here at all. We’re gonna walk down to it.” It was about a block, the fresh air and sunshine seeming to be good medicine for her heart. He had an arm around her shoulders but it was a friendly gesture, their laughing at Harry’s dumb jokes making it clear they were pals. At least. For now. “Alright, I’m buying. All the movies say ice cream cures heartache. So if it doesn’t, we do a class action lawsuit against Hollywood, win, and we can buy all the ice cream in the world.” He was playful, opening the door to the 50’s like ice cream shop. It was cute, pleasing to the eye and he knew the staff. “Alright... hi Barb.” He grinned at the older woman who smiled brightly. 
“Harry! And who is this pretty girl?” She asked with a look of mischief on her face. 
“Relax, Barb. She is a pretty one, isn’t she? But her boyfriend is a bit of a stupid one. So we’re here to fix it up.” Barb could be trusted, and she immediately nodded, taking it seriously. 
“Perfect. What do you fancy? We’ve got every sweet flavor and some not so. The vanilla, the chocolate, but then we’ve got banana, cotton candy, Cookie Monster... all of it.”
Y/N was a bit shy, but smiled at the woman nonetheless. She walked up to the display case and looked through all the flavors, deciding she figured out what she wanted. “Can I have the raspberry white chocolate with graham cracker crust?” Y/N asked softly, looking up at the woman with a sweet smile. She was a gentle creature, anyone who met her would know that. She looked back up at Harry to see what he was going to order, feeling like this was how things were supposed to be. Yeah, Harry was her friend, but they also did other stuff together. They’d been pretty much insuperable since they first hung out. If only she had a way of breaking up with Timmy without completely ruining their friendship. “Thank you, Harry.” Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, already feeling much better thanks to all his jokes and just his presence in general. 
Harry was excited to spend time with Y/N out like this. Maybe he shouldn’t be. He needed to relax with this but it was friendly, right? It wasn’t romantic or a date. No. This was friends getting ice cream. 
“You’re welcome” He was wondering if Y/N ever would actually consider dating him. Not that he was like, in love or anything. But they got along well. Of course they couldn’t do anything while she was dating escargot, but he was hoping that maybe... we’ll. He had to stop. He couldn’t get attached. At least until she was single and he knew she had any type of interest besides sexual.
The ice cream was delicious, but of course Y/N was thinking about how much this felt like a date. They’d both left early from school just to hang out with each other despite having plans to see each other later? Maybe Y/N was over thinking. Harry likely was just being a good friend, he wouldn’t actually want to date someone like her. He was just having fun with her and they were working on their project. Sure, they were calling each other friends but maybe that’s just what Harry wanted to be? He was just a friend who helped her out from time to time. Once they settled down somewhere she let out a sigh, overlooking the scenery and smiling to herself. 
“Thanks for doing this with me... I didn’t think I could stay at school after that, sorry if I pulled you out of something important.”
“You’re good. It was just English and I have my work done for basically the whole semester.” He shrugged. Y/N was more important than a class he already knew the answer to. It did startle him, how quickly he had left without a second thought but he also knew that she was emotionally sensitive. If she wanted to go home, something must have happened to hurt her and he didn’t want her feeling as if she couldn’t trust him. He’s wanted her trust. “I’m sorry that that shit even happened. Can I ask you something though?” He asked. “How come you haven’t broken up with him yet? If he won’t touch you and makes you feel shitty. Cause there’s tons of people who would want to take you out or get to know you. You wouldn't have to worry about being alone.” Including him. Harry would ask her out, if she wasn’t so attached to Timothée.
Y/N should have seen that question coming, should have known he’d want to know why she hadn’t just broken up with him. Y/N let out a sigh, trying to put together her thoughts carefully as to not hurt him or make it seem like she was siding with anyone in particular. 
“I’ve known Timmy for a really long time... he and I have been best friends since like, 8th grade. And... I know how he is and I know how he deals with stuff, throws himself into work and acts like nothing wrong.” Y/N let out a breath, “I really care about him, even if he has been treating me like shit lately and doesn’t touch me, I’m still his friend... and I’m a loyal friend.” She explained, looking up at him before looking away. Loyal, yes, but she’d been cheating on her boyfriend with him. Her other friend. “It’s not that I don’t want to break up with him, it’s that if he’s going through shit like I know he is, I don’t want to just leave him with no one to talk to about it... I always was that person for him, I think he’s just scared of what I’ll think or say or do.” Y/N took another bite of her ice cream and thought for a moment. “I don’t know what to do...”
He could understand that. However he didn’t think Y/N could do anything to help him. “I think that’s admirable, Bunny. But I also think that this is a him problem. Regardless of what you say or do it’ll be his issue.” He said gently. It was hard to make it seem like he wasn’t trying to attack her reasoning. “I’m not telling you what to do, or saying you’re wrong. But, I think you’re putting yourself through a lot of emotional hurt for someone who is only focused on himself right now. And maybe that’s okay for him, but I don’t like you getting hurt. Seeing you upset by him and it seems fairly often. It doesn’t seem like he does the same by you.” He frowned. “Listen— I dunno your bond with him. But I think... relationships and even friendships need equal in and out. Sometimes there’s shifts but it seems like you’re getting nothing out of it, you know?” 
He wasn’t wrong, it seemed that Timothée wasn’t really thinking about her right now and of course that hurt. Friends should always have an understanding at least. Y/N didn’t know of many guys who pushed away their girlfriends when times got tough, but that seemed to be Timmy’s way of coping. Coping with his internal battle that she likely was making him face before he wanted to. She was a reminder to him of what he was hiding. 
“I know you’re right, Harry, but it wouldn’t feel right for me to just throw that on him. I need to talk to him, when the election is over I’ll have time, but right now.... I just need to take it a day at a time. Give him some space and just.. work on finding what works best for me.” That was Y/N’s way of saying that she wanted to keep hanging out with Harry regardless of what Timmy decided to do. Once she got to talk to Timothée and really talk to him, she’d get the truth out of him. She’d help him figure out the best way to go about things and how to have minimal people know if that’s what he wanted.
Harry hadn’t meant to upset her. But she had been pushing and wanting sex and he wasn’t ready for that. Y/N had asked him if they could go all the way and he had to redirect to other things but wouldn’t let it go. See— he did want to fuck her. So badly it hurt. But he also was well aware of the fact that she was still a virgin. Still in a relationship. And that was a recipe for disaster. And as much as he had wanted to diffuse the situation, he couldn’t give in to her wants. 
It was obvious it hurt her feelings and she had left after he raised his voice a little— something he hadn’t wanted to do to begin with— but he had to. It hurt him to see her get teary eyed and leave on her bike. But he couldn’t make this better. Y/N was mad he gave her an ultimatum of breaking up with Timmy or no sex. But he thought it was fair enough. It wasn’t fair to him. Regardless if Harry liked him or not, Y/N was still technically his and he wasn’t going to take her virginity when she both belonged to someone else, and would have him getting attached. What if she lived like this forever? 
Two nights later he had texted her and told her she needed to come over because he wanted to talk. He had bought ice cream and weed, got some Chinese food and a little star locket for their friendship. He was going to try and explain it calmly so she could understand. But she left him on read. And that hurt a ton. So he left her alone for a bit because he realized how deep he was getting into it emotionally when she didn’t even want to see him. 
Of course it was a bit weird and shocking to see her at the party he walked into. Sending her a little smile and wave, he walked past even though it hurt his tummy to see her hanging next to Timothée. Maybe he was trying to be better? Regardless. He went to talk to Zayn, allowing girls to come up and chat with him. It would be weird if he didn’t.
Y/N didn’t take rejection well, especially when it came from someone she was starting to really care about. Harry had started off as a friend who helped her out and quickly became the thing she had always wanted and needed Timmy to be. But he wasn’t her boyfriend, he was just a friend, and he didn’t want to have sex with her because well... he didn’t want to get attached.
He didn’t want to get attached to some girl he was messing around with, Y/N, who had clearly shown true colors. Sure it hurt hearing those words from Timmy, but hearing Harry say them hurt even more. She’d been pushy, with both of them and they both rejected her and left her to fend for herself. 
Harry has texted her asking her if she wanted to come over and talk things out, but she really didn’t want to be patronized. She didn’t want to feel like that stupid girl that kept coming to him with the same problem over and over again and expecting him to take it. 
It surprised her when Timothée had called and apologized for how he’d been acting, saying that he wanted to bring her to this party. She at least felt a little better about the Harry situation, thinking that maybe she could get Timmy to open up to her tonight. She’d got all dressed up, a little bit out of character, but she wanted to feel nice for herself.  
Seeing Harry walk in looking seemingly unbothered by their little fight, it made her heart sink. Especially seeing him all smirky with other girls. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if Timmy had actually been paying attention to her, instead he just had his arm draping over her shoulder while he talked to other people.
Harry kept looking over at her. He missed her. It had only been like a week since they’d hung out. But it was the longest they’d been separated. It was at least every other day, if not every day that they’d go to the skate park or get food or go to Harry's place. He wasn’t sad. He wanted to be with her and hang out with her. Instead of the stupid lanky noodle arm wrapped lazily around her shoulder. God. He was angry. He was so bad to Y/N and was ignoring her and he couldn’t even do anything about it. Meanwhile, he’s rejected two girls. They had taken it easily, when he said he wasn’t there to hook up but to just drink. It didn’t feel right to think about touching anyone but Y/N right now. Maybe ever. He hoped that maybe she would want to hang out with him more? Maybe get over this spat.
Y/N excused herself for a moment to go to the bathroom, but she really just went outside to get some air. It was all getting a bit too much for her in there. Between Timmy ignoring her and seeing Harry with other girls, seeing how easily he chatted and let them curl under his arm the way she did, it hurt. It hurt bad. She felt like she couldn’t even be upset about it because it was her own damn fault. Y/N should have broken up with Timmy and then she would have Harry on her arm right now instead, hell, they wouldn’t even be at this party their be making their own party at Harry’s house. Y/N had been drinking a bit, but not enough to get her drunk, she was far too panicked to be drunk. She found a swing set outside and made her way over to it, just taking deep breaths and relaxing herself the best she could. Y/N needed to figure it all out. She hated that her whole life was wrapped around these two men.
Harry saw her leave and despite it all, he followed. He didn’t want her to be alone, just in case. He hadn’t wanted to disturb her but she looked genuinely upset. Of course she was. But he was confused why when he approached, she scowled after him. 
“Hey.” He said quietly. “What are you doin’ out here? The party is inside.” He wasn’t going to be mean to her or be testy. He liked Y/N. A bit too much, unfortunately. Even though seeing her with him made his tummy hurt, he knew that he needed to be there for her when he wasn’t. Why he felt compelled? He wanted to say he had no idea but he did. He was getting attached to her.
Y/N had just started feeling like she wasn’t going to cry when he walked out and of course, he was there to check on her. Of course. It almost hurt more than despite it all he still cared enough to check on her, to notice she had left and knew exactly where she had gone. She was thankful that it was somewhat dark outside, the backyard light only reaching halfway out. 
“Don’t let me spoil your fun.” Y/N shook her head, refusing to look up at him while she pushed herself gently on the swing with her foot. She knew that it was probably annoying for him to have to deal with her crying all the time, she didn’t want him to think that’s all she needed him for. Lord knows she would have given up if she were him by now. Taking a deep breath in, she tried to keep herself from crying too much, not wanting to ruin the light bit of makeup she put on to look nice. She didn’t want anyone asking questions, certainly didn’t want Timothée finding out she’d been crying. But maybe that would be best? Maybe they could finally have a conversation once and for all.
“What do you mean? This is plenty fun.” He took the swing next to her, beginning to move himself on it. Y/N didn’t realize the power she truly had over him and maybe that was a good thing— bur he wasn’t leaning her sad. “Why are you upset?” He asked softly, slowing his swinging down to a slow pace. She was obviously upset by the fact that Timothée was being a dickhead but it was more than that. She seemed upset with him even more so and he hadn’t done much. In fact, he should be upset with her. “Don’t have to cry. Promise. Is it him being a dickhead? Or did something else happen?” Even if he was upset with her a tiny bit, he didn’t want her hurting. It made him sad to think she was possibly upset over something he could fix.
“Aren’t you getting tired of asking me that question?” Y/N asked with a sad laugh, hurt evident in her tone. “Aren’t you tired of me crying to you about the same thing?” She went to wipe away her tears with the sleeves of her cardigan. “Those girls really seem to like you though, so maybe you should go... I’ll get over it on my own... it’s about time I do something on my own for once, right?” Y/N felt responsible for a lot of things. It wasn’t fair to Harry to have to pick up Timothée’s mess. As much as she hated seeing Harry with other girls, he deserved better than her. She was just complaining about Timothée all the time and pushing him to do things he didn’t want to do with her. He just wanted to be friends with her, but she couldn’t just be his friend. It’s true that she always had a crush on Harry, but she was really beginning to like him as more than a friend and he was right about the whole getting attached thing. She’d get attached and be even more clingy and maybe he just didn’t want that with a girl who had a boyfriend. But it wasn’t even like that! It was so much more complicated. Y/N needed to let Harry go, she couldn’t hold him back from living his best life like that.
“The only reason I get tired of it is because he treats you like that. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be here for you Y/N. You should know me better than that.” Harry murmured. No, he didn’t need to put up with that type of stuff but even still— he wasn’t going to let her stay upset when he could help her. “I don’t really want those girls. I’m not here to hook up with anyone. Zayn and Niall asked why I haven’t been coming out so I came out to get off their back. I usually hang out with you but... you don’t want to hang out with me much anymore.” He murmured. It hurt to think about. Y/N was so lovely and he wanted to be around her all the time but he had hurt her feelings and maybe she didn’t want to be near him anymore. That hurt the worst because he always wanted to be around her. But he couldn’t go further than what they were doing when she was still technically belonging to ratatouilletimmy.
“What?” Y/N shook her head, “no, never said that.” She defended because she most certainly didn’t want him thinking she didn’t want to hang out with him anymore. “That’s far from the truth.” She couldn’t believe she would actually think that she didn’t want to spend time with him, especially when he actually made her feel like she was worth something. Made her realize her worth. “But it’s stupid, it’s the same thing over and over again... just want a fucking break! I’m trying! I’m trying so hard to keep it together. Whenever I hang out with you, everything’s okay, all of my troubles go away and it’s not even your fault! I— I know you don’t want to sleep with me because of him and I shouldn’t let that affect how I view myself, but hearing it from him didn’t hurt as bad as it did coming from you!” Y/N burst, getting up from her swing. “I can’t even be mad at you! I understand! I do! But I’m protecting him and hurting you and by hurting him I protect you! I can’t win!”
“Hold on— hold on a second, Y/N. I want to sleep with you. I don’t know why you think I don’t. I even said we shouldn’t. I won’t, until you’re single. It’s not that I’m not attracted to you or don’t want it. I do, really fucking bad.” Harry responded, crossing his arms. “But it doesn’t have to be this complicated. You don’t have to protect him. He’s a big boy. Just like I am. If you genuinely like being in a relationship with him and I’m complicating that— I would go. But you don’t. I know ya far too well now to know you’re miserable.” He couldn’t let her think that he didn’t want her. But she was making a mistake. “I’m not going to sit here and tell you what to do. You’re a grown woman, you can make your own decisions. I just don’t understand why you keep putting yourself up to get hurt by him when he obviously doesn’t care that he’s hurting you. He’s protecting himself and you’re hurting yourself for nothing.” He stood up as well. God, it boiled his blood. “I told you I can’t sleep with you until you broke up with him because of that. I can’t risk making things any messier. The risk of getting super attached will hurt.”
“And that’s why I said it’s time I deal with things myself!” Y/N raised her voice this time because she wanted everything to stop. “I came out here to think, Harry. You don’t have to understand, I didn’t ask you to come out here with me. You asked me how I was feeling and I told you, so please don’t make it seem so easy because if it were you, you’d understand.” Y/N was firm, clearly angry and upset. “I care about him, and I care about you... a lot. I’m going to deal with this, my way— that includes accepting whatever comes with it. I’m not expecting you to stick around and wait for me, I understand why you made the decisions you made, so please do the same for me.” She couldn’t break up with Timmy without talking to him about everything first, she couldn’t just leave him to deal with his thoughts. If he was conflicted about his sexuality and had no one to talk to and she just left him feeling vulnerable she’d never forgive herself. It didn’t matter how shit he was treating her, he’ll apologize with time, she’d never regret being a good person no matter how much people hurt her.
“You really don’t understand, Y/N. It’s so frustrating to sit and watch you get upset but I’m not going to just leave and not talk to you when things are shit.” It was a bit of a dig at her, to be honest. She ignored all his texts and calls and didn’t answer him at all. “I asked you to come over so we could talk and be chill again. I fuckin— I got food and shit and set up the roof but you left me on read. I thought that like— you’d at least want to hear me out but you’re so in your own head. Don’t you think that I care about you?” Harry asked, getting angry now. “I did have to come out here because you left. You were upset and regardless, I’m not a dick and I want to make sure you were okay. I’m not saying that it’s easy. I’m saying that you deserve more respect than what you’re allowing yourself to be given and regardless of what he’s going through, you don’t deserve to be treated like shit.” He was obviously upset, clenched jaw and stiff form. “Jesus. I keep trying to show you I care about you and you push me away because I say one thing. It wasn’t a rejection. It was a deal. I don’t want you to have to deal with shit yourself. You’ve been doing that for a long time but fuck, you keep pushing me further just like he’s doing to you. I hate that you’ve been ignoring me.” His voice cracked but at the end but he cleared his throat. “If you want to be left alone, fine. You could have told me that.” He squared his shoulders and walked towards the door. He didn’t want to get more angry around her and say something mean.
“I wasn’t trying to push you away! I was upset and I was trying to deal with it on my own, I wasn’t ready to talk, clearly I’m still trying to figure out what to do and—” Y/N felt like it was pointless explaining it to him. “Think what you want.” She was tired, so fucking tired. She landed herself in this mess and was trying to clean it up but she was getting the water all dirty anyway. 
She watched him walk away and took a seat back on the swing, another wave of sobs ripped from her chest. She wanted him back here, wanted him sitting next to her, but she needed to do this on her own and take a hold of it all. She needed to talk to Timothée, but she needed to stop crying so hard first. Seeing Harry like that made her sick to her stomach, she didn’t want to make him mad or make him feel like shit, she just wanted him to respect her feelings cause she respected his. Sure she didn’t answer him, but she had every right to be upset with him and deal with it on her own, she didn’t want to answer him and say something she’d regret or worse. 
She wanted to leave, but she needed to stop running away from her problems. Needed to face them head on.
Harry went up to the bathroom later on. He needed to take a fucking breather. Jesus. He didn’t want to upset Y/N. But it hurts. It hurts to think she didn’t want to talk to him yet because he had always been around to give her support and it felt like the times he wanted to genuinely talk that she was pushing him away. So he got drunk. Tried to forget about it and let go for a little bit but it didn’t work. He was sad. He was upset, he wanted to go home and cuddle her and hide his face between her tits to hide from all the things making him uncomfortable. Figures. The first person he genuinely develops feelings for is dating someone else and doesn’t seem to want him back like that. It hurt pretty bad and he didn’t like this feeling. It just reminded him of why he avoided bonds with a tone he did anything with. Less of a chance to feel this aching in his chest. 
When he got home he collapsed on his bed and went to sleep. He had asked Niall to watch her when he left to make sure if he saw her that she got home okay. But he needed to go to sleep.
A killer hangover greeted him, but he thinks part of it was upset about the last night. That Y/N had went off and seemingly not wanted to be around him anymore. 
It only got worse when he opened his Instagram and saw a dm from none other than Timothée.
[part 4]
A/N: hehe a cliff hanger!!! The next part will be the final installment. We will still be taking requests for blurbs for them and what not, possibly oneshots, but we shall see - n + d
let us know what you think!
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murder-raven13 · 3 years
My Haikyuu Ships pt. 3
A/N: Part 3 because I am a hoe that procrastinates
Warning(s): cursing, not proofread, this has again become kind of relationship hcs, loooooooooooooooooooog, I added another ship because my memory sucks
Word Count: 3,401
Part 1 Part 2
Tanaka x Ennoshita
So, Ennoshita is calm and collected but also very insecure. Doesn’t trust in his own skill or ability to lead nor the relationships he’s built with the team. Tanaka, on the other hand, is loud and confident and dedicated. He also refuses to let people talk bad about themselves or let other people talk bad about the people he cares about. This really helps with Ennoshita’s insecurity because Tanaka is brutally honest and Ennoshita knows that, so he believes Tanaka. And Ennoshita can keep Tanaka in line and on track. Tanaka is the type that’s only truly dedicated to the things he cares about, so other things tend to fall behind. School is one of the things that gets left behind. But Ennoshita is there to keep Tanaka on track, making sure that he’s doing what he has to to ensure that he can continue participating in his passions. They’re both really good together, covering the other’s weaknesses with ease and letting themselves lean on the other when they need it. Very sweet boys with a very soft, fun relationship. 
Yachi x Kiyoko
Okay, Kiyoko is a bit of an outsider and she’s not good at expressing herself. But she is sure of herself. She knows her capabilities and has confidence in her looks and, after a while, in her relationships with those close to her. But she’s never had a relationship with a female that she’s been sure of. Then Yachi comes along, basically worshipping the ground Kiyoko walks on, and completely anxious about literally everything. Yachi is a big ball of stress and love, and she turns to Kiyoko first, for everything. She believes in Kiyoko, knows that Kiyoko will always fit with her, doesn’t mind that Kiyoko has flaws because Kiyoko is perfect to Yachi. And Kiyoko helps Yachi build her confidence. They’re a very domestic couple, I feel. The kind that would be able to just sit in silence while they did their homework or just watch TV together every night. Kiyoko makes sure that Yachi doesn’t overwork or overstress herself by giving her massages and calming baths. Yachi makes sure that Kiyoko is happy and sure of their relationship, completely free with her emotions and her words whenever they’re together, by ensuring that Kiyoko knows Yachi is there, always, the peaceful shadow in Kiyoko’s life. They’re just neat together. 
Yachi x Ushijima
Ushijima is a very simple man and very devoted man. His partner’s needs and feelings are a priority to him, even though he may struggle to pick up on body language. He’s big and strong, but very gentle, astoundingly so for someone so brutal on the court. Yachi is pretty much the opposite. She’s tiny and unsure and anxious. And Ushijima terrifies her at first. He’s giant and strong and stoic. This boy does not look welcoming, especially to someone as tiny and panicky as Yachi. So, it takes a while. Ushijima doesn’t think much of her at first because she doesn’t seem like much but he sees her struggling with a near panic attack after she gets separated from the team one day and he just really can’t stop himself from wanting to protect this tiny human. He becomes a kind of balm, a protector that makes Yachi feel safe because, no matter how scary the world it, Ushijima is there to keep the brunt of it away. And Yachi serves as a constant reminder of Ushijima’s strength, a reminder that he’s needed, loved, for all the qualities about himself that he’s spent his entire life strengthening. 
Atsumu x Hinata
Can I just say disaster? [that’s gonna describe quite of few of the remaining ships tbh] They’re a disaster but, like, a good disaster. Atsumu and Hinata have the same zeal for volleyball and Atsumu fell in the love the first time they played a game against each other. Hinata took a little longer to fall. Together, though, they’re good. They have a place to channel all their chaotic energy. They mess with each other a lot, perpetual state of war via prank. Sometimes, much to the chagrin of those that know them, they keep score of who can prank the most other people. But most of the times it’s kept between themselves. This is a very fun couple. The kind that goes on spontaneous beach trips at 2 in the morning and plays until they can’t physically move. So in love with each other they sometimes forget other people exist. They’re both absolutely blinding, all radiance and sunshine, burning with so much passion that other’s have struggled all their lives to deal with them. They get lost in each other, reverent and worshipping and all to pleasantly blinded by the other.
Atsumu x Sakusa
Sakusa is mean, a meanie. He’s so mean to Atsumu. Most of Atsumu’s time is spent just pouting at Sakusa until Sakusa has to desperately try and hide the blush on his face. That pout is his favorite of Atsumu’s expressions and Atsumu has a lot of them. Sakusa hates being the in public eye but that’s unavoidable with his career. But Atsumu, glorious, blinding Atsumu is there to keep the crowds and the germs and all of it focused on him. He keeps the world away from Sakusa when Sakusa can’t deal with it. He’s always, always making sure Sakusa is comfortable and clean and happy. And Sakusa is the motivation Atsumu needs to truly take care of himself. Atsumu gets so focused on volleyball and being the best that he forgets some things, like resting and self-care and showering, all things that Sakusa is religious about. They make such a good couple because Sakusa needs Atsumu to be the light and Atsumu needs Sakusa to be his guiding hand. 
Osamu x Suna
Chill babies. Osamu and Suna are both so chill, or at least they both seem that way. Osamu’s chill is kind of fake. It’s not that he’s not chill, it’s just that he’s surrounded by things that push his chill into a little corner and beat it up. And by “things” I mean Atsumu. Osamu loves his twin, no doubt, but his twin is also the most exhausting person alive a majority of the time. They’re constantly in competition. They have the same face and yet Osamu is constantly preferred less by fans besides the fact that he swore he would be more likable than Atsumu because he didn’t want to be alone like Atsumu. So, the team and those that know Atsumu all prefer Osamu, but everyone else doesn’t. In comes Suna, who captures everything on his phone, and I mean everything. Every fight, every argument, every moment, everything. This lets Osamu look back at how he and Atsumu interact and realize how tired he is of it all. And Suna is more than willing to just lay there, doing nothing, when Osamu needs somewhere quiet to be. Suna is Osamu’s refuge from Atsumu, whose passion and attitude make him too much sometimes. And Osamu lets Suna chill. He doesn’t expect emotion or passion or anything chaotic from Suna, he just wants Suna to be Suna, a lazy little shit that likes to cause trouble whenever it’s easy to do so. Osamu, to Suna, is a partner, someone that knows him and accepts his limits, respects how he is a person. 
Osamu x Hinata
Okay, Hinata is really just like a nicer, more likable version of Atsumu’s energy. Osamu would be one of very few able to keep up with Hinata’s energy in a relationship without getting swallowed up in it. Osamu would be so supportive of Hinata’s volleyball career, would undoubtedly practice when Hinata begged him. He doesn’t mind, he misses the game. But Hinata never tries to pull him back into volleyball, he understands what Osamu is passionate about and supports the fuck out of it. Loves Osamu’s food, constantly bragging about it. Osamu can go nowhere with Hinata without turning bright red at some point. Also constantly bringing people to Osamu’s restaurant. The team won a game? Onigiri Miya. Someone got engaged? Onigiri Miya. Man has no shame. And Hinata’s so cute and famous that this really does bring a bunch of people to the restaurant [Osamu is salty about it and so is Atsumu]. 
Ushijima x Hinata
So, I’m a whore to enemies to lovers and I’m a whore for height differences; what you gonna do about it? Nothing because nothing can be done. Hinata has similar energy to Tendou, except Hinata is much nicer than Tendou and a different kind of chaotic. Hinata is unfiltered passion and confidence. Ushijima is concentrated passion and confidence. The two of them together are constantly challenging each other because Hinata never stops striving to be the best, a trait Ushijima greatly admires. And Hinata is always so impressed with Ushijima’s skill and power and size, loves that he’s found another volleyball idiot to be with. Hinata drags Ushijima into life experiences and Ushijima brings Hinata home whenever he’s drifting too far. They’re a very strange couple to others because their energy is so different. Definitely the couple whose house is more plant and volleyball stuff than anything else. Hinata will definitely tuck himself into Ushijima’s side until he’s almost completely hidden, may have once gotten into Ushijima’s hoodie with him, because he’s a little shit and Ushijima cannot say no to him [and he doesn’t really mind have Hinata so close].
Yachi x Oikawa
Oikawa is used to girls fawning over him. But Yachi is too shy to do so. Literally will not admit she finds him pretty. She just kind of ignores him, which pisses Oikawa off because this small, adorable girl won’t even spare him a glance and that’s never fucking happened before. Honestly starts pursuing Yachi because she didn’t seem interested at first. The first time she calls him pretty, he blushes, which was not a reaction he was expecting from himself. Realized he liked this cute ball of nerves more than he was originally supposed to. Yachi helps Oikawa realize he doesn’t need to be fake all the time, that not everyone has to life him, because he has the people who matter. And Oikawa helps Yachi become more confident, more sure of herself, more comfortable with defending her ground [she has to in order to deal with his damn fangirls]. Oikawa is a clingy ass person, but he understands that that makes Yachi a little uncomfortable in public, so he cuts back on the PDA, until there is a guy talking to Yachi, then he’s all hands on deck. Will definitely save Yachi from stressful situations. Loves that Yachi brings him lunch every day. 
Suga x Ushijima
Suga hates him at first. It’s so funny. Because Ushijima is just captivated because Suga is pretty and kind and caring and so observant, if not the greatest setter. He’s got a bond of trust with his teammates that Ushijima admires a lot. And Suga is willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if that means he has to step into the background. But Suga hates him because he thinks Ushijima is perfect. It’s not true hate, just irritation. But it’s enough to keep Suga away. And then Suga starts realizing all the ways Ushijima is far from perfect. He’s stoic and bad at talking and communicating and all together a disaster at social interaction because he’s so brutally honest without thought. And Suga starts to like him, how could he not. This man is a mess and handsome and Suga’s a little whipped. It’s Tendou that gets them together because Tendou notices that Suga’s feelings have changed and knows that Ushijima’s crush has not. So, he sticks them together and, true to character, Ushijima confesses without much thought [despite the fact that he blushes]. Together, they’re a very mature couple and I do not mean that Suga gets any less meddlesome. I just mean that they’re relationship is very domestic, very stable. Their relationship is a constant, a comfort, something to always come home to. And Suga has his school students and Ushijima has his volleyball career and then they have each other. Works very well. 
Bokuto x Hinata
Bright disaster bois. Can I just say good luck to their friends. These two are constantly feeding off each other’s energy. Hinata hypes Bokuto up and Bokuto pulls Hinata forward. All the time, constant movement with these two. They’re almost never home. Either at the gym practicing, out getting ice cream, at an amusement part, or trying to get themselves lost. They’re impossible to keep up with, but so fun to watch. They’re such a happy couple, always smiling, always laughing, always with a new story to tell. Little explorers. But always together. People can see it, too, how utterly bright the two of them get together. It’s actually ridiculous, Kageyama hates them [he thinks they’re cute but he would literally rather die than admit it]. 
Tanaka x Yamamoto
Chaos personified in a relationship. They’re both threatening appearance wise so whenever they go out together, they’re absolutely avoided by everyone. But they’re so nice all the time. Constantly giving out compliments, definitely the couple that will talk about attractive people they see on the street together. Also definitely the couple that is constantly hyping each other up, in everything they do, even like brushing their teeth. They’re stupid. Always having fun together. 
Matsukawa x Hanamaki
These two both have resting facial expressions that aren’t actually indicative of what they’re feeling. This, on top of their personalities, means that these two are the ultimate pranksters. They can keep a poker face like nobody’s business. Absolutely impossible to read. And, unlike some of the other prankster couples, these two do not prank each other often. No, no, no. They team up on other people. Like demons. No one is safe. If you are around, you are a potential target. And they love it. It makes them laugh and its something they can unfailingly do with the other. It’s a bonding thing for them, would definitely make pranking people a date. Other than that, though, they play a lot of video games together. Plus, the lack of emotional expression of the other’s face has never thrown either of them off because they rely on body language and other cues because they themselves understand that the face isn’t always reliable. Very understanding and super in tune with each other. 
Aran x Kita
So, y’all remember when Aran got onto Kita for questioning if it was okay or normal for him to feel happy? That was the Moment. Aran lives in Japan, but he is black and his name is foreign. Because of this, he’s been an oddity his entire life. That doesn’t mean that people don’t like him or that they make fun of him for it, in fact, plenty of people react like the Miya twins. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s an oddity and that people react to it. Kita is also an oddity, not because of his name or his ethnicity, but because of his personality. He doesn’t act like a child and is super dedicated to a strict routine that includes keeping everything religiously clean. Not a lot of kids are like that. And Kita himself has said that he thinks more like an adult than a child, he’s aware of the fact that he’s not like his peers. This helps connect the two of them. They don’t react to each other for what makes them odd, they’re simply friends. Kita has never thought much of Aran’s name or the fact that he’s black and Aran doesn’t mind that Kita doesn’t exactly act like a child. They trust each other, they rely on each other. And they found their common ground at first in the fact that they’re both different in some way.  
Takeda x Ukai
I have shipped these two from the very first conversation I saw them have. Ukai was irritated by Takeda, but admired and acknowledged his unwavering persistence. And Takeda went full creep and learned everything he could about Ukai so that he could manipulate him into coaching the team. Like, this meanie does not give up. And Ukai both hates and loves this trait. Because this adorable teacher should not be able to make people bend to his will like this, dammit. And Takeda is adorable, Ukai knows [he pretends he doesn’t]. Takeda knows that Ukai is a big softie despite his appearance, that he cares a lot more than he lets on, and that he is, legit, a concerned parent half the time [what other kind of person gets onto children all the time to make sure they’re eating properly?]. He also knows that Ukai is smart and dedicated and cares a great deal about his family. So, once Takeda had his sights set on Ukai as a partner, Ukai really couldn’t [and didn’t want to] say no. They become Parents, no questions asked, but not like real parents, like the uncles the kids are always left with. [Ukai thinks he’s smooth-he is not, Takeda finds this adorable and won’t say anything about it].
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
The only reason this ship made it to the third part is because I wanted a childhood friends to lovers in every part. It really is law. Please, Tsukki is such a grumpy baby and Yamaguchi is such a stressed out puppy. Tsukki is soft for this man and this man alone. Literally cannot actually be mean to him. Yamaguchi knows it to [whenever Tsukki tells him to shut up, Yamaguchi knows that it’s for one of two reasons: Tsukki is flustered or Yamaguchi is doing something Tsukki finds cute and is flustered]. Yamaguchi is a walking protector, will snap at people for attacking Tsukki even if he himself is terrified. And Tsukki has unwavering confidence in Yamaguchi’s abilities. They know each other. Yamaguchi knows that Tsukki is a big softies, that he’s insecure sometimes, that he loves anything strawberry flavored and anything to do with dinosaurs. He knows and he loves Tsukki for it all. And Tsukki knows that Yamaguchi is insecure and quiet and doubtful, but he also knows that Yamaguchi is dedicated and kind and everything he never thought he would find in another person. Yamaguchi is where Tsukki goes to feel safe being himself. And Tsukki is where Yamaguchi goes to feel secure. They’re safe together. 
Nishinoya x Yaku
Honestly, they’re both gremlin smols and I love them. They constantly learn from each other and push each other to be their best. Yaku is a team mom and Noya is team problem child. So, they work pretty well together. Noya gets Yaku to loosen up a bit and Yaku gets Noya to calm the fuck down. Noya lowkey makes him nervous sometimes but thats because Yaku is scared of his own feelings. Like, how can he like this wild mess so much? Please explain it to him, he would like to know. But he does love Noya, a whole damn lot, and he’s not doing anything to change it. 
Kyotani x Yahaba
I cannot believe I forgot to add their part. I’m mad at myself. Kyotani is a big scared asshole. He doesn’t want to let people close to him, he wants to be the best, and he definitely doesn’t want others to know enough about him to see him as anything but strong. So, being vulnerable isn’t his strong suit and he doesn’t let people in. His respect is hard earned, his affection even more so. But Yahaba is a pretty boy with a very strong center. He refuses to take any shit from any one. But he doesn’t act that way unless he needs to. And Kyotani needs him to act like that. And once he does, it gets much harder for Kyotani to believe that Yahaba is just a pretty boy. Yahaba can and will put Kyotani in his place. And Kyotani is constantly pushing Yahaba’s buttons, forcing him to reveal bit by bit how strong is personality actually is, how much he wants to be the best as well. Best bois. Mad dog and mad dog trainer. I love them. Probably my favorite Haikyuu ship, out of the 50 million I have.  
This is the last part, yay!!!
I have too many ships, some pls help me.
This post legit won’t save half of the tags. I’ve typed them twice and it won’t keep them on the damn post. So, I had to go with just one or two tags for each to make sure each ship was in the tags. 
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Okie dokie so for my first request, can I ask for a Yelena one with Pillow + tent + star gazing+ "Hey, if you were an animal, would you want to be one that walks or flies?" + "what are you waiting for?" Please and thank you, oh also *** ;) with Yelena being the top you're the best and congrats!!!!
i am......... SO FUCKING SORRY. the last few months i lost all inspiration but today i found it, and i’m gonna get right back to working on your requests. again i’m so sorry, i hope the word count and content shows a little much of how sorry i am, but you absolutely do not have to forgive me because i am a garbage person
but they WILL get done.
yelena belova x fem!reader, hello this is my first time writing in a while so bear with the shitty smut (18+ of course)
prompts: Yelena Pillow Tent Stargazing, “hey if you were an animal would you want to be one that walks or one that flies?” and “what are you waiting for”
Gazing at Stars
Your eyes rolled so far back into your head when you realised what month it was. Every year, Steve insisted on the team taking a trip together to some random place he would pull from a hat, and every year, it was camping in some dumpy forest. It was rather obvious that those were the only options, and it was compulsory.
Steve insisted it was team-building, and you knew that was bullshit. The only way he could get some peace was by dropping you all somewhere in pairs with a map, those few priceless hours all to himself as he set up the camp ground, and you all wandered aimlessly hoping to find a hotel rather than the same pile of tents.
Every year, you were all disappointed. You felt Yelena fidget next to you, her brow knitted together in concern and confusion. Nudging her softly, she flashed a meek smile to try and hide whatever was going on in her mind. You let it go for now, but as soon as the meeting was over, you stopped her in the hall.
‘Hey, Belova, what’s with your face in there?’ you queried, making sure no one else was around so she’d actually answer truthfully. ‘Almost looks like you hate camping as much as I do, which I thought was impossible.’
She also glanced around, but seemed hesitant to answer at all. ‘What is camping?’
Realisation struck, and you quickly scrambled to try and find the right way to describe it, without turning her against it too early. ‘Well, you can do it alone or with a group, and pretty much you all go into a forest and sleep there.’
‘For what purpose?’
You managed a smile, the now scared look in her eyes making you uneasy. ‘Uh, Steve likes to say for fun, Nat and I always say it’s more of a torture tactic, but it isn’t always so bad.’
‘It is, I think,’ she replied quietly. Seeing the confusion that spread from herself to you, Yelena forced a smile. ‘The Red Room did this too. They drive you to nowhere, and leave you, using only what you know from their teaching on how to get back. You don’t, you die.’
After trying to explain the difference between abandoning nine year olds in the frozen Russian tundra and sleeping in a tent around a bonfire for a few days, you knew Yelena was still concerned.
‘I’ll talk to Steve, I have an idea.’
‘Don’t do anything stupid,’ she remarked, quickly stretching herself out to her full height, which did nothing but make you laugh.
You winked and turned to find him, missing the rush of warmth that ran up Yelena’s body to her cheeks, holding there until you disappeared around the corner.
‘STEVEN!’ you shouted, delighted by the weary face that peered around the corner before you. ‘Good, you heard me.’
‘Hard not to, Y/N,’ he teased, ‘what do you need?’
Two weeks later, Steve stood in his usual place before the team. He gave you a quick nod, before announcing that this year’s camping trip would be set on the grounds of the Avengers Compound, due to certain restrictions and new recruits being unfamiliar with the whole process.
No one even glanced at Yelena, some others on the team just as fresh as herself. She squeezed your hand under the table as a thank you, but didn’t so much as spare a glance your way.
‘No technology is to be used, except in the usual 7pm to 9pm rule, unless with exceptional reason,’ he explained, ignoring the grumbles and groans. ‘Now, I have enlisted Friday’s help in coming up with a system for pairs.’
He droned on with each pair, no one really paying attention, knowing Steve would post it in the hall later.
Yelena froze at the mention of her name, unsure whether to stand or move or just continue breathing, all in the split second it took Steve to say your name right after. The sigh of relief was noticeable only to those on either side of her, you and Natasha exchanging a look behind her back.
When the day finally came, you and Natasha cornered the reformed assassin and took either of her arms.
‘What is this? Are you hazing me?’ 
‘What?’ you both laughed, shaking your heads. 
Natasha rolled her eyes and pulled her in tighter. ‘No, dumbass, we’re taking you down to the campground. Y/N and I are going to show you how to set up a tent.’
‘Don’t you have your own partner?’ Yelena grumbled, her relationship with Natasha just as sisterly as ever.
You and Natasha turned Yelena around to see Clint following behind, holding several large bags which Yelena could only assume were these “tents” you kept trying to explain. He ran to catch up, joining in on the current gossip session Nat was catching you all up on.
It’s not so bad, Yelena thought to herself, hiding a smile in her puffy jacket as you tightened your grip on her arm, pulling her a little closer. 
I don’t entirely hate this, she thought, unable to stop herself from laughing as you shoved popcorn up Bruce’s nose and the Hulk spit it out, or as you dared Thor to an eating challenge, only for him to balk and refuse after last time. Her favourite thing was the race between you and Steve, everyone refusing to let him know you cheated every time.
Hoping to distract everyone from the current story time in the circle, knowing your ass was about to be handed to you if Natasha or Steve knew how your last mission went, you turned to Yelena and posed a question. It was loud enough to intrigue the others, and your dumbassery was forgotten.
‘Hey, if you were an animal, would you want to be one that walks, or one that flies?’
Yelena seemed confused, but knew why you were trying to silence the story. ‘One that flies. They see more than the one who walks even knows exists.’
Tony jumped in next, his answer not very surprising. ‘I’m already both, why choose?’
The night progressed, and you started to think. You all knew camping really wasn’t so bad, it was only the concept of it, that or the fact that Steve enjoyed it a little too much.
Amidst the Asgardian Tales of Horror that Thor began to spin, you snuck Yelena away to show her your favourite part of camping, the only reason you didn’t vanish from the trip every year. Pillow tucked under your arm, you sighed a breath of relief and dropped it to the ground.
‘Y/N, I don’t think-’
‘I’m not saying trust me here, but I think you’ll like this.’
Yelena seemed concerned as you dropped to your knees and dragged her down beside you, looking into her eyes as your fingers lightly grabbed her chin, tilting her head skyward. Above you, the stars stretched out in an endless expanse, her chin dropping as she studied each one.
You had seen the stars plenty of times, but they were nothing like the ones you saw when she kissed you. She grabbed your hips and pulled your body close, turning you on your back, mumbling into your lips. Pulling away from you for only a moment, she moved to kneel over you, lowering herself so she could straddle you.
Her hands ran softly up the material of your shirt as she leaned down to kiss your neck, sucking a trail across your collarbone.
‘Are you okay with this?’ she whispered into your ear, the shivers running down your spine turning you into a malleable mess.
‘Extremely,’ you huffed, your hands on her toned back, pulling her down, closer.
You could feel the smirk cross her face as her hand drifted along your ribcage, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. Your jaw clenched at the soft touch, looking down just in time to see her lift your shirt up, kissing across your stomach. 
Biting your lip, you felt your legs clench together, but something was pressed between your thighs. Yelena used her knee to push yours apart, the pure rush you got from that movement only increasing your need for her to touch you.
‘Beg me,’ she remarked, sucking at your skin softly, drifting lower as her fingers danced at the button on your jeans.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you felt yourself inching down towards her thigh, clenching your legs around hers. ‘Please,’ you started, looking directly into her eyes as she traced your stomach muscles with her tongue, ‘fuck me.’
‘Good girl.’
‘Christ,’ you moaned, the slow movement of your zipper sending interesting vibrations down your body. 
She seemed to enjoy riling you up, the slow movement of your jeans sliding down your legs torturous, her fingernails touching so lightly along your thighs it tickled, making you want her all over you at once. No matter how much you kicked your legs and squirmed to get her to touch you any faster, her pace didn’t differ.
You didn’t notice until the air hit you, but it wasn’t only your jeans she’d dragged painfully slowly down your legs. Her lips were softer than you expected, but her tongue was as sharp as her quick wit. A dangerous combination in most situations, yours included.
The moment you realised you were entirely exposed to the cool night air, Yelena had graciously moved her talents south. She traced an agonisingly slow trail up your folds, her touch registering on more than one level. You choked down a moan, grabbing your own hair with one hand, and Yelena’s with the other. 
She busied her self with tantalisingly slow tongue movements and soft kisses all over, fingers drifting up your skin and beneath your shirt. They squeezed at your breast over your bra, the clenching of her fingers in time with the flicks of her tongue over your clit.
If this was how you were going to die, you would already be in heaven. Positive your teeth were going to shatter from how hard you were clenching them, you tried to push yourself closer to her, wanting more and more.
She gladly obliged, taking your dripping clit into her mouth and sucking at it. Slowly at first, gentle and soft, your body tingling as you realised her other hand was holding your thigh, and her fingers were inching closer to you. Yelena knew exactly what she was doing, each movement like the most blissful torture one could imagine.
The release of your jaw came with a loud moan, Yelena’s fingers soaked with your slick, sliding easily inside you. You sank down against her hand, moving your hips and twisting yourself until she was right where you wanted her. Grinding hard against her hand and face, Yelena’s enhanced strength came in hand.
She moved faster and harder, fingers curling in all the right ways and tongue expertly teasing the most sensitive part of you. Your head fell back against the pillow, the stars in your eyes matching those above, sweet release coming only once Yelena had drawn you out to your maximum. 
You don’t know how long you lay there, trying to catch your breath, knowing the assassin still had every move, and the word “reformed” wasn’t in her vocabulary. She would had positively killed you with her talents, if she hadn’t already done so with her smile.
The pair of you exchanged tired glances for a moment, Yelena propped up on her elbow studying you.
‘I want to kiss you,’ she said softly.
‘Well, what are you waiting for?’ you smiled.
taglist: @marvelfansince08love @mymarvelwomen @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @monihaswritersblock @natasharomanoffswife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
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kurokoros · 4 years
some like it hot (1/4) | todoroki x reader x bakugou
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Rated: T (bakugou’s dirty mouth, sexual humor)
Words: 9.3K
Pairing: shouto todoroki x fem!reader x katsuki bakugou
Summary: A Charity Fundraiser leads to you going home with not one, but two of the most popular Pro Heroes of your generation. They say some like it hot, and you certainly aren’t complaining.
AKA: a totally not self-indulgent threesome fic
AN: Well, this isn’t what I was expecting to write, but here we are! I was just planning to write a pwp threesome fic but now there are feelings involved, and this is my life now. Also available on AO3. Ask to be added to the tag-list. Chapters will be weekly until completion! Thanks in advance for reading! Note, this does start with a flash forward.  A note: the reader does have a name used only in dialogue because I hate using “Y/N” in fics. Both names are puns. “Yuna” = Y/N, and the kanji in “Hikai” means “fire time”.
You can honestly say this wasn’t what you were expecting to happen tonight.
Chilled fingers follow the curve of your spine, starting at the base of your neck and trailing downward achingly slow. The hitch in your breathing is loud, and Shouto’s lips curve into a barely there smile against the back of your head. Deftly, he slips a finger between your shoulder and the pretty dress you’re wearing, teasing the soft skin there before you let him brush the fabric aside.
The straps of your dress slide down your arms teasingly, and a pair of narrowed, ruby red eyes immediately drag down your body, appraising you as more of your soft skin is revealed. Katsuki licks his lips as the silky fabric pools around your feet, expression nothing short of greedy as he watches the two of you, though he doesn’t move. Not yet. You shiver under his gaze and the icy kiss that Shouto presses against the side of your neck. Hands drag down your sides to grasp your hips, the difference in temperature between the two making you gasp and squirm, but Shouto holds you firmly against his chest.
The boys lock eyes over your shoulder. A silent agreement.
“All right, angel.” Katsuki’s voice is deeper than usual, and startlingly calm. “Be a good girl and moan for me an’ Icy Hot.”
Shouto huffs at the old insult, but then his teeth drag down the column of your throat and you do exactly as Katsuki demands, much to their amusement.
Chuckling to himself, Katsuki’s eyes rake over you again, taking in the lacy lingerie previously hidden beneath your dress, and the strappy high-heels that do little to keep you from being dwarfed by their heights. You swear his fingers spark as he grasps the front of his dress shirt, popping the buttons one by one. Patiently, Shouto’s left hand draws small circles against your hip, his right skimming the smooth skin of your stomach, trailing higher and higher until he’s grasping your chin between cold and calloused fingers.
They look at you like they want to devour you.
And you plan on letting them.
One Week Earlier
“Midoriya!” you snap, throwing open the door to the Pro Hero's office and letting it slam against the wall with a loud crack. Izuku’s head snaps up in surprise, big, green eyes locking with yours, and the intern sitting across from him releases a rather undignified squeak at your sudden intrusion. 
Immediately, a grin spreads across Izuku’s face. “Oh, hey, Hikai—”
Your narrowed eyes and the manila folder pointed in his direction are a warning, and he shuts his mouth quickly.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, Midoriya. I’ve told you at least a dozen times now to give me the list of agencies you want contacted for the charity gala next week. We need it finalized by the end of the day, or I swear...” You leave the threat hanging as you place your free hand on your hip, but you get the point across easily enough.
Realization dawns on Izuku’s face. His eyes widen further if possible, his mouth dropping open into a silent “oh” as his neck begins to flush. Across from him, Izuku’s intern Seiji Nakamura shifts awkwardly and glances between the two of you, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else as you chastise Deku, one of the top rising heroes of the new generation.
And chastise you will. Deku may be the Pro Hero, but you’re the one that runs this shit show.
“But, I thought…” Izuku trails off suddenly and rubs the back of his head, a sheepish look on his face. 
You quirk a brow. “Thought what?” Your heel stops tapping against the floor impatiently when he sends you the best puppy dog look he can manage at twenty-three, which shouldn’t be nearly as effective as it is considering you’re both adults now. “Midoriya, just how many agencies were you planning on inviting this time?”
“... All of them?”
In response, your eye twitches. You highly consider smacking yourself with the folders still clutched in your right hand, but settle for pursing your lips at the pleading look he’s still sending you, hope shining in those big, green eyes. Even Seiji looks baffled by Izuku’s reply, blue eyes half-hidden behind a shaggy mess of dark, curly hair.
Honestly, you can’t say you’re all that surprised by the overzealous answer. After working with Izuku for three years and counting, it’s certainly something you’ve come to expect, though you can’t help but wish he would tone things down just a little. But Izuku has always had the most uncanny way of connecting with people and inspiring them, you included, and already, you find yourself thinking up ways to make this work in less than a week.
Ever since he opened his own agency three years ago, Izuku has always been adamant about including everyone in these charity events, despite any tensions that may exist between certain Pro Heroes. Somehow, he manages to curb any animosity with his sweet nature, flitting around between different groups of people and putting smiles on everyone’s faces. You’d think that was his quirk if you hadn’t seen him in action before.
Shaking your head, you level him with a tired look. You’ll have to call in a few favors. “You’re going to give me gray hairs someday, you know that?”
Izuku’s smile widens. “You’re the best, Hikai!”
“Don’t you forget it.”
You cross the short distance to his desk and set down the folders. His brows furrow and his head cocks to the side in confusion as he glances between you and the mysterious files. Casting a glance at Seiji, you decide to keep things vague. “These are the files you requested about the activity in Utapa. They’re ordered by urgency. Tsukauchi wants your answer by Friday at the latest.”
If Izuku is surprised, he manages not to show it. “Thanks, Hikai. Is there anything else?” 
“Your meeting with Ground Zero and Shouto starts in an hour. Would you like me to just let them in?” The as usual remains silent.
Seiji perks up at the mention of the other Pros, just as popular and respected as Deku himself. When his eyes widen, you’re reminded that the previous meeting between the three Heroes was cancelled due to the recent disaster that destroyed much of the eastern coast. The last two weeks since Seiji joined them had been busy for everyone between rescue operations and a small spike in criminal activity, but things have finally begun to return to normal.
Nodding, Izuku offers you a smile. “You know how Kacchan is,” he says simply, making you roll your eyes. 
Don’t you ever. Katsuki has been an absolute pain in your ass for years, always yelling and swearing and storming into Izuku’s office even though the polite thing would be to wait for permission. You’ve grown used to it, of course. It wasn’t easy coming to terms with the fact that you were friends with the huffy blond in high school on account of him being a reluctant extension of Izuku, but since then, you’ve grown to appreciate his friendship. He’s calmed down a lot over the years you’ve known him, and he begrudgingly weaseled his way into your heart after the two of you crushed the rest of his former classmates in beer pong.
At least Shouto is marginally more polite, if not closed-off and occasionally a little too brash, though he always means well. You’ve grown used to that, too.
In either case, you can’t say you mind the eye-candy.
“Though,” Izuku continues suddenly, an uncharacteristic flicker of mischief in his gaze, “I’m sure they’ll want to stop and talk to you first. It’s been a few weeks since they’ve been here. They probably miss you.”
You snort, momentarily forgetting about Seiji sitting beside you and blatantly ignoring Izuku’s comment, even as you feel yourself flush. “It hasn’t been that long,” you tell him, neglecting to mention that you recently went out for drinks with Katsuki and Kirishima and managed to snag a quick lunch with Shouto between the craziness of last week. Though, judging by the look in his eyes, Izuku must already know. 
With that, you straighten and clear your throat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make.”
Izuku’s amusement doesn’t fade as you stalk back out the door and close it behind you with a gentle click.
It’s nearly an hour later during a lapse between calls that you sigh and drop your head into your hands, silently lamenting your choice in career up to this moment. As much as you enjoy working with Izuku and other Pro Heroes, you could stand a few less calls with old men that think you don’t know how to do your job.
So far, you’ve barely made a dent in the amount of calls you have to make for this charity event. To have everything ready in less than a week will be a challenge, but you always have liked a little last-minute pressure. With the evacuations and rescues done, all that’s left is to provide financial support to those devastated by the recent tsunami, and that’s where you come in. You may not have a combat-oriented quirk fit for a Hero, but this is something you can do.
Leaning back in your chair, you stretch your arms above your head, relaxing for just a second before you have to make your next call. In the meantime, you glance at the report you’d been thumbing through earlier, a copy of Izuku’s statement from the last villain he fought. Just another thing you need to finish this afternoon.
You look over the file quickly, hardly hearing the tell-tale click of Izuku’s office door opening and closing. 
Absently, your eyes flick away from the report as you hear the scuff of sneakers against the tile, catching sight of the newest addition to Deku’s Agency.
Izuku’s intern, Seiji, hesitates as he passes your desk, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye as he fidgets with his costume gloves. Momentarily, you’re reminded of how adorable and awkward Izuku was when you first met during the start of your second year at UA, and an unwitting smile curls on your lips.
“Can I help you, Nakamura?” you ask, pausing midway through the report laid out across your desk.
The teenage boy startles at the sound of your voice, eyes wide as he rips his gaze away from the clock. You press your lips into a tight line to keep from snickering with immediate understanding.
There are thirty minutes left until Katsuki and Shouto are supposed to meet with Izuku.
“Ah! No, everything is fine, Ms. Hikai!” he hurries to tell you, waving his hands in front of him frantically. Big, blue eyes meet yours as his face flushes with embarrassment that’s practically a carbon-copy of the expression your boss makes when he’s flustered. If you didn’t know better, you might think the two were related, though, you suppose that’s why they get along as well as they do.
Izuku isn’t exactly selective about taking on interns from UA, but you’d be blind not to see how easily the two of them clicked after they first met. Seiji Nakamura is only a first year, not the top of his class by any means, but with the same drive and determination that you saw in Izuku nearly a decade ago. It’s only his third week interning under the Pro Hero Deku, but already he’s improved greatly, becoming a welcome addition to the Agency.
You won’t be surprised if Izuku decides to take him on as a sidekick after he graduates.
Seiji shuffles his feet and casts another wistful glance at the clock, and you decide to take pity on the poor boy. 
“Did Deku send you home for the day?” you ask, despite knowing the answer. You peer at him out of the corner of your eyes, pretending to go back to your reports. 
Slowly, he nods. 
“Good. Then you can help me finish filing the last of these reports.” You reach for another file. “What?” you continue when he gapes at you. “You didn’t think hero work was just beating up criminals, did you?”
“No, Ma’am!” he’s quick to sputter out, flushing all the way to the tips of his ears. 
You grin. “Well, then you can help me with this for a few minutes.”
Seiji nods, eyes shining with familiar determination, and it isn’t long before he’s plopped onto a chair beside you, carefully filing a stack of reports sitting on the corner of your desk while you alternate between doing the same and making another series of quick phone calls.
It’s during another lapse in these calls that Seiji peeks at you over the top of the file he’s reading. “Ms. Hikai?” he asks, suddenly bashful again as he rubs the back of his head. “How long have you known Deku?”
Barely glancing up from your paperwork, you hum in thought. “Almost eight years now. We met as second years at UA.” Fondness tugs at you as you think about that time and everyone you’ve met as a result of a single random selection.
Seiji’s head tilts to one side curiously, his brows furrowing slightly. “But you weren’t in the hero department.”
“No, I was in the business department. Top of my class too,” you can’t help but tack on. His eyes widen at the new information. “At the start of our second year, the faculty wanted to create more unity within the student body, so students from each class were paired together for a group project. Midoriya and I just happened to be in the same group.” Your lips quirk upward as you reminisce, and you find yourself telling Seiji more than you meant to. “I already knew who he was, of course. Because of the previous Sport’s Festival and all of the trouble his class was constantly getting into. Though, I definitely wasn’t expecting to end up working at his Hero Agency eventually.”
You’d been working freelance half-way across the country when you got the call from Izuku about the agency he was opening and the offer of a job. You practically had to uproot your entire life at the time, but you would have been an idiot not to.
“Did you ever want to be a Pro Hero?”
Pausing, your eyes narrow as you think it over. “Doesn’t everyone?” you counter, only half-joking. “Honestly though? Not really. I’m happy with my job. I always knew I wanted to work with Heroes, not be one.” Glancing at the clock, you can’t help but sigh when you see the time. With a barely smothered groan, you grab your work phone off your desk and frown when you see the next name on your list.
Dialing the number, you start preparing for a major headache later. 
“Mr. Fujikaze!” you greet as soon as he answers the phone. “This is Yuna Hikai from Deku’s Agency. I was wondering if I could have a word with you?”
“Mr. Fujikaze, I would appreciate it if you didn’t shout at me,” you state calmly despite the irritation threatening to creep into your tone. “I understand that this is short notice, but if you would please listen—”
You’re cut off by a snide retort you don’t bother listening to. Beside you, Seiji blanches, having grown startlingly pale over the duration of your conversation. Almost immediately after giving your name, the conversation took a sour twist. You were expecting it, given your previous experiences with the surly man, but that doesn’t make it any easier to tolerate.
You catch the tail end of some quip about him thinking Deku would hire a “more competent secretary,” and it takes a startling amount of willpower not to hang up on him right there. He knows damn well that you aren’t just some secretary. “Mr. Fujikaze, once again, I understand your frustration, but it’s important that you inform Nightwalker of the upcoming event. As a former Pro Hero, the show of public support would be instrumental towards—”
Another round of spiteful remarks makes you sigh. You’re so engrossed in the man yelling at you over the phone that you don’t hear the ding of the elevator until a loud scoff draws your gaze towards it. Seiji’s head whips around as well, his eyes widening comically as he realizes who’s there.
“You got stupid Deku’s interns doin’ your job now, sweetcheeks?” a familiar, gruff voice teases you. Heat licks up your spine as your eyes lock with ruby ones, a cheeky smirk already spreading across Katsuki’s face. To his right, Shouto shakes his head, but makes no comment when he sees you on the phone.
Ignoring them for the moment, you hold up a single finger to silence Katsuki’s next smartass remark. He grumbles something under his breath that you don’t catch, clearly put out by your easy dismissal.
But like Izuku said, neither one makes a move to head directly into his office, waiting patiently—if you could ever call Katsuki that—for you to finish your phone call.
“Sir, I understand—if you would let me finish—” You purse your lips at the mocking voice that cuts you off again. “Yes, I’m aware that Nightwalker is—” You yank the phone away from your ear as Mr. Fujikaze raises his voice again, this time louder than before. Loud enough for the two Pro Heroes standing across the desk to hear him.
Shouto’s heterochromatic eyes narrow and you swear the temperature drops sharply as he clenches his jaw. He takes a small step forward and you shiver, but before he can say anything, the phone is being ripped out of your hand.
“Bakugou!” you snap, glaring up at him in exasperation.
“Oi, dickhead!” Katsuki barks into the phone, taking a step back before you can grab your phone again. Your gaze cuts to Shouto for help, but he pretends not to notice, doing absolutely nothing to stop his companion’s irritated tirade. “Don’t fuckin’ yell at her just because she’s better at her fuckin’ job than you! And you work for a Pro? Fuckin’ pathetic.” 
Fujikaze’s stuttered response is cut off with a click.
“Bastard,” Katsuki practically snarls, glaring down at the now silent phone like he’s thinking about exploding it into tiny pieces.
Utterly unimpressed, you roll your eyes and hold out your hand for your phone, fingers wiggling impatiently until Katsuki huffs and drops the device onto your waiting palm. “As eloquent and to the point as always, Bakugou. And how many times have I told you to stop with the pet-names while I’m working? This is a professional setting, you know.”
He snorts and crosses his arms. “Bastard had it comin’, sweetcheeks,” he says, blatantly ignoring you. Asshole.
“You realize I’ll just have to call him back and apologize for that, right?” you ask, one eyebrow quirking slightly. A hint of amusement curls at your lips despite everything, and a familiar, pleasant warmth floods through you as he stares just a little too long.
“Whatever,” Katsuki grumbles, looking far too pleased with himself for telling someone off.
Instead of arguing with him further, you turn to his quieter companion. Your smile only widens when you find him already staring back. Shouto’s mouth curves up slightly at the edges and he nods, casually slipping a hand into the pocket of his dark jacket—which looks sinfully good on him. Neither of them have any business looking that good in casual wear, you think, trying not to stare at the collarbones revealed by Shouto’s plain v-neck or the biceps Katsuki has on display.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think they were doing it on purpose.
“Hikai.” It’s a simple greeting, more formal than Katsuki’s because you’re both working, but there’s something overwhelmingly soft about the way he says it. You’ve always liked the way your name sounds on his lips.
“Todoroki,” you say in return, the ghost of a smile flickering across your lips as you tease him. “How many times will I have to tell you to call me Yuna?”
Mirth flickers in those blue and gray eyes. “At least one more.”
Katsuki snorts, but by the time your eyes flicker back to him, he’s already frowning down at the nervous child seated beside you. “Who the hell are you?” he asks bluntly, as if he’s already forgotten that Seiji is Izuku’s intern who you’re positive that either you or Izuku have mentioned to the grouchy blond before.
You don’t notice the look that Shouto sends Katsuki.
“Don’t be rude, Bakugou,” you chastise, clicking your tongue at him. He doesn’t even pretend to look apologetic.
Luckily, Seiji doesn’t seem discouraged by the attitude. He practically scrambles out of his chair after the Ground Zero addresses him, nearly dropping the files he was going through before the two Pros stepped in. “I’m Seiji Nakamura, Mr. Ground Zero, sir!” he sputters out, reaching across the desk with one hand for Katsuki to shake. “It’s nice to meet you!”
You smother a laugh at Katsuki’s bewildered reaction to Seiji’s excitement, the high-schooler rambling slightly as he gushes about both Pro Heroes, much to your amusement.
Shouto cuts Seiji off gently. “Sunspot, correct?” At the wide-eyed look and quick nod from the teenager, Shouto hums in thought. “You did well at the Sports Festival,” he says. “It’s unsurprising that Midoriya took you as an intern.”
“You too,” Seiji says stupidly. A look of horror spreads across his face. “No, wait, I didn’t—I mean—obviously, you did well in the Sports Festivals a few years ago, Mr. Shouto. And I’m sure that Mr. Deku would have taken you on as an intern as well, but—”
He’s out of breath, and his face is starting to turn a rather dashing shade of scarlet by the time you place your hands on his shoulders, gently guiding him back onto his chair. You haven’t seen him this much of a jumbled mess of nerves since the day he first met Izuku. At least then the two of them were able to gush about each other. 
“Deep breaths, Nakamura,” you murmur in Seiji’s ear, giving his arm a quick squeeze.
“Right,” he chokes out. He glances up at the amused pros and grabs another stack of reports, quickly burying his face in them to hide his flushed cheeks.
Yeah, he’s definitely Deku’s intern. While Shouto looks almost fond of Seiji’s Izuku-like ramblings, there’s a glint in Katsuki’s eyes that has your hands immediately going to your hips. “Don’t even think about it, Bakugou,” you warn him. “I won’t hesitate to kick your ass.” You know that look. And you’re not going to let him make fun of some poor kid.
He scoffs loudly at the threat. “Like you could.” He looks you up and down slowly, a cocky smirk on his face, and you shudder at the way those red eyes drag across your form shamelessly.
“Wanna bet?” you challenge teasingly, silently glad that your heels are giving you just a little extra height right now. “You scared, Ground Zero?” you continue when he chuckles under his breath.
Katsuki braces his arms against the top of your desk and leans forward until he’s in your face. “I’d like to see you try, short stuff,” he says, low and a little husky, and for a second, you think your brain might short-circuit. 
Forcing your gaze away from Katsuki’s teasing one, your eyes end up finding Shouto. He’s standing a little straighter than before, dual-colored brows furrowed as he stares at Katsuki with a flicker of irritation that disappears as soon as he feels your gaze on him. Those icy eyes flicker to you, unintentionally pinning you in place. Your breath catches.
Clearing your throat, you pull away from the magnetizing gaze as white hot electricity buzzes through you. “Midoriya is ready whenever you’d like to go in,” you inform them, hoping your voice sounds even. “He knew you were coming, so you shouldn’t need to knock.” With that, you reach for your phone again, debating if you should call back Fujikaze now or wait until he’s possibly calmed down.
Katsuki doesn’t let you get far. “Some assistant you are,” he drawls almost lazily, slipping a hand into his pocket. “Not even gonna let him know we’re here?”
From the corner of your eye, you see Seiji watching the three of you intently, his blue eyes jumping rapidly from you to Katsuki to Shouto in fascination. There’s a quip about Katsuki just wanting to stare at your ass on the tip of your tongue, but you bite it back, not wanting to taint the poor intern’s virgin ears. Besides, you have to remain at least somewhat professional, even if these are your friends.
You glare at Katsuki as you shift out from around the desk. Your heels click against the tile floor as you walk towards Izuku’s office. Behind you, their steps are quieter, muffled, but still recognizable. Katsuki’s self-satisfied smirk is something you can practically feel against your back.
Knocking twice on the door before opening it, you pop your head in just in time to see Izuku gazing almost wistfully at an All Might action figure before he flushes and quickly shoves it back into the top drawer of his desk. You’re sure the amusement shows on your face when you tell him, “Ground Zero and Shouto are here to see you, Deku.”
His eyes light up when he sees the men standing behind you. “Kacchan! Todoroki!”
“What did I tell you about calling me that? Fuckin’, Deku,” Katsuki grumbles as you step out of the way to let him through. He’s glaring at Izuku half-heartedly, much to Izuku’s amusement, and you roll your eyes as you twist on your heel to return to your desk while the longtime rivals start to argue playfully.
You gasp as you nearly crash into Shouto’s chest, the Hero closer than you thought. A big hand reaches out to steady you as you wobble on your heels, his palm gripping your waist in a firm, yet gentle, hold. His touch is hot even through your dress, and you inhale sharply at the deliciously warm contact.
“Careful now,” he murmurs, voice deeper than usual. Izuku and Katsuki’s bickering seems muffled by the quiet lull of his voice. Humor flickers in Shouto’s eyes and, very carefully, he shifts you so that you’re almost blocked from looking into Izuku’s office. “You wouldn’t want to fall.”
It takes a second too long for you to find your voice. “You’re right,” you say a little breathlessly. He’s so close that you can smell his cologne, light and fresh, though you can’t quite figure out what it is. “Bakugou would never let me live it down.”
He doesn’t laugh, but you’ve known him long enough to recognize the amusement in his eyes. Slowly, and so gently that you almost don’t notice, his grip tightens on your waist.
“Oi, hurry the fuck up, Icy Hot!” Katsuki barks when Shouto hesitates too long in the doorway.
As usual, Shouto ignores him, still staring down at you with a look in his eyes that makes you shiver. The tip of his pinky brushes against your hip and you find yourself leaning into the gentle heat. His eyes rip away from yours as he clears his throat. Shouto glances behind you suddenly, and you follow his gaze to the intern still sitting behind your desk, awestruck and grinning like an idiot. You place a delicate hand on his bicep, drawing his attention away from the giddy teenager with a soft squeeze. “Something wrong, Shouto?”
His gaze snaps back to you as quickly as it left, and those mismatched eyes almost steal your breath as they jump between your own eyes and the fingers curled around his upper arm. Swallowing, he glances at Seiji once again.
When he does speak, his voice is low. Shouto’s breath tickles the shell of your ear, and you can hear the nearly imperceptible tinge of humor. “Is that Midoriya’s secret love child, or something?”
Barely smothering a giggle, you shove him towards Izuku’s office as you shake your head. His lips twitch into a barely there smile.
“Yuna,” he calls you back before you can slip away, the sound of your name on his tongue making heat curl through you. Shouto is as shameless as Katsuki in the way his eyes drag down your body, taking in every inch of you like he wants to commit everything to memory, and you can practically feel the path his eyes take like it’s a physical touch. By the time his eyes find yours again, your chest is tight with something you don’t want to put a name to. “You look beautiful today,” he tells you in a voice barely above a whisper.
Only then, does he let you go. Shouto’s hand falls back to his side, but the heat from his palm is still burning into your side, like fire left in his wake. Your hand slips from his arm just as slowly, trailing down the length of his arm so that your fingers brush before you let him go.
Shouto looks like he wants to say something else, but he shakes his head and offers you a small smile and a nod before stepping into Izuku’s office and walking over to his friends.
You close the door behind you, a shaky sound leaving you as you lean back against the solid surface. 
Seiji is staring at you with wide eyes, his mouth open in a small “o”. When he realizes he’s been caught, he yelps and grabs the nearest file on the desk, opening it to a random page.
“Something wrong?” you ask.
The rest of the day was a blur. Before you knew it, your paperwork was done, and it was time for you to leave, though you stayed to chat with Izuku a moment before leaving. His smile was tight all afternoon after Shouto and Katsuki left, and it stayed that way until the moment you stepped out the door. 
You could hear the yelling earlier, mostly from Katsuki, of course, but you were surprised to hear a harsh edge to Shouto’s voice as he responded, even if you couldn’t make out what they were saying. At that point, you sent Seiji home, and the meeting between the three Heroes ended soon after, much earlier than usual.
Katsuki stormed out first, cursing under his breath and stomping towards the elevator. He barely spared you a glance as he left, but for a second, you thought his gaze softened when he saw you. Shouto was quieter as he left, a tightness around his eyes, but he nodded at you before disappearing after Katsuki.
Izuku didn’t mention whatever argument they must have had, and you didn’t press. It was none of your business.
You’re barely out of the office before your phone is ringing with the obnoxious tone that you reserve for one person. Fishing your phone from your purse, you’re quick to accept the call without a second thought. “Hello, Mina,” you greet the bubbly woman calmly as you cross the street.
“What are you wearing right now?” she asks, ignoring your greeting entirely. 
A bemused frown slips onto your face, and you sigh. “Mina…” you trail off with a shake of your head. A small part of you wants to ask why she’s curious, but a larger part says it’s better not to question it. Mina has always been a little eccentric, which is something you’ve always loved about her, but sometimes it can be exhausting.
She giggles. You can practically picture the grin on her face. “I bet it’s something sexy,” she teases. “You aren’t wearing anything naughty, are you?”
“I just got off work,” you remind her, assuming that’s why she chose to call now. “What do you think I’m wearing?” Absently, you glance down at the plum colored dress you’re wearing: form-fitting and pretty, but still professional. Izuku isn’t strict when it comes to dress codes, but you have more than just your own image to worry about.
She scoffs. “I’ve seen your office clothes. It’s definitely something sexy. Not that I’m complaining, of course.” You hear the tell-tale sound of Mina flopping dramatically onto the nearest piece of furniture and roll your eyes. She sighs loudly. “Midoriya sure is lucky to get to see your pretty face every day.” 
Your lips quirk into a smile without your permission. “Is there something you want or are you just trying to proposition me?”
“I mean if you want to…” she trails off suggestively.
A snort escapes you. “I don’t think Kirishima would like that very much,” you say, reminding her of her longtime boyfriend. The two have been dating since their third year at UA and are disgustingly cute together. Besides, you’d hate to be a homewrecker.
“He doesn’t have to know.” Mina giggles, only to stop abruptly with a gasp. “Oh! Better yet, maybe he could—”
You cut her off before she can finish the thought. “I’m hanging up now.” 
It’s an empty threat, but Mina reacts immediately.
“No!” she whines, dragging out the word as long as she can. “I’ll behave!” Her try at sincerity is offset by the torrent of giggles she’s unable to smother, and you find yourself grinning as well. “Yaomomo wanted me to call and make sure you’re still on for tonight at her place. We know you’ve been busy with work and the charity event you’re planning for Midoriya, so if you can’t make it tonight, we totally understand, girl.” She pauses. “But if you cancel, Ochako and I are going to break into your apartment and kidnap you anyway.”
“That’s not very heroic of you, Pinky. Eraserhead would be so disappointed.” Frankly, you’re surprised Mina’s class didn’t send him into early retirement. “What was the plan for tonight again?”
“Movies, wine, and talking about boys. The usual.”
Perfect. That’s exactly what you need after… whatever it is that happened today. “You know what? That sounds great right now.” 
Mina squeals. “Yay! Great! I’ll let Yaomomo know right away. What time do you think you’ll be over?”
You hum as you head for the train, trying to estimate the time. “Probably an hour? I have to drop off some files at home and change, but that should be it.”
“Perfect. Tsu got held up with Sirius—you know, wedding planning and all—and Toru has a date tonight, so it’ll just be the five of us.”
You grin. “I’ll bring the wine.”
It’s a few hours later when you find yourself squished onto a couch with Ochako and Kyouka, pleasantly tipsy as you listen to Mina dramatically recount the events of her recent date with Kirishima that somehow involved a one-hundred-and-twenty count pack of crayola crayons, an elderly chihuahua, and a leopard-print shower curtain—you’re a little afraid to ask the logistics of it all—when your phone vibrates in your pocket for what must be the fifth time tonight. 
Finally resigning yourself to check your messages, you wiggle just enough to fish your phone out from under you as the conversation shifts to Toru’s date for the night. The newest message makes you smile immediately, a simple text from Izuku telling you to have fun tonight with too many emojis and exclamation points that you know the rest of the girls must have gotten, too. There’s also one from Iida reminding you to drink responsibly that has your eyes rolling, but it’s the last two notifications that make you freeze.
Shouto and Katsuki’s names make your stupid heart flutter on sight. The messages are virtually the same: have fun, be safe, and call if you’ll need a ride home after. You choke up as you glance over the texts again, your entire chest feeling uncomfortably tight, like there’s a sudden weight curling around your ribcage and squeezing. You blame the wine. The texts are nothing out of the ordinary. You’ve accepted rides from both of them before so tonight shouldn’t be any different.
But it is, a small part of you says. It’s different for you. But you’ve known them both too long to fuck up a perfectly good thing.
“What about you, babe?” Ochako leans over Kyouka to poke your arm, jolting you back to the conversation. “Any men in your life we should know about?”
With that thought in mind and the welcome distraction, you turn off your phone and shove it back into your pocket without responding, even though you know it’ll just make them worry. “Hardly. You know I don’t have time to date right now.” It’s not exactly a lie with how busy you’ve been, but it’s certainly not the main reason. “Besides, I’m not interested in anyone,” you continue.
Kyouka’s expression is sly when she glances at you over the rim of her drink. “That’s not what I heard from Denki. Apparently he saw some pretty interesting things last week. A lunch date, perhaps?”
“Kaminari is full of shit,” you remind her. Already you can feel a flush creeping down your neck. You didn’t know anyone saw you and Shouto. Not that it’s a big deal. Just two friends grabbing lunch. Nothing else.
On the other couch, Mina sits up with a loud gasp. “Wait, which one are we talking about? Bakugou or Todoroki? You’re such a player, Yuna!”
“Todoroki,” Kyouka says before you can protest. “But you’re right, Mina, Bakugou definitely likes her too.”
You roll your eyes. “He does not.”
Ochako leans forward to look at you, shaking her head. “Izuku seems to think Bakugou genuinely likes you.” Her smile widens mischievously. “Apparently, he’s very honest when he’s drunk.”
“Eiji told me the same thing,” Mina chimes in.
“Bakugou wants to fuck me, there’s a difference.” You only sound a little bit bitter when you say it, and the girls see right through you.
“I mean, you aren’t wrong,” Kyouka agrees begrudgingly, looking at you out of the corner of her eyes, “but he definitely likes you more than that. If you two just wanted to screw, I’m sure you would have done it by now.”
You make a face at that but can’t disagree as you reach for your wine glass, downing most of it because you’re definitely going to need it. A part of you hates that she’s right. You certainly could have had some hot, casual sex with Katsuki in the past. He’s never been shy about flirting with you, even if he used to be a hell of a lot worse at it, and you’ve never done a thing to deter him, but one or both of you have always backed off before it can get any further than that, unwilling to risk it. Katsuki is hot, sure, but not hot enough for you to sleep with your friend if it won’t go anywhere.
A low hum from across the room catches your attention. Your gaze flicks to Momo, who’s been quiet so far. There’s a contemplative look on her face, her eyes narrowed in deep thought and her lips set into a firm line. “As does Todoroki,” she says eventually. “We’ve all seen the way he looks at her.” Momo doesn’t elaborate at all, but Ochaoko, Mina, and Kyouka all nod like they know exactly what she means.
Mina looks at Ochako. “Didn’t Midoriya say they hugged today?” she asks, like you’re not sitting right there across from her. “Right there in front of his office? In front of his intern?” She glances at you then, mockingly scandalized. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“It wasn’t a hug,” you argue immediately. “It was…” you trail off awkwardly, trying to find the right word, but nothing better comes to mind. You can’t exactly explain what happened without making it sound like he cradled you in his arms while you felt up his biceps. “It wasn’t a hug,” you repeat as you cross your arms, pointedly not looking at any of them.
“Aww, you’re blushing!”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“So, which one would you rather see naked?”
That last one makes you nearly choke on your drink. “Mina!” Your wide-eyed look makes her cackle. She throws her hands up defensively at your glare. Kyouka and Ochako are already snickering at your expense, and you glare at them too. At least Momo has the decency to look scandalized by the unprovoked attack. Some friends you have.
“It’s a fair question!” Mina tucks her feet beneath her, cups her chin, and pretends to think, weighing her options. “Personally, I think I’d rather see—”
You groan. “Please stop talking.”
Kyouka shakes her head as she pulls her phone out of her pocket, glancing over a text quickly. “What would poor Kirishima say if he heard you thirsting over his friends like this?”
Mina shrugs. “He’d probably talk about their manly physiques.”
“Shit, you’re right. You got me there.” Kyouka sighs and sends a text before sliding her phone back into her pocket. She stands up suddenly, stretching her arms over her head and looking a little more flushed than she was a minute ago. “I’ll be back. Denki wants attention.” Carefully, she maneuvers around your legs, heading for the hallway. 
“Don’t have phone sex in the bathroom again,” you call after her.
She flips you the bird.
Momo stands as well. “And I should go check on the brownies.” For a second, you swear she looks pointedly at Ochako, but then she smiles and claps her hands together and the moment is gone. Momo glances at her seat companion. “Mina, would you accompany me to the kitchen?”
“What? But I—”
“Shut it, Pinky,” Kyouka snaps from out in the hallway. 
Mina pouts but allows Momo to pull her out of the living room and across the hall, the pair speaking in hushed whispers.
The sudden silence is heavier than normal. You glance across the couch to where Ochako is still sitting.
Ochako tucks her legs beneath her and looks at you from the other end of the couch. Her eyes are narrowed and there’s an unfamiliar pensive look on her face as she looks you up and down. You meet her stare with one of your own and cross your arms, daring her to say what’s on her mind now that the two of you are alone.
Never one to back down from a challenge, Ochako clears her throat. “You know,” she starts in a slow drawl, “Izuku told me something interesting today.” When you groan, a grin splits across her face, making her look very much like the cat that got the cream.
“Please, don’t,” you beg, downing the rest of your drink. You glance over your shoulder with a wince, suddenly glad that the other girls are gone.
Ochako continues as if you didn’t speak. “He said Bakugou and Todoroki have been having a…” she trails off, searching for the right word, “disagreement, so to speak. Apparently, things were a little tense during their meeting today.” Her mischievous smile disappears. “They’ve both been flirting with you for ages, you know. You can’t say you haven’t noticed either. Neither of them are exactly subtle about it.”
“I know.” You sigh and rake your fingers through your loose hair, fiddling with the rim of your empty glass with your free hand. Your own expression sobers and suddenly you wish you had another shot in front of you. “What am I supposed to do, Ochako?” you ask so softly she can barely hear you. “I don’t want to lead either of them on, but…”
You clam up before you can finish, already knowing how ridiculous you’ll sound once you say it out loud. It’s not something you’ve ever admitted to any of the girls, despite how often they tease you about the two powerhouses from their class.
“But?” Ochako prods gently, like she knows exactly what’s on your mind.
Another sigh. You set your glass down on the coffee table and curl your legs towards your chest, absentmindedly fiddling with the sleeve of your sweater. “I like both of them,” you say bluntly, grimacing as the words spill out. “I really do. And I know that makes me sound like some indecisive teenager going through an angsty phase—and I’m not going to sit here and whine and wax poetic about them, but they’re both great guys. You know that. They’re both intelligent and funny in their own ways. They’re great Heroes. Bakugou is… well, he’s Bakugou, but he’s charming in his own way. Todoroki is the same way. And, I mean, I’m not fucking blind, you know? They’re ridiculously hot, and it’s kind of unfair.” You finally force yourself to look at Ochako who looks caught between sympathetic and amused. “I’d be lucky to date either one of them.”
She reaches out to pat your arm, her lips quirking upward. “I think they’d be pretty lucky to date you too. You’re pretty hot yourself.”
You laugh in disbelief. “Thanks.”
Ochako shuffles closer to you, taking Kyouka’s abandoned spot and pressing her shoulder against yours. “So, what do you want to do? You know we’ll all support you either way, right?” 
The reassurance brings a small smile to your face, and you nod before dropping your head to rest on her shoulder. “I mean, I was just planning on eating ice cream, crying, and avoiding making life altering decisions for as long as possible.”
“Yuna!” Ochako giggles and shoves you off her shoulder. When you whine, she sends you a mock disapproving look. “Be serious!”
You smother a groan, wanting nothing more than to shove your face into the couch cushions and avoid this conversation entirely. “What do you want me to say, Ochako? That I’d like to let both of them have their way with me?”
An excited squeal from behind you makes you flinch in your seat. With wide eyes, you whip around on the couch. Horror shoots through you as your eyes lock on an ecstatic Mina, Momo and Kyouka hovering in the living room entrance behind her. 
“I fucking knew it!” Mina gasps, clapping her hands together and practically jumping up and down.
You sigh and drop your head back onto Ochako’s shoulder. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you murmur.
She pats the top of your head gently.
Mina skips around the edge of the couch and flops down dramatically, already whipping out her phone as Momo and Kyouka settle onto the other sofa across from you, small, matching smiles on their faces. They’ve never teased you as openly as Mina or Ochako, but just because they haven’t said it out loud doesn’t mean they haven’t thought it.
“You’re being dramatic, Mina,” Kyouka says, folding her arms behind her head on the back of the couch. “It’s not like she was very good at hiding it.” She smirks at you, and you flip her the bird, making Ochako giggle.
Momo remains silent but has to politely cover her mouth with her hand to hide a smile.
Mina waves Kyouka off with a flick of her wrist. “Eijirou owes me twenty,” she tells all of you excitedly. Wiggling in her seat, she pulls her phone out of her pocket, excitedly beginning to type.
You lurch away from Ochako with a horrified gasp. “You are not telling Kirishima about this!” Mortified, you nearly lunge across Ochako’s lap to slap the cellphone out of Mina’s hands, to which she whines loudly. Mina pouts but makes no attempt to grab her phone off the floor.
The glare you send her is half-hearted; her smile comes back full force.
“So, when you say you want them to have their way with you, are we talking separately, or, like, at the same time? Because, to be honest, that’s totally a sandwich I wouldn’t mind getting between.”
Ochako snorts, Kyouka rolls her eyes, and Momo looks particularly scandalized at Mina’s comment.
“I’m too sober for this,” you murmur, shifting on the couch so that you can toss your legs over Ochako’s lap. Blindly, you grope for one of Momo’s throw pillows on the floor. Maybe it’s not too late to smother yourself with it. Frankly, you’d take death over the turn this conversation is taking. You’re loath to admit how much you agree with Mina on the whole sandwich thing—and you know what, maybe you have had enough to drink tonight.
The thought must be clear on your flushed face because Kyouka sends you a knowing look. “Definitely at the same time,” she says.
This time you go through with the smothering plan. The poor pillow is crushed against your face, muffling your words when you ask, “Why am I friends with any of you?” Obviously, you know the answer. These ladies have been with you for the better part of your young adult life, and you wouldn’t trade any of them for the world, but sometimes you really want to strangle them with your bare hands.
Ochako pulls the pillow away from your face and tosses it aside with a smile, making you pout.
“Bitch, you love us,” Mina jokes, throwing you a playful wink.
Kyouka leans forward, resting her chin against her palm. “Besides, who else would put up with your dramatic ass?”
“Kyouka,” Momo chides despite her growing smile.
Ochako giggles and reaches out to poke your cheek. “We do it because we love you.”
Still pouting, you sigh. “I know.” Despite their teasing, you know they only want the best for you, and you appreciate that more than you’d ever be able to put into words. “You guys are the worst. I love you, too.”
“So…” Mina trails off purposefully, pretending to be engrossed with something on her phone—probably Kirishima. “You never answered the question, my dear.”
“Which question is that?” Right now you’re desperately hoping that playing dumb will work. As much as you’d like to continue dissecting your love life—or lack thereof—you can think of at least a dozen things you’d rather be doing. And that short list includes letting Mineta suck on your toes.
“Personally, I’d like an answer to which one you’d rather see naked, but admitting you want to have a threesome with two of the sexiest Pro Heroes of our generation is also acceptable.”
One of your eyebrows quirks upward. “Just of our generation?”
“Aizawa is a fox.” The other girls protest in varying degrees of disgust and Mina crosses her arms. “Why are you booing me, I’m right!”
You bite back a smile as Kyouka pretends to gag. “I have to agree with Mina on that one,” you confess, only half joking. You turn to said girl. “Tell us more about your hot fantasies about Eraserhead.”
“Hey now,” Mina jabs a finger in your direction. “Don’t think you can wiggle out of this one that easily, missy. You’re not distracting me this time. I demand answers about your little love triangle.”
“If I play dumb a little longer will you drop it?”
Mina bats her eyelashes. “Not a chance.”
Suddenly, your mood sobers more than you were expecting. Maybe it’s the wine finally getting to you, or the text messages you’ve been ignoring, or the way that as soon as Shouto and Katsuki stepped into your office today you felt an undeniable warmth flood through you. Just seeing them made everything feel just a little bit better. And now that the girls have started to pry into those feelings, you don’t know if there’s any going back for you. No more ignoring that little feeling in your chest until it goes away.
“Can we please not talk about this tonight?” you ask. The question comes out far softer than you meant it to, and the other girls frown when they see the expression on your face. You can only imagine how pathetic you must look right now.
They exchange a few looks before four pairs of eyes settle back on you, a mix of thoughtful and reassuring.
“Yuna,” Momo calls your name gently, idly playing with her fingers in her lap. She waits for you to look up before she continues. “I’m sure we already know the answer, but…” Another pause. “Do they both make you happy?” The look in your eyes gives you away, and she nods slowly, pondering something else. “In that case, could you be happy with both of them?” A faint blush creeps across Momo’s cheeks but she doesn’t break eye contact with you.
Your frown only deepens. “Momo, what are you—oh.” It hits you a moment too late, and you blink at her stupidly. “Oh!” For a second, you think your entire body is about to combust, and Ochako reaches over to pat your hand as your mouth moves soundlessly.
Kyouka isn’t quite as tactful. “She’s saying just date both of them, you loser.”
You point a finger in her direction. “First of all: rude and uncalled for.” She rolls her eyes. “And I don’t think it’s that simple, Kyouka.” In theory it might be the easiest solution, but already you can think of at least fifty different things that could go horribly wrong if you were to ever bring that up in conversation. Having worked with Heroes for the last three years, you know how the media likes to gossip, and you’re sure they’d have a field day over the Heroes Ground Zero and Shouto being in relationships, let alone with the same person. 
Kyouka doesn’t seem to agree. “It is if you want it to be.”
“Are you saying you have experience with this kind of thing?” Ochako asks, brow furrowing.
“Hell no. You think I could handle two of Denki?”
“Seriously though.” Mina reaches out and grabs your ankle, tugging to get your attention. Her grin is blinding. “Girl, think about the sex. The stamina! Let me tell you, if I didn’t have Eiji—”
You tug your ankle out of her grasp. “You think about my sex life way too much, Mina,” you inform the bubbly girl. She’s certainly not wrong, but you’re not going to be the one to tell her that. Between you, Ochako is biting her lip like she’s trying not to laugh, and you jab a finger into her side, making her yelp. “But fine. I’ll bite. Hypothetically, if I did just… date both of them, don’t you think that would be a disaster?” you ask, glancing at the rest of them. “This is Katsuki and Shouto we’re talking about. They don’t exactly play well with others, let alone each other.”
Nevermind that the two have been friends since high school, there’s still very much some weird friendly rivalry going on between the two of them. The last thing anyone needs is for it to become decisively less friendly. 
“You won’t know unless you try,” Momo offers encouragingly, ever the pragmatic one. 
Ochako nods. “Yeah! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I’m left heartbroken, alone with fifty cats, and branded a harlot on national television if anyone finds out,” you say, completely deadpan. So you’re dramatic, it happens. “Oh, I could also lose my job.” That’s probably less likely than the others. You’re pretty sure Izuku would cry if he had to fire you.
Mina scoffs loudly. “Oh, please, we would never let you get that many cats!”
“Besides,” Ochako says, beaming down at you and clapping her hands together, “you’ve got us! We’ll support you through all of your bad decisions, no matter what!”
Kyouka and Momo nod encouragingly, both wearing small smiles.
The conversation keeps buzzing through your mind, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth. Your thoughts stray to the unanswered texts in your back pocket and Katsuki’s crooked smile and the heat of Shouto’s palm sinking into your side.
With another sigh, you lean into Ochako and allow her to wrap her arm around your shoulders. “I know,” you murmur against her shoulder as she strokes your hair. “I’ll think about it.”
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minyoongisjiminie · 4 years
너는 나 나는 너 (neoneun na naneun neo)
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ship: jikook, idol!jungkook x broke literature student!jimin
genre: fluff and angst, kind of slowburn
rating: pg-13
disclaimer: language and alcohol 
plot: jimin and jungkook were childhood friends and with jungkook training to become an idol, they both lost contact. jungkook however did never forget what Jimin once promised him: “If your pinky is bigger than mine, then I give you the allowance to marry me.” 
inspo: a beautiful fanart that i saw on insta some time ago. it made me brainstorm for a good amount of time :)
a/n: please be nice to me :’) I haven’t written stuff in such a long time and I’m so out of it…so pretty please cut me some slack :) constructive criticism is always allowed tho.
a big thank you to the closest mutual i have: @sugaforyou​ for beta reading and just being a helpful hand! i’m sure I was a mess… :’) I’m sorry for that and I love you! 
word count: 12,8k 
Jimin despised waking up early every day and then continuing to trot to the bus station. Did it even matter in the first place? School made him even more unmotivated than he already was in this part of life. In fact, there were no interesting and helpful topics he learned there and, furthermore, he thought that attending school was more something he fulfilled for his parents. They were always so proud of him when he brought home a good grade. So proud, that he always concealed how depressed school actually made him.  Going to school for so many hours to then attending the tuition classes and as if that weren’t enough also continuing studying at home, was that place that essential though? It just made him already completely weary when he wakes up on a Saturday. The only passion and hobby that he possessed was taking dance lessons, but even for those he rarely had time. He wanted to continue to attend them, but he was too overwhelmed with school that he was absolutely tired. On top of that, none of his friends actually tried to offer him a shoulder to cry or were even there to cheer him up. 
They did not realise how it was to live up each day to the expectations of others, how it was to live for others, just how it was to be so damn dependent on someone. Of course, he wasn’t the only one that had parents that were expecting so much. However, the friends that he established were all free spirits and some of their parents were even condoning that.
Oh, how he envied them. 
Why was he even so dependent on the hugs from his parents when he brought home an A, or just a simple “I’m proud of you” or “i love you”. It made him do things that he wouldn’t normally do. He was not expecting that just from his parents, but also from his friends. If he got these compliments and showers of love, he felt like it was okay to suffer. Maybe that was the reason why he was so lonely. He put himself into the moulds that people in his environment created for him. It ended up swallowing him up.
Nowadays, those he once called friends were ignoring him as much as they could, and his family didn’t really care about him. As long as he received  good grades and didn’t protest, they were fine with him. To be honest now without any distractions whatsoever he could completely concentrate on school, with his friends having stopped calling him on Friday nights to ask if he would come hang out with him on the weekend/following day.
They already knew he would find a pathetic excuse why he couldn’t attend. He was on his own.
Just as if someone like Kookie didn’t exist…
Kookie, or by his full name Jeon Jungkook, was his younger neighbour.
He was a few years younger than him and every time when Jimin was miserably trotting to school, the little one would always sprint his way up to him. Like Jimin’s puppy “Doraemon” trying to play with the little kids by running after them. Now after realising that, Jimin couldn’t stop thinking that they sort of looked similar to each other. That made him forget his sorrow for a little while, and he couldn’t stop smiling.
When Jimin was younger he always thought that Jungkook behaved that way because he looked up to him. Considering he was a few years older than him. Maybe he needed an older brother figure? Nowadays however Kookie comes to check if his pinkie grew out to be taller than the one of the older one. This cannot happen overnight of course, but Jungkook didn’t quite seem to understand how the mystery of time and patience worked.
“Hyung, just look! If my finger outgrows yours..! Then you need to marry me. You promised me!”
Jimin smiled gently. He actually stated that a few months back, because Jungkook wouldn’t stop bragging around that he was marrying Jimin soon. At first he thought it was cute, but after a while it started to get on Jimin’s nerves because he wouldn’t stop. So, the only option he had was to tell him they were still too young, and Jimin liked boys bigger than him.
To the surprise of the little one of course. He was absolutely bamboozled, his doe-like eyes grew even bigger in that moment, and he asked if he really needed to become taller than him, in order for him to take the older one’s hand in marriage. Jimin quickly grabbed the younger one by his hand and softly stated: “It’s enough if your little pinkie is bigger than hyung’s. And that needs some time, doesn’t it?” Kookie nodded shyly, examining the black and white converse chucks that the older one was wearing.
Looking back to it, he always ended up snickering a bit. The boy was truly a gift to the neighbourhood, everyone in the area loved him. Even though he was already growing up to become an adolescent, for all the neighbours he was still the little cute and gifted maknae, Kookie. A lot of his classmates that came to visit him were all trying too hard to look cool, which was normal for that age, but Kookie was still acting like a little adorable brat.
But dare you to recognize him and adore him back, face to face, then he turned into a big whiny mess.
Jungkook was indeed a once in a lifetime…
Jimin didn’t even know why Jungkook was so hellbent on “marrying” him. They were so young  and Jungkook so tiny. You wouldn’t tell he was twelve.
However, Jimin couldn’t stop feeling a bit flattered by the compliments and promises the little one gifted him. Even though it was “just his younger neighbour kid”.
“I firmly promise.” He hooked Kook’s little finger with his own, pulled his thumb onto his and made them touch. “You can trust your hyungie right?” Kook was already shyly staring at the pavement. Oh wow, now HE was the one that needed to be intimidated? “Of course, hyung.”
Jimin couldn’t contain himself, he chuckled. Jungkook was just such a… cutie pie.
To be honest, Jungkook isn’t 10 years or even 5 years younger than Jimin. The age gap consists of 2 years. That was completely alright. However, the height difference couldn’t be overlooked. Jungkook could reach Jimin’s chest at the moment, and the older one was sure that he would grow. However, the reason why Jimin was keeping his distance with his dongsaeng, was surely not the height difference. But rather that he would not stay right by his side. He wouldn’t continue to chase him down before school, ask for his pinkie in a cutely manner, or even give him the puppy eyes, to bribe him, so he could buy him his candies and banana milk. He would disappear in thin air. Just like his friends once did.
And that was bothering Jimin more than he would admit.
“You need to promise me that you’ll always give your best. Fate always brings those together that deeply care for each other. Okay?”
Jimin grabbed Jungkook by his shoulders, a bit tougher than he actually wanted, and he had a weird feeling in his guts telling him he wouldn’t see him again. He was indeed sure in his bones of the fact Jungkook would find someone better to look up to and adore.
In the end, Jimin was a loser, who wasn’t brave enough to run after his own dreams. And that sucked. Of course, it did. Jungkook shouldn’t stay here, though. Nothing should hold him here. Not even his first childhood romance.
If you could even call it like that..
“I’ll do that.. But if you forget me…!”
Jimin noticed the tears building up in Kookie’s big doe eyes, and he couldn’t contain his own sadness. It was so odd to see him in such a condition. He thought he would make some stupid jokes and then just say bye. Now looking at him like this, was concerning him.
“Hey… Oh Kook-ah!” He gently pushed Jungkook’s back into his arms, to embrace him into a hug. With one hand, the older one was caressing his little head while the other one his back.
“Hyung, will always be there with you. You cannot see me, but I’ll be right there by your side, alright?”
“I will miss you so much hyung.” the younger one replied with a trembling voice.
“You need to return quickly. You need to know if this one,” He showed his little pale pinkie. “Of yours, grew up to become bigger than mine, huh?” Jungkook’s lips finally formed a little smile, even though his eyes were still watery and red. “I promise. But when I come back you need to promise to marry me. Don’t you dare forget.”
Even though he wouldn’t admit it now, Jimin’s eyes back then were also filling up with tears. He caressed Jungkook’s head once more before moving away from the little one and facing him.
“This is a promise.”
Yet again they gave each other their little promise gesture. And then Jungkook was gone. Vanished, you could say without even leaving a trace. He did not forget a single thing. All his toys and plushies he loved, he kept. That was a bummer. Jimin hoped to have something from him to always keep him in his memories.
The first few years, Jimin welcomed home some letters. Or messages on his phone. After some time, however, even those stopped.
~ a few years later ~
“Jimin, you owe me more than one soju bottle for doing this…?”
Yoongi massaged his own lower back, after carrying a few boxes up to Jimin’s new place. He was not born to help him out, along with it, he also wasn’t born to carry heavy boxes like that. Why did Jimin even ask Yoongi from all the people he knows to help him out? He isn’t helpful in any way. 
“Dude you brought up 2 boxes. You shouldn’t even get half of a soju bottle.” the younger one replied while lying down on the cold wooden plank. He was exhausted and didn’t even know why he was still going to college. He fucked up his first semester because he chose to listen to his parents and studied hotel management. Hotel management? From all the subjects the world has to offer, he chose fucking hotel management? Thankfully, he found his better half in the same classes and funny thing is he also seemed out of place.
His parents were not so happy to hear that. But in the end they accepted his choice and let him study whatever he wants. As long as he still went to college they didn’t care anymore.
In a way he was happy, but he was also fucking tired and disappointed in himself. Why did he even listen to his parent’s advice in the first place?
“I’m your sunbae, and the most important thing is that I’m your hyung. So, don’t be such a disrespectful piece of trash and be thankful that I was there to help you out.”
Yoongi scoffed back while he poked Jimin’s chest with his pale finger.
The younger one rolled his eyes and made some space for Yoongi to lay next to him on the floor. Even though there was a cheap sofa just a few meters away from them, on this hot summer day the best and also free thing was to just lay down on the floor. Jimin wasn’t rich in any way, so therefore he couldn’t afford an AC.
“Taehyung was too busy with his girlfriend. Hoseok hyung was too busy with his college work and the others were out partying.”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his lukewarm beer that Jimin bought him on their way to get here. He wasn’t necessarily into partying, especially not when it was that hot outside. Jimin was also the only one he was cool with, hanging out with him didn’t get on his nerves. That was a plus. And as long as he got his soju, he gives zero fucks.
“I’m the best hyung you have. Just sayin’.” He stood up pretty quickly from the cold wooden floor and offered his hand to the now blonde-haired boy. “Soju time.” Yoongi stick out his tongue and squeezed his eyes. Jimin couldn’t prevent himself from laughing. This hyung got some fairly good aegyo talent if alcohol was in play.
It was pretty late now. Jimin was starting to get tired and was unsure if he could pay for all the soju bottles they were destroying. “Hyung, how about you slow down a bit? I don’t think I can pay up for all of this.” Jimin was starting to count the tteokbokki and the soju bottles that they already devoured. 1, 2, 3, 4… no. It was impossible. He already was broke. He was happy that he could pay for even one bottle.
“Don’t worry too much. I knew you would say that. I asked for one bottle so just pay up for one if you want to.”
Jimin looked at him suspiciously, uncertain in what he was up to. Soon after he just gave up and stopped assuming that his older friend expected something from him in return. He was too drunk in the first place, thinking shouldn’t be an option.
“Come on, let’s get home. You look so drunk.”
“Am. Not?”
Jimin has always gotten pretty sassy and showed his big temper when he was drunk. It made Yoongi laugh, so he just played along.
“Okay, little one. Let’s go. Tomorrow is Uni-Day.”
Jimin tried. Standing up was hard, he felt like his eyes were coated with tiny little clouds. And his head was starting to ache really bad. “Hyung, please. Help me…” He pouted while searching for his hyung with his hands.
Little did Jimin know, Yoongi was actually paying for the food and the alcohol, snickering as he glanced at the helpless little blonde boy. It was always a different kind of entertainment to watch Jimin being drunk. And he adored that.
“Come on!”
Yoongi dragged Jimin out of the bar and linked his arms with his. Just to be careful. He could never be sure if he’s up to something. Drunk people are like kids. You can’t read their thoughts, and suddenly they’re crying because they’re doing something stupid.
“Hmm, which Bus should we take..?”
While Yoongi was looking through his phone, Jimin started observing his surroundings. It was pretty dark and refreshing to stand outside after drinking so much, with the weather tingling him. And he realised how happy he was that he didn’t barf tonight. It was an improvement for him.
The night still was young, one could never know.
While Jimin looked at all the posters glued on the windows and doors of the neighbour’s bars and restaurants, there was a specific one whom caught his attention.The boy on the poster looked so familiar…
Oh no. The boy on the poster… Is none other than…
That was damn Jeon Jungkook!
Jimin felt the puke climbing its way up to his throat, and he was so not welcoming it.
“Hyung… I think.. I need to..”
There we go.
After last night’s encounter with poster Jungkook, Jimin had such a bad mood that nothing on this planet could have cheered him up. And that fucking sucked.
His friends tried their best, but as they realised that even Mr. Kim’s class was not cheering him up a bit, they became worried.
“Jimin, you want some boba? I could buy some boba!”
Hoseok was really good at cheering up. He was such a funny spirit and always used his best words. But not even Hoseokie hyung’s jokes and cuddles or boba could cheer him up. If the older one could mix some magical powder in his boba, so he would forget all the heart-breaking memories he had with Jungkook… Then he would sure as hell take it.
“No, I gotta head to work. I’ll just drink coffee there.”
He grabbed his bag and trotted his way to the cafe where he worked part-time. Why was he even miserable in the first place? Jungkook was just a little boy back then –12 years old to be exact– thinking he was in love with him. That was it. How could a child know what real love was? Besides, why should Jimin care in the first place, when he already knew it was just a kindergarten love?
His headache was still not gone, and he was sure it did not entirely just come from alcohol…
“Hello, Noona.”
Jimin bowed towards his boss and grabbed his apron. Working in the cafe wasn’t even bad. He loved it to a certain amount. It was relaxing and soothing to create drinks and serve cakes and macarons. But he doubted that work today will help him overcome his past love.
“What’s wrong? Did you fail a test or something?”
Yoona washed her hands and prepared everything for Jimin to take over. She was two years older than him, and he was thankful for that. Jimin had no clue how to interact with people that were either way older than him or way younger than him.
“Nah, it’s just my brain.” He raised his index finger, pointed at his brain and took a deep sigh. “Overthinking.”
His older friend smiled lightly and tapped on his shoulder. “I don’t know what the problem is. But you will eventually overcome it. I promise.”
He nods, starting to cut some fruits to prepare some boba tea. It helped him to ignore Jungkook who was desperately trying to contact him in his head. Repeatedly knocking on his brain and crying out his name like a mantra: “Jiminie hyung!”
If that wasn’t bad enough.. Yoona forgot to tell him that there was a fancafe event today.
For Jungkook himself.
Jimin felt how his heart started to burst. Why was he so dependent on him? He didn’t see him for years and now suddenly after so many years he was following him around?
“Uhm, sir?”
A young girl, who was definitely still a high schooler, stood in front of the cash register and looked him straight in the eyes.
“We got permission from the Lady who was working here before. Just.. to be clear.”
He nodded, tried to smile, and gave her the permission again. Complimenting how beautiful the cafe looked and that they were doing a good job.
What should he even do? Be mad at the girl for being a fan? No. It wasn’t her fault.
“If you need help or anything. Say so.” He quickly continued and made his way to his best friend Taehyung, who was already sitting at his table.
“The usual?”
Tae nodded while glancing around at the cafe now full of Jungkook’s face. The tables were plastered with cups and cupcakes with Jungkook’s pictures, his name and birthdate. Of course, it was Jungkook’s birthday today. He completely forgot…
“Can I get my latte with this cup?” Taehyung tried to imitate Jungkook’s expression on the cup and gave the expression a little silly twist. Thankfully, the girls were busy putting posters on the wall, that they didn’t acknowledge him at all. The last thing he wanted, was a mob full of teenage girls getting at his nerves for disrespecting their “oppa”.
“Don’t ruin the fun for the fans. If that’s the way they want to show their love, they should.”
Taehyung looked up to him, confused. Since when was Jimin so nonchalant about events like that? He was literally the first one to complain about these girls or even boys who came to decorate the cafe with the handsome faces of the idols. The blonde-haired boy even went that far to call them “the slaves of the rich”.
“Anyway..” He stood up and followed Jimin to his working area. Taehyung would always order the same thing. A latte, a turkey sandwich, and a piece of the famous walnut cake. Jimin sometimes wondered if he wasn’t bored with picking the same order over and over again. But what did he care? As long as he was near him and could watch over him being an emotional mess and maybe even interfere if he were doing too much nonsense, he didn’t care at all.
“Did you see these girls? They are putting the posters up there like their lives are depending on it, it’s just a goddamn birthday of some self-centred sexy looking boy.”
Taehyung took a big sip of his latte and gave a disgusted expression.
Oh boy if you knew..
“Ah, by the way, I actually got to know the ‘self-centred-sexy looking boy’.
His best friend choked on the latte and stared at him, completely bewildered, and gave him a look. “No way..?!” Jimin shrugged his shoulders and put his food on the glass table in front of him. “Not a big deal, we were good friends back in Busan.” He casually responded as if it were the most normal thing that could happen to someone.
“And when did you think it was appropriate to tell me ?” Taehyung took a bite of his sandwich and skilfully avoided any eye contact with the smaller one. Jimin did not even need to look at him to know that he was probably pouting while eating to give him a guilty conscience.
Why should he feel guilty though? Everything happened way back in the past. Sometimes it’s better to let the past go. And the same rule was also directed to Kookie.
“You have something to say to me?” Jimin responded after a while. Shouldn’t it be Jimin’s choice to choose when to talk about specific things? Why is everyone always coming at him when he hid something from them? Doesn’t he have the right for privacy?
“Nah nothing. I was just wondering how you’ve gotten to know him. He’s pretty popular nowadays.”
“We were childhood friends.”
Taehyung raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened. He didn’t expect that Jimin was friends with the upcoming next ‘Taeyang’. Funny how one always discovers something new about their best friends.
“And you’re still in contact?” Taehyung suddenly started to welcome the idea of his best friend knowing a famous idol, that could open so many doors for them. Dreamily, he put a fork full of cake in his mouth. Just thinking that people would try to be friends with them and act like they are celebrities themselves made him cheerful. According to Taehyung, they weren’t exactly losers or anything, but they weren’t associated with the cool kids either. Jungkook could open so many doors for him.. and Jimin of course!
“Nah. He stopped writing me back.”
It was actually Jimin that stopped. But the questions on “why” and “how” would be too annoying for him, so he realised lying wouldn’t be that bad.
“Aw shit that sucks.”
After Jimin’s confession, they both stopped talking for a while. Taehyung confessed that he still had some schoolwork overdue and that he would concentrate on that, and Jimin stated that he was still in preparation for today’s work. However, both were still in eyesight to each other. Here and there they shared some moments, but overall, they did their own thing.
That was refreshing to Jimin.
Maybe he was selfish for being so demanding and wanting Taehyung to be near him. And also wanting him to be silent and letting him do his work, without interruption. Yet, at moments like these, he realised how much he actually respected their friendship and also how they’re both complete opposites from each other.
Taehyung was a pretty outgoing, friendly, and charming guy. Girls loved him and were undressing him with their stares when he was walking around campus, and guys wanted to be his friend, sending him invitations to notorious parties. In addition, he was also humble and disagreed with the fact that he was in any way “popular”. He was that clueless that he would make plans on how to get into parties that were from popular seniors but hasn’t realised that he indeed was literally the most treasured and desired boy in the whole campus. The majority of seniors weren’t interested in him, however they knew him. To the point that he would receive cute messages from pretty noonas.
Okay, maybe the seniors were indeed interested in him, but they had a big ego, and wouldn’t give him invitations, nevertheless.
A typical case of not knowing what is in front of your nose but wanting something that you’ll never get.
Jimin however… He was a hopeless loser.
Girls didn’t give a single shit about him, guys were ignoring him and would only greet him when Taehyung or his senior friends were next to him. He wasn’t interesting and he realised that fact one too many times. The only thing he was good for was when his colleagues wanted to get close to his friends through him. And that was nice for both sides. Jimin’s friends knew whom to ignore from now on, and the girls and guys who were trying had the hope to get closer to them.
What a shitshow.
The only great thing about college nowadays was that he actually had some real friends he could count on.
Thinking about the way his friends knew little of Jungkook made him feel glum. They pretty much knew a great deal about him, he told them everything. His relationship with his younger brother, his parents, his assholes of friends back then. But he always let Jungkook out. Even though he played such a big part in his life once.
And still does.
Yearningly he looked back to Taehyung, who had his earplugs in and typed something in his MacBook. He wanted to tell him how much he actually missed Jungkook. How much he loved him back then, and how sorry he was that he stopped replying.
The guilt in his intestines was driving him wild.
Maybe that was the problem. He was running away from the responsibility over their relationship. Why was he even scared? He had no clue.
Why did he stop replying? He knew how shy and insecure Jungkook was back then. He even wrote to him once, that he felt like crying whenever his fellow trainee-hyungs were interrogating him about his interests. And that he would look himself up just to take a long deep breath. After all the confessions the younger one made, Jimin just stopped replying? He was disgusted. And disappointed in himself.
Perhaps that was the reason why he was so remorseful and so careful to bring him up.
This was the first time he had friends. And he didn’t want them to leave him too.
On the other side, he felt guilty. Wanting to know if what he did was really that bad, or that maybe in any way, his friends would understand and forgive him.
Jimin raised his voice slightly. Not wanting to gain attention from Jungkook’s fans. He assumed the girls were nearly done with their work. They decorated the cafe in pastel colours and all the posters were already hanging on the wall. Apparently the only thing they still were working on was the TV, trying to connect it with their phones, possibly to put on some music videos.
He raised his voice one more time. Again, not getting an answer.
“Now or Never” he thought.
Taehyung was his best friend, the only same aged friend he had to be exact. Why couldn’t he just be a hundred percent honest with him?
The blonde-haired boy walked towards the little table that was plastered full of Taehyung’s books, a notebook and his MacBook. He hoped for Taehyung to understand him and maybe even help him out to forget Jungkook. After so many years the younger one would’ve forgotten about him anyway…
“Something’s wrong?” Taehyung saw Jimin’s agonized expression and it worried him. He surveyed the restaurant. No one. The guests were perhaps put off by the girls that discussed vocally about the pictures that should be taken and didn’t even dare to enter the little cafe. Due to the minority of guests, he grabbed Jimin’s wrist and made him sit next to him.
“Finally! Will you tell me what’s been bothering you for so long?" 
It sounded like he impatiently spitted these words out, but Taehyung was just worried. And maybe even a bit annoyed. Jimin wouldn’t keep things from him for so long. Most of the time he would write him a message, and Taehyung helped him out by cheering him up. Of course, there were also times where that wasn’t enough. Then, he would come pick his friend up without him realising, drag him to the closest "McDonalds” and have a late snack together. That’s just how things worked out between them. 
Now seeing that his best friend was hiding something from him, and that it was overall bothering him to the point that he was spreading this bad mood around… Was especially concerning to him. 
How could Jimin even decline Hobi hyung’s offer to boba?! 
“There is so much that I didn’t tell you. And I feel fucking guilty. Seriously…”
Jimin’s voice started to break, and he needed to fight against his tears. He was so frightened that his friend would end this friendship, when he found out that he let the 13-year-old Jungkook back then, down. Mostly, because Jimin was kind of the caretaker of their little friend group. That also applied to Taehyung’s girlfriend who also was a pretty close friend to Jimin. If they find out about Jungkook maybe they’ll stop trusting him altogether.
“Bro.. that’s okay. Tell me. You make me all scared right now.” Taehyung grabbed Jimin’s cold hand and put his own two hands on it. “Does it have something to do with that Jungkook guy?” Jimin gulped. He needed to be completely honest with him about this. About his feelings and in general, about the relationship he shared with his once younger friend. 
“Yeah, actually it does.” Jimin responded, while still staring at their hands. It helped him a lot to feel Taehyung’s hands on his own. He once noticed how much tanner he was than him. And he remembered once again how different they are from each other. Even when it came to things like outer appearance. 
So then, after recollecting his thoughts, he spilled everything out. How they both shared this deep-rooted relationship, and how both shared the mutual trust and love in each other. He revealed every single point, and how Jungkook made him feel. Even though, back then, he was younger and smaller than him. Kookie was the only one that understood him and stood by his side. 
Jimin was sharing all these intimate moments that he had with his dongsaeng, while he didn’t recognize how Taehyung was smiling widely about the way he mentioned cute little habits that Jungkook possessed and even the grimaces he once did to cheer him up. Talking about these habits eventually helped Jimin to overcome his tension about this topic. 
“I told you that he stopped replying, remember?" 
Taehyung still extremely interested and who seemingly forgot that he had schoolwork to do, nodded while rubbing his thumb on Jimin’s outer hand. 
"Well, that’s not the entire truth… I was the one who stopped replying to him." 
His friend was in point of fact a bit surprised, but he wasn’t angry or disappointed. More rather he wondered why Jimin did that to be exact. 
"It’s just so complicated. He was writing to me about his hardships and I had this weird feeling that I couldn’t help him out. I also missed him so much and every time I would start a new letter my hands always mindlessly wrote the words "just come back home Jungkook-ah, hyung misses you”. Even though it was selfish of me. Then I–”
He finally gained the courage to look his friends in the eye. “I just stopped replying whatsoever.“ 
Now, it was over. He said everything completely honest and every single word that was spoken came out of his heart. The desperate wish that Taehyung would understand was still booming in his head.  
"Jimin-ah… That’s okay." 
Was everything that came out from his better half. And even that seemed enough for a second. 
It was now time to head home. Taehyung insisted on bringing him and on the way they could order some food. The black-haired boy knew that Jimin wouldn’t eat anything if something was bothering him, and he always remembered how his mom constantly told him that eating some delicious food was always a good way to forget about all the small melancholic things in life. Even if it was just a few hours.
"Let’s order some chicken with some beer. That’s perfect for this ugly weather." 
Even though it was blazing hot yesterday, today it was heavily raining. Without Taehyung’s umbrella they sure as hell would have a problem. 
After their conversation, Taehyung wanted to actually strangle Jimin for even thinking he would end this friendship just because of some idol boy. He made some jokes to cheer him up, and told him numerous times that it was alright. There was a solid reason why he didn’t write back, and if there was ever going to be a moment where Jungkook and Jimin eventually meet, from the way Jimin was describing him, Jungkook would understand.
"I just want to let this go, you know. But I don’t know if screaming out of my lungs or breaking stuff will help me.” Jimin stated sadly, while nibbling on his fried chicken. He actually was hungry, but eating was exhausting to him. 
All he had in his mind was Jungkook.
In one picture, little Jungkook who was crying and repeatedly asking why he abandoned him, and in a different picture there was Jungkook, all grown up, ignoring him on purpose and burning all the letters that he ever sent to him. 
“This might be a super stupid idea… But how about you write him a letter, telling him in all details what happened ? Like, why you stopped writing back and stuff." 
In all honesty, that sounded like a good idea to the blond. He can imagine how just writing down the words "I’m sorry” will clear up his guilty conscience. There was also no possible way that Jungkook would read it, either way. He was such a popular idol nowadays, he definitely received tons of letters every day. 
“No, I actually think that may help me…" 
Taehyung gifted his best friend a boxy smile while he put some fried chicken on his own plate. He always had a strong appetite. Looking at his friend eat so happily made Jimin full in a second. 
"When you finish writing, send me your letter if you want.”
Jimin looked at him like a scared puppy. How could he possibly show him this side of himself? All sensitive and vulnerable? 
He would rather stab himself. 
“No, that’s fine. I’ll just write what comes to mind and send it." 
Taehyung gave him a thumbs up with a pout. A cute habit he had while eating. Jimin smiled brightly and gave him one of his fried chicken that was sitting on his plate for some time. Eating wouldn’t calm down his stomach, which was now full of little butterflies. 
03:00 am.
Jimin was laying on the wooden floor. Slightly banging his head repeatedly against the tile, hoping something good will pop up in his brain.
As soon as Taehyung left, Jimin mindlessly, started to walk around his little apartment. Wishing with every step, for something good to pop out of his head, maybe some artistic poetic words? A simple sorry wouldn’t be enough, that’s all he knew.
Just like that, time passed. 
Jimin didn’t know what to say. He was too inflicted with himself and thought that no matter what he wrote, he could never be forgiven. Right there at this moment he wondered what Jungkook did right now. It was definitely ridiculously hard to be an idol, especially nowadays where K-Pop started to go viral around the globe. 
When he was younger, he always imagined while writing letters to his younger friend, what Jungkook was doing right at that moment. Back then it felt like the letter was even more sincere. 
So, what did he think Jungkook was doing right now?
He imagined him playing around with his guitar or game till sunrise. Jungkook was always a night owl, staying up pretty late and coping with the fact that he rarely slept. Even though he would feel how his eyelids start to fall on their own, he would still stubbornly, force himself to stay awake. That was something they both had in common. 
The older one remembered the times where he would sit in front of his house trying desperately to finish off his homework, while the younger one would walk up to him all ninja style and annoy him with questions. All of it happening at midnight of course. 
The desperate wish of Jimin was that Jungkook was still like, well.. Jungkook. 
Humble, adorable, funny, dorky.
As he thought of his past love, he immediately grabbed his pen and wrote down a sincere letter. Being honest with him, telling him how his life went these couple of years,  finishing off with a confession, that the younger once always wanted to hear him say:
"I once wholeheartedly loved you, and I still do." 
"Aw damn.." 
Hoseok stared at him like the emoji with the big eyes, that was perfectly matching to him. Jimin finally had the guts to confess to his other friends what actually really happened, and surprisingly they were all super nice about it. 
Deep down, he knew they would understand. However, it still made him happy to see that they were so invested in his little complicated love story. 
"You could literally make a whole movie about this…?” Jin stated while looking afar and making a weird gesture, implying a camera. “It would be like "The Notebook” just reversed.“ 
"I don’t really want to see this in movie theatres though, that would just be weird." 
Namjoon always acted a bit awkward when it came to romantic stories or even love stories in general. He would always listen to their stories about their hook-ups or their genuine crushes, but he never gave a weird noise off himself, like a high-pitched “aww” or something, that he thought something was cut. Just simply listened, maybe gave some advice, and then he would go on correcting Jin on his bullshit. 
Classic Namjoon’s.
"I don’t even think he will write back or something… I wrote him, yeah that’s true.. But I don’t expect a reply." 
All his friends at the table stared him down. Ready to kick his small little ass. 
"Jimin you stupid fucking moron.” He glared at the pale boy who was finally eager to state his own opinion on this. 
Min Yoongi in his whole presence. 
Just a few minutes ago, he was all uninterested, poking in his salad and asking random people for advice on a history exam he had in a few hours. Likewise, Jimin also tried not to give two shits about his advice whatsoever. So why did he suddenly catch interest in it? 
“If you really think he wouldn’t reply, then that makes you again the weaker person." 
Trying not to look too engrossed, he gave his leftover fries to Taehyung’s girlfriend, Jess, who happily devoured them. He was absolutely good at avoiding eye contact, his hyung could try everything to lock eyes with him but he would never let him. 
"You described him as the nice, funny and understanding guy. Do you really think he didn’t wait every day for you to write him back?" 
Fuck, he had a point there. Rather than giving in, Jimin rolled his eyes and continued to stroke his untouched burger with his index finger. "I don’t know. There might be a chance that he changed." 
Yoongi’s little scoff was loud enough to witness and in the corner of his eye he could see him resting his hand on his forehead. His face screaming: absolutely irritated. 
"How would you know? You might haven’t even changed at all? What kind of hypocrisy is it in making yourself believe that he changed just because he got his share of fame? Have a little trust in him, would you?" 
Now Jimin started to get a bit frustrated. What did he even expect from him in the first place? That he would wait all day till the mail arrives and then cry his eyes out after realising Jungkook didn’t write back? He was not even expecting that, so why should he drive himself into doing it? 
"Hyung how about you mind your own business, huh?" 
Yoongi rolled his eyes, grabbed his notes and backpack while staring at him in disbelief before leaving.
The atmosphere now was absolutely awkward.
"I know you don’t wanna hear this… But Mister Min has a point there.”
Hoseok broke the silence. Thankfully, all the others sighed in relief and nodded their heads.
“Have a bit of trust in him. I’m not saying that you should wait for him every day to write you back or something. But just…”
His lips closed, teeth clenched, and his eyes twitched due to him urging them to close. Waiting for his brain to come up with a good word.
He screamed, pointing at the confused Jimin who was now sliding back into his seat. Extremely embarrassed.
“Sorry.” He chortled. “Was I too loud?”
Tae brushed it off by making a gesture to make him continue his started speech.
“Anyways… You need to stay patient. Find a balance. Don’t be too disappointed every day, but also don’t give up on him. Give him his time.”
Everyone who was seated, slowly started to get up either going to classes or getting back to the dorms. Except for Jimin and Taehyung.
Jimin’s best friend was just staring at him. Hoping to see some kind of change of heart. He wanted the best for him, after all Jimin was always there for him too.
Taehyung broke off the silence once again, while coughing the word out.
The blonde-haired boy peeled off the etiquette on his “Gatorade” bottle, and just nodded. What else should he even do at this point. 
He knew that they were actually saying the right thing. Even Yoongi hyung. Nevertheless, it was hard to stay calm about it. Jungkook was always someone he wanted to be close with, but he never had the guts to do something about it. Not to mention, playing it off, telling himself that it was just a kindergarten crush. When in reality it wasn’t.
“Stay strong dude. See you later?”
Giving him just one last little pat on the shoulder, he left.
Letting Jimin drown alone in his thoughts.
And like that the days went by. Pretty quickly, even Jimin needed to admit to that. 
College, work, hanging out with friends. All of that. Everyday.
Jungkook creeping up in his thoughts here and there, but never to such an extent as he expected. When he ate something, whereas he knew that Jungkook once loved too, he would think of him for a brief moment. And that was all. Smiling for a bit and then erasing him from his thoughts for the rest of the day. After days full of insomnia and lack of appetite… Finally, he felt like he could let go. 
It turned out that it was easier for him to let Kook go, even though he was sure that there was simply no chance that he would have read the letter the older wrote for him. 
Still… something about just writing his thoughts on a sheet of paper made him feel absolutely relieved. 
It felt like he sent these feelings and honest thoughts to Jungkook. Just in a weird and telepathic way. 
“Do you have the notes from that one lecture… uhm.. where we talked about 'The Catcher in the Rye’?”
As always Taehyung was grabbing Jimin back into reality. 
Jimin took his airpods out of his ears. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, confused as to what he wanted from him. 
They always studied together, especially when it came to the exams from Mr. Kim. Even though he was extremely awesome and an outstanding professor, he also expected thrice as much. 
Taehyung grabbed his notes, that were uhm… not really there? 
Jimin chuckled, going through his hair while searching for that one specific lecture where Kim was discussing Holden Caulfield’s character and if anyone felt the same as him in a specific time in their life. The blonde remembered that he was discussing with him a lot about that issue yet being careful about touching any parts that matched Holden’s character to his. 
He loved analysing the characters, and deep down he also loved to take a harsh comparison to them with himself. 
Holden was such a free nature, he never listened or cared about his environment and what they thought was the right thing for him. He just did what he needed to do, maybe even exaggerating a bit, in the process of finding himself. 
Jimin was actually the counterpart of him. He always cared and wanted to be accepted by his friends and family. Mentally, however he also felt like Holden. Trapped in a society where you needed to fulfil someone else’s dream, or someone else’s path. But what if one’s path was different? What if he doesn’t want to go to school, be an ace student and marry some women and create his own family? What if he just wants to do his own thing? Concentrating on just being happy? 
"Here we go.” He handed his friend a perfect 5-piece sheet of notes of all the analysing points Kim addressed. Just as Taehyung was grabbing the notes, his eyes started to glitter full of relief. 
“What would I ever do without you Jimin-ah!” Jimin winked at him, while offering him some honey butter chips. “You would terribly suffer.” He replied while trying to imitate a darker voice.  
Like that, they continued their work, helping each other out if there were some specific questions, reading out the passages of J. D. Salinger’s novel, and repeating all the points Kim addressed. 
“Ah shit.” Taehyung looked at his phone, quickly packing up his things and closing his MacBook. 
Jimin smiled, he forgot the time once again and realised he needed to go to some date with Jess. 
Typical Taehyung. 
���Hurry up or I’ll snitch on Jess the next time and make you bad!” Jimin replied quite happily, while smacking his friend’s ass with his book. 
“Dude don’t. That woman will stare at me with her medusa eyes!” He continued while grabbing things with a rushing panic, throwing it into his bag. 
Of course, it was all jokes and fun, and Jess would always forgive him no matter what. Due to Taehyung being extremely loveable of course. They had the best relationship, Jimin could think of. Both were the most amazing human beings, and their relationship was so healthy. He wished that one day, he would meet that one person too. And fell head over heels for someone. Hopefully once again. In the near future. 
“Ah Jiminie…" 
Jimin, who was still laying on his bed, looked over to the door frame where Taehyung was standing and still in the process of wearing his shoes. 
"I’m so happy that you are doing better." 
Jimin just smiled lightly as a reply, waving with his hand, indicating that he should leave already. A quick "love you, bye!” and then he was gone. 
The blonde went back into laying on his stomach, grabbing the novel. It looked horrible, completely read out and crinkled. Showing how much, he actually loved it. 
Just like that, the late afternoon turned into an early night. 
Taehyung came along with him after a lecture they visited together. They both ordered food, as always, and then started to switch their notes. Of course, Jimin was more thorough when it came to writing notes, but it didn’t bother him at all to help his friend out. Tae was amazingly good at analysing. Thoughts that he never imagined would come up in Tae’s brain in an instant. 
Such an intelligent but absolutely lazy boy. 
Now it was already past 8pm. The thought of needing to eat was alarming in the back of his head. But he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. 
After a quick search, he found a single pack of Ramen. He quickly put the pot on the stove and waited till the water heated up. 
Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on his door. 
His doorbell stopped working for some reason, so therefore his friends would just message him that they were there. Taehyung was the only one who would knock, but first, he was already gone and secondly, he had a weird knocking style.
He would abuse his door as a percussion to be exact.
“Who is it?” He anxiously raised his voice a little. But still no reaction. 
“Whoever that may be. Can you just tell me who you are?" 
Still no reaction. After a while, the person started to knock again. 
Jimin was prepared for moments like these. He quickly grabbed a pretty unsharp butter knife and put his ear on the cheap door. He could swear he heard someone snickering. His heartbeat was increasing rapidly. 
One hand was wandering from the door to the knob, while the other held tightly the grip on the knife. 
Slowly he opened the door, his heart stopping momentarily, after seeing someone who seemed to be dressed completely in black. 
Thank god, the person had some great taste though that’s for sure.
First he saw the shoes, just some plain black converse chucks, then his eyes wandered up to the person’s pants. Also black, with some chains dangling around the area where the pockets were. Once he found his way to the person’s torso, the man was grabbing him by his arms. 
The smaller one from both of them, who seemingly was Jimin, started to shut down his eyes. Completely terrified. 
"Hyung? Can you just stop the games and look me straight in the eye?” The taller man broke the silent awkward atmosphere. 
For some reason, the voice sounded so familiar but at the same time completely foreign. 
Jimin opened his eyes slowly, looking up to the man, still squinting. 
“It’s me. Jungkookie." 
Now sitting in front of each other, Jimin felt completely bamboozled. 
Was this some reality show? 
"Your tea is getting cold… there..” Jimin raised his index finger and aimed for the little teacup. 
“Ah yeah. That’s fine. I’m not really here to drink tea to be honest." 
The younger one, took a sip from his tea while staring, confidently, at the older one. 
Jimin quickly looked away, feeling how his heart started to go crazy in his chest. 
"Hyung, how have you been?” Jungkook came closer to him, dragging the chair as close as possible to the table, staring at the nervous hands of the older one. 
“Nothing much. Just college stuff." 
Biting on his under lip, he realised how happy he felt but at the same time his guilt started to come back and nagged on his intestines. 
"Oh hyung.” Jungkook rolled his eyes while grabbing Jimin’s tiny hands. It was an unexpected gesture. Kook’s hands however, were so warm. Jimin’s hands in comparison were freezing cold. Jimin realised that he appeased himself more.
“I’m sorry, Kookie…" 
Here he was. Sitting in front of him. Holding his hands, as if he was the one that fucked up. Even though it needed to be the other way around. 
"I fucked up.”
He couldn’t handle the emotions that were starting to tear him apart. The complete opposite sides of emotions were clashing with each other, overwhelming him. Happiness on one hand, since Jungkook finally found his way back to him, but sadness because he felt like he did not deserve it. Relief, as it seemed like Jungkook came back to accept his letter, but on the other hand also guilt. Since it was not fair of him to believe that he would gladly do that. 
“Hyung…” Jungkook’s grip on Jimin’s hands was tighter now and while he looked at him, smiling softly, seeing the tears flowing down on the pale skin of the older one, he couldn’t overcome his heart bursting. Seeing him like this was not his aim. Not at all. 
Jungkook closed his eyes, pulling Jimin’s hands closer to him. Dragging him softly to him, so that Jimin had no choice but to slightly get dragged up on the table. 
Softly, he kissed Jimin’s hands. Making Jimin just sob even louder than he was before. 
“No, you didn’t.” Jungkook’s voice broke. 
Jimin looked at him. Frightened that he made him cry as well.
The black-haired boy was still covering his face with Jimin’s hands. It felt so natural, and there was no sign of weirdness in the air. Something about this touch felt too familiar. 
And then he realised…
When they were younger, Jimin would always grab Kookie’s hands and lay them on his cheeks. It was something he always did when Kookie would run behind him before school. And quickly, Kookie would turn silent. Acting shy. 
What both never really knew was, that both of their hearts were beating strongly. Together. 
“I’m so sorry too." 
Finally looking up from the older’s hands. "I missed you a lot." 
Jimin smiled. Standing up, while still having Jungkook’s hands intertwined with his. Jungkook followed his action, also standing up. The height difference made him chuckle even more. And quickly like that the tears were forgotten. 
"I missed you so much.” Jimin replied, while falling onto the younger’s chest. 
So many years, both of them were silently loving each other. Trying to forget, trying to erase all the memories. But it was impossible. And now both of them were here, standing in Jimin’s crappy apartment holding each other in their arms and forgetting the hurtful years that they lived without each other. 
“But wait a second!” Jungkook broke away from the hug, quickly wiping his tears, and then grabbing Jimin’s hand once again. 
“Hmm let’s take a look…" 
"Aw come on. Really? Still, to this day?" 
Jimin just chuckled, while Jungkook was testing out if his pinkie was finally taller than Jimin’s. And of course, it was. There was no need to even look. Jungkook’s hands were enormous in comparison to Jimin’s tiny hands. 
"You know what that means?" 
The blonde just laughed and quickly hit the younger one’s chest rapidly. 
"First we need to have some dates. Don’t you think?" 
Jungkook rolled his eyes, while dragging the younger one back into his arms. "So many problems along the way. Horrible!” He joked, while grabbing Jimin’s head softly, dragging him onto his chest.
The older one took the chance to take in the beautiful smell of Jungkook. It was hard to describe, something sweet but in the same way not extremely intrusive. Rather delicate, soft. He could swear somewhere while smelling it, he could sense… lavender? And in an absolute weird way… He swore that he also smelt the only perfume his mom would wear back then. 
While his head was still dug into Jungkook’s chest, he felt how his eyes formed tears once again. He felt like he smelt all the mesmerizing things again that was once everyday life. Jungkook smelt like Busan, like his dog “Doraemon” and like all the cherry popsicles they both blissfully devoured. 
He smelt like home. 
Jimin realised how much he missed his hometown. He had the urge to go back and just relive everything with Kookie. 
All these thoughts rushed into his mind, and it made him feel hopeful for the future. 
He looked up to the black haired boy who was still snickering cutely, and Jimin had the urge to poke his cheeks. He was so adorable, the way he smiled, had the same impact on him like a single shot of soju. It loosened his nerves and he felt like he wasn’t as tense anymore. 
He had a feeling that he could fight every problem that would come to tackle him, eye to eye. 
“Do you want to stay overnight?" 
Jimin silently asked. Wishing he would accept his offer. 
Jungkook hugged him even tighter, as if Jimin would run away from him, if he said no. "I wish I could say yes… But I can’t. Not today." 
Jimin nodded, while poking his nose against the younger’s hard chest. "I cannot wait till you can." 
The light of the sun was shining through the thin curtain. Sun rays tickling the blonde’s face, waking him up softly. 
Jimin was confused. It was already morning? He would normally wake up in between his restless sleep, sometimes he would even lay in bed and stop wishing for sleep. Just accepting that he won’t sleep. 
His dear old friend insomnia. 
However, yesterday was different. He fell asleep right there, as if somebody were using a remote controlling him. Pushing the "off” button. 
It felt like weeks where Jimin was last sleeping peacefully. It was a relieving feeling. No headache was awaiting him, or the urge to chug down  5 cups of coffee to get through the day. 
Of course his problems were still awaiting him nonetheless. Yet the anxiety… was on a way lower level. He felt like he could easily confront his frustration as well as his insecurities. 
He was hopeful. 
And just as that, he realised how much time he actually had left. Enough to take a longer shower, and even enough to eat a little breakfast. 
Normally “breakfast” wasn’t included in his life. Time was always running, and he rarely had time to dress up. 
Today was an exception whatsoever.
While making him a little breakfast that included coffee, eggs some tomatoes and bread his phone vibrated quite aggressively on the kitchen counter. 
Quickly, he grabbed his phone, at the same time also trying to manage his eggs who were really close to burning. 
“Jimin-ssi, did you sleep well? I want to see you. Let’s meet up shouldn’t we? I will be there next to you sooner or later. Wait for me. I want to surprise you.”
P.S: Also here is a little something for you :3" 
Jungkook always drew little sketches back then in Busan, and would deliver it to Jimin in all different ways. It was a cute habit, and Jimin was sure he still had the sketches somewhere in a box. 
The sketch that Kook drew this time, involved someone who seemed to smile shyly. His cheeks were all smudgy, probably on purpose to give it a cute look. The eyes of that person were covered by someone else’s hands. Who that person was, is not known. You couldn’t really see the body of that person, just the hands that were caressing the smiling person’s eyes. 
The person was no one other than Jimin himself. 
He was awed by how good Jungkook’s sketch looked. It was drawn quickly, but he seemed to work on the details after the first outline. Like the smudged grey pencil stains on the cheek, or the shadows that he must’ve drawn quickly afterwards. 
It made him feel cherished. 
Jungkook took the time out of his own busy life to draw this little painting of them, and it made him fall even more in love with him.
* “Damn, Jimin is everything alright?” Jin went through Jimin’s blonde hair, then caressing his forehead checking as if he had high temperature. In return he rolled his eyes trying to push Jin’s hands away. “He seems so cheerful and motivated today? He even contributed to Ms. Hwang’s class… Puhhh..!” Jess dropped her backpack on the table and continued to rub her temples. Ms. Hwang was an old grumpy lady who wasn’t born to teach at all. There was no respect to her students whatsoever and anything that she liked, was mostly the same opinion she had, or people who just kissed her ass for the sweet extra credit. A horrible prof, how it should be presented in the dictionary. “I don’t know. It’s just nice. I feel like things are getting better for me… I don’t know..?” One by one, everyone started to take a seat. As if they telepathically saw Jimin with good mood, and couldn’t believe it. “So how is Jungkook?” Yoongi asked, quite interested. That was completely shocking to anyone who sat at the table, they looked at him as if they were worried. “You really care?” Jimin asked, once again avoiding eye contact. “Yup. I wouldn’t ask, if I didn’t care.” He grabbed an apple and bit into it, directly looking at the younger boy. “He is absolutely amazing." 
* After spending some quality time with his friends, he was preparing himself to go back to work. Normally Taehyung would join him, just keeping an eye on him and spending some alone time with his friend. Today however, Jimin told him that it was fine. That he did not need to come along with him. Jimin always felt bad for needing Taehyung in such an excessive manner. His best friend had a girlfriend and he should spend some quality time with her too. They both were heavily interested in art, therefore Jimin gave them two tickets for a well-known atelier opening that one of his classmates gifted him. Jimin helped that particular classmate out with a literature exam once, so he wanted to thank him in return with them. They both deserved it. They were always there for him, now it was time for Jimin to give back. As soon as he started his work, he became even more relaxed than he already was. He wished that this feeling… Being hopeful about the future… would eventually stay. Jungkook was also a big part of it, it felt like he showed him all the good parts of life, and he welcomed that. One by one all the known customers were starting to give their order. Normally, there wouldn’t be that many new customers, the cafe was near college and it was mostly either college kids who want to work peacefully or the elderly who want to kill time. All in all, pretty peaceful. Today, however, there was someone wanting to take an order that Jimin never met before. He tried to remember but there was no way that he knew that person. That specific person was wearing glasses and a bucket hat, wearing completely black. After working on that order and putting it onto the glass counter in front of that unknown person, he heard a familiar giggle. Jeon Jungkook. Of course. "Oh my god. What are you doing here? Isn’t that a bit too risky?!” Jimin whispered while nervously taking the money from Kook. “That’s all fine. People rarely look at me, when I come with this attire.” He responded while showing off his clothes. Jimin couldn’t contain a snicker. 
What a stupid idiot he was…
“Is that what you meant with 'surprise’?" 
"No, my surprise is actually a picnic in Han river. I wanted to see you. That’s all.” The blonde couldn’t stop himself from putting his hand on his chest. His heart pounded loudly, and this time it didn’t come from panicking. “When?" 
"Whenever. I don’t have any schedules today and tomorrow. I just had a comeback a few weeks ago. It was simple, so the promotions aren’t that long. My company is also pretty nice and let me take some days off.” Jungkook took his food, without even looking back and waiting for an answer, he quickly sat down on the next best table. Of course it was a table that was right next to Jimin.  The blonde rolled his eyes, yet wholeheartedly accepting the risk that they both put themselves into. He trusted Jungkook, and he felt happy to be next to him. 
Looking at the old clock right next to his working space, he realised that his shift was ending sooner than he expected. “Ready to go to the picnic?” He asked Kook who was still managing to look like he was reading. “Finished already?” He quickly put down his book, his grimace looking like he was so disappointed that he needed to stop reading. “Do you know that you are an idiot?” Jimin responded with a slightly rougher tone. Jungkook smiled while taking off his sunglasses, even though he still wore a mask, Jimin could see the skin next to his eyes wrinkling. Without a proper response, he gently grabbed Jimin’s hands and put back his sunglasses on. And like that both left the establishment, making the customers question themselves who that good-looking man was, who has Jimin wrapped around his little finger. * “Ughh, I’m so full…” Jimin stroked his stomach, while looking at the leftover food. It was nearing the end of the day, and he realised how today felt like a quick catch of breath. The whole time, they were spending together, seemed to be packed in indulging their childhood and missing the time where they couldn’t be one. “Really? Already? You were always a bad eater..!” Jungkook responded while quickly grabbing the leftover spring rolls and tteokbokki. “It’s so good to dib it into the sauce, ahh you’re missing out.” “I really did.” Jimin said to himself while looking at the hungry Jungkook devouring the last bit of food. He closed his eyes and felt how fresh the wind was feeling on his skin. The night was still young, but he already felt how tired he actually was. This day was an improvement to the last couple of weeks. But he knew that he needed to improve more; to be the person he always yearned to be. For some it might feel far-fetched to say that Jungkook was the reason why Jimin felt better. And maybe it even was. Nevertheless, wasn’t it normal when specific people in your life made you feel better about yourself? Wasn’t it the case in a healthy relationship ? “Thank you, Jungkookie.” The black-haired boy was looking up from his food, midst slurping his noodles. Tilting his head like a confused puppy. Jimin caressed the crumbles on the corner of his lips away, and locked eyes with his lover. Jungkook quickly finished his noodles, before coming closer to the blonde. Jimin took this as a chance to grab Kook’s chin to face him again. And there it was. The soft shy smile the younger, once gifted him. Right there at that moment, Jimin knew what he wanted. “I love you.” It was as simple as that. Jimin pecked Jungkook’s lips softly, tasting like all the sweet promises they gave each other. “I thought you would never say that.” Jungkook replied while kissing him right back. A bit rougher, but still soft enough. Without them even realising it, the sun went down, both of them finally admitting their deep-rooted history. Waiting for such a long time, made the kiss even sweeter, Jimin thought to himself. Sometimes you find people in a state of life, when you need them the most. And sometimes the people who were once your hope, come back and decide to stay all over again. They both kissed for such a long time that Jimin didn’t notice how his phone was vibrating aggressively on the blanket underneath them. Until finally Jungkook let go of the kiss, smiling shyly while pointing at the phone that was still annoying the peaceful state they were in. “You wanna take it?” “Ughhh.. who is the cockblocker, do I need to kill him…” Jimin whispered more to himself, while grabbing his phone and checking the messages. “Ah fuck, I completely forgot..” Jimin stood up quickly, searching for his keys and bag. While Jungkook was still sitting on the blanket, cross-legged, patiently waiting for him to give a proper response. “My friends have that night where we all meet up at our favorite bar to drink and eat while talking about all the shit we went through. We mostly do that once in a month.” Jungkook raised his eyebrows, still looking at the confused and panicking Jimin. “It’s okay, if you need to go. I’ll clean this up and we meet up tomorrow?” Jimin laughed, acting like it was the dumbest idea he heard. “No, no, no. Sir! You are coming with me. You will meet them!” Jungkook quickly stood up from the blanket and looked at him all shocked. His doe-like eyes widened. “Already?” Jimin nodded, quickly cleaning their little spot and putting the plastic into the next close trash can. “They will love you! They are a bit chaotic but that’s actually endearing, trust me!” He grabbed Jungkook’s hand and dragged him with him. This is going to be an interesting night, that’s for sure…
The club where they meet up once in a month was the city’s hottest place. Every college kid wanted to spend their Friday nights there, it was heavily crowded, therefore you mostly needed to reserve a table beforehand. That job was actually Jin’s, but he usually forgets, so thus Joon took over. Whenever a month was coming to an end, they all meet up, talk about their experiences and drown their worries with alcohol. It was a tradition all of them enjoyed. And Jimin knew that they all wanted to get to know Jungkook, so why not now? “Ah, I heard of this place.” Jungkook screamed, now wearing his whole attire again, hoping to prevent any potential fans catching him. He hoped he could get a glimpse of Jimin’s friend group, who told him a lot of things about them but it was so crowded that it was extremely hard. “They are all up there, we have an own lounge. So you don’t need to wear all of this!” Jimin screamed back, the music was too loud down there and he was happy when he could meet his friends soon. The younger was obedient and let himself drag around the club, while looking at all the different things that were happening. Jimin couldn’t contain a smile, Jungkook was so precious. “Guys! HEY!” Jimin first saw Yoongi, then Hoseok then all the others. They were all dressed fancily, and Jimin quickly felt like he was way underdressed. “Oh, hey guys!” Hoseok catched that both of the boys were still holding hands, and quickly smiled brightly. “You need to be Jungkook?” Jimin saw his look so he quickly let go, feeling embarrassed. His face rapidly getting tomato red. Jungkook quickly took off his mask, bucket hat and glasses with one hand, while the other was still shamelessly taking a hold onto Jimin’s waist. Which made Jimin blush even more. “Yes, I am. Hello!” He bowed, and went back into holding Jimin’s waist. The others were all smiling brightly, indeed happy about the outcome of Jimin’s known backstory with him. “Take a seat. You are the youngest, so you don’t need to buy anything!” Jin quickly chimed in, while pointing at the free seats next to Taehyung and Jess who were both laughing uncontrollably. Gosh how he hated his best friends sometimes. “So you are Jimin’s boyfriend?” Yoongi dropped the bomb as soon as they were taking a seat and Jimin wished he didn’t choose to come. It must’ve been so uncomfortable to Jungkook. 
Because it sure as hell was for him. Besides, both of them didn’t really talk about being officially together, what made the situation way more awkward. “Yes. I am. As long as Jimin is content with that decision?” He quickly looked at Jimin who was shocked. Here was dominant boyfriend Jungkook again. Jimin felt how his cheeks were burning. He just nodded. Not knowing how else to reply with. The black-haired boy was now freely putting his arm around his now “boyfriend”. It felt surreal to be called that way. And even though it wasn’t really romantic how he asked him, it still felt amazing that he did it in front of his friends. The closest people to him. He wasn’t even doubting this question one bit. “Ah okay. That’s nice to hear.” Yoongi responded softly, while still keeping his eyes on Jungkook. He was protective of Jimin, everybody knew that. However, something about Yoongi looking at Jungkook that way, made everyone accept Jungkook even more: Yoongi smiled. He smiled while looking at the youngest of the batch, accepting it fully. As long as Yoongi was accepting of someone, everybody else in their group of friends trusted that person as well. 
Kind of like the mom of group. The couple of hours they all spent together was magical. It felt like Jungkook always was a part of the group, his humor was the same kind as that from the group and even Taehyung was happily accepting him as a member of their little squad. Jimin and Jungkook were also the only ones who denied any alcohol. They both were already intoxicated of this beautiful relaxing night, that they didn’t need any of it. Who thought it could be that easy? Jimin definitely didn’t. A couple of weeks ago, he wouldn’t have thought in a million dreams that Jungkook would sit right next to him, an arm around him, kissing him and asking him if he was alright, while all of his friends were present. It was like a fever dream. Just entirely positive. “I think it’s time for us to go. Thank you guys for today.” Jimin openly said to the little group, some already highly drunk while others were nodding happily back. He waved them all goodbye and before he could leave for good, along with Jungkook, there was a hand on his shoulder making him stop. “Hey, wait a minute.” It was Taehyung. “I just wanted to say how happy I am, that you guys met up again. There is nothing as precious as loving and being loved. But never forget…!” His gaze now hit Jungkook, who was severly confused. “If you ever manage to hurt my baby boy here…!” Taehyung, heavily tipsy, laid his head on Jimin’s shoulder, while pointing at Jungkook. Giving him a clear warning. Of course this was absolutely cute and of course no bad feelings were intended. It made the couple chuckle and they both gave him a goodbye hug before they left. On their way to Jimin’s apartment, hand in hand, the older realised what actually happened today. Also in what kind of head space he also was. It wasn’t perfect, here and there he still tried to control his anxiety but he felt better, he felt hopeful. They both talked for a while, after arriving at Jimin’s little home and continued to giggle about the response Jimin’s friends gave them. The butterflies that once annoyed Jimin when he thought of Jungkook, were now fluttering inside his stomach again. Now, however, he was accepting it. Completely intoxicated by love, for once he welcomed the future that was awaiting him. * The next morning started like the day before. The sunlight was dancing once again on Jimin’s face, welcoming him for today. He opened his eyes, trying to cover his eyes with his small little hand. Next to him, his boyfriend. Still sleeping peacefully, eyes twitching here and there. “Kook-ah..” Jimin softly whispered while kissing him all over his face. Covering him, with tiny little smooches. 
There was not really a response, but Jimin smiled whatsoever. He loved sleepy Kookie. He was even more adorable in this state.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” He said like a mantra, finally making Kook respond with the biggest smile. “Say it once more!” Jimin shook his head, acting like he was angry, ready to jump off the bed. “Hey, say it again..!” Kook quickly grabbed Jimin by his waist dragging him back to bed, kissing him directly on the lips. “You are the only one that tastes still so sweet in the morning, how are you doing that?” Jimin chuckled while kissing him right back.
There are so many obstacles that are awaiting me…
The anxiety will maybe never leave me…
And the uncertain feelings about the future will probably continue to haunt me…
I have a long way to go… But with you it seems like a quick walk to the store…
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gamgeesgarden · 3 years
Hello! I'd love to request a hobbit/lotr match-up if it's still available? If not feel free to ignore the rest <3
🌱 I'm a bisexual trans ftm with curly brown hair and brown eyes. As for height: I am definitly on the short side.
🌱 I like to write songs, and draw/paint people! I haven't been able to pinpoint a genre to my music, but I've noticed it tends to be a bit celtic-folk-y. I'd give anything to be able to draw animals and plants, but, alas, frustration gets me every time.
🌱 I love to learn- and I am 100% serious about this. My main is languages, but I love learning about various history topics, flora/fauna, and different cultures!
🌱 I also love cooking, and Gardening! I take a large pride in that, especially if the ingredients came from the wild and/or my garden, and nothing feels better than knowing people enjoy my food. I usually do baked goods and desserts, but can't wait to try my hand at larger meals!
🌱 I am overly aware of the importance of a first impression, so I tend to be overly polite and quiet at first. As I get used to a person, I'll talk more, until it slowly evolves into being able to comfortably play with them.
🌱 With close friends I let myself go completely, as one commonly does. Rough-housing, being loud, good-natured brawls, you name it! I also take prank wars very seriously: I may not have started it, but I'll make sure I finish it.
🌱 I love animals. This is a known fact. It takes a lot of willpower to leave wild animals alone, because my first thought is to basically befriend every one I see.
🌱 I'm also very, very impulsive. Sometimes that's good, but usually it's bad. My first thought is always The Bad Idea™, but I'm usually aware its a bad idea, so I don't act on it. Key Word: Usually.
🌱 I have anxiety, and suspect ADHD, so I get overwhelmed very easily. I love thunder storms, but if one is right over my home, my anxiety spikes; it doesn't help that I'm afraid of lightning. I tend to stim a lot, whether it be "drumming" with my fingers, snapping, or flapph hands, you can easily tell my mood by which "fidget" I'm partaking in.
(May I also request for you to have a great day? Because that would be lovely c:)
Okay, I’ll have a good day but only because you told me to.
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You and Bilbo can often be found working in silence together, him on his book and you on your drawing. If you aren’t doing that you are found cooking or gardening together, and you both are too polite for your own good. You both end up going on a few more adventures, mainly to visit the dwarves in Erebor (Bilbo regrets ever introducing you to Kili) and the pair of you are as impulsive as the other (Mr. I’m-going-to-leave-home-on-a-split-second-decision-based-on-pretty-singing). He loves your music and you are an absolute hit at Shire parties. You both have long conversations about plants, animals, and anything to do with learning. He teaches you every language he knows and the pair of you even go on a trip to Rivendell so he can introduce you to Elrond and show you the library. 
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You and Merry would be wonderful together! You would also terrorize everyone in the Shire with your bad ideas (a la fireworks situation) and pranks. He isn’t as big of a gardener but he would really admire your green thumb and would excitedly surprise you with new tools, seeds, or books so you could learn about new subjects. He loves listening to you play music and when you sit down to draw and paint he usually joins you (though he is half as serious and his art is a mess). He encourages you when you get frustrated and gives you the incentive to sit down and try again. He believes in you more than anyone.
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the-hidden-writer · 3 years
I’ll Remember You This Way
Chapter 1: 2,857 words Read on AO3! (check reblog for link)
The story of one unsuspecting man named Edwin Jarvis and how his life and legacy are carried throughout the universe.
Edwin Jarvis -> JARVIS -> Vision
Snippets of that legacy include Tony Stark carrying his butler's words in his heart for his entire life and Wanda Maximoff sensing an unfamiliar presence in Vision's mind.
Chapter 1 : sun is shining in the sky 
There’s something quite unnerving about the night sky.
The chill of the night is brisk, and he knows that, logically, he should head inside to avoid catching a cold (and consequently facing his wife’s wrath)... but he can’t find it in himself to move.
Edwin has been intrigued by the stars as of late. His employer tells him to, as Mr Stark so eloquently put, “get his head out of the clouds and focus on Earth's problems”. And, once again, this should logically make Edwin lose interest and obey. Deep down, however, he knows there is more. So much more. But it probably won’t be discovered in his lifetime.
Ms Carter has told him of her missions working alongside Captain Rogers, and their discovery of the mysterious glowing cube that had fallen into the hands of Hydra which was most likely of extraterrestrial origin. Edwin felt it was quite the honour for her to trust him enough to tell him (what he thought were) rather classified details- that was actually what prompted him to impulsively ask her what exactly she thought of him. Ms Carter had not hesitated in labelling him as her best friend.
She had then burst into quite an uncharacteristic bout of laughter at the expense of his own embarrassment, and at the time Edwin had felt very much like they were school children giggling over a fellow classmate’s mishaps.
Who could have predicted that it would become quite an accurate description when a rather scandalous newspaper article was released the following day regarding the rumour of an affair between the esteemed Agent Carter and Howard Stark’s butler. For the benefit of both Mr Carter’s reputation and his and Ana’s own privacy, the pair had decided to keep their friendship as "their little secret” and maintain formalities when in public. But even with that and Mr Stark himself publicly denying any truth behind the rumour, it still took a few weeks for it to dispel.
Ana had teased the two of them for many more weeks after that.
As for the cube itself, there is something Edwin finds very strange about it. Mr Stark had been studying it relentlessly since it fell into his hands. Edwin had assisted as per usual and nothing was out of the ordinary, sans perhaps the secret behind its origins and abilities.
No, the strangeness began when Mr Stark asked him to continue studying it alone after Edwin had forced him to rest after over 24 hours of working in the lab. Howard had only agreed to do so if Edwin (who had the sense to stay well-rested) continued to work on it. So he did just that.
Mere moments after Mr Stark had left, Edwin felt himself being... drawn towards the enigmatic object. It was an extremely odd sensation. Though he knows it is impossible, it was almost like it was… beckoning him. Beckoning to come closer. To touch it. To hold it.
To break it.
Now Edwin had the sense to ignore whatever otherworldly temptations the cube was attempting to inflict on him and had simply continued to work as instructed. Yet despite that bizarre event, the thing that unsettled him the most was when Mr Stark denied having ever experienced such a feeling apart from the natural curiosity of an inventor to learn more.
They have worked on the cube many times since then, and every time Edwin would sense that strange calling only when he was alone. He’d worried at first that it was some form of hypnosis but Ana had assured him that he hadn’t changed in the slightest.
However he now found himself enthralled by the night sky, and what unquestionably lies beyond it.
Planets, stars, galaxies, life. The infinite possibilities of space.
And he is just one insignificant man within it all.
He is pulled out of his thoughts by Ana calling him from behind. Her face is stern but her eyes are concerned as she approaches him, wrapping her soft burgundy shawl tighter around her shoulders. Edwin immediately feels guilty for causing her to venture outside in such cold weather.
“You need to come inside now, dear. The stars will still be here tomorrow.”
He shoots her an apologetic smile and his heart melts at the way her pink lips part slightly as she lets out the smallest of laughs. She was probably waiting for him to come to bed as evidenced by the fact that her divine red hair is loose and flowing behind her in the wind.
It truly amazes him how beautiful his wife looks even in the most unflattering of situations.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and he truly means it, “I was lost in my thoughts.”
Ana tilts her head up towards the sky. “I know they are beautiful, but surely your wife is too?” she teases, and Edwin finds heat rushing into his cheeks.
Smiling, she untangles one arm from within her shawl and offers it to him, but the second his hand touches hers she lets out a small gasp.
“Your skin is freezing!” She exclaims. “Buta emberem, come inside before you catch a cold.”
He wordlessly allows her to usher him inside as she mumbles in her own tongue about how her husband puts others too far before himself.
Ana was right. Ana was always right. She was more beautiful than any star could ever dream of being and he was well aware that he was blessed to be her husband and to have her in his life.
And yet… that night he still found himself dreaming of the stars.
“Am I doing the right thing, Jarvis?”
Howard’s words startle him just as he is about to leave the workshop.
Confused, he turns to face his employer. “What do you mean, Sir?”
Howard’s hands clench into fists at his side as he struggles to find the right words. “I don’t know, I just-” he sighs and looks up at Edwin almost desperately. “I climbed up from practically nothing to get here… what if settling down screws all that up? Screws up the company?”
Ah, Edwin understands now. He knew that Maria was different from the second she scolded Mr Stark without hesitation. She is so different from all the other women, and though Edwin knows that she would never use him he can also understand why his friend is worried. He does have a legacy, company and reputation to maintain, and tying the knot with the wrong person could hypothetically ruin all that.
But Edwin trusts Maria, and Maria loves Mr Stark.
“I think,” he begins, uncomfortably aware that Howard is clinging on to his every word, “that you should follow your heart. Maria is a lovely woman and everyone can see that she makes you happy.” He notes how Mr Stark smiles at the thought of his girlfriend. “But I’m not sure if you should be asking me for this sort of advice, Sir.” He adds.
“Are you kidding?” Howard scoffs. “You and Ana have the best thing going that I’ve ever seen. The two of you are so sweet it makes me sick.”
Having perfected the art of not taking offence at Mr Stark’s offhand remarks, Edwin just brushes the comment aside and speaks to his employer slowly and calmly. “If I know you, Sir, that’s not the sort of relationship you’re looking for.”
Howard Stark has been involved with woman after woman, scandal after scandal, leaving his poor butler to deal with the aftermath of each one. So yes, Edwin knows all too well that the man would struggle with the commitment of marriage and the tower of responsibilities that comes with it.
“See, that’s my point!” Howard exclaims, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I don’t know if I can do it!”
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, a small smirk tugs at Edwin’s lips. “Oh, I was under the impression that the great Howard Stark could do anything.”
It was astounding to watch as pompous a man as Howard Stark, with an ego as large as the sun, crumble with insecurity. It was an extremely rare sight to behold and Edwin has the feeling that he is the only person to whom Howard would reveal his inner vulnerabilities.
“You think so?” He asks.
Edwin’s snarky smirk is replaced by a genuine expression of reassurance. “That’s what people say, but I have to say that the man I know personally isn’t perfect. But I also know that Maria makes him whole, and that he needs someone to anchor him before he loses sight of what’s truly important.”
“Yes, I know Captain Rogers is important,” he interrupts, “but you need to live in the present. He was in the past. I think that Maria could be your future.”
Mr Stark looks up at him for a few moments, presumably allowing his words to sink in. Then all of a sudden his eyes harden with an all-too-familiar determination.
“You’re right!” He cries. “I’m great- I can do this! What’s another challenge to me, right?”
Edwin resists the urge to roll his eyes.
“Follow my heart? Well in that case it’s settled. I’ll propose to her tomorrow!”
“Wh- tomorrow?!” Edwin splutters, his calmness shattering with the shock of the preposterous statement.
Howard snorts and holds his hands up in surrender. “Just messing with you. Sometimes your advice is so good that I gotta make sure you’re not a robot or something.”
Edwin chuckles nervously.
“But seriously,” Mr Stark continues, closing the gap between them, “thanks, Jarvis.” He wraps his arms around Edwin’s torso (it’s an odd, childish position but it’s what suits their height difference the best) and squeezes him in a tight hug. Then his playful voice drops into a smaller, more serious tone. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He then pulls back and both men take a moment to adjust their clothing.
“You’re gonna be my best man, right?”
“Perhaps you should propose to her first before you get ahead of yourself, Sir. Take things slow.” Edwin decides to neglect mentioning how improper it would look for Howard Stark’s butler to act as best man and, as utterly flattered as he is, promises to himself to argue the point at a later date.
Mr Stark proceeds to practically hop back to his worktop to continue tinkering with his latest invention. It is a remote control of some sort and thankfully not that blasted cube. However, Edwin knows him well enough that his mind is elsewhere and is practically swimming with proposal ideas- which he will, eventually, end up asking for his help about too.
He doesn’t mind. Edwin just feels happy to help.
Edwin nearly jumps out of his skin as a slender hand taps him on the shoulder.
“Oh! I’m sorry to startle you, Mr Jarvis. I just… I was wondering if I could pull you aside for a minute. In private.”
Mrs Stark’s eyes are wide and alert, and she looks up at him with an air of emergency she’d never admit to having.
Being the ideal butler, Edwin obviously agrees. “Of course. Where would you like to..?”
“Our bedroom,” she supplies all too quickly, “if that’s alright with you.”
It’s not a question. All Edwin can do is nod politely, set his feather duster down, and follow Maria through the hallway and up the elegant main staircase of Stark manor.
Luckily, they don’t pass any of the staff on the way up. And since Howard was away on another of his business endeavours (which had become more frequent) there was no worry of bumping into him, either. Not that Edwin has any clue why Maria was being so insistent on secrecy.
Still, he would try his best to keep it. For her sake.
Once they had reached the large, extravagantly-decorated room and Edwin had locked the door firmly behind him, Maria let out a long, shaky sigh.
It’s only when Edwin turns to look at her does his worry start to sink in.
Her eyes are tired and her glorious brown hair is ever-so-slightly tousled. She still looks like a model, of course, but the fact that any imperfection is noticeable means that something must be terribly wrong.
“Is everything alright?” Edwin asks quietly once he realises that she won’t speak first.
Maria nods unsurely. “I… I don’t know.” She says, and Edwin can hear the lilt of her original Italian accent clipping her words- an occurrence that happened only when she was very stressed.
Unsure how to prompt her for more information without seeming rude, Edwin smiles comfortingly. “Is there anything I can do for you, Ma’am?”
“Edwin-” the use of his first name surprises him so much that it wipes the smile off his face- “you know Howard well, don’t you?”
Edwin is too busy worrying about where the conversation is heading to consider the question too deeply. “W-Well, yes, I suppose I do.” He stutters. “More than any of the staff, most definitely.”
Maria sighs again and moves to sit down on the bed. Edwin, having no idea if he is welcome to do the same, just stands awkwardly on the spot.
She twists the magnificent ring on her finger as she speaks, not looking Edwin in the eye. “…Do you know whether he wants children?”
“W-Well, I- um, i-if, erm-” Edwin stammers incoherently.
Maria holds up her ringed hand to silence him and finally meets his panicked gaze.
“I am pregnant.”
For a moment, Edwin believes he heard incorrectly. His expression doesn’t change as he waits for Maria to repeat herself. When she doesn’t, and the truth finally settles in, he feels the biggest, most-unprofessional grin slip onto his face.
“Oh Maria,” he says, forgoing all formalities as he quickly moves to sit beside her on the bed, “that’s absolutely wonderful!”
Rather than be offended, she seems to appreciate the use of her first name. She smiles in relief at Edwin’s positive reaction. “I only found out a few hours ago, you’re the first to know.”
“That’s amazing!” Edwin’s smile falters slightly. “Is it..?”
“Yes, it belongs to Howard.” Maria assures. Not that he had any doubt, of course, he simply just had to make sure in case she needed any support.
And, just to be extra sure, he cautiously asks another sensitive question.
“…Are you happy?”
Maria tenses for a moment, her eyes frantically scanning over Edwin’s face for… something. When she presumably does or doesn’t find what she’s looking for, she relaxes again.
“I’m overjoyed,” she says, her voice barely a whisper as she idly rubs her stomach, “but Howard-”
“Don’t worry about Howard.” Edwin cuts off firmly. “He is a grown man who adores you, he won’t run off when he hears- I’ll make sure of that. And though I can’t be certain what his initial reaction will be like, I can be certain that he will be every bit as happy as you are.” He smiles a little sadly. “I can only presume fatherhood does that to you.”
The fear doesn’t leave her eyes. “But how do I-”
“I can tell him, if you’d like, but I think he’d much rather prefer to hear it from you.” He interrupts again, reading her mind. “And I think it would be wise to wait until he returns tomorrow, otherwise he’ll grumble about unfinished work.”
Maria lets out a small, dainty laugh. It doesn’t sound entirely natural which does mean that she’s feeling more like herself. Then they fall into a comfortable silence, Maria twisting her ring absentmindedly as Edwin tries to settle his own giddiness from the wonderful news.
He truly feels ecstatic and over the moon for Mr and Mrs Stark. They are going to have a child! A small part of him can't help but feel jealous that he can never have that for himself.
He hates Whitney Frost with every fibre of his being.
But he and Ana have come to terms with the fact that they won't be able to have children, so instead he tries to channel all of his sadness into joy for his dear friends. Besides, he is sure that Mr Stark will let him babysit the child with Ana on occasion. The pair of them would do it for free without a second thought.
Suddenly, Maria shifts her position on the bed to face him before clasping his hand with hers.
“Thank you, Edwin.”
It is said with such sincerity that the use of his first name doesn’t make him even bat an eye this time. In that moment, it wasn’t a wealthy lady thanking her husband’s butler. No, it was an anxious woman thanking her friend.
“My pleasure.” He replies on instinct when she releases his hand.
“I’m sorry for keeping you.” She adds, and Edwin knows that’s his cue to leave. So, with one final smile of reassurance and glee, he leaves her to her own devices.
It isn’t until late that night, as he lies awake in bed with his wife beside him, that it occurs to him as odd that Mrs Stark told him first.
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“Knocking on Heaven’s Door”
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: Kai realised he fucked, Mack isn’t so willing to forgive him, Joshua is a shading little shit
Warnings: swearing, slight violence, arguing, mention of drug use (or misuse I guess)
Masterlist | series Masterlist
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Kai’s affection didn't last long, the second the announcement was over he released Mack's hand with such haste you'd think it'd burnt him. Kai was quick to ignore his girlfriend - looking straight ahead and following the Police with his eyes as they made their way out of the room - but not before announcing they would be questioning certain individuals.
This put Mack's stress on overdrive, knowing that they'd find out that she killed him and that Kai helped destroy the body and they'd both go to prison. The girl shuddered at the thought of the cold, dingy cells; the cool metal bars that would not doubt be lathered in a layer of thick rust; the grumpy, disgruntled guards; and lastly, the inmates - the ones who had done awful things, much more so than she had than her, or even worse, the ones she outdid.
Mack visibly shook, a chill tickling along her spine as the thoughts encased her mind in a state of anxiousness. She hardly noticed the police had left until the jabbing of the bell pierced her ears, bringing Mack back to her senses as she scrambled to her feet. What she'd also failed to notice was that Kai was no longer in the class, having snuck out when he'd let go of her shaking hand.
"Who the fuck are you?" Kai hissed, approaching Shawn, shoulders squared and jaw locked. Shawn smirked, leaning away from the wall and closing the distance between them. Both boys were around the same height - neither of them having an advantage of dominance due to being tall.
"None of your damn business." He smirked, winding Kai up even further.
"Oh, you're right - it's none of my damn business that your asking my girlfriend to kiss you in front of me, is it?" Kai mused, a sinister looking smirk reaching his own lips. Shane's didn't falter either.
"Mmm, girlfriend? She looked more like a slut to me." Shawn pondered and Kai's jaw clenched uncomfortably, hands balling into tight fists at his sides.
"What did you just call her?" Kai spat through gritted teeth and Shawn chuckled, looking back at the group of friends stood behind him with amused expressions.
"What? That's what she is, isn't it? I mean you only called her your girlfriend when you pissed off your sister so bad and her ex went missing." Shawn smirked, his friends laughing and egging him on with cheers. "I bet she's the one who killed him, right? Then ever the hero you swoop in, claiming to be her boyfriend so any motive she may hold becomes futile." Shawn declared, before turning back to his friends with outstretched arms. "Am I right, boys?" He called loudly, met with hoots of agreement that made Kai's anger bubble, their laughter creating a scowl on Kai's brows.
"I mean, nice catch though dude - a bet she's a real freak in bed, probably hard to keep up with her, huh?" Shawn taunted.
Shawn only stopped at the impact of Kai's fist colliding with his jaw, snapping the boy's head to the side as Kai's ring caught the soft skin of his cheek, a slither of crimson breaking the surface. Shawn's jaw clenched tight lung, his thumb swiping the blood from his cheek as his dangerous glare met Kai's.
"You son of a fucking bitch!" Shawn growled, grabbing Kai by his jacket and shoving him into the wall behind him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me again!"
"Or you'll what?" Kai smirked, Shawn's nostrils now flared and his breathing heavy. He was clearly bothered by how unaffected Kai was, this frustration showing clearly when he moved to punch Kai.
But Kai got there first.
No one was really sure how I'd happened, including Kai, but next thing either of them new a teacher was peeling Kai off of Shawn as he straddled the boy, landing punch after punch to his bartered and bruised face.
And yet weeks went by and neither Mack nor Kai said a word to each other.
Awkward silences became more awkward, uncomfortable moments became more uncomfortable, wistful gazes became more wistful.
It was getting too much, and Mack was dying for Kai just to say something to her, yet she was too stubborn to say anything first. She sighed heavily, slamming the front door behind her and dumping her bag on the floor. Mack quickly chucked the car keys onto the table before walking into the kitchen for a glass of water. For the past month Mack has been borrowing her dad's car to get to school.
"Hey dad!" She called and Ian soon walked round the corner, joining her in the kitchen.
"Hey, kiddo." He smiled, "how was school?" But before Mack got a chance to answer Kim called from the other room.
"Mack! Kai's here!" The colour instantly drained from Mack's face, her smile falling and her thought spiralling into dread.
Why was Kai there? And why had he now decided to talk to her?
Mack quickly shook off the thoughts, pulling on a hard stare and calling as emotionlessly as she could to Kim,
"I don't want to talk to him. Tell him to leave!" Kim merely shrugged, giving Kai a half-ass apologetic look before letting the slab of wood slam shut in his face, the tiny draft the force created combined with the monotone drawl of Mack's words felt like it hit Kai's face almost as hard as if the girl had charged outside and slapped him across the face herself. He took a deep swallow, choking down the lump in his throat as he stared blankly at the door, fist twitching as he tried to make up his mind.
Another hollow knock on the door. Kim's hand still remained on the handle, so she simply yanked it open before giving Kai a bored look, Amber eyes rolling dramatically.
"Look, lover boy, give it a rest. She doesn't want to talk to you." Mack's sister deadpanned, before letting the door smack shut with an even louder thud than the first time. Kai took a deep breath, his chest rising greatly as he rose his hand another time.
Another hollow knock on the door. Kim scoffed, turning to open the door once again - figuring it could be another person as the pause between knocks had been much longer this time. The second Kai's face met hers Kim huffed out an exasperated sigh, not even bothering to speak before letting the door close dully in Kai's face. A wince escaped him when the last thud met his ears, shoulders slumped as he slowly made his way back to his jeep.
He'd just have to wait Mack out.
10pm. Perfect. Kai claimed out his car hastily, limbs aching after being cooped in his jeep for the last five or so hours. He crept as quietly as possible past her front windows, letting out a small sigh of relief when he noticed that the curtains were already closed so he wasn't in trouble of being seen. Only one light beacons out from the house, the yellow hue of Mack's lamp echoing into the crisp night air. Even though it was already February, the weather was still as harsh as it had been throughout the bitter January.
Kai grabbed onto the bricks, suddenly much more appreciative to the fact he had a small magical boost as he scaled the side of the small building.
Mack nearly jumped three foot in the air, her heart beating so fast she thought it jump out of her chest. The unexpected, unwelcome and unnecessary rattle of Kai's knuckles against her old window bounced off her bedroom walks, filling her ears with anxiety as she turned to see her ex-boyfriend's concerned face looking into her room. Mack inhaled sharply, biting her lips to hold back her grimace as she realised what he'd seen.
The window climbed upwards, Kai's hands sliding the glass up enough to stumble through until he was awkwardly stood in Mack's room, both teens staring at each other uncomfortably.
"That's how you've been coping?" Mack's gaze dropped to her bed, guilt washing over her at the sight of the half-rolled joint. "Weed? Really?" Kai scoffed and Mack's guilt soon rolled into anger, rage.
"That's none of your business." She said with an unturned nose, scooping the mess into a bag and shoving it in the little drawer in her desk which held a small lock. The sound Kai made resembled one of mocking laughter, short and bitter.
"None of my business, huh? I think you doing drugs is damn well my fucking business!" Kai demanded, shaking his head at her in disbelief.
"It stopped being your business the second you decided to dump me!" Mack was raising her voice now, her enmity melting into her face in a deep red hue. Kai's jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyes burning holes through the little wooden drawer shed just stuffed the weed into.
"That was a mistake." He muttered and Mack's eyes lit up with fury.
"A mistake? Kai you've made hundreds of mistakes!" Mack said harshly, voice cracking. Kai wiped his hand over his jaw, hiding his pout. "No. That wasn't a mistake, Kai. That was your shitty past making you doubt me as much as you doubt your shitty father and your shitty coven!" Mack shouted, eyes shellacked with tears.
And awkward silence fell over them, but Kai's stung expression told Mack everything she needed to know.
"Why are you here, Kai?!" Mack spat.
"Ben, he's uh- he's been confirmed dead." Kai murmured meekly, pressing his lips together. Mack's eyes were as wide as saucers.
"What?!" She whispered-shouted. Kai nodded.
"The police- they confirmed it, earlier. It was on the news." A somber mood had undertaken the room, a mutual air of what-do-we-do-now becoming the two teens.
"They found the ashes in the woods. And Kim talked." Kai admitted and Mack's face quickly morphed back into one of acrimony.
"That bitch-" Kai's hand quickly caught her wrist, pulling Mack back into him before she could get any further. He quickly backed her up into the door, a finger hovering over her lips.
"Shhhh. I have a sneaking suspicion that your name wouldn't have come up." He whispered calmly, but the fear and anger in his blue eyes were evident.
"What are you going to do?" She asked, a hint of concern creeping into her eyes.
"Well, I was thinking we could run away. You and me." Kai suggested, a hopeful glint to his voice that made Mack scoff.
"You haven't spoken to me in weeks," she emphasised the word heavily, "and you just expect me to run away with you? Not a chance." Mack dismissed, pulling away from Kai and quickly slipping out of her room - feet padding down the stairs swiftly. But Kai's heavy footsteps could be heard behind her.
"Come on, Kenz, you know you want to-" at that Mack turned harshly on her heal to face him
"What makes you think I'd want to go anywhere with you?" She hissed and Kai was taken aback.
"I thought you loved me.." he mumbled and Mack rolled her eyes, but really she was only trying to hide the siege of tears persisting at her bottom eyelids. She continued her path out, pulling the front door open harshly. "Where are you going?" Kai called, before coming to a stop a few feet behind Mack outside the small house.
"I'm just asking myself, why do I," Mack took a pause, inhaling a deep breath, "pick people who treat me like...nothing..." she exhaled deeply, turning around to face him and Kai's bottom lip began to quiver. Tears pooled in his deep blue eyes and he shook his head slightly.
"That's not true." He murmured, head still shaking as Mack kept her eyes trained to the floor. She gave him no response.
Kai's lips smashed to hers, his hands cupping her face and his eyes closed. Mack balled her fists by her sides, trying with all her strength to not kiss back. She finally pulled away, her hand making a hard connection with Kai's cheek.
"No! You don't get to do that, Kai!" She screamed, tears running down Mack's red cheeks. "You don't get to screw everything up and expect to kiss me and make it better!" The tears stung his eyes too now, an expression of sadness over coming him.
"I'm sorry." The words were mumbled, directed at the floor.
"Sorry?! You thought so little of me that I'd throw away what we had for some - some guy I'd just met! I can't be with you if all you can do is think of me as some lying, manipulative bitch like you do you coven! I can't, Kai. God, I can't believe I actually fell in love with someone as- as immature as you!" Mack seethed, but Kai was crying silently now, shaking his head no as she spoke even though deep down he knew every word she spoke was true.
"Please don't leave me." Kai begged, his desperation lacing his deep blue eyes with a rim of sadness, eyes finally making contact with Mack's. "Please, Kenz, I can't live without you."
"Kenz? Oh we are so not at nicknames right now Malachai." Mack spat out his name like is tasted bad, as if the word held a lingering bitter taste on her tongue. It stung Kai, Mack using his full name.
"I love you." Was all Kai suggested and Mack let out a heavy sigh through her tears.
"If you truly loved me, you would have trusted me. I can't be with someone who I have to tread on eggshells around, Kai. I can't do that." Mack cried, biting down on her lower lip to hide a sob. She looked at her feet, then back up again and put on a brave face as her eyes bored into Kai's blue orbs. "We're done." She whispered and Kai's eyes widened.
"No..." he muttered, shaking his head slowly in protest as Mack sorrowfully nodded.
"Yes, we're done. For good. I'm sorry." Mack said authoritatively, wiping the tears away quickly before turning back around and walking over to her dad's car.
"Kenz!" He shouted after her, but Mack pretended to ignore him - a new wave of tears threatening to drip down her chin now. The lights on the car flashed orange, the button on the keys clicked and the door now open. Mack slipped in, seating herself in the car and pushing the keys into the ignition, starting the car with a small sob.
As Mack attempted to shut the door, a strong hand caught it, Kai's wrecked face looking down at her with a pleading beg.
"Please don't leave, don't you get it? I love you Kenz." Kai begged. Mack shook her head.
"Let me go, Kai." He shook his head back, pressing his lips together to stop himself choking over a sob.
"I can't."
"And you've lost the right to call me anything but Mackenzie." She whispered, finally out manning Kai and slamming the door shut, not even hesitating before driving off.
The words buzzed through Mack's mind, her eyes trained on the road ahead of her as she desperately drove further away from home. She couldn't put her family through this, not right now, couldn't face him. She had to get away, go somewhere to think.
Mack tapped her foot restlessly, chewing on her bottom lips as she drove down the secluded road. As she approached a corner, she turned around it to see a car parked up at the side of the road, lights flashing.
As she drove closer, she realised it was Kai's father's car, so she made to pull over. Even thought she was avoiding Kai, Joshua hadn't done anything wrong and he could be in serious trouble. Once parked at the side of the road, Mack quickly climbed out her car, locking it behind her and walking over to Joshua - who was stood by his tyre, bent down to examine it.
"Hey, Mr Parker!" She called, arms crossed over her chest, and he looked up.
"Ah, Mackenzie! What are you doing out here alone?" He asked with a small frown.
"Well I was just driving to clear my head and I saw your car...are you okay? Do you need help?" She asked worriedly, stepping back slightly as Joshua rose to stand.
"Actually," he spoke rather menacingly, "there is something you could help with." He continued walking until Mack was backed into a tree and she let out a sharp gasp. Joshua raised his hand. "Phasmatos Somnus!" he spoke, and Mack's body fell limp, eyes closed as she fell unconscious.
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
head over heels
[riddle rosehearts x fem!reader]
dedicated to my sweet, precious moot @meiriethedreamer who gave me this first req! love you sweetie, hope you enjoy! 
IN every class, from alchemy to even flight class, you’d always pay attention to riddle rosehearts, the dorm leader of heartslabyul. well specifically his shoes. he’d always manage to wear some kind of heels or have some sort of wedge in his shoes to make him look taller than he actually is. even in flight class when the students in pomefiore uses flat bottomed sneakers, riddle managed to get away with wearing a sneaker with wedges. 
you’d always watch him in every single class, and in your opinion, you didn’t make it too obvious, but cater and trey says otherwise. they always caught you resting your head on both your hands propped on top of the table, and your head would always inch forward with your eyes looking like they’re about to pop out of your sockets while trailing riddle’s every move. “ne, ne, trey. look at (y/n)-chan.” he nudged his friend who was busy writing notes. he was expecting to see something cater claimed to be ‘funny’ (which usually wasn’t) but was shocked to see (y/n) behaving like that. “what the heck is she doing?” the two students followed her gaze to see riddle...’s shoes. “eh?” “why is she..?” 
and thus it was decided that they were going to ask fellow (y/n) about your little habit. with the help of their two small brained kouhais (deuce and ace) they managed to corner you on a friday after classes ended. “so, (y/n)-chan, what’s with this little obsession of your’s huh? why are you always paying attention to riddle hmm..?” cater smirked while you slowly inched to the wall, being surrounded by four of your senpais in the same dorm. “hold on senpai, i thought you said this was a small questioning, not an interrogation.” cater ignored him and continued pressing different questions on you which led to ultimately the same answer. 
“i...uhm...like riddle?” the four were bickering among themselves but stopped mid-sentence and gasped. you brought your hand to your mouth and managed to slap it before covering it. “I MEAN...i like hIS SHOES OKAY?!” you blurted out while blushing intensely. trey sighed and adjusted his glasses “so it means you have a crush on the dorm leader?” 
“i-i nEVER SAID THAT! i-it’s not like i have a crush on him to the point where i want to buy him a pair of s-” you cursed to yourself and slapped your mouth once again. “AHA! YOU DO LIKE HIM!” ace beamed. “you pay attention to his shoes because you want to buy him a new pair of shoes?” deuce asked. your four senpais wouldn’t shut up, so what better way than just telling them the truth. you basically already spoiled it for them anyways. 
so in the end, you were paying attention to his shoes because you wanted to give him a new pair of heels while confessing your undying love for him. well, that’s what ace claimed at least. and it wasn’t wrong. but you were too shy to even talk to him. so you decided that you’d leave your gift in front of his room the next week with a letter inside. cater helped you out that weekend and helped you pick a pair of heels you think riddle would like and on the friday the week after you tiptoed to his door, gently placed the gift down, knocked on his door, then finally ran away to the lounge as fast as you could. 
“WHO’S KNOCKING AT MY DOOR THis late..?” riddle was baffled to find nobody in front of his door except for a red box decorated with a huge red ribbon. it wasn’t his birthday, so why would anyone give him a gift? well that didn’t matter. he brought it inside his room and started to unbox the gift. inside was a pair of black leather boots adorned with red laces and red detailing on the top and the side of it. surprisingly the height of the wedge was also what he would normally get. he immediately noticed the letter sitting below the gift. riddle read it with a huge smile on his face. nobody ever did something like this for him, and even his birthday could be a bore at times. 
truth be told, he noticed how you would watch him but he’d pay you no mind. not because he didn’t like you or didn’t care, but he simply thought it was cute at times. and so he made the decision to wear his new boots to class the next day and so many people from different dorms complimented him, even the first years who were normally terrified of even being in the same room as him. you noticed how many compliments he was getting and it made you smile. however you started to panic when you saw him striding your way. AAAAAA HE’S WEARING IT OMG, OKAY (Y/N) CALM DOWN. IT’LL BE OKAY, IT’S-
“i see you’re a fan of heels as well (y/n).” his voice and the fact that he called you (y/n) instead of your last name made you jump. “u-UHM YES! yea! haha...” you smiled hoping you didn’t mess up. “maybe we should go out sometime...you know to find matching pairs.” he casually added as he sat down in the seat next to you. “YEAH HAHA, THAT SOUNDS FUN-wait go out? and maTCHING PAIRS?!” you shrieked a little. “i read your letter (y/n). i’d love to go out with you sometime. especially someone with as good taste in heels and shoes as you.” 
your face turned as red as his hair which caused him to chuckle. maybe what ace said about you was right, maybe you are head over heels for the heel-obsessed dorm leader. 
- a♕
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I HAVE FINISHED TURQUOISE’S INFO (her name is now Jessamine)!
Also heres a link to the song “The Last Revolver” by Mothy, though note this is a cover with a newer version of Gumi’s voicebank, and this is also a fanmade PV remake of the original PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsdMtgEJEg 
This song is directly responsible for giving me the inspiration to make Jessamine. uwu
Also ignore the weird spacing I made this in google docs originally and apparently it decided to copy paste like that and im too lazy to fix it oof also its kind of long sooo oof.
like…2398 words long ;-;
I suggest you listen to “The Last Revolver” whilst reading this. idk gives mood lol
Name: Jessamine ‘Jess’ Belle 
 Aliases (If Any): Evera (Assassin Name)
 Age: 20 (On Liam’s Death)
24 (Currently)
 Date of Birth/Birthday: Day 31 of Aria’s Star, 2045 T.C. (the equivalent of December 31st)
 Zodiac: Sagittarius 
 Status: Alive
 Species: Human
 Height: 5'0 (152 Centimeters)
 Ethnicity: Mijean
 Relatives: Unnamed Mother✝
Unnamed Father✝
Liam Adelson (Fiance)✝
 Birth Place: Collapsed Kingdom of Mijea, Theda
 Nationality/Current Residence: Mariah Empire, Theda
 Religion (Which Goddess Do they Worship?): None
 Occupation: Assassin Employed By Kiara Malories (Formerly)
Wandering Gunner
 Affiliations: Kiara Malories (Formerly)
Kingdom of Mijea (Formerly)
Personality (In Phrases): Uptight, Cold, Adorable (According to Liam), Secretly Really Kind, Just Kind of Quiet, Stubborn, Was Kind of Clingy To Liam Due To Having Literally Nobody Else, Her Parents Died In The Mercenian Invasion of The Kingdom of Mijea In 2062, And She Had Basically No Friends, So Liam Became Her Rock, She’s Still In Mourning, She’s Extremely Suicidal, Pretty Unstable, Has A Temper
 Marital Status: Engaged To Liam Adelson (Formerly)
 Sexuality: Heterosexual
 Likes: Her Revolver, Macarons, Liam, Cherry Blossoms, Hummingbirds, Butterflies, The Color Purple, People Who Don’t Get In Her Way of Revenge
 Dislikes: Spicy Foods, Her Height, Kiara Malories, Mercenians, The State of Mercenia, Killing For No Reason (Developed After Liam’s Death), The Ocean (She Doesn’t Know How To Swim), People Who Do Get In Her Way of Revenge, Anyone Who Tells Her Suicide Doesn’t Solve Anything, Anyone Who Tells Her She Doesn’t Need To Get Revenge, Anyone Who Claims Liam Wouldn’t Want Her To Do [Anything Under The Sun]
 Role: Secondary Character
Debut: Undecided
 Random Facts: 
Her smile is absolutely beautiful to see. However, she hasn’t smiled since her fiance, Liam, died.
She’s one of the last pure Mijeans still alive, as most were slaughtered in the Mercenian Invasion of 2062 T.C. in a genocidal sort of fashion. There are an estimated 500 Mijeans still walking the planet, and likely a lot more half-Mijeans exist than pure Mijeans.
The revolver she currently uses is a very expensive, efficient one that is very rare, which Liam gave to her for her birthday a few hours before she realized she had to kill him. 
Jess is the definition of a person who gets really, adorably mad if you dare mention how short she is. 
Liam was 6'0, a full 12 inches taller than Jess. You can bet that Liam teased her about it constantly. 
Liam often picked up Jess in order to kiss her without hurting his neck. It wasn’t very hard since she’s fairly light. She was a flustered mess about it constantly.
When they first met, Jess didn’t tell Liam her real name on the spot, instead telling him her assassin name, Everina. He called her Ever most of the time, and when she confessed to him, that was when she told him her real name. He still called her Ever sometimes, but usually only if they were (for any reason) in public.
Very rarely, Liam called Jess “Mina”, which was a nickname he alone used for her. He only called her that during extremely personal, special moments (e.g. first kiss, kisses in general, making love, and when Jess had to kill him)
It’s very easy to fluster Jess, usually, just give her a peck on the cheek or her lips, or pick her up, and she’ll get flustered immediately.
Jess’s most sensitive spot is the right side of her neck, like sort of between her neck and shoulder. Liam used this to his advantage ;3
Jess is extremely ticklish on her sides, but nowhere else.
Jess’s favorite season is Spring due to it being when she met Liam, and her least favorite is Winter due to it being the season where she had to kill Liam.
Jess dreads and just plain old hates her birthday as her birthday doubles as the day where she had to kill Liam. 
The only reason Jess hasn’t killed herself yet is that she feels she needs to kill Kiara first as vengeance for Liam. She plans to kill herself immediately afterward.
Jess plans to give Kiara an extremely painful, long death.
Jess is terrifying when she is determined to kill someone. Seriously, don’t get in her way. Else you’ll be killed too.
Jess’s favorite things about Liam according to her was his blue eyes and his dark, maroonish hair. His eyes because to her they were beautiful and she loved staring into them, his hair because it was extremely soft. 
Jess is a total bottom 99% of the time…except one time when Liam let her top.
Liam constantly attempted to make Jess laugh, which was usually successful whether his joke was good or not, most times she laughed because his jokes were just stupid but in a funny way
Liam is 3 years older than Jess, being 22 when they met in 2064 T.C. and 23 when he died in 2065 T.C. as he was born on Day 13 of Ayja’s Star/September 13th, 2042 T.C.
Jess’s situation is a bit similar to Cora Hallow’s, as Jess lost everything she loved and became a wandering gunner, and swore revenge upon the person responsible, where Cora lost her entire family (supposedly) in the fire of Saseraia and swore revenge upon Nymeria believing her to be the one responsible; The fact that actually Jess is descended from a bastard line (descended of a bastard child of one of Cora’s descendants- also can I just say, Cora had one biological child, a daughter, who was conceived using early, experimental artificial insemination technologies and paved the way for refinement of such technologies for same-sex couples- it’s not that important but I wanted to mention it cus why not) of Cora makes it kind of ironic because history is sort of repeating itself in a way. 
The reason Liam was targeted by Kiara was that he found out what Kiara was through overhearing her talking to someone at his police station, and due to that, she wanted him dead because he was also getting in her way by rescuing some of the other people she wanted dead or killing the criminals she wanted to recruit. He was also planning to reveal to the world what she was.
Backstory: Jessamine “Jess” Belle was born the only child of a pair of general store owners in the Kingdom of Mijea on the coldest day of the year. Jess’s childhood is relatively uneventful, until when she was 17 in 2062 T.C., when the State of Mercenia invaded the Kingdom of Mijea, looking to absorb it into its territory as it was falling into chaos anyway. Jess’s parents die helping Jess escape. She flees the country and ends up passing out on the border of the Kingdom of Lavinia, being found by Kiara Malories (who is really just Aya having possessed Nymeria’s body and using the body appearance changing spell that was within Nymeria’s ability pool to make herself look different), who takes her in, on the condition,  however, that Jess becomes an assassin working for her. Having basically no other choice, Jess agrees and is taught how to use a gun by another assassin in Kiara’s employ, as it turns out Kiara had a whole group of assassins and other people working for her for vastly different reasons. Jess begins her work as an assassin for Kiara by killing about 40~ people within the next 2 years (20 per year).
 On the first day of spring (Day 1 of Xomura’s Star/February 1st, Note The Calendar of This World Is Different In Which The Year Starts In April Instead of January And Thus Ends In March) of 2064 T.C. Jess goes to a small hill with a cherry blossom tree on it, which was a spot she loved to go to think about everything. However, that day was different in a significant way: Jess met a tall man with maroon hair and eyes. She indulged him with some idle chatter, telling him her name was Everina when asked. As he talked (and flirted a bit) with her, she learned his name was Liam and that like her, he was one of the survivors of the Mercenian Invasion of 2062, but that he was spared only because he was not Mijean, rather, he was from Aleon, at least, he was born there, but his parents moved to the Kingdom of Mijea when he was young. Jess also learns he is a police officer, and due to that remains cautious of him, always being prepared to kill him in case he ever suddenly turned on her. However, as they continued to meet up together at that cherry blossom tree, Jess steadily began to trust him.
 In Summer (Day 28 of Kaila’s Star/August 28th; Summer Starts On June 20th/Day 20 of Eros’s Star In This World; Also The Year Is Now 2065 T.C. As April Has Passed), Jess was invited by Liam to a “date” according to him, though she chalked it up to him just flirting with her yet again, but accepted the invitation anyway. He took her to a park where together they watched a meteor shower that only happened once every 460 years, and that the last time this meteor shower happened was around when Archbishop Briella, the first archbishop under the new government system and after the Second Great Theda Civil War, was on her death bed. After the meteor shower was over, Liam confessed that he had fallen in love with Jess, and conflicted, Jess asked him to give her some time to think. After a few days of thinking, Jess realized she had fallen for Liam as well, and asked him to meet her under the same cherry blossom tree that had met at originally, and when they both arrived, she confessed to him that she had fallen in love with him as well. She also told him that she had lied to him about her name, as she didn’t trust him originally, and revealed to him her real name was Jessamine or Jess for short. Liam, overwhelmed with joy, picked her up and kissed her, calling her “Mina” for the first time, and over time it evolved into a special nickname that only he was allowed to call her. Liam also laughed when he saw Jess’s extremely flustered face after he kissed her.
 In Autumn, Jess and Liam’s relationship truly blossomed, and mid-way through the season, they made love for the first time. And, mid-way through the last month of the season, Harmonia’s Star, Liam proposed to her, and Jess accepted. However, near the end of the season, Jess learned her next target was a man named Liam Adelson. While she was distressed at first at seeing the name “Liam”, she calmed herself by telling herself that the Liam she was engaged to and Liam Adelson must be different people- but deep inside there was a feeling of dread that told her that the two Liams were the same person.
 In Winter, Jess asked Liam what his last name was, and he said he’d tell her if she told him hers, and she agreed. He revealed that his last name was Adelson, and in shock, she slowly said her last name was Belle before collapsing onto her knees, breaking into tears. Liam asked what was wrong but she fled not even a minute later. For the next month, she avoided Liam as much as possible, but eventually, he found her back at the cherry blossom tree they met at together all the time in mid Aria’s Star (December). Jess revealed that she was actually an assassin and that all the murders that had been happening had been her and her colleagues working. She told him she didn’t have a choice because she had nowhere else to go. She had been lying to her colleagues that she hadn’t been able to find him anywhere and that’s what it was taking so long to kill him because she desperately didn’t want to kill him. Before Liam could say another word Jess fled once again. On the 31st of Aria’s Star (December 31st), Liam got Jess a gift: a very rare, very efficient revolver, having known she had a fascination with revolvers and had planned to buy herself one. While she had originally claimed she was going to use it for self-defense, Liam knew she was likely using it to kill people. Liam managed to find Jess under the cherry blossom tree yet again, presented to her his gift. When she asked why he had gotten her a revolver, Liam told her to kill him with it. It was made to kill people as quickly as possible. He had even gotten her bullets. He told her that he didn’t want her to lose her home, or neglect what she had to do. In tears, Jess told him she didn’t want to kill him and even suggested they just run away, but Liam told her that there were others after him and that he would likely die anyway, so if he was going to die, he wanted it to be by her hand. Before Jess could say another word he picked her up and kissed her. When he finally broke the kiss, he quickly grabbed Jess’s revolver, knowing she would be unable to gain the courage to shoot him, and shot himself for her, his last words being “I love you, Mina.”
 That day, Jess ran away from Kiara and swore revenge against her. 
And to this day, in the year 2070 T.C., she still looks to do that, waiting for the day she can kill Kiara and then kill herself so she can be reunited with Liam. 
— Submission
Ah, yes, holding the gun that tilts the fate of the universe. Gumi songs always tend to have a really specific note to them and this one assuredly is wild and a lot to take in when you listen to it in the context of the Villainious series. Glad to see it play out, though. I think there’s something bittersweet about how she was forced to do this, but her love stopped her from having to stain her hands with his blood. Him taking the shot himself implies that he loves her enough to die for her if he must. 
It’s upsetting that there was no way out. But, pain and grief in stories like this provide an arc for a character to follow and deal with, and perhaps her story will not entirely end in misery, but peace and resolution of the fate that she’s been dealt and what it means to be okay with where you’re heading and what you’ve been forced through. 
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