kkoraki · 9 months
this variety of person fascinates me:
introduces self & communicates with you via email & voice call for several weeks regarding an event starring you, including getting a professional bio and photo
sees you in person for the first time right before the event
upon being introduced immediately asks for your pronouns (doesn't give theirs)
"I usually ask everybody that right away I don't know why I didn't before!"
proceeds to introduce you at the event using pronouns you didn't say
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opultea · 1 year
Abnormal Love Languages
Genshin men with weird ways of expressing their love for you - Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) - SFW - Romantic - Fluff/Crack
ft. Alhaitham, Wanderer, Heizou, Tighnari, Dottore
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The Scribe of the Akademiya, a renowned scholar, and a totally awkward boyfriend
So what does this intelligent, well-known, socially unaware man do when he wants to show you he loves you?
Knows a lot and makes sure you know it too
If he fell in love with you that means he respects your intelligence and curiosity enough to find interest in your company
So whenever he's on the couch with a new book on Theoretical Quantum Mechanics, he will be reciting the facts to you as if he's doing an oral presentation
Alhatiham keeps one of those big rolly whiteboards in his house (usually used to lecture Kaveh) and you know that when he pulls it out then it is officially date night
He pours you both a glass of wine for a nice candlelit dinner, but then you ask him about his new book and suddenly it's a romantic candlelit lecture
Lucky you find his intelligence attractive ;)))
If you ever need gift ideas for him just get a pack of multicoloured whiteboard markers, he always needs new ones
Even though you might end up regretting enabling his little habit
Traumatised Tsundere (TM)
Has never wanted anything more than to be loved the way he observed in humans, but has always believed he could never be loved in any way. It has only been proven to him that it isn't possible
So he protects himself from rejection by teasing and swatting you away, almost trying to make you hate him so he can at least expect what reactions to get from you
He views it as safe, he knows how humans are when they are angry and hateful, he's experienced it firsthand, so he knows what will come of it
Even though he's secretly saddened by feeling like he has to hurt you
So when you respond to him bonking your head with laughter and a smile brighter than he's seen on anyone in his direct presence before, it startles him
When he pushes your face away with his hand and you retaliate by latching onto his arm he freezes (Wanderer.exe has stopped working)
Calls you stupid and insults your survival instincts
"Honestly, if a complete stranger were to push you away like this, would you still clutch their arm like a lost puppy? How absurd, you obviously couldn't survive without me protecting you, since you evidently can't tell good intentions from bad ones,"
Then you pout and tell him that of course you don't do this with other people, you do it because it's him!
He stops working again
Shoves you to the ground to avoid you seeing how red his face is
Riddles and puzzles/tries to quiz you by making you help him solve a case
Brings you to crime scenes even though you are not a detective and definitely aren't allowed to be there just so he can test your skills
"So, what can you gather from this crime scene? This case isn't particularly difficult, so I have no doubt you'll be chasing down the perp in no time,"
Honestly your whole relationship is like an escape room
You want to get into your house but forgot your key? Well knock in morse code and maybe Heizou will let you in
You want to have a nice lunch date with your boyfriend? Well you best be prepared for an intense game of shogi while you eat
You want Heizou to pass you a pen? Well first you must answer these questions three!
But seriously, he makes it fun for you and makes sure to let you know that it’s his way of telling you how much he respects you and he values your input and intelligence
As an Amurta scholar and a forest watcher who has seen way too many cases of mushroom-based food poisoning, Tighnari has learnt to be prepared to dish out medical treatment
So if you cough even once, or sneeze in his presence, Tighnari will begin an impromptu check-up to ensure you're still feeling your best
You try telling him you're fine, people sneeze all the time without being sick, but he just scolds you even more for thinking you could get away without him making sure you're alright
"Don't be so proud, you idiot. What am I going to do with you if you go and get sick?"
Tighnari would hate if you fell ill under his careful watch, but if you do get sick or injure yourself, prepare for a two hour lecture and a bowl of fresh creamy mushroom stew to help you get back into tiptop shape
He's usually incredibly busy with his forest watcher duties, but will somehow almost never leave your side if he's tending to you
When you aren't sick, he makes sure you're eating well, going so far as to prepare your meals or make a nutrition table based on the vitamins he thinks you need more of
Always reminds you to drink water and take any medication you need, your health is his top priority
Psychopath (Endearing)
Takes x-rays of you just to admire your lovely bone structure and hangs them up around your shared bedroom as if they're regular date pictures
He loves to have you sit in his lap as he caresses your body and coos at your flesh, whispering sweet nothings in his suavest voice about your organs, and telling you what a strong heart you must have because he can feel it through your shirt
Unwinding with Dottore almost always goes this way, with you getting a shower of what you're pretty sure are compliments about your internal systems and physical attributes
He once shocked you with a mini electric buzzer just to see your central nervous system go off. You were naturally quite annoyed about it but he just shrugged it off, claiming that he just loved to see your body at work, although he never did it again
His doctor brain never turns off, so be prepared to have his fingers in your mouth as he goes on about what wonderful teeth you have
It certainly makes you feel... special
You should feel special, he definitely doesn't do this with anyone else
Dottore is so enchanted by your being that he grows human organs in his lab that are exactly the size and shape of yours, saying it's so you can see for yourself just how beautiful you are
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devouredbyflame · 29 days
I’m a lesbian and I think Im attracted to Loki (whether I’m actually receiving interest from Him is something I plan to spend a while figuring out), but Im worried if I’m attracted to Him I’m making Him something He’s not in my head. I also dislike super masculine depictions of Him, and I’m worried that’s because I’m feminizing Him inappropriately or something. I’ve gotten mental images of Him while meditating that don’t seem accurate to normal depictions and it’s like I can’t tell if 1) I’m making it up or 2) He’s showing that kinda look to me because He knows I’ll like that look more.
I know Deities are kinda beyond actual human looks and gender stuff. Ive seen some people mention using different pronouns for Him, like They/Them… Though I respect the folks who did that, I’m kinda embarrassed to say it but I’ve asked like pronouns/terminology stuff myself, phrasing it as how He’d want me to refer to Him. I almost thought I felt Him amused or something when I did that, first time, and my results with divination seemed… unlikely. Almost felt like He was joking. Not like, at my expense, but still joking. I think keeping trying to confirm was bad though because the answers got really inconsistent and I thought I felt Him again, but this time He was annoyed. I’ve pretty much discounted everything I got from asking that way.
I’ve seen you mention being sapphic/gay in your posts, so I don’t know if you consider yourself interested in human men. If you’re technically bi or something it might not be the same situation, but I just don’t know where to ask about this. It feels like such a silly human thing to worry about when thinking about a Deity but the area feels so important to me it’s hard to just wave off.
Hi anon!
So before I begin, I want to acknowledge that these kinds of questions tend to be difficult to ask especially around the lokean community. It is difficult to have an experience not be in line with the rest of the community’s experience and believe me when I say I know how that feels. So thank you for having the courage to say something because I don’t think many wish to discuss these sorts of things without feeling worried they would somehow be shot down or panic that they would get canceled. I don’t consider myself among the lokean community for this reason just because I don’t align with their opinions or assumptions of Loki at all.
So with that out of the way, you now know my opinion isn’t in alignment with many others'. I don’t wish to sound like I know anything more than other people, but I do realize that pulling away from the community helped me understand Loki in a new light.
Hopefully I’ve amply prepared you for what I’m about to say on this matter because I do have my opinions and they tend to carry more weight to me because they happened outside of the echo chamber I once used to be in with Him.
First of all, having feelings for the Gods, especially Loki, in this way is actually the most natural sort of feeling you can have with a Deity. Loki inspires passion and intimacy and He also tends to feel much like arousal because His energy tends to pull at humans in a way that gets blood pumping and can often feel much like ecstasy.
Loki is, in my opinion, the very heart of Divinity within humans. He is the one who gave us this gift so we can sense the Divine’s presence and He gave us this blood so that we can feel the impassioned responses of sensing Them. Unfortunately, in the West, such feelings are accompanied by shame and guilt and it often destroys this connection to the Divine we might otherwise be having. We repress this feeling because we feel like we shouldn’t have this sort of (very natural) response to a Deity because we are human and what do we mean to Them?
However, we are as much a part of the Divine as the Divine are a natural part of us. These feelings are mutual. We all long to be with the Divine and They long to be with humans. Because Loki is the one to have given us this gift of connection, He, most of all, inspires intense passion and romantic interest in us because we are so immensely devoid of this kind of connection in a lot of places in our lives but especially with the Divine.
So you shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. In fact, that is an absolutely amazing sign that you are open to having this kind of connection with Him that most have already written off because they are human and therefore shouldn’t be feeling any sort of intensity towards a God.
Given that this is the baseline response that is triggered once a human is in proximity to the Divine, there is no other connotation around it beyond the fact that the connection is real and He is with you. People often associate this as a courtship or dating and this also is why Loki tends to have a lot of godspouses because we have no better way of explaining this phenomena otherwise in our Western culture even when those in the East figured this out millennia ago.
Now, in regards to gender, I also, once more, want to say that I am not popular in the Lokean community because I do not think Loki is trans, genderfluid, or non-binary. For further context, I am non-binary and sapphic. Due to being His priestess and wife, it doesn't matter what I'm attracted to because I won't be dating or marrying anyone but Him. I've also known a gay man being married to a Goddess and having the same sort of relationship I do with Loki.
The Divine do not hold the same context and definitions of gender and gender binary as we do, and therefore Their gender alignments aren’t about who has what body part, but rather whose energy is more in alignment with what and in what way. It is ideological rather than physical and so They don't run into the same problems we do with it nor experience Themselves in a similar fashion.
Loki has explained to me that he doesn't care for pronouns because He thinks they ignore the real problem in society which is that femininity is widely considered shameful.
That being said, though He prefers being called a man, that doesn’t stop Him from appearing androgynous, female, or anything else that people fancy Him to be. He normally appears to me as a man even though He once appeared to me without gender and once as a female (to none too subtly point at the fact that I’m gay and I was with a man and this is problematic). He is androgynous, graceful, and tends to act more like a female than male.
He has shown me that He is female-aligned in His own nature given the fact that He enjoys taking care of the home, and doing labor that is considered more feminine (like spinning, weaving, knitting, cooking, cleaning, etc.) than masculine. In Lokasenna, He is called out for being a milk maiden for a winter and also He is known for doing seidr which is a feminine art.
So, anyway, the moral of the story is that, in my experiences, your experience aligns with mine. He gave me the same reaction when I asked Him His pronouns and also got very annoyed with me when I kept asking and finally explained He is a male and then gave me the aforementioned spiel to the effect of “stop putting a definition on me that appeals to your standards of gender."
However, if you are worried about annoying Him, please don’t. He isn’t the most patient of beings and He will be the first to acknowledge the fact that He has a temper sometimes and can get annoyed easily by anyone. I think He just would prefer people to actually ask Him His opinion on things before assuming things that aren't always true. He isn't annoyed to be cruel, He just has a lot of opinions and people don't always ask for them before assuming something of Himself.
It's not because He doesn't like non-binary people, or doesn't support the LGBTQ+ (obviously, He's very queer and tends to collect queer and neuro-divergent followers), but the Divine are not human and therefore don't abide by our societal rules and expectations because They don't experience Themselves as humans do.
We tend to place our societal norms on Them because we think it makes Them more human-like when we're really just trying to make Them fit in with our standards of how to behave in a "correct" society. They tend to look at the bigger picture instead of the smaller ones that fill our time and experiences as humans. Loki is incredibly not interested in being "correct" in any sense of the word. In fact, that is His prerogative to not be what we want Him to be. I think it mostly is the issue we have in general with not asking the Gods who They want to be shown as and would rather write Them into our own narratives ourselves.
I know that was likely more information than you ever wanted and I apologize in advance for the long ramble but I felt like this was an important post to make. I hope it helps you feel more at ease, though.
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wackyartor · 2 years
Hello cutie pie! How's your day going? Great? I really hope so!
I was passing by and see your request are open, so imma gonna just drop it here in case you feel like writing :)
Rise!Leo x reader (female or neutral, your choise) when the reader is the "affectionate captain",adore givin hugs,hung outs,bein close or not always respecting people bondaries but,when she's got a crush on Leo, she unconsciously begin to be away from him like,less hugs,hung outs,contact because she starts to get nervous around him without notice.
And yeah, that's it,hope you like the idea,bye bye! ☺️
Rise!Leo x Reader
Note: This is the first request i got, so sorry for the delay! and for the other reqs, I'll try to finish it as soon as possible!
Note (2): im so sorry again if the fic isn't like the request but i tried! also i wrote this like around 2 am so, excuse my grammar 😭
Summary: Leo started to notice that you've been avoiding him, less contact and etc, despite of you two being more close with each-other, he decided to confront you about it and it ended up you having to confess.
Reader's Pronouns: She/Her
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He noticed it pretty quickly.
Whenever he goes in and tried talking to you or goes in to hug you like the usual greetings you two always do, he always sees you slowly moving away or having excuses to go off somewhere.
assuming you were busy at the moment so he brushed it off.
But, he's starting to suspect it because it happens all the time whenever he's tries to talk to you.
He can't help and be jealous whenever he sees you and his brothers hang a lot like you guys were so much closer than him.
He overthinks it, ALOT. he thinks that he did something wrong that made you so upset with him!
He even tried talking to one of his brothers or april, asking for an advice or just rant to them.
and of course, they would be sick of him from listening to his rants, since he rants about this to them 24/7.
It was a saturday night, requested by april that they should watch a lou jitsu movie or have a movie marathon.
of course Y/N was invited, thankfully she agreed to come.
so everyone prepared some snacks that they could provide at the table near.
"hey uh april, as much as i wanted to join you guys watch the lou jitsu movie for the hundreds of times, like i really REALLY do. but i still need to read my jupiter jim comics." leo says as he crossed his arm in a lazy stance.
"What! no no, think about it! the only reason i agreed to do this is for you to have the opportunity to go talk to Y/N, confront her about the whole situation!" April quickly stood up from where she's sitting on, leaving the others as she goes to leo.
"what's the point? she'll probably push me away, she HATES me april! and that makes me hate myself." leo frowns, his hands down in defeat.
April then goes and grabs his shoulders firmly. "and do you want her to hate you forever? i don't think so."
then when april saw Y/N's presence in the distance, she pushed leo to go on, as she goes back to the others.
Leo stumbled as he glanced at Y/N, he gulped then he stood straight, taking deep breaths, patting his plastron to keep him calm. "you got this leo.. just.. go talk to her!"
before turning to where Y/N was, as she looked at him, she stood there. completely frozen.
"Ohhh, Y/N it's so great to see you! do you mind talking for a bit?" Leo smiled at you.
"Uhm.. sorry, the movie's about to start and i don't-" She replied, cutting of her sentence while smiling awkwardly.
"I understand! totally. but it will be quick, i promise so please, just listen." Leo sighed, his genuinely looked concerened.
Y/N just stood there, didn't know what to say. she could feel her face heating up, trying to keep as much eye contact as possible to make it less awkward.
"you haven't talked to me, didn't answered all my calls, and we barely hang. what's wrong?"
No reply once again.
"I'm sorry, Y/N for whatever I'm done! but please talk to me, tell me what's wrong?" he says as he held your hands gently with.
Y/N gulped when she felt her hand touched his, soon looking at him. "I- uh.. i just.." she couldn't find the words.
Leo looked at her, as he leaned in closer to her face. "uhh Y/N?? are you okay?"
"Okay! OKAY! fine I'll tell you what's the problem!" Y/N moved her hands off him.
"I have feelings for you! i haven't felt this feeling from anyone else but only from you.. it hurts me to see us hanging less but you always take my breath away whenever you're around and can't help but feel so nervous! god.. i hated to tell you this because i didn't wanna ruin our friendship that we have." Y/N sighs, feeling humiliated with herself.
she noticed leo wasn't replying. assuming he was still processing all of this or something more worse.
"Y/N, is that really the problem because you couldn't handle my charm this much?" Leo chuckled, soon he cupped your face with his hands.
"but in serious thought, i also love you too, and i would hate to see us being apart ever again." he said this as he slowly leaned in to kiss you.
Y/N was so happy and is also glad to hear that it didn't end so badly, as she closed her eyes waiting for the kiss.
"Awwwww, this is so adorable!" mikey says from the distance, wiping a fake tear.
Leo soon glanced at his brothers, shocked. "you guys were watching us!?" he blushed
"we're still here, remember?" donnie rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face.
"This is better than watching the movie!" April Cheered.
Leo's hands didn't let go of Y/N's face, who was also blushing as hard ever, stunned at the situation.
"Well, might as well enjoy the show" leo smirked, as he looked at Y/N again as he leans in to finally kiss her.
Which Y/N returned happily, wrapping her arms around his neck.
and everyone started screaming.
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yunarim · 1 year
Seeing you knowing a thing or two about kpop makes me wanna spoil you with many kpop songs inspired requests... May I request pomefiore reacting to an idol!reader (pref fem but gender neutral would be ok too if you want) whose group is similar to dreamcatcher (songs, outfits, etc)? Have a good day!!
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⟣┄─ The thoughts that stopped, I return my steps to you ɞ ┆✦ characters : vil schoenheit, rook hunt, epel felmier ┆✦ tags : fem!reader (no pronouns used though), fluff, reader is not yuu (but the name yuu mentioned in order to avoid calling reader y/n)
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✦ Vil Schoenheit — In the Frozen
— He knew you before you got acquainted with anyone in NRC because he saw you on stage.
— He saw your debut and he also even did a photoshoot with you once.
— Vil knows how much idols work, so he deeply respects your work ethic but doesn’t really know much about you. 
— He’s not a big fan of dark concepts but one day he finds himself preparing for the photoshoot and watching your recent comeback while the stylist is doing his hair. 
— The moment you start singing your lines, his brows twitch a little, and his stylist smirks. 
— Your hairstyle is on point, your makeup is absolutely stunning. 
— The way you present yourself while singing and dancing is also incredibly professional, there’s no denying. You’re the artist, which is extremely admirable. 
— Somehow he thinks about your performance before going to sleep and watches the music video once more, which he would never do normally. 
— Ends up posting a story in MagiCam with your recent music album playing on repeat numerous times and tags your group official account with ‘What an excellent work.’
— Neige started sending Vil edits with your group. 
— Ha… That was annoying at first until one day your group, Vil and Neige, were invited to a radio show. 
— You look magnificent even when you’re not maintaining your mysterious fantasy-like persona on stage. 
— Radio host asks something here and there until the question is aimed directly at Vil.
— “And now to the questions from our listeners! Vil, if you were on a desert island with one of the band members, who would it be?”
— Vil already has the answer perfectly polished to the point he wouldn’t sound offensive or lead to unnecessarily hints and talks, but Neige suddenly interferes. 
— “Ah, forgive me for being rude, the question isn't for me, but I feel like Vil would get along with Yuu!”
— Why. For what reason.
— You smile at him gently, and he remembers you smiling the same way you did in the music video. 
— Neige is long forgotten by now, even if Vil agrees with him. 
— After the radio program you found yourselves stumbling upon each other on photoshoots and TV shows from time to time until you approach him first during one of your activities and straight up ask for his number.
— Congrats on now having a boyfriend who does your makeup, your hairstyle and also is good at giving a piece of advice when it comes to burnouts. 
— You two did a photoshoot with your group’s aesthetics and apparently half of the stan Magitter* went insane. *Magitter – an allusion to twitter
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✦ Rook Hunt — Red Sun
— Saw Neige mentioning your group on MagiCam and the whole Pomefiore realized they have never seen the vice dome leader with such enormously huge heart-shaped sparkles in his eyes.
— The moment he saw you, Rook went on MagiTube* to watch every music video, show, vlog and other activities. 
— God he’s so whipped for the concept, he adores every little aesthetic detail in every outfit. 
— And your voice?!.. Ah, what a divine sound you make. All of the members do, there’s no denying, you all are extremely talented individuals. 
— And yet there’s something so captivating in you. 
— He wonders how it is even possible to enchant people with such a pristine, alluring voice, ah, you must be a dark angel, fallen into this obscure relentless world…
— Next day Rook found out about your group and every Pomefiore student who was spotted on the campus territory looked so drenched and that is no wonder, given how expressively Rook described your group image in every detail, appreciating your absolutely divine precious being and–
— In any case he’s now your loyal fan. 
— He proved to be a trustworthy art & culture manager after helping Vil organize his photoshoots and also giving advice to Neige’s managers. 
— No wonder he ended up preparing photoshoots for your group too.
— “Good morning,” you greet Rook, stretching out your hand for the handshake, and at the moment Rook thinks he’s the happiest man in the world.
— Not to mention your voice sounds so nice even when you’re not singing.
— Rook’s being very attentive to your little needs which is incredibly amazing to you.
— You blush a little when you realize you’ll miss him when the photoshoot is over.
— Worry not, you find a small card decorated with dark roses, the decoration fitting your recent comeback’s concept, with Rook’s number written in a bit of cursive handwriting.
— It doesn’t take long for you to fall in love, given how sweet he is.
— But aside from being just nice and attentive, he’s really helpful. 
— He always helps you to relieve some stress when you’re staying up late in the dancing studio by bringing your favorite snacks and just by being supportive. 
— You don’t reveal your relationship to the public, but somehow you end up bragging to Neige about the non-stop amount of ‘beauté!’ you heard every day. 
— You also ended up getting a few lines in French for the upcoming comeback.
— You wonder why. *MagiTube – an allusion to youtube
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✦ Epel Felmier — PIRI
— He knows your group for two reasons: first, Ace and Deuce aren’t shutting up, so he first tried bearing with it, and second, your concept looks so refreshing. 
— He also likes this type of music, so in three days he knows your entire discography and sings ‘HOLD UP YEAH, I’M A GEEK THE BIG PARADOX’ part like his life depends on it.
— Unironically creates a MagiTok* account dedicated to making edits with your group.
— One day Ace sends him a magitok with your insanely well edited fancam and Epel says ‘Damn yeah. Btw I was the one who made it’ and Ace refuses to believe it until Epel shows him his account. 
— Your music is obviously a bop, and your recent album is a soty one, but he prefers rap lines more so he can practice his own rapping (he’s extremely good).
— One day your group visits NRC to film your upcoming music video in the Pomefiore dorm, so needless to say he’s excited.
— Epel understands he’s just a fan and there’s no way he would disturb you during filming.
— But huh no.
— You got lost on your way from the cafeteria to Pomefiore and Epel just happened to be there at the moment. 
— Goodness, you’re stunning. 
— Patterned gloves look very nice on your hands when he takes your hand in his quite casually and causes you to follow him.
— “Here you go, don’t get lost again, but finding me is also an option. Good luck on filming!”
— You ask if he’s been doing rap and he looooses it when you say he’s immensely incredible. 
— You also ask him for his socials so you two could chat from time to time and he realizes he makes a fatal mistake when he gives you his MagiTok account.
— He thought he would be over (though he wasn’t sure if it would be you who ended him or Vil but in any case), but you actually… praised him??
— After you suggest he join your entertainment’s editors he’s on cloud nine but still refuses because wouldn’t it be better for him to try casting with rap? He’s so real for this.
— You wonder how you got yourself a boyfriend who’s planning to outshine yourself (jokingly, he’s extremely supportive and he’s your number one loyal stan).
— You know the thing when fans count their days with the idol? He does that too but unironically.
— You feel like he makes and sends you magitoks more often then he messages you “good morning”.
— (No worries, you playfully annoy him too by not sanding new rap lines in the upcoming releases) *MagiTok – an allusion to tiktok
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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barbthebuilder · 6 months
Do you have any advice on how to come to terms with my genderfluidity? Like i want to ask people to use multiple pronouns for me and not just pick one and use that all the time and i want to ask people to use 2 names for me but i feel really selfish doing it which is really stupid considering i have a friend who goes by 2 names and all pronouns and i dont think he's selfish for it and i get pissed off when people say they are for it
Yo, thank you for the great ask!
I won't pretend I know the perfect answer for your question, but I can try helping anyway :)
I would start by a little bit of introspection. Be honest with yourself. What is selfish about demanding a right name and pronoun? Rationally, we both know that there is nothing selfish about that. But what do you feel? Try understanding where does this view come from and challange it. This could be some internalized transphobia. Pronouns are not a perk, a privilege - They are an act of a basic respect. It's important to aknowledge it doesn't always feel that way because of the way our society is structured around gender and sex.
Reading your ask I kinda deduced another thing. I might be VERY wrong tho haha. You have mentioned a friend that uses more pronouns and two names and how some people don't like that. Are you afraid of people's reactions? Do you think they will think you are selfish as well? It feels to me you internalized the thing they say about your friend and you're scared that may happen to you too. Or maybe not. I dunno.
I think you could ask your friend how he did it. If they had a similar experience I'm sure they will be thrilled to help you! It's also good to prepare some pharses. Like, practce the way you will communicate to other people your name and pronoun. Something along the lines of "Hey, guys! Just letting you know I'm genderfluid and I would appreciate if you used pronouns interchangebly for me, and also adress me as >name1< and >name2<. It's okay if you mess up sometimes but it's really important to me you try. That would mean a world to me! Thanks." Be clear about what you expect and make sure you show your appreciation. Sadly, we can't force people to adress us properly but we can try letting them know how it affects us.
Most importantly, be patient with yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. This shit is tough and it's not easy to accept yourself when it feels like you haven't been prepared for all of this. But remember your friends love you. Ask yourself: "Would my friends want me to feel comfortable, respected and loved?".
That's all I can help with haha. Thank you for trusting me with this. By all means, seek more support if it feels like I didn't really help! I am not an expert, after all haha ^^
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hey this is just a question of personal opinion but is it valid to have like a million different fictionkins/copinglinks (and when I say a million I mean like 100)??? i know there are people who have multiple and that’s cool but they’re usually able to list them. But I think I kin a lot of characters, like A LOT. Thoughts???
(IDs in italics, pt normal)
Thanks for the ask! Prepare for a long post hehe
My answer to "is this valid?" Is almost always yes. A personal philosophy of mine is something like... "do/be whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt others or yourself". This hurts nobody, so its okay in my book!
Plus, in regards to chosen alterhumanity identities, i personally find it a bit fun to "collect" constels, just as i do for xenogenders and pronouns :3 [id: cute cat face emoji]
Now, regarding the actual question. I also c-link (clink?) many characters! Not as many as you do i think, i haven't made a full list, but i get where you are coming from.
(Refering to copinglink here) I think there is nothing wrong with finding comfort in that many characters, and the merrier! More comfort to go around.
And with otherkin, depends on wether all those kins are spiritual or psychological. If they are all or mostly spiritual, that is such a rollercoaster for a soul to have gone through! Hope it wasn't too bad, hope they had good experiences.
If they are all or mostly psychological, i think that there is no limit really, if you feel them all, its true and valid. I don't know what else to say here, but same hat! (Me too, psychological and copinglink catkin ^^ [id: happy upwards eyes kaomoji] )
Anyhow, thanks for the ask!!!!!! I never get those and and.... it makes me so happy you trusted me with something like this. Thank you!
Please don't be afraid to send asks, i love them so much!!!!!!!
[Pt: Please don't be afraid to send asks, i love them so much!!!!!!!]
Hope everything I said is okay, I'm not too familiar with spiritual kins since i don't experience any myself, but i do try to be respectful and open to learning about them! (Feel free to @ me on an info post if i got anything wrong)
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Hi! I love your Ikemen vampire Hc's, and I wonder if you could make one about a Mc similar to Nezuko like... She has the bamboo and everything.
YES! Omg thank you for the ask I literally love you! So I had to do a little research on her, since I'm not too familiar with the character so I'm sorry if this is a bit off. I just tried to match her personality and wardrobe. Hope you like it!
Ikevamp headcanons~ With a reader that is similar to Nezuko
Warning : None, except I haven't managed to watch Demon slayer, so I'm sorry if this is a bit off
Pronouns used: GN, generally just you, thought it can lean towards a more feminine version
our favorite rich baguette man
Now, he's been alive for many many year
He's seen a lot of things but this is new
when you stumble into the mansion he's supper confused
Is this a child? Nope, not a child. Why the bamboo mouth piece? Not human though, the eyes suggest otherwise
He's not Arthur, but he's observant
he's still very polite, but he's trying to figure out what you are
And then it dawns on him
like he's sipping his tea and his like
*Slams tea cup* ooh my...
He pulls you aside to talk about what you eat
after all he know, vampires drink blood, demons eat people
he's just about to ask you nicely to leave when you can for everyone safety
you say you don't eat human
Ok, well then
He happily welcomes you into the mansion
He finds your childish appearance rather endearing
thinks the mouthpiece is especially cute
BUT..guess what, one day when you go for a stroll you are ambushed by and upper rank demon
when he sees the after transformation
he's knocked off his feed
and when you whoop the other demons ass
congratulation you're stuck with him for eternity
"Who knew ma chèrie can be so powerful"
this sleepy man
he's like Comte almost, except he figures it out a little sooner
and then he straight up goes and asks if you plan on having any citizens for breakfast
You know he has a strict no drinking blood rule
so he takes this very seriously, as he's afraid it will cost a life whether turned or dead it doesn't matter
So when you say you don't do that he's like: great!
And never brings up the fact that you are a demon ever again
fist of all he loves the entire outfit
he really does
it's so different from his norm, he can't help but be curious and amazed
Now when he sees you in action, he just smirks and has this shit eating grin on his face the whole time
"My, my cara mia, you are so fierce"
either way, he loves you and is charmed by the fact that after everything, you are still rather human, you smile and cry and he's glad that you still have that
was very curious about you from the get go, but just kind of watched you from affar
you seemed so small and sweet, like what could be wrong with someone like you
and the Comte told him
at first he was like:
and then was like:
and then he was confused again
why do people keep breaking physics and reality
like this should not be happening, but then again neither should time travel and vampires
now he has a lot of trouble controlling himself around human blood
so when he sees you handling it like a champ he's amazed by your willpower
and when he sees your demon form
apple boy might just bust a blood vessel looking at you
"My goodness y/n, that was...incredible, what else can you do?"
Very curious
Sweet boy
so you know how Isaac is like watching from affar
not this mf
you come through that door and he's already noticed a bunch of things and managed to deduce, that you are, despite the cute appearance, not human
and now he's interested
Pesters Comte about it until he gets and answer
when he finds out he just looks at you, and the back at Comte and then back at you
He's confused
he did not picture a demon to look like that
so now you have to explain everything to him
he;s in awe and after finding out he starts treating you with even more respect then before
does ask about your food, aka should he be prepared to cover up a murder
But you tell him it's not the case
when he sees you in all your glory when you got in a fight with another demon
"By Jove, dove, I was not expecting that from someone as cute as you. But I must say, I was quite the pleasant surprise."
Get your mind out the gutTer-
mean mf
respectfully stop calling me a dog
is very scepticle
and when unsurprisingly you get along great with Vincent he's also a bit jelly
what he finds out your a demon his first reaction is
like he wants to protect Vincent and you both have to calm his ass down
you explain to him how you are not a threat
he only really believes you when you protect him and Vince from another demon
and when you tell them you did it because they feel like family to you he start falling for you
would not admit it but really likes your style
thinks the kimono with the asanoha is ✨artistic✨
"Don't be silly Hondje of course you didn't surprise me, I always knew you where a little street dog, always getting into fights"
sweet angel
since you're both caring sweet and cute you get along instantly
you end up telling his yourself
bc how could you not trust someone like him
and he never thinks any less of you
when you save him he's so much more amazed by you
doesn't even have to ask if you'd eat a person or no he just knows the answer
he asks if you want to talk about your transformation experience and offers to talk about his
really wants to paint you
actually sketched out a drawing of your demon form
"Look, don't you look beautiful here, would you mind helping me out while I paint this?'
he's a little weirded out at first
I mean you look like a child
you stutter and sometimes speak muffled by the bamboo thing in your mouth
he thinks you have the brainpower of a child
but you are no child
so he just pretends he doesn't care and sneakily observes
when he finds out he's actually a little scared
he finds out about your eating habits or rather lack thereof from Comte
and then he calm down
when you save his ass is is amazed and humble
what and powerful being you are
once he's off his high horse he stats noticing things
like how even if you look small you are kind and actually rather adorable
"Oh well, i suppose I could let you listed, you look to cute meine liebe"
get ready to be instantly adopted
he's like: big brother mode activated
but as you get to know each other it stops being big brother mode and rather oh shit I have a crush on this curious being mode
He finds out bc you tell him, and while you're at it you also tell him you don't plan on using anyones bones as toothpicks when you're done with them
and he's like:
ok...can we cuddle now?
let's be real, he does not care
especially since you are not a danger to others
when you save him he's like
cute ANd powerful
a true queen
he fully respects you and thinks you are amazing
sometimes accidentally treats you like a child, but it's never with the intention of hurting you
he just thinks you're really cute with that pink kimono and mouthpiece
"Nunuche, don't play around now, it's time to go to bed."
im sorry did someone order one sad writer?
someone give him a hug
he thinks you are the most fascinating little thing
the kimono and haori have him literally dead
he thinks it looks beautiful on you
though he first notices all the little things
like how you pay attention to others
how you sometimes stutter when you speak
and then he finds out you're a demon and he's like
nope not possible
so casually asks you
and you confirm it and now he's actually not as confused as he thought he's be
like now the eyes make sense
when you tell him about how you don't eat people he smiles at you
"I never though my Toshiko-san was capable of such an act in the first place
when he sees your demon form he blow away
he has a whole lot more of respect for you now
he thinks you truly are amazing
not sure he'd take the news well
like he hears demon and is like
imma just get the holly water, Comte i did not sign up for him
but this changes when you save him
he's floored, amazed and has so much respect for you now
he actually starts seeing you as a person and starts noticing things about you
he's still hesitant but he starts to open up
he ends up being really sweet and shy about the whole situation, since it's so new
is still afraid that he'll hurt or taint you and needs reassurance that he is worthy of you
"Y/n...I cannot express how grateful I am for everything you've done"
forehead flicking demon butler
just accepts it
oh this cute girl is a demon, ok, proceed, nono really, continue
he's seen enough ok he doesn't care anymore
when you save him and he sees your demon for all he can do is chuckle
"Never though I'd be saved by such a cute girl like you"
he's honestly very sweet and respectful
minus the forehead flicks
is relieved that you don't eat human because now he can relax knowing he's off the menu
And that's all bc I'm sure that is all the bs you can take. I'm very sorry if this is not what you where thinking of but I hope you enjoyed it^^
See you in the next one
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
i’ve been debating sending you an ask about this, but i’ve read a lot of your anon answers recently and you’ve given some really great advice. 
(i’d like to just add here that ALL pronouns/neo-pronouns are completely and utterly valid and if anyone tells you otherwise, they can go fuck themselves. Also, i’ll be using he/him to refer to my partner as that’s currently the pronouns he’s asked me to use- this will become relevant). 
So I have a long term partner of seven years. last year he came to me and said he wanted to experiment with pronouns and self-expression. 
I was totally for it and together we found a hairdresser, and we made an effort to meet other trans people and I started using different pronouns for him and it pretty quickly went from she/her to they/them. 
And when he was using they/them, he was euphoric. I mean, i’ve known him a long time, and I know when he’s happy.
And he said that was for sure what he wanted.
And then he went to his parents house and told them about his new they/them pronouns. 
And they spent the whole time mocking him. Saying he should just fully transition and he’s being a wimp and they/them isn’t real- comparing it to identifying as random objects and animals (WHICH IS NOT TRUE, all pronouns, and neo-pronouns, are VALID!)
Anyway, he came home and didn’t wanna talk about it and two days later he asked me to use he/him pronouns.
It’s been nearly two months of this and I can tell it doesn’t fit. I’m using it now because it’s what he asked and I respect him, but I also know him, he isn’t euphoric and he doesn’t like the clothes he feels he has to wear.
If i’m being honest I always sort of noticed back when he was using she/her all those years. That something didn’t quite fit. And I had already been prepared to help him figured it out. Even though it didn’t actually click it in my head until he brought it up that first time. 
He liked his new name for they/them pronouns. He picked a “manly” one for he/him and he’s been asking me to refer to him with the they/them name as a nickname. Which I obviously have. 
I do think eventually this’ll run its course and he’ll go back to they/them. 
I know I don’t have the right to claim to know what’s going on in his mind, and I have supported him every step of the way, and he’s not sad now, he’s just not pleased with it. Like he is with they/them.
I can’t decide whether I should wait and see or not.  Because knowing his family and their love to get involved, it might take a while for him to pull away enough to realise this isn’t what he wants.
But his family is important to him and if I bring it up now he’ll probably just quote something his family said. And i’ll wait if that’s what he needs, of course I will, but this is hurting him- and I wish I could help. 
I bring up how they/them pronouns are valid all the time. And he’s never once thought against our friend who uses them. 
 But I personally have always blamed his family for it taking so long for him to ditch she/her, so I don’t know how long they’ll make he/him last.
And as I said, I do not care what he ends up choosing or how he presents himself as long as he’s happy. But I just don’t think this is him happy. (Also just to add, I am 100% sure he knows that I don’t mind whatever. Obviously anyone can love anyone who’s transitioning but I am pansexual and don’t give a shit how he presents himself cause he’s amazing and I love him for him. And I am sure he knows that).
Do you think I should tell him what i’ve been thinking? I’ll be careful not to phrase it in a selfish way as i’m aware this might make it seem like I think i know better than him or I want to rush him. But neither is true. 
I just want him to be happy. 
But I also know it’s not right to push him if he’s not ready yet. 
Thanks 😊 
This is definitely a tough question, because gender is such a personal topic, you know? But I do think you should be honest with your partner. I think it's just the way you're honest that matters.
The parts you said about noticing he's not as happy? That's what you should focus on. Because I feel like that comes off as concerned (which you are) and loving. Saying something like "Hey, I've noticed you've been different since you started using he/him pronouns. Do you agree? Why do you think that is?" I think that would really open the conversation to his feelings. Hopefully he'll be able to recognize your love for him and that you're coming from a place of concern. You could even say "I noticed when you started using they/them pronouns, you were so happy! Like X time, you were just so confident, you know?"
I don't think, though, that you should bring up his family. It sounds like he still has loyalty to them and bringing them up could cause more conflict than resolution. Same with saying something like "I think you'll end up going back to they/them." That makes it seem like you're dictating how he'll live. I know you're not, but it could feel that way.
But yeah, I do think you should bring it up. I think partners are the best people to try to point out to their S/Os that they need to put themselves and their needs first sometimes, and stop worrying about others.
I hope that helps! Feel free to message/update me if you want! I'd love to know how you both are doing!
Also, I'm naming you smiley anon because I'm trying to give every anon a separate tag and you put a smiley face at the end of your post.
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luxaryllis · 1 year
Special: Valentine's Day
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Note: Happy Valentine's Day!! 💙❤️‍🔥💗💖
I thought of doing this to show that I am, indeed, alive, and am working! Also, this is posted kinda before Feb 14 (it's Feb 13 today, as of posting this) cuz why not!
So, this special is How my OCs and Characters Would React to Receiving a Valentine's Gift
By 'OCs and Characters', I mean all the insert characters I have!
The characters here are:
-R!MC (Riddle's scared younger sibling)
-BR!MC (Riddle's brainwashed younger sibling)
-V!MC (Vil's younger sibling)
-Finian White (my OC based on the White Rabbit)
For better context and understanding, I suggest reading their respective series before this!!
Oh! And the 'MC's will be given actual names, but will all still use they/them pronouns and are gender neutral!! And everything here is thought of as platonic, but you can take it as romantic instead!
(For all my fellow lonely people here!)
R!MC (Riddle's Scared!Younger sibling; name given: Ray Rosehearts but is NOT the same as xofiasblog's oc, Ray)
"You're.. giving this to me?" The first year asks, tilting their head to the side. You nod, nudging the box of chocolate cake to then further.
Ray takes the box reluctantly, "What's the special occasion", they ask.
A small bout of silence follows after Ray's question. You were in disbelief; they don't know what day it was today?!
You tell the sweetheart infront of you that it was Valentine's Day, February 14th.
Ray blinks once, then twice, and asks you what Valentine's Day was.
"Has Finian ever even told you about Valentine's?!"
You received a confused shake of the head for an answer.
From that moment on, you began telling Ray all about Valentine's Day, and spoiled them with lots of sweets afterward.
It was a happy day for both of you, and Ray was happy that they learned something new and spent time with one of their cherished friends.
BR!MC (Riddle's "Brainwashed" Younger sibling; name: Rory Rosehearts)
"[Name]... what is this?"
You smile, "A chocolate strawberry rose bouquet! Just for you, Rory!!"
"Ah..." Rory holds the faux bouquet carefully in their arms. "Is this the 'Valentine's Day gift' you mentioned to me last week?"
Not even surprised at your friend's amazing memory, you nod.
You had been preparing a bunch of gifts for your friends the past few days and happen to run into Rory Rosehearts while you were heading to the pastry shop.
That was how Rory came to understand Valentine's Day and helped you shop for gifts.
"I uhh.. have something for you as well." Your friend carefully moves your gift to one arm and brings out a cute heartshaped box of chocolates.
It was packaged with a red and white ribbon and the tag read a cute handwritten message, "Thank you for being an amazing friend, [Name]. You're the best" with a heart at the end.
V!MC (Vil's younger sibling; "placeholder" name: Valentin)
Valentin Schoenheit, younger sibling of Vil Schoenheit, was more than familiar with Valentine's Day. They were named after it, after all.
So when you approach them with a box of chocolate cake and a bouquet of roses, they already knew what you were going to say...
"Ah! Are these for Vil? You want me to give these on him on your behalf?"
... nevermind...
"Val... these are for you. Why would I give you gifts that were for Vil??"
At this point, you really shouldn't be surprised anymore. Poor Valentin has to play messenger between Vil and some of his fans.
"Oh, the usual. Since Vil studies in NRC, and well, I'm not in NRC yet, people have been crowding me with gifts for him. It's even worse every Valentine's."
You frown, Valentin's birthday was February 14. You can't possibly imagine having to give gifts to your older brother on your brithday of all days.
"Well, this one's for you!! Happy birthday and Happy Valentine's!"
The birthday celebrant (idk a genderneutral term for bday boy and girl sorry-) looks inside the box, and looked sadly up at you.
"I... can't eat this much chocolate, [Name]. You know that already. Vil doesn't like me eating so much chocolate..."
You roll your eyes, even after they made up, Vil still hadn't let up on his diets.
Val thinks that he's relaxed a lot, but it really doesn't seem like it.
"Well, you brother isn't here now. And it's your birthday for the Seven's sake!! Spoil yourself a little, alright?"
Before they could retort, you put a finger on their lips, silencing them.
"Shh, shhh. Now c'mon! This cake won't eat itself!!"
As you take the box of cake from their hands, Valentin looks at you with a soft smile on their face.
They're glad to have you as their friend.
Finian White (OC based on the White Rabbit, appears in the Scared!Riddle's younger sibling series)
"T-these are for me?!"
You nod, watching amusedly as the rabbit beastman infront of you bashfully holds your gift in his hands like a new pocket watch.
Which, in this case, it is a new pocket watch.
Your Valentine's Day gift for Finian was a pocket watch. It didn't exactly have the Valentine's Day aesthetic, but it had Finian's initials engraved on it.
He smiled at you, "Thanks a lot! Uhm... my family and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, so uh.." he scratches the back of his head sheepishly, "I don't have a gift for you. Sorry..."
You raise an eyebrow, "You don't celebrate Valentine's? Why??"
"We only celebrate White's Day.", the beastman says as if it made sense.
It didn't. But he moves on as if nothing happened.
"A-anyway... would you like to go to a sweets shop? Maybe I could get you some (favorite cake) as a Valentine's gift instead?"
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alieinthemorning · 5 months
Crystalline Stroll [Kaeya Alberich]
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Content: Diluc and Kaeya Reconciliation Agenda, Diluc and Kaeya Are Brothers, Birthday, Hurt/Comfort, Crying
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Walking up to a cold spot was not how you were expecting to start your day. Waving it off as official knight’s business, you sluggishly went about your morning. Until finally, over your morning brew, did it dawn on you.
“Archons! It’s his birthday.” You set the mug in the sink, ready to run to his office.
You paused, “Wait… Jean must have given him a day off though…”
It was too early to be at the taverns, and he doesn’t really have… friends
“Starshine…” You whispered, placing a hand over your mouth, heart thumping wildly.
He must have gone home, likely subconsciously, but—
A unique knock at your door broke your train of thought, as it could only be one person.
Smoothing out your emotions, you opened the door. “Good morning, Diluc.”
He gave you a curt nod, then thrusted a basket towards you. From the bottle of wine peeking from beneath the thin sheet, and the lack of eye contact on Diluc’s part, you knew exactly what this was for.
“You should join us.”
He declined. “I really shouldn’t.”
But you pushed. “I’ll just tell him it's from you.”
His neutral frown soured. “It’d only dampen the mood.”
You sighed, and took the basket. “Fine, fine. I’ll get you one day, Diluc.”
He gave a short, mirthless laugh. “That’ll be the day, won’t it...”
Making your way to the tall cliffs east of the Dawn Winery, you found Kaeya enchanted by a flock of crystalflies.
“I’ve never seen this many in one place before.” You commented.
If he was startled, he didn’t show it. Instead, he faced you with that veiled smile.
“Neither have I. Maybe they know that today is different from the others.”
A frown wanted to pull at your lips, but you schooled your features.
Spreading out the sheet, you asked. “Just today? Every day is different from the others, though.”
He didn’t answer, and on this, you did not push.
The spread before you was definitely not something you could muster without days of preparation, so Diluc’s wish of staying out of this was tossed to the winds.
“All of this for me? You shouldn’t have.” You shrugged. “Ah, and you didn’t.”
You snorted. “I would need a week to prepare something this magnificent.”
You thought a joke would lighten the mood, but the storm cloud of thoughts were relentless in his mind.
You pulled him just as the first drops rolled down his cheeks.
“Starshine…” You cooed, fingers weaving through his hair. “You know he still loves you. Everyone at the winery does.” He opened his mouth, the response getting caught in his throat.
“I know it's hard to accept, but please know…” You kissed the crown of his head, then continued
“…that you are loved by many, Kaeya Alberich.”
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Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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just-a-random-raccoon · 8 months
Introduction post (please read under the cut)
Okkkkk I think it's time for me to make a post of those. Yeah I should have done this sooner? Idk
Hi! I'm Random. Also known as the raccoon that steals your garbage. Also known as "the demonic child" (doesn't implies I'm a child irl. It's just that my sona is a child + ghost) You mostly know me by Wattpad or YouTube, just happened to find my blog, or know me by another social media. I'm known for being in too many places on the internet so I will put my social media in another section of this post. I use She/He/They. Bisexual and gender apathetic all the way. And I really don't mind which pronouns you use, just gotta use those three and I'm fine.
Questions you may have
Side Blogs.
Social Media.
Basically, I don't got exactly a DNI. Just, don't be a proshipper, racist, homophobic, transphobic or anything problematic really. If I am part of your DNI I will not interact with you (because I respect wishes of people) and if you get to interact with me, I will clarify I'm part of your dni.
Questions you may have:
Can I repost your art?
Do not repost my art or videos, you can like put them in compilations or reacts IF you ask + put credits (even if I don't consider is too good but ok)
What's your age?
I will not tell my age because that's private, until I am comfortable to do so- if you insist me to give you my age and make pressure about it sadly I will have to block you :(
PLEASE specify in dms if we are mutuals or just follow each other and that's it. Bc I have some trouble telling if we are mutuals.
I really don't mind. Actually, I'm pretty happy to have more mutuals + MUTUALS ARE SO COOL. + EVERY MUTUAL OF MINE IS MY IDOL.
You can see I appreciate mutuals.
Your garbage is not safe of me tho.
What fandoms are you in?
I'M IN TOO MANY FANDOMS so prepare for the list:
- Five Nights at Freddy's
- Dayshift at Freddy's
- Dialtown
- Sander Sides
- Heathers
- Beetlejuice
- Spooky Month
- Welcome Home
- Doki Doki Literature club
- Mr Hopp's Playhouse
- Backrooms
- Piggy
- Dark Deception
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Walten Files
- Needlem0use
- Bugbo
-Poppy Playtime (I CAME BACK WHAT???)
I have too much AUs but for now I'm focusing only in two of them in this blog, which is the After Death AU of DSaF! (Doing the book in Wattpad and AO3, the link is in here actually!) And the kids AU! Of also DSaF! (In my one-shots book of Wattpad and AO3!)
After Death AU: Basically Jack coming to the After Life later of spending 5 years in the Void (which caused some amnesia)
Kids AU: Just Jack and Dave adopting (reluctantly) two kids that are twins. Jason and Janet, I have 3 endings in this AU!
Fnaf royal AU: It's just a royal AU, about Willian and Henry being kings and having wars with each other with the animatronics. It's in my AO3 and my Wattpad account!
You can send asks of the AUs!
I also have a Dialtown oc called Mortis! You can send asks of him too. And I have OCs for DSaF with their one lore too! If you want to ask them questions go ahead!
Like you see for now this blog is mainly DSaF but later you will see more fandoms!
I just noticed I use tags a lot, so for you to not get lost. I will put all the tags here:
raccoon little (not really) talks: Basically when I ramble ABOUT anything. And when I meant anything is ANYTHING.
raccoon (trashy and shitty) theories: Any theory I may have about anything from books to AUs to OCs, any occurrence of mine can be found here... And maybe just maybe... Predict the future of the story... (If it's right)
raccoon asks: For when I answer an ask, nothing special (please sent asks)
raccoon's gifts: For when I make gifts! It can be of anything! (And you could be in it)
raccoon reblogs: Just rebloging stuff, stuff that you could want to see-
After Death AU: Everything related to the After Death AU
Kids AU: Everything related to the kids AU.
OC DRAWINGS????: Every drawing of my ocs, it usually goes with a tag of their name in it.
Lore for ya: Lore of any of my AUs when I explain something, or even Lore of my OCs.
I think that's it.
Side Blogs
I actually have only one side blog @the-afterlife-and-void it's for my After Death AU and you can left any questions related to the AU there!
Social Media
And last of it all social media!
You're already on my Tumblr
Instagram (just for seeing no content) (this could change tho)
Quotev (I don't use it)
I also have Discord, Cha.ai, Spotify and Roblox! But it's personal so I won't share it. The discord one changes if you send me like an invitation for your server OR we are mutuals and you wanna talk there.
SORRY IF THIS WAS SO LONG I just really wanted to get this all beautiful and all of that. It was so messy-
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sophieakatz · 10 months
Thursday Thoughts: Pride Asks!
It may be August, but I’m a big believer in Pride Year, so today I’m going through the list of questions I found on this post and answering the ones I feel like thinking about!
(Turns out I felt like answering all thirty-four of them. Have fun!)
1. Which labels do you use?
I am greyromantic and demisexual! I also use aromantic and asexual, or aro-ace.
2. Do you like to use the term queer for yourself? Or just LGBT, etc?
I’m here, I’m queer! I understand why some people aren’t comfortable with reclaiming this word, but it works well for me. You can’t leave out the A when you call it a queer community.
3. Which pronouns do you use?
4. Are you "out" to your family and friends?
5. Are you "out" publicly?
6. (If you're out) do you wish you came out sooner? Later? Or was it the right time?
I wish I’d known it was an option sooner. I couldn’t have come out before I knew about it, so I suppose it was the right time. But I wish I’d spent fewer years thinking there was something wrong with me.
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
No, but when I came out, I didn’t know that there were other queer people in my family.
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
My gender is “respect me!”
9. When did you realize you weren't cishet?
In middle school, I knew I wasn’t feeling the same thing that my peers were describing when they talked about crushes. But it was easy enough to dismiss it as just another thing that was different about me. I was already anosmic and autistic, and always the first Jewish kid that anyone had ever met. I assumed I was “straight but broken” for the longest time. I didn’t even really believe that I could be asexual the first time I heard the word, in college. I joined my school’s Feminist Union, and that’s where I learned that there are more options to sexuality than straight or gay, more options to gender than boy or girl, and that romantic and sexual attraction weren’t the same thing. I went on Tumblr and followed as many queer blogs as I could find – I was determined to learn everything I could about all the identities, so I could be the best ally ever! One day, I saw a post with the word “demisexual” in it, and I Googled it. I read the definition, and it clicked.
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you're cis or trans):
When people call me “sir” or “ma’am.”
11. Favorite (or just one you love) piece of LGBT media?
Technically You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson. I wish I could reach back through time and hand this book to my preteen self.
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most:
“For Me” by Dearlie and “Never Been in Love” by Will Jay stand out. I’m not sure if it was intentional, but “Good Thing” by Zedd and Kehlani is SO aro.
13. Do you choose to reclaim slurs, why or why not?
Every word we use to describe ourselves has been used against us pejoratively. If I find a word works for me, I use it. If someone asks me not to use a word for them or around them, then I won’t use it for them or around them.
14. How do you think other factors like neurodivergency or upbringing have impacted your identity?
I’m Jewish, anosmic, and autistic. I understood from a very young age that there were things about me that made me different from other people, that other people wouldn’t be able to see right away. Once they realized that that difference existed, they would doubt me, question me, negatively judge me, and distance themselves from me. In a way, that all prepared me to realize and accept my asexuality and aromanticism.
I also give my parents a lot of credit for never putting any pressure on me to date when I was a kid or a teen. In hindsight, my childhood home was a very safe place to be aro-ace. Queerness wasn’t something we ever talked about, so it’s not like they encouraged me to explore, but they never discouraged it, either. When I first told my mom I thought I might have a crush on a girl, she immediately hugged me and told me she loved me, and that was the end of the conversation. I knew I could come to her and my dad with whatever new discovery I might make about myself.
15. How has your identity changed over time?
I went from “I have no idea” to “straight but broken” to “panromantic demisexual” to “greyromantic demisexual.”
16. Do you attend Pride in person every year?
No. I’d like to, but there’s a pandemic going on out there. And I live in Florida.
17. Have you ever attended Pride in a big city/ large metro area?
I went to Orlando Pride once with my then-boyfriend. There was a big, colorful parade, I bought a demisexual pride flag, and someone gave me a pair of rainbow sunglasses that I wore til they broke.
18. How old were you when you got to attend your first Pride? Who did you go with?
I think that Orlando Pride I mentioned was my first Pride. I was twenty-four or so.
19. Do you feel safe and accepted in your local community?
Safe enough, and accepted enough, given that it’s Florida. I stay in the Disney bubble enough that I don’t feel the need to constantly look over my shoulder. I have a girlfriend I love and friends I adore. That said, while no one locally is actively out to hurt me, it’s rare that anyone besides my girlfriend and a few key friends is actively out to understand and support my queerness, either. I try to find other aros and aces to hang out with in person, but it’s hard.
20. Do you feel like you "fit in" with the queer/Pride community overall?
I feel like I do. But I don’t think that they feel like I do.
21. What message would you give to your younger self?
Everything about you – everything you feel, everything you experience – is just as good, just as valid, and just as important as anyone else.
22. How do you usually celebrate Pride month?
These days mostly through TikToks.
23. Do you prefer loud parties or quiet?
Game night!
24. Do you practice any religion, if so how does it play into your LGBT identity? Do you feel welcomed by your spiritual community?
I’m Jewish. Masorti/Conservative. Like I said before, being Jewish in a predominantly Christian area prepared me in a way for being aro and ace. People struggle to understand it in similar ways; people are nice to me until they learn about it in similar ways. My community is pretty chill about it. They know I’m queer. My girlfriend and I met at synagogue. It doesn’t come up much, really. They’re more interested in the fact that I’m a twenty-something in a congregation where everyone is either much older or much younger than me.
25. What queer discourse frustrates you the most?
“Aces and aros aren’t LGBT!” “You’re not queer enough!” “You’re not oppressed enough!”
We have nothing to gain from shutting each other out, and everything to lose from perpetuating hate.
26. How do you feel about the term partner rather than husband/girlfriend/etc?
Partner is a great word! One of the ways my aromanticism shows up is in a fluctuating romance-repulsion. Sometimes I’m happy with romantic behaviors and ideas, and sometimes I’m really not okay with any of it! Right now, I’m calling my girlfriend my girlfriend, but sometimes that word doesn’t sit well with me. When we first announced our relationship on social media, I called her my “person.” I’m a big fan of having more words, more options, for how to describe the many ways our lives and relationships can be. “Partner” is great.
27. What gender-neutral terms for yourself or others do you use (i.e. joyfriend)?
My person. My partner. My friend. Babe.
28. Do you experience both romantic and sexual attraction? Do you experience them the same across any gender(s) you are attracted to?
Great question! I experience both at times, rarely. I’m demisexual – I only experience sexual attraction towards someone after I have an emotional connection with that person – and I’m greyromantic – I sometimes experience romantic attraction to others, without a clear pattern to it. Gender has never been an important factor for me. I’ve been in love with he’s, she’s, and they’s, and it comes and goes the same either way!
29. Are you currently partnered, or if not are you interested in having partner(s)?
My girlfriend and I have been a romantic couple for about three months. We were friends for about two years before that. I want to build a future together with someone, to make big life decisions together, to create a home together and have each other around for hugs whenever we need them.
But I feel fine when I don’t have that. Who I am when I’m in love and who I am when I’m not in love – it’s both me. I’m whole either way. But I know what I want.
30. Are you monogamous or polyamorous?
Not sure! I’ve never been in love with more than one person at a time, but I’m pretty sure I could be. I think it would be amazing to have more than one person you have that kind of understanding with and can count on like that. But I’m comfortable with monogamy. It’s not like my romantic partner is the only important person in my life; my family and friends are just as important.
31. Post a pic in your pride gear (or it can just be a selfie or anything else lgbt):
I don’t have any good pride pics right now, but I found this picrew I saved, like, two years ago:
Tumblr media
32. Do you do arts and crafts? Post a pic of a project you've done:
I’m a writer, so have a poem instead:
I am yours to sit up with past midnight I am yours now to hold very near I am yours to give flowers and chocolates I am yours when I tell you my fears
I am yours when you soothe all my worries I am yours when you calm all my rants I am yours here beside you for always I am yours since you gave me the chance
I am yours when I tell you you’re silly I am yours when you tell me the same I am yours now to keep us both mindful I am yours in both sunshine and rain
I am yours when we meet in the morning I am yours when I tell you goodbye I am yours, though the allos will tell us That love without sex is a lie
Incidentally, I’m working on a book of Aromantic Asexual Love Poems. If you’ve read this far and you’re interested in beta-reading a queer poetry book, please reach out!
33. What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/ want to recognize/celebrate?
The freedom! The freedom to not know what’s going on with me, to be inconsistent, to figure out what’s best for me and my relationships, to build my future day by day by day. Recognizing my aromanticism and asexuality has opened so many doors for me and given me so much hope!
34. What are you needing most right now (what would make your life easier or more fulfilling in regards to existing as queer)?
More people who are neither aro nor ace mentioning aro and ace people in queer contexts. We can’t be the only ones speaking up for ourselves. Y’all need to be positive and noisy about us, too. That’s how we know we’re safe with you.
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amethystblack · 2 years
I've been backreading your asks and responses WAY more than is healthy. 😅 But one story I'm curious about is: What was your coming out + transitioning like? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to.)
I put this off for a while for no real reason, but I don't mind.
The first person I came out to was an-ex girlfriend. It led to us breaking up so I un-came out for a while. Then we were friends again and she moved in with me and started going out again but she was supportive now. She lent me some old clothes, helped me get new ones, and was there supporting me when I had the talk with my mom.
My mom has been very supportive by and large. She always told me she wouldn't mind if I were gay-- and, well, I am. Just not in the way she expected. Still, the initial conversation was not graceful on her part. She fought it from the angle of being very convinced that because of being trans, I would be targeted and beaten to death. She grieved, but then she educated herself and did her best.
I left my existing job after coming out to my boss. The workplace had "this is a safe space" type signs plastered all over it in the first place so I wasn't really concerned about her reaction-- but she basically said "yeah no surprise there". Still, we agreed I should leave the job because it would be difficult to keep the respect of our clients (at risk inner city youth-- lots of rowdy teenagers who had never met a trans person, etc. the decision was ultimately mine)
I started going to school full time in my last year of university. I couldn't legally change my name, but all of my professors were supportive. I was already in the gender studies course so that was probably part of why, but also I was lucky to be born in a liberal city.
When I presented male, I isolated myself from my peers. I didn't really have anything in common with boys, but I was afraid to reach out to other girls in case I made them uncomfortable. Then, after I realized I was trans (but before I came out), I felt like there was no point in trying to make friends under an identity that was going to go away. So for the first three years of uni, I basically just didn't talk to anyone. It made it easier when I did eventually present female. I didn't make any lasting friends still, but I at least had conversations and it felt much better.
Next was therapy to get clearance for HRT. I was able to find one who specialized in gender issues, but I was very prepared for a drawn out slugfest where I was waiting forever to 'prove' that I needed help. Because I was already full time, it didn't take that long. The main thing my therapist wanted me to be sure to do was come out to my other family members. Of those, I was mainly worried about my dad and my grandma.
I met my dad in town for my birthday and told him over lunch. He ended the conversation asking if I wanted anything for a present. I told him the only present I wanted was for him to accept me. That afternoon he went and bought me a 3DS instead. ...But after some time he eventually came around too.
My grandma was republican, conservative christian, would go on to vote for trump-- etc. I was quite sure she wouldn't be accepting, and I was ready to cut off my extended family entirely and never speak to them again. She was offended that I thought she would place her ideals above her concern for me as her grandchild. She didn't entirely get it-- but she ultimately was supportive of LGBT folks, and she was supportive of me. She had a hard time adjusting to using the right pronouns and name, so she and I ended up having a running joke where if she messed up my name, she would be like "Oh, just call me Harold." It was awkward to have to remind Harold (tm) in public sometimes, but not for lack of her trying.
Honestly I don't remember when I came out online, but people had thought I was a girl for years beforehand and I'd used the name Amethyst since I was 14 or so, so it was probably pretty unremarkable.
Changing legal documents was tedious but happened. Jobs were scary but I had passing privilege even before HRT. HRT was slow but being on it, feeling like I was getting better rather than worse, was all I really needed. Time and estrogen heal all wounds.
I've been a little choppy with this so it isn't too long-winded, and yet it's still half an essay. But I hope something in my experience can help you, anon <3
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
Hypokits/Art Requests Rules
Questions About My Art are Always Open!!! I love infodumping about my art! AU/Lore asks are Always Open! Ask me AU stuff/share your AUs and I’ll write/rate them! Infodump all your ideas! I’m prepared!
Hypokits/Hypofoals and Art Requests are currently Open! I’m on a Steven Universe/Gemsona Hyperfixation week, but send your other requests in as well - they’ll be seen eventually!
I Only Do SFW art - please no kinks or explicit/super violent/nude requests. If you’re looking for That, I’m not the artist you’re looking for. I may also choose to/can be asked to not share the art on site. If it’s a gift for someone, or you don’t want your Cool Art seen by all, I’m fine with that. You CAN share your art off-site as long as you give me credit, and direct others to my blog! And please send me a link - I’d like to see what other people think!
You can Ask for Hypokits, Dungeons and Dragons original character designs (may take longer), MLP (same ship rules as the cats), Crystal Gems/Gem characters, or Try Your Luck - ask me that and get a Random Art! You can also direct me to Art challenges or Generators you think I might like/want me to do, but no promises there~
1: No Inappropriate Ships - No directly related characters, no weird age gaps; having a character born at a different time or reincarnation/Starclan Nonsense are the ONLY ways I’ll break the second part but the requester must Specify this or I will delete the ask. Example of an approved ask - Squirrel/Loner!Ashfur is okay, BUT Lionheart/Goldenflower or other sibling ships Are Not Okay - you know who you are, please Stop asking! As a note, non-ship art is always welcome as well!
2: One Request A Month Please - a first-time requester May have two requests answered at the same time, otherwise I will hang onto asks UNLESS I get more than 3 from one person in a month - I will delete either the oldest or my least favorite. I MAY make an exception if it’s a Really Good Idea but that’s not Normal Operating Procedure.
3: Things You Can (and Should) Request! I’ll do Specific Breeds, Disabilities (please be specific on details if it’s not a common one), Gender Pronouns/Identities (please, if you give me those, Give Me Pronouns too, because I want to be respectful), Good/Evil Swap, Angst/Fluff Backstories, Opposite Day Cats (please give me at least a starting point of what you think the opposite is on one detail to start), Sparklecats, and Emoji challenges (NEW!)…you can also Try Your Luck and give me Creative Freedom for funzies! If I think of any more they’ll end up here! I’ll also do Naming (send me a cat photo and I’ll give them a series of possible names) and Discuss AUs with you!
4: Random Full Page Art - sometimes I get Good Vibes from a Ship/Art Request and will do a full page of cats. This is completely random - some of you have good ideas and I vibe, sometimes I don’t get the Ship/Idea but still draw it.
5: Anon Requests - I may change small details on basic Anon requests - maybe swap a gender or do a breed. Ex - Tiger/Leopard to Looks like mom!Good!Tiger/Longhaired!Leopard. If a request has Details I will not change things. If you want it to stay basic/exactly like canon designs please say so or I may go a little crazy on it ;)
6: Three Strikes - if a user breaks my rules/makes inappropriate requests, they have three chances - I will require an apology and a week space for the first strike, a month for a second strike, and third strike gets you blocked. I am aware that you can just go through Anon Asks but I will just delete them on sight.
7: Commissions - eventually
Anyway, I had some anons confused about how to ask for Hypokits, so here are my rules! I hope you all can respect my rules, because if you don’t I will be sad and have to ignore or block you, and I Really Don’t Want To Be Mean.
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hoodievixen · 2 years
Find my Way Back to You - The Umbrella Academy [Part 2]
The Hargreeves never expected the teen declaring the end of the world to become someone close. But leave it up to Ryn, who can see the future, to find their way into the weird dynamic of the Hargreeves siblings. Though there are many things that don't seem right about them. Some could be chalked up to her powers, others, no one would ever believe on someone's word alone. And she knew that.
Five x OC
Notes: The weird predicament of Five's physical age vs. mental age will be addressed. Can't explain, cause it's a large part of the story (and spoilers). IT IS NOT PEDOPHILIA! not to mention both Ryn and five are asexuals (sex-repulsed and never got to figure it out respectively) so there will be no devil's tango.
I will be referring to Viktor as Vanya and with she/her pronouns for what is season 1 and season 2. I do not want to take away that part of the character, and want the transition to be included. I believe removing that and referring to him as Viktor from the start is ignoring the struggle he went through. (Nothing against people who use Viktor and he/him pronouns in fanfics that would be during s1/s2. This is just my own opinion)
Series Warnings: themes of trauma and mental health, mentions of suicide, cannon typical violence, mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, alcohol consumption, drugs, toxic relationships (in reference not practice), questionable morals, swearing, gaslighting, manipulation
Chapter Warnings: Talk of suicide, dumpster diving
Word Count: ~2k
Master List
Five stormed out of the donut shop. He needed to find that kid. They had been right. She tried warning him about the commission, as well as pointing out his tracker. He was holding onto the doubt of her just being someone playing a prank. But it was now clear they were the real deal.
Five would search the entire city for them if he needed to. However when they had said "I'll be around" they were not lying. Five found them digging in the dumpster next to the Hargreeves house.
"I wouldn't have pegged you for a dumpster diver," Five commented.
Out popped a platinum head of hair. "I was looking for something important, but I think I'm too late," they groaned.
"You weren't joking?" Five asked, not caring it it was to a butt of a person climbing out of a dumpster.
"Nope," she said, popping the p. "Can really she the future. And past. And present. But like the future is the fun part.... most of the time."
Five gave them a once over. They clearly didn't look the age, but neither did he. "When we're you born?" he asked. She could be another one of the 43 kids he and his siblings where from.
"September 11th," she answered, slipping her box of a bag over her shoulder. It was a brown faded leather, covered in stickers and painted doodles. They pulled out a handful of metal, jewelry.
"You really are just an anomaly." Five commented, mildly confused about their existence.
Ryn clicked their tongue. "Not by choice... Now is there a reason you found me, or just trying to mildly harass me." They slipped on a bundle of bracelets to both wrist. There were plastic bands, cheap beads, crystal beads, as well as metals and jewels.
"How dose the world end?" Five asked.
Ryn seemed prepared for that question. "V is for very, very extra ordinary." She was slipping on ring, one on about every finger. Again, a variety of quality, one was plastic, while the nicest one was of gold and opal.
So that part wasn't a joke either. "Who is involved with the end of the world?" he continued on.
"No body mention my familia," Ryn said, once again prepared. They had clipped a velvet choker on, and was working on getting in an earing. It looked like a sword piercing through her earlobe.
"Spanish?" Five question.
Ryn shrugged. "It's from a movie soundtrack." She finally finished of the pile of jewelry, by tucking a locking chain under their shirt.
"My family, or your family?" Five asked for clarification.
"Wasn't me," Ryn was quick to answer. Clearly still using song lyrics. She was now messing with the rings, making sure they felt right on her fingers.
Five groaned. "Even a simple question like that?"
Ryn laughed, "No, that one just easily came to mind. It's your family." They picked up the flannel shirt of the ground and tied it around their waist.
"Who is the owner of the eye?" Five asked, wanting to stump her. He didn't want her to expect every question he was going to ask. Not to mention not even appearing to care about the questions being asked.
"Can't you see all I really want to be is your boyfriend," Ryn said, showing slight signs of embarrassment. "Then like the entire song of Bohemian Rhapsody fits pretty well." They stuck their hand into their pockets and swayed on their feet.
"Bohemian Rhapsody?" Five wondered.
Ryn let out a dramatic gasp. "You don't know Bohemian Rhapsody? The best song in all of existence?"
"There wasn't really music after the apocalypse," Five explained.
"Than my goal is before the end of the world to at least introduce you to Queen," Ryn declared. "And ya know, stop the end of the world"
"Alright one last question right now," Five sighed. Whole he had plenty of questions, as none of her answers made sense. " Do you have any obligations for the next 8 days?"
"Just make sure my brother knows I'm not dead," Ryn shrugged, "Or doing anything illegal. Which I feel will be the harder one."
Five nodded. "Alright," he then started walking back to the car he had just got out of. "I think the only person we should trust right now is Vanya?"
"Why only V?" Ryn asked as she was quick to follow Five.
He grabbed the door to the driver's side door, turning back to look at Ryn. He wanted to make sure he heard them right. "Vanya?"
"V," Ryn repeated in a serious tone.
Five just sighed. Easy to tell Ryn wasn't one to argue with. "Get in," he told her, opening the driver side door for himself.
Ryn climbed into the passenger side, and quick to buckle herself in as Five was already pulling off. "We could just walk," Ryn pointed out.
"It late, and I want to get their quickly," Five explained.
Ryn reached into her bag pulling something out. Five was to focused on the road to see though it didn't sound like a weapon. "Couldn't you just jump through space to get there?" she questioned, though it seemed only half her attention was on the conversation now.
"But you can't," he pointed out.
Ryn hummed, and gave an audible shrug. "The is correct, however, out of the two of us, I'm the one who has a valid driver's license." Five could hear the sound of pen on paper. They were writing something.
"There isn't a DMV in the apocalypse," Five said sarcastically.
"I know," Ryn said simply, "Just telling you not to get pulled over."
Five scoffed, "I could loose any cop."
Ryn sighed. "Don't commit a crime, when you're committing a crime." There was the loud sound of paper ripping. "There are quite a few serial killers who got caught by routine traffic stops." She sat the piece of paper down between the two of them, closer to Five.
Five glanced momentarily at the paper, trying to see what was written on it. "What's that?" he asked, not able to make anything out without stopping the car.
"Wrote down the answers to your questions, just so you have them down," Ryn explained. "For reference."
Ryn then leaned back into her seat. "So what, you're like 60, in a thirteen year old body," they pointed out. "That's got to be weird. Like is your brain still that of a 60 year old, or that of a thirteen year old?"
"What dose it matter?" Five groaned.
"Curiosity killed the cat," Ryn said as an explanation. "And like the human brain is so weird. And that not including time travel and age manipulation. Like human brains don't fully develop until the age 25. But then in 30's or 40's it starts to loose mass. Like you really only have what, five years of peak brain function. Seems like a waste."
"Are you ever quiet?" he groaned, not wanting to talk.
Ryn clicked their tongue. "If I want to be."
"Please shut up," Five plead.
Ryn forced a wide smile onto her face. "Only because you asked nicely."
Corine came walking in with a bottle of wine and a pack of beer. While plenty of alcohol had been found through the years, Corine had been admitted that they don't drink it. They sat down on their bed, a mattress they dug out of the rubble and fixed with clothing that couldn't be worn by either of them.
"What are you doing?" he asked them, setting down the book he was reading.
"What dose it look like?" they scoffed, trying to pull the cork out with their hands. "I'm gonna drink."
He gave them a questioning look. "You are the one who says we shouldn't," he pointed out.
"Well I'm 21 today, and by the law of what once was the government of the land we live upon, I can now get intoxicated as a please," they pointed out. They had given up on using their hands and pulled out their knife to get the cork out. It did not come out in one piece, but they could now drink the wine.
He didn't know how to take that. It was their birthday. He knew their favorite color, which sources of water they prefer, even the songs they like to sing, what their favorite part of a combustible engine is. Yet he didn't know their birthday. He didn't even know they were still keeping track to be able to know what day it is.
They took a swig of the wine, physically cringing and gagging at the taste. Yet they didn't hesitate to take another drink. "It's been five years," they mumbled to themselves.
It clearly wasn't the anniversary of the end of the world. That was in late winter, early spring, whole it was turning from summer to fall. They were talking about something else. "Care to share what your lamenting about?" he asked.
"Woo!", they let out a half hearted cheer. To try and bring something to the monotony of the apocalypse, they chose a word from a dictionary, and tried to use it plenty throughout the day. That day it had been 'lament'.
They fell back into the mattress, not caring about the spilt wine. "It's really weird dude," they said.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Try me." He told them plenty about their life which was anything but normal.
"Could never tell you what happened the day I turned the day I turned seventeen," they sang out. They'd commonly sing lyrics instead of answering questions, or holding conversations.
"Hey, who else are you going to tell?" he asked, throwing a rock at their foot.
"It was my seventeenth birthday. The one between the sweet sixteen and turning an adult. I didn't expect much, I never did. Did not have the track record of good birthdays, starting with the day of my birth. I just wanted a nice dinner and to eat some cake.
My brother came back in to town for the week, as well as my sister drove in from college the day of. I couldn't tell them I didn't want them there. My parents wouldn't have believed me if I told them I hated my siblings. Throw those two in with my already terrible mental health, and I just wanted to be done.
I took a handful of so many medications, and just layed down in the bathtub. I woke up a couple minuets later in my bed. I went into the bathroom, and there in the bathtub was my own body." They took a long drink of the wine. " Luckily there was some wetland behind the house, so I didn't need to transport the body far. But burying your own body, it's... traumatizing.
And it's not like I could tell anyone, they wouldn't believe me."
He got up and went over to sit next to them. There were so many more things to be worried about than how the bottle of wine was now empty. "You wanted to kill yourself?" he asked in disbelief. They were the one trying the hardest to survive since they met.
"Yup, but I couldn't," they declared, throwing away the bottle. "Instead I worked to graduate high school early, saved every penny I earned, and sold of what I could. I ran away, I killed the parts of me I could. I was going to start new. But a week later, the world ended."
With a groan they sat up, pulling the back of beer to them. They pulled open the cardboard an pulled out a can. "Help yourself," they offered, cracking open the can. "Cracking open a cold one with the boys."
"You're really just gonna move past all that?" he questioned.
They nodded. "Yup, nothing but facts from the past. Just keep moving forward."
Songs in Chapter (In order of appearance) - L-O-V-E Michael Buble - Familia Anuel AA and Nikki Minaj - Wasn't Me Shaggy - Boyfriend Big Time Rush - Seventeen Marina
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