#I'm already wrapped up in a blanket and now I'm about to bust out my hearting pad cause jfc
toasteaa · 1 month
I'm once again freezing in my office!!! The skies are overcast and grey and it's such a sleepy day...
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maivolpe · 1 year
as long as you’re with me (you’ll be just fine)
summary: you neglect an injury to be able to see your boyfriend. he, however, sees right through your charade.
a/n: my first "full" one-shot! this is a reminder to take care of yourselves or else. i hope you enjoy ♡
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: descriptions of blood, stitches, wounds, needles, bucky dog-earing a book wc: 1.5k
the lights were dimmed when you arrived home, battered and bruised. you almost sank to your knees upon entrance, the exhaustion from the day coursing through your body. you dropped your backpack just inside the door with a resounding thud. you'd deal with it later.
your suit still stuck to your skin unpleasantly, the slick feeling of blood still coating your leg. it had taken a few minutes to even realize you had been stabbed, but that was a small mercy. it was a sharp pain like you'd never felt before, and the heat of it all tortured you through the rest of the fight. you had lost the feeling, for a few fleeting seconds, thanks to adrenaline, but now it was back. and worse than before, as your stupid suit rubbed against the wound.
shower, was the plan. shower everything off, bandage it up, and pretend like nothing happened. then you would get to spend the time with bucky that you missed on the mission.
his voice echoed softly across the room, and you squinted before realizing that bucky was tucked under a pile of blankets on the couch. only his eyes, his nose, and his battered copy of the hobbit showed. you laughed breathily, slowly making your way across the room to him. "hey, lover."
he dog-eared his page, causing you to wince internally, and struggled out of the blankets he had trapped himself in. his eyes flitted over your face, taking in your features. the small crease in your forehead, the bags under your eyes. the little tilt to your head, because... you were favoring one leg over the other. busted.
"where are you hurt?" he asked, though he already knew.
you groaned, defeated, and displayed your left leg in front of him. though your suit was still on, there was a sickening stain of blood collecting where you'd quickly wrapped it up and tied it off before leaving the compound.
"it's really not a big deal, doesn't hurt that badly. don't worry about me!"
bucky cocked an eyebrow at you, and reached for your leg. he gently bent your shin backwards, eliciting a hiss of pain from your lips.
"sure, princess. not that bad. sit down."
he headed off to the bathroom to fetch the kit, and you let yourself slowly sink onto the couch.
"if it was bad they wouldn't have let you leave," he called from the other room. "knife wound?"
"yeah," you answered. "i kind of... hid it? but i think they knew you were gonna patch me up regardless."
bucky walked back into the room, his bare feet grazing the carpet. "i'm nothing to you but a nurse."
you laughed and leaned forwards, trapping his lips in a soft kiss. it tasted like heaven after a long day of granola bars and the metallic tang of your own blood. but then again, it always tasted like heaven.
"hottest nurse i ever met."
he chuckled, tying his hair up to keep it out of his eyes and squatting down to see your thigh in the dim lighting. "don't tell sharon that."
he slowly untied the cloth you'd had tied just above your knee, muttering "crude" before letting it fall to the floor. while it wasn't completely soaked through with blood, you still looked away from it, instead watching bucky's jaw set as he pulled out a pair of scissors.
"'m just gonna cut your suit here," he assured. "you've got like fifty of 'em anyways."
you nodded your assent, laying back on the cushions as you heard the tear of fabric. he hissed upon seeing the wound, a three- or four-inch gash just above your knee. it was probably three-quarters of an inch deep, he figured. dried crimson covered every available inch of skin. if it had happened to himself, he wouldn't have cared. he had plenty of scars, and the serum would help to heal it fast enough that it didn't matter.
but to his girl?
he was filled with a rage he hadn't felt since the forties, when steve would show up bloodied and bruised, acting as unaffected as you were right now. he'd been against you going on missions in the first place - while he knew you were capable, he couldn't protect you in the field. he wanted, needed to protect you. but he knew the best way to do that would be to help now, to clean you up, and so he did.
"how're you feeling, pretty girl?" he asked, moving to the faucet in the kitchen. he ran the water over a clean cloth, never taking his eyes off of the couch where you lay.
you pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, sighing. "'m a little dizzy. stitches?"
you closed your eyes - just for a minute - and it felt like the couch would swallow you up, or you would sink right through the cushions. it was quiet, only the ticking of the clock and the hum of the tacky lamp that bucky loved to read by filling the air. they soon faded, and you didn't question why. there was silence for a moment, and the burning in your leg subsided until it was just a dull ache.
your eyes flickered open in surprise at a cool pressure on your lips, parting them just a bit when you realized bucky was holding a glass to your mouth. it felt cool and wonderful trickling down your throat, and before you knew it, the cup was empty and he was pulling it away. he made up for it with the loving look he gave you, though it was tinged with a bit of sadness. it could've just been the shadows, the way the light fell on him, but you knew better.
"hang in there for me, doll," he murmured, sitting back down and pressing the wet cloth to your skin. the sting of the fabric against the gash was more than enough to bring you back down to earth. you groaned, and bucky nodded in sympathy.
"almost done."
he was finished in no time, though it felt like forever, and soon wielded the needle and nylon that you so dreaded.
“here, baby, i got you.” he tucked the end of one of his blankets into your mouth, letting you bite down on it. "ready?"
you nodded, giving him a weak thumbs up. ready as you'd ever be, you supposed.
he went in as quickly as he could, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he slammed out stitch after stitch. you gritted your teeth, your breath hitching. it stung so badly. but it was done as fast as it had begun, and the needle clattered to the ground.
bucky pulled himself onto the couch next to you, his hands moving a million miles a minute. he gently took the fabric from your teeth, laying the blanket softly over your legs, hiding the stitches from view. you held your trembling hands out to him, and they were swallowed up in an instant, deft fingers tracing your veins.
“good job, darling, that was amazing,” he murmured, pressing a tentative kiss to your mouth. your lip quivered and he pulled away quickly, cautious eyes searching for any kind of pain he might’ve caused.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
tears gathered at your waterline, and you sniffled before choking out, “you treat me so well.”
he smiled, but knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. “you’ve been stabbed. do you think i wouldn't help you?”
“no i know you'll always help, but… i don't think i deserve it. i didn’t do amazing. it hurt.”
he laughed. “pretty girl, when i had to sew myself up for the first time, i was cussin’ and screamin’ everywhere. you didn’t even make a single sound.”
"well then i shouldn't have gotten stabbed," you grumbled.
he pulled you into his arms. “you got through the fight, first of all, and that's a win in my book. and on top of that, you toughed it out just to come see me, dove. which you shouldn’t have, that was stupid and reckless, but the point here is that you're strong. even stronger than me, i think."
you only hummed, moving your head to rest on his shoulder. it felt as though all of your energy had evaporated from your body, and would float away through an open window somewhere. the rumble of bucky's voice deliberately softened, proving your exhaustion did not go unnoticed.
“want me to sleep on the couch with you tonight?”
you hummed, leaning forward to kiss his neck as your way of saying yes. he chuckled again, the sweet melody of his laughter bringing a ghost of a smile to your tired face. you couldn't see his, but you knew he was grinning.
“c’n you read to me?”
bucky reached for his book, flipping to the dog-eared page. "i thought you'd never ask, dove."
"you know, one 'f these days 'm gonna get tired of hearing about dwarves."
"you won't," he said confidently. "you love me too much."
you snorted, but settled in, tucking your uninjured leg close to your body. bucky tightened his grip around you, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. he cleared his throat dramatically, coaxing another smile from your features.
“bilbo rushed along the passage, very angry, and altogether bewildered and bewuthered…”
・。゚: ∘◦☾◦∘。゚.
ko-fi ♡
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
P and U for Lucifer please!!!
P and U for Lucifer
Not much to say here for this post's author's note, I can only ramble so much I'm afraid! Doesn't mean I'm any less willing to do a request, though!
I hope you enjoy, Anon! C:
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Unlike a lot of the others, he doesn't have a preference to what time period the names he call you from come from! Though he tends to call you his Beloved! If he's feeling rather sappy he may bust out the "Love of my Life" title when he's addressing you. He enjoys being called Honey! Something about Honey feels... nice.. domestic to him. Something simple.
He tends to get wrapped up in his own depression every now and then, but he does noticeably improve with you around. However, you can't undo years of that sort of thing by just existing... He usually locks himself up in his room, making things to try to keep his mind off of things. It's best to try to give him time, though he does greatly appreciate you supporting him!
On the flip side, he will try anything he can to try to make you feel better. Really, he's doing anything he can think of. It would be better for the both of you if you told him what to do and move on from there. Need some time alone? He's already leaving the space. Need him to stay? He's coming with a box of tissues and a nice warm blanket. Need a distraction? He's already summoning some entertainment. A shoulder to cry on? Oh baby you can cry with into his chest while he rubs your back. Anything and he'd do it for you.
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
Can you please do perv!chn × reader with oral fixation 😩😩
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how did you know I had a thing for perv Chan??🤭
Roommate • Bangchan
Chanxf!reader, roommate au, sub Chan, soft dom reader, perv Chan, oral fixation reader
Warnings: masturbation, finger sucking, oral (f)receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, cumming inside, multiple orgasms (f).
“Mm” Chan moaned around your thumb that was placed in between his lips and atop his tongue. “Fuck, you look so hot like this. Sucking on my fingers like there’s no tomorrow. You’re such a good boy.” At that he whimpered. You pulled your thumb out to rest on his bottom lip, pulling it down a bit. Lips coated in his saliva and his pupils blown out, looking up at you all innocently. As if he wasn't on his knees waiting on your next move.
“So are you going to tell me why you have the pair of panties I’ve been looking for for weeks now? And why you where jerking off with them?” His gaze dropped to the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with you. A light shade of red painted his face. He was embarrassed. Not only that he was hopelessly trying to get off with the underwear he stole from you. But that he was caught in the act. Sprawled out on the bed with the thin material wrapped around his dick, his fist holding them in place. Lazily rutting his hips up into his fist while imagining you in the black lace. Did you wear these often? Were they your favorite? Did you wear them under your cute teddy bear pajama pants? He was so close to busting his nut all over them when his door swung open.
“Hey chan have yo- uh” you froze at the sight in front of you. It was….. beautiful. A thin layer of sweat coating his forehead and a whimper escaping his lips, but he was cut off. “Y/n I- “ he took the underwear and shoved it under the blanket as well as covering himself up. But it was too late, you had already seen everything.
And that’s how you got in this predicament.
“Tell me” lifting his face to look you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry. You must think I’m so weird. I promise I tried not to look at you in that way but it was so hard. Your just so…. I’m sorry. If you want me to move out or-“
“What? No Chan I don’t want you to leave. I just wanted you to tell me how I make you feel”
“You make me feel insane” he has no idea where the confidence came from.
“How so?” You set your hand on his head and played with his hair waiting for an answer.
"When you walk out of the bathroom in nothing but that tiny towel that barely covers anything. Or when you "accidentally" drop something and bend over, giving me a whole ass show. And especially when you think I'm not home, and you decide to pleasure yourself with your door wide open. The sounds you make are so heavenly."
"Bold of you to assume that I didn't know you were home" Oh you knew alright, and you made sure to be extra loud on those days.
"What-" He sat there in confusion.
"And I was very disappointed when you never came to help me out. But that's okay you can make up for it tonight, yeah?"
"I'll do anything for you"
"Stand up for me then" He immediately obeyed and stood to his feet, never breaking eye contact. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him in one swift motion. He was taken by surprise but quickly kissed you back with such hunger and anticipation. His hand went straight to your lower back bringing you closer to him. Mouths sloppily sucking on each other's lips and tongues gliding over each other. It was getting so hot, with the combination of Chan's body heat and your own temperature rising from the intense making out, you couldn't take it anymore. You disconnected you lips and swiftly pulled your shirt over your head and tossing it to the side to be forgotten about. His lips parted, and before he could catch it, a whimper escaped his lips when your naked breast were before his eyes.
He couldn't believe this was actually happening, all his perverted fantasies were coming to life, and he didn't know what he did to deserve this but he was more than thankful.
"Will I be the only one striping tonight?" You began removing your sweatpants, leaving you only in your underwear,
"I mean i'd be happy just to watch if you wanna put on a show for me" a smirk creeping up on his face but soon faded when you spoke.
"If you don't fuck me tonight than you never will. But if that's what you want than i'd be more than happy to oblige."
"I'd be an idiot to pass this up"
"You'd be an idiot to have a whole ass debate while I'm standing here half naked ready for you to do whatever you want to me." you spat. The heat in between your legs getting unbearably uncomfortable.
"You're right" He quickly removed his shirt and grabbed your waist pushing you down on the bed, hovering over you. He placed his lips on yours for only a short moment before leaving kissing all over your jaw and neck. Nipping and leaving love bites that would be a dark purple by the morning. He was groping your tits hard, pinching and pulling at your nipples. Which caused you to moan loudly and grab the back of his head, tugging on his curly hair. Trailing down your body, he was marking you as his, sucking on every section of skin he could reach. Once he was met with your clothed cunt he let out a satisfied hum when he saw the wet patch forming.
"Excited?" he said teasingly.
"Don't get too cocky or I won't suck yours." you were not in the mood to be messed with. "So stop teasing"
"Whatever you want princess." he hooked his fingers under your underwear and drug them down your legs, throwing them aside. He swore he's never seen such a pretty pussy, glistening with arousal that he was the cause of. He placed middle and ring finger to your heat to spread your lips apart and get a better look at his next meal. You flinched hard and let out a guttural moan when he licked a long stipe from your entrance to your clit, stopping to suck on your sensitive bud.
"Oh fuck! Yes Chan right there. That feels so good." He was eating you out like he was starved and you were the first food he's seen in days. But you weren't complaining, if anything this was probably the best head you've gotten in a long time.
He took to fingers to rub you while he took a short breather and then slowly entered them into you. The stretch felt amazing, his long fingers were reaching spots that you never could. He reattached his lips to your sex and sucked harder than before.
"I'm so close- shit please don't stop" you said between breaths. You started to involuntarily roll your hips against him and push his face closer to you, basically riding his face when you orgasm finally hit.
Eyes rolling to the back of you head and almost screaming his name, you came all over his fingers. He switched from sucking to soothingly licking you until you came down from your high. He removed his fingers from your dripping cunt and cleaned them with his mouth, licking them clean while you watched. His tongue sticking out to run it over his fingers, a little bit of spit falling from the side of his mouth. You swore you could watch this all day, but you had other plans.
"Come here" you grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of you into a heated kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. Feeling on his bare chest and abs, your hand traveled to his hard on to palm him through the thin material of his sweatpants. He grunted into the kiss at the much needed friction. Your patience started running thin once the need to have him inside of you became unbearable.
"Fuck me baby" you pulled away from the kiss. "Please I need you so bad"
He could've came just from you words. You? Needed him? How long have you waited for this? Perhaps just as long as him, and if that was the case he didn't want to keep you waiting any longer.
He stood to remove his remaining clothes, and returned in between your legs where he belonged. He watched your face contort in pleasure when he pushed inside of you, a whimper escaping his lips from his own pleasure. The way your warm walls wrapped around him beckoning him to rail into you, but he knew better.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this. Dreamed about this." he huffed out as he picked up the pace.
"Yeah? Does it feel as good as you imagined?"
"Fuck, it feels so much better." he set a steady rhythm and was fucking you so good at this point. Your walls were uncontrollably clenching around him causing him to whimper every time.
"Shit if you keep doing that i'm gonna cum" he whined.
"Give it to me, I want to feel you cum inside of me chan, please i need it" you coaxed him closer to the edge but he refused to release until he felt you cum around his cock. He positioned one of your legs over his shoulder, hitting deeper than before and taking his thumb to stimulate your clit. It was all to much for you, this new position, him pounding into you hitting that one spot, the slight overstimulation from your first orgasm.
"Oh- shi- chan I- I'm gonna-" you couldn't even form words at this point.
"Me too baby. Cum all over me."
And that's all it took to have you cumming on his dick, your walls clamping down on him. Searching from something to hold onto for stability, you grabbed his hand and squeezed.
His hips shuddered as his orgasm washed over him, spilling his seed into your cunt. He was so sensitive but he didn't stop until he was sure you were satisfied.
He collapsed next to you while you both tried to catch your breaths.
"We should've done this sooner' you said
"Yeah no shit"
Taglist: @yumiblogs
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi, so rn I'm in absolute pain, my legs absolutely tort me up from mosquitoe bites like there, the sizes of welts, as if someone had burned me and it's absolute hell. SO I was wondering how Aizawa and Hawks would take care of an S/O and how they would react seeing their legs full of golf ball sized inflammation. Would they try to kill someone thinking that their dear s/o was hurt? And what type of remedies would they try once they found out the nature of them? Also, would they tease them about being a magnet for blood suckers?
I hate mosquito bites! I've got some right now, too, and they're driving me bonkers. I hope you like this and here's a link to where I found mosquito bite remedies-- Remedies
Remedies for Pesky Bites - Aizawa & Hawks
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
1612 words
+ You get bitten badly by mosquitoes, and your man has a couple of remedies up his sleeve to help.
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I groaned as the burning, iching. sensation in my legs grew worse. I fought hard to not scratch at the welts lining my legs. I had gone to help my parents at their countryside home. It was a nice, hot summer day and the bugs were out in drones. I didn't even notice the mosquito bites until I was on the train home.
"Dammit." I exclaimed as a couple bites won and I scratched at them. I had to rip my hands away and get up from the bed. I had already taken a shower and it helped for a little bit. I went to the bathroom to grab some anti-itch Ointment. I hopped up on the counter and examined my legs.
The welts on my legs were huge. Ranging from tiny bites to golf ball size welts. I noticed there was some blood and blood rash from the scratching.
"Great..." I rubbed in the ointment, careful not to cause more irritation. All I wanted was to go to bed and be held by Shota. Unforchunately, he wasn't home. He had let me know that he would be out late due to a stake out bust of a gang.
I sighed before hopping down and walking back to the bed. I stood there for a minute, wondering if it was worth it to get under the blanket. I decided against it and laid on my stomach lounging on my pillow. I distracted myself with my phone until it was too hard to fight sleep.
"Babe... darling, Wake up." I groaned as I woke to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Nooo..." I whined, gripping my pillow tighter and curling up.
"I know, I know. Sleep is wonderful but I need to talk to you." His voice was urgent and I shot up in near panic. I found him sitting to my left.
"What's wrong? Did something happen on the bust?" I began to look him over.
"No, no. It went fine. But what happened to you? It looks like you were attacked. Who did this to you?" He looked down at my legs and began to trace his fingers around the welts.
"Ah! No, no." I pulled my legs away. His eyes widened in worry. "No one did this to me. It's all mosquito bites. I went to my parents remember?"
"Well, I helped my dad outside for most of the day. I got bitten a lot and I didn't notice until the train ride home." I saw him visibly relax and he dropped his head. I sat there
"Thank god. I thought you were attacked Or something."
"Nope. Well, yes by bugs." We laughed. I sighed before reaching down towards my legs.
"Nope. No scratching." He grabbed my hands.
"But it's so irritating evel the ointment isn't working well." He hummed before getting up and pulling off his capture weapon and jacket.
"I think I know just the thing." He walked towards the door. "No scratching."
"Okay." I giggled. I heard him moving around in the kitchen before coming back in with some wet towels.
"For now, We'll put these on. I've got something else prepping in the kitchen." He wrapped the towels around my calves. and I jumped at the cold sensation. It instantly gave me some relief. I sat there patiently for about half an hour, and he came back in with a bowl.
"What is that?"
"Tea?" I was surprised. He nodded with a chuckle.
"Trust me." He gave me a smirk. He pulled out a large, thin cheese cloth bag full of damp tea. He pulled off the rag and gently placed it on my bites. He did the same to the others. "Now we leave it on for ten minutes. Sit still and let it work while I go take a shower."
"Okay." He got up and began to strip his clothes. Before he went to the bedroom and stopped him. "Can I have my book?"
"Which one?" I pointed to the (color) book. (You choose the book! Lol) he handed it to me and went. He was done and back within the 10 minutes.
"Now let's see..." He took the wrappings off slowly.
"I never pegged you for a home remedy guy." I said while tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Well, I'm full of surprises, Love." He set the bags in the bowl again before wiping the skin off. "There we go. Not even that red anymore."
"Wow." I ran my hand over the welts and was surprised to feel no irritation from my touch. "How?"
"It is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-itch." He said, standing up. "We'll do another treatment in the morning."
"Thank you." I stood and gave him a kiss.
"No problem. I suggest you put on those soft, cuffed sleep pants for the night." He said while leaving the room.
"Ooo, good idea."
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"Come on, pick up Keigo." I muttered into the phone. I have been trying to call him for about 10 minutes. He has yet to pick up obviously. "Damn." I groaned as the call went to voicemail again.
I was trying to get a hold of him to pick up some anti-itch stuff. We were out and I had an ungodly amount of mosquito bites on my legs. I had accompanied my sister to the farmers market and I apparently attracted all the bugs in the place. Large, angry, itchy welts were left behind.
"This sucks." I was sitting at the table with no pants on so there was no rubbing. I was wearing one of Keigo's shirts and it stopped about mid thigh. The bites were burning so bad that I was nearly in tears. I jumped when the balcony doors opened.
"I'm home, lovebird." Keigo yelled. He quickly found me at the table and gave me a big smile.
"I've been trying to call you." I whined.
"Aww. I'm sorry, Babe. I lost my phone earlier." He pulled off his jacket and kicked off his boots. He walked closer to me. "What did you need?"
"Too late now." I said getting up. He paused when it got closer.
"What's wrong?" I saw him examine me and his eyes widened. Rushing over, he knelt before me. "What happened?"
"Careful. They're bites." Taking a step back.
"Bites?" He asked frantically. I saw him looking at the large welts With worry. Some were scuffed from scratching while others had some blood rash.
"Bug bites." I clarified. He gave a heavy sigh of relief and his wings sagged to the floor. He muttered some words of relief before looking up at me.
"What happened?" He stood up.
"I went to a farmers market today and I think I attracted all the mosquitoes. They hurt and itch Keigo. So bad." I grabbed onto his shirt, sniffling and set my head on his chest.
"Why didn't you put anything on them?"
"That's Why I was calling you. We're out of anti-itch stuff." I set my chin on his chest and looked up at him. He hummed and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.
"Come on." He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me to the kitchen. He softly lifted me up and set me on the counter next to the stove. He moved through the kitchen looking at different things.
"Bear with me, Love bird." He found my bag of herbs and spices I got today. He sifted through it before pulling out the thyme. I was confused but didn't say anything. He pulled out a pot and filled it with water. He put it on to boil before taking the thyme sprigs and broke them into single strands.
He dropped the springs into the water as it came to a boil. He wrapped a wing around my legs and I could feel the heat begin to rise under the feathers, giving me some temporary relief. I stayed silent as he worked until after letting it cool, dipped a couple of rags in the thyme water.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Thyme is an antibacterial plant that can reduce irritation in the skin." He explained. I was dumbfounded.
"And how do you know that?" I asked. He chuckled as he wrapped the rags around my legs.
"I grew up having to fend for myself and not have any helpful amenities." He used a bag clip to hold the rags on.
"Oh, right."
"It's alright." He cupped my face and gave me a kiss. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. This was the perfect distraction. He pulled away after a few minutes. "Feeling any better?"
"Yes actually." I noticed that the burning was gone and the urge to itch was almost gone. I looked at my legs astonished.
"Thyme? Really?"
"Yes!" He laughed, wings flapping in amusement. He removed the rags and examined the bites. "They look better."
"Amazing." I hopped down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my fingers through his feathers. Shivers went up his spine. "Thank you, Pretty boy."
"It's my pleasure, My Love." He nuzzled his nose against mine.
"You know..." I trailed off. "You now owe me some more Thyme. Especially if you want some fried chicken."
"Haha! Of course!" He said. I smiled before stepping back. "You know..." I heard the teasing tone in his voice. "I really hope there are no vampires nearby because you seem to be a blood suckers buffet."
"Keigo Takami!" I scolded him while laughing. I grabbed a dry dish towel and threw it at him. He dodged and took off for the bedroom. "Get back here!"
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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nativeofsumeru · 2 years
"Daddy! Mommy was kissing Santa Claus!" (Cyno x fem!reader)
A/N: It's December, I'm making a Christmas related blurb. As you may have already guessed, inspired by the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus", here's the link: https://youtu.be/rs63WEWLosI. And I thought this would be cute. I didn't know to to end it so apologies for the abrupt end.
(not proofread)
(C/N)= child's name
"Why are you awake this late?" She turned around to look at her husband standing there handsomely wearing the most eye-catching of outfits, some Santa Claus PJs. And a hat. She couldn't help but bust out into laughter. Cyno raised an eyebrow at her. "What's so funny?" "I'm so sorry for laughing at you dear, but your outfit, I can't, it's amazing." She said between laughs. Cyno glanced down at his garb and then looked back up to her with a smirk. "Oh, is my outfit really that amusing to you, my love?" He said before pulling her closer to him via an arm around her waist. She let herself be pulled into him before calming herself and smiling up at him. "I just didn't expect my strong and handsome General Mahamatra to be wearing such an outfit, that's all." She replied wrapping her arms around his neck. "If I do recall, you may or may not have picked it up in the store saying how hilarious I would look wearing it while we were out yesterday." "I know, but I didn't expect you to actually wear it!"
They continued to smile at each other, silence falling around them as they gazed into each other's eyes. Time seemed to stand still as they just stood there, holding each other...before something caught the corner of her eye. She looked up.
"Cyno? Is that what I think it is?" His gaze followed hers upwards towards the small specimen of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. She returned her gaze back to him. "You got this from Tighnari didn't you?" "Perhaps." "Cyno!" "You know what must be done." "If you wanted to kiss me you could just say so." "Or I could place a plant that nonverbally requests so." "Come here you." She pulled his head towards her gently before they shared a long passionate kiss. ~~ The sun shone through the curtains of the house, shining straight into Cyno's eyes. He groaned a little and shifted a bit, feeling his wife still in his embrace by his side, before slowly fluttering his eyelids.
And finding his daughter less than 3 inches away from his face.
"DADDY!" She shrieked causing both him and (Y/N) to jolt upright on the bed, almost knocking the child straight onto the floor. "(C/N), what the fffffffffffluttering butterflies are you doing here?" (Y/N) exclaimed, grabbing the blanket to cover herself. "How could you Mommy! Don't you love Daddy?!" (C/N) asked her sternly. (Y/N) looked at her in the upmost confusion. "(C/N), what are talking about?" Cyno had finally fully come to trying to process why his kid was sitting millimeters away from his face as he slept. "Daddy!" "Yes, (C/N)?" He asked.
"Daddy! Mommy was kissing Santa Claus!" "Huh?" (Y/N) took a moment to attempt to understand before realizing. "Oh..." "What do you mean Mommy was kissing Santa Claus?" Cyno asked.
"Last night! I saw it last night! Mommy was with Santa and they were next to the tree and there was a mistletoe and she pulled him in and she kissed him! She kissed Santa!" It all finally clicked in his brain. "Was she now?" He looked at (Y/N) with a bit of a smile. "YEA!" (C/N) crossed her arms.
"What did this 'Santa' look like?" His daughter thought in silence for a moment. "Tall, white hair, skinnier than I thought he would be, I couldn't see his face, but had his clothes on and everything. I even heard thumping from outside my room from the reindeer." (Y/N)'s face went red before shrinking under the blanket where she could be a flustered mess out of sight of her kid. Cyno seemed unfazed. "And why were you awake at night? Shouldn't you have been in bed? You know Santa doesn't give presents to naughty children." "I-I know, b-but I just wanted to get a peek! It's Santa Claus after all and mommy and I made all those delicious cookies for him, I wanted to make sure he liked them and that's when I saw her kissing him! You've got to believe me!"
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Lucifer, mammon and satan finding out you aren't sleeping
Warnings: none, just fluff<3
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Honestly, he would be keeping an eye on you just to make sure you're doing fine
The type to bring you drinks/snacks if you aren't eating enough
When you're overworking yourself to the point where you don't go out of your room
He'll put down his work and go out of his way to check on you.
Lucifer knocks on your door but you don't answer, he gently opened the door making sure not to make any noise.
He sees you on your computer working on something , he fully opens the door to reveal himself to you.
Lucifer: y/n.
Y/n: huh?...
Lucifer: i suggest you rest for you own mental health.
Y/n: but I need to finish thi-
Lucifer: not another word darling. Rest up. Now.
Y/n: but lucif-
Lucifer: *pulls you in for a big hug*
Y/n: L-lucifer?..
Lucifer: *patting your hair* shhhh...rest up honey...Here, I'll help you sleep.
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Hasn't seen you go out of your room for a straight up MONTH and he's getting really REALLY worried for you
One day you haven't went out like you normally do and he's like "meh, they're probably busy"
But then 4 days past, and oh boy you better come out of that room honey or else he's gonna have to kick that door down to check on you
One week has past and you bet your sweet azz he's busting that door down
Mammon bolts out of his room and violently knocks on your door more like banging on your door💀.
Alright, not even a second passes and he has punched that door to death. Honey it's literally laying on the floor broken, I think you need to buy a different door to fix that
Mammon: Y/N?!
Y/n: yes, mammon?..
Mammon: Y/N, ARE YOU OK????
Y/n: what are you talking about? Of course I'm fine..
Y/n: Oh, it's normal for humans.
Mammon: Y/n. Please go to sleep🥺
Y/n: why?. I need to fini-
Mammon: *tackles you to the bed and snuggles in your chest* please?
Y/n: fine...Only because I love you..
Mammon: I love you more, y/n *wraps his arms around you*
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You cant simply stay away from him cause, well, he goes in you room and reads. EVERY. TIME. AND. EVERY. DAY.
But at night he sleeps in his room, one time he'll be reading and notice your lack of sleep
He'll go like "y/n. Go to sleep"
And ofc you'd be confused cause like, it's not??? Night yet????
I don't need to write him coming in your room cause like, he's already in your room.
Satan: y/n, I need you to sleep
Y/n: it's not midnight yet...
Satan: *sighs* please y/n, you look like you haven't slept for a while.
Y/n: I need to finish this...
Satan: no, you don't *turns off your laptop/computer* you're going to sleep.
Y/n: hey! You can't just turn off my-
Satan: *carries you to bed*
Y/n: p-put me down!
Satan: no y/n, you need sleep. *Lays you down on the bed and puts a blanket over you* here, let me read you a book.
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lordfreg · 1 year
Movie Night
Yo, so uh, this has some kinky shiz in it, beware
i have made a new blog for my NSFW fics, so if you're seeing this please read this instead!!
type: ✮just for funzies✮
genre: ✮smut✮
fandom: ✮ROTTMNT✮
character(s): ✮Runa O’Crest, Donatello Hamato, Raphael Hamto, Lenardo Hamato, Michangelo Hamato, April O’Neil✮
crossovers?: ✮none✮
tags: none! Just for fun!
TW// !!this is smut if you are comfortable with this, please leave!!
Summary: Donatello leaves during family movie night to take care of some “personal issues,” and gets busted.
They had been planning this for weeks, literal weeks. The Jupiter Jim Movie marathon was about to begin. And Donatello was dreading it.
“Why so glum, hombre?” Leo said, wrapping an arm around his brother’s neck, stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
Donnie scowled at the talking with food in his mouth, “I’m not ‘glum,’ I’m simply tired.” He tried to play cool, knowing if he slipped up, this could be the end of him. 
“Don, you say that every time we have a family thing,” Leo frowned, pulling away. “Do you just not want to spend time with your family?”
Donnie quickly retracted his words, “No! No! It’s just-... Never mind. I’ll go help Mikey with the soda.” Donnie resisted the urge to spill everything right there onto Leo’s face, but he didn’t. He knew he could trust Leo, but Donnie also knew, no, he couldn’t trust Leo.
“Michael, I'm here to help.” Donnie announced, walking into the kitchen.
“Great! Could you hand me the thingy?” Mikey gestured to the soda flavoring on the counter. Donnie handed it to him and rested on the counter, his shell leaning on the rounded edge of the island.
Donnie was caught up in thought.
It’s about time he admitted something; he really liked Runa. A lot more than just a friend. A lot more than a girlfriend. He didn’t know what it was, but he absolutely loved every aspect of her. Runa’s hair, her eyes, the way she could get so heated over a video game. 
He smiled at the memory of Runa throwing down the controller and yelling, demanding a rematch and accusing Donnie of cheating.
He’d felt this way before, but never like this. His heart was constantly being torn every witch way and he hated it so much! Runa was not easy on his feelings, she always flirted with him and made him think she felt the same. Then, she’d turn around and express interest in other people. To say he was jealous was an understatement.
Donnie was great, but he couldn’t deny she deserved better than him. I mean, he’s getting jealous and they aren’t even dating!
What was he supposed to do? Admit his feelings and live forever in the friend-zone? Or keep a secret and carry this hate to everyone she dated?
“EARTH TO DONNIE, THE GIRLS ARE HERE.” Mikey cupped his hands and shouted into his ear.
“AH!” Donnie said, covering the side of his head where Mikey had shouted, “Okay, okay. I’ll grab the popcorn seasoning. Tell them I say ‘hi’ or whatever.”
Mikey looked at him, he’s been acting weird and now he wouldn’t even look at April or Runa? Orange frowned and swallowed the urge to ask about it, knowing he’ll never get an answer.
“Okay, I’ll be…sure to tell them.” Mikey said, debating on saying more.
By then, Donnie had already disappeared into the pantry. The girls walked into the Lair, holding extra pillows and blankets to make a fort.
“Hey, y’all!” April shouted happily behind the mountain of pillows, walking into the Lair. “We brought extra!”
Runa was holding the blankets, all neatly folded and stacked. She carried them in one hand, blanching them perfectly.
“And Runa brought the blankets for the walls of the fort,” April pointed out as they both walked over to the couch and started constructing the fort.
Raph started to help build the fort, making sure it was sturdy on each side. Leo helped set up the inside, making sure it was comfortable and big enough for everyone.
After the movie got started, everyone got comfortable in their respective spots; April and Leo, accompanied by Mikey, under the tent, Raph sitting on the floor crisscrossed, with Runa and Donnie sitting on the couch a few feet apart.
He stole a few glaces to Runa, making him look back at his popcorn in shame.
Everything was going well, popcorn was warm, drinks were cool, jokes being made. So what was this uneasy feeling pulling at him? It just felt like everything was bothering him. It wasn’t a bad bother, just a uncomfortable one.
Donnie needed to leave, “I’m-I’m gonna go guys.” He chocked out hesitantly, smiling nervously.
“Alright, see ya,” was the general response. Except for Runa, “Where’re you going, Donnie?”
“Ah- You know, I just need a little break.” He lied.
“Oh, okay. See you in a few then.” Runa said, setting down her popcorn.
“SHUUUUSHHHH.” Leo said obnoxiously. Donnie rolled his eyes.
The purple turtle krept down the hallway and into his bed room, making sure to shut the door behind him. He went over the the small bed-side table and pulled out one of the drawers. He scooted some clothes to the side to reveal underwear.
Woman’s underwear.
He pulled them up by the lace hem and looked at them with a tired and slightly uneasy face. Donnie started to get undressed, taking off his large shirt first, then his pants.
Now he knew what the uncomfortable was. His dick, making a ruckus. The organ stood up tall, ready to be pleased. Sometimes, it had a mind of it’s own. Now, Donnie could feel the dusting of blush around his cheeks and nose, making a line across his features.
He pulled the undergarments to his snout, sniffing them. His thing twitched, awaiting the soon forceful hand that would stroke it to completion.
Donnie hated having to please himself like this. He knew it was wrong, gross, kinky and downright perverted; but he didn’t care anymore. It tasted so good.
Ever since he got a hold of her underwear, it’s been the only thing that could calm him down.
Runa had been the core problem, and now he was dealing with the after affects.
Why couldn’t she have just stayed all prissy? Why couldn’t they just go back to hating each other? Why’d she have to make him fantasize about her like this?
Almost all of the scent from the undies where gone, he could only really smell his breath. Donnie started to suckle on them after the pure stench alone stopped doing it for him. Damn, she tasted good.
Only to be actually tasting her, his tongue lapping up all the juices that flowed out of her, like water on a hot day. To hear her pant, and moan his name. To imagine her tied up and oh, so helpless.
To feel her tight pussy over his cock, creaming because she couldn’t handle him. To hear her scream to slow down.
The hand around his dick tightened, trying to get him to his climax as quickly as possible.
The things he wanted to do to her. Of course, he would never hurt her! Just tie her up and make her beg for him.
Donnie hadn’t even noticed himself growing louder, his once quite huffs now grew to loud groans as he flung his head back in pleasure, the image of Runa’s face flashed in his mind. He was so close! Damn, why did he have be able to go so long?
“What’s taking Donnie so long?” Runa whispered out loud to herself.
“If you wanna see him so bad, just go check up on him.” Leo said with a sarcastic flaunt in his voice.
“Fine,” Runa huffed, getting up, “I will!”
Runa crept carefully down the halls, making it to Donnie’s room; soft moans and breathy groans were emanating from his room, bouncing off the walls and into her ears.
Runa blushed at the naughty thought that entered her head, shaking away the idea, she approached the door.
He’s probably working out, she thought, her face still red with embarrassment. She knocked on the door lightly, opening it slightly to peak in.
“Donnie?” She asked, opening the door slowly, only giving Donnie enough time to attempt to cover himself, underwear still on snout and a bewildered look on his face.
“What are you-...Oh, oh my...” was the only shocked expression Runa could muster out, gazing at his redden face, his exposed and twitching member, and her underwear and his snout!
“It-It’s not what it looks like!” He said quickly, trying to push his peaking dick back down, only to make it jump back up.
Runa could only stare at it, his thighs, covered in sweat and pre-cum. Her eyes made their way back up to his face.
“Then, what is it?” She asked, her personality snapping back into action.
Donnie was at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say? “Oh, yeah, I’ve actually been getting off to your underwear for the past few months”?
“I-.. Uh-...” He looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Are those mine?” She hissed, surprisingly no disgust in her voice.
“Uh...” Donnie couldn’t lie, “Y-Yes...”
“And where you... eating them?”
“No, I was, uh, sucking on them...” That answer wasn’t any better.
“Give them back, I-I don’t want to give you access to these anymore.” Runa held out her hand expectantly, looking away. She stole glaces at Donnie as he slowly pulled himself away from the edge of his bed, taking the underwear out of his mouth and placed it in her hand.
The swift movement made only more awkward as their hands touch, making Donnie wince and Runa’s face heat more.
Donnie didn’t know if he should sit back down and continue or just stand there until she left.
“Runa...” Donnie started, holding his arm and looking down shamefully, “I-I don’t know what came over me. I just-... I didn’t mean to go that far.”
“What? Is that how you apologize for using my underwear as a cum rag?” Runa fumed, keeping it quite.
“Yes?” Donnie smiled nervously, “And I wasn’t using it as a cum rag, that’s disgraceful to someone so beautiful.”
The words struck her, a pang in her heart, the thought to do something impulsive. It all came too fast. Beautiful? Was he joking?
After a moment of processing, and reflecting, she finally opened her mouth.
“Are you serious?” She asked, genuinely intrigued now, “You think I’m beautiful?”
“M-More then beautiful,” Donnie hesitated, “I don’t know how to describe you, you’re so amazing.”
Runa blushed, out of all the times he choose to flirt...
Then, Runa got an idea. 
She stuffed the wet underwear into her back pocket and slowly started to descend to her knees, resting on them in front of Donnie.
“What are you doing?” He said quickly, following her with his eyes.
“Giving you want you want,” She purred, “May I?”
Donnie’s eyes widened before vigorously nodding, “Mhmm! Go ahead!”
“Don’t act so excited for me.” She smirked.
Donnie’s slightly annoyed expression came back to his features, “Just suck it.”
Runa hummed as she slid her hands to Donnie’s thighs, placing them firmly on his sides and squeezing, making his dick throb.
Runa licked the top of her mouth, trying to get the most saliva on her tongue as she could. She opened her mouth wide, letting Donnie see all the goodness he was about to feel. 
She slowly slide her mouth over the thick member, feeling every bit of it with her tongue. It was smooth and hot, being more thick on the tip then the base. The deep purple melded perfectly with the pastel pink of her tongue, making Donnie groan slightly.
Donnie looked at her at with the most fucked-up face she’d ever seen, he looked totally wasted. He was panting, beads of sweat forming on his face. Runa was getting him riled up, and she knew it. Runa started to moan, making Donnie wince and heave. 
Then, without warning, Donnie grabbed the back of Runa’s head and shoved it forward, making her gag. After she adjusted, he started continue to shove her face into his dick, making muffled moans. The slopping of the two organs together sounded like music to Donnie’s ears.
After a few minutes of face-fucking, he felt close, “Mmm, just a few more.. A-And I’ll be good, baby.” He panted.
Runa looked up, face full of saliva and pre-cum, “Mmm,” she said, Donnie’s hard cock still in her mouth. Suddenly, she took him all back in, sucking hard then dragging her teeth along the length of his cock.
Donnie didn’t even care about volume anymore; he moaned out loudly as he came, letting it get caught in her mouth as she swallowed some, letting the rest paint her face in a wondrous white.
Donnie bent down, grabbing the side of her mouth and spreading it open to see his seed sitting in her mouth. He moved his thumb from her mouth to her check, giving her a heated kiss, pulling away and leaving a string of cum and spit.
Runa laughed, her eyelids felt heavy and she felt tipsy, but still fully sober. She didn’t know how to describe it, but it was so intoxicating.
“Hmm,” Donnie hummed, sitting on the side of his bed, “I still seem to be aroused, despite cumming, heh, quite a lot.”
“Mmm, maybe you need more then just oral,” Runa smiled lazily, picking herself up and started to strip of her sweat pants. Donnie stared as she removed the pants. He could feel himself starting to get hard again.
As soon as she started to waddle over, Donnie felt his heart explode. He couldn’t take it, this was it, he finally getting what he wanted. Once she started to get comfortable sitting on his lap, and started rubbing his thighs, he stopped her.
“Runa,” He breathed, “Once I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop, dear. I don’t want to hurt you. Soft shell turtles are naturally... more aggressive.”
Runa licked her lips, “Good, this’ll be more fun.”
Runa positioned herself on Donnie’s lap, grinding on his exposed dick with her covered pussy, making Donnie’s face go to that of uncomfortable. He grabbed Runa by the hips and flipped her over, now standing between her open legs.
Donnie looked at helpless she’d become. He chuckled deviously, “I’m gonna make you regret asking me to be rough.”
Runa saw the animistic lust in his eyes, knowing there’s no humanity left. Her face burst into flames, her tail flicking back and forth. She bit her lips as Donnie put a hand on her back and guided her up softly, making her sit on the edge of the bed. 
Donnie went and grabbed his battle shell, smirking, he looked back at her in her underwear and shirt. He pulled out what seemed to be a video recorder, and some kind of rope?
Runa’s stomach got heavy butterflies.
He set up the camera and stood behind it, pointing it at Runa.
“Okay, strip.” He commanded, licking his teeth behind the camera.
“Wha-?” Runa blushed, you could probably see all her freckles inder the thin layer or fur on her face.
“You heard me,” He huffed, slightly upset at the repetitive command, “Strip.”
She started to slowly take of her shirt, making sure get his attention with a sway of her hips. After the shirt was off, she reached for her bra, giggling her breasts. She moaned his name slightly, trying to keep herself quite in case he didn’t want her to say anything.
“Say it again.” He demanded.
Runa started to play with her breasts now, moaning his name with every touch. Donnie looked down at his dick, now wet with pre-cum again. He huffed and commanded her to get on all fours.
“Now take them off.”
Runa slowly slid down her panties, purple and laced, teasing. After they were off, she waved her hips back and forth, moaning. Donnie stopped the camera and grabbed the rope. It was a soft velvet, so it wouldn’t hurt her.
Donnie helped Runa back up, taking the time to admire her dripping pussy. He flipped her over onto some pillows, making sure she was comfortable before tying her up with the velvet rope.
Runa laughed a bit, “Damn, you really know what you want, darling.”
“Yeah, I want you begging for my cock.” He said smugly, stroking his member, getting the pre-cum under his tip and around the largest areas, making it slick. Runa squirmed at the sight, making her eyes well up with tears as she pleaded with Donnie.
“Please, Don,” She begged, “If you’re going to fuck me, ju-just do it already! I can’t watch you, please, I need you inside me, ah~!”
“Hush now, dear.” He quieted her with a small handkerchief, embroidered with his initials, “You have to watch first, make sure you can take all of me.”
“Donnie, ugh!” Runa struggled against the velvet, “I’m a rabbit! I’m built to be bread!” She cried.
Donnie chuckled, stroking his dick again, “If you say so, but if I rip your uterus in half, just say I warned you.”
“Ah~! Don’t say things like that!” Runa’s face got more red, he cupped it, now leaning over her and positioning himself near her entrance. He leaned down and kiss her, whispering a sweet “Are you ready, love?”
Runa nodded her head as he started to enter his tip into her, making her moan and wiggle.
“Stay still, and it won’t be so painful,” He warned.
Runa sat still and let him enter her more, almost immediately adjusting to his huge cock, that was almost double the original size. She moaned as he started to go all the way in, her pussy sucking him in, encouraging him to go deeper.
The words echoed in Donnie’s head, “built to be bread?” Tch, we’ll see.
Donnie got comfortable once more at started at a slow pace making her moan with every slap of skin. The way her thighs and tits bounced with every strong thrust made him groan. He watched her arms struggle to try and get free of the velvet, groping at the rope, trying to grab and scratch at something.
Donnie grabbed he thighs, pulling out to kiss and bite them, talking into them. “Mmm, who’s my beautiful princess?”
“I-I am, Donnie.” She huffed out, her face scrunching up and her eyes closed.
“Good girl,” He stopped kissing her legs and pondered the name, “Hmm, plane old Donnie doesn’t sound good enough. Call me ‘Daddy’, m’kay, love?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy.” Runa stuttered out.
“Good.” Donnie lined himself back up with her hole, taking it slow once again.
“Da-Daddy, please, rail me.” Runa begged.
“If you insist, princess.” Donnie started to go faster, the skin slapping together made the sounds of the moaning die down.
Donnie started going even faster, making Runa moan, almost scream, before Donnie put the handkerchief back in her mouth to muffle the noise as he continued to rail her. He gripped his sheets, instinctively biting Runa’s neck, pinning her down.
Donnie just let his instincts run wild in that moment, scratching at the sheets, biting and humping the life out of Runa. After the felt himself getting close, he finally released his teeth from Runa’s soft skin and pulled out, seeing Runa had already came at least 4 times.
Donnie smirked as he saw her cream pour out of her, he took out the handkerchief and looked at her lovingly. 
“Where do you want it, Love?” He asked, stroking her cheek.
Runa groaned, “I-In me, Daddy! Please, cum in me, ah~!”
Donnie looked away, nervously. He wanted so bad to just cum inside her and clam her as his own. Watch his seed flow out of her with a beautiful white stream.
But at the same time, he didn’t want to be responsible for getting her pregnant. He wasn’t ready to be a father.
“Darling,” He said calmly, “Are you on the pill?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Runa answered, still clearly drunk on love, “Just, put your dick in me already! Fill me up with your seed, mm~.”
“If you insist, Princess.” Donnie started to rail her again, making sure to hit her spot, making her wiggle.
After she screamed as he came inside her, he pulled out, now fully able to relax. He untied Runa as she rubbed her writs and panted. He watched his juices flow out of her, he felt like he had done a good job. A sense of affection and pride welled in him.
Donnie gazed at her, pulling her by her waist into him, kissing her forehead. He hugged her close to him and laid down, with Runa laying on his chest. Donnie started stroking her hair and rubbing her ears, humming a soft song.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Donnie asked.
“More then enjoyed, God, you’re so good.” Runa said happily, making a kiss noise at the tip of his nose.
“Thank you, baby.” Donnie smiled, catching his breath, “Does thins mean we’re dating now?”
“No, I think we’re married now.” Runa said.
Donnie laughed, oh, she was serious. “Well, I couldn’t imagine anyone else to be my wife.”
“Really?” Runa looked at him with earnest, “You really mean it?”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Donnie smiled, “You’re the cutest badass this planet has ever seen.”
“Mmm, you make me so happy, Donnie.” Runa yawned.
“I’m glad, darling.”
“Hey, Leo,” April nudged Leo, making him look over at her with a disgusted look for interrupting his hyper-fixation.
“What?” Leo snarled.
“Did you ever find out what that noise was?” April asked.
Leo’s face went red, “Well, lets just say Donnie was doing some stuff. And that stuff is Runa,” Leo snarked.
The rest of the family looked at each other uncomfortably.
“Turn up the volume, Mike,” Raph said, looking visibly uncomfortable.
They didn’t bother getting Runa or Donnie for breakfast the next morning.
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retro-radio · 2 years
The stench made him gag and his stomach turn, he felt queasy. He looked at the camera in his hands, it was stained with the same red as the ground. It was seeping towards his shoes, the source coming from a head wound on the man in front of him. Quentin threw the camera away horrified; he watched it clatter to the ground, the lens cracking it was useless anyway the photos he had were all blurry. It didn’t matter that the man before him was bleeding out from the head he didn’t give two shits about him. He was a deranged murder… all that mattered right now was-
Quentin turned around at neck breaking speed. He saw a kid no older than maybe thirteen whimpering from underneath the table, his knees clutched to his chest, his hand rubbing through his hair. He was covered in bruises. He was small for his age and he avoided eye contact, staring at the ground and fiddling with the bandages on his hands. Quentin's mouth went dry. This didn’t seem like the best situation. The kid was looking at Quentin with pure fear and backing away further into the corner like a scared animal. Quentin made a small step towards him and the floorboards creaked under his weight. The kid screamed, backing further away, rocking back and forth slowly whispering to himself. Quentin could only make out a few sentences “I'm safe I’m safe!” And “it’s ok it’s OK!” 
Quentin felt his heart break he decided he should try and get on this kids level so he crouched down and extended his hand. “What’s your name?” He whispered, trying to sound as non threatening as possible. The kid looked at him curiously but didn’t move from his spot “Aaron…” he trailed off looking at the body behind Quentin “P…Peterson”. Quentin nodded and slowly reached forward more trying not to make any sudden movements “ok… Aaron, I’m Quentin ok?” Aaron nodded and slowly scooted forward but kept his hands wrapped around his body tightly. “N…nice to meet you” Quentin nodded and reached into his bag pulling out a paper aeroplane “here you are” he handed it to Aaron who looked at it curiously. “Thankyou…” he trailed off looking at the blood on the floor “are you going to hurt me?” He asked, shaking slightly at the question. Quentin sighed and extended his hand more towards him, smiling. “No… I’m not I promise” Aaron gave him a strained smile “pinkie promise?” Quentin nodded and held out his pinkie to the kid “I pinkie promise”. 
Aaron looked at it, his eyebrows furrowed like he was considering his options. “Ok…” he took Quentin’s pinkie in his pinkie and shook it. Quentin nodded and gently placed his hands on Aaron’s waist who squeaked and tensed up his body shaking more violently. Quentin slowly brought him out of the cramped space and held him gently in his arms. Aaron froze up peeking through the crook of his arm “I… is my dad… dead?” He cringed at the word ‘dead’ Quentin looked at the bird statue that had Ted pinned to the floor he grabbed a blanket from the nearby couch and threw it over the body not wanting to traumatise the kid more than his deranged father already had. “No, he’s just… sleeping?” Quentin shielded the kids eyes and carefully lifted him up, placing him on his hip. 
Quentin had never been athletic but Aaron was light and was easy to hold. “Ok Aaron I need you-” he was cut off by Aaron gripping his shoulders and laying his head on Quentins chest he was still shaking but not as much now like being close to Quentin has somehow calmed him. Quentin caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror recoiling at his busted lip and black eyes. Ted had put up quite the fight kicking, scratching and screaming but Quentin whacked him over the head with his camera and his rage didn’t stop until he saw red. He carried Aaron out the house and  down the porch stopping in the garden “this is where my sister is buried” Aaron's tiny voice said. Quentin rubbed his back soothingly “what happened to her?” Aaron bit his lip and looked down so Quentin decided not to push. He placed Aaron in the front seat and climbed in next to him throwing an empty coffee cup onto the back seat “sorry about the mess kiddo” he smiled and pulled his seat belt across his body. He plugged the key into the ignition and the car lurched forward he stepped down on the accelerator. Next stop: The station.
“You are not fit to raise a chil-”
Quentin's voice boomed through the police station. He slammed his hands down on the bench gasping as pain shot through his arm. The chief sat before him “Quentin please understand that the only living relative this boy has is his aunt so-” he was cut off again by Quentin sighing “No! I’m not allowing that poor boy to go to anyone else in that freak show of a family!” He didn't mean to sound so harsh. Normally he was quiet and passive but he wanted this kid to be safe. The whole car ride Aaron was silent and that deeply concerned him making him wonder what else that man had done! “He's not going into the system so like I said: I will take custody of him”. The chief sighed clearly too tired to fight and leaned back in his chair. “You can't take him…you have no experience in child care”. Quentin peaked through the curtains of the office seeing Aaron sat next to a female officer with a mug of milk and wrapped in a blanket. He closed the blinds and walked back over to the desk. “We have no idea what that poor boy has been through! We can't fathom the trauma he has experienced so please keith…let me take care of him”. It made Quentin’s blood boil thinking about what that monster could have done to Aaron; he took a few moments to compose himself. “What happened to the father anyway?” He spat the word ‘father’ out no way in hell did that man deserve to be even considered a father. Keith looked down “he has been taken to the local hospital to be treated, he will then be trailed and sent to an asylum for the criminally insane.”
 Quentin nodded satisfied that he wasn't going to get away with this. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he had grown slightly attached to the kid holding his hand as they entered the station trying not to hold too hard but firm enough so that he couldn't run. “I may not have the slightest experience in childcare; the only kids I’ve taken care of is when I used to babysit in my teen years, but I can give him somewhere to stay”. Keith sighed again and rubbed his temple “exactly! He needs to go into the foster care system” Quentin shook his head “do I have any experience in child care? No, am I ready to be a dad? NO! But I think I might be the best chance at a stable home this kid may have!” He watched Keith fold his arms across his chest and sat there for a few minutes, his bottom lip pushed out as he reached into his desk. “Here…” he placed a thick folder on his desk, opening it ‘Custody Papers’ in bold letters at the top “sign here…give this kid the home he deserves”. Quenttin grinned wider than he had ever before scribbling his name and initials at the bottom placing the pen next to the folder “thank you sir”. Quentin opened the door to his cabin. It wasn't much but it was home, Aaron was by his side clinging to his legs he seemed content with the idea that Quentin was now his temporary guardian. “I have a spare bedroom for you if you would like, or you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep on the couch?” He removed his Jacket and lanyard and hung it up. The station had bandaged and helped clean some of his wounds. Aaron nodded and looked up at him, his wide brown eyes meeting his “I…I can sleep in the spare bedroom…thank you” he hugged Quentins leg tighter and followed him up into the bedroom that had fairly lights strung from the roof the metal framed bed in the corner with fresh floral sheets. Quentin allowed him to get settled in promising to be back. He went downstairs and heard the landline ring, he picked it up and put the receiver to his ear “hello?” He asked, unsure of who it was “Hello is this Quentin? I’m here to ask about the adoption of Aaron Peterson”. Quentin smiled wide again leaning against the door frame “speaking”. 
@gutz-radio @daradiostarz @teeveetrashee because you guys wanted to read it!
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anakinspraisekink · 2 years
—You're so cute— with Anakin/any clone or (if that's not your thing) Obikin. The plot can be entirely up to you 'cause I have no idea what to do with this. Though I would like some angst because I feel like Anakin would be self-deprecating, but other than that it can be up to you
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I hope you two don't mind that I combined these! This is obikin with "you're so cute" and "are those my clothes?" I tried to have some angsty self-deprecation but then some soft cuddly love as well :)
Warning for body insecurities, body worship, blow jobs
Anakin cuddles further into the cozy blankets on his and Obi-Wan's bed, wearing just his underwear and an old tunic and robe of Obi-Wan's, wanting to be wrapped up in soft comfort after a mediocre day. He doesn't know why he feels so down and kind of sad right now, but he supposes it's just one of those days.
Obi-Wan comes home a few moments later, and Anakin can hear the familiar sounds of the door closing, the tap of Obi-Wan's boots, the light jingle as he hangs his utility belt up. "Anakin?" Obi-Wan calls.
"In here," Anakin calls back in a soft voice, not feeling like being very loud. Obi-Wan comes to the doorway and stops as he takes in the sight of him, giving him a dimpled smile.
"Are those my clothes?" Obi-Wan asks, still smiling, and Anakin tries to smile back.
"Maybe." He watches as Obi-Wan takes his obi and tabards off until he's down to his tunics and trousers.
"You're so cute," Obi-Wan tells him with another grin as he walks over to the bed, and something about today makes Anakin not believe that one bit.
"No, I'm not," he says with a frown, and Obi-Wan raises a surprised eyebrow.
"What do you mean? My sweet boy is the cutest," Obi-Wan replies, but Anakin scowls further, retreating into the safety of the blankets until only his eyes peek out.
"Don't tease," Anakin says, his quiet voice muffled. Now Obi-Wan is the one to frown, sitting on the bed and facing him.
"I'm not, dear one, it's the truth," Obi-Wan says, reaching out to run a hand through Anakin's hair. "Do you believe me?" Anakin just shrugs, lowering his eyes. "What are you thinking, baby?" Obi-Wan asks softly, eyes warm and concerned. "Can you show me why you don't think you're cute?" Anakin immediately brings a hand out of his pile of blankets to point to the scar slashed across his face.
"Scar is ugly," he explains simply, and then more things keep coming as soon as he starts. "My hair is too unruly. I don't like my nose. My lips are too pouty." Anakin cautiously pulls the blankets down and frowns at his right arm. "My mechno-arm is too obtrusive. I've got so many scars and marks on me," he continues, looking down at his bare skin. "My thighs are too wide," he says, voice wavering, and feels his cheeks heat up. "And I blush too easily," he finishes miserably, and ends with tilting his head back to softly thud against the headboard.
He risks a look up at Obi-Wan to find him still looking at him so gently and with no judgement. "Well," Obi-Wan begins. "I happen to have the opinion that all of those things are what help you to be cute. Your scar adds character and a visual proof of strength to an already gorgeous face that is not marred by any unfortunate souvenirs," Obi-Wan says, leaning down to kiss the scar right above the eye. Anakin feels himself blushing further, which then embarrasses him even more.
"Your hair is the loveliest color, and I happen to adore your messy curls. They are perfect to pull and play with and frame your face so wonderfully," Obi-Wan continues, pressing a kiss to the top of Anakin's head. "And your nose! Darling, I could stare at your nose forever," Obi-Wan exclaims, running a finger gently over his face. "Which sounds silly, but it reminds me so much of the ones on those sculpted busts we saw on Naboo. So strong and perfectly carved and somehow so utterly adorable too." Obi-Wan drops a light kiss to the tip of his nose, making Anakin wrinkle it when he pulls away, but Obi-Wan just laughs.
"And your lips are perfect, Anakin. So full and lush, able to show so much expression, so pink and fun to kiss," Obi-Wan continues, caressing his thumb along Anakin's bottom lip before leaning down to give him the softest of kisses on the lips. Obi-Wan pulls back and turns his attention to the rest of Anakin's body, Anakin watching him now curiously. "I love your mechno-arm so much," Obi-Wan says earnestly, gently grabbing his right hand in his own. "It is an amazing example of both your skill and your perseverance, and I think it suits you perfectly." He raises Anakin's hand to kiss the gold-plated knuckles, and Anakin feels his heart flutter.
"That is why I like your scars too: the visual representation of your perseverance and strength and the fact that you are alive to be in my bed right now," Obi-Wan explains, and he takes a long moment to find every single tiny scar and mark on Anakin's body and kiss it, making Anakin start to tear up. "And don't let me forget to tell you how I worship your thighs, dear one," Obi-Wan says, and he looks so honest and fond that Anakin feels like he has to believe him. "They're beautiful and strong and I love when they wrap around me." Obi-Wan dips down to press a kiss to his thighs. "Plus you make the most lovely sounds when I bite you here," Obi-Wan says with a smirk, running a finger over Anakin's inner thighs.
Anakin feels like his face is flaming. "And that brings me to the next point," Obi-Wan continues, moving up again. "The way you blush. It adds such a beautiful rosy hue to your face and is the definition of cute. It's in the dictionary in the Archives, I've checked," Obi-Wan says playfully, and Anakin lets out a surprised laugh despite himself. "You wear your heart on your sleeve and I love that about you, love how you allow yourself to be open about your emotions. It's hard to be able to do that, and so I treasure every blush I get from you." Obi-Wan gives him a pair of kisses on each blushing cheek, and Anakin doesn't know whether to cry or hide his face, but he feels brimming with affection now.
"And let's not forget the most important thing of all—your wonderful, kind, beautiful heart," Obi-Wan finishes, pressing a final long kiss to where Anakin's heart thuds beneath Obi-Wan's borrowed tunic.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," is all Anakin can whisper, blinking back tears. Obi-Wan pulls back and gives him a gentle smile, one hand caressing his cheek so softly.
"Of course, dear one. Your traits don't define you either, my love. You might not like those things about you, but I adore them, every single one, and if I'm telling you that then you had better believe me," Obi-Wan says softly, but with a commanding look. Anakin nods, but then bites his lip, realizing how his cock had reacted to Obi-Wan kissing and praising him.
"Show me some more?" Anakin requests shyly, and Obi-Wan smiles.
"Gladly." Obi-Wan leans in again to kiss him, slow and deep, lips moving so perfectly against his own. Anakin sighs into it, opening his mouth further so Obi-Wan's tongue can slip inside, coaxing the simmering arousal in Anakin's belly to surge up. Obi-Wan gently breaks the kiss and runs reverential hands down Anakin's body, lifting the tunic up and opening the robe before tugging Anakin's underwear down. Anakin lets him, entranced by the way Obi-Wan handles him like he's precious, how he looks at his body like he covets him.
Obi-Wan softly strokes his hardening cock until he's flushed and leaking in Obi-Wan's grip, and then Obi-Wan gets down on his stomach between Anakin's legs. Anakin's chest does somersaults at the sight, his thighs trembling as Obi-Wan gives him a few kisses around his hips before taking the head of his cock into his mouth. Obi-Wan sinks down onto him with ease, his mouth so wet and hot and velvety soft, and Anakin cannot hold back his whiny whimpers. Obi-Wan's hands have to hold his hips down because he's squirming so much, barely able to take the feeling of Obi-Wan slowly taking his length deep into his mouth and then dragging back off, tongue writhing along the underside in a delightful way.
This act feels dirty, but more than that it feels so intimate and loving, especially with the way Obi-Wan's eyes glance up at him as he swallows around him, making sure he feels good. Obi-Wan sucks tighter around his, cheeks hollowed but still maintaining that steady, lazy pace that has desperate tears pricking Anakin's eyes. His hands twist into the sheets at his side, unable to take his eyes away from Obi-Wan's head bobbing as he takes him down, the way his pink lips look stretched and glistening. It's not going to take very much more to come with the way Obi-Wan's mouth is working on him, knowing exactly how to make him crumble apart.
It's nearly too overwhelming, but then Obi-Wan seems to notice and takes one of Anakin's hands in his own and gives it an encouraging squeeze. That's enough for Anakin to fall apart completely, tipping into orgasm with a ferocity that leaves him shaking and breathless, his cock pulsing as Obi-Wan swallows his spend and works him through it. "Fuck—Obi-Wan—so good," Anakin barely pants out and Obi-Wan's eyes twinkle as he looks up at him before finally pulling off.
"Do you believe me now?" Obi-Wan asks, his hair askew and cheeks flushed. Anakin's breath catches in his throat; he loves this man so much.
"Maybe we should do that again just in case," Anakin jokes, honestly feeling a lot better now, and Obi-Wan's smile in return is blinding.
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Dar'Aliit: Chapter Thirteen - Big Picture (Sneak Peak)
20 BBY Capital of Roche
"R3, talk to me," I lunge off the rooftop and hit the other one rolling. I've cleared a second street and I'm hurting. The bolt that pierced my shoulder armor a few blocks back stings, but I keep moving. I can fire one handed.
Another map pings up. The droids are moving toward the last bridge. It looks like that tactical droid is planning to cut us off.
The chatter in my ears tells me it's working. Fang Company has heavy casualties. Addie is doing everything he can to reduce the impact on the civilians, but they're getting spread thin. We have to put an end to this.
I pant and crouch on the edge of the roof. Shading my eyes I can see the tanks moving down the street. They've got a couple of squads on them, so I jump down, land hard, and bust in a window with my elbow. Someone hidden inside screams. I clamber through and put a finger to my helmet.
A quick glance around tells me enough. One kid. Two dead parents. Poor thing. I walk over to where a little girl is curled up under a table and crouch down.
"Shhh, shhh, I'm here to help."
The little girl is mortified. She stares at my faceless helmet and I'm not sure she can tell me from a droid.
I pull it off, wincing, and she blinks as if realizing I'm human. Her hands stick out. She's probably no older than ten. "Where's my mommy?"
I don't know if I should offer to hold her or not. I don't really have time, but I have to make sure she's safe. I glance around. She's hiding well under this table, but if the droids bust back in here and she screams again—
Her hands no longer reach for me. She's looking at my helmet and trying to figure out how it works. Clearly she's a bright kid, just scared out of her mind. She's distracting herself from everything outside.
I push the helmet toward her and route chatter to my comm before muting it. Wouldn't want her to hear the desperation of the outside world right now. "Hold onto this for me, okay? Keep it safe, and don't make a sound. I'll get it when I come back."
She nods and curls back up. I stand up and grab a blanket. "Here," I drape it over the table so it obscured her from vision. She won't see the corpses this way. Poking my head under, she looks up, still shaking.
"Have you ever played forts?" I ask. Maybe that's a silly question. She's a normal kid.
"Hide and seek?" she offers.
"Sure," I manage a smile. "You hide, I'll seek."
That gets the mildest giggle out of her. "But you already found me, mister."
"Well hide here, and I'll pretend I don't know," I say.
She nods rapidly and wraps her limbs around my helmet. I head out.
It's a massacre in the streets. There's white plastoid everywhere and civilians too. I swallow bile and keep moving in the alleys, crouching behind walls, and finally I can see the main body of them. Fang Company, or what's left of it, is holding them back on the north and south. According to the map on my wrist comm, the tactical droid has to be here.
I know I'm supposed to bring the droid in, but I'd like to smash its head to smithereens.
Crouching low in another alley, I take stock of what I have. Low on ammo, low on grenades. I can't get through an army alone.
A deeply tanned face with white stripes appears in a window beside me and I almost curse aloud.
It's a man, older than me. He looks side to side, and then opens the door near the window that leads into the alley I'm hunkered down in. He ushers me inside. I follow and the door slams shut behind me.
"Your men are pinned down," he murmurs in a heavy accent. "We have seen them being slaughtered."
"I know," I try not to scoff in his face. I don't want to think about this.
There's others with him in the room. Men, women, all older, but not old. Some of them grip weapons. My eyes lock onto one woman's rifle. I pull away from the man who invited me in.
"Can I have that?"
"Veti," the man behind me nods.
Veti, the woman, holds it out. I pick it up. It's crude, a civilian weapon, but it's got ammo. And a very nice anti armor attachment on it.
"You should all stay here. Stay safe," I say.
"No!" A man in the back stands up.
"No!" Jo'r shouts again. He shoves forward. He's younger. "I want to fight. I want to see those droids burnt to slag!"
I step in front of him and put out my hand. His deep black eyes lock with mine and I give him a warning look. "Fighting gets you nowhere but in a shallow grave. Stay here, stay with your family, and stay alive."
Jo'r looks past me at the elderly man. He nods.
"Let the soldier handle this, Jo'r."
"Don't be a martyr," I whisper. Jo'r hangs his head and I leave him be. "Thank you," I tell Veti as I head to the door. I'll have to prop it on my good shoulder but now I should be able to get a clear shot at the tanks.
Outside again, and with some difficulty, I make it onto the next roof. I stretch out and set the rifle against my right shoulder and stare down the sights. I tap my wrist comm.
"Captain, can you read me?"
"We're getting slaughtered over here, Kian. Any wise insights to end this?"
"Sorry, sir. Working on it. The droids went after the civvies."
"I know. Where are you now?"
"Staring at your shebs, sir. I can see why the ladies like you.."
"Well don't blow off my best feature."
I chuckle. The humor is our defiance in the face of death. "Hold out a little longer, if you can." I try to keep the sadness out of my voice. I know we're all rather used to this by now. Enough to quip and joke about it, but I still can't stand to think of all the armor tags that will come back without a body.
"Copy that." Addi's communication fizzles out and I'm left alone. Me and the tinnies.
I sight up the head tank facing north and load up a shot. The tank creeps forward and right into range. I fire.
The anti armor round sears the hull and the air shakes as the tank explodes, spitting shrapnel everywhere. I grin to myself, sight up another, and take them out one by one. Like picking off fish caught in a barrel.
"One down," Addie says over the comms. I finish sighting up the last tank before seeing the square head poking out of it. There you are.
"Captain, can you and your men handle the rest?" I ask.
"Without their tanks? They're scrap."
"Got it. I'm going in to retrieve my target."
I drop the rifle, pick up my decee and drop back down into the street. Republic troops come charging into the droids. I charge forward, running between the shrapnel and making my beeline for the last tank. A couple of troopers climb up onto it and plant sticky bombs on the turret.
"You can't do that!" shouts a droid.
"Halt!" cries the tactical droid.
The turret blasts in half. I use the smoky cover to clamber up the sides and stand atop the tank. I lower my decee at the tactical droid's blank pinched face.
"Surrender," I tell him.
"You can not do this. This is an outrage!" It tries waving it's tinny arms in a futile protest.
I squat down and grip the head with my good hand. This thing has no way to know I'm out of shots. With one clean jerk, I rip the head off and the droid goes limp, falling back into the tank.
"Someone throw me a grenade!" I yell.
An unprimed detonator gets tossed up. I snag it, prime it, and lob it right back down into the tank before sliding off it and hitting the ground with my prize in hand.
The tank goes up in flames.
"Kian!" Addie waves me down. I look over at him, but glance back at the streets. "Hold on sir," I say.
"Kian, we need to get–"
"I know." I turn and toss him the droid head. "I'll be right back." I don't wait for further questions, or comments, I just leave them with the intel, and head back down the street.
4 BBY Techno Union Factory
"Battle droids, sir."
I about slam my fist against the wall. "Course it's kriffing battle droids!"
This was supposed to be a simple mission. Hunt down the Jedi Knight and somehow avoid stepping on the Inquisition's toes. Or well, in my case, step on all of them and see how many break.
But this abandoned foundry was not supposed to be filled with battle droids. We've already found plenty of signs of life, though. For a planet ravaged by deadly bio disease, someone's making a clear living out here.
R3 beeps from my side. I look down at him.
He wants to find the control panel. I wave him to it. "Go on."
"Sir," Dross looks at me. "Can we hold up against Battle droids?"
"They're just tin cans, Dross. We'll be fine." My lips curl. "Now c'mon, we have droids to scrap."
Zur follows, as does Jay. I can tell they're all timid. I'm not scared, just kriffing angry. And I thought those droids were done for after the war.
I can see them. Sand colored B1's marching right out of their holding units. I reach for my blaster.
They stop.
"Uh, sir? Is that normal?"
I take a step forward. Maybe they don't see us. Maybe they're just plain dumb. Not one of them so much as flinches.
"Can we just...walk past them?" Zur continues.
Blaster ready, I walk up to them. They don't move. I could shoot one in the head right now if I so wanted. I certainly want to.
"They're decom," Dross confirms. "R3 got into their programming, it looks like. We're clear to move ahead."
R3 trundles happily into the hall. I give him a side eye. "You'd better not turn those things on us, or I will turn you into slag," I hiss as he passes.
R3 beeps mischievously. I hate that droid sometimes. But I admit, he's a solid team member.
I glance at the battle droids as we pass. They don't belong in this day and age anymore. That war is over, but the fight isn't done.
I focus on the hall and lead my team down it. Greater threats wait for us. I scowl and let the hatred boil back into my veins like adrenaline. You can't hide, Jedi.
New Chapter coming on Wattpad and AO3 tomorrow!
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callaawrites · 3 years
15. things you said with too many miles between us --- For Taeju x Female Reader. Thanks!
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Things you said with too many miles between us. Track 15 - Love In the Dark
Warnings: None, just angst above the cut and under the cut I’M SORRY
 It feels like we're oceans apart There is so much space between us Baby, we're already defeated Everything changed me And I don't think you can save me
You know it's him before he even speaks.
You answer the call — Unknown Caller, the screen reads — without even a second of hesitation. You hold the phone to your ear with a trembling hand. You wait.
It's sad, isn't it? It seems that's all you do these days.
The first thing he says is your name.
The relief is evident in his voice when he murmurs it on the other end of the line. Your heart seizes in your chest at the familiar sound. It wraps around the syllables of your name like a childhood blanket. Soft and familiar and warm, even after all this time.
(You are a child, coming home after a blustering day, the sun already gone down but the lights on and dinner on the table. You are a flower, winter-beaten and wilted, turning your face up to the first spring sun. It has been so cold without him. It is so warm, when he's by your side.)
You hate how much you love it.
"Don't say my name," you finally reply, voice as shaky as your hands. "You don't get to say my name."
His voice, as warm as it is, comes resigned.
"I know."
This only angers you even more. You grip your phone as tightly as you can, shocked that it has not crumbled already in your hold. You've already shattered in his.
"It's been nine days, Jung Taeju," you grit into the phone. All I do is wait for you. "Choi Mujin's face has been all over the news. I had to hear about the attack from the girls at the bar and — and I haven't even seen you in nine days. I haven't heard from you in nine days. Are you even in Seoul anymore? Do you even care? I thought you had died."
Silence stretches between you two, like the distance of his absence for the last few agonizing days.
( Unnie, didn't you hear? Dongcheon was busted last night. Choi Mujin's been handed over to the police. A rival gang ambushed the gym too. Four people died. Taeju oppa didn't call you yet? Are you — do you think — they didn't announce any of the deceased yet, could he… )
And then: "I'm not in Seoul," is the only question he chooses to answer.
He continues before you can stop him.
"I won't be able to come back to Seoul for a long time. I won't be able to come by for family dinners on Sundays and I won't be able to pick you up after you've had too much to drink after work," his voice is slow. Measured. Matter-of-fact and rational — as if he's listing off an unfinished to-do list and not hammering in the final nails in the coffin of this misguided romance, about to die at his hands once and for all. "You always get sick in December, so make sure you dress more warmly then. I've arranged flowers for your mother's memorial service already, so don't be surprised when they're delivered. Junho has already been by your apartment today while you were working to change the locks on your door. Gangjae has been taken care of. He won't be able to hurt you again."
You wonder if maybe you shouldn't have picked up this phone call after all.
At least, then, you'd still be allowed to wait.
At least, then, you'd still believe he'd come back to you after this long, long winter.
"Your sister's hospital bill has been paid. I moved some funds to your bank account too. You should be able to return to your classes by next semester. I had — I had Junho fix the lightbulb in your kitchen. I'm sorry I didn't get to do it for you when you asked," he continues. Taeju clears his voice once. The words come out tighter now. "The police will be looking for me. Tell them… tell them you had nothing to do with me."
The tears are hot down your face.
"You didn't know me," Taeju's voice is firm. He doesn't sound like the person you had known anymore.
The last time you had heard his voice, he had been murmuring your name, kissing your temple, pulling the blankets back up to your chin as he slipped out of your warm bed. You had known him then. He had loved you then.
You angrily wipe the tears off your face.
No. No, he loves you now too.
You won't let him erase that truth away.
"— They wont bother you if that's the case. We were careful, so just — live as if you'd never met me. As if you'd never known me. You'll live better that way —"
"Don't tell me how to live my life, Jung Taeju," you finally cut him off, your voice watery but firm. He has not given you a single chance to speak, to argue, to protest. You won't let him interrupt you now either. "I'm not touching your money. I'll pay for my sister's bill on my own. You already promised to be at my mother's memorial service, so deliver the flowers yourself."
The way he whispers your name after breaks you.
"Don't do this," he whispers, voice as broken as you feel. Gone is the facade, the nonchalance, the professionalism. Taeju's voice is soft and ragged, wrapping around you like unfinished silk. "Don't be like this. Please. I need to keep you safe—"
"Then keep me safe yourself," you bite back, angry and afraid and aching.
Maybe it's better that he's not in Seoul.
He'd feel terrible, if he saw you crying like this.
"I'm going to wait for you," you promise vehemently. You are the winter flower, sturdy and resilient and strong as you wait for spring. You are his girl — only his — who will wait all her days, just to see him come home. You're strong enough. He has loved you so deeply and so thoroughly that you will be strong enough to weather this storm. "So come back when… when this has all passed. When you've fixed all of this. Come back to me."
You hang up before you can hear his answer — before he can protest or agree or anything else in between.
You've made your choice. His opinion on it is irrelevant.
You will wait.
No matter what. No matter how long it takes.
Come back to me.
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
When The World Knows Peace
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x afab!reader
Wc: 1.6k
Cw(s): SMUT, unprotected sex, sex in a forest, sappy love, oral sex (reader receiving), prolly typos (tell me if it sucks ass)
Summary: The world may know a fleeting moment of peace when lovers embrace
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Many a moon-many a generation- had passed before the lovers met under the moonlight once more. Their souls had been connected since the dawn of time, always drawn to each other, always in yearning for the other, and never complete lest the souls find each other once more.
It is said that their very souls were once one, until the Gods' tore them from one another; to damn the lovers to an eternal plight to once again be whole.
Their tale had existed in many different tongues, a legend of time, a legend of persistence. Twas for naught, as the children whose ears the tale fell upon laughed - for, how true may true love really be?
Yet, each time the souls rejoin, the onlookers-whom had grown from the children who laughed- were marked as indisputably mistaken. Only fools may look upon the souls intertwined and still beg the question how true may true love really be?
In the expanse of the many eons, the souls had taken many a form; each with a different face, doctrine, and colour. Be that as it may, none were to be more beautiful in the eyes of one half than their counterpart. Each visage had the other swooning at first sight, feeling the everlasting pull of fate to their other half.
There were lifetimes where the clock ticked much too speedily, and the lovers were once more damned to a life of separation and settling.
But not this one.
Now, as the lovers lay in the forest, they loved, they loved, and they loved, as if this may be the last lifetime they may spend together.
"Happy three years, Baby," Jake whispered to you. A deep blush spread from your sternum to the upper-most tips of your ears. Somehow, despite having been in love with him for three years now, even the simplest of words from Jake could have the blood rushing through your veins at mach speed. The beautiful boy beside you chuckled, brushing his rough thumb over your cheek. "Awe, you still get all flustered around me."
"I'm going to punch you in the mouth," you laughed, placing you hand over his. Jake smiled contently, gazing at your beguiling face. "Y'know how we went to that really fancy restaurant on our first year?" Jake nodded. "And to Vancouver on our second?"
"If this is about how our third is low budget and-"
"I like this one the best," you finished with a snicker. Jake rolled his eyes with a certain sass.
"So we spent all that money only for you to be happier with a blanket and a forest?" He grinned. You laughed, propping your head up with one hand, resting the other on his chest. Jake smiled up at you, "Well I'm glad my idea is the best one."
Leaning lower, you brushed your nose across his, gaining a low chuckle from your counterpart. "You're an asshole," is all you said before closing the gap between your lips and his.
While your one hand traveled up to cup the lower part of Jake's face, his hand came over and rested upon your side. Still, you shivered at the touch, his fingertips seeming to strike lightning to each cell in your body.
"Baby, I love you - you know that, yeah?" Jake mumbled, breaking the kiss for a fraction of a second.
You couldn't suppress the smile. "I know that, Jakey. I've always known - just like you've always know of my love for you."
"I would not wish any companion in the world but you," he spoke lowly.
"The Temptress. Slick."
Jake came back up to rejoin your lips, for he could never satiate the need of your own upon his. The overwhelming feeling of passion engulfed you both, bathed in the light of the Pale Lady Moon above, while shrouded by the dark green of the foliage.
Pushing you back on the blanket, Jake deepened the kiss so that there may be no doubt of his love for you. The feeling of utmost devotion was palpable to even the animals passing by.
Grasping the ever-so soft locks of his hair, your fingers got lost in the maze of his scalp, bringing him infinitely more close. Jake's hands roamed your body as if he were savouring the moment, though this was not the first nor the last he'd ever caress your sweet form. One hand drifted from the curvature of your frame to lift your thigh, effectively wrapping your leg around his waist.
The tight prison of Jake's jeans brushed against your own as you could feel the warmth of arousal dampening your underwear. With a small tug on the roots of his hair, Jake groaned, relishing in the pleasure just your simple touch could bring him.
For a moment, you broke the kiss, as for both you and Jake to strip your shirts. The cool night air nipped at your skin, but you could practically imagine steam rolling off the two of you. Jake began to kiss from your jaw, to your clavicle, leaving the smallest bites and the sloppiest kisses down the territory of your neck. The hands fondled your newly exposed chest, making your nails drag down his back when he began to pinch and twist one of your nipples with his forefinger and thumb.
"Jesus, Jakey," you sighed in pleasure.
Your comment only spurred the guitar player further, becoming more rough with your breasts. He opted to attach his lips to your chest, while beginning to toy with your unoccupied nipple. His teeth grazed your tender skin, making you putty in the palm of his hand.
"You torture me, y'know," you respired as Jake began to make his trail further down your torso. The lowly laughter of Jakey only sent vibrations from your stomach to the spot he was most anxious to meet.
His dark eyes met yours, looking at you in the most sinful way. "It'd be no fun if I didn't." As he spoke, his fingers undid the button and zipper of your jeans, removing them from your legs entirely, to join with your shirts, in a pile long forgotten. The pressure you felt against your core was still clothed by your soaked underwear, making your boyfriend hum, "You're always so wet for me."
"And you're always rock hard for me," you responded, letting your calf graze his raging erection. Jake smiled as he came into connect with your clit, sending a shiver up your spine. You couldn't resist the low moan that came from your lips, "Please, Jakey."
"As you wish."
With a swift snap, your panties were removed from you, leaving you fully exposed to a man you fully trusted. He leaned further down, letting his warm breath fan your weeping heat. Flattening his tongue, he collected your juices on his tongue, reveling in your sweet taste. You let out a groan as Jake began lapping up your arousal with his tongue, having it like ambrosia.
"You taste amazing," he whispered. His tongue came into contact with your clit; abusing the bundle of nerves while his fingers found home inside of you. The sounds you made were pornographic as Jake decided to begin sucking your sensitive spot.
It wasn't far after that you could feel the nerves begin to collect in the pit of your stomach. The fingers that carded in his hair became unorganized, and Jake knew that was his sign to stop.
You gave him a look of betrayal as he began undressing the rest of himself. "Tortuous."
"As wonderful as you taste, Baby," Jake said, coming back on top of you. He tilted your head with his fingers gently, leaning in closer. "You know I love it when you cum on my cock. Who am I to deprive you of that pleasure?"
"God, you're so right."
You attacked his lips feverishly as Jake began to slowly fill you to the brim. The kiss stopped you from making too loud of a sound, but it was unavoidable.
His thrusts were slow and methodical, finding your g-spot. Once the soft tissue was found, Jake began ensuring he hit it every time. With every hitch in your breath and every vibration sent down his throat, Jake came closer and closer to his own undoing.
"Jakey, I'm really - ah - really close," you whimpered.
"Me too. I'm right behind you," he grunted, his thrusts becoming less and less methodical, yet more and more animalistic.
The bundle of nerves in your stomach finally burst, causing your legs to spasm and your walls to clench around the cause that was buried deep inside. Feeling the wave of orgasm wash over you, Jake was quick to follow, shooting his warm seed deep inside of you.
After a few more weak thrusts, Jake slipped out of you, flopping next to you on the blanket. You looked over at him, but Jake was already looking at you.
"Even after three years, you can still fuck me like no one else," you laughed. Jake busted a ragged smile as his chest heaved, trying to absorb every bit of oxygen he could get.
"I'll never get tired of you, Y/n," he told you. You smiled, getting bashful again. "Even when we're old and grey, I'll be right by your side, still taking you to plays and still playing you every song you want to hear."
"I'd want nothing more."
The two of you joined for one more kiss, this one oozing with passion and love. And for a moment, the world was still, and all that mattered was this moment.
The Gods let it be so, that when the souls shall be connected once more, enthralled in the other's embrace, the world would know peace, if not just for a fleeting moment.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Royal Flush
[Stephen Holder X Reader]
Summary: Strip poker because I'm so original, see? Masterlist
Tags: 18+ | 3k words | strip poker, swearing, you make him BIG mad lol, ripping clothes, unprotected floor sex
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AN: I'm trying not to think too much
Stephen was a gambler. Former narcotics addict, now homicide detective, city kid– you know he knows his way around a craps table. 
You know he thinks he knows his way around a craps table. 
That's why you invite him over to your place after a gala you attended at your workplace. You're already dressed up, long tailored gown and heels, hair done and makeup perfected. A look he's not too used to as it's not the business casual you usually bust out around him. 
Stephen whistles from the window and waves a bottle of wine at you. You laugh and let him into your apartment, watch him circle around you like a shark examining its prey. He sets the bottle down on your counter and gives you another hungry once over (more like thrice over). 
"Damn girl," he says, "if I knew we were partyin', I'da worn a suit." 
"You don't own a suit, Stephen." 
"Yes I do…?" 
You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his waist. "Those ratty little sixties digs you callin' a suit now?" 
You expect him to kiss you when you remember suddenly that y'all aren't there yet. You're just friends, coworkers with too much sexual tension. And all you can do is pile onto that tension and hope someday soon he breaks. 
"Got a bottle opener?" 
Stephen's not a wine guy and looks silly drinking it out of the Blue's Clues cup your nephew left at your place. He thinks you look the part though– you grabbed a real wine glass after all. Suave and sexy and dangerous for his appetite. A part of him wishes he had left the second he saw what you were wearing but he's convinced now (since he's already here) that he can resist your charms. 
You however have other plans. You intend to make it painful for him to resist. 
The power goes out just as the game you were watching hits a highlight. "Fuuuck, man! Shit was finally gettin good!" 
You laugh. "No backup generator at my place, sorry. Help me get the emergency candles out." 
"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Stephen took the candles from you and placed them on the tabletop. "You got board games or som'n? You knit?" 
"I have a deck of cards, you ever play poker?" 
"Shit girl, course I have," Stephen sniffs and tries not to check you out as you bend over to grab some throw blankets and put them over the table's chairs. "Do you even know how to play?" 
Oh my god this is going to be so easy. You consider for a second telling him no but you don't want him to go easy on you. "Yes, I do. I'm quite good actually." 
You can see the glimmer of competition echo in his shiny eyes. "Not better than me, you're not." 
You take a seat and hand the deck over. "Only one way to find out. And we can make it interesting." 
"Yeah? I win, you take your clothes off?," he joked. 
That wiped the smile right off of his face for a second and you continued. "Rules are: loser can pick what they want to take off, if it comes in pairs it goes in pairs, aaannd…" 
You squint as you think. "... winner gets a free dinner." 
"Shiiit, ok." Stephen sits down and lets you shuffle the deck first. "I'm thinkin' you're gonna take me to Denny's tomorrow." 
You scoff. "Ew." 
"What? Breakfast for dinner is what's up!" 
"That is not my issue with Denny's. Cards served, let's fucking go." 
You won the first round and Stephen rolled his eyes. "I let you win," he says as he takes his overcoat off. 
He won the second round and you handed him your necklace for safe keeping. You won the third round and Stephen glared at you. His hoodie came off and he didn't bother hanging it up, just dropped it to the floor. "You got on, what, three more things? This'll be easy for me, baby, you shoulda changed before we did this." 
You did nothing but smile cryptically. "Then it sounds like you have nothing to worry about, detective." 
The power came back on but he barely noticed. Oh, he was fuming. You almost felt bad for him. Almost. 
Stephen Holder had not won a single game in an hour. He lost his badge, his belt, his shoes, the contents of his pockets (which you argued had to go all at once), his shirt, and his chain. 
You were sitting pretty in your dress, heels, and earrings. He was staring at you, studying you, pinning you down with his gaze and undressing you himself. Three times– three times– he had a winning hand, and you'd still beaten him. What the fuck was this witchcraft? 
"Do you wanna stop?" You could hardly contain your sniggering. 
"You're fucking cheating," he growls. 
"Is that a yes?," you tease. 
Stephen snatches the cards from your hands and shuffles them back into the deck himself. He does so methodically, as if he'll get you to fold and confess your crimes. When you didn't so much as flinch under his gaze he dealt you your new cards. "Let's fucking play." 
0.2 seconds in, Stephen knew this round was over the second he looked at his cards. He hides his face in his hand and says, "I fold." 
"Already?," you say. The glare he gives you is ice cold. "Ok then, lose somethin', hotshot." 
Stephen's hand went straight to the button of his pants, but he stopped and stood up. He grabbed you by the arm and ignored your protest as he made you stand up. 
"What the hell are you doing?" 
Looking for extra cards, of course. When he inevitably found you weren't sitting on them, and he let you go, backing away dangerously before standing next to his seat with a tight jaw. 
You're starting to become concerned you've pushed him too far. Stephen reaches for his pants again and you catch a glimpse of that happy trail and just how far down it goes… too far. 
"Stephen… are you wearing underwear?" 
He shakes his head and grasps the loops of his belt. You shout "stop stop stop," and catch him before he reveals himself. "Ok! Stop! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Could you… just… do your socks instead." 
"-- you said loser picks–" 
"Yeah well that was back before I knew you were commando, so!" You drop his arm. "Socks off now please." 
Stephen sits back down heavily and doesn't take his eyes off you as he gets down to his last remaining article of clothing. "We can stop. I can see you're not having fun anymore and I want to stop." 
"What you mean, girl? I'm having fun." Yeah, sure, you can see how much fun he's having in the tension in his muscles. "You gonna stop one away from touchdown to, what, spare my feelings?" 
You cover your mouth and lean across the table with a pleading look. "... promise you won't be mad?" 
Stephen does no such thing, only mirrors your pose and waits. You reach into your sleeve and produce a very literal ace from it. You also pull a king from your bodice just to make matters worse. Stephen slams his hands on the table and screams, "I FUCKING KNEW IT!" 
He points an accusing finger at you. "Why you playin with me, girl? Don't you know anything about cheating 101? Don't show ya hand and don't win every fucking game." 
Truth be told, you only used it for three rounds, Stephen actually sucked shit at this game or maybe you just kept getting lucky but you're not about to tell him that. 
"Guess I got greedy," you said, biting your thumb. "... new rule?" 
"New rule?" Stephen doesn't know where to put his hands as he suddenly starts brainstorming. "Yeah, yeah new rule… new rule is…" 
He looks right at you. Sitting there, fully clothed and abashed. Sorry but not sorry if he can tell by the way your eyes keep drifting over his physique. He'll make you sorry. 
"New rule is: cheaters lose everything." 
You look at him to make sure he knows what he just said to you. This… this was the line in the sand you've been trying to cross for a year now. A line you were pushing and not expecting to cross so soon. He's got the ball in your court whether he realizes it or not. You won't waste it but you still want to be sure. 
You stand slowly to match him. "Go ahead then. Take it off me." 
Stephen's eyes darken. He pulls you close, slides his hands down your back. His nose bumps yours and your eyes drift closed, mouth opening in invitation until– 
Rrrrrip. Say goodbye to your favorite dress. 
"Stephen Holder," you say dangerously low. 
He looks pleased to say the least. "There," he drops your tattered dress to the floor, exposing you. "See? I win." 
The man bites his lip and skims his hands over your sides up to your breasts. "I win…" 
Your anger doesn't last long and you take his face in your hands slowly. Stephen's gaze doesn't lift from your now bare chest until you slot your mouth against his. His eyes drift shut and he tastes you for the first time, sighing softly. He squeezes your breasts in his hands and slips an arm around your shoulders to press you closer to him, parting his lips from your and kissing down your neck. 
"Stephen," you sigh and roll your hips. He's still wearing his jeans and they scratch at your sensitive skin. "Off. Off. Your pants…" 
You didn't notice his hand around your throat until you felt him squeeze. Your whole world blurs as he spins you around, bends you in half, and smacks your ass hard. 
You yelp and clamber to keep your balance in your heels. He takes you by your throat again and pulls you back against him, nipping your ear and rolling his hard-on into your backside. He's working his pants off, naked cock springing free and smearing precum on your cheeks. 
"So fuckin…" he never finishes his sentence as he bites down on your shoulder and bends you over the table, cards sliding to the floor as you brace yourself. 
"Just take me, baby," you beg. 
You're shaking with anticipation, needing him to give you what you've been working so hard for. He snaps your thong but doesn't rip it like your dress knowing you might bite his head off this time. "You know looking at your ass in this dress, thought you was commando too. Take this shit off." 
And just like that, his boiling heat is removed from your body leaving you cold and aching. You catch Stephen stumbling out of his pants as well and barely have time to kick your shoes off before he's on you again. Your nipples are hardened buds that he grasps for leverage and rocks his hips so his cock slips between your thighs and becomes coated in your excessive slick. 
"Fuck. All for me, doll?" 
You adjust your hips at the perfect angle for him to slip right into you and you both gasp. Stephen wastes no time and leans over your back, pinning you down and pressing his full length into you to the hilt. You feel him shudder as he bottoms out and tries to breathe to relax. 
"Almost lost it there," he whispers an inch in your ear. 
"'Cause I'm just that fucking tight, huh?" 
Stephen answers by pulling almost all the way out and slamming into you so hard it cuts your laugh off with a whimper and rocks the table. He definitely left a dent in your wall but you couldn't bring yourself to care. I mean, it's not like your landlord will care if you wake up the whole apartment complex– you were never going to get that security deposit back anyway. 
Stephen starts a rough pace and sucks a few hickeys into your neck and shoulder. The sounds you're making, the wet squelch of him moving within you, do you have any idea what you do to him? What you are doing to him right now? 
"Fuck baby," Stephen pulls you down to the floor, pressing your face into the tiles and kicking your knees apart before slipping back inside you and pounding away, basically drilling you into the floor. 
You can't even squeal in this position– your mouth hangs open uselessly as he fucks you breathless like an animal. You could hear him mumbling shit under his breath, changing his pace to his own design and leaving you guessing and messy. 
"Fucking bitch… drive me outta my fucking mind with your damn games… never had a pussy take me so good… like you were made for me…" 
Your orgasm blinds you. Whole world turns white and all sound turns to static as you come. You don't even notice when you slip off Stephen's cock and lay down proper on the floor, squeezing around nothing. When you come to, he's peppering your face with kisses and holding your hand. 
"You ok? Thought I lost you there." 
You grumble and try to get back into position but slump and hiss at the pain in your neck. Stephen helps you roll into your back and to his surprise, he watches you spread your legs and hook them around his waist despite your debauched state. You're laying there with an arm flung over your eyes and fucked out asking for more. 
"You…" he huffs a laugh, "you're unbelievable." 
"You gonna fuck me or not?" 
Stephen rubs circles on your hip in thought. You seem fine now, if tired and satisfied. Hair's a god awful mess despite him not touching it once and your skin is as shiny and sparkly as your diamond earrings. 
"Offering you a warm, wet place to come, winner," you wiggle your hips and smile. 
"Well since you offered…" 
Stephen leans a hand by your head and slips back into your welcoming heat. You hiss despite yourself but adjust quickly and bite your lip to brace yourself for another assault. Instead, Stephen leans down and kisses you full on the mouth with a gentleness he had not shown you previously. 
"Fuck girl." Stephen grabs your hip and thrusts languidly, feeling in depth how good your pussy feels taking every inch of his cock. He admires your body and the jiggle your breasts and belly give with every slam of his hips. "You like it dirty, huh?" 
You moan in the affirmative and hold your hands over your head. 
"You letting me fuck you on the floor," he muses, "such a dirty fucking girl." 
You purr and buck your hips. It gives Stephen an idea. Keeping himself deep inside you by tightening his grip on your hips, he shifts from sitting on his knees to sitting on his calves, effectively settling you into his lap. An awkward position for you that presses your shoulders into the floor, but with one thrust your entire body jerks in surprise. 
He does it again and hits something deep inside you. "Oh-o fuck–" 
You choke as he hits it again, eyes wide and hands scrambling for purchase suddenly. He offers you no help, smiling as he drills into that spongy little organ that makes you see fireworks behind your eyes. 
His name falls from your lips like a breathless chant, he loves watching you squirm on his cock and he has to change from hammering thrusts to shallow circles to keep himself from blowing his load too soon. 
"You came already– do it again, baby…" 
You can only answer with another moan and pure animal obedience. Your eyes roll back and your pussy constricts so tightly around him, he can't move for a second and grunts. He pulls your trembling body up to press your chest into his, rocking you gently as you convulse and go limp in his arms. 
He's panting hard, but it can't stop the huge grin from his face. He holds you tighter to him, adjusts your hips so he stays inside you while he peppers light kisses on your neck. It's when you finally come to and lean back that you take his breath away. 
Your eyes are shining as you look at him. There's something running down his thigh but he can't stop thinking about how beautiful you are. How right this feels. 
His grip on you tightens painfully and his eyes roll back. A long, low groan leaves his mouth as he comes harder than he's ever come before. There's just the barest sense of your fingers curling into his hair and he's shaking all around you, all consuming and warm. 
You pet his sweat slick hair and he loosens his arms just enough for you to steal your first breath in a minute. He buries his face into the crook of your neck and releases a broken moan, holding you close like he's afraid you'll leave if he lets you go. 
"Stephen," you whisper. "Hey…" 
As soon as the post-orgasm hazes disappates, he feels stupid. Why did he come? No one was even moving! What the fuck is wrong with him? 
"Stephen." You drag his face up by his ears and force him to look at you. You're not sure what's happened either but you're not mad about it. He cannot be comfortable kneeling on the cold tile floor of your kitchen. "Baby look at me." 
His eyes flick up momentarily. "Uh… I uh…" 
You smile reassuringly. "Come on, take me to bed." 
Stephen sighs in relief. "You sure?" 
You stand up and feel his soft cock slip out, some of his come dripping into his lap and leaving a mess. You hold out a hand and pull him with you to your bedroom door, chuckling. "Yeah baby, I'm sure." 
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chefdoeuvre · 3 years
Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader
Description: No matter how hard you try to hide it Jay can read you like an open book.
Words: 1,479
Requested: yes by anonymous; So I thought it would be cute if Jay and reader have just started seeing each other secretly and she's acting off and quiet at work and he notices before everyone else please?? Thank you x
Warnings: angst (if you can even call it that), mentions of cancer, fluff as usual.
A/N: I just want my own Jay Halstead. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
After leaving Jay's place early that morning you made your way back home. You hadn't initially planned on staying the night, but there was something about being in his arms that made you not want to get up. You pulled up to your building and ran up to your apartment. Hurriedly heading inside you made a beeline for the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once you finished up your shower you pulled on your normal work clothes, which consisted of a plain shirt and jeans. Grabbing your holster and your badge you clipped them onto your jeans. You headed to the kitchen and scrounged for some form of quick breakfast before you would head off to your usual coffee shop.
Just as you began quickly munching on a granola bar your phone began ringing from the couch where you had tossed it when you walked in. The caller ID was your mom, so with furrowed brows, you answered the phone.
"Mom?" You asked.
A sniffle was heard on the other end before she spoke, "hi, sweetie."
"Mom, what's wrong?" At this point, you had started pacing and racked your brain for what possibly could have gone wrong.
"It's your father..." Your mother began, but she trailed off.
"Is he?" You couldn't even say the words out loud.
"No! It's not that, he went to the doctor the other day." She took a deep breath before continuing. "They said he has lung cancer." Your mom quickly explained after realizing where your mind had gone.
"What else?" You questioned in a whisper, holding your tears back to be strong for your mother.
"They caught it early, he's starting chemotherapy soon. Hopefully, he'll beat it since it's in the early stage still." Your mom continued.
"Can I talk to him?" You asked as you chewed on your lip, a bad habit you did whenever you became nervous.
The shuffling from the other end was heard and then your father spoke, "hi, honey." Even with his recent diagnosis, you could hear the smile in his voice, that's how he always was, happy no matter what.
"Hi, daddy." You whispered with a small smile from hearing your father's voice.
"I heard you finally got into Intelligence, I hope Hank is treating my best daughter well." He laughed, even if you had been in the unit for quite a while every time you talked he would tease Voight about treating you well, they had been best friends since they were young.
"Dad, I'm your only daughter and I've already told you, it's going great." You laughed, shaking your head.
"That's good to hear. Now, I don't know what your mother told you but don't worry about me, I'll be back to the same old me soon enough." Your father reassured you, "and shouldn't you be heading to work now?" Your father asked in a teasing tone.
"Alright, dad. And yeah I should, but it's fine one late won't kill my career. I'll just bribe Voight with his favorite coffee order." You joked.
"Bye, sweetheart." Your parents both said before ending the call.
Wiping the stray tears off your face you decided to skip out on going to the coffee shop and would just drink the burnt one they had at work. Taking a deep breath you set off to work, pulling on a coat and pocketing your phone.
Walking into the district you greeted Trudy with a small smile and headed up the stairs to Intelligence. Making your way to your desk Jay looked over to you and sent you a wide smile. In response, you gave him a tight-lipped one back. He furrowed his brows at your behavior, but decided he wouldn't push it and chalked it up to the early morning you had after leaving his apartment to make it on time to work.
The day got off to a quick start with you guys getting a case within an hour of arriving to work. Throughout the entire time, you had been silent and only spoke up to provide important points that the others missed. After uncovering more information Voight began setting up a sting. You were paired up with your usual partner, which just so happened to be Jay. This also was the reason why you had kept your relationship a secret, so much so that not one soul knew besides the two of you.
You were off in a corner pulling on your vest when Jay came up behind you to help.
"Hey, you alright?" Jay whispered, sweeping your hair to one side.
"Yeah, I'm good." You answered shortly, Jay caught on to this because whenever he would ask you a question of some sort you'd always babble on about the little things that made you happy that day.
This was the second thing today that set him off which made him furrow his brows in confusion. You were all smiles when you left this morning and he was racking his brain for anything he might have said to upset you, but came up with nothing.
After strapping on your thigh holster and checking your gun you hopped into Jay's truck and waiting for him. You looked down at your jeans and picked at the hole by your knee from when you tackled a perp. The sound of a door opening made you lift your head and you were met with concerned blue eyes. You did your best to give the man a small reassuring smile before directing your attention back to your lap.
Tilting his head like a confused puppy Jay eyed your movements carefully. Whatever was wrong had bothered you so much that it made you find your shoes the most interesting things in the world at the moment. Giving you one last glance Jay turned the key and started the car.
You guys quickly headed in and were out within minutes. Apparently, the offenders were in way over their heads and dropped everything after Intelligence busted into the warehouse. Dragging the last person out you handed him off to an officer and beelined to Jay's truck. Hopping in you let out a deep breath and pulled your hair out of the tight ponytail it was in. You leaned your head back before shutting your eyes. You didn't hear Jay get in and he examined your expression before announcing his presence.
"Y/N?" Jay spoke up.
Your eyes shot open and you spun around in your seat to face your boyfriend. Your eyes were wide at the sudden sound, you hadn't even realized he entered the car.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Jay asked, placing a gentle hand on your arm.
You closed your eyes and leaned forward, letting your head fall onto Jay's shoulder. Instinctively his hand went to your hair and raked through it. In this moment you were thankful for the tinted windows that hid the two of you from plain sight and the fact Jay had parked farther away.
"No, I'm not." You murmured quietly that Jay barely heard it.
"You wanna talk about it?" Jay asked pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I'll tell you about it later." You shook your head.
Later had come and now you sat on Jay's couch bundled up in a blanket while a Blackhawks game played on the television. Jay was in his room pulling out your favorite hoodie of his. Walking out he handed you the article of clothing.
"What's this?" You asked sitting up.
"Your favorite hoodie of mine." Jay shrugged nonchalantly as he took a seat beside you.
You thanked him with a small smile and he gave you a soft one in return. Once you had pulled on his hoodie, which was big and baggy on you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He pulled you into his side and rubbed up and down your arms.
"My ears are open for whenever you're ready." Jay reassured you.
He had his fair share of communication problems when it came to sharing his feelings so he understood if you didn't want to talk about it just yet.
"It's my dad." You began with a whisper. Jay only nodded for you to continue.
"He got diagnosed with cancer, they called me this morning." Jay squeezed your shoulders as he hugged you tightly.
"Thanks." You said after a few moments of silence.
"For what?" Jay questioned.
"I don't know, for noticing?" You said, but it was phrased more like a question.
"I know you better than you think." Jay mused placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You let out a small laugh and wrapped your arms around Jay's waist tightly. The two of you stayed in that position the majority of the night until he had to practically carry to bed once you dozed off after the game ended.
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z-iridest · 4 years
When You Call Him By His First Name- Yu-Gi-Oh! Edition (GN reader for the most part)
Yugi Muto
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You met Yugi on your first day of school when you were both freshman
You'd found yourself lost in the big school and ran into Yugi (quite literally)
He showed you around, and after a conversation about Duel Monsters, the two of you hit it off right away
But it wasn't until sophomore year that he asked you out (with a little help from Yami)
At first, he blushed dark red everytime you called him a pet name besides his nickname
But, after a few years of dating, he got accustomed to it (honey may or may not be his favorite for you to call him..... God knows he loves calling you darling.)
That brings us to the present day:
Yugi and you had been living together since senior year, and he always made it a habit to find little ways to express his love for you
Cooking you breakfast, surprising you with a hug from behind, cuddling, or surprise kisses, he did everything he could to spoil you rotten with affection
That was about when you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok
You bit your lip, uncertain whether or not to do it.... Then you started watching the videos
One of the videos you watched was your best friend calling their s/o by their first name.... and it was hilarious
So, you decided to try it yourself
While the two of you were getting ready to leave for a tournament Kaiba was hosting, you looked for your deck. "Yugi, have you seen my deck?" You asked him, only to get silence. "Yugi?"
When you turned around, he looked confused, his head tilted to one side.
"Did I do something wrong?" Yugi asked you. You shook your head.
"No, why?" You asked, somehow managing to keep your composure despite the fact that you wanted to bust up laughing
"You called me by my first name.... You haven't done that since before we first got together." Yugi pointed out. A giggle slipped out, which made Yugi raise a brow before he realized what was going on. "It's a Tik Tok challenge, isn't it?" He asked before you lost your self control, laughing as you doubled over.
Yugi shook his head, trying not to laugh himself as he walked over to you before scooping you up bridal style without warning
The action he took resulted in a squeak out of you, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck. When you looked at Yugi, you found a smile on his face.
"You're lucky I love you, my darling." He told you with a kiss to your nose, making you giggle
Yami Yugi/Atem
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It took Yugi for this 5000 year old Pharaoh to figure out he had it bad for you
The longing looks whenever you'd walk into a room, the more he seemed to sweat with you around, the way his eyes would light up when you cheered him on in a duel, how flustered he got anytime your name was mentioned.
So, not unlike how he forced Yami to switch places when Tèa took him out to help him with his memories, he did the same thing by telling you to meet up with Yami after school
When you got to the meeting spot, you found Yami looking bewildered before he started yelling at the Puzzle, obviously not noticing you and having just been switched out with Yugi
"Hey! Yugi, I'm not... You can't.... This isn't a Duel!" Yami stumbled over his words, the moment you walked in on causing a giggle to slip out of you.
That giggle was when he finally noticed you, going beet red in embarrassment and waving awkwardly. "Hello." His greeting was just as awkward, shortly before you had asked him what he wanted to talk about. He had blushed and looked at his boots
"I just... Wanted to say..." His blush grew even darker, if it was humanly possible, before he looked at you through his lashes. "I really like you, and I want to know if you will allow me to be yours." Of course, you said yes, and the rest is history
Flash forward 3 years
Yami, aka Atem now, had gotten his memory and his name back, but instead of choosing to go to the Afterlife, he stayed with you.
He had told you that while he was happy to have his memories back, he still had many more memories he wanted to make with you
At the present day, the two of you had moved in together, and the gang had told you two time and time again that you guys acted like a married couple.
It made you blush, while Atem seemed to like the idea of calling you his wife (He even picked up the habit of calling you either wifey or his Queen of Hearts 🥰)
Since getting together, the two of you only called each other by pet names, two of the names Atem uses are the two I just mentioned. The others are baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, my love.... Yeah, that boy's a sap for you and he knows it
Meanwhile, you usually call him Baby, Honey, sweetie, darling, hubby, the list could go on forever.
Until the day you saw the newest challenge on Tik Tok.....
You knew it could possibly get you in trouble with Atem, but that was when the video you were just watching got sent to you by Joey, daring you to do it to Atem or owe him 30 bucks.
Guess what you ended up doing?
The two of you were cuddling on the couch together, and unbeknownst to Atem, your phone was recording everything.
His strong arms were wrapped around you, his head burried in the crook of your neck, planting little kisses there every now and then
"Atem." You spoke his name and had to stifle a giggle when he burried himself deeper into your neck. "Atem." You tried again, squeaking when he playfully nipped your neck, hearing a chuckle rumble in his chest. "Atem." You called his name a third time, causing him to look up at you with his head tipped to the side, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face
"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked you.
"Because that's your name, you dork." You replied, a giggle slipping out before it turned into a squeak as he shifted the two of you so you were laying on his chest.
"Nope, not to you, my Queen. Now, what's my name?" He asked. You folded your arms on his chest, laying your chin on top so you could see him.
"Baby. I love you." You answered, making him smile.
"Much better. I love you too, my love." He answered before kissing your nose and making you giggle. "By the way, tell Joey he owes you 30 bucks." His comment made you laugh as you stopped recording and you could feel him shaking in laughter with you.
By Ra, did he love making you laugh, he lived for the little moments like this with you
If only you knew about the ring in his pocket, and his plan to make sure that the little moments would keep happening everyday....
Joey Wheeler
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Now, for everyone's favorite Brooklyn Boy
Meeting him was.... Definitely a day to remember
He kept flirting with you (and failing miserably at dealing pickup lines), but it made you laugh
Not unlike Yugi and his s/o, the two of you connected with Duel Monsters (he may or may not have bragged that he taught Yugi everything he knew)
After a while of hanging out together, you found that Joey was actually charming and funny when he was being himself..... As well as cute when he was being protective of you if and when other guys made you uncomfortable
After a few months of knowing you, Joey asked you out
Over the next 3 years, you had no idea that he could get more protective than he already was with you, but you were wrong.
Next to Serenitity, you're the most important person in his life. If anyone thinks they could get away with messing with you, they'd have Joey in their face with the deadliest glare on his face and looking about ready to throw hands (You've had to drag him away from Kaiba a couple times)
As far as PDA went, he went with what you were comfortable with. If you were up for any PDA at all, he'd wrap an arm around your waist or hold your hand in his (he'd totally give you tiny kisses on your cheek, forehead or temple if you were okay with it). But, he would totally ask for permission though before showing any PDA
At home though.... Very different story. Kinda like a dog, he's really good at judging moods, especially when it comes to you. You're an open book for him. Down in the dumps and just got home? Joey practically launches himself at you to pull you into a big bear hug (can and will pepper your face in kisses until he gets a smile or giggle out of you)
Nicknames, though?
The second the two of you got together, Joey straight up started calling you "Babe", throwing the first name basis out the window. He has a different nickname for every mood too.... When you're calm or happy, the nickname is "Babe", when you're sad, it's " my Angel", When you're mad, he calls you "Firecraker", when you're excited, you're always, always "My baby", and so on
Your nicknames for him were always, Honey, baby, babe, darling, sweetie, etc.
About 3 years of dating, and 2 of living together, Tristan sent you a Tik Tok video, daring you to do the challenge in it. That challenge? Yeah, you're well aware of it by now....
You had no idea how Joey was going to react.... It made you a little nervous, to be honest
But, Tristan had insisted you pull it off, calling you a chicken
You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Joey, who was taking a while to grab the snacks. That was when you decided to just rip off the bandaid... So, to speak
"Joey, come cuddle me already!" You called him. You watched as he poked his head into the room, looking a bit confused.
"What'd ya call me, sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I called you by your name." You answered back matter-of-factly
"Nu-uh, you call me baby or any other pet name you got for me, but Joey is off limits. You're more special to me than dat, ya troublemakin' angel." Joey told you, making you giggle when he fluffed his collar just to make his point.
Hearing you giggle made him grin like a Cheshire cat and within seconds, he was curled up with you on his lap, the blanket draped over the two of you and his arms around you. Those big brown eyes stared lovingly down at you as the two of you cuddled together, his fingers running through your hair.
No doubt, this boy loved you to pieces. Nobody could call it just puppy love at this point...
Seto Kaiba
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Speaking of aloof and emotionally unavailable at first, that was what Seto Kaiba was to you when the two of you first met
But, the more time you spent around him, the more you realized the cold nature was a facade he kept up... A protective barrier
After 2 years of knowing him, there came one night that both scared you half to death and changed everything for the two of you.
You were heading home one night when you noticed you were being followed
You took the long way home, trying to loose them and ignoring them Cat calling you, but they wouldn't give up and it was starting to scare you
Eventually, the boys ended up cornering you, and just when you thought they'd get away with doing what they wanted.....
"Get away from them unless you want me to make your lives miserable." When they had stepped back from you, you caught sight of Seto before he walked up to you and wrapped a protective arm around you, the glare on his face ice cold as he glared at your stalkers with a silent but deadly final warning
"Kaiba..." You had started to thank him, but he stopped you.
"Call me Seto, and you don't need to thank me. Let's just get you home before those freaks decide to show their ugly faces again." He told you
Not too long after that incident, Seto asked you out (was totally talked into it and teased by Mokuba)
Fast forward 3 years
You help Seto run KaibaCorp (partly because you hate it when he stays up all night getting work done and partly because he's more cranky when you're not around him), and the two of you live together in the Kaiba Mansion with Mokuba
It took him a year before he started calling you anything beside your name, first calling you "Honey" (totally by accident when he was half asleep). After that came darling, doll, baby, love, sweetheart (he's a sucker for the classic pet names)
While the two of you were still getting to know each other, you had called him Blue Eyes as a joke, and it ended up sticking. It just carried over into the dating stage, changing to "Baby Blue". Other pet names you call him include, Love, Baby, Babe, Honey, Sweetie, Darling (Grumpy Pants to joke around with him when he's being cranky)
But, then Mokuba and you saw a Tik Tok challenge that Mokuba begged you to try (may or may not have given you a puppy dog pout)
Around the time the three of you usually took lunch, you peeked in his office to see him working. You softly sighed.
"Seto, come on, take a break. It's time for lunch." The glare he gave you sent shivers down your spine and made you want to laugh at the same time. He looked extremely done
"What'd you just call me?" He asked.
"Your first name, what did it sound like?" You asked him sassily back. He stood up and walked over to you, reminding you just how much taller he was than you. He leaned one arm against the wall, pulling a kabedon as he leaned close to your face
"You know what you call me, baby." He purred out, his voice low in tone and a smirk crossing his lips when he saw how flustered you were getting
You managed to stutter out a "Baby", making his smirk grow wider before his lips brushed against your own
That cocky Blue Eyed Bastard knew exactly how to make your heart race, and he takes great pride in doing it
Tristan Taylor
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For Tristan, meeting you was love at first sight.... Or rather, at first fall....
Tristan was so nervous about introducing himself to you, the boy literally tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face right in front of you
You had asked him if he was okay, and this cheesy flirt came out of his mouth: "Yeah, I'm okay, just fallen for you, that's all."
Cheesy pickup line? Yes, but Tristan's happy to say that it worked.
Fast forward 3 years....
Ever since the day he asked you out, the two of you stopped calling each other by your first names
For him, the nicknames you used were actually pretty limited: Handsome, Babe, and Darling were the only ones he'd respond to
For you, though, he has tons of nicknames (Goregous, Baby, sweetheart, to name a few)
So, when Joey showed you the newest Tik Tok challenge and begged you to do it, you got a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach
It actually took 2 days for Joey to finally convince you to do it (He bugged you until you agreed to)
You bit your lip the next day, not knowing how Tristan was going to react
It was early, your hair was a mess, and you were in one of Tristan's shirts and a pair of your sweatpants when you decided to get it over with
You rubbed your eyes from the sleep as you walked to the kitchen, able to hear Tristan cooking
Like every morning, you hugged him from behind, burrying your face in his back.
"Good morning, beautiful." He greeted you, turning to hug you. You smiled as he hugged you, hugging him back. While hugging you, he lifted you a bit off the ground, making you giggle.
"Good morning, Tristan." You smiled up at him, only for it to drop when Tristan looked worried. "What's wrong?"
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked. You shook your head
"No, of course not." You answered him
"Then why'd you call me by my first name?" He asked
"Because it's your name and I like it." You answered, smiling this time
"But, my name isn't Tristan to you. It's baby." He replied in the most adorable way possible, making you hug him again as you giggled
The embrace made him smile as he returned it
He loved the little moments with you
Duke Devlin
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That brings us to the ladies' man of Yu-Gi-Oh!...... Duke Devlin
At first, you didn't like his attitude and made every attempt to show him you weren't interested in a playboy
But, unfortunately for you, that made him only try harder to pursue you.... Until Joey and Tristan got it through his head that his usual flirting wasn't going to work.
Months after that day, you got to the Duke Devlin he'd been trying to hide and you liked what you saw.
After a full year of being just friends, Duke asked you out
Fast forward 3 years:
Duke loves you to death, and after becoming your boyfriend, he never flirted with anyone else but you ever again
His favorite pet names for you include, Player 2, Baby, Babe, Hot Stuff, Doll, the list could go on forever
You've always called him your Player 1, Baby or Darling
But, then Tristan dared you to call him by his first name to see his reaction
You automatically knew it wouldn't end well, as he would think he did something wrong
Hence your hesitation
But, you decided to get it over with when the two of you were cuddling. His face was buried in your neck as he held you in his arms
"Duke." You said his name, giggling when he only responded by burying himself deeper into your neck. "Duke." You tried again
"That's not my name, Prince/Princess." Duke told you, refusing to cooperate and making you laugh
"Then what is it?" You asked, only to squeak when he made you lay back on the couch with him on top of you
"You know what it is." He purred with a smirk, leaning close to your face with his lips inches from yours
"Baby, you drive me crazy sometimes, you know that?" You asked him before he finally kissed you and shifted so you were on his lap again
"Yep, I know. You do the same thing to me."
Ryou Bakura
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Did somebody say Cream Puff? That's right, it's Ryou's turn! ^.^
The two of you were both pretty shy when you met him, and the two of you clicked right away
Believe it or not, it took him 2 years to ask you out (Yeah, Yami Bakura forced him to, getting tired of hearing Ryou pine for you in his thoughts the whole time)
It took 5 years for the two of you to move in together, and by that point, both of you had abandoned calling each other by your first names
His personal favorite to call you is "My Love", "Dear" or "My Angel" while he adores being called "Darling", "Dear" and "Honey"
But, you saw a video challenge on Tik Tok that featured women calling their lovers by their first name instead of a pet name, you decided to try it....
If only you knew the reaction it would spawn....
You had just gotten home and couldn't find him anywhere when you decided to call him by his first name.
"Ryou? Where are you?" You asked. Ryou came running, looking scared.
"What's wrong? Is everything all right, you don't normally call me by my first name." He looked so terrified as he checked you for injuries, you felt so bad and hugged him, automatically feeling his arms wrap around you back.
"No, no, everything's fine, dear. I was just wondering where you were since you weren't there to greet me like normal." You told him
You eventually did tell him about the video challenge, just.... Later... After both of you had calmed down some
The two of you shared a good laugh over it
Marik Ishtar
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While it took 5 years for Ryou to get used to being affectionate, Marik adjust a bit more quickly....
It took 3 years of being friends for Marik to know how he felt, and since he'd had no romance experience before you, it took him 2 more to go on pet name basis with you rather than first names
His favorite to call you is "Sugar" followed closely by "Baby" and "Princess/Prince". Your favorite to call him is "Darling", "Prince Charming" (that nickname gets him blushing everytime), and "Baby"
About 2 years after that, the two of you moved in together (Our adorable Egyptian boy didn't want to spend one more day with you away from him 🥺❤)
Which brings us to the present day...
You were trying on a special outfit for a date night with Marik when your best friend texted you, daring to do the challenge in the video she sent. You watched it, an eyebrow going up when you realized the video was girls calling their boyfriends/husbands by their first name instead
"You look beautiful/handsome in that outfit." You heard Marik before you turned to see him, an adoring smile on his face as he stood in the doorway
Deciding to do the dare (you'd never hear the end of it if you didn't), you looked down at yourself
"You don't think it looks bad on me, Marik?" You asked in the shy tone you had always used when addressing him for the first time
Marik tipped his head to one side, looking a bit confused. "Anything you wear looks perfect on you, baby, but why'd you call me that?"
"What, Marik? It's your name." You answered, looking up at you and trying to keep a smile from off your face
"Not to you for the past 4 years, it hasn't." Marik answered, both his brows up at this point. That's when a sly smirk crossed his face, a smirk you hadn't seen in years
You took a step back, but it was the wrong move as Marik pounced, bringing you into a hug and littering your face in kisses, making you laugh. "Now, what's. My. Name?" He asked in between kisses to everywhere on your face but your lips.
"Darling." You pouted, finally getting a long sweet kiss to your lips from Marik
He gave you a cute smile when the two of you finally separated
"Now, let's get going, my darling Prince/Princess."
If only you'd known he'd be asking you to be his King/Queen that night....
Yami Bakura
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That brings us to the bad boys..... First up Yami Bakura
The second you met him, you started calling him by the nickname "Fluffy"....
Oh Gods of Egypt, he detested that nickname
But, Ryou wouldn't let him do anything about it, so he was stuck to listen as you referred to him as Fluffy the entire time
However.... The more you called him it, the more he didn't seem to mind much
In fact, 2 years after meeting him for the first time, he asked you out
But, don't think he doesn't have a nickname for you that he started using....
Dating you brought out a mushy side to him, much to his own disgust for the first few months, but he ended up loving when it made you blush, so the nickname he gave you stuck: his Lotus.
It went on like that for a while, the two of you bantered like an old married couple (5,000 years in that Millennium Ring is more than enough to make someone cranky as hell, let's be brutally honest here)
3 years later, the two of you were living together, and Yami Marik (Melvin) dared you to call Bakura by his name instead of the Fluffy nickname you had always used
Well, you had no idea how that was going to blow over with him, but you just shrugged and thought 'What the hell?'
You found Bakura in the kitchen and hugged him from behind. "Whatcha doin', Bakura?" You asked him before feeling him tense up in your arms. When you looked up at him, he looked in shock. "What?"
"You've never called me by my first name." He told you, looking down at you and shooting you a glare. "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain dare now, would it?"
You blinked. "How do you do that?" You asked. He shrugged with a little smirk before suddenly picking you up, making you squeak in shock as he put you on the counter, standing between your legs.
"Only you get to call me Fluffy, my Lotus. Looks like I need to remind you of that." He purred deep in his throat with a smirk
Let's just say your voice was pretty hoarse the next morning..... 😳
Yami Marik (Melvin)
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And that now brings us to our evil Egyptian boy, Yami Marik (aka Melvin)
The first time he met you, you called him "Psycho", while he called you "Doll"
The nicknames stuck, and when you two started dating after 2 years, nothing really changed.... He just called you "Baby" every now and then while you called him "My Handsome Little Psycho" or "Babe"
After a year or so of living together, you got a text from Yami Bakura daring you to call Melvin by his first name
You had no idea how he would react, honestly you didn't want to find out
But, with some convincing (and may or may not have threatened a one way trip to the Shadow Realm for you), he convinced you to do it
While the two of you were relaxing together, you looked up at Melvin.
"You know I love you, right, Melvin?" You asked him.
His eyes automatically went down to you, an eyebrow raised. "Why'd you call me that?" He asked.
"Because it's your name." You answered before you yelped as he pinned you down
"No, no, no, doll, say my name..." He told you before kissing your neck, making you bite back a moan. "My real name."
"Baby..." You moaned out before Melvin smashed his lips into yours and smirked.
"Good girl."
Taglist: @vivinightingale @bisexualmattholtstan @wataponwrites
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