#I’m not immune to making angst about the abusive father
raemeh · 3 months
something something Larry (while scary in disguise) was the only person Willy didn’t have to manipulate to get him to like him. Making Willy actually feel something close to friendship which he’s never felt before.
(Note: this is not me saying you should forgive him I just like pointing out characters are tragic)
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sourstars · 1 year
kindlings & mirrors. | t. todoroki.
touya’s outgrown his hometown, but he’ll never outgrow his rage.
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wc: ~1.7K.
w: cursing duh, mention of burns/burn scars, descriptions of a house fire/flames, implication of arson, mentions (?) of family trauma and abuse, slight mention of alcohol, angst w/ no happy ending.
i’ve got a whole doc on this universe that i made up i’m rioting. anyways enjoy! there’ll be a second part to this btw!
take a shot every time you spot a taylor lyric that inspired this /j
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“Watch—” Startling blue irises stare as smoke swirls out into the sky, an endless inky black mass moving through clouds like a serpent. “—I’m gonna leave this shithole behind. I’m gonna change everything and nothin’ will stop me. Not even him.”
You shift in your spot, foot wedged against the roof as you lean on the slant, eyes drifting back from the burning house to the boy who longs for the fire. Shadows dance across him, skipping across features and burying others in darkness, turning him into the picture of every harbinger of doom, every version of oracles and sea monsters in mortal skin—because that is what they do not like to admit when they assume you know nothing. Feed someone a poison and they learn to test the immunity, but give it to them long enough and soon they won’t remember what it was like to not have it running through their blood. Sometimes, something dies, and something else crawls out of the bones.
The house is two streets down, but even at this distance, you can hear the sirens and the screaming. If you close your eyes, you can even imagine the crackle of the flames as they succumb to greed, swallowing memories and names and anything else they can reach before they are overcome. From here, people look like beetles, crawling across gravel and asphalt, climbing into broken windows to rescue whatever remnants are scraping by on mercy, and Touya watches on. You wonder if he’s thinking about how his father is risking a scorching death and how his family’s future is held in the hands of a man who thinks himself a god among men, if he wonders whether the knife is ever too heavy to wield, if he ever wants to put it down. He won’t. Like father, like son; hold it long enough and palm molds to hilt. Use it long enough and blade turns into limb.
“Make sure no one sees you leave.” You duck your head when he glances in your direction, scratching at an imaginary spot on your clothes. You still hear sirens. “Caught by one, hunted by all. They’ll search from dusk to dawn.”
Touya’s hands flex, fingers curling onto hard tiles, nails scraping against them. You don’t need to see his scowl. By now, you know him inside out, and you can feel it: the squint of his eye, the razor edge of his mouth. His words are wrapped in barbed wire. “I’d like to see him try.”
(Once, at home alone, you spilled alcohol onto your white carpet, watched in silence as the liquid gold stained, and in your drunken haze thought that if it could talk it would say; “If I’m going I want to go being seen.”
You see the irony now, in things that refuse to go out softly, in things that desire to leave a mark behind. In another universe, Touya is happy. In that universe, he is his mother’s son in the way that he’d taken his place in her business, not because he had to, but because he could, without fear or reservation—something about pastries, you’d guess, where no one yelled and everything tasted sweet. There is no hurt. You imagine that he would bring her new recipes to taste, and she’d never stop smiling, brushing hair out of his eyes as he tied on an apron. In that universe, Shouto knows who his brother is, knows how he snorts when he laughs, that he’ll remain quiet when trying to sell a lie, that he used to like drawing stars in his palms so he could pretend he’d caught a wish, even though it was always the same thing.
In this one, you overlay his memories until he becomes a ghost, flickering in and out of your recollection until he is a name you barely remember.
But of course you do. You always have.)
He lays back against the roof, propping one leg up and bringing his arms behind his head, fingers buried in his bright hair, and his shirt rides up, exposing the scars beneath. Your heart drops, such a sudden dip it makes your breath catch, and you trade your dignity to keep back the words you want to say, swallowing how they burn as they go back down, simmering in the pit of your stomach.
You already know this story. A father’s pride rests in his family, a first born son who’s destined to fail, regardless of how badly he’d wanted to succeed, and another who inherits the silent anger, who clenches his hands into fists he will never want to use. A daughter to pick up the pieces and the youngest who is afraid to believe he is everything his father isn’t, because it might mean he is everything his father used to be.
You remember the nights in the hospital, how you sat in that uncomfortable chair with nothing but the clothes on your back and a book in your hand, how you watched the monitor beep and listened to him breathe. He doesn’t like to talk about it, but sometimes, when he’s in your room and he thinks you’re not looking, you catch him eyeing the same title. You wonder if he remembers how you read it aloud, forcing syllables past your teeth so you wouldn’t cry. Sometimes, you wonder if he had gotten out of the house earlier, if his father hadn’t been so stubborn that night about Touya rescuing himself, that he’d still look at the world like he loved it.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, tilting his head back. “I can go anywhere.” A laugh bubbles out of him, astonished. His eyes are wide as he reaches a hand toward the stars, like he can pluck them right from the sky. “I can go anywhere I want—just not home.”
You watch him quietly, trying to commit this to memory. The curve of his jaw, the look in his eye, the tiny, nearly invisible smile on his lips, the blinding white of his hair, and how he’s kept it messy on purpose. You peer at his scars once again, tracing them from his neck to his hands, to the tips of his fingers where they’re stained black by something he’s used. You’re going to miss him. You already miss him and he hasn’t even left. But he will. Touya is still of the Todoroki line, and they are nothing if not consumed by their heart.
“Do you know when you’re leaving?”
He gazes at you from the corner of his eye, a furrow to his brow. “The first chance I get.”
It took one week. You took one look at his sister, at her smudged glasses and the fat tears trailing down her face, at Shouto’s confused and worried look, too heavy for a child his age, and you knew. With his father’s truck stolen hours before, he is forced to catch a ride to the firehouse after Touya took a match to the edge of the forest.
The official report claims him officially deceased. Says that it must’ve caught onto him first or something else that made it catch onto the tree, but you know better. His things must still be in his room, everything he’s ever owned, everything he’s ever been. You can’t become someone else if you’re still dressed in your funeral clothes. You don’t believe he’s in there, bones trapped between branch and ash. You can’t.
The best and worst part about him, you think now, is how he has always been a sucker for aiming to kill. He has always had a thing for annihilation, for the complete destruction of anything that stands in his way of changing who he is, but you hadn’t expected to hear he’d burnt the treehouse first, allowing heat to eat up the names carved into the bark, and when you stand in front of the wreckage, you remember the feel of the ladder. You remember; the rug was the ugliest thing you’d ever seen, itchy and uneven in design, but you loved it because he did. You remember; posters were taped onto the walls, with maps of how you’d all be legends, timeslines scribbled in marker, plans written into roads. You remember; Natsuo curled into the beanbag, holding your hand after a fight and you holding his after the bruises. You remember; Shouto sharing a container of soba, and how you’d both eat, listening to the birds as you named each one in his blind spot, caused by the patch over his eye. You remember Touya digging into the bark; I WAS HERE. You remember, in smaller scratches, soft and unsure, undeneath the original, Shouto’s handwriting; I WAS HERE TOO. And then you blink, and water hoses replace laughter, firemen replace family, past replaces future.
Enji watches as you process the scene, eyes narrowed and mouth pulled into a sneer. You can see his eyebags, the unkempt hair. No one says anything. Instead, you go to kneel by the tree, head pressed against the ruined bark, hands clasped together.
(Because what are you supposed to say to the man who taught his son that hate is the only thing worth keeping? What do you say to a tiger with an already open mouth, looking for an excuse to eat?)
As you close your eyes and think about his sons, his daughter, his ex-wife, you listen to his footsteps slowly walk home.
(“There’s nothing worth me staying for.” He flicks a broken piece of roof tile over the edge, counting seconds until impact. Three. “This shitty little town’ll still look like garbage in the rear view. But,” You see a bit of his canine become exposed as a wide, nearly cruel smile forms on his face. “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and all that shit, right?”
Your brothers, you think, that’s worth it. Your sister, your mother. The people who love you despite the one who doesn’t.
“Just like that?” You force a laugh, ignoring the stiffness in your bones. “Well. Remember me when you make it to the city, ‘kay?”
He stares, features turning blank before he nods, and whether you want to admit it or not, that look in his eye, that dangerous gleam, reminds you of his father. Of the way that, if given the opportunity, he would do anything for what he wanted, would burn the earth even if it meant he didn’t come out of the ashes. And then he looks back to the sky, and it’s gone.
You pretend that you don’t notice his tell, that the minute doesn’t tick on indefinitely, that he’s telling the truth, that just for a moment, you aren’t losing him.
“Just like that.”)
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reblogs are preferred and appreciated! let me know your thoughts! <3
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nukenai · 2 years
finally beat violet’s story so i will talk about it under the cut
warning regarding my personal traumas but mentioning the specific one is a spoiler in itself for the game LMFAO
everyone was like WHOAAA THE ENDING IS SOOO SCARY TOTAL NIGHTMARE FUEL WHAT THE FUUUUCK meanwhile it was just like, malfunctioning robot = scary to some people but i’ve been immune to that for all eternity lol. it is very much “whoa!” but it was not Scary other than that. witnessing actually scary games has ruined me sorry
anyways what really got me was Arven being like “my dad died after I had a very complicated relationship with him, and yeah it was upsetting but now I feel like I’m ready to really begin my own adventure”. I don’t keep up with Discourse but I can’t imagine people aren’t complaining about that. I can’t imagine people are not going “omg how unrealistic why wasn’t he inconsolably sobbing how dare he not be devastated that his neglectful father died” or whatever because like.
idk as a Dead Parent Haver whose relationship was clearly not cartoon pokemon levels of complicated, but was... definitely complicated. My mother was very emotionally abusive, i lived with her, she became sick with a terminal illness and I had to care for her AND my ill grandfather for about a year before they both passed months apart;. My mom went into the hospital when she could no longer really walk or care for herself, she wound up never leaving and was in the hospital for 4 months before passing. A month or so before she died she had become completely unresponsive. So we really never actually got to say goodbye to her and it’s just. Idk I guess SORT OF comparable to “my dad was never home and I barely ever saw him and now he’s dead”.
I don’t know where I’m going with this it’s like, it was kind of nice to see? A real fucking difference from the car crash that was Sun & Moon’s handling of a blatantly abusive psychotic mother being forgiven by her daughter because “;A; she’s my mother! poor wusamine!” fuck off. Arven obviously didn’t hate his father but resented him for how he sidelined his child for his job. And he never really got closure on that. You could argue that the AI was possessed by Dad Ghost or fucking whatever but. In REALITY he did not get any kind of closure and his dad died without him there (I also left the hospital before my mom died, she was just on life support anyways). Obviously with me because I am a real person who exists, the issues took longer to deal with but like. Yeah actually I do feel like my mom dying allowed me to finally start being an independent person and let go of a lot of shit that happened to me. But obviously it’s still a horrible shit trauma to go through. Which is not something a Pokemon game is equipped to handle a whole lot.
It was just a nice take on a “parent dead” plot point, without the character comically being like “i hate you dad! glad you’re dead! fuck you!” or “i am now in sorrow forever because i didn’t get real closure with my dad and he’s gone and that AI is not my real dad and I’m gonna angst about it!”. I think it did a good job of portraying a complex relationship with a parent who probably definitely fucked up without meaning to, and can’t really apologize, truthfully.
Anyways the whole rest of the game made me feel like entirely nothing and I did not care but the ending part was exciting and interesting and cool enough to make me go hey, this game definitely made me feel more than Sword & Shield did. And at the very least, unlike SwSh, it let you ACTUALLY TAKE PART IN THE STORY. The descent into the crater was really nice and just that part alone made me actually start to like the characters I was forced to interact with for the whole game lmfao. I still don’t like Nemona but like, whatever.
Didn’t think i’d find Turbo Solidarity with fucking Sandwich Boy but here we are.
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Benny Watts x reader
Promt: When Benny leaves for a work trip, you find yourself feeling sick. And after a trip to the doctors your relationship with Benny is tested, will the two of you continue and have a future together? Or will this “surprise” ruin you both forever?
Warnings: Cussing, throwing up, ANGST, fluff
authors note: Here it isss!!!! FINALLY! I’m so sorry for the delay! Also, ok so kinda off topic but i am going to write a series for an actor (actor masterlist), tell me who you guys want it to be for :) Enjoy the fic!
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When you where 12 years old you fell in love with chess. You didn’t grow up rich so chess and reading books was your favorite way to pass the time. Chess was like a safe space for you, when your parents would fight, you would go into your room and play chess. You were amazing at it, you entered one tournament went you where 15 and you beat everyone there. But nothing much came of it, you couldn’t really afford to spend hours a day practicing and as you got older your life became more and more busy and complicated. When you were 14 years old your older brother died of a drug over dose and only 3 years later your mom died of stage 4 breast cancer. You and your dad weren’t close, infact once you where old enough to move out, you never really spoke to him again. He was a drunk and a abusive father. But now you were your own person, you were a reporter, a chess reporter.
On your first assignment you met Benny, Benny Watts. He was a charmer, he let you interview him and then the next day he caught you before you checked out of the hotel to ask to take you out sometime. That was 2 years ago. Now you lived with Benny, he wasn’t always the best boyfriend, but you knew he cared. Every once in a while he would buy you something nice or take you out to dinner. You often traveled with Benny to his tournaments, but lately you hadn’t been able too. You were up for a big promotion at work and you weren’t able to travel.
Currently Benny was sitting in the small living room playing a game of chess against himself. He didn’t know of your skill, and it didn’t bother you. Sometimes when he was away you would secretly play some games against yourself. Chess was Bennys thing, and you were ok with that. You were reading Emma by Jane Austen on the couch. It was one of your favorite novels. You flickered your eyes away from the pages to look at Benny, he was very focused on the game. You sighed, it was getting late and you still needed to start dinner.
“Hey Benny, what do you feel like for dinner? I’m kinda hungry” you said putting your book mark in and closing your book.
“Um I don’t care” he said blankly, not even looking away from the board
“Uh ok well how about som-“ you were cut off
“I said I didn’t care Y/N, you eat now I’ll snack on something later” he said firmly
You nodded not daring to say more. You stood up and started to chop some carrots when suddenly the phone rang.
“I’ll get it” you said drying your hands and walking over
“Hello?” You said
“Is this Benny Watts?” The man on the phone asked
“Um no this is his um, girlfriend, would you like me to get him for you?” You asked looking over at Benny
“Yes please, thank you” the man said
“Uh Benny it’s for you” he stood up and grabbed the phone from your hands, you went back to your cooking.
You didn’t really listen to the conversation they were having, probably some interview set up or something. You heard Benny put the phone down
“I have to get packing Y/N, I have to leave for a tournament tomorrow” he said headed toward his room
“Oh ok, do you need help?” You asked sweetly, you really wanted to ask why he found out so late but you didn’t want to bother him
“No” he said plainly, you nodded your head in response and continued on with your task at hand.
The next morning both you and Benny got up early, you wanted to say goodbye to him. You walked Benny to the door and handed him his bags. He kissed you on the cheek
“I’ll be back soon, love you” he said turning to the cab behind him
“Love you too, Benny” you smiled
He got in the cab and drove off.
The rest of your day was mostly just catching up on work. It was Sunday so you didn’t actually have to go in.
You were sitting at the small table in your living room when suddenly you felt the need to throw up. You stood up and threw your hand over your mouth as you quickly ran to the bathroom. You made it just in time to barf your guts out into the toilet. You were there for about 5 minutes, hovering over the toilet throwing up when finally your stomach settled down a little. You growned and stood up, tapping your arms around to stomach and dragging yourself into your bed. Of course you had to get sick when Benny was going to be gone for a week. You sighed and crawled under the covers. It was only 3 minutes before you were sound asleep.
You woke up around 3 in the morning with a sudden need to throw up AGAIN. You ran to the toilet. Jesus why was wrong with you, you had a great immune system and hardly ever got even a cold. As you lay on the bathroom floor you wouldn’t help but think about all the possibilities. Then you realized something. When was the last time you had gotten your period?! You stood up and went to your purse to grab your planner. 7 weeks ago was the last time you saw the red drop of blood that you had drawn to mark the start of your period. You were 3 weeks late. 3 fucking weeks late, how did could I not have noticed this?! You thought to yourself, you quickly went over to the phone and called your friend, praying she was home. As the phone wrang you tried to thing of the last time you had had sex with Benny. You had been so busy and Benny was traveling that it was probably a month ago! You cursed under your breath when she didn’t pick up. You dialed the number of your doctor and waited patiently. You tried to calm yourself down, you needed to make an appointment, then you would know for sure. Then you heard a voice from the other side of the line.
“Hello? Doctor Peterson’s office, how can I help you?” The lady asked
“Oh hi! I’m uh I need to make an appointment, preferably tomorrow, to see Dr. Peterson?” You asked passing back in forth
“We have an opening at 8:30am if you are willing to come then?” She asked
“YES! Yes of course thank you! I will be there!” You said excitedly, or you were nervous, you could exactly tell. You gave her your information and thanked her again. You hung up and started to diale bennys hotel number, but you stopped yourself. He’s probably busy, and I may not even be pregnant, you thought. You sighed and went to sit on the couch, but what if I am, you thought.
Shit. In your hand were your official results, saying that you were in fact pregnant.
“I have great news hun! You're 7 weeks pregnant! Congratulations!!!” Your OB/GYN said
“Uh t-thank you” you weren’t sure why she was so excited, it’s not like you wanted to be pregnant
“Who’s the father?” Geez personal much
“Uh my boyfriend, Benny” you said taking the paper she held out to you
“Well I hope you two the best” she smiled
You folded the paper and put it in your bag and started the car. The entire way home you brain was clouded by one single thought. How where you going to tell Benny. You loved him with all your heart but would he be able to handle this. He barely spends time with you as it is, and with a young child? You would practically raise it by yourself. After a short car ride you arrived at your small house. That was another problem, did you have room for a baby? Could you afford a baby?
After hours of debating and throwing up you decided not to tell Benny just yet. You wanted him to be here in person when you tell him. You were scared and angry. You decided that you would give Benny a choice. All or nothing. You needed to be sure that he still cared for you more than chess and himself. That he too would be a present parent to your child. And if not, then your mother had a guest room and welcoming arms.
Today was the day. The day Benny would be told he was going to be a father. You had cleaned the house so he could come home and not stress. Not that cleaning ever stressed him out. You sat on the couch anxiously awaiting his arrival. Were you nervous? Yes, very. As much dread as you held in you, you also couldn’t help but feel a sense of curiosity, of suspense. You loved Benny and would never want to leave him. But you had to do what was best for you, best for the baby.
You were taken out of your thoughts when the door opened, Benny stepping through it.
“Y/N? I’m home” he said, lucky for you he sounded pretty cheery. It was quite obvious he had won. By now it was almost a guarantee. He put his luggage down and looked around for you, and he smiled when he laid his eyes on you. “Hey” he said walking over to wrap his arms around you
“Hi Benny” you said smiling sweetly, he gave you a quick peck on the lips before letting go of you and heading to sit by his chess board. Of course.
“The guys almost beat me, I’m gonna run the game. He was smart but I was smarter.” Benny said taking off his coat
“I’m actually Benny, there is something I need to tell you” you said now fidgeting with you fingers
“Can it wait Y/N? This is really important” he said already replaying the game
You sighed, “actually it can’t wait Benny, what I have to tell you is really important” you said mimicking him
“Fine but make it quite ok? I’ve got games to go over and my coffee is wearing off” he said turning to you
You were getting angry at how rude he was suddenly, “do you love me?” You asked
Bennys eyes widened, surprised by your sudden question, “of course I love you Y/N” he said
“Well sometimes Benny….sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. You hardly touch me anymore. You never leave the chess board! You are so...so distant! Benny I love you so much! But I wish I could have that love in return. You love the game! I get it! I did once too! But the game doesn't love you! Sure maybe it favors you, but it’s a game Benny! A game! Not a person! Not a baby who needs attention! Don’t get me wrong I love seeing you pursue your dreams so much! It makes me so happy! But it doesn't seem like a dream anymore Benny, it seems like an addiction.” You paused trying to catch your breath and calm yourself down, Bennys face was still. “Benny I’m pregnant, with your kid. And I love you so much, but I can’t raise this kid by myself, it needs its dad to be there, I need its dad to be there. You need to choose Benny, no more halfway in, you're in or you're out. I need to do what’s going to be best for the baby, I hope you can too” you left it at that, heading toward the door and leaving the house. Leaving Benny. Not forever, but leaving him to think about all that you said.
Bennys POV
I stood there. I heard the door shut. What just happened? Did she say she was pregnant? Shit. I was confused to say the least. I never thought be being a great chess player bothered Y/N. Fuck what have I done? I can give up chess. But then again, I can’t give up Y/N. I guess maybe I’m not the best boyfriend, but I need her. She keeps me as close to sane as I can be. I don’t know what I would do without her. I plopped down on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. I messed up. I should have been there. I know it should have. Dammit. As much as I hate it Y/N was right. Of course she was, she always is. I love chess but I am addicted to winning. And that makes me distant and rude. Fuuuuuck. I grabbed my hat and ran toward the door. I knew where Y/N was going. She always went there when we fought. She was going to where I took her on our first date.
Normal POV
The string lights shone above your head as you walked through the park. Your cheeks were wet from tears. You loved the park at night. It was so….peaceful. The lights allowed you to still see the gorgeous garden flowers that were planted everywhere. The first time you ever kissed Benny was here, in this park. You had gone to this park for a picnic. He had set up flowers, treats and surprisingly very good food that Benny supposedly made. You ate and talked for hours until it got dark. After you put the food away you took a stroll in the park which ended at a bench, the beach under the cherry tree. It bloomed every spring and it was gorgeous. The two of you had sat down on the bench, Benny grabbed your hand and smiled at you, and two seconds later, your lips were connected. Moving in perfect sync. That was then. Now you sat on the bench crying, hoping that Benny would choose to be a dad for your child.
You sat on that bench for 10 minutes, contemplating your life desisions when suddenly you heard foot steps behind you. You turned your head slightly to see Benny walking over, holding his hat in his hand.
You sighed in relief, but then to be out in stress avian when you realized he could be here to say goodbye.
“I’m sorry” he said moving to sit next to you
You tried not to look at him, you avoided eye contact.
“I’m really fucking sorry, Y/N” he said “I-I know I have been distracted and distant and rude and I am sorry. I love you, all of you, including this baby. It’s gonna take time ok? But your gotta let me try, I will make every thing right. I will ok? I promise. I love you Y/N, forever. When you left i realized how much I need you, I don’t think I can live without you. Your my home, my rock, my best friend and the love of my life. I know It doesn’t always seem like that but you are. I’m it good with love and stuff so give me some time to figure it out. But I will be here, I will help you raise this kid…..our kid. I’m all in, forever” he said putting his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him finally, and he turned his head to look at me. And then we kissed, just like our first kiss, but more needy, more passionate, full of love, guilt, and want.
“I love you too Benny” I said smiling
We both let out a laugh and our lips connected again.
4 years later
“Daddy daddy look! I drew your chess board!!! And I can name all the pieces!” Hudson said
“That’s amazing buddy! Show me your skills!” Benny said as Hudson sat on his lap
“That’s a rook, that’s a knight, that’s a bishop, that’s a queen, and then the king, and then the bishop, knight and rook again!” He said pointing to each one
“Great job!!! Soon you're going to be a grandmaster!” Benny said kissing his forehead
You smiled as you watched your son, Hudson chess Watts, yes Benny decided on Chess as his middle name, and your husband smile and play together. You found it incredibly adorable that Benny was already teaching Hudson to play chess. Sometimes you even played. Benny looked up at you and smiled, you smiled back. Benny came around in the end, and is the best husband and father to Hudson that you could have asked for. You were happy with your life. So freaking happy. You had your boys. Who knew that such and unwanted surprise could bring such needed happiness.
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angellesword · 3 years
SAVE ME | KTH (13)
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Summary: You were determined to kill yourself, but what would happen when instead of ending your life, you ended up summoning the devil of death?
The Devil: I’m here to ruin you, I’m here to save you.
Genre: Demon au, e2l, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Devil!Taehyung x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: none except mention of stabbing and oh! tae being an ass 😗
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Ji-hyo couldn't remember the last time she saw you looking like death was hot on your trail.
"Seriously?" Your best friend furrowed a brow, a mocking smile was plastered on her lips. "You looked like shit. What has gotten into you?"
Gone were the days when she was acting like you were a fragile thing. Ji-hyo only sympathized with you when you were still mourning Areum's death while dealing with some family issues.
These two things were old news now.
Ji-hyo knew you had healed from it, meaning she could finally say what she wanted without tiptoeing around you. Saying things like 'you look like shit' wouldn't offend you since she knew that whatever's bothering you at this very moment didn't involve Areum or your family.
Ji-hyo was right because your problem was all about "Taehyung," you admitted the truth, sighing loudly.
Your best friend sniffled a laugh—it was like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"You're still pining over your ex?" She puffed, looking at you in disbelief. "But why? It's been fourteen days since you two broke up!"
You couldn't help the blush staining your cheeks because of what Ji-hyo said. The latter knew you for many years now.
You never once pined over a guy. You dated a lot of men before, especially during college days. None of them managed to hurt you. It was always you who broke their hearts.
Ji-hyo even thought that you were also the one who ended things with Taehyung. She guessed it was her fault. She didn't ask you about what happened. She simply assumed that you were no longer seeing the devil since the latter didn't visit the hospital anymore.
You talked about almost everything with Ji-hyo, except your love life. You were never serious with this kind of thing anyway.
"Oh, God," Ji-hyo's mouth parted in shock when she realized something. "Don't tell me you're in love with Kim Taehyung?"
She was acting as though it was impossible for you to fall in love. Admittedly, you couldn't fault her. You thought the same way too. You never expected to have strong romantic feelings for anyone, especially for someone like Taehyung.
Yes, that's right. The fourteen days you spent away from the devil was enough for you to realize that you liked him.
It turned out that you weren't immune to his charms. At first you thought you were just attracted to his pretty face, but then the months you spent with him felt surreal. You never experienced this feeling before.
You appreciated that he helped you with Jeongguk as well as with your father. It's not like you didn't feel guilty anymore because surprise, surprise: you still did. But you felt more at peace now.
Taehyung took care of you too. He pulled you from the hole you dug for yourself. Granted that it was for his own sake, but as said, humans were vulnerable.
You were exactly like other people. You couldn't deny that he was making you feel special.
"Is that such a bad thing?" You asked, biting your bottom lip.
Ji-hyo mirrored your expression.
"I don't know...does he feel the same way?"
That was the thing. You didn't know if Taehyung liked you the way you liked him.
"I don't really believe in unconditional love bullshit. I don't think it's okay to invest your time and energy if the other person can't love you back," Ji-hyo shrugged her shoulders.
She didn't want to complicate her life. There were people who were willing to love her, so why stick with someone who was making her feel like she wasn't worth it?
"I-I don't know if he has feelings for me..." your response was barely audible, making Ji-hyo's brow shot up.
"Then find out. Stop running away from your problems. You're the one who's making your life difficult. People aren't mind readers. You can't expect them to know how you feel if you aren't telling them in the first place."
Of course you knew that. You wanted to talk to Taehyung, you just didn't know how to start. It hurt you when he implied that the kiss you two shared wasn't a big deal. But like what Ji-hyo had said, you wouldn't know what others felt if you kept running away.
"So what are you waiting for?" The anesthesiologist enquired when you told her that you were willing to clear things out with the devil.
Ji-hyo also told you that there was no point in delaying things. You were just prolonging the agony you felt.
"Fine. I'll go now," you were free today as a result of working hard the past several weeks. You only went to the hospital today since you didn't have the courage to face Taehyung.
Ji-hyo didn't hold you back any longer, and so you left Cornelia Hospital. You decided to stop by at Taehyung's favorite dumpling store before heading back home.
He was always in a better mood whenever there were dumplings on his plate.
There were many customers at the mentioned restaurant so you figured that it was best to roam around the marketplace while you waited for your order.
This quarter was just meters away from your apartment building, yet this was the first time you went here. This was because you always had your food delivered at your place. Besides, Itaewon was your go-to place whenever you wanted to eat out.
You regretted not visiting this place sooner. Everything you needed was literally here. There was even a flower shop right across the dumpling store. The former place suited your style that was why you chose to check it out; however, you stopped walking when you saw Taehyung inside the store.
You squinted to make sure that your eyes weren't failing you.
It wasn't.
The devil was really inside the flower shop. It's understandable. Taehyung liked to visit places as aesthetically pleasing as this one, but what you didn't understand was this: why was he handing a knife to a younger girl?
Why...did it look like he was planning something evil?
You crossed the street to confirm your suspicion.
Your suspicion turned into reality.
Taehyung was definitely planning something evil. It was obvious that he coerced the little girl to stab the flower owner, luckily you were fast—as in fast enough to snatch the weapon away from the little girl.
You didn't know if you could forgive Taehyung if his vile plan succeeded.
It wasn't a simple hunch anymore. He seriously confirmed what you thought he was planning to do.
The sad thing about it was that he didn't even show remorse.
"T-This is not what you think it looks like!" Naturally, he would lie to you at first, and so you did exactly the opposite of what he believed you would do.
"Really?" You stopped walking, facing him.
You immediately walked away the second you managed to snatch the weapon. You didn't know how to explain things to the shop owner anyway. Besides, you were certain that Taehyung was going to follow you.
That's exactly what you wanted. You needed him to run after you because you didn't know what evil was circling inside his head. He might still harm the shop owner and the daughter if he stayed one more minute with them.
"So you're saying that I'm wrong? That you didn't just tempt a kid to stab her mother?" You were clenching your jaw, your tears were threatening to fall too.
You were so mad and so hurt. He hadn't changed at all. He was still a selfish bastard who only cared about himself.
"I'm not denying that," his tone was harsh, like he was challenging you too. "All I'm saying is that you're looking at it all wrong."
You huffed. So he was still denying it?
"You know what? I'm done." You turned away from him, continuing to walk. "I don't want to listen to you anymore. You're a reaper and a liar—"
"You can call me anything you want." You were surprised when he abruptly pulled your arm, spinning you around. The force was too strong that your face hit his chest.
"Let go of me—!" You wriggled in his arms but he only pushed you up against the concrete wall, caging you.
You two were at a narrow alley, so close to your home.
"—but I am not lying." He continued, ignoring your desperate attempt to run away from him.
"You can't fool me!" You tried pushing his chest.
He didn't budge.
"I'm just doing whatever I can do to survive!" He placed his hands on the wall, moving even closer to you.
His golden eyes sparkled, horns showing.
You gulped as you nervously looked around. You weren't scared of him. You had seen him like this before. The only reason why your heart was beating erratically was because you were afraid someone would see him looking like this.
"You have me to save you," he licked his lower lip, struggling to meet your eyes.
He couldn't.
You were avoiding his smoldering gaze.
"Jeongguk has Jimin..." His voice was becoming softer, barely audible.
You felt your heart clench.
"And I got no one but myself,"
You finally looked at him in the eyes.
It was a wrong move.
The emotions you had bottled up for the past weeks exploded...
You broke.
And then you turned into ashes.
"I'm not like the rest of you. I wasn't abused. I wasn't taken for granted. I wasn't hurt..."
There was silence. You were just looking at him, silently observing and listening.
"I am the one doing all these things. I abuse people, I take them for granted, and I hurt them."
He sucked in a breath.
"I don't have any excuse just like you do."
He was implying that it was unfair. People like you got away with the pain you caused to other people by simply arguing that you were not in the right mind, or that you experienced traumatic memories before.
People could even argue in court that they were battling some sort of mental illness that was why they hurt people. So instead of getting punished in jail, they would simply be transferred to a competent facility to get the help they 'deserved.'
Taehyung called it bullshit.
"—Because apparently, saving myself isn't good enough to be an excuse." Bullshit since he wasn't treated like this. He couldn't even do good things even if he wanted to.
He couldn't do bad things as it would cause you to hate him too.
"So tell me," your breathing hitched when you felt his hot breath on your left cheek.
He was standing too close.
"What do you think does this look like now?"
You couldn't answer his question so you just proceeded to also ask him a question, something that he would find hard to answer.
"Why?" Your lips trembled. "Is the kiss we shared not enough to satisfy your capital vices?"
As expected, it took him long to respond.
Taehyung only nuzzled your cheek, eyes tightly shut as he felt how good it was to be this close to you.
"No," but he moved away from you, eyes finally opened.
Your ashes were blown by the wind.
"It's not enough..."
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a/n: i know, i know the characters are annoying af 😔 two chapters left so dw! everything will be ok next chap. i promise! (?)
### i appreciate feedback ♥️
##### this is super unedited. im so sorry. im only using my phone.
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Ur take on a malec beauty and the beast au please
ugh you got me in a difficult position here because on the one hand, i do love the idea of a beauty and the beast malec au. i just think the idea of a socially isolated person who thinks themself/is perceived as monstruous and who has locked away their heart and doesn't believe they could ever be loved fits magnus like a glove. but on the other hand, i don't want to make magnus, a brown character, animalistic, for obvious reasons. and i can't really think of a way to make him monstruous that doesn't fall into animalization/beastification (both racist tropes) or ableist tropes
so i'm thinking... maybe the spell is just that people are repulsed by him/fear him automatically? like it just creates this horrible almost impossible to ignore repulsive/fear/"fight or flight activating" aura around him for absolutely no reason and makes ppl be repulsed and/or hate him. even if it doesn't change his appearance at all. it's not really a changing or shifting spell, more like a spell of hatred
which like.... i know doesn't sound like anything poc/queer people don't already go through but there is a main difference which is that it makes it impossible to find a community. like even other brown and queer people look at him and feel this... huge disgust and even fear and might even hide and so the isolation is absolutely total and it fucking hurts. and besides it is one thing (a very bad thing) to walk around and have to be on constant alert because you never know if someone is going to be violent, and have to deal with occasional comments and disgusted reactions... it's another to consistently have like, children screaming and people cowering 100% of the time without exception, you know? he's basically living the life ppl with social anxiety think they live and he has nowhere to turn to, no one who understands or who's more likely to actually want to talk to him because of his differences. there's no one to lean on. even the people who love him aren't immune to it, even if of course they are not turning their backs on him
so anyway here are my thoughts: this was totally done by camille lol beacuse the whole backstory about being mean to an elderly lady doesn't fit magnus anyway and also i just like sprinkling camille angst where i can. so after magnus finally got himself free of her and her stupid claws she hexxed him back into isolation. both as punishment (a kinda "if you don't want me, then you have no one" logic) and just to make him more vulnerable because again, abusers want you alone and isolated and away from a support network so you are more dependant on them and more likely to buy into their thwarped logic if they can immerse you in it. so she's just trying to manipulate him into getting back with her, because she wants him and most of all his power
and basically you know the drill, if he doesn't find anyone who will love him romantically until the rose withers yada yada he will die. and again she just wants to make the spell so it constantly drives home how alone he is and how he can't find anyone who will love him (except for her), and make it so he's more and more likely to come back to her as time goes by because then the spell will be broken
(sidenote: camille obviously doesn't actually love him, because anyone who does that to someone doesn't love them. but as the one who cast the spell, she can lift it whenever she wants. so all she has to do is kiss him and lift the spell and be like "see, magnus? who else would love you like this, but me? even after all these years?". and honestly if it had come to that magnus would know she was lying because there is no way this is love, none. but anyway it doesn't come to that, that's just what her plan is)
anyway it still doesn't work because magnus is done and he won't get back to her, and he particularly doesn't want to get back with her after, you know, all this trashfire. and he just sets his jaw and is like "fine" and accepts that he will live however long he still has with his friends and people he loves and away from her, basically
and like gosh sidenote but this would have been so painful for his friends. camille very deliberately made it romantic love because she knows magnus has so many fucking people who love him, but him and the immortal squad have found family dynamics, not romantic ones. so there is nothing they can do even though their love for magnus is just... so real and pure and they hate to see him like this, hate to know that right when he finally got rid of her she made sure he still couldn't go out in the world. especially since magnus has always been so damn sociable, loved to be surrounded by people and to meet them and care for them. but here he is, walking as hidden as he can and with his head down avoiding eye contact because he knows the horror is there and some children run away screaming when they see him
and i just picture this desperate little scene with raphael in particular where he's just like.... "i'll try to kiss you. we have to try" and magnus is all, "my boy, you don't even like kissing, and she was very adamant that it had to be romantic" and raphael is almost in tears like "but i do love you, goddamn it! i should be able to undo this spell" and it's so sweet that he's trying and willing to be in this really awkward position where he kisses (yikes) magnus (which is just weird especially since magnus is kind of a father figure to him) because he's just... so desperate to have him free of her, finally, once and for all, you know?
but obviously it doesn't work, not even with dot, who had a kinda fling with him in the past but doesn't really feel Romantic Love™ for him even though she does love him, it's just... not what the spell requires. and it's unfair as hell and there are lots of tears but just the fact that magnus falls asleep surrounded in a teary cuddle pile after some of the absolute worst kisses of his life because his friends/family love him enough to put themselves in such an uncomfortable position in the hopes of making him free, is enough to make him feel a little better. and the fact that they are still there for him and obviously still love him so fiercely even though looking at him now literally evokes fight or flight instincts in them is already more than anything camille could ever give him. if anything, she's proven how loved magnus is
and that helps him get through it that day and is something he tries to hold unto in the worst days, but still, it's hard and it just... sucks. it's tiring to go out in the street and always have people staring at you and to see the horror in their faces and be so isolated and never really know what might happen, if he will be attacked or harrassed or what exactly will happen. so he isolates himself more and more and soon the only people who ever see him or visit him are his friends. and fuck, do they hate seeing him like this
things settle in a weird kind of way. magnus is still living his life and working as a wizard and etc and in a way the spell even helps him have some more credibility because you know, isolated scary person is kinda what ppl expect from wizards. but he avoids having contact at all costs and mostly sends the potions they request and stuff their way, and the only ppl he sees are his friends unless he absolutely can't avoid going outside. and he's fucking miserable. and every once in a while camille will come back to be like "so, magnus, are you ready to stop with this little tantrum of yours and come back to me now? how is the rose doing, by the way?" because god forbid he catches a break
also it turns out that magnus' adoptive streak becomes even stronger because he is 1- extra lonely; and 2- empathizing more than ever with the outcasts. don't get me wrong, he always has, he's a fucking brown, bi trans man for fuck's sake. we all see ourselves in the stray dogs and lonely people one way or another. but now this is turned up to a thousand, so, you know
so he has one (1) extra kind of contact in his life which is basically with stray animals (particularly cats cuz u know, this is magnus) that he finds around in need of help. they can all leave if they want, but a lot of them stay, particularly the black cats, disabled animals, and others that have a particularly hostile environment outside. you know
(not me again with my very specific hcs about deaf pitbulls who fall in love with my faves but LOOK pitbulls are very sweet and caring animals who don't deserve the fame of monsters that they have and if the idea of one being best friend's with magnus and them having a loving and caring relationship doesn't appeal to you then idk what the fuck to tell you)
this of course doesn't help his image cuz this guy is just going there and collecting black cats and snakes and has a huge pitbull around with him at all times but it's not like it can get any worse so magnus doesn't care, and besides, he can't just leave them out to die in the cold and harrassment of middle ages white ppl who think black cats are the worst possible thing but rats carrying deadly diseases are fine (and look, i know rats are also animals that get a lot of shit and persecution, but like, seriously, clean the streets)
and every once in a while there will be a person in need too, like a homeless person in need of a place to stay or some sick person who has been abandoned or something of the sort, so magnus brings them in as well and cares for them as well as he can, but also tries to maintain minimal contact because he's been burned too many times, okay
so like, cue alec! i know in the original BATB belle ended up with the beast to save her father's life but fuck that. i lowkey consider making it "izzy ran away from home so alec comes after her and they both end up staying with magnus" but i think i like it better if it's just alec who decided to leave. like he's done with the abuse both towards him and his sister and he wants to be able to live his life even if he's gonna have to start over in some other village all alone. anywhere but here and all that
and of course alec used to be plenty rich and he has a lot of skills that help him pass by - he's a good archer and hunter, he's a good leader and organizer so he could do wonders for a failing business, he's smart and cunning - but he also has, like, 2 gold coins to his name. maybe some more from stuff he took from home and sold, but still
initially he is living at a tavern and i guess i'm making simon, raphael, and maia tavern owners again! i don't even care anymore, it suits them. rapha is the cook and the three of them run the business and simon also makes musical appearances during dinners every once in a while, and they are living the happy queer polyamorous life of their dreams. we have no choice but to stan
anyway alec is staying with them and he becomes friends with i think maia in particular since, you know, she is the one with the most contact with the customers since rapha is in the kitchen and simon is up the stage most of the time. plus they are both the same brand of bastard and they have an easy understanding between them that just works
and look! simon, raphael, and maia are 3 trans, non-christian/non-white (unnecessary addendum: the concept of whiteness didn't exist until around the 17th century, but whiteness as a concept came basically as a substitute for christianity [link to source], so i'm counting the fact that simon is jewish and raphael and maia are not culturally european as equivalent to non-whiteness in this context) people, so it's not like they would ever kick a gay man running from an abusive home out. but you know what they also are? magnus' friends. and after a while of talking to him maia thinks he is trustworthy enough for them to send magnus' way, because magnus needs as many friends as possible. plus, he wouldn't kick a person in need out, so unlike with them magnus can't really push this newcomer away so he'd have more company. plus, the possibility that he might fall in love with magnus and undo the stupid spell is there, i'm just saying! i'm not saying it WILL happen but why not give it a fucking shot?
raphael in particular is of course super protective of magnus and he swears to god that if this guy gives him half a bad look raphael will end him, which earns him some pats on the shoulder for his troubles and "rapha, we don't want magnus to be hurt either"s. maia says that she's been assessing him for quite a while now and she's pretty positive that he won't be terrible to magnus, but if she's wrong, she'll kill him personally too. and rapha trusts maia. how could he not? she's maia
so, they send alec magnus' way. "i'm sorry alec, but we are struggling to make ends meet *hides gigantic gold stash* and the tavern is packed *raphael upstairs stomps at maximum speed to make it seem like their 13 empty rooms upstairs actually have people* and we really need your room to give to this customer *simon in a wig* BUT we have a friend who we're sure will give you shelter if you ask, it's not very far away, and once we have a free room we will let you know". and alec is just like, okay, because he's been staying there for free or considerably less than the usual fee/in exchange for some stuff he hunts for quite a while now, and they are nice, so it's not like he can complain
and they don't tell him about the spell exactly because it is not their story to tell but they do let him know what to expect re: magnus' vibes and say it's a spell. and alec's like ok i guess. alec's very practical, he doesn't really care, and it's not like it's the guy's fault anyway. which is exactly why maia is sending alec there
so they send magnus a heads up ("magnus this guy is HOMELESS and we are SOOOOO packed can you please give him shelter for a little while thx xoxo"). alec arrives there a while later carrying like 3 prime rabbits he has hunted as a thank you gift because he hates being dependant on people but it's not like jobs abound in the middle ages, and he is actually a little embarrassed to go in and ask this guy he doesn't know for shelter but he IS kinda desperate. for now
anyway he is standing there with his 3 rabbits debating whether or not to knock on the door and magnus just opens it magically like "i know you're there, dear, just come in" so alec does and awkwardly presents him the rabbits and shit and is all "thanks for letting me stay, uh. i can help you with food and taking care of the house and stuff" even though, you know, magnus has magic and doesn't need it
(and magnus appreciates it deeply, because it is tiring to do it all magically on his own but most non-magical people don't even consider that)
and like... it is very awkward at first because magnus does NOT trust at all and he mostly just wants to keep away from anyone who can... look at him. but they ARE living together (oh my god they were roommates!! just kidding they each have their own room but you get it) so it's inevitable. but like magnus' insecurity makes him keep to himself for long times and makes things awkward, kinda like how the initial days with the beast and belle the beast was rude and kinda shitty except magnus is not shitty, just... private
and maybe the subject even comes up like "thanks for the meal alec. i'll go eat it in my room" "i mean, you could eat here if you want" "and ruin your appetite? no thank you" and alec is just like "*shrug* it won't ruin my appetite. unless you are my parents, the concept of failure, or some girl wanting me to marry her, i don't think there's a lot the spell can do to make me scared. besides, you literally have a kitten on top of your head right now and you refuse to remove it and are using a spell to keep her from jostling when you move" "her name is Fluffy, and she is sleeping!" "right, my bad" "wait did you say the concept of failure?" "yea"
it's not that the spell doesn't work on alec; it does, just like it works on his friends. but he is willing to go beyond that initial repulsive reaction that he knows is illogical anyway (and alec is the kind of guy who is just like "if my feelings aren't logical, i don't listen to them" which in this case is useful lmao). and the thing is that once you get to know magnus there is nothing about him that is scary, and the feeling just becomes completely ignorable, because humans are nothing if not adaptable. but most people don't want to go through the trouble to try, and magnus himself doesn't want to let himself be vulnerable enough to give them a chance because there IS a great chance that he will be met with some level of aggression, even if it's an unintentional microaggression
and eventually they grow closer and build trust. i think this happens particularly when camille steps in for one of her regularly schedule shoving-it-in-magnus'-face visits and alec is just like. "hey why don't you just use magic to keep her away?" and magnus realizes that he never even THOUGHT of that and like, jesus, how much has he been unconsciously torturing himself? so he does it, and he ends up telling alec about the story of the spell, which might be the first time he's told someone that didn't know him before the spell was cast
(alec: "so she's basically just killing you slowly?" magnus: "don't be silly, alexander. torturing me first is the most important part". and he sounds self deprecating and almost resigned and god alec feels murderous)
ohh but wait bonus: magnus says that she will only undo the spell if he gets back with her, he doesn't mention that it technically can be undone by romantic love or whatever bullshit's going on because he doesn't believe it can happen anyway, so, who cares
anyway! time goes by. fun fact: alec and magnus get along really fucking well. magnus is so so smart and knowledgeable and he shows alec many of his inventions that never got to see the light of day or that were stolen by someone else who wasn't cursed and took all the credit. he also fascinates alec with his magic, but mostly with his personality. there's something just endlessly endearing about this guy who is so fucking proud of his puns and so so nice and gentle to every creature he encounters, be it a kitten or a pitbull, who's letting alec stay with him for no reason other than that alec needs it
and alec is so goddamn appreciative of it because like he IS and we stan! and he's always trying to give back to magnus which is kind of a rarity, but most of all he's also extremely funny beneath the whole no-bullshit attitude, he's caring and fierce and resourceful and strong (so's magnus) and they click so well. they can also talk about their similar experiences with like, abuse and trauma without making it super heavy and they're just,,, so supportive of each other. so like yeah surprise surprise they fall in love
but they don't really say anything because (on magnus' part) that's just fucking ridiculous, he's a monster; and (on alec's part) he will put magnus is a way too uncomfortable position if magnus doesn't like him that way and they will just... be living together. and magnus will feel like he has to compensate to alec somehow and alec doesn't want that. it's just complicated when one of them is dependant on the other, and besides, alec has had very little to offer magnus so far
(no, he has no idea how much his company means to magnus and has brighted his depressed ass life. he is stupid)
sometimes magnus' friends visit and they're always just so happy for him, to see how he's hanging out more and let someone into his life after so long. it earns him a lot of forehead kisses and "i'm so happy to see you like this". and over time he starts to invite them over more as well as just open up back to the people in his life :')
angsty but also kind of fluffy sidenote: i picture that every time they kiss his forehead or cheek or whatever they linger for a little while and then open their eyes slowly and sigh like "i had been hoping that it would work this time. magnus, you know i love you, right?" and magnus is all like "i know just from you saying that, darling. it's just not how the spell works" and aaa
and like to be extra clear im not saying that alec fixes him or romantic love heals him or whatever, just that having let someone in, someone who didn't know him before the spell, and have them completely accept him and realize how much he had been missing out re: touch and human contact helps him realize how much he misses his friends and how pushing them away is stupid when they've never been anything if not supportive of him. they don't care that he's cursed. and obviously magnus was already on the way to that if he even managed to let alec in anyway
anyway! dramatic healing scene. LOOK. usually i'd be all for "they don't change back actually because people don't have to look beautiful to be lovable". like the original BATB disappointed me sooo badly because i had just been hoping that he'd stay the same way and still be loved. but in this case it's not that magnus doesn't look beautiful! it's that the spell has made him be hated by people for no reason other than existing. and breaking the spell is not changing magnus himself, it's changing that hatred. so, yeah. i'm not saying it's a deep metaphor or anything, just, you know daudhasdja it's different from the usual monster thing
and i'm torn here because on the one hand i LOVE the drama of the original BATB where everyone decides to gather to kill the beast and belle saves him and shit, but idk if it fits with the vibe ive been building here. no actually @ me shut the fuck up. you know how i mentioned that they kick camille out with magic finally? i actually had no intentions of following through with this in any way but like of COURSE she would be absolutely pissed out of her mind and want to get back in some way, we already know she's vindictive. so i'm gonna use that. this is what neil gailman meant when he said that writing is just making a rough draft and then writing it again but like it's on purpose this time
anyway! so after they yeet her camille is obviously furious and fuming and it might have finally dawned on her that magnus will NOT fucking cave and she is losing power over him, not gaining it. so she decides to play a last card and get him to almost die so he kind of HAS to take her bid, you know? so she makes up some shit about how magnus has kidnapped the lightwood heir and she's only now hearing about it, and no one else is safe and yada yada. and she has "proof" because alec IS indeed there and again the spell just helps everyone easily agree with her that magnus is That Kind Of Guy or whatever, and middle ages ppl weren't exactly waiting for a good enough reason to grab their pitchforks. and they don't even KNOW about the spell, really. all they know is that he's very powerful, secluded, and they all fear and almost hate him just from one look
so camille makes up some bullshit story about how he made a deal with the devil to become extra powerful, and that the source of his powers is the rose, so they have to get rid of the rose to kill him. (sidenote: i never understood why the hell the rose was never used as a weakness against the beast. like was he keeping it super guarded and safe just for the fucking shits?) so they devise an attack so someone can sneak up and get the rose, and camille makes up some bullshit story about how they have to destroy the rose a specific way so it takes longer and she has time to manipulate magnus before he dies. man, it's easy to be a villain when your target is secluded
anyway! big attack at magnus' house. magnus' friends don't hear about it until it's too late because camille knows exactly who they are and warned them that they were on "the witch's" side. alec is maybe away hunting when it happens? camille obviously has magic in this AU so she can check for that information. maybe she even says that she will be the one responsible for finding the lightwood heir so there is minimal risk of him revealing that she lied lmao
oh no, violence! they battle and yada yada. catarina is probably the first one to realize what is happening because i figure she, madzie, and dot are the ones who live closest to magnus'. they send fire messages and get ragnor, simon, maia, raphael, and meliorn to help. oh yeah, and alec i genuinely forgot trust me to forget about romance in a romance-focused au. but alec is the only one of them without any magical resources and he's far away and on foot, so he's gonna be the last to get there, which camille had been counting on
but alec or no alec, they can keep the attackers at bay because they're all powerful and smart and shit and a lot of them have magic as opposed to the mundanes who don't, but of course that's mostly because they are holding off on attacking and the invasion is mostly a distraction because their PLAN is to use the rose. and camille tells them all to leave once the petal puckering starts so she can "protect them from any lashouts" (have her big villain speech). and it's not like any of magnus' friends is gonna leave to go after them when magnus is dying, bUT they also won't attack camille because she's his only hope. and they won't be able to get to stop the rose plucking in time because that's in another room and while she made it slower than something that the person can use to kill him in a second it's also not slow enough for them to get there on time (maybe there's a spell against magic use near where magnus keeps the rose? just for extra safety, so the ones with magic can't portal there or whatever)
anyway. big villain speech. magnus screams in pain every time a new petal is plucked. his friends are either running to the rose thing desperately or trying to get camille to stop this madness, she's going to kill him for fuck's sake. i don't know which chooses to do what so you can figure that out i guess. and for that extra drama, right when the last petal was going to be plucked, wee woo alec lightwood arrives! and he went straight for the rose because magnus had told him about it and he figured that there was a good chance the attackers might go for it. so he shoots the person's leg or something and gets them away from the rose and yay, day saved! mostly. because now there is only one petal left to fall before magnus dies, so at the very least, his lifespan has been shortened considerably. also, he is still in pain
i'm torn about what happens to camille then. on the one hand, i love killing camille! bonding activities for the whole family. on the other, she kinda is the only one who can save him now. they all know magnus won't want to get back with her, but hey, it's not like camille wants a relationship! she wants magnus to be her asset. a relationship was just the best way to get him to do that she had initially. but magnus doesn't want to cave and be dependant of her, so, you know. but maybe they can try to convince her to stop this fucking madness, god knows how
so okay yeah no camille-killing yet because they don't want to jeopardize magnus' safety, so she just leaves convinced that either way, she wins, and this might be the best possible scenario actually because magnus will have lots of times to think it over and be real desperate and come to her and strike a deal. so, yay her! she just needs to lie to the mundanes that the mission was successful or whatever, and it's not like that's gonna be hard because magnus won't want to be seen there again, so
we are all running to check up on magnus now. he's kinda like, on the ground coughing blood, but he'll live for as long as the last rose doesn't fall. still, they all settle on trying to help him, getting him in bed, tending to his wounds, etc. and thinking about what the fuck they are all going to do now. so you have raphael and maia making magnus soup, simon running his mouth as he throws around ideas on how they can fix this, ragnor, cat, dot, and madzie (who is here now that the danger is over ofc) checking and rechecking magnus' vitals for the billionth time and trying to figure out how much time they have, meliorn using their fae powers to stop his pain. and madzie is all snuggled in bed with magnus holding his hand and asking if he wants her to tell him a bedtime story, and magnus just... feels cared for and loved
alec meanwhile i think would tell what ACTUALLY happened to the person who was doing the rose thing - i actually have thought about it and think it might make sense for it to be luke. just because i love him and it kinda fits the whole "initially sided with shadowhunters, lately became a downworlder" thing. and like luke genuinely believed he was saving a person/people so alec brings him in too and magnus is all "catarina, dear, can you help heal his leg? i would, but i don't think i have enough magic right now" because he is the sweetest man immediately wanting to help the guy who almost killed him. and luke is in awe
(and alec brings him on purpose, too, because he knows that anyone who actually talks to magnus for a little while will see what an amazing person he is. and he hopes that luke, as a mundane, can tell the others that and turn them against camille)
and after that, of course, alec sits down by magnus' side and Does Not Leave. he's just there holding his hand and talking to him and magnus' friends, who are all also kind of. sitting there, trying to snuggle up in a gigantic pile of like 10 ppl to cuddle close to magnus and make sure he feels loved and cared for and that they know he is real. madzie gets special privileges in that sense because she's smaller and also a kid, so she gets to be kinda snuggled up with him. so alec has to be content with holding magnus' hand lmao (which he is, he's just happy that he's alive and okay. and he has a whole plan to get camille to undo the spell, mostly involving getting the mundanes against her and telling her that she is only safe for as long as magnus lives, because once he dies, she will have a bunch of ppl who will hunt her down to the faces of the earth to make her pay for what she did to him. the only reason they didn't do that yet is because she can still save magnus' live, so is she really going to let him die knowing that she will be next?)
so alec takes his hand and tells magnus that they will fix this, he promises, and give a little kiss on magnus' hand. just a little peck, no deep intentions, but magnus gasps a little because he feels something, and his eyes water a little bit because he's so touch starved and tired and hurt and alec kissed his hand and he can feel this kind of ache inside him, somehow a good ache, but he just can't explain it. and so alec notices his watery eyes and he very tenderly wipes his tears away and tells him that they're all on his side, will always be, and kisses him on the forehead. and this kiss? this kiss is full of adoration and love and purpose, and magnus gasps and the wounds that hadn't been healed suddenly mend together, and the petals that had fallen go back to the rose before it disappears in a beautiful flash of light, and suddenly magnus' magic is back full force and he just looks at himself for a second, and everyone erupts into joy because holy shit, the spell is broken
and alec is so confused because again! he didn't kNOW about the whole true love's kiss thing or he would have asked magnus to let him kiss him as soon as he learnt about his feelings, because even if magnus didn't feel the same way, alec could undo the spell. and he's like "why the hell didn't you tell me?? we could have fixed this months ago" and magnus is like "i didn't think it would make a difference. wait, you're in love with me? have been for months?" and alec is like "first of all, yes. second of all, i have nothing else to say, i just said 'first of all' because i was so indignant"
and magnus laughs and jumps on him and kisses him on the mouth this time and they are both smiling and laughing into it and so so happy. and raphael is kind of just peppering kisses on maia's face too, like, "you were right, he undid the spell, thank you" and maia was never sure that this would happen but she will take the credit actually please and thank you
and they all live happily ever after and kill camille together the end i guess. god this post was so long i'm so sorry
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To bare my hate (2/3)
Warning: Angst, language, mention suicide, attempted suicide, mention of child abuse, death, murder, blood
Mirio x reader
1 | 2 | 3
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Taking Nezu and Aizawa’s advice Mirio was determined to spend more time with (Y/n) but only to prove to them that she was a Villain and had bad intentions.
“What are you doing” Mirio demanded as he found (Y/n) sitting in the grass outside writing in a journal and watching people.
“Getting sun. Vitamin D is very important for the immune system,” she stated looking up and smiling gently up at him. Looking at her notebook and quickly snatches it from her looking at what despicable plans she was writing down. Instead, he finds pictures, more specifically, sketches of different people ranging for students to teachers, they were really good. Mirio scoffed and tossed the book back at her hitting her in the head. She mumbled a soft ‘ouch’ rubbing the spot on her head that was hit she still smiled at him sweetly.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
“What are your plans?”
“Well, I’ve finished my homework so I don’t have much to do for today. Maybe I’ll take a nap after this. Unless you want me to do something for you that is”
No, Villain would give up their plan so easily although she seemed nice he knew it could all be an act. He had made the mistake of misreading a situation before and lost Eri the first time he would not do it again.
He took a seat on the grass next to her and said nothing. She didn’t say anything either continuing her drawing and watching people.
“Why are you drawing these people?” Mirio asked
“People are interesting. People look interesting. Everyone is different. If you look close enough you can see even the smallest differences.” he looked at her confused.
“For example, Present Mic is more tired than Aizawa. You see, Although Aizawa is always sleeping about he is always alert, well-minded, and his work is done. Present Mic, on the other hand, is always drinking coffee, speaking often loudly and rapidly, acting erratically, forgetting, and falling behind in work. Plus Aizawa has two jobs a hero and teacher Mic has four a hero, teacher, Dj, and running a radio station. Aizawa and Mic just handle stress differently. Aizawa often avoids unnecessary stress if possible with his naps while Mic likes to run into stress head first or panic. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Aizawa and Midnight that man wouldn’t function properly.”
She turned her journal towards him showing him a sketch of Mic sleeping at his desk Aizawa putting a blanket over him and Midnight closing his laptop.
“You seem to know a lot about the staff here”
“Well, I do spend a lot of time with them. They are my family.” (Y/n) began to gather up her things and stood up “ This was nice we should do it again sometime. Bye, Bye Mirio.”
Mirio wanted her to stay talk to her more possibly get more out of her but he couldn’t find a way to keep her there and instead watched her walk away. She seemed so kind, so nice, and innocent but Mirio knew better this had to be an act of some sort. She was playing everybody and he was going to expose this game sooner or later. He was going to learn her secrets. She was a villain and he was going to prove it.
Mirio continued the action of spending time with (Y/n), even though he didn’t like her or want to, learning as much as he could or what she would tell him. Mirio's treatment towards her was unkind and a few people witness. He had a habit of insulting and belittling her and even physically hurting her, but nothing too serious( the small physical assaults stopped after Tamaki stepped in). But the most upsetting part was that (Y/n) took it all with a smile she never spoke ill of Mirio, never told on him, or fought back. She took it and never said a word just smiling and letting him go on.
“You’re not being very nice,” Nejiro said scolding Mirio as they watched (Y/n) walk away smiling as usual. (Y/n) hadn’t done very well on a test when the results fell out of her binder Mirio picked them up and began making fun of her for her low scores.
“I’m trying to provoke her so she’ll so her true colors”
“It didn’t look like that” Tamaki mumbled to himself but the others still heard him, they choose to ignore the comment.
“She’s a villain how is no one else seeing this?!”
“Probably because they’re so focused on the guy that’s bullying her,” Aizawa said casually walking by them
“Who?” he stopped and looked directly at Mirio.
“You. You are so convinced she’s a villain that you didn’t take a moment to think that maybe she’s a victim.” Aizawa said walking away shaking his head with a look of disappointment.
“He’s right,” Tamaki said he was now facing the wall appearing in a slump.
“You should talk to her and actually get to know her. Ask her what really happen? You might find out something new and interesting” Nejiro said poking his cheek before leaving him in the hall very confused and conflicted.
“Are you a villain?” Mirio said barging into (Y/n)’s room she was lying across her head she slowly sat up.
“Your parents were heroes and good people and you killed them.”
“... I let them die but I didn’t kill them.”
“How is that not the same thing?”
(Y/n) dragged her feet she didn’t want to go home she wasn’t ready to go home but it was too late she had done everything in her power to stall going home. Staying late at school doing homework, studying, and helping teachers, Taking a long way home, pretending to get lost, offering help to those she pasted. But now there was nothing more she could do and she had to meet her faint.
As she took slow steps home it began to rain but she didn’t pick up her pace if anything she took smaller steps and let the rain soak through her clothes she didn’t care.
Honestly, (Y/n) was praying neither of her parents was home and they instead got called away on some useless job. (Y/n) parents are famous pro-heroes their high popularity stemmed from them being an adorable couple with compatible quirks. But what happened on the outside was always very different than what happened on the inside. On the outside, they were heroes they saved people and worked for justice on the inside they were none of the such she had the scars and bruises to prove it. Looking can be deceiving.
As she crossed the bridge leading to her house she stopped and looked over the edge.
Maybe this life wasn’t cut out for her. Maybe that was what all this was life telling she wasn’t wanted and that she should go before it got any worse. She steps to the railing. Maybe she should join Ken. Ken was a friend of her life got too hard for her both home and school the bullies were too much and she deicide it was all the signs of life telling her to give up and give up she did jumping off of this very same bridge and year and a half earlier.
But as much as she wanted too she couldn’t join Ken she had promised her she’d become a hero for her. And she was working towards that goal attending UA, although it was a bit of set back being put in the general education course she would continue to work towards her goal and make Ken happy somehow.
Stepping back from the railing she continued her slow walk home.
When (Y/n) finally arrived home she found her front door ajar slowly and quietly she steps in the house. In the hallway by the front door, she found her father a large amount of his left side was missing and blood was everywhere. He was dead. But she wasn’t phased she didn’t care carefully stepping over his body and around the blood, she continues into the house.
She hears whimpering in the living room and follows the sounds. There she finds three men in plague doctor masks. Two standing against the wall and one kneeling over her mother who was beaten and bloody laying on the floor.
Ignoring the men she looks down at the woman laying on the floor. The woman reached for her with shaky hands
There was a cry and then her blood was everywhere and her head was gone.
“Oh” was all (Y/n) could say as she looked at the blood-stained couch. She was unphased by the woman's murder, honestly, she couldn’t call her mother and probably shouldn’t she never was.
The man stood and slowly walked towards her “ I just killed your mother yet you don’t seem phased. why is that ?”
“She was never a mother, to begin with, nor he a father... Are you going to kill me too? Can we do it somewhere else I don’t want to die next to them.”
He stepped forward raising his hand towards her cheek just inches away from touching her “You’re... interesting”
“ I... I just didn’t care at that point... God, that’s terrible isn’t it” (Y/n) said laying on her back covering her eyes at the ceiling a small smile on her face.
Mirio was really confused now. He was upset to hear that her parents, pro heroes at that, were abusing her but he was also angry thinking she had walked away with Overhaul after she witnesses him kill her parents. It was all confusing.
“Your parents were hurting you and you didn’t tell anyone?” he asked now sitting at her desk.
“I didn’t think anyone would care, they were pro heroes and I was a little girl who already had a bad record. I was blamed and accused of a lot of things I didn’t do at school. After they were killed it was found out because our house had security cameras Overhaul had taken the footage from that night but left everything else. The police found it but didn’t do anything with it because they were already dead. They didn’t make it public as they didn’t want to ruin their image after death.” she sighed  
“Why did you join Overhaul? You watched him kill them.”
“No one ever cared abomhut me before he came along. Not even the heroes were good to me. He took care of me he was so good to me” (Y/n) closed her eyes as tears slowly streamed down her face “ He was so good to me, no one was ever good to me. I-I didn’t deserve such goodness, I don’t deserve it”
As (Y/n) began to sob Mirio didn’t know what to do rolling over he puts a gentle hand on her shoulder as she continues to cry. And they just sit there without words.
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bleedingspades · 3 years
Beauty and the Titan prt. 1
Eren X gn Reader
You wake to find the walls destroyed, and meet a very strange Titan and like a fool you follow it.
Warnings ⚠️: season one spoilers, talk of suicide, parental abuse, physical abuse, blood, death, and body dismemberment! And this is unedited but I’ll reread and edit as time passes haha! ⚠️VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED ⚠️
Pain, you’re head feels as if it’s about to burst , open your eyes. Open! Please, please, please open, you beg yourself. But all your body wants to do is sleep. But isn’t that bad? Stay awake!
A constant ringing in your ears and the dull sounds of shouting or screaming, what happened? You feel someone step on your hand. But yet you can’t will yourself to pry your eyelids away from each other. As if they’re destined to stay closed for forever. You can hear foot steps run past you. Tired so tired..can’t stay awake
Darkness closes in silence hugs your mind. Peace
The ground starts to rumble, stirring you from your unconsciousness. Something else, then you hear it. A boy is yelling, shouting a name. E-eren.. yes that must be it. He’s calling out to Eren, whoever that is. But you can hear another voice
“We can’t die hear..can we Armin? You were the one who told me about it, that’s why I want to go.. outside.” Is that Eren speaking?
The other voice yells out for Eren to hurry then you hear a snap. He’s screaming now. You don’t think you’ll ever get that sound out of your head. You don’t want to open your eyes now. Afraid of what you’ll see. All that it sounds like is around you is death. Always death. Why is this world so cruel...?
How long have you been laying there.. feels like days. The chaos that’s happening now, can’t have been before the last thing you remember. Which is your father striking you for stealing a piece of bread. After that, everything went dark. If he’d fed you, maybe you’d have behaved. But that night it was raining. How long have you been outside even, since he struck you cold in the kitchen?
You slowly pry open your eyes. You can see the sky and smoke. It’s cloudy. You sit up and see a grey haired man standing ahead and he’s .. he’s definitely not a man. That’s a Titan. There’s Titans on this side of the wall? But how? Where’d that boy who was yelling go? Maybe the Titan got him. Probably got Eren first.
It looks at you, and instead of fear you just feel empty. So this is it? Ok. Better a Titan then your own father. After all he hates you for everything that happened with your mother. No reason to breathe anymore. Finally a release from this reality.
You stand up and hold your arms out to the Titan. You’d rather not die but what’s the point in trying to fight something like this. Born with a frail body how could you do anything? The Titan starts to walk towards you. Closing your eyes you wait.
But you feel hot liquid splatter your face. You look up at see a hand has broken out from inside the oldy Titan. The Titan falls forward, the wind making your hair rush back with force. The Titans back is rippling.. and tearing. More blood spatters on you as a Titan breaks out of the fallen one. Looking up at, you watch it as it roars. You can feel it’s emotions, how it sounds. So angry, and definitely not ready to die.
This is the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen. Are you crazy for thinking that? Yes beyond crazy. After all it’s a Titan. Behind you you can hear another Titan approaching. But you can’t turn around as you watch the beautiful Titian stomp on the head of the old one.
The steaming blood is dripping from you as it coats you with each lift and stomp. The Titan from behind you walks past you to attack the other one. It didn’t even go for you. None of them except oldy. You watch as the newcomer easily dies by the hands of the angry one.
After they’re dead the Titan begins to leave, you decide to follow it. In awe you run as fast as you can to keep up with it. Your lungs burn but you can’t bring yourself to leave it. You watch as it saves some cadet with a red scarf. Killing the Titans around her. A boy swoops down and grabs her bringing her to a rooftop.
There’s another cadet waiting for them. But you can’t hear what they’re saying. You just keep following your Titan. And it seems the cadets think he’s safe and follow too. You remember watching the scouts leave for the outside the wall missions. But your mom said they were playing a losing game. And she was right each time they came back with fewer people who’d died for a game they lost anyways. But your brother loved the thought of fighting for a world his sister could be at peace in. So he joined the scouts.
All that came back, was his hand. The ring he got from you for his birthday one year on it. That’s how you knew it was him. You were home alone that day when a captain by the name Levi Ackerman showed up. And said he failed to save him. From what you knew he wasn’t a very emotional man and didn’t do these types of things. But he’d been to a few family dinners. Don’t know how your brother got him to go. So you assumed he needed to give your family some closure. Or to help his own.
After that day everything in your household was dark. Your mother always laying in bed. Your father trying to do his best but ended up passed out drunk on the sofa anyways. And you, left to cook, clean, and do the shopping. When it came time to feed your mother, she’d always yell and tell you she wished it were you who’d died. After all you could barley mange to lift a full laundry basket. Born with unusually smaller bones, small lungs, and a weak immune system.
“Why couldn’t the useless one die” she’d say. Though you never cried. Because it was just grieving, that’s all. Right? And then one night she died and your father blamed you for that. And eventually it was your fault for everything. Levi didn’t visit anymore, which was okay. You didn’t want him to know how your father was doing or what happened to your mother. What if Levi hated you too if he’d found out.
Even though you know this Titan isn’t doing this to protect you, or anything like that. You just can’t shake the feeling that it’s special that it’s not just an abnormal. For some reason you want to protect it. It’s the only thing that’s ever saved you. Even if it was unintentional. This Titan has done more for you then your own parents, so you’ll return the favor. If need be you feel like you’d die for him.
You watch as he finishes off the rest of the Titans, then falls. I-is he going to die? You question yourself, no it can’t take him out that easily.. wait there’s a boy. Attached to the nape of the Titan. You see the girl cadet and the yellow haired boy land near him. They hug him and cry. For reasons unknown to you, you feel jealous. Maybe because you don’t have anything like that. The last person to hug you was Captain Levi. The day he told you of your brothers unfortunate death. But it felt hollow, like it was just custom. Not heartfelt.
You don’t even realize that your feet have taken you up to where they’ve brought that boy. From where your hidden you can see the lines underneath his eyes. But he doesn’t need to have his eyes open for you to know he was your Titan. This situation, from the looks of it they probably thought he’d died.
Then you get it, you remember hearing yelling. “Eren” that was the name. That boy must be Eren, he must’ve transformed in the belly of that old Titan. Probably for the first time in his life. He’s almost like a werewolf, you’d read about those in fairytales.
“Hey you what’re you doing here?” You hear a stern voice ask. You look to see a boy with mean look on his face. Kinda looks like a horse you think to yourself.
“Well?” He asks you.
“U-uhm I was..” you stutter, you can feel your cheeks are pink. You feel like you just got caught doing something scandalous.
“You should have gone to safety, when you had the chance” says horse boy.
“Uh I never really had that chance.” You tell him
The yellow haired boy looks to you, he recognizes you.
“Jean, I’ve seen them before.” He says.
Jean looks at him dumbfounded
“What, where? What are they supposed to be one of us?” He questions the yellow haired boy.
“No, I saw that they were laying on the ground near where Eren was- where he was.. eaten. I thought they were already dead.” He explains. You blush a bit, but you don’t blame him you’re sure you look incredibly horrid.
Jean looks to you, his gaze traveling up and down. He makes a disgusted face. Plugs his nose and backs up.
“Pew it really stinks.” He complains backing away.
“I’m sorry” you look down at you boots “I was passed out and when I woke up, a Titan was walking towards me and then, out popped another Titan. Then he started killing all the Titans so I followed him.” You say quickly. Keeping most of your reasons to yourself for why you followed Eren in the first place.
If the yellow haired boy hadn’t approached you he wouldn’t have heard anything you just said. You do smell and Armin know that smell. Titan blood it may disappear but to him it leaves a scent... of death.
“Oh, well are you okay? We should get a first aid kit, you’ve got some scrapes and such. Oh and my names Armin Arlert.” He says to you.
“I-oh .. uhm I’m y/f/n. And i think I’ll be alright, how is Eren.?” You say. You look to the sleeping boy. He looks distraught and anything but peaceful. Just pure exhaustion. You imagine transforming into an actual Titan is extremely taxing on his body. Especially if it was his first time transforming. What if all Titans are human or what if they were once, upon another time...
“I wish i could say it’s nice to meet you but under the circumstances it could be better. Well she’s Mikasa Ackerman, and that’s Eren Jaeger. Eren seems to be ok, though that’s right now. He’s in danger, all the corps will see him as a threat. We have to find a way to convince them he’s an asset to humanity.” Armin explains.
You keep your gaze locked on Eren. If they try to hurt him you’ll barricade his body with your own if it comes down to it. Armin is right mostly. Asset isn’t the word you’d use for Eren, but you don’t think they’ll be calling him a savior any time soon.
The wind blows lightly causing Erens hair to sway from his face a bit. He really is handsome you think to yourself. You wonder if his eyes are green like his Titan, and if his attitude as brave as the Titan. He seems stubborn already. You can’t wait till he wakes up.
Authors notes:
👌Okay okay okay this is a good end to part one right? To be honest this was going to be a one shot with Armin, which will happen but then I got carried away and started to dream a bit more for this. Hope you enjoyed and follow my blog for prt two in the Beauty and the Titan series. 👌
Please don’t forget to reblog and share! 💖
Don’t copy my work please!
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stovetuna · 4 years
Stony for 30 or 40? I LOVE U SO MUCH UR FICS GIVE ME LIFE 💛💛👏
AHHHH YAY LIFE!!! you and an anon both requested #30, so here’s some classic tony!angst and protective!steve :3 — I PROMISE THERE IS A VERY MUSHY, VERY HAPPY ENDING
#30: “You’re not worth it.” (TW: child abuse, references to alcoholism, Howard being a shitty human being [but what else is new]) 
It’s Wednesday, and Wednesday means movie night at the mansion. A time-honored tradition that goes all the way back to the Avengers’ inception, back when Steve was still finding his way out of the ice—literally and figuratively—and Iron Man and Tony Stark were two different people. 
It’s been a long time since those early days, Tony thinks, watching the new team assemble on the couches, loveseats, beanbag chairs, and blankets strewn around the in-home movie theater. The screen isn’t excessively massive, per Steve’s wishes, but the sound is as good as it gets, per Clint’s; Tony updates the hardware year over year to keep up with the times, especially as film goes the way of digital (much to Steve’s chagrin). 
But tonight is Steve’s pick for movie, and Tony wonders if it was planned that way the moment Luke Cage asks what they’re going to watch and Steve gets that glint in his eye. The one that Tony can recognize from a mile away now without even trying, the one that screams “Steve Rogers is a little shit” and that very few people seem to be able to hear. 
Tony groans the moment Steve grins and says, “Home movies!” while revealing two armfuls of reels from behind his back, some of which are so dusty and small, Tony wonders if they’re Steve’s. 
The team settles in with enough snacks to put a rhino in a coma while Tony and Steve head to the back of the room where the vintage projector Tony pulled out of storage for the occasion awaits. 
“Next week, you can pick the movie,” Steve whispers conspiratorially, bumping Tony with a friendly elbow. Tony has to hold himself back from leaning into Steve in response, the way his body feels primed to do and has done for literal years, ever since—god, since always. But Tony knows his interest and affections are very much one-sided, and Tony doesn’t need to flagellate himself over it any more than he already does with everything else in his life. Plus, watching Steve with each of his girlfriends is more than taxing enough.
He’s had years of practice keeping his feelings for Steve from the man. He can handle an elbow and a wink. That shit’s practically child’s play. 
“If footage from my sweet sixteen made it into this lineup, we’re watching all three Die Hards,” Tony replies with a saccharine smile that makes Steve blanch. 
“Tony, no.” 
“Tony, yes.”
“The last time we watched Die Hard, Clint wouldn’t stop talking with a fake German accent for a week.” 
“I know! It was hilarious, and I want to get it on camera this time so I can send it to Alan Rickman. He’ll hate it.” 
Tony giggles at Steve’s huff, which is really a laugh disguised as exasperation, another one of Steve’s tics Tony knows by heart. The pain and joy of knowing that secretly splits Tony right down the middle—the joy of knowing Steve is a much bigger troll than anyone realizes, the pain of wanting to grab him and kiss him for it—but he hides it all with an elbow to Steve’s ribs and a muttered “jerk” under his breath. 
He’s spent the past ten years and change like this—halved by a love that makes him feel whole, which is an equation that shouldn’t work, but does, because Tony’s math is always right—so what’s one more night? In the grand scheme of things, not much, and every second of it is more than Tony could have ever hoped for. 
Together in the darkest part of the room he and Steve work in tandem to load the first reel onto the projector and let it run: it’s early footage of the first Avengers team, recorded off of a news broadcast. Down in front, the rest of the team throws popcorn and jeers, laughing themselves hoarse at the costumes, the villains, the dialogue—“‘He’s a real ball of fire!’” Clint wheezes from his beanbag before Natasha pelts him with Milk Duds—while Steve and Tony sit back behind the projector, shoulder to shoulder, running their own private commentary all the while:  
“I miss that armor.”
“Shut up, no you don’t.” 
“It’s true! Anyways, isn’t vintage all the rage these days? You should bring it back.” 
“I’m not bringing back Pointy-Faced Iron Man and his Roller Skates of Doom, Cap.” 
“Not even for me?” 
Tony slides Steve a look out of the corner of his eye, face still directed toward the screen, a classic are you fucking kidding me? if there ever was one. Steve bats his eyelashes in response, because of course he does. Unfortunately for Steve, Tony is mostly immune to that tactic by now. 
“Let us watch Die Hard next week and I’ll consider it.” 
“Ugh, Tony…”
“Hey, heart-eyes! Next reel!” someone (see: Bucky) shouts. Not for the first time, Tony’s glad to be concealed in relative darkness back here—even Steve’s enhanced vision won’t be able to make out the blush Tony’s knows is all over his face right now. He also gets a reprieve from sitting so close to Steve, hyperfocused on his warmth and all of the sensory trappings of home that come with it, while he swaps out the old reel for a new one. New-er, rather. He doesn’t look at the case or look at any frames before feeding it through the projector. 
“Alright, you rabble-rousers, pipe down,” he shouts as the image on screen flickers to life. 
“‘Rabble-rousers’?” Steve quirks an eyebrow at him as he sits back down. Tony folds his arms over his chest and shushes him. 
“Don’t start.”
“Ooh, is that you, Tony?” Wanda coos from her place on the loveseat next to Vision. 
“Look at all of that hair! Danny Zuko’s got nothing on you, Stark,” Clint laughs. Tony nails him with a popcorn kernel right in the ear.
The footage unspools, harmless—albeit embarrassing—at first: it’s a home movie from when Tony was young, no more than eight or nine. He’s wearing what looks like the remains of what was once a nice suit, something his parents forced him into, probably, but devolved into undershirt and slacks and suspenders hanging down past his knees. He really was a gangly kid, wasn’t he? 
Tony laughs along with everyone else, warmed by Jarvis’ voice offscreen telling “Young Master Anthony” to show off his latest invention for the camera. He feels Steve’s eyes flicker over to land on him whenever young Tony smiles at the camera or laughs at something Jarvis says, but Tony ignores it. Mostly.
“He reminds me of Steve,” Bucky tells the room when young Tony is shown with a replica of Cap’s shield, posing triumphantly to the sound of Jarvis’ delighted laughter. Jess aww’s. 
“He does, kinda, doesn’t he?” 
“How have I never seen these before?” Steve whispers, leaning closer as he does. Tony swallows hard against the shiver that ricochets down his spine hearing that low voice in his ear. 
“A lot of things of mine you haven’t seen, Cap,” he replies, too late to stop the innuendo from slipping out. He looks at Steve after he says it and almost, almost lets out a gasp: when did Steve get so close? And why is he looking at Tony like that? All intense and considering? 
“Oh, here’s someone else I remember,” Bucky laughs. Tony turns away from Steve, grateful for the excuse, and starts to release the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. 
It gets caught in his chest the moment he sees himself filling up the screen, young Tony standing alone in Howard’s office, having perched the camcorder on the big oak desk to record himself with Cap’s shield—the real one this time, not a toy. On screen, Tony has his back to the camera, the vibranium shield clutched in his too-small hands. He has to perch it on the floor, its weight just enough to counterbalance Tony’s, but holding it…even now, he remembers the thrill of that first time. The cool touch of vibranium humming under his fingers, the knowledge that he was holding his hero’s greatest treasure…his adult fingers clench against his thighs at the memory. 
But then, the image shifts into a sharper memory still, and Tony feels something old and awful claw its way from somewhere deep in his chest, remembering all too well what comes next. It tastes like bourbon and cigar smoke and the metallic taste blood leaves on the tongue after you’ve been smacked in the mouth. Tony’s hands fly out to clutch the sides of his chair and stick there; he can’t move them to stop the projector in time. It just keeps playing out, each frame worse than the one before. 
Of course he remembers this moment. He remembers it perfectly, because it was the first time Howard really hurt him. Not with his hands, although the bruises did linger longer than usual, after. 
This was the moment when Tony, so tender and impressionable even at that “advanced” age, learned what his father really thought of him. 
That old, awful feeling feels a lot like drowning when he thinks of Steve seeing what’s about to happen, let alone the rest of the team.
“I’m Captain America and I’m here to save you!”
“You’re not saving shit, boy.” Howard stumbles into frame like a bad Vaudeville performer, slurring Tony’s name like an expletive. “Put that down, you fucking brat. You’re not worth it.” 
The blood rushing in Tony’s ears drowns out the sound of voices past and present. All he can see is Howard filling the frame in that horrible tan suit, gripping a bottle of bourbon by the neck. The image catches on young Tony’s terrified expression, the way he hides behind the shield that’s almost as big as he is. He watches his own mouth move—Cap will save me, he’d cried, so confident, so certain that his hero would come and put Howard through the wall and carry Tony away to safety—and then down the bottle comes…
“Turn it off! I said turn it off!” 
Something hits the projector hard enough to not only knock it off the table it was sitting on, but send both hurtling across the room. They smash to pieces against the far wall with a noisy clatter that almost stops Tony’s heart in his chest. 
For a moment, the only sound in the room is the thwap-thwap-thwap of film smacking the floor as the reel spins on and on until coming to a feeble stop. He can hear breathing, heavy and labored and sliding quickly toward panic, and he realizes with a shuddering gasp that it’s him making that sound.
Tony looks up and sees Steve standing where the projector once was, cradling his bleeding hand. The man looks stricken, pale and horrified, worse than if he’d seen a ghost; behind him, the team has inched closer, all of them wearing varying expressions of distress and pity and guilt and sadness, and suddenly Tony can’t bolt out of his chair fast enough. He can’t get away fast enough. He follows his feet out of the room into the corridor and down, down, down to the workshop where it’s safe, where he can’t get in, no one can, not unless Tony lets them. 
Someone is calling his name, but Tony disappears down the stairs before he can figure out who. He bursts through doors he can’t see and staggers over to the closest workbench, sucking in deep, ragged breaths like he can’t catch up to them. Is that a screw loose in his chest cavity, he wonders, gasping, because that rattling sound seems to indicate something has come undone that shouldn’t have. Howard’s dead, Tony reminds himself, over and over again. It’s a fact as true as any algorithm, so why won’t it take? 
JARVIS’s voice moves gently through the noise in Tony’s brain: “Sir, Captain Rogers is asking permission to enter.” 
Tony can’t decide if the thought of Steve seeing him like this helps or worsens the rattling in his chest. Either way he feels like shit, but only one of those ways ends up with Captain America pitying him, or worse. 
He’s so caught up in thinking about all the ways this could backfire he doesn’t realize JARVIS has let Steve into the workshop, regardless of Tony’s feelings on the matter. The realization sets in when Steve’s voice appears close to his ear, soft and low with a frisson of urgency, like he too is slightly out of breath. 
“Tony, it’s just me. It’s okay. I’m going to put my hand on your back.” 
Warmth spreads from Steve’s fingers through Tony’s shirt and into the skin high up on his back between his shoulders. Steve can probably feel how fast Tony’s heart is racing, but spares him his overt concern and instead keeps telling Tony what he’s going to do before he does it: a hand on Tony’s forehead, an arm around his back, asking JARVIS to turn the lights down to thirty-five percent. 
“I’ve got you, it’s okay.” 
Tony sags into Steve’s touch, his large, warm hand cradling Tony’s head like something precious; the deeper dark quiets the room around them, makes it less overwhelming, less full of ghosts waiting to cast their own opaque shadows on the empty walls. Tony and Steve are left standing in a dim light Tony knows makes him look sallow; he wavers on his feet, left to borrow from Steve’s strength because he can’t find his own. Lucky for Tony, Steve is right there, braced and ready for anything. Like always.
The rattling has settled somewhat, but Tony still has to rely on Steve to tell him when to breathe and how deeply. He forgets, sometimes, that Steve has experience dealing with panic attacks, which so often came before an asthma attack. Steve once told him that even years removed from his sickly days, he still remembers what it’s like to lose that grip on reality, feeling the heart too acutely as it beats against too-brittle ribs.
While Steve draws on those memories often enough with others on the team, it’s a rare occasion for Tony to be on the receiving end of Steve’s nursing hand like this. Jokes or angry silence over cuts, breaks, and bruises, sure, but this? Tender hands and a voice pitched low and soothing, lullaby-soft, speaking words of gentle encouragement? Tony’s head feels light with it. 
“Do you want to sit down?” Steve asks. Tony shakes his head against his palm. “Okay,” Steve whispers, his voice the only one in the room, which makes for a funny kind of one-sided conversation. Then, before he can think better of it, Tony turns toward Steve, wraps his arms around the man’s impossible waist, and hugs himself close to Steve’s radiating heat. He’s too gone for shame, and too weak; a soft, gentle Steve is hard to resist, even on good days. And this just became a no good, very bad day.
Fucking Howard.
Steve, for his part, takes the hug in stride like they do it every day. Tony likes to imagine it, touching Steve like this whenever he wants to, but that’s all it is—a fantasy. Just like being with Steve is a fantasy, one Tony has entertained for far too many years to count. He satisfies himself with Steve’s friendship, tells himself it’s enough, and if he happens to sleep with the occasional look-alike, that’s nobody’s business but Tony’s (and JARVIS’s, and in one deeply unfortunate instance, Pepper’s). 
Strangers want Tony Stark, the celebrity; Steve wants Tony as a friend and teammate. That’s all. So Tony steals his nice, platonic hug as he trembles and breathes his way out of a panic attack, being careful to avoid nuzzling the soft notch at the base of Steve’s throat the way he wants to. Badly.
He’s so preoccupied with holding all the disparate parts of himself together and hiding them so Steve can’t see, he doesn’t notice Steve’s hands start to rub his back in long, soothing strokes until Tony is half-melted in his steady arms, weak-kneed at how comforted he feels. Steve doesn’t say anything—just keeps moving his hands, up and down Tony’s back, across his shoulders, along his arms, and over again. He can’t remember the last time someone touched him like this, without motive, ulterior or otherwise; his skin feels warm down to his toes.
“Better?” Steve murmurs. Tony nods against his chest. He doesn’t let go. Neither does Steve, who seems to fold himself over Tony until they’re more like one person than two, standing there breathing together in Tony’s darkened workshop. 
Slowly, thoughts of Howard, of hurt, start to melt back into the shadows. In their place is Steve, filling up all of Tony’s empty spaces with light, even some of the ones he didn’t know he had. For such a strong man, Steve is unbearably gentle, handling Tony the way he might handle spun sugar or thin glass. Tony has never felt so genuinely cared for, and the fact that he can’t pull back and thank Steve with a kiss smarts a little in the face of it. 
That is, it does, up until the moment he feels Steve brush a kiss against where Tony’s hairline meets his forehead, soft and uncomplicated, but lingering, like Steve wants to stay there. To do more. Tony knows that move because he’s imagined doing the exact same thing to Steve, god, thousands of times.
Tony wants so much. Too much. Asking Steve for this would tip things precariously toward the latter. But the question is taken out of Tony’s hands the moment one of Steve’s perches itself under his jaw and tilts his face up.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says. 
“It’s ancient history,” Tony replies, maintaining eye contact through sheer willpower when all he wants to do is look at Steve’s mouth, now so close to his. 
“Not to you, it isn’t,” Steve counters, and there’s not much Tony can say to that. “I’ll talk to the team. They might have questions, and you shouldn’t have to answer them. Not tonight, anyways.” 
“I know you’ve got big shoulders, Steve, but you don’t have to take on my baggage on top of everything else.”
As they talk, their bodies never move an inch apart; chests pressed flush against each other, Steve’s fingers splayed along the side of Tony’s neck. All of it—the proximity, the tenderness, the intimacy—feels as natural as the breathing they just did together. Ten-plus years of friendship will do that. But then, the way Steve is looking at him doesn’t really scream friendship. 
It kind of screams I love you. 
Steve gives him that little smirk and says, “Maybe I want to.” Tony scoffs, flicking one of the shoulders in question for good measure. 
“God, how are you still such a horrible liar, Cap? Is there something in the serum that makes it impossible for you to keep a good poker face?”
“This is my good poker face,” Steve replies, and there it is again, the same look Steve gave him earlier before the night spun out like a race car with its wheels blown off: intense, considering, and so, so close. 
Tony swallows nothing but air. Steve, never breaking eye contact, cards his fingers through the hair on the back of Tony’s head and holds them there. 
“If I kiss you right now, will you have another panic attack?” he asks quietly. Not even a blink. The part of Tony’s brain—a scant centimeter, at best—that isn’t currently blasting a hundred sirens at full volume is actually kind of impressed.
“I doubt it,” Tony replies evenly. “I’ll probably just pass out.” 
The smirk becomes a full-blown grin. Steve squeezes his other arm around Tony’s lower back and hums, deep and resonant, in his chest as he leans down to brush his lips feather-softly against Tony’s. 
“You fall, I’ll catch you,” he whispers before dipping in for a proper kiss that floods Tony’s head with incandescent light. It’s chaste and measured and burning with mutual restraint, tastes faintly of the buttered popcorn Steve ate earlier, and the only way it could be better is if it never ended. 
Tony tightens his arms around Steve’s waist, and when Steve pulls away to speak, he doesn’t go far, seemingly content to stand there in Tony’s embrace in the middle of the dimly lit workshop. 
“Still breathing?” he asks. Tony smiles; Steve smiles back. 
“Takes a lot more than that to knock the wind out of me, Cap.”
The way Steve’s eyes darken at that little remark is definitely something Tony intends to investigate further, later. For now, he leans into the hand now resting on his cheek and sighs. 
“We’ll test that theory another time,” Steve husks before leaning forward to press a kiss to each eyelid. Tony hums happily, sinking further into Steve’s arms. “Can I carry you to bed?” 
Tony gives him a look. “I’m heavy,” he says. 
Steve just smiles, kisses Tony like he’s been doing it forever, and replies: “You’re worth it.”
- - - 
see? happy endings. fuck howard. 
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haiky-u-lously · 4 years
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (1)
Summary: A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader. 
Themes: Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Warnings: Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Eventual gore and fighting
Word Count: For Chapter: ~1800words 
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always. Enjoy! --Admin Red
Chapter 1: Preamble
The King sat upon his throne, regal in his attire but the entire kingdom knew by now how much time he spent to make sure his hair looked nice and kept. The crown surrounding the dark locks did not help the material weaved in to hold the hair in place, since the additional weight liked to move even the smallest strand which would of course affect the others.
King Kuroo’s golden eyes roamed over the documents an aide had just given him as he thought about what his next goal should be. 
He had finally managed to unite the territories surrounding Camelot and with his knights assistance, ruling the kingdom had become a breeze. Especially considering how disastrous his first few weeks as King had been. Thinking about that period, he realized that without his wife and best friends he would never have made it to a point where true peace prospered in his kingdom. He smiled to himself as he decided to treat them to a nice banquet to show how much he still appreciated them being in his life.
Finished thinking about his own life and immediate future, Kuroo reread the parchment in his hands, his eyes bulging as the words and their meaning connected in his mind.
Shooting up from his seated position, he threw his arms out and yelled towards the courier, “Does this parchment speak the truth?”
The plain looking man bowed deeply before affirming, explaining that he was told the letter contained urgent business for the King.
Once confirmed, Kuroo jumped in joy. “Futa!” He turned to his right hand man, and excitedly explained, “The Red Knights are coming to Camelot!”
Futakuchi’s eyes bulged in surprise at the King’s announcement. “No way…” He whispered as he recalled the stories of the Red Knights from sneaking around the castle’s library. “But, no one has heard of the Red Knights since they came and rejected your father’s rule 5 years into his term. Are you sure this isn’t some trick by some other nation?”
Kuroo rolled his eyes at Futakuchi’s comment, returning his gaze to the letter and a grin over taking his face once more. “I’m sure. My father had told me all the stories of the red knights, including what his letter said to prove it was them. This one says the same thing.” He jumped and squeezed the parchment between his hands. “Ah! This is so exciting! I actually get to meet the Red Knights! And! If they approve of my rule, we know this peaceful period will last! Don’t you understand how magnificent this is, Futa?”
Still skeptical, the retainer asked to read the letter himself, “My lord, at least let me read the letter myself. To confirm your words and to double check no spells were cast onto the parchment. I mean we wouldn’t want you to be blind sided because you were too busy acting like a drumstick to take necessary precautions with something this...big.”
The look Kuroo sent him caused Futakuchi to bend over in laughter.
“Did you just call me a drumstick?” He asked evenly.
Futakuchi just smiled, “Well I didn’t compliment you, that’s for sure.”
“Why, you little!” Kuroo yelled as he stepped and then chased after his friend. The pair racing around the throne room until the King gave up and popped back into his seat, “Now look what you did. My hair is all messed up again. Yuurei is going to be so upset.”
“Ah, let her.” Futakuchi said without missing a beat, as he walked up to and grabbed the letter from his King. He read over the words scribbled down and smiled to himself, “It seems you aren’t a complete plothole, your highness. The Red Knights really are sending a representative to Camelot.” He continued reading and then his eyes shot out again and his face took on a serious look. “They are going to be here in a week’s time? What the heck! Did they head out the day after sending this letter? That’s so little warning!” He complained, imagining all the work Kuroo was going to make him do.
Kuroo laughed wholeheartedly. “Well, father only got 3 days notice, so we are lucky in that regard. Oh! Futa! We have to recall the knights! Everyone should be here for this momentous occasion.”
As he straightened his posture, he motioned to the courier to give him the next letter.
“Yea sure, let me just track down eleven grown men and figure out how to not only contact them but get them here within the span of a week. That isn’t an impossible task at all.” Futakuchi sassed back.
Kuroo nodded his head absently, not having really listened to his friend, “Great, knew I could count on you. Good luck.”
Futakuchi rolled his eyes for good measure and left the room to get to his new task.
“Oh!” A voice exclaimed with a high pitch. “Futakuchi, I am surprised to see you on this side of the castle. Are you not reviewing letters with Kuroo today?” Lady Yuurei inquired of him.
He smiled back at her, “Actually, his highness is still doing just that. But he sent me on a different task for today. Actually, Yuurei, do you know where I can send a message to any of the other Knights? My current task is to call everyone back to the castle, but as you know, many of the knights like to run off at the worst possible times.”
She laughed at Futakuchi’s assessment of the men tasked with the highest responsibilities in the kingdom, but shook her head in the negative. “Though that makes sense why you would be here. Looking for Sir Bokuto I would assume?”
Futakuchi nodded simply.
“Very well, best of luck meeting his Highness’ standards this time around Futa.”
“Thank you, Lady Yuurei.” As soon as he turned away from her, his smile fell and he mumbled to himself about what a two-faced person she ended up being. She’d been so different when he first met her, so caring...and then she had to go and cheat on his best friend with the man he owed his life to. Futakuchi knew that Kuroo would wilt away into nothing if he found out about Yuurei and Bokuto. Especially in a time when there wasn’t much else to occupy his mind.
He also knew how much Bokuto regretted the affair. And, how many times he’d asked the wizard for potions to make the Queen forget her feelings so he didn’t hurt his best friend. No, Futakuchi didn’t blame Bokuto for the relationship because he had done all within his power to avoid the Queen. Well, all except tell the King himself.
He was still a Knight, Futakuchi reminded himself. He was still liable to following the King and Queen’s orders, no matter how for or against them he was.
Yea, Futakuchi couldn’t hold it against him. Even though he really really wanted to.
Finally in front of the man’s room on the emptiest part of the castle, he knocked twice before letting himself enter. “Sir Bokuto. I need your assistance if you are free.” Looking around the room as soon as he entered, Futakuchi expected to see the Knight. He was surprised to see him climbing out of the dresser after his name had been called. “Sir Bokuto?”
“Thank the gods it was you, Futa.” He sighed in relief, glancing around the wizard’s form still looking scared despite his tone, and shut the room door. He leaned against it as he visibly relaxed. “Seriously, I am glad to see you my friend. Did you finish that new potion yet?”
His voice was hopeful and Futakuchi hated to let him down, but he hadn’t finished it yet. “Sorry, but no. Since she was immune to the others we tried, I’ve had to research a lot more to try and find something new, but haven’t yet felt I’ve stumbled upon something useful.” The brunet patted the shoulders of the salt-and-pepper-haired male before him. “But hang in there! You moved to the other side of the castle, so at the very least it is harder to find excuses to come this far out, right?” He tried to keep the Knight happy.
“Yes, but on days when you and the King are locked away dealing with documents of some sort of other for hours at a time, she loses her guards and comes here anyway. I’m fairly certain she thinks I did this so we could be even more private and that is absolutely terrifying. Because if Kuroo ever finds out, he could have the same idea and—!” He started to ramble before being cut off.
Futakuchi held his hand over Bokuto’s mouth, a deep frown over his face and determination set in his eyes. “I promise to you, on my life, I will make sure that if the King ever finds out the only person that gets blamed is the Queen herself. That all your struggles are known. Understood?”
With nothing left for him to say, Bokuto simply nodded.
The brunet dropped his hand, and grinned. “Now, for what I need help with.” His smile grew as  wide as his level of anticipation at sharing the news with the first Knight of the roundtable. “The Red Knights are coming to Camelot, and the king wants the entire council to be here. So, want to help me contact everyone and get them here in a week's time? It’ll be fun and you’ll have a work excuse to come find me anytime to help escape Yuurei’s clutches.”
Understanding exactly what it meant for the Red Knights to be visiting now, Bokuto was more than excited. “The red Knights are really coming to Camelot?”
Futakuchi just kept his wide grin, and said, “Yes.”
“YES! Yes! Yes!” Bokuto exclaimed so loud it scared the birds hanging out on the trees outside his windows. “Kuroo must be so excited! Of course! I’ll help in any way I can! Futa! The Red Knights are coming to Camelot!!”
Unbeknownst to the two males hidden away in bedchambers, walking the hall at that moment was Prince Daishou, second hair to the throne of Camelot, and dark magic practitioner.
“The Red Knights are coming to Camelot, huh?” He whisper-repeated to himself. Crafting a message to his allies hidden in the forest outside King Kuroo’s ruling hand. ‘Oikawa, the Red Knights are to visit Camelot soon. Perhaps we can use this as a chance to overthrow his idiocracy and take charge of the kingdom that rightfully belongs to us’. Once he finished, the author blew the fire-written message out, causing it to disappear into the air, on its way to the intended target with the breeze.
Table of contents                                                                            Chapter 2
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vikingpoteto · 4 years
we don’t have to dance (to the beat of their songs)
Chapter 5 on AO3
Relationships:  (Gen) Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Tags: Battle for the Cowl, Alternate Canon, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Past Child Neglect, Domestic Fluff, Canon is not valid I am, and I want them to be friends goddamnit
Summary: In the middle of their battle, Jason asks Tim to leave the nest and be his Robin. Tim decides it's not a bad idea, after all.
Jason Todd is many things. A street rat. A literature nerd. A former hero. A crime-lord. Dealing with anger issues. Ignoring a whole lot of other issues. But he isn’t an idiot. And, while he’s been bamboozled more times he can count, he realizes Tim Drake is a bigger conundrum than he anticipated. He isn’t about to be fooled again.
He thought he had Tim figured out. Rich kid. Too smart for his own good. Smug beyond repair. No regard for his own well-being. Incapable of holding grudges. He thought the kid couldn’t surprise him, not in a way that mattered, until that first night.
That’s when he starts taking note of the small things.
Saturday is uneventful. Jason wishes he could say he forgets he isn’t living alone anymore, but, even though Tim makes little to no noise as he sleeps the morning away, Jason is painfully aware that he has a roommate. He can’t focus on his book, he can’t focus on the absurdly detailed report Tim made him. He definitely can’t focus on anything else after Tim flies down the stairs like a speedster, blurts out something that could’ve been good morning and disappears in the kitchen. Jason heads to his room, assuming the kid is getting himself breakfast, and he tries to take a nap. He fails.
After giving up and heading downstairs to make dinner, he finds the kitchen as clean as he left — did Tim do the dishes? Did he eat at all? — and he can barely hear faint noises downstairs. He makes a mental note to fix the sound proofness of his walls as he climbs down.
In his Office, like Jason calls it, he finds Tim wearing headphones. The music is loud enough that Jason can clearly hear muffled heavy metal. The computer is half dismantled, half loading something somehow, and Tim is carefully tinkering with the suit Jason gave him.
Instead of throwing something at him like he wants to, Jason walks into his field of view and waves at his face. Tim takes off the headphones.
“The fuck you doing?” Jason asks.
“Fixing stuff. I know you love Jane Austen, but do you have to use the same software she used to write?”
Jason punches him in the shoulder. He regrets it instantly and curses at himself inwardly. Tim, however, doesn’t even flinch. He snickers as though that was the reaction he expected.
Huh. Jason files that away for later analysis.
He gets Tim to suit up and they head out for the night.
They don’t go together per se, as Red Hood is still laying low, planting the seeds subtly so no one notices until he’s ready to make an entrance. He gets intel. Ruins the plan of a very misguided small dealer. And finally saves a pair of prostitutes from a harasser. He wears nothing but a domino mask all night, because there are only a few key players that must know Red Hood is back. He smiles at the girls after he’s done and they get excited asking him if he’s the Red Hood. He takes off without answering.
Red Hood has always been popular with prostitutes, as weird as that sounds. What can Jason say? The girls that worked near the street he grew up in were the nicest people he knew; he has a soft spot for them.
He meets up with Tim near the end of the night and he finds that Tim’s spoken reports are a lot briefer than his written ones: he stopped some muggings. Probably broke the kneecaps of some creep near the park. Confirmed intel he got from his research. He actually saved a cat stuck on a tree too, which makes Jason roll his eyes. They go back to Jason’s place without further ado.
Sunday is more of the same, except Jason manages to actually sleep. That is, until the sound of a hammer wakes him up.
He finds Tim in his living room dismantling an old television he got from God knows where. The shouting match that follows should make things more awkward, but instead it makes them easier.
Turns out Tim doesn’t mind exchanging insults or having dusty pillows thrown at him, and Jason feels more at ease by the time they swallow cold sandwiches and head out.
He has this unreasonable pang of anxiety when Tim vanishes into the shadows, but he shakes it off. The Red Robin suit is getting better everyday and, thanks to the cowl, Tim looks older and more menacing than he actually is, meaning no one is going to fuck with him.
It’s fine. They have a plan. It’s working. There are rumors that Hood is back, though nothing but whispers. Enough to stir his territory without getting unwanted attention from the better neighborhoods.
It isn’t until Monday at around 1pm that the other shoe drops. Jason wakes up scratching his belly and walks past Tim on the way to the kitchen.
“Morning, sleeping beauty,” Tim mumbles.
“Fuck off, Replacement,” he says back.
The kid is fucking with something that smells like oil on the kitchen table. Jason thinks to himself he should have words with him about it… after his morning tea. Morning tea at 1pm, but still.
He’s boiling water and staring blankly at Tim when he realizes: it’s Monday.
“Wait, what the fuck are you doing here?”
Tim stares at him. Back at the myriad of circuits spread around the table. Then back at Jason
“Wrist computer,” he says.
“No, here !”
“The kitchen?”
“Home! You’re, like, 17, right? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
Tim stares at him as though he’s grown a second head. “Jason. I don’t know how to tell you this, but I stopped going to school after my father died again and I traveled abroad to work with an organization of murderers.”
“That was a fucking month ago. You get a month of skipped classes, your dad died. Now that you’re here, you can go back.”
His chin actually drops and Jason is greeted by the sight of a nearly white chewed gum threatening to fall from Tim’s open mouth.
“I’m not going back to high school. Are you insane?”
“Are you insane? Of course you’re going back to school. Don’t you have, I don’t know, friends or a girlfriend or… whatever!”
“No, I don’t?” Tim scowls. “You want me to go to school so I can date? Why don’t you go to school?”
“Everyone thinks I’m dead.”
“Oh, heck off, you don’t get to pull the death card with me,” Tim rolls his eyes. “It works with Dick and Bruce, but I’m immune.”
“The fact that you still say heck off means you definitely should be at school around people your age. Get some bullies. It builds character.”
Tim’s pale cheeks go crimson and Jason has to bite back a grin. Knowing that Tim blushes like that opens so many teasing opportunities.
“Shut up, I got used to it because Alfred got mad at us for cursing! And I don’t need school to get bullied, I have you right here.”
Jason decides to test a theory. It’s a wicked idea, but Jason isn’t known for fighting fair.
“Tim. I ain’t raising an uneducated goblin.”
“I’m seventeen ! You’re not fucking raising me! You’re like a muscular child sharing a place with a slightly smaller child!”
“If you don’t go back to school, the deal is off. I’m not keeping you around.”
And, just like that, Tim closes his mouth and all the color drains from his face. Jason expected this. He doesn’t feel great about it.
“Y-you… Dick will notice if I start going back to school,” he tries. “This is against the plan. Batman will know we’re working together.”
“No. He’ll know you’re back in town. Make an excuse. I know you’re great at it.”
“This will affect my productivity. I won’t be able to upgrade your gear as fast and I’ll have to sleep more. This is-”
“Non-negotiable. School or no partnership.”
Jason knows it’s too late for him. It might be too late for Tim, too. But not late enough that Jason will let him give up. Tim may never have a normal life - the fact that he’s working with his almost murderer more than proves it. Jason selfishly wants to make sure he has at least a little normality.
This is about Jason, not Tim. Jason doesn’t think he can live with another deadman walking.
“Fine,” Tim says, like he’s agreeing to a death sentence. “I’m going back to school tomorrow. You happy?”
“Hella,” Jason says.  He turns back to his tea. “And Tim? I’ll know if you’re skipping and I’ll kill you if you do.”
Tim starts listing a colorful collection of insults a lot worse than heck off. Jason grins at him and Tim, in his teenage rage, doesn’t seem to notice that the smile doesn’t reach Jason’s eyes.
So Jason's theory is confirmed. Tim Drake doesn’t care about attempts on his life. He isn’t afraid to fight an armed man. He isn’t afraid of having a familiar person taking a swing at him, so Jason doesn’t think that he has issues with physical abuse.
Nothing freaks him out as much as someone critiquing his work, though. And not in the asshole way, that would be way too easy. As cocky as he is, Tim doesn’t look like the type to think he can do no wrong. He wouldn’t get irrationally angry over someone pointing out he can do better. He does, however, flip out at the mere possibility that he’s done something wrong and didn’t own up to it already.
Jason thought he knew Tim until he jokingly complained about him sleeping on the job and saw genuine horror in his eyes. Horror like never before, not even when Jason beat him and tried to leave him for dead. Hell, at that point the kid said he was a better Robin right before passing out.
Who did this to him, Jason wonders? Who convinced Tim that the worst he can be isn’t a high school dropout or even a dead boy, but a person who messes up?  His biological parents? Bruce? Is Tim even aware of it?
Jason doesn’t know, and he isn't sure what to do about it. Can he do something about it? He remembers far too well, thinking Bruce brought him in because he wanted another Robin. How every time he made Bruce laugh, or solved a case, it felt like a victory. How every time he got scolded, he expected Bruce to send him back to where he came from. He remembers having that fear confirmed when he heard from Talia that he’d been replaced.
Is there really something to be done?
Despite a good deal of complaining about work hours, Tim starts going to school. Jason hounds him to make sure he isn’t lying and he’s pretty sure he’ll have to keep checking regularly, because, if he learned anything about Tim, is that the kid is scarily patient and spiteful.
He stalks him all the way to school on the first day, making it painfully obvious that he’s there even if Tim puts a lot of effort into pretending he can’t see him. He pops at Tim’s classroom window and waves cheerfully as Tim flips the bird at him. Waking up early was hell, but Jason finds it ridiculously fun to make Tim annoyed.
On Friday, Jason decides to pick Tim up after class just to keep him on his toes… then he almost crashes his motorcycle into a lamppost when he sees a fancy car and a familiar man leaning against it.
Dick Grayson.
Despite the fun distractions Jason came up with, his whole damn body still remembers the beating he took. He wonders if Dick took as long to recover after that night.
His fake second death would be really short-lived but, lucky for him, Dick is preoccupied with something else. Jason parks around the corner. His height wouldn’t allow him to hide among the flux of rich kids walking out of school looking for their chauffeurs, but he has to come closer.
Well, time to get those stealthy muscles to work.
Ironically, it was Dick who taught him that the best hiding spot was in plain sight, and that’s how he casually walks behind the sports car and heads towards a beaten phone booth.
Dick doesn’t notice him.
Whether it was thanks to Jason’s skills or the fact that the older man looks like he’s having an internal anxiety attack, Jason may never find out. He does, however, hear it when Tim’s voice lets out a long word that definitely isn’t heck . He risks taking a peek at the duo and sees Dick smiling. He looks tired.
“Timbo,” he greets.
“Don’t call me that,” Tim groans. He would’ve sounded like your everyday grumpy teenager, but there’s too much tension in his jaw.
“Welcome back,” Dick says. “Were you planning on telling anyone you’re around?”
“I’m assuming you don’t mind, since you kept paying for my school. I was also checking to see how long it’d take you to find out.”
Jason almost snorts. Who knew the kid had it in him? Furthermore, it’s impressive how Tim methodically and deliberately hid all signs of displeasure. He looks earnestly happy to see Dick and he almost makes his barb sound like friendly banter.
“Timmy, you were gone for almost two months. Where were you?”
“I was pursuing a lead. It didn’t pan out. So I’m back.”
Dick is quiet after that. Jason assumes he knows damn well Tim isn’t one to give up just like that. At the same time, Jason can see Dick assessing the differences between the kid in front of him and the kid he last saw.
“Let’s go home. We need to talk,” he says finally.
“Sorry, I can’t. I’m heading to a friend’s house so we can do homework together. I have a lot to catch up.”
“You were right, Dick.” Tim smiles softly. “Damian needs you now. I don’t.”
Dick flinches. “I didn’t mean…”
“I know,” he chuckles. “Let me rephrase that: I’m fine. You know, when you first asked me to help Bruce, I planned on staying for a few months. A year, tops. I was always supposed to go back to my normal life.”
“Timmy, you’re family,” Dick pleads. “Your normal life doesn’t include going home?”
Tim’s expression is empty of emotion when he replies: “I need space now. I’m not going back, Dick. I’m sorry. I have a place to stay. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“ Where are you staying? Do you need help setting up anything or…”
“I’ll text you the address later. Right now I really need to go, though.”
Dick presses his lips into a tight line. He hesitates before reaching out to hug him. Surprisingly to Jason, Tim allows it and even hugs him back, even if not as tightly as Dick does.
Jason didn’t realize that. The whole time, he thought Tim needed his older brother and Dick was painfully blind to it. It never occurred to him how Dick also needed Tim. He wonders if Dick felt lost when Tim went away, or if he realized how messed up it was to rely on a teenager.
And Jason’s file on Wayne drama keeps growing thicker.
“Come over for dinner tomorrow?” Dick tries again. “Alfie misses you.”
“And annoy Damian in the process? I’d love to.” Tim deadpans.
Dick finally pulls away from the hug. “He’s made a lot of progress. You’d be surprised.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t remember I punched him before I left.”
“Tim. Dinner?”
“Why would I say no to free food?” Tim gives him a crooked smile.
Dick moves as though it’s painful to let Tim go. He retreats to his car as slowly as it’s humanly possible, like he expects Tim to change his mind and join him. Tim smiles and waves until Dick vanishes around the corner. His look turns hollow, but none of the kids walking past him seems to notice it. Not even when Tim calls out:
“You can come out now. He’s really gone.”
Jason pretends not to hear two girls letting out startled little squeals when he leaves his hiding spot.
“That was cold blooded, Replacement,” Jason says, stretching his hand to Tim. “I knew you were a liar, but that was impressive.”
Without blinking, Tim takes out a tracker from the collar of his shirt and another from his hair. He hands both to Jason. “I didn’t lie, mostly,” he says. “I did plan on leaving after Bruce got better. Or at least when we found a better replacement. That didn’t work like I expected.”
Jason doesn’t say anything as he casually crushes one of the trackers under his boot and places the other on a random kid passing by. He knows how magical it feels to be Robin. He doesn’t think he could quit out of free will. He still remembers the addicting adrenaline that makes you feel like you’re really a bird soaring across the sky.
Until you’re not.
He notices it when Tim looks down at his own feet. Without thinking, he reaches for Tim’s head and messes up his hair.
“C’mon. I got the parts you asked. You can finish tinkering your suit tonight.”
They take the night off. It’s too risky going patrolling the night Dick found out about Tim’s return. Instead, they sit in the living room and Jason turns on the TV while Tim finishes adjusting the suit. The documentary about fish only keeps Jason’s attention for about five minutes before he notices Tim is butchering his cowl. Of course they start bickering.
The new mask isn’t quite a domino. It still has a nose guard similar to a bird’s beak that creates the illusion that Tim’s nose is more aquiline rather than a small snub, which is good to hide one’s identity. Still, Jason thinks going out without head protection is fucking stupid and Tim goes on a rant about looking like he’s wearing a condom on his head. Jason didn’t say anything when Tim replaced the old bandoliers with yellow ones with more compartments. The condom head thing hurts, though, and he ends up beating the shit out of Tim with a couch pillow.
A good deal of screaming and kicking each other later, they return to the task of redesigning. Tim replaces the RR in the middle of his chest with a bird-like symbol that hides a panic button. He switches the black gloves for sleeker red ones, although the middle finger and indicator are black. Jason thinks Tim is trying to make it more dramatic when he flips the bird (heh. Robin flipping bird) but Tim punches Jason’s shoulder and says the new gloves allow him to use his wrist pad more easily.
Jason hits him when he notices he weakened some of the defenses, and they bicker some more before Tim gives in and puts the shin guards and knee protectors back.
The cowl and the cape are gone, much to Jason’s annoyance, and he says Tim’ll look stupid. Tim calls him a knock-off Iron Man. Jason tries to smother him to death with a pillow when Tim doesn’t stop laughing.
It’s the most fun Jason had in… God, how long? He doesn’t remember the last time he could just joke back and forth like this. It doesn’t do good to your reputation as a crime lord if you give the drug dealers a noogie. Tim, on the other hand? Tim gets at least five noogies a day because he’s a dumbass.
It isn’t until they head to their rooms, later that night, that Jason realizes he hasn’t thought about his fight with Dick at all since they started working on the suit. He would've never guessed Tim’s presence wouldn’t be a bitter reminder of everything Jason lost, but rather than a good distraction.
Another week goes by before the suit is finished.
Jason swallows his pride and admits (to himself, at least) that getting rid of the cape was a smart move when he and Tim stand next to each other in full uniform. Tim’s new outfit doesn’t look out of place near Jason’s bulletproof vest and leather jacket. They’re a lot less dramatic than the Bats, and Jason likes that. They’re their own team, not one of them .
“Comms?” Jason asks.
“Tested and protected. Even Oracle would have to manually tinker with them to get into our frequency.”
“And you decided your field name yet?”
Tim hesitates. “I… Red Robin is fine.”
Jason nods. “Plan?”
“Break into Black Mask’s warehouse through the vent, plant…”
“Red Robin,” he cuts off. “Plan.”
Tim sighs. “Make Roman our bitch.”
“Atta boy. Let’s go.”
It’s an operation as simple as it is petty: Black Mask thought he could take over one of Hood’s warehouses. Jason was going to prove him wrong. It wasn’t a key hideout, but it was a relatively safe place if you were in the business of laundering money — discreet, easy to access without being noticed by the pigs, with most of the sewers around it hadn’t been blown up, which was always a plus. Hood was almost sure Roman took it just to show that he could and turned it into a drug warehouse to spite Hood. The fact that he disliked drugs wasn’t exactly a secret, after all. Szazs probably was involved in the process, Jason was sure.
In the end, Tim convinced him the stealthy approach was better. Just get in, ruin the whole operation and, by the time Black Mask realized it, he had lost a ton of money. Poetic justice and all that.
Jason complained about the plan being boring, but, as they get on their bikes to head out, he feels almost jittery. He doesn’t know if it’s just the thrill of being on the field again after so long — sue him, he’s an adrenaline junkie — or the prospect of the petty revenge. Either way, Red Hood grins under the helmet and, almost as though he can see his expression — or as though he’s feeling the same — Red Robin smirks back.
Just like that, they take off into the night. The wind howls past them as Hood leads the race, fast enough that it seems like he’s riding aimlessly. It doesn’t mean he isn’t choosing the way methodically. He knows he’s picking the right streets, the dark ones in which the dark red leather merges perfectly with the shadows. They rush past buildings with closed windows, sure that no one is stupid enough to glance at the two suspiscious riders.
Red Hood makes a sharp turn that would’ve made a less experienced driver fall into the asphalt. He hears Red Robin whooping excitedly behind him and he can’t help but laugh.
When they’re just a few blocks from the warehouse, they stop. At this point, Hood almost considers throwing the plan away — crashing the motorcycle into the place would make for an excellent entrance — but, as though reading his thoughts, Red Robin gives him a pointed look before getting off his bike.
“You’re such a wet blanket,” Hood says, even though no words were truly exchanged before that.
“And you’re a drama queen,” Red Robin retorts. And he grapples up to the nearest rooftop before Hood can give him a noogie for that.
Lighter and more agile, Red leads the way now and Hood is happy to be his shadow until they reach the strategic spot they picked — the two story building next door.
“Thank god this place didn’t crumble,” Hood comments absently. “The other buildings are too far for a clear view.”
Red gives him a strange look. “I checked whether it was still standing while we were planning the attack. Do you not verify the surroundings when you’re making strategies?”
“I like to leave room for improvisation; I’m not a stick in the mud like you.”
Red rolls his eyes under the mask as he reaches for the binoculars in his belt. Hood does the same. There shouldn’t be a lot of activity tonight if their intel is correct, and it looks like it is. They can’t see the inside of the warehouse — which is why Red Hood liked the place so much, damn it  — but they can still see the roof as clearly as they can see the vent they chose to… Hood freezes.
“Hey Hood?” Red Robin calls.
Jason pulls a face under the hood. “Yes?”
“Remember our plan to lay low so Batman doesn’t notice us?”
“Remember how I wanted to check on the rogues and you told me to stop being a stick in the mud?” He hisses.
“No one likes a bitching vigilante, Red.”
“Freaking Poison Ivy is here.” Red Robin gestures widely at the roof of the warehouse, as though Red Hood can’t see the green lady trying to get in through the very same vent they planned on using.
“See, that’s the beauty of crime fighting. You make a plan. The plan goes wrong. You throw the plan away.”
“Oh my freaking God,” he groans, “this is Young Justice all over again, but worse.”
Despite the complaining, they seem to be in agreement about what to do next: they take their grapple guns and shoot at Ivy’s blindspot. Red Robin is already getting his rebreather to filter whatever toxins they’re about to face.
The boys land almost silently all things considered. Without thinking, Hood points at  the other side of the roof and crosses an X in front of his lips, before closing a fist. Red Robin nods and sprints without a question.
For the second time, Jason freezes. The instructions were clear — take the other side, we’re going for a surprise attack after cornering her — but they shouldn’t have been. He didn’t realize he kept using those gestures to give orders, because he hadn’t had anyone working this close to him in literal years. He didn’t realize he still remembered the whole language — ASL, but also specific gestures that only made sense among Bats — until he had Red Robin following his orders. Something in his stomach feels heavy.
“... Hood ? Do you copy? ” Says a hushed voice in his ear.
Shit. Get it together, Jason.
He presses the comm button. “Listening.”
On the other side of the line, Red Robin sighs. “ Oh thank god, I thought the comms were suddenly fried. I’m in position. ”
Shit . “Hang on,” he says. He finally starts moving, extra careful not to make any noise.
“ You good, man?” Red asks, and Hood can practically see the confused furrow of his brow.
“Yeah, yeah, be quiet before Ivy hears us.”
He finally gets close enough to see her — she’s unscrewing the air vent cover to get in, even though she could probably just get a giant peach to roll over the place or something. It looks like Red Hood and Red Robin weren’t the only ones trying to be stealthy tonight.
He takes one step closer, and many things happen at the same time: the metal roof creaks under his boot. Ivy goes stiff for half a second. Then Jason is doing a backflip to avoid being bombarded with freaking thorns? When the hell did Ivy add a machine gun of thorns to her arsenal?
“Red Hood?” She stands, frowning. “Huh. I heard you were dead.”
“I get that a lot,” he says.
He reaches for his guns as Ivy waves her hand gracefully. Red Hood watches, with mild disgust, as what he thought was a weird belt snakes its way up Ivy’s torso until she has two venus flytraps settle on her shoulders.
“Fucking gross,” he says.
“I get that a lot,” she quips.
When he shoots at her, she’s ready. A branch grows fast enough to take the bullet for her and, before he realizes, she’s already inside his personal space. Hood dodges a punch in the throat but she keeps advancing. She knows better than letting him keep her at shooting range.
Welp, brute force it is then.
Hood puts his gun away at the same time he dodges a kick to the face. He takes a swing. One of Ivy’s pet plants almost bites his fist and he barely has time to retreat before the pesky thing takes a piece out of his glove.
“Huh. My sixth grade teacher told me those things are only lethal to flies,” he huffs.
Ivy grins. “My children are special.”
She presses and attacks again, and this time Hood lets her. When her knee hits his stomach, he grabs her by the calf and uses her own momentum against her. She barely weighs anything when he throws her hard at the ground, her back hitting metal and her pained groan muffled by the loud clang. He cringes. So much for stealth.
He makes to kick her before she recovers her wits, but apparently plants are more resistant than they seem. Hood feels his foot stuck to something and he curses when he looks down and sees thick vines holding him back. Shit, why didn’t he consider she had traps prepared around her?
“That was kinda rude, Hood,” she grins, slowly sitting up. “But I’m not mad. I might even give you a little kiss.”
By then, his resistance is futile and he wishes he hadn’t put his guns away so fast, because the vines quickly wrap around his whole damn body and he can’t even shoot the b —
A flying staff hits her on the side of the head.
“ACK!” Ivy shrieks, falling to the side.
“What are you doing, Hood?” Red Robin hisses, pressing a batarang into Red Hood’s hands.
“The hell?” Ivy groans, now looking dizzy. “I thought you worked alone.”
“I’m the intern. They call me Red Robin.”
And he stands over her, looking all heroic and ready to fight. Ivy, however, stays where she is, gaping at him.
“Bullshit. You’re regular Robin,” she says. “I thought you died. We all did when we saw the smaller Robin.”
Hood snorts.
The kid deflates a bit.  “How the hell do you know who I am?”
“You’re Harley’s favorite Robin,” she says simply. “She got really grumpy when we heard there’s a new Robin again.”
“I’m Harley’s — Wait, you guys have favorite Robins?”
“Of course we do. Mine’s the girl one. She didn’t die, did she?”
That’s one of the most surreal conversations Red Hood ever witnessed and he’s leading an unusual second life. Fortunately, Ivy is distracted enough — or at least hurt enough — that she doesn’t intervene while he cuts himself free.
“What are you doing here, Dr. Isley?” Red Robin asks. “Are you aware that this place is Black Mask’s?”
She scowls at him. “Are you aware that Sionis is a misogynistic jerk and he’s doing a lot of damage to the environment in this stupid warehouse? I’m going to take this thing down.”
“Hey, fuck off, this place was mine before Sionis stepped in,” Hood protests.
“I don’t care if you’re his landlord.” She gives him a scathing look. “I want him out.”
“This is great then!” Red Robin smiles. “We also want him out. And we have eco friendly plans for the place after Black Mask is out of the equation.”
Ivy gapes at Red Robin as though he started speaking a foreign language out of the blue. Red Hood is thankful for his helmet because he’s sure his expression isn’t much better.
“Are you suggesting we team up with Poison Ivy?”
“Why not?” Red Robin smiles as if he’s suggesting they should have burgers later. “The enemy of my enemy, right? Plus, I used to give her a free pass here and there because sometimes she’s right, you know?”
“Huh. So that’s why you’re Harls’ favorite.”
Red Robin shrugs again and stretches his hand to her. “Friends for the night?”
To Red Hood’s utter shock, she hesitates for less than a second before taking the kid’s hand and letting him pull her back to her feet.
“Just tonight, though,” she says.
If anyone told Jason tonight he’d be working with no one other than the Poison Ivy to take down one of Black Mask’s drug labs, he’d call them insane.
Nonetheless, he watches as Ivy throws caution to the wind — there’s no way the people inside didn’t hear their little scuffle — and uses one of their sentient plants to rip off an entrance on the metal roof. Right before jumping in, however, Red Robin squeezes his shoulder.
“What was that?” he whispers low enough that Ivy won’t hear them. “You were off. That wasn’t like you.”
Hood shrugs his hand away. “We’ll talk about this later. Come on, we can’t let Ivy have all the fun.”
They can already hear the screaming inside, so Red has no option other than compliance. Time to crash the party, he was looking forward to this.
And it’s fun. Having Tim around is fun. Watching a bunch of crooks run terrified of a plant lady is fun. Rounding up his former employees — those traitors — and watching their comically horrified faces upon realizing he isn’t dead is fun.
So much fun he completely misses the fact that there was someone else tailing Ivy. No one sees it when a young boy clad in bright colors rushes away from the place. Robin doesn’t know what to make out of what he witnessed tonight.
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It’s Nice To Have A Friend
Michelangelo X Reader
Summary: Taking people under your wing was your thing until four mutant brothers took you under theirs. It still didn’t stop you from taking one of them under your wing. Until you screwed that up from miscommunication and some harsh words. Can you fix this? How are you supposed to express emotions when you barely understand the situation? Is it too late to save what you broke? Can you save your friend?
A/N: For the ever-lovely @brightlotusmoon, here’s my drabble into Mikey, making his a round character in my own mind as well as on paper. I hope I did him justice, and you justice. 
Word Count: +3,200
Warnings: Angst, panic attacks, self-loathing, fluff, abuse
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Was living underground with four large mutant turtles weird? Sure.
If you wanted to call it that. To me, it was a family, as it was to them, brothers and a father. They had all welcomed me with curiosity and hesitancy as I showed immunity to mutagen, and retro- mutagen—both of which happened in Donnie’s lab after a mishap and me tripping over my own feet.
It freaked me out, to say the least. Again, the questioned seemed to be: what was wrong with me? Again I felt different, out of place, with no answer as to why. I loathed it.
To Donnie I was something to be studied, he tried to hide it and he did pretty well, but I caught the nuances. I wasn’t opposed to it too much, I wanted answers as well. But I wished that I was a bit more than an experiment.
To Leo, I was someone to protect. Whatever was different—wrong—about me he wanted to be kept safe from Shredder and the Kraang. Which I understood, but I also refused to fight, or even learn how. I could defend myself, but I refused to go on the offense, or hurt anyone, even if it was someone trying to hurt me. I knew this frustrated him, but he respected my choice of pacifism.
Raphael and I fought. A lot. Not physically, but verbally. He reminded me too much of my abusive older brother that I had finally gotten away from by moving to New York, and there was something about him that sparked anger in me. I found the confidence to snap back at him when he made offhand rude comments, to anyone. Most of the time Leo stepped in and reprimanded Raph before things could get too far. If the red brute didn’t back down, Splinter intervened.
Then there was Mikey. He was the only one who didn’t treat me differently because of who, what I was. Instead, we played Mario Kart until I got good enough to beat him, sometimes. I showed him my comic books and TV shows, and I watched him fall in love with them as I was. We spent nights reading fan theories, working on cosplay, and jamming to Taylor Swift.
It’s nice to have a friend. 
And Mikey was the one I stood up for the most against Raph. As soon as I started to notice that Mikey was his favorite target, I got a bit more observant. Signs that I knew, because I had the same reactions around my own brother.
“You actually like that stuff? You’re so weird.” Raph muttered as we started to binge Doctor Who.
“Says the one who spends every minute of every day looking in a mirror, or working out.” I snapped back.
Raph scoffed and walked off as Mikey was silent beside me, looking down. I leaned against him as the show continued. Slowly he relaxed and we ended up, like always, tangled in blankets, passed out, as the show continued to play.
Raph seemed to back down after a while, now that I was always there to fight back against him. There was a solace around the Lair when the comments ceased to exist. Sometimes they were there, like teasing, or light-hearted jokes, but nothing that cut too deep. I made sure of that.
It was nice to be a friend.
After a few months, I felt safe enough to go back to my apartment every few nights, just to be in my own space, something that I desperately needed to stay sane. It was comforting, being back in my own small studio apartment on Cornelia. I could do what I wanted when I wanted. Play my own music, eat what and when I wanted to, wear what I wanted. I had no one to impress but me.
Mikey came over the first night that I was back in my apartment. He had a pizza and sodas for the two of us as he stood on my fire escape. I laughed to myself and let him in, going to grab paper towels.
We fell into our normal routine, nested in my bed, watching TV—this time it was season 14 of Supernatural—eating and curled up under blankets. Well, I was under blankets, Mikey radiated heat like a space heater. He finished most of the pizza while I nibbled on my one slice.
When the last episode ended, Mikey was shocked when I jumped up and threw the remote towards the TV. His reflexes were quick enough to snatch it before it did any damage, though he seemed to be in the same agitated state that I was in.
I growled. “They can’t just! It’s not fair! They! And he! And Sammy! And Jack! And UGH!” I paced.
“How is that supposed to be the end of the season!” Mikey exclaimed. “They can’t just do that!” “How is there supped to be only one more season to fix that!” I countered.
We both stared at the TV screen, in tense silence, settling down next to each other again.
“I need something to take my mind off of that,” I muttered, scrolling for another movie.
We ended up re-watching Miraculous Ladybug for like the fifteenth time. We both ended up liking the show, a weird mix of my love for cartoons and his love of anime. Nothing like a boy in a leather catsuit and a girl in polka-dotted spandex fighting an old man who loves butterflies and not his son to comfort the mind.
I rearranged my seventy-five pillows and nestled down next to the warm terrapin, allowing myself to get comfortable. Winter was setting into New York and I was about to really miserable with the oncoming cold weather. It was nice with Mikey though. I could always count on his warmth.
Letting the episodes play through, my eyes eventually became too heavy to reopen. My dreams were light and safe. They always were when I wasn’t sleeping alone. It was nice, for once, not to need melatonin, or not be up until four am, or not need my nightly counting routines to lull me to sleep.
It’s nice to have a friend. 
Once a week Donnie and I worked on figuring out what was so different about me that I was immune. It was a slow-going process because I got tired or disinterested before we could make it too far, and every brother and Splinter was keen on not pushing me farther than I could manage.
“I’m a freak,” I muttered to Donnie one week, looking down at the floor.
“Take it from a huge talking turtle, you’re not a freak.” Donnie mused, a smile playing at his lips.
“Okay, but mutagen affected you: normal. Retro mutagen affects you: normal. Me, absolutely nothing. I’m a freak.” I laid back on the exam table, closing my eyes.
I heard his gentle laugh. I simply sighed.
“No one wants a freak, Don,” I muttered. “No one is gonna want me. I’ll always be weird.” 
“That’s not true. You’re a wonderful person Y/n, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“No one wants a freak,” I repeated, sighing. “No one can love a freak,”
He was quiet for a moment as if he were debating the notion.
“Maybe we’re all doomed then.” He decided.
I chuckled and shook my head, sitting up.
“Do you need me for anything else?” I rubbed my face and stretched.
“You should be alright for today, I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“Thanks, Don.”
I almost ran into Mikey as I left the lab.
“Hey.” My face lit up. “You wanna watch somethin’? There’s a new series that I’ve been meaning to watch, or I could show you Rocky Horror Picture Show, that’s a classic.” I went through my mental checklist of things that I wanted him to watch, trying to settle on the best one.
“No thanks. I gotta patrol. Just came to say bye.” His voice was almost void of emotion. 
“Oh.” My face fell. “Okay, be safe.” I frowned a bit but kept my emotions under wraps.
Watching him leave, I wandered into the main room, trying to solve the look on his face and his tone, feeling like I was missing something.
“That was pretty harsh there Y/n.” Raph leaned against the wall next to the lab.
“What?” I turned my attention to him. “What did I even do? What was all that?” I gestured weakly.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Mikey heard you.” He made air-quotes: “‘No one can love a freak’? Almost sounded like me.”
“I’m still not getting it?” I stood, anxiety clawing my insides. Had I hurt Mikey somehow?
“The kid is head over heels for you Y/n, and you just told him that you’d never love a freak.” Raph laid it out, his tone was cold and distant.
I froze, panic taking over my entire form. I didn’t think, I just did. I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes. I ignored Raph’s questions, I ignored Donnie’s questions. I couldn’t ignore the hands that held me back though. I thought I heard Donnie explain through a muddled mind.
“I have to make this right,” Tears were slipping down my cheeks. “I didn’t mean that. I didn’t...” I could feel my breath hiking moving towards hyperventilation. “Mikey...” My voice was broken.
I was broken.
I had broken my friend.
My best friend.
Who loved me?
...he loved me back.
The revelation was mind shattering. Both my mind and heart laid shattered, the pieces oozing into the concrete floor, refusing to be put back together.
“I’ll go find him.” Raph decided.
“No!” I shouted. “He’s going to think you’re lying. That you’re dragging him along. I have to go. I have to make this right.” My voice was squeaky and pathetic, but it was the truth.
“She’s right. Go shadow her, but she has to be the one to do it.” Donnie rubbed my shoulders comfortingly as he spoke to Raph.
I stumbled out into the cold night, cursing the frigid air.
“Mikey!” I shouted hopelessly. “Mikey, please I need to talk to you! Please!” The tears that ran down my face threatened to freeze. I wiped them away in an attempt to keep warm.
I walked quickly down the route that I knew Mikey patrolled, keeping my eyes on the rooftops, muttering his name and wiping tears away until I couldn’t anymore.
I crumbled onto a nearby bench and buried my face in my hands, sobbing for my loss, my stupid mistake, for my Mikey.
It wasn’t the voice that I wanted, but my head shot up, in panic.
“We gotta go! Now!” Raph was right beside me in a matter of moments, lifting me into his arms and taking off, in a direction that held no meaning to me.
“Raph!” I complained.
“Mikey was caught by the Kraang. Leo’s trying to get in now, but...” He shook his head as he turned another block.
Fear froze my shattered heart. The words didn’t want to process.
“Hey, hey. Hold it together kid, he’s gonna be okay.” Raph soothed, sensing my despair.
“This is my fault.” I sobbed. “I did this.”
“Hey. No. This is not... good lord kid. This wasn’t you. I swear.” Raph’s voice was hard and commanding. It reminded me of Leo.
When he stopped on a random block, in front of a random building, a warehouse, he made the mistake of letting me go.
I hit the ground running into the building, right into the center of a vast floor, filled with Kraang, and... and Mikey. When his eyes flashed to mine I almost collapsed. He wasn’t dead. I could still tell him I was sorry. I could...
“Let him go,” I whispered, taking careful steps forward. “Please.”
There was a commotion behind me, and I didn’t even have to turn back to know that it was the other brothers, coming to our aid. My eyes didn’t leave Mikey’s. There was so much hurt and betrayal in them. And now I knew why.
I jumped when a blur of silver flashed by me and into the droid closest to Mikey, sending sparks flying, and the Kraang bot dropping to the ground.
“Man, these things are always creepy,” Raph muttered.
Then all hell broke loose. Both sides advanced, and I was caught in the crossfire. Something pulled me down to the floor, and I landed hard on my wrist. I watched as Mikey’s eyes widened in horror, his eyes fixed on something behind me.
I turned and saw a gun pointed at my head, one of the Kraang’s high tech ones.
A swipe of a katana and the Kraang was no more. Leo and I locked eyes; fear in mine and determination in his.
“Go! I’ll cover you!” He shouted, stealing a glance in his youngest brother’s direction.
I leaped to my feet and dashed through the carnage to get to my Mikey. I knelt beside him, trying to figure out his bonds, thanking someone that they were only rope.
“Just leave me.” Mikey bit out. It was like a slap to the face. “I’m nothing but I freak to you anyway.”
The depressing words weighed on my soul and my body until I was held in place by the weight of his words. I had to stop my task of untying him to fight the urge to not scream and cry. I rested my forehead on his shoulder, tears making their way down my face.
“I didn’t...” I choked out. “I was talking about me. I’m the freak. I’m unlovable. I’m unwanted.” I sobbed out. “I’m so unlovable.” I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself, looking him in the eye. “There was never a day that I didn’t love you.”
Recognition crossed his face, as I sat back on my knees, my head bowed and shoulders hunched, as I finally let go of holding my hurt back, sobs shaking my frame softly as they left my lips in unintelligible self-loathing words. My arms desperately tried to hold all of me together, but no matter how tightly I wrapped them around me, I still fell apart.
Until warm familiar arms wrapped around me tightly did I feel whole again. These arms held me together when I couldn’t do it on my own. These arms and these hands picked up the shattered pieces of my heart and took the time to put them back together with care.
“Don’t leave me, please. Please. Please.” I choked out, wrapping my arms around him, my friend, my best friend, my lifeline, my Michelangelo, my Mikey. “I love you, please,”
I could feel his hand stroke my hair gently, as he pulled me into his lap, encasing me with warmth until I wasn’t shaking anymore. I waited and prepared for the worst. He wouldn’t want me. He wouldn’t love me. He couldn’t forgive me for this. I was unforgivable. Unlovable.
I sank into these thoughts until darkness consumed me.
This is what it was like to lose a friend.
“Let her mind protect itself. She’ll come around when she can handle it all again.” The voice was muted and muddled, and made little sense.
“It’s been an hour Donnie,” A worried voice, much closer to me, argued back.
I wanted to tell the voice that I was okay. That I was here. He didn’t need to worry. I was fine. Mikey didn’t need to worry.
“Y/n!?” He called, urgent. “Can you hear me? Y/n!?”
“M’fine...” I mumbled, my eyelashes fluttering as I opened my eyes. Intense blue eyes stared back at me; tears mixed in.
“M’fine Mikey.” I curled up further into his arms.
“Don’t let her fall asleep she might have a concussion,” Donnie warned. I wanted to glare at him. I was fine. Peachy.
I still had my friend.
I hoped.
I blinked a few times and struggled to sit up. Realizing what I was trying to accomplish, Mikey’s arms supported me, aiding me.
“You okay angelcakes?” His voice was gentle and worried still.
I nodded, ignoring my pounding headache. I looked up at him, afraid. What now? What was he going to say? What was I going to do if he sent me away? If he didn’t love me back?
“Are you really up this time?” He asked, hesitant.
I frowned and blinked a few more times, rubbing my eyes. I noticed that one of my hands was in a brace. I stared at it with curiosity.
“You hurt your wrist. Donnie doesn’t think it’s broken, but he’s not entirely sure.” He was almost sheepish to explain the fact.
I looked up at him, waiting for more. Tensed and prepared for the worst, praying and hoping for the best.
“Did you mean it?” He whispered, cupping my jaw with one of his hands. I leaned into the warmth. “Do you really love me? Freak and all?” His blue eyes were pleading with mine, begging the fact to be true.
“Since the first night that you stayed.” My voice was raspy and broken sounding from dehydration and being rubbed raw from my sobs, but it spoke the truth.
There was a moment of deliberation on his face before he pressed his lips to mine. I wasn’t shocked. I was relieved. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers twisting into the tails of his bandana. He was gentle while kissing me as if he were afraid to break me, and part of me knew that he could. If he wanted to.
But he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to break me. Or leave me, or yell at me.
He wanted to kiss me and be near me. He wanted to love me. Like I wanted to love him. Freely, openly, courageously.
Pulling away sooner than I wanted, the turtle pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before his blue eyes enraptured mine.
“You’re not unlovable. And you’ve never been unwanted.” He whispered. “I want you. And God, Y/n, I love you.” There was a small smile on his face, my breaking dawn.
“Freak and all?” I murmured. 
“Freak and all.” He chuckled.
It’s nice to have a love. 
Curled up on the couch on a late Friday night after Mikey’s patrol, I laid gentle kisses on his neck, half paying attention to the movie on. He smiled down at me and pulled me closer.
“I don’t see why you like these movies.” He scoffed.
“Reminds me of you, us,” I whispered. “He’s so keen on protecting her, he almost loses her. He’s part of another world that she gets thrown into, and walks in it willingly. She’s different though. She’s immune to their powers.” My eyes flickered to the screen. “‘I tell you I can read minds, and you want to know if there’s something wrong with you?’” I quoted.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“You’re such a dork.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“But I’m yours.” I grinned cheesily up at him.
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
It’s nice to have a friend.
Don’t be afraid to comment and reblog! I love knowing what you guys have to say and I love your feedback always!
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Revenge and Lust
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This took me 7 hours. I wrote a whole fucking fanfic in 7 hours because I’m a simp for Bakugou and I’m a whore for Shigaraki. Kyrie is my OC, if anyone wants I’ll give more details on her another time!! I hope you guys like this
THIS IS ANGSTY AF JUST SAYING It’s also mostly smut. 
I had fun being horny on main~
Warnings: Very rough, borderline abusive sex, blood kink, slapping kink, Katsuki does a cheat (with Ochako), General angst, abuse mention
Kinks: Breeding, Adoptive Incest, Slapping, Breeding, Pregnancy, Blood, Three-way, Voyeurism (shiggy peeping~), Double Penetration (Vaginal only)
Summary: Shigaraki Kyrie was used to the overly friendly attention of her big brother, having grown up with only him to love and protect her, so she never questioned his overly touchy affection until she escaped One For All and went to UA. She started dating Bakugou Katsuki to try and live a normal life, but things came crashing down when she caught him with her best friend, Ochako. So she decided to break him down and get her revenge.
Word Count:  11309 
Ships: Shigaraki x Kyrie (OC), Bakugou x Kyrie (OC)
When Kyrie came to UA, trying to get away from All For One and his horrid experiments and demands involving her quirk, she thought she’d found her home. They’d taken her in, helped her get stable and find a new goal. A less… Family oriented and obsessive goal, even if she’d never mentioned her obsession with her own adoptive brother. She’d fallen for Bakugou Katsuki due to their similarly explosive and borderline abusive behavior, honestly. Her big brother had been the only person to keep her safe, her whole life, so it made sense that the person she’d settled on romantically would be him.However when she came home early from a study session with Midoriya and Kirishima, happily setting down her bags as she shuffled through the door, only to see Ochako and Katsuki’s shoes by the door, she felt her heart drop. Katsuki was supposed to be out on some hero intern trip for the weekend, why was he here? Better yet, why was Ochako at her apartment, with her boyfriend, at almost 2 AM? The short black haired girl froze in place when she heard very feminine moaning, followed by her best friend's name coming out of her boyfriend's mouth. She teared up right away and felt her heart shatter, she wanted to storm in and scream, cut him to pieces and steal his quirk, but she couldn’t. The broken shards filling her chest ached at the idea of hurting him directly… However, as she quietly closed the door and ran away from the apartment, towards the all too familiar bar in the more run down part of the city, towards the one person she knew would never break her like this, Tomura. Kyrie slammed open the bar door, her quiet sobs now broken as she screamed his name, her beloved brother quickly coming into view as she ran at him, hugging him tight. The pale, lanky male was in sweatpants, his hair messy and eyes wide with fear. “W-what the hell, Kyrie? Why are you back here!? If Mast-” She cut him off by looking him straight in the eye, her own round blue orbs steely and full of broken angst and rage. “I want to make them burn. I want them to suffer because they couldn’t stay loyal…” The tall male was shocked at the vindictive words coming out of the sweet, gentle baby sister he’d essentially raised.  “Are you sure you want to do that? I thought they were your friends?” Her brother understood that she couldn’t just accept her father’s abusive treatment and morals because he made her, he knew all too well, since he’d been the one to hold her as she sobbed in pain from getting vivisected, from getting experimented on in the name of finding out her quirk limits… She’d been no older than 6 when they made him watch the experiments… When he’d known what her organs looked like because All For One thought that seeing what could happen if he fell out of line was a good idea, instead it fueled the young villain to hurry his plan, just so he could make it clear she was his to protect and cared for.But then she came to him, scared and sobbing after a particular ‘mission’ gone bad, and he’d helped her escape their caretaker. He’d taken her to UA and she’d enrolled, he did everything to make her happy, to make life better for her. And now she was back in his arms. He didn’t know who hurt her, but he was almost thankful for it, with the way she was clinging to him. The way her arms and hands shook with rage as she spoke. She was always too sweet and loving to stand up for herself.“Stupid little sister… Did the heroes break your trust now, too?” She narrowed her eyes before tearing up again, burying her face into her brother’s chest, she took a deep breath and sighed at his scent, a mix of sweat, rose and something she’d gotten used to smelling on her big brother when he was holding her, though she didn’t ever know what it was. “Clinging to me like this… I thought you wanted a normal life, with that stupid Pomeranian of yours.” She’d told him that, a year into staying at UA, with Bakugou… “2 years you made me wait, and now I’m just supposed to trust you’re not going to betray us?” The small girl snorted and clung to him even more. “Tenko, he cheated on me.” There she went, using his real name… the one that made him soft and sweet for her, the name that would bend him to her will and made him willing to kill the whole city just to see her smile. “I’ll make him suffer, then. Who was stupid enough to take him from you? Who thought taking the one thing that kept you sane was a good idea?” He stroked her cheeks softly with his thumbs, tilting her head to look up at him. “Ochako… My best friend.” He let out an angry growl. “I’ll kill them both…” She sighed and closed her eyes, nuzzling against his hand.“Thank you, Tenko… I love you, big brother!” She jumped up and kissed him softly on the nose, wrapping her legs around his waist as she hugged him tight. Tomura growled and caught her, his hands on her outer thighs as she clung to him, and for once she was thankful for her quirk making her basically immune to his touch. They’d realized it when he started training her to fight, when she’d withstood his hands with only small spots of decaying flesh, which rapidly healed over and closed. As she got older it dulled down to a small sting, no blood, though.She still felt horrible, like the boy she loved ripped her heart out and took a sledge hammer to her glass heart, but Tomura soothed the pain, made her mind numb and her heart fluttered. Childhood crushed turned to obsessions did that, though. He hummed and carried her to bed, he carried her up to his bed, tossing her onto it as he tossed off his sweatpants… He’d always hated sleeping in anything but boxers, even as a kid. It’d been completely innocent and platonic at first, clinging to the one person who showed him affection in barely anything during puberty though… It made his ‘brotherly’ affection a bit more… adult. That was part of why he’d been so fine with her leaving. He was almost 22 now, and she was barely 18. Not even in her senior year of high school yet. And yet he’d love nothing more than to pin his baby sister down and fuck her raw into the bed until she couldn’t think of anything but him. But Tomura was nothing if not patient with Kyrie, so he decided until she came to him for that kind of thing, he’d just play the loving, doting brother a bit more. So here they were, stripping out of her UA uniform into just her boy shorts and camisole from the day, laying on her big brother's bed as he stood there and watched her, in only his boxers. She didn’t feel awkward or shy, Tomura had spent hours cleaning her wounds before when she was fresh out of a new test, so it was nothing he hadn’t seen.“Tenko… Come cuddle me… I’ve missed you…” The small ravenette yawned and reached for him, taking his hand and pulling softly. He sighed and rolled his eyes before crawling on top of her, caging her body with his as he held her close, tight. Her soft skin pressed right against him, though he tried not to think about it, ignoring the throb of his cock as his little sister snored under him.And like that, a year of her infiltrating deeper into hero society began, she got her heroes licence, graduated UA and became one of the top 100 in the country, with only a healing quirk to help her. It was unfortunate that Kyrie had to pretend everything was fine as she went to UA, watching her friends all ‘protect’ her from the fact that Katsuki was cheating on her. She found out that both of their friend groups knew, they let her get engaged to Katsuki, pretending everything was fine if she didn’t know. She understood why they were afraid to tell her, she was so clearly close to breaking, mentally. Years of emotional and physical torture coming from your only parent tend to make you broken, unpredictable. She didn’t blame Midoriya or Kirishima, who were so torn up over letting her stay that they’d stopped hanging out with her, feeling so guilty. Ochako kept on hanging around her like nothing was wrong, smiling and laughing with the small chubby girl. Kyrie felt sick every time she saw her now, happiness on her face but disgust filled her to the core. Katsuki almost never asked for sex anymore, which she was grateful for, but that also meant she saw him less, she knew he wasn’t on patrol as much as he said, but she also didn’t want attention on her, at least not right now. So when he did, she was forced to let the man she quite literally was planning to make miserable touch her, to make love to her. He always said he still loved her, smiling and hugging her close. Kyrie was convinced he just loved how stupid and naive she seemed to him.He pulled out of her, rolling off the condom and tossing it into the trash before holding her close. He took in a deep breath, only to freeze. She knew she smelled like Tomura, who smelled nothing like Katsuki. Katsuki smelled sweet, thanks to his quirk, almost like candy. She smelled musky and masculine, with the slight hint of rose. He sat up and looked at her, his eyes cautious. “You smell different…” She hummed and stood up, tossing on her clothes before standing and walking towards the bedroom door. Katsuki caught her wrist and looked her in the eyes, his own worried and alarmed. “Kyrie, we need to talk about this! That’s not your smell, that’s someone-” She pulled her arm away from him, walking towards the apartment door. The same one she’d caught him in a year ago.“I’m trying to use less perfume and stuff.” She shrugged and started putting on her shoes and double checking her utility belt. “You’re gonna be home tomorrow, right? I mean, it’s our anniversary so I was gonna make you some dinner.” Katsuki scratched his neck and smiled shyly at her. He was always like this, pretending to care and acting sweet. “I have more patrol assigned tomorrow. You’d know that if you listened to me. I told you all week. But you were busy with your own hero work, so it’s fine!” She smiled and kissed his cheek, ignoring the bile in her throat as he hugged her.She was intentionally making him feel guilty, since he knew he’d been with Ochako during his free time. “You’ve been pulling so many extra shifts I figured I’d take more too, I honestly forgot that was tomorrow. I can’t just call in sick now, they’re depending on me…” He sighed and let her go, fluffing her hair. “Fine, I’ll just… Find something to do…” Kyrie smiled and closed the apartment door, leaving the complex as she made her way towards the bar, casually of course, she really was supposed to be on patrol, but a sneaky visit to her beloved brother wasn’t so bad… Not compared to trading integral secrets of hero society for cuddles and not so brotherly affection. She stopped in front of the bar door and stepped in, smiling as Toga launched up and hugged her tightly. “I’ll go tell the hand pervert you’re here, Kyrie.” Dabi stood up and walked upstairs, only to come right back down. “I can hear him moaning from the other end of the hall, nope.” Kyrie blushed and laughed. “He’s busy, not a good time then, huh?” Dabi laughed and rolled his eyes. “Toga what was that about how she acts around Shigaraki?” Toga smirked at the other female and her hips a bit. “She wants her big brother to plow her into the bed~” Kyrie turned bright red and playfully punched Toga. “Shut up! I don’t- Ugh. Whatever. I was just stopping by on patrol, figured I’d tell you guys that there’s nothing new in person. Just those two idiots acting like I haven’t caught on. Especially Bakugou. He was planning a cute dinner date for our anniversary, y’know.” The blonde girl sighed and sat on the bar stool next to them, spinning a bit.“Shame, I bet he’s amazing in bed… Too bad he’s a liar.” Toga growled out before smiling at Kyrie. “Shigaraki says he’s a moron for hurting you, let alone letting you go.” The black haired girl hummed and sat too, rolling her eyes. “Oh he thinks I’m still his stupid little sweetheart, pliable and compliant for him.” Kyrie blushed a bit. “And before touching him made me want to vomit, yeah he was amazing in bed…” She growled and stood up. “Gotta get on patrol before the idiots notice, tell big brother not to sleep in his mess for me Toga, he gets weird when he does that~” And with that the healer hero was back into her guise of a sweet, loving hero.Patrol was quick, no problems coming up in her sector, though they never did, the villains seemed to avoid her area, thanks to Shigaraki’s threat on their lives. Kyrie stepped into the apartment and smelled peach candles, only she hated peach. Of course she knew that’s all Katsuki had, since he was always buying them for Ochako. Trying to make a cute date with his fiancee using the candles his lover likes, she felt sick. It almost immediately put her in a bad mood. “Katsuki… What’s this?” She tried not to glare at him.The explosive blonde jumped and turned to face her, setting his phone face down. Texting Ochako as he was trying to gain her favor, what the hell? He smiled and hugged her. “You said you’re gonna be busy tomorrow, so I figured if you had no problems I’d just make our date tonight.” She laughed cutely, hugging him. How badly she wanted to enjoy his hugs and kisses again. She could crush his whole world right now, just tell him she knew…That she knew and had betrayed them all, that she’d been sleeping almost naked next to her big brother, who’d kidnapped and tried to kill Katsuki multiple times… That she’d asked him to since she’d found out he cheated on her, and that’s why his sector was so chaos filled and required so many heroes patrolling, while she ‘took care’ of Shigaraki’s hideout sector, hiding her brother from the heroes as the Shigaraki siblings planned to take them down. It was a sick satisfaction, knowing when he came home beaten and almost dead that she’d caused that, having told Tomura that he’d be on patrol and exactly when Katsuki had left just so she could play the loving fiancee and make him feel guilty for cheating and breaking her heart.Even if he thought she didn’t know, she could see the guilt in his eyes when she helped heal him, or did something sweet and amazingly thoughtful. He thought she was being the loving soon to be wife, while she took the chances to distract him from the coup she was planning with her big brother and his organization. She decided, she’d waited long enough. She’d ruin his life in a week, with the easy part coming in the morning.Right now, she needed to seduce him and get him to pass out, before anything. She bit her lip and looked up at Katsuki, pressing against his chest. “As much as I love your cooking,” She had loved his cooking, once. Now she just ate cup ramen and food from cans. “I’d rather have you~” Another lie, she’d loved it when he touched her before, it made her feel loved and safe. But now it made her want to vomit and sob with still fresh heartbreak. She knew it wouldn’t go away until he’d suffered like she had. He’d ruined her trust in heroes so easily, so now she’d break his world just like he did to her.“I love you, Kyrie… So much.” He picked her up and walked to the bedroom, the amazing meal he’d made long forgotten few hours later, Kyrie walked into the kitchen and picked up his phone, taking screenshots of his conversations with Uraraka before sending them to Shigaraki via some program he’d written just for her to use. -Baked-Bean: Here, send these to my phone, I’ll take care of the rest~ Definitely play up the ‘didn’t want to get involved in your new life but I’m such a loving brother’ act, so I can dismiss you interfering. I can ruin his reputation that way~ Chapstick-Gremlin: Ugh. Fine. Go fuck yourself… Chapstick-Gremlin: I love you, Kyrie. Baby-Baked-Bean: I love you too, Tenko~ In the morning, Kyrie made it a point to start sobbing and crying, waking up Katsuki with a start as he came running, in just his underwear. “Babe! What’s wrong!?” She threw her phone at him, it missed and hit the wall, shattering. Good. “Okay, you’re upset. What happened?” He perked up. “Did they finally catch that damn villain?” Shigaraki and he had developed a rivalry with ease, considering Katsuki claimed to love her and Shigaraki really did.“You cheated on me! With Ochako!” She sobbed and hid her face, playing up the betrayed act. Now that she was established as an amazing and loving person in hero society, she’d have no problem breaking his reputation, while a year ago no one would have believed her and called her a liar and a villain. She’d saved so many lives, just for this moment, to see the look of broken shock cross his face. He knew exactly what she meant, and he knew if she was bringing it up, she’d seen enough evidence to damn him. “Kyrie-” She sobbed again and covered her ears. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to happen! We just… I didn’t want to pressure you into sex, not after everything you went through! Especially with how you talked about your creepy brother!” She glared at him, snarling. “You cheated on me because of my brother!? Because you didn’t want to pressure me into sex!? Then why are they RECENT, Katsuki!? Tell me that!” She sobbed and threw a pillow at him, she was standing and pacing now. “Just get out! You can’t justify leading me on for years, Katsuki! I loved you, and you just… Betrayed me like this!” She let out a broken sob as she crumpled to the floor. Katsuki picked her up, setting her on the bed as she smacked at his hands, at least until he got on his knees and rested his face on her leg, sobbing. “Please don’t leave me! God. I fucking love you. Kyrie I’ve never said this honestly but... I fucked up, and I kept fucking up but I don’t love her!” She let out a small sob and looked away from him. “You don’t love me either, Bakugou. If you did, it would have just happened once! Not for a whole year!” She glared at him. “You think I didn’t notice? The little smirks at your phone, coming home late, missing dates for sudden jobs, and worse when I called your agency they told me you had the day off! I’ve known Katsuki! That’s not my fucking problem!” She shoved him back, standing up and walking past him as she got dressed. “Now someone else who has the motive to ruin you does… You were reckless, and now if I want to keep my rank… Someone needs to be the bad guy in this… Neither of our fans will just let this go… It’ll either be my fault as the fucked up trauma case or you’re going to get blamed for being a horny pig… And I’ve worked too damn hard to go out like this!” She slapped him as he got up. Hard enough to make his head snap to the side, what made her feel the slightest pang of regret, was his next move. He didn’t yell, or get upset like she’d expected…He *smiled* at her, tears running down his face as he sobbed. “I know… I don’t blame you for it, either… It’s a dark business we’re in, huh?” She glared at him, now he’d taken her right to feel angry. She wanted him to try and make her the bad guy, not make her feel pity for him. She wanted to coo at him. Tell him it was fine and she still loved him, but she’d told him when they got together, if he ever loved anyone else, it’d ruin her… And she didn’t know what that would do. That’s how she was justifying this… She’d warned him.“I never thought I’d have to make good on my promise, Katsuki… I expected more from you… I wanted a family with you… I love you. And now I need to do this…” She let out a small hiccup, only to glare at him. “It’s your fault!” She shoved him again, this time towards the door. “Get out!!” She screamed and he took his clothes, dressing quickly before leaving. She only let it all out when she heard the door close.She sobbed for a good while, finally letting it out. Letting out the hurt she felt. There was no satisfaction in revenge, she realized. Just a kind of sick amusement at hurting someone else like they hurt you. She finally stopped crying and called up Midoriya, yet again playing up the broken fiancee act. Once again her rage built up as Midoriya made a fool of himself, apologizing and begging her to forgive him, as if she was mad at him of all people. “I’m not upset with you Izuku… You’re the person I’m the least upset with…” She sighed and rubbed her face. “I need to make a statement before the press gets ahold of this…” Midoriya sighed on the other end. “The fans are *not* going to be happy…” Kyrie was eating breakfast, her voice conveyed hurt and betrayal, and yet she was just carrying on with life like nothing happened as she picked out an outfit for the sudden interview. ***News Report*** This morning fans of Pro Hero on the rise Healer Hero: Nephilim were shocked to find her accounts on social media had been hacked and the notorious villain ring leader, Shigaraki Tomura had posted screenshots of Ground Zero’s scandalous affair with Uravity! Exclusive Interview to be live streamed in two hours with the three heroes themselves, done separately of course… Wouldn’t want a fight to break out in the studio!” ***News Report*** Shigaraki felt nauseous as he watched his baby sister sit there, her cute pink sweater and adorably styled hair making her seem sweet and innocent, while her long bright pink skirt was wrenched around in her hands, a tell tale sign of anxiety. Her face was red, she hadn’t even bothered with makeup to hide the tear stains nor did she try to hide the pain on her face. She’d just been cheated on, why should she hide it?Kyrie looked up at the reporter and gave them a weak smile. “It’s our anniversary today… 3 years… God I’m stupid huh, a whole year, he’s been cheating on me!” She smiled through the tears, the live chat blowing up with words of  support, so different from the interview done just minutes ago with Bakugou. He’d intentionally spun his story into her favor, making himself sound bad… Just for her. And she was here making him look worse.The reporter gave her a sympathetic smile and patted her arm before handing her a box of tissues. “I didn’t think I could cry anymore… I want to blame Tomura… But I know this is just his way of looking out for me… I’m his baby sister after all… And he can’t stand ‘Suki… Ah, Bakugou, I mean.” The live chat blew up again, saying that she was stupid for believing a villain, while the majority supported her. She read the chat and glared at the camera. “I believe him with ease because he’s the one who saved me from my father’s abuse. He got me out of that life and I love my brother for it! He would never lie and hurt me like this.” Kyrie smiled and sighed, knowing it was true made her feel at ease. A question came up on chat. Do you still love him? The question was anonymous, but she almost immediately broke down into sobs, and they weren’t even fake. “I won’t lie… I love him so much It hurts… Katsuki was my everything, and he hurt me like this… For what? Because I didn’t want to have sex after getting out of a majorly abusive situation? After-” Kyrie paled a bit… “I can’t believe I’m about to admit this… A week before the sports festival, when I made my debut at UA… I was attacked, almost killed. My brother decided to get me out after that, and I met Katsuki, he told me he understood… And he loved me anyways… But now I know the truth… It doesn’t make it hurt less.” The reporter sat up and began the interview, the timer for questions and interactions running out. They asked basic questions, what she planned to do now, who she was staying with, what she was going to do about the hate she’d received. And she answered with ease as she lied and made herself sound so sweet and dedicated to her job as a hero. And while she wasn’t lying when she said she wanted to save people… She didn’t believe in heroes anymore, but saying that to her fans wasn’t wise. Before the interview wrapped up, Kyrie was debating something once again. “I wanted to kill myself, you know… But my quirk would have just fixed any damage I did… So I just decided to throw myself into work, y’know.” The reporter hugged her as she left, apologizing in person, saying she shouldn’t have to deal with such a horrid betrayal. Kyrie left and went to the apartment, finding Bakugou packing his things. “Bakugou…” Katsuki perked up and looked at her, seeing her tear stained face made him feel less upset about his own. “Hey… So it’s all in the open now, huh?” She sighed and fluffed her hair. “Yeah… It is, Katsuki.” He let out a sad whimper when she said his name. He stepped towards her, holding her face as he kissed her goodbye. “I’ve got all my stuff out… I really do still love you, you know… I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone again… Not after having someone as amazing as you…” She smiled sadly at him, pressing a hand to his cheek.“And I’m glad a lying cheater like you is finally out of my life.” She stepped away from him and went to the fridge, grabbing a canned tea. He froze and looked at her in shock. “You know, making you feel so horrible and guilty was easy, after I heard you two fucking on our last anniversary I decided to make you as miserable as you’ve made me… To tear down any good reputation you had and make the world know what kind of person you are…” She smiled at him, her eyes dark and dangerous. “I guess years of abuse really did fuck up my head after all~”Katsuki narrowed his eyes, confused and hurt as he crossed his arms. “W-what?” She laughed and sipped her tea. “Katsuki. I ruined everything you’ve worked towards, everything you live for is ruined, just like you shattered my dreams with you.” She sat on the stool by the counter. “Only… No one will believe you if you say that now~ You’re an established liar and pig.” Katsuki was in shock, there was no way his sweet loving girlfriend would just… Ruin him like that. But then he realized he'd been her last lifeline, along with Ochako. And he’d cheated on her, with her only other friend who really knew anything about her life with All For One. She’d gone deep into her revenge plan, and she’d won. She’d been planning this since she’d found out, and now that he knew, he couldn’t do anything. Kyrie perked up and smirked at him. “It’s okay though~ Tomura has been taking *real* good care of me, making sure I feel loved and everything. Giving me everything I need~” She glared at him. “Now get out.” She was in contact with Shigaraki? Wait-“What are you planning?” Kyrie stood and grabbed him by the shirt. “I am going to ruin your life, make you feel as broken and helpless as I felt. Then maybe we can talk~” She shoved him out the door, along with the last few boxes he’d had before slamming the door in his face.Patrol was easy, yet again. And now that no one was waiting for her, who’d notice her failure to return, she decided to go visit her brother. She walked into the bar, seeing it empty, she shrugged and went up to Tomura’s room. Loud moans and mumbling were audible from the stairs as she walked up, she realized he was dirty talking himself.“Fuck, I’m so damn hard for her… God I want to fuck that cute little mouth of hers… Cum in her… I bet he’s never fucked her right… Nothing worth fighting for, at least… I want her so damn bad… Fuck I’m cumming! Kyrie-” She moaned and quickly knocked on the door, her face bright red as she heard him fall off his bed and stumble to put on clothes. “Who the hell- oh… Oh!” Tomura went to slam the door in Kyrie’s face, but she stepped into his room and ignored his protests. “So, how was it? Jerking off while thinking of your little sister?” She bit her lip and sat on his bed, her eyes drifting to the shirt she’d noticed had gone missing in the last few months. “Hey… That’s my favorite shirt, y’know.” He groaned and glared at her as she picked it up, noticing the lack of cum.“Did you not cum yet, Tenko?” The male groaned and bucked his hips a bit. “You didn’t… Hm~” She blushed and started taking off her shirt and pants. “W-what are you doing?!” She relaxed onto his bed, now in her underwear as she gently patted her belly. “Come cuddle!” He growled and looked away from her. “Tenko~ Please?”She spread her legs, her panties had ridden up and were giving him a nice view, even if he couldn’t see her core yet, he saw the rapidly growing damp spot in between her legs. “You’re going to kill me if you keep being so sexy, Kyrie…” She hummed and smirked as he took back off his sweatpants, his hard, thick, huge uncut cock throbbing as he blushed and buried his face in her chest. His hard length rubbing against her clit through the thin material of her panties.“Ah, you’re so fucking wet for me… I bet he couldn’t make you feel this good just like this, hm? You’re such a horny slut, wanting your brother’s cock like this… Nasty little slutty sister… I bet you’d cum on his cock by imagining me…” Kyrie blushed and nodded, biting her lip and he played with her large chest. “I want you to ride my thigh. Cum  like a good slutty sister” Kyrie blushed even more, as if it was possible and looked away from his prying vermilion eyes. “Yes sir…” He groaned and fell onto his back, letting his thick, heavy dick slap against his stomach as he pumped it a few times, watching her like a predator stalking its prey. Kyrie settled her chubby thighs over his own, straddling him as she bucked lightly, moaning at the sudden friction. “Tenko… It feels nice…” Her clit was jumping in anticipation as she lightly humped her big brother’s leg, making him pump his cock a bit faster. “I told you to cum, not play around. Ride my thigh and earn the right to take my dick.” 
The chubby girl whined and rode faster against his leg, bucking and moving as she watched him jerk off to the show she was giving him.“You ever do something like this with that damn Pomeranian? You ride him like this, slut?” Her small frame shuddered in pleasure when he slapped her chest, making her heavy breasts jump and bounce as he slapped them around. “He always treated you like a cute doll, didn’t he? Never fucked you nice and rough like you need?” Kyrie moaned and rode his thigh faster, her hand smacking his away as she stroked his cock quickly, trying to get him to cum with her. Her big brother growled and smacked her, hard. Right in the face, before he shoved her onto the bed and ripped her bra off, followed by ripping her underwear away. “Slut. You only get my cum if it’s inside. You want your big brother’s cock? You want to take my cum and breed my heir? You naughty little whore… I bet you’re almost cumming just from imagining me fucking a baby into you, hm? Want to breed with your big brother and give him a baby?” Her soft face was full of lust, her eyes glazed over in pleasure as she nodded.“Say it, bitch!” She cried out as he slapped her a few more times. “Say you want me to fuck a baby into you. Tell me you’re my little slut, my cum dumpster, you’re my filthy little sister and no one else's!” He grabbed her throat, both hands wrapped tight as he slammed his cock deep into her tight cunt, ramming it in deep as he growled and choked her, ignoring her grasps at his hands. “Cum on my dick, slut. Make me cum in this tight little pussy. Earn the right to have my baby.” Kyrie squeaked and came hard, her tight cunt gripping and milking his huge cock as he rammed deep into her, her sweet voice full of lust and desire. 
He growled and let go of her throat, just as she started passing out, he slapped her as hard as he could. “Stay the fuck awake, I’m not done with you yet… I’ve wanted this slutty pussy for *years* and I’m not stopping now!” He snarled and picked up her lower half, making her sit there, her legs up on his shoulders as he sat on his knees, teasing her clit as he rammed harder into her. “Fuck yes, that’s it baby. Take my cock nice and deep, just like that. God you’re so fucking *tight* and wet for me!” He laughed loudly, his eyes wide as he rubbed her clit, his hips still slamming her against her as he made her scream.“Fuck Tenko I’m gonna cum again!” He let out a loud growl and slapped her hard again, making her lip bust a bit, a small trail of blood staining her pretty pale skin. “Fuck you look so good in red… I want to see more of you~” She squeaked and dug her nails into his back as she came, making him cry out as he came into her tight cunt, his cum jetting deep into her as his tip kissed the entrance or her womb, the thick, heavy head of his cock plugging her up as she took his thick load. She relaxed against the bed as he pulled out, licking the blood from her lip. 
“Tenko… That’s definitely something I didn’t know you’d like…” She blushed and covered her face a bit. “You came in me…” He smirked and picked her up, flipping her over, her ass high in the air as he made her stand with her elbows on the bed, his semi-soft cock ramming deep into her dripping slit as he fucked her hard, his heavy sac slapping against her clit as he fucked her all over again.“I’m going to fucking ruin you with this cock, you’ll never be able to cum unless it’s on my cock… You want that little sister? To cum on your big brother’s cock and breed his heir? You want it so fucking bad, don’t you? Fuck it feels like you’re already milking me.” 
He suddenly pulled out, making Kyrie let out a small sob. “I was so close!” Tomura growled and yanked her hair, making her face him, his cock covered in cum and a mix of their passion. “Suck while I get something for you~” She hummed and took the hair tie from her wrist, sucking on the head at first before she took more into her mouth, eventually bobbing as he growled and dug around in the closet by his bed.“Here. Ass up, Kyrie. Now.” She blushed and bit her lip, smirking. She wanted to challenge him, at least a little bit. Another hard slap sent her into the bed, crying out in pain as he forced her onto her knees, his huge throbbing cock quickly pumping in and out of her again. “Good slut. Take that cock…” 
Tomura growled and grabbed her hair, making her moan before his other hand went between her legs, and just as something cold brushed her clit, it jumped to life, vibrating roughly as it forced her to cum then and there.“W-wait! No, I can’t take that and your cock at once! I can’t- ahhh~” She moaned and fell to the bed, her ass still up and ready for him to dominate. She was overstimulated and the constant vibrating was making her go crazy with pleasure.“Come on slut, I know you’ve got more in you!” His hand released her hair just to slap her in the face. “Fucking cum you filthy whore! Did you ever let your precious hero cum in you like this? Or did he not want to? God your womb’s milking me so much it’s like you’ve never had a creampie… Fuck you’re too much of a breeding slut for that, huh? You definitely need more of your Master’s cum…” He snarled as she came again, slapping her hard as he picked her up by her throat, fucking into her as he choked her again, this time with one hand. “God you’re such a damned slut… Just for me though! This pussy is all mine to breed and fuck however I see fit, huh?” 
She moaned and nodded as the constant assault on her throbbing core ripped another orgasm out of her, making her scream as she thrashed. Tomura laughed and fucked her harder, making her ass bounce from the force of his hips as he let her drop back onto the bed. “Good slut. Cum more. Milk me, fucking take it bitch!” He came deep and hard yet again, more of his thick white cum filling up her shivering hole as she moaned and thrashed under him, multiple orgasms taking over as she just kept cumming around him. “Fuck you’re gonna make me cum again already! God, you’re too damned good.” 
Tomura’s heavy balls were all he could think of, emptying them deep into his baby sister as she played hero.“Fuck I want to make you so fucking swollen with my babies, just so I can see that damned hero beat himself up over letting you go! You’d like that, wouldn’t you. Slut? You’d love to take my cock just like this with him watching wouldn’t you?” He moaned, sinful and needy as he kept thrusting, a light sheen on his body as he fucked her deep and hard, cum was dripping out of her, and yet here she was, more than willing to take more of his cum. “I’m gonna take the vibrator off, and you’re gonna cum from just my cock, got it slut?” She thrashed and tried to pull off of his cock. “Fuck- Tenko I can’t take anymore! Please stop!” She was sobbing from the mix of over stimulation and pleasure. 
Her big brother growled and slapped her hard, when she didn’t stop he slapped her again and again, not stopping his rough thrusts for a split second, every time she screamed or sobbed, taking his cock and abuse, he swore he almost came then and there, watching her come undone and drop the stupid hero act was amazing for him.Seeing his sweet, loving baby sister become an overwhelmed cock crazy slut just for him was addictive, it sent shivers down his spine that had him cumming in seconds, however he didn’t stop, he kept thrusting through his orgasm, working past his own pleasure as his baby sister thrashed against his cock. 
“Cum slut. I know you’re close! Do it!” He growled and reeled back a few times, slaps sending her head from side to side in quick succession, it seemed the pain was all she needed to cum again, more orgasms ripping through her small chubby body, causing her to babble incoherently and buck against him. “Fuck- Nng I’m coming again! God, I need you to cum with me. I want you to squirt for me. Come on bitch!” He snarled and kept his brutal pace as he fucked into her. “Shigaraki! Please- I can’t take it anymore!” He growled and grabbed her by the throat with one hand as he kissed her, choking her as she took his cock. “Cum bitch. Come on your big brothers dick as he fucks you raw, you want me to breed you? Beg for my fucking cum, slut.” She groaned and rolled a bit, hiding her face as she let out such lewd noises and cries. 
He snarled into her ear as he sunk his teeth into multiple points on her neck, making her moan.“Fuck! God, Tenko please cum in me! Fill me up and breed my slutty womb, knock me up and make me yours!” She screamed, bloodcurdling, loud and full of desire. Even well after he’d cum and pulled out, her eyes were rolled back and thighs were still shaking as she came, her tight cunt being kept full by his cum and cock, which was sudden and made Kyrie thrash against him. “Fuck! No more Tenko! Really, god. I can’t take any-” She cut off as he kissed her, soft and sweet. Full of love and passion.“That was amazing… I really do want you to have my kid, by the way… I’ve thought of it for years, Kyrie…” She hummed and nuzzled his neck, wrapping her arms around it as she kissed him softly. “I love you, you silly little sister…” She hummed and kissed him more.“I love you too, Tenko… I feel so damn full right now~” She laughed and squealed as he flipped them over. “Jeez, easy big brother, I’m delicate~” Tomura looked over the bruise on her cheek and the bites he’d left on her neck in the passion of his own orgasm. “God damn… Look at you, ah shit. I really did bust your lip… Let me-” She cut him off with a kiss. “Just sleep for now, okay?” She yawned and held him tighter, her legs wrapped tight around his waist.“Fine, just because I know you’ll be completely healed in the morning, though… Fuck that was so good… I came so damn hard.” The small woman leaned up and kissed him, effectively shutting up her brother.“Sleep, Shigaraki.”
Kyrie woke up first the next morning, quickly realizing that her brother was in fact, still deep inside of her, and was also still equally hard. “Fuck… He’s going to be horny…” As if on cue, her brother rose from his own sleep. Clinging to her like a desperate child in need for its mother. “Don’t get up yet… I don’t want you to leave.” She hummed and rocked her hips. “Not a chance I’m leaving just yet~” He laughed and sat up, smirking at her as he groped her chest. “I’m barely awake, slut. You already want my cum that bad?” Kyrie laughed and wrapped her legs tighter around his waist. “Yep, I do~” She moaned as he started to thrust, burying his face right back into her chest, only now he was sucking her nipple as he fucked her. Tomura was much more gentle this time, still pleasing her, but now he was being more caring, more attentive. “You want to cum first, or do you want to watch me cum in you?” 
He spoke around her nipple, caught between his teeth. “I want your cum Master~”Shigaraki groaned and sat up, lifting her hips a bit so he could rest her on his lap before he started fucking her deep and hard, despite his sweet and gentle pace, his thumb caressing the swollen bud of nerves between her legs as he fucked her raw, sore cunt. He looked so soft and needy right now, brows furrowed and worried as he closed his eyes, moaning as he enjoyed her tight walls on his giant dick. “F-fuck… I love sucking your tits, I didn’t even think I was this into breasts…” She hummed and sat up, biting his neck as he made her cum on his cock. “Fucking cum for me Tenko, cum in me and breed me like a good slut~”They stayed there for a moment, that is, until his door flung open, Toga and Dabi standing there on the other side. 
Dabi looked a bit disturbed and ready to leave while Toga looked excited. “Dabi! You owe me 200 dollars! Kyrie got that crusty hand pervert dick after all!!” She squealed and slammed the door, running away in glee over her friends getting laid, despite them being siblings. Toga always made the point of *adoptive* siblings. They’re not blood so it’s fine! At least that’s what she said.“Whelp. We could either go deal with that or- Oh fuck!” Kyrie let out a cry of pleasure as he started fucking her again. “I’ll stay here and make my slutty baby sister cum on my cock, thanks~”
The week went by fast, thanks to the two Shigaraki siblings fucking their time away. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Tomura had gotten her pregnant, and he’d come up with an amazingly horrid way to get back at Katsuki. Agree to take him back, only for her to announce that she’d been betraying them the whole time and shattering him all over again. Kyrie knew this was for her brother’s satisfaction, not hers, but she wasn’t about to refuse Tomura’s wishes.She was currently taking his cock, rough and deep as she typed out the message to Katsuki, telling him that she missed him, and wanted to make it work if he did. 
That she’d thought it over and just couldn’t hate him. He’d completely isolated himself, taken a vacation from the agency, stopped seeing anyone, friends and family included. He’d gone into a deep depression from losing her, and even people who hated him now could tell how much losing Kyrie shattered his heart.“God, you must really hate him, taking your own brother’s cock as you tell him you still love him? Do you?” Kyrie whimpered and came hard as he fucked her, his own release filling her up and making her walls stretch a bit. “Fuck- Maybe! I don’t know- I can’t think with your cock inside of me!!” She sobbed in pleasure and came hard again before Tomura pulled out, cum slopping out of her packed pussy in rivers, making a puddle on the bed under them.“You gonna let him fuck you right away? Mmm… You should… Let me watch, too. I bet he won’t make you cum~” 
Kyrie paled and shook her head. “I can’t let him see me like this!” She whimpered as he smacked her raw ass, her brother had taken to using knives to draw blood, and though he cut deep and she should be much more broken than she was, she was fine. Her quirk healed any immediate damage and the scars were gone by morning. “He won’t see you until tonight, just set up your webcam. I want to watch my baby sister get fucked, is that so bad? I need to see if you’re such a slut that you’ll cum on his cock too~”She glared at him. “You need to get him to creampie you anyways~” She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fine! Ugh, you are such a pervert!” She smiled and kissed Tomura happily, despite what they were planning, she still loved her brother, and she would die for him.
But when Katsuki answered, he sent a video, he sounded so happy and hopeful, so utterly blissed out that she was even considering taking him back, he was crying. And she felt nothing but guilt.Later that night she sat on the bed, in a cute orange and black lingerie set, Tomura had insisted. To sell the bit, he’d said. The thin velvet corset fit her short chubby frame beautifully, and the sexy matching lace panties made her thick chubby thighs look flawless, the thigh-high stockings making her legs look wonderful, the big chunky heels, bright orange and tall, made her a true sight, ready to fuck and take anything thrown at her. Katsuki was expecting a long, drawn out talk. To talk things over and settle their issues, so when his not-so-ex ex opened the door, in the premium lingerie his agency had custom made for her before their anniversary, a gift, they’d said, his cock immediately jumped to life. 
He’d been more than ready to go his whole life without sex again, if it meant being with the woman he loved. And yet here she was, almost naked, in his set. Looking up at him like he meant the world to her… Kyrie growled and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him down into a rough, needy kiss. “We’re going to get everything out of the way… I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re not going to be able to think of any other woman but me…” She growled and bit his neck hard, drawing blood before dragging him to the bedroom and shoving him onto the mattress.“K-Kyrie! Fuck wait- Oh holy shit~” 
He was trying to calm her down, to tell her she was the one he’d think of when he and Ochako had sex, that he’d always used protection and never even thought of her sexually. She’d been a glorified sex toy to him, he only ever had eyes for Kyrie, she didn’t give him a chance though, his pants and shirt were already off, and now he was in nothing but his shoes, with his pants around his ankles, she was rubbing his cock through the thin fabric.“T-take it easy! Do you even have any-” She growled and stood, shoving him onto his back as she straddled his waist, ripping his boxers just to get to his cock. He wasn’t as big or thick as Tomura, she noted, and she didn’t think she’d be able to enjoy it like she did her big brother’s huge member. But she’d at least put on a good act. 
“You’re going to fuck me raw, understand? You’re done being a whore, because you’re mine, and if you’re not going to be with me, you’re going to feel like shit for it for the rest of your life, you got that?!” She slammed her hips hard down into his own, taking his cock deep, and without missing a beat she started riding him like a mad bitch in heat. “Tch, you’re not even that big~ It’s not like many other women would want you when they find out you’re only average size…” She growled and took out the vibrator Tomura had given her, pressing it to her clit, making her moan. “Better, I might actually cum now… You know I’ve always faked orgasms with you, Katsuki. Maybe if you’re really sorry you’ll finally make me have one now, hm?” 
Katsuki felt his world shatter.She’d seemed so happy with him, but he’d never even been able to make her cum. Any pleasure he was feeling went out the window, the orgasm she quickly made him close to drying up, even as she rode him. “I really didn’t? Fuck- I figured you faked a few, but I never made you cum?” She was lying through her teeth, she’d cum so many times at the start she couldn’t imagine having sex with anyone else, but then she caught him and her touch repulsed her. “Not one~” She moaned and slid off of him, cumming hard as the vibrator made her squirt a bit. Tomura had really made her into a sloppy whore, she’d squirt any time she came now, but Katsuki didn’t know that, he watched her cum and assumed this was the first he’d ever witnessed. “You’re a squirter? I really never made you cum at all, did I?” He let out a needy whimper, ignoring his throbbing cock he got on the bed, his head settled between her legs as he greedily licked and sucked on her clit, he had no clue that she’d been taking another man’s cum that morning, let alone that she’d probably gotten pregnant from him fucking her. 
“Oh? What 's going to make me cum with your mouth?” She laughed and pulled at his hair. “That’s it, work that clit. Mn-” Katsuki let out a small noise and slipped a few fingers into her, working her clit and g-spot at once, making her quickly cum. “Sh-shit! Cumming~” She came hard into his mouth. Her body arched and bucked as she rode out her high, once she’d come down she glared at him. “Fucker… That was… Really good. Actually. I mean, not the best…” A lie, she glanced at the webcam, a small smirk on her face. Tomura could make her cum 4 more times in that short time that it took Katsuki to make her cum once. She sat up and flipped Katsuki over, she started riding him, moaning a bit as she bucked into him, only to hear a small sob. 
She looked at Katsuki and froze in shock. He was crying, and she had no clue why.“I really am the worst, huh? Why do you even want me back?” He looked so broken and hurt, Kyrie felt her heart clench as she leaned down and kissed him, it was soft, sweet and full of love. She sighed and shook her head.“I don’t know… I just miss you too much, I guess.” She rolled her eyes and started riding him all over again. “Well? Come on, make it up to me, I said I’d work you overtime, didn’t I?” Katsuki looked up at her, and without a word he was in control, slamming into her so roughly she thought she’d pass out. “If this is how I earn you back, I’m going to fuck you so much you can’t move!” 
He growled and trapped her under his body, fucking into her desperately. He was still trying to be gentle, even as he fucked her like this.“Fuck I’m gonna cum, Kyrie.” She moaned and rocked against him, biting her lip. She closed her eyes and covered her face, imagining Tomura’s huge cock deep inside of her, filling her up and breeding her as he cut and slapped her around, abusing her just because he could, and she came hard, multiple times in a row as she squirted everywhere. Katsuki came after her first orgasm, keeping his cock deep inside of her as he came.He groaned and rested on her chest, huffing. “Fuck… You’re so fucking perfect. I love you so damn much!” Katsuki groaned and started moving all over again, trying his best to make her cum, little did he know she was imagining her brother, his cock and cum inside of her instead of his.
The next few months were amazingly sweet. Katsuki made it public that they were back together, and she explained in an interview that she really did love him, despite his betrayal, which was true. Even Shigaraki knew the blonde still held a place in his baby sister’s heart. Right next to the hold he’d dug for himself throughout their childhood.The two heroes went on patrol together whenever the other was scheduled, went on dates and just generally had fun… And for a while, Kyrie forgot that she was in another scheme. That is until her morning sickness took over. Making her spend her mornings in the bathroom instead of in bed with Katsuki. 
A quick trip to the OB told her she was 4 months pregnant, and that they should be happy to hear it was a healthy set of quadruplets. Katsuki was ecstatic when they got home, Kyrie had messaged Tomura to tell him the news, though she wasn’t as excited. 
Baby-Baked- Bean: I know we had a plan… But Tenko I still fucking love him, I can’t shatter his heart like that again! He really does love me, and it’s not okay! What we’re doing isn’t… It’s not right!
Chapstick-Gremlin: You’re kidding? You were the one who wanted this!
BabyBaked-Bean: I know what I said, Tenko! But it’s not okay that I’m just fucking with his whole life like this! What we’re about to do is trauma Tenko!! He just cheated on me!!
Baby-Baked-Bean: Leave?
Baby-Baked-Bean: Who said I was leaving, Tenko?”
Chapstick-Gremlin: W-what??
Chapstick-Gremlin: What the hell are you talking about?
Baby-Baked-Bean: Don’t worry… He’s so desperate to keep me, I think he might just agree to be a villain… If you promise not to kill him?
Chapstick-Gremlin: I get to let Dabi beat his ass *once*, right?
Baby-Baked-Bean: We’ll be home by tonight, Tenko~
Kyrie let out a soft sigh and got out of the car, smiling at Katsuki. “We need to talk, ok? I swear, it’s not… Bad. Well. Not that bad.”Katsuki froze and looked at her, the door only just having closed behind her. “Oh god, you’re leaving me. I’m  not enough and you’re leaving.” He looked terrified and heart broken, ready to cry. “W-what did I do wrong? I promise I’m tr- MMF” She cut him off in a passionate kiss, pulling his hair roughly before shoving him to the bed. “No, I’m not leaving you. Okay?”He let out a relieved sigh and gave her a wry smile. “Okay…”She bit her lip and decided to just blurt it out, the worst case is he tells the world and she has a real reason to hate him, at least. 
“They’re not yours…” His face fell, but he didn’t look as upset as when he thought she was going to leave.“They’re not mine?” He looked a bit confused.“They’re Te-Tomura’s.” Katsuki looked at her, shocked and disgusted now. “You’re fucking your brother, and he got you pregnant? Wait-” He glared at her, crossing his arms. “You’ve been getting your revenge on me this whole time, haven’t you!? Was this some fucked up plan of his? Make me think everything is fine just so it hu-MM” She cut him off with another kiss. “No, I haven’t seen or really talked to him since I came back here. I was staying with him and the others for that week I took off… But Katsuki, I’ve never lied to you, not since we got back together.” She blushed. “And… Before I caught you and Uraraka… You made me cum all the time… I just wanted to hurt you back a bit…” 
She was ashamed of herself, not for being in love with her brother, but for leading Katsuki on.“You were the one leaking information to the bastard, our last year of school, weren’t  you?” She nodded and he sighed. “Right after you found out?” Another nod. “You really did mean that threat, huh? That you’d ruin any other relationships for me? If I hurt you?” Kyrie blushed and sighed. “What do you want me to do?” Katsuki looked at her cautiously.“Just what I’m doing, giving them information, helping with strategies and such… They won’t make you hurt people, that’s your choice.” Katsuki sighed and held his head in his hands. “Well… Don’t have much of a choice, you’re my fucking breath now, if I lost you… I’d go insane, I think.” 
Kyrie walked into the bar, Katsuki’s hand in hers as she walked right by the other villains, who were glaring at Katsuki. “Oh stop, he’s with us now! Tomura’s orders.” She spoke curtly and led him to the stairs, quickly running up to them she slammed open Tomura’s door and squealed, jumping onto his lap, interrupting the game he was playing. “Oh look, my slutty sister is back in my lap~” She huffed and flipped him off. 
“Fuck me? All you had to do was ask, though you want to let me take you with him watching?” She blushed and bit her lip, snark answers gone as she quickly became submissive just for him. “Maybe I do want Katsuki to watch…” She eyed up her former fiancee and moaned as she saw the imprint of his cock through his pants. “Hm? Oh you like letting him fuck you? I can make you cum better though~” Kyrie moaned and big Tomura’s lip. “Please Master, fuck this slutty pussy, even though you’ve already bred my womb.” He growled and picked her up, turning off his game console before he threw her onto the bed. “Strip. You’re not getting nice treatment, making me fucking worry. Sluts don’t deserve to be treated nicely.” Her brother slapped her, hard, knocking her off the bed a bit as she held her cheek. “On your knees bitch. *now*.” She let out a small whimper and did as he said, waiting patiently as he disintegrated his own clothes, not wanting to bother with them. Tomura slammed his hips hard into her own, burying his huge, thick and veiny cock deep into her cunt, right against her womb. 
“Fuck… You’re such a filthy slut… You’re craving cock even though you’re filled up and pregnant.” Katsuki let out a growl and stepped towards the two, only for Tomura to wrap his hand around the other man’s throat, a single finger off of it, keeping him alive. “Keep your mouth shut and watch. I don’t want you here, she does. Fucking test me and I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Tomura shoved him away and roughly slapped his baby sister’s ass, grabbing her hair as he pressed her into the bed. “Filthy slut, you like getting this slutty hole pounded while your little boyfriend watches, don’t you. Naughty bitch. God you are such a horny little bitch!” He growled as he fucked her harder.“Take my fucking cum, bitch. You’re not cumming just yet.” Tomura growled in her ear and came hard, his cum spilling out, not having anywhere to go. “Fuck- you’re spilling~ Can’t take your master’s cum now? Because this little cunt is full of his offspring?” 
She nodded and squeaked as he flipped her over, slapping her hard in the face as he started fucking into her again. “Filthy slut… God you’re so fucking horny, you’re soaking my thighs, you’re gushing every time i thrust into you’re horny little cunt…” He hummed and smirked. “Why don’t you let your little boy toy fuck you too? You’re always saying you want more…” He flipped them over and made her arch her back, her ass in the air as he fucked her silly. “Beg him, slut.” Kyrie squeaked as he slapped her hard in the face, busting her lip. “I didn’t fucking stutter, bitch.” She moaned and held her thighs, looking at Katsuki over her shoulder. “Fuck! ‘Suki! I need more… Please come stuff my pussy more! I need another cock in me~” She pouted and bounced her ass as she rode her brother, letting out lewd naughty sounds as she came hard on his cock. “Fuck Master! I didn’t ask to cum! I’m sorry~” Tomura growled and yanked her hair, ignoring her apology.
“Fuck, he’s jerking off. Just hurry the hell up, damn hero impostor.” Katsuki let out a small hiss and stepped towards them, pressing his cock hard against her tight pussy, surprisingly, her tight hole accepted him with ease. “Damn, he slid right in, you fucking wanted this, huh slut? How often do you make yourself cum by imagining us fucking you?” Tomura growled into her ear and slapped her as he fucked her more, rubbing her clit roughly.“Fuck- Katsuki! You’re so gentle~ Be rougher!” She pouted and pulled his hair a bit, making the blonde moan. “God dammit, Kyrie I’m trying not to lose it-” She moaned and leaned up to kiss him, rubbing her breasts as she did so, her swollen nipples sensitive and perky as she pulled on them. 
“Use your quirk on me! Burn me, fuck me! Just fucking use me like I’m a cock sleeve! I’m so fucking wet for you both right now, god please!” Shigaraki growled again and fucked her harder, continuing to slap his baby sister around as she came hard on his cock. Katsuki let out a desperate sound and smacked her ass, his quirk lighting up on contact, leaving an angry red burn, making her scream and cum all over again, multiple orgasms ripping any coherent thought she had to shreds. The two men were a mess as she came, so close to cumming themselves. “Fuck- Cumming! Kyrie you’re so fucking beautiful and perfect!” Katsuki was the first to cum, burying himself in as deep as he could as he came, only for Tomura’s huge cock to gush out tons of cum and flush the blonde’s own cum out as Kyrie just kept cumming.
Kyrie moaned and sat up once she’d recovered a bit. She hummed and smiled at the two. “That was amazing~” The two boys looked at each other and smirked. “Was?” Katsuki fell onto his back as Tomura picked up his sister and forced both of their cocks back into her tight pussy.
“We’re not done yet, slut.”“We’re not going to be done with you for hours, princess~”
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candyshua · 4 years
It’s a Long Way Home | Chapter 10 (Finale)
Pairing: Joshua x Minghao x Reader
Synopsis: It was dark, and then it was light. You’re finally lucid. After 15 years of not being conscious, you wake up in a desolate and post-apocalyptic earth where infected flesh-eating beings roam the streets. Soon enveloped into a mysterious group of survivors, you consistently wonder who they are. But most importantly, who are you?
Genre: Heavy angst, some fluff here and there
Warnings: Gore, bad language, physical & verbal abuse
Word Count: 2k
The world unfolded before your meek eyes. What was happening soon sunk in, and you immediately ripped your already bitten arm from "Joshua's" grasp. Looking down, you noticed a bite mark was there.
But then, like magic, it disappeared. It faded off of your skin gradually within the course of a few seconds, and you displayed no signs of turning any time soon. The moment your blood touched Joshua's tongue, a series of gargles elicited from his mouth and then he fell, clutching his chest. The Doctor watched intently, and Minghao merely rushed over to help you. "Are you okay?" He stuttered, and you just nodded emptily. You paid no mind to Minghao, your attention was on the dramatic scene happening in front of you.
The first thing you noticed about Joshua was his eyes. Soon, a familiar brown coated the white vastness, and pupils sprouted like a sudden unexpected rainstorm. Color returned to his face, and his flesh tightened and cleansed itself. The reverse transformation was surreal, along with extremely satisfying. His teeth whitened, his lips weren't a pale blue anymore; he was Joshua.
Clutching his chest with both of his hands, he fell to the ground and passed out in front of you. If somebody would've walked in at this very moment, they would've seen four humans.
Soon, your eyes widened and the tears on your cheeks dried. Your eyes wandered to the open cut on your arm, no signs of being bitten near. It was just a cut, like being sliced with a knife.
You were immune.
And you were the cure.
Time blended together in a haziness. Days felt like weeks, as your mind swam in and out on consciousness. The reality of the power you held kind of drove you mad temporarily, but any heated haziness can be replenished with a sweep of ice cold reality.
It started when Joshua would wake up in the middle of the night, in the hospital of Fort Lockwood of course, and then he'd puke up blood. You assumed it was just his body getting rid of the infection, but to be fair you had no idea how to react in this situation. Any medically experienced fellow would have been absolutely stumped. Slowly, Fort Lockwood was rebuilt and The Doctor was under constant surveillance. You helped revive the fort to what it used to be, along with taking care of the excess scientists.
You had felt heaps of guilt, knowing many people died due to their mere inconvenience. So many souls succumbed to the title of "Collateral Damage". They were executed because they were in the way - and that was that.
Truth be told, it had been four days since your attack on Fort Lockwood, but it felt like four months. Everything was so slow, worry tended to drag things out until the final show - where everything all comes crashing down. It was like you were in a play, and the end was near.
But one more plot twist was in store, just to mess with you.
Today, you would finally talk to The Doctor - face to face. Alone.
You walked into the dimly lit basement where Joshua was once constricted, that thought being enough to stimulate an anger deep inside you. You strode over to the beaten down man, who once reigned down upon his own miniature civilization. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Now, he was under the control of somebody he used to own, somebody he used to control.
You could do whatever you wanted to him. You could torture him like he did to you, you could let him starve to death, hell - you could untie him and let him walk out a free man. You weren't foolish enough to do so, but you knew you could have.
You were powerful. This time, you were mighty and great, you were no longer the girl subject to a glory-desiring genius or her amnesic self. You were the one with the good hand, it was like showing your royal flush to fellow poker players. The prize was so close, yet so far. But, was it as glorious and magnificent as it was prophesied to be? Was power what you wanted?
You knew you wanted to make him suffer, like he did to you.
Alas, you were a living example of it - you had won.
And, The Doctor had many answers you needed. But, you wanted his name to be forever tainted - not glorified as he had wanted. So, when you walked in that room, you had a vision in your mind.
"Hello." You hissed, the pure rage burning inside of you. The Doctor scoffed, his ragged, pale skin and scruffy grey beard only adding to his pathetic and defeated nature. His icy blue eyes were no longer sparking with the evil dreams that blew inside of him, instead they were hollowed out with the harsh winds of you. You played with the gun in your waistband, until you pulled it out and pointed it directly at his head.
"I'm making it quick. Have fun rotting in Hell, buddy." You grumbled.
And then you squeezed the trigger.
The gunshot rang through out the room, but you didn't care. The incessant ring in your ears was overpowered by your triumphant smile. Victory was yours, and it tasted oh so sweet.
A week later, Joshua's puking wouldn't stop. You had talked to Seungkwan about it, but his blood loss was extremely risky and potentially fatal. You didn't have the technology nor the staff to figure out what was happening.
Yet, you didn't really need that. Joshua called you to his room one day, and he knew exactly what was happening to him. The thick quiet atmosphere spoke louder than so many things you wanted to say, the air impregnated with a poignant awkwardness. You two had talked over the course of this week, but there was something gone. He wasn't the Josh he was before, but did you expect him to be?
"He did horrible things to me." Joshua mentioned oddly, the once quiet air now drowning in those sad words. You didn't need to be told, for you knew the horrible extensiveness of The Doctor's actions. You just nodded and let him talk.
"He told me why he did it...How he created the virus, how you were immune...And then he fucking injected me with it- and you saved me." He continued, and you just nodded solemnly. "I don't think your blood cured me though, Y/N. I think your blood reversed whatever happened...I think it's poisoning me."
The cruel reality of fate was quite entertaining at times. It was obvious -- if your blood was the cure, then why didn't The Doctor have you hooked up to a machine? Of course he had tested your blood before. And, of course, it didn't work.
What were you supposed to do? Pretend to be shocked at the inevitability? You and Seungkwan had tried everything in your power to end Joshua's sickness, but it was no use. You knew - you god damn knew - that Joshua was going to die. And it was your fault.
You wanted to cry, but it was like you were dried out from the insurmountable amount of tears you have cried this week. You just sighed, and then laughed.
You laughed hysterically, to the point where tears rolled down your face endlessly. Joshua didn't react, he knew it was an odd reaction of some sort. Soon, your laughs surprisingly turned into tears, and then choking sobs. "I'm so sorry!" You wailed, and Joshua just held you like he used to, before everything went to shit.
You weren't at home when you in Joshua's arms. Joshua wasn't himself anymore, and you both knew that. "It isn't your fault." Joshua soothed. Truth be told, it really wasn't. He would've continued to be a mindless infected buffoon if you hadn't tried to save him with your blood. You had given him a little more time.
"I fucking poisoned you..." You shakily sobbed, as he stroked your hair and bit his lip. He wanted to cry, but he had accepted his fate. The pain of knowing that Joshua couldn't hold on to his love for you is what troubled him the most. For your love was a flame, but eventually it dwindled and burned out.
Now, just ashes were remaining. And here in the pile of ashes, you cried for what could have been.
"You gave me more time, Y/N."
"I shouldn't have killed The Doctor. He could've fixed this-"
"You did what was understandable." Joshua interrupted, hushing you softly. Soon, a comfortable silence engulfed you two, and all that could be heard were your quiet sobs or Josh's soft, slowing breaths.
"I want you to be happy, Y/N." Joshua mumbled, and you knew what he was getting at. You knew he knew, but you refused to believe it. Denial was a strong force after all.
"What do you mean?" You questioned dumbly.
"You know exactly what I mean. Don't guilt yourself into being alone forever. I can rest happily knowing that you'll be happy." Joshua mumbled, and you just sucked in a sharp breath.
You wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he shouldn't give up because you loved him, but that wasn't true. You weren't at home with Joshua, there was no warmth. The love was gone, and it rekindled for the man who had been waiting for you. Joshua had still loved you, and he would die loving you. And in another life, he would be happy with you.
Just not in this one, for you would be happy with someone else. And Joshua? Well Joshua would be dead.
That night, Joshua had died beside you. And soon you learned that your blood wasn't the cure.
Not only that, you had discovered everybody from the ship you were previously on came down to Earth, and your father was no where found. And now, you lie in bed next to Minghao, a year later, still in Fort Lockwood. The world would continue on, and The Doctor's name would forever be cursed.
You and Minghao sat on top of the watch towers, looking over the forest that surrounded Fort Lockwood. It was around 2 AM, and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. You wanted to say something, like that your period was late -- or that it had been a year since Joshua died.
But you just sat there, in silence. It was like Minghao knew the sound of the silence, he could listen to it.
During this past year, you and Seungkwan had worked endlessly with samples of your blood. No cure had surfaced.
Not only that, but no word from your father had been heard either. And as you stared into the dwindling dawn, you realized some questions would never be answered. Then, the sun rose and everything went on, like it always had.
And for a split second, you were again that girl who was confused with herself, who didn't know who she was or what she wanted, but then the feeling died. You lied in bed next to Minghao, resting after your night shift, and stared at his closed eyes.
A new passion erupted in you, a passion that was fueled from your love and experiences. It made you want to protect Minghao, it made you regret not being able to protect Joshua, and it made you you.
It was like a new reality was discovered -- a clearer more dense one. You weren't one of the good guys -- you had killed, stolen, and lied. You did all of those things because you thought you were right.
Yet looking back at it, you were so wrong. And an even harsher reality sunk in once you realized you could never make it right. You would forever be a killer, and a burglar, and a liar.
Your eyes sunk into Minghao's closed ones, and tears fell out of your eyes before you could stop them. Everyday, you would try to find a cure to help the fucked up world you lived in. You had no time to think about your happiness, because the world sat in your hands.
In another life you would be just another normal girl -- but not in this one.
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Marvel AU. What powers do you think Magnus and Alec would have?
i know that for magnus the really obvious answer would be like “magic” and obviously that’s valid because he is fucking great at magic but. i can also see him being like, an iron man sorta hero? like obviously he is not tony stark and we’re not including the war crimes part here, but a kind of self-made hero who doesn’t have powers, but is a goddamn genius and turned himself into one? or maybe he does have magic and is a genius (like in canon lmaoo) 
like some doctor strange stuff? ive actually never seen or read doctor strange or any media that features him all i know is that he’s played by the cucumber guy and can see alternate realities but there’s doctor in his name so i assume he’s smart. if he’s not ignore this. anyway magnus having magic (maybe just one specific kind instead of like, general magic like in the show? like idk he can open portals or something of the sort) and being super damn smart too and figuring out new technologies to defend himself and shit and creating new and great ways to mix his powers and that? that’s some good shit
as for alec. well again the obvious answer would be some sorta hawkeye shit which again is valid because i do think that archery, like, suits alec. it’s not just something he does in the show, i think it’s something that reflects his personality and talents - he likes to be a little behind so he has a greater view of the whole picture, so he can have the backs of the people he loves, so he can watch them and make sure they’re fine, so he can be their protector and also see everything with strategy and knowledge and help them. he’s kind of a playmaker you know (i don’t watch sports either but i watched high school musical and troy bolton made this metaphor so i have good sources here). and he’s level headed, precise, strategical, smart
but i can super see him being kind of a.... more like, background guy? like idk he’s the dude who stays in the ship and keeps an eye on everyone and kind of guides them. again the playmaker. kinda like nick fury i suppose, like he keeps the whole team together and lets them know of the big picture they obviously can’t see while they’re down there handling details, he coordinates them and keeps them on the loop and kind of designs their moves. again a strategist, you know? and that’s really cool
and welp i can’t help but think details here so i super like the idea that magnus is like, recruited later (possibly he had escaped his abusive father? and he learnt through that experience that cops are useless when people actually need them lmao, so he becomes this kind of vigilante who swoops in during violent encounters and tries to figure out ways to help the community? hmmm really like that). like there was already this group of superheroes who kind of handled big villains (like asmodeus himself mayhaps? hmmm much to think about. maybe he kinda becomes a villain after magnus escapes because he’s trying to get him back.... idk) and they take notice on magnus even if he’s very minor in the sense that he doesn’t really handle huge villains, his thing is more local cries for help and trying to improve the community life to prevent crime, you know
anyway because his efforts are clearly paying off he draws whoever’s responsible for recruiting the heroes’ attention (oooh let’s make that ragnor). and he kinda is doing his own thing but then he learns that they’re trying to take down asmodeus and ofc he feels responsible. also, well- his work was focused on empowering the communities, and now that they’re more organized they are doing fine on their own and taking care of themselves. plus he’s kinda hated by cops obviously so he is offered immunity. so he agrees
and then of course the first person he’s introduced to is alec because alec is kinda the brains of the whole thing and he’s just keeping magnus in the loop. but magnus is scared that everyone is going to judge/hate him because he’s asmodeus’ son and cue like, outsider angst. also i mean they’re all pretty... close? and magnus is the guy who just got here, so, you know
i mean obviously he makes his own friends, ragnor and cat and rapha, but they’re all kind of in the supporting team (maybe cat and rapha are responsible for like, keeping an eye out to know whenever there is a problem? and intelligence ofc. i’m kind of picturing that this runs parallel to official government stuff like the police, like no outside influence. but they get a nod because the cops themselves can’t handle the shit they do. idk). oh and ELIAS cuz im a sucker for elias (maybe he’s a legal advisor or handles external relationships or something? idk why but i can really see him being good at this). but anyway, ANYWAY, the point is that he’s not really close with the Mission Group, which sucks because it’s what he’s doing
but welp alec’s job is to keep them all in sync after all, and also he lowkey understands because he is part of the ops team but isn’t (even if obviously there are several layers to magnus’ situation that don’t apply to alec) and well alec is canonically like, sensible? when it comes to magnus, he pays attention when others don’t, that’s what drew magnus to him in the first place. so he kinda of nudges him into being closer to the rest of the team. like he knows izzy will be interested in magnus’ technology since she also works with that, so he makes sure to mention it, and he very subtly and smartly makes sure that magnus is a part of the conversation in no time, and it all flows very naturally and he’s just. sitting back watching magnus get along feeling proud of himself. and then magnus kind of turns to him and smiles and mouths thank you, don’t think i didn’t notice. and maybe winks. and poof there it is, the Talking To Magnus Smile
and well probably more drama before the “i’m asmodeus’ son” reveal, because he’s scared they will all hate him, but they are just like. “oh magnus, i’m so sorry you had to go through that, i can’t imagine what it’s like” and everyone supports him and it’s like Validation. and alec is all like “wow i will make sure personally that we end him forever” and adisdiaudha cute
also alec is super interested in the work magnus had been doing for crime prevention because he kind of thinks that having to fight villain after villain after villain when they never stop coming is. not a waste of time but kind of sisyphus’ work. and magnus tells him about it and also about all the shit he’s invented and about his magic and maybe even shows it to him and alec is just like :)!!!!!!!! 
and it also feels good to have a team for once because he was always doing everything by himself feeling unbearably lonely and unimportant, like no one would miss the him that’s behind the mask and just like, when he’s hurt, they notice? and alec brings backup? and makes sure he’s okay? and he has people to watch his back? and it’s nice
i just :)) love magnus slowly becoming part of a community and making friends and being included and loved okay, and also helping them improve and being a valuable member and just being his amazing self? ugh we stan
and then idk they defeat asmodeus and everything, idk what they do to him lol but magnus probably joins the group and helps make some changes in their work so he can do something similar to his previous m.o, on a larger scale? and yeah :)
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the--wrench · 4 years
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Send me 😊 to hear a fluffy hc. Send me 😈 to hear a dark hc.
@gildedscripture​ said:😊😊gimme 
1. idk if I posted it before and idc if i did, here goes anyways babey!!! Wrench has a famous UTAUloid with his own voice created. The internet, however, doesn’t know who the creator is, and many have come forward to claim it was them. None of them are telling the truth. His vocaloid got SO fucking popular though that he became an honorary vocaloid, a la kesane teto and gumi. they even have his vocaloid sona playing in those cool 3d vocaloid concerts!!!! he’s always wanted to see his utauloid singing in action, to be honest ... He calls his UTAUloid BOLT !
2.  When he was a kid, Miles often hummed tunes and little original songs he’d made up. He actually has a really pretty singing voice, which i think that,, if he had ANY friends whatsoever, he might sing for them or around them. an actual voice of an angel, guys, from all the voice training he was taught.
@frimaerke​ said: 😊😊😊 give! me! fluff!
3. Wrench is classically trained in piano, violin, and flute! singing too, though that’s already been said above, haha. he is INSANELY good with violin, decent ish with piano, and has trouble remembering the notes on a flute since it’s the one he plays least ... he RARELY takes off his mask, but he will still ghost / whisper play the keys ( it’s called ghosting / whispering the keys when you blow into your flute EXTREMELY soft, not enough to make a noise, and do the fingerings ). he still keeps up violin practice, and keyboard is a stand in for his piano.  You wouldn’t expect him to bust out a crazy tune w them, but he totally can. and he’s passionate about them!
4. he often fucks around and teaches his cat sushi how to say real words. like, look up WELL HI southern cat or cats talking videos-- sushi can and will talk when you least expect it and scare you shitless. wrench is exceptionally proud of this. also, she can use the toilet bc he trained her to use the toilet. ... well. given he ever moves into a house or apartment, i mean.
5. Miles really looked up to Jespie when they were both kids. Like, I’m talking, he fucking ADORED jesper, even though he never rly expressed it that well. he kind of got a little bit of a crush on him for a short time as a kid -- you know, puppy love stuff. but it was never reciprocated ( for obvious reasons ) because he thought jesper was really sweet, kind, nice, and caring .... until that went sour, but we’re here for the fluff. Anyways, when they were younger, he totally tried his hardest to impress jesper and make sure that he liked him, because he was always nervous that jes would realize he wasn’t cool, or a good friend. except, he WAS a good friend -- he just had anxiety!! and jespie really helped him through it and used to be really sweet and gentle about it. he really appreciates jes being such a positive friend and influence in his life then, even if it didn’t last.
@madamhatter​ said: 😊😊😈😈
6. Wrench always smells like oil and coffee. How the hell does he do it? It’s a REALLY weird smell combination. and he always has some fuckin’ oil in his hair. he’s always dirty when working in the garage, but that’s okay -- if you make him shower,  he still never gets rid of that oil coffee smell but it isn’t anywhere NEAR as strong. however, his hair is INSANELY soft !!!! if he washes it right or with the stuff he uses when his hair is freshly dyed. and he dyes his hair a LOTT.. it’s been every color of the rainbow at LEAST once, but typically falls to yellow ( like cartoon yellow ), blonde, pink, or white.
7. HE !!! LOVES !!! PHYSICAL AFFECTION! !!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS!! as long as HE’S the one who initiates it, he likes to be really touchy !! lots of hugs, noogies, climbin on ya, arms around the shoulders, cuddles .... he was deprived of it pretty hardcore as a kid, so to the people he befriends as an adult and actually can form a meaningful relationship with, he’s very touchy!! we see this with how he is with marcus, like, 24/7, and he can even be a lowkey flirt if it comes down to it. just hold his hand or he’ll use the ( /   \ ) and or miles plead on you. don’t know what the miles plead is? basically, the most effective  plead in the universe. NOBODY is immune to the miles plead or the energy it produces behind ( /   \ ). 
the next two are angst headcanons!! under a readmore, tw for marriage cheating & ( very vauge ) abuse ment ( from his parents ) !
8. Miles / Wrench is actually,, an illegitimate child. He never actually knew this or found out until shortly before he ran away. buut it’s part of why his dad was particularly harsh on him later on in his life, because his father took the aggression he had for miles’ mom & extended it to him. he looked pretty different from his siblings, so it’s obvious that miles wasn’t his ... but for the most part, his dad treated him totally okay, if pretty distant. until. yknow. he DIDN’T. and shit from blume caused his behavior and attitude to corrupt, and.. well. we all know where it went from there. being an illegitimate child is also why his mother was so harsh on his appearance and honed in on the scar, and treated him poorly. and bc of her.. he can’t even stand to look at himself in the mirror ( in canon! ) to this very day. he  will cover any reflective surfaces he can, and even covers mirrors in the bathroom or around the house if he lives in one and he’s maskless. he didn’t deserve ANY of this unfair treatment, though ... 
9. wrench is ... extremely self loathing, though  you’d never guess that with how much humor he hides behind. he really doesn’t feel like he has ANYTHING left to lose, no matter what he does -- to him, nobody would care if he was gone. but he’s come to accept that. if he gets hurt, he gets hurt. if worse happens, worse happens! he just really! does not give a shit and, thanks to his parents, has an incredibly hard time grappling the fact that there’s always someone who’s gonna care about for his wellbeing. Nah, he’s not suicidal, but it is canon that he does pull all sorts of EXTREMELY DANGEROUS STUNTS and does not care if he dies in the process, but he’s not going out quietly. and if he wants to be reckless and have some fun when he’s so convinced nobody would care, might as well make stuff interesting, yeah? :^) s’why he REALLY loves blowing shit up as a mechanism. nah, he won’t hurt anybody, but it’s .. concerning. hm. get this boy some therapy.
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