#I decided not to hijack their post and make my own to be considerate but the energy burned off and Imfeel
tempest-loupnoir · 1 year
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homosexuhauls · 3 years
15 JUNE, 2021 by Chimamanda Ngozi-Adichie
When you are a public figure, people will write and say false things about you. It comes with the territory. Many of those things you brush aside. Many you ignore. The people close to you advise you that silence is best. And it often is. Sometimes, though, silence makes a lie begin to take on the shimmer of truth.
In this age of social media, where a story travels the world in minutes, silence sometimes means that other people can hijack your story and soon, their false version becomes the defining story about you.
Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it, as Jonathan Swift wrote.
Take the case of a young woman who attended my Lagos writing workshop some years ago; she stood out because she was bright and interested in feminism.
After the workshop, I welcomed her into my life. I very rarely do this, because my past experiences with young Nigerians left me wary of people who are calculating and insincere and want to use me only as an opportunity. But she was a Bright Young Nigerian Feminist and I thought that was worth making an exception.
She spent time in my Lagos home. We had long conversations. I was support-giver, counsellor, comforter.
Then I gave an interview in March 2017 in which I said that a trans woman is a trans woman, (the larger point of which was to say that we should be able to acknowledge difference while being fully inclusive, that in fact the whole premise of inclusiveness is difference.)
I was told she went on social media and insulted me.
This woman knows me enough to know that I fully support the rights of trans people and all marginalized people. That I have always been fiercely supportive of difference, in general. And that I am a person who reads and thinks and forms my opinions in a carefully considered way.
Of course she could very well have had concerns with the interview. That is fair enough. But I had a personal relationship with her. She could have emailed or called or texted me. Instead she went on social media to put on a public performance.
I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. But I mostly held myself responsible. My spirit had been slightly stalled, from the beginning, by her. My first sense of unease with her came when she posted a photo taken in my house, at a time when I did not want any photos of my personal life on social media. I asked that she take it down. The second case of unease was her publicizing something I had told her in confidence about another member of the workshop. The most upsetting was when she, without telling me, used my name to apply for an American visa. Above all else was my lingering suspicion that she was a person who chose as friends only those from whom she could benefit. But she was a Bright Young Nigerian Feminist and I allowed that sentiment to over-ride my unease.
After she publicly insulted me, it was clear to me that this kind of noxious person had no business in my life, ever again.
A few months later, she sent this affected, self-regarding email which I ignored.
Friday September 15 2017 at 4.35 AM
Dearest Chimamanda,
Happy birthday. I mean this with all my heart, even though I know I have fallen (removed myself?) from your grace. It would be impossible for me to stop loving you; long before you gave me the possibility of being your friend you were the embodiment of my deepest hopes, and that will never change.
I think of you often, still – stating the obvious. I grieve the loss of our friendship; it is a complicated sadness. I’m sorry that I caused you pain, or to feel like you can no longer trust me. There’s so much that I wish could be said.
I pray this birthday is the happiest one yet. I wish you rest and quiet and abiding stability, and of course more of the kind of success that means the most to you.
I hope mothering X is everything you hoped and prayed for and more.
Have a wonderful day today.
Love always.
About a year later, she sent this email, which I also ignored.
Thursday November 29 2018 at 8.42 AM
Dear Chimamanda,
I realise this is long overdue and vastly insufficient, but I’m really sorry. I’ve spent so much time going back and forth in my head and my email drafts; wondering whether to write you, how to write you, what to say, all kinds of things. But in the end, this is the thing I realise I need to say.
I’m sorry I disappointed and hurt you by saying things publicly that were sharply critical, unkind and even disrespectful, especially in light of all the backlash and criticism you experience from people who don’t know you. I could have acted with more consideration towards you. I should have, especially given the privilege of intimacy that you had offered me. There are many reasons why I chose to behave the way I did, but none of them is an excuse. And I clearly realise now, after many, many months of needless sadness and angst and hurt and actual confusion, that I did not treat you as a friend would—certainly not as someone would to whom you had offered unprecedented access to yourself and your life.
You’ve meant the world to me since I was barely a teenager. It’s been very hard navigating the emotional fallout of the past several months, knowing you were displeased with me but truly not quite understanding why, then deciding I didn’t care, then realising that would never be true. I’ve always cared. But I was too mixed up about the situation to be able to make sense of it, or properly see past my own justifications. I’m sorry it took me so long to grasp how I let you down.
I realise that I don’t have room to ask anything of you, but I would be grateful for a chance to say this in person. Still, even if I never get that, I really hope you believe me.
Congratulations on restarting the workshop, and on all the other amazing successes of the past several months. I think of you often; it would be impossible not to. You look so happy in your pictures. I really hope you are well.
All my love,
I hoped never to hear from her again. But she has recently gone on social media to write about how she “refused to kiss my ring,” as if I demanded some kind of obeisance from her. She also suggests that there is some dark, shadowy ‘more’ to tell that she won’t tell, with an undertone of “if only you knew the whole story.”
It is a manipulative way of lying. By suggesting there is ‘more’ when you know very well that there isn’t, you do sufficient reputational damage while also being able to plead deniability. Innuendo without fact is immoral.
No, there isn’t more to the story. It is a simple story – you got close to a famous person, you publicly insulted the famous person to aggrandize yourself, the famous person cut you off, you sent emails and texts that were ignored, and you then decided to go on social media to peddle falsehoods. It is obscene to tell the world that you refused to kiss a ring when in fact there isn’t any ring at all.
I cannot make much of the hostility of strangers who do not know me – fame taints our view of the humanity of famous people. But the truth is that the famous person remains irretrievably human. Fame does not inoculate the famous person from disappointment and depression, fame does not make you any less angered or hurt by the duplicitous nature of people. To be famous is to be assumed to have power, which is true, but in the analysis of fame, people often ignore the vulnerability that comes with fame, and they are unable to see how others who have nothing to lose can lie and connive in order to take advantage of that fame, while not giving a single thought to the feelings and humanity of the famous person.
And when you personally know a famous person, when you have experienced their humanity, when you have benefited from their kindness, and yet you are unable to extend to them the basic grace and respect that even a casual acquaintanceship deserves, then it says something fundamental about you.
And in a deluded way, you will convince yourself that your hypocritical, self-regarding, compassion-free behavior is in fact principled feminism. It isn’t. You will wrap your mediocre malice in the false gauziness of ideological purity. But it’s still malice. You will tell yourself that being able to parrot the latest American Feminist orthodoxy justifies your hacking at the spirit of a person who had shown you only kindness. You can call your opportunism by any name, but it doesn’t make it any less of the ugly opportunism that it is.
When I first read this person’s work, which was their application to my writing workshop, I thought the sentences were well-done. I accepted this person. At the workshop, I thought they could have been more respectful of the other participants, perhaps not kept typing dismissively as others’ stories were discussed, with an air of being among people below their level. After the workshop, I decided to select the best stories, edit them, pay the writers a fee, and publish them in an e-magazine. The first story I chose was this person’s. I wrote a glowing introduction, which the story truly deserved.
They sent this email.
Fri, Aug 7, 2015, 8:20 AM
Thank you so much for that introduction. It means so much to me and I’m going to keep reading it to get through the rest of my stay at Syracuse. I sent it to my mother and she got nervous about the piece because you said ‘it disturbs’, said she’s not sure how she’s going to feel when she reads it. But she’s also one of those ‘let’s leave the past in the past’ people. My sister approved, which meant a lot because our childhoods were each other’s.
All that to say, I’m so grateful you gave me the space to write the short version of this piece, the encouragement to write the longer piece, and now, a platform for it. I definitely have plans to write more about Aba.
Thank you, with all my heart.
PS- I wanted to sign off gratefully + gracefully in Igbo but I said let me not fall my own hand 🙂
About a year later, they sent another email to let me know that their novel would be published.
Wed, Jun 8, 2016, 8:20 AM
I hope all’s been well with you this past year. Belated congratulations on the baby’s arrival, I hope she’s being a delight (I’m sure she is), and on the Johns Hopkins honors.
I was thinking about how this time last year, I’d just received the email from you about Farafina and I wanted to reach out with a quick update. I’ve just accepted an offer for the novel I excerpted as my application and it feels like the workshop was a catalyst for the events that’ve led me here. So, thank you, for the workshop and your words and the Olisa TV series and listening to me babble on about my story at the hotel. I deeply appreciate all of it and you.
All my best,
Before the novel was published, I spoke of it to some people, to help it get attention. I had not been able to finish reading it. I found the writing beautiful, but the story false-hearted and burdened by bathos. When I spoke of the novel, however, it was the former sentiment that I expressed, never the latter.
After I gave the March 2017 interview in which I said that a trans woman is a trans woman, I was told that this person had insulted me on social media, calling me, among other things, a murderer. I was deeply upset, because while I did not really know them personally, I felt they knew what I stood for and that I fully supported the rights of trans people, and that I do not wish anybody dead.
Still, I took no action. I ignored the public insult.
When this person’s publishers sent me an early copy of their novel, I was surprised to see that my name was included in their cover biography. I had never seen that done in a book before. I didn’t like that I had not been asked for permission to use my name, but most of all I thought – why would a person who thinks I’m a murderer want my name so prominently displayed in their biography?
Then I learned that, because my name was in the cover biography, a journalist had called them my “protegee” and they then threw a Twitter tantrum about it, calling it clickbait, viciously disavowing having received any help from me.
I knew this person had called me a murderer, I knew they were actively campaigning to “cancel” me and tweeting about how I should no longer be invited to speak at events. But this I felt I could not ignore.
I sent an email to my representative:
From: Chimamanda Adichie
Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 2:06 PM
I’m writing about X
She attended my Lagos workshop two years ago and I selected hers as one of a few pieces I published after the workshop.
Apparently I was referred to as her ‘mentor’ and/or she was referred to as my ‘protege,’ in some articles, which led to her tweeting about it. Her tweets were forwarded to me by friends. In them, she reacted quite viscerally to my being called her ‘mentor’ and her being my ‘protege.’ To be fair, she is not technically my ‘protege,’ and it is perfectly fine that she feels this way, but her ungracious tone and the ugliness of the energy spent on her tweets surprised me.
I recently received her book and noticed that my name was included in her official book bio. I was stunned. Surely if she is so strongly averse to my being considered a person who has been significant in her career, (which is my understanding of the loose use of protege/mentor) then it is unseemly to make the choice to include my name in her bio. I found it unusual, as I don’t think I’ve seen it done before in a book bio, but I also now find it unacceptably cynical.
It is only reasonable for a person who sees my name as it is used in her bio — ‘her work has been selected and edited by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’ — to assume some sort of mentor/protege relationship.
To publicly disavow this with a tone bordering on hostility and at the same time so baldly use my name to sell her book is utterly unacceptable to me.
I’d like you to please reach out to her publishers and ask that my name be removed from her official book bio. I refuse to be used in this way.
After contacting her publishers, my representative wrote:
They have asked whether your preference would be to remove the Acknowledgment to you in the back of the book also, in future reprints.
I replied:
I don’t think that is my decision to take, and so will not answer either way, although it would be ideal if she herself made the decision to do so.
On the subject of how to go about it, I was absolutely determined not to be used by this person, but I was also sensitive to the costs the publisher might incur, as this was not in any way the publisher’s fault. Instead of pulping the already printed copies, I asked that the jackets be stripped and rebound. To my representative I wrote:
I’m completely determined that I not be used in this opportunistic and hypocritical way. But I want to make sure to proceed reasonably.
I was assured that my name would be removed and I moved on.
But from time to time, I would be informed of yet another social media post in which this person had attacked me.
This person has created a space in which social media followers have – and this I find unforgiveable – trivialized my parents’ death, claiming that the sudden and devastating loss of my parents within months of each other during this pandemic, was ‘punishment’ for my ‘transphobia.’
This person has asked followers to pick up machetes and attack me.
This person began a narrative that I had sabotaged their career, a narrative that has been picked up and repeated by others.
The normal response would be to ignore it all, because this person is seeking attention and publicity to benefit themselves. Claiming that I have sabotaged their career is a lie and this person knows that it is a lie. But if something is repeated often enough, in this age in which people do not need proof or verification to run with a story, especially a story that has outrage potential, then it can easily begin to seem true.
My addressing this lie will indeed get this person some attention – may they bask in it.
Here is the truth: I was very supportive of this writer. I didn’t have to be. I wasn’t asked to be. I supported this writer because I believe we need a diverse range of African stories.
Sabotaging a young writer’s career is just not my style; I would get no benefit or satisfaction from it. Asking that my name be removed from your biography is not sabotaging your career. It is about protecting my boundaries of what I consider acceptable in civil human behavior.
You publicly call me a murderer AND still feel entitled to benefit from my name?
You use my name (without my permission) to sell your book AND then throw an ugly tantrum when someone makes a reference to it?
What kind of monstrous entitlement, what kind of perverse self-absorption, what utter lack of self-awareness, what unheeding heartlessness, what frightening immaturity makes a person act this way?
Besides, a person who genuinely believes me to be a murderer cannot possibly want my name on their book cover, unless of course that person is a rank opportunist.
In certain young people today like these two from my writing workshop, I notice what I find increasingly troubling: a cold-blooded grasping, a hunger to take and take and take, but never give; a massive sense of entitlement; an inability to show gratitude; an ease with dishonesty and pretension and selfishness that is couched in the language of self-care; an expectation always to be helped and rewarded no matter whether deserving or not; language that is slick and sleek but with little emotional intelligence; an astonishing level of self-absorption; an unrealistic expectation of puritanism from others; an over-inflated sense of ability, or of talent where there is any at all; an inability to apologize, truly and fully, without justifications; a passionate performance of virtue that is well executed in the public space of Twitter but not in the intimate space of friendship.
I find it obscene.
There are many social-media-savvy people who are choking on sanctimony and lacking in compassion, who can fluidly pontificate on Twitter about kindness but are unable to actually show kindness. People whose social media lives are case studies in emotional aridity. People for whom friendship, and its expectations of loyalty and compassion and support, no longer matter. People who claim to love literature – the messy stories of our humanity – but are also monomaniacally obsessed with whatever is the prevailing ideological orthodoxy. People who demand that you denounce your friends for flimsy reasons in order to remain a member of the chosen puritan class.
People who ask you to ‘educate’ yourself while not having actually read any books themselves, while not being able to intelligently defend their own ideological positions, because by ‘educate,’ they actually mean ‘parrot what I say, flatten all nuance, wish away complexity.’
People who do not recognize that what they call a sophisticated take is really a simplistic mix of abstraction and orthodoxy – sophistication in this case being a showing-off of how au fait they are on the current version of ideological orthodoxy.
People who wield the words ‘violence’ and ‘weaponize’ like tarnished pitchforks. People who depend on obfuscation, who have no compassion for anybody genuinely curious or confused. Ask them a question and you are told that the answer is to repeat a mantra. Ask again for clarity and be accused of violence. (How ironic, speaking of violence, that it is one of these two who encouraged Twitter followers to pick up machetes and attack me.)
And so we have a generation of young people on social media so terrified of having the wrong opinions that they have robbed themselves of the opportunity to think and to learn and to grow.
I have spoken to young people who tell me they are terrified to tweet anything, that they read and re-read their tweets because they fear they will be attacked by their own. The assumption of good faith is dead. What matters is not goodness but the appearance of goodness. We are no longer human beings. We are now angels jostling to out-angel one another. God help us. It is obscene.
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ignitification · 3 years
Two Sides of the Same Coin.
So, I actually hinted at this in my Yoichi Shigaraki's post - but as I found myself thinking about it, it becomes even more clear that the parallels between Deku/Bakugou and Yoichi/2nd User are way too many to be ignored (and that at the same time, they can be applied to Deku and Shigaraki).
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Now, I'd have to consider in this post that the 1st and 2nd movie are, if not canon, an alternative universe which directly links back to the main story (as we saw with the Compression Gauntlet made by Melissa in the 1st movie, and which Izuku sports in Ch. 309).
But at the same time, I am not going to mention of some implication which might be related to this post entailed the possibility of Heroes Rising and Bakugou or one of his ancestors being an OfA user because of two reasons: I. because I am not a fan of the theory and II. because as things stand now, it has little to no relevance for the post.
Now, onto the main part: if we think about it, it makes absolutely sense that a foreshadowing of the relationship between Izuku and one or both of his counterparts is shown through the Vestiges of OfA. As I already wrote in the past (and I am particularly referring to this post), the Vestiges are somehow an enclosed space where Izuku is free to explore the Consciousness of his own Quirk. At the same time, it allows him to have insight in himself and occasionally others from within the same environment. Point in case, this happens with Shigaraki - when after touching him through AfO's Quirks's wires, Shigaraki (possessed by AfO, that is) enters the Vestiges.
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This narrates of the fact that, mostly - appearances are not everything. I guess, this is also why the Vestiges look like a piece of crumbled building; not only because they managed to fully shape after the power evolved - which means through Toshinori towards Izuku - but also that the Vestiges are a kind metaphor for the people inhabiting the Vestiges. If the Vestiges are a shared consciousness formed due to the embers of an identity left in it and embed with a personality before being passed, it means that there is a sort of personalisation of OfA. Well, that should have been clear when Horikoshi made Izuku develop Shoot Style, and manifest OfA in different ways from All Might - freeing Izuku form the shackles that is his admiration for the hero. But most importantly it also means that this personalisation comes from within, while the power and that is, the core and the shared value of these people, stays fundamentally the same. Which is then represented by the Vestiges. But, the fact that this Quirk Personalization makes its way through the cracks on a shared identity, is evident in the fact that every user if free to decide whether to acknowledge the other (and foremost Izuku) and what to think of the situation. As the 2nd User speaks, he is still not entirely convinced that Izuku's is the way to go (I wonder, whether the fact that Izuku cannot properly speak also depends on the fact that User 2 and 3 haven't fully accepted Izuku yet).
This brings us forward to the notion of Hero, of Saving and the 'Room'. As it is clear by the panels above, 2nd User and Izuku play the role of Saviours, offering a help which is thought maybe not needed, but it is offered all the same. It is also at the beginning of a life-long journey, even if Izuku and Bakugou's comes way much after. Yoichi considers 2nd his hero, and the initiator of the story. Bakugou considers Izuku not his hero, but at the same time - Izuku, time after time, 'saves' Bakugou and offers him a hand to get out of the room full of himself in which society closed him in. But, these consideration, in my opinion, fit more the Shigaraki and Izuku storyline.
First of all, notwithstanding everything, Shigaraki is the main 'antagonist' of the story. He's the leader of the LOV, and while not the brain of the operation, he is still the one who puts in practice. He is the one actually influenced by AfO. He is the one, again, to be closed off from the world by AfO. Same as for Yoichi - as a form of absolute control. AfO encloses in a definite space, both mentally and physically Yoichi and Tomura both. He wants from them to be dependent of him. Wants them to be grateful to him for what he has done. Because he is the one who saved them, who gave them the necessary power and helped them survive in this world. It is not a case, that looking-wise Yoichi and Tomura are so similar, especially after the 'Hibernation' Tomura went through. And this scenario also brings to mind the way Shigaraki's body gets hijacked by AfO's consciousness, and Shigaraki tries to fight it - but instead, he is put to 'sleep' and rest, as to recover - because of the amount of energy used during the battle against the heroes.
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As for the Hero part played by the 2nd User in the original scenario, Izuku is the one most likely to represent it in the upcoming occasions. Lately, there has been a lot of speculations about Izuku saving or not Shigaraki (the whole Vestige talk is after all, about Shigaraki and Izuku), but in the end, as said countless times: the set up talks clearly. Izuku is dead set on offering the tentative hand to Tomura, because in the Vestiges he saw that Shigaraki Tomura is nothing else than an identity created by AfO out of spite, hatred and manipulation. It's a mask, which Tomura executes as its best capabilities.
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And if Izuku, who is the one who actually puts the seed of ‘But after all, maybe, there IS something to save, if you can understand what made villains the way the are’ is, despite the double expressed by Ni-sama, the hero of this scenario - on a very evident side that Shigaraki, or rather, Shimura Tenko, is the one who embodies the concept of Salvation and Destruction (Restoration), that is at the core of the entire manga series (and of course, of the ideology brought forward by the OfA users). Izuku Midoriya is, after all, walking the same steps of the 2nd user: going to save someone tossed aside and in AfO’s control, giving birth to a new stage of society and consequently reality. It’s a change in tide. The beginning of something new, and the end of something long overdue. It’s the beginning of a new, reformed society which does not see murder as a way of salvation, but rather understands that Heroes can show and bring forward another way, while working on themselves and working to save the villains. And it’s, at the same time, the End of an era holding Heroes in the highest regard, and glorifying power and strength (All Might’s Quirk. Endeavour, even the criteria of the UA entrance tests). An Era which held All Might accountable for everyone else, too - and made him bear the burden. An Era which made society lazy and uninvolved with the villains and the ugly side of themselves (which I already explored in this take). As Yoichi puts it, it’s thanks to him that the OfA’s story begins - and it may be because of Izuku that it ends, as it will fulfil its greatest mission: to free the world from AfO and to save Shigaraki Tomura.
This is why, the parallels between becoming a hero, and offering a hand to someone who probably never even consider the possibility of needing it, is a foreshadowing for what is likely to go down between Izuku and Tomura.
But as always, parallels, even when everything, still might be just a perception of the real situation. A perception of a situation which is where different, also similar because, as we all know - history is a fickle thing and it has a terrible habit of always repeating itself.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
But abortion restrictions are about controlling women, ALL women, and keeping white MALENESS squarely at the top. The Texas senate is 2/3 male; you don't think that means anything? I just do not think it is appropriate for you as someone who is privileged in every relevant way in this matter to be reblogging a post like that. I respect you a lot but it feels like you have a glaring gap in knowledge and compassion here. I don't want to badger you about this but it really bothers me.
I didn't claim it was appropriate. I'm literally saying that I don't know if I have the right or not to signalboost that point, and at the end of the day, we all have to go by what we personally decide there. I weigh the pros and cons of every post I reblog about social issues. In this case, I felt the pros were signalboosting a point I came across on my dash and felt was worth others' consideration, and the cons were the fact that this might not be appropriate for me to signalboost, with the related con simply being that people might be inclined to unfollow me because of that. So I reblogged it simply because I felt the negatives of reblogging it didn't measure up to the positive of signalboosting it.
I would like to point out that in matters pertaining to marginalized groups, if we decided that ONLY those most directly named by a post or an issue were 'allowed' to reblog or further distribute that conversation, it would NEVER move beyond the circles it originates in. That's literally the whole basis of signal boosting as a concept. Its not an attempt to add onto a conversation or re-center or reframe it or hijack it in any way, specifically BECAUSE those signal boosting it are aware they don't have the right to do that, as its not THEIR conversation. Its simply....boosting the signal beyond where its initial reception is limited to, so that it can circulate more widely, and thus be considered by more people than just those already making the point or aware of its existence through their own experiences.
But I get the sense that you're looking for a complete retraction of that post and an apology for reblogging it, and if I did that every time someone came on anon to chastise me for simply reblogging someone else's point, quite frankly I would never signal boost any remotely controversial or critical ideas. I don't need you to agree with me or my assessment of things here, and I'm absolutely fine with you unfollowing for your own comfort and state of mind since my decision here didn't sit right with you. I'm not arguing that it should.
I'm simply saying....I felt that post warranted a reblog so other people could consider it for themselves. If what it said, and the fact that I signal boosted it, causes someone to lose respect for my knowledge and sense of compassion, then that's a valid consequence of my choice and your choice not to agree with it.
For the record though, I personally feel that the post in question simply asks people to center women of color and other disenfranchised women most likely to be targeted directly in discussions about this, over individuals that the post specifically singled out as 'evangelical white women who supported the bill.' Not even white women who were forced into support or seeming stances of support by abusive fathers or husbands - the post was basically just making the case that there EXIST white women who did support this because they prioritize their whiteness over all else. I don't think the issue is a lack of compassion when signalboosting a post asking people to keep the racial implications in this matter in mind and center those most vulnerable to it while acknowledging that there are white women who supported this.
Again, I do not ask that you agree with me on this, or even respect my stance here. I'm just saying its the stance I have and here is why I arrived at it. What you do with that is entirely up to you.
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throughthewwods · 3 years
100 Days of Productivity
Day 23
Probably the biggest accomplishment of yesterday was staying mindful of my physiological warning signs and intentionally changing gears, deciding to go do good things for myself to recenter before PTSD hijacked my Monday.
🔨 maintenance came to fix my sink
They left only for me to discover shortly after the leak wasn’t fixed. Glad I investigated. Called them back right away and someone came today to replace the piping.
📚Listened to another trauma lecture
📚Added to my material synthesis
then had to walk away because it was particularly guarding and hit way too close to home. I didn’t make as much schoolwork progress as I would’ve liked, but I know if I didn’t go practice self-care tings’ then I’d used less for more than an afternoon.
🏃🏻‍♀️Hula hoop to happy music for 30 then jogged/speed walked for another 30 while watching comedy standup. Dopamine=good
🌹 Took a long shower with a TV show on the background and primped a bit. Put a rose in my hair.
Nothing too crazy. Just wanted to feel cute. really, the whole aim of all this was to get my mind off the trigger, which I did with moderate success.
🍎 Stocked up on groceries
🎨 RB and I drew.
I haven’t felt artistically inspired ever since Covid. It’s the cabin fever and lack of stimuli, but I’m happy with the drawing and glad RB suggested we be artsy
🍲 Cooked a quick dinner
The secret to good, easy Ramen is cracking an egg in it and adding a packet of mixed veggies that have been tossed in soy sauce.. Always helps to keep spicy peanut sauce in the fridge for a lazy pad Thai.
Most of the time I am unfazed by the dark nature of some of my schoolwork, but yesterday‘s lecture was rough: betrayal, betrayal blindness, gaslighting, other areas of perceptual maladaptation to cope with abuse that happen midst trauma. it’s taken me many years to have more faith in my own awareness and learned ability to guard myself against manipulative people, but it still feels like a house of cards that might topple from the slightest breath.
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It’s why my relationship history was so hard to stop repeating.
It’s the source of far back generational trauma in my family and why I live 3000 miles away from everyone.
It’s why I have so little patience with my mother who still tries to convince me the sky isn’t blue when reality is inconvenient or uncomfortable for her or that ‘healthy’: healthy boundaries, healthy love, healthy family interactions, healthy goals, healthy parenting is some sort of Brady Bunch myth. When she does this my inner child becomes a quiet rage ignited in my sternum until it booms out my throat in dragon flames to protect myself with a fiercest that little girl could not. Her manipulation would become a curse I spent over a decade purging that ‘I still struggle with. The fear of becoming my mother still jars me at 3AM. I dread letting her toxicity anywhere near my child’s mind. The other day when my mother tried to manipulate me with her someday death as some sort of allowance for her toxicity in the meantime I did not retort. I did not spit back the truth of the matter, which is that someday I will be free of her along with that entire traumatic volume of my life she still lives in. I don’t wish for her death. It won’t be with the same callus I felt when I got the phone call my stepfather was forever gone, never the harm anymore ever again, but I know there will be a great relief in my soul to have it finally over.
Throughout my body theres silent, throbbing, antique sorrow.. I’m singing madly in my living room because studies have shown deep breaths from the diaphragm are good for increased oxygen flow, which lessens fight-or-flight reaction.. Plus the endorphin release is good for easing anxiety and depression.
I dance it out to bouncy tunes and jog along with Iliza Shlesinger.
I take one of those long showers to wash off the human condition then do girlie stuff to make myself feel new.
RB surprised me with not yet bloomed lillies that will open as valentines Day approaches 🥰
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He gave me a lift to the bank, which was to no avail, and to replenish groceries. I really appreciate his easygoing kindness. Later he shared that he’s glad he could help and that it’s nice, to feel as though he’s pulling his weight, purposeful. We don’t live together so I don’t have those sort of shared responsibility expectations, but his consideration is endearing and makes me optimistic for the future when our lives are more interwoven. It parallel Iliza joking how men primally are attracted to being needed and feeling useful. I know RB admires my independence, a quality that has has made exes insecure in the past, so this coincidence was both pretty funny and curious.
It was nice spending time together earlier in the day while we still have energy. Post modern lounge playing in the background, we’re each sketching in silence except for the occasional kiss on the cheek or caress. I’m glad we can share being artists, but also grateful we have different styles, so it never veers into skill set awkwardness.
Later we’re making sense of grocery bag mayham. He sneaks kisses, hugs, playful touches. We giggle. Even the mondane is happier with him.
Quick dinner with everyone. Cuddles. My GSD obsessively shoves the ball at us over and over like he does full of puppy joy.
Pounce-y, snuggly, and sleepy. Life is good.
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obsessivesassenach · 5 years
My observations on the Emmy process.
Disclaimer: I do not work in the television industry but I have good friends who do; some of whom are on panels that vote for the Emmy winners.
So my understanding is
1. Its always good to be submitted for an Emmy. If you have done work that qualifies for a submission to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Emmy competition, you should submit your work. It’s only a few hundred dollars to enter and even if you don’t make it to the list of top nominees, you still get your name out there. There are even group rates for submission. Individuals can submit their own work and productions can also submit the work of their ensembles or induvuals.
2. Members of the Academy vote on those submitted. There are thousands of members and if you qualify for submission you should probably become a member too, so you can also vote.
3. The voting process is by category and members can only vote for their peers. If you are a director, you don’t vote for actors, etc. In my mind it looks more like a peer popularity contest because of this.
4. The top vote-getters are then voted on by committees to decide on the top nominees who will be in the running for the Emmy ceremony and win. The committees are formed by appointment by long standing members of the Academy. Some of the committees, like the ones deciding on actors, are mixed with Academy members who are directors, actors, producers, etc.
5. A different committee than the ones who voted on the final nominees decides on the winners.
6. Studios and productions can do publicity to bring more visibility to their submissions and participate in FYC (for your consideration) events and promos - many of which are only available to Academy members. For example, studios often send out high quality compilations of the shows that have been submitted to Academy members, especially the members who sit on committees. Like DVDs or booklets or internet campaigns with password protected materials available only to Academy members. (My friend refuses to send me the Outlander stuff because integrity wah wah.) There is material on the Academy’s website, of the submissions, available for members to view with their membership login.
I may have got some details wrong but I don’t see this as much that starz or Sony can influence aside from getting publicity. Actors often vote for their friends. The more friends you have in the industry, the more likely you are to get a nomination. IMO, Caitriona knows more industry people in the US than Sam does
That’s all for now. I didn’t want yo hijack anyone else’s posts with this long ass brain dump
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murderonthemattress · 6 years
Evanston Round Robin 2018!
Ok everyone, the 2018 Evanston Round Robin is on!  Last year was my first year joining in on the festivities and it was wonderful.  This year, I’ve taken over the logistics from the lovely @luninosity who has organized a fun event and a great fanfic outcome for a few years now.  
If you’re interested in joining the Evanstan 2018 Round Robin, please reply to this post by Saturday, November 10 at midnight, Eastern Time.  
Once we have our writers determined, we can decide together what kind of story we want to write.  Also, depending on how many people want in/people’s schedules, I’ll map out a posting schedule and we can hopefully begin around the week of November 19th so that everyone has some time to write and we’re finished around mid/end of December (depending upon how many authors join us). I’m tagging everyone that joined in last year and everyone that has expressed interested (so far!) in joining this year.  Tumblr won’t let me tag everyone, apologies! @concavepatterns @marciellaniello @itsvarza @viperbranium @linzanitee @edible-crayon @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @boopifer @bearceptionus @accol-fics @dekudani @worrisomeme @brendaonao3 @amarulasmile @little-lottie @ms-zilia @hakunahistata @prplprincez @antiquitea @ahnjunae-blog @luninosity @musette22  (also hey @rooonil-waazlib any interest in joining in?)
Round Robin 2016 can be read here
Round Robin 2017 can be read here
General Guidelines under the read more:
1. The way a Round Robin works is, one person writes a small chunk of the story, then someone else jumps in, then someone else, and so on, and at the end we generally give the first person a chance to write one more time (since they didn’t get to respond to anyone, the first time)
2. Word count per person…roughly probably 200 to 1,000 words. We’re not gonna count words, so that’s somewhat flexible. However, please be considerate - this is not the place to write 20 words and not advance the story at all, nor the place to hijack the storytelling with your 50k epic, right? Right.
3. Depending on number of participants, to keep momentum going, you’ll probably have between 2 and 5 days to post your contribution, after the person before you posts theirs. More on scheduling later, after I ask you all about that.
4. Because the goal is to be inclusive and to have fun, please avoid topics that may be triggers or squicks, for example noncon, abuse, underage, self-harm, or really *heavy* BDSM. Being malicious about this will have Consequences.
5. Consensual sex is fine but please keep it contained within your own contribution - not everyone’s comfortable writing sex, so please don’t get them right to the brink and then hand the climax off to the next person, as it were (exception: if you know and have discussed this with the person writing immediately after you, and they’re cool with that, then that’s cool)
6. In general, be respectful of your fellow authors! If someone says it’s autumn in New York, as a setting, don’t randomly without explanation decide they’re living in Australia in the summer. Likewise, don’t have Chris or Seb wake up and go, “wow, that last chapter was all a terrible dream!” That devalues the contribution of the person who wrote that chapter. Basically, y’know, the point is to have fun and to take what you get from previous contributors and play with that, like a neat shiny delightful fic-toy that we all make together, so remember that everyone’s playtime is equally valid.
          6a. Do your best to avoid absolute language or using your chapter as a soap box. For example, Chris or Seb “always” or “never” does a particular thing. Being policed isn't an enjoyable feeling and we want to be sure writers participating don't feel undermined or limited by absolute language.
7. We have an Evanstan end goal, though how we get there is certainly flexible! One of the McFassy versions @luninosity contributed to ended up including a flying unicorn spaceship and alternate-dimension versions of the main pairing turning up in their apartment. Anything goes!  :-)
8. Once we have a more confirmed time frame/participant list, I’ll ask you if you’d rather contribute more towards the beginning, middle, or end, as far as writing your bit!
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 20, 2021: 6:28 pm:
Please send help to Josephine county Oregon.
Please send medical services.
Please send US Military, read this account to learn why that is necessary,
Bring your own hospital, all of the medical providers are occupied and controlled by the British/SAG/Canadian terror army, US citizens are killed at the hospitals and clinics.
This happened in my inbox from the idiot SAG terror operative who is trying to discount what I am reporting, this note came from the same anonymous asshole who mentioned the Knights Templar yesterday.
My response to that yesterday is a good explanation, covers the basic things that are in place, and took place over time, to attack USA and other parts of the world.
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I decided not to go the Pain Specialists to verify weather or not the call about having been banned from medical treatment there that I received yesterday. The way the phones are hijacked by the terror army here in southern Oregon, there is no way to be certain that the calls people receive are originated from the phone number shown on the caller ID, and, there is no way to be certain that outgoing calls actually reach the numbers dialed. Actors in special terror call centers interfere and manipulate all of the communications of all kinds. That’s why no one in Oregon was able to reach help when the slaughter was at it’s height years ago. There still is no way to reach helpful people.
I decided at about 3:00 am not to go, as the situation has become too dangerous, the caller said my appointment had been cancelled because “the Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon don‘t want to be held liable for my leg condition.” That is an counter intuitive statement, as I really need life saving antibiotic medicine. Even though the place is a front for terror activities at the SAG leadership levels, the fake doctors there still do prescriptions, so, now I have absolutely zero optimism about finding life saving antibiotic medicine. At 3:00 am this morning, I was having the most painful reaction to the poison injection attack so far, I have not slept in a number of days, only rested my eyes, but the pain is too intense for sleep, so, that is when I decided I could not endure the ride to Medford to go to my appointment, or be turned away at the front door, as those were the possibilities, without consideration of what kind of physical attack plan they may have had in mind at Pain Center of Southern Oregon.
Currently, I am experiencing pain levels in my right leg and foot that are nearly comparable to the spinal cord tear that I experienced in 2012 when the terror army ran me over with a truck, and the Sheriff refused to come question the driver when I called 911 and then called the sheriff office. The driver of the truck parked and stayed at the Philips residence for many hours, in view, after running me over that day.
The poison is very painful. Extreme pain.
Right now, a ten day supply of Amoxicillin, or other suitable antibiotic, is what would save my life. Without some antibiotics, I think there is a good chance I will die of infection, as the poisons are not leaving my body, the sores remain open wounds, and the small amount of infection is growing rapidly. It’s become too painful to try to massage wound areas for moving blood in anticipation of healing as a result.
There are no antibiotic medications available in USA without a doctors prescription. An antibiotic would begin to lessen the pain with the first dose.
Something to relieve swelling would also be helpful, but some antibiotics are required at this point in my post poison attack injury, more than two months without remedy or improvement.
The medical professions have the antibiotics locked up tighter than a bulls ass in fly season. There is no way to get anywhere near them without a doctor.
The poison that was injected, remains inside my leg, is saturated into the muscle tissue. I have hydrogen peroxide, and so far I have used about 4 quarts in the two months in effort to eliminate infection with daily, sometimes hourly rinsing of the wounds with peroxide.
The wounds are such that the peroxide does not readily penetrate the scab area, so, I gently use my fingers to move the peroxide around, to get it to go into the sores, and that activity of using my fingers to move the peroxide makes a very big froth of foamy white material, it’s nothing like the usual peroxide result where some infection bubbles out of a wound, this that happens as I explained is a lot like shave cream sort of amounts of foam froth.
It’s not the way it’s supposed to be.
So, if I continue to push that foamy froth around, or add more peroxide and use my fingers to gently rub that into the wound, then, tiny particles of skin are coming off of my leg around the wound where the frothy peroxide is at. The tiny skin particles are very small, about 1/32 inch square-ish. When that happens, it’s as if the peroxide has become foamy paint remover, and my skin is the paint.
That, buuuurrrrrrrnnnnnsssss.... real bad, add expletives here.
The burning sensation from the skin coming off has prevented me from using the peroxide some of the time, however, the peroxide is all that I have available for fighting against the infection, so, I just have to accept that it’s going to hurt, and try not to use my fingers to rub the peroxide, not even a gentle touch is tolerable once the skin starts to peel away.
So, maybe that information will help someone else. I am not the only person who has been attacked with this kind of COVID Corona poison attack. It’s clear to me that the terror army developed the poison combination to achieve maximum pain, and minimize what can be done to stop the advance of infection.
As it is, the toes feel ice cold, so, apply some heat to warm them up, then, even a tiny bit of warm radiated heat that gets close to the shin produces pain that is not bearable.
Warm the frozen toes, suffer of burning fire at the shin.
I say the bastards tested different poisons on kidnapped US citizens and recorded the results based on how the kidnapped prisoners responded to a verity of different poisons. I am convinced for many reasons that the terror bastards torture US Citizens in effort to produce the most painful poison attack substance combination that they were able to, and are likely continuing to torture victims to find even more painful poisons that can be injected on an attack, where diagnosis and identification of the substances is increasingly more difficult.
Screen Actor Guild rock stars doing experimental torture with injected poisons on the children they are kidnapping.
I suppose I will make a comment about the Derick Chauvin trial outcome:
I have not been interested in any of it. To me, none of that trial or the man the is said to have been killed is real, it all looks like it was produced by Lester Holt’s production team to me at nbc/Universal/Comcast, all of it from the time that Mr. Floyd was taken into custody and kneeled on, the trial charade, and later tomorrow and in the coming days we will see yet more of the nbc/Universal/Comcast production directed by Lester Holt. There are numerous indications that the Floyd Death/Chavin Trial were directed and produced by Lester Holt specifically. With interview of interested national security personnel I could show many subtle places where Mr. Holt was sort of... saluted ... by other Twitter news media personalities over the course of the trial. And, now that I have seen those “salutes” during the trial, I think more similar communication can be found in the video presentations of the time when the Floyd murder was still fresh, “demonstrations” happening everywhere. Find some tweets today that feature someone saying “Let me clear my throat”, and there you have a clue to other “salutes” that can be found. Another place is Sean Hannity and the Trump interview, where Hannity’s voice is not quite right, seems like someone else did a voice over for parts of Hannity’s speaking ... there is a “salute” sort of vibe going on with that, the way I am reading the information. There is a lot more of those little indicators that add up, but mean nothing in aggregate.
If Mr. Floyd was a real person, and really was killed the way we are told, then, it happened before 2008, and so did the trial. Real, or fake, I say all of that happened before 2008, the murder and the trial, and was already presented on Beta Twitter once before, the whole thing.
The only thing I care to point out in absence of a national security interview to talk about potential connection to personal details in Oregon, is about the Judge, and about his instructions to the jury at the time they were sequestered.
The Judge pointed out, specified, that “This trial is a very important one” etc, and so on, when he instructed the jurors about the rules they were to follow.
That statement about the importance of that particular trial was made as if other trials are less important.
That is not acceptable from a Judge.
That, and, the statement draws attention of the jurors to activity occurring outside of their sequestered, isolated positions.
All trials are equally important, as are the people involved in them.
I would further point out that the Dereck Chauvin trial is exemplary of good reasons why there should never be televised coverage from within an ongoing trial. The results could have been explosive ones. nothing good has ever resulted of televised coverage of trials from within the court hearings.
9:01 pm:
I suppose this is a good a time as any that I should document more about my visit to the Walmart the other day:
What I did not mention, is that I was attacked by three people while at the Walmart. The attack was different than any other attack I have experienced there, as it happened in the store aisles, rather than at the checkout area. I don’t recall having been attacked in the store aisles in more than fifteen years, and back then, attack at the Walmart had no limits, they were killing people everywhere in the store back then.
I mentioned that I used a restroom, it was the one in the back of the store, at the end of the cat food aisle. When I came out, I encountered a Walmart Blue Vest who was entering the restroom as I was exiting. Then, I pushed my shopping cart toward the checkout, I was done shopping, and in the cat food aisle there were two people releasing a lot of nitrous oxide in the aisle, a man and a woman. I lit my lighter and those two launched away, one went in the direction of the hardware department, and the other went towards the dairy area. Over the store PA system, I overheard an immediate call for evac: “Evac to hardware...” there was more said, was inaudible, sounded like “Evac to hardware frame” so, I don’t know what that means beyond hardware department. I did not hear mention of evac for the other one that went towards the dairy department.
In the main aisle that is perpendicular to the cat food aisle across the width of the store, were many pallets of products all in the aisle and stacked in a not so tidy fashion, the items were stacked tall in some places, many cardboard boxes, many on pallets, all there in the aisle that leads from Auto Service to Grocery departments. More stuff than is usual, and what was strange about those items in the aisle that day was that there was no one doing store inventory work. That is what makes the items on pallets different than other times, when they stack items in the aisle, there is usually many Walmart Blue Vests doing restocking of the shelves, but those people were not there while I was at the store.
There, in that long aisle where the items on pallets were at, as I walked there through the cat food aisle, a man appeared from behind the shelf, then saw me, and quickly turned around and went back in the direction he had come from. Another person came into the aisle, and said loudly: “I want my chair Rick”. to that I responded: “I don‘t think they sell furniture here” as the person was close to me when she spoke.
The man who turned around also spoke as he walked out of view, He said: “I’m his nurse” to someone else, maybe over a communication device, I did not see who he may have been speaking to.
I went on my way towards the checkout, and in that aisle where all of those pallets of goods was at, that man who turned around came back, attacked me so fast that I have almost no recollection of what happened. I defended with my trusty fingernail clippers, and as I recall, the man had a hammer in his hand, was trying to strike my foot with the hammer as I began to defend.
The man was decapitated in defense.
That man, was wearing a disguise. He may have been wearing a Pixel Suite inside of the Walmart. The attack was a blur in the midst of all of those boxes in the aisle.
I suspect the man was Paul Leppert of Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon, and is the real reason that I was refused service, my appointment cancelled.
Paul Leppert: WM, about 70 years old, bald, about 5′ 10″, 150 pounds.
Paul Leppert has an interest in WWII, Vietnam, Korean War details. He often has anecdotes about his experience in war, talks a lot about his “Flack Jacket” and things that happened when he was wearing one, and times when he was not wearing one. He tells about war stories while I am in the exam room trying to get some medical attention. Paul Leppert should have a number of scars on him where he was ran through with his own sword, in defense, while in the exam room for a doctors appointment, perhaps as many as five such scars that healed, each wound from different appointments, each time, Leppert entered the exam room with the sword. I was able to take the sword, and turn it around many times. Leppert has his own hospital there at the Pain Specialists and he gets the very best medical services there are, so, he keeps coming back to life every time I fight him, like a cockroach.
Leppert and other terror soldiers often use a “third arm”, it’s a sling that looks like an arm, the weapon is held behind the back with the real arm, while the “third arm” fake one is held in front, usually has a clip board or other prop attached for drawing attention before the assailant swings the sword. (see photos of Secret Service, or, of a Cheech Marin movie where he used the third arm also)
So, there ya go.
That’s what happened.
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nataliesnews · 4 years
Hanna Barag 6.12.2020
By the way this is a loose translation by Google and myself.
 My friend  wrote on her post:
Yesterday, Saturday, I took part in a demonstration in Balfour every week. I parked my car on Sokolov Street as after  many weeks of experience I knew would be easiest to get home.
On my way to the demonstration  I came across a group of 5 guys with kippot and payot  who decided that  I was a lousy left-wing prostitute. The achievement is not small for an 85-year-old woman, 1.45 cm and 42 kilos !!! Since my first years at the checkpoint, I have not received such a "compliment" -!!! I continued on  to the demonstration  , as every week. There were police there in every hook and cranny and in the most unbelievable crowds of them all  along all the streets around the demonstration.  Four of whom on  horseback  accompanied me on my way to the square of democracy. Beautiful horses that will soon become wild animals – as befits a police horse.
I demonstrated along with many others . After about two hours I decided it was time to go home. I went down to Sokolov Street and there I met a huge border policeman who shouted at me, "Ma'am, you can not go here." I continued to walk a few more steps, not as a defiance but because I did not think there was a problem in a street that was completely empty. . "Mrs. Are you deaf?" I'm not deaf although at my age hearing is no longer what it used to be - it's true !. I stopped "Yes, what's the matter." "You can’t walk here”
" "What?" "You do not understand?" "Here is my car, I want to leave".
"Idiot ( loose translation of a word meaning clogged)You do not understand what I am  saying.?"
"I understand very well, but I'm trying to explain to you that here's my car - it's the gray Hyundai standing here."
“ Supid woman !!! It is forbidden""
 I said, “Sorry, why does not your name appear, I want your name and rank "(truth, maybe for the first time in a long time I was a little scared, after all I am barely David and he is the size of two Goliaths. And most importantly - he has the power).
Then a policeman in blue shouted “Let the lady go to her car.”
Then, albeit quietly the key to the whole story  appeared, “Go, you stinking  leftist. All of you are  liars  and you have no car.”
 To my shame I  stopped for a moment, thought for a moment and went home. And if I did not know before what sort of police we were dealing with, I received a simple explanation that ended without further violence.
 Me: Just as well she  controlled herself. Last week a woman in her sixties was dragged along the ground at a demonstration and practically stripped of her clothing.
 And now for the mundane;
 I find walking in the demonstrations a bit frustrating now. There are fewer people. People are now demonstrating  on the bridges as the procession of cars come up to Jerusalem, in their own neighborhoods, the cold and let’s face it ….the gradual wearing away of demonstrating without seeing any difference. I would like to ask all those who are still cheering Bibi if they are still working or simply enjoying the benefits of the unemployment, how many have lost their businesses. I understand that in the months to come they will have to start paying back the benefits how they will then feel. Now I can not keep us and I do not want people to feel that they have to stay behind because of me. I have to fight with them to go on as I have not problem being alone. But on the other hand it is pointless to walk not in the procession. There is one lady who is very active and I am in contact with her. This Saturday there are to be four different routes but I will go to the nearest one.
 In Nofim the restrictions are becoming  more and more illogical. Let me stress that I keep to the rules even those which I think there is no logical reason for.  They are last put up some extra meeting places but one has to arrange with the social worker to receive guests, only two at a time, for one hour and no food or even coffee and now they also have the receptionist filling in extra hours making sure that only those who have made arrangements with the social worker come in. Soon they will probably call in the secret service too. The most stupid of these restrictions is that if you sleep out one night you have to isolate yourself for two weeks. In other words I can during the day or night go on the buses and the light train which are packed with people who cannot keep social distance, I can go to the mall if I want to, I can meet with however  many friends I want ….and I can eat with them or drink and that is fine. But if I go to a friend out of town even if I get a lift and sleep over and am only with her or maybe one or two other people I have to isolate. The stupid comment from the director is how do I know what you are doing when you are not in Jerusalem!!! The holy city. He now is trying to be very nice to me but besides saying good morning I do not speak to him. I despise him for giving in to complaints about me which he knows there is no legal basis for. I lost all respect for him anyway during the Corona panic when he skulked in his house even after his period of isolation ended and he left 4 of our staff to deal with all the problems.  He and the head of the council who wags his tail also gave me no support when the head of the cleaners charged me an exorbitant amount.  
 My credit card was hijacked and I had to tear it up and wait for a new one. Everyone knows how efficient our postal service is. Without thinking I ordered Gett and only afterwards realised that the ride had not been paid for. I explained to them that I do not have a second credit card.....which I have now ordered in case of such an emergency, and that for me it is a problem either to go to the bank or pay through the net. I asked if a friend could pay for me and how to do this. They informed me today that they had cancelled my debt, that the driver had received his payment and that I could once more order for which I will pay cash until the card arrives Thank you Gett. If before I used you because it was convenient , I will now use you because you are considerate and understanding…..and that for once I have something good to report
 This statue was removed by the police …I wonder why? No wonder the flag looks tattered
  It was done in the dead of the morning…and on the news no one seems to know where it was taken…..Destroyed?
 And to “sugar” it all….
 Don't Say We Didn't Know 724
The demolition wave in the Occupied Territories persists in full force.
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, Israeli soldiers came to the Palestinian village Fasail in the occupied Palestinian Jordan Valley, and demolished 2 dwellings of one family and two dwellings under construction of another family. In addition, they demolished structures serving as sheep pens, storerooms and outhouses. At Tel A-Samadi (near Jiftlik) they confiscated a dwelling shack, an outhouse and a water tank.
 On the same day, Israeli soldiers demolished houses in Palestinian villages in the Massafer Yatta area (Firing Zone 918). In Rakiz village they demolished 2 dwellings. In Sarura they demolished an outhouse. At Khalat A-Dhaba they demolished 2 dwellings, an outhouse and a kitchen. At Mughayar Al Abid they demolished a dwelling and an outhouse. Near Jinba they demolished a large water tank and water pipes. They demolished 2 kilometers of water pipe distributing water to villages in the entire area of Massafer Yatta.
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, Israeli government agents escorted by police came to the Negev Bedouin village of Tel Al Maleh, and demolished two houses.
    For further information: [email protected]
    The paperback edition of the book "Don’t Say we didn’t know" is live in the Amazon Store. It is available for readers to purchase here.
In kindle you can read it for free.  
0 notes
onceuponamirror · 7 years
something wicked this way already came; “dark” betty cooper, utilitarian ethics, and the trolley problem
@village-skeptic tagged me in a wonderful meta post by @burberrycanary and my response spiraled into a whole monstrous thing so rather than hijack i thought i would make my own—
because over this past week i’ve noticed some really heated discussions and opinions about morals and judgments about what betty did to cheryl, and although i’ve already discussed it once [x], i decided, yanno, that just wasn’t enough for me. so.
the entire series opened with betty declaring that she did everything for everyone, and she wanted just one thing for herself—but once she got a taste for it, or once a girl whose entire identity was shaped by external expectations of her, she started to realize the purpose in doing more for herself.
and like anyone who doesn’t know the limits of their newly found strength, she takes it too far. she’s a sheltered, privileged girl who is just now realizing that the system only plays to her, not her boyfriend or his family. she’s learning that the world is unfair as she goes.
or, what i’ve been trying to say is—dark betty didn’t disappear when a wig was stashed inside of a locker. she never went anywhere at all, in fact. 
“dark betty” is betty, fists unclenched, and that rage finding purpose. it’s the same girl who has been told what she can’t do her whole life, who has had nothing but rules and expectations about such.
because betty is an anti-hero, or becoming one, and has been for a while. 
i think that a lot of people hold betty to a much higher moral compass because she’s quite literally several angelic tropes come to life, particularly in her appearance and demeanor. (literally—the reason the archie comics have always been successful is because they’re compilations of cultural tropes.)
but betty when herself said that jughead was the soul of riverdale, this is the writers laying out their moral compass—it’s jughead, not betty. his journey, his foot on each end of the town line, his turbulence through political systems and cultural expectations—he is the ethical middle ground. 
i love her, but betty is not, and has never been, even as she presented that way. 
her sense of justice developed as self-defense, which makes sense considering her family; there’s nothing more machiavellian than the desire to encourage the stepford fantasy.
as in, she was raised to do whatever it took to appear perfect and pleasing, but meanwhile her parents are people who tell her to keep her head down and look out for herself first and foremost. hal and alice cooper’s ethics end beyond extensions of themselves, and that was something passed onto betty.
as in deux, an anti-hero is someone who does the “right” things the “wrong” way, and usually for personal reasons. 
(cheryl blossom could be considered one herself; and frankly, she and betty are hardly so different. they’re both deeply loyal and thus highly protective, willing to do whatever it takes to appease their inner sense of justice, and now forcefully against being defined by anyone other than themselves.)
but anti-heroes are often loved as male characters, and much more easily hated as women. author roxanne gay said it best on an essay profiling “likability” :
“[likability] is a very elaborate lie, a performance, a code of conduct […] the unlikeable man is inscrutably interesting; dark, or tormented, but ultimately compelling even when he might behave in distasteful ways […] when women are unlikeable it becomes a point of obsession in critical conversations.”
betty did something highly unlikeable, and that was the whole point. it was deliberate, it was part of her character. a person’s greatest strength is always their greatest flaw—this is because it is the most defined part of the personality, and thus it manifests loudest.
betty’s loyalty is her strength; it’s what drove her to want to protect the girls she knew from a harasser. but it’s also her flaw; it’s what also drove her to handcuff said harasser and drug/nearly drown him.
but i bring this all up not just because it’s a fun feminist tangent (though it is) but because betty’s cornerstone arc last season is the same one as it is now, as the old favorite utilitarian ethical dilemma—do you do one wrong thing to achieve the greater right?
or, for example, the trolley problem, an old standby in summarizing ethical thought experiments. it goes like this:
a trolley train is barreling on the tracks towards five people unable to move. on the other track: one person, who also cannot move. you have the ability to throw the switch, which will kill the one person, but save the five. 
if you do nothing, five people will die. 
for many people, the answer is obvious and simple: five is worth more than one. 
but—the follow up to this experiment is to reconsider it less passively. the scenario is the same: the trolley train approaches five people trapped on a track. 
instead of throwing a switch from afar, however, you are standing overhead, watching from above. next to you stands another person. the only way to save the five people is to push the person next to you onto the track, forcing it to stop but certainly killing the person beside you. 
but when you ask many people this, they balk. the answer suddenly feels that it’s wrong to push someone, because that’s a physical act, one of certain death that you will have to watch. 
but the end result is the same—one person dead, five saved. and i don’t bring this up to be an edgelord presenting an endless cycle of ethical theory, but my point: 
reactions to moralistic decisions feel more exaggerated when you see someone getting pushed. 
as in, i think many people felt strongly about betty “pushing” cheryl to save jughead and his father because it was a physical act of manipulation. we saw it play out. it felt worse, seemed heightened. 
there is no simple conclusion to this, and that is the whole damn point. because that is the nature of ethics as a theoretical discussion—you can go in circles forever, speaking in hypotheticals and arguing what you would do in the situation, or passing judgment, etc.
but doing nothing is an ethical choice too, when you’re on a set track—and i’m taking it out of the parable and speaking to the systemic track of the prison industrial complex or broken justice systems that i can’t believe is respectfully being brought up on this otherwise soapy teen drama—
so, in the case of betty, cheryl, and jughead, she decided there was no way to save multiple people without pushing one. 
but people reacted very strongly to betty and her choice this past week. like. very strongly—from fans of her and from those who already were unsure about her. it was an interestingly visceral range of reactions, but one that i think comes from all of the aforementioned above, and requires a lot of consideration about the individual’s theoretical opinion about ethics vs it applied to situations. 
and so, the question becomes—what would you do? 
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luninosity · 7 years
Okay also I am SERIOUSLY going to properly try to organize (a bit late, I know) this year’s Evanstan Round Robin Fic! So that we can squeeze things in while it’s still 2017!
Last year was most excellent, so I shall tag people who came to play in that one, and anyone new who might want to join us. I’m kind of thinking that we start off in a couple weeks? I’ll be in Hawaii from this Thursday (11/9) until Tuesday (Nov 14), so maybe the week *after* that? Depending on how many people want in/people’s schedules?
(I am also kind of thinking some sort of holiday-related fake-dating plot but ??? we can discuss)
Link to last year’s Round Robin on AO3, for reference:
Some people I’m tagging, and feel free to share and/or join in even if you weren’t in last year! We love new and old writers. We love everyone. @concavepatterns @marciellaniello  @itsvarza, @viperbranium, @thebestpersonherelovesbucky, @boopifer, @bearceptionus, @accol-fics, @worrisomeme, @brendaonao3, @amarulasmile, @little-lottie, @ms-zilia, @hakunahistata, @prplprincez 
General Guidelines under the read more:
1. the way a Round Robin works is, one person writes a small chunk of the story, then someone else jumps in, then someone else, and so on, and at the end we generally give the first person a chance to write one more time (since they didn’t get to respond to anyone, the first time)
2. word count per person…roughly probably 200 to 1,000 words. I mean, I’m not gonna count words, so that’s somewhat flexible. (And we all know how bad I am at estimating my own fic length…) On the other hand, be considerate - this is not the place to write 20 words and not advance the story at all, nor the place to hijack the storytelling with your 50k epic, right? right.
3. depending on number of participants, to keep momentum going, you’ll probably have between 2 and 5 days to post your contribution, after the person before you posts theirs. More on scheduling later, after I ask you all about that.
4. because the goal is to be inclusive and to have fun, please avoid topics that may be triggers or squicks, for example noncon, abuse, underage, self-harm, or really *heavy* BDSM. Being malicious about this will have Consequences.
5. consensual sex is fine but please keep it contained within your own contribution - not everyone’s comfortable writing sex, so please don’t get them right to the brink and then hand the climax off to the next person, as it were (exception: if you know and have discussed this with the person writing immediately after you, and they’re cool with that, then that’s cool)
6. in general, be respectful of your fellow authors! If someone says it’s autumn in New York, as a setting, don’t randomly without explanation decide they’re living in Australia in the summer. Likewise, don’t have Chris or Seb wake up and go, “wow, that last chapter was all a terrible dream!” That devalues the contribution of the person who wrote that chapter. Basically, y’know, the point is to have fun and to take what you get from previous contributors and play with that, like a neat shiny delightful fic-toy that we all make together, so remember that everyone’s playtime is equally valid.
7. we have an Evanstan end goal, though how we get there is certainly flexible! One of the McFassy versions I contributed to ended up including a flying unicorn spaceship and alternate-dimension versions of the main pairing turning up in their apartment. Anything goes. :-)
8. once we have a more confirmed time frame/participant list, I’ll ask you if you’d rather contribute more towards the beginning, middle, or end, as far as writing your bit!
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70s-show-diary · 7 years
This is not an ask, but rather a comment discussing the factuality of plans you posted regarding the Forman house, and its association with the Pinciotti house, on January 12, 2016.
The Forman home in particular has always been interesting to me, and has served as much as an annoyance as it has an intrigue. I too have attempted to draft its floor plan, and find it does not work terribly well, which is frustrating.
The major anomaly is the Forman’s basement, in its alignment with the rest of the house, it should be located underneath the dining room, with the stairs in the main part, running directly parallel to the staircase above; architecturally, it just makes sense. But, in the episode ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ (Season 6, Episode 13), Red finds that Hyde has bored a hole through the floor down into the basement, so as to commandeer Red’s newly bought cable television, down to the basement. When Red confronts Hyde about it, in the basement, he looks up as though he were looking toward the hole, which of course can’t be if the house were perfect, because if that were true you would have to go down to the basement from the front door.
So, in this situation, we must consider that Hyde has bored a hole in the living room floor, has trailed a wire from under the living room floor under the entire width of the house, down from the ceiling in the basement, and that is what Red is seeing when he confronts Hyde about his hijacked cable; the wire being all the while pinned to the underneath of the floor. In the sets from the show, the basement set seems to display something similar to the outside door, at the top level, but this may be for use in other shots.
The door to the basement is obvious to see, it is just off the kitchen to the right, in the passage between the kitchen and the dining room. Interestingly, there is also a door opposite this, which technically would lead into the enclosed yard behind the house, between the garage, and the dining room side of the house. If the exit to the basement is followed (where the friends usually come in), it must exit somewhere immediately to the right of where this door by the dining room exits outside. This would mean that there are hedged shrubs immediately to the right of this door; as in early seasons, when the stairs up to the surface were shown, there was always shown to be the edges of shrubs, or hedges, on either side of the opening (which is obviously meant to be a double door hatch.)
The windows in the basement are confusing as the one by the basement stairs (from inside the house), could not be a window, so it might be a laundry chute, or some sort of dumb-waiter perhaps. Interestingly, I have seen the Victorian house in the background setting of the Pinciotti’s backyard in another television show, namely, outside the internal scenes of Jessica Fletcher’s home at the fictional village of Cabot Cove, Maine, in 'Murder She Wrote.’
The Forman house is interesting too, from a narrative related perspective, as it displays a home which has technically been modified at some point in its history, as the 'real’ kitchen wall in the 'original’ house, would technically have been the wall removed immediately behind Kitty’s kitchen sink. The extended wall often seen behind Red’s head at breakfast, is hard to pin down, but it seems that it diverges at a 45 degree angle behind Red, where the cabinet is, then sures up for little more than a foot, where it takes a right angle back down the entire length of the house (as the fourth wall was shown in the kitchen, in one episode distinctly.) The top of the extension roof is seen in one or more episodes, displaying distinctly that it is not built upon, but the fabric of the original house is.
And, Red and Kitty’s bedroom is often heard to be above the living room, as in episodes when they have been overheard upstairs, references are often made to the part of the house above the living room lounge.
I also believe that the Forman’s have two bathrooms. There is one bathroom between, or near both bedrooms of Eric and Laurie (which are acorss from one another), this is the main bathroom, and another 'en-suite’, off Red and Kitty’s bedroom; if I remember correctly.
Eric’s room has to be above the original kitchen, as Donna climbs up the trellis by the kitchen extension to get into Eric’s bedroom.
There is also the Pinciotti/Forman survey error, where Bob and Midge attack Red and Kitty over a survey error which they claim means Bob owns half of Red’s garage (side to middle). It is only late in this episode that Red shows Bob, in the Pinciotti’s kitchen, that he has the survey plan upside down. Red is then told to get out of their house, which he does with a big smile. He stops standing at the back door of the Pinciotti’s kitchen, where he proclaims that he is out. Unfortunately, the name and number of this exact episode eludes me at the moment. But, this might help you ascertain the supposed relationship between the two houses.
And to clarify, whenever a car leaves the drive-way, from the Forman garage, it goes directly onto the street, as noticed by the people watching the car leave. So no, the driveway does not curve around the house. Also the front porch of the house, if I remember well enough, has its stairs to the side of the house (as in, the stairs to the porch descend by the living room side of the house; they do not just jut straight out from the front door.) I have often wondered whether the house was on a street corner, but the house across from that vantage seems too close to allow for a street; but then it could be just a small street.
Finally, the Pinciotti house technically has to have a minimum of three or four bedrooms, because Donna had a younger sister Tina who also lived there, as well as her older sister, Valerie. And, by the way it is spoken about by Bob, the Pinciotti house sounds more 'split-level’ than 'upstairs and downstairs.’
I hope this helps with certain aspects of the Foreman house, as well as those of the Pinciotti residence.
Regards, Braston.
Thank you for submitting this! I actually have no idea how long this has been sitting in my ask box, so I apologize if you sent this a while ago. As soon as I noticed it just now I decided to post it.
Briefly, I just want to say that I do not think that it can be said there is “factuality” to my house plans. There is plenty of evidence that supports and negates my house plans for the show, however, as the homes do not actually exist, there are no facts; no right or wrong answers. I discussed here how the TV set homes are ‘mosaic models’ as they are constantly changing to accommodate the needs of the show, so there can be no facts when the ‘facts’ are always changing.
A lot of the factors you mention are ones that I considered when I drew my versions of their houses. But really, I know there is absolutely no way to meet all the requirements to make every scene from every episode of the show make sense, so I took the scenes/episodes that I found to be most significant in playing a role in these homes when I made my drawings. That combined with the fact that my dad’s actual job is to design and build homes, I grew up surrounded by a lot of blueprints and used what knowledge I had from that when I made my designs.
That being said, I find it fascinating how everyone who has commented on my post (if anyone hasn’t seen it and is curious, you can find them here and here) has seen the houses differently. But I do not think that anyone’s version, including my own, is necessarily more accurate than the others. After all, it is a television set that is designed for the convenience of the camera, not being accurate in the details of the house. So by taking a factor from one scene in one episode into consideration (for instance, you mentioned the TV cable Hyde ran through the basement ceiling), can throw off the details supported by a different scene from a different episode.
So there are things we have to overlook. Like I chose to overlook the fact that people back straight out of the driveway, because to me it makes more sense for a driveway to start in the front of the house. Maybe the curve around the house is wide which is why they can back up straight for a while? Or, after all, Eric and his friends are teenagers, so I wouldn’t put it past them to just ride over the curb instead of going all the way down the drive. Or maybe there is no curve, like the way you see it. We don’t actually know, but I think that’s the beauty of it – it becomes up to us, the fans, what we individually want to think.
Thank you for sharing how you interpret the houses, Braston! And if anyone else wants to share their views, I’d love to hear them. The reason I made such a lengthy reply to this though is because even though I posted my houses over a year ago, to this day I still get hate/ridicule (that is so counterproductive that I delete those anonymous messages) telling me that I am flat out wrong (which is why I made the comment about ‘factuality’). There is no right or wrong answer guys, so while I’d love to hear your interpretations, please refrain from this narrow-minded attitude of haughtiness. Part of the reason I did post Braston’s version is because s/he did not do this. I stand by my version, as should s/he, but I respect everyone else’s as well. Blogging about T7S should be fun and friendly!!!
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brainwad · 7 years
The Big Issue
I’ve thought about it a lot–probably more than I really ought to–but I still can’t decide where I fall on one very important issue: Stucky or Stony? Both have their merits, and decent grounding in canon–MCU canon, any way.  But both also come with their issues.  Steve and Bucky have a long history, even if you don’t count cryogenics.  Bucky protected and cared for Steve before the serum, and Steve would have been perfectly willing to do the same.  After the serum, they weren’t just friends and metaphorical brothers.  They were comrades-in-arms.  They fought together, and were willing to die for each other.  Then Steve lost Bucky.  Fast forward to the Avengers, and Steve is put together with Tony Stark, son of his friend, Howard.  Tony’s animosity is clear at the beginning, for several reasons, but chiefly because Steve and Captain America are partial creations of Howard.  In a way, Steve is sort of like Tony’s brother.  But, as time goes on, the tension between them becomes affectionate.  They connect.  If Cap is the leader of the Avengers, Iron Man is his trusted lieutenant (and do NOT start Tony on who’s in charge).  It’s different than the connection Steve had with Bucky, but no less real.  And then Bucky comes back.  The whole of Captain America: Civil War can be seen as Steve’s struggle to choose between Bucky and Tony.  Ultimately, it seems like he chooses Bucky, but breaking things off with Tony is clearly very painful, and he does not want to do it.  Stucky works especially well if Pepperony is in play.  Yes, Pepper did end things with Tony, but there’s clearly an affection still there.  And it seems like Tony may have grown since their breakup, and maybe they might just work again as a couple.  Even with Bucky in the picture, Stony could work, too.  Often, this means keeping Bucky solitary, or pairing him with someone like Nat or Sam.  Which also works.  And then there’s the concept of polyamory.  A poly relationship between Steve, Tony and Bucky could potentially work, though, in my opinion, is less viable.  See, for a poly relationship to work, jealousy and possessiveness has to be off the table.  Bucky and Steve have the past.  They would have shared memories, inside jokes, the kind of secret language people have when they’ve known each other all their lives.  And even if Tony could forgive Bucky for being used to kill his parents, hard feelings would likely linger.  Steve and Tony would have their comparatively shorter time together leading the Avengers, a current, present tense relationship.  While the three of them could put in the effort to make the three of them work, it strikes me as unlikely it would survive the time it would take to reach stability.  Bucky and Tony would butt heads too often, and Steve would be caught in the middle, wearing himself out trying to keep them together.  So, while I think the love and affection are deeper between Steve and Bucky, i think he and Tony begin their relationship on more equal footing.  Bucky was Steve’s protector, even though Steve insisted he didn’t need one.  Granted, post-serum, and particularly post-Winter Soldier, that power dynamic is inverted. But there is a power dynamic in play, as opposed to the sparring between equals Steve has with Tony.  But, that power dynamic could equalize as Bucky recovers from his Hydra trauma.  Which is why Bucky is really only pairable with Sam if they have someone else assist with his therapy.  Sam may not be an actual psychiatrist, but as a counselor, he’d likely have a code of ethics preventing him from involving himself with a counselee.  But, if Sam is just there for him, and not directly involved with his rehab, then Bucky and Sam could work.  In fact, they almost make an interesting reflection of Steve and Tony.  Civil War really does sort of cement the breakup between Steve and Tony, and makes Stucky seem like the winner in canon. But even though it isn’t the idiocy pandemic the comics version of Civil War was, the Civil War movie seems built upon some serious OOC moments. So, I’m kind of inclined to look at Civil War as a sort of bad dream. I’m even willing to steal a plot device from Breaking Dawn and say it was a shared vision, created by Wanda, to illustrate why they should stick together. (Though, that has its own problems, like how she would know Bucky was hijacked into killing Tony’s parents.) Before Winter Soldier, I was definitely on Team Stony, but Bucky’s reemergence and especially Tony’s behavior in Civil War has me in Camp Stucky, to the point where I joined in those calling him “Tony Stank.” But fics by the likes of @copperbadge and @scifigirl47 have me looking fondly at the concept of Stony again and seeking some sort of fix-it for Civil War. And canon should be considered when dealing with fanfic. Maybe coffeeshop or highschool AU’s can deviate from actual events, so long as the core of the character is the same, but when a fic takes place within the universe, canon events should be given the sane kind of consideration as the core aspects of the character. (Which is why I hate Nick Spencer’s run on virtually every book he’s written, but that’s for another time.) So, I can’t help but come back to my indecision between Stucky and Stony. Both have their merits, both have their flaws, and the same goes for the Stonky poly relationship. I guess there really isn’t any particular point or conclusion drawn here. More just woolgathering, I guess. Thoughts? Opinions?
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Ethereum Certified Developer Bernard Peh on The Future of Crypto, Dealing with Regulations, and Blockbid (Interview)
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/05/ethereum-certified-developer-bernard-peh-on-the-future-of-crypto-dealing-with-regulations-and-blockbid-interview-2/
Ethereum Certified Developer Bernard Peh on The Future of Crypto, Dealing with Regulations, and Blockbid (Interview)
Adam James · May 21, 2018 · 9:00 pm
Bitcoinist recently caught up with Bernard Peh, one of only 56 Ethereum Certified developers in the world, and picked his brain on his current project, the state of the cryptocurrency market, and what being “Ethereum Certified” even means. 
Bitcoinist: You are one of only 59 Ethereum Certified developers in the world. What exactly does “Ethereum Certified” mean, exactly?
BP: First of all, I like to congratulate B9lab for setting the golden standard in Ethereum Certification. As of today, the passing rate (based on the number of students who signed up) was about 15%. Basically, you cannot be certified if you do not have very good knowledge of Ethereum and its high-level programming language – Solidity.
In theory, being “Ethereum Certified” means that people should feel more secure with my code in the Blockchain. I have deployed many Ethereum smart contracts and I am still very skeptical of my own code due to the immutability of the blockchain. I think being certified might differentiate you from the rest, but having a paranoid attitude is required if you want to travel far in the blockchain journey. I am proud to be one of the 59 Ethereum certified developers in the world. (At the time of this interview.)
Bitcoinist: Tell us a bit about your new project, Blockbid, of which you are the Lead Blockchain Technologist.
BP: The purpose of Blockbid is to make cryptocurrency trading extremely attractive to traders and competitive with other exchanges. We want our exchange to be very secure and have a very user-friendly UI. Therefore, we have decided to build the bulk of the exchange in-house. This means that we have spent a considerable amount of resources in getting top quality developers. I am glad that I have the chance to work with the brightest minds in the industry.
My role is to liaise with the backend and infrastructure team to ensure that all the wallets for all our coins are implemented correctly. Our users will eventually benefit from our vision and the effort that we put in. Everyone will be able to trade with confidence on our exchange in the next few months.
Bitcoinist: What problem, specifically, does Blockbid solve in the industry today?
BP: Blockbid is being designed to help traders overcome three main issues; the inconvenience of needing to sign up to multiple exchanges, the unease associated with having coins scattered across multiple (and potentially untrustworthy) exchanges, and missed investment opportunities caused by time lapses in transferring funds between different platforms.
Blockbid is the only exchange to offer an insurance policy to protect against potential cyber-attack. Users do not have to worry about their cryptocurrencies in our exchange because they are insured.
Bitcoinist: How will Blockbid protect users’ funds against potential cyber-attacks?
BP: Blockbid is the only exchange to offer an insurance policy to protect against potential cyber-attack. Most other exchanges offer 2FA and for the majority of their liquidity to be held offline in cold wallets. While Blockbid will also offer 2FA and liquidity held in cold wallets, it is the only exchange to offer an additional layer of security in having an insurance policy.
I feel that the cryptocurrency market is still flooded with traders doing pumps and dumps. This has caused huge instability in the price of cryptocurrencies, preventing mass adoption for day-to-day purchases. Most people using cryptocurrencies today are risk-takers or people who are willing to bet money on their curiosity. I would love to see wider adoption.
Bitcoinist: Has Blockbid had to overcome any obstacles in relation to regulations? How difficult is it to comply with different rules in different regions of the world?
BP: With recent legislation last year in December being passed by the government requiring Australian exchanges to register with AUSTRAC, we can proudly say that Blockbid is only the third recipients of an AUSTRAC license, meaning they have been granted permission to legally operate as a digital currency exchange, according to Australian law. This follows on from the guidelines set out for Australian AML/CTF policies and require all our users to complete our KYC forms before trading, prior to this we were operating under the guideline of an AFSL license although now AUSTRAC has taken over as the regulatory body and has been setting the requirements and processes for the cryptocurrency industry in Australia.
In regards to complying with changing regulations in other countries, Blockbid stays up to date and monitors all news and information that would directly impact its operations offshore and acts accordingly. For example, restrictions and regulations on US or China based traders were closely monitored over the past year to ensure we operate legally and in compliance with the regulations of those countries.
Bitcoinist: What excites you most about working at Blockbid?
BP: Throughout my entire software development career, building a secure crypto exchange must have been the most challenging of all and in return, the most rewarding. There are many moving parts and many things to consider. The crypto landscape is changing very fast and the software needs to adapt to the changes quickly. We have to dissect every component and question everything. We also have a very strong team with a good rapport with everyone. There have been a lot of hair pulling moments but also a lot of laughter and I think our Chief Operating Office, David Sapper, has done a good job in gelling everyone together. I’m really glad that we value the team culture more than anything else.
Bitcoinist: What do you feel are the best ways to evaluate a cryptocurrency?
BP: There are a plethora of cryptocurrencies to choose from on the ever-expanding crypto market but there are a few things you should look out for when evaluating a cryptocurrency.
You should always check the development activity of a cryptocurrency. A coin with an active development team will be updating and patching bugs all the time. If there aren’t active developments in a particular crypto, you should steer clear.
Looking into the trading volume of a crypto can also indicate if the price will grow. There isn’t much point investing when no one else is trading it. This low trading volume will cause huge price spikes whenever some are bought or sold which is not good if you’re planning a long-term investment.
Avoid pump and dump schemes by investing in coins with larger market capitalization. Low market capitalization can easily be manipulated whereas those with larger market capitalization will require significant capital to manipulate it.
Bitcoinist: What are your opinions on the current regulatory landscape? Do you feel that regulators have investors’ best interests at heart?
BP: Regulation is needed to be able to distinguish the real from the fake, to avoid distrust amongst potential participants, and prevent scammers finding any kind of success. Hopefully, regulators don’t enforce harsh regulations upon cryptocurrencies and kill the market off at such an early stage of development. We will have to see if regulators and governments can embrace the blockchain and aid the growth of the cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoinist: Do you have any advice for new investors?
BP: Consumers like to take their first tentative steps into the crypto market by purchasing a currency they have no doubt heard of before, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, it is key to do your research and know what ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) are happening and whether the project is viable – if it’s not, then it’s not worth your money as you could end up with nothing. This is where we need to be mindful of crypto-scams.
There is no clear indicator of when a project or coin might be a scam but there are a few red flags to be mindful of. Any reputable ICO project will have a detailed whitepaper document which details everything you need to know about the campaign. If this is not readily available, then you should ask yourself why. To this effect, it is once more where research becomes a great tool. Look into who the team is behind the project, what is their experience and what are they hoping to achieve. Scams and crypto thefts are increasing and are becoming more widely documented, and so we are seeing crypto exchanges beginning to form self-regulating tightening their regulations
Bitcoinist: What do you identify as the most significant problems in the cryptocurrency market today?
BP: The risk of a data breach is a common one faced by crypto exchanges. Playing host to a large scale of sensitive information, it is possible for company and user information to be accessed, without permission, through mining malware activity and DDoS attacks. The use of mining malware allows hackers to hijack a computer’s resources for mining cryptocurrency, resulting in a diminished processing power which enables fraudsters to make a speedy profit.
Bitcoinist: What solutions do you propose to the problems you mentioned?
BP: The solution would be for greater security protocols and more regulation within the cryptocurrency sphere – although this can only be executed efficiently through a comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape. Without this understanding, exchanges and traders are left vulnerable.
Let’s be honest; cryptocurrency is a technical subject. To use it confidently, you do need to have some technical understanding of how it works. We feel that educating the public on the technology is important. For example, most people do not know what is happening when they transfer one bitcoin to their friend. They might get panicked when their bitcoin didn’t get through to their friend after one hour and then got bombarded with terminologies like confirmation times and transaction fees when they raised a support ticket. We like to have a personal relationship with our clients and hand hold them from the start to the end of the process.
Bitcoinist: Where do you see blockchain technology in 5 years?
BP: Blockchain is already a household name. You see this word being used in almost all tech conferences today. A lot of funds have been poured into making blockchain scale and once we can hit a few thousand transactions per second, we are ready for global adoption. When that day comes (in the next five years), blockchain technology will be used everywhere, from personal identity to buying things online. Coupled with AI and Smart Contracts, there will be no longer a need for a middleman, cutting cost and saving time.
Do you have any other questions for Bernard Peh? Ask them in the comments below!
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Markus Spiske/Unsplash
Bernard PehBlockbidCryptocurrencyEthereumEthereum Certified Show comments
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dougmeet · 6 years
❝...provides high-comedy which  currently may not be appropriated by all,  whose punchline is an order which few achieve...this was what I initiated; however, it is not mandatory to subscribe to this philosophy to benefit  its effect❞ --Doug☠Maet (☠Bookie Founder--August 30, 2011)
'I mean who in their right mind would even WANT to come in here and start barking orders and delegating responsibility? That is hilarious as shit because we are ALL derelicts of a sort. None of us can follow rules and that's supposed to be what this group is about. I kinda thought that is why we are all here'
--Winston Wolfe
chairman temporarily provides document below as group charter pro temp draft constitution and minute recordation as of fb time: seconds ago on this day tuesday august at mean Greenwich and or atomic internet time:
early bookie correspondence preserved from hijacking incident
the rule/proposal/ motion current business election as of fb: seconds ago time is Group Chef and daytime officer respectively unopposed by nomination to or as * and*see current member of good standing a few seconds ago · *see *see affirmation option · · ***... oops forgot to reinstate*see former member co-chair ministry of smut delivery with *see fuck you*see fb time· *see *see affirmation option · · *You * and *see chairman quote--"oh very quick and difficult for chair to keep up and chair requests a volunteer for the position of undercharge or chair of non secretary minutes or minutes officer as an immediate and emergency appointment from anyone interested in position as outlined but not limited to definition as stated above **see chairman quote--"all that to say chair now recognizes *see former member minister of smut delivery or MOS or MOSD to work independently or in tandem with group *see fuck you who may or may not be appointed as suggested to undetected MOSD before his appointment to office*see chairman quote--"i hereby then and as of now order in a reasonable amount of fb time*see former member create define and post for official recordation in permanently displayed bookie rules and bylaws available under group conscription at masthead entrance to group his own and self-same elected office and congratulate him *see fb time· *see *see affirmation option · *--"early days so i m cluing you to rules of order. creator of proposal rule creation or change or any proposal up for adoption may second there own proposal but only as a figurehead or self-promoting or publicity empty gesture and however this action may and only may be considered legitimate registration of affirmative voting when if or as negation of same there be absolute tie=breaking call for final creation of said proposal rule or general call * what about *--see former members who were spies or dishonorable-calls to order? * .... and I d *see affirmation to order a pizza..... with anchovies only*see chairman quote--"i hereby and can't believe that this was overlooked appoint for consideration and nomination * either with and or as co duty of or creation heretofore to be seen as speechified by him or at group majority ! during dog's unexplained absences with the treasure funds and if i am unable to assist you please refer all Esquires loudly through the speaker of your tv set to Dwight Upthrust. dog and i will be in the Cayman!
You and **see affirmation. * "*see affirmation" has been covered in sub-bylaw as being "affirmative" * "mew" was covered in LBS as being "huh?" danish classic part of Message Failed This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or hammy.
Let us know if you think this is an error. about an hour ago · *see affirmation · · ** that *see banned by FB | .... can get up into anywhere but FB*see chairman quote--"this is a very recent occurrence. and i m really hoping that it's not my fault.....+Facebook" post * · *--"i hereby appoint for consideration*see current member of good standing as daytime president pro temp on all bookie matters while but not limited to such time as president and or chairman and vice president be away from bookies. this resolution is immediately up for adoption as an emergency second or one affirmative no negative vote proposal and fast track rule of order and next bookie bylaw provision Cam Paterson one minute FB time has not yet bid defined. please refer to googly and key in "space time continua within*see Host info or FB | ...."...your answer will be found there!*see chairman quote--"i hate to be obvious but i am currently posting this informative note in bookie minutes from exact position of post currently up for consideration while it's true that no bookie can force another bookie to st in bookies i hereby propose that You and *see current officer ref....*see affirmation. all currently grandfather bookies as well as newly rushed bookies be under the same and universal bookie posting quota rule as the other this then being a universal posting rule for good standing for all bookies as but not limited to at le...See More Cam Paterson you missed your calling in politics dog. i don't know what to second but you sounded confident...i second whatever doug said! i dare ya all to keep posting photos of red heads!!! (just finished reading a psyche text) * · · Subscribe * added photos to Dezi's Future Wife.
Dezi's Future Wife *see group time | .... · *see *see affirmation option · · *You Mike Fifty-nine Dezi Desolata Lisa van Ness and others*see affirmation.
Lisa van Ness I remember her from Garbage she looks better without the heavy make-up she wore in early . about an hour ago · *see *see affirmation option · people*see chairman quote--"i ll second that but will add that she looks better period*see fb time· *see *see affirmation option · people oh yeah perfect group video Domino's delivers to nude women | Dear gaejangguk Your video dominoes may have content that is owned or licensed by WIG.
No action is required on your part; however if you are...See More By: Pangaea Gus * · · **see current officer ref.... and*see former member*see affirmation this. i hereby assign first group photo to be the middle picture below group masthead as submitted by * and that guard at arms or acting guard at arms in his abscess until officially elected (may be any member) replace current group avatar with said photograph if seconded or voted into picture of the day *see group time | .... · *see affirmation · · *Lisa van Ness and *see current officer ref....*see affirmation.
Dezi Desolata yes yes yes.... *see group time | .... · *see affirmation · *--"* *see dishonorable member quote.... | about an hour ago · *see affirmation Lisa van Ness and *see current member | ....*see affirmation. *see current officer ref.... i d *see affirmation to add "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" to also be rider to to the offical quote........if it goes through Dezi Desolata butt of course...... i hereby nominate *see current officer ref.... as official group rank chair*--"acting under any and all official group ranking matters to include but not be limited to changing and or assigning or removing group administratorship status to any and all group members by unanimous or majority vote or official group thirding in the abstinence of said group vote. *see current officer ref.... *see affirmations this. *see current officer ref.... i AM rank!!! *see group time | .... · *see *see affirmation option · *--"*see current officer ref.... if i get a second(or a *see affirmation)i promise all of your group administrator status will be safe in my worthy hands *see group time | .... · *see affirmation * Jay Alan Davis Please help her remove that stick.
It looks painful.*see chairman quote--"i am now going to think about her and Jacqui naked. see you later *see group time | .... · *see affirmation · people question : hey can we have *see affirmation an official redhead for our Bookie group ?
If so I nominate the beautiful Lisa Van Ness as her...... *see group time | .... · *see affirmation · · Subscribe *see referring to Korean members with non-English characters | .... and *see current officer ref....*see affirmation.
Dezi Desolata no that was on purpose......there is a madness to my method.... *see current officer ref.... she is pretty hot!
You Lisa van Ness and *see current member | ....*see affirmation.*see chairman quote--"i m am now so horny i m going offsite to masturbate. i hereby declare this my right and appoint under-ranking president and or next in line to assume all and any duties of chairman.*see chairman quote--"Jesus motherfucking Christ. thank you god for garbage More Redhead Ass Lapin' fed protection WWW.YouTube.com Dina Meyer slap my ass *see current officer ref.... and Dezi Desolata*see affirmation. oh be still my throbbing unit........mmmmm redheads.....
Redheads salute my salute to some beautiful redheads enjoy !
You * Lisa van Ness and*see Bookies with disabilities rule | ....*see affirmation.*see chairman quote--"i hereby nominate reinstated group member*see former member | ....to immediate and or fast track administrators-hip status and hereby assign him to create the position for minister of mental health to himself or any but not limited to all of his current or future personalities*see former member | ....is hereby reinstated as group administrator a position which shall be bestowed upon him once and only but not before until group rainmaking officer currently up for election is decided and remanded by official group majority v...See More i hereby propose that guard at arms wilson wolfe be responsible for putting up for vote current group icon and current photo at all times and that he appoint assistant guard at arms for daily changing of said group icon and avatar and this be but not limited to being his delegated responsibility for soever long as he holds current position as guard at arms and i hereby submit for resolution that he responsible for obeying the majority decision of any and all voting group members which and who are responsible and only they as to the delegation of said group photo and icon and also that in the lack of said group majority decision winston wolfe and or assistant guard at arms may and will be the sole body in command of said duty Lisa van Ness *see current officer ref.... and Dezi Desolata*see affirmation. * si Dezi Desolata orale..... i hereby assign minister *see fuck you co-welcoming duties for to and with suzy fisher (princess coocoo) a post which shall and must be created by them as to its duty and scope *see current member | .... thanks for add me............ greetings from Mexico. Salado desde Mexico ¡¡¡¡¡¡ *see current officer ref....
Dezi Desolata and **see affirmation. *see current member | .... gracias my friends saludos tequila ¡¡¡¡¡ *see current member | .... good vibrations for all ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡*see chairman quote--"changed the group description to "dezi desolata was designated as group secretary on aug. at : CST tuesday is official bookie redhead day as of this the second day of august as proposed by chairman and seconded by * unless the proposition to accept *see dishonorable secret member ref. guide | ....'s meows as a true second are opposed at this time (and unless this constitutes *see dishonorable secret member ref. guide | ....'s third consecutive second this proposal and amendment is hereby adopted for group vote and in the absence of said group vote and/or is made into rule and shall be dutifully entered into record and bylaw by the vice president and/or secretary of group on this day Aug. nd a Tuesday. that Tuesday is now officially deemed not in part or less than whole constituting a twenty four hour time period from a Greenwich standard or internet atomic web clock for a twenty four hour period as official group redhead day i didn't either at first and now that i kinda do i have no idea VIBookies members and content are private * VIBookies members and content are private * To add any of your already uploaded videos to this group go HERE CLICK ADD VIDEO AND CHOOSE FROM YOUR VIDEOS here‘s the url to switch off your email notifier*--see former members who were spies or dishonorable-ions * VIBookies URL ID: Make Sarah Bellum a Group Admin As a group admin Sarah Bellum will be able to edit group settings remove members and give other members admin status." i hereby appoint reverend *see fuck you as group chaplain and princess coocoo as group pro temp vice president. this executive non vote proposal may only be overturned by a unanimous majority (currently sitting at group vote in disfavor) or a non-seconding Lenny Smith *see affirmations this.
Dezi Desolata I respectfully withdraw said comment .*see chairman quote--"second comment withdrawn from official record which i hereby will be forwarded to new bookie secretary dezi desolata for processing well democracy you've just got your first secretary. tell her how she's doing i hereby put forth the proposition that suzy fisher be (or rather suzy fisher's sock puppet identity) be the unprejudiced arbiter of all disputed votes. this will just need a second to be into effect*see chairman quote--"this is considered an executive non-vote proposal from this time forward *see group time | .... · *see *see affirmation option · people i am taking advantage of the hole in bookes rules and adding these two fine new members. please see below to stop this willy nilly sort of group addition mongering *see current officer ref.... and **see affirmation. the adding members policy is resubmitted for adaption as originally submitted as unseconded from this evening's earlier business *see referring to Korean members with non-english characters | .... *see affirmations this. *see current member | .... and other members were made admins by Doug Maet.
Thomas Tirrell was added by Winston Wolfe.
Ministerial Fredrik Axwik Respect ;) South Park Suck My Balls Mr Garrison Eric catamaran suck my balls mr.Garrison south park movie south par movie Bigger Longer & Uncut Yesterday at : pm · *see affirmation · · Subscribe Winston Wolfe and Lenny Smith*see affirmation.
Winston Wolfe I will always love this skit"shut up you fuckin fat ass!!!"hah-aha-"suck my balls Mr Garrison!"
| ....was added by Princess CooCoo.*see chairman quote--"yes there will have to be a majority vote (as in however many people vote there will have to be more than half to approve this new admission due to the unfortunate circumstances of late. i am abstaining as a matter of protocol) *see chairman quote--"this policy is hereby adopted as rule #unless there fails to be a second (*see affirmation) at which time this new proposed policy will be automatically submitted for further definition and subsequent resubmit for group vote i went on a dirty binge fellas which can only be plus plus for you Yesterday at : pm · *see affirmation · · *filthy Clockwork Orphanage (Friends Only) [HQ] which means for the five thousandth time (and I know these things after profiles...THAT NO ONE CAN SEE THIS ON YOUR WALL!)
Length: : Winston Wolfe Mike Fifty-nine and Lenny Smith *see affirmation. #VIDEO What Gets Me Hot!
Only right here! [HQ] and every other place including my Wikipedia link! because 'it makes the world go round' BLACK BARRED FOR MY SELF-PRESERVATION PLEASURE Yesterday at : pm · *see *see affirmation option · · *You and Antjuan Oden*see affirmation. my fab video??? can't get enough and you won't be abel to either Feel Good Kidnapping Video of ALL TIME! - Dogmatist whatshisname.preposterous.com via YouTube.com * i had enough Yesterday at : pm · *see affirmation*see chairman quote--"only because it's the absolute best video ever made i m sure though. i cried with joy every time Kimberly Penedo Bradshaw was added by Winston Wolfe.
Saturday at : am · *see *see affirmation option · · *You MinisterofArt Fredrik Axwik Dezi Desolata and Lenny Smith*see affirmation.*see chairman quote--"classic comedy but i m high on hospital drugs so i don't know for sure Yesterday at : am · *see affirmation · people Dezi Desolata mmmmmm hospital drugs......
Yesterday at : pm · *see *see affirmation option · people watch it before the audio flips over with the Chicago in tact. classic feel good nudism
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