#I am glad I figured out that I am in fact bi
adverbian · 4 months
I am watching Sex Education on Netflix, and I may or may not have literally sighed and said to my husband “Gillian Anderson is so pretty. Why is she so pretty?”
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4 notes · View notes
heavenlyvision · 7 months
Until hell freezes over
Word count: 6.7k
Pairing: Bi-Han x F!Reader
This is a part two to when hell freezes over
A/N: Longest fic so far woohoo, I’m overjoyed at the interactions and comments I got from the first part so thank you for the attention. I’m glad you’ve all been enjoying my writing; it encourages me to write more! I hope you all enjoy this part as much as the first and please reach out with any thoughts, feelings, questions, anything of the sort. I am happy to interact with everyone. And thank you for reading! :)
Summary: Ever since you and Bi-Han had sex he’s been staring at you even more than before, not that he’s admitted to it yet. A competition begins between the two of you, who can hold out longest?
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, cunnilingus, fingering, masturbation, p in v sex, creampie, possessive!Bi-Han, hickeys (reader receiving), pussy slapping (one), inappropriate use of Bi-Hans official title, minor appearance of pussy drunk Bi-Han, return of mean Bi-Han, special appearance of soft Bi-Han, no use of y/n
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Following the events of the other night, Bi-Han has been staring at you a lot more frequently. You can’t be certain what he’s thinking about, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. You had both mutually agreed to keep what happened between yourselves, but he keeps giving you bedroom eyes and it isn’t going to take long for someone to catch on if he keeps looking at you like that.
Subtlety does not seem to be Bi-Han’s strong suit, which you feel is cosmically ironic considering how subtle he is in other facets of his life. His eyes set you on fire, you know what he wants from you. You haven’t slept with him since the first time, three days ago now.
The reason for this is because you needed time to recover from the world class fucking you received the first time and because you want to get to know him more; by actually talking to him. Not that, that stops him from shoving you up against walls and sticking his tongue in your mouth when he gets the chance. Just the memories of his indiscretions make you vibrate with arousal.
Other than those few shared, private moments, he’s respected the fact that you don’t want to have sex again yet. He is getting impatient though, you can tell by the way his constant staring has gotten more intense. His eyes track your every move when you’re close to him, sometimes it seems like he’s actively fighting the urge to pick you up and walk away with you over his shoulder.
Everyone is in the training area right now, and Bi-Han is standing by Lord Liu Kang, and yup, he is staring at you, again. You really can’t be shocked anymore; you’ve come to realise that the most he communicates is with his eyes and his grunts.
Lord Liu Kang steps away from Bi-Han to talk with Kuai Liang on the other side of the training area, you take the opening to slowly shuffle yourself up next to Bi-Han.
“You need to stop looking at me like that,” you say quietly, keeping your head forward.
“Looking at you like what?”
You have to try real hard not to make a face of annoyance at him. He always does this, acts dense on purpose just to get under your skin.
“Like we’ve had sex,” you hush out at him.
He moves to stand directly in front of you and tilting his head down slightly he says, “That is a little difficult, considering we have had sex, sweet girl.”
He’s taunting you, it’s not fair, the nickname, his words, it’s all not fair to you and he knows it. It’s why he does it, he wants you to break first, to beg him for it, and as the days pass by, you’re worried you will cave and beg him to fuck you. And he is counting on it, it’s probably part of the reason why he pushes you up against walls and kisses your breath away. You get the feeling that the man has an impeccable resolve, which makes you want to break it. It’s turned into an unspoken competition between the two of you.
“You aren’t being very fair,” you try not to, but you can’t help but pout at him.
His eyes sparkle as he looks at your sulking face, “I’m not trying to be fair,”
Bastard, you go to tell him as much, but he cuts you off, “I am trying to get you to ask me for what you need, I want you to ask me sweetly to fuck you.”
He has said you undo him, but he is actively pulling you apart, he wants you at his feet and you’re afraid that you might comply. You are strong, you can resist him, you just have to want to win more than him and you are competitive. You’ve decided you’re going to turn his constant stares and teasing into determination. You are determined to win, you want him coming to you, head in his hands asking you for your body.
He can see the way your eyes harden with your own resolve and his light up in an amused way at it, you find it maddening that he’s getting joy from this.
“You will not be winning this, Grandmaster.” You say his title to stab home your determination, you want him to know that he is the one who turned this into a challenge. One that you aren’t willing to lose.
The use of his official title is effective, his smile falters for a second, a glimmer or his underlying arousal for you shining through his mirth. Good, you think.
“Mmm where has my sweet girl gone?” He asks you, his smug nature intact. Not good, you think, he might be able to play dirty better than you.
Your confidence in yourself is waning the longer he looks at you, “Just… stop looking at me.”
A smile breaks out across his face, “Not if it’ll get you to break first.”
You keep showing him your hand, he makes you weak, and he likes that about you. Maybe it would be smarter to use that to your advantage, rather than pretending he doesn’t affect you. He’s able to read you impeccably well, any lie you try and give him is probably going to fall flat. Lying isn’t something you consider yourself to be bad at but trying to lie to Bi-Han is like trying to lie to someone who can read minds, so it’s better to just avoid it.
“You’re right Bi-Han, I want you, badly, all the time,” you’re looking at him as innocently as possible.
One of his eyebrows raises in response, “Are you asking for something?” He’s hoping you are.
“Nope. Just letting you know how much I want you. All the time.” You state before walking over to where you were previously standing with Johnny and Kenshi.
You would’ve liked to keep talking with him, but you have a feeling that would be more to your detriment than his. Tuning back into Kenshi and Johnny’s conversation you realise they’re arguing, because of course they are.
“Just give the sword back Johnny!” Kenshi sounds exasperated with him, this is not the first time they’ve argued over this, and you have a feeling it won’t be the last.
“No way man! Do you know how much this cost me?” Johnny is just as equally exasperated as Kenshi. Their relationship and squabbles amuse you, until –
“Settle this, do you think he should give Sento back?” They both turn to you suddenly, dragging you into this argument against your will. How nice of them.
You really do not want to be dragged into this, “I have no stake in this, guys.”
“Yeah, exactly. That’s why you should decide for us,” Johnny adds.
Why would they want you to settle this, whatever you decide the other would be angry with and you like both of them.
“Look, guys, this isn’t something that another person can solve for you, and I’d really rather not pick, I don’t want to lose a friend based on a choice I make.”
They both stare at you, God, what is with all these men and staring.
Then you feel it, his looming presence coming up behind you, he grabs your shoulder to get your attention. You drop your head back to look up at him.
“Did you have something to ask, Sub-Zero?”
He looks down his nose at you, “mmm, you need to come with me.”
Straightening your head, you look forward again, you go to address the two men in front of you but before you can, Johnny looks at Bi-Han and says, “Wait, before you leave, settle this for us. Who do you think should have Sento?”
Bi-Han looks at the pair of them dead eyed for a moment, trying to give Johnny a chance to take his question back, “Don’t care.” He states plainly before grabbing your arm and walking away.
Why Johnny thought asking him was a good idea you have no idea, you turn around quickly to apologise to them both, they’re giving you a sympathetic look. Their pity is granted because to them, you’ve just been pulled away by the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Assumedly, about to get scolded for something, which may be half true. You give them a smile back; to try and assuage any genuine worry they may have, before facing Bi-Han’s back again, following him silently.
He walks you away from the training area into a quiet, empty area of the temple. Your heart is racing, you have no idea what he’s intending to do, he wouldn’t have cracked that easily, which means he’s brought you here for another reason. He’s stopped walking, back facing you.
“Bi-Han, why have you kidnapped me?”
He turns to face you, rolling his eyes at your light-hearted accusation, “I have not kidnapped you, that’s an exaggeration.”
Cocking an eyebrow at him and placing a hand on your hip, you say, “I am well aware, what did you have to ask?”
“How long?” He asks, he needs to start speaking in full sentences, more often than not he will state something like it doesn’t need further explanation.
Though you can probably guess with pretty good accuracy what he’s referring to, that doesn’t mean you’re going to make it easy for him. Time for a taste of his own medicine, he’s often acting intentionally dense to get you to admit to things, now it’s his turn.
“How long for what?”
His eyes harden at you, “How long until I can have all of you again?”
Is he trying to compromise with you? Maybe he wasn’t as confident in his own willpower as you thought, “that depends, are you giving up?”
“It’s a competition now, Bi-Han, there is no timeline anymore.” Not that there was ever a timeline, you were just hoping to get to know him a bit more before sleeping with him again but seeing him increasingly get more desperate is too good to turn away from now.
Watching him struggle with what he wants to do next has you realising, two sides of Bi-Han are clashing right now. He’s stubborn but he’s also impatient, it’s thrilling not knowing which side will win.
“It’s a stupid competition. Childish.” He spits the words at you.
“You started it.” You shrug at him.
“I most certainly did not start this.” He points at you.
He’s getting angry now, it has you smiling, “you’re only annoyed now because I’m winning.”
He grunts at you, “This could end right now Bi-Han, if you just admit you’ve lost.” You’re offering him a way out; one you know he won’t take.
“What are the rules?”
You answer him honestly, “I hadn’t considered any.”
He stalks towards you, it has you taking steps back until you hit a wall. Both of his hands come up and cage you against it, he leans down slightly, head angled, “then I will.”
You look up at him, eyes large, taking him all in, “Bi-Han, you’re really pretty,” you tell him your internal thought by accident.
He looks shocked for a second before his head rests on your shoulder, he speaks into your neck, “Sweet, sweet girl, my sweet girl.” He inhales the scent of your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
This situation is precarious for you, if he sweet talks you, you might cave. You need to get him back on topic. But before you can speak to get him back on track, he moves his lips to yours, one of his hands coming off the wall to grab at the side of your face, angling you to his liking. Tongue entering your mouth teasingly, you moan into his mouth, and he swallows the sound.
When he pulls back, he smirks at the look on your face, your eyes wet and soft for him, he always makes you feel so pliable. This competition is not made for you, you bend to his will too easily, he’s only kissed you and you want more.
You close your eyes tight, not looking into his eyes will help, he’s got pretty eyes that you fall into every time. You just need to not look at him right now.
“What are you doing?” He asks, his thumb stroking your cheek, a rare sign of the way he coddles you.
“I can’t look at you and your pretty eyes.”
He hums in response, “that’s fine, only need your lips for what I’m doing right now.”
Then he leans in to kiss you again, he’s being gentle, tender, tongue licking into your mouth and exploring, he’s taking his time, kissing your breath away.
He’s officially, completely, distracted from what he was talking about, lips moving against yours, consuming you. He moves his body closer to yours, the feel of him against you has a whimper slipping from you. The sound makes him grunt but it brings him back to himself, and he pulls away, but not before he plants a single wet kiss on your lips and then he’s pulling his lips away completely.
Forehead resting against yours, he huffs, “you wanna give up?”
You nod your head, and he seems pleased, but you continue on to say, “I do, but I’m not going to.” His small moment of triumph ripped from him at your words.
A low grunt is his response to you, he’s disappointed that you haven’t caved but only because he’s not going to either. “Want you and your tight, little–”
“Rules! What rules did you want?” you cut him off, his words are his weapon and right now he’s one good strike away from you giving in and letting him do whatever he wants to you.
He smirks at you, he knows how his words effect you, loves the way you squirm at the things he whispers to you.
“From now on losing counts as, kissing, touching, dirty talk, whispering sweet nothings to each other–”
“–Bi-Han, you’ve done all of those things, just now.” The gall of this man.
“There were no rules before,” he’s dismissive of your complaint.
You have an incredulous look on your face, “well, there goes your whole arsenal then.”
“Not really, I still have my pretty eyes.” He’s making fun of you, but you know the way you react to and compliment him has him soft for you.
“No nicknames?” You ask him.
He glares at you, “no nicknames.” He confirms.
That makes you sulk a bit, not only because calling him Grandmaster was one of your trump cards but also because you like when he calls you sweet girl.
“Can you still call me sweet girl?” You ask him gently; you genuinely don’t want him to stop but you’re also playing dirty by asking and you know it.
His chest rumbles with a deep growl and his head tips back, “Fucken, alright but only because I think it will benefit me more than you.”
When he looks at you again there is a cheeky smile on your face, “compliments? Can I still tell you how pretty your eyes are? Or how I love when your arms are crossed and your muscles become defined, or how hot your hands looks when they flex, or–”
One of his hands moves to cover your mouth, cutting you off, “Jesu– no, no compliments.”
You give the palm of his hand a small kiss and his head falls forward, chin on his chest, “You’re going to kill me,” he sighs.
You’re smiling against his palm; this round goes to you.   
It’s been a few days since your rendezvous with Bi-Han, he had to go away for a couple of them to take care of some business but ever since he’s been back you think he’s been avoiding you. And you aren’t sure if that excites or frightens you. The upper hand was yours last time, now you’re worried that he’s plotting his revenge, and you have no idea what he would even do. His rules basically take away all of his trump cards, but they also take away yours. Leaving you both in a weird purgatory state of trying to figure out what to do next without breaking any of the rules.
There are a few options, but unless you can get away with walking around the temple grounds completely naked without anyone seeing you, there isn’t anything that could get him to break quickly enough.
You find yourself back at the rock, you’ve started calling it your enlightenment rock, on account of how often you come here to meditate. Though you aren’t here for spiritual guidance currently. Not unless the spirits can guide you on how to break Bi-Han’s will into fucking you senseless. It feels a little inappropriate to even think about here, but you think best here, and you need the peace right now.
Thinking about what you could do is exhausting, you’re not good at initiating these kinds of things, you’re more of a defence kind of person than attack. Which makes Bi-Han avoiding you even funnier, he’s pretty quick to go on the attack, usually.
You’re at a stalemate and you want to be the one to break it, but you’ll need a for sure thing, if you go in half-cocked and your plan fails it gives him an opening to get you to crack, which, in all honesty, you would. He breaks down all your defences with just a look, and now that you’re thinking about it, that might be his plan.
This is what you mean by thinking about this is mentally taxing, you’re either thinking too hard or not hard enough. The man is unpredictable, and you like that about him, just, not right now. You want to be the one to win and over thinking might cost you the competition.
A big smile breaks out across your face as you are suddenly blessed with a fantastic idea to get the man to break, not the kind of enlightenment you usually come here for but it’s the next best thing.
The moment is taken from you when you feel Bi-Han’s eyes on you, “Hello Bi-Han.” You don’t turn around to look at him.
“How do you always manage to know it’s me? I am a ninja, and I can’t even look at you without you knowing.” He’s curious about your sixth sense for him and you don’t have an answer that would satisfy him.
You shrug your shoulders in response, “I can feel it, that’s the best way to describe it.”
“And what do you feel when I look at you?” He’s moving closer to you, standing directly behind your sitting form. Any closer and his back would be pressed against yours.
You consider what to say, you could lie but like you’ve said, lying to him is damn near impossible, “It feels electric.” It’s the only way you can accurately describe how it feels to have his gaze aimed at you.
He grunts at you in response.
You’re smiling because he’s so soft for you in the oddest of ways, “you asked,” you tell him.
“Shouldn’t have.” He pauses before continuing, “Mmm, what are you doing out here? It’s getting late.”
And it is, you had realised this you just needed the silence to give you ideas for your plan. The temple has too many people and you often get pulled into conversations, you don’t mind, but you’re taking this competition unnecessarily seriously.
“I have been thinking.”
“And what have you been thinking of?” He asks.
“I’d tell you, but I think it would count as whispering sweet nothings to you.”
You can practically feel the way he rolls his eyes from behind you, he huffs a breath out and you can feel the air brush against your neck. You stifle your reaction, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of your body reacting to him without physical touch.
He’s moving his face closer to the back of yours, lips close to you neck but never touching, “there is nothing I can say right now that won’t break those stupid rules.”
You can’t help the shiver that runs through you at his breath whispering over your skin “you made them.”
“Might break them too. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Me breaking first, taking you however I desire–”
“–You are walking a very thin line Bi-Han,” you remind him, he often gets lost in the words he speaks to you.
He takes a step back, sighing again, “Come back to the temple, dinner will be served soon.”
You look back at him and smile, “I’ll be up soon.”
“Don’t take too long, it’s supposed to be cold tonight,” he mumbles at you as he begins to walk away.
It’s adorable, the way he cares if you eat on time or if you’ll be warm. He’s driving you crazy without even realising it, if he turned back and said one more thing concerning your wellbeing, you’d break the rules by running up to him and hugging him.
Waiting is all you can do right now; you’re waiting until everyone has gone back to their quarters so that you can sneak into Bi-Han’s and put your plan into action. It’s not going to be particularly fair to him and you don’t know if he’ll classify it as cheating, but you don’t classify it as cheating, not technically anyways.
It’s almost quarter to midnight when it sounds like everyone has turned in for the night and you take the opportunity to sneak from your room and briskly walk to Bi-Han’s.
Approaching the door, you tentatively knock at it, waiting for him to answer and slide the door open feels like it takes forever but when he does you feel like you might fold on the spot, he’s wearing a loose robe, his whole chest on display and the worst part is, his hair is down and in his face a little. He has such soft looking hair, and you want nothing more than to run your hands through it.
Bi-Hans face is decidedly unhappy until he realises it’s you at his door, and then he’s smug, taking in your gaze, all gooey for him.
“Evening, sweet girl, you here to give in?” He’s grinning at you like you’re his prey.
You hurry inside past him, careful not to touch him, “No, I’m here to win.”
He groans, exasperated at you, like he couldn’t just cave now and end it all. “C’mon, just give in, I know you want to.”
“and I know you want to, too,” you’re standing in the middle of his room awkwardly, you’re trying to decide how you’re going to do this.
He slides the door closed and turns to look at you, his head crooking to the side slightly, hair falling into his face a bit. His arms are crossed over his chest, and it has your skin on fire, he looks irresistible to you right now and it’s not fair.
“What are you here to do, exactly?” He raises a questioning eyebrow at you.
You purse your lips, you know exactly what you want to do, you’re just feeling a little shy. Fuck it you think, and you shrug your own robe off your body, you’re completely bare beneath it.
Bi-Han’s eyes go wide, “What are you planning, sweet girl?” He’s breathless at your bare figure in front of him, completely taken aback by your uncharacteristic boldness.
You move over to his bed and sit down on it, propping yourself up against his pillows, “I’m going to touch myself and I’m going to make you watch.” You’re fighting against your own embarrassment, skin breaking out in a deep blush.
He looks entirely too pleased with this situation, “Mmm, go on then, show me how you touch yourself.”
“You can’t sweet talk me! that was one of your rules,” you point at him, “If you break the rules you lose,” you’re pouting at him.
He’s nodding his head, staring at your legs, waiting not so patiently for you to part them, “mmhm, I know, just spread your sweet thighs.”
You’re not sure if you should call him on that or not but since you’re also walking a thin line you let it go. He’s moving to sit at the foot of the bed, eyes never leaving your body as he does.
Slowly, you part your legs, and he lets out a quiet growl at the sight of your pussy, wet and wanting. Reaching down, your fingers run through your slick, spreading it all over your folds. You insert one finger into your hole, whining at the feeling, before you move it to your clit, rubbing small, controlled circles into it.
Little whimpers and quiet whines leave your mouth, you’re trying to hold in your sounds as you use your fingers to bring you pleasure. Looking over at Bi-Han you can see a thinly veiled animalistic look in his eyes, he’s trying to restrain himself. Feeling tortured by his inability to touch or even speak to you right now.
Your movements speed up on your clit and a gasp is ripped from you, Bi-Han’s staring heightening your pleasure.
“Ffuck – stop, stop.” He’s suddenly asking you to stop.
“Mmm, but I am so – ngh – close,” you don’t stop, your breaths coming faster and whines pitching higher, you’re so close to finishing.
Eyes wet with how close your high is, your other hand reaching up to grab your own breast. Bi-Han looks angry, his hand reaches out and rips yours away from your pussy. You whine in response to your pleasure being ripped from you at the last second.
“I told you to stop, shit.” He looks really angry, and you can’t help but feel a little smug, a small, suppressed, smile painting itself on your lips.
“You lost,” you tell him, though by how angry he is, you think he already knows that.
He squints at you with an accusatory glare, “wouldn’t have if you just fucken listened to me.”
“Yeah, but I wanted you to lose.”
He snarls at you, “you fucken win and now I’m taking you how I want.”
“Okay,” you smile brilliantly at him.
“Try not to be so pleased with yourself.” He’s hot when he’s grumpy.
But you can’t help it, you won, and he lost and now you can have sex with him again and feel victorious. It’s a good day to be you.
He moves over you and leans down, kissing you harshly, he pulls away but only to pull your mouth open and then he’s shoving his tongue into your mouth. You moan against him; you’ve missed his lips against yours. He’s being more forceful with you than usual, sexually frustrated and annoyed that he’s lost this arbitrary competition against you.
Pulling his lips from yours he starts kissing your neck, sucking deep marks into your skin.
“Bi-Han, not my neck, the others will see–”
“–Good, mine, you’re mine.” He sucks another mark into the centre of your collarbones, “Isn’t that right, my sweet girl?”
You nod your head, “Mhm, m’yours.”
The groan he lets out can be felt against your skin where his mouth is attached, he continues downwards. Sucking hickeys into your skin as he goes. He reaches your cunt and nuzzles his face into it, licking between your folds. His actions make you whine, back coming off the bed, his hand reaches up and pushes you back to the bed by your stomach.
Then he uses both hands to spread your thighs further apart, enough so that he can fit his shoulders between your legs. He turns his head into your thigh and sucks a mark there.
“Got such a pretty cunt, Mm gonna fucken ruin you,” your hole clenches at his words and he watches, he has a wolfish smile on his face at your reaction.
“God, fucken missed seeing how needy you are, love the way your body reacts to me,” he adds.
He’s driving you mental, “please,”
“Mmm? You need something, sweetie?” His tone is mocking, he knows exactly what you want.
“Want your mouth, on me, please?”
“Say you want my mouth on your cunt and then I might oblige.” He’s staring into your eyes, waiting for you to repeat his words.
It has you blushing again, it feels so filthy to say out loud to him, “I want your mouth on my cunt, please.” Your voice wavers as you mumble the words out.
You feel really exposed, legs over his shoulders as he looks at you, refusing to break eye contact.
“Not good enough, try again,” he has an amused look on his face, but his tone is serious.
You repeat yourself louder, “want your mouth on my cunt, please, Bi-Han,” you whine a little as you say it.
He chuckles at you, “all you had to say, sweetheart.”
He tucks his head down and licks along the length of your pussy, your back goes to arch again but he predicts that and moves his hand back to your stomach and holds you down.
His tongue enters your hole, licking into you before moving up to your clit, then he suctions onto it. Two of his fingers coming up to enter you, crooking them up into you, finding the spot he did last time and fucking into it.
You’re biting your lip trying to keep the noises in, head rolling back onto the pillows behind you. He removes his mouth from your clit but doesn’t stop his fingers.
“Eyes on me, do not stop looking.” He warns.
You aren’t focusing though, his fingers inside you taking you elsewhere. He pulls them from you and smacks your pussy at your lack of response, it has you jolting upright.
“Eyes on me, and stop biting your lip, wanna hear you.” His words slur together a little.
You look him in the eyes again, “yes, Grandmaster.” You mumble mindlessly, a little lost in the pleasure he’s given you.
“Fffuck, look at you, so pretty and dazed.” He moves his mouth back to your pussy, lapping at you like his last meal.
He’s eating you out with the conviction of a man who’s afraid he’ll never do it again, you maintain eye contact with him, but you feel like they might cross. You move your hands to his head, grabbing at his hair. He hums at the feel of your fingers pulling at him.
You’re getting closer to your peak; he stuffs his fingers back inside you and it pulls a loud moan from you. He groans into your cunt, the vibrations pushing you closer to the edge. His fingers speed up as he sucks unforgivingly at your clit. Your moans come louder and faster, and then he pulls his mouth away to blow cold air on your clit, it feels sharp and has you coming with a yelp. Your hands move to grab at his sheets, attempting to ground yourself.
He’s pleased, watching you fall apart on his fingers, when you’ve come down from your high, he pulls his fingers from you. But he leans down again and licks up your cum, he keeps licking at you and you try to wiggle away from his unrelenting tongue.
He pushes you down and uses both hands to hold your thighs open, “stay fucken still.”
“Ngh – it’s too much Bi-Han, mm sensitive, please.”
“I know but you’re gonna take it.” He tells you.
He’s licking at you fervently, in your pussy hole, your clit, sucking on your folds, he’s lost in your cunt. He flattens his tongue against you and shakes his head and it has you coming suddenly against your will. A breathy whine pulled from deep inside your chest, the force of it bites at you, the feeling too much. Your grip on his sheets hardening, if you were more present, you’d worry about tearing them.
He pulls back satisfied with the way you’re squirming, he keeps his hands on your thighs, holding them apart.
He’s staring at your fluttering hole, “could suck on your pussy for the rest of my life.”
Your thighs are fighting against his hands trying to close, he lets go and lets you close them. You take a moment to catch your breath, the overstimulation sending shocks through your body. A sharp kind of pleasure.
Tears in the corners of your eyes, one falling, Bi-Han climbs on top of you and leans down, licking it away.
“You’re such a sensitive little thing.” He whispers to you.
Then he moves his mouth to yours, devouring you through a kiss. He kisses you until you’re reaching up to him, running your hands through his hair, and then tugging him away.
He pulls back from you, lips ghosting over yours, “What is it?”
“Want you, please?”
His grin is wide, “love the way you ask me for things, such a polite girl.”
He pulls back, resting on his knees as he undoes his robe, throwing it onto the floor, the sight of him bare makes your cunt jump and mouth water.
He locks eyes with you, “You’re staring.”
“Yes.” Is all you can manage, “you’re… beautiful.”
“Jesus woman, too nice, such a nice girl.” He leans down and pecks your lips, your cheeks, he noses at the side of your face before kissing your ear, neck, anywhere he can reach.
Your hands reach out to rest on his shoulders and your legs move to rest your thighs on his hips, pulling him closer. His skin rests against yours, and you hug him to you. Your face moves to the crook of his neck, and you place a kiss there.
His hips slowly start to grind into you, the sweet intimate moment broken by his dick slipping through your folds.
“Sooo, fucken wet, always so wet an messy, mmph,” he speaks into your neck.
You move your hips against him, the feel of his cock rubbing against you making you wetter, rutting yourself into him more, “Bi-han, need it, please.”
“ngh – you can – hah – fucken wait,” he’s teasing you, your punishment for winning.
You whimper as his dick continuously slides over your clit; his upper half pulls away so he can look down to where he’s rubbing against you. Enjoying the way your hips are raising to chase him.
Deciding to take mercy on you and himself, he grabs the base of his cock, and slips the head into you, “hah – I forgot how fucken – ngh – ridiculously tight you are.” He groans at the feel of you wrapped around him, “you’re so – mph – warmmm.”
“Bi-Hannn~” you moan his name; he keeps sliding into you at a leisurely pace, trying not to hurt you.
“I needa fuck you more often – nghh, keep this cunt ready for me.” His hands are back on your thighs, keeping you open so he can watch himself slide into you.
You can feel his dick twitching inside you, he’s turned on watching the way he’s splitting you open. He’s about halfway in when he starts rubbing your clit, moving a hand off your thigh to do so, “you needa relax for me, sweetie.”
Your pussy clenches around him, “that’s hard when you keep talking.”
“Mmm, love the way I talk to you, don’t you?”
“You know I do,” he knows, he just loves the ego boost he gets from hearing you confirm it.
Then he drives all the way into you, and it pushes a gasp from your lungs, a long-drawn-out groan comes from Bi-Han. His question was just to distract you so he could bully his cock the rest of the way into you.
He looks up to the ceiling and away from where you’re connected, “ffffff–”
You raise your hips to grind against him, clit rubbing against his pelvis, the full feeling has you seeing stars.
“Mpphh – stop, unless you want me cumming now.” He warns you.
You whimper at him but can’t stop grinding into him, he pulls his hand from one of your hips and pushes them down, holding you still. The way he can hold you down turns you on, you’re still trying to rut up against him though.
You whine his name, and he snarls at you, “hold fucken still, needy fucken–” Your cunt tightens around him, and he has to take a breath, his dick twitching in you.
He shoots you an angry glare, “I can’t help it,” you tell him.
He knows but he doesn’t want this being ruined because he came too soon. He lowers his body down and presses flat against you. Skin to skin, it has you preening, you wrap your legs completely around him, ankles connecting behind him. He sinks deeper at your movement and a guttural moan comes from deep in his chest.
Pulling his head from your neck he presses kisses all over your face before taking your lips in his again, kissing you deeply, passionately. Licking into you deliberately, taking his time. Then he starts gently pulling from you, moving in and out of you at a languid pace. His tenderness makes your heart sing, his pace is consistent, unrelenting, and makes your head spin.
Lips parting from yours he moves to your ear, whispering praises to you, “sweet girl – ngh – sweet cunt, tastes so sweet – mph – sounds you make are so sweet.” Soft clapping noises are filling the room.
The sounds in the room are a mix of the slapping of skin against skin and the wet noises your cunt is making. It’s making him dizzy, he’s holding back, being gentle and sweet, always trying to remember to be careful with you.
“Grandmaster – hah – harder please, I want more, want all of it.” You tell him, trying to encourage him to let go, to fuck you how he pleases. Like how he promised.
“Mphh – fucken, whatever you want, sweet girl – shiii” He kisses your cheek, before moving his head back a bit.
One of his hands braces behind your head on the bed, the other grabs your hip, holding you against him tightly. He spreads his knees slightly and then he’s fucking into you at such an unforgiving velocity it leaves you breathless, weepy moans and whimpers coming out of your mouth in a broken manner.
“How’s – hah ngh – this?” he asks you, smirking cockily at you.
“good, sogood – mph – always so good Grandmaster.”
He speeds up more, something you wouldn’t have thought possible, “never letting you go, mine, you’re fucken – ngh – mine now, sweet girl.”
You feel overwhelmed, his words, the speed of his thrusts, the strength of them, it’s making you cry. Bi-Han notices and laughs, “too fucken much for you? Mmph – look so cute when you cry.”
You nod your head, eyes glassy as you look at him, tears slipping from the corner of your eyes. His smile is filled with pride, he loves that look on your face, never wants to forget it.
Your hand is grabbing onto his forearm by your head, the other scratching at his back, the feeling of your nails digging into his skin has him moaning. He looks down your bodies, watching where you connect.
“I’ve missed the way your – ngh – little cunt creams around me – mph,” he mumbles out, words slurring together, he’s getting closer to cumming.
Your pussy tightens around him, almost impossibly so, “cumming, mm cumming – hah–” You warn him, gasping moans leaving you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckfuck – nghh – you feel sooo – ngh,” He’s cumming too, pumping you full of his cum.
He keeps fucking it into you until you tell him it’s too much, then he’s leaning down and wrapping his arms around you. He takes you with him as he rolls onto his back. Leaving you resting on top of him, his cock still inside you, both of your releases leaking from your hole.
“Mmmm, I’ve missed you. Couldn’t say it earlier, might’ve counted as sweet talking” He whispers against you.
Your heart leaps at his confession, “I missed you too, a lot.”
“We aren’t ever doing this stupid competition ever again.” He looks you firmly in your eyes, trying to drive home his point.
“Yes, Grandmaster.” You joke with him.
But he groans in response, and you can feel his cock hardening inside you, it has you blushing and tucking your head into his neck, hiding your face.
He chuckles at you, “Shouldn’t have deprived me, it’s gonna be a long night for you, sweet girl, I’m nowhere near done with you and your sweet little cunt.”
A/N: Oh mi gosh, 🤭 Bi-Han went a lil crazy in this. I make no apologies, you asked, and I supplied. And again I’m glad so many people enjoyed my first part. I say this every time but please if you want another part, or if you have any thoughts, feelings, ideas, requests, please reach out! I love hearing from everyone, and I am more than happy to interact with people.
Part three
One lovely @belle-oftheball34 asked to be tagged, so here ya go <33
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peachypaddys · 2 months
okay i'll be honest i packed my bags up two days ago in regards to buddie bc i had read the leaked scripts and saw the "brother" on there and then while watching previous episodes i noticed all the big buddie hints were all more focused on buck than eddie (but then again 90% of the show is more focused on buck than eddie. not particularly mad about it but i'd like more of eddie) and i thought that it's over, because i thought the writers never thought of eddie as queer in any form ever and he's a straight man to them...
then the episode didn't have "brother" and THEN I FIND OUT THAT RIGHT UNTIL FILMING EPISODES 2 AND 3, EDDIE was supposed to kiss tommy?? and have the sexuality discovery arc?!?
now i'm back more than ever. just the fact that in the writers' minds, there is a possibility of queer eddie is enough for me. now eddie is literally gay to me, and nothing will change it, and all i need is for him to realize it (aka for the writers to actually put the words down)... tim also talked about how he actually intended to write stuff with natalia but then the actress left and he had to come up with something for marisol... oh we were so so close.
i think it can still happen btw. the words used were "fell through" and idk what the reasons are obviously (many ppl think it's bc ryan doesn't want to do it and i don't like him either but the switch up being so last minute makes me think not) and i hope it's just that they realized they need more time to dedicate to this for eddie bc his character would struggle a lot more with any kind of queerness than buck (he's not as experimental, repression king, catholic guilt, mexican macho man culture) and that would need way more than like 7 episodes to address and delve into.
i am happy for bi buck and glad he's gonna get a good, romcom-esque arc exploring himself along with tommy (i like bucktommy too) but god, i just caught up on seasons 5 and 6 and it made me love and connect so much more with eddie and even if not for buddie - although that would be a bonus (and logical next step) - i need eddie to figure out himself and come out and finally be free and happy and follow his heart.
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ohno-the-sun · 22 days
Guess what? >:D I didn't realised that you updated the luca fic since last time I visited, sooo... here we go :3
‘Wh– bah! Where are you going?’
I love how he unconsciously switched to "mind communication" ♡♡
Precious baby
‘You were trying to drown me!’
Oh you sweet, innocent baby you!🥺🥺🥺🥺
I also like how Moon was like "I will kill this bi-" and then after he actually arrived, he was all worry, and no anger "shit, this dumbass will kill himself. I will cure him. I should help."
Love the paralell, that Moon hates his human form and disgusted by it, meanwhile Sun do the same for his siren form.🥺🥺🥺 my poor babies. They need someone to tell them, both is ok.
‘I don’t think being a siren is an infection. It sucks sometimes–’
😭😭😭😭😭my babyyy. He is so pure. They are both so pure. Moon got some answers Sun slipped...he wants to relate to him. And he is so concerned about Sun's well being😭😭🥺🥺
There is so much they have to talk about.
But in the same time, I can imagine Bright pacing in the kitchen. Hearing this strange noises and warbling as they speak with eachother😭😭 I am so glad this communication is mind-bounded, because if Bright hears any of this out of context...
“Hey Sun are you guys done in here ‘cause I have to get dressed and–”
Oh no.... here we go...
–"only to notice the very obvious fact that I was stuck in the bathtub– as a siren– who couldn’t talk."
Oooooooooooooh :000
Now I feel dumb. I thought they could speak still human too, but chose not to.
“I’m naked"
The laugh I just let out😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 Oh nuuuu😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
‘I mean yeah– we need to suck it to breathe.
Ba dam css! 🥁😂😂
I love their banters♡
‘What’s family for?’
😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺♡ the way I melted🥺🥺🥺🥺
I imagine Bright watching Moon walk out without a word, like "wtf??? Where is my partner, what did you do to himmm!! >:(" and then wanting to give Sun a bit time to recover (which gives Sun time to soak in the water and get dry)
I am still interested tho how Moon got there :3 ... did he... really stole a car? He knows how to drive??
(Next chapter)
"Sun had suggested taking the car to the bank, but considering it was just a block down the road, I figured walking was better"
Oh no😰😰😰
Oh ok. Sun is smart about it. Or as smart as he can be without saying no to Bright ^^
"Alright, Mr. Fredrickson..."
Freddy got a new job?
Or this is a reference for another freddy👀👀
Not the glamrock one?👀👀
"My heart sank at the thought. Maybe I had been too pushy asking about Moon? Or maybe I was being annoying, or maybe he didn’t love me anymore–"
No no no Bright😭😭😭 don't internalise it!!! It is not your fault darling🥺🥺 this is not a healty for you...
"But before he could, a horn blared as a giant truck rushed past us. A wave of dirty street water filled my vision."
IT IS HAPPENING.... khm... I mean its very sad :(
You got me good...
With the glasses...
You! >:( /pos
“Sun I am not in the mood for a performance right now. Could you please just use your words and help me dry my glasses?”
Oh dear... if he could, he would have done so🥺
"The rest of the evening was spent ordering out dinner and watching an old sitcom on the television. We laughed and joked into the night."
This is the dream :,) ♡ man... what I would give for such a peaceful night...
It’s fine.
I’m fine.
I’m Sun.
Her Sunshine.There’s no rain on sunny days.
just bawling my eyes out😭😭😭😭
I, as a doctor, prescribe Sun a platonic cuddle session with Bright🥺
Waaaa entyter aaaawawaaawa!!
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I always love your thoughts you noticed so many little detail ough waa im so happy!!
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drill-teeth-art · 7 months
i've only recently started coming to terms with the fact that i might be a trans man but. that im also still a dyke? and your bi-gender comic is resonating with me so strongly. thank you for existing in this world. it’s so so hard sometimes but thank you for existing in this world with me.
Not that this will be or has to be the case for you, but I spent a long time early on in my social transition to male being frustrated that despite knowing myself as a more effeminate gay man, most of the world would always stop short of that. See me as a butch woman because that is easier for people who don’t get it to swallow. Even if they didn’t say that out loud. And that frustrated me for a long time. Until I realized that like. Genuinely. I don’t hate being a woman. I even consider myself a butch lesbian. I just also am a transman. And I was mostly frustrated that the way both cis and trans people sometimes too stick to the very restrictive gender binary is what was keeping me from understanding that like. I can be both actually. I can be a bitch butch lesbian and an effeminate gay transman. I can be and I am. And you know sometimes that makes people even more angry than if I passed as male. But I don’t care, and I don’t have to. I will be myself forever. No one else gets to live as me. I should get to decide who I am even if others don’t understand it and don’t want to.
No one else gets to live as you.
But I digress. I wish you the best in figuring yourself out. Remember. It’s okay if you pick a gender label now and it changes down the line. Doesn’t mean you were lying about that label and it doesn’t mean the new label is any less valid. You don’t even have to pick a label at all. And thank you for existing too. I’m glad this world is full of endless experiences.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
So. first off - I your colour theory posts are amazing, they are the first thing I ever saw of yours and I immediately fell in love.
Secondly, I just saw your recent response re: your thoughts about 7x04 & 7x05 and am wondering if maybe things will make more sense, or at least be easier to articulate, once 7x06 is out.
Hi, first, thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy them 🩷
But, yeah, probably. Because the more data points on something the easier it will be to figure out what they mean. It was easy for me to figure out how to articulate all I wanted with my blue and green posts because the blue and green is being used since season 2, so there's a lot resolved for me to look at to figure out patterns. But this season, we are using new rules. Like, for instance, Buck being canonically bi, makes Eddie a love interest officially, so they have different rules being applied to them now. I think the show might be creating a whole new category of stuff there because we never had a proper triangle before. I have some theories, but I don't have anything to back me up on them fully yet, because this development is in the middle, so trying to write something now kinda feels like I'm trying to write a summary on a book I didn't finish reading. Everything about the season so far is telling me that Buck and Eddie are gonna get together but they need to figure out they are queer first. Or at least tell the audience that. Like, they have enough space to say that Eddie already knows he has feelings for Buck in some degree, in all degrees actually, they can argue Eddie from fully in denial to aware of something he needs to deny to fully in acceptance that he thinks Buck can't love him back, but they would still need to figure out a way to tell the audience that outside of Buck (as in not in a scene with Buck) so that the "Eddie turned gay for Buck" argument can't be used. Because I can't turn off the writer side of my brain trying to guess where this is going narratively while doing analysis like that, and I think, for instance the blue and yellow is telling me something on that, but since I don't think the show has used this combo like this before (and I hadn't had the time to fact check my current theory) I don't have a resolved plotline to use, so I'm kinda speculating on a lot more than just the pattern since this season is in the middle and we don't have the story they are trying to tell yet and I don't love going down that line alone. Like, it was fun writing about the sun within the construction on sunset theory, but I think the actual yellow/gold the keep putting around Eddie and behind Buck is being used for something more than that but I don't know how to explain why I think that.
There's also the way they are handling the blue and green thing this season, I can't tell if they proved me right and they have been completing the blue and green thing with other elements of the scene, since we had Henren in blue and green with both of them using both blue and green down to their shoes or the patterns of their clothes this last episode, we had bathena completing it with pants, we had Buck with a green coat and Eddie surrounded by blue things, even the date between Buck and Tommy, Buck usually is in solid colors, but his shirt was patterned where Tommy's was solid, or if they decided to expand this season and the shit I pointed out before are coincidences. The season being in the middle means it can turn in any direction, so I'm kinda unsure of what to say because right now I feel like I'm completely off base and that makes me not feel confident enough in what I'm saying when I try to write on 704 and 705, and if I'm not confident of what I'm saying, then how I'm supposed to convince y'all of anything? Does that make sense? Like I have more thoughts on 704 after watching 705, the same way both gave me thoughts on 701, but they still sound like gibberish to me so I know they will sound like gibberish to you, so I'm waiting and letting the thoughts simmer.
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spacecatsocblog · 1 year
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Concept for one of the main characters of Space Cats, Psyche!
Psyche is actually the first character I ever made for this story back in the 6th grade... around 8 years ago (omg I cant believe this story is almost 9 yrs old...)
info on Psyche (this is long im very sorry):
He is a jaded 35 yr old fighter pilot for the Felis Military, he does his job because he has to, as he signed his life way at 18 to become a soldier.
Psyche is smart and has figured out how shit and secretive the government is, but he has accepted that there is nothing he can do about it. He is pretty much always grumpy, he doesn't like to talk much, and he's short with most people.
However he is actually an amazing pilot and fighter, he's sure to rise in the ranks, as long as he doesn't lose his temper too much and reveal his distaste for the government.
Almost all soldiers in the Felis Military are assigned a partner during training in the academy. If a cat has family in the academy at the time, they are almost always partnered with them. Psyche very much so knew this when he joined, as he and his (adopted) brother Clvic joined the military together so they could be eachother's copilots.
Psyche doesn't like to talk about Clvic anymore... his brother is gone, and he's gotten in enough trouble for questioning his death. He refuses to believe the government is telling the truth, but as he knows, there's nothing he can do about it.
For the longest time Psyche was a rare lone pilot, refusing to be assigned another copilot. The government only allowed it because Psyche was one of their best pilots in the force, they warned him however that eventually he would be assigned a new pilot.
When that day came Psyche was assigned Tygam, a cat who had lost his hind legs in battle and had to let his copilot be reassigned while he recovered. Psyche was absolutely pissed about this whole situation, especially since Tygam is a talkative, cocky, idiot (Psyche's words).
However they actually become a great duo, Tygam gets Psyche out of his shell, and Psyche gets Tygam to stop and think before he flings himself at danger and looses another limb.
Other fact that I didn't fit in above, Psyche is bi and poly, he is mates with a molly named Silo who is slightly insane and a high end weapons designer (i love her).
Psyche also eventually becomes mates with Tygam as well and the three of them raise Tygam's orphaned niece as their child! In prev versions of this story Psyche and Silo also have kittens but in not sure if I will keep that this time around... idk 🤷‍♂️
Extra facts about prev versions of Psyche:
In the 6th grade when he was first created he was originally named Cycodelic Space Cat (yes spelled that way) and he was pink bec I had one pack of gell pens and they were all bright colors.
I am glad i made him tho bec his story has come so far, and if I hadn't made him pink the space cat species would look so boring.
Psyche was also a happy spunky guy when I first made him but now he's all sad and traumatized :p makes him more interesting hehe
Also in the first versions the government was chill and they were fighting space dogs, (I was a big fan of the Cats vs Dogs movie) but now the government sucks and the plot is about rebellion yay!
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Psyche, a alien cat oc. He is standing with his right side showing and his right paw raised. He has a tired, unimpressed expression on his face. He is a a slender long furred mostly white cat with pink patches of fur and green eyes. The patches of pink, are on the top of his head, covering his ears and forehead, and going down between his eyes, pink also lines his under eye. There is another large patch of pink on his flank and covering his tail. He has scars on his flank and the bridge of his nose, and they, along with his nose and ears are bright green. He is also wearing a dull green collar with a red plus symbol in a circle, a grey star and a grey bar on it./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a drawing the same as the previous one, but this time Psyche is wearing a bulky/puffy dull green jacket with red accents. The jacket has large bulky sleeves and a large collar, the cuffs of the jacket, the zipper, and the edge of the collar are all bright red. The jacket also has darker green thick vertical stripes, one on the sleeve and two on the back. There us also a large red circular patch with a darker red plus on the shoulder of the jacket./End ID]
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runawaymun · 1 year
Going off the question on bisexuality and pansexuality, as a bi person I also share the frustration of feeling marginalized within the queer community. If I’m in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender then people say I’m actually straight but if I was in a relationship with someone of the same gender then people say I’m actually a lesbian. Like, yeah, I hear the whole you’re faking it or it’s just a phase or you’re confused all. the. time. How have you dealt with it if you’ve also experienced this?
I think there just comes a point where you have to say "so, you're like, biphobic?" and move on. The constant feeling of being not queer enough for the queers and not straight enough for the straights-- of knowing that some people will never see you as queer if you pick a partner who is the opposite to you and you wind up het-presenting, or imo worse of picking a partner who's the same gender as you and then everyone going "ohhh I'm so glad to see you finally figured yourself out/stopped lying to yourself" gross gross gross
I know what I am. I know that I find more than one gender attractive. Even if my partner ends up being the same gender as me, that doesn't mean that I don't find people of other genders sexy. They're just not my person. If someone, you know, is coming into the conversation and they genuinely want to try to understand, then I usually try to frame things from their perspective. We don't stop finding other people attractive just because we found our person, you know? My playing field is just wider than theirs might be.
But if someone is being genuinely biphobic you just kind of have to go "ok boomer" and move on in my experience. Some people genuinely can't see past their own nose and that's their problem, not mine. I know what I like. They don't get to define my experience. It's just too bad that their frame of reference is so narrow that they can't imagine being attracted to multiple genders. What is it like in your tiny little brain? Must be so boring in there. 🤷
I just find it so mind boggling that in the year of our lord 2023 queer people are still trying to define other queer people's experiences and dividing over this lol. Nobody's cooler or more queer for being monosexual. I'm not cooler or more queer for being polysexual. We are what we are. I am born bi the same as anyone else is born gay or straight or aro or w/e. The people who get it will get it, the people who genuinely want to try to understand are worth talking to about it (everyone starts somewhere), and the people who refuse to think outside their narrow little echo chamber aren't worth your time. Queer people can be queerphobic. An unfortunate fact of life, but a fact nonetheless. You know who you are and what you want and what you like; other people's opinion of you doesn't matter. You really do just have to go "ok, so you're biphobic?" and move on sometimes.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
Honestly T stop saying everything I want to say just in a better way😂 my problem when people bitch at people bitching about the lacking of buddie saying it’s not the buddie show! It’s what you said. I live for the slow burn, but something has to burn, a character has to make a comment about buddie, buddie need to do something, even little, but they need to show we’re heading there, like they do with all the m/f couples, we can’t have nothing in 6a, and then something big in 6x18
(Always willing to be the mouthpiece for #controversial and #unpopular opinions. 🤭 Glad you're finding it helpful!) The more I think about the situation, the more I align with my previous comments and comments like yours re: the lack of consistency. Again, I am still on the "Buddie's going canon" side of the debate, but honestly...if I'm right (if we're right) and it was decided already, especially if it was decided sometime back in s3 (when the trajectory took a sharp turn in a new direction)...these people look sort of weak :/ Making Buddie a couple won't change or erase the fact that their dynamic takes a backseat in order to keep pushing the belief that both characters are straight/their relationship is strictly platonic. But given how the average viewer is watching through a heteronormative lens, it would take an explicit confirmation (words or physical intimacy) for them to figure out what's going on. The show is overthinking things, tbh. (Like I said earlier: Getting in its own way.) Why does Buddie have to be all or nothing, you know? Why can't we have small pockets of casual intimacy consistently, or remarks in the script - that, yes, could be played off as nbd in the media because they're not gonna give it up early - to suggest at least one guy has deeper feelings? I mean, ffs, we've had two moments where Buck has been alluded to as bi (Maddie saying she wouldn't want Josh to date him and TK thinking he was being flirty), yet the show won't even do anything about it because...Buck can't be #confirmed bi unless he gets with Eddie? What?
I don't doubt that the canon relationship side of Buddie will be handled with care as long as we've still got Andrew, and Lyndsey, and Coto, and Taylor, and the directors who've done wonderful things for them; but I also don't think it's wrong or disrespectful to say the build-up could have been better, could currently be better still. It feels like we're not gonna get legit progression until it's Time, and even though we as fans have been following along for years and finding "clues", for the average viewer...it'll be like reaching a destination and not really knowing how you got there. What "slow burn" m/f couple is treated like that?
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
for those who are unaware:
more of my screaming under the cut
ok so we’re starting right where we left off and OMIGOSH THE HUG I CANT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gus helping w the dishes is so sweet!! and amity omigosh this girl. not to mention camila is just taking it so coolly?? what am i saying, shes probably freaking out inside
is it just me or does it seem like luz is in shock? shes acting like everything’s fine, and not the way she acted in reaching out either, more like shes numb or something 🥺
hunter, bb, why would they hate you cuz youre a clone of caleb? that doesnt make you him. plus i dont actually think that caleb was ever a witch hunter in the first place. also, youre not helping luz. ily <3
why luz gotta blame herself, she couldn’t have ever known something like this would happen. and im not sure how time travel works in the owl house but id be willing to bet that even if she hadnt helped philip, he would have found someone else willing to be monster bait instead of her and lilith
‘we’ll tell them, when we’re ready’ girl that aint ever gonna happen. the way things go when ppl say stuff like that is that the thing gets pushed off until the characters cant help but slam right into it, no countermeasures to soften the blow. i am very worried about how this is gonna affect willow and amity.
ik there were some people who were worried that the gang wasnt gonna be ok with vee so im glad that they like her :)
well, glad to know that the philip-goo is, in fact, alive. screw that
gus nerding-out with all of the stuff in the basement XD (also camila why is there so much random stuff in your basement? 👀)
hunters little smile at gus :>
amity and willow protecting vee from the alarm clock, i cant- *wheeze*
willow looks so cute with her hair down i swear
gus, i love you so much for that, the rainbow and everything
their drawings of their families are so cuuuuuuuute (and amity not drawing karen HA)
(our first real look at caleb???)
idk what they were doing but the portal kinda worked for a second, before it, yknow, combusted
what even is that blob, i dont even wanna try to guess whats in it (THEY ALL LOOK SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES, MY BABIES)
amity’s look of wonder at the rain, my beloved <3<3
im so happy they got to have some fun after all the trauma, they really needed it
do i even need to say anything about luz and amity in the rain
luz’s drawing skills have gotten so much better!!! (dat trauma tho. the depression that she cant have everything she wants in one world. in the human realm, she has her mom and vee but in the demon realm, she can do magic and has her best friends (and gf) and eda and king)
looks like her palisman has yet to arrive :(
darnit shes back at school (i wonder how she figured that all out)
thank you for coming to my ted talk, now back to your regularly-scheduled reblogs
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theharrowing · 1 year
Hey babes.
Just wanted to chime in and share my experience with bi men lol (I found the anons take so interesting).
My experience is the total opposite of this anon, as a bi (somehow clostet woman at least). I’ve dated a bi guy like 6 years ago back when I was very ignorant and homophobic (I’m so ashamed of those days) and I thought I was strictly straight so I just rejected him. He then told me he had like 90% preferences for women only.
And since I’ve realized I’m bi I’ve dated few bi men here and there and they’ve all told me they had stronger preference. And since I have 0 chance of ever coming out lol I’m mostly open about it if someone brings up the topic so I’m always glad when I encounter a bi guy that is willing to be himself with me and let me trust him to open up.
So basically what I’m trying to say is all these men mostly told me that even though the women to men ratio wasn’t the same, it was almost easier to hook up with men. Men are easier and less complicated about these things and that straight women can be biphobic towards them (hurts me that I someday was that straight woman yikes 🥴).
Bisexual men are so precious to me and they deserve all the love and acceptance in the world. I’ll fight the world for them 🥹 and I hope bi men with strong preference for men are still valid and wanted and that they should never be questioned about their bisexuality and attraction for women💙💓💜
i think that, when we’re young and we don’t have things all the way figured out, we tend to be problematic. especially if we are grappling with our own feelings? when i was dealing with heavy gender dysphoria, before i knew i was non-binary (or agender or whatever, i still don't fully know how i feel in my skin and bones) i had some intrusive thoughts/feelings that i feel would have been transphobic. i don't even really know how to verbalize them, but i think it had to do with "passing" and "looking/acting" a certain way, because i had a lot of negative feelings about myself that i was projecting onto others (i never expressed these thoughts to anyone!!!!! i have always done my best to be understanding and a safe person for others. but the fact that i had these thoughts does haunt me.) and this is not to say that your experience is anything like that, but i think that for people grappling with these very personal feelings, there are often similar things going on.
going to put this under a cut bc my feelings are big.
gosh, it's been so long since i have heard anyone talk about their attraction on like a ratio basis, but i remember my ex girlfriend in college (the first time) making fun of me because i told her i thought i was "at least 75% attracted to women" alskdjaslkdjasljd like what does that even mean??? but i guess some people may look at it in terms of percentages. i am also interested in non-cis and non-binary people so i wouldn't be able to pie chart my feelings as easily. 😅😂
if we do speak in terms of mostly the gender binary, i think that bi men/amab who like women/fem-presenting people get the same amount of biphobia as bi women/afab who like men/masc.-presenting people, because i have only ever experienced it while dating men and masc-presenting people. and it's so so so frustrating like what part of "i am attracted to my gender and other genders" is hard to understand??? that includes literally anybody i want it to.
i don't know if pansexuals get this same kind of hate, but if you do, i am sorry and i love you.
BISEXUAL MEN ARE PRECIOUS TO ME. everyone is precious to me. cishets are on thin ice but if you show me that i can trust you and that i am safe with you, then you are precious to me too.
ALSO YOU JAZZY mentioned you can't come out, and i am sorry to see that. if you ever need to talk about anything, please dm me! day and night! i'll likely be awake!!! 💖💖💖
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Hello! I would like to request character match ups (romantic and platonic) for DC, Stranger Things, Marvel, Wednesday, and Harry Potter.
I use she/her pronouns, I'm 16, I'm 5'6, and I'm bi. I have autism, adhd, anxiety, depression, ect lol. I have long, brown, curly hair and hazel eyes. I'm an ambivert, I'm adventurous, funny, quirky, and quick-witted. I love to read, write, knit, play board and video games, sing and play instruments, and I roller skate. Some facts about me are; my favorite color is green, my favorite foods are sushi and tacos and Americone dream icecream, I often drink sparkling water, I love style (I wear tons of bright colors and am feminine), I love pop music (artists like Charlie Puth, Rihanna, MARINA, Faouzia), I love comic books, I collect DC figures, and I used to do gymnastics.
Thank you so much for even reading this!! If it's too much, I understand! I really enjoy your work and I hope you never stop as long as it makes you happy! 😁 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Heeey! Woooowie this is a long boi! Thank you so much for requesting a lot of matchups!!! I am so excited about all of these!! I hope you enjoy them! <333
Platonic -
Harley Quinn:
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🎠 You met Harley by accident, you tried to pickpocket her and she may or may not have caught you... But, she loved your style so she let you off the hook
🎠 You bumped into her a lot during your days wandering the streets of Gotham, Harley would rush up to you to say 'hi' or to compliment your outfit of the day; even one day asking if you wanted to join her for some "shopping"
🎠 Soon enough, you and Harley became best friends, going around Gotham and causing havoc or just watching Saturday morning cartoons
🎠 You'd cheer her on at the roller derby, wearing a jersey with her name on it; you are her biggest fan
🎠 You and Harley would gift each other things, such as clothes or random gifts that you both had "bought"; you would even knit her scarves when the Gotham snow began to fall
🎠 Harley even showed you the funhouse, and you had fun exploring the entire place; even playing hide-and-seek with Harley and Cassandra
🎠 Bruce the hyena absolutely adores you, sitting beside you in Harley's car and nuzzling your cheek; sometimes he even steals your food, so be on alert when you have your tacos or ice cream on hand
🎠 Sometimes when Harley meets up with the Birds of Prey, you get to come with, meeting Huntress, Canary, and Montoya; they were all really nice and even showed you a trick or two
🎠 Harley wanted to make sure that you stayed safe on the streets of Gotham, so she taught you how to defend yourself, even helping you learn some of her moves
🎠 You are so glad that you have a friend like Harley
Stranger Things;
Will Byers:
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🎨 You met Will in high school, sharing a couple classes with the shy and timid boy
🎨 You saw that he was recently new, along with another girl that he knew, you assumed his sister? Anyway, you offered the two to sit at your table with you
🎨 You found out the boy's name was Will, and later you found out that he liked art, D&D, and comic books; he was in luck because you liked most of that stuff too
🎨 Soon enough, you'd invite Will over to your house, play board games together, watch Ghostbusters together, and even try making a pie together; he quickly became your best friend
🎨 You even tried to help Will when his friend Mike came into town for Spring break, you realized something was going on between the two and you tried to make sure Will was alright, but you couldn't always be there
🎨 You did spend a lot of time with Will, El, and their friend Mike, even going to roller skating rinks where you saw just how... Depressed Will was; with Mike and El skating together, Will was the third wheel
🎨 Will was grateful for you though, knowing that you were a true friend, helping him with his feelings and any other issues he may have been having; not only were you a great shoulder to cry on, you were an amazing friend
🎨 You didn't know how it happened, but you were sucked up in the drama of Will, El, and Mike's past, leading to Will explaining everything to you; even when Mike thought it wasn't a good idea
🎨 Through everything, you stayed by Will's side, making him smile when he felt down and hugging him when he needed one
🎨 You are a great friend, and Will is glad he met you; you really showed him that there is kindness in the world
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🕷 You knew MJ since you were a kid, living pretty close to her and playing at the nearby park with her when you were younger
🕷 You immediately became friends, going everywhere together, parks, to get ice cream, school (it's a given), and even having sleepovers almost every night
🕷 When you both got old enough to go out on your own, the two of you would go to small shops and get tacos or even some sparkling water; before going to the park to eat and chat
🕷 Entering high school, you both stuck together as much as you could, sharing a class or two and eating together at lunch with Ned and Peter
🕷 You found out about MJ's "little" crush on Peter wayyy before she said anything, you could see it in her eyes and the way she spoke to him
🕷 You'd come to her place and vice versa to work on homework, even splitting homework in half to work on each part separately to save time; you'd both listen to music, such as Charlie Puth and Rihanna as you worked, both of you bobbing your heads to the beat
🕷 MJ loves to tease you if you ever get a crush on someone or if you do something funny, but if she goes too far, she is quick to apologize
🕷 Sometimes during "girls' night" at each either's place, you would both watch compilations of Spider-Man sightings, Batman The Animated Series, and even a bit of reality tv
🕷 Sometimes if you and MJ fight, it's not for long and both of you apologize for whatever happened less than a day later, whether that be she forgot to return that shirt she borrowed or if you accidentally used her favorite pencil (fun things like that)
🕷 You and MJ are two peas in a pod, best friends since your early life, and you both couldn't ask for a better friend
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🖤 You were friends with Enid when you met Wednesday after she transferred over to your school
🖤 Though you are a bit anxious with people sometimes, you go over and introduce yourself to her, saying ‘hello’ or whatever you feel like doing; she doesn't know what to think of you at first, but she slowly warms up to you
🖤 You both talk about sports, you ranting about your gymnastic days and Wednesday speaks about her fencing; though you have a few clashing hobbies and lives, you both get along well with one another
🖤 Wednesday even tries to teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow, and you try to show a pretty uninterested Wednesday how to make sushi; she humors you and eats it
🖤 When going out together around town, you passed some girls scouts, and you bought a few cookies, and you'd never forget the conversation Wednesday had with the girl scouts; it lives rent-free in your mind
🖤 Though Wednesday is pretty 'lone wolf' and again, uninterested in anything but the Bermuda Triangle, she'll very rarely do things with you like… Roller skating; she hates video games, but she'll play them after a while of you asking her
🖤 You even give her gifts, like knitted scarves and sweaters, always black or a dark gray; Wednesday would take the gift, a frown on her face, but you knew she liked the gifts
🖤 You and her really bonded with instruments, she'd play the cello while you played your favorite instrument, and you'd play together in perfect harmony; and sometimes, rarely, you'd goof around and have a music battle
🖤 You'd notice how close Wednesday and Enid are, a little mischievous thought popping up in your head; you were tempted to try and get the two together, even trying to convince Wednesday that those boys she hung out with were rude, but she is as stubborn as ever
🖤 Nonetheless, you two are great friends, and you're always there to "bother" Wednesday when Enid's not there
Harry Potter;
Luna Lovegood:
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🦋 You met Luna at Hogwarts, sitting beside her on the train in both of your first years; during however long the ride was, the two of you bonded, both of you being strange and peculiar
🦋 You are both really, really smart and love reading books and learning about new things; Luna loves to help you learn new things and you love helping her if she (rarely) has trouble with a spell or potion
🦋 You have both gotten good marks in each of your subjects, you’re very good at Herbology (you love it) and you’ve got pretty amazing Transfiguration skills; you could probably be an Auror or Healer one day, though you’d love to work with animals or dragons
🦋 You sometimes felt out of place in Hogwarts, but Luna always made you feel better because she was also sort of an outcast, but you were outcasts together
🦋 Because of her friendship with Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione, you quickly become friends with them too; even falling for a prank or two from the Weasley twins
🦋 Luna always makes sure that if you have been pranked by the twins, you prank them back, even though she is very peaceful and sweet, she will give you tips if needed; and when they magicked your hair a disgusting color, she thought it was fair that you do the same back (let's just say, Fred and George had red and blue hair respectively for the next week)
🦋 Your parents on year, for the holidays, bought you roller skates and you let Luna use them, helping her down the sidewalk as she held onto your arm; in a matter of minutes she could spin in circles and skate backward, (you felt really proud)
🦋 You show Luna some of your favorite music, comic books, and even your favorite figures you collected over the years; Luna always found them fascinating
🦋 She is super excited and happy for you when you get your Animagus, a turtle; and you are proud when you see her Animagus rabbit hop in the air
🦋 Luna is your best friend and you could ask for no other, she is your rock, someone you could always go to; you are the friend that Luna had been asking for, and you make her happy
Romantic -
Billy Batson:
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⚡ You went to the same school as Billy when he transferred to it, and man, you really fell hard
⚡ You had been friends with Freddy beforehand and when he introduced Billy as his brother... Well, you were in shock; (and in love)
⚡ You thought Billy was super cute, (emphasis on his dimples), noticing he was kind and really charming; a perfect gentleman towards you
⚡ Freddy teases Billy when he noticed that he likes you, and tries time and time again to get Billy to tell you how he feels; it takes him a while, but he does confess, after saving your life *cough couch*
⚡ You almost died, figuratively, when you found out Billy was Shazam; you were highly impressed, (though a bit jealous, you really wanted powers too)
⚡ After the... Seven Deadly Sins event, Billy finally asked you out for ice cream, but no, not at a shop or even an ice cream shop, but at 711; he got a small pint of chocolate and you got Americone Dream
⚡ You and Billy go on other dates, holding hands while roller skating (Billy is terrible at it), playing board games with him and the rest of his family, and even reading comic books together; your first kiss is you beat him at Mario Kart
⚡ Darla likes to thank you for making Billy 'nicer', usually within the hearing range of Billy himself (Darla is secretly your boyfriend's wingman, giving him advice, when he sometimes needed it)
⚡ You just love to make Billy blush, hugging him, complimenting him, running your fingers through his hair; his face gets so pink, but don't think he won't get revenge
⚡ You and Billy are the perfect match, Billy just can't get enough of you, and you can't get enough of him; he is the lightning to your thunder
Stranger Things;
Max Mayfield:
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🛹 You met Max when she was skating home on her skateboard and you were skating on the sidewalk in your roller skates
🛹 When you saw her flaming red hair, and shades on her nose, yeah... It was love at first sight; you literally did a double take
🛹 Thankfully, for you, she was single; you approached her at school, and that was when your friendship and the later relationship bloomed
🛹 You'd join her and El for sleepovers, reading magazines and comics, and listening to music; it was a blast
🛹 It took a while but you both confessed after getting ice cream at Scoops; it was nonchalant, as if it was an everyday conversation, though you both were blushing madly
🛹 You'd go on dates to the mall, make your own fashion shows, eat ice cream at Scoops, and skate side by side, hand in hand down the sidewalk; with each other, the two of you were on cloud nine
🛹 On rainy days, you and Max would stay in and watch movies like The Breakfast Club or Back To The Future; sharing buttery popcorn and chocolatey candy
🛹 After the end of Billy and the mall, you comforted Max as much as you could, knowing how broken she was; you held her tight as she cried
🛹 After Vecna, and somehow saving Max, you'd stay with her as much as you could, she only had some injuries but you hardly left the hospital, until your parents made you; you held her hand the entire time
🛹 You both make each other better, you make Max laugh and smile; Max is your rock, your anchor, and your heart
Francis Barton:
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🎯 You were part of the team when you met Francis; at first, you thought he was pretty rude
🎯 Francis was a bit hesitant towards you, and being your friend in general, but after a while, he warmed up to you
🎯 He warmed up to the point that he goofed around with you to a point, but overall he was his cocky and confident self
🎯 He'd confess his feelings to you though, though a bit shy, which you thought was cute; in the end, you began dating
🎯 Francis would try and teach you archery, helping you load the bow and shoot the arrow; you got the bullseye first try earning a kiss on the cheek
🎯 You are pretty quick-witted so sometimes you and Francis butt heads on certain mission plans, but you always make up in the end
🎯 He likes to listen to music too sometimes and secretly likes when you show him your favorite bands, singers, and songs
🎯 If you are ever feeling down, Francis will do his best in trying to make you feel better again, playing games with you, drawing with you, or even just talking to you; sometimes just him being there next to you helps you
🎯 You both like to swap comics, recommending certain ones and talking about them after you both read them; he really likes your DC ones
🎯 You and Francis, a match made in heaven, or cupid ;) (you and Francis are the best couple, always there for one another and making sure the other is feeling loved)
Ajax Petropolus:
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🐍 You had known Ajax in school, having a few classes with him and such
🐍 You first notice, besides his handsome features, that he is pretty shy, so you don't approach him at first; coming up with a game plan so you don't spook him
🐍 He's not really good at talking to others, having been told not to engage with people because of his powers, but he really liked you and really wanted to talk to you; so he does
🐍 You were surprised when he approached you, he was pretty quiet, but after a bit, he finally asks you if you want to get ice cream; of course, you say 'yes'
🐍 On your little ice cream date, he mentions that he doesn't want to scare you away and that he really likes you, but he is worried about his powers; you reassure him that you are not afraid, that you trust him; his love for you grows even more
🐍 Even though he is slightly taller than you, you help him roller skate on your second date; holding his hands as you skated backward, giving him words of affirmation as she wobbled like a baby deer
🐍 Really though, Ajax is a gentle shy giant, but with you, he feels more confident with you; he finds you incredibly beautiful, brilliant, and super funny
🐍 On one date, later in time, you introduce him to sparkling water, he tries it, he hates it, but he loves the smile on your face when he makes a face at the odd taste
🐍 Ajax introduces you to some of his favorite shows, and you do the same; cuddling together as you eat popcorn and pizza
🐍 Ajax loves you, wholly and completely, you are his best friend, his love, and his world
Harry Potter;
James Potter:
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🕶 You had known of James all throughout your years in Hogwarts, sharing classes with him along with having heard of his pranks with Sirius Black and frowning upon his bullying of Severus; at first, you didn't really care for him, but that changed
🕶 You watched him from afar for the first couple of years, but one time when you were in the courtyard, reading, he came over to talk to you
🕶 You were hesitant, as well as a bit nervous, and you were thankful that he came to you instead of vice versa; surprisingly, the conversation went swimmingly like a fish in water
🕶 You had thought after that day that maybe you had embarrassed yourself to the point that James would never speak to you ever again, but he surprised you again by stopping you when you were at Hogsmeade; you couldn't even believe your luck when he asked if you wanted to go to join him
🕶 You were a bit worried that James was only talking to you because of a prank or dare, but when James looked at you with those eyes of his... You felt incredibly special
🕶 James took you to get Butterbeer where you spoke about your favorite classes, hobbies, and foods; that's when James confessed, somewhat awkwardly, (he was trying to be nonchalant about it really), that he wanted to ask you out for a while, ever since fourth year
🕶 It didn't take long for the two of you to start dating, and James just loved you, almost clingy as he had his arm around your shoulders all the time, everyone in Hogwarts knew you were a couple
🕶 After graduating from Hogwarts, both you and James found a nice quiet cottage near a lake where you and James spent most of your time; your time together was spent reading, hanging out with the other Marauders, and dancing in the kitchen together
🕶 James always makes sure that you know that he loves you, everyday he would tell you how wonderful and beautiful you are; he'd shout it on the top of your cottage roof if he had to, and he did once; you flushed madly at that
🕶 You were so happy that you were reading in the courtyard, and you were so happy that James came up to you; you love James so much and you can not wait for the years to come
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wizardsgirl25 · 1 year
Loving the fact that my new job at a old-school farm and tractor supply store, where 90% of the clientele are old people, has 100% more LGBTQA+ positive and inclusiveness than my last job at a modernized fast food place.
I am loving the fact that of the nine people I generally work with, three are bi, two are lesbians, two others are polygamists, and I am the line Asexual but I don't have to explain what that is.
I am loving the fact that we are comfortable and feel safe enough to discuss gender-affirmation surgeries with one of my coworkers who is saving up for top-surgery rn, an no one feels the need to shh us or make everything "hypothetical" or about "this person I knew one time" or vague to the point of confusion.
Yesterday, a very buff older guy in a cowboy hat joked with his teenager about being glad he didn't have to try and figure out what dresses or skirts or makeup to get them for their birthday anymore, bc they were now a boy and were ECSTATIC to get books, jeans, and a cowboy hat of their own that wasn't pink or purple. Buff "Uncle Jake" then asked them if they were gonna go to that "one parade, y'know, the rainbow one?" As they were walking away.
Bless these country and farm-raised folk who have apparently embraced the "not my horse, not my problem" attitude that I adore. Bless this new job. And bless "Uncle Jake" and his amazing dad-style jokes. I hope that teenager with you goes on to do amazing things and you'll continue to just be like "aw hell yeah more good fuckin food", you country styled icon you.
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(Disclaimer: I tried making the ask shorter because I went on a ramble (it’s still pretty long sorry) and now the tone feels off, all of this is /gen and “trying to figure things out”)
Hi, different anon, but same “I wish no harm/discourse but am curious/confused” sentiment
I definitely agree that bi erasure is a pretty big thing in fandom (“at some point it stops being pro gay and starts being anti woman” is a quote I’ve heard that sums at least part of it up pretty well) and that m/f ships in Cats are often underrated, but it’s sort of bothered me that this specific point hasn’t been brought up at least from what I’ve seen
I feel like fandom is, among other things, a space queer people can go to for representation. Though queer stories have started to get more popular in media, it’s still predominantly cis and straight, so the fact that fandoms have a lot more gay ships doesn’t really surprise me. I know this still doesn’t explain why f/f ships are so much less popular than m/m ships (sometimes creators make unlikable female characters and sometimes fandom in misogynistic), but I kind of think that even if biphobia was completely eliminated in fandom spaces, gay ships would still be far more popular (even if it goes against canon), at least until the rest of the world catches up in terms of queer rep
I’m well aware that having bi people in media in m/f relationships is just as important and can be just as validating, but I think to a lot of people validation comes in the form of representation of same sex relationships
I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I know people like you and munku-collar are right about bi erasure in this fandom, but it’s been bothering me that this hasn’t been mentioned. Sorry if this ask has been an added stressor, I just feel like you’re a person who understands this topic very well and I’d love to hear your thoughts
hello, love!!
first off, thank you so much for being so kind and open with this ask, it really, really means a lot.
(i also just saw the ask you sent, and while yes, this may be a little discourse-y, i think this is incredibly important to put out there!)
before i get into this, i want to make sure that if anyone rb's this with added opinions/information, or wants to send me messages or asks about this, literally the only thing that i ask is that you're kind, and do not attack this anon, myself, or anyone else providing their perspective.
everything you said is 100% absolutely true.
i'm not going to sit here and act like only my takes about certain ships are the right ones, because that's absolutely not true in the slightest. it wasn't my intention at all to make anyone feel that way, and i truly do apologize if my last Platoria post made anyone feel that way.
like i said in my rb of my post:
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Cats is the entire reason that I realized my sexuality and became comfortable with it. this was the first fandom that i joined where m/m and f/f ships were some of the most popular and celebrated, and this was huge for me.
this fandom space, like you said, is so important for queer people, and everyone should be able to curate their ships in ways that they can be able to see themselves.
i think this type of discourse is very important in fandoms with multiple lgbtq+ pairings, so if anything, i'm glad that you've brought it up, and i'd love to hear input from others within the fandom on this topic.
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asexual-society · 1 year
hi!! so recently ive been questioning if im aspec but am also v confused. im 13-15 yrs old and have never had a crush on anyone irl, celebrities, etc. im not sure if thats normal or not but i am unlabelled so already being part of the lgbtq community has made me wonder if the fact that ive never had a crush is also related to something lgbtq (aspec). not sure if im aromantic or not but i really dont know how to figure it out. also whenever my friends mention s*x i feel kinda gross but idk.. help
Hey, sorry it took so long to get to this, I wanted to make sure I did a decent job answering it.
So you've not had any crushes! By 13, most (allo) people tend to have had some crushes, both on celebrities and normal people. If you haven't that could be because you're ace, or aro, and you could just be a late bloomer, but if you're 15 and it hasn't happened yet then. maybe it's not going to?
It's totally chill to stay unlabelled or questioning, you don't need to figure everything out right now, you're still super young (and it's fine if you stay unlabelled forever too, just to be clear). I can't tell you if you're ace or aro or otherwise aspec, it sounds to me like you could be so it's totally fine for you to try out those labels, you don't have to keep them, or even tell anyone about them if you don't want, just see how they fit for a while if you want, but it's important to remember that you're trying on a label, not putting yourself in a box.
I don't want it to sound like I'm discouraging you from ID'ing as aspec at all, but it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind. At 13 I ID'd vaguely and secretly as bi on and off for 3 years, I barely even knew asexuality or aromanticism existed, so I'm really glad you have those options to explore. Also, don't worry about the sex repulsion thing, loads of acespec people are sex repulsed, and tbh, so are a lot of people your age, truly you are not the only one, and it might even go away, or get weaker over time. I mean even I'm less sex repulsed now than I was a year ago and I'm in my 20s. It doesn't for everyone, some people's gets worse, but these things are fluid, just like anything.
There are loads of resources you can find online about both (I am currently riddled with executive dysfunction otherwise I'd link them here, but there are a ton already on this and other blogs, as well as AVEN and AUREA), don't knock the efficacy of Am I Ace quizzes if you want a more fun and easy way to get your thoughts in order.
I hope this helps, and if anyone has any resources that might be useful, please share them. <3
- mod key
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laminy · 1 year
Hello!!! I’m back with another rant lol! (Again I write at the speed of light, not always rechecking what I’ve written, so excuse any mistakes and typos!)
I am in the middle of chapter 14 as we speak and I absolutely LOVE Rami!!! The way you’ve written him is again, amazing!! I love how he acts and how he’s always trying to help Gwil. And I’m going to be honest, at first I was a little worried with how you were going to write Rami’s struggles. 
I know your first intentions were to have the story centered around Gwil and Ben (completely fine obviously!) but even with me knowing that, I was worried you’d write Rami getting over what happened to him and Gwil super easily. Or you wouldn’t mention any of Rami’s possible internal struggles. 
(Gonna be honest, I’m just “whining” about how I’ve seen other people characterize Rami when it comes to Rami being one of the background characters, and not the way I thought you were going to but I’ve seen people characterize Rami as like… “horrible”… if you can understand where I come from…)
(And obviously I know people have the right to say and do whatever they want, it’s their stories and whatever makes them happy, it just sort of hurts my soul when they characterize Rami as some super selfish and cruel person. I do tend to avoid those fanfics. Anyways, sorry for complaining about something that wasn’t even really on topic lol.)
But of course I shouldn’t have doubted you, you proved me wrong multiple times, making sure to input everyone’s struggles in the story. I’m glad you had the passion to incorporate more Rami and Joe than you had intended to do. I wouldn’t have minded it being mostly Gwil and Ben as well, I’m just happy to see the four of them getting the attention they deserve!!!
I again, also deeply appreciate Ben and Joe’s friendship and how they’re supportive of each other and for now their friendship has mostly been shown through humor and some small (but also important) supportive moments. 
While Rami and Gwil’s friendship has been mainly focused on their support for each other, a few funny moments (which are also important as well). 
Rami and Gwil’s relationship is more based on support I feel like while Ben and Joe’s friendship has been more focused on humor and their enjoyment of each other (if that makes sense). 
I can’t with chapter 11!!! Everything about it… I love it! I love how Rami called Gwil and Ben from the other car to tell Gwil how the car drives itself. Another important moment I really appreciated was how Rami brung up Roger and Gwil was hesitant about bringing Roger up as well. But then Gwil was able to bond with Rami over Roger. I really love that moment as well! 
I also enjoyed how chapter 11 ended on such a sweet note. All four of them bonding over a movie (luckily not bonding over “The Shape of Water”, c’mon Joe don’t be tryin’ to give Gwil and Joe even more trauma than they already have lol)
I really enjoyed Rami’s conversation with Ben about his sexuality in chapter 12. I really liked the fact that you created more situations with Ben and Rami which makes sense since Ben was the first person Rami really reached out to, in order to try and help Gwil. 
I also love how you continue to incorporate Rami and Gwil’s friendship since they do lean on each other as their main support. I really enjoyed the whole shopping trip since it was a good way to have Gwil and Ben interact more!!
I also like how in chapter 14 (as I’ve read so far) had Rami feel like he was “betraying his family” by not seeing them for now (okay not that I like it lol, I like how you wrote it and the way you went about it). 
I think having Rami want to understand and figure out one thing about himself before he “moves onto” another thing about himself was a brilliant way to show his thinking process and how his mind works. 
Again, I do like how Gwil and Ben are together going on the train (train I believe) and they have time to talk. Also the fact that Rami worried quite a bit about Gwil and also worried a little about himself being alone with Joe. 
Another minor detail I absolutely love is how you’ve incorporated small details of how the four of them look. Like you’ve made very subtle references to how their heights work. With you subtly mentioning Rami having to look up at Gwil and how Gwil has to look down to sort of make eye contact with the others.
Also the small nod to how Ben looks when Gwil went out on the balcony and saw how Ben looks and how Gwil thought Ben looked a bit like Roger. Love the small details! Incase you didn’t see my reblog (which is completely fine obviously if you hadn’t), I think the story plot is absolutely brilliant and pretty ingenious and not only is it super cool, but the way you’ve written it adds on to the amazing plot line. 
And like I’ve said, you’re an awesome writer and this series is already one of my favorite stories lol! But yeah update (sorry if my rant is all jumbled up)! Hope you have a  great day!
I'm very happy that I went against my first instinct to focus solely on Ben and Gwil because Rami and Joe add so much to the story with their friendships and their relationship. I definitely get what you mean about Rami; he's not always included in a lot of other fics and if I'd excluded him and/or Joe , I think the story would've suffered a lot for it.
I never wanted it to seem like Rami was over it quicker, or that he wasn't dealing with those feelings, just that he and Gwil were dealing with it in different ways. Gwil's happened to be more noticeable, but Rami definitely still has that sadness and anger and guilt inside him.
I always really liked writing Ben and Rami's friendship and enjoyed fitting that in. Joe and Gwil didn't have as many moments together but later on I made sure that people knew that Gwil and Joe actually do like each other and are besties.
I really appreciate it :) thank you! so so much. I love that you're reading it.
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