#Best Health Food
yiippii · 1 month
Nettle pesto!!
I have already confessed my love for vegetables and I will now do it again. Cause I just made “pesto” and it’s so nutrient dense 😩 🌱
ingredients + benefits:
Walnuts - omega 3, Vitamins B6 and E
Nettles - Vitamins A, K, C, iron, calcium magnesium and more!
Olive oil - healthy fats & antioxidants
Parmesan - idk lol
Lemon - Vitamin C
We didn’t have basil sadly, I don’t know if I can call this pesto really😅 oh well. We’ll live.
I just ran like 7 kilometers, my feet hurt🏃🏻‍♀️
My mom is making salmon for dinner which is also good for you, contains a bunch of healthy fats, omega 3, protein of course, selenium and vitamin B6 🐟
I hope all of you are fueling your bodies with good things!! Take care!!
Go outside as well!!!
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signanothername · 3 months
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Besties who know nothing of personal space and social distancing when it comes to each other supremacy <3333
Also can i just say how so very happy yet so very sad Okuyasu makes me? How can this absolute sunshine have such an unfairly harsh life??? LET MY SON BE ALWAYS HAPPY
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spacedocmom · 8 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Food shaming ought to be a prosecutable crime. I'm always proud of you for eating whatever works for you. Fed is best! emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 1:16 PM · Oct 24, 2023
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thelittlememebitch · 3 months
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sysig · 10 months
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Stop celebrating so loud, you’ll wake everyone up! (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
[Panel 1] Hater: *sigh* What a waste of my precious time. [SFX: beep boop!]
[Panel 2] Peepers: ...
[Panel 5] Peepers: YEAAAA
[Panel 6] Hater: QUIET OUT THERE!
[Panel 7] Peepers: Sorry sir! Hater: Hmph!
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friendofthecrows · 1 month
OK I need to talk about something unhappy (long post, but I have Something to Say):
(TW medical; TW weight discussion)
When I was in the hospital, not one but TWO nurses complemented how skinny I was. I was in the hospital because I was bleeding into my intestines due to a crohn's flare-up, and I found out while I was there that I was also extremely malnourished.
One nurse, while injecting a med intended to prevent blood clots, said, "your tummy is so flat and perfect, I feel bad injecting it."
...to a patient literally starving because they aren't absorbing the nutrients from the food they eat.
A common side effect of the most recent and popular class of crohn's meds (biologics) is weight gain, and unlike for steroids, this weight gain is mainly because of symptom relief and levels out over time. And yet, when you look it up, you find article after article about how to control your weight while on whichever biologic you're taking.
When I was 11 and I should've been gaining lots of weight during puberty, I started losing it instead, and when I insisted I had no idea why, my doctor told me I had anorexia. I didn't even know what anorexia was yet, and my dad tried to step in and inform her that I ate a lot. WELL over what most people my size ate. I ate as much as him, a 6'2 and heavy-set mountain of a man. So the doctor said I must be throwing the food up after eating, and asked how long I spent in the bathroom after meals. If the doctor hadn't already decided that my being underweight was a vanity thing, maybe the answer would've been a sign that they should refer me to a GI clinic. Instead, she insisted that I weigh every morning, naked, with my dad's supervision so I didn't lie, and that he check the toilet after every time I used it to make sure I wasn't secretly throwing up. This went on for a year and instead of gaining weight, I kept losing it, and faster. My dad brought up my obvious GI issues, but the doctor's advice at this point summed up to, "We don't know what's causing it if not an eating disorder, so we will just have to see if fixes itself." I got down to 69 lbs at 5'4 before it began to "fix itself." Though, I stayed underweight. I got scouted for modeling three separate times, and my mom told me I shouldn't make that decision so young because the industry is exploitative. I got endless compliments. I still do, and when I do sex work, how skinny I am is a frequent line of praise people tell me.
I decided some people are naturally skinnier (true, and I have a narrow build on top of that), and that since people liked it, it probably wasn't that big of a deal. It wasn't bad enough to look sick, after all.
Lying in a hospital bed trying to keep down an Ensure that my body did NOT like, only to be complemented on my tiny waist by the nurse that gave me the Ensure, it really just settled in.
There is no looking sick enough for people to stop praising thinness. There is no valid enough reason for gaining weight for people to stop writing fear-mongering articles about how to lose it.
I want to gain weight so that my body has enough energy to do things like "stay awake for an entire day" or "go for a 15 minute walk." If I do so, I throw away being desired (not entirely, but much of it). Ultimately, it isn't a choice at all. I want to feel like an actual living thing and not land in the hospital again. But it is absolutely fucked that our society makes it a trade-off.
And if I can indulge in some bitterness, I hope that every doctor who saw my thinness as a sign that my health was "not too bad" instead of a warning sign either learns and changes or dies of some sort of wasting disease.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 11 months
the heirarchy of good habits for feeding yourself when you have brainfuck doesnt need to be all at once at all and in fact is probably best not to do it that way
start by making sure youre getting enough calories at regular intervals to fuel your body
then move forward to making sure youre getting enough fruit n vegetables in whatever form you can
then you can start to worry about nitty gritty things like salt intake or cutting out some sugars or saturated fats or more protein or whatever you need to do for your health
its WAY more important to be getting all the right stuff first than be cutting things out with nowhere to go
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flameo-hotman · 10 months
My grandma gave me a basket to hold my granny squares in
Call that my Granny Square Granny Basket
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catastrothy · 9 months
im burgerless. fryless. fountain sodaless..... a sad existence
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prettyaddict638 · 7 days
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Tonight’s dinner 🫶🏽
Low cal sauce and chicken under the cucumber for protein 🙏🏽
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biophilianutrition · 8 months
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Health & Wellness
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spacedocmom · 7 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom It's impossible to "cheat" on a diet or be "guilty" of eating some foods or even to have "guilt-free" foods because food has no moral value. Eat food that works for you. Fed is best. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 3:42 PM · Nov 14, 2023
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grymmdark · 7 months
on one hand I'd love to run a tumblr blog for the cat shelter i volunteer for and think it'd be really fun and probably pretty successful
on the other hand I'd want to ask permission from the owner first obvs and i would have to admit to her that i use tumblr
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fortheloveofnutrition · 7 months
Hello nutrition focused friends.
I wanted to take time to post an update since I've been absent from this platform for far too long. I let life discourage me from what I love but I want to spend the next few weeks getting back into the nutritional swing of things; especially as holiday time approaches.
I'd love your feedback, but I think I'm going to continue diving into plant based holiday themed meals as well as grab and go foods. It has been my ultimate frustration in life trying to grab a quick bite from a grocery store (or anywhere really) only to find a sad peanut butter and jelly sandwich or an overpriced veggie sandwich as my options if I'm lucky. Seriously friends, have you seen the veggie sandwich offered at Whole Foods? It's $6.99 for a few thin slices of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and some sort of spread of on floppy wheat bread. Don't even get me started on their big salads. $16.99 for a big bowl of lettuce with a few sad toppings. In a world full of revolutionary plant based products, I feel like the grab and go crowd should have a few more options. Even Costco brings the disappointment as their grab and go prepped foods are almost entirely meat and dairy based. Sure, Costco had a quinoa salad for a while, but that's not a very exciting entree for a plant based person now is it? I will say, They do have a Mediterranean salad that's pretty decent though in size and price. Though I wish stores would figure out we can't live on salad alone. I would really love to see more ready to eat meals that aren't just over priced frozen entrees. Many of us spend all day running from responsibility to responsibility, it'd be nice to have some satisfying, nutritionally dense, options.
What frustrates you when trying to find grab and go foods for your busy plant based life? Are you dreading the holidays because your dietary choices aren't always respected or accommodated? Or maybe you just need some inspiration on what to make this year. Let's explore our options this season.
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