#Also that song came up in my playlist whilst I was out and I decided it was the perfect song to go along with this!
jamdoughnutmagician · 10 months
Beware Of The Dog.
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I wrote this little blurb about Fuckboy!Werewolf!Eddie based on this text post by @neonghostlights because the thought would not leave my brain until I wrote something about it.
Word Count:770
Masterlist Eddie Munson Masterlist
When he thinks back to how he used to be, he can't help the slight chuckle that rumbled through him.
Every night, prowling the dark streets of Hawkins, seemingly a new girl every night, as he smooth-talked them into his bed only to watch them leave as the morning came.
Stephanie Monroe, Katie Haywood, Nicole Prescott, Lizzie Davenport, even Tiffany Simmons to name but a few. He remembers all the girls names, cringing at the memory that he'd promise to call them as he ushered them out of his trailer door, knowing full well that he would never follow through on that promise.
Everyone on his pack had already found their other half, the one person who they would be with for the rest of his life, and here he was cycling through nearly half the girls in Hawkins with nothing seeming to stick.
That was until he laid eyes on you.
All those other girls paled into insignificance to you. In his eyes you were perfect. You were the one girl that he wanted. He was convinced that you were the one for him. His other half. His missing piece. His perfect and pretty little mate.
He saw you through the window in that small and quaint cafe, sipping on your hot coffee as you flick through the pages of a book.
This would be easy. All he’d have to do was turn on that ol’ Munson charm, and you’d be falling at his feet. 
Pushing his way through the door, the bell above him tinkling as he does, he walks up to the counter. He’d have to order something, it’d be weird to just walk in and start talking to someone without ordering anything.  
“One black coffee, two sugars please” he smiles politely.
He waits for his order, and sure enough he hears his name called out.
“Order for Munson!”
As he collects his order he sees you whip your head around at the mention of his name. Your eyes meet his across the cafe.
This was it. The perfect opportunity to put the moves on you. Time to seize the moment.
“Hey! Y/n, right?” Eddie starts as he makes his way over to where you’re sat.
“Yup, that’s me.” you nod with a kind smile.
“Hey, I’m Edd-” He’s just about to start introducing himself but you stop him in his tracks before he can say anymore.
“I know just who you are, Eddie Munson.” you say, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Y-you do?” He stutters. 
“Mhm..does the name Nicole Prescott sound familiar to you?” you ask him.
Silence fills the air uncomfortably. You take his wild-eyed stare and tight-lipped smile as your cue to keep going.
“See, Nicole is a very close friend of mine, and I remember her telling me all about this wild and crazy night she had with this guy who promised to call her the next day, but then nothing ever came of it.”
Uh-oh. Eddie starts to feel his heart beat quicker. He’s not used to things not going his way.
“That guy sounds like he sucks.” He replies, trying to keep his cool, but the flush rising on his cheeks isn’t helping his case.
“He does, doesn’t he? Nicole told me he was the most handsome man she’d ever met. Long curly brown hair, deep brown eyes that you could get lost in, and a few tattoos as well. Said he had a couple of bat tattoos trailing up his forearm.” you say nodding to where Eddie’s bat tattoos were on display proudly.
Fuck. Why did he have to wear a short-sleeve t-shirt?
“I know your games, Munson. You ditched my friend and now you're moving on to me." you smirk.
Eddie’s mouth opens and closes, unsure of what to even say at this point. You had him marked from the moment you laid eyes on him, and you were not going to bend to his will as easily as he had hoped.
“I’m not so easily impressed by your less-than-gentlemanly tactics, so if you want to impress me, drop the playboy attitude, okay?” you tell him with a quirk of a wry smile playing at your lips.
You finish up your coffee and close your book, and make your way out of the cafe, blowing him a kiss as you leave. Leaving Eddie more than a little embarrassed and ashamed of his actions.
He was going to do whatever it took to prove you wrong. To show you that he could, and would change. For you. Anything to make you see that he could change his ways.
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@sunflowerdaydreamer @xxhellfiregirlxx
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Say it
Bakugou x reader
Summary: Bakugou tells you he loves you
A/n: ugh the pacing is all over the place & its driving me MAD but i'm stumped on how to fix it so here you go (ノ ˘_˘)ノalso i'm realizing the common theme of hurt/comfort in almost all my wips & *cries*. established relationship.
The first time he said it, it brought you to tears.
Your entire body stiffened & you froze like you got shot, eyes wide as you stared at him. You barely registered the embarassed look on his face, how his face flushed & his ears turned pink. Everything seem to fade out, except for those words echoing in your ears.
"Oi, say som- are you crying??"
You blinked at that, only then realising your dampened cheeks.
Oh. You were crying, huh.
"S-sorry. I-i just-" you could barely choke the words out, your hands making useless attempts at wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing. Damnit. Stop crying. The last thing you wanted was for Bakugou to associate his verbal affirmation of love with making you cry. Your tear ducts ain't listening though, so you resorted to hiding your face in your hands, sniffling while you collect yourself.
You heard Bakugou mutter, tone softer this time, before you felt his large hands curl around your wrists to gently pull your hands from your face.
"Look at me," he said in that soft tone that you couldn't help but cave into. "Please."
You forced your big wet eyes to meet his worried vermillion ones. His expression soft, a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips.
"Hey, pretty," he whispered adoringly.
You cracked a smile at that, your boyfriend's face mirroring your own. His big thumbs wiping your wet cheeks.
"What happened?"
"Oh g-god, Katsu, its not you. I just had such a shitty d-day. Everything went wrong & i felt s-so worthless & my head got so lo-loud & i just-" you blurted out, harshly rubbing your eyes, before meeting his unwavering gaze again.
"I just really needed to hear that," you sniffed. "Love you, Katsu."
"I didn't realize it was so important to you," he said, carefully tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ears before his brows furrow in slight concern. "Did it bother you that i've never said it before?"
"Nah. I knew you loved me. You say it in so many other ways," you mummured, smiling up shyly at you boyfriend whose face softened into relief & adoration at your words. Carefully & gently he wraps his arms around your small frame & engulfed you in a hug.
"Its just nice to hear you say it i guess," you mummured into his shirt as you nuzzled your face into his chest.
"Thank you."
Those two words is all he says, but you understood. Able to discern the relief & genuine gratitude in his voice.
Thank you for listening to all the silent 'i love yous' he didn't put into words.
When his hand always reaches out to wordlessly ruffle your head whenever he passes by your desk in class, making you squeak out indignantly for messing up your hair. When he sneaks his eggrolls onto your plate during dinner because he knew they were your favourite from the happy wiggle you did in you seat. When he sits at the other end of the bus during school trips but slips one of his earbuds into your hand for you to listen to the shared playlist he made of a mixture both your favourite songs.
They were all little things he did whilst barely sparing you a glance, much less a word. Sometimes he worries his feelings don't come across. That he's doing too little, his actions too subtle & miniscule to convey the depth of what he felt for you. Yet, each time he'd always catch the small smile on your face, something shy & bashful & full of adoration that reached your eyes. He'd watch that little smile reserved only for him & he knows he's doing something right.
Words have never been easy for Bakugou. But realizing you've heard him all this time when he didn't say a word, felt the affection he tried to convey in his awkward actions, he decided it didn't matter how it came out.
You'd understand what he meant despite however clumsily he said it either way.
"I really love you, idiot."
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Baking Antics
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Pairing: Anthony Beauvillier x Reader
Summary: A rainy day means baking and dancing in the kitchen.
Word Count: 1002
Warnings: Nothing but does hint to sex at the end.
A/N: Beauvillier is one of my favourites. And I'm so glad I got to watch him play just after he was traded. Though the trade was a rough one.
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Today was a baking kind of day. A rainy day in Vancouver, how unusual. You decided that whilst Tito had a morning skate that you’d whip up a couple things. Namely, a couple of batches of cupcakes, brownies and your famous M&M and Oreo bake.
Natalie Miller had revealed that their eldest’s school was doing a bake sale when you both were at the home game the other night. Your love for baking was well known amongst the Islanders’ families. But yet to be revealed to your new team. You also loved helping out where you can. You hadn’t been able to bake since you and Tito moved to the city. Now you have the perfect reason.
Especially since you and Tito were new to the team in a sense. Since the trade from New York, both of you tried to fit in where you can. Whilst Tito was the bubbly, happy-go-lucky guy who could fit in with any team. Even if he had been traded to the Rangers instead. You were more reserved, despite your time in the spotlight. You were self-conscious coming into another group of WAGs. Scared of being the outsider once more. 
You got everything set up in your apartment kitchen. All the ingredients out on the bench with all the utensils as well. Instead of being boring you set up your laptop with some karaoke and even an Instagram live. On the app, you were popular due to being known for your time on Broadway and as Tito’s fiance. You started the live and watched people join. 
“Hey everyone,” You smile, seeing some of the comments flooding in. Every now and then you’d see someone comment a role you had done. “I’m about to start baking cupcakes and some different slices. I thought why not have you guys join. So it wouldn’t be as lonely. Maybe mess around and sing some songs while we’re at it.”
Shuffling your broadway playlist, the first song to come up was Defying Gravity. You quickly skip the song and apologize to the viewers. Promising to sing it later once your voice has warmed up. The next one to come on was Beautiful from Heathers. It was one role you had loved from when you were young, Veronica Sawyer. 
“I’ve decided on making a batch of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes first.”
You started to follow the recipes in front of you. Pausing every so often to read comments and interact with the viewers. While you waited for the cupcakes to cool down, you started on your brownies. Which were a hit, especially with Mat. You lost count at how many batches you made specifically for him. 
“Do I miss New York?” You read out, the comment catching your eye. You smiled sadly at the thought of your home for the duration of yours and Tito’s relationship. “Of course I do. Tito and I were talking last night about how we miss our little group. We even facetimed Mat. The boys miss each other. I miss the girls a lot. But we’ve settled in here. Made friends. You guys know Tito could make friends with anyone. Even a bear if it came down to it.”
The comments flowed. A lot of the fans were picking up on how you guys missed Mat. Majority of the comments were also involving quotes from Mat’s interviews recently. Of course you had seen it. Both you and your boyfriend had cried over it. Mat was your best friend after meeting through Tito. He always stated he was your permanent third wheel. Sadly, the trade chucked a wrench in that tricycle.
“Did you guys have any requests for me to sing?” You ask, trying to redirect everyone from the talk of your old home. After a moment, you pulled up your Spotify and started playing Satisfied from Hamilton. “You guys want me to suffer. I haven’t sung this for a while and the rapping will not be clean. That’s for sure.”
The music started as you started to mix the brownie ingredients. “A toast to the groom… To the Bride.”
You danced around the kitchen, enjoying yourself for what seemed like the first time in months. Since the trade, you felt stressed and out of place. Tito had done everything he could but there was only so much. The song transitioned from Hamilton to Moulin Rouge. Specifically Welcome to the Moulin Rouge. Nini was your last role before you moved to Vancouver. One that you fell in love with while performing it. It was in your top 3 roles you’ve got to play.
“I’ll probably start dancing at some point with this song,” You chuckled, already wanting to do the choreography that was still fresh in your mind.
Seamlessly, you continued with your baking. Pulling out your brownies. Making the icing for the cupcakes. Mixing the batter for the M&M and Oreo bake. In between you dance along to the music. Without you noticing, Tito had gotten home and snuck up behind you after you placed the finished products on the bench. He wrapped his hands around our waist. You jumped but the familiar smell of his cologne calmed you.
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?” He whispers in your ear, in time with the music.
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?” You respond, smirking at him.
Tito leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Oi, mon amour.”
“I’m doing an Instagram live,” You reveal, nodding to your phone. “Say hi to your fans.”
Without missing a beat, Tito grins and waves to the camera. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m stealing the star of your show. I’ve missed her after training and I want to cuddle.”
The pair of your big goodbye quickly to the viewers and ended the stream. You made sure everything was turned off. Double checking and triple checking the oven being off. After that, both you and Anthony retreated to your bedroom for some…. Pregame rituals… and his nap after.
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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catgirlforkaeya · 2 years
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various characters
headcanons of genshin characters i believe would listen to taylor swift along with their favorite songs and/or album
modern au
disclaimer: some of these may not be 100% accurate, it’s just for fun don’t get mad if your fav isn’t on here. i didn’t include every single character, so if ppl want i will do a part 2. also sorry if i picked the more “known”-songs, i’m drained from today and just going off the top of my head rn
a/n: in honor of me getting tickets to the eras tour today i decided to do this!! :D god bless my mom for sitting in the queue for 6 hours, i’ve been a taylor fan since red came out this is huge for me
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• starting off w my fav, of COURSE he would be a taylor swift stan. would be very vocal about it and not ashamed whatsoever. was def in the top 1% to listen to midnights upon its release
fav song: you’re on your own, kid + no body, no crime + wonderland
fav album: reputation + midnights
• i can definitely see him being one. he wouldn’t be as open about it like kaeya but he enjoys the music. his little siblings probably introduced him to it 😭😭
fav song: anti hero + innocent
fav album: midnights
• absolutely 100% a swiftie, not a doubt about it. when he’s doing chores around the house he’d definitely have a playlist of her songs for it
fav song: message in a bottle
fav album: red + 1989 + lover (he can’t pick)
• something about this man just SCREAMS swiftie. idk how to explain it but i’m right idc. he wouldn’t be a hardcore stan but wouldn’t just be a normal fan. he’s somewhere in the middle. he’d also def be a fan of her more up-beat albums, so like red, 1989, lover, those genres
fav song: all you had to do was stay + style
fav album: 1989
• this is probably ooc but idc he would be a swiftie, argue with a wall. kaveh yells at him to turn the music down but does he listen? no. and honestly good for him (he slowly turns kaveh into one too)
fav song: i did something bad + out of the woods
fav album: reputation + midnights
• lisa is a powerful woman so of course she’d love taylor. probably grew up with the music and fought for her life back in 2015-2017 when the world suddenly turned on taylor
fav song: last great american dynasty + tolerate it
fav album: folklore + evermore
• i don’t have much to say about my reasoning behind mona, she just fits the vibe y’know? probably also fought for her life alongside lisa
fav song: starlight + enchanted + the lakes
fav album: speak now
• same as mona, she just fits the energy. i can see her being like itto where she’s kinda in the middle of how much of a swiftie
fav song: wonderland + cornelia street
fav album: 1989 + lover
• a swiftie but she prefers the more country music albums over the pop ones
fav song: should’ve said no + the best day
fav album: debut + fearless
• at first she was iffy about the music because let’s be honest, rosaria probably isn’t a huge pop music fan. but kaeya and/or barbara probably played it enough to the point she made herself listen and liked it
fav song: i did something bad + look what you made me do
fav album: reputation
• a swiftie but she’s very quiet about it bc she doesn’t wanna get judged even though everyone around her probably also is a fan
fav song: lavender haze + karma
fav album: midnights
• same as keqing she’s quiet about it. definitely also listens to it whilst she’s doing whatever work she has though
fav song: paper rings + mad woman
fav album: lover
• how could i not include the music queen herself?? xinyan probably wouldn’t have any preference as to what type of genre she likes, so she’s happy to listen to any taylor song
fav song: the way i loved you + coney island + wildest dreams
fav album: any and all
yae miko
• i love yae but she’d be one of those long-time swifties who are honestly scary. not in a bad way, she’s just the type to have been there through every era so she’s considered ancient in terms of stan wise
fav song: midnight rain + the man + don’t blame me
fav album: lover + midnights
• also like yae, a long-time swiftie but not as intimidating. she probably bought extra tickets to give people who couldn’t get in because she just seems nice like that
fav song: all you had to do was stay + the great war
fav album: 1989 + evermore + lover
• in a modern au nilou would 100% create dances to taylor songs, probably posts them on tiktok and the dance goes viral too
fav song: dancing with our hands tied + this is me trying
fav album: speak now + red + midnights
• mona probably introduced her to the music and she fell down a rabbit hole and became a major swiftie. fought for her life to get into the presale for eras tour too
fav song: snow on the beach + never grow up + tolerate it
fav album: 1989 + lover + folklore
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© all rights reserved to catgirlforkaeya. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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balladtv · 11 months
ok. this will be fun but playlist for your life right now? with explanations on why you like them / how they related to you. (idm whether its 5 or 20 songs, i need recommendations and i need explanations AHAHA)
omg best question ever award. initially I wanted to keep this like ‘album length’ (max 15 songs) but we’ll see how it goes :’) also so sorry this took like forever I kept changing everything LMAO
track 1 — ‘the 1975’
being funny in a foreign language, the 1975
a pretty obvious choice for the opening song. was a toss up if it was either going to include the bfiafl version or the self-titled version — in the end decided to go with the bfiafl version because of the lyric “I’m sorry if you’re living and you’re seventeen”, because I am seventeen. therefore it was more appropriate to include this one whilst I can! like I said, I was undoubtedly going to start with a version of ‘the 1975’ because it’s the perfect representation and reset of the things that I love.
track 2 — ‘you belong with me (taylor’s version)’
fearless (taylor’s version), taylor swift
now the next two songs are basically the representation of my childhood. before I even fully knew who taylor actually was, I was obsessed with watching the music video for this song and I was absolutely in love with it. when I got older and went my own way before finding my way back to her, the amount of nostalgia I got from this song was insane — making me love her even more now. fearless will forever & always (pun!!!) be my favourite taylor album.
track 3 — ‘red (taylor’s version)’
red (taylor’s version), taylor swift
much like you belong with me, the whole red album was the album that I actively remember listening to the most when I was in primary school and actually grasped taylor as a person for the first time. madness to think how full circle I’ve actually come now that I’m going into year 13 (over a decade later).
track 4 — ‘roxanne’
outlandos d’amour, the police
this has been one of my top spotify songs for quite some time, and I first started listening to it because it came from one of my favourite films / musicals of all time — moulin rouge! my uncle also has the picture disc for this album (if my memory serves me right) so it’s also nostalgic to have that family connection to it, I always love what music is capable of doing in terms of relationships. it’s absolutely magical.
track 5 — ‘stuck on a puzzle’
submarine soundtrack, alex turner
I was introduced to this song through the film ‘submarine’ (richard ayoade) as it was one of my set texts for a-level media studies. majority of my class heavily disliked the film, but it instantly shot to one of my favourites of all time — the cinematography along with the soundtrack is some of the most masterful work I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing. the lyrics themselves in the song also just gives me that mellow feeling when listening to it (as alex turner’s voice itself is amazing). I’m also welsh, so watching the film gives me the same feeling as gavin & stacey, constantly picking out locations that I know and also sharing almost the exact same accent as to the ones in the film haha!
track 6 — ‘thick skull’
this is why, paramore
these next few songs I’ve placed in the playlist to sort of represent my long battle with mental health problems (which I’m very happy and proud to admit that currently I’m the happiest I have ever been since I was like 9 lol), and thick skull does that perfect representation (also whilst being sung by hayley williams, what more can a girl ask for). the sinking feeling that I get from listening to this song truly does feel like drowning in the best of ways, mimicking that battle that you have to have with yourself. from the slow start to the layered buildup towards the end, it truly does feel like an explosion.
track 7 — ‘i always wanna die (sometimes)’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
I feel like I am constantly talking about this song so I probably won’t elaborate on it that much, but from suffering with a personal loss that’s represented almost to a t through this song is why it’ll always be so important to me. from “your death it won’t happen to you, it happens to your family and your friends” to “if you can’t survive, just try”, anything else I could possibly say is in the lyrics themselves.
track 8 — ‘fine line’
fine line, harry styles
this songs included because it reminds me of one of my bestest friends in the entire world. although this doesn’t have the deepest meaning behind it, when we both went to a harry styles concert together, a group of girls in the row behind us snapped a photo of us hugging each other during fine line and it’s become my favourite photo of all time. I’ll include it at the bottom, so then this song just became our song :)
track 9 — ‘the crow & the butterfly’
sound of madness, shinedown
this song comes from one of my dads favourite albums, and the instruments in this song are just breathtaking. my nan also vehemently hates the idea of me getting tattoos, and when I asked her what I should get for her, other than being like don’t you dare; she said get a butterfly (with the most annoyed look on her face ever hahahah). therefore this song also reminds me of her :)
track 10 — ‘symptom of being human’
planet zero, shinedown
this other shinedown track is also included because one of the best concerts I’ve ever been too was on the planet zero tour. also, listen to this song and pay attention to the lyrics because it’s so emotional and the meaning behind it is insane. it really makes you feel seen and special!
track 11 — ‘i’m so sick’
flyleaf, flyleaf
this is included because it’s just one of my favourite songs of all time, and the vocalist on the track (lacey sturm) is just an absolute powerhouse! no other reason other than that hahaha.
track 12 — ‘aimee’
ozzmosis, ozzy osbourne
pretty obvious, it’s my name (and I love ozzy anyways).
track 13 — ‘funny how love is’
queen II, queen
queen have always and will always be one of my favourite bands of all time (as I’m absolutely in love with roger taylor) and queen II is just my absolute favourite album by them, and one of my tops of all time. this song reminds me of me first starting my vinyl collection and going record hunting for the first time, in which I bought first pressings of their debut self titled album and queen II.
track 14 — ‘all I need to hear’
being funny in a foreign language, the 1975
one of my favourites on the album that means so much to me, so had to include it for that reason. I love singing along to the track over any other 1975 song, and also getting to hear tim healy sing this live at finsbury was just magical.
track 15 — ‘sunshine baby’
in the end it always does, the japanese house
again, one of my favourite artists of all time, and one of my favourite albums of all time. this is my favourite song on the album and it just gives me vibes haha! some of my favourite flowing lyrics of all time as well, “the feeling when the windscreen wipers line up with the song”.
track 16 — ‘sincerity is scary’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
had to include this because it comes from my favourite 1975 album, and I wanted to include it because I feel like it perfectly demonstrates meaningful but satirical lyricism.
track 17 — ‘mean (taylor’s version)’
speak now (taylor’s version), taylor swift
again, a pretty simple reason (I’m running out of things to waffle about at this point, only so many times can I say I love a song) but this one goes out to all the negativity that people have tried to feed into my life, because they will never define you :)
track 18 — ‘i am the fire’
into the wildlife, halestorm
halestorm are also another band that my dad introduced me too, and seeing them live for the first time and getting a pick from a concert for the first time will always be a stand out memory to me. also, I love the message behind the song and how uplifting it can be!
track 19 — ‘i bet you look good on the dance floor’
whatever people say I am that’s what I’m not, arctic monkeys
this song reminds me of my other best mate in the whole entire world, who I’ve known for years. she’s always been a bigger arctic monkeys fan that I have and I am so proud of her for accomplishing everything she has today. although she’ll never see this I’m so proud of her! more than she’d ever know.
track 20 — ‘left behind’
plush (released as a single)
from another one of my favourite bands of all time, this is their newest single release. it’s hard, it’s heavy, and I absolutely love jamming out to it. a girl rock band all under 22 — sign me up!
track 21 — ‘girls, girls, girls’
girls girls girls, mötley crüe
recently saw mötley crüe in wembley with my dad, and it was so emotional being able to see his all time favourite band with him. this was one of the first mötley songs that I ever listened to and realised oh shit my dad wasn’t lying!
track 22 — ‘give yourself a try’
a brief inquiry into online relationships, the 1975
favourite 1975 song. means so much to me. the message is just the most important.
track 23 — ‘people’
notes on a conditional form, the 1975
ending on a complete high, reminds of the end of finsbury (the best gig ever) when I absolutely lost my shit and had the most adrenaline ever. really sums up the person who I’ve become!
so turns out this was actually insanely difficult — listen time clocking in at 1hr & 27m. but this genuinely just sums up me as a person, absolutely all over the place, up and down, leaving you thinking ‘wtf is going on’. I hope you enjoy, and if you don’t recognise any of the songs, I would 110% recommend them :) (also could u tell I literally had to cut down so many the 1975 songs and couldn’t just have it all them LMAO)
bonus tracks:
forget (ashley suppa), all dead all dead (queen), epiphany (mammoth wvh), over there (the japanese house), nana (the 1975), I couldn’t be more in love (the 1975), nothing revealed / everything denied (the 1975)
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earthtooz · 2 years
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ft characters: s. rintaro, m. atsumu & m. osamu!!!
a/n: pulled this OUT OF MY ASS like omg, but anything for inarizaki trio <3
warnings: fluff + swearing, they're all kinda pouty and clingy like 🙄 (affectionate <3 anything for them)
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clingy babie™
LIVES for cuddles
there’s just nothing better in his opinion and why would he need anything more?
if he could, he absolutely would cuddle you every hour of the day
on days off that you have together, he spends it attached to your hip, not wanting to let you go outside of a 2 metre radius
heck even when you have work, he will make the effort to walk or drive with you, doing the same on the journey back as he waits for you
just,,, so soft
you know how he fanonically has claimed arctic monkeys and the neighbourhood as his music taste?
expect some songs popping up on the cuddling playlist he’s made yes he makes playlists to cuddle w you
imagine him just humming crybaby by the neighbourhood under his breath whilst his hand is running through your hair- UGHHHH STOP i’m crying, shaking, throwing up-
also, he definitely doesn’t enjoy spooning, not as much as just holding you against his chest
you know that and sometimes, you use that to your advantage ;)
it’d been a long day, for both you and suna. work was tiring and apparently, his volleyball practice was full of weight training and plyometric exercises which he was telling you about briefly via text.
thankfully, suna was let out from practice earlier and you made a stop at your favourite bakery to pick up some pastries on the way back from work. you also took the time to make dinner together, which was the perfect way to end a mediocre day.
eventually, it came time to get ready for bed. your boyfriend was already underneath the covers, waiting for your presence beside him as you finished up your nightly routine.
he was growing more and more impatient the longer he had to wait without you underneath the covers, only to be betrayed when you finally climbed under and faced your back towards him.
'how absolutely despicable of you,' he thought in exaggerated bewilderment, before shuffling over to close the gap, a hand coming to your hip to turn you around gently.
now that you’re face to face, you can almost see a pout tracing along his features.
“hey,” you whispered.
“hey?” he mocked, scrunching his nose.
a small smirk pulled at your lips as you two unintentionally entered a staring match.
“what’s up?” you asked innocently, and he narrows his eyes at you.
the playfulness you were currently feeling occurred suddenly, and it just so happened that suna was a man who wasn’t willing to give up when it came to cuddles, so, without another breath wasted, you mutter a soft ‘goodnight’ before turning away from him.
the black-haired stares in shock as your back faces him once more and you hear him scoff.
“stop doing that,” he pleads before turning you around once more, bringing you closer to his body.
you laughed softly and the small action makes him smile a little, the corners of his lips twitching upwards as he adores you. it falls just as quickly when you turn away, again, “it’s comfortable this way.”
“that’s like saying you don’t love me anymore,” huffs suna quietly. the dip in the bed behind you lessens and the sheets rustle as he rises from the mattress, climbing over you to invade your half of the bed.
“that was just unnecessary,” you muttered.
he grins at the small gesture, heart skipping a beat when your fingers gently brush the hair that’s fallen in front of his face, and it’s even better when your hands remain on his cheeks. he feels even closer to you this way, and there’s nothing he likes better. “i just wanna cuddle you,” he responds.
suna fixes the blankets before pulling you closer to him. the middle blocker holds you in a way that screamed ‘go on then, turn around, try me.’
you decide to leave a soft kiss to his chin and he subconsciously pulls you even closer, tucking your head underneath his.
“goodnight, rin.”
he’s blessed.
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pls- he’d be so dramatic about it.
whiny ass bitch 🙄 (lovingly)
when you want cuddles, he always makes you work for it
like, disrespectfully, go away
so it’s perfect payback when he becomes the one feeling clingy and desperate for an ounce of affection
“y/n,” atsumu’s voice would whine loudly from the bedroom as you’re fixing a smoothie in the kitchen. so, curiously, you go over to check out what he wants since he must’ve just woken up.
you were correct, as he remains in bed, sitting against the headboard and waiting for your arrival.
his face lights up when he sees you.
“what’s up? i’m just making something right now,” you asked, walking over to him in bed.
atsumu makes grabby hands as you approach, taking hold of your wrist when you’re close enough to bring up to his lips.
“spend the morning with me in bed?” he questions innocently against your skin. you sigh, shaking your head, gently slipping out of his grasp.
“that’s all?”
you might as well just have punched him in the heart, because that’s what he feels like at the moment
you tell him you’re making his favourite smoothie, gently urging for him to get out soon
a smoothie’s not as good as cuddling, he insists as you walk out of the bedroom
you hear his complaints, even over the loud whirring of the blender
throughout the day, he tries to get your attention somehow
whether it’s approaching behind you and draping himself over your figure, tugging gently at your shirt or looking like a dejected puppy who just got kicked, you manage to ignore him
it’s like a stab to his heart every time you ask him what’s wrong
he just wants you to love him </3
he’s had enough of it by 5pm
you’re lying on the couch, head rested on a pillow as you read a book, eyes scanning the pages before you, too engrossed to see the faux-blond approach
atsumu basically flops over you, finally seeing this chance to cuddle, and you laugh breathlessly as he crushes you with his weight
“why’d you feel the need to do that?” you jokingly muttered as your boyfriend crawls closer to your face, fitting underneath your book as your hands rest it on his back.
“i miss ya,” he whispers, nuzzling into your neck. “and ah’m tired.”
“take a nap, i’ll be here.”
he hums happily, a victorious smile gracing his features as he wraps his arms around you, encasing you in his embrace. he finds sanctuary in your collarbone, letting out a sigh of contentment as he melts into you, placing a small kiss on your skin without realising it.
then, he hears the crinkling of paper, feeling your hands move off his back for a second and he’s had enough. clumsily, atsumu grabs for your book before throwing it across the room, meeting the wall roughly before falling flat on the floor.
“pay attention to me,” he whines.
you sigh, softening before snaking your hands up to his hair and your boyfriend relaxes into your touch immediately. “better?”
“you’re so stupid, you didn’t even bookmark my page.”
“yer loving boyfriend’s missed ya all day and first thing ya do is call him stupid?”
“he makes it too easy.”
atsumu huffs, resting even more of his body weight on your body. “no need to be cruel, you big baby,” you muttered, “you’re actually going to crush me.”
“goodnight, i’m going ta sleep.”
“’tsumu- please move.”
he huffs, shifting himself so that only half of his weight was over you, “yer being mean.”
“this is what it’s like dating you.”
“but i love ya.”
“mmm, do you?”
“more than anythin’ in the world.”
“whatever,” you say with a gentle smile, still carding your hands through his hair. “take a nap, ‘tsumu.”
“be here with me when ah wake up.”
“of course.”
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not as much of a cuddle fiend as his brother or suna
plus he doesn’t have enough time to lounge around like either of them
physical touch is also just not prominent in his love language, and if he is showing you physical affection, he prefers smaller actions of intimacy, kisses on the forehead, side-hugs, sharing a milkshake together, etc
omg pls imagine sharing a milkshake w osamu, crying rn
that doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy a good cuddling session here and there <3 but because of how scarce you actually get to lie in this man’s embrace, you would never purposefully ‘ignore’ him
the relentless tapping of your fingers along your keyboard tells osamu that you’re quite preoccupied with something that wasn’t his business, and it’s not like he was intrigued with whatever it was.
but he was intrigued to know why the laptop was hoarding more of your attention than he was.
in a weak attempt to pry you away, osamu approaches with a glass of water which he sets down nearby. you give him a small smile at the thoughtful gesture.
“what are ya working on?” he asked curiously, seeing the document you had open and the many words you’ve typed out.
“it’s nothing, just a pain in my ass,” you huffed, going back to the screen. the grey-haired frowns, crossing his arms over his chest.
“how much longer?”
“i don’t know, i’m sorry.”
he pouts, and you chuckle at the sight, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek.
“it’ll be okay, i’m all yours when i’m done.”
“good, ‘cause i miss ya.”
“awww, ‘samu missing me? oh how honoured i am,” you joked.
sometimes when you’re busy and don’t have time, he has no complaints just existing whilst clinging to you
will 100% play w your hair if he does this <3
okay when did this turn into a cuddling w osamu hc
when you’re not preoccupied with important business, osamu has no problem clinging on to you
he likes to just exist with you sometimes, you being the only person he’d let into his personal bubble
you ignore the world together,,, until you actually need to go somewhere
“let’s stay in tonight,” osamu mutters against your neck, his taller figure embracing yours and pulling you closer as he readjusts the blanket to cover the two of you better. you gently trace circles on his arms that held you to him.
"'samu, we can't," you said, voice soft and gentle, "we made that reservation together and we promised your friend that we'd show up to their restaurant tonight."
the grey-haired rolls his eyes, groaning, "doesn't matter, is there something wrong with spendin' time with my lover?"
"it's not like i'm leaving you alone or anything, big baby- in fact, we planned this as a date."
he tightens his arms around your waist, "but i've missed you and i wanna cuddle."
"i've missed you too, 'samu, but tonight is important. it won't take very long either, we'll go in there, have a nice dinner, maybe get dessert and leave! then you can have me for the rest of the night."
osamu lets go of you with a heavy, reluctant sigh, "fine."
it doesn't help that he's all over you for the entire night, complimenting your outfit and how incredible you look (you made an attempt to dress up because the place you were going to was rather high end) every few minutes, unable to keep his hands off you for long.
you put up with it for the night as osamu gazes lovingly at you, but dinner and dessert could not have been any slower with his behaviour, reminding you every few minutes of how badly he wanted to leave and cuddle in bed.
true to his word, the second you're back home and relaxed in comfortable clothes, osamu is tackling you to the mattress and encaging you there for the next few hours. the night was still young after all.
have fun!
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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It’s Me Or Her? - Part One
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N: I’ve had this idea buzzing around my head for a little bit but don’t worry there will be a part 2
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Yo Y/L/N” Sonny grinned appearing in the doorway of your cage.
“What” you glared looking up from your phone, you knew what he was going to say.
“You haven’t told me if you are going to the bbq tomorrow” he smirked, leaning against the metal. “So you coming or what?”
“I don’t have a choice do I?” You asked.
“Nope I was just being polite asking, if I have to come to your house and kidnap you I will” he grinned.
“Will she be there?” You hissed.
“Well considering she is Clay’s girlfriend and it’s our before deployment bbq yes she will” Sonny nodded, he knew just how much you hated her, and he also knew that ever since she got with Clay you felt like you lost your best friend and also he knew about your feelings for him.
“Great” you said sarcastically, moving your gaze to the door as the rest of the team strolled in.
“Watch out lads, Princess is in a mood today” Sonny laughed quickly changing the subject.
“When isn’t she” Ray winked as he fist bumped you before going to his cage.
“You might be 2IC Perry but I will drop you like a lead balloon” you smiled innocently.
“What’s up?” Clay asked standing where Sonny was just moments ago.
“Nothing, I'm just peachy,” you said, rolling your eyes as you stood up. “Anyway, what do you care?”
“Because you’re my friend” he said with a sad smile on his face.
“Yeah friend” you scoffed barging past him and headed for the door.
“Oi moody where are you going” Jase shouted as you hand touched the handle.
“For a piss and a smoke” you snapped. “Don’t worry I will be back in time for training”
It took Bravo team a while to adjust to having a female on the team but they eventually came around so they all knew how to handle your moods but they were getting a bit concerned with the tension that was bubbling away under the surface between you and Clay. Jase sighed as he pulled Sonny to the side.
“I’m guessing it’s something to do with tomorrow” he whispered.
“Yeah, we are gonna have to keep an eye on her make sure she doesn’t flip out” Sonny whispered.
“Maybe her and Clay need to have it out before we leave, otherwise it’s gonna be a long 3 months” Jase sighed.
“Either way I have a feeling there’s gonna be a fight tomorrow” Sonny whispered. “It’s really starting to get to her now even though she tries not to show it is”
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“I actually thought I was going to have to kidnap you” Sonny laughed as he pulled you into a hug.
“Yeah well I considered bailing but things could get interesting” you laughed grabbing a beer out of the cool box, as you brought the bottle to your lips Jase draped his arm over your shoulder.
“I hope you are gonna be on your best behaviour tonight” he smirked.
“I mean when do I ever behave Jase” you smirked looking up at him.
“Just don’t start any fights, okay” he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“No promises” you shrugged, wiggling out of his grasp to go find Cerberus.
The moment you flopped onto the grass you saw Clay and Jenny walk into the garden, you didn’t realise you growled until Cerberus nuzzled his snout against your cheek.
“I know buddy” you whispered kissing his nose. You really didn’t see what Clay saw in her, she wasn’t the type of person to hang around with rowdy tier one operators, in fact she was the person to date one just so say she dated a Seal. I mean who wears six inch stilettos to a god damn bbq.
All you wanted to do was punch her in the face, but you knew everyone would be keeping tabs on you tonight so you decided to stay out the way, the way you were feeling right now it was the safe option.
Your peace didn’t last long as Sonny came over and literally flung you over his shoulder.
“I swear to god I will stab you asshole” you growled as he carried you through the garden.
“Stop being an unsociable demon then” he laughed dropping your on your ass in the middle of the group.
“You better sleep with one eye open in J-Bad” you growled looking up at him “I’m coming for you Sonny Quinn”
“Give it your best shot Princess” he winked before going back to the grill.
Sighing in defeat you pulled your phone out , connecting it to Blackburn’s outdoor surround system, scrolling through your playlist you were looking for one song, a song that you knew would cause shit but you needed a good fight. Standing to your feet you went to join Jase, Ray and Sonny around the grill whilst pressing play on the song.
Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend (That's right) No way, no way, I think you need a new one. Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend. Hey, hey, you, you, I know that you like me. No way, no way, you know it's not a secret. Hey, hey, you, you, I want to be your girlfriend
“Please tell me you didn’t just put this song on” Jase sighed as he realised the song you put on that was now blasting out loud.
“Don’t know what you are on about” you shrugged “I just put my playlist on shuffle”
“Give me strength” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Dude it’s just a song chill out” you laughed.
“Yes but it’s the meaning behind the song and you know it” Ray sighed.
You're so fine, I want you mine, you're so delicious. I think about you all the time, you're so addictive. Don't you know what I can do to make you feel alright? (Alright, alright, alright, alright)
“Look I’m not going to do anything so chill out” you nodded looking around the garden, making eye contact with Clay. You always had flirty banter with him until he got with Jenny, she instantly took a disliking to you, didn’t like how close you were with Clay. Your eyes were still locked as you sang along with the song. “Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious. And hell yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess. I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right”
In a way this was your way of admitting your true feelings to him, it was ironic that you wasn’t afraid of being the first person through the door but when it came to your feelings that scared the fuck out of you.
She's like so whatever. You could do so much better. I think we should get together now. And that's what everyone's talking about. Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend. No way, no way, I think you need a new one. Hey, hey, you, you, I could be your girlfriend. Hey, hey, you, you, I know that you like me. No way, no way, you know it's not a secret. Hey, hey, you, you, I want to be your girlfriend
“Whatever happens you have my six right?” You asked looking up at the boys.
“You know we always do” Ray said, squeezing your shoulder. “Just don’t do anything stupid”
“Come on this is me we are on about Ray” you laughed sipping your beer, watching how Jenny realised you and Clay were still holding eye contact across the garden and you could literally see steam coming out of her ears. “But if she wants to start fucking let her”
“That’s what I’m worried about” he sighed “we don’t need you banged up for this deployment”
“When do I ever lose a fight” you winked before going to mingle with the rest of the team.
The boys couldn’t take their eyes off Clay and Jenny, just waiting for the moment it popped off so they could intervene.
“Deployment is going to be fun” Sonny said with sarcasm laced in his voice.
In a second, you'll be wrapped around my finger. 'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better. There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second, you'll be wrapped around my finger. 'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better. There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Before you knew it you felt someone pulling your hair making you scream at the sudden contact. That was it, you saw red, you ignored the pain from Jenny’s grip on your hair as you managed to get out of her hold, without even thinking your fist connected with her face, so hard you felt it crack making your smirk.
“Don’t ever try to sneak attack a Seal bitch” you spat as she clutched her nose.
“Y/N what the fuck” Clay snapped rushing to Jenny’s aid, “you fucking broke her nose”
“Oh did I?” You shrugged, rolling your eyes.
“The fuck has gotten into you recently, this isn’t you” Clay shouted as Trent took Jenny to go see to her nose.
“Oh that’s fucking rich coming from you” you growled, squaring you with Clay with your fists balled at your side.
“I don’t know what youre talking about” Clay growled back, your bodies pressed together.
“Well how about ever since you got with her , you never hang with the team anymore, you bail on us all the goddamn time. Or how about when I needed my best friend because I was having a hard time with some news I got but you blew me off because you had plans with her” you screamed as the hot tears ran down your cheeks. “Or when the weight of the last fucking op was near enough crushing me to the point I nearly left the fucking team, you didn’t even notice because you are never around. So much for being my best friend and having my six”
“Come one Y/L/N” Jase said in your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you away from Clay.
“I didn’t know” Clay said, softening his tone.
“Like I said it’s because you are never around” you screamed as you thrashed in Jason’s grip. As Jenny appeared next to Clay, wrapping her hand around his arm. “You know I was moments away from spilling my heart out to you last deployment but stopped myself because you’d never feel anything for your best friend despite the years of flirting”
“Baby she’s just jealous” Jenny whined.
“Bitch I can show you jealous if you want” you growled as Jase picked you up taking you further away from the situation.
“Walk it off” he snapped as he put you on the ground.
“Why should I?” You snapped.
“Just fucking walk it off Y/N” Jase snapped before dropping his tone. “Please just go calm down”
“Fine” you huffed grabbing the bottle of whiskey off the side when he let you go.
As you were taking yourself for a walk to try and calm down you heard Jenny ask Clay a question that you weren't sure if you wanted to know the answer to so you started sprinting to get as far away from them as possible.
“You gotta choose Clay, it’s me or her?”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace
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moonandsunwoo · 3 years
permission to dance. e.s
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# — pairing: eric sohn x reader
# — genre: fluff, IdolAU, established relationship
# — warnings: none, just clingy bf!eric
# — listen to: permission to dance by BTS
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♡ requested by the sweet @mingiandbaconjam ! Thank you so much for you lovely lovely ask, I hope you like this! Have a nice day! ♡
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When you entered the practice room, you felt like a wall hit you. A very comfy wall, dressed in baggy clothes and a quite nice smelling wall but a wall none the less.
“I missed you so much.” Eric, formerly known as that very wall, mumbled against the crock of you neck, giving you approximately two and a half seconds to catch your breath before pulling you even tighter.
“Hello to you to babe.” Your voice was swallowed up by his oversized shirt but Eric didn’t seem to mind. He just relaxed in your arms for a moment, dramatically sighing when you moved back a bit.
“Damn you act like we didn’t see each other for months.” You laughed, letting your hands drop from hugging his chest into his hands. Eric just shrugged, a tiny smirk tugging on his lips.
“I mean, that’s how it does feel sometimes. Most times, especially when I’m conscious.” He shot you a cheeky wink before you swatted his arm lightly, pulling him down momentarily to press your lips to his.
Eric helped you put away your bag and dimmed the lighting a bit, nodding towards the lose AUX chord.
“Any specifics you wanna practice today?” he asked, pushing an abandoned water bottle to the side before grabbing two fresh ones from the minifridge. You shrugged, connecting your phone to the speakers.
“Nothing specific really…we don’t have a stage coming up or anything. And even if we had,” you gave him a small grin, “I wouldn’t be the one to spoil it.” Eric gripped his chest in mock pain, throwing you a pained glance.
“Not even to your boyfriend? The one providing you with free hugs and food?” you shook your head.
“Nope. And your heart is on the other side, you idiot.” he just waved it off, walking up on you before dramatically pulling you into his chest.
“My heart is right where you are.” Not even Eric himself could hold back his laughter when your eyes met through one of the large mirrors on the wall.
“Can you just not.” Was all you huffed trying to suppress your laughter, leaning back into his touch nonetheless.
“My heart is crying.” Eric countered theatrically, arms tightening around your waist, face once again resting against your neck.
“Better make it stop. Someone could slip on your tears and then what. Are you even insured?” he just giggled before spinning you around so you’d face him.
“Feisty.” You decided to retort with kiss, an answer Eric accepted without hesitating.
Warming up with Eric was as messy as expected and you weren’t sure if you were actually out of breath because of the muscle exercise or because of your laughter since Eric never failed to make an absolute fool out of himself. Besides not being able to keep his hands to himself for longer than five minutes and pecking your cheek about one million times in between.
The moment you probably absolutely lost it, was when Eric tried to show off the splits (and failed miserably) and when you teased him for it, decided to play “Penalty”, screaming along to the chorus. It resulted in you crawling into his lap, covering his face with small kisses to make the yelling stop. He accepted them with a small pout that disappeared fairly quick and let you take your phone out of his hands to find a next song to actually dance to.
He just wrapped his arms around your body and scooted back until his back hit the mirrors, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt.
“What you wanna have next?” you mumbled absentmindedly, scrolling through one of your shared playlists with him. There was a suspicious high amount of slower tunes and you knew for sure that Eric was responsible for all of them.
“You don’t really add upbeat songs, just spicy stuff.” You turned to him, eyebrows risen. “Alina Baraz, Show Me?” his grin turned almost unbearably smug. “Any ulterior motives, Sir?”
“Never baby. Why, you like the song? I should add more The Weeknd, you remind me.” you just hummed, scrolling past it quickly.
You probably spent the next ten minutes like that, you cuddled up in his arms, going back and forth between various songs and genres, when someone knocked at the door.
Eric immediately tensed up at the disturbance, still not used to the fact that the company had in fact approved of your relationship by now (if kept low-key. Which was probably why Eric kept making the biggest fuss over reunions even if you were apart for just a few hours.)
“Yeah?” You called out, drawing soothing circles over the back of his hand.
“It’s just me, Kev! Forgot my water bottle and I wanted to do a live before going to the dorms.” Kevin’s bright beanie came into frame first, before a mildly tired face followed.
“Sure, it’s over there. We’re just practicing some more.” Eric relaxed again, pressing a quick kiss against you neck.
“Yeah I see, you two are super busy practicing.” Kevin huffed, stalking towards the fitted kitchen in the corner of the practice room.
“We were just trying to find a good song to dance to.” Eric whined at the accusing tone of his older brother, pulling you closer against his chest.
“Sure.” Kevin grinned, grabbing the lonely bottle of water before making a bee line for the door.
“Don’t let me bother you two. Just don’t be nasty.” Eric let out an embarrassed yell before aiming with his shoe at the now laughing Kevin. The shoe hit the quickly closing door with a muffled thud, the sound of it falling to the ground drowned out by your laughter.
“So annoying…” Eric just mumbled, burying his face in your shoulder again.
You just grinned, scrolling aimlessly through your playlists.
“Let’s see…oh what do you think about that one…?” Eric lifted his face from his nuzzled position to peek over your shoulder.
“Permission to dance?” you nodded, finger hovering over the bright orange cover.
“Alright let’s go!” he exclaimed, slipping away and scrambling to get up to get his shoe.
A few ungraceful hops on one leg into your direction and some fumbling with his shoe he came to a halt right when the first chorus of the song sounded through the speakers.
“Permission to dance?” Eric asked with a small bow, a grin on his lips. You took his offered hand and let him pull you up on you feet.
“You don’t need permission to dance Eric. Especially not with me.”
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also dedicated to all deobi who recognize the spicy songs Eric always plays during his lives, whilst acting like he's totally not doing it on purpose
⌕ m.list
© written by moonandsunwoo on tumblr. do not copy or re-upload.
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peachhyychenle · 3 years
clear skies | b.jc
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pairing: jacob x reader
genre: fluff, soulmate AU (idk if its a genre but here we are)
word count: 0.9k (or 949 if you wanna be precise)
warning: mention of food, mention of bugs
for the stars aligned event hosted by @knet-bakery
playlist: cover up taeyeon, stay gold bts, sunkissed khai dreams
soulmate au: the world is monochrome until you lock eyes with your soulmate.
a/n: this was inspired by the picnic I went on the other week and it seemed to also fit perfectly with the A to BOYZ that jacob did which you can find here!
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summary: picnics were always a fun thing to do, whether it be with friends, family or partners. Clear skies and a cool breeze always ideal for feasting on strawberries and cherries, however they made the perfect weather for finding soulmates, too.
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The blanket felt soft as you sat cross legged on the chequered fabric, a punnet of strawberries and grapes, along with a few sandwiches littering the inner portion of the space. It was the first day that you and your friends were all able to meet properly, and with the gorgeous weather your country was currently experiencing, a picnic felt like the perfect option. The birds happily chirping, the warm dry air that was complemented by the cooling breeze felt perfect. It was a perfect day.
Much of the conversation between your group revolved around debates between your current favourite shows, with the current battle being between Loki and WandaVision. However your mind drifted. The whole soulmate system was never really a prevalent topic in your group and so you never really think about it, however for the past week, you were just aware of how many people had found their partners for life and how many people could see the world so differently to you.
You would sometimes even forget about your grey scaled world until it came to your mother taking you out on her shopping sprees and asking your opinion on shirts that looked exactly the same to you, but in her eyes were completely different colours.
Colours always intrigued you. People would always talk about how blue the sky would be, or how green the grass was on days like today, hell even your mum mentioned it to you before you left. You just felt you were missing out on a life that everyone else was in touch with.
Drifting back into the group conversation, they had put on some music and were presently talking about different bands. At some point, a couple of your friends had gotten up and decided to dramatically act out the rest of the song which was definitely a highlight of the day.
A few more songs passed and collectively, you guys had decided to walk around and to find a different, more shaded spot. And so away you went.
It had been about five minutes and you were walking near the back of the group, an umbrella in hand from when you guys tried shading yourselves with it but inevitably gave up, minutes later. The group came across a diverting pathway leading into a small meadow.
There was an array of flowers, crickets were busy chirping away, joining the chorus of birds doing the same thing. And whilst the place looked like a painting you would find hung in a museum, you were merely passers by, there were trees that enclosed this small piece of paradise, however the grass looked way too overgrown to even attempt wading through.
A couple of your friends ran ahead, making the group laugh and as your laughter died down you heard a melody. At first you were going insane from the heat, but you heard the same melody again coming from the other end of the meadow. And so with a call to your friends that you would catch up, you began your mini adventure through the open undergrowth.
As you grew closer, many of the small critters hiding in the grass grew silent, whilst the strumming guitar became louder, and eventually this tune was accompanied by a voice.
You weren't a big believer in any religion but my oh my did this voice sound so pure. The only word that came to your mind to describe this voice was angelic.
You saw his shoes first. They were discarded a little away from where the music was and so when you peaked your head around some shrubbery, you were stunned.
A boy that looked to be around the same age as you was sitting on a tree stump, and was dressed up considering he was alone, and it didn't really fit with the warm day. His button up hung loosely on him, looking slightly too big but then somehow fitting him all the same, and paired with his jeans, it was definitely a simple look but one that suited him well.
If his voice sounded angelic, then his face definitely matched. He looked like a literal angel. His eyes were closed, as he sang. He looked so at peace, so content. So ethereal.
You weren't really sure why, but a smile had worked its way onto your face, seeing someone look so calm and peaceful yet you could hear how passionate he was in his playing and singing, it made you feel content.
A final strum on his guitar rang out and you began to quietly clap, so you didn't freak him out.
His eyes landed on you and he gave a chuckle and a grin afterwards. He got up from the stump and made his way over to you. He seemed a lot taller than what you were expecting.
As he walked over, you guys finally locked eyes, and as soon as you did, the world exploded around you.
Various shades of green took over, the pops of yellow and red from the flowers complementing it nicely and the sky. It was such a beautiful colour. You definitely understood why people would often love days like these.
'Yeah woah, this is beautiful', you responded to his exclamation. Never in your life would you have thought this was how you would meet your soulmate.
'Hi soulmate, I'm Y/N' you greeted, a warm smile on your face, finally looking away from the greenery and focusing on the guy in front of you.
His hands reached forward to grab both of your own and as he held them he introduced himself.
'Hi soulmate, I'm Jacob and I'm glad to meet you at last'
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mangozcat · 3 years
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. lee donghyuck x fem!reader 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄. fluff, heavy angst, smut 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you were forced in an awkward spot when your best friend, of which you had fallen in love with somewhere along the road, got a girlfriend. his attention was forced from your morning coffee runs and rose petal scent to the way her eyes lit up every time he gave her a kiss on the cheek. so when you finally get some time to catch up with your best friend, you eagerly took the opportunity, realizing just how much spending time with him, being forced to stay as friends, was breaking your heart. so you finally did it; you came clean to the boy of your dreams.
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆. haechan’s hand was interlocked with hers, eyes glowing as they discussed how nice the scented candles on display smelled. together, they seemed like the perfect image of a beautiful couple out on a mission to buy as many holiday gifts as they could. so, together, they wandered around the bath and body works inside the mall, leaving you standing at the pretzel stand in the middle of the in-door courtyard.
yeah, you were certainly third wheeling.
honestly, you weren’t sure why you had agreed to come along in the first place. you knew watching them interact and share the occasional kiss would only make your heart hurt more. and it certainly had. maybe you needed to work on your ability to say “no” aloud, but how could you, when haechan had given you that innocent look that made him look like a lost puppy? as expected, you lost.
at least you had bought a pretzel. that seemed like the highlight of this whole trip. when they disappeared inside, you decided to wander into your own store, browsing the shoes upon the shelves. maybe you’d treat yourself for all the heartache you endured (which was your fault, though you liked it better when you were in denial.)
you still don’t know when it happened.
one day, your friendship with haechan was normal, simply platonic. the two of you met in high school, stuck in some classes together. you were paired with him for a project, and when he came over to your place, two coffee’s in hand, you had decided he was a keeper.
he even introduced you to his closest friends, and you were surprised to find how well you worked together. renjun and jaemin, two of his friends, had even made a bet about who would give in first. they didn’t necessarily doubt that guys and girls could be friends, but when they saw your chemistry, they knew it would incredibly stupid if you didn’t start dating.
but the two of you had built this idea in your mind that your relationship was simply platonic. even when the two of you had shared a breathtaking kiss during a game of spin the bottle, neither of you changed your minds. just a friendship, that’s all you guys thought of it.
just a friendship.
from then, you guys had the occasional sleepover and movie night. you and haechan were as close as you could be, and you were very content with your friendship.
but then your perspective changed. when you cuddled, and his hands rested on your sides, you always noticed your heartbeat speed up drastically. every time you woke up to his smell, his sleepy smile and tired groans, you felt so happy. it was such a strange attraction for you, to learn that you were falling in love with your best friend with sparkling eyes and a bright smile. every time he was near you, you seemed to pick up this spark, always finding yourself stuck in this never-ending loop of him.
and then your world cracked.
haechan came over to your apartment one morning with a coffee in his hand, a smile etched on his lips. he seemed to excited, and for what? you weren’t entirely sure. and then he revealed to you that he had found a girl that caught his eye, and wanted you to help him choose a date location.
it all felt wrong. the way you agreed so quickly, the fake smiles you had to send to him to mask your disappointment, and how jealous you were that he was stolen from you, even though he was never yours to begin with. it should’ve been you, you had thought at the time.
it should’ve been you that got roses, that got a nice night at some nice diner with haechan, and it should’ve been you he announced to be his girlfriend the next week.
he never would know how painful it was for you. after all, how could he? you were a master of pretending, and you had been doing it for two years. it wasn’t enjoyable, nor was it easy to hide how lost you were every time you cried in jaemin’s arms about how you had lost him; how you had lost the boy of your dreams, and also your best friend.
your relationship would never be the same, especially since his eyes weren’t on you anymore, his arms weren’t wrapped around you as you watched movies, nor did he ever sleep in the same bed as you. the two of you had lost the bond that took oh-so long to develop, and you weren’t too sure if you’d ever be able to spark it again.
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the three of you ended up meeting again an hour later, bringing together all of your combined gifts and placing them in haechan’s car. haechan’s girlfriend, mini, enthusiastically rambled on about how excited she was to get home and start decorating her apartment for christmas. you couldn’t help but notice how his eyes lit up when he gazed at her, and how invested in the topic he seemed.
you had nothing against mini. in fact, the two of you were decent friends. she was nice and sweet and honestly held no ill intent. it was strange, enjoyable, and painful knowing that you got along with the girl that stole away your haechan. he wasn’t yours to begin with, you had to remind yourself, he doesn’t belong to you.
“what about you?” mini asked you, a smile on her face. her hair was shoulder length, a cute style you thought fit her quite well. short and well shaped bangs adorned her forehead and you were reminded of how pretty she was. green eyes, light pink cheeks and puffy lips, she was quite a stunner.
“what’s up?” you asked, knitting your eyebrows together. perhaps you had zoned out for a little longer than expected. mini shook her head, knowing a little too well that you had done this since the two of you met. you were never there, always in your own little world.
“I asked if you were excited to decorate,” mini reminded politely. at some point, haechan had sneaked off to the bathroom, leaving you and mini alone for a minute or two.
“oh!” you exclaimed, “a bit? I’m certainly not hyped to get out my decorations or put in the effort to put them up, but I’m excited for the end result. I always loved the lights especially, they’re always so stunning and magical to me.”
she let out a small laugh, accepting your honesty. “me too, to be honest. I only really enjoy the decorating part because of my mom,” she said, a fond smile appearing on her face at the mention of her mother. “she made us put up decorations every year, and our house always looked like a mess. but it was something we all did together, at least.”
mini never really talked to you about her family, but it was nice to hear about. often times, the two of you only spoke about casual things (most of which involved haechan), and it never really got deeper than that. it was strangely nice, you noticed.
when haechan returned from the bathroom, shooting you both a dazzling smile and asking if you were ready to leave, you and mini nodded eagerly. getting in his car and getting ready to drive back to your apartments, you couldn’t help but notice the way haechan’s fingers laced with hers over the middle compartment.
and suddenly, the pain was back.
with mini living closest to the mall, she had been dropped off first. and as perfect as it had seemed, you and haechan were left alone, the man driving you home whilst quietly humming along to the song on the radio. his fingers idly drummed against the steering wheel and you were left to bask in the silence of the moment, staring out the window.
“we used to listen to this song,” he finally said, finger drifting over to turn up the music. when you heard the song, a soft smile appeared on your face as you heard the soft tunes in your ears. “when we met, specifically.”
you remembered. how could you forget? haechan would always stumble into your appartment with his notebook, ready to study with you. and when the two of you began, he’d put on some playlist of his. you always loved this song in specific, and it got to the point where he played it on loop, turning the sound down as to not dull your mind from listening to it on repeat.
“I still love it,” you smiled slightly, tilting your head back against the seat. closing your eyes, you listened to the song, getting lost in the familar lyrics.
“yeah, me too.”
you wanted to talk to him like you used to. wanted to claim that the silence was comfortable, and that you didn’t need to say anything out loud to feel content with your friendship. yet, you couldn’t. it felt forced, the small conversation, and it quickly died out. the silence was awkward, and you were fearful of what that meant.
you had hoped it would never get to this point. where you were unfamiliar with alone time, and were lost when it came to talking to him whilst alone. it never felt like the two of you actually hung out, and were simply clinging onto what you thought was familiar; each other.
but you weren’t familar anymore and holding on was hopeless, you knew. the two of you were too scared to move on, to put each other in the past and move onto better things, less painful things. it was unfixable.
but yet, despite knowing that, your heart still jumped when he said, “I miss spending time with you, y’know.” you had glanced over at the boy, his eyes still on the road. “I heard there’s a firework show in town later this week. would you-“ he paused, lost in how to ask for one simple thing; to accompany him to the last set of normality he could remember, -“I don’t know, maybe, would you want to go with me?”
you smiled, “like old times?”
he finally looked over at you when he came to a stop at a red light. smiling, he nodded, “just like old times.”
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preview | part one | part two 
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pompousbiscuit · 3 years
(Y/N) Meets Zeke Yeager at a Radiohead Concert In the Year 2012 (Yes, It's The King Of Limbs Hour For Sure)
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(You-16 Zeke-17 Porco-16 Pieck-17 Colt-16 Yelena- 17)
I don't fucking know why I think of these things, but here I go, this is for all of you Superior-Music-Taste-Thom-Yorke-er- Radiohead-virgins out there B)
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The year is 2012, (Y/N) is 16, and the setting is a Radiohead concert almost one year post-King-Of-Limbs-album-drop.
After working for a few months at your first part time job, you were able to save enough cash to buy concert tickets for you and a friend.
The location of the venue is about 2 hours from your hometown, and it's quite the road trip.
Either using your/your friend's car, or public transportation, to make the trip.
Zeke is 17, he's also at this concert with a group of his friends: Colt, Porco, Pieck, Yelena.
You're jamming out to all the hits, swaying your body to the sound of the music just right, and letting yourself go in a way you've only ever done alone in your bedroom.
King Of Limbs wasn't Radiohead's most well received album, but you love almost anything Thom, that droopy eyed bastard, and the other members put out.
Your friend that you came to the concert with is currently on a bathroom break, leaving you to your own devices in the crowded room.
"Separator" plays loudly throughout the concert hall; the drum beat feels like it has made it's way under your skin, and the melodic sound of Thom's voice feels as if it's an instrument in its own right.
Zeke is currently jogging back inside, he had left only for a moment during a run through of "Morning Mr. Magpie" for a smoke break.
(it's not particularly his favorite on the album)
"Separator" is one of Zeke's favorites comparatively, and he might hit himself after if he ends up missing the live rendition.
He sees a familiar slicked back head of blonde hair while peering over the heads of the crowd, and Zeke's relieved to see Porco turn around and wave him over.
Zeke makes a b-line for his friend, trying his best to shove through the crowd as politely, yet firmly, as he can.
Whilst making his way over, Zeke bumps into someone who's almost completely oblivious to his presence, until said person trips over themselves and falls to their feet.
You luckily brace yourself, your palms and wrists making contact with the dirty ground as to protect your face.
Normally, Zeke would most likely brush this off and claim the situation to not be his problem, and most likely continue on his path to his friends.
A change of heart? Guilt for being a catalyst in knocking you over? (as he suspects it would've happened eventually) Or maybe it's because he notices the way your ass looks in your blue jeans.
Zeke can tell a good ass when he sees one, and everybody has an ass to be appreciated after all, no consideration for gender identity or assigned anatomy needed.
Zeke pauses and decides 'ah, what the hell'.
Zeke crouches down and holds his hand out to you, flashing a boyish grin that suits his younger looking face well, as he begins to offer you an apology.
"My mistake for knocking you on your ass, I was trying to get to my friends... Need a hand?"
Zeke half yells this apology, and in the end it's still very muffled sounding due to the loud music.
You are wary of the boy in front of you, being very well versed in all the basic "stranger-danger" rules, the ones your care-taker/parental-figure drilled into you before you left.
But the slight tug of the left side of his mouth, the dimple in his cheek, his shaggy yet soft looking blonde hair, his stupid but admittedly cool glasses that hang low on the bridge of his nose...
He's cute, and you're too aware of the fact to deny his hand that he's offered to you.
You say a "Thanks", only letting yourself look him in the eye for hardly a second, as he accepts your hand into his roughly textured one.
You feel a flush begin on your chest and rise up to your face, ashamed of yourself for practically drooling at the feeling of just a grasp of a hand around your own.
Zeke assists you in rising to your feet, and he can almost feel your eyes tracing his form, taking him in.
He looks rather typical, a dark t-shirt with a faded "Kid A bear" logo printed on it, under a wrinkled rusty-toned flannel with rolled up sleeves, dark denim loosely encompasses his lanky legs that end with damaged and worn low-top skate shoes.
You only realize your hand is still in his own, when you catch the cheeky look in his eye, after scanning back to to his face.
You retract your hand from his, with suspiciously quick retreat, that has him grinning a little wider.
"Name's Zeke, do you have one?"
You can smell his last cigarette on his breath as he talks, you're both in close proximity due to the people around you.
The performance of "Separator" is almost long forgotten at this point, it's now just the background noise to your first conversation with each other.
You shift your weight back and forth to each foot, settling on leaning to your right side, before looking up to answer him.
"It's (Y/N), and it's okay, I was kinda in my own world for a minute there..." You answer honestly, but almost too bashfully, taking the blame for your tumble.
Zeke shakes his head and answers immediately, "No, I wasn't really paying attention to who I was knocking into, but I guess I was kinda lucky that you happened to be my first victim."
His voice has a slight rasp to it, though he's just 17 he admittedly smokes like a chimney.
His words also have an attractive cadence to them, you can already tell he's a smart ass by the way he's immediately putting the moves on, but you find yourself not really caring all too much.
Zeke starts again, "I also get like that though, in my head I mean, 'specially with "Separator"..."
You nod along and begin to talk to him more about your interest for the track, hardly noticing as the minutes roll by, and with the song changing into "Little by Little".
The both of you exchange words and information throughout the next song, like your ages, preferred albums, what other concerts you've been to.
Zeke completely forgets about his friends in the minutes he's conversing with you, and the same happens with you, until Porco loudly appears with Colt behind Zeke.
"Dude! I waved you over like 10 minutes ago! What the hell Zeke? You're dragging your ass and the other's are-" Porco's sentence cuts off as his eyes drift over to you, understanding the hold up.
Porco turns his head to Zeke and receives a glower from the taller boy. Whilst wearing a shit eating grin, Porco gives Zeke a curt nod and a slap on the shoulder.
"Whatever, just shoot me text in a few man,"
Porco's eyes catch your your for second, as he raises a hand for a quick sayonara,
"Nice meeting ya'."
Zeke pushes up his glasses as he shakes his head in annoyance and heaves a sigh.
As Porco gestures for a confused Colt to follow him back to the rest of the group, you catch eyes with your own friend.
They give you an apologetic glance but then notice Zeke near you, they hold up their hand and toggle back and forth between a thumbs up and thumbs down, silently asking if Zeke's presence was a bother.
You give a thumbs up, which they respond with a double thumbs up, as they make their way over to a group of people and easily start to blend in.
You turn back towards Zeke and offer a smile, finally free of interruptions, as the song ends and fades into "Lotus Flower". Commotion erupts throughout the crowd, as the majority cheer for one of the most favored songs.
Zeke offers you a smile as well, and shuffles a step or two closer, before beginning to speak again.
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Ending it there! If I make a follow up then that'll be over here when the time comes: Part Two
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I actually... I don't even... Why, that's all I have to say, just why???
Thanks so much for the notes on my previous post! That was my first time hitting over 100 notes!
Tbh... "The King of Limbs" is on the same level as "In Rainbows" for me, soz if you're offended by that statement dawg. Lmk your opinions!
I am Zeke Trash #1, and you're watching Disney Channel
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FUCK IT UUUPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! imagine this bitch ass in some skater slouchy grungy garbage, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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zeke liking radiohead [zeke playlist] -> MONKE
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Shinsou finds himself craving chicken nuggets, and Y/N’s presence, at 2AM. So naturally, he comes over and helps her sneak out so that they can get food and hang out, much to Y/N’s dismay. 
WARNINGS: crackfic turned sad boy hours but also fluff
A/N: this got deep and is basically pure self indulgence of my emotions 
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Y/N really should’ve expected this. She really should have.
Shinsou had a tendency to simply, not sleep, he was a certified insomniac. No matter how many solutions Y/N had offered him, none of them worked. Which is why Y/N tended to wake up to about 75 messages from Shinsou each morning, varying from memes, to tik toks, to philisophical rambles, to the stupidest questions he’d ever asked her.
He’d never texted her this much though, her phone nearly falling off the nightstand because of how much it was vibrating whilst on silent, rousing her from sleep. Y/N groaned into her pillow, hand extending to her right in search of her phone as she patted around the nightstand with no success. Inhaling deeply, Y/N rolled onto her back, bring her hands up to rub her eyes before stretching her arms upward as she sat up in bed and turned to her side. Y/N picked up her phone, squinting at the ridiculously bright light that met her eyes as she read the time.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her lock screen, a picture of her and Shinsou, taken at a school festival they’d had. It had taken a lot of convincing to get him to agree to a photo, much to Y/N’s dismay, but he relented eventually. The memory only served as a reminded of the messages displayed on her screen, a lot of messages, most of which were from Shinsou. But Y/N only found herself looking at the most recent ones. 
shinsou <3 y/n wake up
y/n get up 
im coming over now, and no you don’t have a choice in this matter
you better be awake by the time i get there or i will egg your window
we are going to get food by the way [1:34AM]
shinsou <3 hey loser im here
climb out your window
are you even awake
y/n i swear [2:01AM]
In a perfect world, Shinsou would’ve been joking, and Y/N would’ve been able to go back to bed and text him again in the morning about a weird video she saw online. However this was Shinsou and the world was far from perfect. Meaning the boy was definitely parked outside her house. Y/N moved to slip out of bed and peer outside her window, only to see Shinsou was already standing on the grass of her front yard, fingers typing furiously against his phone as Y/N felt her phone vibrate in her hand once more. 
She found herself glaring as she threw the phone onto the bed to free both her hands and open the window. Pushing the window up, Y/N bent down slightly to put the upper half of her body outside as she called out to Shinsou, “what the hell?”
The boy looks up almost instantly, and Y/N can practically see the panic in his eyes, though it fades when he realizes it was her who spoke, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “Are you ready?” He calls back in a hushed whisper, eyes narrowing as he scans the surrounding area.
“Shinsou—” Y/N brings a hand to her temple as she exhales deeply, “we are not going out to eat, it two in the morning!” She cried out, one hand making vivid gestures in an attempt to get her point across, while the other supported her weight on her slanted roof.
He rolled his eyes in response, “there’s a reason that some fast food restaurants are open all day long. This is the reason, now let’s go.” Shinsou has that same apathetic tone he uses everyday, as though this is something completely normal that they do everyday.
“I am not sneaking out of my house so that you can get some— some chicken nuggets!” 
Shinsou falters, face falling temporarily as he presses his lips together, “if you really don’t want to Y/N, you don’t have to.” His voice is soft enough that she can barely hear him because of the distance between them, but she does. Y/N can tell he means it, this isn’t an attempt to guilt her into going with him, and yet she can’t help but feel horrible for not going along with it. 
Which is why Y/N was now dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, trying her hardest not to fall off her roof as Shinsou called out to her, “Y/N. Don’t make me use my quirk—”
“You wouldn’t dare.” They both knew he’d never use his quirk on her, he had far too much respect for her. And he’d explicitly told her, more accurately, promised her during one of their rare late night talks, that he’d never try. 
He doesn’t reply, simply glaring at her as he comes up from under the edge of the roof, where Y/N had been sitting for the past few minutes, in fear of jumping off. “Just jump.”
“No.” She practically hissed, scowling as she peered over the side of the roof once more, viewing the drop, which wasn’t that far. Shinsou also stood below, meeting her glare with his own annoyed stare. 
“Y/N, come on.”
“You should be grateful I am even accompanying you, i could easily just go back to the safety of my room and have a simple and quiet night but you insisted—”
“I’ll buy you whatever you want, just come on.”
Looking back on it, Y/N really didn’t think this was worth it. Her parents would very likely end her life should they discover her... late night escapades alongside Shinsou, but at the same time, this was odd behavior for him. Texts in the middle of the night were normal, yes, but randomly deciding to come over because he wants food at 2AM? Weird. 
But Y/N couldn’t deny the that this was fun. Driving down practically empty roads, phone plugged into the aux so she could play whatever music she wanted— though Shinsou judged every song she played rather brutally. The windows were rolled down all the way and Y/N had never felt more refreshed as she sat beside Shinsou in the passenger seat of his car, watching as he ordered their food through the drive through.
A comfortable silence fell between them as he paid and thanked the cashier at the window, retrieving their food and wordlessly handing it to Y/N before driving to the parking lot of the establishment. She found herself taking sips of her milkshake and absentmindedly eating fries.
Yet Y/N couldn’t help but feel concerned as she looked over at the boy, hand on the wheel as he quietly hummed along to the playlist they shared. Drives with Shinsou weren’t rare, seeing as he drove Y/N to school practically daily, especially since he didn’t trust her driving skills.
Her brows furrow as she leans back in her seat, folding her arms before speaking, “are you okay, Hitoshi?” Y/N looks away from him, “answer honestly.”
She can feel his eyes land on her when she finished speaking, Y/N can’t help that she floods with anxiety as she awaits his answer, only to look to Shinsou to see a small smile on his face as he parks in the parking lot of the brightly lit restaurant. “Yeah. I’m good actually.” Y/N tilts her head at his words, awaiting for him to continue, he seems to consider what he says next carefully, “are you glad you came here, with me?”
Though Y/N feared the repercussions should they get caught, she already knew her answer, “yes. I’m happy to be here.” Y/N fidgets with her fingers as she inhales deeply, eyes drifting to her window, “I think— I think I would’ve regretted it more, if I hadn’t come with you actually. And I don’t want to regret anything.” She bites her lip anxiously, picking at her fingernails, “I wish I was more adventurous sometimes, I guess?” 
Y/N couldn’t explain the feeling well, the one that made her wonder if she was missing out on certain parts of life, parts that she might’ve experienced if she had been just a bit more bold. In the moment, yeah, it seemed horrifying, but Y/N couldn’t help but wonder afterwards if she should’ve said yes. She couldn’t help but feel regretful as she wondered what could’ve been. 
Sitting there with Shinsou made her feel like a hypocrite though, seeing as she’d had feeling for the boy for longer than she cared to admit, and would likely regret never telling him. Though Y/N was fairly sure she would regret it more if she did tell him and he rejected her, so hiding her feelings was far more ideal. But the small part of her that wanted to tell him, to just come forward with her feelings, regardless of the outcome. 
Y/N tries to push away these thoughts, bringing her attention back to the moment at hand as Shinsou rests his head against the seat, fingers tapping at the wheel of the parked vehicle, “I get it.” Comes his reply, and he seems to be rather deep in thought as he sits there, hand reaching into his bag for some fries.
Y/N feels compelled to speak, to tell him that he does make her happy, because she can tell that a small part of him doesn’t believe her, so when she opens her mouth the words just begin to fall out. “You make me happy, you know.” Y/N doesn’t know how else to explain it, and she doesn’t see his eyes widen a fraction as he shifts in his seat to look at her, “I never would’ve done something like this before I met you. But...” Y/N turns to meet his eyes, offering him a smile, “well, I’m really glad I met you Hitoshi. You make me feel like I’m living—”
“And there’s a difference between living and just being alive, you know?”
Y/N can’t help the way her cheeks warm, feeling as though she overshared as she watches Shinsou nod slowly, “I get it.” He repeats, brows drawing together, he opens his mouth just to close it immediately after.
Shinsou straightens at her words, clearing his throat as he brings a hand to the back of his neck, “I don’t... I don’t want to regret anything either.” His lips press together in a tight lipped smile as he looks up at the roof of the car for a moment, cursing quietly before returning his gaze to Y/N. 
Their third year would be starting soon, and Shinsou had considered this for a while. No matter how close he and Y/N were now, he couldn’t help but wonder where they’d be after graduating from UA. Both of them would be heading out in the world to become heroes, something that would likely take them in two very different directions. Maybe they’d never speak again after graduation, or maybe their friendship would fade, but Shinsou had a feeling his feelings never would. Y/N’s words just served as a reminder of just how finite their time together was.
Shinsou didn’t know when he fell for her, maybe it was right now, watching her take a sip of her milkshake as she watched him curiously, flustered under his piercing gaze. Maybe it was that time in class when she’d let him fall asleep just to wake him at the end and hand him notes she’d taken just for him, or maybe it was when she hugged him for the first time because he’d gotten in the hero course. He decided that didn’t matter, because he did know that Y/N L/N wasn’t going to be one of his regrets.
"I’m in love with you.”
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A/N: this is unedited and the product of my brain at 1AM so i sincerely hope its not bad jkashdjkashdkjh
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BNHA: @shawkneecaps​ @beifongsss​
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ilikemesometaetaes · 4 years
Don’t Hold Your Breath ~ jjk
Chapter Five (M)
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•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​
•••> Summary: As the CEO of an international government security company, you have the world at your fingertips. Living life lavishly and extravagantly has become the norm. Behind closed doors, however, you host a past that renders you lonely and, quite frankly, miserable. It’s only a matter of time before your past comes back to bite you right in the ass.
•••> Pairing(s): Jungkook/Reader, Taehyung/Reader (slight)
•••> Inspo: This fic is inspired by the song “SAVAGE ANTHEM” by PARTYNEXTDOOR. Thank you to @dariangarcia​, @btssmutgalore​, and @junghoseokit​ for supporting my work. To my mamas, Kaitlin, Adora, Lauren, Lanie, Lu, and Sher.
•••> Word Count: 6.54k
•••> Rating: 18+
•••> Tags: angst | smut | ceo!au | rockstar!au | CEO!Reader | Rockstar!Jungkook | AU!BTS | Exes to Lovers
•••> Warnings: angst, infidelity, oral (m receiving), heartbreak, cursing, pining, depression, breakup, mention(s) of therapy/counseling, arguing, drug use, alcohol use | Warnings are written specifically to chapter.
Copyright © 2020 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.
Taglist: @dariangarcia​​ @apurpledheart​​ @itsgottabeyoo-ngs​​ @hytibm​ @namjinsbaby​ @ggukkieland​
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, say so in a comment to this chapter or the DHYB Main Page, or send me an ask!
NAVIGATION: Chapter Four (M) <- | -> Chapter Six (M) -> Mini-Masterlist -> Series Masterlist
•••> Official Playlist
“Is it something we discussed now? The truth got you in disgust now, ‘cause I’d rather we just fuck now.”
Sitting at your desk at work never felt so somber as you remembered how it all changed. The chain of events that led up to your fight with him the previous night were too hard to ignore anymore.
You remember fighting for him- for the both of you.
The tears flooded your eyes and, thankfully, blurred your vision from the scene before you.
Jungkook sat on a couch placed in the corner of the club, completely inebriated and high out of his mind. But that’s not what hurt you.
What completely ripped your heart from your chest was the woman draped across his exposed lap with her hair held in one hand while she used the other to wrap around the part of his dick that she couldn’t reach whilst she closed her lips over it.
Blinking your tears from your eyes on instinct allowed you to see that another set of eyes was looking at you. And they weren’t Jungkook’s.
Taehyung’s scowl, paired with furrowed eyebrows and sad eyes, was another image from that night you couldn’t get out of your head. There was no shock nor surprise on his face- he was expecting you. Taehyung knew that you would see. He didn’t try to deter you from coming to the club and he didn’t send any warning texts. He was the one who invited you in the first place.
The scene was an unforgettable one.
You should have taken Taehyung’s word for it from the start. He had given you hints that you simply couldn’t bother yourself to pay attention to.
While you possessed the knowledge and evidence that Jungkook cheated on you that night, you couldn’t bring yourself to properly address it. Each time you got around to speaking with him about it, you ended up brushing it off for another time.
Finding an excuse for yourself to defend him was easy.
The drugs and alcohol were the problem. You saw it yourself that night. He was in a completely different world when you saw him doing the deed. His eyes were glazed out with beautiful lips agape in complete, drug-induced ecstasy, unknowing of what he was doing. There was no way he was aware of what was actually happening or even what day it was.
But then came the day that it got so bad that you asked him to go get help. You were willing to forgive his negligence if he was willing to get it fixed.
It was the cause of your final fight.
“I’m not going to fucking rehab, Y/N.” He laughed spitefully. “There is nothing wrong with me. I’m a fucking rockstar. This is what rockstars do.”
“They also cheat on their girlfriends?” You sarcastically asked.
Jungkook chuckled darkly while looking at the floor. After a moment, he met your eyes in a cold gaze before he opened his mouth.
“Rockstars don’t have girlfriends.”
The weight of the statement pressured heavily on you in realization of what he was implying, pushing all of the air from your lungs. You were struck silent with an invisible smack offered by his words. No sound could escape your mouth as you stared back at him in a silent question: did it mean what you thought it meant?
“Yeah.” Was all he said in the deafening silence to answer your unspoken query, looking at the ground awkwardly. He was quick to add another few words to finally hit the nail on the coffin. “But if you still want to fuck, I’m down.”
“But- but I…” Your voice trembled weakly, feeling your eyes ache with incoming tears, but you fought them with every ounce of will that you had as your abhorrence was built up by his last words. The ground was swallowing you up and you were trying to claw your way free. “I waited for you to get better. You told me things would get better once you took off.”
“Don’t hold your breath, Y/N.” He laughed heartily.
Your heart was no longer beating. Not in your mind, anyway.
You felt as the life was torn from your lungs with the most simple and practical words; your world taken from you and all air seeming too thick to inhale. 
Awfully, you couldn’t seem to listen to his words this time. You didn’t want to. Breathing seemed much too difficult as you felt him snatch the light from your life with one swipe.
There was no chance that you would let him watch you cry- no way he was going to watch the pain he delivered onto you take physical effect. You were disappointed and neglected- a pawn in the game he played. You were sick of playing now.
Instead, you turned around, grabbed your purse off of the kitchen table-
And left.
Sitting at your desk with all of the sadness that Jeon Jungkook brought into your life, you decided that it was finally time to leave. You needed to leave Korea. You needed to move on to bigger and better things.
Your hand was reaching for your phone before you could stop yourself from doubling back. It’s about time.
Googling for a moving company- any moving company- only took you a few seconds and you pressed the call button with a new sense of conviction.
“Good afternoon! Thank you for calling Team Wang’s Moving Company! What can I assist you with today?”
Making sure your voice was level and controlled, you spoke, “I’d like to schedule a move of items from a storage unit here in Korea to another country. Am I able to do that?”
“Of course, ma’am! We can get started on preparations for that right away! What was the location that you were referencing? We are limited on the countries we can ship to due to certain regulations.”
Without any further hesitation or pondering over the past, you settled on it.
He sat in his room for a while with an empty lyric journal, letting the high slowly fade from his body as regret began pumping through his veins. Jungkook had put up the act for Taehyung, but after he saw his brother angrily storm out the door and he was left alone to the ever familiar havoc in his mind, the fight to maintain his mask was easily lost.
What the fuck did he do?
Seeing you cry was common for him; Jungkook had made you cry too many times to count, but that didn’t take away from the way it ripped apart the sinew in his chest every time he saw that look in your eyes as tears streamed down your cheeks.
He managed to convince himself of the belief that it was impossible for you to care that much anymore. You just couldn’t. Not when he had fucked up the first time. He had broken your trust and he didn’t trust himself enough to try and earn yours back, fearing that he would just fuck you up past recovery- like himself.
Jungkook was beyond rejuvenation and beyond any form of succor. Nothing could help him silence his demons except the cold and dark embrace of death. Even now, sitting in silence in his bedroom to let the remorse for you distract him from the torment of the empty organ beating in his chest, he felt them begin to criticize him.
Jungkook’s parents and brother died young, victims of a drunken asshole who decided that it was a good idea to get behind the wheel to try and get home to his girlfriend. What a fucking prick.
For some reason, Jungkook decided that it would be a good idea to stay home and worry about the girl that he liked at school, making little sketches to slip into her lunchbox once lunch came around. 
Of all days he could have stayed home, it just had to be that one. He should have gone to the grocery store with them. He should have been in that car with them.
The voices in his head began three weeks after the funeral- when Jungkook reached the ripe age of twelve. Constantly battering him down, twisting his heart, and suffocating his head, he recognized that it was his own voice and his own psyche attacking the sanctity of his soul after he watched the three coffins sink into the cold ground. 
It just had to rain that day, water filling the nice dress shoes his father bought for him a few months prior as mud covered the black leather.
He reached adulthood much too fast. Even under the care of his parents’ friends, he was forced by his own will to become independent. They tried to shower him with the same love and support that his family had, but it was no use- Jungkook was alone. No one could fill that gap in his heart once it was made empty.
He’ll admit, he was a bit more dramatic back then.
He was approaching his seventeenth birthday when he smoked for the first time, turning it into a habit by the time he graduated high school. He had been dragged out to an end-of-the-year school gathering by Taehyung, a senior who was much too silent like himself- who understood that Jungkook preferred the quiet due to the mayhem in his mind. They had formed a tranquil and mostly unspoken bond over the months that they studied together.
“Is it safe?” Jungkook muttered while looking at his older companion of the silence curiously.
“I’ve done it a few times and I was fine. Just take it slow at first. Try two hits and then wait like twenty or thirty minutes.” Taehyung’s contralto voice was somehow comforting to Jungkook, a beacon in the chaos that was the kickback they were currently separating themselves from. “If you don’t want to, that’s cool. You don’t have to.”
“Nah,” Jungkook’s desire to break out of his shell was a little spurred by Taehyung who seemed to aid him in the most odd yet unobtrusive way. “I’ll try it. Might be cool.”
The only two at the campfire while the rest of their year mates drank and danced to music in the house, Jungkook and Taehyung shared their first high together.
Then, the voices stopped.
Jungkook was shaken to his core, gripping the arms of the camping chair he sat in until his fingers ached and his knuckles turned white. For the first time in six years, his head was blanketed in silence.
Slightly panicked at the new sensation, he turned to Taehyung for help, only to find that his friend was sitting back with his head craned up, gazing intently at the stars. Jungkook followed his stare and struggled to see them past the glow of the flames in front of him, only to grow enraptured by the gorgeous twinkling of each small dot in the midnight sky once his eyes adjusted. Strangely, he was hit by a sudden burst of inspiration.
“I could write a song right now.” Jungkook told the sky confidently.
“You write?” He saw Taehyung turn to look at him out of the corner of his eye. Meeting his friend’s observance, he let a smile lazily grace his face for once as he replied.
“I do occasionally. I always wanted to be a singer when I was younger.”
“Me too.” Taehyung chuckled with a sense of wistfulness, fixing his stare on the small inferno in the fire pit. “Well, I wanted to be a bassist really bad. Maybe sing a little.”
Overcome with the emotions of maybe not being totally alone, Jungkook’s inner sageness spewed from his mouth without falter, wholly due to the graceful and relaxed feeling that he received from the high.
“We’re still young.” He reasoned. “We can still do it.”
“I’ll be studying music in university after my military service is over. My most realistic dream now is to become a studio bassist for some record company.” Taehyung laid his head back again, closing his eyes.
“Hey,” Jungkook called for his friends attention and the older boy looked at him with slightly bloodshot eyes. “We can do something with this if we really want to. I’ll follow you to university. Never really had a solid plan for where I wanted to go to anyway.” Jungkook stuck his hand out in a silent offer, hoping that his proposition wouldn’t be crushed.
Taehyung smiled mellowly, taking his younger friend’s hand with his in a handshake. “Sounds like a plan, my friend.”
After Taehyung graduated and enlisted, Jungkook completed his senior year with a new hobby- well, two new hobbies: writing and smoking.
With the impending date of his enlistment, he knew that he had to give it up as he was going to get drug tested. For two years, he kept up with himself without the help of the self-administered psychoactive drug therapy.
Service was a good distraction from the voices. Having things to do to keep him busy and writing in any free time he had, he was kept delightfully aloof from the dark corners of his mind. It also helped that he enlisted into the same garrison that Taehyung was assigned to.
Taehyung welcomed Jungkook into university with open arms. Now, at the age of twenty, Jungkook was a seasoned and trained man. The voices still loomed over him, but they were pushed to the back of his mind as he learned to deal with the emptiness.
He had highs to suppress his demons, he had his songs to communicate himself to others, and he had Taehyung.
Although it wasn’t nearly enough to fill his empty glass, it was empty no longer.
Jungkook lay in his bed as he watched the violet sky turn midnight blue, the already-set sun pulling the rest of its light away from his side of the earth. 
Naked and vulnerable under the scrutiny of the world, he lay in the sheets with his head turned toward the window, presenting the sorrow brimming in his eyes right back to the invisible gaze of the universe. With no form of judgement in response to him, he was left to ponder over the things he had done.
Because even now, with a slight high from the drugs, he realized that he could still hear them- the whispers, murmurs, and dronings of impugnment continued to poison his mind. He found it funny that he was always pressing the voices away, yet whenever confronted by the menace that was his emotions, they were his safety blanket. 
Pulling the sheets to his body while he curled into himself, Jungkook realized that he felt completely bare and exposed without the voices.
He’d keep them back to the point of a whisper so that he could call on them to protect him with a roaring intensity during bad times. There was never a time that he wasn’t manually suppressing them if he wasn’t high anymore.
With a shaken mind, he realized the only true way they were silent without true effort now. The drugs had stopped suppressing them a long time ago. There was no way he was able to have silence unless he was actually enforcing the lack of sound onto himself.
Not unless he was with you.
You provided light and hope and everything good to him, You gave him the things that were snatched away from him all those years ago- the things that he forced himself to live without. Unlike Taehyung, who gave him the sense of having a brother again, you gave him the love of everyone he lost. You acted like a sibling, gave him the comfort like a mother, and gave him the stern challenge and teachings of a father- if that made any sense.
Without you, he felt like his family; Jungkook felt lost and alone. Even as an up-and-coming rockstar with thousands of fans scrambling to get to know him, he felt like he was the last man on the planet who kept himself back while everyone else moved on to a better world.
The night at the club still haunted him, the truth of what happened chilling him to the bone- even if he didn’t exactly remember any of it.
Shit. Maybe he needed help after all.
Sitting with his back to the door, staring at the night of New York City, Jungkook did not hear Namjoon enter the room with both of his bodyguards in tow.
“We’re staying another few days.” His older brother informed him, breaking him from his trance-like gaze.
“Goody.” Jungkook sighed, setting his empty glass down on the table in front of him. With a huff, he stood and stretched. Namjoon uttered a quick ‘give us a second’ to his men before the shuffling of feet and the door closing behind him signaled the beginning of a serious conversation.
“You know she’s still here, right? It’s not too late to go and talk to her.” Jungkook could feel the man’s eyes on his back, pity dousing the information that Jungkook was already aware of.
But Jungkook didn’t need Namjoon’s pity. It was enough that Namjoon saw his feelings on paper. Nothing more needed to be shared.
Still, he respected his brother’s wisdom and he remembered the words of his counselor. ‘Accept the silence. Then, do the talking from the inside. The only one truly speaking, inside and out loud, is you.’
“I know. I already spoke to her. Some things…” Jungkook’s volume died down for a moment, unsure of how to put it, as he turned his head to look at his brother in a silent plea for assistance. “…happened the other night. She came and saw me again today,”
“-I didn’t know what to do and I acted like a dickhead.” He looked back down and chuckled spitefully to himself, wisps of a shadow materializing back into the depths of his mind once he stopped speaking.
Namjoon exhaled after not realizing that he was holding his breath following his own comment. Carefully, he approached Jungkook so as to not trigger him into closing himself off. Despite having received professional assistance and counseling for two years, Jungkook was still as fragile as fine china.
The older man placed a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder before slightly forcing Jungkook to face him.
“Tell me, Jungkook,” Namjoon looked into his eyes, prying into the windows of his soul, to capture a glimpse of the storm clouds brewing in his brother’s brown orbs. “Do you still love her?”
Jungkook didn’t know how to answer at first.
The voices began permeating Jungkook’s mind ever so slowly as an automatic reaction to being emotionally jabbed. He didn’t like addressing his feelings; the voices were all he could fall back on when he felt threatened, deafening volume drowning out the possibility for anything to reach into him too deep. They gave him the things- the bad things- he needed to say in order to protect himself.
As he sifted through the past two years, however, looking back on the help he had received and the exercises he went through that allowed him to no longer fear the natural silence- to embrace it without the drugs- he knew that no one was threatening him and no one was going to hurt him. Jungkook was asked if he still loved you and he couldn’t have the negativity surrounding him if he was going to answer that question, so he moved his trepidation out of the way to see what was left for you.
Behind it all- the fear, meaningless women, music, loss- lay a withering yet ever-present being, its wings tattered and flayed at the edges. With its first glances of light, with no smog to block it, it beat its tiny appendages with potential and came to life upon Jungkook’s realization of what it was.
His arrant and perennial love for you.
Jungkook briefly remembered the meadow- your meadow- and all of the tiny butterflies that were living out their lives in the beauty of the world that day. A butterfly adorned with blue and black splotches of color on its wings had managed to land on your head for a split second when he adjusted your hair. The particular memory and the events that followed on that day relocated as the tiny butterfly inside his mind fluttered upwards.
Jungkook’s heart soared with newfound beginnings- a second chance.
“I do, hyung. I do.” He whispered, voice wavering under the force of the emotions that came bubbling up from his chest. Tears filled his eyes, prompting his older brother to pull him into an embrace.
Jungkook’s body racked with cries at the feeling of comfort and warmth, unable to stop himself from feeling the raw emotions he had delayed for too long. Instead of needing to push the darkness out of the way, it came pouring out of him in radiating waves much too intense for him to handle alone.
“Hyung! I love her! I love her!” He chanted into his brother’s shoulder. “I hurt her! She was all mine and I tossed her away!”
Namjoon, although shocked by the psychological state and emotional outburst of his usually stoic bandmate, held him with care and waited until his brother’s breathing calmed before suggesting his next move. “Then go and get her, Kook.”
“She’s-” Jungkook had to swallow to wet his dry throat. “She’s with Taehyung right now.”
“Then wait until morning. From what Jin-hyung said, she’ll be here until the end of the week.”
So, wait is what Jungkook did.
He woke up at eight the next morning and called your personal assistant, finding his number easily on your company’s preliminary email to everyone in his organization for the whole UN ordeal. After two rings, the man answered.
“Halo! This is Brian Morena, representative and PA to Ms. Y/N Y/L/N. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”
“Jeon Jungkook.” Jungkook stated his name lowly and unsurely, cautious as to how to approach asking him about your schedule.
“Ah, Mr. Jeon! It is a pleasure to speak with you! I’ll just verify your phone number really quick. It will only take a moment.” The line went silent for a few seconds and Jungkook waited on the edge of his bed with a bouncing knee and a fingernail between his teeth. After a few more seconds, the man was back on the phone. “You’re good! What can I do for you today?”
“I was just wondering if I could possibly get my hands on Ms. Y/N’s schedule for the day.” Jungkook heard how weird the request sounded the moment it flew from his lips. Quickly, he came up with a lie to soothe the request with reasoning. “She left her jacket in the elevator and I wish to return it to her- personally.”
Jungkook added the last part, knowing that the man would just tell him to give it to an employee of your own building, and Jungkook couldn’t have that. He wanted- no, needed- to see you.
“I see.” Brian responded thoughtfully. “Well, in that case, I’m unable to disclose her whereabouts due to security reasons.” Jungkook’s heart dropped a little at the notion of being unable to speak with you while his heart was still flying open. Then, Brian spoke again.
“But if she is in her hotel during her free time, she will be in her penthouse and I will assign you a temporary elevator key so that you can get to her door. It won’t unlock the door, but it will get you in front of it. Does that sound alright, Mr. Jeon?”
Jungkook smiled triumphantly. “Yes, that sounds lovely. Thank you, Brian.”
“It’s no problem, sir! Though, I do suggest you move quickly because she only has the next two and a half hours before she has her first scheduled event of the day. Your key will be ready for you in the next ten minutes. Have to wait until your status change goes through properly.” Brian was busy clacking away at his keyboard while he spoke, but Jungkook couldn’t be more overjoyed that he had succeeded in his plan thus far.
Things will work out. I’ll get her back. However much and however long it takes.
He dressed casually and indiscriminately with a mask over his face so as to not draw attention. After searching for it on google and exiting the hotel onto the street, he hailed a cab to take him to the first flower shop he could find to order you a bouquet of white tulips- obviously, he had to google that too. Jungkook had no idea what the best flower for apologies and hopes of new beginnings was. He was no botanical genius and that was a fact.
Once he had the flowers in his hand after a grueling wait, he stopped by the closest coffee shop to buy your favorite coffee- with two creams and three sugars if he remembered correctly. Despite the amount of time the florist had wasted, he made his way back to the hotel on foot so that he could properly practice what he was going to say to you. If he was going to make it right, he needed all the practice he could get.
Take off the mask. Don’t be a dick. Take off the mask. Don’t be a dick.
Jungkook let the incantations fill his head so that the haze of negativity didn’t have a chance to snap back into place over his single, delicate emotion. He was vulnerable and fighting the mental pressure with everything he had so that he could bare himself long enough to at least get back on good terms with you.
By the time he was back in front of your hotel building, it was a quarter to ten and he was left cursing the florist for taking so long. He stood awkwardly on the pavement, allowing himself a few breaths before he decided to enter the glass doors. Jungkook knew that he would be attracting attention by standing in front for so long, yet he couldn’t help but need a moment to send a prayer to whichever god was watching over him.
Closing his eyes, he craned his head up and took one last inhale whilst sending a silent plea for things to work out. To see you smiling and happy again. To hold you in his arms and hear you silence every one of his demons once and for all.
What he didn’t expect was one of his prayers to be promptly answered.
As he opened his eyes to look at the late morning sky, he caught sight of you immediately, sitting on the restaurant balcony- laughing and smiling. But you weren’t laughing and smiling to yourself.
You were giving your joy and happiness to Taehyung whose hand was covering yours above the table, grinning endearingly and adoringly back at you.
Jungkook’s hands grew numb, warranting the flowers and coffee to slip from his grasp onto the sidewalk, as he drowned in smog once again.
“He never wanted you to leave.”
You sat, dumbfounded for a moment, as Taehyung said the words. You didn’t let the shock last for long, knowing that what he said must have been a lie.
“There’s no way.” You chuckled scornfully. “He told me himself, Taehyung. He didn’t want me anymore.”
“Y/N, take it from me. I loved you. I wanted to see you happy.” He grimaced briefly, most likely from the personal statement, while turning his eyes down to place his gaze on his empty plate in front of him. “But I knew that he made you happy even though he made you sad. He made you happy in a way that I never could. And he wanted to see you that way- happy.”
“I’m sorry, Tae. I- I should’ve-” Your heart ached for a moment as you tried to find the words to say, wishing for the first time that you had been in love with him instead.
“Don’t apologize, Y/N. You can’t force feelings like that and I sure as hell was not going to force you into anything that you didn’t want.”
A question burned behind your eyes, tugging your heart to remember the past.
“Then why did you let me see?” Your eyes turned cold. The drop in your tone nor the change of your mood were directed at him, but they were caused by him nonetheless.
“Because I was young and thought you had a chance to find that happiness elsewhere.” He sighed, taking the opportunity to place his hand over yours on the table while his words distracted you. “And for that, I’m sincerely sorry. I know that friends are supposed to help each other out, but that was a situation that was out of my hands and not mine to handle or get involved in.”
“I’m not blaming you for my relationship issues. I never did and I never will. So don’t apologize.” You looked down at the way his hand covered yours. “I just wanted to know.”
Taehyung pat your hand in an attempt for you to look at him again. When you did, he continued his sentiment.
“Jungkook didn’t want you to leave at all. He has this… thing. It’s not really my place to say anything, but I’ve been friends with him for years and he’s had it a bit rough. I know that he’s a dick- believe me, I know-“ You quirked an eyebrow at his expression. “But he’s got something he keeps hidden behind that thick skull of his that you should probably know about.”
“Why can’t you just tell me?” You asked, curious as to what he could be alluding to.
“Because you guys still need to talk. He was never good at talking to you about things.”
“I’m never fucking talking to him ever again.” You deadpanned.
“Please do it for me, Y/N.” His eyes begged with his plea, pulling you in.
“Oh? And why should I do it for you, hm?” You joked with him to steer the conversation away from the heavy subject, a small smile playing upon your lips. “I think you were the one apologizing to me.”
“Well, all I can say is that I’m sorry. I was supposed to be there for you- when you needed a shoulder to cry on and when you needed someone to binge watch TV shows with.” He smiled with his attempted joke that you couldn’t help but laugh at.
“You’re the best TV show buddy.” You giggled and looked down at your joined hands again, rotating your own so that you could hold his. To be friends with him after all this time… is it possible?
“Oh, I know I am!” He laughed loudly again, prompting you to quickly look around the restaurant area and the street below you, mild panic setting in once more. You tilted your head in confusion and pity at the sight of a few white flowers lying on the pavement next to a splattered drink.
“Poor flowers.” You muttered to yourself. “They’re so pretty.”
You watched Taehyung turn to look where you were staring from the corner of your eye. “Oh yeah. Would you look at that? Such a waste.”
Instead of taking any more time, you stood and straightened your blazer to remove the wrinkles. “We should probably get out of here. I have a security meeting in a little while.”
“How long is a little while?” Taehyung asked as he stood and pressed his hands to his own coat. You made eye contact with Jay who was already stood and ready to go, nodding to him as you answered Taehyung’s question.
“About an hour and a half. Why?”
“Damn. That’s not enough time. Maybe tonight then?” He tapped his chin thoughtfully, lips forming into a thin line.
“Enough time for what? What’s happening?” You grabbed his elbow when he began walking away without answering your question.
“What time are you going to be done for the day?” He asked.
“Taehyung,” You warned lowly. “What’s going on? I won’t tell you unless you give me something to work with here.”
“Oh, nothing.” He smiled and removed your grasp from his arm. “I’ll just ask Brian again. I’m sure he’ll be upset if you dodge your schedule.”
“Brian?” You watched as he walked away through the tables while hooking his mask back onto his ears. You wanted to get to the bottom of the situation fast- so you quickly followed him. “You’ve been speaking with him?”
“Of course I have! Isn’t that right, Jay?” Taehyung turned to the man in question.
“Of course, Mr. Kim. You’ve been very in touch with the staff.” Your bodyguard, once he joined you and Taehyung walking together, let a small, smug grin pull at the corners of his mouth. What a traitor. A slight sense of mock-betrayal filled you.
“What?” You asked. “Why?”
“For research purposes.” Taehyung deadpanned, grabbing your hand in the process. “Now come on. Let’s get out of here.”
“I have to go back to my room and get ready for my meetings.” You said quickly. Taehyung only chuckled lowly.
“Alright. Then let’s go!” He tugged you towards the exit. “I’ll take you to your door.”
You had no option but to stumble behind him while you stressfully surveyed the area, careful of onlookers.
“YOU ALMOST LOST IT?” Kate’s voice was shrill and slightly distorted as it burst through the speakers of your phone at an ear-splitting volume.
“I’m sorry!” You briskly apologized. “It wasn’t my fault, I swear!”
“I spent weeks- weeks!- planning and making that jacket for you! I-” She bleated weakly before her tone leveled to nonchalance. “Wow. So this is what being chopped liver feels like.”
“Kate! You are not chopped liver, I swear.” You rushed the statement as you sat back in your office chair, glad to have a conversation that wasn’t work-related after a long and grueling day.
Your friend only grumbled in response. “It sure feels like it.”
“Well, you aren’t. I swear on my job.” You said.
“Oh wow. Holy shit. Okay, yeah that means a lot.” She stuttered playfully. “But something tells me you didn’t call me just to tell me you almost lost one of my most prized works of art- which, by the way, is my best seller. So, what is it?”
“I- uh…” You didn’t know how to word it. You had spent the entire work day using security updates and board meetings as a distraction from the open debate in your head, so now that your day was over and you had nothing left to do, the thoughts came back. It’s why you called Kate; you needed a third opinion.
If what Taehyung said about Jungkook was actually true, then maybe you should talk to him so that you could hear his side of the story. The bad bitch part of you told you to fuck off and forget about him, but you couldn’t help the softer and more curious side of yourself that begged to hear him out.
Realizing you had gone silent for a moment too long, you blurted out something random. “I’d like for you to design a hat for me.” A hat? Really? That was the best you could come up with? At least ask for some pants or something.
“Bullshit,” She chuckled in response. “But I’ll take that until you’re ready to tell me what’s actually going on.”
You heard her rustling some paper in preparation to take down design ideas, triggering panic to rise within you. You didn’t want her to put in work for an imaginary hat that you really had no desire of having.
“Hypothetically!” You shouted before she could get into it.
“Okay…” You heard the hesitation in her voice, clearly weirded out by your outburst. “Hypothetically what?”
“Let’s say, hypothetically, that you had an old flame who broke your heart and acted like a dick years ago, but you just recently learned that there were, maybe- I don’t know- some other things going on that made him act that way. Would you want to talk to him about it?”
“Hell no.” Kate laughed. “Just because you’re going through some stuff doesn’t mean you can act like a dick to other people. There’s no excuse for being a shitty person.”
“That’s what I thought.” You replied strongly. In your head, however, the war within you was brewing, weakening your composure.
“You’re not one to usually think about things like this.” Kate added. “What’s going on with you?”
“Just dealing with some stuff from the past. Nothing huge.” You didn’t want to overshare and Kate understood, knowing that she could never ask you to tell her about your past. She would wait until you were the one sharing it with her.
“Just let me know if you want me to come over there. I could definitely use some quality time with a quiet person for once. These idiots are so loud.”
You laughed in response. “I will. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. We can watch movies or something and eat pizza and drink wine.”
“Oh my. That sounds like the perfect date!” She squealed. Her giddiness was infectious, spreading a soft smile across your lips.
“Won’t Brian get jealous?” You jab at her playfully.
“Not at all. He’ll probably end up attached to his video games anyway.” Kate snorted. “Shit! Speaking of! I need to call him! I’ll talk to you later?”
“Of course. Talk to you later.” You sat up in your chair.
“Bye!” She chirped.
As you sat alone in your office, building lights dark and the lights from the city the only form of illumination in the room through the window, you let your friends’ words rifle through your head.
On one hand, Kate catered to your stone-cold side, encouraging you to forget all about Jungkook and move on. Despite not knowing the situation and understanding all of its facets, her opinion was unbiased.
Taehyung, on the other hand, encouraged you to speak with Jungkook. He was aware of both sides of the story and understood what you and Jungkook- whatever the hell it was- were going through. He supported the side of you that was eager to understand and desperate to love again.
The decision was, ultimately, yours to make. What were you going to do?
The thoughts in your mind weighed heavy on your heart while you prepared to leave. You stood, packed your brief case, and made your way out of your office and onto the sidewalk to hail your driver so that you could go back to your hotel.
You couldn’t worry about it for long, though, because your phone vibrated three separate times as three notifications lit up your screen on your way back. Taehyung texted you.
Kim Taehyung (BTS)
Wear thick socks.
And a coat.
With gloves.
You stared at your phone in confusion, trying to figure out what he was getting at. Just what in the world was this boy planning?
Sorry this took so long, everyone! Please remember to like/reblog and comment if you want. I’d like to know what you guys think!
Don’t forget to check out the Series Masterlist if you want to read the oneshots that I have published.
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
A Cullen / Volturi Christmas
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Word Count: 2,357  Demetri x OC Cullen Part Two Warnings: Fluff
Esme and Lily decided to have a mom and daughter day and left the castle to spend it shopping for gifts, which worked out well as it was the last castle ‘tour’ day before Christmas. Esme drove them to the mall and once there they began their Christmas shopping although Lily couldn’t buy her mom’s gift with her there and Esme didn’t buy Lily’s that day either. Esme treated them both to a manicure in the mall’s beauty salon. Lily opted for blue nails and had snowflakes painted onto her ring fingers; Esme opted for red nails and had a snowman painted onto her ring fingers. “Thank you mom for the manicure” Lily said as she hugged her mom “You’re very welcome sweetie” Esme replied smiling.
Once Lily and Esme had finished shopping they made their way back to the car “Mom, will you help me with something but it involves going back into the mall?” Lily asked Esme as they were putting the bags in the car “Of course. What do you require help with?” Esme asked smiling “You’ll see” Lily replied smiling as they made their way back into the mall and down to the Christmas shop.
Demetri was surprised when he returned from guard duty that evening to find that Lily had bought and decorated a 4ft Christmas tree that now sat in the corner of his room between his desk and the bookcase. He also noticed that Lily had bought him a Christmas stocking with his name on and had hung it on his fireplace alongside one with her name on. “I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to make your room feel a little…festive seeing as we spend so much time in here” She said smiling at him “I don’t mind, it was just a surprise that’s all. The tree looks beautiful and thank you for the stocking.” He replied smiling, trying to ignore the warm feeling running through him, knowing that he was starting to feel fond of her “You’re welcome” She replied smiling “I have one back home and thought it’d be nice to hang a couple over your fireplace. There was a stall in the mall that personalised stockings and tree decorations” She added still smiling at him “I must admit I don’t usually decorate my room at Christmas but it does look really nice, although the tree is missing something” He said pointing at it only just noticing there was nothing on top of the tree “Oh yeah. Here I left this for you to put on the tree” She said as he handed him a white star and watched him place it atop the tree.  
The following evening Demetri took Lily’s warm hand in his cold one and led her down to the family room for what was supposed to be movie night, but Caius had decided on something a little different. “Right now you are all here; I can tell you the plan for tonight. Athenodora and I have spoken and instead of family movie night we’re going to have a family games night” Caius said addressing the room. “Bella will you shield the other teams’ thoughts from Edward so it’s a fair game for all” He added “Of course Caius” She replied; everyone was surprised that he had asked her rather than making it an order.
The teams were; ‘The Cullens’ – consisting of Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Edward and Bella, ‘The Royals and the guard’ – consisting of Marcus, Aro, Sulpicia, Caius, Athenodora, Corin, Afton and Renata, ‘Lily and the non-veggies’ – consisting of Felix, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Lily, Chelsea, Heidi and Santiago.
Once each team had a name they let the other teams know. “Who came up with their team name?” Bella asked Edward chuckling and pointing at Lily’s team “Felix did. He thought it would be funny and the others didn’t object” Edward replied smiling. “I can’t believe a Cullen is on the same team as the Volturi” Emmett said “Yeah, who would have thought?” Afton agreed “Lily is an honorary Volturi as she is staying with Demetri” Aro said smiling “Not to mention it makes the number of people on a team fair too” Jane added. Gianna was the one who created and read out the Quiz questions ensuring that there were topics for everyone “I have used Wikipedia and google for some of the answers so if any of the ‘History’ questions are not quite accurate you know why” Gianna smiled nervously “It’s ok my dear” Aro replied smiling. Lily’s team did really well when it came to answering questions to do with current music stars, modern films etc. “I’m glad you’re on our team cara or we probably wouldn’t have done so well” Demetri whispered in her ear, causing her to smile “See us humans have…other uses” She whispered back and giving him a wink; he nodded chuckling low “So it would seem.” Marcus smiled seeing Demetri and Lily getting along so well.  
Once the quiz was over they played charades, again Gianna had written down some ideas. Edward tried acting out ‘First man on the moon’ and the Cullens didn’t guess correctly “That was a bad impression bro” Emmett called out once Gianna called time “I did my best” Edward replied. Lily got a bit creative when it was her turn; she walked over to Aro and began miming a conversation with him “Interview with a Vampire” Demetri called out pointing at them “Yep” Lily replied smiling and gave Demetri a high five before sitting back down beside him. Corin acted out the ‘can-can’ which had everyone laughing and as a result her team almost missed correctly guessing the mime. Jasper went next and mimed ‘running man.’ When it was Demetri’s turn he pretended to eat something then fell to the floor with his eyes closed “Snow White and the seven Dwarves” Lily called out smiling, Demetri got up and nodded at her “Well done cara” He smiled down at her. “How do they do that?” Afton asked “I don’t know but it works in our favour” Chelsea replied smiling at her mate.
At the end of the night before everyone left Felix gained the room’s attention “Right Christmas is two weeks away and the Cullens have agreed to do Secret Santa with us this year. I have put all of the names in this bowl so please come and pick a piece of paper out of the bowl to find out who you are buying for” Everyone chose their ‘person’ and Lily smiled when she got Jane as she knew exactly what to get her from the conversations that they had had, where they had gotten to know one another a little better. Felix had picked Lily’s name and made a mental note to ask Alice or Esme for ideas as he didn’t really know much about her.
The Cullens had been at the castle for two weeks when their month long stay was extended until after the New Year at Marcus’ request. Carlisle was sitting in Marcus’ private study and they were reminiscing about the years when Carlisle lived with them when Marcus changed the subject “Carlisle I would like you and your family to extend your stay here by two weeks so you leave mid-January instead of a few days after New Year’s” “Is there a particular reason for the offer to extend our stay here Marcus?” Marcus thought for a moment before answering “No, nothing in particular I would just like to have you and your family around for a little longer” “I will speak with Esme but I do not see it being a problem” Carlisle replied and Marcus nodded. Carlisle sensed Marcus was up to something he just wasn’t quite sure what.  
Demetri had gotten used to hearing Lily play her favourite Christmas songs low in the background during her stay in his room. Once she found out his favourite Christmas songs she added them to her playlist and he was both surprised and pleased the first time he heard his favourites playing amongst hers. He also found that sharing his room with her was easy as she was just as tidy and organised as him, she enjoyed reading and he found himself enjoying her company and the conversations they had by the fire. ‘I could get used to this, to having her around’ Demetri thought to himself one night after they had spent the night talking and laughing about the antics that go on both at her house and in the castle; discovering that Emmett and Felix had more in common that people would think. He also found that the slight burning feeling in the back of his throat when he was around her was becoming easier to deal with; so much so he rarely noticed it was there now.  
Demetri, Felix and Alec were sent out to track down a couple of rogues who were hunting a little too close to Volterra and would enter the city of an evening. They were gone for the day and warned them to move on; however one of the rogues didn’t like the warning and went for Alec and got himself dismembered and set alight by the three of them. The other two rogues took off running and vowed never to set foot in the Volterra again.
The following morning Demetri went Christmas shopping for his Secret Santa; he had gotten Renesmee and bought her ‘Beach Barbie and Barbie’s Beach House’ as he remembered Gianna had told him that all little girls loved that sort of thing, when she’d bought one for her niece’s birthday a few months prior. Demetri bought a gift for Felix and Heidi as he always did but this year he bought a few extra gifts that were to be given to Lily as he enjoyed her company and had started to think of her as more than just his friend’s daughter. He was pleased with his purchases and couldn’t wait to see everyone open their gifts, especially Lily. He wrapped the gifts that night whilst she slept and hid them at the back of one of the cupboards in the closet knowing Lily would never look in there and because it was out her reach.
Lily went shopping that afternoon with Chelsea as they had gotten the twins for their Secret Santa. Lily bought Jane make-up from Mac; two x eye shadow quads, a contouring kit and a selection of lip pink glosses. Chelsea bought Alec a book of poetry and a book containing 365 puzzles; one for each day of the year. Lily bought her mom’s gift too during this trip deciding on a rose gold bracelet with a heart charm and her mom’s favourite bath products. Lily also bought a few extra gifts that Christmas, which were for Demetri as a thank you for sharing his room with her and because she had come to think of him as a friend, although she secretly hoped it would become more. Chelsea smiled at Lily “It’s nice that you bought him something, he’ll appreciate it” “Thank you Chelsea, but please don’t tell anyone” Lily replied “Of course not hunny, this stays between us. I promise” Chelsea responded and drew a cross over her frozen heart; both of them giggling.
Later that evening Lily decided to run herself a bath and used one of her Cranberry Martini bath bombs. The bath was ready and she was in the closet looking for something comfortable to change into and decided to borrow one of Demetri’s jumpers, knowing he wouldn’t mind. Meanwhile, Demetri had returned to his room after being on guard duty that afternoon and could hear soft music playing and the smell of Cranberry coming from the bathroom and noticed the bath full of hot water and bubbles ‘Don’t mind if I do’ he thought to himself as he quickly undressed and climbed in the bath; the hot water relaxing his tired muscles. Lily entered the bathroom in just her robe and dropped it to the floor and turned around to climb in the bath when she saw Demetri laying in the tub with a big smile on his face “Hello darling, I must say...this is a beautiful sight to come home to” He winked at her “Well make some room then” She said and walked towards the tub; Demetri’s eyebrow rose in surprise “I ran the bath for myself using one of my favourite bath bombs…so now we’re sharing seeing as your tub is big enough for two” She added climbing in the bath and adding some more hot water. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him; her back resting against his chest “Who knew sharing my room with you would lead to having a bath with you” He said low in her ear “This is our little secret…if you want this to be repeated whilst I’m staying here” She said as she shifted slightly in his arms so she could look at him “So this ‘accident’ can be repeated…huh…my lips are sealed” He replied smiling and placed a kiss to her shoulder; her eyes closing at the feel of his lips on her skin, he left a trail of soft kisses along her shoulder working his way up her neck before capturing her lips in a light kiss. They looked at each other for a moment before she leaned up slightly and pressed her lips to his; one of his hands made its way to her face, gently turning it towards him allowing him to deepen the kiss “Wow” She breathed out when he pulled away allowing her to breath; he nodded and they both leaned into one another sharing another kiss before she relaxed in his arms enjoying their shared bath ‘Mine’ he thought as they laid there; him holding her close to him.
That night as he sat on his bed reading one thought kept going round in his head ‘How do I show her she’s mine’ He smiled looking down at her asleep in his bed; then it hit him ‘Jewellery.’
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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If My Body Had A Say (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N told you it was gonna be a sinful week, my brain is in nonstop thirst mode this week! Song used is “Body Say” by Demi Lovato! Enjoy 😉
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Right guys I have a feeling it’s gonna be a busy night tonight.” You smiled as you let the bar door slam behind you.
“Oh that’s it, turn up when everything is done!” Jake laughed.
“Urm you do remember, I am the boss and own this place right?” You winked, dumping your bag in the bar, “Just be grateful I’m tending tonight.”
“And by the looks of it, hoping to get laid as well” Jade laughed.
“Is it that obvious?” You smirked, as you hung your leather jacket up, revealing the black mesh top giving the perfect view of the red lace bra underneath.
“Nah” she winked.
“Just to let you know I will be calling dibs on any table there’s a cute guy on, shout up if you see one walk in. You all know my type” you laughed.
It was now around nine pm and you were right, tonight was busy but not too bad. You had your back to the door, pouring drinks when you felt something being thrown at you.
“Eyes right. Just walked in” Jake winked, looking over to the door you couldn’t help but bite down on your bottom lip at the Blonde god that just strolled in like he owned the place.
“Best wingman ever,” you smirked at Jake “Whatever table they are at, remember it’s mine tonight”
“Are you talking about the table or Blondie?” Jade laughed.
“Well if I have my way, then Blondie'' You grinned as the boys made their way over to the bar. You couldn’t help yourself as you grabbed the phone that was purely used for the music, scrolling through the playlists until you found the one you were looking for before hitting shuffle.
Turning back to the bar, you flashed the boys your best smile, whilst leaning forward giving Blondie the perfect view of your boobs, and you didn’t miss his eyes dropping before quickly looking back up.
“What table are you on boys?” You asked.
“The booth in the back corner,” Blondie smirked, as you locked eyes and in that moment it felt like it was only the two of you in the building.
“Perfect” you grinned, breaking eye contact with him, “write your order down and I will bring the drinks over shortly, also I am gonna need to get a credit card and ID to get the tab set up”
“Get Ya wallet out peaches!” One of the guys said as he slapped his hand on blondie’s back. “You lost the bet so tonight is all on you!”
“It was a stupid bet!” He huffed handing his bank card and ID over to you, his fingers brushing against yours, sending sparks through your skin.
“Thanks, I will bring this over once I’ve done” you nodded, flashing him your signature smirk.
Spinning around you placed both hands against the counter, taking a deep breath before looking down at the ID, you didn’t need it but he didn’t know that.
“That was sneaky, Y/N” Jade laughed, looking over your shoulder at the ID “fuck, girl he is Navy!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve hit the fucking jackpot!” You grinned as you got the tab set up before slipping the bank card and ID into the back pocket of your jeans so you could get the drinks started, moving my body to the beat of the music.
“Someone can’t stop watching,” Jake laughed as he squeezed behind you.
“Let him watch,” you winked, as you grabbed your bottle of beer, bringing it to your lips as you locked eyes with Clay, throwing him a wink as you licked your lips, before you grabbed the tray of drinks. “Oh this is gonna be easy”
As you got closer to the table you heard the conversation.
“Seriously, you made it so obvious that you were staring at her boobs” one of the guys said.
“I think she caught me” Clay laughed “but I mean damn she is absolute fire, I couldn’t help myself”
As you got closer the conversation stopped, placing the tray down in the center of the table, you decided to keep hold of Clay’s ID and bank card for a little bit, as you had a plan.
“So what is a bunch of Navy Seals, doing in a little bar of mine?” You asked leaning against the wall.
“Change of scenery” one said. “And our boy here lost a bet, so we thought we would come cause some chaos in a new place”
“Well if you need another troublemaker, you let me know” you smirked “Trouble is my middle name, enjoy boys”
As you walked off, you put an extra swing in your hips and you felt a set of eyes burning into your ass. This boy was putty in your hands and you loved it. And if the change of music didn’t give the game away then you didn’t know what would.
About an hour had passed, and a lot of flirting had happened between you and Clay already, whenever they needed more drinks he was the one to come up to the bar. The conversation just flowed with him and you felt like you had known him years.
Leaning your forearms against the bar you locked eyes with him again, that smirk of his was going to get you into some serious trouble. As the music changed you bite down on your lip.
“If I had it my way, I would take the lead. And if I had it my way, I would take you deep. If my body had a say, I'd get it off my chest. Show you all the red lace underneath this dress. And our eyes are crossing paths across the room. There's only one thing left for us to do” you mouthed along with the song, as you maintained eye contact with Clay from across the room, “You can touch me with slow hands. Speed it up, baby, make me sweat. Dreamland, take me there 'cause I want your sex. If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away. Touch, make love, taste you”
You couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and his blue eye darkened with desire. Before he looked down, laughing at something the guys had said. His smile made you feel so many emotions and left you feeling weak at the knees. Grabbing a napkin and a pen you scribbled a note before folding it up, placing it between the cards.
No one had ordered more drinks but there order was the same each time so you quickly got it all together before taking them over.
“We didn’t order any more drinks?” Jason said.
“Well you boys looked thirsty, so this one is on me” you smirked before turning to Clay, “oh I forgot I still had these” you said, passing him back his ID and bank card. “I’m going on a break soon, so if you need anything just ask Jade or Jake and they will look after you”
As you walked away you saw Clay check the note you had left him. Smirking to yourself you headed to the bar. “Right I am going on break, and if my plan has worked I don’t know how long I will be” you winked “just don’t come looking for me because you might see things you don’t wanna see”
It wasn’t long before the door to your office burst open, with a hungry Clay standing in the doorway. He didn’t waste any time as he rushed over to you grabbing your jaw in his hands, smashing his lips against yours, this kiss was far from romantic, it was full of urgency and lust, you smirked into the kiss letting the sparks fly through your body as you fumbled with the belt on his jeans.
“You have been such a tease all night,” he growled against your lips.
“What you gonna do about it?” You giggled, as you pushed his jeans and his boxers down, wrapping your hand around his dick, slowly pumping, making a low groan leave his lips.
“Mmm, I can think of a few things,” he groaned “starting with bending you over this desk.”
“Don’t you want your dick sucking first!” You whispered, as you ran your fingers over the head, making his knees buckle slightly. “I’m really good at it.”
“I have no doubt about that, Princess” he groaned “but I just wanna fuck you so bad right now”
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” You said looking through your lashes at him.
Within a few seconds, your jeans were around your ankles and you were pressed against your desk, ass in the air ready for Clay. The sharp sting on his hand made you moan before the feeling of him stretching you out making you gasp. He gave it a couple of seconds for you to adjust to his size, but then he got impatient, his fingers digging into your hips and he pounded you from behind.
“Oh fuck” you screamed, “shit that feels so good”
“God you feel good wrapped around my dick” Clay groaned, as his thrusts got harder.
“Shit, that’s the spot” you cried as he wrapped one arm round finding your clit. The feeling was intense, you hadn’t had sex in a while so everything was tighter and made the pleasure more intense, alongside the fact that you were at work. “Fuck, Clay don’t stop”
“I wasn’t planning on stopping, Princess” he growled.
You swore your souls left you body, as he thrust as hard as he could, the feeling of him assaulting your clit as well as the hard strokes pushed you over the edge, screaming his name as you came, but he didn’t stop, even though you were still riding the orgasm out, everything was even more sensitive now and he knew this by how you were responding, so he carried on as he chased his own high, leading you to a second mind blowing orgasm within minutes, both finishing at the same time.
“Fuck” you breathed, resting your check against the cool wood of your desk.
“You okay down there?” Clay said with a breathless laugh.
“Ask me in five minutes” you laughed, “not gonna lie, no one has ever fucked me that good before”
“Well just shows you hadn’t met the right person” he laughed as he slowly pulled out of you, making you whine at the loss of feeling. “You know this doesn’t have to be a one time thing right”
“Who said it was gonna be a one time thing anyway?” You giggled as you cleaned yourself up before pulling your jeans back up. “I have your address baby, I didn’t need your ID for the tab, that was just for me”
“You sneaky shit,” Clay laughed, resting his hands on your hips. “But I know I’m gonna need more, I’m gonna need to taste you, and I know I’m gonna get addicted to you.”
“Take me on a date then Spenser,” you smirked, getting lost in his blue eyes, “and I might show you just how naughty I can get.”
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