#Al being clingy warms my heart
twosoulss77 · 2 months
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Another bunch of sketches of the boys🍎📻❤️
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scoutswritingcorner · 3 months
Hello lovely ~ gonna request what we were talking about~
Alastors antlers shedding♡ literally? Anything you wanna say about it
Shedding Season
Alastor x GN!Reader
TW: Antlers being Shed, Alastor being clingy. 18+ as it does mention Alastor having a rut. Nothing graphic I promise
A/N:This is my take on how he would deal with his antlers shed and how he deals with his rut.
Alastor finds himself needing help with shedding his antlers. You decide to help him out
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It started off fine for Alastor, at first it was more of an urge to stay near his lover, you, it didn’t really bother him as he was a busy man and had things to take care of but it got worse after a day or two. The urge to stay in your vicinity got worse as he got even more agitated than before if he strayed away from you or Satan forbid Lucifer or Husker got too close to you. Then it was the constant motion of him rubbing his face into your neck or shoulder when no one was around, you didn’t seem to mind one bit but it agitated him to no end. But the feeling went away once you carefully ran your fingers through his hair, brushing near his antlers and ever so carefully scratching which caused him to pull you closer to him. 
Then it was how his body was reacting, how he couldn’t even wear his own coat anymore. It was like every article of clothing was suffocating him and how he hated it so. The best course of action he thought of was hiding in his room away from prying eyes and ears as he snarled out rubbing his horns on one of the many trees in the bayou in his bedroom. He didn’t need you to see how pathetic he looked and felt, his sweet doe would never look at him the same if they saw him like this. He was sure of it. Despite being in his own room, the wind of the familiar bayou felt on his warm body wasn't enough for him. It wasn’t until he heard a knock on his bedroom door that sent his ears turning to the sound and his head snapping up in anger.
“Alastor? Darling?” You called out from the other side of his bedroom door, his heart pounded before he willed his way towards the door ignoring the pain his antlers were giving him. He shakily gripped the doorknob before opening it only a bit. “Yes, Dear?” He asked softly trying to keep his anger at bay as his chest heaved with every heavy breath. You softly smiled at him, “May I come in?” You asked, holding onto the door frame leaning closer to him.
He weighed the options for a moment before eventually allowing you into his room, finally noticing the small basket in your hands, he tilted his head confused. Closing the door behind you he watched as you sat on his chair and waved him over, “Come here you silly deer.” You teased, causing him to huff but he followed your directions as much as he wanted to argue, he knew better. Especially at this moment. You held out your hands to him, the basket on the side of the chair, he slowly held your hands as you pulled him to sit on the ground in between your legs, his back towards the chair. 
“Need a drink or something to snack on, Love?” You asked him as he shook his head silently, he was rarely ever silent. You reached up and gently rubbed his shoulders noticing how warm his skin felt. “You’re rut is around the corner isn’t it?” He froze at the mention of his rut as his hand reached up to rub at his face. “Yes..I do believe it’s that time of year again, Cher.” He replied the radio static filter from his voice was gone as he let out a deep heavy sigh. 
You reached down and grabbed a cold water bottle to hand to him. “Drink up, Al..I’m gonna try and help you get this velvet off your antlers okay?” You whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his head. Alastor could only nod and mumble out a warning but you’ve been through this rodeo with him before. You reached down to get the tools from the basket as well as some of his favorite snacks that you got from Rosie earlier today. “They might shed as well, Al..just let it happen okay?” You carefully brushed back his hair seeing as a few strands stuck to his head that was covered in sweat. He could only reply with a hum leaning his head back against you. You were gonna have to get him a cold rag soon as well.
As you began to slowly and carefully help get the velvet off of his antlers he let out a low groan closing his eyes as sweat covered his face and neck. “Want me to go get you a cold rag, Darlin?” You asked softly tilting his head back carefully watching as he opened his eyes, his everlasting smile had dropped a while ago. “No..not yet..” He whispered out, you went back to silently helping him knowing how overwhelmed he gets during these times. 
It was only after you had gotten all of the velvet off of his antlers that something hit the floor with a soft thud making Alastor jump nonetheless. You looked over after making sure you had everything put back up and noticed his two antlers had shed, making him grumble loudly as he leaned his head back into your stomach. “Come on, Al..let me go get a rag for your face and neck.” You whispered slowly getting up as he leaned forward watching you. “Take a sip of water and eat up, okay? I don’t need you dealing with your rut on an empty stomach.” He waved a hand towards you but did what you had asked of him.
The rest of the night was spent with him sitting between your legs as you carefully washed the sweat from his face and neck, whispering soft reassurances as he kept drifting in and out of sleep. Soft jazz playing in the background as his shadow carefully wrapped around your body.
He felt a million times better and he knew that the weeks of his rut would be over soon enough with you helping him with how uncomfortable it made him.
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ohimsummer · 5 months
sashisu general hcs.ᐟ
— minors dni bc there’s nsfw/suggestive mixed in with these, sashisu x fem! reader, random hcs, reader has a septum piercing, horny gojo (derogatory), mentions of drugs, this got way longer than expected bc i was going a little insane
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⟡ prepare to have your space invaded at every turn. gojo is a serial offender, he has to be touching you every time you're around because how else will you know he's super totally infafuated with your being if he's not laying over you like a cat.
⟡ arm around your shoulder, hands on your waist, chin on your shoulder with a cheek against yours, hugging you from behind. in your bubble all the time but hates when you call him clingy
⟡ says your lap is the best pillow and he will pout if you don't let him nap there. just say yes, it'll be easier on everyone. sleepy satoru can get very grumpy.
⟡ anyway, geto also likes invading your space but of course in a more subtle way. letting an elbow or knee rest against yours. if he’s sitting next to you, he likes to rest a chin in the hand nearest you just so he can lean a bit closer
⟡ lowkey they’re jealous because shoko gets Girl Bestfriend Privileges so she doesn’t have to try as hard to disguise some interactions as something platonic. she can lay her head in your lap or give you a big, tight hug or play with your hair and you just see it as things girl bsfs do with eachother.
⟡ gojo is….obsessed with your piercing. you catch him staring at it sometimes with a slight hint of red on his cheeks. he feels the same way about your septum as he does about geto’s snake bites + gauges (horny)
⟡ eavesdropped on a conversation you had with geto about getting the same piercing or an industrial and the visualization of you with snake bites made him so flustered gojo had to leave the (next) room
⟡ you have a matching tattoo with geto, an inside joke between the two of you inked on both your ankles. you and shoko were joking about getting matching tattoos the week before and in those 7 days, he smooth talked you into getting one with him first
⟡ sharing your sweets with gojo is second nature. you’ve gotten so used to him holding out a hand for your snacks, that now you’re offering him half before he can even ask.
⟡ it warms his heart, how you just automatically hold half your pastry or candy bar out for him to take. the fact that you think of him every time, even if it’s mostly because he was so annoying about it initially.
⟡ his heart skips when you guys meet up and you hand him half a bag of candy. ‘here, satoru, i saved these for you.’ now he can’t focus, he’s thinking about taking your hand in marriage <3 starts bragging to shoko and geto that you love him more.
⟡ you could stay up with suguru all night. in your apartment, their apartment, or on a call. he’s so easy to talk to, an expert at lighthearted debate or keeping the conversation flowing.
⟡ he also just loves loves hearing you talk. reassures you that your rambling is fine, tells you to keep going, he’s listening the entire time and he also remembers everything you say.
⟡ so when you mumble ‘i’m thinking of adding some more decor to my apartment, maybe some cute succulents or a different theme in general’ one night while half asleep and then he shows up from a mission a couple days later with a tiny succulent cactus in his hand, do not be surprised.
⟡ trips with them are never easy to plan. and the places gojo recommends almost make your eyes bug out, it’d take you years to afford a vacation like that…utter nonsense in his eyes, he’ll gladly pay for you, now pack your bags!
⟡ they like coming over to your apartment to chill because (again) they love being in your space. shoko has a literal spare key to your apartment, gojo has his own spare key (it’s called a lock pick). geto will usually just come over when you’re home. he’ll resort to picking your lock before he asks shoko for the spare because she makes them both beg for it </3
⟡ so sometimes you come home and it’s any or all of them. whether or not you get a heads up is totally random. shoko or geto will ask if they can come over, or (if you’re expecting them) just text they’re on the way.
⟡ a heads up from satoru is basically nonexistent, you just come home and he’s in your living room. has your snacks in hand and is wearing one of he or suguru’s t-shirts they left behind. placates you by shoving snacks in your mouth and distracting you with the movie he’s playing (your fav) or a TikTok he wants to show you
⟡ it’ll be something cute that he knows you’ll latch on to immediately. a pair of cuddling kittens colored the same as your hair and he goes “look this reminded me of us” so now your face is warm and you’re cheesing goin “awwww!” he's so cute
⟡ it’s a running joke that you and shoko are married and she is your wife. she gets sooo smug towards geto and gojo when you playfully talk about the “marriage”, especially if one of them just said something rude to her.
⟡ “umm, satoru, don’t you dare talk to my wife like that!” and when he points out you two aren’t even actually married: “i’ll have you know we’ve been married for decades, and I refuse to let you treat the woman I love like that! Now shut up.”
⟡ shoko doesn’t usually like to share you with them if she doesn't have to but the thought of letting suguru be your “husband” and pissing off satoru was too funny to pass up. so geto very kindly asked for your other hand in marriage and now you have both a husband and a wife and gojo is the dog (according to them)
⟡ which he absolutely didn’t accept, and the next day he was demanding an annulment of your recent hitching. shoko was bad enough but suguru? you spilled the news and his jaw clenched immediately LOL
⟡ approaches you with a bouquet of flowers (that kept making you sneeze) the next day and a very pretty, very expensive ring. brags that he’d buy anything for his now wife and shushes you when you ask about the price (shoko told you later it was in the triple digits)
⟡ it’s a pretty, dainty little ring, has your initials on it, even. you wonder how he got it custom made in less than 24 hrs (the truth is gojo already had it hidden in his room and was too shy to give it to you). you wear it all the time because it’s genuinely beautiful and gojo smiles whenever he notices it on your finger.
⟡ it’s of course not a real wedding/engagement ring but…he thought about it. gojo definitely thought about it. anyways now you have two husbands and a wife but shoko is sure to remind them that she was your first love
⟡ on a related note, you do bully utahime about it. (“keep your hands off my wife, she doesn’t have time for a side piece/mistress”)
⟡ geto smokes on chill nights where you four are just hanging out, and you got high off his secondhand smoke once. it was an accident, but you actually liked how it felt, now he lets you smoke with him sometimes so you can build a tolerance.
⟡ another down bad satoru moment,,,watching geto take a hit and breathing out the smoke for you to inhale…geto totally out of it, head back, legs spread, and you giggling and cuddled up under his arm…god help him
⟡ gojo doesn’t really get high but he’ll sit on your other side and sometimes you sort of cling to him and zone out, his arm around your shoulders with your head lolled back on it. bricked the entire time, geto knows his red face isn’t because of the smoke
⟡ geto went to use the bathroom once so you turned your attention to gojo, legs over one of his and rubbing a hand over his chest as you were tucked under his arm. he almost imploded, shoko took a video and was smirking the entire time.
⟡ on walks, it’s you and shoko in front and the boys behind you, bickering or horsing around. you like to make a game out of taking obvious peeks at them and then whispering to shoko to get a reaction (gojo being very nosy and thinking you two are gossiping about them)
⟡ you probably borrow suguru’s clothes most just because he’s so lowkey about it. he’s the most observant of the three and if he sees you shivering or just wanting to cover up a little more, he’ll slide his jacket over to you. insists that you keep it, the only way he’ll get it back is if gojo takes it from you and replaces it with his own (definitely not out of jealousy)
⟡ they also steal borrow stuff of yours. gojo likes to wear your hats, his favorite is your pink beanie on cold days. you and shoko swap various clothes regularly ("is that my jacket? i've been wondering where it went for months.")
⟡ if a plush on your bed has went missing then suguru is the likely offender. takes one at a time, maybe two if he really likes it. he just likes to have a piece of you at their place.
⟡ he's waving goodbye on his way out the door and totally ignores you when you question why your stuffed bear is under his arm. laughs all the way down the hall when you call his name.
⟡ names it too. you're over at their apartment and spot said bear on the couch, ask about it, they've given it a random name. geto making jokes about it being your adopted son, laughs when you cover his mouth with a hand because you don't also need gojo stealing your plushies.
⟡ both boys like just throwing you over their shoulders like some kind of ragdoll. gojo will spin you around while you're squealing and laughing for him to stop. gets you both dizzy and then geto and shoko have to hold you both steady (or geto just lets him collapse on the ground)
⟡ sometimes you neglect your health and don't get enough sleep and in that case mother suguru will toss you over his shoulder and take you straight to bed. you're getting rest whether you like it or not.
⟡ gojo pinches you on the cheek before bed whenever one of you is falling asleep around eachother. geto too if he wants to get punched.
⟡ he asks you to do his dirty work for him and if you oblige then suguru scrunches his face and gives you the most unamused look and also bites you on the shoulder so...carry on at your own risk :3
⟡ if you pester either of them enough they'll wrap their arms around you in a bear hug (usually pinning your own arms to your side) and hover you in the air so the other can subject you to tickle torture. shoko's next if she tries to save you. rip, sawry <3
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tagz: @anthoosies @hellkaiserinphoenix @staryukis :3c
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berriblossom · 10 months
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Jing Yuan x FemChubby-thicker Reader|Jing Yuan missed his wife, clingy general, mentions of soft smut/sex nothing too harsh, sleepy sex.
[Since the last post did so well!]
The dozing general of the Xianzhou Luofou was sitting at his desk again late at night when he should be in bed. The bed he shared with his beautiful wife, the same wife he had just got off the phone with.
"Again? Jing Yuan? I thought you would get the day off tomorrow? Ok... fine..be safe for me okay..call me when you get home."
It ate at his soul of how devastated you sounded on the phone. He knew you were tired, tired of him being pulled every way away from you. Last week you were supposed to go out for dinner, what happened?
He got stuck with paperwork, again.
Yanqing offered several times to help with the load of stress, but Jing Yuan refused. Yanqing, being the son you never had constantly checked in on you and helped around the house but felt a little saddened by how you felt with the general always gone. Tonight, Yanqing was sent off on a patrol/mission about weird activity outside Stargazer Navalia. Jing Yuan checked the time on his watch. The night was slowly cascading onto the Xianzhou Luofou. Jing Yuan's eyes burned out of exhaustion as the stacks on his desk slowly became smaller and smaller. But the time was slipping away from him. Slinking his head down onto the desk, Jing Yuan looked outside the window behind him.
The look over the ship was beautiful, but it felt empty. Glancing at the time again, Jing Yuan started gambling the odds of his situation. If he could do at least another stack of work that'll leave him at least a stack or two for tomorrow, but if he just leaves now, he will be able to make it home before 1 AM. So, either or, it's either work this out now and feel better later or go home to see your wife, whom you haven't seen for the last week fully.
The general turned off the lights of his office with the Divine Seat and walked out of the building. He made it to his house by 12:54 AM. He left his desk at 12:33 AM. The power of speed and dedication to please his wife.
Jing Yuan quietly unlocked the door and made sure Mimi was sleeping soundly so he didn't wake her up with a grumble. Something he would pay for later; he took off his boots and placed his sword against the wall close to the door. He quietly inched closer and closer to your bedroom, opening the door he could see your sleeping form and all its beauty.
Jing Yuan grinned. He let out an exhausted huff as he could see the book you were reading on the end table near the bed. Hell, the lamp was still on too, he smiled and leaned down to your side of the bed. Leaving little kissed and gently touches all over your face and body, you looked so divine. Discarding his uniform, Jing yuan slid into the bed with you, pulling you into his warmth. Feeling the warm and strong arms of your husband, you stirred awake to see him lazily smile back at you. The bags under his eyes made you worry, but the hand that was dangerously moving up and down your thigh made you think otherwise. Jing Yuan leaned in closer and closer. His lips felt centimeters away from yours.
"I missed you so much, my love. So much." he gave you a small peck on the lips.
His eyes shined like gold, but they also had a burn to them. In Jing Yuan's vision, he could make out the plush firm if your body, your curves, the thickness of your thighs, the dip in your hips and how your tummy was peaking from one of his shirts you often wore to sleep, all jumbled up near your middle. Jing Yuan held you closer, the softness of your body made his heart beat 2x as fast.
He pushed his face into your neck, leaving little kisses aling your jaw line and face. You tangled your fingers in his hair and let him settle in between your legs. The weight of his body on top of yours was a welcoming and long forgotten familiar feeling. Pushing against you with his hands sneaking up the old shirt you wore to gently caress your breast.
Jing Yuan mumbled sweet nothings into your ear, how much he missed you, how long he's wanted you, how much he loves you. How lucky he was to have you. You waited for him every night, every single aching night.
Tonight, he wants to give it all back right now. The lamp shadow casts onto his skin, some scars from battle, his long white hair, all of it was mesmerizing. You hooked your legs around his waist, grinding yourself onto him, soft whispers, moans, and "i love yous" were shared.
Jing Yuan fought to kick off his boxers, his cock slapped against his abdomen, his hands went to help you push off your shorts and panties. His lips stayed on yours, his eyes were on you, his hands held you tenderly.
Pushing against you, you felt his tip slide against your clit and slit.
"Please, my love, let me have you again..."
Your whispers and pleas were heard by your husband as he slowly gathered enough of your wetness from your aching cunt. He pushed himself in slowly, you both moaning as he thrusted into you. The sensation alone made you see stars, Jing Yuan leaning down to kiss your forehead, holding you as he slowly thrusted into you.
He loved you so much. He wanted you to feel all of him. He would make up for how long he's missed you and how long he needed you. Hearing your moan to him, calling out his name as he made you cum over and over again.
The night felt young, feeling like it would last forever. He would make sure of it. The dozing general may be slightly overworked, but he'd put as much time and effort into making you feel loved than his paperwork
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aroseformyself · 1 year
Kalim Al-Asim.
Kalim accidentally got actually alcohol instead of the fake kind he uses at parties. when he gets a little too boozed up how will you take care of him?
“Y/n!! try the drinks! there amazing!!!” Kalim stated, wrapping his arm around you and holding his cup up. some of the liquid spilled out and fell onto the floor.
abruptly, Jamil came running over and announced the party was over on stage, scanning the crowd for Kalim with an intense glare.
jamil’s eyes flickered red once he saw you being held by Kalim.
Jamil calmly walked down the stage as to not alert the crowd, and then ferociously speed-walked to you and Kalim.
“Kalim.” he noted, crossing his arms and giving him a disappointed mom stare, “let go of Y/n and put that glass down. we can’t have your family seeing you like this.”
even though you were in Scarabia, Jamil was still scared someone might get in contact and show Kalim’s current state to his family, or worse attempt assassination on him.
so now you were assigned Kalim duty since Jamil had to clean up the party all by himself again. it’s the least you could do.
“ughh! Kalim why do you have to be such a lightweight!” you say, dragging a clingy Kalim with you to your shared room. he had recently moved you into Scarabia because of Ramshackle being a dump.
“nyah! do we really have to take him?” Grim whined, as if he was helping you, but you couldn’t yell at you little fur-baby.
“Grim. go help Jamil.” you pause, looking at his angry face, “unless you want to see Kalim throw up.”
Grim angry cat face turned into a disgusted kitten, “bleh! no way, see ya later mom- henchuman!” you heart melted at his mixed up words.
“bye-bye, son!” you shout back, waving at him with a smug grin on your face, the same grin that turned upside down when you felt Kalim kiss your neck.
“Kalim..” you start, this isn’t the first time he’s accidentally been boozed up and needy.
“Y/nnn!” he dragged out your name, smushing his face into your neck. the action making you think he was done. however, your breath hitched when he licked your neck. out of instinct you started walking again to at least get out of the hallway.
“love you,” he stated, but hit sounded more like a whine, his white hair swayed with the light breeze that blew passed as your speed walked down to your room.
when you got there you shoved Kalim off you and closed the door, when you turn back to Kalim he was sitting on the floor next to his bed, leaning against it.
“ugh.. my tummy hurtss.” he slurred, head swaying from side to side.
as soon as made a odd noise you rushed him to the toilet and rubbed his back, “bleh.” he mumbled after throwing his guts up.
“shh,” you hushed, gently guiding him up and slowly made your way over to the sink, grabbing a cup from the stack he had, and filling it with water, you handed him the cup and let him gurgle them spit and led his hand to fill it up again so this time he could drink it, you grabbed his tooth brush and put some tooth paste on it, running water I’ve rot for a second and giving it to him as well.
at first his mind didn’t register what he was holding and he stood there, gawking at the toothbrush.
but once his mind cleared a little he let out a little cough and brushed his teeth.
after he was finished you guided him to sit on the baths edge, “sit still, we don’t want you falling in, Jamil will have my ass for that.” (😳)
Kalim nodded closing his eyes and taking your hand in his, waiting for the water to be warm enough and fill the tub.
you strip off his clothes and subtly push his back so he knows to go in, “go, go now.”
you peel off your shirt but stop half-way because you feel his eyes on you, “N/n. you know you’re cute right?”
“oh know.” you say, already knowing what’s coming, you continue with taking your clothes off until your completely bare slipping into the warm water on the other side of the tub.
but once you fully sit you here A whine coming from Kalim’s direction.
“N/nnnnn!! come here!” he said, pointing to his lap with a pout on his face.
“um-mmm!” Kalim grabbed your face quickly and smashed his lips onto yours.
“Ka-lim!” you say between kisses, struggling to get him off you as you push his face away.
Kalim wraps his arms around your neck and stopped kissing your lips and moved to your cheek, “But you’re so sweet!!”
Kalim unhooked his arms from you neck and pulled you by your shoulders towards him, nuzzling his face into your neck. if only he was aware of how he had perched you eighth on top of his bulge.
you squirmed in his lap as he secured his arms around your waist, “Kalim…” you whined, slowly getting wet.
“shhh.” he whispered, laying his head on your shoulder, moving his hips in an upward motion. it took you a second to realize but Kalim was grinding on you!
“N-not in the bath!” you yell struggling on him, all the while he let you, you were so cute to him in this state, all flustered and unknowing of what you were doing.
Kalim didn’t stop his hips movements and soon you both worked yourself up to an orgasm, the tie in your stomach about to snap…!
Kalim stopped, your senses took a while to realize that nothing happened, “w…what…?” you hiccuped, trying to move to get friction.
“no, no, no. just sit and relaxxx~” he slurred again, and in that moment you realized, Kalim is still drunk… did he even know he stopped?!
you were laying down with Kalim now, trying to get over how he just edged you, and then made you clean him and yourself up. not that those were his fault but how dare he!
you closed your eyes letting everything turn black trying to make yourself fall into dream world. but before you could you felt Kalim press a kiss to your earlobe, hugging your waist tightly and muttering an apology for earlier.
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1218-814 · 3 months
Jade Leech Analysis and Theories
Again this is for myself, loosely based off of what other ppl think, but he's my kin so I may be biased
requested by @thehollowwriter
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His actual Personality (Iced Tea Theory) and his hobby
No one has actually gotten Jade's trust and trusted him back. He's desperately trying though, but he's not getting the right idea of how. His actual personality is frozen, but the only one that comes the closest to helping him is surprising: Kalim Al-Asim.
For Jade, you have to dump a ton of sugar (sweet love) into the tea.
Remember what he said in response to the tea?
"It feels like all my teeth will fall out."
What is Jade's unique magic written as?
"The teeth that bite."
I'm going to call Jade's actual personality iced tea for this reason.
Also, the mushrooms are a metaphor, as well as Jack’s cacti, for personality. Jack and the Octavinelle trio are from a cold place, Jack comes from the snowy region and Octavinelle comes from the icy ocean. Cacti grow poorly in cold places, which equals undeveloped Jade, which needs some sun and warm air to grow. It’s odd how suddenly there’s the story about a cactus and the detailed reason just to go to the greenhouse. And how much they emphasized that Jack is from a snowy country.
Jack said that he wanted to get his cactus some light in the greenhouse, and Octavinelle showed up, together, which is weird to me. 
Maybe this is what happened in the even (as in odd or even) chapters with Octavinelle. Ace and Deuce don’t seem to have memories of Atlantica Museum, and other positive things in that arc. Maybe the one who blotted was Jade? (There are different plot lines if you look closely, wasn’t it odd that you see how Malles was feared in the main story, but not in Halloween events? Even in part 5 how Ace and Deuce were like “long time no see” when you saw them before the end of 4?)
I think even at this point, his clinginess hasn’t resolved; so Azul and Floyd are accepting it, saying to him “Let’s change it little by little”. I mean it’s hard for someone like Jade, who lives for someone else to be just told “live for yourself!”.
I mean Azul asks him what he should do when Jack ruined his mushrooms; which I assume is letting him decide what he wants to do, as a part of helping him live his own life.
Jade talks to someone he doesn’t know from him, and the mushrooms are near a “sunny place” (with cloth). Azul insults him with a serious face and Floyd calls them “mushrooms” not “shitake”. Jade being in the middle is especially the weirdest. This is highly unlike them, and I think they want to “face Jade properly more”. 
Jade fake cried, which I assume is a form of therapy; even if it’s fake, it’s teaching him “that it’s okay to cry, tell us your feelings”.  Yes, even if Jack worked at Mostro Lounge, he has no merit, but Floyd said “Yeah let’s do that.”, which is a really good response because if he said that he would have no merit, the situation would go back to “listening to others, instead of yourself”.
He dragged the whole thing, and Floyd oddly didn’t complain about it, and he touched Jack’s ears. I think he wanted to do that from the beginning, and he didn’t go “Oya oya Floyd” and ignore his own thoughts/opinion. And Floyd said that they were “Jade’s treasure”, as opposed to in Jade’s lab coat when he said to throw it away.
Jade's heart is expressed as teeth, something sharp/hard and protected, and in Jack's lab coat story, I also assume the reason why they put the mushrooms in a sunny place is that it's a metaphor for Jade's real self-being "defrosted." Remember what Jack did? He threw Jade’s mushrooms away. I think this is expressing what people have done to him; the softest part of his heart is trampled and thrown away "for the time being" and "somehow" Jack and Jade are on opposite teams on Beans Day, probably because Jack is Jade's "Night", but Azul is Jade's "Day".
Jade wants to be defrosted by Azul, and that's why his relationship with him is co-dependent.
Jades and diamonds are kind of similar in a way; Diamonds are the toughest stone but are brittle. Jades are not as hard and easy to scratch, but they have a very strong toughness and are hard to break. (Cater and Jade)
Jade and his little… attachment Issues
Jade is so silly,  we all know he’s lowkey psychotic and loves Azul but he himself most likely doesn’t. I personally relate to him heavily and know most likely what he is thinking so let me explain his attachment to Azul. Think of Jade as a little child, or Ariel from the little mermaid, but she’s, like, 190 cm.
Do you know those people that are attached to one person? Jade is basically that with Azul, but a little hard (?) to tell. So you know how I said that Jade grows mushrooms because Azul praised him once for it? That is why he has that attachment; this goes for why he takes care of Floyd, it's something that he was praised for, something that gives him an “identity”.
He visibly sighs during flying classes, which reflects how it’s a very weak point for him while he’s very good at other things, so when he can’t do something less than another person can, it makes him stand out more. No praise no gain.  I know this is probably harder for people who aren’t like Jade to understand but basically, if you get praised by someone that you think understands you about something that you didn’t really know about yourself, you are like “Oh I didn’t know that!”. However, what he doesn’t know is that Azul doesn’t really understand Jade as much as Jade thinks. So when Azul says he’s someone that is “good at getting into people’s comfort”, he doesn’t really mean it as praise, but Jade takes it as one. His thought process is basically “If Azul, someone who I trust has good judgment because he always knows what people desire and what their weak points are, then there is no doubt that I am a bad guy who puts on a gentle and humble mask.”, and he believes that fake identity (also kinda gullible) as is. 
To Azul, he doesn’t trust Jade because he appears to have no desires that are to be gained through his contracts. It's fake but in a self-protection-type way. That illusion that he makes for himself makes him look strong, but deep down he is a very sensitive child. And that is why he became so attached to the little crybaby who spews out ink; he thinks they are the same in how sensitive and scared they are. Both haven’t been like this from the beginning, and that’s why Jade doesn’t fear the scheming personality of Azul. This also could apply to why he is okay with Trey (who is like him, but nice (?) and why he isn’t as close with Vil (who is someone who was born strong and honest about himself). Azul doesn’t notice because of hits low self-esteem
Just on a side note, I think Jade hates people who write stuff like this. This is a call-out post to some of the Jade kins out there. AKA me
I pulled this one out of the grave too
This is a small chunk of Octa, the google doc I have is 50+ pages
They're like a lot of context needed bc I post my old posts out of order so if there's a request, I am willing to pull those out
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
For mirror verse Low-key had a crush on Aladdin when I was younger (still do XD ) now I’m wondering would it be alright to request yandere story of him with a darling who can create illusions (however reader wants to break up cause Aladdin behaviour ) ^^ for the mirror verse game please, if you want include a prompt can I choose  37.) "We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn't it?"
I decided to treat this as a prompt story as I just wasn't getting ideas. I couldn't entirely figure out how to include your power so it's only really mentioned you're a Guardian in this, I apologize :(
Yandere! Mirrorverse! Aladdin Prompt 37
"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn’t it?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Manipulation Toxic relationship, Clingy behavior, Coercion into marriage, Delusional behavior, Dubious turned forced relationship.
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"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn’t it?"
You weren't expecting to hear those words leave Aladdin's mouth. Especially with you now developing uneasy feelings towards your relationship. Marriage... it's such a big step...
For you it may even be a trap.
Your mixed feelings towards your boyfriend falter for a moment when you see how happy he looks. For a moment he seems like the man you fell in love with as a Guardian. However, that didn't excuse his behavior.
Aladdin, also known as The Cutting Desert Diamond, was a Guardian you've been dating for months in the Mirrorverse. Since you met him he seemed like a street rat turned hero. He seemed so charming and humble.
You felt delighted when he asked you out, you were a supportive Guardian that used illusions to aid others in battle... he was combat based and you supported him.
Yet... once you gave in to dating him... red flags made themselves known.
Aladdin is obsessive. He's clingy and more greedy than you thought when it came to your love. He slowly seemed to have his usual behavior corrode the longer he was around you.
The humble street rat you fell in love with... began to change.
It was as though there was some sort of hidden evil in his heart.
"Al... it's such a big step, I just don't think we're ready-" You find yourself suggesting in a soft tone, noticing how his happy gaze faltered for a moment.
"What do you mean? I could treat you like royalty... I may not be the richest man but I could try to get us a big wedding!" Aladdin continues, wrapping his arms around your waist as he leans his head on your shoulder.
"We haven't been dating for that long... only maybe a few months. I just don't know if we're right together..." You admit. Aladdin's grip tightens on your waist when you say that. Guilt soon creeps into you.
"Do you think we're not good enough for each other?" Aladdin whispers, his tone dangerous in your ear. "What makes you think that?"
You can hear the possessiveness dripping from his tone. The tight grip on your waist didn't help either. Your heart beats fast... be it from fear or the proximity you don't know.
"You've been acting strange lately..." You whisper, only for Aladdin to pull away to look you in the eyes.
"I've been excited! After all... I already picked the perfect ring for you... it compliments your beauty." Aladdin whispers, his eyes never leaving yours as he holds your chin.
You're scared... hesitant. Aladdin is delusional to the behavior he has around you. Being possessive and clingy didn't bother him.
All he wants is you.
"There's no need to be so hesitant..." Aladdin whispers, pulling you closer. "You'll be in safe hands... you'll be in my hands... we'll be happy together. I'll be your hero, okay?"
His words are meant to be reassuring, but you still stare like a dear in headlights. Aladdin ignores your silence and pulls you in to kiss you softly. Sure, you may be scared of the thought now...
But you'll warm up to it...
He's sure of it.
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indigos-stardust · 9 days
1, 20, and 32
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Okay for #1 "The Other ONe" (I meant to write "The Other Thing" but eh.. anyways im gonna put my notes here :) I'm going to do 20 and 32 on a separate post because THERE IS SO MUCH WRITING
TW: After "And then the screaming started" There is brief BODY HORROR, ends at "reds eyes seemed to have magically cleared up"
Enjoy~ (they are bad quality-) (there is angst and identity loss, I don't know if the ending is good or bad but uh, its probably good even though it hurts?)
what if vio got replaced by another vio and they didnt believe him
the new vio is a fake but honestly the real vio is starting to wonder if hes even the real vio he hates seeing his life stolen being told hes the fake thing NAYWAYSVJHIFS listen bruh imagine theres something or someone following u and u notice -
and then u try to get the jump on them but then theyre u and they tell u so. but the second someone gets there ur the one holding the knife and then suddenly they sound just like you and even talk and act just like you . and when ur asked questions to know who the real one is the answers are practically the same. surely zeldas magic must know its you surely she will .youre locked in a dungeon tied with magic chains
Your own family sneers at you your own face does telling you to stop your act. they know their brother, their r e al brother is okay. they dont know what theyre going to do with this thing no one talk to it and no one trust anything it says etc < 3
the other thing keeps trying to convince them and then red thinks maybe it really does think its the real vio. and even then if it didnt it didnt deserve to suffer .if they didnt know the truth he tries to make its, no his conditions better more food and so on something to keep warm more water to stay clean. even if red has to sneak the meager amount to him.
The thing tries to convince him thats hes the real one but hes not. the Other Thing tells him thats its okay that he doesnt belive him. reds heart sinks and then he spends time with his brothers. he doesnt tell them hes been visiting the other thing .they thing hes just too empathic too attatchable, soo easily manipulated... that Thing is a danger.
he talks with vio one day the conversation goes around and eventually red asks about shadow. When the other vio had talked about shadow, it was about how horribly wrenched it guilt he was .how he probably deserved this fate. he said he didnt want to tell red those things he didnt want him to get hurt from trying to empathise with him or even think about beliving him. but that he couldnt not or else hed go insane. he already was..
Vio expressed that it wasn't the best of his choices but really, how could he have actually gotten attached to him? witnessing all the horrible things that monster "shadow" did... although he supposes perhaps he had just been influenced by vios behaviour to do what he did to the cursed to mirror.. A shadow would copy anything afterall, so he probably just "subconsciously" copied a more noble behaviour. Really, shadow was,just an illusion after all.
The Other Thing is escaping. red caught him... he lets him go and covers for him... red doesnt know whats real anymore- all the meanwhile vio is living his life with his brothers . vio is enjoying his room, his home, vio is free, vio is Loved.
The Other vio says he hadnt been good enough of a brother or else they would have known it was really him. green and blue told Red to not listen to it, because that Thing must be able to sense what others anticipate since it was able to act like vio so much.
So the Other Thing lives his own life alone...
For around a year or so... and the he starts stalking them... And following them...
While the Other Thing was missing, he he studied magic. red didnt know where he went even though he was the one who helped it escape.
then the others noticed a change in red. Nightmares, anxious dread, a deep unrest, swings of isolation and clinginess...acting strange around vio. Red was probably scared the Thing would return they figured. they were going to find out what IT even was before it escaped and disappeared... they assure him that with the magic theyve set up it wont be able to replace anyone else.. red doesn't get better and he doesn't tell them what's wrong.
Red notices other small details about vio though. Little things that feel wrong, uncanny. Red doesnt say anything though. he doesnt think he likes vio anymore....
Other Thing finds them in the woods one day...
The colors had been out hunting for monsters, there'd been a lot of sightings recently.. It was a horrible day really, a bad feelling smogged the group with the gloomy skies and hardened unforgiving earth. It feels suffocating, at least to Red,
Vio feels as comfortable as ever, he assures red that everything is fine, after all, why wouldnt it be? red got to know blue and green, got to know them really and truly, they were link just as him. Vio seemed too cruel to be Link. but then again Red was too sensitive.
it was so quiet. the Other Thing was here. Red had seen him from the corner of his eye. Maybe it was his imagination. Hed heard about people going crazy from paranoia... especially after encounters with the otherworldly: some sort of vengeful fae spirit was usually the culprit.... it never ended well ...
the Other Thing reveals himself.
Vio is thoroughly enraged, asking how dare it come back to try to steal his life again? and announcing he would end its pathetic life right now.
its easy to tell the difference between them now. Vio is there confident and fighting for his life... for his family. hes going to end this monster thats threatened his whole world and people he cares about. green and blue are there to support him no matter what. theyll NEVER get confused on who the real one is again. Theyre Brothers after all.
Red cant breathe... after all, he hates seeing "me fight me"
( yeah I took the line from the manga fight me)
The other vio looks ragged, like hes full of true bloodlust. hes thought through all of this, mastered his trickery to target them thoroughly. Using their weaknesses against them, catching them off guard with tools they've never seen... magic they've never seen..perfectly immoblized by the paralyzing smoke.
Only Vio escape it seemingly, recognizing the toxin for what it was.vio always knew what was going on. It really was like the fire temple in a way. one link fighting the other evil link, except the real link had vios lying face- the same face he had when he had to fight green-
Green tells vio to be strong and to end The Thing right then and there no matter what !!!! and theyll be able to support him in just a second- Once the toxin wears off- Blue is cheering him on in killing that demon.
Red cant tell the difference between them anymore. its all a heated smolten blur ... He didn't realize he was crying.
The Other Thing is ragged, fractured mind- dirtied hands, bruised eyes, matted hair and death in his eyes. Then...
He chokes Vio with a chain magic, oh so similar to the ones hed been sealed in. they have to watch their brother struggle to break free... The Other Thing is inhuman, yet... his hands are getting weaker as he keeps going- fighting against Vio's struggle- never giving up- never looking back- eyes staring into the demons- The demon red believed in-
And then the screaming started, inhumane overlapping screeches of death- bubbling skin and gore, the blood melting off the distorted body that was Vio.
Reds eyes seemed to have magically cleared in time to take in the sight before him.
Then a dark static buzzes, trapped under the flesh- no the sillhouette of what used to be vio- Screaming and thrashing and then its dead and Other Vio stands, then he's fallen and sobbing-
hes so sorry hes so so sorry he shouldve been better- that the magic was a trick that took his form- he couldnt explain it to them he tried with red but put Red in danger- he knows hes the real one- please please please believe him-
Red races to him stumbling from poison or exhaustion he doesnt know- Green is sick. And Blue is the paler color of his name sake. Eyes widened and horrified. They should have listened to Red.
:) congrats! you made it to the end have some emotional support cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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"I'm definitely catching a cold..."
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So, in the recent Game Informer footage of Resident Evil 4 remake, you can hear Ashley say "I'm definitely catching a cold!" after her and Leon have escaped from the Church. It's pouring rain, probably chilly. Now, I know it's myth that catching a cold from the weather isn't really a thing but what if they BOTH got sick during the trip from Spain, and being forced to stay in isolation together.
-They're both being held in isolation either way, Graham wanting to be absolutely certain that any traces or remnants of the Plaga had been eradicated. Leon agrees to it only under the circumstance that 1. he gets to eat, 2. he gets a shower and 3. someone needed to go to his apartment, grab him some clothes, his medication, his laptop and to check up on his cats. "Graham, Sir, if you're gong to keep me here, I need to be comfortable. Ashley too, she's gone longer without food than me!"
-Hunnigan's there on location and is entrusted with the task of retrieving Leon's things. Leon has to tell her exactly where everything is, embarrassing enough that she was going to have to pick out underwear for him. "I hope you're okay with cats. Oscar is friendly but Millie is skittish. Just, you know, make sure they have enough food and water."
-Ashley's pissed, absolutely having none of it. "This is how you treat the agent that saved your daughter's life! I'd be dead without him! And what about me?! My word isn't good enough for you?!"
-So many tests done, so... many... even blood drawn. Ashley nearly passes out during her draw while Leon showered. They have them in a custom built ICU, wanting to keep surveillance on the both of them for the next 24 hours, heart rates being monitored on the constant. They both have their own section of the room, a bed brought in for the both of them. Ashley politely requests a tv.
-Leon can already feel it after the shower, that icky, not so great feeling as he dried his hair. He mentions it to the doctors on site. Sure enough, a few hours later, he's developed a fever, sore throat and body aches that keep him up most of the night despite how tired he is. Graham grows very concerned but the medic assures him that this was nothing more than the common cold. "He could have already been carrying a virus when he arrived in Spain. Maybe caught something on the airplane, from one of the pilots or staff. Happens all the time."
-Leon is miserable. He wants nothing more than to go home, to the comfort of his own bed, cocoon himself in his blankets and sleep. At least the bed wasn't too uncomfortable, the coffee wasn't bad either. He's been awake for an hour, coughing his lungs out and working on the report he was going to need to turn in eventually. Ashley stirring awake catches his attention with the addition of her now starting to cough. "Sweetheart, no! Not you too!" It was bound to happen. They had spent a lot of time together after finding her in the Church. She gets clingy after that and Leon doesn't have it in him to tell her no when she wants to hang out next to him. She develops a fever as well which results in shivering and a constant feeling of being cold. Good thing Leon was a furnace, body heat radiating off his frame.
-"The cooks are gunna make us some soup." Ashley tells him with a raspy voice.
"Oh God, that sounds amazing!" Leon replies, relieved.
-They unfortunately are requested to be kept in isolation for another night, just to be sure that it really was just a common cold. Leon grows just as angry as Ashley was yet they both make the best of it, by living on soup, ginger ale, warm tea, Gatorade, way too many fruit pops for the vitamin c boost, Alka Seltzer and the finest late night trash television has to offer.
-Ashley ends up falling asleep next to Leon but he's too exhausted to rouse her, knowing full and well that she needed her rest too. He doesn't care what the doctors would have to say, nor what Graham would think. As long as she was comfortable, he didn't mind. He ends up falling asleep not soon after, his head lulled back and resting against Ashley's. They had been through too much to be shy around each other.
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
For the lineage challenge asks: How do you think the Frasers and Jamesons have handled parenthood and pregnancies and the idea of raising children throughout the centuries? (especially as a mother yourself 👀)
Thank you so much for your ask! 💛
So generally speaking, the topic of motherhood is a big theme running through the Fraser/Jameson family and will be covered in detail in a WIP which I hope to raise from planning WIP to writing WIP by the beginning of next year (writing schedules, ammirite?), but let's see what we can cover here!
A lot but not all of the things my girls experience/are figuring out on their journeys are reflective of things that I have experienced/am still experiencing, so let's dive into it!
As we all know, SELENE'S journey into motherhood wasn't really how she had planned things, and it wasn't exactly conventional to raise her child unmarried and without even saying who Caitlin's father was either. She struggled with the feeling of being stuck and confined to one place when that was never what she wanted in the first place and was ridden with guilt at wishing things were different because first and foremost, she loved Caitlin with all of her heart. Seeing as her own mother Lucretia did love her in her own way but was very distant and aloof, only-child Selene overcompensated this by trying to be as warm and friendly with Caitlin as possible, acting more like a friend or sister at times than a mother. She felt terrible for feeling a sense of disappointment at Caitlin turning out to be so different (and yet so similar!) to herself. The two of them had a very hard time bonding but were too stubborn to acknowledge their differences. Through the course of Caitlin's life, they had their ups and downs, until Cat eventually broke with her mother until very late in both their lives.
Seeing as CAITLIN thought her mother was literally the worst mother imaginable, she vowed to do everything differently. Contrary to Selene, she always thought her calling lay in being a wife and mother, which is why she married Andrew Jameson almost straight out of school. Her first letdown came when it took her a long and strenuous time to get pregnant, which allowed her to train as a Healer under one Eliot Gerard @kc-and-co. When she finally had Lexie, her idea of sitting in a rocking chair with a blissfully sleeping baby bathed in soft golden light was pretty much shattered when baby Lexie turned out to be more than Caitlin's mother Selene than she would have liked. It took her a lot of time and perseverance to let go of her incredibly romanticised ideas of motherhood, but eventually, she came around.
Funnily enough, LIZZIE basically had the complete opposite experience to her grandmother Caitlin (at least at first lol). Wanting to have kids was always in the back of her mind, but more than a vague future plan than a burning wish. When she had Dylan, she was incredibly surprised by how easy things were. Dylan was a little clingy at times and a little delicate as a baby, but otherwise a perfect little angel. So much so that Lizzie maybe wasn't overly thrilled when she got pregnant with Reva again so soon after having her son, but she was absolutely sure that having two under two couldn't be as hard as everyone made it out to be, right? Until Reva came into the world. And all hell broke loose.
As for REVA herself. Oh God, please keep your voice down. I don't wanna scare her away. She's living her best life with the career of her dreams and travelling the world with bar-owner-hipster-bf Dante @the-al-chemist and caring for her cat Tony and Dante's army of plants is very much enough for her atm, thank you very much. She doesn't think much into the future, does Reva.
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staryuee · 1 year
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꒰warnings꒱ semi proofread ʅ(◞‿◟)
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . alhaitham, kaveh, kaeya, venti, xiao, shenhe, tartaglia, scaramouche, kokomi, ayato
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . SFW! you can imagine certain ending outcomes ehem either way tho <3 also sorry for being dead , school has been beating my ass ( T_T)\(^-^ )
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— nonchalant and subtle yet somehow upfront; yeah, his personality extends to your love life too
— he wont outright tell you he wants you, but rather opts for seeking out ways to have you close to him, thats more than enough for him
it’s rather rare for the illustrious scribe to even be in the mood to scout the attention of people but even more so to stay quietly idle when he is in dire need of your affection. alhaitham despises talking around the problem, he is very to the point, much to a lot of peoples dismay, but when it comes to problems concerning love.. he becomes a little more hesitant.
currently, alhaitham was distracting himself by reading some novel on the couch. despite his normally calm and collected demeanour, his mind was a complete blur. his head ached with warming images of you and your touch.
he had this uncontrollable urge to see you; he needed your warmth. his chest was tightening as he stared blankly at the pages of the book with furrowed eyebrows. “woah, what did the book ever do to you?” you tease him with an adoring laugh. his gaze quickly focuses on you without a second thought.
“nothing. could you come here, please?” he was such an expert on masking his true feelings and intentions it was borderline bizarre. you looked slightly concerned before walking over and taking your place next to him. he immediately wraps his arm around your waist your breath hitching as he pulls you close. he kisses the crown of your head, “you don’t mind giving me some special attention, do you? you’ve been gone for quite a while.”
alhaitham didn't think he sounded desperate but it would've been impossible to miss the waver in his voice or his obvious worry. vou knew his emotions were well hidden from most people because he never wore his heart on his sleeve, his intelligent arrogance was almost like a shield against all feelings.
he picked up his book once more and began to read, only this time, he held you tightly under his arm, occasionally pecking your forehead delicately. alhaitham’s love for you isn’t loud or obvious, but amidst its quiet subtlety you can certainly tell his feelings are pure and true.
KAVEH — 卡维
— needy, pouty and dramatic; the epitome of kaveh!! his love for you is immeasurable so by proxy his clinginess knows no bounds
— however, while he is extremely clingy and love-dovey with you, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t that lil’ pang of insecurity caving in his heart as he questions your intentions for your lack of affection
with each hush and disappointed pout from you he rolled his eyes; the arising annoyance becoming much clearer as he leans back with crossed arms and stares at the mundane ceiling. he’s been hearing the same phrase for the past couple of hours now; “i’m busy, give me a few more minutes love.”
kaveh is absolutely not the type of person to simply mind his business even when politely asked to because shouldn’t you be PERFECTLY able to complete your work WHILE giving him the attention he deserves? he respectfully curses your rude, blissful ignorance (he overthinks the reason you’re ignoring him) and stares at you like a kicked puppy of some sort.
“[name], darling, love, babyyy~ is there another reason as to why you’re ignoring me?” he chimes, putting all his body weight onto you.
“my beloved sunshine,” you cup his cheeks with both hands, feeling the intense heat bloom into a fiery blush, “i’ve told you this repeatedly; i’m working. not ignoring you, just concentrating.” he opens his mouth to respond but words fail him. “now please, let me fo-“ kaveh abruptly presses his lips onto yours, beginning to slide his hand down towards your waist.
you pull away for air and while you had a look of utter dismay at his disruption, kaveh was more than thrilled smiling from ear to ear as he peppered kisses across your cheeks, forehead and jawline. “come on dear, can’t even take a short break for me?” archons a pretty man with an exposed chest is very hard to reject…
A. KAEYA — 凯亚
— gods he’s so ashamed. THE calvary captain seeking his lover out multiple times a day out of pure loneliness? how pitiful…
— he may eventually muster the courage to ask you for your love directly, but for now, he’ll stick to more.. “discreet” methods
kaeya’s mind was completely intoxicated with images of you. despite you being his utter most favourite distraction, having thoughts of you without the tangible experience isn’t as pleasant — therefore, the lovely calvary captain decided to seek you out in hopes you’d quell his aching heart.
if only he realised sooner how hard it was to tell someone you love you miss them even though you saw them last night then he wouldn’t be sitting in your room; absolutely speechless — speechless due to both embarrassment and shyness. perhaps he looked a little foolish seeking you out midday when you saw each other a couple hours ago when saying your farewells..
to no surprise, you were completely oblivious to kaeya’s inner turmoil as he stared at you with a charming grin while you focused on some documents — it was truly eating him up inside. what exactly was he meant to say to you ?
“ehem, i hope you don’t intend on ignoring your charming boyfriend for too long.”
“sorry, love, i’ll be finished soon.” honestly kaeya didn’t think he could last much longer, with his heartbeat deafening his ears and his cheeks exulting deadly heat, he coughs into his hand and averts his gaze from you rather quickly.
“hey, didn’t you have somewhere else to be?” you ask teasingly. kaeya felt his chest tighten at both your gentle laugh and your abrupt question. he replied, “why would i need to go anywhere else when i have you?”. it was your turn to be taken aback. he could feel his heart beat louder with yearning anticipation.
kaeya couldn't help but reach his arms out towards you and pull you into an embrace. “oh.” your voice died out once you noticed the soft expression on kaeya's face, your heart fluttered uncontrollably.
“i apologise.” you blink at him in confusion.
“apologise for what?”
“for being clingy.” you laugh at him and he sighs into your shoulder, which leads to you ruffling his hair in comfort. he’s so lovingly stupid.
VENTI — 温迪
— got absolutely NO shame in begging or bargaining for your affection, he believes if he pesters you hard enough each time you’ll give in — and of course you do
— this man literally LIVES off of your touch and affection, how dare you not give him it constantly ?
“windblume~” venti chimes at you with glee, purposefully obstructing your view with his hand; anything to stop you from working. you simply ignore him, lightly smacking his hand away to continue.
“love~” another wack to his hand, “my knight, lovebug, sweetiepie~” you roll your eyes and push him away with a groan. “the more you ignore me the worse the petnames will get honey bunches.” you physically recoil.
venti quietens down for the moment, settling down and turning to face you to hold the side of your face with his warm hand. “darling~” he whispers directly in your ear, your body shudders and your hand instantly flies up to your ear in embarrassment.
you sigh, alas defeated by your husband’s irritating yet charming persistence, “if it makes you stop, what do you want..” he giggles in triumph. “gods, you’re so lucky you’re pretty.” you mumble under your breath. venti jumps onto you with a lovesick grin, clinging onto you like you could disappear at any given moment, said moment, could come rather soon if he uttered another vomit-inducing petname. the thought made you shudder, but nonetheless you enjoyed his affection.
“what would I do without you, my love?” he cooed into your hair. you hummed in agreement, beginning to pull him down onto your lap for a more comfortable hugging position. venti of course happily obliged, snuggling his face into your neck in bliss.
you comb gently through this fluffy locks, all your prior work forgotten as you engage in your lover’s mindless gentle kisses. even with your earlier dismissals, you ultimately decided to oblige with his selfishly adorable needs; honestly who could resist that love struck smile and those shining eyes?
“i love you..” he mumbled into your skin.
“i love you too, but i’m not forgiving you for calling me all those petnames.” you pinch his cheek, he looks at you with pleading cat-like eyes.
“aww, you didn’t like the name honey bunches?”
“don’t start.” you both laugh simultaneously. venti’s heart skipped a beat at the melodic sound of your voice echoing through his head like a song stuck on replay. you’ve done so much to tear apart the complex mist shrouding this god’s heart, it still feels so surreal how much he genuinely needs you besides him — he wouldn’t have it any other way, however.
XIAO — 魈
— yeah he likes to BELIEVE he’s subtle, but it is rather easy to figure out his internal solace and longing
— him ? wanting your needlessly heartwarming affection that is not limited to your gentle kisses and hugs ? why, of course not.
— this guy is isolated pretty much daily, and now he’s clinging onto you like a lost puppy , surely he understands he’s being obvious..
“xiao, darling, you really don’t have to come with me if you don’t wa-“
“i’m going.”
xiao has been progressively tenacious; continually following you around throughout the day and remaining rather quiet while doing so. it wasn’t particularly odd per se, it was rather normal for him to just stick around besides you but it’s like his presence around you has increased or perhaps exaggerated.
“uhm, xiao?” you pause in your step, turning back to face him with a clueless look. he hums in acknowledgement to let you continue. “is there something wrong? you’ve been following me around silently for the entire day.”
silence. although not unusual, this time it was rather..awkward. xiao stared at you, a blush creeping onto his face as his eyes widened at your sudden question. was he not being discreet enough ? did you catch on ?
you were about to speak again when xiao suddenly gripped your arm, lightly of course, his mouth was open but no words managed to come out. his blush deepened significantly. “xiao?” you take his hands into yours in worry. after another moment of silence, before xiao alas spoke, “i just wanted to.. see you..” despite his awfully adorable phrasing, you understood his general implication.
“oh.” your lips parted slightly from surprise, your gaze softening. you couldn’t help but start laughing, leading to poor xiao tilting his head in ashamed confusion. “forget i said anything.” he grumbled, turning around with haste to cover the embarrassment on his face.
you hug his back with a final chuckle, “sorry sorry, i’m not laughing at you, you’re just very cute.” he sighs defeated, dropping his head low knowing he can now not run away from your affectionate grip. “if you wanted my love all you had to do was ask, xiao.” i was trying to.
“nevertheless,” xiao twists around to face you finally, “i’ll give you all my attention for tonight, my dear.” he couldn’t have been more pleased.
— she can barely grasp her innate human emotions so you can sort of imagine the poor girls internal bewilderment when her heart starts aching at the thought of you
— she loves, doesn’t she? but then why does her heart ache? isn’t that exactly how you feel when you dislike someone? — fortunately, her mortal fog of emotions becomes clearer once she finally gets to see you
over the many days of her training shenhe has began feeling these mixed flurry of emotions; a blizzard of ambiguity that she couldn’t quite decipher. an aching sting in her heart has punctured not only her whole chest but also her focus and concentration — which had deeply yet discreetly worried the wise adeptus inspecting her progress.
“one believes you are due for rest, there is a concerning pandemonium brewing in your heart and soul. perhaps, seeking the comfort of your loved one will mend your aching?” cloud retainer spoke with poise as she looked down to the white-haired exorcist who fiddled with her earring at the very subtle mention of you.
————— ୨୧
you two have been sitting in pure silence for some time now, it wasn’t awkward but rather peaceful; yet despite fulfilling her urgency to be somewhat close to you, her heart wasn’t satisfied with your lack of attention. every flip of the book page had shenhe pondering like a clock ticking back and forth, “do i indulge in my desires or do i stay put and admire them.”
“hey, [name], can i.. can you..” she says and you look over at her with a gentle smile, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “sorry, i’m not sure how to word this properly.” she looks away.
“it’s alright, take your time.” you comforted her with another light squeeze of her hand. she had this concentrated and perplexed look on her face. you tilt your head with concern.
“lately,” her eyes trail back up to you, “i’ve felt this strange hollowness in my chest whenever i think about you.” her voice was so gentle it was basically a whisper.
you nod silently at her as encouragement to continue. “i don’t know what it is exactly about you but i just feel this sort of ache… a longingness.” you felt her fingers grip your hand tighter as she searched for something to say, “the way we are together, you know. all those little things make me smile everyday.” she looked deep in thought.
you smile to yourself and let out a small and harmless laugh, shenhe looks at you in confusion, ‘did she say something funny?’ “oh my darling,” you cup her face in your hands with a kiss on the tip of her nose, “i’m pretty sure you were just feeling lonely.” her eyes light up almost as if it all suddenly clicked inside her disorganised head; the answer becoming vividly evident.
“oh..i suppose that’s the case. then, would you mind-“ you comfort her with a polite chaste kiss, allowing her to pull you in closer with a needy fervour; all of her old feelings resurfacing as a wanting passion. pulling away shenhe smiles, “you’re so good to me, [name].”
— pretends to not care; lasts a couple minutes at most. he really hates to admit it sometimes but you’ve got him absolutely wrapped around your finger
— after he gets what he wants / needs , he returns to his pathetically (affectionate) clingy self - expect he’s even worse
“ehem.” tartaglia coughs into his hand while directly maintaining fierce eye contact with you. i say “with you” because he believes that you are subtly looking at him in the corner of your eye and not completely ignoring his futile attempts at garnering your attention.
you don’t understand his sudden shift in behaviour though; earlier he seemed completely unbothered by your lack of attention and now he’s being persistently annoying for you to spare him a single glance. perhaps he got bored of waiting for you to seek him out instead of vice versa.
“it’s not nice to keep your husband waiting.” he huffs and leans back with a light pout. is he being serious…
“you’re still not saying what you want, quit complaining pumpkin.” you gave him a menacing smile, one which ajax never appreciated no matter how much he loved your smiles regardless of the situation. he alas gave in and cuddled into you with a sneaky hand on your waist to pull you in, “isn’t it obvious? i want you, don’t tease me.”
“you’re such a moron.” and yet you still lay his head on your chest to reach out to massage his scalp. “an irresistible moron who’s greedy for your affection.” the way such few charming words could make your heart clench and a genuine smile spread across your gorgeous face was embarrassing. you laugh gently and swish his fringe away to peck his forehead.
he stayed silent for a couple minutes, not once beginning to complain about how long it took for you to respond to his “flirting”, all he did was sigh blissfully and lean into your touch.
ajax looks up at you with an expressionless face but you caught the glint in his eyes that spoke volumes of his joy. there were plenty of moments where you would see the happiness on his face and in his bright blue eyes; you couldn’t help but feel proud that you were a part of it. he closed in on your lips, kissing you softly with a love struck smile.
— you’d think with how much lil auntie kusanali has been coaching him on being not only a good person or friend, but a good lover too he’d have learnt how to express that he craves your touch
— he can get a bit volatile and mean when he doesn’t understand something especially if it’s a “human” thing like emotions. he doesn’t mean to hurt you in any way, but healing and growing takes a lot of time.
in your honest defense, how were you meant to know that he wanted even an ounce of your attention with that permanent scowl he wore the entire day? all of his “hints” were just him being a little too harsh or him actually stating what he wants, but downplaying it to act like you’re silly for thinking he’d want your love and affection (he does) when you asked him about it.
so now here you both were; you doing some never-ending paperwork and kuni glaring daggers to the back of your aching head. tired of his attitude, you drop your pen to gaze back at him, prompting him to cross his arms and scowl at you once again. “kuni.” your voice was firm but he still managed to decipher that small and subtle tinge of confused hurt in your tone. he raised an eyebrow.
“did i do something wrong? why are you so angry at me?” he looks at you utterly perplexed as if you were the one that was being nonsensical. he rolls his eyes, not with sarcasm but rather embarrassment at the words he was thinking of uttering to comfort you. “i..” a quick pause ensues, “ i just wanted your attention.”
“oh..” you let out a quiet laugh, “i honestly thought you were just angry at me.” he once again looks at you confused, almost hurt, at your assumption, “at you? never.” you smile. you knew it wasn’t easy for him to admit his feelings so nonchalantly, so hey, he’s making subtle progress.
to your delighted surprise, he opens his arms to usher you into a hug, of course you oblige.
he nuzzles into your neck, breathing in your floral scent to calm himself, you feel his arms tightening their hold on your waist before whispering into your ear, “i love you.”
“what was that?” you tease him with a poke to his cheek.
“mm nothing..” his voice muffled against your clothes.
you glare at him playfully, “kuni..” he laughs before pushing himself off of you gently. “i said i love you, there, you happy?”
with a warm smile, one he wished he could forever imprint into his head, you reply with a nod.
S. KOKOMI — 珊瑚宫心海
— she. is. tired. yet at the same time aggrieved. it irks her gentle heart when she misses your warm embrace, but her mind is either too drowsy or too overwhelmed to indulge you
— she doesn’t ever want to bother you for personal reasons, but she does also secretly hope that you’ll seek her out yourself so that time doesn’t have to heal her irreparable aching
there is rarely a day where this woman doesn’t miss you and your affection. with being such a significant and vital figure within both the army and watatsumi island in general, the divine priestess is constantly busy and while she doesn’t shy away from asking you for attention, sometimes, when she’s overstimulated from duties, she’s unsure if she craves solitude or your love.
today was one of those days of irritation. kokomi’s head was drowsy and absolutely aching, every word from nearby people were drowned out by her shallow breathing. so entranced in stressed out thoughts she didn’t even realise she had finally made it to her little safe cavern.
here, she was at utmost peace with undisturbed sleep for the first time in a few weeks. kokomi had barely slumped down onto her chair in exhaustion before a familiar silhouette captured her weary eyes; your silhouette. just the person i needed.
“hey koko-“ you paused in your step at the saddening view of your lover hanging her head low, deep circles under her eyes burning in colour. “i’ll let you rest, sorry love.” a warm smile stretched across your face in pity.
“no.. it’s alright, i promise you. i’d actually prefer it if you stayed with me, if thats alright with you..?” her voice trailed off due to her drowsy mind. you sigh and go over to her, sitting yourself on top of her desk to play with her hair. your gentle touch lulled her into sleep instantly it was practically magic.
“koko, you are so unpredictable sometimes..”
she hums at you in her sleep, cuddling close to your hand in hopes you’d get the hint to continue. how could you say no?
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
— NUISANCE. will NOT leave you alone at all. why? simply because he feels he has the right to “seek your attention when he’s lonely” and though you can’t argue, he truly does pick and choose when that statement is valid
— if he’s busy you likely won’t catch him in time for even the shortest hug - but if YOU’RE busy, it’s like the stars aligned specifically to allow him to pester you
“[name]..” thoma solemnly hands you the possibly 50th letter of that HOUR with a sympathetic smile.
“thank you, thoma.” you sigh, preparing yourself for the lovely bullshit your husband had written in ink.
« dear my beloved spouse,
your warm but transient touch lingers on my skin, how i miss you; so far away yet so close at the same time, you’re in my thoughts constantly.
— your loving lonely husband ayato »
for barely a couple hours ayato had been preoccupied with his work and as were you with your own; in the SAME damn house. you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at his theatrical dramatics so you opted for hanging your head low and inwardly despairing the work you’re about to leave behind to simply visit your needy lover.
————— ୨୧
you knock respectfully on his door a few times despite ayato always reminding you that such manners shouldn’t be necessary for a married couple; you could just simply never let go of the habit however. you hear your husband quietly reply with a, “come in.”
stepping into the room you automatically get hit with a sweet fragrance which was permitting from some snacks on ayato’s table. for a few seconds you idle by awkwardly as ayato decided to stay quiet. why send pointless and hyperbolic letters when you’re barely a feet away from each-other to then NOT say anything when you finally give in to his romantic pleas …
alas ayato drops his brush and glances at you, “is there anything you need, love?” you could practically feel a vein pop on your forehead, ruining the serenity of the scene. he laughs at your displeased expression before staring at you with a charming smile, “now now, i’m only kidding. mind joining me for this evening, my dearest? i’ve missed you.”
“i swear, you are so melodramatic when needy.” he hums, not really listening to your words, feeling content with your presence at last besides him.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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yan-twst · 4 years
Can you make hcs of the dorm leaders with a usually cold and inexpressive s/o that smile at them for the first time and say that they are the first person that they smiled at for a long time? Sorry for my bad english.
riddle rosehearts
riddle goes red as the roses in the yard when he sees his darling smile so warmly
he’s a very expressive person- it was a bit worrying for him at first, learning to read his darling who was usually so standoffish, but he’d gotten used to it. so to just see them smile so brightly is...! it’s a lot!
being told he’s the first person they’ve smiled at in a long, long time is almost enough to make him feel faint with joy
they trust him... they feel comfortable with him; that’s all he could ever wish for, really. he knows that it’s their nature to be cold, and he loves them as they are, but... it’s undeniable that he feels so overwhelmingly proud and happy to get a smile from them he can’t stop himself from smiling as well
for riddle, there’s nothing more important than trust and sincerity in a relationship. his whole life he was molded to be the perfect child his mother wanted, to give up all the things he liked in order to be the perfect student; when he’s with his darling, he feels like he can let his walls down and just... be himself. if his darling feels the same way about him, then he knows he’s doing a god job as a boyfriend
azul ashengrotto
azul deals with all sorts of people; he knows a fair share of students that are stoic and cold, that don’t express many emotions. the fact his darling is one of them doesn’t bother him: sure, he may worry about making them happy since it’s hard to tell by their expression, or he might internally stress over if he’s annoying them or not; luckily, it’s nothing that can’t be fixed with some communication
when he sees his darling smile, azul is just... in awe. so that’s how their smile looks like... he feels like he’s watching a rare flower that blooms only once in a thousand years or something. he’s quite literally just staring with cheeks red
it makes him even more flustered when his darling tells him that it’s been quite a good time since they’d smiled like that for someone. he made them smile. he made them smile for the first time in god knows long. it’s an instant boost to his self esteem
being naturally clingy, azul’s darling better not be shocked if his response is to just hug them and hide his face. he doesn’t want them to see how red his cheeks got just from seeing them smile- but he can’t hide how happy he is over it, either
he’s gonna treasure that sight. azul may act smooth and organized, but it’s no secret to those close to him (namely the tweels and his darling) that he’s very insecure, taking the relationship with baby steps; having seen his darling smile means a lot to him
leona kingscholar
leona isn’t a very smiley person. well, he’s actually just not a very cheery person in general; most of his dorm would probably describe him as “grumpy”, and hey, fair enough. he isn’t too phazed by his darling being a bit expressionless. as long as they communicate how they feel, that’s fine for him- just don’t make him go and guess on how they’re feeling based off little cues, please. 
still, he can’t deny the sense of pride that fills him when his darling cracks a smile for the first time. leona will claim he didn’t blush over it, but he knows he’s lying: he was quite taken by the sight, really. then again, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he wasn’t at least a bit moved by that?
he feels... special. to be told that he’s the first person they’ve smiled at in some time just... fills his heart with joy. he’s so, so very used to being shoved to second place and seen as less than what he is: but... this time, it’s undeniable: he made them smile. it was him, he did that, he made them happy
leona isn’t going to press his darling to smile if they don’t feel like it, but it’s very clear he’s gonna try to make them smile more often. he’d never admit it out loud, but... there’s something about being one of the few people who can draw such a beautiful expression from his beloved that makes his heart almost burst out of his chest
kalim al-asim
kalim, bless his heart, has probably been trying to get a smile out of his darling for the entire time he’s known them.
it’s not like those annoying people who crowd around them saying they’d “look so much more prettier if they smiled” or anything like that- it’s very, very clear kalim’s motives are just... kind and pure. he wants his darling to be happy, to have fun; he doesn’t want them to smile just for some sort of aesthetic or odd reason, he just... genuinely wants them to be so happy they smile
which is why, when it finally happens, he’s overjoyed. kalim is a very expressive person; he’ll absolutely cheer and point it out, overjoyed. a smile! there it is, the smile he’s been looking for for so long!
every effort was absolutely worth it, for him. kalim isn’t the best poet, but just seeing his darling’s smile makes him wish he could get the best poets from the land of the hot sands to write books about the beauty of that smile... (if nobody stops him he might really commission a poet. he’s just that overjoyed)
of course, this doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop trying to make them smile... if he’s the first person they’ve showed a smile to in a long time, then he’s going to make sure they smile again! kalim wants every day to be so good that his darling can’t help but smile!
vil schoenheit
vil is quite good at reading people. he’s studied enough films and has advanced with his own film projects enough to be able to tell how people feel based off on other cues- after all, actors must perfectly carry out a scene; it’s not enough to have a facial expression. the whole body tells the audience how they feel, and vil is quite sharp on noticing this
perhaps because of that, he’s never had much trouble understanding how his darling feels, even if their icy exterior may make others think they’re either upset or feeling nothing. vil prides himself in being able to tell how they feel based on the smallest things: the dorm leader knows when they’re upset, when they’re happy, scared...
he’s gotten so used to using those little cues to tell how they feel that when he looks at them and they’re just... smiling so genuinely, vil just stares. for vil, who seeks beauty... this is the most beautiful sight he’s seen
vil is moved to know he’s the first person who his darling has smiled at in a long time. it’s... it’s something very intimate, really. just- to think he’s the one who could bring that beautiful smile forth... he’s more than glad he could do that, and he’ll waste no time in letting his darling know how beautiful their smile is
idia shroud
idia gets a bit anxious over how his darling doesn’t seem to express many emotions- at the same time, he... kinda thinks they’re like those cool, cold characters from games. the ones that don’t show expressions but are actually super sweet and kind and-!
of course, he tends to ask a lot of questions... especially in dates. he’s not the most socially experienced person, and combined with the fact his darling just doesn’t emote a lot makes him constantly ask if they’re happy, or if they’re having a good time
he’s got his own odd quirks as a person- really, he thinks it’s... a bit endearing, in its own way, that his darling is like that. besides, ortho seems to think they’re cool, and that’s more than enough reason for idia to not mind that
and then of course, he sees them smile- a genuine, warm smile- and his heart just... melts. it’s like unlocking a special CG in a game, or a special heart event; it’s so... unexpected, but at the same time, he feels like his heart might burst from how fast it’s beating
how did he of all people get a smile from them...? they say they hadn’t shown a smile like that to anyone in a long time- idia is just... so shocked he could be the one to make them smile like that. it makes his heart flutter; he... he wants to see that smile again.
malleus draconia
poor malleus is no good at reading people at all. the fact his darling is stoic by nature makes it a bit difficult for him- he... cannot tell their mood at all. and yet that doesn’t deter him from courting them and pursuing a relationship with them (a process that gives lilia amusement to no end, watching malleus desperately try to court someone who he cannot understand at all)
malleus is quite curious about how his darling acts. most humans are so... expressive- their faces and emotions seem to change every second, but it seems his darling human is different, hm? he finds it endearing; they’re quite different from other humans he’s seen, and not just because they don’t cower in fear in his presence. 
it’s not that easy to phaze malleus. he’s lived for long enough to come to expect most things, and he’s seen things humans and other creatures can only dream of seeing- and yet...
... when he looks at his darling’s smile, malleus is so captivated he can’t even speak, for a second. he feels himself grow warm, and his cheeks go red; maybe it is true when they say there’s nothing more beautiful than a lover’s smile... 
he feels such a... depe sense of achievement. to this human, who wears such an icy expression, who hasn’t shown this smile in a long time... he was the one who got them to smile. it warms his heart to think of it: in a way, it’s also been a long time since he gave his trust and heart to someone, too, but he couldn’t be more glad that it is his darling who holds that trust.
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purlturtle · 3 years
okay, just because I want to, I'll do this one for Bering and Wells:
Who's the overprotective one?
When it comes to actual physical harm, Helena towards Myka. When it comes to emotional matters/triggers, Myka towards Helena.
Who's clingier?
Helena. She still can't believe that Myka is giving her the time of day after all this. Myka is only clingy when she's tipsy.
Who's the better cook?
Helena. Following a recipe is close enough to following scientific instructions - in fact, when recipes aren't detailed enough she'll go on a five-day tangent to perfecting them. Myka will say that she's too impatient to cook (more than making herself some granola and yoghurt, or a sandwich) and can thankfully afford to call in delivery food if necessary. Only Pete and Helena know that she has a somewhat strained relationship with food, due to her dad. She tolerates both of them and their more or less subtle attempts to make sure she's fed sufficiently, and has come to appreciate Helena cooking for her (if more for the gesture than the food itself, good though it usually is).
How do they handle periods of separation?
If the separation is due to a retrieval, it means that whoever is out in the field is in danger, and the other one never handles that at all well. There's a lot of telling themselves "she'll be fine, she's incredibly capable," and a lot of internal screaming. Non-retrieval separations are extremely rare; they both have too hard a time not thinking of things like holographic projections, Regent-enforced secret missions, Boone et al.
Who gets bridal carried and who bridal carries the other?
Neither. Myka HATES losing the ground from under her feet; Helena detests the visual. If it is unavoidable, they'll carry the other of course, but neither of them actually likes it.
Do they engage in PDA?
Helena is thrilled that PDAs are possible at all, so she loves to show her affection. Myka used to be embarrassed by it, but she's come to cherish the gestures as something that makes Helena inordinately happy, and as a reminder to herself that Helena is here to stay.
Who kills the bugs around the house?
Myka, out of necessity. Helena, when faced with or alerted to a bug, will immediately start thinking of ways to proof the place against this specific bug, and get lost in tinkering while the bug lives happily ever after (or at least until Myka resignedly kills it/takes it out.)
What do they argue over?
Helena always gets in trouble for leaving tasks half-finished (typically because something else occurred to her that needed to be implemented or at least jotted down immediately). Myka gets in trouble for cleaning up after Helena ("I still needed that! Now where has it gone?"). A while back they had one massive row about their respective overprotective tendencies, and things have gotten much better since then. In general they tend to talk things out; Myka especially insists on it. She's brought home several books about how to argue and solve conflicts effectively, and has made Helena read them too.
What are their favorite pet names?
Myka's heart still skips a beat whenever Helena calls her darling, even after all these years. She tries not to be jealous when Helena drops 'darlings' left, right and center; that's just who Helena is, after all. And no-one but Myka gets called 'my love'; that's something, right? And that 'my love' never fails to send a rush of warm fuzzies through her. Helena claims to grumble about being called 'babe' and 'baby' - she is not an infant, after all - but since Myka calls nobody else that, and does so with so much affection, she has come to cherish it.
What's their favorite thing to do together?
Sit on something comfortable and read. Sometimes while holding hands or stroking the other's hair, sometimes just side by side in silent companionship. Sometimes they'll read the same book so they can discuss it as they go; in all other cases, though, bothering the other while they're immersed in their story is an absolute no-go. Helena's next favorite thing to do with Myka is anything that gets Myka to completely relax - going to a spa, going on vacation, having a fun night with their friends, having a different-kind-of-fun night by themselves. Myka is always so tightly focused; anything that gets her to enjoy herself is Helena's favorite thing. Myka's next favorite thing to do with Helena is to take her to amusement parks and scientific exhibitions where she can watch Helena be enthusiastic and starry-eyed. Her favorite memory is when Helena (Helena George Wells!!) got tongue-tied (!!!) at meeting Bill Nye the Science Guy. (Nobody but Myka knows this, but Helena has an autograph of Bill, which is one of her most cherished belongings.)
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Asgardian ale
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Thor brought some Asgardian booze to the party. Surely, nothing can go wrong.
Warnings: a little bit of angst I guess, but mostly fluffy Bucky
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Last night, it was one of Tony Stark's notorious parties but only including the Avengers. Everyone was dragged there as it was mandatory, "team-building fun" as Tony liked to put it. Surprisingly enough Thor showed up and brought something with him that made the party all the more exciting: Asgardian ale.
You see, the two super soldiers were so enhanced that they could never get drunk and let loose, with human alcohol that is. It was truly a sight to behold. Pre-serum Steve had so many ill conditions that alcohol was off-limit and boy, did he enjoy the calm feeling of the booze. The always polite Captain America ran around the tower shouting nonsense, swearing while he tried to lift Thor's hammer and cutely but miserably flirting with Natasha (but given the unlikely situation, it made the assassin blush nonetheless)
You were laughing your ass off on the couch with Wanda when two strong arms draped around your shoulder making you look up.
"Hi Soldier" - you greeted your boyfriend who had an adorable cheeky grin on his face
"Hi, Beautiful" - he planted a sloppy kiss on your mouth that made all eyes wander from Steve towards the two of you
You see, Bucky never was a fan of PDA, rarely showing affection when the others were around. That was fine with you, you understood that he was a private person, and it made his love for you even more precious, knowing he would make it up when in your shared room alone. He was a big, sentimental, clingy, and handsy person and you wouldn't have it any other way. It was so sweet that you were the only one seeing this affectionate side of him... Up until last night.
"I miss youuuu" he purred in your ear, tone slightly slurred by the alcohol
"But I'm right here, Buck" - you cocked an eyebrow and smiled sweetly at him
"I miss your warmth" - he cornered the couch and sat down next to you, instantly wrapping his arms around you in a side hug, nuzzling your neck.
"Better?" - you asked in a whisper as you started stroking his hair, just the way he likes it
"Soooo much" - he purred again, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent - "You smell so gooood"
You chuckled lightly and yelped as you felt yourself being lifted. You landed on Bucky's lap, him pulling you flesh to him and tightly wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on one of your shoulders. You laid back and let yourself relax in your boyfriend's embrace, closing your eyes, and feeling utterly content. That is until a flash went off.
"Hey" - you exclaimed as you saw Sam holding his phone and showing the photo that he just took to everyone
"Oh, calm down Snowflake, it's not every day that we get to see Mr. Grumpy so kind and calm." - he shrugged his shoulders
"At least send it to me then." - you asked him, already knowing what your new phone wallpaper will be
You lightly turned your head to see Bucky's reaction, only to find him still in the same position, contently sitting with closed eyes and a little smile plastered on his face.
The rest of the night mostly contained talking and laughing as everyone gathered around you. During the late hours, slowly, everyone went back to their rooms. You haven't failed to see Steve following Nat out and to her room. You smiled to yourself then you tried to think about a way to get you and Bucky into a comfortable position to sleep. You assumed that he had fallen asleep a long time ago as he never said a word all night, nor did he move after snuggling up with you. You slowly loosened his arms around you.
"Wanna go to sleep, doll?" - he asked and you jumped a little bit on his lap - "Sorry to startle you" - he chuckled lightly and hugged you tightly again
"It's okay, I just thought you were asleep" - you turned halfway and smiled down lovingly at him
"Nope" - he popped the p in it - "Was just too comfortable to move or say anything" - Bucky smiled goofily up at you while your heart melted
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" - you caressed one of his cheeks, basking in the feeling as he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch - "Are you feeling sleepy yet?"
"I could sleep" - he mumbled tiredly while picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared bedroom
He put you on the floor and kissed you sweetly. It was a gentle and loved filled kiss, not hungry, nor rushing, just full of passion. He pulled away and undressed you slowly, trailing little wet kisses on your skin as he exposed it. After you were only standing in your panties he walked to the closet, picked out one of his T-shirts, and pulled it over you. Bucky loved it when you wore his clothes, it was a sense of pride that you were his and his alone. You started to undress him too, focusing on his clothing but you knew his gaze never left you as he followed your every movement with an expression filled with adoration. You pulled out a drawer and picked out a fresh boxer for him and panties for you. You both changed and got under the covers, Bucky instantly nuzzling your stomach and wrapping his arms around you the best he could. You reflexively started to card your fingers through his luscious brown locks and felt him hum against your skin while planting a soft kiss on it.
"I love it so much when you are this affectionate" - you laid your head on the soft pillow
"I can't help it, you are so soft and warm, the best feeling ever" - he mumbled softly and you heard his breath even out
"Sweet dreams, my love" - you kissed the crown of his head gently and drifted to sleep yourself
A loud crash woke you up from your slumber. You turned around, wanting nothing more than to nuzzle into your boyfriend's warm body, but you found his spot empty and cold.
You yawned and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast for yourself. Steve was already there, making coffee for himself, his back to you.
"Well, well, I didn't know purple was on the new Captain America color palette" - you commented with an obvious smirk as you saw the not so little love bites around his neck"
"Thor should definitely not bring that ale on a party again" - he laughed nervously while turning around and sipping his coffee
"Ohhh, on the contrary, Stevie. I will personally ask him to do so if it makes you finally admit your feelings" - your smiled turned more soft - "How much do you remember?"
"Everything" - he face-palmed himself - "The strength of the alcohol was enough to set me loose but not enough to make me forget things or even to have a hangover"
With that, you took out your phone to check social media. The first pic that came up nearly made you drop the device. Before you could ask Steve about it, Sam came running into the room, screaming, while a very angry looking Bucky followed him with heavy steps.
"Take it down" - your boyfriend demanded with a growl, the authority in his voice making your legs week
"No way man, where is the fun in it, there are already thousands of view on it" - Sam retorted while trying to hide behind you, knowing Bucky would never hurt you
"Oh, no, you are not getting me into this" - you stepped away, but towards your love - "Sweatheart, what got you this mad?"
"Oh, why not ask Birdie here?" - he still threw daggers with his eyes towards Sam
You thought about the post with the caption "The big bad Winter Soldier is actually a big softie #BuckyBear" that Wilson made and uploaded.
"Is this about the picture from last night? Do you not like it?" - you asked softly
"Of course I do, you are on it" - he smiled lovingly at you, his voice softened - "But other people aren't supposed to see and like it" - he mumbled and pouted like an adorable child
"Oh, honey, but we look so good. We've been together for almost two years, it's only natural that we love being affectionate towards each other" - you put your hands on his cheeks, lightly caressing them
"So it wouldn't bother you if I hold your hand or kiss you in front of others?" - he asked shyly, avoiding eye contact
"Of course not. I would really love that. But I respect your choice of privacy if it's not okay with you." - you reassured him
He didn't answer verbally, just bent down and captured your lips in a passionate, deep kiss.
"Ewww, get a room" - Sam exclaimed loudly, making you break the kiss
"You cooked yourself a meal, now you're gonna eat it" - and with that, you went back kissing Bucky
From that moment on, Bucky always kept an arm around you and was never afraid to show his love for you. It turned out that he was a real sucker for PDA, knowing you loved his attention. You were also able to finally shower him with love anytime you wanted, to cuddle up to him and relax, and to go to long walks, holding hands. You two were never overdoing it though, but the team never minded it anyway. Everyone knew how happy and calm moments are so rare in the field of work you were doing, they were truly happy for you. Maybe Sam not so much, especially when Bucky randomly grabbed you and kissed you deeply whenever he walked in, pissing him off and reminding him that he never should invade your privacy again. Oh, and Bucky never admitted it, but he actually was grateful for Sam to take the photo that now served as his wallpaper too.
Author's note: I have a bunch of ideas of Bucky, so most probably I'm gonna post about him for a while. But also really wanna write something sweet for Tj Hammond. What are your thoughts? Have a lovely day ^^
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crystalized-cove · 4 years
【Single Father Head-Canon 01】
Sweet, little guppies~ I hope you’re having a fine day today. In honour of all our fathers, I decided to break my three-character limit for just this once. This will be all the lovely Prefects, so I hope you enjoy a little imagination.
[ Which is now belated... ]
Riddle Rosehearts
One thing he learned growing up was that he didn’t wish to raise his children just like how his mother raised him
Rules are always fine to enforce but to let loose and give in a little to indulge never hurt a soul
So when he found himself with a little girl in his arms, he couldn’t help but just instantly melt with adoration and affection
He’d break any rule for her just to live happily and however, she wants
Does she want some cake or tarts? He’ll bring her over to Trey’s bakery for the afternoon. What about a long walk in the park to play with the local ducks? He’ll have some bread crumbs for her to feed them with
Something the two have in common as she gets older is a favorite type of tea
Tea parties are very common in the Rosehearts household, whether it’s with her stuffed animals or with just the two of them and a brewed pot of calming tea
He wouldn’t even hide the fact that it was just him raising her, and answer any questions she has
It may hurt at times to think about what could have been, but he focuses on what has been and what will be for her future
Yet he couldn’t be anymore prouder of his daughter as she grows up strong, confident and quick-witted
She does have a bit of a temper when it comes to idiots and numb skulls, but he could only sympathize and give as much advice as he can
Leona Kingscholar
Despite feeling as if he made a mistake, he wasn’t the type of man to just abandon and drop anything; he’s prideful
He’d take responsibility and watch over the little cub, even if it was annoying to have his tail and ears pulled on and a constant crying wail ring in his head
It would take some time for him to even warm up to caring for the child, as it all would feel like a chore
Expect a few servants to aid in the Second Prince’s responsibilities
At least until probably a heartfelt moment occurs between him and the cub, where he just wishes to care for her and not have anyone else take her away
That’s when he’ll become the clingy one; all bark but no bite
Especially since he already had a slight soft spot for his nephew, Cheka
One of his favorite activities to do with his little cub is grooming, since it’s a little intimate and it will initiate a tickle fight
And anything that involves him lying down or the ability to nap afterward on a comfortable bed is a win for him
Though his daughter doesn’t pick up his lazy habits or his talent of sleeping anywhere in a mere three seconds, she does have the ability to out-smart most of her classmates and friends
He’s proud to have raised such a smart and well-rounded girl
He may brag about it to Ruggie
Azul Ashengrotto
The thought of even raising a child scared him, and never occurred because of all his ambitions and greed; yet when he sees the small girl in his arms he never had a second doubt
It’d be hard, especially when he’s forced to bear all responsibilities
But he still has the Leech twins under his wing and can more or less just force some advice out of them, or share a quick deal for help
He’s just like some of the others, where he’s rather doting over his daughter
He’ll do his best to spoil them and give them anything they want; the only one in the world who can be given something without him needing to take
He’ll even make a few deals with others just to provide her with whatever she wishes
Though because of what he went through, he’ll make sure she’s up-to-date on her academics and studies
He prefers if she were to follow her own passions, as that what he did when he was younger
Sometimes he’ll also notice she hang out with the Twins a little more often than not, trying to use both his smooth lines and fatherly figure to get a squeak from her
But she won’t budge and he’ll be both proud and annoyed because he raised such a beautiful girl
Of course, it’s later found out she was planning on a nice dinner for the two of them
Which he’ll end up crying while eating the prepared fried food she had
Kalim al-Asim
He isn’t one to back down quickly from responsibility, he just needs to learn
At first, he sees only the charms and the adorable cuteness in his daughter, wanting to play with her; maybe even accidentally throwing her up a few times too high and getting her stuck up somewhere
This will cause Jamil to panic and wonder why he’s even a father in the first place when he doesn’t have the qualifications
Of course, Kalim has other servants and siblings to help him
Which he’ll accept their kind-heartedness when applicable to the situation or when he needs help
Which, as she grows older, he’ll end up needing more help and aid
He isn’t terrible and learns pretty quickly what he needs to do, and certain responsibilities that he has now that he’s a single father
Rather he does his best to smile even more and make sure that she has a carefree life, all the while looking out for herself just like how he learned
His past mistakes won’t interfere with her life, and he’ll protect her
Especially her bright and beautiful smile he’s grown to love seeing and wish to see every day
Vil Schoenheit
One thing he could never fathom was becoming a father, especially to such an odd little being
He’s not one to have a motherly touch or quite a fatherly instinct, so it takes time for him to even grow used to being around a child; even his own daughter
At some points, he’ll just let someone else he knows to take care of her as he does his own business
But his heart isn’t pure black coal, even if charcoal provides a perfect mask for the skin
He can learn to love his own little potato of a child, especially when he can show them the perfect skincare routines and how to look perfect every day
From early on she’ll learn colour theory and may take quite an artsy turn with her father’s hobbies
He’ll only show a bit of stubborn pride if she truly gives him a nice gift once she’s older
Of course, he also has a firm hand and doesn’t let his walls down -- even with his own daughter, so it takes time for him to relax with her and show some common interest
He’s just there to raise her, and then she’ll leave him
That’s all he sees and will continue to see; someone beautiful growing up to take what’s his
Idia Shroud
Like most new fathers, he’ll be having a mental breakdown and crisis
Add on that he’s now alone in taking care of a small soul of new life, and even with Ortho’s help, he’ll just breakdown more often than not
He only knows some lullabies from when he grew up and rumors, and even a few stories -- though all are a bit grim and not the greatest to show moral
He doesn’t mind learning new formulas and recipes to feed her, but he will have trouble even making edible food once to the point past baby formula
But that shows how much determination he has to even keep her living and to have her see the world
He’s rather fond of the idea of her memorizing certain things in life, or even just learning
So that makes him one of the fathers who may or may not take quite a bit of photo and pictures
He does it all in the wellness of his heart, and he prefers to have his own keepsakes as well for when she grows older and just ditches him for a man
But he rather not think about such things and tries his best to think to the present
Even though that’s quite a feat for him and he sometimes even gets depressed, so Ortho has to take care of watching over her while he’s in a corner
Malleus Draconia
Being a father isn’t new for him, especially since he helped raise Silver with Lilia
And with his years, he’s seen humans and how they care for their own children and their own customs
But Fae? Him? With his own daughter? Right now in his arms just sleeping soundly?
He has to make sure every night for some years she isn’t in a coma or asleep forever, bound by a curse
Which leads to a morning ritual of kissing her forehead in the morning and whispering ‘Good morning, my sweet lily’
He’s rather fond of his own child, so it’s no surprise if she’s spoiled or just given everything; with his own twist
Long walks with talks about history, their homeland and even a few fun facts about Gargoyles if well-behaved will occur
Sometimes he surprises himself with how happy he gets, as it’s been some time since he felt complete bliss that wasn’t bound by something else
He knows how the world works
So once she’s older and can be on her own, he may get a little protective at first
But with Lilia’s help, he’ll grow to relax and just watch from afar
Just like he always does
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
//Yandere Magi//
This is a collections of a number of Magi charcters written in the yanderevers. I’ve excluded Sinbad and his eight generals inorder to write them their own fic later this month. I would aslo like to say thanks to @yandere-romanticaa​ for all her help with this story, thanks so much love, You’re a life savoir!Feedback and comments always appriciated! ENJOY my beloveds!
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Alibaba Saluja
Alibaba is a very soft and obsessive yandere, one that has fallen so deep in a maniacal love, with an independent yet innocent darling. One that he believes must be kept concealed from this harsh, cold world. 
He'll desperately strive to learn every possible little thing about you. He wants to know your favorite color, food, animal, etc. And at first, this may come across as indearing, he takes the time to sit with you, hear your endeavors and triumphs. It's refreshing at first until he becomes too clingy. 
Alibaba slowly starts prying you away from your friends, going quite with a heartbroken look in his eyes when you tell him you have plans for the night. Sometimes the looks he gives you, are too much to bear and you cave canceling whatever you previous engagement you had to rest by his side. 
"(Y/N) you're my whole world, I never want to lose you!"
At some point in your relationship, Alibaba becomes fed up with others constantly possessing your affection. It's around this point that he'll decide that its better for both of you if you where kept locked up somewhere only he would have access to. This will -obviously- not sit well with his darling and yet what choice are they given. The Wonder Man can be quite forceful when it comes to his interpretation of his lover's being. 
"So I'm going to tie you to my heart, so ill never lose you"
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Alibaba wouldn't mind taking you outside as long as you have chains around your ankles and wrists. As a simple diversion to those around you, they will pay you no mind if they think you are merely a slave walking around with her master. This will also prevent people from believing anything you say if you were to ever run away and attempt to seek aid. After all who will believe the tales of a desperate slave girl. 
He will also permit you to mingle with Alladin, Morgiana, and Kassim. That is if they keep a respective boundary and don't get too touchy.
When it comes to outfits, Alibaba isn't too picky about what you wear, however other than the shackles you are to wear one of Kassim's red earings at all times. His reasoning for this? Simply that he'll be able to look at one of his loved ones and be reminded of two.
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Aladdin is a bit of an odd yandere, he isn't particularly violent unless pushed, he gives his darling more freedom than other yanderes and he possesses both qualities of possessives and obsessives. He's most likely to fall for a darling based on two things, their kindness and their large appearances (Magi fans will understand what that means) they will also have to possess a knowledge of cooking and house chores. To be frank, Aladdin desperately wants a normal family. One with a warm welcoming wife and sweet children, food on the table and someone to cuddle with at night. That's why with the help of Ugo he decided that it'll be best to kidnap his love and keep her in the Sacred Place. 
"I love you all so much (Y/N)!"
He'll treat his darling with the utmost respect and heed to their every need and want. His punishments are rather childish and normally consist of the silent treatment or simply leaving their darling alone for a couple of days. At the end of the day you just end up accepting your current role as Aladdin's little "wife" really it isn't so bad, soon you'll even start to reciprocate his feelings to the point of almost matching his obsessive tendencies. 
"Don't you love me back?"
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He makes sure that you and Ugo become good friends, he will also attempt to make befriend Alibaba and Morgiana. 
As previously mentioned Aladdin is not very violent but he will not tolerate anyone other than himself touching you. He will also not hesitate to fight anyone who dares disrespect. 
He loves it when you wear slightly revealing tops and asymmetrical skirts, all in shades of blue and white.
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Morgiana is a very considerate yandere that could be best described as a delusional/ obsessive mix. She knows what it's like to be stripped of your freedom and lose all-purpose but to serve your "Master". It's a fate she doesn't wish for anyone body else let alone her one true love. She will never chain you up, never lock you in a room or deprive you of food and water. Everything will appear to be a normal relationship, except if you look underneath the surface it isn't. People around you start to go missing or wind up dead. You mortified fearing that you'll be next, so you start seeking security from Morg who gladly provides you with love and comfort. Non the wiser that she is the one being the homicides. 
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll protect you"
When the two of you start living together, she starts to become a little more possessive. She'll accompany you where ever you decide to go, insistent that you stay by her side at all times even when in the safety of your shared home. In truth, Morgiana doesn't know why she loves you and needs to protect you to such an extent. Maybe because she's never had anyone to protect her, maybe it's cause she's seen the grim reality of this world and wants to shelter you from it. Whatever it is it doesn't matter, all that matter and will ever matter is her love and admiration for you. The punishments that she does dole out are based on humiliation, most of which are sexual. She may start to rub you in public or pinch the right area between your thighs. She'll have no problem with forcing herself on you in front of a crowd if only to show just who you belong to. 
 Her other methods of keeping you in line consist of making you believe that you'll never be able to live without her and that you need her to do everything for you  
"I'll never leave your side!" 
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She doesn't want to develop a friendship with anyone including her closest friends. Viewing them as potential threats to your safety. 
She will, however, intrust Masrur with looking after you when she gets caught up in something. 
She very dominates in bed and is very specific about the acts that you two commit. Knowing her strength she doesn't want to hurt you yet she does enjoy seeing you squirming under her. 
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Kassim is a possessive yandere, he views his darling as his property, she's an atonement from the universe for all the cruelty he's been through! He quickly becomes infatuated with the notion that someone's sole purpose on this earth is to please him. that's all his love is meant to do. To be there for him, to greet him with a smile and kisses when he returns to his current hideout. She shouldn't think of anything but him, shouldn't want anyone or thing but him. 
His darling likely resembles Anise in someway. Be it their kindness towards the members of the slums and fog troupe or their smile or the purity they radiate off of her in colossal waves.  
It's something and it's addicting, it's what caused him to steal her away one night under the cloak of darkness. To chain her to his worn-out bed, blindfolded and shivering. 
"You're mine (Y/N)..."
He never takes the blame for his actions, always saying it's her fault, she made him do this. It's his only response when he forces himself onto her practice each day, littering her body with sweet tender kisses and rough sharp bites that draw pallets of blood. 
When the poor darling tries to pull back or cower in a corner, he'll burn her with the tip of his cigars. If the unfortunate dear ever attempts to escape the punishment will be much harsher. He'll lock her away in some underground tunnel or broken down-home. Leave her there for days antagonist the filth any disease. It always works, whenever Kassim comes to collect her, she's always putty in his hands. Willing to be the sweet little darling he wants her to be.
"Don't you forget it!"
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Judar is a sadistic and cruel yandere with possessive tendencies. He's the type to see his beloved as his toy and plaything rather than a human being a unique though prosses. In his eyes, her only goal in life is to amuse and serve him.
Judar lacks care for....pretty much everything He's constantly bored and seeking some wicked way to quench his boredom. When he first met his beloved he would only see them as a temporary amusement, something he can get a chuckle out of and then slaughter for kicks. But then he notices something about the girl, she's modest, innocent wrapped in a child-like personality. She's his reciprocal, she's what he might have been (keyword might) if Al-Thamen hadn't abducted him and twisted his soul until he became a stygian monster. 
The pitiable darling will have no warning as to what's to come, one minute they're in the bazaar and the next, their in Judar's chambers, chained to the wall by a cold metal collar. 
"You're supposed to be my pet!"
That's when the real fun begins! Judar's favorite pass time soon becomes tormenting his new toy. He'll beat you to a bloody mess leaving you with broken bones, black eyes, split lips, bloody noses, and too many bruises to count. He'll get off to cutting you, smearing your blood over the both of you. You soon realize just how kinky and uncivil the fallen magi can be. Oh and let's not forget about his ice magic! For punishments he'll freeze the room and have you strip, leaving you in the cold for hours on end. Sometimes he may cuff your wrists and ankles in blocks of ice as he cuts you open with his wand and uses some ice pallets to sterilize the wounds. 
However, do note that Judar does try to make you happy from time to time. Buying you the prettiest dresses, making sure you are well fed and entertained. He always kisses you, of course, they are followed by harsh bites. It's just the only way he knows to show his affection, the cruelty and pain are only out of his sick and twisted love. By keeping you locked up and occupied he'll always be in full possession of your undived attention, at the end that's all he truly wants...well sorta. 
"So act like one before I kill you" 
To Judar this love is Ludus to you it's mania. 
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Judar rarely ever calls you by your name, he usually has some degrading nickname up his sleeve. 
Examples are pet, toy, my bitch, peach, plaything, whore 
He always makes you dress in black and gold clothes that are somewhat too tight and revealing. With this being said he does enjoy the occasional Rococo dress.
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Hakuei Ren
Hakuei doesn't believe that she's a yandere at first. She just knows that she finds you enticing and exquisite, so she'll stare at you, follow you around from time to time. It isn't until she witnesses you laughing and smiling at some other girl, that rage begins to bubble up inside of her. Visions of wrapping her slender fingers around the other parties' neck plague her mind. She thinks she might be feeling ill, maybe it's from all the stress she's been under lately. 
Paimon will likely have to take her aside and explain to her that's she's in love, a dark and twisted one at that! The reason why she's outraged when she sees you with someone else is that she wants you all to herself. These emotions will not cease until she has truly posses you solely to herself.  
"Swear your love and loyalty to me (Y/N)"
It'll likely be Paimon that will kidnap you due to Hakuei's manipulated request. However, now that she has you she's doesn't know what to do. 
For the first few weeks, she keeps you locked up in her room. Finding it amusing to dress you up and style your hair. Decorating your locks with flowers and pears, slipping on golden tiaras and delicate chains. She makes you look so beautiful that she can't help but to show you to the rest of the royal family. Only this time she makes sure that you won't leave her for one of them. She'll tell you tales about how mean and brutish Emporer Kouen is. How sadistic and cruel the two imperial princes are. She'll manipulate your every step and word to benefit her own. 
It works, soon you sincerely believe that the only person you can trust is Hakuei, she's the only one that cares about you, the only one who won't hurt you. 
"Swear it!"
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Hakuei treats you like a doll, you are not to speak unless spoken to, not to move unless told. You do not own yourself only she can ever possess you.
Her punishments are usually whippings or small beatings. She hates punishing you but you have to learn your place even if it's through strict means. 
She enjoys dominating you in bed but while grant any request you have. If you want to try something new she'll be all for it and will make sure that you enjoy it too. 
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Hakuryuu Ren
Hakuryuu is an odd yandere, at first he'd be fascinated with your courage and bravery, how independent and strong-willed you are. That fascination will very soon turn into an obsession. He'll soon find himself following his beloved around, trying to steal glimpses into her room, secretly stealing small trinkets of hers.  
In his eyes, you are perfect, a goddess of war with the most beautiful eyes and shimmering skin. You are his everything he'll gladly lay his life down at your feet. Except you don't seem to notice that, you don't even acknowledge his presence. This lights his heart on fire and now he's desperate for your attention. 
"You love me right (Y/N)?"
To Hakuryuu he has to find some way of "winning" you. It takes him the longest time to figure this out, to fully grasp what he has to do. But once he finally decides what to do no one can stop him. When he finally takes you, hiding you away in his private chambers where you will be safe. In his eyes this is the final step, he won you it's game over. 
He doesn't view keeping you captive as wrong or unlawful it's merely his way of protecting you from the awful creatures outside, those who do not appreciate your true beauty and could never love you as he does. 
Hakuryuu does have very strict rules in place one's you are to follow without question. They're for your good after all! He wants to keep you perfect and brave and his. His punishments are harsh but short, he hates hurting you but he has no other choice, you forced his hand! Normally he is very merciful and may even let little things slid. One thing he will never tolerate however is escaping. If you so much as open the door without his permission, he won't hesitate to lock you up in a cell in the palace dungeons leaving you there until you are begging him to let you out. Promising to be a good darling and do anything he says. 
"Say it! Say you love me!"
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Hakuryuu adores dressing you in the finest robes and walking around the palace with you. He ravishes the looks that others throw your way, seeing the sparks of envy in their eyes always put him in a lighter mood. 
His favorite person to show you to is Hakuei, he wants his older sister to be proud of the darling he caught. it's a lot like a small child showing their newest artwork to their mother.
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Kouen Ren
Kouen is a possessive and controlling yandere, at first, he views his darling as merely a possession, one granted to him because of his role as emperor and also due to his numerous victories on the battlefield. He doesn't always treat his darling as an equal or with much affection and admiration for that matter. Really he simply expects his beloved to sit next to him on her own throne as a glamorous doll of a queen. 
He's rather fixated with the thought of morphing you into the perfect darling, into the most elegant and obedient queen the Kou empire has ever known! His methods for doing so are strict and rather unsavory. He has rules in place for everything, a routine you must abide by throughout the day, he monitors and manipulates every word you say, every step you take. Everything his always under his control! 
"My queen, you weren't supposed to utter those words."
Eventually, you will start to absorb his ideologies, wholly believing that your sole purpose in life is to be Kouen's perfect little queen.
You will do anything to please him, carve the rules and routines into your mind and soul. Only feel truly alive when he kisses you softly sucking ever so slightly at your bottom lip, pulling away to whisper how proud he is of you and how pure you're turning out to be!
"Now I'll have to punish you."
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His rather lax when it comes to sexual activities, he likes to be in charge but doesn't mind if you wish to dominate him and usually encourages it. He does, however, reserve requests for when you deserve a phenomenal prize. 
His rewards vary vastly, from new outfits to new privileges, to someone new to talk to or fresh words you are permitted to speak. 
Kouen's punishment methods are usually different forms of bondage, for example, tying you from the ceiling from your wrists. 
Or spreading your limps apart and to a different corner of the bed. 
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Koumei Ren
Koumei isn't a very crazed yandere or very demanding. He's an obsessive that desperately want's your company. When he first kidnaps you, that all he wants, someone to talk to hidden away in the safety of his room. You'll spend may days and nights simply chained to an overly decorated and engulfing chair listening to the second imperial prince go on and on about his newest war strategy for conquering a new land or favorite book. 
However nothing lasts forever, soon Koumei will expect you to start doing chores such as organizing his books and scrolls, filing his military tactics, cleaning and dusting the room. All the things a good housewife should do. He is obsessed with you, this is a fact but he's also convinced himself that you're already his wife that you already love him and that to an extent you don't really want to leave him. 
"My gorgeous, stunning (Y/N)..." 
Every time you attempt to escape, you end up coming face to face with your captor, a knowing smirk decorating his features and a triumphant glint in his magenta eyes. You're always brought back, yet never punished Koumei just claimes that you're either bored and looking for a source of entertainment or were attempting to gain his attention because you missed him direly. 
Koumei also slowly begins to get more touchy the longer you reside with him. He'll embrace you more often, with his hands running along your back, nails scratching lightly at your tender flesh. He constantly has you sit on his lap or hold entwine your fingers with his. It doesn't matter how it is, he simply has to feel you in some manner or another. 
After some time you slowly begin to adapt to his hermit-like ways. Becoming to scared of the outside world yourself. A form of apathy grows within you, it becomes to much trouble to escape too much effort to beg the servents and staff for help. Life is much easier and simpler to just remain in Koumei's room. Being his little housewife is just a life that seems to suit you more than whatever you did with your existence before your lover captured you. 
"Kiss me"
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Koumei is rather shy during sex, your first few times. He slowly begins to adapt more to your body as time progresses. He quickly learns that he really really enjoys blow jobs. He loves how you feel around him, it's pure ecstasy to him. 
He does want his darling to feel comfortable around his brothers and sister along with their respective darlings. His family means a lot to him and thus he wants his darling to feel included in it. So he humors Kouha and Hakuryuu's little darling competitions even making you and himself the judges. 
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Kouha Ren 
Kouha is a bit of a complex yandere, his tendencies border on possessive and sadistic, yet at times he is sickly sweet. Kouha will kidnap you, will force you to become his doll, his toy and his lover. 
He keeps you chained in a personal room he had customized solely for beloved. The room itself is luxurious, with an enormous closet filled to the dream with a multitude of clothes. Shimmering ball dresses, silky hanfus, delicate dresses both short and long imported from all over the Kou empire, even graceful linger that shows off more skin then it should. And that's just a minuscule portion of your wardrobe. You're given every piece of jewelry imaginable, every style of shoes and accessories. There isn't a thing that Kouha wouldn't give you! 
"My sweet doll..."
However, there is a price to pay for all these lavish gifts. Kouha expects you to be at his beck and call, to pleasure him in any manner he so desires. This can lead to certain unsavory events... Kouha is very rough and commanding in bed, the things he wishes to do to you are very painful and extremely taboo. He will mark you and cut you, tearing at you delicate flesh, decorating it with kisses, bruises and little cuts in shapes of hearts. 
Kouha's favorite thing is to dress you up all elegant and porcelain-like and than to just cuddle you. Nuzzel your neck and breath in you sweet sent, tangle is slim fingers in your silky locks, watch as the light illuminates your dazzling eyes. He'll give you the softest kisses on your sweet spots practically worshipping your body. 
"Behave or I'll have to punish you!"
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Kouha does enjoy flaunting you around, making everyone so envious of his adorable and well-behaved darling.
If you've been extra good than Kouha will let you mingle with Kouen, koumei, and Hakuryuu's darlings. Oh, but of course you have to be dressed to outshine them all. 
Actually, Hakuryuu and Kouha constantly compete to see who's darling is better! Not simply by outward appearance and outfits but also in manners and how much love they give their yandere.
Kouha's punishments are the most damaging and painful to endure. they vary from classic torture methods (such as burning her with boiling water, adding salt to fresh cuts, dislocating and/ or breaking bones) to sexual humiliation. Forcing you to set on his lap during a meeting is an extremely skimpy dress with his fingers plunging into your womanhood. Or taking you in front of his servants and whoever else would enter the room. 
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Kougyoku Ren
Kougyoku is a manipulative and jealous yandere, she knows that she doesn't own you but she wants all of your actions, wants to be the only person you care about. She doesn't mind what tactics she must use to get you undevoted attention wheater it is clinging to your arm or kissing you in front of the royal court, it doesn't matter!
"You’re so cute (Y/N)!"
She won't outright kidnap you but she (Along with Kouha, Kouen, and Koubun Ka) has made it very clear who you belong to and that you have no say in the matter. She'll constantly request your presence in her room and will get pushy and invasive if you deny her request. 
She can be slightly cruel and sadistic in her punishments. Enjoying how to scream and cower in pain. Sure she feels ever so slightly bad that she is casing to suffer but how else will you learn not to disobey her?
" Cute And mine!"
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You always have to be pressed perfectly, in the finest and cleanest clothes. Only pure gold jewels decorating your flesh. Not a single hair out of place. Kougyoku insists on doing this herself each and every day!
She has a pretty high sex drive but finds that she's a big fan of watching as you play with yourself, she might join in or just start playing with herself as she listens to your sweet moans. 
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