#5k event ships
ficwip · 5 days
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It's back, my favorite event of the year: write an AU for any fandom using no more than 5,000 words!
Open to anyone 14 & up
It's an AU if you say it is!
Open to all fandoms & ships. Original fiction also welcome
No minimum word count or content restrictions
We'll accept works written in any language
Post any time in August!
The @ficwip5k officially opens on June 1st, but tumblr gets to sign up early! The sign up form linked from the documentation is still locked until June 1st, so make sure you use the one below.
🍍 the complete 5k documentation
🍍 sign up early
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from-a-legends-pov · 3 months
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From a Legends (Legend’s) Point of View 2024
From a Legends Point of View (or From a Legend’s Point of View, see what we did there?) is a Star Wars fandom fic event dedicated to celebrating the characters and stories of the Star Wars Legends continuity during and around the time of the Original Trilogy (OT).
Building from the talents of the many writers in the Star Wars fandom, we hope to develop and share a diverse collection of approximately 40 stories of pilots, smugglers, spies, scoundrels, and other characters from the original Star Wars Extended Universe in mid-September 2024.
How It Works
At signup, writers will each pitch at least three (up to five) different ideas for a fic of 5k-10k words to write for the collection. The pitches should focus on Legends characters or situations during the Original Trilogy and must fit the other story and pitch guidelines listed below.
Mods will review signups and assign one pitch from each writer to be written for the collection, with a goal of creating a collection with stories covering a variety of OT-era time periods, characters, and events.
Writers will submit their fics to a collection on Archive of Our Own (AO3), which will then be shared with the fandom.
Sunday, April 28: Signups are now open - Use the From a Legends POV - Pitches form here to sign up. (Step-by-step Signup Guidelines available here.)
Sunday, June 2: Signups close
Saturday-Sunday, June 8-9: Writers receive their assignments
Week of July 7-13: First check-in with writers
Week of August 4-10: Second check-in with writers
Sunday, August 11: Final drop out deadline
Sunday, September 8: Assignments due
Sunday, September 15: Collection revealed
(More details under the cut…)
Story and Pitch Guidelines
All stories should be set during or within six months of the events depicted in the Star Wars Original Trilogy films (0 BBY - 4ABY), and set within the main Star Wars galaxy (aka the Galaxy Far Far Away/GFFA).
Stories should focus on characters and/or events in the Star Wars Legends continuity, which can include any characters who appear in the three Original Trilogy films as well as characters from the Legends novels, comics, video games, or other materials.
Shipping guidelines: Stories should not be focused on romance or shipping and should not include smut. References to ships among characters in the story or among other characters are fine, but please limit these to mentions (for ships that do not include the point of view character) or subtext (for ships that do include the point of view character). Within these restrictions, any ships are allowed, regardless of whether they are considered canon in the Legends continuity.
Ratings and archive warnings: Any ratings or tags are allowed, as long as stories are appropriately tagged and follow the other story guidelines (e.g., no smut).
Each writer will submit at least three and up to five pitches for stories they would be willing to write for the collection. Across all the pitches, stories should feature a minimum of at least three different characters and a minimum of at least two different time periods during the OT. To ensure that we include a wide range of characters and stories in the collection, at least two pitches should feature a point of view character who is not one of the Original Trilogy main trio (Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo), and at least one pitch should feature a point of view character who is not another prominent OT character (Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, Darth Vader), nor a member of the Rogue Squadron “Fab Four” (Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, Tycho Celchu, Hobbie Klivian).
Stories for this collection are intended to add to the universe of fic we have for Legends; please do not submit pitches for stories you have already written and shared elsewhere, even if they fit the other guidelines.
Signup and Submission Details
Signups are now live! Use this Signup Form to share each of your pitches and provide contact information, including your Archive Of Our Own (AO3) username. Step-by-step Signup Guidelines are available here.
Once all signups have been reviewed, one of the mods will contact you via the information provided to let you know which one of your story pitches has been accepted (your assignment), and will provide instructions on how to submit your assignment to the collection.
We will also provide a signup form for people who would be willing to serve as a beta reader or cheerleader for other writers. Writers can request a beta reader when they sign up, or at any time before the beta request deadline (approximately two weeks before assignments are due). Betas may be available on a more limited basis after that deadline, but cannot be guaranteed.
Mods will check in with all writers twice over the course of the writing portion of the event to see how they are doing and connect them with a beta reader, cheerleader, or other assistance as needed. Please be sure to check your messages regularly and respond promptly to messages from the mods.
If you realize you will be unable to complete your assignment in time, please let the mods know as soon as possible, but definitely prior to the August 11 dropout deadline. That will enable us to reach out to find potential pinch hitters as needed.
Assignments are due Sunday, September 8 at any time. You will submit your fic via AO3, mods will confirm that it follows story and tagging guidelines, and it will be approved for the collection. The collection will be open for submissions a few weeks ahead of the deadline if you wish to submit early.
Because we intend to reveal these stories as a collection, please hold off on sharing or promoting your story until the full collection is released on September 15. After that time, please promote your story and others in the collection as much as possible!
We’ll be posting more information as we go, but here are a few ways to find out more:
Check out our FAQ post HERE.
Follow @from-a-legends-pov for more updates and occasional Legends-related content
Send an ask to @from-a-legends-pov or contact Tumblr mods @ewokshootsfirst or @lajulie24
Reach out the event mods by email: [email protected]
We’re excited to share this event with you — please help us out by spreading the word!
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Explaining fandoms I’m not in, but I have seen on my dash from the mutuals (to the best of my knowledge based on their posts):
Why? Because I thought it would be fun and entertaining and I hope I’m not wrong.
The Magnus Archives (TMA)- a group of people document creepy and supernatural events while they slowly one by one discover either that they are the monsters/possessed by them, or that they are being taken in by the monsters, or that their coworkers are the monsters, or that they themselves are possibly friends with or dating the monsters, or that they have been working for the monsters (or bad guys) the entire time. Many of the villains seem to be demented or possessed life sized toys and clowns or eyeballs. This podcast has so many episodes, and I see so many posts about it, but these seem to be the common themes.
Miraculous Ladybug- actually haven’t seen this one on my dash in a long time, but when I first did, despite appearing like a straightforward kids fandom, the shipping discourse confused the heck out of me. But if I have this right, based on the posts from my younger followers, two teenagers are animal themed superheroes who are dating each other and also have crushes on each other, but they don’t know they are dating each other, because they don’t know each others secret identities, because… okay, I still honestly have no idea why. There are ~5K posts about this apparently very central and specific plot line, but not one explains why they don’t just tell each other who they are??? Anything for the plot, I guess. Apparently this has been going on for a long time to the point where even the show’s target audience of children is confused as to how these teenagers and grown adults haven’t put the pieces together as to who everyone’s secret identity is.
Keeper of the Lost Cities (KOTLC)- there’s a girl named Sophie. She is an elf in a love triangle with Keefe and some other guy (I think his name is Fritz). Keefe’s parents are terrible, especially his mom. Sophie has horse DNA (I don’t know if that post was a joke or not sorry if that’s wrong). There’s an elf with fire powers. Elves read minds. There’s a group called the black swan who are the good guys, I think. Also I think the elves and humans are at war. I know Keefe’s parents are trash, does Sophie have parents? From what I can tell, she grows up believing she’s a human but then surprise! She’s an elf and the chosen one, and elves are possibly immortal? Wait, maybe Sophie’s a half elf. Is that a thing?
Spy x Family - two people are fake dating each other for spy reasons but eventually fall in love for real. The twist is, they each think the other is a normal civilian who doesn’t know about the fake relationship (which is kinda messed up to make someone fall in love with you for a fake cover but if they’re also doing the same to you that’s karma I guess) but I think it might end up ok, because they fall in love for real (Aw) but possibly also not okay, because I also think it might be revealed that they’ve been working for enemy sides this whole time (drama). Also the adopted daughter is a mind reader who knows everything but chooses to keep what she knows secret for the plot. Respect. And I recently saw something about the family having a super powered dog? Is he real?
The Murderbot Diaries - a bunch of robots are created for one purpose: murder. But when their murder programming goes haywire, they discover that they might have more in common with the humans they’ve been assigned to kill than they originally thought. Or that they have more humanity inside themselves than they thought… or maybe that the people who created them have more evil intentions than… well in hindsight, “the people who build the murder robots are evil!” seems like an obvious plot twist, but maybe they’re more morally complex or had decent intentions and just never intended for it to go this far… or maybe the robots get hacked or decide maybe they don’t want to be murder bots anymore which brings us back to free will. Interesting philosophical questions, but I think the robots might be getting into some wacky shenanigans as well. Also they apparently have diaries. I get that a diary is just like… a log of what they’re doing, but that won’t stop me from imaging a big scary robot with a little pink glitter pen writing “Dear Diary, I killed three people today. I still see their faces when I try to power off at night. When I go into sleep mode, I dream of their faces. I begin to wonder things, like whether they had families, dreams, or ambitions. I also wonder what they felt in their final moments. I fear this means I am developing a conscience and desire to turn against my programming and the creators. But probably nothing a little update and restart can’t fix. I’ll keep you updated, dairy. XOXO, Murderbot 💕” So. How did I do? Scale of 1-10, with 10 being “you nailed it!” and 1 being “None of this is remotely close. What posts have you been looking at?”
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theology101 · 3 months
Fabian and Adaine have me absolutely bewitched and its going to be everyone's problem
Im writing a fic for the two of them were they sorta do the awkward 'are we dating or just Good Friends who spend time together without other Friends' to 'fake date to fix her money problems' and then 'actually we were in love the entire time.' I'm not 100% on my order of events yet but I have a bunch of vignettes stuck in my head and its easier for my brain to expell them at an audience
Moggy the Doggy and the Hangman both go to the Spectral Dog park, Fabian and Adaine want to get Hangman comfortable in his hellhound form (although they respect that he prefers to be a bike)
For some reason whenever Adaine needs new clothes, she goes with Fabian? Something about the good vibes from the Jean Jacket means she thinks he's a lucky charm for clothes
While out in public Adaine has a panic attack, and Fabian swaddled her in the Battle Sheet. She initially thinks its patronizing before realizing - is this shit thread count seven billion?
After the Swaddle Incident, Fig and Kristen start VIOLENTLY shipping them, and that inspires the 'lets get engaged for tax purposes'
Fabian has an additional fund for his betrothed/spouse/SO, and KVX starts giving Adaine three thousand gold pieces a month
Jawbone, Gorthulax and Sandra Lynn are all pretty hype about this development - Sandra Lynn has her fucking eyes on him though. Adaine immediately feels guilty about lying
Hallariel flies home fucking immediately and forces Adaine to spend an entire Weekend with her. I'm talking Spa Day, Dress Fitting, Sword Dueling and a bunch of traditional elven activities
(and Adaine def doesn't cry because she's having the type of elven family experience with Hallariel that she wishes she had with Arianwen Abernant)
Turns out KVX has a similar system as the 'nemesis' system for spouses/signifgant others. Adaine would not be getting her three thousand gold a month unless she and Fabian genuinely did love each other
The reaction from that makes her vomit
The Bad Kids have to deal with Princess Nara being a BITCH. She's Fabian's cousin, wants her fucking sword back, thank you very much, and thinks that the Elven Oracle slumming it at High School and on adventures instead of leading a fucking nation like she's supposed to
Fabian and Adaine are backing each other up with so much passion and authority they kiss about it when they're done
And idk how we get here, but she's proposing herself with rings from the Jacket of Useful Things
I have more that are still half baked but if anyone else has any hit me dog. This shit is going to be 5k words+ a chapter when I'm done with her and I'm debating on 1-5 chapters rn
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hprecfest · 5 months
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HP Rec Fest 2023 - Roundup
It has been a wonderful event!
This is the roundup post in which all the recs are organized by prompts.
Thanks again to everyone who participated! ❄️❄️❄️
Day 1 - A favorite fic under 5k
Day 2 - A comfort fic
Day 3 - A podfic
Day 4 - A fic with art
Day 5 - A non-AO3 fic
Day 6 - An unreliable narrator fic
Day 7 - A canon-compliant fic
Day 8 - A canon-divergence fic
Day 9 - A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Day 10 - A fest fic
Day 11 - A dark fic
Day 12 - A WIP you’re following
Day 13 - A fic with over 100k words
Day 14 - A favorite series
Day 15 - The most recent fic you bookmarked
Day 16 - A fic that made you laugh
Day 17 - A fic that made you cry
Day 18 - A fairy-tale inspired fic
Day 19 - Fic with the hottest smut
Day 20 - A fic rated G
Day 21 - A thought-provoking fic
Day 22 - An unfinished fic (hasn’t updated in 10 years or author stated it been abandoned)
Day 23 - A soulmate fic
Day 24 - A holiday fic
Day 25 - A fic rated T
Day 26 - A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
Day 27 - A Muggle-AU fic
Day 28 - An under-rated fic
Day 29 - A post-canon fic
Day 30 - A pre-canon fic
Day 31 - A fav amongst favs
Bonus tag index ❄️
All posts are cross-tagged for character and ship. While we would like to provide a full index of these, it may take a while to compile given the extensive number of these. In the meantime, we would like to offer this much-abridged character and ship tag index, ordered alphabetically by first name.
Albus Dumbledore Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger James Potter James Sirius Potter Lily Evans Potter Minerva McGonagall Pansy Parkinson Regulus Black Remus Lupin Ron Weasley Severus Snape Sirius Black Teddy Lupin Tom Riddle
Draco/Harry Harry/Severus Harry/Tom Riddle Hermione/Draco James/Lily No ship (gen fic) Sirius/Remus
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aikotos · 5 months
💙 How to buy Japan-only Persona merch
(AKA how to not be scammed by Ebay resellers)
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With P3RE around the corner there has been a boom of P3 merch and I often see people wondering how they can buy all the stuff releasing on Japan or getting scamed by western scalper prices, so I thought a merch guide would come in handy.
I will talk about:
Kinds of merch & their usual prices
Persona figures: Kinds & prices
Shops with international shipping
Japan-only shops
Proxies & how to use them
Different proxies
If you have any more info or I'm mistaken in something, feel free to add to this!
💙 Merch & their pricing
These are the most common merch types & their usual retail price (in yen).
Keep in mind that "character tax" is a thing and often merch for the most popular characters has insame price. It's up to you if you want to pay scalper prices or keep an eye to find a good deal.
Acrylic Stands [アクリルスタンド] - Image printed onto transparent plastic with a small base so you can display it on a surface. Price: Depends on size, 1200-1900k
Acrylic keycharms [アクリルチャーム] - Same as acryic stands but with a strap, usually a lobster or metal chain one. Price: ~700
Acrylic frames [アクリルフレーム] - Frames meant hold inside photocards or acrylic chamrs/stands, kind of a mini mini ita bag or shirne. Price: Around 1.5k, 3k if they come with accesories to be put inside. They're sold via lottery often.
Keycharms [チャーム] - Mini-figures with a strap meant to be hang from phones and such. Price: ~400, usually sold in gatchapon & blind boxes
Can badges [バッジ]: I think we all had these. Price: 500-800
Plushes [ぬいぐるみ] - Everyone knows what are these as well. Price: Depends on the size, 1.5-2k for small or keychains ones, over 4k for bigger ones.
Nuigurumi [マスコット] - Usually called just "Nui". They're mascot plushes, but in the case of Persona, they're the 10cm chibi pushes of characters, often with a strap so you can hang them from your purse and such. The character plushes from the 25th anniversary are Nuis. Price: 1.5-3k
Nui clothes [ぬいぐるみポンチョ - おきがえポンチョ] - Ponchos and onesies to dress up your Nuis. I don't know if they have a catch-all name, but the 2 I mentioned are the most popular lines. Price: ~400 for gachapon ones, ~1.2k for the ones sold normally.
Clearfile [クリアファイル] - An art print on a plastic sheet, often they're folders as well. Price: 300-700
Tapestry [タペストリー] - Art printed onto fabric to be hang from a wall. Due to their size they're often expensive to import. Price: I'm not sure, sorry 🙏 I don't think the Persona ones are too expensive, maybe around 3k.
Character/ CD drama [キャラクターCD - ドラマCD] - Audio stories, some of the P3 ones are canon btw! Price: 1-3k
Artbook [アートブック - 画集] - Collection of official art by one artist or series. Price: Depends on how many pages the book has, around 3-5k
Guide - In the case of Persona, they're guide for the games. Sometimes they explain lore and such too. Price: 2-4k
Fanbook [ファンブック] - Book often focused on the series' lore, fun facts, answering fans' questions and such rather than art. Sometimes they even share art made by fans for that fanbook. Price: 1-3k
Novel - Light novels,Persona 3 has a few ones. So far not a single ones has been officially translated. Price: 1-3k
Anthology - Collection of comics/novels made by fans (or mangakas, Sogabe has participated on P3 anthologies before!). Each artist draws/writes one chapter, and while they're not connected, they often share a theme. They're not official content per se, but are licensed by the IP's owners to be sold in stores. Price: Around 800
Doujinshi [同人誌] - Self-published works by independent artists. Most often when people say "[Series] doujin" they're refering to the comics made by said independent artist, sold in very small numbers (to avoid legal troubble) at events. If they're derivated from an IP, most often these comics are sold at production cost with barely (if any) any profit margin, again due to legal matters. Contrary to popular belief, there's actually lots of SFW doujin comics so you definetly should try checking some out!. Price: 200-500
There are tons of more merch (Pita Nui, Noseberi....) but these are the most common ones. I usually just type [ペルソナ3] ("Persona 3", change the number for others) and browse everything there unless I'm looking for something non-persona related like Nui clothes.
💙 Persona figures
Figures need their own section since they're a trickier subject.
There are different kinds of figures, and their price changes depending on it. The main types are:
🌟 Scale: Pre-painted high quality figures, their name comes from the fact that most of the time the figures as sized in relation to the character's actual height (for example a 1/7 scale figure of Yukari would be 22-23cm tall, 1/7 of her height). Due to the materials and all the work they require, their price is expensive, usually 12-30k yen. I recomend buying them with their box unless the figure has very a static pose, due to the small details they can break during shipping.
🌟 Garage Kits: Figures modelled and casted by independent artists and sold in very limited numbers at events via 1-day licenses (unless it's a GK of an OC, then some artists sell their kits online). These figures come unpainted and unassembled, you have to finish them yourself. Since they aren't official,the artist has some freedoom so you can find some funny ones (like catgirl Aigis) Their price can vary, current ones cost as much or more than scales, but older kits can be found for very cheap (1-3k yen) specially if the character or artist is unknown. Remember you're paying the hours and hours a single artist put onto the figure, each piece had to be modelled and casted manually and resin is expensive, that's why the price is high despite being unpainted.
🌟 Prize & Noodle Stoppers: Pre-painted mss-producced figures made to be won via crane games and merch lottery, hence the name. Their quality and QC is way lower than scales, but you can still find some cute ones & their quality has improved lots in the recent years. Their price is low, around 2-3k yen. Anything more than $40 is a scam, don't pay re-sellers that price. Usually, you will find prize figures for $15-20, that's a fair price. Since they're made for crane games, they're very sturdy so you can take the plunge and buy them boxless for an even cheaper price ($5-10), they will arrive safely most of the time.
🌟 Semi-prize: Lately companies have been jumping onto the "premium prize figure" trend. While not reaching the scale quality by a huge margin, they often have better casting and paint job than prize figures. Some semi-prize lines are "Pop Up Parade" (quality varies between figures), "Tenitol" and "Artist MasterPiece+" Their price is low/medium, around 3-5k yen. Still, just like prize figures, I recomend looking them for around $15-25, they're not worth more than $45.
🌟 Action: Pre-painted figures made to be posed and played with. Nendoroids and Figmas fall in this category. They're usually around 10-12cm tall, but there are some as big as 30cm. Their retail price is around 5-12k yen depending on the brand. Action figures in scale or with actual clothing can fall in the 17-20k yen range I personally wouldn't pay more than $60 for ones like Nendos and Figmas due to their size, but it's up to you.
"But how can I differenciate between all of these?"
If while looking for merch you see a figure but are unsure if the price is fair, go to the website "My Figure Collection" & write the name of the series/character on the seach bar (I think MFC uses Surname - Name as the entry name) and click on the resut.
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Click on the number there to see all the figures from said series/character. Now simply look for the figure you're interested in and check its table to see important info about it.
If you scroll down, you can also see user coments & photos, which can give you an idea of how much people sell the figure for (not always a fair price tbh) and how the figure looks like irl
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💙 Where to buy: international shops
You will use most of these sites to buy new merch and preoders. I don't recoment places like Ebay since they often inflate the price of everything and even sell bootlegs (though you can sometimes find good deals there)
CD Japan: Great selection and prices, customer service is wonderful as well. If you live in EU, you can pay your purchase's VAT thru them to avoid handling fees.
Ami ami: Has lots of stuff, but some can only be shipped to US and a few eastern countries due to licensing issues. Has a great 2nd hand selection, but mostly for figures.
Hobby Search: I haven't used this one myself, but they're legit as far I know.
Hobby Genki: Mostly for figures. They let you undervalue your invoice (useful for EU VAT)
Solaris Japan: For figures, they have a second-hand section as well (some are good deals, some are not). They let you undervalue.
Mandarake: 2nd hand Japanese stores under the same wing. The prices are great, but depending on the store, shipping can be pricey (mostly for figures). It can be tricky to oder more than 1 thing as well.
Suruga-ya EN: 2nd hand Japanese store. The international website has less stuff than the JP one and their search system is weird ("Persona 3" and "Persona Persona 3" are different tags??) but you can't beat their prices. Lately they have been running lots of free shipping campaigns, keep an eye on that.
💙 Where to buy: Japanese shops
These are the shops where you can find good deals and any kind of merch. While in the international shops (except Mandarake and Suruga-ya) are only able to offer merch producced by Atlus, these can sell collaboration merch as well.
You will need a proxy to buy from them. For search, just put [ペルソナnumber] ("Persona") and browse. If you want something specific, try the words I put on the merch type section.
Suruga-ya JP: Same as its ENG counterpart but with way more stuff. Great to find single items at lower prices. This is one of the best places to buy doujin from as well. I think starting at 3k yen spent the national shipping is free, but don't quote me on this.
Mercari JP: Pretty much the Japanese Ebay. The best thing about it are the merch bundles (you can save lots) and "junk" items (figures with missing accesories and such, they can be dirt cheap). Since you have to contact the seller directly, some proxies charge extra fees for Mercari orders (and some sellers refuse to sell to proxies)
Yahoo Auctions: Auction site, you can find great deals and obscure merch there. Some listing are a "ready to buy", so you dont have to bid. Yahoo Auctions is blocked in EU, so you will need a VPN to browse it (I use Opera's free in-browser VPN, its works for what you need it)
Booth: Marketplace for japanese artists. You can find from prints and charms to 3D models and music. The national shipping price is always 750 yen.
💙 Proxies & how to use them
First off, a proxy is not a shop, but an intermediary. They sometimes have in-website shops so you don't have to change tabs to browse different shops, but all they do is to buy what you tell them to & then sent the item to you.
Each proxy has a user guide, but most of them work like this:
You sent them the link of the item you want
They sent you the invoce for said item
You pay the item (+ proxy fees & national shipping, if any)
They buy the item
Once it arrives to their warehouse, they pack the item & sent you the international shipping invoice
You pay the international shipping.
They sent you the item.
Akihiko is now on your house.
So what you will always have to pay is the item price & the shipping from Japan to your house, just like any other online purchase.
The optional payments are:shipping within Japan & proxy fees. And if you like in EU, the VAT of the item+shipping value (luckly, proxies almost never put the shipping price on the invoice)
It may sound complicated, but is very easy actually. All you have to do is sent them links & wait for "you need to pay" emails.
💙 Different proxies
Pretty much any proxy will do the work, the big difference is often how expensive they are. This is something you will need to research yourself to see what option is better/cheaper to you, but here are some proxies:
Fees- None if you only buy 1 thing. 100y/item if you buy more than one thing
Mercari Fee: 200 yen (handling fee)
Customer service - Amazing
Can bid on Yahoo Auctions? - Yes
Can buy from physical stores? (not online ones) - Yes. 200y/oder fee
Can buy NSFW items? - Yes
Can undervalue? - No
Boxes - Okay
Good for - Buying in bulk, probably the cheapest proxy. No currency exchange fees
Complains - Shipping options can be limited (For examply they don't offer Small Packet to some countries when other proxies do). They can take a bit to buy and package orders.
Fees- Too many to count.
Mercari Fee: 300y/order
Customer service - Bad
Can bid on Yahoo Auctions? - Yes
Can buy from physical stores? (not online ones) - No
Can buy NSFW items? - When they feel like it
Can undervalue? - No
Boxes - You can use them as your new house
Good for - Buying a single item, specially with discount coupons. If you only buy 1 thing, these coupons can save you lots.
Complains - Too many fees specially if you buy more than 1 thing. They throw the original shipping boxes onto a bigger box unless you contact them directly, so you will get an elephant-sized box with a elephant-sized shipping cost to match. Seriously, only use them for a single order
Zen Market
Fees- 500yen/item
Mercari Fee: No
Customer service - Good
Can bid on Yahoo Auctions? - Yes
Can buy from physical stores? (not online ones) - No
Can buy NSFW items? - Yes
Can undervalue? - No
Boxes - Small, very sturdy. They weight quite a bit.
Good for - Buying one item. Also you can pay EU VAT thru them.
Complains - The new 500y/item fee piles up fast, not recomented to buy in bulk. They're slow to buy. You have to put money on the ZM wallet to pay.
Japan Rabbit
Fees- Per-item fee (depends on shop) + >10% of your order total (depends on how much you spent). Minimun fee is $9 regarless of what you spent.
Mercari Fee: $3/item
Customer service - Amazing
Can bid on Yahoo Auctions? - Yes
Can buy from physical stores? (not online ones) - Yes, but only in stores located in Tokyo and Yokohama.
Can buy NSFW items? - Yes
Can undervalue? - Yes (despite claiming otherwise, probably due to legal matters. You can undervalue after the items arrive to their warehouse)
Boxes - Very small, they're masters at tetris
Good for - To undervalue (but I their 10% fee can cancel a good chunk of what you save in VAT). They're fast in buying & packing.
Complains - They got very expensive, specially now that they charge with USD instead of Yen. I dont know why would you use them now. I guess great service comes with a price to match...
Fees- 250y/item + 500y for packaging
Mercari Fee: None
Customer service - N/A
Can bid on Yahoo Auctions? - Yes
Can buy from physical stores? (not online ones) - Yes, 1k yen fee
Can buy NSFW items? - Yes?
Can undervalue? - No
Boxes - Okay from what I have heard
Good for - They buy very fast. Buying in bulk
Complains - All payment options have a 3% fee
Other proxies:
From Japan - I have heard good things about it, but they changed their site & I find it hard to read, so I can't comment much on it on how its currently. Looks like they dont have many fees either?
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And that's all!
I hope you have fun buying, I started using proxies a few years ago and I got addicted lmao
You're the only one who gets to say what to do with your money, but I would use the retail prices I mentioned as a reference when buying to not get scammed with high prices.
Also if you want a specific merch, the key is patience! Check 2nd hand sites every 2 days or so until you find it.
If you have any problem or question, feel free to send me an ask/DM!! (except for bidding, I have never used Yahoo auctions)
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hoziernaturalevents · 4 months
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It's that time of year again, and THE HOZIERNATURAL MULTI-SHIP BANG IS BACK!
Just like last year, all characters, ships, gen fics, and x readers are welcome! This is for everyone who wants to write/draw Supernatural characters to the inspiration of Hozier's music.
However, there are a couple big changes in the procedures that we're really excited about:
We are really excited to roll out a new tiered system this year! Would you love to participate but tend to write shorter one shots or only have time in your schedule for 1 art piece? We've got you! Are you one of those who always creates extra art or ends up writing 150k words for a 5k minimum event and would love some extra time to indulge in those urges? We've got you covered, too!
We are doing claims instead of matching this year. So, authors, feel free to start working out your ideas as soon as you like (especially those of you who like to write tomes. You know who you are)!
We are not managing song choices this year. We want every one of you guys to get your top song pick. If 17 authors want to choose "Work Song" or "Take Me to Church," have at it!
Complete Rules and Info for this year are here.
Check out last year's gallery/masterlist here!
We'll re-open the Discord server towards the end of sign-ups. Between now and then, feel free to send us an ask with any questions you may have.
We can't wait to hang out with you guys and see what you create this year!
~The Hoziernatural Mods
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 4 months
i saw your tony/loki shipping post and it's got me considering it. do you have any recs?
I sure fucking do! (referring to this post)
Sorry this took me so long to get to, I had to go back through some of my bookmarks and refamiliarize myself with the ship. If anyone would like more recs just let me know!
Stark Fashion Statement by STARSdidathing | 10k, T Tony knows it takes a lot for Loki to play nice with Asgard. Mostly, it takes him wanting to secure an apple for Tony. Despite this, Tony is willing to hate everyone on sight, especially when he's forced to attend an event with Loki. But just because they're playing nice, it doesn't mean Tony is going to stand for an insult. Who says time on Asgard can't come with a little mischief?
(Do check out STARSdidathing Ao3 they have SIX HUNDRED completed FrostIron stories.)
Devoted to you by Draysmeria | 14k, E *part of a series* Tony Stark's beliefs were one of the best guarded secrets of all times. The thing was, if you asked Tony about it, he would say that in his opinion it had absolutely nothing to do with belief. Because he knew for a fact that his God and others like him existed. So, he did not have to believe in the elusive existence of a higher power but could worship and be devoted to a very real deity that had visited Earth regularly in centuries past. He had absolute Faith in his God and was devoted to him, addressing prayers and offerings to him regularly; his chosen God was Loki, god of Fire, Chaos, Lies and Mischief.
(I am fascinated and in love with the idea of Tony praying to Loki as a god. Loved loved loved the entire series.)
Exploiting Technicalities by pineapplesquad | T, 9k His blood ran cold the moment his seidr touched the other man. With unsteady hands he switched his earpiece to their private channel, fighting the panic rapidly crawling up his throat. “JARVIS,” he snapped, voice already shaking, “why are you piloting Anthony’s armor?” Loki didn’t care for the long pause before the AI finally answered. “Sir has activated a protocol that, when enabled, allows me to remotely pilot the Iron Man armor to continue the fight if he is to fall unconscious. My priority is now the safety of the team.”
(The emotional angst and pain of this fic hurt but it was a good kind of hurt.)
Never Let Go by STARSdidathing | T, 3k Anthony likes to hold Loki’s hand. And it’s not that Loki doesn’t enjoy it, quite the opposite actually– he just doesn’t understand it.
(It's just so soft and cute and after the angst of the last one, it's a soothing balm to the soul!)
The Einherjar’s No Good Very Stressful and Incredibly Difficult Job of Protecting Tony Stark by NamelesslyNightlock | T, 14k When the Einherjar notice that Tony Stark makes Prince Loki happier than anyone – or anything – else, they decide that protecting the mortal is a matter of complete importance, and put all of their resources toward the task. But… their job would be a whole lot easier if Stark would just stop putting his life in danger at every possible opportunity.
(Outside POV but it's just so good. I love seeing how others view their relationship and the idea of someone trying to guard Tony of all people makes me laugh because he does dangerous stuff all day every day.)
When You're Gone by NamelesslyNightlock | T, 5k DUM-E misses Loki almost as much as Tony does. This causes a problem when, after a longer than usual absence, DUM-E decides to go looking for him.
(It's just so cute! I adore when fics explore all of Tony's robots and the fact that DUM-E misses Loki is just adorable and I want more of it okay.)
A Little Unsteady by kipli | E, 68k *part of a series* After observing the battle at the airport between Captain America and Iron Man, Loki stumbles upon Tony Stark hidden away in the depths of a panic attack. Loki finds himself drawn to Stark in ways he’d not expected.
(Loved, loved, loved this one! I loved the sequel as well.)
So We're ... Friends by Loni4ever | E, 15k *part of a series* When Loki shows up on Earth two years after getting exiled from Asgard, what Tony expects is fights, casualties and attempts at world domination. What he gets instead is reasons to smile, answers about magic, and an unlikely friend in a certain prankster mage. ___ Or, 5 Times Tony and Loki Didn't Fight Each Other, and 1 Time They Decided To Fight Side By Side
(this was perfect. The way they showed the transition from acquaintances to friends to really good friends to best friends to omg I might actually love this idiot to dating to falling in love to HUSBANDS. I just really really loved this whole series and melted so many times)
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museaway · 11 months
To all of my friends in the SPN fandom, while it's not the same as a bang (it's a writing event & there are no matchups), if you're looking for an event that is truly welcoming to all ships (and gen! we love gen), please consider the 5k! It's an all-fandoms event that challenges you to write an AU using no more than 5,000 words.
A few of our features:
we welcome all fandoms, all ships, and original works
we have 0 content restrictions
you can write in any language
it's an AU if you say it is!
our mascot is an inspiring pineapple
you can post whenever you want in August, I don't care
what are penalties? we don't have any. we don't even close sign-ups
we have one check-in, which is next weekend, and tbh it's just a reminder for all of us
it's the perfect excuse to write that one AU you've been sitting on for three years
I run the 5k through @ficwip and you can find out everything there is to know about it over here on notion
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ficwip · 3 months
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Our newest annual event! Step outside your comfort zone and try something new.
Level Up! is joining Sweetheart and the 5k as a repeating annual event open to everyone 14 and up. It's focused on creative skills and challenges you to pick one to sharpen.
Like our other events, Level Up is open to creators from all fandoms, all ships, and people who make original works!
No restrictions on content or what you can make
Optional posting in April and May
Cross-posting with other events is fine as long as they don't mind
Get started any time!
event info | sign-up form | see what others are doing
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rosamundpkes · 1 year
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@pscentral event 15 - fave ship HELLA’S 5K CELEBRATION ⤷ 💖 + blue for @zoyanazyalensky
Sloan Sabbith & Don Keefer in THE NEWSROOM
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undercoverpena · 1 year
simon 'ghost' riley x helen
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can be enjoyed as individual pieces, but are written with threads flowing between them. helen is not the reader’s name, it's a nickname ghost gives her after 'helen of troy: the face that launched a thousand ships' (he thought he was being funny). she is a medic and i treasure her. an: she did begin as a reader, became something more of an original character. in this house, we adore helen and her relationship with cod.
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helen. simon | 4.3k (the original)
i don’t want to miss you | 1.2k
rusty knife (drabble-ish) | 1k
hands | 1.7k
badly wrapped secrets [written for 5k celebration] *latest*
sometimes, i dream [written for valentines event]
gimme your hand. your heart [written for valentines event]
just the softest touch [written for valentines event]
rattled your bones | 2.2K (wounded!helen, hea)
i and love and you | 2.7k fluff
borrowed | 1.2k *spice*
those three words | 2.4k
it’s you. it’s me. | 5.3k (smut, angst, proposal)
the effect you have | 2.4k (angst)
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drabble: what made ghost fall in love
drabble/ask: would ghost marry helen 
drabble/ask: ghost and helen on the road
drabble/ask: wedding info.
headcanons: simon ghost riley x helen!reader king-size bed
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-> the full ghost x helen tag
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Okay, what if we had a Lokius Bang?
If you're an artist, I apologise for not thinking about how you answer this poll. My fic writing bias, sorry. If you're interested in taking part, please select one of the yes options. I will be better at my poll options in future, I swear.
Details below the cut
Plan would be to have fic writers and artists paired together.
Art for the bang could take any form, such as digital art, traditional art, gifs, playlists, video edits, etc.
Fics could be canon or AU, any rating. Subjects that meet Ao3 warnings will have to be considered, but not necessarily banned from the event.
The timeframe for the bang will depend on whether it's big or mini.
I would need support for this, so if you're interested in being part of the team, send me a message.
We'll set up a Discord server for everyone in the bang.
We would also need beta and cheer readers.
Inclusion of other ships as part of the bang should be okay as long as Lokius is the main pairing and focus of the fic.
Got any other questions? Ask here or send me an ask.
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aethon-recs · 1 year
January 2023 Tomarrymort One-Shots
I wasn't planning to do a month-by-month rec list, but my god did January deliver on one-shots — so many showstopping works were published this month that these 10 fics deserve their own post. And what a variety too(!), with fics ranging from A/B/O to love potion mishaps to fem!Harry, and even canon-compliant(-ish) Harrymort.
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in January 2023 (yes, in the last month alone!)
Why one-shots?, you may ask. The majority of what I read is chaptered works and longfics, but I think one-shots can be a bit overlooked and underrated — they don't have ongoing updates on AO3, and the first rec lists in this ship that I encountered were dominated by longfics. So I wanted to celebrate and highlight the amazing work that the writers in this fandom are doing in short-form writing. Also, one-shots tell a full story arc in one go — and isn't that wonderful to get plot resolution and closure in a single sitting?
(Thank you also for dropping recs into my ask box! Please keep them coming!!)
Tomarrymort Recs (January 2023)
a dream is a wish by @funkyatheart (E, 5k)
This was such a delight to read from beginning to end. Cleverly weaved in between the canon events of book 5 are SUPER HOT dream-sharing sequences that show the escalation of Harry's increasing fascination with Voldemort. And we're gifted with hemipenes and consciousness-sharing through their mental link — what more can I can ask for from a Harrymort smut scene??
A Special Day by @vdoshu (E, 3.5k)
My jaw was ON. THE. FLOOR. for this whole fic. Grumpy old man Voldemort with all his old man habits was such a delight to read about — I don't think I've ever seen this concept done before. And when Harry shows up, the narrative tension is so good and kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't say much more without giving things away, but I definitely recommend this as one of the most unique and twisted concepts I've ever read in Harrymort.
Banish Me to the Garden of Eden by @contrarywiseizybel (M, 7k)
Rich, sumptuous descriptions run through this entire fic and bring to life — very vividly — the entire story arc of Harry locked up in a tower as Voldemort's captive and how he gradually comes to make the best of his fate. The author's writing is so poetic and lyrical and makes really good use of repetition, which gives the whole fic a very fairy-tale-like quality (including the happily-ever-after ending!)
Bruises Like Violets by @noumena-writes (E, 3k)
A forbidden romance between Tom and Harry who are on opposite sides of the war makes their last tryst VERY high-tension and fraught with danger. As always, noumena's writing is full of so many gorgeous and richly detailed phrases, like "The raging fire that burnt through every angry spell was slowly eating away at Harry, leaving a battle-weary shadow in his place." Absolute 🔥 writing.
Cherish by @amors-mordre (G, 1k)
This fic gave me the absolute chills in just 800 words. Voldemort is at his manipulative best here, as well as absolute peak possessiveness. The dynamic between Voldemort and captive Harry is delightfully creepy and leaves you craving more.
his lady in crimson (who reaches through time) by @ellorypurebloodculture (M, 5k)
This was such a cool non-traditional time-travel story! All the descriptions of fem!Harry and her outfits are absolutely gorgeous — I don't think I've come across this level of detail to costuming in very many other fics before; it was one of those really nice details that you can tell the author put a lot of work into and that really made the fic very memorable for me. And oh god, I felt every moment of Harry's heartful yearning and desperation and urgency in reaching out across time to Tom, and how much she loved him already — an absolutely beautiful love story.
never a victimless crime by @duplicitywrites (E, 7.5k)
Someone doses Tom with a lust potion keyed to Harry — and an absolutely wild, chaotic, wet, filthy hot mess of a shower-scene PWP ensues, featuring Tom who's been drugged out of his mind and Harry who's trying to do the right thing but is similarly incapacitated by a mild concussion. This had so much sexy chaotic energy, and is definitely one of the best things I've read on AO3.
Serendipity by @lissiamoonstone (E, 6.5k)
SO MANY LAYERS OF DUBCON. SO MANY LAYERS. And combined with super possessive Alpha Tom and Harry being in heat and somnophilia as the icing on top!? This was such a delicious mind-fuck — I reread it a few times and kept finding new things to notice, and I know I'll come back to reread it many more times.
They, of Riddle Manor by riddlereading (M, 16k)
I think this is one of the most unique Voldemort-wins story arcs I've read in Tomarry. Just one thing goes differently when Tom goes to Riddle Manor for the first time, and he doesn't end up killing his muggle relatives, which then sets off a sequence of events that result in Lily not dying and Harry growing up (with a happy childhood) in Riddle Manor. It's absolutely adorable from start to finish, and I had a huge smile on my face when I finished.
Tom Riddle’s Guide to Repeatedly Failing to Get Laid in the Restricted Section by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (M, 3k)
I jumped to open this fic when I saw some of the tags here — dubcon, amnesia, mind manipulation(!!) This was such a fun and snappy read, featuring one of my favorite things — Tom repeatedly fucking with Harry's head to get what he wants (in this case, getting laid). He is absolutely undeterred and plays dirty, and we would expect nothing less of our favorite babygirl dark lord in training 💕
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roselensedeyes · 10 months
Of tea and dreams
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Hello everyone!
I hope August has been treating you well :) I'm sharing with you another elriel fic, this time we meet a special character...
You can find it on AO3 here.
CW: explicit language, NSFW
Word count: 5k
Elain Archeron took a sip of her tea, frowning when she found it still too hot to drink. She placed it down on its plate. She again admired how finely it was made, the white porcelain delicately decorated with vines and irises. She wondered how much it must have cost, to afford such a marvelous tea set. 
Her memories of her childhood, when her mother had still been alive and her family bathed in her father’s riches, were blurry. She had flashes of certain events, balls thrown in her or her sisters’ honor. What she could recall distinctly, however, was how she felt in those moments. She could remember feeling happy when she tended to her garden, her beautiful flowers could have passed for a painting her younger sister Feyre painted. She recalled attending balls with her sisters and their mother, watching her older sister Nesta dance with such mastery that made it seem easy. She could remember giggling with her friends when the guy she liked noticed her and told her she was pretty.
And then their wealth was taken away with vanished ships and her father’s broken leg.
Even though she wasn’t living in poverty anymore, Elain couldn’t shake off the memories of those years, the hunger and the cold. After Feyre had welcomed her and Nesta in her and her mate, the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand’s manor, she had begun to learn how to grow vegetables and fruit, as well as to bake and even a little cooking. She was terrified of waking up and realizing it had all been a dream, and she was still living in that freezing cottage, with little food and even less money.
Elain was reflecting on that as she was sipping her tea with Bethane, the elder Fae whose garden she tended to. Bethane had fast become her friend in the months since she first started helping her, despite their differences. The first being their age.
Yet that had not mattered, not at all, when they had much more things in common, like their passion for flowers, sweets, and tea. That they were both seers had helped them become even closer.
After being thrown into the Cauldron, it was revealed that Elain was a seer, had the ability to see the present as well as the future. Initially, she’d refused to acknowledge the truth, but soon realized that her power was needed for the ongoing war. So she’d sucked it up, and did as she was asked. After the war was over, though, she’d ignored the brief and confusing visions she’d at times get, and tried to live the normal life she always dreamed of having.
“You’re quiet today, Elain,” Bethane observed, her dark eyebrows slightly raised. Bethane was supposedly an elderly citizen, yet you couldn’t tell from her appearance. Her honeyed-colored skin was smooth, no wrinkles in sight, while her chestnut brown hair barely had any gray in it. 
“I’m only tired. I couldn’t fall asleep last night,” Elain admitted.
“Did someone keep you company?” Bethane subtly asked, her eyes turning inquisitive.
Elain blushed deeply. Even after two years of living among the Fae, she still hadn’t gotten used to some of their customs, or quirks. Like their nonchalance regarding sex. Elain was no virgin, yet still she found she couldn’t discuss sex as freely as the Fae and her sisters did. She knew everyone thought her a prude, but she could still remember the teachings her mother and grandmother had instilled in her, and she couldn’t ignore them. For so long she had believed her discipline would ensure she’d find a good man who would protect her and make sure she’d live a happy life. Now, although she knew it wasn’t the truth, she found herself unable to break free from those teachings.
“Ah, well… No.” She paused, trying to find the right words. “I was thinking about someone, though.”
Bethane threw her a curious look. “Do tell.”
Elain felt her cheeks get even warmer. “Well, I’m afraid it’s not a story you will like. He broke my heart,” she said, quietly.
A protective look shone on Bethane’s face. “What fool would dare do that to you?” She asked, before adding, “Apart from your human man. Are you still thinking about him?” She sounded offended.
Elain gave a small chuckle. “No, I’m not. Someone else, a Fae male, did. Pathetic, isn’t it,” She admitted with a self-deprecating laugh.
Bethane shook her head fiercely. “You’re not, stop that. He’s a fool, he has no idea who he let go.” She reached forward and grabbed her hand. “Don’t wallow in self-pity, dear. You’re beautiful, but more than that you’re smart, and you’re kind. If a male can’t see that, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
Elain’s heart squeezed at her kind words. She’d always been called beautiful, since she was a child. She’d never been told her other qualities were more important than that, though. 
She smiled gratefully at Bethane, inclining her head. 
“Anyway, if you want a good male then you should go out with my son,” Bethane continued. Elain huffed out a laugh. The older female had been trying to set the two up since their first meeting. Too bad Elain had set her eyes on a hazel-eyed male, who, apparently, did not share her feelings. 
It had been five months since that almost kiss with Azriel, the Illyrian Fae who had stolen her heart and crushed it with just a few words. She’d never told Bethane that she had fallen for Rhysand’s Spymaster. He was renowned, not only in the Night Court, but in the rest of Prythian, too. She knew Bethane had heard of him at least, so she’d never revealed her infatuation. Hadn’t told her about that fateful Winter Solstice night, either.
“He’s quiet, like you, a bit aloof perhaps, but he will tr–” She was cut off by a loud whoosh, as heavy feet landed near the table.
Elain yelped, yet Bethane didn’t do anything but roll her eyes in an affectionate way. She raised from her chair and approached whoever had crushed their afternoon tea.
“You could have told me you were coming! You interrupted my tea and scared my guest,” Bethane scolded, even as she wrapped her arms around the much bigger figure. 
The figure let out a masculine chuckle, and something about it sounded familiar to Elain. She inclined her head, confused, just as Bethane turned around, allowing Elain to get a clear view of the male.
“Elain, let me introduce you to my son, Azriel,” she said excitedly.
Elain sat frozen, her eyes wide as they took in Azriel. As her brain tried to make sense of the words. My son, Azriel. The woman she’d come to think of as her confidante, her friend, was Azriel’s mother. They murmured hellos, still too shocked to say anything more.
“We were just talking about you, Az,” Bethane went on, not noticing the tension between her son and Elain.
Elain mustered a shaky smile when the older woman turned toward her. Azriel, on his part, stood ramrod still, his eyes fixed on Elain. She wasn’t sure if he was even breathing. 
His mother– his mother— tugged on his hand. “Come sit down with us.”
Elain slid her chair backward. “Oh, no, I can just leave. I don’t want to intrude on your time.” She made to leave, but Bethane waved a hand and signaled she should sit down. 
“Nonsense. You were already here, you’re not the intruder.” 
She glanced at Azriel, even as she sat back down and smiled at his mother.
Bethane waved a hand in the air, a calling, and sure enough a servant appeared. She asked him to pour a cup of tea for Azriel, ignoring his weak protests. 
The older woman watched him until he took the smallest sip of his tea, to which she nodded, satisfied. 
“I’m so happy you two finally met. You’re my two favorite people in all of Prythian,” Bethane exclaimed, elation clear in her voice.
Elain glanced at Azriel again, and found him already looking at her. He quickly looked away, setting his eyes on his mother. “I’m happy to see you again. I’m sorry I haven’t been around recently, I’ve been busy.” 
“No one is ever too busy for their mother,” Bethane said in lieu of a reply. “But let’s not change the topic. Az, have I ever told you about the nice young woman who gives me a hand with my garden?”
Azriel’s scarred hand tightened on the teacup. “I think you mentioned it once or twice,” he said, eyes still fixed on his mother.
“Right, I think I did. Elain is the young woman. She’s incredible at what she does!” Bethane exclaimed.
“I know,” Azriel nodded, then seemed to think about what he said because he added, “From what you’ve told me and what I can see.” He threw her a quick glance, before refocusing on Bethane.
“She was just telling me about how a male rejected her. What a fool,” the older woman said, shaking her head in disbelief.
Azriel choked on his next sip. Then he started coughing. The dark-haired female reached over and gently patted him on the back, a concerned look on her face.
“Are you alright, dear?”
He nodded, his head moving so fast Elain feared he might break his neck. “It just went down the wrong pipe,” he explained, still coughing. He’d brought his hand against his mouth, unconsciously flexing his muscled arm. Elain stared at it appreciatively. 
“Oh, thank god. Anyway, the guy is a real jerk, Elain. You will find better, I’m sure of it,” Bethane turned toward, nodding along with what she was saying. 
Elain felt a blush make its way up her neck. This time she was the one who refused to look at him, though she could feel Azriel burning a hole through her. She needed a change of topic, immediately. 
She glanced at the window. “Oh Mother. I’ve been here for a long time already. I promised my sister I would watch her baby tonight, so she and her husband can go on a much-needed date.”
Not a lie, not entirely. She had promised to babysit Nyx for a few hours, tomorrow night. The identity of her family, of who her sisters actually were, was another thing she’d kept from Bethane. Every time she’d introduce herself as Elain Archeron, people would make the connection to Feyre and Nesta and start treating her differently, almost like she was a famous singer or writer. She’d try to explain she didn’t need any special treatment, that she was just Elain, but they wouldn’t hear a word about it. Someone had even dared to bow to Elain’s greatest horror. So she hadn’t uttered a word about it to Bethane, only introducing herself as Elain the gardener, Elain the seer. She’d felt ashamed about lying to the elder female like that, but it was the price for her friendship. She’d paid it without a second thought.
Bethane’s eyes lit up at the mention of Nyx, even though she obviously didn’t know that was her sister’s baby’s name. No, Bethane thought he was called Matthew. 
“Then you should go. Hopefully one day I will get to meet him,” said the elderly female. A strange light danced in her eyes, something that made Elain’s arms break out in goosebumps. It didn’t sound like a wish, but… more like a promise.
Elain gracefully got up from her chair, and nodded at Bethane. “Thank you again for the tea. I’ll come by in two weeks to assess the lilies, and we’ll decide what to do with it.” The other female replied affirmatively, and Elain headed toward the door. Bethane’s voice stopped her.
“Let Azriel fly you, dear. The sun is about to set, I don’t want you walking alone in the dark.”
Elain scrambled for something to say. “But–But he’s just arrived, don’t you want to spend time with your son?”
Bethane waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about that. He’ll come by tomorrow, isn’t that right, Az?” Her question was more of a statement, one Azriel couldn’t escape from.
He seemed to realize that, too, as he nodded slowly, glaring at his mother, who glared right back. Elain observed the silent exchange between mother and son, and yearned for that connection. Her mother had never liked her, that she knew, but she still wished for that kind of relationship. She turned her head to the side, to hide from the pain the sight gave her.
Until someone brushed her finger. She looked up, startled, and found Azriel staring at her, gently yet grimly. She wondered if he knew he was the male who had broken her heart and then stomped on it, or if he’d even forgotten the whole exchange. 
He’d started coming to the family dinners again, always sitting as far away from her as possible. She knew it was intentional at first— she avoided him like the plague, too— yet now she wondered if throughout the months it had become an instinct. Her heart squeezed painfully again. 
“Can I?” He asked softly, gesturing toward the sky. 
Elain nodded, not trusting her voice. He attempted a smile, and took her in his arms. Within seconds, they were up in the air.
The view was spectacular, the hues of the sky so beautiful they seemed like they were painted. She could hear children laugh in the distance, the music sounding from pubs that opened early. Yet as Elain’s arms circled Azriel’s neck, all her mind could focus on was that she was in his arms again, for the first time in what felt like years. She could hear his heart beating, fast, which she attributed to the flight. She didn’t have wings, couldn’t shapeshift like her younger sister Feyre, but she reckoned it must take some strength and concentration. She wondered if he could hear her own heart beating fast, wondered if he knew why it was beating as though it was poised to explode.
They landed at the town house, where Elain currently lived. She spent most of her time at the river house with Feyre and Rhysand, to help them with baby Nyx when they were too exhausted, or help with the food, but Rhysand had generously given her the town house when she’d told them she was looking for her own place. She had moved in six weeks after Nyx was born, and it was slowly becoming her home. 
Azriel placed her delicately on the foyer, and took a step back. He cleared his throat, making Elain look up at him. “Thank you.”
Elain’s face must have shown her confusion because he hurried to clarify, “For my mother. For helping her.”
“Oh, there’s no need to thank me,” Elain waved a hand in the air. “You know I like gardening.”
“I’m not– you’ve been doing a lot more than that. In the past few months, I’ve seen my mother happier than ever. Now I know it’s thanks to you.” A strange light shone in his beautiful hazel eyes. 
“I’m— I didn’t do anything special. It’s— just tea,” she said, softly. 
Azriel shook his head. “No, it’s not. Thank you,” he repeated.
Elain smiled slightly. Silence fell between them, and just when Elain thought he was leaving, he spoke again. “I’m sorry.” It was nothing more than a whisper. She wouldn’t have heard him if it wasn’t for her Fae hearing.
“What for?”
He took a step closer, so close she could feel his body heat. Her breath caught in her throat. “I’m sorry,” he said again. “For what happened on Solstice.” 
A buzzing sound ringed in her ears. She froze, and he took the opportunity to slide even closer. His scarred hand landed on her waist. Azriel’s eyes locked on her own. 
“I never should have lied to you.” Elain could feel her heart breaking again at his words. Why was he doing this to her?
“It’s fine,” she said, attempting to break free of his hold. His hand tightened on her waist, not enough to hurt her, but tight enough that she wouldn’t be able to leave. 
“It’s not fine. I made you believe I had no feelings for you, told you kissing you was a mistake. But it’s not. It could never be,” Azriel said, pronouncing the words clearly, not allowing her to misunderstand what he was saying.
Elain was sure her heart had stopped beating. She couldn’t breathe properly, her hands shaking so bad she had to clench them in a fist.
“I should have never said those things to you, I should have never listened to— Elain, please,” he begged, as his hand went up to her cheek, never lifting his touch. “Believe me when I say how ashamed I am. How sorry I am. It was all lies.”
Elain shook her head, and made to take a step back. This time, he let her go. “I– I’m– I don’t know what to say,” she murmured. She looked him in the eyes again, and although she could read honesty in them, she was still unsure.
Taking a deep breath, Elain said, “I don’t know what to believe. Five months ago you broke my heart, and now you’re saying it was a lie? Why? Why would you do that to me? Why would you tell me now?” 
Elain Archeron was known for being quiet, kind, mellow, a people pleaser. Yet in that moment, all she could feel was hot fury sizzling in her veins. How dare he? Azriel’s eyes widened.
“Was it a joke to you? Was I a joke to you? What even is the truth?” She was almost yelling, yet unshed tears blurred her sight. She refused to let them out, refused to let him see how badly he still hurt her.
Yet Azriel didn’t back down like she thought he would, didn’t retreat. No, he moved toward her again, slowly backing her against the wall. Until she could do nothing but look him in the eye, the ire in hers complementing the determination in his. 
“The truth is I’m irrevocably in love with you. For almost my entire life I thought I knew what that word meant, but it turns out I had no idea. At night I find myself having to restrain myself from coming here, from kissing you like I should have five months ago. At the family dinners, I have to sit as far from you as possible because I don’t trust that I won’t take you in my arms and fly us to a faraway place, where no one can find us. 
“The truth is, I find myself yearning to spend my days with you. I want to listen to you talk about your garden, your visions, I want to know all about you. I want to help Nuala and Cerridwen train you. But most importantly, I want to give all of myself, all that I am to you. 
“When my mother said I broke your heart… I know I did, and at the time I thought staying away from you was the better choice for you, but hearing it— it almost felt like someone stabbed me.” Azriel’s voice broke, and his eyes were veiled with tears. “Elain, please believe me when I say you showed me what being in love truly feels like. Even if you can’t find it in yourself to forgive me, I want to thank you for this gift.”
Elain was crying, freely, unashamedly. Growing up, she’d been courted by many men, many times. They would read poetry to her, bring her flowers, some would even sing. No one had poured their heart out like Azriel just had. 
Azriel raised his hand and carefully wiped the tears from her eyes, her cheeks. She closed her eyelids. The feeling of his touch sent shivers down her spine, a gasp escaping her mouth. Azriel’s glance immediately fell to her lips, his eyes darkening. She shivered again.
Elain leaned forward. “I don’t want to talk now. But you owe me a kiss.” And with that, she sealed her lips over his.
Azriel let out a deep moan. It was the push she needed to open her mouth, her tongue meeting his. He groaned, one of his hands slid to the back of her head, the other fell to the small of her back. She pressed her front against his, and the friction between his broad, muscled chest and her breasts made her moan. He took that as an invitation, his hand sliding down to her leg. He lifted her up, carried her to the bedroom, laid her down on the bed.
Elain looked up at Azriel, the heat in his eyes matching her own. She took him in, her gaze following his big arms, his toned legs, the thick hardness that was visible through his shorts. She instinctively squeezed her legs shut. His eyes flashed at the sight.
Yet he didn’t come on the bed. “Are you sure?” He asked her, his voice rough, deep. 
“Yes, please,” she begged him. “We will talk. Later,” she promised. Azriel seemed to study her, but eventually nodded and followed her on the bed. She smiled against her lips, which quickly turned into another moan.
He brought his mouth down to her breasts, while his hand found her wetness. He groaned, the vibrations sending her another wave of pleasure. She gripped his hair until he raised his head. His dilated pupils made it impossible to see the color of his eyes. He was flushed, pleasure and desire clear on his face. She kissed him again as he pushed a finger inside her. They both moaned at the feeling, and he broke the kiss. Azriel left peppermint kisses on her neck, her chest, her stomach, until he reached that sweet spot between her thighs. 
Elain leaned back into the sheets as he kissed her, again and again, until she was writhing in pleasure. Until she screamed his name and collapsed in the bed. He was immediately there, kissing her softly on the mouth. She barely managed to kiss him back, her legs shaking. “I need you inside me,” she whispered against his lips. He sucked in a breath. She smiled.
She got up to her knees and gently pulled him down. Azriel’s eyes flared, understanding what she meant to do. She climbed over him, her hand reaching behind her to grab his hardness. Elain placed it near her entrance and, staring him straight in the eyes, slid down on it. 
It was pure ecstasy. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back as she started moving slowly, Azriel’s hands on her waist guiding her. The room was filled by their moans and short breaths, the sound of their bodies joined together, Elain’s whispered pleas for more, more, more.
She collapsed on top of him just as he came, inside her, filling her. 
Azriel took her in his arms and laid them down on the bed. He stroked her hair as he kissed every inch of her face, murmuring sweet nothings. She smiled in pure bliss, nuzzling his hands, the feeling of being in his strong arms lulling her to sleep.
Elain awoke a couple of minutes later to a warm, wet cloth cleaning her. She caught Azriel’s eyes and they both smiled at the other.
“Go back to sleep, love. I’ll be back soon,” he said quietly. Elain did as he said. 
Hours later, as they cuddled in bed, Azriel began speaking.
He told her of his childhood, of the torture he was subjected to at the hands of his half-brothers. 
They both cried at that, Azriel pressing his face against her breasts as Elain cradled him like she did with Nyx. Then it was her turn, she told him of growing up believing she was nothing more than a pretty face to be sold to the highest bidder. She told him how Graysen was the first choice she’d made for herself, and how she’d believed for months after he humiliated her, that maybe her mother and Nesta were right, that she couldn’t make her own choices. Nuala and Cerridwen had made her see the truth.
They talked some more, until finally he told her about his mother.
“Mine wasn’t a lucky guess,” Azriel admitted. “The more you talked about your visions, the more I realized what you were. I recognized the look on your face you’d get when a vision came to you– it was the same one I’d see on my mother’s face. I went to talk to her, told her about you, and she confirmed my guess.”
Elain listened as he recounted his boyhood with Bethane– when he was allowed to see her– and how they’d caught up on the lost moments after he’d escaped his father’s house.
Azriel confessed what had stopped him from kissing her on Solstice. She’d felt anger toward Rhysand, but she couldn’t fault him, not entirely. For Azriel and their future children, should they have them, she would do anything. No, she couldn’t blame him at all.
They talked until the night sky turned into early dawn, when they fell asleep, hugging each other as though they might disappear, as though this was all a dream. 
Two weeks later, Elain was again at Bethane’s manor. Rosehall, she found out it was called. 
She’d spent two hours in the garden trying to find out why the lilies were dying, and then trying to fix it when she detected the issue. Bethane, Azriel’s mother, had not been home when she’d arrived, but left instructions to proceed with the work.
She’d come home an hour later, leaving Elain to her work. Elain was anxious to talk to her friend, but she was not about to do a sloppy job. 
Now they were seated in the tearoom that oversaw the blooming garden, in the same positions as last time. This time, Bethane wore a different look on her face. Her features were sharper, controlled.
Elain opened her mouth, wanting to ask her how her weeks had gone, if she’d gotten more visitors, yet what came out was, “You knew.” It wasn’t an accusation, it was a fact. A truth she only realized now, sitting in front of the older female.
Bethane took a sip of her tea, even though Elain knew it was too hot. Azriel’s mother leaned back in her chair. “You have to be more specific, dear. What do you think I knew?”
Elain narrowed her brown eyes. “You knew who I was. You knew who my sister is, you knew I knew your son, and you knew he was the guy who rejected me. What I don’t know is when you figured it out. Was it when I told you I’m a seer, and you remembered Azriel coming to you about a once-human-now-Fae female, with a power similar to yours?” She challenged.
Bethane’s features remained the same, not at all concerned by the words. “It wasn’t hard to guess. There’s not many once-human-now-Fae females around. Actually, I think there’s only three. And I’d heard from other villagers that one of those three, who happened to be the sister of our High Lady, was a gardener. Imagine my surprise when you appeared on my front porch.”
Elain ignored that other piece of truth. “But why? Why did you not tell me you knew who I was? Was it… Was it a joke?” There was pain in her voice, just as a wounded look glinted in her deer-like eyes.
“No, dear. It wasn’t like that. When you showed up at my door, you had this expectant look on your face… It was clear to me you feared I’d treat you differently, that I wouldn’t allow you to do any work. You needed to escape from reality, and that’s what I chose to be for you.” She leaned forward and grabbed Elain’s hands, drawing invisible circles with her fingers. “I had a vision, months before your first visit. I saw my son, Azriel, smiling in pure contentment. He was standing near a bed, his arm encircling someone’s petite shoulders. You were half-sitting on the bed, a tired yet elated look on your face. You were holding a small, bundled cloth— a baby. Yours and Azriel’s baby. I didn’t know you back then, but from that frame alone I could see, I could feel how happy you made him. I only helped you come closer.” Bethane explained, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Elain sat frozen, her hand to her mouth. She knew her own eyes mirrored the older female’s, her sight blurry. Her mind kept replaying the words pronounced by Bethane. She didn’t know when the vision would take place, or if it would even prove true– there had been cases, Bethane had explained to her one afternoon, where the visions had proven a missed possibility, a what-if scenario only known to seers— yet something told her it would. In a few years, yes… but it would.
“You can’t blame an old female for wanting to ensure she gets grandchildren, can you?” Elain laughed at Bethane’s attempt to make the room lighter, a few tears escaping. Happy tears. “No, I really can’t.” She shook her head. “Well, then I guess you will be happy to hear that Azriel and I have been spending more time together.”
The older female’s features now split open in a huge smile. “Did he apologize?” Elain blushed. “He did, he sure did.” Flashes of the creative ways he’d come up with to apologize to her danced in her mind, but she quickly waved them away. It was not the time. 
“Thank you, Bethane. For everything you did, for me, your son, us. Being your friend has been an honor, my saving grace in these dark months.” 
Bethane blinked rapidly. “Thank you, for everything,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.
They drank their tea in silence, enjoying the warm weather. At some point, Azriel joined them. He took a quick look at their tear-stricken faces and watery eyes and went still. “Is everything alright?” He asked them, worried.
The two females looked at each other and smiled. “Yes, it couldn’t be better.”
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pirateeznet · 4 months
Secret Admirer Masterlist
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You turn the envelope round and round in your hands. You don't know who it's from, all that's scrawled over the top is 'Your Secret Admirer'. But something about the uncertainty of it all makes your heart race and your cheeks warm.
Welcome to Ateez Pirate Ship's Valentine's event! Very similar to Secret Santa, 10 of our authors have been exchanging anonymous messages to create a fic catered to them specifically!
Now without further ado, please enjoy this fine selection of fics!
[Masterlist will be updated as each story posts - Updated 10/03/24]
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Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
Pairing: Jung Yunho x Song Mingi
Genre: Light Academia AU, Fluff, s2l, Romance
Rating: PG-13, sfw
Warnings: Mingi is a clumsy physics professor, Yunho is a collected Latin professor, pining, Yunho falls first and Mingi falls harder, lots of Latin phrases, one kabedon, one kiss
Wordcount: 1.6k
Summary: Two professors, who couldn't be more different, fated to meet each other and slowly grow closer than they dared to hope for.
For: @limjaeseven
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Twin Flames
Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Fantasy, Historical, Twin Flames
Rating: PG-13, sfw
Warnings: Blood, Murder, Revenge
Wordcount: 6.6k
Summary: In a world where magic exists, you had creatures that were created in order to help those who were able to harness the power of the sun and the moon. Each creature has a special connection with their creators. Those created by Witches were followers of the moon. And those created by Faeries were with the sun. However for some creatures, they were connected to their creators on a much deeper meaning. 
For: @flurrys-creativity
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Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, E2L, School setting (unspecified)
Rating: PG-13, sfw
Warnings: Cursing, Kissing
Wordcount: 4k
Summary: Getting flowers from a secret admirer was the highlight of your week. But with a certain blonde student disrupting your every day, things may change.
For: @hotteoki
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Change of Heart
Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, S2L, Arranged marriage, Mediveal era
Rating: PG-13, sfw
Warnings: Cursing
Wordcount: 5k
Summary: When you're forced into an unwilling, arranged marriage where your husband is decided by a competition with three contests, will a stranger be able to find his way into your life to befriend you and turn your future around?
For: @daesukiii
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Pairing: Yeosang x Hongjoong
Genre: Angst, Fantasy
Rating: PG-13, sfw
Warnings: Death, Guns, Supernatural violence, Extremely inaccurate vampires, Bad worldbuilding
Wordcount: 2.6k
Summary: Hongjoong thought he'd spend his time in the military facing the barrel of a gun, not sharp teeth.
For: @potatomountain
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Sticky Situation
Pairing: Ghoul!Hongjoong x afab!reader
Genre: Smut, Paranormal AU
Rating: R, nsfw
Warnings: NSFW MDNI, messy intercourse, slight stalking, dumbification, slime/goo play, ghost stuff, mention of death, aphrodisiac cum, rough sex.
Wordcount: 1.6k
Summary: After receiving a dare from your friends, you went into the ‘haunted’ mansion as everyone says, but is it really haunted though? Something is watching you..
For: @stardragongalaxy
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So Good For Us
Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader x San
Genre: Established Relationship, Poly, Smut
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: Alcohol, Unprotected Sex, Cum Play, Cursing, Sub/Dom, Oral
Wordcount: 4k
Summary: Back at home from your anniversary dinner, your boyfriends reveal a very special surprise that would turn your night into a ocassion you won't forget anytime soon.
For: @sanjoongie
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Just for Tonight
Pairing: Mingi x Reader
Genre: E2L, Smut, One night stand
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), protected sex, multiple orgasms
Wordcount: 3.8k
Summary: Public parties weren't your thing but for your best friend you could tolerate a dance club- even go home with someone for the night. Mingi was determined to make sure that was him, and after a little push from a hot stranger, you decided just for tonight you would give him a shot.
For: @mingsolo
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When the Sea and the Mountain Meet
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Norse mythology au, Njord and Skaldi au, Mythology retelling au, Royal au, Medieval au, Historical au
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: mentions of parent's death, mentions of someone falling deathly ill, hand kink HELLO, fingering (f), wall sex, penetrative sex with no barrier, nipple play, big dick! yunho
Wordcount: 5k
Summary: Upon your father's murder, a council allows you to choose a husband as recompense--based on what his hands look like. Yunho, a prince of the sea, and you, a princess of the mountains, are as opposite as you can get, so can you make the marriage work?
For: @staytinyville
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Hearts Aligned
Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Established relationship
Rating: R, NSFW
Warnings: Dom Hongjoong, mentions of punishment and biting, praise kink
Wordcount: 5k
Summary: Its early in the relationship, but a calling from Hongjoong to his home office has some surprises in store.
For: @yourfatherlucifer
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