#꒰ maia power ⁄ image.
neveraftcr · 1 year
tag dump 2.
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cilil · 24 days
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AN: Back again with @angbangweek! Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday, but all the remaining ones are written now. Maybe I'll also get you a little surprise... :)
This one is a gift for the wonderful @neldeathstar, inspired by this artwork. I took some creative liberties with the timeline and all, but I hope I captured the energy of the piece regardless. Thanks for all your hard work and enjoy!
⚡︎ Prompt(s): Fire & lava ⚡︎ Synopsis: Melkor and Mairon engage in a fun roleplaying (and fucking) session in the depths of Utumno ⚡︎ Warnings: Smut, kinky roleplay, light bondage ⚡︎ Short oneshot (~700 words) | AO3
"How do you want me, my lord?"
"Chained within the deepest pits of Utumno, where Arda's blood runs through her veins." 
Melkor looked at him with burning eyes.
"Naked. Ready for me. All mine."
Those had been the words exchanged between the two of them before Mairon had descended into the deepest dungeons of Utumno to make that fantasy become reality. 
Everything had to be perfect for his precious. 
Thus he was now standing in the middle of a lava lake, his wrists chained to a rocky column, his neck adored with a black collar. Attached to it, as well as to the golden bars piercing his nipples, was a thin golden chain that went around his hips and thighs. Mairon coyly crossed his legs to hide what lay between and pretended to squirm in his bindings. 
Melkor was regarding him from the entrance of the cavern, silent, but with an appreciative smirk. His icy blue eyes seemed to be on fire, smouldering and wild, fueled by the lovely image presenting itself to him.
He approached in swift, long strides, and Mairon suppressed a self-satisfied smile. His precious was always so impatient, but he wasn't going to complain. At least he wouldn't have to wait. 
"Such a pretty thing, all alone and helpless in my dungeons," Melkor purred and began caressing his hair. "Should I free you from such a predicament before evil things find you and take advantage?" 
"Yes, my lord, please," Mairon said, demurely lowering his gaze to play the part of a shy, lost Maia. 
"Of course, little flame." He could hear Melkor's grin in his voice. "But first I shall have you, as is my right as lord of this fortress." 
Before Mairon could pretend to protest, he was swiftly and forcibly turned around and pushed forward, his palms coming to rest on the rock's jagged surface. One of Melkor's hands came to rest on his neck, keeping him bent over, while the other grabbed his hip. 
"Now spread your legs like a good little Maia..." 
He did, spreading them as far as he could and keeping his hips raised, utterly shameless. His beloved adored seeing him in positions like this, he knew, all obedient and submissive. 
Melkor had begun to examine him by reaching between his legs. Instead of a proudly erect cock like his own, his fingers glided over soft folds, wet from sweat and arousal alike. 
"So excited for me already. What a lovely little flame you are." 
He wasted no time taking what was his. Mairon cried out in feigned anguish when he was penetrated in one swift thrust, speared on the Vala's cock as it tore into him mercilessly. Fortunately, his ever-faithful fána had prepared itself with sufficient lubrication and recognised his lover, eagerly taking him inside. 
Any pain he felt seemed like pure bliss to him. 
Melkor took him fast and hard, as if he was merely intending to quench his lust by using a helpless prisoner. The mere thought of being treated as such sent a powerful wave of arousal through Mairon, slick dripping all over the Vala's cock and down his legs. He was being used and possessed by a being mightier than he, one who would toy with him as he saw fit. His fána trembled with raw thrill. 
A large hand reached around him now, grasping his chin to turn his head. Obediently, he looked over his shoulder and opened his mouth when Melkor's thumb brushed demandingly against his bottom lip. 
"Suck," he ordered, pushing it inside, and Mairon did. 
Lips closing around the digit, his tongue caressed the pad of the thumb. He licked and sucked on it as if his life depended on it, imagining that he was servicing the Vala's cock instead. 
The effect of his eagerness and efforts was both powerful and immediate. Melkor came inside him with a low growl of satisfaction, filling him so thoroughly that seed spurted out of him and ran down his legs. 
Mairon glanced up at him, and his heart leapt with joy when he saw just how pleased he was. 
"I lied to you earlier," Melkor said then, his thumb pressing against his tongue to keep him from protesting. "I think I shall keep you here after all."
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Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @angbangbaby @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @bluezenzennie @destinyeternity1 @edensrose @elanna-elrondiel @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @just-little-human @melkors-big-tits @melkors-defense-attorney @saintstars @sauron-kraut @urwendii @wandererindreams
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why-what-no · 2 years
First Meeting
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Pairing: Elrond (ROP) x Reader
Warnings: None, Some Silmarillion Lore Mentions
Summary: After a lifetime of Elrond imagining what would happen when he first met his love, the half-elf encountered a being in the forest that left him awestruck.
Requested by: @writing-fanics
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Throughout his life, Elrond had always tried to imagine his future love. Creating images in his head about what they would look like or what their personality would be. There'd be so many scenarios in his head about what he and them would do together. And most importantly, their first meeting.
He had always been a romantic, teased by his brother for it. But the teasing had always been gentle, and Elrond had always known that his brother had admired that romantic quality of his.
When he got older, however, he knew that he had to leave those thoughts behind. His career had to take precedent. Slowly, ideas for how to improve Middle Earth took over his ideas of love. Keeping busy and putting his whole heart and mind into his ambition. When Elrond cared about something, he made sure to make it his top priority.
But in the evening, when he was settling down for bed, some of those hopes and dreams for a relationship would return. When he couldn’t hide the fact that he sometimes felt so lonely.
His brother was gone, his friends were either his superiors or were always traveling to far off lands. The idea of someone putting him first, and letting him put them first, was a powerful desire
Despite that, however, Elrond went on with his life. Until everything he had pushed into the back of his mind happened.
Until the imagined "first meeting" was a reality.
There was a forest around Lindon that Elrond loved to walk through on those days where he needed a break from his duties. The leaves providing a gentle shade, a gorgeous green that brought a relaxing atmosphere. There was a feeling in that forest, like time stood still and allowed him to be free.
It was there that he finally met (Y/N). When the sound of a cracked branch brought his attention to the person agilely climbing down from one of the trees. Jumping down and landing gracefully just feet away from Elrond. 
He could only stop and stare.
It was obvious from the pointed ears and the lovely features that she was elvish. But the half-elf could swear that in all his life, he had never been so captivated by another being like he was with her. 
Elrond had heard stories of Thingol, the first King of Doriath, when he met his wife Melian, one of the Maia.
He had been traversing through forests to visit his friend when he came across Melian, awestruck by her beauty. He took her hand, and for years he stood there with her, having forgotten his people from the sight of the powerful and beautiful being. 
It was in the moment when he saw (Y/N) that he finally understood the spell that had taken over King Thingol. 
It was only because of great luck to those who depended on Elrond that he only stayed, basking in her presence, for a few days. But he could barely bring himself to care. Needing to know her, to learn her name and the things that brought her joy.
When he finally left, he vowed to return as soon as possible. 
(Y/N) lived in the forest, keeping to herself. The nature brought her joy and the animals were her friends. But when she met Elrond, she knew that there would be a chance that she would give that up to be with him. 
He would never ask her for that, knowing how special the trees and land around Lindon was. However, to (Y/N), he was the most special thing she had ever seen. She just wants to see him every day.
As for Elrond, those fantasies of meeting his love had disappeared, finally having met the person he knew that he would spend the rest of his life with.
And no one else could possibly compare to her.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
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junemermaid · 3 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. "He won't be coming back. You know that, don't you?" Xia Dong spoke behind Mu Nihuang. (Flowers in Dreamland Weather, Nirvana in Fire, Mu Nihuang x Xiao Jingyan x Mei Changsu, ot3 porn that grew a backstory)
2. This is the story: in the holy heart of the world, a heretic kneels down, and entreats the exalted dead for power. (Servant of the Spiral, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, SH/Final Fantasy X fusion)
3. On the day that is going to define the rest of his life, Alec jerks awake to the gentle chiming of his phone and proceeds to fall off the couch. (Talking With Strangers, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, university AU w/ fake marriage)
4. Magnus stepped off the coach onto the grizzled asphalt of the tiny bus station and thought, not for the first time, You're out of your head, Bane. And the next bus service out of this place is the day after tomorrow. (The Stair Into the Sea, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus (& Maia), The Novel about ghosts and lighthouses and second chances)
5. Magnus stepped out of the bathroom, clad only in a towel, anticipation prickling his throat. (the black honey of summer, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, porn with a tender D/s vibe)
6. Far across the ocean, in a kingdom whose name is lost to time, there lived a young prince. (The Underwater Heart, SH, Alec x Magnus, fairytale AU)
7. Isabelle has a problem. Like a not insignificant number of her problems, it starts with a kiss. (Bramble, SH, Clary x Isabelle, canon divergent first kiss w/ complications)
8. Magnus weaves through the crowd, a tin mug held high in each hand. Alec watches his progress as he ducks around a server with a flourish of apology, a quick, glittering smile. (From the Green Shadows, SH, Alec x Magnus, SH/The Witcher fusion)
9. Magnus collapses into the pillows with sticky, boneless satisfaction, limbs going every which way. Alec presses a damp kiss on his brow. "Be right back." (is it bright where you are, SH, Alec x Magnus, tough pillow talk)
10. On his thirtieth day as a lightkeeper, Alec woke to find a girl in the parking lot. (The Birthday of the Sea, SH, Alec & Maia, side story to The Novel)
God, I really haven't written much in the last few years. The oldest of these was posted four years ago! (The counterpoint is that I have several long-running longfics right now, which means a smaller number of stories.)
I think these show I tend to start in medias res, or else with a distinct image or line—the hook, as it were. I am also amused that two of these have Alec waking up, and a whopping four start with Magnus and some kind of movement. The two fantasy/fairytale stories pull back a bit to establish worldbuilding and backstory first.
Overall, this is a reminder to finally rewatch Shadowhunters and get serious about finishing at least some of my WIPs in that fandom. Had I but world enough and time.
Tags for: @electricshoebox, @lynne-monstr, @faejilly, @neekerbreeker, @pikkugen, @sleepsonclouds, @lightwormsiblings, @frudence, @vaynglories, @circumference-pie
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When people criticize Rings of Power, others will often say, “well, this doesn’t change the books” and “you’ll always have the books”, or “if you don’t like it, just don’t engage with it” and “treat it like fanfiction.” This never sat right with me.
First, “you’ll always have the books” is very much beside the point. Of course we still have the books. But fans are allowed to want a good adaptation of Tolkien’s works, and Rings of Power was not it, not by a long shot—plus it was made by Amazon, which is reason enough to oppose it.
But the other thing is, Rings of Power is everywhere now. It’s not just in regular advertisements—it’s on boxes and packages, it’s on LOTR book covers (why?!?!?), it’s in the lotredit and LOTR tags on this website—despite not even being LOTR. It’s also referenced in articles about Tolkien that have nothing to do with the show. If you look up anything Tolkien-related online, you can’t avoid it.
So yes, we will always have the books. But we also have the dumpster fire that is ROP spreading to every corner of Tolkien-related internet spaces, and that fucking sucks. We will always have the books—but now we have them with ugly ROP images plastered on top of them so Amazon can get even more promotion.
It’s very easy to say, “if you don’t like ROP, don’t engage with it,” and “at least we have the books,” but that unfortunately ignores how inescapable ROP has become.
I am sick of seeing this pathetic version of a character that resembles Galadriel in name only. I am sick of whiny incel Sauron, who looks like a Man and not a Maia. I am sick of the blatant-Irish-stereotype Harfoots. I’m sick of seeing the shitty costumes, bad wigs, and overdone CGI. And I’m sick of Amazon patting itself on the back for the so-called diverse casting, which is in fact tokenistic and not diverse enough.
I write posts criticizing ROP and people say, “I thought you weren’t going to watch it!” and I haven’t. I haven’t seen a single episode. Everything I have learned about the first season of ROP I have learned against my will.
This is also why saying “just treat it like fanfiction” completely falls flat. If I read a fanfic that I don’t like, I can simply close it and move on—I won’t be forced to see it literally everywhere. That’s not the case with Rings of Power.
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arofili · 2 years
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@tolkienlatamandcaribbeanweek day one | the valar & the orixás
Then those of the Ainur who desired it arose and entered into the World at the beginning of Time; and it was their task to achieve it, and by their labours to fulfil the vision which they had seen. Long they laboured in the regions of Eä, which are vast beyond the thought of Elves and Men, until in the time appointed was made Arda, the Kingdom of Earth. Then they put on the raiment of Earth and descended into it, and dwelt therein. 
—The Silmarillion, “Valaquenta”
The Valar are here represented by a selection of the Orixás deities of the Yoruba religion. All the images were created by Brazilian photographer Tiago Sant’anna, and edited by me.
Not every Vala is represented, as I only had so much material and space; also included is Uinen, who is a Maia, not a Vala, but still one of the most powerful Ainur. Likewise, not every Orixá is included.
Uinen is represented by Iemanjá; Yavanna is represented by Oxum; Aulë is represented by Xangô; Tulkas is represented by Ogum; Nessa is represented by Iansã; Oromë is represented by Oxóssi. They are all loosely connected to their Orixá deity by their aesthetics and domain of power.
Manwë and Vána’s images are not (as far as I can tell) actually artistic representations of the Orixá, but rather some inspiring photography on other topics, but I wanted to include them as well.
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cowboymaterials · 8 months
Excerpt from Decolonizing Anarchism by Maia Ramnath
You say you're an anarchist. Yet you're supporting X na­tional liberation movement. How can you support a demand for statehood?
I don't support demands for statehood, per se. I do support people's struggle for self-determination and the space to determine the conditions of their own lives. It's not the task of an ally to decide what the best alternative is; in order to remain consistent with our own principles, an­archist allies of anticolonial struggles have to recognize that the people in question must decide for themselves.
But isn't that kind of a naive cop-out, knowing that they plan to create a state?
Well, the fact remains that they're forced to operate within a world of states. The reason anticolonial resistance struggles feel the need to institute sovereignty is because at any scale, a "liberated" area—whether an autonomous zone, quilombo, caracole, reservation, or any space run on decen­tralized and nonhierarchical principles—is still embedded in nonliberated space. It has boundaries inside of which these principles prevail, and outside of which they do not. It needs ways to mediate or transition between the two. That is, a zone in which its right to set the terms of how things will go is recognized and enforceable, where another law or power can't interfere.
An area that has fought off colonial rule still exists within the interstate system. If a newly decolonizing area doesn't gain recognition by that system, it has to fear recon­quest or incorporation into someone else's nation-state or empire. This has always been the case for places with fuzzy borders or in border marches. Independent statehood was at least a nominal guard against that, even if only to estab­lish external boundaries by the terms of international law. The logical conclusion to this dilemma is that in order for a decolonizing area to truly adopt a "no-state solution," we would have to dismantle the interstate system as a whole and create anarchism everywhere. There can be no post­ colonial anarchism in one country! No doctrine of peaceful coexistence, but continuous world revolution!
Seriously, though, how do you feel about standing next to or under a national flag? In an era when media images are so powerful, you have to be aware of what it means to link your­ self visually to an icon like that.
Yeah, I do pay attention to that-say, to where I 'm standing during a rally. The same goes for some sectarian organizations back home. But since you brought up visual meanings: flags and such are powerful symbols for many groups, including nations and states. Still, the symbolism of any given flag in a particular context is also layered with other complicated meanings and associations. We need to pay attention to the messages being communi­cated. Where is it shorthand for "freedom;' "revolution:' or "self-determination:' and where is it read as an icon of state power?
Yeah, about that idea: your principle about respecting other people's self-determination raises more questions, and not just about states. What are the limits within which you can say, "This isn't my business; they can organize themselves as they want to," and beyond which you have to say, "This is abhorrent to my principles; I cannot stand with this struggle"?
Look, we all know that the enemies of our enemies aren't always our friends. Especially given the emphasis we place on the importance of means and process as a prefigu­rative path to the desired outcome, anarchists engaged in solidarity-based resistance can't postpone the problem or write it off as tactical. So one clue is whether someone else who's opposing a particular empire-the United States, let's say-is categorically anti-imperialist, or if they're just pull­ing for a rival power to get the advantage, supporting some unsavory character simply because they're anti-American. There are a lot of false binaries presented to us.
Well then, let's be more concrete. If you can't separate means and ends, the negative and positive fights, how can you support uncritically a group of people who are—oh, I don't know—reactionary, misogynistic, authoritarian, anti­-Semitic, chauvinistic, or super religious?
I don't. For one thing, be careful not to equate a whole culture or society with any of those adjectives. But I take your point, and the thing is, relationships of solidarity should not be uncritical from either side. If practiced on a level ground of mutual respect and two-way dialogue, there should be neither romanticizing nor paternalism. Your partners are not saints, noble savages, or charity cases. If I hate imperialism, then it's in my own interest to work against it from any angle I can. I'm not doing it as a favor to anyone. If we have (at least some of) the same goals and enemies, agreement in the need for resistance is not a stretch. And along the way you're learning from and changing each other. Pay attention. You gain trust by showing integrity and commitment over time. Then maybe someday, you'll have earned the right to intervene as an insider.
Sure, be respectful listen, learn. OK. Still, how can you remain committed to your own core anti-oppression principles regarding things like gender and sexuality, or animal rights, without perpetuating the subtle (or not-so-subtle) colonialism of trying to "improve" someone else's culture? Can you refrain from imposing your own ideas on someone whom you're sup­posed to be supporting, if that means condoning ideas that go against your convictions regarding pure anarchist principle?
You mean, why can't we just persuade the Arab world to go vegan?
Very funny. But I mean really: is this an insurmountable paradox ? On the other hand, is "taking leadership" just an­ other cop-out, an abdication of principles?
It's important to recognize the internal debates within any society and its dynamic changes through time. Nothing is monolithic. It's virtually guaranteed that not all members of the putative nation are in total agreement about their so­cial visions. Chances are that among these elements, you'll recognize counterparts with whose principles, strategies, tactics, and methods you do feel affinity. That's who you "take leadership" from.
(Excerpt from Maia Ramnath's Decolonizing Anarchism, "On Solidarity" pp. 251-255, source)
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
(yeah I can understand needing a palate cleanser... so ask and ye shall receive! 3 goofy shenanigan asks messing with the goofy as hell idea of the Titans bsing their way into space to kick Gigan in the nuts or something. One slightly more serious one being this one... because I can't help myself.)
*Abraxas flew up towards the upper atmosphere. They had been launched by an Apex device to send her into space. Once she breaks atmosphere, she would use her electricity to propel herself through the cosmos.*
San: You didn't want them to come...
Vivienne: That obvious, huh? Would *you*?? They're my friends, my family. You know what Gigan's capable of. The memories you showed me... If something- anything- happened to any of them up there...
San: And what about what might happen to us?
Vivienne: So be it. Gigan is a monster of Ghidorah's creation. Our burden to bear. Another one of his sins we must fix. Plus, having Godzilla in arms reach of the same person that infected his brother...
San: You're scared for him.
Vivienne: He has been through enough.
San: And you haven't?
*She doesn't have a good answer for that- intending to wait in silence as the rushing air slowly begins to vanish- and the skies around them start to darken. But- they're replaced by another noise. It sounds like- something rushing behind her?*
Vivienne: Oh for the love of-
San: Sister! Look!
*Vivienne turns to see possibly the most ridiculous sight she's seen since becoming a Titan. It's a giant multi-colored ice crystal shooting into the sky like a goddamn comet. Behind, she sees two bright red beams of light firing out from the back like a thruster. She sees a hand emerge from the side, of the Primate variety.*
Vivienne: WHAT IN THE?-
Vivienne: Uhhhh
*San makes the decision for her, grabbing Kong's hand in his mouth. He yanks her through the window and onto the icy floor- Shimo sealing the opening behind her as the stars come into view. The- 'ship' is not large at all and sorta cramped. She fell incidentally into the lap of Barb.*
Barb: Uhhh- surprise hun?
Vivienne: This should not have worked. No laws of physics support this plan working. The vacuum of space will kill us.
Rodan: That's what the tanks are for!
*He takes an inhale from a Titan-sized breathing apparatus that is connected to a skyscraper-sized oxygen tank in the middle of the ship that all the other Titans are sitting around.*
Vivienne: How-
Kong: Maia was halfway through a plan for a Titan-sized spacecraft when she realized it wouldn't work. She did, however, have the plans for a giant tank finished! Shimo built it around the tank.
Vivienne: And the propulsion?? How did you get this thing off the ground??
Godzilla: Say it with me Mothra...
Godzilla: HEAT-
Mothra: RAY!
*The two of them come up from a hole beneath the tank, along with Shimo. They settle around the tank.*
Vivienne: Fuckingexcuseyouwhat.
Godzilla: The thrusting power behind mine and Mothra's Heat Ray was enough to send a vessel of this size into space! Dagon's picking up the slack and propelling us to Mars with his Photon Scream as we speak! We'll be there in 2~ hours.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: You shot-
Godzilla: Mhm.
Vivienne: -your breath-
Godzilla: Yeah.
Vivienne: -downwards.
Godzilla: Yes ma'am!
Vivienne: -And it made this *thing* go up.
Shimo: Uh- this 'thing' is a very eloquently crafted spacecraft that will help us save Ozymandias and destroy Gigan.
Vivienne: Science is a fucking lie. Why do I even try.
Mothra: No idea!
*Vivienne takes a sudden vested interest in the ground, staring at it for a second.*
Vivienne: This is not going to be easy.
Godzilla: -and?
Vivienne: You don't know what he's capable of.
Godzilla: It doesn't matter. What matters is what we need from him. We'll all get through this- and so will Ozzy. As long as we follow the plan and look out for each other.
*Vivienne still can't get the images out of her head- of Gigan's horrifying torture machines and the poor souls San witnessed be torn apart by them. She can't imagine anyone here being subject to that or worse.*
Mothra: Did you really think we were gonna let you go alone?
Vivienne: I could've handled it.
Mothra: Not saying you couldn't; but what kind of friends would we be then? To force you into the den of a demon like Gigan alone? We're with you, Vivienne, and you may as well get used to it- because we always will be.
Vivienne: I-
Mothra: Plus- Goji and Rodey were worried sick about you.
Godzilla & Rodan: WAS NOT.
Mothra: Oooh yeah. Pacing, fidgeting- whole nine yards. They would've died of an anxiety attack before you got back.
Slightly more serious is right, I'm only surprised that they're not all pancaked at the back of that ice box death trap if they're going to reach Mars in two hours!
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emeraldskulblaka · 2 years
Edrian Bernada's Sauron proves that looks only play a minor role when it comes to a great portrayal of characters. No, he doesn't look anything like I imagined Sauron to look like, and I doubt he matches anyone's mental image. But when he's on stage, Sauron is on stage. He's Sauron with every fibre of his being, incredibly consistent, a brilliant and powerful Maia. Who cares about his looks?
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lunaryugamine · 1 year
So these are my thoughts on a Spy x Family/Batman fanfic AU based on @reineydraws very cute and fun art that I'll write someday in the vague future. My Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun AU takes precedent over this, but I wanted to get this out because it's been eating my brain.
I will admit that I have read almost no Batman comics or watched TV shows but I started reading fanfic for it and now the Batfam runs through my brain 24/7. I am currently reading the Young Justice comics, though, and will be reading more when I'm done with that.
So here's how I'm mashing the two canons together: this is a no superheroes AU where no one has any powers (except Anya and other potential government experiments that haven't come up) and the Spy x Family universe is farther in the future so there's computers and cell phones (the reason why is shown later). Also, Eden Academy is slightly more accepting of strange familial situations (at least for Bruce Wayne) and less obsessed with image because I can't imagine canon Eden Academy accepting a disabled Babs. That's the main setting, but the characters are far more important to me.
Bruce Wayne was orphaned in the war but since this setting actually has therapists he's a lot more well-adjusted and does not go out dressed as a bat to beat up criminals, which is good because Ostania is a police state and they would not tolerate that. The country does, however, have an organization like WISE who also doesn't want another war, and Bruce is involved with that, using his Brucie persona to get information on warmongers in the government. That organization (which doesn't have a name yet) works tentatively with WISE but they don't exactly trust one another. Unfortunately, Donovan Desmond fucking hates Brucie Wayne and so doesn't interact with him at the Imperial Scholars gatherings, leading to Operation Strix still needing to be done. He's beloved by the city of Berlint, just like the Wayne's are in Gotham, which is a big reason why Dick and Jason are able to be accepted into Eden Academy late and Damian without a mom. Twilight is aware that there's a person in the upper echelons of Ostania but doesn't know who it is and is trying to figure it out. Bruce uses his money to make social programs to uplift his fellow citizens in poverty because if you're rich that's what you should do or I'll fucking hate you.
Dick Grayson is still an orphaned circus acrobat (although here his parents deaths are a legitimate tragic accident) that Bruce adopts who is able to get into Eden late due to his intelligence, athleticism, and lots and lots of bribes. Instead of the Court of Owls, he's connected to the Garden here and the Shopkeeper is his relative instead of William Cobb. Bruce is very adamant that Dick is not involved with that, so while Dick knows about the Garden and it's members, he's more involved with the organization Bruce is in. He is legitimately friends with Demetrius Desmond, but his relationship to his father is like Damian's (who is an unreliable narrator when it comes to his family) so he has no information for Dick to get for the organization. He's also close friends with Babs.
Barbara is the daughter of the police commissioner who isn't involved in the SS and is still disabled because she was kind of a gamechanger in comics with her disability so I want to keep that. I haven't decided whether she was born with it or if it was an injury but she still has a wheelchair. Babs is also still Oracle (which is why I need the technology to be updated) and is a hacker similar to maia arson crimew IRL (god bless it) who leaks documents of crimes the Ostanian government has done, and has to be very careful to never reveal her identity because she would immediately be detained, tortured, and killed. Thankfully, very few people would suspect that Oracle is a disabled teenage girl at Eden Academy. No one except Tim, that is.
Jason meets Bruce after trying to jack his car wheels and Bruce takes one look at this child and thinks "Mine" and so Jason is adopted. He is also accepted at Eden Academy late because of his stellar academics and because Bruce had already set a precedent. He's a good athlete, but he's not a prodigious gymnast like Dick so that's not part of why he gets in. Unlike Bruce and Dick, he's not involved in the organization. Instead he's involved in the groups of civilians who are against the police state. In the manga, the only resistance groups are people who are willing to put innocent people in danger, which sucks a lot. The organization Jason's involved in would absolutely kill some government officials but wouldn't get civilians harmed. Duke is also involved in this, but he's a minor character and I'm already juggling so many characters but imagine Duke and Jason working together in a gang setting. DC, why have you not done this already?
Cass (OP didn't include Cass in the original post but I love Cass so she's being included) was still trained to be an assassin from birth with David Cain being part of the Garden, but the Shopkeeper actually has some morals and is horrified when he sees what's been done to Cass, maybe when she's around 9 years old and Cain shows her off to the Shopkeeper, expect him to be impressed. Manipulating children into being assassins is one thing, but training a child to be a weapon and literally nothing else is another, so Cain is disposed of (maybe by Yor) and the Shopkeeper sends Cass to be taken care of by Bruce because he knows that he's a good dad because he takes care of Dick. Unfortunately because she's spent her entire life up to this point not being able to speak or read, she's not able to catch up in school enough to be accepted into Eden Academy, but she is able to go to a school that focuses on dance and she lives her dreams of being a ballerina and meets Steph there, maybe doing another type of dance because I can't imagine Steph as a ballerina. She's not involved in politics the way her brothers and father are, but that's okay because she deserves to just be happy.
Tim is the neighbor of Bruce Wayne who, when Bruce realizes is horribly neglected, unofficially adopts him and eventually sues the Drakes for child abuse and officially adopts him. He was already in Eden Academy so that's not a problem. Tim doesn't have a Batman to obsess over in this universe, but he does have an Oracle to obsess over. He somehow finds out Oracle's identity (I'll figure out how later) and begs to be her apprentice, and she eventually takes him on because Tim is stubborn AF and also a talented hacker in his own right. He's best friends with Conner, the son of reporters Clark and Lois Kent (who report critcal things that the government is doing with pseudonyms), because I'm weak for their relationship. I want to add the rest of the Core Four but I don't know how so we'll see how that goes. He suspects that Bruce and Dick are part of the secret organization and that Jason is part of the civilian resistance to the police state but doesn't want to be involved with that because he's already involved with resistance work and the less he knows the better in case he's found out by the government.
Damian is the actual son of Bruce and Talia, who met on a business trip Bruce or Talia took and they had a fling which resulted in Damian. Ra's doesn't have access to a Lazarus Pit here because those don't exist so he's just a normal cult leader who's been dead before Talia and Bruce meet. Talia has turned the cult's assets into a business venture so Damian has an actually fairly normal, if spoiled and also full of martial arts training because that's still important to Talia, upbringing. Bruce and Talia share custody and Damian stays with his father for the school year and with his mother during breaks. Bruce and Talia may still be in love. I don't know, I'll figure it out. Anyway, Damian has a huge rivalry with the other Damian because they're both sons of influential people with a chip on their shoulder, but they're also foils because Damian W actually has a loving family and Damian D doesn't. Damian W befriends Anya and Becky specifically because he wants to annoy Damian D but eventually becomes legitimately fond of them (and Damian D and his friends) but he will never admit it. He's just as much of a tsundere as the other Damian, just in a platonic way. Damian also faces racism due to his brown skin (BECAUSE HE'S DARK OKAY DC LET HIM BE A POC).
The actual story will have some focus on the little shenanigans of the kids at Eden like in SxF (including the older kids), but instead of focusing on Twilight and Yor, the other part will focus on the Wayne's and their allies political maneuverings, but also some slice-of-life with Cass because she deserves it. We may have some small flashes to the Forger family, but they're not the focus. There will also be Batfam fluff because I'm a sucker for that.
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Haldriel/Sauron Trope: the freaking mental raft scene with dark lord and his queen where the false image had Galadriel standing by his side. She had her freaking hand on her stomach. Like what if Sauron had a different sort of weapon he wanted to craft from her?
. . . Do you mean a bABY? Is this some The Da Vinci Code shit?! THE HOLY GRAIL?
Well, actually, Lúthien, who was half-Maia and half-Elf, was extremely powerful. She actually sang Sauron into a magical sleep once to rescue her baby boy, Beren, from him. AS SOON AS HE PASSED OUT, THEY MADE A RUN FOR IT.
I'd bet anything that Sauron would murder to have a kid like that with some magical powers that he could raise to be his heir.
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
Why the "Rings of Power" Costumes Fail to Reflect Their Source Material
Tolkien-geek nerdrant incoming.
I'm not currently watching The Rings of Power, but I have been seeing images of the costumes, and I just have to rant a little about them. Apart from their general attractiveness or lack thereof--mostly the latter, in my opinion--they are making me wonder whether Kate Hawley, the costume designer, has even read the source material. Or understood it, if she did read it.
I hear that she has done much better work on other projects. But I'm sorry, she really dropped the ball here, and it can't be chalked up just to not having enough money or time. There are fundamental problems at the concept level.
It's easy to guess the general thinking: "Since the LOTR movies were designed around a medieval look, the look of this series should be based on Greek and Roman styles, with simpler construction, in order to convey that it's an earlier time." This would make perfect sense for most fantasy series, but it's dead wrong for Tolkien.
In Middle-Earth, "progress" isn't really a thing that happens, unless you're talking about the Years of the Trees or maybe the First Age. After that, it's all downhill with a few small backtracks along the way. Each civilization is less grand than the one that came before it. Knowledge and techniques are lost. The costumes should reflect this. The clothing of the Second Age should be more intricate and decorative than that of the Third Age. They could go full Bollywood with the jewelry, for both Elves and Númenoreans: ropes of pearls, gem-studded belts, etc. (But also take a lesson from Bollywood on how to make lots of jewelry look tasteful and not over the top.)
Speaking of jewelry, there is far too much use of gold. In the source material, Dwarves like gold, but Elves are all about silver, or better yet, mithril. And pearls and white or clear gems such as diamonds. Stuff that makes them think of starlight. You're telling me Gil-Galad, whose name literally means "bright star," would dress entirely in gold from head to toe? I don't think so. Gold also has a slightly negative connotation in Tolkien's writing as being a little bit base and corrupting. That's why Ar-Pharazôn's title of "the Golden" isn't entirely a compliment; it's a hint at how he embodies the perverting of Númenor's society. Lana Marie put it well in her video on this show's costumes when she said, "It's almost poetic how Amazon seems to think that plastering gold on everything makes a garment look regal and expensive and classy."
This brings me to the show's idea that the symbol of Númenor should be a sun. It shouldn't; it should be a star. The island is shaped like a star. Its alternate name, Elenna, means "starward" because of the star that led the first people to it. (And before anyone wants to be cute and say the sun is also a star--no, in Tolkien's world, it's not. It's a fruit of the golden tree, Laurelin, carried through the sky by a maia on a flying ship.) I could buy the idea of Ar-Pharazôn introducing the sun as a new symbol or making it his personal royal banner, but the show starts before he becomes king and they're already using suns, so nope.
And finally, nobody should be wearing full plate armor. Nobody in Tolkien wears plate armor. It's always mail of one sort or another. Yes, I know Ngila Dickson had the Gondorian army wear plate armor in the ROTK movie, but she was also wrong. (Besides, she said it was supposed to make them look outdated and irrelevant.) Frankly, as wonderful as the design of the LOTR movie trilogy was, I feel that most of the stuff in Gondor wasn't up to their usual standard; maybe they were running short on time and/or energy by then. But that's a whole different rant.
I'll close out by recommending Lana Marie's redesign of Miriel's costume.
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outofangband · 2 years
(Writing again about some of my old favorite ideas. I have some fics and other posts on this but I want to revisit them)
Angband World Building and Aftermath of Captivity Masterlist and I talked a bit about Maedhros and death here
I’ve always enjoyed playing with the idea that Maedhros was As One Who Had Returned From Death literally. I’ve written before about death in Angband and how the fortress limits the deaths of prisoners in a variety of ways including the use of Maiar of Mandos taken or recruited
This is possibly au as I don’t always view the death as literal but it is interesting to explore
Warning for mentions of death and gore.
I do believe Maedhros for all intents and purposes died in Angband at least once but was revived by the powers of a necromancer, likely Sauron himself. I do not believe that elves can be recalled from death once they have entered the domain of Mandos but the enchantments of Angband often prevent their Fëar from entering that domain and thus, they can be returned to their bodies, or what was left of them
Perhaps Maedhros does not know the first time. Death is as unnatural as life is to the elves of Angband. He has experienced any number of altered states of consciousness now, driven to a blinding white unreality from the cut of a venomed blade, lingered in the black nothingness of extended isolation until he knew no longer where wakefulness ended and sleep began.
His death was perhaps accidental. A wound left untreated and bleeding for too long, an antidote not administered in time, perhaps the simple culmination of so many abuses and so little recovery. Maedhros is aware of the agony, the indignities his helplessness exacerbates and then suddenly he is no longer aware.
They could have used his death, displayed the body, reworked the corpse to use his image among their own side (a process related to but not identical to necromancy). But instead he is revived and in no way is this a mercy.
He does not enter the realm of Mandos of course. He is merely recalled to a broken body that is slowly healed against his will so he can suffer still more , his life sewn with fragments of the dark sorcery of the enemy.
The pain has not lessened even if the injury is treated. He watches the glowing Maia with a dull exhausted fire in his eyes and knows that whatever has been done to drain the energy of the Lieutenant in such a way, it is profound and cruel and he is worse for it.
He has returned suddenly to his body in states of shock, to awaken with all senses alight. This is different.
Maedhros is allowed very little time to recover (from what he still does not know). He does notice the icy silence of the Moringotto upon their next meeting, that borders on an almost wariness but in the end results in no mitigation of the abuses he inflicts
And he continues to suffer. Death marks him apart in no way other than to illuminate the cruel success of Mairon and if he knows then he knows only that his revival will only further his value, or lack thereof, and his purpose as a vessel for abuses
Upon the cliff he longs for a death he knows will not come. There is surely no limit that he has not yet reached here. His body is battered and exposed here but it cannot be sufficiently destroyed.
(I talked about the post Angband implications here also!)
If Maedhros suspects the truth, he will never reveal his suspicions, not to anyone. The idea that the Enemy can resurrect fallen foes to turn them against their own kin is not believed to be fact by all, it exists in the periphery of the rumors surrounding former prisoners of the Hells of Iron. But the fear of those now freed or rescued souls otherwise controlled by the Enemy is on the minds of all, Maedhros included for inevitably he will encounter another former prisoner who has indeed been chained to the will of Morgoth.
(He will know that whatever is done others have called for him to suffer and he will wonder what, if anything, sets him apart from the other)
(Anyways yeah I was going to wait to post this but after what happened today I needed a distraction)
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metatomatoes · 4 months
4 and 7 for Elrond, 12 for Gil
Yay!! You're the best, thank you :D
4. What other media would I put Elrond in? Hmm, instead of trying to put him in a preexisting thing I kinda want to put him in his own TV show. Specifically, I'm thinking of a murder-mystery show with supernatural elements where Elrond is a local country doctor but he also helps solve crimes.
7. I am, relatively speaking, somewhat new to the concept of Eldritch!Elrond (as in, the last year and a half) but I absolutely love it and I'm never going back. So I love seeing the fandom interpretations of the Eldritchness of Elrond's Maia heritage.
Somewhat related, but not always, is the exploration of Elrond's connection to nature and the valley of Rivendell. I have this hc that Elrond is very in touch with his Valley and the plants, water and living creatures that reside there so I love seeing the fandom explorations of that too!
12. A headcannon I have for Gil is that he's very particular about his appearance, not necesarilly from an ego perspective (although there is some of that) but to make sure he's putting forth the image of a king who while technically being High King of the Noldor also represents his Sinda and Vanya heritage as well (seeing as I tend to favor the Gil-grandson-of-Angrod theory). Also, contrary to Rings of Power Gil, his hair is most definitely braided and flawless :P.
I know this is only asking for 1 headcannon, but why not another one since we're here? I also see Gil as being a very very good diplomat who is *excellent* at building and maintaining relationships and alliances with not just the various Elven realms but with humans and dwarves as well. Of course, this isn't a huge leap because there's a lot of canon evidence for this one, but regardless for me it's an important part of his character.
Character Ask Game
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 year
not an ask, just dropping by to let you know that I miss your fics and I miss u 🖤
Awwww!!! That is so nice of you!! 🥰🥰🥰 And I miss you and your delightfully unhinged reactions! ❤️
It’s been a week since The Blacksmith ended, and I have felt like posting something to fill the void… so this is for you @denzit - a teaser for one of my upcoming pieces for Haladriel Week:
Sauron stopped, no more than three feet in front of her, the image of a creature ripped from the depths of despair. His complexion was pallid, his slitted eyes ever piercing, ever watchful, seeing all. The coverings he wore were so black that the torchlight on the walls did not reflect upon them. Galadriel could not even tell what material they were made from, only that his long black cloak swayed as he stood still, despite there being no breeze in the room. He was grinning, unhinged, demented. “You believe it is your light I still crave?” Sauron laughed again, the sound coated in evil. “No, Galadriel… I have moved beyond such petty concepts. There is only power… and my ability to wield it. To rule.” Something about him rejecting her light sliced her heart, widening the wound he had already made. Galadriel could not deny there was a part of her that liked being desired by the dark lord in this way. It made her feel powerful. And now she felt that power being stripped away as each second passed. She no longer felt like herself, the commander, an ages old elf. Now she was a pathetic diminutive thing, facing off against a maia. The elf trembled.
I hope you enjoyed it! 🖤
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tzaddi53 · 1 year
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/𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁: ⁣
⁣High Priestess⁣
The title, High Priestess, means literally “chief feminine elder,” or primary receptive aspect of the Life-power. In Hindu philosophy this is Prakriti, the precosmic root-substance which is the substratum beneath all the objective planes of existence.Thus the woman in Key 2 is in one sense identical with the First Mother, or First Matter, of the alchemists, who often call this Prima Materia their Virgin Diana.⁣
The High Priestess corresponds to all the virgin goddesses of the ancient world - to Artemis, guardian and helper of childbirth, to Maia, mother of Hermes, to Bona Dea, and to Kybele, whose sanctuaries were caves. Dr. Waite says “she is the spiritual Bride and Mother, the daughter of the stars. . .the Queen of the borrowed light, but this is the light of all.”⁣
The phrase, “whose purity naught can defile”, means that no matter how many the forms developed from it, the virgin substance is itself unchanged. Like water, which holds matter in suspension or solution, this substance remains ever itself. Here is one key to the alchemical mystery of the First Matter. Here, too, one may find a clue to the inner significance of the Virgin-myths of all religions.⁣
“…Remember now that I myself am the pure KNOWING Whence all manifestation ariseth.⁣
Recall to mind that my superior nature is the Primal Will, the Eternal Watcher,⁣
Under whose regard the stream of creation floweth.⁣
The substance of the stream is the inferior nature, Wherein I see innumerable images of myself.⁣
These be all things and creatures, great and small.⁣
Whatever existeth⁣
Is as a ripple on the surface of the stream, But all are of the one substance.⁣
Thus all share in the peculiar quality⁣
Of the stream itself,⁣
Which is the mirror of myself to myself,⁣
The root of all remembrance.…”⁣
Excerpt from the 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀⁣
by Paul Foster Case⁣
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