#<- I always forget to switch it up with the pronouns when talking about myself in 3rd person but now I did it. how fun is that
surumarssi · 1 month
Insomnia will have you meal prepping at night
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leorawright · 1 year
May I request a platonic matchup with Overwatch?
I dont have any preferred pronouns, and I am abrosexual.
I tend to look for a friend who knows how to joke around but will always be there for me, even when we can’t take things seriously. I don’t mind if they talk a lot or not, I can manage to make conversation regardless of who’s talking. I’d also like a friend who knows how to handle basic injuries so they can help me patch up, and perhaps a slightly ‘mom’ friend because I need guidance from someone trustworthy.
As for my personality, I’m usually on the calm and positive side however I can be chaotic cause of boredom or whatever. Protectiveness is also one cause I cherish my friends dearly. Also I seem like a quiet person at first glance, but once you get to know me hell is gonna go lose with chaos at it’s command. I don’t really like large crowds and avoid them at all cost unless I need to interact with them. I also tend to switch moods whenever something/someone triggers it.
Some of my hobbies are reading, writing, playing games, trying to entertain myself or playing the piano or double string bass when I can. Sometimes I get so caught up with reading that I forget to eat, on top of that I don’t really eat on a scheduled time and eat when I’m hungry, and even then i don’t eat cause of thoughts that prevent me from consuming anything but water. I have a fear of heights even though I wanna be a pilot, and a fear of disappointing people. I’m down to try new things and will probably cling with my friend till I’m comfortable with everyone else. I’m also a huge sucker for physical affection.
Hopefully this is enough and you’re haven’t a great day/night!
friend who knows how to joke around but is also trustworthy hmmm
Honestly I think I'd pick...
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Just like you he's very protective over his friends
If you forget to eat expect Cassidy to barge in with food and demand you eat
He's was on his own for a while so he knows how to patch up small wounds
He considers trust and understanding to be a big part of good friendships and he can find those qualities in you
He can definitely vibe with your calm side or your chaotic side
He's almost never serious unless he has to be so don't worry about him being super serious
You like physical affection? What a coincidence so does he!
Expect head pats, fist bumps, hugs, and he will pick you up
And most importantly, just like you, he cherishes his friends deeply and when he considers you a best friend it's the highest honor you can receive from him and he's glowing if you call him your best friend
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goblinrockcandy · 1 year
hey guys im BACK baby and i have some words
here are links so you can still find everything, but be wary that these links are probably gonna break any minute when i start moving everything around. lets hope i can remember to fix them and that i dont take a year to get to doing that: ARCHIVE    MY ART    OTHER ORGANIZATION TAGS
IM STILL ALIVE. i like to think that i never rlly left, but I havent posted in a damn while and part of that is because life stuff caught up with me and moreso because uhhhhhh Well im not quite satisfied with the way my blogs formatted right now, it makes posting and organizing and navigating harder than it has to be and it makes it Not Fun to post things.
SO. what we're gonna do is revamp things a lil bit. we're fucking doing this we are Making It Happen. what this'll do is itll make it easier for me to post things without having to remember every silly tag and rule i have set up here, and ill also just have a bit more of a laid-back and fun kinda art blog. i tried to do an elaborate tagging system, but MAN i am too forgetful for that.
so im just gonna keep it simple. character, fandom, content warnings, and maybe some other flavourtags. the sorts of things thatll make it easier for me to just pop up a quick drawing on even a busy day without having to go through a silly step by step process on how to tag things. because i love sharing my art and posting :)) but not so much when it is difficult </3
but hell who knows how thisll go after i reboot my bloggo. i think she was due for some maintenance for a long while. *pats the sidebar like you would soothe an agitated horse* there there girl, its gonna be alright. maybe ill even start making... casual posts? text posts? things like that??? damn Maybe.
im also gonna private some organization posts until i can properly wrangle then and sort out their kinks and oddities, and im gonna disable my blog theme for a bit. when i get a braincell on how to do an html and a css properly, THEN i can have a pretty theme. in the meantime, ill probably just set myself up with one of the tumblr defaults.
anyways. *ahem* for anyone who doesnt know me and this is their first stumble upon my blog while i move things around. feel free to click the read more if you want to subject yourself to the silliest introduction i could make for myself possible.
hi. i like to draw but lately my art skills have been a bit shakey, i think im out of practice so im probably gonna start out doing some studies. my styles and designs for characters are always changing, but lately ive been trying to cement some designs that are in my brain Onto Paper.
im goblinrockcandy but you can call me GRC if that's a mouthful (thats what i call me because i do not have time for 5 syllables). im a Knight of Heart and sometimes that gets shortened to KoH and so sometimes people call me koh. now KOH is also the chemical formula for potassium hydroxide, but no one calls me that (a real shame, it flows right off the tongue and i think its a lovely set of sounds), but potassium hydroxide also goes by another name and that is lye. so sometimes people call me lye. i don't have a name so if you want to refer to me you have to get creative or pick up my blog by the scruff of its handle like a really ugly cat and point at it and say "this motherfucker right here".
same goes for pronouns. my pronouns are none/applicable. you gotta BE CREATIVE if you want to refer to me... pronouns are a crutch. they were your training wheels and now im the final boss. you have to fight me with your other words, this is what you have been training for.......
im trans queer person of colour, painfully unfunny and addicted to bad jokes, and i love homestuck. my faves switch up every once in a blood moon but right now i really fuckin love jake english. you might have discerned that by the very subtle hints of I talk about Him all the time & dirt striber avatar.
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sadprosed · 3 years
scenarios  inspired  by  various  settings,  encounters  &  magic  tucked  between  pages,  fashioned  by  the  author.
+   feel  free  to  change  pronouns  /  roles  !
‘  let  me  guess,  you  thought  a  true  love’s  kiss  would  help  you.  ’
‘  you  will  always  follow  the  trail  in  the  wood,  and  it  will  guide  you  on  the  same  path,  to  the  same  cottage,  the  same  witch.  it  will  always  be  your  undoing.  ’
‘  i  have  never  seen  a  more  tragic  creature.  how  might  i  help  you  ?  ’
‘  you  must  take  this  knife  and  plunge  it  into  his  /  her  /  their  heart.  ’
‘  forget  yourself.  that  is  how  you  break  your  curse.  ’
‘  remove  this  thorn  from  my  hand,  and  you  will  be  rewarded.  ’
‘  i’m  tired  of  being  a  prince.  i  think  i  would  actually  enjoy  being  a  frog.  ’
‘  tell  me  of  the  beast,  and  i  will  hunt  it  for  you.  ’
‘  mice  are  never  just  mice,  and  pumpkins  are  rarely  just  pumpkins.  ’
‘  i  don’t  think  breaking  a  spell  should  be  this  simple.  ’
‘  i  never  thought  i’d  return  here,  to  the  site  where  it  all  began.  ’
‘  are  you  an  orphan  ?  it’s  just  that  they’re  always  finding  themselves  in  magical  predicaments.  ’
‘  the  mirror  speaks  falsely  in  your  ear.  it  is  your  true  curse.  ’
‘  my  heart  feels  uneasy,  although  i  am  free.  is  it  supposed  to  ?  ’
‘  i’m  sorry,  it’s  just  that  i  thought  this  is  the  part  of  the  quest  where  the  animals  ought  to  start  talking  to  me.  ’
‘  of  course  i  plan  on  going  to  the  ball.  why  wouldn’t  i  ?  ’
‘  jealousy  has  made  more  witches  out  of  women  than  adam’s  rib.  ’
‘  where  has  choosing  goodheartedness  and  having  golden  hair  ever  gotten  you  ?  ’
 ‘  are  you  a  helpful  wizard,  or  the  kind  that  sits  in  a  tower  reading  moldy  books  ?  ’
‘  i’m  dreadfully  bored.  who  knew  waiting  for  a  prince  was  so  strenuous  ?  ’
‘  we  all  have  towers  we  must  leave,  and  magic  that  will  try  to  thwart  us.  ’
‘  i’m  afraid  for  the  clock  to  strike.  the  hour  will  ring  in  the  place�� of  my  heartbeat  when  we  must  be  parted.  ’
‘  i  had  no  idea  carpets  could  fly.  or  pigs  for  that  matter.  ’  
‘  what  would  happen  if  the  knight  did  not  arrive  to  the  castle,  and  the  dragon  made  a  den  of  it  and  a  hoard  of  its  people  and  prize  of  its  princess  ?  ’
‘  i  sometimes  think  i  was  switched  out  at  birth,  like  a  lizard  in  a  bird’s  nest.  i  belong  somewhere  else.  ’
‘   in  another  kingdom  exists  a  throne  and  a  crown  that  is  mine  by  right.  ’
‘  if  i  did  not  wake  up  one  day,  i  would  still  be  waiting  on  a spinning  wheel,  dutifully  bored.  ’  
‘  something  in  me  knows  you  are  here  for  my  heart.  ’
‘  in  all  the  myths  i’ve  heard,  it’s  never  been  worthwhile  to  approach  strange  sights.  it’s  best  to  turn  around  and  pretend  you  never  saw  them.  ’
‘  nothing  is  folklore  until  it  exists  longer  than  consciousness  remembers,  and  lives  in  spite  of  it.  ’
‘  i’ve  heard  your  name  before,  in  songs  and  lengthy  ballads.  ’
‘  whatever  has  led  you  here  to  me,  there  is  destiny  in  its  making.  ’
‘  the  beast  returns  every  century  or  so,  and  tries  to  devour  us.  it  will  come  again  before  long.  ’
‘  a  pretty  face  is  not  nothing.  it  earns  you  a  hearth  and  a  kind  hand,  after  all.  ’
‘  their  lips  are  red  as  blood,  and  their  teeth  carve  ruin  into  throats.  ’
‘  aren’t  dragons  supposed  to  breathe  fire  and  make  a  fuss  about  having  their  treasure  found  ?  ’
‘  someday  you  will  become  a  pilgrim,  a  saint,  or  a  favored  story,  while  i  will  be  a  voice  on  the  wind.  ’
‘  the  stories  say  brides  don’t  live  to  the  light  before  demons  devour  them.  why  should  i  become  one  ?  ’
‘  there  was  another  girl  like  you  once,  in  a  small  town  like  this  one.  i  can’t  remember  if  she  became  the  monster  or  died  trying  to  escape  it.  ’
‘  remember  to  festoon  the  hearth  with  garlic,  or  rosemary,  or  one  of  those  mundane  herbs  that  keep  evil  out.  ’
‘  that  sounds  like  nothing  but  a  tall  tale,  but  i’m  certain  smaller  minds  would  eat  it  up.  ’
‘  to  cross  this  bridge,  you’ll  have  to  pay  a  heavy  toll.  ’
‘  don’t  stray  too  far  from  the  path  set  before  you,  or  something  interesting  might  happen.  ’
‘  i’ve  passed  that  yard  of  crops  a  million  times,  but  the  crow  never  moved  from  its  post  until  this  morning.  ’
‘   it  is  as  though  ancient  fears  are  still  in  us  like  scars  or  stitches.  ’
‘  graveyards  aren’t  where  you  find  ghosts.  look  for  them  in  places  that  feel  like  memories  you  shouldn’t  have.  ’
‘  stories  reap  princes  from  peasants  as  if  their  skins  were  crops  in  the  ground.  ’
‘  what  form  does  your  fear  take  ?  surely  not  that  of  a  bear  or  a  lion.  such  things  are  too  assuring.  ’
‘  i  found  myself  where  everything  was  too  familiar  to  be  real.  ’
‘  in  safe  beds  on  cold  dark  nights,  we  learn  to  face  the  monsters  in  our  own  minds.  ’
‘  you’re  not  to  partake  in  a  fairy  feast.  don’t  you  know  it’s  the  food  that  will  devour  you  ?  ’
‘  i’m  sorry  you  did  not  read  the  eyes  of  the  trees  before  finding  yourself  here.  ’
‘  i  wish  to  go  back.  i  want  to  forget  everything.  ’
‘  you  think  that  believing  in  us  is  enough  to  protect  you  ?  that  it  will  kill  us  if  you  forget,  and  we  prey  upon  your  unknowing  ?  ’
‘  step  around  the  ring  three  times,  like  a  backwards  clock.  that’s  how  you  get  to  fairyland.  ’  
‘  i’ve  never  heard  such  sweet  music  before.  ’
‘  where  the  trees  begin  to  twist  and  groan  in  their  roots,  remember  you  must  not  make  a  right  turn.  ’
‘  i  didn’t  feel  like  i’d  stepped  into  another  world,  but  like  it  stepped  into  me.  i  knew  i  was  there  and  forgot  i’d  left  anything  behind.  ’
‘  how  amusing.  a  human  !  ’
‘  would  you  be  my  bride  if  i  were  to  take  you  into  the  ground  ?  ’
‘  i  know  of  tunnels  you  might  take,  the  burrows  of  trolls  and  rabbits.  ’
‘  don’t  take  anything  from  this  realm,  none  of  it  is  worth  the  price  of  keeping.  ’
‘  there  are  courts  by  many  titles  in  the  lands  beyond  the  veil,  all  of  them  other.  ’
‘  names  are  not  like  currency  here;  they  are  more  precious  than  diamonds  and  legacies.  ’
‘  did  you  think  all  of  us  looked  like  goblins  ?  ’
‘  getting  here  is  easy,  but  getting  home  is  quite  the  trick.  ’
‘  i  shall  give  you  a  riddle,  and  it  will  puzzle  you  until  you  know  the  answer  but  forget  your  own  soul.  ’
‘  a  bloodline  is  nothing  when  you’ve  outlived  civilizations.  ’
‘  refusing  my  hospitality  is  like  human  sin,  and  it  will  bring  worse  upon  you.  ’
‘  everything  here  is  and  isn’t,  and  things  are  and  aren’t.  ’
‘  on  lonely  nights  i  stare  into  the  trees,  and  a  strange  face  leers  back.  ’
‘  the  thrones  here  are  made  of  bones  and  blood,  and  built  upon  decay.  ’
‘  a  third  time  is  not  a  charm,  but  a  bargain.  it  says  that  you  want  something  enough  to  wager  your  sense.  ’
‘  it  is  dangerous  to  think  that  magical  beings  do  not  have  human  intensities.  ’
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Hello, may I request some angst? More like hurt/comfort with Megumi and/or Nanami? Like reader is affectionate and they had a bad day and called the reader annoying or clingy. And then the reader kinda pulls back or stops being as affectionate and then Megumi/Nanami apologized?
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Notes: I did this one for Kenny since I don't have much for him, and I have a similar story for Megumi already :)
I didn't use any pronouns but I do feel it reads more female so it's up to you guys! Not beta'd~
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Kento left for work at nine-thirty that morning, meaning he’ll be home by six, and you wait giddy to see him like every evening. You’re even more impatient to see him today because you took a day off work to go to the shopping district and managed to hit the beginning of a good sale, leaving with clothes that you know he’d like.
You wait longer as seven starts to slowly tick closer, and you start to worry about where Kento could be since he hates working overtime more than anything. Then, you hear the handle to the door starting to shake so you stand up, ready to greet him with a “welcome home”.
When the door opens, you don’t give him a second before reaching up to throw your arms around his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek before sprinting to grab the dozens of bags you had piled in the corner.
Nanami shrugs off his coat and props it on the coat rack, and he drags his tired body to the nearest seat and collapses on top of it. He hangs his head over the back of the chair and snatches his glasses off.
Today had been just awful at work between having to deal with his coworker’s antics and getting the run around by a particularly annoying curse then Shoko was tipsy earlier than usual, so he had to wait for her to sober up to heal his broken rib. All that culminates into staying at the school longer and having to drive through late-night traffic.
On the other hand, you are absolutely on cloud nine to have Kento home, always wanting to be with him as much as possible in this chaotic world, and you want to show him your affection by showing off the presents you bought for him.
“Honey, guess what I did,” you say, dragging the designer bags behind you as you squeeze in next to him. Nanami moves one of his legs over to offer you the room but does little else to acknowledge your excitement as he hears your voice grating in his ear. “I went shopping today and that place you like had a huge sale on all their business wear. Apparently, they’re switching to their spring collections, so I got you a bunch of new clothes.”
You shuffle the paper lining of the bag, pull out a grey jacket, and force it into his hand. “Feel this,” you chirp proudly, “The clerk said it’s made with wool from Italy. I mean, I can’t really tell myself but it does feel nice! And I got the perfect shirt to go with it.”
“Here, try this on,” you tell him, receiving nothing but crickets in return. It’s quick for you to notice that he’s not paying the slightest bit of attention to you. “I’m talking to you. Kenny,” you say, fighting for his attention with a continuous poking to his shoulder. “Neee, Kenny.”
“Will you please stop doing that,” he finally says. It’s not the type of acknowledgment you want as he waves your hand off of him. “I don’t have the energy to play around with you right now.”
“The ener—Kento Nanami!”
He groans softly to himself. “(y/n), I’ll try it on later, but I had a very long day and need you to stop annoying me for thirty minutes," he says, showing clear lack of care of the new issue you had concerning his choice of words.
You’ve never heard him talk like this to you before not since you were dumb kids in high schools. You never got the feeling he actually meant it back then but this time you can’t stop your mind from yelling that he was serious about finding you irritating. “Forget it,” you tell him, mumbling a soft “jerk” under your breath.
When you go to sleep that night, it’s with your back to him instead of your arm slung around his waist. You wake up early that morning, make breakfast as usual, and start ironing your clothes for work. Nanami is already dressed in his signature wardrobe and grabs his house keys.
“I’m leaving.”
He waits at the door, not really sure what he’s waiting for as he jostles his keys in his hand. He catches a glimpse at his watch. He’s ten minutes early today despite sticking to his strict schedule.
Ah. He remembers now. He was waiting for you to come to the door and fuss over him before he leaves. You’d clumsily pull on his tie, trying to fix what’s not broken, even though you’re terrible at tying them and can never seem to learn to do it right no matter how many times he shows you. Then, he’d have to spend extra time fixing what you messed up.
As if expecting you to come do that, he repeats, “(y/n), I’m leaving.”
“Mhm, have a good day.”
Nanami waits a few more seconds before marking off in his head that you must’ve been too busy with your routine to come fuss over him for today.
After a much better day than the last, he returns home expecting to hear your voice ringing out across the house to welcome him back, but you don’t budge from your spot on the couch nor do you move to cozy up with him when he sits down next to you after settling in for the night.
In fact, you scoot away.
“What are you doing?”
“Mm…just getting comfortable,” you explain softly, and he doesn’t make any complaint to stop you as you wiggle a little uncomfortably.
Nanami could tell something was wrong. Normally, you’d be all over him the second you’d see him after a long day. Normally, you’d be begging him to give you kisses. Normally, you’d at least ask how his day has been.
“I think I’m going to head to bed early. Goodnight, Kenn—Kento,” you correct, remembering he doesn’t like it when you use that name even though you love it. Otherwise, he might say you’re aggravating him again.
And perhaps you had been annoying. The two of you weren’t always on the same rhythm personality-wise, and you had been told plenty before that you could be exhausting to deal with, clingy, annoying to be around. You don’t know why you’d always trust Nanami to never be the person to tell you that.
You sniffle to yourself, wiping the wetness from your nostrils. You head into your room and climb into bed with a sigh as you cuddled up alone with your sheets and close your eyes for a blissful few minutes of quiet with your thoughts. You don’t hear when Nanami comes in, watching you curl up to yourself.
You hesitate to answer, needing the time to calm yourself first to stop your voice from trembling, to stop yourself from shaking. “Yeah?”
“You’re behaving strangely. Do you mind telling me what’s the matter?”
“Nothing is the matter. I’m just tired,” you answer.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. Enjoy your alone time.”
“If this is about before. I’m sorry about what I said. It was uncalled for to take my frustration out on you.”
“It’s fine,” you fake a yawn, as if not to care, “I forgive you.”
Nanami doesn’t pry any further even as he can feel the negative aura still hanging around your form like cursed energy. He leans over to kiss your forehead but as you pull away, he decides to let you have your rest and to stop pressuring you into allowing him close.
He decides to allow your rest, returning to the family room, still full of bags you bought yesterday. You could be so messy sometimes, but instead of scolding you, Kento decides to put everything away for you.
He starts to sort the bags in piles based on where they needed to go. Kitchen, bathroom, your clothes and his. He starts to put everything away, quietly shuffling through the house as not wake you.
It’s when he takes the time to start putting away your gifts that he finally runs his fingers over sterling grey. Full canvas, nice even lining, and you were right on it being wool as he runs his thumb over the sleeve. Slowly, he goes to the bathroom to try it on, but he has no doubt you managed to buy the perfect fit. Somehow you always do, and it always looks better than what he can find. No matter what it was.
“You’ll look handsome in it, Kenny.”
“I haven’t even tried it on.”
“My instincts are always right about this sort of thing.”
Looking at himself in the mirror, he bows his head forward against his palm, a growing irritation rising in him as he looks at the coat, but it’s at himself this time for hurting your feelings when you were trying to be nice to him.
When you got home from work, you immediately start to work on cleaning the living room so you can properly relax in a clean environment. You’re ready to collapse against the couch when you hear the front door cracking open, and you’re a little on edge, not expecting to see Nanami return in the middle of the afternoon.
“Kento, what’re you doing back so early. Did something happen at work? Are you okay?” you ask before railing yourself back to avoid crowding him, and he notices how uncomfortable you look as you hold your hands in front of yourself to create imaginary distance between him and yourself.
“I took the day off so I could spend time with you today,” he tells you, confusing you as he holds up a bright purple paper bag to your eye height. “I got this for you.”
Curiously, you open the bag and reach inside to pull out your own designer wear and unfold it. You squeeze into the luxurious material in your hand. “This is nice,” you comment absentmindedly, smiling as you hold the outfit to your skin, “What is this for?”
“The suit. I like it,” he says, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “And considering how much you unconditionally spoil me, it’s only fair that I do the same to you once and a while.”
He clears his throat.
“(y/n), I’m sorry for hurting your feelings when I called you annoying. I didn’t mean it. I love you more than anything, and I wish I could show you as much as you show me; but hopefully, this will make it up to you even a little.”
Slowly, you soften and close the distance to drape one arm around his neck to hug him. Your lips softly brush against his cheek, making him crack a small smile. “I love you too, Kenny.”
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simpcxty · 3 years
You said you needed ideas so hear me out-
Sfw- trans! Reader (ftm) with Tsukishima who gives tough love and hates it when you have really bad dysphoria days. Snaps at anyone who misgenders you.
NSFW- oikawa would be such a tease when you get needy and shit. Like this fucker would tease you after you beg because he told you to beg.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You have given me brain fuel, and for that. I love you 🧡
I have never written something in one day. Thank you, you have truly inspired me 😩👏
TW for Tsukishima: deadnaming and misgendering, deadname is your choice, but Y/n will be for your new name and Y/d/n for your dead name because no dads are mentioned here. Gets a little angsty but they figure it out.
I didn’t want to be disrespectful to anyone and choose a name that might be someone’s new name or dead name.
Also I’m sorry if my writing isn’t accurate for a ftm character. I did my best and I really hope you like it!
I did my best with the tough love but it does get a bit fluffy tbh.
Kei Tsukishima
Kei always tries.
He really does. You guys had started dating before you came out, and the switch from your dead name to Y/n had him caught off guard.
So did the sudden shift of pronouns.
But he didn’t leave, so he was trying to do his best all right?
But he’s already bad with emotions, these are a different kind that he doesn’t even know how to approach.
So he gives it the same energy he does with everything else.
Today though.
Something was very odd about today.
His normal words had you flashing him your best fake smile and turning away from him.
And trust me, he could tell the difference.
But for now, he chose not to comment.
Will it be one of those days today?
You didn’t like to talk about your Dysphoria but Kei always picked up on it.
Or at least he tried to.
He even had a custom made chest binder coming in the mail that should be here any day now.
But when you leave the room after Kei’s not incorrect but painfully blunt statement went straight to your very soul.
He replays the conversation in his head to see where he messed up.
He found himself doing that a lot.
‘I get that you’re trying Kei. It just sucks that other people don’t even bother.’
‘I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. They’re stupid people who don’t even matter at least I’m trying. Imagine if I wasn’t?’
It made you question everything.
Did he even want to be trying?
Why are you being a nuisance?
Why are you putting him through this. He’s got much more important things to be focusing on as a senior in college this year.
You’re finally being true to yourself and putting him through unnecessary stress aren’t you? What is wrong with you?
All of these thoughts and more swarmed your head as you leaned against the bathroom counter trying to catch your breathing.
Stop it. Stop being such a big crybaby.
Kei Tsukishima doesn’t need a crybaby.
Why does it have to hurt so damn bad to just be a girl? He’d like you so much more as a girl.
“Y/n..?” His voice sounds so tired.
Damn it Y/n. Get your fucking shit together.
“Please talk to me.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that babe.. I just-“ his eyes almost seem dull when you open the door, only to brighten when you open the door and he gets a good view of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just- I don’t, I don’t know how to handle this sometimes, but I don’t want you to think I don’t care. It’s just new, and I can get adjusted-“ he feels his heart clench a bit when your next words come out.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t just stay who I was, I’m sorry I couldn’t just be a girl for-“ and he’s grabbing your face with his palms as tears start to well up in his eyes.
“Shut up. Shut up, because I love you however I can have you. I love you. I just want you, please don’t get confused and think I have a preference because I just want you Y/n. I love you, no matter who you are. Please don’t forget that.” The tears streaming down your face slow as he kisses your head and wraps his arms around you.
“Im sorry Kei.” He kisses your head again.
“Shh, stop it. Stop apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for babe, we do need to finish getting ready for class though okay?” You nod and he smiles.
When you get to school, he can almost feel the anxiety wafting from you.
But he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around you and pull you along with him.
“You have me, okay? I’m just as much yours as you are mine babe.” You nod and expect him to pull him arm away, and he does, only to entangle his hand in yours.
“Tsukishima!” No- because he recognizes that annoyingly high pitched voice, and he’s not in the mood for it. Nor will you be.
So he picks up speed. Keeping his hand tight around yours and pulling you in front of him, only to wrap his arms around you slightly and speed up even more.
“Kei what are you doing?” You think he’s going to ignore you until he speaks up finally.
“Don’t want to deal with her.”
“Y/d/n can you-“ he stops right in his tracks and turns around to acknowledge the blonde.
“Alisa is it? See how easy was that? I wasn’t even sure. You know for a fact that isn’t the proper name that he goes by. So correct yourself, or don’t talk to my boyfriend or me. Got it?” She goes to speak again but Tsukishima already has you two walking again and his ears are flushed.
“Tsuki-?” You’re blushing and he tightens his grip on your waist.
“It wasn’t right, I’ll correct anyone who gets it wrong. Even myself.” You smiled and he manages to crack a small one.
Kei Tsukishima always tries.
I didn’t know if you still wanted a ftm character so this one is just written female.
Characters aged up 18+
“Beg.” You scoffed.
“I don’t beg.” Your hips are rising as he pressed his thumb harder against your clit and you whimper.
“I won’t do anything more until you beg.” You rolled your eyes and attempt to sit up. Only for him to wrap a hand around your throat and push you back down.
“Toru, I don’t beg-“ he tightens his grip around your throat and you whine.
“I said, beg.” The way he demands it in your ear has your thighs attempting to clam shut.
Key word, attempting.
“Are you gonna listen to a single thing I say princess? Or am I gonna have to leave you here like this?” You looked up at him desperately and his grip around your neck loosens a bit.
“Please, please just fuck me already. I need it Toru, it’s been too long please just do it already-“ you’re cut off with whines as his tip prods at your entrance, but the pressure on your clit is still hard and you know he’s waiting for more.
“Please! Please fuck me! I need you Toru please!” He chuckles and pushes in agonizingly slowly.
“Like you said babe, it’s been too long. I need to go easy on your pretty pussy.” You whine at that.
“Don’t want you to go easy- just fuck me rough please!” Tears of frustration pool in your eyes and he laughs.
“Awe, don’t cry princess, I’ll give you what you want. You begged so nicely.” The sudden snap of his hips has you unable to respond to his taunt.
Yeah so what you begged. You’re getting dicked down by this god of a man. I’d say that’s a win.
His hands were both on your hips now as he thrusted into as if his life depended on it.
“Missed you so much.” He whines and a particularly hard thrust has you reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck.
The new position has you sliding down on his dick so much easier, and the way he can just lift you up and down quickly has him whining more.
“M’gonna cum. Off.” He whimpers as you tighten and start to lift yourself off and grabs your hips. He’s never cum so fast but you don’t mind.
“T-Toru-!” He gasps as you tighten more and his hips thrust up desperately.
“Nevermind, I wanna cum inside. Please, please let me cum inside. You feel so good, just wanna cum inside your warm pussy hnngh~ please!” His hips are starting to falter and you know he’s getting closer as his hands tighten around your waist, lifting you up and down to meet with his sloppy thrusts.
“Please!” He’s begging and you almost laugh.
“Oh god please, just wanna cream inside you please!” He has to stop thrusting and you’d almost think he did cum.
But you knew better. His nails digging into your hips and his ragged breathing against your neck has you melting.
“Did you even really have to ask? Just cum babe.” Your words are so nonchalant that he’s whining and picking up his thrusts again.
“fuckfuckfuckohfuckyes” his voice is messy and it’s almost gibberish.
But as you tighten around him and his hips falter he’s moaning and whimpering into your chest and neck.
“So tight, ngHh shit~” he moans whorishly as you cum around him and cum spurts out of him and into you.
“You fuck me so good. So so good Y/n.” His hips are still sputtering and you’re wondering just how long it’s been since he’s actually gotten off.
“Thank you, Thank you so fucking much baby.” His cum is already spilling out of you and he’s still finishing.
This’ll be a fun cleanup.
He finally lays you down on the bed and lays his head in between the valley on your chest as he catches his breath.
“You begged.” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, making you whimper while he stays inside of you.
“Do I need to remind you how you sounded when you wanted to cum Toru?” His head shoots up at that and his cheeks flush.
“But you’re so warm. So tight and comfy. I didn’t and still don’t want to leave.” He whines and wiggles his hips upward and you whimper. You can’t help but clench as he thrusts up again and whines again.
He keeps up the occasional thrusts. Neither of you have the energy for a second round. That much is obvious. But the bliss is overwhelming.
“Don’t want to pull out yet. Please don’t make me.” He whines and you just clench around him to tease.
“Fuck. Don’t do that. M’still hard and I’m ninety percent sure if you keep doing that I’m gonna stuff your already full pussy again.” You hummed and he wraps his arms around you.
“Empty threats. We’re both too tired, you know we’ll just go again when we wake up.”
“I’m gonna get you pregnant.” He says it confidently, you couldn’t even laugh at the statement. Because he probably and most definitely will.
“I mean if that’s what you want, I wouldn’t mind having a little Oikawa running around.” Almost all his stamina is back in that moment.
Congratulations you have unlocked
Breeding King with Toru Oikawa 🔓
Neither of you ended up sleeping that night.
124 notes · View notes
imagineaworlds · 3 years
I Love You (Part Fifty) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual
Request: None.
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing. Unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary sibs. Dom/sub relationship. Sub switching (Dom!reader, sub!Hotch). Bondage (ropes and handcuffs). Sex toys (vibrating cockring). Gag (using a suit tie). Edging. Name calling. Impregnation kink. Stop light safe word system. Cock warming for aftercare (to prevent sub dropping). Oh, boy. Sin. Just pure sin. The reader does go by they/them pronouns, however, Hotch refers to them as female when saying “good girl”.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 6855
Timeline: Right after part forty-nine.
Criminal Minds Discord Server
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I recognized that look in his eyes. It was the same one I had every time I was in his position. Lust mixed with fear of the unknown of what was to come. There was an insatiable desire to reach out, to touch me, to kiss me, to hold me, to fuck me; all of which he couldn’t have. This started as his game, one which he thought he could win at every time. To his surprise, though, I managed to win— likely just this once, but still— and I was going to take advantage of this opportunity, there was no doubt. Hence, the look in his eyes.
Hotch’s whole body tensed as he heard the click of the black box opening. He was watching me intently, trying to figure out my next moves before I could even make them, but he didn’t have enough experience in the position he was in to build a profile about my behaviors just yet. I didn’t keep him waiting too long like he enjoyed doing with me. I grabbed the longer lengths of rope that we had rolled up in the bottom of the box, and I showed him as soon as I had a grip on them. He tensed again, his erect cock twitching slightly in his pants at the sight of me unraveling the lengths of rope.
I smirked as I laid the untangled ropes over his thighs, just to see how he would react. He jumped slightly. He was on edge… I couldn’t blame him when I always acted the same way. It looked like he almost wanted to plead for mercy, just like he always made me do. It was nice to see him like that, having already relinquished control, excited to know more about my plans.
As I crawled onto the bed, my legs straddling his thighs, Hotch instinctively made a move to reach out for me, but he immediately stopped himself when he remembered the rules. No touching. I grinned slightly before biting my bottom lip seductively. He looked so good for me, his chest bare, his blue dress pants still on, his forehead already beginning to sweat as he anticipated my torture and love. I wondered if that was how I always looked while trying my hardest to obey the rules despite how hard he tried to make me break them. I wanted him to reach out, I wanted him to dare to touch me, to kiss me, to buck his hips up to beg me for more. I wanted him to break the rules in order to give me an excuse to torture him more. He was already in trouble for using me in the car the other morning at the park, and then forgetting that it was Valentine’s Day today. He told me that he would make it up to me, and he was certainly trying his best.
When we got home from the bar, Hotch tried pushing me against the wall and claiming dominance, but I had to remind him that I was the one who won our race the other day, meaning that I still had to claim my prize. He whined— Aaron Hotchner, of all people, whining in my ear— and he grinded his hips against mine for friction, but I pushed him away.
“I won’t let you cum at all if you keep it up,” I said sternly.
I bet Hotch was regretting the competition altogether, but most importantly, how his strict dominance had been teaching me a thing or two about how to put him in his place. We didn’t switch often because I liked being out of control, and he liked watching me writhe; but there were times like this where I found it arousing to see him realize that he had no choice but to be obedient. It was like that night we were going to JJ’s Superbowl party a couple years ago. That night had never left my mind, and I always wondered if we would have another scene like it. I mean, there were times where Hotch liked having me on top… Actually, if we weren’t doing a scene, he preferred it. But there was something different about making him submissive to me. The thought alone was so intoxicating I felt like I could have jumped in then and there, but would have been the point, then?
When we had finally moved to the bedroom, I tore off Hotch’s suit jacket, pulled off his tie as quickly as I could, then shoved him onto the bed. He let me do with him as I pleased, keeping in mind that I had earned this, even though I technically cheated. He had a few days to argue this, but he never did, and he still wasn’t. He wanted this, and that made me want him more. Yet, I paced myself, taking my time unbuttoning his shirt. I had an obsession with his chest and how he would constrict with the slightest of touches. He had always been like that, even long before Foyet attacked him, but now it was twofold because of that. While I was first scared of touching him after that, he insisted that he was fine and he liked how handsy I got with his chest, and he never wanted that to stop. It took some time to get used to it, but now it was easy to ignore the scars and just focus on how he shivered under my touch.
“Please,” he whispered quietly, letting the plea just barely fall off his lips like he hadn’t meant to do it because he was too focused on staying still.
“Please… what, baby?” I asked with the same quiet, considerate tone. I wanted to keep him at ease, to make sure that this was still fine and that he wasn’t going to hate it. He liked what happened the night of the Superbowl, and I liked the trouble that it got me into, but Hotch, by nature, wasn’t a submissive. If there was any chance that he was going to be uncomfortable, then it wasn’t worth it. I loved him too much to not care about what he wanted. “Tell me.”
“More.” He bucked his hips.
I put more of my weight down on his thighs to keep him still. “Hands,” I demanded quietly.
Hotch immediately held his wrists out of me, pressing them together because he already knew what was coming. I kissed his knuckles gently as I collected his wrists in my grip. His fingers stretched, trying to hold my face tenderly. Despite how fast we were moving and how aroused both of us were, the urge to leap into action and just fuck each other crazy hadn’t settled yet. Maybe it was the fact that it was Valentine’s Day, or maybe it was the fact that we were taking it slow to make sure that this was something we both really wanted, but we left some time to just be sensual and catch our breaths. Besides, it didn’t hurt that the slower I would take things, the more desperate he would get for me, which, in my book, was a win.
“Just breathe,” I told him as I leaned down and kissed his lips. He let out a sigh through his nose before leaning up slightly to kiss me harder. While he was distracted with still trying to prove his dominance the only way he could, through our shared kiss, I started wrapping the rope around his wrists. He gasped at the bite of the rope as I pulled it tight. “Just breathe.”
As I tied off the rope to create an inescapable restraint, I leaned up from his lips to watch him struggle and pull. He tried with all his might to separate his wrists, his biceps bulging and his chest tightening as he did so. Just as I wanted. When he realized that he wasn’t going anywhere and that I was getting a little too much out of watching him spar with his restraints. Displeased with the way he profiled my excitement, I grabbed the ends of the rope, the extra lengths I had left for the rest of my plan and tugged. He whimpered at the feeling but fell silent as I leaned over him to tie him to the headboard.
While I had strategically leaned over him in a way that my cleavage would be right in his face, I hadn’t expected him to crane his neck up and attack my collarbone with a nibbling kiss. My strength weakened as he started leaving a mark and bucked his hips up again.
“Stop it,” I growled in his ear.
“I need you,” he whined. I swear, I could never get over that. “Please.”
“Not yet.” I leaned back up and slid down his thighs a bit more so that he couldn’t reach me in any way and if he tried to buck his hips again, it wouldn’t do anything to give either of us the relief we wanted. “Pull.” I wanted to admire my work. I wanted to take a moment to just be in his shoes for once and see what was so appealing about watching me struggle.
He did as he was told, yanking at the rope to test his mobility against the headboard. Nothing. He had maybe two to three inches of wiggle room away from it, but that was it. Hotch slumped. “I hate you.”
“Now you get it.” I smirked.
I reached down and started fiddling with his belt buckle, my hands so close to where he needed me most, but not yet daring to venture there. Hotch immediately stopped moving. Every inch of him was still, the only thing to notice was his wide eyes and the way he was biting his lip. When I finally got the buckle undone, he released his lip, letting out a breath of relief, even though I hadn’t done anything to free him yet. As I pulled off the belt, though, carefully sliding the leather out of each of the loops, Hotch rose his hips to help me, but then obediently lowered them when I was done.
Suddenly, Hotch let out a loud moan as my wrist accidentally passed over his hardened length. “I’m going to spank you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week,” he hissed as he calmed himself down.
I tsked my tongue. “Nuh uh, that wasn’t the deal of the competition. You can’t punish me for anything I do tonight.”
“Fuck the rules—”
A breathless moan escaped him as I caught him off guard by palming him through his pants on purpose this time to get him to stop talking. “You always have such a mouth on you…” My fingers danced over his tip as his pants continued to strain around him. “I always get punished for talking back, but you…” I did it again and he moaned once more. “You’re worse because you think I’d never do anything to you.” I stopped touching him all together and rolled off the bed. “Maybe, just maybe, this’ll do the trick.” I opened up the black box again and pulled out a toy for Hotch. I turned to face him, rolling it in my hands, taking note of how he gulped and widened his eyes. “You trust me?” I inquired. He nodded instantly. “Color?”
“Green, baby.”
He seemed more eager than I had ever seen him before. I didn’t realize that he would be into this. I thought that he might have found it to be a bit much; but then again, we had reviewed everything in that box together, talking about what they did and what Hotch would be interested in using. While we mainly focused on the toys that we could use on me— since that was our dynamic— we had still discussed this. But I never thought in a million years that he would actually want to use this.
As I sat back down on his thighs, Hotch shifted to get more comfortable, and I let him. “Hotch,” I put a hand on his chest to signify a pause and to clarify sincerity, “you tell me if we need to stop. I’m serious.”
His eyes searched mine for a moment before he said, “Kiss me.” I obliged, knowing that we both needed it. “I love you.”
I winked at him as I moved down to kiss his cheek, jawline, neck, collarbone, pecks, stomach, and… He sucked in a breath as I worked my way down to where he needed me most. When he thought that I would finally touch him, I grinned to myself and started kissing back up his body. My hands held his sides, my thumbs running over his scars out of habit.
I loved every bit of Hotch, no matter what he looked like. While I could have argued all day that I definitely loved him more with the beard, he always knew that I was joking. But his scars were just as much a part of him as his eyes and nose were. They had bad memories attached to them, of course, but they reminded me every day how lucky I was to have him still and how I would do anything for him. There were hundreds of different instances where I nearly lost him, but the scars were a reminder that even if the worst could happen, I would still have him. He was there, in my arms, between my legs, and he was all mine. I loved him. Every fucking inch of him.
He liked leaving marks on my neck, I could show the same courtesy. So, as I nibbled lightly and sucked a patch of skin on his neck as payback for earlier when he did it without permission, my hands squeezed his sides again to feel him tense up underneath me.
When I was content with the obvious hickey my lips started making their way down again. I could feel him still straining in his pants, begging for release, begging for attention. I wasn’t going to give him anything, though. Not yet. Hotch liked teasing me, to dance around what I needed most in order to put me on edge, to make me more desperate for him. The more I wanted him, the better our sex was. He knew that, I knew that, and that was exactly why he did it every damn time. After four years of knowing Hotch, and learning about his tricks as a dominant, I knew a thing or two about torturing him and making him need me more.
“You’re so hard, baby,” I cooed, kissing the buttons on his pants. “What are you thinking about?”
“You know what I’m thinking about,” he hissed.
“Tell me.”
Hotch lifted his head to squint at me, but I didn’t double back on my order. My fingers played with the waistband of his pants, putting the idea into his mind that I would pull them off if he just answered.
“I’m thinking about finally being inside of you.”
I undid the first button. “And?”
He caught onto my game and eagerly made his next play. “Having you ride me.” The next button popped open. “Cumming inside you…” I slowly started pulling his zipper down. “Feeling you clench around me as you cum around my cock.” I grabbed the waistband again. “I can practically already hear you screaming my name.” He threw his head back as he worked with me to help me pull his pants off. “And…” he fell silent as his pants fell to the floor, leaving him in his underwear.
“Don’t stop.”
He gulped. “I can’t—” He shivered as I ran my hands up and down his thighs slowly. “I can’t think of anything.”
“Try.” I grabbed the waistband of his underwear now, hesitating to pull them down until I got at least one more thing from him.
“I— Please…”
“One more.”
“I can’t wait to feel the toy on me—”
His mouth fell agape as I pulled his underwear down, his erection finally springing free. When he was finally nude, finally presented bare for me, I took a moment to admire him. I had never seen him look so panicked yet so in love. He seemed like he was scared of what was to come, but he was excited for the pleasure that would come out of it. Just as I always was. I liked that the tables were turned around for once. He spent years torturing me like this, and I was finally getting the chance to get back at him. This was practically a once in a lifetime kind of experience, considering how careful he’d be in the future to make sure I’d never get this opportunity again.
I was going to ruin him.
I took my index finger and carefully reached out to run the pad of my nail up and down his length slowly. I was barely hovering my touch over him, and he was already bucking around to feel me. I eyed him sternly, pulling my hand away before I could even touch him for a single moment, and he whined, letting his body fall limp again. Slowly, I shuffled down his thighs, moving them apart slightly so that I could rest between them while sitting on my knees. Hotch lifted his head off the pillows so that he could watch me as I bent down, my face level with his cock, begging for my attention, and my ass up in the air. I bet he was thinking about fucking me like that because his erection twitched with anticipation, and I smiled before sticking my tongue out.
Starting at the base of his cock, I licked a gentle stripe up his shaft. He moaned and pulled at the ropes. I pulled away from him to give him a look that warned him to be careful. When he was settled again, I brought my index finger to hip tip and slowly caressed it, spreading his precum around. He wiggled anxiously, twitching against my touch. He was so fucking sensitive. I loved it. This whole time, he wanted me to touch him, and while it was probably a relief to feel something, it was probably torture that I was only touching the places where it was nearly painful if teased for too long.
“Please— Y/N—” He threw his head back. “Fuck— Baby girl— Ah—” I flattened my tongue on his tip, licking up the mess I had made of him. “Y/N—”
“Stop making noise,” I demanded. A smirk suddenly flashed on my face as a thought occurred to me. “Or I’ll gag you.” Using his own threats against him was so satisfying, but the look on his face was priceless.
I tasted him again, this time circling his tip with my tongue, my fingers dancing lightly at the base. Through my lashes, I could see him holding back moans and pleas by choosing to pant and bite his lip instead. I decided to push further, see what reactions I could get out of him. How much longer until he would break? I tested it by leaning forward slightly, allowing myself the angle to wrap my lips around his girth.
“Y/N!” He tugged as hard as he could, his legs pulling up and in towards his body slightly.
I had hardly even put my mouth on him, and I already broke him. He was such a mess. Even more so when I took my mouth off of him and squeezed his thighs. “I warned you.” I stretched to the side of the bed, not quite getting off of Hotch, but not applying the same weight on his legs as before. I reached down to the floor and grabbed his red tie that I had torn off of him earlier. When I settled back on his thighs, I rolled and crumpled the tie in my hands, forming it into a loose ball that would unravel if I stopped applying pressure around it. “Open.”
“You’re not seri—”
Before he could utter anything else, I shoved the tie in his open mouth. He yelled behind it, but he was muffled now, unable to enunciate anything.
“You’re right about gagging; it is nice to finally be left to work in silence.” I smirked and sat up, reaching to the side for the toy I had grabbed from the black box earlier.
He pulled at his restraints, knowing what was about to come. While he probably didn’t want to stop me entirely, he probably wasn’t too keen on the idea of me torturing him with it until I was content with his squirming and pleading.
“Hold still.” I grabbed his face and made him look at me. “Knock for Colors.” He knocked three times before I could even go through them with him again. “I love you,” I whispered as I dragged my nails down his chest slowly. His abs tightened at the feeling, earning a wider smirk from me. “Remember to breathe.”
I turned the toy around in my hands, finding the right way to go about putting it on. His breath shallowed as he focused on breathing, just as I instructed. I gripped the outside of the toy and slowly started lowering it over his cock. His hips lightly bucked in response at first, but then he fell apart into a puddle of loose moans behind his gag as I continued to slide it down every inch of him even slower.
“Fuck, baby,” I couldn’t help but moan at the sight.
The cock ring was so tight on him… I could feel him flexing inside of it, trying to adjust to the cold plastic feeling that was nowhere near as satisfying as being inside of me, but it was still a relief to feel more than just my light touches that were slowly killing him. Then, as it settled towards his balls, Hotch let out a relieved groan, his eyes screwing shut, his head falling back. My eyes focused on his face, trying to get a read on if he was still alright, but then I saw that there was a smile hidden behind his gag. And I thought that I was the masochist.
“I can’t believe you,” I chuckled. Hotch opened his eyes slowly to look at me. “You’re worse than me.” I ran my finger up his length again, yearning a light scream from him. “Color.” He knocked three times after hesitating a moment to let out another moan as I fisted my hand around his length. “Do you remember what this does?” I asked, tapping the cock ring lightly with my other hand. He nodded. “You’ll knock if you want to stop?” He nodded again. “Good.”
My hand moved up and down his dick, stopping just above where the cock ring began. I couldn’t believe how hard he was, and I couldn’t believe that he actually loved this as much as he was. I expected that he would enjoy it, but he’d get frustrated and ask to have it taken off… But he was loving every second of it, despite how tight it was around him. The best part hadn’t even come yet, and he was already puddy in my hands. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what his reaction was going to be when the next step approached.
“Baby—” he moaned through the gag, clear enough for me to understand.
“You want it?”
He nodded. “Please…”
My fingers that had been tapping at the cock ring stilled for a moment as I searched around for the switch on the top. There was a pack at the top of the ring that held a mini vibrator bullet. When turned on, it shook the ring around him, but the best part was that when I would ride him, it would be pressed right against my clit.
Hotch suddenly tugged at the restraints as I found the switch, turning on the vibrator. My hand that was wrapped around him started pumping again slowly to ease his tension, but it actually only seemed to make it worse. His whole body was tensing up. He was focused on pulling against the restraints, trying to see if he could somehow free himself. When I wiped my thumb over his sensitive tip, he immediately went limp again— which was exactly what I wanted.
“Oh…” I pouted on his behalf. “Are you a little sensitive?” He nodded excessively. “If I just…” I leaned down and pressed my tongue to his tip again. For just a moment, I felt how his length was shaking due to the vibrator, but also because he was already so close. I sat up. “Poor thing.” I tore my hands off him and he tugged again. “It took you three hours to realize that you forgot about Valentine’s Day. I’m almost tempted to edge you for three hours just because of that.” His eyes shot wide as he looked up at me again. I chuckled quietly. “What? You don’t want that?” He shook his head. “But I thought I get to do whatever I want tonight.” He shook his head. “You’re already so close,” I chuckled as I took note of how hard he was shaking. “Aren’t you?” He didn’t answer, which meant that he was. I tsked my tongue and turned off the vibrator. Hotch cried out behind his tie. “Color.” He knocked three times. “So good for me,” I bit my lip. When I knew that he had calmed down a bit since his edge, I carefully reached down and turned the vibrator back on. “Does that feel good, baby?” I asked after noticing how he was just a puddle of broken moans.
“Yes, baby girl,” I heard through the gag.
I smirked and put my hand around his length again. He cried out my name as I pumped as fast and hard as I could, stopping just short of the ring every time. Every few seconds or so, I’d take a moment to run my thumb over his tip, feeling how he just kept leaking for me. When I felt him getting close again, I turned off the vibrator and stilled my hand, but I didn’t pull away. Hotch bucked his hips, fucking my hand, thinking that it would tip him over the edge, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. We both knew that he wasn’t getting off that easy. So, he stopped. He hoped that his obedience would convince me to keep going, to make a mistake like letting him cum. But I wasn’t naïve. He was playing the same games I always played with him. Look where those always got me.
This time, once he was calm again, I didn’t turn on the vibrator. My hands continued their movements up and down his length, but this time there was no added stimulation from the toy, and I could see that it was killing him. He really did like it. I mean, over the past few minutes, he had proven to me that he appeared to like it, but I could tell by the way he was begging for me to turn it back on that he genuinely enjoyed the torturous pleasure the toy gave him. The way it squeezed around him, the way it jostled when he’d wiggle, the way it shook his length whenever I turned it on… he loved all of it.
And a thought hit me.
“My needy, little whore…” I whispered under my breath before turning the toy back on.
To my surprise, Hotch smiled and moaned at the slight degradation. It was nothing compared to some of the things he said to me— or could say to me but elected not to; but it came out of the blue, and he seemed to enjoy it. Maybe switching wasn’t as hard for him as I thought. Somehow, it seemed to come naturally to him, which was so odd considering how dominating he was. He loved controlling me, but there was some part of him that was revealing itself that night that was eager to just be used and controlled for once.
I turned the toy off mid thought when I felt him twitch in my hands.
“Fuck—” he screamed. “Baby—”
“I’m sorry, my love,” I cooed, leaning down to kiss his chest gingerly.
He panted against my lips and my chest that was pressed against his stomach. He had been so close that time, and I practically caught him before he could cum, or I could ruin him. Hotch was used to edging. We had done it a thousand times before, but I had never dared to ruin him before. His refractory period wasn’t short at all, and he always got extremely sensitive after climaxing. While that was certainly the ideal type of partner to ruin, Hotch probably would have hated it. Even if he wanted to try, I was sure that he’d end up disliking it, and then he’d feel uneasy by not getting the pleasure of actually tipping over the edge. Besides, his favorite thing to do was to cum inside me and stay there until he was sure that every drop was out… I couldn’t take that away from him when I was already torturing him in every other way. I wasn’t that cruel.
“You okay?” I asked quietly.
He knocked three times, but I just wanted to make sure, so I reached up and gently pulled the gag from his mouth. I made sure to hold his jaw open as I did so, barring him from snapping his mouth shut instinctively, which could’ve hurt him. As the tie left his mouth entirely, I helped him carefully close his mouth so that he could swallow his spit and catch his breath. He stopped panting and stared up at me lustfully.
“I love you,” he whispered. I turned the vibrator back on. “Maybe not—” he moaned. I squinted at him and turned it back off. “Wait— No. I’m sorry, baby, please. I’m sorry.” I turned it back on. “Thank you,” he sighed as he buried the back of his head into the pillow under him.
“And to think that I was actually about to ride you,” I teased. I wasn’t actually quite there yet, but he didn’t know that. His back talk, however, wasn’t helping his case. He told me that he couldn’t wait to be inside me, and I could use that to my advantage. Like now. “I was finally going to slide down on you like this…” I slowly lowered my fists over every inch of him, earning a moan from both of us. “And you were going to cum in me.”
“Please, baby,” he whined desperately. “I’ll do anything.”
“Oh, I’m sure. But all you’re going to do is lay there and beg while I keep edging you.”
“I won’t last…”
“And I won’t care.”
“Y/N—” He paused when I cupped a hand over his neck. “Please—” I squeezed lightly. I felt him gulp against my hand. “I’m close again,” he warned, his voice hoarse.
“No,” he refused, shaking his head vigorously. He was trying so hard to not give in still, despite how desperate he was. I knew the feeling.
He whimpered and squirmed as he got really close. I was watching him, though, making sure he wouldn’t tip over the edge before I wanted him to. “Fuck, baby. Please. Please, let me cum. I’ll be good for you. Please. Anything. Please.” He let out another moan as his cock twitched. “Please!” He pulled at his restraints, his legs also flexing. I turned off the vibrator before he could cum. “No! Please! Y/N, please, anything, please!”
“Shh…” I cooed, running my nails down his chest lightly to distract him. “You did good, baby. Do you want me?”
He nodded. “Please, baby. Please…” He sounded so deliciously defeated. I loved it. “Ride me.”
I desperately reached for the hem of my shirt, ridding myself of it before anything else. When Hotch saw me in my bra, he let out another sigh, and his cock twitched again, earning a smirk from me. I lifted myself off him slightly so that I could start fidgeting with my black dress pants. I hadn’t been able to change since getting back from California, though it would have been better to wear something nice to the bar earlier, and for this special occasion with Hotch; but it was what it was. I struggled to shuffle my weight around so that I could get out of my pants and underwear while still straddling Hotch. He was still, watching me intently. I could tell that he was trying to be good so that I wouldn’t change my mind about finally fucking him.
“B—Bra—” he stuttered through a sigh once I had my panties off and I sat back down on him. He had been so good for me, taking his edges so well, begging just like I wanted him to; I could do that one thing for him. Besides, he wouldn’t get to touch. I liked that. “You’re so beautiful,” he complimented as I unclasped my bra and it fell off my shoulders. “Please, let me touch you.”
I shook my head. “No.” I put my left palm on his chest and grabbed his length in my right hand. “Still green?” He nodded. “So fucking good for me…” I sighed as I lowered myself down on him painfully slow. His mouth fell agape as he let a sigh mixed with a moan gently escaped him. “So hard for me, baby. Do you like being my little edge slut?”
“Fuck,” he cursed, throwing his head back again.
“Answer me.”
“Yes. Yes, baby. I do.”
As I sat down on him entirely, I took a moment for both of us to adjust before turning the vibrator on the cock ring on again. “Shit,” I moaned, falling forward against his chest slightly before I caught myself. I could feel him shaking inside of me while the vibrator was also pressed directly against my clit. I suddenly understood why it was so hard for him to relax with those edges I gave him. “Fuck… Fuck…” I kept my palm pressed against his chest for balance, but my other hand went back up to his neck to keep his head against the pillow. When he was pinned and puddy in my hands, I started riding him. “Hotch…” The vibrator moved against my clit as I rocked my hips.
“I won’t last long, Y/N.”
I had to catch up to him. Though it wouldn’t take long, I knew that I had a lot of desperation to make up for. Hotch had been edged countless times, and he seemed ready to explode whenever. Me, on the other hand, I just needed him to hold on a little longer. The vibrator and his cock were already getting me close as I bounced and rocked on him, but he just had to wait. He could do that for me.
He looked at me with pleading, lustful eyes that made me moan again. I leaned down, my hands still pressed to him, and I kissed him hard. He tugged at his restraints again, trying to touch me and hold me, or maybe even grab ahold of my hips to make me fuck him faster, but he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Y/N…” he moaned into mouth.
“I’m close, baby. Just hold it. You can do it; I know you can.”
His eyes screwed shut. “I’m trying.” I kissed his jawline. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
“Hold it.”
He was whimpering and whining, his hips still to prevent adding extra stimulation. I didn’t relent, though. I was so close. His cock hit my walls roughly, reaching a deep spot within me that made my knees weak.
“Cum in me, Aaron. Do it.”
I moaned against his jaw as I started falling apart. My stomach tightened into a thousand knots as the vibrator pushed me towards the edge. When I felt him orgasm inside me, his cock twitching, his cum shooting in me, I came for him. Just as he had asked for previously, my walls tightened around him, squeezing every drop out of him that he had to offer while I continued to fuck us through our orgasms.
“Y/N—” he gasped as the vibrator continued to torture his sensitive length. I rolled my hips again. “Fuck,” he hissed angrily. “Stop. Please.” I obeyed, slowing down my pace until I came to a steady halt. “The toy, baby, please— The toy—” He tugged against the restraints as hard as he could before I reached between us to turn the vibrator off. He sighed with relief and relaxed. “Fuck,” he chuckled.
“Was that okay?”
He smirked up at me. “I finally know how you feel.”
“And all it took was four years.”
“Untie me,” he begged, pulling at the restraints again.
I pouted and grinded myself down harder on him. “But you look so good like this, baby.” He hissed between his teeth, tensing up again at the feeling. I grinned and ran my fingers down his tight chest. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” I whispered, leaning down to kiss him. His cock moved inside me as I rested my chest against his, our lips locking, his tongue fighting mine for dominance. When he started to win, however, I pulled away from him. “Hold still,” I cooed, stretching over him to start untying him from the headboard. When he was the slightest bit free, he let his arms fall down against the pillows. “Shh… come here…” I gently grabbed his tied wrists and brought them forwards towards me. “So good for me.” I kissed his knuckles again to comfort and distract him while I started undoing the rope around his wrists. When he was released and the rope fell on his chest, I kissed where the rope marks on his wrists were. “So, so good.”
Hotch leaned up slightly. “Did you enjoy your reward?”
I smiled shyly at him and nodded. I was falling down from Dom space, returning to how I usually was around him. I wasn’t crashing, which was a relief. It was a slow, steady, peaceful decline as the euphoria surrounding the situation died out. That mindset included taking the toy off him to make sure he could relax entirely. So, I carefully lifted myself off his length, both of us groaning at the feeling. I wasn’t sure why, but the running every morning and the rough fucking was getting to me more than usual. He was always big inside me, but it was different when my body was already weak while trying to build up muscle from the different kinds of workouts. The empty feeling of him leaving me was nearly unbearable, and I could tell that he was somewhat disappointed, too.
I looked at him as I sat on his thighs, my fingers hovering over the toy. “Just keep relaxing, okay?” He nodded. I gently pinched my thumb and index finger around the ring and started pulling it up. He hissed and fisted the sheets on either side of his body. “I know, baby…” I cooed, still moving. I knew that the sooner I got it off, the sooner he could relax, and we could call it a night. “You’re tensing,” I warned, feeling his thigh muscles constrict beneath me. “Almost there. I swear.” He let out a shaky breath and relaxed again so that I could pull it off the last two inches or so. “You did so good,” I complimented. “You still okay?”
He nodded again. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I stretched to put the ring on my bedside table, just to get it out of the way for the time being. Hotch grabbed my hips in his hands. “Baby?” I hummed a listening tone. “I need you.”
“Still?” I chuckled.
He shook his head. “Not like that. I just need to feel you.”
I couldn’t believe that. I mean, I knew that he enjoyed sitting inside me for a while afterwards just because it was too overwhelming to move sometimes; but what he was proposing was different. I didn’t object, though. Not at all. It was an innocent gesture— well, not innocent, but it was more so than what just happened, at least. So, I gave in. We moved together, adjusting slightly to make sure that he was comfortable, and then I grabbed his length, though it wasn’t hard now, and I carefully sat on him again. We both sighed with relief, grateful to feel each other again. And then when I was settled, I finally caught my breath.
“Okay. I’m officially sore,” I sighed as I collapsed over his chest.
His body shook slightly as he laughed and wrapped his arms around me. “Sore from?”
“Mhm. Sure.”
I kissed his peck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
criminal minds family: @peggy1999 @gorgeousdarkangel @alex--awesome--22 @oceaneblu @brithedemonspawn @absolutemarveltrash @bshelley322 @rousethemouse @sunshinepower17 @weexinling @pettttyyyc​ @Braty-angel
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Are your emergency requests open? If you're not comfortable taking this then that's ok, but could you please do Kenma, Tsukishima, and Tendou when their s/o comes out to them as non-binary? Thank you~
hello hello beautiful anon
just a quick fyi, I am not non-binary myself so i apologize in advance if i did not do you justice with this. i talked to some of my non-binary friends about this prompt and took my conversation with them and the characters personality and created these headcanons so please let me know if there’s anything i messed up or if these make you feel invalidated in any way. i have no problems making adjustments or deleting these if they are not up to par
the pronouns they/them are used in these headcanons so i deeply apologize if you are non-binary and do not go by these pronouns, you are all valid no matter what pronouns you use
also a reminder that my non-binary loves are all valid and always welcome here <3
hugs n kithes, I hope you enjoy
•Kenma, Tsukishima, and Tendou Reacting to Their S/O Coming Out as Non-Binary (They/Them Pronouns)•
warnings: none
genre: comfort/fluff
characters: kenma, tsukishima, tendou
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you were very nervous to face your boyfriend this weekend
you, kenma, and kuroo usually spent saturdays playing video games at kenma’s house
this had been a tradition even before you and kenma made things official
it was a way for the three of you to unwind from a busy and stressful week and spend time with one another
you had decided that this particular gaming session would be a good time to gather your courage and come out to kenma
it had been something you had come to terms with quite a while ago and you were finally ready to share everything with your boyfriend
and it had seemed as if the universe was rooting for you this weekend because kuroo had texted the two of you letting you know he would be running a bit late, giving you the perfect opportunity to have a private conversation with kenma
as his attention was focused on his switch, you collected your thoughts and gathered all the courage you could, 
“Hey Kenma?”
you watched as he slowed his motions on his game, a small tell that let you know he was listening,
“Can we talk?”
he imminently paused his game and set his console aside, turning towards you,
“Sure Y/N.”
you scooted closer to him allowing him to pull you into his lap and wrap his arms around your waist
you two stayed like that for a moment before you finally spoke up and broke the silence,
“Uhm, I'm non-binary.”
you didn’t really know how else to say it other than to get straight the point
you bit your lip in anticipation as silence filled the room
his grip around your waist faltered a bit as kenma grabbed your hands and returned your now intertwined fingers back to your mid-section,
“Oh, that’s cool. You go by they/them now right?”
you nodded slowly, still taking a minute to process his reaction
he hummed and rubbed his thumbs in soft circles over your hands,
“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”
his reaction was so calm and nonchalant, it kind of threw you off guard
but then again, kenma wasn’t one for big reactions 
even so, you could tell by his actions that he understood and he loved you for who you were
kenma had gone back to his switch while you watched, cuddled next to him, when he got a phone call
he put it on speaker and continued his game,
“Hey Kenma, I'm on my way. Is Y/N there yet?”
“Yes, they’ve been here. We’ve been waiting for you.”
“Ah sorry sorry, I’ll be there soon. See ya!”
kenma sighed as the line cut off and returned to his game, snuggling closer to you as he rested his head against your body and regained his concentration 
your heart swelled hearing him address you for who you truly were and you had no regrets opening up to kenma
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your hand was slightly shaking as you dialed your boyfriend’s number
you and tsukkishima had been dating for quite a while now and during that time you had begun to question your gender identity
something never truly felt right about the pronouns people had addressed you by
and after some careful thought, you realized you were most comfortable going by they/them
you had come out to some of your friends but still kept things on the low when it came to your boyfriend
honestly, you were really scared with what his reaction would be when hearing the news
you knew he loved you but this would be something that was completely new to him and honestly you just hoped he would take it well
your phone rang a few times before the dial tone connected
you heard the sound of volleyballs slamming against the floor from the other line and the heavy breathing of your boyfriend,
“Hey shorty, what do you want?”
you let out a small laugh at his typical greeting as you clutched the phone closer to your ear,
“Oh, I just wanted to talk to you but I forgot you were in the middle of practice, so I'll just call you back later.”
before you could hang up, you heard ruffling around and the familiar sound of the gym doors opening and closing
“I’ve got a few minutes so spit it out Y/N.”
you took a deep breath before you spoke, you knew that it was now or never and you weren’t about to chicken out right now,
“Well, I wanted to tell you that I'm non-binary so I go by they/them now. Um, I'm sorry this is so out of the blue and stuff but-”
you were cut off by tsukishima’s laughter,
“Don't start rambling now, I got it. They/them right?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Alright, I'll remember that.”
you smiled at the ground as you dug your heel into it
tsukki’s voice met your ears once more, dragging you out of your trance
“I gotta go now but don’t be an idiot and forget about our date later. If I remember right you were the one who begged me to go on one.”
“I won't, I promise Kei.”
with that the two of you hung up after saying your goodbye’s and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face
although your conversation with tsukishima was short you knew that he accepted you for who you were and loved you no matter what
and you couldn't be happier
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tendou had always encouraged you to be open and honest with him so you didn't know why you were so nervous to talk to him after practice
lately, you had felt really uncomfortable when people addressed you by your birth pronouns
at first it was a small discomfort but overtime there was a strong tug at your chest whenever you heard them
after looking a bit into things you discovered you weren't the only one who felt this way and discovered a term for it and pronouns that made you feel comfortable in your own skin
even before you and tendou got together, he was always the person you would go to for everything, so it wasn't a huge surprise he would be the first person you’d want to come out to
but you still didnt know how he’d react to the news
as you tried to calm your nerves you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist as a chin rested on your shoulder 
“Hiya Y/N! Sorry if you get a little wet, I had to take a shower before I finished up.”
you turned around and saw his damp crimson strands frame his face as he smiled down at you
you wrapped you arms around his waist and buried your face into his chest,
“Hey Satori, how was practice?”
although your words came out muffled they still met tendou’s ears as he held you tighter
“It was fun, definitely lived up to my title of guess monster with my blocks today!”
“I'm proud of you, next time I'll come and watch.”
tendou pull away from your embrace and intertwined your fingers,
“I would like that Y/N.”
the two of you began walking home hand in hand, enjoying each others company but your anxiety of the conversation to come was creeping up on you,
“Hey Satori? Can I talk to you about something?”
he slowed down a little bit and began swinging your hands
“Sure thing, I’m all ears.”
“Um well I was thinking about this a lot lately and I wanted to tell you I'm non-binary.”
“Non-binary huh? That’s pretty cool! That means you go by they/them right?”
you let out a giggle at his response and squeezed his hand a bit
“Yeah that’s right.”
he spun you around and pulled you into his chest before placing a kiss to your head,
“Thank you for letting me know Y/N. I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
you returned the hug and felt his love flow throughout you
you knew how much he cared for you and honestly you didn’t understand why you were even nervous in the first place
the way he held you tightly reminded you that you had nothing to worry about
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wisp-of-thought · 3 years
l o v e l a n g u a g e
language: the principal method of human communication or
a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings
93% of communication is non-verbal. and i tried to learn a new language for you.
it was not an easy one. there were no textbooks, or online review tests, or vocabulary sheets. there was only my hastily scrawled notes trying to understand. there was only me, practicing my pronunciation in the mirror, watching my mouth form around unfamiliar vowels, my hands trying to learn how to hold the consonants so you might be able to better understand my accent. there was only you, trying to teach me a language that had never been transcribed.
you lend me one of your earbuds on the bus and play a song i cannot understand because there are just chords. just brushstrokes of sound. just melody threading notes together. the music is trying to say something. but you are trying to say something too by giving me this rythem. i cannot understand. but i listen anyways. and these are the ways in which i try to learn. you memorize my coffee order but forget my birthday. you never say you miss me but you look back twice exactly when we part every time. your eyes are always closed when we touch. i do not understand what these things say, or what you are trying to tell me but i listen anyways. and these are the ways in which i try to learn.
once, we don't speak for too long and the first night you spend in my bed again, i ask you, before i turn the light off, what it means. you don't look at me. you say you don't know. so i flick off the light switch and curl around myself under the covers. your hands find my hair, find my waist, find the soft skin of a scar, find the place where the flesh is thinnest between the world and my heart. i ask you what that means. you say it means, "you still have me." and so i kiss every one of your finger tips and in this way i respond, "i am glad." i let my legs tangle with yours under the blankets and in this way i say, "you still have me, too." in this moment you have not learnt my language yet either. but we are both learning. and some things are hard to misinterpret.
you take me to the movies to watch the same film for the second time. i do not understand what this is trying to say or what you are trying to tell me but i listen anyways. on the drive home, we take the leftover silence of the theatre with us, and i ask you what you meant when you did this. you are still picking the quiet out from your teeth with your tounge and so i say, "in my language, this means, 'i would choose the silence over your voice.' in my language this means 'you are only worth the past, over again. there is no moving forward, only backwards. until we fall into the oblivion from which we came'. " you pull off the road. you shake your head. say, "in my language, this means, 'the quiet is hard sometimes but never with you.' in my language, this means 'i think we have time enough to reread stories twice'. this means, 'you are the familar and for this i am grateful'. this means, 'i do not need adventure to stay'. that I am content to sit with you and the dark and devour a peice of the world together."
and so i come to learn that your leg slipping over my hip when i am just on the cusp of sleep means: i forgive you. learn that a sandwich found in the fridge made the night before for me to take to work means: im sorry. learn that the hour long shower means: not now. learn the bitting of the nails means: now. now, please. i learn the sunday morning pancakes mean: i love you. but so do the forehead kisses and the 1:30 am texts about tomorrow and the you telling me about your day. i learn the offer to fix my car means "let me be something for you, please." i learn 2 dirty mugs in the sink mean a bad day unless one of them is the red one and it's thursday, because then that just means working late, and in this way i learn about the context of a phrase.
you learn things too. pick them up slowly. through daily conversation. murmmer things in passing. nonchalant and nervous. i don't correct you. i just smile. because I know what you are trying to say.
i wince sometimes at the misused vocab and poorly built sentences that crumble quickly, but i do not offer to teach you until you ask. because i know for certain what you are saying then. saying:
i want to know how to speak to you in the language you feel most at home in.
i want to be able to know you in the words there are no direct translations for.
i want to be able to find you in the dialect you retreat to when the day has gone on too long.
you are saying:
i want to be able interpt everything you think there are no words in my language to say, and so you don't say them.
i want you to be able to tell me everything
you are telling me:
i want you to know that i want to try and talk to you even when it is hard.
you offer to walk with me in the fall afternoon even though you hate the crunch of the leaves that you say sounds too much like endings and i ask you if this offer means "i love you" or "i don't want to be alone right now" and you are looking away from me when you explain that sometimes things can have more than one meaning.
i tackle you half screaming half laughing when you buy us the concert tickets for my birthday and you ask me if this means "thank you" or "i love you" and i am smiling when i explain sometimes things can have more than one meaning.
i come home late to find you sobbing on the bathroom floor and i hold you for hours. i show you videos of baby's laughing until the tears subside long enough for you to kiss me with salt sorrow stained lips and i ask against your mouth if this means "thank you" or "i love you" and you whisper of how different things can have the same meaning and in this way i learn of synonyms.
sometimes the learning of a new language is difficult.
is frustrating.
is silences that scream two things in dissonance.
for the hardest things to define are the absences.
for there are a million subtle ways the pronunciation of quiet differs depending on what you are trying to convey.
sometimes learning a new language is
is misunderstandings.
is apologies
for violating customs
and muddling unfamiliar proverbs.
i'm sorry,
this is not my native tounge.
but i am trying.
i am learning.
if you are willing to teach me.
sometimes a new language is something we become fluent it. the bilingualism comes easy. it rolls off our tounge like second nature. you realize now there are new ways to love in this language. but there are also new ways the hurt. and new ways to heal. and new ways to apologize. you realize there are new ways to know someone when they are not afraid to be misheard.
sometimes a new language is a patchwork quilt of simple words and poorly stitched grammer. sometimes i pull out a few words at the restaurant to impress you. you smile less at the phrase, more at the gesture. sometimes i stumble over the words and you help me up, help me along the sentence, because you know it means the world to me to try for you.
sometimes all we can do is learn to understand. the words never come out right so we stop trying. but we listen. we nod. we laugh. we hold them at all the right parts of the story.
sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is to understand
what they are trying to say.
when she makes paper flowers and sends me photos of them. i know she is trying to tell me: "look. i got out of bed today and created something beautiful. i thought of you in the slow process of the cultivation of this miracle." and i don't know how to reply. not in her language atleast. and so i don't. but i know what she means.
sometimes it is enough to understand someone.
sometimes it isn't.
sometimes a new language is not for us. we tell ourselves we are too old to pick it up. we tell ourselves it is too difficult. too forgien. too complicated. we try for the sake of saying we tried. but we don't.
in the end, we know how to say hello and goodbye and thank you and a handful of curse words. sometimes we know how to say i love you. in the formal tounge. with textbook pronouns and rigid verbs.
sometimes learning a language is
things lost in translation
how was I supposed to know what that meant?
why didn't you just tell me?
i didn't know how.
being too tired to roll your r's and remember the right tense.
sometimes learning a language is screaming everything you cannot translate at the language barrier between you. hoping they understand. hoping they don't.
but there is something unmatched about being welcomed home in your mother tounge.
something about being forgiven in words you could never misinterpret.
about being called to bed by the familar.
t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g u n p a r a l l e l e d a b o u t b e i n g l o v e d i n
y o u r o w n l a n g u a g e.
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gaypeople4itzy · 3 years
Hello! I love your content a whole bunch but a lot of it makes me super dysphoric bc it seems geared towards a female reader (which is great for the gays! But as a nb person I don't really vibe yknow) and I was wondering if you could try making things a bit more gn? Like the recent loona reactions said "short s/o" but used she/her pronouns when referring to reader. Maybe preface things like that with fem!s/o? And maybe unless specified for a fem reader keep things gender neutral? I think you do a good job of this most of the time, but then I'll see "look how red she is" in regards to talking about the reader and then it makes me sad. Sorry if I'm asking too much you're just one of my comfort blogs and it would mean a lot!
Hii !
I usually don’t post right in the morning though I thought this was an important thing to talk about so here we go !
Firstly, I’m sorry my content makes you dysphoric love :(( I always write with you/yours pronouns because I want everyone to feel included ! but maybe I did let it slip when talking about the reader because yknow, tired and stuff
So I’ll try to make sure to keep my posts as neutral as possible when it comes to gender if that could make you feel better :)
That Loona post (short s/o) hadn’t been requested though which is why it’s possible I let it slip, probably due to me re reading my work too fast before posting it sorry :((
Because of course, if someone requests me something and specifies they want a gender neutral reader, then it’s easier for me to work with that and I’ll be extra careful I remember writing in my old rule post that people needed to specify when they wanted a gender neutral reader but now it’s outdated and I write request in a neutral way unless requested otherwise !!
And of course I understand why it would make you sad, even for me it makes me dysphoric to always read she but I’m used to switch pronouns when talking about myself and so, when it’s not requested, then like I said, I can tend to forget because I’m so used to only be seen with she/her
You’re not asking too much I promise ! I can’t always guarantee it’ll be perfect because as soon as I finish writing, it’s somewhat hard for me to re read (I mean re reading 7k words at 3am is hard yknow😭) but I’ll try my best ! I’m glad my blog brings you comfort and if I can make you more comfortable on it then I’ll be glad to do so :)
Have a nice day and thank you for bringing up this issue ! Reminder that non binary people are obviously always welcomed on this page !! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here :)
Take care of yourself, love youuuu <3
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mansions-maiden · 3 years
Hiiii I'm your new follower xD
I love your writing esp mc birthday and that pool scenario 😂😂😂
May i ask something hilarious or whatever you can write ? xD my hubby is arthur. Maybe some funny scenario like mc and arthur switch body or something xD but it up to you hehehe
Btw nice to meet you ❤️❤️❤️
 here you go! Thank you so much for requesting this! it’s so precious and I had to admit , it was both hard and rewarding at the same time!  Hope it fits you imagination! nice to meet you too! ❤✨
 Arthur switching bodies with MC
the day before:
Arthur was there , with his big grin on his face as he invited his frenemy Theo and mc to the bar. “ what is the big deal? Why are you inviting me with you? “ mc asked Arthur as she gazed suspiciously at Arthur. “ I just want to treat you for helping me solve the cases! is it too much to ask? “ he asked with a confident grin. Mc sighed and they went to the bar. They drank to their heart’s content that night and went back to mansion and retired in their rooms
the next day:
[note: “Arthur(she) ‘ means that Arthur is in MC’s body and MC( he) means MC is in Arthur’s body. But the pronouns he and she refer to their original gender only throughout the story.   IF their normal names i.e. Arthur and mc are present, they are in their own bodies. ]
MC(he) woke up as soon as the morning rays spilt into the bedroom.  She  went to the bathroom to freshen up when suddenly her heart stopped beating for a second as soon as she looked at the mirror. Her eyes widened up as she saw her reflection in the mirror ! “ h- how ? wait- what is this!? “ she ran out of the bathroom in bewildered state.  Voila!  she was in Arthur’s room! She dashed out of the room and opened the doors of her room violently, only to find her physical body  sleeping there.  she  began to wake  ‘herself’  up violently. “Arthur ! Arthur! wake up ! “  
“ mmm.. who is mimicking my voice? And why am I standing there?? “ the voice  mumbled half asleep. but the drowsiness was gone as soon as they realized that their voice  was a  female voice.. “ wait! Why am I speaking like a girl?! I AM ARTHUR ! this is a dream right? “ Arthur spoke in MC’s voice , jolting up.
“thank goodness ! my speculation is right! you are Arthur!  it seem as if  our bodies have been switched ! “ MC spoke in Arthur’s voice . Arthur(she) and mc(he) looked at each other for a second to wrap their heads around the situation.
Then Arthur(she) showed a mischievous grin. “ Oh! If that’s the condition, now I am in your body!  Oh well, it’s gonna be a fun day! “ Arthur(she)  spoke as he sprang out of the bed and rushed out of the room. MC(he) ran after him to stop him .  “wait! we need to find a solution to this! we can’t be like this forever! “ she exclaimed.
“ oh c’mon MC! Can’t we have fun while we still can? It’s a now or never chance! “ Arthur(she) exclaimed while giving a wide grin. “ And I also wanna have a little fun with the residents” he continued.  
“ no- no. DON’T DO ANYTHING MISCHIEVOUS!  “  mc (he) exclaimed loudly. But alas! It was too late  for he was already running in the hallways.
Arthur(she) barged into comte’s room where he was talking with Leonardo.
Comte and Leonardo were visibly bewildered as they saw Arthur(she) in comte’s room. “ hey comte and Leo! Do you know who I am?”   “ MC? “ both leo and comte asked. “ voila! I’m here to greet you ! “  Arthur(she) chirped as he showed his tongue  out to them and went out of his room.  Comte and Leonardo looked at each other feeling confused.
“ Is she okay? Do you think she collided with the table or something? “ Leonardo asked  as he looked at comte. Comte couldn’t do anything but shrug his shoulders as he looked at the door Arthur(she) barged in from.
MC(he)  was there watching the craziness unfold in the mansion and facepalmed knowing there’s nothing she can do to stop Arthur(she) today..
MC(he) began walking down the hallways and that’s when Sebastian called out for her.  “ Sir Arthur! “ she didn’t respond.. “Arthur! Wait! This time you can’t escape from le comte! “ ‘wait what? why is he coming towards me?’ MC(he) thought as she looked around and then a gasp of realization escaped from her mouth “ Ahh! I am Arthur..” she sighed in resignation in turned around. “ Why is he calling for me ? “ MC(he) asked in a curious tone.  “ Did you forget?. I saw the blood stain on your shirt yesterday. you were drinking from the town women again. Weren’t you? “ Sebastian asked as he tapped his shoes against the wooden floor. ‘ oh right.. Now I gotta deal with this..’ MC(he) sighed again as she started heading towards comte’s room.  
She rapped the door promptly before getting a quiet “come in” voice from behind the door.  Comte stood up and came towards MC(he) and asked “ I refrained you from drinking from the townspeople frequently , didn’t I ? “ he asked as he studied mc(he) .
She opened her mouth and say that she wasn’t the one who did it. But then comte wouldn’t believe it. Unable to come up with an answer and embarrassment that  surfaced due to ‘his ‘ actions, mc(he)’s cheeks flushed a bright red.
“ Why are your cheeks red? Do you fever or anything? “ comte asked and stretched out his hand to check MC(he)'s temperature.  Feeling flustered, MC(he) quickly turned her head to the side.  
“ oh- it it’s nothing. Well then, I’ll tell Arthur not to drink from women again. “ she said unconsciously. “ wait what? “ comte asked again.
“ oh nothing. I said I would refrain myself from drinking from town people again.. “ she laughed nervously and dashed out of the room.
‘oh damn.. he’s been nothing but trouble since morning.. ‘ she mumbled leaning against the wall when she saw Theodorus coming towards her. “ oh yeah! Arthur drew sketches on Theo’s face when Theo passed out from drinking yesterday.. “ she clicked her tongue when Theodorus saw her.  mc(he) was about to turn back and run away when Theo exclaimed .
“ Arthur wait! I gotta teach you a lesson for messing with me! “  ‘ oh shoot! here goes nothing!’ mc(he)  began dashing off at the speed of light as Theo began running towards mc(he). Arthur(she) saw what was happening in the hallway and began laughing so hard he fell onto the ground. MC(he) glared at Arthur(she) as she was running and motioned her hand across her throat, a sign intended directly to Arthur(she). (sign showing that she’s gonna kill him)  But MC(he) was saved thanks to Vincent. She thanked Vincent as if her life has been granted again to live.
Later, Arthur (she) was searching the mansion for Mozart and Isaac. He found them both together in the library.  “ Hey Wolfie! And Newty! fancy meeting you both here. “  Mozart and Isaac were visibly displeased on hearing those names. “ MC? did you get hit by something? Or did Arthur tell you to call us with those names? “ both of them asked from the couch they were sitting on. “ C’mon now ! I wanted to call you both with those names for quite a time now, but today seems to be that day ! “ Arthur(she) said as he sat himself onto the sofa. 
 MC(he) was searching for Arthur(she) so that he doesn’t make things difficult for her further.  That’s when she found Leo and comte discussing something. she heard her name in the discussion. she got curious and asked what happened . comte said that mc was acting strange today and that mc was being mischievous. But they did love that side of her.  
MC, while listening to this, also decided to have some fun while she’s there in Arthur’s body.
Mc(he) began searching for Theodorus . When she found him, she went to him and said,  " Hey Theo, I wanna tell your brother how I drink from women tomorrow practically. He looked at the stain on my shirt curiously when I came back from my outing yesterday. What do you say? Should I teach him? " while winking at Theo.
Theo growled as he said, " don't you dare! " . " Aww c'mon buddy! Don't be so overprotective. I will tell him anytime tomorrow. " Mc(he) said as she patted Theo's shoulder and went away at the speed of light.
(Theo wanting to protect Vincent from world is cute and hilarious).
Meanwhile with Arthur(she):
Arthur never got a chance to tease Theo fully as he was always cautious around Arthur. So he decided to take advantage of the situation.
Arthur(she) took Leo's cat Lumiére along with him and went to find Theo.
" Theo! Look here! " Arthur (she) shouted as he found Theo in garden. As soon as Theo looked around, Arthur (she) released Lumiére onto Theo and Theo was on 'fight or flight mode' all of a sudden when Lumiére landed on him. He ended up crashing into the flower pots and got yeeted into the fountain. " Hondje! What the hell! Just wait there! " Theo exclaimed as he rose from the fountain, wet with the fountain water.
Arthur (she) was there on the grass rolling with laughter. But he started running off in mansion 's direction, still clutching his stomach and laughing hysterically when Theo started running towards him.
He stopped by comte’s room and told to comte, “ C- Comte. I wanted to tell you this for a long time..” he said as he fidgeted. “ What is it Cherie? “ comte asked with a curious gaze. “ I -I  have liked you since the day I saw you . But I didn’t know what to do with my feelings. I have tried so hard to deny, but I can’t deny it anymore. “ Arthur(she) said, trying to hide his laughter.
Comte was astounded by the confession.  “you’re kidding me right? “ comte asked as he stared at Arthur(she) .  “ No comte. I’m telling the truth. And now, I’m so embarrassed. I will go ! “ Arthur(she) came out of comte’s room and began laughing while mumbling, “ good luck dealing with comte tomorrow mc”.  still laughing, He went away.
The morning turned into afternoon as the weird atmosphere in the mansion can be felt by every resident. During lunch, every vampire was given rouge as usual. But today, everyone was looking at Arthur(she) as if he had grown horns on his head.
Arthur(she) , not giving a care, poured rouge into his glass up to the brim and began drinking it. Mc(he) was visibly cringing at the sight .
"Are you alright MC? Why are you drinking rouge despite being human? " Napoleon and Jean asked with concern. Arthur(she) then came to know what he had done and clicked his tongue.
"o-oh! I just wanted to taste it! Don't mind it at all. !" Arthur(she) exclaimed . Everyone shrugged and began eating. Vincent saw that MC(he) was looking a little uncomfortable. "Is everything alright Arthur? You look uncomfortable.." he asked.
" yeah I'm alright. It's just that I'm not feeling too good. " MC (he) told.
"something's definitely wrong with cherié and Arthur today. They're acting weird" Comte said.
“yeah, I can’t believe that she’s got guts to trick me” Theo scowled at Arthur(she) as he was eating.
"Today morning, MC came into Comte's room and showed tongue to us telling that it's her way of greeting us." Leonardo told and MC(he)'s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  ( ‘I’m gonna make him pay’ ) MC (he) smiled to herself mischievously as she exactly knew what to do.
the day had passed by in a blink of an eye and all of them were retiring for sleep.
once back in Arthur’s room, MC(he) took out the rouge bottle that she had bought from the kitchen and smiled to herself  dangerously before falling into the bed and wandering off to dreamland.  (don’t worry. It’s not dangerous literally. But yeah, it is dangerous for  Arthur :P)
Next day:
Both of them woke up and found that they were back in their own bodies.
When Arthur came out, comte, while coming across him, saw Arthur and told, “ I see that you didn’t listen to me yet again. Now you don’t have permission to go out for the week. Only then you can stop drinking from people” Comte smiled a little and went away.
“ wait...What? But I didn’t go out yesterday at all! “ he said to himself and looked down. Then he found the blood stains on his shirt. “ Oh this little vixen! It seems as if she had spilt the rouge on purpose! “ he exclaimed with bewilderment.  Theo came to Arthur at that instant hearing his voice and shouted. “ hey Arthur! If  I found you were teaching such things to Vincent, I’m gonna throw you out  “ and went away. Arthur was still surprised by the things done by MC. 
MC was woken up by the gentle rapping of her room door. “ mm.. who is it? “ she asked in sleepy voice as she got the answer. “ It’s me comte. Can you open the door? “  she immediately straightened up her clothes and went to open the door. “  MC, I want to ask you something. “ comte asked with a hesitant voice.
MC: “what is it comte? “
comte:  “ Are you sure about the words you told yesterday? “
MC: “ what did I say? “
comte: “ what? you said that you had loved me right from the moment you me. didn’t you? “
Mc was astonished and she began blushing deep red.
MC: “ n-no comte. It wasn’t me.. It was Arthur. “   mc began explaining yesterday’s details to comte, from the moment they realized they had switched their bodies to  the night. Comte was relieved knowing nothing had happened.
comte: “ oh. That’s why you- I mean your apparent self was acting weird. Not that I dislike it though..” comte said as he laughed wholeheartedly and ruffled her  hair. 
And that’s how another mysterious day had passed at mansion.
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the-evil-authoress · 3 years
GX Month Day 4: “Swing of Memories”
Ah, yes, those sweet, precious memories shared with siblings...and a few you’d rather forget. Explore the bond between Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes and Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes today! A sweet sibling hug? A heated argument? Show us!
Yes, I summarized and skipped over parts of the actual duel. This thing would have been so much longer if I hadn’t. Cheese and crackers this monster. O_O
This is not how Alexis expected this night to go. She almost regrets her idea for all of them to crash together when they are now standing on a magic platform above lava that will destabilize with every turn that passes. Syrus already looks ready to pass out, clinging to the back of Jaden’s jacket for dear life.
“Isn’t this counterproductive for you?!” Alexis yells at the shadowy creep. The way the darkness clings to him makes it impossible to distinguish any features, beyond the fact he wears black and that creepy mask. Even his voice sounds distorted. “If we die, you can’t duel us for the keys!”
A dark laugh like shadows on the walls. “Do you know why the Keys cannot simply be taken?” the man asks instead of answering.
“Because the Keys form a bond with whomever holds them,” Bastion snaps. Of course they already asked the important questions when Chancellor Sheppard told them about this crazy shadow war. “Therefore that bond must be broken through ritual combat.”
“Mmm, well you’re half right.” The man tilts his head, sounding smug under the layers of shadows that mask his real voice. “There’s more than one way to break a bond. A Key holder could give their Key to another- a simple, painless transfer. But I don’t expect you lot to do that. You’re far too good.” For a moment his voice is viscous, deadly, and sends a shiver down Alexis’ spine. The next he returns to almost mockingly light-hearted teasing. “However, if a Key holder dies, there’s nothing for the Key to bond to, now is there? A Key without an owner is free for the taking.”
Great, just great! So much for ‘can only be won in a duel’. If this wackjob figured out a loophole, then how many of the other Shadow Riders know about it?
Bastion inhales sharply, eyes darting back to the dark platform under their feet as Christina snarls a curse and Syrus and Chumley wail.
“Of fucking course!”
“I don’t wanna die~!”
“Don’t you worry about that.” That shadows-on-the-wall laugh again. “I’ll win this match long before you can fall. I want the pleasure of taking you all out myself.”
“Certainly confident,” Bastion grumbles, but there’s genuine fear in his eyes.
“Not gonna happen!” Jaden yells with all of his usual bravado; Alexis shouldn’t be surprised.
The duel starts to everyone’s dismay but it’s not like they actually have a way off this volcano. Alexis still doesn’t know how they got here beyond falling through the magical darkness that overtook Jaden’s dorm room. The first round isn’t anything special, the most excitement comes from Chumley’s leg falling through the platform as he tries to convince himself it’s still stable. Syrus and Chumley both scream as they all yank him back up and stare in horror at the brand new hole in the only thing between them and certain death.
“-Red-Eyes Black Dragon!”
Alexis’ attention snaps back to the duel as the familiar monster takes the field in a blaze of glory and proceeds to blast Jaden back several feet. Syrus goes tumbling with him, and Christina shrieks as they come dangerously close to the edge, but Jaden skids to stop with a foot to spare, one hand braced against the platform and the other fisted in Syrus’ jacket.
Barely able to breathe, Alexis turns back to Nightshroud and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. “Why do you have that card? What did you do to my brother?!”
“Your brother?” Bastion yelps but Alexis can’t focus on anything but the man in front of her.
Nightshroud pauses, head tilting. “Who? Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. This card has always been mine.”
“Liar!” Alexis screams, voice raw, chest heavy. “That card is a tournament exclusive!” Atticus gushed over it for weeks, showed it off at school, more excited about the card than winning the tournament. This is the first sign she’s seen of her brother in two years! This man has to know something!
“You dare call me a liar?” A dark bolt darts out at Nightshroud’s command and sends Alexis careening back. Her foot slips off the edge.
Jaden yanks her back by the arm with a grip hard enough to bruise, and Alexis startles at the absolute terror in his eyes. “Hey, not cool!” He swings back around to face Nightshroud, the bravado back in full force, but this time Alexis knows what it hides. “You’re dueling me! Leave them out of this!”
Nightshroud only snorts, a derisive sound. “Then duel me, since you want to save them so badly.”
Alexis is still close enough to see the cards as Jaden draws Polymerization and fusion summons Rampart Blaster to deal Nightshroud damage even from defense position. The shadows shiver as Nightshroud suffers the pain of his own shadow game, momentarily revealing brown hair.
“Feel like talking now, buddy?” Jaden taunts with a grin.
Nightshroud’s legs shake before he stands tall once again. “I already told you! This card has always been mine! I don’t know anything about the girl’s brother!” For a moment, the shadows obscuring his voice part and it sounds almost familiar.
Rampart Blaster’s defense proves futile as Nightshroud hits Jaden directly with the spell Inferno Fire Blast. The flames that engulf Jaden are far too real for any hologram, and Jaden sinks to his knees and nearly through the platform as it gives way beneath him. Christina and Syrus scramble to drag him back up as Bastion checks him over for serious injury.
“‘M fine.” Jaden tries to brush them off and stand on his own but immediately winces and sways.
“Fine my ass!” Christina hisses.
“I’m inclined to agree!” Bastion pushes up Jaden’s sleeve to reveal an angry red splotch. “You’re covered in blisters if not more severe burns!”
“We can worry about that later!” Jaden pries his hand free with another wince as Nightshroud uses his next monster to force Rampart Blaster into attack mode.
“Wait. No.” A cold spot appears in Alexis’ chest as she takes a step back. She recognizes more than one card Nightshroud has played. “It’s not just Red-Eyes... I think he has Atticus’ whole deck.”
“What?” Christina spins from where she stands to act as Jaden’s support.
“But how is that possible?” Chumley stammers.
“I don’t know!” Alexis snaps, shaking. She has this horrible, horrible feeling. No matter what Nightshroud claims, he must have done something to her brother and taken his deck. She never once let herself consider the possibility, because it meant giving up, it meant letting her grief win, but what if... “I-”
Syrus shrieks as the platform gives way underneath him, stumbling forward as Chumley catches and hauls him back to safety. Their safe places to stand are dwindling quickly. Jaden finishes his combo by fusion summoning Thunder Giant. The two monsters’ clash ends in a draw as both are destroyed, setting up Burstinatrix for a direct attack.
“Let’s see how you like it!”
Nightshroud barely flinches against the assault of flame as the shadows around him flicker and swell as if fending off the attack. Pouting, Jaden moves onto his next play then passes the turn to Nightshroud. Mirage Dragon takes the field and Alexis startles as Nightshroud refers to the dragon with feminine pronouns. That’s how Atticus always referred to that card. Most duelists default to masculine pronouns unless the card art is obviously feminine, but Atticus was different.
-“She just gives me, ‘cranky old lady’ vibes, ya know?”- Atticus said when Alexis asked. She hadn’t known, not all, what Atticus meant.
Atticus’ deck was one thing, but this particular quirk... It couldn’t be.
Jaden goes down again as Mirage Dragon takes out Burstinatrix; Christina drags him back to his feet and away as a new hole opens up in the platform. His next turn sees Elemental Hero Tempest take the field and obliterate Mirage Dragon. This time, Nightshroud flinches as the shadows scatter off his form; and even with that mask on his face, Alexis knows what she sees.
“Hold on whut?” Jaden jerks, gaping at her.
Alexis starts forward and stumbles as her foot falls through another hole.
“And who the hell is that supposed to be?” Nightshroud growls, and it’s Atticus’ voice now that the shadowy echo no longer obscures it.
“You!” Pulling herself upright, Alexis watches the floor for holes as she continues forward. Her friends call after her but she ignores them. “I know that’s you, Atticus! You really think a dumb mask would make me not recognize my own brother?!”
“My name is Nightshroud-”
“Why are you doing this? Why are you a Shadow Rider? What happened to you, Atticus?!”
She manages to duck this time before the darkness strikes her, elbows banging hard against the platform. The breath shudders out of her and she realizes she’s crying.
“I don’t know you, little girl.”
It hurts. It hurts so much. She found him but like this and he doesn’t even know who she is. A hand on her shoulder alerts her to one of her friends, unsurprised to find Christina kneeling next to her. “It’s him...” Alexis whispers brokenly as Christina pulls her up.
“I know.”
“Why is he...” she hiccups, unable to finish the sentence. Christina squeezes her finger as she leads Alexis safely back to their friends.
Atticus summons Red-Eyes back to the field with Red-Eyes Chick’s ability then trades it in for a card Alexis has never seen before - Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. Darkness. Nightshroud. That thing has her brother and she needs to figure out how to get him back from its clutches. Jaden ends the turn with Negate Attack, surviving to the next round. He hesitates as he draws his next card, then plays Wroughtweiler in defense and switches Tempest to defense.
“Jay?” Christina sends him a look.
“I honestly don’t have any other plays right now,” Jaden says, voice low as he glances back at her. “Besides, if that’s Lexi’s brother... Doesn’t the loser of this duel die?”
Alexis breathes in sharply. Christina hisses through her teeth.
“But what if winning gets rid of whatever is controlling him,” Bastions says. “Assuming he’s been possessed by some sort of dark power.”
“Yeah, maybe, but-”
“Jaden.” Alexis forces the words out as he turns to look at her, those eyes so full of compassion and concern. “If you lose, we all die. We can worry about the rest of it later.”
Jaden flinches. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m not!” Alexis loses the battle against her emotions as a fresh wave of tears overtakes her. “But what other choice do we have?”
Jaden stares at her a moment longer before turning back to face his opponent as Atticus attacks Wroughtweiler with Spear Dragon. He activates Wroughtweiler’s effect and goes down with a scream as his Life Points drop because Spear Dragon deals damage even if the monster it battles is in defense. Still, Jaden gets to add Sparkman and Polymerization back to his hand and gets back to his feet with a little help. Not that it does much good. The force of Tempest’s destruction sends him reeling back into Bastion, and Bastion yelps as the ground threatens to cave under their combined weight. Between the four of them, they manage to keep their friends on stable ground, but Jaden looks like he’s barely conscious at this point. With 600 Life Points left and their safety net looking like swiss cheese, Alexis glances at the lava below and turns back to her brother.
“Enough! Enough, Atticus! This duel is over!” she declares with all the fire she can muster. “You want a Spirit Key so badly, then you can have mine!” Ignoring the startled outburst from her friends, she pulls the object from its place around her neck and holds it out. “You said it works if it’s given freely, right? Let my friends go, and you can have it!”
“Alexis...” Jaden rasps, held upright by Christina’s arm. Alexis never looks away from her brother.
Atticus scoffs. “While I’m flattered that you’d give me your Key willingly, I’m afraid just one Key won’t do. I want them all.” His voice darkens, distorts into something unrecognizable again as the shadows rise up and cling to him. “Wait your turn, little girl. I’ll duel you next.”
“Atticus!” Alexis pleads, except this time she knows she’s not talking to her brother anymore - if she ever was - but this thing that’s taken over him.
“Make your move, Key keeper. If you can.”
Pulling his arm off Christina’s shoulders, Jaden glares his opponent down. “Oh, I can. And I’m winning this duel!”
“But you can barely sta-AAAAAA!” Syrus screams as he falls entirely through the platform. Alexis dives, catching his hand as Bastion grabs the other. Together they haul him back up while Jaden watches, pale as a sheet.
“Whatever you’re about to do, do it fast!” Chumley clasps his hand together, legs shaking so hard Alexis is surprised he still stands.
“Right!” With Christina’s hand on his shoulder, Jaden draws his card.
The combo he gets off next is a spectacular comeback. Atticus hits his knees with a scream as darkness rolls off his form in waves, and Alexis runs for him without a second thought. She doesn’t get far before the dark platform vanishes completely from beneath her feet. She has a single terrifying moment to think, This is how we die, before a bright golden light engulfs her.
When she opens her eyes again, she pushes herself off the cold, rocky ground of the mountainside while Syrus and Chumley cry over not being dead.
"What was that light? It looked like it came from your deck," Bastion murmurs, and something glows faintly as Christina shuffles through her cards with a frown, Jaden slumped against her.
Alexis spares them only a glance as she continues straight for her brother, collapsed face down on the ground feet in front of her. “Atticus!” She drops to her knees and rolls him to face her.
His eyes flutter briefly open. “Who...?” he mumbles weakly before his head lulls again, and Alexis fears the worst as she searches for his pulse. It flutters under her fingers, slow but strong, and she finally releases the breath she’d be holding. It comes out a sob.
“Is he...?” Bastion ventures closer, not daring to finish the inquiry.
“He’s alive...” Alexis breathes, cradling her brother close as another voice breaches the mountain air.
“Heeeey! What’s going on over here?!”
Alexis looks up as Zane and Chazz come running. “Zane. Zane!” she calls, heedless to how broken her voice is and doesn’t miss the way Zane immediately speeds up. “It’s him! It’s Atticus!” She holds her brother closer as Zane freezes in his tracks, face flooding with shock. “I found him...”
“What-” Zane croaks as he kneels next to them slowly, and reaches out like he expects Atticus to disappear under his fingers. The emotions that play out over his face when his hand lands on Atticus’ shoulder are too complicated to name. “What happened?”
“I don’t know.”
They sit in silence like that for another moment, just soaking in that Atticus is back. Then Zane shifts to slide his arms under Atticus’ limp form. “Here.” Nodding, Alexis moves aside to let Zane lift Atticus into his arms. Some distance away, her friends hoist an unconscious Jaden onto Chumley’s back.
“If he looks this bad after winning, I don’t wanna know what losing looks like,” Chazz gripes.
“That?” Syrus points hesitantly at Atticus.
Zane sends Alexis a sharp look. “He was a Shadow Rider,” Alexis whispers, and glances away as Zane’s expression breaks again. “He didn’t recognize me. That’s all I know.”
“Okay,” Zane says at length and they begin the long trek down the mountain.
Alexis still has so many questions...and fears. She once thought finding her brother would make everything okay again, but now... Now she’s scared this is only the beginning rather than the end she sought. What if he wakes up and still doesn’t recognize her? Can she handle that? Can she handle learning what turned him into a Shadow Rider? Her hand fists itself into Zane’s coat tail. If he notices, he doesn’t comment.
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minruko · 2 years
(Hi! I'd like a match up from one piece, bnha and black clover! If I can't choose more then 1 tell me please! Also I apologize if I don't make any sense! my English isn't always the best)
ok first Im autistic and I have ADHD Im sensitive I have trouble with focusing and staying still I talk to myself a lot and in my mind I just live in a different world! I Get loud and interrupt others a lot without realizing it but I always apologize and feel bad Sometimes when I hear anything loud or smell something strong (can be normal sounds/smells to others) it irritates me a lot so I cover my nose/ears when that happens ☹️ also I get shy and quiet around new people or to people I'm not close to and when I sit down I move my leg/hands and figit lot and stand around just daydreaming unaware of my surroundings
Hyper sensitive/rushes a lot/hyper excited/lazy/ I don't always appreciate my self/I over explain a lot/impatient/challenging/blunt/mercilessly when loved ones are hurt/lose things easily/I forget dates and to take my medication/can be manipulative
Features: almond shaped dark brown eyes/black short curly hair/thick bushy brows/middle eastern Arab/short/curvy/big titties/hip dips/ beauty mark on my cheek and hands/high cheek bones/scars on stomach and thighs/small slit on my right eyebrow/strech marks on my shoulders and hips/sharp fangs/nose n ear piercings/I always change my fashion so I'm a mix of hippie/princess/nerd/witch/fairy/punk/goth/diva/baddie/alt
Pronouns: she/her gender preference: men
Zodiac: cancer I'm 21 so nobody under 19 pls!
Hobbies: drawing/painting/designing/writing/reading/shopping/watching animation/daydream/sleeping/Playing video games/yoga/meditations
likes: animals/art of any kind/fashion/science/history/fantasy/gemstones/coffee/fiction/marvel or DC/anime/cartoons/nature/moon/tarot cards/magic/aesthetics
Dislikes: anyone who's racist/sexist and more will get jumped by me oh and pickles
and I choose water
Pls let me know if there's something wrong and take your time! let me know when you get my request thanks!
match up below the cut! thanks for participating!!
i’ll do all of the fandoms bc i never really listed to pick only one, sorry for the inconvenience!!
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i match you with luffy! he loves your curiosity more than anything! when the crew docks on a new island you’re the first person he takes with him, keeping the noise and scent irritation in mind he places his hat on your head when he sees it’s about to happen and flashes you a wide grin telling you that it’s gonna be fine. he loves merciless you can be too he thinks it’s cool how this switch flips in your mind and you start kicking ass!
“hey let’s go on another adventure! nami says that there’s an island ahead let’s explore it together and don’t worry i’ll keep you safe!”
i match you with yami! he’s well used to your random out bursts and even encourages them at the hide out say “hey my girlfriends got spunk!” when you say a random thought that’s on your mind. he teases you for not liking pickles eats them around you purposely as a joke so his kisses taste like pickles! he stopped after a day or two though he started to miss your kisses big time. he also enjoys taking naps with you after a long day snuggling with you in his bed is his favorite place to be.
“okay okay i’m sorry no more pickles i promise cross my heart and hope to die.”
i match you with fatgum! he loves curvy women and loves your hip dips, even more, he says they’re special slots where he can place his hands. he is there to listen to any random thought you have even your outbursts which he find’s adorable. the two of you are the sweetest couple the hero world has ever seen. if he ever catches you saying something bad about yourself he just hits you with a compliment along with a soft kiss, there will be no lack of self-appreciation on his watch!
“wow honey that’s an interesting thought you have there, hey what was the thing you were talking about the other day something about comics?”
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
hello and good day! i would like a matchup for a3! and ikerev, please! she/her pronouns. you can call me juice, though! hm i think a good description of me personality wise would be im usually cheerful, friendly, childish but i tend to hide a lot of my negative feelings and overthink quite a lot. towards others i'm always curious about the littlest details of someone's hobbies or interest and sometimes i talk more than i listen. love literature and things like fashion or games (1)
Hello, thanks for requesting juice! Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoy it! I was pretty excited to write a match up for a3! since it’s been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks. I got a little carried away with the last prompt cause it was so fun to write, but I hope you like it! Also, the ikerev one might take some time but I’ll try to not take too long. Have fun!
I match you with
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The two of you first meet after you watch one of their plays, “A Clockwork Heart.” When you realize that the lead and writer is a classmate of yours from college you can’t help but approach him a few days later to discuss the play further.
He seems self conscious at first but quickly opens up as the two of you discuss his script and before you know it one conversation has turned into an in-depth discussion over lunch.
After that first encounter, both of you start talking more often, quickly growing closer. Tsuzuru appreciates your cheerful attitude, making it easy for him to be comfortable around you.
Considering your love for literature, you often help him brainstorm for new ideas, always looking forward to seeing how he brings it to life on stage.
It is easy for you to fit in with the rest of the boys from Mankai, despite their constant prying on your relationship with Tsuzuru. After all the time the two of you spend together, it is no surprise when none of the boys (except Azami) bat an eyelash when you make it official, after a lot of back and forth between friendship and romance.
Prompt: Bonding
“The reason S was created in the first place was because Luke needed a companion. It’s tragic that he was the one who left him in the end.”
“Well, yes, but he also taught him to open up to people, insuring that he wouldn’t be alone when he was gone.”
You and Tsuzuru had been discussing the end of his latest play “A Clockwork Heart” for a while, arguing over whether or not the ending was tragic. When you approached him to offer your praise for his work earlier that day you hadn’t been expecting him to engage in your opinions on a play he wrote, but he was actually deeply invested in the conversation, despite the matter at hand being trivial to the actual substance of the story.
“He couldn’t have known though. He also put his own wishes aside to protect him. That alone makes the ending tragic.” You vividly remembered the tears you had shed when the show reached its climax, a result of both his script and his acting.
“It depends on your idea of what the ending was. S was a machine, so as long as Luke was alive they could meet again, when it was safe for the both of them. That makes the ending-“
Ring Ring
You almost chucked at the generic sound his phone made as it vibrated.
“Give me a sec.” he moved away from the bench before answering. It wasn’t long before he returned, a flush expression on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had kept you for so long. I actually need to get going.” He ran a hand through his hair, smiling shyly. It was only then that you noticed what time it was.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you for that long!” Now you were both flushed, the realization dawning on you that you had spent two hours talking.
“I-it’s fine. Um, we can continue this tomorrow, if you’d like?” you were surprised he actually wanted to talk again, a smile spreading over your face.
“Definitely. “
“Okay. See you then!” he waved as he ran off while simultaneously trying to dial someone, resulting in him almost falling on his face. You looked forward to tomorrow.
After that first encounter, you continued to meet during lunch to talk about other works, quickly realizing you had a similar taste in books and movies. It was an easy transition, going from acquaintances to friends.
“How’s the summer troupe’s play coming along?” It was easy to tell that he had been losing sleep again from the – almost – comical black circle under his eyes, but you asked anyway, hoping that you could offer some help.
“I know what I want to write, the words are just refusing to form and settle themselves on the page.” The frustration was evident on his face as he tried to put the pieces flying around his head in order. You tried to think of a way to help him but you knew that he needed to figure this out on his own.
“Come on.” You forcefully pulled him out of his chair, carefully shutting his laptop.
“W-wait. Where are we going?” you pushed him along, despite his protesting.
“Trust me.” You flashed him your biggest smile before setting of, only mildly aware that your hand was still around his wrist.
“The movies?” he seemed confused over what your objective was but you were confident it would help him out of his slump.
“Yes. Come on, I’ll even get us popcorn!” you were beaming as you led him inside.
“What are we watching?” Tsuzuru, finally resigned to his fate, flipped through the leaflet, looking at the moves currently playing.
“Your choice, I’m fine with whatever.” You hurried to the bar to pick up snacks, leaving him at the ticket booth.
“Look at those effects.”
“The acting is top notch.”
Tsuzuru had been so immersed in the movie he seemed to have forgotten all about his tiredness. When you exited the theatre you could practically see the gears turning in his head.”
“It’s a very different take on pirates than the summer troupe’s play, but if I exaggerate the characters even more then there would be great opportunity for comedy.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you observed him, completely lost in his own mind.
“So I take it the creative juices are flowing again?” he looked back at you, as if seeing you clearly for the first time in days.
“Yes! Thank you!” He put his arms around you, too far lost in his excitement to feel any awkwardness.
“I-I have to go write! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He continued shouting thank you over his shoulder as he run off with newfound energy. You expected you wouldn’t see him the next day, considering he’d probably be passed out by then, but you smiled anyway.
“See you later!”
Prompt : Cinderella:
“So, you’re thinking of doing Cinderella for the next play?” You and Tsuzuru were hanging out in his room, taking full advantage of Masumi’s absence that weekend.
“Yeah… I’m not sure how to go about it though. Everyone in the Spring Troupe agreed that I should be lead this time around but I just don’t see myself in the shoes of a prince… Itaru would probably be a better fit for the role.” You couldn’t help throwing a pillow his way.
“Hey! What was that for?” You sat up a little straighter, tempted to glare at him until he picked up on your annoyance.
“I can definitely picture you in the role of the prince.” You cleared your throat before switching to your best narrator voice.
A long, long time ago there lived a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends when they were children. The boy would often sneak out to meet with her and they would play for hours. But their happiness would not last long.
You see, the girl grew up to be the maid of one of the less-fortunate royal families in the kingdom. She had been forced into that position by her father’s latest wedding. It would also turn out to be his last, for he died a few years later, leaving her in the care of a wicked stepmother.
One the other hand, the boy grew up to be the most charming prince in the land. The women fawned over him and he always had everything his heart could desire.”
“I’m literally none of those things.”
“Fine then.”
The prince was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of himself and never asked for help. He constantly worried his friends over his health but they loved him anyway.
“That’s not any better…”
“Shh, let me continue the story.”
Their difference in class ripped the two friends apart, putting an end to their relationship. While they weren’t allowed to meet again, they promised to never forget about each other. To keep that promise, the made matching bracelets and agreed to never take them off until they could meet again.
“Friendship bracelets? Who does that?”
“They were kids! Would you have preferred rings?”
“Wouldn’t those basically be promise rings?”
“I’m coming up with this on the spot, give me a break!”
That bracelet was what gave the girl the strength to continue living, despite her struggles.
When news of a ball arrived at the estate, her step-sisters were quick to start preparations, eager to have a chance at the prince’s hand in marriage. The girl was simply happy at the prospect of seeing her friend again.
When her family found out she was planning to attend the ball, they locked her in the cellar, not willing to risk any competition. The girl wept and wept, until suddenly a kind seeming lady appeared in front of her.
“Isn’t this just the movie?”
“Give it a second!”
The lady promised she would help her get to the ball if that was what she wished. Despite her suspicions, the girl earnestly declared that all she wanted was to see her friend again. And so the kind woman flicked her wrist and the rags the girl had been wearing were replace by a rich ball gown, paired with a glass slippers. The girl thanked her again and again before heading off in search of her lost friend.
“She doesn’t warn her about the time limit?”
“There’s no curfew here, it’s a stupid conflict anyway.”
You couldn’t contain the excitement and adrenaline that flowed through you as you went up the steps of the grand palace. You hadn’t been here since you were a child, when the king’s father still allowed you to visit, and childhood memories flooded your mind. It was difficult to keep your nerves at a reasonable level as you approached the guards at the front gate. By the time you had arrived at the palace, most of the guests were already inside, so you were completely alone when you handed the invitation, hoping the witch had done her work well.
“Enjoy your evening.” They smiled before urging you to step inside. A sense of awe filled you as you walked through the somewhat familiar halls, remembering all the places you and Tsuzuru would hide from the servants, before his title meant anything to you.
You weren’t sure you remembered the way to the main hall, so you followed the noise, hoping you could make your way there.
When you finally stood outside what seemed to be the entrance, you took a few deep breaths before walking forward, determined to see your friend again. When you stepped though the door you quickly realized that the door wasn’t the room’s main entrance, but the top of the grand staircase. Dread filled you as everyone’s eyes fell on you. If it wasn’t for the railing you thought you have fainted right then and there. You breathed in, allowing you hand to wrap around the bracelet the two of you had made so long ago, letting the warm feelings it carried spread through you.
You bowed once before making your way down the stairs, hoping you wouldn’t trip on your dress and make a fool of yourself before the night even started.
The moment you were off the last step, your eyes fell on your step-mother, eyeing you with absolute envy and disgust. You hoped the mask would be enough to conceal your identity.
You walked around the room for a bit, keeping to the less populated areas, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tsuzuru, disappointed to find that he was nowhere to be found.
“Please let this not be for nothing…”
You were about to make your way to the balcony, but a swarm of guests was suddenly in your path, dancing to the waltz the band had just started playing. You frantically looked around, searching for a way out when two arms wrapped around you, pulling you along with the rest of the dancers.
“I guess you’re my partner?” the face of the man that stood before you made your jaw drop. You had thought of so many things to say, but now that Tsuzuru was standing before you, the words seemed to catch in your throat.
“So, uh, are you having fun?” he was as awkward as you remembered. Something about the familiarity filled you with a sense of calm. I found him.
“I am now.” It was hard to contain the smile quickly spreading around your face.
“Actually I was-“that was when it was time to switch partners. When you felt his hand slip from yours, panic flooded through you. No… I didn’t have the chance to tell him.
As he pulled his hand away, his fingers brushed the bracelet on your wrist, eyes widening as he was whisked away by another partygoer, realization evident in his features. You tried to get closer, but were quickly taken away by another guest. Your eyes landed on Tsuzuru a few times but the hall was too crowded. It was almost suffocating. You took the first chance to slip out on the balcony, eager to get away from the crowds.
You stood at the railing, letting the air cool down your heated face. He had seen you, but you weren’t sure he would care enough to search. Negative thoughts occupied your mind as you gazed at the land beyond. Maybe this was foolish… He probably barely remembers me… He’s a prince after all. He was more important matter to attend to than a peasant he used to spend his free time with. You felt tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, your own loneliness catching up with you.
“Please don’t cry!” You were shocked to find Tsuzuru standing a few feet away from you, his face flushed and his knees bent. He must’ve been running.
“You’re the girl from back then, aren’t you?” he glanced down at your wrist, pulling up his own sleeve to reveal a bracelet identical to yours.
“Y-you kept it.” Your voice cracked, barely audible in the midst of the ongoing celebrations.
“Of course I did! It meant a lot to me.” The words seemed to call to something inside you and so you let the tears fall.
“W-what did I do? Please don’t cry!” he took a step closer, still unsure of what boundaries existed between you.
“I-I can’t help it. I’m just so happy!” you wrapped your arms around him, not caring who saw you. All that mattered in that moment was that the two of you were reunited at last.
“I missed you.” You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was crying too, by the way his heart beat against your, the way his hands shook, still wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Year’s worth of loneliness and regret spilled out of the both of you in a single moment.
You stayed like that for quite some time, allowing the relief to wash over you. When you looked at each other again, you couldn’t help but laugh at your state. You knew the scene must look ridiculous to any outside spectators, but none of them mattered. It felt like you were alone in the world, no barriers between you. Your class didn’t matter. You were just a boy and a girl who had been reunited.
“ The king was skeptical at first, knowing a commoner queen wouldn’t create any new alliances, but he could see the love his son had for the girl. And so they married. It’s said that the pair practically run down the stairs of the palace after their wedding, eager to get to their honeymoon, their laughter echoing through the streets.”
“That’s an ending befitting a prince Muku reads about in manga… I still don’t see where I fit into this… ”
“Fine. As they descended the staircase, the prince fell on his ass, causing even more laughter from the girl. A moment she would never let him forget.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the earnest look on Tsuzuru’s face. He may be clumsy, but he has always been kind.
“It will need a lot modifications, especially considering the fact that none of us can exactly pull off female roles, but it could work.” At some point through the story Tsuzuru seemed to have pulled out a notebook, in which he was now scribbling away.
“Are you seriously taking notes?” he was still focused on the story, not letting the inspiration go to waste.
“Of course I am. You’re brilliant!” he pulled you in for a kiss, taking you completely by surprise.
“You’re the best.” He turned back to his note taking, leaving you with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
“You too.”
And they lived happily ever after.
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
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Hello lovely humans!
I’ve recently hit the 500 follower milestone and want to celebrate with another challenge! This time, dark fics are welcome! 
I have a lot of prompts here and what doesn’t get used will probably be put aside for a future challenge. I like to make sure there is a wide array of prompts to be chosen from and tend to go overboard. Whoops. 
The Rules: 
1. Use the hashtag #JBBNN500 
2. Dark fics are welcome - Just be sure to utilize trigger warnings and indicate that it is a dark fic. 
3. Even if you aren’t writing a dark fic, use trigger warnings if the content warrants it. If you write something that has heavier themes, like those that delve into mental health topics, be sure to label it appropriately. 
4. Selecting Prompts: Just let me know which one you want to do! 2 people per prompt! Tell me which subheading and the number of the prompt so I can mark it down! If it’s a lyric prompt, please give me the song and the number! 
5. You don’t have to be following to participate! 
6. Deadline: January 11, 2021
Yes, I’m giving about 3 months for this. January 11 also happens to be my birthday, so I figured that would be a good date to choose. 
The subheadings are: dialogue prompts, sentence prompts, quotes from popular media, and song lyrics!
Find the prompts under the cut! 
Dialogue Prompts
“Life is made up of maybes and regrets. I don’t want this to be one of them.”
“You can’t do this. It’s my choice to make, and mine alone. If you don’t agree with it, the door is there. Feel free to use it.”
“I used to be afraid of the dark, you know. Until I learned that the real monsters thrive in the light.” 
“So, what you’re saying is if I gave you a nickel, you’d do it.”
“No, I don’t know how the cheese got there, and honestly, I don’t think I want to know.” 
“You’re sounding more like a cult leader every time you open your mouth. Don’t think I’ll be accepting any Flavor Aid from you anytime soon.” 
“How did you...you know what, I’m going to forget I saw a thing, and go read a book. Or bathe in Holy Water. Or both. Both is good.” 
“If you say one more word I swear--” “One more word” “I hate you” 
“You can’t come in here singing my favorite song and expect forgiveness, that’s not how this works!”
“No. You mean nothing to me. You never did. You never will.” 
“But if it did, it would work and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“You are simultaneously the smartest and least intelligent person I have ever meant. Truly, an amazing accomplishment.” @bonkywobble​
“Next thing you’re going to say is that ghosts are real...please tell me that’s a joke” 
“All I’m saying is, I could do that blindfolded.” 
“But why was there pizza on the ceiling?” 
“If you write me a four thousand word essay on why you think that’s a good idea, then sure.” 
“I didn’t think you were serious. Do you know how illegal this is?!” 
Sentence Prompts
Feel free to change the pronouns used to suit your needs, even if they aren’t bracketed! You can also change the tense if you need to! 
The January rain fell, feeling like razors against [your/her/their] skin as [you/she/they] stared out over the horizon.
This was it, the moment where life as [you/she/they] knew it ended.
 [His/her/their] gaze fell on [her/you], like a lion circling its prey. 
You never thought that it would come to this, come to being the one to end it all. 
You took a moment to calculate [his/her/their] next move, figuring out the perfect counter. 
Hanging by your ankles from a tree was most definitely not how you planned on spending your Saturday. 
Glancing around the room at the decor, one thing was obvious: it was [his/her/their] doing. 
Hurt was the only thing you felt, the only thing you could cling to in this abyss.
Lies, it had all been lies and they were crumbling around you. 
The screech of tires on the pavement sent a shiver down your spine.
He/She used to love this time of year, the beauty of it all. 
It was like climbing Everest: ambitious, dangerous, and maybe a little insane. 
Forgiveness was not something you were willing to offer so freely, not this time. 
Chaos may as well have been the code name of this mission. @nekoannie-chan​
Silence was your new best friend, one that never seemed to leave you alone.
That smile, that smile was something you could get used to waking up to every day. 
Your face twisted in disgust as you realized what you had fallen into.
You were beginning to wish you had taken [him/her/them] up on that trip to Madrid. 
Quotes from Popular Media:
With these prompts specifically, you can use the full thing, paraphrase, etc, since some of them are quite long, or just write something based off an idea it sparks. 
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch.” -Epsilon, Season 13, Red vs Blue 
“We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.” - Daniel, P.S I Love You 
“After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the divine right to stare at a man's backside with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!” - Denise, P.S. I Love You
“Life isn't just death. Don't ignore the living.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl
“Life's full of barbaric customs. But I hope they all end with a kiss like that.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl 
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary." - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
“Sweetie, this is one of those times when I know what's right and everybody else is confused.” - Angela Montenegro, Bones, Season 3 
“Oh, God. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? Oh, look! Dead guy!” - Cam Saroyan, Bones, Season 5
“Don’t make it sound trivial when you know it isn’t. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you’re not the one having to struggle.” -Nora, RWBY, Volume 7
“It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons.” - Crowley, Supernatural, Season 5, Episode 10
“I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde 
“How were we supposed to know? It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.” - Kathryn Kennish, Switched at Birth
“Don’t try to get on my good side. I no longer have a good one” - Ouiser, Steel Magnolias 
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” - Shelby, Steel Magnolias 
“You have the handwriting of a serial killer” - Clairee, Steel Magnolias 
“I didn’t know if you would hire someone who might be married to someone who may or may not be a criminal” - Annelle, Steel Magnolias 
Lyric Prompts
What Do You Think Of - Lauren Alaina ft. Lukas Graham
What do you think of when you think of me?
When you look back on us what do you see? Is it the good times, is it the bad times, is it somewhere in between? 
I can’t even drive down 8th Avenue because the whole damn town reminds me of you
Hurts to Know - 1551
But you stayed when I made another promise to keep
And you waited and waited for the life you saw in your dreams 
You walk in and begin to try to heal me again, but each night is a fight that’s getting harder to win.
Sick - 1551
Everyone I meet feels like another target
I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling twisted, I wasn’t home before this feeling existed 
I never knew that wrong could feel so right
seven - Taylor Swift
Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other, and though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why 
We’ll hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on 
the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
How did a middle class divorcee do it? 
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche 
And they said “There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows if she never showed up what could have been.” 
epiphany - Taylor Swift 
With you I serve, with you I fall down 
Something med school did not cover
And some things you just can’t speak about 
Chapters - Brett Young
Chapter one, I was raised on the Dodgers 
There’s no perfect life, you can’t hold back time
Everybody expecting perfection 
Things change in the blink of an eyelid, guess my body knew way more than I did
The Daughters - Little Big Town
Girl, know your place, be willing and able 
Girl, watch your mouth and watch your weight
Pose like a trophy on a shelf, and dream for everyone but not yourself
I wash the dishes, feed the kids, and clean up all this mess, do my best, forgive myself, and look good in this dress
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Carly Pearce 
I remember how I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, now I’m looking for every excuse to go back on the weekend
I remember hearing the door slam, twenty-two, didn't have a clue who I was, who I could trust, and who were my real friends
The heart won’t ache forever, no matter how hard it gets, it won’t always be like this
Next Girl - Carly Pearce 
You overlook a lot when he looks like that
He’ll charm your mama with that smile, hide the red flags for a while 
He’ll make you think it’s love, but I promise you it’s not 
Bar Back - Lauren Alaina 
You can have that coffee shop we went on our first date
I’ll give you back that sweatshirt, that one you know I love
I’m taking back that little hole in the wall, the red door sign saying “come on in y’all”
If I Was a Beer - Lauren Alaina
Honey you’re in luck, ‘cause I’m a fine, fine, wine. I’m a slow sweet pour, I can be a little bitter, but I ain’t a hard hitter, like a 30 from the grocery store
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
She says “he’s still coming, just a little bit late” 
She’s talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car
If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running could, well time can heal but this won’t
Before you go, was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better?
Our every moment, I start to replay, but all I can think about is seeing that look on your face  @arrowsandmixtapes​ 
Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
It's kinda funny how I can't seem to get away from you, it's almost like you don't want me to
You’ve got a cold heart and the cold hard truth
Told me to leave all your things out on the porch on the swing
Oh you’re breaking my heart, baby you’re playing hard to forget 
This is It - Scotty McCreery
You can open your eyes
Can’t you see forever 
On top of the world here together
If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it 
Wish You’d Miss Me - Chase Wright
I was good for you, you were bad for me 
I was solid ground, you were broken wings 
I gave you love you gave me pain
You gave me hell, I gave you grace 
I knew all along that you were gonna leave 
What a Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
I’m not trying to be your part time lover, sign me up for that full time @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
This Feeling - Chainsmokers ft. Kelsea Ballerini 
I lay out all my reasons you say that I need help
They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest
They got their hands at my neck this time 
I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends 
Hold onto your opinions and stand by what you say 
What Are You Gonna Tell Her - Mickey Guyton 
She thinks life is fair 
But what are you gonna tell her when she’s wrong?
What are you gonna tell her when she figures out that all this time you built her up just so the world could let her down? 
Do you tell her not to fight? 
Can you look her in the face and promise her that things will change? 
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enigma-im · 4 years
More Than Just a Line of Code Pt.1
Robot x Female Character. Tracey Romero recieves a bot from her Auntie Carol. Little does she know that he isnt just some everyday house bot.
Rating: Teen Relationship: Robot X Female!Human Warning: fluff, exposure of genitals, pg13 at most, robot and human relationships
Word Count: 3835
Part 2
I walk up the steps to my two-story bungalow. Juggling the keys in one hand while adjusting the phone against my ear.
"Two weeks, tops! You can’t expect me to give you quality when you take away my clock," I chided. I unlock the door and head inside. The voice on the other end rants out some excuses and reprimands. It was idle threats, just some big dog talk. I throw the keys onto the side table, missing the bowl I bought for them.
I roll my eyes as I toe my shoes off," Let me explain how this will work if I do what you are asking. First, I will be rushed, I’ll work late with a fishbowl of coffee beside me at all times. Then after about three nights of this, I'm going to get sloppy. Which for me is still really good work but it’s not the best. I always promise my best but only if you work with me on this. So I ask you, do you want it done or do you want it done perfect?". I waited in the foyer for his answer. I already knew what he was going to say. No one wants subpar work, it’s understandable. He is paying big money for my expertise and it would be foolish of him to deny me now.
After a moment I heard the beautiful sound of his begrudging approval. I fist pump, "Two weeks and you will have the best software on this side of the Mississippi. The Tracey Romero guarantee.". With a few words, I hang up. I smirk down at my phone before shoving it into my pocket and walking to the kitchen.
I shimmy around the kitchen, dancing to my own music." I got the extend, I got the extend," I sing. I grab some bread and make myself a sandwich while still patting myself on the back.
I didn’t need the extend, his software was mostly done already. His team did a great job. It just needed some touching up then to be properly tested. Take about two afternoons at the most. I just wanted to go on break and get paid for it. Call me a con, it’s just a living.
As I sat at my computer, I heard the chimes of my security system. Then the quick thuds from the front door. I huffed as I pulled up my front door camera. I saw my front porch and a man walking away from the steps to a van.
"Someone has a package," I quirked to no one. I hopped off the chair and headed to the front door. Once I opened the door, I looked down at a huge box crate. It was as generic as they came, even had the large text of the word 'Fragile" on every side.
"Well, I have no idea how to move this," I mumbled as I tried to push it with my foot. It was heavy for sure. I bent over to try to pick it up, but it mostly just hurt my back. Rubbing my spine I pondered how to get this thing inside.
I would consider myself smart, maybe even a genius. I was a straight-A student, graduated top of my class at CMU in Pittsburgh. So using my beautiful mind I came up with a way to move the box. I pushed it inside.
Using a pry bar in my foyer to open the crate. The nails were removed smoothly, and the lid slid to the floor. Looking inside I first noticed a large black dome near my knees. Looking down from there I saw a large trapezoid shape then the rest was submerged in the shredded bits of cardboard. After a few moments of observing I figured out what it was.
"Of hell yea, it’s a robot," I shouted with giddy. I dropped to my knees and shoved my hands around the head. In most standard bipedal robots the on switch was near the neck. Right towards the faceplate. "Come on, momma wants to play with her new toy," I chuckle. With a flick, the faceplate turned on in a blinding light. It switched off quickly but still left me seeing stars. I jerk back when it jolted forward. It sat up straight then the soft sound of buzzing echoed in the room. I waited patiently for their system to boot up.
I got off my knees and walked around to watch it. Its face was blank, it just had the reflection of light. Showing off the dust and pieces of cardboard it laid in. getting bored I looked over at the lid to see who sent me a full robot. Even though robots are common it didn’t mean they were inexpensive. I make good money; I live very comfortably. Still buying a robot would set me back and make me eat nothing but microwave dinners for a month.
As I found that it is my aunt who sent it, I noticed the bot was staring at me. I turned at looked up at them and still, their faceplate showed nothing. I waved at them as I sat up. To my amusement, they waved back, but more jerky motions.
"Do you talk," I ask.
It dropped its hand, "Yes."
"Then mind introducing yourself," I smile. Its head tilted to the side for a second then back to normal. It faces plate lit up with a standard face. It was cartoony but it was most likely meant to be comforting. No one wants a robot with a mean-looking face. It smiled wide at me then dropped it to neutral. I quirked an eyebrow and they copied me. "You copying me," I chuckle.
"imitating, but yes," he answers. His voice isn't obstructed like in most bots. It sounds basically human, normal even.
"semantics, either way, I'm Tracey. Who might you be,” I greet. I try to coax them into introducing themselves.
"You are very appealing," they look me up and down.
I snap my fingers catching their attention," Getting off track, doll. Name please."
"Yes, I am D-4N1-3L," they finally introduce. I mumble out their text to myself.
"Daniel," I offer. They nod. "Alright, Daniel, do you mind if I call you a he?"
"He," he cocks his head.
"Give ya male pronouns. Or would you rather them/they," I clarify.
"He," they repeat, "I'm a man."
"Alright then Daniel, shall we get you out of that box," I stand and offer a hand. He looks at it before cautiously grabbing it. I don’t need to offer actual help because he stands on his own. He steps out of the crate and I get a good look at him. His build is standard if not a bit retro. Most robots I've seen are completely covered in their shielding plastic. Hiding all of their technical bits. Yet he has his joints exposed and everything else covered. His neck showed his wiring and the air cylinder that limits his neck movement. To anyone else, he would look like junk, some outdated pieces of hardware. But to me, oh to me he looks terrific.
I leaned against the island in the kitchen, watching as he wanders around. He snoops through my cabinets, investigating everything he finds. I look down at my phone that's ringing near my arm. I have set out to call my aunt about Daniel. I placed it on speakerphone so Daniel could listen if he felt inclined to.
After the fifth ring, she picks up. "Whose got three thumbs and is excited you called? This aunt," there was a confused pause," This would be funnier if you saw me, I'm holding a thumb right now. Either way what's up Chica?"
"If I didn’t know you were a mechanic id assume the worst about that severed thumb you are presumably holding," I eye Daniel as I answer. He was currently messing with the microwave. Pressing buttons and jumping when he turned it on.
"besides my possible dismemberment what do I owe this pleasure," She asks. In the background, I could hear some loud tinging noises. Probably in her workshop, or she does in fact have a human finger. Then probably a different workshop if that were the case.
"Well, I’ll give you a hint," I lean on my elbow.
"Oh goodie, I love games. Three hints," she chuckles.
I can’t help but chuckle as well, "alright three hints. Its long, hard, and came in a box."
"Tracey," She scolds, " I don’t believe you should talk about that kind of thing with your aunt. It seems more like a mother conversation."
"I don’t know, mom would be upset that I have him in the house," I answer vaguely.
"Oh, batteries not included? Who needed powered boyfriends when you can get the real thing," She jokes.
I shake my head," we both know battery-operated is better. Humans don’t tend to vibrate.". This caught Daniel's attention.
"I can vibrate," He informs pointing to his face.
"I'm sure you can, doll," I look up at him.
"And who is that," my aunt asks.
"My new boyfriend, best model out there. Even has same-day delivery," I joke. Daniel cocks his head and his electronic eyebrows furrow.
"A robot," she asks before it clicks," Right! The robot, god I'm a terrible creator. How could I forget my baby boy."
"Terrible mother indeed," I click my tongue," tsk, tsk. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him.". I look up at Daniel again and give him a wink. He turns his head as a pink color shines from his screen. "Aw, he blushes," I coo.
"Of course he blushes, he has a full range of emotions. My best work if I do say so myself," she pats herself on the back," Practically human."
"So it’s an A.I.," I ask," here I thought I was getting a butler. But I shouldn’t be so disappointed, I got a new friend instead."
Daniel turns his head to look at me," friend? I thought I was your boyfriend."
"We can talk about that later, doll," I answer.
"Aw, breaking up already. Poor Daniel, only been alive for a year and now he has his first broken heart," My aunt coos.
"We are talking about its later Carol, I'm sure it will be fine," Daniel says to the phone.
"You have me on speaker," My aunt asks, "Hi Daniel darling, how do you like Tracey's place?"
"It is cozy, living here would be most joyous," He answers.
"that’s a great sweetie. be nice to Tracey, ok?"
Daniel cocks his head," Why wouldn’t I be anything but?"
"No reason, sorry I doubted you," She apologizes.
"Well, I'm going to get off. Just making sure that you did indeed send me a bot. you can never be too sure," I call out.
"Oh absolutely. Love you baby, take good care of him. He is a sensitive bot, you may forget that he is more than a robot sometimes," She warns.
"Goodbye Carol," Daniel calls out. With that I press end. I cross my arms and lean forward. We both look each other over, observing in the silence.
"Do we need to talk," He asks with an adorable head tilt.
"About what," I answer with a question.
"Us. Are you breaking up with me?" I can’t help but laugh. This only confused him more.
"We aren't together, Daniel. That was just a joke I made with aunt Carol," I answer. I step away from the table and walk around to the fridge.
Daniel stepped away from the table as well and laces his fingers together. It was interesting, robots generally don’t have nervous ticks or idiosyncrasies. Auntie did a good job with him.
"Well, that I won’t lie and say that I'm unfavorable to that," He dropped his head. I was a bit confused about his reaction. He is a strange robot.
"You want to date," I ask. What did she program into this guy? It got my brain moving, how could anyone get a robot to seem so human. Most had applications built in to pretend to empathize with someone, but this was too detailed.
He looked up with a wide expression," Yes."
Daniel looks me up and down before walking over. He takes a hold of my hands and intertwines them.
"You are very appealing," He mimics his earlier words. I pull my hands from his and stare up at him confused. A strange robot indeed.
I sit at my computer with my legs crossed. I hunch over my keyboard and stare with my mouth partially opened. I'm working on pulling up Daniel's code and programs. He is currently hooked up to my tower with a bunch of cables. He is sitting patiently, if not happily, against the wall. His 'eyes' were darting around the room, taking in all the area has to offer.
"What is a battery-operated boyfriend," He cuts the silence. I jerk away from the computer, not use to having someone around in my office.
"what? Why do you ask," I blush.
His eyes focus on me, "you said it earlier, I was curious. Technically I'm a battery-operated boyfriend but I'm assuming it isn't me you were referencing."
I can’t help but smile," I guess you are a battery-operated boyfriend. But you are correct, I wasn’t referring to you."
"Then what is it," he asks again.
I look back to my computer, "I'm not going to answer that." I glance over at him for a second and see him pouting. Another curious attribute.
I stare amazed at the lines and lines of text. His code was so long, even too long. There were programs for such minor things like when to twitch his finger or raise an eyebrow. Looking further I found a curious program label 'Surprise'. Of course, I clicked on it, I'm only human. Looking it over I was nosy to turn the function on.
"Oh, this is new," Daniel mumbles to himself. I look over as he raises his hands from his lap. Looking down I see a protrusion.
"Oh indeed," I say shocked. He was majority matte black with traces of blue deep in his wiring. The protrusion was more on the blue side and had the lining of matte black. It was definitely an eye-catcher.
"Why does he have a cock," I nearly shout into the phone.
"Cutting to the chase, I guess. No foreplay, but I'm going to guess there was some if you found this out," My aunt jokes.
"Not funny, I looked through his programs. Also seriously, you named it surprise," I sneer. This was extremely uncalled for. Auntie has always been a mischievous person. Last year she spiked the punch at the family reunion to 'spice up the party'.  But this was too much. "Seriously, you sent me a sex robot? Not to steal your joke from earlier but I feel this would be a better present for mom," I scold. Mom divorced dad about five years ago, this seemed like a better gift to a lonely mother than a 25 y/o.
"First off, ew. I don’t want to think about my sister's sex life a-"
I interrupt her, "And you want to think about mine?"
"Do not use that tone with me. You haven't had a boyfriend since high school, you bury yourself in work. You convinced yourself that it’s enough, fulfilling even. Excuse me for thinking of you. Also, I will make this clear, I made his A.I. as a little side project. He was not for you till after he was made. His personality seemed perfect for you, so sue me for being kind," Carol snapped. I grabbed the bridge of my nose and sighed.
"Fine, I'm sorry. It was kind of you to think of me but It's a bit much that you added such a personal feature," I say calmer.
"I know you will find some use for it, till then please don’t treat him differently for it. I'm sure he doesn’t know what it’s even for," she pleads. I sigh again, this is just weird.
"Alright, I will still take good care of him," I relent. He is but a vessel for my aunt's ignorant kindness.
"I'm sure you will," she laughs.
"Goodbye carol," I hang up. I drop my phone onto the kitchen counter and exhale. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Daniel peaking his head out from my office.
"Are you angry with me," he asks. I look up at him and can’t help but smile.
"Of course not, just surprised," I answer. It was honest, I can’t be mad at him. I've known him for a few hours and I already adore him. He has such wonder for everything around him that makes my jaded self feel humble.
A few weeks with Daniel have been both tiring and rejuvenating. He asks so many questions that I gave up answering them and just introduced him to the internet. I got curious one day and checked his history, he goes on a lot of tangents. Now that he can answer his own questions online, he has moved on to asking about myself. He would ask about my interest or my job. Even comment on things he likes about me. For a robot, he was a bit of a flirt. His favorite thing about me was my hands. He said they were 'gentle and talented'.
We currently stood in the kitchen. He watched me as I cooked, he says he enjoys watching my human rituals. He can’t eat so he just likes watching me eat.
I stir the pot of food as I call out to my home bot," Home, play 90's hits." There was a chime then the music began to play softly from the speakers. Daniel looks around the room a bit confused.
"what was that," he asks her.
"My home bot, it controls some electronics around the house like lights or locks," I explain. He nods his head.
I get into the music and shimmy a bit as I finish off my meal. I slide towards my cabinet and pull out a bowl. With a twirl, I slide the bowl to the stove. Shaking my hips I pour a large helping of soup. Another twirl and I turn to Daniel. His face had its pink cheeks and wide-eyed expression. I set my food down and stare curiously. Why was he blushing?
Before I could ask, I caught sight of his blue swelling. I raised my eyebrows in shock and acknowledgment.
"I'm sorry," he stepped closer to the island to hide himself from view.
"N-No needs to be sorry," I stutter," I'm just curious why it decided to make itself known."
He turned his head as he continued blushing," Y-you."
I point to myself," Me?"
He nods, "You w-were dancing around. You have a firm r-rear."
"O-Oh, thank you," I blush. For the time he has been here I have never witnessed his, um, member. Since the first day it has never come up, pun intended, it’s never been noted again.
"Have you ever, um. Have you ever had this happen before," I ask a bit nervous. We have flirted a bit but I'm still off-put of using him. To have a boyfriend was simple, but to fuck him felt wrong. It was a bit taboo to keep a fully functioning robot around as a sex toy. Even if he seemed human, he wasn’t.
"Yes," He answered short.
"When," I look up at him.
"Depends. Sometimes when you bend over, other times when your shirt drops a bit too low. Most the time is when we sit together on the couch," He answers calmer than earlier.
"When we watch movies," I ask. We watch movies every weekend, I never noticed anything. Not that I would be looking at his crotch.
"Yes," He steps around the island and stops on the side. His crotch still blocked but he was in arms reach. "when u start to daze off and you rest your head on my shoulder. I feel the tingle and I want nothing more than to touch you," he smiles. He places his hands on the counter, not moving them but keeping them where they are. Daniel was leaving me to decide.
Daniel is very smart, never doubted it. Yet he still surprises me with his emotional intelligence. It’s easy to program a robot to see patterns or understand words on a paper. To explain an abstract concept like emotions was hard. You can fake it, but it always comes across as wrong, almost psychopathic. In Daniel, it came off as authentic. It felt real, like he honestly felt those things.
I bounce my finger on the counter as I stare at his hands. He still waited on me.
"You want to touch me," I ask softly. I look down at his fingers. One hand was stretched a bit farther than the other. His hand was sideways, his fingers were slightly splayed.
"more than anything," He murmured. His index twitched a bit.
I skidded my fingers across the table and let our fingers tap against each other. He didn’t move more than his fingers, leaving me with the choice still. Daniel was really smart indeed. I moved closer and grasped his hand, intertwining our fingers. I could hear his body make a low buzzing noise and his chest expand slightly.
My other hand grabs his free one. I pulled him around the table and towards me. Releasing my grip, and him reluctantly doing the same, I reach forward and hug him. I rest my hands on his lower back and my head on his chest. He does his form of a sigh again before wrapping his arms around me. He rests his head on mine and we just stand there.
This feels nice. I can’t remember the last I hugged someone. It had to be over seven years ago when I dated that saxophone player in high school. This felt better though, Daniel was warmer. I ran my hands up his back along the cylinders that controlled his back. I leaned back and looked up at him. I reached for his neck and pulled him down. I kiss him where his lips were on the screen. The whirling in his chest became a bit louder and his hold on my back gets a bit tighter.
I pull back with a shy smile. It felt silly to kiss a screen, but his reaction made it less so. He smiled at me too, even had his adorable blush on his screen.
Daniel led his head down and tapped his screen to my forehead. He pulled back after a moment and looked down at me.
"You look pretty when you blush," He mumbles.
"I could say the same thing about you," I smile.
There is a part two. Also i did a lot of unnecessary research on this. even the name of the main character is shared with a famous programmer John Romero. He designed games like Doom or Wolfenstein. But check out my Archive page.
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