#//oh i still need to learn to make chicken alfredo pasta
keeps-ache · 30 days
brrrba pa pa da de do ♩
#just me hi#i wanna work on my stuff..#i also need to figure out the vram on my computer because i will die without my viddy games..#//oo a cat has arrived#she likes to sit on my lap while i'm using it so i'm restricted to just writing or watching videos sometimes lol :)#//but yeah i wanna work on pi.e :1#i think i should have a reason for not doing it but i just don't have one lol#just can't i guess. hmm#//been very loud recently - i both need more and more music but also i need to just repeat the current recents until they're burnt into the#grooves of my brain hfhsh#can't make up my mind so i'm on autoplay rn :3#i like lesbian songs they're probably my favorite genre lmao <33#also that generic mall rock sound. i am in Love with those hgbfhs :D#//hm i also wanna start some shows#i'll get to it eventually :)#//oh i still need to learn to make chicken alfredo pasta#i have Got to do thattt#//and aside from generic mall rock sounds i like that 'vaguely sounds like it's coming from a tin can' sound hfhs#a very tinny + strained sound if you know what i mean#that and that solid soft smooth sound#i can't explain that one in any other way but it's like the concept of that high-end plastic they use for kids' toys but Fuzzy and Soft#//i think i also need to go to the lake lol#it's just that kinda time. send me to the wortor#one of my favorite spots because when you get real far out there nobody even bothers to swim out towards you hbfhsv#/i think moats should be more popular these days. because they're neat :3#//anywho i'm gonna devote the next 15 minutes to exchanging gifs with apollo again lmao#we did this the other day because i wouldn't stop sending cat exploding gifs. so now neither of us can stop hgbhfsbf#he just sent me zuckerberg i gotta go- Ciao !!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 5) - Date Night
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Summary: The reader and Jensen go on their first fancy date together before attending a nanny happy hour the next night. The reader makes a new friend there to Jensen’s dismay but someone from the past will come along and change things between the new couple...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, lying, angst, mention of past child abuse/assault, fluff
A/N: This a rough one, not gonna lie. Enjoy!
Friday Night
“Y/N, I’m downstairs when you’re ready,” said Jensen through your closed bedroom door.
“I’ll be there in five,” you said.
“See you in fifteen,” he chuckled before he walked away. You walked back into your bathroom, looking over your hair in a bun. It looked like a freaking messy bun actually. You should have done it down and in big flowy waves instead. You pouted and smoothed out your dress. Of course you were bloated and you’d nicked your leg more than once shaving earlier. 
“It’s Jensen,” you said to yourself, taking a deep breath. “He’s never even seen you in makeup before. You’re fine. He’s not gonna say anything.”
You forced yourself out of the bathroom and slipped on your heels, your clutch in your hand. You wobbled for a step or two on the carpet but did better once you were out in the hardwood hall. Ten seconds later you were downstairs, heading over to the foyer area. 
“All set?” you asked, Jensen spinning around. He smiled as he stared, eyes looking you up and down more than once, not even trying to hide it.
“Y/N, you look pretty,” said Arrow as she rushed in from the family room. 
“Yes she does,” said Jensen. “We’ll be home soon, okay?”
“Okie dokie,” she said, wandering off with a little wave.
Half an hour later you were sat at a table in a very nice restaurant, Jensen tugging on his collar. His cheeks were slightly pink but it wasn’t from the cold outside. 
“So...what’s a good wine?” you asked, sliding the drink list over to him. “I’m not really good with the names.”
“You like red or white?” he asked.
“Normally red,” you said. “You?”
“I like a Merlot,” he said. “You like dry?”
“Sure,” you said. 
“We’re not going dutch tonight you know right. This is all on me.”
“We can go dutch, Jensen.”
“I asked you out and this is fancy, even for me. My treat, okay?” he asked.
“Alright,” you said, looking around the restaurant and over in the distance to the bar. “You know I could go for a lemon drop actually.”
He smirked and set the list down, a waiter coming by. He ordered a gin and tonic for himself while you got your cocktail, Jensen breaking off part of a breadstick from the basket. 
“Bread’s good,” he said with his mouth full.
“So. Ackles,” you said, picking up a piece and tearing off a chunk with your teeth. He stared and started to laugh to himself. “Ah, there’s my sweet guy.”
“Thought you were gonna say boyfriend for a second.”
“This is our second official date,” you said. “So. Boyfriend.”
“Yes girlfriend?” he chuckled.
“What’s an appetizer look like in a place like this? Like a tiny cube of cheese with some dressing they’re gonna charge twenty bucks for or something like that?”
“You’re goofy,” he said, a big smile stuck on his face. “Uh, they probably have something like that. There’s normally some kind of bread olive oil bowl option.”
“Fancy people eat like a starving college student apparently,” you said. He tried to hide his laugh as your waiter brought over the drinks and a pair of menus. “Excuse me but can you recommend an appetizer? We’re both new to town and are wondering what you think is a good choice.”
“You can’t go wrong with our sourdough and seasoned oil dipping sauce,” he said. You glanced at Jensen and smiled. “The artichoke spinach dip and tartar crackers are also quite lovely.”
“Do you have anything with a little more substance? We’re quite starving,” said Jensen.
“The fried calamari and crab cake poppers combo is a great option,” he said.
“What’s calamari?” you asked.
“Squid, miss,” said the waiter.
“We’ll have that combo,” said Jensen.
“Perfect. I’ll put that in and be back shortly to get your dinner orders,” he said. He took off and you made a face at Jensen.
“Squid?” you asked.
“It’s fried. Trust me, it’s pretty good,” he said. “I could go for a good steak. You see a filet on here yet?”
“Uh,” you said, eyes scanning the page and seeing most everything was something you’d never heard of. 
“There it is,” he said. “I’m getting that and scalloped potatoes. See anything you want to try?”
“Uh, why does half of this seem like it’s a foreign language to me?” you asked. Jensen looked at his menu and chuckled.
“That would be because it’s in French. We’re in Canada and this is a french restaurant.”
“Oh. Gotcha,” you said. He got up and leaned over the back of your chair, glancing at the page.
“These are soups and salads,” he said, pointing near the top. “Sandwiches. Pasta. Main dishes down here.”
“Uh, maybe pasta?” you said. He knelt down and read off the dishes to you one by one, your waiter returning by the time he was just finishing.
“Anything I can assist you with?” he asked.
“I’ll have the fettuccine alfredo with chicken please,” you said, handing the menu to him, Jensen returning to his seat.
“Face principale?” he asked. You stared at Jensen and he smiled.
“She doesn’t speak French,” said Jensen.
“My apologies miss. What would you like for your main side dish?” asked the waiter. “Steamed vegetables, scalloped potatoes, lobster bisque-”
“I’ll have the vegetables,” you said. Jensen ordered and the waiter went to get your appetizer, a sad smile on his face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think twice about the French thing.”
“Kinda hot that you know French,” you said. “I should try to learn it if we’re gonna be up here for a few months.”
“I’m an idiot and I learned it so you’ll do just fine picking it up,” he said. 
“So where’d you learn in the first place?”
“I’m stuffed,” you said, plopping your napkin from your lap onto the table awhile later. Jensen took the last bite of the piece of mouse pie, licking his lips as he finished. “This might have been the best alfredo I’ve ever had.”
“I enjoyed it. Mostly I enjoyed listening to you talk,” he said. You blushed and looked away, Jensen letting out a small hum. “It’s funny. Doesn’t really feel like just a second date, does it.”
“No, not really,” you said. “I guess that’s what happens when you’re friends first.”
“Well I definitely like being friends with you,” he said. 
“Me too, Jensen.” 
“Want to get out of here?” he asked. You smiled and nodded, the two of you outside a few minutes later wrapped up in your coats. Your feet were cold in just your heels, Jensen’s arm wrapping around your waist when you almost slipped more than once. It was slow going back to the car, especially when it started to snow lightly.
“You know, that dress would still look hot with winter boots,” he chuckled. 
“Sorry,” you said.
“No apology necessary. I got freaking dress shoes on and my feet are cold. I can’t imagine how you’re holding up,” he said.
“The perils of being a woman,” you said.
“Well, no need to impress me is all I’m saying. I ain’t looking at your feet anyways,” he said.
“Oh well in that case I’ll wear some nice baggy sweats next date.”
“Please do,” he said. 
“You really don’t care, do you.”
“I think you look beautiful tonight. But I think you look beautiful every night. You did your hair and makeup and this is stunning, don’t get me wrong. But she’s not more beautiful than the girl at home with hair tossed up all messy walking around in oversized shirts and leggings. It’s like flowers. Both are pretty but one isn’t more pretty than the other.”
“Where the fuck did I find you?”
“At my house,” he chuckled. You whacked his arm and leaned your head on his shoulder. “Almost back to the car. I’ll blast the heat for us when we’re in there.”
“Thanks Jensen.”
“Thank you for the date, honey. I mean it. We’ll do it again sometime. Promise.”
Saturday Night
“Your boyfriend seems pissed,” said Brandon. You sipped up the last of your beer, glancing over to the bar where Jensen was tapping his finger. 
“He’s fine,” you said. “So any good parks around the west side of town?”
“Center Grove is always my choice. Good playground, nice area, cops routinely are around. Parking can kinda be a bitch sometimes but it’s worth it in my opinion. My kids love it.”
“You’ve been their nanny for five years you said?”
“Mhm,” he said, knocking back the last of his drink. “Shawn’s mom is their mom’s best friend.”
“Oh. So you had an in already.”
“You know long term gigs are the way to go in this job,” he said. “Not too many American girls come up here. Your accent is cute.”
“Is it, eh?” you chuckled.
“Like I’ve never heard that one before,” he said, Jensen walking back with two beers and a clenched jaw. 
“You okay?” you asked as he sat it down in front of you.
“I’m fine,” he said, taking a long sip. Brandon slid off his seat and made a face. 
“I need a refill anyways. Nice meeting you Y/N. We gotta hang some time,” he said as he walked away.
“For sure,” you said, Jensen rolling his eyes behind his back. “Jensen what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he said.
“Well you obviously have a problem with Brandon.”
“I don’t have a problem with him. I have a problem with my girlfriend flirting with another guy.”
“I was not flirting. I’m trying to make new friends. It was your idea to come to this thing tonight anyways.”
“Whatever,” he scoffed.
“Excuse me?”
“In case I wasn’t clear, I’m not the kind of guy where I’m okay with you dating multiple people at once. I don’t get that not exclusive shit.”
“I’m with you and only you. I was being nice. Geez, let’s just go,” you said. You got up and pulled your coat on, bumping into a guy on the way out. He turned and apologized, staring at you a little long.
“Y/N?” he asked, a big smile on his face. “My Y/N?”
“Dad?” you said, his face much older looking than you remembered but his eyes still the same.
“Dad?” said Jensen. You brushed past your dad and outside, Jensen hot on your heels. 
“Y/N,” your dad said as he left the bar. 
“Stay away from me,” you said. “Jensen I want to go home right now.”
“Right fucking now!”
He held up his hands and you walked around the block to the car, getting inside and Jensen taking off.
“So your dad’s alive huh,” he said. You stared out the dark window with crossed arms. “So is everything I know about you bullshit?”
“Is literally anything you’ve ever told me true? Your dad obviously didn’t die when you were a kid. All those late night talks about family and shit, you just like to fuck with people or something?”
“I was not flirting with Brandon you asshole. You didn’t need to know my whole life story the second I meet you.”
“Oh. Okay. Just your fake life story then, huh?” he said. You shook your head as he got stuck at a red light. “If I can’t trust you, I can’t employ you let alone date you.”
“Whatever,” you said. He drove in silence until you were out of the city, going along quieter roads. You were close to the house when he suddenly turned right towards the local park and stopped in the lot, putting the car in park. He touched your arm and you turned, Jensen leaning over and kissing you roughly, far more roughly than you thought he was capable of. You blinked when he pulled back, Jensen looking you up and down. 
“He won’t hurt you.”
“Did he walk out on you and your mom?” he asked. “You told him to stay away from you. Sort of shouted it at him. Maybe you lied but maybe...I’m sorry I got jealous of Brandon. I’m still scared and I think you’re still scared too and that’s okay. If you lied about your dad, I’m gonna trust you have a good reason for it. I’m sorry for what I said. I trust you and I don’t want to know what my life is like without you in it.”
“It’s okay,” you said quietly. “I forgive you.”
“You don’t have to tell me what happened,” he said. “We can just go home, okay?”
“Why’d you pull over?”
“Because I knew I didn’t mean it and I knew I overreacted. I said I’d mess up when we started. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this. I’m 42 with three kids. Brandon is thirty and young and stronger than I am and can go out to the bar whenever he wants. You have options. You don’t have to settle for me.”
“If I’d wanted to settle, I’d have married my ex. What I wanted was the guy that forgives me for not telling him the whole story cause I’m not ready to say it. I want the guy that makes me happy and feel like I have a teenage crush but it’s deeper than that. You’re not the settle for option, Jensen. Why don’t you get that?”
“The last time I felt like this, I married the girl,” he said quietly. “That didn’t turn out so well.”
“You didn’t get the time you deserved with her. It doesn’t mean it ended badly. You loved her and she knew it. She wants you to be happy again, whether it’s me or somebody else.”
“See? That’s the shit that tells me...it tells me to keep falling for you. I’m so sorry for how I acted tonight.”
“I lied about my dad and not a little white one either,” you said with a nod. You turned away and felt his hand on your cheek. “So much of what I told you was a lie.”
“You don’t have to tell me the truth right now, Y/N.” He stroked your cheek and you glanced over, meeting his soft green eyes.
“My mom died giving birth to me,” you said, Jensen nodding. “He hated me for it. Hated me. He would hurt me when I was a toddler. When I was four he started doing...other things.”
“Four?” he breathed out.
“I didn’t know it wasn’t normal. Not until I started school. I was scared though so I never said anything. One of my friends mom’s realized what was going on when I was over playing one day. He went away and lost custody. I went into foster care briefly and got adopted when I was eight. Single mom who’d lost her husband young. That’s my mom. She was a kind person. Ray was always good to her and to me. But I asked him not to adopt me after she was gone and he knew it was because I was still scared of a dad again. Being a nanny, I’ve met fathers that look at me and I just know what was going through their head. I reported him and kinda fucked up their family situation but-”
“That was the right thing to do,” he said.
“I know it was. I’ve just...I’ve had more than one guy and even a woman walk in on me changing or into my bathroom and it’s like, she’s just the help, nobody cares. They don’t touch so it’s like...what can I even do? Then my house before this one, the guy tried getting in my shower with me and I shoved him and he broke his arm and I just don’t understand why so many people think I’m just a piece of meat. Even my ex never got why it bothered me so much. They didn’t touch me so what was wrong with it? He just didn’t get it. He would get mad if I wasn’t in the mood for sex. Nobody ever fucking gets it except you who I lied to and pissed off tonight and without a word of an explanation why, you say you won’t let somebody hurt me. Do you get why you’re the opposite of fucking settling Jensen?”
“I won’t hurt you.”
“I know you won’t Jensen.”
“Because you’re a good person. You’re so gentle and kind. I know you’re strong and tough but I see it everyday. You should never be worried about how your kids will turn out. If they are half as good as you are they’ll be fucking great people. Your daughters aren’t gonna put up with shit and your son is gonna be kind to everyone and say fuck you to the toxic guys out there. I can already tell the kind of person you are through them and it’s a good one. A really good one.”
“I’m not the only good person in their lives,” he said. You sniffled and looked down, Jensen’s hand sliding under your chin and tilting it up. “You don’t have to apologize for not telling me all of that. Never apologize for not telling me that. Okay?”
“I never told anyone about…the other stuff,” you said, wanting to look down but Jensen’s hand holding your chin up.
“You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m sorry it took you so long to find people that would protect you.”
“You mean…” He nodded and dropped his hand away, running it over your head. “You’re not gonna like, go back and kick his ass are you?”
“Want me to? I’m very tempted at the moment,” he said.
“I just want to go home. I could use one of those hugs right now.”
“Do you want to stay with me tonight? Just to stay, nothing more.” You nodded and he kissed your forehead, a tiny smile crossing your face. Ten minutes later you were home and the babysitter was gone, Jensen pulling you into his room next to yours. You blew your nose in his bathroom and washed off your face, lifting your head to find a pair of your pajama shorts and one of his shirts on the vanity beside you. He smiled as he ducked out, leaving you to change. You let your hair down and took off your bra before you walked out and saw his blanket on the opposite side of the bed. “Warm enough?”
You spun around as he walked inside and you nodded, Jensen pulling you into a hug. 
“I’m sorry for how I was at the bar,” you said.
“I was the one that overreacted, not you,” he said. You felt goosebumps on your arms and he pulled away to turn up the heat, nodding over to the bed. The covers were flung back and you climbed underneath, Jensen getting in on his side. His arm wrapped over your waist and pulled your chest close to his, face only inches away. “You don’t have to worry about him anymore. No one will hurt you again. I promise.”
You moved closer to him, resting your forehead against his.
“Remember last Saturday when we were on the trampoline and you talked about those safety nets,” you said.
“Yes, I do.”
“You’re a really good net,” you said softly.
“So are you,” he murmured. He kissed the tip of your nose and you shut your eyes. “What’d you want to be when you were little?”
“A princess,” you said. He chuckled and you smiled. “I wanted a prince to come take me away and everything would be just fine.”
“Princesses were always happy at the end of the movie,” you said. “They got the boy and they were happy. Then I grew up and prince charming doesn’t exist.”
“Cause you’re not a damsel in distress. You didn’t need the prince to save you.”
“But the prince would have made life so much easier.”
“I’m partial to badass princesses myself,” he said. You opened your eyes and he was smiling.
“I’ve never noticed your freckles before.”
“They come out more when I spend some time in the sun.” You moved a hand up and traced under his eye, Jensen nuzzling into his pillow. “Make you a deal. If the badass princess saves me, the scared prince will save her too.”
“Okay,” you said. You kissed him lazily, Jensen smiling through it. 
“Do you want to be a nanny forever?”
“Not forever. It’s an easy way to feel like you have a family when you don’t.”
“Now you do,” he said.
“Jensen you don’t know if this will work out.”
“I do and you do and we’ll take it slow anyways,” he said. “Which is why I’m asking do you want to be a nanny forever.”
“Because maybe someday I won’t need one,” he said. 
“I thought about being an elementary school teacher when I was eighteen for a hot second.”
“You did? You’d be amazing.”
“Pay in Texas is crap though. I make more as a nanny.”
“If money wasn’t an issue though, would you want to be a teacher still?”
“Anything at all?” you asked, Jensen nodding, nose brushed against yours. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“You okay?” he asked, reluctantly letting you out of bed.
“I’m good. I want to show you something,” you said. You slipped out of the room and down the hall to the playroom, picking up a book. Jensen was sat up in bed when you returned and crawled under the covers. You handed him the book and he smiled.
“I don’t remember buying this,” he said, flipping it over. “There’s no serial code on it.”
“You can’t buy it. I wrote a children’s book and printed a few copies for myself,” you said.
“You wrote a book?” he asked, flipping through it. “Did you draw this?”
“Yeah,” you said, Jensen staring at you. “I don’t know if it’s any good. I never tried publishing it.”
“You want to write children’s books, don’t you?” he said, starting to read the story.
“I have a number of them written out. I would make up the stories for kids at bedtime and decided to write them down. It’s kinda like whinnie the poo, that age group, you know? Same group of characters but different stories,” you said.
“These are adorable,” he said, turning another page. You were quiet while he read through for a few minutes, Jensen smiling when he shut the book. “I’ve never read a children’s book where they deal with the loss of a parent.”
“The kids really like it,” you said.
“You should publish this. Seriously. It’s cute and I’m a grown ass man and it made me feel better about Dee.”
“It’s just a story,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I make stories for a living. This whole place would fall apart without stories. This is good. You should consider trying to get it published.”
“Maybe if that nanny job doesn’t work out I will,” you said. 
“Do you mind if I keep this?” he asked.
“Not at all. I gave it to JJ in the first place.”
“Thanks. I want to read this to the twins tomorrow,” he said. He set it on the nightstand and slid back down, pulling you with him. “Why’d the mom fox die in the story? I would have expected the dad wolf considering…”
“Wish fulfillment for a nice father,” you said. “Plus I like drawing the wolf.”
“I like him. He’s fluffy,” chuckled Jensen. “Is that why you asked if I carry a picture of my kids when we met?”
“I’m done with asshole parents. If they treat their kids like shit they sure as hell aren’t gonna treat me any better. You seemed like a good guy. Good guys tend to do that kind of thing.”
“I’m not always good.”
“Yeah, you are,” you said. You shut your eyes and nuzzled close to him, Jensen letting out a soft hum. “You okay? With me being here.”
“Very. Feeling better after everything that happened?”
“Mhm,” you said. “I’m still sorry I lied to you.”
“Did you ever lie about your mom?” he asked. “I mean aside from the fact she adopted you, did you lie about her?”
“Then you didn’t lie, not really. I’m sorry it came out like that. You should have been able to tell me in your own time.”
“You still would have been angry,” you said. 
“I still would have come to my senses too. I’m not perfect. I never was.”
“I don’t want someone perfect,” you said. Your head rested against his chest and you let out a soft sigh.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he said. He kissed the top of your head and tucked it under his chin, adjusting the blankets once before he stilled.
“Goodnight, Jensen.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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With Pleasured Hands
Summary: He's got secrets she has yet to uncover
Characters: Dean Winchester x female reader/character
Warnings: mature, mentions of sexual activity
Words: 500
Author's note: I am in full denial of 15x20, so this is a peek at Dean's retirement.
For @fangirlxwritesx67 Flashfic Fest 2021 prompt request and for @there-must-be-a-lock HHDD hiatus week!
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You’d think having your apartment flood and 90% of your possessions damaged would put a crimp in your lifestyle, and you’d be right.
That said, I’m now living with Dean Winchester, a recently retired PI, new dog dad, and absolute smoke show.
We met at Jake’s Tavern five weeks ago, talking music and food, laughing our asses off — until he took me home and had me breathless and begging on my living room floor.
Over the past week, I’ve learned a lot about Dean.
He’s a cuddler. He’s grumpy in the morning until he’s poured his second cup of coffee. He really loves that dog and his younger brother.
And, he’s got secrets I have yet to uncover.
This morning, Sam mentioned talking to their niece, Claire. Dean was uncharacteristically quiet until after Sam left, and then he was desperate and hot, laid me out on the kitchen table, and made me come with his mouth before dragging me back to his room for three more rounds.
When I wander into the kitchen after my fuck-induced nap, I find Dean singing to Miracle and dropping pieces of chicken for him to devour.
“Hey,” I greet him.
When he looks up, his grin is brilliant and his eyes are bright. “How’d you sleep?”
“Like I got fucked stupid and passed out,” I answer, rounding the island.
He’s barefoot, sweats hung low, and t-shirt loose. He chuckles and dips in to press a kiss to my lips.
“You’re welcome,” he says. “Nice shirt.”
I wear his clothes until I can replace my destroyed garments, but his’re also comfy and smell like him. This one is my favorite.
“What’re you makin’?” I ask, hoisting myself up on the counter with a hiss, still tender from the night before and this morning.
“Chicken Alfredo,” he murmurs, eyeing me sideways. “Y’ok?”
I shrug it off. “Sore,” I answer, reaching for a piece of rigatoni to dip in the bubbling sauce. “But good sore.”
Dean looks momentarily contrite. “Sorry,” he mutters.
“Don’t be,” I answer before popping the pasta into my mouth. “Oh, my god, Dean, this is amazing!”
“Yeah?” he asks with a light in his eyes.
“Yes, holy shit.”
I’m almost mad about it. He’s flawlessly beautiful, incredible in bed, and a good cook?
Dean bobs his head and tries to hide a smile.
“Should I set the table?” I ask.
He flicks his eyes up to mine again; they’re lovely but dark. That look makes my knees weak and my breath catch in my chest.
He shakes his head as his hands busily prepare our bowls. “Takin’ this to go.”
“Where?” I chuckle.
“Back to bed,” he answers as he lays the grilled chicken over the smothered pasta, snagging my gaze. “I wanna see how many more times I can make you come before midnight.”
“Hoo, boy,” I whisper.
Dean smirks and tosses me a wink before turning to grab the serving tray.
“Grab us some beers,” he says. “And some bottled water; we’re gonna need it.”
Hoo, boy, indeed.
If you like what you’ve read, please let me know and/or buy me a coffee!
MJ's Fanfiction Masterlist
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sadachmesarthim · 3 years
i’m impatient, this is a small excerpt from my coffee shop au. i don’t feel great today and a bit of whump-to-fluff domesticity is exactly what i need, so i’m sharing !
The first panic attack Peter was present for was terrifying.
‘Tony.. Tony, come on, you gotta open up. Talk to me.’
Tony stormed out of the bathroom, tears streaming down his face. It wasn’t like him - crying. He didn’t cry, he was a man. He didn’t need to cry. He turned, leaving out the garage. ‘I’ll be back later.’ He never specified when.
He wasn’t gone terribly long. He came back, silent and cold. The light was gone, behind his eyes. Like it’d just been... stolen.
Peter called Maria while he was gone. Thank god for those stupid dog tags, or Peter wouldn’t have known who to call. ‘Are you sure nothing happened? It’s not like him to just storm off like this, Mrs. Stark.’ She was less than helpful, more accusatory than anything. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be his best friend? Why don’t you know?’
Peter hung up.
When Tony came back, he avoided the subject entirely. Peter opted for something a bit easier than words: he reached underneath Tony, scooping him up and carrying him to bed. He was already fairly ready - no shoes, wallet and keys on the table in the living room. Peter tucked him into bed, calling Loki to come up with him.
‘Go take care of our boy, Loki.’ Tony just sat back, staring at the ceiling.
‘I’m gonna lock the house before I leave. I hope you feel better in the morning.’ He turned, prepared to turn the hall light off, when he heard Tony’s small, shaky voice from behind him -
‘You gonna come back? Tomorrow, I mean?’ Peter stopped in his tracks.
‘I’ll always come back to you, Tony. You know that.’
And, true to his word, he came back in the morning - early enough to get to work before Tony finished his first shift. He wouldn’t be off until noon, giving Peter plenty of time to lay out his surprise.
He’d spent the last few hours scribbling on a pad of orange sticky notes and carefully placing them around Tony’s room. After the... episode he’d had last night, Peter thought it’d be a good idea to leave little reminders here & there - that he wasn’t alone, that he didn’t have to hide, or lock himself away from the rest of the world if he wasn’t okay.
He also had lunch going - noodles prepping in a pot, chicken and asparagus in the oven, sauce reducing on the back burner. It was a good way to get Tony fed without giving him a way out. Tony never said no Peter’s food, especially right after a shift. It was the perfect set up - sure, he might be cornering Tony a bit, smothering him with affection...
Peter’s thoughts were interrupted by a particularly pathetic whine. He looked back, playfully snapping at dog behind him. “Hey, asshole! Use your words!” Loki had been pacing in front of the back door, whining. He hadn’t been outside in a while, it made sense he’d need to go. Peter stood, walking over to let the poor pup out before he made a mess.
Normally, he behaved for Peter. Fairly well, actually! Didn’t jump on the couch, stayed out of Joan’s room even when the door was open. He even knew to wipe his paws before coming back inside. He was a smart boy, but he still had his moments.
Apparently today’s moment was jumping the fence, and bolting for the driveway.
“Oh, hell no, dude, the fucking stove is on!” Peter turned and ran for the front door. Loki was smart, and fast - he only had a few seconds before Loki’d be down the block. Except...
Saved by the bell - Tony’d just pulled in. He must have heard the car. Loki was at the top of the driveway, tail wagging and barking like wild. Peter just rolled his eyes, making his way back into the house. Loki’d meet Tony in the garage the second he got out of the car. Not my problem anymore, Peter mused. At least he could finish up in the kitchen, and not chase after the oversized puppy.
Peter heard the telltale chirp of the alarm system - Tony was inside, Loki not too far behind. Tony came in through the hall, sniffing the air gratefully. “Smells good, what’d you make me?”
Peter snorted, indignant. “I didn’t make YOU anything, mister. I made US lunch - homemade Alfredo noodles, asparagus, chicken. Sound good?” Tony’s stomach rumbled. “Apparently! When’s it done?”
Peter smiled to himself. “After you go clean up, you smell like a roasting plant. What’d you do, fall in the grind bin? Oh, make sure to check your room out before you shower!!”
Tony padded away down the hall, shoes scuffing against the hardwood. He’ll have to sweep later.
Peter finished mixing the pasta in with the sauce, cutting the chicken into bite sized chunks. He turned back to the pan, happy at the thought of Tony feeling better. Peter hated seeing him upset, and last night was the worst he’d ever seen.
He didn’t hear Tony walking back into the kitchen, but he felt strong hands wrap around his waist. Felt hot, slightly wet lips press kisses to the side of his neck. He must’ve seen his room. Peter brought a hand up, gently stroking the side of Tony’s cheek with his thumb.
“Thank you.” It was sincere - apparently, he really needed it.
“Of course. You know I’m not going anywhere.” Tony sighed into the affirmation. He wasn’t used to this, this... affection. Reassurance. It was... it was raw. Nice.
“I love you.” Soft enough, it almost went unheard. Peter turned his head, kissing Tony’s forehead. “I love you too.”
He finished lunch while Tony showered, thoroughly pleased with himself. The asparagus was just crispy enough, the chicken moist and flavorful. It was like something out of a dream. He was proud.
Tony came out of the bathroom as soon as he dried off. He was shirtless, lower half just barely covered by low-slung jeans. Peter hadn’t seen this much of his bare skin since before he went to visit Rhodey. Jesus, it should be illegal to look that good. He’d gotten darker while he was out of town - Arizona looked good on him.
He walked out, stocking feet preceding quick tap tap taps on the hardwood. Loki came bounding out from the hallway, turning and leaping into Peter’s arms. He might have been a big boy, but he still thought he was a lapdog. Case in point - he tried (and very often failed) to jump straight into people’s arms.
Peter failed to catch him, hitting the floor unceremoniously with a very excited pibble in his lap. “Hey, asshole! Call your son for me!”
Tony laughed. “Oh, so he’s MY son when he’s misbehaving, is that it?”
“That’s exactly it! He gets his naughty behavior from YOU, and he’s been a shit all day!” Indignant as he was, Peter wasn’t serious. He knew that was a trait both of them instilled in the puppy, and both of them desperately needed to work it out of him.
It was endearing, but puppy kisses often didn’t have limits. No limits usually ended up with puppy tongue in your mouth, up your nose, in your ears... He was a work in progress.
Instead of conceding, Tony sat down next to them, pulling Loki into his lap and off the thoroughly kissed-out other man. Peter pulled himself upright, leaning against the sink for support. “I quit! I resign my place as a parent, that dog is never gonna learn!”
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Unexpected - Jamie Oleksiak
Word Count: 3613
POV: Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, language, cooking (is that a warning hahaha)
Notes: You all better thank the anons that sent me love tonight, especially the one that called me a queen. Girl we are all Queens! But I love you so much you get this Jamie O story early!!! Happy Reading and thank you guys for hitting 500! Peace, Love and Hugs all!
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When you met Jamie at a mutual friend’s house, it wasn’t surprising that he caught your eye. At six foot seven, the man literally drew attention just by walking through the door. Though his frame made him quite intimidating; it wasn’t until later in the evening that you learned how much of a gentle giant the man truly was. His eyes were kind and his smile sweet, a combination that set your heart racing. There was really only one answer to give him when he asked you out to dinner, and that was yes.
The two of you exchanged phone numbers; talking and texting over the next few days until both of your schedules finally coincided. As soon as you got home, you plugged in your curling wand to touch up a few curls and set to fixing your makeup. Making sure to put waterproof mascara on, as it had been raining all day long. The lights flickered but you paid it no mind as you continued getting ready for your date. You weren’t sure if the restaurant you were going to would be fancy or casual, so you kept your outfit simple. Wearing skin-tight black pants and pairing it with a burgundy long sleeve low cut peplum top. It showed just the right amount of cleavage. Satisfied with your look, you headed out to grab a pair of strappy black heels to top the outfit off.
That’s when you noticed the lightning flash through the windows. It was really coming down now. Wind pounding against the siding of your house. Thunder rumbled as the doorbell sounded, and you found yourself jumping in surprise. Scrambling to the door, you opened it to find Jamie, half soaked from his short walk from his car. You ushered him in without even saying hello, and promptly closed the door behind him.
“Hi there,” you finally managed to squeak out. “It’s really coming down out there.”
“Yeah, about that.” He ran his hands through his wet locks, his head bent low as he said. “I’m really sorry but our dinner reservations just got canceled. Apparently, a tree fell on the building or something.”
“Oh…no big deal, we can go anywhere.”
“It’s kind of a mess out there, maybe we should just reschedule.” You couldn’t mask the disappointment on your face. It wasn’t that you wanted to go out to some fancy restaurant, heck you would’ve been happy with McDonald’s. Spending time with Jamie is what you really wanted.
“I mean sure, we can do that if you want; or we could just make something here.”
The shy smile that played across his lips grew into an all-out grin. “I’d like that.”
“Ok then, dinner here it is. Here, let me take your coat.” Taking the wet garment you hung it up, then headed to the kitchen; Jamie following behind. “Umm…let me see. I’ve got some chicken here.” You dug deeper into the refrigerator searching for other ingredients to go with it. “Oh, do you like chicken alfredo?”
“Sounds delicious.”
“Great! I make a killer alfredo sauce.” Grabbing the remaining ingredients you set them on the counter, then went back to the fridge. Glancing in the crisper, you took out stuff for a salad to go along with your meal. “Oh my gosh, I forgot to ask if you wanted anything to drink. I’m a horrible host.”
Jamie chuckled, a sound you felt deep within you. “I’d say you’re doing a great job, considering this is the spur of the moment.” When you turned to look at him, you saw his eye taking in your appearance. “I haven’t been a very good date either since I forgot to mention how beautiful you look.”
Heat rose to your cheeks at the compliment, and you bit the corner of your bottom lip, a bad nervous habit you had. “Thank you.” You countered. “Aside from the wet head, you look pretty good yourself.” You set the vegetables aside, then turned back to Jamie. “So, about that drink? I’m thinking wine. I mean we are going Italian here.”
“Sounds perfect, what can I do to help?” Opening the cupboard you grabbed two glasses and a bottle of your favorite Cabernet, then handed the bottle off to him.
“For starters, you can open this, then I’ll get you started on making the salad.” While Jamie worked on uncorking the wine, you got out the pots and pans you needed to make the chicken alfredo. By the time you had chicken in the pan and went over to wash your hands, Jamie had the wine poured and handed you a glass.
“Here’s to the unexpected and everything that comes along with it.” It was an interesting toast, and you were hoping that only good things would come for the rest of the evening. You clinked your glass with his, both of you taking a generous sip; then you set the glass aside.
“Now let’s get cooking.” You went to hand him the container of greens when a loud crack of thunder scared you half to death and you dropped the container back on the counter as you practically jumped closer to Jamie. His hands came instinctively around you, and it took you a minute to regain your senses as you breathed in his clean manly scent. You felt his large hands rub soothing circles against your back. All you wanted to do was lean closer into him, but instead, you found yourself looking up into his piercing blue eyes. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that thunder.”
“I’m not complaining.” He smiled down at you, and you felt your lips slide up in return. Slowly he leaned into you, as your heart started to beat a bit faster. That’s when you heard a pop in the pan.
“Shit!” You shifted out of his arms, to run over and flip the chicken. “I totally forgot about this.” He just laughed softly, some things had lousy timing. After the chicken interruption, the two of you continued making dinner. Jamie cutting up the salad, while you worked on the sauce. There was a stream of endless chatter as the two of you got to know each other better. He’d gently poke fun at something you would say, while you chirped him back about fighting on the ice all the time.
The water was boiling for the pasta when he came up behind you. “Dinner smells delicious.” He was so close, leaning over your shoulder, as you stirred the alfredo sauce. He bent down, and you could feel his warm breath on your neck.
“Would you like a taste?” Oh god, your cheeks flushed at the wording you’d just used, for you definitely weren’t thinking of the sauce at the moment.
“Sure.” You held the spoon up but gently blew on it before bringing it up to his lips. His hands slid around your waist as he drew himself closer for a taste, a movement that sent heat straight to your core. “Mmmm tastes even better than it smells.” Setting the spoon back down, you looked over your shoulder at him and noticed a small amount of sauce on his upper lip.
“You have some right…” You motioned to the spot but then decided to be bold. Moving your thumb up you brushed away the excess food, but when you went to move back, Jamie caught your wrist and drew your thumb into his mouth; swirling his tongue around it. Your knees went weak and your panties grew wet. The man hadn’t even kissed you yet, though if it was anything close to what he was doing now; you’d probably dissolve into a puddle. When he finally released the digit, his hand moved to cup your cheek, as his lips drew near. Eyes fluttering shut, you gave yourself over to Jamie. His lips were soft and gentle, just slowly caressing yours. He didn’t demand anything from you, just a melding of two people. He pulled back before deepening the kiss. You felt lightheaded, and just a bit dizzy, but all in the best way. He kept his hands around your waist, keeping you steady as you looked up into his smiling face. “That was nice.” You finally breathed out.
“Yeah, it was.” The grin that broke out on your face was infectious, as you could see the exact same one on Jamie.
You took a deep breath and stepped out of his embrace to finish up dinner. “Can you grab a couple of plates from that cupboard right there?” Taking the tongs, you picked out a piece of angel hair out of the boiling water to test it and see if it was done. It was perfect, so you tossed it into the colander and drained it. Jamie handed over the dishes and you artfully arranged the chicken alfredo and salad on it. Grabbing the wine, you and Jamie headed over to the table to finally start your first dinner date. “Bon appetit.” You said, raising your glass to Jamie’s.  
He dug into the meal wholeheartedly. “Wow, this is amazing. You’re a really good cook.”
“Thanks.” You answered in between bites.
“This is so much better than when they make this for us before games.” He took another forkful.
“They cook for you all you guys before every game?”
“Yeah, both home and away, before or after practice as well; but nothing this good.” You weren’t a hundred percent sure he was telling the truth, yet it was still nice to hear. “So do you cook like this every night for yourself?”
“Well, not every night, but most. I actually like to bake more than cook.”
“Really? So, what are the chances I can get you to bake for me?” His cute little smirk came back out then and you felt yourself melt just a bit more.
“I’m sure it can be arranged.” The conversation went back and forth like that all through dinner. It was so easy to talk to Jamie, and while he initially came off as shy; once he seemed comfortable the conversation came easy. The storm continued on outside, and you suspected with the amount of rain coming down there would definitely be areas of flooding. The lights flickered a few times, before suddenly going out when a particularly loud bang of thunder and lightning hit. “Crap looks like we should’ve lit these candles.” You could barely make out the outline of Jamie’s tall frame, but then the lightning would strike again and it would illuminate his face. “Hold on and I’ll grab some more.” Carefully you made your way over to your purse and took out your phone, turning on the flashlight, so that you could get the matches from the kitchen. The soft candlelight gave the room an intimate glow, and so you lit some of the others you had strewn around the house. “There much better.” Since you’d both finished your meal and had just been sitting there chatting, you suggested the two of you move to the living room.
Jamie grabbed the bottle of wine and refilled both of your glasses before sitting down on the sofa. Instead of taking the seat on the opposite end of the couch away from Jamie, you decided to sit next to him, both of your knees tucked up underneath you. His arm rested across the back of the sofa and you felt him take one of your loose curls and twist it in his fingers, before saying. “You know, I think this has been a better first date, then what I originally planned.”
You smiled. “I think you’re right.” His hand moved to softly knead your neck, the touch gently coaxing you closer to his body. His free hand grabbed your wine glass and moved it to the end table, then reached over and cupped your cheek. You felt yourself lean into him, in anticipation of the kiss to come.
He was so close, as his eyes moved from your gaze to your mouth. “You’re so beautiful.” He softly whispered, before his lips gently caressed yours. His hand at the back of your neck pressed you slightly forward and your hands moved to his chest, as you opened for him. His tongue swept in, stroking against yours, eliciting a moan from you. Each of you learning what the other liked as the kiss continued. Desire pool within you, and you found yourself wanting more. He slowly pulled away, and you whimpered from the loss of contact. His breathing was harsh, as he pushed your hair to the side to rain soft little kisses to your now exposed neck. “So sweet.” He murmured.
“Mmmm,” you couldn’t suppress the moan that left your lips when he hit a particular spot on you. Your hands threaded through his hair and he gently nipped at your skin, before returning to explore your mouth again. A low growl escaped him when you deepened the kiss. The kiss was needy, tongues swirling and seeking more from each other. His large hands roamed up and down your back, until they lightly caressed your sides, just barely touching the outside of your breasts. You moaned into his mouth, the sound primal and wanting. Finally, he cupped your breast through your shirt, running his thumb back and forth over your nipple. The action causing the dampness in your panties to become wetter.
You pulled back from the kiss, in order to catch your breath, though Jamie continued his assault on your nipples. Tossing your head back you moaned again in pleasure. His hands left you then, moving to the hem of your shirt. “Can I?” he asked.
You hummed your agreement and raised your hands to assist him. His gaze took you in, and you could see the lust in his eyes. It spurred you on, and you moved to straddle him. Jamie placed his hands on your hips to help lift you onto him. You could feel his hard length through his pants and you were half embarrassed that he would feel how wet you truly were. All thoughts left your brain though when his mouth latched on to your nipple through the lace of your bra. Your hips rocked forward, feeling him hot and hard beneath you. Jamie growled, deep and low from his chest, as you tested the waters again by rocking gently into him. He slid your bra strap halfway down your arm, before taking your breast out and suckling on the nipple. Your hips start to move of their own accord, and vaguely you realize dry humping him before he stilled you with a hand on your hip. “Easy babe.” He tenderly breathed out.
He went back to kissing your mouth, this time at a slower pace. His tongue taking its time, just languidly swirling with yours, as he pressed your chest closer to his. His long fingers, traced down your spine, leaving your body covered in goosebumps, as he removed your lace bra. He was stoking a fire in your body and you wanted more. You unbuttoned his shirt, needing to feel his warm flesh. His muscles were hard, beneath your fingertips; and when he deepened the kiss, your nails dug into his skin.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that. His mouth molded to yours, unhurriedly kissing you in the soft candlelight. After an endless assault on your lips, his hands finally trailed down to your hips, where he slowly rocked them into his. You weren’t sure who moaned first, you or Jamie. Pulling back from his lips, you rained kisses all over his neck and chest, and he picked up speed. Moans filled the air, and before you knew what was happening, he lifted you off him and laid you back against the sofa. His large body loomed over you, and you licked your lips in anticipation. “Damn (Y/N), when you do that…” He blew out a breath. Your fingers hooked around the loop of his pants and you pulled him closer to you, that smirk that did unholy things to you returned to his face. There was nothing else you could do but kiss him.
His hands trailed over your body, as his large palm cupping your sex. A blush stained your cheeks, as you knew he could feel your wetness through the fabric of both your pants and panties. The heel of his hand, pressed down on your mound, sending a jolt of pleasure through your entire body. “Mmm…Jamie.” Reaching up, you pushed his shirt off to caress his body; nails raking down his chest as he continued to rub your pussy.
He lifted his palm off you, only to move his hand to your waistband. His eyes looked at you questioningly before proceeding any further. You nodded your head for him to continue, and he wasted no time undoing the button and sliding the zipper down. You lifted your hips for him to shimmy your pants down. His heated gaze trailed down your body to your black lace thong. “Mmmm pretty. Did you wear this for me?” His fingers traced the outline of the lace, making you squirm underneath him.
On a breathy sigh, you tried to play coy by answering, “Maybe.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Only a maybe?” He trailed one finger over your clit down your slit, and when he heard your sharp intake of breath, he said. “If it’s only a maybe, then maybe we should stop.”
He let his finger circle your clit a couple times, then took his hand away. “Don’t stop Jamie. Please.”
“Please what (Y/N)? I need to know what you want.”
“I want you to touch me, Jamie, please.” There was neediness to your voice and you didn’t care.
“So, did you wear this for me? Were you hoping I’d see them and want to rip them off you?” Your hips bucked up and you moaned out a breathy yes. “Because I do (Y/N), I just want to tear them off and put my mouth on your sweet little pussy.” He hooked a finger, under the waistband and dipped it between your folds. “So wet.” You arched your back into the touch, as he took his now soaked finger and circled your clit. You were panting now, aching for more. “Lift up babe.” You did as commanded and were rewarded as he slid your panties off of you.
Trailing his hands, along the inside of your thighs, Jamie worked his way up to your core. He blew a breath on you, and your hips bucked. His strong arm came to rest across your midsection to hold you still, as his tongue flicked your clit. “Oh god, yes” you moaned out. It felt like you were on fire and his tongue had only touched you once. He licked again, the act making your body tingle all over. When his mouth latched on to your clit and he began to suck, you felt your orgasm start to build. Never in your life had you been this close to the edge this soon and if he hadn’t been holding you down, you were pretty sure you would’ve fallen off the cliff already. He continued to lap at your clit when you felt his finger slip between your folds and enter you. You gasped, inhaling sharply as pleasure course through you. “Oooohhh”
He started to pump his finger in and out of you. Your hips rising as much as they could with his arm stretched across you. “That’s it (Y/N)…” He breathed out. “Cum for me baby.” When his finger made a come here motion, that was all you needed. Sensations of pure bliss took hold of your body and your pussy spasmed all around his finger. You didn’t recognize the noises that came out of your mouth as you screamed out your pleasure. Jamie slow licks continued through your orgasm until you finally collapsed back on the couch; then he slowly climbed up your body. Bringing his face to yours, you kissed him, tasting your essence on his lips.
You skated your hands down his body, to his fly and undid the button there. Reaching down you felt his cock harden at your touch, and Jamie sucked in a breath through his teeth. As you stroked him you realized that he was a large man in every sense of the word. For a minute, you were nervous about his size; but then he kissed you again and all the nerves left. You pushed his pants and boxers off him and his cock sprang free. It felt hot and heavy in your hand as you stroked it a few times until his hand grabbed your wrist to stop you. “I don’t know if we…” His voice trailed off.
The electric came back on then, lighting up the room with a million watts of power. The two of you both squinted from all the light. You took the moment to resume stroking Jamie. “Are you sure you want to do this?” His tone serious and respectful, and you knew if you told him to stop he would.
“Jamie, I want this…I want you.”
“Then maybe we should move this into the bedroom.” It was the perfect suggestion and you nodded your agreement. He lifted off your body, extending his hand to help you up.
You quickly blew out the candles, before grabbing his hand and leading him back the hallway. “You know, this has been the best first date I’ve ever had.”
He kissed you hard as you crossed over the threshold of your bedroom. “It’s not over yet babe.”
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janicho88 · 4 years
Come Back Part 3
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Paring- Dean x Reader
Word Count-3810
Summary- After everything you and Dean have been through to get together you deserve some happiness right?
Warnings-Smidge of angst, fluff, some language, maybe just a couple words.  Implied smut
A/N As of right now this is the final part.  There is a chance someday there will be a fourth.  There are a few more pictures in this one, I like to visualize things, was trying to help you see what I was.  Pictures found on google.
Part 1    Part 2 
Three months later
Chaos, mayhem and craziness, that was what surrounded you.  Currently you were hiding in your old room in the bunker trying to get away.  Unfortunately the knock at the door told you that they found you again.  Charlie, Donna, and Jody, all of whom you had renamed in your head, hurried in. They were trying to help get everything ready for the wedding in a few days.  They all had an opinion on how it should be, the problem was, their opinion didn’t match yours.
Chaos, I mean Charlie thought you should do a Star Wars theme. They women could all dress like Princess Leia and the guys Jedi, with the robes and hoods. You think you just about had her talked out of it.  You had told her if that was what she wanted to wear, go right ahead, but she would be the only one. 
Mayhem, oh miss Donna wanted you to learn square dancing.  She was also hoping for big dresses with these crazy bows, and so so many ruffles.  You told her she was more than welcome to have one herself.  At this rate it was going to be more like a costume party than a wedding.  You mentioned to Donna you didn’t think Dean was going to learn square dancing this week for the wedding, but if she wanted to show people that night it was fine.   
Craziness, bless her heart. Jody’s ideas were probably the closest to what you were thinking.  After you lost your parents you spent most of your time at Bobby’s before going off hunting with Dean.  You saw Jody as a mom figure, and she knew the inner girl you kept hidden.  You just didn’t want to make things as grand as she did.  You appreciated everyone’s help, they were just a bit overwhelming when you had them all at once.
You weren’t expecting too many attendees.  Besides the three ladies, Alex and Claire would of course be joining.  Garth and his family would be here, a few other hunters the guys kept in constant contact with also coming.  You expected, but weren’t completely sure Crowely and Rowena would also make an appearance.  Rowena liked you, and the two of you had become friends over the years, even if Dean wasn’t thrilled about it.  Sam was Dean’s best man, Donna your maid of honor.  Since Dean was legally dead, and also wanted for numerous federal crimes a marriage license was out of the question.  Cas was officiating, both you and Dean figured married by an angel would make it legal and binding for the two of you.
Turning your attention back to the three ladies in front of you, you figured it would be wise to see what questions they had this time.
“What are you doing for decorations?”
“Where is the caterer going?”
“Where is your dress”
Jody’s question was the easiest so you started there.  “My dress still needs to be picked up, they finished the last alteration yesterday.”  While hunters don’t often get normal things, one thing you always dreamed about watching chick flicks was a beautiful wedding dress.  When you told Dean you were just going to get a simple dress or wear one you had, he encouraged you to go after your dream one.  He joked about wanting to see you in a big fancy dress in your real wedding pictures, not just your fake ones Sam had made.
As for the decorations, “Dean and I talked, we will move the tables aside in the library and rearrange the chairs for people to sit.  I don’t have any decorations.”  
“What nothing?  No fancy lights or even flowers?” Charlie wanted to know. 
 “No, we figured simpler was easier.”  Charlie just rolled her eyes.
“There aren’t that many of us, we didn’t exactly get a caterer.  There is a restaurant in town we’ve gone to a few times that does party size orders.   We ordered a few dishes to serve 30 that should give us plenty.  Sam or Dean are picking them up the day before the wedding, we just need to reheat it the next day.  Dean joked that we can order pizza later if people are hungry.  Honestly, I don’t care much about any of those things, well other than the dress, but it still isn’t as important as Dean.  End of the day what matters most is actually being together with Dean.  I want to be able to truthfully say he’s my husband.”  
They all chuckled at that.  You still had to humor them with a few more answers before they left you alone.  You had about two minutes to yourself when there was a knock on the door.  Turning your head toward the door you saw Dean walking in.
“How’s it going with your wedding army?”
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“Not funny, they are driving me nuts.  I know I said I didn’t want to go to Vegas before, but is that completely off the table now?”
“Personally, I wouldn’t want to face the wrath of those 3 if they found out we eloped now, but if you really want to Baby is gassed and ready to go.”
“UGGHH, you’re right, we would never hear the end of it now.”
“I’ll talk to them, see if I can get them to calm down.”
“Thank you, Honey, you're the best.”   
After giving you a kiss your fiance left to try and wrangle in your help. Fiance, what a crazy year you two have had. It started with the fight that had you leaving the bunker and Dean.  Followed by the amnesia and being Dean’s fake wife.  They two of you had been together since the memories returned, you had officially moved into his room.  He didn’t say anything else about a wedding after the comment about getting real pictures so you didn’t push.   A month after all of Dean’s memories of you came back  he took you out to dinner then a walk by a nearby lake.  It was by the lake he dropped down on one knee and asked you to be his wife.  With tears in your eyes you had said yes. Dean didn't want to ever lose you again, hunter’s don’t always have the longest lives so he wasn’t going to waste any more time making you his actual wife.
The next month and half had kept you all pretty busy with hunts, you had not had much time to do anything for the wedding.  One of the few things you two finished was picking out your rings while gone on a case. 
 Your lack of completed tasks is why the girls are here now trying to help you.  You appreciated the help because honestly the last couple of weeks you hadn’t had a lot of extra energy.  You were thankful Dean hadn’t noticed that yet though.
Dean talked to your three friends and got them to tone everything down a bit. It made the next few days so much easier for you.  The night before your wedding they took you out for your bachelorette party.  You mentioned to them you didn’t want a hangover the next day so you wanted to avoid the alcohol.  They took you out for dinner, and still ended up with a trip to the bar after.  Things went pretty well though, and it was a fun night with the girls.  You weren’t sure what the guys were doing for Dean, but you knew they were hanging around the bunker.  When you made your way from the garage to your old room, you could still hear them in the library. 
You know those days where everything that can go wrong will?  That was your wedding day.  It was now 11:30 and the wedding was supposed to be starting at 1, if it ever did.  You could not believe the morning you had had.   Dean and Sam had picked up the food yesterday from the reception. Everything was sealed and labeled just how you had ordered it.  The guys brought it home and put it in the fridge.  This morning when you, Jody and Donna were in the kitchen talking about when to reheat everything and what goes where you took it all out of the fridge, good thing. What was supposed to be an alfredo pasta was, well you weren’t really sure.  It was something slimy.  In the container labeled chicken breasts, raw vegetables, at least those were edible. They would work too since Sam forgot to grab anything to make a salad.  Instead of mashed potatoes you got yams.  The cornbread Dean wanted, just cream corn.  
Jody called the restaurant to see if they could fix it and get you the right things.  They were extremely sorry, but could not fix it right now.  Apparently your food got mixed up with another catering they had today for a bigger group.  They were working on fixing that one right now, and it would take a few hours to start on yours.  They told Jody they would be giving you a refund though.  Looks like you’ll be ordering pizza after all. 
Leaving the kitchen after that mess you headed up to the library.  The site that met you had you closing your eyes hoping it was all a nightmare.  The guys little bachelor party the night before  looks like it got out of hand.  For some reason there were books everywhere, the tables and chairs all over and as soon as your shoe hit the library floor it stuck to it.  They apparently spilled a bit of alcohol, you could smell it now.  That had you running for the bathroom.  You carefully made your way back to the library, Sam looking around the corner when he heard your approach.  
“Hey we were going to come clean this up before you woke up.  Guess we overslept.  Don’t worry about this.  It will straighten up in no time.”
“What about the smell Sam?”
“We’ll find something.”
“What happened in here anyways?”
“Cas might have had a bit too much to drink and he was trying to show off some of his powers.  Didn’t go well as you can tell.  Used too much energy and passed out before we could get him to fix it.”
As you were talking you didn’t notice Charlie and Donna coming behind you.  They were going to finish the cake table and chose to bring the cake out now.  Charlie hit the sticky floor and stumbled. She held her balance until she hit an out of place chair and the cake went flying. Now you had another mess and no cake.  At least you had bought Dean a pie, which Donna was carrying.  Never mind it met the same fate as the cake.  What else could go wrong?
You should not have asked.  After trying to help clean up some of the mess, Jody sent you to shower.  She was going to start your hair after.  You two had practiced your updo a few times and she knew exactly how you wanted it.  Problem was today your hair didn’t realize it was supposed to cooperate.  The half up half down with curls you wanted was mostly down, and extremely limp.  Oh well, it was just hair you told yourself.  While looking in the mirror at the flop on your head someone knocked on the door.  It was Sam.
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“What’s up Sam”
“Is anyone here any good with alterations?”
“What kind, to what and why?” You asked with your eyes narrowing in the mirror.
“Slight problem with the tuxes. Um how do you feel about purple?”
‘What’s wrong with the tuxes?  What’s purple that I need to feel something about? Again why?”
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“Cas’ tux apparently came in purple. Now is the first time he’s opened it.  He must have hit the wrong box.  The alterations are for Dean and I.  My tux is a bit too big, and his is too small.  He can’t even get the coat on.”
“Didn’t you get measured for your tuxes? Why didn’t you try them on before?”
“We sent in our measurements and they sent us things to try on and we told them what fit.  Things have been hectic.  We all thought they would be fine.”
You didn’t say anything just stared straight ahead for a minute.  “I guess your Fed suits will have to work.”
You were hoping to do a few pictures outside before people came, that way you weren’t holding up the reception after.  You had figured if everyone here was ready by 11:30 it gave you time for pictures and to get back to your room before anyone else arrived. 
Shortly after 11 Donna and Charlie were helping you into your dress while Jody looked for your shoes. 
“I can’t find them anywhere Y/N do you know what they were in?”
They were in a white box.  They were on the counter, I grabbed the dress and Charlie grabbed my shoes.”
“I didn’t carry anything out of the shop.”  The redhead behind you spoke up.
“Did anyone carry the white box out?”
Silence great, you left without your shoes.  You had white flip flops guess that will have to do.  Donna started to zip the back of your dress with Charlie helping when you heard a ripping noise.
“What is that?”
“OH NO!  Y/N, I am so sorry!” Charlie exclaimed.  Apparently she had ended up standing on the dress while they were pulling the zipper and it was enough to tear the fabric in the back.  They unzipped it, while Jody left to see if there was any thread in the bunker to try and sew it up.  Charlie kept apologizing, but you told her accidents happen, and ushered them both out for a few minutes of quiet for yourself.
There was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
“Babe it’s me.  Jody told me about all the problems, are you okay? Can I come in”
“NO!  If the only thing that goes right today is the tradition of not seeing the bride then so be it.  You can open the door a smidge, but don’t peak in.”
“Okay, okay.   How are you holding up.”
 “I’m beginning to think someone cursed us today.  Who did we piss off now?”
“Just a rough morning, we aren’t cursed this time.  I’m sorry about the mess we made in the library.  We got the spills cleaned up.”
“Does it still smell like beer?”
“Eh, maybe some.”
“Okay.  Thank you for getting the rest ready.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry this isn’t the day of your dreams.”
“It’s okay, I’ll survive.   At the end of the day the most important thing is I have you by my side.”
“Always, Sweetheart.  We’re in this together.”
As you and Dean were talking you heard the clank of heels coming down the hall. “Is that Jody coming back?” 
“No, it’s Rowena.  Hello Rowena, can I help you?”
“Hello Dean. No, you cannot, I just fancied a word with the bride to be.”
“Dean, be nice.” You whispered out to him
“Fine, I’ll see you out there Sweetheart everything will be fine.”
 As Dean walked away you opened the door and let Rowena in.
“I heard from Samual, it’s been a bit of a rough morning for you? That library smells like a brewery.”
“That’s one way to put it.  Not much is going right, the food is wrong, the cake hit the floor, along with Dean’s pie.  The library was a mess this morning.  They cleaned it, but like you said it still smells.  The guy's tuxes don’t fit, Cas’ is the wrong color, I forgot my shoes and my dress ripped.  My hair has decided this will be the day it does it’s own thing.  This isn’t exactly how I thought this day would go.  I guess I should just be happy we haven’t been called for a hunt yet.”
“Sit here and let Rowena see what she can do Lass.”
You had been sitting in your room for about five minutes when Jody and Donna came back. They took your wedding dress and an old pair of shoes and left again. They must have found some thread, not sure what they are doing with the shoes though.  Five minutes later they returned again, much too quickly to have actually sewn the dress.
“Okay, let’s get you dressed,” Jody said.
“Wait, what about the dress? Did you fix it already?”
“We did not.  Your witchy godmother did.  She fixed your dress, shoes, the tuxes, cleaned up the library a bit.”
“Oh my.”  You were speechless. 
As they were finishing closing your dress there was another knock at the door. Rowena entered a moment later.
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“You look just about perfect deary.  One more little thing.”
Rowena spoke a few words and you could suddenly feel your hair moving around.  She was fixing that too.
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“Rowena, I’m going to cry thank you so much!”
“No tears today, it’s a happy day.  Even if you are marrying that Winchester.”
“Thank you so much.”  You gave her a hug and she went back out to the library.  
You had just enough time to get a few pictures finished before you needed to come back inside.  While Dean was outside getting his pictures with the guys, and ladies, you went to the library.  You could not believe your eyes, Rowena had worked her magic in here also.  It was no longer the library you knew, but a ballroom.  Gone were the bookcases, tables and chairs.  White Chairs were set up for the guests and a beautiful wedding arch where you would say your vows.  
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“This is amazing Rowena, I can’t believe you did all this thank you!”
“You are more than welcome.  Alas I can’t take all the credit in here, your fiance made the arch as a surprise for you.”    
You couldn’t believe Dean had done that.  It was perfect.  The door opened and Jody came in to see where you were, so Dean wouldn’t see you when he came in.   She ushered him to the hall, then helped you up the stairs. When your pictures were done, she went inside and looked for Dean, to keep him out of the way.  Sam came over to talk to you.
“You look stunning, my brother is one lucky guy.  I’m glad you both came to senses.  I’m glad you decided to come back here.”
“I am too.  Mostly I’m thankful we got our Dean back.”  Sam gave you a hug as you both headed back inside.
Soon it was time for the ceremony to start.  You had asked Jody to walk you down the aisle, being the closest thing you had to a parent.  Dean actually had a tear in his eye when you reached him, and he told you how beautiful you looked. You told him how dashing he was.  The ceremony went much quicker than you imagined.  Both you and Dean reciting traditional vows.  When Cas pronounced you husband and wife Dean grabbed you to him in a longer kiss than you thought he would.  After you walked back down the aisle and people were getting up from their seats, Rowena changed the room to a different setting again.
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  The white chairs were now around tables, a buffet line was set up that smelled delicious.  In the corner a beautiful wedding cake, with smaller circles surrounding it on the table.  Upon closer inspection they were mini pies.  You were going to need to hide some of those from Dean so he didn’t get sick.   This was incredible and more than you could imagine, you were going to owe her big for this.
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You and Dean spent the afternoon and even talking with guests, dancing and enjoying the wonderful food Rowena provided.  When it came time to cut the cake, you told Dean if he made a mess it would be a long time before you made him another pie.  He took that warning to heart and did his best not to smear it on your face. You doing the same with the piece of pie you cut him.  Dean picked your first dance song, Aerosmith’s "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing."  He said he wasn’t missing anymore of your life together.   Most of your guests were crashing at the bunker tonight so it was one long party.  At one point you caught up to Sam.
“Think Rowena could have helped us with Dean a few months ago?”
“Probably, wish we had thought to ask her back then.” You nodded your agreement before going to find your new husband. 
You and Dean finally decided to call it a night and head back to your shared room for a little alone time.  There was something you wanted to share with Dean tonight.  Opening the door and turning back to pick you up Dean carried you in and placed you on the bed.  You were staying in the bunker tonight before heading off to your honeymoon.  Dean had actually rented a house on the beach, but far enough away from others you would have some privacy. 
“I missed you in my arms last night wife”
“I missed being held close to you, husband. I like being able to honestly call you that now.”
“I love hearing it.  I like the idea of filling those frames with pictures I actually remember.”
“Dean I have something for you.”
“Yeah, is it under your dress”
“Not in the way you're thinking.”
 Getting off the bed you went to your dresser and pulled out a gift wrapped box.  As you handed it to him, he told you he didn’t get you anything.  You told him he already did, and just open the box. He tore the paper off and when his eyes shot up to you when he removed the lid.  He looked at you and then back to what you had made for him in the box.
“Really… are you?.. Am I?”  With tears in his eyes he could finish his sentences.
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“Yes, we are going to have a baby, you're going to be daddy.”  He grabbed you and pulled you in for a tight hug before he thought better of it and loosened his grip.  Leaning down his lips met yours in a slow sweet kiss.
“How far along are you?”
“Just about 6 weeks I found out this past week. Cas told me and I swore him to secrecy.”
“You know this means no more hunting for you right?”
“Yes, I kind of figured that.”
Dean leaned down to kiss you again.  It didn’t take long till you were working the buttons on his shirt and he was trying to figure out your dress.  You had to break apart to deal with clothes before coming back together and finishing your wedding night wrapped up in one another.  
Tags @flamencodiva​ @deanwanddamons​ @katehuntington​ @winchest09​ @emoryhemsworth​ @waywardbeanie​ @malfoysqueen14​ @talesmaniac89​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @superfanficnatural​ 
@fantasydevil2002​ @vicmc624​ @lilballofemotions @sandlee44​                       @multi-fan-lover
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reinhartiisms · 3 years
Cole: had just washed his hands and was beginning to knead the pasta dough that he'd just made. Well he'd made it earlier in the day and it had been resting while he and Lili went out shopping. "What kind of sauce do you feel like? I can make spaghetti, carbonara, alfredo? Any requests?" He asked Lili, getting out the pasta maker from the cupboard and beginning to turn the dough through it. The living room almost looked like a bomb had gone off in it with all the baby items they'd bought during their shopping trip and with that it really made it feel real that they were going to be having a child in just a few months. The onesies and clothing was tiny and they could add it to the tiny bunny that he and Lili had brought at christmas time. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked Lili.
Lili was busy putting away the bags her and Cole had collected over a long day of shopping when she heard Cole's question. "I'm not really in the mood for a specific noodle or sauce," she smiled at him. "Surprise me." She was too focused on trying to notate down what all they had and what all they still needed to get. It was funny how with all these bags, it looked like they had everything they needed but Lili knew they hadn't even scratched at the surface. Babies needed a lot. "Wine," she answered him wryly but let out a wistful sigh. Wine. God, she missed wine and she wasn't even a big drinker. "Water is fine." Closing her Notes app on her phone, Lili straightened up and made her way into the kitchen to join them. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked, swinging her legs over the counter and sitting up on the top.
Cole: "Ooh fun, I could go really out there then" He probably wouldn't though. Lili was a bit of a pickier eater and he wanted to make something that she would actually want to eat, especially since she was pregnant and he knew she needed to keep her calories up, although not by too much. Once the pasta was finished and into nice long lengths of spaghetti, Cole put it into the bubbling water so it could cook. He pulled the ingredients out of the fridge for pesto sauce and began making that. It wouldn't take too long and hopefully Lili would like it. It had parmesan in it and you couldn't really go wrong with cheese. He looked up when Lili answered his next question and Cole gave her a smile, pushing a glass of water towards her. "You can probably have non alcoholic wines, we should try some one day if you want"
Lili wrinkled her nose and gave Cole a pout. "Oh please, there's no point of wine if it's non-alcoholic. That's like sugar free candy or dairy free ice cream. It's a crime." She picked up the glass and sipped from it, watching as he cooked. With the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his dark hair all frizzy from the heat of the kitchen, he was painting an attractive picture. It was pretty unfair. Lili squeezed her legs together at the thought and took a more vigorous swig of water. Damn baby hormones. If she wasn't crying while reading sad poems, she was getting all hot and bothered about her very unavailable ex. "So seriously, nothing I can do to help?" Lili asked, needing a distraction. "No stirrer needed? Cheese grater? Pepper shaker?"
Cole: "I mean, it'll still taste the same, it's just not got the same effects. But I get what you mean" Cole told her. She was right. It was sort of pointless, especially since most people liked the buzz they got form alcohol. Once the pasta was cooked, Cole put it to drain in the sink and then got out two bowls, the sauce was ready and he was just going to add the two of them together. "Nope, i'm all done" he answered, putting a bowl in front of the two seats at the island and then offering Lili a hand so she could get down and they could sit next to one another and eat dinner together. "What do you think?" He asked, starting on his own bowl of pasta.
Lili "Ah, once again, I am useless," Lili joked and took Cole's hand as he helped her off the counter. The dinner smelled delicious, as always. Before she could sit down, she poured herself some water and then grabbed some bread that Cole still had saved from a previous grocery store venture. It may not have been freshly baked, hot out of the oven in Italy but it'd pair nicely with the pasta. She dipped her bread in the sauce and took a bite, nodding her head. "Delicious, as always. I really need to up my cooking game." Lili had gotten a lot better over the years but she didn't get too experimental in the kitchen and tended to stick with safe dishes. "Thanks for cooking for me," she gave him a smile. "Otherwise I would've eaten something really shitty from Postmates and felt awful afterwards."
Cole: "Oh stop it, you are not. I just didn't have anything for you to do is all" Lili most definitely wasn't useless. Cole just often didn't need too much help. Pasta was easy to make and it didn't take long to cook so there really hadn't been much for anyone to do. "Welcome. It's pretty easy and most food isn't hard, you just have to be ready to fail the first few times you make a dish until you get it right" Pasta was really the only thing that Cole was super good at cooking, everything else was a bit of a gamble on whether or not it would turn out right. "Well I'm glad you stayed for dinner then. Although postmates isn't too bad, I don't think. Depending on what you get"
Lili "I don't typically get healthy food." Lili was doing a lot better eating wise when it came to being pregnant, but it was hard to avoid fries and milkshakes when they were so readily available to you. Her biggest craving lately had been chicken wings washed down with some orange soda and that wasn't exactly what the doctor recommended. She twirled some pasta around her fork and after taking a big bite of it, swallowed with her water. "Maybe you can teach me some," she asked Cole, taking another bite. "You won't always be here to cook for Brooklyn and I'd like to give her some of Dad's favorites when it's my night to have her."
Cole: Cole just continued eating his pasta as Lili spoke. At least she was aware she wasn't eating the best food and it probably wasn't enough to really do anything. "Yeah? I could definitely do that. It's really easy so i'm sure you'd have no trouble making them" Cole had learnt most of his pasta making skills from his dad who made the best pasta Cole had ever had. His Dad had learnt in Italy when he'd lived there before Cole was born so it was no wonder his Dad's skills were that good. "Yeah we're definitely screwed if she doesn't like pasta" Cole joked, drinking from his cup of water. "Not that we have to worry about that for a while at least"
Lili "Sounds good," Lili smiled at Cole. As helpful as Cole was being throughout her entire pregnancy, Lili knew that eventually she'd have to stop depending on him. They were going to be parents together, but she was going to be a single mother nevertheless. She couldn't lean on Cole to provide everything for her or for Brooklyn. "As long as she's not vegan, that's all that matters. Mads keeps telling her that meat is evil and if our baby comes out wanting only organic mush, I'm gonna make Mads change every dirty diaper." Lili smirked at Cole as she said this and took another bite. "But I'm guessing the only thing she'll want is milk for a while so you're right, we've got time." Lili just hoped breastfeeding wasn't the nightmare it seemed to be for other women.
Cole: "It does. Although I don't think babies can be vegan anyways right? If you're breastfeeding then they're still getting milk from something. Unless they have soy formula or whatever" So long as Brooklyn was happy and healthy then that was all Cole could really have wanted and he was just going to support whatever Lili wanted to do as best he could. This was a whole other ball game that they'd really have to learn about, pregnancy was one thing but everything that came after Brooklyn was born was something else entirely. They could just take it all as it came. After his bowl was finished and Cole had drained the last of the water from his cup, he stood up, stacking the dishwasher with whatever he could fit inside it. "So, do you want me to walk you home? Or..you could stay? You can borrow some clothes and we can sort though the bags we got earlier?" He offered.
Lili "Sshh." Lili placed her hand over Cole's mouth, dramatically widening her eyes. "No more v word around this child. Too much damage has been done already." She gave Cole a little wink and as she saw him standing to collect the dishes, handed hers over. She felt comfortably full. Draining the last of her water, Lili stood up and watched as Cole bent down to put away the dishes. Domestic. So domestic. Daddy Cole vibes already..it really wasn't fair. She let out a little sigh and pointed towards the bathroom as he began to ask her a question. "I think I'm just gonna freshen myself up." She wanted to brush her teeth so she didn't have pasta breath and her cheeks could use some cold water to wake her up to reality. Her and Cole were /friends/. Just f r i e n d s. She shut the bathroom door behind her, splashed her face with some water, and squeezed some toothpaste on her finger as she scrubbed her teeth. Stupid Cole being so sweet and charming and sexy and domestic.
Cole: "Alright" Cole chuckled and filled the dishwasher with Lili's dishes before turning it on and beginning to give the hand wash only dishes a quick scrub to put onto the drying rack. "Okay" He nodded at Lili's next words and watched her leave. He still wasn't sure if she was planning on going anywhere or whether she wanted to stay over. Something that seemed to be happening more and more lately. Cole didn't mind. It was a lot nicer than being alone in bed all the time and Lili seemed to sleep well at his place so he was happy that she seemed to be getting some rest which was always a good thing. Walking into his own room and shutting the door, Cole changed out of his jeans and into some sweats, swapping his jumper for a plain singlet. The heater was blasting in the apartment so Cole didn't feel like he needed much else. He left some clothes out that Lili could change into if she wanted and then moved into the lounge room. Most of the baby things were sorted by where they'd been bought but Cole was going to make piles of what they had, clothes, blankets, gadgets etc just so they'd be able to sort them easily later.
Lili didn't immediately leave the restroom. She snooped a little. Opening up Cole's bathroom cabinet, she snorted at the pack of condoms, unscrewed some tops of colognes and smelled them, and nodded approvingly at the skincare products Chrissy had sent him. He was keeping up with his skin care regime, good boy. It wasn't until Lili figured Cole would think that she fell into the toilet that she finally washed her hands one last time for good measure, and opened the door. She could see into Cole's bedroom and saw that he had laid out some clothes for her. Sweet. Incredibly annoying that he was being so attentive and sweet and emotionally unavailable to her but..sweet. She shed her clothes and slipped on his shirt, seeing that it fell mid thigh and deciding to skip the sweats. It was too hot in his apartment anyways. She ran a hand through her hair and tousled it before coming back out to see Cole looking through the bags. "Whatcha doing?" She asked him, leaning against the doorframe of his living room.
Cole: "Cole hadn't even realised Lili had left the bathroom so when she spoke from just to the side of him, Cole just about jumped out of his skin, placing a hand on his heart "You gave me a heart attack" He told her with a smile, "And I'm sorting making piles in the bags of what we have. I figured if we had a different bag for a different category then when we got shopping later, it'll be easier to sort through that way as well. We're definitely going to need some more clothes probably but I think we did pretty good today" At least they had a few of the basic necessities. He looked up to Lili as he spoke his last few words, taking note of her outfit. She looked...hot in his t-shirt. She always had. Lili being in his clothes had always been a turn on and it had been endless when they had been dating. It was different now, especially that she was pregnant but she still looked just as good in his shirts, bump and all.
Lili bit her lip, laughing. "Sorry, scaredy pants," she teased. She hadn't known Cole was that deep in concentration. She straightened up and went to go sit down next to him, seeing the careful piles and arrangements he had already made. It wasn't something she was very interested in but she still perused through them, remembering what they had bought. "I feel like clothes are tricky because who knows how big she'll be and how much she'll grow," Lili told him as she carefully folded a onesie she had picked up and then placed back in the bag. "And some stuff we can order. I saw a few cribs I liked and bookmarked, I'll show you later. But I think we got a lot of essentials." They had almost everything that was needed on the 'baby's first checklist' PDF Lili had found and printed. She glanced back up to see Cole staring at her and she smiled. "What are you looking at?"
Cole: “Yeah we don’t know how big she’ll be but I don’t think she’ll be huge. Maybe long” Cole was pretty tall and Lili wasn’t super short so it was probably easy to assume that Brooklyn could possibly fall somewhere in the middle. His cheeks flushed when he realised Lili was looking at him and Cole had been too intent on looking at her to realise. He could’ve said ‘nothing and waved off an excuse but it felt like Lili had already caught him. “Just you” he told her honestly and moved closer to press a kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, his cheeks were redder still. “Sorry, just ignore I ever did that” Cole didn’t really think Lili would mind but it was a dangerous game to play with both their feelings.
Lili closed her eyes as Cole moved in to kiss her. It was both expected and unexpected; she recognized his soft looks, but he didn't normally go past more than sweet words when it came to them lately. Cole was much more restrained than Lili was. When he pulled back, she licked her lips and shook her head. "You can't apologize for kissing me," she told him with furrowed brows and then moved into kiss him again. "You either want to kiss me or you don't. Make up your mind, Cole." Lili's tone was teasing but they both knew the serious undertone of her statement. It also didn't help that Cole smelled really good and was really warm and that Lili's fingers were now moving through his longer strands of hair as she got closer to his face than she had in a while. "But if you're not going to kiss me, I'm going home because I am so damn horny and you're not helping by being..you."
Cole: “Yes I can. I just did” Cole smirked and shut his eyes as Lili moved to kiss him again. It was a struggle constantly for Cole to not kiss Lili, especially as he always wanted to, much much more than what he ended up acting on. “I always want to kiss you” He told her. One of his hands was moving down her back, the soft of his shirt coupled with the warmth of her skin was making it hard to stop. “Don’t worry, I intend on finishing what I started” He replied, moving in to kiss her once again.
Lili "You're talking too much," Lili said before Cole shut her up with his mouth. As much as Lili loved what Cole had to say, she wanted less talking, more kissing. His hands pressed against her and the feeling of him going to take off the shirt she was wearing made Lili moan and she just kissed him that much harder. /Finally/. It had been so long since they had last done this and the relief Lili felt at just being touched by him made her want to cry. Nobody made her feel as good or as loved or as wanted by Cole and consequences of hooking up be damned - she had an itch to scratch and Cole was finally going to make it go away.
Cole: Lili’s shirt or rather Cole’s shirt that Lili had been wearing had come off rather quickly and once his mission of taking it off had been accomplished, Cole moved to pulls his own singlet off, tossing it amongst the bags they were sorrounded by. His mouth still attached to Lili’s, Cole got up and tried to move both himself and Lili into the bedroom. Dylan wasn’t home yet, at least Cole didn’t think he was but he still didn’t feel like being interrupted in the living room either way. The door had slammed noisily behind them and it was a bit of a stumble but they made it to Cole’s bed. Afterwards, happy and sated, Cole moved his arm around Lili, his eyes beginning to droop shut “I love you” he told her sleepily.
Lili laid stretched out on Cole's bed after they were finished, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't move due to Cole's arm being on top of her and she didn't want to. She probably should pee - she definitely should brush her hair - but there was something about this moment that she just wanted to stay in and soak in. She had been sleeping alone for some time now and just being this close to Cole was everything. When he spoke, her eyes pricked with tears. It was hard to hear, but she knew he meant it. "I love you too," she whispered back softly and sighed, rolling over so that she was resting her head against his chest. She wasn't tired - far from it - but in bed with Cole, in their own little world, is where she wanted to be.
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excuseme-howdareyou · 4 years
I told you I’d eventually get this prompt written
 @fantrash15 Dick always made Damian a lunchbox for school. But then the whole Ric thing happened. He always wrote a cheezy line on a post it note, like some 80's lyrics or just straight up "love you dami"
While Dick was no great chef in the kitchen, he was not entirely helpless. Despite his many protests of "I can cook!" he was still rarely allowed to help out in the kitchen. Especially Alfred's kitchen. Now, Dick could cook and knew so many different ways to cook pasta. But the fact of the matter was that this was Alfred's kitchen and unless someone was fully awake and not running on three cups of coffee, they weren't allowed to help out.
That still didn't stop him from sneaking in in the early hours of the morning, armed with a pen and an insulated lunchbox. Sometimes it was sandwiches, other times homemade soup in a heated thermos, one time he packed chicken alfredo pasta in a food thermos and got back a note saying 'needs more garlic salt'. There would be sides of course; a salad of some sort would be packed and sealed, always a fruit or two (mangoes were a favorite), and a helping of whatever dessert had been the night before.
And always -always- a post it note stuck on top so that when Damian opened the lunchbox, the first thing he would see would be Dick's handwriting.
     'Made with ~love'  
 'Don't stop beliiiiiiieving!'
 'I fought the law and the law won (it did not in fact 'win' Dami, don't believe what they tell you)'
 'I love rock and roll.    Put another dime in the juke box, Dami'
     'Have fun at school! Make friends and tell me all about it!'  
     'I love you Dami'  
Damian said they were childish and unnecessary, that he needed them even less than he needed a home packed lunch. But Dick knew better. He always knew better.
"Not today, Pennyworth," Damian's voice was a rather subdued thing. It was such a clear contrast to his usual cavalier tone that Alfred had to blink and remind himself that he did not imagine it. Master Damian's lunchbox remained in Alfred's hand, held out in offering just before the lad was to exit the towncar and head up the stairs to school.
Damian had insisted on walking to school himself, catch a bus, even pleaded to drive himself instead. Following Master Dick's... injury, his father quickly and firmly shot down those ideas. The entire drive to school, Alfred had noticed Damian was rather quiet and lacking the usual distinctive repartee. He simply assumed he was still recovering from the shock of learning that Dick was now Ric.
It wasn't until he heard the," Not today, Pennyworth," that Alfred realized something was far from okay.
Having refused the lunchbox, a black insulated bag where the back was covered in various vigilante themed stickers (most likely put there by his brothers and sisters) and 'Damian Wayne' scrawled on the bottom in silver sharpie, Damian gripped the straps of his messenger bag and made to exit the towncar.
Alfred hit the automatic lock before he could so much as open the door.
"What?" Damian blinked in confusion at the move, reminiscent of something Bruce or Dick might've done. Jason if he was feeling particularly safeguarding. "Pennyworth, what is the meaning of this?" Damian turned back to the old butler.
Alfred set the lunchbox down on the center console and looked him straight in the eye. Under his expectant gaze, he noticed how Master Damian shuffled minutely in the seat. Not because he was uncomfortable with Alfred's stare, but because he was uncomfortable altogether in this seat. He'd constantly been adjusting the seat controls, crossing and uncrossing his feet, one hand on the seat belt across his chest and systematically loosening it every time it drew too tight across his ribs.
Damian did not like sitting in this car; it was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. And now he was refusing his lunchbox, with his favorite foods packed away and an extra brownie that Bruce snuck in there when he thought no one was looking.
Then the answer hit Alfred all at once. Damian was used to riding to school in Dick's little orange sports car, and he was used to a lunch packed by his big brother.
How to fix this, Alfred didn't know. He didn't know if anyone could fix this. He opened his mouth, intending to... perhaps ask Master Damian what he could do to help? Implore that he took the lunch anyways because he was still growing and needed the food? Tell him that he was still dearly loved, and it was understandable that he missed Master Dick?
But Damian misconstrued his silence as sternness and with a  haughty sigh, grabbed the lunchbox. "Alright, I'll take the lunch," he grumbled and unlocked the door. He was outside and hefting the strap of his bag over his shoulder within a second. "Thanks for the ride, Pennyworth," it came out no more than a quiet mumble before the door shut behind him and Alfred was left watching as the boy trotted up the school steps off to start his day.
'Oh my dear boy...' was all Alfred could think as he put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb,' We'll figure this out eventually. I promise.'
One random evening, Ric comes home to his apartment. Imagine his surprise when upon flicking on the lights, he sees another fucking Gotham vigilante sitting in his apartment. "I already told you guys-" he started snarling but was cut off when a pack of post-it notes hit him in the chest. "What?"
"I don't need Dick right now," the Red Hood grumbled, still sitting down despite having chucked a pad of yellow sticky notes at him," I just need his handwriting."
"What the fuck does that mean?" Ric held up the yellow notes in confusion," What are you expecting me to write?"
"Song lyrics. Nonsense. Simple shit like 'have a good day'," the Red Hood said," Boring shit like that. Whatever pops into your head."
Damn him, Ric thought, and fuck him too because despite his reservations, he found himself already pulling a pen out of his pocket. "What the hell you need those for?" he asked even as he wrote 'Have a good day'," Are you hoping it'll trigger my memories or something?"
God, he hoped that wasn't the case because then he's not gonna write another letter.
This time Red Hood stood up and watched as Ric just put a simple frowny face on the next one. "Not everything's about you, Ricky."
"It's Ric."
"Either way, you're still a dick. Just write the damn notes and I'll be out of your hair."
25 notes · View notes
The Siren & The Healer (2)
Natasha Romanoff arc
Chapter 2: The Stranger
Platonic Natasha x fem!Reader, Loki x fem!Reader (soulmates?)
Theme: With cracks between the most powerful superheroes of the earth, Natasha Romanoff does not find rest when she is assigned on a mission to find the missing pieces of a puzzling power that once nearly got into the hands- rather, tentacles- of Hydra. In order to unearth the pieces, she must dig through her own past and make a decision that might decide the fate of the earth in the coming wars.
Series: Will contain violence, death, destruction, softness, fluff, smut, friendship, and whatnot
Chapter warnings: it does not have floof. or smut. or Loki.
A/N: This was written a few years ago with an OC in mind so reader has a name but it is a reader insert.
Word Count: This weird pain in my heels has not gone away and it has been six freaking months! And I keep missing making appointments! With either of the doctors! I am so mad at myself. And I am trying to take vitamins for the same and I keep missing them too! Which reminds me I should put alarms. Which reminds me I should put alarms for this. ...and I keep missing putting up those too.
MASTERLIST in bio, love
Time: 2200 hrs
Location: Vienna
The little Iron Man funko pop had been entertaining you for the last two hours when the remaining contents of Harry’s table could not. By now you were practically half lying on his table, the chair rolling to and fro while you hummed the tune to Tender’s Nadir, bobbing your head like your little friend to the rhythm. Harry’s colleague- another assistant professor in the department- had come by to collect his stuff from his desk while you waited. “Why don’t you leave and he’ll come when he can,” he had mentioned, drawing a stare of judgment from you. Leave him? What am I? A monster? I can’ just ‘leave’ him. He’s Harry, man! Shut your trap hole!
"I'm so sorry Koshu. I had to collect some assignments from the students." Harry started with loud gasps of breath before he’s even entered the room. You were kinda bummed he knew you were there. You really wanted to surprise him. Though you had to say, you loved seeing him all flustered. It was quite a rare sight for you. You always so calm and composed friend never broke a sweat no matter how hard things were. Well, the things that were hard for you were a smooth sail for Harry. Even though you’d both come here to study and research in artificial intelligence, you had just dropped out of the course after the first semester and taken to teaching minor courses and skills while learning some yourself. He, on the other hand, had been acing it ever since he got here, winning scholarships and accolades. Not to mention the hearts of all ladies and interested men. And what did Harry do about it? Be as innocently unaware about it all as your crush on him. Stupid son of a sexy goofball!
"Look at you, all red and sweaty! I bet Sammy would love to have you now." you giggled.
Harry stood beside you for a second, blank, until he realised what you meant and flushed a fresh batch of red. Yeah, exes tend to have then effect sometimes. A part of you was glad to have that woman out of the picture- that part being the whole of you. No one wants a toxic girlfriend who wants you because you’re hot and then thinks she rather not because ‘I don’t know, Harry, you’re not as outgoing as I thought my boyfriend would be.’ She should have been glad you were on another continent at that time.
"Yeah. Whatever. Hey, I have to grade these assignments so why don't you head home. I'll finish these and then come back,” Harry admitted before wiping the sweat off his forehead. Ugh! Stop it you tease! Your inner voice was really having a day.
"What? Take them home! I'll cook us some pasta or Indian if you are craving some. Get comfy and then grade these bitches."
Harry raised his brows at you.
“That was for the papers. Not for you students....who do comprise of certain stuck ups if you ask me.”
He blinked before shrugging and nodding in agreement. Hesitating for a moment, he remained quiet, the corner of his lips twitching where it met his beard.
"Yeah, I'm comfy here. You go ahead."
It was your turn to raise arch your brow at him.
"Dude! Stop it!” you lectured, raising her hands in the air. “It’s okay for you to do the laundry but it’s not okay if I cook food for the both of us? And it’s not like I’m a bad cook that you avoid eating my hard work. This is called sharing responsibilities, something, I clearly remember, you lectured me on when we first came here. And I like cooking, it’s like a stress-buster. And I make awesome Indian food and a mean Chicken Alfredo."
“I do...don’t I?”
"Yeah, that you do."
"Thank God. So come home, you twat. Pack those things and let's move. I'm hungry. Let's go before I eat your brains."
Harry smiled sheepishly at his failed attempt for a second and then beamed with happiness from within.
"Alright. Go heat up the car. I'll bring all the material with me.”
You got up with a gush of new energy flowing inside you. Taking the keys from him, you walked for the door.
“Oh! And don't leave without me okay?" He called out from behind you, making you stop, turn and give him a narrow-eyed look. Harry laughed and dodged the duster you threw at him. "Jerk," you hissed through your teeth as you started walking towards the parking lot.
It was only seven in the evening but the sky had already bid goodnight. There were barely any students on the campus. You could hear EDM being played at a distance at some frat house or in someone's dorm. Kids, you thought to yourself, as if mocking them. And then again, you thought to yourself, kids- but now with wistful faraway happiness.
There were only four cars in the parking lot. An old Camry that belonged to a history professor who took night classes. Another one was a Bentley that belonged to a highly infamous professor of Personality Development. The man taught more about himself than about personalities. You never liked that guy.
This guy creeps me out from a mile away, your insides would always remind you.
The last one was an unknown SUV that stood a few meters away from Harry's car. It did not belong to any student or staff you knew.
You took a good look at it as you crossed it and moved to Harry's second hand, Honda. If there was anything Harry and you loved in common more than food, and a bit less than animals, it was this sweet lady. One could find notes, spare T-shirts, cologne, deodorants and much more in there. It could easily be called your second home.
Both of you had spent nights sleeping through all the tipsy- after wild parties during the first year- in this baby. This one had been with you when you’d got here and did not have a dark corner to cry in. Or when you and Harry needed to run away from the buzz of the city and escape into the mountains to rest under the stars and talk about all your deepest desires, darkest secrets and nethermost questions about life and purpose. Not to mention, you’d cleaned up this baby on Harry’s first date just so this guy would get some action- which clearly didn’t happen for this terribly shy guy.  This car had been a constant in it all and had even been knighted with a name.
“Hey Bunny! Did you miss mama? How was my girl today?” 
You were about to open Bunny’s door when your eyes went back to the SUV.
Matte black. Alloy wheels, clearly not of cheap quality. Weird number plate which was not from the state and a little metallic sword that hung from the rearview mirror inside- reflecting the lights from the parking lot right into your eyes.
Something did not feel right. You stood there for a few seconds looking in the parking lot for any sign of the owner.
“It is supposed to look intimidating.”
You jumped at the voice behind you.
A man came out of the shadows of the trees. He was wearing a grey suit and a pin bent in the shape of an eye with what seemed to be a ruby in the middle.
You closed Bunny’s door and locked the vehicle, carefully placing the car keys between your fingers so as to point them away from you and put the other hand around your bag. You took two steps back into the middle of the parking lot, standing visibly under the lights.
“I’m sorry, Sir, do I know you?”
The man stepped into the light. The wrinkles on his face made him look a bit over forty but his well-fitted suit around his body made him look younger and muscular. His grey eyes looked right into yours with a hint of a smile on his thin smooth lips.
“No, ma’am. But I have heard about you.”
You stepped further back into the most lit part of the lot.
“Can I help you, sir?”
You just now noticed the restraint in your voice- into a softer, smoother version of how you normally talked. This always happened when you were intimidated by the person standing in front of you.
“I have been looking for someone who could help me with this concept that is completely out of my league. But considering the things that are at stake, I was hoping you could help me.”
You looked in his direction, confused. More than that, you were frustrated, wondering where the campus guards were.
“I am talking about healing and meditation studies. A few kids who are visiting Europe on a foreign exchange program have shown some interest in getting certified in the course. And I heard you have some sort of experience with that thing.”
The man smiled, this time, his lips extended a bit more while his eyes still stayed grey. Your entire body feel a cold jitter all at once. His eyes. There was just something unsettling about them. Like they were looking right through your clothes, skin, flesh, and bones. 
“Oh! I’m sorry sir. I taught last semester and that was that. I no longer teach or practice it. But you can find teachers for the same more capable than me in the classes going on right now. In fact, the students can directly contact them. Their information is available on the university website.”
The man tilted his head a little as if he was questioning something you just stated.
“Really? You stopped teaching the course? But why? I met some of your students and they gave me really amazing reviews regarding your teaching methods.”
You felt drops of sweat trickle down your back. For a few seconds there, all you did was just blink and feel the fierceness of your heart trying to rise up a little. Finally, you gave a weak smile before answering. “It wasn’t suitable for me. I mean the timings and the hours I had to put in. It was sort of taking a toll on my health. So I don’t do it anymore. I don’t take classes. Neither do I freelance.”
The man was silent for a second while you felt her phone in her jacket. One wrong step and you were ready to press the button of wrath.
“So you’re telling me that healing and meditation took a toll on you.”
You let out one long tired sigh. Here we go. You’d heard that phrase before, more times than you could count.
“Yes, sir”, you muttered, your voice suddenly growing tired, “it does take a toll on you if you’re not careful.”
You wanted to take a look behind you to see if Harry was approaching but did not turn for the fear of the unknown now standing in front of you.
“Careful about what?”
“The things you work on, the ailments for example, who you work with, what energy you are going to work upon slash with,'' you stressed, though stressing as little as you could on the ‘energy’ bit.
“Oh! Like if someone was, say, in an accident, you wouldn’t treat them because that might take a toll on your health. So, you’d rather that person suffer than be treated by you.”
The statement took you by surprise. You had been thinking the man was a sceptical old pervert but here he was asking you questions a healer’s heckler noob does not play with so early.
“Excuse me?” you lost your voice a little. “Sir, it’s a lot more complica—”
The man looked away from you to take out a card from his jacket and hold it out for you to take.
“Why don’t you tell me all about it tomorrow at 8:15 am? Your ride’s here so let’s continue this tomorrow. I’m sure being a healer you have a good reason to not heal someone. Even a…” he paused, his dead eyes looking straight into yours, “loved one.”
And suddenly you were not standing in the parking lot anymore. The dead eyes stayed there with you as everything around you seemed to fade into the distance. Only the eyes, your cold body sweating and a familiar old voice shouting out for you from somewhere far away were present in the void.
You could almost recognize that faint noise accompanying it. A fade white noise was what it seemed to be initially. A part of your mind tried to filter out where exactly where it was coming from. 
It grew closer but now it was somewhat different. You thought you heard someone scream somewhere in the distance.
“Keosha!” Harry shook your arm.
You jumped back into reality, nearly a feet away from Harry’s grasp.
“Hey! Daydreamer!” He called out for you, taking one careful step towards you so as not to scare you away again. “You okay? Where did you go?”
You supported yourself on Bunny. Harry noticed the slow blinks, realising you had been living through some part of your wayward imagination that was not a pleasant one. So, he did what he always did during such times. Rubbing your back to soothe you before taking you in a light embrace.
Your heart was comforted by Harry’s presence, thanking him repeatedly for being there. Your mind was all over the place, looking around you for the cause of this sudden crack inside your mind. The old man was gone.
“Sorry I just got lost in…something. Should we go? We should go.”
Your body worked on its own, getting into the car, closing the door, putting on a radio station to drown out the echo of words left behind.
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bellarkefanfiction · 5 years
written by: Josefine / @selflessbellamy
prompt: This is typical but maybe distracting kiss while playing a video game? Person A is competitive, 100% focused on winning and person B starts to plant kisses, all because of the competition, no one is in love here, it's a cold, calculating strategy. for anonymous 
word count: 2204
Sharing an apartment with a Youtuber has its pros and cons. For instance, her roommate has — on numerous occasions — demanded to film alone in the living room for hours, because “it has much better lighting.” At night, she often hears him groan loud in frustration while editing, which would be funny if she didn’t have to wake up early for class most mornings.
However, the pros outweigh the cons, at least as it is right now. They’ve been living together for almost a year now, and since she told him that she didn’t mind being a part of his videos every once in a while, he has involved her in his creative process. Unlike a lot of YouTube channels, Bellamy Blake’s offers a wide range of different content, such as:
cook with me: grilled chicken breast (with a twist)
vlog: a day at the bookstore + haul
history has left us: queer!Achilles (Pride Month special)
If his subscriber count of 3.2 million is anything to go by, this kind of content is great entertainment for everyone watching. Hell, Clarke even watches his videos despite the fact that she lives with him and could easily just sneak into the living room to watch him film. Still, she attempts to stay away, because Bellamy doesn’t tend to stare over her shoulder as she draws one of her pictures.
Sometimes, though, her thriving curiosity gets the better of her. When he first noticed her piqued interest, his dark eyes crinkled at the corners and he told her, “Princess, if you wanna know what I’m doing then you have to be a part of it.”
At first, Clarke had wondered whether having her show up in his videos was just gonna be a cheap clickbait trick, so that he could include her in the thumbnail and write a title called ‘vlog: Santa Monica with my girlfriend’, but he didn’t.
Instead, he turned the camera on her face as they were walking down the peer and said, “Oh, by the way guys. This is my roommate Clarke. She’s tagging along.”
He had probably expected her to not say anything, maybe give a shy little wave in response, because that’s what usually happens when people are camera shy. Clarke’s actual reaction was so far from that. In teasing, she stuck her tongue out at him and retorted, “Oh please, you’re the one who’s tagging along. I need someone to help me decide which Bath Bomb to get.”
That is the start of Clarke’s appearance in Bellamy’s videos, and since then she has only showed up more, for longer periods of time. A couple weeks ago she assisted him while he did the ‘Blindfolded Book Challenge’ by picking various classics and non-fiction works from his bookshelf.
After that video was posted, he told her not to look at the comments, which only made her suspicious, because he’d never advised her to stay away from the comment section of his videos before, and for a moment she thought that his viewers were perhaps making fun of her or something. Despite that the possibilities made her somewhat nervous, she couldn’t hold herself back.
The most popular comment jumped out at her:
[Top Comments - click to show]
Dani Larsson: y’all can’t tell us you’re not dating after this.
Gulping, Clarke clicked on the replies and found the first couple ones to be:
Lydia Marcello: yea, just look at 13:52. That shoulder-lean is the least platonic thing I have seen in the modern era.
Furrowing her brow, Clarke went to the timestamp to see what the girl was referring to — and there right before the end of the video as Bellamy said, “I guess that’s it for the Blindfolded Book Challenge. Thanks for watching!” — he pulled Clarke against his side, making her lean her head against his shoulder for a second, smiling.
After forcing her eyes off the frozen frame, Clarke looked at the comment below Lydia Marcello’s only to find:
 TJ Byrne: Well, if he’s not dating her, I would love to tap that.
While the comment didn’t bother her much, it sure as hell seemed to have bothered Bellamy (and a lot of his loyal viewers), because he had actually responded:
Bellamy Blake: @TJ Byrne: Too bad. Sexist white Internet creeps aren’t her type.
Clarke had to bite back the urge to laugh. Also, it was difficult to ignore the clear voice at the back of her head who kept telling her that men with bronze, freckled skin and lots of sharp edges is her type. Still, she has only ever seen one person who looks like that.
A person, whose laughter could light up the entire world, who places pencils behind his ear and hums while he cooks.
One late afternoon she returns, violet and vermillion paint caked beneath her fingernails, to the sight of Bellamy sitting cross-legged on the couch, his trusted laptop in front of him and square glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. As always, he looks up when she enters the living room.
“I’m gonna cook dinner. Chicken Alfredo pasta, does that sound good?”
He beams, most likely with as much surprise as amusement, because she’s rarely the one who prepares meals. Still, she wants to prove to him that she’s learned quite a lot from watching his culinary-themed videos.
“Very,” is his simple comment, though the lone word manages to convey his enthusiasm. When she turns to walk into the kitchen, he suddenly adds, “Hey, Clarke, would you mind being in a video later?”
The curiosity in her mind sparks like colorful fireworks. “What kind of video?” Given the complexity of Bellamy’s content, it’s impossible for her to have the faintest idea… Maybe it’s another challenge video? A casual vlog? One of his informative history sessions?
Then he explains that his viewers would love his nostalgia series to feature a gaming video. “I have Mario Kart for my old PlayStation, so… I thought it’d be more fun if we played it together. You know I love how competitive you are.”
That last bit seems to be coated in fondness, the words soft — a stark contrast to his usual teasing tone, and it has color rising to her cheeks, undoubtedly. In order to hide the blush, Clarke turns away, but not without saying, “Of course. That sounds fun,” over her shoulder.
To her joy, Bellamy eats two large portions of the Chicken Alfredo pasta and praises her for using vegetables and spices that complement the creamy sauce. Hearing him say this makes her heart feel warm.
Together, they do the dishes while listening to ‘Cigarette Daydreams’ from one of Bellamy’s vinyl records. Most of his collection he inherited from his dad, but he adds a newer record once in a while. Afterwards the struggle with setting up the lights in preparation for filming — since the sky has now darkened, they need to improve the lighting in the living room.
Before they can turn on the camera, they have to plan a quick intro. Of course, Bellamy will do the most of the talking, since it’s his channel, but he tells her that he doesn’t want her to hold anything back, especially not during the gameplay itself.
It feels like an eternity has passed. At last, Bellamy clicks record, takes a seat next to Clarke and says, “Welcome back guys! I looked at your requests and quickly had to realize that you all want to see me play a video game,” he runs his fingers through the back of his hair, “As you will probably find out, I suck at gaming. I’ve killed a Sim once, and it was not on purpose.”
Clarke mouths, “He has,” hoping that the teasing it will amuse some of his viewers.   
“Anyway, I dragged the Princess along for this one. She’s gonna crush me as Peach.”
Chuckling, she replies, “Oh, I sure am. No more of that ‘damsel in distress’ Peach. Those days are over, and you’re gonna go down.”
Even though they didn’t plan it for the intro, they look at each other, faces inches from one another to signify the “stand-off” that’s about to happen. However, within a couple seconds, they both crack up.
As it turns out, Bellamy is not actually bad at Mario Kart, which seems to surprise him way more than it does her. Within ten of playing minutes, he’s in 3rd place, but he makes the mistake of gloating, “Now, who’s gonna go down, Princess?”
Maybe they should stop using that expression…
Oh, well. “You still are,” Clarke laughs just as she uses the Starman that she’s had up her sleeve for a couple minutes, and while it does help her overtake a lot of players, she’s only gets to the fourth position, right behind him.
Bellamy does what he can to maintain his lead. Out of the corner of her eye, Clarke sees him lick his lips in concentration, and the sight damn near distracts her. Quickly, she collects herself, and while it’s difficult to keep up with him when she has to stay on the course, she’s tailing him.
When he bumps his shoulder against hers in teasing, moving his controller just to annoy her, an unfamiliar sensation sparks in her ribcage, causing her to lean closer and press her lips to his neck, right below his sharp jawline. At first she feels him freeze. Scared that she has overstepped an invisible boundary, she draws back, but he…
He is smiling. “You think you can distract me?”
“I can’t?” Turning her attention back to the television, Clarke smirks as her heart flips itself over and over.
Now she thinks she notices the faint pink tint in his freckled cheeks, but it might be her eyes playing a trick on her. With much confidence, Bellamy says, “You gotta keep trying…”
Right now, they’re doing the final lap around the course, still tailing each other, brushing each other like they are in real life. It seems as though he just gave her another challenge — one, which she is even more determined to win. Therefore, she giggles slightly, kisses his throat again, a little lower this time, then his shoulder and the back of his ear.
He releases a strange sound that must be somewhere between a groan and a chuckle. Unsuccessful, he tries to brush her off, but she can feel the heat that’s rising to his skin by the second.
Just when she leans in for the sixth kiss, he groans, tossing his controller to the side. She doesn’t recognize the emotion flashing in his earthy eyes, but she is not afraid of it. Bellamy murmurs intelligibly before giving her a gentle push to the floor — out of the camera frame — on her back, she watches his face move closer to hers than it ever has until she can almost sense the amazing warmth that pours from his features. Taking a slow breath, he nuzzles her, which has her entire chest feeling like jelly.
When their lips meet, it’s as if the living room is filled with light, though it must be nearing midnight. The happiness bubbles in her stomach, runs through her veins to mix with her bloodstream. Burying her fingers in the dark, soft curls of his hair, Clarke deepens the kiss a little, causing him to smile against her lips.
“I’m gonna have to edit this out.”
She laughs at that statement. “The video is useless now, Bellamy. We’ve both fallen off the course before the finish line.”
“Well, it was worth it.”
As opposed to sleeping that night, they sit on the bed in his room eating dry Coco Puffs while talking about where to go from there.
What they end up doing is reshooting the Mario Kart video the next day (Bellamy wins, much to her dismay), then spend the next eight months trying to hide their relationship from his online following, which is easy when she can simply not be present in his videos.
His viewers, however, are far from stupid. The first video that she appears in after the Mario Kart one is a casual writing vlog, where she brings him a cup of black coffee after his all-nighter. And it’s one tiny detail that Bellamy missed in editing that effectively exposes them:
[Top Comments - click to show]
Christine Hollinger: oh my god, he murmurs ‘thanks, babe’ at 8:46 asdjffikoxxkak… Y’ALL
theo lewis: *platonically calls my roommate ‘babe’*
After that, they have to come to terms with the fact that their secret is out, and because Bellamy doesn’t want to trick his followers, he decides to make the announcement (albeit casually) in his next video, which is a brief daily vlog. Bellamy turns the camera towards the balcony, on which she is standing, looking at the sinking sun.
“Isn’t she beautiful? I’m so lucky.”
No forced, half-assed video of them explaining how they got together, no cheesy girlfriend tag — just a simple yet revealing comment. Their relationship is not clickbait; it’s not something that he’s going to use to gain more followers. It’s too important for that.
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dark-infatuation · 4 years
...you know exactly what we came here to ask. - X, Gem & Mun
Yes dear, I am well aware~
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
Once upon a time, I would’ve said a dragon~ Now, I suppose any sort of big cat. A melanistic lion would be quite magnificent, don’t you think?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Usually, it ends up being flannel pajama pants, with or without a shirt, doesn’t matter. But, I do have a set of silk pajamas that feel rather nice
3. What song really gets you going?
That’s a good question. I’m not very up to date with modern music. But the song ‘Endgame’ from the musical Chess is very good.
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
Preferably, at the kitchen table. Though I do admit I have a habit of sitting on the kitchen island to eat
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Uh, yes, well, I have been disconnected from society for quite some time, and I’m afraid my slang isn’t very up to date. I try not use slang as a general rule, but there are occasions where I can slip and say something that truly shows my age
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
Chocolate, no question
8. Soft or hard tacos?
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
Participating in said fight, solves nothing
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
Shift a pair of demon horns onto my head and boom “Going down?”
11. What color/design are your bedsheets?
Plain black, though the comforter has a nice black and white patterning I’m not sure how to describe. Swirls mixed with paisley?
12. Any hidden talents?
I don’t think it’s hidden anymore, but I can play the piano quite well
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
14. Socks or bare feet around the house?
Bare feet
15. Favorite board game?
16. Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
Off, I’m cold enough as is
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Depends on my mood, but usually ends up being both with how big the manor is
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
......‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’
20. Last thing you cried about?
.....Everything, really. Everything that happened that night.
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
When we were 7, but it was also a very different time back then. 
22. Relationship status?
I’d say I’m taken, wouldn’t you, Xanthias~?
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
Oh I can end up spending quite a lot on my suits. I think my most expensive one was...somewhere in the $30,000 range?
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
25. Favorite memory?
............I’d rather not say. Time has made the moment bitter, but...it had been quite beautiful while it lasted
26. Gum or breath mints?
27. Favorite shoes?
I don’t have a favorite. I have very few pairs, and all of them are the same.
28. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
The list, my dear, is longer than I’d ever care to admit
29. What is the natural state of your hair?
Usually in my eyes, which is quite annoying
30. Have you ever had braces?
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Go to that stupid party
32. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
Our parents were never around to catch us doing anything
33. Last time you had an orgasm?
This morning, isn’t that right, Xanthias~
34. Celebrity crush(es)?
None, I’m not sure who the modern celebrities are
35. Windows or Mac?
36. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
...I’ll be honest, neither of us ever learned
37. Makeup or natural?
I’ll always prefer a little makeup, no matter the body
38. What color do you wear the most?
39. Favorite season?
40. Umbrella or rain coat?
41. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
Yes, quite a few times as a child
42. First car you ever owned?
A Ford Model T
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
That relative
44. Are you a competitive person?
45. Least favorite color?
I’m not sure I dislike any color, though perhaps yellow
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
Does Samuel count?
47. Sweet or salty?
48. Favorite pasta dish?
Chicken and broccoli alfredo
49. Favorite kind of chips?
Are Pringles still around? I like those
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
I -- suppose I’m rather fond of music. I used to hoard records, still do, actually. And I used to write my own songs, for the piano. Never wrote any of them down, however. I didn’t like them to feel so concrete. I liked to experiment with my music
51. What are some of your hobbies?
I...I’m afraid I haven’t allowed any to flourish. 
52. Caffeine? If so, what kind?
Coffee or tea
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
I don’t believe I’ve ever had it...?
54. Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
A sit-down restaurant
55. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Close friends
56. Something that ruins your appetite?
In terms of food? Or mannerisms? For food, any type of squash I dislike, and in terms of mannerisms, open-mouthed chewing tends to repulse me
57. Favorite labels about you?
‘Mysterious’, ‘terrifying’, ‘attractive’. I’m aware that’s not the intention of the question, but those are still labels
58. Are you a religious person?
59. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Deep conversations with a friend
60. What size shoe do you wear?
How is this relevant...?
61. Favorite thing about yourself?
I...suppose my charm. It can be quite useful
62. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
63. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
64. Heroes or villains?
65. Favorite fruit?
66. Least favorite fruit?
67. Favorite vegetable?
68. Least favorite vegetable?
...Is squash a vegetable?
69. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Usually just one or two, plus a dessert
70. Favorite dessert?
......Admittedly, I will eat virtually anything with chocolate, though those dark chocolates filled with raspberry creme are divine
71. Do you play any sports?
Not at all
72. Age you learned how to swim?
I can’t remember my exact age, but we were children
73. Tell a funny story.
You’ve never seen Damien pine, when we were kids, he had a crush on a boy. His face would get so red whenever he could so much as see this boy, and he’d get that dreamy look on his face, and not watch where he was going, so one tiiiIIIIIIII -- THAT’S ENOUGH
74. What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
My culture? I don’t -- I’m not sure -- I don’t know all that’s happened in the world, I don’t know how culture has possibly changed over the years, I can’t confidently say what would be ‘interesting’ about modern culture
75. What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
......One thing I have a feeling hasn’t changed is that we claim to be inclusive, yet racism and homophobia and hate crimes prevail
76. What job would you be terrible at?
Anything that required a bedside manner
77. Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
A movie
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
My dear, I am not a pick-up line generator with a sole goal to get into someone’s pants. My compliments, when I give them, are sincere, and vary from person to person
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
I can admit I can be rather vain. Anything complimenting my looks I enjoy
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
Technology. It really has come a long way, hasn’t it?
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
I tend to be a creature of habit
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
Hmm...I’ve always wanted to try and learn to draw. A friend of mine used to be quite good at it, and I’ve always been a little jealous of his seemingly innate skill
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
Switch between male and female bodies myself
84. Favorite physical feature about yourself?
My scar. As painful as it was, it’s quite beautiful, don’t you think?
85. Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
My dear, as a whole I despise this body. It’s not my own, it’s broken, but...it’s all I have
86. What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
I summoned the...thing, that’s in this body with us. Of course, only Damien was around to see it, and it...ended unpleasantly, but it was quite the feat.
87. If you could change your height, would you?
For my female body? Yes, I’d like to make myself a little taller in that form, but I’m quite content with the male body’s height
88. What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Music, any kind
89. Heels or flats?
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
There’s a lot of things I wish I had more knowledge about, the list goes on
91. Would you want to be famous?
I used to be, in a sense. The public eye is quite taxing. Nowadays, I prefer the shadows
92. What’s something you would get arrested for?
93. What’s your spirit animal?
I’d like to think it’d be a lion
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
You, Xanthias
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
There’s a fine line between ‘organized’ and ‘organized chaos’. It depends which of us is doing the organizing
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
I try to take all into account
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
I’d like to say I’m a planner, but history tends to disagree
98. Thoughts on the oxford comma?
A needed grammatical tool
99. What do you hope never changes?
Having other people with me. After experiencing company for the first time in...60 years, I don’t think I could go back to isolation
100. How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
I’m afraid that’s already come and passed. I can’t even remember my birthday, so undoubtedly it was uneventful, and spent alone.
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adistantstarblog · 5 years
27 Minutes Ficlet
Hey everyone, here’s a little to say thanks to my followers. You guys are great. Oh and this ficlet may or may not have been based on a real-life event.  😁 I hope you enjoy!  Have a great day!
It was the middle of the morning and the sound of rain hit the roof of her house. The monsoon season was her favorite time of year, and the best weather to write in, as far as Clarke was concerned. But she was thinking too much, and because of that, she was currently stuck on the same scene she had been stuck on for a couple hours. Picking up her tea, she stared at her screen, held it in front of her face and took a deep breath in.
She did not like the way her writing was going. It sounded too...directive, like she was trying too hard. Clarke took a gulp of her tea and almost choked on it when her phone chimed beside her on the desk. Wiping at her face she grabbed up the phone and saw she had a text from Lexa,
‘Want to talk later?’
Clarke sat back in her chair and read it again, unable to help the smile that spread over her face. They had met online through one of her social media platforms, Lexa had been one of her readers, and though they lived states apart, their friendship was getting stronger and stronger every day. In fact, it was only a month ago Lexa had finally convinced Clarke to let her call her. Now she couldn't get enough. Taking another drink of her tea, Clarke set the glass down and typed back,
‘Sure.’ She added a blushing smiley face emoji and hit send. There wasn’t an answer. But she’d learned Lexa didn’t answer every time. She didn’t have to. They were good enough friends that that was all it took.  But she couldn’t wait for later. Taking a deep breath, Clarke set the phone down and looked at her computer screen to try again. Clarke started to type,
‘Entering the room she saw her mother sat on the couch reading the newspaper..’ 
Clarke frowned. That wasn’t right. Shaking her head she highlighted it all and hit delete. Then tried again, 
‘Walking into the room she saw her mom on the couch. Eliza leaned against the door-frame and smiled, ‘hi mom.’  Her mom looked up from the paper.’
So far, so good, Clarke thought. Then she tried adding more.
‘Eliza watched her mom fold the paper. She knew what she was about to ask but she hoped she wouldn’t. Her mom asked it anyway, 
‘How was your day?’
That completely sucked. Highlighting it all, Clarke hit delete and shoved her chair back from her computer.  Rubbing her forehead with her hands she knew she needed a break. She was at the point now, that no matter what she tried, it only seemed to be making it worse.  Picking up her head she was just about to stand up again when her phone started ringing. She glanced down at it and smiled when she read Lexa’s name as the incoming caller.  She wasn’t expecting the call for hours so it surprised her. Grabbing the phone she answered and put it to her ear, “hello?” she knew she couldn’t keep the frustration from her voice as she got up from her chair.
“Hey!” Lexa sounded happy and it made Clarke smile. She thought she heard a car door open, and then close.  Was Lexa going somewhere?
“Hey,” she pushed in her chair, turned around and flopped on her bed that was just two feet behind her desk. Her desk was gigantic, holding five computers normally it took up half her room, her bed took up most of the rest of the space, “so soon?” Clarke closed her eyes and grinned as she lay spread out on her back. They usually talked late into the night. Into the morning, really. Clarke snorted softly in amusement at that fact. 
“Yeah,” Lexa answered, “It's lunchtime and I was going out to get a pizza and…” she heard a smile in Lexa’s slight pause, “thought I’d take you along. Is that okay? It's a just a few minutes away.”
“Of course!” Clarke answered. She closed her eyes and grinned as she lay spread out on her back, “I mean. I was just about to take a break. I mean..” she sighed, “I really needed one and now’s a good time to take it with you.” She winced. She really needed to stop rambling so much. But when Lexa called, all her game just flew out the window. 
Lexa sounded concerned, “why? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, really,” Clarke blew hair out of her face, “I mean. I’ve just been working on the same thing for hours now and it seems like I’m just making it worse. The mom seems too nosy or something. So yeah, I’ll go with you to get a pizza.” she laughed, “I’m glad you called.” She heard Lexa’s smile,
“You’ll get it. I know you will. And me too. I usually listen to music or something in the car. But since it's so close, I didn’t want to fight with hooking it all up just to, you know, have to unhook it all again after just one song and take it all back inside with me again. So, I thought I’d take you instead.”
“I’ll keep you company,” Clarke laughed, “and talk your ears off while you drive.”
“I like when we talk.” Lexa countered.
 Clarke rolled her eyes in amusement, “me too.” She thought of something, “hey, we are still going to talk later, right?” she remembered the first text Lexa sent about talking later. And if this was it for the day that was okay. But she really enjoyed talking with her late into the night, for hours. Seven hours was usually about the median of the calls. And it felt like she was in high-school again talking on the phone all night, except that, in high school, she hadn’t. 
“Of course, this isn't a substitute one call for another.”
“I didn't think so,” Clarke laughed, “but I still wanted to ask to be sure. I love our all night phone calls.”
Over the line Lexa chuckled, “me too.”
Clarke cleared her throat and tried not to think of the way her heart sped up a little hearing Lexa say that, “so why a pizza?” She asked.
“There's a Game coming on,” she heard Lexa’s grin, “and I'm here at the pizza place, so…” Lexa trailed the word off, “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” Clarke smiled and relaxed a little more into the bed. She heard Lexa put the phone down and take her seat-belt off, she heard the car door open and then close again. And then, silence.
She imagined her friend walking inside, maybe brushing wrinkles out of her clothes that weren’t there in the first place. Lexa was a very proper person, well, in public, because Clarke laughed thinking of some of the recent calls they had had. They’d spent almost an hour the other night talking about bodily functions like it was the most normal conversation in the world. And it was so easy too. Right from the start, they had just...connected and so far, there hadn’t been a tmi limit at all.  She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a door open. 
Clarke waited expectantly for her friend to pick up her phone again, but for the first few minutes all Lexa heard was rattling and banging around in the car...which made her laugh under her breath and wonder what exactly was going on.  Did Lexa have to make room for the boxes? How much Pizza did she buy? A chuckle at those thoughts left her as finally Lexa picked back up,
“Okay, two pizzas.” she announced.  Clarke heard the car door close and Lexa start the engine again and the car she was in came back to life. 
“Two?” Clarke laughed, “how in the world are you going to eat all that?”
“Oh, they are personal pan pizzas,” Lexa answered, probably pulling out of the parking lot, because Clarke could tell her thoughts were a little distracted so she was paying attention to the road, “I mean, I wanted two kinds.  But I didn’t want to eat pizza the rest of the week by getting a full size one.”
Clarke laughed again, “yeah...I usually end up eating pizza for at least two days when I go to get one.” there was a place right down the street she could walk to in seven minutes -she had timed it once- and part of her wanted pizza now but she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to walk in the rain. She really, really, didn’t need to get sick right now.  
Lexa laughed over the phone and asked, “what’s your lunch?”
Clarke loved the sound of Lexa’s laugh. It made her heart happier. But she bit her lip because she hadn’t considered it yet and quickly thought of what she had in the kitchen, “pasta,” she said at last, “probably fettuccine alfredo.” 
“That sounds good.”
Clarke rolled over on her stomach and picked at the edge of the blanket, “well…” she teased, “I could put chicken in it.”
“Ew,” Lexa grumbled teasingly, “no..no no no...” 
Clarke just laughed, “but it's my specialty, and you said you eat chicken sometimes.”
“I do.” Lexa admitted, “but you know I’m picky.”
“I know,” Clarke laughed, “that's why I tease you. I mean, come on,” she smiled, “there has to be something you can tease me about.”
Lexa snorted, “actually, I can’t think of anything you’re actually pretty normal.”
Clarke rolled her eyes and smiled because Lexa would of course say that. She sighed though, because she was pretty sure the call would end soon, and she would have to get back to work and Lexa to her day, but she felt better knowing they would talk later, “what pizza’s did you get? Did you get pineapple? Alot of people like pineapple on pizza,” Clarke made a face even though Lexa couldn’t see it, “not me.” she shuddered.
Lexa laughed again, “well one of them is ham and pineapple.” 
“Ugh..” Clarke groaned teasingly, “but whyyyy?” she asked, “why ruin a perfectly good pizza with…”
“The other is pepperoni and mushroom and cheese and olive and um…I don’t know. All kinds of toppings?”
 “Tomato?” Clarke asked smiling again. She sat up on her bed. It was Lexa’s turn to groan now,
 “Ugh..” she said, “tomatoes are squishy.”
Clarke laughed. Lexa did too. And then the line went silent, but it still had a happy edge. Then Lexa sighed and Clarke knew exactly what she was going to say, it was time for her to go. For now.
 “Well, Clarke, I’m home.”
 “Yeah,” Clarke smiled wryly, “I was just going to say you probably have to go.”
 “Yeah,” Lexa admitted, “I have to eat lunch, and you got to work.”
“I do,” Clarke agreed, she glanced over at her computer beckoning her to come back to the fic.  
 “I’ll call later.” Lexa promised. Clarke heard a car door open, she heard Lexa grunting a little and things started banging around in the car again. Then the car door closed. Clarke smiled happily,
 “Okay,” she said, and took a deep breath preparing for the call to end.
 “Bye, Clarke.” 
 Clarke was content, “bye Lexa. Thank you for taking me with you. Feel free to do it again.” 
 “I will,” she could hear Lexa’s smile,”it was fun. Bye.”
 “Bye.” Clarke repeated. It took a few times sometimes to say goodbye. 
 Lexa hung up the phone first, and Clarke studied it a second before swiping through the screen to look at the time on the call. 27 minutes. She laughed. It was a record time because they could go on for hours and not even know it. With a laugh Clarke typed out a text to Lexa informing her they had talked just 27 minutes and sent it off.  Getting up she went back to her computer. 
Outside it was still raining. The soft pattering noise was relaxing. She sat down in her chair and smiled and started typing.  She couldn’t wait for later when they could talk again.
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anxious-aloe · 5 years
Part 2: Beautiful Thing by Grace Vanderwaal
tw: mild swearing, anxiety, hospital, insomnia
You think that you know my heart
And you probably do
Mavis was still too sick to go home, so Jo stopped by every day after their job at the garden center of Home Depot. A small collection of flowers were slowly stretching their petals on the windowsill of her hospital room. 
So I'm always with you
I could stay with you for hours
She drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days, while Jo hovered nervously. They hadn’t slept peacefully in quite a while. Anxiety was making its comeback, as it did every few months. 
In an empty room
And never get bored
Never have nothing to do
Every time Mavis opened her eyes, a new drawing of some sort rested on her bedside table. Most times it was a diagram of something such as a flower, or a human heart. She always smiled softly when she saw these little notes, because you could tell how Jo was feeling just by looking at them. Occasionally, they would be decorated with splashes of watercolour paint, telling Mavis her datefriend was in an uplifting mood that day. 
You're my other half
You're what makes me me
Jo hummed as they went about watering the plants at work. They couldn’t imagine life without Mavis, but sometimes she was hard to help, so they turned to keeping the buds blooming and the fruit flowering. 
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back, get back, get back up
On my feet
Jo walked into Mavis’s room, setting their things down and helping Mavis sit up. “So,” Jo said, straightening the artwork beside her bed. “The doctor said that you were supposed to try and move around a bit today.”
“Yeah, I know,” Mavis said, running a hand over the cast on her ankle. “I can try, I guess.” Jo grabbed a pair of crutches and brought them over to the bedside. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
Mavis was a bit excited to finally be able to get up; she had heard the nurses say that if she could move and her concussion healed, she could go home soon. But she was also scared, scared that she was going to let Jo down. She really couldn’t stand to disappoint them. 
It makes me myself
Makes me funny, you're a beautiful thing
They stumbled down the hallway together, laughing and getting dirty looks from the older nurses, but the younger staff smiled at the couple. Mavis didn’t falter once, just kept going back and forth on the crutches. 
We're a beautiful thing together
Back in the room, Jo pinned Mavis up against the wall and slowly kissed her. “I love you, and I am so, so proud of you,” they whispered into her ear. 
“I love you too.”
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
It was lightly snowing that night when the doctor cleared Mavis to go home. She was hesitant and nervous in the car, which Jo had gotten fixed, but she wasn’t driving, so she felt a bit better. 
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Despite their small frame, Jo was able to lift Mavis out of the passenger seat and carry her inside their little house. Laughing all the way, they crashed onto the couch, Mavis staying put while Jo gathered the rest of the luggage from the car. 
We find the rainbow
Up in the sky
The aroma of freshly baked zeppole wafted through the house. Mavis inhaled the sweet scent. “Jo, I didn’t know you could bake.”
“I can’t,” they said, lifting a box of flowers onto the table. “Remember the Great Cake Incident of 2017?” Mavis grimaced, remembering the flaming curtains. “Skye stopped by to say-”
“Sup, bitches.” Wheels clicked across the tiles of the kitchen as Skye rollerbladed into the living room. Jo sighed.
“-hello.” Skye maneuvered up to the couch and Mavis hoisted herself up. 
You'd say don't you cry, it's all gonna be alright
“I thought you might want something sweet,” he offered. Skye was dressed very masculine today, a good indicator that he was a he today, even though Skye never really cared what you called him. He held out a platter filled with deep fried dough coated in cinnamon and powdered sugar. Mavis picked one up and took a bite. 
“Have you gotten better?” Mavis wondered. “These are so good!”
“Thank you! I’ve learned not to put sugar on a hot burner.” Skye hugged her and finally sank into a chair. His piercing gaze looked into her soul. “You are going to be okay.”
If we ever gone through a fight oh that would be bad
'Cause you know all of my secrets
But I know all of yours
Mavis was a bit taken aback by this comment, but Skye had an aura of knowledge and a general Addams family vibe, with his black hair dyed lavender on the ends. She felt tears spring to her eyes, and she quickly brushed them away. Jo came back into the room and sat down next to Mavis, stroking her hand softly. 
We make hours turn into seconds together
The three of them talked on and on, until the snow was deep enough to be buried in. Skye checked his phone. “Sorry, y’all, I have to go. Dan’s expecting me.” He got up and grabbed his backpack. 
“Dan or Jack Daniel’s?” Jo cracked a smile. Skye shot them a dirty look. 
“Both. Hope you feel better, Mavis.” He grabbed his bag and skated out into the snow. 
The weight of the world feel like a feather
'Cause we're holding it right in our hands
Mavis shifted on the couch until her head was in Jo’s lap. “Um,” she said. “Do you wanna talk about it, or-” Jo placed a hand over her mouth. 
“Give it time. You need to rest up and heal so that we can be stupid together again.”
“But right now, we need to binge watch Supernatural and eat zeppole.”
You're my other half
You're what makes me me
Both of them woke up the next morning tangled in each other, and Netflix asking “Are you still watching?”. 
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back up, get back, get back up
On my feet
Mavis tumbled off of Jo onto the floor, watching the ceiling fan lazily spin. She smiled when Jo laid down next to her and they stared into nothingness together. Their fingers intertwined and they fell asleep on the cold floor. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
Jo woke up alone, and that scared them. “Mavis?” they called out. 
“Yeah?” They let out a sigh of relief. 
“Nothing, baby.”
It makes me myself
Makes me funny
Hours later, Jo was whipping up a “light pasta dish” that consisted of six boxes of penne, three jars of sauce, and five tomato plants. Luckily, Danand Skyrae were coming over as well. “Hey Jo,” Mavis said, scrolling through her phone. 
“Why was six afraid of seven?”
Jo looked suspiciously at her. “Because seven eight nine?”
“Yes. And why did seven eat nine?”
“Why?” Jo laughed, waving a slotted spoon in her direction. 
“Because you’re supposed to eat three square meals a day.” Mavis waited until Jo got it, and stifled her laughter. 
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
“You little panatta!” Jo screeched. “Merda santa, where did you come up with that one?”
“Stop speaking Italian, you know I can’t unders-”
“Oh you can too, we’ve been dating since high school and I only spoke Italian then!” 
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
Mavis was silent for a few seconds before launching into another joke. “Why did the chicken- JO!” she yelled, laughing. “That noodle was still hot!” 
“Sorry, baby, but something has to shut you up!”
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Skye and Dan walked in just as Jo was about to throw another noodle at Mavis. 
You and me
Together, we'll forget what we have been told
We'll live in our own dream world
“Uh,” Dan said cautiously. “Should we go?”
“No! Daniel, sit down and serve yourself up, you need a break from takeout and ramen.” He obeyed, as well as Skye, who was wearing a short skirt and tights. 
You and me, forever
We'll forget what we have been told
We will take on the whole world
Over dinner, Dan discussed how bad politics were getting, Skye talked about the many different ways to discreetly murder, and Jo was whispering Italian into Mavis’s ear the whole time. Their little group was so diverse it was strange how they all fit in together. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself, it makes me funny
Hours later, a scene unfolded as such: Skye, sitting cross-legged on the table, being dared by Dan to chug straight alfredo sauce and Jo, sipping wine and playing Scrabble with Mavis, putting a mix of Italian and English down. 
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Eventually, they all decided to have a sleepover at Mavis and Jo’s place, turning the living room into a pillow fort and watching horror movies all night. 
And that's a beautiful thing
Mavis awoke the next morning feeling warm inside, and she knew that she made the right choice by staying on Earth. 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Winter Wolf: Part 12
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Word Count: 5,485
Box Filled: Gender Swap
A/N: This series was written for @marvelfluffbingo​ and it took on a life of its own. Enjoy!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11
It surprisingly took Steve a lot longer than you expected to return to Wakanda on ‘official royal business.’ You were laying on the couch in your living room, watching four and a half month old Anastasia laugh hysterically as she swatted at the colorful, handmade yarn dolls a woman at Bucky’s job had made for her that were hanging above her head. You smiled at her as you reached out and pushed one of the ones closest to you so that it would catch her eye and laughed with her as she kicked her legs and reached for it.
The knock on your front door startled you and you quickly sat up and grabbed the gun you had wedged between the couch cushion and the back of the couch. With quick movements, you got up and walked on silent feet to glance out the window since most people who came over to visit you and Anastasia called first. You peeked out the window and let out a sigh of relief as you turned the four locks on the door and turned off the house alarm system.
“Well I’ll be damned.” You laughed as you stepped back and let a very scruffy Steve into your two bedroom, two bath apartment. “That’s a good way to get shot in this house.” He nearly tripped over his own feet as you locked the house back up, turned the alarm back on, and put your gun on the table by the door.
“What is this?” He asked as he pointed to the little girl on the floor who was looking up at him in awe.
“It’s a baby.” You said with a shrug as you moved the arch away from Anastasia so you could pick her up. “And if we wanna get really technical, it’s a girl baby.” Steve’s face deadpanned as he met your eyes.
“Didn’t realize I became blind overnight but thanks. Where did the girl baby come from?”
“Anastasia…” You said as you balanced your daughter on your hip. “… came from Romania. Her birth mother was an old friend of mine named Daniela who had terminal cancer. Her father was a tourist and Daniela’s moms was a hardcore gypsy that surprisingly would absolutely not raise a baby born out of wed-lock no matter what her husband said. And she was a blatant racist so the mix race thing was not helping Anastasia’s case either. So, Buck and I took her. Well, we didn’t take her, I guess we officially adopted her. T’Challa’s lawyer guy helped us figure out the paper work so her official birth certificate says that we are her parents. So meet your… well technically you could meet your little sister…”
“Oh, my gosh, stop.” He laughed as he reached out his hands to hold her. “Anastasia, you said?” You nodded as you passed over your daughter.
“Anastasia Daniela Barnes. Her mom named her and we figured honoring her mom with the middle name was appropriate.”
“I like it.” He said as he sat down on the couch with her on his thighs. “Hi cutie.” Your daughter looked at him a little confused as she reached out to grab his beard. You laughed and gently intercepted.
“Bucky has to stay either clean shaven or he keeps his beard real short.” You said with a laugh. “We learned really fast that once she gets ahold of something she wants, she will not let go. We both keep our hair back in buns just to keep it out of her reach.”
“She’s beautiful.” He said with a smile as he held onto her sides so that his fingers were supporting her head even though she didn’t need it as much these days. “Now I’m curious. What is she?”
“Romanian, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, African-American, and a splash of Scottish, Italian, and Greek. I had Shuri run her ancestry DNA when we did a full check up on her when we got her. She was born the day before Bucky and I got married and we got her when she was three days old.”
“God, she’s so cute. I can’t believe you two are parents.” You smile proudly and snagged one of the many toys off the floor.
“Me neither. It’s been a wild ride.”
“I bet.” He laughed as he watched you bop your daughter on the nose with a pink, stuffed rhino rattle to grab her attention. She laughed and reached for it as Steve looked around the living room. “Where’s Bucky?”
“At work.” You said as you handed your little girl her toy. “He got a really good job in IT at the transportation hub. He loves it. He actually should be home in an hour or so if you wanna stick around. I should probably start dinner anyways if you wanna entertain your niece.”
“I think I can handle that, what do you think?” He asked Anastasia, who simply tried to eat her rattle in response.
“Just keep your beard away from her grabby little hands.” You said with a laugh as you got up and headed to the kitchen. “She’s a sneaky little monster sometimes.”
“You can’t be a little monster.” He growled playfully as he picked her up off his thighs and slid down to the floor with her to play. “You’re too cute, right? Yes, you are.” You smiled to yourself as Steve continued to baby talk to your daughter while you got dinner ready for your family and your guest.
With Steve distracting your daughter, you got the homemade Italian dressing marinated chicken, the fettuccini you made from scratch that morning, and the Alfredo you found a recipe for on a website called Pinterest (which was, in your opinion, the greatest thing in the entire world) cooked in no time. You were just getting everything plated when the automatic smart locks on your doors unlocked and the alarm signaled it was temporarily disengaged with a beep. You looked up at the door from the kitchen as Bucky stepped in the door with a sigh.
“Hi baby.” You said with a smile. “We have a visitor.” Bucky looked over at you as he turned the last lock before turning the other way.
“Well I’ll be damned. If it isn’t Captain America. And my little angel.” He cooed as he went over to say hi to his friend and pick up his giggly little girl. “Oh, I missed you!”
“Never thought I’d see the day.” Steve said as he got up off the floor with a laugh. “Playboy Bucky Barnes has a kid.”
“I got bamboozled by the cute.” He laughed as he kissed Anastasia’s forehead. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here on ‘official business’.” Steve said sarcastically with air quotes as Bucky came over to give you a kiss hello. “We’re trying to fine tune the Sokovia Accords and I figured I’d stop in to see how the newlyweds were doing while I was here.” He laughed as Bucky turned his head away from Anastasia before she could grab his bun.
“Didn’t expect the baby, did you?” Bucky laughed as he grabbed one of the plates to help you out before starting a bottle for his daughter.
“Not one bit.” Steve laughed as you passed him his plate and grabbed silverware for everyone. “But then again you two have been full of surprises in the last year.”
“We gotta keep life interesting, Stevie. I’ve been around long enough to know that.”
“Million years really is a long time.” Bucky teased as the three of you sat down at the table to eat.
“Shut up!” You laughed as he laid Anastasia across his arm and his lap and gave her her bottle before you went back to trying her on soft solid food again. He propped it on his chest and used his elbow to keep it upright so that he could still eat and make up for the time he spent away from home that day.
“I’d still love you even if you were as old as the dinosaurs.” He cooed with a smile as you cut his chicken just to make it easier for him to multitask.
“Guys, you’re gunna make me sick before I can even enjoy this meal.” Steve joked as he twirled some pasta around his fork.
“You’ll be fine.” Bucky said around a mouthful of fettuccini.
“So what’s going on in New York?” You asked with a glance over at your friend. “Do you have any juicy gossip for us?”
“Well.” Steve said as he chewed. “Not really. Teams good. We had a mission a couple weeks ago that was a pointless waste of time. Some idiot tried to release anthrax bombs in Central Park and apparently that now requires the Avengers to step in.” He rolled his eyes and sighed with a shake of his head. “Hence the reason I’m here talking to T’Challa. I’m trying to get some semblance of balance to these Accords which is proving to be difficult as expected.”
“How’s Tony?” Bucky inquired with a glance over at you.
“Tony’s… well, Tony. He and Pepper got engaged.”
“‘bout time.” You mumbled as you twirled your fork on your plate. “Is he… has he said anything about me?” You looked up at Steve through your lashes as he shook his head subtly.
“Nothing good nor bad. No one wants to bring either of you up.” You nodded as took a bite of your food to avoid inquiring about the next person but Steve answered the unspoken question anyways. “Natasha’s back. She just showed up about two months ago without a word of explanation of where she had been…”
“Good for her.” Bucky said curtly; still harboring a grudge for your ex.
“How’s Wanda?” You ask to change the sensitive subject. Steve nodded and swallowed his bite.
“She’s good. I think Vision is talking about proposing but I’m not entirely sure.”
“Awe, good.” You said with a genuine smile. “Those two are so good for each other.”
“Yea, yea they are.” Steve agreed with a nod. He could feel the slight layer of tension building in the room and quickly changed the subject to prevent an argument over Natasha. “So tell me more about my niece.”
“She’s asleep.” Bucky sighed as he closed the nursery door quietly behind him and trudged toward the couch you had flopped down on after saying goodbye to Steve. With a groan, he laid down on the couch practically on top of you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Finally.”
“I think she’s teething.” You said as you ran your metal fingers through his hair and pulled out the hair tie. “That’s what the book suggested. She was fussy for a couple days but she wouldn’t let me near her mouth to check.” He nodded against your stomach and buried his face in your shirt.
“Did you put those squishy things in the freezer?”
“Yes, James. I can mother, thank you.” You teased as you rolled your head on the arm of the couch to look at him.
“You sure? I still question if I can father, properly.” You giggled with him and laced your fingers together on his back.
“I think we’re doing just fine.” He said with a smile as he looked up at you. “We’re in this together, remember?” You nodded your head as he adjusted his head on your stomach with a content sigh. You let your eyes fall closed, just content on existing in that peaceful moment with your husband. You could feel his fingers making tiny, tight patterns on your back under your loose fitting shirt and moving at a glacial pace up your spine. There was no rush and no urgency, there was just love.
A knock on your front door caused both of you to stiffen and sigh at your ruined moment. Bucky pushed himself up off your chest and grabbed the gun from the couch cushions. You got up as well and purposely moved yourself between the front door and the nursery. With a glance over his shoulder at you, he turned off the alarm and unlocked the doors.
His whole body tensed as he quickly shove his foot against the back of the door and pointed his gun at whoever was on the other side. You instantly backed up to the nursery door and yanked off your shirt so that you would have better movement when you needed it. You tried to make your five foot six, thankfully muscular body as big as you could in the doorway and wished that you had put a weapon next to the door frame like you had wanted to.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Bucky demanded with more animosity and venom in his voice then you had ever heard before. Which meant one of two things; both of which you were not ready to face.
“Can I talk to her?” Natasha asked softly with tears obvious in her tone.
“Shut the door.” You said from your place.
“You need to leave, now.” Bucky growled.
“Please, I just need to see her!”
“You don’t need to do shit!” Bucky snapped back. “Leave, Natasha.”
“Please.” She begged as Anastasia started to fuss behind you. “Please, I just need to apologize.”
“You have no place to say sorry to me.” You snapped as you stormed away from the nursery door. You put your hand on Bucky shoulder and moved him back a step to look at the partially unrecognizable blonde in front of you. “You’re not welcome here.”
“My star…” She tried but you grabbed your gun from Bucky and cocked it harshly.
“No!” You shouted, which effectively woke your daughter up. “You stood there, Natasha. You just stood there when I needed you the most. You stood there and shook your head. You didn’t even try to defend the woman you supposedly loved as I was thrown from my home. I lost everything! My family, my security, my sanity. All of it was gone and Bucky was the only person that stood up to protect me. Steve did what he could but that wasn’t his responsibility; it was yours. And you- did- nothing!”
“(Y/N)…” She tried as tears fell from her eyes. You heard Bucky growl behind you as he turned to go to the nursery for Anastasia and you shook your head at your ex.
“No, Nat. I don’t want to hear it. Because even though I left, you still did nothing. Sure, you tried to hunt me down but, as you quickly realized, I won’t be found if I don’t wanna be. So that was a waste of time. Let me ask you this. Have you even bother to talk to Tony about me once? Did you try even one time to get him to see that I am not that monster anymore? Or did you just play victim because you choose to literally turn your back on your girlfriend and she was taken from your life like you promised would never happen? I don’t even need an answer from you because I already know it. You played the victim. I expected more from you Natalia. So much more. Especially after you fought so hard for Clint, who you have said you didn’t love as much as me, to get him back into your arms when Loki had him try to murder you.”
“Go to hell, Natasha. I want nothing to do with you. Stay away from me, stay away from my family, stay the fuck away from Wakanda. Go do you, you heartless shrew because you sure as fuck aren’t doing me ever again.” Without another word, you slammed the front door closed and turned the locks as fast as your fingers would go. Once the alarm was reset, you set your gun down and followed your daughters screaming to the back bedroom.
“She gone?” Bucky snapped as he bounced Anastasia in his arms.
“She’s gone.” You said with a nod as you locked the secondary door in your room and sent out a silent thanks for Shuri making your house impenetrable once the alarm was set. “Come here, angel.” You carefully took Anastasia from Bucky and walked over to the bed with her while Bucky started to pace.
“How’d she even find us?” He asked angrily as he yanked off his work shirt and chucked it across the room toward the laundry hamper. “Who the fuck does she think she is?”
“She’s gone, Bucky.” You said softly as you rubbed your daughter’s back and laid her out on your sports bra covered chest.
“She has no right.” He snapped as he continued to get undressed. “No right to just show up here like that.” You nodded in agreement as you tried to check Anastasia’s mouth again since she was awake. “Who does she think she is?”
“I don’t know, baby.” You said evenly as you forced yourself to keep your anger at bay and you absolutely felt one of her teeth near the surface of Anastasia’s bottom gums. “She’s teething.” Bucky glanced over at you and did a double take as your daughter grabbed your hand almost to hold the soothing metal in place. He climbed on the bed slowly as Anastasia’s crying turned into hiccups.
“Oh, baby girl.” He said sadly as he leaned against the headboard so that he was right in front of her. “You’re OK, sweetheart.” She hiccuped again as he reached up to brush his hand over the back of her head.
“We’re in for a world of fun.” You said softly as she started to chew on your finger. He nodded as her eyes started to slowly drift closed again.
“We’ll figure it out.” He said as he helped get the pair of you under the blankets. “We always do.” You nodded in agreement as he kissed Anastasia’s forehead and laid back against his pillow.
“Think she’ll tell Tony we’re here?” You asked as he grabbed the padded co-sleeper from under the bed.
“Probably.” He said as he laid the sleeper down between you knowing neither of you would sleep comfortably that night if she wasn’t in the room with you. “We’re safe here, though. Tony can’t get into Wakanda without T’Challa knowing about it anyways…”
“Nat did.” You said as you brushed your fingertips down Anastasia’s back so she would fall back to sleep.
“Yea, well now we’re prepared.” He said a little harshly.
“OK.” You said as you looked over at him. “OK…”
“Sorry, baby.” He said as he ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh. “She just… she makes me so mad.”
“I know, baby.” You agreed as you carefully pulled your hand back and laid your daughter down in her sleeper. “But we’re better than her now, right? We’re parents now. We can’t stoop down to her level.”
“Yea.” He said with small smile as he laid down next to the other little lady that stole his heart. “Yea, you’re right.”
“I’m always right, James.” You giggled as you got up to wash your face and get ready for bed. “That’s why you married me.”
After the night Natasha showed up, you started to live in fear. Every time you stepped outside with Anastasia, you carried an unnecessary amounts of weapons on your person and constantly kept your head on a swivel. After two weeks of jumping at every little thing, the Wolf came back and began to taunt the safety of you and more specifically, your baby girl. And at that point, you locked yourself and Anastasia in your apartment and had your weekly groceries delivered by a teenage boy that lived in your building.
Bucky wanted to protest your seclusion but he was equally as scared for the two loves of his life. He convinced you once about a month after Nat showed up to leave the house just to head up to a restaurant on the corner. He barely made it long enough to order the food to go and rush you back home with a mild case of whiplash. He knew you were at least safe in your home, so after that failed attempt to be social, he looked the other way about you staying home all the time.
Anastasia was growing like a weed. One day she was needing help to sit up on your lap or on the floor and the next thing you knew, she was seven months old, crawling across the wood floors as fast as her chubby arms and legs could carry her, and practicing her standing as long as you held on to her sides. You were beyond ecstatic that her first word was ‘mama’, which Bucky wasn’t a huge fan of, but she didn’t disappoint for long because ‘dada’ came about a week later followed by ‘ba.’ And thus began the part of her life where she would follow you around after you while you cleaned, babbling ‘mama dada’ for hours over the sounds of her knees and palms clomping on the floors.
“She does this all day?” Bucky asked as he helped put away the lunch leftovers on one of his Tuesdays off. You smirked and nodded as you wiped down your kitchen counters while Anastasia sat right next to your legs on the floor repeating your name with the occasional ‘dada’ mixed in as she chewed on a frozen strawberry in a mesh pacifier.
“Every day. We’re getting a lot better at separating our names though.” He laughed as he walked over and looked down at her with his hands on his hips.
“What are you doing?” He said playfully as she looked up at him with a smile.
“Ma dada… da mama!” She said as she reached for him with one arm, not willing to pull the fruit pacifier from her mouth.
“That’s progress.” You laughed as Bucky picked her up and tossed her in the air a couple inches.
“I still can’t believe she’s ours.” He said as walked over and sat down on the couch with her. “I also can’t believe how fast she’s grown.”
“I know.” You sighed with a nod as you hung your rag over the middle of the sinks. “I just want it to stop already. Make her stay cute forever.”
“Yea, because both of us wanna change diapers for the rest of eternity.” He laughed as you flopped down on the couch for a break before you went back to doing laundry. You rested your elbow on the armrest and propped your head on your fist as you watched your daughter ‘walk’ up Bucky’s thighs and stomach while she continued to chew on her strawberry.
“We need to leave Wakanda.” You said softly. Your husband slowly nodded his head in agreement.
“I’ve been thinking the same thing.” Tears welled in your eyes as the pair of you just watched your daughter with more love than either of you knew was possible. She walked her way up his chest so that her little feet were on his face and squealed in joy when he playfully pretended to eat her toes.
“Where should we go?” You whispered, not trusting your voice any louder.
“We can stay in Africa for a while.” He suggested with a glance over at you as he held his daughter over his thighs again. “Head south until we hit the end of the continent then try to catch a ride over to Asia. Head toward Australia. We’ll just keep moving.” You nodded your head and looked over at him as a few tears fell from your eyes. “We’re gunna be OK, baby girl. We know how to survive on the run. And we’ll just be more hyper-vigilant with Anastasia.”
“OK.” You whispered as you pushed across the couch to rest your head on his shoulder. “I’ll call up to Okoye and we’ll leave tonight?” He nodded his head as he turned to kiss the top of your head.
“We’ll pack as light as we can with her when she goes down for a nap. Get out after dark.” You nodded your head and sighed as you got up off the couch.
“I’ll get the laundry finished and make that call.” You heard him mumble ‘alright’ as he took the empty pacifier from Anastasia before she could throw it.
“Come on, pumpkin. Nap time.”
“Our clothes, her clothes, bottles, formula, baby food…” You said to yourself as you went through the two, overflowing backpack duffle bags on your bed. “… toys, bathroom bags, pacifiers, blankets.”
“We can strap this to your backpack.” Bucky said as he tossed the padded sleeper on the bed and grabbed the baby carrier from under the bed as well. “The play pen is a little too big to carry with us.”
“True.” You said as you grabbed the ball of twine and the sleeper off the bed. “Did you empty out every drawer on the changing table into the diaper bag?”
“And the extra stuff in the closet.” He said with a nod. “You got the new load of groceries in there?” You nodded your head as you checked the weight of both backpacks to make sure Bucky’s wasn’t too heavy.
“I think we should bring the stroller.” You said as you set his backpack aside, deeming it full enough. “I think we’ll regret it more if we don’t.”
“It’d make carrying the car seat easier. We could fill the bottom up with more stuff…”
“It would make carrying bottles of water easier.” You agreed. You grabbed the Ziplock bag of baby medicines, sunscreen, and other necessities for Anastasia and threw them in the last bit of space in your bag. “These are both done.” He nodded his head, acknowledging that he heard what you said as he pulled the old SIM cards from your cell phones and grabbed new ones and a pair of burner phones from your bedside table drawer. He pulled weapon after weapon from the drawer as you put everything from the room out in the hall.
“You gunna carry her first?” He asked as you came back in and started to load your old Winter Wolf cargo pants with guns and knives.
“Yea, I got her.” You said as you checked the gun you would keep on your hip to make sure it was fully loaded and the safety was on. You put it in your holder and made sure that it was far enough back that there was no way your daughter could reach it before grabbing the carrier off the bed. You followed Bucky out to the living room to load up anything else you could fit in the stroller; a case of water, some laundry soap you otherwise would have had to leave behind, and a few more of her favorite toys, and took one final look around your apartment for anything else you could possibly need.
“We have all the cash?” You asked as you headed toward the nursery to grab your daughter to leave.
“Yea, it’s all in the diaper bag.” He said as he put his backpack and the diaper bag on and grabbed the carseat to put in the front of the stroller. You nodded, despite the fact that he couldn’t see you as you carefully picked your sleeping daughter up from her crib and put her in the baby carrier. You made sure to grab her bedtime blanket and her favorite stuffed bunny rabbit before heading out of the room to get your own backpack.
“You got everything?” He asked softly as he helped you put the backpack on so you didn’t jostle Anastasia too much.
“Anything we forgot, we can replace.” You responded as you tucked the blanket and bunny into the carseat. “Oh, grab the fold up booster seat.” You said as you pointed to the chair in the corner by the dinner table. You pushed the stroller to the door as he stuck the seat across the top and added the two bottles of water for you to the cup holders.
“Alright.” Bucky said as he looked back around your apartment while you shut off the alarm and unlocked the door. “Bye first house.” You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and look back at it as you pulled open the door.
“Let’s just go, baby.” You forced yourself not to tear up as you headed down the hall to the elevator.
“It’s alright, (Y/N).” Your husband said as he rubbed your shoulder with a small smile on his face. “We’re gunna be just fine. We can handle this.” You took a deep breath as the elevator opened on the ground floor and nodded.
“Yep. We’re…”
“Running away with a baby?” A voice asked from the shadows that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You whipped your gun out at lighting speed and turned around as Tony stepped out of the shadows. “Do you really think that’s the best parenting choice there.”
“Back up.” Bucky growled as he moved between you and Tony with his gun pointed at the man as well. “Baby, go.”
“No, no.” Tony said as he took a step closer with his hands raised. He instantly took two steps back as both you and Bucky cocked your guns and flipped off the safeties. “Look, I know you’re both a little jaded here…”
“A little?” You asked as your eyes darted around the street; catching Steve and Wanda hiding in the shadows in the alley across from you, Vision a block behind you behind a car, Clint on the roof across from you… and Natasha peeking out from the alley behind Tony.
“Wonder why…” Bucky growled.
“Yea, you have the right to be mad. I was an asshole. Plain and simple. But I was wrong. And I’m man enough to admit that. So if you wanna hide out, go ahead. You wanna raise your kid in fear here in Wakanda… yea, I know everything.” Tony said as you shared a side eyed glance with Bucky. “You wanna stay here, go ahead. T’Challa said that was fine by him. You wanna come back to the towers and feel safe, you can do that, too.” You forced yourself to keep your face unreadable as you searched Tony’s eyes.
“I’ll stay away.” Natasha said softly. “I won’t come near any of you. Just please. Please come home where you belong.”
“She’d be safe.” Bucky whispered in Xhosa without taking his eyes off Tony or Natasha as you watched the other Avengers. “Both of you.”
“Is it worth dealing with the other half of the problem?” You asked with a side look over at him.
“We’d be safe.” He repeated. “And we wouldn’t have to keep running.” You sighed, knowing that he was right and that dealing with Natasha was worth guaranteeing that the voices didn’t come back and that Anastasia would be safe forever.
“Come on, guys.” Steve called out as he took a few steps forward. “Do it for my niece.” You looked over at Bucky, who you knew wanted to go home and not have to work every day even if he wouldn’t admit it, and sighed.
“Fine.” You breathed as you flipped on the safety and ejected the bullet in the chamber of your gun. You could hear the subtle sigh of relief from your husband as he put his gun up while the other members of the team all stood down.
“You stay away from them.” Bucky growled as he pointed at Natasha and put the diaper bag on the stroller. She nodded and took a few steps back as Steve came over to say hi to Anastasia.
“I’m guessing you still have stuff upstairs?” He asked as he brushed his fingers over the top of her head.
“We packed as light as possible so yea.” You said with a nod.
“Alright then. Steve, get them to the jet. We’ll get the rest…”
“I’ll go up with you.” Bucky said as he pulled off his backpack and passed it to Steve. “We can just pile everything that’s left in the crib.”
“Leave the furniture and the dishes behind and put a note on the woman across the hall’s door that she can help herself to whatever is left over as a thanks for her son getting our groceries.” You told him as Steve took off your backpack for you. He nodded his head and headed back toward your apartment building as Steve put his hand on your back.
“Let’s go home, (Y/N).” He said with a smile as he lead you behind Natasha to the quinjet that was parked on the palace jet pad.
“I just hope it’s not the worst decision we’ve ever made.” You muttered as you stared daggers into Natasha’s back.
Part 13
23 notes · View notes
lizartgurl · 6 years
Back To You (Aqualad x OC)
A very self-indulgent AU that is actually great fodder for my muse
@sand-son @betteonit @the-shadow-of-atlantis
(part one)
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Tim and Mara sat on her bed, watching as Emma flitted from one thing to another.
“You sure you don’t want any help?” Mara asked, pointing at the pile spilling out of the one industrial-grade duffel bag she was advised to take.
“I’m fine!” Emma said nervously as she shuffled through the walk-in closet she shared with Mara, trying to decide between two different blue shirts.
Tim sighed, sinking down into the thick down comforters as he rested his laptop on his chest.
“You aren’t trying to see which color Kaldur would like best, are you?” He asked.
“I am not!” Emma insisted. She discarded both shirts and snatched up a pink turtleneck instead.
“Why are you so mad at him?” Mara asked, tossing aside a peach lollipop for a watermelon lollipop on her bag of dum-dums.
Emma didn’t know why the question made her want to laugh.
“Because, Mara, you’ll learn when you’re in a relationship, that there is a certain amount of trust to be expected between partners. And when that trust is broken, you have to question whether that relationship is what you thought it was.”
“Didn’t Rick say he wanted to trust you though?” Tim pointed out.
“Yes, but that’s not the point!” Emma threw a few more pointless items on the pile.
Mara bit into her lollipop, “Then what is?”
“I don’t know!” Emma threw her arms up in the air, sending her pile flying. She fell face-first into her bed with a groan. “Why did I say I’d do this?”
“Because you like Kaldur!” Mara exclaimed, waving her dum-dum like a fairy wand.
“Not anymore, Mara,” Emma muttered into the quilt. Seizing the opportunity, her beloved cat, Justice, leaped onto Emma’s back and curled up, ready to sleep close to his favorite human.
Tim sat up and patted Emma’s head, “But you do still care about him.”
“Well yeah, even if his plan was stupid, he still did a lot to save the world,” Justice hissed irritably as Emma propped herself up on her arms, staring out the window at the gardens of Wayne Manor, green slowly fading to brown already. However cold the New England summers got, Canada was going to be even colder.
“So you do still like him?” Mara waved a cherry lollipop in Emma’s face tauntingly.
Emma snatched it up with a grin for her little sister, “If you say that one more time, I’ll kick you out of my room,” She tickled Mara’s ribs as they both burst into laughter.
“Save me, Tim! Save me!” Mara begged with dramatic flair.
“Okay,” Tim turned his laptop for both of them to see. “By doing research on various areas of Canada, specifically the ones JSA-ers are known to protect, I have put together a list of various things you may need to be able to enjoy yourself while tolerating Kaldur and surviving in the Canadian wilderness.”
Emma stopped tickling Mara and examined the list.
“Tim, have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“You can prove it by letting me turn your room into a private study while you’re gone,” Tim sat up tall and folded his arms proudly.
“As if!” Emma shoved the laptop back at him as Mara beaned her brother with a pillow.
“There’s like fifty studies already in the manor! You don’t need another one!”
“Yeah, but they’re too far from my room,” Tim almost whined.
“Do you really want Mara to have free access to all your files and crap?” Emma nodded towards the closet, connecting both girl’s rooms.
Tim sighed in defeat, “You have a point.”
“Just ask Bruce to open up another study! Even if he won’t, Alfred will,” Mara shrugged.
“Okay, but later. Now, we have to go through everything on this list,” Emma said.
Tim and Mara grinned up at her, “Oh, so now you want our help!”
Emma shrugged, sorting her big pile into smaller piles. Satisfied by how calm she was now, Justice settled into her lap. Emma’s heart jolted, and she held her cat very close. She could still remember the day after she got her powers, when Rick came to her with a kitten that Bruce had found in the alleys of Gotham during his nightly patrol.
“Emma?” Mara asked, sliding down to sit next to Emma on the floor.
“You okay?” Tim joined them, shutting his laptop.
Emma let Justice go and sighed. She had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last time she did that today.
“I’m going to miss you guys,” She sighed.
Mara hugged Emma tightly. “If you’re sad about it, and you don’t like Kaldur anymore, then why are you going?”
Emma pulled Tim into the hug. “I made the choice to be a hero a long time ago. To protect others who couldn’t help themselves. Kaldur may be able to protect himself, but after all he’s been through, he’s going to need all the support he can get.”
“What if he has to stay there? Forever?”
Emma stopped in the middle of rolling up one of her graphic t-shirts. “I don’t know, Mara. Maybe after he’s settled in, I’d come back.”
“That’s mean.”
“Look, no one asked you, Tim!” Justice meowed in agreement, and Emma threw one of her old stuffies at Tim. He caught it in his hand.
“Hey, isn’t this the dragon that Kal-”
“Hey guys!” Rick grinned as he leaned against the doorframe. “Are you all having fun without me?”
“Richard!” Mara leaped up to hang off his leg. She loved it whenever Rick came over.
“Can you please tell Emma to stay if she hates Kaldur so much?”
“I don’t hate him...” Emma stammered.
“You act like you do,” Tim snorted.
Emma sighed, “I don’t know what I’m feeling. Everything’s just happened so fast.”
“How are you doing?” Rick asked. He boosted Mara up onto his shoulders.
Emma debated on telling them, but she really shouldn’t be making a big deal out of it if she wasn’t going to need them for the foreseeable future.
“It’s the anxiety. It’s been acting up ever since we took down the Reach.” Rick and Mara nodded understandingly.
“And got Kaldur back?” Tim added insightfully.
Emma sighed, though it came out more like a groan. “I can’t make up my mind about anything, and I feel like I have to make a decision immediately, but I can’t ever decide. I thought maybe getting away from everything would give me time to think.”
“Well, how about you think over a nice, warm dinner of Alfred's?” Rick prompted, making finger guns at the bedroom door, “I'm pretty sure he was making chicken alfredo with pasta in honor of your big mission.”
“Yuck!” Mara mimed barfing.
“Mar, if you get anything in my hair, I will force feed you an entire jar of Alfred's alfredo sauce.” Richard threatened.
Mara screamed and jumped off the bed, running up the hall and down the stairs, Richard hot on her heels.
Shaking their heads, Emma and Tim followed.
With Richard and then Barbara over for dinner, the table was a bit fuller and the entire manor looked a bit brighter than usual. Bruce even talked and laughed a little bit, and he really did try to finish his meal before he finally gave in to the police radio feed coming in through his earpiece. He wanted them to join him as soon as possible.
After dinner was finished and Alfred had made everyone help with clean-up, the others made to follow Bruce to the cave.
“Good luck you guys, watch each other’s backs,” She said, not putting any effort into her encouragement.
“You’re not coming with us?” Mara’s bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
Emma hugged her, “You’re almost twelve now, Mara, you can’t really do puppy-dog eyes anymore.”
The younger girl huffed. “It was worth a try,” She grumbled.
“I’m going to need all my energy for tomorrow,” She did her best to smile.
Barbara hugged her tightly. “Any last words you can give me about the team?”
“Sheesh, Babs, don’t make it sound like I’m dying!” Emma scolded.
“You might as well be,” Rick snickered. Emma punched him in the shoulder.
“Seriously though, everyone’s so different from everyone else. If you respect them and show that you trust them, they’ll do the same for you.” Emma nodded. Richard tugged at his collar, uncomfortable for only a split second.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” Babs asked.
Emma really wished people would stop asking her that. She was starting to doubt herself.
Emma nodded, waving them towards the stairwell hidden behind the grandfather clock.
“Someone’s gotta make sure Kaldur doesn’t kill himself trying to uncover another plot to take over the world after he gets cabin fever.”
“Hey, It’s Canada!” Richard grinned at her, “How bad can it be?”
The sun was just barely up when Emma’s alarm clock (and Bruce) woke her up. Justice woke up when the bed shifted, and stayed awake long enough to bop his forehead against Emma’s. She ducked into Mara’s room, lightly kissing the sleeping girl’s forehead in goodbye, and retrieved her duffle from the closet. Even Alfred was still asleep.
“How was it last night?” She asked, getting in tone of the Wayne’s least-conspicuous cars with Bruce.
“Not too bad,” Bruce turned the key in the ignition. “I told Commissioner Gordon that Nightingale is retiring, for now.”
“And what’s Emma Grayson’s story?” They turned on to the long, lonely road, leading towards Gotham. Emma’s home from the majority of her life.
“The paparazzi knows you like to avoid attention, so that should cover it for maybe a month or two. Tim has your instagram programmed to post some faceless photos of you hanging around the manor with him and Mara, and Justice. Then, when everyone starts getting antsy, I’ll send the jet to Uganda and announce that you’re helping with charities there for an indefinite time. They’ll eat it up, and keep your identities separate.”
Emma exhaled. “Sounds good.”
Bruce made a quiet exclamation, remembering something, and retrieved a paper bag from the backseat without taking his eyes off the road.
“Alfred packed that for you and Kaldur. After that runs out, you’re on your own for cooking.”
Emma snorted, “It’s not like I’m as bad as you.”
The jeep picked up speed as they made it through the city and onto onto the bridge connecting Gotham Island to the mainland New Jersey and Bruce almost grinned. “Just don’t burn the house down. It’s hard to come by a good safehouse these days.”
Ignoring the turning in her stomach, Emma examined the bag’s contents, and immediately devoured a cinnamon roll. Infinitely better than the protein bar she planned to settle on for her breakfast.
They drove in silence for an hour, crossing into New York, past the hills, and down an old dirt road deep in the woods. Emma was too nervous to sleep. Could she really do this? After all that had happened, could she stay in the same house as Kaldur for an unspecified amount of time and still stay sane? She wanted to get away and think, and this was the first opportunity that popped up. She wouldn’t have to worry about typical mission stuff, it would be the emotional toll rather than the physical.
“We’re here.” Bruce stopped the car with a jolt that yanked Emma from her thoughts. The car was parked beneath the umbrella of the trees, but just ahead was a clearing, and with the growing daylight, Emma could make out the gray helicopter that was producing the chopping sound that suddenly filled her ears. Bruce grabbed her bag for her, and she shouldered her backpack.
“You’ll promise to take care of Justice, right?” She said before the noise grew too loud.
Bruce sighed, “So long as he doesn’t claw up my good suits, then yes.”
Emma rolled her eyes, “You can just buy fifty more!” She laughed when she saw Bruce’s grin, but that was before the shades came on. Batman in disguise.
She almost didn’t recognize Wildcat without the catsuit. He stood alone with Kaldur next to the helicopter. Bruce handed Emma’s things to Ted, and he tossed them on the helicopter.
“Well, no point waiting around any longer. Come on kids, the sooner you two are hidden away the better,” Ted hopped in the pilot’s seat, and Aqualad glanced at Emma before climbing in one of the other available seats.
“Nightingale,” Batman grabbed her shoulder before she could decide whether or not she really, absolutely, definitely wanted to get in the copter.
“Be careful who you trust. Tell no one who you really are.”
Emma nodded. That much was obvious.
“No cable, no laptop, no phones. Use landline sparingly. No credit cards, either. Don’t use anything that they can use to trace you.”
He handed her a thick, white envelope.
“This is your allowance for the month. We’ll get your next spendings to you eventually.”
Confident he’d finished his lecture, Emma turned to board the helicopter, but he stopped her.
“Emma, remember, this is for Kaldur, not you. If you can’t handle it, you let us know.”
Emma hesitated before nodded.
“I love you, Dad,” She said quietly.
Bruce just nodded. “Stay safe, Emma.”
He had vanished before she even reached the chopper.
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uniqueleewritten · 3 years
C is for “Cornered Chef”
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A lot has happened, which is why this one is being posted late but it’s all fun things! This one is a cute one if I say so myself so give it a read. And as always you can get early access to over on my Ko-fi for only $1
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"Thanks again for helping close, Ellie. I really appreciate it."
"No problem boss. It's the least I can do since I'm off for a week."
"The least!? Girl, if you don't start using your time off you're gonna have a year of it saved."
"It's not that bad."
"Not yet!" He laughed as he finished locking the last of the doors. "But it will be soon. Now, you get your butt on home and enjoy the time off with those girlfriends of yours. And make sure to give Maya all of my love."
Once Maya had learned how much Dequan had helped Ellie out over the years she started doing the man's taxes for him every year. Along with creating business strategies, budgets for marketing, and reorganizing his entire payroll system plus more. After all of that Maya had stolen his heart, not that Ellie could blame him. Maya was damned good at her job.
Ellie waved him goodbye before starting the trek home, excited to have a whole week off. While it wasn't as bad as Dequan made it out to be, it had been a while since she took so much time off. The last time had most likely been when one of them was sick. She was looking forward to it. 
She daydreamed about their little vacation as she was walking home. Going over the list of boring stuff before focusing on the fun things. She knew it was going to begin with her cooking the chicken she had taken out that morning. 
Maybe she would make fried rice with it. Or have it with some pasta. There was still a bag of frozen broccoli, maybe they still had a jar of alfredo sauce. She was not in the mood to make it from scratch tonight. Or maybe-
She was brought out of her thoughts by a car horn honking behind her. She turned around, afraid, but relaxed when she saw Maya's ravishing red pulling up next to her. 
"Hey cutie," Maya called, through the window. "Need a ride?"
Ellie giggled, deciding to play along by twirling a piece of her hair while also twisting in place.
"I don't know if my girlfriends would like that very much."
"Aww come on now, what they don't know won't hurt 'em."
Ellie fell into a fit of giggles as she reached for the car handle and easily slid inside. 
"You're ridiculous," she told Maya before giving the other woman a kiss. 
"And you love me for it."
"I thought it was because you save me from having to take the subway."
Maya laughed sardonically before pulling back into the lane and the two driving off. The ride was quiet, the light sound of Maya's music playing along, a low hush, barely above the rush of traffic. 
Maya hating having the music on too loud when driving, another difference between her and Sugar-who believed in only loud and bombastic bass playing as she drove down the streets. Ellie didn't mind listening to either as they drove around. Since she didn't drive she felt she had no real right to tell them what to do with their cars.
There were no other cars in sight as Maya pulled into the building's parking garage and let Ellie get out first. Maya always did so, even though Ellie never went upstairs without her. Sheb would though. Sugar Honey-Bee Lovely didn't believe in standing around waiting on people if she didn't have to, but Ellie thought it was nice to go up with someone. 
She stood there to wait for Maya when she saw the nice elderly couple from down the hall bring down a bunch of luggage. She quickly offered to help them. 
As they all walked the 5 feet to their car, the couple informed Ellie that they were going to visit the grandson who lived out in the country for a few days. Ellie told them about her own vacation plans. 
Ellie liked the couple, if only because they were cute and kind. When the three had first moved in together many of their neighbors had tried to get them kicked out but the Masons had told them to ignore everyone else. All that mattered was that the three of them were happy. 
Afterward, Ellie and Mrs. Mason traded recipes all the time and took time each week to visit each and other and trade some more. The woman made a mean peach cobbler that can only come from being raised in the south. 
Maya joined Ellie and the couple in standing around and making small talk. When Mr. Mason noticed the time he urged the girls to go on with their day so he and the Missus could hit the road. Mrs. Mason promised to bring back the homemade cinnamon raisin bread recipe from her grandson's wife. 
Ellie and Maya waved goodbye to the couple before getting on the elevator and hitting the button to head on up. Maya casually grabbed Ellie's hand and held it the whole way up and down the hallway to their condo. It was sweet and rare that Maya showed affection in such a way so Ellie reveled in it the whole walk home. 
"Sugar! We're home!" She yelled as they slipped off their shoes and Ellie hung up her bag. 
Maya tossed her keys onto the hook without looking. It was an absolutely stunning display of skill that left Ellie shocked and feeling a bit flushed. Maya enjoyed showing off the particular skill of hers, tossing something and watching it land where it should, astounding everyone who saw. Sheb hated it.
"I'm in the bedroom!" Sheb yelled out to them.
"Our's or your's," Maya said mostly to herself, not truly asking.
"I heard that!" Sheb yelled back. " And it's not funny!"
"I'm a comedian so I don't know what you mean," Maya told her as they stepped into the room. 
Sugar was packing one of her suitcases, it was already filled with clothes, the bright pastels she allowed herself to wear on weekends when she was away from the office catching Ellie's attention. Ellie also noticed the some of Maya's bright red shirts were also packed inside and a few of her own pale pink shirts. 
"Sugar?" Ellie asked, too concerned and curious.
"Mm? Yes, Love?"
"Why are you packing a suitcase?"
"Because flower of my heart, we're going away for our vacation."
"I thought we were staying home this time. Sheb! I didn't plan anything! There's food in our fridge- I took out chicken this morning!"
"Don't worry about it, Lil is coming over to take care of Princess so I'll let her know to cook it up and eat here. Just her." Sheb reassured, quickly remembering the last time Lil had watched their condo. "She knows what to do. And you are going to enjoy a nice relaxing week at a hotel, where all of your food is going to be cooked by someone else."
"Sugar! Maya!"
"Oh no, don't turn that cute voice on me. I'm agreeing with her on this." Maya said from the chair she was sat in, Princess already in her lap.
"I don't understand," Ellie said as Sheb moved her to sit down on the bed. 
"You took such good care of us last month while we were running ourselves ragged with the planning and the campaign and when you were already so overworked at the cafe, we just want to give you something back as well."
"It wasn't a-"
"Don't!" Maya scolded. "Don't you dare tell us that it wasn't a lot of work. You barely got any sleep at all last month, less than we did because you got up and fixed us breakfast and lunch and came home from your busy day and made us dinner and Ellie-"
"Eloise." Sheb started again, taking Ellie's hands in her own. "We love you and we care for you so much that we want to give you something back for all the good you've done for us. Let us give you this. If you really hate being in the hotel and being waited on then we can cancel it early and come back home. But I want you to try and enjoy it. Please."
Ellie's resolved wobbled at that, it was rare that Sugar begged or said "please". She was convinced it was too much on her pride, and Sugar Lovely was nothing if not prideful. 
Ellie frowned before sighing, defeat in the sound. She simply nodded her head and allowed Sheb and Maya their joy at winning. It wasn't as if Ellie was losing anything really. She was going to what was sure to be a 4-star or more hotel with her lovers, who would pamper and spoil her all week long while eating delectable food and probably enjoying a spa. 
She could handle a week of being off her feet, of not worrying about an oven or worrying about getting burned. As she continued to talk the idea up in her mind she realized that it sounded wonderful. Her vacation would be spent away from home, it was decided. 
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