gabcos23 · 4 years
Dancing With Myself
I’ve always struggled with the fine line between beauty and pain
How something like a love song can turn my body backward
Throwing my senses out of orchestra and into chaos
It was that song
The type of song that washes you away
Harvest Moon by Neil Young
So delicate on the ears
So heavy on the eyes
Tugging my heart in opposite directions
Stealing my breath and giving it back
My imagination gets the better of me
Placing me into the dream world of Harvest Moon
Slow dancing with Neil Young
Existing in that place of peace
The kind that comes from knowing with all your being
That you are loved, truly and completely
And that’s the beauty
But then I remember that for many people
It’s not just a dream world
It’s a place so very familiar
A place that can only be visited by invitation
The extended hand of a life partner
And that only leaves me to wonder
If there ever is, or ever was a place like that
For the ones who walk alone
Or if we are destined to spend the rest of our nights
Dreaming of slow dancing under the harvest moon
But never seeing it come to reality
And that’s the pain of it
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gabcos23 · 4 years
Low Battery
Sam had a life defined by beginnings
The type of person who always made a great first impression
She could turn a stranger into a best friend
And a boy into a hopeless admirer
All in one single night
She impressed at all of her job interviews
And had enough passion and commitment to start an empire
She possessed so much potential
So many doors begging to be opened
Universes waiting to be explored
That is of course, in the beginning
Unfortunately, it never lasted
Sam only ever had enough magic for moments at a time
Throwing all of her soul and all of her spirit into the task in front of her
Always forgetting to save some for later
She was a wonder to behold
Until she wasn’t
Until she was home again, drained of her sparkle
A mere shadow of herself blending into the night
Waiting for her spirit to refill
For her magic to recharge
And it was in these times
When Sam was utterly alone, left to stew in her own darkness
That she neglected all of those wonderful beginnings
All of those threads tied to new journeys
Just asking to be tugged on
All of the things she had set into motion
Making a best friend
Finding her soulmate
Getting her dream job
Leaving a legacy
No longer seemed a possibility
Because Sam no longer had the energy for any of it
She herself had become an absence of light
And she was in constant fear
That until the end of her days
Never would she have enough spirit to follow through
To finish what she had started
Doomed to spend the rest of her life
Watching her dreams begin to unfold
But never seeing them come true
And my goodness, you must understand this
That is the greatest tragedy there is
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gabcos23 · 4 years
It Comes at Night
Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes
Cancer, Ebola, malaria, HIV
Terrorists, serial killers, pedophiles, politicians
Lions, tigers, and bears
Oh my!
So many things in this world of ours to fear
And yet the things with the greatest power to destroy me
Are not the nightmares of my reality
But the reality of my nightmares
How troubling that the most devastating force of all
Is my own imagination
By day I have convinced myself I am whole
All of my cracks and shatters repaired with gold
Touched by the Japanese art of kintsukuroi
But it is by the fall of night
In the safety of my own bed in my locked house
When we are said to be safe from the worst of our fears
That is when the nightmares descend
Disguising themselves as my dreams come true
That is when you hold my hand again
When you look at me as though I am made entirely of gold
And we exist once more, in each other
Each time, I pinch myself in the dream
Just to be sure that this in fact real
And I always believe it
How dangerously powerful the mind is
Perhaps the most cunning liar there ever was
And then I awake
Peeling my eyes open to my gray reality
Alone again
And in harmony my heart aches and my temper flares
Red anger at my own mind for betraying me
Yet I seem to have absolutely no control
I am a helpless victim to this thing inside of me
Night after night after night
My spirit crushed in ways my bones cannot be
Forever doomed to wait for the day when I pinch myself
And finally, finally!
I never wake up
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gabcos23 · 6 years
It was never intense in either direction
Hate or love
I liked you and you liked me
I had my doubts and you had yours
Sometimes when we were together
I would look at your eyes and imagine their shade as a crayon
Or you would just exist in a way that I was drawn to
And I would get this desperate feeling
This breathless need for you to stay by my side
And I would imagine forever with you
It was in those moments that I was most afraid
Because suddenly I realized I had something very valuable
Something I could lose at any second
A crystal vase precariously balanced on a ledge
But then it would sort of fade
And all my old questions would come back
My feelings once again in a logical arrangement
But when you left and the crystal vase finally dropped
Shattering into hundreds of fragments
The crush of it was a physical pain
A throbbing toothache of an emotion
The fact that I can feel so deeply for such a shallow relationship
Terrifies me like nothing else
Because what happens when I meet someone new?
And we actually let our guards down
I see into his soul and he sees into mine
And it’s thrilling and maddening and intense
And for the first time I am convinced in the possibility of happiness
What happens when the crystal vase drops again?
This time shattering into thousands of fragments
How long will it take me to clean up the pieces?
Will it feel more like having the teeth ripped out of my mouth?
Will the pain just swallow me whole?
It’s these questions that make me wonder
Exactly how many times a heart can break
Before the glue keeping it whole completely dries out
And the thing I find most disturbing
Is the possibility that mine already has
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Alex the Human Being
Alex felt sick
Dread like a bitter poison rushing her veins
Suddenly her soup no longer seemed appetizing
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Hating herself yet again, she got up and left the restaurant
Alex felt sick again and again
At the grocery store when she saw a man with bright blue eyes
At the movies when his favorite actress came on screen
At the bus stop when she saw his post on Facebook
At her cousin’s wedding when the groom read a poem
And always, without fail, in those quiet moments before sleep
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
It seemed to Alex that the humiliation would never end
And she would be paying for her mistake
In more ways than one
The details of her indiscretion aren’t important
You can fill in the blanks
The point of the matter is that Alex can’t let it go
That one decision had cost her everything
So she thought
But the reality was that it was only she who still remembered
Endlessly torturing herself for one bad choice
A choice long forgotten and faded
If you have never found yourself in Alex’s position
Then I congratulate you
You are either a perfect human being
Or a robot
For the other 99.9% of us
I say just forgive yourself
It’s not that big of a deal
Eat your soup
Buy some chips
Laugh at the movie
Stop checking his Facebook
Dance at your cousin’s wedding
And get your beauty rest
Learn from the past and grow for the future
You’re not stupid
You’re human
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Alternate Ending
There’s this notebook
I keep it under my pillow every night
Lest someone be tempted to peek
And written inside are the words from the deep down
The things I hadn’t known I was feeling until pen hit paper
At the beginning of you and me
My honest words were punctuated with doodles
Hearts and flowers and such
An overflow of joy contained in every letter
Like when you’re so excited you can’t catch your breath
But then slowly as a leaky faucet
Drip drip
The joy leeks out of the letters
And you see straight into my chest cavity
Your hand holds my bleeding heart
And you feel my tears on your face
Because the leaky faucet all at once explodes
Releasing a devastating rush
Pages stuck together from the sweat of my fingers
The anxiety in my soul secreting through my extremities
Words crossed out and underlined with abandon
I detail every reason why he made me feel unworthy
My desperate confusion as to what changed
Why he abandoned his promises
And just stopped seeing me as special
A mere 3 pages after he said he wanted forever
It all turned upside down
And yet
Months later here I am still writing stories about him
Because it’s those first few pages I recite by memory
Each night they transition me into dreams
Where my subconscious plays them out in black and white
And in my yearning for those days of excitement
When I couldn’t even catch my breath
I seem to forget all about the last pages
When the ink, along with my spirit, started to fade
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Pears and Pairs
“Pairs and Pears”
To be alone is a rare thing after all
It seems as though the entire world is in pairs
I stand on the edge of the crowds and I observe
Hands finding each other
Eyes alight with recognition
Laughs given and taken
And it makes me wonder what all these stories are about
All these cries of loneliness
Painted into stories and songs and poetry
I’m wondering how so many are in existence
When it appears as though I am the only one alone
Are you all hiding?
Are you recording your desperation in the shadows?
Are you just out of my vision?
And yet I know that to be false
Because I have searched the darkest corners
I have looked at you
And I see no signs of the desolation in your eyes
The isolation in your hearts
Or the deprivation in your bodies
You are tired and weary
But you do not walk alone
You will express your wails to your sisters and mothers
To your teachers and friends
To your wives and your coworkers
Whoa is me! For I have no one!
Not a soul to care if I am dead or alive!
Your cries of melancholy do not in fact go unnoticed
And that is the stark difference
Between loneliness and being alone
For a lonely man speaks to be heard
But a man alone speaks only to the wind
Yes indeed I must conclude
Despite many testimonies to the contrary
That to be alone is a rare thing after all
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Four Letter Word
Life is a crossword puzzle
A series of paths
Each one affected by the other
Each one a mystery
Blank spaces asking to be filled
With only hints to guide the way
How frustrating it is
When you believe you’re almost done
When you’re convinced in the rightness of it all
That everything is exactly as it should be
That there cannot possibly be another solution
And you’re down to your very last path
Only to find out
That there will be no satisfying conclusion
No matter how much you try, that last word just won’t fit
It’s a crushing of the spirit
To discover that you must have made a mistake
But there’s no definite way of knowing exactly where it was made
Which path was filled out wrong
So you must start all over again
And keep doing so until you finally get it all right
At first with fever and motive
Eventually with despair and abandon
For those among us who have achieved it
Completing the illusive crossword puzzle of life
I say congratulations
For the rest
I say keep trying
And for myself
I say how unfair it is
That I am expected to excel on a grand scale
That which I cannot even finish on the smallest of scales
Because the thing is
I’ve never been very good at crossword puzzles
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gabcos23 · 6 years
The Un-Tragedy of Second Grace
Grace lays atop her bed
Wrapped in the ink of the dead of night
Heart heavy, and mind weary
Wondering how it could possibly get better
A glimpse of what could be
Hours pass before sleep snatches her away
And she awakens from its grip with a new resolve
There will never again be a night like the prior
She will make sure of it
Because Grace has control over only one thing
But it is a very substantial thing indeed
And she intends to exert her power once and for all
Today will be Grace’s last day
In another world, another shade of the universe
Grace has just awoken from the grip of sleep
But with a starkly different resolve
She’s decided to give life one more shot
To keep her mind wide open to possibilities
Even just for one more day
And what follows does not disappoint
Second Grace is having the best day of her life
She received news of her brothers imminent return
Her boss finally recognized her potential
Her mothers cancer has fallen to remission
An old friend invited her to dinner
And she has met a very lovely boy
Tonight, sleep does not snatch her away
It tucks her in and whispers goodnight
Grace’s story is one of a peculiar irony
If only the first Grace had waited a single day longer
She would have lived to see the brilliance of second Grace’s fate
To live it herself
So here is a message from your omniscient narrator
There is no beauty in tragedy
There is no poetry in giving up
Aspire to the tale of Second Grace
Because there truly is no way to know for sure
What is written in the book of your future
I leave you with this bright thought
A light to see past the ink of the dead of night
Tomorrow could be the someday you’ve been waiting for
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Twinkle, Twinkle
You lay on the grass scanning through your constellations
Eyes always searching for the light that shines the brightest
Always waiting for the glitz and the shimmer
A flashiness that I simply don’t have
I am just another star in your sky
One of the infinite possibilities
A speck in a legion of opulent clones
I burn so brightly for you
I perform a spectacle of all my power
But it’s never enough
You just can’t see me
I petition you to peer into your telescope
Look more closely
Admire the flecks of gold in my irises
Search my brain and see it’s calculations
Search my heart and behold it’s volume
Appreciate my bodacious imagination
Applaud my goals and aspirations
Recognize my talents and creations
Explore the person I am
Discover the treasures I contain
I set my pride aside, and I beg you
Just look at me
Find me in the vast sea of luminaries
Before I burn out and explode in a supernova
What a display of irony that would be
Because a supernova can become so bright
It outshines all the other stars in the galaxy
So maybe when I’ve used up all my energy
When you’ve drained away my sparkle
When I collapse and disappear
That’s when you’ll notice my radiance
That’s when you’ll finally pay attention
And what a galactic tragedy it is
That it will be far too late
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gabcos23 · 6 years
The young woman bites her nails
She is late this morning and stuck behind a slow driver
An elderly woman in a rusty red Cadillac
Face flushed crimson
Sweat beads on her brow
Eyes checking the clock
Slow, measured breaths
The stress strains every inch of her body
Her heart is a hummingbird flapping its wings
Her head is a mess, calculating the consequences
The young woman is stressed
She rides the old woman’s tail until her eyes spot the handicap sign
She slows down and puts space between their cars
They merge onto the highway, and her chance comes to switch lanes
The young woman passes by the rusty red Cadillac
She turns her head, making contact with two cloudy blue eyes
She raises her hand and waves
The old woman waves back a brown spotted hand
They continue on to their destinations
The old woman is smiling
Her name is Daisy
The man slams his horn
He is late this morning, and stuck behind a slow driver
An elderly woman in a rusty red Cadillac
Blood pounding
Fists clenched
Jaw tight
Muscles tensed
The fury strains every inch of his body
His heart is a bird throwing itself at its cage
His head spins, brain dizzy and overstimulated
The man is angry
He honks his horn three more times
Spews expletives out his window
Rides the old woman’s tail
And then suddenly her car veers off the road
The old woman has had a heart attack
Her name was Daisy.
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gabcos23 · 6 years
There’s a moment before the thunder clap
A stillness so consuming, it swallows all sound
Suddenly, a flash
A cracking scythe of energy ripping through the atmosphere
Tendrils of pure light spread across the sky
And it’s beautiful in a certain way
Breathtaking and yet terrifying
And then as quickly as it came, it disappears
Everything melts back to shadows
One Mississippi, two Mississippi
And then the sky itself roars
A brazen rumble so powerful, it shakes your very bones
Love is a lightning bolt
Breathtaking and yet terrifying
Brightening our darkest parts
It has the power to paralyze us
We being so captivated by its beauty
That we forget to protect ourselves
Because surely, nothing so beautiful could be dangerous, right?
It’s in those ominous seconds after the light disappears
After the love disappears
That we brace ourselves for the inevitable
Heartbreak is a thunderclap
A brazen rumble so powerful, it shakes our very bones
The thing about thunder is there’s no danger in it
It may feel like such a mighty force, capable of obliterating us
But in reality, the toxic flame disguised as a stunning illumination
The toxic person disguised as an angel of light
Capable of burning us alive
Has come and gone
The true threat has already passed
What you’re left with is the voice of thunder
And it may sound like your world itself is breaking to pieces
But really that’s all it is
It’s just sound
And when in the history of noise and chaos,
Has anyone ever been destroyed by sound?
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gabcos23 · 6 years
And The Oscar Goes To
I always knew I would never be an actress
It’s easy enough to commit lines to memory
I was born with a liquid imagination
So the fantasy of it all wouldn’t faze me
But there’s a talent of a good actress
A skill I always saw as impossible
Crying on cue
Tears are such an involuntary reaction
They come from a cavern of emotions so stuffed full
That your body can’t contain the overflow
How can such a thing be forced?
How can you just make yourself feel sad?
And then I got older
And I began to see life outside of the black and white
That’s when I discovered the age old secret
It’s not about creating sadness where there was none
It’s calling upon all the tragic moments
It’s remembering the things you’ve been shutting out
You get to a point in life
Where you’ve earned so many things to cry about
There’s a permanent lump in the back of your throat
And it only takes a single thought
To cry on cue
So I understand the once mysterious
And with that knowledge I uncover a dark truth
Perhaps it’s the brightest of us
The stars among men
Who hide the most shadows
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gabcos23 · 6 years
They called her spirited
Larger than life
A sassy curly headed wonder
The type of little girl who never stepped outside her own spotlight
And when you’re 4 years old
They say little girls like that
Are going places
Years later
They called her a trouble maker
Sneaky little flirt
A fair haired, crystal eyed party girl
The type of young lady who liked to push limits
And when you’re 14 years old
They say young ladies like that
Are asking for it
Years later
They called her a train wreck
Damaged and out of control
A puffy eyed bag of bones
The type of woman who gave her body to men and her soul to the needle
And when you’re 21 years old
They say women like that
Are a waste of potential
Be kind to the women of the world
Because broken or not
At one point
We were all just little girls
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Spaghetti Night
It is 6:00 pm
The high school girl in the apron and beat up sneakers
Rides her bike home to her family’s trailer
The straight edge boy in his crested Polo
Prints out his biology paper
The old bearded man sips his whiskey
Attempting to numb the pain in his hip
The new mom with the ponytail and faded sweater
Unstraps her baby girl from the car seat
The graying professor packs up his briefcase
Swinging it gently on his way to the bus stop
The grandmother watches her evening shows
Joined by the ghost of her late husband
The college boy with the broken heart
Shuts away the world under the covers in his dorm
The jailed man with the scar
Gets in a brawl with his cell mate
The single mother with the sick child
Begs her landlord for just one more week
The business man locks up his office
In a hurry to meet his new mistress
The little girl holds her father’s hand
As they cross the street home from the park
The young woman with the sorrow in her heart
Prepares her very last meal.
As different as they may be
All of these people share one universal truth.
It is 6:00 pm. Dinner time.
Because no matter what walk of life we come from.
Everyone eats.
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gabcos23 · 6 years
Let You Down
I wanted to be close to you
But my palms were sweaty
So I didn’t let you hold my hand
I hadn’t eaten all day
But you were saving for a car
So I didn’t let you buy me dinner
I felt attracted to you
But you made me nervous
So I didn’t let you kiss me
You said I looked beautiful
But I disagreed
So I didn’t let you take my picture
I needed to learn how to swim
But I was self conscious
So I didn’t let you teach me
You wanted to know my family
But I wasn’t ready
So I didn’t let you meet them
You only ever wanted to show you cared
But I refused to be a burden
So I didn’t let you be yourself
I didn’t want you to quit us
But you’d made up your mind
I had already controlled so many things
So this time I didn’t fight it
I let you do what you wanted to do
I let you go
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gabcos23 · 6 years
The First Day of Us
It was halfway through first grade
Walking into my new school
In pigtails and an itchy gray turtleneck
I sat in my assigned seat across from him
His name was Connor Cole
He was the cutest thing I’d ever seen
And he made me laugh so hard it hurt
Little did I know that this was the boy
Who would own my heart for the next 7 years
Our last names were next to each other in the alphabet
So throughout our school career
We were always seated together
And as he grew taller and stronger
And my pigtails became ponytails
We never lost that unspoken connection
I cherished all my little moments with him
Bumping knees on the auditorium floor at assemblies
Stupid faces shared behind the teacher’s back
Beating him on the race track in Phys Ed
Dressing up for recitals and plays and him telling me I looked pretty
Looking back I know it couldn’t have been love
But whatever it was
I felt it everywhere, all the time
And then came middle school
New building, new teachers, new rules
New girls
And suddenly I didn’t see him as much
We had different class schedules
And while I entered the phase of braces and bad haircuts
He became the basketball MVP
One of the designated golden boys
He even got his first girlfriend
But those few times we passed each other in the halls
When his brown eyes met my brown eyes
He would smile at me like he used to
And time would rewind to the first day of us
The new girl in pigtails and an itchy gray turtleneck
And the charming little troublemaker who would steal her heart
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