#your only kid who trusted your opinion on Anything came to you for advice on connecting with people and you gave him an identity crisis
vlodimirvoneverec · 1 year
4am ramblings! Tw: depression, trauma, that sorta thing.
Man, I’m trying to reconnect with my emotions in therapy and its just so hard. Because after all these years theres just a lot of hurt behind the dam. I think if I start letting some emotions through to process them, Ill get caught up in the deluge and drown. They’re overwhelming. Putting them away behind a wall has helped me survive to get to where I am today and the only reason I’m trying to reintegrate the feeling part of myself is because I know I should, not because I want to or believe that it will help or improve things. In fact, I think that if I start feeling things, I wont be able to stop and the world will feel paralyzing and overwhelming again. I just have hope that I am strong enough now to shoulder it. I used to feel things so deep as a kid and now as an adult I realize I still can feel that deeply, still experience joy and newness and the perfect combination of all those ooey gooey neurochemicals that make life take on color and sound and motion again. But then with that depth the loss of them hurts all the more. Like if a turtle came out of its shell to finally feel the sunlight on its face only to freeze to death once the sun sets. Id rather stay inside my shell. There may be no content heat, no gentle summer breeze or succulent clover inside the shell but at least there’s survival. Survival in the hope that maybe one day, the sun won’t leave and return to the shell will never be necessary. But each time that feels like it might be the case the winter frost scores my nose and leaves me alive just enough to regret doubting the safety of the shell. And alive just enough to begin longing inside for the heat to rise again. My classmate said her therapist said starting a sentence with “I feel” then ending it with an intellectualization doesn’t count. Which is hard, because I’ve been masquerading my intellectualizations as feelings and using what I think I should feel as a reference point. But I dont know what I feel because I dont think I could adequately articulate it linguistically. Its paralyzing. When you have so much to say but can’t get it out in a way people understand. Like trying to scream in a bad dream but theres so much power getting ready to burst through your throat that it dies in there. I guess I think that if I start feeling, I’ll have to catch up from all the time I spent not feeling. And I know thats a lot of shit I’ve just swallowed down and pushed through since I didn’t think there was anything to do for it at the moment. And the thing is is that there wont be anything to do for it in the current moment but feel it. And it seems like a waste to cripple myself like that with nothing to show for it but a sense of despair and defeat. Maybe if I feel things again and get the feelings out I can move on from the thing tearing through my mind most of the time. I’ve talked with so many people, people I’m close with, who I trust to give me their honest advice and opinions. Even with all this I’m nowhere closer to a solution or a plan of action than when I got back. If anything, I’ve less now than when I got back. Of course, when I got back there emerged plenty of other dumpster fires to put out, which is an ongoing fire suppression process. My friends must be sick of me just ruminating over the same thing. Bringing it up in unrelated conversations over and over and over, like a rock in the ocean waves. Well all the edges are smoothed out now, but the rock is still there. I don’t know if it will erode any more. Or quick enough for my purposes. Don’t I owe it to my loved ones to get over this and move on? Because whether I have time to ruminate or not, the world turns on, and the longer I linger the faster I’ll have to run to catch up. Another classmate said humans have discomfort with discomfort. Im a testament to that perspective. Hope can be a pain, when you can no longer see giving up as an answer. It will cycle through again I just know it. I just hope I have the presence of mind to enjoy the suns heat on my scaled head and the soft ground below while it’s there before it recedes...
0 notes
cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
It’s All in the Perspective
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4491
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Gun Violence, Minor Character Injury, A Peek at Angry Bucky, Explosions (if that’s a warning), Mentions of Stevie (I really miss him, guys)
A/N: So! Here it is! Part 4.3! After long hours of laboring and slaving away - kidding, kidding. I had a bit of trouble with this part, not gonna lie, because there’s a lot of feelings I wanted to try explaining. To do that, there’s a little sort of twist at the end that, once I decided to put in, made the chapter much smoother to write. I wasn’t happy with it at first, but now I’m satisfied.
There’s a lot of things happening in this one; it’s longer than I had anticipated because of the little snippet at the end I added. It’s got a few scene-for-scene things, but I kinda blew past it just to get to the characters’ emotions and stuff. Plus writing action like the shipping yard scene is hard when you’re not focusing entirely on that scene, which I wasn’t.
You’ll notice that the last little bit with Ayo (the Wakandan) isn’t in this. That’s because I couldn’t really find a way to fit it in and I’m assuming it will fit in better with next week’s episode.
Not beta’d, so please excuse any mistakes! Thank you wonderful people for reading and commenting! I enjoy hearing your opinions and what you like about the show and the series! Enjoy the final Part for Episode 3 and stay tuned for an announcement tomorrow about the One Shots I’ll be doing in relation to this series!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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You and Bucky kept sneaking glances at each other as you walked through the dock, weaving between the different colored shipping containers with Sharon leading the way. Every time you caught his eye, his ears turned red and he looked away, scanning your surroundings. Not that you were any better, immediately turning away when he turned your way.
You almost kissed him. Fuck. You couldn’t let that happen. He was your friend. Your teammate. He was the best friend to the man you fell in love with, who just so happened to be your best friend. Your best friend who left you. Your best friend who you promised you would watch out for Bucky. 
Bucky…who you also fell in love with. Whether or not it was because of Steve, the fact of the matter was: you loved him. You loved both of them. And you’d never loved anyone like that before. And one left. And the other was trying to navigate through his shitty life. And you weren’t any better. Which is why, you decided in that moment, that no matter how much you wanted to - and holy shit did you want to - you wouldn’t pursue. 
Yet. Maybe. Ugh! When did feelings become so complicated?!
When you started having them.
You silently grumbled to yourself, shaking your head clear. You had to focus and be in the moment. Now was not the time to sort out what to do about the suddenly rising emotions towards the cerulean eyed brunette currently burning with you with a gaze you refused to return.
“Alright.” Sharon stopped, making the group stop as well. “He’s in there. Container 4261. I’ll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry; we’re on borrowed time.”
You each grabbed one of the earpieces she held in her palm, slipping it comfortably in your ear. “I’ll stay back with you.” Sharon went to talk, but you cut her off. “I’d feel better knowing it’s not just you out here.”
She pursed her lips, before nodding. “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
“I’ll be fine, Buck.” You insisted, checking your gun to make sure it was loaded. Bucky stayed quiet, nodding in begrudging acceptance.
You and Sharon headed off as the boys went towards the storage unit. “Just like old times, huh?” Sharon raised an eyebrow at you.
You grinned, shoving your gun in the thigh holster she let you borrow. “Let the good times roll, babe.”
“Absolutely.” Sharon winked, before you two split up to cover more ground. It wasn’t long before Sharon announced company and you took off sprinting in her direction.
You got to her just as more thugs approached her from behind, immediately lunging into action.
“Hey, so, we never finished that conversation!”
You grunted as you roundhouse kicked a guy, hooking your knee over his shoulder and pulling him to the ground by the neck “Really?! You wanna do that now?!”
“Sure! I’m not too busy!”
You rolled your eyes at her reply, seeing her knock a guy unconscious before she turned around to knee another one in the face. “What were we talking about?”
“Why’re you holding back?”
“It’s complicated!” You elbowed a guy in the ribs, flipping him over your shoulder and twisting his arm till a sickening crack sounded.
“Because of Steve?!”
“Yes - no! Kind of!” 
Sharon was on the floor choking a guy out as you slammed a guy’s head into a shipping container, pushing him at another guy. “You loved him didn’t you?! And I mean, like in love with him!”
“Who?!” You laced your fingers around the back of his head and brought his face down onto his knee.
“Director Fury!” You gave her a look which she snorted at. “Steve, you dumbass! Who else?!”
“Yeah! No shit I was in love with him!” You ran up the side of a storage unit to do a backflip and land on some guy’s shoulders, choking him out. Before he fell, you rolled off, tripping a guy in the process and elbowing his throat.
“Well at least you’re admitting it now!”
You were hit in the back of the head, thrown into a wrestle with another guy on the ground. You bit his hand, making him cry out, before you headbutted him. 
“You couldn’t even hear his name without having to remind people you were ‘just friends’!”
“We were just friends, Share! You know that!”
You heard her shoot of a gun a few times as you smacked someone in the back of the head with the butt of your gun, trying to save ammo. “You really never did anything about it?!”
She glanced at you incredulously from across the way, bodies now littering the ground. “And you don’t regret that?”
“No.” You sighed at her look, relenting. “Yes. Kind of. I dunno. I mean…he’s happy with his decision, and for me that’s enough.”
“But doesn’t it hurt?”
“Of course it hurts. It hurts like hell. But-”
“But you still have him so it’s all good.”
You bit your lip, shrugging. “Something like that.”
Sharon tilted her head, confused. “So why don’t you tell him?”
“I dunno. I don’t think either of us is ready.”
“C’mon. I saw you two earlier. You should’ve just kissed him.”
Rolling your eyes, you frowned when you noticed something missing. “Ah shit. My ear piece. It must’ve fallen out earlier.” You looked around, but Sharon stopped you, nodding her head between a couple shipping containers. 
“Don’t worry about it. Mine broke a little while ago, too. Let’s go get the guys. Tell them we need to leave.”
You nodded and started running with her to the unit Nagel’s lab was in. You followed her around the corner, only to widen your eyes and shove her out of the way. Two gunshots rang out, Sharon catching the guy right between the eyes, while the man’s bullet grazed your shoulder.
“Ow, fuck.” You hissed, hand immediately going up to clamp your wound.
“Dammit! You shouldn’t have done that, you idiot!”
You gave her a look. “You’re welcome.”
Rolling her eyes, she quickly tore off part of your shirt. “Hey!”
“First off, this is my shirt. Second, I’m just making it more of a crop top. Third, it’s your own fault, so quit your whining.”
“Touchy touchy.” You grumbled, wincing when she tied it around your arm.
“Just come on. And hey,” she turned to you as she sprinted with your wrist in her hold. “My advice? Don’t wait. Seriously. I know it must be weird, the whole he’s his best friend, he was your best friend, now he’s your best friend, thing you’ve got going on, but there’s nothing else stopping you. Steve made his choice. And he’d be fine with whatever you choose as long as you’re happy.”
You shook your head. “But Bucky’s still healing-”
“So? He’s already been on dates. I think you’re just using that as an excuse to protect your heart from hurting again. Trust me; Barnes isn’t going anywhere.”
Not able to respond since you were making your way to the guys in Nagel’s lab, you bit your lip, hating that she got the last say in the conversation. She definitely planned it so she would. “We’re outta time, fellas.”
As if things couldn’t get worse Zemo - that fucking snake, you knew he was gonna do something stupid - took out a gun he got from who knows where. You sure as hell didn’t let him have a gun. Before you could stop him, he shot Nagel, your best, your only, lead.
“Goddammit!” You growled as Sam and Sharon restrained him. “You fucking-”
The explosion came next, again happening faster than you could react. Bucky grabbed you and pulled you underneath him, covering you with his body as glass and metal flew around you. With ringing ears, you groaned, squinting your eyes open.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You were vaguely aware of the alarms going off, a red light blinking behind Bucky’s head. You nodded, his worried eyes softening just slightly at your response. “We gotta get out-”
“I know, I know. C’mon.” He helped you up, eyes catching sight of the makeshift bandage on your arm. “Dammit, what did you do?”
“I’m fine.” You pushed his hands off. “Go help Sharon. We’ve gotta move. Now.” He huffed, but nodded and moved over to get Sharon. You tried to see where Zemo went through the smoke, but he was already gone.
You four made it just before the whole thing combusted due to the chemicals in the lab. So much for any evidence or leads.
The moment you got out, you were thrust into a gunfight, rolling your eyes as Bucky and Sam, once again, did their own thing.
“Are they always like this?”
“Usually it’s worse. Wait until they start arguing about who was right.” Sharon gave you an unamused look to which you nodded at, ducking when a bullet whizzed by you. “I know. It’s so annoying.”
Sure enough, when Bucky ran out of bullets, the bickering commenced, making you huff and Sharon shout at them. “Are they serious?”
You shot a few more bullets before your gun started clicking. “Dammit. Unfortunately.”
“I’m out!”
“Me too!”
Another explosion and a person you couldn’t see clearly through the haze caused a distraction for you guys to get away, Sam practically shoving you and Sharon into an open shipping container as Bucky took care of a couple more bounty hunters.
“What happened? Both of your comms went out.” Bucky growled once he came in behind you, grabbing your forearm to study your wound.
“It’s just a graze. Chill your ass down. I lost my earpiece and Sharon’s broke.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, his voice low with warning. “What. Happened.”
“We rounded a corner, the guy was there. I shoved Sharon, he shot, she shot, I got hit, he’s now dead. Happy?”
“You promised.” He snapped, finger tightening on your arm. “You said you’d save yourself first.”
“Buck, let go.” Grabbing his wrist, you tugged a bit, wincing slightly. “Seriously. Stop. That hurts.”
He blinked, his features slacking and his fingers immediately dropping your arm. “Doll, I-I…fuck.” He turned to go punch through the back wall to get out of the unit you were in.
Before you could respond and tell him it was fine, the Baron himself drove up in a slick blue convertible. You groaned at Bucky’s response to Zemo. “We need him.” God, you were getting tired of hearing that.
“You’re lucky I don’t bash your head in.” You growled at him. 
“If you try that shit again-”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Sam raised an eyebrow when Bucky got into the passenger’s seat with no hesitation, looking at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but you shrugged and slipped into the back with Sam. Bucky and you always took the back seat. You had ever since the dumb little blue car Steve got.
You hugged Sharon in parting, knowing she couldn’t come with. “Hey.” She looked at you sternly. “Take a leap.”
“We’ll see.” You told her, sitting down and buckling.
“Do better than that, Y/L/N. And get me that pardon you promised me.” She told Sam, pointing at him..
“Thanks for everything.” She nodded, before jogging off in the opposite direction you’d be heading. Sam turned back to the front, an annoyed expression crossing his face. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
You snickered as Sam shot you a glare, Zemo starting to drive the car out of the shipping yard, away from the chaos.
You collapsed onto the seat in front of Bucky, leaning onto the knee he had propped up against the back. He glanced up at you, face blank, before looking back down at his metal hand he was cleaning.
“Here. Let me see-”
“I got it.” He grumbled, shifting away from where your hands reached for his.
Your eyes widened, stunned at his reaction. “Bucky, just let me-”
“I said no, Y/N.” Your name. Again. You can’t remember him calling you ‘doll’ since before the shipping yard explosion.
“Are you okay?” He merely grunted. You straightened off his leg, swatting his knees with the back of your hand. “Hey.”
He shifted again, planting his feet on the floor. “Stop.”
He shot you a warning glare. “Y/N-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“It’s your name, isn’t it?”
“What is wrong with you?” You scrunched up your features in confusion and concern. “Is this about my arm? I told you it’s fine.” You got no response except his eye flickering to your now properly bandaged shoulder. “Why are you acting so weird?”
He shrugged. “I’m not.”
You scoffed in disbelief, jaw dropping. “You’re not.”
“Fine.” You stood up, brushing your legs off, the bare skin having splotches and smears of dirt and dust. “If you wanna be like that, go ahead. Brood. Be a child. When you’re ready to talk to me about whatever the hell is bothering you, like an adult, I’ll be in the back room.”
You only took two steps before he called out for you. “Doll.” You turned around, an expectant look on your features as you crossed your arms, shifting your weight to one foot. He looked up at you nervously, before looking down and picking at the metal plates of his hand. “I got scared.”
Your features softened, your head tilting gently. “Scared?”
“When you stopped talking. You and Sharon…you were talking. But both of your comms went down around the same time and I…it scared me. I-I don’t get scared anymore. Not the way I did when your voice stopped. I didn’t mean to hurt you…” His voice got quieter at the last sentence, his eyes looking to the purple handprint on your forearm.
“It was an accident, Buck.” You reassured him, settling back down in front of him. “It’s fine. You were still reeling it in from the bar. I know it’s hard for you to judge your strength like that. Steve had problems like that too.” You looked down at the rag he was holding, putting your hand out.
He licked his lips, before handing you the rag. You got off the couch to shift so you were sitting between his legs, his chest to your back. Holding his metallic hand between both of yours, you set to work, gingerly wiping away the grime, picking at the filth that wedged itself between the plates.
“He,” you chuckled, shaking your head at the moment you were remembering. “He accidentally gave me a concussion once when we were sparring. At first it was awesome; he got me my favorite take out and took me to the movies and all that. But then he just started getting annoying. Wouldn’t even let me reach for the TV remote on the coffee table a yard away.”
“Can I ask you something?” You hummed, tilting your head slightly when you felt his chin hooking on your shoulder, giving him more room. “How long did you love him?”
Freezing, you raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. “What?”
“You and Sharon. When you were talking…your comms were on.”
“How-” You swallowed thickly, a lump suddenly forming in the back of your throat. “How much did you hear?”
“Yours went out right after you admitted you were in love with him. Hers went out after you said you were just friends.”
Holding in a sigh of relief, you went back to cleaning his hand. “I don’t really know exactly when it happened. After the Battle of New York, maybe. So 2012, I guess? I dunno. I was getting up from falling for him, though. A few years later.”
“I - yeah. I kind of…fell again.”
He hummed, leaning back, taking his chin off your shoulder and unwinding his arm from your waist. “He’s an easy person to fall for. Hell, I’m pretty sure I had a crush on him once upon a time.”
You chuckled at that, raising an eyebrow over your shoulder at him. “I never said I fell for him again. But, yeah. You’re right.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “You like someone else?”
“Oh…” He cleared his throat as you went back to his hand. “Uh…so you don’t still love him? Steve, I mean?”
“He was the first person I really loved, Bucky. A part of me will always love him.”
Bucky fingers twitched in your hold, the fingers on his other hand tapping against his thigh. “You know…he loved you too.”
You sighed, closing your eyes. “Don’t do that.”
“It’s true-”
“He left, James. If he loved me, why would he leave?”
You could feel his hesitation as his next words left his lips. “I-I dunno.” That was a lie. You could hear it in his voice. If there was one person Steve trusted more than you, it was Bucky. Of course he knew.
“Listen, I really don’t want to talk about this-”
“It’s in the notebook.” You bit your lip as Bucky shifted, pulling out the little notebook from his pocket. “He made lists - he liked lists. He made lists of things you said that made him laugh. Songs that reminded him of you. Little quirks you do that he noticed over the years. He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
“James, please-”
“He didn’t want me to let you know. But I had to tell you. You have to know. He loved you.”
You let out a shaky breath as he placed the book on your thigh. You stared at it for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it in his left hand, closing his fingers around it and standing up. “I think…I’m gonna go rest for a bit in the back room. Holler if you need me.”
You didn’t wait for a response, moving quickly to the small back room of the plane which you got dressed in only a couple days ago. It only had one arm chair and instead of a door there was a curtain, but you were fine with that, plopping down in the chair and reclining.
Why? Why would he bring that up? Did he hear more than he said? Was he trying to let you down easy before you could even tell him how you felt? Did he get spooked after dancing? After the almost-kiss?
You never thought of Steve in the wrong. After all he’d done for the world in his life, he deserved to be selfish - to be happy. And Peggy gave him that. But why? Why would he leave if he loved you so dearly? If he really did what Bucky said? He wouldn’t. He’s not cruel. He wouldn’t up and leave, without even saying goodbye, knowing how deeply you loved him and feeling the same about you. This was Steven Grant Rogers for crying out loud! He wouldn’t…right?
But Bucky…he wouldn’t lie to you. He wouldn’t tell you that, especially knowing how much you missed the lovable blonde. And you knew his words held at least some truth. Actions spoke louder than words, and as something Bucky said repeated itself in your mind, you started slipping into a memory, your eyes shutting and your breaths evening out.
“He missed you every time you went on a mission and prayed you’d get back safely.”
The incessant knocking made you groan, shouting that you were coming and mumbling curses. You barely threw open the door before his worried voice hit your ears. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”
“Stevie.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes and looking over at the clock on the wall. “Bubs…it’s two in the morning. I just got back, like, an hour ago.”
He shuffled, pink lips in a pout, eyes round and distressed. “I know, honey. I know. I’m sorry. But I heard you got hurt-”
You shook your head, a small giggle of amusement leaving your lips and you lifted your right hand, letting him see the black split holding your ring and pinky fingers. “I jammed my fingers in a door. The doc said I’ll be fully healed in a month at most.”
His eyes darted across your face and down your body, scanning for any more injuries. After glancing at your hands again, they finally landed on your eyes once more. Next thing you knew, you were being held against his chest, his face in the crook of your neck. You hummed softly, running your fingers down his spine, moving the two of you deeper into your apartment so you could shut the door.
“Don’t ever do that again. I gotta have faith in something and if you come home hurt, it’ll be crushed.”
Your eyebrows knit together. At his strange wording. “What’s that mean?”
“It means you have to promise me you’ll stay safe, honey.” He pulled back and held your face between his hands. “Please.”
“I can promise I’ll try my best.” You teased lightly, smiling at him and booping his nose, making him grin, although it was strained. “Why don’t you stay here tonight? We’ll turn on some TV in my room and you can keep me safe while I get much needed sleep.”
That made his grin relax into a real one, his head nodding in agreement. “Sounds perfect.”
“C’mon, bubs.” You took his hand, leading him to your room. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and you’ll catch some zzzz’s too.”
“What the hell was that?”
Bucky turned to Sam, who was gaping at him in utter disbelief, looking from the assassin to the doorway Y/N just walked through. “She needed to know.”
“Buck, she’s been dealing with some shit. And we both know something’s going on that she isn’t telling us. Her “zoning out” isn’t just zoning out, and we know that. She doesn’t need you confusing her even more.”
“Confusing her?”
Sam blinked, his troubled expression falling into a deadpan. “Are you fucking with me? No. There’s no way you’re that naive. Seriously?! Man, c’mon!”
Bucky scrunched up his face. “What?”
“She likes you, man! Everyone knows it!”
The brunette shook his head, forehead creased. “No. No, you heard her, Sam. She’s in love with Steve.”
“Was in love. As in past tense.”
“But-but she said- she likes someone else-”
“Barnes!” Sam threw his hands up, exasperated. “You are someone else!”
“I thought you two were already-”
Bucky pointed warningly at Zemo. “Watch it. Wait, wait-” He turned back to Sam. “But I heard her-”
“Bucky…man…” Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Listen, I can’t tell you everything. I’m not about to break my girl’s trust like that. But you gotta hear me when I tell you she likes you. What do you think almost happened at the party?”
“She - I - it was…an accident?”
Sam spluttered, eyes wide. “An accident? You two grinding and nearly making out was an accident?!”
“Woah! We were not…grinding-”
Zemo hummed. “Hmm…you kind of were.”
Bucky glared at him. “Thin. Fucking. Ice.” He whipped back to Sam. “I just remind her of him.”
“What?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! You remind her of Steve? Yes, granted your both dumbasses, but she knows both of you enough to know there’s quite a few big differences.”
Sam held up his hand, shutting Bucky up. “You like her. Yes or no.”
Bucky huffed, looking down at the hand she was holding only minutes ago. “Yes.” He finally relented. “Since the first couple months in Wakanda.”
“Steve liked her. Yes or no.”
He ran a hand through his hair, nodding his head. “Yes. Yes he liked her. I wasn’t lying about that.”
“So explain something to me.” Sam crossed his arms. “Why is it that Steve isn’t here, and you are?”
Bucky crossed his arms, brooding - although he’d never admit it - while staring out the window. “Steve…knew. I liked her. And, yes, he loved her, but he also loved Peggy. So he…”
“He told you to take your chance with Y/N, and he went back to be with his first love.”
HYDRA’s former fist nodded with a sigh. “Something like that.”
“You need to tell her.”
“I can’t.”
Sam groaned. “Why not?!”
“Because!” Bucky took a breath, trying not to shout and alert the sleeping girl in the room over, his ears tuning into her slowed heartbeat to make sure she was okay. “Because Steve has her heart, Sam. The whole thing just…I’m jealous of him. Because he got her first. And then I get mad because he didn’t do shit about it. And then I feel guilty because all the shit he put up with for me and here I am complaining…and then I just get…depressed because he’s not here. I used to be the one who fixed his problems. But after I got out…he’s been the one fixing mine. And I just…I don’t know what to do.”
Sam shook his head, rolling his eyes. “I get it. That’s valid. But stop whining and moping around about it. It happened. And you need to get your shit together. If not for your sake, for hers. Because she lost him too. And she’s probably feeling those exact same feelings.”
“But…she’s his girl-”
“No. She’s not. He made his choice.” Sam nodded towards Bucky. “Now you gotta make yours,  Buckaroo.”
He shot him a glare. “You can’t call me that.”
“Why not? Y/N calls you that.”
“Y/N has a plan.”
“We both know that’s not true, Buckaroo. Hey! That one rhymed!”
Bucky shook his head with a scowl. “I will beat your ass, Wilson.”
Sam scoffed, shoving Bucky’s head playfully. “Stop being a dumbass and tell her. Buckaroo.”
“That’s it!”
Bucky tackled Sam to the ground, Zemo giving them an amused expression before leaving to talk to Oeznik. They were so wrapped up in their wrestling session, they didn’t notice the woman leaning against the wall, tired eyes barely opened as her eyebrows raised, unimpressed.
“Are you fellas done?’
They both stopped, shooting up when they noticed her. “Doll, I-”
She shook her head. “Don’t, Buck. Not right now. I’m just really tired.”
“Did we wake you?” Sam winced.
She shook her head again, yawning. “No. I just needed to use the restroom.”
Bucky couldn’t help the small smile as she rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms overhead, making that ripped crop top ride higher up. She was too cute. And she didn’t even realize it.
“Sleep well, doll. We’ll try to keep it down.”
She nodded, turning and waving over her shoulder. “You two try getting sleep, too, alright? Goodnight, Sammy.”
“Night, cher.”
“Sweetheart?” She peeked through the curtain, tilting her head slightly. “You know I love you, right?”
A small smile quirked up her lips, but it was sadder than the ones his question usually elicited. “As long as you know I love you.”
He nodded, returning the half-smile. “G’night, doll.”
“Goodnight, Buckaroo.”
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Loose Lips Sink Ships (Soran X Swift!Reader)
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Request: The Next Instalment of the Swift!Reader Universe where everyone finds out that the reader is dating Emily and Lindsey. Basically, 5000 words of the reader getting caught in compromising positions, having deep conversations with her sister and teasing some too invasive fans. 
Other Parts of the Swift!Reader Universe
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Taylor considered herself a very perceptive person, especially when it came to you. From the time you were little, she could read you like a book. She knew to look for the tilt of your head when you were curious, or how you scratched the back of your neck when you were nervous.
But this, she had never seen before. Your thumbs twiddled on your thighs, patting out an erratic pattern that didn’t match any of your favorite songs, and your feet were tapping out a completely different beat. You also kept tucking your chin, completely refusing to make eye contact with her. 
It wasn’t just tonight either. It was for the entire week you had been staying with her in her Manhattan apartment. She didn’t know if she could take another three weeks of you sneaking off to the terrace to make phone calls at midnight. 
She sighed, turning away from the stove to lean over the island, taking a long drag from her wine glass and eyeing you carefully. 
“Alright, what’s going on with you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You blinked up at her with owlish eyes. 
“You’re acting weird,” she added with a shrug, turning to whatever she was making on the stove. 
You took a large gulp of your drink and swallowed hard. You didn’t think you had been that obvious, but then again Taylor knew you better than anyone (well, there were two people who probably knew you as well as she did). Soon enough they would be just as good at getting information out of you as Taylor was. 
“I’m just tired. Pre-season and national team duty are kinda kicking my ass,” You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, praying to god that she would take this excuse. 
She nodded, tapping the spatula on the side of the pot before turning back to you and picking up her glass again. “I’m sure the media pressure isn’t helping that,” 
You shrugged.“Everyone just expects me to be you, and it’s a lot sometimes,” You mumbled, absentmindedly circling your fingers over the rim of your glass. 
Taylor’s eyebrows furrowed. She could tell you weren’t telling her everything, but if this was the route you wanted to take, then she wouldn’t miss a chance to reaffirm you. 
“I know, and I’m sorry for that,” She said softly, reaching across the island to gently grab your hand. 
You finally looked up at your sister, echoing her sad smile, and noting the worried crinkle by her eyes. “It’s not really your fault,” 
She nodded. “I know, but all I can do is tell you how amazing you are as many times as I can,” 
You held her gaze for a few more seconds, her seriousness giving you no reason to doubt her sincerity. 
It didn’t matter what the media, or your family, said about your career. Taylor maintained that you were just as good, simply because you were you. She was your greatest champion and most trusted confidant. 
You nodded, and she squeezed your hand before turning back to the stove. She knew pushing you to talk about what was really bothering you wouldn’t help. You would come to her when you were ready. 
You watched her thoughtfully as she put the final touches on dinner, checking on a tray in the oven and stirring the things on the stove. 
You were comforted by the familiarity of it, but the little voice in the back of your head reminded you that you also enjoyed this position when it was a different blond cooking for you (and the way Lindsey teased her while she cooked). 
The three of you had been together for nearly eight months, and recently you had all decided that maybe it was time to stop hiding. The first step was telling Taylor, but you weren’t really sure how. 
Your heart thumped in your chest at the thought of your two favorite women. Your girlfriends, you reminded yourself. They made you feel so many amazing, and terrifying things you had never felt before. Taylor always sang about those emotions, and you wondered if this was what she was talking about. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked softly, and Taylor paused her stirring on the stove. That was always the cue you used when you wanted to have a serious conversation. When you were nervous about whatever the answer would be. The last time you had asked that you wanted to know if she would be upset if you skipped college in favor of going pro.
Her opinion mattered to you more than anyone else’s. 
“You know you always can,” She said, avoiding looking over her shoulder (towards where she knew you were worrying your lip between your teeth). 
“How did you know you were in love?”  
Taylor paused, a pan halfway out of the oven, at the completely unexpected question. She should have seen this coming, she had seen the way those two looked at you. 
She cleared her throat, straightening and setting the hot pan on some oven mitts on the counter, before turning her full attention to you. She took in how you seemed so hunched in on yourself, your eyes still glued to your glass. 
“Well, She made me feel warm and bubbly like there was a hot spring in my chest. When anything happened, she was the first person I wanted to tell,” 
You blinked up at her, your eyebrows furrowing. “Like you were addicted to her? Like when she smiled, it finally felt like you could breathe?” You rushed out and Taylor let you, giving you to work through your emotions, before she pulled you into a tight hug.
You had a very bad habit of bottling everything up and pretending that you were fine (something she was sure her career choice - and your mother- didn’t necessarily help). 
“Did you feel scared of how much she made you feel?” You leaned into her touch, sighing when she ran her fingers through your hair. 
“In the beginning it did, but then it was freeing when I realized that she would be there to catch me,” Taylor said, kissing the crown of your head. 
You closed your eyes. You didn’t doubt that they would catch you, but the feeling of falling was terrifying. You were in deep and keeping it from your sister was difficult. 
“Dinner looks amazing and I’m starving,” You mumbled, and you felt Taylor sigh. She had gotten a little out of you, but definitely not enough to curve her curiosity. All in good time. 
“Let’s eat,” she said, kissing your hair and standing to make you two plates. She still had 2 weeks to get the rest of the story out of you.
You were in absolute heaven. Trapped in between the two warm bodies of your girlfriends, one set of lips moving with your own and another trailing kisses lightly down your neck.
Emily and Lindsey had spent one of their free days (between Adidas and other sponsor commitments) hanging out with you, and you couldn’t be happier. You spent the day exploring the city and checking off a massive list of stereotypical couple things the city had to offer. It had ended in a very romantic dinner at a little pub on the lower east side, and now some amazing kisses in your room at your sister’s apartment. 
Lindsey’s hands slipped under the front of your shirt, her nail scratching lightly up your tummy and ribs as she pressed herself further into your back. You sighed into Emily’s mouth, tilting your head to both give her a better angle on your mouth and give Lindsey more room in your neck. 
“Hm, we’ve gotta stop. Tay will be back soon,” You mumbled when Emily pulled back and turned you so Lindsey got her turn too. 
You felt Emily sit up behind you to get a good look at the clock. “You said we had till 12, it’s only 11:15,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, even as she kissed your ear and made her way down to the patch of skin on your neck she knew drove you wild. 
You bit your lip. It was one thing to ask your sister for relationship advice, and a complete other for her to walk in on it. 
Lindsey gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you wanna stop?”
Emily paused as they both waited for your answer. It was sweet and comforting how they always made sure you felt safe and that you were enthusiastically consenting to whatever you were doing. 
You shook your head and pouted. “No,” 
Lindsey sent you a very indulgent smile, her thumb gently rubbing over your cheeks. “Then less talking, more kissing,” 
You giggled into the kiss, a shiver running down your spine when Emily continued her ministrations in your neck. 
You hummed into the kiss, very much enjoying how their bodies felt pressed into yours. God, it was like you just couldn’t get enough. It was so easy to lose track of time with them. It wasn’t until a loud slam of the door and your sister calling “Y/n, you here?” That you finally pulled away from the women. 
“Shit! You two have to hide,” You squeaked, practically leaping from the bed. You threw Emily’s pants and Lindsey’s shirt towards the women on the bed, who were moving way too slow for your liking. 
“Where?” Emily asked, tripping as she tried to hastily shove her legs inside her pants, while simultaneously glancing around your room in search of a suitable hiding space. 
“I don’t know! Figure it out,” You said over your shoulder, taking a deep breath to hide your panic before you exited the room. 
You carefully closed the door behind you, she would have zero chance of getting any information out of you). 
“Hey kid, how was your day?” Taylor asked from the couch, looking over her wine glass at you. She opened her arms, and you immediately went to burrow into her.
“The best. I went out exploring,” Your entire face brightened (Taylor wondered if it was because you got to experience the city, or from the person, she was sure you experienced it with - ie the person(s?) who had left the hickey’s all down your neck). 
“Where’d you get that shirt?” She asked after a few minutes, pinching the grey sweatshirt (which conveniently had a number 9 and the USWNT logo on it). 
You blinked down at your outfit, your eyes widening, at your outfit, a pair of Emily’s Thorns shorts and Lindsey’s sweater.
“Oh, Umm,” you stuttered, racing to come up with a response when a bang echoed from your room. 
Taylor’s head snapped in the direction of the sound “What was that?”
“Nothing Tay,” You winced at another loud thump followed by several giggles. 
She raised an eyebrow at you and stood to go investigate for herself. She didn’t mind you bringing a significant other home (especially if they made you this happy) but she didn’t want them hiding from her. 
“Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to go find them for myself?” 
You crossed your arms like a petulant child and pouted. “I also spent the day with Emily and Lindsey,” 
“And?” Taylor asked, slightly confused. She liked the women and she thought you knew she would approve. Hell, she had practically given them the shovel talk already.
You sighed, hunching your shoulders. “They’re hiding in my closet because we were making out when you came home,” 
Taylor giggled at how absolutely pitiful you sounded. She patted your shoulder “Well, I think the closet is a terrible place to hide. How about you get them out here,” 
You nodded and stood to go retrieve the girls, slightly afraid of what Taylor was going to say to them. 
“And y/n,” she said just as you got to your door. 
You paused and turned towards her “Yeah?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m happy that you’re so happy to be dating them,” 
You smiled so wide that your cheeks started to hurt. It felt like a weight was lifted off your chest. No matter what happened going forward, Taylor supported you (even if you were sure she was about to give them one hell of a shovel talk and set up some serious boundaries). 
You nodded and entered your room. Perhaps it was about time that you all came out of the closet. 
You weren’t quite sure how you always got yourself into these situations. Maybe it was that you, Em, and Linds barely got to see each other outside of camp during the season, or maybe it was because the three of you were so sickeningly in love that you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. 
Whatever it was, you, Emily, and Lindsey couldn’t seem to keep your hands to yourself (especially after you came out to your sister). 
Even now, with the no girlfriends rule at camp, you found yourself pinned to the elevator wall by Lindsey’s hips, thoroughly enjoying the way Emily’s tongue was exploring your mouth (shivering slightly when Lindsey hit the sensitive spots on her neck) (with no idea how they thought this position was comfortable for them). 
You were so engrossed in your kissing that you didn’t hear the ding of the elevator, or the doors beginning to slide open. 
“Holy shit guys, at least let the girl breathe,” Kelley’s cackling caused all three of you to jump, and Lindsey to inadvertently knock heads with you. 
“Fuck,” Emily hissed, working her way out from between Lindsey’s arms and your chest. 
“Ow,” You mumbled, rubbing your forehead l, as Lindsey used a thumb to lift your chin so she could look at it. “You alright babe,” She asked softly. 
Kelley laughed louder at the mess that was the three of you trying to untangle yourselves from each other, ignoring Alex’s glare (teasing someone while their cheeks were as red as yours were wasn’t something she felt comfortable with). 
“Shut up Kelley,” Emily grumbled, pulling you off the wall so she could hug you from behind. You leaned back into the woman, taking whatever comfort you could. The three of you knew it was time to tell the team, but you hadn’t expected it to happen like this. 
“How long has this been going on?” Alex asked softly after a few minutes. There was no way the three of you could be so comfortable around each other if this was a new thing. 
“Almost a year,” You said, shyly looking up at Lindsey, who placed a very sweet kiss on your cheek while Emily placed the same on your other. 
“Does Taylor know?” Alex asked at the same time Kelley said “I’m gonna need an exact date,”. 
Alex slapped the back of Kelley’s head. “Not the time Kel,”
“Yeah, Taylor knows and is super cool with it,” Lindsey said softly, squeezing your hand. 
Alex tilted her head, looking to you for confirmation. You nodded. 
“Good, because I didn’t want to have to try and keep it from her,” The forward smirked, and you felt more heat in your cheeks. You all promised you would never mention that incident again. 
“She was terrifying last time we saw her mad,” Kelley grumble, rubbing the back of her head. 
“That was because you let Y/n surf in giant waves on her first time out,” Emily snorted, nuzzling her nose into the space behind your ear. Alex smiled softly at the sight of you so relaxed. 
“Are you three going to tell the team?” She asked. 
“You might have to if you are going to continue playing tonsil tennis in the hallways,” Kelley added, only for Alex to slap the back of her head again. 
“We hadn’t really talked about it yet…” You mumbled. Both of your girlfriends squeezed you (Lindsey getting your gains, while Emily tightened the arms she had wrapped around your middle). 
“Well, could you wait like 3 days? I have 20 bucks on you three taking until the middle of camp to come out,” Kelley asked, scratching the back of her neck. You rolled your eyes. Of course, they would have bets on you, but you weren’t about to bend over backward for it. 
“You knew?” Emily screeched. Kelley cackled nodding wildly. 
“You’re not exactly subtle,” Alex laughed. Anyone with eyes could see that you were head over heels for the women and that they were falling just as hard as you were. 
The internet fucking sucked. You knew that and found it relatively easy to ignore the mass chatter of the online world, but then again you had never been a part of such a disgusting report by some shady internet reporter. 
All you had done was gone to lunch with Shawn Mendes, and someone had snapped a picture. The two of you had become good friends after spending so much time together on the 1989 tour. Now some random reporter was commenting on how you had confirmed your new relationship. It wouldn’t have mattered if you were anyone else, but Taylor’s fandom had blown up the small town reporter’s article. 
Now they wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone. 
“We’re not going to respond to it,” You huffed, crossing your arms adamantly in front of your chest, effectively pushing your plate of pancakes away. You squinted at the vets sitting across from you, completely baffled why they thought you would take any other route. 
Lindsey’s arm around your shoulder righted, while Emily leaned in, almost conspiratorially. “Of course not, but wouldn’t it be fun to send the fans on a little goose chase anyway?” 
Your ears perked at that. Taylor’s fans were always so fun to mess with. They made it so easy, particularly because your sister had trained them to always look for clues (that most of the time exist). 
“And we have been talking about wanting to come out,” Lindsey added softly. 
Your expression soured. You didn’t want to do this as a reaction. You wanted it to happen naturally. 
“I don’t wanna do that in response to some asshole who doesn’t understand boundaries,” You pouted. 
“But what if we did it our way?” Lindsey and Emily both asked at the same time. It was scary how in sync they were most of the time. 
“Like get the team involved, tease the fans. At least show them that you don’t play for Mr. Mendes’ team,” Emily shrugged, trying to act like she didn’t care, but you knew she did. 
You couldn’t help but smirk. You did love to mess with the fans. 
“If you do wanna mess with the fans, I have the perfect picture” Tobin chimed in, giving you that little push you needed. 
Emily raised her eyebrows at the woman, ignoring the glares the rest of the vets were sending her way. “Didn’t see you as a prankster Toby,” 
“It’s artsier than anything else…” Tobin grumbled, flipping her phone to show you the photo she was talking about. 
It was of you, Emily and Lindsey during a morning hike the team had taken. You were laughing, while both of their heads were tucked into your neck. You were the only one clearly identifiable, but it was clear you were smitten with whoever you were with. 
“Ooo, I like that one,” You said, suddenly feeling excited. It was bound to send the fans into a frenzy because you couldn’t see who was making you smile so wide. 
Tobin nodded and began typing out the post, before flipping it for you to read and ok. You giggled at the tag line “only those two knuckleheads could get you to smile this wide before your morning coffee”. 
“Good?” Tobin asked, and you nodded enthusiastically. It was perfect, and coming out this way- with the help of your team- felt amazing. 
“I have one too. You guys are too photogenic,” Christen said, pulling up her phone and begging to scroll through her photos (much like the rest of the team began to do). Were you guys really that obvious? No wonder they had bets going. 
Your teammates were having way too much fun. You shouldn’t have been surprised considering how private the women normally were, it must have been nice to get some time sending the fans on a wild goose chase. You were also surprised at how many photos your teammates had taken of you and your girlfriends. And just how many of those photos were perfect for the little game you were playing with the fans. 
You could identify yourself on all of them, but Emily and Lindsey weren’t clear at all. But it was plain to see that you were very in love with whoever was sitting next to you. 
“Did you see Alex’s picture? It's amazing!” You said, wiggling excitedly between your girlfriends. The three of you had taken a break from the team and decided to cuddle while you watched the fans go insane. (It was honestly one of your favorite places to be). 
“Pshhh, no Pinos is totally the best,” Emily snorted. 
You pouted. She nudged your side and placed a very sweet kiss on your pouty lips. 
Alex’s photo of Emily and Lindsey throwing you into the ocean was totally better than the one of you shoving and chasing your girlfriends with birthday cake-covered hands. 
“No, Kelley’s is totally the top picture in the bunch,” Lindsey smirked, nudging your chin with her nose from your other side. 
You blinked up at her and looked at the photo of one of your favorite goal celebrations. You had literally leaped into Emily and Lindsey’s arms, but you were at least 3 feet higher than Lindsey’s head in that picture. 
You bit your lip. It was a very good picture, one of your favorites actually, but there was one that topped them all for you. “They’re all pretty good, but I think I’ve got the best one,” You said softly, pulling out your phone. 
It didn’t take you long to find the picture in question (it also happened to be your lock screen). You were smiling brightly at the camera, the reputation tour stage (lit for the song Dress) clearly behind you, trapped between Emily and Lindsey kissing each of your cheeks. Your girlfriends looked over your shoulders to catch a glimpse of your phone. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Lindsey asked softly. There was no hiding or pretending in that photo. It was open and honest (and a great picture of a fantastic night). 
“Yeah, it’s like speak now or forever hold your peace,” Emily added, and you could practically hear her eyebrow raising. 
“No, but I don’t wanna hide you two,” You shrugged. It was the balance you sister had worked her entire career to achieve. Hiding away meant that there was no commentary about your relationship from people you had never met (loose lips sank ships after all), but it also meant avoiding the little things that you longed to do in public. 
You weren’t sure if you would ever be ready to face the media, but your desire to be with your girlfriends the way you wanted was just so powerful. 
“You know we’ll wait as long as you need us to,” Lindsey said, using her thumb to tilt your chin and look you in the eyes. 
you nodded, your eyes never leaving her concerned blue ones. “I know but, like-. I wanna be able to hold your hand or kiss you and not have to worry who's watching. I want to be able to take you on dates, and not care about if a camera can see us cuddling. I want to be able to post about how great you looked in a game, or for your birthday. I don’t want to hide,” 
During your rant, Emily had wrapped herself around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder and rubbing her hands flat on your belly (which never failed to calm you down). 
“We know darling, but once this is done, it can’t be undone,” She said softly. 
You threaded your fingers through hers, glancing down to avoid Lindsey’s appraising stare (you never could get anything past them). “I didn’t think you were a Shakespeare fan,” You mumbled. 
“I’m full of surprises,” Emily said, kissing her favorite spot just behind your ear. Lindsey cracked a smile too “we both are”. 
“I know,” You nodded suddenly serious, as you carefully extracted yourself from your girlfriends and began to type up the Instagram post. 
You passed them the phone when you were done, idly twiddling your fingers now that you didn’t have anything in your hands. “I’m gonna do it if you two are alright with it,” 
“We’re fine with whatever you choose, we love you and just want you to be comfortable,” Lindsey and Emily both said, rubbing your back and arm respectively in a comforting motion. 
“I know, and I love you too. Let’s do it,” you said clicking the button and closing your phone. You didn’t need to watch the comments roll in.
It wouldn’t be until the next morning that you would see your sister had also decided to chime in. And you couldn’t keep the smile off your face at her simple caption- love my sister and her girlies. For sure the best squad ever. 
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finelinevogue · 3 years
We need more Bella and Megan content!!! Insta posts were so cuutee!!! Maybe a blurb abt the relationship between Megan and the family?? It could be interesting… I imagine then being a very open and close knit family u know, where they can talk freely about anything,and yes including sex, and I think it could be interesting to see how maybe bella needs some advice/want to talk to someone about being intimate w her gf and doesn’t know how to bring that up to her family bc she is embarrassed and doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable?? I’ve never read a doc like this, or where one of the kid is not straight (only w/ Harry or the reader being bi) and yeah it should be written abt more.
megan and belle are sooo cute yes! ok let’s see where this goes!! hope you have fun reading;
belle - 18
“Will you stop faffing, you look beautiful honey.”
You slapped Belle’s hands from playing with her outfit again. Tonight you and Harry were properly meeting Megan for the first time, by taking them out for a meal at this new Thai restaurant down the road. Belle had been worrying all evening as she was getting ready, coming downstairs multiple times to show off outfits to you so you could give them your honest opinion. It didn’t help her when you said she looked beautiful in all of them. Belle wasn’t into playing “girly” dress-up, but she thought that putting effort in for her girlfriend, tonight, might be a good idea. So she’d finally decided on some denim jeans, a basic top and then one of Harry’s old blazers. She looked amazing.
“Just so nervous.”
“Why? You like them, right?” You asked, adding on a bit of lipstick, whilst you were sat at the table of this fancy restaurant.
“Yeah. Like really like them.” Belle emphasised, shrugging off the blazer as she was becoming too hot with nerves.
“Well then we’ll really like them too. We trust you.” Harry butted in, sitting as close to you as he could whilst sat in these chairs. Before you’d managed to sit down at the table he’d moved your chair along to be closer to his, meaning he could slink his arm around the back of your chair and have his hand in your lap if he wanted to. Even after all these years he still knew how to make you feel especially loved.
Belle’s phone pinged and it made her freak. “Oh god, it’s Meg. They’re here.”
“Okay, B. Calm down and go and get them from outside, we’ll just order some wine or something.” You ordered her softly, trying to put your daughter more at ease. She was more nervous than you imagine Megan would be.
Your daughter stood up from the table, both you and Harry smiling at her. “Okay.” She pushed her chair in behind her and about to walk off, but she quickly turned back to you both, “Remember; Megan Dover, they/them pronouns and don’t mention anything about astrology otherwise we will be dead before we leave this table,okay?”
You both chuckled at her, loving how she was so aware of her girlfriend and the things that were important to them. “Okay love. Now stop fussing and go.” Harry shooed his hand and his daughter away from the table. She turned back around to flash you two thumbs up and you both smiled at her, watching your all-grown-up baby walk away.
“We’ve done well Styles.” You turned to face him, to find he was already admiring you, thinking about the wonder life you’d both created and the wonderful children that had been a product of it.
“Was just thinking the same thing, m’heart.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you, pressing his lips onto your lipstick-stained ones. He didn’t care if his lips became painted a different colour because of it, he would never miss the opportunity to give his beautiful wife a deserving kiss. He loved you too damn much.
You cupped his chin and he tightened his arm around you, that had been slunk around the back of your chair. He squeezed your thigh three times in signal for saying ‘I love you’ without any words needing to be spoke. You tapped his chin three times in return. Everyone always hated how loved up you two were, but really you just think they’re jealous of how perfect your relationship is. Sure you have your ups and downs, but isn’t that what makes it so perfect? You pulled away and looked into his dreamy eyes, kissing him once more for good luck, before returning your attention to your glass of water for a drink.
“Thirsty?” He asked you, keeping you close.
“Mhm. All that talking I was doing this afternoon on the phone to that bloody insurance company.”
“You did give them a piece of y’mind though, love. You were a lot more civil than I would’ve been.” Harry chuckled, waving his hand to catch one of the waiters attention.
“Seriously though? Nearly charged us an extra £1,000 for a service charge. Bloody fuckers.” You sighed and put your water back on the table after taking a lengthy sip.
“£1,000 isn’t really that mu—” He didn’t finish his sentence though because he caught sight of your stern face and knew exactly what you were thinking. You hated when he talked about money as if it wasn’t a problem, because you didn’t want your kids to grow up with that ideology. “You know what? They’re bastards and i’m proud of you for handling them so well.” He kissed you again and then the waited came over, stopping you from having a go at him for being cheeky. You pinched his leg in respond and he caught your hand, holding it tightly in his as if a warning for you to stop.
“Evening Sir. How can I help?” He asked politely, his serving towel draped over his forearm.
“A bottle of y’cheapest red wine please.”
“Certainly Sir.” And the waited was gone.
“Cheapest?” You asked confused, making Harry turn back towards you.
“Well it’d be a bit hypocritical of us to ask for our favourite bottle of wine, which is £1,000 darling, now wouldn’t it?” He smirked at you, knowing he’d played you just perfectly.
“Such a git.” You scoffed in pretend offence and then kissed him again too make sure that he knew you weren’t mad.
You both sat back and looked in the direction which now you could see Belle walking back over to you from where she’s gone to fetch Megan. Belle was guiding them book, Megan following closely behind her, and they were holding hands. They looked completely adorable and you wanted to just rush your camera out and snap loads of photos of them to remember this moment. Yes, you were that mum who takes a photo of everything and anything when it came to your children. You even had an album on your phone dedicated to your children’s haircuts… You leg started to shake nervously in anticipation.
“Calm down you!” Harry laughed quietly, just incase the two girls could hear you. Harry stood up out of his chair first and held out his hand for you to follow. He made sure your chair didn’t tip back as you stood and kept ahold of your hand as they approached you both.
You caught Belle’s eye and you could how happy she was from the twinkle within.
“Mum, Dad, this is Megan,” Belle introduces you all, Megan still stood slightly behind her, “Meg, this is my mum, Y/N and my dad, Harry.”
Harry was the first one to cross his hand over the table. “Lovely to meet you Megan.”
“And you Mr Styles, but please just call me Meg.” They shook hands together and Harry smiled at them warmly, wanting to make her feel as part of the family as possible. He was good at that.
“Well then then you, please, call me Harry. Makes me feel old otherwise.” His joke made the table laugh and ease any nervousness that had been there before.
“That’s because you are old, dad.” Belle added cheekily.
“Oi watch it you. Don’t think I won’t embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and pointed sternly at his daughter, who did pack quite the punch with her snarky responses sometimes.
“I’m counting on it Harry.” Megan laughed, which made everyone chuckle again. Megan was such an easy girl to get along with and it was clear that they made Belle a very happy person, for that you indebted to them.
“And nice to see you Meg.” You shook your hands with Megan as Harry and Belle continued to banter over the table. You were sat opposite Megan, Harry next to you and Belle diagonally opposite you. You and Megan both sat down before Harry and Belle did.
“Likewise Mrs Styles,” you gave them a look which had them chuckling as they corrected themselves, “Y/N, sorry! Are they usually like this?” They asked you, watching Belle and Harry talk about some absolute rubbish.
“Oh don’t even start! They wind each other up all the time. Drive me up the bloody wall they do!” You laughed and you felt calmer when Megan laughed too. “Wine?” You offered them, having had the bottle delivered whilst you were all being introduced to each other.
“Yes please.” They smiled and held out the glass to help you pour. You poured them a generous glass and then followed by pouring yourself one too.
You weren’t blinded by the beauty of Megan. They had strong-loving brown eyes and blonde hair that seemed to be toned down with brunette roots. They had a simple face with perfectly plucked eyebrows and a fiercely sharp jawline. They were just very naturally pretty, that you could tell. They were wearing similar to Belle actually, which made you think they’d coordinated their outfits - your inner mum was freaking out over the soft thought. You and Harry often liked to coordinate outfits too, like tonight - both of you were wearing navy blue.
“You want wine B?” Meg asked Belle, breaking her away from the pointless conversation with her dad.
“What? Oh, yes, yes please.” Belle responded, shifting closer towards Meg and holding their hand again. They kept their public displays of affection to themselves, a bit like you and Harry had originally been. You filled up your daughters glass, but passed on filling up Harrys glass because he was driving home tonight.
“So what do you plan on studying at university Meg?” You started the conversation with the easiest question you could.
“Marine Biology.” They answered and you could tell they were clearly excited by the tone of happiness in their voice. You didn’t miss the squeeze of pride that Belle gave them either.
“That sounds good! Where abouts are you going to study?”
“Newcastle, actually.” Meg went quiet and you understood why, because Belle was going to the exact same university to study Engineering.
“Oh really?” Harry asked, pretending to be surprised but it definitely came through sarcastically - this earned him a kick under the table from his daughter.
“Oh shut up!” Belle rolled her eyes and Meg smiled at her playfulness with her family, it made them really happy that their girlfriend had such a loving and special family.
You were so not ready to send off your daughter to university, because she was your final baby to leave the safe nest of the Styles home and it was just going to be you and Harry left. You were excited for the time you’d have with him, but you were sad to see you final child leave you. You were even more excited for Belle to be going out and adventuring the world as she wanted to. She was going to do great things and you couldn’t be prouder of her. It eased you to know that at least Meg would be their with her - almost like a home away from home.
“You have any brothers or sisters Meg?” You asked.
“I have a younger sister, but she’s evil.” Meg laughed, before taking a sip of their wine.
“Evil how? ‘Cause my children are the exact same.” Harry spoke sincerely as if one of his children weren’t sat directly in front of him. It earned him another kick to his legs from his daughter. “See? Evil.” Everyone laughed, Belle just sulked.
“Well Ivy just terrorises everyone and anyone. She’s just evil.”
“Belle ain’t much better i’m afraid.”
“Dad! Meg is going to leave me if you keep painting me out to be an arsehole.” Belle rolled her eyes, but was brought out of her strop by Megan who brought her hand up to press their lips on her skin.
“Can’t chase me away that easily Belle.”
And it was that moment that you knew that Belle had found a forever partner in Megan, just as you had found in Harry.
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basic-otaku · 3 years
My thoughts on Xue Yang's character (based on the drama and novel)
Xue Yang is a character I didn’t fully understand until I finished The Untamed. I looked back on him with a bit of pity but little understanding. It wasn’t until I listened to his character song that I truly began to dissect his character. Reading those lyrics completely flipped my perspective on him, and I went back to watch the Yi City arc again. I was shocked by how much I had missed. Xue Yang has since become one of my favorite characters of the series. I’ve spent so much time thinking about him and his motives that I finally decided to write down my thoughts. This analysis comes mostly from what I perceived, so it may differ from other people’s opinions. You are free to disagree with me.
Let’s start with what we know: Xue Yang was a street kid with a hard childhood. We know he was abandoned at a young age, but we don’t know how young. However, he must have been old enough to survive, so he couldn’t have been younger than four when he started fending for himself. We don’t know who his parents are because he doesn’t remember them, nor does he remember anyone else who had potentially taken care of him. His parents could be dead for all we know, or they could have dumped him somewhere when they no longer wanted to take care of him. It’s all up to speculation. He also has a very high pain tolerance, probably due to constant beatings as a child.
When you’re all alone in the world, you have to learn to put yourself first. There’s no one to care for you, so only you can care for yourself. I believe that Xue Yang wasn’t always a bad person because no one is inherently evil. However, because he was alone, there was no one to nurture him and teach him right from wrong. When all you experience is violence and hatred, that becomes your response to similar situations; you don’t expect kindness or want to give it in return.
One of Xue Yang’s flaws as a child was his naivety — he was much too quick to trust. That’s how he got himself into such a bad situation. He was eager to have something he was never able to have (candy), so he immediately trusted that shopkeeper when he said he could have some as a reward for running an errand. What he got in return wasn’t candy, but a brutal beating and a severed pinky. If Xue Yang had still had any faith left in humanity, this is the point where it would have left him. The remaining childhood innocence in him was gone. This brings me to an interesting piece of dialogue. In Yi City, when Xue Yang confronts Song Lan and tells him what he’s been up to, Song Lan curses at him, calling him an animal. Xue Yang laughs at him and says, “I quit using those words when I was seven.” And what happened to Xue Yang’s finger? “One finger was ground into battered flesh on the spot. The child was seven.” Even Xue Yang himself knows that moment was when everything changed, and he still carries the resentment with him now.
Back to the cart incident. This event scarred him for life and was the primary reason he became a sociopath. Now he’s bent on revenge. He was powerless as a child; just another street rat who shouldn’t be treated like a human being nor spared any pity. So, when he realizes he can do the same to those that hurt him, he takes it much further. When he was old enough and strong enough, he exacts his revenge. He wanted to make the Chang Clan feel his pain — not only for the finger he had lost but for his whole miserable life up to that point. If no one deigned to understand him, then he’d make them understand in the only way he knew how. With violence.
Xue Yang was only fifteen or sixteen when he slaughtered the Chang Clan, killing more than fifty people. This is where he meets Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. From the first moment, Xue Yang hates Xiao Xingchen. He’s so righteous, so full of light. He thinks he makes the world better just by doing a little good. What a hypocrite. Where was he when he was needed? Where was he when Xue Yang was a seven-year-old boy left crying in the streets after having his finger ground to a pulp? No, nobody can be that good.
When Xue Yang is captured by Wei Wuxian and the others, Xiao Xingchen takes him back to Qinghe to be apprehended, and Xue Yang vows to get his revenge on Xiao Xingchen for it. It isn’t long after he escapes from Qinghe that Xue Yang slaughters Baixue Temple, blinding Song Lan in the process. According to Xue Yang’s logic, hurting Xiao Xingchen’s friend is just as bad as hurting Xiao Xingchen himself. This is what causes the rift between Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. Without this incident, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen may never have met again.
A few years have likely passed while Xue Yang was working for Jin Guangyao. He is probably closer to eighteen or nineteen when Jin Guangyao injures him and throws him out, which is how Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing find him. Xiao Xingchen doesn’t hesitate in bringing Xue Yang back to Yi City with him and A-Qing and caring for his wounds. Xue Yang wakes up pained and disoriented, but he immediately tries to back away when he realizes who is tending to him. He doesn’t know Xiao Xingchen is unaware of his identity, and probably thinks that Xiao Xingchen is getting ready to take him to face justice or something. But Xiao Xingchen insists that he doesn’t need to know who Xue Yang is and that he’s only doing what’s right. Xue Yang is clearly shocked by this admission. He truly cannot comprehend kindness, and this is the first time he’s ever experienced it.
This is also the first time we get to see his genuine smile. It’s shocked and incredulous, like he can’t believe this is happening, but it’s there. Throughout the series, Xue Yang’s snarky words and sly smirk are a token of his character, but now we know they are just a mask he uses to hide the small, broken child inside of him. If no one can see the hurt he hides, then no one can hurt him further. But with just one kind gesture, Xiao Xingchen was able to bring out the young boy who just wanted love and comfort.
This kindness is such a foreign concept to Xue Yang that he doesn’t think it’s genuine for a long time. But as the years pass, Xue Yang comes to realize that Xiao Xingchen isn’t a threat. This is something he scoffs at. Xiao Xingchen is ridiculously naïve; so stupid. If he knew who he was living with, who he was eating with, he wouldn’t act like this. He would treat Xue Yang the same way everyone else had. So, Xue Yang decides to trick Xiao Xingchen into murdering innocent people for revenge. Xue Yang can’t wait for Xiao Xingchen to find out what Xue Yang has made him do because it’ll break him. What this revenge is for is up to interpretation. Maybe he’s still angry about being captured and sent to Qinghe. Maybe he’s angry at the world for treating him so badly. Maybe Xue Yang wants to show Xiao Xingchen that his worldview is stupid and that there are no good or pure people in the world. I choose to believe that it’s the last one.
At least, this is his motivation at first — he slowly loses the will to harm Xiao Xingchen. This brings me to another interesting point. In episode three, Xue Yang says he doesn’t fear death, he fears boredom. But isn’t this domestic life he’s living with Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing considered boring by his standards? I think the boredom he speaks of is really the fear of being alone and having nothing at all. Now he’s happy, however reluctantly he’s willing to admit it. He wouldn’t have put up with A-Qing’s petulant behavior if he didn’t enjoy the time they spent together. Although they didn’t get along at first, Xue Yang protects A-Qing and takes care of her like an annoying older brother. He teases her, sure, but he also cuts her apple slices in the shape of rabbits and gives her advice on how to scare away the people who bully her (even though killing them isn’t great advice). Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing were the family he never had. Now he would do anything to preserve the life he is living.
After about a year, Xue Yang’s plan stopped being about revenge. I’m not completely sure how he justified this change of heart, but I like to think he told himself he was still biding his time and that he’d get back to it eventually (even if he had stopped thinking about hurting Xiao Xingchen). Based on what A-Qing told Song Lan when he arrived at Yi City, Xue Yang hadn’t taken Xiao Xingchen out on one of those night hunts in a long time. And most of the people that Xue Yang made Xiao Xingchen kill were the merchants that made fun of his blindness and cheated him with bad vegetables and high prices. It was a messed-up way to get revenge for Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang hates being looked down on, so shouldn’t Xiao Xingchen feel the same way?
Nevertheless, the time they spent in Yi City was probably the only time Xue Yang had been happy in his entire life. Xiao Xingchen was so in tune with what Xue Yang needed that Xue Yang came to care for him deeply. Whether those feelings were romantic or platonic in nature is up to the viewer, but I believe Xue Yang had fallen in love with Xiao Xingchen in the only sick and twisted way he could. Xiao Xingchen understood him more than anyone ever had, going so far as to listen to his idle ramblings and bring him a piece of candy every day after hearing that he had loved sweets as a child but could never have any. He managed to tame the savage beast in Xue Yang’s heart with only his presence and basic human decency. Xue Yang’s bloodlust was satiated as long as he had Xiao Xingchen to take care of him. At this point, I don’t think he would ever actually kill Xiao Xingchen. He had stopped wanting to hurt him a long time ago. A-Qing? Sure. She’s expendable, but Xiao Xingchen is irreplaceable. Even if Xue Yang reluctantly came to care about her, it wasn’t the same kind of bond. She had never shown him the same kindness that Xiao Xingchen had. He wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her if she betrayed him, but she was important to Xiao Xingchen, which meant he couldn’t do her any harm if he didn’t want to disrupt their happy life.
If Song Lan hadn’t found them, how long would Xue Yang have stayed? I don’t even think he knew. He just knew that he didn’t want to leave anymore. Xiao Xingchen gave him too much for him to want that. The viewer can easily see the happiness in his eyes when he looks at Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang acts like a kid around him — playing games, joking around, making him laugh with childish remarks. Even in the quiet moments, he’s happy. This was especially noticeable in the campfire scene. It wasn’t shown in the original drama, but in the special edition, Xue Yang smiled at Xiao Xingchen from across the fire, and the look in his eyes as he gazed at his daozhang was so tender that it honestly caught me off guard. It seemed to catch Xue Yang off guard too because he caught himself, and the smile slowly fell. It’s like he realized what he’s doing and remembered that this should be about revenge.
Where in the past, Xue Yang hated Xiao Xingchen for his righteousness, he now loves him for his naivety. Without it, Xue Yang knows that Xiao Xingchen would be disgusted with himself. There would be no more laughs, no more games, and no more smiles. Then Xue Yang would lose the one person who didn’t treat him like dirt. So, when Song Lan finds them, Xue Yang immediately perceives it as a threat to their domestic life. He knows how important Song Lan is to Xiao Xingchen, and there’s no doubt in his mind that Xiao Xingchen won’t hesitate to leave with Song Lan when he discovers Xue Yang’s identity.
Furthermore, Xue Yang resents Song Lan for taking Xiao Xingchen’s eyes (even though it was voluntary on Xiao Xingchen’s part and was essentially Xue Yang’s fault). His logic tells him that having Xiao Xingchen kill Song Lan would be the perfect way for Xiao Xingchen to get his revenge. What Xue Yang doesn’t understand is that not everyone thinks about things in the context of revenge. I don’t believe Xiao Xingchen ever truly regretted giving up his sight. But Xue Yang can’t comprehend how someone could be that selfless.
This is where it all falls apart. A-Qing sees what happened to Song Lan, and she runs to Xiao Xingchen and tells him everything. When Xiao Xingchen comes back to confront him, Xue Yang spills it all. There’s nothing left for him to lose. His mask falls again, and he basically bares his soul to Xiao Xingchen. This is probably the first time he’s told the story about his finger, and I think he genuinely thought Xiao Xingchen was going to understand him; that if he knew what Xue Yang went through, he’d sympathize with him and justify his action (thereby justifying his feelings). Instead of that, however, Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, and it flips a switch inside of Xue Yang. How can Xiao Xingchen call him disgusting when he’s killed people too?
I think one of the reasons Xue Yang led Xiao Xingchen to kill those people was to bring Xiao Xingchen down to his level. Xue Yang doesn’t think that anyone can be as good as Xiao Xingchen claimed to be, so he had to taint his perfect record. Maybe if he killed people, Xiao Xingchen would understand him. Xue Yang thought that when Xiao Xingchen found out, he’d stay with him. Now he’s not the same righteous person he used to be, so how could he be good enough to travel the world with Song Lan? No, he should stay with Xue Yang instead and live a happy life together.
So, when Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, Xue Yang was probably confused and upset, which made him instinctively put his mask back up. Being vulnerable only hurt him again, so he’s back to harsh words and smirks, telling Xiao Xingchen that this is why he’s always hated him and that all of this was fun. Fun in every sense of the word: the killing and the happiness.
Xiao Xingchen finding out that he killed Song Lan was the last straw. Xue Yang is still laughing as Xiao Xingchen slits his own throat. It takes a moment for the realization to set in, but as it does, the smile falls from Xue Yang’s lips, and his hands begin to shake. This is the third time his mask has fallen. His eyes begin to well with tears, but he tries to keep up his act, saying that dead ones are easier to control, but the only one he’s acting for is himself.
The next scene is the one that really solidified Xue Yang’s feelings for me. He cleans the blood from Xiao Xingchen’s skin with the same care that Xiao Xingchen had shown him when he first found Xue Yang in that ditch. Xue Yang clearly thinks that Xiao Xingchen is going to come back and that the ritual will work, that he staves off his tears and sets out food for both of them. He considers eating his candy but then decides he should wait until Xiao Xingchen comes back. If he’s back, then Xue Yang is sure to get another piece.
When he realizes that the ritual isn’t working and Xiao Xingchen isn’t coming back, he breaks down. The tantrum he throws is so full of rage and anguish that it really shows the depth of his feelings for Xiao Xingchen. Again, he goes back to acting, trying to guilt Xiao Xingchen’s dead body into coming back to life by telling him all the terrible things he’ll do to Song Lan and A-Qing if he doesn’t reawaken. Obviously, Xiao Xingchen can’t hear him, and Xue Yang knows this, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. He finally dissolves into tears, screaming and crying over Xiao Xingchen’s corpse. This may have been the first time he’s cried since he lost his finger. Crying is for innocent, naïve children, and it doesn’t help anybody. But now Xue Yang has had a taste of pure sweetness and doesn’t want to go back to the bitter life he has known, so he finally lets himself weep for all the things he could have had.
Xue Yang spent the next seven years trying to bring Xiao Xingchen back to life with no success. We don’t know much about his activities after Yi City, but we have gotten information through rumors that Shuanghua was being used to kill innocents. It seems like Xue Yang wanted to keep a part of Xiao Xingchen with him. He even continued his sick revenge plot after Xiao Xingchen’s death by gouging out the eyes of and killing the remains of the Chang Clan, including their leader, Chang Ping, by lingchi. Xue Yang doesn’t blame himself in the slightest; he just thinks that Xiao Xingchen’s death was an unfortunate consequence of the situation. He will put the blame on anyone and everyone other than himself. Thus, instead of performing lingchi on himself like Wei Wuxian suggested, he takes out his anger on the remains of the Chang Clan.
Everything Xue Yang does in the present is tied to Xiao Xingchen, yet he still can’t bring him back. So, when he heard that the Yiling Patriarch had suddenly come back to life, Xue Yang knew it was his last chance. The sword ghost/ghost arm is what led Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to Yi City. It was pointing to its murderer. I’m sure Xue Yang could have avoided a confrontation if he wanted, but this was intentional. As for the juniors, I have a feeling that Xue Yang was behind the cat corpses that led them to meet up with Wei Wuxian. This is still unclear though because Xue Yang doesn’t have a real reason to get them involved. The only person he needs is Wei Wuxian.
Xue Yang has tried everything at this point. So, when Wei Wuxian finds him in Yi City, pretending to be Xiao Xingchen, he is completely desperate. I do wonder if that is something he has done more than once. Did he often go around dressed as Xiao Xingchen? Was he playing with the life they had in Yi City? Pretending he was still there? Or was it a one-time thing to trick Wei Wuxian into dropping his guard? I also wonder how often he used his own sword because only after Lan Zhan took Shuanghua from him did he pull out Jiangzai. That could be because he was acting as Xiao Xingchen, but we can’t be sure. However, that isn’t the point. Right now, Wei Wuxian was Xue Yang’s only option because the Yiling Patriarch surely knew things he didn’t. Xue Yang had lived with Xiao Xingchen’s corpse for those seven years, keeping him in pristine condition. I’m pretty sure the only way Xue Yang could have done this was by giving him spiritual energy every day, which would be incredibly draining. I don’t think Xue Yang had an exceptionally strong golden core to begin with either. He is primarily a demonic cultivator, which means he doesn’t use his golden core often. It must have taken most of his strength to keep Xiao Xingchen’s body in such good condition. But anything for daozhang, right? Xue Yang needed Xiao Xingchen’s body to be perfect when he returned. He also put aside his pride and used Song Lan for protection all those years. He kept the one person he continued to hate with a burning passion around him for so long.
When Wei Wuxian tells Xue Yang he can’t bring Xiao Xingchen back to life because his soul is too broken, Xue Yang refuses to believe it. It’s been seven years already; he can’t give up now. Deep down, I believe Xue Yang knows Xiao Xingchen wouldn’t want anything to do with him even if he did come back, but he can’t figure out why. Because nothing was his fault, of course.
Something Wei Wuxian said really struck me as I went back to rewatch episode 39. Before the fight, Wei Wuxian turns to Xue Yang and says, “you disgust him to the core, yet you still want to pull him back to play this stupid game.” Xue Yang responds with “I want nothing of the kind.” And he’s being honest. He doesn’t want a stupid game — he wants something real. He wants a life where Xiao Xingchen knows his identity and stays with him in spite of it. He just wants one person to accept him as he is, but that will never, nor could ever, happen —not with all the crimes he has committed.
When Lan Wangji cut off his arm, leaving Xue Yang bleeding on the ground, I think he knew it was over. There was nothing left for him now. He was never getting Xiao Xingchen back. He never had him in the first place, not in any way that counted. So he laughs, blood spilling from his lips, to cover up the tears he wishes he could cry.
He’s ready when Song Lan stabs him, dying with a smile on his face as he gazes at the last piece of candy Xiao Xingchen had ever given him. It’s blackened and inedible, yet Xue Yang held on to it for so long; it was a reminder of his daozhang and of why he was fighting so hard. Like his character song said, he was “too determined to let go.”
It’s kind of sad that even in death, he was never respected by anyone other than Xiao Xingchen, and all of that was built on a lie. He didn’t even get a proper burial, although I suppose he kind of deserved it. Xue Yang is the character I pity the most in this series. He isn’t a good person, nowhere near it, and he deserved the end he got, but I wish things could have been different. What hurts is that it just as easily could have been Wei Wuxian. If Xue Yang had been taken in as a child; if he’d had his own Jiang Fengmian, his own Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, he could have been happier. Maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe he would have met Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan and started a sect with them. Realistically, he and Xiao Xingchen would never be lovers because Xiao Xingchen was so strongly connected to Song Lan, but I think they could have been friends.
However, one question I still have is did Xue Yang fall in love with Xiao Xingchen because of how he treated him or because of the person Xiao Xingchen really was? If they had met under different circumstances (and if Xue Yang had had a support system when he was young), would Xue Yang have still fallen in love with him? I guess that’s up to the viewer to decide.
Ultimately, Xue Yang is still a sociopath who can’t understand empathy or feel remorse, so I don’t think he regretted any of his crimes. However, I do believe that Xue Yang regretted the consequences of his actions in Yi City. He didn’t want Xiao Xingchen to die, but his actions were what caused his death. It’s more of a dissatisfaction with where things ended up than feeling guilty for his death. Although I don’t think Xue Yang felt remorseful, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t grieving, nor does it mean his feelings for Xiao Xingchen weren’t as genuine as they could have been.
I don’t know where Xue Yang or Xiao Xingchen will end up now, but I hope they’ll both be happy in their next lives. The same goes for A-Qing and Song Lan (when he finally meets his true end). There are so many things that contributed to Xue Yang’s unstable mind, but I think the moral of the story is that it pays to be kind. If just one person had taken pity on him as a child — had shown him that there was good in the world — I wonder what kind of person he would have become.
I already know how cruel fate is
Not looking, not asking, not grieving, not hating
Waiting to relive my life just for a single person
Ups and downs in life
I would leave no regrets
I tried searching in the darkness of night
When I am trapped in the past
I still hope that a flicker of light will appear in my heart
The legend of this lonely city
Who came here before?
And gifted to me my karma
I am waiting for this karma to liberate spirits, liberate souls, and liberate me
Even though I am already too determined to let go
If I get rid of these inner demons
Would you forgive me?
Gaining freedom from destiny, starting all over again
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Whenever he has the chance, he’ll have some sort of contact with you. Ten will take whatever he’s given, but if there’s room to pull you closer or squeeze you tighter, then he’ll accept it in a heartbeat and do it.
A simple “hello” was all it took for you to feel very comfortable around him. The two of you first met a party, that neither of you really wanted to be at. You’d been on edge for the whole night, but around Ten, you soon found yourself feeling a lot more comfortable as if you’d known him for years.
His confession was romantic, Ten took you out one evening for a walk down by the river. He had a lot of love to give and he was determined to show you just how much he loved being with you. When he pulled you down on a bench, you knew that something was going on, just by the look on his face. But you never quite imagined that you’d end up listening to Ten tell you how much he wanted to be with you.  
Your dates were always special, you could never quite predict what Ten would arrange for the two of you. Some dates were very intimate, he wasn’t afraid to take you out for fancy dinners or to huge events, but other times the two of you could be found slumped on the sofa with each other and a half eaten pizza resting on your legs. You loved how comfortable the two of you were around each other, regardless of whatever it was that you were doing, just your company was enough to make it fun.
You were the first experience Ten had of a relationship, he’d always just been a trainee, never a boyfriend before. He’d often turn to his members for advice and support to make sure that he was doing the right things with you. If he had an idea for a date, he’d run by at least three of the other members first to see if there were any things that they thought he should change or tweak. All he ever wanted to do was impress you, that was all that mattered to him, every moment with you had to be perfect.
There were definitely times when things got a little heated between you both. For the best part, Ten was very empathetic and understanding of how you were feeling, but there were also times when he couldn’t help but get a little bit snappy and short tempered with you, most of time not realising he was doing it. If he believed he was right, he would definitely get a little argumentative with you. But it wouldn’t take the two of you long to realise that your arguments were pointless and work with each other again to resolve them and be able to move on from it all together.
His family knew all there was to know about you before they even met you. Ten loved to tell them all about you, so when you got the chance to finally meet them, somehow it ended up feeling like you’d been a part of the family for years. And you didn’t have to get questioned much either, as Ten had already answered them.
The thought of moving in with you was definitely something that appealed to Ten. If he had the chance to be around you more often, he’d take it. Whilst the two of you were respectful in the dorm, a part of him always felt like it held you both back from truly being able to be a couple together in a home.  
Ten was the first to say “I love you” when his eyes fell on you at the airport after coming home from tour. He never expected you to be there, but seeing your face after so much time apart triggered a lot of emotions in him. As soon as his arms were around you he just couldn’t help but let it all out and tell you exactly how he felt about you.
He wasn’t someone who got jealous much, he knew that the boys loved to tease him just as much as he’d tease them, so he’d be pretty good at just biting his tongue and nodding his head whenever anyone did try to make him feel a little bit jealous. He was protective of you, but he also trusted his friends around you to be respectful, and he trusted you always to never let anyone overstep the mark around you, but if they did, he wouldn’t be afraid to let them know.
Having children was something Ten saw in his future, he loved being around kids. It was something he surprisingly put a lot of planning into. He always imagined when the other members started to enlist that he’d consider settling down, whether it was in Korea, Thailand or somewhere else, he didn’t mind where he ended up having a family, just as long as he had one was all that mattered to him.
If there was one thing Ten loved to do, it was tease you. If you showed him any sign of weakness he’d hang onto it and tease you about it for a long time. His teasing behaviour would always put a smile on your face, and on his too. But if he took it too far, you’d definitely stand up for yourself and tease him back. The boys had given you plenty of hints as to where his weak spots were, so you always used that to your advantage when trying to get back at him for mocking you. No one loves a joke more than Ten, and that was definitely something that you learnt very quickly about him. He hated it whenever he wasn’t laughing.
Being on the road was incredibly hard for him, it hurt his heart a lot. He’d often try and banter his way out of conversation around you, but the boys knew him better than that. Whenever a fan mentioned your name at a meet and greet or concert, he’d excuse himself for a minute and recompose himself. At that point, he just wouldn’t be able to get you out of his mind. He tended to try and switch off from you when he wasn’t able to talk to you because he knew that if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to think about anything else for the duration of the tour and that things would never go as well as he hoped them to.
It was a weird nickname you had, he’d always call you “eleven.” It started off as a joke, so that the two of you could be side, but over time it just began to stick to the point that if he didn’t call you by it things would be strange.
He was obsessed with your height, Ten was used to being the smallest member, but having you around complimented his height a lot more which was something that he absolutely loved.
P ⇴ PDA 
Being affectionate with you in public isn’t something that Ten is afraid of. If he wants to make a point that you’re with him, he’ll do it, but it definitely doesn’t happen often. He’ll love to tease you with affection in public, and whilst you often have to tell him to stop pushing the limits, he can’t help himself but to have fun.
If he’s come up with a new choreography, he’ll love to get your opinion on it. Or if he’s stuck for a transition, he’ll ask you what you think and demonstrate. If you come up with a good idea though, prepare for him to take all the credit as he’s the dancer after all.
Whenever he had the chance, he loved to get his sister to make custom pieces for you. Ten loved having a sister as a designer anyway, but knowing that he could get her to create things that only you’d have to was an added bonus. He loved to sit with her and get creative, telling her all of the things that he knew you’d like. He put a lot of heart into them, so when he saw you liked them, it was always a huge relief.
S ⇴ SEX 
As already mentioned, Ten has a lot of love to give, and he certainly makes sure to give it during intimacy. He prides himself on knowing your body to a tee, and never wants to leave you feeling disappointed. He’s prone to being a bit of a tease, but after some initial fun, he’ll be a lot more emotive and tend to take things a bit more seriously so that he can impress you and make you feel good and fulfil your needs.
He’s not someone who will text you often, he’d much prefer to be able to ring you and hear your voice. It’s always a great comfort for him to listen to the sound of your voice, regardless of where he is or what he’s doing.
Ten always imagined that he’d make a pretty good boyfriend one day, but for that, he needed a perfect girlfriend, and he had definitely found that in you. He was very much a better version of himself thanks to you
Being a part of two groups meant holidays were limited, so instead, Ten would try and get you a ticket for as many work trips as possible. He loved having you there so that you could see all of the cool things he got up to, but also be there to entertain him whenever he had a day off and nothing to do except laze around.  
He’s not someone who tends to whine often, he knows at times you can be busy. But if you leave it long enough, he’ll make sure you know he’s not happy.
Very teasing when it comes to kisses, Ten loves to see how far he can push you before you either stop kissing him and grab him to warn him not to play any games. At other times though, he can also be very affectionate with his kisses. He’ll always make sure to kiss you, morning and night, and whenever he ends a call with you he’ll make sure to blow a kiss down the phone as he knows it puts a smile on your face.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were a partner in crime to him, someone who could match him.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
If you woke Ten up with a coffee, you were guaranteed to be his favourite person for the rest of the day. You never understood how someone could like coffee so much, but it was the perfect wake up call for him, especially when it came with you.
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The Golden Slytherin Pt:4
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You soon fell behind on quite a few things, though none of your teachers except Snape and Umbridge faulted you in this sudden lack of interest. McGonagall found herself acting as a school counselor almost, speaking to you about everything. "Does dad even know?" You asked. "He does." She confirmed. "Has he said anything?" "He's worried about you. Certainly with your safety." McGonagall said, stacking her papers together. You sighed. "I'm worried about his." You muttered. She looked over "Y/n. I don't know what you and Mister Potter are doing. But I've heard rumors. Umbridge will find out and if she does... I cannot help you." She warned. You looked at her and she resumed with organizing her desk. "Uh... Y/n?" George called. "What's wrong George?" You asked. "W-well it's uh... it's Fred qnd Angelina they're... well they're fighting. Loudly. Very very loudly." He sighed. "Oh god, what happened?" "Something about their future" Draco said, coming in behind him. "She's stressing herself out again, isn't she?" You asked. "Yep." Both boys replied . "Fred doesn't get that?" "Yep." Again the boys replied. "You came to get me to be a moderator because it's getting out of hand?" "Yep" "it's like she can read minds!" George said. You rolled your eyes. "Let's go."
You walked into the Gryffindor common room. "Angel, calm down, it's not that big of a deal-" "Not that big of a deal!? Fred this is our future! This is bigger than- than Hogwarts! Why are you so adamant about all this why!?" "Because I have to think of my future too Angelina!" "A joke shop. Are you fucking kidding me!? Fred between sch-" "hey. What's going on?" You asked. Angelina pinched the bridge of her nose. "George. Are you out of your mind?" Angelina asked. "She gives good advice. Hear her out." George said. "Again. What is going on?" You repeated.
"I'm not going to-" "Angelina is panicking about her future." Fred said. She shot a deadly glare. "She thinks we're too different. She also thinks I take nothing seriously."he huffed. "You are getting on my last nerve Fred." She warned. "Why don't you want me involved?" You asked. She seemed to hesitate. "I don't know if I can trust you. And I think these boys were too trusting of you." She said finally. "Wha- did I do something to make you-" "are you fucking serious? Please tell me you're not actually basing that odd of the fact that she's a Slytherin." Draco sighed. You looked at him and then her. "Well you have to admit the track record-" "oh my god that's why you've never liked me!?" You asked.
"I'm just saying-" "No no- Let's get one thing clear" you cut her off. "The sorting hat and these houses are fucking stupid." Everyone went silent and the paintings all gasped. "I'm dead serious. It's stupid. It doesn't help you outside of school, it bases your sorting on personality traits when you were eleven, if anything It's just a glorified tool to give us dorms. Assuming I am a horrible human being because I am in Slytherin is god damn ridiculous. Shit, I'd understand if you were hesitant because my father's a werewolf, hell I'd even be willing to understand it's because I'm dating Draco. But do not, and I mean DO NOT EVER base your opinion over me over the fact that I got sorted into the spooky snake house by a talking hat." You said sternly.
She blinked. "...Wow." George gaped. "... Your father's a werewolf?" "My father is Professor Lupin." Everyone who didn't know this information gaped. Angelina sighed. "I'm....I'm sorry." She said. "It's... well you're definitely not alright but it will be fine." You said simply. "...Can we get back to the beginning issue?" Fred asked. "Yes." you sighed. "Angelina wants to study medicine. " "okay." You nodded. "And he wants a joke shop! The only medical studies for wizards is in Birmingham and he wants to work out of Diagon Alley! How is that going to work!?" She asked, getting aggravated. You sighed. "Stop thinking about the future." You said finally. Both looked at you. "We all might not even have one." You said, Draco looking at you slightly concerned. "This is war Angelina. This isn't a game, this isn't a afterschool activity we're training for. We are training to protect ourselves from being killed. We are training to survive. Right now, we need to just focus on now. Thinking about our futures can come after we destroy Bellatrix- Voldemort." You said, correcting yourself. She blinked. "Why would we kill-"
"She's right." Fred said. Angelina looked back at him. "...Fred I don't think I can be in a relationship with someone who doesn't focus on their future." She said. "What?" He asked. "you didn't hesitate. You're so spontaneous Fred, it's sweet most of the time but... I can't handle that we can't even talk about our futures without fighting. I can't handle... This." She said looking at him. "So you're saying" "I'm saying we should breakup." She said softly. "Angel..." He sighed, running a hand over his face. "Is this really what you want to do?" He asked. "I don't think I have a choice." She sighed. He nodded with a sigh. "alright then." He muttered.
She walked away from him, going to her dorm and you put a hand on Fred's shoulder. "I'm sorry Fred." You said softly. He sighed. "You're right... we don't really know if we have a future do we?" Fred asked. You paused, looking at the ground. "I...I honestly wish I could say we do. But... he's back. *She's* back." You muttered. "We really did get a short end of the stick, huh?" George asked. "Yeah." You muttered, looking at the fire in the fireplace. You felt tears stream down your face and George noticed. "I am so terrified of all of this." You admitted. "We're all scared." Ginny assured. "Believe me, none of us wanted him to be back" Fred said in agreement. "I'm not afraid of him." You breathed. "I'm afraid of what I'm going to do when I see Bellatrix." You admitted. Draco held your hand, you clenching it. "I'm terrified that I'm going to lose control the second I see her-" you could hear the eerie laugh that had been described to you before in the back of your mind. "I'm so scared that when I see her it won't be a matter of **if** I'll kill her. It'll be **when**."
Everyone stared at you but Draco could see you getting lost, him putting his hands on the sides of your face. "I'm not going to let that happen. None of us will let that happen. You won't lose yourself Y/n. I won't let you lose yourself." He said, looking into your eyes. You said nothing, hugging him tightly. "Plus we'll all have a go at the bitch. Might knock her back to sanity." Ginny added making you laugh.
You all continued with the meetings, you fighting twice as hard alongside Neville. You were impressed considering he had never had any sort of aptitude for magic. Blaise was invited to the meetings and he came to one but got swamped with homework and backed out, saying he'd act like a mole, getting on Umbridge's good side so he'd feed you all information later. This seemed to work, her relaxing on the homework for him, him kissing her ass and then promptly rolling his eyes while her back was turned. Draco trained more and more with Ron, saying he needed to adjust every five minutes.
Ron was aggravated, of course, but seemed to warm up to having Slytherins in the DA. Pansy laughed as her wand flew out of her hand due to Luna."Your-your joke threw me off darling!" She wheezed. "I know, I used my humor to distract you so I'd win." She said with a smile, her looking up. "Oh that's adorable when you're devious!" She said making Fred gag. Angelina seemed to be focusing with Dawn Willows, a girl in her own year. Her vision would float over to Fred but would quickly go back when he'd notice.
You panted. "How are you feeling Neville?" You asked, seeing as your last jinx knocked him to the floor. "I'm alright, can you show me the wand movement for that one again?" He asked. "Yeah, sure" you breathed. You readied yourself before being knocked back and Neville snorted. "I cannot believe you actually fell for that" he said extending his hand to help you. You took it, pulling yourseld up with a eyeroll. "I'm not used to you not sucking." You admitted. "Alright, I'll give you a pass on that one." Neville nodded. "Are you alright though? I mean... with... everything?" You asked. He let out a long breath. "Well... I mean no.... but then again.... are you?" He asked. "Me neither." You nodded.
You sighed. "You know what's stupid?" "What?" Neville asked. "The way I used to train was a lot more physical." You admitted. "Really?" Neville asked. "Dad wanted me to be able to fight and then run in case he ever tried to attack me in his werewolf form." You admitted. "Damn." Neville said. He seemed to take pause. "Did you ever have to?" He asked. "No." You admitted. "I guess that's a plus." He said. You nodded with a small laugh. "I guess that's one way to look at it." You said.
Neville looked at you. “Do you think we'll ever have to... see...” you knew what he was implying. “I'm worried about what's going to happen when we do.” You muttered. Neville noticed that word usage. He was talking about **if**. You weren't stupid or naive. You were living out of ground zero for this war, you were most likely going to see Bellatrix more than once if you didn't kill her the first time you laid eyes on her. “Maybe we should flip a coin for the first shot.” Neville joked, making you snort. “Or rock paper scissors.” You added making him chuckle. The tension of his question seemed to disappear, you and Neville looking at each other. “You know you can always talk to me.” Neville said. “Same courtesy is extended to you.” You said.
"That concludes today's lesson, Neville, you're doing a good job by the way" Harry praised. Neville seemed to flush with embarrassment. Draco wandered over to you. "Hey you." He said softly, smiling. You smiled back at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Hi." You greeted. So I was thinking.... Valentine's day is coming up." Draco said. You looked at him. "Uh huh." You nodded. "And I want to do something with you. Whatcha think?" He asked. You blinked. "...I mean sure but please don't get me anything-" "Too late, you've got a whole week of presents coming up." He said. "Wha- DRACO!" You whined as he skipped off.
And indeed that is precisely what happened, the week of Valentine's day involved something new being delivered by owl. A bracelet, chocolate, Enchanted quills, special stationary with your name on it and earrings. You found yourself quite distracted your attention, thank god, no longer directed at the escaped convicts. The day of Valentine's day though you were a nervous wreck. Pansy however seemed quite content. "Why are you so nervous, the hard part is over?” She asked. “Dates make me nervous!” You whined. “What do I even wear!?” You asked. Pansy got up, rifling through your drawer before pulling out a red dress and leggings. “Here.” She said. You blinked. “How is it you can dress me but not yourself?”you asked motioning to Pansy's Def Leppard t-shirt and ripped jeans. “Painting pottery with Luna. She said to dress down so I did.” Pansy shrugged. “...Side note, we gotta stop hijacking Sirius's clothes. My wardrobe is turning into his Highschool years.” You said. “....Agreed.”
So you walked out, wearing the jacket Narcissa gave you and Draco looked up. “my god you're radiant.” he gaped. “Well uh... Pansy chose the outfit and... eheh. CAN YOU NOT STARE AT ME MAN YOU'RE FREAKING ME OUT!” you whined making Blaise who was walking by snort. He blinked. “My apologies... uh.... You're in that nervous state again Y/n.” Draco noticed. “I know!” You whined, voice cracking. “Why, what's wrong?” he asked, slightly concerned. “I... Well it's Valentine's day.” You breathed. “And that means?” He asked “there's a ton of expectations.... And I don't want to disappoint you or-” “Woah woah woah. Darling, first off, you could never disappoint me.” He began. “Second off, I just want to be a distraction from the outside world. So today. We are doing whatever you wanna do. So.... whatcha wanna do?” he asked. You blinked. “Uuh... well... I did want to go to Hogsmeade... dad wants to meet me. And you. He wants to see you.” You said. “Alright! Hogsmeade it is— wait your dad's going to be there?” he asked. “Yep.” “....Well now I'm nervous.” He admitted.
“we don't really have to go-” “Nope. I'm dating his daughter, it comes with the territory. Let's go.” He nodded. You walked with him, leaving to Hogsmeade. You walked with Draco, his arm around you. You'd occasionally whisper little jokes to him, making him smile. You walked into the three broomsticks, Remus drinking butterbeer with Tonks, laughing. You blinked. “Uh... did you know your dad had a girlfriend?” Draco asked. “Well Uh... they're not together.” you said before Tonks looked up. “Oh! She's here! Hi Y/n!” Tonks waved. Draco pulled a seat out for you, shaking Remus's hand.
“Hi cous’!” Tonks said. “...What?” Draco halted. “Oh right, your mother probably doesn't mention me, I'm Tonks. Aka daughter of your mum's sister Andromeda.” She said. Draco nodded. “Oh right, she does occasionally mention you.” Draco said. “Oh god, really?” “It's typically with disdain.” He admitted. Tonks let out a snort making Remus smile. “So, what do you two have planned today?” Remus asked. “Nothing really-” “That she's aware of anyway.” Draco said with a smirk. “...He still is refusing to tell me his plan, seriously give me hints!” You whined. “Nope. I give you nothing.” Draco said and you pouted. “Is it perhaps the thing you asked me about?” Remus asked. “Yes sir.” Draco nodded. “She'll love it.” Remus said, sipping on butterbeer. “Wait wait wait back up back up!” You halted. Both men turned to you. “You're in on his plan?” You asked. “Well he did send me a letter asking if it was a good idea.” Remus said. “Wha- So my dad gets to know- and you know- but I can't know? What patriarchal bullshit is this?” You asked making Butterbeer shoot out of Remus's nose. Draco couldn't help but laugh at your frustration, Tonks also cackling as she sank down in her seat.
“Wow you- you really are your father's child.” Tonks laughed. “Well it is bullshit!” You whined. “If it makes it better, I know for a fact that Pansy and Luna are in on it.” Remus said making you look at Draco. “What the hell do you have planned?” you asked. “Not saying.” He said. “Draco-” “Nope” “Please!” “you're acting like a toddler.” “gimme a hint!” “no” “please! Baby!!!” You whined making Draco smile. His smile faded as he leaned forward, squinting. “What the hell?” He said. “Please give me one hint-” “Is that Rita Skeeter?” Draco asked. “Stop trying to distract me-” “No, Darling, look.” He pointed making your eyes widen. “...Oh god no.” You said. “Hermoine is with her—” “Can we leave?” You asked. “...Uh... yeah, sure, it was nice meeting you again Mister Lupin, and Tonks, It's good to finally meet you- Y/n wait up.” Draco said quickly following you out the door.
You sighed. “I hate that woman.” You breathed, pacing. “ I do too, she was always so irritating.” Draco muttered. “Yeah well. You never had your name plastered in a paper because of her.” You sighed. Draco then remembered the whole fiasco between her, Cedric and Cho. You had been spotted multiple times with Cedric and Rita Skeeter made it seem like the two of you were together. Cho, naturally with her dramatic nature, was pissed, making the entire Ravenclaw house basically hate you. Cedric eventually dumped Cho because of the whole incident which of course added to the fire, Rita basically making you famous in the papers for getting the Champion to dump his girlfriend for you.
You looked over to see Cho, running out of the tea shop in tears with Harry seeming very confused. “...Well their date seemed to go well.” You said sarcastically. “Never really been a fan of Cho. She was always too... fixated on things that didn't matter.” Draco commented. “She's dramatic as well.” You said earning a nod. Harry walked over . “The hell happened?” You asked. “I'm still trying to figure that out.” Harry said confused. “Why was she crying?” Draco asked. “She kept pushing me to talk about Cedric, she lost her shit when I asked to talk about something else.” Harry explained. “...Wait so she wanted to talk about her dead ex boyfriend on a date? Christ.” You winced. “She might feel isolated.” Draco said. You looked at him. “While I'm not sure discussing Cedric while on a date is... A great idea, I will say that it's possible she thinks no one can relate.” Draco explained. “Course, that's ridiculous though, Y/n can relate to her probably better than Harry can.” Draco added. “Yeah, she doesn't like me.” You said. “What? Why?” Harry asked. “Let's just say, Rita didn't only write about Hermoine. Apparently I was caught in a love circle with Fred, George, Lee and Cedric.” You sighed. “Speaking of which, were you aware she's in there?” Draco asked. “Who, Hermoine? Yeah, I'm meeting her-” “No, Rita Skeeter.” Draco said.
“...What?” Harry asked. “Yeah-” Luna and Pansy walked past, paint on their hands. “Oh Draco, good you're here. It's ready.” Pansy said. “Oh. OH! Good! Y/n let's go!” he said. He took your hand and you stumbled laughing. “Where are we going!?” “Come on!” he laughed. You followed him back into Hogwarts and he held your hand before letting it go, putting one hand on your back and a hand over your eyes. “what are you doing” you giggled. “Alright step forward” Draco guided. You did and he finally lifted his hand.
You were met with something beautiful. It was a painting, a painting of your favorite book characters, all sitting around conversing at a table. The painting was even enchanted, each of the characters genuinely talking. “Oh my god.” You gaped. “H-How!?” You asked. “Lots of reading from Hermoine, meeting up with Luna and Pansy who helped me paint it...” “yeah but you were usually around me, when did you have the time?” You asked. “Oh, when you were asleep.” He said. “Wh- Draco! This is- This is amazing!” You said. “Do you like it?” he asked. “Draco I love it, thank you so much!” You said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, kissing you. “Unfortunately though you've now made me feel like shit though-” “what?why?” He asked. “I got you nothing and you blow me away with this!” You whined. “Darling you are the best gift I could possibly have. You do not need to get me anything.” he assured. You kissed him again. He chuckled, cradling your face. “Draco.” You whispered. “Mmhm?” “I love you.” You said.
Draco smiled. “I love you too Darling.” He said, pressing a kiss to your lips again. “You two aren't going to shag are you, because uh... I'm here.” Blaise said. You blinked. “Blaise what the hell-” “Yeah no, we're not-” “I know I know you two are saving yourselves for marriage blah blah blah” Blaise yawned. “...Blaise are you just now waking up?” Draco asked. “I don't do Valentine's day dude. Can't fucking stand it.” He said. “Well I thought you and Rose-” “do not even get me started.” Blaise halted. “...You two broke up?” Draco asked. “Crashed and burned. In a fiery death- there it is!” Blaise sighed, rummaging through the cupboards and pulling out a bottle of firewhiskey. “I'm drinking myself into a stupor.” Blaise said, walking back into his room.
You blinked. “Wow.” You said. “I know, only time I've seen him like that was when Leila Washington dumped him.” Draco said. “He seems to be handling it-” you heard a radio cut on. “YOU'RE HEREEEEE THERE'S NOTHING I FEARRRR” you jumped and Draco sighed. “Is that... Celine dion?” You asked. “Yep.” “MY HEART WILLL GOOOO ONNNNNN!” “...Blaise cannot sing.” You winced. “Correction, he can't sing drunk. He can actually sing normally really well.” Draco said. “Could've fooled me-” “WE'LLLLL STAY FOREVER THIS WAYYY!” “...Can we like... not be here-” “yep”
You walked to the Gryffindor common room, Lee looking up. “Thank fucking God” he said. “What's going on?” You asked, noticing George, Ginny, Zacharias and Ron looking at each other. “It's Fred, he won't leave his room, it's beginning to smell like a dying animal.” George said. You sighed, digging through one of the cupboards and grabbing a bottle of Whiskey, walking into the dorms and knocking on the door. “Go. Away.” “I brought whiskey.” You said, earning the door to open. Fred looked like a mess, his hair unkept, him in his boxers and a bathrobe. You ignored this, Draco looking away however. You held up the bottle that you grabbed from the cupboard. “This is why you're my favorite.” Fred muttered, you walking in. Fred sat on his bed, a record on in the background as Draco sat next to you on George's bed. “What's up Fred?” you asked. “Oh nothing, just lost the love of my life and I'm alone on Valentine's day.” he said. “Oh boy.” you breathed, moving next to him. “I just- I thought she liked my spontaneity! And then like— she changes her mind- WHY!?” He whined, flopping backwards onto the bed. He unscrewed the whiskey, Draco getting ready to hand him a glass before Fred drank it straight from the bottle. “I keep- I keep telling myself, Y/n is right, this is war and Angelina thinks we're in the DA because it's a school activity. And I'm reminded of that fact everytime I'm sneaking around Umbridge's hard ass.” Fred muttered. “But I *miss* her.” he said. “What do you think has you this upset?” you asked. Fred sniffled.
“My whole life I've always felt so different. Like I'm fucking insane and most of the time it's fun. But when you act crazy, you get treated differently so you get this whole other side to life. You're labled to-to not be normal. And then there was Angelina... and she never treated me like I was weird. She could always tell the difference between me and George and she came into my life and she made me feel normal. And then she... she took my normal.” Fred said making you put a arm around you. “Freddie, I'm going to say something you've probably heard before.” You said. He looked over.
“Fuck normal. Normal is for people who are too afraid to make changes for themselves.” You said. Fred chuckled, sniffling. “Y/n... I don't think you get it-” “Fred, look at who you're talking to.” You halted. “...Valid point.” Fred sighed. “I know what it's like to feel alienated, it's a shitty feeling. But you can't let one person define you. If you let Angelina be your normal, if you make her that normalcy, that's not love for her that's a love for a pattern.” You said. He blinked. “What?” Fred asked, leaning up. “Maybe your love lies with wanting to be normal instead of her. Fred, I'm not calling your feelings bullshit, but honestly maybe you just enjoyed feeling normal and not the actual relationship. Really think about Angelina. Really think of your arguments recently. Really think of how many times you've rolled your eyes or never had a interest in what she was saying.” You said. Fred was now upright, thinking. “Holy... shit— Y/n you're right.” He realized. “I am?” “Yes! Angelina got on my nerves-on my first date with her I remember I drank the butterbeer to keep from telling her she's boring!” He said making Draco chuckle.
You put a hand on Fred's shoulder. “Think you'll be okay?” You asked. “Yep. Whiskey is certainly helping.” He said. You smiled, him sighing. “George thinks you need a bath.” “Yeah. Yeah I'll take one now.” He sighed getting up. You did a small celebratory “yes!” Before clearing your throat and getting up.
You left with Draco sighing. “Are we like... the parents of everyone else today or something?” You asked. Draco chuckled as you both walked. You walked down the hall past the small square, seeming to reminisce over something. “Something on your mind love?” He asked. “This uh... this used to be Cedric's favorite spot.” You said, motioning to the area. Draco paused staring at you in silence. “..I didn't really know that much about him.” Draco admitted. You let out a small chuckle. “He used to say he ‘took me in like a stray pup'. He'd do it all dramatic like.” You said. Draco nodded, looking at you. “He was always there when I needed him... we both were only children and we used to say in another life we were brother and sister.” You whispered. Draco wrapped his arm around you. “He should be here. Y'know?” You said. He nodded. “I know darling.” Draco said. You cleared your throat. “What's your favorite memory with Cedric?” a voice asked. Pansy walked on over with her arm around Luna.
You pondered, laughing when you had a answer. “The one prank he did with Fred and George.” You said. “Ohhhhh that was a good one! What about him breaking Quirrel causing a early dismissal?” Pansy asked. “Oh oh! That's a good one!” You laughed. “Personally I liked it when he had to tackle that damn textbook that was sentient and he fell down the stairs tackling George.” Draco said earning a hard laugh from Pansy. “OH MY GOD THAT'S WHY HE FELL!?” you asked making Pansy laugh harder. “God he was a riot” Pansy said. Luna reached into her bag handing you a flask. “To Cedric.” She said. “To Cedric” all of you said, drinking one by one from the flask. “Where the hell did you get Bourbon?” You coughed. “I have my ways.” She said.
You ended up in the Slytherin common room, curled up on a couch with Draco as he read. You smiled up at him, saying small compliments and he'd kiss your nose, going back to reading softly to you. When you fell asleep, he passed you off to Pansy and she tucked you in.
The next morning you awoke to a magazine smacking your head. “What the hell Pansy?” you said, voice groggy. “Potter did a interview.” Pansy said. You leaned up and were met with the words of The Quibbler. “...Oh my god, that's why Rita was in the Three Broomsticks?” you muttered. You read on into the article, silence falling over you before you closed it. “Y/n?” Pansy asked. “...Cedric must've been so confused and scared.” You muttered. Pansy sat on the edge of your bed. “You've been thinking about him a lot recently.” Pansy noticed. “I miss him. I miss having him to talk to on the male side of things.” You said. “You can always talk to Draco.” Pansy said softly. “It's not the same.” You said. “We-we used to have a plan and now...” you put your face in your hand. “I can't even look in the general direction of the Hufflepuff common room.” You said, voice muffled. Pansy put a hand on your back. “You know what? I think you need a mental health day.” she said. “The O.W.L.s say otherwise.” “Nope. Y/n, just sleep. Let your mind rest. We've earned it.” She said, turning out the light. You wanted to argue but sleep took over the second you leaned back.
Pansy walked out and stretched, Draco sitting on the couch reading the Quibbler. “Has she seen it?” He asked. “Yeah. Took it as well as we thought she would. The painting won't shut up about it.” She said. “Why isn't she up yet?” Blaise asked. “She's taking a mental health day.” Pansy said. Draco looked up. “Does she need me?” He asked. “I don't think-” out you came, wrapped in your blanket before you laid on the couch with Draco. “...Alright then, that answers my question.” Draco said. He held you close, Pansy sighing. “how many people have read this?” Blaise asked. “From the sounds of the Great Hall, a fuck ton. Anyone who hasn't seen it, will. Unless Umbridge bans it. But either way, people are going to hear about it.” Pansy answered. “Cho.” You mumbled. “What?” Blaise and Pansy asked, Draco looking down at you. “Cho needs to read it if she hasn't.” You mumbled.
“I think she did.” Pansy assured. “Good” you said, curling into a ball. Draco uncovered your blanket so he could see your face. “Love... Do you want some breakfast? Anything?” He asked. “Coffee.” “And?” “more coffee” “How about toast?” you shook your head. “You need to eat dear.” he sighed. “Coffee.” “Only if you eat a piece of toast with it.” “Fine.” you settled. “...Blaise think you can-” “Getting toast and coffee. And grapefruit.” “No!” “Keep it up and I'm making your coffee water-” “Fine you win!”
Blaise came back later and bolted in. “Bitch incoming, seperate!” He said, setting the food down. You and Draco moved to the other sides of the couch, you sitting on your copy of the Quibbler. Draco shoved his under the couch cushion and Pansy slid her's into a book, making it seem like she was reading a textbook. In strolled Umbridge, toting armfuls of the Quibbler. She was muttering angrily under her breath and Blaise pretended to be surprised by her entry. “What's the matter Professor?” “I have told that boy to stop with this-this nonsense!” She huffed, tossing a few into the fireplace. You wanted already to snap at her. “Why aren't you dressed?” she asked you. “I'm sick. I believe I caught something from the cold yesterday.” You replied, faking a stuffy voice. She sighed, looking at you. “You've been sick quite frequently Miss Mckinnon.” She said. “Well, blame my immune system.” You said, coughing. “You're lucky it's the weekend Miss Mckinnon.” She said. “Indeed.” You sighed, leaning back. Draco looked over at you as you stared at the fire. Umbridge tossed in more. “If you come across more of these, confiscate them will you? Blaise, I trust you'll burn them.” She said, wiping her hands from soot. Blaise nodded, getting up. She left and you all seemed to take collective breaths of relief.
“Here's your food.” Blaise said, handing you the toast, Grapefruit and coffee. You of course drank the coffee first but eventually ate. He stared at the magazines. “What should we do with them?” Blaise asked. “...I vote we secretly distribute half and burn the others” Pansy said. “Agreed.” Blaise nodded. “Just make sure you don't get caught.” You said. “I've hung out with Fred and George for Christmas Y/n, I've got this in the bag.” She said with a smirk.
You didn't do much that day, just mainly sleeping and occasionally talking to Draco. The next few days were intense, you were deadset on acing the O.W.L.s but something steered your attention away from that. It all started with you walking to Trelawny's class. You were reading your notes when a voice stopped you. “Stop.” Draco halted. You froze in place. “Bench.” He said. You looked past your book seeing the bench you were about to hit. “When did that get put there?” you asked. “It's always been there, yesterday, you came from the other way, need I remind you, you almost tripped over Helana Quincy when she was tying her shoe?” Draco reminded. “...Oh.” you said. “You need to relax about these O.W.L.s, at this rate you're straining yourself.” Draco said. “I am not-”
“the hell are we supposed to do?” Ron asked. You finally noticed Lavender and Pavarti crying. “...What happened?” you asked. “Trelawney got sacked.” Harry said. “What?” Draco and you asked in unison. “Yeah, apparently Dumbledore has already got someone in place to replace her.” Ron said. “But- what the hell are we supposed to do?” Draco asked. “study!” you said, earning Draco to grab your book before you could reopen it. He held it up, you grumbled and crossed your arms. “Finally, someone took that away from you.” Pansy said, walking around the corner. “...What the fuck happened?” “Trelawney has apparently been fired.” “Oh Jesus fucking Christ I'm not awake enough for this shit.” Pansy groaned. This isn't good, where is she going to go?” You asked. “Here. She's staying in Hogwarts, Dumbledore wouldn't let her leave and told her to stay because of a loophole. Umbridge's got the right to fire but not remove them from campus.” Harry said. You rose a brow. “I mean I could see why he'd want her to stay if he plans on rehiring her.” “Well, of course he'd rehire her, what other reason does he got to keep her here?” Ron asked. Somehow, this made you think maybe there was a reason to that outside of rehiring. “Maybe there is another reason.” You said. Everyone turned to you. “Don't you think it's a bit odd that Trelawney was hired in the first place? You've heard Hermoine say it herself, she doesn't give accurate readings and from my extensive knowledge on Divination, the material she teaches isn't even solid. Bunch of bullshit at best. So why did he hire her?” you asked. Everyone fell silent. “...That's... that's a damn good question.” Pansy said. “And when have we ever seen her actually *leave* campus?” you added. “....Never.” “I think she's here for another reason.” You shrugged. “Now that you've said something, I'm right there with you on that thought.” Harry agreed. Draco paused.
“You have an extensive knowledge of Divination?” he asked. “Yeah, dad wanted me to learn the way Mum did which was from a centaur he knew from the forest.” You shrugged. “...Huh.” “Your mum learned from a Centaur?” Harry asked. “apparently.” You shrugged.
The next day, you found youself in a completely different classroom. It was like a open woods area, making you really confused until you saw him. “Firenze?” You halted. He turned, looking at you. “Y/n. Good to see you again.” He said. “You know professor Firenze?” “I taught her everything she knows.” He said, voice calm as he spoke. Draco looked over surprised. “Now. As we begin these lessons, I will warn you this is very different from what Professor Trelawney taught you. This, is legitimate.” He said. “But professor, Trelawney is legitimate.” Lavender said. You rolled your eyes. “She very well may be. But her methods are not.” He said.
The lesson continued to awe other students as he explained star readings to the others, him shutting down Pavarti's ramblings on how mars’ retrograde would make you drop things. “That's not what the stars are for. Those are merely musings from humans.” He stated. You felt relieved that someone actually capable was finally teaching you. “Now. Can someone tell me what the stars are meant to be used for?” He asked. You rose your hand and Draco rose a brow. “Yes Y/n?” “they're meant to predict major changes or great forces of evil” you said, looking at him, almost to silently ask if he'd seen anything major in the stars. He may have been *your* teacher but even a well trained human couldn't read stars as well as a centaur could. He nodded and spoke again. “This is correct”
The lesson carried on, you listening for any clues to what he was seeing but he gave you nothing. When class ended, you, Harry, Draco and Ron stayed per his request. “Tell Hagrid it is all for not. He needs to stop.” He told you. He gave no context to these words, only that it supposedly needed to be said to Hagrid. When Harry apparently did tell Hagrid, Hagrid seemed to not care for the opinion and seemed to shove him right out the door.
You found yourself in another DA meeting, practicing a type of ward. You had always been strangely good with those, blocking away whatever you needed to. You panted, slightly exhausted as Neville had been tossing spells at you to make sure you had this down. “You're really good at this.” he said. “Thank you- Blaise?” you straighted up, still out of breath. Harry looked over. “Dobby?” Harry asked. Draco blinked a few times. “Sorry- this is where he's gone?” Draco asked. You nearly forgot Draco was technically in the family Dobby worked for. “Dobby has come to warn master Potter” he squeaked. Harry blinked talking to him before frowning. “FUCK.” he hissed. “What's going on?” Pansy asked. “SHE KNOWS.” he yelled. “What do we do!?” Angelina asked. “**RUN**.” Harry yelled. You nodded, Blaise rushing back out, grabbing Draco. You, Fred and George bolted, running down the hall before Draco turned, shaking his head with wide eyes mouthing “common room.” You nodded, taking both of the boy's arms and rushing through another hallway. You paused though, seeing Harry's shadow with the familiar short woman's. “Fuck.” You whispered. You avoided the corridor, finally getting to the slytherin common room. Draco looked up with relief, hugging you as soon as he saw you.
“They got Harry.” You told him. “Fuck. Explains why I saw the damn minister earlier.” Blaise hissed. “What are we going to do?” Luna asked. “I don't know.” You said. “This is bad.” Pansy said. “I know.” You muttered. Draco sighed. “Do you need anything? Any of you?” He asked. “Tea would be nice.” Luna said. “I'm with the blonde chick, tea sounds good.” Lee said as Fred and George sat down with him. “Tea it is.” Draco nodded. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and he walked over to the cabinets. “For now though, I suggest you hide in the dorms. She can't bust you there.” You said. “Right. Fred, George, Lee. You're with me.” He said. “Right on.” Fred said, getting up. “Luna, Angelina, Pansy, Ginny. You're with me.” You said. They followed to your dorm, sitting on your beds. “God, this is a dark dorm room.” Ginny said. “I agree, the black is a little... much.” Angelina said. “well the straight shot view of the Black lake is also... frightening” Ginny added. “Oh it's even scarier when the Giant Squid floats about.” you said, sitting on your bed. “Oh dear god that's horrifying.” Angelina gaped.
“You get used to it honestly.” You shrugged, Pansy opening the bottom drawer. “Snacks?” She asked, waving a bag of chips around. “Me please.” You waved. She tossed you the bag, you catching it. Luna sat cross legged on Pansy's bed, watching her girlfriend with a small dreamy smile. You sighed, leaning back.
“This is bad. Like really bad.” You said. “No kidding.” Angelina muttered. “How bad is this about to get for Harry?” Pansy asked. “I imagine even worse. Ever since the Quibbler article, Umbridge has been out of control, she kept saying that stupid phrase over and over again.” you sighed. “She's awful.” Luna said, Pansy nodded. “I'm worried on how bad this will be though. Blaise said he saw the minister.” she said. “I'm just glad Blaise told us in time for some of us to get away.” You admitted. “Me too.” Luna said. “I'm even more glad that she's not even our House leader.” Pansy said. “She's not? I would've figured she'd bring down Snape.” Angelina said. You offered her a chip and she took it, nodding as a thank you. “Nope. He's just as big of a vindictive shithead as her. She'd gain nothing by removing him.” Pansy said.
You frowned. “Hold on. How did Umbridge find out?” You asked. Everyone looked over. “What?” Angelina asked. “We've been secretive. How did she find out?” You asked. “Maybe we got too careless?” Ginny suggested. You shook your head. “No. We have the map remember? Everytime it's been checked she's not near the room of requirement.” You reminded. Pansy, Luna, Ginny and Angelina all frowned. “Someone snitched.” Angelina realized. “Who was it?” Pansy asked. “I think I know.” Luna said softly. You all looked over. “There's a girl who's friends with Cho. She tells everything to Umbridge. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she said something” Luna said. You pinched the bridge of your nose.
“This is bad” you mumbled. “Agreed.” all girls said in unison. “I keep having this feeling of impending doom. Like this, what's happening now, is just the beginning.” Ginny said. “I keep feeling like I'm being watched. All the time.” You muttered. “It feels like we're living in a hamster cage.” Pansy said. You looked out into the black lake, seeing the water swoosh as the squid swam past. “I just wish our parents would tell us more.” You muttered.
“Mum thinks the information could get us killed.” Ginny said. “She's trying to protect us.” Pansy muttered. “It'll be for nothing” You said. The girls looked at you. “What do you mean?” Ginny asked. “It doesn't matter how long Molly stalls. You said it yourself, we're practically living in ground zero for this war. We will **have** to play a part in it.” you sighed. “You keep saying that. What is with you and this war?” Angelina asked. “My mother died for this not to take place again. She died doing what she believed was right.” You said. “Your mother is...” Angelina looked down.
“I really don't know much about you.” Angelina admitted. “I don't usually use my dead mother as an opening line.” You said, sighing. You heard a knock. “Who is it?” you asked. “Blaise. Coast is clear, I can walk the girls back.” He said. Ginny and Angelina got up, walking out. Luna quickly kissed Pansy, walking off with them. “Think tomorrow will be worse?” Pansy asked. “Think? Pansy, I'm betting on it.”
The next morning a new decree sat on the bulletin board. Draco walked over with Blaise. “You guys have seen it. Great.” Blaise muttered. “How in God's name did that god awful woman take over!?” You asked. “Oh it gets better.” Blaise sighed. “This morning she called me to her office, she wanted me to be on some stupid Inquisitorial squad.” Blaise said. “Oh my god, seriously?” Pansy asked. “Yeah. So I apparently will be busting some balls.” Blaise shrugged. “She didn't ask you?” You asked. “No, I doubt she trusts me now that our relationship is very much public.” Draco muttered. He seemed almost worried about this fact.
“Draco is something wrong?” You asked. “What happens when she decides to really have it out for me?” Draco asked. “what do you mean?” Pansy asked. “I mean, my dad works in the ministry. She can tell my father whatever she thinks he needs to hear...” Draco sighed but you already understood what he was implying. “Fuck, I never even considered....” Pansy muttered. “I won't let her touch you guys. I'll probably dock points occasionally so it won't be blatant favoritism but I will use my title best I can for you guys.” Blaise assured. Draco smiled slightly. You shook your head. “...This isn't going to last.” You said. “Was that a threat? Raising hell?” Pansy asked. “No but I know two people who probably will.” You said leaving.
You went about your day, walking alongside Harry as you left Herbology. Students all day had been talking of Dumbledore's great escape. You questioned the validity of some of the versions you heard but Harry confirmed that most of them had stayed true to what actually happened.
“Dumbledore will be back before long” Ernie, a hufflepuff said. “They couldn't keep him away in our second year and they won't be able to this time. The Fat Friar told me...” He dropped to a whisper so only the group could hear. “That Umbridge tried to get back into his office last night after they'd searched the grounds for him. Couldn't get past the gargoyle. The Head's office has sealed itself against her.” Ernie chuckled, making you snort. “Even the castle can't stand her.” You said making Ron resist a strong urge to wheeze.
“Oh I expect she really fancied herself sitting in the Head's office.” Hermoine said with a bitter tone. You noticed a passing slytherin whispering to Blaise. Blaise eyed you for a moment. “Stupid puffed up power crazy old-” “Talking about our beloved Headmaster with malicious intent, Granger?” Blaise asked, giving her a look of warning. “No, just disdain.” She said. “Five points from Gryffindor. Five from hufflepuff as well” He said. Everyone looked at him. “You don't have that power.” Ron scoffed. “No, students don't typically have that power. But I'm with the Inquisitorial Squad. I do have that power.” Blaise said. He gave you another look of warning. “You can't be serious-” “Let's just talk about something else. Won't happen again” you halted Ron. Blaise nodded, a look of relief washing over him.
“He had to have been bluffing.” Ernie muttered. “He wasn't. He mentioned the new title this morning.” You muttered. “Jesus. This morning just gets worse.” Hermoine sighed. “What about Draco?” Ron asked. “He's not with them. Umbridge doesn't trust him after him taking the blame for you in Hogsmeade.” You explained. “Still, docking points is insane! They could easily rig it!” Ernie sighed. You motioned to the giant hourglasses with house colored beads in each. “This look fake to you?” You asked.
“Noticed, have you?” Fred asked. George stood by you, books under his arm. “Blaise just docked us a few points...” Harry muttered, watching more beads fly from the hourglass. “Yeah, Montague tried to do us during break.” George said. “Tried?” You asked. “He never managed to get all the words out.” Fred snorted. “Due to the fact that we forced him headfirst into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor.” George explained making you laugh. Hermione however looked horrified.
“But you'll get into trouble!” She said. “Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where it sent him.” Fred shrugged. “Anyway... We've decided we don't care about getting into trouble anymore.” George declared. “Have you ever?” Hermoine scoffed. “Trust me, they have held back.” You said making George nod. “We always knew where the line was drawn.” Fred stated. “We might have to put a toe across it occasionally.” George said. “But we always stopped short of causing real mayhem” Fred said. “And now?” You asked. “Well. Now...” “with Dumbledore gone” “We think a bit of mayhem” “is exactly what our new head deserves.” Fred and George said.
“You mustn't! You really mustn't she'd love a reason to expel you!” Hermoine pleaded. “You don't get it Hermoine, they're saying they've got nothing to lose. They don't care.” you said. “We'd walk right out right now if we weren't determined to do our bit for Dumbledore first. So. Anyway” Fred checked his watch, “Phase one is about to begin. I'd get in the Great Hall for lunch if I were you, that way the teachers will see you can't have had anything to do with it.” Fred said. You rose a brow. “saving our asses before losing yours?” You asked. “you know us.” George winked. “Anything to do with what?” Hermoine asked Fred. “You'll see. Run along now.” He said.
The others walked away and you looked at the twins before sighing. “You know I'd help you if I could.” You said to George. “I know. Just know we're sitting front row at your graduation” “front fucking row with a job offer.” Fred and George assured. You smiled. “...I'm gonna miss you morons.” “It's not like you're losing us love.” Fred assured. “Yeah, we'll be right down the hall during the summer.” George agreed. You hugged both of the boys, them hugging you back. “Why do I still feel like I’m losing you?” You asked. “We might not be here in person but believe me. Our memory will fucking echo through these halls.” Fred said. You chuckled. “Now. We weren’t joking, I suggest you run off with the others unless you think Remus would be fine with you leaving school.” Fred said.
A part of you nearly took off with them, possibly riding shotgun to whatever “mayhem” the twins had planned. But you nodded, walking away. You went to the Great Hall, sitting next to Draco as he read. “Whatcha reading?” You asked. “Lord of the Rings. You’re right, this man goes on with songs like he’s Shakespeare reincarnated.” He said making you laugh. He slid his hand into yours and Pansy sat down. “Any idea why the twins just bolted off with weird smiles on their faces?”she asked. “They’re planning something apparently. Didn’t tell me what but it sounds like they’re not sticking around for Umbridge’s reign of terror.” You whispered. “I wish they’d let me in on it.” Pansy sighed. “Your parents would be fine with you getting expelled?” You asked. “Probably not. But at least I’d be away from that-“ “watch it.” Draco warned, nodding to Goyle who’s ears practically perked up for a chance to punish someone.
Pansy sighed. “You okay?” You asked, noticing a look on Draco’s face. “I… I’ll talk about it later.” Draco muttered. You had this anxiety fill you. “Draco can we talk now? Unless you’re not planning on breaking up with me.” You said. His eyes went huge. “Wha- no! At least not really!” He halted. “What?” You asked. He looked up and sighed, standing up. “Come with me, I don’t trust…” he nodded subtly to the Inquisitorial squad members talking.
You followed to the abandoned girls bathroom, him sighing. “I think we should fake a breakup.” He said. You blinked, looking at him. “What? Why?” You asked. “We need more than just Blaise on the inside, I want to help. I am sick of just watching it happen. If we can fake a break up, I can pretend to go back to the way I was until Umbridge trusts me. When she does… I can give my father all the information he needs to fire her.” He said. You looked in him, slightly sadden by this idea. “Yeah but… what happens to *us*?” You asked. “We can sneak to each other, you’re not the only one who takes notes from the twins you know.” He said. “Just… let’s wait to see whatever the boys have cooked up and then we’ll go from there.” You said. “That’s fair. So… we’re good?” He asked. “We’re good.” You assured, Draco kissing you with a smile before you heard a loud boom.
You jumped, confused by the loud noise. You heard it again, Draco exchanging a look of confusion before peaking your head out of the bathroom to see Goyle chased down the hall by a firework. You snorted, walking out with Draco watching every one of the Inquisitorial squad members sprint away. “This is it? I expected… more.” Draco said. “This is phase **one**.” You corrected. “Of?” He asked. “No idea.” You shrugged. You watched the chaos in front of you but finally turned around to Draco.
“…Let's do it.” You said. “Do what?” Draco asked, watching Crabbe run past him. “Your plan.” You said. “Okay. But we have to tell Blaise. Just so he doesn’t go after you or something.” Draco said. “Same for Pansy, she’d literally light you on fire if she thought you hurt me,” you said. Draco sighed. “So… we’re broken up?” He asked. “Not quite, we need to make this a big deal if we want the plan to work. Wait for this to die down and next time when we have a chance, we fake an argument.” You said. “Smart.” Draco nodded, sighing. “I hate the idea of being away from you.” He said. “I know.” You muttered, a green firework exploding near you. “But I promise, any good information I find goes straight to you guys.” He swore as a sparkler went off nearby.
You went to bed that night with a sense of dread, explaining the plan to Pansy. Blaise was let in on the idea and just nodded long, telling Draco he’d find a way to get Draco into the Inquisition. Draco walked out of the dorms and saw you standing at the bulletin board with Pansy. “You alright?” He asked. “Yeah. Ready for this?” You asked. “Yep.” He sighed. “My advice… avoid me and let me take it from there.” You said. “You’ve got a plan?” He asked. “Yep.” You nodded. You both parted ways, not seeing each other until lunch.
“Draco.” You called, him not turning around. “Draco.” You called again. Fred looked over his shoulder, as did Harry. “Draco, why are you ignoring me?” You asked, walking over. He sighed, looking at you. “I can’t have a moment to myself, can I?” He asked, Hermione looking confused. “Not when you haven’t even glanced in my general direction today, what the fuck is up with that?” You asked. “I needed some time.” “For what?” You asked, him getting up. “To think Y/n.” He sighed. “You’ve been acting strange all week, what the hell is going on?” You asked. “Nothing, god would you just lay off?” He sighed. “Just answer me Draco-“ “I’m breaking up with you.” He said abruptly.
Shocked looks fell over everyone watching. “You have done nothing but ride my ass on fitting your insane standards and I’m sick of it.” Draco snapped. “I was just trying to help-“ “make someone else your pet project. Try one of the Weasley’s I’m sure they’ll take you.” Draco said, moving past you. He slid a note into your palm, you sliding it up your sleeve. You stared at the ground, Fred getting up. You felt his arm wrap around you along with George. “We’re going to kill him.” Fred said hugging you. “I just… I can’t believe he…” “let’s go back to our room okay? Make some hot cocoa.” Pansy said. “Okay” you said, voice small.
You entered your room, opening the note. “Stop the twins after two pranks on me so I don’t die. I’ll hang out with you tonight if I can. Love you.” You smiled as Pansy closed the door. “Quite the show you gave. Seriously, did you want an Oscar?” She asked. You laughed and sat on your bed. “What he said… it didn’t bother you did it?” She asked. “I know he doesn’t mean it.” You shrugged. “Good. Because had I not known this was staged I would’ve killed him.” Pansy said. “I guarantee the twins will give him hell.” You chuckled. “We have to fuck up your make up.” She said. “What why?” You asked, Pansy approaching with a glass of water and a makeup brush. “Because we have to make you look depressed dude, you’re wallowing.” Pansy said.
You rolled your eyes but allowed her to work, fixing your make up so that it looked like you had been crying. Pansy even took the facade a step further, blasting what she described as “the ultimate break up playlist” putting on tunes such as “I will Always love you” “Unbreak my Heart” and a ton of Boyz II Men. You had to resist the urge to die laughing when Professor Snape asked you to turn down the music, saying “I know teens like to be dramatic and everything but there is no need for me to hear Unbreak my Heart in my classroom when I’m four rooms away from you.”
Later that night, Pansy sat in the common room as Draco snuck into your room. Her excuse was that she had to get out of your pit of depression. He slipped in, not realizing you were changing before you jumped. “Fuck- sorry, should’ve knocked!” Draco said turning around. “It’s fine, a part of my soul might’ve just died, no biggie.” You said, sliding your shirt on quickly. Draco turned back around, you kissing him. “What I said didn’t bother you did it?” He asked. “No, god no. Draco I know you didn’t mean what you said.” You said. He sighed with relief. “I just feel like I had to sound like I was making it personal, I know how much of an ass I used to be…” he said. “I know, did you kiss Umbridge’s ass though?” You asked. Draco nodded, sitting on the edge of your bed. “I think she’s beginning to trust me, she seemed satisfied to know about the break up.” He said. “Well she’s a bitch so…. Not shocked that someone else’s pain is great to her.” You shrugged.
“It’s weird. I put so much faith in the Ministry and now…” Draco shook his head with a sigh. “You’re on the right side.” You assured. “I know.” He nodded, holding your hand. “I just wish… None of this was happening. Like I don’t want to pretend I don’t love you, I don’t want to avoid writing letters home because of the Inquisition, I don’t want to spend my fifth year with a psychotic cat lady as the headmaster.” Draco said. “If all goes well… She won’t stay the headmaster. I might not care too much for Dumbledore but I know if he wouldn’t let the ministry take him, if he wouldn’t let Trelawney leave, if he wouldn’t let Hagrid leave…. He’s not going to let her stay. He’s questionable at times but he’s loyal to the right people…. Most of the time.” You said. Draco chuckled. “I’ve never heard a positive thought on the man from a Slytherin, typically we’re very bitter.” Draco said. You chuckled. “I’m not the typical slytherin, we covered this already.” You said. Draco pressed a kiss to your lips, smiling. “It feels nice. To have a moment to breathe.” He said. “I love you.” You said softly. “I love you too.”
Draco slipped out once Pansy gave him a clear, you sighing. “Think you guys can keep it up?” Pansy asked. “Probably.” You shrugged. “You seem oddly calm with all of this.” Pansy noticed. “I think studying for the O. W. L. S will be my distraction.” You shrugged. She winced at those words. “Right, that is creeping upon us.” She realized. “Yeah. On the bright side, Draco has to pretend to not care about my well-being which means I can study as much as I want.” You said making Pansy roll her eyes. “You say this like studying is fun or something.” She sighed. “It can be with the right CD. So do us both a favor and Unbreak My Heart.” You said making her snort.
The next few days you noticed Harry distracted, him sitting by the lake with a far off look. You sat next to him in the grass. “You know, the dorms in Slytherin actually look out into the Black Lake?” You asked. “I’ve been in your common room once.” Harry muttered. “Right right, the Polyjuice potion.” You nodded. he said nothing else. “Alright, what’s up? What’s going on?” You asked. He sighed, seeming unsure if he wanted to provide context. “Do… do you ever wonder what your mum was like? When she was our age?” He asked. You let out a long breath. “All the time, why?” You asked. “It’s just… I…” he sighed, looking into the lake. “I saw a memory. Of Snape’s.” He said. “How on earth did you manage that? The occulumacy lessons?” You asked. “No. A Pensieve.” He said. You nodded slightly. “Like in Dumbledore’s office?” You asked. “Yeah.” He nodded. “So what did you see?” You asked, looking at Harry. “I saw my father… he… he practically tormented Snape. And my mother she seemed to hate him.” Harry muttered.
You chuckled, catching Harry off guard. “Dad said James was always somewhat of a problem child.” You recalled. “Yeah but attacking someone because you’re bored? Who does that?” Harry asked. “A child.” You answered. Harry blinked. “Something changed in James over time Harry. He, from what I gather was an arrogant jackass for the longest time. As was my dad and Sirius.” You said. “Yeah but… you grew up hearing stories about this-“ “Harry, I didn’t have a true relationship with my dad until my third year.” You said.
Harry blinked. “Dad is so afraid of his lycanthropy that he stayed away from me as a child. I was basically raised by Molly and Arthur.” You said. Harry blinked, looking at you with shock. “I didn’t realize…” “Third year forced us to spend time with each other. He had to be near me, it was his job.” You said. “I asked him any questions I could about my mum.” You sighed. “How did you figure out Sirius was innocent?” Harry asked. “The map.” You said. “What?” “The map. The Marauders map. It never lies. It took one glance at it with Fred and George after hearing dad’s retelling of what took place that night to know Peter was the lying bastard.” You said.
Harry nodded. “Keep this in mind Harry. A Pensieve retells memories from the person’s memories perspective. There’s a good chance that there’s more to it. And keep in mind, Lily did love James. Dad knew that James was Lily’s world when they got married, at least until we were born.” You said. Harry nodded looking at you. “That actually does help.” He said. “I think you miss Sirius too. We haven’t been able to talk to him since… well you know.” You said. “Yeah… but there’s not a way to talk to them.” Harry sighed, Ginny sitting next to him.
“Mum sent us Easter eggs, there’s one for you too Y/n.” She said, handing you a chocolate egg. You took it, nodding as a thanks. “What are you talking about?” Ginny asked. “Thinking of a way to talk to Sirius.” You answered. “Ah. Have you tried asking Fred and George?” She asked. “Why would I ask them?” “They come up with some good ideas, I dunno it’s worth a shot.” Ginny shrugged. “I’ll talk to them.” You said getting up.
You walked through the corridors, Draco and Blaise talking near you. You avoided eye contact, Draco excusing himself before leaving. You slipped into the Gryffindor common room, Lee sitting on the couch with Fred sitting on the floor with George. “If it isn’t our favorite Slytherin!” He said, both of the twins looking over. “Hey darling” “you doing okay?” Fred and George asked. You nearly answered honestly but cleared your throat. “I’m alive, that’s what counts, right?” You asked, sounding monotone. “We’ll kill Malfoy over what he said.” Fred sighed, “I don’t want to talk about Draco. Harry wants to…. Can I talk to you guys alone actually?” You asked. Both boys got up, walking to their room. You sat on George’s bed. “What’s up gorgeous ?” George asked. “Harry wants to talk to Sirius, the floo network is being watched though, as is our letters.” You said.
“Ah, I got you.” “Also Draco and I aren’t broken up.” You said. “…what?” Fred asked. “We faked a break up so Umbridge would trust him more and he’d be able to get on the Inquisitorial squad.” You explained. “What? Really? Uhhh…” “what did you do?” “Uhhhh….” “George what did you do?” You repeated. “We might’ve… “ “put hair dye in his shampoo.” Fred admitted. “And?” “Well we… we were so ready to kill him we might’ve…” “WEASLEY!” you heard from a muffled voice in the common room “What. Did. You. Do!?” “Hexed… his broom…” “and then we made the prefect bathroom sink... explode.” George admitted and you sighed.
“We didn't know!” Fred defended. The door opened and there stood a drenched Draco with Green hair. “Seriously!? Green hair!?” Draco asked, closing the door behind him. “We just found out the break up wasn't real.” George sighed. “Stay away from your broom-” “Too late, we had practice and I nearly broke my arm! So now I've been drenched, my hair is green, my broom is hexed- is there anything else!?” “Your hair changes color with your mood.” George said making Draco groan.
He looked at you, who was hiding a smile. “Oh laugh it up.” Draco sighed making you chuckle. “I'm sorry. It's just... your hair is like fading to purple” you snorted . “It happened the moment he looked at you... someone is randy for you.” George said. “Shove off.” you rolled your eyes. “Am I not allowed to love my girlfriend?” Draco asked. “I don't hear you denying anything.” George teased
“Is there anything else I need to know about?” Draco asked with a sigh. “No, we had more planned but now that we know.... we'll go with smaller things.” George assured. Draco nodded before reaching for the door. He paused though, turning to you and pulled you into a deeply passionate kiss, walking out with fake yelling. “AND YOUR MOTHER AS WELL! YOU STUPID GIT!” Draco shouted as he left. You lightly pressed your fingers to your lips in confusion as to what sparked him to do that. “Randy. I'm telling you.” Fred nodded. “Can you come up with something for Harry?” you asked, changing the subject “Oh yeah, pretty sure I know what to do.” George nodded.
You nodded, leaving back to the slytherin common room. You sat on the couch, waiting for a ridiculous meeting with the head of Slytherin over career options. “So what do you think you want to do?” Pansy asked, looking at the various pamphlets on the table. You lifted a cursebreaker pamphlet. “this is what Bill Weasley does” you muttered, looking at it. “Think it's your calling?”Pansy asked.
“Ha. No. I'm not working in a bank.” You said. Draco sat across from you, Pansy glancing up before snorting. “Dude, wanna explain why your hair's purple?” Pansy asked. “I owe you no explanation Parkinson.” he sighed. “careful, I can get Fred or George to do it again.” you said, mot looking up from a healer's pamphlet. Draco his a smile.
“Who in the world would want to train security trolls?” Pansy asked. “I don't know, same people who would want to be a magical botanist?” You said, confused. “See anything yet?” Pansy asked. You looked at the table with a sigh before noticing a red pamphlet. “Think you have what it takes? Study abroad, dive into danger now with Dragonology” you picked it up, raising a brow. “This is what Charlie does...” you mumbled. “Weasley's wearing off on you? Becoming role models?” Draco asked. You rolled your eyes. “Shove off Draco.” “Bite me.” “You wish you mangy little-” “Ahem.” Blaise cleared his throat, hiding a smile. Draco lifted his pamphlet to hide his forming smile as students around you muttered about your break up. “Dragonology?” Pansy asked. “I mean. It seems interesting.” You shrugged.
“I always thought you'd be good as a teacher.” Pansy said. “Very funny.” You rolled your eyes. “I'm being serious. You've taught me more than anyone else has. And you dated that purple haired jackass over there so you've got patience” She stated. You picked up a teaching pamphlet. “I'll think about it.” you shrugged.
That night was the same as the one before, Pansy leaving for dinner to be with Luna as Blaise kept watch for Draco as he slipped into your room. You looked up from your teaching pamphlet. “Enjoying my wit so far? I think I'm coming up with some good insults.” You asked making him chuckle as he sat next to you. “You turned your hair back.” you noticed. “Yeah. Blaise helped.” Draco said. He noticed the two pamphlets in your hand. “Cursebreaker? I thought you said you didn't want to work out of the bank?” He asked. “Well it does involve travel...” you said, looking at it. “You want to travel?” he asked. “I've always wanted to see the world. it's just.... been more impossible as of late.” you admitted. “Well... I for one think Pansy was right. You're a good teacher.” Draco said. You chuckled. “But what about the world?” you asked. “I'll take you to see it.” Draco said with a smile. You chuckled, kissing him. He again, gave you that same passion from earlier. You pulled away looking in his eyes. “Draco.... Do... Did you want to... I mean what Fred said... Did you want to sleep with me?” you asked. “Depends. Are you offering?” Draco joked and you playfully smacked his arm. “The thought has crossed my mind, yes.” He said finally. “And?” “If it's something you'd want to do, I wouldn't be opposed to it-” “I'm not ready!” You halted.
Draco blinked. “I just... You're my first real boyfriend and I... Draco I have a lot on my mind and that isn't something I'm even ready to begin thinking about in this decade.” you admitted. “Then we won't do it.” He shrugged. “I mean...” you blushed sighing, looking out the dark windows of the black lake. “I just don't.... think we should do it in full.” You sighed. “And that's fine.” “A little messing around is fine just don't expect me to touch... *it*.” you said. Draco blinked before snorting.
“What?” You asked. “*It*?” He asked. “Yes! It! Your...” you groaned, your face red as you got up, standing with your arms crossed. “You do know penis isn't a unforgivable curse right?” Draco asked. “I know!” You whined. “And it's not like I'm asking you to touch... it.” He chuckled. “Oh shut it you.” You sighed. “Y/n. Seriously though. We don't have to do anything. I'll wear a chastity belt for all I care.” Draco shrugged. “I know I just....” you sighed, again your face red.
“What's wrong?” He asked. “Can I ask a inappropriate question?” You asked. “This entire conversation is technically inappropriate, go ahead.” Draco shrugged. “When Fred commented on you being... Y'know... did... were... you?” You asked. “Well no. Not until I kissed you.” He said. “Wait not until- as in-” “Y/n, are you asking me if I've ever thought about you sexually?” Draco asked. “Yes.” you nodded. “would the truth make you uncomfortable?” Draco asked. “No I wouldn't have asked if that were the case.” you said. “Alright. I'll answer it when you answer the question.” Draco said. “What?” you asked. “Have you rhought about me sexually?” Draco asked.
Your face was bright red before you took a deep breath. “Yes.” You nodded. “Then there is your answer.” he said. “So you have?” you asked. “Yes. I have. Many, many, MANY times.” Draco said. You blinked. “So you've... thought...” you seemed baffled by the answer despite the fact you said pretty much the same thing. “Have you thought about me...” you struggled to ask your next question. He rose a brow. “When you're.... theoretically... handing... yourself?” You asked. He rose a brow, getting up. “Y/n, what's got your curiosity piqued like this?” Draco asked. “I don't know, I... I just know that Blaise is rather upfront with his sex life and I-” “Are you interested in fooling around right now?” he asked. “...I'm not sure how to answer that-” Draco stood in front of you, putting his fingers below your chin.
“To answer your question... Yes. And believe me the thoughts I've had...” he chuckled. “They'd make anyone who could read minds think I was a pervert.” Draco said. You blushed harder, Draco moving strands of hair from your face. The smell of mint and earl grey were stronger now, your legs becoming weak. “What... did these... thoughts entail... exactly?” you asked. Draco let out a chuckle. “I've thought about what you must sound like... what you look like...” he got close to your ear, your face now warm as if you had stood in front of fire. “What you'd feel like.” He said. Your heart was racing. “I have a theory that you'd enjoy me kissing your neck.” he said softly. You swallowed. “Then... test it.” You mumbled.
He kissed you first, undoing your tie. You gripped the ridges of the dresser, Draco unbuttoning your shirt before allowing his lips to connect with your neck. You tilted your head, as if it were instinct, your legs becoming weak. Your body felt like electricity was coursing through you, like a buzz from firewhiskey without the regret in the morning. Your breathing was hitched before Draco heard something.
Your voice was light, breathy in its emission sound. It was a moan. It wasn't just a moan, it was Draco's name. He pulled back, smiling as if he'd won something. “My theory seems to be correct.” Draco said. You blushed, looking away before Draco kissed you again. “I should go.” he said with a laugh. “Uhuh.” You nodded, breathless as to what just happened. He kissed your forehead, walking out.
Pansy soon entered. “Man, the twins said they've got something big planned for tomorrow- What is that?” Pansy blinked. You looked at her confused. You were now wearing your tank top. “What is what?” you asked. “That mark? On your neck- did you get laid?” She gasped. You looked at her confused before picking up a mirror and gaping. That fucker left a hickey on your neck. “I didn't get laid.” “So you fooled around?” she asked. “Depends on your definition.” You sighed. “Well-” “Wait what do the twins have planned?” you asked.
“Well, Harry wanted to talk to... Lupin. Since the floo network and post is being watched though, he can't do that. But Harry said the only confirmed fireplace that isn't under watch is Umbridge's.” Pansy explained. “And?” You asked. “Well Fred and George plan on some sort of big diversion. They haven't said what they just said that when five o'clock hits, it was game on” Pansy said. “Interesting.” You said. “You know the uniform isn't going to cover that hickey.” Pansy said. “I know. How do I get rid of it?” You asked.
“Oh I forget how innocent you are sometimes... you can't just get rid of it.” Pansy snorted . “Wha- what am I supposed to do!?” You asked. “Claim you moved on?” Pansy suggested. “With who!?” “I don't know, maybe Lee will take that claim if you ask him.” Pansy shrugged. “Ugh! Why did he do this?” You whined. “Probably because he couldn't be with you right now and got carried away. I dunno.” She shrugged. “Scarf?” you asked. “It's supposed to be hot tomorrow Y/n.” Pansy sighed. “Concealer?” you asked. “That might work.”
So you hid it as best as you could. The next morning you sat next to Fred. “Good you're here.” He said, clearing his throat. “We've got a proposition for you.” Fred said. You rose a brow. “For both of you.” George said, looking at Pansy. “And what's that?” you asked. Fred nodded to George, leaning to your ear. “We are leaving hogwarts. Today.” He said. You nearly pulled back to look at him “Do you want to leave with us?” Fred asked. You blinked, looking at Fred. “I...” you looked at Umbridge who was eying you with hatred. “...I have to at least try to stick it out Fred. I can't just...” you wanted to say yes. You wanted to run with them but you couldn't.
Your mother loved Hogwarts. You felt like if you left this woman in charge, she'd be disappointed. But with that same sentiment you knew your mother would've loved to hear the tale of daughter left the hands of the vicious headmaster Umbridge. “How much time do I have to think on it?” You asked. “Until five.” Fred said.
You found yourself distracted now. Draco slipped you a note through Blaise, you reading it. Two simple words “I'm in.” You looked at him as he adjusted the Inquisitorial squad pin on his robes. You nodded, looking down. Now his actions would be watched on a microscopic level...
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @barnesnatasha @mariah-can-dream
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nh20tensin · 3 years
Telling the AoT boys you love them for the first time.
⚠️There should be little too no spoilers⚠️
Mostly fluff
Gn reader
None of this is has been proof read
Ft. Levi Ackerman,Connie springer,Armin arlert
Levi Ackerman
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We all know that this man is touch-starved so it was hard enough for him to let you even Remotely close in anyway
He would probably deny the fact that he care for you
He wouldn’t know that he loved you till  you said something about it
It was a cleaning day you decided to help Levi and his squad clean (this man forced you to clean)
You didn’t mind I mean as long as you were with him
You knew you loved him for some time,you just didn’t know how to tell him or in fear that he would hate you(who knows why he would) but you only thought about worst case scenarios
“Oí “
“What the hell are you doing”
You gave him a confused look
He points down to your feet
You were sweeping with the dust collector facing the opposite way so that no dust is going into the pan
“Oh shit sorry”
“Just pick it up “Levi spoke
The rest of the day went by
It was dinner time you Decided to sit with eren,Armin,jean,and Connie
(The girls where training)
“Yo is she even listen to us “ a buzz-cut boy said
“ probably not” said Jean
Eren threw a small carrot at you
“You were zoning out” a blonde boy said
“I’m not really myself right now....I’m going to go to bed”
They all nodded and told you goodnight and bye
On your way to your room you bumped into hange
“It’s alright are you ok?”
“I’m fin-“
They stoped talking you gave them a confused look
“Why’d you sto-“
They put a finger on over your mouth
5 mins pass the finger hasn’t left
“Sorry i thought I heard something ”
The finger moved
“Thought you where in a rush “you said as you walked hange followed
“Never mind that what’s up with you?”
“Nothing.............How do I tell someone I love them”
(Ofc you would eventually regret asking hange but desperate times call for desperate measures😪)
You cover their mouth
“Shut up or I will Carve ur eyes out”
Hange nodded
“Will if you really Want my opinion....just don’t make it a big deal”
“Why Not”
“You shouldn’t have to make it special ,anyway if you really do love him and just tell him “
Knowing Levi he would hate it if you made it a big deal so you took the advice and made up your mind
One week passed and you finally thought of the perfect way to tell him
You would make him his favorite tea(you aren’t allowed to make his tea considering you suck at it)
” what did you do” he said in a stern voice
You walk over to his desk and sigh
“ I have something to tell you and besides my tea skills aren’t that bad”
“ last time I drank it I ended up in bed for a week”
“I promise it’s better just trust me” 
He reluctantly put the cup to his mouth and drank
“I love you “you said
He almost sit out his tea he didn’t know what to say or do
How could someone so perfect love someone so....him
“What did you say” he said
You repeated yourself
You climbed in his lap
“I love you Levi Ackerman “
God he loved the way you said his name
He didn’t know what to say but what he did say broke your heart
“Why” he said in a voice below a whisper
“What do you mean why?”
His hand found his way to your waist his face hidden in the crook of your neck
“Why me ?”
You knew he could get insecure but it still hurt
“ Levi I knew from the minute I saw you that I would love you for the rest of my life and I don’t wanna rush you to say back to me because quite frankly I know how hard it is for you but I’m telling you now because this is how I feel you are the one for me no one else do you understand me please say you do”
All memories he thought he forgotten about his mother came flooding back in
And you could’ve sworn you felt a tear but when you looked there was nothing
He looked dead in your eyes and said
“I love you too” in a very soft voices he gave you a rare smile
You brought him in for a very long and meaningful kiss
“Hange Made the tea by the way “
“I know”
Connie springer
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 A relationship with this man can be one of two things very fun and chaotic or more serious and loving
Which ever version you happen to be in it won’t matter because it will always be happy
“Hey Connie have you told y/n you love them yet”
He froze up and realized that he never actually told you though he was in love with you he just never thought about telling you because he thought you knew
“What’s it you you horse face”
“Nothing....it’s just The two of you have been dating for six months I’d start to feel a little self-conscious if you asked me”
“Well I didn’t so stop “
Jean and Sasha stay laughing
“CADETS IN LINE” Levi yelled
The next day
“Hey Armin if I hypothetically possibly maybe was in love with someone how would I tell them?”you said while looking at the ground
“ well it really just depends on the person and how far along in the relationship you are with them I can’t really help you how to tell them but I sure can encourage you”
You roll your eyes and sigh
“Thank anyways”
You walk back inside considering you were training outside with Armin(obviously beat him because you’re a bad ass)
You ran into Connie right now I’m going inside you both fell to the ground stared at each other and started laughing like you’ve never laughed before you were mainly laughing because you were nervous as hell to tell him you loved him he was laughing because he loves the smile that was on your face
you both helped each other get back up Connie looked at you and ask
“were you training”
“ depends what answer do you want to hear”
“Fine I was “you admit
“ it’s 11 at night”
“ and your point is”
” at the rate you’re going you’re going to end up dead by the time you’re 25”you said sarcastically
“ as if you’d be able to live without me though”
You froze didn’t know what to say or do you just nervously laughed it off and walked away
 he looked at a very confused but I thought you needed space considering you just got done training it was dark out you’re probably tired he thought
It’s around two in the morning you wake up something inside you just burst so you get up out of your room and find your way to Connie‘s room you knock fiercely
“ Open the door Baldy”you say sternly but in the soft voice
“ what are you doing it’s like two in the morning you should go to sleep “he said while opening the door
you force yourself into his room and sit down on his bed
He followed you confused on why you were here but he just stared at you not wanting to say anything basking in your beauty
“ Connie I’m about to say something that I might regret well not regret but do you know where I’m going with us”
“I love you “
his eyes shoot open he thought this has to be a dream right there’s no way that this is real
You pinch his arm so he knows he’s not dreaming
“ say it again”
He couldn’t help but smile so much that he felt like his face was gonna melt
At first he thought he was looking at you in disgusted minutes later it was a face of happiness and he was proud in his own kind away
“ I love you too but you know I was supposed to tell you first”
“ this whole thing with Jean and Sash and our relationship”
“It’s.a long story” 
He brought you in for a tight hug that ended up in a very intense make out session
The both of you woke up in his bed in the morning he looked at him and he woke up
“I love you”
“I love you”
You both said in unison and you ended up laughing you both really did love each other and it was a funny love story . 
Armin arlert
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As smart as Armin is he has no idea what to do when it comes to a relationship
True he wants to give you all the love in the world but he’s clueless when it comes to things like that but he will know when he’s in love with you
He will go to Mikasa, Eren,hell even Levi if he will listen
“ listen kid I don’t know what to tell you all right do you love them just tell them I don’t see what’s wrong with it”Levi said while drinking tea
“ but sir it’s not that easy what if they doesn’t feel the same way”Armin spoke
Levi sighs not really knowing what to do
“ The two of you are dating right so of course they feel the same way”
“Damn kids and their commitment issues”he muttered under his breath
Armin saluted him before exiting the room
His mind was in 1000 different places having no idea what to say to you so we did the next best thing any person would
He ignored you
He didn’t want to ignore you or make you feel bad he’s just caught up in his own brain to actually think about anything
It’s been a week since you guys last talk
“ i’m sure he doesn’t hate you he’s been ignoring us to” eren said
Mikasa nodded
“ it’s been a week did I do something wrong is he mad at me?”
“ even if he was he wouldn’t take it out on all of us at the same time” Mikasa stated
you take a deep breath and sigh
“ The both of us will try and figure out what’s happening OK can’t promise you like the answer though” eren said
The both of them left the room
Little did you know Armin was listening in the whole conversation he wanted to make it up to you just didn’t know how
” I don’t hate them” armin said
Eren then said “ then why are you ignoring them and us they don’t deserve this”
Eren was pissed off because he knew how much you were hurting
“ seriously Armin there’s no need to lie you’re mad at her just tell them I’m sure they will understand besides you’re also ignoring us did we do anything?” The tall girl spoke
“I love them”
“😮” Mikasa and eren
They spent the rest of the day talking about his feelings and how he should make it up to you or more importantly tell you
“ just follow us it’s not a trap or anything”eren said (this bitch it was FYI)
Mikasa used her scarf to cover up her giggles
“ can I just sleep in peace”
You couldn’t really tell who said it as you saw Armin standing right in front of you
You turn around to see no one‘s behind you those bastards left the room before you could even check
“ look if you’re mad at me I don’t know what I did but I don’t really feel like talking anymore I just want to go to bed please”
“Wait now please I’m sorry i’ve had a lot on my mind I just needed time on my own”
“ and you couldn’t tell me or let me know not even Eren or Mikasa you’ve noticed all week do you know how bad I felt thinking that I did something wrong ”
There was a moment of silence you saw that look in his eyes the one that made you fall madly in love with him you couldn’t be mad at him you loved him and everything you were pissed about steered clear
“ I love you more than I probably should if you were anybody else I’d probably kill you right now”
He looked up from the ground he was staring at
“What “
it didn’t take him long to understand the situation
“I love you too in fact I love you more that’s what I’ve been thinking about all week and how to tell you”
You both ran to each other in a hug tears falling down his eyes making you want to cry as well you really did love each other
The next day
“ i’m guessing you finally told them” Levi said
“ yes Captain thank you for your advice” as he saluted him
“ don’t thank me you’re the one who grew a pair and finally told them”

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asmosmainhoe · 4 years
Yes hi I ended up reading your headcanons of the brothers and immediately got myself laughing, and also awwing. I was wondering if you could do headcanons for the brothers when they find out their gonna be a father. But your not comfortable with that that's 300% ok 🙏
Aawww thanks💞
The brothers finding out they're gonna be a father
Female MC
Warnings: slight cursing
He's busy working on files for Diavolo so you completely catch him off guard with your news.
You can't really imagine his reaction tbh.
He has dealt with children before, yes, but it also seems as if watching out for his brothers is extremely tiring for him.
But his brothers are...well special. You can't compare them with other kids.
When you tell him he doesn't react at first. He just stares at you without even blinking.
You're afraid that the news don't excite him, but before you can say anything he's pulling you close to him.
You can feel him slightly shaking and you're not sure if he's crying or not.
He has never been this proud and happy before.
"I love you."
He's the type who immediately starts panicking.
So you talk about it with Lucifer first and ask him how to tell Mammon the great news without scaring him or anything.
"He won't be scared trust me. He will be thrilled."
With a deep breath you enter the room you share with the white haired demon.
"I'm pregnant."
"You see, Babe, when two people love each other-"
"I didn't mean it like that!"
You think that Lucifer might have been wrong, because it looks like Mammon is shitting his pants.
That's when Mammon lifts you up and spins you around while laughing.
Only god can help this man.
He thinks he's anything but ready to take care of a child, but you have a different opinion in that matter.
Levi would make a great father in your eyes.
You still try not being too straightforward with the news. The keyword is try.
"Honey, we need to talk."
"I knew you would break up with me eventually. I've been preparing myself emotionally for this moment. I knew from the beginning that you could never be with a low-life, a yucky otaku like me and-"
"I'm pregnant."
He straight up faints, but wakes up again after a few minutes.
"MC, I had the weirdest dream. You were pregnant."
"I am."
You have to tell him that you trust and believe in him. Don't let his behavior fool you. He's the happiest demon in all three realms.
Telling him that you're pregnant with his child is easy as cake.
Starting a family with you is something he has dreamt of since he fell in love with you.
So when you tell him the great news he almost starts to cry.
"You're going to be a father."
"MC, I'm...I don't know what to say. I've never been this happy."
You have made him feel such beautiful things.
And now you're giving him the most precious gift of all time.
If you're not married he will propose instantly to you.
He can't put his happiness into words.
The way you make him feel is something no one is able to describe.
You should prepare yourself, because this man will scream and throw himself at you.
He just came out of the bathroom and is doing his hair.
"Baby, I need to tell you something important. Can you please sit down for a second?"
With a wide grin he sits next to you on the bed and you take his hands.
"Honey, you gotta tell me what it is! You're being so serious!"
That kinda scares him a bit, but he won't admit it.
He keeps his cool composure.
There's a pause where no one says anything.
And then: the great storm
He's throwing his arms around you and hugs you so tight that you're afraid he'll squeeze the life out of you.
There are tears and mascara stains everywhere.
You're not afraid of his reaction.
He is the kindest person you know and the best partner you could have ever imagined.
You can't help but grin when you approach him and he's smiling right back at you.
"Look who's in a good mood today.", he says and takes a bite from his sandwich.
"It's because I have to tell you something."
You sit next to him and take his hands.
"Guess who's gonna be a father."
He chokes.
That's something you were expecting so you didn't come unprepared.
You give him a bottle of water and slap that wide back of his.
After he calms down he lifts you up and spins you around.
The look in his eyes speaks more than thousand words.
He's a tricky one.
You have no idea how he will react.
The topic with him hating humans is still pretty fresh. It's not a thing one can simply forget over night.
So you talk to the person closest to him. Next to you of course.
Beel is thrilled and super supportive. He tells you to trust your instincts and talk with him about it.
His brother knows him more than anyone so you stick to his advice and just confront Belphie.
"There's something I need to tell you. I'm pregnant."
"Hold up. You mean like with a child? A living thing?"
There's a long silence and you start to worry until he puts his hand on your stomach.
You sigh in relief when you see the small, but happy smile on his face.
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watermelonlipstick · 4 years
PG-13 oneshot: semi-angst into fluff. Thanks so much for reading!! I would love any advice or critiques, and please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in anything :) 
Title: Junkyard
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Word Count: 2170
Summary: Bobby’s a little too overprotective of you with Dean. Sam is very much a younger brother about it.
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gif not mine! please let me know if you know whose it is so I can give them credit!
Dean’s hand slipped under your t-shirt, his fingers ice cold from the Sioux Falls October night. You gripped his collar with one hand, the other running through his gelled hair. The tip of his nose was cool against your cheek as his lips crashed into yours, and you nipped at him with your tongue. He answered in kind, pulling you into him. Your jeans slid on the trunk of the old junk car under the pressure until you were ground up against Dean’s belt where he stood. He slipped his other hand into your hair, gripping the base of your neck and exposing your throat before kissing and sucking hungrily. You groaned involuntarily and could feel Dean smile into your soft skin. Sliding down his chest, you gripped his belt buckle and flicked it open with one hand, your turn to grin when Dean gasped softly.
           He leaned into you, the hand on your head lowering you urgently but gently onto the trunk. The exposed skin on your back screamed at the freezing cold metal but you didn’t care, trying to yank him over you like a blanket while he tore at his jacket.
           “Boy if you don’t get that poor girl inside I’ll tan your ass and use it as a coin purse! It’s damn near freezing out! You must think I’m pretty goddamn stupid and I’ll tell you: I was born at night but it wasn’t last night!” Bobby yelled from the house, his voice carrying over the salvage yard.
           “Fuck,” Dean pulled away to whisper through gritted teeth. He pressed his forehead into you, waiting for a beat while you both caught your breath before leaning back to offer a hand. You took it and hopped down from the perch of the trunk. Feeling in the dark for any major bumps, you adjusted your ponytail and yanked your shirt down to meet the waist of your jeans. Dean re-buckled his belt and held out his arm so you could go first back to Bobby’s house.
           Coming through the door, the first thing you saw was Sam sitting at the kitchen table. He smiled up at you slyly without raising his head, and you were thankful that the cold air had already flushed your cheeks. Bobby was a few steps behind him, thankfully looking past you at Dean. If looks could kill, Dean would be burning alive.
           “How was your, uh, walk?” Sam asked with the kind of smug grin only he could deliver.
           “Fine,” you said briskly, adding a tight lipped nod. Sam looked past you to Dean, whose smile was popped open at the edge by his tongue in his cheek. You shot him a warning look and he closed his mouth.
           “Great,” Dean added.
           Bobby slammed down the casserole dish he was holding with enough force that you listened for the Pyrex to crack. “Here you go then,” he said, even more gruffly than normal.
           Dinner was so awkward and silent that it made you sick to your stomach. You tried your best to look only down at your plate, the glances you stole showing Sam’s barely contained glee at Dean having been caught out and Bobby’s barely contained disdain at it. When you finally finished your plate, you grabbed all the empty dishes within reach and headed to the kitchen sink with them. “Thanks for dinner, Bobby! I’m beat, I’ll see you all tomorrow!” you threw over your shoulder as you went, feeling for all the world like a frog trying to climb out of a near-boiling pot.
           “Not so fast, kid,” Bobby barked. You set the dishes down quietly in the sink and marched back to your seat at the table. “We need to have a talk.”
           Sam sat still, but you could tell from the expression on his face that he would’ve been exploding out of his chair with schadenfreude if he could.
           “I’ll leave you guys alone, then. Goodnight! Dinner was great, Bobby,” Dean said, playing dumb in an effort to escape himself. Bobby slapped one open palm on the table hard and the older Winchester returned to his seat. Dean had been keeping it together remarkably well, but the color drained from his face as he settled.
           Bobby sat silently for a few agonizing moments before speaking. “Now. I know you boys haven’t had a lot of experience living with a young woman before—”
           “Oh. My. God.” Sam said under his breath excitedly. Bobby glared at him.
           “But I will be damned if you plan on treating this house like some sleazy frat basement!” he yelled, building steam. You were absolutely mortified, unable to even look at Dean or Sam. “Now get your dumb asses up and go to bed. Don’t make me give this speech again.” His voice was low and grim as you got up and pushed your chair in. Sam and Dean got up too, but you heard Bobby growl a dark “sit” to Dean as you and Sam walked away. You felt a tinge of guilt at leaving him alone, but it was nothing compared to the dread that fell over you at the thought of sitting at the table a second longer.
           Sam followed you up the stairs. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “You think he’s going to kill him?” You knew he was joking, but were scared at what Bobby was going to say to Dean anyway. It was ridiculous, for three adults to be wrapped up so much in the opinion of a man who wasn’t the real father of any of you, and yet you felt exactly like a reprimanded child.
           You changed quickly into a big old t-shirt and worn cotton sweatpants, padding down the hallway in a messy bun to wash your face and brush your teeth when Bobby started yelling. Sam shot his head out of the bathroom curiously and came to the stair landing with you to listen.
           “This is not a random girl in some town you’re passing through, Dean!”
           Dean responded too quietly for you and Sam to hear.
           “That’s how you treat her with respect? Slip her out the back door to fool around in a damn junkyard?!” You heard a crash that you thought sounded like one of the chairs being tossed to the ground. When Bobby spoke again he was quieter; Sam and you leaned in to hear him.
           “If you make that girl shed one tear, boy, so help me God you’ll be wishing you were back in Hell.”
           Sam sucked air through his teeth, wincing. You realized your mouth was hanging open, stunned both that Bobby could cut that deep and that he seemed not to trust you to protect yourself at all. You weren’t stupid; of course you knew Dean’s reputation. On some level, you were worried he might live up to it. But for now he was gorgeous and it was a little lonely staying with Bobby up in Sioux Falls. You were having fun, and the fallout was for you to beat yourself up about in the future, not now.
           When you heard movement in the kitchen, you darted into the bathroom and Sam tried to head down the stairs casually to the day bed in the library. You brushed your teeth and washed your face brusquely, making it back to the spare bedroom without seeing Bobby head to the other bedroom upstairs. Pulling the old comforter over you on the old brass bed, you fell asleep fitfully.
           You woke with a start feeling like you were being watched. Based on the dim glow creeping through the slats between your blinds, it was at least a few hours after you went to sleep. When you scanned the room, Dean’s silhouette filled the doorframe.
           “What’re you doing?” you whispered urgently.
           “I wanted to see if you were up,” he answered, stepping into the room so that the moonlight illuminated his face. The shape of his full lips made you ache, the shadow of his jaw onto his neck begging to be touched. You realized as always that his socked feet were his only concession to the hour; his “pajamas” were his still-belted jeans with a t-shirt.
           “I’m up now, what’s going on?” Dean kept took a few more steps into the room toward you, biting his lip slowly. You got up to your elbows, the old bed’s springs creaking underneath you. “What’re you doing?” you repeated. “Bobby’s going to kill us,”
           “I think you mean Bobby’s going to kill me,” he smiled, half of his face obscured by shadow. He was standing at the foot of your bed now, fiddling with the hem of a blanket. “Seems pretty interested in protecting you from the big bad womanizer.”
           “Yeah, I heard some of that,” you offered cautiously.
           “Figured you and Sam would be listening. Hear everything?”
           “Not everything, but enough. So come on, don’t poke the bear. Go to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You laid back down, tucking the comforter up under your chin. Dean didn’t move.
           “You don’t want me here?”
           You smiled in the dark. “Dean, Bobby’s room is like 15 feet away.”
           “Guess we’ll have to be quiet then.”
           Dean rounded the corner of the bed and leaned down, grazing your lips with his. He knew what he was doing, and you could only hold out for a second before greedily snatching the back of his head and sliding your mouth onto his. The bed groaned in response to the extra weight and you pulled away sharply, alarmed at the noise.
           Dean grabbed the extra blankets you kept at the foot of your bed for extra cold nights in Bobby’s drafty Midwestern house and spread them on the floor in a sort of picnic-nest before spinning around and picking you up off the bed, comforter and all. You put a hand over your mouth to keep from giggling as he lowered you both down onto the blankets. “Better?” he asked as you nodded into his chest. Warmth came off of him through the thin cotton of his t-shirt, seeping into you like melting honey. Easing down until your chests pressed together, he kissed you deeply and softly without any of the urgency he had in the junkyard. You relished in the roughness of his hands and stubble on you as he took his time exploring your lips and neck. Dean pulled away to take a breath, leaning back on his knees.
           “Wait,” he whispered.
           “What’s wrong?” you spit out, scared he might’ve heard something in the hallway.
           Dean looked down at you and the shadows caught all the angles in his face. He looked into your eyes and then out the window, biting his lip.
“I’m not just messing around,” he finally said. There must’ve been enough moonlight for him to see your face because Dean pursed his lips in frustration. “I mean what Bobby said is not true. Or maybe it was before, but not now, not with you. I don’t want you to feel like I’m using you.”
“Dean, I know what this is, it’s okay. You don’t have to worry about ‘sparing my feelings’ or whatever,” you replied, touching his chest. He grabbed your wrist.
“Sparing your feelings? No, that’s what I mean. I want it to be more than…this,” he said, gesturing to the blankets surrounding you on the floor. “I just, I want to be, like, with you,” he mumbled.
“Are you serious?” you replied, sitting up.
“I, uh, I mean yeah,” he said, leaning back onto his heels. “If you want to.” Seeing Dean shy and nervous like a teenager this way was unusual, and it caught you off guard.
“Uh, wow,” you breathed, unsure of what to say. “I didn’t know you like, dated, or whatever.”
He let out a chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah I guess I don’t really, huh?”
“So this is you asking me out?”
“Yeah. But only if you’re going to say yes.” The half-smile playing at the corner of his mouth looked more like the Dean you knew.
“And if I did, would that make this our first date?” you asked, pulling at a loose thread from your sweatpants’ hem.
“I was thinking dinner or something, but I mean, sure, why not?”
“Hmmm, bummer,” you thought aloud with a smile. “Thought you’re not supposed to have sex until the third date.”
Without Dean’s hand behind your head it would’ve cracked against the floorboards with the force of him suddenly slamming into you, but instead you were enveloped in his kiss and the scent of leather and pine that always floated around him. You giggled into his lips when you felt Dean grin against you, and he pulled away a few centimeters. Your breath mixed as he asked, “That’s a yes, right?” It was all you could do to nod as you melted into each other, turning into a tangle of muffled little laughs, discarded clothes, and heavy, warm breaths.
ETA: Did you know there’s a Junkyard, Part 2? Might be worth checking out 😉
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass​, @akshi8278​, @dream-believe-and-love​
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mercheswan · 3 years
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read on AO3
People say that fate is written in the stars. For centuries people have consulted with the star readers to know what their future hold. It has been a practice from ancient times to visit the star readers at least once in your life, when you turned sixteen. The reader will need your birth date and the precise hour in which you were born, then they will consult with the stars and depending on how talkative the stars felt you’ll get a message, whether on the form of a prophecy, warning or a code word.
Nowadays with the development of science, the majority of the population thought the star readers to be scammers or just creative astronomers. Still some people visit them, especially those helpless romantics who wanted to find clues about their star match. Your star match was, your soulmate, but it was hard to find.
Since Stiles was a little boy he had always awaited the moment to have his fate read on the stars. Stiles loved to believe in magic, and the existence of wizards who could read the future talking with the cosmos, was very alluring for a kid of Stiles’s imagination.
There was also the fact that their parents, allegedly, were star matches. Stiles’s dad received an advice for his star reader: “Follow your Beacon”, thankfully Noah Stilinski interpreted that the stars were not talking about food but about a Town, and that’s why he moved to Beacon Hills. Stiles’s mom got a short prophecy: “Bars separate, heart accelerate, your star at the end”. Claudia Stilinski said he had no doubt that Noah was his star match when he met him at the Sheriff’s Station, when Noah came to release her from the cell after she had been arrested in a protest march. His star was at the other side of the prison bars.
But Stiles is not sure about star reading anymore. Sure, the supernatural existed, he knew it first hand since his best friend was bitten by a werewolf last year. But ever since her mother died… he felt the stars were not very useful. They could have said something about her disease. But Stiles was turning sixteen in two days and he was positive that his father would like for him to go, cause even if their parents time was limited, they were incredibly happy and it was worth it.
Stiles will do anything for his father, so he arranged a visit to the star reader.
Stiles expected the place to look more like a witchcraft and magic store, but it looked like a little planetarium.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski?” A man surprised Stiles from behind.
“Stiles it’s fine, my name can be handful” Stiles said.
“But the stars know you by that name” The man declared. He looked like a normal office worker. Stiles thought they would look more like a Dumbledore type of man. “Come, you have your birth certificate?” The star reader questioned. Stiles handled it to him. “Let’s see what the stars want to say” Stiles smiled politely. “Did someone made you come?” The star reader asked.
“What?” Stiles responded.
“You don’t look very enthusiastic about knowing your fate. There are three types of people who still come to me. Believers, the ones who want to make fun of it, and the ones whose family has made them come” The man smiled knowingly at Stiles while doing gods know what with the different artefacts and instruments of the room.
“My father wanted me to come. He and my mother were star matches” Stiles claimed.
The man made a happy sound. “That explains it, it seems your life it’s going to be a risky one, the stars are protecting you, they are loud they want to tell you many things” The star reader alleged. “I suppose they are fond of you cause your a star match child” the man explained.
Stiles thought about it. He life was dangerous, but he wasn’t sure if he could talk about the supernatural with the star reader. Miraculously Stiles had faced many supernatural creatures before and was still alive, but it was absurd to think it was cause of the stars, right?
“There’s one thing they want me to say to you. A word” The star reader declared. Stiles became serious and met the man’s eyes. “Chimera” The word resounded in the room.
After a few seconds Stiles asked “That’s all? But you said the stars liked me and had many things to say!” Stiles protested.
“But the important thing is Chimera” The star reader claimed.
“But I’m what sense!? Is it threat? Something they want me to be protected from?” Stiles questioned.
“That’s for you to figure out. You’ll now when the moment comes” The man concluded.
Stiles huffed. He knew that coming to te read wasn’t going to be useful at all.
“Did any of you go to your star reading ceremony?” Liam asked to the group.
They were all gathered in Scott’s house, planning how to deal with the new threat to the town of Beacon Hills. Crazy doctors who could create supernatural creatures artificially.
“What’s that?” Malia asked.
“Oh, it used to be very popular many years ago. Basically it’s believe that the stars know your fate and when you go they tell you something about your life and future” Mason explained to the werecoyote.
“So it’s like a wizard? Why are we not asking the questions to these people?” Malia asked.
“It’s not like a wizard, they only read the stars, if they know about the supernatural it’s unknown” Stiles added. “We should be focusing on finding information that can actually help us” Stiles said signalling to the books of the room.
“Are you planning on going to the read?” Theo asked. Stiles sent an annoyed to the boy. “We need a break, it’s an interesting topic of conversation” Theo argued. “I didn’t go to mine but I would probably go if I had the chance again” Theo claimed.
Theo Raeken.
They boy has come back to Beacon Hills after being away for years. Stiles didn’t trust him. He had known Theo when they were in fourth grade, he and Theo had been together on the little league team and they had been friends, Stiles was definitely sad about Theo leaving after his sister died frozen on under a bridge. But Stiles has the feeling that this Theo was different. Obviously people change, and after Theo’s tragic story you would expect someone to change, but there was something else… Stiles knew that Theo was not telling them the truth, that he was keeping something from them, and he was not going to stop until he discovered what it was.
“I don’t really believe in star readers, that have always be charlatans in my opinion” Lydia added to the topic of conversation.
“But how can you be sure? I mean, a year ago I would have thought just like you, but then I got turned into a werewolf” Liam argued. That made Lydia murmur in agreement.
“So you think that star readers are connected to the supernatural?” Theo asked.
“Who knows? I still don’t understand many things when it comes to this” Liam gestured to the room. Full of supernatural creatures.
“What are you guys talking about?” Scott questioned joining the group.
“Star readers” Mason responded.
“Are you telling them about your experience?” Scott said looking at Stiles.
“You went!?” Liam asked surprised.
“I should have known” Mason added.
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Stiles asked offended.
“You went as research?” Mason explained.
“No” Stiles responded. After a few seconds of silence in which the whole pack was looking at him Stiles rolled his eyes. “I knew my father wanted me to go, I didn’t thought that it would hurt” Stiles added.
“Well?” Liam asked.
“Well what?” Liam exclaimed.
“What did it say!?” Liam pressed.
“Nothing useful. May as well not have gone” Stiles scoffed.
“You’re being especially cryptic on purpose” Mason complained.
Stiles rolled his eyes again. “He gave me a word” Stiles said. The pack came closer dying to know, even Theo looked very interested. Stiles groaned. “Chimera. The star reader told me that the key word was Chimera.” Stiles confessed.
The pack members looked at each other confused, thinking about the meaning of the word.
“And in what sense?” Liam asked.
“I thought they usually told you about romantic stuff” Mason said.
“That’s the thing. I don’t know, that why it was pointless, you don’t get an interpretation of the read” Stiles explained.
“So you don’t believe that your fate it’s connected to a Chimera?” Theo asked. Stiles was surprised about Theo comment, they locked eyes, there was something in Theo’s glare that Stiles didn’t know how to interpret. It was warm and menacing at the same time.
“Well… I-I decided to keep an eye in case a mythological creature with a lion face and a serpent tail appears, it could be a warning about how I am going to be killed. That or I’m going to get a Chimera pet someday” Stiles responded not separating his eyes from Theo.
The boy smirked softly. “Yeah, better be cautious”
Stiles really regretted going to the star reader. His life would have been simpler not knowing what fate wanted for him.
The Dread Doctors. They were unstoppable, crazy scientists that created artificial supernatural creatures, joining different species. Creating Chimeras.
“I’m the first Chimera”
The sentence made Stiles heart jump a beat. Stiles should have been afraid, after all they boy could be the man the stars were warning him about, the one who was going to be his killer. But now it all made sense, why Stiles had known that he was keeping things from him, why every time they were alone he felt electricity in the air, why they kept dancing around the other like it was meant to be. The boy was not his murderer.
Theo was his star match.
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hopeswriting · 3 years
I meant to do a post about my thoughts on the Daily Life Arc now that I finished rereading it, but I can't seem to find the time and it's been a while now, and if I keep it up I'll forget what my thoughts are to begin with lol, so here's the long story short:
I know it's a long arc, as in it starts being boring and more or less unbearable past some point, because the "gag of the chapter" format only takes you so far, and not actually very far if Amano's humor doesn't work on you much, if at all. I don't think it's an arc you can reread right away/soon either, lest you feel that one flaw even faster.
And I felt it too, starting with the fourty-something chapters I felt like it was dragging on too much, though to be fair that probably had to do too with the fact I knew things much more interesting were coming after that.
Still, all that said, like, it's an enjoyable arc. Amano's humor happens to work on me, and she does it really well, and I liked reading the arc. There are some chapters where you're really asking yourself why they were written for lol, but even then you read it for the characters, and it somehow keeps you going.
And like, even though I think Amano could have seen the fact the comedy was going to turn repetitive and thus boring at some point, and try to diversify it or something, it's just how comedy/humor/gags works? Some jokes land and some doesn't, but for me at least a lot more of them worked than not.
The DLA is a good enough arc is what I'm saying.
On than note and on the contrary, of course it's fine if you think it's a bad arc, to each their opinion, but personally I really don't agree it's an unnecessary one.
I'm saying this because apparently it's not uncommon to advice new fans to skip the arc and directly start with the Kokuyo one? (Or so I learned on TV Tropes anyway, this might or might not be still relevent/accurate.)
Now don't get me wrong, the DLA does fail to hook the readers to the story for the reasons stated above, I agree with that, but it literally introduces the main character? And all the other characters, and gets us to know them, and establishes the dynamics between them and why they're the way they are, and, though only in a more or less superficial manner (and more than less) by design of the arc's purpose (not being deep in any way lol), it still gives us an insight into the characters and why they're the way they are. A glimpse into the core of their personality, the "stakes" of their characters, the flaws they have to overcome.
And all that in the context of their daily life, so if you skip it to go directly to the arc that challenges them, you can't appreciate fully how they rise to the challenge, how it shows their growth or reasserts their core values. You can't know how much or what it means, for example, off the top of my head, to have Yamamoto sacrifice his arm to beat Ken, when only a year ago he tried to kill himself over his broken arm. Or Hibari losing against Mukuro, thus telling us how much of a real threat he was. Or Tsuna screaming at Lancia for having hurt his friends, anger on his face, clearly despite himself, that Dame-Tsuna.
All these just wouldn't hit you the same, and it'd be such a shame? I mean I guess the ones who start with the Kokuyo arc go back to read the DLA, or you could compromise like the anime did by splitting the DLA between more serious arcs, but like I said I personally don't find the DLA that bad, so I still wouldn't advice it lol.
Even if, I suppose, it'd mean they might give up on the manga somewhere through the DLA, but like? Some mangas just don't speak to you, and that's fine, and it'd be a little of a shame from my POV as a KHR fan, but still, no big deal.
I'm still very impressed with how smoothly Amano went from a gag manga to a shonen one, and how she made it so the DLA still fits with the rest. I mean the sudden change in tone/stakes/etc is jarring, sure, but it's all based on stuff she introduced in the DLA, which she presumably came up with with no intention to ever make it something deeper/more meaningful.
It's easy to believe the foreshadowing, and generally speaking the worldbuilding was planned all along, which, again, probably not, and like? Super impressive.
(Though once more don't get me wrong, there are inconsistencies/plot holes in Amano's plotlines and worldbuilding, but not, like, at their seams, if I can say it like that? It's more often in the details, and it's fairly easy to fill in the blanks ourselves.)
Finally it was a lot of fun to rediscover the characters in a new light, and a bit of a disbelieving surprise tbh.
For context before I started my reread of the manga, all this time I was going with the time I read/watched it years ago plus the times I skimmed it, but mostly by all the fanon I was consuming. And it's not to say fanon is wrong per se, but it latched on one to three character's traits, or slapped an easy character archetype on them easy to "relate" to within, and apparently never looked back lol. And also often dialed up those traits (good or bad) in a very noticeable manner.
What I'm saying is, fanon is, in fact, wrong sometimes zldnslsz, and the characters are much more nuanced even in the DLA! (Which still leaves us at a more or less superficial level, because, you know lol, but still!)
To name the ones that stood out to me the most:
Nana isn't abused by Iemitsu, nor is she unhappy in her marriage despite Iemitsu being an absent husband (which is not relevent in the context of the DLA, but still, you can tell). She isn't an abusive mother to Tsuna either, and she is literally never an airhead. She literally just isn't, she actually does react very normally to the crazy Reborn brings with him, but much like Yamamoto as long as no one gets hurt (or walks it off), she just brushes it off.
And she has friends she goes listen to piano recitals with, and tries to save on money by eating rests, and gets in two-way arguments with Tsuna, and raises his allowance if he gets better grades to push him to work harder, and all around is just your average mom that really didn't read as just The Mom, if you know what I mean.
She has her flaws, definitely, she's not a great mom, namely is apparently used to call Tsuna Dame-Tsuna, but she's not just that.
She takes care of him, worries over him, and seems to be the only one who hasn't given up on him yet when the story starts. She supports him (though sometimes in a tactless to hurtful way), praises him when he does well, and trusts him to watch over the kids.
She's not that bad is what I'm saying, and 100% redeemable (that is, if you think she needs to be redeemed to begin with, which I actually do think she does, calling Tsuna Dame of all things is just a really shitty thing to do.)
(Though it's interesting to note that she doesn't do it again after what happened with Kyoko iirc, even if she might very well still talk to him in a belittling way at times. I just wish Amano would have commit fully to acknowledge it and resolve it, what with already having made it Kyoko's Dying Will Regret.)
(Edit: I had forgotten but she literally forgets his birthday while preparing someone else's birthday, so I take back that she is 100% redeemable because it's being too nice. But my point still stands.)
Haru is literally such a fun character, it makes me even more sad now to know what Amano did with her (nothing ansknslq 😭😂).
She's unhinged, has zero impulse control, does not reflect on the consequences of her lack of impulse control as Tsuna points it out, is ready and willing to throw hands at any given moment and is unapologetic of it, and is the one Amano actually calls an airhead.
The only problem she had with the mafia is that she thought Tsuna was forcing it on Reborn, and when she confirmed it was all true she literally didn't even blink at it, and immediately called herself the future Decimo's wife djosdkkd.
On that note she is literally mafia right from her first appearance, is more or less involved in almost all the mafia shenanigans, was right there with Tsuna & Co when they went to destroy the Tomaso's headquarters.
And like?? Amano could just have left it at that if she wasn't going to do anything else/more with it. Haru had so much potential, and not only Amano did nothing with it, she actually watered her down and took away all her distinct character's traits 😭.
Hibari is so much more feral and playful than his fanon cool, overpowered, quiet badass counterpart. Which I love too, don't get me wrong, but these two sides of him don't have to be exclusive!
He talks and smiles and jokes often, and shows off and casually insults you, and licks the blood away from his lips after having beaten bloody other middle schoolers who dared to defy him (I know this happens in the Kokuyo arc, but it illustrates my point the best).
Not much more to add than that, we should just acknowledge that and put it in our works more often.
Gokudera is a compelling character from the get go, and as far as the DLA goes, he's the most compelling character second to Tsuna. He's the only one to actually have flashbacks and a backstory. And what stood out to me the most that I don't see often in fanon, is that he's really a good friend.
Yes he has a short fuse and snaps easily and is easy to anger, but he's not always angry. And is seen having and being capable of positive exchanges outside of Tsuna (I'm thinking Yamamoto namely, who's made with Ryohei to be the one he gets angry with the most).
And yes he holds Tsuna on a pedestal and sees him through heavily tinted pink glasses, but even through that he's earnestly a good friend. And tries his best, and is hardworking and overachieving, so much so he messes up without meaning to, but he only ever has honest, straight-forward good intentions behind it all (well, maybe not always lol).
I love him a lot more now is what I'm saying.
And Tsuna. I'm not sure I'll be able to articulate my thoughts properly, but like... he's just your average teenager. Which of course is his whole thing, and I'm saying it in a very not judgy way whatsoever, but he's often made to be at least a little more than that, namely about his bullying.
Like, it's kind of dramatised in fics? And I'm not going to elaborate on that more because it might come out wrong and I don't want that, but it's just, like—canonically he is just bullied, simple as that. Like many other teenagers are.
And it's all in a "chill" way (for unfortunate lack of a better word, I don't mean to trivialize bullying at all, it's wrong and unfair and never deserved or okay, just so we're clear), and by the time the story starts Tsuna is used to it and has given up fighting against it, and actually finds refuge and a twisted comfort in embracing his Dame-Tsuna's monicker, because at least he's not gonna hit rock bottom deeper than that if he does.
And I'm not actually going anywhere with this, it's just? It hit me how differently canon and fanon portray his bullying.
Back on the note of him being a (below) average teenager, Tsuna is not an uwu pure cinnamon roll too good for this world.
He's literally so quick to judge and criticise, whether in his head or out loud when he knows more the person (namely Haru lol, poor girl), it was actually a bit of a shock tbh lol. He snaps easily, and is lazy, does not want to try even one bit, and is happy to run away from his responsibilities whenever he can.
And not only I'm not saying that in a judgy way this time either, but I'm actually saying it in a good way. He really felt like your average middle schooler, and it was so refreshing to see. That, plus the fact the narrative never holds it against him, let alone punishes him for it even if he's made to grow out of these traits, and it's literally part of his character arc, is kind of unique for the shonen genre (maybe, I'm not exactly a specialist of shonen mangas lol).
And I can see why you'd want to change it in fics, but personally I think it really makes his character's arc even more meaningful.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
Hello, First off, I'm not an army, but I have a question. Please read ahead and don't judge me for being a hater.
Uhm Idk if I'm at the right place or not, I (18/M) have a younger sister (11), she's into BTS like a LOT. By now she's a diehard fan of the boys which I find really cute because she keeps talking about them and telling me about each member. She's also been learning a lot of stuff and even taken up to ship some of the members, like I know as for her, she ships Jin and RM, then V and Jungkook and Jimin, but what makes me a bit uncomfortable is her discussing and debating about them having a 'threesome'. With Jin and RM she's not like that, but with the younger three Idk what's wrong, she keeps digging on YT for 'evidences' and 'proofs' for their three-thingy being real. That's weird to me, not because all of them are boys, but because she shouldn't be making false assumptions about them. What puts me off even more is that there's YT channels and Idk places taht circulate unhealthy information like that. Trust me, last thing a brother would want for his 11 yo sister is to be having a full fledged heated debate about who is the dom and the sub in the 'relationship' of three male bandmates. I'm not lying, she came up to me a few days back and asked what Daddy meant, I was like Dad is Daddy, Papa is daddy, why would you asked that. And she goes, "that is weird, why would Jungkook call V Daddy? He's not his dad is he?"
I haven't said anything about it since then... What am I supposed to tell her, can you please help me a bit? Should I just say that V adopted Jungkook? 😂
Honestly I love her a lot, she's my only sister and I don't want her have weird misconceptions. I hope you understand.
She says to always put a purple heart whenever smth's related to bts, so here it goes. 💜
I received this ask a few hours ago and since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I didn't know exactly how to answer it and I still don't think I do. I just want to ask anyone who wishes to send their opinion on this ask after publication to do so in a respectful manner.
Hi anon. The only thing I can tell you is that you, as her older sibling, should let your parents or your legal guardians, especially your sister's, know what is going on. Not to scold her, but for them to monitor much more closely the content she is viewing on social media.
Anon, your sister shouldn't be talking about that sort of thing, period. She doesn't need to know what a threesome is and she definitely doesn't need to be looking for proof on YouTube! Definitely not YouTube!
While I think it's important to talk to kids about sexual issues, that's not your sister's way of learning. The "ship community" can be very toxic and extremely inappropriate, there are adults who are horrified by the things that many shippers say, imagine what an 11 year old girl might think.
Your sister is too little to talk about those things, she's too little to ask those questions. Your sister is simply too young.
I don't know if you are willing to tell your parents or the people in charge of you and your sister, but please monitor more closely what your sister consumes on social media. Prohibit her from using certain apps unsupervised if necessary. But not just to monitor what she's seeing on social media but to have an age-appropriate conversation about those things.
That's the only advice I can give you.
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geekgirles · 3 years
Your Heart
Chapter 7 -- Black Hearts
Word Count: 15131
For many, the Ghost Zone landscape would be chilling, at best, and nightmare-inducing, at worst. Unlike Earth and its well-defined limits, both natural and manmade, the Infinite Realms consisted of an infinite abyss of floating ectoplasmーif you travelled, you knew where your journey would start, but not where it ended. Most people didn’t even know when it ended, either. 
Only a few experienced visitors were knowledgeable enough to recognise each and every one of its landmarks to guide them. Fortunately for Danny, he was one such experienced visitor. As well as an inhabitant. 
Maybe he didn’t know the Ghost Zone like the palm of his invisible hand, like Sojourn had in his day, but seven years of travelling back and forth between dimensions had certainly outlined a pretty accurate map of the dimension in his mind’s eye. That, and the fact that the Far Frozen trusted him with the Infi-Map now and then also helped. 
But even he had to admit, crossing over to the other side during his first few months as halfa had been terrifying. His past self would never have been able to believe he’d one day be flying around what was on the other side of his parents’ portal like he walked down the halls of Casper High every day of the week for four years. 
Indeed. Getting to see the Ghost Zone for the first time had been even more mind-boggling than getting used to suddenly being able to walk through the walls, disappear, and fly. Compared to Amity Park, his kingdomーhe didn’t think he’d ever get used to calling it thatーwas a haunted house, sponsored by Bill Gates and provided with cutting edge animatronic and holographic technology, and open all year long. 
Well, it would have been sponsored by Bill Gates if it weren’t for Vlad overshadowing him and selling the company to himself years ago. 
Considering he’d rather die (twice) than buy anything belonging to VladCo, Danny found himself being very glad the Ghost Zone was no haunted house, after all. 
Now, however, he’d learned to appreciate the Infinite Realms for what they were; unpredictably beautiful. The once creepy light coming from the floating ectoplasm now reminded him of the groovy vibes one got from a lava lamp. Both substances were, in fact, pretty similar! Since ghosts created their own lairs, he didn’t have to worry over solving any sort of problem related to lack of affordable housing; unlike what he’d have to do had he been, say, mayor of Amity Park? President of the United States? And the repair damages were minimum! Ghosts didn’t usually throw rocks at their own roofs, so battles inside the Ghost Zone were rare. 
Of course, that last one thing was a bit of a double-edged sword. Because it meant that while he didn’t have to worry about the possible destruction of the Ghost Zone, it also meant his subjects usually blew off steam in Amity Park...which then came to bite him in the ass in the form of a very angry mob of ghost-hating citizens.
The joys of living in two parallel dimensions at the same time…
Shaking those thoughts away, Danny refocused his attention on the current task at hand; patrolling the Zone in case anybody chose to ignore his orders and go against the witches during their next visit. 
He’d be lying if he said nobody had warned him of the reaction his plan would most likely get from his subjects, both Frostbite and Clockwork let him know several times, long before he even sent the letter to Lady Arcana. Well, in all fairness, Frostbite had warned him; Clockwork just kept smirking at him with those all-knowing, secretive, red eyes of his. The only real warning he’d got from him was when he asked for his opinion on what’d happen and the Ghost of Time limited himself to raising his eyebrow at him with a, “What do you think?”
When he wanted to be, Clockwork was an invaluable ally and a great mentor. But that was only when he wanted to be, mind you. The rest of the time his smug crypticness was enough to make Danny want to throw himself off of a cliff.
But they’d both been right when they told him his subjects would not react kindly to the presence of witches in their realm. Who would’ve known phantom tomatoes acted just like the Fenton Foamer? If it didn’t put him in immediate danger, he would bring some home for his parents. 
In the end, the only way to convince them to let the witches in was to ensure a powerful ghost would keep an eye on them at all times. Skulker would escort them to his lair, and from then on he’d be watching them himself. 
Even if the spirits had eventually given in to his request, Danny knew better. He’d be a fool to think his advice would be heeded by every single inhabitant of the Ghost Zone. He had far too many enemies for that. 
While most of his adversaries had turned into more of friendly rivals than outright enemies over the years, being capable of having civilised conversations with him whenever they weren’t trying to waste him or enslave Amity Park, there were many others who refused to bow down before a halfa. Ever since Pariah Dark was defeated the first time, ghosts had got used to living in anarchy, being able to do whatever they wanted as long as they were smart enough to not invade a more powerful ghost’s turf. So following some random half-ghost’s orders after centuries of chaos and freedom was out of the question for them. 
On the one hand, many of Danny’s detractors were actually as delusional as the Box Ghost. More often than not, he’d be battling rogue spirits with barely formed physical bodies who were in way over their heads. Normally a few ecto-rays, some quick banter, and a little bit of Fenton Thermos was enough to take care of them. 
But, on the other hand, the few more powerful ghosts who weren’t members of his usual rogue gallery truly sought to dethrone him. If they eliminated him in the process, even better! 
Obviously, the most notorious member of this group was none other than Plasmius. The older halfa had orchestrated Pariah’s return with the intention of defeating him and becoming the next Ghost King himself, after all. And for what? To have his teenage, much less experienced archnemesis steal the crown right under his nose. 
Danny had to admit, if it weren’t for the high price to pay that came with the honour wearing the Ring of Wrath and the Crown of Fire (an ‘honour’ he didn’t even want to have in the first place), he would’ve enjoyed screwing over with the fruitloop like that.
Ever since he became Ghost King, Vlad’s plans had been few and in between. Maybe a few attempts at making his life a living Hell, some shudder-worthy upgrades on his Maddie Programーhe swore, if he had to listen to a hologram of his mother call that demented creep ‘lambchop’ one more time, first, he was going to barf, second, he’d see red, or in his case, greenー, perhaps a few ill-conceived attempts at getting him to join him…
Despite Vlad’s inactivity, however, Danny knew better than to think he was just getting sloppy. Knowing Plasmius and his love for playing chessmaster, he was patiently biding his time. Sooner or later, he’d hear from him, and it wouldn’t be good. 
Still, even if he was his greatest enemy in terms of personal interactions, Vlad wasn’t his most menacing foe in terms of sheer danger. 
Spectra and Bertrand also wanted him gone, due to seeing his intervention as interference with their misery-sucking plans. Indeed, since he became Ghost King Danny was extra careful with who left the Ghost Zone and who was absolutely forbidden from even looking at a portal twice.
For example, knowing Kitty, she’d just want to go out on a date with Johnny, and, on paper, there was nothing wrong with that. Trouble came when Johnny ogled and hit on other girls with his girlfriendーrightーbesideーhim! Honestly, if he were Kitty, he’d pummel Johnny, too. Especially because his actions more often than not resulted in a jealous ghost girl causing mayhem.
The most useful life lesson he’d learned while going through puberty was also one of the firsts: girls were scary. And that seemed to apply to all girls regardless of their species; humans, ghosts, witches, gorillas…
Spectra was no exception. Due to her need for misery to keep herself young and powerful, the shadowy ghost needed to learn how to get under her victims’ skin to exploit their weakness to the point of making them miserable enough to harvest. And, Danny knew from experience, that was far more frightening than any other ghostly power Spectra could ever possess. 
She saw beyond people’s masks, no matter how carefully crafted they were, and got inside your head. Not only did she know your biggest fears and insecurities, but how to exploit them and make them all come true. She forced you to live your worst nightmares over and over, almost as if she were Nocturne's far more malevolent accomplice, reaping your fears like a farmer would reap wheat. 
Spectra threw those insecurities in your face, reminding you that you weren’t good enough, explaining to you why you weren’t good enough, and assuring you would never be good enough; all in that sadistic, cheery tone of voice of hers. Just thinking about it was enough to send chills down his spine.
But what was truly the most daunting thing about Spectra was that, for years, she’d been feeding off of some poor kid’s low self-esteem and personal issues under the pretext of being a psychologist. Her office back in Casper High before he found out the truth and defeated her was full of pictures of her and sickly-looking kids; her previous victims. Dozens of kids who were completely at her mercy because she’d spent years roaming freely around Earth, blending in, long before he was even born, let alone had the accident. Dozens of kids who’d surely been as deeply traumatised as he’d been. Or, even worse, dozens of kids Spectra managed to push over the edge, under the guise of helping them. 
That psychotic old hag and her lap dog had a special place in his black list just for their mere potential of becoming a threat, let alone when they truly were threatening. As a result, one of the things he wasted no time in as soon as he became Ghost King was to ensure they wouldn’t be going back to Earth in a very long time. 
Needless to say, his interference with their ‘feasts’ was enough to have them declare war on him. Well, let them come. He’d be waiting for them.
Another ghost who tended to give him quite a headache whenever he felt like taking his turn at challenging him was the Fright Knight. Back in their first encounter, his first Halloween after gaining his powers, Danny believed he was a formidable foe. Incredibly powerful and hellbent on turning the world into his nightmarish kingdom, the Fright Knight used to be one of his most dangerous adversaries. 
Key word being ‘used to.’ Well, that was two words, but whatever. 
In their next encounter, which, coincidentally, also happened to be when Pariah Dark was released (thanks again, Vlad), the almighty, terrifying, ‘flaming sheets of doom’ Fright Knight had been relegated to errand boy. 
As Danny would soon come to realise, the Ancient Spirit of Halloween was proud, but tremendously cowardly.  
If he believed himself superior to his opponent, he would show no  mercy. But the moment he was one-upped by someone else in terms of power, he’d cower and bow down in submission. Which made their personal relationship with each other all the more interesting. 
In terms of power, Danny knew, maybe a little too smugly, that he had the upper hand. Whereas in their first battle he managed to defeat the Fright Knight just barely, years of ghost-fighting, of developing new powers, and of being in possession of the ring and crown (which he still refused to use unless it was absolutely necessary), had shaped him into a formidable fighter. 
And the Fright Knight knew that, which was why he often avoided conflict with him. 
In terms of respect, however, due to Danny being extremely young compared to other powerful ghosts, the way he ascended the throne and, to add insult to injury, the fact he was half-human, the medieval-like spirit refused to accept him as his ruler. Hence, his rare attempts at taking him down. 
All in all, even if the Fright Knight quite wasn’t the same threat he once was, Danny knew he still should watch out for him. Because for all his self-importance, the Halloween Spirit really was undergod material, and that meant whoever employed him would be much worse than him…
Like Vlad.
Other than Plasmius, Spectra, Bertrand, and the Fright Knight, the other ghosts who challenged his rule were the god-like ones; Undergrowth, Nocturne, Vortex… But they usually kept true to their goals of world domination so it wasn’t much of an issue, in a way. 
While he hadn’t had an encounter with any of his old nemesis for a while, it was all a matter of time before they chose to use his tentative alliance with the witches against him. Which brought him to his current patrol. As he oversaw the vast infinity of the Ghost Zone, steering away from Ghost Writer’s manorーanother lovely fella who didn’t quite like  him, even if he surely wouldn’t try to usurp the throneー, Danny used his vantage point to make sure no suspicious activity was going on. 
Just as he was about to call it a night, his eyes caught sight of three familiar silhouettes standing on top of a drifting chunk of rock not far away from him. Furrowing his eyes in suspicion, he sped up to catch up with them. In a matter of seconds, he’d flown across the distance separating him from his target until he was floating above the unimpressed expressions belonging to Ember McLain, Johnny 13, and Kitty. 
The three of them seemed to be loitering around on top of the aforementioned drifting chunk of rock, looking bored and completely uninterested in anything around them. They almost looked like a bunch of teenagers just hanging out. Kitty was seated, cross-legged, on top of the bike seat, her elbows propped on her knees and her hands cupping her face. Beside her, Johnny was leaning against his bike, arms crossed. A few feet away from them, sitting on a rock with one leg crossed on her other knee, Ember was mindlessly tuning her guitar. That wasn’t suspicious at all...
Over the years, some of his most recurring opponents decided to upgrade their look, like Technusーthe guy was more fashion-oriented than Paulina Sanchez from high schoolー, while others remained mostly the same but with a few added upgrades to their modus operandi, such as Skulker. 
Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, depending on how you looked at it, the hunter’s girlfriendーhe had to physically stop his gag reflex from acting up whenever he so much as thought of those two as a coupleーchose to remain true to her signature look. The same flaming, blue ponytail; the same tight, asymmetrical, black outfit; the same haunting green eyes and exaggerated make-up that contrasted greatly with her deathly pale skin… 
All in all, Ember was pretty much the same. Still loud, still vying for attention, still obsessed with leading teenage rebellion through music...And she still had the same awful taste in boyfriends. Although, he supposed, in a way Skulker wasn’t as bad a catch as her best friend’s beau. 
Kitty did change her outfit, albeit slightly. Though she still favored her signature combination of black and red with just a touch of green, she’d abandoned her classical red miniskirt and fishnet stockings for a pair of skin-tight, red leather jeans.  Instead of her mid calf boots, she currently wore a pair of black, ankle boots. She still wore a black tank top, too, only this time it was much looserーjust like she also had the same green pendant. As for her unruly, green hair...she chose to wear it up in two twin buns, fittingly shaped after cat ears, each on either side of her head; with two loose strands framing her face. A pair of fingerless, black biker gloves completed the ensemble.
Everything about her screamed ‘biker chick’, the only thing missing was her own bike.
Maybe, tired of Johnny blowing her off, she’d decided to show him she was as much of a biker as he was, if not more. Or, maybe, she opted to dress that way precisely to remind her boyfriend and everybody else just who was Johnny’s girlfriend. 
Honestly, the girl was sweet (sometimes), but she was a mystery. For all the complaining she did about Johnny, that certainly didn’t stop her from getting a 13 ーhis unlucky numberーtattooed on her right arm.  Danny just wondered if Johnny had a kitten or anything even remotely resembling one tattooed anywhere on his own body. 
...on second thought, he’d rather not think about it.
Johnny himself had changed a little, too, although nowhere near as much or as drastically as his girlfriend. To be honest, he looked exactly the same as always, except for his blond hair now being long enough to be tied in a low ponytailーKitty was right; it was greasyーand foregoing his trademark jacket, opting for just wearing his white undershirt and fingerless gloves, instead. But now that Danny thought about it, didn’t he use to wear a long-sleeved t-shirt, too? Whatever, back in the day  it was hard to tell with his jacket anyway. Other than that, he was the same Johnny 13 who once tried to trick Jazz into becoming a vessel for his girlfriend. 
Suspicion spiking up, Danny floated over towards them, still keeping a respectful distance in case Ember felt like playing a killer riff for his ears only. “What’re you three up to?” He didn’t feel like beating around the bush.
Their heads shooting up at the sound of his voice, the three ghosts looked surprised for less than a second, before adopting the same bored masks again. Though, to be honest, only the girls appeared bored with his presence, Johnny, on the other hand, looked annoyed, his eyes narrowing in distaste on him.
“What do you want, kid?” He spat. 
Danny had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes. Again with the ‘kid’ treatment. It was always the ‘kid’ treatment. Never mind that he’d been a legal adult for three years now. “I asked you first, Johnny. But since you’re asking so kindly,” he deadpanned, voice dripping with sarcasm. He really didn’t have patience for this anymore, “I’ll repeat myself; what are you three up to?” He repeated, this time sounding more serious. 
The biker ghost answered by letting out a puff of air, vexed. “What, now we can’t even chill in our own home? Are you going to give us a ticket for loitering or something?” He challenged, slowly making his way over to the halfa, trying to appear intimidating. 
He walked calmly, almost calculatingly so, with his face morphed into a wicked grin, one that promised trouble. Once he was close enough to look Phantom in the eye, the two entered a silent staring contest, the tension between them flickering up. Even if the Ghost Kid looked much calmer than Johnny felt, he wouldn’t back down. “Your precious thermos won’t be of any help now.”
Side-glancing their testosterone levels rising from where she was, Kitty let out a huff. Hopping from the biker seat, she squeezed herself in between the two and separated them, both of her hands planted firmly on their chest. “Will you quit it, you two? Nobody’s buying this faux animosity you have going on.”
Knowing they’d been busted, the two jokingly moaned in disappointment, before sharing knowing glances and breaking down laughing. And all the biker girl could do in response was roll her eyes and shake her head, letting her face fall in her hand in exasperation while her boyfriend grabbed Danny by his shoulders and pulled him down, ruffling his snow-white hair with his knuckles. Really, the only difference between grown ass men and children was the size. 
“Careful, dipstick. That techno geek of yours is going to get jealous if you keep flirting with others behind his back.” Ember said, watching everything from her rock with a smirk on her face. 
“FYI, Tucker and I have an open relationship.” The half-ghost wasn’t above blowing a raspberry at her, making her roll her eyes in irritation. He also couldn’t prevent the snickers from escaping his throat at the sight of Kitty painfully elbowing Johnny on the side when he suggested if they could have an open relationship, too.
“With the way you’re constantly hitting on other girls, one’d think we’re already in one.” She pointed out hotly, her fist on her hips. “Besides, we both know you wouldn’t be able to stomach seeing me with other guys.” 
“I can attest to that.” Danny added, remembering not-so-fondly the days he wistfully thought he was dating Paulina when, in truth, he was in the middle of a lovers’ quarrel. Johnny just rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, trying to play innocent. 
“But now seriously, what are you guys doing?”
“You know, it really is offensive that you see us doing absolutely nothing and your first instinct is to think there’s something going on.” The biker crossed his arms over his chest, displeased. 
“Oh, ignore him.” Kitty told him, putting her hand over the halfa’s shoulder. Even if it’d all been a scheme to make Johnny jealous, Kitty had sort of developed a soft spot for him. As long as he didn’t get in her way, she was one of the less antagonistic ghosts. Danny, in return, often let her and Johnny ‘sightsee’ around Amity Park, as long as they kept themselves out of trouble. “Though we really are doing nothing. Is there a reason why you’d think otherwise, Danny?”
Before the green-eyed boy could come up with a good excuse, Ember’s mocking voice beat him to it. “Oh, please, Kitkat! You should know better than that; he’s obviously got his whities in a twist because of those three harpies that so generously grace us with their presence.” She said in a fake, sugary-sweet voice. Sliding her guitar over her shoulders, the popstar got up from her seat and walked over to the other three. “By the way, shouldn’t they be gone soon? ‘Cause I’d really rather they don’t become regular visitors.”
At the mention of the witches, the easy-going atmosphere immediately tensed up. Just like Ember, Johnny and Kitty were now looking at him, expectantly. It was obvious no ghost appreciated their presence in their dimension. Coughing uncomfortable, Danny rubbed the back of his neck. How did he put this in a way they’d understand? And, most importantly, that wouldn’t encourage them to kill him? “Let’s just say...there’s no expiration date for this.”
“What?!” Growling, Ember’s ponytail flared up, a clear indicator that she wasn’t taking the news well. “What the Hell does that mean, dipstick?”
“Yeah, man! Don’t you know what those rune-reading bitches did the last time we let them near us? What do you mean you don’t know when this’ll be over?!” Johnny demanded, summoning a spectral chain out of thin air. Beside him, Kitty had a hand over her lips. But rather than looking surprised, it was evident she planned to blow his Majesty one of her famous, other-worldly kisses.
Distancing himself from them by rising up once more, his palms up in surrender, Danny tried placating them. That was the problem of having friendly rivals: everything was cool between you until you said something that irked them, then they’d try to destroy without much reservation. “Guys, trust me. I don’t like this any more than you do. But it’s our only choice! Do you seriously want to let the Ghost Zone collapse?!”
That made them settle down. But their glowing, menacing eyes urged him to go on, demanding answers. Sighing, he tried to gather his thoughts. How could he explain to them what he barely understood himself? On their next meeting he was going to demand some answers out of Lady Arcana; no way would he let her hog all the information while he remained in the dark. “Apparently, the witches are a little...rusty, you could say. They’re not as in sync with the portals as they used to be, so the Witch Queen needs to put in the effort to find a solution. That’s why it’s taken us longer than expected to put an end to this”
“And how do you know she’s not lying through her teeth?” Ember questioned in distrust. “That’s what they’re good at; if they need anything out of you, they’ll earn your trust. But the moment they’re done using you, they have no qualms as to what’ll happen to you next.”
“Ember’s got a point.” Kitty agreed. “How do we know they’re not just using us to get something out of us only to ditch us the moment they got whatever that is?” Then, she gasped as a horrible realisation dawned on her. “Even worse...How do we know they aren’t the ones responsible for everything?”
As the three ghosts began chattering and theorising amongst themselves, Danny tried to get their attention back on him. “Guys...Guys, listen...Guys, come on…” Seeing as they wouldn’t be paying attention to him any time soon, he lost his patience. “Would you just listen to me?!”
Satisfied that his abrupt outburst had shut them up, he smirked, before growing wary again. “I understand your concerns, because, honestly, they're mine, too. I know we can’t let our guards down around them; they’re not like the rest of humans. They aren’t a group of ghost hunters with advanced tech, or even more halfas who decided to turn their backs on the Ghost Zone and create their own society. They’re humans that were born with powers; they’re freaks of nature! 
“But they’re also our safest bet right now. The Guys in White are too busy looking for ways to haunt me down or for stores that sell all-white clothes to even know how the ghost portals work. Not to mention, they’re too stupid to realise that destroying our world destroys Earth, too.” He rolled his eyes at that. The only thing worse than a pain in the butt was a useless pain in the butt. “Vlad would demand I pass the throne to him in exchange for his help, and we all know how that’d turn out.” He felt a small sort of satisfaction at their cringing faces. “And no ghost understands the mysterious nature behind the ghost portals. The only beings who’ve ever been able to surpass the lass separating both worlds are the witches; I’m sorry guys, but they’re really our only hope.”
“How do we know we can trust them?” Johnny insisted, not one to back down.
“We don’t.” was Danny’s reply, and he felt more defeated than in any previous fight. 
The three ghosts exchanged glances, a silent conversation going on between them. Out of the three of them, Ember was the most antagonistic; if she really wanted to, she wouldn’t hesitate to attack him. The lovebirds were a different thing entirely. Most of the time Kitty was content just hanging out, and Johnny’s main goal was to please her, for things got ugly whenever his girlfriend wasn’t pleased… Having said that, just like they could act as just another couple of teenagers or young adults (he never really asked for their ages…), they could turn on him in the blink of an eye. 
Dreading their reactions, Danny kept himself aloft. Close enough so they wouldn’t suspect, but far enough so he’d have enough of a head start to get the Hell out of there. 
Finally, the three turned their heads to look at him. The fiery spirit was the one to speak. “And what do you plan to do about it?”
Her question sent the snow-white haired boy reeling. What did he plan to do about it? In all honesty, it was a good question. Even if he hadn’t seen Lady Arcana and her kind in actionーbeyond a floating book being shoved in his face, that isー, judging from what had been recorded in the Far Frozen’s archives and Sojourn’s journal, they were to be feared. Danny knew how to deal with rogue spirits and even ghost hunters, since his powers usually provided him with the upper hand, but actual reality warpers whose powers he knew next to nothing about? He wasn’t so sure how he’d fare in a fight against them.
Still, he was nothing if he wasn’t resourceful, and holding their meetings in the Ghost Zone gave him a certain advantage over a group of foreigners. He’d find a way. He had to. “Everything in my power.” He answered truthfully. 
“I see.” Even though Ember didn’t look particularly impressed with his answer, she let it go. Walking over to her previous seat, her friends following her example, she called out to Danny over her shoulder, fluttering her eyelashes innocently. “So, anything to report, dipstick? How’s the missus back home?”
“Har har… Very funny, Ember.” The Ghost King replied sardonically. “You know I’m single.”
“Then you’d better watch out for all your rabid fangirls waiting for their chance to claim you as theirs, baby!” The popstar cackled maliciously. “Seriously, they’re like savage beasts! Lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to pounce.” She sighed as her laughter died down, pretending to wipe a tear off the corner of her eye. “Sucks to be you.”
“At least Dash Baxter is not part of my fanclub, unlike some other ghost I know...” He retorted, smugly. His smirk widened at the sight of Ember physically shuddering in disgust. 
“That was low.” She accused, and all she got in response was a noncommittal shrug.
Eying their conversation with increasing interest, Johnny couldn’t help but add his two cents. “Cut her some slack, man. At least Ember isn’t responsible for the dude’s gay awakening.” 
Grinning madly, Ember high-fived him while Kitty rolled her eyes at their antics in amusement, obviously used to them by now. And Danny….Danny didn’t know why he even talked to those guys. Flinching at the implications behind the biker’s jab, he opted to not dignify that with an answer. 
“Can we change the topic to...I don’t know...literally anything else?” He begged. He’d have to bleach his brain to get the image of Dash making a Danny Phantom shrine, not unlike Paulina’s, out of his head. 
Covering her mouth to quiet her chuckles down, Kitty took pity on him. “Guess who’s going to improv classes in her free time?”
Oh, Kitty. Sweet, compassionate, clingy, jealous Kitty. That was why she was his favourite...after Cujo. And Wulf...and after Dora...she was far behind Frostbite, too, that was for sure... Basically, his favourite after any other ghost he officially was on better terms with. But, hey, the intention’s what counts. “You want to be an actress?”
“It’s a nice hobby.” She shrugged before pointing her thumb at her boyfriend, looking unimpressed. “I’ve tried getting Johnny to come with me, but he just won’t budge.”
Danny pretended he didn’t notice the way Johnny, oh so subtly, inched a little further away from her. “Sorry, Babe. You know I love you, but that’s your passion, not mine.”
“And riding bikes is your passion, but at least I’m still there to support you!”
Uh, oh. The classic bike over girlfriend argument...The ghost biker had better come up with a good enough retort or Danny would be stuck trying to do damage control when they took the fight outside. And by ‘outside’ he meant Amity Park. Landing beside him, Danny elbowed the teenager lightly on the ribs. 
At first Johnny just glared at him, but when the halfa returned his glare with a pointed look of his own, he caught his drill. “Don’t be like that, babe! You know I could never replace you. Thing’s just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
There was a twisted irony in the fact that the very same ghost who once tried to replace his girlfriend’s physical form with Jazz’s was the one saying he ‘could never replace her.’ 
Bored with his answer, probably from hearing it a million times already, the green-haired ghost just turned away from him with a huff. “And yet, that doesn’t stop you from trying. Why don’t you ask Shadow for support? I’m sure he’ll rock the miniskirt…”
Noticing Johnny getting frustrated beside him, if the way he curled his hands into fists was any indication, Danny immediately sent a panicked look at Ember, silently asking her for help. The popstar, in turn, just made herself comfortable. She stretched before leaning back on her rock, her arms behind her head. She was clearly enjoying the show a little too much to want it to stop. 
Growing frustrated himself, Danny chose to take matters into his own hands. “I think what Johnny means is that, while you’re a great help and things wouldn’t be the same without you,” he sent a meaningful look the biker’s way, daring him to try and contradict him, “he fears hindering you instead.”
That caught her attention. “Really?”
A quick jab on his side from the halfa was enough to get Johnny talking. “Yeah, totally. I...I already got in between your dream once, Kitten. I’d hate to prevent you from fulfilling it ever again.” He admitted, and the somber way he said those words made Danny realise there was much more behind those improv classes than what meets the eye. Even if it was doubtful he’d ever get a clear confirmation as to what exactly that was, he had a pretty good guess. 
“Oh, Johnny!” Tearing up, a hand on her chest, Kitty threw himself at her boyfriend’s arms. “I love you. And I don’t blame you for anything, you know that, right?”
He sent her a small smile. “Just because you don’t blame me doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven myself, Kitten.” 
The red-eyed girl felt like tearing up all over again, but for completely different reasons. Deep down, she knew it’d be a long time before she convinced Johnny he wasn’t responsible for what happened, if ever. But for now, she was happy just touching his forehead with hers, showing him she’d always be there. 
Coming to stand besides Ember, a content smile on his face, Danny just watched the couple. The popstar, on the contrary, didn’t look as pleased. “You just had to help them reconcile, didn’t you? You couldn’t let me have my fun.”
“Isn’t she your best friend?” He raised an eyebrow, looking down at her. “Don’t you care enough about her to want her to be happy?”
“I care more about her than you’ll ever know, dipstick.” Her voice was laced with venom, as if warning him to not overstep his boundaries, and...something else Danny couldn’t quite decipher. 
The few times he’d seen the two girls interact, like when they haunted Amity Park just for kicks rather than some evil agenda, Danny would get the distinct feeling that there was some sort of thing going on between them. And, he had to admit, with the way their boyfriends regularly got on their nerves, Danny wouldn’t be surprised if the two decided to be each other’s Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and eloped. 
But then...there were moments like this. Moments where Kitty would look truly happy in Johnny’s arms, almost as if they never fought. And Johnny? Johnny looked at her like she was the most wonderful thing that's ever happened in his after-life. And she probably was. 
Whatever happened to them, it was obvious it interlinked their obsessions with each other. And given ghosts’ complicated natures, it was unlikely they’d ever leave each other’s side. Which meant whatever feelings Ember harbored, they most likely would never be reciprocated. He wondered if Skulker knew…
After what felt like an eternity to their viewers and a few measly seconds to the couple, Ember chose to continue the conversation where they’d left it, in hopes of finally breaking the ‘cute couple’ apart. “So, how’re your classes going, Kitty?”
She also chose to ignore the dipstick’s disapproving look. 
“Wha…Oh! My classes. Yeah...” She remembered; her question bringing her back from Wonderland. She cleared her throat in an attempt to clear her head and her stomach from the little butterflies only Johnny could cause her. “Most of the time it’s cool, but sometimes it’s just…” She made a face, as if that explained everything.
Danny tilted his head to the side. “How come?”
“She says the teacher’s instructions are wild.” Johnny supplied, coming to wrap his arm around her waist.
“The other day, for example,” she started, leaning closer to her boyfriend in a manner that looked almost unconscious, “he told me, ‘try to act like you care, only to don’t care at all,’” she mimicked, lowering her usual pitch to a much deeper voice, “and I was like, ‘okay...?’”
While her two friends exchanged agreements on how weird the directions were, Danny’s eyes lit up. “Oh, so like in high school!”
The three of them just stared at him like he’d grown a second head. “What?”
“You know, high school. The epitome of acting like you care when you really don’t care.”
Now, instead of looking at him like he’d grown a second headーsomething he’d actually done when trying to learn to duplicate himself, as a matter of factーthey were simultaneously staring at him and exchanging nervous glances among them. The same way a group of friends would do during an intervention. It was Johnny who broke the ice. “Yeah…” He said slowly. “I don’t think that applies.”
“‘Course it does!” Danny insisted, throwing a hand in the air as if that would validate his point, the other resting on his hip. “Think about it, in high school you’re expected to care about your marks, your extracurricular activities, hanging out with the right group...But deep down you don’t give a fuck about school and all you wanna do is stay at home playing video games, chatting with your friends, eating junk food…”
There was a beat of silence. But whereas the ghost couple wondered just how traumatic his high school experience had been, the popstar looked contemplative, a finger on her chin. “...he has a point.” She said, and now Kitty and Johnny were looking at her like she needed medical help. “Take it from me, the personification of teenage rebellion. My powers would be useless if teens actually cared about their education.”
“Hm, I guess that makes sense?” Kitty conceded. “Alright, so I gotta act like a kid in high school. Got it. Thanks, Danny!” She smiled brightly at him. 
“Don’t mention it.” He waved it off. 
“Speaking of high school…” Ember trailed off, and the almost predatory look on her face was enough to make Danny want to flee right there and then. “Has the great Ghost King found himself a queen yet? I know you said earlier that you’re single but, c’mon. That can’t be right. ‘Cause I’m pretty sure your last girlfriend’s that Red Huntress chick you used to date in sophomore year.”
“Dude, you haven’t had a girlfriend since high school?!” Johnny looked both personally affronted and astonished at the revelation. “Are you gay?” 
Luckily for him, Danny wouldn’t have to blast him with an ecto-ray; Kitty already took care of it. “Johnny! Have you learned nothing from Mean Girls? You can’t just ask people if they’re gay!”
“Pretty sure the actual line was ‘you can’t just ask people why they’re white.’” Ember pointed out. 
“Oh, that’s right. Anyway, doesn’t matter. It was uncalled for.” Then she lay her concerned, red eyes on the halfa and he couldn’t help but gulp loudly. He knew that look. He dreaded that look. It was the concerned-older-sister-looking-out-for-her-baby-brother look. Jazz had put a patent on it long ago. “Is something wrong, though? Several years without a girlfriend is a little bit unusualー”
“And worrying.” Johnny added. 
“ーfor a young man. Do you want to talk about it? Or, even  better, how about I organise you a blind date, hm? I’m sure we’ll find you a nice girl in no time!”
Could there be anything worse than ghosts concerning themselves over his love life? “I fail to see how that’s any of your business.” He said flatly. 
Ember just looked at him like he was crazy. “Um, hello? For better or worse you are our king, dipstick. How do you plan on continuing the bloodline without even a girlfriend?”
“I could just have Vlad make me some clones…” He mumbled to himself. It was meant as a joke, but the mere thought of letting that fruitloop anywhere near his DNA was enough to send chills running down his spine. 
Not hearing the halfa’s poor attempt to joke, Johnny snorted in response to Ember’s answer. Shaking his head as he walked over to Danny, his thumbs hitched at the hem of his pants, the biker draped an arm over the halfa’s shoulders in an almost brotherly fashion. “Cut it out, Ember.” He chided with no real malice, before focusing on Danny. “Don’t listen to her, dude. She’s only asking ‘cause she thinks getting laid will help you blow off some steam, enough so you get off our backs for a while.”
“Johnny!” Kitty scolded him, feeling sorry for Danny.
“What? You know I’m right.”
“Actually, he is.” The popstar admitted. “Saw right through me.”
His face flushing green, Danny pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. This could not be happening. First, they try to butt in on his love life, and now they comment of his sex life?! Somebody put him out of his misery… 
“Again, I fail to see how that’s any of your business.” He groaned in dismay. He could only thank his lucky stars Sam wasn’t there to witness such humiliation. Wait a minute...Sam? Where did that come from?
As he battled with his thoughts, he’d have preferred it if his enhanced senses hadn’t caught Ember leaning close to whisper to Kitty in her ear, “Dipstick’s got no action in weeks, I tell you.”
That was it. “Okay!” He exclaimed, a little too loudly, as he clasped his hands together with a forced, cheerful grin on his face. “As lovely as catching up with you guys has beenーit was great, reallyー, I really ought to keep on patrolling. Ugh, the busy life of the ruler of the Ghost Zone. See ya!” He waved them goodbye as he took off in the direction he came from, drifting away from them. 
Before he was out of earshot, though, Ember shouted after him. “While you’re at it try to find yourself a girlfriend!” Then, she mimicked putting something on her ring finger before singing at the top of her lungs. “If you like it, put a ring on it!”
As they cackled at his expense, Danny stopped mid-air. Like he’d ever let her have the last laugh… He cupped a hand around his mouth, calling out to her, “I’m surprised you’re not egomaniac enough to only reference your own songs!”
In an instant, all traces of amusement on the popstar’s face were gone, replaced by irritation. “Fuck you!” She flipped the bird at him, while her two companions now laughed their asses off at her expense. 
Meeting her rude gesture with a mock salute and a cheeky grin, Danny turned around, flying away at top speed. Now that he wasn’t surrounded by a group of dimwits, he was alone with his thoughts. 
More specifically, he was alone with the thought of Sam. 
He really didn’t understand how her memory had popped up out of nowhere, let alone why it’d popped up right when they were discussing his love life, or lack thereof. Not that long ago, the face that would’ve made an entrance would’ve been Valerie’s. Not because he still had feelings for her, although he’d admit getting over her took him a while, but because she’d been the only girl he’d ever had a long-term relationship with. 
Okay, maybe saying ‘long-term’ was exaggerating a bit. They began a tentative relationship that lasted all throughout the astounding amount of three different dates, several shared lunch periods, and two weeks. 
But seeing as any subsequent attempt at dating someone new either ended in one-night stands, if he was lucky, or in half-finished dates after which the girls would tell him not to bother trying to call them, and that wasn’t even the worst outcome possibleーsometimes he’d been forced to stand them up altogether because of a sudden ghost attackー; he could safely affirm his time with Valerie was his longest dating experience. 
And it didn’t even count as dating because she broke things off before they agreed on going steady. Oh, joy…
So, really, even if his feelings for Valerie had long faded, there was still that feeling of familiarity bringing him comfort. 
But that still didn’t explain why he’d think of Sam of all people! Sure, they got along fine and they’d seen each other a few times already (last time at the restaurant they didn’t even need Tucker), but there was no sense of familiarity! They were friendly acquaintances, and no more. 
So Sam was funny, and smart, and probably the sassiest girl he’d ever met. Sure, her wits and snark were enough to put some of his most punny opponents to shame, and he had a feeling she wouldn’t run out of puns to make during a fightーsomething even he struggled withー, not like she was the kind to make puns, anyway. And that fire that would light up in her eyes whenever she spoke about doing what’s right, and animal rightsーbecause, really, could anyone react more adorably to a Purple Back Gorilla?ー, and the occult... Or the way she stood her ground because she knew who she was and she was so confident in the person she’d grown up to be!
...So what if he needed someone like that in his life back in high school? He couldn’t change the past!
Sam was probably one of the most amazing people he’d ever met, but that didn’t mean anything. Guys could admire girls without having feelings for them or wanting to get inside their pants, now, couldn’t they? If Sam were there, in fact, she’d point out they actually should be able to admire girls with no ulterior motive. 
Danny did a double-take, changing course when he was a minute shy of crashing against someone’s door. Sighing in relief as he wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead, he felt like smacking himself. Again with Sam! There was nothing going on between him and Sam!
Just because he thought she was cool it didn’t mean he was crushing on her or looking for ways to get into her bed. Speaking of...he also had the distinctive feeling she would pummel him to the ground if he so much as thought about it. He liked the feeling of breathing without wincing because one of his ribs was piercing his lung, thank you very much. 
Besides, no matter how awesome Sam was, she just wasn’t his type. A guilty part of Danny had to admit, aside from his amazon chasing tendencies (thanks again, Dad), he had a soft spot for preppy girls. His first ever crush was Paulina Sanchez, Casper High’s queen bee and cheerleading captain from freshman to senior year. Even Valerie, despite losing her wealth over the Cujo accident, stayed true to her style from back when she was still popular, just...without the brand clothes. 
Sam was not preppy. 
He guessed that was a factor in how shocking it’d been to find out she, as a matter of fact, came from a rich family. With all the dough Jazz had later told him her family had, Sam could afford to use new shoes every single day and then throw them all into the trash when she came back home. 
But she didn’t. 
Instead, she preferred to buy her clothes from second-hand stores and add her personal touch later on, knowing the money would go to different humane organisations, or to buy them from independent stores. 
“Those are a bit expensive.” she explained the last time he and Tucker met up with her at the You Mocha Me Crazy. “But the clothes are high quality and tailor-made, so it’s worth it.”
He couldn’t help but smile at the memory. That was Sam; always grounded and level-headed, with the greater good in mind. 
On second thought, it was unfair of him to judge Sam just because she wasn’t preppy. Sure, she wasn’t his type, but she was still beautiful. How could she not be? With her sleek, black hair that looked so smooth it could put velvet to shame. Or those hazel eyes of hers that were a crystal clear reflection of her soul, full of emotion and mystery. Or her soft, plumb lips, always accentuated by her unusual purple lipstick, drawing your attention to them, almost begging you to kiss them…
The image sent him reeling, almost shooting through the eerie, ectoplasmic abyss of the Ghost Zone before he forced himself to come to a sudden halt. He could hear his heart frantically pounding in his ears.
Where did that come from?!
Danny took a moment to steady his breath, using his hands to scrub his face. What was he thinking? Just like he had to tell Jazz over a hundred times in the drive back home from the restaurant, Sam was just a girl he knew. A pretty awesome girl, but just a girl. 
Even if she were more than that, which she wasn’t, his life was too hectic to involve anyone else. Especially not someone who could be used as leverage against him. There would never be anything more between them. The sooner everyone accepted his life was too complicated to have a normal relationship, the better. 
As Danny finally flew back to his lair, he did his best to ignore the way his heart was still fluttering in his chest.
They were back to square one.
Just like the last time, Danny had guided Lady Arcana and her entourage deep inside his lair until they reached the Council Room doors. Her Majesty’s two witches kept guard at both sides of the door alongside two of his own guards, while the two royals went inside to discuss. They were still far away but in front of each other, the same old large wooden table separating them. And Lady Arcana looked like she wanted to dissect him with her own hands while he was finding the sweet release of permanent death all the more appealing. 
 Why was it that progress never lasted with this woman?
Sitting down as regally as possible on her chair, Lady Arcana once again materialised a book seemingly out of nowhere. Only, this time, Danny noticed it was even more beautifully crafted than the last one. “I managed to bring this grimoire with me.” That must’ve been the first time she initiated a conversation. “Hopefully, it’ll have the answers we’re looking for.” Without warning, her violet eyes narrowed to slits, looking at him with as much venom as she could muster. “This is your only warning, if anything happens to this book while it’s in your territory, prepare to face the consequences.”
He’d heard of treating books with respect (mostly from Jazz), but this was ridiculous! “Wow, it must be a really important book. What is it, signed by the author?”
Sam fumed at his pathetic excuse of a joke. Great, like she didn’t hear enough terrible one-liners from hanging out with Tucker. Difference being, she actually liked hanging out with Tucker. “As a matter of fact, it is.”
That took him aback. “Wait, it’s got its author’s autograph? Really?”
She stopped leafing through the grimoire’s pages for a moment to meet his incredulous look. “Of course not! I mean it’s really important!” Bringing the book close to her face, she sneered. “What, is the crown so heavy it turns your brain to mush?”
“Oh, it’s heavier than you could possibly imagine…” Danny muttered through gritted teeth, mostly to himself. As if the Witch Queen didn’t know that already. The dark energy radiating from both the crown and the ring was pure torture, and enduring it a job made for Hercules himself. He was about to retort with a comeback of his own, when his eyes focused on the book’s cover, more specifically, on the golden letters making up its title:
Lady Arcana’s Grimoire
A spike of suspicion bubbling within him, the halfa wasted no time in pointing out his discovery, daring her to contradict him. “If you’re so smart to have a spellbook under your name, then how come you claim you don’t know how to solve the portal problem?” 
If she thought she could just trick him like that, she got another thing coming. So what if she was the leader of a group of conniving spellcasters? He’d been fighting toe to toe with Vlad, the biggest, most manipulative bastard he’d ever met, since he was fourteen. Exposing her evil plans would be child’s play. 
Slowly putting the book down, Sam looked at Phantom with what she was sure was the most dumbfounded expression she’d ever had. What was he talking about? “Excuse me?”
The green-eyed ghost edged around the table, getting close to her at a tauntingly slow pace. Maddening slow. When he was finally by her side, he got so close she couldn’t help but flinch back. “Oh, you know. Just wondering if perhaps you’re not taking me for a fool and pretending to help just so you and your witches can buy your time and attack us.” He got in her face, his neon green gaze so intense it almost burned. “Hm, Lady Arcana?”
For a minute, Sam just stood there, without moving an inch from her seat. Not understanding his sudden animosity. She’d be lying if she said there wasn’t tension in the air whenever the two met up, but most of the time Phantom acted cheeky around her, taunting her with his cocky attitude, as if gauging her reaction and trying to figure out when he’d get a reaction out of her. At most, he’d seem annoyed or resigned when working with her. 
But this?
This cold treatment that translated itself into a literal drop in temperature in the room around her? His cool, accusing voice that made shivers run down her spine and the fire of aggravation light up in her heart? The way he looked at her like she was naked in front of him, and not in a lustful way, but in a way that made her feel like he could see right through her?
This was new, and she couldn’t say she liked it. 
A dark scowl making its way to her face, the young sorceress spat. “What are you getting at?”
Danny was looking at her through half-lidded eyes, his smile more dangerous than the countless beasts lurking on the Ghost Zone’s most remote corners. “I’d suggest you undo whatever it is that your kind did to the portals, because let me tell you, I will not go easy on you just because you’re a girl.” He growled in a menacingly low tone. 
Sam could only gasp in astonishment. But the feeling didn’t last long, soon being replaced with outrage. How dare he? Who did he think he was to accuse her and her people of putting their own lives in danger?! And all for what? To get back at a group of bodiless puppets? He had a lot of nerve.
“Listen up here, you jackー!”
“Uh, uh, uh!” Phantom cut her off with a sing-song voice, a scolding finger raised up and wagging right in front of her face. “A queen shouldn’t cuss like that, your Majesty. It’s not beckoning.”
The purple-eyed witch clutched the table with her hands so tightly, she could hear it splinting under her digits. But she didn’t care. He was taunting her, waiting for her to make the first move so he wouldn’t be accused of attempting against the life of the Queen of the Witches of Amity Park. After all, the punishment was different if an attack was in self-defence, wasn’t it?
She was about to make a mistake when his cocky voice distracted her. “I’m waiting, Lady Arcana.”
Again with the sarcastic tone. Why did her name have to do with any of this?! First he said whatever nonsense of having her own book, which was absolutely ridiculous because she was an avid reader, not a writer. Then he got impossibly close and had the nerve to mock her title, right before accusing her of causing the rifts, and now…
Now it hit her. 
To Danny’s immense surprise, instead of retaliating, Lady Arcana limited herself to picking her precious book back up, her irate expression morphing itself into bored disbelief. “When you said I have my own book, did you mean this?”
“Considering it’s the only one with your name on it, then yes. That’s the one.” He deadpanned. What was she up to?
His eyebrows shot up to the ceiling when she sighed, looking beyond done with the entire situation. “If you must know, I’m not the Lady Arcana who wrote this book. She died centuries before I was even born. This grimoire,” she did the unthinkable and handed it to him, “is sort of her research journal. Everything she learned about magic during her time, it’s there. And since our respective species didn’t part ways until long after her death, it should have the answer to the portals as well.”
Listening to her explanation, he glanced down at the book in his hands. Gingerly skimming the pages, for he knew the witch would do well in her previous promise, Danny eyed its contents. Aside from the numerous runes he couldn’t understand and the mysterious drawings he didn’t know how to interpret, it was obvious that in spite of the book’s pristine condition, it had seen better days. The pages were yellowish and rough to the touch, their edges worn-out. And even if one could still make out the symbols, the ink was very washed-out. 
In short, there was no way this book belonged to the woman in front of him. 
Averting his eyes, he handed it back to get before floating over his own seat and flopping down on it. Ashamed by his actions, though not entirely convinced of the witches' innocence, he slumped down in his chair, refusing to meet her scrutinising, violet eyes.
Unfortunately for him, Sam was not having it. “Will you now stop talking about things you know nothing about?”
“I would if you at least let me know something!” He sulked, and Sam couldn’t believe to save her life that a ghost could actually act so childishly.
“Do you have the slightest idea of how frustrating it is to be at a disadvantage?” he went on. “You know what ghosts are capable of, you see them all the time on the news!” Okay, that was a wild guess, but it helped his case. “But I know next to nothing about you, and you refuse to even the ground. So excuse me for thinking you might be responsible for our current crisis because I see your name on a book that’s supposed to put an end to said crisis!”
When a few minutes went by and Lady Arcana still said nothing, he got worried. Either he’d crossed a line and ruined any chance of working together with her in the future, or he’d crossed a line and she was silently cursing him. A morbid part of him wondered if being turned into a frog would be easier than being half-ghost. Both predicaments had something in common; he could end up at someone’s dissection table. 
Then, the most unexpected thing happened. “You’re right.”
Danny was so astounded he shot forward from his chair, eyes wide. “Come again?”
The halfa resented the way she rolled her eyes at him. It was a legitimate question! “I said, ‘you’re right.’” She said, leaning forward and trying to meet his eye. She was finding it increasingly more difficult, and Sam had to wonder if it was due to his previous outburst or her own shame. “We’re both sticking our necks here, working with each other. My people might be secretive, but the least I could do is even the ground, as you say.”
Even if, ideally, Phantom was the last person Sam wanted to be honest with, having to lie to so many people in her life was taking its toll on her. And she figured, as much as she hated it, he had a point. It was hard trusting someone when they always kept you in the dark. Her own experiences with Wilhelmina proved that. 
But she had to make some things clear, first. “Before I tell you anything, however,” a small, amused smile appeared on her face when she saw him deflate, “I gotta lay out a few ground rules.”
Phantom sighed. “Fine. State your terms.”
“You can ask me whatever you want, and I will tell you as much as I can, but there are things I simply cannot divulge. You must respect that. Got it?” 
Knowing that deal could easily become a double-edged sword, against his better judgement, Danny nodded. “Got it.”
“Very well.” She leaned back on her chair, her back straight and fingers firmly clasped together on top of the table. “What do you want to know?”
The halfa didn’t even have to think of his question; it’d been plaguing his mind since he first met her. “How does your magic work?”
Well, that much she could answer. The young queen couldn’t help but see the irony in the way she was about to willingly disclose the very same information she’d viciously guarded from Danny to the Ghost King. “What you call ‘magic’ is the art of learning to control and manipulate one’s anima at will.”
“Anima?” Phantom tilted his head to the side. Sam couldn’t help but think he looked like a ghost puppy. 
She nodded as she raised one hand to her eye-level, palm up. With a snap of her fingers, the same sparkly, purple mist he remembered from the floating book accident surrounded her hand. He could only look on, stunned. “Our essence.” Lady Arcana explained, mindlessly playing with the mystical energy, watching as it slipped through her fingers like water. “Believe it or not, everyone has an anima, not just witches. The only difference is that we know how to tap into and summon it.”
“So is it like my ecto-energy?”
“In a way. There is a difference, though.”
“Which is?” He urged her, but she just shook her head. 
Danny was beginning to think that was one of the things she’d refuse to share with him when she clarified. “As with the portals, that knowledge was forgotten long ago. We don’t know what makes our essences different; we just know they are.”
“And what about the spells?” Ever since Sam cryptically told him about them, Danny’d been racking his mind for answers, trying to put two and two together. But he always came out empty-handed. He just hoped Lady Arcana had the answers. 
She sighed, and once again the halfa feared he wouldn’t get his answer after all, but once more she surprised him. “They’re intrinsically linked to our culture.” He couldn’t help but flinch when she sent him a meaningful look. “They’re also the reason why I call myself Lady Arcana...when that’s not my name.” She admitted quietly. 
Understanding the best he could do was give her time, Danny leaned forward, resting his chin on his intertwined hands that were propped on the table in front of him. He waited with bated breath for her to speak. “To do magic, you have to know the secrets of the universe.”
“The secrets of the universe?” He repeated, eyes wide. 
She nodded, pointing at her hand, the one radiating energy. “There is a secret language; the one the universe was created and communicates with. To do magic you need two things: to be in sync with your anima, and to know that secret language so you can get the results you want. Every spell we make we cast it by calling the secret name of whatever we set our minds to. Because of this system, in our culture names give you power. That’s why I go by Lady Arcana, because if anyone were to know my real name, it’d give them power over me.”
Danny had to force his mouth shut at her words. So witches were in tune with the universe on a whole different level than most people. A part of him couldn’t help but point out the similarities between the two, for if people were to find out his secret, he’d be completely at their mercy. Vlad had certainly used his secret against him in the past, the only way it didn’t do more damage than necessary was because he also knew his and could counter attack. 
A part of him wished he could ask her the true questions plaguing his mind. Mostly, why? Why did her people sell ghosts out like that? Why did they choose ruining a centuries-long alliance was worth it? Why did they refuse to acknowledge the damage they’d done?!
Just why?
But the sharper part of him, the one who usually took charge of things when coming up with puns or ghost-fighting, knew that question would most likely go unanswered. And at worst it’d bring back the tension their, surprisingly, civil conversation had dissipated. So instead he chose to be the polite young man his parents raised. 
“Thank you for coming clean to me, my lady. I…I understand it must’ve been difficult.” He tried to channel his best intentions through his grateful grin. 
For a minute Sam just stared at the ghost in front of her, speechless. She had to admit, Phantom had proved he could be mature, albeit usually after enough jabs and pointless arguing, so it shouldn’t have come out as such a surprise that now he seemed genuinely grateful for her honesty. And yet, the sincerity in his glowing, green eyes, and the kindness radiating from his smile were enough to make her heart flutter, touched. The way he looked at her made him seem almost completely harmless, friendly, and caring.
It made him seem like Danny. 
The past few days, after unexpectedly running into him in Verde Que te Quiero Verde, her mind always went back to him. A nice, warm feeling would bubble deep within her whenever she thought of his unruly, black hair, or his deep, baby blue eyes, or just his general kindness and alertness to the way other people feel… Sam would feel her face heat up whenever she remembered she still had his hoodie; or when she’d admit to herself that she didn’t know if she could ever give it back. 
As nice as the feeling was, it certainly didn’t help when it clouded her judgement when she was carrying out her duties. Such as that very moment. 
What was she thinking, comparing Danny Phantom to Danny Fenton?! They couldn’t be more different! Danny’s voice was rich and soothing, while Phantom’s had a certain echo that reminded everyone of his current state of being. Danny had absolutely no interest in following in his parents’ footsteps; he dreamed of being an astronaut and the Fentons had often neglected him and his sister in favour of ghost-hunting. Phantom was both a ghost hunter himself and the very ghost Danny’s parents were after!
And most importantly, Sam could actually put up with Danny’s presence, whereas she’d more than once wondered if spirits could be strangled. 
While she appreciated the Ghost King’s bout of friendliness, she’d have to remind herself that he and Danny were two entirely different people. But for now, it wouldn’t hurt to show some gratitude in return. “Thank you for listening and respecting my request, Phantom.” She smiled back. 
The king shrugged, the grin never leaving his face. “It’s the least I could do. Hey, if you have any questions of your own, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll see what I can do.”
Sam was about to thank him for his offer but decline anyway when she changed her mind, an idea materialising in her head. Using her two hands for support to get up from her chair, she walked around the wooden table between them and towards her host. She didn’t stop until she was almost within touching distance. 
Propping herself up against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest, in the most relaxed position Danny had seen her, she spoke. “If I ask a favour of you, will you grant it?”
“Depending on what you ask.” He replied truthfully.
She guessed that was fair enough. Unfolding her arms, she used one hand to point at him. “Please, refrain yourself from wearing...” she trailed off, vaguely gesturing to the Ring of Wrath and the Crown of Fire, “that during our meetings.”
His eyes narrowed in suspicion. The only reason he wore the dreaded things in the first place was to keep her and her guards in line. If it meant not being vulnerable around them, he was willing to endure their torment. “You see, I wear these to show my very special guests just how seriously I take their visit,” Danny started, his voice dripping in sarcasm, before turning more serious with a menacing glare, his eyes glowing bright. “How do I know you won’t double-cross me the moment I take them off?”
Sam didn’t like the way this conversation suddenly turned from civil, to accusing. Again. “How do I know you won’t use them to double-cross me?”
“I believe I asked you first.” 
Growing irritated, Sam clutched at her skin. “Simple; I’m not the one wearing that.”
There was a reason purple-eyed witches such as herself or Grandma Ida were so respected in their society; only they could resist the darkness their people so feared. And the dark forces radiating from the Ghost King’s crown and ring? They were vile. The age of eternal blackness, pain, and suffering they promised were enough to make her hairs stand on end. Therefore, seeing Phantom wield them so nonchalantly was a clear indicator that he was not to be trifled with. 
Not uttering a word, Phantom got up from his chair and made his way to her. Sam had to fight the urge to flinch away from him in fright when he stood, imposing, in front of her. “Funny.” He said with a hint of sick amusement in his voice. “It was a gift from your kind.”
Sam could only gasp at his words, a hand to her chest and her feet unconsciously taking a few steps back. However, before she could fully register his words and react accordingly, the ground at her feet started moving, unprompted. Her body involuntarily swaying from the sudden tremors, she tried to keep her balance by hopelessly flailing her arms, in search of support. 
But her efforts proved themselves fruitless when another, stronger, jolt tossed her down to the ground with a low thud. The only reason she even registered she’d fallen was the sudden change in perspective; Phantom, who, seemingly on instinct, had risen up in the air the moment the room shook, went from being in front of her to horizontal. 
“What’s going on?” She choked out, too disoriented to even stand. 
Noticing the turmoil in her voice, their previous conversation forgotten in favour of the current events, Danny was by her side in an instant, gently helping her up. This could only mean one thing. “Uh, no…”
“‘Uh, no?’” Lady Arcana asked, holding onto his arm for dear life. “‘Uh, no’ what?”
Before Danny could so much as offer an answer a distinct cry in a language he didn’t understand could be heard from the other side of the door. In the blink of an eye, a gust of bright yellow wind came crashing through the door, reducing it to smithereens. What was truly unbelievable, however, was the way the wind seemed to have solidified with the intention of bursting the doors open. 
Fast as lightning, Lady Arcana’s trusty companions rushed into the room, looking for their queen. The teenagerーSusan, Danny believedーwasted no time checking over her leader. “Your Majesty, are you okay?!” As she asked, her bespectacled partner slid beside their queen, offering her to lean into her for support. “We were guarding the doors when suddenly the lair started trembling!”
“I’m fine, Susan. Stand down.” She reassured her. “Are you guys alright?”
“Affirmative, your Majesty.” The strawberry blonde one answered, adjusting her glasses with her free hand, the other still holding Lady Arcana by her waist. “But I believe we should leave immediately, whatever it is that’s going on, it’s not safe!”
“What is going on, anyway?” Susan hissed, clearly suspecting of the ghosts’ ulterior motives. 
To Sam’s surprise, Phantom actually looked sheepish. He was fidgeting with his gloved fingers with an awkward smile on his face. “This may or may not be my fault…”
The dark-haired queen was in no mood for half-assed answers like that. “Explain.” She gritted out. 
“I seem to have forgotten to take care of the latest black hole forming before it reached its mature state.” He admitted. 
There was  a moment of silence where one could've heard a pin drop, until Sam screeched at the top of her lungs, “You what?! How do you forget to take care of a fucking black hole!?”
“What did I tell you about swearing?” He tried to joke, but the scorching glare he received from her in return made him gulp. “I know, I know. I really meant to take care of everything sooner, but things kept popping up and getting in the way. But don’t worry, I’ll fix this.”
“How?” Susan asked, her arms folded over her chest and her eyes glaring daggers at him. 
“That...I don’t know.” He admitted, looking positively sick to his stomach. “I’ve never had to take care of a black hole in this state. But don’t worry, you three can go back home. I’ll manage; I always do.”
An impending sense of doom made Sam’s stomach churn. She didn’t know why, but she had a feeling Phantom wouldn’t make it if he tried to take care of the problem by himself.
And so, with a heavy heart, she turned to her witches, getting out of Stephanie’s well-meaning but suffocating grasp. “You two go back home, I’ll stay here and help him.”
“What?!” The two screamed in unison, and Sam could feel a bewildered Phantom looking at her like she’d lost her goddamn mind. She probably had. 
Lo and behold, he was right there, agreeing with them. “‘What’ is right. You can’t stay here; your people need you!”
“King Phantom’s right, your Majesty.” Stephanie tried to reason. “What will become of the clan without you?”
“It’ll be madness!” Susan squeaked, looking scared for once in her life. “If anything, we should stay to ensure your safety!”
Touched beyond belief by their loyalty and devotion, Sam gently grasped their hands in hers. She tried to convey as much calmness as possible through her smile. “One way or another, the clan will find a way to revive from its ashes, even without me. That’s the way it’s always been. But I can’t live with myself knowing I stole two children from their families, and so, I must let you go.”
“B-but...your Majesty!” Susan whimpered, tears in her eyes. 
Before she’d have a change of heart, the queen turned to the older witch. “Stephanie, you’re the better spellcaster. Take Susan with you and back to the clan.” Then she turned around and picked the grimoire up in her hands before passing it to her. “And take this with you. We can’t afford anything happening to it.”
“But what about you?!”
“I will do everything in my power to return to you.” She swore solemnly. 
With a sad nod, Stephanie let go of her queen’s hand and took the younger sorceress with her. With a finger high in the sky, she cried out, “Omnes viae Romam ducunt!” 
In a flash of forest green light, they were gone. 
Now that they were alone (for Walker’s goons had returned to their boss the moment the shaking began), Danny turned to the Witch Queen. “What’s your angle?”
“I want to help you.” She said, never taking her eyes off of his. 
“But what about your people?” He pressed. “Isn’t protecting them your top priority?”
“If what little I know of black holes and your world doesn’t fail me, letting one loose would mean the end of everything we know and love. So I am protecting my people.”
He couldn’t argue against that logic. 
The moment was broken by the unanticipated feeling of being pulled towards an unknown direction. Noticing Lady Arcana staggering clumsily on her feet, Danny rushed to grab her by the shoulders in an attempt to steady her. Immediately, her own hands were grabbing firmly onto his.
As stable as his lair was, staying inside during a black hole would be dangerous and extremely foolish. Unfortunately, there was no time to explain. “My Lady, what I’m about to do might seem a bit crazy, but I need you to trust me on this. Can you do that?”
“What are youー?”
“Can you trust me?” He insisted, his bright, green eyes begging. 
Under any other circumstances her answer would’ve been a definite ‘no.’ Phantom was a ghost and she was a witch. Her people had been foolish enough to trust them once and it cost them dearly. But at that moment, right then and there, against her better judgement, she did. When he looked at her like his life depended on her, she couldn’t deny him anything. Somehow, that terrified her more than the black hole.
“I do.” She breathed. “I trust you.”
One moment, he smiled at her so brightly Sam feared he might blind her. And on the other, he pushed her away from him, shoving her roughly to the stone wall. Fearing the worst, Sam braced herself for an impact that never came. Instead all she could feel was a tingling sensation coursing through her body before she landed on the dirt with a loud thud, but not hard enough to really hurt her. 
When she opened her eyes, she was stunned to see she was outside of the lair’s confines, completely unscathed. How did she…? Her thoughts were put to a halt when she caught something from the corner of her eye that made her blood run cold, as well as her mouth drop in astonishment. 
In front of her, in the middle of the infinite ectoplasmic ocean of the Ghost Zone, stood a ginormous swirl of never-ending blackness, engulfing everything within range. As she stood there, agape, the celestial body’s natural pull began to draw her in. Burying her heels in the ground, desperately clutching at the building’s walls for support, she suddenly felt a hand around her wrist, yanking at her in the opposite direction. 
When she opened her eyes, she saw Phantom’s staring right back. “Don’t let go!” He instructed with a strained voice. He was using every bit of strength he had to fly them both in the opposite direction. 
“How do we stop this?!” She cried out, holding onto him for dear life. 
“I’m not sure!” He called back, his own hold on her never loosening. “As I said, I’ve never had to take care of a black hole under these conditions! The universe wouldn’t happen to have a code word for stopping this sort of thing, would it?”
She could only shake her head. “If it does, I don’t know what it is!”  Oh, that was just great. The one time she needed her magic the most, and not only didn’t she have the answers, but she didn’t even know enough on the subject to find a mundane solution to it. If only Danny were there, he’d know what to do. “Ugh, why didn’t I pay more attention when we talked about Astrophysics!?”
At her words, a lightbulb lit up in Danny’s head. Astrophysics, duh! How could he have been so dense to forget his own area of expertise! All he needed to do was find a way to apply what he knew into a situation with a considerably smaller amount of money involved. To be more specific, he had about $3,75 in his pocket. As he struggled to keep both Lady Arcana and him safe, he kept looking at the black hole, studying its form and comparing it to every single piece of information he knew on them. 
It wasn’t until he focused on his movements that it hit him. “I have an idea, but it might sound a little crazy.”
“Would you look at that? It goes with the entire situation we found ourselves in!” The sorceress chided with fake cheer. 
“You can roast me with your sarcasm as much as you want later, but now I need you to listen to me.” He took her silence as a sign to continue. “I know what I have to do; I have to fly straight towards the black hole, but since I know it’s risky, I need you to run as far away as possible. Maybe even teleport yourself like your friends.”
“Are you crazy?!”
He shrugged it off. “A little. Please, it’s our only chance.”
Every second Lady Arcana didn’t answer his heart did somersaults in his chest. If it weren’t for his hands being a bit tied up at the moment, he would’ve started biting on his nails anxiously. After what felt like hours, she nodded. “Okay, but on one condition.”
“What is it?”
“Put us down somewhere remotely safe and I’ll tell you.”
In a quick succession of movements, he went from holding her wrist to holding her bridal style, his mind too preoccupied in finding somewhere safe to notice the way her cheeks reddened at the sudden intimacy. When he put her down on the floor he could only gape as she rolled her skirt and tied it up so it now reached her knees rather than the floor. But what truly caught his eye was what she was wearing on her feet.
“You wear combat boots under your skirt?”
At that, she put on a blank face. Now it was not the time for stupid questions! “Have you ever run in high heels?”
Admittedly, he had not.
“Thought so.” She hummed. “Besides, if you want me to run away from here, this gives me a greater chance at getting away. More mobility and all that.”
“Fine, I get it. So, what’s your condition?”
She looked at him. Her initial plan was to ask him to remove the crown and ring during any subsequent meetings, but now that he was staring intently at her, waiting for her answer with bated breath right as he was about to do the unthinkable, she found she couldn’t ask such a thing. Swallowing loudly, she got close to him; closer than she’d ever been. As soon as they were close enough their bodies almost touched, so close she could make out the green blush adorning his features, she placed her hands on his chest and slid them up slowly. 
Unbeknownst to her, to Danny it was maddeningly so. He could already hear his heart beating in his ears, her lavender eyes seemed to gaze deep into his soul, when he heard the distinct sound of something unclasping. Before he knew it, his cape had fallen to the ground. When he turned to look at her quizzically, she had an impish grin on her face. “In the words of the great Edna Mode, ‘no capes!’”
Despite himself, he couldn’t help but chuckle at her antics, even if said antics made perfect sense when he was about to fly into a black hole. “Okay, okay. I get it. No capes.” He grew serious again, sending her a meaningful look. “But you’d better run away, you hear me?”
“I will.” 
With that they both turned their backs on each other, about to run off in different directions when Sam had the sudden urge to call out to him over her shoulder. “Oh, and Phantom?” He raised a questioning brow. “Please, be careful.”
Her request rendering him speechless, Danny limited himself to nodding before he took off in the direction of the massive swirl of energy.
Ghostly black holes were formed when two ancient lairs came into contact with each other, resulting in enormous amounts of uncontrollable ecto-energy. The usual protocol was to evacuate the areas near the decaying lairs and destroy at least one of them before disaster happened. 
That was what he meant to do the other day before his encounter with Valerie forced him to spend the remainder of the day resting before going out with Jazz. By the time he felt better, he’d already forgotten all about it. Which meant he now needed to take desperate measures. 
A black hole’s traction power didn’t come from its Singularity, but from its Event Horizon. In other words, it came from the swirling mass of matter surrounding it. Considering this was a rotating black hole, the Penrose Process was his safest bet. He turned himself intangible, in hopes of not being pulled into due to his lack of body mass, and flew straight to the celestial body’s Ergosphere; a region of rotating space-time around the hole. 
Once inside, Danny didn’t waste a second to rev up until he’d reached his top speed, which he could only hope was enough, as he began moving counterclockwiseーthe opposite direction the black hole was rotating in. 
After what felt like hours, Danny could feel his face light up in triumph when he registered the way the hole seemed to come to a halt. That was all he needed. With renewed vigour, the halfa pushed himself a little further, breaking his personal record, and forced the massive source of matter to follow his course. Only this time, rather than increase in size, it shrank ever so slowly. 
Unfortunately, Danny was so caught up in the process he failed to see the side effect his plan was having on the black hole. With one last display of strength, it began to pull once more, except now the halfa had no place to go. Panicking, but knowing he couldn’t get away or all his efforts would be for naught, Danny resigned himself to his fate. 
“Conjunctionis ligaveris!”
“Huh?” His brow furrowing in confusion at the sudden cry, his eyes soon widened in disbelief when he felt something wrap around his ankles and tug at him and away from the black hole. 
Glancing down at his feet, he noticed the sparkly, purple, rope-like construction tied tightly around him. Trailing the rope to its origins, he gasped when he saw it was Lady Arcana who was holding onto it for dear life. 
Did she just save him?
Finally, due to Danny’s ministrations, the colossal swirling void of darkness began to curl in on itself. Then, with a deafening sound, the black hole imploded in a burst of blinding light, forcing Danny to cover his tortured ears, and Sam to shield her violet eyes. Both of them holding tight with the remnants of strength they had left onto the witch’s improvised rope.
After what felt like hours, her ears still ringing, the queen lowered her arm from her face. She blinked repeatedly, willing the dark spots filling her vision to vanish. With her vision cleared, she gasped, frantically looking around in search of Phantom. 
A voice behind her made her jump forward a few steps. “How did you do that?”
Whirling around, she couldn’t help but let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding when she saw the Ghost King looking at her. Although he looked far more surprised than she expected. “Do what?”
“You…”, he started. It just didn’t make any sense! “You grabbed me!”
There was a beat of silence before she spoke again. “...yeah, so?”
“You grabbed me and I was intangible!” He threw his arms up in the air, his mind still coming to terms with what'd just happened. 
Realisation finally dawned on Sam. “Oh, you’re right. By definition, I shouldn’t have been able to touch you…” She trailed off.
“Well,” he pressed, “how did you?”
“I honestly don’t know.” She shrugged as she noticed the rope still tied to Phantom’s ankle, before willing it to disappear. “I just saw you in trouble and I knew I had to do something. I wasn’t really thinking when I did it, I just...did.”
She saw him mumble something unintelligible before his bright eyes lay on her, hard. She should’ve known this was coming, “Look, I know I said I’d run away. But, as I said, I saw you in trouble and I had to act! So there’s no need for you to lecture me about it. What’s done is done.”
“Actually,” he began, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous smile on his face. “I’m kinda glad you didn’t listen to me.”
Starting at his words, the two made eye contact. As she gazed, once again, upon his grateful eyes, his expression full of sincerity, she couldn’t keep her own smile from forming in her face. As they stood there, both royals could only think that, if they could work together to stop an infinite swirl of darkness, even trusting the other with their lives, then they should be able to work together to put an end to the crisis threatening their worlds. 
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anxiousstark · 3 years
S3 13 | Galvanize
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2405
Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, death, swearing (always), etc.
A/N: These kind of chapters are boring but necessary for the story. It would be nice if at least, the people who asked to be tagged did vote. It takes time to write, to add things or to think of future scenes.
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"You're back in school?" Those were the first words that came out of Scott's mouth as the twins parked their motorbikes next to my brother's one. Of course, Scott's bike didn't look as expensive as the other two.
"No, just to talk."
"Oh." Stiles and I walked closer to where my brother was standing. "That's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing." His hands were gripping the straps of his backpack.
Aiden rolled his eyes. "You need a pack. We need an Alpha."
"Yeah. Absolutely not." Stiles intervened again, nodding his head, and patting Ethan's chest, who hit his hand off him. "That's hilarious, though."
"You came to us for help. We helped."
It was my turn to roll my eyes. "You beat his face into a bloody pulp." I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive." Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I glanced to my side. Stiles was beaming at me, a goofy smile on his face.
"Why would I say yes?" My brother asked.
"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful." Both of the twins nodded their head at the same time. "There's no reason to say no."
Stiles dramatically rolled his eyes.
"I can think of one." Isaac appeared from nowhere, and I quickly sent him a look, asking if he was feeling better. At the forest, he didn't have as much luck as I did. A trap closed around his leg. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now." Stiles agreed with him, nodding his head.
Aiden didn't hesitate to show his fangs and flash his eyes. "You want to try?"
Scott swiftly grabbed the curly-haired boy's arm, holding him back from getting closer to one of the twins. "Sorry, but they don't trust you. And neither do I." We ignored Aiden and Ethan, walking into school.
As soon as we opened the door, a roll of toilet paper hit Stiles right on the face. "All right, that's my face!" His hands immediately patted the other boy's back. "Hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good Alpha decision."
"I hope so." He sighed.
"No, you know so." We walked to our lockers. The Hazel-eyed boy fastly grabbed his things while I did the same.
I noticed that my brother was dumbfoundedly looking somewhere. "What are you looking at?" I asked him, closing my locker while Stiles took his backpack off to fill it with some books.
"You," I replied.
"You looking at her?" Stiles followed his gaze for a couple of seconds.
"Her? Who her?" Oh, come on, Scott. It was so obvious.
"Her her. Kira." Stiles answered back. "You like her?"
"No." He spoke up too fast. I smirked while staring deep into his eyes. "Hey Y/N, don't do that. Don't d-. Okay yeah, she's okay. She's new."
"So, ask her out." The Stilinski boy finally shut his locker.
"Yes, now." I intervened. "She is leaving."
"Right now?" He asked again while Kira seemed to walk away.
"Right now." He patted my brother's back. "Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an Alpha. You're the apex predator." I rolled my eyes as Stiles gave him advice related to girls. "Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants." I chuckled.
"The hot girl?"
"You are the hottest girl." Stiles smiled as if he was sure of what he was stating.
Isaac, who had come back, glanced between the three of us. I just shook my head. "What?"
"I'm the hot girl." Scott's expression was earnest as he raised his eyebrows.
Isaac nodded his head. "Yes, you are."
I felt an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to a warm body. "So you swing both ways?" To my question, Stiles seemed surprised. "I thought I was the hot girl, but I can see you think my brother is the hottest girl." I jokingly tried to look mad. "I guess you are just dating me to make my brother jealous." My tone was dramatic. "It was Scott McCall all along. He is the one you desire."
As soon as my boyfriend noticed that I was joking, he couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Don't tell Scott." His mouth came near my ear as he whispered the following words. "You are the hottest girl."
"I was hoping so." A peck was placed on the corner of my mouth. My gaze shifted as soon as I saw Mr. Stilinski on one of the corridos, which couldn't mean anything good. "Hey, Stiles," My hand rested on the middle of his chest as he continued kissing me. "Isn't that your dad?"
His gaze moved to where I was looking. He wandered towards his father, bringing me with him. "Wait a minute, wait a minute! The William Barrow? The Shrapnel Bomber? Spotted nearby?"
"A little closer than nearby, actually." A shiver ran through my body, even though I didn't know who that person was. If Stiles seemed distraught, then it couldn't be anything good.
"Dad, what's really going on here?" Stiles brought me closer to his side, muttering his words.
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We had found Allison, Lydia and Isaac. Agent McCall didn't want anyone coming in or out of the school. "Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes?" We walked down the stairs as Isaac asked all the questions that could come to his mind. "He said those exact words?"
"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome." I punch his arm, which made him groan and pout.
"Did you say flies?" As soon as Lydia asked that, a fly buzzed next to my ear, and I quickly moved my arm, trying to scare it. Allison's eyes went from Lydia to me. "All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like this buzzing."
Again, I felt like a fly was near my ear.  The Argent girl continued glancing at me, but this time, everyone was staring at me too. "Like the sound of flies?"
"Exactly like the sound of flies." Lydia nodded her head. "Y/N, there isn't any fly around you."
We ran towards Scott when we finally found him. "Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?"
Lydia came closer to us. "The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?"
"The police?" My brother glanced at me, confused.
"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here?" I tried to have a little hope.
"Who? What are you guys-."
"He has to be here. That sound The buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder." She glanced at me. "She has been hearing it too."
"I only heard it when you said it! I'm not hearing it now!"
"How loud?" Lydia closed her eyes as soon as Stiles asked her, trying to control her breathing. So it was loud, quite loud.
"Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right?" Lydia asked as we looked around the art room. Her voice was a mere whisper.
"Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden. The plan is they meet in the middle, in the boiler room."
"All of the wolves. All of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room?"
"Not really," Stiles replied. "Y/N," He pointed at me. "She also has glowi-. Oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school."
"We have to get them out of there."
And we did, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. However, we were caught by Coach, who expressed his desire for punching Stiles's face. Thankfully, we got out of school, meeting the rest. But Scott and the twins weren't able to pick up a scent.
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Scott had been invited by Mr. Yukimura to have dinner with him and his family, and let me tell you he was quite excited. Melissa was working all night, and she didn't want me to be alone at home. Therefore, Mr. Stilinski was happy enough to let me stay with them.
I laid on Stiles's bed as he was adding things to his board. "Scott has never eaten sushi before. He is going to make a mess."
I chuckle. "Maybe they won't eat sushi."
He turned around to glance at me. "They are Japanese."
"Stiles," I groaned. "That's stupid. Japanese people don't eat Japanese food all the time! They can eat other foods too!" He shrugged. "What do the different coloured strings mean?" I asked while I glanced to the strings that were on top of his bed.
"Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just pretty." I couldn't help but chuckle. "They are the colour of your siren's eyes."
I got up from the bed, walking closer to him until I was engulfed by his arms. "My siren side is melting."
He snickered. "What about your other side?" He hummed, his lips trapping my bottom lip. "Does she like it too?"
"Hhmm," I pecked his lips, my tongue peeking out to lick his bottom one. "She is a little more complex." His tongue parted my lips, going inside my mouth as his hands rested on my cheeks. Our breaths mangled while our tongues continued grinding against each other.
"I believe she clearly likes it." He stopped kissing me as he seemed to notice something. "We are going to school." I stared at him, puzzled. "We are going to school. Now."
And that's what we did.
"This is just like the first time." I referred to Stiles, Lydia and I being inside the school at night. "So what are we looking for?" I squeezed one of Stiles's hoodies around my body, hating the cold temperature. He ignored me, opening a door that had a warning sign. "That was supposed to be locked." I glanced at the sign 'Caution. Chemical Storage.'
"Yeah. I know." He took his phone out, turning on the lantern. "Notice anything else?"
I entered the room. "Crystal bottles."
"The smell of chemicals. They wouldn't have been able to catch his scent." Lydia added, offering me one of her gloves as my hands were freezing. I offered her a smile, grabbing the soft item.
My boyfriend nodded his head, glancing at the floor. There was some shattered glass, and what looked like blood. "He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself. Lydia was right."
"I don't feel good about this, Stiles." I peered around.
"Probably because he was here to kill somebody."
"But who?"
"That's what we gotta figure out. We could spread out, start looking for anything." We looked around the room, in hopes of finding something else that would tell us where that crazy dude could be. "Lydia, what are those?"
As I heard Stiles, I glanced up, seeing Lydia walking towards something written on the blackboard. "Atomic numbers." I answered before the strawberry blonde girl could.
"Is it a formula?" The boy walked closer to me.
"Not really. 19's potassium. The first two make potassium iodide." She grabbed chalk, writing a K next to the number 19.
"Potassium is K?" Both Stiles and I asked at the same time.
"From kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." Next to another number, she wrote the letter I.
"What's radium?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and getting closer to the blackboard. "Is it R-A?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, Lydia nodded her head. Kira, he wanted to kill Kira. "We need to call Scott."
Stiles was already calling my brother while pacing around the room. "Nothing, he isn't answering his phone." He glanced at me, biting the inside of his cheek. "W-What do we do?"
"We are going to Kira's house." I quickly walked to the door but stopped when Lydia and Stiles weren't following me out. "I know where she lives, okay? I made my research too." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "I wasn't going to let my brother go to a stranger's house! Have you watched any criminal documentary?" I rolled my eyes. "Let's go!"
When arriving at Kira's house, we found my brother lying on the ground. He had blood running down his forehead. "Barrow, he took Kira!" I nodded my head, more worried about his condition. He seemed to notice, squeezing my right hand and offering me a smile.
"We know. He was after her the whole time."
"We have to think of something. He's going to kill her."
"I knew he was there." Lydia seemed to be distracted. "How did I know that?"
"Because you heard the flies, right?" I asked.
My brother's gaze shifted to her. "What do you hear now?"
"Nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it. I just I swear to God, it literally makes me want to scream."
"Okay, then scream." Stiles stepped closer to her. "Lydia, scream."
And she did. We all covered our ears, faces scrunched. "It's not flies. It's electricity."
"Wait a second, Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation."
"What substation?"
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Scott and Stiles got out of the jeep. "Okay. Wait here, all right?" The Stilinski boy glanced at Lydia and me. I was going to protest, but he didn't let me do so. "Just wait for the cops to come."
"Why?" Lydia asked.
"I only got one bat."
Both boys disappeared inside the building. And as soon as I saw them disappearing, I quickly moved in the car, trying to grab my backpack. "What are you doing?" I only offered her a smirk. "Stiles will kill me if he knows that I let you go inside!" She grabbed my wrist. "You aren't going!"
"I'm sorry." I moved the seats of the back, getting inside the truck of the jeep as I knew Stiles had closed the car. Once I was inside, I used all my strength to kick it, opening it. Then, I also went into the building.
But it seemed like they didn't need me because Kira was something supernatural.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh - @drikawinchester - @perrytheplatypus11 - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @linkpk88 - @royalreadery - @sweetest-serpent01 - @teenwaywardasgardian - @sadcupofcoffee - @maliyamay - @seninjakitey​ - @tairisceana​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Surprisingly Changbin loves affection, he loves to receive cuddles from you or wrap you up in his arms. He might come off as strong, but your affection is very reassuring to him, and always makes sure that he feels loved.
The two of you met at an event, and straight away his eyes were on you. He was desperate to approach you as soon as he saw you, noticing your smile first. All of the boys could tell he was watching you too, pushing for him to make the move and approach you before he regretted missing out on the opportunity to meet you.
All his confidence disappeared as he made the decision to approach you, no one had ever seen him as nervous as he was when he went over to talk to you. He tentatively smiled when you looked up at him, listening to him closely as he used the advice that the boys had given him to try and impress you. You loved how shy he got around you and the little blush he tried so hard to hide on his cheeks as you gave him your number to call you.
He loved to try and be inventive with your dates to give the two of you new places to explore. He loves anything physical where he can show off to you and try and impress you, he’ll never let you win at anything, especially bowling and the arcade. He’s not one for sitting down to a meal and being romantic, but if it’s something you like, he’ll do it anyway to impress you, even dressing himself up in a nice suit to really make you smile. Anything that you want to do, Changbin will always make the effort to do it with you.
You were the first proper relationship that Changbin had experienced, he’d flirted with a couple of girls, that was just his personality, but he never wanted anything serious. When he met you, Changbin knew that he’d fallen in love for the first time, he was always so busy with work, but with you, he’d make the time too. The best thing of all was that you were always so understanding, when he needed you, you were there, but when he needed to be away to focus on work, you were always happy to wait until you could see him again.
At times he can be quite stubborn if things don’t go his way, but he’ll never blow anything up into a full argument. You learnt pretty quickly how to deal with his stubbornness, and even if he thinks he’s right, you’ll know he’s not. Time is a good thing for the two of you, after he calms himself down, he’s a bit happier to talk things out and take on your opinion. But you’re both good at keeping yourselves calm and not raising your voices too much when you have a disagreement, preferring to keep things relaxed and not too stressful, there’s nothing Changbin hates more than potentially shouting at you.
You knew how proud his parents were of his career, so you certainly felt the pressure to impress them and let them know he was still focusing on work. Luckily, Changbin had talked to them about you constantly, so already they had a good first impression that was only established when they met you and got to know you properly.
Changbin often felt torn when it came to his home, he loved being at the dorm with the boys, but he was also quite keen to find a place with you and settle down. You hated how he tormented himself about it, and you also knew that the dorm was the place for him as the band continued to grow, which in turn, meant the dorm often became your home too.
You were actually the first to say those three words after Changbin got whiny during a rare loss on date night at the bowling alley. Everything you tried didn’t work to make him smile, but you knew one thing would get him to smile, and that was it. Of course, as he registered what you’d said, he was quick to say it back to you and give you the tightest of hugs.
He’s very protective of things that are his and so he hates when people get too close to you. He trusts very few people around you as he always likes to keep you safe and make sure that he’s around you to keep an eye on. He likes to be the one to make you smile and happy, and if anyone else does that, he can’t help but feel a little bit nervy. When he feels like he needs to step in, he’s not afraid to pop up beside you and interject and make sure that your attention comes straight back to him to take you out of a situation.
The two of you decided quite early on talks for the future were quite far away just yet, but that didn’t stop Changbin knowing that he wanted to have kids with you. There was a lot he wanted to achieve first, but sometimes he just couldn’t help but runaway a little bit with his mind when he thought about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, and all of the things that he wanted to do with you.
Changbin is well known for his cheery nature which is why you love to hear his laugh so much. The strong cackle he lets go of always puts a smile on your face watching as he messes around and tries to impress you. Similarly, hearing your laughter is very important to him too, it always reassures him when he knows that you’re happy and that he’s doing his job as a boyfriend to make you smile. Together when the two of you are laughing everybody knows that they’ve got no chance of talking to you both until you stop.
He never minded too much about being away from home, until he met you. He never imagined that he’d miss just one person from his life so much, but he did with you. When he’s away from you, whether it’s a day, a week, or a year, he’ll try to be in contact with you as much as possible. Time zones often provide a challenge, so if needed, Changbin will always make sure he is the one that stays up late or gets up really early to be able to call you making sure that you don’t mess up your schedule. He’d try hard to convince you that he wasn’t having a hard time, but you could always tell by the expression on his face that he was missing you.
You were his little ‘bub,’ he loved to cuddle you and adore you. Similarly, you loved to call him ‘bub’ too when pinching his cheeks or just cooing over how sweet and soft he actually is.
Changbin’s obsessed with your body, especially when you dance around unaware that he’s watching you, he loves watching you let loose and just enjoy yourself.
He’s not a huge fan of soft affection in public, but that won’t ever stop him holding onto your hand or placing his hand somewhere against your body to keep you close. If there are few people around then he may engage in a bit more affection, or if he’s feeling jealous or insecure, he’ll hold onto you a little tighter to send more of a message.
His questions normally look for your opinion as no one’s opinion matters more to him then yours. Whether it be a dance, or a song, or prep for filming, he’ll always come to you and make sure that you’re impressed with what he’s done.
Whenever he was on the stage, Changbin would always place his hand in his pocket with two of his fingers out and pressed against his trousers. Whilst everyone else just thought that was how Changbin stood, what it actually was, was a sign for Changbin to let you know you were on his mind. As soon as you spotted him doing it at any event you knew that he was thinking of you, which always put a smile on your face.
This is by far when Changbin is at his softest, he loves to pay attention your body and shower you with love. Intimate moments are when his hard exterior really drops and he turns into the softest boy. He’s not always one to be dominate, but he does like to be in control and make sure that he’s the one taking care of you and not the other way round. If he’s had a bad day or he’s feeling low, that’s when he’ll look to your touch and attention to make him feel better again.
As already mentioned, whenever he has time away from you, Changbin relies on texts to keep in contact with you. He’s always texting you whenever he has a moment just to check on you and make sure that you’re doing alright.
If there was one person who could deal with such a big personality, it was you. At times he often struggled to understand how you managed to deal with him, but you did, without a single complaint or a groan.
Whenever he had a few days off Changbin liked to go and explore with you, he hated doing things alone, but now he had someone with him he loved nothing more than to travel a bit. It didn’t matter where you were, Korea or beyond, he always loved to take you somewhere and also get some time away from the dorm.
He’s a well-known whiner, so whenever you don’t give him attention he will whine and whine until you pay attention to him and give him the love that he wants.
Changbin loves to kiss you in private, he’s very affectionate with you. He loves to trail kisses across your body and make you smile, whenever you weren’t paying attention to him, he’d use kisses as a way of getting you to look at him. He loves being able to shower you in affection when you’re in the comfort of your own space and always make sure that you know how loved and appreciated you are by him.
You were his everything, the only person he wanted forever to be with.
Just like when he’s awake, when he’s asleep, Changbin loves to have you around and be able to hold you. He can never sleep well without having you around him to look after him and give him the comfort he needs to rest.
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